Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(A)

of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934


Filed by the Registrant / X /


Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /


Check the appropriate box:


/ / Preliminary Proxy Statement.

/ / Confidential, for use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e) (2)).

/ / Definitive Proxy Statement.

/X/ Definitive Additional Materials.

/ / Soliciting Material Pursuant to § 240.14a-12.


the calvert fund

calvert impact fund, inc.

calvert management series

calvert responsible index series, inc.

calvert social investment fund

calvert world values fund, inc.

calvert variable series, inc.

calvert variable products, inc.


(Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)


Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):


/ X /       No fee required.


/ /       Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

(1)Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
(2)Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
(3)Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction

computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the

amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it

was determined):

(4)Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
(5)Total fee paid:


/ /       Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.


/ /       Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule

0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid

previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement

number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)Amount Previously Paid:
(2)Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
(3)Filing Party:
(4)Date Filed:














Reference Number:



Re: Your investment in one or more Calvert Funds


Dear Shareholder:


We have been trying to get in touch with you regarding a very important matter pertaining to your investment in the Calvert Funds. This matter relates to an important operating initiative for the Funds which requires your response.


It is very important that we speak to you regarding this matter. The call will only take a few moments of your time and there is no confidential information required.


Please contact us toll-free at 1-866-905-8159 between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday and 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST on Saturday. Please respond as soon as possible. At the time of the call, please use the Reference Number listed above.


Thank you in advance for your participation.








Hello, this is John Streur, Chief Executive Officer of Calvert Research and Management and a Trustee of the Calvert Funds.

Calvert is undertaking a very important initiative to approve new investment advisory agreements for the Calvert Funds, as well as new sub-advisory agreements for certain funds.

You can help today by voting, please call 877-225-6862.

Time is running out. By voting today, you can help ensure that the proposals applicable to your Fund can be acted upon.

You may cast your vote over the phone RIGHT NOW by calling 877-225-6862. Weekdays until 11 pm Eastern and Saturday until 6 pm. The process is simple and will only take a few moments of your time.

Thank you for your time. We hope you will help us today.




Hello, this is John Streur, Chief Executive Officer of Calvert Research and Management and a Trustee of the Calvert Funds.

We are trying to reach you regarding a very important initiative to approve new investment advisory agreements for the Calvert Funds, as well as new sub-advisory agreements for certain funds.

You should have received proxy materials requesting your vote, but we have not received your vote. By voting today, you can help us ensure that proposals relating to your fund can be acted upon.

To vote, please call 877-225-6862. That’s 877-225-6862. A proxy specialist will be happy to take your vote weekdays until 11 pm Eastern and Saturday until 6 pm.

Thank you for your time, we hope you will help us by voting.




Hello, this is John Streur, Chief Executive Officer of Calvert Research and Management and a Trustee of the Calvert Funds.

We are trying to reach you regarding your investment in one or more of our funds.

At a Shareholder meeting on February 19th, The Calvert Funds are undertaking an important initiative to approve new investment advisory agreements, as well as new sub-advisory agreements for certain funds.

You should have received proxy materials requesting your vote.

To vote, please call 877-225-6862. That’s 877-225-6862. A proxy specialist will be happy to take your vote weekdays until 11 pm Eastern and Saturday until 6 pm.

Thank you for your time, we hope you will help us by voting.






NCU Proxy Rebuttals


SH states …… Response


Why are you calling me?

< Fund / Company Name > has asked us to contact you because we sent you a proxy card to register your vote for the upcoming shareholder meeting and haven’t received it back. <The Fund / The Company > would like to hear from all shareholders on this matter and we are calling to offer you the convenience of voting over the phone. Would you like to vote along with the Board’s


I’m not interested / I don’t want to vote / I don’t have enough



Every vote is important and helps bring the < the fund / the company > a step closer to holding the meeting. If not enough votes are received, the shareholder meeting may have to be adjourned. Would you like to vote along with the Board’s recommendations?


I don’t know how to vote.


The Board is recommending shareholders vote < Vote Recommended >. I’d be happy to go over the proposals and answer any questions you may have.




My spouse takes care of this.


I understand. Are you authorizing your < husband / wife / spouse > to vote on your behalf?

(If yes): Are they available to speak with me?

(If spouse is unavailable): Your vote is very important to the fund, as your wife/husband is unavailable, I would be more than happy to assist you with voting by reviewing the proposal(s). This would only take a brief moment of your time.

(If spouse is not authorized): Your vote is very important to the fund. As I am only able to take a vote from an authorized party, I would be more than happy to assist you with voting by reviewing the proposal(s). This would only take a brief moment of your time.

My broker takes care of this. I understand that your Broker may help you choose your investments, however certain proposal(s) for this proxy require a direct vote from the shareholder and cannot be voted by your Broker. I can go over the proposal(s) quickly for you now if you wish.


I don’t have time right now.


I understand, however your vote is very important and voting now will only take a brief moment of your time. The Funds would like to hear from all shareholders on this matter and they have asked us to call to offer you the convenience of voting over the phone. Would you like to vote along with the Board’s recommendations?


I’ll vote later / I’ll vote via mail, online, etc.


I understand. < The Fund / The Company > has asked us to call to offer you the convenience of voting over the phone which makes the voting process much easier and faster. I would be happy to record your vote for you now and send you a printed confirmation that your vote has been recorded. Would you like to vote along with the Board’s recommendations?




I sold my shares /

I no longer own those shares.


I understand. However you were a shareholder as of the record date and therefore you are the only person who can vote those shares. As a courtesy to the remaining shareholders, would you like to vote along with the Board’s recommendations?


I’ve never received a call like this before.


This has become a standard in the industry and < if applicable > the proxy statement mentions that if your vote is not received you may receive a call offering you the convenience of voting by telephone. The Board is recommending shareholders vote < Vote Recommended >. Would you like to vote along with the Board’s recommendations?

Is there strong opposition to the Board’s recommendation?


Unfortunately, I do not have that information. We are just calling because not enough votes have been received to hold the meeting so we are calling to offer the convenience of voting over the phone. Would you like to vote along with the Board’s recommendations?


How many votes do you still need?


Unfortunately, I do not have that information. What I do know is that every vote is important at this point and that is why we are calling you and other shareholders to ask if you would like to vote along with the recommendations of your Board?

I don't accept these types of calls / Do Not Call Me /

Add Me to Your DNC



I understand how you feel about unwanted calls and will add you to our internal Do Not Call list. However, I did want to let you know that this call is regarding your current investment in < Fund Family / Company > and we are simply calling to advise you of the shareholder meeting and are asking if you would like to register your vote.





I already voted.


NO votes recorded in Proxy:

Thank you for voting. Our records indicate that your vote has not yet been updated in our system. I can record your vote for you now and send you a printed confirmation that your vote has been recorded. How would you like me to record your vote?


SOME BUT NOT ALL investments are voted:

-  Ask for the vote on the investments that are NOT voted using the call flow.

-  Disposition the investments that are not voted as appropriate to the call.

-  Do NOT disposition the investments that are already voted.









We need your vote


Eaton Vance is being acquired by Morgan Stanley. Fund shareholders are being asked to approve new investment advisory agreements and, where applicable, new investment sub-advisory agreements to help ensure that the Funds continue to operate without interruption.





On October 8, 2020, Eaton Vance Corp. (Eaton Vance) and Morgan Stanley announced that they had entered into a definitive agreement under which Morgan Stanley will acquire Eaton Vance and its affiliates. Eaton Vance’s Board of Directors and Voting Trustees believe this acquisition is in the best interests of our clients, business partners and employees.

About the acquisition


  • Creates a $1.2 trillion global asset manager with complementary investment capabilities and distribution strengths
  • Expands breadth and depth of investment strategies, enhancing our commitment to providing world-class client solutions
  • Provides additional market opportunities for our investment teams in the U.S. and internationally







A message from Eaton Vance Chairman and CEO, Thomas E. Faust Jr.





Proxy 101 and Frequently Asked questions




Morgan Stanley Acquisition Press Release



Why you should vote

Fund shareholders are being asked to vote to approve new investment advisory agreements and, where applicable, new investment sub-advisory agreements. Your vote is important because the acquisition may cause each Fund’s existing investment advisory and, where applicable, investment sub-advisory agreement to terminate. The Funds’ investment objectives, investment strategies, portfolio managers and brands are expected to remain the same upon closing of the transaction.


How to vote

Voting is easy and shareholders may vote online, by phone, by mail, or at the shareholder meeting. Please follow the instructions on your proxy card or voting instruction form to vote. Below are voting links for more detailed voting steps.



Closed-End Fund Proxy Information and Voting Links


Closed-End Fund Information1


Closed-End Fund Press Release


Closed-End Fund Proxy Statement (for funds other than EFT, EVY, EFR AND EVF)

If you have any questions or would like additional information please call 800-622-1569. To vote over the phone, refer to the phone number located on your proxy card.


Closed-End Fund Proxy Statement (for EFT, EVY, EFR AND EVF) 

If you have any questions or would like additional information please call (866) 416-0552. To vote over the phone, refer to the phone number located on your proxy card.



Closed-End Fund Online Voting Options


Option 1: If you receive account statements from the Funds’ transfer agent, AST, and the control number on your proxy card has 12 digits: CLICK HERE TO VOTE ONLINE




Option 2: If you hold shares of a Fund through an intermediary and the control number on your voting instruction card has 16 digits: CLICK HERE TO VOTE ONLINE



Eaton Vance Open-End Fund Proxy Information and Voting Links


Eaton Vance Open-End Fund Information


Eaton Vance Open End Fund Proxy Statement


If you have any questions or would like additional information please call 866-864-3926. To vote over the phone, refer to the phone number located on your proxy card.

Eaton Vance Open-End Fund Online Voting Options


Option 1: If you receive account statements directly from the Fund, and/or the control number on your proxy card has 14 digits: CLICK HERE TO VOTE ONLINE




Option 2: If you hold shares of a Fund through an intermediary and the control number on your voting instruction card has 16 digits: CLICK HERE TO VOTE ONLINE



Calvert Open-End Fund Proxy Information and Voting Links


Calvert Open-End Fund Information

Calvert Open-End Fund Proxy Statement

If you have any questions or would like additional information please call 877-225-6862. To vote over the phone, refer to the phone number located on your proxy card.

Calvert Open-End Fund Online Voting Options


Option 1: If you receive account statements directly from the Fund, and/or the control number on your proxy card has 14 digits: CLICK HERE TO VOTE ONLINE



Option 2: If you hold shares of a Fund through an intermediary and the control number on your voting instruction card has 16 digits: CLICK HERE TO VOTE ONLINE


Separately Managed Account (SMA) Consent Information


If you are an owner of separate accounts and/or certain private funds managed by Eaton Vance Management, Parametric, Calvert and Atlanta Capital you may be sent consent letters to permit the management of your investment strategies to continue uninterrupted following the close of the transaction. Depending on the terms of the individual investment management agreement, client consents may be required to be in writing.



1Relates to each of the closed-end funds sponsored by Eaton Vance except Eaton Vance Floating-Rate Income Plus Fund (EFF).














Dear Shareholder:


We recently sent you proxy materials concerning important proposals to approve new investment advisory agreements and, where applicable, new investment sub-advisory agreements with respect to your Funds. Shareholders are being asked to vote to approve the new agreements.


This letter was sent because you held shares in one or more Calvert Funds as of the record date, December 22, 2020. To date, we have not received your vote.













Please vote using one of these options:



Log on to the website or scan the QR code shown on your proxy card. Please have your proxy card in hand to access your control number located in the box and follow the on-screen instructions.



Call the toll-free number listed on your proxy card. Please have your proxy card in hand to access your control number located in the box and follow the recorded instructions.



Complete, sign and date the proxy card and then return it in the enclosed postage paid envelope.


The proxy materials we sent contain important information regarding proposals you and other shareholders are being asked to consider. Please read the materials carefully. If you have questions regarding the proposals, or need assistance with voting, please call Computershare Fund Services, the funds’ proxy solicitor, toll free at 1-877-225-6862.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.







Video Script


Tom Faust:


This is Tom Faust, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eaton Vance.


As you may be aware, Eaton Vance has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Morgan Stanley, one of the world’s leading financial services firms. In connection with the proposed transaction, shareholders of each of the Eaton Vance, Parametric and Calvert mutual funds and closed-end funds are being asked to approve new investment advisory agreements. Approval will provide continuity of the Funds’ investment programs and help ensure that Fund operations continue uninterrupted after the close of the transaction.


Fund shareholders will soon receive proxy materials for shareholder meetings to consider the new agreements. The Funds’ Boards of Trustees have carefully considered all the proposals, and unanimously recommend that shareholders vote FOR each proposal.


In addition, owners of separate accounts and certain private funds managed by Eaton Vance Management, Parametric, Calvert and Atlanta Capital may be sent consent letters to permit the management of their investment strategies to continue uninterrupted following the close of the transaction. Depending on the terms of the individual investment management agreement, client consents may be required to be in writing.


Eaton Vance and Morgan Stanley share a deep commitment to putting the interests of our clients first. We believe our proposed combination does just that. Eaton Vance and Morgan Stanley Investment Management will together create one of the world’s largest and most important global asset managers, with approximately $1.2 trillion of assets under management and expertise spanning the global capital markets. Bringing Eaton Vance and Morgan Stanley Investment Management together creates a uniquely powerful set of investment solutions to serve both institutional and individual clients in the U.S. and internationally.


We encourage our Fund shareholders and separate account clients to read the proxy and consent materials carefully, and to vote in favor of the proposals by following the instructions provided.


Thank you for your support in this important matter.