Form DEF 14A - Other definitive proxy statements:
SEC Accession No. 0000320187-22-000041
Filing Date
2022-07-21 16:21:36
Period of Report

Document Format Files

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  Complete submission text file 0000320187-22-000041.txt   86786796
Mailing Address ONE BOWERMAN DR BEAVERTON OR 97005-6453
Business Address ONE BOWERMAN DR BEAVERTON OR 97005-6453 5036713173
NIKE, Inc. (Filer) CIK: 0000320187 (see all company filings)

IRS No.: 930584541 | State of Incorp.: OR | Fiscal Year End: 0531
Type: DEF 14A | Act: 34 | File No.: 001-10635 | Film No.: 221097306
SIC: 3021 Rubber & Plastics Footwear