WASHINGTON, D.C.   20549


Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a - 16 or 15d - 16 of

the Securities Exchange Act of 1934



For the month of: July, 2014


Commission File Number: 1-12384




(Name of registrant)



150 – 6th Avenue S.W.

P.O. Box 2844

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


























July 31, 2014



Shawn Poirier




 Shawn Poirier

 Assistant Corporate








Description of Exhibit






By-Law #1 of Suncor Energy Inc.



By-Law #2 of Suncor Energy Inc.


EX-99.1 2 a14-17906_1ex99d1.htm EX-99.1 BY-LAW 1 OF SUNCOR ENERGY INC




By-Law #1 of Suncor Energy Inc.







By-laws regulating the business and affairs

of the Corporation


(Amended and Restated as of February 28, 2002, February 28, 2007 and July 30, 2014)







(a)       Number of Directors - Subject to any minimum and maximum number of directors specified in the Articles, the number of directors to be elected at any meeting of shareholders shall be the number of directors then in office, or such other number as has been determined from time to time by resolution of the board of directors.


(b)       Committees - The board of directors may appoint from among their numbers one or more committees of directors, however designated, and subject to the Canada Business Corporations Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder, all as amended from time to time (the “Act”), may delegate to such committee or committees any of the powers of the directors.  The board of directors shall appoint a chairman of each such committee to serve at the pleasure of the board.  Subject to the Act and By-laws, and unless otherwise determined by resolution of the board of directors, a majority of the members of a committee shall constitute a quorum for meetings of committees, and in all other respects, each such committee shall have the power to determine its own rules of procedure.




(a)       Place and Time - Meetings of shareholders of the Corporation shall be held at the registered office of the Corporation or at such other place within Canada on such date and at such time as may be determined from time to time by the board of directors.  To the extent permitted by the Act, meetings of shareholders may be held entirely by means of a telephonic, electronic or other communication facility, including teleconferencing, video conferencing, computer link, webcasting and other similar means.


(b)       Chairman - The Chairman of the Board, if any, or, in his absence or in case of his inability or refusal or failure to act, such other person (other than a person who is an executive officer or employee of the Corporation) as may have been





designated by the Chairman of the Board to exercise such function in his absence, shall preside at meetings of shareholders.  In the absence of all such persons or, in case of their inability or refusal or failure to act, the persons present entitled to vote shall choose another director as chairman and if no director is present, or if all the directors present refuse to act, then the persons entitled to vote shall choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.


(c)       Quorum - At all meetings of shareholders, except meetings at which only holders of one or more classes or one or more series of preferred shares are entitled to vote, it shall be necessary in order to constitute a quorum for two persons entitled to vote at the meeting to be present and for not less than 25 per cent of the outstanding shares of the Corporation which may be voted at the meeting to be represented in person or by proxy or by a duly authorized representative of a shareholder.  At all meetings at which only holders of a particular class or series of preferred shares are entitled to vote, it shall be necessary in order to constitute a quorum for two persons entitled to vote at the meeting to be present.  If a quorum is present at the opening of any meeting of shareholders, the shareholders present or represented may proceed with the business of the meeting notwithstanding that a quorum is not present throughout the meeting.  If a quorum is not present at the opening of any meeting of shareholders, the holders present or represented of a majority of the shares represented at the meeting may adjourn the meeting to a fixed time (at least 24 hours after the time fixed for the meeting) and place, but no other business may be transacted.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, at such adjourned meeting the shareholder or shareholders entitled to vote then present or represented shall constitute a quorum.


(d)       Proxies - A shareholder is entitled to vote in person or by proxy or, if a body corporate or an association, by any individual duly authorized by a resolution of the directors or governing body of the body corporate or association.  To the extent permitted by the Act, the directors may provide for the depositing and tabulation of proxies by telephonic, electronic or other communication means.


(e)       Procedure and Voting at Meetings - The chairman of a meeting of shareholders shall conduct the meeting and shall determine the procedure thereof in all respects.  His decision on all matters or things shall be conclusive and binding upon the meeting.  Except as may be otherwise prescribed by law, a majority of the votes cast shall be sufficient for all purposes and shall be the decision of the meeting.  In case of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall not have a casting vote in addition to the vote or votes to which he is entitled as a shareholder, a proxyholder or a duly authorized representative of a shareholder.  Every matter submitted to a meeting of shareholders for decision shall be decided on a show of hands unless a ballot is required or demanded.  The chairman of the meeting may require, or any shareholder or proxyholder may demand, a ballot on any matter either before or after any vote by a





show of hands.  A demand for a ballot may be withdrawn at any time prior to the taking of the ballot.  A ballot so required or demanded shall be taken in such manner and either at once or after adjournment, as the chairman of the meeting shall direct.  The result of the ballot shall be the decision of the meeting, whether or not a vote by a show of hands shall have been taken previously on the same matter.  Every person entitled to vote at a meeting of shareholders shall have one vote on a show of hands and, subject to the articles of the Corporation, upon a ballot shall be entitled to one vote for each share of the Corporation having such voting right which he holds or represents.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent permitted by the Act, a person entitled to vote at a meeting of shareholders may vote by means of a telephonic, electronic or other communication facility that the Corporation has made available for that purpose.


(f)        Scrutineers - The chairman of a meeting of shareholders may, or if a ballot is to be taken shall, appoint one or more persons who need not be shareholders to act as scrutineers of the meeting or any adjournment thereof.


(g)       Addresses of Shareholders - Every shareholder shall furnish to the Corporation an address to or at which all notices and documents intended for the shareholder shall be sent.  If no address appears in the records of the Corporation, such notice or document may be sent to such address as may be considered to be the most likely to result in the notice or document reaching the shareholder.  The accidental omission to give any notice or document to any shareholder shall not invalidate any action taken at any meeting held pursuant to such notice or otherwise based thereon.


(h)       Shareholder Entitled to Certificate of Acknowledgment – Each shareholder is entitled, without charge, to (a) one share certificate representing the shares of each class or series of shares registered in the shareholder’s name or (b) a non-transferable written acknowledgement of the shareholder’s right to obtain such a share certificate, provided that in respect of a share held jointly by several persons, the Company is not bound to issue more than one share certificate and delivery of a share certificate for a share to one of several joint shareholders or to one of the shareholders’ duly authorized agents will be sufficient delivery to all.




(a)       Place, Time and Notice - Subject to the provisions of any resolution of the board of directors, meetings of the board of directors may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Board, or any two directors, or the President, or in the absence or disability of the President,  any two Vice-Presidents, or by order of the board of directors, and meetings of any committee of the board of directors may be called at any time by the aforesaid persons, or by the chairman of the applicable committee, or by order of the applicable committee.  Notice of the time and place for holding any meeting





of the board of directors or any committee shall be given at least 48 hours prior to the time fixed for the meeting.  Any meeting so called may be held at the registered office of the Corporation or any other place which shall have been fixed by the board of directors or committee, as applicable.


(b)       Chairman - Subject to the provisions of any resolution of the board of directors, the Chairman of the Board, if any, or, in his absence or in case of his inability or refusal or failure to act,  such other director (other than a director who is an executive officer or employee of the Corporation), if any, designated from time to time by the Chairman of the Board to exercise such function in his absence, shall preside at meetings of the board of directors, and the chairman of a committee, if any, or, in case of his absence or inability or refusal or failure to act, that one member of the applicable committee (who is a director other than a director who is an executive officer or employee of the Corporation), if any, designated by the chairman of the committee to exercise such function in his absence, shall preside at meetings of the committee.  If  the Chairman of the Board or committee chairman, as applicable, and such designated director, if any,  be absent or unable or refuse or fail to act, the directors present may choose a chairman from among their number.  The chairman at any meeting of directors or a committee may vote as a director.


(c)       Quorum - A majority of the directors in office shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the board of directors.


(d)       Voting - Questions arising at a meeting of the directors or any committee shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast.  In case of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall not have a casting vote in addition to the vote to which he is entitled as a director.


4.                                   INDEMNIFICATION OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS


(a)       Indemnity - Subject to the limitations contained in the Act, the Corporation shall indemnify a director or officer of the Corporation, a former director or officer of the Corporation,  or a person who acts or acted at the Corporation’s request as a director or officer, or in a similar capacity, of another entity, and his heirs and representatives, against all costs, charges and expenses, including an amount paid to settle an action or satisfy a judgement, reasonably incurred by him in respect of any civil, criminal, administrative, investigative or other proceeding to which he is involved by reason of that association with the Corporation or such other entity, if


(i)           he acted honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Corporation or, as the case may be, to the best interests of the other entity for which he acted as a director or officer or in a





similar capacity at the Corporation’s request; and


(ii)                              in the case of a criminal or administrative action or proceeding that is enforced by a monetary penalty, he had reasonable grounds for believing that his conduct was lawful.


(b)       Insurance - The Corporation may purchase and maintain insurance for the benefit of any person referred to in clause 4(a) hereof against such liability as the board of directors may from time to time determine and as permitted by the Act.


5.         DELEGATION


Without limit to the powers of the board of directors as provided in the Act, but subject to any limitations as provided in the Act, the board of directors may from time to time on behalf of the Corporation delegate to one or more persons whether or not directors or officers of the Corporation all or any of their powers to such extent and in such manner as the board of directors shall determine at the time of each such delegation.




The board of directors may from time to time determine the officers or other persons by whom any particular document or instrument or class of documents or instructions of the Corporation shall be executed and the manner of execution thereof, including the use of facsimile reproduction of any or all signatures and the use of the corporate seal or a facsimile reproduction thereof.


7.         NOTICES


(a)       Method of Giving Notices - Subject to the Act, any notice (which term includes any communication or other document) to be given (which term includes sent, delivered or served) pursuant to the Act the Articles, the by-laws or otherwise to a shareholder, director, officer or auditor may be given and, if so given, shall be sufficiently given if delivered personally to the person to whom it is to be given or if delivered to his recorded address or if mailed to him at his recorded address by prepaid ordinary mail (except in the event of an actual or threatened stoppage or slow-down in mail delivery, in which case an alternate method of giving notice shall be used) or if sent to him at his recorded address (which term shall include his recorded facsimile number or electronic mail address) by means of any prepaid transmitted or recorded communication, including by means of telecopy, facsimile or otherwise by electronic means.  A notice so delivered shall be deemed to have been given and received when it is delivered personally or to the recorded address as aforesaid; a notice so mailed shall





be deemed to have been given when deposited in a post office or public letter box and shall be deemed to have been received at the time it would be delivered in the ordinary course of mail, unless there are reasonable grounds for believing that the person to whom it is delivered or mailed did not receive the document within that time or at all.  A notice so sent by any means of transmitted or recorded communication shall be deemed to have been given when dispatched or transmitted by or on behalf of the Corporation, and shall be deemed to have been received at the same time, unless there are reasonable grounds for believing that the person to whom it is sent did not receive the notice within that time or at all.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, any notice so delivered (other than by prepaid ordinary mail), dispatched or transmitted to the recorded address after 5:00 p.m. local time at the place of delivery or on a Saturday, Sunday or banking holiday (a “non-business day”) at the place of delivery, shall be deemed to have been received at 8:00 a.m. local time on the first day thereafter that is not a non-business day.  The secretary may change or cause to be changed the recorded address of any shareholder, director, officer or auditor in accordance with any information believed by him to be reliable.  Nothing in this section shall be construed as precluding the giving of notice by the Corporation in any other manner.


(b)       Notice to Joint Shareholders - If two or more persons are registered as joint holders of any share, any notice shall be addressed to all of such joint holders, but notice to one of such persons shall be sufficient notice to all of them.


(c)       Omissions and Errors - The accidental omission to give any notice to any shareholder, director, officer or auditor or the non-receipt of any notice by any such person or any error in any notice not affecting the substance thereof shall not invalidate any action taken at any meeting held pursuant to such notice or otherwise founded thereon.


(d)       Persons Entitled by Death or Operation of Law - Every person who, by operation of law, transfer, death of a shareholder or any other means whatsoever, shall become entitled to any share shall be bound by every notice in respect of such share which shall have been duly given to the shareholder from whom he derives his title to such share prior to his name and address being entered on the securities register (whether such notice was given before or after the happening of the event upon which he became so entitled) and prior to his furnishing to the Corporation the proof of authority or evidence of his entitlement prescribed by the Act.




In this by-law, words importing the singular number include the plural and vice versa; words importing the masculine gender include the feminine gender; and words importing persons include individuals, corporations, partnerships, trusts and





unincorporated organizations.




ADOPTED by the Board of Directors on the 30th day of July 2014.





Steve Williams


President & Chief Executive Officer






Janice Odegaard


Corporate Secretary


EX-99.2 3 a14-17906_1ex99d2.htm EX-99.2 BY-LAW 2 OF SUNCOR ENERGY INC




By-law #2 of Suncor Energy Inc.




(the “Corporation”)




A By-law Relating to Advance Notice of Nominations of Directors

of the Corporation


(Dated as of July 30, 2014)





1.                                   INTRODUCTION


The Corporation is committed to: (i) facilitating an orderly and efficient annual or, where the need arises, special, meeting process; (ii) ensuring that all shareholders receive adequate notice of director nominations and sufficient information with respect to all nominees; (iii) allowing the Corporation and shareholders to evaluate each nominee’s qualifications and suitability as a director of the Corporation; and (iv) allowing shareholders to cast an informed vote.


The purpose of this By-law No. 2 of the Corporation (the “By-law”) is to provide shareholders, directors and management of the Corporation with guidance on the nomination of directors. This By-law is the framework by which the Corporation seeks to fix a deadline by which holders of record of shares of the Corporation carrying the right to vote must submit director nominations to the Corporation prior to any annual or special meeting of shareholders and sets forth the information that a shareholder must include in the notice to the Corporation for the notice to be in proper written form.


It is the belief of the Corporation and the Board that this By-law is beneficial to the Corporation, shareholders and other stakeholders.  This By-law will be subject to periodic review and, subject to the Act, will reflect changes as required by securities regulatory agencies or stock exchanges and, at the discretion of the Board, amendments necessary to meet evolving industry standards.


2.                                   ADVANCE NOTICE OF NOMINATIONS OF DIRECTORS


(a)                             Nomination ProceduresSubject only to the Act, Applicable Securities Laws and the articles of the Corporation, only persons who are nominated in accordance with the following procedures shall be eligible for election as directors of the Corporation.  Nominations of persons for election to the Board may be made at any annual meeting of shareholders, or at any special meeting of shareholders if the election of directors is a matter specified in the notice of meeting,


(i)                                  by or at the direction of the Board, including pursuant to a notice of meeting;



(ii)                              by or at the direction or request of one or more shareholders pursuant to a proposal made in accordance with the provisions of the Act, or a requisition of a shareholders’ meeting by one or more of the shareholders made in accordance with the provisions of the Act; or


(iii)                          by any person (a “Nominating Shareholder”) who:


(A)                           at the close of business on the date of the giving of the notice provided for in this By-law and on the record date for notice of such meeting, is entered in the securities register as a holder of one or more shares carrying the right to vote at such meeting or who has beneficial ownership of shares pursuant to the Act that are entitled to be voted at such meeting and provides evidence of such beneficial ownership to the Corporation, and


(B)                           complies with the notice procedures set forth below in this By-law.


(b)                            Nominations for ElectionFor the avoidance of doubt, the procedures set forth in this By-law shall be the exclusive means for any person to bring nominations for election to the Board before any annual or special meeting of shareholders of the Corporation.


(c)                             Timely noticeIn addition to any other applicable requirements, for a nomination to be made by a Nominating Shareholder, the Nominating Shareholder must have given timely notice thereof in proper written form to the Corporate Secretary in accordance with this By-law.


(d)                            Manner of timely noticeTo be timely, a Nominating Shareholder’s notice must be given:


(i)                                in the case of an annual meeting (including an annual and special meeting) of shareholders, not less than 30 days nor more than 65 days prior to the date of the meeting; provided, however, that in the event that the meeting is to be held on a date that is less than 50 days after the date (the “Notice Date”) on which the first public announcement of the date of the meeting was made, notice by the Nominating Shareholder shall be made not later than the close of business on the 10th day following the Notice Date; and


(ii)                            in the case of a special meeting (which is not also an annual meeting) of shareholders called for the purpose of electing directors (whether or not also called for other purposes), not later than the



close of business on the 15th day following the day on which the first public announcement of the date of the meeting was made.


(e)                             Proper form of noticeTo be in proper written form, a Nominating Shareholder’s notice must set forth or be accompanied by, as applicable:


(i)                                  as to each person whom the Nominating Shareholder proposes to nominate for election as a director (a “Proposed Nominee”):


(A)                         the name, age and business and residential address of the Proposed Nominee;


(B)                       the principal occupation, business or employment of the Proposed Nominee, both present and within the five years preceding the notice;


(C)                          whether the Proposed Nominee is a resident Canadian within the meaning of the Act;


(D)                          whether the Proposed Nominee is a citizen and/or resident of the United States;


(E)                       the number of securities of each class of voting securities of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries beneficially owned, or controlled or directed, directly or indirectly, by the Proposed Nominee, as of the record date for the meeting of shareholders (if such date shall then have been made publicly available and shall have occurred) and as of the date of such notice;


(F)        a description of any relationship, agreement, arrangement or understanding (financial, compensation or indemnity related or otherwise) between the Nominating Shareholder and the Proposed Nominee, or any Affiliates or Associates of, or any person or entity acting jointly or in concert with the Nominating Shareholder or the Proposed Nominee, in connection with the Proposed Nominee’s nomination and election as a director;


(G)                      whether the Proposed Nominee is party to any existing or proposed relationship, agreement, arrangement or understanding with any competitor of the Corporation or any other third party which may give rise to a real or perceived conflict of interest between the interests of the Corporation and the interests of the Proposed Nominee; and



(H)                        any other information relating to the Proposed Nominee that would be required to be disclosed in a dissident’s proxy circular in connection with solicitations of proxies for election of directors pursuant to the Act or any Applicable Securities Laws;


(ii)                              as to the Nominating Shareholder:


(A)                           their name, business and residential address;


(B)                      the number of securities of each class of voting securities of the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries beneficially owned, or controlled or directed, directly or indirectly, by such person or any other person with whom such person is acting jointly or in concert with respect to the Corporation or any of its securities, as of the record date for the meeting (if such date shall then have been made publicly available and shall have occurred) and as of the date of such notice;


(C)                          their interests in, or rights or obligations associated with, any agreements, arrangements or understandings, the purpose or effect of which is to alter, directly or indirectly, the person’s economic interest in a security of the Corporation or the person’s economic exposure to the Corporation;


(D)                        full particulars regarding any proxy, contract, arrangement, agreement, understanding or relationship pursuant to which such person, or any of its Affiliates or Associates, has any interests, rights or obligations relating to the voting of any securities of the Corporation or the nomination of directors to the Board;


(E)                         full particulars of any direct or indirect interest of such person in any contract with the Corporation or with any of the Corporation’s Affiliates;


(F)                          whether such person is party to any existing or proposed relationship, agreement, arrangement or understanding with any competitor of the Corporation or any other third party which may give rise to a real or perceived conflict of interest between the interests of the Corporation and the interests of such person;


(G)                        whether such person intends to deliver a proxy circular and/or form of proxy to any shareholder of the Corporation in connection with such nomination or otherwise solicit proxies



or votes from shareholders of the Corporation in support of such nomination; and


(H)                          any other information relating to such person that would be required to be made in a dissident’s proxy circular in connection with solicitations of proxies for election of directors pursuant to the Act or any Applicable Securities Laws; and


(iii)                          a written consent duly signed by each Proposed Nominee to being named as a nominee for election to the Board and to serve as a director of the Corporation, if elected.


References to “Nominating Shareholder” in this section 2(e) shall be deemed to refer to each shareholder that nominates or seeks to nominate a person for election as director in the case of a nomination proposal where more than one shareholder is involved in making such nomination proposal.


(f)                                 Other InformationThe Corporation may require any Proposed Nominee to furnish such other information as may reasonably be required by the Corporation to determine the eligibility of such Proposed Nominee to serve as an independent director of the Corporation or that would reasonably be expected to be material to a reasonable shareholder’s understanding of the independence and/or qualifications, or lack thereof, of such Proposed Nominee.


(g)                            Notice to be updated In addition, to be considered timely and in proper written form, a Nominating Shareholder’s notice shall be promptly updated and supplemented, if necessary, so that the information provided or required to be provided in such notice shall be true and correct as of the record date for the meeting.


(h)                            Power of the chair The chair of the meeting shall have the power and duty to determine whether a nomination was made in accordance with the procedures set forth in the foregoing provisions and, if any proposed nomination is not in compliance with such foregoing provisions, to declare that such defective nomination shall be disregarded.


(i)                                  Delivery of noticeNotwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, notice given to the Corporate Secretary pursuant to this By-law may only be given by personal delivery, facsimile transmission or by e-mail (provided that the Corporate Secretary has stipulated an e-mail address for purposes of this notice), and shall be deemed to have been given and made only at the time it is served by personal delivery, e-mail (at the address as aforesaid) or sent by facsimile transmission (provided that receipt of the confirmation of such transmission has been received) to the Corporate Secretary of the Corporation at the address of the principal executive offices of the Corporation; provided that if such delivery or electronic communication is made on a



day which is not a business day or later than 5:00 p.m. (Calgary time) on a day which is a business day, then such delivery or electronic communication shall be deemed to have been made on the subsequent day that is a business day.


(j)                                 Increase in number of directors to be elected Notwithstanding any provisions in this By-law to the contrary, in the event that the number of directors to be elected at a meeting is increased effective after the time period for which the Nominating Shareholder’s notice would otherwise be due under this section, a notice with respect to nominees for the additional directorships required by this section shall be considered timely if it shall be given not later than the close of business on the 10th day following the day on which the first public announcement of such increase was made by the Corporation.


(k)                             Discussion of mattersNothing in this By-Law shall be deemed to preclude discussion by a shareholder (as distinct from the nomination of directors) at a meeting of shareholders of any matter in respect of which it would have been entitled to submit a proposal pursuant to the provisions of the Act.


(l)                                  Board DiscretionNotwithstanding the foregoing, the Board may, in its sole discretion, waive any requirement in this By-law.


(m)                        DefinitionsFor purposes of this By-law,


(i)                                  Act” means the Canada Business Corporations Act, or any statute that may be substituted therefor, as from time to time amended;


(ii)                              Affiliate”, when used to indicate a relationship with a specific person, shall mean a person that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, such specified person;


(iii)                          Applicable Securities Laws” means the applicable securities legislation of each relevant province and territory of Canada, as amended from time to time, the written rules, regulations and forms made or promulgated under any such statute and the published national instruments, multilateral instruments, policies, bulletins and notices of the securities commissions and similar regulatory authorities of each province and territory of Canada;


(iv)                          Associate”, when used to indicate a relationship with a specified person, shall mean:


(A)                        any body corporate or trust of which such person beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, voting securities carrying more than 10% of the voting rights attached to all voting securities



of such body corporate or trust for the time being outstanding;


(B)                           any partner of that person;


(C)                       any trust or estate in which such person has a substantial beneficial interest or as to which such person serves as trustee or in a similar capacity;


(D)                          a spouse of such specified person;


(E)                        any person of either sex with whom such specified person is living in conjugal relationship outside marriage; or


(F)                            any relative of such specified person or of a person mentioned in clauses (iv) or (v) of this definition if that relative has the same residence as the specified person;


(v)                              beneficially owns” or “beneficially owned” means, in connection with the ownership of shares in the capital of the Corporation by a person, (i) any such shares as to which such person or any of such person’s Affiliates or Associates owns at law or in equity, or has the right to acquire or become the owner at law or in equity, where such right is exercisable immediately or after the passage of time and whether or not on condition or the happening of any contingency or the making of any payment, upon the exercise of any conversion right, exchange right or purchase right attaching to any securities, or pursuant to any agreement, arrangement, pledge or understanding whether or not in writing; (ii) any such shares as to which such person or any of such person’s Affiliates or Associates has the right to vote, or the right to direct the voting, where such right is exercisable immediately or after the passage of time and whether or not on condition or the happening of any contingency or the making of any payment, pursuant to any agreement, arrangement, pledge or understanding whether or not in writing; (iii) any such shares which are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by a Counterparty (or any of such Counterparty’s Affiliates or Associates) under any Derivatives Contract (without regard to any short or similar position under the same or any other Derivatives Contract) to which such person or any of such person’s Affiliates or Associates is a Receiving Party; provided, however that the number of shares that a person beneficially owns pursuant to this clause (iii) in connection with a particular Derivatives Contract shall not exceed the number of Notional Securities with respect to such Derivatives Contract; provided, further, that the number of securities owned beneficially



by each Counterparty (including their respective Affiliates and Associates) under a Derivatives Contract shall for purposes of this clause be deemed to include all securities that are owned beneficially, directly or indirectly, by any other Counterparty (or any of such other Counterparty’s Affiliates or Associates) under any Derivatives Contract to which such first Counterparty (or any of such first Counterparty’s Affiliates or Associates) is a Receiving Party and this proviso shall be applied to successive Counterparties as appropriate; and (iv) any such shares which are owned beneficially within the meaning of this definition by any other person with whom such person is acting jointly or in concert with respect to the Corporation or any of its securities;


(vi)                          Board” means the board of directors of the Corporation;


(vii)                      Corporate Secretary” means the corporate secretary of the Corporation or, if there is no corporate secretary, the person who acts in a similar capacity;


(viii)                  close of business” means 5:00 p.m. (Calgary time) on a business day in Alberta, Canada;


(ix)         Derivatives Contract” shall mean a contract between two parties (the “Receiving Party” and the “Counterparty”) that is designed to expose the Receiving Party to economic benefits and risks that correspond substantially to the ownership by the Receiving Party of a number of shares in the capital of the Corporation or securities convertible into such shares specified or referenced in such contract (the number corresponding to such economic benefits and risks, the “Notional Securities”), regardless of whether obligations under such contract are required or permitted to be settled through the delivery of cash, shares in the capital of the Corporation or securities convertible into such shares or other property, without regard to any short position under the same or any other Derivatives Contract. For the avoidance of doubt, interests in broad-based index options, broad-based index futures and broad-based publicly traded market baskets of stocks approved for trading by the appropriate governmental authority shall not be deemed to be Derivatives Contracts; and


(x)                              public announcement” shall mean disclosure in a press release reported by a national news service in Canada, or in a document publicly filed by the Corporation under its profile on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval at www.sedar.com.



3.                                   EFFECTIVE DATE


(a)                             Effective Date - This by-law shall come into force when made by the Board in accordance with the Act.



ADOPTED by the Board the 30th day of July, 2014.





Steve Williams


President & Chief Executive Officer






Janice Odegaard


Corporate Secretary