53 State Street Boston MA 02109
Nicholas J. Ordway
53 State Street Boston MA 02109
2 1 28-00471 254900HQ4FOE2DTMJN14 Fiduciary Trust Company 2 28-17953 Fiduciary Trust Company of New England FIDUCIARY TRUST CO Nicholas J. Ordway Nicholas J. Ordway Compliance Manager 08/29/2024
PROXY VOTING RECORD 2 BRDQU5_0000035442_2024.xml VOTE TABLE 3M COMPANY88579Y101US88579Y101005/14/2024Advisory approval of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER592660AGAINST59266AGAINST12 A.O. SMITH CORPORATION831865209US831865209104/09/2024Proposal to approve, by nonbinding advisory vote, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER52320FOR5232FOR12 ABB LTD000375204US000375204703/21/2024Consultative vote on the Compensation Report 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9340FOR934FOR12 ABBOTT LABORATORIES002824100US002824100004/26/2024Say on Pay - An Advisory Vote on the Approval of Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3129830FOR312983FOR12 ABBVIE INC.00287Y109US00287Y109105/03/2024Say on Pay-An advisory vote on the approval of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3031680FOR303168FOR12 ABBVIE INC.00287Y109US00287Y109105/03/2024Say When on Pay-An advisory vote on the frequency of the advisory vote to approve of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30316801 YEAR303168FOR12 ACADEMY SPORTS AND OUTDOORS, INC.00402L107US00402L107006/06/2024Approval, by a non-binding advisory vote, the fiscal 2023 compensation paid to the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3740FOR374FOR12 ACCENTURE PLCG1151C101IE00B4BNMY3401/31/2024To approve, in a non-binding vote, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER376110FOR37611FOR12 ADAPTIMMUNE THERAPEUTICS PLC00653A107US00653A107905/14/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers for the year ended December 31, 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10250AGAINST1025AGAINST12 ADAPTIMMUNE THERAPEUTICS PLC00653A107US00653A107905/14/2024To receive and approve our U.K. statutory directors' remuneration report for the year ended December 31, 2023 (excluding the directors' remuneration policy)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10250FOR1025FOR12 ADIDAS AG00687A107US00687A107905/16/2024Approval of the Compensation ReportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER240AGAINST24NONE12 ADIENT PLCG0084W101IE00BD845X2903/12/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10000FOR1000FOR12 ADOBE INC.00724F101US00724F101204/17/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER244740FOR24474FOR12 ADVANCED ENERGY INDUSTRIES, INC.007973100US007973100804/25/2024Advisory approval of the compensation of Advanced Energy's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8910FOR891FOR12 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC.007903107US007903107805/08/2024Approve on a non-binding, advisory basis the compensation of the named executive officers, as disclosed in this proxy statement pursuant to the compensation disclosure rules of the U.S. Securities and Exchange CommissionSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER55850AGAINST5585AGAINST12 ADVANSIX INC00773T101US00773T101606/13/2024An advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER60FOR6FOR12 AECOM00766T100US00766T100703/19/2024Advisory vote to approve the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER23220FOR2322FOR12 AEGON0076CA104US0076CA104506/12/2024Annual Report and Annual Accounts 2023: Remuneration Report 2023 (This item will be subject to an advisory vote.)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1830FOR183FOR12 AEROVIRONMENT, INC.008073108US008073108809/29/2023Non-binding advisory vote on the compensation of the company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9040FOR904FOR12 AEROVIRONMENT, INC.008073108US008073108809/29/2023Non-binding advisory vote on the frequency of future non-binding advisory votes on the compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER90401 YEAR904FOR12 AFFIRM HOLDINGS, INC.00827B106US00827B106112/04/2023Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3000FOR300FOR12 AFLAC INCORPORATED001055102US001055102805/06/2024to consider the following non-binding advisory proposal: ''Resolved, on an advisory basis, the shareholders of Aflac Incorporated approve the compensation of the named executive officers, as disclosed pursuant to the compensation disclosure rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis and accompanying tables and narrative in the Notice of 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement.''SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER408570FOR40857FOR12 AGCO CORPORATION001084102US001084102304/25/2024Non-binding advisory resolution to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER26830FOR2683FOR12 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC.00846U101US00846U101603/14/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER45020FOR4502FOR12 AGNICO EAGLE MINES LIMITED008474108CA008474108504/26/2024Consideration of and, if deemed advisable, the passing of a non-binding, advisory resolution accepting the Company's approach to executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10800FOR1080FOR12 AIR LEASE CORPORATION00912X302US00912X302605/03/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER200FOR20FOR12 AIR LEASE CORPORATION00912X302US00912X302605/03/2024Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2001 YEAR20FOR12 AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC.009158106US009158106801/25/2024Advisory vote approving the compensation of the Company's executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER436680FOR43668FOR12 AIRBNB INC009066101US009066101006/05/2024To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2950FOR295FOR12 AKAMAI TECHNOLOGIES, INC.00971T101US00971T101605/10/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER19920FOR1992FOR12 ALASKA AIR GROUP, INC.011659109US011659109205/09/2024Approval (on an advisory basis) the compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER540FOR54FOR12 ALBEMARLE CORPORATION012653101US012653101305/07/2024To approve the non-binding advisory resolution approving the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8380FOR838FOR12 ALCON INC.H01301128CH043249246705/08/2024Consultative vote on the 2023 Compensation ReportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER40330FOR4033FOR12 ALEXANDER & BALDWIN, INC.014491104US014491104904/23/2024Approve the advisory resolution relating to executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14590FOR1459FOR12 ALEXANDRIA REAL ESTATE EQUITIES, INC.015271109US015271109105/14/2024To consider a non-binding, advisory vote on a resolution to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as more particularly described in the accompanying Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER100AGAINST10AGAINST12 ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.016255101US016255101605/22/2024Advisory Vote on Named Executive's Compensation- Consider an Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2890FOR289FOR12 ALLIANT ENERGY CORPORATION018802108US018802108505/17/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER320FOR32FOR12 ALLY FINANCIAL INC.02005N100US02005N100005/07/2024Advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER660FOR66FOR12 ALPHA AND OMEGA SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITEDG6331P104BMG6331P104111/09/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as described in this Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5750FOR575FOR12 ALPHA AND OMEGA SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITEDG6331P104BMG6331P104111/09/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, whether the advisory shareholder vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers should occur every year, once every two years or once every three yearsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER57501 YEAR575FOR12 ALTRIA GROUP, INC.02209S103US02209S103305/16/2024Non-Binding Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of Altria's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER238850FOR23885FOR12 AMAZON.COM, INC.023135106US023135106705/22/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5683550FOR561515FORAGAINST6840AGAINST12 AMBARELLA, INC.G037AX101KYG037AX101506/12/2024To approve on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14860FOR1486FOR12 AMCOR PLCG0250X107JE00BJ1F307911/08/2023To approve, by non-binding, advisory vote on the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6316700FOR631670FOR12 AMEREN CORPORATION023608102US023608102405/09/2024Company proposal - Advisory approval of compensation of the named executive officers disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER23460FOR2346FOR12 AMERICAN AIRLINES GROUP INC.02376R102US02376R102306/05/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensation (Say-on-Pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10FOR1FOR12 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC.025537101US025537101704/23/2024Advisory approval of the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER378890FOR37889FOR12 AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY025816109US025816109205/06/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER887160FOR88716FOR12 AMERICAN HOMES 4 RENT02665T306US02665T306805/10/2024Advisory Vote to Approve American Homes 4 Rent's Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER340FOR34FOR12 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP, INC.026874784US026874784905/15/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9050AGAINST905AGAINST12 AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION03027X100US03027X100005/22/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER544900FOR54490FOR12 AMERICAN WATER WORKS COMPANY, INC.030420103US030420103305/15/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12600FOR1260FOR12 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL, INC.03076C106US03076C106204/24/2024To approve the compensation of the named executive officers by a nonbinding advisory voteSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER36730FOR3673FOR12 AMETEK, INC.031100100US031100100405/07/2024Approval, by advisory vote, of the compensation of AMETEK, Inc.'s named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER13330FOR1333FOR12 AMGEN INC.031162100US031162100905/31/2024Advisory vote to approve our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER546730FOR54673FOR12 AMKOR TECHNOLOGY, INC.031652100US031652100605/14/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER360FOR36FOR12 AMPHENOL CORPORATION032095101US032095101705/16/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Compensation of Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1675790FOR163229FORAGAINST4350AGAINST12 ANALOG DEVICES, INC.032654105US032654105103/13/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER564610FOR56461FOR12 ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI PLCG0378L100GB00BRXH266405/28/2024Directors' Remuneration Report: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report for the year ended 31 December 2023 as set out on pages 111 to 138 of the 2023 ARA, excluding the Directors' Remuneration Policy on pages 130 to 138.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER510FOR51FOR12 ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SA03524A108US03524A108804/24/2024Remuneration report: approving the remuneration report for the financial year 2023. The 2023 annual report containing the remuneration report is available on the Company's website.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4370AGAINST437AGAINST12 ANNALY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC.035710839US035710839005/15/2024Advisory approval of the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15240AGAINST1524AGAINST12 ANSYS, INC.03662Q105US03662Q105805/22/2024Proposal to approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the merger-related compensation that will or may be paid to Ansys' named executive officers in connection with the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement (the "compensation proposal")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11930FOR1193FOR12 ANSYS, INC.03662Q105US03662Q105806/07/2024Advisory Approval of the Compensation of Our Named Executive Officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11930FOR1193FOR12 ANTERO RESOURCES CORPORATION03674X106US03674X106306/05/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of Antero Resources Corporation's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER47000AGAINST4700AGAINST12 ANYWHERE REAL ESTATE INC.75605Y106US75605Y106405/02/2024Advisory Approval of the Compensation of Our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3480AGAINST348AGAINST12 AON PLCG0403H108IE00BLP1HW5406/21/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7830AGAINST783AGAINST12 APA CORPORATION03743Q108US03743Q108505/23/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Compensation of APA's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2810FOR281FOR12 APELLIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC.03753U106US03753U106006/05/2024Approval of an advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2413890AGAINST241389AGAINST12 APOLLO GLOBAL MANAGEMENT, INC.03769M106US03769M106210/06/2023Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14890AGAINST1489AGAINST12 APPLE INC.037833100US037833100502/28/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15776800FOR1577680FOR12 APPLIED MATERIALS, INC.038222105US038222105103/07/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of Applied Materials' named executive officers for fiscal year 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER29130FOR2913FOR12 APTARGROUP, INC.038336103US038336103905/01/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9480FOR948FOR12 APTIV PLCG6095L109JE00B783TY6504/24/2024Say-on-Pay - To approve, by advisory vote, executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER62460FOR6246FOR12 APTIV PLCG6095L109JE00B783TY6504/24/2024Say-When-on-Pay - To determine, by advisory vote, the frequency of shareholder votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER624601 YEAR6246FOR12 ARCH CAPITAL GROUP LTD.G0450A105BMG0450A105305/09/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER25000FOR2500FOR12 ARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND COMPANY039483102US039483102005/23/2024Advisory Vote on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9470AGAINST947AGAINST12 ARCONIC CORPORATION03966V107US03966V107007/25/2023To approve, on an advisory (nonbinding) basis, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to named executive officers of Arconic Corporation that is based on or otherwise relates to the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Merger AgreementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30FOR3FOR12 ARCOSA, INC.039653100US039653100805/08/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4230FOR423FOR12 ARGENX SE04016X101US04016X101905/07/2024The 2023 remuneration reportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER50AGAINST5AGAINST12 ARISTA NETWORKS, INC.040413106US040413106406/07/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER304100FOR30410FOR12 ARMSTRONG WORLD INDUSTRIES, INC.04247X102US04247X102806/13/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, our executive compensation programSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2550AGAINST255AGAINST12 ARRAY TECHNOLOGIES, INC.04271T100US04271T100705/21/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER102990FOR10299FOR12 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & CO.363576109US363576109705/07/2024Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER37620FOR3762FOR12 ARTISAN PARTNERS ASSET MANAGEMENT INC04316A108US04316A108806/14/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4550FOR455FOR12 ARVINAS, INC.04335A105US04335A105105/29/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER570FOR57FOR12 ASM INTERNATIONAL N.V.N07045102USN07045102605/13/2024Remuneration Report 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER70FOR7FOR12 ASML HOLDINGS N.V.N07059210USN07059210004/24/2024Advisory vote on the remuneration report for the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11740FOR1174FOR12 ASSURANT, INC.04621X108US04621X108105/23/2024Advisory approval of the 2023 compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER390FOR39FOR12 ASSURED GUARANTY LTD.G0585R106BMG0585R106005/02/2024Advisory vote on the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3230AGAINST323AGAINST12 ASTRAZENECA PLC046353108US046353108904/11/2024To approve the annual statement of the Chair of the Remuneration Committee and the Annual Report on Remuneration for the year ended 31 December 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER64940FOR6494FOR12 AT&T INC.00206R102US00206R102305/16/2024Advisory Approval of Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1161900FOR116190FOR12 ATLASSIAN CORPORATION049468101US049468101012/06/2023An advisory vote to approve the fiscal year 2023 compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3420AGAINST342AGAINST12 ATLASSIAN CORPORATION049468101US049468101012/06/2023An advisory vote on the frequency of holding future advisory votes to approve compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER34201 YEAR342FOR12 ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION049560105US049560105802/07/2024Proposal for an advisory vote by shareholders to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers for fiscal 2023 ("Say-on-Pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER40FOR4FOR12 AUTOLIV, INC.052800109US052800109405/10/2024Advisory vote on Autoliv, Inc.'s 2023 Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER300FOR30FOR12 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING, INC.053015103US053015103611/08/2023Advisory Vote on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1238260FOR123826FOR12 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING, INC.053015103US053015103611/08/2023Advisory Vote on the Frequency of the Executive Compensation Advisory VoteSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12382601 YEAR123826FOR12 AUTOZONE, INC.053332102US053332102412/20/2023Approval of an advisory vote on the compensation of named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1900AGAINST190AGAINST12 AUTOZONE, INC.053332102US053332102412/20/2023Approval vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER19001 YEAR190FOR12 AVALONBAY COMMUNITIES, INC.053484101US053484101205/16/2024To adopt a resolution approving, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation paid to the Company's Named Executive Officers, as disclosed pursuant to Item 402 of Regulation S-K, including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, compensation tables and any related material disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER17790FOR1779FOR12 AVERY DENNISON CORPORATION053611109US053611109104/25/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER22730FOR2273FOR12 AVIDITY BIOSCIENCES, INC.05370A108US05370A108806/13/2024To consider and vote upon, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the related proxy statement pursuant to the compensation disclosure rules of the Securities and Exchange CommissionSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER300FOR30FOR12 AVIVA PLC05382A302US05382A302305/02/2024Directors' Remuneration Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1490FOR149FOR12 AXA054536107US054536107504/23/2024Approval of the components of compensation paid during, or granted in respect of, the 2023 fiscal year to Mr. Antoine Gosset-Grainville, Chairman of the Board of DirectorsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER410FOR41FOR12 AXA054536107US054536107504/23/2024Approval of the components of compensation, paid during, or granted in respect of, the 2023 fiscal year to Mr. Thomas Buberl, Chief Executive OfficerSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER410FOR41FOR12 AXON ENTERPRISE, INC.05464C101US05464C101805/10/2024Proposal No. 5 requests that shareholders vote to approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER40AGAINST4AGAINST12 AZZ INC.002474104US002474104507/11/2023Approve, on an advisory basis, AZZ's Executive Compensation ProgramSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1700FOR170FOR12 BAKER HUGHES COMPANY05722G100US05722G100405/13/2024An advisory vote related to the Company's executive compensation programSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12110FOR1211FOR12 BALCHEM CORPORATION057665200US057665200406/20/2024Advisory approval of the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1860FOR186FOR12 BALL CORPORATION058498106US058498106404/24/2024Approve, by non-binding vote, the compensation paid to the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER88900FOR8890FOR12 BANCO BILBAO VIZCAYA ARGENTARIA S.A.05946K101US05946K101603/15/2024Consultative vote on the Annual Report on the Remuneration of Directors of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6850FOR685FOR12 BANCO LATINOAMERICANO DE COMERCIO EXT.P16994132PAP16994132804/17/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Bank's executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7980FOR798FOR12 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A.05964H105US05964H105903/22/2024Annual directors' remuneration report (consultative vote).SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2990FOR299FOR12 BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION060505104US060505104604/24/2024Approving our executive compensation (an advisory, non-binding ''Say on Pay'' resolution)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1505550FOR150555FOR12 BANK OF HAWAII CORPORATION062540109US062540109804/26/2024Say on Pay - An advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3440FOR344FOR12 BANK OF MONTREAL063671101CA063671101604/16/2024Advisory vote on the Bank's Approach to Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2650FOR265FOR12 BANK OZK06417N103US06417N103705/06/2024To approve, on an advisory, non-binding basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy Statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER23200FOR2320FOR12 BARCLAYS PLC06738E204US06738E204605/09/2024To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report for the year ended 31 December 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3310FOR331FOR12 BASF SE055262505US055262505704/25/2024Adoption of a resolution approving the Compensation Report for the 2023 business year.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1760AGAINST176AGAINST12 BATH & BODY WORKS, INC.070830104US070830104106/27/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER880FOR88FOR12 BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.071813109US071813109905/07/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER71350AGAINST7135AGAINST12 BCE INC.05534B760CA05534B760405/02/2024Advisory resolution on executive compensation as described in section 3.4 of the management proxy circularSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1060FOR106FOR12 BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY075887109US075887109101/23/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER363700FOR36370FOR12 BEST BUY CO., INC.086516101US086516101406/12/2024To approve in a non-binding advisory vote our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER39350FOR3935FOR12 BHP GROUP LTD088606108US088606108611/01/2023Adoption of the Remuneration ReportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER244070FOR24407FOR12 BILL HOLDINGS, INC.090043100US090043100012/07/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our Named Executive Officers ( ''Say-on-Pay'')SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER270FOR27FOR12 BIO-TECHNE CORP09073M104US09073M104510/26/2023Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER80AGAINST8AGAINST12 BIO-TECHNE CORP09073M104US09073M104510/26/2023Approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency of advisory votes on executive compensation to occur every (1) yearSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER801 YEAR8FOR12 BIOGEN INC.09062X103US09062X103706/20/2024Say on Pay - To hold an advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER26000FOR2600FOR12 BIOLIFE SOLUTIONS, INC.09062W204US09062W204407/21/2023To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6660AGAINST666AGAINST12 BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL INC.09061G101US09061G101305/21/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10550FOR1055FOR12 BK TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION05587G203US05587G203012/14/2023To approve, on an advisory, non-binding basis, the compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3860FOR386FOR12 BK TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION05587G203US05587G203012/14/2023To approve, on an advisory, non-binding basis, the frequency of the advisory vote on the compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER38601 YEAR386AGAINST12 BK TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION05587G203US05587G203006/20/2024To approve, on an advisory, non-binding basis, the compensation of our named executive officers (so-called, "say-on-pay").SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5280FOR528FOR12 BLACK HILLS CORPORATION092113109US092113109204/23/2024Advisory resolution to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1000FOR100FOR12 BLACK KNIGHT, INC.09215C105US09215C105307/12/2023Approval of a non-binding advisory resolution on the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER21590AGAINST2159AGAINST12 BLACKROCK, INC.09247X101US09247X101905/15/2024Approval, in a non-binding advisory vote, of the compensation for named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER46210AGAINST4621AGAINST12 BLACKSTONE MORTGAGE TRUST, INC.09257W100US09257W100906/21/2024Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation: To approve in a non-binding, advisory vote, the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10300FOR1030FOR12 BLOCK, INC.852234103US852234103606/18/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4720FOR472FOR12 BLOOM ENERGY CORPORATION093712107US093712107905/07/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER19350FOR1935FOR12 BLUEPRINT MEDICINES CORPORATION09627Y109US09627Y109106/12/2024Approval of a non-binding advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1015201 YEAR10152FOR12 BLUEPRINT MEDICINES CORPORATION09627Y109US09627Y109106/12/2024Approval of a non-binding advisory vote on the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER101520FOR10152FOR12 BOOKING HOLDINGS INC.09857L108US09857L108906/04/2024Advisory vote to approve 2023 executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8350FOR835FOR12 BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON HOLDING CORPORATION099502106US099502106207/26/2023Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12500FOR1250FOR12 BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON HOLDING CORPORATION099502106US099502106207/26/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER125001 YEAR1250FOR12 BORGWARNER INC.099724106US099724106404/24/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER106410AGAINST10641AGAINST12 BOSTON PROPERTIES, INC.101121101US101121101805/22/2024To approve, by non-binding, advisory resolution, the Company's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11520FOR1152FOR12 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION101137107US101137107705/02/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER62650FOR6265FOR12 BOYD GAMING CORPORATION103304101US103304101305/09/2024Advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER22440FOR2244FOR12 BP P.L.C.055622104US055622104404/25/2024Directors' remuneration report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER133890FOR13389FOR12 BRIDGEBIO PHARMA INC.10806X102US10806X102806/21/2024To cast a non-binding, advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10000AGAINST1000AGAINST12 BRIGHT HORIZONS FAMILY SOLUTIONS INC.109194100US109194100506/05/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the 2023 compensation paid by the Company to its Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER830FOR83FOR12 BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY110122108US110122108305/07/2024Advisory vote to Approve the Compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2210370FOR221037FOR12 BROADCOM INC11135F101US11135F101204/22/2024Advisory vote to approve the named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER363700AGAINST36370AGAINST12 BROADRIDGE FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS, INC.11133T103US11133T103411/09/2023Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers (the Say on Pay Vote).SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER37410FOR3741FOR12 BROADRIDGE FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS, INC.11133T103US11133T103411/09/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of holding the Say on Pay Vote (the Frequency Vote).SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER374101 YEAR3741FOR12 BROOKFIELD ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD.113004105CA113004105806/07/2024The Say on Pay Resolution set out in the Management Information Circular of the Corporation dated April 25, 2024.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER67040FOR6704FOR12 BROOKFIELD CORPORATION11271J107CA11271J107506/07/2024The Say on Pay Resolution set out in the Management Information Circular of the Corporation dated April 25, 2024 (the "Circular").SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER326670FOR32667FOR12 BROOKLINE BANCORP, INC.11373M107US11373M107105/08/2024To approve on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER178060FOR17806FOR12 BROWN & BROWN, INC.115236101US115236101005/08/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER93170FOR9317FOR12 BRP GROUP, INC.05589G102US05589G102206/05/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER570AGAINST57AGAINST12 BUNGE GLOBAL SAH11356104CH130064626705/15/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation Under U.S. Securities Law RequirementsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER51850FOR5185FOR12 BURLINGTON STORES, INC.122017106US122017106005/22/2024Approval, on a non-binding advisory basis, of the compensation of Burlington Stores, Inc.'s named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3550AGAINST355AGAINST12 C.H. ROBINSON WORLDWIDE, INC.12541W209US12541W209805/09/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER80FOR8FOR12 CABOT CORPORATION127055101US127055101303/07/2024To approve, in an advisory vote, Cabot's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5685470FOR568547FOR12 CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS, INC.127387108US127387108705/02/2024Advisory resolution to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1820FOR182FOR12 CAE INC.124765108CA124765108808/09/2023Approving the advisory (non binding) resolution accepting the approach to executive compensation disclosed in the Information Circular.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30860FOR3086FOR12 CAESARS ENTERTAINMENT, INC.12769G100US12769G100406/11/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER31230AGAINST3123AGAINST12 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE GROUP130788102US130788102905/29/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER460FOR46FOR12 CAMBRIDGE BANCORP132152109US132152109802/28/2024A proposal to approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, specified compensation that may become payable to the named executive officers of Cambridge in connection with the MergerSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30000FOR3000FOR12 CAMDEN NATIONAL CORPORATION133034108US133034108205/21/2024To approve, by non-binding advisory vote, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers (''Say-on-Pay'').SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER188100FOR18810FOR12 CAMDEN PROPERTY TRUST133131102US133131102705/10/2024Approval, by an advisory vote, of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6390FOR639FOR12 CAMECO CORPORATION13321L108CA13321L108505/09/2024Have a say on our approach to executive compensation (see page 8 of the management proxy circular) As this is an advisory vote, the results will not be binding on the board. Be it resolved that, on an advisory basis and not to diminish the role and responsibilities of the board of directors for executive compensation, the shareholders accept the approach to executive compensation disclosed in Cameco's management proxy circular delivered in advance of the 2024 annual meeting of shareholders.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER0012 CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE136069101CA136069101004/04/2024Advisory resolution regarding our executive compensation approachSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER410FOR41FOR12 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY136375102CA136375102704/26/2024Non-binding advisory resolution (the full text of which is set out on page 15 of the management proxy circular) to accept the approach to executive compensation disclosed in the management proxy circular.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER233140FOR23314FOR12 CANADIAN NATURAL RESOURCES LIMITED136385101CA136385101705/02/2024On an advisory basis, accepting the Corporation's approach to executive compensation as described in the Information Circular.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1231320FOR123132FOR12 CANADIAN PACIFIC KANSAS CITY LIMITED13646K108CA13646K108404/24/2024Advisory vote to approve the Corporation's approach to executive compensation as described in the Proxy Circular.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER953470FOR95347FOR12 CANOO INC.13803R102US13803R102312/29/2023To approve, by an advisory vote, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14000AGAINST1400AGAINST12 CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORPORATION14040H105US14040H105905/02/2024Advisory vote on our Named Executive Officer compensation ("Say on Pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER13340FOR1334FOR12 CAPRI HOLDINGS LIMITEDG1890L107VGG1890L107608/02/2023To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER26030FOR2603FOR12 CAPRI HOLDINGS LIMITEDG1890L107VGG1890L107610/25/2023To approve, on an advisory (nonbinding) basis, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to Capri Holdings Limited's named executive officers that is based on or otherwise relates to the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER24160AGAINST2416AGAINST12 CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.14149Y108US14149Y108211/15/2023To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7010FOR701FOR12 CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.14149Y108US14149Y108211/15/2023To vote, on a non-binding advisory basis, on the frequency of future advisory votes to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER70101 YEAR701FOR12 CARGURUS, INC.141788109US141788109106/05/2024To approve, on a non- binding advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers for 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1080AGAINST108AGAINST12 CARISMA THERAPEUTICS INC.14216R101US14216R101406/14/2024To hold an advisory vote on named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10340FOR1034FOR12 CARLISLE COMPANIES INCORPORATED142339100US142339100205/01/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's named executive officer compensation in 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2000FOR200FOR12 CARMAX, INC.143130102US143130102706/25/2024To approve, in an advisory (non-binding) vote, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10140FOR1014FOR12 CARNIVAL CORPORATION143658300PA143658300604/05/2024To hold a (non-binding) advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER41300FOR4130FOR12 CARNIVAL CORPORATION143658300PA143658300604/05/2024To hold a (non-binding) advisory vote to approve the Carnival plc Directors' Remuneration Report (in accordance with legal requirements applicable to UK companies).SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER41300FOR4130FOR12 CARRIER GLOBAL CORPORATION14448C104US14448C104504/18/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER858980AGAINST85898AGAINST12 CASS INFORMATION SYSTEMS, INC.14808P109US14808P109304/16/2024To approve the advisory resolution on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2520FOR252FOR12 CATALENT, INC.148806102US148806102901/25/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Our Executive Compensation (Say-on-Pay).SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER70FOR7FOR12 CATALENT, INC.148806102US148806102905/29/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to Catalent's named executive officers that is based on or otherwise relates to the MergerSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER70FOR7FOR12 CATERPILLAR INC.149123101US149123101506/12/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER588850FOR58885FOR12 CBOE GLOBAL MARKETS, INC.12503M108US12503M108005/16/2024Approve, in a non-binding resolution, the compensation paid to our executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER113740AGAINST11374AGAINST12 CBRE GROUP, INC.12504L109US12504L109805/22/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation for 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER142140FOR14214FOR12 CDW CORPORATION12514G108US12514G108505/21/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15370FOR1537FOR12 CELANESE CORPORATION150870103US150870103405/13/2024Advisory approval of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER27980FOR2798FOR12 CENCORA, INC.03073E105US03073E105503/12/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7790FOR779FOR12 CENOVUS ENERGY INC.15135U109CA15135U109305/01/2024Accept the Corporation's approach to executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER550FOR55FOR12 CENTENE CORPORATION15135B101US15135B101705/14/2024Advisory resolution to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER222080FOR22208FOR12 CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC.15189T107US15189T107904/26/2024Approve the advisory resolution on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1750FOR175FOR12 CERENCE INC.156727109US156727109302/15/2024Approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officers, as disclosed in this proxy statement; andSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15950FOR1595FOR12 CEVA, INC.157210105US157210105305/21/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1150FOR115FOR12 CF INDUSTRIES HOLDINGS, INC.125269100US125269100104/18/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of CF Industries Holdings, Inc.'s named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER490FOR49FOR12 CHAMPIONX CORPORATION15872M104US15872M104505/15/2024Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of ChampionX's Named Executive Officers for 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER810FOR81FOR12 CHAMPIONX CORPORATION15872M104US15872M104506/18/2024To approve, by non-binding, advisory vote, the compensation that may become payable to ChampionX's named executive officers in connection with the Merger (the ''Compensation Proposal'').SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER810FOR81FOR12 CHARLES RIVER LABORATORIES INTL., INC.159864107US159864107405/08/2024Advisory Approval of 2023 Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER980FOR98FOR12 CHENIERE ENERGY, INC.16411R208US16411R208505/23/2024Approve, on an advisory and non-binding basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers for 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER94450FOR9445FOR12 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORPORATION165167735US165167735306/06/2024To approve on an advisory basis our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14000FOR1400FOR12 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORPORATION165167735US165167735306/18/2024Approval of, by non-binding, advisory vote, certain compensation arrangements for Chesapeake's named executive officers in connection with the merger contemplated by the Merger Agreement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14000FOR1400FOR12 CHEVRON CORPORATION166764100US166764100505/29/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1779270FOR177927FOR12 CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL, INC.169656105US169656105906/06/2024An advisory vote to approve the compensation of our executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statement ("say-on-pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2060FOR206FOR12 CHUBB LIMITEDH1467J104CH004432874505/16/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensation under U.S. securities law requirementsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER299110FOR29911FOR12 CHURCH & DWIGHT CO., INC.171340102US171340102405/02/2024An advisory vote to approve compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3322790FOR332279FOR12 CINCINNATI FINANCIAL CORPORATION172062101US172062101005/06/2024A nonbinding proposal to approve compensation for the company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2180FOR218FOR12 CINTAS CORPORATION172908105US172908105910/24/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER17100FOR1710FOR12 CINTAS CORPORATION172908105US172908105910/24/2023To recommend, on an advisory basis, the frequency of the advisory vote on named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER171001 YEAR1710FOR12 CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.17275R102US17275R102312/06/2023Approval, on an advisory of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6328100AGAINST632810AGAINST12 CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.17275R102US17275R102312/06/2023Recommendation, on an advisory basis, on the frequency of executive compensation votesSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER63281001 YEAR632810FOR12 CITIGROUP INC.172967424US172967424204/30/2024Advisory vote to Approve our 2023 Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER123870FOR12387FOR12 CITIZENS FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.174610105US174610105404/25/2024Advisory Vote on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12620FOR1262FOR12 CIVEO CORPORATION17878Y207CA17878Y207805/15/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation - We are asking that you approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statement, commonly referred to as a '' Say-on-Pay'' proposalSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1160FOR116FOR12 CLEVELAND-CLIFFS INC.185899101US185899101105/16/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.'s named executive officers' compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER174420AGAINST17442AGAINST12 CLOUDFLARE, INC.18915M107US18915M107106/04/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6650AGAINST665AGAINST12 CME GROUP INC.12572Q105US12572Q105805/09/2024Advisory vote on the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER23420FOR2342FOR12 CMS ENERGY CORPORATION125896100US125896100205/03/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER65540FOR6554FOR12 CNO FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.12621E103US12621E103805/09/2024Approval, by non-binding advisory vote, of the executive compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER380FOR38FOR12 COCA-COLA EUROPACIFIC PARTNERS PLCG25839104GB00BDCPN04905/22/2024Approval of the Directors' Remuneration Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER41690FOR4169FOR12 COGENT COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS, INC.19239V302US19239V302405/08/2024Proposal- Non-binding Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER120FOR12FOR12 COGNEX CORPORATION192422103US192422103905/01/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of Cognex's named executive officers, as described in the proxy statement including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, compensation tables and narrative discussion (''say-on-pay'')SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER27830FOR2783FOR12 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP.192446102US192446102306/04/2024Approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of the company's named executive officers (say-on-pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER650670FOR65067FOR12 COHERENT CORP.19247G107US19247G107611/09/2023Non-binding advisory vote to approve compensation paid to named executive officers in fiscal year 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER22350FOR2235FOR12 COHERENT CORP.19247G107US19247G107611/09/2023Non-binding advisory vote on the frequency of future non-binding advisory shareholder votes on the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER223501 YEAR2235FOR12 COHERUS BIOSCIENCES, INC.19249H103US19249H103205/29/2024To vote on a non-binding, advisory basis to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers (a ''Say-on-Pay'' vote);SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER18810FOR1881FOR12 COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY194162103US194162103905/10/2024Advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1367610FOR136761FOR12 COLLEGIUM PHARMACEUTICAL, INC.19459J104US19459J104305/16/2024Approval of, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3910FOR391FOR12 COMCAST CORPORATION20030N101US20030N101906/10/2024Advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1827560FOR182756FOR12 COMERICA INCORPORATED200340107US200340107004/23/2024Approval of a Non-Binding, Advisory Proposal Approving Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4110FOR411FOR12 COMMVAULT SYSTEMS, INC.204166102US204166102408/29/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, Commvault's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8400FOR840FOR12 COMMVAULT SYSTEMS, INC.204166102US204166102408/29/2023To vote, on an advisory basis, on the frequency of future advisory votes on Commvault's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER84001 YEAR840FOR12 CONAGRA BRANDS, INC.205887102US205887102909/14/2023Advisory vote to approve the frequency of future advisory votes to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER512901 YEAR5129FOR12 CONAGRA BRANDS, INC.205887102US205887102909/14/2023Advisory vote to approve named executive officers compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER51290AGAINST5129AGAINST12 CONOCOPHILLIPS20825C104US20825C104505/14/2024Advisory Approval of Executive Compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER85040FOR8504FOR12 CONSOLIDATED EDISON, INC.209115104US209115104105/20/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER36120FOR3612FOR12 CONSOLIDATED WATER CO. LTD.G23773107KYG23773107306/24/2024An advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2400FOR240FOR12 CONSTELLATION BRANDS, INC.21036P108US21036P108407/18/2023To approve, by an advisory vote, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy Statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER64140AGAINST6414AGAINST12 CONSTELLATION BRANDS, INC.21036P108US21036P108407/18/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER641401 YEAR6414FOR12 CONSTELLATION ENERGY CORP21037T109US21037T109704/30/2024To consider and act on an advisory vote regarding the approval of compensation paid to named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7150FOR715FOR12 CONSTELLATION SOFTWARE INC.21037X100CA21037X100605/13/2024An advisory vote to accept the Corporation's approach to executive compensation as more particularly described in the accompanying management information circular.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1140FOR114FOR12 COPART, INC.217204106US217204106112/08/2023To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of our named executive officers for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER13590FOR1359FOR12 COPART, INC.217204106US217204106112/08/2023To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the frequency of a stockholder advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER135901 YEAR1359FOR12 CORCEPT THERAPEUTICS INCORPORATED218352102US218352102805/17/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the accompanying proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER520FOR52FOR12 CORE & MAIN, INC.21874C102US21874C102706/26/2024Advisory vote to approve Core & Main's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1410FOR141FOR12 CORNING INCORPORATED219350105US219350105105/02/2024Advisory approval of our executive compensation (Say on Pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER333470FOR33347FOR12 CORPAY, INC.219948106US219948106806/06/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1620FOR162FOR12 CORTEVA INC.22052L104US22052L104404/26/2024Advisory resolution to approve executive compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER63340FOR6334FOR12 COSTAR GROUP, INC.22160N109US22160N109006/06/2024Proposal to approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER32140FOR3214FOR12 COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION22160K105US22160K105101/18/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER369670FOR36967FOR12 COTERRA ENERGY INC.127097103US127097103905/01/2024A non-binding advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9683250FOR968325FOR12 COUPANG, INC.22266T109US22266T109706/13/2024To consider a non-binding vote to approve the compensation of Coupang, Inc.'s named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER131898400FOR13189840FOR12 CRESTWOOD EQUITY PARTNERS LP226344208US226344208710/30/2023To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, specified compensation that may be received by Crestwood Equity Partners LP's named executive officers in connection with the mergerSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7000FOR700FOR12 CRH PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANYG25508105IE000182704104/25/2024Consideration of Executive Compensation for 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER49760FOR4976FOR12 CROCS, INC.227046109US227046109606/04/2024An advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER60FOR6FOR12 CROWDSTRIKE HOLDINGS, INC.22788C105US22788C105306/18/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of CrowdStrike's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER98670AGAINST9867AGAINST12 CROWN CASTLE INC.22822V101US22822V101705/22/2024The non-binding, advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as disclosed in the Company's proxy statement for the 2024 Annual Meeting.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER75610FOR7561NONE12 CSX CORPORATION126408103US126408103505/08/2024Advisory (non - binding) resolution to approve compensation for the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER528920AGAINST52892AGAINST12 CTS CORPORATION126501105US126501105605/09/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of CTS' named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2750FOR275FOR12 CUMMINS INC.231021106US231021106305/14/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15210FOR1521FOR12 CVB FINANCIAL CORP.126600105US126600105605/15/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of CVB Financial Corp.'s named executive officers ("Say-On-Pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12150FOR1215FOR12 CVS HEALTH CORPORATION126650100US126650100605/16/2024Say on Pay, a Proposal to Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Company's Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1671720FOR167172FOR12 CYTOKINETICS, INCORPORATED23282W605US23282W605705/15/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as disclosed in the Proxy Statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11000FOR1100FOR12 D.R. HORTON, INC.23331A109US23331A109701/17/2024Approval of the advisory resolution on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER29040FOR2904FOR12 D.R. HORTON, INC.23331A109US23331A109701/17/2024Advisory vote as to the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER290401 YEAR2904FOR12 DANAHER CORPORATION235851102US235851102805/07/2024To approve on an advisory basis the Company's named executive officer compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER375530FOR37553FOR12 DARDEN RESTAURANTS, INC.237194105US237194105309/20/2023To obtain advisory approval of the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2660FOR266FOR12 DARDEN RESTAURANTS, INC.237194105US237194105309/20/2023To obtain advice on the frequency of future advisory votes about the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER26601 YEAR266FOR12 DATADOG, INC.23804L103US23804L103506/05/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7820FOR782FOR12 DAVITA INC.23918K108US23918K108806/06/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER40FOR4FOR12 DAYFORCE, INC.15677J108US15677J108804/26/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of Dayforce's named executive officers (commonly known as a "Say on Pay" vote)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3250FOR325FOR12 DEERE & COMPANY244199105US244199105402/28/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensation ("say-on-pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER73120FOR7312FOR12 DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC.24703L202US24703L202506/27/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of Dell Technologies Inc.'s named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER87050AGAINST8705AGAINST12 DELTA AIR LINES, INC.247361702US247361702306/20/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of Delta's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER37570AGAINST3757AGAINST12 DENTSPLY SIRONA INC.24906P109US24906P109305/22/2024Approval, by non-binding vote, of the Company's executive compensation for 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER35830FOR3583FOR12 DEUTSCHE BANK AGD18190898DE000514000805/16/2024Resolution to be taken on the approval of the Compensation Report produced and audited pursuant to section 162 Stock Corporation Act for the 2023 financial yearSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1290AGAINST129AGAINST12 DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG251566105US251566105404/10/2024Resolution on the approval of the remuneration report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2030AGAINST203NONE12 DEVON ENERGY CORPORATION25179M103US25179M103606/05/2024Advisory vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14550FOR1455FOR12 DEXCOM, INC.252131107US252131107405/22/2024To provide a non-binding advisory vote on the compensation of our named executive officers for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER67920FOR6792FOR12 DIAGEO PLC25243Q205US25243Q205709/28/2023Directors' remuneration report 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER199800FOR19980FOR12 DIAMONDBACK ENERGY, INC.25278X109US25278X109006/06/2024The approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER58960FOR5896FOR12 DIANTHUS THERAPEUTICS, INC.252828108US252828108005/23/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER19090FOR1909FOR12 DIANTHUS THERAPEUTICS, INC.252828108US252828108005/23/2024To recommend, by an advisory, non-binding vote, the frequency of future advisory votes to approve the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER190901 YEAR1909FOR12 DICK'S SPORTING GOODS, INC.253393102US253393102606/12/2024Non-binding advisory vote to approve compensation of named executive officers for 2023, as disclosed in the Company's 2024 proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1260FOR126FOR12 DIGITAL REALTY TRUST, INC.253868103US253868103006/07/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as more fully described in the accompanying Proxy Statement (Say-on-Pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8770FOR877FOR12 DIGITALBRIDGE GROUP, INC.25401T603US25401T603804/26/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1780AGAINST178AGAINST12 DIGITALOCEAN HOLDINGS, INC.25402D102US25402D102806/06/2024Approval, on a non-binding advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3600AGAINST360AGAINST12 DIODES INCORPORATED254543101US254543101505/29/2024Approval of Executive Compensation. To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2760FOR276FOR12 DISCOVER FINANCIAL SERVICES254709108US254709108005/09/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER400FOR40FOR12 DOCUSIGN, INC.256163106US256163106805/29/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of our named executive officers' compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2600AGAINST260AGAINST12 DOLBY LABORATORIES, INC.25659T107US25659T107902/06/2024An advisory vote to approve Named Executive Officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER95060FOR9506FOR12 DOLLAR GENERAL CORPORATION256677105US256677105905/29/2024To approve, on an advisory (non- binding) basic , the resolution regarding the compensation of dollar General Corporation's named executive officer as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER300FOR30FOR12 DOLLAR TREE, INC.256746108US256746108006/20/2024To approve, by a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER77500FOR7750FOR12 DOMINION ENERGY, INC.25746U109US25746U109705/07/2024Advisory Vote on Approval of Executive Compensation (Say on Pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER27750FOR2775FOR12 DOMINO'S PIZZA, INC.25754A201US25754A201504/25/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the named executive officers of the CompanySECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1770FOR177FOR12 DORCHESTER MINERALS, L.P.25820R105US25820R105910/04/2023Approval of, by a unitholder non-binding advisory vote, the compensation paid to the Partnership's named executive officers, as disclosed pursuant to Item 402 of Regulation S-K, commonly referred to as a "Say on Pay" proposalSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER112500FOR11250FOR12 DORCHESTER MINERALS, L.P.25820R105US25820R105910/04/2023The establishment, by a unitholder non-binding advisory vote, of the frequency of submission to unitholders of advisory "Say on Pay" proposalsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1125001 YEAR11250AGAINST12 DOUBLEVERIFY HOLDINGS, INC.25862V105US25862V105205/23/2024Non-binding advisory vote on the compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7440FOR744FOR12 DOVER CORPORATION260003108US260003108005/03/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER317350FOR31735FOR12 DOW INC.260557103US260557103104/11/2024Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER198400FOR19840FOR12 DT MIDSTREAM, INC.23345M107US23345M107105/10/2024To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5540FOR554FOR12 DTE ENERGY COMPANY233331107US233331107205/02/2024Provide a nonbinding vote to approve the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER31850FOR3185FOR12 DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION26441C204US26441C204405/09/2024Advisory vote to approve Duke Energy's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER98550FOR9855FOR12 DULUTH HOLDINGS INC.26443V101US26443V101705/23/2024To approve, by an advisory vote, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER27600AGAINST2760AGAINST12 DUOLINGO, INC.26603R106US26603R106806/12/2024To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10000FOR1000FOR12 DUPONT DE NEMOURS, INC.26614N102US26614N102806/05/2024Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER81500AGAINST8150AGAINST12 DUPONT DE NEMOURS, INC.26614N102US26614N102806/05/2024Advisory Resolution on the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER815001 YEAR8150FOR12 DXC TECHNOLOGY COMPANY23355L106US23355L106107/25/2023Approval, by advisory vote, our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1990FOR199FOR12 DXC TECHNOLOGY COMPANY23355L106US23355L106107/25/2023Approval, by advisory vote, of the frequency of holding future advisory votes on named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER19901 YEAR199FOR12 DYCOM INDUSTRIES, INC.267475101US267475101905/23/2024To approve, by non-binding advisory vote, executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER60FOR6FOR12 EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY277432100US277432100205/02/2024Advisory Approval of Executive Compensation as Disclosed in Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9180AGAINST918AGAINST12 EATON CORPORATION PLCG29183103IE00B8KQN82704/24/2024Approving, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER182840FOR18284FOR12 EBAY INC.278642103US278642103006/20/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER154400FOR15440FOR12 ECOLAB INC.278865100US278865100605/02/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER566110FOR56611FOR12 EDISON INTERNATIONAL281020107US281020107704/25/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER130FOR13FOR12 EDITAS MEDICINE, INC.28106W103US28106W103605/30/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation paid to the company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER23960FOR2396FOR12 EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION28176E108US28176E108205/07/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER129980FOR12998FOR12 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC.285512109US285512109908/10/2023Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11060FOR1106FOR12 ELECTRONIC ARTS INC.285512109US285512109908/10/2023Advisory vote to approve the frequency of say-on-pay votesSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER110601 YEAR1106FOR12 ELEVANCE HEALTH, INC.036752103US036752103805/15/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20530FOR2053FOR12 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY532457108US532457108305/06/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation paid to the company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER82790FOR8279FOR12 EMBECTA CORP29082K105US29082K105102/07/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER23720FOR2372FOR12 EMERSON ELECTRIC CO.291011104US291011104402/06/2024Approval, by non-binding advisory vote, of Emerson Electric Co. executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1584720FOR158472FOR12 ENBRIDGE INC.29250N105CA29250N105005/08/2024Advisory vote on executive compensation Accept Enbridge's approach to executive compensation, as disclosed in the Management Information CircularSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER108430FOR10843FOR12 ENGIE29286D105US29286D105404/30/2024Approval of the total compensation and benefits of any kind paid during fiscal year 2023, or awarded for said year, to Jean- Pierre Clamadieu, Chairman of the Board of Directors (11th resolution)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER950FOR95FOR12 ENGIE29286D105US29286D105404/30/2024Approval of the total compensation and benefits of any kind paid during fiscal year 2023, or awarded for said year, to Catherine MacGregor, Chief Executive Officer (12th resolution)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER950FOR95FOR12 ENI S.P.A26874R108US26874R108605/15/2024Report on remuneration policy and remuneration paid: Section II - remuneration paid in 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER780AGAINST78AGAINST12 ENPHASE ENERGY, INC.29355A107US29355A107905/15/2024To approve, on advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers, as disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20900AGAINST2090AGAINST12 ENPHASE ENERGY, INC.29355A107US29355A107905/15/2024To approve, on advisory basis, the frequency of stockholder advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER209001 YEAR2090FOR12 ENTEGRIS, INC.29362U104US29362U104304/24/2024Approval, by non-binding vote, of the compensation paid to Entegris, Inc. `s named executive officers (advisory vote)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12210FOR1221FOR12 ENTERGY CORPORATION29364G103US29364G103105/03/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER123940FOR12394FOR12 EOG RESOURCES, INC.26875P101US26875P101205/22/2024To approve, by non-binding vote, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER102410FOR10241FOR12 EPAM SYSTEMS, INC.29414B104US29414B104405/31/2024To approve, on an advisory and non-binding basis, the compensation for our named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER380FOR38FOR12 EPLUS INC.294268107US294268107109/14/2023To approve on an advisory basis, named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2900FOR290FOR12 EPR PROPERTIES26884U109US26884U109705/29/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in these proxy materialsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER230FOR23FOR12 EQT CORPORATION26884L109US26884L109804/17/2024Advisory vote to approve the 2023 compensation of EQT Corporation's named executive officers (say-on-pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER45360FOR4536FOR12 EQUIFAX INC.294429105US294429105105/02/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation (''say-on-pay'')SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER59470FOR5947FOR12 EQUINIX, INC.29444U700US29444U700005/23/2024Approval, by a non-binding advisory vote, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER13430FOR1343FOR12 EQUINOR ASA29446M102US29446M102705/14/2024The board of directors' report for salary and other remuneration for leading personnel.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER320AGAINST32AGAINST12 EQUITABLE HOLDINGS, INC.29452E101US29452E101005/22/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER270FOR27FOR12 EQUITY RESIDENTIAL29476L107US29476L107006/20/2024Approval of Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER147390FOR14739FOR12 ESCO TECHNOLOGIES INC.296315104US296315104602/07/2024An advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER500FOR50FOR12 ESPERION THERAPEUTICS, INC.29664W105US29664W105305/23/2024To approve the non-binding advisory resolution on the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8160AGAINST816AGAINST12 ESSENTIAL PROPERTIES REALTY TRUST, INC.29670E107US29670E107305/13/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as more particularly described in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11430FOR1143FOR12 ESSENTIAL UTILITIES, INC.29670G102US29670G102205/01/2024To approve an advisory vote on the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officers for 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER165510FOR16551FOR12 ESSEX PROPERTY TRUST, INC.297178105US297178105705/14/2024Advisory vote to approve the Company's named executive officer compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4240FOR424FOR12 ETSY, INC.29786A106US29786A106006/13/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7570FOR757FOR12 EURONET WORLDWIDE, INC.298736109US298736109205/16/2024Advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6000AGAINST600AGAINST12 EVEREST GROUP, LTD.G3223R108BMG3223R108805/15/2024To approve, by non-binding advisory vote, 2023 compensation paid to the Company's Named Executive Officers (as defined herein)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER700FOR70FOR12 EVERGY, INC.30034W106US30034W106205/07/2024Approve the 2023 compensation of our named executive officers on an advisory non-binding basisSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER900FOR90FOR12 EVERSOURCE ENERGY30040W108US30040W108005/01/2024Consider an advisory proposal approving the compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER75510FOR7551FOR12 EXACT SCIENCES CORPORATION30063P105US30063P105706/13/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER25990FOR2599FOR12 EXELON CORPORATION30161N101US30161N101904/30/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation paid to Exelon's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER18780FOR1878FOR12 EXPEDIA GROUP, INC.30212P303US30212P303806/25/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of Expedia Group's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3390FOR339FOR12 EXPEDITORS INT'L OF WASHINGTON, INC.302130109US302130109405/07/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER291900AGAINST29190AGAINST12 EXTRA SPACE STORAGE INC.30225T102US30225T102505/23/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4560FOR456FOR12 EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION30231G102US30231G102205/29/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5983300FOR598330FOR12 EYEPOINT PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.30233G209US30233G209306/20/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the accompanying proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER360FOR36FOR12 F5, INC.315616102US315616102403/14/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER59690FOR5969FOR12 FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.303075105US303075105712/14/2023To vote on a non-binding advisory resolution to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5820FOR582FOR12 FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.303075105US303075105712/14/2023To vote on a non-binding advisory resolution on the frequency of executive compensation votingSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER58201 YEAR582FOR12 FAIR ISAAC CORPORATION303250104US303250104702/14/2024To approve the advisory (non-binding) resolution relating to the named executive officer compensation as disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2550FOR255FOR12 FARMLAND PARTNERS INC.31154R109US31154R109504/29/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10580AGAINST1058AGAINST12 FARO TECHNOLOGIES, INC.311642102US311642102106/13/2024Non-binding resolution to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER17650FOR1765FOR12 FASTENAL COMPANY311900104US311900104404/25/2024Approval, by non-binding vote, of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1752560FOR175256FOR12 FEDERAL REALTY INVESTMENT TRUST313745101US313745101505/01/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER210FOR21FOR12 FEDERAL SIGNAL CORPORATION313855108US313855108604/23/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3740FOR374FOR12 FEDEX CORPORATION31428X106US31428X106309/21/2023Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER23910FOR2391FOR12 FEDEX CORPORATION31428X106US31428X106309/21/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER239101 YEAR2391FOR12 FERGUSON PLCG3421J106JE00BJVNSS4311/28/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers as disclosed in the Proxy Statement for the 2023 Annual General Meeting under the heading "Executive Compensation," including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the compensation tables and the related narrative discussion included therein ("Say-on-Pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1120FOR112FOR12 FERGUSON PLCG3421J106JE00BJVNSS4311/28/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency of future shareholder advisory votes to approve the compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers ("Say-on-Frequency")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11201 YEAR112FOR12 FERRARI N.V.N3167Y103NL001158514604/17/2024Remuneration Report 2023 (advisory vote)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER140FOR14FOR12 FIDELITY NAT'L INFORMATION SERVICES,INC.31620M106US31620M106206/05/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6600FOR660FOR12 FIDELITY NATIONAL FINANCIAL, INC.31620R303US31620R303006/12/2024Approval of a non-binding advisory resolution on the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5140FOR514FOR12 FIFTH THIRD BANCORP316773100US316773100504/16/2024An advisory vote on approval of the Company's compensation of its named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER164760FOR16476FOR12 FIRST AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION31847R102US31847R102305/21/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4930FOR493FOR12 FIRST FOUNDATION INC.32026V104US32026V104405/28/2024To approve, by non-binding advisory vote, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers for the year ended December 31, 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1140FOR114FOR12 FIRST INTERNET BANCORP320557101US320557101705/20/2024To approve, in an advisory (non-binding) vote, the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2338670FOR233867FOR12 FIRST SOLAR, INC.336433107US336433107005/08/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensatio of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER47760FOR4776FOR12 FIRSTENERGY CORP.337932107US337932107405/22/2024Approve, on an Advisory Basis, Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER150FOR15FOR12 FISERV, INC.337738108US337738108805/15/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the named executive officers of Fiserv, Inc.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER272270FOR27227FOR12 FIVE BELOW, INC.33829M101US33829M101806/11/2024To approve, by non-binding advisory vote, the Company's Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER57110FOR5711FOR12 FLEX LTD.Y2573F102SG999900002008/02/2023NON-BINDING, ADVISORY RESOLUTION. To approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as disclosed pursuant to Item 402 of Regulation S-K, set forth in "Compensation Discussion and Analysis" and in the compensation tables and the accompanying narrative disclosure under "Executive Compensation" in the Company's proxy statement relating to its 2023 Annual General MeetingSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER17660FOR1766FOR12 FLEX LTD.Y2573F102SG999900002008/02/2023NON-BINDING, ADVISORY RESOLUTION. To recommend that a non-binding, advisory resolution to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers be put to shareholders for their consideration every 1 year, every 2 years or every 3 yearsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER176601 YEAR1766FOR12 FLOWERS FOODS, INC.343498101US343498101105/23/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the company's named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2240FOR224FOR12 FLUTTER ENTERTAINMENT PLCG3643J108IE00BWT6H89405/01/2024To receive and consider the 2023 report on Directors' remuneration.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER160FOR16FOR12 FMC CORPORATION302491303US302491303604/30/2024Approval, by non-binding vote, of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4980FOR498FOR12 FORD MOTOR COMPANY345370860US345370860005/09/2024Say-on-Pay - An Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of the Named ExecutivesSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER150470AGAINST15047AGAINST12 FORMFACTOR, INC.346375108US346375108705/17/2024Advisory approval of FormFactor's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER13290FOR1329FOR12 FORTINET, INC.34959E109US34959E109106/14/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation, as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER103180FOR10318FOR12 FORTIS INC.349553107CA349553107905/02/2024Approval of the advisory and non-binding resolution on the approach to executive compensation as described in the Management Information Circular.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5260FOR526FOR12 FORTIVE CORPORATION34959J108US34959J108806/04/2024To approve on an advisory basis Fortive's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER42050FOR4205FOR12 FORTREA HOLDINGS34965K107US34965K107905/14/2024Advisory vote to approve compensation for our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1760FOR176FOR12 FORTREA HOLDINGS34965K107US34965K107905/14/2024Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER17601 YEAR176FOR12 FORTUNE BRANDS INNOVATIONS, INC.34964C106US34964C106205/07/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3050FOR305FOR12 FORTUNE BRANDS INNOVATIONS, INC.34964C106US34964C106205/07/2024Advisory vote to approve the frequency of voting on named executive officer compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30501 YEAR305FOR12 FOUR CORNERS PROPERTY TRUST, INC.35086T109US35086T109706/06/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10FOR1FOR12 FOX CORPORATION35137L204US35137L204311/17/2023Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER160FOR16FOR12 FRANCO-NEVADA CORPORATION351858105CA351858105105/01/2024Acceptance of the Corporation's approach to executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER44800FOR4480FOR12 FREEPORT-MCMORAN INC.35671D857US35671D857006/11/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER311770FOR31177FOR12 FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE AG & CO. KGAA358029106US358029106605/16/2024Resolution on the approval of the compensation report for fiscal year 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER700FOR70FOR12 FTI CONSULTING, INC.302941109US302941109306/05/2024Vote on an advisory (non-binding) resolution to approve the compensation of the named executive officers for the year ended December 31, 2023 as described in the Proxy Statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER120000FOR12000FOR12 GARMIN LTDH2906T109CH011440532406/07/2024Advisory vote on the compensation of Garmin's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER70FOR7FOR12 GARRETT MOTION INC.366505105US366505105405/29/2024The approval, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, of the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER160FOR16FOR12 GARTNER, INC.366651107US366651107206/06/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER34920FOR3492FOR12 GE HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES INC.36266G107US36266G107605/21/2024Approval of our named executive officer's compensation in an advisory voteSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER75030FOR7503FOR12 GEN DIGITAL INC668771108US668771108409/12/2023Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER26520FOR2652FOR12 GEN DIGITAL INC668771108US668771108409/12/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of advisory votes to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER265201 YEAR2652FOR12 GENERAC HOLDINGS INC.368736104US368736104406/13/2024Advisory vote on the non-binding ''say-on-pay'' resolution to approve the compensation of our executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER22940FOR2294FOR12 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION369550108US369550108605/01/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER288490FOR28849FOR12 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY369604301US369604301305/07/2024Advisory Approval of Our Named Executives' CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER203080FOR20308FOR12 GENERAL MILLS, INC.370334104US370334104609/26/2023Advisory Vote on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER441450FOR44145FOR12 GENERAL MILLS, INC.370334104US370334104609/26/2023Advisory Vote on Frequency of Holding the Advisory Vote on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4414501 YEAR44145FOR12 GENERAL MOTORS COMPANY37045V100US37045V100806/04/2024Advisory Approval of Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER77270AGAINST7727AGAINST12 GENMAB A S372303206US372303206203/13/2024Advisory vote on the Compensation Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER240FOR24FOR12 GENTEX CORPORATION371901109US371901109605/16/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER26760FOR2676FOR12 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY372460105US372460105504/29/2024Advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER19560FOR1956FOR12 GILDAN ACTIVEWEAR INC.375916103CA375916103505/28/2024RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION: Approving an advisory resolution on the Corporation's approach to executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER240AGAINST24NONE12 GILEAD SCIENCES, INC.375558103US375558103605/08/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our Named Executive Officers as presented in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER129830FOR12983FOR12 GINKGO BIOWORKS HOLDINGS, INC.37611X100US37611X100006/13/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10000FOR1000FOR12 GLOBAL PAYMENTS INC.37940X102US37940X102804/25/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officers for 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER720FOR72FOR12 GLOBE LIFE INC.37959E102US37959E102904/25/2024Approval of 2023 Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER38040FOR3804FOR12 GODADDY INC.380237107US380237107606/06/2024Advisory, non-binding vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2810FOR281FOR12 GOLD FIELDS LIMITED38059T106US38059T106005/30/2024Advisory endorsement of the Remuneration Implementation ReportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER920FOR92FOR12 GRACO INC.384109104US384109104004/26/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation paid to our named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER21350FOR2135FOR12 GSK PLC37733W204US37733W204405/08/2024To approve the Annual report on remuneration for the year ended 31 December 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER162950FOR16295FOR12 H&E EQUIPMENT SERVICES, INC.404030108US404030108105/16/2024Advisory vote on Named Executive Officer compensation as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3120FOR312FOR12 H&R BLOCK, INC.093671105US093671105211/03/2023Advisory approval of the Company's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1000FOR100FOR12 H&R BLOCK, INC.093671105US093671105211/03/2023Advisory approval of the frequency of holding future advisory votes on the Company's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10001 YEAR100FOR12 H.B. FULLER COMPANY359694106US359694106804/11/2024A non-binding advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy Statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER26450FOR2645FOR12 HALEON PLC405552100US405552100305/08/2024To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER370020FOR37002FOR12 HALLIBURTON COMPANY406216101US406216101705/15/2024Advisory Approval of Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER50290FOR5029FOR12 HANNON ARMSTRONG SUSTAINABLE INFRA CAPTL41068X100US41068X100006/06/2024The advisory approval of the compensation of the Named Executive Officers as described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the compensation tables and other narrative disclosure in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12030FOR1203FOR12 HARLEY-DAVIDSON, INC.412822108US412822108605/16/2024To approve, by advisory vote, the compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER340AGAINST34AGAINST12 HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, INC.419870100US419870100905/13/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of HEI's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER610AGAINST61AGAINST12 HCA HEALTHCARE, INC.40412C101US40412C101804/25/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3990FOR399FOR12 HCA HEALTHCARE, INC.40412C101US40412C101804/25/2024Advisory vote to approve the frequency of future advisory votes to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER39901 YEAR399FOR12 HEALTHPEAK PROPERTIES, INC42250P103US42250P103004/25/2024Approval of 2023 executive compensation on an advisory basisSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER125060FOR12506FOR12 HECLA MINING COMPANY422704106US422704106205/17/2024Advisory resolution to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3560AGAINST356AGAINST12 HEICO CORPORATION422806109US422806109303/15/2024Advisory approval of the company's Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9670AGAINST967AGAINST12 HEICO CORPORATION422806208US422806208303/15/2024Advisory approval of the company's Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20AGAINST2AGAINST12 HELMERICH & PAYNE, INC.423452101US423452101502/27/2024Advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8050FOR805FOR12 HENRY SCHEIN, INC.806407102US806407102505/21/2024Proposal to approve, by non-binding vote, the 2023 compensation paid to the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10910FOR1091FOR12 HERCULES CAPITAL INC427096508US427096508407/20/2023Advisory vote to approve the Company's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11000FOR1100FOR12 HERCULES CAPITAL INC427096508US427096508407/20/2023Advisory vote to approve the frequency of the advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER110001 YEAR1100FOR12 HERITAGE GLOBAL INC.42727E103US42727E103806/05/2024To approve, on an advisory, non-binding basis, the Company's compensation of its named executive officers as disclosed in the attached Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER21540FOR2154FOR12 HESS CORPORATION42809H107US42809H107705/15/2024Advisory approval of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7120FOR712FOR12 HESS CORPORATION42809H107US42809H107705/28/2024To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to Hess' named executive officers that is based on or otherwise related to the mergerSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7120FOR712FOR12 HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE COMPANY42824C109US42824C109904/10/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER235740FOR23574FOR12 HEXCEL CORPORATION428291108US428291108405/02/2024Advisory non-binding vote to approve 2023 executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER51210FOR5121FOR12 HF SINCLAIR CORPORATION403949100US403949100005/22/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER360FOR36FOR12 HILTON WORLDWIDE HOLDINGS INC.43300A203US43300A203305/15/2024Approval, in a non-binding advisory vote, of the compensation paid to the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER22950FOR2295FOR12 HOLOGIC, INC.436440101US436440101203/07/2024A non-binding advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER29300AGAINST2930AGAINST12 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC.438516106US438516106605/14/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER575790FOR57579FOR12 HORIZON THERAPEUTICS PLCG46188101IE00BQPVQZ6107/27/2023Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officers, as disclosed in the Proxy Statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2200AGAINST220AGAINST12 HORMEL FOODS CORPORATION440452100US440452100101/30/2024Approve the Named Executive Officer compensation as disclosed in the Company's 2024 annual meeting proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10360FOR1036FOR12 HOST HOTELS & RESORTS, INC.44107P104US44107P104905/15/2024Advisory resolution to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER560FOR56FOR12 HOWARD HUGHES HOLDINGS INC.44267T102US44267T102505/23/2024Advisory (non-binding) vote to approve executive compensation Say-on-PaySECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER120FOR12FOR12 HOWMET AEROSPACE INC.443201108US443201108205/22/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER21130FOR2113FOR12 HOWMET AEROSPACE INC.443201207US443201207205/22/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER35000FOR3500FOR12 HP INC.40434L105US40434L105204/22/2024To approve on an advisory basis, HP Inc's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER459960FOR45996FOR12 HSBC HOLDINGS PLC404280406US404280406605/03/2024To approve the Directors' Remuneration ReportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2340FOR234FOR12 HUBBELL INCORPORATED443510607US443510607905/07/2024To approve, by non-binding vote, the compensation of our named executive officers as presented in the 2024 Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER630FOR63FOR12 HUBSPOT, INC.443573100US443573100906/11/2024Non-binding advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1620FOR162FOR12 HUDSON TECHNOLOGIES, INC.444144109US444144109806/12/2024To approve, by non-binding advisory vote, named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7750AGAINST775AGAINST12 HUMANA INC.444859102US444859102804/18/2024Non-binding advisory vote for the approval of the compensation of the named executive officers as disclosed in the 2024 proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11280FOR1128FOR12 HUNTINGTON BANCSHARES INCORPORATED446150104US446150104504/17/2024An advisory resolution to approve, on a non-binding basis, the compensation of executives as disclosed in the accompanying proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER31970AGAINST3197AGAINST12 HUNTINGTON INGALLS INDUSTRIES, INC.446413106US446413106305/01/2024Approve Executive Compensation on an Advisory BasisSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER16200FOR1620FOR12 HUNTINGTON INGALLS INDUSTRIES, INC.446413106US446413106305/01/2024Provide an Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Future Advisory Approvals of Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER162001 YEAR1620FOR12 IAC INC.44891N208US44891N208006/11/2024To approve a non-binding advisory vote on IAC's 2023 executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5160AGAINST516AGAINST12 IBERDROLA SA450737101US450737101505/17/2024Consultative vote on the Annual Director and Officer Remuneration Report 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER770FOR77FOR12 ICHOR HOLDINGS, LTD.G4740B105KYG4740B105905/15/2024Advisory approval of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER16700FOR1670FOR12 IDEXX LABORATORIES, INC.45168D104US45168D104605/06/2024Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation. To approve a nonbinding advisory resolution on the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER129530FOR12953FOR12 ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC.452308109US452308109305/03/2024Advisory vote to approve compensation of ITW's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER893490FOR88104FORAGAINST1245AGAINST12 ILLUMINA, INC.452327109US452327109005/16/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3500FOR350FOR12 IMMUNOGEN, INC.45253H101US45253H101401/31/2024A proposal to approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to ImmunoGen's named executive officers that is based on or otherwise relates to the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement (the ''Compensation Proposal''); andSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER27990AGAINST2799AGAINST12 INDEPENDENT BANK CORP.453836108US453836108405/16/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER210FOR21FOR12 INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG45662N103US45662N103702/23/2024Approval of the Remuneration ReportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER210FOR21FOR12 ING GROEP N.V.456837103US456837103704/22/2024Remuneration Report for 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER218060FOR21806FOR12 INGERSOLL RAND INC.45687V106US45687V106106/13/2024Non-binding vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER46360FOR4636FOR12 INNOVATIVE INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES, INC.45781V101US45781V101705/15/2024Approval on a non-binding advisory basis of the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER260AGAINST26AGAINST12 INNOVIVA INC45781M101US45781M101806/17/2024Approval of a non-binding advisory resolution regarding executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4970FOR497FOR12 INSTALLED BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC.45780R101US45780R101405/23/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER220FOR22FOR12 INSTEEL INDUSTRIES INC.45774W108US45774W108002/13/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER770FOR77FOR12 INSULET CORPORATION45784P101US45784P101205/22/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of certain executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER130FOR13FOR12 INTEL CORPORATION458140100US458140100105/07/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1948210FOR194821FOR12 INTELLIA THERAPEUTICS, INC.45826J105US45826J105106/12/2024Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7800FOR780FOR12 INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHANGE, INC.45866F104US45866F104905/17/2024To approve, by non-binding vote, the advisory resolution on executive compensation for named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER131640AGAINST13164AGAINST12 INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP PLC45857P806US45857P806805/03/2024Directors' Remuneration Report 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER90FOR9FOR12 INTERDIGITAL, INC.45867G101US45867G101306/05/2024Advisory resolution to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1560FOR156FOR12 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP.459200101US459200101404/30/2024Advisory Vote on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER538700FOR53870FOR12 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES INC.459506101US459506101505/01/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers in 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER35690FOR3569FOR12 INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY460146103US460146103505/13/2024A Non-Binding Resolution to Approve the Compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER46090FOR4609FOR12 INTRA-CELLULAR THERAPIES, INC.46116X101US46116X101906/14/2024To approve by an advisory vote the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6100FOR610FOR12 INTREPID POTASH, INC.46121Y201US46121Y201905/16/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER620FOR62FOR12 INTUIT INC.461202103US461202103401/18/2024Advisory vote to approve Intuit's executive compensation (say-on-pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER72310FOR7231FOR12 INTUIT INC.461202103US461202103401/18/2024Advisory vote on the frequency of future say-on-pay votesSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER723101 YEAR7231FOR12 INTUITIVE SURGICAL, INC.46120E602US46120E602304/25/2024To approve, by advisory vote, the compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER87180FOR8448FORAGAINST270AGAINST12 INVESCO LTD.G491BT108BMG491BT108805/23/2024Advisory vote to approve the company's 2023 executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15570FOR1557FOR12 INVITATION HOMES INC.46187W107US46187W107105/15/2024To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER600FOR60FOR12 IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.462222100US462222100406/06/2024To make an advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30120FOR3012FOR12 IPG PHOTONICS CORPORATION44980X109US44980X109006/18/2024Advisory Approval of our Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2000FOR200FOR12 IQVIA HOLDINGS INC.46266C105US46266C105304/16/2024Approve an advisory (non-binding) resolution to approve IQVIA's executive compensation (say-on-pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER59560AGAINST5956AGAINST12 IRIDIUM COMMUNICATIONS INC.46269C102US46269C102705/21/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER27490FOR2749FOR12 IROBOT CORPORATION462726100US462726100510/12/2023To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, certain compensation that may be paid or become payable to iRobot's named executive officers in connection with the mergerSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1000AGAINST100AGAINST12 IROBOT CORPORATION462726100US462726100505/23/2024Approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1000FOR100FOR12 IRON MOUNTAIN INC.46284V101US46284V101705/30/2024The approval of a non-binding, advisory resolution approving the compensation of our named executive officers as described in the Iron Mountain Incorporated Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER214960FOR21496FOR12 ITRON, INC.465741106US465741106605/09/2024Proposal to approve the advisory (non-binding) resolution relating to executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11100FOR1110FOR12 J.B. HUNT TRANSPORT SERVICES, INC.445658107US445658107704/25/2024To consider and approve an advisory resolution regarding the Company's compensation of its named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER250FOR25FOR12 JABIL INC.466313103US466313103901/25/2024Approve (on an advisory basis) the frequency of future advisory stockholder votes to approve Jabil's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2201 YEAR22FOR12 JABIL INC.466313103US466313103901/25/2024Approve (on an advisory basis) Jabil's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER220FOR22FOR12 JACK HENRY & ASSOCIATES, INC.426281101US426281101511/14/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7250FOR725FOR12 JACK HENRY & ASSOCIATES, INC.426281101US426281101511/14/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency of the advisory approval of our named executive officer compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER72501 YEAR725FOR12 JACOBS SOLUTIONS INC.46982L108US46982L108901/24/2024Advisory vote to approve the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14040FOR1404FOR12 JAMES HARDIE INDUSTRIES PLC47030M106US47030M106208/03/2023To receive and consider the Remuneration Report of the Company for the fiscal year ended 31 March 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER820FOR82FOR12 JANUS HENDERSON GROUP PLCG4474Y214JE00BYPZJM2905/01/2024Advisory Say-on-Pay Vote on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER67760FOR6776FOR12 JETBLUE AIRWAYS CORPORATION477143101US477143101605/17/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3190AGAINST319AGAINST12 JOBY AVIATION, INCG65163100KYG65163100706/14/2024Approval, in a non-binding advisory vote, of the compensation of Joby's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER88300FOR8830FOR12 JOHNSON & JOHNSON478160104US478160104604/25/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3267070FOR326707FOR12 JOHNSON CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL PLCG51502105IE00BY7QL61903/13/2024To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER139630FOR13963FOR12 JONES LANG LASALLE INCORPORATED48020Q107US48020Q107605/22/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of JLL's Executive Compensation ("Say-On-Pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1050FOR105FOR12 JPMORGAN CHASE & CO.46625H100US46625H100505/21/2024Advisory resolution to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2866540FOR286654FOR12 JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC.48203R104US48203R104104/02/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to Juniper's named executive officers that is based on or otherwise relates to the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Merger AgreementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER150FOR15FOR12 JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC.48203R104US48203R104106/04/2024Approval of a non-binding advisory resolution on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER150FOR15FOR12 KARAT PACKAGING INC.48563L101US48563L101706/20/2024To obtain advisory approval of the Company's executive compensation ("Say on Pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2390FOR239FOR12 KB HOME48666K109US48666K109704/18/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER420AGAINST42AGAINST12 KBR, INC.48242W106US48242W106205/15/2024Advisory vote to approve KBR's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6000FOR600FOR12 KELLANOVA487836108US487836108204/26/2024Advisory resolution to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER64930FOR6493FOR12 KEMPER CORPORATION488401100US488401100205/01/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15000FOR1500FOR12 KENVUE INC.49177J102US49177J102505/23/2024Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of Kenvue Inc.'s named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER222400FOR22240FOR12 KENVUE INC.49177J102US49177J102505/23/2024Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation of Kenvue Inc.'s named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2224001 YEAR22240FOR12 KEURIG DR PEPPER INC.49271V100US49271V100806/10/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. 's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER35650AGAINST3565AGAINST12 KEYCORP493267108US493267108805/09/2024Advisory approval of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER106240AGAINST10624AGAINST12 KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGIES, INC.49338L103US49338L103503/21/2024Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of Keysight's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11010FOR1101FOR12 KIMBERLY-CLARK CORPORATION494368103US494368103505/02/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER153360FOR15336FOR12 KIMCO REALTY CORPORATION49446R109US49446R109505/07/2024The board of directors recommends: a vote for the advisory resolution to approve the company executive compensation (as more particularly described in the proxy statement)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER13180FOR1318FOR12 KINDER MORGAN, INC.49456B101US49456B101705/08/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officers, as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER83950FOR8395FOR12 KINDER MORGAN, INC.49456B101US49456B101705/08/2024Advisory vote on the frequency with which we will hold future advisory votes on the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER839501 YEAR8395FOR12 KINGFISHER PLC495724403US495724403506/20/2024THAT the Directors' Remuneration Report (excluding the Directors' Remuneration Policy, set out on pages 88 to 95 of the Directors' Remuneration Report), as set out in the Annual Report and Accounts be received and approved.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1710FOR171FOR12 KINROSS GOLD CORPORATION496902404CA496902404705/08/2024To consider and, if deemed appropriate, to pass an advisory resolution on Kinross' approach to executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1720FOR172FOR12 KINSALE CAPITAL GROUP, INC.49714P108US49714P108405/23/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5000FOR500FOR12 KINSALE CAPITAL GROUP, INC.49714P108US49714P108405/23/2024Advisory vote on the frequency of advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER50001 YEAR500FOR12 KLA CORPORATION482480100US482480100911/01/2023To approve on a non-binding, advisory basis our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER452540FOR45254FOR12 KLA CORPORATION482480100US482480100911/01/2023To approve on a non-binding, advisory basis the recommended frequency of future stockholder votes to approve our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4525401 YEAR45254FOR12 KOHL'S CORPORATION500255104US500255104305/15/2024To approve, by an advisory vote, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER470FOR47FOR12 KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS N.V.500472303US500472303805/07/2024Advisory vote on the Remuneration Report 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1200FOR120NONE12 KONTOOR BRANDS, INC.50050N103US50050N103704/18/2024To approve the compensation of Kontoor's named executive officers as disclosed in our proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3420FOR342FOR12 KRATOS DEFENSE & SEC SOLUTIONS, INC.50077B207US50077B207905/21/2024An advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as presented in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5000FOR500FOR12 KYNDRYL HOLDINGS, INC.50155Q100US50155Q100407/27/2023Approval, in a non-binding vote, of the compensation of the company's named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5940FOR594FOR12 L3HARRIS TECHNOLOGIES INC.502431109US502431109504/19/2024Approval, in an Advisory Vote, of the Compensation of Named Executive Officers as Disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30280FOR3028FOR12 LABORATORY CORP. OF AMERICA HOLDINGS50540R409US50540R409205/14/2024To approve, by non-binding vote, the compensation of the Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings' named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1820FOR182FOR12 LADRX CORPORATION232828707US232828707109/06/2023The approval, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in this Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER110AGAINST11AGAINST12 LADRX CORPORATION232828707US232828707109/06/2023The approval, on an advisory, basis, regarding the frequency of future stockholder advisory votes to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1101 YEAR11AGAINST12 LAM RESEARCH CORPORATION512807108US512807108211/07/2023Advisory Vote to Approve the compensation of the Named Executive Officers of Learn Research, or " Say on Pay "SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER84100FOR8410FOR12 LAM RESEARCH CORPORATION512807108US512807108211/07/2023Advisory vote to approve the frequency of holding future stockholder advisory votes on named executive officer Compensation, or " Say on Frequency "SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER841001 YEAR8410FOR12 LAMB WESTON HOLDINGS, INC.513272104US513272104509/28/2023Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12640FOR1264FOR12 LAMB WESTON HOLDINGS, INC.513272104US513272104509/28/2023Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes to Approve Executive Compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER126401 YEAR1264FOR12 LAS VEGAS SANDS CORP.517834107US517834107005/09/2024An advisory (non-binding) vote to approve the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER17550AGAINST1755AGAINST12 LAZARD INC.52110M109US52110M109905/09/2024Non-binding advisory vote regarding executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1000AGAINST100AGAINST12 LEAR CORPORATION521865204US521865204905/16/2024Approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, Lear Corporation's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER19560FOR1956FOR12 LEIDOS HOLDINGS, INC.525327102US525327102804/26/2024Approve by an advisory vote, executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER57100FOR5710FOR12 LEMONADE, INC.52567D107US52567D107206/05/2024To approve on an advisory (non-binding) basis the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1910FOR191FOR12 LENNAR CORPORATION526057104US526057104804/10/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER29250AGAINST2925AGAINST12 LENNOX INTERNATIONAL INC.526107107US526107107105/16/2024To conduct an advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2650FOR265FOR12 LEXICON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.528872302US528872302705/10/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER64290AGAINST6429AGAINST12 LGI HOMES, INC.50187T106US50187T106004/25/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER120FOR12FOR12 LGI HOMES, INC.50187T106US50187T106004/25/2024Advisory vote to approve the frequency of future stockholder votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1201 YEAR12FOR12 LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION531229813US531229813706/10/2024The say-on-pay proposal, to approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15160AGAINST1516AGAINST12 LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION531229813US531229813706/10/2024The say-on-frequency proposal, to approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency at which stockholders are required to provide an advisory vote on the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER151601 YEAR1516AGAINST12 LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION531229748US531229748506/10/2024The say-on-pay proposal, to approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3820AGAINST382AGAINST12 LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION531229748US531229748506/10/2024The say-on-frequency proposal, to approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency at which stockholders are required to provide an advisory vote on the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER38201 YEAR382AGAINST12 LIFEMD, INC.53216B104US53216B104406/14/2024To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation provided to the named executive officers as described in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7770AGAINST777AGAINST12 LIGAND PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED53220K504US53220K504806/14/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1350FOR135FOR12 LINCOLN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CORPORATION533535100US533535100405/02/2024Approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis, of the compensation of named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER19760FOR1976FOR12 LINCOLN ELECTRIC HOLDINGS, INC.533900106US533900106804/19/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers (NEOs)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3880FOR388FOR12 LINCOLN NATIONAL CORPORATION534187109US534187109405/23/2024The approval of an advisory resolution on the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9930AGAINST993AGAINST12 LINDBLAD EXPEDITIONS HOLDINGS, INC.535219109US535219109306/04/2024The approval, on an advisory basis, of the 2023 compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER21200AGAINST2120AGAINST12 LINDE PLCG54950103IE000S9YS76207/24/2023To approve, on an advisory and non-binding basis, the compensation of Linde plc's Named Executive Officers, as disclosed in the 2023 Proxy statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER265320FOR26532FOR12 LIVE NATION ENTERTAINMENT, INC.538034109US538034109006/13/2024To hold an advisory vote on the company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9000AGAINST900AGAINST12 LIVENT CORPORATION53814L108US53814L108912/19/2023Proposal 2- Approval of the Livent Compensation Proposal Approve, in a non-binding, advisory vote, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to Livent's named executive officers in connection with the TransactionSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER40FOR4FOR12 LKQ CORPORATION501889208US501889208405/07/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER980FOR98FOR12 LLOYDS BANKING GROUP PLC539439109US539439109905/16/2024To approve the directors' remuneration reportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER16650FOR1665FOR12 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION539830109US539830109405/02/2024Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of our Named Excecutive Officers (Say-on-Pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER126150FOR12615FOR12 LOEWS CORPORATION540424108US540424108605/14/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER840FOR84FOR12 LOGITECH INTERNATIONAL S.A.H50430232CH002575132909/13/2023Advisory vote to approve Named Executive Officers Compensation for fiscal year 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER110FOR11FOR12 LOGITECH INTERNATIONAL S.A.H50430232CH002575132909/13/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1101 YEAR11FOR12 LOGITECH INTERNATIONAL S.A.H50430232CH002575132909/13/2023Advisory vote on the Swiss Compensation Report for fiscal year 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER110FOR11FOR12 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC.548661107US548661107305/31/2024Advisory vote to approve the company's named executive officer compensation in fiscal 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER635950FOR63595FOR12 LPL FINANCIAL HOLDINGS INC.50212V100US50212V100805/09/2024Approve, in an advisory vote, the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2060FOR206FOR12 LUCID GROUP, INC.549498103US549498103906/04/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation for our named executive officers as disclosed in our Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3230AGAINST323AGAINST12 LULULEMON ATHLETICA INC.550021109US550021109006/06/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER50440FOR5044FOR12 LUMEN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.550241103US550241103705/15/2024Advisory Vote to approve our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER90FOR9FOR12 LUMENTUM HOLDINGS INC.55024U109US55024U109711/17/2023To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15550AGAINST1555AGAINST12 LUMENTUM HOLDINGS INC.55024U109US55024U109711/17/2023To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the frequency of future advisory votes to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER155501 YEAR1555FOR12 LUMINAR TECHNOLOGIES,INC.550424105US550424105106/05/2024Approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of Luminar Technologies, Inc.'s named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3090AGAINST309AGAINST12 LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES N.V.N53745100NL000943499205/24/2024Advisory Vote Approving Executive Compensation (Say-On-Pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER480580FOR48058FOR12 M&T BANK CORPORATION55261F104US55261F104904/16/2024To approve the 2023 compensation of M&T Bank Corporation's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER26030FOR2603FOR12 M.D.C. HOLDINGS, INC.552676108US552676108604/02/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation that will or may become payable by M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. to its named executive officers in connection with the MergerSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5110AGAINST511AGAINST12 MACROGENICS, INC.556099109US556099109405/21/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy materials.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER21960FOR2196FOR12 MADISON SQUARE GARDEN SPORTS CORP.55825T103US55825T103412/11/2023Approval of, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3300FOR330FOR12 MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, L.P.559080106US559080106509/21/2023To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to the named executive officers of Magellan GP, LLC, the general partner of Magellan, that is based on or otherwise related to the merger contemplated by the Merger AgreementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER69720AGAINST6972AGAINST12 MAGNA INTERNATIONAL INC.559222401CA559222401105/09/2024Resolved, on an advisory basis and not to diminish the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, that the shareholders accept the approach to executive compensation disclosed in the accompanying management information circular/proxy statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER34540AGAINST3454AGAINST12 MANULIFE FINANCIAL CORPORATION56501R106CA56501R106405/09/2024Advisory resolution accepting approach to executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER22960FOR2296FOR12 MARATHON OIL CORPORATION565849106US565849106405/22/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER18060FOR1806FOR12 MARATHON PETROLEUM CORPORATION56585A102US56585A102504/24/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the company's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER32350FOR3235FOR12 MARATHON PETROLEUM CORPORATION56585A102US56585A102504/24/2024Recommendation, on an advisory basis, on the frequency of future advisory votes to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER323501 YEAR3235FOR12 MARKER THERAPEUTICS, INC.57055L206US57055L206006/06/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8410FOR841FOR12 MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC.571903202US571903202205/10/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER119860FOR11986FOR12 MARSH & MCLENNAN COMPANIES, INC.571748102US571748102305/16/2024Advisory (Nonbinding) Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER83560FOR8356FOR12 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC.573284106US573284106005/16/2024Approval, by a non-binding advisory vote, of the compensation of Martin Marietta, Inc.'s named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15480FOR1548FOR12 MARVELL TECHNOLOGY, INC.573874104US573874104106/20/2024An advisory (non-binding) vote to approve compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER235220AGAINST23522AGAINST12 MASCO CORPORATION574599106US574599106805/10/2024To approve, by non-binding advisory vote, the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officers, as disclosed pursuant to the compensation disclosure rules of the SEC, including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the compensation tables and the related materials disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10740FOR1074FOR12 MASTERBRAND INC57638P104US57638P104906/05/2024Advisory resolution to approve executive compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER150FOR15FOR12 MASTERCARD INCORPORATED57636Q104US57636Q104006/18/2024Advisory approval of Mastercard's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER396590FOR39659FOR12 MATCH GROUP, INC.57667L107US57667L107006/21/2024To approve a non-binding advisory resolution on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12540FOR1254FOR12 MATERION CORPORATION576690101US576690101205/09/2024To approve, by non-binding vote, named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER770FOR77FOR12 MATSON, INC.57686G105US57686G105804/25/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER19000FOR1900FOR12 MAXIMUS, INC.577933104US577933104103/12/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER50FOR5FOR12 MCDONALD'S CORPORATION580135101US580135101705/22/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1054110FOR105411FOR12 MCKESSON CORPORATION58155Q103US58155Q103107/21/2023Advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER34210FOR3421FOR12 MCKESSON CORPORATION58155Q103US58155Q103107/21/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of the advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER342101 YEAR3421FOR12 MEDTRONIC PLCG5960L103IE00BTN1Y11510/19/2023Approving, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER385800FOR38580FOR12 MERCADOLIBRE, INC.58733R102US58733R102306/05/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers for fiscal year 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3940FOR394FOR12 MERCK & CO., INC.58933Y105US58933Y105505/28/2024Non-binding advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4087280FOR408728FOR12 MERITAGE HOMES CORPORATION59001A102US59001A102505/16/2024Advisory vote to approve compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers ("Say on Pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1380FOR138FOR12 METLIFE, INC.59156R108US59156R108606/18/2024Advisory (non-binding) vote to approve the compensation paid to MetLife, Inc.'s Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER62740FOR6274FOR12 METTLER-TOLEDO INTERNATIONAL INC.592688105US592688105405/09/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER166500FOR16650FOR12 MGM RESORTS INTERNATIONAL552953101US552953101505/01/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7740FOR774FOR12 MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED595017104US595017104208/22/2023Proposal to approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of our named executivesSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER528380FOR52838FOR12 MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED595017104US595017104208/22/2023Proposal to approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the frequency period of the advisory executive compensation vote to be held every one, two, or three yearsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5283801 YEAR52838FOR12 MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.595112103US595112103801/18/2024Proposal by the Company to approve, on a non-binding basis, the compensation of our named executive officers as described in the proxy statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20050AGAINST2005AGAINST12 MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC.595112103US595112103801/18/2024Proposal by the Company to approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the frequency (every one, two or three years) with which our shareholders will have an advisory vote on compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER200501 YEAR2005FOR12 MICROSOFT CORPORATION594918104US594918104512/07/2023Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation (''say-on-pay vote'')SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6700790FOR670079FOR12 MICROSOFT CORPORATION594918104US594918104512/07/2023Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Advisory Vote on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER67007901 YEAR670079FOR12 MID-AMERICA APARTMENT COMMUNITIES, INC.59522J103US59522J103405/21/2024Advisory (non-binding) vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER100FOR10FOR12 MODERNA, INC.60770K107US60770K107905/06/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11970AGAINST1197AGAINST12 MOELIS & COMPANY60786M105US60786M105306/06/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our Named Executive Officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3790AGAINST379AGAINST12 MOELIS & COMPANY60786M105US60786M105306/06/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency (every 1, 2 or 3 years) of future advisory votes to approve the compensation of our Named Executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER37901 YEAR379FOR12 MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC.608190104US608190104205/23/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensation, as disclosed in the Company's Proxy Statement for the 2024 Annual Meeting of StockholdersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2310FOR231FOR12 MOLINA HEALTHCARE, INC.60855R100US60855R100505/01/2024To consider and approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER50FOR5FOR12 MOLSON COORS BEVERAGE COMPANY60871R209US60871R209405/15/2024To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation of Molson Coors Beverages Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7980FOR798FOR12 MONDELEZ INTERNATIONAL, INC.609207105US609207105805/22/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER242410FOR24241FOR12 MONGODB, INC.60937P106US60937P106606/25/2024Approval, on a non-binding advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4840FOR484FOR12 MONOLITHIC POWER SYSTEMS, INC.609839105US609839105406/13/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the 2023 executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1590FOR159FOR12 MONSTER BEVERAGE CORPORATION61174X109US61174X109006/13/2024Proposal to approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER334930FOR33493FOR12 MOODY'S CORPORATION615369105US615369105904/16/2024Advisory resolution approving executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER81780FOR8178FOR12 MORGAN STANLEY617446448US617446448605/23/2024To approve the compensation of executives as disclosed in the proxy statement (non-binding advisory vote)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3620880AGAINST362088AGAINST12 MORNINGSTAR, INC.617700109US617700109505/10/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8920FOR892FOR12 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC.620076307US620076307505/14/2024Advisory Approval of the Company's Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10170FOR1017FOR12 MP MATERIALS CORP.553368101US553368101206/11/2024Advisory vote to approve compensation paid to the Company's named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10750AGAINST1075AGAINST12 MR. COOPER GROUP INC.62482R107US62482R107705/23/2024To conduct an advisory vote on named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4090FOR409FOR12 MSCI INC.55354G100US55354G100404/23/2024To approve, by non-binding vote, our executive compensation, as described in these proxy materialsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6040FOR604FOR12 MUELLER INDUSTRIES, INC.624756102US624756102905/09/2024To approve, on an advisory basis by non-binding vote executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4890FOR489FOR12 NASDAQ, INC.631103108US631103108106/11/2024Advisory vote to approve the Company's executive compensation as presented in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER97910FOR9791FOR12 NASPERS LIMITED631512209US631512209208/24/2023To endorse the implementation report of the remuneration reportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER250AGAINST25NONE12 NATIONAL GRID PLC636274409US636274409507/10/2023To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report (excluding the excerpts from the Directors' remuneration policy set out within the Directors' Remuneration Report) set out on pages 90 to 106 (inclusive) of the Annual Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5920FOR592FOR12 NATWEST GROUP PLC.639057207US639057207004/23/2024To approve the Annual remuneration report in the Directors' remuneration reportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5750FOR575FOR12 NESTLE S.A.641069406US641069406004/18/2024Acceptance of the Compensation Report 2023 (advisory vote)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER434440FOR43444FOR12 NETAPP, INC.64110D104US64110D104609/13/2023To hold an advisory vote to approve Named Executive Officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER160FOR16FOR12 NETAPP, INC.64110D104US64110D104609/13/2023To hold an advisory vote to approve the frequency of future advisory votes on Named Executive Officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1601 YEAR16FOR12 NETFLIX, INC.64110L106US64110L106106/06/2024Advisory approval of named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER23040FOR2304FOR12 NEUROCRINE BIOSCIENCES, INC.64125C109US64125C109905/22/2024Advisory vote on the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5000FOR500FOR12 NEWMARKET CORPORATION651587107US651587107604/25/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the named executive officers of NewMarket CorporationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6100FOR610FOR12 NEWMONT CORPORATION651639106US651639106604/24/2024Approval of the advisory resolution on Newmont's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER18230FOR1823FOR12 NEWPARK RESOURCES, INC.651718504US651718504605/16/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6320FOR632FOR12 NEWS CORP65249B208US65249B208811/15/2023Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2060FOR206FOR12 NEXPOINT RESIDENTIAL TRUST, INC.65341D102US65341D102805/07/2024Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation: to approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER210FOR21FOR12 NEXSTAR MEDIA GROUP, INC.65336K103US65336K103406/18/2024To conduct an advisory vote on the compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1280AGAINST128AGAINST12 NEXTERA ENERGY PARTNERS, LP65341B106US65341B106104/22/2024Approval, by non-binding advisory vote, of the compensation of NextEra Energy Partners' named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11980FOR1198FOR12 NEXTERA ENERGY, INC.65339F101US65339F101205/23/2024Approval, by non-binding advisory vote, of NextEra Energy's compensation of its named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2915390FOR291539FOR12 NIKE, INC.654106103US654106103109/12/2023To approve executive compensation by an advisory voteSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1539340FOR153934FOR12 NIKE, INC.654106103US654106103109/12/2023To hold an advisory vote on the frequency of advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15393401 YEAR153934FOR12 NIOCORP DEVELOPMENTS LTD.654484609CA654484609101/19/2024Advisory Vote To Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation Approval, on a nonbinding, advisory basis ,of the compensation of the company's named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2380FOR238FOR12 NISOURCE INC.65473P105US65473P105705/13/2024To approve named executive officer compensation on an advisory basisSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1560FOR156FOR12 NLIGHT, INC.65487K100US65487K100706/06/2024To approve, on an advisory, non-binding basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER51800FOR5180FOR12 NOKIA CORPORATION654902204US654902204304/03/2024Presentation and adoption of the Remuneration Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5370FOR537FOR12 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORPORATION655844108US655844108405/09/2024Approval of the advisory resolution on executive compensation, as disclosed in the Norfolk Southern's proxy statement for the 2024 Annual Meeting.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER149690AGAINST14969NONE12 NORTHERN TRUST CORPORATION665859104US665859104404/16/2024Approval, by an advisory vote, of the 2023 compensation of the Corporation's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER118450FOR11845FOR12 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION666807102US666807102905/15/2024Proposal to approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER149390FOR14939FOR12 NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINE HOLDINGS LTD.G66721104BMG66721104606/13/2024Approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30760FOR3076FOR12 NOV INC.62955J103US62955J103405/15/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER740FOR74FOR12 NOVARTIS AG66987V109US66987V109803/05/2024Advisory vote on the 2023 Compensation Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER543500FOR54350FOR12 NRG ENERGY, INC.629377508US629377508504/25/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, NRG Energy, Inc.'s executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9170FOR917FOR12 NUCOR CORPORATION670346105US670346105205/09/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of Nucor's named executive officer compensation in 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7500FOR750FOR12 NURIX THERAPEUTICS, INC.67080M103US67080M103605/20/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER140740FOR14074FOR12 NUTRIEN LTD.67077M108CA67077M108605/08/2024A non-binding advisory resolution to accept the Corporation's approach to executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2700FOR270FOR12 NVENT ELECTRIC PLCG6700G107IE00BDVJJQ5605/17/2024Approve, by Non-Binding Advisory Vote, the Compensation of the Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER53240FOR5324FOR12 NVIDIA CORPORATION67066G104US67066G104006/26/2024Advisory approval of our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER459620FOR43403FORAGAINST2559AGAINST12 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N.V.N6596X109NL000953878405/29/2024Non-binding, advisory vote to approve Named Executive Officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER43960FOR4396FOR12 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC.67103H107US67103H107705/16/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER75210FOR7521FOR12 OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION674599105US674599105805/02/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER56560FOR5656FOR12 OLD DOMINION FREIGHT LINE, INC.679580100US679580100905/15/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6920FOR692FOR12 OLD REPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION680223104US680223104205/23/2024To provide an advisory approval on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER500FOR50FOR12 OMNICOM GROUP INC.681919106US681919106405/07/2024Advisory resolution to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER72950FOR7295FOR12 ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION682189105US682189105705/16/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officers ( Say-On-Pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER40540FOR4054FOR12 ONEOK, INC.682680103US682680103605/22/2024An advisory vote to approve ONEOK, Inc.'s executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER57120FOR5712FOR12 ONESPAWORLD HOLDINGS LIMITEDP73684113BSP73684113606/05/2024Approval, by non-binding advisory vote, of the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER66800FOR6680FOR12 ONESPAWORLD HOLDINGS LIMITEDP73684113BSP73684113606/05/2024Approval, by non-binding advisory vote, of the frequency of future advisory votes to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER668001 YEAR6680FOR12 OPEN TEXT CORPORATION683715106CA683715106809/14/2023The non-binding Say-on-Pay Resolution, the full text of which is included in the management proxy circular of the Company (the "Circular"), with or without variation, on the Company's approach to executive compensation, as described in the Circular.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER220AGAINST22AGAINST12 OPKO HEALTH, INC.68375N103US68375N103703/28/2024To approve a non-binding resolution regarding the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6730FOR673FOR12 ORACLE CORPORATION68389X105US68389X105411/15/2023Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1511620AGAINST151162AGAINST12 ORACLE CORPORATION68389X105US68389X105411/15/2023Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes on the Compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15116201 YEAR151162FOR12 ORGANON & CO.68622V106US68622V106106/04/2024Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of Organon's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER26620AGAINST2662AGAINST12 ORMAT TECHNOLOGIES, INC.686688102US686688102105/08/2024To approve, in a non-binding, advisory vote, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER22850FOR2285FOR12 OTIS WORLDWIDE CORPORATION68902V107US68902V107005/16/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER413300FOR41330FOR12 OWENS CORNING690742101US690742101904/18/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER120FOR12FOR12 PACCAR INC693718108US693718108804/30/2024Advisory resolution to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER61020FOR6102FOR12 PACCAR INC693718108US693718108804/30/2024Advisory vote on the frequency of executive compensation votesSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER610201 YEAR6102AGAINST12 PACKAGING CORPORATION OF AMERICA695156109US695156109005/08/2024Proposal to approve our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER27530FOR2753FOR12 PALO ALTO NETWORKS, INC.697435105US697435105712/12/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER97440AGAINST9744AGAINST12 PALOMAR HOLDINGS, INC.69753M105US69753M105305/23/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER120FOR12FOR12 PARK HOTELS & RESORTS INC700517105US700517105004/19/2024To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1450FOR145FOR12 PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION701094104US701094104210/25/2023Approval of, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER164190FOR16419FOR12 PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION701094104US701094104210/25/2023Approval , on a non-binding, advisory basis, of the frequency of future advisory votes to approve Named Executive Officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1641901 YEAR16419FOR12 PAYCHEX, INC.704326107US704326107910/12/2023Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER154510FOR15451FOR12 PAYCHEX, INC.704326107US704326107910/12/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1545101 YEAR15451FOR12 PAYCOM SOFTWARE, INC.70432V102US70432V102604/29/2024Advisory approval of the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER51370AGAINST5137AGAINST12 PAYPAL HOLDINGS, INC.70450Y103US70450Y103805/22/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER114940FOR11494FOR12 PEARSON PLC705015105US705015105604/26/2024Approval of annual remuneration reportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1410FOR141FOR12 PEBBLEBROOK HOTEL TRUST70509V100US70509V100805/24/2024Advisory vote approving the compensation of our named executive officers ("Say-On-Pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1290FOR129FOR12 PENSKE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, INC.70959W103US70959W103605/09/2024Approval, by non-binding vote, of executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER110FOR11FOR12 PENTAIR PLCG7S00T104IE00BLS09M3305/07/2024To approve, by nonbinding, advisory vote, the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3350FOR335FOR12 PEPSICO, INC.713448108US713448108105/01/2024Advisory approval of the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2979140FOR297914FOR12 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP COMPANY71377A103US71377A103411/30/2023To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation paid to our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER90FOR9FOR12 PFIZER INC.717081103US717081103504/25/20242024 advisory approval of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3670290FOR367029FOR12 PG&E CORPORATION69331C108US69331C108005/16/2024Advisory vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER980FOR98FOR12 PHILIP MORRIS INTERNATIONAL INC.718172109US718172109005/08/2024Advisory Vote Approving Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER225570FOR22557FOR12 PHILLIPS 66718546104US718546104005/15/2024Advisory vote to approve our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER103220FOR10322FOR12 PHINIA INC.71880K101US71880K101605/09/2024Advisory approval of the compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4610FOR461FOR12 PHINIA INC.71880K101US71880K101605/09/2024Advisory approval of the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER46101 YEAR461FOR12 PIEDMONT LITHIUM INC.72016P105US72016P105706/13/2024Approval of, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER910AGAINST91AGAINST12 PINNACLE WEST CAPITAL CORPORATION723484101US723484101005/22/2024To hold an advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER250FOR25FOR12 PINTEREST, INC.72352L106US72352L106105/23/2024Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER150AGAINST15AGAINST12 PIONEER NATURAL RESOURCES COMPANY723787107US723787107102/07/2024The Advisory Compensation Proposal: To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to Pioneer's named executive officers that is based on or otherwise related to the merger.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15160AGAINST1516AGAINST12 PLIANT THERAPEUTICS, INC.729139105US729139105706/13/2024To approve, by non-binding advisory vote, the resolution approving Named Executive Officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER116200AGAINST11620AGAINST12 PLUG POWER INC.72919P202US72919P202006/05/2024The approval of the non-binding, advisory vote regarding the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as described in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER113930AGAINST11393AGAINST12 PLYMOUTH INDUSTRIAL REIT, INC.729640102US729640102606/27/2024Advisory vote regarding the approval of compensation paid to our executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6880FOR688FOR12 PLYMOUTH INDUSTRIAL REIT, INC.729640102US729640102606/27/2024Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER68801 YEAR688AGAINST12 POOL CORPORATION73278L105US73278L105205/01/2024Say-on-pay vote: Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7800FOR780FOR12 PPG INDUSTRIES, INC.693506107US693506107604/18/2024Approve the compensation of the company's named executive officers on an advisory basisSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER233550FOR23355FOR12 PPL CORPORATION69351T106US69351T106005/15/2024Advisory vote to approve compensation of named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER45260FOR4526FOR12 PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.74251V102US74251V102605/21/2024Advisory Approval of Compensation of Our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER610FOR61FOR12 PROCEPT BIOROBOTICS CORPORATION74276L105US74276L105206/04/2024Approval, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER800FOR80FOR12 PROLOGIS, INC.74340W103US74340W103605/09/2024Advisory Vote to Approve the Company's Executive Compensation for 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER478380FOR47838FOR12 PROTHENA CORPORATION PLCG72800108IE00B91XRN2005/14/2024To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation of the executive officers named in the Company's Proxy Statement for the Annual General MeetingSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4240FOR424FOR12 PRUDENTIAL FINANCIAL, INC.744320102US744320102205/14/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14410FOR1441FOR12 PRUDENTIAL PLC74435K204US74435K204205/23/2024To approve the 2023 Directors' Remuneration Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER920FOR92FOR12 PTC INC.69370C100US69370C100902/14/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officers (Say-on-pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20FOR2FOR12 PTC THERAPEUTICS, INC.69366J200US69366J200606/18/2024Approval on a non-binding, advisory basis, of the Company's named executive officer compensation as described in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5510FOR551FOR12 PUBLIC SERVICE ENTERPRISE GROUP INC.744573106US744573106704/16/2024Advisory Vote on the Approval of Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER93890FOR9389FOR12 PUBLIC STORAGE74460D109US74460D109005/07/2024Advisory resolution to approve the compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER383800FOR38380FOR12 PUBMATIC, INC.74467Q103US74467Q103105/31/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6600FOR660FOR12 PULTEGROUP, INC.745867101US745867101005/06/2024Say-on-pay: Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER21750FOR2175FOR12 PVH CORP.693656100US693656100906/20/2024Approval of the advisory resolution on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER150FOR15FOR12 QIAGEN N.V.N72482149NL0015001WM606/21/2024Proposal to cast a favorable non-binding advisory vote in respect of the Remuneration Report 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1480FOR148FOR12 QORVO, INC.74736K101US74736K101608/15/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our Named Executive Officers (as defined in the proxy statement)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12320FOR1232FOR12 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED747525103US747525103603/05/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER392600FOR39260FOR12 QUANTA SERVICES, INC.74762E102US74762E102905/24/2024Approval, by non-binding advisory vote, of Quanta's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER65960FOR6596FOR12 QUANTUMSCAPE CORPORATION74767V109US74767V109806/11/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3400FOR340FOR12 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INCORPORATED74834L100US74834L100805/16/2024An advisory resolution to approve the executive officer compensation disclosed in the Company's 2024 proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30560FOR3056FOR12 QUIDELORTHO CORPORATION219798105US219798105105/14/2024Approval of, on an advisory basis, the compensation of QuidelOrtho's named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER190FOR19FOR12 RALPH LAUREN CORPORATION751212101US751212101008/03/2023Approval, on an advisory basis,of the compensation of our named executive officers and our compensation philosophy, policies, and practices as described in the accompanying Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER180AGAINST18AGAINST12 RALPH LAUREN CORPORATION751212101US751212101008/03/2023Approval, on an advisory basis, of the frequency of holding future advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1801 YEAR18FOR12 RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION75281A109US75281A109705/08/2024To consider and vote on a non-binding proposal to approve our executive compensation ("say on pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER113950FOR11395FOR12 RAPID7, INC.753422104US753422104606/13/2024To approve, by non binding vote, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER19600FOR1960FOR12 RAYMOND JAMES FINANCIAL, INC.754730109US754730109002/22/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8550AGAINST855AGAINST12 RB GLOBAL, INC.74935Q107CA74935Q107205/07/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of a non-binding resolution on the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as described in the Company's definitive proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10830AGAINST1083AGAINST12 REALTY INCOME CORPORATION756109104US756109104905/30/2024A non-binding advisory proposal to approve the compensation of our named executive officers as described in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER29580FOR2958FOR12 REDFIN CORPORATION75737F108US75737F108406/06/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1260FOR126FOR12 REGAL REXNORD CORPORATION758750103US758750103904/23/2024Advisory vote on the compensation of the company's named executive officers as disclosed in the company's proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER40FOR4FOR12 REGENCY CENTERS CORPORATION758849103US758849103205/01/2024Approve, in an advisory vote, of the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER560FOR56FOR12 REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.75886F107US75886F107506/14/2024Proposal to approve, on an advisory basis, executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER84130FOR8413FOR12 REGIONS FINANCIAL CORPORATION7591EP100US7591EP100504/17/2024Advisory Vote on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER253180FOR25318FOR12 REGIONS FINANCIAL CORPORATION7591EP100US7591EP100504/17/2024Advisory Vote on Frequency of Future Advisory Votes on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2531801 YEAR25318FOR12 RELAY THERAPEUTICS, INC.75943R102US75943R102306/03/2024To consider and act upon an advisory vote on the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER279710AGAINST27971AGAINST12 RELX PLC759530108US759530108304/25/2024Approve the Directors' Remuneration ReportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1910FOR191FOR12 RENAISSANCERE HOLDINGS LTD.G7496G103BMG7496G103305/13/2024To approve, by a non-building advisory vote, the compensation of the named executive officers of RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. as disclosed in the proxy statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30FOR3FOR12 RENTOKIL INITIAL PLC760125104US760125104105/08/2024To approve the Directors' Remuneration ReportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER175620FOR17562FOR12 REPLIGEN CORPORATION759916109US759916109505/16/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation paid to Repligen Corporation's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER16990FOR1699FOR12 REPSOL S.A.76026T205US76026T205005/10/2024Advisory vote on the Repsol, S.A. Annual Report on Directors' Remuneration for 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER950FOR95NONE12 REPUBLIC SERVICES, INC.760759100US760759100205/23/2024Advisory vote to approve our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30170FOR3017FOR12 RESIDEO TECHNOLOGIES, INC.76118Y104US76118Y104706/05/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER260AGAINST26AGAINST12 RESMED INC.761152107US761152107811/16/2023Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation paid to our named executive officers, as disclosed in the proxy statement ("say-on-pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER28270FOR2827FOR12 RESMED INC.761152107US761152107811/16/2023Approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency of future say-on-pay votesSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER282701 YEAR2827FOR12 RESTAURANT BRANDS INTERNATIONAL INC.76131D103CA76131D103306/06/2024Say-On-Pay - Approval, on a non-binding advisory basis, of the compensation paid to named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER120AGAINST12AGAINST12 REVOLUTION MEDICINES, INC.76155X100US76155X100006/20/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy Statement pursuant to the compensation disclosure rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission (''Say-on-Pay'')SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER230950FOR23095FOR12 REVVITY, INC.714046109US714046109304/23/2024To approve, by non-binding advisory vote, our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2510FOR251FOR12 REXFORD INDUSTRIAL REALTY, INC.76169C100US76169C100906/11/2024The advisory resolution to approve the Company's named executive officer compensation for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, as described in the Rexford Industrial Realty, Inc. Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1150AGAINST115AGAINST12 RHYTHM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.76243J105US76243J105106/18/2024Approval, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, of the compensation of the named executive officers of the CompanySECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER200000FOR20000FOR12 RIO TINTO PLC767204100US767204100804/04/2024Approval of the Directors' Remuneration Report: Implementation Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11190FOR1119FOR12 RIO TINTO PLC767204100US767204100804/04/2024Approval of the Directors' Remuneration Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11190FOR1119FOR12 RIOT PLATFORMS, INC.767292105US767292105006/12/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the Named Executive Officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1040FOR104FOR12 RIVIAN AUTOMOTIVE, INC.76954A103US76954A103406/18/2024Approval, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3700AGAINST370AGAINST12 ROBERT HALF INC770323103US770323103205/15/2024To cast an advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER99430FOR9943FOR12 ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC.773903109US773903109102/06/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of Corporation's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER88150FOR8815FOR12 ROGERS CORPORATION775133101US775133101505/01/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4290FOR429FOR12 ROKU, INC.77543R102US77543R102306/06/2024Advisory vote to approve our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2000AGAINST200AGAINST12 ROPER TECHNOLOGIES, INC.776696106US776696106106/12/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER60860FOR6086FOR12 ROSS STORES, INC.778296103US778296103805/22/2024Advisory vote to approve the resolution on the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER209410AGAINST20941AGAINST12 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA780087102CA780087102104/11/2024Advisory vote on the Bank's approach to executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER34140FOR3414FOR12 ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES LTD.V7780T103LR000886286805/29/2024Advisory approval of the Company's compensation of its named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8940FOR894FOR12 RPM INTERNATIONAL INC.749685103US749685103810/05/2023Approve the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER35230FOR3523FOR12 RPM INTERNATIONAL INC.749685103US749685103810/05/2023Vote on the frequency of future votes on the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER352301 YEAR3523FOR12 RTX CORPORATION75513E101US75513E101005/02/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1955700FOR195570FOR12 RWE AG74975E303US74975E303605/03/2024Approval of the Remuneration Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER575590FOR57559FOR12 RXSIGHT, INC.78349D107US78349D107206/06/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the named executive officers identified in the 2023 Summary Compensation Table in the ''Executive Compensation'' section of the proxy statement (the ''Say-on-Pay Vote'')SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER140FOR14FOR12 RXSIGHT, INC.78349D107US78349D107206/06/2024To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the frequency of future Say-on-Pay VotesSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1401 YEAR14FOR12 RYMAN HOSPITALITY PROPERTIES, INC.78377T107US78377T107905/09/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER220FOR22FOR12 S&P GLOBAL INC.78409V104US78409V104405/01/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the executive compensation program for the Company's named executive officers, as described in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER261320FOR26132FOR12 SAGE THERAPEUTICS, INC.78667J108US78667J108806/10/2024To hold a non-binding advisory vote to approve the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER263350FOR26335FOR12 SALESFORCE, INC.79466L302US79466L302406/27/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the fiscal 2024 compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER398490AGAINST39849AGAINST12 SANGAMO THERAPEUTICS, INC.800677106US800677106206/04/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers, or NEOs, as described in the accompanying Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30000FOR3000FOR12 SANOFI80105N105US80105N105404/30/2024Approval of the components of the compensation paid or awarded in respect of the year ended December 31, 2023 to Serge Weinberg, Chairman of the Board for the period from January 1st, 2023 to May 25, 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER76560FOR7656FOR12 SANOFI80105N105US80105N105404/30/2024Approval of the components of the compensation paid or awarded in respect of the year ended December 31, 2023 to Frédéric Oudéa, Chairman of the Board from May 25, 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER76560FOR7656FOR12 SANOFI80105N105US80105N105404/30/2024Approval of the components of the compensation paid or awarded in respect of the year ended December 31, 2023 to Paul Hudson, Chief Executive OfficerSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER76560FOR7656FOR12 SAP SE803054204US803054204205/15/2024Resolution on the approval of the compensation report for fiscal year 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER13220FOR1322NONE12 SAREPTA THERAPEUTICS, INC.803607100US803607100406/06/2024advisory vote to approve, on a non-binding basis, named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2930AGAINST293AGAINST12 SASOL LIMITED803866300US803866300611/17/2023Advisory resolution number 2: To endorse, on a non-binding advisory basis, the implementation report of the Company's remuneration policy.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER550FOR55FOR12 SASOL LIMITED803866300US803866300601/19/2024Advisory resolution number 2: To endorse, on a non-binding advisory basis, the implementation report of the Company's remuneration policy.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER760FOR76FOR12 SBA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION78410G104US78410G104005/23/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of SBA's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER240FOR24FOR12 SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED (SCHLUMBERGER N.V.)806857108AN806857108604/03/2024Advisory approval of our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER412680FOR41268FOR12 SCHRODINGER, INC.80810D103US80810D103706/18/2024Approval of an advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3280FOR328FOR12 SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL CORP808625107US808625107606/05/2024The approval of a non-binding, advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30FOR3FOR12 SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS PLCG7997R103IE00BKVD2N4910/23/2023Approve, in an Advisory, Non-binding Vote, the Compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers (''Say-on-Pay'')SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER160FOR16FOR12 SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS PLCG7997R103IE00BKVD2N4910/23/2023Approve, in an Advisory, Non-binding Vote, the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes on the Compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers ("Frequency of Say-on-Pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1601 YEAR16FOR12 SEALED AIR CORPORATION81211K100US81211K100705/23/2024Approval, as an advisory vote, of Sealed Air's 2023 executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7220AGAINST722AGAINST12 SEI INVESTMENTS COMPANY784117103US784117103305/29/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10AGAINST1AGAINST12 SEMPRA816851109US816851109005/09/2024Advisory approval of our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER137040FOR13704FOR12 SERVICENOW, INC.81762P102US81762P102105/23/2024Advisory vote to approve ServiceNow's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20150FOR2015FOR12 SHELL PLC780259305US780259305005/21/2024Approval of Directors' Remuneration ReportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER613330FOR61333FOR12 SHOPIFY INC.82509L107CA82509L107606/04/2024Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation Proposal Non-binding advisory resolution that the shareholders accept Shopify Inc.'s approach to executive compensation as disclosed in the Management Information Circular for the Meeting.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3330AGAINST333AGAINST12 SIEMENS AG826197501US826197501002/08/2024Approval of the Compensation ReportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER120970FOR12097FOR12 SIGMATRON INTERNATIONAL, INC.82661L101US82661L101709/22/2023Proposal to provide approval of the compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER46130FOR4613FOR12 SIGMATRON INTERNATIONAL, INC.82661L101US82661L101709/22/2023Recommendation regarding the frequency of advisory votes on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER461301 YEAR4613AGAINST12 SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, INC.828806109US828806109105/08/2024Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of our Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14960FOR1496FOR12 SINCLAIR INC.829242106US829242106706/11/2024Approval, by non-binding advisory vote, on our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER16600AGAINST1660AGAINST12 SITE CENTERS CORP82981J109US82981J109705/08/2024Approval, on an Advisory Basis, of the Compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER40FOR4FOR12 SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS, INC.83088M102US83088M102705/14/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as described in the Company's Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER64530FOR6453FOR12 SLM CORPORATION78442P106US78442P106606/18/2024Advisory approval of SLM Corporation's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER340FOR34FOR12 SM ENERGY COMPANY78454L100US78454L100805/23/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation philosophy, policies and procedures, and the compensation of our Company's named executive officers, as disclosed in the accompanying Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6580FOR658FOR12 SMITH & NEPHEW PLC83175M205US83175M205205/01/2024To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER780FOR78FOR12 SNAP-ON INCORPORATED833034101US833034101204/25/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of Snap-on Incorporated's named executive officers, as disclosed in "Compensation Discussion and Analysis" and "Executive Compensation Information" in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER172720FOR17272FOR12 SNOWFLAKE INC.833445109US833445109807/05/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10AGAINST1AGAINST12 SOLAREDGE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.83417M104US83417M104506/05/2024Approval of, on an advisory and non-binding basis, the compensation of our named executive officers (the "Say-on-Pay" vote)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1640FOR164FOR12 SOLARIS OILFIELD INFRASTRUCTURE, INC.83418M103US83418M103605/14/2024Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9700FOR970FOR12 SOUTHERN COPPER CORPORATION84265V105US84265V105205/24/2024Approve, by non-binding vote, executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10350FOR1035FOR12 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO.844741108US844741108805/15/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER90FOR9FOR12 SP PLUS CORPORATION78469C103US78469C103602/09/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation that will or may become payable by SP+ to its named executive officers in connection with the merger of Merger Sub with and into SP+ pursuant to the Merger Agreement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2580AGAINST258AGAINST12 SPECTRUM BRANDS HOLDINGS, INC.84790A105US84790A105108/08/2023To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER70FOR7FOR12 SPECTRUM BRANDS HOLDINGS, INC.84790A105US84790A105108/08/2023To approve on an advisory basis, the frequency of holding a future advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER701 YEAR7FOR12 SPIRIT AEROSYSTEMS HOLDINGS, INC.848574109US848574109904/24/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12950FOR1295FOR12 SPS COMMERCE, INC.78463M107US78463M107105/16/2024Advisory approval of the compensation of the named executive officers of SPS Commerce, Inc.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1090FOR109FOR12 SPX TECHNOLOGIES, INC.78473E103US78473E103805/14/2024Approval of Named Executive Officers' Compensation, on a Non-Binding Advisory BasisSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2420FOR242FOR12 STANLEY BLACK & DECKER, INC.854502101US854502101104/26/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER50690FOR5069FOR12 STANTEC INC.85472N109CA85472N109605/09/2024Resolved, on an advisory basis and not to diminish the role and responsibilities of the board of directors, that the shareholders accept the approach to executive compensation disclosed in Stantec's Management Information Circular delivered in advance of the Meeting.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER23000FOR2300FOR12 STARBUCKS CORPORATION855244109US855244109403/13/2024To approve, on a nonbinding, advisory basis, the compensation paid to Starbucks named executive officers ("say-on-pay").SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER644790FOR64479FOR12 STATE STREET CORPORATION857477103US857477103105/15/2024To approve an advisory proposal on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1572430FOR157243FOR12 STEEL DYNAMICS, INC.858119100US858119100905/09/2024Advisory Vote to Approve the Compensation of the Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER116350FOR11635FOR12 STELLANTIS N.V.N82405106NL00150001Q904/16/2024Remuneration Report 2023 (advisory voting).SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER860AGAINST86AGAINST12 STERICYCLE, INC.858912108US858912108105/21/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensation ( ''say-on-pay vote")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER17830FOR1783FOR12 STERIS PLCG8473T100IE00BFY8C75407/27/2023To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed pursuant to the disclosure rules of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including the compensation discussion and analysis and the tabular and narrative disclosure contained in the Company's proxy statement dated June 7, 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30060FOR3006FOR12 STERIS PLCG8473T100IE00BFY8C75407/27/2023To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, whether the non-binding advisory vote on named executive officer compensation should be held every one, two, or three yearsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER300601 YEAR3006FOR12 STMICROELECTRONICS N.V.861012102US861012102705/22/2024Remuneration Report (advisory vote)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER220FOR22FOR12 STRYKER CORPORATION863667101US863667101305/09/2024Advisory vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER271990FOR27199FOR12 SUMMIT MATERIALS, INC.86614U100US86614U100705/21/2024Nonbinding advisory vote on the compensation of our named executive officers for 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20000FOR2000FOR12 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL INC.866796105CA866796105305/09/2024Non-Binding Advisory Vote on Approach to Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11960FOR1196FOR12 SUNCOR ENERGY INC.867224107CA867224107905/07/2024To consider and, if deemed fit, approve an advisory resolution on Suncor's approach to executive compensation disclosed in the Management Proxy Circular of Suncor Energy Inc. dated February 21, 2024 (the "Circular").SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER450AGAINST45AGAINST12 SUNNOVA ENERGY INTERNATIONAL INC86745K104US86745K104305/15/2024To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER860AGAINST86AGAINST12 SUNRUN INC.86771W105US86771W105306/18/2024Advisory proposal of the compensation of our named executive officers (''Say-on-Pay'')SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER590AGAINST59AGAINST12 SUPERNUS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.868459108US868459108906/14/2024To approve, on a non-binding basis, the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER260FOR26FOR12 SWISSCOM LTD.871013108US871013108203/27/2024Consultative vote on the Remuneration Report 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER90AGAINST9AGAINST12 SYLVAMO CORPORATION871332102US871332102905/16/2024Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER120FOR12FOR12 SYNCHRONY FINANCIAL87165B103US87165B103506/11/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER19170FOR1917FOR12 SYNOPSYS, INC.871607107US871607107604/10/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers, as disclosed in the attached Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER52260FOR5226FOR12 SYNOVUS FINANCIAL CORP.87161C501US87161C501304/24/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of Synovus' named executive officers as determined by the Compensation and Human Capital CommitteeSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7820FOR782FOR12 SYSCO CORPORATION871829107US871829107811/17/2023To approve, by advisory vote, the compensation paid to Sysco's named executive officers, as disclosed in Sysco's 2023 proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER918140FOR91814FOR12 SYSCO CORPORATION871829107US871829107811/17/2023To approve, by advisory vote, the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9181401 YEAR91814FOR12 T. ROWE PRICE GROUP, INC.74144T108US74144T108805/07/2024Approve, by a non-binding advisory vote, the compensation paid by the Company to its Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER25460FOR2546FOR12 TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE, INC.874054109US874054109409/21/2023Approval, on a non- binding advisory basis, of the Compensation of the company's named executive officers" as disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4080AGAINST408AGAINST12 TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE, INC.874054109US874054109409/21/2023Approval, on a non-binding advisory basis, of the frequency of the advisory vote on the compensation of the Company's ''named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER40801 YEAR408FOR12 TAPESTRY, INC.876030107US876030107211/02/2023Advisory vote to approve the Company's executive compensation, as discssed and described in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1750FOR175FOR12 TAPESTRY, INC.876030107US876030107211/02/2023Advisory vote to approve the frequency of future advisory votes on our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER17501 YEAR175FOR12 TARGA RESOURCES CORP.87612G101US87612G101305/16/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2570FOR257FOR12 TARGET CORPORATION87612E106US87612E106406/12/2024Company proposal to approve, on an advisory basis, our executive compensation (Say on Pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER185050FOR18505FOR12 TAYLOR MORRISON HOME CORPORATION87724P106US87724P106605/23/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1720FOR172FOR12 TC ENERGY CORPORATION87807B107CA87807B107606/04/2024Resolution to accept TC Energy's approach to executive compensation, as set forth in the Management information circular.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER13650FOR1365FOR12 TE CONNECTIVITY LTDH84989104CH010299318203/13/2024An advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER58110FOR5811FOR12 TE CONNECTIVITY LTDH84989104CH010299318203/13/2024An advisory vote to approve the Swiss Statutory Compensation Report for the fiscal year ended September 29, 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER58110FOR5811FOR12 TECHNIPFMC PLCG87110105GB00BDSFG98204/26/20242023 U.S. Say-on-Pay for Named Executive Officers: To approve, as a non-binding advisory resolution, the Company's named executive officer compensation for the year ended December 31, 2023, as reported in the Company's Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1950AGAINST195AGAINST12 TECHNIPFMC PLCG87110105GB00BDSFG98204/26/20242023 U.K. Directors' Remuneration Report: To approve, as a non-binding advisory resolution, the Company's directors' remuneration report for the year ended December 31, 2023, as reported in the Company's U.K. Annual Report and AccountsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1950AGAINST195AGAINST12 TECK RESOURCES LIMITED878742204CA878742204404/25/2024To approve an advisory resolution on Teck's approach to executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER690FOR69FOR12 TEGNA INC.87901J105US87901J105108/17/2023Company proposal to approve, On an Advisory basis, the compensation of the Companys named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER16800FOR1680FOR12 TEGNA INC.87901J105US87901J105108/17/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes to approve the compensation of the Companys named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER168001 YEAR1680FOR12 TEGNA INC.87901J105US87901J105104/24/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15550FOR1555FOR12 TEJON RANCH CO.879080109US879080109105/14/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER328620AGAINST32862AGAINST12 TELADOC HEALTH, INC.87918A105US87918A105105/23/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of Teladoc Health's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER340FOR34FOR12 TELADOC HEALTH, INC.87918A105US87918A105105/23/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation of Teladoc Health's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3401 YEAR34FOR12 TELEFLEX INCORPORATED879369106US879369106905/03/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7270FOR727FOR12 TELEFONICA, S.A.879382208US879382208604/11/2024Consultative vote on the 2023 Annual Report on Directors Remuneration.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER115530FOR11553NONE12 TELOS CORPORATION87969B101US87969B101705/21/2024Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation: To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers or ''say-on-pay''.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER84550FOR8455FOR12 TELUS CORPORATION87971M103CA87971M103205/09/2024Approve the Company's approach to executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8000AGAINST800AGAINST12 TEMPUR SEALY INTERNATIONAL, INC.88023U101US88023U101605/09/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER150FOR15FOR12 TENABLE HOLDINGS, INC.88025T102US88025T102505/22/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10200FOR1020FOR12 TENARIS, S.A.88031M109US88031M109904/30/2024Approval of the Company's compensation report for the year ended 31st December 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER730AGAINST73NONE12 TENET HEALTHCARE CORPORATION88033G407US88033G407305/22/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER900FOR90FOR12 TERADATA CORPORATION88076W103US88076W103605/14/2024An advisory (non-binding) vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER63250FOR6325FOR12 TERADYNE, INC.880770102US880770102905/09/2024To approve, in a non-binding, advisory vote, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER49020FOR4902FOR12 TERRENO REALTY CORPORATION88146M101US88146M101805/07/2024Adoption of a resolution to approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of certain executives, as more fully described in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER450FOR45FOR12 TESLA, INC.88160R101US88160R101406/13/2024A Tesla proposal to approve executive compensation on a non-binding advisory basisSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER94990FOR9499FOR12 TETRA TECH, INC.88162G103US88162G103102/29/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's named executive officers' compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER17550FOR1755FOR12 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED881624209US881624209806/06/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, The compensation for Teva's named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER540FOR54FOR12 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED881624209US881624209806/06/2024To recommend, on a non-binding advisory basis, To hold a non-binding advisory vote to approve the compensation for Teva's named Executive Officers every one, two or three yearsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5401 YEAR54FOR12 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED882508104US882508104004/25/2024Board proposal regarding advisory approval of the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER394790FOR39479FOR12 TEXAS PACIFIC LAND CORPORATION88262P102US88262P102111/10/2023To approve, by non-binding advisory vote, the executive compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6900FOR690FOR12 TEXAS ROADHOUSE,INC.882681109US882681109805/16/2024Say on Pay- An Advisory Vote on the Approval of Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER50AGAINST5AGAINST12 TEXTRON INC.883203101US883203101204/24/2024Approval of the advisory (non-binding) resolution to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER640FOR64FOR12 THE AES CORPORATION00130H105US00130H105904/25/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER15470FOR1547FOR12 THE ALLSTATE CORPORATION020002101US020002101405/14/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of the named executivesSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER138810FOR13881FOR12 THE AZEK COMPANY INC.05478C105US05478C105303/01/2024To approve, on an advisory, non-binding basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1040FOR104FOR12 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORPORATION064058100US064058100704/09/2024Advisory resolution to approve the 2023 compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER129390FOR12939FOR12 THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA064149107CA064149107504/09/2024Advisory vote on non-binding resolution on executive compensation approach.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER450FOR45FOR12 THE BOEING COMPANY097023105US097023105805/17/2024Approve, on an Advisory Basis, Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER59380FOR5938FOR12 THE CHARLES SCHWAB CORPORATION808513105US808513105505/23/2024Advisory Approval of Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER34880FOR3488FOR12 THE CHEMOURS COMPANY163851108US163851108905/21/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6360FOR636FOR12 THE CIGNA GROUP125523100US125523100304/24/2024Advisory approval of The Cigna Group's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER162120AGAINST16212AGAINST12 THE CLOROX COMPANY189054109US189054109711/15/2023Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20020FOR2002FOR12 THE CLOROX COMPANY189054109US189054109711/15/2023Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER200201 YEAR2002FOR12 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY191216100US191216100705/01/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1946130FOR194613FOR12 THE COOPER COMPANIES, INC.216648402US216648402003/19/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers as presented in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER90FOR9FOR12 THE ENSIGN GROUP, INC.29358P101US29358P101205/16/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER74390FOR7439FOR12 THE ESTEE LAUDER COMPANIES INC.518439104US518439104411/17/2023Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER94330AGAINST9433AGAINST12 THE ESTEE LAUDER COMPANIES INC.518439104US518439104411/17/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of the advisory vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER943301 YEAR9433FOR12 THE GAP, INC.364760108US364760108305/07/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the overall compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11130FOR1113FOR12 THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC.38141G104US38141G104004/24/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation (Say on Pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER275210AGAINST27521AGAINST12 THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY382550101US382550101404/08/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER240FOR24FOR12 THE GORMAN-RUPP COMPANY383082104US383082104304/25/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2970FOR297FOR12 THE HARTFORD FINANCIAL SVCS GROUP, INC.416515104US416515104805/15/2024Management proposal to approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the Company's proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1790FOR179FOR12 THE HERSHEY COMPANY427866108US427866108105/06/2024Approve named executive officer compensation on a non-binding advisory basisSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER242810FOR24281FOR12 THE HOME DEPOT, INC.437076102US437076102905/16/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation ("Say-on-Pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2011910FOR198751FORAGAINST2440AGAINST12 THE INTERPUBLIC GROUP OF COMPANIES, INC.460690100US460690100105/23/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER17920FOR1792FOR12 THE J. M. SMUCKER COMPANY832696405US832696405808/16/2023Advisory approval of the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER16200FOR1620FOR12 THE J. M. SMUCKER COMPANY832696405US832696405808/16/2023Advisory approval on the frequency of holding future advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER162001 YEAR1620FOR12 THE KRAFT HEINZ COMPANY500754106US500754106405/02/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER13540FOR1354FOR12 THE KROGER CO.501044101US501044101306/27/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of Kroger's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER21530FOR2153FOR12 THE MACERICH COMPANY554382101US554382101205/30/2024Advisory vote to approve our named executive officer compensation as described in our Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER13300AGAINST1330AGAINST12 THE MIDDLEBY CORPORATION596278101US596278101005/14/2024Approval , on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2010FOR201FOR12 THE MOSAIC COMPANY61945C103US61945C103606/06/2024An advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10130FOR1013FOR12 THE PNC FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.693475105US693475105704/24/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER56190FOR5619FOR12 THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY742718109US742718109110/10/2023Advisory Vote to Approve the Company's Executive Compensation (the "Say on Pay" vote)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3567960FOR356796FOR12 THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY742718109US742718109110/10/2023Advisory Vote to Approve the Frequency of the Executive Compensation Vote (the "Say on Frequency" vote)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER35679601 YEAR356796FOR12 THE PROGRESSIVE CORPORATION743315103US743315103905/10/2024Cast an advisory vote to approve our executive compensation programSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1430FOR143FOR12 THE REALREAL, INC.88339P101US88339P101206/12/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER48070AGAINST4807AGAINST12 THE SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO COMPANY810186106US810186106501/22/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2020FOR202FOR12 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY824348106US824348106104/17/2024Advisory approval of the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER58790FOR5879FOR12 THE SOUTHERN COMPANY842587107US842587107105/22/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER94900FOR9490FOR12 THE TIMKEN COMPANY887389104US887389104305/03/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of our named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4000FOR400FOR12 THE TJX COMPANIES, INC.872540109US872540109006/04/2024Advisory approval of TJX's executive compensation (the say-on-pay vote)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER30208920FOR3020892FOR12 THE TORO COMPANY891092108US891092108403/19/2024Approval of, on an advisory basis, our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER79020FOR6452FORAGAINST1450AGAINST12 THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK891160509CA891160509204/18/2024Approach to executive compensation disclosed in the report of the Human Resources Committee and approach to executive compensation sections of the management proxy circular *Advisory Vote*SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER976660FOR97666FOR12 THE TRADE DESK, INC.88339J105US88339J105105/28/2024The approval, on a non-binding advisory basis, of the frequency of future non-binding advisory votes on named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1197801 YEAR11978AGAINST12 THE TRAVELERS COMPANIES, INC.89417E109US89417E109105/15/2024Non-binding vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER32510AGAINST3251AGAINST12 THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY254687106US254687106004/03/2024Consideration of an advisory vote to approve the Company's executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1313610FOR131361FOR12 THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC.969457100US969457100404/30/2024Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Compensation of our Named Executive Officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER74370FOR7437FOR12 THERAVANCE BIOPHARMA, INC.G8807B106KYG8807B106805/08/2024To vote on a non-binding advisory resolution regarding the compensation of Theravance Biopharma Inc.'s named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER50000FOR5000FOR12 THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC.883556102US883556102305/22/2024An advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER646850FOR64685FOR12 THOMSON REUTERS CORPORATION884903808CA884903808506/05/2024To accept, on an advisory basis, the approach to executive compensation described in the accompanying Management Proxy Circular.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER220FOR22FOR12 TOLL BROTHERS, INC.889478103US889478103303/12/2024To approval, in an advisory and non-binding vote, of the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER280FOR28FOR12 TOTAL ENERGIES SE89151E109US89151E109105/24/2024Approval of the fixed, variable and extraordinary components making up the total compensation and the in-kind benefits paid during the fiscal year 2023 or allocated for that year to Mr. Patrick Pouyanné,Chairman and Chief Executive OfficerSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER142130FOR14213FOR12 TPI COMPOSITES, INC.87266J104US87266J104305/29/2024To consider and act upon a non-binding advisory vote on the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER130000FOR13000FOR12 TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY892356106US892356106705/09/2024To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of the named executive officers of the Company (Say on Pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER111100FOR11110FOR12 TRADEWEB MARKETS INC.892672106US892672106405/10/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER33350FOR3335FOR12 TRADEWEB MARKETS INC.892672106US892672106405/10/2024To determine, on an advisory basis, the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER333501 YEAR3335FOR12 TRANE TECHNOLOGIES PLCG8994E103IE00BK9ZQ96706/06/2024Advisory approval of the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER44690FOR4469FOR12 TRANSDIGM GROUP INCORPORATED893641100US893641100303/07/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER590AGAINST59AGAINST12 TRI POINTE HOMES, INC.87265H109US87265H109504/17/2024Approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis, of the compensation of Tri Pointe Homes, Inc's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5970AGAINST597AGAINST12 TRINITY INDUSTRIES, INC.896522109US896522109105/20/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4000FOR400FOR12 TRITON INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDG9078F107BMG9078F107708/24/2023Compensation Proposal - To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, certain compensation that may be paid or become payable to Triton's named executive officers in connection with the mergerSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER500FOR50FOR12 TRONOX HOLDINGS PLCG9087Q102GB00BJT16S6905/08/2024A non-binding advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER920FOR92FOR12 TRONOX HOLDINGS PLCG9087Q102GB00BJT16S6905/08/2024Approve on a non-binding advisory basis our U.K. directors' remuneration report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER920FOR92FOR12 TRUIST FINANCIAL CORPORATION89832Q109US89832Q109404/23/2024Advisory vote to approve Truist's executive compensation programSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER76080FOR7608FOR12 TUTOR PERINI CORPORATION901109108US901109108205/22/2024Approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers on an advisory (non-binding) basisSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER12700AGAINST1270AGAINST12 TWILIO INC.90138F102US90138F102106/06/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1680FOR168FOR12 TWILIO INC.90138F102US90138F102106/06/2024To indicate, on a non-binding advisory basis, the preferred frequency of future non-binding advisory votes to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER16801 YEAR168FOR12 U.S. BANCORP902973304US902973304804/16/2024An advisory vote to approve the compensation of our executives disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER756500FOR75650FOR12 UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC.90353T100US90353T100705/06/2024Advisory vote to approve 2023 named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER35990FOR3599FOR12 UBS GROUP AGH42097107CH024476758504/24/2024Advisory vote on the UBS Group AG Compensation Report 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER80750FOR8075FOR12 UDR, INC.902653104US902653104905/23/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER900FOR90FOR12 UFP TECHNOLOGIES, INC.902673102US902673102906/05/2024To vote on a non-binding advisory resolution to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER710FOR71FOR12 ULTA BEAUTY, INC.90384S303US90384S303106/11/2024Advisory resolution to approve the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER108740FOR10874FOR12 ULTRA CLEAN HOLDINGS, INC.90385V107US90385V107005/22/2024Approval, by an advisory vote, of the compensation of Ulra Clean Holdings, Inc.'s named executive officers for fiscal 2023 as disclosed in our proxy statement for the 2024 Annual Meeting of StockholdersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14480FOR1448FOR12 ULTRAGENYX PHARMACEUTICAL INC.90400D108US90400D108106/18/2024Advisory (non-binding) vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3910FOR391FOR12 UNIFI, INC.904677200US904677200310/31/2023Advisory vote to approve UNIFI's named executive officer compensation in fiscal 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11550FOR1155FOR12 UNIFI, INC.904677200US904677200310/31/2023Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes to Approve UNIFI's Named Executive Officer CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER115501 YEAR1155FOR12 UNILEVER PLC904767704US904767704505/01/2024To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER519000FOR51900FOR12 UNION PACIFIC CORPORATION907818108US907818108105/09/2024An advisory vote to approve executive compensation ("Say On Pay")SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER958410FOR95841FOR12 UNITED AIRLINES HOLDINGS, INC.910047109US910047109605/22/2024A Vote to Approve, on a Nonbinding Advisory Basis, the Compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER320FOR32FOR12 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, INC.911312106US911312106805/02/2024To approve on an advisory basis named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER84490FOR8449FOR12 UNITED PARKS & RESORTS INC.81282V100US81282V100806/13/2024Approval, in a non-binding advisory vote, of the compensation paid to the named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20440FOR2044FOR12 UNITED RENTALS, INC.911363109US911363109005/09/2024Advisory Approval of Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9000FOR900FOR12 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INCORPORATED91324P102US91324P102106/03/2024Advisory approval of the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER672080FOR67208FOR12 UNUM GROUP91529Y106US91529Y106405/23/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1110FOR111FOR12 UPSTART HOLDINGS, INC.91680M107US91680M107105/29/2024The approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officers.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1710AGAINST171AGAINST12 URANIUM ENERGY CORP.916896103US916896103807/20/2023To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER184190FOR18419FOR12 URANIUM ENERGY CORP.916896103US916896103807/20/2023To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the frequency of executive compensation votesSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1841901 YEAR18419FOR12 US FOODS HOLDING CORP.912008109US912008109905/15/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation paid to our named executive officers, as disclosed in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER250FOR25FOR12 V.F. CORPORATION918204108US918204108007/25/2023Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER34890FOR3489FOR12 V.F. CORPORATION918204108US918204108007/25/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER348901 YEAR3489FOR12 VALERO ENERGY CORPORATION91913Y100US91913Y100105/15/2024Advisory vote to approve the 2023 compensation of named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER566000FOR56600FOR12 VALVOLINE INC.92047W101US92047W101801/25/2024Non-binding Advisory Resolution Approving our Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3350FOR335FOR12 VEEVA SYSTEMS INC.922475108US922475108406/12/2024To hold an advisory (non-binding) vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER82400FOR8240FOR12 VENTAS, INC.92276F100US92276F100305/14/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER5540FOR554FOR12 VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT SA92334N103US92334N103704/25/2024Vote on the compensation paid during fiscal year 2023 or awarded ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal).SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER720FOR72FOR12 VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT SA92334N103US92334N103704/25/2024Vote on the compensation paid during fiscal year 2023 or awarded ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal).SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER720FOR72FOR12 VERALTO CORPORATION92338C103US92338C103605/21/2024To approve on an advisory basis the Company's named executive officer compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER84650FOR8465FOR12 VERALTO CORPORATION92338C103US92338C103605/21/2024To hold an advisory vote relating to the frequency of future shareholder advisory votes on the Company's named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER846501 YEAR8465FOR12 VERISIGN, INC.92343E102US92343E102905/23/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6680FOR668FOR12 VERISK ANALYTICS, INC.92345Y106US92345Y106405/15/2024To approve executive compensation on an advisory, non-binding basisSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER10350FOR1035FOR12 VERITIV CORPORATION923454102US923454102010/17/2023Advisory Compensation Proposal - To approve, on a non- binding, advisory basis, the compensation that may be paid or become payable to Veritiv's named executive officers that is based on or otherwise relates to the MergerSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20FOR2FOR12 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC.92343V104US92343V104405/09/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1252390FOR125239FOR12 VERRA MOBILITY CORPORATION92511U102US92511U102505/21/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER13120FOR1312FOR12 VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED92532F100US92532F100305/15/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive office compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER72990FOR7299FOR12 VERTIV HOLDINGS CO92537N108US92537N108106/19/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the 2023 compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER340FOR34FOR12 VERVE THERAPEUTICS, INC.92539P101US92539P101206/06/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER100000AGAINST10000AGAINST12 VERVE THERAPEUTICS, INC.92539P101US92539P101206/06/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1000001 YEAR10000FOR12 VIATRIS INC.92556V106US92556V106112/15/2023Approval of, on a non-binding advisory basis, the 2022 compensation of the named executive officers of the CompanySECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER11030FOR1103FOR12 VIAVI SOLUTIONS INC.925550105US925550105111/08/2023Approval, in a Non-Binding Advisory Vote, of the Compensation for Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER36260FOR3626FOR12 VIAVI SOLUTIONS INC.925550105US925550105111/08/2023Approval, in a Non-Binding Advisory Vote, of the Frequency of Stockholder Votes on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER362601 YEAR3626FOR12 VICI PROPERTIES INC.925652109US925652109004/30/2024To approve (on a non-binding, advisory basis) the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER100FOR10FOR12 VICI PROPERTIES INC.925652109US925652109004/30/2024To recommend (on a non-binding, advisory basis) the frequency of holding stockholder advisory votes on executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1001 YEAR10FOR12 VICTORIA'S SECRET & CO.926400102US926400102806/13/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER240FOR24FOR12 VIMEO, INC.92719V100US92719V100805/21/2024Approve a non-binding advisory resolution to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers (say on pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER23740FOR2374FOR12 VISA INC.92826C839US92826C839401/23/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation paid to our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1144050FOR114405FOR12 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY, INC.928298108US928298108605/21/2024The advisory approval of the compensation of the Company's Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER27510FOR2751FOR12 VISHAY PRECISION GROUP, INC.92835K103US92835K103405/22/2024To approve the non-binding resolution relating to the executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER4650FOR465FOR12 VISTRA CORP.92840M102US92840M102705/01/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the 2023 compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER260FOR26FOR12 VISTRA CORP.92840M102US92840M102705/01/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, whether the advisory stockholder vote on the compensation of named executive officers should occur every one, two or three yearsSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2601 YEAR26FOR12 VMWARE, INC.928563402US928563402107/13/2023An advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation, as deccribed in VMware's Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER42080AGAINST4208AGAINST12 VMWARE, INC.928563402US928563402107/13/2023Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER420801 YEAR4208FOR12 VODAFONE GROUP PLC92857W308US92857W308807/25/2023To approve the Annual Report on Remuneration contained in the Remuneration Report of the Board for the year ended 31 March 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER3050AGAINST305AGAINST12 VOYA FINANCIAL, INC.929089100US929089100405/23/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER64940FOR6494FOR12 VOYA FINANCIAL, INC.929089100US929089100405/23/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER649401 YEAR6494FOR12 VOYAGER THERAPEUTICS, INC.92915B106US92915B106106/05/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2593970FOR259397FOR12 VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY929160109US929160109705/10/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER48960FOR4896FOR12 W. P. CAREY INC.92936U109US92936U109706/13/2024To Approve the Advisory Resolution on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER21540FOR2154FOR12 W. R. BERKLEY CORPORATION084423102US084423102906/12/2024Non-binding advisory vote on a resolution approving the compensation of the Company's named executive officers pursuant to the compensation disclosure rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission, or ''say-on-pay'' voteSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER80FOR8FOR12 W.W. GRAINGER, INC.384802104US384802104004/24/2024Say on Pay proposal to approve on a non-binding advisory basis the compensation of W.W. Grainger, Inc.'s Named Executive OfficersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER40450FOR4045FOR12 WALGREENS BOOTS ALLIANCE, INC.931427108US931427108401/25/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER220080AGAINST22008AGAINST12 WALGREENS BOOTS ALLIANCE, INC.931427108US931427108401/25/2024Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2200801 YEAR22008FOR12 WALMART INC.931142103US931142103906/05/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1140370AGAINST114037AGAINST12 WARNER BROS. DISCOVERY, INC.934423104US934423104106/03/2024To vote on an advisory resolution to approve the 2023 compensation of Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.'s named executive officers, commonly referred to as a"Say-on-Pay" voteSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER129280AGAINST12928AGAINST12 WARNER MUSIC GROUP CORP.934550203US934550203603/05/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER90FOR9FOR12 WASHINGTON TRUST BANCORP, INC.940610108US940610108204/23/2024A non-binding advisory resolution to approve the compensation of the Corporation's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER29110FOR2911FOR12 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC.94106B101CA94106B101305/17/2024Say-on-pay- Approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the Company's proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6050FOR605FOR12 WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC.94106L109US94106L109805/14/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER133430FOR13343FOR12 WATERS CORPORATION941848103US941848103505/23/2024To approve, by non-binding vote, executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2550FOR255FOR12 WATSCO, INC.942622200US942622200906/03/2024Approval of the advisory resolution regarding the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER100290AGAINST10029AGAINST12 WEC ENERGY GROUP, INC.92939U106US92939U106005/09/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER94130FOR9413FOR12 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY949746101US949746101504/30/2024Advisory vote to approve executive compensation (Say on Pay)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER449470FOR44947FOR12 WELLTOWER INC.95040Q104US95040Q104005/23/2024The approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20820FOR2082FOR12 WERNER ENTERPRISES, INC.950755108US950755108605/14/2024To approve an advisory resolution on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER32510FOR3251FOR12 WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES, INC.955306105US955306105504/23/2024Advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER9850FOR985FOR12 WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE TECHNOLOGIES CORP929740108US929740108805/16/2024Approve an advisory (non-binding) resolution to approve the 2023 named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1860FOR186FOR12 WESTROCK COMPANY96145D105US96145D105401/26/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER95940FOR9594FOR12 WESTROCK COMPANY96145D105US96145D105406/13/2024Non-binding, advisory proposal to approve compensation that will or may become payable by WestRock to its named executive officers in connection with the Combination (as defined in the proxy statement/prospectus)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER59760FOR5976FOR12 WEX INC.96208T104US96208T104305/09/2024Advisory (non-binding) vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER29050FOR2905FOR12 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY962166104US962166104305/10/2024Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER484990FOR48499FOR12 WHEATON PRECIOUS METALS CORP.962879102CA962879102705/10/2024A non-binding advisory resolution on the Company's approach to executive compensation.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER121690FOR12169FOR12 WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION963320106US963320106904/16/2024Advisory vote to approve Whirlpool Corporation's executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2800FOR280FOR12 WHITE MOUNTAINS INSURANCE GROUP, LTD.G9618E107BMG9618E107505/23/2024Approval of the advisory resolution on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER300FOR30FOR12 WILLIAMS-SONOMA, INC.969904101US969904101105/29/2024An advisory vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2500FOR250FOR12 WILLIS TOWERS WATSON PLCG96629103IE00BDB6Q21105/22/2024Approve, on an advisory basis, the named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1350FOR135FOR12 WK KELLOGG CO92942W107US92942W107105/02/2024A non-binding advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER14000FOR1400FOR12 WK KELLOGG CO92942W107US92942W107105/02/2024A non-binding advisory vote on the frequency of future vote on executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER140001 YEAR1400FOR12 WOODSIDE ENERGY GROUP LTD980228308US980228308804/24/2024To adopt the Remuneration Report for the year ended 31 December 2023.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER37560FOR3756FOR12 WORKDAY, INC.98138H101US98138H101406/18/2024To approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the Proxy StatementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER8800AGAINST880AGAINST12 WPP PLC92937A102US92937A102505/08/2024Ordinary Resolution to receive and approve the Compensation Committee reportSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER210FOR21FOR12 WYNN RESORTS, LIMITED983134107US983134107105/02/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers as described in the proxy statementSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER60FOR6FOR12 XCEL ENERGY INC.98389B100US98389B100805/22/2024Approval of Xcel Energy Inc.'s executive compensation in an advisory vote (say on pay vote)SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER20300AGAINST2030AGAINST12 XENIA HOTELS & RESORTS, INC.984017103US984017103005/14/2024To approve, on an advisory and non-binding basis, the compensation of the named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statement.SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6250FOR625FOR12 XPO, INC.983793100US983793100805/16/2024Advisory Vote to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER7100FOR710FOR12 XPO, INC.983793100US983793100805/16/2024Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes to approve executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER71001 YEAR710FOR12 XYLEM INC.98419M100US98419M100905/16/2024Advisory vote to approve the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER167750FOR16775FOR12 XYLEM INC.98419M100US98419M100905/16/2024Advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes to approve named executive officer compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER1677501 YEAR16775FOR12 YUM CHINA HOLDINGS, INC.98850P109US98850P109305/23/2024Advisory Vote to Approve Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER60080FOR6008FOR12 YUM! BRANDS, INC.988498101US988498101305/16/2024Advisory Vote on Executive CompensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER92950FOR9295FOR12 ZAI LAB LTD98887Q104US98887Q104006/18/2024THAT, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as disclosed in this proxy statement, is hereby approvedSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER310AGAINST31AGAINST12 ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION989207105US989207105405/09/2024Advisory vote to approve Named Executive Officers' compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER6090AGAINST609AGAINST12 ZIMMER BIOMET HOLDINGS, INC.98956P102US98956P102105/10/2024Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, named executive officer compensation (''Say on Pay'')SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER74910FOR7491FOR12 ZIMVIE INC.98888T107US98888T107905/15/2024Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, named executive officer compensation ("Say on Pay").SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER400FOR40FOR12 ZIONS BANCORPORATION989701107US989701107104/26/2024Approval, on a nonbinding advisory basis, of the compensation paid to the Bank's named executive officers with respect to fiscal year ended December 31, 2023SECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER41680FOR4168FOR12 ZOETIS INC.98978V103US98978V103505/22/2024Advisory vote to approve our executive compensationSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER495520FOR49552FOR12 ZSCALER, INC.98980G102US98980G102201/05/2024To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officersSECTION 14A SAY-ON-PAY VOTESISSUER2000AGAINST200AGAINST12