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Washington, D.C. 20549
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the period commencing December 22, 2007 through January 21, 2008
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Royal Philips Electronics
(Translation of registrant’s name into English)
The Netherlands
(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)
Breitner Center, Amstelplein 2, 1096 BC Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(Address of principal executive offices)
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and communications from the Securities and Exchange Commission:
E.P. Coutinho
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
Amstelplein 2
1096 BC Amsterdam – The Netherlands



This report comprises copy of the Quarterly Report of the Philips Group for the three months ended December 31, 2007 as well as copies of the press releases entitled:
  -   “Philips announces completion of sale of 800 million TSMC shares via TSMC share repurchase program”, dated December 31, 2007;
  -   “Philips extends tender offer period to acquire Genlyte”, dated January 3, 2008;
  -   “Philips announces satisfaction of tender offer conditions to acquire Genlyte”, dated January 17, 2008.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf, by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized at Amsterdam, on the 21st day of January 2008.
/s/ E.P. Coutinho
(General Secretary)



Forward-looking statements
This document contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of Philips and certain of the plans and objectives of Philips with respect to these items, in particular the outlook paragraph in this report. Examples of forward-looking statements include statements made about our strategy, estimates of sales growth, future EBITA and future developments in our organic business. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances and there are many factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These factors include but are not limited to domestic and global economic and business conditions, the successful implementation of our strategy and our ability to realize the benefits of this strategy, our ability to develop and market new products, changes in legislation, changes in exchange and interest rates, changes in tax rates, pension costs, raw materials and employee costs, our ability to identify and complete successful acquisitions and to integrate those acquisitions into our business, our ability to successfully exit certain businesses or restructure our operations, the rate of technological changes, political and other developments in countries where Philips operates, industry consolidation and competition. As a result, Philips’ actual future results may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations set forth in such forward-looking statements. Statements regarding market share, including as to Philips’ competitive position, contained in this document are based on outside sources such as specialized research institutes, industry and dealer panels in combination with management estimates. Where information is not yet available to Philips, those statements may also be based on estimates and projections prepared by outside sources or management. Rankings are based on sales unless otherwise stated.
Use of non-US GAAP information
In presenting and discussing the Philips Group’s financial position, operating results and cash flows, management uses certain non-US GAAP financial measures. These non-US GAAP financial measures should not be viewed in isolation as alternatives to the equivalent US GAAP measure(s) and should be used in conjunction with the most directly comparable US GAAP measure(s). A discussion of the non-US GAAP measures included in this document and a reconciliation of such measures to the most directly comparable US GAAP measure(s) are contained in this document.
Use of fair value measurements
In presenting the Philips Group’s financial position, fair values are used for the measurement of various items in accordance with the applicable accounting standards. These fair values are based on market prices, where available, and are obtained from sources that are deemed to be reliable. Readers are cautioned that these values are subject to changes over time and are only valid at the balance sheet date. When a readily determinable market value does not exist, fair values are estimated using valuation models which we believe are appropriate for their purpose. They require management to make significant assumptions with respect to future developments which are inherently uncertain and may therefore deviate from actual developments. In certain cases, independent valuations are obtained to support management’s determination of fair values.
    Philips delivers on its targets: solid Q4 with 8% comparable sales growth and EBITA of EUR 865 million.
Full-year 2007 comparable sales up 5%, delivering an EBITA margin of 7.7%.
  Comparable sales increased by 8% to EUR 8,365 million, driven by strong growth at Lighting and the consumer businesses, particularly in emerging markets, where sales growth was 18%.
  EBITA as a percentage of sales grew by 1.1 percentage points compared to Q4 2006 to reach 10.3%, or EUR 865 million.
  Net income amounted to EUR 1,393 million; the increase in earnings was boosted by EUR 1,087 million in gains on the sale of stakes in LG.Philips LCD and TSMC.
  The announced acquisitions of Genlyte and Respironics strengthen Philips leadership positions in Lighting and Home Healthcare.
  Following an amendment to Dutch tax legislation, the Company announced a further EUR 5 billion (tax-free) share repurchase plan.
  It is proposed to increase the dividend for 2007 by 17% to EUR 0.70 per share.
  Our Q4 financial performance – and the other progressive steps taken during the quarter — puts Philips well on track to achieve its Vision 2010 goals.
    Gerard Kleisterlee,
President and CEO of Royal Philips Electronics:
    “I am pleased to report that in the fourth quarter Philips once again delivered on its targets. Q4’s 8% comparable sales growth and 10.3% EBITA margin brought our full-year numbers to 5% for growth and 7.7% for EBITA, meeting, respectively exceeding, our targets for the year thereby sustaining our track record of “saying what we do and doing what we say”.
All amounts in millions of euros unless otherwise stated; data included are unaudited.
Financial reporting is in accordance with US GAAP, unless otherwise stated.
Prior-period financials have been restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation.



Operationally, we are well-positioned to achieve our Vision 2010 targets. Strategically, the acquisitions of Genlyte and Respironics, together with other important acquisitions of 2007 such as Partners in Lighting and Color Kinetics, will strengthen our portfolio by further building up global leadership positions in promising markets such as LED lighting and home healthcare. Financially, our capital reallocation program gathered pace through the sale of further stakes in LG.Philips LCD and TSMC and the EUR 5 billion share repurchase program we announced in December, which we expect to be largely completed by the end of 2008. We are well on our way to realize our objective of an efficient balance sheet before the end of 2009, further underpinning the achievement of our 2010 objectives.
In 2007, we also continued to invest in strengthening our position in important emerging markets in Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. Throughout our businesses, growth in these markets was strong in 2007, with both China and India growing in excess of 20% in the fourth quarter. The healthy geographical spread of our activities, together with our balanced portfolio of professional and consumer businesses, provides Philips with a built-in cushion to help soften the impact of change in established economies.
With our portfolio restructuring nearing completion, delivering on our 2007 objectives puts us in a good starting position to meet the more ambitious medium-term targets set as part of our Vision 2010 strategy, especially as this portfolio of activities has shown resilience in earlier periods of a deteriorating economy. I am confident that we will continue to deliver and that Philips is well geared to sustained profitable growth and increased shareholder value.”



Philips Group
Highlights in the quarter
Net income
in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
    8,058       8,365  
    738       865  
as a % of sales
    9.2       10.3  
    667       810  
as a % of sales
    8.3       9.7  
Financial income and expenses
    (104 )     579  
Income tax expense
    (58 )     (226 )
Results equity-accounted investees
    31       628  
Minority interests
    3       (2 )
Income from continuing operations
    539       1,789  
Discontinued operations
    141       (396 )
Net income
    680       1,393  
Per common share (in euros) — basic
    0.60       1.31  
Net income
  Income from continuing operations increased by EUR 1.3 billion compared to Q4 2006, driven by an increase in EBIT and gains on the sale of TSMC and LPL shares.
  EBITA increased by EUR 127 million – or 1.1% of sales – compared to Q4 2006 to reach EUR 865 million, or 10.3% of sales. EBITA in all divisions was on par with or exceeded Q4 2006.
  Financial income and expenses included a EUR 579 million gain on the sale of TSMC shares.
  Income tax charges were higher than in Q4 2006, which included the positive impact of a reduction of the Dutch corporate tax rate on the net deferred tax position.
  Results relating to equity-accounted investees increased due to improved operating results at LG.Philips LCD as well as a EUR 508 million gain on the sale of their shares.
  Income reported under discontinued operations included an impairment of EUR 325 million, taking into account cumulative currency translation loss related to MedQuist, and EUR 79 million in pension settlements stemming from the 2006 sale of a majority stake in the Semiconductors division.
Sales by sector
in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    Q4     Q4     % change  
    2006     2007     nominal     comparable  
Medical Systems
    1,998       1,951       (2 )     3  
    927       1,004       8       12  
    3,262       3,486       7       10  
    1,455       1,659       14       8  
    341       209       (39 )     32  
    75       56       (25 )     (20 )
Philips Group
    8,058       8,365       4       8  
Sales by sector
  Comparable sales at Group level increased by 8% compared to Q4 2006 after adjusting for portfolio changes and currency movements of 4%. The solid in-the-quarter sales performance takes the full-year comparable Group sales growth to 5%.
  At Medical Systems, robust comparable sales growth at Patient Monitoring, Cardiac Care and Customer Services was tempered by flat comparable sales at Imaging Systems. DAP’s sales continued to grow strongly, driven in particular by exceptional growth at the Domestic Appliances business. Comparable sales at CE increased 10%, supported by all operational businesses. Lighting’s comparable sales growth of 8% was led by the Lamps, Luminaires and Lighting Electronics businesses.
Sales by region
in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    Q4     Q4     % change  
    2006     2007     nominal     comparable  
    3,948       4,370       11       11  
North America
    2,256       2,040       (10 )     (2 )
Latin America
    548       603       10       10  
Asia Pacific
    1,306       1,352       4       17  
Philips Group
    8,058       8,365       4       8  
Sales by region
  The double-digit comparable sales growth in Europe/Africa was driven by growth in the UK, the Netherlands and Eastern Europe. Sales in North America were impacted by lower sales at CE, specifically Connected Displays. The emerging market of Latin America saw solid growth in all divisions. The strong comparable sales growth in Asia Pacific was driven by sales growth of over 20% in both China and India.



in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
Medical Systems
    349       354  
    167       197  
    233       233  
    135       185  
Innovation & Emerging Businesses
    6       15  
Group Management & Services
    (152 )     (119 )
Philips Group
    738       865  
as a % of sales
    9.2       10.3  
as a % of sales
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
Medical Systems
    17.5       18.1  
    18.0       19.6  
    7.1       6.7  
    9.3       11.2  
Innovation & Emerging Businesses
Group Management & Services
Philips Group
    9.2       10.3  
in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
Medical Systems
    293       322  
    164       194  
    233       233  
    127       170  
Innovation & Emerging Businesses
    2       10  
Group Management & Services
    (152 )     (119 )
Philips Group
    667       810  
as a % of sales
    8.3       9.7  
  EBITA for the Group increased by EUR 127 million compared to Q4 2006, reaching EUR 865 million, or 10.3% of sales. The improvement in EBITA was led by Lighting and DAP, supported by the positive impact of lower Group Management cost levels.
  At Medical Systems, EBITA was slightly ahead of Q4 2006 and improved 0.6 percentage points to 18.1% of sales, primarily due to higher earnings at Ultrasound & Monitoring and Customer Services, offset by lower earnings at Imaging Systems.
  DAP’s EBITA increased by EUR 30 million compared to Q4 2006 to reach 19.6% of sales, driven by strong earnings across all businesses, most notably Domestic Appliances.
  Consumer Electronics’ EBITA was in line with Q4 2006 as higher earnings at Entertainment Solutions offset the lower results at Connected Displays.
  EBITA at Lighting increased by EUR 50 million to reach 11.2% of sales, mainly due to Consumer Luminaires (PLI), Lamps and Professional Luminaires. Q4 2006 included restructuring and other incidental charges totaling EUR 21 million.
  I&EB’s EBITA improved by EUR 9 million compared to Q4 2006 due to a EUR 48 million increase in IP income; Q4 2006 included a EUR 42 million gain on the sale of the Philips Sound Solutions (PSS) business.
  GM&S EBITA improved by EUR 33 million compared to Q4 2006, mainly due to lower brand campaign investments, lower costs related to Sarbanes Oxley compliance and the impact of ongoing cost reduction initiatives, partially offset by higher legal expenses.



Financial income and expenses
in millions of euros
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
Interest expenses, net
    (5 )     1  
TSMC sale of securities
TPO fair-value adjustment
    (77 )      
TPV option fair-value adjustment
    (48 )     3  
    26       (4 )
    (104 )     579  
Financial income and expenses
  The net cash position again resulted in minimal net interest amounts in the quarter.
  The further sale of shares in TSMC led to a gain of EUR 579 million. In Q4 2006, a EUR 77 million loss was recorded on the value adjustment of the investment in TPO.
  In Q4 2006, the fair-value adjustment of the TPV convertible bond option resulted in a loss of EUR 48 million, partly offset by a EUR 26 million gain on trading securities.
Results relating to equity-accounted investees
in millions of euros
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
LG.Philips LCD
- Operational results
    (41 )     112  
- Sale of shares
    (4 )     8  
    31       628  
Results relating to equity-accounted investees
  Results relating to equity-accounted investees improved significantly compared to Q4 2006 due to both improved operating results from LG.Philips LCD and the sale of a further 13% stake in LG.Philips LCD.
  In Q4 2006, a gain of EUR 76 million was recognized on the sale of Philips’ entire shareholding in FEI Company.



Cash balance
in millions of euros
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
Cash of continuing operations
    7,145       5,042  
Cash of discontinued operations
    127       117  
Beginning balance
    7,272       5,159  
Net cash from operating activities
    721       1,357  
Gross capital expenditures
    (149 )     (197 )
    (758 )     1,421  
Other cash from investing activities
    37       1,272  
Changes in debt/other
    (1,401 )     (71 )
Net cash flow discontinued operations
    301       (64 )
Ending balance
    6,023       8,877  
Less cash of discontinued operations
    137       108  
Cash of continuing operations
    5,886       8,769  
Cash balance
  Cash and cash equivalents increased by EUR 3.7 billion during the quarter, due primarily to EUR 1,357 million cash flow from operating activities, net cash inflow from acquisitions/divestments of EUR 1,421 million (mainly proceeds from the sale of an additional 13% stake in LG.Philips LCD) and EUR 1,272 million from investing activities (mainly from the sale of TSMC shares)
  Q4 2006’s EUR 1.2 billion decrease in liquid assets was due to share repurchases totaling EUR 1.5 billion and the EUR 993 million acquisition of Intermagnetics, partially offset by cash from operating activities.
Cash flows from operating activities
  Cash flows from operating activities were broadly in line with Q4 2006, allowing for the impact of a EUR 600 million reclassification in Q4 2006 related to the Q3 2006 divestment of a majority stake in the Semiconductors division.
*   Capital expenditures on property, plant and equipment only
**   Excluding gross capital expenditures related to the Q4 2006 timing difference in the finalization of the sale of the Semiconductors division of which discontinued operations 6,640 end Q4 2006, 5,995 end Q3 2007, and 5,703 end Q4 2007.
Gross capital expenditures (PPE*)
  Gross capital expenditures were slightly higher than in Q4 2006, as additional investments in Medical Systems and GMS were only partially offset by lower expenditure in the other divisions.



  Inventories as a percentage of MAT sales were above Q4 2006 as lower inventory levels at CE were more than offset by higher inventories at Medical (partially related to increased customer service levels) and Lighting (consolidation of PLI and Color Kinetics).
Net debt and group equity
  During the quarter, the net cash position increased by EUR 3.8 billion due to the positive cash flow from operating activities as well as the sale of shares in LG.Philips LCD and TSMC.
  Group equity increased by EUR 0.8 billion during the quarter, mainly due to the EUR 1.4 billion net income, partly offset by a reduction in unrealized gains on available-for-sale securities.
  The number of employees increased year-on-year by 2,069; additional headcount from acquisitions completed during the year (notably Partners in Lighting) was partially offset by the divestment of businesses (mainly Optical Storage and the Finance Shared Services operations).
  During the quarter, the reduction in the number of employees was primarily attributable to seasonality, mainly at CE, and the divestment of the Finance Shared Services operations.



Medical Systems
Key data
in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
    1,998       1,951  
Sales growth
% nominal
    3       (2 )
% comparable
    7       3  
    349       354  
as a % of sales
    17.5       18.1  
    293       322  
as a % of sales
    14.7       16.5  
Net operating capital (NOC)
    4,125       4,104  
Number of employees (FTEs)
    26,203       27,441  
Business highlights
  Philips introduced the 256-slice Brilliance iCT scanner that reduces radiation doses for patients by up to 80% and at the same time allows radiologists to produce high-quality images with exceptional acquisition speed, including complete coverage of the heart in just two heart beats.
  In Home Healthcare Solutions, part of the newly created Healthcare sector as per January 1, 2008, Philips announced an agreement to make a public offer for US-based Respironics Inc. This transaction will firmly place Philips as a global leader in the fast-growing home healthcare market by adding new product categories in obstructive sleep apnea and home respiratory care to its existing businesses in this field.
  Philips completed the acquisitions of Emergin, Inc., the leading US provider of software for the rapid transmission of medical alarm signals throughout hospitals, clinical IT and service provider VISICU Inc., and Raytel Cardiac Services, active in the field of cardiac monitoring.
Financial performance
  Equipment order intake grew 10% on a currency-comparable basis compared to Q4 2006, 4% of which related to four large long-term contracts. Growth was driven by Patient Monitoring, Cardiac Care, General X-Ray and MR. Equipment order intake for the full year 2007 grew 6% on a currency-comparable basis compared to 2006; it would have been 4% excluding the four large orders in Q4 2007.
  Comparable sales grew 3% year-on-year, with strong growth at Patient Monitoring, Cardiac Care and Customer Services partially offset by flat sales at Imaging Systems, which was impacted by the continued softening of the market, including the effect of the Deficit Reduction Act in the US and the weakening of the Japanese market.
  The EBITA margin, at 18.1%, was slightly above Q4 2006, albeit favorably impacted by 1.1 percentage points due to a reduction of inventory valuation provisions driven by improvements in supply chain management. Consistent with the sales performance, higher earnings in the Patient Monitoring, Cardiac Care and Customer Services businesses were largely offset by continued lower results at Imaging Systems.



Looking ahead
  For 2008, we anticipate continued strong sales growth in Patient Monitoring, Cardiac Care, Home Healthcare and Customer Services, tempered by limited growth in our Imaging businesses.
  Consistent with our Vision 2010, Medical Systems and Home Healthcare Solutions have been integrated effective January 1, 2008 to form the Philips Healthcare sector.
  Home Healthcare Solutions expects to complete the acquisition of Respironics in Q1 2008. Assuming the acquisition is completed as planned, we anticipate acquisition and integration charges in 2008, the exact magnitude of which will be known soon after closure of the deal.



Domestic Appliances and Personal Care
Key data
in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
    927       1,004  
Sales growth
% nominal
    18       8  
% comparable
    13       12  
    167       197  
as a % of sales
    18.0       19.6  
    164       194  
as a % of sales
    17.7       19.3  
Net operating capital (NOC)
    1,138       1,136  
Number of employees (FTEs)
    9,933       9,881  
    Business highlights
  Philips established its new water purifier business, achieving a 30% retail market share in India with its UV water purifier and becoming the Brazilian market leader in the on-tap water purifier category.
  Philips Oral Healthcare increased its market share in key markets following the successful introduction of the ultra-thin Sonicare FlexCare electrical toothbrush in the 2nd half of 2007.
  Philips Garment Care continued to strengthen its global number one market position in steam ironing systems with the launch of a new mid-end range of products.
  Philips successfully established a new product category with the launch of the Wake-up Light, which became one of the top-5 selling products over Christmas in the Netherlands and the Nordic countries.
    Financial performance
  Rounding off a consistently strong performance throughout the year, DAP again delivered excellent results in the fourth quarter, with comparable sales growth at 12% — supported by all businesses and geographies — yielding an EBITA margin of 19.6%.
  Emerging markets, trending at about one third of total DAP sales, grew in excess of 20% in currency-comparable terms, with strong double-digit growth in all businesses.
  Compared to Q4 2006, sales growth was particularly strong at Domestic Appliances, mainly driven by the Kitchen Appliances business, which benefited from a substantial portfolio renewal, dedicated marketing programs and ongoing rapid expansion in emerging markets.
  Health & Wellness sales grew above the divisional growth rate, due to the successful roll-out of the Wake-up Light and the geographic expansion of the Avent product portfolio.
  EBITA increased by EUR 30 million compared to Q4 2006, taking profitability up from 18.0% to 19.6%, largely driven by higher sales coupled with continuing cost management.
    Looking ahead
  Following the announcement of Vision 2010 in September 2007, the former product divisions Consumer Electronics and Domestic Appliances and Personal Care have been integrated as of January 1, 2008 and going forward will be reported under Consumer Lifestyle.



Consumer Electronics
Key data
in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
    3,262       3,486  
Sales growth
% nominal
    (6 )     7  
% comparable
    (4 )     10  
    233       233  
as a % of sales
    7.1       6.7  
    233       233  
as a % of sales
    7.1       6.7  
Net operating capital (NOC)
    (228 )     (246 )
Number of employees (FTEs)
    14,486       13,516  
    Business highlights
  The Consumer Electronics Association in North America awarded Philips 18 CES innovation awards, which were presented at the 2008 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas in January. Online media company CNET honored Philips’ Eco FlatTV with the overall ‘Best in Show’ award in its ‘Best of CES’ awards series.
  At the Hong Kong Eco-Products Awards 2007, Philips won awards recognizing environmental excellence across the product life cycle for two products: a flash audio/video player and the Cineos Soundbar DVD Home Theater System.
  Announced at CES, Philips unveiled a partnership with Rhapsody, a joint venture between RealNetworks and Viacom’s MTV Networks, offering an initial subscription-based music service to provide customers with the music they want, where they want it, whether at home or on the go. The service will be available with Philips’ portable GoGear MP3 players and Streamium home audio products in early 2008.
    Financial performance
  Consumer Electronics’ sales amounted to EUR 3,486 million, a year-on-year comparable increase of 10%, with growth visible across all operating businesses and all geographic regions except North America. Sales in emerging markets, which represent around one-third of total divisional sales, grew at 17%.
  EBITA of EUR 233 million was in line with Q4 2006 and took the full-year EBITA margin to 3.1% of sales, in spite of continuing margin pressure in Flat Displays.
  Net operating capital remained negative, consistent with the division’s business model and tight inventory management.
    Looking ahead
  In December 2007, Philips agreed in principle to sell its Set-Top Boxes (STB) and Connectivity Solutions (CS) businesses to UK-based technology provider Pace Micro Technology. Closure of the deal is expected in Q1 2008.
  In 2008, decisive steps will be taken to structurally deal with unsatisfactory EBITA margins in Connected Displays.
  Following the announcement of Vision 2010 in September 2007, the former product divisions Consumer Electronics and Domestic Appliances and Personal Care have been integrated as of January 1, 2008 and going forward will be reported under Consumer Lifestyle.



Key data
in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
    1,455       1,659  
Sales growth
% nominal
    8       14  
% comparable
    7       8  
    135       185  
as a % of sales
    9.3       11.2  
    127       170  
as a % of sales
    8.7       10.2  
Net operating capital (NOC)
    2,527       3,886  
Number of employees (FTEs)
    47,739       54,323  
    Business highlights
  Philips announced it would acquire Genlyte, the second-largest luminaire company in the US. This transaction will make Philips the number one lighting company in North America and the largest luminaire company globally.
  To meet the growing demand for “green lighting”, Philips invested EUR 25 million in Poland to double production capacity for high-end compact fluorescent lamps.
  Philips has developed the world’s most energy-efficient mercury-free halogen products for homes and commercial applications. These lamps allow energy savings of up to 50% and also enable consumers to replace incandescent bulbs with halogen solutions.
  Philips equipped the Times Square Ball, the traditional focal point for New Year’s festivities in New York City, with LED lights, making it energy-efficient while doubling its brightness.
    Financial performance
  Sales increased to EUR 1,659 million — representing 8% comparable growth — supported by ongoing growth in “green” energy-efficient lighting, including LED-based solutions, of 20%. Geographically, sales continued to show double-digit growth in emerging markets, most notably in China and Latin America.
  The year-over-year increase in earnings was supported by profitable growth in energy-efficient lighting solutions and positive contributions from recent acquisitions. Restructuring, purchase accounting and other net incidental charges totaled EUR 22 million, in line with Q4 2006.
  The year-on-year increase in net operating capital and employees relates largely to the acquisitions of PLI, Color Kinetics, TIR Systems and LTI.
    Looking ahead
  Going forward, Lighting expects to continue its robust growth, particularly in energy-efficient lighting and across the emerging markets, and from the successful integration of the acquired companies.
  Restructuring, purchase accounting and other incidental charges are expected to amount to approximately EUR 15 million in Q1 2008.
  The acquisition of Genlyte will be completed in January 2008. We currently anticipate acquisition and integration charges in 2008 of approximately EUR 55 million, of which some EUR 40 million will impact EBITA.



Innovation & Emerging Businesses
Key data
in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
    341       209  
Sales growth
% nominal
    (35 )     (39 )
% comparable
    (9 )     32  
EBITA Technologies / Incubators
    (35 )     19  
EBITA CHS, Corporate Investments and others
    41       (4 )
    6       15  
    2       10  
Net operating capital (NOC)
    748       1,001  
Number of employees (FTEs)
    9,852       7,638  
    Business highlights
  Philips Applied Technologies has created a hotel concept which allows hotel rooms to be personalized to the needs of guests and hotel staff. At the heart of the concept is a portable interface, the Moodpad, which controls the room’s ambient lighting, blinds and temperature at the touch of a button.
  In October, Philips presented a new series of simplicity-led design concepts during the Simplicity Event in London. These concepts explore solutions to bring simplicity to people’s lives in the next three to five years, focusing on caring for people’s well-being, both in healthcare and lifestyle.
  The Philips Design Skin Probes program, a research initiative aimed at understanding lifestyle post-2020, was given the 2007 Red Dot ‘best of the best’ award reserved for designs considered pioneering in their field. TIME Magazine included the Skin Probes in its list of ‘best inventions of 2007’.
    Financial performance
  The EBITA of the Technologies/Incubators improved significantly compared to Q4 2006 due to a EUR 48 million increase in IP income, partly offset by post-merger integration costs of EUR 6 million, mainly related to Health Watch.
  Q4 2006 results included a EUR 42 million gain on the sale of Philips Sound Solutions.
  The year-on-year increase in net operating capital was mainly related to the acquisition of Health Watch.
  The reduction in employees during the year was primarily due to the divestment of businesses within the Corporate Investments portfolio, notably Optical Storage.
    Looking ahead
  As of January 1, 2008, Consumer Healthcare Solutions has been renamed Home Healthcare Solutions and has become part of the Philips Healthcare sector.
  Investment in Research and the Incubators in Q1 2008 is foreseen to be slightly higher than the estimated EBITA run-rate of EUR 35 million for the year 2008.
  The two remaining activities within Corporate Investments are expected to be divested in the first half of 2008.



Group Management & Services
Key data
in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    Q4     Q4  
    2006     2007  
    75       56  
Sales growth
% nominal
    107       (25 )
% comparable
    77       (20 )
EBITA Corporate & Regional Costs
    (68 )     (48 )
EBITA Brand campaign
    (88 )     (54 )
EBITA Service Units, Pensions and Other
    4       (17 )
    (152 )     (119 )
    (152 )     (119 )
Net operating capital (NOC)
    208       810  
Number of employees (FTEs)
    6,879       5,299  
    Business highlights
  In the 2007 EthicalQuote ranking by Switzerland-based Covalence, Philips continues to hold the number 1 spot with the best ethical score in the Entertainment and Leisure sector. Philips held the number 1 spot in 2005 and 2006 as well.
  In line with Philips’ target to increase the energy efficiency of its offices and operations by 25% over the next five years, the new headquarters of Philips Solid-State Lighting Solutions in Burlington, USA, which opened in December, use the latest LED lighting technology throughout, as well as other water and energy-saving features.
    Financial performance
  The EBITA of Corporate & Regional improved year-on-year, primarily due to the reduction of Sarbanes-Oxley compliance costs compared to Q4 2006, as well as the impact of ongoing cost-reduction initiatives.
  Q4 2007 included approximately EUR 8 million restructuring and other incidental charges related to the simplification of the regional and country management structures.
  Investment in the global brand campaign was significantly lower than in Q4 2006, primarily as a result of a different seasonal spending pattern. The full-year 2007 investment in the brand campaign totaled EUR 111 million, compared to EUR 126 million in 2006.
  EBITA was negatively impacted by additional legal expenses, mainly in the US, as well as investments in projects targeting further simplification of the service units.
    Looking ahead
  For 2008, costs of post-retirement benefit plans are expected to be broadly in line with 2007.
  The investment in the brand campaign is expected to be approximately EUR 95 million in 2008, with broadly equal spend per quarter. Given the success of the campaign, we anticipate that corporate investment in the brand will be largely phased out over the coming two years.



Full-year highlights
The year 2007
  Net income from continuing operations amounted to EUR 4,601 million, including a total gain of EUR 3,041 million on the sale of shares in LG.Philips LCD and TSMC.
  Sales in 2007 amounted to EUR 26,793 million, representing a 5% comparable growth compared to 2006.
  EBITA amounted to EUR 2,065 million in 2007, compared to EUR 1,386 million in 2006. EBITA as a % of sales increased to 7.7% in 2007 from 5.2% in 2006.
  Income from discontinued operations amounted to a loss of EUR 433 million, mostly due to MedQuist-related impairment charges, whereas 2006 included a net gain of EUR 4,283 million on the sale of the Semiconductors division.
Net income
in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
    2006   2007  
    26,682     26,793  
    1,386     20,065  
as a % of sales
    5.2     7.7  
    1,201     1,852  
as a % of sales
    4.5     6.9  
Financial income and expenses
    28     2,613  
Income tax expense
    (167 )   (622 )
Results equity-accounted investees
    (157 )   763  
Minority interests
    (4 )   (5 )
Income from continuing operations
    901     4,601  
Discontinued operations
    4,482     (433 )
Net income
    5,383     4,168  
Per common share (in euros) — basic
    4.58     3.84  
Management summary
2007 was another dynamic year for the Philips Group — a year in which we hit our Group targets, with 5% comparable sales growth and an EBITA margin of 7.7%.
We continued to pursue the disciplined redeployment of capital, investing some EUR 1.7 billion in acquisitions, notably Partners in Lighting International and Color Kinetics which will significantly strengthen our global leadership position in Lighting. Additionally, in the fourth quarter, we announced the important acquisition of Genlyte and Respironics.
During the year, we also repurchased EUR 1.6 billion of our own shares. Additionally, we further sold down our stakes in LG.Philips LCD and TSMC during the year, yielding a cash inflow of EUR 5.4 billion and a gain of over EUR 3 billion.
Group comparable sales growth was 5%, driven by 15% growth at DAP and 6% growth at Lighting. Given the challenging market, specifically in the US, for Connected Displays — a business which we continue to manage for margin — comparable sales growth at Consumer Electronics was limited to 1%. Comparable sales at Medical Systems increased by 4%, despite a slowdown in the imaging systems market, due in part to the impact of the Deficit Reduction Act in the US.
At 7.7% of sales, our EBITA margin is the highest in recent years, up from 5.2% in 2006, and represents another solid step towards our 2010 targets. Operationally we executed well in our DAP and Lighting businesses which achieved EBITA margins of 17.6% and 11.9% respectively. Consumer Electronics exceeded its target of a 3% EBITA margin. Despite the challenging nature of the imaging market in 2007, the EBITA margin at Medical Systems remained stable at 13.5%.
Cash flows from operating activities increased to EUR 1,519 million in 2007 up from EUR 330 million in 2006, mainly due to higher operating results in 2007 and accelerated pension contributions in the UK and the US in 2006.
In 2007, our brand value rose 15% to an estimated USD 7.7 billion, making Philips the 42nd most valuable brand in the world, as compiled by Interbrand.



Other information
Philips will report solely in IFRS as from 2009
Currently, Philips’ primary external and internal reporting is based on US GAAP. In addition, Philips issues quarterly and annual financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued a final ruling that eliminates the requirement that ‘Foreign Private Issuers’ such as Philips file US GAAP-based financial statements (or a reconciliation thereto) and will accept reporting based solely on IFRS.
Consequently, Philips will simplify its reporting by moving to IFRS as its sole reporting standard from January 1, 2009 and discontinuing the use of US GAAP as of the same date.
As announced on November 2, 2007, Philips has decided to proceed with the sale of its approximate 70% ownership interest in MedQuist Inc. Both Philips and MedQuist have retained financial advisors and the sale is being actively pursued. Philips and MedQuist will make pertinent disclosures as and when required.
As a consequence of Philips’ decision to proceed with the sale of its ownership interest in MedQuist, the net results attributable to Philips’ interest in MedQuist for the full year 2007 will be presented under Discontinued operations. Net results attributable to Philips’ interest in MedQuist in 2008 will likewise be presented under Discontinued operations.



Proposed dividend to shareholders
Consistent with its policy, revised in 2007, to pay out 40-50% of continuing net income as an annual dividend, the Company will submit a proposal to the 2008 General Meeting of Shareholders to declare a dividend of EUR 0.70 per common share (approximately EUR 715 million), an increase for the fourth consecutive year. In 2007 a dividend of EUR 0.60 per common share was paid (EUR 659 million).



With our portfolio restructuring nearing completion, and having once again delivered on our targets, we look forward with confidence. 2008 is going to be a challenging but exciting year for Philips — one in which we expect to take further solid steps towards achieving our Vision 2010 objectives.
The successful integration of acquisitions will be high on the management agenda for 2008. We expect to complete our recently announced acquisitions of Genlyte and Respironics in the early part of this year. This will put us in a position to inform the market on the contribution of the sectors to the realization of our Vision 2010 plans; this will include our objective for return on invested capital.
We also expect to make substantial progress towards achieving an efficient balance sheet, which we will continue to base on an A-/A3 credit rating with both our rating agencies. We plan to continue the responsible sell-down of our remaining stakes during the year and we expect that our recently announced EUR 5 billion share repurchase program will be largely completed by the end of 2008.
While we recognize the market’s caution on 2008 macro-economic developments — particularly in North America and Europe — we are confident that our sustained growth in the emerging markets, a strong innovation pipeline, a balanced portfolio and synergies from our acquisitions will allow us to continue on our improvement path through 2008 and to meet our targets as set out in Vision 2010.
Amsterdam, January 21, 2008
Board of Management



Consolidated statements of income
all amounts in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
    4th quarter   January to December  
    2006   2007   2006   2007  
    8,058     8,365     26,682     26,793  
Cost of sales
    (5,373 )   (5,445 )   (18,432 )   (17,624 )
Gross margin
    2,685     2,920     8,250     9,169  
Selling expenses
    (1,414 )   (1,504 )   (4,655 )   (4,980 )
General and administrative expenses
    (262 )   (225 )   (969 )   (854 )
Research and development expenses
    (459 )   (415 )   (1,659 )   (1,629 )
Other business income and expenses
    117     34     234     146  
Income from operations
    667     810     1,201     1,852  
Financial income and expenses
    (104 )   579     28     2,613  
Income before taxes
    563     1,389     1,229     4,465  
Income tax expense
    (58 )   (226 )   (167 )   (622 )
Income after taxes
    505     1,163     1,062     3,843  
Results relating to equity-accounted investees
    31     628     (157 )   763  
Minority interests
    3     (2 )   (4 )   (5 )
Income from continuing operations
    539     1,789     901     4,601  
Discontinued operations
    141     (396 )   4,482     (433 )
Net income
    680     1,393     5,383     4,168  
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding (after deduction of treasury stock) during the period (in thousands):
    1,135,336     1,064,026     1,174,925     1,086,128  
    1,144,642     1,075,183     1,182,784     1,097,435  
Net income per common share in euros:
    0.60     1.31     4.58     3.84  
    0.59     1.30     4.55     3.80  
Gross margin as a % of sales
    33.3     34.9     30.9     34.2  
Selling expenses as a % of sales
    (17.5 )   (18.0 )   (17.4 )   (18.6 )
G&A expenses as a % of sales
    (3.3 )   (2.7 )   (3.6 )   (3.2 )
R&D expenses as a % of sales
    (5.7 )   (5.0 )   (6.2 )   (6.1 )
EBIT or Income from operations
    667     810     1,201     1,852  
as a % of sales
    8.3     9.7     4.5     6.9  
    738     865     1,386     2,065  
as a % of sales
    9.2     10.3     5.2     7.7  



Consolidated balance sheets
all amounts in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
    December 31,     December 31,  
    2006     2007  
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
    5,886       8,769  
    4,732       4,767  
Current assets of discontinued operations
    206       169  
    2,880       3,203  
Other current assets
    1,258       1,020  
Total current assets
    14,962       17,928  
Non-current assets:
Investments in equity-accounted investees
    2,974       1,886  
Other non-current financial assets
    8,055       3,183  
Non-current receivables
    214       84  
Non-current assets of discontinued operations
    225       164  
Other non-current assets
    3,447       3,726  
Property, plant and equipment
    3,084       3,180  
Intangible assets excluding goodwill
    1,813       2,154  
    3,723       4,135  
Total assets
    38,497       36,440  
Current liabilities:
Accounts and notes payable
    3,443       3,372  
Current liabilities of discontinued operations
    46       46  
Accrued liabilities
    3,297       3,070  
Short-term provisions
    876       339  
Other current liabilities
    605       509  
Short-term debt
    863       2,345  
Total current liabilities
    9,130       9,681  
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term debt
    3,006       1,212  
Non-current liabilities of discontinued operations
    123       111  
Long-term provisions
    2,417       2,765  
Other non-current liabilities
    784       945  
Total liabilities
    15,460       14,714  
Minority interests
    40       42  
Stockholders’ equity
    22,997       21,684  
Total liabilities and equity
    38,497       36,440  
Number of common shares outstanding (after deduction of treasury stock) at the end of period (in thousands)
    1,106,893       1,064,893  
Stockholders’ equity per common share in euros
    20.78       20.36  
Inventories as a % of sales
    10.8       12.0  
Net debt (cash): group equity
    (10):110       (32):132  
Net operating capital
    8,518       10,586  
Employees at end of period of which discontinued operations 6,640 end Dec. 2006 and 5,703 end Dec. 2007
    121,732       123,801  



Consolidated statements of cash flows *
all amounts in millions of euros
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
    4th quarter     January to December  
    2006     2007     2006     2007  
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income
    680       1,393       5,383       4,168  
(Income) loss discontinued operations
    (141 )     396       (4,481 )     433  
Adjustments to reconcile income to net cash provided by (used for) operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization
    241       234       810       851  
Impairment of goodwill, equity-accounted investees and available-for-sale securities
                8       851  
Net gain on sale of assets
    (181 )     (1,057 )     (289 )     (3,107 )
(Income) loss from equity-accounted investees (net of dividends received)
    96       (121 )     228       (222 )
Minority interests (net of dividends paid)
    (3 )     2       3       5  
(Increase) decrease in working capital/other current assets
    (462 )     808       (1,372 )     (452 )
(Increase) decrease in non-current receivables/other assets/other liabilities
    254       (340 )     (55 )     (318 )
Increase (decrease) in provisions
    (44 )     66       83       (114 )
Proceeds from sales of trading securities
          14             196  
Other items
    281       (38 )     12       40  
Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities
    721       1,357       330       1,519  
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of intangible assets
    (33 )     (19 )     (101 )     (118 )
Capital expenditures on property, plant and equipment
    (116 )     (178 )     (694 )     (661 )
Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment
    45       17       107       81  
Cash from (to) derivatives
          333       62       385  
Proceeds from sale (purchase) of other non-current financial assets
    (8 )     922       (27 )     4,088  
Proceeds from sale (purchase) of businesses
    (758 )     1,421       (2,149 )     155  
Net cash provided by (used for) investing activities
    (870 )     2,496       (2,802 )     3,930  
Cash flows from financing activities:
Increase (decrease) in debt
    67       (38 )     (437 )     (281 )
Treasury stock transactions
    (1,553 )     23       (2,755 )     (1,448 )
Dividend paid
                (523 )     (639 )
Net cash provided by (used for) financing activities
    (1,486 )     (15 )     (3,715 )     (2,368 )
Net cash provided by (used for) continuing operations
    (1,635 )     3,838       (6,187 )     3,081  
Cash flows from discontinued operations.
Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities
    335       (63 )     524       (153 )
Net cash provided by (used for) investing activities
    (34 )     (1 )     6,590       38  
Net cash provided by (used for) financing activities
Net cash provided by (used for) discontinued operations
    301       (64 )     7,114       (115 )
Net cash provided by (used for) continuing and discontinued operations
    (1,334 )     3,774       927       2,966  
Effect of change in exchange rates on cash positions
    85       (56 )     (197 )     (112 )
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period
    7,272       5,159       5,293       6,023  
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
    6,023       8,877       6,023       8,877  
Less cash of discontinued operations at end of period
    137       108       137       108  
Cash of continuing operations at end of period
    5,886       8,769       5,886       8,769  
*   For a number of reasons, principally the effects of translation differences, certain items in the statements of cash flows do not correspond to the differences between the balance sheet amounts for the respective items.
Cash flows before financing activities
    (149 )     3,853       (2,472 )     5,449  



Consolidated statement of changes in stockholders’ equity
all amounts in millions of euros
    January to December 2007  
                            accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)              
                                                    changes in                      
            capital                     unrealized gain             fair value                      
            in excess             currency     (loss) on             of cash             treasury     total  
    common     of par     retained     translation     available-for-     pensions     flow             shares at     stockholders’  
    stock     value     earnings     differences     sale securities     (FAS 158)     hedges     total     cost     equity  
Balance as of December 31, 2006
    228             22,085       (1,874 )     4,281       (808 )     8       1,607       (923 )     22,997  
Net income
                    4,168                                                       4,168  
Net current period change
                            (840 )     (618 )     218       16       (1,224 )             (1,224 )
Reclassifications into income
                            341       (2,615 )             4       (2,270 )             (2,270 )
Total comprehensive income (loss), net of tax
                    4,168       (499 )     (3,233 )     218       20       (3,494 )             674  
Dividend paid
                    (659 )                                                     (659 )
Purchase of treasury stock
                                                                    (1,633 )     (1,633 )
Re-issuance of treasury stock
            (106 )     (35 )                                             340       199  
Share-based compensation plans
            106                                                               106  
Balance as of December 31, 2007
    228             25,559       (2,373 )     1,048       (590 )     28       (1,887 )     (2,216 )     21,684  



all amounts in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
Sales and income from operations
    4th quarter  
    2006     2007  
    sales     income from operations     sales     income from operations  
            amount     as % of             amount     as % of  
                    sales                     sales  
Medical Systems
    1,998       293       14.7       1,951       322       16.5  
    927       164       17.7       1,004       194       19.3  
Consumer Electronics
    3,262       233       7.1       3,486       233       6.7  
    1,455       127       8.7       1,659       170       10.2  
Innovation & Emerging Businesses
    341       2       0.6       209       10       4.8  
Group Management & Services
    75       (152 )           56       (119 )      
    8,058       667       8.3       8,365       810       9.7  
    January- December  
    2006     2007  
    sales     income from operations     sales     income from operations  
            amount     as a % of             amount     as a % of  
                    sales                     sales  
Medical Systems
    6,448       734       11.4       6,470       743       11.5  
    2,532       370       14.6       2,968       510       17.2  
Consumer Electronics
    10,576       313       3.0       10,362       322       3.1  
    5,466       577       10.6       6,093       675       11.1  
Innovation & Emerging Businesses
    1,493       (94 )     (6.3 )     703       (101 )     (14.4 )
Group Management & Services
    167       (699 )           197       (297 )      
    26,682       1,201       4.5       26,793       1,852       6.9  



Sectors and main countries
all amounts in millions of euros
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
Sales and total assets
    sales     total assets  
    January to December     December 31,  
    2006     2007     2006     2007  
Medical Systems
    6,448       6,470       6,096       6,033  
    2,532       2,968       1,768       1,779  
Consumer Electronics
    10,576       10,362       2,516       2,534  
    5,466       6,093       3,719       5,133  
Innovation & Emerging Businesses
    1,493       703       1,431       1,409  
Group Management & Services
    167       197       22,536       19,219  
    26,682       26,793       38,066       36,107  
Discontinued operations
                    431       333  
                    38,497       36,440  
Sales and long-lived assets
    sales     long-lived assets*  
    January to December     December 31,  
    2006     2007     2006     2007  
United States
    7,153       6,725       5,162       5,172  
    1,985       2,014       296       305  
    1,740       1,707       176       168  
    1,626       1,784       107       103  
United Kingdom
    1,186       1,250       792       720  
    1,088       1,159       1,132       1,200  
Other countries
    11,904       12,154       955       1,801  
    26,682       26,793       8,620       9,469  
*   Includes property, plant and equipment and intangible assets



Pension costs
all amounts in millions of euros
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
Net periodic pension costs of defined-benefit plans
    4th quarter 2007     January-December 2007  
    Netherlands     other     Netherlands     other  
Service cost
    36       42       147       118  
Interest cost on the projected benefit obligation
    132       96       521       399  
Expected return on plan assets
    (200 )     (94 )     (813 )     (384 )
Net actuarial (gain) loss
    (3 )     19       (6 )     79  
Prior service cost (income)
    (11 )     3       (43 )     14  
Settlement loss
          (11 )           (7 )
Curtailment loss
          2             2  
Net periodic cost (income)
    (46 )     57       (194 )     221  
The net periodic pension costs in the fourth quarter of 2007 amounted to EUR 28 million, of which EUR 11 million related to defined-benefit (DB) plans (the Netherlands income of EUR 46 million, other countries cost of EUR 57 million) and EUR 17 million related to defined-contribution (DC) plans (the Netherlands cost of EUR 1 million, other countries cost of EUR 16 million).
Net periodic costs of postretirement benefits other than pensions
    4th quarter 2007     January-December 2007  
    Netherlands     other     Netherlands     other  
Service cost
          (1 )           4  
Interest cost on the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation
          6             25  
Transition obligation
          2             5  
Net actuarial loss
Net periodic cost
          7             36  



Consolidated statements of income
in accordance with IFRS
all amounts in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
    4th quarter     January to December  
    2006     2007     2006     2007  
    8,058       8,365       26,682       26,793  
Cost of sales
    (5,334 )     (5,462 )     (18,448 )     (17,678 )
Gross margin
    2,724       2,903       8,234       9,115  
Selling expenses
    (1,441 )     (1,500 )     (4,679 )     (4,985 )
General and administrative expenses
    (350 )     (324 )     (1,174 )     (1,124 )
Research and development expenses
    (435 )     (417 )     (1,603 )     (1,617 )
Impairment of goodwill
Other business income and expenses
    87       30       179       104  
Income from operations
    585       692       957       1,493  
Financial income and expenses
    (103 )     642       29       2,849  
Income before taxes
    482       1,334       986       4,342  
Income tax expense
    (130 )     (185 )     (189 )     (491 )
Income after taxes
    352       1,149       797       3,851  
Results relating to equity-accounted investees
    55       767       (139 )     884  
Minority interests
    2       (2 )     (4 )     (7 )
Income from continuing operations
    409       1,914       654       4,728  
Discontinued operations
    184       (28 )     4,010       (73 )
Net income
    593       1,886       4,664       4,655  
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding (after deduction of treasury stock) during the period (in thousands)
    1,135,336       1,064,026       1,174,925       1,086,128  
    1,144,832       1,075,471       1,183,529       1,098,925  
Net income per common share in euros:
    0.50       1.77       3.54       4.29  
    0.49       1.75       3.91       4.24  
Gross margin as a % of sales
    33.8       34.7       30.9       34.0  
Selling expenses as a % of sales
    (17.9 )     (17.9 )     (17.5 )     (18.6 )
G&A expenses as a % of sales
    (4.3 )     (3.9 )     (4.4 )     (4.2 )
R&D expenses as a % of sales
    (5.4 )     (5.0 )     (6.0 )     (6.0 )
EBIT or Income from operations
    585       692       957       1,493  
as a % of sales
    7.3       8.3       3.6       5.6  
    695       736       1,109       1,693  
as a % of sales
    8.6       8.8       4.2       6.3  



Consolidated balance sheets in accordance with IFRS
all amounts in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
    December 31,     December 31,  
    2006     2007  
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
    5,886       8,769  
    4,732       4,767  
Current assets of discontinued operations
    185       169  
    2,880       3,203  
Other current assets
    770       602  
Total current assets
    14,453       17,510  
Non-current assets:
Investments in equity-accounted investees
    2,869       1,817  
Other non-current financial assets
    8,055       3,183  
Non-current receivables
    206       78  
Non-current assets of discontinued operations
    242       150  
Other non-current assets
    390       126  
Deferred tax assets
    1,449       1,269  
Property, plant and equipment
    3,102       3,194  
Intangible assets excluding goodwill
    2,558       2,835  
    3,406       3,800  
Total assets
    36,730       33,962  
Current liabilities:
Accounts and notes payable
    3,443       3,372  
Current liabilities of discontinued operations
    46       46  
Accrued liabilities
    3,280       3,060  
Short-term provisions
    755       344  
Other current liabilities
    605       509  
Short-term debt
    871       2,350  
Total current liabilities
    9,000       9,681  
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term debt
    3,007       1,213  
Long-term provisions
    1,788       1,953  
Deferred tax liabilities
    263       141  
Non-current liabilities of discontinued operations
    32       32  
Other non-current liabilities
    595       528  
Total liabilities
    14,685       13,548  
Minority interests *
    135       127  
Stockholders’ equity
    21,910       20,287  
Total liabilities and equity
    36,730       33,962  
Number of common shares outstanding (after deduction of treasury stock) at the end of period (in thousands)
    1,106,893       1,064,893  
Stockholders’ equity per common share in euros
    19.79       19.05  
Inventories as a % of sales
    10.8       12.0  
Net debt (cash): group equity
    (10):110       (34):134  
Employees at end of period of which discontinued operations 6,640 end Dec. 2006 and 5,703 end Dec. 2007
    121,732       123,801  
*   of which discontinued operations EUR 95 million end of December 2006 and EUR 79 million end of December 2007



Reconciliation from US GAAP to IFRS
all amounts in millions of euros
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
Reconciliation of net income from US GAAP to IFRS
    4th quarter     January to December  
    2006     2007     2006     2007  
Net income as per the consolidated statements of income on a US GAAP basis
    680       1,393       5,383       4,168  
Adjustments to IFRS:
Capitalized product development expenses
    63       77       271       234  
Amortization of product development assets
    (57 )     (75 )     (213 )     (205 )
Pensions and other postretirement benefits
    (128 )     (95 )     (292 )     (311 )
Amortization of intangible assets
    14       (7 )     (33 )     (28 )
    65       2       65       (9 )
Realized gain on TSMC securities*
          74             255  
Equity—accounted investees
    24       139       18       121  
Deferred income tax effects
    (72 )     41       (22 )     131  
Discontinued operations
    43       368       (472 )     360  
Other differences in income
    (39 )     (31 )     (41 )     (61 )
Net income in accordance with IFRS
    593       1,886       4,664       4,655  
*   related cumulative translation differences have been released upon sale
Reconciliation of stockholders’ equity from US GAAP to IFRS
    Dec. 31,     Dec. 31,  
    2006     2007  
Stockholders’ equity as per the consolidated balance sheets on a US GAAP basis
    22,997       21,684  
Adjustments to IFRS:
Product development expenses
    535       518  
Pensions and other postretirement benefits
    (1,700 )     (2,169 )
Goodwill amortization (until January 1, 2004)
    (287 )     (260 )
Goodwill capitalization (acquisition-related)
    (30 )     (76 )
Acquisition-related intangibles
    210       162  
Assets from discontinued operations
    (3 )     (14 )
Investments in equity-accounted investees
    (105 )     (69 )
    58       18  
Recognized results on sale-and-leaseback transactions
    52       39  
Deferred income tax effects
    168       447  
Other differences in equity
    15       7  
Stockholders’ equity in accordance with IFRS
    21,910       20,287  



Reconciliation of non-US GAAP performance measures
all amounts in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
Certain non-US GAAP financial measures are presented when discussing the Philips Group’s performance. In the following
tables, a reconciliation to the most directly comparable US GAAP performance measure is made
Sales growth composition (in %)
    January to December  
    comparable     currency     consolidation     nominal  
    growth     effects     changes     growth  
2007 versus 2006
Medical Systems
    3.6       (5.2 )     1.9       0.3  
    15.4       (3.1 )     4.9       17.2  
Consumer Electronics
    1.0       (2.2 )     (0.8 )     (2.0 )
    6.0       (3.1 )     8.6       11.5  
Innovation & Emerging Businesses
    32.2       (4.5 )     (80.6 )     (52.9 )
Group Management & Services
    30.8       (2.3 )     (10.5 )     18.0  
Philips Group
    4.9       (3.3 )     (1.2 )     0.4  
EBITA to Income from operations (or EBIT)
                                            Innovation     Group  
    Philips     Medical             Consumer             & Emerging     Management  
    Group     Systems     DAP     Electronics     Lighting     Businesses     & Services  
January to December 2007
    2,065       875       523       325       722       (83 )     (297 )
Amortization of intangibles (excl. software)
    (200 )     (120 )     (13 )     (3 )     (46 )     (18 )      
Write-off of acquired in-process R&D
    (13 )     (12 )                 (1 )            
Income from operations (or EBIT)
    1,852       743       510       322       675       (101 )     (297 )
January to December 2006
    1,386       861       378       314       608       (76 )     (699 )
Amortization of intangibles (excl. software)
    (152 )     (94 )     (8 )     (1 )     (31 )     (18 )      
Write-off of acquired in-process R&D
    (33 )     (33 )                              
Income from operations (or EBIT)
    1,201       734       370       313       577       (94 )     (699 )
Composition of net debt and group equity
    December 31,     December 31,  
    2006     2007  
Long-term debt
    3,006       1,212  
Short-term debt
    863       2,345  
Total debt
    3,869       3,557  
Cash and cash equivalents
    (5,886 )     (8,769 )
Net debt (cash) (total debt less cash and cash equivalents)
    (2,017 )     (5,212 )
Minority interests
    40       42  
Stockholders’ equity
    22,997       21,684  
Group equity
    23,037       21,726  
Net debt and group equity
    21,020       16,514  
Net debt (cash) divided by net debt (cash) and group equity (in %)
    (10 )     (32 )
Group equity divided by net debt (cash) and group equity (in %)
    110       132  



Reconciliation of non-US GAAP performance measures (continued)
all amounts in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
Net operating capital to total assets
                                            Innovation     Group  
    Philips     Medical             Consumer             & Emerging     Management  
    Group     Systems     DAP     Electronics     Lighting     Businesses     & Services  
December 31, 2007
Net operating capital (NOC)
    10,586       4,104       1,136       (246 )     3,886       1,001       705  
Exclude liabilities comprised in NOC:
- payables/liabilities
    7,896       1,632       567       2,494       1,053       284       1,866  
- intercompany accounts
          29       23       56       48       (18 )     (138 )
- provisions1)
    2,417       216       53       230       137       31       1,750  
Include assets not comprised in NOC:
- investments in equity-accounted investees
    1,886       52                   9       111       1,714  
- other non-current financial assets
    3,183                                     3,183  
- deferred tax assets
    1,370                                     1,370  
- liquid assets
    8,769                                     8,769  
Total assets of continued operations
    36,107       6,033       1,779       2,534       5,133       1,409       19,219  
Assets of discontinued operations
Total assets
1)   provisions on balance sheet EUR 3,104 million excluding deferred tax liabilities of EUR 687 million
December 31, 2006
Net operating capital (NOC)
    8,518       4,125       1,138       (228 )     2,527       748       208  
Exclude liabilities comprised in NOC:
- payables/liabilities
    8,130       1,663       550       2,389       989       462       2,077  
- intercompany accounts
          32       25       61       50       (28 )     (140 )
- provisions2)
    2,684       229       55       285       146       79       1,890  
Include assets not comprised in NOC:
- investments in equity-accounted investees
    2,974       47             9       7       170       2,741  
- securities
    192                                     192  
- other non-current financial assets
    8,055                                     8,055  
- deferred tax assets
    1,627                                     1,627  
- liquid assets
    5,886                                     5,886  
Total assets of continuing operations
    38,066       6,096       1,768       2,516       3,719       1,431       22,536  
Assets of discontinued operations
Total assets
2)   provisions on balance sheet EUR 3,293 million excluding deferred tax liabilities of EUR 609 million
Composition of cash flows before financing activities - continuing operations
    4th quarter     January to December  
    2006     2007     2006     2007  
Cash flows provided by operating activities
    721       1,357       330       1,519  
Cash flows provided by (used for) investing activities
    (870 )     2,496       (2,802 )     3,930  
Cash flows before financing activities
    (149 )     3,853       (2,472 )     5,449  



Philips quarterly statistics
all amounts in millions of euros unless otherwise stated
restated to present MedQuist as a discontinued operation
% increase always in relation to the corresponding period of previous year
    2006     2007  
    1st quarter     2nd quarter     3rd quarter     4th quarter     1st quarter     2nd quarter     3rd quarter     4th quarter  
    6,075       6,305       6,244       8,058       5,930       6,033       6,465       8,365  
% increase
    13       10       1       (1 )     (2 )     (4 )     4       4  
    284       292       72       738       370       394       436       865  
as a % of sales
    4.7       4.6       1.2       9.2       6.2       6.5       6.7       10.3  
    253       253       28       667       312       345       385       810  
as a % of sales
    4.2       4.0       0.4       8.3       5.3       5.7       6.0       9.7  
Net income
    160       301       4,242       680       875       1,569       331       1,393  
per common share in euros
    0.13       0.25       3.59       0.60       0.80       1.43       0.31       1.31  
    January-     January-     January-     January-     January-     January-     January-     January-  
    March     June     September     December     March     June     September     December  
    6,075       12,380       18,624       26,682       5,930       11,963       18,428       26,793  
% increase
    13       11       7       5       (2 )     (3 )     (1 )     0  
    284       576       648       1,386       370       764       1,200       2,065  
as a % of sales
    4.7       4.7       3.5       5.2       6.2       6.4       6.5       7.7  
    253       506       534       1,201       312       657       1,042       1,852  
as a % of sales
    4.2       4.1       2.9       4.5       5.3       5.5       5.7       6.9  
Net income
    160       461       4,703       5,383       875       2,444       2,775       4,168  
per common share in euros
    0.13       0.39       3.96       4.58       0.80       2.22       2.54       3.84  
Net income from continuing operations as a % of stockholders’ equity (ROE)
    3.3       4.3       2.6       4.3       17.4       24.5       18.1       21.0  
    period ended 2006     period ended 2007  
Inventories as a % of sales
    12.1       12.0       12.8       10.8       11.7       12.8       14.2       12.0  
Net debt :group equity ratio
    6:94       10:90       (16):116       (10):110       (9):109       (12):112       (7):107       (32):132  
Total employees (in thousands)
    161       158       126       122       124       126       128       124  
of which discontinued operations
    43       43       7       7       7       7       6       6  
Information also available on Internet, address: www.investor.philips.com
Printed in the Netherlands



Philips announces completion of sale of 800 million TSMC shares via TSMC share repurchase program
Monday, December 31, 2007
Amsterdam, the Netherlands — Royal Philips Electronics (AEX: PHI, NYSE: PHG) today announced it has completed the sale of 800 million common shares in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TAIEX: 2330, NYSE: TSM) (“TSMC”), valued at approximately USD 1.5 billion. The sale was carried out as part of a TSMC share repurchase program, which was initiated by TSMC on November 14, 2007 and completed today.
This TSMC share repurchase program is the third step in a multi-phased plan to facilitate an orderly exit by Philips from its shareholding in TSMC, as announced by Philips and TSMC on March 9, 2007. This plan aims to reduce Philips’ holding in TSMC to zero before the end of 2010.
The sale of these shares, closed today, will provide Philips with proceeds of approximately EUR 980 million, and will result in a non-taxable net gain of approximately EUR 530 million in Philips’ financial results for the fourth quarter of 2007. Following completion of this sale, Philips holds approximately 1.3 billion TSMC shares, representing approximately 5.0 percent of TSMC’s issued shares. This total stake is worth approximately EUR 1.7 billion at current market prices for TSMC shares.
For more information, please contact:
Joon Knapen
Philips Corporate Communications
Tel:  +31 20 59 77477   
Email:  joon.knapen@philips.com
About Royal Philips Electronics
Royal Philips Electronics of the Netherlands (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHI) is a global leader in healthcare, lighting and consumer lifestyle, delivering people-centric, innovative products, services and solutions through the brand promise of “sense and simplicity”. Headquartered in the Netherlands, Philips employs approximately 128,100 employees in more than 60 countries worldwide. With sales of EUR 27 billion in 2006, the company is a market leader in medical diagnostic imaging and patient monitoring systems, energy efficient lighting solutions, as well as lifestyle solutions for personal wellbeing. News from Philips is located at www.philips.com/newscenter.
Forward-looking statements
This release may contain certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of Philips and certain of the plans and objectives of Philips with respect to these items. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future and there are many factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.



Philips extends tender offer period to acquire Genlyte
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Amsterdam, the Netherlands — Royal Philips Electronics (NYSE:PHG, AEX:PHI) (“Philips”) today announced that its indirect wholly owned subsidiary Golf Merger Sub, Inc. (“Philips Merger Sub”) is extending the expiration date for its previously announced tender offer until 12:00 midnight on January 16, 2008 for all outstanding shares of common stock of The Genlyte Group Incorporated (“Genlyte”) for $95.50 per Genlyte share, without interest and subject to any applicable withholding of taxes.
On November 30, 2007, Philips Merger Sub commenced the tender offer for the Genlyte shares, which is being made in accordance with the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of November 25, 2007, by and among Genlyte, Philips Holding USA Inc. and Philips Merger Sub (the “merger agreement”). While the mandatory waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, and the applicable waiting period under the Competition Act (Canada), in each case, applicable to the acquisition of Genlyte by Philips Holding USA Inc., have expired as of January 2, 2008, not all of the approvals related to the remaining non-U.S. regulatory filings required to close the tender offer had yet been obtained. As of 12:00 midnight on January 2, 2008, Philips Merger Sub had received a preliminary number of tenders representing approximately 23.7 million of the outstanding Genlyte shares, which represented approximately 77 percent of the outstanding Genlyte shares (on a fully diluted basis).
Investors and stockholders of Genlyte are urged to read the Tender Offer Statement on Schedule TO (containing the offer to purchase, a letter of transmittal and related materials) relating to the tender offer that has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) because it contains important information, including the various terms of, and conditions to, the tender offer. Investors and stockholders of Genlyte may obtain these and other documents regarding the tender offer, the merger and the related transactions filed by Philips Merger Sub and Genlyte for free from the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.
Georgeson Inc. is the Information Agent for the tender offer and any questions or requests for assistance or free copies of the offer to purchase and the letter of transmittal may be directed to it at 199 Water Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10004 or by telephone toll-free at (888) 679-2871 or at (212) 440-9800 (bankers and brokers only). Goldman, Sachs & Co. is the Dealer Manager for the tender offer and can be reached at 85 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004 or by telephone toll-free at (800) 323-5678 or collect at (212) 902-1000.
This release is for informational purposes only and is not an offer to purchase or a solicitation of an offer to sell Genlyte shares, nor is it an offer to purchase or a solicitation of an offer to sell any securities. The tender offer is made solely by means of the offer to purchase.
For more information, please contact:
Joon Knapen



Philips Corporate Communications
Tel: +31 20 59 77477
Email: joon.knapen@philips.com
David Wolf
Philips Corporate Communications North America
Tel: +1 917 455 7857
Email: david.l.wolf@philips.com
Raymond L. Zaccagnini
Genlyte Group
Tel: +1 502 420 9500
Email: rzaccagnini@genlytegroup.com
About Royal Philips Electronics
Royal Philips Electronics of the Netherlands (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHI) is a global leader in healthcare, lighting and consumer lifestyle, delivering people-centric, innovative products, services and solutions through the brand promise of “sense and simplicity”. Headquartered in the Netherlands, Philips employs approximately 128,100 employees in more than 60 countries worldwide. With sales of EUR 27 billion in 2006, the company is a market leader in medical diagnostic imaging and patient monitoring systems, energy efficient lighting solutions, as well as lifestyle solutions for personal wellbeing. News from Philips is located at www.philips.com/newscenter.
Forward-looking statements
This release may contain certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of Philips and certain of the plans and objectives of Philips with respect to these items, including without limitation completion of the tender offer and merger and any expected benefits of the merger. Completion of the tender offer and merger are subject to conditions, including satisfaction of a minimum tender condition and the need for regulatory approvals, and there can be no assurance that those conditions can be satisfied or that the transactions described in this press release will completed. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future and there are many factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.  Any forward-looking statements in this announcement are based upon information known to Philips on the date of this announcement. Philips undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.



Philips announces satisfaction of tender offer conditions to acquire Genlyte
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Amsterdam, the Netherlands — Royal Philips Electronics (NYSE:PHG, AEX:PHI) (“Philips”) today announced the satisfaction of all of the conditions to the closing of the tender offer by its wholly owned subsidiary, Golf Merger Sub, Inc. (“Philips Merger Sub”), to acquire all outstanding shares of common stock of The Genlyte Group Incorporated (NASDAQ:GLYT) (“Genlyte”) for $95.50 per Genlyte share, without interest and subject to any applicable withholding of taxes. One of the remaining conditions for the closing of the tender offer included receiving more than 50% of the shares tendered into the offer. As of the close of business on the January 16, 2008 expiration date of the tender offer, Philips Merger Sub had received approximately 26.5 million Genlyte shares tendered into the offer, including 1.8 million Genlyte shares tendered by guaranteed delivery, representing over 96% of the outstanding shares of Genlyte.
Philips expects to promptly pay for all shares tendered. Following the payment for all shares tendered, Philips expects to quickly complete the merger of Philips Merger Sub with and into Genlyte, with Genlyte becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Philips, pursuant to the “short-form” merger provisions of Delaware law without a meeting of the stockholders of Genlyte.
Commenting on today’s announcement, Theo van Deursen, Chief Executive Officer of Philips Lighting, said: “We’re very pleased to announce we’ve met the conditions to close the tender offer to acquire Genlyte. It’s a strong endorsement of Philips’ plan to build on Genlyte’s extensive presence in the North American lighting market to speed up the rollout of more energy efficient lighting and the introduction of new lighting technologies, like solid state lighting.” Larry Powers, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Genlyte noted, “I’m very pleased that the acquisition has been completed. This merger of Philips with Genlyte will provide many exciting opportunities for our employees and enhance our ability to continue our product leadership with added emphasis on energy efficient, solid state lighting.”
Based in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, Genlyte designs, manufactures and sells lighting fixtures, controls and related products for a wide variety of applications, including solid state lighting. Just under 90% of Genlyte’s 2006 revenues were related to commercial and industrial applications, with the remainder for high-end residential applications. A leader in the North American construction luminaires market, Genlyte sells to distributors and electrical wholesalers. The company’s products are also promoted through architects, engineers, contractors and building owners. Genlyte employs approximately 6,700 people.
Investors and stockholders of Genlyte are urged to read the Tender Offer Statement on Schedule TO (containing the offer to purchase, a letter of transmittal and related materials) relating to the tender offer that has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) because it contains important information, including the various terms of, and conditions to, the tender offer. Investors and stockholders of Genlyte may obtain these and other documents regarding the tender



offer, the merger and the related transactions filed by Philips Merger Sub and Genlyte for free from the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.
Georgeson Inc. is the Information Agent for the tender offer and any questions or requests for assistance or free copies of the offer to purchase and the letter of transmittal may be directed to it at 199 Water Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10004 or by telephone toll-free at (888) 679-2871 or at (212) 440-9800 (bankers and brokers only). Goldman, Sachs & Co. is the Dealer Manager for the tender offer and can be reached at 85 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004 or by telephone toll-free at (800) 323-5678 or collect at (212) 902-1000.
This release is for informational purposes only and is not an offer to purchase or a solicitation of an offer to sell Genlyte shares, nor is it an offer to purchase or a solicitation of an offer to sell any securities. The tender offer is made solely by means of the offer to purchase.
For more information, please contact:
Jayson Otke
Philips Corporate Communications
Tel:  +31 20 5977215
Email:  jayson.otke@philips.com
David Wolf
Philips Corporate Communications North America
Tel:  +1 917 455 7857
Email: david.l.wolf@philips.com
Raymond L. Zaccagnini
Genlyte Group
Tel:  +1 502 420 9500
Email:  rzaccagnini@genlytegroup.com
About Royal Philips Electronics
Royal Philips Electronics of the Netherlands (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHI) is a global leader in healthcare, lighting and consumer lifestyle, delivering people-centric, innovative products, services and solutions through the brand promise of “sense and simplicity”. Headquartered in the Netherlands, Philips employs approximately 128,100 employees in more than 60 countries worldwide. With sales of EUR 27 billion in 2006, the company is a market leader in medical diagnostic imaging and patient monitoring systems, energy efficient lighting solutions, as well as lifestyle solutions for personal wellbeing. News from Philips is located at www.philips.com/newscenter.
About Genlyte Group Incorporated
The Genlyte Group Incorporated (Nasdaq: GLYT) is a leading manufacturer of lighting fixtures, controls, and related products for the commercial, industrial and residential markets. Genlyte sells lighting and lighting accessory products under the major brand names of Alkco, Allscape, Ardee, Canlyte, Capri/Omega, Carsonite, Chloride Systems, Crescent, D’ac, Day-Brite, Gardco, Guth, Hadco, Hanover Lantern, High-Lites, Hoffmeister, Lam, Ledalite, Lightolier, Lightolier Controls, Lumec,



Morlite, Nessen, Quality, Shakespeare Composite Structures, Specialty, Stonco, Strand, Thomas Lighting, Thomas Lighting Canada, Vari-Lite, Vista, and Wide-Lite.
Forward-looking statements
This release may contain certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of Philips and certain of the plans and objectives of Philips with respect to these items, including without limitation completion of the merger and any expected benefits of the merger. Completion of the merger is subject to conditions, and there can be no assurance that those conditions can be satisfied or that the transactions described in this press release will completed. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future and there are many factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statements in this announcement are based upon information known to Philips on the date of this announcement. Philips undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.