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Report to Shareholders for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2010




Report to shareholders for the quarter ended December 31, 2010


Suncor Energy 2010 fourth quarter results

All financial figures are unaudited and in Canadian dollars unless noted otherwise. Certain financial measures referred to in this document are not prescribed by Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). For a description of these measures, see the Non-GAAP Financial Measures Advisory in this document. Certain crude oil and natural gas liquid volumes have been converted to millions of cubic feet equivalent of natural gas (mmcfe) on the basis of one barrel to six thousand cubic feet (mcf). Also, certain natural gas volumes have been converted to barrels of oil equivalent (boe) or thousands of boe (mboe) on the same basis. Mmcfe, boe and mboe may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A conversion ratio of one barrel of crude oil or natural gas liquids to six thousand cubic feet of natural gas is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not necessarily represent value equivalency at the wellhead.

On August 1, 2009, Suncor Energy Inc. completed its merger with Petro-Canada. As such, results for the twelve month period ended December 31, 2010 reflect results of post-merger Suncor and the comparative figures for the twelve month period ended December 31, 2009 reflect results for five months of the post-merger Suncor and seven months of legacy Suncor prior to the merger. References to the merger herein mean the merger between Suncor Energy Inc. and Petro-Canada.

Suncor Energy Inc. (the company) recorded fourth quarter 2010 net earnings of $1.353 billion ($0.87 per common share), compared to net earnings of $457 million ($0.29 per common share) for the fourth quarter of 2009. Operating earnings (1) in the fourth quarter of 2010 were $946 million ($0.60 per common share), compared to $342 million ($0.22 per common share) in the fourth quarter of 2009.

The increase in fourth quarter 2010 operating earnings, compared to the fourth quarter of 2009, was primarily due to improved margins and increased refined product sales in Refining and Marketing, higher realized prices in Oil Sands and International and Offshore, and increased Oil Sands production.

As a result of strategic divestments during 2010, total production in the fourth quarter of 2010 decreased to 625,600 boe per day (boe/d), from 638,200 boe/d in the fourth quarter of 2009. However, production from continuing operations increased to 605,400 boe/d in the fourth quarter of 2010, from 544,500 boe/d in the fourth quarter of 2009. The increase resulted from record quarterly production of 325,900 barrels per day (bpd) from Oil Sands (excluding Syncrude) due to improved operational reliability and higher bitumen supply, and new production from International and Offshore.









Non-GAAP measure. See page 3 for a reconciliation of net earnings to operating earnings. Calculation of 2009 operating earnings have been restated for certain items for consistency with the current year's presentation.

Cash flow from operations (see the Non-GAAP Financial Measures Advisory Section) was $2.144 billion ($1.37 per common share) in the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to $1.129 billion ($0.72 per common share) in the fourth quarter of 2009. The increase in cash flow from operations was primarily due to the same factors that impacted operating earnings in the fourth quarter, as well as the positive impact of the redetermination of the company's working interest in the Terra Nova oilfield and a royalty recovery related to a notice received by the company from the Crown modifying the bitumen valuation methodology calculation.

"Operational results were strong across the business in the fourth quarter," said Rick George, president and chief executive officer. "In our oil sands business, steady and reliable production from both mining and in situ assets drove record quarterly production volumes, while our international and offshore assets continued to perform well. In our downstream operations, both production volumes and margins were strong contributors in the quarter, underlining the benefits of our integrated strategy."

Fourth Quarter Highlights

Oil Sands (excluding Syncrude) achieved record average production volume of 325,900 bpd in the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to 278,900 bpd in the fourth quarter of 2009. Increased production was largely due to improved operational reliability in the Upgrader and increased bitumen supply from mining and in situ operations.

Results from Refining and Marketing in the fourth quarter of 2010 were very strong, with operating earnings and cash flow from operations more than double as compared to the fourth quarter of 2009 as a result of higher margins and increased utilization of refining capacity. Total sales of refined petroleum products averaged 91,100 cubic metres per day during the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to 82,900 cubic metres per day in the fourth quarter of 2009, reflecting more reliable operations in all our facilities and improved product demand.

Total upstream production in the fourth quarter was 625,600 boe/d, compared to 638,200 boe/d in the fourth quarter of 2009. Lower production volumes were primarily due to asset sales in Suncor's Natural Gas and International and Offshore businesses, partially offset by improved operational reliability at Oil Sands, and production increases in continuing International and Offshore operations.

Net debt, calculated as total debt less cash and cash equivalents, as at December 31, 2010 was $11.1 billion, a decrease of approximately $400 million during the fourth quarter and down from approximately $13.4 billion at December 31, 2009. The reduction was largely due to proceeds from asset dispositions being directed to debt retirement and the appreciation of the Canadian dollar relative to the U.S. dollar through the period.

During the fourth quarter of 2010 Suncor recognized $295 million (pre-tax) of additional income to be reimbursed by the other Terra Nova joint owners for the period of February 1, 2005 to December 31, 2010. Suncor's working interest in Terra Nova has increased to 37.675% from 33.990% based on a technical review of the interests contributed by the joint owners of the Terra Nova oilfield. The owners reached agreement concerning redetermined working interests on December 1, 2010.

In the fourth quarter of 2010 Suncor recognized a $140 million (pre-tax) favorable royalty recovery related to a notice received by the company from the Crown modifying the bitumen valuation methodology calculation for the interim period of January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010. The company continues to negotiate final adjustments to the bitumen valuation calculation for the 2009 and 2010 interim period and for the term of the Suncor Royalty Amending Agreement that expires December 31, 2015.

On December 17, 2010, Suncor announced that it entered into a strategic partnership with Total E&P Canada Ltd. Subject to certain conditions, the agreement provides that the two companies plan to develop the Fort Hills and Joslyn oil sands mining projects and restart construction on the Voyageur upgrader with targeted operational dates ranging from 2016 to 2018. The transaction is subject to certain regulatory and other approvals, with closing targeted for the

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    first quarter of 2011. The development of the Fort Hills and Joslyn oil sands mining projects, as well as the continued construction of the Voyageur upgrader, is subject to approval by all of the partners in these ventures and by Suncor's Board of Directors.

Consolidated Operating Earnings Reconciliation (1)


    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions after-tax)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net earnings from continuing operations

    1 297     476     2 688     1 206    

Change in fair value of commodity derivatives used for risk management net of realizations (2)

    (47 )   (88 )   (233 )   499    

Unrealized foreign exchange gain on U.S. dollar denominated long-term debt

    (252 )   (157 )   (372 )   (798 )  

Mark-to-market valuation of stock-based compensation

    115     6     103     124    

Project start-up costs

    19     10     58     40    

Costs related to deferral of growth projects

    12     83     94     300    

Merger and integration costs

    18     79     79     151    

(Gain) / Loss on disposals (3)

    (12 )   39     (121 )   39    

Other income (4)

    (186 )   6     (166 )   24    

Adjustments to provisions (5)

    (93 )   13     (51 )   50    

Impairment and write-offs (6)

    13         317        

Adjustments to provisions for assets acquired through the merger (7)

    6         68        

Impact of income tax rate adjustments on future income tax liabilities (8)

        (148 )       4    

Gain on effective settlement of pre-existing contract with Petro-Canada (9)

                (438 )  

Impact of recording acquired inventory at fair value (10)


Operating earnings from continuing operations

    890     319     2 464     1 298    

Net earnings (loss) from discontinued operations

    56     (19 )   883     (60 )  

Gain on disposals of discontinued operations (3)

            (689 )      

Impairment and write-offs of discontinued operations (6)

        42     74     42    

Operating earnings from total operations

    946     342     2 732     1 280    
Operating earnings is a non-GAAP measure that adjusts net earnings for significant items that management believes are not indicative of operating performance and reduces the comparability of the underlying financial performance between periods. All reconciling items are presented on an after-tax basis. See the Non-GAAP Measures Advisory section of this document.

The company adjusts operating earnings for the change in fair value of significant crude oil risk management derivatives. The company also holds less significant risk management derivatives in other segments that are not adjusted.

The 2010 year-to-date total includes Natural Gas non-core asset sales and International and Offshore asset and share sales, a gain on unproven natural gas land and Refining and Marketing sales of retail sites. The 2009 loss on disposal was related to a loss recognized when a highway interchange constructed by Suncor was transferred to the Provincial government of Alberta, and fair value adjustments to assets acquired in the merger.

Other income resulting from the settlement payment due to Suncor related to the Terra Nova redetermination. The payment will effectively reimburse Suncor for certain revenue related to its increased working interest (to 37.675% from 33.990%) back to the payout date of February 1, 2005. Operating earnings for prior quarters have been restated to reflect the portion of settlement attributable to the respective quarters.

Impact from a royalty recovery related to a notice received by the company from the Crown modifying the bitumen valuation methodology calculation for the interim period of January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010. As a result, the company reduced its royalty provision by approximately $105 million (after-tax) in the fourth quarter of 2010. Operating earnings for prior quarters have been restated to remove the original provision booked in the affected quarters. The company continues to negotiate final adjustments to the bitumen valuation calculation for the 2009 and 2010 interim period and for the term of the Suncor Royalty Amending Agreement that expires December 31, 2015.

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The 2010 year to date total includes a write-down related to certain extraction equipment in the Oil Sands segment, a write-down of land leases no longer being pursued by the Natural Gas segment, an impairment of natural gas properties due to the lower gas price environment, adjustment to spare parts inventory and assets from the International and Offshore segment that required a write-down of book value based on agreed sale price.

The 2010 year to date total includes adjustments for unfavorable pipeline commitments, adjustments made to the cost estimates for the Exploration and Production Sharing Contract in Libya, a dry hole in Libya, write-off of unproven land in Natural Gas, and a reduction to the provision related to the Montreal coker project.

Impact from an increase in the future income tax liability resulting from a revised provincial allocation for income tax purposes because of the merger.

Impact from the deemed settlement value assigned to bitumen processing contract with Petro-Canada upon close of the merger.

Inventory acquired through the merger with Petro-Canada at fair value was sold during the third quarter of 2009, resulting in a one-time decrease to earnings.

Operating Earnings by Segment


    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Continuing operations


Oil Sands

    404     189     1 535     1 116    

Natural Gas

    (43 )   (61 )   (137 )   (173 )  

International and Offshore

    280     218     993     362    

Refining and Marketing

    389     134     782     473    

Corporate, Energy Trading and Eliminations

    (140 )   (161 )   (709 )   (480 )  

    890     319     2 464     1 298    

Discontinued operations


Natural Gas

    1     5     49     (14 )  

International and Offshore

    55     18     219     (4 )  

    56     23     268     (18 )  

Operating earnings from total operations (1)

    946     342     2 732     1 280    
See the Non-GAAP Measures Advisory section of this document.

Upstream Production Volumes


    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

mboe per day (mboe/d)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Continuing operations


Oil Sands (includes Syncrude)

    363.8     318.2     318.2     306.7    

Natural Gas

    71.5     76.8     72.0     47.0    

International and Offshore

    170.1     149.5     170.9     58.0    

    605.4     544.5     561.1     411.7    

Discontinued operations


Natural Gas

    1.5     50.6     23.8     27.4    

International and Offshore

    18.7     43.1     30.2     16.9    

    20.2     93.7     54.0     44.3    


    625.6     638.2     615.1     456.0    

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004    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Downstream Sales Volumes

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

Thousands of cubic metres per day

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Total refined product sales

    91.1     82.9     87.8     54.9    

Commodity Prices – Benchmarks

Three months ended
($ average for the period)

          Dec 31
    Sept 30
    June 30
    Mar 31
    Dec 31
    Sept 30
    June 30
    Mar 31

West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil at Cushing

    US$/barrel     85.20     76.20     78.05     78.70     76.20     68.30     59.60     43.10    

Dated Brent crude oil at Sullom Voe

    US$/barrel     86.50     76.85     78.30     76.25     74.55     68.25     58.80     44.40    

Dated Brent/Maya FOB price differential

    US$/barrel     10.85     9.35     10.45     6.50     5.25     5.10     3.75     5.90    

Canadian 0.3% par crude oil at Edmonton

    Cdn$/barrel     80.70     74.80     76.30     80.45     77.00     70.60     65.30     50.10    

Light/heavy crude oil differential of WTI at Cushing less Western Canadian Select at Hardisty

    US$/barrel     18.10     15.65     14.05     8.95     12.10     10.10     7.50     8.95    

Natural gas (Alberta spot) at AECO

    Cdn$/mcf     3.60     3.70     3.85     5.35     4.25     3.00     3.65     5.65    

New York Harbour 3-2-1 crack (1)

    US$/barrel     12.20     9.60     12.50     7.95     5.55     9.90     10.20     9.60    

Chicago 3-2-1 crack (1)

    US$/barrel     9.20     10.15     11.05     5.65     4.15     7.65     10.15     8.95    

Seattle 3-2-1 crack (1)

    US$/barrel     13.50     16.60     15.50     8.55     5.95     12.80     13.35     13.45    

Gulf Coast 3-2-1 crack (1)

    US$/barrel     7.80     7.45     9.65     6.75     4.50     6.75     8.40     8.90    

Exchange rate

    US$/Cdn$     0.99     0.96     0.97     0.96     0.94     0.91     0.85     0.80    
3-2-1 crack spreads are industry indicators measuring the margin on a barrel of oil and gasoline and distillate. They are calculated by taking two times the gasoline margin at a certain location plus one times the distillate margin at the same location and dividing by three.

Capital Investment

Suncor spent $1.8 billion on capital and exploration in the fourth quarter of 2010, bringing the full year spend to $5.7 billion, which was marginally higher than Suncor's original 2010 budget of $5.5 billion. The capital expenditures were primarily focused on sustaining safe and reliable existing operations throughout the company, and the continued development of the Firebag Stage 3 and 4 expansions.

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Oil Sands

    1 067     734     3 709     2 831    

Natural Gas

    57     66     178     320    

International and Offshore

    336     456     1 096     666    

Refining and Marketing

    272     239     667     380    

Corporate, Energy Trading, and Renewable Energy

    152     61     360     70    

Less: Capitalized Interest

    (98 )   (42 )   (301 )   (136 )  

Total (1)

    1 786     1 514     5 709     4 131    
Includes continuing and discontinued operations

In December 2010, the Suncor Board of Directors approved a $6.7 billion 2011 capital spending plan. Approximately $2.8 billion will be directed towards growth project funding, primarily at the company's Oil Sands operations, while approximately $3.9 billion will be directed towards sustaining existing operations, including significant planned maintenance to support reliability and further deployment of new tailings reclamation technology. Approximately 40% of planned sustaining capital will be targeted to spending that is not expected to recur on an annual basis. In addition to

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continued growth spending on Suncor's Firebag Stage 3 and 4 expansions, the 2011 plan also includes investments in the Fort Hills oil sands mining project and Voyageur upgrader. Both projects, as well as the Joslyn oil sands mining project, are planned to be developed as part of a strategic partnership with Total E&P Canada Ltd. The development of the Fort Hills and Joslyn oil sands mining projects, as well as the continued construction of the Voyageur upgrader, is subject to approval by all of the partners in these ventures and by Suncor's Board of Directors. Detailed guidance on capital expenditures can be found in Suncor's December 17, 2010 press release and on the Suncor website at www.suncor.com/guidance.


Oil Sands

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions, unless otherwise noted)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net revenues

    2 689     1 986     9 423     6 539    

Production (excluding Syncrude) (thousands of barrels per day mbbls/d)

    325.9     278.9     283.0     290.6    

Syncrude production (mbbls/d)

    37.9     39.3     35.2     16.1    

Average sales price – includes the impact of realized hedging activities (excluding Syncrude) ($/barrel) (1)

    70.95     65.42     69.58     61.66    

Cash flow from operations (2)

    795     355     2 769     1 251    

Cash operating costs (excluding Syncrude) ($/barrel) (2)

    36.70     38.70     38.85     33.95    

Sales mix (sweet/sour mix) (%)

    31/69     46/54     37/63     47/53    

Operating Earnings Reconciliation:

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions, unless otherwise noted)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net earnings

    487     236     1 492     557    

Change in fair value of commodity derivatives used for risk management net of realizations

    (47 )   (88 )   (233 )   499    

Mark-to-market valuation of stock-based compensation

    24         31     28    

Project start-up costs

    19     10     55     40    

Costs related to deferral of growth projects

    12     82     94     299    

Impact of income tax rate adjustments on future income tax liabilities

        (103 )       37    

(Gain) on effective settlement of pre-existing contract with Petro-Canada

                (438 )  

Impact of recording acquired inventory at fair value


Losses on significant disposals

    2     39     4     39    

Impairment and write-offs


Adjustment to provisions

    (93 )   13     (51 )   50    

Operating earnings (2)

    404     189     1 535     1 116    
Before royalties and net of related transportation costs.

See the Non-GAAP Financial Measures Advisory section of this document.

Oil Sands net earnings for the fourth quarter of 2010 were $487 million compared to $236 million for the fourth quarter of 2009. Net earnings in the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to 2009 included the positive impact of a royalty provision recovery and lower costs related to deferral of growth projects, partially offset by lower gains on change in fair value of

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commodity derivatives used for risk management. The favorable royalty recovery was related to a notice received by the company from the Crown modifying the bitumen valuation methodology calculation for the interim period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010. As a result, the company recognized a royalty recovery of approximately $105 million (after tax). Operating earnings for all quarters impacted since January 1, 2009 have been restated to include only the amount that relates to the comparative period. The company continues to negotiate final adjustments to the bitumen valuation calculation for the 2009 and 2010 interim period and for the term of the Suncor Royalty Amending Agreement that expires December 31, 2015. Net earnings in the fourth quarter of 2009 included a $103 million favorable adjustment related to a reduction of the Ontario corporate tax rate. Operating earnings for the fourth quarter of 2010 were $404 million compared to $189 million for the fourth quarter of 2009. The increase in 2010 fourth quarter operating earnings was primarily due to increased production and higher realized prices partially offset by a build in inventory, of which margins are not recognized until the inventory is sold.


Oil Sands production, excluding Suncor's share of production from Syncrude, was 17% higher in the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009. Improved upgrader reliability and higher bitumen supply from all of the Oil Sands assets (mining and in situ), contributed to a record production volume of 325,900 bpd in the fourth quarter of 2010. The prior year quarter was negatively impacted by the fire that occurred in December 2009 at Upgrader 2.

Syncrude production decreased 4% in the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009, primarily due to minor upgrader outages that occurred during the quarter.


Oil Sands benefited from higher benchmark crude oil prices and lower realized hedging losses in the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009, partially offset by wider heavy crude oil differentials and the stronger Canadian dollar relative to the U.S. dollar. Heavy crude oil differentials remained wider in the fourth quarter of 2010 as a result of the Enbridge pipeline disruptions that limited the export capacity of heavy crude products from Western Canada, resulting in reduced and discounted sales. This negatively impacted both sour crude and bitumen price realizations in the fourth quarter of 2010.

The six week planned turnaround for Upgrader 2 that began in September continued for three weeks into the fourth quarter of 2010. Hydrogen supply and hydrotreating capacity were periodically limited through the fourth quarter of 2010 reducing the value of the product mix.


In the fourth quarter of 2010, Oil Sands had a large inventory buildup as additional volumes were stored due to pipeline restrictions along the Enbridge mainline. In the fourth quarter of 2009, Oil Sands had a net draw on inventory as available inventory was sold to meet customer commitments following the December 2009 upgrader fire. The overall inventory buildup quarter over quarter had a negative impact on earnings as the margin is not recognized until sold.


Oil Sands capital expenditures were $1.067 billion in the fourth quarter of 2010, bringing the annual spend to $3.709 billion. Growth spending was primarily focused on the construction of Firebag Stage 3.

The company is continuing with its planned growth initiatives related to the Firebag Stage 3 in situ oil sands expansion. The planned expansion is targeted to begin production late in the second quarter of 2011, ramping up toward capacity of

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62,500 bpd of bitumen over approximately 24 months thereafter. The 2010 expenditures focused on construction of co-generation and central plant facilities and well pads.

Spending in 2010 also focused on engineering, procurement, construction and sustaining capital required to keep the mining, upgrading, extraction and in situ assets operating effectively.

The company also had expenditure relating to Suncor's TROTM tailings reclamation technology. Project activities during the fourth quarter included engineering, procurement of certain long lead items, site preparation for the barge assembly area and pipeline corridor work. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2012.

Natural Gas

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions, unless otherwise noted)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net revenues from continuing operations

    158     181     734     423    

Gross production


Continuing operations (mmcfe per day – mmcfe/d)

    429     461     432     282    

Discontinued operations (mmcfe/d)

    9     303     143     164    

    438     764     575     446    

Average sales price from continuing operations


Natural gas – includes the impact of realized hedging activities ($/mcf) (1)

    3.39     3.92     3.99     3.63    

Natural gas liquids and crude oil ($/barrel) (1)

    71.56     65.74     77.37     59.41    

Cash flow from continuing operations (2)

    50     70     320     177    

Cash flow from discontinued operations (2)

    1     90     125     152    

Operating Earnings Reconciliation:

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions, unless otherwise noted)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net loss from continuing operations

    (65 )   (55 )   (277 )   (185 )  

Mark-to-market valuation of stock-based compensation

    13     2     9     11    

Gains on disposals

    (4 )       (99 )      

Impact of income tax rate adjustments on future income tax liabilities

        (8 )       1    

Impairment and write-offs

    13         174        

Adjustments to provisions for assets acquired through the merger


Operating loss from continuing operations

    (43 )   (61 )   (137 )   (173 )  

Net earnings (loss) from discontinued operations

    (2 )   5     506     (14 )  

Loss (Gain) on disposals of discontinued operations

    3         (479 )      

Impairment and write-offs


Operating loss from total operations (2)

    (42 )   (56 )   (88 )   (187 )  
Calculated before royalties and net of transportation costs.

See the Non-GAAP Financial Measure Advisory section of this document.

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008    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Natural Gas had a net loss from continuing operations of $65 million in the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to a net loss of $55 million in the fourth quarter of 2009. The higher net loss from continuing operations in the fourth quarter of 2010 included the impacts of a $13 million write-down of spare parts inventory and higher costs related to stock-based compensation. The net loss from continuing operations in the fourth quarter of 2009 included an $8 million favorable adjustment related to a reduction of the Ontario corporate tax rate. Operating losses from continuing operations for the fourth quarter of 2010 were $43 million compared to $61 million in 2009. Operating losses improved in the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009 primarily due to lower exploration costs from increased drilling success in 2010, partially offset by lower natural gas average sale prices consistent with the decrease in the AECO benchmark.


Gross production from continuing operations decreased by 7% in the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009. The lower production was mainly due to natural declines.


Natural Gas is focused on improving profitability by investing in low exploration risk drilling programs conducive to low cost repeatable drilling and those with a high percentage of liquids production. In the fourth quarter of 2010, Natural Gas spent $57 million on exploration and development activities bringing the 2010 total to $178 million, of which $8 million was related to assets disposed of during the year. The 2010 activity was targeted towards unconventional gas opportunities, as well as land acquisitions in northeast British Columbia.

In the fourth quarter of 2010, the Natural Gas business began two new drilling programs: one in the Ferrier area located in central Alberta and another at Pouce Coupe in western Alberta. Both programs are expected to start being tied-in during the first quarter of 2011.

Suncor's key shallow gas producing properties near Medicine Hat, in eastern Alberta, continued with drilling and tie-in activity. In total, 324 wells were drilled in the year ending December 31, 2010. Overall production from this area was 72 mmcfe/d in the fourth quarter of 2010.

International and Offshore

Three months ended
December 31
Twelve months ended
December 31 (3)

($ millions, unless otherwise noted)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net revenues from continuing operations

    1 501     861     4 323     1 217    

Production from continuing operations (mboe/d)


East Coast Canada

    62.9     63.6     68.6     24.3    

U.K. (Buzzard)

    55.6     59.9     55.5     20.0    


    34.7     26.0     35.2     13.7    


    16.9         11.6        

Production from continuing operations (mboe/d)

    170.1     149.5     170.9     58.0    

Production from discontinued operations (mboe/d)

    18.7     43.1     30.2     16.9    

Total production (mboe/d)

    188.8     192.6     201.1     74.9    

Average sales price from continuing operations (1)


East Coast Canada ($/bbl)

    87.12     77.71     80.20     76.86    

U.K. (Buzzard) ($/boe)

    85.46     68.71     77.91     69.53    

Other International ($/boe)

    83.06     79.06     78.07     77.53    

Cash flow from continuing operations (2)

    885     500     2 512     738    

Cash flow from discontinued operations (2)

    13     158     367     213    

Total cash flow from operations (2)

    898     658     2 879     951    

Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    009

Operating Earnings Reconciliation:

Three months ended
December 31
Twelve months ended
December 31 (3)

($ millions, unless otherwise noted)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net earnings from continuing operations

    452     230     1 114     323    

Mark-to-market valuation of stock-based compensation

    14     2     14     10    

Other income

    (186 )   6     (166 )   24    

Project start-up costs


Impact of income tax rate adjustments on future income tax liabilities

        (20 )       (20 )  

Impact of recording acquired inventory at fair value


Adjustments to provisions for assets acquired through the merger


Operating earnings from continuing operations

    280     218     993     362    

Net earnings (loss) from discontinued operations

    58     (24 )   377     (46 )  

Gains on disposals of discontinued operations

    (3 )       (210 )      

Impairment and write-offs

        42     52     42    

Operating earnings from total operations (2)

    335     236     1 212     358    
Calculated before royalties and net of transportation costs.

See the Non-GAAP Financial Measures Advisory section of this document.

Twelve months ended December 31, 2009 reflects five months of post-merger Suncor. Total production for the five month period was 178.8 boe/d.

International and Offshore had net earnings from continuing operations of $452 million in the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to $230 million in the fourth quarter of 2009. Net earnings in the fourth quarter of 2010 included the impacts from the settlement payment due to Suncor related to the Terra Nova redetermination that increased Suncor's working interest to 37.675% from 33.990%. This working interest redetermination was finalized in December 2010 in accordance with the Terra Nova Development and Operating Agreement. The payment of $220 million (after tax) reimburses Suncor for certain revenues related to its increased interest from the payout date of February 1, 2005 to December 31, 2010. Operating earnings for all quarters impacted since February 1, 2005 have been restated to include only the amount that relates to the comparative period. Operating earnings from continuing operations were $280 million in the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to operating earnings from continuing operations of $218 million in the fourth quarter of 2009. The increase in operating earnings from continuing operations was due to increased production and higher sales prices consistent with higher benchmark pricing.


Overall, production from continuing operations was 14% higher in the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to the fourth quarter of 2009, primarily due to Syrian gas production coming on-stream in the second quarter of 2010.


East Coast Canada

International and Offshore spent $81 million on capital and exploration in the fourth quarter of 2010 on East Coast Canada operations, bringing the annual expenditures to $264 million. Spending was primarily focused on White Rose, Hibernia, and exploration drilling at the Ballicatters prospect.

Development drilling of 11 wells for the North Amethyst portion of White Rose is planned to continue until late 2012, when production is expected to peak.

             Suncor Energy Inc.
010    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Development drilling on the first phase of the West White Rose development began in August 2010, with first oil expected by the second quarter of 2011. Drilling results from Stage 1, combined with production evaluation and ongoing reservoir evaluation, are expected to define the full field development scope.

Capital spending continues on the Hibernia South Extension project, where first production is expected in the second quarter of 2011.

The contract for front end engineering and design and topsides engineering, procurement and construction for Hebron was awarded in September 2010. The development plan approval submission is expected to be made in the first quarter of 2011, with first oil expected in 2017.


International and Offshore capital and exploration expenditures in the fourth quarter of 2010 on International operations were $255 million, bringing annual expenditures to $832 million, of which $169 million was related to assets disposed of during the year. Spending was primarily focused on development spending in the U.K., Libya and Syria, as well as exploration drilling in Libya and Norway.

The Buzzard enhancement project started-up in mid-October 2010 with production ramp-up expected into the first quarter of 2011. The project included the installation of a fourth platform with equipment to handle high sulphur content.

The Beta Statfjord appraisal well 34/4-13S on the Beta Brent discovery in our operated licence PL375 was successfully tested. Additional appraisal well testing is required to further delineate the discovery.

Two seismic survey projects continued to acquire data in relation to the Libyan Exploration and Production Sharing Agreements (EPSA's) in 2010. Seismic data acquisition will continue into the first quarter of 2011.

Refining and Marketing

Three months ended
December 31
Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions, unless otherwise noted)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    


    5 826     4 743     21 062     11 851    

Refined Product Sales (thousands of cubic metres per day)



    41.2     41.4     41.1     27.6    


    36.9     29.5     30.9     18.3    

Other, including petrochemicals

    13.0     12.0     15.8     9.0    

Total refined product sales

    91.1     82.9     87.8     54.9    

Crude oil processed by Suncor (thousands of m3/d)

    66.2     61.7     65.1     63.2    

Utilization of refining capacity (1)

    94%     90%     92%     92%    

Cash flow from operations (2)

    619     258     1 536     921    

Operating earnings reconciliation:

Three months ended
December 31
Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions, unless otherwise noted)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net earnings

    372     151     801     407    

Mark-to-market valuation of stock-based compensation

    27     1     29     17    

Costs related to deferral of growth projects

        1         1    

Impact of income tax rate adjustments on future income tax liabilities

        (19 )       (19 )  

Impact of recording acquired inventory at fair value


Gains on disposals

    (10 )       (26 )      

Adjustments to provisions for assets acquired through the merger

            (22 )      

Operating earnings (2)

    389     134     782     473    
Utilization of refining capacity for the twelve months ended December 31, 2009 reflects the results of operations since the merger.

See the Non-GAAP Financial Measures Advisory section of this document.

Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    011

Refining and Marketing had net earnings of $372 million in the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to $151 million in the fourth quarter of 2009. Net earnings in the fourth quarter of 2010 included $27 million of costs related to stock-based compensation and a $10 million gain from divestment of retail sites throughout the quarter. Net earnings in the fourth quarter of 2009 included a $19 million favorable adjustment related to a reduction of the Ontario corporate tax rate. Operating earnings for the fourth quarter of 2010 were $389 million compared to $134 million in the fourth quarter of 2009. Operating earnings improved in the fourth quarter of 2010 primarily due to stronger and more reliable operations, higher volumes and improved margins, which were partially offset by higher operating expenses.


Margins were significantly higher in the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009. Increased production enabled refining and product supply activities to benefit from an improved business environment in the fourth quarter of 2010, with higher cracking margins in every major market area and stronger product demand compared to the fourth quarter of 2009. The Sarnia refinery was negatively impacted by the Enbridge crude pipeline outage which restricted deliveries of lower cost sour crudes received from Western Canada and necessitated processing of more expensive off-shore crude. The Edmonton refinery benefited from lower feedstock costs due to wider light/heavy and light/sour synthetic crude differentials.


Total sales of refined petroleum products increased 10% due to improved reliability in operations and higher product demand in the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009. Overall, refinery utilization averaged 94% in the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to 90% in the fourth quarter of 2009. This increase was due to fewer scheduled maintenance turnarounds and more reliable, uninterrupted operations. In the fourth quarter of 2010, the Sarnia refinery continued to be negatively impacted by Enbridge pipeline disruptions which limited crude availability and refinery utilization. This production shortfall was offset by increasing throughputs at the Montreal refinery to support Ontario market demands.

Marketing network sales volumes in the fourth quarter of 2010 were marginally higher than in the fourth quarter of 2009. Strong sales in both the retail and wholesale divisions were partially offset by the loss of volume associated with the divestment of merger remedy sites.


Refining and Marketing capital expenditures in the fourth quarter of 2010 were $272 million with spending primarily focused on planned turnarounds and other refinery projects.

Annual expenditures totaled $667 million and were focused on refining assets. Successful turnarounds at all of the refineries and the lubricants business were completed during the year to support continued safe and reliable operations.

Corporate, Energy Trading and Eliminations

Corporate, Energy Trading and Eliminations includes the company's investment in renewable energy projects, results related to third-party energy supply and trading activities and other activities not directly attributable to other operating segments.

             Suncor Energy Inc.
012    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Operating Earnings Reconciliation:

Three months ended
December 31
Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net (loss) earnings

    51     (86 )   (442 )   104    

Unrealized foreign exchange gain on U.S. dollar denominated long-term debt

    (252 )   (157 )   (372 )   (798 )  

Mark-to-market valuation of stock-based compensation

    36     1     19     58    

Merger and integration costs

    25     79     86     151    

Impact of income tax rate adjustments on future income tax liabilities

        2         5    

Operating loss (1)

    (140 )   (161 )   (709 )   (480 )  


Three months ended
December 31
Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Operating earnings (loss) (1)


Renewable energy

    6     6     33     29    

Energy trading

    28     23     53     44    


    (175 )   (195 )   (808 )   (460 )  

Group eliminations

    1     5     13     (93 )  

    (140 )   (161 )   (709 )   (480 )  

Cash flow used in operations (1)

    (219 )   (302 )   (973 )   (653 )  
See the Non-GAAP Financial Measures Advisory section of this document.

Operating loss for the Corporate, Energy Trading and Eliminations segment was $140 million in the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to an operating loss of $161 million in the fourth quarter of 2009.

Renewable energy contributed $6 million in operating earnings in the fourth quarter of 2010, which was consistent with the same period in 2009.

Energy trading operating earnings for the fourth quarter of 2010 were $28 million, compared to $23 million in 2009. In the fourth quarter of 2010, the gain was driven by buying heavy crude oil in Western Canada at wide price differentials relative to WTI, and transporting this product to more favorable markets. In the fourth quarter of 2009, results were positively impacted by realized physical gains on crude inventory positions.

Corporate experienced an operating loss of $175 million in the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to an operating loss of $195 million in the fourth quarter of 2009. The decrease in operating loss was primarily the result of lower net interest expense due to increased capitalized interest in the fourth quarter of 2010.

Group eliminations reflect the elimination of profit on crude oil sales between Oil Sands or East Coast Canada and Refining and Marketing, where profits are realized when the products are sold to third parties.


Corporate capital expenditures were $152 million in the fourth quarter of 2010, bringing annual expenditures to $360 million. Spending was focused on merger integration related activities and renewable energy.

Work is underway to integrate legacy Suncor and legacy Petro-Canada systems onto one common platform as well as to integrate processes, information and technology.

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                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    013

Construction continued on the Wintering Hills wind power project in the fourth quarter of 2010, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2011. At peak operation, the project is expected to generate enough electricity to power approximately 35,000 Alberta homes and displace 200,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

Construction also continued on the Kent Breeze wind power project in the fourth quarter of 2010, which is expected to be completed by mid-2011.

Suncor's ethanol plant, located in Sarnia, Ontario, has a current capacity of 200 million litres per year, displacing the equivalent of 300,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. The company's plant expansion was completed in January 2011 and has doubled the capacity of the ethanol plant to 400 million litres per year.


Certain financial measures referred to in this report to shareholders, namely operating earnings, cash flow from operations, return on capital employed (ROCE), and oil sands cash operating costs, are not prescribed by Canadian GAAP. These non-GAAP financial measures do not have any standardized meaning and therefore are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. These non-GAAP financial measures are included because management uses this information to analyze operating performance, leverage and liquidity. Therefore, such measures should not be considered in isolation or as substitutes for measures of performance prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP.

Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)

A detailed numerical reconciliation of ROCE is provided on an annual basis in the company's annual MD&A, which is to be read in conjunction with the company's annual consolidated financial statements.

Operating Earnings

Operating earnings is a non-GAAP measure that adjusts net earnings for significant items that management believes are not indicative of operating performance and reduce the comparability of the underlying financial performance between periods. Management uses operating earnings to evaluate operating performance, because management believes it provides better comparability between periods. All reconciling items are presented on an after-tax basis.

Cash Operating Costs Reconciliation (1)

    Three months ended December 31     Twelve months ended December 31    

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

    $ millions     $/barrel     $ millions     $/barrel     $ millions     $/barrel     $ millions     $/barrel    

Operating, selling and general expenses (2)

    1 271           1 300           4 545           4 277          

(Less) Syncrude-related operating, selling and general expenses

    (109 )         (133 )         (473 )         (199 )        

(Less): Other non production related costs (3)

    (62 )         (174 )         (60 )         (479 )        

Cash operating costs

    1 100     36.70     993     38.70     4 012     38.85     3 599     33.95    
Excludes Suncor's proportionate production share and operating costs from the Syncrude joint venture.

GAAP measure.

Other adjustments includes items such as safe mode costs (the cost of placing a growth project on hold or in "safe mode"), inventory changes, stock based compensation, gas swaps, accretion of asset retirement obligations and imported bitumen (excluding other reported product purchases). For the three months ended December 31, other non production related costs are lower in 2010, compared to 2009, primarily due to lower safe mode costs ($101 million). For the twelve months ended December 31, other non production related costs are lower in 2010 compared to 2009, primarily due to lower safe mode costs deduction ($254 million) and higher imported bitumen costs ($67 million).

             Suncor Energy Inc.
014    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Cash Flow from Operations

Cash flow from operations is expressed before changes in non-cash working capital.

Three months ended
December 31


Oil Sands  


Natural Gas 


and Offshore 


Refining and


  Trading and




($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net earnings (loss) from continuing operations

    487     236     (65 )   (55 )   452     230     372     151     51     (86 )   1 297     476    

Adjustments for:


Depreciation, depletion and amortization

    297     300     126     113     302     218     123     114     26     12     874     757    

Future income taxes

    144     (103 )   (22 )   (31 )   103     34     133     4     (64 )   (18 )   294     (114 )  

Accretion of asset retirement obligations

    30     29     9     6     7     7                     46     42    

Unrealized (gain) loss on translation of U.S. dollar denominated long-term debt

                                    (290 )   (201 )   (290 )   (201 )  

Change in fair value of derivative contracts

    (66 )   (28 )       1                 5     34     (37 )   (32 )   (59 )  

Loss (gain) on disposal of assets

    3     53     (6 )       2         (11 )   1     38         26     54    

Stock-based compensation

    12     14     16     4     18     1     30     5     38     10     114     34    

Gain on effective settlement of pre-existing contract with Petro-Canada



    (112 )   (146 )   (11 )   (8 )   (2 )   7     (28 )   (22 )   (52 )   18     (205 )   (151 )  

Exploration expenses

            3     40     3     3                     6     43    

Total cash flow from (used in) operations from continuing operations

    795     355     50     70     885     500     619     258     (219 )   (302 )   2 130     881    

Total cash flow from (used in) operations from discontinued operations

            1     90     13     158                     14     248    

Total cash flow from (used in) operations

    795     355     51     160     898     658     619     258     (219 )   (302 )   2 144     1 129    

Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    015


Year ended
December 31


Oil Sands  


Natural Gas 


and Offshore 


Refining and


  Trading and




($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net earnings (loss) from continuing operations

    1 492     557     (277 )   (185 )   1 114     323     801     407     (442 )   104     2 688     1 206    

Adjustments for:


Depreciation, depletion and amortization

    1 318     922     773     287     1 172     299     475     317     75     35     3 813     1 860    

Future income taxes

    484     (643 )   (96 )   (47 )   108     48     261     99     (202 )   (85 )   555     (628 )  

Accretion of asset retirement obligations

    120     111     29     14     27     10     2     1             178     136    

Unrealized (gain) loss on translation of U.S. dollar denominated long-term debt

                                    (426 )   (858 )   (426 )   (858 )  

Change in fair value of derivative contracts

    (316 )   960                         (14 )   31     34     (285 )   980    

Loss (gain) on disposal of assets

    14     70     (132 )   (20 )   2         (30 )   16     39         (107 )   66    

Stock-based compensation

    48     90     12     19     18     12     40     35     (4 )   106     114     262    

Gain on effective settlement of pre-existing contract with Petro-Canada

        (438 )                                       (438 )  


    (391 )   (378 )   (6 )   (11 )   8     40     (13 )   60     (44 )   11     (446 )   (278 )  

Exploration expenses

            17     120     63     6                     80     126    

Total cash flow from (used in) operations from continuing operations

    2 769     1 251     320     177     2 512     738     1 536     921     (973 )   (653 )   6 164     2 434    

Total cash flow from (used in) operations from discontinued operations

            125     152     367     213                     492     365    

Total cash flow from (used in) operations

    2 769     1 251     445     329     2 879     951     1 536     921     (973 )   (653 )   6 656     2 799    

             Suncor Energy Inc.
016    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Legal Advisory – Forward-Looking Information

This Report to Shareholders contains certain forward-looking statements and other information based on Suncor's current expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions that were made by the company in light of its experience and its perception of historical trends.

All statements and other information that address expectations or projections about the future and other statements and information about Suncor's strategy for growth, expected and future expenditures, commodity prices, costs, schedules, production volumes, operating and financial results and expected impact of future commitments, are forward-looking statements. Some of the forward-looking statements and information may be identified by words like "expects," "anticipates," "estimates," "plans," "scheduled," "intends," "believes," "projects," "indicates," "could," "focus," "vision," "goal," "outlook," "proposed," "target," "objective," and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements in this Report to Shareholders include references to:

the strategic partnership with Total E&P Canada Ltd., and the expectation that the two companies will develop the Fort Hills and Joslyn oil sands mining projects and restart construction on the Voyageur upgrader with targeted operational dates ranging from 2016 to 2018;

Suncor's 2011 capital spending plan, including the intention that approximately $2.8 billion will be directed towards growth project funding (including Firebag Stage 3 and 4 expansions and investment in the Fort Hills oil sands mining projects and Voyageur upgrader), primarily at the company's oil sands operations, with the remaining $3.9 billion targeted towards sustaining existing operations, including significant planned maintenance to support reliability and further deployment of new tailings reclamation technology;

the intention that approximately 40% of planned sustaining capital for 2011 will be targeted to spending that is not expected to recur on an annual basis;

the planned expansion for Firebag 3, with the target to begin production late in the second quarter of 2011, ramping up toward capacity of 62,500 bpd of bitumen over approximately 24 months thereafter;

the schedule for Suncor's TROTM tailings reclamation project (planned complete by the end of 2012);

Suncor's drilling programs located in the Ferrier area in central Alberta and Pouce Coupe in western Alberta, including the plan to have both tied-in during the first quarter of 2011;

developmental drilling in the North Amethyst portion of White Rose, and the expectation that production will peak in late 2012;  

the expectation that first oil will occur for: (i) West White Rose in the second quarter of 2011; and (ii) Hebron in 2017;

the Hibernia South Extension, and the expectation of production in the second quarter of 2011;  

the expectation that the Buzzard enhancement project will ramp up into the first quarter of 2011;

the plans for the Wintering Hills wind power project, including targeted completion by the end of 2011 and the expectation that the project will be able to generate enough electricity to power approximately 35,000 Alberta homes and displace 200,000 tonnes of CO2 per year; and

timelines for the Kent Breeze wind power project (expected to be completed by mid-2011).

This Report to Shareholders also contains forward-looking statements and information concerning the anticipated completion and timing of the proposed transaction with Total E&P Canada Ltd. Suncor has provided these anticipated times in reliance on certain assumptions that we believe are reasonable at this time, including assumptions as to the timing of receipt of the necessary regulatory, court and other third party approvals; and the time necessary to satisfy the conditions to the closing of the transaction. These dates may change for a number of reasons, including unforeseen delays in the ability to secure necessary regulatory or other third party approvals or the need for additional time to satisfy the conditions to the completion of the transaction. The transaction may not close as scheduled or at all. As a result of the foregoing, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this Report to Shareholders concerning these times.

Forward-looking statements and information are not guarantees of future performance and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, some that are similar to other oil and gas companies and some that are unique to Suncor. Suncor's actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by its forward-looking statements and information and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on them.

The financial and operating performance of the company's business segments, including Oil Sands, Natural Gas, International and Offshore and Refining and Marketing, may be affected by a number of factors, including, but not limited to, the following:

Factors that affect our Oil Sands business:

Production reliability risk. Our ability to reliably operate our oil sands facilities in order to meet production targets.

Our ability to finance oil sands growth and sustaining capital expenditures in a volatile commodity pricing environment.

Bitumen supply. The unavailability of third party bitumen, poor ore grade quality, unplanned mine equipment and extraction plant maintenance, tailings storage and in situ reservoir and equipment performance could impact production targets.

Performance of recently commissioned facilities. Production rates while new equipment is being lined out are difficult to predict and can be impacted by unplanned maintenance.

Our ability to manage production operating costs. Operating costs could be impacted by inflationary pressures on labour, volatile pricing for natural gas used as an energy source in oil sands processes, and planned and unplanned maintenance. We continue to address these risks through strategies such as application of technologies that help manage operational workforce demand, offsetting natural gas purchases through internal production, investigation of technologies that mitigate reliance on natural gas as an energy source, and an increased focus on preventative maintenance.

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                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    017

Our ability to complete projects both on time and on budget. This could be impacted by competition from other projects (including other oil sands projects) for goods and services and demands on infrastructure in Fort McMurray and the surrounding area (including housing, roads and schools). We continue to address these issues through a comprehensive recruitment and retention strategy, working with the community to determine infrastructure needs, designing Oil Sands expansion to reduce unit costs, seeking strategic alliances with service providers and maintaining a strong focus on engineering, procurement and project management.

Potential changes in the demand for refinery feedstock and diesel fuel. Our strategy is to reduce the impact of this issue by entering into long-term supply agreements with major customers, expanding our customer base and offering a variety of blends of refinery feedstock to meet customer specifications.

Volatility in light/heavy and sweet/sour crude oil differentials.   

Logistical constraints and variability in market demand, which can impact crude movements. These factors can be difficult to predict and control.

Changes to royalty and tax legislation and related agreements that could impact our business (including our current dispute with the Alberta Department of Energy in respect of the Bitumen Valuation Methodology Regulation). While fiscal regimes in Alberta and Canada are generally stable relative to many global jurisdictions, royalty and tax treatments are subject to periodic review, the outcome of which is not predictable and could result in changes to the company's planned investments, and lower rates of return on existing investments.

Our relationship with our trade unions. Work disruptions have the potential to adversely affect Oil Sands operations and growth projects.

Factors that affect our Natural Gas business:

Volatility in natural gas prices.  

Risk associated with a depressed market for asset sales, leading to losses on disposition.

The accessibility and cost of mineral rights. Market demand influences the cost and available opportunities for mineral leases and acquisitions.

Risks and uncertainties associated with weather conditions, which can shorten the winter drilling season and impact the spring and summer drilling program, which may result in increased costs and/or delays in bringing on new production.

Factors that affect our International and Offshore business:

Risks and uncertainties associated with international and offshore operations normally inherent in such activities such as drilling, operation and development of such properties including unexpected formations or pressures, premature declines of reservoirs, fires, blow-outs, equipment failures and other accidents, uncontrollable flows of crude oil, natural gas or well fluids, pollution and other environmental risks.

Performance after completion of maintenance is not predictable and can significantly impact production rates.

Risks and uncertainties associated with consulting with stakeholders and obtaining regulatory approval for exploration and development activities. These risks could increase costs and/or cause delays to or cancellation of projects and expansions to existing projects.

Risks and uncertainties associated with weather conditions, which may result in increased costs and/or delays in exploration, operations or abandonment activities.

Suncor's foreign operations and related assets are subject to a number of political, economic and socio-economic risks. Suncor's operations in Libya may be constrained by production quotas.

Factors that affect our Refining and Marketing business:

Production reliability risk. Our ability to reliably operate our refining and marketing facilities in order to meet production targets.

Management expects that fluctuations in demand and supply for refined products, margin and price volatility, and market competition, including potential new market entrants, will continue to impact the business environment.

There are certain risks associated with the execution of capital projects, including the risk of cost overruns. Numerous risks and uncertainties can affect construction schedules, including the availability of labour and other impacts of competing projects drawing on the same resources during the same time period.

Our relationship with our trade unions. Hourly employees at our London, Ontario terminal operation, our Sarnia refinery, our Commerce City refinery, our Montreal refinery, certain of our lubricants operations, certain of our terminalling operations and at Sun-Canadian Pipeline Company Limited are represented by labour unions or employee associations. Any work interruptions involving our employees, and/or contract trades utilized in our projects or operations, could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flow.

Additional Risks, Uncertainties and Other Factors

Additional risks, uncertainties and other factors that could influence the actual results of all of Suncor's business segments include but are not limited to, market instability affecting Suncor's ability to borrow in the capital debt markets at acceptable rates; consistently and competitively finding and developing reserves that can be brought on-stream economically; success of hedging strategies; maintaining a desirable debt to cash flow ratio; changes in the general economic, market and business conditions; our ability to finance capital investment to replace reserves or increase processing capacity in a volatile commodity pricing and credit environment; fluctuations in supply and demand for Suncor's products; commodity prices, interest rates and currency exchange; volatility in natural gas and liquids prices is not predictable and can significantly impact revenues; Suncor's ability to respond to changing markets and to receive timely regulatory approvals; the successful and timely implementation of capital projects including growth projects and regulatory projects; risks and uncertainties associated with consulting with stakeholders and obtaining regulatory approval for exploration and development activities in Suncor's operating areas (these risks could increase costs and/or cause delays to or cancellation of projects); effective execution of planned turnarounds; the accuracy of cost estimates, some of which are provided at the conceptual or other preliminary stage

             Suncor Energy Inc.
018    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

of projects and prior to commencement or conception of the detailed engineering needed to reduce the margin of error and increase the level of accuracy; the integrity and reliability of Suncor's capital assets; the cumulative impact of other resource development; the cost of compliance with current and future environmental laws; the accuracy of Suncor's reserve, resource and future production estimates and its success at exploration and development drilling and related activities; the maintenance of satisfactory relationships with unions, employee associations and joint venture partners; competitive actions of other companies, including increased competition from other oil and gas companies or from companies that provide alternative sources of energy; labour and material shortages; uncertainties resulting from potential delays or changes in plans with respect to projects or capital expenditures; actions by governmental authorities including the imposition of taxes or changes to fees and royalties, changes in environmental and other regulations (for example, the Government of Alberta's review of the unintended consequences of the proposed Crown royalty regime, our negotiations with the Alberta Department of Energy in respect of the Bitumen Valuation Methodology Regulation; the Government of Canada's current review of greenhouse gas emission regulations); the ability and willingness of parties with whom we have material relationships to perform their obligations to us (including in respect of any planned divestitures); risks and uncertainties associated with the ability of closing conditions to be met, the timing of closing and the consideration to be received with respect to the planned sale of any of Suncor's assets, including the ability of counterparties to comply with their obligations in a timely manner and the receipt of any required regulatory or other third party approvals outside of Suncor's control; the occurrence of unexpected events such as fires, blowouts, freeze-ups, equipment failures and other similar events affecting Suncor or other parties whose operations or assets directly or indirectly affect Suncor; failure to realize anticipated synergies or cost savings; risks regarding the integration of the Suncor and Petro-Canada after the merger; and incorrect assessments of the values of Petro-Canada. The foregoing important factors are not exhaustive.

Many of these risk factors and other assumptions related to Suncor's forward-looking statements and information are discussed in further detail throughout this Report to Shareholders and its Annual Information Form/Form 40-F on file with Canadian securities commissions at www.sedar.com and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at www.sec.gov. Readers are also referred to the risk factors and assumptions described in other documents that Suncor files from time to time with securities regulatory authorities. Copies of these documents are available without charge from the company.

Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    019


    2010     2009    

Cash Flow From Operations


(dollars per common share – basic)


For the three months ended December 31


Cash flow from operations (1)

    1.37     0.72    

For the twelve months ended December 31


Cash flow from operations (1)

    4.26     2.34    



For the twelve months ended December 31


Return on capital employed (%) (2)

    10.1     2.6    

Return on capital employed (%) (3)

    7.4     1.8    

Net debt to cash flow from operations (times) (4)

    1.7     4.8    

Interest coverage on long-term debt (times)


Net earnings (5)

    8.4     3.0    

Cash flow from operations (6)

    11.9     7.2    

As at December 31


Total debt to total debt plus shareholders' equity (%) (7)

    25     29    

Common Share Information


As at December 31


Share price at end of trading


Toronto Stock Exchange – Cdn$

    38.28     37.21    

New York Stock Exchange – US$

    38.29     35.31    

Common share options outstanding (thousands)

    67 638     72 024    

For the twelve months ended December 31


Average number outstanding, weighted monthly (thousands)

    1 562 285     1 197 710    

Refer to the Quarterly Operating Summary for a discussion of financial measures not prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

Cash flow from operations for the period; divided by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the period.

Net earnings (2010 – $3,491 million; 2009 – $637 million) after adjusting for after-tax financing income (2010 – $80 million; 2009 – $509 million) divided by average capital employed (2010 – $34,510 million; 2009 – $24,473 million). Average capital employed is shareholders' equity and short-term debt plus long-term debt less cash and cash equivalents, less capitalized costs related to major projects in progress, on a weighted-average basis.

Average capital employed including capitalized costs related to major projects in progress (2010 – $47,399 million; 2009 – $35,128 million).

Short-term debt plus long-term debt less cash and cash equivalents, divided by cash flow from operations for the twelve-month period then ended.

Net earnings plus income taxes and interest expense, divided by the sum of interest expense and capitalized interest.

Cash flow from operations plus current income taxes and interest expense; divided by the sum of interest expense and capitalized interest.

Short-term debt plus long-term debt; divided by the sum of short-term debt, long-term debt and shareholders' equity.

             Suncor Energy Inc.
020    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Quarterly Operating Summary

Three months ended 
Twelve months ended 
      Dec 31
    Sept 30
    June 30
    Mar 31
    Dec 31
    Dec 31
    Dec 31
OIL SANDS                                              
Production (kbpd)                                              
Total production (excluding Syncrude)                                                                       325.9     306.6     295.5     202.3     278.9     283.0     290.6    
  Firebag (kbpd of bitumen)     52.9     50.4     55.7     55.7     51.1     53.6     49.1    
  MacKay River (kbpd of bitumen)     32.9     28.8     32.5     31.8     31.7     31.5     29.7 **  
Syncrude     37.9     31.7     38.9     32.3     39.3     35.2     38.5 **  
Sales (kbpd) (excluding Syncrude)                                              
Light sweet crude oil     84.5     84.5     99.0     61.0     100.8     82.3     99.6    
Diesel     12.2     25.8     30.7     12.9     31.4     20.4     29.1    
Light sour crude oil     189.8     165.8     143.1     80.5     142.4     145.2     135.7    
Bitumen     24.9     21.2     37.4     42.3     13.0     31.4     11.8    
Total sales     311.4     297.3     310.2     196.7     287.6     279.3     276.2    
Average sales price (1) (dollars per barrel) (excluding Syncrude)                                              
Light sweet crude oil*     83.02     75.49     77.55     80.84     77.71     79.03     67.26    
Other (diesel, light sour crude oil and bitumen)*     70.29     66.39     68.53     69.53     72.93     68.63     64.18    
Total*     73.75     68.97     71.41     73.03     74.61     71.69     65.29    
Total     70.95     67.53     69.79     70.21     65.42     69.58     61.66    
Syncrude average sales price (1) (dollars per barrel)     84.40     78.83     77.32     83.21     78.81     80.93     77.36    

Operating costs – Total operations (excluding Syncrude) (dollars per barrel)


Cash costs     34.35     32.45     31.70     46.50     35.10     35.30     31.50    
Natural gas     2.30     1.10     3.55     5.40     3.40     2.85     2.40    
Imported bitumen     0.05     0.05     0.65     2.95     0.20     0.70     0.05    
Cash operating costs (2)     36.70     33.60     35.90     54.85     38.70     38.85     33.95    
Project start-up costs     0.95     0.75     0.55     0.55     0.50     0.70     0.45    
Total cash operating costs (3)     37.65     34.35     36.45     55.40     39.20     39.55     34.40    
Depreciation, depletion and amortization     8.80     9.00     15.35     12.65     10.00     11.25     8.00    
Total operating costs (4)     46.45     43.35     51.80     68.05     49.20     50.80     42.40    

Operating costs – Syncrude*** (dollars per barrel)


Cash costs     32.85     39.20     28.75     39.60     29.65     34.70     29.60    
Natural gas     3.05     2.75     2.85     4.50     3.45     3.25     2.90    
Cash operating costs (2)     35.90     41.95     31.60     44.10     33.10     37.95     32.50    
Project start-up costs                                
Total cash operating costs (3)     35.90     41.95     31.60     44.10     33.10     37.95     32.50    
Depreciation, depletion and amortization     9.65     14.85     11.35     13.70     11.80     12.20     12.15    
Total operating costs (4)     45.55     56.80     42.95     57.80     44.90     50.15     44.65    

Operating costs – In situ bitumen production only (dollars per barrel)


Cash costs     16.50     17.15     13.65     12.30     14.25     14.85     14.55    
Natural gas     4.80     5.25     5.05     7.05     6.05     5.55     5.70    
Cash operating costs (5)     21.30     22.40     18.70     19.35     20.30     20.40     20.25    
Project start-up costs     3.35     2.50     1.45     0.95     1.35     2.05     1.35    
Total cash operating costs (6)     24.65     24.90     20.15     20.30     21.65     22.45     21.60    
Depreciation, depletion and amortization     5.20     5.90     4.70     5.05     6.65     5.20     6.35    
Total operating costs (7)     29.85     30.80     24.85     25.35     28.30     27.65     27.95    

Footnotes, definitions and abbreviations, see page 26.

Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    021

Quarterly Operating Summary (continued)

Three months ended 
Twelve months ended 

    Dec 31
    Sept 30
    June 30
    Mar 31
    Dec 31
    Dec 31
    Dec 31



Gross production


Natural gas (mmcf/d)


Continuing operations                                                                 

    399     380     398     419     424     399     262    

Discontinued operations

    8     120     138     230     250     123     135    

Natural gas liquids and crude oil (kbpd)


Continuing operations

    4.9     5.4     5.5     6.2     6.2     5.5     3.3    

Discontinued operations

    0.2     2.2     2.8     7.8     8.8     3.3     4.8    

Total gross production (mmcfe/d)


Continuing operations

    429     412     431     456     461     432     282    

Discontinued operations

    9     134     155     277     303     143     164    

Average sales price from continuing operations (1)


Natural gas (dollars per mcf)

    3.39     3.66     3.42     5.34     3.92     3.99     3.63    

Natural gas (dollars per mcf)*

    3.39     3.66     3.42     5.34     3.91     3.99     3.62    

Natural gas liquids and crude oil (dollars per barrel)

    71.56     68.03     82.82     74.71     65.74     77.37     59.41    

Footnotes, definitions and abbreviations, see page 26.

             Suncor Energy Inc.
022    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Quarterly Operating Summary (continued)

Three months ended 
Twelve months ended 

    Dec 31
    Sept 30
    June 30
    Mar 31
    Dec 31
    Dec 31
    Dec 31



East Coast Canada


Production (kbpd)


Terra Nova

    19.0     17.2     27.2     29.6     24.0     23.2     20.8    


    30.9     32.3     30.1     30.2     26.3     30.9     27.2    

White Rose

    13.0     16.8     13.3     14.8     13.3     14.5     10.0    

Total production

    62.9     66.3     70.6     74.6     63.6     68.6     58.0    

Average sales price (1) (dollars per barrel)

    87.12     78.78     76.88     78.69     77.71     80.20     76.86    



Production (kboe/d)


North Sea



    55.6     58.6     49.3     58.6     59.9     55.5     47.8    

Production from discontinued operations

    18.7     25.2     22.7     27.5     31.1     23.5     28.7    

Total North Sea

    74.3     83.8     72.0     86.1     91.0     79.0     76.5    

Other International



    34.7     35.4     35.4     35.4     26.0     35.2     32.6    


    16.9     16.5     12.8             11.6        

Production from discontinued operations

        4.2     11.1     11.7     12.0     6.7     11.7    

Total Other International

    51.6     56.1     59.3     47.1     38.0     53.5     44.3    

Total production

    125.9     139.9     131.3     133.2     129.0     132.5     120.8    

Average sales price from continuing operations (1) (dollars per boe)



    85.46     75.60     78.57     72.36     68.71     77.91     69.53    

Other International

    83.06     74.90     76.14     73.40     79.06     78.07     77.53    

Total International and Offshore Production (kboe/d)


Footnotes, definitions and abbreviations, see page 26.

Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    023

Quarterly Operating Summary (continued)

Three months ended 
Twelve months ended 

    Dec 31
    Sept 30
    June 30
    Mar 31
    Dec 31
    Dec 31
    Dec 31



Eastern North America


Refined product sales (thousands of m3/d)


Transportation fuels



    22.9     22.5     22.5     21.0     23.0     22.2     14.6    


    13.7     11.7     12.5     12.3     13.9     12.4     8.8    

Total transportation fuel sales

    36.6     34.2     35.0     33.3     36.9     34.6     23.4    


    2.4     2.5     2.8     2.2     1.2     2.5     0.8    


    2.4     3.7     3.0     1.8     2.0     2.7     1.5    


    5.3     6.0     6.0     4.3     1.9     5.5     2.0    

Total refined product sales

    46.7     46.4     46.8     41.6     42.0     45.3     27.7    

Crude oil supply and refining


Processed at refineries (thousands of m3/d)

    29.7     30.7     30.6     31.0     28.3     30.5     29.6    

Utilization of refining capacity (%)

    87     90     90     91     83     89     87    

Western North America


Refined product sales (thousands of m3/d)


Transportation fuels



    18.3     19.9     19.2     18.1     18.4     18.9     13.0    


    23.2     17.4     16.3     16.9     15.6     18.5     9.5    

Total transportation fuel sales

    41.5     37.3     35.5     35.0     34.0     37.4     22.5    


    0.9     1.5     1.5     1.2     0.9     1.3     1.3    


    2.0     3.7     5.2     4.4     6.0     3.8     3.4    

Total refined product sales

    44.4     42.5     42.2     40.6     40.9     42.5     27.2    

Crude oil supply and refining


Processed at refineries (thousands of m3/d)

    36.5     36.6     31.7     33.5     33.4     34.6     33.6    

Utilization of refining capacity (%)

    101     101     87     92     96     95     97    

Footnotes, definitions and abbreviations, see page 26.

             Suncor Energy Inc.
024    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Quarterly Operating Summary (continued)

Three months ended 
Twelve months ended 

    Dec 31
    Sept 30
    June 30
    Mar 31
    Dec 31
    Dec 31
    Dec 31

NETBACKS – Continuing Operations


Natural Gas (dollars per mcfe)


Average price realized (8)

    4.40     4.76     5.06     6.23     5.02     5.16     4.50    


    (0.45 )   (0.50 )   (0.06 )   (0.91 )   (0.71 )   (0.49 )   (0.37 )  

Transportation costs

    (0.33 )   (0.39 )   (0.55 )   (0.37 )   (0.45 )   (0.41 )   (0.41 )  

Operating costs

    (1.71 )   (1.53 )   (1.55 )   (1.30 )   (1.43 )   (1.52 )   (1.39 )  

Operating netback

    1.91     2.34     2.90     3.65     2.43     2.74     2.33    

International and Offshore


East Coast Canada (dollars per barrel)


Average price realized (8)

    89.35     81.06     78.99     80.79     79.69     82.38     79.07    


    (29.17 )   (25.49 )   (28.45 )   (28.78 )   (25.26 )   (27.99 )   (23.82 )  

Transportation costs

    (2.23 )   (2.28 )   (2.11 )   (2.10 )   (1.98 )   (2.18 )   (2.21 )  

Operating costs

    (7.57 )   (6.80 )   (6.08 )   (6.38 )   (5.63 )   (6.68 )   (7.24 )  

Operating netback

    50.38     46.49     42.35     43.53     46.82     45.53     45.80    

North Sea – Buzzard (dollars per barrel)


Average price realized (8)

    87.30     77.43     80.35     74.19     70.38     79.73     71.64    

Transportation costs

    (1.84 )   (1.83 )   (1.78 )   (1.83 )   (1.67 )   (1.82 )   (2.11 )  

Operating costs

    (2.80 )   (2.90 )   (3.57 )   (3.09 )   (2.90 )   (3.07 )   (2.88 )  

Operating netback

    82.66     72.70     75.00     69.27     65.81     74.84     66.65    

Other International (dollars per boe)


Average price realized (8)

    82.74     75.24     76.61     73.92     79.97     78.30     78.19    


    (18.37 )   (32.06 )   (36.99 )   (43.28 )   (32.12 )   (35.06 )   (39.88 )  

Transportation costs

    0.32     (0.34 )   (0.47 )   (0.52 )   (0.91 )   (0.23 )   (0.66 )  

Operating costs

    (6.38 )   (4.72 )   (7.40 )   (3.29 )   (5.12 )   (5.60 )   (3.39 )  

Operating netback

    58.31     38.12     31.75     26.83     41.82     37.41     34.26    

Footnotes, definitions and abbreviations, see page 26.

Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    025

Quarterly Operating Summary (continued)

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Certain financial measures referred to in the Highlights and Quarterly Operating Summary are not prescribed by Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Suncor includes operating earnings, cash flow from operations, return on capital employed and cash and total operating costs per barrel data because investors may use this information to analyze operating performance, leverage and liquidity. The additional information should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with GAAP.


(1) Average sales price     This operating statistic is calculated before royalties (where applicable) and net of related transportation costs.
(2) Cash operating costs     Include cash costs that are defined as operating, selling and general expenses (excluding inventory changes), accretion expense and the cost of bitumen imported from third parties. Per barrel amounts are based on total production volumes. For a reconciliation of this non-GAAP financial measure see the fourth quarter Report to Shareholders.
(3) Total cash operating costs     Include cash operating costs – Total operations as defined above and cash start-up costs. Per barrel amounts are based on total production volumes.
(4) Total operating costs     Include total cash operating costs – Total operations as defined above and non-cash operating costs. Per barrel amounts are based on total production volumes.
(5) Cash operating costs – In situ bitumen production     Include cash costs that are defined as operating, selling and general expenses (excluding inventory changes) and accretion expense. Per barrel amounts are based on in situ production volumes only.
(6) Total cash operating costs – In situ bitumen production     Include cash operating costs – In situ bitumen production as defined above and cash start-up operating costs. Per barrel amounts are based on in situ production volumes only.
(7) Total operating costs – In situ bitumen production     Include total cash operating costs – In situ bitumen production as defined above and non-cash operating costs. Per barrel amounts are based on in situ production volumes only.
(8) Average price realized     This operating statistic is calculated before transportation costs and royalties and excludes the impact of hedging activities.

Explanatory Notes

*   Excludes the impact of realized hedging activities.



For the twelve months ended December 31, 2009, operating summary information reflects results of operations since the merger with Petro-Canada on August 1, 2009.



Users are cautioned that the Syncrude cash costs per barrel measure may not be fully comparable to similar information calculated by other entities (including Suncor's own cash costs per barrel excluding Syncrude) due to differing treatments for operating and capital costs among producers.



Commercial production for Syria commenced on April 19, 2010.


kbpd   —    thousands of barrels per day



—    thousands of cubic feet



—    thousands of cubic feet equivalent



—    millions of cubic feet per day



—    millions of cubic feet equivalent per day



—    barrels of oil equivalent



—    thousands of barrels of oil equivalent per day



—    cubic metres per day

Metric conversion

Crude oil, refined products, etc.   1m 3 (cubic metre) = approx. 6.29 barrels    

             Suncor Energy Inc.
026    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Consolidated Statements of Earnings

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    



Operating revenues

    9 173     7 114     33 198     17 977    

Less: Royalties (note 4)

    (351 )   (564 )   (1 937 )   (1 150 )  

Operating revenues (net of royalties)

    8 822     6 550     31 261     16 827    

Energy supply and trading activities

    650     681     2 700     7 577    

Interest and other income (note 5)

    317     5     389     444    

    9 789     7 236     34 350     24 848    



Purchases of crude oil and products

    3 989     2 886     14 911     7 388    

Operating, selling and general

    2 290     2 242     7 810     6 430    

Energy supply and trading activities

    599     524     2 598     7 381    


    185     150     656     396    

Depreciation, depletion and amortization (note 7)

    874     757     3 813     1 860    

Accretion of asset retirement obligations

    46     42     178     136    


    37     86     197     209    

Loss (gain) on disposal of assets

    26     54     (107 )   66    

Project start-up costs

    29     13     77     51    

Financing income (note 9)

    (176 )   (72 )   (30 )   (488 )  

    7 899     6 682     30 103     23 429    

Earnings Before Income Taxes

    1 890     554     4 247     1 419    

Provisions for (Recovery of) Income Taxes (note 10)



    299     192     1 004     841    


    294     (114 )   555     (628 )  

    593     78     1 559     213    

Net Earnings from Continuing Operations

    1 297     476     2 688     1 206    

Net Earnings (Loss) from Discontinued Operations (note 6)

    56     (19 )   883     (60 )  

Net Earnings

    1 353     457     3 571     1 146    

Net Earnings from Continuing Operations per Common Share  (dollars)



    0.83     0.30     1.72     1.01    


    0.82     0.30     1.71     1.00    

Net Earnings per Common Share  (dollars), (note 11)



    0.87     0.29     2.29     0.96    


    0.86     0.29     2.27     0.95    

Cash dividends

    0.10     0.10     0.40     0.30    

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net earnings                                                                                     

    1 353     457     3 571     1 146    

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax


Change in foreign currency translation adjustment

    (235 )   (82 )   (503 )   (332 )  

Reclassification to net earnings

    9         53        

Loss on derivative contracts designated as cash flow hedges

        (1 )          

Reclassification to net earnings

            (1 )   2    

Comprehensive Income

    1 127     374     3 120     816    

Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    027

Consolidated Balance Sheets

($ millions)

          December 31
          December 31



Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents

          1 077           505    

Accounts receivable

          5 253           3 703    


          3 141           2 947    

Income taxes receivable

          734           587    

Future income taxes

          210           332    

Assets of discontinued operations (note 6)

          98           257    

Total current assets

          10 513           8 331    

Property, plant and equipment, net

          55 290           54 198    

Other assets

          451           491    


          3 201           3 201    

Future income taxes

          56           193    

Assets of discontinued operations (note 6)

          658           3 332    

Total assets

          70 169           69 746    

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity


Current liabilities


Short-term debt

          2           2    

Current portion of long-term debt (note 15)

          518           25    

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

          6 942           6 307    

Income taxes payable

          929           1 254    

Future income taxes

          37           18    

Liabilities of discontinued operations (note 6)

          98           242    

Total current liabilities

          8 526           7 848    

Long-term debt (note 15)

          11 669           13 855    

Accrued liabilities and other

          4 154           4 372    

Future income taxes

          8 615           8 367    

Liabilities of discontinued operations (note 6)

          484           1 193    

Shareholders' equity

          36 721           34 111    

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity

          70 169           69 746    

Shareholders' Equity

    Number           Number          

    (thousands)           (thousands)          

Share capital

    1 565 489     20 188     1 559 778     20 053    

Contributed surplus

          505           526    

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (note 17)

          (684 )         (233 )  

Retained earnings

          16 712           13 765    

Total shareholders' equity

          36 721           34 111    

             Suncor Energy Inc.
028    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

    Three months ended December 31     Twelve months ended December 31    

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Operating Activities


Net earnings from continuing operations

    1 297     476     2 688     1 206    

Adjustments for:


Depreciation, depletion and amortization

    874     757     3 813     1 860    

Future income taxes

    294     (114 )   555     (628 )  

Accretion of asset retirement obligations

    46     42     178     136    

Unrealized foreign exchange gain on U.S. dollar denominated long-term debt (note 9)

    (290 )   (201 )   (426 )   (858 )  

Change in fair value of derivative contracts (note 8)

    (32 )   (59 )   (285 )   980    

Loss (gain) on disposal of assets

    26     54     (107 )   66    

Stock-based compensation

    114     34     114     262    

Gain on effective settlement of pre-existing contract with Petro-Canada

                (438 )  


    (205 )   (151 )   (446 )   (278 )  

Exploration expenses

    6     43     80     126    

Change in non-cash working capital related to operating activities (note 12)

    (479 )   442     (1 230 )   (237 )  

Cash flow provided by continuing operations

    1 651     1 323     4 934     2 197    

Cash flow provided by discontinued operations

    93     150     552     378    

Cash flow provided by operating activities

    1 744     1 473     5 486     2 575    

Investing Activities


Capital and exploration expenditures

    (1 867 )   (1 430 )   (5 833 )   (4 020 )  

Other investments

    22     (3 )   3     (9 )  

Proceeds from disposal of assets

    42     112     307     148    

Cash acquired through business combination


Change in non-cash working capital related to investing activities

    54     (83 )   (196 )   (791 )  

Cash flow used in continuing investing activities

    (1 749 )   (1 404 )   (5 719 )   (4 424 )  

Cash flow provided by (used in) discontinued investing activities

    198     (126 )   2 607     (247 )  

Cash flow used in investing activities

    (1 551 )   (1 530 )   (3 112 )   (4 671 )  

Financing Activities


Change in short-term debt

        (1 )          

Change in revolving-term debt

    415     116     (1 257 )   2 325    

Issuance of common shares under stock option plan

    34     11     81     41    

Dividends paid on common shares

    (149 )   (152 )   (611 )   (401 )  

Cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities

    300     (26 )   (1 787 )   1 965    

Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents

    493     (83 )   587     (131 )  

Effect of Foreign Exchange on Cash and Cash Equivalents

    (14 )   1     (15 )   (24 )  

Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Period

    598     587     505     660    

Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period

    1 077     505     1 077     505    

Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    029

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity

($ millions)

Income (Loss)

At December 31, 2008

    1 113     288     97     13 025    

Net earnings

                1 146    

Dividends paid on common shares

                (401 )  

Issued for cash under stock option plan

    57     (16 )          

Issued under dividend reinvestment plan

    5             (5 )  

Stock-based compensation expense


Issued for Petro-Canada acquisition (note 2)

    18 878                

Fair value of Petro-Canada stock options exchanged for Suncor stock options


Income tax benefit of stock option deduction in the U.S.


Change in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

            (330 )      

At December 31, 2009

    20 053     526     (233 )   13 765    

Net earnings

                3 571    

Dividends paid on common shares

                (611 )  

Issued for cash under stock option plans

    122     (34 )          

Issued under dividend reinvestment plan

    13             (13 )  

Stock-based compensation expense


Change in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

            (451 )      

At December 31, 2010

    20 188     505     (684 )   16 712    

             Suncor Energy Inc.
030    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Schedules of Segmented Data from Continuing Operations

Three months ended December 31



Oil Sands


Natural Gas  




Refining and


Trading and




($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009    





Operating revenues

    1 934     1 182     135     144     1 313     1 052     5 778     4 694     13     42     9 173     7 114    

Intersegment revenues

    881     1 082     37     67     126     62     43     49     (1 087 )   (1 260 )          

Less: Royalties

    (139 )   (280 )   (18 )   (30 )   (194 )   (254 )                   (351 )   (564 )  

Operating revenues (net of royalties)

    2 676     1 984     154     181     1 245     860     5 821     4 743     (1 074 )   (1 218 )   8 822     6 550    

Energy supply and trading activities

                                    650     681     650     681    

Interest and other income

    13     2     4         256     1     5         39     2     317     5    

    2 689     1 986     158     181     1 501     861     5 826     4 743     (385 )   (535 )   9 789     7 236    



Purchases of crude oil and products

    342     83             139     17     4 555     3 889     (1 047 )   (1 103 )   3 989     2 886    

Operating, selling and general

    1 271     1 300     104     87     133     125     587     530     195     200     2 290     2 242    

Energy supply and trading activities

                                    599     524     599     524    


    88     70     12     19     22     23     57     43     6     (5 )   185     150    

Depreciation, depletion and amortization

    297     300     126     113     302     218     123     114     26     12     874     757    

Accretion of asset retirement obligations

    30     29     9     6     7     7                     46     42    


        2     1     42     36     42                     37     86    

Loss (gain) on disposal of assets

    3     53     (6 )       2         (11 )   1     38         26     54    

Project start-up costs

    29     13                                     29     13    

Financing expenses (income)

    (5 )   1     2         10     (2 )   7     4     (190 )   (75 )   (176 )   (72 )  

    2 055     1 851     248     267     651     430     5 318     4 581     (373 )   (447 )   7 899     6 682    

Earnings (loss) before income taxes

    634     135     (90 )   (86 )   850     431     508     162     (12 )   (88 )   1 890     554    

Income taxes

    147     (101 )   (25 )   (31 )   398     201     136     11     (63 )   (2 )   593     78    

Net earnings (loss) from continuing operations

    487     236     (65 )   (55 )   452     230     372     151     51     (86 )   1 297     476    


(1 067










(1 867

(1 430


Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    031

Schedules of Segmented Data from Continuing Operations (continued)

Twelve months ended December 31



Oil Sands


Natural Gas  




Refining and


Trading and




($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009    





Operating revenues

    7 028     4 135     682     338     4 654     1 526     20 769     11 800     65     178     33 198     17 977    

Intersegment revenues

    2 758     2 609     124     121     593     159     249     51     (3 724 )   (2 940 )          

Less: Royalties

    (681 )   (645 )   (76 )   (36 )   (1 180 )   (469 )                   (1 937 )   (1 150 )  

Operating revenues (net of royalties)

    9 105     6 099     730     423     4 067     1 216     21 018     11 851     (3 659 )   (2 762 )   31 261     16 827    

Energy supply and trading activities

                                    2 700     7 577     2 700     7 577    

Interest and other income

    318     440     4         256     1     44         (233 )   3     389     444    

    9 423     6 539     734     423     4 323     1 217     21 062     11 851     (1 192 )   4 818     34 350     24 848    



Purchases of crude oil and products

    1 070     325             302     33     17 100     9 607     (3 561 )   (2 577 )   14 911     7 388    

Operating, selling and general

    4 545     4 277     338     233     414     164     2 192     1 284     321     472     7 810     6 430    

Energy supply and trading activities

                                    2 598     7 381     2 598     7 381    


    291     248     94     41     89     38     200     87     (18 )   (18 )   656     396    

Depreciation, depletion and amortization

    1 318     922     773     287     1 172     299     475     317     75     35     3 813     1 860    

Accretion of asset retirement obligations

    120     111     29     14     27     10     2     1             178     136    


    6     10     14     125     177     74                     197     209    

Loss (gain) on disposal of assets

    14     70     (132 )   (20 )   2         (30 )   16     39         (107 )   66    

Project start-up costs

    74     51             3                         77     51    

Financing expenses (income)

    (1 )   1     (1 )       (18 )   (1 )   9     4     (19 )   (492 )   (30 )   (488 )  

    7 437     6 015     1 115     680     2 168     617     19 948     11 316     (565 )   4 801     30 103     23 429    

Earnings (loss) before income taxes

    1 986     524     (381 )   (257 )   2 155     600     1 114     535     (627 )   17     4 247     1 419    

Income taxes

    494     (33 )   (104 )   (72 )   1 041     277     313     128     (185 )   (87 )   1 559     213    

Net earnings (loss) from continuing operations

    1 492     557     (277 )   (185 )   1 114     323     801     407     (442 )   104     2 688     1 206    


(3 709

(2 831









(5 833

(4 020


             Suncor Energy Inc.
032    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com



These interim consolidated financial statements of Suncor Energy Inc. (Suncor or the company) have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles and follow the same accounting policies and methods of computation as, and should be read in conjunction with, the most recent annual financial statements. Certain information and disclosures normally required to be included in notes to the annual consolidated financial statements have been condensed or omitted.

Certain prior period comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation.


(a)  Overview

On August 1, 2009, Suncor completed its merger with Petro-Canada. The company has accounted for this business combination as prescribed by Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Handbook section 1581 "Business Combinations". As the acquirer, the company is required to recognize Petro-Canada assets and liabilities as at August 1, 2009. The results of Petro-Canada operations are included in the consolidated financial statements of the company from August 1, 2009.

(b)  Final Allocation of Purchase Price

The following estimated fair values were assigned to the net assets of Petro-Canada as at August 1, 2009:

($ millions)


Current assets

    4 645    

Property, plant and equipment

    27 407    

Other assets


Total assets

    32 589    

Current liabilities

    3 741    

Long-term debt

    4 410    

Accrued liabilities and other

    3 416    

Future income taxes

    4 570    

Total liabilities

    16 137    

Net assets purchased

    16 452    


    3 178    

Total purchase price

    19 630    

The purchase price allocation was based on best estimates by Suncor's management and was based principally on valuations prepared by independent valuation specialists. Management finalized the purchase price allocation during the second quarter of 2010 and did not make any amendments to the preliminary allocation.


During the first quarter of 2010, as a result of planned divestitures of the company's assets in Trinidad and Tobago, The Netherlands and certain assets in the United Kingdom (U.K.) (described in note 6), the company combined its International and East Coast Canada segments into one new segment, International and Offshore. Continuing operations for the International and Offshore segment are comprised of activity offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, including interests in the Hibernia, Terra Nova,

Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    033

White Rose and Hebron oilfields, and the exploration for, and production of, crude oil and natural gas in the U.K., Norway, Libya and Syria.

All prior periods have been restated to conform to these segment definitions.


In the fourth quarter of 2010, the Minister of Energy for Alberta provided notice to the company for the quality adjustment to be used under the Bitumen Valuation Methodology (Ministerial) Regulations for the interim period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010. As a result, the company recognized a royalty recovery of approximately $140 million.

The company continues to negotiate final adjustments to the bitumen valuation calculation for the 2009 and 2010 interim period and for the term of the Suncor Royalty Amending Agreement that expires December 31, 2015.


In the fourth quarter of 2010, the joint owners of the Terra Nova oilfield finalized the redetermination of working interests required under the Terra Nova Development and Operating Agreement following field payout on February 1, 2005. Suncor's working interest increased to 37.675% from 33.990%, and the other owners have agreed to reimburse the company for its increased working interest from February 1, 2005 to December 31, 2010. As a result, the company has recognized a $295 million gain in Other Income.

Suncor's financial presentation will reflect the increased working interest in Terra Nova beginning January 1, 2011.


The company is divesting certain non-core assets as part of its continuing strategic alignment.

Natural Gas

In the first quarter of 2010, the company completed the sale of its oil and gas producing assets in the U.S. Rockies for net proceeds of US$481 million (Cdn$502 million).

In the second quarter of 2010, the company completed the sale of non-core natural gas properties located in northeast British Columbia (Blueberry and Jedney) for net proceeds of $383 million, and non-core assets in central Alberta (Rosevear and Pine Creek) for net proceeds of $229 million.

In the third quarter of 2010, the company completed the sale of non-core natural gas properties located in west central Alberta (Bearberry and Ricinus) for net proceeds of $275 million, and non-core assets in southern Alberta (Wildcat Hills) for net proceeds of $351 million.

International and Offshore

In the third quarter of 2010, the company completed the Trinidad and Tobago asset sale for net proceeds of US$378 million (Cdn$383 million), and the sale of its shares in Petro-Canada Netherlands BV for net proceeds of €316 million (Cdn$420 million).

In the fourth quarter of 2010, the company completed the sale of certain non-core U.K. offshore assets for net proceeds of £55 million (Cdn$86 million). The company expects to close the remaining agreed sales of non-core U.K. offshore assets for gross proceeds of £184 million in the first quarter of 2011.

             Suncor Energy Inc.
034    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Net earnings from discontinued operations reported in the Consolidated Statements of Earnings is as follows:

    Three months ended December 31    

    Natural Gas         International and Offshore     Total            

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009    



Operating revenues (1)

    3     159     147     288     150     447    

Less: Royalties

        (23 )               (23 )  

Operating revenues (net of royalties)

    3     136     147     288     150     424    

Gain (loss) on disposal of assets

    (4 )       3         (1 )      

    (1 )   136     150     288     149     424    



Operating, selling and general

    2     38     31     97     33     135    


        8     5     9     5     17    

Depreciation, depletion and amortization

        77         238         315    

Accretion of asset retirement obligations

        4     4     6     4     10    


        2     4     12     4     14    

Financing expenses

                2         2    

    2     129     44     364     46     493    

Earnings (loss) before income taxes

    (3 )   7     106     (76 )   103     (69 )  

Income taxes

    (1 )   2     48     (52 )   47     (50 )  

Net earnings (loss)

    (2 )   5     58     (24 )   56     (19 )  
Operating revenues reported in Natural Gas include sales to other operating segments that would be eliminated upon consolidation in the Consolidated Statements of Earnings. These were nil in the three months ended December 31, 2010 (2009 – $24 million).  

                Three months ended December 31    


                2010     2009    

Basic earnings per share from discontinued operations                                                                                                                          

                0.04     (0.01 )  

Diluted earnings per share from discontinued operations

                0.04     (0.01 )  

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    Twelve months ended December 31    

    Natural Gas         International and Offshore     Total            

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009     2010     2009    



Operating revenues (1)

    280     307     693     407     973     714    

Less: Royalties

    (41 )   (49 )           (41 )   (49 )  

Operating revenues (net of royalties)

    239     258     693     407     932     665    

Gain on disposal of assets

    642         172         814        

    881     258     865     407     1 746     665    



Operating, selling and general

    66     89     119     150     185     239    


    24     17     23     14     47     31    

Depreciation, depletion and amortization

    95     161     169     285     264     446    

Accretion of asset retirement obligations

    8     8     19     11     27     19    


    1     2     20     57     21     59    

Financing expenses

    7         11     1     18     1    

    201     277     361     518     562     795    

Earnings (loss) before income taxes

    680     (19 )   504     (111 )   1 184     (130 )  

Income taxes

    174     (5 )   127     (65 )   301     (70 )  

Net earnings (loss)

    506     (14 )   377     (46 )   883     (60 )  
Operating revenues reported in Natural Gas include sales to other operating segments that would be eliminated upon consolidation in the Consolidated Statements of Earnings. These totalled $62 million in the twelve months ended December 31, 2010 (2009 – $33 million).  

    Twelve months ended December 31    


                2010     2009    

Basic earnings per share from discontinued operations

                0.57     (0.05 )  

Diluted earnings per share from discontinued operations

                0.56     (0.05 )  

The assets and liabilities of discontinued operations presented on the Consolidated Balance Sheets are as follows:


    Natural Gas             International and Offshore     Total                    

($ millions)

    December 31
    December 31
    December 31
    December 31
    December 31
    December 31



Current assets

        34     98     223     98     257    

Property, plant and equipment, net

        1 600     658     1 732     658     3 332    

Total assets

        1 634     756     1 955     756     3 589    



Current liabilities

        64     98     178     98     242    

Accrued liabilities and other

        286     302     404     302     690    

Future income taxes

        31     182     472     182     503    

Total liabilities

        381     582     1 054     582     1 435    

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036    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com


During the second quarter of 2010, the company recognized a write-down of $189 million related to certain extraction equipment in the Oil Sands operating segment. Also during the second quarter of 2010, the company recognized a charge of $44 million in the Natural Gas operating segment to reflect the write-down of certain Western Canada and Alaska land leases.

During the third quarter of 2010, the company recognized a write-down of $106 million related to certain North Sea assets in the International and Offshore operating segment. An agreement to sell these assets was entered into during the quarter and the assets were written down to reflect fair value less cost to sell. Also during the third quarter of 2010, the company recognized a charge of $222 million to reflect the write-down of certain assets in the Natural Gas operating segment to reflect fair value based on discounted future cash flows.

These charges are included in depreciation, depletion and amortization expenses and net earnings from discontinued operations in the Consolidated Statements of Earnings.


Derivatives are financial instruments that either imitate or counter the price movements of stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities and interest rates. Suncor uses derivatives to reduce its exposure to fluctuations in commodity prices and foreign currency exchange rates and to manage interest rate or currency-sensitive assets and liabilities. Suncor also uses derivatives for trading purposes. When used in a trading activity, the company is attempting to realize a gain on the fluctuations in the market value of the derivative.

Hedge accounting is a method for recognizing the gains, losses, revenues and expenses associated with the items in a hedging relationship at the time when the underlying transaction impacts earnings. Suncor elects to use hedge accounting on certain derivatives linked to future commodity and financial transactions.

Physical trading commodity contracts that exceed the company's expected purchase, sale or usage requirements are accounted for as derivative financial instruments whereby realized and unrealized gains and losses, and the underlying settlement of these contracts is recognized and reported on a net basis in Energy Supply and Trading Activities revenue. The related inventory is carried at fair value less costs to sell, with changes in fair value recognized as gains or losses within Energy Supply and Trading Activities revenue.

(a)  Balance Sheet Financial Instruments

The company's financial instruments consist of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, derivative contracts, current liabilities (except for the current portions of income taxes), long-term debt, and a portion of non-current accrued liabilities and other. Unless otherwise noted, carrying values reflect the current fair value of the company's financial instruments.

The estimated fair values of financial instruments have been determined based on the company's assessment of available market information and appropriate valuation methodologies based on industry accepted third-party models; however, these estimates may not necessarily be indicative of the amounts that could be realized or settled in a current market transaction. The company characterizes inputs used in determining fair value using a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs depending on the degree to which they are observable in the market (see page 77 of Suncor's 2009 Annual Report for further detail). As at December 31, 2010, there were no significant changes to the distribution of the fair value hierarchy used to value financial instruments.

The company's long-term debt is recorded at amortized cost using the effective interest method, with the exception of the portion of debt that is recorded at fair value as part of a fair value hedging relationship. Upon initial recognition, the cost of the debt is its fair value, adjusted for any associated transaction costs. Gains or losses on our U.S. dollar denominated long-term debt resulting from changes in the exchange rate are recognized in the period in which they occur. At December 31, 2010, the carrying

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value of the fixed-term debt accounted for under the amortized cost method was $9.7 billion (December 31, 2009 – $10.1 billion) and the fair value was $10.7 billion (December 31, 2009 – $10.7 billion).

(b)  Hedge Accounting

Fair Value Hedges

At December 31, 2010, the company had interest rate swaps classified as fair value hedges outstanding until August 2011, relating to $200 million of its fixed-rate debt. The fair value of these swaps totalled $8 million at December 31, 2010 and was recorded in accounts receivable (December 31, 2009 – $18 million). There was no ineffectiveness recognized on these interest rate swaps during the three and twelve month periods ended December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009.

(c)  Other Derivatives

Risk Management Derivatives

The company periodically enters into derivative contracts which although not accounted for as hedges because they have not been documented as such, or do not qualify under GAAP, are believed to be economically effective at mitigating exposure to commodity price movements and are a component of Suncor's overall risk management program. These derivative contracts include crude oil, natural gas, refined products and foreign exchange contracts. The earnings impact associated with these contracts for the three month period ended December 31, 2010, was a loss of $5 million (2009 – a loss of $134 million). During the twelve month period ended December 31, 2010, the earnings impact was a gain of $89 million (2009 – loss of $1,024 million).

Energy Trading Derivatives

The company's Energy Trading group also uses physical and financial energy contracts, including swaps, forwards and options to earn trading revenues. These energy contracts are comprised of crude oil, natural gas and refined products contracts.

The earnings impact associated with these contracts for the three month period ended December 31, 2010, was a gain of $19 million (2009 – a loss of $17 million). During the twelve month period ended December 31, 2010, the earnings impact was a gain of $81 million (2009 – loss of $70 million).

Change in Fair Value of Other Derivatives

($ millions)


Fair value of contracts at December 31, 2009

    (312 )   (47 )   (359 )  

Fair value of contracts realized during the period

    236     (121 )   115    

Changes in fair value during the period

    89     81     170    

Fair value of contracts outstanding at December 31, 2010 (a),(b)

    13     (87 )   (74 )  
As at December 31, 2010, of the total unrealized derivatives, $19 million is recorded in accounts receivable (December 31, 2009 – $213 million) in the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

As at December 31, 2010, of the total unrealized derivatives, $93 million is recorded in accounts payable and accrued liabilities (December 31, 2009 – $572 million) in the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Financial Risk Factors

The company is exposed to a number of different financial risks arising from normal course business exposures, as well as the company's use of financial instruments. These risk factors include market risks relating to commodity prices, foreign currency risk and interest rate risk, as well as liquidity risk and credit risk.

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038    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

The company maintains a formal governance process to manage its financial risks. The company's Risk Management Committee (RMC) is charged with the oversight of the company's risk management for trading activities, which are defined as strategic hedging, optimization trading, marketing and speculative trading. The RMC, acting under board authority, meets regularly to monitor limits on risk exposures, review policy compliance and validate risk-related methodologies and procedures. All risk management activity is carried out by specialist teams that have the appropriate skills, experience and supervision with the appropriate financial and management controls.

At December 31, 2010, the company's exposure to risks arising from the use of financial instruments had not changed significantly from December 31, 2009.


    Three months ended December 31     Twelve months ended December 31    

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Interest on debt

    170     182     691     573    

Capitalized interest

    (98 )   (42 )   (301 )   (136 )  

Interest expense

    72     140     390     437    

Unrealized foreign exchange gain on U.S. dollar denominated long-term debt

    (290 )   (201 )   (426 )   (858 )  

Foreign exchange gains and other

    42     (11 )   6     (67 )  

Total financing income from continuing operations (1)

    (176 )   (72 )   (30 )   (488 )  
For the three months ended December 31, 2010, financing expense of $nil (2009 – financing expense of $2 million) has been reclassified to net earnings from discontinued operations. For the twelve months ended December 31, 2010, financing expense of $18 million (2009 – financing expense of $1 million) has been reclassified to net earnings from discontinued operations.


    Three months ended December 31     Twelve months ended December 31    

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Provision for (recovery of) income taxes:





    1     28     57     599    


    298     164     947     242    




    274     (139 )   569     (699 )  


    20     25     (14 )   71    

Total provision for income taxes from continuing operations (1)

    593     78     1 559     213    
For the three months ended December 31, 2010, income tax expense of $47 million (2009 – income tax recovery of $50 million) has been reclassified to net earnings from discontinued operations. For the twelve months ended December 31, 2010, income tax expense of $301 million (2009 – income tax recovery of $70 million) has been reclassified to net earnings from discontinued operations

In the fourth quarter of 2009, the Ontario provincial government substantively enacted a 4% reduction to its provincial corporate tax rates. Accordingly, the company recognized a reduction in future income tax expense of $148 million related to the revaluation of its opening future income tax balances.

In the third quarter of 2009, the provision for future income tax increased by $152 million due in part to the merger. The combined provincial allocation of both entities caused an increase to the future income tax rate, the impact of which is recorded in net earnings.

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    Three months ended December 31     Twelve months ended December 31    

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Net earnings

    1 353     457     3 571     1 146    

(millions of common shares)


Weighted-average number of common shares

    1 564     1 560     1 562     1 198    

Dilutive securities:


Options issued under stock-based compensation plans                                                             

    11     14     12     13    

Weighted-average number of diluted common shares

    1 575     1 574     1 574     1 211    

(dollars per common share)


Basic earnings per share (a)

    0.87     0.29     2.29     0.96    

Diluted earnings per share (b)

    0.86     0.29     2.27     0.95    
An option will have a dilutive effect under the treasury stock method only when the average market price of the common stock during the period exceeds the exercise price of the option.

Basic earnings per share is net earnings divided by the weighted-average number of common shares.

Diluted earnings per share is net earnings divided by the weighted-average number of diluted common shares.


Non-cash working capital is comprised of current assets and current liabilities, other than cash and cash equivalents, future income taxes and the current portion of long-term debt.

The (increase) decrease in non-cash working capital from continuing operations is comprised of:

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009(1)    

Operating activities


Accounts receivable

    (809 )   152     (683 )   105    


    (30 )   (209 )   (190 )   (585 )  

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                                                                            

    285     501     101     280    

Taxes payable/receivable

    75     (2 )   (458 )   (37 )  

    (479 )   442     (1 230 )   (237 )  
Balances do not include amounts acquired from Petro-Canada as a result of the merger, but do reflect the changes in these working capital accounts subsequent to August 1, 2009.

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Interest paid                                                             

    266     284     839     581    

Income taxes paid

    626     196     1 193     872    

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040    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com


The following is the net periodic benefit cost for the three and twelve month periods ended December 31:

    Three months ended
December 31
    Pension Benefits
Twelve months ended
December 31


    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Current service costs

    21     18     85     67    

Interest costs

    42     39     168     96    

Expected return on plan assets

    (35 )   (32 )   (142 )   (76 )  

Amortization of net actuarial loss

    1     6     7     21    

Net periodic benefit cost

    29     31     118     108    


    Other Post-Retirement Benefits    

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Current service costs

    2     2     8     7    

Interest costs

    6     6     25     15    

Net periodic benefit cost

    8     8     33     22    



    Common Shares
($ millions)

Balance as at December 31, 2009

    1 559 778     20 053    

Issued for cash under stock option plans

    5 292     122    

Issued under dividend reinvestment plan

    419     13    

Balance as at December 31, 2010

    1 565 489     20 188    

Stock-Based Compensation

(a) Stock Option Plans

(i) Discontinued Plans

There are a number of legacy Suncor and legacy Petro-Canada plans that were in place prior to the merger on August 1, 2009, for which granting of options ended on July 31, 2009. For details of the terms and conditions of these plans, refer to pages 88 and 89 of Suncor's 2009 Annual Report.

(ii) Suncor Energy Inc. Stock Options

This plan replaced the pre-merger stock option plans of legacy Suncor and legacy Petro-Canada. Outstanding options that are cancelled, expire or otherwise result in no underlying common share being issued, will be available for issuance as options under this plan. These options have a seven-year life and vest annually over a three-year period.

Options granted under this plan before August 1, 2010 included a tandem stock appreciation right. Effective August 1, 2010, options granted under this plan no longer include tandem stock appreciation rights. The company granted 1,000 options under this plan during the fourth quarter of 2010.

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Changes in the number of outstanding stock options were as follows:

Exercise Price

Outstanding, December 31, 2009

    72 024     32.52    


    4 297     31.86    


    (5 292 )   15.49    


    (3 391 )   42.51    

Outstanding, December 31, 2010

    67 638     32.94    

(b) Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs)

(i) Discontinued Plan

Legacy Petro-Canada had a SARs plan for which grants ended on July 31, 2009. For details of the terms and conditions of this plan, refer to page 90 of Suncor's 2009 Annual Report.

(ii) Suncor Energy Inc. Stock Appreciation Rights

SARs have a seven-year life and vest annually over a three-year period. The company did not grant any SARs under this plan during the fourth quarter of 2010.

Changes in the number of outstanding SARs were as follows:

Exercise Price

Outstanding, December 31, 2009

    14 065     28.63    


    353     31.85    


    (734 )   24.00    


    (2 399 )   28.99    

Outstanding, December 31, 2010

    11 285     28.97    

(c) Share Unit Plans

For details of the terms and conditions of the Performance Share Unit (PSU), Restricted Share Unit (RSU) and Deferred Share Unit (DSU) plans, refer to page 91 of Suncor's 2009 Annual Report.

Changes in the number of outstanding units were as follows:

    Number (thousands)    

    PSU     RSU     DSU    

Outstanding, December 31, 2009

    3 247     4 250     2 616    


    1 673     2 838     80    


    (282 )   (118 )   (426 )  


    (917 )   (563 )      


    26     43     29    

Outstanding, December 31, 2010

    3 747     6 450     2 299    

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042    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

Stock-Based Compensation Expense (Recovery)

The following table summarizes the stock-based compensation expense (recovery) recorded for all plans within operating, selling and general expense on the Consolidated Statements of Earnings:

    Three months ended
December 31
    Twelve months ended
December 31

($ millions)

    2010     2009     2010     2009    

Stock option plans

    33     32     53     148    


    39     10     27     35    


    14     11     21     30    


    33     (7 )   90     50    


    11         4     30    

Total stock-based compensation expense

    130     46     195     293    

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($ millions)

    December 31
    December 31

Fixed-term debt, redeemable at the option of the company


6.85% Notes, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2039 (US$750)

    746     785    

6.80% Notes, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2038 (US$900)

    922     972    

6.50% Notes, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2038 (US$1150)

    1 144     1 204    

5.95% Notes, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2035 (US$600)

    552     578    

5.95% Notes, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2034 (US$500)

    497     523    

5.35% Notes, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2033 (US$300)

    255     266    

7.15% Notes, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2032 (US$500)

    497     523    

6.10% Notes, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2018 (US$1250)

    1 243     1 308    

6.05% Notes, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2018 (US$600)

    609     643    

5.00% Notes, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2014 (US$400)

    406     429    

4.00% Notes, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2013 (US$300)

    298     313    

7.00% Debentures, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2028 (US$250)

    257     271    

7.875% Debentures, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2026 (US$275)

    307     325    

9.25% Debentures, denominated in U.S. dollars, due in 2021 (US$300)

    375     402    

5.39% Series 4 Medium Term Notes, due in 2037

    600     600    

5.80% Series 4 Medium Term Notes, due in 2018

    700     700    

6.70% Series 2 Medium Term Notes, due in August 2011

    500     500    

    9 908     10 342    

Revolving-term debt, with variable interest rates


Commercial paper, bankers' acceptances and LIBOR loans

    1 982     3 244    

Total unsecured long-term debt

    11 890     13 586    

Secured long-term debt

    13     13    

Capital leases

    335     326    

Debt fair value adjustment for interest swaps

    8     18    

Deferred financing costs

    (59 )   (63 )  

    12 187     13 880    

Current portion of long-term debt


6.70% Series 2 Medium Term Notes

    (500 )      

Capital leases

    (10 )   (14 )  

Debt fair value adjustment for interest swaps

    (8 )   (11 )  

Total current portion of long-term debt

    (518 )   (25 )  

Total long-term debt

    11 669     13 855    

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044    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com

At December 31, 2010, unutilized lines of credit were $5 289 million, as follows:

($ millions)


Facility that has a term period of one year and expires in 2011


Facility that is fully revolving for a period of four years and expires in 2013


Facilities that are fully revolving for a period of five years and expire in 2013

    7 320    

Facilities that can be terminated at any time at the option of the lenders


Total available credit facilities

    7 984    

Credit facilities supporting outstanding commercial paper, bankers' acceptances and LIBOR loans

    (1 982 )  

Credit facilities supporting letters of credit

    (713 )  

Total unutilized credit facilities

    5 289    


The company's primary capital management objective is to maintain a conservative balance sheet, which supports a solid investment-grade credit rating profile. This objective affords the company the financial flexibility and access to the capital it requires to execute on its growth objectives.

The company's capital is monitored through net debt to cash flow from operations (1) and total debt to total debt plus shareholders' equity.

Net debt to cash flow from operations is calculated as short-term debt plus total long-term debt less cash and cash equivalents divided by the twelve-month trailing cash flow from operations.

Total debt to total debt plus shareholders' equity is calculated as short term-debt plus total long-term debt divided by short-term debt plus total long-term debt plus shareholders' equity.

Financial covenants associated with the company's various banking and debt arrangements are reviewed regularly and controls are in place to maintain compliance with these covenants. The company complied with all financial covenants for the periods ended December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009.

During the fourth quarter of 2010, the company's strategy was to maintain the measure set out in the following schedule. The company believes that maintaining this capital target helps to provide the company access to capital at a reasonable cost by maintaining solid investment-grade credit ratings.

At December 31 ($ millions)

    Capital Measure
    2010     2009    

Components of ratios


Short-term debt

          2     2    

Current portion of long-term debt

          518     25    

Long-term debt

          11 669     13 855    

Total debt

          12 189     13 882    

Less: Cash and cash equivalents

          1 077     505    

Net debt

          11 112     13 377    

Shareholders' equity

          36 721     34 111    

Total capitalization (total debt plus shareholders' equity)

          48 910     47 993    

Cash flow from operations (1) (trailing twelve months)

          6 656     2 799    

Net debt to cash flow from operations

    <2.0 times     1.7     4.8    

Total debt to total debt plus shareholders' equity

          25%     29%    
Cash flow from operations is calculated as cash flow from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital.

Suncor Energy Inc.            
                                                                                                                                      2010 Fourth Quarter    045

The company's capital management strategy, objectives, definitions, monitoring measures and targets have not changed significantly from the prior period.


The components of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net of income taxes, are as follows:

($ millions)

    December 31
    December 31

Unrealized foreign currency translation adjustment

    (698 )   (248 )  

Unrealized gains on derivative hedging activities

    14     15    


    (684 )   (233 )  


On December 17, 2010, Suncor announced that it has entered into a joint venture with Total E&P Canada Ltd (Total). The two companies will jointly develop the Fort Hills and Joslyn oil sands mining projects and restart construction of the Voyageur upgrader.

Total will acquire a 49% interest in Suncor's Voyageur upgrader, and an additional 19.2% in the Fort Hills project, reducing Suncor's interest from 60% to 40.8%. In return, Suncor will acquire a 36.75% interest in the Joslyn project and receive cash consideration of approximately $1.75 billion.

The agreement is subject to certain regulatory and other approvals, with closing targeted in the first quarter of 2011.

             Suncor Energy Inc.
046    2010 Fourth Quarter                                                                    For more information about Suncor Energy, visit our website www.suncor.com


P.O. Box 2844, 150-6th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada  T2P 3E3
tel: (403) 296-8000  fax: (403) 296-3030  info@suncor.com  www.suncor.com


EXHIBIT 99.2 Report to Shareholders for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2010