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Exhibit 5.2







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Barclays PLC

1 Churchill Place

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1 March 2024

Barclays PLC

Form F-3 - Registration Statement under the Securities Act of 1933

We have acted, and have prepared this letter, on the instructions of Barclays PLC (the “Company”) in connection with the Company’s Registration Statement on Form F-3 under the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Registration Statement”) to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) on or around 1 March 2024 for the purpose of registering:



The Company’s debt securities, in one or more series, which are unsubordinated obligations (“Senior Debt Securities”), which are to be issued pursuant to, and governed by, an indenture dated as of 17 January 2018 between the Company and The Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee (the “Trustee”), as amended and supplemented by the Sixth Supplemental Indenture to the Senior Debt Securities Indenture dated as of 7 May 2020, the Ninth Supplemental Indenture to the Senior Debt Securities Indenture dated as of 1 March 2021, the Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture to the Senior Debt Securities Indenture dated as of 2 November 2022 and the Fourteenth Supplemental Indenture to the Senior Debt Securities Indenture dated as of 9 May 2023 (as so amended and supplemented, the “Senior Debt Securities Indenture”);



The Company’s debt securities, in one or more series, which are subordinated obligations having a stated maturity (“Dated Subordinated Debt Securities”), which are to be issued pursuant to, and governed by, an indenture dated as of 9 May 2017 between the Company and the Trustee, as amended and supplemented by the Second



  Supplemental Indenture to the Dated Subordinated Securities Indenture dated as of 23 September 2020, the Third Supplemental Indenture to the Dated Subordinated Debt Securities Indenture dated as of 1 March 2021 and the Fifth Supplemental Indenture to the Dated Subordinated Debt Securities Indenture dated as of 27 June 2023 (as so amended and supplemented, the “Dated Subordinated Debt Securities Indenture”);



The Company’s contingent capital securities, in one or more series, which are subordinated obligations, either convertible into ordinary shares of the Company or subject to permanent write-down, in either case, upon the occurrence of a Capital Adequacy Trigger Event (“Contingent Capital Securities”), which are to be issued pursuant to, and governed by, an indenture dated as of 14 August 2018 between the Company and the Trustee, as amended and supplemented by the Fourth Supplemental Indenture to the Contingent Capital Securities Indenture dated as of 12 August 2020, the Fifth Supplemental Indenture to the Contingent Capital Securities Indenture dated as of 1 March 2021, the Eighth Supplemental Indenture to the Contingent Capital Securities Indenture dated as of 6 March 2023 and the Ninth Supplemental Indenture to the Contingent Capital Securities Indenture dated as of 22 November 2023 (as so amended and supplemented, the “Contingent Capital Securities Indenture”); and



The Company’s ordinary shares of 25 pence each in the share capital of the Company (the “Shares”).






Opinion Documents

This Opinion relates to the Issue Documents.



Defined Terms

In this Opinion:



DocuSign Platform” means the cloud based electronic signing platform owned and run by DocuSign Inc.;



Issue Documents” means the Senior Debt Securities Indenture, the Dated Subordinated Debt Securities Indenture and the Contingent Capital Securities Indenture;



Securities” means the Senior Debt Securities, the Dated Subordinated Debt Securities and the Contingent Capital Securities;




terms defined or given a particular construction in the Registration Statement have the same meaning in this Opinion unless a contrary indication appears;



headings in this Opinion are for ease of reference only and shall not affect its interpretation; and



all references in this Opinion to paragraphs mean paragraphs in this Opinion.



Legal review

In connection with the giving of this Opinion:



we have reviewed only the documents referred to in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 (Documents and Enquiries) and completed only the searches and enquiries referred to in paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 (Documents and Enquiries) and any references to such documents in this Opinion are to those documents as originally executed. Certain of such documents have been executed using the DocuSign Platform;



we have not verified the facts or the reasonableness of any statements (including statements as to foreign law) contained in any of the Issue Documents or the Registration Statement, save as expressly specified in paragraph 2.5 (Taxation Statements in the Registration Statement);



we have not been responsible for ensuring that the Registration Statement contains all material facts;



we have not been responsible for ensuring that the Registration Statement complies with the requirements of any competent authority; and



we have not been responsible for ensuring that any issuance of Securities or Shares registered on the Registration Statement comply with legal and regulatory requirements of any jurisdiction.



Applicable Law

This Opinion is governed by English law, relates only to English law as applied by the English courts as at today’s date and does not extend to the laws of any other jurisdiction (save as described in paragraph 1.5 (Taxation)). All non-contractual obligations and any other matters arising out of or in connection with this Opinion are governed by English law.





We express no opinion on any taxation matter, and none is implied or may be inferred, save as expressly specified in paragraph 2.5 (Taxation statements in the Registration Statement). In respect of those tax matters, this Opinion is confined to, and given on the basis of, English law, United Kingdom tax law and His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) published practice in force or applied in the United Kingdom as at today’s date.



Assumptions and Reservations

The opinions given in this Opinion are given on the basis of our understanding of the terms of the Issue Documents and the assumptions set out in Schedule 2 (Assumptions) and are subject to the reservations set out in Schedule 3 (Reservations) to this Opinion. The opinions given in this Opinion are strictly limited to the matters stated in paragraph 2 (Opinions) and do not extend to any other matters.




We are of the opinion that:



Corporate Existence

The Company is a company duly incorporated in England.



Share Capital

Shares registered on the Registration Statement, when issued by the Company, will, upon the passing of all necessary resolutions and the taking of all necessary corporate action in connection therewith, and assuming the issue price of the shares is not less than the nominal value thereof and is fully paid on issue, be duly authorised and validly issued and fully paid and will not be subject to further call or contribution under English law.



Legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligations

In any proceedings taken in England for the enforcement of the Issue Documents, the obligations expressed to be assumed by the Company in the Issue Documents would be recognised by the English courts as legal, valid and binding obligations of the Company and would be enforceable in the English courts.







The subordination provisions applicable to the Dated Subordinated Debt Securities as set out in Section 12.01 of the Dated Subordinated Debt Securities Indenture constitute legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligations of the Company.



The subordination provisions applicable to the Contingent Capital Securities as set out in Section 12.01 of the Contingent Capital Securities Indenture constitute legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligations of the Company.



Taxation Statements in the Registration Statement

The statements in the Registration Statement under the headings “United Kingdom Taxation of Senior Debt Securities” and “United Kingdom Taxation of Dated Subordinated Debt Securities” are correct in all material respects.




The scope and content of this Opinion solely have regard to the interest of the Company in accordance with its instructions. This Opinion is provided in connection with the Company’s Registration Statement on Form F-3 and is addressed to and is solely for the Company and it may not, without our prior written consent, be relied upon for any other purpose or be disclosed to or relied upon by any other person save as provided below.

We hereby consent to the filing of this opinion with the Commission as an exhibit to the Registration Statement and to the reference to us under the headings “United Kingdom Taxation of Senior Debt Securities”, “United Kingdom Taxation of Dated Subordinated Debt Securities”, “Service of Process and Enforcement of Liabilities” and “Validity of Securities” in the Prospectus included in the Registration Statement. In giving this consent, we do not admit that we are in the category of persons whose consent is required under Section 7 of the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended or the rules and regulations of the Commission thereunder.

/s/ Clifford Chance LLP








We have reviewed only the following documents for the purposes of this Opinion.



The final form of the Registration Statement expected to be filed with the SEC on 1 March 2024.



A copy of the Senior Debt Securities Indenture.



A copy of the Dated Subordinated Debt Securities Indenture.



A copy of the Contingent Capital Securities Indenture.



A copy of the certificate of incorporation of the Company dated 20 July 1896.



A copy of the certificate of incorporation on re-registration of the Company dated 15 February 1982.



A copy of the certificate of incorporation on change of name of the Company dated 1 January 1985.



A copy of the articles of association of the Company as adopted by special resolution passed on 5 May 2021, certified a true copy by Kathryn Roberts.



A copy of the power of attorney granted by the Company dated 21 June 2016 in favour of each of Miray Muminoglu, Billy Suid, Timothy Allen, Keith Harding and Oihana Bessonart.



A copy of the extracts from the minutes of a meeting of the board of directors of the Company held on 15 December 2016, certified a true copy by Patrick Gonsalves (the “2016 Resolutions”).



A copy of the approval of the Group Finance Director of the Company dated 21 February 2017, certified a true copy by Anita Erling.



A copy of the power of attorney granted by the Company dated 19 June 2017, in favour of each of Miray Muminoglu, Timothy Allen, Stuart Frith and Daniel David.




A copy of the approval of the Group Finance Director of the Company dated 20 February 2018, certified a true copy by Sophie Lukaszewski.



A copy of the extracts from the minutes of a meeting of the board of directors of the Company held on 28 March 2018, certified a true copy by Gemma Tremlett (the “2018 Resolutions”).



A copy of the power of attorney granted by the Company dated 15 June 2018, in favour of each of Miray Muminoglu, Timothy Allen, Stuart Frith and Daniel David.



A copy of the power of attorney granted by the Company dated 30 March 2020, in favour of Miray Muminoglu and Stuart Frith.



A copy of the approval of the Group Finance Director of the Company dated 24 February 2021, certified a true copy by Sophie Lukaszewski.



A copy of the addendum to the approval of the Group Finance Director of the Company dated 1 March 2022, certified a true copy by Renu Badiani.



A copy of the power of attorney granted by the Company dated 12 October 2022, in favour of Daniel Fairclough, Stuart Frith and Suzanna Harding.



A copy of the power of attorney granted by the Company dated 23 November 2022, in favour of Daniel Fairclough, Stuart Frith, Suzanna Harding and Nathan James.



A copy of the addendum to the approval of the Group Finance Director of the Company dated 27 April 2023, certified a true copy by Luisa Franciss Galliez.



A copy of the power of attorney granted by the Company dated 15 November 2023, in favour of Daniel Fairclough, Stuart Frith, Suzanna White and Nathan James.



A copy of the approval of the Group Finance Director of the Company dated 26 February 2024, certified a true copy by Luisa Franciss Galliez.






A search was conducted with the Registrar of Companies in respect of the Company on 1 March 2024.




An enquiry by telephone was made at the Central Registry of Winding Up Petitions at the Insolvency and Companies List in London at 10:12 a.m. on 1 March 2024 with respect to the Company.










All signatures (including any electronic signatures), stamps and seals are genuine, all original documents are authentic, all deeds and counterparts were executed in single physical form and all copy documents supplied to us as photocopies or in portable document format (PDF) or other electronic form are genuine, accurate, complete and conform to the originals.



The copies of the certificate of incorporation, certificate of incorporation on change of name, certificate of re-registration and articles of association of the Company provided to us are accurate and complete as of the date of this Opinion and the member(s) of the Company have not given any directions or passed any resolutions that would affect the matters addressed in this Opinion.



The person whose name and signature appears in the signature block of the Issue Documents is the person who signed the Issue Documents.

Where, for the purposes of paragraphs 1(a) and 1(c) of this Schedule 2:



sign” or “signed” means, in relation to the Issue Documents executed with an electronic signature, the process by which the signatory has applied such electronic signature to the Issue Documents; and



electronic signature” means the signature in electronic form applied to the Issue Documents that is intended by the signatory to take effect as their signature including, without limitation, an image of the signatory’s handwritten signature, the typed name of the signatory, a signature generated by the signatory with a stylus on a touch pad or screen and any signature created by the signatory in accordance with the processes of an electronic signing platform.






In resolving to sign the Registration Statement or any prospectus supplement and enter into or sign any documents issued in connection therewith, including the Issue Documents, the Group Finance Director and the Board of Directors of the Company acted (and when electing to issue any Securities (constituted by the Issue Documents) or Shares, will act) in good faith to promote the success of the Company for the benefit of its members and in accordance with any other duty.




Each director of the Company has disclosed any interest which he or she may have in the transactions contemplated in the Registration Statement and the Issue Documents in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006 and the Company’s articles of association and none of the directors has any interest in such transactions except to the extent permitted by the Company’s articles of association.



The 2016 Resolutions and the 2018 Resolutions were duly passed at properly constituted and quorate meetings of duly appointed directors of the Company and have not been amended or rescinded and are in full force and effect.



Each approval by the Group Finance Director of the Company referred to in Schedule 1 (Documents and Enquiries) has not been amended or rescinded and is in full force and effect.



The extracts from the minutes referred to in Schedule 1 (Documents and Enquiries) are true records of the proceedings at the meetings of the board of directors of the Company.



The entry into and execution of the Issue Documents is duly authorised by the Company in accordance with the resolutions referred to in Schedule 1 (Documents and Enquiries).



The person, if other than the person whose signature it purports to be, who attached any electronic signature to any of the documents listed in Schedule 1 (Documents and Enquiries) on behalf of another person, had the authority of the latter person to do so.



Any relevant power of attorney granted by the Company referred to in Schedule 1 (Documents and Enquiries) had not been revoked and was in full force and effect at the time of execution of the relevant Issue Document, as applicable.




Each party (other than the Company) to the Issue Documents has the capacity, power and authority to enter into and to exercise its rights and to perform its obligations under the Issue Documents.





The Issue Documents are duly executed and delivered by each party thereto and (in the case of the Company), are executed by a person duly authorised pursuant to the relevant approvals and powers of attorney referred to in Schedule 1 (Documents and Enquiries).






The obligations expressed to be assumed by the parties to the Issue Documents constitute their legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligations under the laws of the State of New York (other than Section 5.01(h) of the Senior Debt Securities Indenture, Sections 5.04(d) and 12.01 of the Dated Subordinated Debt Securities Indenture and Sections 5.04(d) and 12.01 of the Contingent Capital Securities Indenture) and words and phrases used in the Issue Documents have the same meaning and effect as they would if the Issue Documents were governed by English law.



The submission to the jurisdiction of any federal or state court in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York by the Company contained in the Issue Documents is legal, valid and binding under the laws of the State of New York.



The choice of the laws of the State of New York to govern the Issue Documents is a valid choice under the laws of the State of New York.




Save for those listed in Schedule 1 (Documents and Enquiries), there is no other agreement, instrument, other arrangement or relationship between any of the parties to the Issue Documents which modifies, supersedes or conflicts with any of the Issue Documents.




The Company is resident only in the United Kingdom for United Kingdom tax purposes.




There has been no alteration in the status or condition of the Company as disclosed by the searches and enquiries referred to in Schedule 1 (Documents and Enquiries). However, it is our experience that the searches and enquiries referred to in paragraphs 2(a) and 2(b) in Schedule 1 (Documents and Enquiries) may be unreliable. In particular,



they are not conclusively capable of disclosing whether or not insolvency proceedings have been commenced in England, nor do they indicate whether or not insolvency proceedings have begun elsewhere.




All acts, conditions or things required to be fulfilled, performed or effected in connection with the Issue Documents, the Securities and the Shares under the laws of any jurisdiction other than England have been duly fulfilled, performed and effected.








In this Opinion “enforceable” means that an obligation is of a type which the English courts may enforce. It does not mean that those obligations will be enforced in all circumstances in accordance with the terms of the Securities and the Issue Documents. In particular:



paragraphs 2.3 (Legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligations) and 2.4 (Subordination) of this Opinion are subject to any limitations arising from (i) insolvency, liquidation, bankruptcy, administration, moratorium, reorganisation and similar laws, (ii) any reconstruction, arrangement or compromise and (iii) any other laws relating to or affecting the rights of creditors or any class of creditors;



the power of an English court to order specific performance of an obligation or any other equitable remedy is discretionary and, accordingly, an English court might make an award of damages where specific performance of an obligation or any other equitable remedy is sought;



where any person is vested with a discretion or may determine a matter in its opinion, that person may be required to exercise its discretion in good faith, reasonably and for a proper purpose, and to form its opinion in good faith and on reasonable grounds;



enforcement may be limited by the provisions of English law applicable to an agreement held to have been frustrated by events happening after its execution;



proceedings to enforce a claim may become barred under the Limitation Act 1980 or the Foreign Limitation Periods Act 1984 or may be or become subject to a defence of set-off or counterclaim;



a party to a contract may be able to avoid its obligations under that contract (and may have other remedies) where it has been induced to enter into that contract by a misrepresentation or where there has been any bribe or other corrupt or illegal conduct and the English courts will generally not enforce an obligation if there has been fraud; and




any provision to the effect that any calculation, determination or certification is to be conclusive and binding may not be effective if such calculation, determination or certification is fraudulent, arbitrary or manifestly incorrect and an English court may regard any certification, determination or calculation as no more than prima facie evidence.






The English courts may refuse to apply a provision of the laws of the State of New York if application of that provision of the laws of the State of New York would be manifestly incompatible with English public policy.



The parties’ choice of the laws of the State of New York as the governing law of the Issue Documents and the Securities does not restrict the English courts from applying the overriding mandatory provisions of English law.



We express no opinion on the binding effect of the choice of law provisions in the Issue Documents and the Securities insofar as they relate to non-contractual obligations arising from or in connection with the Issue Documents and the Securities.




If any proceedings are brought in the English courts by the Company, in some circumstances, those courts may accept jurisdiction, notwithstanding the provisions of the Issue Documents providing that any state or federal court in the City and State of New York or in the Borough of Manhattan, the City of New York, as applicable, has jurisdiction in relation thereto.






There are no reciprocal arrangements in force between the United States of America and the United Kingdom for the recognition or enforcement of judgments. Accordingly, a judgment by any state or federal court in the City and State of New York is not enforceable directly in England but may be recognised and enforced by the English courts according to common law principles. A judgment by those courts will not be enforced by the English courts if:



the proceedings in which the judgment was given were opposed to natural justice;



the judgment was obtained by fraud;




the enforcement of the judgment would be contrary to English public policy;



an order has been made and remains effective under section 9 of the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1933 applying that section to judgments of those courts;



before the date on which those courts gave judgment, the matter in dispute had been the subject of a final judgment of another court having jurisdiction whose judgment is enforceable in England;



the judgment is for multiple damages within the meaning of section 5(3) of the Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980;



the judgment is based on a rule of law specified by the Secretary of State under section 5(4) of the Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980 as concerned with the prohibition of restrictive trade practices;



the judgment is on a claim for contribution in respect of damages awarded by a judgment falling within (vi) or (vii) above;



the judgment is based on foreign measures which the Secretary of State specifies as regulating and controlling international trade and which, in so far as they apply to persons carrying on business in the United Kingdom, are damaging or threaten to damage the trading interests of the United Kingdom; or



the bringing of proceedings in those courts was contrary to an agreement under which the dispute in question was to be settled otherwise than by proceedings in those courts.



If the English court gives judgment for the sum payable under a judgment of the state or federal courts in the City and State of New York, the English judgment would be enforceable by the methods generally available for the enforcement of English judgments. These give the court a discretion whether to allow enforcement by any particular method, taking into account all relevant circumstances. In addition, it may not be possible to obtain an English judgment or the court may not exercise its discretion to enforce any English judgment if the judgment debtor is subject to any insolvency or similar proceedings, if there is a delay, if an appeal is pending or anticipated against the English judgment in England or against the foreign judgment in the state or federal courts in the City and State of New York or if the judgment debtor has any set-off or counterclaim against the judgment creditor.





If any obligation arising under the Issue Documents or the Securities is or is to be performed in a jurisdiction outside England, it may not be enforceable in the English courts to the extent that performance would be illegal or contrary to public policy under the laws of the other jurisdiction. Further, an English court may give effect to any overriding mandatory provisions of the law of the place of performance insofar as they render the performance unlawful or otherwise take into account the law of the place of performance in relation to the manner of performance and to the steps to be taken in the event of defective performance.






Any provision of the Securities or the Issue Documents requiring any person to pay amounts imposed in circumstances of breach or default may be held to be unenforceable on the grounds that it is a penalty. If the Issue Documents or the Securities do not provide a contractual remedy for late payment of any amount payable thereunder that is a substantial remedy within the meaning of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 as amended the person entitled to that amount may have a right to statutory interest (and to payment of certain fixed sums) in respect of that late payment at the rate (and in the amount) from time to time prescribed pursuant to that Act. Any term of the Issue Documents or the Securities may be void to the extent that it excludes or varies that right to statutory interest, or purports to confer a contractual right to interest that is not a substantial remedy for late payment of that amount, within the meaning of that Act. We express no opinion as to whether any such provisions in the Issue Documents or the Securities do in fact constitute a “substantial remedy” in compliance with the conditions set out in Section 9 of such Act.



There is some possibility that an English court would hold that a judgment on the Issue Documents or the Securities, whether given in an English court or elsewhere, would supersede the Issue Documents or the Securities, so that any obligations relating to the payment of interest after judgment would not be held to survive the judgment.



Any undertaking or indemnity in relation to stamp duties may be void under the provisions of Section 117 of the Stamp Act 1891.




An English court may in its discretion decline to give effect to any provision for the payment of legal costs incurred by a litigant.




The opinions set out in this Opinion are subject to any limitations arising from any measures taken pursuant to the stabilisation powers under the special resolution regime under the Banking Act 2009 (as amended).






The effectiveness of any provision of any agreement or instrument which allows an invalid provision to be severed in order to save the remainder of its provisions will be determined by the English courts in their discretion.



In some circumstances an English court may terminate or suspend proceedings commenced before it and an English court may be prevented from adjudicating upon a particular claim or issue if this would be inconsistent with the judgment of a foreign court binding upon the parties, being a judgment entitled to recognition in England and Wales.



Any provision in the Issue Documents or the Securities which confers, purports to confer or waives a right of set-off or similar right may be ineffective against a liquidator or creditor.



The opinions expressed in this Opinion are subject to the effects of any United Kingdom sanctions or other similar measures implemented by or effective in the United Kingdom with respect to any person to whom such sanctions or other similar measures apply or is otherwise the target of any such sanctions or other similar measures.



The confirmation provided in paragraph 2.5 (Taxation Statements in the Registration Statement) is subject to the following specific reservations:



We give no confirmation as to any section of the Registration Statement other than the confirmation set out in paragraph 2.5 (Taxation Statements in the Registration Statement); and



The confirmation is given solely on the basis set out in paragraph 2.5 (Taxation Statements in the Registration Statement) and in particular is limited to matters governed by English law, the tax law of the United Kingdom and HMRC’s published practice in force or applied in the United Kingdom as at today’s date.




No opinion is given as to the title to the Shares including, but without limitation, as to whether the legal and beneficial ownership of the Shares is vested in any particular person.



The Opinion in paragraph 2.2(Share Capital) does not extend to any issue of Shares upon conversion of any Contingent Capital Securities.



We give no confirmation as to any section of the Registration Statement other than the confirmation set out in paragraph 2.5 (Taxation Statements in the Registration Statement).



The confirmation is given solely on the basis set out in paragraph 2.5 (Taxation Statements in the Registration Statement) and in particular takes into account the disclaimers and qualifications which are applied to those statements in the Registration Statement and is limited to matters governed by English law, the tax law of the United Kingdom and HMRC’s published practice in force or applied in the United Kingdom as at today’s date.

