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Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements for the first quarter ended March 31, 2013

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

    Three months ended March 31    

($ millions)

    2013     2012    

          (restated – note 3)    

Revenues and Other Income


Operating revenues, net of royalties (note 4)

    9 843     9 639    

Other income (note 5)

    173     116    

    10 016     9 755    



Purchases of crude oil and products

    4 059     4 000    

Operating, selling and general

    2 271     2 442    


    160     156    

Depreciation, depletion, amortization and impairment

    999     947    


    130     45    

Gain on disposal of assets

        (31 )  

Project start-up costs

    1     1    

Voyageur upgrader project charges (note 12)


Financing expenses (income) (note 8)

    329     (63 )  

    8 125     7 497    

Earnings before Income Taxes

    1 891     2 258    

Income Taxes



    540     497    


    257     315    

    797     812    

Net Earnings

    1 094     1 446    

Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)


Foreign currency translation adjustment

    19     (50 )  

Actuarial gain on employee retirement benefit plans, net of income taxes of $20 (2012 – $12)

    57     2    

Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)

    76     (48 )  

Total Comprehensive Income

1 170
1 398

Per Common Share (dollars) (notes 3 and 9)


Net earnings – basic

    0.72     0.93    

Net earnings – diluted

    0.71     0.92    

Cash dividends

    0.13     0.11    

See accompanying notes to the interim consolidated financial statements.

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Consolidated Balance Sheets

($ millions)

    Mar 31
    Dec 31
    Jan 1

          (restated – note 3)     (restated – note 3)    



Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents

    4 591     4 385     3 781    

Accounts receivable

    5 536     5 201     5 383    


    4 037     3 697     4 169    

Income taxes receivable

    824     799     704    

Total current assets

    14 988     14 082     14 037    

Assets classified as held for sale (note 13)

1 640

Property, plant and equipment, net

54 449
55 434
52 563

Exploration and evaluation

    3 281     3 284     4 554    

Other assets

    424     419     413    

Goodwill and other intangible assets

    3 101     3 104     3 114    

Deferred income taxes

    74     78     60    

Total assets

    77 957     76 401     74 741    

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity


Current liabilities


Short-term debt

    965     775     761    

Current portion of long-term debt

    332     311     12    

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

    7 041     6 446     7 742    

Current portion of provisions (note 10)

    1 246     856     811    

Income taxes payable

    1 332     1 165     964    

Total current liabilities

    10 916     9 553     10 290    

Liabilities classified as held for sale (note 13)


Long-term debt

10 080
9 938
10 004

Other long-term liabilities

    2 173     2 319     2 402    

Provisions (note 10)

    3 911     4 932     3 751    

Deferred income taxes

    10 155     10 444     9 702    

Shareholders' equity

    39 796     39 215     38 592    

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity

    77 957     76 401     74 741    

See accompanying notes to the interim consolidated financial statements.

             Suncor Energy Inc.
054    2013 First Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

    Three months ended March 31    

($ millions)

    2013     2012    

          (restated – note 3)    

Operating Activities


Net earnings

    1 094     1 446    

Adjustments for:


Depreciation, depletion, amortization and impairment

    999     947    

Deferred income taxes

    257     315    


    48     46    

Unrealized foreign exchange loss (gain) on U.S. dollar denominated long-term debt

    168     (146 )  

Change in fair value of derivative contracts

    60     (39 )  

Gain on disposal of assets

        (31 )  

Share-based compensation

    (117 )   45    



Settlement of decommissioning and restoration liabilities

    (187 )   (166 )  


    (75 )   (2 )  

Decrease in non-cash working capital

    290     72    

Cash flow provided by operating activities

    2 574     2 487    

Investing Activities


Capital and exploration expenditures

    (1 485 )   (1 478 )  


    (515 )      

Proceeds from disposal of assets

    4     37    

Other investments

    (4 )      

(Increase) decrease in non-cash working capital

    (2 )   87    

Cash flow used in investing activities

    (2 002 )   (1 354 )  

Financing Activities


Net change in short-term debt

    190     (14 )  

Net change in long-term debt

    (4 )   (5 )  

Issuance of common shares under share option plans

    41     99    

Purchase of common shares for cancellation, net of option premiums (note 7)

    (405 )   (183 )  

Dividends paid on common shares

    (197 )   (167 )  

Cash flow used in financing activities

    (375 )   (270 )  

Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents


Effect of foreign exchange on cash and cash equivalents

    9     (5 )  

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period

    4 385     3 781    

Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period

    4 591     4 639    

Supplementary Cash Flow Information


Interest paid

    73     64    

Income taxes paid

    557     368    

See accompanying notes to the interim consolidated financial statements.

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Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity

($ millions)

(restated –
note 3)
    Number of



At December 31, 2011

    20 303     545     (207 )   14     17 937     38 592     1 558 636    



Net earnings

                    1 446     1 446        

Foreign currency translation adjustment

            (50 )           (50 )      

Actuarial gain on employee retirement benefit plans

                    2     2        



Total comprehensive income

            (50 )       1 448     1 398        

Issued under share option plans

    145     (31 )               114     5 428    

Issued under dividend reinvestment plan

    6                 (6 )       162    

Purchase of common shares for cancellation

    (71 )               (112 )   (183 )   (5 466 )  

Liability for share purchase commitment

    (44 )               (66 )   (110 )      

Share-based compensation

        40                 40        

Dividends paid on common shares

                    (167 )   (167 )      



At March 31, 2012

    20 339     554     (257 )   14     19 034     39 684     1 558 760    






At December 31, 2012

    19 945     579     (223 )   13     18 901     39 215     1 523 057    



Net earnings

                    1 094     1 094        

Foreign currency translation adjustment

            19             19        

Actuarial gain on employee retirement benefit plans

                    57     57        



Total comprehensive income

            19         1 151     1 170        

Issued under share option plans

    67     (28 )               39     2 126    

Issued under dividend reinvestment plan

    7                 (7 )          

Purchase of common shares for cancellation, net of option premiums (note 7)

    (168 )               (237 )   (405 )   (12 840 )  

Change in liability for share purchase commitment

    (22 )               (25 )   (47 )      

Share-based compensation

        21                 21        

Dividends paid on common shares

                    (197 )   (197 )      



At March 31, 2013

    19 829     572     (204 )   13     19 586     39 796     1 512 343    



See accompanying notes to the interim consolidated financial statements.

             Suncor Energy Inc.
056    2013 First Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com



Suncor Energy Inc. (Suncor or the company) is an integrated energy company headquartered in Canada. Suncor's operations include oil sands development and upgrading, onshore and offshore oil and gas production, petroleum refining, and product marketing primarily under the Petro-Canada brand. The consolidated financial statements of the company comprise the company and its subsidiaries and the company's interests in associates and jointly controlled entities.

The address of the company's registered office is 150 - 6th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 3E3.


(a) Statement of Compliance

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), specifically International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 Interim Financial Reporting as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. They are condensed as they do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements, and they should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2012.

The policies applied in these condensed interim consolidated financial statements are based on IFRS issued and outstanding as at April 29, 2013, the date the Audit Committee approved these statements on behalf of the Board of Directors.

(b) Basis of Measurement

The consolidated financial statements are prepared on a historical cost basis except as detailed in the accounting policies disclosed in the company's consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2012. Those accounting policies are consistent with those of the previous financial year, except as described in note 3.

(c) Functional Currency and Presentation Currency

These consolidated financial statements are presented in Canadian dollars, which is the company's functional currency.

(d) Use of Estimates and Judgment

The timely preparation of financial statements requires that management make estimates and assumptions and use judgment. Accordingly, actual results may differ from estimated amounts as future confirming events occur. Significant estimates and judgment used in the preparation of the financial statements are described in the company's consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2012.

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Impact of the application of IFRS 11

Effective January 1, 2013, the company has adopted IFRS 11 Joint arrangements. IFRS 11 establishes a principle-based approach to the accounting for joint arrangements by focusing on the rights and obligations of the arrangement and limits the application of proportionate consolidation accounting to arrangements where sufficient rights and obligations are passed to the partners. As a result, two existing joint arrangements in the Refining and Marketing segment were reclassified as joint ventures. They were previously accounted for using the proportionate consolidation method and are now being accounted for using the equity method of accounting. This change does not have a material impact to the consolidated financial statements, but does result in the netting of revenues and expenses for these entities into Other Income in the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income, and the netting of the equity pickup and cash distribution within Other in the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows. In addition, the company's net investment in these entities has been presented in Other Assets in the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Impact of the application of IAS 19

Effective January 1, 2013, the company has adopted the amendments to IAS 19 Employee Benefits. The revised standard requires the recognition of interest cost on the net unfunded obligation, which is calculated based on the net unfunded obligation and the discount rate used to measure the employee benefit obligation at the beginning of the annual period. Previously, interest cost was calculated as the difference between interest income on plan assets (using the expected return on plan assets) and interest expense on the plan obligation (using the discount rate). The net interest costs are also now presented within Financing Expenses in the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income. These costs were previously included within Operating, Selling and General expense. In addition, as a result of the change to the interest cost calculation, the refundable tax accounts (RTA) are now present valued. Previously, RTAs were assigned 0% rate of return in calculating the return on plan assets and interest cost. This resulted in an immaterial adjustment to the Consolidated Balance Sheets noted below.

IFRS 11 and the amendments to IAS 19 have been applied retroactively, and the effects of the application of IFRS 11 and IAS 19 amendments on the comparative periods are shown in the tables below.

Adjustments to Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (1):

          Three months ended    

($ millions, increase/(decrease))

    IFRS 11     IAS 19     March 31, 2012

Revenues and Other Income


Operating revenues, net of royalties

    (14 )       (14 )  

Other income

    11         11    



Purchases of crude oil and products

    4         4    

Operating, selling and general

    (7 )   (5 )   (12 )  

Financing expenses (income)

        19     19    

Income Taxes



        (3 )   (3 )  

Net Earnings (Loss)

        (11 )   (11 )  

Actuarial gain on employee retirement benefit plans


Total Comprehensive Income


Per Common Share (dollars)





        (0.01 )   (0.01 )  
The impact of the IAS 19 adjustments on the current period earnings was an increase to Financing Expenses (Income) of $12 million, offset by a decrease of $3 million and $9 million, respectively, to Deferred Income Taxes and Actuarial Gain on Employee Retirement Plans, resulting in a $nil impact to the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the first quarter of 2013.

             Suncor Energy Inc.
058    2013 First Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Adjustments to Consolidated Balance Sheets:

($ millions, increase (decrease))

    Dec 31
    Jan 1

Cash and cash equivalents

    (8 )   (22 )  

Accounts receivable

    (43 )   (29 )  


    (46 )   (36 )  

Property, plant and equipment, net

    (24 )   (26 )  

Other assets

    99     102    

Goodwill and other intangible assets

    (24 )   (25 )  

Deferred income taxes

    (2 )      

Total assets

    (48 )   (36 )  

Short-term debt

    (1 )   (2 )  

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

    (23 )   (13 )  

Income taxes payable

    (5 )   (5 )  

Other long-term liabilities (2)

    9     10    


    (1 )   (1 )  

Deferred income taxes (2)

    (19 )   (17 )  

Shareholders' equity (2)

    (8 )   (8 )  

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity

    (48 )   (36 )  
As at January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012, the adjustments related to IAS 19 resulted in an increase of $11 million to Other Long-term Liabilities, offset by a decrease of $3 million and $8 million, respectively, to Deferred Income Taxes and Shareholders' Equity. The remaining adjustments relate to IFRS 11.

Adjustments to Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow:

($ millions, increase/(decrease))

    Three months ended
March 31, 2012

Operating activities


Cash flow from operating activities before change in non-cash working capital

    (11 )  

Decrease in non-cash working capital


Cash flow from operating activities


Cash flow from investing activities


Cash flow from financing activities


Increase in cash and cash equivalents


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The company's operating segments are determined based on differences in the nature of their operations, products and services.

Intersegment sales of crude oil and natural gas are accounted for at market values and included, for segmented reporting, in revenues of the segment making the transfer and expenses of the segment receiving the transfer. Intersegment amounts are eliminated on consolidation.



Three months ended March 31



    Oil Sands     Exploration and
    Refining and
Energy Trading
and Eliminations

($ millions)

    2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012    

    (restated –
note 3)
                (restated –
note 3)
    (restated –
note 3)
    (restated –
note 3)

Revenues and Other Income


Gross revenues

    2 122     2 335     1 656     1 690     6 521     6 349     31     23     10 330     10 397    

Intersegment revenues

    921     882     116     272     60     37     (1 097 )   (1 191 )          

Less: Royalties

    (173 )   (280 )   (314 )   (478 )                   (487 )   (758 )  

Operating revenues, net of royalties

    2 870     2 937     1 458     1 484     6 581     6 386     (1 066 )   (1 168 )   9 843     9 639    

Other income

        3     33     41     12     9     128     63     173     116    

    2 870     2 940     1 491     1 525     6 593     6 395     (938 )   (1 105 )   10 016     9 755    



Purchases of crude oil and products

    120     48     128     132     4 796     5 016     (985 )   (1 196 )   4 059     4 000    

Operating, selling and general

    1 397     1 515     161     193     543     560     170     174     2 271     2 442    


    85     72     29     30     57     48     (11 )   6     160     156    

Depreciation, depletion, amortization and impairment

    545     440     304     360     120     111     30     36     999     947    


    74     40     56     5                     130     45    

Gain on disposal of assets

        (29 )               (2 )               (31 )  

Project start-up costs

    1     1                             1     1    

Voyageur upgrader project charges

    176                                 176        

Financing expenses (income)

    32     29     7     43     1     (1 )   289     (134 )   329     (63 )  

    2 430     2 116     685     763     5 517     5 732     (507 )   (1 114 )   8 125     7 497    

Earnings (Loss) before Income Taxes

    440     824     806     762     1 076     663     (431 )   9     1 891     2 258    

Income Taxes



    1     2     420     437     104     37     15     21     540     497    


    113     213     32     (7 )   190     150     (78 )   (41 )   257     315    

    114     215     452     430     294     187     (63 )   (20 )   797     812    

Net Earnings (Loss)

    326     609     354     332     782     476     (368 )   29     1 094     1 446    

Capital and Exploration Expenditures

    1 036     1 177     360     206     78     89     11     6     1 485     1 478    

             Suncor Energy Inc.
060    2013 First Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com


Other income consists of the following:

    Three months ended March 31    

($ millions)

    2013     2012    

    (restated –
note 3)

Energy trading activities


Change in fair value of contracts

    31     100    

Gains (losses) on inventory valuation

    87     (19 )  

Risk management activities

    (1 )   (7 )  

Investment and interest income

    25     29    

Renewable energy grants

    7     9    

Change in value of pipeline commitments and other

    24     4    

    173     116    


The following table summarizes the share-based compensation expense recorded for all plans within Operating, Selling and General expense.

    Three months ended March 31    

($ millions)

    2013     2012    

Equity-settled plans

    21     40    

Cash-settled plans

    20     112    

    41     152    


In September 2012, the company completed its first Normal Course Issuer Bid and put option program, and also announced a second Normal Course Issuer Bid program to purchase for cancellation of up to $1.0 billion of its common shares between September 20, 2012 and September 19, 2013.

During the three months ended March 31, 2013, the company purchased 12.8 million (2012 – 5.5 million) common shares for total consideration of $405 million (2012 – $183 million). Of the amount recognized, $168 million (2012 – $71 million) was charged to share capital and $237 million (2012 – $112 million) to retained earnings.

The company has also recorded a liability of $95 million for share purchases that may take place during its internal blackout period under an automatic repurchase plan agreement with an independent broker. Of the liability recognized, $41 million was charged to share capital and $54 million to retained earnings.

Subsequent to the quarter, the Toronto Stock Exchange accepted a notice filed by the company to amend its NCIB and purchase with the intent for cancellation up to an additional $2 billion of its common shares, commencing May 2, 2013 and ending September 19, 2013.

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    Three months ended March 31    

($ millions)

    2013     2012    

    (restated –
note 3)

Interest on debt

    177     162    

Capitalized interest

    (96 )   (158 )  

Interest expense

    81     4    

Interest on pension and post-retirement benefits

    17     19    


    48     46    

Foreign exchange loss (gain) on U.S. dollar denominated long-term debt

    168     (146 )  

Foreign exchange and other

    15     14    

    329     (63 )  


    Three months ended March 31    

($ millions)

    2013     2012    

    (restated –
note 3)

Net earnings

    1 094     1 446    

Dilutive impact of accounting for awards as equity-settled (1)

    (10 )      

Net earnings – diluted

    1 084     1 446    

(millions of common shares)


Weighted average number of common shares

    1 519     1 561    

Dilutive securities:


Effect of share options

    2     6    

Weighted average number of diluted common shares

    1 521     1 567    

(dollars per common share)


Basic earnings per share

    0.72     0.93    

Diluted earnings per share

    0.71     0.92    
Options with tandem stock appreciation rights or cash payment alternatives are accounted for as cash-settled plans. As these awards can be exchanged for common shares of the company, they are considered potentially dilutive and are included in the calculation of the company's diluted net earnings per share if they have a dilutive impact in the period. Accounting for these awards as equity-settled was determined to have the most dilutive impact for the three months ended March 31, 2013.


During the first quarter of 2013, there was a net decrease of $6 million to the decommissioning and restoration provision, which was comprised of a $138 million decrease as a result of an increase to the credit-adjusted risk-free interest rate to 3.93% (December 31, 2012 – 3.75%). This was offset by an increase of $132 million as a result of acquiring the 49% interest in the Voyageur Upgrader Limited Partnership (VULP) and the timing of certain reclamation activities being accelerated due to the Voyageur upgrader project not proceeding (see note 12).

At March 31, 2013, the balance in decommissioning and restoration provisions was $4,602 million (December 31, 2012 – $4,688 million), of which $612 million was current (December 31, 2012 – $395 million).

             Suncor Energy Inc.
062    2013 First Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com


Fair Value Hierarchy

The following table presents the company's derivative financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value for each hierarchy level as at March 31, 2013. A description of the valuation techniques and the inputs used in the fair value measurement for each level of the fair value hierarchy is described within the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2012.

($ millions)

    Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total Fair

Accounts receivable

        24     2     26    

Accounts payable

    (23 )   (104 )   (3 )   (130 )  

    (23 )   (80 )   (1 )   (104 )  

During the three months ended March 31, 2013, there were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair value measurements, and no transfers into and out of Level 3 fair value measurements.

At March 31, 2013, the carrying value of fixed-term debt accounted for under amortized cost was $9.6 billion and the fair value at March 31, 2013 was $11.8 billion. The estimated fair value of long-term debt is based on pricing sourced from market data.

Offsetting Financial Assets and Liabilities

The company enters into arrangements that allow for offsetting and are presented on a net basis on the balance sheet. These balances are presented in the table below to show the actual effects of netting arrangements on the company's financial position.

($ millions)


Derivative financial instruments

    (44 )   440     (484 )  

Accounts receivable (payable)

    166     2 567     (2 401 )  

Balance at December 31, 2012

    122     3 007     (2 885 )  

Derivative financial instruments

    (104 )   284     (388 )  

Accounts receivable (payable)

    (132 )   2 917     (3 049 )  

Balance at March 31, 2013

    (236 )   3 201     (3 437 )  


Effective March 27, 2013, the company acquired Total E&P Canada Ltd.'s (Total E&P) interest in VULP for $515 million and gained full control over the partnership assets. The transaction was accounted for as a business combination.

Management applies judgment in determining whether an acquisition meets the definition of a business combination or an asset purchase. When a transaction meets the definition of a business combination, the acquired identifiable assets and assumed liabilities, including contingent liabilities, are measured and recognized at their fair value on the date of the acquisition, including tax assets and liabilities. Associated transaction costs are expensed when occurred.

As VULP was in the development stage and therefore had no revenues and the majority of costs were capitalized, no significant net earnings were generated.

The preliminary allocation of the purchase price is based on current best estimates by the company. The completion of the purchase price allocation may result in further adjustment to the carrying value of the recorded assets and liabilities acquired.

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The fair value of consideration transferred and the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of acquisition are summarized below:

($ millions)


Total purchase price


Preliminary allocation of purchase price:


Property, plant and equipment


Deferred income taxes


Decommissioning and restoration provisions

    (81 )  

Contracts and liabilities acquired

    (90 )  

Net assets acquired


The fair value attributed to the property, plant and equipment acquired was based on an expected future cash flow approach for assets expected to be retained, with a risk adjusted discount rate of 10%. For assets expected to be sold, the fair value was determined based on management's best estimate of the recoverable amount.

The fair value of the decommissioning and restoration provisions was determined based on management's best estimate of the costs to complete the reclamation activities, the timing of cash outflows, method of reclamation, the discount rate or management's anticipated use of the area in the future.

Following the acquisition, the company announced that it was not proceeding with the Voyageur upgrader project. The decision was a result of a joint strategic and economic review launched by the company and its co-owner, Total E&P, in response to a change in market conditions that challenged the economics of the project.

The total net book value of the assets retained as at March 31, 2013 is approximately $800 million, and includes a hot bitumen blending facility, storage tanks and a camp which the company plans to utilize to support the continued growth in its Oil Sands operations.

As a result of not proceeding with the project, an after-tax charge to net earnings of $127 million was recorded, which included provisions associated with the decommissioning and restoration of the Voyageur site and contract cancellation costs.


On April 15, 2013, the company announced that it had reached an agreement to sell a significant portion of its natural gas business in Western Canada for $1 billion, subject to closing adjustments on an economic basis, with an effective date of January 1, 2013. This transaction is expected to close during the third quarter of 2013, and is subject to closing conditions and regulatory approvals. The proceeds received on the closing of the transaction will be reduced by the net revenues that the company receives between the effective date and the closing date, and other closing adjustments.

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064    2013 First Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

The assets and liabilities classified as held for sale are as follows:

($ millions)

    Mar 31



Accounts receivable


Property, plant and equipment, net

    1 579    

Total assets

    1 640    



Accounts payable and accrued liabilities




Deferred income taxes


Total liabilities


During the first quarter of 2013, production from these assets was 45,200 boe/d (90% natural gas), and net earnings and cash flow from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital was approximately $15 million and $34 million, respectively. Excluded from the sale is the majority of the company's unconventional natural gas properties in the Montney region of British Columbia and unconventional oil assets in the Wilson Creek area of central Alberta.


On April 29, 2013, the company's Board of Directors approved an increase to the company's quarterly dividend to $0.20 per common share beginning in the second quarter of 2013.

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Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements for the first quarter ended March 31, 2013