EX-99.2 3 brhc10037169_ex99-2.htm EXHIBIT 99.2

Exhibit 99.2

 May 5, 2022  Second Quarter 2022Financial Results 

 Forward-Looking Statements and Non-GAAP Measures  Forward-Looking StatementsThis presentation contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. NJR cautions readers that the assumptions forming the basis for forward-looking statements include many factors that are beyond NJR’s ability to control or estimate precisely, such as estimates of future market conditions and the behavior of other market participants. Words such as “anticipates,” “estimates,” “expects,” “projects,” “may,” “will,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “should” and similar expressions may identify forward-looking statements and such forward-looking statements are made based upon management’s current expectations, assumptions and beliefs as of this date concerning future developments and their potential effect upon NJR. There can be no assurance that future developments will be in accordance with management’s expectations, assumptions and beliefs or that the effect of future developments on NJR will be those anticipated by management. Forward-looking statements in this presentation include, but are not limited to, certain statements regarding NJR’s NFEPS guidance for fiscal 2022, projected NFEPS growth rate, results of future rate cases, forecasted contribution of business segments to NJR’s NFE for fiscal 2022, customer growth at NJNG, future NJR and NJNG capital expenditures, projections of dividends and financing activities, infrastructure programs and investments such as IIP and energy efficiency programs, the ability to complete the Adelphia Gateway Pipeline project, and other legal and regulatory expectations.Additional information and factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from NJR’s expectations are contained in NJR’s filings with the SEC, including NJR’s Annual Reports on Form 10-K and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, recent Current Reports on Form 8-K, and other SEC filings, which are available at the SEC’s web site, http://www.sec.gov. Information included in this presentation is representative as of today only and while NJR periodically reassesses material trends and uncertainties affecting NJR's results of operations and financial condition in connection with its preparation of management's discussion and analysis of results of operations and financial condition contained in its Quarterly and Annual Reports filed with the SEC, NJR does not, by including this statement, assume any obligation to review or revise any particular forward-looking statement referenced herein in light of future events.Non-GAAP MeasuresThis presentation includes the non-GAAP financial measures NFE/net financial loss, NFE per basic share, financial margin and utility gross margin. A reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable financial measures calculated and reported in accordance with GAAP can be found below. As an indicator of NJR’s operating performance, these measures should not be considered an alternative to, or more meaningful than, net income or operating revenues as determined in accordance with GAAP. This information has been provided pursuant to the requirements of SEC Regulation G.NFE and financial margin exclude unrealized gains or losses on derivative instruments related to NJR’s unregulated subsidiaries and certain realized gains and losses on derivative instruments related to natural gas that has been placed into storage at Energy Services and the impairment on NJR's investments in the PennEast Project, net of applicable tax adjustments as described below. Financial margin also differs from gross margin as defined on a GAAP basis as it excludes certain operations and maintenance expense and depreciation and amortization as well as the effects of derivatives as discussed above. Volatility associated with the change in value of these financial instruments and physical commodity reported on the income statement in the current period. In order to manage its business, NJR views its results without the impacts of the unrealized gains and losses, and certain realized gains and losses, caused by changes in value of these financial instruments and physical commodity contracts prior to the completion of the planned transaction because it shows changes in value currently instead of when the planned transaction ultimately is settled. An annual estimated effective tax rate is calculated for NFE purposes and any necessary quarterly tax adjustment is applied to NJR Energy Services Company.NJNG’s utility gross margin is defined as operating revenues less natural gas purchases, sales tax, and regulatory rider expense. This measure differs from gross margin as presented on a GAAP basis as it excludes certain operations and maintenance expense and depreciation and amortization. Utility gross margin may also not be comparable to the definition of gross margin used by others in the natural gas distribution business and other industries. Management believes that utility gross margin provides a meaningful basis for evaluating utility operations since natural gas costs, sales tax and regulatory rider expenses are included in operating revenues and passed through to customers and, therefore, have no effect on utility gross margin. Management uses NFE/net financial loss, utility gross margin and financial margin, as supplemental measures to other GAAP results to provide a more complete understanding of the Company’s performance. Management believes these non-GAAP measures are more reflective of the Company’s business model, provide transparency to investors and enable period-to-period comparability of financial performance. In providing NFE guidance, management is aware that there could be differences between reported GAAP earnings and NFE/net financial loss due to matters such as, but not limited to, the positions of our energy-related derivatives. Management is not able to reasonably estimate the aggregate impact or significance of these items on reported earnings and therefore is not able to provide a reconciliation to the corresponding GAAP equivalent for its operating earnings guidance without unreasonable efforts. NFE/net financial loss, utility gross margin and financial margin are discussed more fully in Item 7 of our Report on Form 10-K, NJR’s Form 10-Q filed on May 5, 2022 and, we have provided presentations of the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure and a reconciliation of our non-GAAP financial measure, NFE/net financial loss, to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure, in the appendix to this presentation. This information has been provided pursuant to the requirements of SEC Regulation G. 

     1  Second-Quarter FY 2022 HighlightsSteve Westhoven | President & CEO  2  Financial HighlightsRoberto Bel | SVP and CFO  3  Q&A Session  Agenda 

 Second Quarter 2022 Summary  Quarterly Review  NJR reported EPS of $1.00 and NFEPS of $1.36* for Q2 Fiscal 2Q22      * A reconciliation from NFE to net income can be found in the Appendix on slide 18.      Construction 90% completed at Adelphia Gateway; flowing gas to its South Zone (serving the Philadelphia metro area)      CEV has an ~680 MW pipeline of projects under contract, construction or exclusivity through fiscal 2027      Increased FY 2022 NFEPS guidance to $2.30 - $2.40 from previously issued guidance of $2.20 - $2.30; driven by outperformance at Energy Services (“ES”)      New Jersey Natural Gas increased NFE by 28% to $102.8 million 

 Increasing Fiscal 2022 NFEPS Guidance  Fiscal 2022 NFEPS Guidance by Segment  Guidance increase due to ES over-performance  Net Financial Earnings per Share  * NFEPS long-term annual growth projections are based on the original $2.20 - $2.30 guidance range for fiscal 2022, which excludes the effects of Energy Services’ over-performance   7-9% LONG-TERM ANNUAL GROWTH* 

   Developments in Q2 Fiscal 2022  On March 31, 2022, NJNG filed its first rate recovery request for its BPU-approved Infrastructure Investment Program (IIP) for $25.6 million of estimated investments (including AFUDC)***  New Jersey Natural Gas  Solid Performance in First Full Quarter Since New Base Rates   Fiscal YTD Capital Expenditures*  ~$144M  Total change in PP&E (cash spent, capex accrued and AFUDC). Includes SAVEGREEN investments, which for GAAP purposes are included as part of cash flows from operations** Facilities and RNG & P2G included in “Other” (detailed on Slide 13)  ~40% of capital expenditures earning a near real-time return  NJNG Customers (in thousands)  568  Added 3,579 new customers YTD in fiscal 2022  Regulatory Updates  *** Includes rate recovery for capital expenditures from the IIP from November 30, 2020 through June 30, 2022 

 CEV has built the largest pipeline in its historyTotal pipeline has grown to ~680 MW through FY 2027  CEV: Succeeding in an Evolving Solar Industry                  Surging demand for renewables has led to larger grid interconnection queues at PJM, creating delays in the approval process  Policy transition, interconnect delays and supply chain bottlenecks are slowing down the ability to deploy capital in the short-term  Core New Jersey market impacted by delayed implementation of the Solar Successor Program, TREC final project approvals, and the dual use incentive structure to develop solar on farmlands  2009 - 2019  2020 - 2023  Solar Industry        Solar market growth is driven by aggressive public policy and new market entrants   New Jersey solar market expansion driven by favorable regulatory construct and SREC subsidy program    Short development cycles: acquired “shovel-ready” projects in New Jersey from distribution partners      Grew portfolio to over 350MW of installed capacity      Expanding solar footprint both within New Jersey and in neighboring states, with an initial focus on the Northeast                                                                                    Leverage scale and operating experience to manage assts efficiently      Enhancing development capabilities through direct insourcing, building internal expertise and greenfield efforts   Long-term Fundamentals Remain Strong  Broader climate goals support continued investment across the solar market  Creating a Broader Opportunity Set for Projects  Rapid Industry Growth  Strategic Shift / Near-Term Delays / Regulatory Lag      Nascent market      Benefitted from early-mover advantage       

     Over $1B of investment to dateUnlevered returns in the mid-high single digits  Installed Capacity of 371MW Plus…  CEV: Robust Pipeline in Solar  Taking Advantage of a Considerable Decarbonization Opportunity  Pipeline of~680 MW    605MWUnder Contract or Exclusivity  75MWUnder Construction  MWs   Total of 1.1 GW 

 $11.8M  2Q Fiscal 2022  8-13%  Clean Energy Ventures  8.9MW Milburn, NJ Floating Solar Array      CEV Revenue   New Project Innovation(Under Construction)  25.6MWMt. Olive, NJ    25.6-MW solar project, located in Mount Olive, New Jersey, transforms the former Combe Fill North Landfill Superfund site, into an income-generating, clean energy producing asset. The Mt. Olive Solar Field will provide clean power for over 4,000 homes.  With the completion of an 8.9MW facility in 2022, CEV will have developed the two largest floating solar arrays in the United States. Pictured above is the 4.4-MW floating solar system in Sayreville, New Jersey, the first in the state.           SRECs*  TRECs  Electricity Sales  Sunlight Advantage  * 100% of SREC revenues for fiscal 2022 and 98% of SREC revenues for fiscal 2023 are secured through our SREC hedging program ** Total change in PP&E (cash spent and capex accrued)   FY 2022E Capital Expenditures**  FY 2022E: $139 – 157M        FYTD Commercial Capex  FYTD Residential Capex  Q3 – Q4 Capex  Current New Jersey policy transition and interconnect delays at PJM are temporarily slowing our ability to deploy capital and will delay our in-service timeline for fiscal year 2022  

   Project OverviewNorth zone: operational at acquisition – 600,000 Dth/d South zone: oil conversion and expansion; adding compression, laterals and interconnects – 250,000 Dth/d   Project Updates 90% of total construction completed; expect completion by end of the yearNearly fully contractedTETCO Quakertown Interconnect, South Mainline, Tilghman Lateral and PECO metering stations recently placed into serviceNow flowing gas to South Zone Allows Kimberly Clark, in the Philadelphia metro area, to replace coal power generation with natural gas  Storage and Transportation: Adelphia Gateway  South Zone Conversion and Expansion Project  Martin’s Creek Booster Compression  Texas Eastern  Sherry Lane LateralUGI Easton Road Interconnect  In-serviceNew In-ServiceConstruction Ongoing  Since 2/3/2022    Quakertown Compressor Station  TETCO Quakertown Interconnect    South Mainline(oil to natural gas conversion)  Tilghman Lateral and PECO Interconnect  Parkway Lateral & Columbia Interconnect  Marcus Hook Compressor Station  Transco Meter Station    North Mainline         

 Financial ReviewRoberto BelSVP & Chief Financial Officer  10   

 NJR Review of Fiscal 2Q22 NFE Changes  * A reconciliation of these non-GAAP measures can be found in the Appendix  ($ in Millions)  Fiscal 2Q21 – Consolidated NFE ($ in millions)  $ 170.6   NJNG  $ 22.2   Utility Gross Margin*  $ 44.4   O&M  $ (0.1)  Depreciation & Amortization (D&A)  $ (3.9)  Interest expense, AFUDC, Income Tax  $ (18.2)  Clean Energy Ventures  $ 2.4   Revenue  $ 5.4   O&M  $ (1.0)  D&A, Interest Expense and Other  $ (2.0)  Storage & Transportation  $ (0.1)  Operating Income  $ (1.0)  Equity in Earnings of Affiliates  $ (2.1)  Other  $ 3.0   Energy Services  $ (66.6)  Financial Margin*  $ (111.3)  Interest Expense, Income Tax and Other  $ 44.7   Home Services and Other   $ 1.7  Revenues  $ 0.4   Other   $ 1.3  Fiscal 2Q22 – Consolidated NFE ($ in millions)  $ 130.2  

 NJR CEV – SREC Hedging Strategy Stabilizes Revenue  Based on Energy Year, as of April 25, 2022  Percent Hedged  Average Price  Current Price (EY)  98%  $201  $238  Percent Hedged  Average Price  Current Price (EY)  99%  $203  $227  Percent Hedged  Average Price  Current Price (EY)  95%  $197  $215  Percent Hedged  Average Price  Current Price (EY)  81%  $189  $196  Percent Hedged  Average Price  Current Price (EY)  29%  $173  $180  Note: Energy Years run from June 1 of the prior year to May 31 of the respective year; for example, Energy Year 2022 begins on June 1, 2021, and ends on May 31, 2022 

 NJR Capital Plan1  ($ in Millions)       1Q FY2022A  2Q FY2022A  YTDFY2022A    FY2021A  FY2022E      FY2023E      Near Real Time Return?  New Jersey Natural Gas  New Customer  $12  $11  $23    $65  $52   -  $56   $54   -  $58   Yes    Maintenance & Integrity  $27  $16  $49    $252  $125   -  $140   $114  -  $118       Cost of Removal / Other  $9  $18  $21    $66  $34   -  $38   $36   -  $40       Facilities  $1  $2  $3    $63  $8  -  $10  $26  -  $30      IT  $4  $9  $13    $9  $42   -  $52   $60   -  $64       IIP  $6  $4  $10    $9  $24   -  $28   $32   -  $36   Yes    RNG & P2G  $1  -  $1    $5   $1  -  $1   $35   -  $39       SAVEGREEN  $13  $11  $24    $31  $48   -  $52  $48   -  $52   Yes      $73  $71  $144    $499  $334   -  $377   $405   -  $437     Clean Energy Ventures  Sunlight Advantage  $2  $4  $6    $11  $14  -  $17  $14  -  $18      Commercial Solar  $30  $32  $62    $78  $125   -  $140  $110   -  $250         $32  $36  $68    $89  $139   -  $157  $124   -  $268     Storage and Transportation  Adelphia Gateway  $51  $38  $89    $113  $115   -  $130   $5   -  $10      Leaf River  $6  $4  $10    $11  $7   -  $11   $3   -  $7         $57  $42  $99    $124  $122   -  $141   $8   -  $17     Total    $162  $149  $311    $712  $595   -  $675  $537  -  $722      1Total change in PP&E (cash spent, capex accrued and AFUDC). For GAAP purposes, SAVEGREEN investments are included as part of cash flows from operations 

 NJR Projected Cash Flows  ($ in Millions)      FY2021A  FY2022E      FY2023E      Cash Flow from Operations    $391  $265  -  $285  $430  -  $450  Uses of Funds  Capital Expenditures1  $625  $534  -  $610  $481  -  $658    Dividends2  $117  $127   -  $132   $135   -  $140     Total Uses of Funds  $742  $661  -  $742  $628  -  $736  Financing Activities  Common Stock Proceeds – DRIP  $15  -     -  -    -    Debt Proceeds/Other  $336   $396  -  $457  $198  -  $286    Total Financing Activities  $351   $396  -  $457  $198  -  $286  1- Excludes accrual for AFUDC and SAVEGREEN investments (for GAAP purposes, SAVEGREEN investments are included in Cash Flow from Operations)2- Dividend growth for fiscal 2023 are based upon the midpoint of forecasted 7-9% growth rate 

   Key TakeawaysSecond Quarter 2022      Raised guidance for FY 2022 due to better-than-expected performance from Energy Services    Adelphia Gateway is flowing gas to South Zone: allows substitution of coal power generation. Expect to complete construction by end of FY 2022    Solar project pipeline exceeds 680 MWs of projects under contract, construction or exclusivity  15    Maintain long-term NFE growth estimates despite any short-term delays in solar in-service timeline    Strong NFE performance at New Jersey Natural Gas  

 Appendix  Leadership and Board of Directors  Reconciliation of NFE and NFEPS to Net Income for Q2 Fiscal 2022  Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures  Corporate and Equity Information  Second Quarter Fiscal 2022 NFE by Business Unit  Revenue Recognition for AMAs  NJR CEV – SREC Hedging by Fiscal Year  Raising FY 2022 NFE Guidance to $2.30 - $2.40 Per Share  Investor Value Proposition  Review of Fiscal YTD NFE Changes  16 

 Second Quarter Fiscal 2022 NFE by Business Unit  ($ in 000s)   (Thousands)  Three Months Ended March 31,        Six Months Ended March 31,        2022  2021  Change    2022  2021  Change  New Jersey Natural Gas  $102,783  $80,541  $22,242    $153,863  $130,008  $23,855  Clean Energy Ventures  (6,491)  (8,872)  $2,381    $(13,312)  $(19,146)  $5,834  Storage and Transportation  4,625  4,711  $(86)    $7,587  $8,219  $(632)  Energy Services  29,940  96,528  $(66,588)    $47,507  $98,028  $(50,521)  Home Services and Other  (651)  (2,304)  $1,653    331  (1,848)  $2,179  Total  $130,206  $170,604  $(40,398)    $195,976  $215,261  $(19,285)  NFEPS  $1.36  $1.77  $(0.41)    $2.04  $2.24  $(0.20) 

 Reconciliation of NFE and NFEPS to Net Income  ($ in 000s)  NFE is a measure of earnings based on eliminating timing differences surrounding the recognition of certain gains and losses and the impairment of NJR’s investment in the PennEast project, net of applicable tax adjustments, to effectively match the earnings effects of the economic hedges with the physical sale of natural gas, SRECs and foreign currency contractsNFE eliminates the impact of volatility to GAAP earnings associated with unrealized gains and losses on derivative instruments in the current period                      (Unaudited)                          Three Months Ended         Six Months Ended              March 31,         March 31,             2022     2021     2022       2021  NEW JERSEY RESOURCES                                             A reconciliation of net income, the closest GAAP financial measure, to net financial earnings is as follows:                                                 Net income      $ 96,035      $ 149,809      $ 207,347        $ 230,854   Add:                            Unrealized loss (gain) on derivative instruments and related transactions      42,022       29,255       (40,169)        (8,235)  Tax effect      (9,980)      (6,954)      9,556         1,958   Effects of economic hedging related to natural gas inventory      1,155       (7,209)      24,732         (14,741)  Tax effect      (274)      1,713       (5,877)        3,503   Net income to NFE tax adjustment      1,248       3,990       387         1,922   Net financial earnings     $ 130,206      $ 170,604      $ 195,976        $ 215,261                                Weighted Average Shares Outstanding                            Basic      96,068       96,248       96,006         96,181   Diluted      96,516       96,618       96,480         96,598                                A reconciliation of basic earnings per share, the closest GAAP financial measure, to basic net financial earnings per share is as follows:                                                  Basic earnings per share     $ 1.00      $ 1.56      $ 2.16         $ 2.40   Add:                             Unrealized loss (gain) on derivative instruments and related transactions     $ 0.44      $ 0.30      $ (0.42)        $ (0.09)  Tax effect     $ (0.10)     $ (0.08)     $ 0.10         $ 0.02   Effects of economic hedging related to natural gas inventory     $ 0.01      $ (0.07)     $ 0.26         $ (0.15)  Tax effect     $ —      $ 0.02      $ (0.06)        $ 0.04   Net income to NFE tax adjustment     $ 0.01      $ 0.04      $ —         $ 0.02   Basic NFE per share     $ 1.36      $ 1.77      $ 2.04         $ 2.24                                

 Other Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures  ($ in 000s)  NJNG Utility Gross MarginNJNG's utility gross margin is defined as operating revenues less natural gas purchases, sales tax, and regulatory rider expenses. This measure differs from gross margin as presented on a GAAP basis as it excludes certain operations and maintenance expense and depreciation and amortization. Energy Services Financial MarginFinancial margin removes the timing differences associated with certain derivative and hedging transactions. Financial margin differs from gross margin as defined on a GAAP basis as it excludes certain operations and maintenance expense and depreciation and amortization expenses as well as the effects of derivatives instruments on earnings.   (Unaudited)  Three Months Ended        Six Months Ended        March 31,        March 31,        2022    2021    2022    2021                  A reconciliation of gross margin, the closest GAAP financial measurement, to utility gross margin is as follows:                                Operating revenues  $ 463,812     $ 310,167     $ 738,584     $ 505,896   Less:                Natural gas purchases   215,223      118,452      339,817      177,761   Operating and maintenance (1)   26,748      26,281      39,889      51,106   Regulatory rider expense   30,910      18,413      47,581      29,114   Depreciation and amortization   23,344      19,475      46,237      38,644   Gross margin   167,587      127,546      265,060      209,271   Add:                Operating and maintenance (1)   26,748      26,281      39,889      51,106   Depreciation and amortization   23,344      19,475      46,237      38,644   Utility gross margin  $ 217,679     $ 173,302     $ 351,186     $ 299,021                                   A reconciliation of gross margin, the closest GAAP financial measurement, to financial margin is as follows:                                Operating revenues  $ 412,645     $ 462,569     $ 781,889     $ 692,046   Less:                Natural Gas purchases   411,146      330,280      689,833      504,117   Operating and maintenance (1)   3,978      20,924      7,247      24,608   Depreciation and amortization   32      13      60      55   Gross margin   (2,511)     111,352      84,749      163,266   Add:                Operating and maintenance (1)   3,978      20,924      7,247      24,608   Depreciation and amortization   32      13      60      55   transactions   40,446      29,348      (45,201)     (9,433)  Effects of economic hedging related to natural gas inventory   1,155      (7,209)     24,732      (14,741)  Financial margin  $ 43,100     $ 154,428     $ 71,587     $ 163,755   (1) Excludes certain selling, general and administrative expenses               

 Review of Fiscal 2022 YTD NFE Changes  * A reconciliation of these non-GAAP measures can be found in the Appendix  ($ in Millions)  YTD Fiscal 2021 – Consolidated NFE ($ in millions)  $ 215.3   NJNG  $ 23.9   Utility Gross Margin*  $ 52.2   O&M  $ 7.1   Depreciation & Amortization (D&A)  $ (7.6)  Interest expense, AFUDC, Income Tax  $ (27.8)  Clean Energy Ventures  $ 5.8   Revenue  $ 9.2   O&M  $ (0.7)  D&A, Interest Expense and Other  $ (2.7)  Storage & Transportation  $ (0.6)  Operating Income  $ (2.8)  Equity in Earnings of Affiliates  $ (4.3)  Other  $ 6.5   Energy Services  $ (50.5)  Financial Margin*  $ (111.3)  Interest Expense, Income Tax and Other  $ 60.8   Home Services and Other  $ 2.1   Revenues  $ 1.8   Other   $ 0.3  YTD Fiscal 2022 – Consolidated NFE ($ in millions)  $ 196.0  

 Raising FY 2022 NFE Guidance to $2.30 - $2.40 Per Share  FY2022E    NJNG  60%-62%  CEV  17%-20%  S&T  5%-8%  ES*  13%-15%  HS & Other  ~0%-1%  FY2022 Expected NJNG Utility Gross Margin Distribution  FY2022 Expected CEV Revenue Distribution  NFE Expected Segment Contributions   Q1E~27%  Q2E~43%  Q3E~17%  Q4E~13%  FY2022 Expected ES Financial Margin Distribution  Q1E~8%  Q2E~9%  Q3E~8%  Q4E~75%  Q1E~47%  Q2E~72%  Q3E(~11%)  Q4E(~8%)  * Forecasted NFE projection for remainder of fiscal 2022 only considers contributions from AMA 

 NJR CEV – SREC Hedging by Fiscal Year  As of April 25, 2022  Percent Hedged  Average Price  Current Price (FY)  100%  $203  $235  Percent Hedged  Average Price  Current Price (FY)  98%  $201  $223  Percent Hedged  Average Price  Current Price (FY)  91%  $193  $208  Percent Hedged  Average Price  Current Price (FY)  58%  $190  $191  Percent Hedged  Average Price  Current Price (EY)  29%  $173  $180 

 Revenue Recognition for AMAs        The Transaction: AMAs feature initial and permanent capacity releases with cash payments throughout  The Accounting: ASC 606 revenue recognition standard requires that revenue be allocated to both the initial and permanent releases  The Result: Disproportionate value is allocated to the permanent release periods in FY 2024 and FY 2032    Revenue Recognition*   Cash  Fiscal Years 2022 – 2024  $239  $261        Fiscal Years 2025 – 2031  $138  $240  Fiscal Year 2032  $124  $0    $262  $240        Total  $501  $501  * Revenue recognition for FY2022 is expected to be $53.1 million, of which $22.1 million was recognized in fiscal Q1 2022 and $10.3M recognized in fiscal Q2 2022. Additionally, in fiscal Q1 2022, NJR received this year’s cash payment of $86.8 million.  ($ in Millions) 

 Investor Value Proposition  ~3% Dividend Yield1  7%-9% Long-term NFE Growth  ~10%-12% Total Shareholder Return  1Based on dividend per share of $1.45 and closing share price of $43.83 on 5/3/2022 

 Leadership and Board of Directors  Executive Officers  Directors   Patrick MigliaccioSenior Vice President and Chief Operating OfficerNew Jersey Natural GasAmanda MullanSenior Vice President and Chief Human Resources OfficerNew Jersey ResourcesRobert PohlmanVice President - Strategy, Communications, Government Relations and PolicyRichard ReichSenior Vice President, General Counseland Corporate Secretary, New Jersey ResourcesGinger P. RichmanVice PresidentNJR Midstream ServicesKraig SandersVice President - OperationsNew Jersey Natural GasDaniel SergottTreasurerNew Jersey ResourcesJacqueline K. SheaVice President and Chief Information OfficerNew Jersey ResourcesMark F. ValoriVice PresidentNJR Clean Energy VenturesJohn B. WyckoffVice President - Energy DeliveryNew Jersey Natural Gas  * Independent Directors** Chairman of the Board  Stephen D. WesthovenPresident and Chief Executive OfficerNew Jersey ResourcesSean AnnittoVice PresidentNJR Energy ServicesRoberto BelSenior Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerNew Jersey ResourcesJohn Bremner Vice President – NJR MidstreamNew Jersey ResourcesAmy CradicSenior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Non-Utility Businesses, Strategy and External AffairsNew Jersey ResourcesDavid JohnsonVice President – Corporate Business DevelopmentNew Jersey ResourcesMark G. KahrerSenior Vice President – Regulatory Affairs, Marketing and Energy EfficiencyNew Jersey Natural GasJames KentVice President – Corporate Risk ManagementNew Jersey ResourcesThomas J. Massaro Jr.Senior Vice President – NJR RetailPresident – NJR Home Services  Gregory E. Aliff*Partner, Deloitte & Touche LLP (Retired)Donald L. Correll*,**President and CEO (Retired), American WaterJames H. DeGraffenreidt Jr.*Chairman and CEO, WGL Holdings, Inc. (Retired)Robert B. Evans*President and CEO, Duke Energy Americas (Retired)M. Susan Hardwick*President and CEO of American Water Works Company, Inc.Jane M. Kenny*SVP and Managing Director, The Whitman Strategy GroupThomas C. O'Connor*Chairman, President and CEO, DCP Midstream, LLC (Retired)Sharon C. Taylor*SVP, Human Resources, Prudential Financial (Retired)David A. Trice*President and CEO (Retired), Newfield Exploration CompanyStephen D. WesthovenPresident and CEO, NJRGeorge R. Zoffinger*President and CEO, Constellation Capital Corporation 

 Shareholder and Contact Information  1415 Wyckoff RoadWall, NJ 07719(732) 938-1000www.njresources.com  Corporate Headquarters  Contact Information  The Transfer Agent and Registrar for the company’s common stock is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc. (Broadridge).Shareowners with questions about account activity should contact Broadridge investor relations representatives between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, by calling toll-free 800-817-3955.General written inquiries and address changes may be sent to:Broadridge Corporate Issuer SolutionsP.O. Box 1342, Brentwood, NY 11717orFor certified and overnight delivery:Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, ATTN: IWS 1155 Long Island Avenue, Edgewood, NY 11717Shareowners can view their account information online atshareholder.broadridge.com/NJR.   Stock Transfer Agent and Registrar  Dennis Puma – Director, Investor Relations 732-938-1229dpuma@njresources.comAdam Prior – Director, Investor Relations 732-938-1145aprior@njresources.com  Last Four Dividends as of May 2022 (Quarterly Frequency)  Ex-Dividend Date  Record Date  Payable Date  Amount per share  06/14/2022  6/15/2022  7/1/2022  $0.3625*  3/15/2022  3/16/2022  4/1/2022  $0.3625  12/14/2021  12/15/2021  1/3/2022  $0.3625  9/17/2021  9/20/2021  10/01/2021  $0.3625  * Declared on April 20, 2022