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Credit Quality and the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses
6 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2014
Credit Quality and the Allowance for Loan and Leases Losses  
Credit Quality and the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses

6. Credit Quality and the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses

The Bancorp disaggregates ALLL balances and transactions in the ALLL by portfolio segment. Credit quality related disclosures for loans and leases are further disaggregated by class.

The following tables summarize transactions in the ALLL by portfolio segment:
For the three months ended June 30, 2014   Residential      
($ in millions) CommercialMortgageConsumerUnallocatedTotal
Transactions in the ALLL:           
 Balance, beginning of period$ 981  180  217  105  1,483 
 Losses charged off  (55)  (11)  (61)  -  (127) 
 Recoveries of losses previously charged off  7  3  16  -  26 
 Provision for loan and lease losses  28  2  49  (3)  76 
Balance, end of period$ 961  174  221  102  1,458 
For the three months ended June 30, 2013   Residential      
($ in millions) CommercialMortgageConsumerUnallocatedTotal
Transactions in the ALLL:           
 Balance, beginning of period$ 1,191  212  272  108  1,783 
 Losses charged off  (59)  (18)  (68)  -  (145) 
 Recoveries of losses previously charged off  14  3  16  -  33 
 Provision for loan and lease losses  37  4  27  (4)  64 
Balance, end of period$ 1,183  201  247  104  1,735 
For the six months ended June 30, 2014   Residential      
($ in millions) CommercialMortgageConsumerUnallocatedTotal
Transactions in the ALLL:           
 Balance, beginning of period$ 1,058  189  225  110  1,582 
 Losses charged off  (164)  (30)  (124)  -  (318) 
 Recoveries of losses previously charged off  13  7  28  -  48 
 Provision for loan and lease losses  54  8  92  (8)  146 
Balance, end of period$ 961  174  221  102  1,458 
For the six months ended June 30, 2013   Residential      
($ in millions) CommercialMortgageConsumerUnallocatedTotal
Transactions in the ALLL:           
 Balance, beginning of period$ 1,236  229  278  111  1,854 
 Losses charged off  (128)  (40)  (145)  -  (313) 
 Recoveries of losses previously charged off  29  5  34  -  68 
 Provision for loan and lease losses  46  7  80  (7)  126 
Balance, end of period$ 1,183  201  247  104  1,735 

The following tables provide a summary of the ALLL and related loans and leases classified by portfolio segment:
As of June 30, 2014 ($ in millions) CommercialMortgageConsumerUnallocatedTotal
 Individually evaluated for impairment$ 204 1(c) 134  54  -  392 
 Collectively evaluated for impairment  757  40  167  -  964 
 Unallocated  -  -  -  102  102 
Total ALLL$ 961  174  221  102  1,458 
Loans and leases:(b)           
 Individually evaluated for impairment$ 1,274 1(c) 1,263  475  -  3,012 
 Collectively evaluated for impairment  52,821  11,286  23,262  -  87,369 
 Loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality  -  4  -  -  4 
Total portfolio loans and leases$ 54,095  12,553  23,737  -  90,385 

  • Includes $7 related to leveraged leases.
  • Excludes $99 of residential mortgage loans measured at fair value, and includes $880 of leveraged leases, net of unearned income.
  • Includes five restructured loans at June 30, 2014 associated with a consolidated VIE in which the Bancorp has no continuing credit risk due to the risk being assumed by a third party, with a recorded investment of $28 and an allowance of $10.

As of December 31, 2013 ($ in millions) Commercial MortgageConsumerUnallocatedTotal
 Individually evaluated for impairment$ 186 1(c) 139  53 -  378 
 Collectively evaluated for impairment  872  50  172 -  1,094 
 Unallocated - - -  110  110 
Total ALLL$ 1,058  189  225  110  1,582 
Loans and leases:(b)           
 Individually evaluated for impairment$ 1,560 1(c) 1,325  496 -  3,381 
 Collectively evaluated for impairment  50,486  11,259  23,392 -  85,137 
 Loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality  -  4  - -  4 
Total portfolio loans and leases$ 52,046  12,588  23,888  -  88,522 

  • Includes $9 related to leveraged leases.
  • Excludes $92 of residential mortgage loans measured at fair value, and includes $881 of leveraged leases, net of unearned income.
  • Includes five restructured loans at December 31, 2013 associated with a consolidated VIE in which the Bancorp has no continuing credit risk due to the risk being assumed by a third party, with a recorded investment of $28 and an allowance of $11.



Commercial Portfolio Segment

For purposes of monitoring the credit quality and risk characteristics of its commercial portfolio segment, the Bancorp disaggregates the segment into the following classes: commercial and industrial, commercial mortgage owner-occupied, commercial mortgage non-owner occupied, commercial construction and commercial leasing.


To facilitate the monitoring of credit quality within the commercial portfolio segment, and for purposes of analyzing historical loss rates used in the determination of the ALLL for the commercial portfolio segment, the Bancorp utilizes the following categories of credit grades: pass, special mention, substandard, doubtful or loss. The five categories, which are derived from standard regulatory rating definitions, are assigned upon initial approval of credit to borrowers and updated periodically thereafter. Pass ratings, which are assigned to those borrowers that do not have identified potential or well defined weaknesses and for which there is a high likelihood of orderly repayment, are updated periodically based on the size and credit characteristics of the borrower. All other categories are updated on a quarterly basis during the month preceding the end of the calendar quarter.


The Bancorp assigns a special mention rating to loans and leases that have potential weaknesses that deserve management's close attention. If left uncorrected, these potential weaknesses may, at some future date, result in the deterioration of the repayment prospects for the loan or lease or the Bancorp's credit position. 


The Bancorp assigns a substandard rating to loans and leases that are inadequately protected by the current sound worth and paying capacity of the borrower or of the collateral pledged. Substandard loans and leases have well defined weaknesses or weaknesses that could jeopardize the orderly repayment of the debt. Loans and leases in this grade also are characterized by the distinct possibility that the Bancorp will sustain some loss if the deficiencies noted are not addressed and corrected.


The Bancorp assigns a doubtful rating to loans and leases that have all the attributes of a substandard rating with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of currently existing facts, conditions, and values, highly questionable and improbable. The possibility of loss is extremely high, but because of certain important and reasonable specific pending factors that may work to the advantage of and strengthen the credit quality of the loan or lease, its classification as an estimated loss is deferred until its more exact status may be determined. Pending factors may include a proposed merger or acquisition, liquidation proceeding, capital injection, perfecting liens on additional collateral or refinancing plans.


Loans and leases classified as loss are considered uncollectible and are charged-off in the period in which they are determined to be uncollectible. Because loans and leases in this category are fully charged-off, they are not included in the following tables.


The following table summarizes the credit risk profile of the Bancorp’s commercial portfolio segment, by class:
As of June 30, 2014 ($ in millions) PassMentionSubstandardDoubtfulTotal
Commercial and industrial loans$ 38,426  1,363  1,502  8  41,299 
Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans  3,621  204  339  1  4,165 
Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans  3,063  199  377  1  3,640 
Commercial construction loans  1,318  51  55  -  1,424 
Commercial leases  3,492  45  30  -  3,567 
Total$ 49,920  1,862  2,303  10  54,095 

As of December 31, 2013 ($ in millions) PassMentionSubstandardDoubtfulTotal
Commercial and industrial loans$ 36,776  1,118  1,419  3  39,316 
Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans  3,866  209  415  17  4,507 
Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans  2,879  248  431  1  3,559 
Commercial construction loans  855  32  152  -  1,039 
Commercial leases  3,546  56  23  -  3,625 
Total$ 47,922  1,663  2,440  21  52,046 

Consumer Portfolio Segment

For purposes of monitoring the credit quality and risk characteristics of its consumer portfolio segment, the Bancorp disaggregates the segment into the following classes: home equity, automobile loans, credit card, and other consumer loans and leases. The Bancorp's residential mortgage portfolio segment is also a separate class.


The Bancorp considers repayment performance as the best indicator of credit quality for residential mortgage and consumer loans, which includes both the delinquency status and performing versus nonperforming status of the loans. The delinquency status of all residential mortgage and consumer loans is presented by class in the age analysis section below while the performing versus nonperforming status is presented in the table below. Refer to the nonaccrual section of Note 1 in the Bancorp's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2013 for additional delinquency and nonperforming information.

The following table presents a summary of the Bancorp’s residential mortgage and consumer portfolio segments disaggregated into performing versus nonperforming status as of:
  June 30, 2014December 31, 2013
($ in millions) PerformingNonperformingPerformingNonperforming
Residential mortgage loans(a)$ 12,435  118  12,423  165 
Home equity  8,963  93  9,153  93 
Automobile loans  12,049  1  11,982  2 
Credit card  2,229  32  2,261  33 
Other consumer loans and leases  370  -  364  - 
Total$ 36,046  244  36,183  293 

  • Excludes $99 and $92 of loans measured at fair value at June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013, respectively.

Age Analysis of Past Due Loans and Leases     
The following tables summarize the Bancorp’s recorded investment in portfolio loans and leases by age and class:
     Past Due    
   Current   90 Days     90 Days Past
As of June 30, 2014 Loans and  30-89 andTotal Total LoansDue and Still
($ in millions) Leases(c) Days(c)Greater(c)Past Dueand LeasesAccruing
 Commercial and industrial loans $41,188 19 92 111 41,299  - 
 Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans 4,088 8 69 77 4,165  - 
 Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans 3,603 3 34 37 3,640  - 
 Commercial construction loans 1,414 2 8 10 1,424  - 
 Commercial leases 3,565  - 2 2 3,567  - 
Residential mortgage loans(a) (b) 12,300 76 177 253 12,553 60 
 Home equity 8,893 85 78 163 9,056  - 
 Automobile loans 11,993 48 9 57 12,050 8 
 Credit card 2,200 31 30 61 2,261 26 
 Other consumer loans and leases  368 2  - 2 370  - 
Total portfolio loans and leases(a)$89,612 274 499 773 90,385 94 

  • Excludes $99 of loans measured at fair value.
  • Information for current residential mortgage loans includes loans whose repayments are insured by the Federal Housing Administration or guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. As of June 30, 2014, $90 of these loans were 30-89 days past due and $333 were 90 days or more past due. The Bancorp recognized $2 and $7 of losses on these insured of guaranteed loans during the three and six months ended June 30, 2014, respectively, due to claim denials and curtailments associated with these loans.
  • Includes accrual and nonaccrual loans and leases.

     Past Due    
   Current   90 Days     90 Days Past
As of December 31, 2013 Loans and  30-89andTotal Total LoansDue and Still
($ in millions) Leases(c) Days(c)Greater(c)Past Dueand LeasesAccruing
 Commercial and industrial loans $39,118 53 145 198 39,316  - 
 Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans 4,423 15 69 84 4,507  - 
 Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans 3,515 9 35 44 3,559  - 
 Commercial construction loans 1,010  - 29 29 1,039  - 
 Commercial leases 3,620  - 5 5 3,625  - 
Residential mortgage loans(a) (b) 12,284 73 231 304 12,588 66 
 Home equity 9,058 102 86 188 9,246  - 
 Automobile loans 11,919 55 10 65 11,984 8 
 Credit card 2,225 36 33 69 2,294 29 
 Other consumer loans and leases  362 2  - 2 364  - 
Total portfolio loans and leases(a)$87,534 345 643 988 88,522 103 

  • Excludes $92 of loans measured at fair value.
  • Information for current residential mortgage loans includes loans whose repayments are insured by the Federal Housing Administration or guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. As of December 31, 2013, $81 of these loans were 30-89 days past due and $378 were 90 days or more past due. The Bancorp recognized $5 of losses on these insured or guaranteed loans for the year ended December 31, 2013 due to claim denials and curtailments associated with these loans.
  • Includes accrual and nonaccrual loans and leases.


Impaired Loans and Leases

Larger commercial loans and leases included within aggregate borrower relationship balances exceeding $1 million that exhibit probable or observed credit weaknesses are subject to individual review for impairment. The Bancorp also performs an individual review on loans and leases that are restructured in a troubled debt restructuring. The Bancorp considers the current value of collateral, credit quality of any guarantees, the loan structure, and other factors when evaluating whether an individual loan or lease is impaired. Other factors may include the geography and industry of the borrower, size and financial condition of the borrower, cash flow and leverage of the borrower, and the Bancorp's evaluation of the borrower's management. Smaller-balance homogenous loans or leases that are collectively evaluated for impairment are not included in the following tables.


The following tables summarize the Bancorp’s impaired loans and leases (by class) that were subject to individual review, which includes all loans and leases restructured in a troubled debt restructuring:
As of June 30, 2014  PrincipalRecorded   
($ in millions)  BalanceInvestmentAllowance
With a related allowance recorded:        
 Commercial and industrial loans  $640 536 179 
 Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans(b)  56 46 6 
 Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans  103 79 5 
 Commercial construction loans  48 45 1 
 Commercial leases   4  4 3 
Restructured residential mortgage loans  1,033 999 134 
Restructured consumer:        
 Home equity  354 354 41 
 Automobile loans  21 20 3 
 Credit card  54 54 10 
 Other consumer loans and leases    4  3  - 
Total impaired loans and leases with a related allowance $2,317 2,140 382 
With no related allowance recorded:        
 Commercial and industrial loans  $271 223  - 
 Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans  105 94  - 
 Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans  189 174  - 
 Commercial construction loans  61 42  - 
 Commercial leases  3 3  - 
Restructured residential mortgage loans  301 264  - 
Restructured consumer:        
 Home equity  44 42  - 
 Automobile loans  3 2  - 
Total impaired loans and leases with no related allowance  977 844  - 
Total impaired loans and leases $3,294 2,9841(a)382 

  • Includes $914, $1,201 and $422, respectively, of commercial, residential mortgage and consumer TDRs on accrual status; $202, $62 and $53, respectively, of commercial, residential mortgage and consumer TDRs on nonaccrual status.
  • Excludes five restructured loans at June 30, 2014 associated with a consolidated VIE in which the Bancorp has no continuing credit risk due to the risk being assumed by a third party, with an unpaid principal balance of $28, a recorded investment of $28, and an allowance of $10.

As of December 31, 2013  PrincipalRecorded   
($ in millions)  BalanceInvestmentAllowance
With a related allowance recorded:        
 Commercial and industrial loans  $870 759 145 
 Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans(b)  85 74 11 
 Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans  154 134 14 
 Commercial construction loans  68 54 5 
 Commercial leases  12 12  - 
Restructured residential mortgage loans  1,081 1,052 139 
Restructured consumer:        
 Home equity  377 373 39 
 Automobile loans  23 23 3 
 Credit card  59 58 11 
Total impaired loans and leases with a related allowance $2,729 2,539 367 
With no related allowance recorded:        
 Commercial and industrial loans  $181 177  - 
 Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans  106 98  - 
 Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans  154 147  - 
 Commercial construction loans  77 63  - 
 Commercial leases  14 14  - 
Restructured residential mortgage loans  313 273  - 
Restructured consumer:        
 Home equity  43 39  - 
 Automobile loans  3 3  - 
Total impaired loans and leases with no related allowance  891 814  - 
Total impaired loans and leases $3,620 3,3531(a)367 

  • Includes $869, $1,241 and $444, respectively, of commercial, residential mortgage and consumer TDRs on accrual status; $228, $84 and $52, respectively, of commercial, residential mortgage and consumer TDRs on nonaccrual status.
  • Excludes five restructured loans at December 31, 2013 associated with a consolidated VIE in which the Bancorp has no continuing credit risk due to the risk being assumed by a third party, with an unpaid principal balance of $28, a recorded investment of $28, and an allowance of $11.

The following table summarizes the Bancorp’s average impaired loans and leases and interest income by class:
     For the three months ended For the six months ended
     June 30, 2014 June 30, 2014
     AverageInterest AverageInterest
     RecordedIncome RecordedIncome
($ in millions)   InvestmentRecognized InvestmentRecognized
 Commercial and industrial loans   $744 7 $788 12
 Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans(a)   146 1  154 2
 Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans   259 2  266 4
 Commercial construction loans   100 1  107 1
 Commercial leases   12  -  17  -
Restructured residential mortgage loans   1,295 14  1,304 27
Restructured consumer:           
 Home equity   395 6  401 11
 Automobile loans   24  -  24  -
 Credit card   55 1  56 2
 Other consumer loans and leases     -  -   -  -
Total impaired loans and leases  $3,030 32 $3,117 59

  • Excludes five restructured loans associated with a consolidated VIE in which the Bancorp has no continuing credit risk due to the risk being assumed by a third party, with an average recorded investment of $28 and an immaterial amount of interest income recognized for the three and six months ended June 30, 2014.

    For the three months ended For the six months ended
    June 30, 2013 June 30, 2013
    AverageInterest AverageInterest
    RecordedIncome RecordedIncome
($ in millions)  InvestmentRecognized InvestmentRecognized
 Commercial and industrial loans  $318 2 $329 4
 Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans(a)  136 1  138 2
 Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans 315 2  328 4
 Commercial construction loans 114  1  112 2
 Commercial leases 10  -  11  -
Restructured residential mortgage loans 1,308 13  1,307 26
Restructured consumer: 
 Home equity 434 5  437 11
 Automobile loans 29  -  31  -
 Credit card 68 1  71 2
 Other consumer loans and leases  2  -  2  -
Total impaired loans and leases $2,734 25 $2,766 51

  • Excludes five restructured loans associated with a consolidated VIE in which the Bancorp has no continuing credit risk due to the risk being assumed by a third party, with an average recorded investment of $30 and an immaterial amount of interest income recognized for the three and six months ended June 30, 2013.


Nonperforming Assets
Nonperforming assets include nonaccrual loans and leases for which ultimate collectability of the full amount of the principal and/or interest is uncertain; restructured commercial and credit card loans which have not yet met the requirements to be classified as a performing asset; restructured consumer loans which are 90 days past due based on the restructured terms unless the loan is both well-secured and in the process of collection; and certain other assets, including OREO and other repossessed property. The following table summarizes the Bancorp’s nonperforming loans and leases, by class, as of:
   June 30,December 31,
($ in millions) 20142013
 Commercial and industrial loans $246 281 
 Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans(a)  91 95 
 Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans 48 48 
 Commercial construction loans 8 29 
 Commercial leases 3 5 
Total commercial loans and leases 396 458 
Residential mortgage loans 118 166 
 Home equity 93 93 
 Automobile loans 1 1 
 Credit card 32 33 
Total consumer loans and leases 126 127 
Total nonperforming loans and leases(b) (c)$640 751 
OREO and other repossessed property(d)$192 229 

  • Excludes $21 of restructured nonaccrual loans at both June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013 associated with a consolidated VIE in which the Bancorp has no continuing credit risk due to the risk being assumed by a third party.
  • Excludes $5 and $6 of nonaccrual loans held for sale at June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013, respectively.
  • Includes $10 of nonaccrual government insured commercial loans whose repayments are insured by the SBA at both June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013, and $3 and $2 of restructured nonaccrual government insured commercial loans at June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013, respectively.
  • Excludes $92 and $77 of OREO related to government insured loans at June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013, respectively.


Troubled Debt Restructurings

If a borrower is experiencing financial difficulty, the Bancorp may consider, in certain circumstances, modifying the terms of their loan to maximize collection of amounts due. Within each of the Bancorp's loan classes, TDRs typically involve either a reduction of the stated interest rate of the loan, an extension of the loan's maturity date(s) with a stated rate lower than the current market rate for a new loan with similar risk, or in limited circumstances, a reduction of the principal balance of the loan or the loan's accrued interest. Modifying the terms of a loan may result in an increase or decrease to the ALLL depending upon the terms modified, the method used to measure the ALLL for a loan prior to modification, and whether any charge-offs were recorded on the loan before or at the time of modification. Refer to the ALLL section of Note 1 in the Bancorp's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2013 for information on the Bancorp's ALLL methodology. Upon modification of a loan, the Bancorp measures the related impairment as the difference between the estimated future cash flows expected to be collected on the modified loan, discounted at the original effective yield of the loan, and the carrying value of the loan. The resulting measurement may result in the need for minimal or no valuation allowance because it is probable that all cash flows will be collected under the modified terms of the loan. In addition, if the stated interest rate was increased in a TDR, the cash flows on the modified loan, using the pre-modification interest rate as the discount rate, often exceed the recorded investment of the loan. Conversely, upon a modification that reduces the stated interest rate on a loan the Bancorp often recognizes an impairment loss as an increase to the ALLL.


If a TDR involves a reduction of the principal balance of the loan or the loan's accrued interest, that amount is charged off to the ALLL. As of June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013, the Bancorp had $4 million and $46 million in line of credit commitments and $87 million and $40 million in letter of credit commitments, respectively, to lend additional funds to borrowers whose terms have been modified in a TDR.

The following table provides a summary of loans modified in a TDR by the Bancorp during the three months ended:
    Recorded investment   
  Number of loansin loans modifiedIncreaseCharge-offs
  modified in a TDRin a TDR to ALLL uponrecognized upon
June 30, 2014 ($ in millions)(a)during the period(b)during the periodmodificationmodification
 Commercial and industrial loans 44 $100  6  - 
 Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans4  39  -  - 
 Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans4  1  -  - 
Residential mortgage loans262  39 2  - 
 Home equity71  3  -  - 
 Automobile loans143  2  -  - 
 Credit card1,713  11 2  - 
Total portfolio loans and leases2,241 $195  10  - 
    Recorded investmentIncrease  
  Number of loansin loans modified(Decrease)Charge-offs
  modified in a TDRin a TDR to ALLL uponrecognized upon
June 30, 2013 ($ in millions)(a)during the period(b)during the periodmodificationmodification
 Commercial and industrial loans 43 $112  (1)  - 
 Commercial mortgage owner occupied loans14  5  -  - 
 Commercial mortgage non-owner occupied loans19  37  (3)  - 
 Commercial construction loans 1   1  -  - 
Residential mortgage loans420  68  8  - 
 Home equity178  11  (1)  - 
 Automobile loans133  3  1  - 
 Credit card2,180  13  2  - 
Total portfolio loans and leases2,988 $250  6  - 

  • Excludes all loans and leases held for sale and loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality which were accounted for within a pool.
  • Represents number of loans post-modification.

The following table provides a summary of loans modified in a TDR by the Bancorp during the six months ended:
    Recorded investmentIncrease  
  Number of loansin loans modified(Decrease)Charge-offs
 modified in a TDRin a TDR to ALLL uponrecognized upon
June 30, 2014 ($ in millions)(a)during the period(b)during the periodmodificationmodification
 Commercial and industrial loans 66 $119  2  - 
 Commercial mortgage owner-occupied loans20  51  (1)  - 
 Commercial mortgage nonowner-occupied loans11  7  (1)  - 
Residential mortgage loans572  84 5  - 
 Home equity106  4  -  - 
 Automobile loans259  4  -  - 
 Credit card3,664  23 4  - 
Total portfolio loans and leases4,698 $292  9  - 
    Recorded investmentIncrease  
  Number of loansin loans modified(Decrease)Charge-offs
 modified in a TDRin a TDR to ALLL uponrecognized upon
June 30, 2013 ($ in millions)(a)during the period(b)during the periodmodificationmodification
 Commercial and industrial loans 63 $121  -  1 
 Commercial mortgage owner-occupied loans(c)24  9  (1)  - 
 Commercial mortgage nonowner-occupied loans34  54  (5)  - 
 Commercial construction loans2  7  (1)  - 
Residential mortgage loans814  129 16  - 
 Home equity504  27  -  - 
 Automobile loans248  9 1  - 
 Credit card4,492  28 4  - 
Total portfolio loans and leases6,181 $384 14 1 

  • Excludes all loans and leases held for sale and loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality which were accounted for within a pool.
  • Represents number of loans post-modification.
  • Excludes five loans modified in a TDR during the six months ended June 30, 2013 associated with a consolidated VIE in which the Bancorp has no continuing credit risk due to the risk being assumed by a third party. The TDR had a recorded investment of $29, ALLL increased $7 upon modification, and a charge-off of $2 was recognized upon modification.

The Bancorp considers TDRs that become 90 days or more past due under the modified terms as subsequently defaulted. For commercial loans not subject to individual review for impairment, loss rates that are applied for purposes of determining the allowance include historical losses associated with subsequent defaults on loans previously modified in a TDR. For consumer loans, the Bancorp performs a qualitative assessment of the adequacy of the consumer ALLL by comparing the consumer ALLL to forecasted consumer losses over the projected loss emergence period (the forecasted losses include the impact of subsequent defaults of consumer TDRs). When a residential mortgage, home equity, auto or other consumer loan that has been modified in a TDR subsequently defaults, the present value of expected cash flows used in the measurement of the potential impairment loss is generally limited to the expected net proceeds from the sale of the loan's underlying collateral and any resulting impairment loss is reflected as a charge-off or an increase in ALLL. When a credit card loan that has been modified in a TDR subsequently defaults, the calculation of the impairment loss is consistent with the Bancorp's calculation for other credit card loans that have become 90 days or more past due.


The following table provides a summary of subsequent defaults of TDRs that occurred during the three months ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 and within 12 months of the restructuring date:
  Number of Recorded
June 30, 2014 ($ in millions)(a)Contracts Investment
 Commercial and industrial loans 3 $6 
Residential mortgage loans40  6 
 Home equity10  1 
 Automobile loans 2   - 
 Credit card363  3 
Total portfolio loans and leases418 $16 
  Number of Recorded
June 30, 2013 ($ in millions)(a)Contracts Investment
 Commercial and industrial loans 1 $ - 
 Commercial mortgage owner-occupied loans4  1 
Residential mortgage loans55  8 
 Home equity20  1 
 Credit card411  2 
Total portfolio loans and leases491 $12 

  • Excludes all loans and leases held for sale and loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality.

The following table provides a summary of subsequent defaults that occurred during the six months ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 and within 12 months of the restructuring date:
  Number of Recorded
June 30, 2014 ($ in millions)(a)Contracts Investment
 Commercial and industrial loans 9 $20 
 Commercial mortgage owner-occupied loans2  3 
Residential mortgage loans81  12 
 Home equity20  1 
 Automobile loans4   - 
 Credit card870   6 
Total portfolio loans and leases986 $42 
  Number of Recorded
June 30, 2013 ($ in millions)(a)Contracts Investment
 Commercial and industrial loans 2 $ - 
 Commercial mortgage owner-occupied loans4  1 
Residential mortgage loans226  37 
 Home equity34  2 
 Automobile loans3   - 
 Credit card926  6 
Total portfolio loans and leases1,195 $46 

  • Excludes all loans and leases held for sale and loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality.