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Jonathan M. Kopcsik

1933 Act Rule 497(e)
1933 Act File No. 002-75526
1940 Act File No. 811-03363

August 22, 2019

Filing Desk
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549-0505

        Re:         XBRL Exhibits
Delaware Group® Limited-Term Government Funds (the "Registrant")
File Nos. 002-75526 and 811-03363

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Pursuant to Rule 497(e) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “1933 Act”), submitted electronically via the EDGAR system, please find enclosed certain risk/return summary information in an interactive data format using the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (the “XBRL exhibits”). The XBRL exhibits reflect Item 4 risk/return summary disclosure required by Form N-1A, which disclosure was included in the supplement to the prospectus dated April 30, 2019 for the Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund, a series of the Registrant, that was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission via the EDGAR system on June 28, 2019 (Accession No. 0001137439-19-000258) pursuant to Rule 497(e) under the 1933 Act.

Please direct questions or comments relating to this filing to me at the above-referenced telephone number.

Very truly yours,
/s/ Jonathan M. Kopcsik
Jonathan M. Kopcsik

EX-101.INS 2 dglt-20190628.xml XBRL INSTANCE DOCUMENT 0000357059 2019-06-28 2019-06-28 0000357059 dglt:S000002397Member 2019-06-28 2019-06-28 0000357059 dglt:S000002397Member dglt:C000006359Member 2019-06-28 2019-06-28 0000357059 dglt:S000002397Member dglt:C000006361Member 2019-06-28 2019-06-28 0000357059 dglt:S000002397Member dglt:C000006362Member 2019-06-28 2019-06-28 0000357059 dglt:S000002397Member dglt:C000006363Member 2019-06-28 2019-06-28 0000357059 dglt:S000002397Member dglt:C000190626Member 2019-06-28 2019-06-28 iso4217:USD 497 2018-12-31 DELAWARE GROUP LIMITED-TERM GOVERNMENT FUNDS 0000357059 N-1A false 2019-06-28 2019-06-28 2019-04-30 DTRIX DTICX DLTRX DTINX DLTZX What are the Fund’s principal investment strategies? Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investment grade fixed income securities, including, but not limited to, fixed income securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, and by US corporations (80% policy). <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0 8pt; text-align: center"><b>DELAWARE GROUP<sup>&#174;</sup>&#160;LIMITED-TERM GOVERNMENT FUNDS</b></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: center"><b>Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund (the &#8220;Fund&#8221;)</b></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: center"><b>Supplement to the current Statutory Prospectus (the &#8220;Prospectus&#8221;)</b></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: center"><b>and Statement of Additional Information (the &#8220;SAI&#8221;)</b></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt">&#160;</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0; text-align: justify">The Board of Trustees (&#8220;Trustees&#8221; or &#8220;Board&#8221;) of Delaware Group Government Fund (the &#8220;Trust&#8221;) approved the appointment of Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG (&#8220;MIMAK&#8221;), Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited (&#8220;MIMEL&#8221;), and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (&#8220;MIMGL&#8221;) to serve as sub-advisors and provide certain sub-advisory services to the Fund from time to time at the discretion of Delaware Management Company (the &#8220;Manager&#8221;).</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify"><i>In connection therewith, the following replaces the information in the section of the Fund&#8217;s Prospectus entitled &#8220;Fund summary &#8212; What are the Fund&#8217;s principal investment strategies?&#8221;:</i></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investment grade fixed income securities, including, but not limited to, fixed income securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, and by US corporations (80% policy). Investment grade fixed income securities are securities rated BBB- or higher by Standard &#38; Poor&#8217;s Financial Services LLC (S&#38;P) and Baa3 or higher by Moody&#8217;s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody&#8217;s), or similarly rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO), or those that are deemed to be of comparable quality. The Fund will maintain an average effective duration from one to three years. The Fund&#8217;s investment manager, Delaware Management Company (Manager), will determine how much of the Fund&#8217;s assets to allocate among the different types of fixed income securities in which the Fund may invest based on the Manager&#8217;s evaluation of economic and market conditions and its assessment of the returns and potential for appreciation that can be achieved from various sectors of the fixed income market. In addition, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the &#8220;Affiliated Sub-Advisors&#8221;). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor&#8217;s specialized market knowledge.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The corporate debt obligations in which the Fund may invest include bonds, notes, debentures, and commercial paper of US companies and, subject to the limitations described below, non-US companies. The Fund may also invest in a variety of securities that are issued or guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest by the US government, and by various agencies or instrumentalities, which have been established or are sponsored by the US government, and, subject to the limitations described below, securities issued by foreign governments.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">Additionally, the Fund may invest in mortgage-backed securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, government-sponsored corporations, and mortgage-backed securities issued by certain private, nongovernment entities. The Fund may also invest in securities that are backed by assets such as receivables on home equity and credit card loans, automobile, mobile home, recreational vehicle and other loans, wholesale dealer floor plans, and leases.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in below-investment-grade securities (also known as high yield or &#8220;junk&#8221; bonds).</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund may also invest up to 30% of its net assets in foreign securities, including up to 10% of its net assets in securities of issuers located in emerging markets. The Fund&#8217;s total non-US dollar currency exposure will be limited, in the aggregate, to no more than 10% of its net assets.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund may use a wide range of derivatives instruments, typically including options, futures contracts, options on futures contracts, forward foreign currency contracts, and swaps. The Fund will use derivatives for both hedging and nonhedging purposes. For example, the Fund may invest in: futures and options to manage duration and for defensive purposes, such as to protect gains or hedge against potential losses in the portfolio without actually selling a security, or to stay fully invested; forward foreign currency contracts to manage foreign currency exposure; interest rate swaps to neutralize the impact of interest rate changes; credit default swaps to hedge against a credit event, to gain exposure to certain securities or markets, or to enhance total return; and index swaps to enhance return or to effect diversification. The Fund will not use derivatives for reasons inconsistent with its investment objective and will limit its investments in derivatives instruments to 20% of its net assets.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund&#8217;s 80% policy is nonfundamental and may be changed without shareholder approval. Fund shareholders would be given at least 60 days&#8217; notice prior to any such change.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0; text-align: justify"><i>The following information is added into the section of the Fund&#8217;s Prospectus entitled &#8220;Fund summary &#8212; Who manages the Fund?&#8221;:</i></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0; text-align: justify">&#160;</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify"><b>Sub-advisors</b></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify"><i>The following replaces the information in the section of the Fund's Prospectus entitled &#34;How we manage the Fund &#8212; Our principal investment strategies&#8221;:</i></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Manager analyzes economic and market conditions, seeking to identify the securities or market sectors that the Manager believes are the best investments for the Fund. Securities in which the Fund may invest include, but are not limited to, the following:</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0; text-align: justify">&#8226;securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, such as US Treasurys;</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0; text-align: justify">&#8226;securities issued by US government agencies or instrumentalities, such as securities of Ginnie Mae;</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0; text-align: justify">&#8226;investment grade and below-investment-grade corporate bonds; nonagency mortgage-backed securities (MBS), asset-backed securities (ABS), commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), and real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs);</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0; text-align: justify">&#8226;securities of foreign issuers in both developed and emerging markets, denominated in foreign currencies and US dollars;</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0; text-align: justify">&#8226;bank loans; and</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0; text-align: justify">&#8226;short-term investments.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0; text-align: justify">&#160;</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">In addition, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the &#8220;Affiliated Sub-Advisors&#8221;). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor&#8217;s specialized market knowledge.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investment grade fixed income securities. The Fund may invest in debt obligations issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, and by US corporations. The corporate debt obligations in which the Fund may invest include bonds, notes, debentures, and commercial paper of US companies. The US government securities in which the Fund may invest include a variety of securities that are issued or guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest by the US government, and by various agencies or instrumentalities, which have been established or are sponsored by the US government.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund may also invest in MBS issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, or by government-sponsored corporations. Other MBS in which the Fund may invest are issued by certain private, nongovernment entities. The Fund may also invest in securities that are backed by assets such as receivables on home equity and credit card loans, automobile, mobile home, recreational vehicle and other loans, wholesale dealer floor plans, and leases.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund maintains an average effective duration from one to three years.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund may also invest up to 20% of its net assets in below-investment-grade securities (commonly known as high yield or &#8220;junk bonds&#8221;). The Fund may invest in domestic corporate debt obligations, including notes, which may be convertible or nonconvertible, commercial paper, units consisting of bonds with stock or warrants to buy stock attached, debentures and convertible debentures. The Fund will invest in both rated and unrated bonds. Unrated bonds may be more speculative in nature than rated bonds.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund may also invest up to 30% of its net assets in foreign securities, including up to 10% of its net assets in securities of issuers located in emerging markets. The Manager will limit the Fund&#8217;s investments in total non-US dollar currency to no more than 10% of its net assets. The Fund will hedge its total foreign currency exposure. These fixed income securities may include foreign government securities, debt obligations of foreign companies, and securities issued by supranational entities. A supranational entity is an entity established or financially supported by the national governments of one or more countries to promote reconstruction or development. Examples of supranational entities include, among others, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (more commonly known as the World Bank), the European Economic Community, the European Investment Bank, the Inter-Development Bank, and the Asian Development Bank.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund may invest in sponsored and unsponsored American depositary receipts (ADRs), European depositary receipts (EDRs), or global depositary receipts (GDRs). The Fund may also invest in zero coupon bonds and may purchase shares of other investment companies.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund will invest in both rated and unrated foreign securities.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund may invest in securities issued in any currency and may hold foreign currencies. Securities of issuers within a given country may be denominated in the currency of another country or in multinational currency units, such as the euro. The Fund may, from time to time, purchase or sell foreign currencies and/or engage in forward foreign currency contracts in order to facilitate or expedite settlement of Fund transactions and to minimize currency value fluctuations.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">In addition to the investments discussed above, the Fund may use a wide range of derivatives instruments, typically including options, futures contracts, options on futures contracts, forward foreign currency contracts, and swaps. The Fund will use derivatives for both hedging and nonhedging purposes. The Fund will not use derivatives for reasons inconsistent with its investment objective and will limit its investments in derivatives instruments to 20% of its net assets.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund&#8217;s investment objective is nonfundamental. This means that the Fund&#8217;s Board of Trustees (Board) may change the objective without obtaining shareholder approval. If the objective were changed, the Fund would notify shareholders at least 60 days before the change became effective.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify"><i>The following information is added after the section of the Fund&#8217;s Prospectus entitled &#8220;Who manages the Fund &#8212; Investment manager&#8221;:</i></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify"><b>Sub-advisors</b></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG (MIMAK) is located at Kaerntner Strasse 28, 1010 Vienna, Austria.&#160; MIMAK is an affiliate of the Manager&#160;and a part of Macquarie Investment Management (MIM). MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group Limited. As of December 31, 2018, MIM managed more than $234.5 billion in assets for institutional and individual clients.&#160; Although the Manager has principal responsibility&#160;for the Manager&#8217;s portion of the Fund, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from MIMAK and the Manager may also permit MIMAK to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize MIMAK&#8217;s specialized market knowledge.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (MIMGL), is located at 50 Martin Place, Sydney, Australia. MIMGL is an affiliate of the Manager and a part of&#160;MIM. MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group Limited. As of December 31, 2018, MIM managed more than $234.5 billion in assets for institutional and individual clients.&#160;Although the Manager has principal responsibility&#160;for the Manager&#8217;s portion of the Fund, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from MIMGL and the Manager may also permit MIMGL to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize MIMGL&#8217;s specialized market knowledge.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, (MIMEL), is located at 28 Ropemaker Street, London, England.&#160; MIMEL is an affiliate of the Manager and a part of&#160;MIM. MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group Limited. As of December 31, 2018, MIM managed more than $234.5 billion in assets for institutional and individual clients.&#160;Although the Manager has principal responsibility&#160;for the Manager&#8217;s portion of the Fund, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from&#160;MIMEL&#160;and the Manager may also permit&#160;MIMEL&#160;to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize&#160;MIMEL&#8217;s specialized market knowledge.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify"><i>The following information is added after the section of the Fund&#8217;s SAI entitled &#8220;Investment Manager and Other Service Providers &#8212; Investment Manager&#8221;:</i></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify"><b>Sub-Advisors</b></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Manager has also entered into Sub-Advisory Agreements on behalf of Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund with Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG,&#160;Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited, and Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, each of which is an affiliate of the Manager (&#8220;Affiliated Sub-Advisor&#8221;). Pursuant to the terms of the relevant Sub-Advisory Agreement, the investment sub-advisory fee is paid by the Manager to each Affiliated Sub-advisor based on the extent to which an Affiliated Sub-Advisor provides services to the Fund.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">&#160;</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify"><b>Because everyone's tax situation is unique, you should consult your tax professional about federal, state, local, or foreign tax consequences before making an investment in the Fund.</b></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">&#160;</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify"><b>Delaware Management Company (Manager) is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Macquarie Group Limited (MGL). Other than Macquarie Bank Limited (MBL), a subsidiary of MGL and an affiliate of the Manager, none of the entities noted are authorized deposit-taking institutions for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 (Commonwealth of Australia). The obligations of these entities do not represent deposits or other liabilities of MBL. MBL does not guarantee or otherwise provide assurance in respect of the obligations of these entities, unless noted otherwise. The Fund is governed by US laws and regulations.</b></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">&#160;</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: center"><b><i>Please keep this Supplement for future reference.</i></b></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">&#160;</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 3pt 0 0pt; text-align: justify"><b>This Supplement is dated June 28, 2019.</b></p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0 8pt; text-align: justify">Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investment grade fixed income securities, including, but not limited to, fixed income securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, and by US corporations (80% policy). Investment grade fixed income securities are securities rated BBB- or higher by Standard &#38; Poor&#8217;s Financial Services LLC (S&#38;P) and Baa3 or higher by Moody&#8217;s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody&#8217;s), or similarly rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO), or those that are deemed to be of comparable quality. The Fund will maintain an average effective duration from one to three years. The Fund&#8217;s investment manager, Delaware Management Company (Manager), will determine how much of the Fund&#8217;s assets to allocate among the different types of fixed income securities in which the Fund may invest based on the Manager&#8217;s evaluation of economic and market conditions and its assessment of the returns and potential for appreciation that can be achieved from various sectors of the fixed income market. In addition, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the &#8220;Affiliated Sub-Advisors&#8221;). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor&#8217;s specialized market knowledge.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The corporate debt obligations in which the Fund may invest include bonds, notes, debentures, and commercial paper of US companies and, subject to the limitations described below, non-US companies. The Fund may also invest in a variety of securities that are issued or guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest by the US government, and by various agencies or instrumentalities, which have been established or are sponsored by the US government, and, subject to the limitations described below, securities issued by foreign governments.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">Additionally, the Fund may invest in mortgage-backed securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, government-sponsored corporations, and mortgage-backed securities issued by certain private, nongovernment entities. The Fund may also invest in securities that are backed by assets such as receivables on home equity and credit card loans, automobile, mobile home, recreational vehicle and other loans, wholesale dealer floor plans, and leases.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in below-investment-grade securities (also known as high yield or &#8220;junk&#8221; bonds).</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund may also invest up to 30% of its net assets in foreign securities, including up to 10% of its net assets in securities of issuers located in emerging markets. The Fund&#8217;s total non-US dollar currency exposure will be limited, in the aggregate, to no more than 10% of its net assets.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 8pt; text-align: justify">The Fund may use a wide range of derivatives instruments, typically including options, futures contracts, options on futures contracts, forward foreign currency contracts, and swaps. The Fund will use derivatives for both hedging and nonhedging purposes. For example, the Fund may invest in: futures and options to manage duration and for defensive purposes, such as to protect gains or hedge against potential losses in the portfolio without actually selling a security, or to stay fully invested; forward foreign currency contracts to manage foreign currency exposure; interest rate swaps to neutralize the impact of interest rate changes; credit default swaps to hedge against a credit event, to gain exposure to certain securities or markets, or to enhance total return; and index swaps to enhance return or to effect diversification. The Fund will not use derivatives for reasons inconsistent with its investment objective and will limit its investments in derivatives instruments to 20% of its net assets.</p> <p style="font: 8pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0 0 0pt; text-align: justify">The Fund&#8217;s 80% policy is nonfundamental and may be changed without shareholder approval. Fund shareholders would be given at least 60 days&#8217; notice prior to any such change.</p> EX-101.SCH 3 dglt-20190628.xsd XBRL TAXONOMY EXTENSION SCHEMA 00000003 - Document - Document and Entity Information link:presentationLink link:calculationLink link:definitionLink 00000004 - Document - Risk/Return Summary {Unlabeled} link:presentationLink link:calculationLink link:definitionLink 00000006 - Schedule - Shareholder Fees link:presentationLink link:calculationLink link:definitionLink 00000007 - Schedule - Annual Fund Operating Expenses link:presentationLink link:calculationLink link:definitionLink 00000008 - Schedule - Expense Example {Transposed} link:presentationLink link:calculationLink link:definitionLink 00000009 - Schedule - Expense Example, No Redemption {Transposed} link:presentationLink link:calculationLink link:definitionLink 00000010 - Schedule - Annual Total Returns link:presentationLink link:calculationLink link:definitionLink 00000011 - Schedule - Average Annual Total Returns {Transposed} link:presentationLink link:calculationLink link:definitionLink 00000012 - Document - Risk/Return Detail {Unlabeled} link:presentationLink link:calculationLink link:definitionLink EX-101.PRE 4 dglt-20190628_pre.xml XBRL TAXONOMY EXTENSION PRESENTATION LINKBASE EX-101.LAB 5 dglt-20190628_lab.xml XBRL TAXONOMY EXTENSION LABEL LINKBASE Legal Entity [Axis] Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund Share Class [Axis] Class A Class C Class R Institutional Class Class R6 Prospectus: [Table] Prospectus [Line Items] Risk/Return: Registrant Name Document Type Document Period End Date Amendment Flag Central Index Key Amendment Description Trading Symbol Document Effective Date Document Creation Date Prospectus Date Entity Inv Company Type Risk/Return [Heading] Supplement to Prospectus Objective [Heading] Objective, Primary [Text Block] Objective, Secondary [Text Block] Expense [Heading] Expense Narrative [Text Block] Shareholder Fees Caption [Text] Shareholder Fees [Table] Operating Expenses Caption [Text] Annual Fund Operating Expenses [Table] Expense Footnotes [Text Block] Expenses Deferred Charges [Text Block] Expenses Range of Exchange Fees [Text Block] Expense Example [Heading] Expense Example by Year [Heading] Expense Example Narrative [Text Block] Expense Example by, Year, Caption [Text] Expense Example, With Redemption [Table] Expense Example, No Redemption Narrative [Text Block] Expense Example, No Redemption, By Year, Caption [Text] Expense Example, No Redemption [Table] Expense Example Footnotes [Text Block] Expense Example Closing [Text Block] Portfolio Turnover [Heading] Portfolio Turnover [Text Block] Strategy Strategy Narrative Risk [Heading] Risk Narrative [Text Block] Risk Footnotes [Text Block] Risk Closing [Text Block] Bar Chart and Performance Table [Heading] Performance Narrative [Text Block] Bar Chart Narrative [Text Block] Bar Chart [Heading] Bar Chart [Table] Bar Chart Footnotes [Text Block] Bar Chart Closing [Text Block] Performance Table Heading Performance Table Narrative Performance [Table] Market Index Performance [Table] Performance Table Footnotes Performance Table Closing [Text Block] Risk/Return: Shareholder Fees Column [Text] Maximum Cumulative Sales Charge (as a percentage of Offering Price) Maximum Cumulative Sales Charge (as a percentage) Maximum Sales Charge Imposed on Purchases (as a percentage of Offering Price) Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (as a percentage of Offering Price) Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (as a percentage) Maximum Sales Charge on Reinvested Dividends and Distributions (as a percentage) Redemption Fee (as a percentage of Amount Redeemed) Redemption Fee Exchange Fee (as a percentage of Amount Redeemed) Exchange Fee Maximum Account Fee (as a percentage of Assets) Maximum Account Fee Shareholder Fee, Other Operating Expenses Column [Text] Management Fees (as a percentage of Assets) Distribution and Service (12b-1) Fees Distribution or Similar (Non 12b-1) Fees Component1 Other Expenses Component2 Other Expenses Component3 Other Expenses Other Expenses (as a percentage of Assets): Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses Expenses (as a percentage of Assets) Fee Waiver or Reimbursement Net Expenses (as a percentage of Assets) Fee Waiver or Reimbursement over Assets, Date of Termination Portfolio Turnover, Rate Expense Breakpoint Discounts [Text] Expense Breakpoint, Minimum Investment Required [Amount] Expense Exchange Traded Fund Commissions [Text] Expenses Represent Both Master and Feeder [Text] Expenses Explanation of Nonrecurring Account Fee [Text] Other Expenses, New Fund, Based on Estimates [Text] Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses, Based on Estimates [Text] Expenses Other Expenses Had Extraordinary Expenses Been Included [Text] Expenses Restated to Reflect Current [Text] Expenses Not Correlated to Ratio Due to Acquired Fund Fees [Text] Expense Example, with Redemption, 1 Year Expense Example, with Redemption, 3 Years Expense Example, with Redemption, 5 Years Expense Example, with Redemption, 10 Years Expense Example, No Redemption, 1 Year Expense Example, No Redemption, 3 Years Expense Example, No Redemption, 5 Years Expense Example, No Redemption, 10 Years Strategy Portfolio Concentration Risk Lose Money [Text] Risk Money Market Fund Price Fluctuates [Text] Risk Money Market Fund May Not Preserve Dollar [Text] Risk Money Market Fund May Impose Fees or Suspend Sales [Text] Risk Not Insured Depository Institution [Text] RIsk Not Insured [Text] Risk Money Market Fund Sponsor May Not Provide Support [Text] Risk Nondiversified Status [Text] Risk Caption Risk Column [Text] Risk [Text] Performance Information Illustrates Variability of Returns [Text] Performance One Year or Less [Text] Performance Additional Market Index [Text] Performance Availability Phone [Text] Performance Availability Website Address [Text] Performance Past Does Not Indicate Future [Text] Bar Chart Does Not Reflect Sales Loads [Text] Annual Return Caption [Text] Annual Return, Column [Text] Annual Return, Inception Date Annual Return 1990 Annual Return 1991 Annual Return 1992 Annual Return 1993 Annual Return 1994 Annual Return 1995 Annual Return 1996 Annual Return 1997 Annual Return 1998 Annual Return 1999 Annual Return 2000 Annual Return 2001 Annual Return 2002 Annual Return 2003 Annual Return 2004 Annual Return 2005 Annual Return 2006 Annual Return 2007 Annual Return 2008 Annual Return 2009 Annual Return 2010 Annual Return 2011 Annual Return 2012 Annual Return 2013 Annual Return 2014 Annual Return 2015 Annual Return 2016 Annual Return 2017 Annual Return 2018 Annual Return 2019 Annual Return 2020 Annual Return 2021 Annual Return 2022 Annual Return 2023 Annual Return 2024 Annual Return 2025 Bar Chart, Reason Selected Class Different from Immediately Preceding Period [Text] Bar Chart, Returns for Class Not Offered in Prospectus [Text] Year to Date Return, Label Bar Chart, Year to Date Return, Date Bar Chart, Year to Date Return Highest Quarterly 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Phone Thirty Day Yield Thirty Day Tax Equivalent Yield Shareholder Fees: Operating Expenses: Expense Example: Expense Example, By Year, Column [Text] Expense Example, No Redemption: Expense Example, No Redemption, By Year, Column [Text] Bar Chart Table: Average Annual Return: Risk/Return Detail [Table] Custom Element. 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Document and Entity Information
Jun. 28, 2019
Document Type 497
Document Period End Date Dec. 31, 2018
Amendment Flag false
Central Index Key 0000357059
Document Effective Date Jun. 28, 2019
Document Creation Date Jun. 28, 2019
Prospectus Date Apr. 30, 2019
Entity Inv Company Type N-1A
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund | Class A  
Trading Symbol DTRIX
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund | Class C  
Trading Symbol DTICX
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund | Class R  
Trading Symbol DLTRX
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund | Institutional Class  
Trading Symbol DTINX
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund | Class R6  
Trading Symbol DLTZX
XML 9 R2.htm IDEA: XBRL DOCUMENT v3.19.2
Jun. 28, 2019
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund


Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund (the “Fund”)

Supplement to the current Statutory Prospectus (the “Prospectus”)

and Statement of Additional Information (the “SAI”)


The Board of Trustees (“Trustees” or “Board”) of Delaware Group Government Fund (the “Trust”) approved the appointment of Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG (“MIMAK”), Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited (“MIMEL”), and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (“MIMGL”) to serve as sub-advisors and provide certain sub-advisory services to the Fund from time to time at the discretion of Delaware Management Company (the “Manager”).

In connection therewith, the following replaces the information in the section of the Fund’s Prospectus entitled “Fund summary — What are the Fund’s principal investment strategies?”:

Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investment grade fixed income securities, including, but not limited to, fixed income securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, and by US corporations (80% policy). Investment grade fixed income securities are securities rated BBB- or higher by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (S&P) and Baa3 or higher by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s), or similarly rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO), or those that are deemed to be of comparable quality. The Fund will maintain an average effective duration from one to three years. The Fund’s investment manager, Delaware Management Company (Manager), will determine how much of the Fund’s assets to allocate among the different types of fixed income securities in which the Fund may invest based on the Manager’s evaluation of economic and market conditions and its assessment of the returns and potential for appreciation that can be achieved from various sectors of the fixed income market. In addition, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the “Affiliated Sub-Advisors”). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor’s specialized market knowledge.

The corporate debt obligations in which the Fund may invest include bonds, notes, debentures, and commercial paper of US companies and, subject to the limitations described below, non-US companies. The Fund may also invest in a variety of securities that are issued or guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest by the US government, and by various agencies or instrumentalities, which have been established or are sponsored by the US government, and, subject to the limitations described below, securities issued by foreign governments.

Additionally, the Fund may invest in mortgage-backed securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, government-sponsored corporations, and mortgage-backed securities issued by certain private, nongovernment entities. The Fund may also invest in securities that are backed by assets such as receivables on home equity and credit card loans, automobile, mobile home, recreational vehicle and other loans, wholesale dealer floor plans, and leases.

The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in below-investment-grade securities (also known as high yield or “junk” bonds).

The Fund may also invest up to 30% of its net assets in foreign securities, including up to 10% of its net assets in securities of issuers located in emerging markets. The Fund’s total non-US dollar currency exposure will be limited, in the aggregate, to no more than 10% of its net assets.

The Fund may use a wide range of derivatives instruments, typically including options, futures contracts, options on futures contracts, forward foreign currency contracts, and swaps. The Fund will use derivatives for both hedging and nonhedging purposes. For example, the Fund may invest in: futures and options to manage duration and for defensive purposes, such as to protect gains or hedge against potential losses in the portfolio without actually selling a security, or to stay fully invested; forward foreign currency contracts to manage foreign currency exposure; interest rate swaps to neutralize the impact of interest rate changes; credit default swaps to hedge against a credit event, to gain exposure to certain securities or markets, or to enhance total return; and index swaps to enhance return or to effect diversification. The Fund will not use derivatives for reasons inconsistent with its investment objective and will limit its investments in derivatives instruments to 20% of its net assets.

The Fund’s 80% policy is nonfundamental and may be changed without shareholder approval. Fund shareholders would be given at least 60 days’ notice prior to any such change.

The following information is added into the section of the Fund’s Prospectus entitled “Fund summary — Who manages the Fund?”:



Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG

Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited

Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited

The following replaces the information in the section of the Fund's Prospectus entitled "How we manage the Fund — Our principal investment strategies”:

The Manager analyzes economic and market conditions, seeking to identify the securities or market sectors that the Manager believes are the best investments for the Fund. Securities in which the Fund may invest include, but are not limited to, the following:

•securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, such as US Treasurys;

•securities issued by US government agencies or instrumentalities, such as securities of Ginnie Mae;

•investment grade and below-investment-grade corporate bonds; nonagency mortgage-backed securities (MBS), asset-backed securities (ABS), commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), and real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs);

•securities of foreign issuers in both developed and emerging markets, denominated in foreign currencies and US dollars;

•bank loans; and

•short-term investments.


In addition, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the “Affiliated Sub-Advisors”). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor’s specialized market knowledge.

Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investment grade fixed income securities. The Fund may invest in debt obligations issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, and by US corporations. The corporate debt obligations in which the Fund may invest include bonds, notes, debentures, and commercial paper of US companies. The US government securities in which the Fund may invest include a variety of securities that are issued or guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest by the US government, and by various agencies or instrumentalities, which have been established or are sponsored by the US government.

The Fund may also invest in MBS issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, or by government-sponsored corporations. Other MBS in which the Fund may invest are issued by certain private, nongovernment entities. The Fund may also invest in securities that are backed by assets such as receivables on home equity and credit card loans, automobile, mobile home, recreational vehicle and other loans, wholesale dealer floor plans, and leases.

The Fund maintains an average effective duration from one to three years.

The Fund may also invest up to 20% of its net assets in below-investment-grade securities (commonly known as high yield or “junk bonds”). The Fund may invest in domestic corporate debt obligations, including notes, which may be convertible or nonconvertible, commercial paper, units consisting of bonds with stock or warrants to buy stock attached, debentures and convertible debentures. The Fund will invest in both rated and unrated bonds. Unrated bonds may be more speculative in nature than rated bonds.

The Fund may also invest up to 30% of its net assets in foreign securities, including up to 10% of its net assets in securities of issuers located in emerging markets. The Manager will limit the Fund’s investments in total non-US dollar currency to no more than 10% of its net assets. The Fund will hedge its total foreign currency exposure. These fixed income securities may include foreign government securities, debt obligations of foreign companies, and securities issued by supranational entities. A supranational entity is an entity established or financially supported by the national governments of one or more countries to promote reconstruction or development. Examples of supranational entities include, among others, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (more commonly known as the World Bank), the European Economic Community, the European Investment Bank, the Inter-Development Bank, and the Asian Development Bank.

The Fund may invest in sponsored and unsponsored American depositary receipts (ADRs), European depositary receipts (EDRs), or global depositary receipts (GDRs). The Fund may also invest in zero coupon bonds and may purchase shares of other investment companies.

The Fund will invest in both rated and unrated foreign securities.

The Fund may invest in securities issued in any currency and may hold foreign currencies. Securities of issuers within a given country may be denominated in the currency of another country or in multinational currency units, such as the euro. The Fund may, from time to time, purchase or sell foreign currencies and/or engage in forward foreign currency contracts in order to facilitate or expedite settlement of Fund transactions and to minimize currency value fluctuations.

In addition to the investments discussed above, the Fund may use a wide range of derivatives instruments, typically including options, futures contracts, options on futures contracts, forward foreign currency contracts, and swaps. The Fund will use derivatives for both hedging and nonhedging purposes. The Fund will not use derivatives for reasons inconsistent with its investment objective and will limit its investments in derivatives instruments to 20% of its net assets.

The Fund’s investment objective is nonfundamental. This means that the Fund’s Board of Trustees (Board) may change the objective without obtaining shareholder approval. If the objective were changed, the Fund would notify shareholders at least 60 days before the change became effective.

The following information is added after the section of the Fund’s Prospectus entitled “Who manages the Fund — Investment manager”:


Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG (MIMAK) is located at Kaerntner Strasse 28, 1010 Vienna, Austria.  MIMAK is an affiliate of the Manager and a part of Macquarie Investment Management (MIM). MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group Limited. As of December 31, 2018, MIM managed more than $234.5 billion in assets for institutional and individual clients.  Although the Manager has principal responsibility for the Manager’s portion of the Fund, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from MIMAK and the Manager may also permit MIMAK to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize MIMAK’s specialized market knowledge.

Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (MIMGL), is located at 50 Martin Place, Sydney, Australia. MIMGL is an affiliate of the Manager and a part of MIM. MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group Limited. As of December 31, 2018, MIM managed more than $234.5 billion in assets for institutional and individual clients. Although the Manager has principal responsibility for the Manager’s portion of the Fund, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from MIMGL and the Manager may also permit MIMGL to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize MIMGL’s specialized market knowledge.

Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, (MIMEL), is located at 28 Ropemaker Street, London, England.  MIMEL is an affiliate of the Manager and a part of MIM. MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group Limited. As of December 31, 2018, MIM managed more than $234.5 billion in assets for institutional and individual clients. Although the Manager has principal responsibility for the Manager’s portion of the Fund, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from MIMEL and the Manager may also permit MIMEL to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize MIMEL’s specialized market knowledge.

The following information is added after the section of the Fund’s SAI entitled “Investment Manager and Other Service Providers — Investment Manager”:


The Manager has also entered into Sub-Advisory Agreements on behalf of Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund with Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited, and Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, each of which is an affiliate of the Manager (“Affiliated Sub-Advisor”). Pursuant to the terms of the relevant Sub-Advisory Agreement, the investment sub-advisory fee is paid by the Manager to each Affiliated Sub-advisor based on the extent to which an Affiliated Sub-Advisor provides services to the Fund.


Because everyone's tax situation is unique, you should consult your tax professional about federal, state, local, or foreign tax consequences before making an investment in the Fund.


Delaware Management Company (Manager) is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Macquarie Group Limited (MGL). Other than Macquarie Bank Limited (MBL), a subsidiary of MGL and an affiliate of the Manager, none of the entities noted are authorized deposit-taking institutions for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 (Commonwealth of Australia). The obligations of these entities do not represent deposits or other liabilities of MBL. MBL does not guarantee or otherwise provide assurance in respect of the obligations of these entities, unless noted otherwise. The Fund is governed by US laws and regulations.


Please keep this Supplement for future reference.


This Supplement is dated June 28, 2019.

What are the Fund’s principal investment strategies?

Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investment grade fixed income securities, including, but not limited to, fixed income securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, and by US corporations (80% policy). Investment grade fixed income securities are securities rated BBB- or higher by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (S&P) and Baa3 or higher by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s), or similarly rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO), or those that are deemed to be of comparable quality. The Fund will maintain an average effective duration from one to three years. The Fund’s investment manager, Delaware Management Company (Manager), will determine how much of the Fund’s assets to allocate among the different types of fixed income securities in which the Fund may invest based on the Manager’s evaluation of economic and market conditions and its assessment of the returns and potential for appreciation that can be achieved from various sectors of the fixed income market. In addition, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the “Affiliated Sub-Advisors”). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor’s specialized market knowledge.

The corporate debt obligations in which the Fund may invest include bonds, notes, debentures, and commercial paper of US companies and, subject to the limitations described below, non-US companies. The Fund may also invest in a variety of securities that are issued or guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest by the US government, and by various agencies or instrumentalities, which have been established or are sponsored by the US government, and, subject to the limitations described below, securities issued by foreign governments.

Additionally, the Fund may invest in mortgage-backed securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, government-sponsored corporations, and mortgage-backed securities issued by certain private, nongovernment entities. The Fund may also invest in securities that are backed by assets such as receivables on home equity and credit card loans, automobile, mobile home, recreational vehicle and other loans, wholesale dealer floor plans, and leases.

The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in below-investment-grade securities (also known as high yield or “junk” bonds).

The Fund may also invest up to 30% of its net assets in foreign securities, including up to 10% of its net assets in securities of issuers located in emerging markets. The Fund’s total non-US dollar currency exposure will be limited, in the aggregate, to no more than 10% of its net assets.

The Fund may use a wide range of derivatives instruments, typically including options, futures contracts, options on futures contracts, forward foreign currency contracts, and swaps. The Fund will use derivatives for both hedging and nonhedging purposes. For example, the Fund may invest in: futures and options to manage duration and for defensive purposes, such as to protect gains or hedge against potential losses in the portfolio without actually selling a security, or to stay fully invested; forward foreign currency contracts to manage foreign currency exposure; interest rate swaps to neutralize the impact of interest rate changes; credit default swaps to hedge against a credit event, to gain exposure to certain securities or markets, or to enhance total return; and index swaps to enhance return or to effect diversification. The Fund will not use derivatives for reasons inconsistent with its investment objective and will limit its investments in derivatives instruments to 20% of its net assets.

The Fund’s 80% policy is nonfundamental and may be changed without shareholder approval. Fund shareholders would be given at least 60 days’ notice prior to any such change.

XML 10 R3.htm IDEA: XBRL DOCUMENT v3.19.2
Label Element Value
Risk/Return: dglt_RiskReturn1Abstract  
Document Type dei_DocumentType 497
Document Period End Date dei_DocumentPeriodEndDate Dec. 31, 2018
Central Index Key dei_EntityCentralIndexKey 0000357059
Amendment Flag dei_AmendmentFlag false
Document Creation Date dei_DocumentCreationDate Jun. 28, 2019
Document Effective Date dei_DocumentEffectiveDate Jun. 28, 2019
Prospectus Date rr_ProspectusDate Apr. 30, 2019
Entity Inv Company Type dei_EntityInvCompanyType N-1A
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund  
Risk/Return: dglt_RiskReturn1Abstract  
Supplement to Prospectus rr_SupplementToProspectusTextBlock


Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund (the “Fund”)

Supplement to the current Statutory Prospectus (the “Prospectus”)

and Statement of Additional Information (the “SAI”)


The Board of Trustees (“Trustees” or “Board”) of Delaware Group Government Fund (the “Trust”) approved the appointment of Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG (“MIMAK”), Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited (“MIMEL”), and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (“MIMGL”) to serve as sub-advisors and provide certain sub-advisory services to the Fund from time to time at the discretion of Delaware Management Company (the “Manager”).

In connection therewith, the following replaces the information in the section of the Fund’s Prospectus entitled “Fund summary — What are the Fund’s principal investment strategies?”:

Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investment grade fixed income securities, including, but not limited to, fixed income securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, and by US corporations (80% policy). Investment grade fixed income securities are securities rated BBB- or higher by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (S&P) and Baa3 or higher by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s), or similarly rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO), or those that are deemed to be of comparable quality. The Fund will maintain an average effective duration from one to three years. The Fund’s investment manager, Delaware Management Company (Manager), will determine how much of the Fund’s assets to allocate among the different types of fixed income securities in which the Fund may invest based on the Manager’s evaluation of economic and market conditions and its assessment of the returns and potential for appreciation that can be achieved from various sectors of the fixed income market. In addition, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the “Affiliated Sub-Advisors”). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor’s specialized market knowledge.

The corporate debt obligations in which the Fund may invest include bonds, notes, debentures, and commercial paper of US companies and, subject to the limitations described below, non-US companies. The Fund may also invest in a variety of securities that are issued or guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest by the US government, and by various agencies or instrumentalities, which have been established or are sponsored by the US government, and, subject to the limitations described below, securities issued by foreign governments.

Additionally, the Fund may invest in mortgage-backed securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, government-sponsored corporations, and mortgage-backed securities issued by certain private, nongovernment entities. The Fund may also invest in securities that are backed by assets such as receivables on home equity and credit card loans, automobile, mobile home, recreational vehicle and other loans, wholesale dealer floor plans, and leases.

The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in below-investment-grade securities (also known as high yield or “junk” bonds).

The Fund may also invest up to 30% of its net assets in foreign securities, including up to 10% of its net assets in securities of issuers located in emerging markets. The Fund’s total non-US dollar currency exposure will be limited, in the aggregate, to no more than 10% of its net assets.

The Fund may use a wide range of derivatives instruments, typically including options, futures contracts, options on futures contracts, forward foreign currency contracts, and swaps. The Fund will use derivatives for both hedging and nonhedging purposes. For example, the Fund may invest in: futures and options to manage duration and for defensive purposes, such as to protect gains or hedge against potential losses in the portfolio without actually selling a security, or to stay fully invested; forward foreign currency contracts to manage foreign currency exposure; interest rate swaps to neutralize the impact of interest rate changes; credit default swaps to hedge against a credit event, to gain exposure to certain securities or markets, or to enhance total return; and index swaps to enhance return or to effect diversification. The Fund will not use derivatives for reasons inconsistent with its investment objective and will limit its investments in derivatives instruments to 20% of its net assets.

The Fund’s 80% policy is nonfundamental and may be changed without shareholder approval. Fund shareholders would be given at least 60 days’ notice prior to any such change.

The following information is added into the section of the Fund’s Prospectus entitled “Fund summary — Who manages the Fund?”:



Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG

Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited

Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited

The following replaces the information in the section of the Fund's Prospectus entitled "How we manage the Fund — Our principal investment strategies”:

The Manager analyzes economic and market conditions, seeking to identify the securities or market sectors that the Manager believes are the best investments for the Fund. Securities in which the Fund may invest include, but are not limited to, the following:

•securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, such as US Treasurys;

•securities issued by US government agencies or instrumentalities, such as securities of Ginnie Mae;

•investment grade and below-investment-grade corporate bonds; nonagency mortgage-backed securities (MBS), asset-backed securities (ABS), commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), and real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs);

•securities of foreign issuers in both developed and emerging markets, denominated in foreign currencies and US dollars;

•bank loans; and

•short-term investments.


In addition, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the “Affiliated Sub-Advisors”). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor’s specialized market knowledge.

Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investment grade fixed income securities. The Fund may invest in debt obligations issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, and by US corporations. The corporate debt obligations in which the Fund may invest include bonds, notes, debentures, and commercial paper of US companies. The US government securities in which the Fund may invest include a variety of securities that are issued or guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest by the US government, and by various agencies or instrumentalities, which have been established or are sponsored by the US government.

The Fund may also invest in MBS issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, or by government-sponsored corporations. Other MBS in which the Fund may invest are issued by certain private, nongovernment entities. The Fund may also invest in securities that are backed by assets such as receivables on home equity and credit card loans, automobile, mobile home, recreational vehicle and other loans, wholesale dealer floor plans, and leases.

The Fund maintains an average effective duration from one to three years.

The Fund may also invest up to 20% of its net assets in below-investment-grade securities (commonly known as high yield or “junk bonds”). The Fund may invest in domestic corporate debt obligations, including notes, which may be convertible or nonconvertible, commercial paper, units consisting of bonds with stock or warrants to buy stock attached, debentures and convertible debentures. The Fund will invest in both rated and unrated bonds. Unrated bonds may be more speculative in nature than rated bonds.

The Fund may also invest up to 30% of its net assets in foreign securities, including up to 10% of its net assets in securities of issuers located in emerging markets. The Manager will limit the Fund’s investments in total non-US dollar currency to no more than 10% of its net assets. The Fund will hedge its total foreign currency exposure. These fixed income securities may include foreign government securities, debt obligations of foreign companies, and securities issued by supranational entities. A supranational entity is an entity established or financially supported by the national governments of one or more countries to promote reconstruction or development. Examples of supranational entities include, among others, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (more commonly known as the World Bank), the European Economic Community, the European Investment Bank, the Inter-Development Bank, and the Asian Development Bank.

The Fund may invest in sponsored and unsponsored American depositary receipts (ADRs), European depositary receipts (EDRs), or global depositary receipts (GDRs). The Fund may also invest in zero coupon bonds and may purchase shares of other investment companies.

The Fund will invest in both rated and unrated foreign securities.

The Fund may invest in securities issued in any currency and may hold foreign currencies. Securities of issuers within a given country may be denominated in the currency of another country or in multinational currency units, such as the euro. The Fund may, from time to time, purchase or sell foreign currencies and/or engage in forward foreign currency contracts in order to facilitate or expedite settlement of Fund transactions and to minimize currency value fluctuations.

In addition to the investments discussed above, the Fund may use a wide range of derivatives instruments, typically including options, futures contracts, options on futures contracts, forward foreign currency contracts, and swaps. The Fund will use derivatives for both hedging and nonhedging purposes. The Fund will not use derivatives for reasons inconsistent with its investment objective and will limit its investments in derivatives instruments to 20% of its net assets.

The Fund’s investment objective is nonfundamental. This means that the Fund’s Board of Trustees (Board) may change the objective without obtaining shareholder approval. If the objective were changed, the Fund would notify shareholders at least 60 days before the change became effective.

The following information is added after the section of the Fund’s Prospectus entitled “Who manages the Fund — Investment manager”:


Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG (MIMAK) is located at Kaerntner Strasse 28, 1010 Vienna, Austria.  MIMAK is an affiliate of the Manager and a part of Macquarie Investment Management (MIM). MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group Limited. As of December 31, 2018, MIM managed more than $234.5 billion in assets for institutional and individual clients.  Although the Manager has principal responsibility for the Manager’s portion of the Fund, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from MIMAK and the Manager may also permit MIMAK to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize MIMAK’s specialized market knowledge.

Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (MIMGL), is located at 50 Martin Place, Sydney, Australia. MIMGL is an affiliate of the Manager and a part of MIM. MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group Limited. As of December 31, 2018, MIM managed more than $234.5 billion in assets for institutional and individual clients. Although the Manager has principal responsibility for the Manager’s portion of the Fund, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from MIMGL and the Manager may also permit MIMGL to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize MIMGL’s specialized market knowledge.

Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, (MIMEL), is located at 28 Ropemaker Street, London, England.  MIMEL is an affiliate of the Manager and a part of MIM. MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group Limited. As of December 31, 2018, MIM managed more than $234.5 billion in assets for institutional and individual clients. Although the Manager has principal responsibility for the Manager’s portion of the Fund, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from MIMEL and the Manager may also permit MIMEL to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize MIMEL’s specialized market knowledge.

The following information is added after the section of the Fund’s SAI entitled “Investment Manager and Other Service Providers — Investment Manager”:


The Manager has also entered into Sub-Advisory Agreements on behalf of Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund with Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited, and Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, each of which is an affiliate of the Manager (“Affiliated Sub-Advisor”). Pursuant to the terms of the relevant Sub-Advisory Agreement, the investment sub-advisory fee is paid by the Manager to each Affiliated Sub-advisor based on the extent to which an Affiliated Sub-Advisor provides services to the Fund.


Because everyone's tax situation is unique, you should consult your tax professional about federal, state, local, or foreign tax consequences before making an investment in the Fund.


Delaware Management Company (Manager) is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Macquarie Group Limited (MGL). Other than Macquarie Bank Limited (MBL), a subsidiary of MGL and an affiliate of the Manager, none of the entities noted are authorized deposit-taking institutions for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 (Commonwealth of Australia). The obligations of these entities do not represent deposits or other liabilities of MBL. MBL does not guarantee or otherwise provide assurance in respect of the obligations of these entities, unless noted otherwise. The Fund is governed by US laws and regulations.


Please keep this Supplement for future reference.


This Supplement is dated June 28, 2019.

Strategy rr_StrategyHeading What are the Fund’s principal investment strategies?
Strategy Narrative rr_StrategyNarrativeTextBlock

Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investment grade fixed income securities, including, but not limited to, fixed income securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, and by US corporations (80% policy). Investment grade fixed income securities are securities rated BBB- or higher by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (S&P) and Baa3 or higher by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s), or similarly rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO), or those that are deemed to be of comparable quality. The Fund will maintain an average effective duration from one to three years. The Fund’s investment manager, Delaware Management Company (Manager), will determine how much of the Fund’s assets to allocate among the different types of fixed income securities in which the Fund may invest based on the Manager’s evaluation of economic and market conditions and its assessment of the returns and potential for appreciation that can be achieved from various sectors of the fixed income market. In addition, the Manager may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the “Affiliated Sub-Advisors”). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor’s specialized market knowledge.

The corporate debt obligations in which the Fund may invest include bonds, notes, debentures, and commercial paper of US companies and, subject to the limitations described below, non-US companies. The Fund may also invest in a variety of securities that are issued or guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest by the US government, and by various agencies or instrumentalities, which have been established or are sponsored by the US government, and, subject to the limitations described below, securities issued by foreign governments.

Additionally, the Fund may invest in mortgage-backed securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, government-sponsored corporations, and mortgage-backed securities issued by certain private, nongovernment entities. The Fund may also invest in securities that are backed by assets such as receivables on home equity and credit card loans, automobile, mobile home, recreational vehicle and other loans, wholesale dealer floor plans, and leases.

The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in below-investment-grade securities (also known as high yield or “junk” bonds).

The Fund may also invest up to 30% of its net assets in foreign securities, including up to 10% of its net assets in securities of issuers located in emerging markets. The Fund’s total non-US dollar currency exposure will be limited, in the aggregate, to no more than 10% of its net assets.

The Fund may use a wide range of derivatives instruments, typically including options, futures contracts, options on futures contracts, forward foreign currency contracts, and swaps. The Fund will use derivatives for both hedging and nonhedging purposes. For example, the Fund may invest in: futures and options to manage duration and for defensive purposes, such as to protect gains or hedge against potential losses in the portfolio without actually selling a security, or to stay fully invested; forward foreign currency contracts to manage foreign currency exposure; interest rate swaps to neutralize the impact of interest rate changes; credit default swaps to hedge against a credit event, to gain exposure to certain securities or markets, or to enhance total return; and index swaps to enhance return or to effect diversification. The Fund will not use derivatives for reasons inconsistent with its investment objective and will limit its investments in derivatives instruments to 20% of its net assets.

The Fund’s 80% policy is nonfundamental and may be changed without shareholder approval. Fund shareholders would be given at least 60 days’ notice prior to any such change.

Strategy Portfolio Concentration rr_StrategyPortfolioConcentration Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in investment grade fixed income securities, including, but not limited to, fixed income securities issued or guaranteed by the US government, its agencies or instrumentalities, and by US corporations (80% policy).
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund | Class A  
Risk/Return: dglt_RiskReturn1Abstract  
Trading Symbol dei_TradingSymbol DTRIX
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund | Class C  
Risk/Return: dglt_RiskReturn1Abstract  
Trading Symbol dei_TradingSymbol DTICX
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund | Class R  
Risk/Return: dglt_RiskReturn1Abstract  
Trading Symbol dei_TradingSymbol DLTRX
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund | Institutional Class  
Risk/Return: dglt_RiskReturn1Abstract  
Trading Symbol dei_TradingSymbol DTINX
Delaware Limited-Term Diversified Income Fund | Class R6  
Risk/Return: dglt_RiskReturn1Abstract  
Trading Symbol dei_TradingSymbol DLTZX
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