Washington, D.C. 20549



Investment Company Act file number:        811-02071
Exact name of registrant as specified in charter: Delaware Group® Income Funds
Address of principal executive offices: 610 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Name and address of agent for service: David F. Connor, Esq.
610 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (800) 523-1918
Date of fiscal year end: July 31
Date of reporting period: July 31, 2020

Item 1. Reports to Stockholders

Table of Contents

Annual report

Fixed income mutual funds

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

July 31, 2020


Beginning on or about June 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of your Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent to you by mail, unless you specifically request them from the Fund or from your financial intermediary, such as a broker/dealer, bank, or insurance company. Instead, you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted on the website and provided with a link to access the report.


If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you do not need to take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by signing up at delawarefunds.com/edelivery. If you own these shares through a financial intermediary, you may contact your financial intermediary.


You may elect to receive paper copies of all future shareholder reports free of charge. You can inform the Fund that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports by contacting us at 800 523-1918. If you own these shares through a financial intermediary, you may contact your financial intermediary to elect to continue to receive paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all funds held with the Delaware Funds® by Macquarie or your financial intermediary.

Carefully consider the Funds’ investment objectives, risk factors, charges, and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the Funds’ prospectus and their summary prospectuses, which may be obtained by visiting delawarefunds.com/literature or calling 800 523-1918. Investors should read the prospectus and the summary prospectus carefully before investing.

You can obtain shareholder reports and prospectuses online instead of in the mail. Visit delawarefunds.com/edelivery.





Table of Contents

Experience Delaware Funds® by Macquarie

Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) is a global asset manager with offices in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia. As active managers, we prioritize autonomy and accountability at the investment team level in pursuit of opportunities that matter for clients. Delaware Funds is one of the longest-standing mutual fund families, with more than 80 years in existence.

If you are interested in learning more about creating an investment plan, contact your financial advisor.

You can learn more about Delaware Funds or obtain a prospectus for Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund at delawarefunds.com/literature.


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Visit delawarefunds.com/account-access.

Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) offers a diverse range of products including securities investment management, infrastructure and real asset management, and fund and equity-based structured products. MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group. This includes the following investment advisers: Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust (MIMBT), Macquarie Funds Management Hong Kong Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, and Macquarie Investment Management Europe S.A.

The Funds are distributed by Delaware Distributors, L.P. (DDLP), an affiliate of MIMBT and Macquarie Group Limited.

Other than Macquarie Bank Limited (MBL), none of the entities noted are authorized deposit-taking institutions for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 (Commonwealth of Australia). The obligations of these entities do not

represent deposits or other liabilities of MBL. MBL does not guarantee or otherwise provide assurance in respect of the obligations of these entities, unless noted otherwise.

The Funds are governed by US laws and regulations.

Table of contents


Portfolio management reviews


Performance summaries


Disclosure of Fund expenses


Security type / sector allocations


Schedules of investments


Statements of assets and liabilities


Statements of operations


Statements of changes in net assets


Financial highlights


Notes to financial statements


Report of independent registered public accounting firm


Other Fund information


Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum


About the organization


Unless otherwise noted, views expressed herein are current as of July 31, 2020, and subject to change for events occurring after such date.

The Funds are not FDIC insured and are not guaranteed. It is possible to lose the principal amount invested.

Advisory services provided by Delaware Management Company, a series of MIMBT, a US registered investment advisor.

All third-party marks cited are the property of their respective owners.

© 2020 Macquarie Management Holdings, Inc.


Table of Contents

Portfolio management review

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund     August 11, 2020 (Unaudited)

Performance preview (for the year ended July 31, 2020)


Delaware Corporate Bond Fund (Institutional Class shares)

   1-year return      +13.18%   

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund (Class A shares)

   1-year return      +12.90%   

Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Investment Grade Index (benchmark)

   1-year return      +12.44%   

Past performance does not guarantee future results.

For complete, annualized performance for Delaware Corporate Bond Fund, please see the table on page 7. Institutional Class shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to certain eligible investors. In addition, Institutional Class shares pay no distribution and service fee.

The performance of Class A shares excludes the applicable sales charge. Both Institutional Class shares and Class A shares reflect the reinvestment of all distributions.

Please see page 10 for a description of the index. Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.


Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund (Institutional Class shares)

   1-year return      +19.36%*  

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund (Class A shares)

   1-year return      +19.19%   

Bloomberg Barclays Long US Corporate Index (benchmark)

   1-year return      +19.41%   

Past performance does not guarantee future results.

For complete, annualized performance for Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund, please see the table on page 12. Institutional Class shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to certain eligible investors. In addition, Institutional Class shares pay no distribution and service fee.

The performance of Class A shares excludes the applicable sales charge. Both Institutional Class shares and Class A shares reflect the reinvestment of all distributions.

Please see page 15 for a description of the index. Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.

*Total return for the report period presented in the table differs from the return in “Financial highlights.” The total return presented in the above table is calculated based on the net asset value (NAV) at which shareholder transactions were processed. The total return presented in “Financial highlights” is calculated in the same manner but also takes into account certain adjustments that are necessary under US generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP) required in the annual report.

Investment objectives

The Funds seek to provide investors with total return.

Market review

The fiscal year that ended July 31, 2020, comprised three distinct periods. From August 2019 until early February 2020, global risk markets enjoyed a tailwind generated by declining interest rates and the de-escalation of trade tension as the United States and China reached a Phase 1 agreement. Later in February and into March, an oil-market meltdown and a pandemic- induced economic shutdown combined to wreak

havoc with the global economy and markets. Then the US Federal Reserve and other central banks quickly stepped in to provide unprecedented levels of liquidity, mated with government-backed fiscal stimulus, which propelled markets back to pre-pandemic levels by the end of the Funds’ fiscal year.

Just before the fiscal year began, the Fed had reduced interest rates by 0.25 percentage points, a response to a global economic slowdown that




Table of Contents

Portfolio management review

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


had investors increasingly concerned about a potential recession. It was the first cut in rates since the Fed began increasing rates in 2015 and was followed by two similar cuts in September and October, which brought the target range of the federal funds rate down to 1.50%-1.75%. Investors responded favorably and were further buoyed when it became apparent that the US and China were ending a year of bellicose rhetoric with a so-called Phase 1 trade agreement that reduced some US tariffs in exchange for China’s agreement to purchase more American agricultural and manufactured products. The US economy was doing well. In the first six weeks of 2020, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta pegged real-time gross domestic product (GDP) growth at 2.5%.

This all came undone in the third week of February, as investors suddenly realized that the virus that had been spreading in China posed significant risks to global health and economies. Credit and equity markets began a precipitous selloff, with the S&P 500® Index shedding more than 30% in just one month. And as if one global crisis or black swan event wasn’t enough, in early March, midway through the coronavirus-induced selloff, Russia and Saudi Arabia began an oil-price war that sent energy markets reeling. At one point, oil prices went briefly negative on the spot market. With revenues and earnings in freefall, credit rating agencies added fuel to the fire, quickly and proactively downgrading companies, based on just a three-month forward window.

This somewhat perfect storm came just a week before the US shut down much of its economic activity. The effect on the US economy was devastating. The shutdown destroyed demand for virtually everything but the absolute necessities. In early June, the Atlanta Fed pegged real-time GDP growth at -54%, arguably worse than the Great Depression.

The US government’s response was immediate. Unlike during the 2008-2009 global financial crisis,

when it took months for policy makers to intervene, both the Fed and lawmakers acted swiftly. In March, the Fed cut interest rates twice in historic back-to-back intermeeting moves, cutting rates by 1.25 percentage points and rapidly reducing the target range down to 0.00%-0.25%. Then in April, the Fed announced $2.3 trillion in monetary stimulus, unprecedented in its size and scope. Congress quickly followed suit on the fiscal side with a $600 weekly unemployment extension and the Payroll Protection Program. Other central banks and governments implemented similar policies and programs globally.

That concerted effort helped risk assets quickly recover. The Atlanta Fed’s measure of real-time GDP growth recovered about half of what it had declined, while financial markets fully recovered by the end of the Funds’ fiscal year. The Fed’s direct purchase of investment grade bonds, along with its indirect purchase of high yield bonds via exchange-traded funds (ETFs), was a boon to the corporate credit market.

Demand for corporate credit was strong as the Funds’ fiscal year began. Domestic investors were the principal driver, as they sought yield in an environment that included an economic slowdown that had taken hold outside the US and the US-China trade dispute. That demand evaporated during the coronavirus-induced selloff but came back sharply when the Fed intervened. Foreign investors flowed into the market as well, as lower interest rates and the Fed’s dollar swap lines provided cheaper access to US dollars. In the final months of the Funds’ fiscal year, demand for corporate credit was extremely strong.

That demand was met with heavy supply. Seemingly every company that could do so took advantage of these market technical trends (supply-demand imbalance) to issue new debt. From the start of 2020 through July, more investment grade and high yield securities were




Table of Contents

issued than in all of 2019. In the first seven months of 2020, about $1.25 trillion of investment grade securities were issued, up about 75% year over year – and 2019 was a strong year. With the US election coming up in November, and uncertainty about the pandemic, the pace of new issues may ease. Through the end of July, however, the heavy flow of new corporate credits was well received by investors.

Source: Bloomberg.

Within the Funds

For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, Delaware Corporate Bond Fund outperformed its benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Investment Grade Index. The Fund’s Institutional Class shares gained 13.18%. The Fund’s Class A shares advanced 12.90% at net asset value and 7.84% at maximum offer price. These figures reflect all distributions reinvested. During the same period, the benchmark gained 12.44%. For complete, annualized performance of Delaware Corporate Bond Fund, please see the table on page 7.

During the same period, Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund had positive performance although it underperformed its benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays Long US Corporate Index. The Fund’s Institutional Class shares gained 19.36%. The Fund’s Class A shares advanced 19.19% at net asset value and 13.87% at maximum offer price. These figures reflect all distributions reinvested. During the same period, the benchmark gained 19.41%. For complete, annualized performance of Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund, please see the table on page 12.

As prices compressed during March and early April 2020 because of the coronavirus-induced market selloff, several of each Fund’s holdings, particularly in the energy sector, became “fallen angels,” having lost their investment grade ratings.

In some cases, the price drops were quite rapid and, we believed, overdone. We held on to several of the Funds’ holdings from survivor-type companies whose bonds had plunged into the 50 cents on the dollar range, as we believed that selling at that level was not prudent. Over the course of the next few weeks, we were able to sell those bonds in the range of 75 cents to more than 90 cents on the dollar. Holding on to those fallen angels for a month or two enabled us to restore some of the Funds’ value that had been lost in the first calendar quarter of 2020.

We had maintained both Funds’ overweight positions in BBB-rated credits for several years, which was an advantageous call during 2019, and we carried those overweights into 2020. Unfortunately, that exacerbated the Funds’ underperformance in the first quarter, given that any holdings not of the highest quality significantly detracted from performance. As the selloff progressed, we trimmed the Funds’ overweight to BBB-rated securities, placing the proceeds into cash and Treasurys. In addition to enabling the Funds to meet redemptions, we had some “dry powder” for the months of April and May, when the Fed acted to reassure investors and inject monetary stimulus into the capital markets.

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund

At the beginning of 2020, we were reluctant to invest in the highest-quality parts of the market because valuations appeared high. Given the two black swan events mentioned earlier – the pandemic and the Russia-Saudi oil-price war – that turned out to be the wrong call. Nonetheless, by judiciously holding on to some credits while pruning others, and by taking advantage of the Fed’s stimulus, Delaware Corporate Bond Fund was ultimately able to recover as the fiscal year ended.

The Fund’s exposure to high yield bonds, roughly half its allowed allocation, was mostly in BB-rated




Table of Contents

Portfolio management review

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


securities, mainly subordinated financials or more defensive BB-rated issuers. That out-of-index exposure impaired performance in the first quarter of 2020. Generally, however, we remain comfortable seeking outperformance in that market segment.

On a sector basis, communications, energy, and electric utilities were the leading contributors to the Fund’s performance. As a sector offering high- demand products and services, communications performed well generally. Following the market selloff, it enjoyed a strong rebound.

Within communications, Verizon Communications Inc. and Vodafone Group PLC were standout contributors, both focused on delevering and improving their balance sheets. Following the selloff, Verizon was among the first issuers to come back to the market. Its business is very defensive in an environment where wireless communications are critical. In addition, we believe its high-quality network differentiates its service from that of its peers. We found Vodafone attractive given our belief that it was undervalued, flush with liquidity, and committed to paying down debt.

Even though the energy sector was highly distressed in the first quarter of 2020, our credit selection was favorable. The Fund owned Noble Energy Inc., an independent oil and natural gas exploration company. The company announced in July that Chevron Corp. will acquire it later this year – a case of a AA-rated issuer acquiring a BBB-rated issuer. Noble’s bonds performed well as a result and significantly contributed to the Fund’s performance. One notable detractor in energy was Occidental Petroleum Corp., which bought Anadarko Petroleum Corp. in August 2019. Occidental took on significant debt at the wrong time, and when energy prices and demand collapsed, the rating agencies struck quickly.

Electric utilities, which are generally a defensive and longer-duration sector that benefits when

interest rates are falling, also contributed to the Fund’s performance during the fiscal year. While demand softened overall, in this environment we saw an increase in the residential market, where earnings didn’t decline as much as other markets. We believed utilities offered value for a relatively defensive sector, and we found issuers that we viewed as attractive given the backdrop.

The basic materials, noncyclicals, and banking sectors were the leading detractors from performance during the fiscal year. Within basic materials, the Fund owned Teck Resources Ltd., a BBB-minus rated credit that had been on the path to fundamental improvement prior to the selloff. The economic shutdown severely affected its iron ore mining business. Credit spreads backed up, taking a toll on performance. We subsequently exited the position. The Fund also owned BHP Billiton Finance (USA) Ltd., another iron-ore producer; this hybrid security was hurt as spreads widened.

In noncyclicals, the Fund underperformed due to its large underweight to the sector. This is generally a defensive sector that doesn’t offer investors much of a reward; however, the sector performed better than we had expected. It is also a long-duration sector, so it benefited as rates went down.

In banking, the Fund had invested in subordinated bonds, which are down in the capital structure (riskier), to try to capture some yield. These are not defensive investments, and they underperformed during the selloff. The Fund’s largest detractor in the sector was Credit Agricole S.A., a French bank. The Fund had exposure to a subordinated security, and we reduced the position during the downturn. Because we didn’t hold onto it as we did several energy securities, the Fund did not benefit from the ensuing rebound.

Toward fiscal year end, we added to the Fund’s overweight in BB-rated credit. These securities carry a bit more yield than their investment grade




Table of Contents

counterparts and are in defensive sectors such as packaging and waste management. At the same time, we avoided virus-sensitive sectors in the investment grade space that offer a similar amount of yield. Airlines, lodging, gaming, and some energy subsectors offer a yield similar to that of the BB-rated companies, but their performance depends on a rapid turnaround in traffic. Additionally, they are more sensitive to a potential uptick in virus-infection rates. The Fund began the fiscal year with an 8% allocation to high yield and ended at 11%, with most of it BB-rated. Given that the Fed moved in to limit downside risk, we’ve been more comfortable adding what we view as stable BB-rated issuers that offer incremental yield. Essentially, our allocation story remains the same, with an overweight to securities rated BBB and BB.

During the fiscal year, we made minimal use of US Treasury futures to adjust overall duration of the Fund. That exposure had no material impact on Fund performance.

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund is designed to provide investors with access to the long end of the US investment grade corporate market. Our management of the Fund is strategically like that of Delaware Corporate Bond Fund. Since many companies do not issue longer- duration bonds, we identify additional opportunities as needed to complete the Fund’s portfolio. The Fund began the 12-month period with about 2% exposure to high yield, which increased to 6.5% at fiscal year end, for the same reasons we increased high yield exposure in Delaware Corporate Bond Fund. Like Delaware Corporate Bond Fund, the Fund was overweight BBB-rated credit.

However, unlike Delaware Corporate Bond Fund, the Fund was unable to take advantage of the inversion in the front end of the yield curve in the

first calendar quarter of 2020. When the curve inverted, Delaware Corporate Bond Fund was able to reposition somewhat to take advantage of the higher short-term yields. Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund, with its longer duration mandate, can’t take advantage of the front part of the curve to the same degree. That said, the factors that determined performance during the fiscal year were mainly the Fund’s investments’ level of safety and the extent of duration in each sector. Safer investments tended to weather the downturn much better. And the less duration you had, the more you underperformed in a given sector.

Among sectors, electric utilities was the leading contributor to the Fund’s performance. We liked the sector both for its defensive characteristics and for the value it offered. What propelled the Fund’s performance in the sector, however, was an overweight position and a significant near-parallel shift in the yield curve of 130 basis points (a basis point equals one hundredth of a percentage point), in which long rates came down almost as much as the 10-year rate. That had a material impact on longer-duration securities, as price appreciation on long-end securities is going to be much greater than for shorter- duration credits.

The Fund also benefited from the energy sector, as Noble Energy Inc. long bonds gained 30 to 35 points on the Chevron acquisition. The Fund also bought some new deals in the energy space that added to performance.

The Fund also benefited from its exposure to capital goods. The Fund owned United Technologies Corp., a defense contractor, which spun off Carrier Global Corp. and OTIS Worldwide Corp. when it purchased Raytheon Co. Both Carrier and OTIS issued new bonds that the Fund purchased, of which OTIS was a notable contributor to performance.




Table of Contents

Portfolio management review

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


An underweight to consumer cyclicals, particularly retailers, also contributed to performance as retail businesses sustained significant losses during the Fund’s fiscal year. The Fund did own issues from a select few companies that we felt were defensive and that held up well, including home improvement retailers, discount retailers, and several dollar stores. The Fund also had a significant underweight to the auto industry, which also endured significant pressure in the downturn. We were very selective in the auto companies that the Fund held, which included shorter duration credits in Ford Motor Co. and General Motors Co.

Noncyclicals, particularly healthcare and pharmaceuticals, detracted from performance during the fiscal year. The Fund was underweight both subsectors due to their tight valuations, which hurt the Fund’s relative performance as these segments outperformed during the selloff, owing to their defensive characteristics and long duration.

Banking was another significant detractor, given that we positioned the Fund down in capital structure and underweight spread duration. The

yield curve within the banking sector tends to be flat, and we typically don’t see much value in the long end. As mentioned earlier, however, a significant near-parallel shift in the curve in the first quarter of 2020 brought long-term rates down almost as much as short-term rates. The Fund’s underweight to longer-duration banking credits hurt performance.

The insurance sector also detracted from relative performance during the fiscal year. The Fund owned subordinated positions of several life insurers that are loosely linked to equity-market performance via their variable annuity programs. Exposure to these credits rather than to the higher-quality health insurers magnified the Fund’s underperformance in the sector.

In addition, two significant detractors from Delaware Corporate Bond Fund, Teck Resources Ltd. and Occidental Petroleum Corp., also hurt the Fund’s relative performance.

During the fiscal year, we made minimal use of US Treasury futures to adjust overall duration of the Fund. This exposure had no material impact on Fund performance.




Table of Contents

Performance summaries

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund    July 31, 2020 (Unaudited)

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Performance data current to the most recent month end may be obtained by calling 800 523-1918 or visiting delawarefunds.com/performance.


Fund and benchmark performance1,2    Average annual total returns through July 31, 2020
     1 year    5 year    10 year    Lifetime

Class A (Est. September 15, 1998)


Excluding sales charge

   +12.90%    +6.04%    +6.09%    +6.69%

Including sales charge

   +7.84%    +5.08%    +5.60%    +6.46%

Class C (Est. September 15, 1998)


Excluding sales charge

   +12.05%    +5.25%    +5.28%    +5.90%

Including sales charge

   +11.05%    +5.25%    +5.28%    +5.90%

Class R (Est. June 2, 2003)


Excluding sales charge

   +12.43%    +5.74%    +5.81%    +5.98%

Including sales charge

   +12.43%    +5.74%    +5.81%    +5.98%

Institutional Class (Est. September 15, 1998)


Excluding sales charge

   +13.18%    +6.31%    +6.33%    +6.96%

Including sales charge

   +13.18%    +6.31%    +6.33%    +6.96%

Class R6 (Est. January 31, 2019)


Excluding sales charge

   +13.12%          +15.02%

Including sales charge

   +13.12%          +15.02%

Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Investment Grade Index

   +12.44%    +6.36%    +5.60%    +5.86%*

*The benchmark lifetime return is for Institutional Class share comparison only and is calculated using the last business day in the month of the Fund’s Institutional Class inception date.

1Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and are presented both with and without the applicable sales charges described below. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Expense limitations were in effect for certain classes during some or all of the periods shown in the “Fund and benchmark performance” table. Expenses for each class are listed on the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 9. Performance

would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect.

Institutional Class shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to certain eligible investors. In addition, Institutional Class shares pay no distribution and service (12b-1) fee.

Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 4.50%, and have an annual 12b-1 fee of 0.25% of average daily net assets.




Table of Contents

Peformance summaries

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


Performance for Class A shares, excluding sales charges, assumes that no front-end sales charge applied.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1.00% if redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual 12b-1 fee of 1.00% of average daily net assets. Performance for Class C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was not redeemed.

Class R shares are available only for certain retirement plan products. They are sold without a sales charge and have an annual 12b-1 fee of 0.50% of average daily net assets.

Class R6 shares are available only to certain investors. In addition, Class R6 shares do not pay any service fees, sub-accounting fees, and/or sub-transfer agency fees to any brokers, dealers, or other financial intermediaries. Class R6 shares pay no 12b-1 fee.

Fixed income securities and bond funds can lose value, and investors can lose principal, as interest rates rise. They also may be affected by economic conditions that hinder an issuer’s ability to make interest and principal payments on its debt. The Fund may also be subject to prepayment risk, the risk that the principal of a bond that is held by a portfolio will be prepaid prior to maturity, at the time when interest rates are lower than what the bond was paying. A portfolio may then have to reinvest that money at a lower interest rate.

High yielding, non-investment-grade bonds (junk bonds) involve higher risk than investment grade bonds.

The Fund may invest in derivatives, which may involve additional expenses and are subject to risk, including the risk that an underlying security or securities index moves in the opposite direction from what the portfolio manager anticipated. A

derivatives transaction depends upon the counterparties’ ability to fulfill their contractual obligations.

If and when the Fund invests in forward foreign currency contracts or uses other investments to hedge against currency risks, the Fund will be subject to special risks, including counterparty risk.

The Fund may experience portfolio turnover in excess of 100%, which could result in higher transaction costs and tax liability.

International investments entail risks including fluctuation in currency values, differences in accounting principles, or economic or political instability. Investing in emerging markets can be riskier than investing in established foreign markets due to increased volatility, lower trading volume, and higher risk of market closures. In many emerging markets, there is substantially less publicly available information and the available information may be incomplete or misleading. Legal claims are generally more difficult to pursue.

IBOR risk is the risk that changes related to the use of the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) or similar rates (such as EONIA) could have adverse impacts on financial instruments that reference these rates. The potential abandonment of these rates and transition to alternative rates could affect the value and liquidity of instruments that reference them and could affect investment strategy performance.

The disruptions caused by natural disasters, pandemics, or similar events could prevent the Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and could negatively impact the Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective and the value of the Fund’s investments.

This document may mention bond ratings published by nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSROs) Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investors Service, and Fitch, Inc. For




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securities rated by an NRSRO other than S&P, the rating is converted to the equivalent S&P credit rating. Bonds rated AAA are rated as having the highest quality and are generally considered to have the lowest degree of investment risk. Bonds rated AA are considered to be of high quality, but with a slightly higher degree of risk than bonds rated AAA. Bonds rated A are considered to have

many favorable investment qualities, though they are somewhat more susceptible to adverse economic conditions. Bonds rated BBB are believed to be of medium-grade quality and generally riskier over the long term. Bonds rated BB, B, and CCC are regarded as having significant speculative characteristics, with BB indicating the least degree of speculation of the three.



2 The Fund’s expense ratios, as described in the most recent prospectus, are disclosed in the following “Fund expense ratios” table. Delaware Management Company has agreed to reimburse certain expenses and/or waive certain fees in order to prevent total annual fund operating expenses (excluding any 12b-1 fees, acquired fund fees and expenses, taxes, interest, short sale dividend and interest expenses, brokerage fees, certain insurance costs, and nonroutine expenses or costs, including, but not limited to, those relating to reorganizations, litigation, conducting shareholder meetings, and liquidations (collectively, nonroutine expenses)) from exceeding 0.57% of the Fund’s average daily net assets for all share classes other than Class R6, and 0.48% of the Fund’s Class R6 shares’ average daily net assets from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020.* Please see the most recent prospectus and any applicable supplement(s) for additional information on these fee waivers and/or reimbursements. Please see the “Financial highlights” section in this report for the most recent expense ratios.


Fund expense ratios    Class A   Class C   Class R   Institutional
  Class R6

Total annual operating expenses
(without fee waivers)

   0.92%   1.67%   1.17%   0.67%   0.58%

Net expenses
(including fee waivers, if any)

   0.82%   1.57%   1.07%   0.57%   0.48%

Type of waiver

   Contractual   Contractual   Contractual   Contractual   Contractual

*The aggregate contractual waiver period covering this report is from January 31, 2019 through November 29, 2020.



Table of Contents

Performance summaries

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund   


Performance of a $10,000 investment1

Average annual total returns from July 31, 2010 through July 31, 2020




For period beginning July 31, 2010 through July 31, 2020    Starting value    Ending value

LOGO Delaware Corporate Bond Fund – Institutional Class shares

   $10,000    $18,483

LOGO Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Investment Grade Index

   $10,000    $17,245

  LOGO Delaware Corporate Bond Fund – Class A shares

   $9,550    $17,237


1The “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph assumes $10,000 invested in Institutional Class and Class A shares of the Fund on July 31, 2010, and includes the effect of a 4.50% front-end sales charge (for Class A shares) and the reinvestment of all distributions. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholders would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. Expense limitations were in effect for some or all of the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect. Expenses are listed in the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 9. Please note additional details on pages 7 through 11.

The graph also assumes $10,000 invested in the Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Investment Grade Index as of July 31, 2010. The Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Investment Grade Index is composed of US dollar–denominated, investment grade, SEC-registered corporate bonds issued by

industrial, utility, and financial companies. All bonds in the index have at least one year to maturity.

The S&P 500 Index, mentioned on page 2, measures the performance of 500 mostly large-cap stocks weighted by market value and is often used to represent performance of the US stock market.

Gross domestic product, mentioned on page 2, is a measure of all goods and services produced by a nation in a year.

Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

Performance of other Fund classes will vary due to different charges and expenses.




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    Nasdaq symbols   CUSIPs
Class A   DGCAX   245908785
Class C   DGCCX   245908769
Class R   DGCRX   245908744
Institutional Class   DGCIX   245908751
Class R6   DGCZX   24610J100



Table of Contents

Performance summaries

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund    July 31, 2020 (Unaudited)

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Performance data current to the most recent month end may be obtained by calling 800 523-1918 or visiting delawarefunds.com/performance.


Fund and benchmark performance1,2    Average annual total returns through July 31, 2020  

1 year



5 year



10 year






Class A (Est. September 15, 1998)


Excluding sales charge

     +19.19%       +8.48%        +8.43%        +8.35%  

Including sales charge

     +13.87%       +7.47%        +7.93%        +8.12%  

Class C (Est. September 15, 1998)


Excluding sales charge

     +18.32%       +7.64%        +7.62%        +7.55%  

Including sales charge

     +17.32%       +7.64%        +7.62%        +7.55%  

Class R (Est. October 3, 2005)


Excluding sales charge

     +18.87%       +8.20%        +8.17%        +8.15%  

Including sales charge

     +18.87%       +8.20%        +8.17%        +8.15%  

Institutional Class (Est. September 15, 1998)


Excluding sales charge

     +19.36%     +8.72%        +8.69%        +8.61%  

Including sales charge

     +19.36%       +8.72%        +8.69%        +8.61%  

Class R6 (Est. May 2, 2016)


Excluding sales charge

     +19.61%       —          —          +9.24%  

Including sales charge

     +19.61%       —          —          +9.24%  

Bloomberg Barclays Long US Corporate Index

     +19.41%       +9.73%        +8.23%        +7.36% ** 

*Total return for the report period presented in the table differs from the return in “Financial highlights.” The total return presented in the above table is calculated based on the net asset value (NAV) at which shareholder transactions were processed. The total return presented in “Financial highlights” is calculated in the same manner but also takes into account certain adjustments that are necessary under US generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP) required in the annual report.

**The benchmark lifetime return is for Institutional Class share comparison only and is calculated using the last business day in the month of the Fund’s Institutional Class inception date.


1Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and are presented both with and without the applicable sales charges described below. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Expense limitations were in effect for certain classes during some or all of the periods shown in

the “Fund and benchmark performance” table. Expenses for each class are listed on the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 14. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect.

Institutional Class shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to




Table of Contents

certain eligible investors. In addition, Institutional Class shares pay no distribution and service (12b-1) fee.

Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 4.50%, and have an annual 12b-1 fee of 0.25% of average daily net assets. Performance for Class A shares, excluding sales charges, assumes that no front-end sales charge applied.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1.00% if redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual 12b-1 fee of 1.00% of average daily net assets. Performance for Class C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was not redeemed.

Class R shares are available only for certain retirement plan products. They are sold without a sales charge and have an annual 12b-1 fee of 0.50% of average daily net assets.

Class R6 shares are available only to certain investors. In addition, Class R6 shares do not pay any service fees, sub-accounting fees, and/or sub-transfer agency fees to any brokers, dealers, or other financial intermediaries. Class R6 shares pay no 12b-1 fee.

Fixed income securities and bond funds can lose value, and investors can lose principal, as interest rates rise. They also may be affected by economic conditions that hinder an issuer’s ability to make interest and principal payments on its debt. The Fund may also be subject to prepayment risk, the risk that the principal of a bond that is held by a portfolio will be prepaid prior to maturity, at the time when interest rates are lower than what the bond was paying. A portfolio may then have to reinvest that money at a lower interest rate.

High yielding, non-investment-grade bonds (junk bonds) involve higher risk than investment grade bonds.

The Fund may invest in derivatives, which may involve additional expenses and are subject to risk, including the risk that an underlying security or securities index moves in the opposite direction from what the portfolio manager anticipated. A derivatives transaction depends upon the counterparties’ ability to fulfill their contractual obligations.

If and when the Fund invests in forward foreign currency contracts or uses other investments to hedge against currency risks, the Fund will be subject to special risks, including counterparty risk.

The Fund may experience portfolio turnover in excess of 100%, which could result in higher transaction costs and tax liability.

International investments entail risks including fluctuation in currency values, differences in accounting principles, or economic or political instability. Investing in emerging markets can be riskier than investing in established foreign markets due to increased volatility, lower trading volume, and higher risk of market closures. In many emerging markets, there is substantially less publicly available information and the available information may be incomplete or misleading. Legal claims are generally more difficult to pursue.

IBOR risk is the risk that changes related to the use of the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) or similar rates (such as EONIA) could have adverse impacts on financial instruments that reference these rates. The potential abandonment of these rates and transition to alternative rates could affect the value and liquidity of instruments that reference them and could affect investment strategy performance.

The disruptions caused by natural disasters, pandemics, or similar events could prevent the Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and could negatively impact the Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective and the value of the Fund’s investments.




Table of Contents

This document may mention bond ratings published by nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSROs) Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investors Service, and Fitch, Inc. For securities rated by an NRSRO other than S&P, the rating is converted to the equivalent S&P credit rating. Bonds rated AAA are rated as having the highest quality and are generally considered to have the lowest degree of investment risk. Bonds rated AA are considered to be of high quality, but

with a slightly higher degree of risk than bonds rated AAA. Bonds rated A are considered to have many favorable investment qualities, though they are somewhat more susceptible to adverse economic conditions. Bonds rated BBB are believed to be of medium-grade quality and generally riskier over the long term. Bonds rated BB, B, and CCC are regarded as having significant speculative characteristics, with BB indicating the least degree of speculation of the three.



2 The Fund’s expense ratios, as described in the most recent prospectus, are disclosed in the following “Fund expense ratios” table. Delaware Management Company has agreed to reimburse certain expenses and/or waive certain fees in order to prevent total annual fund operating expenses (excluding any 12b-1 fees, acquired fund fees and expenses, taxes, interest, short sale dividend and interest expenses, brokerage fees, certain insurance costs, and nonroutine expenses or costs, including, but not limited to, those relating to reorganizations, litigation, conducting shareholder meetings, and liquidations (collectively, nonroutine expenses)) from exceeding 0.57% of the Fund’s average daily net assets for all share classes other than Class R6, and 0.49% of the Fund’s Class R6 shares’ average daily net assets from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020.* Please see the most recent prospectus and any applicable supplement(s) for additional information on these fee waivers and/or reimbursements. Please see the “Financial highlights” section in this report for the most recent expense ratios.


Fund expense ratios    Class A    Class C    Class R    Institutional
   Class R6

Total annual operating expenses
(without fee waivers)

   0.97%    1.72%    1.22%    0.72%    0.64%

Net expenses
(including fee waivers, if any)

   0.82%    1.57%    1.07%    0.57%    0.49%

Type of waiver

   Contractual    Contractual    Contractual    Contractual    Contractual

*The aggregate contractual waiver period covering this report is from January 31, 2019 through November 29, 2020.



Table of Contents

Performance of a $10,000 investment1

Average annual total returns from July 31, 2010 through July 31, 2020




For period beginning July 31, 2010 through July 31, 2020    Starting value    Ending value

LOGO Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund – Institutional Class shares

   $10,000    $23,007

LOGO Bloomberg Barclays Long US Corporate Index

   $10,000    $22,046

  LOGO Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund – Class A shares

     $9,550    $21,457


1The “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph assumes $10,000 invested in Institutional Class and Class A shares of the Fund on July 31, 2010, and includes the effect of a 4.50% front-end sales charge (for Class A shares) and the reinvestment of all distributions. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholders would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. Expense limitations were in effect for some or all of the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect. Expenses are listed in the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 14. Please note additional details on pages 12 through 16.

The graph also assumes $10,000 invested in the Bloomberg Barclays Long US Corporate Index as of July 31, 2010. The Bloomberg Barclays Long US Corporate Index is composed of US dollar– denominated, investment grade, SEC-registered

corporate bonds issued by industrial, utility, and financial companies. All bonds in the index have at least 10 years to maturity.

The S&P 500 Index, mentioned on page 2, measures the performance of 500 mostly large-cap stocks weighted by market value and is often used to represent performance of the US stock market.

Gross domestic product, mentioned on page 2, is a measure of all goods and services produced by a nation in a year.

Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

Performance of other Fund classes will vary due to different charges and expenses.




Table of Contents

Performance summaries

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund   


      Nasdaq symbols    CUSIPs
Class A    DEEAX    245908835
Class C    DEECX    245908819
Class R    DEERX    245908728
Institutional Class    DEEIX    245908793
Class R6    DEZRX    245908629



Table of Contents

Disclosure of Fund expenses

For the six-month period from February 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020 (Unaudited)

As a shareholder of a Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments, reinvested dividends, or other distributions; redemption fees; and exchange fees; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees; and other Fund expenses. The following examples are intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in a Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire six-month period from February 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020.

Actual expenses

The first section of the tables shown, “Actual Fund return,” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this section of the table, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first section under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical example for comparison purposes

The second section of the tables shown, “Hypothetical 5% return,” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Funds’ actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in each Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the tables are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the second section of each table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher. The Funds’ expenses shown in the tables reflect fee waivers in effect and assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.



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Delaware Corporate Bond Fund

Expense analysis of an investment of $1,000


Account Value
Account Value
Expense Ratio
Paid During Period
2/1/20 to 7/31/20*

Actual Fund return


Class A

     $1,000.00        $1,063.60        0.82%       $4.21  

Class C

       1,000.00          1,059.60        1.57%         8.04  

Class R

       1,000.00          1,060.50        1.07%         5.48  

Institutional Class

       1,000.00          1,064.90        0.57%         2.93  

Class R6

       1,000.00          1,063.70        0.48%         2.46  

Hypothetical 5% return (5% return before expenses)


Class A

     $1,000.00        $1,020.79        0.82%       $4.12  

Class C

       1,000.00          1,017.06        1.57%         7.87  

Class R

       1,000.00          1,019.54        1.07%         5.37  

Institutional Class

       1,000.00          1,022.03        0.57%         2.87  

Class R6

       1,000.00          1,022.48        0.48%         2.41  

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

Expense analysis of an investment of $1,000


Account Value
Account Value
Expense Ratio
Paid During Period
2/1/20 to 7/31/20*

Actual Fund return


Class A

     $1,000.00        $1,083.60        0.82%       $4.25  

Class C

       1,000.00          1,078.10        1.57%         8.11  

Class R

       1,000.00          1,082.10        1.07%         5.54  

Institutional Class

       1,000.00          1,083.60        0.57%         2.95  

Class R6

       1,000.00          1,085.50        0.49%         2.54  

Hypothetical 5% return (5% return before expenses)


Class A

     $1,000.00        $1,020.79        0.82%       $4.12  

Class C

       1,000.00          1,017.06        1.57%         7.87  

Class R

       1,000.00          1,019.54        1.07%         5.37  

Institutional Class

       1,000.00          1,022.03        0.57%         2.87  

Class R6

       1,000.00          1,022.43        0.49%         2.46  



“Expenses Paid During Period” are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).



Because actual returns reflect only the most recent six-month period, the returns shown may differ significantly from fiscal year returns.



Table of Contents

In addition to the Funds’ expenses reflected above, each Fund also indirectly bears its portion of the fees and expenses of the investment companies (Underlying Funds) in which it invests. The tables on the previous page do not reflect the expenses of the Underlying Funds.



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Security type / sector allocations

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund    As of July 31, 2020 (Unaudited)


Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in other Fund materials. The sector designations may represent the investment manager’s internal sector classifications, which may result in the sector designations for one fund being different than another fund’s sector designations.


Security type / sector            Percentage of net assets        

Convertible Bonds


Corporate Bonds




Basic Industry




Capital Goods




Consumer Cyclical


Consumer Non-Cyclical






Finance Companies




Natural Gas


Real Estate Investment Trusts








Loan Agreements


US Treasury Obligation


Convertible Preferred Stock


Preferred Stock


Short-Term Investments


Total Value of Securities


Receivables and Other Assets Net of Liabilities


Total Net Assets




Table of Contents

Security type / sector allocations

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund    As of July 31, 2020 (Unaudited)


Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in other Fund materials. The sector designations may represent the investment manager’s internal sector classifications, which may result in the sector designations for one fund being different than another fund’s sector designations.


Security type / sector            Percentage of net assets        

Convertible Bonds


Corporate Bonds




Basic Industry




Capital Goods




Consumer Cyclical


Consumer Non-Cyclical






Finance Companies




Natural Gas








Municipal Bonds


Loan Agreements


Convertible Preferred Stock


Preferred Stock


Short-Term Investments


Total Value of Securities


Receivables and Other Assets Net of Liabilities


Total Net Assets




Table of Contents

Schedules of investments

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund    July 31, 2020


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Convertible Bonds – 0.65%


Cheniere Energy 144A PIK 4.875% exercise price $93.64, maturity date 5/28/21 #, >

     3,657,019      $                 3,719,370  

PDC Energy 1.125% exercise price $85.39, maturity date 9/15/21

     4,060,000        3,898,360  




Total Convertible Bonds (cost $7,516,856)





Corporate Bonds – 94.46%


Banking – 19.63%


Ally Financial 8.00% 11/1/31

     1,840,000        2,549,563  

Bank of America


1.898% 7/23/31 µ

     5,045,000        5,144,022  

2.625% 10/19/20

     2,820,000        2,834,047  

2.676% 6/19/41µ

     11,785,000        12,614,500  

Bank of New York Mellon 4.70% µ, y

     5,465,000        5,931,055  

Bank of Nova Scotia 4.90% µ, y

     1,364,000        1,404,729  

Barclays 5.20% 5/12/26

     9,452,000        10,786,244  



2.875% 6/29/22

     3,360,000        3,472,482  

3.875% 4/10/25

     4,205,000        4,516,803  

Citigroup 3.106% 4/8/26 µ

     12,955,000        14,105,265  

Citizens Financial Group


2.85% 7/27/26

     11,170,000        12,429,118  

5.65% µ, y

     3,055,000        3,245,938  

Credit Agricole 144A 1.907% 6/16/26 #, µ

     3,490,000        3,595,617  

Credit Suisse Group


144A 2.593% 9/11/25 #, µ

     8,630,000        9,035,626  

144A 5.10% #, µ, y

     4,295,000        4,250,976  

144A 6.375% #, µ, y

     3,600,000        3,794,274  

Fifth Third Bancorp 4.50% µ, y

     3,065,000        3,126,300  

Goldman Sachs Group 3.50% 4/1/25

     3,085,000        3,421,393  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.


2.956% 5/13/31 µ

     960,000        1,048,344  

3.109% 4/22/41 µ

     4,415,000        5,023,359  

4.023% 12/5/24 µ

     5,010,000        5,544,841  

Morgan Stanley


1.668% (LIBOR03M + 1.22%) 5/8/24

     3,455,000        3,494,327  

3.622% 4/1/31 µ

     2,370,000        2,777,183  

5.00% 11/24/25

     5,080,000        6,056,608  

Natwest Group


2.359% 5/22/24 µ

     2,945,000        3,052,054  

3.754% 11/1/29 µ

     3,245,000        3,399,313  

8.625% µ, y

     3,555,000        3,722,121  



Table of Contents
     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)


Banking (continued)


PNC Bank 4.05% 7/26/28

     3,035,000      $                 3,629,825  

PNC Financial Services Group 2.60% 7/23/26

     11,865,000        13,155,341  

Popular 6.125% 9/14/23

     5,020,000        5,339,498  

Regions Financial 3.80% 8/14/23

     3,335,000        3,641,876  

Santander UK 144A 5.00% 11/7/23 #

     1,043,000        1,147,952  

SVB Financial Group 3.125% 6/5/30

     3,060,000        3,406,435  

Truist Bank


2.15% 12/6/24

     5,920,000        6,301,933  

2.25% 3/11/30

     3,920,000        4,140,223  

2.636% 9/17/29 µ

     12,015,000        12,268,288  

Truist Financial 4.95% µ, y

     4,650,000        4,975,500  

UBS 7.625% 8/17/22

     3,430,000        3,843,179  

UBS Group


144A 1.364% 1/30/27 #,µ

     1,185,000        1,196,615  

6.875% µ, y

     4,275,000        4,350,112  

7.125% µ, y

     860,000        890,490  

US Bancorp 3.00% 7/30/29

     12,710,000        14,194,130  

Wells Fargo & Co. 5.95% 12/1/86

     5,260,000        6,684,431  







Basic Industry - 4.79%


BHP Billiton Finance USA 144A 6.25% 10/19/75 #, µ

     9,455,000        9,529,836  

Chevron Phillips Chemical 144A 5.125% 4/1/25 #

     1,510,000        1,778,475  

DuPont de Nemours 2.169% 5/1/23

     3,895,000        3,974,710  

Equate Petrochemical 144A 3.00% 3/3/22 #

     2,840,000        2,891,313  



144A 1.75% 9/30/25 #

     2,545,000        2,672,723  

144A 2.10% 4/30/27 #

     2,025,000        2,153,376  

144A 2.30% 4/30/30 #

     4,575,000        4,951,185  

8.00% 1/15/24

     4,345,000        5,432,829  

LYB International Finance III 2.875% 5/1/25

     1,865,000        2,017,736  



2.25% 10/1/30

     2,070,000        2,186,588  

2.80% 10/1/29

     8,145,000        8,970,714  

Nutrien 2.95% 5/13/30

     3,100,000        3,415,013  

Steel Dynamics


2.40% 6/15/25

     1,115,000        1,171,851  

2.80% 12/15/24

     1,675,000        1,783,111  

Syngenta Finance 144A 3.933% 4/23/21 #

     2,560,000        2,586,063  

WR Grace & Co. 144A 4.875% 6/15/27 #

     452,000        482,494  









Table of Contents

Schedules of investments

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)


Brokerage — 1.59%


Charles Schwab 5.375% µ,y

     3,280,000      $                 3,599,800  

Jefferies Group


4.15% 1/23/30

     1,725,000        1,947,092  

6.45% 6/8/27

     5,627,000        6,784,933  

6.50% 1/20/43

     1,575,000        2,004,913  

National Securities Clearing 144A 1.20% 4/23/23 #

     4,105,000        4,188,829  







Capital Goods - 5.15%


Amphenol 2.05% 3/1/25

     11,425,000        12,092,852  

Berry Global 144A 4.875% 7/15/26 #

     1,295,000        1,369,197  

CCL Industries 144A 3.05% 6/1/30 #

     2,220,000        2,328,165  

Crown Americas 4.75% 2/1/26

     1,115,000        1,167,450  

General Dynamics


3.25% 4/1/25

     460,000        514,573  

4.25% 4/1/40

     3,820,000        5,088,609  

General Electric 3.625% 5/1/30

     7,810,000        7,920,142  

GFL Environmental 144A 5.125% 12/15/26 #

     1,832,000        1,947,581  

L3Harris Technologies 3.85% 6/15/23

     1,690,000        1,842,018  

Otis Worldwide


144A 2.056% 4/5/25 #

     2,470,000        2,618,690  

144A 3.112% 2/15/40 #

     3,565,000        3,989,301  

Roper Technologies 2.35% 9/15/24

     8,215,000        8,758,791  

Waste Connections


2.60% 2/1/30

     5,640,000        6,191,988  

3.05% 4/1/50

     3,945,000        4,420,934  







Communications — 13.34%


AMC Networks 4.75% 8/1/25

     2,450,000        2,515,182  

American Tower 3.375% 5/15/24

     8,670,000        9,492,067  



2.30% 6/1/27

     2,370,000        2,513,873  

3.10% 2/1/43

     2,415,000        2,483,664  

3.50% 6/1/41

     4,544,000        4,949,041  

3.65% 6/1/51

     1,280,000        1,402,836  

4.35% 3/1/29

     2,360,000        2,821,943  

4.90% 8/15/37

     2,785,000        3,503,296  

Charter Communications Operating 3.70% 4/1/51

     4,115,000        4,370,784  



3.20% 7/15/36

     8,000,000        9,340,661  

3.75% 4/1/40

     3,860,000        4,826,781  

Crown Castle International 5.25% 1/15/23

     5,000,000        5,560,570  



Table of Contents
     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)


Communications (continued)


CSC Holdings 144A 4.125% 12/1/30 #

     4,320,000      $                 4,556,520  

Deutsche Telekom 144A 3.625% 1/21/50 #

     4,110,000        4,875,039  

Discovery Communications 5.00% 9/20/37

     4,475,000        5,491,763  

Level 3 Financing 144A 4.25% 7/1/28 #

     3,075,000        3,208,762  

Sprint Spectrum


144A 3.36% 3/20/23 #

     1,210,937        1,227,969  

144A 4.738% 9/20/29 #

     4,195,000        4,577,353  

Telefonica Emisiones 5.52% 3/1/49

     3,585,000        4,889,550  

Time Warner Cable 7.30% 7/1/38

     5,490,000        7,996,340  

Time Warner Entertainment 8.375% 3/15/23

     4,965,000        5,886,289  

T-Mobile USA


144A 2.55% 2/15/31 #

     6,250,000        6,500,875  

144A 4.375% 4/15/40 #

     7,247,000        8,879,314  

Verizon Communications


3.15% 3/22/30

     1,280,000        1,472,264  

4.00% 3/22/50

     875,000        1,182,874  

4.50% 8/10/33

     13,130,000        17,208,798  



4.375% 3/15/43

     7,205,000        8,005,166  

4.95% 1/15/31

     2,050,000        2,481,090  

Virgin Media Secured Finance 144A 5.50%


5/15/29 #

     2,000,000        2,183,180  

Vodafone Group


4.25% 9/17/50

     2,635,000        3,265,061  

4.875% 6/19/49

     6,320,000        8,368,024  

Consumer Cyclical - 3.47%


Amazon.com 2.50% 6/3/50

     7,360,000        8,057,067  

Costco Wholesale


1.60% 4/20/30

     3,525,000        3,649,557  

1.75% 4/20/32

     1,455,000        1,526,889  

Dollar Tree 4.00% 5/15/25

     4,735,000        5,397,594  

Ford Motor 8.50% 4/21/23

     4,315,000        4,797,266  

General Motors


5.40% 10/2/23

     1,895,000        2,091,100  

6.125% 10/1/25

     1,895,000        2,211,684  

6.25% 10/2/43

     2,235,000        2,664,590  

General Motors Financial 5.20% 3/20/23

     3,595,000        3,913,215  

Magna International 2.45% 6/15/30

     3,020,000        3,212,363  

VF 2.40% 4/23/25

     2,880,000        3,065,389  






Table of Contents

Schedules of investments

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)


Consumer Non-Cyclical - 7.72%


AbbVie 144A 2.95% 11/21/26 #

     6,730,000      $                 7,433,693  

Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide


4.15% 1/23/25

     4,215,000        4,818,887  

4.50% 6/1/50

     7,215,000        9,175,931  



2.25% 5/1/30

     5,015,000        5,263,003  

3.15% 5/1/50

     5,495,000        5,819,093  

CVS Health 4.78% 3/25/38

     5,870,000        7,554,642  

Diageo Capital 1.375% 9/29/25

     4,055,000        4,194,754  

HCA 3.50% 9/1/30

     2,895,000        3,045,897  

Imperial Brands Finance 144A 3.50% 7/26/26 #

     4,400,000        4,815,991  

Lamb Weston Holdings 144A 4.625% 11/1/24 #

     455,000        477,798  

Mondelez International 1.50% 5/4/25

     2,910,000        3,016,833  

Perrigo Finance Unlimited 4.375% 3/15/26

     5,485,000        6,121,162  

Pfizer 2.55% 5/28/40

     2,400,000        2,662,419  

Stryker 1.95% 6/15/30

     4,458,000        4,638,994  

Takeda Pharmaceutical


2.05% 3/31/30

     2,830,000        2,921,590  

3.025% 7/9/40

     2,845,000        3,103,811  

3.175% 7/9/50

     2,845,000        3,130,421  

Teleflex 144A 4.25% 6/1/28 #

     2,750,000        2,949,375  

Universal Health Services 144A 4.75% 8/1/22 #

     2,170,000        2,182,337  



144A 2.70% 6/22/30 #

     3,675,000        3,928,066  

144A 4.00% 6/22/50 #

     2,680,000        3,068,075  







Electric - 12.87%


Appalachian Power 3.70% 5/1/50

     685,000        809,602  

CenterPoint Energy 3.85% 2/1/24

     4,685,000        5,160,275  

CMS Energy 4.75% 6/1/50 µ

     3,550,000        3,797,974  

Consumers Energy 3.50% 8/1/51

     7,345,000        9,428,181  

Dominion Energy 4.65% µ, y

     6,010,000        6,125,391  

Duke Energy 4.875% µ, y

     3,985,000        4,119,863  

Duke Energy Ohio 2.125% 6/1/30

     2,300,000        2,477,281  

Edison International


3.125% 11/15/22

     3,330,000        3,469,071  

4.95% 4/15/25

     2,200,000        2,450,806  

Emera 6.75% 6/15/76 µ

     4,212,000        4,688,988  

Entergy Arkansas 4.20% 4/1/49

     2,840,000        3,960,629  

Entergy Louisiana 2.90% 3/15/51

     2,850,000        3,250,052  

Entergy Mississippi 3.85% 6/1/49

     860,000        1,110,485  



Table of Contents
     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continue)


Electric (continued)


Entergy Texas 3.55% 9/30/49

     2,030,000      $                     2,456,245  

Evergy Kansas Central 3.45% 4/15/50

     8,605,000        10,600,025  

Exelon 4.05% 4/15/30

     3,210,000        3,846,433  

FirstEnergy Transmission 144A 4.55% 4/1/49 #

     4,430,000        5,320,397  

Idaho Power Series K 4.20% 3/1/48

     2,015,000        2,665,192  

Interstate Power and Light 4.10% 9/26/28

     3,500,000        4,136,241  

IPALCO Enterprises 3.70% 9/1/24


3.70% 9/1/24

     2,075,000        2,259,146  

144A 4.25% 5/1/30 #

     2,490,000        2,758,394  

ITC Holdings 144A 2.95% 5/14/30 #

     2,420,000        2,688,597  

Louisville Gas and Electric 4.25% 4/1/49

     6,020,000        8,057,966  

National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance 5.25%


4/20/46 µ

     1,416,000        1,530,795  

Nevada Power Series EE 3.125% 8/1/50

     4,595,000        5,441,184  

NRG Energy


144A 3.75% 6/15/24 #

     1,985,000        2,131,207  

144A 4.45% 6/15/29 #

     3,180,000        3,472,429  

NV Energy 6.25% 11/15/20

     2,975,000        3,019,521  

Pacific Gas and Electric


2.10% 8/1/27

     3,535,000        3,532,728  

2.50% 2/1/31

     2,105,000        2,118,273  

3.30% 8/1/40

     895,000        915,525  

4.60% 6/15/43

     1,690,000        1,932,485  

PacifiCorp 2.70% 9/15/30

     755,000        858,444  

San Diego Gas & Electric 3.32% 4/15/50

     2,015,000        2,418,330  

Southern California Edison


3.65% 2/1/50

     2,555,000        2,931,336  

4.875% 3/1/49

     3,555,000        4,711,464  

6.00% 1/15/34

     1,415,000        1,939,179  

Southwestern Electric Power 4.10% 9/15/28

     6,105,000        7,228,393  

Vistra Operations


144A 3.55% 7/15/24 #

     4,865,000        5,120,449  

144A 3.70% 1/30/27 #

     2,185,000        2,312,369  

144A 4.30% 7/15/29 #

     2,975,000        3,214,355  







Energy — 8.72%


BP Capital Markets 4.875% µ, y

     4,315,000        4,638,625  

Canadian Natural Resources 2.05% 7/15/25

     5,620,000        5,752,455  

Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings 7.00% 6/30/24

     5,215,000        6,025,904  

Continental Resources 5.00% 9/15/22

     3,840,000        3,843,840  

Enbridge 5.75% 7/15/80 µ

     3,755,000        3,834,481  



Table of Contents

Schedules of investments

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)


Energy (continued)


Energy Transfer Operating


6.25% 4/15/49

     4,830,000      $ 5,215,745  

7.125% µ,y

     6,840,000        5,694,300  

Florida Gas Transmission 144A 2.55% 7/1/30 #

     2,305,000        2,438,376  

Marathon Oil 4.40% 7/15/27

     7,830,000        7,960,777  



4.125% 3/1/27

     11,300,000        12,355,506  

5.50% 2/15/49

     2,435,000        2,921,156  

Noble Energy 4.20% 10/15/49

     6,095,000        7,722,288  

NuStar Logistics 5.625% 4/28/27

     2,585,000        2,529,461  

ONEOK 7.50% 9/1/23

     4,985,000        5,719,691  

Sabine Pass Liquefaction 5.75% 5/15/24

     5,514,000        6,284,241  

Schlumberger Investment 2.65% 6/26/30

     5,360,000        5,569,137  

Targa Resources Partners 5.875% 4/15/26

     2,370,000        2,523,232  

Tennessee Gas Pipeline 144A 2.90% 3/1/30 #

     4,430,000        4,685,244  

Total Capital International 2.986% 6/29/41

     5,615,000        6,274,605  







Finance Companies - 1.78%


AerCap Ireland Capital DAC


3.65% 7/21/27

     1,630,000        1,497,274  

4.125% 7/3/23

     2,325,000        2,334,624  

4.50% 9/15/23

     1,885,000        1,922,790  

6.50% 7/15/25

     1,715,000        1,842,000  

Air Lease


3.00% 2/1/30

     4,513,000        4,266,433  

3.375% 7/1/25

     1,935,000        1,969,964  

Aviation Capital Group 144A 5.50% 12/15/4 #

     6,835,000        7,007,223  







Insurance - 1.80%


Brighthouse Financial


4.70% 6/22/47

     6,030,000        5,991,828  

5.625% 5/15/30

     2,360,000        2,703,575  



3.375% 2/15/30

     3,160,000        3,361,466  

4.625% 12/15/29

     2,035,000        2,272,189  

Metropolitan Life Global Funding I 144A 2.95%


4/9/30 #

     2,020,000        2,322,981  

Travelers 2.55% 4/27/50

     4,085,000        4,424,295  









Table of Contents
     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)


Natural Gas – 0.27%


Sempra Energy 4.875% µ, y

     3,035,000      $         3,149,723  







Real Estate Investment Trusts – 1.24%


Corporate Office Properties 5.25% 2/15/24

     4,071,000        4,421,298  

CubeSmart 3.00% 2/15/30

     5,540,000        6,052,863  

Life Storage 4.00% 6/15/29

     945,000        1,072,061  

LifeStorage 3.50% 7/1/26

     2,745,000        2,973,880  







Technology – 9.48%


Broadcom 144A 4.15% 11/15/30 #

     5,135,000        5,778,705  

Citrix Systems 3.30% 3/1/30

     4,705,000        5,112,435  

CoStar Group 144A 2.80% 7/15/30 #

     3,370,000        3,569,470  



2.65% 6/1/30

     3,200,000        3,508,358  

3.20% 7/1/26

     6,530,000        7,364,116  

Global Payments 2.65% 2/15/25

     9,595,000        10,288,466  



2.20% 6/17/25

     4,020,000        4,214,391  

3.00% 6/17/27

     3,015,000        3,251,977  

International Business Machines 3.00% 5/15/24

     7,490,000        8,179,839  

Iron Mountain 144A 5.25% 7/15/30 #

     3,399,000        3,571,074  

KLA 3.30% 3/1/50

     8,680,000        9,766,603  

Lam Research


1.90% 6/15/30

     800,000        848,153  

2.875% 6/15/50

     3,685,000        4,216,223  

Leidos 144A 3.625% 5/15/25 #

     2,025,000        2,243,933  

Microchip Technology


3.922% 6/1/21

     1,335,000        1,366,956  

4.333% 6/1/23

     9,520,000        10,282,945  



144A 2.70% 5/1/25 #

     505,000        541,629  

144A 3.40% 5/1/30 #

     975,000        1,078,829  

144A 4.30% 6/18/29 #

     1,104,000        1,289,086  

144A 4.875% 3/1/24 #

     7,660,000        8,620,680  

Oracle 2.95% 4/1/30

     3,445,000        3,932,233  

PayPal Holdings


1.65% 6/1/25

     3,420,000        3,568,904  

2.30% 6/1/30

     3,295,000        3,570,488  

SS&C Technologies 144A 5.50% 9/30/27 #

     2,035,000        2,190,169  

Xilinx 2.375% 6/1/30

     2,295,000        2,490,914  









Table of Contents

Schedules of investments

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)


Transportation – 1.88%


Delta Air Lines


144A 7.00% 5/1/25 #

     844,000      $                 902,935  

7.375% 1/15/26

     2,660,000        2,639,359  

Southwest Airlines


5.125% 6/15/27

     5,680,000        5,967,999  

5.25% 5/4/25

     3,090,000        3,312,781  

Union Pacific 3.25% 2/5/50

     6,105,000        7,191,477  

United Airlines 2019-1 Class AA Pass Through Trust Series 2019-1, AA 4.15% 2/25/33

     1,973,205        1,919,604  







Utilities – 0.73%


Essential Utilities


2.704% 4/15/30

     1,815,000        1,986,348  

3.351% 4/15/50

     1,765,000        2,074,008  

4.276% 5/1/49

     3,270,000        4,447,840  







Total Corporate Bonds (cost $1,019,925,563)





Loan Agreements – 0.82%


BWay Holding 3.523% (LIBOR03M + 3.25%) 4/3/24

     1,294,209        1,211,818  

Numericable US Tranche B-13 4.175% (LIBOR01M + 4.00%) 8/14/26

     2,456,250        2,413,047  

Stars Group Holdings 3.808% (LIBOR03M + 3.50%) 7/10/25

     726,313        727,130  

USI Tranche B 3.308% (LIBOR03M + 3.00%) 5/16/24

     2,449,622        2,373,072  

Zayo Group Holdings 3.161% (LIBOR01M + 3.00%) 3/9/27

     2,892,750        2,818,623  




Total Loan Agreements (cost $9,743,639)





US Treasury Obligation – 0.87%


US Treasury Bond
1.25% 5/15/50

     10,040,000        10,163,147  




Total US Treasury Obligation (cost $9,723,606)







Table of Contents
     Number of shares      Value (US $)  

Convertible Preferred Stock – 0.34%


El Paso Energy Capital Trust I 4.75% exercise price $34.49, maturity date 3/31/28

     22,731      $                 1,112,455  

Lyondellbasell Advanced Polymers 6.00% exercise price $25.00 y

     2,808        2,888,028  




Total Convertible Preferred Stock (cost $4,053,106)





Preferred Stock – 0.60%


Morgan Stanley 4.085% (LIBOR03M + 3.81%)

     6,825,000        6,685,033  

USB Realty 144A 1.422% (LIBOR03M + 1.147%) #,

     400,000        319,698  




Total Preferred Stock (cost $7,227,575)





Short Term Investments – 1.66%


Money Market Mutual Funds – 1.66%BlackRock FedFund – Institutional Shares (seven-day effective yield 0.06%)

     3,883,915        3,883,915  

Fidelity Investments Money Market Government Portfolio – Class I (seven-day effective yield 0.05%)

     3,883,915        3,883,915  

GS Financial Square Government Fund – Institutional Shares (seven-day effective yield 0.13%)

     3,883,914        3,883,914  

Morgan Stanley Government Portfolio – Institutional Share Class (seven-day effective yield 0.01%)

     3,883,914        3,883,914  

State Street Institutional US Government Money Market Fund – Investor Class (seven-day effective yield 0.01%)

     3,883,915        3,883,915  




Total Short-Term Investments (cost $19,419,573)





Total Value of Securities–99.40% (cost $1,077,609,918)

      $ 1,162,341,732  






Principal amount shown is stated in USD unless noted that the security is denominated in another currency.



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. At July 31, 2020, the aggregate value of Rule 144A securities was $204,670,234, which represents 17.50% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 10 in “Notes to financial statements.”



PIK. 100% of the income received was in the form of cash.



Fixed to variable rate investment. The rate shown reflects the fixed rate in effect at July 31, 2020. Rate will reset at a future date.



No contractual maturity date.



Table of Contents

Schedules of investments

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


Variable rate investment. Rates reset periodically. Rate shown reflects the rate in effect at July 31, 2020. For securities based on a published reference rate and spread, the reference rate and spread are indicated in their description above. The reference rate descriptions (i.e. LIBOR03M, LIBOR06M, etc.) used in this report are identical for different securities, but the underlying reference rates may differ due to the timing of the reset period. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread but are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions, or for mortgage-backed securities, are impacted by the individual mortgages which are paying off over time. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description above.


Pass Through Agreement. Security represents the contractual right to receive a proportionate amount of underlying payments due to the counterparty pursuant to various agreements related to the rescheduling of obligations and the exchange of certain notes.

The following futures contracts were outstanding at July 31, 2020:1

Futures Contracts


Contracts to Buy (Sell)


















Due from

(Due to)





US Treasury 10 yr Notes

   $ 28,155,703      $ 27,917,512        9/21/20      $ 238,191      $ 12,563  



US Treasury Long Bonds

     15,676,188        15,367,342        9/21/20        308,846        (2,688










Total Futures Contracts

      $ 43,284,854         $ 547,037      $ 9,875  










The use of futures contracts involves elements of market risk and risks in excess of the amounts disclosed in the financial statements. The notional amount presented above represents the Fund’s total exposure in such contracts, whereas only the variation margin is reflected in the Fund’s net assets.

1See Note 8 in “Notes to financial statements.”



Table of Contents

Summary of abbreviations:

DAC – Designated Activity Company

GS – Goldman Sachs

ICE – Intercontinental Exchange

LIBOR – London interbank offered rate



LIBOR06M – ICE LIBOR USD 6 Month PIK – Payment-in-Kind

USD – US Dollar yr– Year

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Schedules of investments

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund    July 31, 2020


     Principal  amount      Value (US $)  
Convertible Bonds – 0.69%                

Cheniere Energy 144A PIK 4.875% exercise price


$93.64, maturity date 5/28/21 #, >

     2,115,335      $ 2,151,400  

PDC Energy 1.125% exercise price $85.39, maturity date 9/15/21

     2,045,000        1,963,583  




Total Convertible Bonds (cost $4,060,041)




Corporate Bonds – 92.06%                

Banking – 7.06%


Ally Financial 8.00% 11/1/31

     595,000        824,451  

Bank of America 2.676% 6/19/41 µ

     5,535,000        5,924,587  

Bank of New York Mellon 4.70% µ, y

     2,600,000        2,821,728  

Bank of Nova Scotia 4.90% µ, y

     712,000        733,260  

Citizens Financial Group 5.65%µ, y


Credit Suisse Group

     1,510,000        1,604,375  

144A 4.194% 4/1/31 #,µ

     2,295,000        2,685,850  

144A 5.10% #, µ, y

     2,820,000        2,791,095  

144A 6.25% #, µ, y

     1,147,000        1,226,086  

144A 6.375% #, µ, y

     2,310,000        2,434,659  

Fifth Third Bancorp 4.50% µ, y

     1,530,000        1,560,600  

JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.109% 4/22/41 µ

     1,020,000        1,160,550  

Morgan Stanley 3.622% 4/1/31 µ, y

     1,375,000        1,611,235  

Truist Financial 4.95% µ, y

     2,705,000        2,894,350  

UBS 7.625% 8/17/22

     2,635,000        2,952,413  

UBS Group 6.875% µ, y

     3,500,000        3,561,495  

US Bancorp 5.125%µ, y

     2,805,000        2,788,731  

USB Capital IX 3.50% (LIBOR03M + 1.02%) y, •

     375,000        327,471  

Wells Fargo & Co. 5.95% 12/1/86

     3,030,000        3,850,537  







Basic Industry – 1.45%


BHP Billiton Finance USA 144A 6.25% 10/19/75 #, µ

     1,248,000        1,257,878  

Packaging Corp. of America 4.05% 12/15/49

     2,980,000        3,822,473  

RPM International 4.25% 1/15/48

     3,115,000        3,255,027  

WR Grace & Co. 144A 4.875% 6/15/27 #

     222,000        236,977  







Brokerage – 2.70%


Charles Schwab 5.375%µ, y

     2,525,000        2,771,187  

Jefferies Group


6.45% 6/8/27

     2,640,000        3,183,264  

6.50% 1/20/43

     1,985,000        2,526,827  



Table of Contents
     Principal  amount      Value (US $)  
Corporate Bonds (continued)                

Brokerage (continued)


KKR Group Finance Co. VII 144A 3.625% 2/25/50 #

     3,925,000      $ 4,117,405  

Legg Mason 5.625% 1/15/44

     2,475,000        3,345,868  







Capital Goods — 7.10%


General Electric 4.35% 5/1/50

     3,365,000        3,494,382  

GFL Environmental 144A 5.125% 12/15/26 #

     893,000        949,339  

Otis Worldwide


144A 3.112% 2/15/40 #

     1,808,000        2,023,186  

144A 3.362% 2/15/50 #

     201,000        235,590  

Parker-Hannifin 4.00% 6/14/49

     3,000,000        3,774,468  

Republic Services 3.05% 3/1/50

     5,230,000        5,887,172  

Snap-on 4.10% 3/1/48

     5,415,000        6,911,094  

United Rentals North America 3.875% 11/15/27

     925,000        972,406  

Valmont Industries 5.00% 10/1/44

     5,333,000        5,928,802  

Waste Connections 3.05% 4/1/50

     6,245,000        6,998,412  

Waste Management 4.15% 7/15/49

     3,590,000        4,780,795  







Communications — 14.03%




3.10% 2/1/43

     1,200,000        1,234,119  

3.50% 6/1/41

     2,079,000        2,264,317  

3.65% 6/1/51

     2,255,000        2,471,402  

4.90% 8/15/37

     1,605,000        2,018,955  

Charter Communications Operating


3.70% 4/1/51

     2,015,000        2,140,250  

5.125% 7/1/49

     765,000        939,660  

5.375% 4/1/38

     3,170,000        4,003,064  



2.80% 1/15/51

     1,735,000        1,892,833  

3.20% 7/15/36

     2,025,000        2,364,355  

3.75% 4/1/40

     4,650,000        5,814,646  

CSC Holdings 144A 4.125% 12/1/30 #

     2,135,000        2,251,891  

Deutsche Telekom 144A 3.625% 1/21/50 #

     3,135,000        3,718,551  

Deutsche Telekom International Finance 8.75%



     1,335,000        2,151,373  

Discovery Communications


5.00% 9/20/37

     990,000        1,214,937  

5.20% 9/20/47

     2,285,000        2,919,584  

Level 3 Financing 144A 4.25% 7/1/28 #

     1,505,000        1,570,468  

Telefonica Emisiones 5.52% 3/1/49

     3,320,000        4,528,118  



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund   


     Principal amount      Value (US $)  
Corporate Bonds (continued)                

Communications (continued)


Time Warner Cable


6.75% 6/15/39

     2,105,000      $ 2,960,763  

7.30% 7/1/38

     5,265,000        7,668,621  

T-Mobile USA 144A 4.375% 4/15/40 #

     7,554,000        9,255,463  

Verizon Communications


4.00% 3/22/50

     545,000        736,761  

4.50% 8/10/33

     5,480,000        7,182,347  

ViacomCBS 4.375% 3/15/43

     4,195,000        4,660,884  

Virgin Media Secured Finance 144A 5.50%


5/15/29 #

     1,625,000        1,773,834  

Vodafone Group


4.25% 9/17/50

     1,180,000        1,462,153  

4.875% 6/19/49

     2,800,000        3,707,353  







Consumer Cyclical — 1.42%


Amazon.com 2.50% 6/3/50

     2,035,000        2,227,735  

Ford Motor 8.50% 4/21/23

     2,475,000        2,751,619  

General Motors 6.75% 4/1/46

     2,805,000        3,386,527  







Consumer Non-Cyclical — 11.33%


AbbVie 144A 4.05% 11/21/39 #

     3,815,000        4,679,012  

Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide 4.50% 6/1/50

     5,785,000        7,357,278  

AstraZeneca 4.00% 9/18/42

     3,785,000        5,001,097  

Baxter International 3.50% 8/15/46

     1,310,000        1,562,576  

Biogen 3.15% 5/1/50

     5,155,000        5,459,040  

Cigna 3.20% 3/15/40

     4,410,000        4,949,446  

CVS Health


4.25% 4/1/50

     2,415,000        3,091,226  

4.78% 3/25/38

     3,415,000        4,395,077  

Gilead Sciences 4.50% 2/1/45

     2,525,000        3,492,357  

HCA 3.50% 9/1/30

     1,415,000        1,488,755  

Lamb Weston Holdings 144A 4.625% 11/1/24 #

     222,000        233,123  

Pernod Ricard 144A 5.50% 1/15/42 #

     1,900,000        2,722,604  

Pfizer 2.55% 5/28/40

     1,185,000        1,314,569  

Stryker 2.90% 6/15/50

     4,305,000        4,720,198  

Takeda Pharmaceutical


3.025% 7/9/40

     1,395,000        1,521,904  

3.175% 7/9/50

     4,120,000        4,533,333  

Teleflex 144A 4.25% 6/1/28 #

     1,345,000        1,442,513  

Upjohn 144A 4.00% 6/22/50 #

     7,850,000        8,986,711  









Table of Contents
     Principal  amount      Value (US $)  
Corporate Bonds (continued)                

Electric — 17.02%


AEP Texas 3.80% 10/1/47

     3,800,000      $ 4,725,646  

Alabama Power 4.30% 7/15/48

     2,630,000        3,623,268  

American Transmission Systems 144A 5.00%


9/1/44 #

     5,110,000        6,663,935  

Appalachian Power


3.70% 5/1/50

     380,000        449,122  

4.50% 3/1/49

     3,685,000        4,850,600  

Arizona Public Service


4.20% 8/15/48

     2,720,000        3,546,678  

4.25% 3/1/49

     2,790,000        3,656,943  

Baltimore Gas and Electric 3.75% 8/15/47

     2,580,000        3,265,151  

Black Hills 4.20% 9/15/46

     2,889,000        3,387,277  

CenterPoint Energy 3.70% 9/1/49

     4,960,000        5,897,563  

CMS Energy 4.75% 6/1/50 m

     1,835,000        1,963,178  

Dayton Power & Light 3.95% 6/15/49

     4,725,000        5,444,692  

Dominion Energy 4.65% m, y

     1,960,000        1,997,632  

Duke Energy 4.875% m, y

     2,445,000        2,527,745  

Emera 6.75% 6/15/76 m

     331,000        368,484  

Entergy Arkansas 4.95% 12/15/44

     2,765,000        3,049,924  

Entergy Louisiana 4.95% 1/15/45

     125,000        139,120  

Evergy Kansas Central


3.25% 9/1/49

     5,038,000        5,985,995  

3.45% 4/15/50

     2,525,000        3,110,408  

Exelon 4.70% 4/15/50

     1,720,000        2,387,106  

Louisville Gas and Electric 4.25% 4/1/49

     4,520,000        6,050,167  

National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance 5.25%


4/20/46 m

     212,000        229,187  

NextEra Energy Capital Holdings 5.65% 5/1/79 m

     2,775,000        3,161,531  

Oglethorpe Power 5.05% 10/1/48

     2,580,000        3,123,135  

Oklahoma Gas and Electric 3.85% 8/15/47

     4,500,000        5,320,832  

Pacific Gas and Electric


3.30% 8/1/40

     1,105,000        1,130,340  

4.60% 6/15/43

     830,000        949,090  

San Diego Gas & Electric 3.32% 4/15/50

     1,195,000        1,434,196  

Southern California Edison


3.65% 2/1/50

     610,000        699,849  

4.00% 4/1/47

     1,530,000        1,822,541  

4.125% 3/1/48

     3,245,000        3,890,126  

4.875% 3/1/49

     1,130,000        1,497,596  

Southwestern Public Service 4.40% 11/15/48

     3,125,000        4,260,626  









Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund   


     Principal amount      Value (US $)  
Corporate Bonds (continued)                

Energy — 8.89%


BP Capital Markets 4.875% m, y

     2,115,000      $ 2,273,625  

Enbridge 5.75% 7/15/80 m

     1,840,000        1,878,947  

Enbridge Energy Partners 5.50% 9/15/40

     1,392,000        1,748,673  

Energy Transfer Operating


5.00% 5/15/50

     2,280,000        2,270,244  

6.25% 4/15/49

     3,940,000        4,254,665  

7.125% m, y

     3,765,000        3,134,363  

Eni 144A 5.70% 10/1/40 #

     3,450,000        4,174,536  

Enterprise Products Operating


3.20% 2/15/52

     3,025,000        3,018,081  

4.20% 1/31/50

     2,445,000        2,811,350  

Kinder Morgan 3.25% 8/1/50

     2,325,000        2,298,296  

Marathon Oil 5.20% 6/1/45

     2,800,000        2,734,507  

MPLX 5.50% 2/15/49

     5,590,000        6,706,063  

Noble Energy


4.20% 10/15/49

     1,180,000        1,495,045  

4.95% 8/15/47

     3,350,000        4,571,428  

5.05% 11/15/44

     1,785,000        2,386,880  

NuStar Logistics 6.00% 6/1/26

     1,239,000        1,272,100  

Sabine Pass Liquefaction 5.875% 6/30/26

     2,060,000        2,483,789  

Targa Resources Partners


144A 5.50% 3/1/30 #

     1,500,000        1,576,410  

5.875% 4/15/26

     1,389,000        1,478,806  

Finance Companies — 0.34%


AerCap Ireland Capital DAC 6.50% 7/15/25

     1,865,000        2,003,108  







Insurance — 7.47%


Berkshire Hathaway Finance


4.20% 8/15/48

     5,385,000        7,341,668  

4.25% 1/15/49

     1,150,000        1,590,701  

Brighthouse Financial 4.70% 6/22/47

     3,905,000        3,880,280  

Centene 3.375% 2/15/30

     1,820,000        1,936,034  

High Street Funding Trust II 144A 4.682% 2/15/48 #

     6,505,000        8,225,852  

Nationwide Mutual Insurance 144A 4.95% 4/22/44 #

     2,010,000        2,327,976  

New York Life Insurance 144A 3.75% 5/15/50 #

     2,705,000        3,318,628  

Pacific Life Insurance 144A 4.30% 10/24/67 #, m

     4,985,000        5,412,606  

Voya Financial 4.70% 1/23/48 m

     1,091,000        1,086,899  

Willis North America 3.875% 9/15/49

     5,075,000        6,299,445  

XLIT 5.50% 3/31/45

     1,895,000        2,721,852  









Table of Contents
     Principal  amount      Value (US $)  
Corporate Bonds (continued)                

Natural Gas — 5.43%


Brooklyn Union Gas 144A 4.273% 3/15/48 #

     5,010,000      $ 6,683,643  

Piedmont Natural Gas 3.64% 11/1/46

     6,300,000        7,511,175  

Sempra Energy 4.875% m, y

     1,485,000        1,541,133  

Southern California Gas 4.30% 1/15/49

     4,500,000        6,265,550  

Southwest Gas


3.80% 9/29/46

     2,150,000        2,469,991  

4.15% 6/1/49

     2,430,000        2,979,909  

Washington Gas Light 3.65% 9/15/49

     3,905,000        4,636,657  







Technology — 2.76%


Iron Mountain 144A 5.25% 7/15/30 #

     1,666,000        1,750,341  

KLA 3.30% 3/1/50

     6,185,000        6,959,267  

Lam Research 2.875% 6/15/50

     2,675,000        3,060,623  

NXP 144A 4.30% 6/18/29 #

     2,423,000        2,829,216  

SS&C Technologies 144A 5.50% 9/30/27 #

     1,590,000        1,711,238  







Transportation — 3.08%


Burlington Northern Santa Fe 4.05% 6/15/48

     3,760,000        4,992,533  

Norfolk Southern 4.15% 2/28/48

     4,795,000        6,231,157  

Union Pacific


3.25% 2/5/50

     2,725,000        3,209,955  

3.55% 8/15/39

     3,155,000        3,779,637  







Utilities — 1.98%


American Water Capital 3.45% 5/1/50

     2,705,000        3,356,762  

Essential Utilities


3.351% 4/15/50

     1,015,000        1,192,702  

4.276% 5/1/49

     5,275,000        7,175,032  







Total Corporate Bonds (cost $470,479,441)




Municipal Bonds — 3.74%                

Chicago, Illinois O’Hare International Airport Third


Lien Revenue


(Build America Bonds — Direct Payment)


Series B 6.395% 1/1/40

     3,800,000        5,814,684  

Long Island, New York Power Authority Electric


System Revenue


(Federally Taxable — Issuer Subsidy – Build


America Bonds) Series B 5.85% 5/1/41

     3,600,00        5,391,792  



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund   


     Principal amount      Value (US $)  
Municipal Bonds (continued)                

Los Angeles, California Department of Water &


Power Revenue


(Federally Taxable—Direct Payment—Build


America Bonds) Series D 6.574% 7/1/45

     2,225,000      $ 3,960,812  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York




(Build America Bonds)


Series A-2 6.089% 11/15/40

     3,205,000        4,525,107  

Oregon Department of Transportation Highway User


Tax Revenue


(Federally Taxable Build America Bonds)


Subordinate Series A 5.834% 11/15/34

     1,605,000        2,393,183  




Total Municipal Bonds (cost $14,455,584)





Loan Agreements — 0.28%


Zayo Group Holdings 3.161% (LIBOR01M + 3.00%)


3/9/27 •

     1,695,750        1,652,297  




Total Loan Agreements (cost $1,691,511)






     Number of shares         
Convertible Preferred Stock — 0.75%                

Bank of America 7.25% exercise price $50.00 y

     1,360        2,038,654  

El Paso Energy Capital Trust I 4.75% exercise price


$34.49, maturity date 3/31/28

     14,912        729,793  

Lyondellbasell Advanced Polymers 6.00% exercise


price $25.00 y

     1,597        1,642,515  




Total Convertible Preferred Stock (cost $4,194,315)




Preferred Stock — 0.43%                

Morgan Stanley 4.085% (LIBOR03M + 3.81%) •

     2,280,000        2,233,242  

USB Realty 144A 1.422% (LIBOR03M + 1.147%) #,


     400,000        319,698  




Total Preferred Stock (cost $2,590,000)




Short-Term Investments — 1.78%                

Money Market Mutual Funds — 1.78%


BlackRock FedFund – Institutional Shares


(seven-day effective yield 0.06%)

     2,100,168        2,100,168  

Fidelity Investments Money Market Government


Portfolio – Class I (seven-day effective yield



     2,100,167        2,100,167  



Table of Contents
     Number of shares         
Short-Term Investments (continued)                

Money Market Mutual Funds (continued)


GS Financial Square Government Fund –


Institutional Shares (seven-day effective yield



     2,100,167      $ 2,100,167  

Morgan Stanley Government Portfolio – Institutional


Share Class (seven-day effective yield 0.01%)

     2,100,168        2,100,168  

State Street Institutional US Government Money


Market Fund – Investor Class (seven-day effective


yield 0.01%)

     2,100,167        2,100,167  




Total Short-Term Investments (cost $10,500,837)





Total Value of Securities—99.73%


(cost $507,971,729)

      $ 589,426,085  






Principal amount shown is stated in USD unless noted that the security is denominated in another currency.



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. At July 31, 2020, the aggregate value of Rule 144A securities was $101,737,714, which represents 17.21% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 10 in “Notes to financial statements.”



PIK. 100% of the income received was in the form of cash.



Fixed to variable rate investment. The rate shown reflects the fixed rate in effect at July 31, 2020. Rate will reset at a future date.



No contractual maturity date.


Variable rate investment. Rates reset periodically. Rate shown reflects the rate in effect at July 31, 2020. For securities based on a published reference rate and spread, the reference rate and spread are indicated in their description above. The reference rate descriptions (i.e. LIBOR03M, LIBOR06M, etc.) used in this report are identical for different securities, but the underlying reference rates may differ due to the timing of the reset period. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread but are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions, or for mortgage-backed securities, are impacted by the individual mortgages which are paying off over time. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description above.

The following futures contracts were outstanding at July 31, 2020:1

Futures Contracts


Contracts to Buy (Sell)

Due from
(Due to)

255 US Treasury Long Bonds

   $ 46,481,719      $ 45,542,174        9/21/20      $ 939,545      $ (7,969



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund   


The use of futures contracts involves elements of market risk and risks in excess of the amounts disclosed in the financial statements. The notional amount presented above represents the Fund’s total exposure in such contracts, whereas only the variation margin is reflected in the Fund’s net assets.

1See Note 8 in “Notes to financial statements.”

Summary of abbreviations:

DAC – Designated Activity Company

GS – Goldman Sachs

ICE – Intercontinental Exchange

LIBOR – London interbank offered rate




PIK – Payment-in-Kind USD – US Dollar

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Statements of assets and liabilities

   July 31, 2020





Bond Fund



Extended Duration

Bond Fund




Investments, at value*

   $ 1,162,341,732      $ 589,426,085  


     212,671        637,962  

Cash collateral due from brokers

     787,325        1,318,350  

Receivable for securities sold

     3,810,792        1,770,988  

Dividends and interest receivable

     9,702,899        5,716,956  

Receivable for fund shares sold

     2,900,464        978,748  

Variation margin due from broker on future contracts

     9,875        —    







Total Assets

     1,179,765,758        599,849,089  









Payable for securities purchased

     6,189,832        6,768,987  

Payable for fund shares redeemed

     2,620,951        1,167,572  

Distribution payable

     806,130        439,937  

Investment management fees payable to affiliates

     369,044        214,097  

Other accrued expenses

     253,252        164,383  

Distribution fees payable to affiliates

     95,995        43,823  

Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses payable to affiliates

     9,278        4,605  

Audit and tax fees payable

     6,500        6,500  

Trustees’ fees and expenses payable to affiliates

     4,013        1,952  

Accounting and administration expenses payable to affiliates

     3,715        2,015  

Legal fees payable to affiliates

     1,741        847  

Reports and statements to shareholders expenses payable to affiliates

     1,467        741  

Variation margin due to broker on futures contracts

     —          7,969  







Total Liabilities

     10,361,918        8,823,428  







Total Net Assets

   $ 1,169,403,840      $ 591,025,661  







Net Assets Consist of:


Paid-in capital

   $ 1,099,868,952      $ 484,470,422  

Total distributable earnings (loss)

     69,534,888        106,555,239  







Total Net Assets

   $ 1,169,403,840      $ 591,025,661  









Table of Contents

Statements of assets and liabilities






Bond Fund



Extended Duration

Bond Fund


Net Asset Value


Class A:


Net assets

   $ 199,500,027     $ 130,677,785  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par

     30,522,506       16,913,775  

Net asset value per share

   $ 6.54     $ 7.73  

Sales charge

     4.50     4.50

Offering price per share, equal to net asset value per share / (1 -sales charge)

   $ 6.85     $ 8.09  

Class C:


Net assets

   $ 48,282,769     $ 13,859,476  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par

     7,386,817       1,795,031  

Net asset value per share

   $ 6.54     $ 7.72  

Class R:


Net assets

   $ 14,106,916     $ 12,064,541  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par

     2,156,469       1,559,105  

Net asset value per share

   $ 6.54     $ 7.74  

Institutional Class:


Net assets

   $ 903,456,002     $ 377,316,015  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par

     138,229,873       48,920,028  

Net asset value per share

   $ 6.54     $ 7.71  

Class R6:


Net assets

   $ 4,058,126     $ 57,107,844  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par

     621,196       7,398,926  

Net asset value per share

   $ 6.53     $ 7.72  


*Investments, at cost

   $ 1,077,609,918     $ 507,971,729  

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Statements of operations

   Year ended July 31, 2020





Bond Fund



Extended Duration

Bond Fund


Investment Income:



   $ 37,900,080     $ 23,987,765  


     660,443       348,883  






     38,560,523       24,336,648  









Management fees

     5,287,475       3,309,472  

Distribution expenses - Class A

     439,196       317,520  

Distribution expenses - Class C

     618,460       152,241  

Distribution expenses - Class R

     80,370       60,145  

Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses

     1,224,485       664,108  

Accounting and administration expenses

     225,097       146,257  

Registration fees

     108,118       55,694  

Reports and statements to shareholders expenses

     106,301       64,884  

Legal fees

     66,660       39,470  

Trustees’ fees and expenses

     62,323       35,560  

Audit and tax fees

     52,268       51,556  

Custodian fees

     33,538       17,367  


     54,732       41,455  






     8,359,023       4,955,729  

Less expenses waived

     (994,818     (971,915

Less expenses paid indirectly

     (8,226     (2,077







Total operating expenses

     7,355,979       3,981,737  







Net Investment Income

     31,204,544       20,354,911  









Table of Contents

Statements of operations






Bond Fund



Extended Duration

Bond Fund


Net Realized and Unrealized Gain:


Net realized gain (loss) on:



   $ 46,099,556      $ 44,551,775  

Futures contracts

     4,958,754        2,589,936  







Net realized gain

     51,058,310        47,141,711  







Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of:



     45,875,533        33,684,796  

Futures contracts

     95,675        267,750  







Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     45,971,208        33,952,546  







Net Realized and Unrealized Gain

     97,029,518        81,094,257  







Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

   $ 128,234,062      $ 101,449,168  







See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Statements of changes in net assets

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund   


     Year ended  
     7/31/20     7/31/19  

Increase in Net Assets from Operations:


Net investment income

   $ 31,204,544     $ 33,705,434  

Net realized gain

     51,058,310       1,719,697  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     45,971,208       45,034,413  







Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

     128,234,062       80,459,544  







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders from:


Distributable earnings:


Class A

     (5,285,286     (6,639,981

Class C

     (1,396,953     (2,395,036

Class R

     (443,563     (662,925

Institutional Class

     (27,210,784     (26,021,706

Class R6

     (38,151     (42






     (34,374,737     (35,719,690







Capital Share Transactions:


Proceeds from shares sold:


Class A

     62,982,195       28,554,252  

Class C

     10,660,221       6,560,970  

Class R

     5,609,745       4,595,777  

Institutional Class

     504,256,201       396,782,771  

Class R6

     4,758,341       2,000  

Net asset value of shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends and distributions:


Class A

     4,758,388       6,083,250  

Class C

     1,198,923       2,069,758  

Class R

     443,259       657,856  

Institutional Class

     19,226,028       14,723,721  

Class R6

     985       40  






     613,894,286       460,030,395  









Table of Contents

Statements of changes in net assets

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund   


     Year ended  
     7/31/20     7/31/19  

Capital Share Transactions (continued):


Cost of shares redeemed:


Class A

   $ (53,081,068   $ (76,251,283

Class C

     (37,184,640     (32,720,738

Class R

     (10,525,703     (8,298,842

Institutional Class

     (421,540,769     (571,365,460

Class R6

     (896,507     —    






     (523,228,687     (688,636,323







Increase (decrease) in net assets derived from capital share



     90,665,599       (228,605,928







Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets

     184,524,924       (183,866,074

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

     984,878,916       1,168,744,990  







End of year

   $ 1,169,403,840     $ 984,878,916  







See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Statements of changes in net assets

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


     Year ended  
     7/31/20     7/31/19  

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations:


Net investment income

   $         20,354,911     $         24,928,035  

Net realized gain (loss)

     47,141,711       (4,898,185

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     33,952,546       58,022,062  







Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

     101,449,168       78,051,912  







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders from:


Distributable earnings:


Class A

     (6,783,486     (4,932,266

Class C

     (700,946     (465,622

Class R

     (611,834     (477,425

Institutional Class

     (23,233,495     (17,553,011

Class R6

     (2,601,926     (1,893,434






     (33,931,687     (25,321,758







Capital Share Transactions:


Proceeds from shares sold:


Class A

     31,793,438       24,026,085  

Class C

     4,000,885       1,258,859  

Class R

     5,159,979       3,448,104  

Institutional Class

     137,592,975       144,800,627  

Class R6

     11,168,538       2,303,998  

Net asset value of shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends and distributions:


Class A

     6,688,533       4,889,015  

Class C

     651,683       435,001  

Class R

     613,147       480,127  

Institutional Class

     22,414,672       16,706,388  

Class R6

     2,586,005       1,901,387  






     222,669,855       200,249,591  









Table of Contents

Statements of changes in net assets

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund   


     Year ended  
     7/31/20     7/31/19  

Capital Share Transactions (continued):


Cost of shares redeemed:


Class A

   $         (46,526,197   $         (63,899,743

Class C

     (7,237,749     (5,696,100

Class R

     (6,913,146     (8,291,559

Institutional Class

     (272,359,520     (187,981,554

Class R6

     (7,675,284     (11,288,541






     (340,711,896     (277,157,497







Decrease in net assets derived from capital share transactions

     (118,042,041     (76,907,906







Net Decrease in Net Assets

     (50,524,560     (24,177,752

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

     641,550,221       665,727,973  







End of year

   $ 591,025,661     $ 641,550,221  







See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents


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Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund Class A

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20      7/31/19      7/31/18      7/31/17      7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 5.97       $ 5.61       $ 5.90       $ 5.94       $ 5.81   

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.17         0.21         0.19         0.19         0.19   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     0.58         0.37         (0.27)        (0.03)        0.14   
















Total from investment operations

     0.75         0.58         (0.08)        0.16         0.33   
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.18)        (0.22)        (0.21)        (0.20)        (0.20)  

Net realized gain

















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.18)        (0.22)        (0.21)        (0.20)        (0.20)  
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 6.54       $ 5.97       $ 5.61       $ 5.90       $ 5.94   
















Total return3

     12.90%        10.65%        (1.44%)        2.84%        5.91%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 199,500      $ 168,910      $ 200,600      $ 248,143      $ 352,477  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     0.82%        0.82%        0.88%        0.94%        0.94%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to fees waived4

     0.91%        0.92%        0.92%        0.94%        0.96%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     2.71%        3.68%        3.26%        3.19%        3.28%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets prior to fees waived

     2.62%        3.58%        3.22%        3.19%        3.26%  

Portfolio turnover

     172%        173%        158%        168%        217%  



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.


Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager.


would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.


Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund Class C   


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20      7/31/19      7/31/18      7/31/17      7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 5.97      $ 5.61      $ 5.90      $ 5.94      $ 5.81  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.12        0.17        0.14        0.14        0.15  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     0.59        0.37        (0.27)        (0.02)        0.14  
















Total from investment operations

     0.71        0.54        (0.13)        0.12        0.29  
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.14)        (0.18)        (0.16)        (0.16)        (0.16)  

Net realized gain

















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.14)        (0.18)        (0.16)        (0.16)        (0.16)  
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 6.54      $ 5.97      $ 5.61      $ 5.90      $ 5.94  
















Total return3

     12.05%        9.83%        (2.18%)        2.07%        5.12%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 48,283      $ 68,277      $ 88,274      $ 131,520      $ 173,057  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     1.57%        1.57%        1.63%        1.69%        1.69%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to fees waived4

     1.66%        1.67%        1.67%        1.69%        1.71%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     1.96%        2.93%        2.51%        2.44%        2.53%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets prior to fees waived

     1.87%        2.83%        2.47%        2.44%        2.51%  

Portfolio turnover

     172%        173%        158%        168%        217%  



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.


Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager.


would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.


Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund Class R   



Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20      7/31/19      7/31/18      7/31/17      7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 5.98      $ 5.62      $ 5.90      $ 5.94      $ 5.82  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.15        0.19        0.17        0.17        0.17  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     0.58        0.38        (0.26)        (0.02)        0.14  
















Total from investment operations

     0.73        0.57        (0.09)        0.15        0.31  
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.17)        (0.21)        (0.19)        (0.19)        (0.19)  

Net realized gain

















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.17)        (0.21)        (0.19)        (0.19)        (0.19)  
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 6.54      $ 5.98      $ 5.62      $ 5.90      $ 5.94  
















Total return3

     12.43%        10.36%        (1.51%)        2.58%        5.47%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 14,107      $ 17,517      $ 19,512      $ 24,207      $ 29,149  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     1.07%        1.07%        1.13%        1.19%        1.19%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to fees waived4

     1.16%        1.17%        1.17%        1.19%        1.21%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     2.46%        3.43%        3.01%        2.94%        3.03%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets prior to fees waived

     2.37%        3.33%        2.97%        2.94%        3.01%  

Portfolio turnover

     172%        173%        158%        168%        217%  



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.


Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.


Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund Institutional Class   


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20      7/31/19      7/31/18      7/31/17      7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 5.97      $ 5.61      $ 5.90      $ 5.94      $ 5.81  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.18        0.22        0.20        0.20        0.20  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     0.59        0.37        (0.27)        (0.02)        0.15  
















Total from investment operations

     0.77        0.59        (0.07)        0.18        0.35  
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.20)        (0.23)        (0.22)        (0.22)        (0.22)  

Net realized gain

















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.20)        (0.23)        (0.22)        (0.22)        (0.22)  
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 6.54      $ 5.97      $ 5.61      $ 5.90      $ 5.94  
















Total return3

     13.18%        10.93%        (1.20%)        3.09%        6.18%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 903,456      $ 730,173      $ 860,359      $ 687,186      $ 583,649  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     0.57%        0.57%        0.63%        0.69%        0.69%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to fees waived4

     0.66%        0.67%        0.67%        0.69%        0.71%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     2.96%        3.93%        3.51%        3.44%        3.53%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets prior to fees waived

     2.87%        3.83%        3.47%        3.44%        3.51%  

Portfolio turnover

     172%        173%        158%        168%        217%  



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.


Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.


Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund Class R6   


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended


Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 5.97      $ 5.59  

Income from investment operations:


Net investment income2

     0.19        0.11  

Net realized and unrealized gain

     0.58        0.39  







Total from investment operations

     0.77        0.50  







Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.21)        (0.12)  







Total dividends and distributions

     (0.21)        (0.12)  







Net asset value, end of period

   $ 6.53      $ 5.97  







Total return3

     13.12%        8.98%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 4,058      $ 2  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     0.48%        0.48%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to fees waived4

     0.57%        0.58%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets.

     3.05%        4.01%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets prior to fees waived

     2.96%        3.91%  

Portfolio turnover.

     172%        173% 5 



Date of commencement of operations; ratios have been annualized and total return has not been annualized.


The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.


Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.


Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.


Portfolio turnover is representative of the Fund for the entire year.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents


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Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund Class A   


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20      7/31/19      7/31/18      7/31/17      7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 6.84      $ 6.28      $ 6.62      $ 6.79      $ 6.29  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.22        0.24        0.23        0.22        0.23  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     1.05        0.56        (0.34)        (0.16)        0.51  
















Total from investment operations

     1.27        0.80        (0.11)        0.06        0.74  
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.23)        (0.24)        (0.23)        (0.23)        (0.23)  

Net realized gain

     (0.15)                             (0.01)  

Return of capital

















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.38)        (0.24)        (0.23)        (0.23)        (0.24)  
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 7.73      $ 6.84      $ 6.28      $ 6.62      $ 6.79  
















Total return3

     19.19%        13.17%        (1.64%)        0.97%        12.14%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 130,678      $ 125,213      $ 150,397      $ 196,754      $ 241,190  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     0.82%        0.82%        0.87%        0.96%        0.96%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to fees waived4

     0.98%        0.98%        0.98%        1.00%        1.00%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     3.16%        3.78%        3.52%        3.40%        3.60%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets prior to fees waived

     3.00%        3.62%        3.41%        3.36%        3.56%  

Portfolio turnover

     108%        133%        147%        187%        219%  



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.


Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager.


would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.


Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund Class C   


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20      7/31/19      7/31/18      7/31/17      7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 6.83      $ 6.27      $ 6.61      $ 6.78      $ 6.29  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.17        0.19        0.18        0.17        0.18  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     1.05        0.56        (0.33)        (0.16)        0.50  
















Total from investment operations

     1.22        0.75        (0.15)        0.01        0.68  
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.18)        (0.19)        (0.19)        (0.18)        (0.18)  

Net realized gain

     (0.15)                             (0.01)  

Return of capital

















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.33)        (0.19)        (0.19)        (0.18)        (0.19)  
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 7.72      $ 6.83      $ 6.27      $ 6.61      $ 6.78  
















Total return3

     18.32%        12.34%        (2.39%)        0.21%        11.14%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 13,859      $ 14,748      $ 17,612      $ 28,265      $ 33,777  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     1.57%        1.57%        1.62%        1.71%        1.71%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets

prior to fees waived4

     1.73%        1.73%        1.73%        1.75%        1.75%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     2.41%        3.03%        2.77%        2.65%        2.85%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

prior to fees waived

     2.25%        2.87%        2.66%        2.61%        2.81%  

Portfolio turnover

     108%        133%        147%        187%        219%  



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.


Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.


Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund Class R   


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20      7/31/19      7/31/18      7/31/17      7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 6.85      $ 6.29      $ 6.63      $ 6.80      $ 6.30  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.21        0.22        0.21        0.20        0.21  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     1.04        0.57        (0.33)        (0.16)        0.51  
















Total from investment operations

     1.25        0.79        (0.12)        0.04        0.72  
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.21)        (0.23)        (0.22)        (0.21)        (0.21)  

Net realized gain

     (0.15)                             (0.01)  

Return of capital

















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.36)        (0.23)        (0.22)        (0.21)        (0.22)  
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 7.74      $ 6.85      $ 6.29      $ 6.63      $ 6.80  
















Total return3

     18.87%        12.87%        (1.88%)        0.71%        11.84%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 12,065      $ 11,984      $ 15,389      $ 19,294      $ 25,965  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     1.07%        1.07%        1.12%        1.21%        1.21%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets

prior to fees waived4

     1.23%        1.23%        1.23%        1.25%        1.25%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     2.91%        3.53%        3.27%        3.15%        3.35%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

prior to fees waived

     2.75%        3.37%        3.16%        3.11%        3.31%  

Portfolio turnover

     108%        133%        147%        187%        219%  



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.


Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.


Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund Institutional Class   


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20      7/31/19      7/31/18      7/31/17      7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 6.82       $ 6.27       $ 6.61       $ 6.78       $ 6.28   

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.24         0.25         0.25         0.24         0.24   

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     1.05         0.56         (0.34)        (0.17)        0.51   
















Total from investment operations

     1.29         0.81         (0.09)        0.07         0.75   
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.25)        (0.26)        (0.25)        (0.24)        (0.24)  

Net realized gain

     (0.15)                             (0.01)  

Return of capital

















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.40)        (0.26)        (0.25)        (0.24)        (0.25)  
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 7.71       $ 6.82       $ 6.27       $ 6.61       $ 6.78   
















Total return3

     19.54%        13.30%        (1.40%)        1.21%        12.26%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 377,316      $ 444,635      $ 433,957      $ 393,714      $ 372,052  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     0.57%        0.57%        0.62%        0.71%        0.71%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets

prior to fees waived4

     0.73%        0.73%        0.73%        0.75%        0.75%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     3.41%        4.03%        3.77%        3.65%        3.85%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

prior to fees waived

     3.25%        3.87%        3.66%        3.61%        3.81%  

Portfolio turnover

     108%        133%        147%        187%        219%  



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.


Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.


Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund Class R6   


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended     



      7/31/20      7/31/19      7/31/18      7/31/17      7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 6.83      $ 6.27      $ 6.61      $ 6.78      $ 6.38  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income2

     0.25        0.26        0.25        0.24        0.23  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     1.04        0.56        (0.33)        (0.16)        0.22  
















Total from investment operations

     1.29        0.82        (0.08)        0.08        0.45  
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.25)        (0.26)        (0.26)        (0.25)        (0.05)  

Net realized gain


Return of capital

















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.40)        (0.26)        (0.26)        (0.25)        (0.05)  
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 7.72      $ 6.83      $ 6.27      $ 6.61      $ 6.78  
















Total return4

     19.61%        13.56%        (1.32%)        1.29%        7.20%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 57,108      $ 44,970      $ 48,373      $ 23,229      $ 8,578  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets5

     0.49%        0.49%        0.54%        0.63%        0.63%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets

prior to fees waived5

     0.63%        0.64%        0.65%        0.67%        0.65%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     3.49%        4.11%        3.85%        3.73%        3.40%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

prior to fees waived

     3.35%        3.96%        3.74%        3.69%        3.38%  

Portfolio turnover

     108%        133%        147%        187%        219% 6 



Date of commencement of operations; ratios have been annualized and total return has not been annualized.


The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.


Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.


Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.


Portfolio turnover is representative of the Fund for the entire year.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund    July 31, 2020


Delaware Group® Income Funds (Trust) is organized as a Delaware statutory trust and offers four series: Delaware Corporate Bond Fund, Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund, Delaware Floating Rate Fund, and Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund. These financial statements and the related notes pertain to Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund (each, a Fund or together, the Funds). The Trust is an open-end investment company. Each Fund is considered diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (1940 Act), and offers Class A, Class C, Class R, Institutional Class, and Class R6 shares. Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 4.50%. Class A share purchases of $1,000,000 or more will incur a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) instead of a front-end sales charge of 1.00%, if redeemed during the first year, and 0.50% during the second year, provided that Delaware Distributors, L.P. (DDLP) paid a financial advisor a commission on the purchase of those shares. Class C shares are sold with a CDSC of 1.00%, which will be incurred if redeemed during the first 12 months. Class R, Institutional Class, and Class R6 shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to certain eligible investors. In addition, Class R6 shares do not pay any service fees, sub-accounting fees, and/or sub-transfer agency fees to any brokers, dealers or other financial intermediaries.

1. Significant Accounting Policies

Each Fund follows accounting and reporting guidance under Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification Topic 946, Financial Services – Investment Companies. The following accounting policies are in accordance with US generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP) and are consistently followed by the Funds.

Security Valuation – Equity securities, except those traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (Nasdaq), are valued at the last quoted sales price as of the time of the regular close of the New York Stock Exchange on the valuation date. Equity securities traded on the Nasdaq are valued in accordance with the Nasdaq Official Closing Price, which may not be the last sales price. If, on a particular day, an equity security does not trade, the mean between the bid and ask prices will be used, which approximates fair value. US government and agency securities are valued at the mean between the bid and ask prices, which approximates fair value. Open-end investment companies are valued at their published net asset value (NAV). Other debt securities are valued based upon valuations provided by an independent pricing service or broker and reviewed by management. To the extent current market prices are not available, the pricing service may take into account developments related to the specific security, as well as transactions in comparable securities. Valuations for fixed income securities utilize matrix systems, which reflect such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings, and are supplemented by dealer and exchange quotations. Futures contracts are valued at the daily quoted settlement prices. Generally, other securities and assets for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at fair value as determined in good faith under the direction of the Trust’s Board of Trustees (Board). In determining whether market quotations are readily available or fair valuation will be used, various factors will be taken into consideration, such as market closures or suspension of trading in a security. Restricted securities are valued at fair value using methods approved by the Board.

Federal Income Taxes – No provision for federal income taxes has been made as each Fund intends to continue to qualify for federal income tax purposes as a regulated investment company under



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Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and make the requisite distributions to shareholders. Each Fund evaluates tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of preparing each Fund’s tax returns to determine whether the tax positions are “more-likely-than-not” of being sustained by the applicable tax authority. Tax positions not deemed to meet the “more-likely-than-not” threshold are recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current year. Management has analyzed each Fund’s tax positions taken or expected to be taken on each Fund’s federal income tax returns through the year ended July 31, 2020 and for all open tax years (years ended July 31, 2017–July 31, 2019), and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in each Fund’s financial statements. If applicable, each Fund recognizes interest accrued on unrecognized tax benefits in interest expense and penalties in “Other” on the “Statements of operations.” During the year ended July 31, 2020, neither Fund incurred any interest or tax penalties.

Class Accounting — Investment income and common expenses are allocated to the various classes of each Fund on the basis of “settled shares” of each class in relation to the net assets of each Fund. Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments are allocated to the various classes of each Fund on the basis of daily net assets of each class. Distribution expenses relating to a specific class are charged directly to that class. Class R6 shares will not be allocated any expenses related to service fees, sub-accounting fees, and/or sub-transfer agency fees paid to brokers, dealers, or other financial intermediaries.

Use of Estimates — The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the fair value of investments, the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates and the differences could be material.

Other — Expenses directly attributable to a Fund are charged directly to that Fund. Other expenses common to various funds within the Delaware Funds® by Macquarie (Delaware Funds) are generally allocated among such funds on the basis of average net assets. Management fees and certain other expenses are paid monthly. Security transactions are recorded on the date the securities are purchased or sold (trade date) for financial reporting purposes. Costs used in calculating realized gains and losses on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Discounts and premiums on debt securities are accreted or amortized to interest income, respectively, over the lives of the respective securities using the effective interest method. Each Fund declares dividends daily from net investment income and pays the dividends monthly and declares and pays distributions from net realized gain on investments, if any, annually. Each Fund may distribute more frequently, if necessary for tax purposes. Dividends and distributions, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund   


1. Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Each Fund receives earnings credits from its custodian when positive cash balances are maintained, which may be used to offset custody fees. The expenses paid under this arrangement are included on the “Statements of operations” under “Custodian fees” with the corresponding expenses offset included under “Less expenses paid indirectly.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, each Fund earned the following amounts under this arrangement:


     Custody Credits

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


Each Fund receives earnings credits from its transfer agent when positive cash balances are maintained, which may be used to offset transfer agent fees. If the amount earned is greater than $1, the expenses paid under this arrangement are included on the “Statements of operations” under “Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses” with the corresponding expenses offset included under “Less expenses paid indirectly.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, each Fund earned the following amounts under this arrangement:


     Earnings Credits

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements, and Other Transactions with Affiliates

In accordance with the terms of its respective investment management agreement, each Fund pays Delaware Management Company (DMC), a series of Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust and the investment manager, an annual fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly based on each Fund’s average daily net assets as follows:


     Delaware Corporate Bond Fund    Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

On the first $500 million

   0.5000%    0.5500%

On the next $500 million

   0.4750%    0.5000%

On the next $1.5 billion

   0.4500%    0.4500%

In the excess of $2.5 billion

   0.4250%    0.4250%

DMC has contractually agreed to waive all or a portion, if any, of its management fee and/or pay/reimburse each Fund to the extent necessary to ensure that total annual operating expenses (excluding any distribution and service (12b-1) fees, acquired fund fees and expenses, taxes, interest, short sale dividend and interest expenses, brokerage fees, certain insurance costs, and nonroutine expenses or costs, including, but not limited to, those relating to reorganizations, litigation, conducting shareholder meetings, and liquidations) from exceeding 0.57% of average daily net assets of Class A, Class C, Class R, and Institutional Class shares and 0.48% of average daily net assets of Class R6 shares, for Delaware Corporate Bond Fund. For Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund, the expense waiver was 0.57% of average daily net assets of Class A, Class C, Class R, and Institutional Class shares, and 0.49% of average daily net assets of Class R6 shares. The expense waivers were in effect



Table of Contents

from August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020.* These waivers and reimbursements may be terminated only by agreement of DMC and the Funds. The waivers and reimbursements are accrued daily and received monthly.

DMC may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the “Affiliated Sub-Advisors”). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor’s specialized market knowledge. Although the Affiliated Sub-Advisors serve as sub-advisors, DMC has ultimate responsibility for all investment advisory services. For these services, DMC, not the Fund, pays each Affiliated Sub-Advisor a portion of its investment management fee.

Delaware Investments Fund Services Company (DIFSC), an affiliate of DMC, provides fund accounting and financial administrative oversight services to each Fund. For these services, DIFSC’s fees are calculated daily and paid monthly based on the aggregate daily net assets of all funds within the Delaware Funds at the following annual rates: 0.00475% of the first $35 billion; 0.0040% of the next $10 billion; and 0.0025% of aggregate average daily net assets in excess of $45 billion (Total Fee). Each fund in the Delaware Funds pays a minimum of $4,000, which, in aggregate, is subtracted from the Total Fee. Each fund then pays its portion of the remainder of the Total Fee on a relative NAV basis. These amounts are included on the “Statements of operations” under “Accounting and administration expenses.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, each Fund was charged for these services as follows:


Delaware Corporate Bond Fund

   $ 41,851  

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


DIFSC is also the transfer agent and dividend disbursing agent of each Fund. For these services, DIFSC’s fees are calculated daily and paid monthly based on the aggregate daily net assets of the retail funds within the Delaware Funds at the following annual rates: 0.014% of the first $20 billion; 0.011% of the next $5 billion; 0.007% of the next $5 billion; 0.005% of the next $20 billion; and 0.0025% of average daily net assets in excess of $50 billion. The fees payable to DIFSC under the shareholder services agreement described above are allocated among all retail funds in the Delaware Funds on a relative NAV basis. These amounts are included on the “Statements of operations” under “Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, each Fund was charged for these services as follows:


Delaware Corporate Bond Fund

   $ 101,438  

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


Pursuant to a sub-transfer agency agreement between DIFSC and BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc. (BNYMIS), BNYMIS provides certain sub-transfer agency services to the Funds. Sub-transfer agency fees are paid by the Funds and are also included on the “Statements of operations” under “Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses.” The fees that are calculated daily and paid as invoices are received on a monthly or quarterly basis.



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements, and Other Transactions with Affiliates (continued)


Pursuant to a distribution agreement and distribution plan, each Fund pays DDLP, the distributor and an affiliate of DMC, an annual 12b-1 fee of 0.25%, 1.00%, and 0.50% of the average daily net assets of the Class A, Class C, and Class R shares, respectively. The fees are calculated daily and paid monthly. Institutional Class and Class R6 shares do not pay 12b-1 fees.

As provided in the investment management agreement, each Fund bears a portion of the cost of certain resources shared with DMC, including the cost of internal personnel of DMC and/or its affiliates that provide legal, tax, and regulatory reporting services to the Funds. These amounts are included on the “Statements of operations” under “Legal fees.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, each Fund was charged for internal legal, tax, and regulatory reporting services provided by DMC and/or its affiliates’ employees as follows:


Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


For the year ended July 31, 2020, DDLP earned commissions on sales of Class A shares for each Fund as follows:


Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


For the year ended July 31, 2020, DDLP received gross CDSC commissions on redemptions of each Fund’s Class A and Class C shares, and these commissions were entirely used to offset upfront commissions previously paid by DDLP to broker/dealers on sales of those shares. The amounts received were as follows:


     Class A    Class C

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund

       $ 9        $3,676

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


Trustees’ fees include expenses accrued by each Fund for each Trustee’s retainer and meeting fees. Certain officers of DMC, DIFSC, and DDLP are officers and/or Trustees of the Trust. These officers and Trustees are paid no compensation by the Funds.

Cross trades for the year ended July 31, 2020, were executed by the Funds pursuant to procedures adopted by the Board designed to ensure compliance with Rule 17a-7 under the 1940 Act. Cross trading is the buying or selling of portfolio securities between funds of investment companies, or between a fund of an investment company and another entity, that are or could be considered affiliates by virtue of having a common investment advisor (or affiliated investment advisors), common directors/trustees and/or common officers. At its regularly scheduled meetings, the Board reviews such transactions for compliance with the procedures adopted by the Board. Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund did not engage in Rule 17a-7 securities purchases and/or securities sales for the year ended July 31, 2020. Pursuant to these procedures, for the year ended July 31, 2020, Delaware Corporate Bond Fund



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engaged in Rule 17a-7 securities sales of $2,209,267, which resulted in net realized gains of $93,567. The Fund did not engage in Rule 17a-7 securities purchases for the year ended July 31, 2020.

In addition to the management fees and other expenses of a Fund, a Fund indirectly bears the investment management fees and other expenses of the investment companies (Underlying Funds) in which it invests. The amount of these fees and expenses incurred indirectly by a Fund will vary based upon the expense and fee levels of the Underlying Funds and the number of shares that are owned of the Underlying Funds at different times.



*The aggregate contractual waiver period covering this report is from January 31, 2019 through November 29, 2020.

3. Investments

For the year ended July 31, 2020, each Fund made purchases and sales of investment securities other than short-term investments as follows:


other than
US government
           Purchases of
US government
other than
US government
           Sales of
US government

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund

       $1,800,751,928             $163,411,887             $1,668,026,006             $157,503,975

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

       584,827,776             66,500,375             711,448,262             66,487,807

The tax cost of investments includes adjustments to net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) which may not necessarily be the final tax cost basis adjustments, but approximates the tax basis unrealized gains and losses that may be realized and distributed to shareholders. At July 31, 2020, the cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments for federal income tax purposes were as follows:


     Cost of

and derivatives
of investments
and derivatives
of investments
and derivatives
          Net unrealized
of investments
and derivatives

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund

       $1,082,542,920             $89,774,059             $(9,428,210            $80,345,849

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

       509,378,536             82,936,864             (1,949,770 )            80,987,094

US GAAP defines fair value as the price that each Fund would receive to sell an asset or pay to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date under current market conditions. A three-level hierarchy for fair value measurements has been established based upon



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

3. Investments (continued)


the transparency of inputs to the valuation of an asset or liability. Inputs may be observable or unobservable and refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Observable inputs reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on the best information available under the circumstances. Each Fund’s investment in its entirety is assigned a level based upon the observability of the inputs which are significant to the overall valuation. The three-level hierarchy of inputs is summarized as follows:


Level 1  –    Inputs are quoted prices in active markets for identical investments. (Examples: equity securities, open-end investment companies, futures contracts, and exchange-traded options contracts)
Level 2  –    Other observable inputs, including, but not limited to: quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks, and default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs. (Examples: debt securities, government securities, swap contracts, foreign currency exchange contracts, foreign securities utilizing international fair value pricing, broker-quoted securities, and fair valued securities)
Level 3  –    Significant unobservable inputs, including each Fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments. (Examples: broker-quoted securities and fair valued securities)

Level 3 investments are valued using significant unobservable inputs. Each Fund may also use an income-based valuation approach in which the anticipated future cash flows of the investment are discounted to calculate fair value. Discounts may also be applied due to the nature or duration of any restrictions on the disposition of the investments. Valuations may also be based upon current market prices of securities that are comparable in coupon, rating, maturity, and industry. The derived value of a Level 3 investment may not represent the value which is received upon disposition and this could impact the results of operations.



Table of Contents






70The following tables summarize the valuation of each Fund’s investments by fair value hierarchy levels as of July 31, 2020:


     Delaware Corporate Bond Fund  
     Level 1      Level 2      Total  





Convertible Bonds

   $      $ 7,617,730      $ 7,617,730  

Convertible Preferred Stock1

     1,112,455        2,888,028        4,000,483  

Corporate Bonds

            1,104,592,378        1,104,592,378  

Loan Agreements

            9,543,690        9,543,690  

Preferred Stock

            7,004,731        7,004,731  

US Treasury Obligation

            10,163,147        10,163,147  

Short-Term Investments

     19,419,573               19,419,573  










Total Value of Securities

   $ 20,532,028      $ 1,141,809,704      $ 1,162,341,732  














Futures Contracts

   $ 547,037      $      $ 547,037  
     Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund  
     Level 1      Level 2      Total  





Convertible Bonds

   $      $ 4,114,983      $ 4,114,983  

Convertible Preferred Stock1

     2,768,447        1,642,515        4,410,962  

Corporate Bonds

            544,108,488        544,108,488  

Loan Agreements

            1,652,297        1,652,297  

Municipal Bonds

            22,085,578        22,085,578  

Preferred Stock

            2,552,940        2,552,940  

Short-Term Investments

     10,500,837               10,500,837  










Total Value of Securities

   $ 13,269,284      $ 576,156,801      $ 589,426,085  














Futures Contracts

   $ 939,545      $      $ 939,545  



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

3. Investments (continued)



Security type is valued across multiple levels. Level 1 investments represent exchange-traded investments while Level 2 investments represent investments with observable inputs or matrix-priced investments. The amounts attributed to Level 1 investments and Level 2 investments represent the following percentages of the total market value of these security types for each Fund:


Bond Fund
     Level 1            Level 2            Total  

Convertible Preferred Stock

     27.81        72.19        100.00



Extended Duration
Bond Fund

     Level 1            Level 2            Total  

Convertible Preferred Stock

     62.76        37.24        100.00



Futures contracts are valued at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instrument at year end.

During the year ended July 31, 2020, there were no transfers into or out of Level 3 investments. Each Fund’s policy is to recognize transfers into or out of Level 3 investments based on fair value at the beginning of the reporting period.

A reconciliation of Level 3 investments is presented when a Fund has a significant amount of Level 3 investments at the beginning, interim, or end of the period in relation to that Fund’s net assets. During the year ended July 31, 2020, there were no Level 3 investments.

4. Dividend and Distribution Information

Income and long-term capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from US GAAP. Additionally, distributions from net short-term gains on sales of investment securities are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes. The tax character of dividends and distributions paid during the years ended July 31, 2020 and 2019 was as follows:



Year ended July 31, 2020:


Delaware Corporate Bond Fund

     $ 34,374,737

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


Year ended July 31, 2019:


Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund




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5. Components of Net Assets on a Tax Basis

As of July 31, 2020, the components of net assets on a tax basis were as follows:


         Delaware Corporate Bond Fund       Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

Shares of beneficial interest

       $1,099,868,952       $484,470,422

Undistributed ordinary income

       900,702       9,668,620

Undistributed long-term capital gains


Distributions payable

       (806,130 )       (439,937 )

Capital loss carryforwards

       (10,905,533 )      

Unrealized appreciation of investments and derivatives

               80,345,849           80,987,094

Net assets

       $1,169,403,840       $591,025,661

The differences between book basis and tax basis components of net assets are primarily attributable to tax deferral of losses on wash sales, mark-to-market of futures contracts, market discount and premium on debt instruments, and amortization of premium on callable bonds.

For federal income tax purposes, capital loss carryforwards may be carried forward and applied against future capital gains. At July 31, 2020, Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund utilized $48,493,502 and $7,206,415, respectively, of capital loss carryforwards.

At July 31, 2020, there was no capital loss carryforwards for Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund. Capital loss carryforwards available to offset future realized capital gains for Delaware Corporate Bond Fund at July 31, 2020 were as follows:


         Loss carryforward character         
     Short-term    Long-term      Total  

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund

   $—      $10,905,533        $10,905,533  



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund


6. Capital Shares

Transactions in capital shares were as follows:



Delaware Corporate Bond Fund

    Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund  
     Year ended     Year ended  
     7/31/20     7/31/19     7/31/20            7/31/19  

Shares sold:


Class A

     10,153,386       5,047,279       4,439,282                3,883,138  

Class C

     1,738,267       1,159,238       562,875          199,873  

Class R

     905,259       811,772       736,113          547,907  

Institutional Class

     82,566,206       69,204,787       19,369,145          23,299,096  

Class R6

     766,427       358       1,520,821          372,689  

Shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends and distributions:



Class A

     781,707       1,078,834       956,470          782,475  

Class C

     197,049       368,001       93,282          69,772  

Class R

     72,860       116,666       87,481          76,870  

Institutional Class

     3,156,644       2,610,209       3,210,298          2,673,221  

Class R6

     156       7       369,396          304,559  












     100,337,961       80,397,151       31,345,163          32,209,600  













Shares redeemed:


Class A

     (8,692,677     (13,579,203     (6,798,456        (10,311,986

Class C

     (5,979,168     (5,819,937     (1,019,738        (918,555

Class R

     (1,751,822     (1,470,972     (1,014,830        (1,322,896

Institutional Class

     (69,739,026     (102,823,668     (38,810,928        (30,080,443

Class R6

     (145,752           (1,075,826        (1,806,975












     (86,308,445     (123,693,780     (48,719,778        (44,440,855













Net increase (decrease)

     14,029,516       (43,296,629     (17,374,615        (12,231,255















Table of Contents




Certain shareholders may exchange shares of one class for shares of another class in the same Fund. These exchange transactions are included as subscriptions and redemptions in the table on the previous page and on the “Statements of changes in net assets.” For the years ended July 31, 2020 and 2019, each Fund had the following exchange transactions:


     Exchange Redemptions    Exchange Subscriptions     
               Institutional         Institutional     
     Class A    Class C    Class    Class A    Class     
     Shares    Shares    Shares    Shares    Shares    Value

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund




       23,616        79,498        2,410        60,214        45,359        $655,916


       28,600        99,910               99,753        28,941        739,628

Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund




       5,885        32,354               32,370        5,894        271,502


       116,169        1,453               1,452        116,350        754,457

7. Line of Credit

Each Fund, along with certain other funds in the Delaware Funds (Participants), was a participant in a $220,000,000 revolving line of credit intended to be used for temporary or emergency purposes as an additional source of liquidity to fund redemptions of investor shares. Under the agreement, the Participants were charged an annual commitment fee of 0.15%, which was allocated across the Participants based on a weighted average of the respective net assets of each Participant. The Participants were permitted to borrow up to a maximum of one-third of their net assets under the agreement. Each Participant was individually, and not jointly, liable for its particular advances, if any, under the line of credit. The line of credit available under the agreement expired on November 4, 2019.

On November 4, 2019, the Participants entered into an amendment to the agreement for a $250,000,000 revolving line of credit. The revolving line of credit available was increased to $275,000,000 on May 6, 2020. The revolving line of credit is to be used as described above and operates in substantially the same manner as the original agreement. The line of credit available under the agreement expires on November 2, 2020.

The Funds had no amounts outstanding as of July 31, 2020, or at any time during the year then ended.

8. Derivatives

US GAAP requires disclosures that enable investors to understand: (1) how and why an entity uses derivatives; (2) how they are accounted for; and (3) how they affect an entity’s results of operations and financial position.

Futures Contracts — A futures contract is an agreement in which the writer (or seller) of the contract agrees to deliver to the buyer an amount of cash or securities equal to a specific dollar amount times the difference between the value of a specific security or index at the close of the last trading day of the contract and the price at which the agreement is made. Each Fund may use futures in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective. Each Fund may invest in futures contracts to hedge its existing portfolio securities against fluctuations in value caused by changes in interest rates or market conditions. Upon entering into a futures contract, each Fund deposits cash or pledges US government securities to



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

8. Derivatives (continued)


a broker, equal to the minimum “initial margin” requirements of the exchange on which the contract is traded. Subsequent payments are received from the broker or paid to the broker each day, based on the daily fluctuation in the market value of the contract. These receipts or payments are known as “variation margin” and are recorded daily by the Funds as unrealized gains or losses until the contracts are closed. When the contracts are closed, the Funds record a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed. Risks of entering into futures contracts include potential imperfect correlation between the futures contracts and the underlying securities and the possibility of an illiquid secondary market for these instruments. When investing in futures, there is reduced counterparty credit risk to the Funds because futures are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees against default. At July 31, 2020, Delaware Corporate Bond Fund posted $787,325 and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund posted $1,318,350 cash collateral as margin for open futures contracts, which is included in “Cash collateral due from broker” on the “Statements of assets and liabilities.”

During the year ended July 31, 2020, each Fund used futures contracts to hedge the Funds’ existing portfolio securities against fluctuations in value caused by changes in interest rates or market conditions.

During the year ended July 31, 2020, the Funds experienced net realized and unrealized gain or loss attributable to their use of futures contracts, which is disclosed as “Variation margin due from broker on futures contracts” on the “Statements of assets and liabilities” and as “Net realized gain (loss) on futures contracts” on the “Statements of operations.”

The table below summarizes the average balance of derivative holdings by the Funds during the year ended July 31, 2020:


     Long Derivative Volume  
           Delaware Corporate Bond Fund            Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund  

Futures contracts (average notional value)

     $31,652,659          $14,990,003    

9. Securities Lending

Each Fund, along with other funds in the Delaware Funds, may lend its securities pursuant to a security lending agreement (Lending Agreement) with The Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon). At the time a security is loaned, the borrower must post collateral equal to the required percentage of the market value of the loaned security, including any accrued interest. The required percentage is: (1) 102% with respect to US securities and foreign securities that are denominated and payable in US dollars; and (2) 105% with respect to foreign securities. With respect to each loan, if on any business day the aggregate market value of securities collateral plus cash collateral held is less than the aggregate market value of the securities which are the subject of such loan, the borrower will be notified to provide additional collateral by the end of the following business day, which, together with the collateral already held, will be not less than the applicable initial collateral requirements for such security loan. If the aggregate market value of securities collateral and cash collateral held with respect to a security loan exceeds the applicable initial collateral requirement, upon the request of the borrower, BNY Mellon must return enough collateral to the borrower by the end of the following business day to reduce the value of the remaining collateral to



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the applicable initial collateral requirement for such security loan. As a result of the foregoing, the value of the collateral held with respect to a loaned security on any particular day, may be more or less than the value of the security on loan. The collateral percentage with respect to the market value of the loaned security is determined by the security lending agent.

Cash collateral received by each fund of the Trust is generally invested in a series of individual separate accounts, each corresponding to a fund. The investment guidelines permit each separate account to hold certain securities that would be considered eligible securities for a money market fund. Cash collateral received is generally invested in government securities; certain obligations issued by government sponsored enterprises; repurchase agreements collateralized by US Treasury securities; obligations issued by the central government of any Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) country or its agencies, instrumentalities, or establishments; obligations of supranational organizations; commercial paper, notes, bonds, and other debt obligations; certificates of deposit, time deposits, and other bank obligations; and asset-backed securities. A fund can also accept US government securities and letters of credit (non-cash collateral) in connection with securities loans.

In the event of default or bankruptcy by the lending agent, realization and/or retention of the collateral may be subject to legal proceedings. In the event the borrower fails to return loaned securities and the collateral received is insufficient to cover the value of the loaned securities and provided such collateral shortfall is not the result of investment losses, the lending agent has agreed to pay the amount of the shortfall to each Fund or, at the discretion of the lending agent, replace the loaned securities. Each Fund continues to record dividends or interest, as applicable, on the securities loaned and is subject to changes in value of the securities loaned that may occur during the term of the loan. Each Fund has the right under the Lending Agreement to recover the securities from the borrower on demand. With respect to security loans collateralized by non-cash collateral, each Fund receives loan premiums paid by the borrower. With respect to security loans collateralized by cash collateral, the earnings from the collateral investments are shared among each Fund, the security lending agent, and the borrower. Each Fund records security lending income net of allocations to the security lending agent and the borrower.

Each Fund may incur investment losses as a result of investing securities lending collateral. This could occur if an investment in the collateral investment account defaulted or became impaired. Under those circumstances, the value of each Fund’s cash collateral account may be less than the amount each Fund would be required to return to the borrowers of the securities and each Fund would be required to make up for this shortfall.

During the year ended July 31, 2020, each Fund had no securities out on loan.

10. Credit and Market Risk

Beginning in January 2020, global financial markets have experienced and may continue to experience significant volatility resulting from the spread of a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19. The outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in travel and border restrictions, quarantines, supply chain disruptions, lower consumer demand and general market uncertainty. The effects of COVID-19 have and may continue to adversely affect the global economy, the economies of certain nations and individual issuers, all of which may negatively impact the Funds’ performance.



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

10. Credit and Market Risk (continued)


Each Fund invests in high yield fixed income securities, which are securities rated lower than BBB- by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC and lower than Baa3 by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., or similarly rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization. Investments in these higher yielding securities are generally accompanied by a greater degree of credit risk than higher rated securities. Additionally, lower rated securities may be more susceptible to adverse economic and competitive industry conditions than investment grade securities.

When interest rates rise, fixed income securities (i.e. debt obligations) generally will decline in value. These declines in value are greater for fixed income securities with longer maturities or durations.

IBOR risk is the risk that potential changes related to the use of the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) could have adverse impacts on financial instruments that reference LIBOR. The potential abandonment of LIBOR could affect the value and liquidity of instruments that reference LIBOR. The use of alternative reference rate products may impact investment strategy performance. These risks may also apply with respect to changes in connection with other interbank offered rates (“IBORs”), such as the euro overnight index average (EONIA), which are also the subject of recent reform.

Each Fund invests in bank loans and other securities that may subject them to direct indebtedness risk, the risk that the Funds will not receive payment of principal, interest, and other amounts due in connection with these investments and will depend primarily on the financial condition of the borrower. Loans that are fully secured offer the Funds more protection than unsecured loans in the event of nonpayment of scheduled interest or principal, although there is no assurance that the liquidation of collateral from a secured loan would satisfy the corporate borrower’s obligation, or that the collateral can be liquidated. Some loans or claims may be in default at the time of purchase. Certain of the loans and the other direct indebtedness acquired by the Funds may involve revolving credit facilities or other standby financing commitments that obligate the Funds to pay additional cash on a certain date or on demand. These commitments may require each Fund to increase its investment in a company at a time when the Funds might not otherwise decide to do so (including at a time when the company’s financial condition makes it unlikely that such amounts will be repaid). To the extent that each Fund is committed to advance additional funds, it will at all times hold and maintain cash or other high grade debt obligations in an amount sufficient to meet such commitments. When a loan agreement is purchased, the Funds may pay an assignment fee. On an ongoing basis, the Funds may receive a commitment fee based on the undrawn portion of the underlying line of credit portion of a loan agreement. Prepayment penalty fees are received upon the prepayment of a loan agreement by the borrower. Prepayment penalty, facility, commitment, consent, and amendment fees are recorded to income as earned or paid.

As the Funds may be required to rely upon another lending institution to collect and pass on to the Funds amounts payable with respect to the loan and to enforce the Funds’ rights under the loan and other direct indebtedness, an insolvency, bankruptcy, or reorganization of the lending institution may delay or prevent the Funds from receiving such amounts. The highly leveraged nature of many loans may make them especially vulnerable to adverse changes in economic or market conditions. Investments in such loans and other direct indebtedness may involve additional risk to the Funds.



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Each Fund invests in certain obligations that may have liquidity protection designed to ensure that the receipt of payments due on the underlying security is timely. Such protection may be provided through guarantees, insurance policies, or letters of credit obtained by the issuer or sponsor through third parties, through various means of structuring the transaction, or through a combination of such approaches. The Funds will not pay any additional fees for such credit support, although the existence of credit support may increase the price of a security.

Each Fund may invest up to 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities, which may include securities with contractual restrictions on resale, securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and other securities which may not be readily marketable. The relative illiquidity of these securities may impair each Fund from disposing of them in a timely manner and at a fair price when it is necessary or desirable to do so. While maintaining oversight, each Board has delegated to DMC, the day-to-day functions of determining whether individual securities are liquid for purposes of the Funds’ limitation on investments in illiquid securities. Securities eligible for resale pursuant to Rule 144A, which are determined to be liquid, are not subject to the Funds’ 15% limit on investments in illiquid securities. Rule 144A securities have been identified on the “Schedules of investments.”

11. Contractual Obligations

Each Fund enters into contracts in the normal course of business that contain a variety of indemnifications. Each Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown. However, each Fund has not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts. Management has reviewed each Fund’s existing contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.

12. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In March 2017, FASB issued an Accounting Standards Update (ASU), ASU 2017-08, Receivables — Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities which amends the amortization period for certain callable debt securities purchased at a premium, shortening such period to the earliest call date. ASU 2017-08 does not require any accounting change for debt securities held at a discount; the discount continues to be amortized to maturity. ASU 2017-08 is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has implemented ASU 2017-08 and determined that the impact of this guidance to each Fund’s net assets at the end of the period is not material.

In August 2018, FASB issued ASU 2018-13, which changes certain fair value measurement disclosure requirements. ASU 2018-13, in addition to other modifications and additions, removes the requirement to disclose the amount and reasons for transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy, the policy for the timing of transfers between levels and the valuation process for Level 3 fair value measurements. ASU 2018-13 is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2019. At this time, Management is evaluating the implications of these changes on the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

12. Recent Accounting Pronouncements (continued)


In March 2020, FASB issued ASU 2020-04, Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848) – Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting. The amendments in ASU 2020-04 provide optional temporary financial reporting relief from the effect of certain types of contract modifications due to the planned discontinuation of LIBOR and other interbank-offered based reference rates as of the end of 2021. ASU 2020-04 is effective for certain reference rate-related contract modifications that occur during the period March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. As of the financial reporting period, Management is evaluating the impact of applying this ASU.

13. Subsequent Events

Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2020, that would require recognition or disclosure in the Funds’ financial statements.



Table of Contents

Report of independent

registered public accounting firm

To the Board of Trustees of Delaware Group® Income Funds and Shareholders of Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund

Opinions on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the schedules of investments, of Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund (two of the funds constituting Delaware Group® Income Funds, hereafter collectively referred to as the “Funds”) as of July 31, 2020, the related statements of operations for the year ended July 31, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended July 31, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Funds as of July 31, 2020, the results of each of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in each of their net assets for each of the two years in the period ended July 31, 2020 and each of the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinions

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Funds’ financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Funds in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of July 31, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agents and brokers. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

September 23, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Delaware Funds® by Macquarie since 2010.



Table of Contents

Other Fund information (Unaudited)

Liquidity Risk Management Program

The Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) has adopted Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Liquidity Rule”), which requires all open-end funds (other than money market funds) to adopt and implement a program reasonably designed to assess and manage the fund’s “liquidity risk,” defined as the risk that the fund could not meet requests to redeem shares issued by the fund without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interests in the fund.

The Funds have adopted and implemented a liquidity risk management program in accordance with the Liquidity Rule (the “Program”). The Board has designated the Division Director of the US Operational Risk Group of Macquarie Asset Management as the Program Administrator for each Fund in the Trust.

As required by the Liquidity Rule, the Program includes policies and procedures that provide for:

(1) assessment, management, and review (no less frequently than annually) of each Fund’s liquidity risk;

(2) classification of each of the Fund’s portfolio holdings into one of four liquidity categories (Highly Liquid, Moderately Liquid, Less Liquid, and Illiquid); (3) for funds that do not primarily hold assets that are Highly Liquid, establishing and maintaining a minimum percentage of each Fund’s net assets in Highly Liquid investments (called a “Highly Liquid Investment Minimum” or “HLIM”); and (4) prohibiting each Fund’s acquisition of Illiquid investments if, immediately after the acquisition, each Fund would hold more than 15% of its net assets in Illiquid assets. The Program also requires reporting to the SEC (on a non-public basis) and to the Board if each Fund’s holdings of Illiquid assets exceed 15% of each Fund’s net assets. Funds with HLIMs must have procedures for addressing HLIM shortfalls, including reporting to the Board and, with respect to HLIM shortfalls lasting more than seven consecutive calendar days, reporting to the SEC (on a non-public basis).

In assessing and managing each Fund’s liquidity risk, the Program Administrator considers, as relevant, a variety of factors, including: (1) each Fund’s investment strategy and liquidity of portfolio investments during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions; (2) short-term and long-term cash flow projections for the Funds during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions; and (3) each Fund’s holdings of cash and cash equivalents and any borrowing arrangements. Classification of each Fund’s portfolio holdings in the four liquidity categories is based on the number of days it is reasonably expected to take to convert the investment to cash (for Highly Liquid and Moderately Liquid holdings) or to sell or dispose of the investment (for Less Liquid and Illiquid investments), in current market conditions without significantly changing the investment’s market value. Each Fund primarily holds assets that are classified as Highly Liquid, and therefore is not required to establish an HLIM.

At a meeting of the Board held on May 19-21, 2020, the Program Administrator provided a written report to the Board addressing the Program’s operation and assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of its implementation for the period from December 1, 2018 through March 31, 2020. The report concluded that the Program is appropriately designed and effectively implemented and that it meets the requirements of Rule 22e-4 and each Fund’s liquidity needs. Each Fund’s HLIM is set at an appropriate level and the Funds complied with its HLIM at all times during the reporting period.



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Tax Information

The information set forth below is for each Fund’s fiscal year as required by federal income tax laws. Shareholders, however, must report distributions on a calendar year basis for income tax purposes, which may include distributions for portions of two fiscal years of the Funds. Accordingly, the information needed by shareholders for income tax purposes will be sent to them in January of each year. Please consult your tax advisor for proper treatment of this information.

All disclosures are based on financial information available as of the date of this annual report and, accordingly, are subject to change. For any and all items requiring reporting, it is the intention of the Funds to report the maximum amount permitted under the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations thereunder.

For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, each Fund reports distributions paid during the year as follows:


Ordinary Income
        (Tax Basis)        

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund


Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund



(A) is based on a percentage of the Fund’s total distributions.

For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, certain interest income paid by each Fund determined to be Qualified Interest Income and Short-Term Capital Gains may be subject to relief from US withholding for foreign shareholders, as provided by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, and by the Tax Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creations Act of 2010, and as extended by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund did not have any foreign shareholders for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020. For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, Delaware Corporate Bond Fund reported maximum distributions of Qualified Interest Income as follows:



        Qualified Interest Income                 

Delaware Corporate Bond Fund




Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie

A mutual fund is governed by a Board of Trustees/Directors (“Trustees”), which has oversight responsibility for the management of a fund’s business affairs. Trustees establish procedures and oversee and review the performance of the investment manager, the distributor, and others who perform services for the fund. The independent fund trustees, in particular, are advocates for shareholder interests. Each trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was elected to or appointed to the Board of Trustees, and will continue to serve until his or her retirement or the election of a new trustee in his or her place. The following is a list of the Trustees and Officers with certain background and related information.




and Birth Date



Held with



Length of Time





During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer




Held by


or Officer


Interested Trustee



Shawn K. Lytle1

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

February 1970

   President, Chief Executive Officer, and Trustee    President and Chief Executive Officer since August 2015 Trustee since September 2015    President — Macquarie Investment Management2 (June 2015–Present) Regional Head of Americas — UBS Global Asset Management (April 2010–May 2015)      93     

Trustee — UBS Relationship Funds, SMA Relationship Trust, and UBS Funds

(May 2010–April 2015)


Independent Trustees



Jerome D. Abernathy

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

July 1959

   Trustee    Since January 2019    Managing Member, Stonebrook Capital Management, LLC (financial technology: macro factors and databases) (January 1993-Present)      93      None



Table of Contents






and Birth Date



Held with



Length of Time





During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer




Held by


or Officer

Thomas L. Bennett

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

October 1947

   Chair and Trustee    Trustee since March 2005 Chair since March 2015    Private Investor (March 2004–Present)    93    None

Ann D. Borowiec

2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA

November 1958

   Trustee    Since March 2015    Chief Executive Officer, Private Wealth Management (2011–2013) and Market Manager, New Jersey Private Bank (2005–2011) — J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.    93    Director — Banco Santander International (October 2016–December 2019) Director — Santander Bank, N.A. (December 2016–December 2019)

Joseph W. Chow
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA

January 1953

   Trustee    Since January 2013    Private Investor (April 2011–Present)    93    Director and Audit Committee Member — Hercules Technology Growth Capital, Inc. (July 2004–July 2014)



Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie





and Birth Date



Held with



Length of Time





During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer




Held by


or Officer

John A. Fry

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

May 1960

   Trustee    Since January 2001    President — Drexel University (August 2010–Present) President — Franklin & Marshall College (July 2002–June 2010)    93    Director; Compensation Committee and Governance Committee Member — Community Health Systems (May 2004–Present) Director — Drexel Morgan & Co. (2015–2019) Director and Audit Committee Member — vTv Therapeutics Inc. (2017–Present) Director and Audit Committee Member — FS Credit Real Estate Income Trust, Inc. (2018–Present) Director — Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (January 2020–Present)

Lucinda S. Landreth

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

June 1947

   Trustee    Since March 2005    Private Investor (2004–Present)    93    None



Table of Contents






and Birth Date



Held with



Length of Time





During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer




Held by


or Officer

Frances A. Sevilla-Sacasa

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

January 1956

   Trustee    Since September 2011    Private Investor (January 2017–Present) Chief Executive Officer — Banco Itaú International (April 2012–December 2016) Executive Advisor to Dean (August 2011–March 2012) and Interim Dean (January 2011–July 2011) — University of Miami School of Business Administration President — U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management (Private Banking) (July 2007-December 2008)    93    Trust Manager and Audit Committee Chair — Camden Property Trust (August 2011–Present) Director; Strategic Planning and Reserves Committee and Nominating and Governance Committee Member — Callon Petroleum Company (December 2019–Present) Director; Audit Committee Member — Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc. (March 2018–December 2019)



Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie




and Birth Date



Held with



Length of Time





During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer




Held by


or Officer

Thomas K. Whitford

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

March 1956

   Trustee    Since January 2013    Vice Chairman (2010–April 2013) — PNC Financial Services Group    93    Director — HSBC North America Holdings Inc. (December 2013–Present) Director — HSBC USA Inc. (July 2014–Present) Director — HSBC Bank USA, National Association (July 2014–March 2017) Director — HSBC Finance Corporation (December 2013–April 2018)



Table of Contents






and Birth Date



Held with



Length of Time





During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer




Held by


or Officer

Christianna Wood

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

August 1959

   Trustee    Since January 2019    Chief Executive Officer and President — Gore Creek Capital, Ltd. (August 2009–Present)    93    Director; Finance Committee and Audit Committee Member — H&R Block Corporation (July 2008–Present) Director; Investments Committee, Capital and Finance Committee, and Audit Committee Member — Grange Insurance (2013–Present) Trustee; Chair of Nominating and Governance Committee and Audit Committee Member — The Merger Fund (2013–Present), The Merger Fund VL (2013–Present); WCM Alternatives: Event-Driven Fund (2013–Present), and WCM Alternatives: Credit Event Fund (December 2017–Present) Director; Chair of Governance Committee and Audit Committee Member — International Securities Exchange (2010–2016)



Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie




and Birth Date



Held with



Length of Time





During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer




Held by


or Officer

Janet L. Yeomans

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

July 1948

   Trustee    Since April 1999    Vice President and Treasurer (January 2006–July 2012), Vice President — Mergers & Acquisitions (January 2003–January 2006), and Vice President and Treasurer (July 1995–January 2003) — 3M Company      93      Director; Personnel and Compensation Committee Chair; Member of Nominating, Investments, and Audit Committees for various periods throughout directorship — Okabena Company (2009–2017)



David F. Connor

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

December 1963

   Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary    Senior Vice President, since May 2013; General Counsel since May 2015; Secretary since October 2005    David F. Connor has served in various capacities at different times at Macquarie Investment Management.      93      None3

Daniel V. Geatens

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

October 1972

   Vice President and Treasurer    Vice President and Treasurer since October 2007    Daniel V. Geatens has served in various capacities at different times at Macquarie Investment Management.      93      None3



Table of Contents






and Birth Date



Held with



Length of Time





During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer




Held by


or Officer

Richard Salus

2005 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 October 1963

   Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer    Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer since November 2006    Richard Salus has served in various capacities at different times at Macquarie Investment Management.    93    None

1 Shawn K. Lytle is considered to be an “Interested Trustee” because he is an executive officer of the Fund’s(s’) investment advisor.

2 Macquarie Investment Management is the marketing name for Macquarie Management Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including the Fund’s(s’) investment manager, principal underwriter, and its transfer agent.

3 David F. Connor and Daniel V. Geatens serve in similar capacities for the six portfolios of the Optimum Fund Trust, which have the same investment advisor, principal underwriter, and transfer agent as the registrant. Mr. Geatens also serves as the Chief Financial Officer of the Optimum Fund Trust, and he is the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for Macquarie Global Infrastructure Total Return Fund Inc.

The Statement of Additional Information for the Fund(s) includes additional information about the Trustees and Officers and is available, without charge, upon request by calling 800 523-1918.



Table of Contents

About the organization

Board of trustees

Shawn K. Lytle

President and

Chief Executive Officer

Delaware Funds®

by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA

Jerome D. Abernathy

Managing Member

Stonebrook Capital

Management, LLC

Jersey City, NJ

Thomas L. Bennett

Chairman of the Board

Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Private Investor

Rosemont, PA

Ann D. Borowiec

Former Chief Executive Officer

Private Wealth Management

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

New York, NY

Joseph W. Chow

Former Executive Vice President

State Street Corporation

Boston, MA

John A. Fry


Drexel University

Philadelphia, PA

Lucinda S. Landreth

Former Chief Investment Officer

Assurant, Inc.

New York, NY

Frances A. Sevilla-Sacasa

Former Chief Executive Officer

Banco Itaú International

Miami, FL

Thomas K. Whitford

Former Vice Chairman

PNC Financial Services Group

Pittsburgh, PA

Christianna Wood

Chief Executive Officer

and President

Gore Creek Capital, Ltd.

Golden, CO

Janet L. Yeomans

Former Vice President and


3M Company

St. Paul, MN



Affiliated officers

David F. Connor

Senior Vice President,

General Counsel,

and Secretary

Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA

Daniel V. Geatens

Vice President and Treasurer

Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA

Richard Salus

Senior Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer

Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA




This annual report is for the information of Delaware Corporate Bond Fund and Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund shareholders, but it may be used with prospective investors when preceded or accompanied by the Delaware Fund fact sheet for the most recently completed calendar quarter. These documents are available at delawarefunds.com/literature.



Each Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-PORT. Each Fund’s Forms N-PORT, as well as a description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies (if any) relating to portfolio securities, are available without charge (i) upon request, by calling 800 523-1918; and (ii) on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. In addition, a description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies (if any) relating to portfolio securities and the Schedules of Investments included in the Funds’ most recent Form N-PORT are available without charge on the Funds’ website at delawarefunds.com/literature. Each Fund’s Forms N-PORT may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C.; information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 800 SEC-0330.

Information (if any) regarding how the Funds voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recently disclosed 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge (i) through the Funds’ website at delawarefunds.com/proxy; and (ii) on the SEC’s website at sec.gov.



Table of Contents

Annual report

Fixed income mutual fund

Delaware Floating Rate Fund

July 31, 2020



Beginning on or about June 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of your Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent to you by mail, unless you specifically request them from the Fund or from your financial intermediary, such as a broker/dealer, bank, or insurance company. Instead, you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted on the website and provided with a link to access the report.


If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you do not need to take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by signing up at delawarefunds.com/edelivery. If you own these shares through a financial intermediary, you may contact your financial intermediary.


You may elect to receive paper copies of all future shareholder reports free of charge. You can inform the Fund that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports by contacting us at 800 523-1918. If you own these shares through a financial intermediary, you may contact your financial intermediary to elect to continue to receive paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all funds held with the Delaware Funds® by Macquarie or your financial intermediary.


Carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risk factors, charges, and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the Fund’s prospectus and its summary prospectus, which may be obtained by visiting delawarefunds.com/literature or calling 800 523-1918. Investors should read the prospectus and the summary prospectus carefully before investing.

You can obtain shareholder reports and prospectuses online instead of in the mail. Visit delawarefunds.com/edelivery.

Table of Contents

Experience Delaware Funds® by Macquarie

Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) is a global asset manager with offices in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia. As active managers, we prioritize autonomy and accountability at the investment team level in pursuit of opportunities that matter for clients. Delaware Funds is one of the longest-standing mutual fund families, with more than 80 years in existence.

If you are interested in learning more about creating an investment plan, contact your financial advisor.

You can learn more about Delaware Funds or obtain a prospectus for Delaware Floating Rate Fund at delawarefunds.com/literature.

Manage your account online


  Check your account balance and transactions


  View statements and tax forms


  Make purchases and redemptions

Visit delawarefunds.com/account-access.

Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) offers a diverse range of products including securities investment management, infrastructure and real asset management, and fund and equity-based structured products. MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group. This includes the following investment advisers: Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust (MIMBT), Macquarie Funds Management Hong Kong Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, and Macquarie Investment Management Europe S.A.

The Fund is distributed by Delaware Distributors, L.P. (DDLP), an affiliate of MIMBT and Macquarie Group Limited.

Other than Macquarie Bank Limited (MBL), none of the entities noted are authorized deposit-taking institutions for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 (Commonwealth of Australia). The obligations of these entities do not represent deposits or other liabilities of MBL. MBL does not guarantee or otherwise provide assurance in respect of the obligations of these entities, unless noted otherwise.

The Fund is governed by US laws and regulations.

Table of contents



Portfolio management review


Performance summary


Disclosure of Fund expenses


Security type / sector allocation


Schedule of investments


Statement of assets and liabilities


Statement of operations


Statements of changes in net assets


Financial highlights


Notes to financial statements


Report of independent registered public accounting firm


Other Fund information


Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum


About the organization


Unless otherwise noted, views expressed herein are current as of July 31, 2020, and subject to change for events occurring after such date.

The Fund is not FDIC insured and is not guaranteed. It is possible to lose the principal amount invested.

Advisory services provided by Delaware Management Company, a series of MIMBT, a US registered investment advisor.

All third-party marks cited are the property of their respective owners.

© 2020 Macquarie Management Holdings, Inc.


Table of Contents

Portfolio management review

Delaware Floating Rate Fund    August 11, 2020 (Unaudited)


Performance preview (for the year ended July 31, 2020)


Delaware Floating Rate Fund (Institutional Class shares)

   1-year return      -0.03%*  

Delaware Floating Rate Fund (Class A shares)

   1-year return      -0.27%*  

S&P/LSTA (Loan Syndications and Trading Association)
Leveraged Loan Index (benchmark)

   1-year return      -0.87%  

Past performance does not guarantee future results.

For complete, annualized performance for Delaware Floating Rate Fund, please see the table on page 4. Institutional Class shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to certain eligible investors. In addition, Institutional Class shares pay no distribution and service fee.

The performance of Class A shares excludes the applicable sales charge. Both Institutional Class shares and Class A shares reflect the reinvestment of all distributions.

Please see page 7 for a description of the index. Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.

*Total return for the report period presented in the table differs from the return in “Financial highlights.” The total return presented in the above table is calculated based on the net asset value (NAV) at which shareholder transactions were processed. The total return presented in “Financial highlights” is calculated in the same manner but also takes into account certain adjustments that are necessary under US generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP) required in the annual report.

Investment objective

The Fund seeks high current income and, secondarily, long-term total return.


Market review

Given the healthy state of company fundamentals, we were optimistic as we began the fiscal year; many corporate management teams had a positive outlook in late 2019 and early in 2020. Additionally, a series of rate cuts the US Federal Reserve initiated in summer 2019 were expected to continue to stimulate the economy.

However, as February progressed, concerning news emerged from China about the coronavirus. As companies released fourth-quarter results, management teams’ forward guidance turned cautious, especially for firms that relied on China as part of their supply chain or that were more exposed to global growth trends. For example, commodity-related companies and industrial firms that had meaningful operations in China indicated that activity there was slowing significantly.

By early March, risks to consumer-related exposure developed in Europe as coronavirus cases flared up in Italy. As it became clear that the virus and related concerns were now a global



In our opinion, the following key factors influenced the Fund’s performance:


•  Consumer-related businesses suffered due to the pandemic.


•  The Fed acted quickly to inject liquidity into the financial markets.


•  Energy was the most distressed sector in the Fund’s portfolio.


•  Utilities and telecommunications performed well.





Table of Contents

Portfolio management review

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


issue, global capital markets completely melted down. The Fed and other central banks stepped in quickly, injecting trillions of dollars of liquidity to stabilize global markets. This included unprecedented, targeted stimulus directed toward many parts of the fixed income markets, including loans and both high yield and investment grade bonds. After that, technical factors improved significantly, and the loan market saw a major rebound in prices at the end of the fiscal year.

Within the Fund

For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, Delaware Floating Rate Fund declined, although it outperformed its benchmark, the S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index. The Fund’s Institutional Class shares declined 0.03%. The Fund’s Class A shares fell 0.27% at net asset value and 2.97% at maximum offer price. These figures reflect all distributions reinvested. During the same period, the Fund’s benchmark declined 0.87%. For complete, annualized performance of Delaware Floating Rate Fund, please see the table on page 4.

As noted, we had been positive on economic fundamentals at the beginning of the fiscal year and had positioned the Fund accordingly. As it became clear in February that this global pandemic would have widening economic and fundamental repercussions, we significantly reduced the Fund’s consumer-related exposure, including restaurants, movie theaters, hotels and casinos, and rental cars. We also reduced the Fund’s industrial and commodity-related exposure.

Since the Fed and other central banks stepped in aggressively in March, technicals have improved significantly. However, we are fundamentally based investors and the fundamental backdrop is still highly uncertain. Therefore, we have been cautious and disciplined about adding back risk.

We have added some exposure to casinos and airlines where we’ve seen, in our view, higher quality opportunities, such as United Airlines Holdings Inc. and Delta Air Lines Inc. We have also added exposure to cruise line operator Carnival Corp., which was an investment grade firm before the crisis. (Both Delta and Carnival are now considered “fallen angels” – bonds that had an investment grade rating but have been reduced to junk bond status due to the issuer’s weakened condition.) All the exposure we have added to consumer-related sectors has been in the secured part of the capital structure and in companies we believe are fundamentally well positioned to successfully navigate this crisis.

The Fund outperformed its benchmark for the fiscal period, largely as a result of the Fund’s more cautious positioning going into the pandemic. The Fund was underweight CCC-rated securities and overweight BB-rated and BBB-rated securities, which contributed to the Fund’s benchmark-relative performance. The positioning changes in hotels, casinos, restaurants, and leisure, and the underweight to that collective group of consumer-related sectors meaningfully contributed to performance.

The Fund’s overweight to defensive sectors – including utilities, telecommunications, and healthcare – also worked well during the fiscal year. Utilities were strong defensive holdings that held their ground through the market turbulence; the Fund had a significant overweight to that sector, along with strong security selection. That was also generally true for the telecommunications and healthcare sectors.

Among the Fund’s individual holdings that performed well were utility firms Moxie Patriot LLC and Moxie Liberty LLC and telecommunications issuer Sprint Corp. We also protected capital by the sale of securities issued by AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. and CEC Entertainment Inc., the parent of child-oriented




Table of Contents

restaurant chain Chuck E. Cheese, thereby avoiding significant losses.

Among detractors, the energy sector was the Fund’s weakest-performing sector and biggest detractor, as oil and gas prices declined significantly. The Fund started the fiscal period overweight energy companies, which significantly detracted from overall relative performance. Additionally, we had weak security selection within that sector. Poorly performing holdings included Summit Midstream Partners LP, Chesapeake Energy Corp., and Crestwood Holdings LLC. The chemicals sector also detracted from performance. The Fund was market weight within chemicals, but its commodity chemical exposure performed poorly as commodity prices declined. A loan to commodity chemicals company Perstorp Holding AB performed less favorably than many others. American Airlines Inc. also performed quite poorly, hurt by the pandemic-related loss in business.

At the end of the Fund’s fiscal year, default rates were at a five-year high. Forecasts also reflect above-average default rates for the upcoming year. By credit quality, we continue to prefer the BB-rated quality sector, with a preference for more economically defensive industries. We believe this approach to positioning seeks to enable the Fund to carry a competitive yield while also somewhat protecting against fundamental volatility from the changing economic environment.

A note about derivatives

Although the Fund generally doesn’t use derivatives, it did in early March out of concern for capital market volatility. We briefly used a high yield credit default swap as a small hedge once capital markets began to break down. However, that neither added to nor detracted from performance.




Table of Contents

Performance summary

Delaware Floating Rate Fund    July 31, 2020 (Unaudited)

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Performance data current to the most recent month end may be obtained by calling 800 523-1918 or visiting delawarefunds.com/performance.


Fund and benchmark performance1,2    Average annual total returns through July 31, 2020
     1 year    5 year    10 year    Lifetime

Class A (Est. February 26, 2010)


Excluding sales charge

   -0.27%*    +2.44%    +2.24%    +2.23%

Including sales charge

   -2.97%    +1.87%    +1.95%    +1.96%

Class C (Est. February 26, 2010)


Excluding sales charge

   -1.02%*    +1.68%    +1.48%    +1.47%

Including sales charge

   -1.98%    +1.68%    +1.48%    +1.47%

Class R (Est. February 26, 2010)


Excluding sales charge

   -0.53%*    +2.19%    +1.98%    +1.97%

Including sales charge

   -0.53%    +2.19%    +1.98%    +1.97%

Institutional Class (Est. February 26, 2010)


Excluding sales charge

   -0.03%*    +2.70%    +2.50%    +2.49%

Including sales charge

   -0.03%    +2.70%    +2.50%    +2.49%

S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index

   -0.87%    +3.29%    +4.22%    +4.29%**

*Total return for the report period presented in the table differs from the return in “Financial highlights.” The total return presented in the above table is calculated based on the net asset value (NAV) at which shareholder transactions were processed. The total return presented in “Financial highlights” is calculated in the same manner but also takes into account certain adjustments that are necessary under US generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP) required in the annual report.

**The benchmark lifetime return is for Institutional Class share comparison only and is calculated using the last business day in the month of the Fund’s Institutional Class inception date.

1Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and are presented both with and without the applicable sales charges described below. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Expense limitations were in effect for certain classes during some or all of the periods shown in the “Fund and benchmark performance” table. Expenses for each class are listed on the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 6. Performance

would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect.

Institutional Class shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to certain eligible investors. In addition, Institutional Class shares pay no distribution and service (12b-1) fee.

Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 2.75%, and have an annual 12b-1 fee of 0.25% of average daily net assets.




Table of Contents

Performance for Class A shares, excluding sales charges, assumes that no front-end sales charge applied.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1.00% if redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual 12b-1 fee of 1.00% of average daily net assets. Performance for Class C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was not redeemed.

Class R shares are available only for certain retirement plan products. They are sold without a sales charge and have an annual 12b-1 fee of 0.50% of average daily net assets.

Fixed income securities and bond funds can lose value, and investors can lose principal, as interest rates rise. They also may be affected by economic conditions that hinder an issuer’s ability to make interest and principal payments on its debt. The Fund may also be subject to prepayment risk, the risk that the principal of a bond that is held by a portfolio will be prepaid prior to maturity, at the time when interest rates are lower than what the bond was paying. A portfolio may then have to reinvest that money at a lower interest rate.

High yielding, non-investment-grade bonds (junk bonds) involve higher risk than investment grade bonds. The high yield secondary market is particularly susceptible to liquidity problems when institutional investors, such as mutual funds and certain other financial institutions, temporarily stop buying bonds for regulatory, financial, or other reasons. In addition, a less liquid secondary market makes it more difficult for the Fund to obtain precise valuations of the high yield securities in its portfolio.

The Fund may invest in derivatives, which may involve additional expenses and are subject to

risk, including the risk that an underlying security or securities index moves in the opposite direction from what the portfolio manager anticipated. A derivatives transaction depends upon the counterparties’ ability to fulfill their contractual obligations.

International investments entail risks including fluctuation in currency values, differences in accounting principles, or economic or political instability. Investing in emerging markets can be riskier than investing in established foreign markets due to increased volatility, lower trading volume, and higher risk of market closures. In many emerging markets, there is substantially less publicly available information and the available information may be incomplete or misleading. Legal claims are generally more difficult to pursue.

Because the Fund may invest in bank loans and other direct indebtedness, it is subject to the risk that the Fund will not receive payment of principal, interest, and other amounts due in connection with these investments, which primarily depend on the financial condition of the borrower and the lending institution.

IBOR risk is the risk that changes related to the use of the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) or similar rates (such as EONIA) could have adverse impacts on financial instruments which reference these rates. The potential abandonment of these rates and transition to alternative rates could affect the value and liquidity of instruments that reference them and could affect investment strategy performance.

The disruptions caused by natural disasters, pandemics, or similar events could prevent the Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and could negatively impact the Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective and the value of the Fund’s investments.




Table of Contents

Performance summary

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


2 The Fund’s expense ratios, as described in the most recent prospectus, are disclosed in the following “Fund expense ratios” table. Delaware Management Company has agreed to reimburse certain expenses and/or waive certain fees in order to prevent total annual fund operating expenses (excluding any 12b-1 fees, acquired fund fees and expenses, taxes, interest, short sale dividend and interest expenses, brokerage fees, certain insurance costs, and nonroutine expenses or costs, including, but not limited to, those relating to reorganizations, litigation, conducting shareholder meetings, and liquidations) from exceeding 0.69% of the Fund’s average daily net assets during the period from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020.* Please see the most recent prospectus and any applicable supplement(s) for additional information on these fee waivers and/or reimbursements. Please see the “Financial highlights” section in this report for the most recent expense ratios.


Fund expense ratios    Class A   Class C   Class R   Institutional

Total annual operating expenses
(without fee waivers)

   0.99%   1.74%   1.24%   0.74%

Net expenses
(including fee waivers, if any)

   0.94%   1.69%   1.19%   0.69%

Type of waiver

   Contractual   Contractual   Contractual   Contractual

*The aggregate contractual waiver period covering this report is from November 28, 2018 through November 29, 2020.



Table of Contents

Performance of a $10,000 investment1

Average annual total returns from July 31, 2010 through July 31, 2020




For period beginning July 31, 2010 through July 31, 2020    Starting value    Ending value

LOGO S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index

   $10,000    $15,117

LOGO  Delaware Floating Rate Fund — Institutional Class shares

   $10,000    $12,795

LOGO  Delaware Floating Rate Fund — Class A shares

   $9,725    $12,135


1 The “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph assumes $10,000 invested in Institutional Class and Class A shares of the Fund on July 31, 2010, and includes the effect of a 2.75% front-end sales charge (for Class A shares) and the reinvestment of all distributions. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholders would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. Expense limitations were in effect for some or all of the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect. Expenses are listed in the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 6. Please note additional details on pages 4 through 7.

The graph also assumes $10,000 invested in the S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index as of July 31, 2010. The S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index is a broad index designed to reflect the market-value-weighted performance of US dollar denominated institutional leveraged loans.

Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Performance of other Fund classes will vary due to different charges and expenses.



    Nasdaq symbols   CUSIPs
Class A   DDFAX   245908660
Class C   DDFCX   245908652
Class R   DDFFX   245908645
Institutional Class   DDFLX   245908637



Table of Contents

Disclosure of Fund expenses

For the six-month period from February 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020 (Unaudited)

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments, reinvested dividends, or other distributions; redemption fees; and exchange fees; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire six-month period from February 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020.

Actual expenses

The first section of the table shown, “Actual Fund return,” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this section of the table, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first section under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical example for comparison purposes

The second section of the table shown, “Hypothetical 5% return,” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the second section of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher. The Fund’s expenses shown in the table reflect fee waivers in effect and assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.



Table of Contents

Delaware Floating Rate Fund

Expense analysis of an investment of $1,000


Account Value
Account Value
Expense Ratio
Paid During Period
2/1/20 to 7/31/20*

Actual Fund return


Class A

     $1,000.00        $974.60        0.94%       $4.61  

Class C

       1,000.00          969.70        1.69%         8.28  

Class R

       1,000.00          972.10        1.19%         5.83  

Institutional Class

       1,000.00          975.80        0.69%         3.39  

Hypothetical 5% return (5% return before expenses)


Class A

     $1,000.00        $1,020.19        0.94%       $4.72  

Class C

       1,000.00          1,016.46        1.69%         8.47  

Class R

       1,000.00          1,018.95        1.19%         5.97  

Institutional Class

       1,000.00          1,021.43        0.69%         3.47  

*“Expenses Paid During Period” are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).

†Because actual returns reflect only the most recent six-month period, the returns shown may differ significantly from fiscal year returns.

In addition to the Fund’s expenses reflected above, the Fund also indirectly bears its portion of the fees and expenses of the investment companies (Underlying Funds) in which it invests. The table above does not reflect the expenses of the Underlying Funds.



Table of Contents

Security type / sector allocation

Delaware Floating Rate Fund    As of July 31, 2020 (Unaudited)

Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in other Fund materials. The sector designations may represent the investment manager’s internal sector classifications.


Security type / sector            Percentage of net assets        

Convertible Bond


Corporate Bonds




Basic Industry


Capital Goods




Consumer Cyclical


Consumer Non-Cyclical


Financial Services












Loan Agreements


Short-Term Investments


Total Value of Securities


Liabilities Net of Receivables and Other Assets


Total Net Assets




Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware Floating Rate Fund

   July 31, 2020


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  
Convertible Bond – 0.25%                

Cheniere Energy 144A PIK 4.875% exercise price


$93.64, maturity date 5/28/21 #, *

     287,849      $                 292,757  




Total Convertible Bond (cost $290,308)




Corporate Bonds – 9.26%                

Banking – 2.08%


Bank of America 3.458% 3/15/25 µ

     250,000        273,337  

Citigroup 4.412% 3/31/31 µ

     250,000        305,043  

Citizens Financial Group 5.65% µ,y

     350,000        371,875  

Credit Suisse Group 144A 6.25% #, µ,y

     250,000        267,237  

Deutsche Bank 6.00% µ,y

     200,000        174,560  

JPMorgan Chase & Co. 5.00% µ,y

     250,000        251,788  

Morgan Stanley 1.668% (LIBOR03M + 1.22%) 5/8/24 •

     250,000        252,846  

Natwest Group 8.625% µ,y

     250,000        261,752  

Popular 6.125% 9/14/23

     250,000        265,911  







Basic Industry – 0.42%


Freeport-McMoRan 5.45% 3/15/43

     200,000        222,892  

Joseph T Ryerson & Son 144A 11.00% 5/15/22 #

     265,000        273,427  







Capital Goods – 0.29%


Bombardier 144A 7.875% 4/15/27 #

     125,000        99,891  

TransDigm 5.50% 11/15/27

     250,000        237,675  







Communications – 1.73%


Cincinnati Bell 144A 7.00% 7/15/24 #

     305,000        316,528  

Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings 9.25% 2/15/24

     125,000        113,772  

Consolidated Communications 6.50% 10/1/22

     635,000        625,078  

Frontier Communications 144A 8.00% 4/1/27 #, ‡

     442,000        458,213  

Level 3 Financing 144A 4.25% 7/1/28 #

     325,000        339,137  

Radiate Holdco 144A 6.625% 2/15/25 #

     160,000        164,601  







Consumer Cyclical – 1.43%


Delta Air Lines
144A 7.00% 5/1/25 #

     550,000        588,406  

7.375% 1/15/26

     250,000        248,060  

Ford Motor 8.50% 4/21/23

     500,000        555,882  



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  
Corporate Bonds (continued)                

Consumer Cyclical (continued)


L Brands 144A
6.875% 7/1/25 #

     125,000      $ 134,811  

144A 9.375% 7/1/25 #

     125,000        139,531  







Consumer Non-Cyclical – 1.18%


Hadrian Merger Sub 144A 8.50% 5/1/26 #

     122,000        112,980  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics 144A 7.375% 6/1/25 #

     250,000        266,719  

Surgery Center Holdings 144A 10.00% 4/15/27 #

     200,000        212,772  

Tenet Healthcare 6.875% 11/15/31

     267,000        255,936  

US Foods 144A 6.25% 4/15/25 #

     496,000        532,622  







Financial Services – 0.39%


AerCap Holdings 5.875% 10/10/79 µ

     150,000        115,261  

NFP 144A 7.00% 5/15/25 #

     310,000        336,931  







Insurance – 0.28%


HUB International 144A 7.00% 5/1/26 #

     310,000        325,037  







Services – 0.18%


PowerTeam Services 144A 9.033% 12/4/25 #

     200,000        212,725  







Technology – 0.39%


Banff Merger Sub 144A 9.75% 9/1/26 #

     20,000        21,197  

Boxer Parent 144A 9.125% 3/1/26 #

     265,000        282,060  

Microchip Technology 144A 4.25% 9/1/25 #

     150,000        157,913  







Transportation – 0.38%


DAE Funding
144A 4.50% 8/1/22 #

     75,000        73,895  

144A 5.75% 11/15/23 #

     371,000        365,860  







Utilities – 0.51%


Pacific Gas and Electric
4.55% 7/1/30

     250,000        287,662  

4.95% 7/1/50

     250,000        304,091  







Total Corporate Bonds (cost $10,339,045)







Table of Contents
     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  
Loan Agreements — 89.02%                

A&V Holdings Midco 6.375% (LIBOR03M + 5.375%) 3/10/27 •

     575,000      $ 518,938  

Acrisure Tranche B 3.661% (LIBOR01M + 3.50%) 2/15/27 •

     1,062,097        1,026,517  

Air Medical Group Holdings 4.25% (LIBOR03M + 3.25%) 4/28/22 •

     637,629        629,544  

American Airlines Tranche B 2.175% (LIBOR01M + 2.00%) 12/14/23 •

     1,261,102        961,290  

Applied Systems 1st Lien TBD 9/19/24 X

     257,676        256,001  

Applied Systems 2nd Lien 8.00% (LIBOR03M + 7.00%) 9/19/25 •

     2,044,945        2,067,439  

Apro 5.00% (LIBOR02M + 4.00%) 11/14/26 •

     806,643        804,626  

Aramark Services Tranche B-4 1.911% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 1/15/27 •

     430,920        412,247  

3.661% (LIBOR01M + 3.50%) 2/12/27 •

     1,207,656        1,175,451  

5.50% (LIBOR01M + 4.50%) 2/12/27 •

     448,875        443,054  

AthenaHealth Tranche B 1st Lien 4.818% (LIBOR03M + 4.50%) 2/11/26 •

     1,247,735        1,232,918  

Ball Metalpack Finco 2nd Lien 9.75% (LIBOR03M + 8.75%) 7/24/26 •

     293,000        235,865  

Bausch Health 3.176% (LIBOR01M + 3.00%) 6/2/25 •

     725,589        715,159  

Berry Global Tranche Y 2.188% (LIBOR01M + 2.00%) 7/1/26 •

     545,744        531,418  

Blue Ribbon 1st Lien 5.00% (LIBOR03M + 4.00%) 11/15/21 •

     1,699,667        1,549,530  

Boxer Parent 4.411% (LIBOR01M + 4.25%) 10/2/25 •

     1,774,234        1,718,387  

BW Gas & Convenience Holdings 6.43% (LIBOR01M + 6.25%) 11/18/24 •

     592,854        589,890  

BWay Holding 3.523% (LIBOR03M + 3.25%) 4/3/24 •

     955,829        894,980  

Caesars Resort Collection Tranche B-1 4.715% (LIBOR01M + 4.50%) 7/21/25 •

     1,356,000        1,311,365  

Calpine 2.42% (LIBOR01M + 2.25%) 4/5/26 •

     990,000        970,200  

Calpine Construction Finance Tranche B 2.161% (LIBOR01M + 2.00%) 1/15/25 •

     151,731        147,748  

Camelot US Acquisition l 3.161% (LIBOR01M + 3.00%) 10/30/26 •

     1,253,700        1,231,290  

Carnival 8.50% (LIBOR01M + 7.50%) 6/30/25 •

     1,750,000        1,723,750  

CenturyLink Tranche B 2.411% (LIBOR01M + 2.25%) 3/15/27 •

     1,379,070        1,332,910  

Change Healthcare Holdings 3.50% (LIBOR03M + 2.50%) 3/1/24 •

     885,035        866,781  



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  
Loan Agreements (continued)                

Charter Communications Operating Tranche B2 1.92% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 2/1/27 •

     1,720,666      $ 1,682,104  

Chemours Tranche B-2 1.92% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 4/3/25 •

     351,413        335,746  

CityCenter Holdings 3.00% (LIBOR01M + 2.25%) 4/18/24 •

     573,522        532,898  

Connect US Finco 5.50% (LIBOR01M + 4.50%) 12/12/26 •

     1,211,150        1,182,385  

Conservice Midco Tranche B 4.558% (LIBOR03M + 4.25%) 5/7/27 •

     275,000        271,104  

Consolidated Communications 4.00% (LIBOR03M + 3.00%) 10/5/23 •

     1,750,952        1,703,759  

Coral US Co-Borrower Tranche B-5 2.428% (LIBOR01M + 2.25%) 1/31/28 •

     1,000,000        962,083  

Core & Main 3.75% (LIBOR06M + 2.75%) 8/1/24 •

     930,426        907,165  

CPI Holdco 1st Lien 4.411% (LIBOR01M + 4.25%) 11/4/26 •

     1,255,774        1,241,646  

Crestwood Holdings 7.69% (LIBOR01M + 7.50%) 3/6/23 •

     1,167,389        768,434  

CSC Holdings 2.425% (LIBOR01M + 2.25%) 7/17/25 •

     523,149        507,209  

Cumulus Media New Holdings 4.822% (LIBOR03M + 3.75%) 3/31/26 •

     1,190,254        1,139,073  

DaVita Tranche B-1 1.911% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 8/12/26 •

     885,321        870,935  

Delta Air Lines 5.75% (LIBOR03M + 4.75%) 4/27/23 •

     275,000        271,792  

Digicel International Finance Tranche B 1st Lien 3.80% (LIBOR06M + 3.25%) 5/27/24 •

     1,688,888        1,458,250  

Dun & Bradstreet Tranche B 3.922% (LIBOR01M + 3.75%) 2/6/26 •

     1,047,375        1,044,102  

Edgewater Generation 3.911% (LIBOR01M + 3.75%) 12/15/25 •

     977,814        948,582  

Ensemble RCM 5.513% (LIBOR03M + 3.75%) 8/1/26 •

     1,240,660        1,238,076  

Epicor Software 1st Lien TBD 7/30/27 X

     1,075,000        1,076,151  

Epicor Software 2nd Lien TBD 7/30/28 X

     1,075,000        1,100,531  

ESH Hospitality 2.161% (LIBOR01M + 2.00%) 9/18/26 •

     385,476        372,948  

Frontier Communications Tranche B-1 5.352% (LIBOR03M + 2.75%) 6/17/24 •

     1,763,829        1,743,986  

Garda World Security Tranche B 1st Lien 4.93% (LIBOR01M + 4.75%) 10/30/26 •

     593,628        589,547  

Gardner Denver Tranche B-1 1.911% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 3/1/27 •

     380,373        366,149  



Table of Contents


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  
Loan Agreements (continued)                

Genesee & Wyoming 2.308% (LIBOR03M + 2.00%) 12/30/26 •

     459,848      $ 452,159  

Gentiva Health Services Tranche B 3.438% (LIBOR01M + 3.25%) 7/2/25 •

     1,518,775        1,500,739  

GFL Environmental 4.00% (LIBOR03M + 3.00%) 5/30/25 •

     518,279        516,695  

Graham Packaging TBD 8/6/27 X

     1,715,000        1,712,642  

Granite US Holdings Tranche B 6.322% (LIBOR06M + 5.25%) 9/30/26 •

     1,014,491        895,288  

Hamilton Projects Acquiror 5.75% (LIBOR03M + 4.75%) 6/17/27 •

     1,556,000        1,552,499  

HD Supply Tranche B-5 1.911% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 10/17/23 •

     1,307,925        1,292,557  

Heartland Dental 3.661% (LIBOR01M + 3.50%) 4/30/25 •

     1,929,343        1,720,733  

HUB International 3.263% (LIBOR03M + 3.00%) 4/25/25 •

     685,050        666,897  

Informatica 2nd Lien 7.125% (LIBOR03M + 0.00%) 2/14/25 •

     1,750,000        1,713,358  

Ingersoll-Rand Services Tranche B-1 1.911% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 2/28/27 •

     583,538        561,716  

Iron Mountain Information Management Tranche B 1.911% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 1/2/26 •

     621,819        600,056  

JBS USA LUX 3.072% (LIBOR06M + 2.00%) 5/1/26 •

     1,207,827        1,172,598  

LCPR Loan Financing 5.175% (LIBOR01M + 5.00%) 10/15/26 •

     905,000        912,353  

Merrill Communications Tranche B 1st Lien 6.195% (LIBOR06M + 5.00%) 10/5/26 •

     1,579,068        1,547,486  

Mileage Plus Holdings 6.25% (LIBOR03M + 5.25%) 6/25/27 •

     1,326,000        1,326,644  

Numericable US Tranche B-11 2.928% (LIBOR01M + 2.75%) 7/31/25 •

     870,388        839,489  

Numericable US Tranche B-13 4.175% (LIBOR01M + 4.00%) 8/14/26 •

     1,105,662        1,086,215  

ON Semiconductor Tranche B-4 2.178% (LIBOR01M + 2.00%) 9/16/26 •

     956,867        942,979  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics 3.416% (LIBOR01M + 3.25%) 6/30/25 •

     993,481        965,664  

PG&E 5.50% (LIBOR03M + 4.50%) 6/23/25 •

     1,970,000        1,955,225  

PQ Tranche B 2.511% (LIBOR03M + 2.25%) 2/8/27 •

     1,150,000        1,121,160  

PQ Tranche B TBD 2/7/27 X

     275,000        274,427  

Prime Security Services Borrower Tranche B-1 4.25% (LIBOR03M + 3.25%) 9/23/26 •

     494,347        486,829  



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  
Loan Agreements (continued)                

Quikrete Holdings 1st Lien 2.661% (LIBOR01M + 2.50%) 2/1/27 •

     1,084,550      $ 1,051,742  

Russell Investments US Institutional Holdco 3.822% (LIBOR03M + 2.75%) 6/1/23 •

     398,331        393,476  

Ryan Specialty Group TBD 7/23/27 X

     800,000        797,250  

Scientific Games International Tranche B-5 3.473% (LIBOR01M + 2.75%) 8/14/24 •

     1,465,728        1,339,833  

Sedgwick Claims Management Services 4.411% (LIBOR01M + 4.25%) 9/3/26 •

     135,000        133,566  

Sinclair Television Group Tranche B 2.42% (LIBOR01M + 2.25%) 1/3/24 •

     579,000        565,611  

Solenis International 1st Lien 4.363% (LIBOR03M + 4.00%) 6/26/25 •

     1,119,289        1,092,147  

Solenis International 2nd Lien 8.863% (LIBOR03M + 8.50%) 6/26/26 •

     571,898        503,968  

SS&C Technologies Tranche B-3 1.911% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 4/16/25 •

     111,175        107,979  

SS&C Technologies Tranche B-4 1.911% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 4/16/25 •

     78,108        75,862  

SS&C Technologies Tranche B-5 1.928% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 4/16/25 •

     580,548        565,309  

Stars Group Holdings 3.808% (LIBOR03M + 3.50%) 7/10/25 •

     936,659        937,713  

Summit Midstream Partners Holdings 7.00% (LIBOR03M + 6.00%) 5/13/22 •

     1,551,402        368,458  

Surf Holdings 1st Lien 3.827% (LIBOR03M + 3.50%) 3/5/27 •

     1,329,545        1,301,292  

Surgery Center Holdings 4.25% (LIBOR01M + 3.25%) 9/2/24 •

     1,625,821        1,537,755  

9.00% (LIBOR01M + 8.00%) 9/30/24 •

     199,500        202,742  

Tecta America 4.661% (LIBOR01M + 4.50%) 11/20/25 •

     1,040,197        972,584  

Terrier Media Buyer 4.411% (LIBOR01M + 4.25%) 12/17/26 •

     1,311,410        1,279,444  

Titan Acquisition 3.362% (LIBOR03M + 3.00%) 3/28/25 •

     1,439,362        1,330,253  

T-Mobile USA 3.161% (LIBOR01M + 3.00%) 4/1/27 •

     1,755,000        1,763,271  

Tosca Services TBD 7/28/27 X

     1,145,000        1,145,716  

Transdigm Tranche F 2.411% (LIBOR01M + 2.25%) 12/9/25 •

     1,358,483        1,274,144  

Trident TPI Holdings Tranche B-1 4.072% (LIBOR03M + 3.00%) 10/17/24 •

     649,268        636,485  

Ultimate Software Group 2nd Lien 7.50% (LIBOR03M + 6.75%) 5/3/27 •

     2,242,000        2,279,367  



Table of Contents


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  
Loan Agreements (continued)                

United Rentals (North America) 1.911% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 10/31/25 •

     640,801      $ 636,596  

US Foods Tranche B 3.072% (LIBOR01M + 2.00%) 9/13/26 •

     908,138        862,983  

USI 4.308% (LIBOR03M + 4.00%) 12/2/26 •

     447,750        441,780  

USI Tranche B 3.308% (LIBOR03M + 3.00%) 5/16/24 •

     899,516        871,406  

USS Ultimate Holdings 1st Lien 4.75% (LIBOR03M + 3.75%) 8/26/24 •

     197,964        187,423  

USS Ultimate Holdings 2nd Lien 8.058% (LIBOR03M + 7.75%) 8/25/25 •

     750,000        675,000  

Vantage Specialty Chemicals 2nd Lien 9.25% (LIBOR03M + 8.25%) 10/27/25 •

     890,000        654,150  

Verscend Holding Tranche B 4.661% (LIBOR01M + 4.50%) 8/27/25 •

     1,231,918        1,229,601  

Vertical Midco Tranche B TBD 6/30/27 X

     1,755,000        1,733,749  

Vistra Operations 1.915% (LIBOR01M + 1.75%) 12/31/25 •

     1,916,787        1,892,827  

WebMD Health 4.75% (LIBOR03M + 3.75%) 9/13/24 •

     1,125,000        1,099,336  

Zelis Cost Management Buyer 4.911% (LIBOR01M + 4.75%) 9/30/26 •

     497,500        497,189  

Total Loan Agreements (cost $106,504,256)

      Number of shares          
Short-Term Investments — 4.33%                

Money Market Mutual Funds — 4.33%

BlackRock FedFund – Institutional Shares (seven-day effective yield 0.06%)

     1,011,332        1,011,332  

Fidelity Investments Money Market Government Portfolio – Class I (seven-day effective yield 0.05%)

     1,011,332        1,011,332  

GS Financial Square Government Fund – Institutional Shares (seven-day effective yield 0.13%)

     1,011,332        1,011,332  



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


     Number of shares      Value (US $)  
Short-Term Investments (continued)                

Money Market Mutual Funds (continued)


Morgan Stanley Government Portfolio – Institutional Share Class (seven-day effective yield 0.01%)









State Street Institutional US Government Money Market Fund – Investor Class (seven-day effective yield 0.01%)









Total Short-Term Investments (cost $5,056,660)


Total Value of Securities—102.86% (cost $122,190,269)

      $ 120,071,699  



   Principal amount shown is stated in USD unless noted that the security is denominated in another currency.


   Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. At July 31, 2020, the aggregate value of Rule 144A securities was $5,975,250, which represents 5.12% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 9 in “Notes to financial statements.”


   PIK. 100% of the income received was in the form of both cash and par.


   Fixed to variable rate investment. The rate shown reflects the fixed rate in effect at July 31, 2020. Rate will reset at a future date.


   No contractual maturity date.

   Variable rate investment. Rates reset periodically. Rate shown reflects the rate in effect at July 31, 2020. For securities based on a published reference rate and spread, the reference rate and spread are indicated in their description above. The reference rate descriptions (i.e. LIBOR03M, LIBOR06M, etc.) used in this report are identical for different securities, but the underlying reference rates may differ due to the timing of the reset period. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread but are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions, or for mortgage-backed securities, are impacted by the individual mortgages which are paying off over time. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description above.

   Non-income producing security. Security is currently in default.


   This loan will settle after July 31, 2020, at which time the interest rate, based on the LIBOR and the agreed upon spread on trade date, will be reflected.

Summary of abbreviations:

CPI – Consumer Price Index

GS – Goldman Sachs

ICE – Intercontinental Exchange

LIBOR – London interbank offered rate





Table of Contents


Summary of abbreviations: (continued)



PIK – Payment-in-Kind

TBD – To be determined

USD – US Dollar

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Statement of assets and liabilities

Delaware Floating Rate Fund    July 31, 2020




Investments, at value*

   $ 120,071,699  

Receivable for securities sold


Dividends and interest receivable


Receivable for fund shares sold


Total Assets




Cash due to custodian


Payable for securities purchased


Distribution payable


Payable for fund shares redeemed


Other accrued expenses


Investment management fee payable


Distribution fees payable to affiliates


Audit and tax fees payable


Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses payable to affiliates


Accounting and administration expenses payable to affiliates


Trustees’ fees and expenses payable to affiliates


Legal fees payable to affiliates


Reports and statements to shareholders expenses payable to affiliates


Total Liabilities


Total Net Assets

   $ 116,737,923  

Net Assets Consist of:


Paid-in capital

   $ 138,220,323  

Total distributable earnings (loss)


Total Net Assets

   $ 116,737,923  



Table of Contents


Net Asset Value


Class A:


Net assets

   $ 23,726,561  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par


Net asset value per share

   $ 7.90  

Sales charge


Offering price per share, equal to net asset value per share / (1 – sales charge)

   $ 8.12  

Class C:


Net assets

   $ 13,613,003  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par


Net asset value per share

   $ 7.89  

Class R:


Net assets

   $ 7,375  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par


Net asset value per share

   $ 7.89  

Institutional Class:


Net assets

   $ 79,390,984  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par


Net asset value per share

   $ 7.90  


*Investments, at cost

   $ 122,190,269  

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Statement of operations

Delaware Floating Rate Fund

Year ended July 31, 2020



Investment Income:



   $ 7,097,352  











Management fees


Distribution expenses – Class A


Distribution expenses – Class C


Distribution expenses – Class R


Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses


Registration fees


Accounting and administration expenses


Audit and tax fees


Reports and statements to shareholders expenses


Custodian fees


Legal fees


Trustees’ fees and expenses







Less expenses waived


Less expenses paid indirectly





Total operating expenses





Net Investment Income







Table of Contents

Net Realized and Unrealized Loss:


Net realized loss on:



   $ (4,916,889

Swap contracts





Net realized loss





Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments





Net Realized and Unrealized Loss





Net Decrease in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

   $ (969,732




See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Statements of changes in net assets

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


     Year ended  
     7/31/20     7/31/19  

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations:


Net investment income

   $ 6,042,698     $ 9,311,476  

Net realized loss

     (5,001,438     (1,433,483

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     (2,010,992     (801,985







Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

     (969,732     7,076,008  







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders from:


Distributable earnings:


Class A

     (1,279,981     (2,112,731

Class C

     (770,597     (1,269,738

Class R

     (571     (14,045

Institutional Class

     (3,809,321     (5,933,633

Return of capital:


Class A

     (12,821     (8,046

Class C

     (7,358     (5,279

Class R

     (4     (13

Institutional Class

     (42,904     (17,196






     (5,923,557     (9,360,681







Capital Share Transactions:


Proceeds from shares sold:


Class A

     9,613,454       18,124,421  

Class C

     2,105,341       6,416,829  

Class R

     1,555       1,228  

Institutional Class

     51,528,421       33,722,425  

Net asset value of shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends and distributions:


Class A

     1,257,658       1,947,496  

Class C

     725,047       1,168,341  

Class R

     461       13,298  

Institutional Class

     3,624,491       5,455,651  






     68,856,428       66,849,689  









Table of Contents
     Year ended  
     7/31/20     7/31/19  

Capital Share Transactions (continued):


Cost of shares redeemed:


Class A

   $ (24,187,252   $ (19,725,947

Class C

     (13,531,736     (12,474,941

Class R

     (54,983     (364,757

Institutional Class

     (54,198,185     (99,139,463






     (91,972,156     (131,705,108







Decrease in net assets derived from capital share transactions

     (23,115,728     (64,855,419







Net Decrease in Net Assets

     (30,009,017     (67,140,092

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

     146,746,940       213,887,032  







End of year

   $ 116,737,923     $ 146,746,940  







See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Floating Rate Fund Class A

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20     7/31/19     7/31/18     7/31/17     7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 8.28     $ 8.34     $ 8.39     $ 8.29     $ 8.42  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.38       0.43       0.35       0.20       0.17  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     (0.39     (0.06     (0.03     0.11       (0.15
















Total from investment operations

     (0.01     0.37       0.32       0.31       0.02  
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.37     (0.43     (0.37     (0.19     (0.12

Return of capital

     2      2      2      (0.02     (0.03
















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.37     (0.43     (0.37     (0.21     (0.15
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 7.90     $ 8.28     $ 8.34     $ 8.39     $ 8.29  
















Total return3

     (0.02 %)4´      4.62 %4´      3.85 %4´      3.82     0.29

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 23,727     $ 38,669     $ 38,701     $ 49,486     $ 57,985  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets5

     0.94     0.94     0.97     0.97     0.96

Ratio of expenses to average net assets
prior to fees waived5

     1.05     0.99     0.98     0.97     0.96

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     4.77     5.22     4.22     2.41     2.09

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
prior to fees waived

     4.66     5.17     4.21     2.41     2.09

Portfolio turnover

     125     143     157     173     90



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.



Amount is less than $0.005 per share.



Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge.



Total return during the period reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.



Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Floating Rate Fund Class C

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20     7/31/19     7/31/18     7/31/17     7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 8.28     $ 8.34     $ 8.39     $ 8.29     $ 8.42  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.32       0.37       0.29       0.14       0.11  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     (0.40     (0.06     (0.04     0.11       (0.15
















Total from investment operations

     (0.08     0.31       0.25       0.25       (0.04
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.31     (0.37     (0.30     (0.13     (0.06

Return of capital

     2      2      2      (0.02     (0.03
















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.31     (0.37     (0.30     (0.15     (0.09
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 7.89     $ 8.28     $ 8.34     $ 8.39     $ 8.29  
















Total return3

     (0.90 %)4      3.84 %4      3.08 %4      3.06     (0.46 %) 

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 13,613     $ 25,374     $ 30,512     $ 38,778     $ 51,400  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets5

     1.69     1.69     1.72     1.72     1.71

Ratio of expenses to average net assets
prior to fees waived5

     1.80     1.74     1.73     1.72     1.71

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     4.02     4.47     3.47     1.66     1.34

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
prior to fees waived

     3.91     4.42     3.46     1.66     1.34

Portfolio turnover

     125     143     157     173     90



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.



Amount is less than $0.005 per share.



Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge.



Total return during the period reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.



Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Floating Rate Fund Class R

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20     7/31/19     7/31/18     7/31/17     7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 8.28     $ 8.34     $ 8.39     $ 8.29     $ 8.42  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.36       0.41       0.33       0.18       0.15  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     (0.40     (0.06     (0.03     0.11       (0.15
















Total from investment operations

     (0.04     0.35       0.30       0.29        
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.35     (0.41     (0.35     (0.17     (0.10

Return of capital

     2      2      2      (0.02     (0.03
















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.35     (0.41     (0.35     (0.19     (0.13
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 7.89     $ 8.28     $ 8.34     $ 8.39     $ 8.29  
















Total return3

     (0.40 %)4      4.36 %4      3.60 %4      3.57     0.03

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 7     $ 61     $ 416     $ 472     $ 494  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets5

     1.19     1.19     1.22     1.22     1.21

Ratio of expenses to average net assets
prior to fees waived5













Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     4.52     4.97     3.97     2.16     1.84

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
prior to fees waived













Portfolio turnover

     125     143     157     173     90



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.



Amount is less than $0.005 per share.



Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value.



Total return during the period reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.



Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware Floating Rate Fund Institutional Class

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20     7/31/19     7/31/18     7/31/17     7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 8.28     $ 8.34     $ 8.39     $ 8.29     $ 8.42  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.40       0.45       0.37       0.22       0.19  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     (0.39     (0.06     (0.03     0.11       (0.15
















Total from investment operations

     0.01       0.39       0.34       0.33       0.04  
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.39     (0.45     (0.39     (0.21     (0.14

Return of capital

     2      2      2      (0.02     (0.03
















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.39     (0.45     (0.39     (0.23     (0.17
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 7.90     $ 8.28     $ 8.34     $ 8.39     $ 8.29  

Total return3

     0.23 %4      4.88 %4      4.11 %4      4.08     0.54

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 79,391     $ 82,643     $ 144,258     $ 190,698     $ 185,674  
















Ratio of expenses to average net asset5

     0.69     0.69     0.72     0.72     0.71

Ratio of expenses to average net assets
prior to fees waived5

     0.80     0.74     0.73     0.72     0.71

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     5.02     5.47     4.47     2.66     2.34

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
prior to fees waived

     4.91     5.42     4.46     2.66     2.34

Portfolio turnover

     125     143     157     173     90



The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.



Amount is less than $0.005 per share.



Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value.



Total return during the period reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.



Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Floating Rate Fund    July 31, 2020

Delaware Group® Income Funds (Trust) is organized as a Delaware statutory trust and offers four series: Delaware Corporate Bond Fund, Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund, Delaware Floating Rate Fund, and Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund. These financial statements and the related notes pertain to Delaware Floating Rate Fund (Fund). The Fund is an open-end investment company. The Fund is considered diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and offers Class A, Class C, Class R, and Institutional Class shares. Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 2.75%. Class A share purchases of $1,000,000 or more will incur a limited contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) instead of a front-end sales charge of 0.75%, if redeemed during the first year, provided that Delaware Distributors, L.P. (DDLP) paid a financial advisor a commission on the purchase of those shares. Class C shares are sold with a CDSC of 1.00%, if redeemed during the first 12 months. Class R and Institutional Class shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to certain eligible investors.

1. Significant Accounting Policies

The Fund follows accounting and reporting guidance under Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification Topic 946, Financial Services – Investment Companies. The following accounting policies are in accordance with US generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP) and are consistently followed by the Fund.

Security Valuation — Equity securities, except those traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (Nasdaq), are valued at the last quoted sales price as of the time of the regular close of the New York Stock Exchange on the valuation date. Equity securities traded on the Nasdaq are valued in accordance with the Nasdaq Official Closing Price, which may not be the last sales price. If, on a particular day, an equity security does not trade, the mean between the bid and ask prices will be used, which approximates fair value. Debt securities are valued based upon valuations provided by an independent pricing service or broker and reviewed by management. To the extent current market prices are not available, the pricing service may take into account developments related to the specific security, as well as transactions in comparable securities. Open-end investment companies are valued at their published net asset value (NAV). Valuations for fixed income securities utilize matrix systems, which reflect such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings, and are supplemented by dealer and exchange quotations. Generally, other securities and assets for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at fair value as determined in good faith under the direction of the Trust’s Board of Trustees (Board). In determining whether market quotations are readily available or fair valuation will be used, various factors will be taken into consideration, such as market closures or suspension of trading in a security. Restricted securities are valued at fair value using methods approved by the Board.

Federal and Foreign Income Taxes — No provision for federal income taxes has been made as the Fund intends to continue to qualify for federal income tax purposes as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and make the requisite distributions to shareholders. The Fund evaluates tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of preparing the Fund’s tax returns to determine whether the tax positions are “more-likely-than-not” of being sustained by the applicable tax authority. Tax positions not deemed to meet the “more-likely-than-not” threshold are recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current year.



Table of Contents

Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken or expected to be taken on the Fund’s federal income tax returns through the year ended July 31, 2020 and for all open tax years (years ended July 31, 2017–July 31, 2019), and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in any Fund’s financial statements. If applicable, the Fund recognizes interest accrued on unrecognized tax benefits in interest expense and penalties in “Other” on the “Statement of operations.” During the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund did not incur any interest or tax penalties.

Class Accounting — Investment income and common expenses are allocated to the various classes of the Fund on the basis of “settled shares” of each class in relation to the net assets of the Fund. Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments are allocated to the various classes of the Fund on the basis of daily net assets of each class. Distribution expenses relating to a specific class are charged directly to that class.

Use of Estimates — The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the fair value of investments, the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates and the differences could be material.

Other — Expenses directly attributable to the Fund are charged directly to that Fund. Other expenses common to various funds within the Delaware Funds® by Macquarie (Delaware Funds) are generally allocated among such funds on the basis of average net assets. Management fees and certain other expenses are paid monthly. Security transactions are recorded on the date the securities are purchased or sold (trade date) for financial reporting purposes. Costs used in calculating realized gains and losses on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Discounts and premiums on debt securities are accreted or amortized to interest income, respectively, over the lives of the respective securities using the effective interest method. The Fund declares dividends daily from net investment income and pays the dividends monthly and declares and pays distributions from net realized gain on investments, if any, annually. The Fund may distribute more frequently, if necessary for tax purposes. Dividends and distributions, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

The Fund receives earnings credits from its custodian when positive cash balances are maintained, which may be used to offset custody fees. The expenses paid under this arrangement are included on the “Statement of operations” under “Custodian fees” with the corresponding expenses offset included under “Less expenses paid indirectly.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund earned $2,999 under this arrangement.

The Fund receives earnings credits from its transfer agent when positive cash balances are maintained, which may be used to offset transfer agent fees. If the amount earned is greater than $1, the expenses paid under this arrangement are included on the “Statement of operations” under “Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses” with the corresponding expenses offset included under “Less expenses paid indirectly.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund earned $150 under this arrangement.



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements, and Other Transactions with Affiliates

In accordance with the terms of its investment management agreement, the Fund pays Delaware Management Company (DMC), a series of Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust and the investment manager, an annual fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly at the rates of 0.50% on the first $500 million of average daily net assets of the Fund, 0.475% on the next $500 million, 0.45% on the next $1.5 billion, and 0.425% on average daily net assets in excess of $2.5 billion.

DMC has contractually agreed to waive all or a portion, if any, of its management fee and/or pay/reimburse the Fund to the extent necessary to ensure that total annual operating expenses (excluding any distribution and service (12b-1) fees, acquired fund fees and expenses, taxes, interest, short sale dividend and interest expenses, brokerage fees, certain insurance costs, and nonroutine expenses or costs, including, but not limited to, those relating to reorganizations, litigation, conducting shareholder meetings, and liquidations) from exceeding 0.69% of average daily net assets. The expense waiver is in effect from August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020.* These waivers and reimbursements may be terminated only by agreement of DMC and the Fund. The waivers and reimbursements are accrued daily and received monthly.

DMC may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the “Affiliated Sub-Advisors”). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor’s specialized market knowledge. Although the Affiliated Sub-Advisors serve as sub-advisors, DMC has ultimate responsibility for all investment advisory services. For these services, DMC, not the Fund, pays each Affiliated Sub-Advisor a portion of its investment management fee.

Delaware Investments Fund Services Company (DIFSC), an affiliate of DMC, provides fund accounting and financial administrative oversight services to the Fund. For these services, DIFSC’s fees are calculated daily and paid monthly based on the aggregate daily net assets of all funds within the Delaware Funds at the following annual rates: 0.00475% of the first $35 billion; 0.0040% of the next $10 billion; and 0.0025% of aggregate average daily net assets in excess of $45 billion (Total Fee). Each fund in the Delaware Funds pays a minimum of $4,000, which, in aggregate, is subtracted from the Total Fee. Each fund then pays its portion of the remainder of the Total Fee on a relative NAV basis. This amount is included on the “Statement of operations” under “Accounting and administration expenses.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund was charged $8,360 for these services.

DIFSC is also the transfer agent and dividend disbursing agent of the Fund. For these services, DIFSC’s fees are calculated daily and paid monthly based on the aggregate daily net assets of the retail funds within the Delaware Funds at the following annual rates: 0.014% of the first $20 billion; 0.011% of the next $5 billion; 0.007% of the next $5 billion; 0.005% of the next $20 billion; and 0.0025% of average daily net assets in excess of $50 billion. The fees payable to DIFSC under the shareholder services agreement described above are allocated among all retail funds in the Delaware Funds on a relative NAV basis. This amount is included on the “Statement of operations” under “Dividend disbursing and transfer



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agent fees and expenses.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund was charged $11,644 for these services. Pursuant to a sub-transfer agency agreement between DIFSC and BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc. (BNYMIS), BNYMIS provides certain sub-transfer agency services to the Fund. Sub-transfer agency fees are paid by the Fund and are also included on the “Statement of operations” under “Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses.” The fees that are calculated daily and paid as invoices are received on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Pursuant to a distribution agreement and distribution plan, the Fund pays DDLP, the distributor and an affiliate of DMC, an annual 12b-1 fee of 0.25%, 1.00%, and 0.50% of the average daily net assets of the Class A, Class C, and Class R shares, respectively. These fees are calculated daily and paid monthly. Institutional Class shares do not pay 12b-1 fees.

As provided in the investment management agreement, the Fund bears a portion of the cost of certain resources shared with DMC, including the cost of internal personnel of DMC and/or its affiliates that provide legal, tax, and regulatory reporting services to the Fund. For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund was charged $3,548 for internal legal, tax, and regulatory reporting services provided by DMC and/or its affiliates’ employees. This amount is included on the “Statement of operations” under “Legal fees.”

For the year ended July 31, 2020, DDLP earned $800 for commissions on sales of the Fund’s Class A shares. For the year ended July 31, 2020, DDLP received gross CDSC commissions of $7,919 and $1,399 on redemption of the Fund’s Class A and Class C shares, respectively, and these commissions were entirely used to offset upfront commissions previously paid by DDLP to broker/dealers on sales of those shares.

Trustees’ fees include expenses accrued by the Fund for each Trustee’s retainer and meeting fees. Certain officers of DMC, DIFSC, and DDLP are officers and/or Trustees of the Trust. These officers and Trustees are paid no compensation by the Fund.

In addition to the management fees and other expenses of the Fund, the Fund indirectly bears the investment management fees and other expenses of the investment companies (Underlying Funds) in which it invests. The amount of these fees and expenses incurred indirectly by the Fund will vary based upon the expense and fee levels of the Underlying Funds and the number of shares that are owned of the Underlying Funds at different times.


*The aggregate contractual waiver period covering this report is from November 28, 2018 through November 29, 2020.

3. Investments

For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund made purchases and sales of investment securities other than short-term investments as follows:



   $ 153,786,874  





Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


3. Investments (continued)

The tax cost of investments includes adjustments to net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) which may not necessarily be the final tax cost basis adjustments, but approximates the tax basis unrealized gains and losses that may be realized and distributed to shareholders. At July 31, 2020, the cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments for federal income tax purposes were as follows:


Cost of investments

   $ 122,136,946  




Aggregate unrealized appreciation of investments

   $ 1,510,472  

Aggregate unrealized depreciation of investments





Net unrealized depreciation of investments

   $ (2,065,247




US GAAP defines fair value as the price that the Fund would receive to sell an asset or pay to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date under current market conditions. A three-level hierarchy for fair value measurements has been established based upon the transparency of inputs to the valuation of an asset or liability. Inputs may be observable or unobservable and refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Observable inputs reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on the best information available under the circumstances. The Fund’s investment in its entirety is assigned a level based upon the observability of the inputs which are significant to the overall valuation. The three-level hierarchy of inputs is summarized as follows:


Level 1  

-  Inputs are quoted prices in active markets for identical investments. (Examples: equity securities, open-end investment companies, futures contracts, and exchange-traded options contracts)

Level 2  

-  Other observable inputs, including, but not limited to: quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks, and default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs. (Examples: debt securities, government securities, swap contracts, foreign currency exchange contracts, foreign securities utilizing international fair value pricing, broker-quoted securities, and fair valued securities)

Level 3  

-  Significant unobservable inputs, including the Fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments. (Examples: broker-quoted securities and fair valued securities)

Level 3 investments are valued using significant unobservable inputs. The Fund may also use an income-based valuation approach in which the anticipated future cash flows of the investment are discounted to calculate fair value. Discounts may also be applied due to the nature or duration of any restrictions on the disposition of the investments. Valuations may also be based upon current market



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prices of securities that are comparable in coupon, rating, maturity, and industry. The derived value of a Level 3 investment may not represent the value which is received upon disposition and this could impact the results of operations.

The following table summarizes the valuation of the Fund’s investments by fair value hierarchy levels as of July 31, 2020:


     Level 1      Level 2      Total  





Convertible Bond

   $      $ 292,757      $ 292,757  

Corporate Bonds

            10,805,914        10,805,914  

Loan Agreements

            103,916,368        103,916,368  

Short-Term Investments

     5,056,660               5,056,660  




Total Value of Securities

   $ 5,056,660      $ 115,015,039      $ 120,071,699  










During the year ended July 31, 2020, there were no transfers between Level 1 investment, Level 2 investments, or Level investments that had a significant impact to the Fund. The Fund’s policy is to recognize transfers between levels based on fair value at the beginning of the reporting period.

A reconciliation of Level 3 investments is presented when the Fund has a significant amount of Level 3 investments at the beginning, interim, or end of the year in relation to the Fund’s net assets. During the year ended July 31, 2020, there were no Level 3 investments.

4. Dividend and Distribution Information

Income and long-term capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from US GAAP. Additionally, distributions from net short-term gains on sales of investment securities are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes. The tax character of dividends and distributions paid during the years ended July 31, 2020 and 2019 was as follows:


     Year ended  
     7/31/20      7/31/19  

Ordinary income

   $ 5,860,470      $ 9,330,147  

Return of capital

     63,087        30,534  








   $ 5,923,557      $ 9,360,681  









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Notes to financial statements

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


5. Components of Net Assets on a Tax Basis

As of July 31, 2020, the components of net assets on a tax basis were as follows:


Shares of beneficial interest

   $ 138,220,323  

Distributions payable


Capital loss carryforwards


Unrealized depreciation of investments





Net assets

   $ 116,737,923  




The differences between book basis and tax basis components of net assets are primarily attributable to tax deferral of losses on wash sales, market discount and premium on debt instruments, and market premium on callable bonds.

The Fund has capital loss carryforwards available to offset future realized capital gains as follows:


Loss carryforward character     
Short-term    Long-term    Total
$7,895,099    $11,388,708    $19,283,807

6. Capital Shares

Transactions in capital shares were as follows:


     Year ended  
     7/31/20     7/31/19  

Shares sold:


Class A

     1,203,145       2,193,604  

Class C

     263,991       780,385  

Class R

     190       147  

Institutional Class

     6,533,101       4,096,196  

Shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends and distributions:


Class A

     157,268       235,888  

Class C

     90,726       141,807  

Class R

     58       1,614  

Institutional Class

     454,895       661,135  






     8,703,374     8,110,776  







Shares redeemed:


Class A

     (3,027,627     (2,396,601

Class C

     (1,695,756     (1,515,842

Class R

     (6,684     (44,312

Institutional Class

     (6,917,655     (12,070,043






     (11,647,722)     (16,026,798)  







Net decrease

     (2,944,348     (7,916,022









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Certain shareholders may exchange shares of one class for shares of another class in the same Fund. These exchange transactions are included as subscriptions and redemptions in the table on the previous page and on the “Statements of changes in net assets.” For the years ended July 31, 2020 and 2019, the Fund had the following exchange transactions:


    Exchange Redemptions     Exchange Subscriptions        
    Class A
    Class C
    Class A
Year ended          
7/31/20           18,302       16,325       1,996     $ 146,380  
7/31/19     5,007       3,862       300       8,578       73,440  

7. Line of Credit

The Fund, along with certain other funds in the Delaware Funds (Participants), was a participant in a $220,000,000 revolving line of credit intended to be used for temporary or emergency purposes as an additional source of liquidity to fund redemptions of investor shares. Under the agreement, the Participants were charged an annual commitment fee of 0.15%, which was allocated across the Participants based on a weighted average of the respective net assets of each Participant. The Participants were permitted to borrow up to a maximum of one-third of their net assets under the agreement. Each Participant was individually, and not jointly, liable for its particular advances, if any, under the line of credit. The line of credit available under the agreement expired on November 4, 2019.

On November 4, 2019, the Participants entered into an amendment to the agreement for a $250,000,000 revolving line of credit. The revolving line of credit available was increased to $275,000,000 on May 6, 2020. The revolving line of credit is to be used as described above and operates in substantially the same manner as the original agreement. The line of credit available under the agreement expires on November 2, 2020.

The Fund had no amounts outstanding as of July 31, 2020, or at any time during the year then ended.

8. Securities Lending

The Fund, along with other funds in the Delaware Funds, may lend its securities pursuant to a security lending agreement (Lending Agreement) with The Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon). At the time a security is loaned, the borrower must post collateral equal to the required percentage of the market value of the loaned security, including any accrued interest. The required percentage is: (1) 102% with respect to US securities and foreign securities that are denominated and payable in US dollars; and (2) 105% with respect to foreign securities. With respect to each loan, if on any business day the aggregate market value of securities collateral plus cash collateral held is less than the aggregate market value of the securities which are the subject of such loan, the borrower will be notified to provide additional collateral by the end of the following business day, which, together with the collateral already held, will be not less than the applicable initial collateral requirements for such security loan. If the aggregate market value of securities collateral and cash collateral held with respect to a security loan exceeds the applicable initial collateral requirement, upon the request of the borrower, BNY Mellon must return enough collateral to



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


8. Securities Lending (continued)

the borrower by the end of the following business day to reduce the value of the remaining collateral to the applicable initial collateral requirement for such security loan. As a result of the foregoing, the value of the collateral held with respect to a loaned security on any particular day, may be more or less than the value of the security on loan. The collateral percentage with respect to the market value of the loaned securities is determined by the security lending agent.

Cash collateral received by each fund of the Trust is generally invested in a series of individual separate accounts, each corresponding to a fund. The investment guidelines permit each separate account to hold certain securities that would be considered eligible securities for a money market fund. Cash collateral received is generally invested in government securities; certain obligations issued by government sponsored enterprises; repurchase agreements collateralized by US Treasury securities; obligations issued by the central government of any Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) country or its agencies, instrumentalities, or establishments; obligations of supranational organizations; commercial paper, notes, bonds, and other debt obligations; certificates of deposit, time deposits, and other bank obligations; and asset-backed securities. A fund can also accept US government securities and letters of credit (non-cash collateral) in connection with securities loans.

In the event of default or bankruptcy by the lending agent, realization and/or retention of the collateral may be subject to legal proceedings. In the event the borrower fails to return loaned securities and the collateral received is insufficient to cover the value of the loaned securities and provided such collateral shortfall is not the result of investment losses, the lending agent has agreed to pay the amount of the shortfall to the Fund or, at the discretion of the lending agent, replace the loaned securities. The Fund continues to record dividends or interest, as applicable, on the securities loaned and is subject to changes in value of the securities loaned that may occur during the term of the loan. The Fund has the right under the Lending Agreement to recover the securities from the borrower on demand. With respect to security loans collateralized by non-cash collateral, the Fund receives loan premiums paid by the borrower. With respect to security loans collateralized by cash collateral, the earnings from the collateral investments are shared among the Fund, the security lending agent, and the borrower. The Fund records security lending income net of allocations to the security lending agent and the borrower.

The Fund may incur investment losses as a result of investing securities lending collateral. This could occur if an investment in the collateral investment account defaulted or became impaired. Under those circumstances, the value of the Fund’s cash collateral account may be less than the amount the Fund would be required to return to the borrowers of the securities and the Fund would be required to make up for this shortfall.

During the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund had no securities out on loan.

9. Credit and Market Risk

Beginning in January 2020, global financial markets have experienced and may continue to experience significant volatility resulting from the spread of a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19. The outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in travel and border restrictions, quarantines, supply chain disruptions, lower consumer demand, and general market uncertainty. The effects of COVID-19 have and may continue to



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adversely affect the global economy, the economies of certain nations and individual issuers, all of which may negatively impact the Funds’ performance.

The Fund invests a portion of its assets in high yield fixed income securities, which are securities rated lower than BBB- by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC and Baa3 by Moody’s Investor Service, Inc., or similarly rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization. Investments in these higher yielding securities are generally accompanied by a greater degree of credit risk than higher rated securities. Additionally, lower rated securities may be more susceptible to adverse economic and competitive industry conditions than investment grade securities.

The Fund invests in certain obligations that may have liquidity protection designed to ensure that the receipt of payments due on the underlying security is timely. Such protection may be provided through guarantees, insurance policies or letters of credit obtained by the issuer or sponsor through third parties, through various means of structuring the transaction or through a combination of such approaches. The Fund will not pay any additional fees for such credit support, although the existence of credit support may increase the price of the security.

The Fund invests in bank loans and other securities that may subject it to direct indebtedness risk, the risk that the Fund will not receive payment of principal, interest, and other amounts due in connection with these investments and will depend primarily on the financial condition of the borrower. Loans that are fully secured offer the Fund more protection than unsecured loans in the event of nonpayment of scheduled interest or principal, although there is no assurance that the liquidation of collateral from a secured loan would satisfy the corporate borrower’s obligation, or that the collateral can be liquidated. Some loans or claims may be in default at the time of purchase. Certain of the loans and the other direct indebtedness acquired by the Fund may involve revolving credit facilities or other standby financing commitments that obligate the Fund to pay additional cash on a certain date or on demand. These commitments may require the Fund to increase its investment in a company at a time when the Fund might not otherwise decide to do so (including at a time when the company’s financial condition makes it unlikely that such amounts will be repaid). To the extent that the Fund is committed to advance additional funds, it will at all times hold and maintain cash or other high-grade debt obligations in an amount sufficient to meet such commitments. When a loan agreement is purchased the Fund may pay an assignment fee. On an ongoing basis, the Fund may receive a commitment fee based on the undrawn portion of the underlying line of credit portion of a loan agreement. Prepayment penalty fees are received upon the prepayment of a loan agreement by the borrower. Prepayment penalty, facility, commitment, consent, and amendment fees are recorded to income as earned or paid.

As the Fund may be required to rely upon another lending institution to collect and pass on to the Fund amounts payable with respect to the loan and to enforce the Fund’s rights under the loan and other direct indebtedness, an insolvency, bankruptcy, or reorganization of the lending institution may delay or prevent the Fund from receiving such amounts. The highly leveraged nature of many loans may make them especially vulnerable to adverse changes in economic or market conditions. Investments in such loans and other direct indebtedness may involve additional risk to the Fund.

When interest rates rise, fixed income securities (i.e. debt obligations) generally will decline in value. These declines in value are greater for fixed income securities with longer maturities or durations.



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


9. Credit and Market Risk (continued)

IBOR risk is the risk that potential changes related to the use of the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) could have adverse impacts on financial instruments that reference LIBOR. The potential abandonment of LIBOR could affect the value and liquidity of instruments that reference LIBOR. The use of alternative reference rate products may impact investment strategy performance. These risks may also apply with respect to changes in connection with other interbank offered rates (“IBORs”), such as euro overnight index average (EONIA), which are also the subject of recent reform.

The Fund may invest up to 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities, which may include securities with contractual restrictions on resale, securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A, promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and other securities which may not be readily marketable. The relative illiquidity of these securities may impair the Fund from disposing of them in a timely manner and at a fair price when it is necessary or desirable to do so. While maintaining oversight, the Board has delegated to DMC the day-to-day functions of determining whether individual securities are liquid for purposes of the Fund’s limitation on investments in illiquid securities. Securities eligible for resale pursuant to Rule 144A, which are determined to be liquid, are not subject to the Fund’s 15% limit on investments in illiquid securities. Rule 144A securities have been identified on the “Schedule of investments.”

10. Contractual Obligations

The Fund enters into contracts in the normal course of business that contain a variety of indemnifications. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown. However, the Fund has not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts. Management has reviewed the Fund’s existing contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.

11. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In March 2017, FASB issued an Accounting Standards Update (ASU), ASU 2017-08, Receivables — Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities which amends the amortization period for certain callable debt securities purchased at a premium, shortening such period to the earliest call date. ASU 2017-08 does not require any accounting change for debt securities held at a discount; the discount continues to be amortized to maturity. ASU 2017-08 is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has implemented ASU 2017-08 and determined that the impact of this guidance to the Fund’s net assets at the end of the period is not material.

In August 2018, FASB issued ASU 2018-13, which changes certain fair value measurement disclosure requirements. ASU 2018-13, in addition to other modifications and additions, removes the requirement to disclose the amount and reasons for transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy, the policy for the timing of transfers between levels and the valuation process for Level 3 fair value measurements. ASU 2018-13 is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2019. At this time, Management is evaluating the implications of these changes on the financial statements..



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In March 2020, FASB issued ASU 2020-04, Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848) – Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting. The amendments in ASU 2020-04 provide optional temporary financial reporting relief from the effect of certain types of contract modifications due to the planned discontinuation of LIBOR and other interbank-offered based reference rates as of the end of 2021. ASU 2020-04 is effective for certain reference rate-related contract modifications that occur during the period March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. As of the financial reporting period, Management is evaluating the impact of applying this ASU.

12. Subsequent Events

Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2020, that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



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Report of independent registered public accounting firm

To the Board of Trustees of Delaware Group® Income Funds and Shareholders of Delaware Floating Rate Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Delaware Floating Rate Fund (one of the funds constituting Delaware Group® Income Funds, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of July 31, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended July 31, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended July 31, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended July 31, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of July 31, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended July 31, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended July 31, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of July 31, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agents and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


/s/PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

September 23, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Delaware Funds® by Macquarie since 2010.



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Other Fund information (Unaudited)

Delaware Floating Rate Fund

Liquidity Risk Management Program

The Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) has adopted Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Liquidity Rule”), which requires all open-end funds (other than money market funds) to adopt and implement a program reasonably designed to assess and manage the fund’s “liquidity risk,” defined as the risk that the fund could not meet requests to redeem shares issued by the fund without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interests in the fund.

The Fund has adopted and implemented a liquidity risk management program in accordance with the Liquidity Rule (the “Program”). The Board has designated the Division Director of the US Operational Risk Group of Macquarie Asset Management as the Program Administrator for each Fund in the Trust.

As required by the Liquidity Rule, the Program includes policies and procedures that provide for: (1) assessment, management, and review (no less frequently than annually) of the Fund’s liquidity risk; (2) classification of each of the Fund’s portfolio holdings into one of four liquidity categories (Highly Liquid, Moderately Liquid, Less Liquid, and Illiquid); (3) for funds that do not primarily hold assets that are Highly Liquid, establishing and maintaining a minimum percentage of the Fund’s net assets in Highly Liquid investments (called a “Highly Liquid Investment Minimum” or “HLIM”); and (4) prohibiting the Fund’s acquisition of Illiquid investments if, immediately after the acquisition, the Fund would hold more than 15% of its net assets in Illiquid assets. The Program also requires reporting to the SEC (on a non-public basis) and to the Board if the Fund’s holdings of Illiquid assets exceed 15% of the Fund’s net assets. Funds with HLIMs must have procedures for addressing HLIM shortfalls, including reporting to the Board and, with respect to HLIM shortfalls lasting more than seven consecutive calendar days, reporting to the SEC (on a non-public basis).

In assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk, the Program Administrator considers, as relevant, a variety of factors, including: (1) the Fund’s investment strategy and liquidity of portfolio investments during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions; (2) short-term and long-term cash flow projections for the Fund during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions; and (3) the Fund’s holdings of cash and cash equivalents and any borrowing arrangements. Classification of the Fund’s portfolio holdings in the four liquidity categories is based on the number of days it is reasonably expected to take to convert the investment to cash (for Highly Liquid and Moderately Liquid holdings) or to sell or dispose of the investment (for Less Liquid and Illiquid investments), in current market conditions without significantly changing the investment’s market value. The Fund primarily holds assets that are classified as Highly Liquid, and therefore is not required to establish an HLIM.

At a meeting of the Board held on May 19-21, 2020, the Program Administrator provided a written report to the Board addressing the Program’s operation and assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of its implementation for the period from December 1, 2018 through March 31, 2020. The report concluded that the Program is appropriately designed and effectively implemented and that it meets the requirements of Rule 22e-4 and the Fund’s liquidity needs. The Fund’s HLIM is set at an appropriate level and the Fund complied with its HLIM at all times during the reporting period.



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Other Fund information (Unaudited)

Delaware Floating Rate Fund


Tax Information

The information set forth below is for the Fund’s fiscal year as required by federal income tax laws. Shareholders, however, must report distributions on a calendar year basis for income tax purposes, which may include distributions for portions of two fiscal years of the Fund. Accordingly, the information needed by shareholders for income tax purposes will be sent to them in January of each year. Please consult your tax advisor for proper treatment of this information.

All disclosures are based on financial information available as of the date of this annual report and, accordingly, are subject to change. For any and all items requiring reporting, it is the intention of the Fund to report the maximum amount permitted under the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations thereunder.

For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund reports distributions paid during the year as follows:


(A) Ordinary Income Distributions (Tax Basis)


(B) Return of Capital (Tax Basis)


Total Distributions (Tax Basis)




(A) and (B) are based on a percentage of the Fund’s total distributions.

For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, certain interest income paid by the Fund, determined to be Qualified Interest Income and Short-Term Capital Gains, may be subject to relief from US withholding for foreign shareholders, as provided by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004; the Tax Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creations Act of 2010; and as extended by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund has reported maximum distributions of Qualified Interest Income of $5,254,658.



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Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie

A mutual fund is governed by a Board of Trustees/Directors (“Trustees”), which has oversight responsibility for the management of a fund’s business affairs. Trustees establish procedures and oversee and review the performance of the investment manager, the distributor, and others who perform services for the fund. The independent fund trustees, in particular, are advocates for shareholder interests. Each trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was elected to or appointed to the Board of Trustees, and will continue to serve until his or her retirement or the election of a new trustee in his or her place. The following is a list of the Trustees and Officers with certain background and related information.


and Birth Date
Held with
  Length of Time
During the
Past Five Years
  Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee
or Officer
Held by
or Officer


Interested Trustee


Shawn K. Lytle¹
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
February 1970
Chief Executive
and Trustee
  President and
Chief Executive
since August 2015
Trustee since
September 2015
  President — Macquarie
Investment Management2
(June 2015–Present)
Regional Head of Americas —
UBS Global Asset Management
(April 2010–May 2015)
  93   Trustee — UBS Relationship
Funds, SMA Relationship Trust,
and UBS Funds
(May 2010–April 2015)


Independent Trustees



Jerome D.

2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
July 1959

  Trustee   Since January 2019   Managing Member, Stonebrook
Capital Management, LLC
(financial technology: macro
factors and databases)
(January 1993-Present)
  93   None



Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie


and Birth Date
Held with
  Length of Time
During the
Past Five Years
  Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee
or Officer
Held by
or Officer
Thomas L. Bennett
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
October 1947
  Chair and Trustee   Trustee since March
Chair since March
  Private Investor
(March 2004–Present)
  93   None
Ann D. Borowiec
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
November 1958
  Trustee   Since March 2015   Chief Executive Officer, Private
Wealth Management
(2011–2013) and Market
Manager, New Jersey Private
Bank (2005–2011) — J.P.
Morgan Chase & Co.
  93   Director — Banco Santander
(October 2016–December 2019)
Director — Santander Bank, N.A.
(December 2016–December
Joseph W. Chow
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
January 1953
  Trustee   Since January 2013   Private Investor
(April 2011–Present)
  93   Director and Audit Committee
Member — Hercules Technology
Growth Capital, Inc.
(July 2004–July 2014)



Table of Contents


and Birth Date
Held with
  Length of Time
During the
Past Five Years
  Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee
or Officer
Held by
or Officer
John A. Fry
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
May 1960
  Trustee   Since January 2001   President — Drexel University
(August 2010–Present)
President — Franklin & Marshall
(July 2002–June 2010)
  93   Director; Compensation
Committee and Governance
Committee Member —
Community Health Systems
(May 2004–Present)
Director — Drexel Morgan & Co.
Director and Audit Committee
Member —vTv Therapeutics Inc.
Director and Audit Committee
Member —FS Credit Real Estate
Income Trust, Inc.
Director —Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia
(January 2020–Present)
Lucinda S. Landreth
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
June 1947
  Trustee   Since March 2005   Private Investor (2004–Present)   93   None



Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie


and Birth Date
Held with
  Length of Time
During the
Past Five Years
  Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee
or Officer
Held by
or Officer
Frances A.

2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
January 1956
  Trustee   Since September
  Private Investor
(January 2017–Present)
Chief Executive Officer — Banco
Itaú International
(April 2012–December 2016)
Executive Advisor to Dean
(August 2011–March 2012) and
Interim Dean
(January 2011–July 2011) —
University of Miami School of
Business Administration
President —U.S. Trust, Bank of
America Private Wealth
Management (Private Banking)
(July 2007-December 2008)
  93   Trust Manager and Audit
Committee Chair —Camden
Property Trust
(August 2011–Present)
Director; Strategic
Planning and Reserves
Committee and Nominating
and Governance
Committee Member —
Callon Petroleum Company
(December 2019–Present)
Director; Audit Committee
Member —Carrizo Oil & Gas,
Inc. (March 2018–December



Table of Contents




and Birth Date
Held with
  Length of Time
During the
Past Five Years
  Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee
or Officer
Held by
or Officer
Thomas K. Whitford
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
March 1956
  Trustee   Since January 2013   Vice Chairman (2010–April 2013)
— PNC Financial Services Group
  93   Director — HSBC North America
Holdings Inc.
(December 2013–Present)
Director — HSBC USA Inc.
(July 2014–Present)
Director — HSBC Bank USA,
National Association
(July 2014–March 2017)
Director — HSBC Finance
(December 2013–April 2018)



Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie


and Birth Date
Held with
  Length of Time
During the
Past Five Years
  Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee
or Officer
Held by
or Officer
Christianna Wood
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
August 1959
  Trustee   Since January 2019   Chief Executive Officer and
President — Gore Creek Capital,
Ltd. (August 2009–Present)
  93   Director; Finance Committee and
Audit Committee Member —
H&R Block Corporation
(July 2008–Present)
Director; Investments
Committee, Capital and Finance
Committee, and Audit
Committee Member — Grange
Insurance (2013–Present)
Trustee; Chair of Nominating and
Governance Committee and
Audit Committee Member — The
Merger Fund (2013–Present), The
Merger Fund VL (2013–Present);
WCM Alternatives: Event-Driven
Fund (2013–Present), and WCM
Alternatives: Credit Event Fund
(December 2017–Present)
Director; Chair of Governance
Committee and Audit Committee
Member — International
Securities Exchange (2010–2016)



Table of Contents


and Birth Date
Held with
  Length of Time
During the
Past Five Years
  Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee
or Officer
Held by
or Officer
Janet L. Yeomans
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
July 1948
  Trustee   Since April 1999   Vice President and Treasurer
(January 2006–July 2012), Vice
President — Mergers &
(January 2003–January 2006),
and Vice President and Treasurer
(July 1995–January 2003) — 3M
  93   Director; Personnel and
Compensation Committee Chair;
Member of Nominating,
Investments, and Audit
Committees for various periods
throughout directorship —
Okabena Company (2009–2017)



David F. Connor
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
December 1963
  Senior Vice President,
General Counsel, and
  Senior Vice President,
since May 2013;
General Counsel
since May 2015;
Secretary since
October 2005
  David F. Connor has served in
various capacities at different
times at Macquarie Investment
  93   None³
Daniel V. Geatens
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
October 1972
  Vice President and
  Vice President and
Treasurer since
October 2007
  Daniel V. Geatens has served in
various capacities at different
times at Macquarie Investment
  93   None³



Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie


and Birth Date
Held with
  Length of Time
During the
Past Five Years
  Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee
or Officer
Held by
or Officer
Richard Salus
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
October 1963
  Senior Vice President
and Chief Financial
  Senior Vice President
and Chief Financial
Officer since
November 2006
  Richard Salus has served in
various capacities at different
times at Macquarie Investment
  93   None

1 Shawn K. Lytle is considered to be an “Interested Trustee” because he is an executive officer of the Fund’s(s’) investment advisor

2 Macquarie Investment Management is the marketing name for Macquarie Management Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including the Fund’s(s’) investment manager, principal underwriter, and its transfer agent.

3 David F. Connor and Daniel V. Geatens serve in similar capacities for the six portfolios of the Optimum Fund Trust, which have the same investment advisor, principal underwriter, and transfer agent as the registrant. Mr. Geatens also serves as the Chief Financial Officer of the Optimum Fund Trust, and he is the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for Macquarie Global Infrastructure Total Return Fund Inc.

The Statement of Additional Information for the Fund(s) includes additional information about the Trustees and Officers and is available, without charge, upon request by calling 800 523-1918.



Table of Contents

About the organization


Board of trustees


Shawn K. Lytle

President and

Chief Executive Officer

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA


Ann D. Borowiec

Former Chief Executive Officer

Private Wealth Management

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

New York, NY


Lucinda S. Landreth

Former Chief Investment Officer

Assurant, Inc.

New York, NY


Thomas K. Whitford

Former Vice Chairman

PNC Financial Services Group

Pittsburgh, PA

Jerome D. Abernathy

Managing Member

Stonebrook Capital Management, LLC

Jersey City, NJ


Joseph W. Chow

Former Executive Vice President

State Street Corporation

Boston, MA


Frances A. Sevilla-Sacasa

Former Chief Executive Officer

Banco Itaú International

Miami, FL


Christianna Wood

Chief Executive Officer

and President

Gore Creek Capital, Ltd.

Golden, CO

Thomas L. Bennett

Chairman of the Board

Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Private Investor

Rosemont, PA


John A. Fry


Drexel University

Philadelphia, PA


Janet L. Yeomans

Former Vice President and


3M Company

St. Paul, MN

Affiliated officers


David F. Connor

Senior Vice President,

General Counsel,

and Secretary

Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA


Daniel V. Geatens

Vice President and Treasurer

Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA


Richard Salus

Senior Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer

Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA


This annual report is for the information of Delaware Floating Rate Fund shareholders, but it may be used with prospective investors when preceded or accompanied by the Delaware Fund fact sheet for the most recently completed calendar quarter. These documents are available at delawarefunds.com/literature.



The Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-PORT. The Fund’s Forms N-PORT, as well as a description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies (if any) relating to portfolio securities, are available without charge (i) upon request, by calling 800 523-1918; and (ii) on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. In addition, a description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies (if any) relating to portfolio securities and the Schedule of Investments included in the Fund’s most recent Form N-PORT are available without charge on the Fund’s website at delawarefunds.com/literature. The Fund’s Forms N-PORT may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C.; information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 800 SEC-0330.

Information (if any) regarding how the Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recently disclosed 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge (i) through the Fund’s website at delawarefunds.com/proxy; and (ii) on the SEC’s website at sec.gov.



Table of Contents

Annual report

Fixed income mutual fund

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund

July 31, 2020


Beginning on or about June 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of your Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent to you by mail, unless you specifically request them from the Fund or from your financial intermediary, such as a broker/dealer, bank, or insurance company. Instead, you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted on the website and provided with a link to access the report.


If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you do not need to take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by signing up at delawarefunds.com/edelivery. If you own these shares through a financial intermediary, you may contact your financial intermediary.


You may elect to receive paper copies of all future shareholder reports free of charge. You can inform the Fund that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports by contacting us at 800 523-1918. If you own these shares through a financial intermediary, you may contact your financial intermediary to elect to continue to receive paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all funds held with the Delaware Funds® by Macquarie or your financial intermediary.

Carefully consider the Funds’ investment objectives, risk factors, charges, and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the Funds’ prospectus and its summary prospectus, which may be obtained by visiting delawarefunds.com/literature or calling 800 523-1918. Investors should read the prospectus and the summary prospectus carefully before investing.

You can obtain shareholder reports and prospectuses online instead of in the mail. Visit delawarefunds.com/edelivery.





Table of Contents

Experience Delaware Funds® by Macquarie

Macquarie Investment Management (MIM) is a global asset manager with offices in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia. As active managers, we prioritize autonomy and accountability at the investment team level in pursuit of opportunities that matter for clients. Delaware Funds is one of the longest-standing mutual fund families, with more than 80 years in existence.

If you are interested in learning more about creating an investment plan, contact your financial advisor.

You can learn more about Delaware Funds or obtain a prospectus for Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund at delawarefunds.com/literature.


Manage your account online


  Check your account balance and transactions
  View statements and tax forms
  Make purchases and redemptions

Visit delawarefunds.com/account-access.

Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) offers a diverse range of products including securities investment management, infrastructure and real asset management, and fund and equity-based structured products. MIM is the marketing name for certain companies comprising the asset management division of Macquarie Group. This includes the following investment advisers: Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust (MIMBT), Macquarie Funds Management Hong Kong Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, and Macquarie Investment Management Europe S.A.

The Fund is distributed by Delaware Distributors, L.P. (DDLP), an affiliate of MIMBT and Macquarie Group Limited.

Other than Macquarie Bank Limited (MBL), none of the entities noted are authorized deposit-taking institutions for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 (Commonwealth of Australia). The obligations of these entities do not

represent deposits or other liabilities of MBL. MBL does not guarantee or otherwise provide assurance in respect of the obligations of these entities, unless noted otherwise.

The Fund is governed by US laws and regulations.

Table of contents


Portfolio management review      1  
Performance summary      5  
Disclosure of Fund expenses      10  
Security type / sector allocation      12  
Schedule of investments      13  
Statement of assets and liabilities      23  
Statement of operations      25  
Statements of changes in net assets      26  
Financial highlights      28  
Notes to financial statements      32  
Report of independent registered public accounting firm      45  
Other Fund information      46  
Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum      48  
About the organization.      56  

Unless otherwise noted, views expressed herein are current as of July 31, 2020, and subject to change for events occurring after such date.

The Fund is not FDIC insured and is not guaranteed. It is possible to lose the principal amount invested.

Advisory services provided by Delaware Management Company, a series of MIMBT, a US registered investment advisor.

All third-party marks cited are the property of their respective owners.

© 2020 Macquarie Management Holdings, Inc.


Table of Contents

Portfolio management review

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund    August 11, 2020 (Unaudited)


Performance preview (for the year ended July 31, 2020)


Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund (Institutional Class shares)   

1-year return

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund (Class A shares)   

1-year return

ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index (benchmark)   

1-year return


Past performance does not guarantee future results.

For complete, annualized performance for Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund, please see the table on page 5. Institutional Class shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to certain eligible investors. In addition, Institutional Class shares pay no distribution and service fee.

The performance of Class A shares excludes the applicable sales charge. Both Institutional Class shares and Class A shares reflect the reinvestment of all distributions.

Please see page 8 for a description of the index. Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.

Investment objective

The Fund seeks total return and, as a secondary objective, high current income.


Market review

The first half of the Fund’s fiscal year ended July 31, 2020 presented a relatively benign market environment compared to the tumultuous second half. From August 1, 2019 through January 2020, markets reacted to the up-and-down progress in the negotiations of the US-China trade deal. Abroad, oil prices were disrupted following the bombing of refineries in Saudi Arabia. Domestically, concerns over weakening manufacturing and an inverted yield curve seemed to be resolved as the US Federal Reserve cut interest rates by 25 basis points (a basis point equals one hundredth of a percentage point), and employment reached record low levels. High yield bonds benefited, showing modest coupon-driven gains.

The positive news ended abruptly in February amid reports that a novel coronavirus was spreading widely outside of China. Over the ensuing four weeks, large swaths of the domestic economy were shuttered. Some high yield bond prices plunged by 20% or more, and spreads widened to nearly 1,100 basis points over Treasurys. Fortunately, in late March, both Congress and the Fed stepped in with


High yield bonds were affected by the following factors over the fiscal year:


•  an unusually high level of uncertainty over corporate profits


•  indications that the Fed stands ready to buy high yield bonds, if necessary


•  falling oil prices pressuring lower-quality exploration-and-development energy companies.





Table of Contents

Portfolio management review


Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund   


unprecedented amounts of monetary and fiscal relief to an economy in need of life support. Markets responded as intended and the pandemic-induced selloff in virtually all risk assets abated almost as abruptly it had begun.

As part of its monetary rescue package, the Fed pledged to be an available lender as a last resort to certain “fallen angels” – bonds that had had an investment-grade rating but have been reduced to junk bond status due to the issuer’s weakened condition – in sub-investment-grade credit. This was unprecedented, and some investors interpreted it as a promise to potentially backstop the entire sector, if needed. As the economy reopened near the end of the Fund’s fiscal year, high yield spreads fell roughly 550 basis points to stand a mere 100 basis points above their pre-COVID-19 level seen in January.

The rally in high yield was powered, in part, by inflows of $35 billion, the vast majority of which occurred after the government’s economic resuscitation efforts in March. Notably, some of the late-period demand for BB-rated securities originated from investors not generally considered buyers of high yield. We were not surprised considering that the yields on Treasurys, the traditional flight-to-quality instruments, were 0.11% (3 month), 0.17% (1 year), and 0.70% (10 year) on March 31, 2020. At these levels, the relatively sound fundamentals of companies in the top tier of the high yield universe seemed to represent favorable value for investors. Issuing companies also benefited as low rates and tightening spreads encouraged them to build cash reserves and refinance existing debt.

The volatile environment for financial assets sparked sudden shifts in leadership among the various credit tiers of the high yield market. During the selloff that began in February, BB-rated debt outperformed; during the risk-on rally in June, CCC-rated bonds led the rebound. As the 12-month period ended, however, leadership

reverted to BB-rated names as investors anticipated a long, slow, and possibly incomplete recovery from the pandemic recession.

Among industry groups, energy – which represents about 10% of the high yield universe – was a major laggard. A price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia dovetailed with the catastrophic collapse in worldwide demand to produce a precipitous drop in oil prices that pressured highly levered producers. Predictably, COVID-19 also affected industries such as gaming, restaurants, and airlines, which also underperformed. Although often viewed as a safe haven, the broadcasting sector lagged as well amid concerns about valuations and advertising revenue. Outperforming groups included technology, which rode a powerful wave of investor interest in companies deemed well-adapted to a stay-at-home economy, as well as traditional defensive sectors such as healthcare, financials, and utilities.

Source: Bloomberg.

Within the Fund

For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund outperformed its benchmark, the ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index. The Fund’s Institutional Class shares gained 5.15%. The Fund’s Class A shares advanced 4.89% at net asset value and 0.10% at maximum offer price. These figures reflect all distributions reinvested. During the same period, the Fund’s benchmark gained 2.99%. For complete, annualized performance of Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund, please see the table on page 5.

The Fund’s portfolio retained an overweight position to defensive sectors when compared to the benchmark during much of the fiscal year. This reflects both our usual fundamentally driven approach to risk taking and our ability to make what we viewed as an opportunistic move in response to modestly extended valuations in




Table of Contents


many sectors of the high yield market. As the pandemic gripped investor sentiment in March, we sold select names we deemed to be particularly vulnerable to economic fallout from COVID-related changes in consumer demand. Those liquidations temporarily raised the Fund’s cash position to about 6% of assets, an unusually high allocation for the Fund.

Counterintuitively, the securities the market liquidated in the early stages of the pandemic were in the higher-quality segment of the market; lower-rated credits became seemingly so illiquid as to be virtually untradable at anything other than fire-sale prices. However, after the Fed injected liquidity into the financial system in late March, we deployed the excess cash into bonds that we believed were targets of liquidity-based selling. We are pleased to report that this tactic played out favorably for the Fund over the remainder of the fiscal year. In effect, our cash positioning allowed us the luxury of buying when others were selling and selling when others were buying.

At the sector level, the Fund’s allocation to telecommunications companies outperformed the benchmark based on strong security selection. Conversely, the Fund’s positions in the exploration-and-development names in the energy sector detracted from performance due to credit selection as well as an underweight allocation during the rebound in oil prices that occurred late in the fiscal year.

Among individual holdings, BMC Software Inc. and Cincinnati Bell Inc. contributed to the Fund’s outperformance during the 12-month period. In each case, the companies continued to exhibit solid credit profiles even in the face of a fast-weakening economy. These companies enjoyed the additional benefit of operating in defensive sectors of the high yield market (technology and telecommunications, respectively), which are often preferred by risk-averse investors. The Fund’s position in the mining

company Freeport-McMoRan Inc. also outperformed on the back of soaring gold and copper prices.

The Fund’s positions in energy-related businesses Summit Midstream Partners LP, Oasis Petroleum Inc., and Chesapeake Energy Corp. detracted from relative performance. As noted previously, the steep drop in crude oil prices earlier in the calendar year negatively affected the balance sheets of many lower-quality, highly levered companies in the oil-and-gas industry.

As the new fiscal year begins, the Fund is conservatively positioned with an overweighting to BB-rated bonds – the top credit rung of high yield bonds. We also maintain a slight overweight to CCC-rated debt. Significantly, the bulk of that allocation is to four insurance/broker companies in the financial sector that our internal research suggests could more appropriately be B-rated. Absent those names, the Fund is underweight the CCC-rated segment of the market, as well as the B-rated group.

From a macroeconomic standpoint, we believe that the near-term outlook is unusually opaque: Much will depend upon the development of a vaccine or other treatments for the coronavirus that allow consumers and businesses to feel comfortable going about their normal lives. At this writing, we believe no one can say with complete certainty what the outcome will be. In fact, a significant number of companies have declined to provide earnings guidance for the remainder of the year, resulting in an unprecedented lack of visibility.

However ambiguous the economic outlook may seem, we will continue to build the Fund’s portfolio based on bottom-up (bond-by-bond), company-level credit research. This is our usual approach to the high yield sector, and we believe it is particularly well-suited to current market conditions. We recognize and understand that these are challenging times in our lives. Please




Table of Contents

Portfolio management review


Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund   


know that you are a valued partner whose interests remain paramount in all our investment decisions, and we appreciate your continued confidence as we move forward together.




Table of Contents

Performance summary


Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund    July 31, 2020 (Unaudited)

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Performance data current to the most recent month end may be obtained by calling 800 523-1918 or visiting delawarefunds.com/performance.


Fund and benchmark performance1,2     Average annual total returns through July 31, 2020  
      1 year       5 year       10 year       Lifetime  

Class A (Est. December 30, 1996)


Excluding sales charge

    +4.89     +4.52     +5.80     +6.44

Including sales charge

    +0.10     +3.55     +5.31     +6.24

Class C (Est. February 17, 1998)


Excluding sales charge

    +3.83     +3.69     +5.00     +5.03

Including sales charge

    +2.84     +3.69     +5.00     +5.03

Class R (Est. June 2, 2003)


Excluding sales charge

    +4.35     +4.21     +5.55     +6.68

Including sales charge

    +4.35     +4.21     +5.55     +6.68

Institutional Class (Est. December 30, 1996)


Excluding sales charge

    +5.15     +4.78     +6.08     +6.73

Including sales charge

    +5.15     +4.78     +6.08     +6.73

ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index





*The benchmark lifetime return is for Institutional Class share comparison only and is calculated using the last business day in the month of the Fund’s Institutional Class inception date.

1 Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and are presented both with and without the applicable sales charges described below. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Expense limitations were in effect for certain classes during some or all of the periods shown in the “Fund and benchmark performance” table. Expenses for each class are listed on the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 6. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect.

Institutional Class shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to

certain eligible investors. In addition, Institutional Class shares pay no distribution and service (12b-1) fee.

Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 4.50%, and have an annual 12b-1 fee of 0.25% of average daily net assets. The Board has adopted a formula for calculating 12b-1 plan fees for the Fund’s Class A shares. The Fund’s Class A shares are currently subject to a blended 12b-1 fee equal to the sum of: (i) 0.10% of average daily net assets representing shares acquired prior to June 1, 1992, and (ii) 0.25% of average daily net assets representing shares acquired on or after June 1, 1992. All Class A shares currently bear 12b-1 fees at the same rate, the blended rate, currently 0.25% of average daily net assets, based on the formula described above.




Table of Contents

Performance summary


Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund   


This method of calculating Class A 12b-1 fees may be discontinued at the sole discretion of the Board. Performance for Class A shares, excluding sales charges, assumes that no front-end sales charge applied.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1.00% if redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual 12b-1 fee of 1.00% of average daily net assets. Performance for Class C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was not redeemed.

Class R shares are available only for certain retirement plan products. They are sold without a sales charge and have an annual 12b-1 fee of 0.50% of average daily net assets.

Fixed income securities and bond funds can lose value, and investors can lose principal, as interest rates rise. They also may be affected by economic conditions that hinder an issuer’s ability to make interest and principal payments on its debt. The Fund may also be subject to prepayment risk, the risk that the principal of a bond that is held by a portfolio will be prepaid prior to maturity, at the time when interest rates are lower than what the bond was paying. A portfolio may then have to reinvest that money at a lower interest rate.

High yielding, non-investment-grade bonds (junk bonds) involve higher risk than investment grade bonds. The high yield secondary market is particularly susceptible to liquidity problems when institutional investors, such as mutual funds and certain other financial institutions, temporarily stop buying bonds for regulatory, financial, or other reasons. In addition, a less liquid secondary market makes it more difficult for the Fund to obtain precise valuations of the high yield securities in its portfolio.

The Fund may invest in derivatives, which may involve additional expenses and are subject to risk, including the risk that an underlying security

or securities index moves in the opposite direction from what the portfolio manager anticipated. A derivatives transaction depends upon the counterparties’ ability to fulfill their contractual obligations.

International investments entail risks including fluctuation in currency values, differences in accounting principles, or economic or political instability. Investing in emerging markets can be riskier than investing in established foreign markets due to increased volatility, lower trading volume, and higher risk of market closures. In many emerging markets, there is substantially less publicly available information and the available information may be incomplete or misleading. Legal claims are generally more difficult to pursue.

IBOR risk is the risk that changes related to the use of the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) or similar rates (such as EONIA) could have adverse impacts on financial instruments that reference these rates. The potential abandonment of these rates and transition to alternative rates could affect the value and liquidity of instruments that reference them and could affect investment strategy performance.

The disruptions caused by natural disasters, pandemics, or similar events could prevent the Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and could negatively impact the Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective and the value of the Fund’s investments.




Table of Contents


2 The Fund’s expense ratios, as described in the most recent prospectus, are disclosed in the following “Fund expense ratios” table. Delaware Management Company has agreed to reimburse certain expenses and/or waive certain fees in order to prevent total annual fund operating expenses (excluding any 12b-1 fees, acquired fund fees and expenses, taxes, interest, short sale dividend and interest expenses, brokerage fees, certain insurance costs, and nonroutine expenses or costs, including, but not limited to, those relating to reorganizations, litigation, conducting shareholder meetings, and liquidations (collectively, nonroutine expenses)) from exceeding 0.69% of the Fund’s average daily net assets from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020.* Please see the most recent prospectus and any applicable supplement(s) for additional information on these fee waivers and/or reimbursements. Please see the “Financial highlights” section in this report for the most recent expense ratios.


Fund expense ratios    Class A   Class C   Class R   Institutional


Total annual operating expenses

    (without fee waivers)

   1.15%   1.90%   1.40%   0.90%

Net expenses

    (including fee waivers, if any)

   0.94%   1.69%   1.19%   0.69%

Type of waiver

   Contractual   Contractual   Contractual   Contractual

*The aggregate contractual waiver period covering this report is from November 28, 2018 through November 29, 2020.



Table of Contents

Performance summary

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund   


Performance of a $10,000 investment1

Average annual total returns from July 31, 2010 through July 31, 2020




For period beginning July 31, 2010 through July 31, 2020    Starting value    Ending value

LOGO ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index

   $10,000    $18,938

LOGO Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund – Institutional Class shares

   $10,000    $18,045

LOGO  Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund – Class A shares

   $9,550    $16,777

1The “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph assumes $10,000 invested in Institutional Class and Class A shares of the Fund on July 31, 2010, and includes the effect of a 4.50% front-end sales charge (for Class A shares) and the reinvestment of all distributions. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholders would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. Expense limitations were in effect for some or all of the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect. Expenses are listed in the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 7. Please note additional details on pages 4 through 9.

The graph also assumes $10,000 invested in the ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index as of

July 31, 2010. The ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index tracks the performance of US dollar–denominated high yield corporate debt publicly issued in the US domestic market, but caps individual issuer exposure at 2% of the benchmark.

Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

Performance of other Fund classes will vary due to different charges and expenses.




Table of Contents
     Nasdaq symbols    CUSIPs

Class A

   DHOAX    245908876

Class C

   DHOCX    245908850

Class R

   DHIRX    245908736

Institutional Class

   DHOIX    245908843



Table of Contents

Disclosure of Fund expenses

For the six-month period from February 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020 (Unaudited)

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments, reinvested dividends, or other distributions; redemption fees; and exchange fees; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire six-month period from February 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020.

Actual expenses

The first section of the table shown, “Actual Fund return,” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this section of the table, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first section under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical example for comparison purposes

The second section of the table shown, “Hypothetical 5% return,” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the second section of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher. The Fund’s expenses shown in the table reflect fee waivers in effect and assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.



Table of Contents

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund

Expense analysis of an investment of $1,000



Account Value




Account Value







Expense Ratio





Paid During Period

2/1/20 to 7/31/20*




Actual Fund return

Class A

$1,000.00   $1,016.40   0.94%   $4.71

Class C

  1,000.00     1,009.90   1.69%     8.45

Class R

  1,000.00     1,012.50   1.19%     5.95

Institutional Class

  1,000.00     1,017.70   0.69%     3.46

Hypothetical 5% return (5% return before expenses)


Class A

$1,000.00   $1,020.19   0.94%   $4.72

Class C

  1,000.00     1,016.46   1.69%     8.47  

Class R

  1,000.00     1,018.95   1.19%     5.97  

Institutional Class

  1,000.00     1,021.43   0.69%     3.47

*“Expenses Paid During Period” are equal to the Fund’s annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).

†Because actual returns reflect only the most recent six-month period, the returns shown may differ significantly from fiscal year returns.

In addition to the Fund’s expenses reflected above, the Fund also indirectly bears its portion of the fees and expenses of the investment companies (Underlying Funds) in which it invests. The table above does not reflect the expenses of the Underlying Funds.



Table of Contents

Security type / sector allocation


Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund    As of July 31,, 2020 (Unaudited)

Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in other Fund materials. The sector designations may represent the investment manager’s internal sector classifications.


Security type / sector    Percentage of net assets

Corporate Bonds






Basic Industry


Capital Goods




Consumer Cyclical


Consumer Non-Cyclical




Financial Services








Real Estate




Technology & Electronics






Loan Agreements


Common Stock


Short-Term Investments


Total Value of Securities


Receivables and Other Assets Net of Liabilities


Total Net Assets




Table of Contents

Schedule of investments


Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund    July 31, 2020


      Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds — 87.96%


Automotive — 1.96%


Allison Transmission 144A 5.875% 6/1/29 #

                 724,000      $             800,842  

Ford Motor


8.50% 4/21/23

     620,000        689,294  

9.00% 4/22/25

     195,000        230,004  

Ford Motor Credit


4.542% 8/1/26

     480,000        495,000  

5.584% 3/18/24

     430,000        457,456  

5.875% 8/2/21

     395,000        406,109  

Gates Global 144A 6.25% 1/15/26 #

     292,000        306,358  







Banking — 4.25%


Ally Financial 8.00% 11/1/31

     705,000        976,871  

Citizens Financial Group 5.65% µ, y

     725,000        770,312  

Credit Suisse Group 144A 6.25% #, µ, y

     755,000        807,057  

Deutsche Bank 6.00% µ, y

     1,200,000        1,047,360  

Natwest Group 8.625% µ, y

     1,355,000        1,418,699  

Popular 6.125% 9/14/23

     2,170,000        2,308,110  







Basic Industry — 10.01%


Allegheny Technologies 5.875% 12/1/27

     1,285,000        1,223,159  

Avient 144A 5.75% 5/15/25 #

     1,193,000        1,296,481  

Blue Cube Spinco 10.00% 10/15/25

     310,000        331,733  

BMC East 144A 5.50% 10/1/24 #

     1,015,000        1,041,537  

Boise Cascade 144A 4.875% 7/1/30 #

     834,000        888,210  

Cemex 144A 7.375% 6/5/27 #

     480,000        512,933  

First Quantum Minerals


144A 7.25% 4/1/23 #

     805,000        809,810  

144A 7.50% 4/1/25 #

     710,000        717,987  

Freeport-McMoRan 5.45% 3/15/43

     1,705,000        1,900,154  

Hudbay Minerals 144A 7.625% 1/15/25 #

     410,000        415,920  

Intertape Polymer Group 144A 7.00% 10/15/26 #

     685,000        717,407  

Joseph T Ryerson & Son


144A 8.50% 8/1/28 #

     315,000        337,838  

144A 11.00% 5/15/22 #

     449,000        463,278  

Kraton Polymers 144A 7.00% 4/15/25 #

     885,000        919,081  

M/I Homes 4.95% 2/1/28

     1,086,000        1,119,259  

Mattamy Group


144A 4.625% 3/1/30 #

     260,000        264,347  

144A 5.25% 12/15/27 #

     720,000        749,250  



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)



Basic Industry (continued)


New Gold


144A 6.375% 5/15/25 #

     195,000      $             202,536  

144A 7.50% 7/15/27 #

     310,000        338,288  



144A 4.75% 1/30/30 #

     230,000        240,439  

144A 5.875% 9/30/26 #

     425,000        453,968  

Olin 5.00% 2/1/30

     430,000        405,195  

Standard Industries 144A 4.375% 7/15/30 #

     340,000        367,722  

Tronox 144A 6.50% 4/15/26 #

     625,000        628,063  

WESCO Distribution 144A 7.25% 6/15/28 #

     550,000        601,648  

WR Grace & Co. 144A 4.875% 6/15/27 #

     310,000        330,914  







Capital Goods — 5.79%


ARD Finance 144A, PIK 6.50% 6/30/27 #, >

     755,000        772,931  

Ardagh Packaging Finance 144A 5.25% 8/15/27 #

     540,000        565,796  

Berry Global 144A 5.625% 7/15/27 #

     1,105,000        1,185,836  



144A 7.50% 3/15/25 #

     585,000        473,119  

144A 7.875% 4/15/27 #

     461,000        368,399  

EnPro Industries 5.75% 10/15/26

     870,000        903,547  

Griffon 5.75% 3/1/28

     900,000        942,750  

Mauser Packaging Solutions Holding 144A 5.50% 4/15/24 #

     312,000        318,564  

Terex 144A 5.625% 2/1/25 #

     470,000        478,874  

Titan Acquisition 144A 7.75% 4/15/26 #

     310,000        307,026  



5.50% 11/15/27

     955,000        907,919  

144A 6.25% 3/15/26 #

     1,315,000        1,388,975  

144A 8.00% 12/15/25 #

     160,000        174,160  

United Rentals North America 3.875% 2/15/31

     780,000        780,000  

Vertical Holdco 144A 7.625% 7/15/28 #

     200,000        213,000  

Vertical US Newco 144A 5.25% 7/15/27 #

     200,000        212,500  







Communications — 11.75%


Altice Financing 144A 5.00% 1/15/28 #

     565,000        580,744  

Altice France Holding


144A 6.00% 2/15/28 #

     1,035,000        1,035,668  

144A 10.50% 5/15/27 #

     835,000        958,684  

C&W Senior Financing 144A 6.875% 9/15/27 #

     1,099,000        1,177,430  

CenturyLink 144A 5.125% 12/15/26 #

     1,350,000        1,417,912  

Cincinnati Bell 144A 7.00% 7/15/24 #

     1,130,000        1,172,708  



Table of Contents


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)



Communications (continued)


Connect Finco 144A 6.75% 10/1/26 #

     1,835,000      $             1,884,453  

Consolidated Communications 6.50% 10/1/22

     1,432,000        1,409,625  

Frontier Communications 144A 8.00% 4/1/27 #, ‡

     1,832,000        1,899,198  

LCPR Senior Secured Financing 144A 6.75% 10/15/27 #

     515,000        557,101  

Level 3 Financing 144A 4.25% 7/1/28 #

     960,000        1,001,760  



7.125% 6/15/24

     255,000        297,817  

7.625% 3/1/26

     510,000        638,262  

7.875% 9/15/23

     1,675,000        1,947,188  

Sprint Capital 8.75% 3/15/32

     170,000        262,395  

T-Mobile USA


6.00% 4/15/24

     640,000        655,898  

6.50% 1/15/26

     1,070,000        1,129,278  

Vodafone Group 7.00% 4/4/79µ

     680,000        818,139  

Zayo Group Holdings 144A 6.125% 3/1/28 #

     1,385,000        1,430,663  







Consumer Cyclical — 4.01%


Boyd Gaming 144A 4.75% 12/1/27 #

     890,000        857,435  

Colt Merger Sub


144A 6.25% 7/1/25 #

     855,000        896,344  

144A 8.125% 7/1/27 #

     570,000        581,431  

L Brands


144A 6.875% 7/1/25 #

     605,000        652,486  

144A 9.375% 7/1/25 #

     355,000        396,269  

MGM Growth Properties Operating Partnership 5.75% 2/1/27

     560,000        607,076  

MGM Resorts International 5.75% 6/15/25

     1,087,000        1,125,713  

Scientific Games International 144A 8.25% 3/15/26 #

     714,000        716,353  

William Carter 144A 5.625% 3/15/27 #

     1,025,000        1,094,603  







Consumer Non-Cyclical — 4.12%




144A 5.50% 1/15/30 #

     490,000        540,960  

144A 6.50% 4/15/29 #

     675,000        765,997  

Kraft Heinz Foods


144A 3.875% 5/15/27 #

     780,000        841,265  

5.00% 7/15/35

     420,000        492,486  

5.20% 7/15/45

     700,000        799,429  



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


     Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)



Consumer Non-Cyclical (continued)


Pilgrim’s Pride 144A 5.75% 3/15/25 #

     525,000      $             538,781  

Post Holdings 144A 5.50% 12/15/29 #

     970,000        1,065,763  

Spectrum Brands


144A 5.00% 10/1/29 #

     920,000        950,875  

144A 5.50% 7/15/30 #

     235,000        244,400  

US Foods 144A 6.25% 4/15/25 #

     809,000        868,733  







Energy — 10.90%


Cheniere Energy Partners 4.50% 10/1/29

     895,000        948,065  

Continental Resources 5.00% 9/15/22

     895,000        895,895  

Crestwood Midstream Partners 144A 5.625% 5/1/27 #

     1,065,000        999,135  

DCP Midstream Operating 5.125% 5/15/29

     1,010,000        1,018,393  

EQM Midstream Partners 144A 6.50% 7/1/27 #

     615,000        678,969  

Genesis Energy 6.50% 10/1/25

     1,370,000        1,273,230  

Murphy Oil 5.875% 12/1/27

     1,305,000        1,201,827  

Murphy Oil USA


4.75% 9/15/29

     410,000        434,389  

5.625% 5/1/27

     785,000        834,895  

NuStar Logistics 6.00% 6/1/26

     1,265,000        1,298,794  

Occidental Petroleum


2.70% 8/15/22

     1,005,000        972,041  

2.70% 2/15/23

     935,000        899,507  

3.50% 8/15/29

     470,000        418,474  

PDC Energy 6.125% 9/15/24

     857,000        870,528  

Precision Drilling 144A 7.125% 1/15/26 #

     1,590,000        1,102,760  

Southwestern Energy 7.75% 10/1/27

     1,045,000        985,226  

Targa Resources Partners


5.375% 2/1/27

     1,015,000        1,051,017  

5.875% 4/15/26

     515,000        548,297  

Transocean 144A 7.25% 11/1/25 #

     406,000        200,970  

Western Midstream Operating 4.75% 8/15/28

     875,000        885,728  

WPX Energy


5.25% 10/15/27

     945,000        933,603  

5.875% 6/15/28

     355,000        364,106  







Financial Services — 1.78%


AerCap Holdings 5.875% 10/10/79µ

     565,000        434,149  

AerCap Ireland Capital DAC 6.50% 7/15/25

     835,000        896,833  



Table of Contents


      Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)



Financial Services (continued)


DAE Funding


144A 4.50% 8/1/22 #

     230,000      $             226,613  

144A 5.75% 11/15/23 #

     1,529,000        1,507,816  







Healthcare — 7.62%


Avantor Funding 144A 4.625% 7/15/28 #

     780,000        826,059  

Bausch Health 144A 6.25% 2/15/29 #

     1,215,000        1,292,566  

Centene 4.625% 12/15/29

     560,000        625,271  

CHS 144A 8.00% 3/15/26 #

     940,000        963,754  

Encompass Health 4.75% 2/1/30

     1,194,000        1,263,622  

Hadrian Merger Sub 144A 8.50% 5/1/26 #

     880,000        814,933  



5.375% 2/1/25

     795,000        897,543  

5.875% 2/1/29

     425,000        518,162  

7.58% 9/15/25

     690,000        793,500  

Jaguar Holding II 144A 5.00% 6/15/28 #

     780,000        831,675  

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics 144A 7.375% 6/1/25 #

     870,000        928,181  

Surgery Center Holdings 144A 10.00% 4/15/27 #

     820,000        872,365  

Tenet Healthcare


6.875% 11/15/31

     781,000        748,635  

8.125% 4/1/22

     745,000        803,669  

Verscend Escrow 144A 9.75% 8/15/26 #

     875,000        971,351  







Insurance — 1.56%


GTCR AP Finance 144A 8.00% 5/15/27 #

     305,000        322,861  

HUB International 144A 7.00% 5/1/26 #

     815,000        854,532  

USI 144A 6.875% 5/1/25 #

     1,465,000        1,506,188  







Media — 7.47%


CCO Holdings


144A 4.50% 8/15/30 #

     1,875,000        1,989,666  

144A 5.375% 6/1/29 #

     930,000        1,019,410  

Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings 9.25% 2/15/24

     944,000        859,205  

CSC Holdings


144A 5.75% 1/15/30 #

     1,330,000        1,476,041  

144A 7.50% 4/1/28 #

     880,000        1,013,483  

Cumulus Media New Holdings 144A 6.75% 7/1/26 #

     870,000        791,017  

Gray Television 144A 7.00% 5/15/27 #

     830,000        908,974  



144A 4.875% 6/15/30 #

     480,000        565,296  

144A 5.375% 11/15/29 #

     335,000        406,188  



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments


Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund   


      Principal amount°      Value (US $)  

Corporate Bonds (continued)



Media (continued)


Nexstar Broadcasting 144A 5.625% 7/15/27 #

     1,185,000      $ 1,270,160  

Radiate Holdco 144A 6.625% 2/15/25 #

     947,000        974,231  

Sirius XM Radio 144A 4.125% 7/1/30 #

     780,000        824,109  

Terrier Media Buyer 144A 8.875% 12/15/27 #

     780,000        800,962  







Real Estate — 0.66%


HAT Holdings


I 144A 5.25% 7/15/24 #

     345,000        360,130  

144A 6.00% 4/15/25 #

     730,000        786,575  







Services — 5.24%


Clean Harbors 144A 5.125% 7/15/29 #

     580,000        622,302  

Covanta Holding 6.00% 1/1/27

     940,000        976,246  

Gartner 144A 4.50% 7/1/28 #

     700,000        735,875  

GFL Environmental 144A 4.25% 6/1/25 #

     790,000        823,081  

Iron Mountain 144A 5.25% 7/15/30 #

     545,000        572,591  

PowerTeam Services 144A 9.033% 12/4/25 #

     1,105,000        1,175,306  

Prime Security Services Borrower


144A 5.75% 4/15/26 #

     945,000        1,051,138  

144A 6.25% 1/15/28 #

     1,150,000        1,200,611  

Tms International Holding 144A 7.25% 8/15/25 #

     515,000        430,025  

United Rentals North America


5.25% 1/15/30

     865,000        948,797  

5.875% 9/15/26

     475,000        507,592  







Technology & Electronics — 5.39%


Banff Merger Sub 144A 9.75% 9/1/26 #

     935,000        990,988  

BY Crown Parent


144A 4.25% 1/31/26 #

     750,000        780,225  

144A 7.375% 10/15/24 #

     1,537,000        1,563,736  

Camelot Finance 144A 4.50% 11/1/26 #

     790,000        831,103  

CommScope Technologies 144A 5.00% 3/15/27 #

     765,000        740,937  

Microchip Technology 144A 4.25% 9/1/25 #

     1,245,000        1,310,675  

Open Text 144A 3.875% 2/15/28 #

     270,000        282,531  

Open Text Holdings 144A 4.125% 2/15/30 #

     839,000        882,577  

Science Applications International 144A 4.875% 4/1/28 #

     840,000        881,345  

SS&C Technologies 144A 5.50% 9/30/27 #

     963,000        1,036,429  









Table of Contents


      Principal amount°      Value (US $)  


Corporate Bonds (continued)



Transportation — 2.09%


Delta Air Lines


144A 7.00% 5/1/25 #

     805,000      $ 861,212  

7.375% 1/15/26

     785,000        778,909  

Mileage Plus Holdings 144A 6.50% 6/20/27 #

     550,000        570,625  

Southwest Airlines 5.125% 6/15/27

     470,000        493,831  

Stena International 144A 6.125% 2/1/25 #

     300,000        290,438  

VistaJet Malta Finance 144A 10.50% 6/1/24 #

     685,000        618,284  







Utilities — 3.36%




144A 4.625% 2/1/29 #

     155,000        156,934  

144A 5.00% 2/1/31 #

     905,000        929,779  

Pacific Gas and Electric

     710,000        816,960  

4.55% 7/1/30


4.95% 7/1/50

     710,000        863,618  

PG&E 5.25% 7/1/30

     1,710,000        1,780,538  

Vistra Operations


144A 5.50% 9/1/26 #

     573,000        604,515  

144A 5.625% 2/15/27 #

     595,000        639,607  







Total Corporate Bonds (cost $145,782,699)






Loan Agreements — 8.13%



Air Medical Group Holdings 4.25% (LIBOR03M + 3.25%) 4/28/22 •

     943,924        931,955  

Applied Systems 2nd Lien 8.00% (LIBOR03M + 7.00%) 9/19/25 •

     1,898,579        1,919,463  

Apro 5.00% (LIBOR02M + 4.00%) 11/14/26 •

     374,918        373,981  

Blue Ribbon 1st Lien 5.00% (LIBOR03M + 4.00%) 11/15/21 •

     347,103        316,442  

Boxer Parent TBD 10/2/25 X

     259,973        251,790  

BW Gas & Convenience Holdings 6.43% (LIBOR01M + 6.25%) 11/18/24 •

     184,394        183,472  

BWay Holding 3.523% (LIBOR03M + 3.25%) 4/3/24 •

     553,573        518,332  

Calpine 2.42% (LIBOR01M + 2.25%) 1/15/24 •

     117,382        115,218  

Carnival TBD 6/30/25 X

     530,000        522,050  

Epicor Software 2nd Lien TBD 7/30/28 X

     658,200        673,832  

Granite US Holdings Tranche B 6.322% (LIBOR06M + 5.25%) 9/30/26 •

     872,739        770,192  



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


      Principal amount°      Value (US $)  


Loan Agreements (continued)



Hamilton Projects Acquiror 5.75% (LIBOR03M + 4.75%) 6/17/27 •

     890,000      $ 887,997  

Informatica 2nd Lien 7.125% (LIBOR06M) 2/14/25 •

     945,000        925,214  

LCPR Loan Financing 5.175% (LIBOR01M + 5.00%) 10/15/26 •

     365,000        367,966  

Merrill Communications Tranche B 1st Lien 6.195% (LIBOR06M + 5.00%) 10/5/26 •

     672,915        659,457  

Scientific Games International Tranche B-5 3.473% (LIBOR01M + 2.75%) 8/14/24 •

     473,940        433,232  

Stars Group Holdings 3.808% (LIBOR03M + 3.50%) 7/10/25 •

     496,578        497,137  

Surgery Center Holdings 4.25% (LIBOR01M + 3.25%) 9/2/24 •

     458,575        433,735  

Terrier Media Buyer 4.411% (LIBOR01M + 4.25%) 12/17/26 •

     911,420        889,204  

Ultimate Software Group 2nd Lien 7.50% (LIBOR03M + 6.75%) 5/3/27 •

     1,214,000        1,234,234  

Vantage Specialty Chemicals 2nd Lien 9.25% (LIBOR03M + 8.25%) 10/27/25 •

     560,000        411,600  

Verscend Holding Tranche B 4.661% (LIBOR01M + 4.50%) 8/27/25 •

     704,928        703,602  




Total Loan Agreements (cost $14,091,878)




     Number of shares         


Common Stock — 0.00%



Century Communications =, †

     4,250,000        0  




Total Common Stock (cost $128,662)






Short-Term Investments — 1.25%



Money Market Mutual Funds — 1.25%


BlackRock FedFund – Institutional Shares


(seven-day effective yield 0.06%)

     433,697        433,697  

Fidelity Investments Money Market Government


Portfolio – Class I (seven-day effective yield 0.05%)

     433,697        433,697  

GS Financial Square Government Fund –


Institutional Shares (seven-day effective yield 0.13%)

     433,697        433,697  



Table of Contents


     Number of shares      Value (US $)  

Short-Term Investments (continued)



Money Market Mutual Funds (continued)


Morgan Stanley Government Portfolio – Institutional Share Class (seven-day effective yield 0.01%)

     433,697      $ 433,697  

State Street Institutional US Government
Money Market Fund – Investor Class (seven-day effective yield 0.01%)

     433,697        433,697  




Total Short-Term Investments (cost $2,168,485)





Total Value of Securities—97.34%
(cost $162,171,724)

      $ 167,994,871  






Principal amount shown is stated in USD unless noted that the security is denominated in another currency.


Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. At July 31, 2020, the aggregate value of Rule 144A securities was $93,468,949, which represents 54.16% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 9 in “Notes to financial statements.”


Fixed to variable rate investment. The rate shown reflects the fixed rate in effect at July 31, 2020. Rate will reset at a future date.


No contractual maturity date.


PIK. 47% of the income received was in cash and 53% was in principal.

Non-income producing security. Security is currently in default.

Variable rate investment. Rates reset periodically. Rate shown reflects the rate in effect at July 31, 2020. For securities based on a published reference rate and spread, the reference rate and spread are indicated in their description above. The reference rate descriptions (i.e. LIBOR03M, LIBOR06M, etc.) used in this report are identical for different securities, but the underlying reference rates may differ due to the timing of the reset period. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread but are determined by the issuer or agent and are based on current market conditions, or for mortgage-backed securities, are impacted by the individual mortgages which are paying off over time. These securities do not indicate a reference rate and spread in their description above.


This loan will settle after July 31, 2020, at which time the interest rate, based on the LIBOR and the agreed upon spread on trade date, will be reflected.


The value of this security was determined using significant unobservable inputs and is reported as a Level 3 security in the disclosure table located in Note 3 in “Notes to financial statements.”

Non-income producing security.

Summary of abbreviations:

DAC – Designated Activity Company

GS – Goldman Sachs

ICE – Intercontinental Exchange



Table of Contents

Schedule of investments

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


Summary of abbreviations: (continued)

LIBOR – London interbank offered rate





PIK – Payment-in-Kind

TBD – To be determined

USD – US Dollar

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Statement of assets and liabilities


Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund    July 31, 2020




Investments, at value*

   $ 167,994,871  



Receivable for securities sold


Dividends and interest receivable


Receivable for fund shares sold





Total Assets







Payable for securities purchased


Payable for fund shares redeemed


Distribution payable


Other accrued expenses


Investment management fees payable to affiliates


Distribution fees payable to affiliates


Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses payable to  affiliates


Accounting and administration expenses payable to affiliates


Trustees’ fees and expenses payable to affiliates


Legal fees payable to affiliates


Reports and statements to shareholders expenses payable to affiliates





Total Liabilities





Total Net Assets

   $ 172,577,976  




Net Assets Consist of:


Paid-in capital


Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets

   $ 172,577,976  






Table of Contents

Statement of assets and liabilities

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


Net Asset Value


Class A:


Net assets

   $ 110,750,372  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par


Net asset value per share

   $ 3.74  

Sales charge


Offering price per share, equal to net asset value per share / (1 - sales charge)

   $ 3.92  

Class C:


Net assets

   $ 15,621,729  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par


Net asset value per share

   $ 3.74  

Class R:


Net assets

   $ 3,890,815  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par


Net asset value per share

   $ 3.75  

Institutional Class:


Net assets

   $ 42,315,060  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, unlimited authorization, no par


Net asset value per share

   $ 3.74  


*Investments, at cost

   $ 162,171,724  

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements



Table of Contents

Statement of operations

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund    Year ended July 31, 2020


Investment Income:



   $ 10,673,398  











Management fees


Distribution expenses - Class A


Distribution expenses - Class C


Distribution expenses - Class R


Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses


Accounting and administration expenses


Registration fees


Reports and statements to shareholders expenses


Audit and tax fees


Trustees’ fees and expenses


Legal fees


Custodian fees







Less expenses waived


Less expenses paid indirectly





Total operating expenses





Net Investment Income





Net Realized and Unrealized Loss:


Net realized loss on investments


Net change in unrealized appreciation of investments





Net Realized and Unrealized Loss





Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

   $ 7,685,031  




See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Statements of changes in net assets

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


     Year ended  
     7/31/2020     7/31/2019  

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations:


Net investment income

   $ 9,010,249     $ 11,019,311  

Net realized loss

     (3,490,753     (2,486,334

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     2,165,535       4,774,095  







Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

     7,685,031       13,307,072  







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders from:


Distributable earnings:


Class A

     (6,029,768     (6,938,397

Class C

     (822,386     (1,095,137

Class R

     (207,301     (274,105

Institutional Class

     (2,262,940     (3,005,584

Return of capital:


Class A

     (26,988     (45,110

Class C

     (3,803     (7,852

Class R

     (945     (1,778

Institutional Class

     (10,315     (16,684






     (9,364,446     (11,384,647







Capital Share Transactions:


Proceeds from shares sold:


Class A

     7,859,215       6,106,317  

Class C

     992,382       1,341,190  

Class R

     820,673       852,038  

Institutional Class

     12,462,261       11,842,227  

Net asset value of shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends and distributions:


Class A

     5,270,188       6,083,698  

Class C

     792,496       1,048,731  

Class R

     207,165       274,409  

Institutional Class

     2,083,177       2,803,657  






     30,487,557       30,352,267  









Table of Contents

Statements of changes in net assets

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


     Year ended  
     7/31/2020     7/31/2019  

Capital Share Transactions (continued):


Cost of shares redeemed:


Class A

   $ (22,757,367   $ (23,283,058

Class C

     (7,071,655     (6,619,020

Class R

     (1,916,862     (2,215,736

Institutional Class

     (16,882,593     (30,182,131






     (48,628,477     (62,299,945







Decrease in net assets derived from capital share transactions

     (18,140,920     (31,947,678







Net Decrease in Net Assets

     (19,820,335     (30,025,253

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

     192,398,311       222,423,564  







End of year

   $ 172,577,976     $ 192,398,311  







See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund Class A

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


    Year ended  
     7/31/20     7/31/19     7/31/18     7/31/17     7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 3.76     $ 3.71     $ 3.89     $ 3.74     $ 3.95  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

    0.19       0.20       0.20       0.21       0.22  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (0.02     0.06       (0.18     0.15       (0.22
















Total from investment operations

    0.17       0.26       0.02       0.36        
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

    (0.19     (0.21     (0.20     (0.21     (0.21

Return of capital

    2      2      2      2      2 
















Total dividends and distributions

    (0.19     (0.21     (0.20     (0.21     (0.21
















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 3.74     $ 3.76     $ 3.71     $ 3.89     $ 3.74  
















Total return3

    4.89%       7.25%       0.58%       9.83%       0.41%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

  $ 110,750     $ 121,500     $ 131,149     $ 156,157     $ 173,815  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

    0.94%       0.94%       1.02%       1.05%       1.06%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to fees waived4

    1.16%       1.15%       1.15%       1.15%       1.15%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

    5.09%       5.50%       5.14%       5.42%       5.98%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets prior to fees waived

    4.87%       5.29%       5.01%       5.32%       5.89%  

Portfolio turnover

    108%       76%       96%       90%       109%  




The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.



Amount is less than $0.005 per share.



Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.



Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund Class C

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20     7/31/19     7/31/18     7/31/17     7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 3.77     $ 3.72     $ 3.90     $ 3.74     $ 3.96  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.16       0.17       0.17       0.18       0.19  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     (0.02     0.06       (0.18     0.16       (0.23
















Total from investment operations

     0.14       0.23       (0.01     0.34       (0.04
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.17     (0.18     (0.17     (0.18     (0.18

Return of capital

     2      2      2      2      2 
















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.17     (0.18     (0.17     (0.18     (0.18
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 3.74     $ 3.77     $ 3.72     $ 3.90     $ 3.74  
















Total return3

     3.83%       6.45%       (0.16%     9.29%       (0.59%

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 15,622     $ 21,170     $ 25,186     $ 39,523     $ 46,842  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     1.69%       1.69%       1.77%       1.80%       1.81%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to fees waived4

     1.91%       1.90%       1.90%       1.90%       1.90%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     4.34%       4.75%       4.39%       4.67%       5.23%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets prior to fees waived

     4.12%       4.54%       4.26%       4.57%       5.14%  

Portfolio turnover

     108%       76%       96%       90%       109%  




The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.



Amount is less than $0.005 per share.



Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.



Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund Class R

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20     7/31/19     7/31/18     7/31/17     7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 3.78     $ 3.73     $ 3.90     $ 3.75     $ 3.97  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.18       0.19       0.19       0.20       0.21  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     (0.02     0.06       (0.17     0.15       (0.23
















Total from investment operations

     0.16       0.25       0.02       0.35       (0.02
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.19     (0.20     (0.19     (0.20     (0.20

Return of capital

     2      2      2      2      2 
















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.19     (0.20     (0.19     (0.20     (0.20
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 3.75     $ 3.78     $ 3.73     $ 3.90     $ 3.75  
















Total return3

     4.35%       6.97%       0.62%       9.54%       (0.09%

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 3,891     $ 4,805     $ 5,863     $ 7,529     $ 8,766  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     1.19%       1.19%       1.27%       1.30%       1.31%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to fees waived4

     1.41%       1.40%       1.40%       1.40%       1.40%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     4.84%       5.25%       4.89%       5.17%       5.73%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets prior to fees waived

     4.62%       5.04%       4.76%       5.07%       5.64%  

Portfolio turnover

     108%       76%       96%       90%       109%  




The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.



Amount is less than $0.005 per share.



Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects waivers by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waivers not been in effect.



Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund Institutional Class

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:


     Year ended  
      7/31/20     7/31/19     7/31/18     7/31/17     7/31/16  

Net asset value, beginning of period

   $ 3.76     $ 3.71     $ 3.89     $ 3.74     $ 3.95  

Income (loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income1

     0.20       0.21       0.21       0.22       0.23  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

     (0.02     0.06       (0.18     0.15       (0.22
















Total from investment operations

     0.18       0.27       0.03       0.37       0.01  
















Less dividends and distributions from:


Net investment income

     (0.20     (0.22     (0.21     (0.22     (0.22

Return of capital

     2      2      2      2      2 
















Total dividends and distributions

     (0.20     (0.22     (0.21     (0.22     (0.22
















Net asset value, end of period

   $ 3.74     $ 3.76     $ 3.71     $ 3.89     $ 3.74  
















Total return3

     5.15%       7.52%       0.84%       10.08%       0.66%  

Ratios and supplemental data:


Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)

   $ 42,315     $ 44,923     $ 60,226     $ 80,166     $ 103,489  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets4

     0.69%       0.69%       0.77%       0.80%       0.81%  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets prior to fees waived4

     0.91%       0.90%       0.90%       0.90%       0.90%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets

     5.34%       5.75%       5.39%       5.67%       6.23%  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets prior to fees waived

     5.12%       5.54%       5.26%       5.57%       6.14%  

Portfolio turnover

     108%       76%       96%       90%       109%  




The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.



Amount is less than $0.005 per share.



Total return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.



Expense ratios do not include expenses of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund    July 31, 2020

Delaware Group® Income Funds (Trust) is organized as a Delaware statutory trust and offers four series: Delaware Corporate Bond Fund, Delaware Floating Rate Fund, Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund, and Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund. These financial statements and the related notes pertain to Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund (Fund). The Fund is an open-end investment company. The Fund is considered diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (1940 Act), and offers Class A, Class C, Class R, and Institutional Class shares. Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 4.50%. Class A share purchases of $1,000,000 or more will incur a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) instead of a front-end sales charge of 1.00%, if redeemed during the first year, and 0.50% during the second year, provided that Delaware Distributors, L.P. (DDLP) paid a financial advisor a commission on the purchase of those shares. Class C shares are sold with a CDSC of 1.00%, which will be incurred if redeemed during the first 12 months. Class R and Institutional Class shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to certain eligible investors.

1. Significant Accounting Policies

The Fund follows accounting and reporting guidance under Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification Topic 946, Financial Services - Investment Companies. The following accounting policies are in accordance with US generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP) and are consistently followed by the Fund.

Security Valuation Equity securities, except those traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (Nasdaq), are valued at the last quoted sales price as of the time of the regular close of the New York Stock Exchange on the valuation date. Equity securities traded on the Nasdaq are valued in accordance with the Nasdaq Official Closing Price, which may not be the last sales price. If, on a particular day, an equity security does not trade, the mean between the bid and ask prices will be used, which approximates fair value. Open-end investment companies are valued at their published net asset value (NAV). Other debt securities are valued based upon valuations provided by an independent pricing service or broker and reviewed by management. To the extent current market prices are not available, the pricing service may take into account developments related to the specific security, as well as transactions in comparable securities. Valuations for fixed income securities utilize matrix systems, which reflect such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings, and are supplemented by dealer and exchange quotations. Generally, other securities and assets for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at fair value as determined in good faith under the direction of the Trust’s Board of Trustees (Board). In determining whether market quotations are readily available or fair valuation will be used, various factors will be taken into consideration, such as market closures or suspension of trading in a security. Restricted securities are valued at fair value using methods approved by the Board.

Federal and Foreign Income Taxes No provision for federal income taxes has been made as the Fund intends to continue to qualify for federal income tax purposes as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and make the requisite distributions to shareholders. The Fund evaluates tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of preparing the Fund’s tax returns to determine whether the tax positions are “more-likely-than-



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not” of being sustained by the applicable tax authority. Tax positions not deemed to meet the “more-likely-than-not” threshold are recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current year. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken or expected to be taken on the Fund’s federal income tax returns through the year ended July 31, 2020 and for all open tax years (years ended July 31, 2017–July 31, 2019), and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. If applicable, the Fund recognizes interest accrued on unrecognized tax benefits in interest expense and penalties in “Other expenses” on the “Statement of operations.” During the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund did not incur any interest or tax penalties. In regard to foreign taxes only, the Fund has open tax years in certain foreign countries in which it invests in that may date back to the inception of the Fund.

Class Accounting — Investment income and common expenses are allocated to the various classes of the Fund on the basis of “settled shares” of each class in relation to the net assets of the Fund. Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments are allocated to the various classes of the Fund on the basis of daily net assets of each class. Distribution expenses relating to a specific class are charged directly to that class.

Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the fair value of investments, the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates and the differences could be material.

Other Expenses directly attributable to the Fund are charged directly to that Fund. Other expenses common to various funds within the Delaware Funds® by Macquarie (Delaware Funds) are generally allocated among such funds on the basis of average net assets. Management fees and certain other expenses are paid monthly. Security transactions are recorded on the date the securities are purchased or sold (trade date) for financial reporting purposes. Costs used in calculating realized gains and losses on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Discounts and premiums on debt securities are accreted or amortized to interest income, respectively, over the lives of the respective securities using the effective interest method. The Fund declares dividends daily from net investment income and pays the dividends monthly and declares and pays distributions from net realized gain on investments, if any, annually. The Fund may distribute more frequently, if necessary for tax purposes. Dividends and distributions, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

The Fund receives earnings credits from its custodian when positive cash balances are maintained, which may be used to offset custody fees. The expenses paid under this arrangement are included on the “Statement of operations” under “Custodian fees” with the corresponding expenses offset included under “Less expenses paid indirectly.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund earned $3,683 under this arrangement.

The Fund receives earnings credits from its transfer agent when positive cash balances are maintained, which may be used to offset transfer agent fees. If the amount earned is greater than $1, the expenses paid under this arrangement are included on the “Statement of operations” under “Dividend disbursing



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


1. Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

and transfer agent fees and expenses” with the corresponding expenses offset included under “Less expenses paid indirectly.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund earned $642 under this arrangement.

2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements, and Other Transactions with Affiliates

In accordance with the terms of its investment management agreement, the Fund pays Delaware Management Company (DMC), a series of Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust and the investment manager, an annual fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly at the rates of 0.65% on the first $500 million of average daily net assets of the Fund, 0.60% on the next $500 million, 0.55% on the next $1.5 billion, and 0.50% on average daily net assets in excess of $2.5 billion.

DMC has contractually agreed to waive all or a portion, if any, of its management fee and/or pay/reimburse the Fund to the extent necessary to ensure total annual operating expenses (excluding any distribution and service (12b-1) fees, acquired fund fees and expenses, taxes, interest, short sale dividend and interest expenses, brokerage fees, certain insurance costs, and nonroutine expenses or costs, including, but not limited to, those relating to reorganizations, litigation, conducting shareholder meetings, and liquidations), from exceeding 0.69% of the Fund’s average daily net assets from August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020.* These waivers and reimbursements may be terminated only by agreement of DMC and the Fund. The waivers and reimbursements are accrued daily and received monthly.

DMC may seek investment advice and recommendations from its affiliates: Macquarie Investment Management Europe Limited, Macquarie Investment Management Austria Kapitalanlage AG, and Macquarie Investment Management Global Limited (together, the “Affiliated Sub-Advisors”). The Manager may also permit these Affiliated Sub-Advisors to execute Fund security trades on behalf of the Manager and exercise investment discretion for securities in certain markets where DMC believes it will be beneficial to utilize an Affiliated Sub-Advisor’s specialized market knowledge. Although the Affiliated Sub-Advisors serve as sub-advisors, DMC has ultimate responsibility for all investment advisory services. For these services, DMC, not the Fund, pays each Affiliated Sub-Advisor a portion of its investment management fee.

Delaware Investments Fund Services Company (DIFSC), an affiliate of DMC, provides fund accounting and financial administrative oversight services to the Fund. For these services, DIFSC’s fees are calculated daily and paid monthly based on the aggregate daily net assets of all funds within the Delaware Funds at the following annual rates: 0.00475% of the first $35 billion; 0.0040% of the next $10 billion; and 0.0025% of aggregate average daily net assets in excess of $45 billion (Total Fee). Each fund in the Delaware Funds pays a minimum of $4,000, which, in aggregate, is subtracted from the Total Fee. Each fund then pays its portion of the remainder of the Total Fee on a relative NAV basis. This amount is included on the “Statement of operations” under “Accounting and administration expenses.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund was charged $10,175 for these services.

DIFSC is also the transfer agent and dividend disbursing agent of the Fund. For these services, DIFSC’s fees are calculated daily and paid monthly based on the aggregate daily net assets of the retail funds



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within the Delaware Funds at the following annual rates: 0.014% of the first $20 billion; 0.011% of the next $5 billion; 0.007% of the next $5 billion; 0.005% of the next $20 billion; and 0.0025% of average daily net assets in excess of $50 billion. The fees payable to DIFSC under the shareholder services agreement described above are allocated among all retail funds in the Delaware Funds on a relative NAV basis. This amount is included on the “Statement of operations” under “Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses.” For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund was charged $16,512 for these services. Pursuant to a sub-transfer agency agreement between DIFSC and BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc. (BNYMIS), BNYMIS provides certain sub-transfer agency services to the Fund. Sub-transfer agency fees are paid by the Fund and are also included on the “Statement of operations” under “Dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses.” The fees that are calculated daily and paid as invoices are received on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Pursuant to a distribution agreement and distribution plan, the Fund pays DDLP, the distributor and an affiliate of DMC, annual 12b-1 fee of 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Class A shares, 1.00% of the average daily net assets of the Class C shares, and 0.50% of the average daily net assets of the Class R shares. The Board has adopted a formula for calculating 12b-1 fees for the Fund’s Class A shares that went into effect on June 1, 1992. The Fund’s Class A shares are currently subject to a blended 12b-1 fee equal to the sum of: (i) 0.10% of the average daily net assets representing shares that were acquired prior to June 1, 1992, and (ii) 0.25% of the average daily net assets representing shares that were acquired on or after June 1, 1992. All Class A shareholders currently bear 12b-1 fees at the same rate, the blended rate, currently 0.25% of average daily net assets, based on the formula described above. This method of calculating Class A 12b-1 fees may be discontinued at the sole discretion of the Board. The fees are calculated daily and paid monthly. Institutional Class shares do not pay 12b-1 fees.

As provided in the investment management agreement, the Fund bears a portion of the cost of certain resources shared with DMC, including the cost of internal personnel of DMC and/or its affiliates that provide legal, tax, and regulatory reporting services to the Fund. For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund was charged $5,020 for internal legal, tax, and regulatory reporting services provided by DMC and/or its affiliates’ employees. This amount is included on the “Statement of operations” under “Legal fees.”

For the year ended July 31, 2020, DDLP earned $7,321 for commissions on sales of the Fund’s Class A shares. For the year ended July 31, 2020, DDLP received gross CDSC commissions of $10,430 and $37 on redemptions of the Fund’s Class A and Class C shares, respectively, and these commissions were entirely used to offset upfront commissions previously paid by DDLP to broker/dealers on sales of those shares.

Trustees’ fees include expenses accrued by the Fund for each Trustee’s retainer and meeting fees. Certain officers of DMC, DIFSC, and DDLP are officers and/or Trustees of the Trust. These officers and Trustees are paid no compensation by the Fund.



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Notes to financial statements

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements, and Other Transactions with Affiliates (continued)

In addition to the management fees and other expenses of the Fund, the Fund indirectly bears the investment management fees and other expenses of the investment companies (Underlying Funds) in which it invests. The amount of these fees and expenses incurred indirectly by the Fund will vary based upon the expense and fee levels of the Underlying Funds and the number of shares that are owned of the Underlying Funds at different times.

Cross trades for the year ended July 31, 2020, were executed by the Fund pursuant to procedures adopted by the Board designed to ensure compliance with Rule 17a-7 under the 1940 Act. Cross trading is the buying or selling of portfolio securities between funds of investment companies, or between a fund of an investment company and another entity, that are or could be considered affiliates by virtue of having a common investment advisor (or affiliated investment advisors), common directors/trustees and/or common officers. At its regularly scheduled meetings, the Board reviews such transactions for compliance with the procedures adopted by the Board. Pursuant to these procedures, for the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund engaged in Rule 17a-7 securities sales of $1,978,265, which resulted in net realized net realized gains of $62,461. The Fund did not engage in Rule 17a-7 securities purchases for the year ended July 31, 2020.


*The aggregate contractual waiver period covering this report is from November 28, 2018 through November 29, 2020.

3. Investments

For the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund made purchases and sales of investment securities other than short-term investments as follows:



   $ 184,273,801  



The tax cost of investments includes adjustments to net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) which may not necessarily be the final tax cost basis adjustments, but approximates the tax basis unrealized gains and losses that may be realized and distributed to shareholders. At July 31, 2020, the cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments for federal income tax purposes were as follows:


Cost of investments

   $ 162,556,867  




Aggregate unrealized appreciation of investments

   $ 8,075,085  

Aggregate unrealized depreciation of investments





Net unrealized appreciation of investments

   $ 5,438,004  




US GAAP defines fair value as the price that the Fund would receive to sell an asset or pay to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date under current market conditions. A three-level hierarchy for fair value measurements has been established based upon the transparency of inputs to the valuation of an asset or liability. Inputs may be observable or unobservable and refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the



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asset or liability. Observable inputs reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on the best information available under the circumstances. The Fund’s investment in its entirety is assigned a level based upon the observability of the inputs which are significant to the overall valuation. The three-level hierarchy of inputs is summarized as follows:


Level 1  

-  Inputs are quoted prices in active markets for identical investments. (Examples: equity securities, open-end investment companies, futures contracts, and exchange-traded options contracts)

Level 2  

-  Other observable inputs, including, but not limited to: quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks, and default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs. (Examples: debt securities, government securities, swap contracts, foreign currency exchange contracts, foreign securities utilizing international fair value pricing, broker-quoted securities, and fair valued securities)

Level 3  

-  Significant unobservable inputs, including the Fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments. (Examples: broker-quoted securities and fair valued securities)

Level 3 investments are valued using significant unobservable inputs. The Fund may also use an income-based valuation approach in which the anticipated future cash flows of the investment are discounted to calculate fair value. Discounts may also be applied due to the nature or duration of any restrictions on the disposition of the investments. Valuations may also be based upon current market prices of securities that are comparable in coupon, rating, maturity, and industry. The derived value of a Level 3 investment may not represent the value which is received upon disposition and this could impact the results of operations.



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


3. Investments (continued)

The following table summarizes the valuation of the Fund’s investments by fair value hierarchy levels as of July 31, 2020:


     Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  





Common Stock

   $ —      $ —          $—*      $ —    

Corporate Bonds

     —          151,806,281        —          151,806,281  

Loan Agreements

     —          14,020,105        —          14,020,105  

Short-Term Investments

     2,168,485        —          —          2,168,485  













Total Value of Securities

   $ 2,168,485      $ 165,826,386      $        $ 167,994,871  













*Includes internally fair valued securities currently priced at zero ($0).

The security that has been valued at zero on the “Schedule of investments” is considered to be Level 3 investment in this table.

During the year ended July 31, 2020, there were no transfers into or out of Level 3 investments. The Fund’s policy is to recognize transfers into or out of Level 3 investments based on fair value at the beginning of the reporting period.

A reconciliation of Level 3 investments is presented when the Fund has a significant amount of Level 3 investments at the beginning, interim, or end of the year in relation to the Fund’s net assets. Management has determined not to provide a reconciliation of Level 3 investments as the Level 3 investments were not considered significant to the Fund’s net assets at the beginning, interim, or end of the year. Management has determined not to provide additional disclosure on Level 3 inputs since the Level 3 investments are not considered significant to the Fund’s net assets at the end of the year.

4. Dividend and Distribution Information

Income and long-term capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from US GAAP. Additionally, distributions from net short-term gains on sales of investment securities are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes. The tax character of dividends and distributions paid during the years ended July 31, 2020 and 2019 was as follows:


     Year ended  
     7/31/20      7/31/19  

Ordinary income

   $ 9,322,395      $ 11,313,223  

Return of capital

     42,051        71,424  








   $ 9,364,446      $ 11,384,647  









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5. Components of Net Assets on a Tax Basis

As of July 31, 2020, the components of net assets on a tax basis were as follows:


Shares of beneficial interest

   $ 236,333,319  

Distributions payable


Capital loss carryforwards


Unrealized appreciation of investments





Net assets

   $ 172,577,976  




The differences between book basis and tax basis components of net assets are primarily attributable to tax deferral of losses on wash sales, market discount and premium on debt instruments, and market premium on callable bonds.

At July 31, 2020, capital loss carryforwards available to offset future realized capital gains, are as follows:


     Loss carryforward character         
     Short-term      Long-term      Total  

Delaware High-Yield


Opportunities Fund

   $ 28,540,886      $ 40,448,617      $ 68,989,503



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


6. Capital Shares

Transactions in capital shares were as follows:


     Year ended  
     7/31/20     7/31/19  

Shares sold:


Class A

     2,149,774       1,671,550  

Class C

     267,125       367,472  

Class R

     224,270       231,650  

Institutional Class

     3,480,551       3,243,838  

Shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends and distributions:


Class A

     1,444,978       1,660,331  

Class C

     216,809       286,587  

Class R

     56,578       74,710  

Institutional Class

     570,915       766,672  






     8,411,000       8,302,810  







Shares redeemed:


Class A

     (6,262,973     (6,361,709

Class C

     (1,930,097     (1,807,954

Class R

     (516,444     (607,114

Institutional Class

     (4,671,706     (8,290,758






     (13,381,220     (17,067,535







Net decrease

     (4,970,220     (8,764,725







Certain shareholders may exchange shares of one class for shares of another class in the same Fund. These exchange transactions are included as subscriptions and redemptions in the table on the previous page and on the “Statements of changes in net assets.” For the years ended July 31, 2020 and 2019, the Fund had the following exchange transactions:


     Exchange Redemptions      Exchange Subscriptions         
     Class A
     Class C
     Class A

Year ended



     18,902        55,935        43,662        31,364      $ 276,039  


     11,759        10,932        10,949        11,796        83,730  

7. Line of Credit

The Fund, along with certain other funds in the Delaware Funds (Participants), was a participant in a $220,000,000 revolving line of credit intended to be used for temporary or emergency purposes as an additional source of liquidity to fund redemptions of investor shares. Under the agreement, the Participants were charged an annual commitment fee of 0.15%, which was allocated across the



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Participants based on a weighted average of the respective net assets of each Participant. The Participants were permitted to borrow up to a maximum of one-third of their net assets under the agreement. Each Participant was individually, and not jointly, liable for its particular advances, if any, under the line of credit. The line of credit available under the agreement expired on November 4, 2019.

On November 4, 2019, the Participants entered into an amendment to the agreement for a $250,000,000 revolving line of credit. The revolving line of credit available was increased to $275,000,000 on May 6, 2020. The revolving line of credit is to be used as described above and operates in substantially the same manner as the original agreement. The line of credit available under the agreement expires on November 2, 2020.

The Fund had no amounts outstanding as of July 31, 2020, or at any time during the year then ended.

8. Securities Lending

The Fund, along with other funds in the Delaware Funds, may lend its securities pursuant to a security lending agreement (Lending Agreement) with The Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon). At the time a security is loaned, the borrower must post collateral equal to the required percentage of the market value of the loaned security, including any accrued interest. The required percentage is: (1) 102% with respect to US securities and foreign securities that are denominated and payable in US dollars; and (2) 105% with respect to foreign securities. With respect to each loan, if on any business day the aggregate market value of securities collateral plus cash collateral held is less than the aggregate market value of the securities which are the subject of such loan, the borrower will be notified to provide additional collateral by the end of the following business day, which, together with the collateral already held, will be not less than the applicable initial collateral requirements for such security loan. If the aggregate market value of securities collateral and cash collateral held with respect to a security loan exceeds the applicable initial collateral requirement, upon the request of the borrower, BNY Mellon must return enough collateral to the borrower by the end of the following business day to reduce the value of the remaining collateral to the applicable initial collateral requirement for such security loan. As a result of the foregoing, the value of the collateral held with respect to a loaned security on any particular day, may be more or less than the value of the security on loan. The collateral percentage with respect to the market value of the loaned securities is determined by the security lending agent.

Cash collateral received by each fund of the Trust is generally invested in a series of individual separate accounts, each corresponding to a fund. The investment guidelines permit each separate account to hold certain securities that would be considered eligible securities for a money market fund. Cash collateral received is generally invested in government securities; certain obligations issued by government sponsored enterprises; repurchase agreements collateralized by US Treasury securities; obligations issued by the central government of any Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) country or its agencies, instrumentalities, or establishments; obligations of supranational organizations; commercial paper, notes, bonds, and other debt obligations; certificates of deposit, time deposits, and other bank obligations; and asset-backed securities. A fund can also accept US government securities and letters of credit (non-cash collateral) in connection with securities loans.



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


8. Securities Lending (continued)

In the event of default or bankruptcy by the lending agent, realization and/or retention of the collateral may be subject to legal proceedings. In the event the borrower fails to return loaned securities and the collateral received is insufficient to cover the value of the loaned securities and provided such collateral shortfall is not the result of investment losses, the lending agent has agreed to pay the amount of the shortfall to the Fund or, at the discretion of the lending agent, replace the loaned securities. The Fund continues to record dividends or interest, as applicable, on the securities loaned and is subject to changes in value of the securities loaned that may occur during the term of the loan. The Fund has the right under the Lending Agreement to recover the securities from the borrower on demand. With respect to security loans collateralized by non-cash collateral, the Fund receives loan premiums paid by the borrower. With respect to security loans collateralized by cash collateral, the earnings from the collateral investments are shared among the Fund, the security lending agent, and the borrower. The Fund records security lending income net of allocations to the security lending agent and the borrower.

The Fund may incur investment losses as a result of investing securities lending collateral. This could occur if an investment in the collateral investment account defaulted or became impaired. Under those circumstances, the value of the Fund’s cash collateral account may be less than the amount the Fund would be required to return to the borrowers of the securities and the Fund would be required to make up for this shortfall.

During the year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund had no securities out on loan.

9. Credit and Market Risk

Beginning in January 2020, global financial markets have experienced and may continue to experience significant volatility resulting from the spread of a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19. The outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in travel and border restrictions, quarantines, supply chain disruptions, lower consumer demand, and general market uncertainty. The effects of COVID-19 have and may continue to adversely affect the global economy, the economies of certain nations and individual issuers, all of which may negatively impact the Funds’ performance.

When interest rates rise, fixed income securities (i.e., debt obligations) generally will decline in value. These declines in value are greater for fixed income securities with longer maturities or durations.

IBOR risk is the risk that potential changes related to the use of the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) could have adverse impacts on financial instruments that reference LIBOR. The potential abandonment of LIBOR could affect the value and liquidity of instruments that reference LIBOR. The use of alternative reference rate products may impact investment strategy performance. These risks may also apply with respect to changes in connection with other interbank offered rates (“IBORs”), such as the euro interbank offered rate (Euribor) or the euro overnight index average (EONIA), which are also the subject of recent reform.

The Fund invests in high yield fixed income securities, which are securities rated lower than BBB- by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC and Baa3 by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., or similarly rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization. Investments in these higher yielding



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securities are generally accompanied by a greater degree of credit risk than higher rated securities. Additionally, lower rated securities may be more susceptible to adverse economic and competitive industry conditions than investment grade securities.

The Fund invests in bank loans and other securities that may subject it to direct indebtedness risk, the risk that the Fund will not receive payment of principal, interest, and other amounts due in connection with these investments and will depend primarily on the financial condition of the borrower. Loans that are fully secured offer the Fund more protection than unsecured loans in the event of nonpayment of scheduled interest or principal, although there is no assurance that the liquidation of collateral from a secured loan would satisfy the corporate borrower’s obligation, or that the collateral can be liquidated. Some loans or claims may be in default at the time of purchase. Certain of the loans and the other direct indebtedness acquired by the Fund may involve revolving credit facilities or other standby financing commitments that obligate the Fund to pay additional cash on a certain date or on demand. These commitments may require the Fund to increase its investment in a company at a time when the Fund might not otherwise decide to do so (including at a time when the company’s financial condition makes it unlikely that such amounts will be repaid). To the extent that the Fund is committed to advance additional funds, it will at all times hold and maintain cash or other high grade debt obligations in an amount sufficient to meet such commitments. When a loan agreement is purchased the Fund may pay an assignment fee. On an ongoing basis, the Fund may receive a commitment fee based on the undrawn portion of the underlying line of credit portion of a loan agreement. Prepayment penalty fees are received upon the prepayment of a loan agreement by the borrower. Prepayment penalty, facility, commitment, consent, and amendment fees are recorded to income as earned or paid.

As the Fund may be required to rely upon another lending institution to collect and pass on to the Fund amounts payable with respect to the loan and to enforce the Fund’s rights under the loan and other direct indebtedness, an insolvency, bankruptcy, or reorganization of the lending institution may delay or prevent the Fund from receiving such amounts. The highly leveraged nature of many loans may make them especially vulnerable to adverse changes in economic or market conditions. Investments in such loans and other direct indebtedness may involve additional risk to the Fund.

The Fund invests in certain obligations that may have liquidity protection designed to ensure that the receipt of payments due on the underlying security is timely. Such protection may be provided through guarantees, insurance policies, or letters of credit obtained by the issuer or sponsor through third parties, through various means of structuring the transaction or through a combination of such approaches. The Fund will not pay any additional fees for such credit support, although the existence of credit support may increase the price of the security.

The Fund may invest up to 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities, which may include securities with contractual restrictions on resale, securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and other securities which may not be readily marketable. The relative illiquidity of these securities may impair the Fund from disposing of them in a timely manner and at a fair price when it is necessary or desirable to do so. While maintaining oversight, the Board has delegated to DMC the day-to-day functions of determining whether individual securities are liquid for purposes of the Fund’s limitation on investments in illiquid securities. Securities eligible for resale



Table of Contents

Notes to financial statements

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund


9. Credit and Market Risk (continued)

pursuant to Rule 144A, which are determined to be liquid, are not subject to the Fund’s 15% limit on investments in illiquid securities. Rule 144A securities have been identified on the “Schedule of investments.”

10. Contractual Obligations

The Fund enters into contracts in the normal course of business that contain a variety of indemnifications. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown. However, the Fund has not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts. Management has reviewed the Fund’s existing contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.

11. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In March 2017, FASB issued an Accounting Standards Update (ASU), ASU 2017-08, Receivables — Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities which amends the amortization period for certain callable debt securities purchased at a premium, shortening such period to the earliest call date. ASU 2017-08 does not require any accounting change for debt securities held at a discount; the discount continues to be amortized to maturity. ASU 2017-08 is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has implemented ASU 2017-08 and determined that the impact of this guidance to the Fund’s net assets at the end of the period is not material.

In August 2018, FASB issued ASU 2018-13, which changes certain fair value measurement disclosure requirements. ASU 2018-13, in addition to other modifications and additions, removes the requirement to disclose the amount and reasons for transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy, the policy for the timing of transfers between levels and the valuation process for Level 3 fair value measurements. ASU 2018-13 is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2019. At this time, Management is evaluating the implications of these changes on the financial statements.

In March 2020, FASB issued ASU 2020-04, Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848) – Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting. The amendments in ASU 2020-04 provide optional temporary financial reporting relief from the effect of certain types of contract modifications due to the planned discontinuation of LIBOR and other interbank-offered based reference rates as of the end of 2021. ASU 2020-04 is effective for certain reference rate-related contract modifications that occur during the period March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. As of the financial reporting period, Management is evaluating the impact of applying this ASU.

12. Subsequent Events

Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to July 31, 2020, that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



Table of Contents

Report of independent

registered public accounting firm

To the Board of Trustees of Delaware Group® Income Funds and Shareholders of Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund (one of the funds constituting Delaware Group® Income Funds, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of July 31, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended July 31, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended July 31, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended July 31, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of July 31, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended July 31, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended July 31, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of July 31, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agents and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

/s/PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

September 23, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Delaware Funds® by Macquarie since 2010.



Table of Contents

Other Fund information (Unaudited)

Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund

Liquidity Risk Management Program

The Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) has adopted Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Liquidity Rule”), which requires all open-end funds (other than money market funds) to adopt and implement a program reasonably designed to assess and manage the fund’s “liquidity risk,” defined as the risk that the fund could not meet requests to redeem shares issued by the fund without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interests in the fund.

The Fund has adopted and implemented a liquidity risk management program in accordance with the Liquidity Rule (the “Program”). The Board has designated the Division Director of the US Operational Risk Group of Macquarie Asset Management as the Program Administrator for each Fund in the Trust.

As required by the Liquidity Rule, the Program includes policies and procedures that provide for: (1) assessment, management, and review (no less frequently than annually) of the Fund’s liquidity risk; (2) classification of each of the Fund’s portfolio holdings into one of four liquidity categories (Highly Liquid, Moderately Liquid, Less Liquid, and Illiquid); (3) for funds that do not primarily hold assets that are Highly Liquid, establishing and maintaining a minimum percentage of the Fund’s net assets in Highly Liquid investments (called a “Highly Liquid Investment Minimum” or “HLIM”); and (4) prohibiting the Fund’s acquisition of Illiquid investments if, immediately after the acquisition, the Fund would hold more than 15% of its net assets in Illiquid assets. The Program also requires reporting to the SEC (on a non-public basis) and to the Board if the Fund’s holdings of Illiquid assets exceed 15% of the Fund’s net assets. Funds with HLIMs must have procedures for addressing HLIM shortfalls, including reporting to the Board and, with respect to HLIM shortfalls lasting more than seven consecutive calendar days, reporting to the SEC (on a non-public basis).

In assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk, the Program Administrator considers, as relevant, a variety of factors, including: (1) the Fund’s investment strategy and liquidity of portfolio investments during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions; (2) short-term and long-term cash flow projections for the Fund during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions; and (3) the Fund’s holdings of cash and cash equivalents and any borrowing arrangements. Classification of the Fund’s portfolio holdings in the four liquidity categories is based on the number of days it is reasonably expected to take to convert the investment to cash (for Highly Liquid and Moderately Liquid holdings) or to sell or dispose of the investment (for Less Liquid and Illiquid investments), in current market conditions without significantly changing the investment’s market value. The Fund primarily holds assets that are classified as Highly Liquid, and therefore is not required to establish an HLIM.

At a meeting of the Board held on May 19-21, 2020, the Program Administrator provided a written report to the Board addressing the Program’s operation and assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of its implementation for the period from December 1, 2018 through March 31, 2020. The report concluded that the Program is appropriately designed and effectively implemented and that it meets the requirements of Rule 22e-4 and the Fund’s liquidity needs. The Fund’s HLIM is set at an appropriate level and the Fund complied with its HLIM at all times during the reporting period.



Table of Contents


Tax Information

The information set forth below is for the Fund’s fiscal year as required by federal income tax laws. Shareholders, however, must report distributions on a calendar year basis for income tax purposes, which may include distributions for portions of two fiscal years of the Fund. Accordingly, the information needed by shareholders for income tax purposes will be sent to them in January of each year. Please consult your tax advisor for proper treatment of this information.

All disclosures are based on financial information available as of the date of this annual report and, accordingly, are subject to change. For any and all items requiring reporting, it is the intention of the Fund to report the maximum amount permitted under the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations thereunder.

For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund reports distributions paid during the year as follows:


(A) Ordinary Income Distributions (Tax Basis)


(B) Return of Capital (Tax Basis)


Total Distributions (Tax Basis)




(A) and (B) are based on a percentage of the Fund’s total distributions.

For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, certain interest income paid by the Fund, determined to be Qualified Interest Income may be subject to relief from US withholding for foreign shareholders, as provided by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004; the Tax Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creations Act of 2010; and as extended by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. For the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020, the Fund has reported maximum distributions of Qualified Interest Income of $7,589,322.



Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie

A mutual fund is governed by a Board of Trustees/Directors (“Trustees”), which has oversight responsibility for the management of a fund’s business affairs. Trustees establish procedures and oversee and review the performance of the investment manager, the distributor, and others who perform services for the fund. The independent fund trustees, in particular, are advocates for shareholder interests. Each trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was elected to or appointed to the Board of Trustees, and will continue to serve until his or her retirement or the election of a new trustee in his or her place. The following is a list of the Trustees and Officers with certain background and related information.



and Birth Date

Held with

Length of Time



During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer


Held by

or Officer


Interested Trustee


Shawn K. Lytle1

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


February 1970


President, Chief Executive


and Trustee


President and

Chief Executive


since August 2015

Trustee since

September 2015


President — Macquarie

Investment Management2

(June 2015–Present)

Regional Head of Americas —

UBS Global Asset Management

(April 2010–May 2015)


Trustee — UBS Relationship

Funds, SMA Relationship Trust,

and UBS Funds

(May 2010–April 2015)


Independent Trustees


Jerome D.


2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


July 1959

  Trustee   Since January 2019  

Managing Member, Stonebrook

Capital Management, LLC

(financial technology: macro

factors and databases)

(January 1993-Present)

  93   None



Table of Contents



and Birth Date

Held with

Length of Time



During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer


Held by

or Officer

Thomas L. Bennett

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


October 1947

  Chair and Trustee  

Trustee since March


Chair since March



Private Investor

(March 2004–Present)

  93   None

Ann D. Borowiec

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


November 1958

  Trustee   Since March 2015   Chief Executive Officer, Private Wealth Management (2011–2013) and Market Manager, New Jersey Private Bank (2005–2011) — J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.   93  

Director — Banco Santander


(October 2016–December 2019) Director — Santander Bank, N.A. (December 2016–December 2019)

Joseph W. Chow

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


January 1953

  Trustee   Since January 2013  

Private Investor

(April 2011–Present)


Director and Audit Committee Member — Hercules Technology Growth Capital, Inc.

(July 2004–July 2014)



Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie



and Birth Date

Held with

Length of Time



During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer


Held by

or Officer

John A. Fry

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


May 1960

  Trustee   Since January 2001  

President — Drexel University

(August 2010–Present) President — Franklin & Marshall College (July 2002–June 2010)


Director; Compensation Committee and Governance Committee Member — Community Health Systems (May 2004–Present)

Director — Drexel Morgan & Co. (2015–2019)

Director and Audit Committee Member — vTv Therapeutics Inc. (2017–Present)

Director and Audit Committee Member — FS Credit Real Estate Income Trust, Inc.

(2018–Present) Director — Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (January 2020–Present)

Lucinda S. Landreth

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


June 1947

  Trustee   Since March 2005   Private Investor (2004–Present)   93   None



Table of Contents



and Birth Date

Held with

Length of Time



During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer


Held by

or Officer

Frances A.


2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


January 1956

  Trustee   Since September 2011  

Private Investor

(January 2017–Present)

Chief Executive Officer — Banco Itaú International

(April 2012–December 2016)

Executive Advisor to Dean

(August 2011–March 2012) and

Interim Dean

(January 2011–July 2011) —

University of Miami School of

Business Administration

President — U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth

Management (Private Banking)

(July 2007-December 2008)


Trust Manager and Audit

Committee Chair — Camden

Property Trust

(August 2011–Present)

Director; Strategic

Planning and Reserves

Committee and Nominating

and Governance

Committee Member —

Callon Petroleum Company

(December 2019–Present)

Director; Audit Committee

Member — Carrizo Oil & Gas,

Inc. (March 2018–December 2019)



Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie



and Birth Date

Held with

Length of Time



During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer


Held by

or Officer

Thomas K. Whitford

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


March 1956

  Trustee   Since January 2013  

Vice Chairman (2010–April 2013)

— PNC Financial Services Group


Director — HSBC North America

Holdings Inc.

(December 2013–Present)

Director — HSBC USA Inc.

(July 2014–Present)

Director — HSBC Bank USA,

National Association

(July 2014–March 2017)

Director — HSBC Finance


(December 2013–April 2018)



Table of Contents





and Birth Date

Held with

Length of Time



During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer


Held by

or Officer

Christianna Wood

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


August 1959

  Trustee   Since January 2019  

Chief Executive Officer and

President — Gore Creek Capital,

Ltd. (August 2009–Present)


Director; Finance Committee and

Audit Committee Member —

H&R Block Corporation

(July 2008–Present)

Director; Investments

Committee, Capital and Finance

Committee, and Audit

Committee Member — Grange

Insurance (2013–Present)

Trustee; Chair of Nominating and

Governance Committee and

Audit Committee Member — The

Merger Fund (2013–Present), The

Merger Fund VL (2013–Present);

WCM Alternatives: Event-Driven

Fund (2013–Present), and WCM

Alternatives: Credit Event Fund

(December 2017–Present)

Director; Chair of Governance

Committee and Audit Committee

Member — International

Securities Exchange (2010–2016)



Table of Contents

Board of trustees / directors and officers addendum

Delaware Funds® by Macquarie



and Birth Date

Held with

Length of Time



During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer


Held by

or Officer

Janet L. Yeomans

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


July 1948

  Trustee   Since April 1999  

Vice President and Treasurer (January 2006–July 2012), Vice President — Mergers & Acquisitions

(January 2003–January 2006), and Vice President and Treasurer (July 1995–January 2003) — 3M Company

  93   Director; Personnel and Compensation Committee Chair; Member of Nominating, Investments, and Audit Committees for various periods throughout directorship — Okabena Company (2009–2017)





David F. Connor

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


December 1963

  Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary   Senior Vice President, since May 2013; General Counsel since May 2015; Secretary since October 2005   David F. Connor has served in various capacities at different times at Macquarie Investment Management.   93   None3

Daniel V. Geatens

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


October 1972


Vice President and


  Vice President and Treasurer since October 2007   Daniel V. Geatens has served in various capacities at different times at Macquarie Investment Management.   93   None3



Table of Contents





and Birth Date

Held with

Length of Time



During the

Past Five Years


Number of
Portfolios in Fund
Complex Overseen
by Trustee

or Officer


Held by

or Officer

Richard Salus

2005 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA


October 1963


Senior Vice President

and Chief Financial



Senior Vice President

and Chief Financial

Officer since

November 2006


Richard Salus has served in

various capacities at different

times at Macquarie Investment Management.

  93   None

1 Shawn K. Lytle is considered to be an “Interested Trustee” because he is an executive officer of the Fund’s(s’) investment advisor.

2 Macquarie Investment Management is the marketing name for Macquarie Management Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including the Fund’s(s’) investment manager, principal underwriter, and its transfer agent.

3 David F. Connor and Daniel V. Geatens serve in similar capacities for the six portfolios of the Optimum Fund Trust, which have the same investment advisor, principal underwriter, and transfer agent as the registrant. Mr. Geatens also serves as the Chief Financial Officer of the Optimum Fund Trust, and he is the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for Macquarie Global Infrastructure Total Return Fund Inc.

The Statement of Additional Information for the Fund(s) includes additional information about the Trustees and Officers and is available, without charge, upon request by calling 800 523-1918.



Table of Contents

About the organization


Board of trustees


Shawn K. Lytle

President and

Chief Executive Officer

Delaware Funds®

by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA

Jerome D. Abernathy

Managing Member

Stonebrook Capital

Management, LLC

Jersey City, NJ

Thomas L. Bennett

Chairman of the Board

Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Private Investor

Rosemont, PA


Ann D. Borowiec

Former Chief Executive


Private Wealth Management

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

New York, NY

Joseph W. Chow

Former Executive Vice President

State Street Corporation

Boston, MA

John A. Fry


Drexel University

Philadelphia, PA


Lucinda S. Landreth

Former Chief Investment


Assurant, Inc.

New York, NY

Frances A. Sevilla-Sacasa

Former Chief Executive


Banco Itaú International

Miami, FL


Thomas K. Whitford

Former Vice Chairman

PNC Financial Services Group

Pittsburgh, PA

Christianna Wood

Chief Executive Officer

and President

Gore Creek Capital, Ltd.

Golden, CO

Janet L. Yeomans

Former Vice President and


3M Company

St. Paul, MN

Affiliated officers


David F. Connor

Senior Vice President,

General Counsel,

and Secretary

Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA


Daniel V. Geatens

Vice President and


Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA


Richard Salus

Senior Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer

Delaware Funds

by Macquarie

Philadelphia, PA


This annual report is for the information of Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund shareholders, but it may be used with prospective investors when preceded or accompanied by the Delaware Fund fact sheet for the most recently completed calendar quarter. These documents are available at delawarefunds.com/literature.



The Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-PORT. The Fund’s Forms N-PORT, as well as a description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies (if any) relating to portfolio securities, are available without charge (i) upon request, by calling 800 523-1918; and (ii) on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. In addition, a description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies (if any) relating to portfolio securities and the Schedule of Investments included in the Fund’s most recent Form N-PORT are available without charge on the Fund’s website at delawarefunds.com/literature. The Fund’s Forms N-PORT may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C.; information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 800 SEC-0330.

Information (if any) regarding how the Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recently disclosed 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge (i) through the Fund’s website at delawarefunds.com/proxy; and (ii) on the SEC’s website at sec.gov.



Item 2. Code of Ethics

The registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party. A copy of the registrant’s Code of Business Ethics has been posted on the Delaware Funds® by Macquarie Internet Web site at www.delawarefunds.com. Any amendments to the Code of Business Ethics, and information on any waiver from its provisions granted by the registrant, will also be posted on this Web site within five business days of such amendment or waiver and will remain on the Web site for at least 12 months.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert

The registrant’s Board of Trustees has determined that certain members of the registrant’s Audit Committee are audit committee financial experts, as defined below. For purposes of this item, an “audit committee financial expert” is a person who has the following attributes:

a. An understanding of generally accepted accounting principles and financial statements;

b. The ability to assess the general application of such principles in connection with the accounting for estimates, accruals, and reserves;

c. Experience preparing, auditing, analyzing, or evaluating financial statements that present a breadth and level of complexity of accounting issues that are generally comparable to the breadth and complexity of issues that can reasonably be expected to be raised by the registrant’s financial statements, or experience actively supervising one or more persons engaged in such activities;

d. An understanding of internal controls and procedures for financial reporting; and

e. An understanding of audit committee functions.

An “audit committee financial expert” shall have acquired such attributes through:

a. Education and experience as a principal financial officer, principal accounting officer, controller, public accountant, or auditor or experience in one or more positions that involve the performance of similar functions;

b. Experience actively supervising a principal financial officer, principal accounting officer, controller, public accountant, auditor, or person performing similar functions;

c. Experience overseeing or assessing the performance of companies or public accountants with respect to the preparation, auditing, or evaluation of financial statements; or

d. Other relevant experience.

The registrant’s Board of Trustees has also determined that each member of the registrant’s Audit Committee is independent. In order to be “independent” for purposes of this item, the Audit Committee member may not: (i) other than in his or her capacity as a member of the Board of Trustees or any committee thereof, accept directly or indirectly any consulting, advisory or other compensatory fee from the issuer; or (ii) be an “interested person” of the registrant as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

The names of the audit committee financial experts on the registrant’s Audit Committee are set forth below:

Jerome D. Abernathy
John A. Fry
Thomas K. Whitford, Chair
Christianna Wood

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services

(a) Audit fees.

The aggregate fees billed for services provided to the registrant by its independent auditors for the audit of the registrant’s annual financial statements and for services normally provided by the independent auditors in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements were $172,640 for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020.

The aggregate fees billed for services provided to the registrant by its independent auditors for the audit of the registrant’s annual financial statements and for services normally provided by the independent auditors in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements were $175,680 for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2019.

(b) Audit-related fees.

The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for services relating to the performance of the audit of the registrant’s financial statements and not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020.

The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for services relating to the performance of the audit of the financial statements of the registrant’s investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $903,282 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended July 31, 2020. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%. These audit-related services were as follows: year end audit procedures; group reporting and subsidiary statutory audits.

The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for services relating to the performance of the audit of the registrant’s financial statements and not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2019.

The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for services relating to the performance of the audit of the financial statements of the registrant’s investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $909,000 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended July 31, 2019. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%. These audit-related services were as follows: year end audit procedures; group reporting and subsidiary statutory audits.

(c) Tax fees.

The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for tax-related services provided to the registrant were $26,000 for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%. These tax-related services were as follows: review of income tax returns and review of annual excise distribution calculations.

The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for tax-related services provided to the registrant’s investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $0 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended July 31, 2020.

The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for tax-related services provided to the registrant were $26,000 for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2019. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%. These tax-related services were as follows: review of income tax returns and review of annual excise distribution calculations.

The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for tax-related services provided to the registrant’s investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $0 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended July 31, 2019.

(d) All other fees.

The aggregate fees billed for all services provided by the independent auditors to the registrant other than those set forth in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020.

The aggregate fees billed for all services other than those set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Item provided by the registrant’s independent auditors to the registrant’s adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $0 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended July 31, 2020. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%.

The aggregate fees billed for all services provided by the independent auditors to the registrant other than those set forth in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2019.

The aggregate fees billed for all services other than those set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Item provided by the registrant’s independent auditors to the registrant’s adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $0 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended July 31, 2019. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%.

(e) The registrant’s Audit Committee has established pre-approval policies and procedures as permitted by Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(B) of Regulation S-X (the “Pre-Approval Policy”) with respect to services provided by the registrant’s independent auditors. Pursuant to the Pre-Approval Policy, the Audit Committee has pre-approved the services set forth in the table below with respect to the registrant up to the specified fee limits. Certain fee limits are based on aggregate fees to the registrant and other registrants within the Delaware Funds® by Macquarie.

Service Range of Fees
Audit Services
Statutory audits or financial audits for new Funds up to $40,000 per Fund
Services associated with SEC registration statements (e.g., Form N-1A, Form N-14, etc.), periodic reports and other documents filed with the SEC or other documents issued in connection with securities offerings (e.g., comfort letters for closed-end Fund offerings, consents), and assistance in responding to SEC comment letters up to $10,000 per Fund
Consultations by Fund management as to the accounting or disclosure treatment of transactions or events and/or the actual or potential impact of final or proposed rules, standards or interpretations by the SEC, FASB, or other regulatory or standard-setting bodies (Note: Under SEC rules, some consultations may be considered “audit-related services” rather than “audit services”) up to $25,000 in the aggregate
Audit-Related Services
Consultations by Fund management as to the accounting or disclosure treatment of transactions or events and /or the actual or potential impact of final or proposed rules, standards or interpretations by the SEC, FASB, or other regulatory or standard-setting bodies (Note: Under SEC rules, some consultations may be considered “audit services” rather than “audit-related services”) up to $25,000 in the aggregate
Tax Services
U.S. federal, state and local and international tax planning and advice (e.g., consulting on statutory, regulatory or administrative developments, evaluation of Funds’ tax compliance function, etc.) up to $25,000 in the aggregate
U.S. federal, state and local tax compliance (e.g., excise distribution reviews, etc.) up to $5,000 per Fund
Review of federal, state, local and international income, franchise and other tax returns up to $5,000 per Fund

Under the Pre-Approval Policy, the Audit Committee has also pre-approved the services set forth in the table below with respect to the registrant’s investment adviser and other entities controlling, controlled by or under common control with the investment adviser that provide ongoing services to the registrant (the “Control Affiliates”) up to the specified fee limit. This fee limit is based on aggregate fees to the investment adviser and its Control Affiliates.

Service Range of Fees
Non-Audit Services
Services associated with periodic reports and other documents filed with the SEC and assistance in responding to SEC comment letters up to $10,000 in the aggregate

The Pre-Approval Policy requires the registrant’s independent auditors to report to the Audit Committee at each of its regular meetings regarding all services initiated since the last such report was rendered, including those services authorized by the Pre-Approval Policy.

(f) Not applicable.

(g) The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for services rendered to the registrant and to its investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser were $5,607,000 and $9,955,000 for the registrant’s fiscal years ended July 31, 2020 and July 31, 2019, respectively.

(h) In connection with its selection of the independent auditors, the registrant’s Audit Committee has considered the independent auditors’ provision of non-audit services to the registrant’s investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser that were not required to be pre-approved pursuant to Rule 2-01(c)(7)(ii) of Regulation S-X. The Audit Committee has determined that the independent auditors’ provision of these services is compatible with maintaining the auditors’ independence.

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants

Not applicable.

Item 6. Investments

(a) Included as part of report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.

(b) Divestment of securities in accordance with Section 13(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Not applicable.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable.

Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable.

Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Companies and Affiliated Purchasers

Not applicable.

Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

Not applicable.

Item 11. Controls and Procedures

The registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer have evaluated the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures within 90 days of the filing of this report and have concluded that they are effective in providing reasonable assurance that the information required to be disclosed by the registrant in its reports or statements filed under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

There were no significant changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the report to stockholders included herein that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12. Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable.

Item 13. Exhibits

(a) (1) Code of Ethics

Not applicable.

(2) Certifications of Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer pursuant to Rule 30a-2 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 are attached hereto as Exhibit 99.CERT.

(3) Written solicitations to purchase securities pursuant to Rule 23c-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Not applicable.

(b) Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are furnished herewith as Exhibit 99.906CERT.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf, by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


By: Shawn K. Lytle
Title:   President and Chief Executive Officer
Date: October 6, 2020

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: Shawn K. Lytle
Title:   President and Chief Executive Officer
Date: October 6, 2020
By: Richard Salus
Title: Chief Financial Officer
Date: October 6, 2020