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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policy)
9 Months Ended
Sep. 30, 2020
Accounting Changes and Error Corrections [Abstract]  
Basis of Presentation
These unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with GAAP, which require management to make certain estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts in the accompanying financial statements and in the related disclosures. These estimates are based on information available as of the date of the condensed consolidated financial statements. While management makes its best judgment, actual amounts or results could differ from these estimates. In the opinion of management, all normal, recurring adjustments have been included for a fair statement of this interim financial information.
These condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto, included in Schwab’s 2019 Form 10-K.
Reclassifications Reclassifications: Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation. Beginning in the first quarter of 2020, order flow revenue was reclassified from other revenue to trading revenue in the condensed consolidated statements of income. Beginning in the second quarter of 2020, acquired intangible assets – net was reclassified from other assets and presented separately in the condensed consolidated balance sheets. Beginning in the third quarter of 2020, amortization of acquired intangible assets was reclassified from depreciation and amortization and presented separately in the condensed consolidated statements of income. Prior period amounts have been reclassified to reflect these changes.
Credit Loss, Financial Instrument
Cash and investments segregated and on deposit for regulatory purposes

Pursuant to Rule 15c3-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and other applicable regulations, Schwab maintains cash or qualified securities in segregated reserve accounts for the exclusive benefit of clients. Cash and investments segregated and on deposit for regulatory purposes include resale agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Government and agency securities.
Resale agreements are accounted for as collateralized financing transactions that are recorded at their contractual amounts plus accrued interest. The Company obtains collateral with a market value equal to or in excess of the principal amount loaned and accrued interest under resale agreements. Collateral is valued daily by the Company, with additional collateral obtained to ensure full collateralization. Cash and investments segregated also include certificates of deposit and U.S. Government securities. Certificates of deposit and U.S. Government securities are recorded at fair value.

Schwab applies the practical expedient based on collateral maintenance provisions under Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 326, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses, in estimating an allowance for credit losses for resale agreements. This practical expedient can be applied for financial assets with collateral maintenance provisions requiring the borrower to continually adjust the amount of the collateral securing the financial assets as a result of fair value changes in the collateral. In accordance with the practical expedient, when the Company reasonably expects that borrowers (or counterparties, as applicable) will replenish the collateral as required, there is no expectation of credit losses when the collateral’s fair value is greater than the amortized cost of the financial asset. If the amortized cost exceeds the fair value of collateral, then credit losses are estimated only on the unsecured portion.

Receivables from brokerage clients

Receivables from brokerage clients include margin loans to securities brokerage clients and other trading receivables from clients. Margin loans are collateralized by client securities and are carried at the amount receivable, net of an allowance for credit losses. Collateral is required to be maintained at specified minimum levels at all times. The Company monitors margin levels and requires clients to provide additional collateral, or reduce margin positions, to meet minimum collateral requirements if the fair value of the collateral changes. Schwab applies the practical expedient based on collateral maintenance provisions in estimating an allowance for credit losses for margin loans. An allowance for credit losses on unsecured or partially secured receivables from brokerage clients is estimated based on the aging of those receivables. Unsecured balances due to confirmed fraud are reserved immediately. The Company’s policy is to charge off any delinquent margin loans, including the accrued interest on such loans, no later than at 90 days past due. Accrued interest charged off is recognized as credit loss expense and is included in other expenses in the condensed consolidated statements of income. Clients with margin loans have agreed to allow Schwab to pledge collateralized securities in accordance with federal regulations. The collateral is not reflected in the consolidated financial statements. The allowance for credit losses for receivables from brokerage clients and related activity were immaterial for all periods presented.

AFS investment securities

AFS investment securities are recorded at fair value and unrealized gains and losses, other than losses related to credit factors, are reported, net of taxes, in AOCI included in stockholders’ equity. Realized gains and losses from sales of AFS investment securities are determined on a specific identification basis and are included in other revenue.

An AFS investment security is impaired if the fair value of the security is less than its amortized cost basis. Management evaluates AFS debt investment securities with unrealized losses to determine whether the security impairment has resulted from a credit loss or other factors. This evaluation is performed quarterly on an individual security basis.

The evaluation of whether credit loss exists is inherently judgmental. This evaluation considers multiple factors including: the financial condition of the issuer; the payment structure of the security; external credit ratings; our internal credit ratings; the security’s market implied credit spread; for asset-backed securities, the amount of credit support provided by the structure of the security to absorb credit losses on the underlying collateral; recent events specific to the issuer and the issuer’s industry; and whether all scheduled principal and interest payments have been received.

If management determines that the impairment of an AFS debt investment security (or a portion of the impairment) is related to credit losses, an allowance for credit losses will be recorded for that security through a charge to earnings. The allowance for credit losses is measured as the difference between the amortized cost and the present value of expected cash flows and is limited to the difference between amortized cost and the fair value of the security. The Company estimates credit losses on a discounted cash flow basis using the security’s effective interest rate. Changes in the allowance for credit losses will be recorded through earnings in the period of the change.
If it is determined that the Company intends to sell the impaired security or if it is more likely than not that the Company will be required to sell such security before any anticipated recovery of the amortized cost basis, any allowance for credit losses of that security will be written off and the amortized cost basis of the security will be written down to fair value with any incremental impairment recorded through earnings.

The Company excludes accrued interest from the fair value and the amortized cost basis of the AFS debt investment securities for the purposes of identifying and measuring impairment of the securities. AFS debt investment securities are placed on nonaccrual status on a timely basis and any accrued interest receivable is reversed through interest income.

Securities borrowed and securities loaned

Securities borrowed transactions require Schwab to deliver cash to the lender in exchange for securities; the receivables from these transactions are included in other assets on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. For securities loaned, Schwab receives collateral in the form of cash in an amount equal to or greater than the market value of securities loaned; the payables from these transactions are included in accrued expenses and other liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. The market value of securities borrowed and loaned are monitored, with additional collateral obtained or refunded to ensure full collateralization. Fees received or paid are recorded in interest revenue or interest expense. Schwab applies the practical expedient based on collateral maintenance provisions in estimating an allowance for credit losses for securities borrowed receivables.

Bank loans and related allowance for credit losses

Bank loans are recorded at their contractual principal amounts and include unamortized direct origination costs or net purchase discounts or premiums. Direct origination costs and premiums and discounts are recognized in interest revenue using the effective interest method over the contractual life of the loan and are adjusted for actual prepayments. Additionally, management estimates an allowance for credit losses, which is deducted from the amortized cost basis of loans to arrive at the amount expected to be collected. The bank loan portfolio includes three portfolio segments: residential real estate, pledged asset lines (PALs), and other loans. We use these segments when developing and documenting our methodology for determining the allowance for credit losses. Residential real estate portfolio segment is divided into two classes of financing receivables for purposes of monitoring and assessing credit risk: First Mortgages and HELOCs.

Schwab records an allowance for credit losses through a charge to earnings based on our estimate of current expected credit losses for the existing portfolio. We review the allowance for credit losses quarterly, taking into consideration current economic conditions, reasonable and supportable forecasts, the composition of the existing loan portfolio, past loss experience, and any other risks inherent in the portfolio to ensure that the allowance for credit losses is maintained at an appropriate level.

PALs are collateralized by marketable securities with liquid markets. Credit lines are over-collateralized and borrowers are required to maintain collateral at specified levels at all times. The required collateral levels are determined based on the type of security pledged. Additionally, collateral market value is monitored on a daily basis and a borrower’s credit line may be reduced or collateral may be liquidated if the collateral is in danger of falling below specified levels. As such, the credit loss inherent within this portfolio is limited. Schwab applies the practical expedient based on collateral maintenance provisions in estimating an allowance for credit losses for PALs.

The methodology to establish an allowance for credit losses for residential real estate portfolio segment utilizes statistical models that estimate prepayments, defaults, and expected losses for this portfolio segment based on predicted behavior of individual loans within the segment. The methodology also evaluates concentrations in the classes of financing receivables, including loan products within those classes, year of origination, and geographical distribution of collateral.

Expected credit losses are forecast using a loan-level simulation of the delinquency status of the loans over the term of the loans. The simulation starts with the current relevant risk indicators, including the current delinquent status of each loan, the estimated current LTV ratio (Estimated Current LTV) of each loan, the term and structure of each loan, current key interest rates including U.S. Treasury and LIBOR rates, and borrower FICO scores. The more significant variables in the simulation include delinquency roll rates, loss severity, housing prices, interest rates, and unemployment rate. Delinquency roll rates (i.e., the rates at which loans transition through delinquency stages and ultimately result in a loss) are estimated from our historical loss experience adjusted for current trends and market information, which includes current and forecast conditions. Loss severity (i.e., loss given default) estimates are based on our historical loss experience and market trends, both current and
forecast. The loss severity estimate used in the allowance for credit loss methodology for HELOCs is higher than that used in the methodology for First Mortgages. Housing price trends are derived from historical home price indices and econometric forecasts of future home values. Factors affecting the home price index include housing inventory, unemployment, interest rates, and inflation expectations. Interest rate projections are based on the current term structure of interest rates and historical volatilities to project various possible future interest rate paths. The unemployment rate forecast is typically based on the recent consensus of regularly published economic surveys. Linear interpolation is applied to revert to long-term trends after the reasonable and supportable forecast period.

The methodology described above results in loss factors that are applied to the amortized cost basis of loans, exclusive of accrued interest receivable, to determine the allowance for credit losses for First Mortgages and HELOCs.

Management also estimates a liability for expected credit losses on the Company’s commitments to extend credit related to unused HELOCs and commitments to purchase first mortgages. See Note 10 for additional information on these commitments. The liability is calculated by applying the loss factors described above to the commitments expected to be funded and is included in accrued expenses and other liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. The liability for expected credit losses on these commitments and related activity were immaterial for all periods presented.

Schwab considers loan modifications in which it makes an economic concession to a borrower experiencing financial difficulty to be troubled debt restructurings (TDRs).

Nonaccrual and Nonperforming loans

First Mortgages, HELOCs, PALs, and other loans are considered past due when a payment is due and unpaid for 30 days. Loans are placed on nonaccrual status upon becoming 90 days past due as to interest or principal (unless the loans are well-secured and in the process of collection), or when the full timely collection of interest or principal becomes uncertain, including loans to borrowers who have filed for bankruptcy. HELOC loans secured by a second lien are placed on non-accrual status if the associated first lien is 90 days or more delinquent, regardless of the payment status of the HELOC. When a loan is placed on nonaccrual status, the accrued interest receivable is written off by reversing interest income and the loan is accounted for on the cash or cost recovery method until qualifying for return to accrual status. Generally, a nonaccrual loan may be returned to accrual status when all delinquent interest and principal is repaid and the borrower demonstrates a sustained period of performance, or when the loan is both well-secured and in the process of collection and collectability is no longer doubtful. Loans on nonaccrual status and other real estate owned are considered nonperforming assets.

Loan Charge-Offs

The Company charges off a loan in the period that it is deemed uncollectible and records a reduction in the allowance for credit losses and the loan balance. Our charge-off policy for First Mortgage and HELOC loans is to assess the value of the property when the loan has been delinquent for 180 days or has been discharged in bankruptcy proceedings, regardless of whether the property is in foreclosure, and charge-off the amount of the loan balance in excess of the estimated current value of the underlying property less estimated costs to sell. The Company’s policy for PALs is to charge off any delinquent loans no later than at 90 days past due.
Adoption of New Accounting Standards and New Accounting Standards Not Yet Adopted
Adoption of New Accounting Standards
StandardDescriptionDate of AdoptionEffects on the Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2016-13, “Financial Instruments – Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments”Provides guidance for recognizing impairment of most debt instruments measured at amortized cost, including loans and HTM debt securities. Requires estimating current expected credit losses (CECL) over the remaining life of an instrument or a portfolio of instruments with similar risk characteristics based on relevant information about past events, current conditions, and reasonable forecasts. The initial estimate of, and the subsequent changes in, CECL will be recognized as credit loss expense through current earnings and will be reflected as an allowance for credit losses offsetting the carrying value of the financial instrument(s) on the balance sheet. Amends the other-than-temporary impairment (OTTI) model for AFS debt securities by requiring the use of an allowance, rather than directly reducing the carrying value of the security, and eliminating consideration of the length of time such security has been in an unrealized loss position as a factor in concluding whether a credit loss exists.

Adoption requires modified retrospective transition through a cumulative-effect adjustment to retained earnings as of the beginning of the first reporting period in which the entity applies the new guidance except that a prospective transition is required for AFS debt securities for which an OTTI has been recognized prior to the effective date.
January 1, 2020The Company adopted CECL as of January 1, 2020 using the modified retrospective method. The adoption of CECL resulted in an immaterial increase in the Company’s allowance for credit losses and an increase in the liability for expected credit losses on commitments to extend credit, both primarily related to First Mortgages and HELOCs. The adoption impact was recorded as an adjustment to retained earnings as of the date of adoption.
ASU 2018-15, “Intangibles– Goodwill and Other–Internal-Use Software (Subtopic 350-40): Customer’s Accounting for Implementation Costs Incurred in a Cloud Computing Arrangement That Is a Service Contract (a consensus of the FASB Emerging Issues Task Force)”Aligns the criteria for capitalizing implementation costs for cloud computing arrangements (CCA) that are service contracts with internal-use software that is developed or purchased and CCAs that include an internal-use software license. This guidance requires that the capitalized implementation costs be recognized over the period of the CCA service contract, subject to impairment evaluation on an ongoing basis.

The guidance prescribes the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flow classification of the capitalized implementation costs and related amortization expense, and requires additional quantitative and qualitative disclosures.

Adoption provides for retrospective or prospective application to all implementation costs incurred after the date of adoption.
January 1, 2020The Company adopted this guidance prospectively on January 1, 2020. As such, adoption had no impact on the Company’s financial statements. Historically, Schwab has expensed implementation costs as they are incurred for CCAs that are service contracts. Therefore, adopting this guidance will change the Company’s accounting treatment for these types of implementation costs going forward.
New Accounting Standards Not Yet Adopted
StandardDescriptionRequired Date of AdoptionEffects on the Financial Statements or Other Significant Matters
ASU 2020-4, “Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848): Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting”

Provides optional expedients and exceptions for applying existing accounting guidance to contracts, hedging relationships, and other transactions affected by reference rate reform if certain criteria are met, including simplifying accounting analyses for contract modifications.

This guidance only applies to the items listed above if they reference LIBOR or another reference rate expected to be discontinued because of reference rate reform and only for a limited period of time. When elected, the optional expedients for contract modifications must be applied consistently for all eligible contracts or eligible transactions subject to the same accounting guidance that would have otherwise been applied.

Once elected, the amendments must be applied prospectively.
N/A. Effective March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022The Company adopted this guidance prospectively as of October 1, 2020. There was no impact to the Company’s consolidated financial statements upon initial adoption.