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Commitments and Contingent Liabilities
9 Months Ended
Sep. 30, 2011
Commitments and Contingent Liabilities [Abstract] 
Commitments and Contingent Liabilities
Commitments and Contingent Liabilities
Product Warranty Liability
The company warrants that its products meet standard specifications.  The company’s product warranty liability was $19 and $20 as of September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010, respectively.  Estimates for warranty costs are based on historical claims experience.
In connection with acquisitions and divestitures, the company has indemnified respective parties against certain liabilities that may arise in connection with these transactions and business activities prior to the completion of the transaction.  The term of these indemnifications, which typically pertain to environmental, tax and product liabilities, is generally indefinite.  In addition, the company indemnifies its duly elected or appointed directors and officers to the fullest extent permitted by Delaware law, against liabilities incurred as a result of their activities for the company, such as adverse judgments relating to litigation matters.  If the indemnified party were to incur a liability or have a liability increase as a result of a successful claim, pursuant to the terms of the indemnification, the company would be required to reimburse the indemnified party.  The maximum amount of potential future payments is generally unlimited.  The carrying amounts recorded for all indemnifications as of September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010 was $106 and $100, respectively.  Although it is reasonably possible that future payments may exceed amounts accrued, due to the nature of indemnified items, it is not possible to make a reasonable estimate of the maximum potential loss or range of loss.  No assets are held as collateral and no specific recourse provisions exist.
In connection with the 2004 sale of the majority of the net assets of Textiles and Interiors, the company indemnified the purchasers, subsidiaries of Koch Industries, Inc. (INVISTA), against certain liabilities primarily related to taxes, legal and environmental matters and other representations and warranties under the Purchase and Sale Agreement. The estimated fair value of the indemnity obligations under the Purchase and Sale Agreement was $70 and was included in the indemnifications balance of $106 at September 30, 2011.  Under the Purchase and Sale Agreement, the company’s total indemnification obligation for the majority of the representations and warranties cannot exceed $1,400. The other indemnities are not subject to this limit.  In March 2008, INVISTA filed suit in the Southern District of New York alleging that certain representations and warranties in the Purchase and Sale Agreement were breached and, therefore, that DuPont is obligated to indemnify it. DuPont disagrees with the extent and value of INVISTA’s claims. DuPont has not changed its estimate of its total indemnification obligation under the Purchase and Sale Agreement as a result of the lawsuit. A 2012 trial date has been set.
Obligations for Equity Affiliates & Others
The company has directly guaranteed various debt obligations under agreements with third parties related to equity affiliates, customers, suppliers and other affiliated companies.  At September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010, the company had directly guaranteed $550 and $544, respectively, of such obligations. In addition, the company had $16 relating to guarantees of historical obligations for divested subsidiaries as of September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010.  These amounts represent the maximum potential amount of future (undiscounted) payments that the company could be required to make under the guarantees.  The company would be required to perform on these guarantees in the event of default by the guaranteed party.
The company assesses the payment/performance risk by assigning default rates based on the duration of the guarantees. These default rates are assigned based on the external credit rating of the counterparty or through internal credit analysis and historical default history for counterparties that do not have published credit ratings.  For counterparties without an external rating or available credit history, a cumulative average default rate is used.
At September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010, a liability of $120 and $109, respectively, was recorded for these obligations, representing the amount of payment/performance risk for which the company deems probable. This liability is principally related to obligations of the company’s polyester films joint venture, which are guaranteed by the company.
In certain cases, the company has recourse to assets held as collateral, as well as personal guarantees from customers and suppliers. Assuming liquidation, these assets are estimated to cover approximately 39 percent of the $313 of guaranteed obligations of customers and suppliers. Set forth below are the company’s guaranteed obligations at September 30, 2011:  
Obligations for customers and suppliers1:



Bank borrowings (terms up to 5 years)



Leases on equipment and facilities (terms up to 4 years)



Obligations for other affiliated companies2:



Bank borrowings (terms less than 1 year)



Obligations for equity affiliates2:



Bank borrowings (terms up to 2 years)



Revenue bonds (terms up to 4 years)



Total obligations for customers, suppliers, other affiliated
  companies, and equity affiliates



Obligations for divested subsidiaries3:



Conoco (terms up to 15 years)



Total obligations for divested subsidiaries






Existing guarantees for customers and suppliers arose as part of contractual agreements.
Existing guarantees for equity affiliates and other affiliated companies arose for liquidity needs in normal operations.
3                  The company has guaranteed certain obligations and liabilities related to a divested subsidiary, Conoco, which has indemnified the company for any liabilities the company may incur pursuant to these guarantees.

The company has received claims and been served with multiple lawsuits seeking class action status alleging that the use of Imprelis® herbicide caused damage to certain trees. In August 2011, the company suspended sales of Imprelis®. In September 2011, the company began a process to fairly resolve claims associated with the use of Imprelis®. The deadline for property owners to file claims is November 30, 2011. In connection with this claims process, the company recorded a charge of $75 in cost of goods sold and other operating charges in the third quarter 2011. The company will continue to evaluate reported claim damage as additional information becomes available, which could result in future charges that cannot be reasonably estimated at this time; the company intends to seek recovery from its insurance carriers for costs associated with this matter in excess of $100.


The company is subject to various legal proceedings arising out of the normal course of its business including product liability, intellectual property, commercial, environmental and antitrust lawsuits. It is not possible to predict the outcome of these various proceedings. Except as otherwise noted, management does not anticipate their resolution will have a materially adverse effect on the company's consolidated financial position or liquidity.  However, the ultimate liabilities could be significant to results of operations in the period recognized. 
DuPont uses PFOA (collectively, perfluorooctanoic acids and its salts, including the ammonium salt), as a processing aid to manufacture fluoropolymer resins and dispersions at various sites around the world including its Washington Works plant in West Virginia.  At September 30, 2011, DuPont has accruals of $21 related to the PFOA matters discussed below.

The accrual includes charges related to DuPont's obligations under agreements with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.  These obligations include surveying, sampling and testing drinking water in and around the company's Washington Works site and offer treatment or an alternative supply of drinking water if tests indicate the presence of PFOA in drinking water at or greater than the national Provisional Health Advisory.

Drinking Water Actions

In August 2001, a class action, captioned Leach v DuPont, was filed in West Virginia state court against DuPont and the Lubeck Public Service District alleging that residents living near the Washington Works facility had suffered, or may suffer, deleterious health effects from exposure to PFOA in drinking water.

DuPont and attorneys for the class reached a settlement in 2004 that binds about 80,000 residents. In 2005, DuPont paid the plaintiffs’ attorneys’ fees and expenses of $23 and made a payment of $70, which class counsel designated to fund a community health project.  The company is also funding a series of health studies by an independent science panel of experts in the communities exposed to PFOA to evaluate available scientific evidence on whether any probable link exists between exposure to PFOA and human disease.  The company expects the independent science panel to complete these health studies through July 2012 at a total estimated cost of $33.  In addition, the company is providing state-of-the-art water treatment systems designed to reduce the level of PFOA in water to six area water districts, including the Little Hocking Water Association (LHWA), until the science panel determines that no probable link exists between PFOA and human disease or until applicable water standards can be met without such treatment.  All of the water treatment systems are operating.
The settlement resulted in the dismissal of all claims asserted in the lawsuit except for personal injury claims.  If the independent science panel concludes that no probable link exists between exposure to PFOA and any diseases, then the settlement would also resolve personal injury claims.  If it concludes that a probable link does exist between exposure to PFOA and any diseases, then DuPont would also fund up to $235 for a medical monitoring program to pay for such medical testing.  In this event, plaintiffs would retain their right to pursue personal injury claims.  All other claims in the lawsuit would remain dismissed by the settlement.  DuPont believes that it is remote that the panel will find a probable link.  Therefore, at September 30, 2011, the company has not established any accruals related to medical monitoring or personal injury claims.  However, there can be no assurance as to what the independent science panel will conclude.
At September 30, 2011, there were four other actions pending brought by or on behalf of water district customers. These cases generally claim PFOA contamination of drinking water and seek a variety of relief including compensatory and punitive damages, testing, treatment, remediation and monitoring. In addition, the Ohio action, which was brought by the LHWA and is currently in discovery, claims “imminent and substantial endangerment to health and or the environment” under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).  In the West Virginia action, the court entered judgment for DuPont in the first quarter 2010 which was affirmed by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in April 2011. Plaintiffs are seeking U.S. Supreme Court review. In the third quarter 2011, the court approved an $8.3 class action settlement for two consolidated actions in New Jersey, which the company paid in October 2011. DuPont denies the claims alleged in these civil drinking water actions and is defending itself vigorously.
While DuPont believes that it is reasonably possible that it could incur losses related to PFOA matters in addition to those matters discussed above for which it has established accruals, a range of such losses, if any, cannot be reasonably estimated at this time.
In 1991, DuPont began receiving claims by growers that use of Benlate® 50 DF fungicide had caused crop damage.  DuPont has since been served with thousands of lawsuits, most of which have been disposed of through trial, dismissal or settlement.
At September 30, 2011, there were nine cases in Florida courts alleging that Benlate® caused crop damage.  The 2006 trial of two cases, involving twenty-seven Costa Rican fern growers, resulted in a verdict against the company. In 2009, the judgment was reversed on appeal and individual trials were ordered. In December 2010, the appellate court affirmed the order for separate trials and the dismissal of the verdicts for seven of the fern growers on grounds that their claims were barred by the statute of limitations.  In August 2011, the Florida Supreme Court declined to hear plaintiffs' appeal. Plaintiffs have filed motions to strike DuPont's pleadings in these two cases. On January 19, 2011, the court entered an order in five of the other crop cases striking DuPont's pleadings for alleged discovery abuse. In the damages trial of one of these cases held in June 2011, the jury awarded $0.2 in compensatory damages plus interest and $0.8 in punitive damages. DuPont will appeal the pre-trial order and the verdict.

The 2010 jury trial of a personal injury case claiming that exposure to Benlate® caused plaintiff's kidney, pancreatic and brain cancer resulted in a unanimous defense verdict. Plaintiff has appealed.

The company does not believe that Benlate® caused the damages alleged in each of these cases and denies the allegations of fraud and misconduct.  The company continues to defend itself in ongoing matters.  At September 30, 2011, the company has accruals of about $0.1 related to Benlate®. The company does not expect losses in excess of the accruals, if any, to be material.
Spelter, West Virginia

In September 2006, a West Virginia state court certified a class action captioned Perrine v DuPont, against DuPont that sought relief including the provision of remediation services and property value diminution damages for 7,000 residential properties in the vicinity of a closed zinc smelter in Spelter, West Virginia. The action also sought medical monitoring for an undetermined number of residents in the class area. In November 2010, plaintiffs and DuPont reached an agreement to settle this matter for $70 which the company paid in the first quarter 2011. In addition, the agreement requires DuPont to fund a medical monitoring program. The initial set-up costs associated with the program were included in the $70. As of September 30, 2011, the company has accruals of $6 related to funding medical monitoring services under the program. The company expects that future costs or charges, if any, associated with the program will not be material.

The company is also subject to contingencies pursuant to environmental laws and regulations that in the future may require the company to take further action to correct the effects on the environment of prior disposal practices or releases of chemical or petroleum substances by the company or other parties. The company accrues for environmental remediation activities consistent with the policy set forth in Note 1 in the company’s 2010 Annual Report. Much of this liability results from the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, often referred to as Superfund), RCRA and similar state and global laws. These laws require the company to undertake certain investigative and remedial activities at sites where the company conducts or once conducted operations or at sites where company-generated waste was disposed. The accrual also includes estimated costs related to a number of sites identified by the company for which it is probable that environmental remediation will be required, but which are not currently the subject of enforcement activities.
Remediation activities vary substantially in duration and cost from site to site. These activities, and their associated costs, depend on the mix of unique site characteristics, evolving remediation technologies, diverse regulatory agencies and enforcement policies, as well as the presence or absence of potentially responsible parties. At September 30, 2011, the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets included a liability of $427, relating to these matters and, in management’s opinion, is appropriate based on existing facts and circumstances. The average time frame, over which the accrued or presently unrecognized amounts may be paid, based on past history, is estimated to be 15-20 years. Considerable uncertainty exists with respect to these costs and, under adverse changes in circumstances, potential liability may range up to two to three times the amount accrued as of September 30, 2011.
The company has various purchase commitments incident to the ordinary conduct of business. In the aggregate, such commitments are not at prices in excess of current market.