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Washington, D.C. 20549
Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934
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PHI, Inc.
(Name of Registrant As Specified In Its Charter)
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PHI, Inc.
2001 SE Evangeline Thruway
Lafayette, Louisiana 70508
To the Holders of Voting Common Stock of PHI, Inc.:
The 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of PHI, Inc. (“PHI”) will be held at Lafayette Hilton & Towers (Magnolia Room), 1521 West Pinhook Road, Lafayette, Louisiana, on Tuesday, May 4, 2010, at 8:00 a.m., local time, to:
1. Elect directors.
2. Ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche as PHI’s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010.
3. Transact such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.
Holders of record of PHI’s voting common stock at the close of business on April 9, 2010 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors
-s- Michael J. McCann
Michael J. McCann
Lafayette, Louisiana
April 14, 2010
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of materials for the Annual Meeting to be held on May 4, 2010: The Company’s Information Statement and Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 are available at

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PHI, Inc.
2001 SE Evangeline Thruway
Lafayette, Louisiana 70508
May 4, 2010
This Information Statement is furnished to holders of voting common stock (“Voting Stock”) of PHI, Inc. (“PHI” or “the Company”) at the direction of its Board of Directors (the “Board”) in connection with the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of PHI (the “Meeting”) to be held on May 4, 2010, at the time and place set forth in the accompanying notice and at any adjournments thereof.
Holders of record of Voting Stock at the close of business on April 9, 2010 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting. On that date, PHI had outstanding 2,852,616 shares of Voting Stock, each of which is entitled to one vote, and 12,458,992 shares of non-voting common stock, none of which are entitled to vote.
This Information Statement is first being mailed to stockholders on or about April 14, 2010. The cost of preparing and mailing the statement will be borne by PHI. Banks, brokerage houses and other nominees or fiduciaries will be requested to forward the material to their principals, and PHI will, upon request, reimburse them for their expenses in so doing.
Our Amended and Restated By-Laws (the “By-laws”) establish the number of directors constituting the Board and to be elected at the Meeting at six. Al A. Gonsoulin, our Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, holds more than a majority of PHI’s outstanding Voting Stock, and his vote alone is sufficient to decide all matters to be voted on at the Meeting. Mr. Gonsoulin has informed PHI that he intends to vote all of his shares for (i) the election of the six persons identified below who have been nominated to serve on our Board; and (ii) ratifying the appointment of Deloitte & Touche as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. As a result, the outcome of those votes is assured, no matter how the other holders of Voting Stock vote their shares. In the unanticipated event that one or more nominees cannot be a candidate at the Meeting, or is unwilling to serve, the By-laws provide that the number of authorized directors will be reduced automatically by the number of such nominees unless the Board by a majority vote of the entire Board selects an additional nominee.
Nomination of Directors
The Board does not have a nominating committee or other committee performing similar functions. The Marketplace Rules of the NASDAQ Stock Market (“NASDAQ ‘”) provide that a “controlled company” is exempt from having its director nominees selected by a nominating committee. A controlled company is defined, in part, as a company of which more than 50% of the voting power is held by an individual. As Mr. Gonsoulin owns over 50% of the Company’s Voting Stock, PHI is a “controlled company” within the definition of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules, and the Board believes that it is appropriate for PHI not to have a nominating committee. The full Board does, however, approve all nominees, and a stockholder who wishes for the Board to consider an individual as a director nominee should communicate that desire in writing to the Chairman of the Board at the Company’s address. Similarly, a stockholder who wishes to communicate with the Board on any other subject should direct such communication to the Secretary of the Company at the Company’s address. The Secretary will be responsible for disseminating all such communications to the Board, or to a specific member of the Board, as appropriate, depending on the facts described in such communication.

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In addition to suggesting candidates to the Board, stockholders may nominate candidates directly by following the Board nomination procedure set forth in the By-laws. Under this procedure, a stockholder wishing to make a nomination must provide written notice to the Company’s Secretary containing all information about the proposed nominee required by Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including his or her name, age, business and residence address, principal occupation or employment, class and number of shares beneficially owned and entitled to vote at the meeting, and such nominee’s written consent to be named in the proxy statement as a nominee and to serve as a director if elected. Also, the stockholder must include his or her own name, address, and class and number of shares beneficially owned and entitled to vote at the meeting. Upon receipt of a stockholder’s nomination, our Secretary will appoint two independent inspectors to determine whether these procedures were satisfied. To be timely, a stockholder’s notice must be addressed to the Secretary, and delivered to us, or mailed and received by us not less than 45 nor more than 90 days before the meeting. If we provide less than 55 days notice of the meeting, that deadline is extended until the close of business on the 10th day following the date notice was given.
Our Board identifies potential nominees for director, other than current directors standing for re-election, through business and other contacts. Our Board does not have a formal policy with regard to the consideration of director candidates nominated by our other stockholders. Our Board primarily considers a nominee’s business experience, career positions held and particular areas of expertise and whether the nominee and would contribute to the diversity of experience and skills of our Board as a whole. There is no difference in the manner in which the Board evaluates nominees for director based on whether the nominee is recommended by a stockholder or by a member of our Board.
Information about Directors and Executive Officers
The following table sets forth certain information as of April 9, 2010, with respect to each candidate nominated by the Board. All director nominees were recommended by our Chairman of the Board. The information below includes the specific experience, qualifications, attributes or skills that led to the conclusion that the person should serve as a director, and includes any directorships of public companies held during the past five years. Unless otherwise indicated, each person has been engaged in the principal occupation shown for the past five years. Our Board has determined, using criteria established by NASDAQ and the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), that each director nominee other than Messrs. Bospflug and Gonsoulin is independent.
        Year First
        Became a
Name and Age
Principal Occupation or Position
Directors and Nominees
Al A. Gonsoulin, 67
  Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer of PHI
Lance F. Bospflug, 55
  President and Chief Operating Officer of PHI   2001
Arthur J. Breault, Jr., 70
  Tax lawyer and consultant   1999
C. Russell Luigs, 77
  Consultant   2002
Richard H. Matzke, 73
  Consultant   2002
Thomas H. Murphy, 55
  Member, Murco Oil & Gas, LLC
(oil & gas production and investments)
MR. AL A. GONSOULIN, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of PHI, Inc. has been Chairman since September 2001, when he acquired a controlling interest in PHI. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer of PHI following the resignation of Mr. Lance Bospflug in May 2004. Prior to joining PHI, Inc., Mr. Gonsoulin was President of Sea Mar, a division of Nabors Industries.
Mr. Gonsoulin has spent his career working in the oil and gas industry worldwide. He is well acquainted with both major and independent drilling and production companies. He founded Sea Mar, a vessel company serving the offshore oil and gas industry worldwide, which he later sold. Mr. Gonsoulin’s experience is and has been essential to the positioning of PHI, Inc. for long term performance.
MR. LANCE F. BOSPFLUG joined PHI in October 2000 as President and was appointed Chief Executive Officer in August 2001. Before joining PHI he was Chief Financial Officer, and from 1999 to 2000 Chief Executive


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Officer, of T.L. James & Company, Inc. Mr. Bospflug resigned as President and Chief Executive Officer of PHI in May 2004, and was self-employed until August 2008 when he was employed by PHI for special projects, reporting directly to Mr. Gonsoulin. On February 23, 2009, Mr. Bospflug was appointed Chief Operating Officer, and effective April 1, 2010, he was appointed President.
Mr. Bospflug has significant leadership experience at our company, providing him with a comprehensive knowledge of our business and industry, and was also Chief Executive Officer at T.L. James & Company, a construction company performing various highway and bridge construction projects. His experience as a chief financial officer also gives him a strong background in financial and accounting matters. Mr. Bospflug’s career has provided the managerial, strategic, and financial experience necessary to develop and execute our strategic plans.
MR. ARTHUR J. BREAULT, JR. was a partner with Deloitte & Touche LLP for more than 16 years concentrating in tax matters. Since that time, Mr. Breault has been self-employed as a tax attorney. He also has had a distinguished career with the Internal Revenue Service primarily focused on complex tax issues. Additionally, he is an attorney and a member of the Bar in Massachusetts and Louisiana.
Mr. Breault’s career with the Internal Revenue Service and with an international public accounting firm provides him with extensive and in-depth knowledge in accounting, financial and tax matters in a wide range of industries. He has published numerous articles with respect to complex tax issues and has had numerous speaking engagements. Mr. Breault also serves as Chairman of the Compensation Committee.
MR. C. RUSSELL LUIGS retired from GlobalSantaFe, Inc. in September 2002. He was President and Chief Executive Officer of Global Marine from the time he joined that company in 1977 until 1998. Prior to joining Global Marine, Mr. Luigs was President and Chief Operating Officer of U.S. Industries, which he joined as a petroleum engineer in 1957. He was also Chairman of the Board of Global Marine from 1982 until 1999, and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of Global Marine from 1999 until its merger with Santa Fe International Corporation in 2001. He continued as Director of GlobalSantaFe until May 2005.
Mr. Luigs has had a career primarily in the offshore drilling industry and also has extensive experience throughout the oil and gas industry. Having been the Chief Executive Officer of Global Marine, a public company providing offshore drilling services primarily in the Gulf of Mexico, offshore West Africa and the North Sea, for over 20 years, he has a comprehensive understanding of the operational, financial and strategic issues affecting PHI, Inc. Mr. Luigs brings to the Board of Directors demonstrated ability at the most senior levels of a public company.
MR. RICHARD H. MATZKE retired from ChevronTexaco, Inc. in February 2002, where he had served as Vice Chairman of the Board since January 2000 and as a member of the Board of Directors since 1997. From November 1989 through December 1999, Mr. Matzke served as President of Chevron Overseas Petroleum Inc., where he was responsible for directing Chevron’s oil exploration and production activities outside of North America. Mr. Matzke was employed by Chevron Corporation and its predecessors and affiliates from 1961 through his retirement in 2002. Since 2002, Mr. Matzke has served as a director of LUKOIL, one of Russia’s largest oil companies with operations worldwide. Since his retirement from ChevronTexaco, he has provided consulting services to companies in the oil and gas industry.
Mr. Matzke’s extensive career with ChevronTexaco, a publicly-traded major international oil and gas company, provides operational, financial and strategic experience critical to addressing the issues affecting the Company. Mr. Matzke’s experience also brings to the Board of Directors, a demonstrated ability at the most senior levels of a public company.
MR. THOMAS H. MURPHY has been a co-owner and the manager of Murco Oil and Gas LLC., a company with interests in oil and gas exploration and production onshore in the U.S., for the last ten years. He is the former president of Murco Drilling Corporation, a U.S. onshore drilling contractor specializing in drilling oil and gas wells throughout the Gulf Coast at depths ranging from 10,000 to 25,000 feet, which was sold in 1998. Among other civic and charitable activities, Mr. Murphy has been Treasurer and is currently Chairman of the Investment Committee for the LSU Health Sciences Foundation — Shreveport. He holds an MBA from Emory University and has twice completed the Stanford Law School Directors’ College Program for directors and senior executives of publicly traded companies. Mr. Murphy is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors and he is a past member of Young Presidents’ Organization.


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Mr. Murphy has been responsible for developing and implementing successful strategies for companies in the oil and gas industry, and has extensive experience addressing operational, financial and accounting matters. He has a deep understanding of the oil and gas industry and of issues facing public companies and their boards. Mr. Murphy also serves as Audit Committee Chairman.
The following table sets forth certain information as of April 9, 2010 with respect to our executive officers.
        Year First
        Became an
Name and Age
Principal Position
Executive Officer
Executive Officers
Michael J. McCann, 62
  Chief Financial Officer and Secretary(1)   1998
Richard A. Rovinelli, 62
  Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Human Resources(2)   1999
William P. Sorenson, 61
  Director, Corporate Business Development(3)   1999
(1) Mr. McCann has served as Chief Financial Officer since November 1998 and our Secretary since March 2002. He previously served as our Treasurer from November 1998 to May 2007. From January 1998 to October 1998, he was the Chief Financial Officer for Global Industries Ltd. and Chief Administrative Officer from July 1996 to January 1998. Prior to that, he was Chief Financial Officer for Sub Sea International, Inc. Mr. McCann is a Certified Public Accountant.
(2) Mr. Rovinelli joined us in February 1999 as Director of Human Resources and became our Chief Administrative Officer in December 1999. Mr. Rovinelli previously served as Manager, Human Resources for Arco Alaska, Inc., Headquarters Staff Manager, Human Resource Services, Arco Oil and Gas Company, as well as numerous other positions within Arco.
(3) Mr. Sorenson became our Director of Corporate Business Development in April 2007. He previously served as Director of Marketing and Planning from February 2002 to April 2007, and as Director of International, Aeromedical, and Technical Services from January 2001 to February 2002. He served as our Director of Corporate Marketing/New Business from February 1999 to January 2001 after serving as General Manager of Aeromedical Services from November 1995 to February 1999.
Meetings of the Board
During the year ended December 31, 2009, the Board held five meetings (one by phone). Each incumbent director attended at least 75% of the aggregate number of Board and Committee meetings of which he was a member.
The Board does not have a policy regarding Board member attendance at the annual stockholders meeting, but such meeting is normally held in conjunction with a regularly scheduled Board meeting in order to make attendance at both convenient. All Board members attended the 2009 annual meeting.
Board Committees
Our Board has an Audit Committee, whose current members are Messrs. Breault, Luigs, Matzke and Murphy (Chairman). This committee held four meetings during 2009.
The functions of the Audit Committee include:
  •  Appoints (subject to shareholder ratification) the Company’s independent auditor, and is directly responsible for the compensation and oversight of the work of the independent auditor, who reports directly to the Audit Committee
  •  Oversees the accounting and financial reporting processes of the Company and the audits of the Company’s financial statements
  •  Oversees the independence of the Company’s independent auditor


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  •  Pre-approves all audit and permitted non-audit services provided by the independent auditor
  •  Oversees the work of the internal audit department and the director of the internal audit department, who reports directly to the Audit Committee
  •  Establishes procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints regarding accounting, internal controls or auditing matters and the confidential anonymous submission by employees of concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters
  •  Reviews and approves all related party transactions
  •  Performs the functions described in the Audit Committee Report included in this information statement
  •  Performs the other functions described in the committee’s charter
Because PHI is a “controlled company” within the definition of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules, it is not required to have a compensation committee. Nevertheless, our Board has a Compensation Committee, whose current members are Messrs. Breault (Chairman), Luigs, Matzke, and Murphy. This committee met two times during 2009.
The functions of the Compensation Committee include:
  •  Determines the compensation of our executive officers
  •  Determines awards under our annual incentive plan
  •  Reviews and recommends to the Board changes in significant benefit plans
  •  Oversees our assessment of whether our compensation practices are reasonably likely to expose our Company to material risks
  •  Performs the other functions described in the committee’s charter
The Audit Committee and Compensation Committee charters can be found at this web site:
For the reasons discussed above under the caption “Nomination of Directors,” the Board does not have a nominating committee.
Board Leadership Structure
Our Board consists of six directors, four of whom have been determined to be independent under the criteria established by NASDAQ and the SEC. Mr. Gonsoulin serves as both Chairman of the Board and as Chief Executive Officer of our Company, which our Board believes is in the best interests of our Company and our stockholders. Mr. Gonsoulin has strong leadership abilities and possesses an in-depth knowledge of the issues and challenges facing our Company and our industries. Accordingly, we believe he is best positioned to direct the Board’s attention to the most appropriate matters. He also holds a majority of our voting common stock, which aligns his interests with those of the rest of our stockholders in most instances.
Our Board has an audit committee consisting entirely of independent directors. Because PHI is a “controlled company” within the definition of the NASDAQ rules, it is not required to have a compensation committee. Nevertheless, the Board has established a compensation committee, also consisting entirely of independent directors, which, among other things, sets compensation for Mr. Gonsoulin and the Company’s other executive officers.
Our Board believes that our Company’s corporate governance practices establish an appropriate framework for our directors to provide independent, objective and effective oversight of management. Two-thirds of our directors are independent, and we have independent audit and compensation committees. The audit committee has the power and authority to engage independent legal or other advisors as it may deem necessary, and the compensation committee has the power and authority to engage compensation consultants, without consulting or obtaining the approval of the full Board or management. Our independent directors meet in executive session after each audit


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committee meeting, chaired by our audit committee chairman. The Board understands that some people are of the opinion that having a “lead independent director” enhances the ability of the Board to act independently of management; however, after having considered that alternative, our Board has concluded that its current leadership structure is working effectively to achieve that objective without designating a lead independent director.
Board’s Role in Oversight of Risk Management
Our Board’s goal is to have systems and processes in place to bring to its attention the material risks facing our Company and to permit the Board to effectively oversee the management of these risks. As reflected in our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Policy, our Board seeks to establish a “tone at the top” communicating our Board’s strong commitment to ethical behavior and compliance with the law. In furtherance of these goals, our Board regularly includes agenda items at its meetings relating to risk oversight. For example, senior managers of the Company regularly make presentations regarding safety, financial matters, labor matters, litigation, succession planning and regulatory obligations, among other things. Our Board also sets and regularly reviews quantitative and qualitative authority levels for management. Further, our Board oversees the strategic direction of our Company, and in doing so considers the potential rewards and risks of our Company’s business opportunities and challenges, and monitors the development and management of risks that impact our strategic goals.
While risk oversight is a full Board responsibility, we also empower our Board committees to address risk oversight in their respective areas and regularly report on their activities to our full Board. For example, our Compensation Committee assesses risks related to compensation and our Audit Committee is directly responsible for the appointment, compensation and oversight of our independent auditors, and regularly reviews our disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting. Our Audit Committee also reviews and approves all related party transactions. Our Director of Internal Audit reports to and regularly meets in executive session with our Audit Committee.
Director Compensation
During 2009, each director other than Mr. Gonsoulin and Mr. Bospflug received an annual retainer of $50,000. Additionally, each such director received a meeting fee of $8,000 for each Board meeting and $5,000 for each Committee meeting attended in person and $1,000 for each meeting attended by telephone. Committee chairs received an additional $2,000 per meeting. Director compensation is determined by reviewing compensation levels at similar size companies.
The table below summarizes the compensation paid by the Company to non-employee directors for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009.
    Fees earned or
  All Other
    paid in cash
  ($)   ($)   ($)    
Arthur J. Breault, Jr. 
    117,000       0       117,000          
C. Russell Luigs
    113,000       0       113,000          
Richard H. Matzke
    113,000       0       113,000          
Thomas H. Murphy
    121,000       0       121,000          
(1) Al A. Gonsoulin, the Company’s Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, is not included in this table as he is an employee of the Company and receives no compensation for his service as director.
(2) Lance F. Bospflug, the Company’s President and Chief Operating Officer, is not included in this table as he is an employee of the Company and receives no compensation for his service as director.
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires our directors, executive officers and 10% stockholders to file with the SEC reports of ownership and changes in ownership of our equity securities. Based solely on a review of copies of such forms, or written representations that no filings were required, we believe that all reports were filed on a timely basis during fiscal 2009.


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Stock Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers
The following table sets forth certain information concerning the beneficial ownership of each class of outstanding PHI common stock as of April 9, 2010 held by (a) each director and nominee for director of PHI, (b) each executive officer identified below under “Named Executive Officers” and (c) all directors and executive officers of PHI as a group, determined in accordance with Rule 13d-3 of the SEC. Unless otherwise indicated, the securities shown are held with sole voting and investment power, and are not pledged.
        Amount and Nature
    Class of PHI
  of Beneficial
Name of Beneficial Owner
  Common Stock   Ownership   of Class
Directors and Nominees
Al A. Gonsoulin
  Voting     1,501,580       52.6 %
    Non-Voting     531,000       4.3 %
Lance F. Bospflug
  Voting     0       *
    Non-Voting     0       *
Arthur J. Breault, Jr. 
  Voting     0       *
    Non-Voting     5,060       *
C. Russell Luigs
  Voting     10,000       *
    Non-Voting     10,000       *
Richard H. Matzke
  Voting     0       *
    Non-Voting     0       *
Thomas H. Murphy
  Voting     6,000       *
    Non-Voting     10,000       *
Named Executive Officers(1)
Michael J. McCann
  Voting     0       *
    Non-Voting     0       *
Richard A. Rovinelli
  Voting     0       *
    Non-Voting     0       *
William P. Sorenson
  Voting     0       *
    Non-Voting     0       *
All directors and executive officers as a group (9 persons)
  Voting     1,517,580       53.2 %
    Non-Voting     556,060       4.5 %
Less than one percent.
(1) Information on Mr. Gonsoulin’s and Mr. Bospflug’s ownership is included under “Directors and Nominees” above.
Stock Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
The following table shows the number of shares of PHI voting and non-voting common stock beneficially owned as of April 9, 2010 by persons known by us to beneficially own more than 5% of the outstanding shares of PHI’s voting or non-voting common stock, determined in accordance with Rule 13d-3 of the SEC. The information in the table is based on a review of such holders’ filings of Schedules 13D and 13G and Form 13F with the SEC.


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Each person listed below has sole voting and investment power with respect to the shares beneficially owned unless otherwise stated.
        Amount and Nature
    Class of PHI Common
  of Beneficial
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner
  Stock   Ownership   of Class
Al A. Gonsoulin
2001 S.E. Evangeline Thruway
  Voting     1,501,580       52.6 %
Lafayette, Louisiana 70508
  Non-Voting     531,000       4.3 %
Wells Fargo and Company
420 Montgomery Street
  Voting     205,493 (1)     7.20 %
San Francisco, CA 94104
  Non-Voting     1,049,621       8.42 %
St. Dennis J. Villere & Company, L.L.C.
601 Poydras St., Suite 1808
  Voting     225,069       7.89 %
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130
  Non-Voting     1,355,634       10.88 %
Kensico Capital Management Corporation
55 Railroad Avenue, 2nd Floor
  Voting     249,532 (2)     8.75 %
Greenwich, CT 06830
  Non-Voting     0       *
Woodbourne Partners, L.P.
200 N. Broadway, Suite 825
  Voting     223,765 (3)     7.84 %
St. Louis, Missouri
  Non-Voting     0       *
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP
1299 Ocean Avenue
  Voting     0       *
Santa Monica, CA 90401
  Non-Voting     981,707 (4)     7.88 %
Franklin Resources, Inc.
One Franklin Parkway
  Voting     0       *
San Mateo, CA 94403
  Non-Voting     972,799       7.81 %
Less than five percent.
(1) Wells Fargo and Company has sole voting power with respect to 202,323 of these shares and sole investment power with respect to 190,893 shares.
(2) Kensico Capital Management Corporation has shared voting power with respect to all of these shares with its clients as an investment advisor.
(3) John D. Weil, the president, sole director and sole stockholder of Clayton Management Company, the general partner of Woodbourne Partners, L.P., has sole voting and investment power with respect to these shares.
(4) Dimensional Fund Advisors LP has sole voting power with respect to 957,576 of these shares and sole investment power with respect to 981,707 of these shares.


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Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Compensation Philosophy and Objectives
The objective of our executive compensation policy is to:
  •  Produce long-term success for our stockholders
  •  Align executive incentive compensation with the company’s annual and long-term goals
  •  Provide competitive compensation and benefits to attract, retain, and motivate top quality executives
These objectives strive to reward the achievement of goals tailored to the executive’s area of responsibility and recognize individual leadership.
Compensation for our executive officers includes base salary, an annual incentive opportunity, and a deferred compensation plan. The executives also participate in benefit plans generally available to our other salaried employees, including our 401(k) plan and health, dental, and life insurance.
The executive compensation program is administered by the Compensation Committee of the Board in accordance with the Compensation Committee’s charter.
The Compensation Committee has retained FreeGulliver, LLC (“FreeGulliver”) as an independent compensation consultant regarding executive compensation matters. As an advisor, FreeGulliver is retained directly by the Compensation Committee. All assignments given to FreeGulliver are made by the Compensation Committee, and the Compensation Committee has the ability to terminate FreeGulliver’s services at any time.
The Compensation Committee retained FreeGulliver to provide the following compensation consulting services on an ongoing basis:
  •  Provide peer group compensation data to assist the Committee in establishing executive compensation
  •  Assist in the formulation of annual incentive-based awards
  •  Make recommendations regarding competitive compensation levels
  •  Facilitate a leadership succession process
The Compensation Committee relies on Watson Wyatt surveys for competitive compensation analysis, which is compiled for the Compensation Committee by FreeGulliver. In the past, the Committee has also reviewed data from a small group of peer companies selected by FreeGulliver, but did not do so for 2009 compensation. The compensation analysis also considers the scope and nature of managerial responsibility and reporting relationships. The Compensation Committee reviews the comparison data and recommends salary rates for the upcoming year. The Committee has also established an annual incentive plan, described below.
The Compensation Committee reviews and approves all compensation for our executive officers. Except with respect to his own compensation, the CEO may make adjustments to the compensation based on an individual’s performance and contributions to the Company’s performance, subject to reporting any such adjustments to the Compensation Committee. The compensation of the CEO is determined by the Compensation Committee.
Elements of Executive Compensation
Our executive total compensation is a mix of base salary, annual incentive compensation, and employee benefits. It is the objective of this mix of components to instill in our executives the importance of achieving our business goals and thereby increase stockholder value.
Salary.  Salary is based generally upon the level of responsibility of each executive officer and the individual’s prior performance. Salary levels are generally targeted at the 60th percentile of salaries paid by


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companies included in the broad Watson Wyatt surveys in three sub-groups: companies with 1,000 to 4,999 employees; companies with sales of $250 million to $999 million; and companies with 1,000 to 4,999 employees in the South Central Region (which includes Louisiana, Texas, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Arizona). The identities of the over 1300 companies included in the Watson Wyatt surveys are not known or considered by the Committee. Base salaries are approved by the Committee after consideration of the data described above and the recommendation of FreeGulliver. Base salary also provides the foundation upon which the annual incentive opportunities are established. The Committee approved increases in base salary for the Company’s executive officers for 2009 consistent with the foregoing; however, due to the challenging economic environment, management did not implement any salary increases for executive officers in 2009, and the CEO voluntarily reduced his salary by 10% in August 2009. Mr. Bospflug rejoined our company’s management in August 2008, when he was employed for special projects, and he became Chief Operating Officer (and an executive officer) in February 2009 and President in April 2010. His salary was determined in the same manner as salaries for our other named executive officers, and was not increased during 2009.
Annual Incentive Compensation.  The Committee approved a Senior Management Bonus Plan (the “Annual Incentive Plan” or “AIP”) in 2004, in which the Company’s executive officers participate. As implemented by the Committee, the annual incentive opportunities are based on the position and scope of responsibilities of the executive. This is used to provide a targeted percentage of base salary that may be awarded in the form of an incentive bonus at three levels — a threshold, a business plan, and a stretch level — based upon achieving financial targets. In 2008, the Committee modified the AIP for fiscal 2008 and future years to include adjustments to the calculated bonus levels based on targeted safety goals.
The potential award for the CEO ranged from 0% if “threshold” goals were not met, to 40% for meeting “threshold” objectives, to 70% for meeting “business plan” objectives and 100% for meeting the “stretch” objectives, adjusted either upwards or downwards based on the achievement of safety related targets. The range for our other executive officers was 0% if “threshold” goals were not met, 25% for “threshold” objectives, 45% for “business plan” objectives, and 65% for “stretch” objectives, adjusted either upwards or downwards based on the achievement of certain safety related targets. For 2009, the Compensation Committee set the financial performance objective of pre-tax income excluding gains on aircraft sales at $35.5 million (25% below “business plan”) (“threshold” level), $47.3 million (“business plan” level), and $59.1 million (25% above “business plan”) (“stretch” level). The AIP provides for a downward adjustment of up to 100% if targeted safety goals are not met, and an upward adjustment of 25% if a difficult safety target is achieved. For 2009, pre-tax income excluding gains on aircraft sales did not reach the threshold level, resulting in no payments under the AIP.
With respect to senior management other than the CEO, the CEO can modify the award based upon accomplishment of certain Company financial goals as well as departmental goals and a subjective evaluation of the individual’s contributions to the Company, subject to reporting such adjustments to the Committee. For 2009, no adjustments were made.
The AIP provides that one-half of any award is paid to the executive on or about the end of the first calendar quarter of the calendar year following the year with respect to which the award is determined, with the other half paid equally over the next three years at the anniversary dates of the first payment, assuming the executive’s employment continues; provided that the executive will receive these amounts if he dies, retires or becomes disabled. This structure incorporates a retention aspect and a longer-term focus to the annual incentive award.
Officers’ Deferred Compensation Plan.  Certain highly compensated executives have been approved by the Compensation Committee to participate in the Officers’ Deferred Compensation Plan (“ODP”), which allows the executive to tax-defer up to 25% of base salary and up to 100% of any bonuses and save those amounts for retirement. The Company does not contribute to the ODP, and it is an unfunded, nonqualified deferred compensation plan under ERISA. It is maintained, interpreted and administered in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 409A and applicable regulations and rulings. A separate account is established for each participant’s deferred compensation and is deemed invested in securities chosen by each participant from a list of available investment choices. Accounts are periodically adjusted for gains or losses to reflect the investment performance of the eligible securities and any payments made to a participant under the ODP.


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Except as otherwise provided in the ODP, the value of a participant’s account is distributed at a designated future date, or at termination of employment or retirement, in either a single lump sum payment or in annual installments (not to exceed twenty (20) installments), as designated by the participant.
Equity Compensation.  The Company has not issued any stock, options or other stock-based compensation to employees since 2001.
Benefits.  All executives are eligible for the same insurance and welfare benefits (e.g., Medical Insurance, Dental Insurance, 401(k), Long-term Disability, Life and AD&D Insurance, AFLAC, etc.) as other employees in the Company, except that a newly hired executive is credited with having completed five years of Company service at his/her hire date for the purposes of calculating the amount of vacation days credited each year.
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2009 with management. Based on such reviews and discussions, the Compensation Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this Information Statement on Schedule 14C.
By the members of the Compensation Committee:
Arthur J. Breault, Jr., Chairman
C. Russell Luigs
Richard H. Matzke
Thomas H. Murphy


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Summary Compensation Table for Fiscal 2009
The table below summarizes the total compensation paid to or earned by each of our executive officers for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007. We have not entered into employment agreements with any of our executive officers.
    All Other
                        incentive plan
Name and
Principal Position     Year     Salary ($)     ($)     ($)(1)     ($)     ($)
Al A. Gonsoulin
      2009         569,520         0         0         23,152         592,672  
Chairman of the Board and
      2008         586,731         0         70,512         23,936         681,179  
Chief Executive Officer
      2007         563,750         226,000         0         23,826         813,576  
Lance F. Bospflug(3)
      2009         427,140         0         0         3,302         430,442  
President and Chief
Operating Officer
Michael J. McCann
      2009         264,420         0         0         16,238         280,658  
Chief Financial Officer
      2008         264,029         0         19,831         16,081         299,941  
and Secretary
      2007         253,688         63,562         0         15,165         332,415  
Richard A. Rovinelli
      2009         235,040         0         0         14,568         249,608  
Chief Administrative Officer and
      2008         234,692         0         17,628         14,421         266,741  
Director of Human Resources
      2007         225,500         56,500         0         12,905         294,905  
William P. Sorenson(4)
      2009         239,605         0         0         14,829         254,434  
Director, Corporate
      2008         222,958         0         16,746         13,390         253,094  
Business Development
      2007         214,225         53,675         0         12,318         280,218  
(1) Represents awards under the Annual Incentive Plan, discussed in further detail above under the heading “Annual Incentive Compensation” in “Compensation Discussion and Analysis.” Fifty percent of the award is paid early in the following year and the rest is paid in three equal installments over the next three years, subject to continuation of employment, or if the executive dies, retires or is permanently disabled.
(2) The amounts shown in this column for 2009 reflect for each named executive officer:
• Matching contributions allocated by the Company to each of the named executive officers for the 401(k) Retirement Plan. Includes Mr. Gonsoulin $14,700; Mr. McCann $11,899; Mr. Rovinelli $10,577; and Mr. Sorenson $10,573.
• The cost to the Company of Term Life and Disability Insurance coverage provided by the Company including the cost of Life Insurance exceeding $50,000.
(3) Mr. Bospflug became Chief Operating Officer in February 2009 and President in April 2010.
(4) As previously discussed, there were no salary increases for fiscal year 2009 for executive officers. The increase reflected for Mr. Sorenson’s salary for 2009 represents a one-time accrued vacation payout.
Grants of Plan-Based Awards in Fiscal 2009
            Estimated future payouts under non-
            equity incentive plan awards(1)(2)
Name     Grant Date     Threshold ($)     Target ($)     Maximum ($)
Al A. Gonsoulin
      N/A         227,808         398,664         569,520  
Lance F. Bospflug
      N/A         102,830         185,094         267,358  
Michael J. McCann
      N/A         63,308         113,955         164,601  
Richard A. Rovinelli
      N/A         55,596         100,073         144,550  
William P. Sorenson
      N/A         54,963         98,934         142,904  
(1) The Company’s Annual Incentive Bonus Plan (AIP) for executives is based on annual financial performance, adjusted by certain safety related targets. Actual payouts will be nil if financial performance goals are not obtained, and in fact no amounts were paid under the AIP for 2009. For additional information about the AIP,


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see the discussion under the heading “Annual Incentive Compensation” in “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” above.
(2) Amounts earned under the AIP in a calendar year are payable 50% in the next year and 50% equally over the next three years, subject to continuation of employment, or if the executive dies, retires or is permanently disabled.
Outstanding Equity Awards at December 31, 2009; Options Exercises and Stock Vested
There were no options or other equity awards held as of December 31, 2009 by the Named Executive Officers. There were no options exercised by or stock vested for the Named Executive Officers during the fiscal year 2009.
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
The following table describes the contributions, earnings and balance at the end of fiscal year 2009 for each of the Named Executive Officers under our Officer Deferred Compensation Plan (“ODP)”. For additional information regarding our ODP, see the heading “Officers Deferred Compensation Plan” in “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” above.
    (loss) in
    Balance at
      Contributions in
    Contributions in
    Last Fiscal
    Last Fiscal
      Last Fiscal Year
    Last Fiscal Year
    Year End
Name     ($)     ($)     ($)     ($)     ($)
Al A. Gonsoulin(1)
      0         0         0         0         0  
Lance F. Bospflug(1)
      0         0         0         0         0  
Michael J. McCann
      66,105         0         126,969         0         856,791  
Richard A. Rovinelli
      58,761         0         176,077         0         883,044  
William P. Sorenson
      53,590         0         109,546         0         606,551  
(1) Mr. Gonsoulin and Mr. Bospflug elected not to participate in the ODP.
The table below shows the investment choices available under the ODP and their annual rate of return for the calendar year 2009, as reported by the plan investment advisor.
Name of Fund     Rate of Return       Name of Fund     Rate of Return  
Allianz OCC Renaissance A
      33.6 %     Managers Bond Fund       31.2 %
Allianz OCC Target Fund A
      51.5 %     Managers Funds Short Dur Gov Fund       6.5 %
Amer Funds Fund Inv F-1
      33.4 %     Nuveen Tradewinds Intl Val Fund A       19.9 %
Amer Funds Grth Fund F
      34.6 %     Oakmark Fund A       44.8 %
BlackRock Intl Bond A
      5.7 %     Oppenheimer Cmdty St TR A       10.0 %
Calamos Conv Fund A
      34.0 %     PIMCO Inv Gr Corp Bond Fund A       18.3 %
Calamos Growth Fund A
      52.5 %     PIMCO CommRealRetStr A       39.5 %
Davis NY Venture Fund A
      32.1 %     PIMCO Foreign Bond Fund A       20.8 %
DWS Core Fixed Income A
      7.3 %     PIMCO Low Duration A       12.9 %
Eaton Vance Large Cap Value A
      17.0 %     PIMCO Total Ret A       13.3 %
Fidelity Adv Short F/I T
      6.7 %     PIMCO Real Ret A       18.4 %
First Eagle Global A
      22.9 %     Royce Premier Invt       33.3 %
FT Templeton Global Bond A
      18.9 %     Thornburg Core Growth A       45.4 %
Gateway Fund A
      6.6 %     Thornburg Intl Value A       31.4 %
Harbor International Inv
      38.0 %     UBS PACE Money Market P       –1.4 %
Janus Adviser Forty A
      43.8 %                


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Equity Compensation Plan Information
The following table provides information about our common stock that may be issued under equity compensation plans as of December 31, 2009:
            Number of Securities
            Remaining Available For
            Future Issuance Under
            Equity Compensation
    Number of Securities to be
  Plans (Excluding
    Issued Upon Exercise of
  Exercise Price of
  Securities Reflected
    Outstanding Options,
  Outstanding Options
  in the First
Plan Category
  Warrants and Rights   Warrants and Rights   Column)(1)
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
  0 (Voting)
0 (Non-Voting)
  — (Voting)
— (Non-Voting)
  116,520 (Voting)
186,552 (Non-Voting)
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders
  0 (Voting)
0 (Non-Voting)
  — (Voting)
— (Non-Voting)
  116,520 (Voting)
186,552 (Non-Voting)
(1) Represents shares of the Company’s voting and non-voting stock available for issuance under the PHI 1995 Incentive Plan. The Company has not issued any shares, options or rights under the PHI 1995 Incentive Plan since 2001.
The Compensation Committee consists of Arthur J. Breault, Jr., C. Russell Luigs, Richard H. Matzke and Thomas H. Murphy. No member of the Compensation Committee has ever been an officer or employee of PHI or any of our subsidiaries. In 2009, none of our executive officers served as a director or member of the compensation committee of another entity, where an executive officer served as a member of our Board or Compensation Committee.
Certain Transactions
Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Policy requires our directors and executive officers to avoid any situation that would create a conflict of interest unless approved in accordance with the Company’s Conflict of Interest Policy. Our Conflict of Interest Policy requires executive officers and directors to report potential conflicts of interest in writing to the Audit Committee. In addition, the Audit Committee’s charter requires it to review and approve all related party transactions of the Company, defined as those required to be disclosed under Item 404 of Regulation S-K. The Audit Committee approves conflicts of interest or related party transactions if it concludes that doing so is in the best interests of the Company and our stockholders. Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Policy is available on our website at
We lease a facility from Mr. Al A. Gonsoulin, our Chairman and CEO, where we perform maintenance work for a customer. The lease rate is $6,500 per month. The building was leased for a one-year term with four one-year options. This transaction was reviewed and approved by our audit committee, which is our procedure for any transaction between our Company and an executive officer or director.


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The Audit Committee of PHI’s Board of Directors is composed of four outside directors. It operates under a charter that is available at The Board has made a determination that all members of the Audit Committee satisfy the requirements of the SEC and NASDAQ as to independence and are financially sophisticated within the meaning of the NASDAQ rules. The Board has also determined that it is not clear whether any member of the Audit Committee is an “audit committee financial expert” within the meaning of SEC rules, but the Board does not believe the presence of an audit committee financial expert is necessary in view of the overall financial sophistication of Committee members.
The Audit Committee reviewed in detail and discussed with management and the independent auditors, among other things, (i) all unaudited quarterly financial statements and all quarterly reports filed with the SEC on Form 10-Q in 2009; (ii) the annual audited financial statements and the annual report filed with the SEC on Form 10-K for fiscal 2009; (iii) management’s quarterly and annual certifications regarding internal control over financial reporting and the independent auditors’ audit of internal control over financial reporting; and (iv) the matters required to be discussed with the independent auditors by statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, as amended (AICPA, Professional Standards, Vol. 1 AU section 380), as adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in Rule 3200T. The Committee also received the written disclosures and the letter from the independent auditors required by applicable requirements of the Public Accounting Oversight Board regarding the independent auditor’s communications with the audit committee concerning independence, and has discussed with the independent auditors their independence.
Based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited financial statements be included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the 2009 fiscal year for filing with the SEC.
In accordance with the rules of the SEC, the foregoing information is not deemed to be “soliciting material,” or “filed” with the SEC or subject to its Regulation 14C, other than as provided in such rules, or to be subject to the liabilities of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, except to the extent that the Company specifically requests that the information be treated as soliciting material or specifically incorporates it by reference into a document filed under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
By the members of the Audit Committee:
Thomas H. Murphy, Chairman
Arthur J. Breault, Jr.
C. Russell Luigs
Richard H. Matzke


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Our consolidated financial statements for 2008 and 2009 were audited by the firm of Deloitte & Touche, LLP, which was engaged for that purpose by the Audit Committee. Representatives of Deloitte & Touche, LLP are not expected to be present at the Meeting.
The Audit Committee has selected Deloitte & Touche, LLP as PHI’s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010, subject to ratification by PHI’s stockholders at the Meeting.
The following is a summary of the fees billed to PHI and its subsidiaries by Deloitte & Touche, LLP for professional services rendered.
    Year Ended December 31,  
    2009     2008  
Fee Category
  Amount     Percentage     Amount     Percentage  
Audit fees
  $ 708,000       78 %   $ 760,000       78 %
Audit-Related fees
    100,525       11 %     122,600       12 %
Total audit and audit related fees
    808,525       89 %     882,600       90 %
Tax fees
    95,000       11 %     95,000       10 %
All Other fees
          0 %           0 %
Total fees
  $ 903,525       100 %   $ 977,600       100 %
Audit fees include the aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered for the audit of the Company’s annual financial statements and review of financial statements included in the Company’s Form 10-Qs, fees for services that normally would be provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements and services that generally only the independent accountant reasonably can provide. Audit-related fees include assurance and related services reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review, and for 2008 and 2009 included fees related to employee benefit plan audits, due diligence and accounting consultations. Tax fees include tax compliance, advice and planning services, and for 2008 and 2009 included assistance in the preparation of federal and state tax returns and related advice regarding tax compliance.
Policy on Pre-Approval of Audit and Permissible Non-Audit Services of Independent Auditors
All audit and permissible non-audit services provided by the independent auditors are pre-approved by PHI’s Audit Committee. These services may include audit services, audit-related services and other services. Pre-approval is generally provided for up to one year, and any pre-approval is detailed as to the particular service or category of service and is generally subject to a specific budget. The independent auditors and management are required to periodically report to the Audit Committee regarding the extent of services provided by the independent auditors in accordance with this pre-approval, and the fees for the services performed to date. The Audit Committee may also pre-approve particular services on a case-by-case basis.


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Quorum and Voting
The presence, in person or by proxy, of a majority of the Company’s total voting power is necessary to constitute a quorum. Stockholders voting or abstaining from voting by proxy on any issue will be counted as present for purposes of constituting a quorum. If a quorum is present, the election of directors will be determined by plurality vote. The proposal to ratify the appointment of our independent registered public accounting firm will require approval of holders of a majority of the Company’s total voting power.
The Board does not know of any matters to be presented at the Meeting other than those described herein. For directions to be able to attend the meeting and vote in person, call 337-235-2452.
Stockholder Proposals
The Company’s by-laws state that for any business to be properly brought before the annual meeting, notice of the proposal must be received by the Company no later than the close of business on the 60th day nor earlier than the close of business on the 90th day before the first anniversary of the preceding year’s annual meeting. In regard to the 2011 annual meeting, this provision will require notice between February 3, 2011 and March 5, 2011. If, however, the date of the annual meeting is more than 30 days before or more than 60 days after such anniversary date, notice by the stockholders to be timely must be so delivered not earlier than the close of business on the 90th day before such annual meeting and not later than the close of business on the later of the 60th day before such annual meeting or the 10th day following the day on which public announcement of the date of such meeting is first made by the Company.
This notice must set forth (a) a brief description of the business desired to be brought before the meeting, the reasons for conducting such business at the meeting and any material interest in such business of such stockholders and the beneficial owner, if any, on whose behalf the proposal is made; and (b) as to the stockholders giving the notice and the beneficial owner, if any, on whose behalf the proposal is made (i) the name and address of such stockholders, as they appear on the Company’s books, and of such beneficial owner and (ii) the class and number of shares of the Company which are owned beneficially and of record by such stockholders and such beneficial owner.
By Order of the Board of Directors
-s- Michael J. McCann
Michael J. McCann
Lafayette, Louisiana
April 14, 2010