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November, 2005 HSBC Finance Corporation and HSBC USA Inc. Supplement to the Forms 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2005


Forward Looking Statements This document, and subsequent discussion, contains certain forward-looking information with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of HSBC Holdings plc, HSBC Finance Corporation, HSBC USA Inc. and HSBC North America Holdings Inc. This information represents expectations or beliefs concerning future events and is subject to unknown risks and uncertainties. This information speaks only as of the date on which it is provided. Additional detailed information concerning important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially is available in the HSBC Holdings plc Annual Report, HSBC Finance Corporation Annual Report on Form 10-K, and HSBC USA Inc. Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004. Please further be advised that Regulation FD prohibits HSBC representatives from answering certain, specific questions during the Q&A session.


International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") Prior to January 1, 2005, HSBC Holdings plc ("HSBC") reported results on a U.K. GAAP basis. The European Union has determined that all European listed companies will be required to prepare their consolidated financial statements using IFRSs by 2005. As a result, HSBC began reporting its financial results under IFRSs rather than U.K. GAAP with its release of interim financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2005. HSBC Finance Corporation - Managed Basis (a non-GAAP financial measure) assumes that securitized customer loans have not been sold and remain on our balance sheet. HSBC Finance Corporation - Management Basis In addition to managed basis reporting, we also monitor our operations and evaluate trends on a Management basis (a non-GAAP financial measure). Management basis reporting, in addition to the managed basis adjustments, assumes that the Mortgages and Private Label customer loans transferred to HSBC's U.S. banking subsidiary, HSBC Bank USA, N.A. ("HSBC Bank USA"), have not been sold and remain on the balance sheet, and that the funding facility with HSBC Bank USA as the originating lender for our taxpayer refund anticipation loan program is not in place. We also monitor our operations and evaluate trends on a management basis because the customer loan sales to HSBC Bank USA were conducted primarily to more appropriately fund prime customer loans within the HSBC Group and such customer loans continue to be managed and serviced by Basis of Reporting


Management Basis - continued us without regard to ownership. Furthermore, we also review operating results and make decisions about allocating resources such as employees on a management basis. When reporting on a management basis, net interest income, fee income and loan impairment charges are adjusted to include the activity associated with these customer loans transferred to HSBC Bank USA. Gains on sales and the related servicing fees are eliminated along with the funding facility fees paid to HSBC Bank USA. We believe that management basis information enables readers, investors and other interested parties to better understand the overall performance and related trends of our consumer finance business. HSBC Finance Corporation - IFRS Management Basis (a non-GAAP financial measure) represents Management Basis plus IFRS adjustments. HSBC USA Inc. - IFRS represents HSBC USA Inc. U.S. GAAP results plus IFRS adjustments. International Accounting Standards ("IAS") Lite Management Basis excludes application of: IAS 32, "Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation;" IAS 39, "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement;" and IFRS 4, "Insurance Contracts." Basis of Reporting - continued


Strong underlying business performance supported by good credit experience, customer loan growth and expense trends Impacts of Hurricane Katrina (“KATRINA”) resulted in $206 million (before tax) of incremental loan impairment charges and $11 million (before tax) of foregone operating income in the quarter Expect higher bankruptcy loan impairment charges in the region of $200 million (before tax) in the fourth quarter due to U.S. bankruptcy legislation, substantially covered by existing allowances Excluding impacts of Katrina, but including additional loan impairment charges for bankruptcy, combined profit for the period for HSBC Finance Corporation and HSBC USA Inc. increased 10% compared to Q3 04 and 4% on a year-to-date basis HSBC Finance Corporation and HSBC USA Inc. Third Quarter 2005 Highlights - IFRS (A Non-GAAP Measure)


HSBC Finance Corporation and HSBC USA Inc. Profit For the Period - IFRS (A Non-GAAP Measure) (Millions $) Q3 05 IFRS Profit for the Period: HSBC Finance Corporation HSBC USA Inc. Sub-total Profit for the Period related to transferred assets (1) Combined Profit for the Period Katrina impact, net of Tax Expense Combined Profit for the Period, adjusted Primarily relates to eliminations of affiliated transactions from the transfer of assets between HSBC Finance Corporation and HSBC USA Inc. $388 228 616 72 688 139 $827 $517 337 854 (99) 755 - $755 Q3 04 IAS Lite


HSBC Finance Corporation and HSBC USA Inc. Profit for the Period - IFRS (A Non-GAAP Measure) (Millions $) 2005 IFRS Profit for the Period: HSBC Finance Corporation HSBC USA Inc. Sub-total Profit for the Period related to transferred assets (1) Combined Profit for the Period Katrina impact, net of Tax Expense Combined Profit for the Period, adjusted Primarily relates to eliminations of affiliated transactions from the transfer of assets between HSBC Finance Corporation and HSBC USA Inc. $1,794 724 2,518 233 2,751 139 $2,890 $1,918 967 2,885 (105) 2,780 - $2,780 Nine months ended September 30, 2004 IAS Lite


HSBC Finance Corporation and HSBC USA Inc. Third Quarter 2005 Hurricane Katrina Impacts - IFRS (A Non-GAAP Measure) (Millions $) Loan Impairment Charges Consumer Cards HSBC Finance Corporation HSBC USA Inc. Total Katrina Impact $125 55 180 26 $206 Foregone Operating Income Total Pre-tax $ - 7 7 4 $11 $125 62 187 30 $217 Exposure $1.8 billion of managed customer loans $1.1 billion secured by Real Estate Estimates of loan impairment charges will be refined as more information becomes available


HSBC Finance Corporation


HSBC Finance Corporation - Third Quarter 2005 Highlights IFRS Management Basis (A Non-GAAP Measure) Strong underlying business performance Expect higher bankruptcy charge-offs in the region of $200 million (before tax) in the fourth quarter due to U.S. bankruptcy legislation, substantially covered by existing allowances Adjusting for Katrina, but including additional loan impairment charges for bankruptcy, profit for the period increased 3% from Q3 04 and 6% year-to-date Customer loan growth of 19% year-over-year, with good organic growth NIM (Net Interest Margin) compression consistent with the current market environment Higher RAR (Risk Adjusted Revenue) driven by credit quality improvements and increased fee generation Improved underlying credit results driven by stronger analytics, improved collections, portfolio mix and a favorable economy Charge-offs down 100 bps compared to Q3 04 2+ delinquency down 80 bps from September 30, 2004 Improving expense trends


HSBC Finance Corporation IFRS Management Basis (A Non-GAAP Measure) (Millions $) Q3 05 IFRS $2,973 614 3,587 1,430 205 1,295 657 233 424 138 $ 562 36.1% 3.4% Q3 04 IAS Lite $2,839 692 3,531 1,392 - 1,290 849 306 543 - $ 543 36.5% 4.0% Net Interest Income Other Operating Income Total Operating Income Loan Impairment Charges Loan Impairment Charges, Katrina related Operating Expenses Profit Before Tax Tax Expense Profit for the Period Katrina impact, net of Tax Expense Adjusted Profit for the Period Cost Efficiency Ratio Expenses/Average Customer Loans


HSBC Finance Corporation IFRS Management Basis (A Non-GAAP Measure) (Millions $) Net Interest Income Other Operating Income Total Operating Income Loan Impairment Charges Loan Impairment Charges, Katrina related Operating Expenses Profit Before Tax Tax Expense Profit for the Period Katrina impact, net of Tax Expense Adjusted Profit for the Period Cost Efficiency Ratio Expenses/Average Customer Loans 2005 IFRS 2004 IAS Lite Nine months ended September 30, $8,807 2,047 10,854 3,751 205 3,922 2,976 1,008 1,968 138 $2,106 36.1% 3.6% $8,481 2,102 10,583 3,890 - 3,718 2,975 995 1,980 - $1,980 35.1% 4.0%


HSBC Finance Corporation Key Ratios - Management Basis (A Non-GAAP Measure) Q3 04 Q4 04 Q1 05 Q2 05 Q3 05 NIM 0.0775 0.0757 0.0713 0.071 0.069 RAR 0.064 0.0652 0.0671 0.0651 0.066 ROMA 0.0084 0.0074 0.0132 0.0114 0.008 Risk Adjusted Margin 4.07 4.6 4.35 4.34 0.01 Derived from U.S. GAAP reported results and adjusted to management basis as further described on pages 3 and 4. Excludes impact of initial FFIEC implementation. (3) Excludes mark-to-market on derivatives which do not qualify as effective hedges and ineffectiveness associated with qualifying hedges under SFAS 133. Q3 05 ROMA includes the impact of Katrina ($138 million after-tax). (2) (3) (3) (1)


HSBC Finance Corporation Credit Quality - Management Basis (A Non-GAAP Measure) Q3 04 Q4 04 Q1 05 Q2 05 Q3 05 Charge-Offs 0.0423 0.0384 0.0356 0.0325 0.032 RAR 0.064 0.0652 0.0671 0.0651 0.066 2+ Delinquency 0.0444 0.0395 0.0368 0.0359 0.036 Risk Adjusted Margin 4.07 4.6 4.35 4.34 4.03 (1) Derived from U.S. GAAP reported results and adjusted to management basis as further described on pages 3 and 4. Q4 04 excludes impact of initial FFIEC implementation. Excludes mark-to-market on derivatives which do not qualify as effective hedges and ineffectiveness associated with qualifying hedges under SFAS 133. (2) (3) (1)


HSBC Finance Corporation IFRS Management Basis (A Non-GAAP Measure) Customer Loans (Millions $) (1) MasterCard is a registered trademark of MasterCard International, Incorporated and Visa is a registered trademark of VISA USA, Inc.


HSBC Finance Corporation Third Quarter 2005 - Business Unit Highlights Good growth in Real Estate Secured products, up 17% year- over-year Includes both near-prime and subprime segments Continued focus on junior liens and cross selling More granular pricing based on segmentation and risk Solid growth in unsecured loans, driven by successful direct mail campaigns Retail Branch Channel (HFC/Beneficial) Correspondent/ Wholesale Channel Continued strong Real Estate Secured volumes; portfolio up 45% year-over-year Expanded junior lien portfolio Expanded distribution through diversifying flow originators Enhanced market pricing segmentation Continued improvement in origination expense ratio


HSBC Finance Corporation Third Quarter 2005 - Business Unit Highlights Excellent quarter with strong profits, solid organic loan growth and good operating income growth Expanded net interest margin by growing non-prime book and repricing efforts Strong growth in fee and other operating income due to growing portfolio and higher interchange Underlying credit quality very good Risk adjusted revenue up sharply Continued focus on non-prime card sectors Pending Metris acquisition on track for a fourth quarter close Credit Card Private Label Signed two additional department store merchants, Neiman Marcus and Bon Ton stores Growing commercial card capability including Office Max and Advanced Auto Parts Continued strong merchant renewals Overall credit quality strong based on continued improvements in front-end underwriting tools and collections management


HSBC Finance Corporation Third Quarter 2005 - Business Unit Highlights Strong organic growth, principally in the near-prime portfolio Benefit of mix shift is evident in results Expanded distribution through direct channel Optimized collections and active portfolio management Canada Customer loan growth strong Branch network's strong growth led by secured and unsecured products Growth initiatives in auto business and credit cards off to a good start Continued branch expansion Credit quality stable UK In response to difficult environment, focused on credit and loss mitigation In retail branch, increased usage of risk-based pricing and proprietary analytics for risk management Credit cards continued focus on risk- based pricing and credit line management Auto International




HSBC USA Inc. - Third Quarter 2005 Highlights IFRS (A Non-GAAP Measure) Good core loan and deposit growth over 2004 Commercial loan growth of 20% Total deposit growth of 17% Overall credit quality remains strong Adjusting for Katrina and non-recurring items in Q3 04, profit for Q3 05 increased 4% Non-recurring items primarily relate to gain on affiliate sale and third party asset sale 2005 results also impacted by private label purchase premium amortization Cost efficiency ratio increased from a year ago largely due to non-recurring items in 2004, effects of private label transfer and impacts of Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets (CIBM)


HSBC USA Inc. IFRS (A Non-GAAP Measure) (Millions $) Net Interest Income Other Operating Income Total Operating Income Loan Impairment Charges Loan Impairment Charges, Katrina related Operating Expenses Profit Before Tax Tax Expense Profit for the Period Katrina impact, net of Tax Expense Adjusted Profit for the Period Cost Efficiency Ratio $766 412 1,178 186 26 597 369 141 228 19 $247 50.7% $693 371 1,064 17 - 499 548 211 337 - $337 46.9% Q3 05 IFRS Q3 04 IAS Lite


HSBC USA Inc. IFRS (A Non-GAAP Measure) (Millions $) Net Interest Income Other Operating Income Total Operating Income Loan Impairment Charges Loan Impairment Charges, Katrina related Operating Expenses Profit Before Tax Tax Expense Profit for the Period Katrina impact, net of Tax Expense Adjusted Profit for the Period Cost Efficiency Ratio $2,347 1,127 3,474 497 26 1,786 1,165 441 724 19 $743 51.4% $2,021 1,023 3,044 (7) - 1,545 1,506 539 967 - $967 50.8% 2005 IFRS 2004 IAS Lite Nine months ended September 30,


HSBC USA Inc. Third Quarter 2005 - Business Unit Highlights Personal Financial Services (PFS) Good core loan and deposit growth On-line savings product being launched Mortgage results improved on strong retail origination volumes and increased value of servicing rights Expanded customer service initiatives and established new distribution channels, including 12 branch openings year to date Introduced HSBC Premier Investor, a high yield branch-based deposit product, which added over $1 billion since Q3 04 Expanded in niche markets (Chinese market campaign and Embassy banking business) Commercial Banking (CMB) Expansion of small business relationships added loans of $450 million and deposits of $1.3 billion since Q3 04. Continue to be the #1 SBA lender in New York state. Loan growth from new geographic markets (e.g. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Miami and Philadelphia) Added commercial real estate relationship managers in West Coast and downstate New York, which added loans of $1.0 billion and deposits of over $450 million since Q3 04


Interest rate and yield curve pressures significantly reduced Money Market and Balance Sheet Management income. Other operating income, particularly in areas where investment has been made, such as global markets trading, improved. Business investment strategy remains on course supported by financial and client results. Cost build out mostly completed as platforms are largely in place and benefits realization phase ongoing. Improved overall liquidity from Global Transaction Banking deposit gathering initiatives Successfully priced the first two MBS whole loan deals and the first agency CMO deal Won integrated NAFTA Payments and Cash Management mandate for major corporate client in Logistics sector, an industry first HSBC USA Inc. Third Quarter 2005 - Business Unit Highlights Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets (CIBM) Private Banking (PB) Strong operating income growth from Q3 04 and improved balance sheet mix; loan growth of 24% Increasing rates provided opportunity for deposit growth Restructured Latin America business and established a global market management team to better serve clients




Reconciliation to GAAP Financial Measures
HSBC Finance Corporation Income Statement
IFRS Management Basis
    Three Months Ended 9/30/05   Three Months Ended 9/30/04
            IFRS                   IAS Lite    
            Management   IFRS           Management   IAS Lite
    Owned   Basis   Management   Owned   Basis   Management
(dollars are in millions)   Basis   Adjustments   Basis   Basis   Adjustments   Basis
Net interest income
  $ 2,163     $ 810     $ 2,973     $ 1,969     $ 870     $ 2,839  
Other operating income
    1,102       (488 )     614       1,040       (348 )     692  
Total operating income
  $ 3,265     $ 322     $ 3,587     $ 3,009     $ 522     $ 3,531  
Loan impairment charges
    1,181       249       1,430       1,123       269       1,392  
Loan impairment charges, Katrina related
    180       25       205                    
Operating expenses
    1,483       (188 )     1,295       1,408       (118 )     1,290  
Profit before tax
    421       236       657       478       371       849  
Tax expense
    140       93       233       153       153       306  
Profit for the period
  $ 281     $ 143     $ 424     $ 325     $ 218     $ 543  
Katrina impact, net of tax expense
          138       138                    
Adjusted profit for the period
  $ 281     $ 281     $ 562     $ 325     $ 218     $ 543  
Cost Efficiency Ratio:
Total operating expenses
  $ 1,483     $ (188 )   $ 1,295     $ 1,408     $ (118 )   $ 1,290  
Policyholders’ benefits
    (109 )     109             (93 )     93        
Total operating expenses, excluding policyholders’ benefits
    1,374       (79 )     1,295       1,315       (25 )     1,290  
Net interest income and other operating income
    3,265       322       3,587       3,009       522       3,531  
Policyholders’ benefits
    (109 )     109             (93 )     93        
Net interest income and other operating income, excluding policyholders’ benefits
  $ 3,156     $ 431     $ 3,587     $ 2,916     $ 615     $ 3,531  
Cost efficiency ratio
    43.5 %           36.1 %     45.1 %           36.5 %
Adjusted profit for the period growth:
Profit for the period
  $ 281     $ 281     $ 562     $ 325     $ 218     $ 543  
IFRS management basis profit for the period growth:
9/30/05 compared to 9/30/04
                    3 %                      


Reconciliation to GAAP Financial Measures
HSBC Finance Corporation Income Statement
IFRS Management Basis
    Nine Months Ended 9/30/05   Nine Months Ended 9/30/04
            IFRS                   IAS Lite    
            Management   IFRS           Management   IAS Lite
    Owned   Basis   Management   Owned   Basis   Management
(dollars are in millions)   Basis   Adjustments   Basis   Basis   Adjustments   Basis
Net interest income
  $ 6,086     $ 2,721     $ 8,807     $ 5,719     $ 2,762     $ 8,481  
Other operating income
    3,688       (1,641 )     2,047       3,315       (1,213 )     2,102  
Total operating income
  $ 9,774     $ 1,080     $ 10,854     $ 9,034     $ 1,549     $ 10,583  
Loan impairment charges
    3,053       698       3,751       3,048       842       3,890  
Loan impairment charges, Katrina related
    180       25       205                    
Operating expenses
    4,467       (545 )     3,922       4,139       (421 )     3,718  
Profit before tax
    2,074       902       2,976       1,847       1,128       2,975  
Tax expense
    695       313       1,008       619       376       995  
Profit for the period
  $ 1,379     $ 589     $ 1,968     $ 1,228     $ 752     $ 1,980  
Katrina impact, net of tax expense
          138       138                    
Adjusted profit for the period
  $ 1,379     $ 727     $ 2,106     $ 1,228     $ 752     $ 1,980  
Cost Efficiency Ratio:
Total operating expenses
  $ 4,467     $ (545 )   $ 3,922     $ 4,139     $ (421 )   $ 3,718  
Policyholders’ benefits
    (347 )     347             (299 )     299        
Total operating expenses, excluding policyholders’ benefits
    4,120       (198 )     3,922       3,840       (122 )     3,718  
Net interest income and other operating income
    9,774       1,080       10,854       9,034       1,549       10,583  
Policyholders’ benefits
    (347 )     347             (299 )     299        
Net interest income and other operating income, excluding policyholders’ benefits
  $ 9,427     $ 1,427     $ 10,854     $ 8,735     $ 1,848     $ 10,583  
Cost efficiency ratio
    43.7 %           36.1 %     44.0 %           35.1 %
Adjusted profit for the period growth:
Profit for the period
  $ 1,379     $ 727     $ 2,106     $ 1,228     $ 752     $ 1,980  
IFRS management basis profit for the period growth:
                    6 %                        


Reconciliation to GAAP Financial Measures
HSBC Finance Corporation
Management Basis
    Three months ended
    September 30, 2005   September 30, 2004
    (dollars are in millions)
Return on Average Assets:
Profit for the period:
Owned basis
  $ 281     $ 325  
Management basis adjustments
    31       26  
Management basis
  $ 312     $ 351  
Adjusted profit for the period:
Owned basis
  $ 281     $ 325  
Management basis adjustments
    31       26  
Derivative adjustments
    43       (34 )
Management basis adjusted for derivatives
  $ 355     $ 317  
Average assets:
Owned basis
  $ 141,765     $ 124,512  
Management basis adjustments
    28,452       26,282  
Management basis
  $ 170,217     $ 150,794  
Return on average owned assets
    .8 %     1.0 %
Return on average management assets
    .7       .9  
Return on average management assets, adjusted for derivatives
    .8       .8  
Managed Basis Risk Adjusted Revenue:
Net interest income
  $ 2,340     $ 2,550  
Other operating income, excluding securitization revenue and the mark-to-market on derivatives which do not qualify as effective hedges and ineffectiveness associated with qualifying hedges under SFAS No. 133
    1,185       916  
Less: Net charge-offs
    (1,052 )     (1,363 )
Risk adjusted revenue
  $ 2,473     $ 2,103  
Management basis adjustments:
Net interest income
  $ 339     $ 51  
Other operating income, excluding securitization revenue and the mark-to-market on derivatives which do not qualify as effective hedges and ineffectiveness associated with qualifying hedges under SFAS No. 133
    (89 )     (5 )
Less: Net charge-offs
    (158 )     (2 )
Risk adjusted revenue, management basis adjustments
  $ 92     $ 44  
Management basis:
Net interest income
  $ 2,679     $ 2,601  
Other operating income, excluding securitization revenue and the mark-to-market on derivatives which do not qualify as effective hedges and ineffectiveness associated with qualifying hedges under SFAS No. 133
    1,096       911  
Less: Net charge-offs
    (1,210 )     (1,365 )
Risk adjusted revenue, management basis
  $ 2,565     $ 2,147  
Average interest-earning assets:
Managed basis
  $ 134,817     $ 129,497  
Management basis adjustments
    20,806       4,719  
Management basis
  $ 155,623     $ 134,216  
Managed basis risk adjusted revenue
    7.3 %     6.5 %
Management basis risk adjusted revenue
    6.6       6.4  
Net Interest Income:
Net interest income:
Owned basis
  $ 2,163     $ 1,969  
Management basis adjustments
    516       632  
Management basis
  $ 2,679     $ 2,601  
Average interest-earning assets:
Owned basis
  $ 127,038     $ 107,955  
Management basis adjustments
    28,585       26,261  
Management basis
  $ 155,623     $ 134,216  
Owned basis net interest margin
    6.8 %     7.3 %
Management basis net interest margin
    6.9       7.8  


Reconciliation to GAAP Financial Measures
HSBC Finance Corporation
Management Basis
    Three months ended  
    September 30, 2005     September 30, 2004  
    (dollars are in millions)  
Consumer Net Charge-off Ratio:
Consumer net charge-offs:
Owned basis
  $ 902     $ 969  
Management basis adjustments
    308       396  
Management basis
  $ 1,210     $ 1,365  
Average consumer receivables:
Owned basis
  $ 123,163     $ 102,821  
Management basis adjustments
    28,579       26,266  
Management basis
  $ 151,742     $ 129,087  
Owned basis consumer net charge-off ratio
    2.9 %     3.8 %
Management basis consumer net charge-off ratio
    3.2       4.2  
Two-Months-and-Over Contractual Delinquency Ratio:
Consumer 2+ delinquency:
Owned basis
  $ 4,861     $ 4,702  
Management basis adjustments
    830       1,117  
Management basis
  $ 5,691     $ 5,819  
Consumer receivables:
Owned basis
  $ 128,524     $ 106,130  
Management basis adjustments
    27,631       25,037  
Management basis
  $ 156,155     $ 131,167  
Owned basis consumer 2+ delinquency ratio
    3.8 %     4.4 %
Management basis consumer 2+ delinquency ratio
    3.6       4.4  


Reconciliation to GAAP Financial Measures
HSBC Finance Corporation Customer Loans
IFRS Management Basis
    As at September 30, 2005   As at June 30, 2005   As at September 30, 2004
            IFRS                   IFRS                   IFRS    
            Management   IFRS           Management   IFRS           Management   IFRS
    Owned   Basis   Management   Owned   Basis   Management   Owned   Basis   Management
(dollars are in millions)   Basis   Adjustments   Basis   Basis   Adjustments   Basis   Basis   Adjustments   Basis
Branch real estate
  $ 40,236     $ 109     $ 40,345     $ 39,091     $ (10)     $ 39,081     $ 34,000     $ 462     $ 34,462  
Correspondent real estate
    37,894       4,880       42,774       32,839       5,210       38,049       24,726       4,758       29,484  
Real estate secured
    78,130       4,989       83,119       71,930       5,200       77,130       58,726       5,220       63,946  
MasterCard/Visa (1)
    18,974       3,631       22,605       17,421       4,771       22,192       11,666       8,854       20,520  
Private label
    2,777       15,929       18,706       2,905       15,109       18,014       14,000       3,959       17,959  
Auto finance
    10,137       1,491       11,628       8,997       1,841       10,838       6,823       3,081       9,904  
Personal non-credit card
    18,484       1,777       20,261       17,255       2,501       19,756       14,888       3,707       18,595  
Commercial and other
    220       (179 )     41       253       (181 )     72       334       (192 )     142  
Total customer loans
  $ 128,722     $ 27,638     $ 156,360     $ 118,761     $ 24,241     $ 148,002     $ 106,437     $ 24,629     $ 131,066  
(1)   MasterCard is a registered trademark of MasterCard International, Incorporated and Visa is a registered trademark of VISA USA, Inc.


Reconciliation to GAAP Financial Measures
HSBC USA Inc. Income Statement
    Three Months Ended 9/30/05   Three Months Ended 9/30/04
    Owned   IFRS       Owned   IAS Lite    
(dollars are in millions)   Basis   Adjustments   IFRS   Basis   Adjustments   IAS Lite
Net interest income
  $ 761     $ 5     $ 766     $ 698     $ (5 )   $ 693  
Other operating income
    505       (93 )     412       362       9       371  
Total operating income
  $ 1,266     $ (88 )   $ 1,178     $ 1,060     $ 4     $ 1,064  
Loan impairment charges
    173       13       186       27       (10 )     17  
Loan impairment charges, Katrina related
    26             26                    
Operating expenses
    673       (76 )     597       480       19       499  
Profit before tax
    394       (25 )     369       553       (5 )     548  
Tax expense
    142       (1 )     141       214       (3 )     211  
Profit for the period
  $ 252     $ (24 )   $ 228     $ 339     $ (2 )   $ 337  
Katrina impact, net of tax expense
          19       19                    
Non-recurring items, net of tax expense
                            (99 )     (99 )
Adjusted profit for the period
  $ 252     $ (5 )   $ 247     $ 339     $ (101 )   $ 238  
Cost Efficiency Ratio:
Total operating expenses
  $ 673     $ (76 )   $ 597     $ 480     $ 19     $ 499  
Net interest income and other operating income
    1,266       (88 )     1,178       1,060       4       1,064  
Cost efficiency ratio
    53.2 %           50.7 %     45.3 %           46.9 %
Adjusted profit for the period growth:
Profit for the period
  $ 252     $ (5 )   $ 247     $ 339     $ (101 )   $ 238  
IFRS profit for the period growth:
9/30/05 compared to 9/30/04
                    4 %                      
    Nine Months Ended 9/30/05   Nine Months Ended 9/30/04
    Owned   IFRS       Owned   IAS Lite    
(dollars are in millions)   Basis   Adjustments   IFRS   Basis   Adjustments   IAS Lite
Net interest income
  $ 2,321     $ 26     $ 2,347     $ 2,041     $ (20 )   $ 2,021  
Other operating income
    1,397       (270 )     1,127       995       28       1,023  
Total operating income
  $ 3,718     $ (244 )   $ 3,474     $ 3,036     $ 8     $ 3,044  
Loan impairment charges
    450       47       497       7       (14 )     (7 )
Loan impairment charges, Katrina related
    26             26                    
Operating expenses
    2,012       (226 )     1,786       1,489       56       1,545  
Profit before tax
    1,230       (65 )     1,165       1,540       (34 )     1,506  
Tax expense
    450       (9 )     441       551       (12 )     539  
Profit for the period
  $ 780     $ (56 )   $ 724     $ 989     $ (22 )   $ 967  
Katrina impact, net of tax expense
          19       19                    
Non-recurring items, net of tax expense
                            (99 )     (99 )
Adjusted profit for the period
  $ 780     $ (37 )   $ 743     $ 989     $ (121 )   $ 868  
Cost Efficiency Ratio:
Total operating expenses
  $ 2,012     $ (226 )   $ 1,786     $ 1,489     $ 56     $ 1,545  
Net interest income and other operating income
    3,718       (244 )     3,474       3,036       8       3,044  
Cost efficiency ratio
    54.1 %           51.4 %     49.0 %           50.8 %