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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2019
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of Presentation and Principles of Consolidation

The accompanying consolidated financial statements, including the notes, have been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP and include the accounts of all of our subsidiaries. All material intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated. Certain reclassifications have been made to prior period amounts to conform to the current period’s presentation.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP requires us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities as of the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from these estimates and changes in these estimates are recorded when known.

Estimated quantities of natural gas, NGLs, crude oil and condensate reserves is a significant estimate that requires judgment. All of the reserve data included in this Form 10-K are estimates. Reservoir engineering is a subjective process of estimating underground accumulations of natural gas, NGLs, crude oil and condensate. There are numerous uncertainties inherent in estimating quantities of proved natural gas, NGLs, crude oil and condensate reserves. The accuracy of any reserves estimate is a function of the quality of available data and of engineering and geological interpretation and judgment. As a result, reserves estimates may be different from the quantities of natural gas, NGLs and crude oil and condensate that are ultimately recovered. See Note 18 for further detail.

Other items subject to estimates and assumptions include the carrying amounts of property, plant and equipment, asset retirement obligations, valuation of derivative instruments and valuation allowances for deferred income tax assets, among others. Although we believe these estimates are reasonable, actual results could differ from these estimates.

Business Segment Information

We have evaluated how we are organized and managed and have identified only one operating segment, which is the exploration and production of natural gas, NGLs, crude oil and condensate in the United States. We consider our gathering, processing and marketing functions as integral to our natural gas, crude oil and condensate producing activities. Operating segments are defined as components of an enterprise that engage in activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses for which separate operational financial information is available and this information is regularly evaluated by the chief operating decision maker for the purpose of allocating resources and assessing performance.

We have a single company-wide management team that administers all properties as a whole rather than by discrete operating segments. We track only basic operational data by area. We do not maintain complete separate financial statement information by area. We measure financial performance as a single enterprise and not on a geographical or area-by-area basis. Throughout the year, we allocate capital resources on a project-by-project basis, across our entire asset base to optimize returns without regard to individual areas.

Revenue Recognition, Accounts Receivable and Gas Imbalances

Natural gas, NGLs and oil sales revenues are recognized when control of the product is transferred to the customer and collectability is reasonably assured. See a more detailed summary of our product types below.

Natural Gas and NGLs Sales

Under our gas processing contracts, we deliver natural gas to a midstream processing entity at the wellhead or the inlet of the midstream processing entity’s system. The midstream processing entity processes the natural gas and remits proceeds to us for the resulting sales of NGLs and residue gas. In these scenarios, we evaluate whether we are the principal or the agent in the transaction. For those contracts that we have concluded that we are the principal, the ultimate third party is our customer and we recognize revenue on a gross basis, with gathering, compression, processing and transportation fees presented as an expense. Alternatively, for those

contracts that we have concluded that we are the agent, the midstream processing entity is our customer and we recognize revenue based on the net amount of the proceeds received from the midstream processing entity.

In certain natural gas processing agreements, we may elect to take our residue gas and/or NGLs in kind at the tailgate of the midstream entity’s processing plant and subsequently market the product on our own. Through the marketing process, we deliver product to the ultimate third-party purchaser at a contractually agreed-upon delivery point and receive a specified index price from the purchaser. In this scenario, we recognize revenue when control transfers to the purchaser at the delivery point based on the index price received from the purchaser. The gathering, processing and compression fees attributable to the gas processing contract, as well as any transportation fees incurred to deliver the product to the purchaser are presented as transportation, gathering, processing and compression expense.

Oil Sales

Our oil sales contracts are generally structured in one of the following ways:


We sell oil production at the wellhead and collect an agreed-upon index price, net of transportation incurred by the purchaser (that is, a netback arrangement). In this scenario, we recognize revenue when control transfers to the purchaser at the wellhead at the net price received.



We deliver oil to the purchaser at a contractually agreed-upon delivery point at which the purchaser takes custody, title, and risk of loss of the product. Under this arrangement, we pay a third party to transport the product and receive a specified index price from the purchaser with no deduction. In this scenario, we recognize revenue when control transfers to the purchaser at the delivery point based on the price received from the purchaser. The third-party costs are recorded as transportation, gathering, processing and compression expense.


Brokered Natural Gas, Marketing and Other

We realize brokered margins as a result of buying natural gas or NGLs utilizing separate purchase transactions, generally with separate counterparties, and subsequently selling that natural gas or NGLs under our existing contracts to fill our contract commitments or use existing infrastructure contracts to economically fulfill available capacity. In these arrangements, we take control of the natural gas purchased prior to delivery of that gas under our existing gas contracts with a separate counterparty. Revenues and expenses related to brokering natural gas are reported gross as part of revenues and expenses in accordance with applicable accounting standards. Our net brokered margin was a loss of $14.2 million in 2019 compared to a loss of $16.3 million in 2018 and a loss of $5.7 million in 2017.

The recognition of gains or losses on derivative instruments is not considered revenue from contracts with customers. We may use financial or physical contracts accounted for as derivatives as economic hedges to manage price risk associated with normal sales or in limited cases may use them for contracts we intend to physically settle but that do not meet all of the criteria to be treated as normal sales.

Accounts Receivable

Our accounts receivable consist mainly of receivables from oil and gas purchasers and joint interest owners on properties we operate. Although receivables are concentrated in the oil and gas industry, we do not view this as an unusual credit risk. However, this concentration has the potential to impact our overall exposure to credit risk in that our customers may be similarly affected by changes in economic and financial conditions, commodity prices or other conditions. We provide for an allowance for doubtful accounts for specific receivables judged unlikely to be collected based on the age of the receivable, our experience with the debtor, potential offsets to the amount owed and economic conditions. In certain instances, we require purchasers to post stand-by letters of credit. For receivables from joint interest owners, we may have the ability to withhold future revenue disbursements to recover any non-payment of joint interest billings. We have allowances for doubtful accounts relating to exploration and production receivables of $8.8 million at December 31, 2019 compared to $6.1 million at December 31, 2018. We recorded bad debt expense of $4.3 million in the year ended December 31, 2019 compared to income of $1.0 million in the year ended December 31, 2018 and expense of $1.6 million in the year ended December 31, 2017.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand and on deposit and investments in highly liquid debt instruments with maturities of three months or less. Outstanding checks in excess of funds on deposit are included in accounts payable on the consolidated balance sheets and the change in such overdrafts is classified as a financing activity on the consolidated statements of cash flows.

Marketable Securities

Investments in unaffiliated equity securities held in our deferred compensation plans qualify as trading securities and are recorded at fair value. Investments held in the deferred compensation plans consist of various publicly-traded mutual funds. These funds include equity securities and money market instruments and are reported in other assets in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.

Natural Gas and Oil Properties

Property Acquisition Costs. We use the successful efforts method of accounting for natural gas and oil producing activities. Costs to drill exploratory wells that do not find proved reserves, geological and geophysical costs, delay rentals and costs of carrying and retaining unproved properties are expensed. Costs incurred for exploratory wells that find reserves that cannot yet be classified as proved are capitalized if (a) the well has found a sufficient quantity of reserves to justify its completion as a producing well and (b) we are making sufficient progress assessing the reserves and the economic and operating viability of the project.

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization. Depreciation, depletion and amortization of proved properties, including other property and equipment such as gathering lines related to natural gas and oil producing activities, is provided on the units of production method. Historically, we have adjusted our depletion rates in the fourth quarter of each year based on the year-end reserve report and at other times during the year when circumstances indicate there has been a significant change in reserves or costs. In the year ended December 31, 2015, the fair value of our natural gas and oil properties in Northwest Pennsylvania was determined to be zero. As a result, any future adjustments to the asset retirement liability for these properties represents an impairment expense and we have elected to record such expense in depreciation, depletion and amortization. In the year ended December 31, 2019, additional expense of $213,000 was recorded related to these costs compared to $9.8 million of additional expense in the year ended December 31, 2018 and $158,000 of additional expense in the year ended December 31, 2017. As of December 31, 2019, we executed an agreement to sell these Northwest Pennsylvania assets, pending certain state governmental approval for change in operatorship.

Impairments. Our proved natural gas and oil properties are reviewed for impairment annually and periodically as events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. These assets are reviewed for potential impairment at the lowest level for which there are identifiable cash flows that are largely independent of other groups of assets which is the level at which depletion is calculated. The review is done by determining if the historical cost of proved properties less the applicable accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization is less than the estimated expected undiscounted future net cash flows. The expected future net cash flows are estimated based on our plans to produce and develop reserves. Expected future net cash inflow from the sale of produced reserves is calculated based on estimated future prices and estimated operating and development costs. We estimate prices based upon market-related information including published futures prices. The estimated future level of production, which is based on proved and risk adjusted probable and possible reserves, as appropriate, has assumptions surrounding the future levels of prices and costs, field decline rates, market demand and supply and the economic and regulatory climate. In certain circumstances, we also consider potential sales of properties to third parties in our estimates of cash flows. When the carrying value exceeds the sum of undiscounted future net cash flows, an impairment loss is recognized for the difference between the estimated fair market value as determined by discounted future net cash flows using a discount rate similar to that used by market participants, or comparable market value if available and the carrying value of the asset. A significant amount of judgment is involved in performing these evaluations since the results are based on estimated future events. Such events include a projection of future natural gas and oil prices, an estimate of the ultimate amount of recoverable natural gas and oil reserves that will be produced from an asset group, the timing of future production, future production costs, future abandonment costs and future inflation. We cannot predict whether impairment charges may be required in the future. If natural gas, NGLs and oil prices decrease or drilling efforts are unsuccessful, we may be required to record additional impairments. For additional information regarding proved property impairments, see Note 11.

We evaluate our unproved property investment periodically for impairment. The majority of these costs generally relate to the acquisition of leasehold costs and allocated probable and possible reserves value resulting from acquisitions. The costs are capitalized and evaluated (at least quarterly) as to recoverability based on changes brought about by economic factors and potential shifts in business strategy employed by management which could impact the number of drilling locations we intend to drill. Impairment of a significant portion of our unproved properties is assessed and amortized on an aggregate basis based on our average holding period, expected forfeiture rate and anticipated drilling success. Information such as reservoir performance or future plans to develop acreage is also considered. Impairment of individually significant unproved property is assessed on a property-by-property basis considering a combination of time, geologic and engineering factors. In certain circumstances, our future plans to develop acreage may accelerate our impairment. A significant portion of our unproved property is related to probable and possible reserves whose recoverability is evaluated based on management’s expectations and ability to drill these locations. Unproved properties had a net book value of $868.2 million as of December 31, 2019 compared to $2.1 billion in 2018. Unproved properties as of December 31, 2019 are all within Pennsylvania. We have recorded abandonment and impairment expense related to unproved properties of $1.2 billion in the year ended December 31, 2019 compared to $515.0 million in 2018 and $269.7 million in 2017. Abandonment and impairment expense in 2019 includes $1.2 billion compared to $436.0 million in 2018 related to probable and possible reserves in North Louisiana where we no longer have the intent to drill.

Dispositions. Proceeds from the disposal of natural gas and oil producing properties that are part of an amortization base are credited to the net book value of the amortization group with no immediate effect on income. However, gain or loss is recognized if the disposition is significant enough to materially impact the depletion rate of the remaining properties in the amortization base. Dispositions are accounted for as a sale of assets. For additional information regarding our dispositions, see Note 4.

Other Property and Equipment

Other property and equipment includes assets such as buildings, furniture and fixtures, field equipment, leasehold improvements and data processing and communication equipment. These items are generally depreciated by individual components on a straight-line basis over their economic useful life, which is generally from three to ten years. Leasehold improvements are amortized over the lesser of their economic useful lives or the underlying terms of the associated leases. Depreciation expense was $5.0 million in the year ended December 31, 2019 compared to $6.0 million in the year ended December 31, 2018 and $7.7 million in the year ended December 31, 2017.


We determine if an arrangement is a lease at inception of the arrangement. To the extent that we determine an arrangement represents a lease, we classify that lease as an operating lease or a finance lease. We currently do not have any finance leases. We capitalize our operating leases on our consolidated balance sheets through a right-of-use (“ROU”) asset and a corresponding lease liability. ROU assets represent our right to use an underlying asset for the lease term and lease liabilities represent our obligation to make lease payments arising from the lease. Short-term leases that have an initial term of one year or less are not capitalized but are disclosed. Short-term lease costs exclude expenses related to leases with a lease term of one month or less.

Our operating leases are reflected as operating lease ROU assets, accrued liabilities-current and operating lease liabilities on our consolidated balance sheets. Operating lease ROU assets and liabilities are recognized at the commencement date of an arrangement based on the present value of lease payments over the lease term. In addition to the present value of lease payments, the operating lease ROU asset also includes any lease payments made to the lessor prior to lease commencement less any lease incentives and initial direct costs incurred. Lease expense for operating lease payments is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

Our leased assets may be used in joint oil and gas operations with other working interest owners.  We recognize lease liabilities and ROU assets only when we are the signatory to a contract as an operator of joint properties.  Such lease liabilities and ROU assets are determined and disclosed based on gross contractual obligations.  Our lease costs are also presented on a gross basis.

Nature of Leases

We lease certain office space, field equipment, vehicles and other equipment under cancelable and non-cancelable leases to support our operations. A more detailed description of our significant lease types is included below.

Office Agreements and Subleases. We rent office space from third parties for our corporate and field locations. Our office agreements are typically structured with non-cancelable terms of one to fifteen years. We have concluded our office agreements represent operating leases with a lease term that equals the primary non-cancelable contract term. Upon completion of the primary term, both parties have substantive rights to terminate the lease. As a result, enforceable rights and obligations do not exist under the rental agreements subsequent to the primary term.

We also sublease some of our office space to third parties. All of our subleases have terms that end in 2020 or 2022. The sublease agreements are non-cancelable through the end of the term and both parties have substantive rights to terminate the lease when the term is complete. Our sublease agreements are not capitalized and are recorded as sublease income (as a component of lease costs) in the period the rent is received. As of December 31, 2019, these subleases total $3.1 million through the beginning of 2022.

Field Equipment. We rent compressors and coolers from third parties in order to facilitate the downstream movement of our production to market. Our compressor and cooler arrangements are typically structured with a non-cancelable primary term of one to two years and continue thereafter on a month-to-month basis subject to termination by either party with thirty days notice. We have concluded that our compressor and cooler rental agreements represent operating leases with a lease term that equals the primary non-cancelable contract term. Upon completion of the primary term, both parties have substantive rights to terminate the lease. As a result, enforceable rights and obligations do not exist under the rental agreement subsequent to the primary term.

Vehicles. We rent our vehicle fleet for our drilling and operations personnel from a third party. Our vehicle agreements are non-cancelable for a minimum term of one year and a maximum term of four to eight years depending on the type of vehicle. However, we have assumed a term of three years based on the period covered by options to terminate that we are reasonably certain to exercise. We have concluded our vehicle commitments are operating leases.

Other Equipment. We utilize a dedicated natural gas fueled, electric driven frac fleet to support our drilling activities. This arrangement is structured with a non-cancellable primary term of eighteen months, with two optional extension periods of six months

each. We have concluded that this arrangement is an operating lease with a lease term that equals the primary non-cancelable contract term. Upon completion of the primary term, both parties have substantive rights to terminate the lease. As a result, enforceable rights and obligations do not exist under the rental agreement subsequent to the primary term.

We enter into daywork contracts for drilling rigs with third parties to support our drilling activities. Our drilling rig arrangements are typically structured with a term that is in effect until drilling operations are completed on a contractually specified well or well pad. Upon mutual agreement with the contractor, we typically have the option to extend the contract term for additional wells or well pads by providing thirty days’ notice prior to the end of the original contract term. We have concluded that our drilling rig arrangements represent short-term operating leases. The accounting guidance requires us to make an assessment at contract commencement if we are reasonably certain that we will exercise the option to extend the term. Due to the continuously evolving nature of our drilling schedules and the potential volatility in commodity prices in an annual period, our strategy to enter into shorter term drilling rig arrangements allows us the flexibility to respond to changes in our operating and economic environment. We exercise our discretion in choosing to extend or not extend contracts on a rig-by-rig basis depending on the conditions present at the time the contract expires. At the time of contract commencement, we have determined we cannot conclude with reasonable certainty if we will choose to extend the contract beyond its original term. Pursuant to the successful efforts method of accounting, these costs are capitalized as part of natural gas and oil properties on our consolidated balance sheets when paid.

Transportation, Gathering and Processing Arrangements. We engage in various types of transactions in which midstream entities transport, gather and/or process our product leveraging integrated systems and facilities wholly owned and operated by the midstream counterparty. Under most of these arrangements, we do not utilize substantially all of the third party’s underlying pipeline, gathering system or processing facilities, and thus, we have concluded that those underlying assets do not meet the definition of an identified asset. However, in limited circumstances, we do utilize substantially all of the capacity of a portion of the midstream system under our transportation, gathering and/or processing service contract. These arrangements require judgment to determine whether our capacity of the underlying midstream asset represents a lease. Under all of these arrangements, we have concluded that (i) the midstream entity maintains control of and has the ability to optimize and/or expand the underlying system throughout the duration of the contract term and (ii) the portion of the system or facility we utilize is highly integrated and interconnected to a broader system servicing a diverse set of customers. Consequently, the transportation, gathering and/or processing contract does not represent a lease of the underlying portion of the midstream system or facilities. We currently have not identified any of these commitments as leases.

Discount Rate

Our leases typically do not provide an implicit rate. Accordingly, we are required to use our incremental borrowing rate in determining the present value of lease payments based on the information available at commencement date. Our incremental borrowing rate reflects the estimated rate of interest that we would pay to borrow on a collateralized basis over a similar term in an amount equal to the lease payments in a similar economic environment. We use the implicit rate in the limited circumstances in which that rate is readily determinable.

Practical Expedients and Accounting Policy Elections

Certain of our lease agreements include lease and non-lease components. For all existing asset classes with multiple component types, we have utilized the practical expedient that exempts us from separating lease components from non-lease components. Accordingly, we account for the lease and non-lease components in an arrangement as a single lease component.

In addition, for all of our existing asset classes, we have made an accounting policy election not to apply the lease recognition requirements to our short-term leases (that is, a lease that, at commencement, has a lease term of 12 months or less and does not include an option to purchase the underlying asset that we are reasonably certain to exercise). Accordingly, we recognize lease payments related to our short-term leases in our statements of operations on a straight-line basis over the lease term which has not changed from our prior recognition. To the extent that there are variable lease payments, we recognize those payments in our statements of operations in the period in which the obligation for those payments is incurred. Refer to “Nature of Leases” above for further information regarding those asset classes that include material short-term leases.

Other Assets

Other assets at December 31, 2019 include $62.0 million of marketable securities held in our deferred compensation plans and $9.6 million of other investments including surface acreage. Other assets at December 31, 2018 include $57.3 million of marketable securities held in our deferred compensation plans and $9.1 million of other investments, including surface acreage.

Stock-based Compensation Arrangements

We account for stock-based compensation under the fair value method of accounting. We grant various types of stock-based awards including restricted stock and performance-based awards. The fair value of our restricted stock awards and our performance-based awards (where the performance condition is based on internal performance metrics) is based on the market value of our common stock on the date of grant. The fair value of our performance-based awards where the performance condition is based on

market conditions is estimated using a Monte Carlo simulation method.

We recognize stock-based compensation expense on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period for the entire award. The expense we recognize is net of estimated forfeitures. We estimate our forfeiture rate based on prior experience and adjust it as circumstances warrant. If actual forfeitures are different than expected, adjustments to recognize expense may be required in future periods. To the extent possible, we limit the amount of shares to be issued for these awards by satisfying tax withholding requirements with cash. All awards have been issued at prevailing market prices at the time of grant and the vesting of these awards is based on an employee’s continued employment with us, with the exception of employment termination due to death, disability or retirement. For additional information regarding stock-based compensation, see Note 12.

Derivative Financial Instruments

All of our derivative instruments are issued to manage the price risk attributable to our expected natural gas, NGLs and oil production. While there is risk that the financial benefit of rising natural gas, NGLs and oil prices may not be captured, we believe the benefits of stable and predictable cash flow are more important. Among these benefits are more efficient utilization of existing personnel and planning for future staff additions, the flexibility to enter into long-term projects requiring substantial committed capital, smoother and more efficient execution of our ongoing development drilling and production enhancement programs, more consistent returns on invested capital and better access to bank and other capital markets. All unsettled derivative instruments are recorded in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets as either an asset or a liability measured at their fair value. In most cases, our derivatives are reflected on our consolidated balance sheets on a net basis by brokerage firm when they are governed by master netting agreements. Changes in a derivative’s fair value are recognized in earnings. Cash flows from derivative contract settlements are reflected in operating activities in the accompanying consolidated statements of cash flows.

All realized and unrealized gains and losses on derivatives are accounted for using the mark-to-market accounting method. We recognize all unrealized and realized gains and losses related to these contracts in each period in derivative fair value in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations. Certain of our derivatives are swaps where we receive a fixed price for our production and pay market prices to the counterparty. We also have collars which establish a minimum floor price and a predetermined ceiling price. We also have entered into basis swap agreements. The price we receive for our natural gas production can be more or less than the NYMEX price because of adjustments for delivery location (“basis”), relative quality and other factors; therefore, we have entered into natural gas basis swap agreements that effectively fix our basis adjustments. We have also entered into propane basis swaps which lock in the differential between Mont Belvieu and international propane indexes. Beginning in third quarter 2017, we entered into combined natural gas derivative instruments containing a fixed price swap and a sold option to extend the term or expand the volume (which we refer to as a swaption). The swap price is a fixed price determined at the time of the swaption contract. If the option is exercised, the contract will become a swap treated consistently with our fixed-price swaps. For additional information regarding our derivatives, see Note 10.

From time to time, we may enter into derivative contracts and pay or receive premium payments at the inception of the derivative contract which represent the fair value of the contract at its inception. These amounts would be included within the net derivative asset or liability on our consolidated balance sheets. The amounts paid or received for derivative premiums reduce or increase the amount of gains and losses that are recorded in the earnings each period as the derivative contracts settle. During 2019, we did not materially modify any existing derivative contracts.

Concentrations of Credit Risk

As of December 31, 2019, our primary concentrations of credit risk are the risks of collecting accounts receivable and the risk of counterparties’ failure to perform under derivative contracts. Most of our receivables are from a diverse group of companies, including major energy companies, pipeline companies, local distribution companies, financial institutions, commodity traders and end-users in various industries and such receivables are generally unsecured. The nature of our customer’s businesses may impact our overall credit risk, either positively or negatively, in that these entities may be similarly affected by changes in economic or other conditions. To manage risks of collecting accounts receivable, we monitor our counterparties’ financial strength and/or credit ratings and where we deem necessary, we obtain parent company guarantees, prepayments, letters of credit or other credit enhancements to reduce risk of loss. We do not anticipate a material impact on our financial results due to non-performance by third parties.

For the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017, we had one customer that accounted for 10% or more of total natural gas, NGLs and oil sales. We believe that the loss of any one customer would not have an adverse effect on our ability to sell our natural gas, NGLs and oil production.

We have executed International Swap Dealers Association Master Agreements (“ISDA Agreements”) with counterparties for the purpose of entering into derivative contracts. To manage counterparty risk associated with our derivatives, we select and monitor counterparties based on assessment of their financial strength and/or credit ratings. We may also limit the level of exposure with any single counterparty. Additionally, the terms of our ISDA Agreements provide us and our counterparties with netting rights such that we may offset payables against receivables with a counterparty under separate derivative contracts. Our ISDA Agreements also

generally contain set-off rights such that, upon the occurrence of defined acts of default by either us or a counterparty to a derivative contract, the non-defaulting party may set-off receivables owed under all derivative contracts against payables from other agreements with that counterparty. None of our derivative contracts have a margin requirement or collateral provision that would require us to fund or post additional collateral prior to the scheduled cash settlement date.

At December 31, 2019, our derivative counterparties included twenty financial institutions and commodity traders, of which all but three are secured lenders in our bank credit facility. At December 31, 2019, our net derivative liability includes a payable to the counterparties not included in our bank credit facility totaling $6.7 million, which includes a payable to one counterparty of $12.6 million and a receivable from the remaining two counterparties of $5.9 million. In determining fair value of derivative assets, we evaluate the risk of non-performance and incorporate factors such as amounts owed under other agreements permitting set-off, as well as pricing of credit default swaps for the counterparty. Net derivative liabilities are determined in part by using our market based credit spread to incorporate our theoretical risk of non-performance.

Asset Retirement Obligations

The fair value of asset retirement obligations is recognized in the period they are incurred, if a reasonable estimate of fair value can be made. Asset retirement obligations primarily relate to the abandonment of natural gas and oil producing facilities and include costs to dismantle and relocate or dispose of production platforms, gathering systems, wells and related structures. Estimates are based on historical experience of plugging and abandoning wells, estimated remaining lives of those wells based on reserve estimates, external estimates of the cost to plug and abandon the wells in the future and federal and state regulatory requirements. We are required to operate and maintain our natural gas pipeline systems and intend to do so as long as supply and demand for natural gas exists, which we expect for the foreseeable future. Therefore, these assets have indeterminate lives. Depreciation of capitalized asset retirement costs will generally be determined on a units-of-production basis while accretion to be recognized will escalate over the life of the producing assets. See Note 9 for additional information.


We are subject to legal proceedings, claims, and liabilities and environmental matters that arise in the ordinary course of business. We accrue for losses when such losses are considered probable and the amounts can be reasonably estimated. See Note 15 for a more detailed discussion regarding our contingencies.

Environmental Costs

Environmental expenditures are capitalized if the costs mitigate or prevent future contamination or if the costs improve environmental safety or efficiency of the existing assets. Expenditures that relate to an existing condition caused by past operations that have no future economic benefits are expensed.

Deferred Taxes

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the estimated future tax consequences attributable to the differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their tax bases as reported in our filings with the respective taxing authorities. Deferred tax assets are recorded when it is more likely than not that they will be realized. The realization of deferred tax assets is assessed periodically based on several interrelated factors. These factors may include our expectation to generate sufficient taxable income in the periods before tax credits and operating loss carryforwards expire. All deferred taxes are classified as long-term on the balance sheets.

Treasury Stock

Treasury stock purchases are recorded at cost. Upon reissuance, the cost of treasury shares held is reduced by the average purchase price per share of the aggregate treasury shares held.