N-CSR 1 ncsr.htm N-CSR Untitled Document

United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C. 20549

Form N-CSR

Certified Shareholder Report of Registered Management Investment Companies

Investment Company Act file number 811-01879

Janus Investment Fund
(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

151 Detroit Street, Denver, Colorado 80206
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Byron D. Hittle, 151 Detroit Street, Denver, Colorado 80206
(Name and address of agent for service)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 303-333-3863

Date of fiscal year end: 6/30

Date of reporting period: 6/30/20

Item 1 - Reports to Shareholders



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund (unaudited)



This benchmark-agnostic fund has the flexibility to invest across global fixed income markets. The Fund has latitude to act on high-conviction ideas and seeks to achieve positive absolute returns in a variety of market environments.


Jason England

co-portfolio manager

Nick Maroutsos

co-portfolio manager



For the 12-month period ending June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund’s Class I Shares returned 3.88%, compared with a 1.56% return for the Fund’s benchmark, the FTSE 3-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index.


Global bond markets generated positive returns during the period, driven largely by the collapse in global interest rates in the wake of the COVID-19-driven economic slowdown. Earlier in the period, interest rates in many developed markets fell on global growth concerns as resolutions to trade disputes remained elusive. Once the pandemic hit, rates plummeted on the flight to safety. Investment-grade corporate credits incurred temporary losses as the difference between their yields and those on risk-free benchmarks widened considerably. By the end of the period, however, those spreads had narrowed as investors were comforted with the scale of government and central bank initiatives aimed at supporting the global economy.


For the period, the Fund outperformed its benchmark, the FTSE 3-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index. The strategy seeks to provide long-term positive returns through various market environments by managing portfolio duration, credit risk and volatility.

Much of the Fund’s returns were generated by its core of cash-based corporate and securitized credits. We believe these securities offer attractive income potential while our focus on shorter-dated maturities tend to make them less volatile than longer-date securities. Also contributing were positions layered onto the portfolio during the lead up to – and the height of – the COVID-19 crisis, that were aimed at hedging potential losses in the Fund’s credit holdings. Given the widening of credit spreads during that period, these positions generated positive returns. Overall, the Fund’s duration positioning generated positive returns, especially during early spring when interest rate rallied as global economies shut down. Some positions that were constructed to reduce interest-rate risk in the Fund’s credit sleeve, however, generated mild losses. The Fund can also take directional exposure in foreign currency markets. While these positions delivered slightly positive returns for the full period, some of this exposure resulted in losses late in the period.

The Fund makes extensive use of derivatives as a component of its Structural Alpha strategy. These derivatives are utilized with the aim of generating returns in addition to those attributed to our core fixed income allocation. Management has discretion to tactically use each of these derivatives to access trades and as hedging instruments. During the period, the Fund used options, futures, options on futures, credit default swaps (CDS), other swaps and forward exchange contracts. CDS are also used as part of a strategy to generate yield by selling default protection on an underlying asset. Forward exchange contracts are used, in part, to hedge our currency exposure and as a strategy for capitalizing on potential dislocations in the foreign currency market.

Please see the Derivative Instruments section in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for a discussion of derivatives used by the Fund.


Our concern over longer-term economic growth, corporate profitability and the lingering effects of the global shutdown cause us to continue with more conservative positioning. A large amount of headline data released during June pointed to a cautious tone. Among these were the continued rise in COVID-19 cases and deaths; an increase in U.S.-China tensions, not only with respect to trade but also the pandemic and human-rights issues; and a marked uptick in bankruptcies, including a pioneer in the U.S. fracking industry. Collectively, these have the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund (unaudited)

potential to weigh on supply chains, global growth and, ultimately, the prospects for risky assets.

We remain concerned over further market turmoil and expect to maintain conservative risk exposures. Penalty rates for holding cash have become too painful and we have begun to invest our excess cash into short-term commercial paper with what we consider to be attractive yields. While we doubt these securities will benefit from price increases, we believe that portfolio yield should remain attractive and their inclusion should help insulate the portfolio against additional market volatility. We still consider it necessary to maintain a degree of protection via derivatives against potential defaults that would adversely affect our corporate holdings, and we are keeping duration in the 1.25-year range. We also remain concerned that a longer-than-anticipated lockdown could stress corporate solvencies even further. We will await further information before materially increasing risk positions.

While we remain biased toward lower short-term rates, they have largely been priced in and we have little conviction in the overall direction of rates from where we stand today. Market conjecture of negative U.S. rates, in our view, is premature, but low short-term rates are a given for the next 12 to 18 months. We are not believers in the consensus view of a steeper yield curve driven by massive deficits and record Treasury bond issuance. Lessons from Japan and Europe demonstrate that longer-term deflation risks combined with central bank purchases override supply concerns.

Bond market liquidity continues to improve. We remain primarily allocated to investment-grade securities, biased toward shorter-dated issues. We continue to avoid more volatile or higher beta sectors (such as commodities energy, gaming, tourism and airlines) as well as the regions most affected by the pandemic. We maintain only a modest exposure to China (and only in USD-denominated quasi-sovereign issuers) and otherwise nothing in emerging markets. Despite our cautious outlook, we have no greater concern with default risk than we did before the turmoil began. Our main goal is to buttress the portfolio against a renewed sell-off in risk assets.

Thank you for your investment in the Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


Fund Profile



30-day Current Yield*



Class A Shares NAV



Class A Shares MOP



Class C Shares**



Class D Shares



Class I Shares



Class N Shares



Class R Shares



Class S Shares



Class T Shares



Weighted Average Maturity

2.1 Years

Average Effective Duration***

1.5 Years

* Yield will fluctuate.



** Does not include the 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge.

*** A theoretical measure of price volatility.



Ratings Summary - (% of Total Investments)










Not Rated




† Credit quality ratings reflect the lower rating provided by Standard

& Poor's (S&P) and/or Moody’s, independent credit rating agencies.

Credit ratings are measured on a scale that ranges from AAA

(highest) to D (lowest). Further information on S&P's and/or Moody’s

rating methodology may be found at www.standardandpoors.com or

www.moodys.com . Other rating agencies may rate the same

securities differently. Ratings are relative and subjective and are not

absolute standards of quality. Credit quality does not remove market

risk and is subject to change. "Not Rated" securities are not rated by

S&P or Moody’s but may be rated by other rating agencies and do

not necessarily indicate low quality. "Other" includes cash equivalents,

equity securities, and certain derivative instruments.

Significant Areas of Investment - (% of Net Assets)


Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds



Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities



Commercial Paper








Emerging markets comprised 10.1% of total net assets.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.




















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios








Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV









Class A Shares at MOP









Class C Shares at NAV









Class C Shares at CDSC









Class D Shares(1)









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









FTSE 3-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index


















Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares









Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Nontraditional Bond Funds









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 4.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund (unaudited)


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class R Shares commenced operations on February 6, 2015. Performance shown for periods prior to February 6, 2015, reflects the historical performance of the Fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class R Shares, without the effect of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If Class R Shares of the Fund had been available during periods prior to February 6, 2015, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of Class R Shares reflects the fees and expenses of Class R Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

Effective June 28, 2019, the Fund’s primary benchmark index changed from the 3-Month USD LIBOR to the FTSE 3-Month US Treasury Bill Index. Janus Henderson believes the FTSE 3-Month US Treasury Bill Index is a more appropriate benchmark against which to measure the Fund’s performance and regulators had signaled intent to phase out LIBOR as a key market interest rate by the end of 2021.

*The Fund’s inception date – May 27, 2014

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – 32.9%


La Trobe Financial Capital Markets Trust 2017-1,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.9500%, 3.0400%, 1/14/49







La Trobe Financial Capital Markets Trust 2017-2,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 1.9000%, 1.9900%, 1/12/49







La Trobe Financial Capital Markets Trust 2017-2,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.4000%, 2.4900%, 1/12/49







Liberty Series 2016-2,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.7000%, 2.7900%, 8/25/48







Liberty Series 2018-1 SME,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 1.4500%, 1.5400%, 7/10/50







Liberty Series 2018-1 SME,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.3500%, 2.4400%, 7/10/50







Liberty Series 2018-3,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.1000%, 2.1900%, 10/25/50







Pepper I-Prime 2017-2 Trust,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.0000%, 2.0900%, 12/13/48







Pepper I-Prime 2018-1 Trust,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 1.6500%, 1.7400%, 11/23/49







Pepper Residential Securities Trust NO 18,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.1000%, 2.1900%, 8/12/58







RedZed Trust Series 2018-1,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.4000%, 2.4881%, 3/9/50







RESIMAC Bastille Trust Series 2017-1NC,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 1.8500%, 1.9381%, 12/8/58







TORRENS Series 2014-2 Trust,


30 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 1.6000%, 1.6900%, 1/12/46







Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $36,006,790)




Corporate Bonds – 51.1%


Banking – 25.4%


Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd,


90 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.7000%, 2.7978%, 5/17/26







Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd,


AUD SWAP 5 YR + 1.8500%, 4.7500%, 5/13/27







Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd,


90 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.4500%, 2.5450%, 11/30/28







Commonwealth Bank of Australia,


90 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.6500%, 2.7500%, 6/3/26







Commonwealth Bank of Australia,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.0940%, 3.3750%, 10/20/26






Credit Union Australia Ltd,


90 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 1.2300%, 1.3300%, 3/4/22







DBS Group Holdings Ltd,


90 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 1.5800%, 1.6832%, 3/16/28







Horse Gallop Finance Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.1800%, 1.4860%, 6/28/21






Lloyds Banking Group PLC, 3.9000%, 11/23/23







Macquarie Group Ltd,


90 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 1.1500%, 1.2500%, 12/15/22







National Australia Bank Ltd,


90 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 2.4000%, 2.5049%, 9/21/26







National Australia Bank Ltd, AUD SWAP 5 YR + 2.4000%, 4.0000%, 9/21/26







Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd, 4.2500%, 6/19/24






Standard Chartered PLC,


90 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 1.8500%, 1.9500%, 6/28/25







Westpac Banking Corp, AUD SWAP 5 YR + 1.9500%, 4.5000%, 3/11/27







Westpac Banking Corp, AUD SWAP 5 YR + 2.6500%, 4.8000%, 6/14/28









Capital Goods – 0.9%


CNH Industrial Capital Australia Pty Ltd, 2.1000%, 12/12/22







See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Capital Goods – (continued)


John Deere Capital Corp, 0.5500%, 7/5/22








Consumer Cyclical – 8.9%


Amazon.com Inc, 0.8000%, 6/3/25






eBay Inc, 1.9000%, 3/11/25






General Motors Financial Co Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.8500%, 1.1184%, 4/9/21






Hyundai Capital America, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.9400%, 1.2165%, 7/8/21






Volkswagen Financial Services Australia Pty Ltd, 3.3000%, 2/28/22









Electric – 0.7%


ETSA Utilities Finance Pty Ltd,


90 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 1.0200%, 1.1150%, 8/29/22







Financial Institutions – 1.5%


Liberty Financial Pty Ltd, 5.1000%, 4/9/21







Government Sponsored – 8.5%


Bank of China Ltd/Macau,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.7500%, 1.1270%, 11/20/21






CNOOC Curtis Funding No 1 Pty Ltd, 4.5000%, 10/3/23






ICBCIL Finance Co Ltd, 3.6500%, 3/5/22






SGSP Australia Assets Pty Ltd, 3.3000%, 4/9/23






Sinopec Capital 2013 Ltd, 3.1250%, 4/24/23








Industrial – 0.7%


Downer Group Finance Pty Ltd, 3.7000%, 4/29/26







Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 1.4%


Vicinity Centres Trust, 4.0000%, 4/26/27







Real Estate Management & Development – 0.6%


QIC Finance Shopping Center Fund Pty Ltd,


90 Day Australian Bank Bill Rate + 1.2700%, 1.3679%, 8/15/25







Supranational – 0.4%


Inter-American Development Bank, 5.5000%, 8/23/21







Technology – 0.8%


Broadcom Inc, 2.2500%, 11/15/23 (144A)






Broadcom Inc, 4.7000%, 4/15/25 (144A)








Transportation – 1.3%


Sydney Airport Finance Co Pty Ltd, 3.6250%, 4/28/26 (144A)






Total Corporate Bonds (cost $53,769,741)




Commercial Paper – 4.7%


Energy Transfer Operating LP, 0%, 7/1/20 (Section 4(2))






Energy Transfer Operating LP, 0%, 7/2/20 (Section 4(2))






General Motors Financial Co Inc, 0%, 7/10/20 (Section 4(2))






Glencore Funding LLC, 0%, 7/6/20 (Section 4(2))






Jabil Inc, 0%, 7/6/20 (Section 4(2))






Total Commercial Paper (cost $4,999,368)




Total Investments (total cost $94,775,899) – 88.7%




Cash, Receivables and Other Assets, net of Liabilities – 11.3%




Net Assets – 100%




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of
















United States


















United Kingdom




















Schedule of Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts, Open



Foreign Currency



Foreign Currency

Amount (Sold)/



USD Currency

Amount (Sold)/



Market Value and





Citibank, National Association:


Australian Dollar








Morgan Stanley & Co:


Australian Dollar








Korean Won








Thailand Baht












Australian Dollar













Schedule of Futures




Number of






Value and








Variation Margin



Futures Purchased:


2-Year US Treasury Note












Futures Sold:


10-Year US Treasury Note












3-Year Australian Bond












Total - Futures Sold













See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Schedule of Centrally Cleared Interest Rate Swaps

Payments made

by Fund

Payments received

by Fund






















0.7425% Fixed Rate













The following table, grouped by derivative type, provides information about the fair value and location of derivatives within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of June 30, 2020.


Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020


















Interest Rate



Asset Derivatives:








Forward foreign currency exchange contracts



$ 90,723


$ -


$ 90,723

Variation margin receivable









Total Asset Derivatives



$ 90,723


$ 2,313


$ 93,036

Liability Derivatives:








Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





$ -



Variation margin payable









Total Liability Derivatives





$ 1,270




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

The following tables provide information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Fund’s Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020.


The effect of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) on the Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020












Amount of Realized Gain/(Loss) Recognized on Derivatives







Interest Rate



Futures contracts


$ -


$ -


$ 543,182


$ 543,182

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts









Purchased options contracts









Swap contracts









Written options contracts









Written swaption contracts














$ 5,473,222


$ 168,667


$ 5,929,005





















Amount of Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation Recognized on Derivatives







Interest Rate



Futures contracts






$ (22,929)


$ (22,929)

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts









Purchased options contracts









Swap contracts












$ -




$ (68,624)



Please see the "Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments" and "Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation" sections of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.


Average Ending Monthly Market Value of Derivative Instruments During the Year Ended June 30, 2020




Market Value(a)

Credit default swaps, buy protection

$ (12,182)

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, purchased


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, sold


Futures contracts, purchased


Futures contracts, sold


Interest rate swaps, pay fixed rate/receive floating rate


Interest rate swaps, receive fixed rate/pay floating rate


Purchased options contracts, call


Purchased options contracts, put


Written options contracts, call


Written options contracts, put


Written swaption contracts, call



(a) Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported as the average ending monthly currency amount purchased or sold.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


FTSE 3-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index

FTSE 3-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index tracks the performance of short-term U.S. government debt securities.

London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)

LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) is a short-term interest rate that banks offer one another and generally represents current cash rates.



Australian Bank Bill Swap Rate


Intercontinental Exchange


London Interbank Offered Rate


Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership


Public Limited Company



Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $2,199,160, which represents 2.1% of net assets.



Securities sold under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 4(2) securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $4,999,019, which represents 4.7% of net assets.


Variable or floating rate security. Rate shown is the current rate as of June 30, 2020. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread; they are determined by the issuer or agent and current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date and may vary by security, which may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.


Zero coupon bond.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities







Corporate Bonds







Commercial Paper







Total Investments in Securities







Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Variation Margin Receivable







Total Assets









Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Variation Margin Payable







Total Liabilities









Other financial instruments include forward foreign currency exchange, futures, written options, written swaptions, and swap contracts. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported at their unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract's value from trade date. Futures, certain written options on futures, and centrally cleared swap contracts are reported at their variation margin at measurement date, which represents the amount due to/from the Fund at that date. Written options, written swaptions, and other swap contracts are reported at their market value at measurement date.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Investments, at value(1)












Deposits with brokers for centrally cleared derivatives






Deposits with brokers for futures






Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Cash denominated in foreign currency(2)






Variation margin receivable






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation




















Fund shares sold






Other assets





Total Assets











Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Variation margin payable












Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Professional fees







Advisory fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Custodian fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees














Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class R Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $94,775,899.

(2) Includes cost of $663,448.

(3) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(4) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/95.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:















Other income




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Professional fees





Non-affiliated fund administration fees





Shareholder reports expense





Custodian fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions





Purchased options contracts





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Swap contracts





Written options contracts





Written swaption contracts




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Purchased options contracts





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Swap contracts




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











(1) This amount was initially recorded as dividend income during the Fund’s prior fiscal year, however has been reclassified as a tax return of capital during the current reporting period as a result of 2019 tax reporting information provided by the issuer in 2020.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class R Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Financial Highlights


Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks to maximize total return, consistent with preservation of capital. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class R Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with US GAAP.

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends are declared daily and distributed monthly for the Fund. Realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed in December. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Derivative Instruments

The Fund may invest in various types of derivatives, which may at times result in significant derivative exposure. A derivative is a financial instrument whose performance is derived from the performance of another asset. The Fund may invest in derivative instruments including, but not limited to: futures contracts, put options, call options, options on futures contracts, options on foreign currencies, options on recovery locks, options on security and commodity indices, swaps, forward contracts, structured investments, and other equity-linked derivatives. Each derivative instrument that was held by the Fund during the year ended June 30, 2020 is discussed in further detail below. A summary of derivative activity by the Fund is reflected in the tables at the end of the Schedule of Investments.

The Fund may use derivative instruments for hedging purposes (to offset risks associated with an investment, currency exposure, or market conditions), to adjust currency exposure relative to a benchmark index, or for speculative purposes (to earn income and seek to enhance returns). When the Fund invests in a derivative for speculative purposes, the Fund will be fully exposed to the risks of loss of that derivative, which may sometimes be greater than the derivative’s cost. The Fund may not use any derivative to gain exposure to an asset or class of assets that it would be prohibited by its investment restrictions from purchasing directly. The Fund’s ability to use derivative instruments may also be limited by tax considerations.

Investments in derivatives in general are subject to market risks that may cause their prices to fluctuate over time. Investments in derivatives may not directly correlate with the price movements of the underlying instrument. As a result, the use of derivatives may expose the Fund to additional risks that it would not be subject to if it invested directly in the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

securities underlying those derivatives. The use of derivatives may result in larger losses or smaller gains than otherwise would be the case. Derivatives can be volatile and may involve significant risks.

In pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease exposure to the following market risk factors:

· Commodity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of commodities or commodity-linked investments due to changes in the overall market movements, volatility of the underlying benchmark, changes in interest rates, or other factors affecting a particular industry or commodity such as drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs, and international economic, political, and regulatory developments.

· Counterparty Risk – the risk that the counterparty (the party on the other side of the transaction) on a derivative transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation to the Fund.

· Credit Risk – the risk an issuer will be unable to make principal and interest payments when due, or will default on its obligations.

· Currency Risk – the risk that changes in the exchange rate between currencies will adversely affect the value (in U.S. dollar terms) of an investment.

· Equity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

· Index Risk – if the derivative is linked to the performance of an index, it will be subject to the risks associated with changes in that index. If the index changes, the Fund could receive lower interest payments or experience a reduction in the value of the derivative to below what the Fund paid. Certain indexed securities, including inverse securities (which move in an opposite direction to the index), may create leverage, to the extent that they increase or decrease in value at a rate that is a multiple of the changes in the applicable index.

· Interest Rate Risk – the risk that the value of fixed-income securities will generally decline as prevailing interest rates rise, which may cause the Fund’s NAV to likewise decrease.

· Leverage Risk – the risk associated with certain types of leveraged investments or trading strategies pursuant to which relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of an investment. The Fund creates leverage by investing in instruments, including derivatives, where the investment loss can exceed the original amount invested. Certain investments or trading strategies, such as short sales, that involve leverage can result in losses that greatly exceed the amount originally invested.

· Liquidity Risk – the risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time that the seller would like or at the price that the seller believes the security is currently worth.

Derivatives may generally be traded OTC or on an exchange. Derivatives traded OTC are agreements that are individually negotiated between parties and can be tailored to meet a purchaser’s needs. OTC derivatives are not guaranteed by a clearing agency and may be subject to increased credit risk.

In an effort to mitigate credit risk associated with derivatives traded OTC, the Fund may enter into collateral agreements with certain counterparties whereby, subject to certain minimum exposure requirements, the Fund may require the counterparty to post collateral if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on all OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. Additionally, the Fund may deposit cash and/or treasuries as collateral with the counterparty and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. All liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to certain exchange-traded derivatives, centrally cleared derivatives, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, short sales, and/or securities with extended settlement dates. There is no guarantee that counterparty exposure is reduced and these arrangements are dependent on Janus Capital's ability to establish and maintain appropriate systems and trading.

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts

A forward foreign currency exchange contract (“forward currency contract”) is an obligation to buy or sell a specified currency at a future date at a negotiated rate (which may be U.S. dollars or a foreign currency). The Fund may enter into forward currency contracts for hedging purposes, including, but not limited to, reducing exposure to changes in foreign


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

currency exchange rates on foreign portfolio holdings and locking in the U.S. dollar cost of firm purchase and sale commitments for securities denominated in or exposed to foreign currencies. The Fund may also invest in forward currency contracts for non-hedging purposes such as seeking to enhance returns. The Fund is subject to currency risk and counterparty risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in forward currency contracts.

Forward currency contracts are valued by converting the foreign value to U.S. dollars by using the current spot U.S. dollar exchange rate and/or forward rate for that currency. Exchange and forward rates as of the close of the NYSE shall be used to value the forward currency contracts. The unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) for forward currency contracts is reported in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as a receivable or payable and in the Statement of Operations for the change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation (if applicable). The gain or loss arising from the difference between the U.S. dollar cost of the original contract and the value of the foreign currency in U.S. dollars upon closing a forward currency contract is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to purchase foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to decrease exposure to currency risk associated with foreign currency denominated securities held by the Fund.

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to sell foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to decrease exposure to currency risk associated with foreign currency denominated securities held by the Fund.

Futures Contracts

A futures contract is an exchange-traded agreement to take or make delivery of an underlying asset at a specific time in the future for a specific predetermined negotiated price. The Fund may enter into futures contracts to gain exposure to the stock market or other markets pending investment of cash balances or to meet liquidity needs. The Fund is subject to interest rate risk, equity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in futures contracts. The Fund may also use such derivative instruments to hedge or protect from adverse movements in securities prices, currency rates or interest rates. The use of futures contracts may involve risks such as the possibility of illiquid markets or imperfect correlation between the values of the contracts and the underlying securities, or that the counterparty will fail to perform its obligations.

Futures contracts on commodities are valued at the settlement price on valuation date on the commodities exchange as reported by an approved vendor. Mini contracts, as defined in the description of the contract, shall be valued using the Actual Settlement Price or “ASET” price type as reported by an approved vendor. In the event that foreign futures trade when the foreign equity markets are closed, the last foreign futures trade price shall be used. Futures contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). When a contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable), equal to the difference between the opening and closing value of the contract. Securities held by the Fund that are designated as collateral for market value on futures contracts are noted on the Schedule of Investments (if applicable). Such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s futures commission merchant.

With futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since futures are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees the futures against default.

During the year, the Fund purchased interest rate futures to increase exposure to interest rate risk.

During the year, the Fund sold interest rate futures to decrease exposure to interest rate risk.

Options Contracts

An options contract provides the purchaser with the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option) a financial instrument at an agreed upon price on or before a specified date. The purchaser pays a premium to the seller for this right. The seller has the corresponding obligation to sell or buy a financial instrument if the purchaser (owner) "exercises" the option. When an option is exercised, the proceeds on sales for a written call option, the purchase cost for a written put option, or the cost of the security for a purchased put or call option are adjusted by the amount of premium received or paid. Upon expiration, or closing of the option transaction, a realized gain or loss is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). The difference between the premium paid/received and the market value of the option is recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation. The net change in unrealized appreciation or depreciation



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Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). Option contracts are typically valued using an approved vendor’s option valuation model. To the extent reliable market quotations are available, option contracts are valued using market quotations. In cases when an approved vendor cannot provide coverage for an option and there is no reliable market quotation, a broker quotation or an internal valuation using the Black-Scholes model, the Cox-Rubinstein Binomial Option Pricing Model, or other appropriate option pricing model is used. Certain options contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as “Variation margin receivable” or “Variation margin payable” (if applicable).

The Fund may use options contracts to hedge against changes in interest rates, the values of equities, or foreign currencies. The Fund generally invests in options to hedge against adverse movements in the value of portfolio holdings. The use of such instruments may involve certain additional risks as a result of unanticipated movements in the market. A lack of correlation between the value of an instrument underlying an option and the asset being hedged, or unexpected adverse price movements, could render the Fund’s hedging strategy unsuccessful. In addition, there can be no assurance that a liquid secondary market will exist for any option purchased or sold. The Fund may be subject to counterparty risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, equity risk, commodity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in options contracts.

Options traded on an exchange are regulated and the terms of the options are standardized. Options traded OTC expose the Fund to counterparty risk in the event that the counterparty does not perform. This risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by having the counterparty post collateral to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.

The Fund may purchase put options to hedge against a decline in the value of its portfolio. By using put options in this way, the Fund will reduce any profit it might otherwise have realized in the underlying security by the amount of the premium paid for the put option and by transaction costs. The Fund may purchase call options to hedge against an increase in the price of securities that it may buy in the future. The premium paid for the call option plus any transaction costs will reduce the benefit, if any, realized by the Fund upon exercise of the option, and, unless the price of the underlying security rises sufficiently, the option may expire worthless to the Fund. The risk in buying options is that the Fund pays a premium whether or not the options are exercised. Options purchased are reported in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

During the year, the Fund purchased put options on bond futures in order to reduce interest rate risk exposure where reducing this exposure via other markets such as the cash bond market was less attractive.

During the year, the Fund purchased call options on foreign exchange rates vs. the U.S. dollar in order to increase foreign currency exposure and reduce U.S. dollar exposure where increasing this exposure via the options market was most attractive.

During the year, the Fund purchased put options on foreign exchange rates vs. the U.S. dollar in order to decrease foreign currency exposure and increase U.S. dollar exposure where decreasing this exposure via the options market was most attractive.

In writing an option, the Fund bears the risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the security underlying the written option. When an option is written, the Fund receives a premium and becomes obligated to sell or purchase the underlying security at a fixed price, upon exercise of the option. Options written are reported as a liability on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as “Options written, at value” (if applicable). The risk in writing call options is that the Fund gives up the opportunity for profit if the market price of the security increases and the options are exercised. The risk in writing put options is that the Fund may incur a loss if the market price of the security decreases and the options are exercised. The risk in buying options is that the Fund pays a premium whether or not the options are exercised. Exercise of an option written by the Fund could result in the Fund buying or selling a security at a price different from the current market value.

During the year, the Fund wrote call options on bond futures in order to reduce interest rate risk where reducing this exposure via other markets such as the cash bond market was less attractive.

There were no options held at June 30, 2020.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Options on Swap Contracts (Swaptions)

The Fund may purchase or write covered and uncovered put and call options on swap contracts, commonly referred to as “swaptions”. Swaption contracts grant the purchaser the right, but not the obligation, to enter into a swap transaction at preset terms detailed in the underlying agreement within a specified period of time.

Swaptions can be used for a variety of purposes, including to manage the Fund’s overall exposure to changes in interest or foreign currency exchange rates and credit quality; as an efficient means of adjusting the Fund's exposure to certain markets; in an effort to enhance income or total return or protect the value of portfolio securities; to serve as a cash management tool; and to adjust portfolio duration or credit risk. Because the use of swaptions generally does not involve the delivery of securities or other underlying assets or principal, the risk of loss with respect to swaptions generally is limited to the net amount of payments that the Fund is contractually obligated to make. There is also a risk of a default by the other party to a swaption, in which case the Fund may not receive the net amount of payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. Entering into a swaption contract involves, to varying degrees, the elements of credit, market, and interest rate risk, associated with both option contracts and swap contracts.

Interest rate written receiver swaptions, if exercised by the purchaser, allow the Fund to short interest rates by entering into a pay fixed/receive float interest rate swap. Selling the interest rate receiver option reduces the exposure to interest rates and the short position becomes more valuable to the Fund as interest rates rise and/or implied interest rate volatility decreases. Interest rate written payer swaptions, if exercised by the purchaser, allow the Fund to take a long position on interest rates by entering into a receive fixed/pay float interest rate swap. Selling the interest rate payer option increases the exposure to interest rates and the short position becomes more valuable to the Fund as interest rates fall and/or implied interest rate volatility decreases. Credit default written receiver swaptions, if exercised by the purchaser, allow the Fund to buy credit protection through credit default swaps. Selling the credit default receiver option reduces the exposure to the credit risk of the individual issuers and/or indices of issuers and the short position becomes more valuable to the Fund as the likelihood of a credit event on the reference asset(s) increases. Credit default written payer swaptions, if exercised by the purchaser, allow the Fund to sell credit protection through credit default swaps. Selling the credit default payer option increases the exposure to the credit risk of the individual issuers and/or indices of issuers and the short position becomes more valuable to the Fund as the likelihood of a credit event on the reference asset(s) decreases. Swaptions purchased are reported in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Swaptions written are reported as a liability on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as “Swaptions written, at value” (if applicable).

During the year, the Fund sold credit default receiver swaptions (call) in order to gain credit market volatility exposure and to reduce credit exposure.

There were no swaptions held at June 30, 2020.


Swap agreements are two-party contracts entered into primarily by institutional investors for periods ranging from a day to more than one year to exchange one set of cash flows for another. The most significant factor in the performance of swap agreements is the change in value of the specific index, security, or currency, or other factors that determine the amounts of payments due to and from the Fund. The use of swaps is a highly specialized activity which involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio securities transactions. Swap transactions may in some instances involve the delivery of securities or other underlying assets by the Fund or its counterparty to collateralize obligations under the swap. If the other party to a swap that is not collateralized defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. Swap agreements entail the risk that a party will default on its payment obligations to the Fund. If the other party to a swap defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. If the Fund utilizes a swap at the wrong time or judges market conditions incorrectly, the swap may result in a loss to the Fund and reduce the Fund’s total return.

Swap agreements also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty. Swap agreements are typically privately negotiated and entered into in the OTC market. However, certain swap agreements are required to be cleared through a clearinghouse and traded on an exchange or swap execution facility. Swaps that are required to be cleared are required to post initial and variation margins in accordance with the exchange requirements. Regulations enacted require the Fund to centrally clear certain interest rate and credit default index swaps through a clearinghouse or central counterparty (“CCP”). To clear a swap with a CCP, the Fund will submit the



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Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

swap to, and post collateral with, a futures clearing merchant (“FCM”) that is a clearinghouse member. Alternatively, the Fund may enter into a swap with a financial institution other than the FCM (the “Executing Dealer”) and arrange for the swap to be transferred to the FCM for clearing. The Fund may also enter into a swap with the FCM itself. The CCP, the FCM, and the Executing Dealer are all subject to regulatory oversight by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”). A default or failure by a CCP or an FCM, or the failure of a swap to be transferred from an Executing Dealer to the FCM for clearing, may expose the Fund to losses, increase its costs, or prevent the Fund from entering or exiting swap positions, accessing collateral, or fully implementing its investment strategies. The regulatory requirement to clear certain swaps could, either temporarily or permanently, reduce the liquidity of cleared swaps or increase the costs of entering into those swaps.

Index swaps, interest rate swaps, and credit default swaps are valued using an approved vendor supplied price. Basket swaps are valued using a broker supplied price. Equity swaps that consist of a single underlying equity are valued either at the closing price, the latest bid price, or the last sale price on the primary market or exchange it trades. The market value of swap contracts are aggregated by positive and negative values and are disclosed separately as an asset or liability on the Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). Realized gains and losses are reported on the Fund’s Statement of Operations (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation or depreciation during the year is included in the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty risk or credit risk is the discounted value of the payments to be received from/paid to the counterparty over the contract’s remaining life, to the extent that the amount is positive. The risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.

The Fund may enter into various types of credit default swap agreements, including OTC credit default swap agreements and index credit default swaps (“CDX”), for investment purposes and to add leverage to its portfolio. Credit default swaps are a specific kind of counterparty agreement that allow the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to the other. One party in the swap is a lender and faces credit risk from a third party, and the counterparty in the credit default swap agrees to insure this risk in exchange for regular periodic payments. Credit default swaps could result in losses if the Fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of the company or companies on which the credit default swap is based. Credit default swap agreements may involve greater risks than if the Fund had invested in the reference obligation directly since, in addition to risks relating to the reference obligation, credit default swaps are subject to liquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk. The Fund will generally incur a greater degree of risk when it sells a credit default swap than when it purchases a credit default swap. As a buyer of a credit default swap, the Fund may lose its investment and recover nothing should no credit event occur and the swap is held to its termination date. As seller of a credit default swap, if a credit event were to occur, the value of any deliverable obligation received by the Fund, coupled with the upfront or periodic payments previously received, may be less than what it pays to the buyer, resulting in a loss of value to the Fund.

As a buyer of credit protection, the Fund is entitled to receive the par (or other agreed-upon) value of a referenced debt obligation from the counterparty to the contract in the event of a default or other credit event by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund as buyer would pay to the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no credit event has occurred. If no credit event occurs, the Fund would have spent the stream of payments and potentially received no benefit from the contract.

If the Fund is the seller of credit protection against a particular security, the Fund would receive an up-front or periodic payment to compensate against potential credit events. As the seller in a credit default swap contract, the Fund would be required to pay the par value (the “notional value”) (or other agreed-upon value) of a referenced debt obligation to the counterparty in the event of a default by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign corporate issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund would receive from the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no event of default has occurred. If no default occurs, the Fund would keep the stream of payments and would have no payment obligations. As the seller, the Fund would effectively add leverage to its portfolio because, in addition to its total net assets, the Fund would be subject to investment exposure on the notional value of the swap. The maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) that the Fund as a seller could be required to make in a credit default transaction would be the notional amount of the agreement.

The Fund may invest in single-name credit default swaps (“CDS”) to buy or sell credit protection to hedge its credit exposure, gain issuer exposure without owning the underlying security, or increase the Fund’s total return. Single-name


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

CDS enable the Fund to buy or sell protection against a credit event of a specific issuer. When the Fund buys a single-name CDS, the Fund will receive a return on its investment only in the event of a credit event, such as default by the issuer of the underlying obligation (as opposed to a credit downgrade or other indication of financial difficulty). If a single-name CDS transaction is particularly large, or if the relevant market is illiquid, it may not be possible for the Fund to initiate a single-name CDS transaction or to liquidate its position at an advantageous time or price, which may result in significant losses. Moreover, the Fund bears the risk of loss of the amount expected to be received under a single-name CDS in the event of the default or bankruptcy of the counterparty. The risks associated with cleared single-name CDS may be lower than that for uncleared single-name CDS because for cleared single-name CDS, the counterparty is a clearinghouse (to the extent such a trading market is available). However, there can be no assurance that a clearinghouse or its members will satisfy their obligations to the Fund.

The Fund may invest in CDXs. A CDX is a swap on an index of credit default swaps. CDXs allow an investor to manage credit risk or take a position on a basket of credit entities (such as credit default swaps or commercial mortgage-backed securities) in a more efficient manner than transacting in a single-name CDS. If a credit event occurs in one of the underlying companies, the protection is paid out via the delivery of the defaulted bond by the buyer of protection in return for a payment of notional value of the defaulted bond by the seller of protection or it may be settled through a cash settlement between the two parties. The underlying company is then removed from the index. If the Fund holds a long position in a CDX, the Fund would indirectly bear its proportionate share of any expenses paid by a CDX. A Fund holding a long position in CDXs typically receives income from principal or interest paid on the underlying securities. By investing in CDXs, the Fund could be exposed to illiquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk of the issuers of the underlying loan obligations and of the CDX markets. If there is a default by the CDX counterparty, the Fund will have contractual remedies pursuant to the agreements related to the transaction. CDXs also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty.

During the year, the Fund purchased protection via the credit default swap market in order to reduce credit risk exposure to individual corporates, countries and/or credit indices where reducing this exposure via the cash bond market was less attractive.

There were no credit default swaps held at June 30, 2020.

The Fund’s use of interest rate swaps involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio security transactions. Interest rate swaps do not involve the delivery of securities, other underlying assets, or principal. Interest rate swaps involve the exchange by two parties of their respective commitments to pay or receive interest (e.g., an exchange of floating rate payments for fixed rate payments). Interest rate swaps may result in potential losses if interest rates do not move as expected or if the counterparties are unable to satisfy their obligations. Interest rate swaps are generally entered into on a net basis. Accordingly, the risk of loss with respect to interest rate swaps is limited to the net amount of interest payments that the Fund is contractually obligated to make.

During the year, the Fund entered into interest rate swaps paying a fixed interest rate and receiving a floating interest rate in order to decrease interest rate risk (duration) exposure. As interest rates rise, the Fund benefits by receiving a higher expected future floating rate, while paying a fixed rate that has not increased.

During the year, the Fund entered into interest rate swaps paying a floating interest rate and receiving a fixed interest rate in order to increase interest rate risk (duration) exposure. As interest rates fall, the Fund benefits by paying a lower future floating rate, while receiving a fixed rate that has not decreased.

3. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

The Fund may be invested in lower-rated debt securities that have a higher risk of default or loss of value since these securities may be sensitive to economic changes, political changes, or adverse developments specific to the issuer.

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies,



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.

LIBOR Replacement Risk

The Fund may invest in certain debt securities, derivatives or other financial instruments that utilize the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as a reference rate for various rate calculations. On July 27, 2017, the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority announced that it intends to stop compelling or inducing banks to submit LIBOR rates after 2021. However, it remains unclear if LIBOR will continue to exist in its current, or a modified, form. Actions by regulators have resulted in the establishment of alternative reference rates to LIBOR in most major currencies. The U.S. Federal Reserve, based on the recommendations of the New York Federal Reserve’s Alternative Reference Rate Committee (comprised of major derivative market participants and their regulators), has begun publishing a Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), that is intended to replace U.S. dollar LIBOR. Proposals for alternative reference rates for other currencies have also been announced or have already begun publication. However, global consensus on alternative


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

rates is lacking. The elimination of LIBOR or changes to other reference rates or any other changes or reforms to the determination or supervision of reference rates could adversely impact (i) volatility and liquidity in markets that are tied to LIBOR, (ii) the market for, or value of, specific securities or payments linked to those reference rates, (iii) availability or terms of borrowing or refinancing, or (iv) the effectiveness of hedging strategies. For these and other reasons, the elimination of LIBOR or changes to other interest rates may adversely affect the Fund’s performance and/or net asset value. Since the usefulness of LIBOR as a benchmark could deteriorate during the transition period, these effects could occur prior to the end of 2021. Markets are slowly developing in response to these new rates. Uncertainty regarding the process for amending existing contracts or instruments to transition away from LIBOR remains a concern for the Fund. The effect of any changes to, or discontinuation of, LIBOR on the Fund will vary depending, among other things, on (1) existing fallback or termination provisions in individual contracts and (2) whether, how, and when industry participants develop and adopt new reference rates and fallbacks for both legacy and new products and instruments. Accordingly, it is difficult to predict the full impact of the transition away from LIBOR on the Fund until new reference rates and fallbacks for both legacy and new products, instruments and contracts are commercially accepted.

Geographic Investment Risk

To the extent the Fund invests a significant portion of its assets in a particular country or geographic region, the Fund will generally have more exposure to certain risks due to possible political, economic, social, or regulatory events in that country or region. Adverse developments in certain regions could also adversely affect securities of other countries whose economies appear to be unrelated and could have a negative impact on the Fund’s performance.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Emerging Market Investing

Within the parameters of its specific investment policies, the Fund may invest in securities of issuers or companies from or with exposure to one or more “developing countries” or “emerging market countries.” To the extent that the Fund invests a significant amount of its assets in one or more of these countries, its returns and net asset value may be affected to a large degree by events and economic conditions in such countries. The risks of foreign investing are heightened when investing in emerging markets, which may result in the price of investments in emerging markets experiencing sudden and sharp price swings. In many developing markets, there is less government supervision and regulation of business and industry practices (including the potential lack of strict finance and accounting controls and standards), stock exchanges, brokers, and listed companies, making these investments potentially more volatile in price and less liquid than investments in developed securities markets, resulting in greater risk to investors. There is a risk in developing countries that a future economic or political crisis could lead to price controls, forced mergers of companies, expropriation or confiscatory taxation, imposition or enforcement of foreign ownership limits, seizure, nationalization, sanctions or imposition of restrictions by various governmental entities on investment and trading, or creation of government monopolies, any of which may have a detrimental effect on the Fund’s investments. In addition, the Fund’s investments may be denominated in foreign currencies and therefore, changes in the value of a country’s currency compared to the U.S. dollar may affect the value of the Fund’s investments. To the extent that the Fund invests a significant portion of its assets in the securities of issuers in or companies of a single country or region, it is more likely



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

to be impacted by events or conditions affecting that country or region, which could have a negative impact on the Fund’s performance.

Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Securities

Mortgage- and asset-backed securities represent interests in “pools” of commercial or residential mortgages or other assets, including consumer loans or receivables. The Fund may purchase fixed or variable rate commercial or residential mortgage-backed securities issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), or other governmental or government-related entities. Ginnie Mae’s guarantees are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government, which means that the U.S. Government guarantees that the interest and principal will be paid when due. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. In September 2008, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”), an agency of the U.S. Government, placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under conservatorship. Since that time, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have received capital support through U.S. Treasury preferred stock purchases, and Treasury and Federal Reserve purchases of their mortgage-backed securities. The FHFA and the U.S. Treasury have imposed strict limits on the size of these entities’ mortgage portfolios. The FHFA has the power to cancel any contract entered into by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac prior to FHFA’s appointment as conservator or receiver, including the guarantee obligations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The Fund may also purchase other mortgage- and asset-backed securities through single- and multi-seller conduits, collateralized debt obligations, structured investment vehicles, and other similar securities. Asset-backed securities may be backed by various consumer obligations, including automobile loans, equipment leases, credit card receivables, or other collateral. In the event the underlying loans are not paid, the securities’ issuer could be forced to sell the assets and recognize losses on such assets, which could impact your return. Unlike traditional debt instruments, payments on these securities include both interest and a partial payment of principal. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities are subject to both extension risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations more slowly in times of rising interest rates, and prepayment risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations sooner than expected in times of declining interest rates. These risks may reduce the Fund’s returns. In addition, investments in mortgage- and asset-backed securities, including those comprised of subprime mortgages, may be subject to a higher degree of credit risk, valuation risk, and liquidity risk than various other types of fixed-income securities. Additionally, although mortgage-backed securities are generally supported by some form of government or private guarantee and/or insurance, there is no assurance that guarantors or insurers will meet their obligations.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

In order to better define its contractual rights and to secure rights that will help the Fund mitigate its counterparty risk, the Fund has entered into an International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreement (“ISDA Master Agreement”) or similar agreement with its derivative contract counterparties. An ISDA Master Agreement is a bilateral agreement between the Fund and a counterparty that governs OTC derivatives and forward foreign currency exchange contracts and typically contains, among other things, collateral posting terms and netting provisions in the event of a default and/or termination event. Under an ISDA Master Agreement, in the event of a default and/or termination event, the Fund may offset with each counterparty certain derivative financial instruments’ payables and/or receivables with collateral held and/or posted and create one single net payment.

The following tables present gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the “Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020” table located in the Fund’s Schedule of Investments.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Citibank, National Association








Offsetting of Financial Liabilities and Derivative Liabilities


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Morgan Stanley & Co























Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

The Fund generally does not exchange collateral on its forward foreign currency contracts with its counterparties; however, all liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to these contracts. Certain securities may be segregated at the Fund’s custodian. These segregated securities are denoted on the accompanying Schedule of Investments and are evaluated daily to ensure their cover and/or market value equals or exceeds the Fund’s corresponding forward foreign currency exchange contract's obligation value.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

4. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The following table reflects the Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate).


Average Daily Net

Assets of the Fund

Contractual Investment

Advisory Fee (%)

First $1 Billion


Next $2 Billion


Over $3 Billion


The Fund’s actual investment advisory fee rate for the reporting period was 0.65% of average annual net assets before any applicable waivers.

Janus Capital has entered into a personnel-sharing arrangement with its foreign (non-U.S.) affiliate, Kapstream Capital Pty Limited (Australia) ("Kapstream"), pursuant to which certain employees of Kapstream may also serve as employees or as "associated persons" of Janus Capital. In this capacity, employees of Kapstream are subject to the oversight and



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

supervision of Janus Capital and may provide portfolio management, research, and related services to the Fund on behalf of Janus Capital. The responsibilities of both Janus Capital and Kapstream under the participating affiliate arrangement are documented in a memorandum of understanding between the two entities.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.63% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. The previous expense limit (until at least November 1, 2019) was 0.73%. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class R Shares, Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class R Shares, Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class R Shares, Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class R Shares, Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 0.50% of the Class R Shares' average daily net assets and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Class A Shares include a 4.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $475.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $167.

The Fund is permitted to purchase or sell securities (“cross-trade”) between itself and other funds or accounts managed by Janus Capital in accordance with Rule 17a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Rule 17a-7”), when the transaction is consistent with the investment objectives and policies of the Fund and in accordance with the Internal Cross Trade Procedures adopted by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. These procedures have been designed to ensure that any cross-trade of securities by the Fund from or to another fund or account that is or could be considered an affiliate of the Fund under certain limited circumstances by virtue of having a common investment adviser, common Officer, or common Trustee complies with Rule 17a-7. Under these procedures, each cross-trade is effected at the current market price to save costs where allowed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, the Fund engaged in cross trades amounting to $5,557,206 in purchases and $20,607,943 in sales, resulting in a net realized gain of $85,769. The net realized gain is included within the “Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” section of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

5. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation, derivatives, and foreign currency contract adjustments. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Fund has elected to defer qualified late-year losses as noted in the table below. These losses will be deferred for tax purposes and recognized during the next fiscal year.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ -

$ -


$ (540,138)

$ -

$ (5,045)

$ (1,406,821)


Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses






$ (177,773,624)




Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

During the year ended June 30, 2020, capital loss carryovers of $4,397,314 were utilized by the Fund.

The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary difference between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments is wash sale loss deferrals.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 94,910,501

$ 904,412

$ (2,311,233)

$ (1,406,821)

Information on the tax components of derivatives as of June 30, 2020 is as follows:


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ (3,245,688)

$ 9,808

$ (12,689)

$ (2,881)

Tax cost of investments and unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) may also include timing differences that do not constitute adjustments to tax basis.

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains deferral of wash sale losses, foreign currency transactions, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 3,041,235

$ -

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 28,684,229

$ -

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ (864)

$ (889,221)

$ 890,085



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

6. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 2,463,124



$ 3,926,548

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (9,432,851)



$ (36,694,149)

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 2,437,483



$ 1,870,027

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (4,750,340)



$ (27,005,160)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 21,165,321



$ 486,968

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 10,139,699



$ (3,122,304)

Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 6,445,380



$ 34,398,246

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)






Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 827,109



$ 328,224

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 59,019



$ (75,336,326)

Class R Shares:






Shares sold


$ 94,340



$ 337,302

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (302,273)



$ (15,119)

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 98,727



$ 4,044,392

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (8,426)



$ (1,373,731)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 1,772,517



$ 3,351,622

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (9,083,613)



$ (86,843,462)

The Fund experienced increased shareholder redemptions as a result of the change in portfolio management during the year ended June 30, 2019.

7. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Notes to Financial Statements


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations


$ 56,245,969

$ -

$ -

8. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08") to amend the amortization period for certain purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. The guidance requires certain premiums on callable debt securities to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amortization period for callable debt securities purchased at a discount will not be impacted. The amendments are effective for fiscal years and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has adopted the amendments as of the beginning of this fiscal period.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2020-04 Reference Rate Reform: Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting (“ASU 2020-04”) in March 2020. The new guidance in the ASU provide optional temporary financial reporting relief from the effect of certain types of contract modifications due to the planned discontinuation of the LIBOR or other interbank-offered based reference rates as of the end of 2021. For new and existing contracts, Funds may elect to apply the guidance as of March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. Management is currently evaluating the impact, if any, of the ASU’s adoption to the Fund’s financial statements.

9. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

10. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Jason England
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1969

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts. Formerly, senior vice president and portfolio manager at Pacific Investment Management Company (1994-2015).

Nick Maroutsos
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1976

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund


Head of Global Bonds of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts. Founder and Managing Director at Kapstream Capital (2006-Present).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93024 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund (unaudited)



This global allocation fund seeks to provide investors total return by dynamically allocating its assets across a portfolio of global equity and fixed income investments, which may involve the use of derivatives. The Fund is designed to actively adapt based on forward-looking views on extreme market movements, both positive and negative, with the goal of minimizing the risk of significant loss in a major downturn while participating in the growth potential of capital markets.


Ashwin Alankar

portfolio manager



Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund Class I Shares returned -2.78% for the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020. This compares with a return of 2.11% for its primary benchmark, the MSCI All Country World IndexSM. The Fund’s secondary benchmark, the Adaptive Global Allocation 60/40 Index (Hedged), an internally calcuated index comprised of the MSCI All Country World Index (60%) and the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (Hedged) (40%), returned 4.20%. Its tertiary benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index, returned 6.07%.


Financial markets endured a turbulent period as the global economy reacted to the sharp curtailment in activity due to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. After having softened earlier in the period, riskier assets rallied on expectations that a viable solution to the U.S.-China trade impasse would be found. After reaching record highs, U.S. stocks – along with global equities – quickly entered bear-market territory as the pandemic spread. Interest rates plummeted on the flight to safety and substantial reductions in benchmark rates by monetary authorities. Investment-grade corporate credits incurred temporary losses as the difference between their yields and those on risk-free benchmarks widened considerably. By the end of the period, riskier assets recovered much of their lost ground as investors were comforted by the scale of government and central bank initiatives aimed at supporting the global economy.


For the period, the Fund underperformed against its 60% equity and 40% bond benchmark. Underperformance stemmed from the recovery in equities post the March lows. This was the fastest recovery from a bear market in history, propelled by historic monetary and fiscal stimulus.

Equipped with a risk management focus to limit drawdown risk, the Fund successfully de-risked as the crisis unfolded, drastically cutting its equity exposures from its end-of-2019 level of 88%. This de-risking cushioned against the sharp equity sell-off. However, the speed of the equities turnaround was unprecedented and the Fund was not able to re-risk fast enough to keep pace with the velocity of the market. This is not to say that the Fund did not switch to “offense” quickly, but relative to the speed of the equity market gains, the re-risking lagged.

Our options implied signals of equity attractiveness improved in mid-March, but our use of momentum was a headwind to increase risk quickly. Momentum signals serve as ballast seeking to protect against large losses and, over time, can deliver protection cost-effectively. However at times of rapid mean reversion, the cost of this protection can turn out to be costly, and this period just witnessed was the perhaps greatest mean reverting event on record. While “whipsaw” costs due to fast mean reversion pose a challenge to the Fund’s strategy, episodes like this are not the norm.

We believe that compound returns are most affected by tail risks, not average returns. For that key reason, the Fund’s focus is on mitigating drawdowns while capturing upside opportunities. Our proprietary technology garners information constantly from the options markets, and we view their implied estimates of tail risk as robust and reliable indicators of future risk. The strategy sees these indicators as extremely useful in dynamically managing the risk of an investment in order to enhance compound returns. While the Fund dynamically allocates to equities, at any time, equity weightings could vary. The typical average equity weight is less than 100% .Thus, the Fund may underperform during a period of consistently strong equity performance.

We view investment risk as having two components: drawdown risk and upside risk. Of course, while


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund (unaudited)

compound returns are most affected by drawdowns (left tail risk), we believe that not participating in upside opportunities (right tail risk) is also risky.

During the period, with the aim of hedging certain exposures, the Fund used a series of derivative instruments including options, futures, swaps and forward exchange contracts. Since many of the derivatives we use, namely futures and certain options, are liquid, the Fund utilizes them as low-cost instruments to dynamically adjust exposures to desired targets. Other derivatives, including swaps and forward contracts, are also used to adjust portfolio exposures as conditions merit in a timely and/or cost-effective manner. This may lead to short positions in futures when exposures need to be adjusted downward.

Please see the Derivative Instruments section in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for a discussion of derivatives used by the Fund.


We believe significant risks lay ahead that the market may be ignoring. These risks include a disappointing fourth fiscal plan in the U.S., a Biden victory in the U.S. presidential election, permanent unemployment and a virus that is showing great resilience, with a vaccine that may arrive later rather than sooner.

The U.S. political landscape is much more divided than it was in March. This poses a greater challenge for a large fourth fiscal package. Furthermore, with the U.S. presidential election around the corner, time is not a friend. Should a package not be agreed upon within the next few weeks, there is a risk that any fiscal action would get delayed until after the election.

Current data not only point to a Biden victory, but also a potential sweep with the Democrats winning the Senate. Stronger regulations and wealth redistribution are pillars of the Democratic platform and certainly pose a risk to financial markets and the economy. Unemployment remains at high levels. There is no doubt that we have seen significant improvement in labor data, but the fact is the numbers are dire. Changes are important, but so are levels. Sustained unemployment leads to permanent job losses, which in turn leads to permanently lower consumption.

Lastly, the virus has neither disappeared nor has it taken a break. As we enter the fall, we may see an even bigger wave of infections unfold, impacting school openings and business travel. The hope of a vaccine being available by the end of this year or early 2021 is still fraught with risk. A vaccine has never been developed this quickly and drugs are notorious for failing phase 3 trials after stellar phase 1 and 2 results.

Thank you for investing in Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


5 Largest Equity Holdings - (% of Net Assets)

Vanguard S&P 500


Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)


Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US


Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)


Vanguard Small-Cap


Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)


Walt Disney Co




Apple Inc


Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals





Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Investment Companies



Common Stocks



Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending



OTC Purchased Options – Calls



Preferred Stocks



OTC Purchased Options – Puts












Top Country Allocations - Long Positions - (% of Investment Securities)

As of June 30, 2020

As of June 30, 2019


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.




















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios








Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV









Class A Shares at MOP









Class C Shares at NAV









Class C Shares at CDSC









Class D Shares(1)









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









MSCI All Country World Index









Adaptive Global Allocation 60/40 Index (Hedged)









Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (USD Hedged)









Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares









Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for World Allocation Funds









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund (unaudited)


Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

There is a risk that the Fund’s investments will correlate with stocks and bonds to a greater degree than anticipated, and the investment process may not achieve the desired results. The Fund may underperform during up markets and be negatively affected in down markets. Diversification does not assure a profit or eliminate the risk of loss. 

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

Effective June 1, 2020, Ashwin Alankar is sole Portfolio Manager of the Fund.

*The Fund’s inception date – June 23, 2015

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – 41.1%


Aerospace & Defense – 0.1%


Airbus SE*






BAE Systems PLC












General Dynamics Corp






Howmet Aerospace Inc






Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc






L3Harris Technologies Inc






Leonardo SpA






Meggitt PLC






Raytheon Technologies Corp






Thales SA








Air Freight & Logistics – 0.1%


Bollore SA






Deutsche Post AG*






Expeditors International of Washington Inc






FedEx Corp








Airlines – 0.6%


Alaska Air Group Inc






American Airlines Group Inc#






ANA Holdings Inc*






Delta Air Lines Inc






easyJet PLC






Southwest Airlines Co






United Airlines Holdings Inc*








Auto Components – 0%


Aptiv PLC






Bridgestone Corp






Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA*






NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd






Nokian Renkaat Oyj






Valeo SA






Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd








Automobiles – 0%


Daimler AG*






Ferrari NV






Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV*






Mitsubishi Motors Corp






Peugeot SA*






Renault SA*






Toyota Motor Corp








Banks – 0.4%


Aozora Bank Ltd






Banco de Sabadell SA






Bank of East Asia Ltd






Bankia SA






Bankinter SA






Barclays PLC






Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd






BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd






Chiba Bank Ltd






Citizens Financial Group Inc






Commerzbank AG*






Commonwealth Bank of Australia






Concordia Financial Group Ltd






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Banks – (continued)








Hang Seng Bank Ltd






Intesa Sanpaolo SpA*






Japan Post Bank Co Ltd












National Australia Bank Ltd






Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Ltd






People's United Financial Inc






Raiffeisen Bank International AG*






Regions Financial Corp






Seven Bank Ltd






Shizuoka Bank Ltd






Standard Chartered PLC






Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc






Svenska Handelsbanken AB*






United Overseas Bank Ltd






Westpac Banking Corp








Beverages – 0.1%


Brown-Forman Corp






Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd






Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc






Coca-Cola Co






Coca-Cola HBC AG*






Davide Campari-Milano SpA*






Heineken NV






Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd






Treasury Wine Estates Ltd








Biotechnology – 0.8%


AbbVie Inc






Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc*






Amgen Inc






BeiGene Ltd (ADR)*






Biogen Inc*












Gilead Sciences Inc






Grifols SA






Incyte Corp*






Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc*








Building Products – 0.1%


Allegion PLC






AO Smith Corp






Cie de Saint-Gobain*






Masco Corp








Capital Markets – 0.4%


3i Group PLC












BlackRock Inc






CI Financial Corp






Deutsche Boerse AG






E*TRADE Financial Corp






Franklin Resources Inc






Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd






Invesco Ltd






Japan Exchange Group Inc






London Stock Exchange Group PLC






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Capital Markets – (continued)








Nasdaq Inc






Partners Group Holding AG






S&P Global Inc






Schroders PLC






Singapore Exchange Ltd






State Street Corp








Chemicals – 0.4%


Air Liquide SA






Air Products & Chemicals Inc






Air Water Inc






Albemarle Corp












Celanese Corp






CF Industries Holdings Inc






Clariant AG*






Covestro AG (144A)*






Daicel Corp






DuPont de Nemours Inc






Eastman Chemical Co






Ecolab Inc






Evonik Industries AG






FMC Corp






Givaudan SA






Incitec Pivot Ltd






International Flavors & Fragrances Inc#






JSR Corp






Kaneka Corp






Kansai Paint Co Ltd












Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc






Mosaic Co






Nissan Chemical Corp






Orica Ltd






Sherwin-Williams Co






Showa Denko KK






Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd






Symrise AG






Teijin Ltd






Tosoh Corp






Umicore SA






Yara International ASA








Commercial Services & Supplies – 0.1%


Brambles Ltd






Cintas Corp






Copart Inc*


















Rollins Inc






Toppan Printing Co Ltd






Waste Management Inc








Communications Equipment – 0.1%


Arista Networks Inc*






Cisco Systems Inc






Nokia OYJ






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Communications Equipment – (continued)


Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson








Construction & Engineering – 0%


Bouygues SA*






CIMIC Group Ltd






Ferrovial SA






Jacobs Engineering Group Inc






Skanska AB*








Construction Materials – 0.1%


Boral Ltd






HeidelbergCement AG






Imerys SA






James Hardie Industries PLC (CDI)






LafargeHolcim Ltd*






Martin Marietta Materials Inc






Taiheiyo Cement Corp






Vulcan Materials Co








Consumer Finance – 0%


Acom Co Ltd






Synchrony Financial








Containers & Packaging – 0.1%


Avery Dennison Corp






Ball Corp






CCL Industries Inc






International Paper Co






Packaging Corp of America






Sealed Air Corp






Westrock Co








Distributors – 0%


LKQ Corp*






Diversified Consumer Services – 0%


Benesse Holdings Inc






H&R Block Inc








Diversified Financial Services – 0%


AMP Ltd*






Berkshire Hathaway Inc*






Eurazeo SA*






Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA






Industrivarden AB*






Wendel SA*








Diversified Telecommunication Services – 0.3%


AT&T Inc












BT Group PLC






CenturyLink Inc






Deutsche Telekom AG






Elisa OYJ






HKT Trust & HKT Ltd






Iliad SA*






Koninklijke KPN NV






Orange SA












Singapore Telecommunications Ltd






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Diversified Telecommunication Services – (continued)


Swisscom AG (REG)






Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG






Telefonica SA






Telenor ASA






Telia Co AB






Telstra Corp Ltd














Electric Utilities – 0.2%


American Electric Power Co Inc






AusNet Services






Chugoku Electric Power Co Inc






CLP Holdings Ltd






Duke Energy Corp






Electricite de France SA






Emera Inc






Endesa SA






Enel SpA






Eversource Energy






Exelon Corp






FirstEnergy Corp






Fortum Oyj






Iberdrola SA






Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc






NextEra Energy Inc






Power Assets Holdings Ltd






PPL Corp






Red Electrica Corp SA






Southern Co












Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA






Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc






Tokyo Electric Power Co Holdings Inc*








Electrical Equipment – 0.1%








Fuji Electric Co Ltd






Legrand SA






Melrose Industries PLC






Prysmian SpA






Rockwell Automation Inc






Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA*








Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components – 0.3%


Alps Alpine Co Ltd






Amphenol Corp












Hexagon AB*






IPG Photonics Corp*






Keysight Technologies Inc*






Kyocera Corp






TE Connectivity Ltd






Venture Corp Ltd








Energy Equipment & Services – 0.1%


Baker Hughes Co






Halliburton Co






National Oilwell Varco Inc






Schlumberger Ltd






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Energy Equipment & Services – (continued)


TechnipFMC PLC






Tenaris SA






WorleyParsons Ltd








Entertainment – 4.4%


Activision Blizzard Inc






Electronic Arts Inc*






Konami Holdings Corp






Netflix Inc*






Take-Two Interactive Software Inc*






Ubisoft Entertainment SA*






Vivendi SA






Walt Disney Co








Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 0.3%


Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc






American Tower Corp






Apartment Investment & Management Co






Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust






AvalonBay Communities Inc






Boston Properties Inc






British Land Co PLC






CapitaLand Commercial Trust






CapitaLand Mall Trust


















Duke Realty Corp






Equity Residential






Essex Property Trust Inc






Extra Space Storage Inc






Federal Realty Investment Trust






Gecina SA






GPT Group






H&R Real Estate Investment Trust






Healthpeak Properties Inc






Klepierre SA






Macerich Co#






Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc






Mirvac Group






Nippon Building Fund Inc






Nippon Prologis REIT Inc






Nomura Real Estate Master Fund Inc






Public Storage






Regency Centers Corp






RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust






Scentre Group


















Ventas Inc






Vornado Realty Trust






Weyerhaeuser Co








Food & Staples Retailing – 1.0%


Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc






Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd






George Weston Ltd






J Sainsbury PLC






Kroger Co






Loblaw Cos Ltd






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Food & Staples Retailing – (continued)








Metro Inc/CN






Seven & i Holdings Co Ltd






Sundrug Co Ltd






Tesco PLC






Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc






Walmart Inc






Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC






Woolworths Group Ltd








Food Products – 0.4%


Ajinomoto Co Inc






Associated British Foods PLC






Barry Callebaut AG (REG)






Calbee Inc






Campbell Soup Co






Conagra Brands Inc






Danone SA*






Hershey Co






Hormel Foods Corp






Kellogg Co






Lamb Weston Holdings Inc






McCormick & Co Inc/MD






Nestle SA (REG)






Orkla ASA






Tyson Foods Inc






WH Group Ltd (144A)






Yakult Honsha Co Ltd






Yamazaki Baking Co Ltd








Gas Utilities – 0.1%


APA Group






Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd






Naturgy Energy Group SA






Snam SpA






Toho Gas Co Ltd






Tokyo Gas Co Ltd








Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 1.4%


Align Technology Inc*






Asahi Intecc Co Ltd






Baxter International Inc






Boston Scientific Corp*






Carl Zeiss Meditec AG*






Cooper Cos Inc






Hologic Inc*






IDEXX Laboratories Inc*






Intuitive Surgical Inc*






Koninklijke Philips NV






Medtronic PLC






ResMed Inc






Smith & Nephew PLC






Sonova Holding AG (REG)






Straumann Holding AG






Teleflex Inc






Varian Medical Systems Inc*






Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Health Care Providers & Services – 0.4%


Alfresa Holdings Corp






Anthem Inc






Centene Corp*






CVS Health Corp






Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA*






Fresenius SE & Co KGaA*






Henry Schein Inc*






Laboratory Corp of America Holdings*






McKesson Corp






Medipal Holdings Corp






Quest Diagnostics Inc






Ramsay Health Care Ltd






Sonic Healthcare Ltd






UnitedHealth Group Inc






Universal Health Services Inc








Health Care Technology – 0%


Cerner Corp






M3 Inc








Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure – 3.1%


Accor SA*






Carnival Corp#






Carnival PLC






Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc*






Compass Group PLC






Crown Resorts Ltd






Darden Restaurants Inc






Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd






Flutter Entertainment PLC






Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd






Las Vegas Sands Corp






McDonald's Corp






MGM China Holdings Ltd






MGM Resorts International






Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd*,#






Restaurant Brands International Inc






Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd






Sands China Ltd






Starbucks Corp






Tabcorp Holdings Ltd






Whitbread PLC






Yum! Brands Inc








Household Durables – 2.7%


DR Horton Inc






Hovnanian Enterprises Inc - Class A*






Husqvarna AB






Iida Group Holdings Co Ltd






KB Home






Lennar Corp






Newell Brands Inc






NVR Inc*






PulteGroup Inc






Roku Inc*






Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd






Toll Brothers Inc






TRI Pointe Homes Inc*








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Household Products – 0.4%


Church & Dwight Co Inc






Clorox Co






Colgate-Palmolive Co






Henkel AG & Co KGaA






Kimberly-Clark Corp






Lion Corp






Pigeon Corp






Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC








Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers – 0%


Electric Power Development Co Ltd






Uniper SE








Industrial Conglomerates – 0.1%


CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd






Roper Technologies Inc






Smiths Group PLC








Information Technology Services – 1.0%


Akamai Technologies Inc*






Alliance Data Systems Corp






Amadeus IT Group SA






Atos SE*






Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc






Capgemini SA






CGI Inc*






Computershare Ltd






DXC Technology Co






Gartner Inc*






Global Payments Inc






International Business Machines Corp






Jack Henry & Associates Inc






Leidos Holdings Inc






NTT Data Corp






PayPal Holdings Inc*






VeriSign Inc*






Western Union Co






Worldline SA/France (144A)*








Insurance – 0.6%


Aegon NV












AIA Group Ltd






Allstate Corp






American International Group Inc












Arthur J Gallagher & Co






Assicurazioni Generali SpA






Assurant Inc






Chubb Ltd






Cincinnati Financial Corp






Direct Line Insurance Group PLC






Everest Re Group Ltd






Gjensidige Forsikring ASA*






Great-West Lifeco Inc






Hartford Financial Services Group Inc






Insurance Australia Group Ltd






Intact Financial Corp






Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Insurance – (continued)


Legal & General Group PLC






Lincoln National Corp






Loews Corp






Mapfre SA






Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc






Medibank Pvt Ltd






MetLife Inc






MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc






NN Group NV






Poste Italiane SpA (144A)






Power Corp of Canada






Progressive Corp






QBE Insurance Group Ltd






RSA Insurance Group PLC






Sampo Oyj












Sony Financial Holdings Inc






Travelers Cos Inc








Interactive Media & Services – 2.0%


Alphabet Inc - Class A*






Facebook Inc*






REA Group Ltd






TripAdvisor Inc






Twitter Inc*






Z Holdings Corp








Internet & Direct Marketing Retail – 1.6%


Amazon.com Inc*






Booking Holdings Inc*






eBay Inc






Expedia Group Inc






Ocado Group PLC*






Rakuten Inc








Leisure Products – 0.1%


Hasbro Inc






Sankyo Co Ltd








Life Sciences Tools & Services – 0.1%


Illumina Inc*






IQVIA Holdings Inc*






Lonza Group AG






Mettler-Toledo International Inc*






PerkinElmer Inc






Waters Corp*








Machinery – 1.3%


Alfa Laval AB*












Caterpillar Inc






CNH Industrial NV*






Dover Corp






Fortive Corp






Hino Motors Ltd












Ingersoll Rand Inc*












Kone OYJ






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Machinery – (continued)


Metso OYJ*






MISUMI Group Inc






Nabtesco Corp






Sandvik AB*






Schindler Holding AG






Snap-on Inc






Trane Technologies PLC






Wartsila OYJ Abp






Weir Group PLC








Marine – 0%


Nippon Yusen KK






Media – 0.3%


Discovery Inc - Class A*,#






DISH Network Corp*






Eutelsat Communications SA






Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc






Interpublic Group of Cos Inc












JCDecaux SA*






News Corp






Omnicom Group Inc






Pearson PLC






Publicis Groupe SA*






RTL Group SA*












Shaw Communications Inc






Singapore Press Holdings Ltd






Telenet Group Holding NV






ViacomCBS Inc








Metals & Mining – 0.3%


Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd






Anglo American PLC






Antofagasta PLC






Arconic Inc*






Barrick Gold Corp






BHP Group Ltd






BlueScope Steel Ltd






Boliden AB






Evraz PLC






Fortescue Metals Group Ltd






Franco-Nevada Corp






Freeport-McMoRan Inc






Glencore PLC*






Hitachi Metals Ltd






Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd






Newcrest Mining Ltd






Newmont Goldcorp Corp






Nippon Steel Corp






Nucor Corp






Rio Tinto PLC






thyssenkrupp AG*






voestalpine AG








Multiline Retail – 0.1%


Dollar Tree Inc*






Dollarama Inc






Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Multiline Retail – (continued)


Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd






J Front Retailing Co Ltd






Kohl's Corp






Macy's Inc#






Marks & Spencer Group PLC






Next PLC






Nordstrom Inc#






Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp






Target Corp






Wesfarmers Ltd








Multi-Utilities – 0.1%


AGL Energy Ltd






Atco Ltd/Canada






Canadian Utilities Ltd






Consolidated Edison Inc






Dominion Energy Inc






Public Service Enterprise Group Inc












Sempra Energy












Veolia Environnement SA








Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – 0.8%


Ampol Ltd






Apache Corp












Cabot Oil & Gas Corp






Canadian Natural Resources Ltd






Chevron Corp






Cimarex Energy Co






Concho Resources Inc












Devon Energy Corp






Diamondback Energy Inc






Eni SpA






EOG Resources Inc






Equinor ASA






Exxon Mobil Corp






Hess Corp






Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd






Imperial Oil Ltd






Keyera Corp






Kinder Morgan Inc/DE






Koninklijke Vopak NV






Lundin Petroleum AB






Marathon Oil Corp






Marathon Petroleum Corp






Neste Oyj






Occidental Petroleum Corp






Oil Search Ltd












Origin Energy Ltd






Ovintiv Inc






Phillips 66






Pioneer Natural Resources Co






Santos Ltd






Suncor Energy Inc






TC Energy Corp






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – (continued)








Valero Energy Corp






Vermilion Energy Inc






Washington H Soul Pattinson & Co Ltd






Williams Cos Inc






Woodside Petroleum Ltd








Paper & Forest Products – 0.1%


Mondi PLC






Stora Enso Oyj






UPM-Kymmene Oyj








Personal Products – 0%


Coty Inc






Pola Orbis Holdings Inc








Pharmaceuticals – 0.4%


Astellas Pharma Inc






AstraZeneca PLC






Aurora Cannabis Inc*






Bristol-Myers Squibb Co






Eli Lilly & Co






Merck KGaA






Novartis AG






Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd






Roche Holding AG












Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd












Vifor Pharma AG








Professional Services – 0.1%


Bureau Veritas SA*






IHS Markit Ltd












Wolters Kluwer NV








Real Estate Management & Development – 0.1%


Aeon Mall Co Ltd






CK Asset Holdings Ltd






Deutsche Wohnen SE






Henderson Land Development Co Ltd






Hulic Co Ltd






New World Development Co Ltd*






Swire Pacific Ltd






Swiss Prime Site AG (REG)






Vonovia SE*






Wharf Holdings Ltd








Road & Rail – 0.1%


Aurizon Holdings Ltd






CSX Corp






Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc






MTR Corp Ltd






Tokyu Corp








Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 0.7%


Advanced Micro Devices Inc*






Applied Materials Inc






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – (continued)


ASM Pacific Technology Ltd






ASML Holding NV






Infineon Technologies AG






Maxim Integrated Products Inc






Microchip Technology Inc






Micron Technology Inc*












NXP Semiconductors NV






STMicroelectronics NV






Xilinx Inc








Software – 3.3%


Adobe Inc*












Cadence Design Systems Inc*






Citrix Systems Inc






Dassault Systemes SE






Fortinet Inc*






Microsoft Corp






NortonLifeLock Inc






Open Text Corp






Oracle Corp






Sage Group PLC






salesforce.com Inc*






Synopsys Inc*






Temenos AG (REG)








Specialty Retail – 2.9%


Advance Auto Parts Inc






AutoZone Inc*






CarMax Inc*






Gap Inc






Home Depot Inc






Kingfisher PLC






L Brands Inc






O'Reilly Automotive Inc*






Ross Stores Inc






TJX Cos Inc






Tractor Supply Co






Ulta Beauty Inc*








Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals – 3.6%


Apple Inc






Brother Industries Ltd






FUJIFILM Holdings Corp






Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co






Konica Minolta Inc






NEC Corp






NetApp Inc






Ricoh Co Ltd






Seagate Technology PLC






Seiko Epson Corp






Western Digital Corp








Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods – 2.5%


adidas AG*






Burberry Group PLC






Capri Holdings Ltd*






Cie Financiere Richemont SA






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods – (continued)


EssilorLuxottica SA*






Gildan Activewear Inc






Hanesbrands Inc






Hermes International












Kering SA






Moncler SpA*












Puma SE*






PVH Corp






Ralph Lauren Corp






Swatch Group AG






Tapestry Inc






Under Armour Inc*








Tobacco – 0.1%


Altria Group Inc






British American Tobacco PLC






Imperial Brands PLC






Japan Tobacco Inc






Philip Morris International Inc






Swedish Match AB








Trading Companies & Distributors – 0%


Brenntag AG






Bunzl PLC






Sumitomo Corp






Toyota Tsusho Corp






WW Grainger Inc








Transportation Infrastructure – 0%


Aena SME SA (144A)*






Aeroports de Paris






Getlink SE*






Sydney Airport






Transurban Group








Water Utilities – 0%


American Water Works Co Inc






United Utilities Group PLC








Wireless Telecommunication Services – 0.2%


1&1 Drillisch AG


















Rogers Communications Inc






Tele2 AB






T-Mobile US Inc*






Vodafone Group PLC








Total Common Stocks (cost $19,625,553)




Preferred Stocks – 0%


Automobiles – 0%


Porsche Automobil Holding SE






Volkswagen AG








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Preferred Stocks – (continued)


Chemicals – 0%


Fuchs Petrolub SE






Total Preferred Stocks (cost $10,230)




Rights – 0%


Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 0%


Koninklijke Philips NV*






Wireless Telecommunication Services – 0%


T-Mobile US Inc*






Total Rights (cost $0)




Investment Companies – 43.6%


Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) – 43.6%


Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund






Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund






Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund






Industrial Select Sector SPDR Fund#






Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1#






iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond#






iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond#






iShares Agency Bond






iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond






iShares MSCI Canada






iShares MSCI Mexico Capped#






Materials Select Sector SPDR Fund#






Nomura - TOPIX






United States Oil Fund LP*






Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US






Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets






Vanguard FTSE Europe#






Vanguard FTSE Pacific#






Vanguard High Dividend Yield






Vanguard International High Dividend Yield






Vanguard Long-Term Corporate Bond






Vanguard Mid-Cap#






Vanguard Mortgage-Backed Securities






Vanguard S&P 500






Vanguard Small-Cap#






Vanguard Total International Bond#






Vanguard Value






Total Investment Companies (cost $19,361,224)




Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending – 12.6%


Investment Companies – 10.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº,£






Time Deposits – 2.5%


Royal Bank of Canada, 0.0900%, 7/1/20






Total Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending (cost $6,068,393)




OTC Purchased Options – Calls – 0.5%


Counterparty/Reference Asset


Goldman Sachs:


American Airlines Group Inc,


Notional amount $1,061,284, premiums paid $194,880, unrealized depreciation $(67,608), exercise price $19.00, expires 11/20/20*






iShares MSCI Brazil,


Notional amount $995,096, premiums paid $14,532, unrealized appreciation $1,858, exercise price $34.00, expires 8/21/20*






Las Vegas Sands Corp,


Notional amount $1,138,500, premiums paid $62,500, unrealized depreciation $(32,850), exercise price $57.50, expires 9/18/20*






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




OTC Purchased Options – Calls – (continued)


Counterparty/Reference Asset


Las Vegas Sands Corp,


Notional amount $614,790, premiums paid $49,915, unrealized depreciation $(19,106), exercise price $52.50, expires 9/18/20*






SPDR S&P Homebuilders,


Notional amount $961,410, premiums paid $28,908, unrealized depreciation $(10,107), exercise price $50.00, expires 9/18/20*






Total OTC Purchased Options – Calls (premiums paid $350,735, unrealized depreciation $(127,813))




OTC Purchased Options – Puts – 0%


Counterparty/Reference Asset


Goldman Sachs:


SPDR S&P 500 Trust,


Notional amount $(4,933,760), premiums paid $24,160, unrealized depreciation $(20,015), exercise price $285.00, expires 7/6/20* (premiums paid $24,160)






Total Investments (total cost $45,440,295) – 97.8%




Cash, Receivables and Other Assets, net of Liabilities – 2.2%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States






























United Kingdom












Hong Kong
















































































See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedule of Securities Sold Short – (% of Net Assets)






Securities Sold Short – (0.9)%


Common Stocks Sold Short – (0.9)%


Capital Markets – (0.9)%


CME Group Inc (proceeds $460,258)






Summary of Investments by Country - (Short Positions) (unaudited)


% of








Sold Short


United States







Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 10.1%

Investment Companies - 10.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº











at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 10.1%

Investment Companies - 10.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Schedule of Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts, Open



Foreign Currency



Foreign Currency

Amount (Sold)/



USD Currency

Amount (Sold)/



Market Value and





HSBC Securities (USA), Inc.:


Australian Dollar








British Pound








Canadian Dollar
















Japanese Yen








Korean Won













Schedule of Futures




Number of






Value and








Variation Margin



Futures Purchased:


10-Year US Treasury Note
























E-Mini Russel 2000












Total - Futures Purchased






Futures Sold:


S&P 500 E-Mini



















See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Schedule of OTC Written Options


Reference Asset

Number of




















at Value


Written Call Options:

Goldman Sachs:


SPDR S&P 500 Trust














Written Put Options:

Goldman Sachs:


American Airlines Group Inc














iShares MSCI Brazil














Las Vegas Sands Corp














Las Vegas Sands Corp














SPDR S&P Homebuilders














Total - Written Put Options







Total OTC Written Options








The following table, grouped by derivative type, provides information about the fair value and location of derivatives within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of June 30, 2020.


Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020






















Interest Rate



Asset Derivatives:










Forward foreign currency exchange contracts



$ 4,733


$ -


$ -


$ 4,733

Purchased options, at value










Variation margin receivable











Total Asset Derivatives



$ 4,733




$ -



Liability Derivatives:










Forward foreign currency exchange contracts



$ 1,421


$ -


$ -


$ 1,421

Options written, at value










Variation margin payable











Total Liability Derivatives



$ 1,421




$ 3,906




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

The following tables provide information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Fund’s Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020.


The effect of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) on the Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020













Amount of Realized Gain/(Loss) Recognized on Derivatives








Interest Rate



Futures contracts

$ (164,176)


$ -




$ 434,292



Forward foreign currency exchange contracts










Purchased options contracts










Written options contracts












$ (254,558)






$ 434,292

























Amount of Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation Recognized on Derivatives








Interest Rate



Futures contracts

$ -


$ -


$ 174,566


$ 7,031


$ 181,597

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts










Purchased options contracts










Written options contracts












$ -


$ 20,387


$ 113,258


$ 7,031


$ 140,676

Please see the "Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments" and "Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation" sections of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.


Average Ending Monthly Market Value of Derivative Instruments During the Year Ended June 30, 2020




Market Value(a)

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, sold

$ 3,486,380

Futures contracts, purchased


Futures contracts, sold


Purchased options contracts, call


Purchased options contracts, put


Written options contracts, call


Written options contracts, put



(a) Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported as the average ending monthly currency amount sold.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Adaptive Global Allocation 60/40

Index (Hedged)

Adaptive Global Allocation 60/40 Index (Hedged) is an internally-calculated, hypothetical combination of total returns from the MSCI All Country World IndexSM (60%) and the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (USD Hedged) (40%).

Bloomberg Barclays Global

Aggregate Bond Index (USD Hedged)

Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (USD Hedged) is a broad-based measure of the global investment grade fixed-rate debt markets.

MSCI All Country World IndexSM

MSCI All Country World IndexSM reflects the equity market performance of global developed and emerging markets.



American Depositary Receipt


Clearing House Electronic Subregister System Depositary Interest


Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership




Public Limited Company




Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipt



Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $27,612, which represents 0.1% of net assets.



Non-income producing security.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



Loaned security; a portion of the security is on loan at June 30, 2020.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Common Stocks


Aerospace & Defense







Air Freight & Logistics














Auto Components




























Building Products







Capital Markets














Commercial Services & Supplies







Communications Equipment







Construction & Engineering







Construction Materials







Consumer Finance







Containers & Packaging














Diversified Consumer Services







Diversified Financial Services







Diversified Telecommunication Services







Electric Utilities







Electrical Equipment







Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components







Energy Equipment & Services














Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)







Food & Staples Retailing







Food Products







Health Care Equipment & Supplies







Health Care Providers & Services







Health Care Technology







Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure







Household Durables







Household Products







Industrial Conglomerates







Information Technology Services














Interactive Media & Services







Internet & Direct Marketing Retail







Leisure Products







Life Sciences Tools & Services





















Metals & Mining







Multiline Retail














Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels







Personal Products








Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information









Professional Services







Road & Rail







Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment














Specialty Retail







Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals







Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods














Trading Companies & Distributors







Water Utilities







Wireless Telecommunication Services







All Other







Preferred Stocks














Investment Companies







Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending







OTC Purchased Options – Calls







OTC Purchased Options – Puts







Total Investments in Securities







Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Variation Margin Receivable







Total Assets









Investments In Securities:


Common Stocks







Total Investments in Securities







Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Options Written, at Value







Variation Margin Payable







Total Liabilities









Other financial instruments include forward foreign currency exchange, futures, written options, written swaptions, and swap contracts. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported at their unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract's value from trade date. Futures, certain written options on futures, and centrally cleared swap contracts are reported at their variation margin at measurement date, which represents the amount due to/from the Fund at that date. Written options, written swaptions, and other swap contracts are reported at their market value at measurement date.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)(2)






Affiliated investments, at value(3)






Purchased options, at value(4)












Deposits with brokers for futures






Deposits with brokers for short sales






Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Closed foreign currency contracts






Variation margin receivable






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Fund shares sold







Investments sold







Due from adviser














Foreign tax reclaims






Other assets





Total Assets











Collateral for securities loaned (Note 3)






Short sales, at value(5)






Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Options written, at value(6)






Closed foreign currency contracts






Variation margin payable












Fund shares repurchased







Investments purchased







Professional fees







Advisory fees







Custodian fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(7)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(8)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(7)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $40,192,932.

(2) Includes $5,936,208 of securities on loan. See Note 3 in Notes to Financial Statements.

(3) Includes cost of $4,872,468.

(4) Premiums paid of $374,895.

(5) Proceeds $460,258.

(6) Premiums received $386,518.

(7) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(8) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:















Affiliated securities lending income, net





Unaffiliated securities lending income, net





Other income





Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Non-affiliated fund administration fees





Professional fees





Custodian fees





Short sales dividends expense





Shareholder reports expense





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions





Purchased options contracts





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Short sales





Written options contracts




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Purchased options contracts





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Short sales





Written options contracts




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) The increase in the portfolio turnover rate was due to a restructuring of the Fund’s portfolio as a result of a change in its principal investment strategies.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares

















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30


















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period


















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:



















Net investment income/(loss)(1)



















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)


















Total from Investment Operations


















Less Dividends and Distributions:



















Dividends (from net investment income)



















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Total Dividends and Distributions


















Net Asset Value, End of Period


















Total Return*


















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)


















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)


















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:



















Ratio of Gross Expenses



















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)



















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)


















Portfolio Turnover Rate


















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) The increase in the portfolio turnover rate was due to a restructuring of the Fund’s portfolio as a result of a change in its principal investment strategies.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class S Shares

















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30


















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period


















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:



















Net investment income/(loss)(1)



















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)


















Total from Investment Operations


















Less Dividends and Distributions:



















Dividends (from net investment income)



















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Total Dividends and Distributions


















Net Asset Value, End of Period


















Total Return*


















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)


















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)


















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:



















Ratio of Gross Expenses



















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)



















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)


















Portfolio Turnover Rate


















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) The increase in the portfolio turnover rate was due to a restructuring of the Fund’s portfolio as a result of a change in its principal investment strategies.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) The increase in the portfolio turnover rate was due to a restructuring of the Fund’s portfolio as a result of a change in its principal investment strategies.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks total return through growth of capital and income. The Fund is classified as nondiversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

The Fund generally declares and distributes dividends of net investment income and realized capital gains (if any) annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Derivative Instruments

The Fund may invest in various types of derivatives, which may at times result in significant derivative exposure. A derivative is a financial instrument whose performance is derived from the performance of another asset. The Fund may invest in derivative instruments including, but not limited to: futures contracts, put options, call options, options on futures contracts, options on foreign currencies, options on recovery locks, options on security and commodity indices, swaps, forward contracts, structured investments, and other equity-linked derivatives. Each derivative instrument that was held by the Fund during the year ended June 30, 2020 is discussed in further detail below. A summary of derivative activity by the Fund is reflected in the tables at the end of the Schedule of Investments.

The Fund may use derivative instruments for hedging purposes (to offset risks associated with an investment, currency exposure, or market conditions), to adjust currency exposure relative to a benchmark index, or for speculative purposes (to earn income and seek to enhance returns). When the Fund invests in a derivative for speculative purposes, the Fund will be fully exposed to the risks of loss of that derivative, which may sometimes be greater than the derivative’s cost. The Fund may not use any derivative to gain exposure to an asset or class of assets that it would be prohibited by its investment restrictions from purchasing directly. The Fund’s ability to use derivative instruments may also be limited by tax considerations.

Investments in derivatives in general are subject to market risks that may cause their prices to fluctuate over time. Investments in derivatives may not directly correlate with the price movements of the underlying instrument. As a result, the use of derivatives may expose the Fund to additional risks that it would not be subject to if it invested directly in the securities underlying those derivatives. The use of derivatives may result in larger losses or smaller gains than otherwise would be the case. Derivatives can be volatile and may involve significant risks.

In pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease exposure to the following market risk factors:

· Commodity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of commodities or commodity-linked investments due to changes in the overall market movements, volatility of the underlying benchmark, changes in interest rates, or


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

other factors affecting a particular industry or commodity such as drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs, and international economic, political, and regulatory developments.

· Counterparty Risk – the risk that the counterparty (the party on the other side of the transaction) on a derivative transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation to the Fund.

· Credit Risk – the risk an issuer will be unable to make principal and interest payments when due, or will default on its obligations.

· Currency Risk – the risk that changes in the exchange rate between currencies will adversely affect the value (in U.S. dollar terms) of an investment.

· Equity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

· Index Risk – if the derivative is linked to the performance of an index, it will be subject to the risks associated with changes in that index. If the index changes, the Fund could receive lower interest payments or experience a reduction in the value of the derivative to below what the Fund paid. Certain indexed securities, including inverse securities (which move in an opposite direction to the index), may create leverage, to the extent that they increase or decrease in value at a rate that is a multiple of the changes in the applicable index.

· Interest Rate Risk – the risk that the value of fixed-income securities will generally decline as prevailing interest rates rise, which may cause the Fund’s NAV to likewise decrease.

· Leverage Risk – the risk associated with certain types of leveraged investments or trading strategies pursuant to which relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of an investment. The Fund creates leverage by investing in instruments, including derivatives, where the investment loss can exceed the original amount invested. Certain investments or trading strategies, such as short sales, that involve leverage can result in losses that greatly exceed the amount originally invested.

· Liquidity Risk – the risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time that the seller would like or at the price that the seller believes the security is currently worth.

Derivatives may generally be traded OTC or on an exchange. Derivatives traded OTC are agreements that are individually negotiated between parties and can be tailored to meet a purchaser’s needs. OTC derivatives are not guaranteed by a clearing agency and may be subject to increased credit risk.

In an effort to mitigate credit risk associated with derivatives traded OTC, the Fund may enter into collateral agreements with certain counterparties whereby, subject to certain minimum exposure requirements, the Fund may require the counterparty to post collateral if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on all OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. Additionally, the Fund may deposit cash and/or treasuries as collateral with the counterparty and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. All liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to certain exchange-traded derivatives, centrally cleared derivatives, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, short sales, and/or securities with extended settlement dates. There is no guarantee that counterparty exposure is reduced and these arrangements are dependent on Janus Capital's ability to establish and maintain appropriate systems and trading.

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts

A forward foreign currency exchange contract (“forward currency contract”) is an obligation to buy or sell a specified currency at a future date at a negotiated rate (which may be U.S. dollars or a foreign currency). The Fund may enter into forward currency contracts for hedging purposes, including, but not limited to, reducing exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on foreign portfolio holdings and locking in the U.S. dollar cost of firm purchase and sale commitments for securities denominated in or exposed to foreign currencies. The Fund may also invest in forward currency contracts for non-hedging purposes such as seeking to enhance returns. The Fund is subject to currency risk and counterparty risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in forward currency contracts.

Forward currency contracts are valued by converting the foreign value to U.S. dollars by using the current spot U.S. dollar exchange rate and/or forward rate for that currency. Exchange and forward rates as of the close of the NYSE



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

shall be used to value the forward currency contracts. The unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) for forward currency contracts is reported in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as a receivable or payable and in the Statement of Operations for the change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation (if applicable). The gain or loss arising from the difference between the U.S. dollar cost of the original contract and the value of the foreign currency in U.S. dollars upon closing a forward currency contract is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to sell foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to take a negative outlook on the related currency. These forward contracts seek to increase exposure to currency risk.

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to sell foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to decrease exposure to currency risk associated with foreign currency denominated securities held by the Fund.

Futures Contracts

A futures contract is an exchange-traded agreement to take or make delivery of an underlying asset at a specific time in the future for a specific predetermined negotiated price. The Fund may enter into futures contracts to gain exposure to the stock market or other markets pending investment of cash balances or to meet liquidity needs. The Fund is subject to interest rate risk, equity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in futures contracts. The Fund may also use such derivative instruments to hedge or protect from adverse movements in securities prices, currency rates or interest rates. The use of futures contracts may involve risks such as the possibility of illiquid markets or imperfect correlation between the values of the contracts and the underlying securities, or that the counterparty will fail to perform its obligations.

Futures contracts on commodities are valued at the settlement price on valuation date on the commodities exchange as reported by an approved vendor. Mini contracts, as defined in the description of the contract, shall be valued using the Actual Settlement Price or “ASET” price type as reported by an approved vendor. In the event that foreign futures trade when the foreign equity markets are closed, the last foreign futures trade price shall be used.

Futures contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). When a contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable), equal to the difference between the opening and closing value of the contract.

Securities held by the Fund that are designated as collateral for market value on futures contracts are noted on the Schedule of Investments (if applicable). Such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s futures commission merchant.

With futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since futures are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees the futures against default.

During the year, the Fund purchased interest rate futures to increase exposure to interest rate risk.

During the year, the Fund sold interest rate futures to decrease exposure to interest rate risk.

During the year, the Fund purchased commodity futures to increase exposure to commodity risk.

During the year, the Fund sold commodity futures to decrease exposure to commodity risk.

During the year, the Fund purchased futures on equity indices to increase exposure to equity risk.

During the year, the Fund sold futures on equity indices to decrease exposure to equity risk.

Options Contracts

An options contract provides the purchaser with the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option) a financial instrument at an agreed upon price on or before a specified date. The purchaser pays a premium to the seller for this right. The seller has the corresponding obligation to sell or buy a financial instrument if the purchaser (owner) "exercises" the option. When an option is exercised, the proceeds on sales for a written call option, the purchase cost for a written put option, or the cost of the security for a purchased put or call option are adjusted by the amount of premium received or paid. Upon expiration, or closing of the option transaction, a realized gain or loss is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). The difference between the premium paid/received and the market value of the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

option is recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation. The net change in unrealized appreciation or depreciation is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). Option contracts are typically valued using an approved vendor’s option valuation model. To the extent reliable market quotations are available, option contracts are valued using market quotations. In cases when an approved vendor cannot provide coverage for an option and there is no reliable market quotation, a broker quotation or an internal valuation using the Black-Scholes model, the Cox-Rubinstein Binomial Option Pricing Model, or other appropriate option pricing model is used. Certain options contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as “Variation margin receivable” or “Variation margin payable” (if applicable).

The Fund may use options contracts to hedge against changes in interest rates, the values of equities, or foreign currencies. The Fund generally invests in options to hedge against adverse movements in the value of portfolio holdings. The use of such instruments may involve certain additional risks as a result of unanticipated movements in the market. A lack of correlation between the value of an instrument underlying an option and the asset being hedged, or unexpected adverse price movements, could render the Fund’s hedging strategy unsuccessful. In addition, there can be no assurance that a liquid secondary market will exist for any option purchased or sold. The Fund may be subject to counterparty risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, equity risk, commodity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in options contracts.

Options traded on an exchange are regulated and the terms of the options are standardized. Options traded OTC expose the Fund to counterparty risk in the event that the counterparty does not perform. This risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by having the counterparty post collateral to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.

The Fund may purchase put options to hedge against a decline in the value of its portfolio. By using put options in this way, the Fund will reduce any profit it might otherwise have realized in the underlying security by the amount of the premium paid for the put option and by transaction costs. The Fund may purchase call options to hedge against an increase in the price of securities that it may buy in the future. The premium paid for the call option plus any transaction costs will reduce the benefit, if any, realized by the Fund upon exercise of the option, and, unless the price of the underlying security rises sufficiently, the option may expire worthless to the Fund. The risk in buying options is that the Fund pays a premium whether or not the options are exercised. Options purchased are reported in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

During the year, the Fund purchased call options on various equity indices for the purpose of increasing exposure to broad equity risk.

During the year, the Fund purchased call options on various stocks and ETFs for the purpose of increasing exposure to individual equity risk.

During the year, the Fund purchased call options on commodity futures for the purpose of hedging exposure to commodity risk and/or generating income.

During the year, the Fund purchased put options on various equity indices for the purpose of decreasing exposure to broad equity risk.

During the year, the Fund purchased put options on various ETFs for the purpose of decreasing exposure to individual equity risk.

In writing an option, the Fund bears the risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the security underlying the written option. When an option is written, the Fund receives a premium and becomes obligated to sell or purchase the underlying security at a fixed price, upon exercise of the option. Options written are reported as a liability on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as “Options written, at value” (if applicable). The risk in writing call options is that the Fund gives up the opportunity for profit if the market price of the security increases and the options are exercised. The risk in writing put options is that the Fund may incur a loss if the market price of the security decreases and the options are exercised. The risk in buying options is that the Fund pays a premium whether or not the options are exercised. Exercise of an option written by the Fund could result in the Fund buying or selling a security at a price different from the current market value.

During the year, the Fund wrote call options on various equity indices for the purpose of decreasing exposure to broad equity risk.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

During the year, the Fund wrote call options on various stocks and ETFs for the purpose of decreasing exposure to individual equity risk and/or generating income.

During the year, the Fund wrote call options on commodity futures for the purpose of decreasing exposure to commodity risk and/or generating income.

During the year, the Fund wrote put options on various equity indices for the purpose of increasing exposure to broad equity risk.

During the year, the Fund wrote put options on various stocks and ETFs for the purpose of increasing exposure to individual equity risk and/or generating income.

3. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Exchange-Traded and Mutual Funds

The Fund may invest in exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) and mutual funds to gain exposure to a particular portion of the market. ETFs are typically open-end investment companies, which may seek to track the performance of a specific index or be actively managed. ETFs are traded on a national securities exchange at market prices that may vary from the net asset value of their underlying investments. Accordingly, there may be times when an ETF trades at a premium or discount. When the Fund invests in an ETF or mutual fund, in addition to directly bearing the expenses associated with its own operations, it will bear a pro rata portion of the ETF's or mutual fund’s expenses. As a result, the cost of investing in the Fund may be higher than the cost of investing directly in ETFs or mutual funds and may be higher than other mutual funds that invest directly in stocks and bonds. ETFs also involve the risk that an active trading market for an ETF's shares may not develop or be maintained. Similarly, because the value of ETF shares depends on the demand in the market, the Fund may not be able to purchase or sell an ETF at the most optimal time, which could adversely affect the Fund’s performance. In addition, ETFs that track particular indices may be unable to match the performance of such underlying indices due to the temporary unavailability of certain index securities in the secondary market or other factors, such as discrepancies with respect to the weighting of securities. Because the Fund may invest in a broad range of ETFs and mutual funds, such risks may include, but are not limited to, leverage risk, foreign exposure risk, interest rate risk, emerging markets risk, fixed-income risk, and commodity-linked investments risk. The Fund is also subject to the risks associated with the securities in which the ETF or mutual fund invests.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

In order to better define its contractual rights and to secure rights that will help the Fund mitigate its counterparty risk, the Fund has entered into an International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreement (“ISDA Master Agreement”) or similar agreement with its derivative contract counterparties. An ISDA Master Agreement is a bilateral agreement between the Fund and a counterparty that governs OTC derivatives and forward foreign currency exchange contracts and typically contains, among other things, collateral posting terms and netting provisions in the event of a default and/or termination event. Under an ISDA Master Agreement, in the event of a default and/or termination event,



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

the Fund may offset with each counterparty certain derivative financial instruments’ payables and/or receivables with collateral held and/or posted and create one single net payment.

The following tables present gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the “Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020” table located in the Fund’s Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Goldman Sachs







HSBC Securities (USA), Inc.








JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association

















Offsetting of Financial Liabilities and Derivative Liabilities


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Goldman Sachs








HSBC Securities (USA), Inc.

















Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. For financial reporting purposes, the Fund does not offset financial instruments’ payables and receivables and related collateral on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Securities on loan will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). See “Securities Lending” in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for additional information.

Goldman Sachs International is the broker and/or custodian for short sales. Short sales held by the Fund are fully collateralized by restricted cash or other securities, which are denoted on the accompanying Schedule of Investments.

The Fund generally does not exchange collateral on its forward foreign currency contracts with its counterparties; however, all liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to these contracts. Certain securities may be segregated at the Fund’s custodian. These segregated securities are denoted on the accompanying Schedule of Investments and are evaluated


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

daily to ensure their cover and/or market value equals or exceeds the Fund’s corresponding forward foreign currency exchange contract's obligation value.

The Fund may require the counterparty to pledge securities as collateral daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. The Fund may deposit cash as collateral with the counterparty and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. The collateral amounts are subject to minimum exposure requirements and initial margin requirements. Collateral amounts are monitored and subsequently adjusted up or down as valuations fluctuate by at least the minimum exposure requirement. Collateral may reduce the risk of loss.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the SEC. If the Fund is unable to recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues. Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations. As of June 30, 2020, securities lending transactions accounted for as secured borrowings with an overnight and continuous contractual maturity are $5,936,208. Gross amounts of recognized liabilities for securities lending (collateral received) as of June 30, 2020 is $6,068,393, resulting in the net amount due to the counterparty of $132,185.

Short Sales

The Fund may engage in “short sales against the box.” Short sales against the box involve either selling short a security that the Fund owns or selling short a security that the Fund has the right to obtain, for delivery at a specified date in the future. The Fund may enter into short sales against the box to hedge against anticipated declines in the market price of portfolio securities. The Fund does not deliver from its portfolio the securities sold short and does not immediately receive the proceeds of the short sale. The Fund borrows the securities sold short and receives proceeds from the short sale only when it delivers the securities to the lender. If the value of the securities sold short increases prior to the scheduled delivery date, the Fund loses the opportunity to participate in the gain.

The Fund may also engage in other short sales. The Fund may engage in short sales when the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel anticipate that a security’s market purchase price will be less than its borrowing price. To complete the transaction, the Fund must borrow the security to deliver it to the purchaser and buy that same security in the market to return it to the lender. Although the potential for gain as a result of a short sale is limited to the price at which the Fund sold the security short less the cost of borrowing the security, the potential for loss is theoretically unlimited because there is no limit to the cost of replacing the borrowed security. There is no assurance the Fund will be able to close out a short position at a particular time or at an acceptable price. A lender may request, or market conditions may dictate, that the securities sold short be returned to it on short notice, and the Fund may have to buy the borrowed securities at an unfavorable price. If this occurs at a time when other short sellers of the same security also want to close out their positions, it is more likely that the Fund will have to cover its short sale at an unfavorable price and potentially reduce or eliminate any gain, or cause a loss, as a result of the short sale. A gain or a loss will be recognized upon termination of a short sale. Short sales held by the Fund are fully collateralized by restricted cash or other securities, which are denoted on the accompanying Schedule of Investments. The Fund is also required to pay the lender of the security any dividends or interest that accrues on a borrowed security during the period of the loan. Depending on the arrangements made with the broker or custodian, the Fund may or may not receive any payments (including interest) on collateral it has deposited with the broker. The Fund pays stock loan fees, disclosed on the Statement of Operations, on assets borrowed from the security broker.

The Fund may also enter into short positions through derivative instruments, such as options contracts, futures contracts, and swap agreements, which may expose the Fund to similar risks. To the extent that the Fund enters into short derivative positions, the Fund may be exposed to risks similar to those associated with short sales, including the risk that the Fund’s losses are theoretically unlimited.

4. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The following table reflects the Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate).


Average Daily Net

Assets of the Fund

Contractual Investment

Advisory Fee (%)

First $2 Billion


Next $2 Billion


Over $4 Billion


The Fund’s actual investment advisory fee rate for the reporting period was 0.75% of average annual net assets before any applicable waivers.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.71% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. In addition, Janus Capital shall additionally reimburse or waive acquired fund fees and expenses to the extent they exceed 0.10%. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $155.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares during the year ended June 30, 2020.

As of June 30, 2020, shares of the Fund were owned by affiliates of Janus Henderson Investors, and/or other funds advised by Janus Henderson, as indicated in the table below:



% of Class Owned


% of Fund Owned



Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares







In addition, other shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with US GAAP).

5. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation, derivatives, and foreign currency contract adjustments. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 661,981

$ -

$ (677,108)

$ -

$ -

$ 88,468

$ 150,082




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses




$ (677,108)

$ -

$ (677,108)



The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals, investments in partnerships, and investments in passive foreign investment companies.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 47,091,537

$ 3,723,781

$ (3,603,876)

$ 119,905

Information on the tax components of securities sold short as of June 30, 2020 is as follows:


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax (Appreciation)/

$ (460,258)

$ -

$ 30,177

$ 30,177

Information on the tax components of derivatives as of June 30, 2020 is as follows:


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ (226,309)

$ 89,389

$ -

$ 89,389

Tax cost of investments and unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) may also include timing differences that do not constitute adjustments to tax basis.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, foreign currency transactions, passive foreign investment companies, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 1,431,393

$ 39,536

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 1,577,951

$ 2,096,422

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ (5,498)

$ 56,765

$ (51,267)



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

6. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 293,030



$ 2,762,794

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (2,393,604)



$ 1,850,471

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 80,719



$ 399,274

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (50,870)



$ 169,585

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 640,080



$ 562,998

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 357,222



$ 331,054

Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 467,808



$ 9,044,162

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ 5,124,748

Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 9,485,739



$ 1,615,734

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (3,017,882)




Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ -



$ -

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 28,694



$ 50,241

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 5,869



$ 203,731

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (98,974)




7. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations


$ 155,459,289

$ -

$ -


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

8. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

9. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

10. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agent, and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free)  (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



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Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



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Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Ashwin Alankar
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund


Head of Global Asset Allocation of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts. Formerly, Co-Chief Investment Officer of AllianceBernstein’s Tail Risk Parity (2010-2014).

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93059 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund (unaudited)



The Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund is a developed market fixed income fund seeking total return through current income and capital appreciation. The Fund makes strategic asset allocation decisions among countries, fixed income asset classes, sectors and credit ratings. We believe that outside of the bond’s coupon, asset allocation is the primary driver of returns. Specifically, we actively manage the Fund’s duration position and credit exposure based on where we believe we are in the economic cycle. The Fund’s flexibility allows it to source return from a wide range of global fixed income securities. In addition, by style, we favor sensible income from large, noncyclical businesses that are likely to continue paying their coupons in the years to come.


John Pattullo

co-portfolio manager

Jenna Barnard

co-portfolio manager



The Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund’s Class I Shares returned 6.36% over the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020. The Fund’s primary benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Credit Index (USD hedged), returned 6.90%.


The year under review was defined by the financial and health crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic in the early months of 2020. Everything that occurred in markets prior to this event frankly looks quaint in comparison. The enforced shutdown of the global economy resulted in the most dramatic sell-off in corporate bonds in the history of this market. The repricing that occurred during March 2020 took approximately 18 months during the 2008 financial crisis. What was even more remarkable was the fact that the speed of the decline in corporate bond prices was matched only by the speed of the subsequent recovery as governments and central banks stepped in to provide support for households and corporations. For investors this has meant that the default rates have been much lower than the scale of the economic decline would suggest. In addition, the dramatic cuts in interest rates across the developed world have created a huge demand for the relatively reliable income provided by corporate bonds. Bond coupons always rank senior to equity dividends, and in this crisis, it would appear, to commercial property rents, as well.


While the Fund underperformed its corporate bond benchmark, performance was strong during the period. The Fund used the March 2020 sell-off as an opportunity to substantially shift its asset allocation within the fixed income market. We accomplished this by increasing the exposure to corporate bonds – both investment-grade and lower-rated, high-yield corporate bonds and credit derivatives – at the expense of government bonds and cash. This shift reversed a three-year process of deallocating from the riskier areas of the corporate bond market (subordinated financial bonds and high-yield corporate bonds) and seeking out the more defensive attributes of government bonds. We felt it was justified by the valuations on offer during the sell-off and the unique policy response to the economic downturn. By period end the shift had resulted in a substantial recovery in the Fund’s capital value.

The Fund had a handful of modest individual detractors from performance, but these were rounding errors in the context of overall performance. This reflects the fact that we had no corporate bonds that faced a serious risk of default, even during the sell-off. We are extremely disciplined in our corporate bond investing by style and deem large parts of the market uninvestable. It thus is no surprise that we had no exposure to airlines, autos, traditional (nonfood) retail, energy or other commodity companies. We did have a handful of leisure companies that directly were impacted by the lockdown, but these are companies with a history of strong returns and that as a result have been supported by both bond and equity investors in providing liquidity to see them through the shutdown. They are survivors, and in a number of cases, we added to existing positions during the sell-off. The strongest performers over the 12-month period were high-quality investment-grade bonds and government


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund (unaudited)

bonds that saw their yields plummet to all-time lows following the collapse in interest rates.


The Fund makes use of derivatives because they are generally the most efficient and liquid way to gain our desired exposures. The Fund uses credit default swaps to manage exposure to a given issuer or sector by either selling protection to increase exposure (i.e., leverage), buying protection to reduce exposure or to effectively take a “short” position. The Fund uses futures as a liquid and straightforward way of either reducing or increasing the Fund’s duration (interest rate sensitivity). Currency forwards are used to hedge the Fund’s foreign currency back to the U.S. dollar. Additional forwards may be used to hedge underlying currency risk if exposure is significant. In aggregate, these positions contributed to performance during the period.

Please see the Derivative Instruments section in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for a discussion of derivatives used by the Fund.


Governments continue to offer unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus in order to manage the economic impact of the pandemic. We expect this to continue during the recovery stage, with a raft of new policies aimed at minimizing defaults and encouraging consumer spending. We remain constructive on corporate bonds, which appear to us to be the “sweet spot,” as they generally offer an acceptable yield with less volatility than equities. Indeed, throughout the March turbulence we felt that this crisis ultimately would result in record low-quality corporate bond yields and record high prices rather than the doomsday scenario, touted by many, of an implosion of the corporate debt market and mass defaults.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


Fund Profile



30-day Current Yield*



Class A Shares NAV



Class A Shares MOP



Class C Shares**



Class D Shares



Class I Shares



Class N Shares



Class S Shares



Class T Shares



Weighted Average Maturity

9.0 Years

Average Effective Duration***

5.8 Years

* Yield will fluctuate.



** Does not include the 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge.

*** A theoretical measure of price volatility.



Ratings Summary - (% of Total Investments)
















Not Rated




† Credit ratings provided by Standard & Poor's (S&P), an independent credit rating agency. Credit ratings range from AAA (highest) to D (lowest) based on S&P's measures. Further information on S&P's rating methodology may be found at www.standardandpoors.com. Other rating agencies may rate the same securities differently. Ratings are relative and subjective and are not absolute standards of quality. Credit quality does not remove market risk and is subject to change. "Not Rated" securities are not rated by S&P, but may be rated by other rating agencies and do not necessarily indicate low quality. "Other" includes cash equivalents, equity securities, and certain derivative instruments.

Significant Areas of Investment - (% of Net Assets)


Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds



Foreign Government Bonds



Investment Companies



Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans



Inflation-Indexed Bonds



Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities









Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.






















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios









Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV










Class A Shares at MOP










Class C Shares at NAV










Class C Shares at CDSC










Class D Shares(1)










Class I Shares










Class N Shares










Class S Shares










Class T Shares










Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Credit Index (USD Hedged)










Morningstar Quartile - Class A Shares










Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for World Bond - USD Hedged Funds










Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 4.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to through at least October 31, 2021.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund (unaudited)


companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Returns of the Fund shown prior to June 5, 2017, are those for Henderson Strategic Income Fund (the “Predecessor Fund”), which merged into the Fund after the close of business on June 2, 2017. The Predecessor Fund was advised by Henderson Global Investors (North America) Inc. and subadvised by Henderson Investment Management Limited. Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class I Shares, and Class R6 Shares of the Predecessor Fund were reorganized into Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class I Shares, and Class N Shares, respectively, of the Fund. In connection with this reorganization, certain shareholders of the Predecessor Fund who held shares directly with the Predecessor Fund and not through an intermediary had the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class I Shares, and Class N Shares of the Fund received in the reorganization automatically exchanged for Class D Shares of the Fund following the reorganization. Class A Shares and Class C Shares of the Predecessor Fund commenced operations with the Predecessor Fund’s inception on September 30, 2003. Class I Shares and Class R6 Shares of the Predecessor Fund commenced operations on April 29, 2011 and November 30, 2015, respectively. Class D Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares commenced operations on June 5, 2017.

Performance of Class A Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund, in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class C Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class C Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class C Shares of the Predecessor Fund, in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class D Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund (without sales charges), net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class I Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class I Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class I Shares of the Predecessor Fund, in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers, except that for periods prior to April 29, 2011, performance for Class I Shares reflects the performance of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund (without sales charges), net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class N Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class R6 Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class R6 Shares of the Predecessor Fund, in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers, except that for periods prior to November 30, 2015, performance for Class N Shares reflects the performance of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund (without sales charges), net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class S Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund (without sales charges), net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class T Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund (without sales charges), net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

*The Predecessor Fund’s inception date – September 30, 2003

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – 0.2%


Tesco Property Finance 3 PLC, 5.7440%, 4/13/40







Ziggo BV, 4.2500%, 1/15/27







Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $2,829,769)




Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans – 1.2%


Consumer Cyclical – 0.5%


Loire Finco Luxembourg,


Euro Interbank Offered Rate 3 Month + 3.2500%, 3.2500%, 4/21/27







Loire Finco Luxembourg, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.5000%, 3.6783%, 4/21/27








Consumer Non-Cyclical – 0.2%


Froneri Lux FinCo SARL,


Euro Interbank Offered Rate 3 Month + 2.6250%, 2.6250%, 1/29/27







Froneri US Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.2500%, 2.4283%, 1/29/27






Froneri US Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.7500%, 5.9283%, 1/31/28








Technology – 0.5%


Financial & Risk US Holdings Inc,


Euro Interbank Offered Rate 3 Month + 3.2500%, 3.2500%, 10/1/25







McAfee LLC,


Euro Interbank Offered Rate 3 Month + 3.5000%, 3.5000%, 9/30/24







McAfee LLC, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.7500%, 3.9336%, 9/30/24






Refinitiv US Holdings Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.2500%, 3.4283%, 10/1/25








Total Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans (cost $19,918,230)




Corporate Bonds – 77.4%


Banking – 7.2%


Bank of America Corp,


Canada Bankers Acceptances 3 Month + 1.2020%, 3.4070%, 9/20/25







Bank of America Corp,


Euro Interbank Offered Rate 3 Month + 3.6700%, 3.6480%, 3/31/29







Barclays Bank PLC, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.5500%, 6.2780%‡,µ






BNP Paribas SA, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.2900%, 7.1950% (144A)‡,µ






Credit Suisse Group AG, USD SWAP SEMI 30/360 5YR + 4.5980%, 7.5000%‡,µ






Goldman Sachs Group Inc, 4.0000%, 5/2/24







HBOS Sterling Finance Jersey LP,


UK Govt Bonds 5 Year Note Generic Bid Yield + 4.4000%, 7.8810%‡,µ







JPMorgan Chase & Co, 4.5000%, 1/30/26







Lloyds Banking Group PLC, 4.0000%, 3/7/25







Lloyds Banking Group PLC, 1.8750%, 1/15/26







Lloyds Banking Group PLC, 4.2500%, 11/22/27







Lloyds Banking Group PLC, 4.3750%, 3/22/28






Lloyds Banking Group PLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.2700%, 6.6570% (144A)‡,µ






Nationwide Building Society, 4.0000%, 9/14/26 (144A)






Nationwide Building Society,


UK Govt Bonds 5 Year Note Generic Bid Yield + 5.6250%, 5.7500%‡,µ







RBS Capital Trust II, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.9425%, 6.4250%‡,µ






Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, 6.0000%, 12/19/23






Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, 5.1250%, 5/28/24






Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC,


UK Govt Bonds 5 Year Note Generic Bid Yield + 3.5500%, 3.6220%, 8/14/30







Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.5000%, 7.6480%‡,µ






Stichting AK Rabobank Certificaten, 0%‡,µ







UBS Group AG, USD SWAP SA (VS 6M) 5Y + 4.8660%, 7.0000%‡,µ






Wells Fargo & Co, 3.7000%, 7/27/26







Wells Fargo & Co, 4.0000%, 4/27/27









See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Basic Industry – 1.9%


Argentum Netherlands BV for Givaudan SA, 2.0000%, 9/17/30







Firmenich Productions SAS, 1.7500%, 4/30/30







International Flavors & Fragrances Inc, 1.8000%, 9/25/26







International Flavors & Fragrances Inc, 4.4500%, 9/26/28






Smurfit Kappa Acquisitions ULC, 2.3750%, 2/1/24







Smurfit Kappa Acquisitions ULC, 2.8750%, 1/15/26







Smurfit Kappa Treasury ULC, 1.5000%, 9/15/27







Symrise AG, 1.3750%, 7/1/27









Capital Goods – 1.6%


Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc,


6.0000%, 2/15/25 (144A)






Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc, 2.1250%, 8/15/26







Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc,


5.2500%, 8/15/27 (144A)






Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc,


5.2500%, 8/15/27 (144A)






Ball Corp, 4.8750%, 3/15/26






TransDigm Inc, 6.2500%, 3/15/26 (144A)






Vertical Midco GmbH, 4.3750%, 7/15/27 (144A)







Vertical US Newco Inc, 5.2500%, 7/15/27 (144A)








Communications – 19.4%


Altice France SA/France, 7.3750%, 5/1/26 (144A)






Altice France SA/France, 5.8750%, 2/1/27







Altice France SA/France, 5.5000%, 1/15/28 (144A)






American Tower Corp, 3.6000%, 1/15/28






American Tower Corp, 3.8000%, 8/15/29






American Tower Corp, 2.9000%, 1/15/30






Arqiva Broadcast Finance PLC, 6.7500%, 9/30/23







AT&T Inc, 2.7500%, 6/1/31






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 5.8750%, 5/1/27 (144A)






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 5.3750%, 6/1/29 (144A)






Cellnex Telecom SA, 1.8750%, 6/26/29







Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 4.2000%, 3/15/28






Comcast Corp, 1.5000%, 2/20/29







Comcast Corp, 1.8750%, 2/20/36







Crown Castle International Corp, 3.6500%, 9/1/27






Crown Castle International Corp, 3.8000%, 2/15/28






Crown Castle International Corp, 3.1000%, 11/15/29






Crown Castle International Corp, 3.3000%, 7/1/30






Crown Castle International Corp, 2.2500%, 1/15/31






CSC Holdings LLC, 6.5000%, 2/1/29 (144A)






Deutsche Telekom AG, 1.3750%, 7/5/34







Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV, 1.5000%, 4/3/28







Dolya Holdco, 4.8750%, 7/15/28 (144A)







Eircom Finance DAC, 3.5000%, 5/15/26







Eircom Finance DAC, 2.6250%, 2/15/27







Front Range BidCo Inc, 4.0000%, 3/1/27 (144A)






Orange SA, 1.0000%, 5/12/25







Orange SA, 2.0000%, 1/15/29







Orange SA, 1.3750%, 1/16/30







Orange SA, 3.2500%, 1/15/32







RELX Capital Inc, 3.0000%, 5/22/30






Sirius XM Radio Inc, 5.3750%, 4/15/25 (144A)






Sirius XM Radio Inc, 5.0000%, 8/1/27 (144A)






Sirius XM Radio Inc, 5.5000%, 7/1/29 (144A)






Sirius XM Radio Inc, 4.1250%, 7/1/30 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Communications – (continued)


Sky Ltd, 2.5000%, 9/15/26







T-Mobile USA Inc, 6.0000%, 3/1/23






T-Mobile USA Inc, 6.5000%, 1/15/26






T-Mobile USA Inc, 4.5000%, 2/1/26






T-Mobile USA Inc, 4.7500%, 2/1/28






T-Mobile USA Inc, 3.8750%, 4/15/30 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 4.3750%, 4/15/40 (144A)






Verizon Communications Inc, 4.5000%, 8/17/27







Verizon Communications Inc, 4.0160%, 12/3/29






Verizon Communications Inc, 2.6500%, 5/6/30







Virgin Media Finance PLC, 5.0000%, 7/15/30 (144A)






Virgin Media Secured Finance PLC, 5.2500%, 5/15/29







Virgin Media Secured Finance PLC, 4.1250%, 8/15/30 (144A)







Vodafone Group PLC, 3.2500%, 12/13/22







Vodafone Group PLC, 4.3750%, 5/30/28






Vodafone Group PLC, 1.6000%, 7/29/31







WMG Acquisition Corp, 2.7500%, 7/15/28 (144A)







WMG Acquisition Corp, 3.8750%, 7/15/30 (144A)






Ziggo BV, 4.8750%, 1/15/30 (144A)






Ziggo BV, 3.3750%, 2/28/30









Consumer Cyclical – 14.2%


Amazon.com Inc, 3.1500%, 8/22/27






Amazon.com Inc, 2.5000%, 6/3/50






Booking Holdings Inc, 1.8000%, 3/3/27







Booking Holdings Inc, 4.6250%, 4/13/30






Boyd Gaming Corp, 8.6250%, 6/1/25 (144A)






Boyd Gaming Corp, 6.3750%, 4/1/26






Compass Group PLC, 2.0000%, 7/3/29







Co-operative Group Holdings 2011 Ltd, 6.8750%, 7/8/20Ç







Co-operative Group Holdings 2011 Ltd, 7.5000%, 7/8/26Ç







Co-Operative Group Ltd, 5.1250%, 5/17/24







CPUK Finance Ltd, 4.2500%, 8/28/22







CPUK Finance Ltd, 4.2500%, 8/28/22 (144A)







CPUK Finance Ltd, 4.8750%, 8/28/25







CPUK Finance Ltd, 4.8750%, 8/28/25 (144A)







Experian Finance PLC, 4.2500%, 2/1/29 (144A)






Experian Finance PLC, 2.7500%, 3/8/30 (144A)






Experian Finance PLC, 3.2500%, 4/7/32







GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 5.7500%, 6/1/28






GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 5.3000%, 1/15/29






GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 4.0000%, 1/15/30






IHS Markit Ltd, 5.0000%, 11/1/22 (144A)






IHS Markit Ltd, 4.7500%, 2/15/25 (144A)






IHS Markit Ltd, 4.0000%, 3/1/26 (144A)






Levi Strauss & Co, 5.0000%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Live Nation Entertainment Inc, 4.7500%, 10/15/27 (144A)






Marriott International Inc, 5.7500%, 5/1/25






Mastercard Inc, 3.8500%, 3/26/50






McDonald's Corp, 3.4500%, 9/8/26







McDonald's Corp, 2.6250%, 6/11/29







McDonald's Corp, 1.6000%, 3/15/31







Motion Bondco DAC, 4.5000%, 11/15/27 (144A)







Motion Bondco DAC, 6.6250%, 11/15/27 (144A)






Motion Finco Sarl, 7.0000%, 5/15/25 (144A)







NIKE Inc, 2.8500%, 3/27/30






NIKE Inc, 3.3750%, 3/27/50






Service Corp International/US, 4.6250%, 12/15/27






Service Corp International/US, 5.1250%, 6/1/29






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Consumer Cyclical – (continued)


Sodexo SA, 0.7500%, 4/14/27







Sodexo SA, 1.7500%, 6/26/28







Sodexo SA, 1.0000%, 4/27/29







Stars Group Holdings BV / Stars Group US Co-Borrower LLC,


7.0000%, 7/15/26 (144A)






Tesco Corporate Treasury Services, 2.7500%, 4/27/30







VICI Properties LP / VICI Note Co Inc, 3.7500%, 2/15/27 (144A)






VICI Properties LP / VICI Note Co Inc, 4.6250%, 12/1/29 (144A)






VICI Properties LP / VICI Note Co Inc, 4.1250%, 8/15/30 (144A)






Visa Inc, 2.7500%, 9/15/27






Visa Inc, 2.0500%, 4/15/30






Visa Inc, 2.7000%, 4/15/40






Walmart Inc, 3.7000%, 6/26/28






Yum! Brands Inc, 7.7500%, 4/1/25 (144A)








Consumer Non-Cyclical – 20.1%


Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc, 4.1000%, 9/6/27







Aramark Services Inc, 5.0000%, 4/1/25 (144A)






Aramark Services Inc, 6.3750%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Aramark Services Inc, 4.7500%, 6/1/26






Aramark Services Inc, 5.0000%, 2/1/28 (144A)






Bacardi Ltd, 4.4500%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Bacardi Ltd, 4.7000%, 5/15/28 (144A)






Becton Dickinson and Co, 3.7000%, 6/6/27






Boston Scientific Corp, 4.0000%, 3/1/29






Campbell Soup Co, 2.3750%, 4/24/30






Catalent Pharma Solutions Inc, 4.8750%, 1/15/26 (144A)






Clorox Co, 1.8000%, 5/15/30






Coca-Cola Co, 3.2500%, 6/11/24







Coca-Cola Co, 2.1250%, 9/6/29






Constellation Brands Inc, 4.7500%, 11/15/24






Constellation Brands Inc, 3.5000%, 5/9/27






Constellation Brands Inc, 3.1500%, 8/1/29






Constellation Brands Inc, 2.8750%, 5/1/30






Cott Holdings Inc, 5.5000%, 4/1/25 (144A)






DaVita Inc, 4.6250%, 6/1/30 (144A)






DH Europe Finance II Sarl, 2.6000%, 11/15/29






DH Europe Finance II Sarl, 0.7500%, 9/18/31







Diageo Capital PLC, 2.0000%, 4/29/30






Diageo Capital PLC, 2.1250%, 4/29/32






Diageo Finance PLC, 1.7500%, 10/12/26







Elanco Animal Health Inc, 5.6500%, 8/28/28Ç






Estee Lauder Cos Inc, 3.1500%, 3/15/27






Estee Lauder Cos Inc, 2.6000%, 4/15/30






Grifols SA, 1.6250%, 2/15/25







Grifols SA, 2.2500%, 11/15/27







Hasbro Inc, 3.5500%, 11/19/26






Hasbro Inc, 3.9000%, 11/19/29






HCA Inc, 5.0000%, 3/15/24






HCA Inc, 5.2500%, 6/15/26






HCA Inc, 4.1250%, 6/15/29






HCA Inc, 3.5000%, 9/1/30






HCA Inc, 5.1250%, 6/15/39






Heineken NV, 3.5000%, 1/29/28 (144A)






Heineken NV, 1.5000%, 10/3/29







Heineken NV, 2.2500%, 3/30/30







Heineken NV, 2.0200%, 5/12/32







IQVIA Inc, 3.2500%, 3/15/25







IQVIA Inc, 5.0000%, 5/15/27 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Consumer Non-Cyclical – (continued)


IQVIA Inc, 2.2500%, 1/15/28







Keurig Dr Pepper Inc, 4.5970%, 5/25/28






Keurig Dr Pepper Inc, 3.2000%, 5/1/30






Kimberly-Clark Corp, 3.1000%, 3/26/30






Lamb Weston Holdings Inc, 4.8750%, 11/1/26 (144A)






LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, 0.7500%, 5/26/24







Mars Inc, 3.2000%, 4/1/30 (144A)






McCormick & Co Inc/MD, 3.4000%, 8/15/27






Mondelez International Inc, 2.7500%, 4/13/30






Nestle Finance International Ltd, 2.2500%, 11/30/23







Nestle Holdings Inc, 3.9000%, 9/24/38 (144A)






PepsiCo Inc, 2.6250%, 7/29/29






PepsiCo Inc, 1.1250%, 3/18/31







PepsiCo Inc, 3.3750%, 7/29/49






Procter & Gamble Co, 3.5500%, 3/25/40






Procter & Gamble Co, 3.6000%, 3/25/50






Sunshine Mid BV, 6.5000%, 5/15/26







Sysco Corp, 3.5500%, 3/15/25






Sysco Corp, 5.9500%, 4/1/30






Tesco PLC, 5.5000%, 1/13/33







Tesco PLC, 6.1500%, 11/15/37 (144A)






Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, 4.4970%, 3/25/30






Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, 2.3750%, 4/15/32







Unilever Capital Corp, 2.1250%, 9/6/29






Unilever PLC, 1.5000%, 7/22/26







Upjohn Inc, 2.7000%, 6/22/30 (144A)






Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC, 3.5000%, 7/27/26







Zoetis Inc, 3.9000%, 8/20/28






Zoetis Inc, 2.0000%, 5/15/30






Zoetis Inc, 3.0000%, 5/15/50








Government Sponsored – 1.6%


Deutsche Bahn Finance GMBH, 1.6250%, 8/16/33







Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau, 3.2000%, 9/11/26







Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau, 3.2000%, 3/15/28









Industrial – 0.1%


Cintas Corp No 2, 3.7000%, 4/1/27






Insurance – 2.2%


Anthem Inc, 2.2500%, 5/15/30






Anthem Inc, 3.1250%, 5/15/50






BUPA Finance PLC, 4.1250%, 6/14/35







BUPA Finance PLC,


UK Govt Bonds 5 Year Note Generic Bid Yield + 2.6000%, 6.1250%‡,µ







Legal & General Group PLC,


UK Govt Bonds 5 Year Note Generic Bid Yield + 5.2500%, 4.5000%, 11/1/50







Legal & General Group PLC,


UK Govt Bonds 5 Year Note Generic Bid Yield + 5.3780%, 5.6250%‡,µ







Phoenix Group Holdings PLC, 4.1250%, 7/20/22







Phoenix Group Holdings PLC, 6.6250%, 12/18/25







Prudential PLC, 3.1250%, 4/14/30






Scottish Widows Ltd, 5.5000%, 6/16/23







Scottish Widows Ltd, 7.0000%, 6/16/43









Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – 0.1%


Nationwide Building Society, 10.2500%‡,µ







Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 0.6%


Digital Realty Trust LP, 4.7500%, 10/1/25






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – (continued)


Public Storage, 3.3850%, 5/1/29








Supranational – 0.5%


European Investment Bank, 2.7000%, 1/12/23







Technology – 7.9%


Autodesk Inc, 2.8500%, 1/15/30






Broadcom Inc, 3.1500%, 11/15/25 (144A)






Broadcom Inc, 4.1100%, 9/15/28 (144A)






Dell International LLC / EMC Corp, 5.4500%, 6/15/23 (144A)






Dell International LLC / EMC Corp, 6.0200%, 6/15/26 (144A)






Dell International LLC / EMC Corp, 6.1000%, 7/15/27 (144A)






Equinix Inc, 3.2000%, 11/18/29






Equinix Inc, 3.0000%, 7/15/50






Fidelity National Information Services Inc, 3.7500%, 5/21/29






Fiserv Inc, 2.2500%, 7/1/25







Fiserv Inc, 3.5000%, 7/1/29






Fiserv Inc, 1.6250%, 7/1/30







Global Payments Inc, 2.6500%, 2/15/25






Global Payments Inc, 3.2000%, 8/15/29






Global Payments Inc, 2.9000%, 5/15/30






Microsoft Corp, 3.4500%, 8/8/36






MSCI Inc, 4.0000%, 11/15/29 (144A)






MSCI Inc, 3.6250%, 9/1/30 (144A)






Oracle Corp, 2.9500%, 4/1/30






Oracle Corp, 3.6000%, 4/1/50






PayPal Holdings Inc, 2.8500%, 10/1/29






salesforce.com Inc, 3.7000%, 4/11/28






VMware Inc, 3.9000%, 8/21/27






VMware Inc, 4.7000%, 5/15/30








Total Corporate Bonds (cost $1,193,460,822)




Foreign Government Bonds – 15.4%


Australia Government Bond, 2.7500%, 4/21/24







Australia Government Bond, 3.2500%, 4/21/29







Canadian Government Bond, 1.7500%, 3/1/23







European Investment Bank, 3.2500%, 1/29/24






Federal Republic of Germany Bond, 0%, 2/15/30







New Zealand Government Bond, 2.7500%, 4/15/25







New Zealand Government Bond, 3.0000%, 4/20/29







United Kingdom Gilt, 0.5000%, 7/22/22







Total Foreign Government Bonds (cost $245,691,774)




Inflation-Indexed Bonds – 0.5%


United States Treasury Inflation Indexed Bonds, 0.1250%, 1/15/30ÇÇ (cost $7,143,665)






Investment Companies – 4.2%


Money Markets – 4.2%


Fidelity Investments Money Market Treasury Portfolio, 0.0800%ºº (cost $67,435,423)






Total Investments (total cost $1,536,479,683) – 98.9%




Cash, Receivables and Other Assets, net of Liabilities – 1.1%




Net Assets – 100%




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States






United Kingdom


















New Zealand



































































Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - N/A

Investment Companies - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº











at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - N/A

Investment Companies - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Schedule of Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts, Open



Foreign Currency



Foreign Currency

Amount (Sold)/



USD Currency

Amount (Sold)/



Market Value and





BNP Paribas:


Australian Dollar








Australian Dollar








British Pound








British Pound








Canadian Dollar
























New Zealand Dollar













Schedule of Futures




Number of






Value and








Variation Margin



Futures Sold:


10-Year US Treasury Note
























US Treasury Long Bond



















Schedule of Centrally Cleared Credit Default Swaps - Sell Protection(1)

Reference Asset Type/

Reference Asset




















Credit Default Swap Index


iTraxx Crossover Index, Fixed Rate 5.00% Paid Quarterly(3)












If a credit event occurs, the seller of protection will pay a net settlement amount equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the reference asset from related offsetting purchase protection.


If a credit event occurs, the notional amount represents the maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to make as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection.


For those index credit default swaps entered into by the Fund to sell protection, “Variation Margin” serves as an indicator of the current status of payment and performance risk and represents the likelihood of an expected gain or loss should the notional amount of the swap be closed or sold at period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the reference asset’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the swap agreement.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Schedule of OTC Credit Default Swaps - Buy Protection


Reference Asset













Swap Contracts,

at Value


Barclays Capital, Inc:


Renault SA, Fixed Rate 1.00%, Paid Quarterly










JPMorgan Chase & Co:


Host Hotels & Resorts LP, Fixed Rate 1.00%, Paid Quarterly










Host Hotels & Resorts LP, Fixed Rate 1.00%, Paid Quarterly
























The following table, grouped by derivative type, provides information about the fair value and location of derivatives within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of June 30, 2020.


Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020






















Interest Rate



Asset Derivatives:










Forward foreign currency exchange contracts



$ -




$ -



Outstanding swap contracts, at value










Variation margin receivable











Total Asset Derivatives







$ 169,710



Liability Derivatives:










Forward foreign currency exchange contracts



$ -




$ -



Outstanding swap contracts, at value











Total Liability Derivatives



$ 7,375




$ -




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

The following tables provide information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Fund’s Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020.


The effect of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) on the Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020












Amount of Realized Gain/(Loss) Recognized on Derivatives







Interest Rate



Futures contracts


$ -


$ -


$ (3,619,034)


$ (3,619,034)

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts









Swap contracts
















$ (3,619,034)























Amount of Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation Recognized on Derivatives







Interest Rate



Futures contracts


$ -


$ -


$ (1,969,820)


$ (1,969,820)

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts









Swap contracts












$ 7,072,362




$ (1,969,820)



Please see the "Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments" and "Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation" sections of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.


Average Ending Monthly Market Value of Derivative Instruments During the Year Ended June 30, 2020




Market Value(a)

Credit default swaps, sell protection

$ 1,366,947

Credit default swaps, buy protection


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, purchased


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, sold


Futures contracts, purchased


Futures contracts, sold



(a) Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported as the average ending monthly currency amount purchased or sold.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Bloomberg Barclays Global

Aggregate Credit Index (USD Hedged)

Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Credit Index (USD Hedged) measures the credit sector of the global investment grade fixed-rate bond market, including corporate, government and agency securities.



Intercontinental Exchange


London Interbank Offered Rate


Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership


Public Limited Company


Unlimited Liability Company



Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $307,516,239, which represents 19.1% of net assets.


Variable or floating rate security. Rate shown is the current rate as of June 30, 2020. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread; they are determined by the issuer or agent and current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date and may vary by security, which may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.



Security is a U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected Security (TIPS).



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



Perpetual security. Perpetual securities have no stated maturity date, but they may be called/redeemed by the issuer. The date indicated, if any, represents the next call date.



Step bond. The coupon rate will increase or decrease periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. The rate shown reflects the current rate.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities







Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans







Corporate Bonds







Foreign Government Bonds







Inflation-Indexed Bonds







Investment Companies







Total Investments in Securities







Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Outstanding Swap Contracts, at Value







Variation Margin Receivable







Total Assets









Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Outstanding Swap Contracts, at Value







Total Liabilities









Other financial instruments include forward foreign currency exchange, futures, written options, written swaptions, and swap contracts. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported at their unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract's value from trade date. Futures, certain written options on futures, and centrally cleared swap contracts are reported at their variation margin at measurement date, which represents the amount due to/from the Fund at that date. Written options, written swaptions, and other swap contracts are reported at their market value at measurement date.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Investments, at value(1)












Deposits with brokers for centrally cleared derivatives






Deposits with brokers for futures






Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Cash denominated in foreign currency(2)






Outstanding swap contracts, at value(3)






Variation margin receivable






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation




















Investments sold







Fund shares sold














Foreign tax reclaims






Other assets





Total Assets











Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Outstanding swap contracts, at value(4)












Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Advisory fees














Transfer agent fees and expenses







Professional fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Custodian fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(5)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(6)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(5)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $1,536,479,683.

(2) Includes cost of $982,927.

(3) Premiums paid $10,704.

(4) Premiums paid $40,372.

(5) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(6) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/95.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:















Affiliated securities lending income, net





Unaffiliated securities lending income, net





Other income




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Shareholder reports expense





Custodian fees





Professional fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Swap contracts




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Swap contracts




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)












Return of capital











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














Class C Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)












Return of capital











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from August 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The Fund changed its fiscal year end from July 31 to June 30.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares







For a share outstanding during the year or period ended July 31








Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period








Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:









Net investment income/(loss)(1)









Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)








Total from Investment Operations








Less Dividends and Distributions:









Dividends (from net investment income)








Total Dividends and Distributions








Net Asset Value, End of Period








Total Return*








Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)








Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)








Ratios to Average Net Assets**:









Ratio of Gross Expenses









Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)









Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)








Portfolio Turnover Rate








Class C Shares







For a share outstanding during the year or period ended July 31








Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period








Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:









Net investment income/(loss)(1)









Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)








Total from Investment Operations








Less Dividends and Distributions:









Dividends (from net investment income)








Total Dividends and Distributions








Net Asset Value, End of Period








Total Return*








Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)








Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)








Ratios to Average Net Assets**:









Ratio of Gross Expenses









Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)









Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)








Portfolio Turnover Rate








* Total return not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) The Ratio of Gross Expenses and Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Gross Expenses and Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) would have been 0.01% higher had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.

(3) The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) would have been 0.01% lower had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.

(4) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)












Return of capital











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














Class I Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)












Return of capital











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from June 5, 2017 (inception date) through June 30, 2017.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(3) Period from August 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The Fund changed its fiscal year end from July 31 to June 30.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class I Shares







For a share outstanding during the year or period ended July 31








Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period








Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:









Net investment income/(loss)(1)









Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)








Total from Investment Operations








Less Dividends and Distributions:









Dividends (from net investment income)








Total Dividends and Distributions








Net Asset Value, End of Period








Total Return*








Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)








Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)








Ratios to Average Net Assets**:









Ratio of Gross Expenses









Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)









Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)








Portfolio Turnover Rate








* Total return not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) The Ratio of Gross Expenses and Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Gross Expenses and Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) would have been 0.01% higher had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.

(3) The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) would have been 0.01% lower had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)












Return of capital











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














Class S Shares














For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:
















Net investment income/(loss)(2)
















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)















Total from Investment Operations















Less Dividends and Distributions:
















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Distributions (from capital gains)













Return of capital












Total Dividends and Distributions















Net Asset Value, End of Period















Total Return*















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:
















Ratio of Gross Expenses
















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)
















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)















Portfolio Turnover Rate















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from August 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The Fund changed its fiscal year end from July 31 to June 30.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(3) Period from June 5, 2017 (inception date) through June 30, 2017.

(4) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares




For a share outstanding during the period ended July 31





Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period





Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:






Net investment income/(loss)(2)






Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)





Total from Investment Operations





Less Dividends and Distributions:






Dividends (from net investment income)





Total Dividends and Distributions





Net Asset Value, End of Period





Total Return*





Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)





Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)





Ratios to Average Net Assets**:






Ratio of Gross Expenses






Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)






Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)





Portfolio Turnover Rate





* Total return not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from November 30, 2015 (inception date) through July 31, 2016.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(3) The Ratio of Gross Expenses and Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Gross Expenses and Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) would have been 0.01% higher had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.

(4) The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) would have been 0.01% lower had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)












Return of capital











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from June 5, 2017 (inception date) through June 30, 2017.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(3) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund(the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks total return through current income and capital appreciation. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

Pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, the Fund acquired all the assets and liabilities of the Henderson Strategic Income Fund (the “Predecessor Fund”), a series of Henderson Global Funds, in exchange for Class A, Class C, Class I and Class N Fund shares having an aggregate net asset value equal to the value of the aggregate net assets of the same share class of the Predecessor Fund (except that Class R6 Predecessor Fund shares were exchanged for Class N Fund shares) (the “Reorganization”). The Reorganization occurred at the close of business on June 2, 2017.

The Predecessor Fund and the Fund had identical investment objectives and substantially similar investment policies and principal risks. For financial reporting purposes, the Predecessor Fund’s financial and performance history prior to the Reorganization is carried forward and reflected in the Fund’s financial highlights.

The last fiscal year end of the Predecessor Fund was July 31, 2016. Subsequent to July 31, 2016, the Fund changed its fiscal year end to June 30, 2017, to reflect the fiscal year end of certain funds of the Trust.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends are declared and distributed monthly for the Fund. Realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed in December. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Derivative Instruments

The Fund may invest in various types of derivatives, which may at times result in significant derivative exposure. A derivative is a financial instrument whose performance is derived from the performance of another asset. The Fund may invest in derivative instruments including, but not limited to: futures contracts, put options, call options, options on futures contracts, options on foreign currencies, options on recovery locks, options on security and commodity indices, swaps, forward contracts, structured investments, and other equity-linked derivatives. Each derivative instrument that was held by the Fund during the year ended June 30, 2020 is discussed in further detail below. A summary of derivative activity by the Fund is reflected in the tables at the end of the Schedule of Investments.

The Fund may use derivative instruments for hedging purposes (to offset risks associated with an investment, currency exposure, or market conditions), to adjust currency exposure relative to a benchmark index, or for speculative purposes (to earn income and seek to enhance returns). When the Fund invests in a derivative for speculative purposes, the Fund will be fully exposed to the risks of loss of that derivative, which may sometimes be greater than the derivative’s cost. The Fund may not use any derivative to gain exposure to an asset or class of assets that it would be prohibited by its investment restrictions from purchasing directly. The Fund’s ability to use derivative instruments may also be limited by tax considerations.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Investments in derivatives in general are subject to market risks that may cause their prices to fluctuate over time. Investments in derivatives may not directly correlate with the price movements of the underlying instrument. As a result, the use of derivatives may expose the Fund to additional risks that it would not be subject to if it invested directly in the securities underlying those derivatives. The use of derivatives may result in larger losses or smaller gains than otherwise would be the case. Derivatives can be volatile and may involve significant risks.

In pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease exposure to the following market risk factors:

· Commodity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of commodities or commodity-linked investments due to changes in the overall market movements, volatility of the underlying benchmark, changes in interest rates, or other factors affecting a particular industry or commodity such as drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs, and international economic, political, and regulatory developments.

· Counterparty Risk – the risk that the counterparty (the party on the other side of the transaction) on a derivative transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation to the Fund.

· Credit Risk – the risk an issuer will be unable to make principal and interest payments when due, or will default on its obligations.

· Currency Risk – the risk that changes in the exchange rate between currencies will adversely affect the value (in U.S. dollar terms) of an investment.

· Equity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

· Index Risk – if the derivative is linked to the performance of an index, it will be subject to the risks associated with changes in that index. If the index changes, the Fund could receive lower interest payments or experience a reduction in the value of the derivative to below what the Fund paid. Certain indexed securities, including inverse securities (which move in an opposite direction to the index), may create leverage, to the extent that they increase or decrease in value at a rate that is a multiple of the changes in the applicable index.

· Interest Rate Risk – the risk that the value of fixed-income securities will generally decline as prevailing interest rates rise, which may cause the Fund’s NAV to likewise decrease.

· Leverage Risk – the risk associated with certain types of leveraged investments or trading strategies pursuant to which relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of an investment. The Fund creates leverage by investing in instruments, including derivatives, where the investment loss can exceed the original amount invested. Certain investments or trading strategies, such as short sales, that involve leverage can result in losses that greatly exceed the amount originally invested.

· Liquidity Risk – the risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time that the seller would like or at the price that the seller believes the security is currently worth.

Derivatives may generally be traded OTC or on an exchange. Derivatives traded OTC are agreements that are individually negotiated between parties and can be tailored to meet a purchaser’s needs. OTC derivatives are not guaranteed by a clearing agency and may be subject to increased credit risk.

In an effort to mitigate credit risk associated with derivatives traded OTC, the Fund may enter into collateral agreements with certain counterparties whereby, subject to certain minimum exposure requirements, the Fund may require the counterparty to post collateral if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on all OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. Additionally, the Fund may deposit cash and/or treasuries as collateral with the counterparty and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. All liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to certain exchange-traded derivatives, centrally cleared derivatives, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, short sales, and/or securities with extended settlement dates. There is no guarantee that counterparty exposure is reduced and these arrangements are dependent on Janus Capital's ability to establish and maintain appropriate systems and trading.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts

A forward foreign currency exchange contract (“forward currency contract”) is an obligation to buy or sell a specified currency at a future date at a negotiated rate (which may be U.S. dollars or a foreign currency). The Fund may enter into forward currency contracts for hedging purposes, including, but not limited to, reducing exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on foreign portfolio holdings and locking in the U.S. dollar cost of firm purchase and sale commitments for securities denominated in or exposed to foreign currencies. The Fund may also invest in forward currency contracts for non-hedging purposes such as seeking to enhance returns. The Fund is subject to currency risk and counterparty risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in forward currency contracts.

Forward currency contracts are valued by converting the foreign value to U.S. dollars by using the current spot U.S. dollar exchange rate and/or forward rate for that currency. Exchange and forward rates as of the close of the NYSE shall be used to value the forward currency contracts. The unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) for forward currency contracts is reported in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as a receivable or payable and in the Statement of Operations for the change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation (if applicable). The gain or loss arising from the difference between the U.S. dollar cost of the original contract and the value of the foreign currency in U.S. dollars upon closing a forward currency contract is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to purchase foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to take a positive outlook on the related currency. These forward contracts seek to increase exposure to currency risk.

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to sell foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to take a negative outlook on the related currency. These forward contracts seek to increase exposure to currency risk.

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to sell foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to decrease exposure to currency risk associated with foreign currency denominated securities held by the Fund.

Futures Contracts

A futures contract is an exchange-traded agreement to take or make delivery of an underlying asset at a specific time in the future for a specific predetermined negotiated price. The Fund may enter into futures contracts to gain exposure to the stock market or other markets pending investment of cash balances or to meet liquidity needs. The Fund is subject to interest rate risk, equity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in futures contracts. The Fund may also use such derivative instruments to hedge or protect from adverse movements in securities prices, currency rates or interest rates. The use of futures contracts may involve risks such as the possibility of illiquid markets or imperfect correlation between the values of the contracts and the underlying securities, or that the counterparty will fail to perform its obligations.

Futures contracts on commodities are valued at the settlement price on valuation date on the commodities exchange as reported by an approved vendor. Mini contracts, as defined in the description of the contract, shall be valued using the Actual Settlement Price or “ASET” price type as reported by an approved vendor. In the event that foreign futures trade when the foreign equity markets are closed, the last foreign futures trade price shall be used. Futures contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). When a contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable), equal to the difference between the opening and closing value of the contract. Securities held by the Fund that are designated as collateral for market value on futures contracts are noted on the Schedule of Investments (if applicable). Such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s futures commission merchant.

With futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since futures are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees the futures against default.

During the year, the Fund purchased interest rate futures to increase exposure to interest rate risk.

During the year, the Fund sold interest rate futures to decrease exposure to interest rate risk.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements


Swap agreements are two-party contracts entered into primarily by institutional investors for periods ranging from a day to more than one year to exchange one set of cash flows for another. The most significant factor in the performance of swap agreements is the change in value of the specific index, security, or currency, or other factors that determine the amounts of payments due to and from the Fund. The use of swaps is a highly specialized activity which involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio securities transactions. Swap transactions may in some instances involve the delivery of securities or other underlying assets by the Fund or its counterparty to collateralize obligations under the swap. If the other party to a swap that is not collateralized defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. Swap agreements entail the risk that a party will default on its payment obligations to the Fund. If the other party to a swap defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. If the Fund utilizes a swap at the wrong time or judges market conditions incorrectly, the swap may result in a loss to the Fund and reduce the Fund’s total return.

Swap agreements also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty. Swap agreements are typically privately negotiated and entered into in the OTC market. However, certain swap agreements are required to be cleared through a clearinghouse and traded on an exchange or swap execution facility. Swaps that are required to be cleared are required to post initial and variation margins in accordance with the exchange requirements. Regulations enacted require the Fund to centrally clear certain interest rate and credit default index swaps through a clearinghouse or central counterparty (“CCP”). To clear a swap with a CCP, the Fund will submit the swap to, and post collateral with, a futures clearing merchant (“FCM”) that is a clearinghouse member. Alternatively, the Fund may enter into a swap with a financial institution other than the FCM (the “Executing Dealer”) and arrange for the swap to be transferred to the FCM for clearing. The Fund may also enter into a swap with the FCM itself. The CCP, the FCM, and the Executing Dealer are all subject to regulatory oversight by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”). A default or failure by a CCP or an FCM, or the failure of a swap to be transferred from an Executing Dealer to the FCM for clearing, may expose the Fund to losses, increase its costs, or prevent the Fund from entering or exiting swap positions, accessing collateral, or fully implementing its investment strategies. The regulatory requirement to clear certain swaps could, either temporarily or permanently, reduce the liquidity of cleared swaps or increase the costs of entering into those swaps.

Index swaps, interest rate swaps, and credit default swaps are valued using an approved vendor supplied price. Basket swaps are valued using a broker supplied price. Equity swaps that consist of a single underlying equity are valued either at the closing price, the latest bid price, or the last sale price on the primary market or exchange it trades. The market value of swap contracts are aggregated by positive and negative values and are disclosed separately as an asset or liability on the Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). Realized gains and losses are reported on the Fund’s Statement of Operations (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation or depreciation during the year is included in the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty risk or credit risk is the discounted value of the payments to be received from/paid to the counterparty over the contract’s remaining life, to the extent that the amount is positive. The risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.

The Fund may enter into various types of credit default swap agreements, including OTC credit default swap agreements and index credit default swaps (“CDX”), for investment purposes and to add leverage to its portfolio. Credit default swaps are a specific kind of counterparty agreement that allow the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to the other. One party in the swap is a lender and faces credit risk from a third party, and the counterparty in the credit default swap agrees to insure this risk in exchange for regular periodic payments. Credit default swaps could result in losses if the Fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of the company or companies on which the credit default swap is based. Credit default swap agreements may involve greater risks than if the Fund had invested in the reference obligation directly since, in addition to risks relating to the reference obligation, credit default swaps are subject to liquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk. The Fund will generally incur a greater degree of risk when it sells a credit default swap than when it purchases a credit default swap. As a buyer of a credit default swap, the Fund may lose its investment and recover nothing should no credit event occur and the swap is held to its termination date. As seller of a credit default swap, if a credit event were to occur, the value of any deliverable obligation received by the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Fund, coupled with the upfront or periodic payments previously received, may be less than what it pays to the buyer, resulting in a loss of value to the Fund.

As a buyer of credit protection, the Fund is entitled to receive the par (or other agreed-upon) value of a referenced debt obligation from the counterparty to the contract in the event of a default or other credit event by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund as buyer would pay to the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no credit event has occurred. If no credit event occurs, the Fund would have spent the stream of payments and potentially received no benefit from the contract.

If the Fund is the seller of credit protection against a particular security, the Fund would receive an up-front or periodic payment to compensate against potential credit events. As the seller in a credit default swap contract, the Fund would be required to pay the par value (the “notional value”) (or other agreed-upon value) of a referenced debt obligation to the counterparty in the event of a default by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign corporate issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund would receive from the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no event of default has occurred. If no default occurs, the Fund would keep the stream of payments and would have no payment obligations. As the seller, the Fund would effectively add leverage to its portfolio because, in addition to its total net assets, the Fund would be subject to investment exposure on the notional value of the swap. The maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) that the Fund as a seller could be required to make in a credit default transaction would be the notional amount of the agreement.

The Fund may invest in single-name credit default swaps (“CDS”) to buy or sell credit protection to hedge its credit exposure, gain issuer exposure without owning the underlying security, or increase the Fund’s total return. Single-name CDS enable the Fund to buy or sell protection against a credit event of a specific issuer. When the Fund buys a single-name CDS, the Fund will receive a return on its investment only in the event of a credit event, such as default by the issuer of the underlying obligation (as opposed to a credit downgrade or other indication of financial difficulty). If a single-name CDS transaction is particularly large, or if the relevant market is illiquid, it may not be possible for the Fund to initiate a single-name CDS transaction or to liquidate its position at an advantageous time or price, which may result in significant losses. Moreover, the Fund bears the risk of loss of the amount expected to be received under a single-name CDS in the event of the default or bankruptcy of the counterparty. The risks associated with cleared single-name CDS may be lower than that for uncleared single-name CDS because for cleared single-name CDS, the counterparty is a clearinghouse (to the extent such a trading market is available). However, there can be no assurance that a clearinghouse or its members will satisfy their obligations to the Fund.

The Fund may invest in CDXs. A CDX is a swap on an index of credit default swaps. CDXs allow an investor to manage credit risk or take a position on a basket of credit entities (such as credit default swaps or commercial mortgage-backed securities) in a more efficient manner than transacting in a single-name CDS. If a credit event occurs in one of the underlying companies, the protection is paid out via the delivery of the defaulted bond by the buyer of protection in return for a payment of notional value of the defaulted bond by the seller of protection or it may be settled through a cash settlement between the two parties. The underlying company is then removed from the index. If the Fund holds a long position in a CDX, the Fund would indirectly bear its proportionate share of any expenses paid by a CDX. A Fund holding a long position in CDXs typically receives income from principal or interest paid on the underlying securities. By investing in CDXs, the Fund could be exposed to illiquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk of the issuers of the underlying loan obligations and of the CDX markets. If there is a default by the CDX counterparty, the Fund will have contractual remedies pursuant to the agreements related to the transaction. CDXs also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty.

During the year, the Fund purchased protection via the credit default swap market in order to reduce credit risk exposure to individual corporates, countries and/or credit indices where reducing this exposure via the cash bond market was less attractive.

During the year, the Fund sold protection via the credit default swap market in order to gain credit risk exposure to individual corporates, countries and/or credit indices where gaining this exposure via the cash bond market was less attractive.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

3. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

The Fund may be invested in lower-rated debt securities that have a higher risk of default or loss of value since these securities may be sensitive to economic changes, political changes, or adverse developments specific to the issuer.

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.


The Fund may invest in various commercial loans, including bank loans, bridge loans, debtor-in-possession (“DIP”) loans, mezzanine loans, and other fixed and floating rate loans. These loans may be acquired through loan participations and assignments or on a when-issued basis. Commercial loans will comprise no more than 20% of the Fund’s total assets. Below are descriptions of the types of loans held by the Fund as of June 30, 2020.

· Bank Loans - Bank loans are obligations of companies or other entities entered into in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. The Fund’s investments in bank loans are generally acquired as a participation interest in, or assignment of, loans originated by a lender or other financial institution. These investments may include institutionally-traded floating and fixed-rate debt securities.

· Floating Rate Loans – Floating rate loans are debt securities that have floating interest rates, that adjust periodically, and are tied to a benchmark lending rate, such as London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). In other cases, the lending rate could be tied to the prime rate offered by one or more major U.S. banks or the rate paid on large certificates of deposit traded in the secondary markets. If the benchmark lending rate changes, the rate payable to lenders under the loan will change at the next scheduled adjustment date specified in the loan agreement. Floating rate loans are typically issued to companies (‘‘borrowers’’) in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. Floating rate loan investments are generally below investment grade. Senior floating rate loans are secured by specific collateral of a borrower and are senior in the borrower’s capital structure. The senior position in the borrower’s capital structure generally gives holders of senior loans a claim on certain of the borrower’s assets that is senior to subordinated debt and preferred and common stock in the case of a borrower’s default. Floating rate loan investments may involve foreign borrowers, and investments may be denominated in foreign currencies. Floating rate loans often involve borrowers whose financial condition is troubled or uncertain and companies that are highly leveraged. The Fund may invest in obligations of borrowers who are in bankruptcy proceedings. While the Fund generally expects to invest in fully funded term loans, certain of the loans in which the Fund may invest include revolving loans, bridge loans, and delayed draw term loans.

Purchasers of floating rate loans may pay and/or receive certain fees. The Fund may receive fees such as covenant waiver fees or prepayment penalty fees. The Fund may pay fees such as facility fees. Such fees may affect the Fund’s return.

· Mezzanine Loans - Mezzanine loans are secured by the stock of the company that owns the assets. Mezzanine loans are a hybrid of debt and equity financing that is typically used to fund the expansion of existing companies. A mezzanine loan is composed of debt capital that gives the lender the right to convert to an ownership or equity interest in the company if the loan is not paid back in time and in full. Mezzanine loans typically are the most subordinated debt obligation in an issuer’s capital structure.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Inflation-Linked Securities

The Fund may invest in inflation-indexed bonds, including municipal inflation-indexed bonds and corporate inflation-indexed bonds, or in derivatives that are linked to these securities. Inflation-linked bonds are fixed-income securities that have a principal value that is periodically adjusted according to the rate of inflation. If an index measuring inflation falls, the principal value of inflation-indexed bonds will typically be adjusted downward, and consequently the interest payable on these securities (calculated with respect to a smaller principal amount) will be reduced. Because of their inflation adjustment feature, inflation-linked bonds typically have lower yields than conventional fixed-rate bonds. In addition, inflation-linked bonds also normally decline in price when real interest rates rise. In the event of deflation, when prices decline over time, the principal and income of inflation-linked bonds would likely decline, resulting in losses to the Fund.

In the case of Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, also known as TIPS, repayment of original bond principal upon maturity (as adjusted for inflation) is guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury. For inflation-linked bonds that do not provide a similar guarantee, the adjusted principal value of the inflation-linked bond repaid at maturity may be less than the original principal. Other non-U.S. sovereign governments also issue inflation-linked securities (sometimes referred to as “linkers”) that are tied to their own local consumer price indices. In certain of these non-U.S. jurisdictions, the repayment of the original bond principal upon the maturity of an inflation-linked bond is not guaranteed, allowing for the amount of the bond repaid at maturity to be less than par. Inflation-linked bonds may also be issued by, or related to, sovereign governments of other developed countries, emerging market countries, or companies or other entities not affiliated with governments.

Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Securities

Mortgage- and asset-backed securities represent interests in “pools” of commercial or residential mortgages or other assets, including consumer loans or receivables. The Fund may purchase fixed or variable rate commercial or residential mortgage-backed securities issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), or other governmental or government-related entities. Ginnie Mae’s guarantees are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government, which means that the U.S. Government guarantees that the interest and principal will be paid when due. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. In September 2008, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”), an agency of the U.S. Government, placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under conservatorship. Since that time, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have received capital support through U.S. Treasury preferred stock purchases, and Treasury and Federal Reserve purchases of their mortgage-backed securities. The FHFA and the U.S. Treasury have imposed strict limits on the size of these entities’ mortgage portfolios. The FHFA has the power to cancel any contract entered into by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac prior to FHFA’s appointment as conservator or receiver, including the guarantee obligations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The Fund may also purchase other mortgage- and asset-backed securities through single- and multi-seller conduits, collateralized debt obligations, structured investment vehicles, and other similar securities. Asset-backed securities may be backed by various consumer obligations, including automobile loans, equipment leases, credit card receivables, or other collateral. In the event the underlying loans are not paid, the securities’ issuer could be forced to sell the assets and recognize losses on such assets, which could impact your return. Unlike traditional debt instruments, payments on these securities include both interest and a partial payment of principal. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities are subject to both extension risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations more slowly in times of rising interest rates, and prepayment risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations sooner than expected in times of declining interest rates. These risks may reduce the Fund’s returns. In addition, investments in mortgage- and asset-backed securities, including those comprised of subprime mortgages, may be subject to a higher degree of credit risk, valuation risk, and liquidity risk than various other types of fixed-income securities. Additionally, although mortgage-backed securities are generally supported by some form of government or private guarantee and/or insurance, there is no assurance that guarantors or insurers will meet their obligations.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

In order to better define its contractual rights and to secure rights that will help the Fund mitigate its counterparty risk, the Fund has entered into an International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreement (“ISDA Master


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Agreement”) or similar agreement with its derivative contract counterparties. An ISDA Master Agreement is a bilateral agreement between the Fund and a counterparty that governs OTC derivatives and forward foreign currency exchange contracts and typically contains, among other things, collateral posting terms and netting provisions in the event of a default and/or termination event. Under an ISDA Master Agreement, in the event of a default and/or termination event, the Fund may offset with each counterparty certain derivative financial instruments’ payables and/or receivables with collateral held and/or posted and create one single net payment.

The following tables present gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the “Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020” table located in the Fund’s Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Barclays Capital, Inc







BNP Paribas
















Offsetting of Financial Liabilities and Derivative Liabilities


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


BNP Paribas








JPMorgan Chase & Co

















Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

The Fund generally does not exchange collateral on its forward foreign currency contracts with its counterparties; however, all liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to these contracts. Certain securities may be segregated at the Fund’s custodian. These segregated securities are denoted on the accompanying Schedule of Investments and are evaluated daily to ensure their cover and/or market value equals or exceeds the Fund’s corresponding forward foreign currency exchange contract's obligation value.

The Fund may require the counterparty to pledge securities as collateral daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. The Fund may deposit cash as collateral with the counterparty and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. The collateral amounts are subject to minimum exposure requirements and initial margin requirements. Collateral amounts are monitored and subsequently adjusted up or down as valuations fluctuate by at least the minimum exposure requirement. Collateral may reduce the risk of loss.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). If the Fund is unable to recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues. Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations.

There were no securities on loan as of June 30, 2020.

Sovereign Debt

The Fund may invest in U.S. and non-U.S. government debt securities (“sovereign debt”). Some investments in sovereign debt, such as U.S. sovereign debt, are considered low risk. However, investments in sovereign debt, especially the debt of less developed countries, can involve a high degree of risk, including the risk that the governmental entity that


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

controls the repayment of sovereign debt may not be willing or able to repay the principal and/or to pay the interest on its sovereign debt in a timely manner. A sovereign debtor’s willingness or ability to satisfy its debt obligation may be affected by various factors including, but not limited to, its cash flow situation, the extent of its foreign currency reserves, the availability of foreign exchange when a payment is due, the relative size of its debt position in relation to its economy as a whole, the sovereign debtor’s policy toward international lenders, and local political constraints to which the governmental entity may be subject. Sovereign debtors may also be dependent on expected disbursements from foreign governments, multilateral agencies, and other entities. The failure of a sovereign debtor to implement economic reforms, achieve specified levels of economic performance, or repay principal or interest when due may result in the cancellation of third party commitments to lend funds to the sovereign debtor, which may further impair such debtor’s ability or willingness to timely service its debts. The Fund may be requested to participate in the rescheduling of such sovereign debt and to extend further loans to governmental entities, which may adversely affect the Fund’s holdings. In the event of default, there may be limited or no legal remedies for collecting sovereign debt and there may be no bankruptcy proceedings through which the Fund may collect all or part of the sovereign debt that a governmental entity has not repaid. In addition, to the extent the Fund invests in non-U.S. sovereign debt, it may be subject to currency risk.

When-Issued, Delayed Delivery and Forward Commitment Transactions

The Fund may purchase or sell securities on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis. When purchasing a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership of the security, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations, and takes such fluctuations into account when determining its net asset value. Typically, no income accrues on securities the Fund has committed to purchase prior to the time delivery of the securities is made. Because the Fund is not required to pay for the security until the delivery date, these risks are in addition to the risks associated with the Fund’s other investments. If the other party to a transaction fails to deliver the securities, the Fund could miss a favorable price or yield opportunity. If the Fund remains substantially fully invested at a time when when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment purchases are outstanding, the purchases may result in a form of leverage.

When the Fund has sold a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund does not participate in future gains or losses with respect to the security. If the other party to a transaction fails to pay for the securities, the Fund could suffer a loss. Additionally, when selling a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis without owning the security, the Fund will incur a loss if the security’s price appreciates in value such that the security’s price is above the agreed upon price on the settlement date. The Fund may dispose of or renegotiate a transaction after it is entered into, and may purchase or sell when-issued, delayed delivery or forward commitment securities before the settlement date, which may result in a gain or loss.

4. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The following table reflects the Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate).


Average Daily Net

Assets of the Fund

Contractual Investment

Advisory Fee (%)

First $1 Billion


Next $500 Million


Above $1.5 Billion


The Fund’s actual investment advisory fee rate for the reporting period was 0.53% of average annual net assets before any applicable waivers.

Janus Capital has entered into a personnel-sharing arrangement with its foreign (non-U.S.) affiliates, Henderson Global Investors Limited, Henderson Global Investors (Japan) Ltd., and Henderson Global Investors (Singapore) Ltd. (collectively, “HGIL”), pursuant to which HGIL and certain employees of HGIL serve as “associated persons” of Janus Capital. In this capacity, such employees of HGIL are subject to the oversight and supervision of Janus Capital and may provide portfolio management, research, and related services to the Fund on behalf of Janus Capital.

Effective March 31, 2020, Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, networking/omnibus/administrative fees and out-of-pocket transfer agency fees, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

(but not including out-of-pocket costs), and administrative services fees, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.57% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers until at least October 31, 2021. Networking/omnibus/administrative fees and out-of-pocket transfer agency fees were not waived under the Fund’s prior expense limitation agreement. The previous expense limit (until March 30, 2020) was 0.64%. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 4.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $9,458.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $5,954.

As of June 30, 2020, shares of the Fund were owned by affiliates of Janus Henderson Investors, and/or other funds advised by Janus Henderson, as indicated in the table below:



% of Class Owned


% of Fund Owned



Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares








Less than 0.50%


In addition, other shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with US GAAP).

5. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation, derivatives, and foreign currency contract adjustments. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 82,416,008

$ -

$ (85,143,264)

$ -

$ -

$ 88,126

$ 48,627,542



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses






$ (85,143,264)



The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals and investments in partnerships.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 1,541,811,392



$ 48,627,542

Information on the tax components of derivatives as of June 30, 2020 is as follows:


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 2,097,243

$ -

$ -

$ -

Tax cost of investments and unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) may also include timing differences that do not constitute adjustments to tax basis.

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, foreign currency transactions, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 49,183,244

$ 3,873,056

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 39,604,864

$ -

$ -

$ -




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ -

$ 97,535,244

$ (97,535,244)

6. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 35,708,506



$ 25,387,242

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 6,448,882



$ 9,037,750

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 18,490,357



$ 12,946,996

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (349,460)



$ (4,156,963)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 26,522,420



$ 10,214,052

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 13,866,899



$ 6,636,916

Class I Shares:






Shares sold






Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)






Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 37,866,390



$ 3,834,769

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 26,213,329



$ 1,398,559

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 61,936



$ 26,903

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 61,348



$ 31,444

Class T Shares:






Shares sold





$ 58,863,242

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 31,399,317



$ 38,211,023


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

7. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations



$ 57,401,636

$ 84,156,082

8. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08") to amend the amortization period for certain purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. The guidance requires certain premiums on callable debt securities to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amortization period for callable debt securities purchased at a discount will not be impacted. The amendments are effective for fiscal years and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has adopted the amendments as of the beginning of this fiscal period.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

9. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

10. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein beginning on or after August 1, 2016 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein beginning on or after August 1, 2016 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

The financial statements of the Fund as of and for the year ended July 31, 2016 and the financial highlights for each of the periods ended on or prior to July 31, 2016 (not presented herein, other than the financial highlights) were audited by other auditors whose report dated September 23, 2016 expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements and financial highlights.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


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Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



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Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


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Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



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Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


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Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



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Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


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Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



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Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Jenna Barnard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1980

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund


Co-Head of Strategic Fixed Income of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

John Pattullo
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1970

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund


Co-Head of Strategic Fixed Income of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


Knowledge Shared

At Janus Henderson, we believe in the sharing of expert insight for better investment and business decisions. We call this ethos Knowledge Shared.

Learn more by visiting janushenderson.com.



This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93077 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)



Intech’s active approach focuses on adding value by selecting stocks with unique volatility characteristics and low correlations to one another.


sub-advised by

Intech Investment

Management LLC


Performance Overview

For the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund’s Class I Shares returned -4.96%. This compares to the -3.39% return posted by the MSCI Emerging Markets IndexSM, the Fund’s benchmark.

Investment Strategy

Intech’s mathematical investment process is designed to determine potentially more efficient equity weightings of the securities in the benchmark Index, utilizing a specific mathematical optimization and disciplined rebalancing routine. Rather than trying to predict the future direction of stock prices, the process seeks to use the volatility and correlation characteristics of stocks to construct portfolios.

The investment process begins with the stocks in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. Intech’s investment process aims to capture stocks’ natural volatility through a rebalancing mechanism based on estimates of relative volatility and correlation in order to outperform the benchmark index over the long term. Within specific risk constraints, the investment process will tend to favor stocks with higher relative volatility and lower correlation as they offer more potential to capture volatility through periodic rebalancing. Once the target proportions are determined and the portfolio is constructed, it is then rebalanced to those target proportions and re-optimized on a periodic basis. The Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund focuses on seeking an excess return above the benchmark, while also reducing or managing the standard deviation of the portfolio depending on the market conditions, a strategy designed to manage the absolute risk of the portfolio.

Performance Review

Emerging markets experienced an uptick in volatility and a significant drawdown amid concerns over the global economic impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Despite a recovery of over 18% in the second quarter of 2020, emerging markets have declined by nearly 10% year to date, and are in negative territory for the trailing one-year period. Despite the brief but significant market sell-off in the first quarter, risk taking was generally rewarded over the past 12 months and defensive segments of the market tended to lag on average during the period, particularly during the market rally.

Despite providing some downside protection during the market drawdown, the Fund’s defensive positioning acted as a headwind to relative performance over the entire period. More specifically, an average underweight to higher-beta stocks was a detractor as higher-beta stocks strongly outperformed lower-beta stocks and the overall broad market in the risk on environment during the period.

The Fund was also negatively impacted by its smaller size positioning as larger-capitalization stocks outperformed the smaller-capitalization stocks within the Index over the past 12 months. From a sector perspective, while the Fund benefited from an average overweight to communication services, which was among the strongest-performing sectors during the period, overall active sector positioning was a detractor to relative performance. An average underweight to information technology and overweight to the defensive utilities sector detracted from the Fund’s relative performance.


Because Intech does not conduct traditional economic or fundamental analysis, Intech has no view on individual stocks, sectors, economic or market conditions.

Managing downside exposure potentially allows for returns to compound and improve risk-adjusted returns over time. The Fund’s long-term investment objective is to produce an excess return over the benchmark with lower absolute risk. Going forward, we will continue building portfolios in a disciplined and deliberate manner, with risk management remaining the hallmark of our investment process. As Intech’s ongoing research efforts yield


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)

modest improvements, we will continue implementing changes that aim to improve the long-term results for our fund shareholders.

Thank you for your investment in Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)


5 Largest Equity Holdings - (% of Net Assets)

Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd


Diversified Telecommunication Services


Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR)


Internet & Direct Marketing Retail


Taiwan Mobile Co Ltd


Wireless Telecommunication Services


Tencent Holdings Ltd


Interactive Media & Services


China Resources Gas Group Ltd


Gas Utilities





Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Common Stocks



Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending



Preferred Stocks



Corporate Bonds








Emerging markets comprised 100.0% of total net assets.


Top Country Allocations - Long Positions - (% of Investment Securities)

As of June 30, 2020

As of June 30, 2019


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.




















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios








Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV









Class A Shares at MOP









Class C Shares at NAV









Class C Shares at CDSC









Class D Shares(1)









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









MSCI Emerging Markets Index









Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares









Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Diversified Emerging Markets Funds









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)


has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

Intech's focus on managed volatility may keep the Fund from achieving excess returns over its index. The strategy may underperform during certain periods of up markets, and may not achieve the desired level of protection in down markets.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributionsand do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class N Shares commenced operations on August 4, 2017. Performance shown for periods prior to August 4, 2017 reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class N Shares, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If Class N Shares of the Fund had been available during periods prior to August 4, 2017, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement Class N Shares reflects the fees and expenses of Class N Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

*The Fund’s inception date – December 17, 2014

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – 0%


Consumer Non-Cyclical – 0%


Britannia Industries Ltd, 8.0000%, 8/28/22 (cost $1)







Common Stocks – 99.7%


Air Freight & Logistics – 0.4%


ZTO Express Cayman Inc






Automobiles – 1.1%


Bajaj Auto Ltd






Eicher Motors Ltd






Hero MotoCorp Ltd








Banks – 16.1%


Agricultural Bank of China Ltd*






Al Rajhi Bank






Alinma Bank






Bank Central Asia Tbk PT






Bank of China Ltd*






Bank of Communications Co Ltd*






Chang Hwa Commercial Bank Ltd






China CITIC Bank Corp Ltd






China Construction Bank Corp






China Merchants Bank Co Ltd






China Minsheng Banking Corp Ltd*






Commercial Bank PQSC






CTBC Financial Holding Co Ltd






E.Sun Financial Holding Co Ltd






First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC






First Financial Holding Co Ltd






Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co Ltd






Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd






Malayan Banking Bhd






Masraf Al Rayan QSC






Mega Financial Holding Co Ltd






National Commercial Bank






Postal Savings Bank of China Co Ltd (144A)






Public Bank Bhd






Qatar Islamic Bank SAQ






Qatar National Bank QPSC






RHB Bank Bhd






SinoPac Financial Holdings Co Ltd






Taiwan Business Bank






Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holding Co Ltd








Beverages – 0.4%


Arca Continental SAB de CV






China Resources Beer Holdings Co Ltd








Biotechnology – 0.5%


Innovent Biologics Inc (144A)*






Capital Markets – 0.4%


Reinet Investments SCA






Chemicals – 3.7%


Asian Paints Ltd






Mesaieed Petrochemical Holding Co






Pidilite Industries Ltd






Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Co






Saudi Basic Industries Corp






Yanbu National Petrochemical Co








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Communications Equipment – 0.1%


Accton Technology Corp






Construction & Engineering – 0.2%


China Railway Construction Corp Ltd






Construction Materials – 0.7%


Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd






Asia Cement Corp






China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd






Shree Cement Ltd






Taiwan Cement Corp








Diversified Consumer Services – 0.6%


GSX Techedu Inc (ADR)*,#






New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc (ADR)*






TAL Education Group (ADR)*








Diversified Telecommunication Services – 6.6%


China Tower Corp Ltd (144A)






Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd






Saudi Telecom Co








Electric Utilities – 1.4%


Power Grid Corp of India Ltd






Saudi Electricity Co






Tenaga Nasional Bhd








Electrical Equipment – 0.2%


Havells India Ltd






Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components – 0.3%


Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd






Synnex Technology International Corp






WPG Holdings Ltd








Energy Equipment & Services – 0.1%


Dialog Group Bhd






Entertainment – 2.5%


Alibaba Pictures Group Ltd*






NCSoft Corp






NetEase Inc (ADR)






Netmarble Corp (144A)*








Food & Staples Retailing – 3.7%


Avenue Supermarts Ltd (144A)*






BIM Birlesik Magazalar AS












President Chain Store Corp






Raia Drogasil SA






SPAR Group Ltd






Sun Art Retail Group Ltd






Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB de CV








Food Products – 7.2%


Almarai Co JSC






China Huishan Dairy Holdings Co Ltd¢






China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd*






Gruma SAB de CV






Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV






Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk PT*






IOI Corp Bhd






Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Food Products – (continued)


Nestle India Ltd






Nestle Malaysia Bhd






Orion Corp/Republic of Korea






PPB Group Bhd






Savola Group






Sime Darby Plantation Bhd






Tingyi Cayman Islands Holding Corp






Uni-President Enterprises Corp






Universal Robina Corp








Gas Utilities – 3.5%


China Gas Holdings Ltd






China Resources Gas Group Ltd






ENN Energy Holdings Ltd






Petronas Gas Bhd








Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 1.6%


Hartalega Holdings Bhd






Shandong Weigao Group Medical Polymer Co Ltd






Top Glove Corp Bhd








Health Care Providers & Services – 0.3%


Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PCL






Bumrungrad Hospital PCL






Celltrion Healthcare Co Ltd








Health Care Technology – 1.1%


Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co Ltd (144A)*






Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure – 0.1%


Haidilao International Holding Ltd (144A)






Yum China Holdings Inc








Household Products – 1.3%


Hindustan Unilever Ltd






Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SAB de CV








Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers – 0%


Gulf Energy Development PCL






Industrial Conglomerates – 0.5%








Industries Qatar QSC








Information Technology Services – 0.8%


GDS Holdings Ltd (ADR)*,#






Tata Consultancy Services Ltd






Tech Mahindra Ltd








Insurance – 0.7%


Cathay Financial Holding Co Ltd






HDFC Life Insurance Co Ltd (144A)*






ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co Ltd (144A)








Interactive Media & Services – 3.8%


Autohome Inc (ADR)






Info Edge India Ltd






Kakao Corp












See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Interactive Media & Services – (continued)


Tencent Holdings Ltd








Internet & Direct Marketing Retail – 5.9%


Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (ADR)*






JD.com Inc (ADR)*






Meituan Dianping*






Pinduoduo Inc (ADR)*






Vipshop Holdings Ltd (ADR)*








Leisure Products – 0%








Life Sciences Tools & Services – 1.3%


Divi's Laboratories Ltd






Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc (144A)*








Machinery – 0.8%


China Conch Venture Holdings Ltd






Marine – 0.7%








Metals & Mining – 2.3%


China Steel Corp






Eregli Demir ve Celik Fabrikalari TAS*






MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC (ADR)






Polymetal International PLC






Polyus PJSC (REG) (GDR)






Saudi Arabian Mining Co*








Multi-Utilities – 0.3%


Qatar Electricity & Water Co QSC






Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – 3.4%


China Shenhua Energy Co Ltd






Formosa Petrochemical Corp






Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd*






Indian Oil Corp Ltd






Petronet LNG Ltd






Qatar Fuel QSC








Personal Products – 2.2%


Dabur India Ltd






Godrej Consumer Products Ltd






Hengan International Group Co Ltd






Marico Ltd








Pharmaceuticals – 4.2%


Cipla Ltd/India






Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd






Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd (144A)*






Lupin Ltd






Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd






Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd








Real Estate Management & Development – 0.6%


Country Garden Services Holdings Co Ltd






Longfor Group Holdings Ltd (144A)








Road & Rail – 0.2%


BTS Group Holdings PCL






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 1.4%


Hanergy Thin Film Power Group - SPV Shares*






Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp*






Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd






United Microelectronics Corp








Software – 1.2%


Globant SA*






Kingdee International Software Group Co Ltd*








Specialty Retail – 0.3%


Jarir Marketing Co






Zhongsheng Group Holdings Ltd








Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals – 1.6%


Advantech Co Ltd






Inventec Corp






Lite-On Technology Corp






Micro-Star International Co Ltd






Quanta Computer Inc






Wiwynn Corp








Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods – 0.3%


Titan Co Ltd






Tobacco – 0.3%


ITC Ltd*






KT&G Corp








Transportation Infrastructure – 0.6%


DP World PLC






Shenzhen International Holdings Ltd








Water Utilities – 2.1%


Guangdong Investment Ltd






Wireless Telecommunication Services – 10.1%


Advanced Info Service PCL






Bharti Airtel Ltd*






DiGi.Com Bhd






Etihad Etisalat Co*






Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd






Intouch Holdings PCL






Maxis Bhd












Taiwan Mobile Co Ltd






Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS








Total Common Stocks (cost $4,815,608)




Preferred Stocks – 0.3%


Diversified Telecommunication Services – 0.3%


Telefonica Brasil SA (cost $17,346)






Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending – 0.4%


Investment Companies – 0.3%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº,£






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending – (continued)


Time Deposits – 0.1%


Royal Bank of Canada, 0.0900%, 7/1/20






Total Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending (cost $20,796)




Total Investments (total cost $4,853,751) – 100.4%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (0.4)%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of


































Saudi Arabia


















South Korea




































South Africa






United Arab Emirates












United States




















See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - N/A

Money Markets - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.3%

Investment Companies - 0.3%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Total Affiliated Investments - 0.3%











at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - N/A

Money Markets - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.3%

Investment Companies - 0.3%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


MSCI Emerging Markets IndexSM

MSCI Emerging Markets IndexSM reflects the equity market performance of emerging markets.



American Depositary Receipt


Global Depositary Receipt


Limited Liability Company


Public Company Limited


Private Joint Stock Company


Public Limited Company





Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $378,590, which represents 7.2% of net assets.



Non-income producing security.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



Loaned security; a portion of the security is on loan at June 30, 2020.



Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Corporate Bonds







Common Stocks


Air Freight & Logistics














Diversified Consumer Services














Food & Staples Retailing







Food Products







Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure







Household Products







Information Technology Services







Interactive Media & Services







Internet & Direct Marketing Retail







Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment














All Other







Preferred Stocks







Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending







Total Assets








Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)(2)






Affiliated investments, at value(3)






Cash denominated in foreign currency(4)






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Investments sold







Due from adviser














Fund shares sold







Foreign tax reclaims






Other assets





Total Assets











Due to custodian






Collateral for securities loaned (Note 2)












Professional fees







Non-affiliated fund administration fees payable







Custodian fees







Advisory fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







Fund shares repurchased







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(5)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(6)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(5)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $4,837,114.

(2) Includes $20,380 of securities on loan. See Note 2 in Notes to Financial Statements.

(3) Includes cost of $16,637.

(4) Includes cost of $1,600.

(5) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(6) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.








Investment Income:










Dividends from affiliates





Affiliated securities lending income, net





Other income





Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares





Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Non-affiliated fund administration fees





Professional fees





Custodian fees





Shareholder reports expense





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions(1)





Investments in affiliates




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation(2)




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











(1) Includes realized foreign capital gains tax on investments of $(976).

(2) Includes change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of $6,841 due to foreign capital gains tax on investments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares








Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)

















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions
















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)

















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares










For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30











Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period











Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:












Net investment income/(loss)(2)












Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)











Total from Investment Operations











Less Dividends and Distributions:












Dividends (from net investment income)












Distributions (from capital gains)










Total Dividends and Distributions











Net Asset Value, End of Period











Total Return*











Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)











Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)











Ratios to Average Net Assets**:












Ratio of Gross Expenses












Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)












Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)











Portfolio Turnover Rate











Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(2)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from August 4, 2017 (inception date) through June 30, 2018.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

The Fund did not hold a significant amount of Level 3 securities as of June 30, 2020.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

The Fund generally declares and distributes dividends of net investment income and realized capital gains (if any) annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Emerging Market Investing

The Fund may invest in securities of issuers or companies from or with exposure to one or more “developing countries” or “emerging market countries.” To the extent that the Fund invests a significant amount of its assets in one or more of these countries, its returns and net asset value may be affected to a large degree by events and economic conditions in such countries. The risks of foreign investing are heightened when investing in emerging markets, which may result in the price of investments in emerging markets experiencing sudden and sharp price swings. In many developing markets, there is less government supervision and regulation of business and industry practices (including the potential lack of strict finance and accounting controls and standards), stock exchanges, brokers, and listed companies, making these investments potentially more volatile in price and less liquid than investments in developed securities markets, resulting in greater risk to investors. There is a risk in developing countries that a future economic or political crisis could lead to price controls, forced mergers of companies, expropriation or confiscatory taxation, imposition or enforcement of foreign ownership limits, seizure, nationalization, sanctions or imposition of restrictions by various governmental entities on


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

investment and trading, or creation of government monopolies, any of which may have a detrimental effect on the Fund’s investments. In addition, the Fund’s investments may be denominated in foreign currencies and therefore, changes in the value of a country’s currency compared to the U.S. dollar may affect the value of the Fund’s investments. To the extent that the Fund invests a significant portion of its assets in the securities of issuers in or companies of a single country or region, it is more likely to be impacted by events or conditions affecting that country or region, which could have a negative impact on the Fund’s performance.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the Fund's Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association









Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. Securities on loan will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). See “Securities Lending” in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for additional information.

Real Estate Investing

To the extent that real estate-related securities may be included in the Fund’s named benchmark index, Intech’s mathematical investment process may select equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments,



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the SEC. If the Fund is unable to recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues. Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations. As of June 30, 2020, securities lending transactions accounted for as secured borrowings with an overnight and continuous contractual maturity are $20,380. Gross amounts of recognized liabilities for securities lending (collateral received) as of June 30, 2020 is $20,796, resulting in the net amount due to the counterparty of $416.

3. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The following table reflects the Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate).


Average Daily Net

Assets of the Fund

Contractual Investment

Advisory Fee (%)

First $2 Billion


Next $1 Billion


Next $3 Billion


The Fund’s actual investment advisory fee rate for the reporting period was 0.95% of average annual net assets before any applicable waivers.

Intech Investment Management LLC (“Intech”) serves as subadviser to the Fund. As subadviser, Intech provides day-to-day management of the investment operations of the Fund subject to the general oversight of Janus Capital. Janus Capital owns approximately 97% of Intech.

Janus Capital pays Intech a subadvisory fee rate equal to 50% of the investment advisory fee paid by the Fund to Janus Capital (net of any fee waivers and expense reimbursements).

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.85% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. The previous expense limit (until at least November 1, 2019) was 0.95%. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act and related rules, the Fund may participate in an affiliated or non-affiliated cash sweep program. In the cash sweep program, uninvested cash balances of the Fund may be used to purchase shares of affiliated or non-affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles that operate as money market funds. The Fund is eligible to participate in the cash sweep program (the “Investing Funds”). As adviser, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest because of its fiduciary duties to the affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles and the Investing Funds. Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC (the “Sweep Vehicle”) is an affiliated unregistered cash management pooled investment vehicle that invests


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

primarily in highly-rated short-term fixed-income securities. The Sweep Vehicle operates pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act that govern the operation of money market funds and prices its shares at NAV reflecting market-based values of its portfolio securities (i.e., a “floating” NAV) rounded to the fourth decimal place (e.g., $1.0000). The Sweep Vehicle is permitted to impose a liquidity fee (of up to 2%) on redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle or a redemption gate that temporarily suspends redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period. There are no restrictions on the Fund's ability to withdraw investments from the Sweep Vehicle at will, and there are no unfunded capital commitments due from the Fund to the Sweep Vehicle. The Sweep Vehicle does not charge any management fee, sales charge or service fee.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $9.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares during the year ended June 30, 2020.

As of June 30, 2020, shares of the Fund were owned by affiliates of Janus Henderson Investors, and/or other funds advised by Janus Henderson, as indicated in the table below:



% of Class Owned


% of Fund Owned



Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares







In addition, other shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with US GAAP).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

4. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation and foreign currency contract adjustments. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 17,513

$ -

$ (737,828)

$ -

$ -

$ (1,023)

$ 426,413


Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses




$ (659,426)

$ (78,402)

$ (737,828)



The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals, investments in partnerships and investments in passive foreign investment companies.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 4,881,553

$ 598,926

$ (172,513)

$ 426,413


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, foreign currency transactions, passive foreign investment companies, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 148,165

$ -

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 216,334

$ 504,872

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ -

$ (6,182)

$ 6,182



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

5. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 17,785



$ 58,831

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (2,228)



$ (342,162)

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ -



$ -

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 1,314



$ (29,828)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 976,176



$ 1,362,557

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (982,037)




Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 328,879



$ 187,089

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 319,201



$ (55,934)

Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 707,315



$ 594,690

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (212,395)



$ 385,281

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ -



$ -

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 1,366



$ 5,575

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 162,388



$ 507,187

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (307,364)



$ 262,070

6. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations

$ 6,223,984

$ 7,458,981

$ -

$ -


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

7. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

8. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

9. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the "Fund") as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and transfer agent. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



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Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


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Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



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Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



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Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


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Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



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Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


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Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



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Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Foreign Taxes Paid


Foreign Source Income


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93012 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund (unaudited)



The Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund is a global portfolio of income-producing securities. The Fund invests primarily in dividend-paying equities, with an allocation to fixed income securities. The equity and fixed income allocation is driven by assessment of the relative attractiveness of income opportunities within each asset class and views on the broader market environment. Within the equity allocation, we seek companies that pay an attractive and sustainable dividend yield with the capability to grow over the medium to long term. The fixed income allocation is used opportunistically in the 10% to 30% range as well as to seek to protect capital when the portfolio management team thinks the macroenvironment dictates it; this allows us to seek to reduce the beta further when appropriate.


Alex Crooke

co-portfolio manager

Job Curtis

co-portfolio mangers

Ben Lofthouse

co-portfolio manager

Jenna Barnard

co-portfolio manager

John Pattullo

co-portfolio manager



The Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund Class I Shares returned -2.68% over the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020. The Fund’s primary benchmark, the MSCI World IndexSM, returned 2.84%. The Fund’s secondary benchmark, the 75% MSCI World/25% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Credit (USD Hedged) Index, returned 4.10%. The secondary benchmark is an internally calculated, hypothetical combination of total returns from the MSCI World Index (75%) and the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Credit (USD Hedged) Index (25%).


The period under review was defined by the COVID-19 pandemic; after an initial panic and liquidity crisis, both equity and fixed income markets performed strongly in the wake of stimulus injected across the globe. Dividend strategies, however, did not fare as well, despite the collapse in interest rates generating record demand for high-quality credit.

To some extent this has been the perfect crisis for technology and growth stocks, as it has played both to the fact that a number of these businesses – namely Microsoft and the “FAANG” stocks: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google (now Alphabet) – benefit from social distancing and isolation. Without these stocks, the U.S. market outperformance would have been significantly less marked relative to the global market. It has also been the worst possible crisis for value stocks, which have higher exposure to structurally declining and cyclical sectors, including oil and financials.

This was a challenging period for income funds owing to increased dividend cancellations and cuts in response to the uncertain environment, liquidity concerns and negative public sentiment toward dividends in some countries.


Over the period we maintained a focus on companies with strong cash flow generation and solid balance sheets, which meant we were able to meet our high-income and growth-of-dividend objectives for the Fund despite the headwinds.

The Fund’s underweight position in information technology, combined with the underweight to communication technology services shares, was the largest detractor to relative performance as the sector gained on the view that companies will be large


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund (unaudited)

beneficiaries of the pandemic due to rising remote working and accelerating digital transformations. We maintain our underweight position, as these stocks tend to have a low dividend yield.

The Fund’s stock selection in utilities was a notable positive driver of relative performance during the period, with holdings proving resilient in both up and down markets due to their defensive characteristics in an uncertain environment. We added to the space over the period on the view that the valuations and dividend yields appear attractive in the low rate environment. We see scope for utilities companies to continue to improve their sourcing of energy to more renewable solutions over time. This is further supported by government stimulus in some regions being allocated directly toward clean energy initiatives.


Please see the Derivative Instruments section in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for a discussion of derivatives used by the Fund.


Economic indicators are sinking, yet expectations have risen due to the immense amount of stimulus injected into the economy amid the shutdowns. Against this backdrop, the world is watching as the number of COVID­19 cases picks up in various U.S. states, which is a stark reminder not only of how infectious this disease is but also that this virus is not disappearing in the heat, as some had hoped and expected.

There has been a sharp reversal in survey data to the downside, and the loans and central bank actions that are driving money into the system are an attempt to stabilize it. We have not changed the portfolio to reflect a more cyclical view, but we have retained exposure to some stocks in the financials and industrials sectors that will benefit if the cycle turns faster than expected.

As companies better grasp the impact of the pandemic on their businesses and adapt to changing business models, we are seeing signs of companies being more comfortable with distributing dividends. We see this as supportive for the Fund's income generation over the remainder of the year.

Thank you for your investment with us in the Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020

































5 Top Contributors - Equity Sleeve Holdings

5 Top Detractors - Equity Sleeve Holdings












Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (ADR)





Royal Dutch Shell PLC





Microsoft Corp





Occidental Petroleum Corp





Enel SpA





Sabre Corp





Roche Holding AG





Pfizer Inc





CyrusOne Inc





ING Groep NV






5 Top Contributors - Equity Sleeve Sectors*











Equity Sleeve

MSCI World Index






Average Weight

Average Weight
















Real Estate



































5 Top Detractors - Equity Sleeve Sectors*











Equity Sleeve

MSCI World Index






Average Weight

Average Weight


Information Technology














Consumer Discretionary







Consumer Staples







Health Care








Relative contribution reflects how the portolio's holdings impacted return relative to the benchmark. Cash and securities not held in the portfolio are not shown. For equity portfolios, relative contribution compares the performance of a security in the portfolio to the benchmark's total return, factoring in the difference in weight of that security in the benchmark. Returns are calculated using daily returns and previous day ending weights rolled up by ticker, excluding fixed income securities, gross of advisory fees, may exclude certain derivatives and will differ from actual performance.
Performance attribution reflects returns gross of advisory fees and may differ from actual returns as they are based on end of day holdings. Attribution is calculated by geometrically linking daily returns for the portfolio and index.


Based on sector classification according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”) codes, which are the exclusive property and a service mark of MSCI Inc. and Standard & Poor’s.


Not a GICS classified sector.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


5 Largest Equity Holdings - (% of Net Assets)

Microsoft Corp




Cisco Systems Inc


Communications Equipment


Nestle SA (REG)


Food Products


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (ADR)


Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment


GlaxoSmithKline PLC







Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Common Stocks



Corporate Bonds



Preferred Stocks



Investment Companies



United States Treasury Notes/Bonds












Top Country Allocations - Long Positions - (% of Investment Securities)

As of June 30, 2020

As of June 30, 2019



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.




















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios








Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV









Class A Shares at MOP









Class C Shares at NAV









Class C Shares at CDSC









Class D Shares(1)









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









MSCI World Index









75% MSCI World / 25% BBgBarc Global Agg Credit (USD Hedged) Index









Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares









Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for World Allocation Funds









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest,


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund (unaudited)


foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Returns of the Fund shown prior to June 5, 2017, are those for Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund (the “Predecessor Fund”), which merged into the Fund after the close of business on June 2, 2017. The Predecessor Fund was advised by Henderson Global Investors (North America) Inc. and subadvised by Henderson Investment Management Limited. Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class I Shares, and Class R6 Shares of the Predecessor Fund were reorganized into Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class I Shares, and Class N Shares, respectively, of the Fund. In connection with this reorganization, certain shareholders of the Predecessor Fund who held shares directly with the Predecessor Fund and not through an intermediary had the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class I Shares, and Class N Shares of the Fund received in the reorganization automatically exchanged for Class D Shares of the Fund following the reorganization. Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Predecessor Fund commenced operations with the Predecessor Fund’s inception on August 1, 2012. Class R6 Shares of the Predecessor Fund commenced operations on November 30, 2015. Class D Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares commenced operations on June 5, 2017.

Performance of Class A Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class A Shares of the Predecessor Fund, in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class C Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class C Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class C Shares of the Predecessor Fund, in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class I Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class I Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class I Shares of the Predecessor Fund, in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class N Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class R6 Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class R6 Shares of the Predecessor Fund, in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers, except that for periods prior to November 30, 2015, performance for Class N Shares reflects the performance of Class I Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the estimated fees and expenses of Class N Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class S Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class I Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the estimated fees and expenses of Class S Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class T Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class I Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the estimated fees and expenses of Class T Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Performance of Class D Shares shown for periods prior to June 5, 2017, reflects the performance of Class I Shares of the Predecessor Fund, calculated using the estimated fees and expenses of Class D Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

*The Predecessor Fund’s inception date – August 1, 2012

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – 21.0%


Banking – 1.7%


Barclays Bank PLC, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.5500%, 6.2780%‡,µ






HBOS Capital Funding LP, 6.8500%µ






Lloyds Banking Group PLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.2700%, 6.6570% (144A)‡,µ






Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, 6.1000%, 6/10/23








Capital Goods – 0.9%


Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc,


6.0000%, 2/15/25 (144A)






Crown Americas LLC / Crown Americas Capital Corp IV, 4.5000%, 1/15/23








Communications – 7.1%


American Tower Corp, 3.8000%, 8/15/29






AT&T Inc, 2.7500%, 6/1/31






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 5.8750%, 5/1/27 (144A)






Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 4.2000%, 3/15/28






Comcast Corp, 3.9500%, 10/15/25






Crown Castle International Corp, 3.8000%, 2/15/28






CSC Holdings LLC, 5.7500%, 1/15/30 (144A)






Sirius XM Radio Inc, 5.5000%, 7/1/29 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 4.5000%, 2/1/26






T-Mobile USA Inc, 4.7500%, 2/1/28






T-Mobile USA Inc, 3.8750%, 4/15/30 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 4.3750%, 4/15/40 (144A)






Vodafone Group PLC, 4.3750%, 5/30/28






Ziggo BV, 4.8750%, 1/15/30 (144A)








Consumer Cyclical – 0.7%


Service Corp International/US, 8.0000%, 11/15/21






Service Corp International/US, 5.1250%, 6/1/29








Consumer Non-Cyclical – 7.1%


Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc, 4.7500%, 1/23/29






Aramark Services Inc, 4.7500%, 6/1/26






Constellation Brands Inc, 4.7500%, 11/15/24






Constellation Brands Inc, 3.1500%, 8/1/29






DH Europe Finance II Sarl, 3.2500%, 11/15/39






Elanco Animal Health Inc, 5.6500%, 8/28/28Ç






HCA Inc, 5.2500%, 6/15/26






IQVIA Inc, 5.0000%, 5/15/27 (144A)






Sysco Corp, 5.9500%, 4/1/30






Tesco PLC, 6.1500%, 11/15/37 (144A)








Insurance – 0.6%


Prudential PLC, 5.2500%µ






Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 1.1%


Digital Realty Trust LP, 4.7500%, 10/1/25






Digital Realty Trust LP, 3.6000%, 7/1/29








Technology – 1.8%


Apple Inc, 3.3500%, 2/9/27






Microsoft Corp, 3.3000%, 2/6/27






VMware Inc, 4.6500%, 5/15/27






VMware Inc, 3.9000%, 8/21/27








Total Corporate Bonds (cost $30,341,255)




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




United States Treasury Notes/Bonds – 0.7%


2.8750%, 10/31/23 (cost $1,000,271)






Common Stocks – 73.5%


Auto Components – 1.2%


Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin SCA*






Banks – 2.2%


BAWAG Group AG (144A)*






ING Groep NV






United Overseas Bank Ltd








Beverages – 1.1%


Coca-Cola Co






Capital Markets – 2.7%


CITIC Securities Co Ltd






St James's Place PLC






UBS Group AG








Chemicals – 1.2%








DuPont de Nemours Inc








Communications Equipment – 2.3%


Cisco Systems Inc






Construction Materials – 0.8%


LafargeHolcim Ltd*






Containers & Packaging – 1.6%


Amcor PLC






SIG Combibloc Group AG*








Diversified Telecommunication Services – 1.9%


Sunrise Communications Group AG (144A)*






Telenor ASA














Electric Utilities – 3.7%


EDP - Energias de Portugal SA






Enel SpA






Iberdrola SA








Electrical Equipment – 2.3%








Schneider Electric SE








Entertainment – 0.7%


Vivendi SA






Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 2.4%


Crown Castle International Corp






CyrusOne Inc






VICI Properties Inc








Food & Staples Retailing – 2.6%


Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV






Tesco PLC








Food Products – 4.5%


Danone SA*






Mondelez International Inc






Nestle SA (REG)








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Gas Utilities – 1.2%


Snam SpA






Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 1.6%


Medtronic PLC






Insurance – 6.5%


Allianz SE












Manulife Financial Corp






Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG in Muenchen






Swiss Re AG






Travelers Cos Inc






Zurich Insurance Group AG








Machinery – 0.7%


Metso OYJ*






Metals & Mining – 1.3%








Rio Tinto PLC








Multi-Utilities – 4.1%


Dominion Energy Inc






DTE Energy Co












National Grid PLC














Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – 2.3%


Repsol SA






Royal Dutch Shell PLC














Personal Products – 1.6%


Unilever NV






Pharmaceuticals – 11.6%


Bristol-Myers Squibb Co






GlaxoSmithKline PLC






Johnson & Johnson






Merck & Co Inc






Novartis AG






Pfizer Inc






Roche Holding AG














Professional Services – 2.5%
















Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 3.0%


Maxim Integrated Products Inc






Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (ADR)








Software – 3.8%


Microsoft Corp






Tobacco – 0.8%


Imperial Brands PLC






Wireless Telecommunication Services – 1.3%


Tele2 AB






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Wireless Telecommunication Services – (continued)


Vodafone Group PLC








Total Common Stocks (cost $107,421,000)




Preferred Stocks – 2.5%


Household Products – 0.8%


Henkel AG & Co KGaA






Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals – 1.7%


Samsung Electronics Co Ltd






Total Preferred Stocks (cost $3,396,777)




Rights – 0%


Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – 0%


Repsol SA* (cost $52,933)






Investment Companies – 1.9%


Money Markets – 1.9%


Fidelity Investments Money Market Treasury Portfolio, 0.0800%ºº (cost $2,891,195)






Total Investments (total cost $145,103,431) – 99.6%




Cash, Receivables and Other Assets, net of Liabilities – 0.4%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States












United Kingdom










































South Korea










































































See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Schedule of Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts, Open



Foreign Currency



Foreign Currency

Amount (Sold)/



USD Currency

Amount (Sold)/



Market Value and





BNP Paribas:


British Pound





















The following table, grouped by derivative type, provides information about the fair value and location of derivatives within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of June 30, 2020.


Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020













Asset Derivatives:




Forward foreign currency exchange contracts



$ 74,825


The following tables provide information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Fund’s Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020.


The effect of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) on the Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020






Amount of Realized Gain/(Loss) Recognized on Derivatives




Forward foreign currency exchange contracts











Amount of Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation Recognized on Derivatives




Forward foreign currency exchange contracts




Please see the "Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments" and "Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation" sections of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.


Average Ending Monthly Market Value of Derivative Instruments During the Year Ended June 30, 2020




Market Value(a)

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, sold

$ 14,551,898


(a) Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported as the average ending monthly currency amount sold.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


MSCI World IndexSM

MSCI World IndexSM reflects the equity market performance of global developed markets.

75% MSCI World / 25% BBgBarc Global Agg Credit (USD Hedged) Index

75% MSCI World / 25% BBgBarc Global Agg Credit (USD Hedged) Index is an internally-calculated, hypothetical combination of total returns from the MSCI World IndexSM (75%) and the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Credit Index (USD Hedged) (25%).



American Depositary Receipt


Intercontinental Exchange


London Interbank Offered Rate


Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership


Public Limited Company





Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $10,568,080, which represents 6.8% of net assets.



Non-income producing security.


Variable or floating rate security. Rate shown is the current rate as of June 30, 2020. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread; they are determined by the issuer or agent and current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date and may vary by security, which may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



Perpetual security. Perpetual securities have no stated maturity date, but they may be called/redeemed by the issuer. The date indicated, if any, represents the next call date.



Step bond. The coupon rate will increase or decrease periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. The rate shown reflects the current rate.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Corporate Bonds







United States Treasury Notes/Bonds







Common Stocks
















Communications Equipment







Diversified Telecommunication Services







Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)







Food Products







Health Care Equipment & Supplies




























Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment














All Other







Preferred Stocks














Investment Companies







Total Investments in Securities







Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Total Assets









Other financial instruments include forward foreign currency exchange, futures, written options, written swaptions, and swap contracts. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported at their unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract's value from trade date. Futures, certain written options on futures, and centrally cleared swap contracts are reported at their variation margin at measurement date, which represents the amount due to/from the Fund at that date. Written options, written swaptions, and other swap contracts are reported at their market value at measurement date.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Investments, at value(1)






Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Cash denominated in foreign currency(2)






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Foreign tax reclaims





















Fund shares sold






Other assets





Total Assets











Due to custodian












Fund shares repurchased







Advisory fees







Professional fees














Transfer agent fees and expenses







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-affiliated fund administration fees payable







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Custodian fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $145,103,431.

(2) Includes cost of $58,079.

(3) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(4) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:















Other income





Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Professional fees





Shareholder reports expense





Custodian fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)




Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














Class C Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from August 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The Fund changed its fiscal year end from July 31 to June 30.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares







For a share outstanding during the year or period ended July 31








Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period








Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:









Net investment income/(loss)(1)









Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)








Total from Investment Operations







Less Dividends and Distributions:









Dividends (from net investment income)









Distributions (from capital gains)







Total Dividends and Distributions








Net Asset Value, End of Period








Total Return*








Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)








Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)








Ratios to Average Net Assets**:









Ratio of Gross Expenses









Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)









Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)








Portfolio Turnover Rate








Class C Shares







For a share outstanding during the year or period ended July 31








Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period








Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:









Net investment income/(loss)(1)









Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)








Total from Investment Operations








Less Dividends and Distributions:









Dividends (from net investment income)









Distributions (from capital gains)







Total Dividends and Distributions








Net Asset Value, End of Period








Total Return*








Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)








Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)








Ratios to Average Net Assets**:









Ratio of Gross Expenses









Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)









Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)








Portfolio Turnover Rate








* Total return not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) The Ratio of Gross Expenses include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Gross Expenses would have been 0.02% higher had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.

(3) The Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) would have been 0.01% higher had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.

(4) The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) would have been 0.01% lower had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














Class I Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from June 5, 2017 (inception date) through June 30, 2017.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(3) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.

(4) Period from August 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The Fund changed its fiscal year end from July 31 to June 30.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Financial Highlights


Class I Shares







For a share outstanding during the year or period ended July 31








Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period








Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:









Net investment income/(loss)(1)









Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)








Total from Investment Operations








Less Dividends and Distributions:









Dividends (from net investment income)









Distributions (from capital gains)







Total Dividends and Distributions








Net Asset Value, End of Period








Total Return*








Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)








Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)








Ratios to Average Net Assets**:









Ratio of Gross Expenses









Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)









Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)








Portfolio Turnover Rate








* Total return not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) The Ratio of Gross Expenses include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Gross Expenses would have been 0.02% higher had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.

(3) The Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) would have been 0.01% higher had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.

(4) The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) would have been 0.01% lower had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














Class S Shares














For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:
















Net investment income/(loss)(2)
















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)















Total from Investment Operations















Less Dividends and Distributions:
















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions















Net Asset Value, End of Period















Total Return*















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:
















Ratio of Gross Expenses
















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)
















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)















Portfolio Turnover Rate















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from August 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The Fund changed its fiscal year end from July 31 to June 30.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(3) The amount shown does not correlate with the change in the aggregate gains and losses in the Fund’s securities for the year or period due to the timing of sales and repurchases of the Fund’s shares in relation to fluctuating market values for the Fund’s securities.

(4) Period from June 5, 2017 (inception date) through June 30, 2017.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares




For a share outstanding during the period ended July 31





Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period





Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:






Net investment income/(loss)(2)






Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)





Total from Investment Operations





Less Dividends and Distributions:






Dividends (from net investment income)





Total Dividends and Distributions





Net Asset Value, End of Period





Total Return*





Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)





Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)





Ratios to Average Net Assets**:






Ratio of Gross Expenses






Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)






Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)





Portfolio Turnover Rate





* Total return not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from November 30, 2015 (inception date) through July 31, 2016.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(3) The Ratio of Gross Expenses include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Gross Expenses would have been 0.02% higher had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.

(4) The Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets) would have been 0.01% higher had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.

(5) The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) include a reimbursement of prior period custodian out-of-pocket expenses. The Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss) would have been 0.01% lower had the custodian not reimbursed the Fund.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from June 5, 2017 (inception date) through June 30, 2017.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks to provide current income from a portfolio of securities that exceeds the average yield on global stocks, and aims to provide a growing stream of income per share over time. The Fund's secondary objective is to seek to provide long-term capital appreciation. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

Pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, the Fund acquired all the assets and liabilities of the Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund (the “Predecessor Fund”), a series of Henderson Global Funds, in exchange for Class A, Class C, Class I and Class N Fund shares having an aggregate net asset value equal to the value of the aggregate net assets of the same share class of the Predecessor Fund (except that Class R6 Predecessor Fund shares were exchanged for Class N Fund shares) (the “Reorganization”). The Reorganization occurred at the close of business on June 2, 2017.

The Predecessor Fund and the Fund had identical investment objectives and substantially similar investment policies and principal risks. For financial reporting purposes, the Predecessor Fund’s financial and performance history prior to the Reorganization is carried forward and reflected in the Fund’s financial highlights.

The last fiscal year end of the Predecessor Fund was July 31, 2016. Subsequent to July 31, 2016, the Fund changed its fiscal year end to June 30, 2017, to reflect the fiscal year end of certain funds of the Trust.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D shares are closed to new investors.

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to,



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends are declared and distributed quarterly for the fund. Realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed in December. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or a Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund’s equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Derivative Instruments

The Fund may invest in various types of derivatives, which may at times result in significant derivative exposure. A derivative is a financial instrument whose performance is derived from the performance of another asset. The Fund may invest in derivative instruments including, but not limited to: futures contracts, put options, call options, options on futures contracts, options on foreign currencies, options on recovery locks, options on security and commodity indices, swaps, forward contracts, structured investments, and other equity-linked derivatives. Each derivative instrument that was held by the Fund during the year ended June 30, 2020 is discussed in further detail below. A summary of derivative activity by the Fund is reflected in the tables at the end of the Schedule of Investments.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The Fund may use derivative instruments for hedging purposes (to offset risks associated with an investment, currency exposure, or market conditions), to adjust currency exposure relative to a benchmark index, or for speculative purposes (to earn income and seek to enhance returns). When the Fund invests in a derivative for speculative purposes, the Fund will be fully exposed to the risks of loss of that derivative, which may sometimes be greater than the derivative’s cost. The Fund may not use any derivative to gain exposure to an asset or class of assets that it would be prohibited by its investment restrictions from purchasing directly. The Fund’s ability to use derivative instruments may also be limited by tax considerations.

Investments in derivatives in general are subject to market risks that may cause their prices to fluctuate over time. Investments in derivatives may not directly correlate with the price movements of the underlying instrument. As a result, the use of derivatives may expose the Fund to additional risks that it would not be subject to if it invested directly in the securities underlying those derivatives. The use of derivatives may result in larger losses or smaller gains than otherwise would be the case. Derivatives can be volatile and may involve significant risks.

In pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease exposure to the following market risk factors:

· Commodity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of commodities or commodity-linked investments due to changes in the overall market movements, volatility of the underlying benchmark, changes in interest rates, or other factors affecting a particular industry or commodity such as drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs, and international economic, political, and regulatory developments.

· Counterparty Risk – the risk that the counterparty (the party on the other side of the transaction) on a derivative transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation to the Fund.

· Credit Risk – the risk an issuer will be unable to make principal and interest payments when due, or will default on its obligations.

· Currency Risk – the risk that changes in the exchange rate between currencies will adversely affect the value (in U.S. dollar terms) of an investment.

· Equity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

· Index Risk – if the derivative is linked to the performance of an index, it will be subject to the risks associated with changes in that index. If the index changes, the Fund could receive lower interest payments or experience a reduction in the value of the derivative to below what the Fund paid. Certain indexed securities, including inverse securities (which move in an opposite direction to the index), may create leverage, to the extent that they increase or decrease in value at a rate that is a multiple of the changes in the applicable index.

· Interest Rate Risk – the risk that the value of fixed-income securities will generally decline as prevailing interest rates rise, which may cause the Fund’s NAV to likewise decrease.

· Leverage Risk – the risk associated with certain types of leveraged investments or trading strategies pursuant to which relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of an investment. The Fund creates leverage by investing in instruments, including derivatives, where the investment loss can exceed the original amount invested. Certain investments or trading strategies, such as short sales, that involve leverage can result in losses that greatly exceed the amount originally invested.

· Liquidity Risk – the risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time that the seller would like or at the price that the seller believes the security is currently worth.

Derivatives may generally be traded OTC or on an exchange. Derivatives traded OTC are agreements that are individually negotiated between parties and can be tailored to meet a purchaser’s needs. OTC derivatives are not guaranteed by a clearing agency and may be subject to increased credit risk.

In an effort to mitigate credit risk associated with derivatives traded OTC, the Fund may enter into collateral agreements with certain counterparties whereby, subject to certain minimum exposure requirements, the Fund may require the counterparty to post collateral if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on all OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. Additionally, the Fund may deposit cash and/or treasuries as collateral with the counterparty



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. All liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to certain exchange-traded derivatives, centrally cleared derivatives, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, short sales, and/or securities with extended settlement dates. There is no guarantee that counterparty exposure is reduced and these arrangements are dependent on Janus Capital's ability to establish and maintain appropriate systems and trading.

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts

A forward foreign currency exchange contract (“forward currency contract”) is an obligation to buy or sell a specified currency at a future date at a negotiated rate (which may be U.S. dollars or a foreign currency). The Fund may enter into forward currency contracts for hedging purposes, including, but not limited to, reducing exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on foreign portfolio holdings and locking in the U.S. dollar cost of firm purchase and sale commitments for securities denominated in or exposed to foreign currencies. The Fund may also invest in forward currency contracts for non-hedging purposes such as seeking to enhance returns. The Fund is subject to currency risk and counterparty risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in forward currency contracts.

Forward currency contracts are valued by converting the foreign value to U.S. dollars by using the current spot U.S. dollar exchange rate and/or forward rate for that currency. Exchange and forward rates as of the close of the NYSE shall be used to value the forward currency contracts. The unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) for forward currency contracts is reported in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as a receivable or payable and in the Statement of Operations for the change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation (if applicable). The gain or loss arising from the difference between the U.S. dollar cost of the original contract and the value of the foreign currency in U.S. dollars upon closing a forward currency contract is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to sell foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to decrease exposure to currency risk associated with foreign currency denominated securities held by the Fund.

3. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

In order to better define its contractual rights and to secure rights that will help the Fund mitigate its counterparty risk, the Fund has entered into an International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreement (“ISDA Master Agreement”) or similar agreement with its derivative contract counterparties. An ISDA Master Agreement is a bilateral agreement between the Fund and a counterparty that governs OTC derivatives and forward foreign currency exchange contracts and typically contains, among other things, collateral posting terms and netting provisions in the event of a default and/or termination event. Under an ISDA Master Agreement, in the event of a default and/or termination event,



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

the Fund may offset with each counterparty certain derivative financial instruments’ payables and/or receivables with collateral held and/or posted and create one single net payment.

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the “Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020” table located in the Fund’s Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


BNP Paribas









Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

The Fund generally does not exchange collateral on its forward foreign currency contracts with its counterparties; however, all liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to these contracts. Certain securities may be segregated at the Fund’s custodian. These segregated securities are denoted on the accompanying Schedule of Investments and are evaluated daily to ensure their cover and/or market value equals or exceeds the Fund’s corresponding forward foreign currency exchange contract's obligation value.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Sovereign Debt

The Fund may invest in U.S. and non-U.S. government debt securities (“sovereign debt”). Some investments in sovereign debt, such as U.S. sovereign debt, are considered low risk. However, investments in sovereign debt, especially the debt of less developed countries, can involve a high degree of risk, including the risk that the governmental entity that controls the repayment of sovereign debt may not be willing or able to repay the principal and/or to pay the interest on its sovereign debt in a timely manner. A sovereign debtor’s willingness or ability to satisfy its debt obligation may be affected by various factors including, but not limited to, its cash flow situation, the extent of its foreign currency reserves, the availability of foreign exchange when a payment is due, the relative size of its debt position in relation to its economy as a whole, the sovereign debtor’s policy toward international lenders, and local political constraints to which the governmental entity may be subject. Sovereign debtors may also be dependent on expected disbursements from foreign governments, multilateral agencies, and other entities. The failure of a sovereign debtor to implement economic reforms, achieve specified levels of economic performance, or repay principal or interest when due may result in the cancellation of third party commitments to lend funds to the sovereign debtor, which may further impair such debtor’s ability or willingness to timely service its debts. The Fund may be requested to participate in the rescheduling of such sovereign debt and to extend further loans to governmental entities, which may adversely affect the Fund’s holdings. In the event of default, there may be limited or no legal remedies for collecting sovereign debt and there may be no bankruptcy proceedings through which the Fund may collect all or part of the sovereign debt that a governmental entity has not repaid. In addition, to the extent the Fund invests in non-U.S. sovereign debt, it may be subject to currency risk.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

4. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The following table reflects the Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate).


Average Daily Net

Assets of the Portfolio

Contractual Investment

Advisory Fee (%)

First $1 Billion


Next $1 Billion


Above $2 Billion


The Fund’s actual investment advisory fee rate for the reporting period was 0.75% of average annual net assets before any applicable waivers.

Janus Capital has entered into a personnel-sharing arrangement with its foreign (non-U.S.) affiliates, Henderson Global Investors Limited, Henderson Global Investors (Japan) Ltd., and Henderson Global Investors (Singapore) Ltd. (collectively, “HGIL”), pursuant to which HGIL and certain employees of HGIL serve as “associated persons” of Janus Capital. In this capacity, such employees of HGIL are subject to the oversight and supervision of Janus Capital and may provide portfolio management, research, and related services to the Fund on behalf of Janus Capital.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.84% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $4,357.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $110.

As of June 30, 2020, shares of the Fund were owned by affiliates of Janus Henderson Investors, and/or other funds advised by Janus Henderson, as indicated in the table below:



% of Class Owned


% of Fund Owned



Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares








Less than 0.50%


In addition, other shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with US GAAP).

5. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation, derivatives, and foreign currency contract adjustments. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 798,850

$ -

$ (10,191,235)

$ -

$ -

$ 4,995

$ 8,769,213


Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses






$ (10,191,235)



The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary difference between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments is wash sale loss deferrals.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 145,150,466


$ (9,154,044)

$ 8,769,213

Information on the tax components of derivatives as of June 30, 2020 is as follows:


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 74,825

$ -

$ -

$ -

Tax cost of investments and unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) may also include timing differences that do not constitute adjustments to tax basis.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, foreign currency transactions, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 5,386,703

$ -

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 6,063,019

$ 681,474

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ 44,224

$ (90,587)

$ 46,363



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

6. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold





$ 12,663,708

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (4,071,478)



$ 2,727,605

Class C Shares:






Shares sold





$ 14,674,503

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (7,631,457)



$ 1,102,874

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 2,855,505



$ 1,786,045

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 462,340



$ (1,093,143)

Class I Shares:






Shares sold





$ 41,374,220

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (8,528,730)




Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 64,840



$ 88,436

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (80,830)



$ (248,434)

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ -



$ -

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 1,788



$ 2,044

Class T Shares:






Shares sold





$ 10,797,977

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ 5,711,527

7. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations


$ 99,149,896

$ -

$ 1,579,121

8. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08") to amend the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

amortization period for certain purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. The guidance requires certain premiums on callable debt securities to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amortization period for callable debt securities purchased at a discount will not be impacted. The amendments are effective for fiscal years and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has adopted the amendments as of the beginning of this fiscal period.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

9. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

10. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein beginning on or after August 1, 2016 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein beginning on or after August 1, 2016 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

The financial statements of the Fund as of and for the year ended July 31, 2016 and the financial highlights for each of the periods ended on or prior to July 31, 2016 (not presented herein, other than the financial highlights) were audited by other auditors whose report dated September 23, 2016 expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements and financial highlights.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Foreign Taxes Paid


Foreign Source Income


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)




Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Alex Crooke
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1969

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund


Co-Head of Equities - EMEA and Asia Pacific of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts. Formerly, Head of Global Equity Income and Specialist Equities (2013-2018).

Job Curtis
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1961

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund


Director of Global Equity Income of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

Ben Lofthouse
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1976

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund


Head of Global Equity Income of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

Jenna Barnard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1980

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund


Co-Head of Strategic Fixed Income of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

John Pattullo
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1970

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund


Co-Head of Strategic Fixed Income of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)




Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)




Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund




Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

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125-02-93075 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund (unaudited)



We believe our research-driven investment process, diversified portfolio construction and robust risk management can drive consistent risk-adjusted performance, with excess returns generated primarily through sector and security decisions. Our collaborative investment teams utilize our broad investment flexibility across the investment cycle in an effort to capitalize on attractive opportunities and provide the downside risk management clients expect from their core fixed income portfolio.


Greg Wilensky

co-portfolio manager

Michael Keough

co-portfolio manager



During the one-year period ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund’s Class I Shares returned 10.31% compared with 8.74% for the Fund’s benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index.


In the first half of the period, fixed income markets broadly became more confident of a soft landing for the U.S. economy as the Federal Reserve (Fed) lowered policy rates three times in the latter half of 2019. Generally better-than-expected earnings reports and progress in U.S.-China trade relations also contributed to corporate credit spreads (yields over Treasuries) tightening toward the lowest levels of the current credit cycle. However, in early 2020, the exogenous shock of the COVID-19 coronavirus ushered in a period of severe economic uncertainty as governments around the world restricted travel and social activity to help contain the virus. Risk markets faced a sell-off of historic proportions. Contributing to the malaise was a collapse in oil prices when the virus-related drop in demand was met by a flood of supply after OPEC and Russia failed to agree on production cutbacks.

Across the globe, central bank and government stimulus action was swift and aggressive. The Fed cut policy rates to zero and introduced numerous programs to support bond market liquidity while Congress approved trillions of dollars in crisis support to consumers and businesses. These actions supported financial markets and corporations and contributed to a rapid improvement in liquidity conditions. The staggering levels of monetary and fiscal stimulus, coupled with optimism on reopening the U.S. economy, bolstered investor confidence later in the period, although volatility remained high.

Over the year, rates fell across the yield curve, with the benchmark 10-year Treasury yield closing June at 0.66%, down from 2.01%. Corporate and securitized credit were volatile, with heightened risk of downgrades and defaults causing spreads over Treasuries to widen dramatically intra-period. Fed support helped credit retrace most of its losses, and investment-grade corporate bonds ultimately generated positive returns, while their high-yield counterparts were roughly flat.


The Fund was positioned overweight credit early in the period, as we believed an accommodative Fed and strong consumer created a supportive environment for credit products generally. Coming into 2020, we began reducing risk due to the strong returns of 2019 and heightened valuations. As the COVID-19 health care crisis accelerated through mid-March, we sought to preserve capital and increase liquidity by lowering the credit allocations further, while increasing Fund duration (a measure of interest rate risk) with the purchase of 30-year Treasuries to provide a hedge against spread widening in our credit positions. As we gained confidence in the backstop from monetary and fiscal stimulus and the increased potential for an economic recovery, we added approximately 20% to the portfolio’s corporate credit allocation from its March low. These additions were primarily in the investment-grade space but also, and more selectively, in the high-yield market. To accommodate that increase, we moved further underweight in agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and U.S. Treasuries.

Investment-grade corporate bonds ultimately generated strong returns, driven in large part by the Fed’s bond-buying programs. Our overweight coupled with strong security selection contributed positively to relative outperformance. Overall positioning in agency MBS and


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund (unaudited)

our decision to trim exposure to the asset class in the latter half of the period also proved beneficial as agency MBS lagged many other index constituents over the period. Positioning within asset-backed securities (ABS), much of which was tied to the strength of the consumer heading into the COVID-19 crisis, weighed on relative returns.

At the sector level, positioning in food and beverage contributed to relative performance. Food services company Sysco was the top contributor at the issuer level, performing well after an attractive new issue was launched in March. However, our overweight in midstream energy weighed on results amid highly volatile oil prices. A position in exploration and production company Continental Resources also detracted as its credit ratings were downgraded, reflecting reduced profitability and cash flows.


Please see the Derivative Instruments section in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for a discussion of derivatives used by the Fund.


We believe the continued support from both the Fed and fiscal authorities will benefit consumers, corporations and market conditions. With this support, we expect the U.S. economy to bounce back from lockdown levels over the next few quarters but know it will take years before the economy fully recovers.

While there has been a rapid deterioration in corporate fundamentals, we believe we are entering a new phase of the credit cycle where balance sheet repair will be a top priority for management teams and ultimately lead to lower credit risk premiums. We expect corporate bonds and structured securities, including ABS and commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), to remain in demand, driven by the additional yield available over very low policy rates – which will likely persist for the foreseeable future – and thus more attractive hedging costs for non-U.S. investors.

We continue to favor investment-grade over high-yield companies but remain focused on valuations and diligent in identifying attractive risk-adjusted opportunities across the ratings spectrum. In structured securities, we believe the Fed’s aggressive actions should support liquidity and underlying fundamentals but are biased to higher-quality credits within ABS, CMBS and collateralized mortgage obligations. We will continue to favor sectors and securities where we believe the structures can withstand the elevated economic uncertainty.

Although market sentiment and credit spreads have improved markedly, valuations ended the period closer to longer-term averages and thus still have room to tighten before reaching pre-COVID-19 levels. In our view, this creates an opportunity for attractive returns in fixed income in the year ahead. But we do not expect volatility to fade. COVID-19 and its economic impact remain the most pressing concern, and other risks to market sentiment are also on our radar: a resumption of trade tensions with China and the upcoming U.S. elections to name two. As we navigate these uncertainties, we will continue to adhere to our research-driven investment process with a focus on taking the right amount of risk throughout the cycle.

Thank you for your investment in Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


Fund Profile



30-day Current Yield*



Class A Shares NAV



Class A Shares MOP



Class C Shares**



Class D Shares



Class I Shares



Class N Shares



Class R Shares



Class S Shares



Class T Shares



Weighted Average Maturity

8.6 Years

Average Effective Duration***

6.4 Years

* Yield will fluctuate.



** Does not include the 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge.

*** A theoretical measure of price volatility.



Ratings Summary - (% of Total Investments)














Not Rated




† Credit ratings provided by Standard & Poor's (S&P), an independent credit rating agency. Credit ratings range from AAA (highest) to D (lowest) based on S&P's measures. Further information on S&P's rating methodology may be found at www.standardandpoors.com. Other rating agencies may rate the same securities differently. Ratings are relative and subjective and are not absolute standards of quality. Credit quality does not remove market risk and is subject to change. "Not Rated" securities are not rated by S&P, but may be rated by other rating agencies and do not necessarily indicate low quality. "Other" includes cash equivalents, equity securities, and certain derivative instruments.

Significant Areas of Investment - (% of Net Assets)


Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds



Mortgage-Backed Securities



Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities



United States Treasury Notes/Bonds



Investment Companies



Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans



Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending









Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.






















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios









Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV










Class A Shares at MOP










Class C Shares at NAV










Class C Shares at CDSC










Class D Shares(1)










Class I Shares










Class N Shares










Class R Shares










Class S Shares










Class T Shares










Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index










Morningstar Quartile - Class T Shares










Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Intermediate Core - Plus Bond Funds










Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 4.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest,



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund (unaudited)


foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class R Shares, and Class S Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for each class for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class J Shares, the initial share class (renamed Class T Shares effective February 16, 2010), calculated using the fees and expenses of each respective share class, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class D Shares commenced operations on February 16, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to February 16, 2010, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class I Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class J Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class N Shares commenced operations on May 31, 2012. Performance shown for periods prior to May 31, 2012, reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class T Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class T Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

Effective on or about February 1, 2020, Michael Keough and Greg Wilensky are Co-Portfolio Managers of the Fund.

*The Fund’s inception date – July 7, 1987

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

** The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index’s since inception returns are calculated from June 30, 1987.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – 13.9%


Angel Oak Mortgage Trust I LLC 2018-2,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 0.7600%, 3.6740%, 7/27/48 (144A)






Angel Oak Mortgage Trust I LLC 2019-5, 2.5930%, 10/25/49 (144A)






Angel Oak Mortgage Trust I LLC 2019-6,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 0.9500%, 2.6200%, 11/25/59 (144A)






Angel Oak Mortgage Trust I LLC 2020-3, 2.4100%, 4/25/65 (144A)






Angel Oak Mortgage Trust I LLC2020-2,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 2.2000%, 2.5310%, 1/26/65 (144A)






Applebee's Funding LLC / IHOP Funding LLC, 4.1940%, 6/7/49 (144A)






Arroyo Mortgage Trust 2018-1,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 0.8500%, 3.7630%, 4/25/48 (144A)






Bank 2018-BN12 A4, 4.2550%, 5/15/61






Bank 2019-BN17, 3.7140%, 4/15/52






Bank 2019-BN18, 3.5840%, 5/15/62






Bank 2019-BN20, 3.0110%, 9/15/62






Bank 2019-BN23, 2.9200%, 12/15/52






Bank 2019-BNK24, 2.9600%, 11/15/62






Barclays Comercial Mortgage Securities LLC 2017-DELC,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.8500%, 1.0348%, 8/15/36 (144A)






BBCMS Trust 2015-SRCH, 4.1970%, 8/10/35 (144A)






Benchmark Mortgage Trust 2020-B16, 2.7320%, 2/15/53






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-IND,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.7500%, 0.9348%, 11/15/35 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-XL,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9200%, 1.1048%, 10/15/36 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-XL,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.0800%, 1.2648%, 10/15/36 (144A)






BX Trust 2019-OC11, 3.2020%, 12/9/41 (144A)






BX Trust 2019-OC11, 3.6050%, 12/9/41 (144A)






BX Trust 2019-OC11, 3.8560%, 12/9/41 (144A)






BX Trust 2019-OC11, 4.0755%, 12/9/41 (144A)






BX Trust 2019-OC11, 4.0755%, 12/9/41 (144A)






BXP Trust 2017-GM, 3.3790%, 6/13/39 (144A)






Chase Home Lending Mortgage Trust 2019-ATR2,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9000%, 1.0845%, 7/25/49 (144A)






COLT Funding LLC 2020-2,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 1.5000%, 1.8530%, 3/25/65 (144A)






COLT Funding LLC 2020-3,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 1.2000%, 1.5060%, 4/27/65 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2014-C04,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 4.9000%, 5.0845%, 11/25/24






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2016-C03,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.9000%, 6.0845%, 10/25/28






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2016-C04,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 4.2500%, 4.4345%, 1/25/29






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2017-C01,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.5500%, 3.7345%, 7/25/29






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2018-C05,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.3500%, 2.5345%, 1/25/31






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R02,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.3000%, 2.4845%, 8/25/31 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R03,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.1500%, 2.3345%, 9/25/31 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R04,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.1000%, 2.2845%, 6/25/39 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R05,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1845%, 7/25/39 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R07,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.1000%, 2.2845%, 10/25/39 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2020-R01,

ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.8000%, 0.9845%, 1/25/40 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2020-R02,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1845%, 1/25/40 (144A)






Cosmopolitan Hotel Trust 2017,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9300%, 1.1148%, 11/15/36 (144A)






Credit Acceptance Auto Loan Trust 2018-2, 3.9400%, 7/15/27 (144A)






DB Master Finance LLC, 3.7870%, 5/20/49 (144A)






DB Master Finance LLC, 4.0210%, 5/20/49 (144A)






DB Master Finance LLC, 4.3520%, 5/20/49 (144A)






Dell Equipment Finance Trust 2020-1, 2.2600%, 6/22/22 (144A)






Domino's Pizza Master Issuer LLC, 3.0820%, 7/25/47 (144A)






Domino's Pizza Master Issuer LLC, 4.1180%, 7/25/47 (144A)






Domino's Pizza Master Issuer LLC, 4.1160%, 7/25/48 (144A)






Domino's Pizza Master Issuer LLC, 4.3280%, 7/25/48 (144A)






Domino's Pizza Master Issuer LLC, 3.6680%, 10/25/49 (144A)






Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2017-1, 5.1700%, 9/16/24






Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2017-2, 5.2700%, 11/15/24






Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2017-3, 3.5300%, 12/15/23 (144A)






Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2017-A, 4.1600%, 5/15/24 (144A)






Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2019-2, 3.0400%, 3/15/23






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2018-1A C, 3.0300%, 1/17/23 (144A)






Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.0000%, 5.1845%, 7/25/25






Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.7000%, 5.8845%, 4/25/28






Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9500%, 1.1345%, 10/25/29






Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1845%, 3/25/31






Fannie Mae REMICS, 3.0000%, 5/25/48






Fannie Mae REMICS, 3.0000%, 11/25/49






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.3500%, 1.5345%, 3/25/29






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.7500%, 0.9345%, 3/25/30






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.7700%, 0.9545%, 11/25/49 (144A)






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7000%, 1.8845%, 1/25/50 (144A)






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.7500%, 0.9345%, 2/25/50 (144A)






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.0000%, 0%, 6/25/50






Great Wolf Trust,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.0340%, 1.2188%, 12/15/36 (144A)






Great Wolf Trust,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.3340%, 1.5188%, 12/15/36 (144A)






Great Wolf Trust,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.6330%, 1.8178%, 12/15/36 (144A)






GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2018-GS10, 4.1550%, 7/10/51






GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2018-GS9, 3.9920%, 3/10/51






GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2020-GC45, 2.9106%, 2/13/53






GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2020-GC47, 2.3772%, 5/12/53






Jack in the Box Funding LLC 2019-1A A23, 4.9700%, 8/25/49 (144A)






Jack in the Box Funding LLC 2019-1A A2I, 3.9820%, 8/25/49 (144A)






Jack in the Box Funding LLC 2019-1A A2II, 4.4760%, 8/25/49 (144A)






JP Morgan Mortgage Trust,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9000%, 1.0845%, 11/25/49 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2019-7,

ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9000%, 1.0845%, 2/25/50 (144A)






JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2019-INV1,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9500%, 1.1345%, 10/25/49 (144A)






JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2019-LTV2,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9000%, 1.0845%, 12/25/49 (144A)






JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2020-4,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.2500%, 1.4401%, 11/25/50 (144A)






Mello Warehouse Securitization Trust 2018-1,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.8500%, 1.0345%, 11/25/51 (144A)






Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2016-UB11, 2.7820%, 8/15/49






Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2019-H6, 3.4170%, 6/15/52






Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2015-UBS8, 3.8090%, 12/15/48






Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2018-H3, 4.1770%, 7/15/51






Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2018-H4, 4.3100%, 12/15/51






New Residential Mortgage Loan Trust 2018-2,


ICE LIBOR USD 6 Month + 0.6800%, 4.5000%, 2/25/58 (144A)






OneMain Direct Auto Receivables Trust 2017-2A, 2.8200%, 7/15/24 (144A)






OneMain Direct Auto Receivables Trust 2018-1, 3.8500%, 10/14/25 (144A)






OneMain Direct Auto Receivables Trust 2018-1, 4.4000%, 1/14/28 (144A)






Planet Fitness Master Issuer LLC, 3.8580%, 12/5/49 (144A)






Preston Ridge Partners Mortgage Trust 2019-1A, 4.5000%, 1/25/24 (144A)Ç






Preston Ridge Partners Mortgage Trust 2019-2A, 3.9670%, 4/25/24 (144A)Ç






Preston Ridge Partners Mortgage Trust 2019-3A, 3.3510%, 7/25/24 (144A)Ç






Provident Funding Mortgage Trust 2020-1, 3.0000%, 2/25/50 (144A)






PRPM 2020-1A LLC, 2.9810%, 2/25/25 (144A)Ç






PRPM LLC, 3.3510%, 11/25/24 (144A)Ç






Santander Consumer Auto Receivables Trust 2020-AA, 1.3700%, 10/15/24 (144A)






Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2016-3, 4.2900%, 2/15/24






Sequoia Mortgage Trust 2013-5, 2.5000%, 5/25/43 (144A)






Sequoia Mortgage Trust 2013-7, 3.0000%, 6/25/43






Sequoia Mortgage Trust 2013-9, 3.5000%, 7/25/43 (144A)






Sequoia Mortgage Trust 2019-3, 3.5000%, 9/25/49 (144A)






Sequoia Mortgage Trust 2020-2, 3.5000%, 3/25/50 (144A)






Spruce Hill Mortgage Loan Trust 2020-SH1 A1,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 0.9500%, 2.5210%, 1/28/50 (144A)






Spruce Hill Mortgage Loan Trust 2020-SH1 A2,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 1.0500%, 2.6240%, 1/28/50 (144A)






Spruce Hill Mortgage Loan Trust 2020-SH2, 3.4070%, 6/25/55 (144A)






Starwood Mortgage Residential Trust 2020-2, 2.7180%, 4/25/60 (144A)






Station Place Securitization Trust Series 2019-10,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9000%, 1.0848%, 10/24/20 (144A)






Taco Bell Funding LLC, 4.9400%, 11/25/48 (144A)






Towd Point Asset Funding LLC 2019-HE1 A1,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9000%, 1.0845%, 4/25/48 (144A)






Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Trust 2019-4,


3.5000%, 9/25/49 (144A)






Wendy's Funding LLC, 3.5730%, 3/15/48 (144A)






Wendy's Funding LLC, 3.8840%, 3/15/48 (144A)






Wendy's Funding LLC, 3.7830%, 6/15/49 (144A)






WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C25, 3.6310%, 11/15/47






Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $523,457,444)




Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans – 0.4%


Consumer Non-Cyclical – 0.4%


Elanco Animal Health Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7500%, 3.4044%, 2/4/27ƒ,‡ (cost $16,182,620)






Corporate Bonds – 55.4%


Banking – 9.7%


Bank of America Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.0600%, 3.5590%, 4/23/27






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Banking – (continued)


Bank of America Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.5120%, 3.7050%, 4/24/28






Bank of America Corp, SOFR + 2.1500%, 2.5920%, 4/29/31






Bank of America Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.7050%, 6.2500%‡,µ






Bank of America Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.8980%, 6.1000%‡,µ






Bank of New York Mellon Corp,


US Treasury Yield Curve Rate + 4.3580%, 4.7000%‡,µ






BNP Paribas SA, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.2350%, 4.7050%, 1/10/25 (144A)






BNP Paribas SA, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.1110%, 2.8190%, 11/19/25 (144A)






BNP Paribas SA, SOFR + 1.5070%, 3.0520%, 1/13/31 (144A)






Citigroup Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.5630%, 3.8870%, 1/10/28






Citigroup Inc, SOFR + 1.4220%, 2.9760%, 11/5/30






Citigroup Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 4.0680%, 5.9500%‡,µ






Citigroup Inc, 5.9000%µ






Citigroup Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.9050%, 5.9500%‡,µ






Citizens Financial Group Inc, 3.7500%, 7/1/24






Citizens Financial Group Inc, 4.3500%, 8/1/25






Citizens Financial Group Inc, 4.3000%, 12/3/25






Credit Agricole SA, 4.3750%, 3/17/25 (144A)






Credit Agricole SA, 3.2500%, 1/14/30 (144A)






Credit Agricole SA/London, SOFR + 1.6760%, 1.9070%, 6/16/26 (144A)






Goldman Sachs Group Inc, 3.5000%, 4/1/25






Goldman Sachs Group Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.9220%, 4.3696%‡,µ






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 1.8500%, 2.0830%, 4/22/26






JPMorgan Chase & Co, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.2450%, 3.9600%, 1/29/27






JPMorgan Chase & Co, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.3300%, 4.4520%, 12/5/29






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 2.5150%, 2.9560%, 5/13/31






Morgan Stanley, SOFR + 1.9900%, 2.1880%, 4/28/26






Morgan Stanley, 3.9500%, 4/23/27






Societe Generale SA, 2.6250%, 1/22/25 (144A)






SVB Financial Group, 3.1250%, 6/5/30






Wells Fargo & Co, SOFR + 1.6000%, 1.6540%, 6/2/24






Wells Fargo & Co, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.7500%, 2.1640%, 2/11/26






Wells Fargo & Co, SOFR + 2.0000%, 2.1880%, 4/30/26






Wells Fargo & Co, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.9900%, 5.8750%‡,µ








Basic Industry – 1.1%


Constellium NV, 5.7500%, 5/15/24 (144A)






Ecolab Inc, 4.8000%, 3/24/30






Georgia-Pacific LLC, 3.1630%, 11/15/21 (144A)






Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co, 4.5000%, 4/15/23






Steel Dynamics Inc, 5.5000%, 10/1/24








Beverages – 0.3%


Diageo Capital PLC, 2.3750%, 10/24/29






Brokerage – 1.3%


Cboe Global Markets Inc, 3.6500%, 1/12/27






Charles Schwab Corp, 4.2000%, 3/24/25






Charles Schwab Corp, US Treasury Yield Curve Rate + 4.9710%, 5.3750%‡,µ






Raymond James Financial Inc, 5.6250%, 4/1/24






Raymond James Financial Inc, 4.6500%, 4/1/30






Raymond James Financial Inc, 4.9500%, 7/15/46








Capital Goods – 4.5%


Avery Dennison Co, 2.6500%, 4/30/30






BAE Systems PLC, 3.4000%, 4/15/30 (144A)






Bemis Co Inc, 2.6300%, 6/19/30






Boeing Co, 4.5080%, 5/1/23






Boeing Co, 4.8750%, 5/1/25






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Capital Goods – (continued)


Boeing Co, 2.2500%, 6/15/26






Boeing Co, 3.6000%, 5/1/34






Boeing Co, 5.7050%, 5/1/40






Boeing Co, 5.8050%, 5/1/50






Boeing Co, 5.9300%, 5/1/60






General Dynamics Corp, 3.2500%, 4/1/25






General Dynamics Corp, 3.5000%, 4/1/27






General Dynamics Corp, 4.2500%, 4/1/50






General Electric Co, 3.4500%, 5/1/27






General Electric Co, 6.7500%, 3/15/32






Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc, 3.8440%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc, 5.0000%, 11/15/25 (144A)






Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc, 4.2000%, 5/1/30 (144A)






Northrop Grumman Corp, 4.4000%, 5/1/30






Northrop Grumman Corp, 5.1500%, 5/1/40






Northrop Grumman Corp, 5.2500%, 5/1/50






Otis Worldwide Corp, 2.0560%, 4/5/25 (144A)






Vulcan Materials Co, 3.5000%, 6/1/30






Wabtec Corp, 4.4000%, 3/15/24






Wabtec Corp, 3.4500%, 11/15/26






Wabtec Corp, 4.9500%, 9/15/28






Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp, 3.2000%, 6/15/25








Communications – 5.4%


AT&T Inc, 3.6000%, 7/15/25






AT&T Inc, 4.8500%, 3/1/39






AT&T Inc, 4.7500%, 5/15/46






CenturyLink Inc, 6.4500%, 6/15/21






CenturyLink Inc, 5.8000%, 3/15/22






Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 2.8000%, 4/1/31






Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 6.4840%, 10/23/45






Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 5.3750%, 5/1/47






Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 4.8000%, 3/1/50






Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 3.7000%, 4/1/51






Comcast Corp, 3.1000%, 4/1/25






Comcast Corp, 3.1500%, 3/1/26






Comcast Corp, 3.3000%, 4/1/27






Comcast Corp, 4.6000%, 10/15/38






Crown Castle International Corp, 3.6500%, 9/1/27






Crown Castle International Corp, 4.3000%, 2/15/29






Crown Castle International Corp, 3.1000%, 11/15/29






CSC Holdings LLC, 4.1250%, 12/1/30 (144A)






Level 3 Financing Inc, 3.8750%, 11/15/29 (144A)






Netflix Inc, 3.6250%, 6/15/25 (144A)






RELX Capital Inc, 3.0000%, 5/22/30






Sirius XM Radio Inc, 4.1250%, 7/1/30 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 6.3750%, 3/1/25






T-Mobile USA Inc, 3.5000%, 4/15/25 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 1.5000%, 2/15/26 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 3.7500%, 4/15/27 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 2.0500%, 2/15/28 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 3.8750%, 4/15/30 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 2.5500%, 2/15/31 (144A)






Verizon Communications Inc, 2.6250%, 8/15/26






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Communications – (continued)


Verizon Communications Inc, 3.0000%, 3/22/27






Verizon Communications Inc, 4.8620%, 8/21/46






Verizon Communications Inc, 4.5220%, 9/15/48






Verizon Communications Inc, 4.0000%, 3/22/50








Consumer Cyclical – 5.7%


Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc, 2.9500%, 1/25/30 (144A)






AutoZone Inc, 3.7500%, 4/18/29






Booking Holdings Inc, 4.1000%, 4/13/25






Booking Holdings Inc, 4.5000%, 4/13/27






Booking Holdings Inc, 4.6250%, 4/13/30






Choice Hotels International Inc, 3.7000%, 12/1/29






Experian Finance PLC, 2.7500%, 3/8/30 (144A)






General Motors Co, 4.2000%, 10/1/27






General Motors Co, 5.0000%, 10/1/28






General Motors Co, 5.4000%, 4/1/48






General Motors Financial Co Inc, 4.3500%, 4/9/25






General Motors Financial Co Inc, 4.3000%, 7/13/25






General Motors Financial Co Inc, 4.3500%, 1/17/27






GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 3.3500%, 9/1/24






GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 5.2500%, 6/1/25






GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 5.3750%, 4/15/26






GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 5.3000%, 1/15/29






GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 4.0000%, 1/15/30






GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 4.0000%, 1/15/31






IHS Markit Ltd, 5.0000%, 11/1/22 (144A)






IHS Markit Ltd, 4.7500%, 2/15/25 (144A)






IHS Markit Ltd, 4.0000%, 3/1/26 (144A)






Lowe's Cos Inc, 4.0000%, 4/15/25






Lowe's Cos Inc, 4.5000%, 4/15/30






Lowe's Cos Inc, 5.0000%, 4/15/40






Lowe's Cos Inc, 5.1250%, 4/15/50






Marriott International Inc, 5.7500%, 5/1/25






Mastercard Inc, 3.3000%, 3/26/27






Mastercard Inc, 3.3500%, 3/26/30






McDonald's Corp, 3.3000%, 7/1/25






McDonald's Corp, 3.5000%, 7/1/27






McDonald's Corp, 3.6250%, 9/1/49






MDC Holdings Inc, 5.5000%, 1/15/24






MGM Resorts International, 7.7500%, 3/15/22






Nordstrom Inc, 4.3750%, 4/1/30






O'Reilly Automotive Inc, 3.6000%, 9/1/27






O'Reilly Automotive Inc, 4.3500%, 6/1/28






O'Reilly Automotive Inc, 3.9000%, 6/1/29








Consumer Non-Cyclical – 8.4%


AbbVie Inc, 3.4500%, 3/15/22 (144A)






AbbVie Inc, 3.2500%, 10/1/22 (144A)






AbbVie Inc, 2.8000%, 3/15/23 (144A)






AbbVie Inc, 2.6000%, 11/21/24 (144A)






AbbVie Inc, 3.8000%, 3/15/25 (144A)






Anheuser-Busch Cos LLC / Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc,


4.9000%, 2/1/46






Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc, 4.3500%, 6/1/40






Aramark Services Inc, 6.3750%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Baxter International Inc, 3.7500%, 10/1/25 (144A)






Baxter International Inc, 3.9500%, 4/1/30 (144A)






Boston Scientific Corp, 3.7500%, 3/1/26






Boston Scientific Corp, 4.0000%, 3/1/29






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Consumer Non-Cyclical – (continued)


Boston Scientific Corp, 4.7000%, 3/1/49






Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, 3.4000%, 7/26/29 (144A)






Campbell Soup Co, 3.9500%, 3/15/25






Cargill Inc, 1.3750%, 7/23/23 (144A)






Cargill Inc, 2.1250%, 4/23/30 (144A)






Cigna Corp, 2.4000%, 3/15/30






Cigna Corp, 3.2000%, 3/15/40






Cigna Corp, 3.4000%, 3/15/50






Coca-Cola Co, 3.3750%, 3/25/27






Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV, 2.7500%, 1/22/30






CVS Health Corp, 4.1000%, 3/25/25






CVS Health Corp, 3.0000%, 8/15/26






CVS Health Corp, 4.3000%, 3/25/28






CVS Health Corp, 4.1250%, 4/1/40






CVS Health Corp, 4.2500%, 4/1/50






DaVita Inc, 4.6250%, 6/1/30 (144A)






DH Europe Finance II Sarl, 2.2000%, 11/15/24






DH Europe Finance II Sarl, 2.6000%, 11/15/29






DH Europe Finance II Sarl, 3.4000%, 11/15/49






Elanco Animal Health Inc, 5.0220%, 8/28/23Ç






Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV, 3.5000%, 1/16/50






Hasbro Inc, 3.0000%, 11/19/24






Hasbro Inc, 3.5500%, 11/19/26






Hasbro Inc, 3.9000%, 11/19/29






HCA Inc, 5.3750%, 2/1/25






JBS USA LUX SA / JBS USA Finance Inc, 6.7500%, 2/15/28 (144A)






JM Smucker Co, 2.3750%, 3/15/30






JM Smucker Co, 3.5500%, 3/15/50






Keurig Dr Pepper Inc, 4.5970%, 5/25/28






Keurig Dr Pepper Inc, 3.2000%, 5/1/30






Keurig Dr Pepper Inc, 3.8000%, 5/1/50






Mars Inc, 2.7000%, 4/1/25 (144A)






Mars Inc, 4.2000%, 4/1/59 (144A)






McCormick & Co Inc/MD, 2.5000%, 4/15/30






Mondelez International Holdings Netherlands BV, 2.2500%, 9/19/24 (144A)






Mondelez International Inc, 2.1250%, 4/13/23






PepsiCo Inc, 2.2500%, 3/19/25






PepsiCo Inc, 2.6250%, 3/19/27






Pfizer Inc, 2.6250%, 4/1/30






Sysco Corp, 5.6500%, 4/1/25






Sysco Corp, 2.4000%, 2/15/30






Sysco Corp, 5.9500%, 4/1/30






Sysco Corp, 6.6000%, 4/1/40






Sysco Corp, 6.6000%, 4/1/50






Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, 3.0250%, 7/9/40






Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, 3.3750%, 7/9/60






Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, 4.1330%, 3/25/25






Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, 4.4970%, 3/25/30






Upjohn Inc, 1.6500%, 6/22/25 (144A)






Upjohn Inc, 2.3000%, 6/22/27 (144A)






Upjohn Inc, 3.8500%, 6/22/40 (144A)








Electric – 3.8%


AEP Transmission Co LLC, 3.6500%, 4/1/50






Ameren Corp, 3.5000%, 1/15/31






Berkshire Hathaway Energy, 4.2500%, 10/15/50 (144A)






Black Hills Corp, 2.5000%, 6/15/30






CMS Energy Corp, US Treasury Yield Curve Rate + 4.1160%, 4.7500%, 6/1/50






Dominion Energy Inc, 3.3750%, 4/1/30






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Electric – (continued)


East Ohio Gas Co/The, 1.3000%, 6/15/25 (144A)






East Ohio Gas Co/The, 2.0000%, 6/15/30 (144A)






East Ohio Gas Co/The, 3.0000%, 6/15/50 (144A)






IPALCO Enterprises Inc, 4.2500%, 5/1/30 (144A)






NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc, 2.7500%, 5/1/25






NRG Energy Inc, 7.2500%, 5/15/26






NRG Energy Inc, 6.6250%, 1/15/27






Oncor Electric Delivery Co LLC, 3.8000%, 6/1/49






Pacific Gas and Electric Co, 2.1000%, 8/1/27






Pacific Gas and Electric Co, 2.5000%, 2/1/31






PPL WEM Ltd / Western Power Distribution Ltd, 5.3750%, 5/1/21 (144A)






Southern Co, 3.7000%, 4/30/30








Energy – 3.3%


Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC, 3.7000%, 11/15/29 (144A)






Energy Transfer Operating LP, 5.8750%, 1/15/24






Energy Transfer Operating LP, 5.5000%, 6/1/27






Energy Transfer Operating LP, 6.0000%, 6/15/48






EOG Resources Inc, 4.3750%, 4/15/30






EOG Resources Inc, 4.9500%, 4/15/50






Hess Midstream Operations LP, 5.1250%, 6/15/28 (144A)






Kinder Morgan Inc/DE, 4.3000%, 3/1/28






NGPL PipeCo LLC, 4.3750%, 8/15/22 (144A)






ONEOK Inc, 5.8500%, 1/15/26






ONEOK Inc, 6.3500%, 1/15/31






ONEOK Inc, 7.1500%, 1/15/51






Phillips 66, 3.7000%, 4/6/23






Phillips 66, 3.8500%, 4/9/25






Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp, 4.6500%, 10/15/25






TransCanada PipeLines Ltd, 4.1000%, 4/15/30






Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co LLC, 3.2500%, 5/15/30 (144A)






Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co LLC, 3.9500%, 5/15/50 (144A)






WPX Energy Inc, 4.5000%, 1/15/30








Finance Companies – 0%


USAA Capital Corp, 2.1250%, 5/1/30 (144A)






Financial Institutions – 0.6%


Equifax Inc, 2.6000%, 12/15/25






Equifax Inc, 3.1000%, 5/15/30






Jones Lang LaSalle Inc, 4.4000%, 11/15/22








Industrial Conglomerates – 0.2%


General Electric Co, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.3300%, 5.0000%‡,µ






Insurance – 1.5%


Brown & Brown Inc, 4.5000%, 3/15/29






Centene Corp, 4.2500%, 12/15/27






Centene Corp, 4.6250%, 12/15/29






Centene Corp, 3.3750%, 2/15/30






Molina Healthcare Inc, 4.3750%, 6/15/28 (144A)








Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 0.6%


Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc, 4.9000%, 12/15/30#






Camden Property Trust, 2.8000%, 5/15/30






Realty Income Corp, 3.2500%, 1/15/31








Technology – 8.5%


Broadcom Inc, 4.7000%, 4/15/25 (144A)






Broadcom Inc, 3.1500%, 11/15/25 (144A)






Broadcom Inc, 4.1500%, 11/15/30 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Technology – (continued)


Broadcom Inc, 4.3000%, 11/15/32 (144A)






Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc, 2.9000%, 12/1/29






Cadence Design Systems Inc, 4.3750%, 10/15/24






CoStar Group Inc, 2.8000%, 7/15/30 (144A)






Equifax Inc, 2.6000%, 12/1/24






Equinix Inc, 2.6250%, 11/18/24






Equinix Inc, 2.9000%, 11/18/26






Equinix Inc, 1.8000%, 7/15/27






Equinix Inc, 3.2000%, 11/18/29






Global Payments Inc, 3.2000%, 8/15/29






Global Payments Inc, 2.9000%, 5/15/30






Intuit Inc, 0.9500%, 7/15/25






Intuit Inc, 1.3500%, 7/15/27






Keysight Technologies Inc, 3.0000%, 10/30/29






Lam Research Corp, 4.0000%, 3/15/29






Leidos Inc, 2.9500%, 5/15/23 (144A)






Leidos Inc, 3.6250%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Leidos Inc, 4.3750%, 5/15/30 (144A)






Marvell Technology Group Ltd, 4.2000%, 6/22/23






Marvell Technology Group Ltd, 4.8750%, 6/22/28






Microchip Technology Inc, 2.6700%, 9/1/23 (144A)






Microchip Technology Inc, 4.2500%, 9/1/25 (144A)






Micron Technology Inc, 2.4970%, 4/24/23






MSCI Inc, 3.8750%, 2/15/31 (144A)






PayPal Holdings Inc, 1.3500%, 6/1/23






PayPal Holdings Inc, 2.4000%, 10/1/24






PayPal Holdings Inc, 2.6500%, 10/1/26






PayPal Holdings Inc, 2.3000%, 6/1/30






PayPal Holdings Inc, 3.2500%, 6/1/50






Total System Services Inc, 4.8000%, 4/1/26






Trimble Inc, 4.7500%, 12/1/24






Trimble Inc, 4.9000%, 6/15/28






Verisk Analytics Inc, 5.5000%, 6/15/45






Verisk Analytics Inc, 3.6250%, 5/15/50






VMware Inc, 4.5000%, 5/15/25






VMware Inc, 4.6500%, 5/15/27








Transportation – 0.3%


United Parcel Service Inc, 3.9000%, 4/1/25






United Parcel Service Inc, 5.2000%, 4/1/40






United Parcel Service Inc, 5.3000%, 4/1/50








Water Utilities – 0.2%


American Water Capital Corp, 2.8000%, 5/1/30






American Water Capital Corp, 3.4500%, 5/1/50








Total Corporate Bonds (cost $1,963,928,330)




Mortgage-Backed Securities – 19.5%


Fannie Mae:


2.0000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






2.5000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






3.0000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






3.5000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






4.0000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






2.0000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






2.5000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






3.5000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Fannie Mae Pool:


3.0000%, 10/1/34






2.5000%, 11/1/34






3.0000%, 11/1/34






3.0000%, 12/1/34






6.0000%, 2/1/37






4.5000%, 11/1/42






3.5000%, 12/1/42






3.0000%, 1/1/43






3.0000%, 2/1/43






3.5000%, 2/1/43






3.5000%, 4/1/43






3.0000%, 5/1/43






3.5000%, 4/1/44






5.0000%, 7/1/44






4.5000%, 10/1/44






3.5000%, 2/1/45






4.5000%, 3/1/45






4.5000%, 6/1/45






3.5000%, 12/1/45






4.5000%, 2/1/46






3.5000%, 7/1/46






3.0000%, 9/1/46






3.0000%, 1/1/47






3.0000%, 2/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.0000%, 6/1/47






4.0000%, 6/1/47






4.0000%, 6/1/47






4.0000%, 6/1/47






4.5000%, 6/1/47






4.5000%, 6/1/47






4.0000%, 7/1/47






4.0000%, 7/1/47






4.0000%, 7/1/47






4.0000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






3.5000%, 8/1/47






3.5000%, 8/1/47






4.0000%, 8/1/47






4.0000%, 8/1/47






4.5000%, 8/1/47






4.5000%, 8/1/47






4.0000%, 9/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Fannie Mae Pool – (continued)


4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.5000%, 10/1/47






4.5000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 11/1/47






4.0000%, 11/1/47






4.5000%, 11/1/47






4.0000%, 12/1/47






3.0000%, 2/1/48






4.5000%, 3/1/48






4.5000%, 4/1/48






3.0000%, 5/1/48






4.5000%, 5/1/48






4.5000%, 5/1/48






5.0000%, 5/1/48






4.5000%, 6/1/48






4.5000%, 6/1/48






3.0000%, 11/1/48






4.0000%, 2/1/49






3.5000%, 7/1/49






3.0000%, 8/1/49






3.0000%, 8/1/49






3.0000%, 9/1/49






4.0000%, 9/1/49






2.5000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 3/1/50






3.5000%, 8/1/56






3.0000%, 2/1/57






3.0000%, 6/1/57








Freddie Mac Gold Pool:


6.0000%, 4/1/40






3.5000%, 7/1/42






3.5000%, 8/1/42






3.5000%, 8/1/42






3.0000%, 6/1/43






4.5000%, 5/1/44






4.0000%, 2/1/46






3.0000%, 8/1/46






3.5000%, 4/1/47






3.5000%, 9/1/47






3.5000%, 9/1/47






3.5000%, 9/1/47






5.0000%, 9/1/48








Freddie Mac Pool:


3.0000%, 5/1/31






3.0000%, 9/1/32






3.0000%, 10/1/32






3.0000%, 1/1/33






2.5000%, 12/1/33






3.0000%, 10/1/34






3.0000%, 10/1/34






2.5000%, 11/1/34






2.5000%, 11/1/34






3.5000%, 2/1/43






3.0000%, 3/1/43






3.5000%, 2/1/44






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Freddie Mac Pool – (continued)


3.5000%, 12/1/44






3.0000%, 1/1/46






4.0000%, 3/1/47






3.0000%, 4/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/48






3.5000%, 7/1/49






3.0000%, 8/1/49






3.5000%, 8/1/49






3.5000%, 8/1/49






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 12/1/49






3.0000%, 12/1/49






3.0000%, 12/1/49






2.5000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 2/1/50






3.0000%, 3/1/50






3.0000%, 3/1/50






3.0000%, 5/1/50








Ginnie Mae:


2.5000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






3.0000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity








Ginnie Mae I Pool:


4.0000%, 8/15/47






4.0000%, 11/15/47






4.0000%, 12/15/47








Ginnie Mae II Pool:


4.0000%, 8/20/47






4.0000%, 8/20/47






4.5000%, 2/20/48






4.0000%, 5/20/48






4.5000%, 5/20/48






5.0000%, 5/20/48






4.0000%, 6/20/48






5.0000%, 6/20/48






5.0000%, 8/20/48








Total Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $721,552,063)




United States Treasury Notes/Bonds – 9.0%


1.1250%, 2/28/22






0.5000%, 3/31/25






0.2500%, 6/30/25






1.5000%, 2/15/30






0.6250%, 5/15/30






1.1250%, 5/15/40






2.7500%, 8/15/42






2.3750%, 11/15/49






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




United States Treasury Notes/Bonds – (continued)


2.0000%, 2/15/50






Total United States Treasury Notes/Bonds (cost $326,903,662)




Investment Companies – 6.1%


Money Markets – 6.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº,£ (cost $232,545,984)






Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending – 0.1%


Investment Companies – 0.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº,£






Time Deposits – 0%


Royal Bank of Canada, 0.0900%, 7/1/20






Total Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending (cost $3,478,140)




Total Investments (total cost $3,788,048,243) – 104.4%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (4.4)%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States












United Kingdom





































Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 6.1%

Money Markets - 6.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.1%

Investment Companies - 0.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Total Affiliated Investments - 6.2%










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020



at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 6.1%

Money Markets - 6.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.1%

Investment Companies - 0.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Schedule of Futures




Number of






Value and








Variation Margin



Futures Purchased:


10-Year US Treasury Note












The following table, grouped by derivative type, provides information about the fair value and location of derivatives within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of June 30, 2020.


Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020












Interest Rate





Liability Derivatives:




Variation margin payable



$ 7,813


The following tables provide information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Fund’s Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020.


The effect of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) on the Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020






Amount of Realized Gain/(Loss) Recognized on Derivatives



Interest Rate

Futures contracts


$ (9,545)









Amount of Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation Recognized on Derivatives



Interest Rate

Futures contracts


$ 24,609


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Please see the "Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on investments" and "Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation" sections of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.


Average Ending Monthly Market Value of Derivative Instruments During the Year Ended June 30, 2020




Market Value

Futures contracts, purchased

$ 2,138,401


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index

Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is a broad-based measure of the investment grade, US dollar-denominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market.



Intercontinental Exchange


London Interbank Offered Rate


Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership


Public Limited Company


Secured Overnight Financing Rate


(To Be Announced) Securities are purchased/sold on a forward commitment basis with an approximate principal amount and no defined maturity date. The actual principal and maturity date will be determined upon settlement when specific mortgage pools are assigned.



Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $913,188,407, which represents 24.0% of net assets.



All or a portion of this position is not funded, or has been purchased on a delayed delivery or when-issued basis. If applicable, interest rates will be determined and interest will begin to accrue at a future date. See Notes to Financial Statements.


Variable or floating rate security. Rate shown is the current rate as of June 30, 2020. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread; they are determined by the issuer or agent and current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date and may vary by security, which may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



Loaned security; a portion of the security is on loan at June 30, 2020.



Perpetual security. Perpetual securities have no stated maturity date, but they may be called/redeemed by the issuer. The date indicated, if any, represents the next call date.



Step bond. The coupon rate will increase or decrease periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. The rate shown reflects the current rate.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities







Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans







Corporate Bonds







Mortgage-Backed Securities







United States Treasury Notes/Bonds







Investment Companies







Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending







Total Assets









Other Financial Instruments(a):


Variation Margin Payable









Other financial instruments include forward foreign currency exchange, futures, written options, written swaptions, and swap contracts. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported at their unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract's value from trade date. Futures, certain written options on futures, and centrally cleared swap contracts are reported at their variation margin at measurement date, which represents the amount due to/from the Fund at that date. Written options, written swaptions, and other swap contracts are reported at their market value at measurement date.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)(2)






Affiliated investments, at value(3)












Deposits with brokers for futures






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation




















Investments sold







Fund shares sold







Dividends from affiliates






Other assets





Total Assets











Collateral for securities loaned (Note 3)






Variation margin payable












Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Advisory fees














Transfer agent fees and expenses







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Professional fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Custodian fees







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(5)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class R Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $3,552,719,747.

(2) Includes $3,404,877 of securities on loan. See Note 3 in Notes to Financial Statements.

(3) Includes cost of $235,328,496.

(4) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(5) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/95.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:










Dividends from affiliates










Affiliated securities lending income, net





Unaffiliated securities lending income, net





Other income




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Shareholder reports expense





Registration fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Custodian fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Professional fees





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:










Investments in affiliates





Futures contracts





Short sales




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Investments in affiliates





Futures contracts




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.

(3) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.

(3) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class R Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.

(3) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Return of capital













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.

(3) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks to obtain maximum total return, consistent with preservation of capital. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class R Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with US GAAP.

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends are declared daily and distributed monthly for the Fund. Realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed in December. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Derivative Instruments

The Fund may invest in various types of derivatives, which may at times result in significant derivative exposure. A derivative is a financial instrument whose performance is derived from the performance of another asset. The Fund may invest in derivative instruments including, but not limited to: futures contracts, put options, call options, options on futures contracts, options on foreign currencies, options on recovery locks, options on security and commodity indices, swaps, forward contracts, structured investments, and other equity-linked derivatives. Each derivative instrument that was held by the Fund during the year ended June 30, 2020 is discussed in further detail below. A summary of derivative activity by the Fund is reflected in the tables at the end of the Schedule of Investments.

The Fund may use derivative instruments for hedging purposes (to offset risks associated with an investment, currency exposure, or market conditions), to adjust currency exposure relative to a benchmark index, or for speculative purposes (to earn income and seek to enhance returns). When the Fund invests in a derivative for speculative purposes, the Fund will be fully exposed to the risks of loss of that derivative, which may sometimes be greater than the derivative’s cost. The Fund may not use any derivative to gain exposure to an asset or class of assets that it would be prohibited by its investment restrictions from purchasing directly. The Fund’s ability to use derivative instruments may also be limited by tax considerations.

Investments in derivatives in general are subject to market risks that may cause their prices to fluctuate over time. Investments in derivatives may not directly correlate with the price movements of the underlying instrument. As a result, the use of derivatives may expose the Fund to additional risks that it would not be subject to if it invested directly in the securities underlying those derivatives. The use of derivatives may result in larger losses or smaller gains than otherwise would be the case. Derivatives can be volatile and may involve significant risks.

In pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease exposure to the following market risk factors:

· Commodity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of commodities or commodity-linked investments due to changes in the overall market movements, volatility of the underlying benchmark, changes in interest rates, or other factors affecting a particular industry or commodity such as drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs, and international economic, political, and regulatory developments.

· Counterparty Risk – the risk that the counterparty (the party on the other side of the transaction) on a derivative transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation to the Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

· Credit Risk – the risk an issuer will be unable to make principal and interest payments when due, or will default on its obligations.

· Currency Risk – the risk that changes in the exchange rate between currencies will adversely affect the value (in U.S. dollar terms) of an investment.

· Equity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

· Index Risk – if the derivative is linked to the performance of an index, it will be subject to the risks associated with changes in that index. If the index changes, the Fund could receive lower interest payments or experience a reduction in the value of the derivative to below what the Fund paid. Certain indexed securities, including inverse securities (which move in an opposite direction to the index), may create leverage, to the extent that they increase or decrease in value at a rate that is a multiple of the changes in the applicable index.

· Interest Rate Risk – the risk that the value of fixed-income securities will generally decline as prevailing interest rates rise, which may cause the Fund’s NAV to likewise decrease.

· Leverage Risk – the risk associated with certain types of leveraged investments or trading strategies pursuant to which relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of an investment. The Fund creates leverage by investing in instruments, including derivatives, where the investment loss can exceed the original amount invested. Certain investments or trading strategies, such as short sales, that involve leverage can result in losses that greatly exceed the amount originally invested.

· Liquidity Risk – the risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time that the seller would like or at the price that the seller believes the security is currently worth.

Derivatives may generally be traded OTC or on an exchange. Derivatives traded OTC are agreements that are individually negotiated between parties and can be tailored to meet a purchaser’s needs. OTC derivatives are not guaranteed by a clearing agency and may be subject to increased credit risk.

In an effort to mitigate credit risk associated with derivatives traded OTC, the Fund may enter into collateral agreements with certain counterparties whereby, subject to certain minimum exposure requirements, the Fund may require the counterparty to post collateral if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on all OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. Additionally, the Fund may deposit cash and/or treasuries as collateral with the counterparty and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. All liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to certain exchange-traded derivatives, centrally cleared derivatives, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, short sales, and/or securities with extended settlement dates. There is no guarantee that counterparty exposure is reduced and these arrangements are dependent on Janus Capital's ability to establish and maintain appropriate systems and trading.

Futures Contracts

A futures contract is an exchange-traded agreement to take or make delivery of an underlying asset at a specific time in the future for a specific predetermined negotiated price. The Fund may enter into futures contracts to gain exposure to the stock market or other markets pending investment of cash balances or to meet liquidity needs. The Fund is subject to interest rate risk, equity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in futures contracts. The Fund may also use such derivative instruments to hedge or protect from adverse movements in securities prices, currency rates or interest rates. The use of futures contracts may involve risks such as the possibility of illiquid markets or imperfect correlation between the values of the contracts and the underlying securities, or that the counterparty will fail to perform its obligations.

Futures contracts on commodities are valued at the settlement price on valuation date on the commodities exchange as reported by an approved vendor. Mini contracts, as defined in the description of the contract, shall be valued using the Actual Settlement Price or “ASET” price type as reported by an approved vendor. In the event that foreign futures trade when the foreign equity markets are closed, the last foreign futures trade price shall be used.

Futures contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). When a contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is reported on


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

the Statement of Operations (if applicable), equal to the difference between the opening and closing value of the contract.

Securities held by the Fund that are designated as collateral for market value on futures contracts are noted on the Schedule of Investments (if applicable). Such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s futures commission merchant.

With futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since futures are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees the futures against default.

During the year, the Fund purchased interest rate futures to increase exposure to interest rate risk.

3. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

The Fund may be invested in lower-rated debt securities that have a higher risk of default or loss of value since these securities may be sensitive to economic changes, political changes, or adverse developments specific to the issuer.

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.

LIBOR Replacement Risk

The Fund may invest in certain debt securities, derivatives or other financial instruments that utilize the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as a reference rate for various rate calculations. On July 27, 2017, the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority announced that it intends to stop compelling or inducing banks to submit LIBOR rates after 2021. However, it remains unclear if LIBOR will continue to exist in its current, or a modified, form. Actions by regulators have resulted in the establishment of alternative reference rates to LIBOR in most major currencies. The U.S. Federal Reserve, based on the recommendations of the New York Federal Reserve’s Alternative Reference Rate Committee (comprised of major derivative market participants and their regulators), has begun publishing a Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), that is intended to replace U.S. dollar LIBOR. Proposals for alternative reference rates for other currencies have also been announced or have already begun publication. However, global consensus on alternative rates is lacking. The elimination of LIBOR or changes to other reference rates or any other changes or reforms to the determination or supervision of reference rates could adversely impact (i) volatility and liquidity in markets that are tied to LIBOR, (ii) the market for, or value of, specific securities or payments linked to those reference rates, (iii) availability or terms of borrowing or refinancing, or (iv) the effectiveness of hedging strategies. For these and other reasons, the elimination of LIBOR or changes to other interest rates may adversely affect the Fund’s performance and/or net asset value. Since the usefulness of LIBOR as a benchmark could deteriorate during the transition period, these effects could occur prior to the end of 2021. Markets are slowly developing in response to these new rates. Uncertainty regarding the process for amending existing contracts or instruments to transition away from LIBOR remains a concern for the Fund. The effect of any changes to, or discontinuation of, LIBOR on the Fund will vary depending, among other things, on (1) existing fallback or termination provisions in individual contracts and (2) whether, how, and when industry participants develop and adopt new reference rates and fallbacks for both legacy and new products and instruments. Accordingly, it is difficult to predict the full impact of the transition away from LIBOR on the Fund until new reference rates and fallbacks for both legacy and new products, instruments and contracts are commercially accepted.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.


The Fund may invest in various commercial loans, including bank loans, bridge loans, debtor-in-possession (“DIP”) loans, mezzanine loans, and other fixed and floating rate loans. These loans may be acquired through loan participations and


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

assignments or on a when-issued basis. Commercial loans will comprise no more than 20% of the Fund’s total assets. Below are descriptions of the types of loans held by the Fund as of June 30, 2020.

· Bank Loans - Bank loans are obligations of companies or other entities entered into in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. The Fund’s investments in bank loans are generally acquired as a participation interest in, or assignment of, loans originated by a lender or other financial institution. These investments may include institutionally-traded floating and fixed-rate debt securities.

· Floating Rate Loans – Floating rate loans are debt securities that have floating interest rates, that adjust periodically, and are tied to a benchmark lending rate, such as London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). In other cases, the lending rate could be tied to the prime rate offered by one or more major U.S. banks or the rate paid on large certificates of deposit traded in the secondary markets. If the benchmark lending rate changes, the rate payable to lenders under the loan will change at the next scheduled adjustment date specified in the loan agreement. Floating rate loans are typically issued to companies (‘‘borrowers’’) in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. Floating rate loan investments are generally below investment grade. Senior floating rate loans are secured by specific collateral of a borrower and are senior in the borrower’s capital structure. The senior position in the borrower’s capital structure generally gives holders of senior loans a claim on certain of the borrower’s assets that is senior to subordinated debt and preferred and common stock in the case of a borrower’s default. Floating rate loan investments may involve foreign borrowers, and investments may be denominated in foreign currencies. Floating rate loans often involve borrowers whose financial condition is troubled or uncertain and companies that are highly leveraged. The Fund may invest in obligations of borrowers who are in bankruptcy proceedings. While the Fund generally expects to invest in fully funded term loans, certain of the loans in which the Fund may invest include revolving loans, bridge loans, and delayed draw term loans.

Purchasers of floating rate loans may pay and/or receive certain fees. The Fund may receive fees such as covenant waiver fees or prepayment penalty fees. The Fund may pay fees such as facility fees. Such fees may affect the Fund’s return.

· Mezzanine Loans - Mezzanine loans are secured by the stock of the company that owns the assets. Mezzanine loans are a hybrid of debt and equity financing that is typically used to fund the expansion of existing companies. A mezzanine loan is composed of debt capital that gives the lender the right to convert to an ownership or equity interest in the company if the loan is not paid back in time and in full. Mezzanine loans typically are the most subordinated debt obligation in an issuer’s capital structure.

Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Securities

Mortgage- and asset-backed securities represent interests in “pools” of commercial or residential mortgages or other assets, including consumer loans or receivables. The Fund may purchase fixed or variable rate commercial or residential mortgage-backed securities issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), or other governmental or government-related entities. Ginnie Mae’s guarantees are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government, which means that the U.S. Government guarantees that the interest and principal will be paid when due. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. In September 2008, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”), an agency of the U.S. Government, placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under conservatorship. Since that time, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have received capital support through U.S. Treasury preferred stock purchases, and Treasury and Federal Reserve purchases of their mortgage-backed securities. The FHFA and the U.S. Treasury have imposed strict limits on the size of these entities’ mortgage portfolios. The FHFA has the power to cancel any contract entered into by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac prior to FHFA’s appointment as conservator or receiver, including the guarantee obligations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The Fund may also purchase other mortgage- and asset-backed securities through single- and multi-seller conduits, collateralized debt obligations, structured investment vehicles, and other similar securities. Asset-backed securities may be backed by various consumer obligations, including automobile loans, equipment leases, credit card receivables, or other collateral. In the event the underlying loans are not paid, the securities’ issuer could be forced to sell the assets and recognize losses on such assets, which could impact your return. Unlike traditional debt instruments, payments on these securities include both interest and a partial payment of principal. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities are subject to both extension risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations more slowly in times of rising interest



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Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

rates, and prepayment risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations sooner than expected in times of declining interest rates. These risks may reduce the Fund’s returns. In addition, investments in mortgage- and asset-backed securities, including those comprised of subprime mortgages, may be subject to a higher degree of credit risk, valuation risk, and liquidity risk than various other types of fixed-income securities. Additionally, although mortgage-backed securities are generally supported by some form of government or private guarantee and/or insurance, there is no assurance that guarantors or insurers will meet their obligations.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the Fund's Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association









Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. For financial reporting purposes, the Fund does not offset financial instruments’ payables and receivables and related collateral on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Securities on loan will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). See “Securities Lending” in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for additional information.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the SEC. If the Fund is unable to recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues. Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations. As of June 30, 2020, securities lending transactions accounted for as secured borrowings with an overnight and continuous contractual maturity are $3,404,877. Gross amounts of recognized liabilities for securities lending (collateral received) as of June 30, 2020 is $3,478,140, resulting in the net amount due to the counterparty of $73,263.

Sovereign Debt

The Fund may invest in U.S. and non-U.S. government debt securities (“sovereign debt”). Some investments in sovereign debt, such as U.S. sovereign debt, are considered low risk. However, investments in sovereign debt, especially the debt of less developed countries, can involve a high degree of risk, including the risk that the governmental entity that controls the repayment of sovereign debt may not be willing or able to repay the principal and/or to pay the interest on its sovereign debt in a timely manner. A sovereign debtor’s willingness or ability to satisfy its debt obligation may be affected by various factors including, but not limited to, its cash flow situation, the extent of its foreign currency reserves, the availability of foreign exchange when a payment is due, the relative size of its debt position in relation to its economy as a whole, the sovereign debtor’s policy toward international lenders, and local political constraints to which the governmental entity may be subject. Sovereign debtors may also be dependent on expected disbursements from foreign governments, multilateral agencies, and other entities. The failure of a sovereign debtor to implement economic reforms, achieve specified levels of economic performance, or repay principal or interest when due may result in the cancellation of third party commitments to lend funds to the sovereign debtor, which may further impair such debtor’s ability or willingness to timely service its debts. The Fund may be requested to participate in the rescheduling of such sovereign debt and to extend further loans to governmental entities, which may adversely affect the Fund’s holdings. In the event of default, there may be limited or no legal remedies for collecting sovereign debt and there may be no bankruptcy proceedings through which the Fund may collect all or part of the sovereign debt that a governmental entity has not repaid. In addition, to the extent the Fund invests in non-U.S. sovereign debt, it may be subject to currency risk.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

TBA Commitments

The Fund may enter into “to be announced” or “TBA” commitments. TBAs are forward agreements for the purchase or sale of securities, including mortgage-backed securities, for a fixed price, with payment and delivery on an agreed upon future settlement date. The specific securities to be delivered are not identified at the trade date. However, delivered securities must meet specified terms, including issuer, rate, and mortgage terms. Although the particular TBA securities must meet industry-accepted “good delivery” standards, there can be no assurance that a security purchased on forward commitment basis will ultimately be issued or delivered by the counterparty. During the settlement period, the Fund will still bear the risk of any decline in the value of the security to be delivered. Because TBA commitments do not require the purchase and sale of identical securities, the characteristics of the security delivered to the Fund may be less favorable than the security delivered to the dealer. If the counterparty to a transaction fails to deliver the security, the Fund could suffer a loss.

When-Issued, Delayed Delivery and Forward Commitment Transactions

The Fund may purchase or sell securities on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis. When purchasing a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership of the security, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations, and takes such fluctuations into account when determining its net asset value. Typically, no income accrues on securities the Fund has committed to purchase prior to the time delivery of the securities is made. Because the Fund is not required to pay for the security until the delivery date, these risks are in addition to the risks associated with the Fund’s other investments. If the other party to a transaction fails to deliver the securities, the Fund could miss a favorable price or yield opportunity. If the Fund remains substantially fully invested at a time when when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment purchases are outstanding, the purchases may result in a form of leverage.

When the Fund has sold a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund does not participate in future gains or losses with respect to the security. If the other party to a transaction fails to pay for the securities, the Fund could suffer a loss. Additionally, when selling a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis without owning the security, the Fund will incur a loss if the security’s price appreciates in value such that the security’s price is above the agreed upon price on the settlement date. The Fund may dispose of or renegotiate a transaction after it is entered into, and may purchase or sell when-issued, delayed delivery or forward commitment securities before the settlement date, which may result in a gain or loss.

Short Sales

The Fund may engage in “short sales against the box.” Short sales against the box involve either selling short a security that the Fund owns or selling short a security that the Fund has the right to obtain, for delivery at a specified date in the future. The Fund may enter into short sales against the box to hedge against anticipated declines in the market price of portfolio securities. The Fund does not deliver from its portfolio the securities sold short and does not immediately receive the proceeds of the short sale. The Fund borrows the securities sold short and receives proceeds from the short sale only when it delivers the securities to the lender. If the value of the securities sold short increases prior to the scheduled delivery date, the Fund loses the opportunity to participate in the gain.

The Fund may also engage in other short sales. The Fund may engage in short sales when the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel anticipate that a security’s market purchase price will be less than its borrowing price. To complete the transaction, the Fund must borrow the security to deliver it to the purchaser and buy that same security in the market to return it to the lender. Although the potential for gain as a result of a short sale is limited to the price at which the Fund sold the security short less the cost of borrowing the security, the potential for loss is theoretically unlimited because there is no limit to the cost of replacing the borrowed security. There is no assurance the Fund will be able to close out a short position at a particular time or at an acceptable price. A lender may request, or market conditions may dictate, that the securities sold short be returned to it on short notice, and the Fund may have to buy the borrowed securities at an unfavorable price. If this occurs at a time when other short sellers of the same security also want to close out their positions, it is more likely that the Fund will have to cover its short sale at an unfavorable price and potentially reduce or eliminate any gain, or cause a loss, as a result of the short sale. A gain or a loss will be recognized upon termination of a short sale. Short sales held by the Fund are fully collateralized by restricted cash or other securities, which are denoted on the accompanying Schedule of Investments. The Fund is also required to pay the lender of the security any dividends or interest that accrues on a borrowed security during the period of the loan. Depending on the arrangements made with the broker or custodian, the Fund may or may not receive any payments


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

(including interest) on collateral it has deposited with the broker. The Fund pays stock loan fees, disclosed on the Statement of Operations, on assets borrowed from the security broker.

The Fund may also enter into short positions through derivative instruments, such as options contracts, futures contracts, and swap agreements, which may expose the Fund to similar risks. To the extent that the Fund enters into short derivative positions, the Fund may be exposed to risks similar to those associated with short sales, including the risk that the Fund’s losses are theoretically unlimited.

4. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The following table reflects the Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate).


Average Daily Net

Assets of the Fund

Contractual Investment

Advisory Fee (%)

First $300 Million


Over $300 Million


The Fund’s actual investment advisory fee rate for the reporting period was 0.41% of average annual net assets before any applicable waivers.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.45% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 0.50% of the Class R Shares' average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act and related rules, the Fund may participate in an affiliated or non-affiliated cash sweep program. In the cash sweep program, uninvested cash balances of the Fund may be used to purchase shares of affiliated or non-affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles that operate as money market funds. The Fund is eligible to participate in the cash sweep program (the “Investing Funds”). As adviser, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest because of its fiduciary duties to the affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles and the Investing Funds. Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC (the “Sweep Vehicle”) is an affiliated unregistered cash management pooled investment vehicle that invests primarily in highly-rated short-term fixed-income securities. The Sweep Vehicle operates pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act that govern the operation of money market funds and prices its shares at NAV reflecting market-based values of its portfolio securities (i.e., a “floating” NAV) rounded to the fourth decimal place (e.g., $1.0000). The Sweep Vehicle is permitted to impose a liquidity fee (of up to 2%) on redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle or a redemption gate that temporarily suspends redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period. There are no restrictions on the Fund's ability to withdraw investments from the Sweep Vehicle at will, and there are no unfunded capital commitments due from the Fund to the Sweep Vehicle. The Sweep Vehicle does not charge any management fee, sales charge or service fee.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 4.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $11,321.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $18,140.

The Fund is permitted to purchase or sell securities (“cross-trade”) between itself and other funds or accounts managed by Janus Capital in accordance with Rule 17a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Rule 17a-7”), when the transaction is consistent with the investment objectives and policies of the Fund and in accordance with the Internal Cross Trade Procedures adopted by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. These procedures have been designed to ensure that any cross-trade of securities by the Fund from or to another fund or account that is or could be considered an affiliate of the Fund under certain limited circumstances by virtue of having a common investment adviser, common



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Officer, or common Trustee complies with Rule 17a-7. Under these procedures, each cross-trade is effected at the current market price to save costs where allowed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, the Fund engaged in cross trades amounting to $128,895,999 in purchases and $170,255,480 in sales, resulting in a net realized gain of $3,486,657. The net realized gain is included within the “Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” section of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

5. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation and derivatives. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 6,245,469

$ -


$ -

$ -

$ (53,127)



Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses





$ -

$ (165,081,100)



During the year ended June 30, 2020, capital loss carryovers of $215,965,702 were utilized by the Fund.

The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals and investments in partnerships.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 3,796,110,728



$ 180,610,495

Information on the tax components of derivatives as of June 30, 2020 is as follows:


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 24,609

$ -

$ -

$ -

Tax cost of investments and unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) may also include timing differences that do not constitute adjustments to tax basis.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 109,661,683

$ -

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 194,818,805

$ -

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ (7,053)

$ 8,408,883

$ (8,401,830)



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

6. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 52,440,288



$ 53,146,486

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (4,457,083)



$ (53,126,236)

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 26,797,489



$ 14,341,654

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (21,304,990)



$ (63,633,246)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 148,161,617



$ 40,093,869

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 53,867,939



$ (32,938,141)

Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 485,990,200



$ 765,063,326

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)






Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 247,212,778



$ 241,516,295

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ (703,160,814)

Class R Shares:






Shares sold


$ 10,214,759



$ 9,364,766

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (5,115,315)



$ (9,610,685)

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 5,638,782



$ 7,673,110

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (10,849,188)



$ (9,280,717)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 136,381,795



$ 75,939,847

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (84,597,160)



$ (278,633,246)

7. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations



$ 2,726,856,991

$ 3,190,976,676


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

8. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08") to amend the amortization period for certain purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. The guidance requires certain premiums on callable debt securities to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amortization period for callable debt securities purchased at a discount will not be impacted. The amendments are effective for fiscal years and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has adopted the amendments as of the beginning of this fiscal period.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2020-04 Reference Rate Reform: Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting (“ASU 2020-04”) in March 2020. The new guidance in the ASU provide optional temporary financial reporting relief from the effect of certain types of contract modifications due to the planned discontinuation of the LIBOR or other interbank-offered based reference rates as of the end of 2021. For new and existing contracts, Funds may elect to apply the guidance as of March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. Management is currently evaluating the impact, if any, of the ASU’s adoption to the Fund’s financial statements.

9. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

10. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the "Fund") as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agent, and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free)  (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



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Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



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Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



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Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Michael Keough
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1978

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

Greg Wilensky
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1967

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund


Head of U.S. Fixed Income and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts. Formerly, Director and Lead Portfolio Manager of the U.S. Multi-Sector Fixed Income team at AllianceBernstein (2007-2019).

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund




Janus Investment Fund


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At Janus Henderson, we believe in the sharing of expert insight for better investment and business decisions. We call this ethos Knowledge Shared.

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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

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125-02-93019 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative (unaudited)



This Fund of Funds offers broad global diversification for investors by utilizing the full spectrum of Janus Henderson’s investment expertise and solutions, with the goal of providing higher risk-adjusted returns than the broad markets.


Ashwin Alankar

portfolio manager



Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative’s Class I Shares returned 2.89% for the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020. This compares with a return of 4.22% for the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark, and a return of 3.84% for its secondary benchmark, the Global Conservative Allocation Index, an internally calculated, hypothetical combination of total returns from the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (60%) and the MSCI All Country World IndexSM (40%).


Financial markets endured a turbulent period as the global economy reacted to the sharp curtailment in activity due to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. After having softened earlier in the period, riskier assets rallied on expectations that a viable solution to the U.S.-China trade impasse would be found. After reaching record highs, U.S. stocks – along with global equities – quickly entered bear-market territory as the pandemic spread. Interest rates plummeted on the flight to safety and substantial reductions in benchmark rates by monetary authorities. Investment-grade corporate credits incurred temporary losses as the difference between their yields and those on risk-free benchmarks widened considerably. By the end of the period, riskier assets recovered much of their lost ground as investors were comforted by the scale of government and central bank initiatives aimed at supporting the global economy.


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative invests across a broad set of Janus Henderson funds that span a wide range of global asset categories with a base allocation of 30% to 50% equities, 50% to 65% fixed income and 0% to 20% alternative investments that are monitored and rebalanced continually. Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative is structured as a “fund of funds” portfolio that provides investors with broad, diversified exposure to various types of investments with an emphasis on managing investment risk.

Weighing most on performance were the Janus Henderson Small-Cap Value Fund and the Janus Henderson Large-Cap Value Fund. Value stocks have trailed growth stocks over the past several years, and this dynamic was exacerbated during the March sell-off as expectations for economic growth fell considerably. Contributing most to results were the Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund and the Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund. Bond markets were buoyed first by significant interest rate cuts by global monetary authorities and then by a rally in investment-grade corporate credits and central banks sought to support that market.


We believe significant risks lay ahead that the market may be ignoring. Among these are a potentially disappointing next round of stimulus put forth by the U.S. Congress, a Biden victory in the presidential election, permanent unemployment and a virus that is showing great resilience, with a vaccine that may arrive later rather than sooner.

The U.S. political landscape is much more divided than it was in March. This poses a greater challenge for an additional large fiscal package. Furthermore, with the U.S. presidential election around the corner, time is not a friend. Should a package not be agreed upon within the next few weeks, there is a risk that any fiscal action would get delayed until after the election.

Unemployment remains at high levels. There is no doubt that we have seen significant improvement in labor data, but the fact is the numbers are dire. Changes are important, but so are levels. Sustained unemployment leads to permanent job losses, which in turn leads to permanently lower consumption.

Lastly, the virus has neither disappeared nor has it taken a break. As we enter the fall, we may see an even bigger wave of infections unfold, impacting school openings and


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative (unaudited)

business travel. The hope of a vaccine being available by the end of this year or early 2021 is still fraught with risk. A vaccine has never been developed this quickly and drugs are notorious for failing phase 3 trials after stellar phase 1 and 2 results.

Thank you for investing in Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


Holdings - (% of Net Assets)


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares




Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Fixed Income Funds



Equity Funds









Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.






















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios









Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV










Class A Shares at MOP










Class C Shares at NAV










Class C Shares at CDSC










Class D Shares(1)










Class I Shares










Class S Shares










Class T Shares










Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index










Global Conservative Allocation Index










Morningstar Quartile - Class T Shares










Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for World Allocation Funds










Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative (unaudited)


companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

Performance of the Global Allocation Funds depends on that of the underlying funds. They are subject to the volatility of the financial markets. Because Janus Capital Management is the adviser to the Fund and to the underlying affiliated funds held within the Fund, it is subject to certain potential conflicts of interest.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class I Shares, and Class S Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for each class for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class J Shares, the initial share class (renamed Class T Shares effective February 16, 2010), calculated using the fees and expenses of each respective share class, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class D Shares commenced operations on February 16, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to February 16, 2010, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

Effective June 1, 2020, Ashwin Alankar is sole Portfolio Manager of the Fund.

*The Fund’s inception date – December 30, 2005

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)††

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.


Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Investment Companies£ – 100.1%


Equity Funds – 39.8%


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares








Fixed Income Funds – 60.3%


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares








Total Investments (total cost $169,906,086) – 100.1%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (0.1)%




Net Assets – 100%




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Capital Gain Distributions from Underlying Funds(1)

Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 100.1%

Alternative Funds - N/A


Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund - Class N Shares











Equity Funds - 39.8%


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares











Total Equity Funds











Fixed Income Funds - 60.3%


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund - Class N Shares











Total Fixed Income Funds












See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Capital Gain Distributions from Underlying Funds(1)

Change in





at 6/30/20

Total Affiliated Investments - 100.1%











(1) For securities that were affiliated for a portion of the year ended June 30, 2020, this column reflects amounts for the entire year ended June 30, 2020 and not just the period in which the security was affiliated.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020



at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 100.1%

Alternative Funds - N/A


Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund - Class N Shares









Equity Funds - 39.8%


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares









Fixed Income Funds - 60.3%


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund - Class N Shares










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index

Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index is a broad-based measure of the global investment grade fixed-rate debt markets.

Global Conservative Allocation Index

Global Conservative Allocation Index is an internally-calculated, hypothetical combination of total returns from the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (60%) and the MSCI All Country World IndexSM (40%).

MSCI All Country World IndexSM

MSCI All Country World IndexSM reflects the equity market performance of global developed and emerging markets.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Investment Companies


Equity Funds







Fixed Income Funds







Total Assets








Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020















Affiliated investments, at value(1)












Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Fund shares sold














Due from adviser






Other assets





Total Assets

















Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Professional fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Advisory fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Custodian fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets





Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(2)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(3)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(2)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $169,906,086.

(2) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(3) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:





Dividends from affiliates




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Professional fees





Shareholder reports expense





Custodian fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)




Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments in affiliates





Capital gain distributions from underlying funds




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments in affiliates




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.

(3) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Financial Highlights


Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Fund operates as a “fund of funds,” meaning substantially all of the Fund’s assets will be invested in other Janus Henderson funds (the “underlying funds”). The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks total return through a primary emphasis on income with a secondary emphasis on growth of capital. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”) or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Notes to Financial Statements

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Underlying Funds

The Fund invests in a variety of underlying funds to pursue a target allocation of equity investments, fixed-income securities, and alternative investments and may also invest in money market instruments or cash/cash equivalents. The Fund has a target allocation, which is how the Fund's investments generally will be allocated among the major asset classes over the long term, as well as normal ranges, under normal market conditions, within which the Fund's asset class allocations generally will vary over short-term periods. The Fund's long-term expected average asset allocation is as follows: 40% to equity investments, 55% to fixed-income securities and money market instruments, and 5% to alternative investments. Additional details and descriptions of the investment objectives and strategies of each of the underlying funds are available in the Fund’s and underlying funds’ prospectuses available at janushenderson.com. The Trustees of the underlying funds may change the investment objectives or strategies of the underlying funds at any time without prior notice to the Fund’s shareholders.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with US GAAP.

Investment Valuation

The Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) is calculated based upon the NAV of each of the underlying funds in which the Fund invests on the day of valuation. The NAV for each class of the underlying funds is computed by dividing the total value of securities and other assets allocated to the class, less liabilities allocated to that class, by the total number of shares outstanding for the class.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

The Fund classifies each of its investments in underlying funds as Level 1, without consideration as to the classification level of the specific investments held by the underlying funds. There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities held by the underlying funds will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Notes to Financial Statements

losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.

Dividend distributions received from the underlying funds are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Upon receipt of the notification from an underlying fund, and subsequent to the ex-dividend date, a part or all of the dividend income originally recorded by the Fund may be reclassified as a tax return of capital by reducing the cost basis of the underlying fund and/or increasing the realized gain on sales of investments in the underlying fund.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Additionally, the Fund, as a shareholder in the underlying funds, will also indirectly bear its pro rata share of the expenses incurred by the underlying funds. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Dividends and Distributions

The Fund generally declares and distributes dividends of net investment income and realized capital gains (if any) annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The underlying funds may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the underlying funds distribute such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.05% of its average daily net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding any expenses of an underlying fund (acquired fund fees and expenses), the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.14% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s and the underlying funds’ transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Notes to Financial Statements

similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement, and is authorized to perform, or cause others to perform, the administration services necessary for the operation of the Fund. Janus Capital does not receive compensation for serving as administrator and it bears the expenses related to operation of the Fund, such as, but not limited to fund accounting and tax services; shareholder servicing; and preparation of various documents filed with the SEC. The Fund bears costs related to any compensation, fees, or reimbursements paid to Trustees who are independent of Janus Capital; fees and expenses of counsel to the Independent Trustees; fees and expenses of consultants to the Fund; custody fees; audit expenses; brokerage commissions and all other expenses in connection with execution of portfolio transactions; blue sky registration costs; interest; all federal, state and local taxes (including stamp, excise, income, and franchise taxes); expenses of shareholder meetings, including the preparation, printing, and distribution of proxy statements, notices, and reports to shareholders; expenses of printing and mailing to existing shareholders prospectuses, statements of additional information, shareholder reports, and other materials required to be mailed to shareholders by federal or state laws or regulations; transfer agency fees and expenses payable pursuant to a transfer agency agreement between the Trust and Janus Services on behalf of the Fund; any litigation; and other extraordinary expenses. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund's Chief Compliance Officer and compliance staff are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Notes to Financial Statements

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $1,410.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $36.

3. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 744,637

$ 3,787,919

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ (2,560)

$ 9,661,233


The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary difference between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments is wash sale loss deferrals.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 171,485,810


$ (2,504,785)

$ 9,661,233

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 2,204,154

$ 6,753,751

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 2,491,614

$ 5,069,292

$ -

$ -



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Notes to Financial Statements

Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ 223,093

$ (55,988)

$ (167,105)

Capital has been adjusted by $233,093, including $167,105 of long-term capital gain, for distributions in connection with Fund share redemptions (tax equalization).

4. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 881,138



$ 807,903

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (337,827)



$ 100,602

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 1,287,096



$ 1,578,667

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (2,430,172)



$ (2,194,777)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold





$ 8,511,763

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (8,427,261)




Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 1,207,176



$ 802,586

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (330,320)



$ (1,782,892)

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 35,138



$ 127,674

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (633,525)



$ (185,258)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 3,251,974



$ 4,011,514

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (1,955,403)



$ (5,634,283)



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Notes to Financial Statements

5. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations


$ 126,253,480

$ -

$ -

6. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

7. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

8. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and transfer agent. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



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Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group



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Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



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Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


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Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is



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Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Foreign Taxes Paid


Foreign Source Income


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Ashwin Alankar
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Executive Vice President and Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative


Head of Global Asset Allocation of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts. Formerly, Co-Chief Investment Officer of AllianceBernstein’s Tail Risk Parity (2010-2014).

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Conservative




Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

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125-02-93020 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth (unaudited)



This Fund of Funds offers broad global diversification for investors by utilizing the full spectrum of Janus Henderson’s investment expertise and solutions, with the goal of providing higher risk-adjusted returns than the broad markets.


Ashwin Alankar

portfolio manager



Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth’s Class I Shares returned -1.24% for the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020. This compares with a return of 2.11% for the MSCI All Country World IndexSM, the Fund’s primary benchmark, and a return of 2.84% for its secondary benchmark, the Global Growth Allocation Index, an internally calculated, hypothetical combination of total returns from the MSCI All Country World Index (80%) and the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (20%).


Financial markets endured a turbulent period as the global economy reacted to the sharp curtailment in activity due to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. After having softened earlier in the period, riskier assets rallied on expectations that a viable solution to the U.S.-China trade impasse would be found. After reaching record highs, U.S. stocks – along with global equities – quickly entered bear-market territory as the pandemic spread. Interest rates plummeted on the flight to safety and substantial reductions in benchmark rates by monetary authorities. Investment-grade corporate credits incurred temporary losses as the difference between their yields and those on risk-free benchmarks widened considerably. By the end of the period, riskier assets recovered much of their lost ground as investors were comforted by the scale of government and central bank initiatives aimed at supporting the global economy.


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth invests across a broad set of Janus Henderson funds that span a wide range of global asset categories with a base allocation of 70% to 85% equity investments, 10% to 25% fixed income investments and 5% to 20% alternative investments that are monitored and rebalanced continually. The Fund is structured as a “fund of funds” portfolio that provides investors with broad, diversified exposure to various types of investments with an emphasis on managing investment risk.

Weighing most on performance were the Janus Henderson Small-Cap Value Fund and the Janus Henderson Large-Cap Value Fund. Value stocks have trailed growth stocks over the past several years, and this dynamic was exacerbated during the March sell-off as expectations for economic growth fell considerably. Contributing most to results were the Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund and the Janus Henderson Forty Fund. In the case of the former, bond markets were buoyed first by significant interest rate cuts by global monetary authorities and then by a rally in investment-grade corporate credits and central banks sought to support that market. With respect to the latter, this Fund benefitted from its allocation to mega-cap technology stocks leveraged to secular growth themes.


We believe significant risks lay ahead that the market may be ignoring. Among these are a potentially disappointing next round of stimulus put forth by the U.S. Congress, a Biden victory in the presidential election, permanent unemployment and a virus that is showing great resilience, with a vaccine that may arrive later rather than sooner.

The U.S. political landscape is much more divided than it was in March. This poses a greater challenge for an additional large fiscal package. Furthermore, with the U.S. presidential election around the corner, time is not a friend. Should a package not be agreed upon within the next few weeks, there is a risk that any fiscal action would get delayed until after the election.

Unemployment remains at high levels. There is no doubt that we have seen significant improvement in labor data, but the fact is the numbers are dire. Changes are important, but so are levels. Sustained unemployment leads to permanent job losses, which in turn leads to permanently lower consumption.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth (unaudited)

Lastly, the virus has neither disappeared nor has it taken a break. As we enter the fall, we may see an even bigger wave of infections unfold, impacting school openings and business travel. The hope of a vaccine being available by the end of this year or early 2021 is still fraught with risk. A vaccine has never been developed this quickly and drugs are notorious for failing phase 3 trials after stellar phase 1 and 2 results.

Thank you for investing in Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


Holdings - (% of Net Assets)


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares




Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Equity Funds



Fixed Income Funds









Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.






















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios









Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV










Class A Shares at MOP










Class C Shares at NAV










Class C Shares at CDSC










Class D Shares(1)










Class I Shares










Class S Shares










Class T Shares










MSCI All Country World Index










Global Growth Allocation Index










Morningstar Quartile - Class T Shares










Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for World Allocation Funds










Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth (unaudited)


has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

Performance of the Global Allocation Funds depends on that of the underlying funds. They are subject to the volatility of the financial markets. Because Janus Capital Management is the adviser to the Fund and to the underlying affiliated funds held within the Fund, it is subject to certain potential conflicts of interest.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class S Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for each class for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class J Shares, the initial share class (renamed Class T Shares effective February 16, 2010), calculated using the fees and expenses of each respective share class, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class D Shares commenced operations on February 16, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to February 16, 2010, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class I Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class J Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

Effective June 1, 2020, Ashwin Alankar is sole Portfolio Manager of the Fund.

*The Fund’s inception date – December 30, 2005

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)††

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.


Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Investment Companies£ – 100.0%


Equity Funds – 79.5%


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares








Fixed Income Funds – 20.5%


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares








Total Investments (total cost $201,339,673) – 100.0%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (0)%




Net Assets – 100%




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Capital Gain Distributions from Underlying Funds(1)

Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 100.0%

Alternative Funds - N/A


Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund - Class N Shares











Equity Funds - 79.5%


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares











Total Equity Funds











Fixed Income Funds - 20.5%


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund - Class N Shares











Total Fixed Income Funds












See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Capital Gain Distributions from Underlying Funds(1)

Change in





at 6/30/20

Total Affiliated Investments - 100.0%











(1) For securities that were affiliated for a portion of the year ended June 30, 2020, this column reflects amounts for the entire year ended June 30, 2020 and not just the period in which the security was affiliated.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020



at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 100.0%

Alternative Funds - N/A


Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund - Class N Shares









Equity Funds - 79.5%


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares









Fixed Income Funds - 20.5%


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund - Class N Shares










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Bloomberg Barclays Global

Aggregate Bond Index

Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index is a broad-based measure of the global investment grade fixed-rate debt markets.

Global Growth Allocation Index

Global Growth Allocation Index is an internally-calculated, hypothetical combination of total returns from the MSCI All Country World IndexSM (80%) and the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (20%).

MSCI All Country World IndexSM

MSCI All Country World IndexSM reflects the equity market performance of global developed and emerging markets.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Investment Companies


Equity Funds







Fixed Income Funds







Total Assets








Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020















Affiliated investments, at value(1)






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Investments sold














Fund shares sold






Other assets





Total Assets











Due to custodian












Fund shares repurchased







Investments purchased







Transfer agent fees and expenses







Professional fees







Printing fees







Advisory fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-affiliated fund administration fees payable







Custodian fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets





Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(2)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(3)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(2)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $201,339,673.

(2) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(3) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:





Dividends from affiliates




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Shareholder reports expense





Professional fees





Custodian fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)




Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments in affiliates





Capital gain distributions from underlying funds




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments in affiliates




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Financial Highlights


Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Fund operates as a “fund of funds,” meaning substantially all of the Fund’s assets will be invested in other Janus Henderson funds (the “underlying funds”). The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks total return through a primary emphasis on growth of capital with a secondary emphasis on income. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”) or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Notes to Financial Statements

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Underlying Funds

The Fund invests in a variety of underlying funds to pursue a target allocation of equity investments, fixed-income securities, and alternative investments and may also invest in money market instruments or cash/cash equivalents. The Fund has a target allocation, which is how the Fund's investments generally will be allocated among the major asset classes over the long term, as well as normal ranges, under normal market conditions, within which the Fund's asset class allocations generally will vary over short-term periods. The Fund's long-term expected average asset allocation is as follows: 75% to equity investments, 15% to fixed-income securities and money market instruments, and 10% to alternative investments. Additional details and descriptions of the investment objectives and strategies of each of the underlying funds are available in the Fund’s and underlying funds’ prospectuses available at janushenderson.com. The Trustees of the underlying funds may change the investment objectives or strategies of the underlying funds at any time without prior notice to the Fund’s shareholders.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with US GAAP.

Investment Valuation

The Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) is calculated based upon the NAV of each of the underlying funds in which the Fund invests on the day of valuation. The NAV for each class of the underlying funds is computed by dividing the total value of securities and other assets allocated to the class, less liabilities allocated to that class, by the total number of shares outstanding for the class.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

The Fund classifies each of its investments in underlying funds as Level 1, without consideration as to the classification level of the specific investments held by the underlying funds. There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities held by the underlying funds will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Notes to Financial Statements

losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.

Dividend distributions received from the underlying funds are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Upon receipt of the notification from an underlying fund, and subsequent to the ex-dividend date, a part or all of the dividend income originally recorded by the Fund may be reclassified as a tax return of capital by reducing the cost basis of the underlying fund and/or increasing the realized gain on sales of investments in the underlying fund.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Additionally, the Fund, as a shareholder in the underlying funds, will also indirectly bear its pro rata share of the expenses incurred by the underlying funds. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Dividends and Distributions

The Fund generally declares and distributes dividends of net investment income and realized capital gains (if any) annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The underlying funds may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the underlying funds distribute such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.05% of its average daily net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding any expenses of an underlying fund (acquired fund fees and expenses), the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.14% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s and the underlying funds’ transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Notes to Financial Statements

similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement, and is authorized to perform, or cause others to perform, the administration services necessary for the operation of the Fund. Janus Capital does not receive compensation for serving as administrator and it bears the expenses related to operation of the Fund, such as, but not limited to fund accounting and tax services; shareholder servicing; and preparation of various documents filed with the SEC. The Fund bears costs related to any compensation, fees, or reimbursements paid to Trustees who are independent of Janus Capital; fees and expenses of counsel to the Independent Trustees; fees and expenses of consultants to the Fund; custody fees; audit expenses; brokerage commissions and all other expenses in connection with execution of portfolio transactions; blue sky registration costs; interest; all federal, state and local taxes (including stamp, excise, income, and franchise taxes); expenses of shareholder meetings, including the preparation, printing, and distribution of proxy statements, notices, and reports to shareholders; expenses of printing and mailing to existing shareholders prospectuses, statements of additional information, shareholder reports, and other materials required to be mailed to shareholders by federal or state laws or regulations; transfer agency fees and expenses payable pursuant to a transfer agency agreement between the Trust and Janus Services on behalf of the Fund; any litigation; and other extraordinary expenses. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund's Chief Compliance Officer and compliance staff are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Notes to Financial Statements

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $905.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $656.

3. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 41,191

$ 5,559,268

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ (3,497)

$ 19,041,073


The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary difference between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments is wash sale loss deferrals.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 203,633,924


$ (4,716,188)

$ 19,041,073


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Notes to Financial Statements

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 3,289,632

$ 13,693,928

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 3,115,996

$ 8,617,866

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ 268,970

$ (64,033)

$ (204,937)

Capital has been adjusted by $268,970, including $204,937 of long-term capital gain, for distributions in connection with Fund share redemptions (tax equalization).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Notes to Financial Statements

4. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 767,414



$ 767,410

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (35,722)



$ 244,652

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 382,832



$ 1,321,305

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ (459,888)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 8,187,237



$ 7,617,171

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)






Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 3,200,129



$ 11,221,288

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ 1,117,045

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 125,174



$ 741,199

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (484,332)



$ 159,724

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 4,535,916



$ 6,391,038

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ (2,141,487)

5. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations

$ 115,536,899

$ 132,301,959

$ -

$ -

6. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Notes to Financial Statements

7. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

8. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and transfer agent. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



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Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Foreign Taxes Paid


Foreign Source Income


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage




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Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Ashwin Alankar
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Executive Vice President and Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth


Head of Global Asset Allocation of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts. Formerly, Co-Chief Investment Officer of AllianceBernstein’s Tail Risk Parity (2010-2014).

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Growth

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


Knowledge Shared

At Janus Henderson, we believe in the sharing of expert insight for better investment and business decisions. We call this ethos Knowledge Shared.

Learn more by visiting janushenderson.com.



This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93021 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate (unaudited)



This Fund of Funds offers broad global diversification for investors by utilizing the full spectrum of Janus Henderson’s investment expertise and solutions, with the goal of providing higher risk-adjusted returns than the broad markets.


Ashwin Alankar

portfolio manager



Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate’s Class I Shares returned 0.88% for the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020. This compares with a return of 2.11% for its primary benchmark, the MSCI All Country World IndexSM, and a 3.42% return for its secondary benchmark, the Global Moderate Allocation Index, an internally calculated, hypothetical combination of total returns from the MSCI All Country World Index (60%) and the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (40%).


Financial markets endured a turbulent period as the global economy reacted to the sharp curtailment in activity due to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. After having softened earlier in the period, riskier assets rallied on expectations that a viable solution to the U.S.-China trade impasse would be found. After reaching record highs, U.S. stocks – along with global equities – quickly entered bear-market territory as the pandemic spread. Interest rates plummeted on the flight to safety and substantial reductions in benchmark rates by monetary authorities. Investment-grade corporate credits incurred temporary losses as the difference between their yields and those on risk-free benchmarks widened considerably. By the end of the period, riskier assets recovered much of their lost ground as investors were comforted by the scale of government and central bank initiatives aimed at supporting the global economy.


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate invests across a broad set of Janus Henderson funds that span a wide range of global asset categories with a base allocation of 45% to 65% equity investments, 30% to 45% fixed income investments and 5% to 20% alternative investments that are monitored and rebalanced continually. The Fund is structured as a “fund of funds” portfolio that provides investors with broad, diversified exposure to various types of investments with an emphasis on managing investment risk.

Weighing most on performance were the Janus Henderson Small-Cap Value Fund and the Janus Henderson Large-Cap Value Fund. Value stocks have trailed growth stocks over the past several years, and this dynamic was exacerbated during the March sell-off as expectations for economic growth fell considerably. Contributing most to results were the Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund and the Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund. Bond markets were buoyed first by significant interest rate cuts by global monetary authorities and then by a rally in investment-grade corporate credits and central banks sought to support that market.


We believe significant risks lay ahead that the market may be ignoring. Among these are a potentially disappointing next round of stimulus put forth by the U.S. Congress, a Biden victory in the presidential election, permanent unemployment and a virus that is showing great resilience, with a vaccine that may arrive later rather than sooner.

The U.S. political landscape is much more divided than it was in March. This poses a greater challenge for an additional large fiscal package. Furthermore, with the U.S. presidential election around the corner, time is not a friend. Should a package not be agreed upon within the next few weeks, there is a risk that any fiscal action would get delayed until after the election.

Unemployment remains at high levels. There is no doubt that we have seen significant improvement in labor data, but the fact is the numbers are dire. Changes are important, but so are levels. Sustained unemployment leads to permanent job losses, which in turn leads to permanently lower consumption.

Lastly, the virus has neither disappeared nor has it taken a break. As we enter the fall, we may see an even bigger wave of infections unfold, impacting school openings and


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate (unaudited)

business travel. The hope of a vaccine being available by the end of this year or early 2021 is still fraught with risk. A vaccine has never been developed this quickly and drugs are notorious for failing phase 3 trials after stellar phase 1 and 2 results.

Thank you for investing in Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


Holdings - (% of Net Assets)


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares




Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares




Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Equity Funds



Fixed Income Funds









Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.






















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios









Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV










Class A Shares at MOP










Class C Shares at NAV










Class C Shares at CDSC










Class D Shares(1)










Class I Shares










Class S Shares










Class T Shares










MSCI All Country World Index










Global Moderate Allocation Index










Morningstar Quartile - Class T Shares










Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for World Allocation Funds










Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate (unaudited)


has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

Performance of the Global Allocation Funds depends on that of the underlying funds. They are subject to the volatility of the financial markets. Because Janus Capital Management is the adviser to the Fund and to the underlying affiliated funds held within the Fund, it is subject to certain potential conflicts of interest.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class S Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for each class for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class J Shares, the initial share class (renamed Class T Shares effective February 16, 2010), calculated using the fees and expenses of each respective share class, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class D Shares commenced operations on February 16, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to February 16, 2010, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class I Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class J Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

Effective June 1, 2020, Ashwin Alankar is sole Portfolio Manager of the Fund.

*The Fund’s inception date – December 30, 2005

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)††

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.


Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Investment Companies£ – 100.0%


Equity Funds – 59.7%


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares








Fixed Income Funds – 40.3%


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares






Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares








Total Investments (total cost $192,777,752) – 100.0%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (0)%




Net Assets – 100%




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Capital Gain Distributions from Underlying Funds(1)

Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 100.0%

Alternative Funds - N/A


Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund - Class N Shares











Equity Funds - 59.7%


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares











Total Equity Funds











Fixed Income Funds - 40.3%


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares












Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund - Class N Shares











Total Fixed Income Funds












See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Capital Gain Distributions from Underlying Funds(1)

Change in





at 6/30/20

Total Affiliated Investments - 100.0%











(1) For securities that were affiliated for a portion of the year ended June 30, 2020, this column reflects amounts for the entire year ended June 30, 2020 and not just the period in which the security was affiliated.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020



at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 100.0%

Alternative Funds - N/A


Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund - Class N Shares









Equity Funds - 59.7%


Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson European Focus Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Forty Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Research Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Select Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson International Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Overseas Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Triton Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund - Class N Shares









Fixed Income Funds - 40.3%


Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund - Class N Shares










Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund - Class N Shares










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Bloomberg Barclays Global

Aggregate Bond Index

Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index is a broad-based measure of the global investment grade fixed-rate debt markets.

Global Moderate Allocation Index

Global Moderate Allocation Index is an internally-calculated, hypothetical combination of total returns from the MSCI All Country World IndexSM (60%) and the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index (40%).

MSCI All Country World IndexSM

MSCI All Country World IndexSM reflects the equity market performance of global developed and emerging markets.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Investment Companies


Equity Funds







Fixed Income Funds







Total Assets








Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020















Affiliated investments, at value(1)












Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation




















Fund shares sold







Due from adviser






Other assets





Total Assets

















Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Professional fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







Printing fees







Advisory fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-affiliated fund administration fees payable







Custodian fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets





Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(2)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(3)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(2)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $192,777,752.

(2) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(3) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:





Dividends from affiliates




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Shareholder reports expense





Professional fees





Custodian fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)




Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments in affiliates





Capital gain distributions from underlying funds




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments in affiliates




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.

(3) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Financial Highlights


Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses(2)


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)(2)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)(2)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Ratios do not include indirect expenses of the underlying funds and/or investment companies in which the Fund invests.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Fund operates as a “fund of funds,” meaning substantially all of the Fund’s assets will be invested in other Janus Henderson funds (the “underlying funds”). The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks total return through growth of capital and income. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”) or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Notes to Financial Statements

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Underlying Funds

The Fund invests in a variety of underlying funds to pursue a target allocation of equity investments, fixed-income securities, and alternative investments and may also invest in money market instruments or cash/cash equivalents. The Fund has a target allocation, which is how the Fund's investments generally will be allocated among the major asset classes over the long term, as well as normal ranges, under normal market conditions, within which the Fund's asset class allocations generally will vary over short-term periods. The Fund's long-term expected average asset allocation is as follows: 55% to equity investments, 35% to fixed-income securities and money market instruments, and 10% to alternative investments. Additional details and descriptions of the investment objectives and strategies of each of the underlying funds are available in the Fund’s and underlying funds’ prospectuses available at janushenderson.com. The Trustees of the underlying funds may change the investment objectives or strategies of the underlying funds at any time without prior notice to the Fund’s shareholders.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with US GAAP.

Investment Valuation

The Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) is calculated based upon the NAV of each of the underlying funds in which the Fund invests on the day of valuation. The NAV for each class of the underlying funds is computed by dividing the total value of securities and other assets allocated to the class, less liabilities allocated to that class, by the total number of shares outstanding for the class.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

The Fund classifies each of its investments in underlying funds as Level 1, without consideration as to the classification level of the specific investments held by the underlying funds. There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities held by the underlying funds will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Notes to Financial Statements

losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.

Dividend distributions received from the underlying funds are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Upon receipt of the notification from an underlying fund, and subsequent to the ex-dividend date, a part or all of the dividend income originally recorded by the Fund may be reclassified as a tax return of capital by reducing the cost basis of the underlying fund and/or increasing the realized gain on sales of investments in the underlying fund.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Additionally, the Fund, as a shareholder in the underlying funds, will also indirectly bear its pro rata share of the expenses incurred by the underlying funds. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Dividends and Distributions

The Fund generally declares and distributes dividends of net investment income and realized capital gains (if any) annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The underlying funds may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the underlying funds distribute such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.05% of its average daily net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding any expenses of an underlying fund (acquired fund fees and expenses), the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.12% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s and the underlying funds’ transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Notes to Financial Statements

similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement, and is authorized to perform, or cause others to perform, the administration services necessary for the operation of the Fund. Janus Capital does not receive compensation for serving as administrator and it bears the expenses related to operation of the Fund, such as, but not limited to fund accounting and tax services; shareholder servicing; and preparation of various documents filed with the SEC. The Fund bears costs related to any compensation, fees, or reimbursements paid to Trustees who are independent of Janus Capital; fees and expenses of counsel to the Independent Trustees; fees and expenses of consultants to the Fund; custody fees; audit expenses; brokerage commissions and all other expenses in connection with execution of portfolio transactions; blue sky registration costs; interest; all federal, state and local taxes (including stamp, excise, income, and franchise taxes); expenses of shareholder meetings, including the preparation, printing, and distribution of proxy statements, notices, and reports to shareholders; expenses of printing and mailing to existing shareholders prospectuses, statements of additional information, shareholder reports, and other materials required to be mailed to shareholders by federal or state laws or regulations; transfer agency fees and expenses payable pursuant to a transfer agency agreement between the Trust and Janus Services on behalf of the Fund; any litigation; and other extraordinary expenses. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund's Chief Compliance Officer and compliance staff are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Notes to Financial Statements

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $1,733.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $36.

3. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 512,103

$ 4,110,686

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ (3,077)

$ 16,017,431


The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary difference between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments is wash sale loss deferrals.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 194,587,387


$ (3,086,978)

$ 16,017,431

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 2,725,686

$ 10,106,836

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 2,674,085

$ 7,785,477

$ -

$ -



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Notes to Financial Statements

Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ 192,532

$ (53,427)

$ (139,105)

Capital has been adjusted by $192,532, including $139,105 of long-term capital gain, for distributions in connection with Fund share redemptions (tax equalization).

4. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 1,425,723



$ 3,007,465

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (635,056)



$ (528,231)

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 270,595



$ 995,967

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ (1,051,742)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 8,880,092



$ 6,976,569

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)






Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 1,636,302



$ 967,927

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (723,000)



$ (1,174,275)

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 138,731



$ 175,376

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (864,798)



$ (451,111)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 5,590,059



$ 4,655,072

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ (526,093)



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Notes to Financial Statements

5. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations

$ 113,811,657

$ 135,002,617

$ -

$ -

6. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

7. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

8. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and transfer agent. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Foreign Taxes Paid


Foreign Source Income


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Ashwin Alankar
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Executive Vice President and Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate


Head of Global Asset Allocation of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts. Formerly, Co-Chief Investment Officer of AllianceBernstein’s Tail Risk Parity (2010-2014).

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund - Moderate




Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

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125-02-93022 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund (unaudited)



We believe a fundamentally driven, corporate and sovereign investment process can generate risk-adjusted outperformance and capital preservation over time. Our comprehensive, bottom-up view complements top-down decision making, seeking to provide a sustainable competitive advantage.


Helen Anthony

co-portfolio manager

Nick Maroutsos

co-portfolio manager

Andrew Mulliner

co-portfolio manager

Christopher Diaz

co-portfolio manager



During the one-year period ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund’s Class I Shares returned 6.47% compared with 4.22% for the Fund’s benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index.

In the first half of the period, accommodative central banks and stabilization in global economic indicators increased the appetite for riskier assets including corporate credit. Clarity on the Brexit process and progress in U.S.-China trade relations also supported corporate bonds. However, in early 2020, the exogenous shock of the COVID-19 coronavirus ushered in a period of severe economic uncertainty as governments around the world restricted travel and social activity to help contain the virus. Risk markets faced a sell-off of historic proportions. Contributing to the malaise was a collapse in oil prices when the virus-related drop in demand was met by a flood of supply after the OPEC and Russia failed to agree on production cutbacks.

Across the globe, central bank and government stimulus action was swift and aggressive. These actions, particularly those of the Federal Reserve (Fed), supported financial markets and corporations and contributed to a rapid improvement in liquidity conditions. The staggering levels of monetary and fiscal stimulus, coupled with optimism on the reopening of economies, bolstered investor confidence later in the period, although volatility remained high.

Over the year, government bond yields across much of the developed world fell. The benchmark 10-year Treasury yield closed June at 0.66%, down from 2.01%. Corporate and securitized credit were volatile, with heightened risk of downgrades and defaults causing spreads over Treasuries to widen dramatically intra-period. Central bank support helped credit retrace some of its losses. Global investment-grade corporate bonds ultimately generated positive returns, while their high-yield counterparts generated negative returns.

The Fund started the period underweight investment-grade corporate bonds and overweight interest-rate duration (a measure of interest rate risk), given what we viewed as lofty valuations and the unlikelihood of steady economic growth in 2020. As the period progressed, we shifted some of our developed world duration to emerging markets, with a focus on countries in which we expected softer economic conditions and falling interest rates, but we maintained our overall defensive stance. We were not planning for a shock of the COVID-19 nature, but we were relatively well positioned for it. Following March’s severe sell-off, we were able to identify what we deemed to be attractive opportunities in higher-quality companies positioned to navigate elevated economic uncertainty. As global central banks’ commitment to supporting credit markets solidified, new cases of COVID-19 slowed and economies began to reopen, we gained the confidence to move overweight corporate credit, increasing our allocation by nearly 25% from the start of the period. To accommodate that shift, we reduced our allocations to U.S. Treasuries – where we believe near-zero policy rates limit the potential for further upside – and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS), though our outlook for MBS remains positive.

These decisions proved beneficial to relative outperformance, with positioning in investment-grade corporate credit among our strongest contributors. The Fund’s allocations to government-related emerging market issuers, agency MBS and sovereign bonds also aided results. At the issuer level, our shift from overweight to underweight (allocation and duration) in Treasuries was the top contributor to relative performance.

Our positioning in Italian sovereign bonds (BTPS) faced challenges for much of the period, and was the largest detractor at the issuer level. Early on the market


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund (unaudited)

expressed concern around a potential referendum that could upend the government, and amid the March sell-off, BTPS traded – as they tend to do – in line with riskier assets and weighed on performance. However, we expected BTPS to benefit from asset purchases by the European Central Bank (ECB), and they did regain ground in the latter months of the period.


Please see the Derivative Instruments section in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for a discussion of derivatives used by the Fund.

We are encouraged by the commitment shown by central banks globally to support bond markets and anticipate regional fiscal authorities will continue intervening as needed. With this support, world economic growth could accelerate off recent lows for the next few quarters but, even still, it will take years before economies fully recover. Unfortunately, the health care crisis does not have the same backstop, and additional waves of COVID-19 still have the potential to reduce economic activity, with the U.S. and UK the most vulnerable. While another set of large-scale lockdowns seems unlikely, uncertainty will remain high, and we expect volatility to accompany it. Further, other risks to market sentiment are on our radar, including a resumption of trade tensions with China and the upcoming U.S. elections.

We intend to remain cautious in our sector and security selection in global credit markets, favoring investment-grade credit primarily due to the more explicit support for this market from policy makers, but also due to the generally stronger balance sheets of the sector’s issuers. In our view, the yield over Treasuries in agency MBS and the explicit support from the Fed could create attractive investment opportunities in the asset class. In terms of sovereign exposure, we have removed much of our interest rate overweight in the developed world given our doubts that others will follow Europe in allowing yields to turn negative. We continue to look for duration opportunities in emerging markets where we expect rates to fall.

As we navigate these challenging markets, we will continue to adhere to our process of blending bottom-up corporate and sovereign fundamental research with top-down decision-making to construct a dynamic and diversified portfolio with a disciplined risk management overlay.

Thank you for investing in Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


Fund Profile



30-day Current Yield*



Class A Shares NAV



Class A Shares MOP



Class C Shares**



Class D Shares



Class I Shares



Class N Shares



Class S Shares



Class T Shares



Weighted Average Maturity

9.9 Years

Average Effective Duration***

8.2 Years

* Yield will fluctuate.



** Does not include the 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge.

*** A theoretical measure of price volatility.



Ratings Summary - (% of Total Investments)












Not Rated




† Credit ratings provided by Standard & Poor's (S&P), an independent credit rating agency. Credit ratings range from AAA (highest) to D (lowest) based on S&P's measures. Further information on S&P's rating methodology may be found at www.standardandpoors.com. Other rating agencies may rate the same securities differently. Ratings are relative and subjective and are not absolute standards of quality. Credit quality does not remove market risk and is subject to change. "Not Rated" securities are not rated by S&P, but may be rated by other rating agencies and do not necessarily indicate low quality. "Other" includes cash equivalents, equity securities, and certain derivative instruments.

Significant Areas of Investment - (% of Net Assets)


Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Foreign Government Bonds



Corporate Bonds



Mortgage-Backed Securities



United States Treasury Notes/Bonds



Investment Companies



Inflation-Indexed Bonds



Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities



OTC Purchased Options – Puts








Emerging markets comprised 17.0% of total net assets.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.




















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios








Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV









Class A Shares at MOP









Class C Shares at NAV









Class C Shares at CDSC









Class D Shares(1)









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index









Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares









Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for World Bond Funds









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 4.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund (unaudited)


has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class N Shares commenced operations on October 28, 2013. Performance shown for periods prior to October 28, 2013, reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class N Shares, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

Effective June 30, 2020, Helen Anthony, Chris Diaz, Nick Maroutsos and Andrew Mulliner are Co-Portfolios Managers of the Fund.

*The Fund’s inception date – December 28, 2010

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – 3.0%


JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2019-1 A15, 4.0000%, 5/25/49 (144A)






JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2019-LTV2, 3.5000%, 12/25/49 (144A)






Mortgage Funding 2008-1 PLC,


ICE LIBOR GBP 3 Month + 1.1000%, 1.2930%, 3/13/46







RESIMAC Bastille Trust Series 2018-1NC,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.8500%, 1.0138%, 12/5/59 (144A)






RMAC Securities No 1 2006-NS3X PLC,


ICE LIBOR GBP 3 Month + 0.1500%, 0.3476%, 6/12/44







RMAC Securities No 1 2006-NS4X PLC,


ICE LIBOR GBP 3 Month + 0.1700%, 0.3676%, 6/12/44







RMAC Securities No 1 PLC,


ICE LIBOR GBP 3 Month + 0.1500%, 0.6103%, 6/12/44







Stratton Mortgage Funding PLC,


ICE LIBOR GBP 3 Month + 0.8000%, 0.9976%, 3/12/44







Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $7,567,033)




Corporate Bonds – 29.3%


Banking – 4.4%


Bank of America Corp,


Euro Interbank Offered Rate 3 Month + 3.6700%, 3.6480%, 3/31/29







BPCE SA, 0.6250%, 4/28/25







Citigroup Inc, SOFR + 4.5480%, 5.3160%, 3/26/41






Credit Agricole SA/London, SOFR + 1.6760%, 1.9070%, 6/16/26 (144A)






Credit Suisse Group AG, UK Gilts 1 Year + 2.2300%, 2.2500%, 6/9/28







DIB Sukuk Ltd, 2.9500%, 1/16/26






Goldman Sachs Group Inc, 3.5000%, 4/1/25






HSBC Holdings PLC, SOFR + 1.9290%, 2.0990%, 6/4/26






JPMorgan Chase & Co,


Euro Interbank Offered Rate 3 Month + 0.7600%, 1.0900%, 3/11/27







JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 3.7900%, 4.4930%, 3/24/31






Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC,


UK Govt Bonds 5 Year Note Generic Bid Yield + 3.5500%, 3.6220%, 8/14/30







Standard Chartered PLC, EUR SWAP ANNUAL 5 YR + 2.8000%, 2.5000%, 9/9/30







SVB Financial Group, 3.1250%, 6/5/30






Wells Fargo & Co, SOFR + 1.6000%, 1.6540%, 6/2/24






Wells Fargo & Co, SOFR + 2.1000%, 2.3930%, 6/2/28








Basic Industry – 0.9%


Alrosa Finance SA, 3.1000%, 6/25/27






BASF SE, 0.2500%, 6/5/27







Ecolab Inc, 4.8000%, 3/24/30






Firmenich Productions SAS, 1.3750%, 10/30/26







Firmenich Productions SAS, 1.7500%, 4/30/30







Givaudan Finance Europe BV, 1.6250%, 4/22/32









Capital Goods – 0.5%


BAE Systems PLC, 3.4000%, 4/15/30 (144A)






Mohawk Capital Finance SA, 1.7500%, 6/12/27







Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, 0.8750%, 6/5/23







Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, 0.3750%, 6/5/26









Communications – 2.5%


AT&T Inc, 2.7500%, 6/1/31






AT&T Inc, 3.8500%, 6/1/60






Comcast Corp, 3.1000%, 4/1/25






Comcast Corp, 1.9500%, 1/15/31






Comcast Corp, 2.8000%, 1/15/51






Pearson Funding PLC, 3.7500%, 6/4/30







SES SA, 2.0000%, 7/2/28







See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Communications – (continued)


Sky Ltd, 2.5000%, 9/15/26







Verizon Communications Inc, 3.2500%, 2/17/26







Verizon Communications Inc, 3.0000%, 3/22/27








Consumer Cyclical – 3.2%


Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, 3.4000%, 12/6/27






Amazon.com Inc, 2.7000%, 6/3/60






Conti-Gummi Finance BV, 1.1250%, 9/25/24







Dollar General Corp, 3.5000%, 4/3/30






General Motors Co, 5.4000%, 10/2/23






Home Depot Inc, 2.7000%, 4/15/30






NIKE Inc, 2.7500%, 3/27/27






Richemont International Holding SA, 1.0000%, 3/26/26







Target Corp, 2.6500%, 9/15/30






Tesco Corporate Treasury Services, 2.7500%, 4/27/30







Visa Inc, 1.9000%, 4/15/27






Volkswagen Leasing GmbH, 1.6250%, 8/15/25









Consumer Non-Cyclical – 5.5%


Agilent Technologies Inc, 2.1000%, 6/4/30






Altria Group Inc, 3.4000%, 5/6/30






Archer-Daniels-Midland Co, 2.7500%, 3/27/25






Baxter International Inc, 3.7500%, 10/1/25 (144A)






Biogen Inc, 2.2500%, 5/1/30






Campbell Soup Co, 2.3750%, 4/24/30






Clorox Co, 1.8000%, 5/15/30






Coca-Cola Co, 3.3750%, 3/25/27






Dentsply Sirona Inc, 3.2500%, 6/1/30






EssilorLuxottica SA, 0.3750%, 1/5/26







Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV, 3.5000%, 1/16/50






General Mills Inc, 2.8750%, 4/15/30






Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV, 4.0000%, 9/6/49






Hershey Co, 1.7000%, 6/1/30






Kellogg Co, 2.1000%, 6/1/30






Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SAB de CV, 2.4310%, 7/1/31 (144A)






Mars Inc, 4.1250%, 4/1/54 (144A)






McCormick & Co Inc/MD, 2.5000%, 4/15/30






Medtronic Global Holdings, 0.2500%, 7/2/25







Procter & Gamble Co, 3.0000%, 3/25/30






Sysco Corp, 5.9500%, 4/1/30






Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, 3.0000%, 11/21/30







Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, 2.0000%, 7/9/40







Upjohn Inc, 2.7000%, 6/22/30 (144A)








Electric – 0.8%


AEP Transmission Co LLC, 3.6500%, 4/1/50






Ameren Corp, 3.5000%, 1/15/31






Berkshire Hathaway Energy, 3.7000%, 7/15/30 (144A)






Black Hills Corp, 2.5000%, 6/15/30






East Ohio Gas Co/The, 1.3000%, 6/15/25 (144A)






East Ohio Gas Co/The, 2.0000%, 6/15/30 (144A)






East Ohio Gas Co/The, 3.0000%, 6/15/50 (144A)






Elia Transmission Belgium SA, 0.8750%, 4/28/30







IE2 Holdco SAU, 2.8750%, 6/1/26









Electrical Equipment – 0.4%


Signify NV, 2.3750%, 5/11/27







Energy – 1.0%


LUKOIL Securities BV, 3.8750%, 5/6/30 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Energy – (continued)


OMV AG, 0.7500%, 6/16/30







PTTEP Treasury Center Co Ltd, 2.5870%, 6/10/27 (144A)






Total Capital International SA, 3.1270%, 5/29/50








Financial Institutions – 0.3%


Akelius Residential Property AB, 1.1250%, 3/14/24







Government Sponsored – 3.1%


CNPC Global Capital Ltd, 1.3500%, 6/23/25






Deutsche Bahn Finance GMBH, 0.3750%, 6/23/29







Empresa de Transporte de Pasajeros Metro SA, 4.7000%, 5/7/50 (144A)






Enexis Holding NV, 0.7500%, 7/2/31







Equinor ASA, 3.0000%, 4/6/27






ESB Finance DAC, 2.1250%, 11/5/33







Gazprom PJSC, 3.0000%, 6/29/27






MDC - GMTN BV, 2.5000%, 5/21/26






MDC - GMTN BV, 3.9500%, 5/21/50






SABIC Capital II BV, 4.5000%, 10/10/28






SingTel Group Treasury Pte Ltd, 1.8750%, 6/10/30








Industrial – 0.5%


CPI Property Group SA, 1.4500%, 4/14/22







Globalworth Real Estate Investments Ltd, 2.8750%, 6/20/22









Insurance – 1.3%


Aia Group Ltd, 3.3750%, 4/7/30 (144A)






Aviva PLC,


UK Govt Bonds 5 Year Note Generic Bid Yield + 4.7000%, 4.0000%, 6/3/55







Direct Line Insurance Group PLC, 4.0000%, 6/5/32







Health Care Service Corp, 2.2000%, 6/1/30 (144A)






Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co, 3.3750%, 4/15/50 (144A)






PacifiCorp, 3.3000%, 3/15/51






Willis North America Inc, 2.9500%, 9/15/29








Multi-Utilities – 0.1%


Veolia Environnement SA, 0.8000%, 1/15/32







Natural Gas – 0.3%


Engie SA, 1.7500%, 3/27/28







Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 0.2%


Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield SE, 1.7500%, 7/1/49







Technology – 3.3%


Apple Inc, 2.6500%, 5/11/50






Applied Materials Inc, 1.7500%, 6/1/30






Baidu Inc, 3.0750%, 4/7/25






Baidu Inc, 3.4250%, 4/7/30






Equinix Inc, 2.1500%, 7/15/30






Fiserv Inc, 1.6250%, 7/1/30







Global Payments Inc, 2.9000%, 5/15/30






Infineon Technologies AG, 1.1250%, 6/24/26







Infor Inc, 1.4500%, 7/15/23 (144A)






Oracle Corp, 2.8000%, 4/1/27






PayPal Holdings Inc, 2.3000%, 6/1/30






Tencent Holdings Ltd, 3.2400%, 6/3/50 (144A)






VMware Inc, 4.6500%, 5/15/27








Tobacco – 0.2%


BAT Capital Corp, 4.7000%, 4/2/27






Transportation – 0.6%


Abertis Infraestructuras SA, 2.3750%, 9/27/27







Abertis Infraestructuras SA, 2.2500%, 3/29/29







See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Transportation – (continued)


United Parcel Service Inc, 4.4500%, 4/1/30








Water Utilities – 0.2%


Thames Water Utilities Finance PLC, 2.3750%, 4/22/40







Total Corporate Bonds (cost $67,686,071)




Foreign Government Bonds – 39.2%


Australia Government Bond, 3.0000%, 3/21/47







Canadian Government Bond, 2.2500%, 6/1/29







China Government Bond, 3.2900%, 5/23/29







China Government Bond, 3.8600%, 7/22/49







Emirate of Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, 3.8750%, 4/16/50 (144A)






French Republic Government Bond OAT, 4.0000%, 4/25/60







Indonesia Treasury Bond, 8.3750%, 3/15/34







Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, 0.9500%, 3/15/23







Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, 1.8500%, 7/1/25 (144A)







Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, 3.0000%, 8/1/29







Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, 3.4500%, 3/1/48 (144A)







Japan Government Forty Year Bond, 0.8000%, 3/20/58







Japan Government Ten Year Bond, 0.1000%, 12/20/29







Japan Government Thirty Year Bond, 0.5000%, 9/20/46







Japan Government Thirty Year Bond, 0.7000%, 6/20/48







Kingdom of Belgium Government Bond, 2.1500%, 6/22/66 (144A)







Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 3.7500%, 1/21/55






Mexican Bonos, 8.0000%, 12/7/23







Mexican Bonos, 8.0000%, 11/7/47







Province of British Columbia Canada, 2.8500%, 6/18/25







Province of Quebec Canada, 3.0000%, 9/1/23







Spain Government Bond, 3.8000%, 4/30/24 (144A)







Spain Government Bond, 0.6000%, 10/31/29 (144A)







Spain Government Bond, 1.2500%, 10/31/30 (144A)







State of Qatar, 4.4000%, 4/16/50 (144A)






United Kingdom Gilt, 1.6250%, 10/22/28







United Kingdom Gilt, 1.5000%, 7/22/47







United Mexican States, 3.9000%, 4/27/25






Total Foreign Government Bonds (cost $92,511,868)




Inflation-Indexed Bonds – 4.4%


Japanese Government CPI Linked Bond, 0.1000%, 3/10/29 (cost $10,880,921)







Mortgage-Backed Securities – 11.7%


Fannie Mae:


2.5000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






3.0000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






3.0000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity








Fannie Mae Pool:


2.5000%, 11/1/34






4.5000%, 11/1/42






3.0000%, 1/1/43






4.5000%, 10/1/44






4.5000%, 3/1/45






4.5000%, 6/1/45






4.5000%, 2/1/46






3.0000%, 3/1/46






3.0000%, 2/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Fannie Mae Pool – (continued)


4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 6/1/47






4.5000%, 6/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 8/1/47






4.5000%, 8/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.5000%, 10/1/47






4.5000%, 10/1/47






4.5000%, 11/1/47






4.0000%, 12/1/47






4.5000%, 3/1/48






4.5000%, 4/1/48






4.5000%, 5/1/48






4.5000%, 5/1/48






4.5000%, 6/1/48






3.0000%, 9/1/49






2.5000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 1/1/50






2.5000%, 3/1/50






3.0000%, 3/1/50






3.0000%, 2/1/57








Freddie Mac Gold Pool:


3.0000%, 6/1/43






4.5000%, 5/1/44








Freddie Mac Pool:


3.0000%, 5/1/31






3.0000%, 9/1/32






3.0000%, 10/1/32






3.0000%, 12/1/32






2.5000%, 4/1/33






2.5000%, 11/1/34






4.5000%, 7/1/48






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 12/1/49






3.0000%, 12/1/49






3.0000%, 12/1/49






2.5000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 2/1/50






3.0000%, 3/1/50






3.0000%, 3/1/50






3.0000%, 5/1/50








Ginnie Mae:


4.0000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Contract Amounts




Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Ginnie Mae II Pool:


4.0000%, 5/20/48






4.0000%, 6/20/48








Total Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $27,451,331)




United States Treasury Notes/Bonds – 7.9%


1.7500%, 11/30/21






0.3750%, 3/31/22






2.5000%, 1/31/24






2.6250%, 12/31/25






5.0000%, 5/15/37






Total United States Treasury Notes/Bonds (cost $17,841,183)




Investment Companies – 4.9%


Money Markets – 4.9%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº,£ (cost $11,801,575)






OTC Purchased Options – Puts – 0%


Counterparty/Reference Asset




MXN Currency,


Notional amount $4,500,000, premiums paid $102,150, unrealized depreciation $(102,150), exercise price $19.41, expires 7/3/20*








MXN Currency,


Notional amount $4,500,000, premiums paid $101,025, unrealized depreciation $(101,016), exercise price $19.30, expires 7/10/20*






Total OTC Purchased Options – Puts (premiums paid $203,175, unrealized depreciation $(203,166))




Total Investments (total cost $235,943,157) – 100.4%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (0.4)%




Net Assets – 100%




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States












United Kingdom








































































Saudi Arabia












United Arab Emirates
























Czech Republic






























Hong Kong






































See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 4.9%

Money Markets - 4.9%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - N/A

Investment Companies - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Total Affiliated Investments - 4.9%











at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 4.9%

Money Markets - 4.9%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - N/A

Investment Companies - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº










Schedule of Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts, Open



Foreign Currency



Foreign Currency

Amount (Sold)/



USD Currency

Amount (Sold)/



Market Value and





Bank of America, National Association:


Australian Dollar








British Pound








Canadian Dollar








Danish Krone
























Japanese Yen








Mexican Peso








New Zealand Dollar








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020



Foreign Currency



Foreign Currency

Amount (Sold)/



USD Currency

Amount (Sold)/



Market Value and








Barclays Capital, Inc.:


Australian Dollar








British Pound








Canadian Dollar
















Japanese Yen








Norwegian Krone








Swedish Krona










BNP Paribas:


British Pound








Canadian Dollar
















Japanese Yen








New Zealand Dollar








Norwegian Krone








Singapore Dollar








Swedish Krona










Citibank, National Association:


Australian Dollar








Australian Dollar








British Pound








British Pound








Canadian Dollar








Canadian Dollar
























Japanese Yen








Mexican Peso








Mexican Peso








New Zealand Dollar








Norwegian Krone








Swedish Krona










Credit Suisse International:


Swiss Franc








HSBC Securities (USA), Inc.:


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020



Foreign Currency



Foreign Currency

Amount (Sold)/



USD Currency

Amount (Sold)/



Market Value and





British Pound
















Japanese Yen








Mexican Peso








New Zealand Dollar








Norwegian Krone










JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association:


Australian Dollar








British Pound
























Japanese Yen








Korean Won








Mexican Peso








Norwegian Krone










Morgan Stanley & Co:


Polish Zloty













Schedule of Centrally Cleared Interest Rate Swaps

Payments made

by Fund

Payments received

by Fund






















0.7000% Fixed Rate














See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

The following table, grouped by derivative type, provides information about the fair value and location of derivatives within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of June 30, 2020.


Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020


















Interest Rate



Asset Derivatives:








Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





$ -



Purchased options, at value









Total Asset Derivatives





$ -



Liability Derivatives:








Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





$ -



Variation margin payable









Total Liability Derivatives





$ 16,367



The following tables provide information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Fund’s Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020.


The effect of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) on the Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020












Amount of Realized Gain/(Loss) Recognized on Derivatives







Interest Rate



Futures contracts


$ -


$ -


$ (38,784)


$ (38,784)

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts









Swap contracts
















$ 177,887























Amount of Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation Recognized on Derivatives







Interest Rate



Futures contracts


$ -


$ -


$ 18,704


$ 18,704

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts









Purchased options contracts









Swap contracts












$ -


$ (118,060)


$ 112,685


$ (5,375)

Please see the "Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments" and "Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation" sections of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Average Ending Monthly Market Value of Derivative Instruments During the Year Ended June 30, 2020




Market Value(a)

Credit default swaps, buy protection

$ 10,350

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, purchased


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, sold


Futures contracts, purchased


Futures contracts, sold


Interest rate swaps, receive fixed rate/pay floating rate


Purchased options contracts, put



(a) Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported as the average ending monthly currency amount purchased or sold.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Bloomberg Barclays Global

Aggregate Bond Index

Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index is a broad-based measure of the global investment grade fixed-rate debt markets.

AUD BBR 6M   Australian Bank Bill Swap Rate



Intercontinental Exchange


London Interbank Offered Rate


Limited Liability Company




Public Limited Company


Secured Overnight Financing Rate


(To Be Announced) Securities are purchased/sold on a forward commitment basis with an approximate principal amount and no defined maturity date. The actual principal and maturity date will be determined upon settlement when specific mortgage pools are assigned.



Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $25,202,029, which represents 10.5% of net assets.



Non-income producing security.


Variable or floating rate security. Rate shown is the current rate as of June 30, 2020. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread; they are determined by the issuer or agent and current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date and may vary by security, which may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities







Corporate Bonds







Foreign Government Bonds







Inflation-Indexed Bonds







Mortgage-Backed Securities







United States Treasury Notes/Bonds







Investment Companies







OTC Purchased Options – Puts







Total Investments in Securities







Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Total Assets









Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Variation Margin Payable







Total Liabilities









Other financial instruments include forward foreign currency exchange, futures, written options, written swaptions, and swap contracts. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported at their unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract's value from trade date. Futures, certain written options on futures, and centrally cleared swap contracts are reported at their variation margin at measurement date, which represents the amount due to/from the Fund at that date. Written options, written swaptions, and other swap contracts are reported at their market value at measurement date.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)






Affiliated investments, at value(2)






Purchased options, at value(3)












Deposits with brokers for centrally cleared derivatives






Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Closed foreign currency contracts






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation




















Fund shares sold







Investments sold







Dividends from affiliates






Other assets





Total Assets











Foreign cash due to custodian






Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Closed foreign currency contracts






Variation margin payable












Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Advisory fees







Professional fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







Custodian fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(5)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $223,938,407.

(2) Includes cost of $11,801,575.

(3) Premiums paid of $203,175.

(4) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(5) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/95.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:










Dividends from affiliates





Affiliated securities lending income, net





Other income





Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Non-affiliated fund administration fees





Professional fees





Custodian fees





Shareholder reports expense





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions(1)





Investments in affiliates





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Swap contracts




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Investments in affiliates





Purchased options contracts





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Swap contracts




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











(1) Includes realized foreign capital gains tax on investments of $(35,858).


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares








Total Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders








Return of Capital Dividends and Distributions









Class A Shares








Class C Shares








Class D Shares








Class I Shares








Class N Shares








Class S Shares








Class T Shares







Total Return of Capital Dividends and Distributions






Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Return of capital
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Return of capital
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.

(3) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Return of capital
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Return of capital
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Return of capital
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Return of capital
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Return of capital
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks total return, consistent with preservation of capital. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends are declared daily and distributed monthly for the Fund. Realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed in December. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Derivative Instruments

The Fund may invest in various types of derivatives, which may at times result in significant derivative exposure. A derivative is a financial instrument whose performance is derived from the performance of another asset. The Fund may invest in derivative instruments including, but not limited to: futures contracts, put options, call options, options on futures contracts, options on foreign currencies, options on recovery locks, options on security and commodity indices, swaps, forward contracts, structured investments, and other equity-linked derivatives. Each derivative instrument that was held by the Fund during the year ended June 30, 2020 is discussed in further detail below. A summary of derivative activity by the Fund is reflected in the tables at the end of the Schedule of Investments.

The Fund may use derivative instruments for hedging purposes (to offset risks associated with an investment, currency exposure, or market conditions), to adjust currency exposure relative to a benchmark index, or for speculative purposes (to earn income and seek to enhance returns). When the Fund invests in a derivative for speculative purposes, the Fund will be fully exposed to the risks of loss of that derivative, which may sometimes be greater than the derivative’s cost. The Fund may not use any derivative to gain exposure to an asset or class of assets that it would be prohibited by its investment restrictions from purchasing directly. The Fund’s ability to use derivative instruments may also be limited by tax considerations.

Investments in derivatives in general are subject to market risks that may cause their prices to fluctuate over time. Investments in derivatives may not directly correlate with the price movements of the underlying instrument. As a result, the use of derivatives may expose the Fund to additional risks that it would not be subject to if it invested directly in the securities underlying those derivatives. The use of derivatives may result in larger losses or smaller gains than otherwise would be the case. Derivatives can be volatile and may involve significant risks.

In pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease exposure to the following market risk factors:

· Commodity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of commodities or commodity-linked investments due to changes in the overall market movements, volatility of the underlying benchmark, changes in interest rates, or


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

other factors affecting a particular industry or commodity such as drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs, and international economic, political, and regulatory developments.

· Counterparty Risk – the risk that the counterparty (the party on the other side of the transaction) on a derivative transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation to the Fund.

· Credit Risk – the risk an issuer will be unable to make principal and interest payments when due, or will default on its obligations.

· Currency Risk – the risk that changes in the exchange rate between currencies will adversely affect the value (in U.S. dollar terms) of an investment.

· Equity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

· Index Risk – if the derivative is linked to the performance of an index, it will be subject to the risks associated with changes in that index. If the index changes, the Fund could receive lower interest payments or experience a reduction in the value of the derivative to below what the Fund paid. Certain indexed securities, including inverse securities (which move in an opposite direction to the index), may create leverage, to the extent that they increase or decrease in value at a rate that is a multiple of the changes in the applicable index.

· Interest Rate Risk – the risk that the value of fixed-income securities will generally decline as prevailing interest rates rise, which may cause the Fund’s NAV to likewise decrease.

· Leverage Risk – the risk associated with certain types of leveraged investments or trading strategies pursuant to which relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of an investment. The Fund creates leverage by investing in instruments, including derivatives, where the investment loss can exceed the original amount invested. Certain investments or trading strategies, such as short sales, that involve leverage can result in losses that greatly exceed the amount originally invested.

· Liquidity Risk – the risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time that the seller would like or at the price that the seller believes the security is currently worth.

Derivatives may generally be traded OTC or on an exchange. Derivatives traded OTC are agreements that are individually negotiated between parties and can be tailored to meet a purchaser’s needs. OTC derivatives are not guaranteed by a clearing agency and may be subject to increased credit risk.

In an effort to mitigate credit risk associated with derivatives traded OTC, the Fund may enter into collateral agreements with certain counterparties whereby, subject to certain minimum exposure requirements, the Fund may require the counterparty to post collateral if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on all OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. Additionally, the Fund may deposit cash and/or treasuries as collateral with the counterparty and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. All liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to certain exchange-traded derivatives, centrally cleared derivatives, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, short sales, and/or securities with extended settlement dates. There is no guarantee that counterparty exposure is reduced and these arrangements are dependent on Janus Capital's ability to establish and maintain appropriate systems and trading.

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts

A forward foreign currency exchange contract (“forward currency contract”) is an obligation to buy or sell a specified currency at a future date at a negotiated rate (which may be U.S. dollars or a foreign currency). The Fund may enter into forward currency contracts for hedging purposes, including, but not limited to, reducing exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on foreign portfolio holdings and locking in the U.S. dollar cost of firm purchase and sale commitments for securities denominated in or exposed to foreign currencies. The Fund may also invest in forward currency contracts for non-hedging purposes such as seeking to enhance returns. The Fund is subject to currency risk and counterparty risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in forward currency contracts.

Forward currency contracts are valued by converting the foreign value to U.S. dollars by using the current spot U.S. dollar exchange rate and/or forward rate for that currency. Exchange and forward rates as of the close of the NYSE



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

shall be used to value the forward currency contracts. The unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) for forward currency contracts is reported in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as a receivable or payable and in the Statement of Operations for the change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation (if applicable). The gain or loss arising from the difference between the U.S. dollar cost of the original contract and the value of the foreign currency in U.S. dollars upon closing a forward currency contract is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to purchase foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to take a positive outlook on the related currency. These forward contracts seek to increase exposure to currency risk.

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to purchase foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to decrease exposure to currency risk associated with foreign currency denominated securities held by the Fund.

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to sell foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to take a negative outlook on the related currency. These forward contracts seek to increase exposure to currency risk.

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to sell foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to decrease exposure to currency risk associated with foreign currency denominated securities held by the Fund.

Futures Contracts

A futures contract is an exchange-traded agreement to take or make delivery of an underlying asset at a specific time in the future for a specific predetermined negotiated price. The Fund may enter into futures contracts to gain exposure to the stock market or other markets pending investment of cash balances or to meet liquidity needs. The Fund is subject to interest rate risk, equity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in futures contracts. The Fund may also use such derivative instruments to hedge or protect from adverse movements in securities prices, currency rates or interest rates. The use of futures contracts may involve risks such as the possibility of illiquid markets or imperfect correlation between the values of the contracts and the underlying securities, or that the counterparty will fail to perform its obligations.

Futures contracts on commodities are valued at the settlement price on valuation date on the commodities exchange as reported by an approved vendor. Mini contracts, as defined in the description of the contract, shall be valued using the Actual Settlement Price or “ASET” price type as reported by an approved vendor. In the event that foreign futures trade when the foreign equity markets are closed, the last foreign futures trade price shall be used. Futures contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). When a contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable), equal to the difference between the opening and closing value of the contract. Securities held by the Fund that are designated as collateral for market value on futures contracts are noted on the Schedule of Investments (if applicable). Such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s futures commission merchant.

With futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since futures are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees the futures against default.

During the year, the Fund purchased interest rate futures to increase exposure to interest rate risk.

During the year, the Fund sold interest rate futures to decrease exposure to interest rate risk.

There were no futures held at June 30, 2020.

Options Contracts

An options contract provides the purchaser with the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option) a financial instrument at an agreed upon price on or before a specified date. The purchaser pays a premium to the seller for this right. The seller has the corresponding obligation to sell or buy a financial instrument if the purchaser (owner) "exercises" the option. When an option is exercised, the proceeds on sales for a written call option, the purchase cost for a written put option, or the cost of the security for a purchased put or call option are adjusted by the amount of premium received or paid. Upon expiration, or closing of the option transaction, a realized gain or loss is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). The difference between the premium paid/received and the market value of the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

option is recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation. The net change in unrealized appreciation or depreciation is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). Option contracts are typically valued using an approved vendor’s option valuation model. To the extent reliable market quotations are available, option contracts are valued using market quotations. In cases when an approved vendor cannot provide coverage for an option and there is no reliable market quotation, a broker quotation or an internal valuation using the Black-Scholes model, the Cox-Rubinstein Binomial Option Pricing Model, or other appropriate option pricing model is used. Certain options contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as “Variation margin receivable” or “Variation margin payable” (if applicable).

The Fund may use options contracts to hedge against changes in interest rates, the values of equities, or foreign currencies. The Fund generally invests in options to hedge against adverse movements in the value of portfolio holdings. The use of such instruments may involve certain additional risks as a result of unanticipated movements in the market. A lack of correlation between the value of an instrument underlying an option and the asset being hedged, or unexpected adverse price movements, could render the Fund’s hedging strategy unsuccessful. In addition, there can be no assurance that a liquid secondary market will exist for any option purchased or sold. The Fund may be subject to counterparty risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, equity risk, commodity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in options contracts.

Options traded on an exchange are regulated and the terms of the options are standardized. Options traded OTC expose the Fund to counterparty risk in the event that the counterparty does not perform. This risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by having the counterparty post collateral to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.

The Fund may purchase put options to hedge against a decline in the value of its portfolio. By using put options in this way, the Fund will reduce any profit it might otherwise have realized in the underlying security by the amount of the premium paid for the put option and by transaction costs. The Fund may purchase call options to hedge against an increase in the price of securities that it may buy in the future. The premium paid for the call option plus any transaction costs will reduce the benefit, if any, realized by the Fund upon exercise of the option, and, unless the price of the underlying security rises sufficiently, the option may expire worthless to the Fund. The risk in buying options is that the Fund pays a premium whether or not the options are exercised. Options purchased are reported in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

During the year, the Fund purchased put options on foreign exchange rates vs. the U.S. dollar in order to decrease foreign currency exposure and increase U.S. dollar exposure where decreasing this exposure via the options market was most attractive.


Swap agreements are two-party contracts entered into primarily by institutional investors for periods ranging from a day to more than one year to exchange one set of cash flows for another. The most significant factor in the performance of swap agreements is the change in value of the specific index, security, or currency, or other factors that determine the amounts of payments due to and from the Fund. The use of swaps is a highly specialized activity which involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio securities transactions. Swap transactions may in some instances involve the delivery of securities or other underlying assets by the Fund or its counterparty to collateralize obligations under the swap. If the other party to a swap that is not collateralized defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. Swap agreements entail the risk that a party will default on its payment obligations to the Fund. If the other party to a swap defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. If the Fund utilizes a swap at the wrong time or judges market conditions incorrectly, the swap may result in a loss to the Fund and reduce the Fund’s total return.

Swap agreements also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty. Swap agreements are typically privately negotiated and entered into in the OTC market. However, certain swap agreements are required to be cleared through a clearinghouse and traded on an exchange or swap execution facility. Swaps that are required to be cleared are required to post initial and variation margins in accordance with the exchange requirements. Regulations enacted require the Fund to centrally clear certain interest rate and credit default index swaps through a clearinghouse or central counterparty (“CCP”). To clear a swap with a CCP, the Fund will submit the swap to, and post collateral with, a futures clearing merchant (“FCM”) that is a clearinghouse member. Alternatively, the



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Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Fund may enter into a swap with a financial institution other than the FCM (the “Executing Dealer”) and arrange for the swap to be transferred to the FCM for clearing. The Fund may also enter into a swap with the FCM itself. The CCP, the FCM, and the Executing Dealer are all subject to regulatory oversight by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”). A default or failure by a CCP or an FCM, or the failure of a swap to be transferred from an Executing Dealer to the FCM for clearing, may expose the Fund to losses, increase its costs, or prevent the Fund from entering or exiting swap positions, accessing collateral, or fully implementing its investment strategies. The regulatory requirement to clear certain swaps could, either temporarily or permanently, reduce the liquidity of cleared swaps or increase the costs of entering into those swaps.

Index swaps, interest rate swaps, and credit default swaps are valued using an approved vendor supplied price. Basket swaps are valued using a broker supplied price. Equity swaps that consist of a single underlying equity are valued either at the closing price, the latest bid price, or the last sale price on the primary market or exchange it trades. The market value of swap contracts are aggregated by positive and negative values and are disclosed separately as an asset or liability on the Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). Realized gains and losses are reported on the Fund’s Statement of Operations (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation or depreciation during the year is included in the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty risk or credit risk is the discounted value of the payments to be received from/paid to the counterparty over the contract’s remaining life, to the extent that the amount is positive. The risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.

The Fund may enter into various types of credit default swap agreements, including OTC credit default swap agreements and index credit default swaps (“CDX”), for investment purposes and to add leverage to its portfolio. Credit default swaps are a specific kind of counterparty agreement that allow the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to the other. One party in the swap is a lender and faces credit risk from a third party, and the counterparty in the credit default swap agrees to insure this risk in exchange for regular periodic payments. Credit default swaps could result in losses if the Fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of the company or companies on which the credit default swap is based. Credit default swap agreements may involve greater risks than if the Fund had invested in the reference obligation directly since, in addition to risks relating to the reference obligation, credit default swaps are subject to liquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk. The Fund will generally incur a greater degree of risk when it sells a credit default swap than when it purchases a credit default swap. As a buyer of a credit default swap, the Fund may lose its investment and recover nothing should no credit event occur and the swap is held to its termination date. As seller of a credit default swap, if a credit event were to occur, the value of any deliverable obligation received by the Fund, coupled with the upfront or periodic payments previously received, may be less than what it pays to the buyer, resulting in a loss of value to the Fund.

As a buyer of credit protection, the Fund is entitled to receive the par (or other agreed-upon) value of a referenced debt obligation from the counterparty to the contract in the event of a default or other credit event by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund as buyer would pay to the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no credit event has occurred. If no credit event occurs, the Fund would have spent the stream of payments and potentially received no benefit from the contract.

If the Fund is the seller of credit protection against a particular security, the Fund would receive an up-front or periodic payment to compensate against potential credit events. As the seller in a credit default swap contract, the Fund would be required to pay the par value (the “notional value”) (or other agreed-upon value) of a referenced debt obligation to the counterparty in the event of a default by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign corporate issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund would receive from the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no event of default has occurred. If no default occurs, the Fund would keep the stream of payments and would have no payment obligations. As the seller, the Fund would effectively add leverage to its portfolio because, in addition to its total net assets, the Fund would be subject to investment exposure on the notional value of the swap. The maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) that the Fund as a seller could be required to make in a credit default transaction would be the notional amount of the agreement.

The Fund may invest in single-name credit default swaps (“CDS”) to buy or sell credit protection to hedge its credit exposure, gain issuer exposure without owning the underlying security, or increase the Fund’s total return. Single-name CDS enable the Fund to buy or sell protection against a credit event of a specific issuer. When the Fund buys a single-


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Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

name CDS, the Fund will receive a return on its investment only in the event of a credit event, such as default by the issuer of the underlying obligation (as opposed to a credit downgrade or other indication of financial difficulty). If a single-name CDS transaction is particularly large, or if the relevant market is illiquid, it may not be possible for the Fund to initiate a single-name CDS transaction or to liquidate its position at an advantageous time or price, which may result in significant losses. Moreover, the Fund bears the risk of loss of the amount expected to be received under a single-name CDS in the event of the default or bankruptcy of the counterparty. The risks associated with cleared single-name CDS may be lower than that for uncleared single-name CDS because for cleared single-name CDS, the counterparty is a clearinghouse (to the extent such a trading market is available). However, there can be no assurance that a clearinghouse or its members will satisfy their obligations to the Fund.

The Fund may invest in CDXs. A CDX is a swap on an index of credit default swaps. CDXs allow an investor to manage credit risk or take a position on a basket of credit entities (such as credit default swaps or commercial mortgage-backed securities) in a more efficient manner than transacting in a single-name CDS. If a credit event occurs in one of the underlying companies, the protection is paid out via the delivery of the defaulted bond by the buyer of protection in return for a payment of notional value of the defaulted bond by the seller of protection or it may be settled through a cash settlement between the two parties. The underlying company is then removed from the index. If the Fund holds a long position in a CDX, the Fund would indirectly bear its proportionate share of any expenses paid by a CDX. A Fund holding a long position in CDXs typically receives income from principal or interest paid on the underlying securities. By investing in CDXs, the Fund could be exposed to illiquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk of the issuers of the underlying loan obligations and of the CDX markets. If there is a default by the CDX counterparty, the Fund will have contractual remedies pursuant to the agreements related to the transaction. CDXs also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty.

During the year, the Fund purchased protection via the credit default swap market in order to reduce credit risk exposure to individual corporates, countries and/or credit indices where reducing this exposure via the cash bond market was less attractive.

The Fund’s use of interest rate swaps involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio security transactions. Interest rate swaps do not involve the delivery of securities, other underlying assets, or principal. Interest rate swaps involve the exchange by two parties of their respective commitments to pay or receive interest (e.g., an exchange of floating rate payments for fixed rate payments). Interest rate swaps may result in potential losses if interest rates do not move as expected or if the counterparties are unable to satisfy their obligations. Interest rate swaps are generally entered into on a net basis. Accordingly, the risk of loss with respect to interest rate swaps is limited to the net amount of interest payments that the Fund is contractually obligated to make.

During the year, the Fund entered into interest rate swaps paying a floating interest rate and receiving a fixed interest rate in order to increase interest rate risk (duration) exposure. As interest rates fall, the Fund benefits by paying a lower future floating rate, while receiving a fixed rate that has not decreased.

There were no credit default swaps held at June 30, 2020.

3. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

The Fund may be invested in lower-rated debt securities that have a higher risk of default or loss of value since these securities may be sensitive to economic changes, political changes, or adverse developments specific to the issuer.

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such



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Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Emerging Market Investing

Within the parameters of its specific investment policies, the Fund may invest in securities of issuers or companies from or with exposure to one or more “developing countries” or “emerging market countries.” To the extent that the Fund invests a significant amount of its assets in one or more of these countries, its returns and net asset value may be affected to a large degree by events and economic conditions in such countries. The risks of foreign investing are heightened when investing in emerging markets, which may result in the price of investments in emerging markets experiencing sudden and sharp price swings. In many developing markets, there is less government supervision and regulation of business and industry practices (including the potential lack of strict finance and accounting controls and standards), stock exchanges, brokers, and listed companies, making these investments potentially more volatile in price and less liquid than investments in developed securities markets, resulting in greater risk to investors. There is a risk in developing countries that a future economic or political crisis could lead to price controls, forced mergers of companies, expropriation or confiscatory taxation, imposition or enforcement of foreign ownership limits, seizure, nationalization, sanctions or imposition of restrictions by various governmental entities on investment and trading, or creation of government monopolies, any of which may have a detrimental effect on the Fund’s investments. In addition, the Fund’s investments may be denominated in foreign currencies and therefore, changes in the value of a country’s currency compared to the U.S. dollar may affect the value of the Fund’s investments. To the extent that the Fund invests a significant portion of its assets in the securities of issuers in or companies of a single country or region, it is more likely to be impacted by events or conditions affecting that country or region, which could have a negative impact on the Fund’s performance.

Inflation-Linked Securities

The Fund may invest in inflation-indexed bonds, including municipal inflation-indexed bonds and corporate inflation-indexed bonds, or in derivatives that are linked to these securities. Inflation-linked bonds are fixed-income securities that have a principal value that is periodically adjusted according to the rate of inflation. If an index measuring inflation falls, the principal value of inflation-indexed bonds will typically be adjusted downward, and consequently the interest payable on these securities (calculated with respect to a smaller principal amount) will be reduced. Because of their inflation adjustment feature, inflation-linked bonds typically have lower yields than conventional fixed-rate bonds. In addition, inflation-linked bonds also normally decline in price when real interest rates rise. In the event of deflation, when prices decline over time, the principal and income of inflation-linked bonds would likely decline, resulting in losses to the Fund.

In the case of Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, also known as TIPS, repayment of original bond principal upon maturity (as adjusted for inflation) is guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury. For inflation-linked bonds that do not provide a similar guarantee, the adjusted principal value of the inflation-linked bond repaid at maturity may be less than the original principal. Other non-U.S. sovereign governments also issue inflation-linked securities (sometimes referred to as “linkers”) that are tied to their own local consumer price indices. In certain of these non-U.S. jurisdictions, the repayment of the original bond principal upon the maturity of an inflation-linked bond is not guaranteed, allowing for the amount of the bond repaid at maturity to be less than par. Inflation-linked bonds may also be issued by, or related to, sovereign governments of other developed countries, emerging market countries, or companies or other entities not affiliated with governments.

Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Securities

Mortgage- and asset-backed securities represent interests in “pools” of commercial or residential mortgages or other assets, including consumer loans or receivables. The Fund may purchase fixed or variable rate commercial or residential mortgage-backed securities issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), or other governmental or government-related entities. Ginnie Mae’s guarantees are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government, which means that the U.S. Government guarantees that the interest and principal will be paid when due. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. In September 2008, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”), an agency of the U.S. Government, placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under conservatorship. Since that time, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have received capital support through U.S. Treasury preferred stock purchases, and Treasury and Federal Reserve purchases of their mortgage-backed securities. The FHFA and the U.S. Treasury have imposed strict limits on the size of these entities’ mortgage



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Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

portfolios. The FHFA has the power to cancel any contract entered into by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac prior to FHFA’s appointment as conservator or receiver, including the guarantee obligations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The Fund may also purchase other mortgage- and asset-backed securities through single- and multi-seller conduits, collateralized debt obligations, structured investment vehicles, and other similar securities. Asset-backed securities may be backed by various consumer obligations, including automobile loans, equipment leases, credit card receivables, or other collateral. In the event the underlying loans are not paid, the securities’ issuer could be forced to sell the assets and recognize losses on such assets, which could impact your return. Unlike traditional debt instruments, payments on these securities include both interest and a partial payment of principal. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities are subject to both extension risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations more slowly in times of rising interest rates, and prepayment risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations sooner than expected in times of declining interest rates. These risks may reduce the Fund’s returns. In addition, investments in mortgage- and asset-backed securities, including those comprised of subprime mortgages, may be subject to a higher degree of credit risk, valuation risk, and liquidity risk than various other types of fixed-income securities. Additionally, although mortgage-backed securities are generally supported by some form of government or private guarantee and/or insurance, there is no assurance that guarantors or insurers will meet their obligations.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

In order to better define its contractual rights and to secure rights that will help the Fund mitigate its counterparty risk, the Fund has entered into an International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreement (“ISDA Master Agreement”) or similar agreement with its derivative contract counterparties. An ISDA Master Agreement is a bilateral agreement between the Fund and a counterparty that governs OTC derivatives and forward foreign currency exchange contracts and typically contains, among other things, collateral posting terms and netting provisions in the event of a default and/or termination event. Under an ISDA Master Agreement, in the event of a default and/or termination event, the Fund may offset with each counterparty certain derivative financial instruments’ payables and/or receivables with collateral held and/or posted and create one single net payment.

The following table present gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the “Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020” table located in the Fund’s Schedule of Investments.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Bank of America, National Association








Barclays Capital, Inc.







BNP Paribas







Citibank, National Association














Credit Suisse International







HSBC Securities (USA), Inc.







JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association

















Offsetting of Financial Liabilities and Derivative Liabilities


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Bank of America, National Association







Barclays Capital, Inc.








BNP Paribas








Citibank, National Association








HSBC Securities (USA), Inc.








JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association







Morgan Stanley & Co

















Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

The Fund generally does not exchange collateral on its forward foreign currency contracts with its counterparties; however, all liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to these contracts. Certain securities may be segregated at the Fund’s custodian. These segregated securities are denoted on the accompanying Schedule of Investments and are evaluated daily to ensure their cover and/or market value equals or exceeds the Fund’s corresponding forward foreign currency exchange contract's obligation value.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). If the Fund is unable to recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues. Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations.

There were no securities on loan as of June 30, 2020.

Sovereign Debt

The Fund may invest in U.S. and non-U.S. government debt securities (“sovereign debt”). Some investments in sovereign debt, such as U.S. sovereign debt, are considered low risk. However, investments in sovereign debt, especially the debt of less developed countries, can involve a high degree of risk, including the risk that the governmental entity that


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

controls the repayment of sovereign debt may not be willing or able to repay the principal and/or to pay the interest on its sovereign debt in a timely manner. A sovereign debtor’s willingness or ability to satisfy its debt obligation may be affected by various factors including, but not limited to, its cash flow situation, the extent of its foreign currency reserves, the availability of foreign exchange when a payment is due, the relative size of its debt position in relation to its economy as a whole, the sovereign debtor’s policy toward international lenders, and local political constraints to which the governmental entity may be subject. Sovereign debtors may also be dependent on expected disbursements from foreign governments, multilateral agencies, and other entities. The failure of a sovereign debtor to implement economic reforms, achieve specified levels of economic performance, or repay principal or interest when due may result in the cancellation of third party commitments to lend funds to the sovereign debtor, which may further impair such debtor’s ability or willingness to timely service its debts. The Fund may be requested to participate in the rescheduling of such sovereign debt and to extend further loans to governmental entities, which may adversely affect the Fund’s holdings. In the event of default, there may be limited or no legal remedies for collecting sovereign debt and there may be no bankruptcy proceedings through which the Fund may collect all or part of the sovereign debt that a governmental entity has not repaid. In addition, to the extent the Fund invests in non-U.S. sovereign debt, it may be subject to currency risk.

TBA Commitments

The Fund may enter into “to be announced” or “TBA” commitments. TBAs are forward agreements for the purchase or sale of securities, including mortgage-backed securities, for a fixed price, with payment and delivery on an agreed upon future settlement date. The specific securities to be delivered are not identified at the trade date. However, delivered securities must meet specified terms, including issuer, rate, and mortgage terms. Although the particular TBA securities must meet industry-accepted “good delivery” standards, there can be no assurance that a security purchased on forward commitment basis will ultimately be issued or delivered by the counterparty. During the settlement period, the Fund will still bear the risk of any decline in the value of the security to be delivered. Because TBA commitments do not require the purchase and sale of identical securities, the characteristics of the security delivered to the Fund may be less favorable than the security delivered to the dealer. If the counterparty to a transaction fails to deliver the security, the Fund could suffer a loss.

When-Issued, Delayed Delivery and Forward Commitment Transactions

The Fund may purchase or sell securities on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis. When purchasing a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership of the security, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations, and takes such fluctuations into account when determining its net asset value. Typically, no income accrues on securities the Fund has committed to purchase prior to the time delivery of the securities is made. Because the Fund is not required to pay for the security until the delivery date, these risks are in addition to the risks associated with the Fund’s other investments. If the other party to a transaction fails to deliver the securities, the Fund could miss a favorable price or yield opportunity. If the Fund remains substantially fully invested at a time when when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment purchases are outstanding, the purchases may result in a form of leverage.

When the Fund has sold a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund does not participate in future gains or losses with respect to the security. If the other party to a transaction fails to pay for the securities, the Fund could suffer a loss. Additionally, when selling a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis without owning the security, the Fund will incur a loss if the security’s price appreciates in value such that the security’s price is above the agreed upon price on the settlement date. The Fund may dispose of or renegotiate a transaction after it is entered into, and may purchase or sell when-issued, delayed delivery or forward commitment securities before the settlement date, which may result in a gain or loss.

4. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The following table reflects the Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate).


Average Daily Net

Assets of the Fund

Contractual Investment

Advisory Fee (%)

First $1 Billion


Next $1 Billion


Over $2 Billion




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The Fund’s actual investment advisory fee rate for the reporting period was 0.60% of average annual net assets before any applicable waivers.

Janus Capital has entered into a personnel-sharing arrangement with its foreign (non-U.S.) affiliate, Janus Capital International Limited (UK) (“JCIL”), pursuant to which one or more employees of JCIL may also serve as “associated persons” of Janus Capital. In this capacity, such employees of JCIL are subject to the oversight and supervision of Janus Capital and may provide portfolio management, research, and related services to the Fund on behalf of Janus Capital. The responsibilities of both Janus Capital and JCIL under the participating affiliate arrangement are documented in a memorandum of understanding between the two entities.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.59% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act and related rules, the Fund may participate in an affiliated or non-affiliated cash sweep program. In the cash sweep program, uninvested cash balances of the Fund may be used to purchase shares of affiliated or non-affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles that operate as money market funds. The Fund is eligible to participate in the cash sweep program (the “Investing Funds”). As adviser, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest because of its fiduciary duties to the affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles and the Investing Funds. Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC (the “Sweep Vehicle”) is an affiliated unregistered cash management pooled investment vehicle that invests primarily in highly-rated short-term fixed-income securities. The Sweep Vehicle operates pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act that govern the operation of money market funds and prices its shares at NAV reflecting market-based values of its portfolio securities (i.e., a “floating” NAV) rounded to the fourth decimal place (e.g., $1.0000). The Sweep Vehicle is permitted to impose a liquidity fee (of up to 2%) on redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle or a redemption gate that temporarily suspends redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period. There are no restrictions on the Fund's ability to withdraw investments from the Sweep Vehicle at will, and there are no unfunded capital commitments due from the Fund to the Sweep Vehicle. The Sweep Vehicle does not charge any management fee, sales charge or service fee.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 4.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $84.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $71.

As of June 30, 2020, shares of the Fund were owned by affiliates of Janus Henderson Investors, and/or other funds advised by Janus Henderson, as indicated in the table below:



% of Class Owned


% of Fund Owned



Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares







Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

In addition, other shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with US GAAP).

The Fund is permitted to purchase or sell securities (“cross-trade”) between itself and other funds or accounts managed by Janus Capital in accordance with Rule 17a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Rule 17a-7”), when the transaction is consistent with the investment objectives and policies of the Fund and in accordance with the Internal Cross Trade Procedures adopted by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. These procedures have been designed to ensure that any cross-trade of securities by the Fund from or to another fund or account that is or could be considered an affiliate of the Fund under certain limited circumstances by virtue of having a common investment adviser, common Officer, or common Trustee complies with Rule 17a-7. Under these procedures, each cross-trade is effected at the current market price to save costs where allowed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, the Fund engaged in cross trades amounting to $1,469,737 in purchases.

5. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation, derivatives, and foreign currency contract adjustments. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 4,827,614

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ 84,719

$ 2,501,220


During the year ended June 30, 2020, capital loss carryovers of $6,503,117 were utilized by the Fund. There are no unused capital loss carryovers.

The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals and investments in partnerships.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 238,008,891

$ 5,508,434

$ (3,007,214)

$ 2,501,220

Information on the tax components of derivatives as of June 30, 2020 is as follows:


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ (226,524)

$ 93,981

$ (6,103)

$ 87,878

Tax cost of investments and unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) may also include timing differences that do not constitute adjustments to tax basis.

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

sale losses, foreign currency transactions, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 3,244,375

$ -

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 2,538,556

$ -

$ 1,294,012

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ -

$ 3,343,702

$ (3,343,702)


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

6. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 950,378



$ 115,389

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 102,094



$ (879,234)

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 456,402



$ 127,674

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (232,787)



$ (802,777)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 18,783,809



$ 2,441,073

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 7,949,586



$ (1,960,827)

Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 19,914,808



$ 8,274,224

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 5,896,218



$ (2,937,981)

Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 15,491,114



$ 2,661,192

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)






Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 110,789



$ 82,828

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (195,668)



$ (134,158)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 25,921,844



$ 808,076

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 23,452,919



$ (1,652,437)

7. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations


$ 181,916,411

$ 104,142,044

$ 142,471,233

8. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08") to amend the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

amortization period for certain purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. The guidance requires certain premiums on callable debt securities to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amortization period for callable debt securities purchased at a discount will not be impacted. The amendments are effective for fiscal years and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has adopted the amendments as of the beginning of this fiscal period.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

9. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

10. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the "Fund") as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agent, and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Christopher H. Diaz
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund


Co-Head of Global Bonds of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts. Formerly, Portfolio Manager at Voya Financial (2000-2011).

Andrew Mulliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund


Head of Global Aggregate Strategies of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

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125-02-93023 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)



Intech’s active approach focuses on adding value by selecting stocks with unique volatility characteristics and low correlations to one another.


sub-advised by

Intech Investment

Management LLC



For the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund’s Class I Shares returned -3.38%. This compares to the 2.84% return posted by the MSCI World IndexSM, the Fund’s primary benchmark, and a -6.00% return for its secondary benchmark, the MSCI World High Dividend Yield IndexSM.


Intech’s mathematical investment process is designed to determine potentially more efficient equity weightings of the securities in the benchmark Index, utilizing a specific mathematical optimization and disciplined rebalancing routine. Rather than trying to predict the future direction of stock prices, the process seeks to use the volatility and correlation characteristics of stocks to construct portfolios.

The investment process begins with the stocks in the MSCI World High Dividend Yield Index. Intech’s investment process aims to capture stocks’ natural volatility through a rebalancing mechanism based on estimates of relative volatility and correlation in order to outperform the benchmark index over the long term. Within specific risk constraints, the investment process will tend to favor stocks with higher relative volatility and lower correlation as they offer more potential to capture volatility through periodic rebalancing. Once the target proportions are determined and the portfolio is constructed, it is then rebalanced to those target proportions and re-optimized on a periodic basis. The Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund focuses on seeking an excess return above the benchmark, while also reducing or managing the Fund’s standard deviation depending on the market conditions, a strategy designed to manage the absolute risk of the portfolio.


Global equity markets experienced an uptick in volatility and experienced a significant sell-off in the first quarter of 2020 amid concerns over the global economic impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus. However, markets quickly rebounded in the second quarter of 2020 as investor sentiment improved as lockdown restrictions began to loosen and many countries began the reopening process. Overall, the global developed equity market posted a 2.84% return over the past 12 months, while yield-oriented segments of the market lagged, with the MSCI World High Dividend Yield Index declining by 6% over the same time period.

While the Fund’s overall smaller size positioning was a detractor as larger-capitalization stocks outperformed, the Fund benefited from its defensive positioning and provided some much-needed downside protection, and outperformed the MSCI World High Dividend Yield Index during the period. Specifically, an average overweight to lower-beta stocks and underweight to higher-beta stocks was a tailwind for the Fund’s relative performance. From a sector perspective, the Fund benefited from an average overweight to the defensive utilities sector, as well as an underweight to energy, which was the worst-performing sector overall, during the period.


Because Intech does not conduct traditional economic or fundamental analysis, Intech has no view on individual stocks, sectors, economic or market conditions.

Managing downside exposure potentially allows for returns to compound and improve risk-adjusted returns over time. The Fund’s long-term investment objective is to produce an excess return over the benchmark with lower absolute risk. Going forward, we will continue building portfolios in a disciplined and deliberate manner, with risk management remaining the hallmark of our investment process. As Intech’s ongoing research efforts yield


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)

modest improvements, we will continue implementing changes that we believe may improve the long-term results for our fund shareholders.

Thank you for your investment in Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


5 Largest Equity Holdings - (% of Net Assets)

Kimberly-Clark Corp


Household Products


General Mills Inc


Food Products


Fortescue Metals Group Ltd


Metals & Mining


WEC Energy Group Inc




Kellogg Co


Food Products





Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Common Stocks



Investment Companies









Top Country Allocations - Long Positions - (% of Investment Securities)

As of June 30, 2020

As of June 30, 2019


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.




















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios








Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV









Class A Shares at MOP









Class C Shares at NAV









Class C Shares at CDSC









Class D Shares(1)









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









MSCI World Index









MSCI World High Dividend Yield Index









Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares









Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for World Large Stock Funds









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)


companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

Intech's focus on managed volatility may keep the Fund from achieving excess returns over its index. The strategy may underperform during certain periods of up markets, and may not achieve the desired level of protection in down markets.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class N Shares commenced operations on August 4, 2017. Performance shown for periods prior to August 4, 2017 reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class N Shares, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If Class N Shares of the Fund had been available during periods prior to August 4, 2017, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement Class N Shares reflects the fees and expenses of Class N Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

*The Fund’s inception date – December 15, 2011

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Common Stocks – 98.7%


Airlines – 0%


Japan Airlines Co Ltd






Auto Components – 0%


Bridgestone Corp






Banks – 3.2%


Hang Seng Bank Ltd






Seven Bank Ltd








Biotechnology – 1.0%


Gilead Sciences Inc






Chemicals – 0.4%


Kuraray Co Ltd






Diversified Telecommunication Services – 12.6%


BT Group PLC






Elisa OYJ






HKT Trust & HKT Ltd






Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp






Proximus SADP






Spark New Zealand Ltd






Swisscom AG (REG)






Verizon Communications Inc








Electric Utilities – 10.7%


American Electric Power Co Inc






CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd






CLP Holdings Ltd






Power Assets Holdings Ltd






Xcel Energy Inc








Food & Staples Retailing – 5.5%


ICA Gruppen AB






Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV








Food Products – 20.6%


Campbell Soup Co






General Mills Inc






JM Smucker Co






Kellogg Co






Mowi ASA






WH Group Ltd (144A)








Health Care Providers & Services – 0%


Sonic Healthcare Ltd






Household Durables – 0%


Iida Group Holdings Co Ltd






Household Products – 4.9%


Kimberly-Clark Corp






Procter & Gamble Co








Industrial Conglomerates – 0%


Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd






Insurance – 2.3%


Medibank Pvt Ltd






Metals & Mining – 4.3%


Fortescue Metals Group Ltd






Multi-Utilities – 10.4%


Ameren Corp






CMS Energy Corp






Consolidated Edison Inc






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Common Stocks – (continued)


Multi-Utilities – (continued)


WEC Energy Group Inc








Personal Products – 0%


Unilever PLC






Pharmaceuticals – 1.0%


Merck & Co Inc






Real Estate Management & Development – 7.0%


Daito Trust Construction Co Ltd






Henderson Land Development Co Ltd






Kerry Properties Ltd






Swire Properties Ltd






Wharf Real Estate Investment Co Ltd








Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 2.0%


ASM Pacific Technology Ltd






Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals – 0.1%


Canon Inc






Tobacco – 3.9%


Altria Group Inc






Japan Tobacco Inc








Trading Companies & Distributors – 3.8%








Wireless Telecommunication Services – 5.0%














Softbank Corp








Total Common Stocks (cost $130,450,146)




Investment Companies – 1.1%


Money Markets – 1.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº,£ (cost $1,488,852)






Total Investments (total cost $131,938,998) – 99.8%




Cash, Receivables and Other Assets, net of Liabilities – 0.2%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States






Hong Kong
















































New Zealand












United Kingdom













See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 1.1%

Money Markets - 1.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - N/A

Investment Companies - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Total Affiliated Investments - 1.1%











at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 1.1%

Money Markets - 1.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - N/A

Investment Companies - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


MSCI World High Dividend Yield


MSCI World High Dividend Yield IndexSM reflects the performance of high dividend yield securities from global developed markets.

MSCI World IndexSM

MSCI World IndexSM reflects the equity market performance of global developed markets.



Limited Liability Company


Public Limited Company





Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $2,526,993, which represents 1.8% of net assets.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Common Stocks









Diversified Telecommunication Services







Electric Utilities







Food Products







Household Products




























All Other







Investment Companies







Total Assets









JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)






Affiliated investments, at value(2)












Cash denominated in foreign currency(3)






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation




















Fund shares sold







Foreign tax reclaims







Dividends from affiliates






Other assets





Total Assets

















Fund shares repurchased







Professional fees







Advisory fees







Registration fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







Non-affiliated fund administration fees payable







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Custodian fees














Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(5)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $130,450,146.

(2) Includes cost of $1,488,852.

(3) Includes cost of $2,911.

(4) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(5) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:










Dividends from affiliates





Affiliated securities lending income, net





Other income





Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Professional fees





Custodian fees





Shareholder reports expense





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)




Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions





Investments in affiliates




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Investments in affiliates




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares










For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30











Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period











Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:












Net investment income/(loss)(2)












Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)











Total from Investment Operations











Less Dividends and Distributions:












Dividends (from net investment income)












Distributions (from capital gains)









Total Dividends and Distributions











Net Asset Value, End of Period











Total Return*











Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)











Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)











Ratios to Average Net Assets**:












Ratio of Gross Expenses












Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)












Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)











Portfolio Turnover Rate











Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(2)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from August 4, 2017 (inception date) through June 30, 2018.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(3) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital and income. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends of net investment income are generally declared and distributed monthly and realized capital gains (if any) are distributed annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Real Estate Investing

To the extent that real estate-related securities may be included in the Fund’s named benchmark index, Intech’s mathematical investment process may select equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). If the Fund is unable to recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues. Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations.

There were no securities on loan as of June 30, 2020.

3. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.55% of its average daily net assets.

Intech Investment Management LLC (“Intech”) serves as subadviser to the Fund. As subadviser, Intech provides day-to-day management of the investment operations of the Fund subject to the general oversight of Janus Capital. Janus Capital owns approximately 97% of Intech.

Janus Capital pays Intech a subadvisory fee rate equal to 50% of the investment advisory fee paid by the Fund to Janus Capital (net of any fee waivers and expense reimbursements).

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.50% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act and related rules, the Fund may participate in an affiliated or non-affiliated cash sweep program. In the cash sweep program, uninvested cash balances of the Fund may be used to purchase shares of affiliated or non-affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles that operate as money market funds. The Fund is eligible to participate in the cash sweep program (the “Investing Funds”). As adviser, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest because of its fiduciary duties to the affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles and the Investing Funds. Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC (the “Sweep Vehicle”) is an affiliated unregistered cash management pooled investment vehicle that invests



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

primarily in highly-rated short-term fixed-income securities. The Sweep Vehicle operates pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act that govern the operation of money market funds and prices its shares at NAV reflecting market-based values of its portfolio securities (i.e., a “floating” NAV) rounded to the fourth decimal place (e.g., $1.0000). The Sweep Vehicle is permitted to impose a liquidity fee (of up to 2%) on redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle or a redemption gate that temporarily suspends redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period. There are no restrictions on the Fund's ability to withdraw investments from the Sweep Vehicle at will, and there are no unfunded capital commitments due from the Fund to the Sweep Vehicle. The Sweep Vehicle does not charge any management fee, sales charge or service fee.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $2,731.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $1,055.

As of June 30, 2020, shares of the Fund were owned by affiliates of Janus Henderson Investors, and/or other funds advised by Janus Henderson, as indicated in the table below:



% of Class Owned


% of Fund Owned



Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares








Less than 0.50%


In addition, other shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with US GAAP).

4. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The Fund has elected to defer post-October losses as noted in the table below. These losses will be deferred for tax purposes and recognized during the next fiscal year.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 271,591

$ -

$ -

$ -


$ (1,479)

$ 4,178,362


The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals and investments in partnerships.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 132,484,436

$ 8,704,306

$ (4,525,944)

$ 4,178,362

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, foreign currency transactions, passive foreign investment companies, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 6,946,544

$ 1,978,744

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 8,355,797

$ -

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ -

$ (8,480)

$ 8,480



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

5. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 900,044



$ 2,156,691

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (1,365,013)



$ (208,483)

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 1,800,560



$ 2,119,813

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (491,454)



$ (2,017,120)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 3,635,985



$ 3,137,592

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (3,345,795)



$ (5,195,727)

Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 37,534,217




Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)






Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 805,355



$ 454,546

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (106,063)



$ (93,321)

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 9,942



$ 3,000

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (158,394)



$ (206,041)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 14,291,023




Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (1,103,392)



$ (6,060,394)

6. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations


$ 262,371,897

$ -

$ -


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

7. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

8. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

9. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the "Fund") as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and transfer agent. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Foreign Taxes Paid


Foreign Source Income


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


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At Janus Henderson, we believe in the sharing of expert insight for better investment and business decisions. We call this ethos Knowledge Shared.

Learn more by visiting janushenderson.com.



This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93013 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Government Money

Market Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).



Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund (unaudited)




David Spilsted

co-portfolio manager

Garrett Strum

co-portfolio manager


Average Annual Total Return


Seven-Day Current Yield


For the periods ended June 30, 2020



Class D Shares(1)



Class D Shares(1)



With Reimbursement



Fiscal Year-to-Date



Without Reimbursement



1 Year



Class T Shares



5 Year



With Reimbursement



10 Year



Without Reimbursement



Since Inception (February 14, 1995)



Expense Ratios


Class T Shares



Per the October 28, 2019 prospectuses



Fiscal Year-to-Date



Class D Shares(1)



1 Year



Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses



5 Year



Class T Shares



10 Year



Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses



Since Inception (February 14, 1995)






Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

You could lose money by investing in the Fund. Although the Fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so. An investment in the Fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The Fund’s sponsor has no legal obligation to provide financial support to the Fund, and you should not expect that the sponsor will provide financial support to the Fund at any time.


The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

The yield more closely reflects the current earnings of the money market fund than the total return.

Class D Shares of the Fund commenced operations on February 16, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to February 16, 2010, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares, the initial share class (renamed Class T Shares effective February 16, 2010), calculated using the fees and expenses in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If Class D Shares of the Fund had been available during periods prior to February 16, 2010, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of Class D Shares reflects the fees and expenses of Class D Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in either share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class D Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Principal Amounts




U.S. Government Agency Notes – 62.8%


Federal Farm Credit Discount Notes:


0.1323%, 9/24/20






Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes:


0.1385%, 7/6/20






0.1679%, 7/13/20






0.1323%, 7/16/20






0.5118%, 7/17/20






0.1911%, 7/20/20






0.0966%, 7/21/20






0.1113%, 7/22/20






0.1001%, 7/23/20






0.1391%, 7/24/20






0.1051%, 7/27/20






0.1058%, 7/29/20






0.1502%, 7/31/20






0.1101%, 8/3/20






0.0509%, 8/4/20






0.1191%, 8/5/20






0.1258%, 8/7/20






0.1401%, 8/10/20






0.1201%, 8/11/20






0.1501%, 8/12/20






0.1201%, 8/14/20






0.1374%, 8/17/20






0.1272%, 8/19/20






0.1628%, 8/24/20






0.1451%, 8/25/20






0.1201%, 8/26/20






0.1221%, 8/28/20






0.1471%, 9/2/20






0.1702%, 9/9/20






0.1501%, 9/11/20






0.1602%, 9/14/20






0.2751%, 9/15/20






0.1633%, 9/16/20






0.1602%, 9/18/20






0.1465%, 9/25/20






0.1702%, 10/1/20






0.3057%, 10/26/20








FHLMC Multifamily VRD Certificates Taxable:


0.2800%, 1/15/42






Freddie Mac Discount Notes:


0.1425%, 8/27/20






0.1501%, 9/17/20








Total U.S. Government Agency Notes (cost $208,349,698)




U.S. Treasury Debt – 3.9%


Cash Management Bill, 0.1314%, 9/8/20






United States Treasury Bill, 0.0317%, 7/2/20






United States Treasury Bill, 0.1151%, 7/14/20






Total U.S. Treasury Debt (cost $12,998,564)




Variable Rate Demand Notes – 12.5%


AE Realty LLC (LOC: FHLB Dallas), 0.3800%, 10/1/23






Clearwater Solutions LLC (LOC: FHLB Atlanta), 0.5200%, 9/1/21






Cypress Bend Real Estate Development Co LLC (LOC: FHLB Dallas),


0.2300%, 4/1/33






Florida Food Products Inc (LOC: FHLB Atlanta), 0.3800%, 12/1/22






Greer Family LLC (LOC: FHLB Dallas), 0.2300%, 8/1/31






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Principal Amounts




Variable Rate Demand Notes – (continued)


Irrevocable Trust Agreement John A Thomas & Elizabeth F Thomas (LOC: FHLB Dallas), 0.3800%, 12/1/20






Johnson Capital Management LLC (LOC: FHLB Indianapolis), 0.3400%, 6/3/47






Kenneth Rosenthal Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (LOC: FHLB Dallas),

0.2300%, 4/1/36






Lake Nona Trust (LOC: FHLB Atlanta), 0.3800%, 10/1/44






Mississippi Business Finance Corp (LOC: FHLB Dallas), 0.5200%, 9/1/21






Mississippi Business Finance Corp (LOC: FHLB Dallas), 0.3700%, 12/1/35






SMZ Holdings LLC Texas (LOC: FHLB Dallas), 0.2300%, 6/1/40






Tyler Enterprises LLC (LOC: FHLB Dallas), 0.3800%, 10/3/22






Ventana Housing LP (LOC: FHLB San Francisco), 0.2400%, 6/1/60






Total Variable Rate Demand Notes (cost $41,490,000)




Repurchase Agreementsë – 21.1%


Credit Agricole, New York, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0600%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $5,000,008 collateralized by $4,863,014 in U.S. Treasuries 2.1250%, 12/31/22 with a value of $5,100,004






Goldman Sachs & Co., Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0500%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $10,000,014 collateralized by $9,646,364 in U.S. Government Agencies 0.4400% - 8.0000%, 4/1/21 - 9/16/59 with a value of $10,200,000






HSBC Securities USA Inc, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0600%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $10,000,017 collateralized by $9,601,034 in U.S. Treasuries 0% - 5.2500%, 6/30/22 - 5/15/47 with a value of $10,200,000






ING Financial Markets LLC, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0600%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $15,000,025 collateralized by $14,105,809 in U.S. Government Agencies 2.3090% - 7.0000%, 8/1/27 - 5/1/58 with a value of $15,300,026






Royal Bank of Canada, NY Branch, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0800%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $20,000,044 collateralized by $19,013,747 in U.S. Government Agencies 0% - 38.4930%, 12/15/27 - 6/20/50 with a value of $20,400,045






Wells Fargo Securities LLC, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0800%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $10,000,022 collateralized by $10,196,086 in U.S. Government Agencies 0% - 2.6000%, 7/21/20 - 1/28/22 with a value of $10,200,037






Total Repurchase Agreements (cost $70,000,000)




Total Investments (total cost $332,838,262) – 100.3%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (0.3)%




Net Assets – 100%




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information



Limited Liability Company


Letter of Credit

Money market funds may hold securities with stated maturities of greater than 397 days when those securities have features that allow a fund to “put” back the security to the issuer or to a third party within 397 days of acquisition. The maturity dates shown in the security descriptions are the stated maturity dates.


Variable rate demand notes are not based on a published reference rate and spread; they are determined by the issuer or remarketing agent and current market conditions. The reference rate in the security description is as of June 30, 2020.



The Fund may have elements of risk due to concentration of investments. Such concentrations may subject the Fund to additional risks.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


U.S. Government Agency Notes







U.S. Treasury Debt







Variable Rate Demand Notes







Repurchase Agreements







Total Assets








Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020















Investments, at value(1)






Repurchase agreements, at value(2)












Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Fund shares sold













Other assets





Total Assets

















Fund shares repurchased







Advisory fees







Professional fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses












Total Liabilities





Net Assets





Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $262,838,262.

(2) Includes cost of repurchase agreements of $70,000,000.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:










Other income




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





Administration services fees:






Class D Shares






Class T Shares





Professional fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)




Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:









Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class D Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class D Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)(2)












Total from Investment Operations















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Total Dividends and Distributions















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)(2)












Total from Investment Operations















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Total Dividends and Distributions















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.

(3) Less than 0.005%.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund (the “Fund”) is a series fund. The Fund is part of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 Funds which include multiple series of shares, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks capital preservation and liquidity with current income as a secondary objective.

The Fund offers two classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer both classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

The Fund operates as a “government money market fund” as such term is defined in or interpreted under Rule 2a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. As a government money market fund, the Fund pursues its investment objectives by normally investing at least 99.5% of its total assets in cash, U.S. Government securities, and/or repurchase agreements that are collateralized fully (i.e., collateralized by cash and/or government securities).

As a government money market fund, the Fund is not required to impose a liquidity fee and/or a redemption gate on fund redemptions. The Trustees have determined not to subject the Fund to a liquidity fee and/or a redemption gate on fund redemptions. The Trustees have reserved its ability to change this determination with respect to liquidity fees and/or redemption gates, but only after providing appropriate prior notice to shareholders.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”) or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with US GAAP.


The Fund has adopted liquidity requirements (measured at the time of purchase) as noted:

The Fund will limit its investments in illiquid securities to 5% or less of its total assets.

Daily liquidity. The Fund will invest at least 10% of its total assets in “daily liquid assets,” which generally include cash (including demand deposits), direct obligations of the U.S. Government, securities (including repurchase agreements) that will mature or are subject to a demand feature that is exercisable and payable within one business day, and/or amounts receivable and due unconditionally within one business day on pending sales of portfolio securities.

Weekly liquidity. The Fund will invest at least 30% of its assets in “weekly liquid assets,” which generally include cash (including demand deposits), direct obligations of the U.S. Government, agency discount notes with remaining maturities of 60 days or less, and securities (including repurchase agreements) that will mature or are subject to a demand feature that is exercisable and payable within five business days.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Investments held by the Fund are valued utilizing the amortized cost method of valuation permitted in accordance with Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act and certain conditions therein. Under the amortized cost method, which does not take into account unrealized capital gains or losses, an instrument is initially valued at its cost and thereafter assumes a constant accretion/amortization to maturity of any discount or premium.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Periodic review and monitoring of the valuation of short-term securities is performed in an effort to ensure that amortized cost approximates market value. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends, if any, are declared daily and distributed monthly for the Fund. Realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed in December. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through its investments in certain securities, including, but not limited to, repurchase agreements and debt securities. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the Fund's Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Credit Agricole, New York







Goldman Sachs & Co.







HSBC Securities USA Inc







ING Financial Markets LLC







Royal Bank of Canada, NY Branch







Wells Fargo Securities LLC
















Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

All repurchase agreements are transacted under legally enforceable master repurchase agreements that give the Fund, in the event of default by the counterparty, the right to liquidate securities held and to offset receivables and payables with the counterparty. For financial reporting purposes, the Fund does not offset financial instruments' payables and receivables and related collateral on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest.

Repurchase Agreements

The Fund and other funds advised by Janus Capital or its affiliates may transfer daily uninvested cash balances into one or more joint trading accounts. Assets in the joint trading accounts are invested in money market instruments and the proceeds are allocated to the participating funds on a pro rata basis.

Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest. In the event of default on the obligation to repurchase, the Fund has the right to liquidate the collateral and apply the proceeds in satisfaction of the obligation. In the event of default or bankruptcy by the other party to the agreement, realization and/or retention of the collateral or proceeds may be subject to legal proceedings.

Variable and Floating Rate Notes

The Fund also may purchase variable and floating rate demand notes of corporations and other entities, which are unsecured obligations redeemable upon not more than 30 days’ notice. The Fund may purchase variable and floating rate demand notes of U.S. Government issuers or commercial banks. These obligations include master demand notes that permit investment of fluctuating amounts at varying rates of interest pursuant to direct arrangements with the issuer of the instrument. The issuer of these obligations often has the right, after a given period, to prepay the outstanding principal amount of the obligations upon a specified number of days’ notice. These obligations generally are not traded, nor generally is there an established secondary market for these obligations. To the extent a demand note does not have a seven day or shorter demand feature and there is no readily available market for the obligation, it is treated as an illiquid investment. The rate of interest on securities purchased by a Fund may be tied to short-term



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Treasury or other government securities or indices on securities that are permissible investments of the Funds, as well as other money market rates of interest. The Funds will not purchase securities whose values are tied to interest rates or indices that are not appropriate for the duration and volatility standards of a money market fund.

3. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.20% of its average daily net assets.

Janus Capital has voluntarily agreed to waive one-half of the Fund’s investment advisory fee. Janus Capital may also voluntarily waive and/or reimburse additional fees to the extent necessary to assist the Fund in attempting to maintain a yield of at least 0.00%. These waivers and reimbursements are voluntary and could change or be terminated at any time at the discretion of Janus Capital. The voluntary advisory fee waiver was terminated effective February 1, 2020. There is no guarantee that the Fund will maintain a positive yield. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective February 1, 2020, Class D Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund compensate Janus Capital at an annual rate of 0.36% and 0.38%, respectively, of average daily net assets for providing certain administration services including, but not limited to, oversight and coordination of the Fund’s service providers, recordkeeping and registration functions and also to pay for costs such as shareholder servicing and custody. Prior to February 1, 2020, Class D Shares and Class T Shares the Fund compensated Janus Capital at an annual rate of 0.46% and 0.48%, respectively, for providing certain administration services. These amounts are disclosed as “Administration services fees” on the Statement of Operations. A portion of the Fund’s administration fee is paid to BNP Paribas Financial Services ("BPFS"). BPFS provides certain administrative services to the Fund, including services related to Fund accounting, calculation of the Fund’s daily NAV, and Fund audit, tax, and reporting obligations, pursuant to a sub-administration agreement with Janus Capital on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital does not receive any additional compensation, beyond the administration services fee for serving as administrator.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

4. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 3,466

$ -

$ (18)

$ -

$ -

$ (6,204)

$ -



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses




$ (18)

$ -

$ (18)



Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 2,202,484

$ -

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 3,489,854

$ -

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ (1)

$ 1

$ -

5. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class D Shares:






Shares sold






Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ 14,361,437

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 8,718,222



$ 6,086,658

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (464,559)



$ (695,839)



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

6. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08") to amend the amortization period for certain purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. The guidance requires certain premiums on callable debt securities to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amortization period for callable debt securities purchased at a discount will not be impacted. The amendments are effective for fiscal years and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has adopted the amendments as of the beginning of this fiscal period and concluded these changes do not have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

7. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

8. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Monthly Portfolio Holdings

The Fund files its complete holdings in a monthly report on Form N-MFP within 5 business days after each month end. These reports (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Performance Overviews

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

David Spilsted
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1963

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts and Analyst for Janus Henderson Investors.

Garrett Strum
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1981

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts and Analyst for Janus Henderson Investors.

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93025 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund (unaudited)



We believe a bottom-up, fundamentally driven investment process that is focused on free cash flow and confirming management intentions to transform and improve balance sheets can generate risk-adjusted outperformance over time. Through our comprehensive global research process and dynamic approach to managing through the credit cycle, we seek to deliver a less-volatile client experience within the high-yield asset class over full market cycles.


Seth Meyer

co-portfolio manager

Brent Olson

co-portfolio manager



During the one-year period ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund’s Class I Shares returned -1.69% compared with a 0.03% return for the Fund’s benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate High-Yield Bond Index.


In the first half of the period, fixed income markets broadly became more confident of a soft landing for the U.S. economy as the Federal Reserve (Fed) lowered policy rates three times in the latter half of 2019. Generally better-than-expected earnings reports and progress in U.S.-China trade relations also contributed to credit spreads (yields over Treasuries) tightening toward the lowest levels of the current credit cycle. However, in early 2020, the exogenous shock of the COVID-19 coronavirus ushered in a period of severe economic uncertainty as governments around the world restricted travel and social activity to help contain the virus. Risk markets faced a sell-off of historic proportions. Contributing to the malaise was a collapse in oil prices when the virus-related drop in demand was met by a flood of supply after OPEC and Russia failed to agree on production cutbacks.

Across the globe, central bank and government stimulus action was swift and aggressive. The Fed cut policy rates to zero and introduced numerous programs to support bond market liquidity, including unprecedented support to the high-yield market, while Congress approved trillions of dollars in crisis support to consumers and businesses. These actions supported financial markets and corporations and contributed to a rapid improvement in liquidity conditions. The staggering levels of monetary and fiscal stimulus, coupled with a recovery in oil and optimism on reopening the U.S. economy, bolstered investor confidence later in the period, although volatility remained high.

Over the year, rates fell across the yield curve, with the 5-year Treasury yield closing June at 0.29%, down from 1.76%. Corporate and securitized credit were volatile, with heightened risk of downgrades and defaults causing spreads over Treasuries to widen dramatically intra-period. Fed support helped credit retrace some of its losses and high-yield corporate bonds ultimately finished flat for the period, while their investment-grade counterparts generated positive returns.


Early in the period, we were actively seeking ways to capitalize on the strength of the consumer, one of the healthiest components of the U.S. economy in 2019. And while we were wary of valuations after high-yield’s double-digit returns in 2019 and entered 2020 relatively cautiously, we were in no way positioned for the impact a global economic shutdown and social distancing would have on consumer discretionary activity. As the outlook for the consumer weakened amid the COVID-19 crisis, overweights and security selection in both gaming and restaurants weighed heavily on returns. Mohegan Gaming was also negatively impacted when management opted to skip its bond payments in April. Although the company made good within its 30-day grace period, we trimmed the position significantly heading into the late-period rally.

Positioning in a number of energy-related sectors also detracted on a relative basis. Early in the period, some the Fund’s higher-beta energy names were largely avoided by the market but subsequently rebounded in a mid-period rally of lower-quality securities after we had exited the positions. In the latter half of the period, we did not anticipate the Fed would lend support to the high-yield market and were slow to establish positions in some of the first quarter’s fallen angels, such as Occidental Petroleum. This hesitation held the portfolio back after the Fed’s announcement that it would support companies downgraded from investment grade.

Other decisions benefited the Fund, including a modest out-of-index allocation to bank loans and another to equity and equity-like securities, which outperformed high yield


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund (unaudited)

over the period. Heading into the COVID correction, we reduced some consumer- and energy-related exposures and allowed our cash balance to grow, which proved beneficial to incremental returns. We later deployed cash into high-conviction names as the markets recovered and we gained confidence in the Fed’s support, economic reopenings and progress in treatments for COVID-19. At the sector level, security selection and avoidance in the telecom sectors, metals and mining and aerospace and defense aided relative returns. An underweight to the poor-performing satellite telecommunications company Intelsat was a positive contributor. A position in T-Mobile also contributed to results, as we actively navigated the news and completion of its acquisition of Sprint.


The Fund may use derivatives for various investment purposes, such as to manage or hedge portfolio risk, enhance return or manage duration. During the period, the Fund used interest rate futures to efficiently express our view on the U.S. Treasury market, a decision that detracted from relative results. Please see the Derivative Instruments section in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for a discussion of derivatives used by the Fund.


We are comforted by the Fed’s commitment to support bond markets and anticipate fiscal authorities will continue intervening as needed. With this support, we expect U.S. economic growth to accelerate off recent lows for the next few quarters. Still, the path to recovery remains littered with uncertainties, and it will take years before the economy fully recovers. The restoration of liquidity in the high-yield market has been rapid by historical standards given the Fed’s intervention, but that too will take time to fully normalize.

Although market sentiment has improved markedly, high-yield spreads over Treasuries ended the period closer to longer-term averages and still wide of pre-COVID-19 levels. In our view, this leaves opportunity for attractive returns in the year ahead. We expect high-yield bonds will remain in demand as yields remain attractive – especially given historically low cash rates and Fed support.

But we do not expect volatility to fade. COVID-19 and its economic impact remain the most pressing concern, and other risks to market sentiment are also on our radar: a resumption of trade tensions with China and the upcoming U.S. elections, to name two.

We continue to believe sector and security selection will offer both opportunities and risks, and thus expect to remain diversified between the more cyclical and noncyclical sectors in the high-yield market. Sectors particularly sensitive to the economic outlook, such as retailers, media and parts of the energy sector, are vulnerable to an extended recession and require careful security selection. As we navigate these uncertainties, we will continue to adhere to our bottom-up, research-driven investment process with a focus on taking the right amount of risk throughout the cycle.

Thank you for your investment in Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


Fund Profile



30-day Current Yield*



Class A Shares NAV



Class A Shares MOP



Class C Shares**



Class D Shares



Class I Shares



Class N Shares



Class R Shares



Class S Shares



Class T Shares



Weighted Average Maturity

5.4 Years

Average Effective Duration***

3.7 Years

* Yield will fluctuate.



** Does not include the 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge.

*** A theoretical measure of price volatility.



Ratings Summary - (% of Total Investments)












Not Rated




† Credit ratings provided by Standard & Poor's (S&P), an independent credit rating agency. Credit ratings range from AAA (highest) to D (lowest) based on S&P's measures. Further information on S&P's rating methodology may be found at www.standardandpoors.com. Other rating agencies may rate the same securities differently. Ratings are relative and subjective and are not absolute standards of quality. Credit quality does not remove market risk and is subject to change. "Not Rated" securities are not rated by S&P, but may be rated by other rating agencies and do not necessarily indicate low quality. "Other" includes cash equivalents, equity securities, and certain derivative instruments.

Significant Areas of Investment - (% of Net Assets)


Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds



Common Stocks



Investment Companies



Preferred Stocks



Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans



Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending



Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities









Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.






















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios









Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV










Class A Shares at MOP










Class C Shares at NAV










Class C Shares at CDSC










Class D Shares(1)










Class I Shares










Class N Shares










Class R Shares










Class S Shares










Class T Shares










Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate High-Yield Bond Index










Morningstar Quartile - Class T Shares










Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for High Yield Bond Funds










Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 4.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest,



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund (unaudited)


foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class R Shares, and Class S Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for each class for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the performance of the Fund's Class J Shares, the initial share class (renamed Class T Shares effective February 16, 2010), calculated using the fees and expenses of each respective share class, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class D Shares commenced operations on February 16, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to February 16, 2010, reflects the performance of the Fund's former Class J Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class I Shares of the Fund commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the performance of the Fund's former Class J Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class J Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class N Shares of the Fund commenced operations on May 31, 2012. Performance shown for periods prior to May 31, 2012, reflects the performance of the Fund's Class T Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class T Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

*The Fund’s inception date – December 29, 1995

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – 0.8%


Alaska Airlines 2020-1 Class A Pass Through Trust, 4.8000%, 8/15/27 (144A)






S-Jets 2017-1 Ltd, 5.6820%, 8/15/42 (144A)§






Transocean Pontus Ltd, 6.1250%, 8/1/25 (144A)






Zephyrus Capital Aviation Partners 2018-1 Ltd, 4.6050%, 10/15/38 (144A)






Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $9,984,792)




Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans – 1.8%


Communications – 0.3%


Formula One Management Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.5000%, 3.5000%, 2/1/24






Consumer Cyclical – 1.0%


18 Fremont Street Acquisition LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 8.0000%, 9.5000%, 8/9/25






Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 4.1250%, 4.4875%, 10/13/21






Tacala Investment Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 7.5000%, 7.6783%, 2/4/28ƒ,‡








Consumer Non-Cyclical – 0.1%


Chobani LLC, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.5000%, 4.5000%, 10/10/23






Technology – 0.1%


Cornerstone OnDemand Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 4.2500%, 5.3476%, 4/22/27






Transportation – 0.3%


Patriot Rail Co LLC, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 5.2500%, 5.5579%, 10/19/26






Total Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans (cost $21,207,615)




Corporate Bonds – 88.9%


Banking – 0.8%


Bank of America Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.6640%, 4.3000%‡,µ






Citigroup Inc, SOFR + 3.2340%, 4.7000%‡,µ






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 3.3800%, 5.0000%‡,µ






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 3.1250%, 4.6000%‡,µ






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 2.7450%, 4.0000%‡,µ








Basic Industry – 10.6%


Allegheny Technologies Inc, 7.8750%, 8/15/23






Allegheny Technologies Inc, 5.8750%, 12/1/27#






Arconic Rolled Products, 6.1250%, 2/15/28 (144A)






Atotech Alpha 2 BV, 8.7500%, 6/1/23 (144A)






Blue Cube Spinco LLC, 10.0000%, 10/15/25






Constellium NV, 5.7500%, 5/15/24 (144A)






Element Solutions Inc, 5.8750%, 12/1/25 (144A)






First Quantum Minerals Ltd, 7.2500%, 4/1/23 (144A)






First Quantum Minerals Ltd, 6.8750%, 3/1/26 (144A)






Hudbay Minerals Inc, 7.2500%, 1/15/23 (144A)






Hudbay Minerals Inc, 7.6250%, 1/15/25 (144A)






Infrabuild Australia Pty Ltd, 12.0000%, 10/1/24 (144A)






Kraton Polymers LLC / Kraton Polymers Capital Corp, 7.0000%, 4/15/25 (144A)






Novelis Corp, 5.8750%, 9/30/26 (144A)






Novelis Corp, 4.7500%, 1/30/30 (144A)






OCI NV, 5.2500%, 11/1/24 (144A)






Olin Corp, 9.5000%, 6/1/25 (144A)






PolyOne Corp, 5.7500%, 5/15/25 (144A)






PQ CORP, 5.7500%, 12/15/25 (144A)






Starfruit Finco BV / Starfruit US Holdco LLC, 8.0000%, 10/1/26 (144A)






Tronox Inc, 6.5000%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Univar Solutions USA Inc, 5.1250%, 12/1/27 (144A)








Capital Goods – 8.9%


ARD Finance SA, 6.5000%, 6/30/27 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Capital Goods – (continued)


Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc,


5.2500%, 8/15/27 (144A)






Builders FirstSource Inc, 6.7500%, 6/1/27 (144A)






BWAY Holding Co, 7.2500%, 4/15/25 (144A)






Colfax Corp, 6.0000%, 2/15/24 (144A)






JELD-WEN Inc, 4.8750%, 12/15/27 (144A)






LABL Escrow Issuer LLC, 6.7500%, 7/15/26 (144A)






LABL Escrow Issuer LLC, 10.5000%, 7/15/27 (144A)






Masonite International Corp, 5.7500%, 9/15/26 (144A)






Masonite International Corp, 5.3750%, 2/1/28 (144A)






Summit Materials LLC / Summit Materials Finance Corp, 6.1250%, 7/15/23






Summit Materials LLC / Summit Materials Finance Corp,


5.1250%, 6/1/25 (144A)






TransDigm Inc, 6.2500%, 3/15/26 (144A)






TransDigm Inc, 7.5000%, 3/15/27






Trivium Packaging Finance BV, 5.5000%, 8/15/26 (144A)






Trivium Packaging Finance BV, 8.5000%, 8/15/27 (144A)






Vertical Holdco GmbH, 7.6250%, 7/15/28 (144A)






Vertical US Newco Inc, 5.2500%, 7/15/27 (144A)








Communications – 18.1%


Altice Financing SA, 5.0000%, 1/15/28 (144A)






Altice Finco SA, 7.6250%, 2/15/25 (144A)#






Altice France Holding SA, 10.5000%, 5/15/27 (144A)






Altice France Holding SA, 6.0000%, 2/15/28 (144A)






Altice France SA/France, 7.3750%, 5/1/26 (144A)






Block Communications Inc, 4.8750%, 3/1/28 (144A)






Cablevision Systems Corp, 5.8750%, 9/15/22






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 5.1250%, 5/1/27 (144A)






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 5.0000%, 2/1/28 (144A)






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 5.3750%, 6/1/29 (144A)






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 4.5000%, 8/15/30 (144A)






CenturyLink Inc, 7.5000%, 4/1/24






CenturyLink Inc, 5.6250%, 4/1/25






CenturyLink Inc, 5.1250%, 12/15/26 (144A)






Connect Finco SARL / Connect US Finco LLC, 6.7500%, 10/1/26 (144A)






CSC Holdings LLC, 5.2500%, 6/1/24






CSC Holdings LLC, 7.7500%, 7/15/25 (144A)






CSC Holdings LLC, 5.3750%, 2/1/28 (144A)






CSC Holdings LLC, 7.5000%, 4/1/28 (144A)






CSC Holdings LLC, 5.7500%, 1/15/30 (144A)






GCI LLC, 6.6250%, 6/15/24 (144A)






GCI LLC, 6.8750%, 4/15/25






LCPR Senior Secured Financing DAC, 6.7500%, 10/15/27 (144A)






Level 3 Financing Inc, 5.2500%, 3/15/26






Liberty Interactive LLC, 8.2500%, 2/1/30






Nexstar Broadcasting Inc, 5.6250%, 7/15/27 (144A)






Sable International Finance Ltd, 5.7500%, 9/7/27 (144A)






Sprint Corp, 7.1250%, 6/15/24






TEGNA Inc, 4.6250%, 3/15/28 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 6.5000%, 1/15/24






Virgin Media Finance PLC, 5.0000%, 7/15/30 (144A)






Ziggo BV, 5.1250%, 2/28/30 (144A)








Consumer Cyclical – 15.1%


American Axle & Manufacturing Inc, 6.2500%, 3/15/26






Brink's Co/The, 5.5000%, 7/15/25 (144A)






Colt Merger Sub Inc, 5.7500%, 7/1/25 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Consumer Cyclical – (continued)


Downstream Development Authority of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma,


10.5000%, 2/15/23 (144A)






eG Global Finance PLC, 6.7500%, 2/7/25 (144A)






Enterprise Development Authority, 12.0000%, 7/15/24 (144A)






Expedia Group Inc, 6.2500%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Expedia Group Inc, 7.0000%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Ford Motor Co, 8.5000%, 4/21/23






Ford Motor Co, 9.0000%, 4/22/25






Ford Motor Co, 6.3750%, 2/1/29






Ford Motor Co, 9.6250%, 4/22/30#






Ford Motor Co, 7.4500%, 7/16/31






Ford Motor Credit Co LLC, 3.2190%, 1/9/22






Ford Motor Credit Co LLC, 3.3500%, 11/1/22






Ford Motor Credit Co LLC, 3.0870%, 1/9/23






General Motors Financial Co Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.5980%, 5.7500%‡,µ






GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 4.0000%, 1/15/31






Golden Entertainment Inc, 7.6250%, 4/15/26 (144A)






Golden Nugget Inc, 6.7500%, 10/15/24 (144A)






Golden Nugget Inc, 8.7500%, 10/1/25 (144A)#






Hilton Domestic Operating Company Inc, 5.3750%, 5/1/25 (144A)






IRB Holding Corp, 7.0000%, 6/15/25 (144A)






IRB Holding Corp, 6.7500%, 2/15/26 (144A)






LGI Homes Inc, 6.8750%, 7/15/26 (144A)






Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, 7.8750%, 10/15/24 (144A)






Newco GB SAS, 8.0000%, 12/15/22







Scientific Games International Inc, 8.6250%, 7/1/25 (144A)






Scientific Games International Inc, 8.2500%, 3/15/26 (144A)






Scientific Games International Inc, 7.0000%, 5/15/28 (144A)






ServiceMaster Co LLC/The, 5.1250%, 11/15/24 (144A)






Six Flags Entertainment Corp, 5.5000%, 4/15/27 (144A)






Station Casinos LLC, 4.5000%, 2/15/28 (144A)






TRI Pointe Group Inc, 5.7000%, 6/15/28






Twin River Worldwide Holdings Inc, 6.7500%, 6/1/27 (144A)






Vail Resorts Inc, 6.2500%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Weekley Homes LLC / Weekley Finance Corp, 6.6250%, 8/15/25






Wendy's International LLC, 7.0000%, 12/15/25






Wyndham Destinations Inc, 6.3500%, 10/1/25








Consumer Non-Cyclical – 17.6%


Albertsons Cos Inc / Safeway Inc / New Albertsons LP / Albertsons LLC,


4.6250%, 1/15/27 (144A)






Albertsons Cos Inc / Safeway Inc / New Albertsons LP / Albertsons LLC,


5.8750%, 2/15/28 (144A)






Albertsons Cos Inc / Safeway Inc / New Albertsons LP / Albertsons LLC,


4.8750%, 2/15/30 (144A)






AMN Healthcare Inc, 4.6250%, 10/1/27 (144A)






Aramark Services Inc, 6.3750%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Bausch Health Americas Inc, 8.5000%, 1/31/27 (144A)






Bausch Health Cos Inc, 9.0000%, 12/15/25 (144A)






Bausch Health Cos Inc, 7.0000%, 1/15/28 (144A)






Bausch Health Cos Inc, 5.0000%, 1/30/28 (144A)






Change Healthcare Holdings LLC / Change Healthcare Finance Inc,


5.7500%, 3/1/25 (144A)






CHS/Community Health Systems Inc, 8.1250%, 6/30/24 (144A)#






CHS/Community Health Systems Inc, 6.6250%, 2/15/25 (144A)






Dole Food Co Inc, 7.2500%, 6/15/25 (144A)






FAGE International SA / FAGE USA Dairy Industry Inc,


5.6250%, 8/15/26 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Consumer Non-Cyclical – (continued)


Hadrian Merger Sub Inc, 8.5000%, 5/1/26 (144A)






HCA Inc, 3.5000%, 9/1/30






HLF Financing Sarl LLC / Herbalife International Inc,


7.8750%, 9/1/25 (144A)






HLF Financing Sarl LLC / Herbalife International Inc,


7.2500%, 8/15/26 (144A)






Horizon Pharma USA Inc, 5.5000%, 8/1/27 (144A)






Jaguar Holding Co II / Pharmaceutical Product Development LLC,


5.0000%, 6/15/28 (144A)






JBS USA LUX SA / JBS USA Finance Inc, 6.7500%, 2/15/28 (144A)






JBS USA LUX SA / JBS USA Food Co / JBS USA Finance Inc,


6.5000%, 4/15/29 (144A)






JBS USA LUX SA / JBS USA Food Co / JBS USA Finance Inc,


5.5000%, 1/15/30 (144A)






Kraft Heinz Foods Co, 3.7500%, 4/1/30 (144A)






Kraft Heinz Foods Co, 4.8750%, 10/1/49 (144A)






MEDNAX Inc, 6.2500%, 1/15/27 (144A)






NBM US Holdings Inc, 6.6250%, 8/6/29 (144A)






Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Inc / Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics SA,


7.3750%, 6/1/25 (144A)






Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Inc / Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics SA,


7.2500%, 2/1/28 (144A)






Smithfield Foods Inc, 5.2000%, 4/1/29 (144A)






Surgery Center Holdings Inc, 6.7500%, 7/1/25 (144A)#






Tenet Healthcare Corp, 8.1250%, 4/1/22






Tenet Healthcare Corp, 4.8750%, 1/1/26 (144A)






Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV, 3.1500%, 10/1/26






Valvoline Inc, 4.2500%, 2/15/30 (144A)






Winnebago Industries Inc, 6.2500%, 7/15/28








Electric – 0.3%


DPL Inc, 4.1250%, 7/1/25 (144A)






Vistra Operations Co LLC, 5.5000%, 9/1/26 (144A)








Energy – 8.3%


Apache Corp, 4.2500%, 1/15/30






DCP Midstream Operating LP, 5.1250%, 5/15/29






Endeavor Energy Resources LP / EER Finance Inc, 6.6250%, 7/15/25 (144A)






Endeavor Energy Resources LP / EER Finance Inc, 5.7500%, 1/30/28 (144A)






EnLink Midstream LLC, 5.3750%, 6/1/29






EnLink Midstream Partners LP, 4.1500%, 6/1/25






Great Western Petroleum LLC / Great Western Finance Corp,


9.0000%, 9/30/21 (144A)






Hess Midstream Operations LP, 5.6250%, 2/15/26 (144A)






Hess Midstream Operations LP, 5.1250%, 6/15/28 (144A)






Magnolia Oil & Gas Operating LLC / Magnolia Oil & Gas Finance Corp,


6.0000%, 8/1/26 (144A)






NGL Energy Partners LP / NGL Energy Finance Corp, 6.1250%, 3/1/25






Occidental Petroleum Corp, 3.2000%, 8/15/26






Occidental Petroleum Corp, 3.5000%, 8/15/29






Parsley Energy LLC / Parsley Finance Corp, 5.2500%, 8/15/25 (144A)






Parsley Energy LLC / Parsley Finance Corp, 5.6250%, 10/15/27 (144A)






PBF Holding Co LLC / PBF Finance Corp, 7.2500%, 6/15/25






Tallgrass Energy Partners LP / Tallgrass Energy Finance Corp,


6.0000%, 3/1/27 (144A)






Tallgrass Energy Partners LP / Tallgrass Energy Finance Corp,


5.5000%, 1/15/28 (144A)






Targa Resources Partners LP / Targa Resources Partners Finance Corp,


6.5000%, 7/15/27






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Energy – (continued)


Viper Energy Partners LP, 5.3750%, 11/1/27 (144A)






Western Midstream Operating LP, 4.0500%, 2/1/30








Finance Companies – 0.8%


Springleaf Finance Corp, 7.7500%, 10/1/21






Springleaf Finance Corp, 8.8750%, 6/1/25






Springleaf Finance Corp, 5.3750%, 11/15/29








Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure – 0.1%


Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd, 11.5000%, 6/1/25 (144A)






Industrial – 1.2%


AT Securities BV, USD SWAP SEMI 30/360 5YR + 3.5460%, 5.2500%‡,µ






Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp, 8.0000%, 5/15/22








Industrial Conglomerates – 2.1%


General Electric Co, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.3300%, 5.0000%‡,µ






Insurance – 1.4%


Molina Healthcare Inc, 4.8750%, 6/15/25 (144A)






Molina Healthcare Inc, 4.3750%, 6/15/28 (144A)








Machinery – 0.1%


Hillenbrand Inc, 5.7500%, 6/15/25






Software – 0.2%


j2 Global Inc, 1.7500%, 11/1/26 (144A)






Technology – 0.9%


CommScope Inc, 8.2500%, 3/1/27 (144A)






Gartner Inc, 4.5000%, 7/1/28 (144A)






Solera LLC / Solera Finance Inc, 10.5000%, 3/1/24 (144A)








Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals – 0.1%


Western Digital Corp, 1.5000%, 2/1/24






Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods – 0.3%


Under Armour Inc, 1.5000%, 6/1/24






Transportation – 2.0%


Cargo Aircraft Management Inc, 4.7500%, 2/1/28 (144A)






Delta Air Lines Inc, 7.3750%, 1/15/26






Southwest Airlines Co, 4.7500%, 5/4/23






Southwest Airlines Co, 5.2500%, 5/4/25






Watco Cos LLC / Watco Finance Corp, 6.5000%, 6/15/27 (144A)








Total Corporate Bonds (cost $984,771,899)




Common Stocks – 3.3%


Automobiles – 0.6%


Ford Motor Co






Banks – 0.1%


Western Alliance Bancorp






Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 0.3%


VICI Properties Inc






Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure – 0.6%


Eldorado Resorts Inc*,#






Las Vegas Sands Corp








Media – 0.4%


GCI Liberty Inc*






Metals & Mining – 0.5%


Constellium SE*






Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 0.5%


Micron Technology Inc*






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals – 0.3%


Dell Technologies Inc*






Total Common Stocks (cost $36,609,506)




Preferred Stocks – 1.9%


Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 0.4%


Becton Dickinson and Co, 6.0000%, 6/1/23






Life Sciences Tools & Services – 0.2%


Avantor Inc, 6.2500%, 5/15/22






Pharmaceuticals – 0.3%


Elanco Animal Health Inc, 5.0000%, 2/1/23






Specialty Retail – 0.5%


Quiksilver Inc Bankruptcy Equity Certificate*,¢,§






Wireless Telecommunication Services – 0.5%


2020 Cash Mandatory Exchangeable Trust, 5.2500%, 6/1/23 (144A)§






Total Preferred Stocks (cost $17,302,272)




Investment Companies – 2.7%


Money Markets – 2.7%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº,£ (cost $30,061,047)






Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending – 1.2%


Investment Companies – 0.9%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº,£






Time Deposits – 0.3%


Royal Bank of Canada, 0.0900%, 7/1/20






Total Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending (cost $13,266,755)




Total Investments (total cost $1,113,203,886) – 100.6%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (0.6)%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States






























United Kingdom






























































See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 2.7%

Money Markets - 2.7%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.9%

Investment Companies - 0.9%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Total Affiliated Investments - 3.6%











at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 2.7%

Money Markets - 2.7%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.9%

Investment Companies - 0.9%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Schedule of Futures




Number of






Value and








Variation Margin



Futures Purchased:


2-Year US Treasury Note












The following table, grouped by derivative type, provides information about the fair value and location of derivatives within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of June 30, 2020.


Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020












Interest Rate

Asset Derivatives:




Variation margin receivable



$ 11,970


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

The following tables provide information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Fund’s Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020.


The effect of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) on the Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020










Amount of Realized Gain/(Loss) Recognized on Derivatives





Interest Rate



Futures contracts


$ -


$ 4,071,469


$ 4,071,469

Swap contracts












$ 4,071,469



















Amount of Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation Recognized on Derivatives





Interest Rate



Futures contracts


$ -


$ 65,829


$ 65,829

Swap contracts










$ 277,772


$ 65,829


$ 343,601

Please see the "Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments" and “Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation” sections of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.


Average Ending Monthly Market Value of Derivative Instruments During the Year Ended June 30, 2020




Market Value

Credit default swaps, sell protection

$ (181,008)

Credit default swaps, buy protection


Futures contracts, purchased



See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate High-Yield Bond Index

Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate High Yield Bond Index measures the US dollar-denominated, high yield, fixed-rate corporate bond market.



Intercontinental Exchange


London Interbank Offered Rate


Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership


Public Limited Company


Secured Overnight Financing Rate



Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $711,802,268, which represents 65.0% of net assets.



Non-income producing security.



All or a portion of this position is not funded, or has been purchased on a delayed delivery or when-issued basis. If applicable, interest rates will be determined and interest will begin to accrue at a future date. See Notes to Financial Statements.


Variable or floating rate security. Rate shown is the current rate as of June 30, 2020. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread; they are determined by the issuer or agent and current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date and may vary by security, which may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



Loaned security; a portion of the security is on loan at June 30, 2020.



Perpetual security. Perpetual securities have no stated maturity date, but they may be called/redeemed by the issuer. The date indicated, if any, represents the next call date.



Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.



Schedule of Restricted Securities (as of June 30, 2020)


Value as a




% of Net










2020 Cash Mandatory Exchangeable Trust, 5.2500%, 6/1/23









Quiksilver Inc Bankruptcy Equity Certificate









S-Jets 2017-1 Ltd, 5.6820%, 8/15/42



















The Fund has registration rights for certain restricted securities held as of June 30, 2020. The issuer incurs all registration costs.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities







Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans







Corporate Bonds







Common Stocks







Preferred Stocks







Investment Companies







Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending







Total Investments in Securities







Other Financial Instruments(a):


Variation Margin Receivable







Total Assets









Other financial instruments include forward foreign currency exchange, futures, written options, written swaptions, and swap contracts. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported at their unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract's value from trade date. Futures, certain written options on futures, and centrally cleared swap contracts are reported at their variation margin at measurement date, which represents the amount due to/from the Fund at that date. Written options, written swaptions, and other swap contracts are reported at their market value at measurement date.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)(2)






Affiliated investments, at value(3)












Deposits with brokers for futures






Variation margin receivable






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Investments sold














Fund shares sold














Dividends from affiliates






Other assets





Total Assets











Foreign cash due to custodian






Collateral for securities loaned (Note 3)












Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Advisory fees














Transfer agent fees and expenses







Professional fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Custodian fees







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(5)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class R Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $1,072,856,892.

(2) Includes $12,991,792 of securities on loan. See Note 3 in Notes to Financial Statements.

(3) Includes cost of $40,346,994.

(4) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(5) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/95.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:










Dividends from affiliates










Affiliated securities lending income, net





Unaffiliated securities lending income, net





Other income





Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Shareholder reports expense





Professional fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Custodian fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions





Investments in affiliates





Futures contracts





Swap contracts




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Investments in affiliates





Futures contracts





Swap contracts




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class R Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Financial Highlights


Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks to obtain high current income. Capital appreciation is a secondary investment objective when consistent with its primary investment objective. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class R Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with US GAAP.

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

The Fund did not hold a significant amount of Level 3 securities as of June 30, 2020.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends are declared daily and distributed monthly for the Fund. Realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed in December. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Derivative Instruments

The Fund may invest in various types of derivatives, which may at times result in significant derivative exposure. A derivative is a financial instrument whose performance is derived from the performance of another asset. The Fund may invest in derivative instruments including, but not limited to: futures contracts, put options, call options, options on futures contracts, options on foreign currencies, options on recovery locks, options on security and commodity indices, swaps, forward contracts, structured investments, and other equity-linked derivatives. Each derivative instrument that was held by the Fund during the year ended June 30, 2020 is discussed in further detail below. A summary of derivative activity by the Fund is reflected in the tables at the end of the Schedule of Investments.

The Fund may use derivative instruments for hedging purposes (to offset risks associated with an investment, currency exposure, or market conditions), to adjust currency exposure relative to a benchmark index, or for speculative purposes (to earn income and seek to enhance returns). When the Fund invests in a derivative for speculative purposes, the Fund will be fully exposed to the risks of loss of that derivative, which may sometimes be greater than the derivative’s cost. The Fund may not use any derivative to gain exposure to an asset or class of assets that it would be prohibited by its investment restrictions from purchasing directly. The Fund’s ability to use derivative instruments may also be limited by tax considerations.

Investments in derivatives in general are subject to market risks that may cause their prices to fluctuate over time. Investments in derivatives may not directly correlate with the price movements of the underlying instrument. As a result, the use of derivatives may expose the Fund to additional risks that it would not be subject to if it invested directly in the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

securities underlying those derivatives. The use of derivatives may result in larger losses or smaller gains than otherwise would be the case. Derivatives can be volatile and may involve significant risks.

In pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease exposure to the following market risk factors:

· Commodity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of commodities or commodity-linked investments due to changes in the overall market movements, volatility of the underlying benchmark, changes in interest rates, or other factors affecting a particular industry or commodity such as drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs, and international economic, political, and regulatory developments.

· Counterparty Risk – the risk that the counterparty (the party on the other side of the transaction) on a derivative transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation to the Fund.

· Credit Risk – the risk an issuer will be unable to make principal and interest payments when due, or will default on its obligations.

· Currency Risk – the risk that changes in the exchange rate between currencies will adversely affect the value (in U.S. dollar terms) of an investment.

· Equity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

· Index Risk – if the derivative is linked to the performance of an index, it will be subject to the risks associated with changes in that index. If the index changes, the Fund could receive lower interest payments or experience a reduction in the value of the derivative to below what the Fund paid. Certain indexed securities, including inverse securities (which move in an opposite direction to the index), may create leverage, to the extent that they increase or decrease in value at a rate that is a multiple of the changes in the applicable index.

· Interest Rate Risk – the risk that the value of fixed-income securities will generally decline as prevailing interest rates rise, which may cause the Fund’s NAV to likewise decrease.

· Leverage Risk – the risk associated with certain types of leveraged investments or trading strategies pursuant to which relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of an investment. The Fund creates leverage by investing in instruments, including derivatives, where the investment loss can exceed the original amount invested. Certain investments or trading strategies, such as short sales, that involve leverage can result in losses that greatly exceed the amount originally invested.

· Liquidity Risk – the risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time that the seller would like or at the price that the seller believes the security is currently worth.

Derivatives may generally be traded OTC or on an exchange. Derivatives traded OTC are agreements that are individually negotiated between parties and can be tailored to meet a purchaser’s needs. OTC derivatives are not guaranteed by a clearing agency and may be subject to increased credit risk.

In an effort to mitigate credit risk associated with derivatives traded OTC, the Fund may enter into collateral agreements with certain counterparties whereby, subject to certain minimum exposure requirements, the Fund may require the counterparty to post collateral if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on all OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. Additionally, the Fund may deposit cash and/or treasuries as collateral with the counterparty and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. All liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to certain exchange-traded derivatives, centrally cleared derivatives, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, short sales, and/or securities with extended settlement dates. There is no guarantee that counterparty exposure is reduced and these arrangements are dependent on Janus Capital's ability to establish and maintain appropriate systems and trading.

Futures Contracts

A futures contract is an exchange-traded agreement to take or make delivery of an underlying asset at a specific time in the future for a specific predetermined negotiated price. The Fund may enter into futures contracts to gain exposure to the stock market or other markets pending investment of cash balances or to meet liquidity needs. The Fund is



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

subject to interest rate risk, equity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in futures contracts. The Fund may also use such derivative instruments to hedge or protect from adverse movements in securities prices, currency rates or interest rates. The use of futures contracts may involve risks such as the possibility of illiquid markets or imperfect correlation between the values of the contracts and the underlying securities, or that the counterparty will fail to perform its obligations.

Futures contracts on commodities are valued at the settlement price on valuation date on the commodities exchange as reported by an approved vendor. Mini contracts, as defined in the description of the contract, shall be valued using the Actual Settlement Price or “ASET” price type as reported by an approved vendor. In the event that foreign futures trade when the foreign equity markets are closed, the last foreign futures trade price shall be used.

Futures contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). When a contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable), equal to the difference between the opening and closing value of the contract.

Securities held by the Fund that are designated as collateral for market value on futures contracts are noted on the Schedule of Investments (if applicable). Such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s futures commission merchant.

With futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since futures are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees the futures against default.

During the year, the Fund purchased interest rate futures to increase exposure to interest rate risk.

During the year, the Fund sold interest rate futures to decrease exposure to interest rate risk.


Swap agreements are two-party contracts entered into primarily by institutional investors for periods ranging from a day to more than one year to exchange one set of cash flows for another. The most significant factor in the performance of swap agreements is the change in value of the specific index, security, or currency, or other factors that determine the amounts of payments due to and from the Fund. The use of swaps is a highly specialized activity which involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio securities transactions. Swap transactions may in some instances involve the delivery of securities or other underlying assets by the Fund or its counterparty to collateralize obligations under the swap. If the other party to a swap that is not collateralized defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. Swap agreements entail the risk that a party will default on its payment obligations to the Fund. If the other party to a swap defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. If the Fund utilizes a swap at the wrong time or judges market conditions incorrectly, the swap may result in a loss to the Fund and reduce the Fund’s total return.

Swap agreements also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty. Swap agreements are typically privately negotiated and entered into in the OTC market. However, certain swap agreements are required to be cleared through a clearinghouse and traded on an exchange or swap execution facility. Swaps that are required to be cleared are required to post initial and variation margins in accordance with the exchange requirements. Regulations enacted require the Fund to centrally clear certain interest rate and credit default index swaps through a clearinghouse or central counterparty (“CCP”). To clear a swap with a CCP, the Fund will submit the swap to, and post collateral with, a futures clearing merchant (“FCM”) that is a clearinghouse member. Alternatively, the Fund may enter into a swap with a financial institution other than the FCM (the “Executing Dealer”) and arrange for the swap to be transferred to the FCM for clearing. The Fund may also enter into a swap with the FCM itself. The CCP, the FCM, and the Executing Dealer are all subject to regulatory oversight by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”). A default or failure by a CCP or an FCM, or the failure of a swap to be transferred from an Executing Dealer to the FCM for clearing, may expose the Fund to losses, increase its costs, or prevent the Fund from entering or exiting swap positions, accessing collateral, or fully implementing its investment strategies. The regulatory requirement to clear certain swaps could, either temporarily or permanently, reduce the liquidity of cleared swaps or increase the costs of entering into those swaps.

Index swaps, interest rate swaps, and credit default swaps are valued using an approved vendor supplied price. Basket swaps are valued using a broker supplied price. Equity swaps that consist of a single underlying equity are valued either


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

at the closing price, the latest bid price, or the last sale price on the primary market or exchange it trades. The market value of swap contracts are aggregated by positive and negative values and are disclosed separately as an asset or liability on the Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). Realized gains and losses are reported on the Fund’s Statement of Operations (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation or depreciation during the year is included in the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty risk or credit risk is the discounted value of the payments to be received from/paid to the counterparty over the contract’s remaining life, to the extent that the amount is positive. The risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.

The Fund may enter into various types of credit default swap agreements, including OTC credit default swap agreements and index credit default swaps (“CDX”), for investment purposes and to add leverage to its portfolio. Credit default swaps are a specific kind of counterparty agreement that allow the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to the other. One party in the swap is a lender and faces credit risk from a third party, and the counterparty in the credit default swap agrees to insure this risk in exchange for regular periodic payments. Credit default swaps could result in losses if the Fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of the company or companies on which the credit default swap is based. Credit default swap agreements may involve greater risks than if the Fund had invested in the reference obligation directly since, in addition to risks relating to the reference obligation, credit default swaps are subject to liquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk. The Fund will generally incur a greater degree of risk when it sells a credit default swap than when it purchases a credit default swap. As a buyer of a credit default swap, the Fund may lose its investment and recover nothing should no credit event occur and the swap is held to its termination date. As seller of a credit default swap, if a credit event were to occur, the value of any deliverable obligation received by the Fund, coupled with the upfront or periodic payments previously received, may be less than what it pays to the buyer, resulting in a loss of value to the Fund.

As a buyer of credit protection, the Fund is entitled to receive the par (or other agreed-upon) value of a referenced debt obligation from the counterparty to the contract in the event of a default or other credit event by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund as buyer would pay to the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no credit event has occurred. If no credit event occurs, the Fund would have spent the stream of payments and potentially received no benefit from the contract.

If the Fund is the seller of credit protection against a particular security, the Fund would receive an up-front or periodic payment to compensate against potential credit events. As the seller in a credit default swap contract, the Fund would be required to pay the par value (the “notional value”) (or other agreed-upon value) of a referenced debt obligation to the counterparty in the event of a default by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign corporate issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund would receive from the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no event of default has occurred. If no default occurs, the Fund would keep the stream of payments and would have no payment obligations. As the seller, the Fund would effectively add leverage to its portfolio because, in addition to its total net assets, the Fund would be subject to investment exposure on the notional value of the swap. The maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) that the Fund as a seller could be required to make in a credit default transaction would be the notional amount of the agreement.

The Fund may invest in CDXs. A CDX is a swap on an index of credit default swaps. CDXs allow an investor to manage credit risk or take a position on a basket of credit entities (such as credit default swaps or commercial mortgage-backed securities) in a more efficient manner than transacting in a single-name CDS. If a credit event occurs in one of the underlying companies, the protection is paid out via the delivery of the defaulted bond by the buyer of protection in return for a payment of notional value of the defaulted bond by the seller of protection or it may be settled through a cash settlement between the two parties. The underlying company is then removed from the index. If the Fund holds a long position in a CDX, the Fund would indirectly bear its proportionate share of any expenses paid by a CDX. A Fund holding a long position in CDXs typically receives income from principal or interest paid on the underlying securities. By investing in CDXs, the Fund could be exposed to illiquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk of the issuers of the underlying loan obligations and of the CDX markets. If there is a default by the CDX counterparty, the Fund will have contractual remedies pursuant to the agreements related to the transaction. CDXs also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

During the year, the Fund purchased protection via the credit default swap market in order to reduce credit risk exposure to individual corporates, countries and/or credit indices where reducing this exposure via the cash bond market was less attractive.

There were no credit default swaps held at June 30, 2020.

3. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

The Fund may be invested in lower-rated debt securities that have a higher risk of default or loss of value since these securities may be sensitive to economic changes, political changes, or adverse developments specific to the issuer.

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.


The Fund may invest in various commercial loans, including bank loans, bridge loans, debtor-in-possession (“DIP”) loans, mezzanine loans, and other fixed and floating rate loans. These loans may be acquired through loan participations and assignments or on a when-issued basis. Commercial loans will comprise no more than 20% of the Fund’s total assets. Below are descriptions of the types of loans held by the Fund as of June 30, 2020.

· Bank Loans - Bank loans are obligations of companies or other entities entered into in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. The Fund’s investments in bank loans are generally acquired as a participation interest in, or assignment of, loans originated by a lender or other financial institution. These investments may include institutionally-traded floating and fixed-rate debt securities.

· Floating Rate Loans – Floating rate loans are debt securities that have floating interest rates, that adjust periodically, and are tied to a benchmark lending rate, such as London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). In other cases, the lending rate could be tied to the prime rate offered by one or more major U.S. banks or the rate paid on large certificates of deposit traded in the secondary markets. If the benchmark lending rate changes, the rate payable to lenders under the loan will change at the next scheduled adjustment date specified in the loan agreement. Floating rate loans are typically issued to companies (‘‘borrowers’’) in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. Floating rate loan investments are generally below investment grade. Senior floating rate loans are secured by specific collateral of a borrower and are senior in the borrower’s capital structure. The senior position in the borrower’s capital structure generally gives holders of senior loans a claim on certain of the borrower’s assets that is senior to subordinated debt and preferred and common stock in the case of a borrower’s default. Floating rate loan investments may involve foreign borrowers, and investments may be denominated in foreign currencies. Floating rate loans often involve borrowers whose financial condition is troubled or uncertain and companies that are highly leveraged. The Fund may invest in obligations of borrowers who are in bankruptcy proceedings. While the Fund generally expects to invest in fully funded term loans, certain of the loans in which the Fund may invest include revolving loans, bridge loans, and delayed draw term loans.

Purchasers of floating rate loans may pay and/or receive certain fees. The Fund may receive fees such as covenant waiver fees or prepayment penalty fees. The Fund may pay fees such as facility fees. Such fees may affect the Fund’s return.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

· Mezzanine Loans - Mezzanine loans are secured by the stock of the company that owns the assets. Mezzanine loans are a hybrid of debt and equity financing that is typically used to fund the expansion of existing companies. A mezzanine loan is composed of debt capital that gives the lender the right to convert to an ownership or equity interest in the company if the loan is not paid back in time and in full. Mezzanine loans typically are the most subordinated debt obligation in an issuer’s capital structure.

Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Securities

Mortgage- and asset-backed securities represent interests in “pools” of commercial or residential mortgages or other assets, including consumer loans or receivables. The Fund may purchase fixed or variable rate commercial or residential mortgage-backed securities issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), or other governmental or government-related entities. Ginnie Mae’s guarantees are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government, which means that the U.S. Government guarantees that the interest and principal will be paid when due. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. In September 2008, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”), an agency of the U.S. Government, placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under conservatorship. Since that time, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have received capital support through U.S. Treasury preferred stock purchases, and Treasury and Federal Reserve purchases of their mortgage-backed securities. The FHFA and the U.S. Treasury have imposed strict limits on the size of these entities’ mortgage portfolios. The FHFA has the power to cancel any contract entered into by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac prior to FHFA’s appointment as conservator or receiver, including the guarantee obligations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The Fund may also purchase other mortgage- and asset-backed securities through single- and multi-seller conduits, collateralized debt obligations, structured investment vehicles, and other similar securities. Asset-backed securities may be backed by various consumer obligations, including automobile loans, equipment leases, credit card receivables, or other collateral. In the event the underlying loans are not paid, the securities’ issuer could be forced to sell the assets and recognize losses on such assets, which could impact your return. Unlike traditional debt instruments, payments on these securities include both interest and a partial payment of principal. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities are subject to both extension risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations more slowly in times of rising interest rates, and prepayment risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations sooner than expected in times of declining interest rates. These risks may reduce the Fund’s returns. In addition, investments in mortgage- and asset-backed securities, including those comprised of subprime mortgages, may be subject to a higher degree of credit risk, valuation risk, and liquidity risk than various other types of fixed-income securities. Additionally, although mortgage-backed securities are generally supported by some form of government or private guarantee and/or insurance, there is no assurance that guarantors or insurers will meet their obligations.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the Fund's Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association









Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. For financial reporting purposes, the Fund does not offset financial instruments’ payables and receivables and related collateral on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Securities on loan will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). See “Securities Lending” in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for additional information.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Restricted Security Transactions

Restricted securities held by the Fund may not be sold except in exempt transactions or in a public offering registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The risk of investing in such securities is generally greater than the risk of investing in the securities of widely held, publicly traded companies. Lack of a secondary market and resale restrictions may result in the inability of the Fund to sell a security at a fair price and may substantially delay the sale of the security. In addition, these securities may exhibit greater price volatility than securities for which secondary markets exist.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the SEC. If the Fund is unable to recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues. Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations. As of June 30, 2020, securities lending transactions accounted for as secured borrowings with an overnight and continuous contractual maturity are $12,991,792. Gross amounts of recognized liabilities for securities lending (collateral received) as of June 30, 2020 is $13,266,755, resulting in the net amount due to the counterparty of $274,963.

When-Issued, Delayed Delivery and Forward Commitment Transactions

The Fund may purchase or sell securities on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis. When purchasing a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership of the security, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations, and takes such fluctuations into account when determining its net asset value. Typically, no income accrues on securities the Fund has committed to purchase prior to the time delivery of the securities is made. Because the Fund is not required to pay for the security until the delivery date, these risks are in addition to the risks associated with the Fund’s other investments. If the other party to a transaction fails to deliver the securities, the Fund could miss a favorable price or yield opportunity. If the Fund remains substantially fully invested at a time when when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment purchases are outstanding, the purchases may result in a form of leverage.

When the Fund has sold a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund does not participate in future gains or losses with respect to the security. If the other party to a transaction fails to pay for the securities, the Fund could suffer a loss. Additionally, when selling a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis without owning the security, the Fund will incur a loss if the security’s price appreciates in value such that the security’s price is above the agreed upon price on the settlement date. The Fund may dispose of or renegotiate a transaction after it is entered into, and may purchase or sell when-issued, delayed delivery or forward commitment securities before the settlement date, which may result in a gain or loss.

4. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The following table reflects the Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate).


Average Daily Net

Assets of the Fund

Contractual Investment

Advisory Fee (%)

First $300 Million


Over $300 Million


The Fund’s actual investment advisory fee rate for the reporting period was 0.57% of average annual net assets before any applicable waivers.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.69% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 0.50% of the Class R Shares' average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act and related rules, the Fund may participate in an affiliated or non-affiliated cash sweep program. In the cash sweep program, uninvested cash balances of the Fund may be used to purchase shares of affiliated or non-affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles that operate as money market funds. The Fund is eligible to participate in the cash sweep program (the “Investing Funds”). As adviser, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest because of its fiduciary duties to the affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles and the Investing Funds. Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC (the “Sweep Vehicle”) is an affiliated unregistered cash management pooled investment vehicle that invests primarily in highly-rated short-term fixed-income securities. The Sweep Vehicle operates pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act that govern the operation of money market funds and prices its shares at NAV reflecting market-based values of its portfolio securities (i.e., a “floating” NAV) rounded to the fourth decimal place (e.g., $1.0000). The Sweep Vehicle is permitted to impose a liquidity fee (of up to 2%) on redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle or a redemption gate that temporarily suspends redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

There are no restrictions on the Fund's ability to withdraw investments from the Sweep Vehicle at will, and there are no unfunded capital commitments due from the Fund to the Sweep Vehicle. The Sweep Vehicle does not charge any management fee, sales charge or service fee.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 4.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $11,419.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares paid CDSCs of $7,773 to Janus Henderson Distributors.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $542.

The Fund is permitted to purchase or sell securities (“cross-trade”) between itself and other funds or accounts managed by Janus Capital in accordance with Rule 17a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Rule 17a-7”), when the transaction is consistent with the investment objectives and policies of the Fund and in accordance with the Internal Cross Trade Procedures adopted by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. These procedures have been designed to ensure that any cross-trade of securities by the Fund from or to another fund or account that is or could be considered an affiliate of the Fund under certain limited circumstances by virtue of having a common investment adviser, common Officer, or common Trustee complies with Rule 17a-7. Under these procedures, each cross-trade is effected at the current market price to save costs where allowed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, the Fund engaged in cross trades amounting to $2,150,324 in purchases and $32,150,025 in sales, resulting in a net realized gain of $557,062. The net realized gain is included within the “Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” section of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

5. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation and derivatives. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 1,488,704

$ -


$ -

$ -

$ (11,872)





JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses






$ (218,444,091)



The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals and investments in partnerships.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 1,115,213,232



$ (13,596,724)

Information on the tax components of derivatives as of June 30, 2020 is as follows:


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 65,829

$ -

$ -

$ -

Tax cost of investments and unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) may also include timing differences that do not constitute adjustments to tax basis.

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, foreign currency transactions, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 63,892,794

$ -

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 74,261,569

$ -

$ -

$ -



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ (251,572)

$ 1,393,709

$ (1,142,137)

6. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 27,993,641



$ 14,240,678

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 7,293,354



$ (4,313,479)

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 2,137,044



$ 1,878,130

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (9,556,728)



$ (11,191,724)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 49,262,836



$ 35,743,125

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (13,309,649)



$ (12,268,334)

Class I Shares:






Shares sold






Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (17,217,091)



$ (89,943,226)

Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 49,172,104



$ 34,323,031

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 15,552,374



$ (85,855,927)

Class R Shares:






Shares sold


$ 374,994



$ 512,663

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 23,075



$ 229,834

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 772,455



$ 381,507

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 510,116



$ (528,235)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 76,501,907



$ 66,971,112

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (62,546,566)



$ (80,459,243)



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

7. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations





8. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08") to amend the amortization period for certain purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. The guidance requires certain premiums on callable debt securities to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amortization period for callable debt securities purchased at a discount will not be impacted. The amendments are effective for fiscal years and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has adopted the amendments as of the beginning of this fiscal period.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

9. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

10. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the "Fund") as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agent, and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



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Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group



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Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



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Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is



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Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Seth Meyer
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1976

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

Brent Olson
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1967

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts and Analyst for Janus Henderson Investors. Formerly, credit analyst at Janus Henderson Investors (2017-2019), and lead portfolio manager at Scout Investments on a growth equity strategy (2013-2017).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard

151 Detroit Street

Denver, CO 80206

DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund




Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund





JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund




Janus Investment Fund


Knowledge Shared

At Janus Henderson, we believe in the sharing of expert insight for better investment and business decisions. We call this ethos Knowledge Shared.

Learn more by visiting janushenderson.com.



This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93026 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson International Managed

Volatility Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)



Intech’s active approach focuses on adding value by selecting stocks with unique volatility characteristics and low correlations to one another.


Sub-advised by

Intech Investment

Management LLC



For the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund’s Class I Shares returned -4.00%. This compares to the -5.13% return posted by the MSCI EAFE Index®, the Fund’s benchmark.


Intech’s mathematical investment process is designed to determine potentially more efficient equity weightings of the securities in the benchmark index, utilizing a specific mathematical optimization and disciplined rebalancing routine. Rather than trying to predict the future direction of stock prices, the process seeks to use the volatility and correlation characteristics of stocks to construct portfolios.

The investment process begins with the stocks in the MSCI EAFE Index. Intech’s investment process aims to capture stocks’ natural volatility through a rebalancing mechanism based on estimates of relative volatility and correlation in order to outperform the benchmark Index over the long term. Within specific risk constraints, the investment process will tend to favor stocks with higher relative volatility and lower correlation as they offer more potential to capture volatility through periodic rebalancing. Once the target proportions are determined and the portfolio is constructed, it is then rebalanced to those target proportions and re-optimized on a periodic basis. The Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund focuses on seeking an excess return above the benchmark, while also reducing or managing the standard deviation of the portfolio depending on the market conditions, a strategy designed to manage the absolute risk of the portfolio.


International equity markets experienced heightened volatility and a significant drawdown in the first part of 2020 amid concerns over the global economic impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus, which drove the returns for the trailing one-year period into negative territory despite the strong recovery in the second quarter of 2020.

The Fund benefited from its overall defensive positioning and provided some much-needed downside protection during the heightened volatility experienced in the first quarter, along with some upside participation in the market recovery period, and outperformed overall over the past 12 months. In particular, an average overweight to lower-beta stocks and underweight to higher-beta stocks was a tailwind on relative performance during the period.

From a sector perspective, while an average underweight to health care was a detractor, overall active sector positioning and favorable selection effects contributed during the period. More specifically, the Fund benefited from an average underweight to energy and financials, which were two of the weakest-performing sectors during the period, as well as favorable selection effects among some consumer discretionary and communication services names.


Because Intech does not conduct traditional economic or fundamental analysis, Intech has no view on individual stocks, sectors, economic or market conditions.

Managing downside exposure potentially allows for returns to compound and improve risk-adjusted returns over time. The Fund’s long-term investment objective is to produce an excess return over the benchmark with lower absolute risk. Going forward, we will continue building portfolios in a disciplined and deliberate manner, with risk management remaining the hallmark of our investment process. As Intech’s ongoing research efforts yield modest improvements, we will continue implementing changes that aim to improve the long-term results for our fund shareholders.

Thank you for your investment in Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


5 Largest Equity Holdings - (% of Net Assets)

CLP Holdings Ltd


Electric Utilities


Nestle SA (REG)


Food Products


Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd


Gas Utilities


Nippon Building Fund Inc


Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)


Givaudan SA







Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Common Stocks



Investment Companies



Preferred Stocks









Top Country Allocations - Long Positions - (% of Investment Securities)

As of June 30, 2020

As of June 30, 2019



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.






















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios









Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV










Class A Shares at MOP










Class C Shares at NAV










Class C Shares at CDSC










Class D Shares(1)










Class I Shares










Class N Shares










Class S Shares










Class T Shares




















Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares










Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Foreign Large Growth Funds










Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)


has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

Intech's focus on managed volatility may keep the Fund from achieving excess returns over its index. The strategy may underperform during certain periods of up markets, and may not achieve the desired level of protection in down markets.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class I Shares, and Class S Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009, after the reorganization of each class of the predecessor fund into corresponding shares of the Fund. Performance shown for each class for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the historical performance of each corresponding class of the predecessor fund prior to the reorganization, calculated using the fees and expenses of the corresponding class of the predecessor fund respectively, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class D Shares commenced operations on April 24, 2015. Performance shown for periods prior to April 24, 2015, reflects the historical performance of the Fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class D Shares, without the effect of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class T Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the historical performance of the predecessor fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class T Shares, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class N Shares commenced operations on October 28, 2016. Performance shown for periods prior to October 28, 2016, reflects the historical performance of the Fund’s and predecessor fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class I Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

*The predecessor Fund’s inception date – May 2, 2007

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Common Stocks – 98.7%


Aerospace & Defense – 0.4%


Elbit Systems Ltd






Air Freight & Logistics – 0.7%


SG Holdings Co Ltd






Automobiles – 0.2%


Toyota Motor Corp






Banks – 2.0%


Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM






Bank of East Asia Ltd






Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (REG)






BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd






Chiba Bank Ltd






Hang Seng Bank Ltd






HSBC Holdings PLC






Japan Post Bank Co Ltd








Beverages – 0.4%


Diageo PLC






Kirin Holdings Co Ltd






Remy Cointreau SA








Biotechnology – 0.7%


BeiGene Ltd (ADR)*












Grifols SA








Building Products – 0.3%


Geberit AG






Capital Markets – 1.7%


Daiwa Securities Group Inc






Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd






Japan Exchange Group Inc






Nomura Holdings Inc








Chemicals – 4.8%


Air Water Inc






Chr Hansen Holding A/S






Croda International PLC






EMS-Chemie Holding AG






Givaudan SA






Kansai Paint Co Ltd






Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp






Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd








Commercial Services & Supplies – 0.3%


Secom Co Ltd






Toppan Printing Co Ltd








Diversified Telecommunication Services – 4.6%


Cellnex Telecom SA (144A)*






Elisa OYJ






HKT Trust & HKT Ltd






Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp






Spark New Zealand Ltd






Swisscom AG (REG)






Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG






Telstra Corp Ltd






United Internet AG








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Common Stocks – (continued)


Electric Utilities – 7.4%


Chubu Electric Power Co Inc






Chugoku Electric Power Co Inc






CLP Holdings Ltd






Enel SpA






HK Electric Investments & HK Electric Investments Ltd






Iberdrola SA






Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc






Orsted A/S (144A)






Power Assets Holdings Ltd






Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA






Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc








Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components – 1.7%


Hamamatsu Photonics KK






Keyence Corp






Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd






Shimadzu Corp








Entertainment – 1.8%


Nexon Co Ltd






Nintendo Co Ltd






Square Enix Holdings Co Ltd






Toho Co Ltd/Tokyo






Ubisoft Entertainment SA*








Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 5.3%


Daiwa House REIT Investment Corp






Japan Real Estate Investment Corp












Nippon Building Fund Inc






Nippon Prologis REIT Inc






Segro PLC








Food & Staples Retailing – 7.0%


Aeon Co Ltd






Casino Guichard Perrachon SA*






Coles Group Ltd






Colruyt SA






Cosmos Pharmaceutical Corp






ICA Gruppen AB






Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA*






Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV






Lawson Inc






Sundrug Co Ltd






Tsuruha Holdings Inc






Welcia Holdings Co Ltd






Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC






Woolworths Group Ltd








Food Products – 7.7%


A2 Milk Co Ltd*






Barry Callebaut AG (REG)






Calbee Inc






Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG (PC)






Danone SA*






Kerry Group PLC






MEIJI Holdings Co Ltd






Mowi ASA






Nestle SA (REG)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Common Stocks – (continued)


Food Products – (continued)


Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd






Orkla ASA






Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd






Wilmar International Ltd






Yakult Honsha Co Ltd






Yamazaki Baking Co Ltd








Gas Utilities – 3.8%


Hong Kong & China Gas Co Ltd






Osaka Gas Co Ltd






Toho Gas Co Ltd






Tokyo Gas Co Ltd








Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 4.3%


Asahi Intecc Co Ltd












Coloplast A/S






Diasorin SpA






Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp Ltd






Hoya Corp






Siemens Healthineers AG (144A)






Sysmex Corp








Health Care Providers & Services – 0.1%


Alfresa Holdings Corp






Health Care Technology – 1.3%


M3 Inc






Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure – 1.6%


McDonald's Holdings Co Japan Ltd






Oriental Land Co Ltd/Japan








Household Durables – 1.3%


Rinnai Corp






Sekisui House Ltd






Sony Corp








Household Products – 1.9%


Essity AB*






Lion Corp






Pigeon Corp






Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC






Unicharm Corp








Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers – 0.2%


Meridian Energy Ltd






Uniper SE








Industrial Conglomerates – 0.7%


Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd






Keihan Holdings Co Ltd








Information Technology Services – 2.2%


Adyen NV (144A)*






Fujitsu Ltd






GMO Payment Gateway Inc






Itochu Techno-Solutions Corp






Nomura Research Institute Ltd






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Common Stocks – (continued)


Information Technology Services – (continued)


Obic Co Ltd








Insurance – 0.6%


Admiral Group PLC






AIA Group Ltd








Interactive Media & Services – 0.6%


Kakaku.com Inc






LINE Corp*








Internet & Direct Marketing Retail – 1.9%


Delivery Hero SE (144A)*






Ocado Group PLC*








Life Sciences Tools & Services – 1.8%


Eurofins Scientific SE












Sartorius Stedim Biotech








Machinery – 2.5%


Alstom SA






Hoshizaki Corp






Knorr-Bremse AG*






Kone OYJ






Schindler Holding AG






Schindler Holding AGž






SMC Corp/Japan








Marine – 0.4%


Kuehne + Nagel International AG*






Media – 0.2%


CyberAgent Inc






Metals & Mining – 1.1%


Fortescue Metals Group Ltd






Multiline Retail – 0.8%


Marui Group Co Ltd






Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp








Multi-Utilities – 0.1%


National Grid PLC






Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – 0.5%


Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd






Koninklijke Vopak NV








Paper & Forest Products – 0.1%


Oji Holdings Corp






Personal Products – 1.5%


Beiersdorf AG






Kao Corp






Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co Ltd






Kose Corp






Unilever NV






Unilever PLC








Pharmaceuticals – 4.4%


Astellas Pharma Inc






AstraZeneca PLC






Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Common Stocks – (continued)


Pharmaceuticals – (continued)


Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd






GlaxoSmithKline PLC






Kyowa Kirin Co Ltd






Novartis AG






Novo Nordisk A/S






Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd






Orion Oyj






Otsuka Holdings Co Ltd






Roche Holding AG








Professional Services – 0.2%








Wolters Kluwer NV








Real Estate Management & Development – 2.9%


Azrieli Group Ltd






Deutsche Wohnen SE






Hang Lung Properties Ltd






Henderson Land Development Co Ltd






Hulic Co Ltd






New World Development Co Ltd*






Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd






Swiss Prime Site AG (REG)






Vonovia SE*








Road & Rail – 6.3%


East Japan Railway Co






Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc






Keikyu Corp






Keio Corp






Kintetsu Group Holdings Co Ltd






Kyushu Railway Co






MTR Corp Ltd






Nagoya Railroad Co Ltd






Odakyu Electric Railway Co Ltd






Tobu Railway Co Ltd






Tokyu Corp






West Japan Railway Co








Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 0.5%


Advantest Corp






ASM Pacific Technology Ltd






Tokyo Electron Ltd








Software – 0.9%


Nice Ltd*






Specialty Retail – 1.2%


Nitori Holdings Co Ltd






Yamada Denki Co Ltd








Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals – 0.3%


FUJIFILM Holdings Corp






Logitech International SA








Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods – 0.2%


EssilorLuxottica SA*






Hermes International








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020






Common Stocks – (continued)


Tobacco – 0.9%


Swedish Match AB






Trading Companies & Distributors – 1.3%








MonotaRO Co Ltd








Water Utilities – 0.4%


Severn Trent PLC






Wireless Telecommunication Services – 2.7%














Softbank Corp








Total Common Stocks (cost $47,568,131)




Preferred Stocks – 0.1%


Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 0.1%


Sartorius AG (cost $61,910)






Investment Companies – 0.8%


Money Markets – 0.8%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº,£ (cost $429,000)






Total Investments (total cost $48,059,041) – 99.6%




Cash, Receivables and Other Assets, net of Liabilities – 0.4%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of
















Hong Kong


















United Kingdom
























New Zealand






























United States























































See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 0.8%

Money Markets - 0.8%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - N/A

Investment Companies - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Total Affiliated Investments - 0.8%











at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 0.8%

Money Markets - 0.8%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - N/A

Investment Companies - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information



MSCI EAFE® (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index reflects the equity market performance of developed markets, excluding the U.S. and Canada.



American Depositary Receipt


Limited Liability Company


Participation Certificate


Public Limited Company





Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $2,145,319, which represents 4.0% of net assets.



Non-income producing security.



Issued by the same entity and traded on separate exchanges.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Common Stocks
















All Other







Preferred Stocks







Investment Companies







Total Assets








Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)






Affiliated investments, at value(2)












Cash denominated in foreign currency(3)






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Investments sold







Foreign tax reclaims














Fund shares sold







Dividends from affiliates






Other assets





Total Assets

















Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Professional fees







Advisory fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







Custodian fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(5)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $47,630,041.

(2) Includes cost of $429,000.

(3) Includes cost of $3,192.

(4) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(5) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:










Dividends from affiliates





Affiliated securities lending income, net





Unaffiliated securities lending income, net





Other income





Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Non-affiliated fund administration fees





Professional fees





Custodian fees





Shareholder reports expense





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions





Investments in affiliates




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares













For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30














Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period














Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:















Net investment income/(loss)(2)















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)














Total from Investment Operations














Less Dividends and Distributions:















Dividends (from net investment income)















Distributions (from capital gains)











Total Dividends and Distributions














Net Asset Value, End of Period














Total Return*














Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)














Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)














Ratios to Average Net Assets**:















Ratio of Gross Expenses















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)














Portfolio Turnover Rate














Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(2)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from October 28, 2016 (inception date) through June 30, 2017.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)













Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain investors.

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

The Fund generally declares and distributes dividends of net investment income and realized capital gains (if any) annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Real Estate Investing

To the extent that real estate-related securities may be included in the Fund’s named benchmark index, Intech’s mathematical investment process may select equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). If the Fund is unable to recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues. Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable). Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations.

There were no securities on loan as of June 30, 2020.

3. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.55% of its average daily net assets.

Intech Investment Management LLC (“Intech”) serves as subadviser to the Fund. As subadviser, Intech provides day-to-day management of the investment operations of the Fund subject to the general oversight of Janus Capital. Janus Capital owns approximately 97% of Intech.

Janus Capital pays Intech a subadvisory fee rate equal to 50% of the investment advisory fee paid by the Fund to Janus Capital (net of any fee waivers and expense reimbursements).

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses,



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.80% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. The previous expense limit (until at least November 1, 2019) was 0.95%. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act and related rules, the Fund may participate in an affiliated or non-affiliated cash sweep program. In the cash sweep program, uninvested cash balances of the Fund may be used to purchase shares of affiliated or non-affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles that operate as money market funds. The Fund is eligible to participate in the cash sweep program (the “Investing Funds”). As adviser, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest because of its fiduciary duties to the affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles and the Investing Funds. Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC (the “Sweep Vehicle”) is an affiliated unregistered cash management pooled investment vehicle that invests primarily in highly-rated short-term fixed-income securities. The Sweep Vehicle operates pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act that govern the operation of money market funds and prices its shares at NAV reflecting market-based values of its portfolio securities (i.e., a “floating” NAV) rounded to the fourth decimal place (e.g., $1.0000). The Sweep



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Vehicle is permitted to impose a liquidity fee (of up to 2%) on redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle or a redemption gate that temporarily suspends redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period. There are no restrictions on the Fund's ability to withdraw investments from the Sweep Vehicle at will, and there are no unfunded capital commitments due from the Fund to the Sweep Vehicle. The Sweep Vehicle does not charge any management fee, sales charge or service fee.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $25.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $26.

As of June 30, 2020, shares of the Fund were owned by affiliates of Janus Henderson Investors, and/or other funds advised by Janus Henderson, as indicated in the table below:



% of Class Owned


% of Fund Owned



Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares







In addition, other shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with US GAAP).

4. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation and foreign currency contract adjustments. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Fund has elected to defer qualified late-year losses as noted in the table below. These losses will be deferred for tax purposes and recognized during the next fiscal year.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ -

$ -

$ (512,317)

$ (1,228,289)

$ -

$ 1,309

$ 5,850,016


Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses




$ (512,317)

$ -

$ (512,317)



The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals, investments in partnerships, and investments in passive foreign investment companies.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 48,141,284

$ 6,774,707

$ (924,691)

$ 5,850,016

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, foreign currency transactions, passive foreign investment companies, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 4,341,105

$ -

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 1,935,353

$ 2,729,201

$ -

$ -




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ (3)

$ 786,155

$ (786,152)

5. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 134,561



$ 540,282

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (491,674)



$ 296,199

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 84,509



$ 209,722

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (452,613)



$ (529,995)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 524,070



$ 523,006

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (595,388)



$ (610,964)

Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 5,868,186




Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ 3,162,228

Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 5,525,504



$ 2,383,950

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ (1,109,209)

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 243,915



$ 912,192

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (177,444)



$ 805,735

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 1,414,144



$ 2,315,915

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (2,112,566)



$ 810,528


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

6. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations


$ 127,084,461

$ -

$ -

7. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

8. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

9. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the "Fund") as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agent, and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Foreign Taxes Paid


Foreign Source Income


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


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At Janus Henderson, we believe in the sharing of expert insight for better investment and business decisions. We call this ethos Knowledge Shared.

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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93014 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund (unaudited)



As defensive value specialists, we look to invest in high-quality companies that have strong management teams, stable balance sheets and durable competitive advantages and are trading at attractive valuations. We seek to achieve excess returns over full market cycles with less risk than our benchmark and peers as measured by standard deviation, beta and down-market capture.


Kevin Preloger

portfolio manager



For the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020, the Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund’s Class I Shares returned -11.06%, underperforming its benchmark, the Russell 1000® Value Index, which returned -8.84%.


Early in the period, equities found support as central banks around the world shifted to accommodative monetary policy and continued easing through the end of 2019. Amid several positives for the market – a trade deal with China, increased clarity regarding Brexit, solid employment numbers and optimism about strong consumer holiday spending – the environment at the close of 2019 was risk-on, led by cyclical stocks, small caps and higher-beta equities. However, equities experienced heightened volatility in the first half of 2020 as the COVID-19 coronavirus spread worldwide, disrupting travel and supply chains. This pandemic halted economic activity and triggered a first quarter equity sell-off of historic proportions.

The Federal Reserve provided support for the economy with near-zero interest rates and expanded asset buying. Indeed, the largesse of fiscal and monetary policies has seemed to know no bounds. Stocks recovered ground in the second quarter of 2020 as a result of that support coupled with declining COVID-19 infection rates and the reopening of economies. Investors then looked past weak economic data to focus on prospects for a recovery in the latter part of 2020. The divergence between Main Street and Wall Street has seemed to widen as economies have reopened. Assessing valuations in a market that continues to rally has remained a challenge, as the range of earnings outcomes is expansive, warranting a more defensive approach.


At the sector level, financials detracted the most from relative performance over the period. Toward the end of 2019 there was a rotation into banks from more defensive, less interest rate-sensitive companies such as insurance, and our holdings did not keep pace with the benchmark. In the second half of the period, our overweight to banks hurt relative returns given the sharp decline in interest rates and heightened concerns about potential credit issues. Our overweight to insurance also detracted, owing to weakness in these stocks that reflected investors’ belief that business interruption claims would be triggered, leading to massive payouts for the industry. M&T Bank Corp., a commercial bank holding company that offers a variety of commercial banking, trust and investment services, was the biggest individual detractor from relative returns. The Hartford Financial Services Group, an investment and insurance company, also was among the top individual detractors.

Stock selection in materials also hurt relative performance. Nutrien, a Canadian-based fertilizer company serving the agricultural industry worldwide, was among the largest individual detractors. Our underweights in health care, consumer staples and communications services also dragged on relative returns.

Information technology was the highest-performing sector in the benchmark over the period, and our overweight and stock selection in the sector contributed to relative performance. Citrix Systems, a provider of server, application and desktop virtualization, networking, Software as a Service and cloud computing technologies, was the largest individual contributor. Stock selection in industrials, consumer discretionary and communications services also was additive to performance. Among the largest individual contributors on a relative basis were communications services holdings Electronic Arts, a gaming company, and Alphabet Inc., a multinational conglomerate and parent company of Google.

We added several new names to the Fund in health care, industrials, consumer staples and technology. In the second half of the period we also added to smaller


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

positions on significant price weakness and reduced or eliminated other names that held up better to help fund the additional purchases. As the market provided opportunities to add to positions that we believe are solid multiyear holdings, we sought to take advantage.


Despite the recent price moves in many fundamentally challenged sectors and stocks giving the “all clear” signal, we remain cautious given the sizable competitive headwinds they face. In addition, in a post-pandemic economy, many of these companies will need to alter their business models. At the portfolio level, we continue to be overweight banks given their attractive valuations and ample capital levels, but we understand the credit risk headwinds of varying degrees in the near term. Another overweight sector is technology, which possesses many quality attributes we favor – strong balance sheets, healthy free cash flow and earnings stability in a chaotic economic environment. Conversely, we remain underweight sectors that we view as fundamentally challenged, such as consumer discretionary and energy. As is standard at Perkins, we continue to focus on owning high-quality companies with durable competitive advantages and balance sheets to weather economic shocks, with strict attention to reward-to-risk in the individual stock price. Undoubtedly, there will be continued volatility ahead – in both directions – but we welcome those opportunities to find new names with attractive reward-to-risk profiles for inclusion in the portfolio.

Thank you for your continued co-investment with us in the Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020

































5 Top Contributors - Holdings

5 Top Detractors - Holdings












Citrix Systems Inc





M&T Bank Corp





Electronic Arts Inc





Royal Dutch Shell PLC (ADR)





Gilead Sciences Inc





Hartford Financial Services Group Inc





Alphabet Inc - Class A





Nutrien Ltd





Lamb Weston Holdings Inc





US Bancorp






5 Top Contributors - Sectors*












Russell 1000 Value Index






Average Weight

Average Weight


Information Technology














Consumer Discretionary







Communication Services




























5 Top Detractors - Sectors*












Russell 1000 Value Index






Average Weight

Average Weight
















Health Care







Real Estate















Relative contribution reflects how the portolio's holdings impacted return relative to the benchmark. Cash and securities not held in the portfolio are not shown. For equity portfolios, relative contribution compares the performance of a security in the portfolio to the benchmark's total return, factoring in the difference in weight of that security in the benchmark. Returns are calculated using daily returns and previous day ending weights rolled up by ticker, excluding fixed income securities, gross of advisory fees, may exclude certain derivatives and will differ from actual performance.
Performance attribution reflects returns gross of advisory fees and may differ from actual returns as they are based on end of day holdings. Attribution is calculated by geometrically linking daily returns for the portfolio and index.


Based on sector classification according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”) codes, which are the exclusive property and a service mark of MSCI Inc. and Standard & Poor’s.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


5 Largest Equity Holdings - (% of Net Assets)

Johnson & Johnson




Pfizer Inc




Berkshire Hathaway Inc


Diversified Financial Services


Evergy Inc


Electric Utilities


Oracle Corp







Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Common Stocks



Repurchase Agreements









Top Country Allocations - Long Positions - (% of Investment Securities)

As of June 30, 2020

As of June 30, 2019



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.






















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios









Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV










Class A Shares at MOP










Class C Shares at NAV










Class C Shares at CDSC










Class D Shares(1)










Class I Shares










Class N Shares










Class S Shares










Class T Shares










Russell 1000 Value Index










Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares










Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Large Value Funds










Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


This Fund has a performance-based management fee that may adjust up or down based on the Fund’s performance.

Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest,


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund (unaudited)


foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class I Shares, and Class S Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009, after the reorganization of each class of the predecessor fund into corresponding shares of the Fund. Performance shown for each class for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the historical performance of each corresponding class of the predecessor fund prior to the reorganization, calculated using the fees and expenses of the corresponding class of the predecessor fund respectively, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class D Shares commenced operations on February 16, 2010. Performance shown for the periods July 6, 2009 to February 16, 2010, reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class D Shares, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers. Performance shown for the periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the historical performance of the predecessor fund’s Class I Shares prior to the reorganization of Class I Shares of the predecessor fund into Class I Shares of the Fund, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class D Shares, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class N Shares of the Fund commenced operations on May 31, 2012. Performance shown for periods prior to May 31, 2012, reflects the historical performance of the Fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class I Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class T Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the historical performance of the predecessor fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class T Shares, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

*The predecessor Fund’s inception date – December 31, 2008

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – 96.7%


Aerospace & Defense – 2.5%


Raytheon Technologies Corp






Air Freight & Logistics – 1.5%


United Parcel Service Inc






Auto Components – 0.7%


Aptiv PLC






Banks – 12.1%


Citigroup Inc






Fifth Third Bancorp






M&T Bank Corp






PNC Financial Services Group Inc






Truist Financial Corp






US Bancorp






Wells Fargo & Co








Beverages – 0.9%


PepsiCo Inc






Biotechnology – 0.7%


Gilead Sciences Inc






Capital Markets – 2.0%


Charles Schwab Corp






Chemicals – 5.2%


Corteva Inc






DuPont de Nemours Inc






Nutrien Ltd








Commercial Services & Supplies – 0.5%


Republic Services Inc






Communications Equipment – 3.1%


Cisco Systems Inc






F5 Networks Inc*








Consumer Finance – 1.4%


Discover Financial Services






Diversified Financial Services – 3.2%


Berkshire Hathaway Inc*






Electric Utilities – 7.8%


Entergy Corp






Evergy Inc






PPL Corp








Entertainment – 1.9%


Electronic Arts Inc*






Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 6.7%


Camden Property Trust






Equity Residential






Public Storage






Weyerhaeuser Co








Food & Staples Retailing – 0.8%


Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc






Food Products – 1.1%


Lamb Weston Holdings Inc






Tyson Foods Inc








Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 1.5%


Medtronic PLC






Health Care Providers & Services – 2.3%


Laboratory Corp of America Holdings*






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Health Care Technology – 0.4%


Cerner Corp






Household Products – 1.0%


Procter & Gamble Co






Industrial Conglomerates – 3.1%


3M Co






Honeywell International Inc








Information Technology Services – 1.0%


Global Payments Inc






Insurance – 6.7%


American International Group Inc






Chubb Ltd






Hartford Financial Services Group Inc






RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd








Interactive Media & Services – 1.4%


Alphabet Inc - Class A*






Life Sciences Tools & Services – 0.9%


Agilent Technologies Inc






Media – 2.4%


Fox Corp - Class B






Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – 4.8%


Chevron Corp












Marathon Petroleum Corp








Personal Products – 3.0%


Unilever PLC (ADR)






Pharmaceuticals – 8.0%


Johnson & Johnson






Merck & Co Inc






Pfizer Inc








Road & Rail – 0.9%


Union Pacific Corp






Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 1.4%


Maxim Integrated Products Inc






Texas Instruments Inc








Software – 5.8%


Check Point Software Technologies Ltd*






Citrix Systems Inc






Oracle Corp








Total Common Stocks (cost $79,324,682)




Repurchase Agreements – 3.1%


ING Financial Markets LLC, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0500%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $2,600,004 collateralized by $2,592,249 in U.S. Treasuries 0.1250% - 2.7500%, 1/15/22 - 2/15/41 with a value of $2,652,005 (cost $2,600,000)






Total Investments (total cost $81,924,682) – 99.8%




Cash, Receivables and Other Assets, net of Liabilities – 0.2%




Net Assets – 100%




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States






United Kingdom


























See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Russell 1000® Value Index

Russell 1000® Value Index reflects the performance of U.S. large-cap equities with lower price-to-book ratios and lower expected growth values.



American Depositary Receipt


Limited Liability Company


Public Limited Company



Non-income producing security.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Common Stocks







Repurchase Agreements







Total Assets








Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Investments, at value(1)






Repurchase agreements, at value(2)












Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation




















Fund shares sold







Foreign tax reclaims













Other assets





Total Assets

















Professional fees







Advisory fees







Non-affiliated fund administration fees payable







Fund shares repurchased







Transfer agent fees and expenses







Registration fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Printing fees







Postage fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Custodian fees







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $79,324,682.

(2) Includes cost of repurchase agreements of $2,600,000.

(3) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(4) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:















Other income





Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Non-affiliated fund administration fees





Professional fees





Shareholder reports expense





Custodian fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)




Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:









Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks capital appreciation. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Dividends and Distributions

The Fund generally declares and distributes dividends of net investment income and realized capital gains (if any) annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the Fund's Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


ING Financial Markets LLC









Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

All repurchase agreements are transacted under legally enforceable master repurchase agreements that give the Fund, in the event of default by the counterparty, the right to liquidate securities held and to offset receivables and payables with the counterparty. For financial reporting purposes, the Fund does not offset financial instruments' payables and receivables and related collateral on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Repurchase Agreements

The Fund and other funds advised by Janus Capital or its affiliates may transfer daily uninvested cash balances into one or more joint trading accounts. Assets in the joint trading accounts are invested in money market instruments and the proceeds are allocated to the participating funds on a pro rata basis.

Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest. In the event of default on the obligation to repurchase, the Fund has the right to liquidate the collateral and apply the proceeds in satisfaction of the obligation. In the event of default or bankruptcy by the other party to the agreement, realization and/or retention of the collateral or proceeds may be subject to legal proceedings.

3. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s "base" fee rate prior to any performance adjustment (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.64%.

The investment advisory fee rate is determined by calculating a base fee and applying a performance adjustment. The base fee rate is the same as the contractual investment advisory fee rate. The performance adjustment either increases or decreases the base fee depending on how well the Fund has performed relative to its benchmark index. The Fund's benchmark index used in the calculation is the Russell 1000® Value Index.

The calculation of the performance adjustment applies as follows:

Investment Advisory Fee = Base Fee Rate +/- Performance Adjustment

The investment advisory fee rate paid to Janus Capital by the Fund consists of two components: (1) a base fee calculated by applying the contractual fixed rate of the advisory fee to the Fund’s average daily net assets during the previous month (“Base Fee Rate”), plus or minus (2) a performance-fee adjustment (“Performance Adjustment”) calculated by applying a variable rate of up to 0.15% (positive or negative) to the Fund’s average daily net assets based on the Fund’s relative performance compared to the cumulative investment record of its benchmark index over a 36-month performance measurement period or shorter time period, as applicable. The investment performance of the Fund’s Class A Shares (waiving the upfront sales load) for the performance measurement period is used to calculate the Performance Adjustment. No Performance Adjustment is applied unless the difference between the Fund’s investment performance and the cumulative investment record of the Fund’s benchmark index is 0.50% or greater (positive or negative) during the applicable performance measurement period.

The Fund’s prospectuses and statement(s) of additional information contain additional information about performance-based fees. The amount shown as advisory fees on the Statement of Operations reflects the Base Fee Rate plus/minus any Performance Adjustment. For the year ended June 30, 2020, the performance adjusted investment advisory fee rate before any waivers and/or reimbursements of expenses is 0.58%.

Perkins Investment Management LLC (“Perkins”) serves as subadviser to the Fund. Perkins (together with its predecessors), has been in the investment management business since 1984 and provides day-to-day management of the Fund’s portfolio operations subject to the general oversight of Janus Capital. Janus Capital owns 100% of Perkins.

Janus Capital pays Perkins a subadvisory fee equal to 50% of the investment advisory fee paid by the Fund to Janus Capital (calculated after any applicable performance fee adjustment, fee waivers, and expense reimbursements). The


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

subadvisory fee paid by Janus Capital to Perkins adjusts up or down based on the Fund’s performance relative to the Fund’s benchmark index over the performance measurement period.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding any performance adjustments to management fees, the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.70% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $1,870.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares during the year ended June 30, 2020.

As of June 30, 2020, shares of the Fund were owned by affiliates of Janus Henderson Investors, and/or other funds advised by Janus Henderson, as indicated in the table below:



% of Class Owned


% of Fund Owned



Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares








Less than 0.50%


In addition, other shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with US GAAP).

4. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 1,326,504

$ 1,840,648

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ (1,709)

$ 1,102,687




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary difference between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments is wash sale loss deferrals.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 81,994,121

$ 9,548,685

$ (8,445,998)

$ 1,102,687

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 1,423,097

$ 3,027,662

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 3,143,041

$ 12,546,144

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ 281,308

$ (81,132)

$ (200,176)

Capital has been adjusted by $281,308, including $159,227 of long-term capital gain, for distributions in connection with Fund share redemptions (tax equalization).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

5. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 580,922



$ 1,577,485

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 216,280



$ 1,099,947

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 252,628



$ 227,820

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (45,012)



$ (194,926)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold





$ 7,274,815

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 2,166,516




Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 7,679,828



$ 1,468,864

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (2,517,845)




Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 4,295,268



$ 1,639,470

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (1,613,995)



$ 2,109,222

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ -



$ -

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 1,627



$ 45,139

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 1,113,111



$ 884,524

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (263,879)




6. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations

$ 46,075,410

$ 48,290,123

$ -

$ -



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

7. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

8. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

9. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund's financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund




Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund





JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund




Janus Investment Fund


Knowledge Shared

At Janus Henderson, we believe in the sharing of expert insight for better investment and business decisions. We call this ethos Knowledge Shared.

Learn more by visiting janushenderson.com.



This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93031 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)



As defensive value specialists, we look to invest in high-quality companies that have strong management teams, stable balance sheets and durable competitive advantages and are trading at attractive valuations. We seek to achieve excess returns over full market cycles with less risk than our benchmark and peers as measured by standard deviation, beta and down-market capture.


Kevin Preloger

co-portfolio manager

Justin Tugman

co-portfolio manager



During the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020, the Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund’s Class I Shares returned -11.16%, while its benchmark, the Russell Midcap® Value Index, returned -11.81%.


Early in the period, equities found support as central banks around the world shifted to accommodative monetary policy and continued easing through the end of 2019. Amid several positives for the market – a trade deal with China, increased clarity regarding Brexit, solid employment numbers and optimism about strong consumer holiday spending – the environment at the close of 2019 was risk-on, led by cyclical stocks, small caps and higher-beta equities. However, equities experienced heightened volatility in the first half of 2020 as the COVID 19 coronavirus spread worldwide, disrupting travel and supply chains. This pandemic halted economic activity and triggered a first quarter equity sell-off of historic proportions.

The Federal Reserve provided support for the economy with near-zero interest rates and expanded asset buying. Indeed, the largesse of fiscal and monetary policies has seemed to know no bounds. Stocks recovered ground in the second quarter of 2020 as a result of that support coupled with declining COVID-19 infection rates and the reopening of economies. Investors then looked past weak economic data to focus on prospects for a recovery in the latter part of 2020. The divergence between Main Street and Wall Street has seemed to widen as economies have reopened. Assessing valuations in a market that continues to rally has remained a challenge, as the range of earnings outcomes is expansive, warranting a more defensive approach.


The Fund’s outperformance relative to the Russell Midcap Value Index was driven by strong stock selection, particularly in real estate, industrials, technology and utilities. Over the period, technology has produced one of the highest returns in the Index, aided by strength in semiconductors. We have remained underweight in this segment given our view that these stocks are stretched on various valuation metrics. However, with the perception of stronger growth potential and greater earnings resilience, technology companies have continued to lead the market higher. Our overweight in the sector – and in software and services in particular – also was additive to performance. Citrix Systems, an American multinational software company that provides virtualization, networking and cloud-computing products, was the largest individual contributor on a relative basis. While real estate was one of the worst-performing sectors in the Index, our eclectic mix of higher-quality stocks performed much better. Equity LifeStyle Properties, a real estate investment trust (REIT) specializing in manufactured housing communities, and Equity Commonwealth, a commercial office property REIT, also contributed.

Energy has been a challenging sector for the Fund over the period, particularly when oil prices rebounded toward period end after a sharp sell­off earlier in 2020, but our underweight was beneficial to relative performance. Despite the rebound, we maintain a cautious view, as we believe it is difficult for most oil and gas-related companies to be profitable at current oil prices. ChampionX, a global leader in oil field chemical and fluid solutions, drilling and automation technology and artificial lift solutions, was the largest individual detractor on a relative basis over the period.

Our stock selection in financials, materials and consumer staples and underweight in health care also detracted from relative performance. Within financials, our overweight both in banks and insurance hurt relative returns, particularly in the second half of the period given the sharp decline in interest rates and heightened concerns about potential credit issues. M&T Bank Corp., a holding company offering a variety of commercial banking,


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

trust and investment services, was among the top individual detractors over the period. In materials, The Mosaic Company, a producer and distributor of crop nutrients to agricultural communities in North America and other countries, also was among the largest individual detractors.


Despite the recent price moves in many fundamentally challenged sectors and stocks giving the “all clear” signal, we remain cautious given the sizable competitive headwinds they face. In addition, in a post-pandemic economy, many of these companies will need to alter their business models. At the portfolio level, we continue to be overweight banks given their attractive valuations and ample capital levels, but we understand the credit risk headwinds of varying degrees in the near term. Another overweight sector is technology, which possesses many quality attributes we favor – strong balance sheets, healthy free cash flow and earnings stability in a chaotic economic environment. Conversely, we remain underweight sectors that we view as fundamentally challenged, such as consumer discretionary and energy. As is standard at Perkins, we continue to focus on owning high-quality companies with durable competitive advantages and balance sheets to weather economic shocks, with strict attention to reward-to-risk in the individual stock price. Undoubtedly, there will be continued volatility ahead – in both directions – but we welcome those opportunities to find new names with attractive reward-to-risk profiles for inclusion in the portfolio.

Thank you for your investment with us in the Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020

































5 Top Contributors - Holdings

5 Top Detractors - Holdings












Citrix Systems Inc





ChampionX Corp





Electronic Arts Inc





Cimarex Energy Co





Generac Holdings Inc





M&T Bank Corp





Equity Commonwealth





Mosaic Co





Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc





Cedar Fair LP






5 Top Contributors - Sectors*












Russell Midcap Value Index






Average Weight

Average Weight


Real Estate














Information Technology



































5 Top Detractors - Sectors*












Russell Midcap Value Index






Average Weight

Average Weight
















Consumer Staples







Health Care







Consumer Discretionary








Relative contribution reflects how the portolio's holdings impacted return relative to the benchmark. Cash and securities not held in the portfolio are not shown. For equity portfolios, relative contribution compares the performance of a security in the portfolio to the benchmark's total return, factoring in the difference in weight of that security in the benchmark. Returns are calculated using daily returns and previous day ending weights rolled up by ticker, excluding fixed income securities, gross of advisory fees, may exclude certain derivatives and will differ from actual performance.
Performance attribution reflects returns gross of advisory fees and may differ from actual returns as they are based on end of day holdings. Attribution is calculated by geometrically linking daily returns for the portfolio and index.


Based on sector classification according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”) codes, which are the exclusive property and a service mark of MSCI Inc. and Standard & Poor’s.


Not a GICS classified sector.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


5 Largest Equity Holdings - (% of Net Assets)

BWX Technologies Inc


Aerospace & Defense


Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc


Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)


Laboratory Corp of America Holdings


Health Care Providers & Services


Globe Life Inc




Evergy Inc


Electric Utilities





Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Common Stocks



Repurchase Agreements









Top Country Allocations - Long Positions - (% of Investment Securities)

As of June 30, 2020

As of June 30, 2019



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.





















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios









Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV









Class A Shares at MOP









Class C Shares at NAV









Class C Shares at CDSC









Class D Shares(1)









Class I Shares









Class L Shares(2)









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Russell Midcap Value Index









Morningstar Quartile - Class T Shares









Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Mid-Cap Value Funds









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Class L Shares have a voluntarily agreed administrative fee waiver, which could be changed or terminated at any time.


This Fund has a performance-based management fee that may adjust up or down based on the Fund’s performance.

Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest,


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)


foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class R Shares, and Class S Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for each class reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class J Shares (formerly named Investor Shares), from April 21, 2003 to July 6, 2009, calculated using the fees and expenses of the corresponding class, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers. For periods prior to April 21, 2003, the performance shown for each class reflects the historical performance of Berger Mid Cap Value Fund – Investor Shares (as a result of a prior reorganization of Berger Mid Cap Value Fund – Investor Shares into the Fund’s former Class J Shares), calculated using the fees and expenses of the corresponding class respectively, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class D Shares commenced operations on February 16, 2010, as a result of the restructuring of Class J Shares, the predecessor share class. Performance shown for periods prior to February 16, 2010, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares (formerly named Investor Shares). For the periods prior to April 21, 2003, the performance shown for Class D Shares reflects the historical performance of Berger Mid Cap Value Fund – Investor Shares (as a result of a separate prior reorganization).

Class I Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class J Shares (formerly named Investor Shares) from April 21, 2003 to July 6, 2009, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class J Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. For the periods prior to April 21, 2003, the performance shown for Class I Shares reflects the historical performance of Berger Mid Cap Value Fund – Investor Shares (as a result of a separate prior reorganization), calculated using the fees and expenses of Class J Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class L Shares commenced operations on April 21, 2003. Performance shown for periods following April 21, 2003, reflects the fees and expenses of Class L Shares (formerly named Institutional Shares), net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. The performance shown for Class L Shares for the periods from May 17, 2002 to April 17, 2003, reflects the historical performance of Berger Mid Cap Value Fund – Institutional Shares (as a result of a prior reorganization of Berger Mid Cap Value Fund – Institutional Shares into the Fund’s Class L Shares). For the periods prior to May 17, 2002, the performance shown reflects the historical performance of Berger Mid Cap Value Fund – Investor Shares.

Class N Shares of the Fund commenced operations on May 31, 2012. Performance shown for Class N Shares reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class T Shares from July 6, 2009 to May 31, 2012, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class T Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. For the period from April 21, 2003 to July 6, 2009, the performance shown for Class N Shares reflects the performance of Class J Shares (formerly named Investor Shares), calculated using the fees and expenses of Class J Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. For the periods prior to April 21, 2003, the performance shown for Class N Shares reflects the historical performance of Berger Mid Cap Value Fund – Investor Shares (as a result of a separate prior reorganization), calculated using the fees and expenses of Class J Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class T Shares (formerly named Class J Shares) commenced operations with the Fund’s inception. Performance shown for periods following April 21, 2003, reflects the fees and expenses of Class T Shares in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. For the periods prior to April 21, 2003, the performance shown for Class T Shares reflects the historical performance of Berger Mid Cap Value Fund – Investor Shares (as a result of a separate prior reorganization).

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.


See important disclosures on the next page.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

*The predecessor Fund’s inception date – August 12, 1998

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)


(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

(2) Closed to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class L Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – 96.8%


Aerospace & Defense – 3.4%


BWX Technologies Inc






Auto Components – 0.9%


Aptiv PLC






Banks – 7.9%


Citizens Financial Group Inc






First Horizon National Corp






M&T Bank Corp






Regions Financial Corp






Sterling Bancorp/DE








Chemicals – 7.6%


Axalta Coating Systems Ltd*






Corteva Inc






NewMarket Corp






Nutrien Ltd






Westlake Chemical Corp






WR Grace & Co








Commercial Services & Supplies – 2.8%


IAA Inc*






Waste Connections Inc








Communications Equipment – 2.3%


F5 Networks Inc*






Consumer Finance – 1.3%


Discover Financial Services






Containers & Packaging – 1.8%


Graphic Packaging Holding Co






Electric Utilities – 8.5%


Alliant Energy Corp






Entergy Corp






Evergy Inc






PPL Corp








Electrical Equipment – 2.1%








Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components – 1.5%


Avnet Inc






Entertainment – 2.1%


Electronic Arts Inc*






Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 14.9%


Americold Realty Trust






Camden Property Trust






Equity Commonwealth






Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc






Lamar Advertising Co






Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc






Public Storage








Food & Staples Retailing – 1.5%


Casey's General Stores Inc






Food Products – 2.6%


Lamb Weston Holdings Inc






Sanderson Farms Inc






Tyson Foods Inc








Gas Utilities – 1.5%


Southwest Gas Holdings Inc






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 0.7%


Hologic Inc*






Health Care Providers & Services – 3.0%


Laboratory Corp of America Holdings*






Health Care Technology – 0.8%


Cerner Corp






Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure – 0.5%


Cedar Fair LP






Information Technology Services – 0.8%


Global Payments Inc






Insurance – 9.4%


Axis Capital Holdings Ltd






Globe Life Inc






Hartford Financial Services Group Inc






RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd








Life Sciences Tools & Services – 1.3%


Agilent Technologies Inc






Machinery – 1.8%


Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc






Media – 2.4%


Fox Corp - Class B






Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – 1.0%


Pioneer Natural Resources Co






Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 2.4%


Analog Devices Inc






Maxim Integrated Products Inc








Software – 4.7%


CDK Global Inc






Check Point Software Technologies Ltd*






Citrix Systems Inc






Synopsys Inc*








Specialty Retail – 0.7%


O'Reilly Automotive Inc*






Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods – 1.4%


Columbia Sportswear Co






Levi Strauss & Co








Thrifts & Mortgage Finance – 1.3%


Washington Federal Inc






Trading Companies & Distributors – 1.9%








Total Common Stocks (cost $2,144,131,227)




Repurchase Agreements – 2.6%


ING Financial Markets LLC, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0500%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $50,000,069 collateralized by $45,315,323 in U.S. Treasuries 0.1250% - 3.0000%, 1/15/22 - 2/15/48 with a value of $51,000,079






ING Financial Markets LLC, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0500%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $14,300,020 collateralized by $14,257,368 in U.S. Treasuries 0.1250% - 2.7500%, 1/15/22 - 2/15/41 with a value of $14,586,030






Total Repurchase Agreements (cost $64,300,000)




Total Investments (total cost $2,208,431,227) – 99.4%




Cash, Receivables and Other Assets, net of Liabilities – 0.6%




Net Assets – 100%




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States


























See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Russell Midcap® Value Index

Russell Midcap® Value Index reflects the performance of U.S. mid-cap equities with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values.



Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership


Public Limited Company



Non-income producing security.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Common Stocks







Repurchase Agreements







Total Assets









JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Investments, at value(1)






Repurchase agreements, at value(2)












Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Investments sold














Fund shares sold













Other assets





Total Assets

















Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Advisory fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Professional fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Custodian fees







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class L Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class R Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $2,144,131,227.

(2) Includes cost of repurchase agreements of $64,300,000.

(3) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(4) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:















Other income





Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class L Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class L Shares






Class N Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Shareholder reports expense





Registration fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Professional fees





Custodian fees





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)




Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:









Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class L Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class L Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)














Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class L Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class N Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2)  The Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) per share included an out of period adjustment posted during the year. The impact of the out of period adjustment increased the per share amount by $0.07. The impact of the out of period adjustment to the Total Return was 0.46%.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class R Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)

















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks capital appreciation. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors. Class L Shares are closed.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class L Shares are designed for pension and profit-sharing plans, employee benefit trusts, endowments, foundations and corporations, as well as high net worth individuals and financial intermediaries who are willing to maintain a minimum account balance of $250,000.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class R Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with US GAAP.

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

The Fund generally declares and distributes dividends of net investment income and realized capital gains (if any) annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the Fund's Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


ING Financial Markets LLC









Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

All repurchase agreements are transacted under legally enforceable master repurchase agreements that give the Fund, in the event of default by the counterparty, the right to liquidate securities held and to offset receivables and payables with the counterparty. For financial reporting purposes, the Fund does not offset financial instruments' payables and receivables and related collateral on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Repurchase Agreements

The Fund and other funds advised by Janus Capital or its affiliates may transfer daily uninvested cash balances into one or more joint trading accounts. Assets in the joint trading accounts are invested in money market instruments and the proceeds are allocated to the participating funds on a pro rata basis.

Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest. In the event of default on the obligation to repurchase, the Fund has the right to liquidate the collateral and apply the proceeds in satisfaction of the obligation. In the event of default or bankruptcy by the other party to the agreement, realization and/or retention of the collateral or proceeds may be subject to legal proceedings.

3. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s "base" fee rate prior to any performance adjustment (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.64%.

The investment advisory fee rate is determined by calculating a base fee and applying a performance adjustment. The base fee rate is the same as the contractual investment advisory fee rate. The performance adjustment either increases or decreases the base fee depending on how well the Fund has performed relative to its benchmark index. The Fund's benchmark index used in the calculation is the Russell Midcap® Value Index.

The calculation of the performance adjustment applies as follows:

Investment Advisory Fee = Base Fee Rate +/- Performance Adjustment


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The investment advisory fee rate paid to Janus Capital by the Fund consists of two components: (1) a base fee calculated by applying the contractual fixed rate of the advisory fee to the Fund’s average daily net assets during the previous month (“Base Fee Rate”), plus or minus (2) a performance-fee adjustment (“Performance Adjustment”) calculated by applying a variable rate of up to 0.15% (positive or negative) to the Fund’s average daily net assets based on the Fund’s relative performance compared to the cumulative investment record of its benchmark index over a 36-month performance measurement period or shorter time period, as applicable. The investment performance of the Fund’s Class A Shares (waiving the upfront sales load) for the performance measurement period is used to calculate the Performance Adjustment. No Performance Adjustment is applied unless the difference between the Fund’s investment performance and the cumulative investment record of the Fund’s benchmark index is 0.50% or greater (positive or negative) during the applicable performance measurement period.

The Fund’s prospectuses and statement(s) of additional information contain additional information about performance-based fees. The amount shown as advisory fees on the Statement of Operations reflects the Base Fee Rate plus/minus any Performance Adjustment. For the year ended June 30, 2020, the performance adjusted investment advisory fee rate before any waivers and/or reimbursements of expenses is 0.72%.

Perkins Investment Management LLC (“Perkins”) serves as subadviser to the Fund. Perkins (together with its predecessors), has been in the investment management business since 1984 and provides day-to-day management of the Fund’s portfolio operations subject to the general oversight of Janus Capital. Janus Capital owns 100% of Perkins.

Janus Capital pays Perkins a subadvisory fee equal to 50% of the investment advisory fee paid by the Fund to Janus Capital (calculated after any applicable performance fee adjustment, fee waivers, and expense reimbursements). The subadvisory fee paid by Janus Capital to Perkins adjusts up or down based on the Fund’s performance relative to the Fund’s benchmark index over the performance measurement period.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.83% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative fee based on the average daily net assets Class L Shares of the Fund based on the average proportion of the Fund’s total net assets sold directly and the average proportion of the Fund’s net assets sold through financial intermediaries on a monthly basis. The asset-weighted fee is calculated by applying a blended annual fee rate of 0.12% on average net assets for the proportion of assets sold directly and 0.25% on average net assets for the proportion of assets sold through financial intermediaries. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Janus Services has agreed to waive all or a portion of this fee. Such waiver is voluntary and could change or be terminated at any time at the discretion of Janus Services or Janus Capital without prior notification to shareholders. Removal of this fee waiver may have a significant impact on Class L Shares’ total expense ratio. If applicable, amounts waived to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 0.50% of the Class R Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $5,592.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares paid CDSCs of $282 to Janus Henderson Distributors.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $1,357.

The Fund is permitted to purchase or sell securities (“cross-trade”) between itself and other funds or accounts managed by Janus Capital in accordance with Rule 17a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Rule 17a-7”), when the transaction is consistent with the investment objectives and policies of the Fund and in accordance with the Internal Cross Trade Procedures adopted by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. These procedures have been designed to ensure that any cross-trade of securities by the Fund from or to another fund or account that is or could be considered an affiliate of the Fund under certain limited circumstances by virtue of having a common investment adviser, common Officer, or common Trustee complies with Rule 17a-7. Under these procedures, each cross-trade is effected at the current market price to save costs where allowed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, the Fund engaged in cross trades amounting to $554,386 in sales, resulting in a net realized gain of $270,848. The net realized gain is included within the “Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” section of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

4. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Fund has elected to defer post-October losses as noted in the table below. These losses will be deferred for tax purposes and recognized during the next fiscal year.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 4,665,291

$ -

$ -

$ -


$ (17,249)



The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals and investments in partnerships.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 2,212,445,144



$ 235,078,212

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 31,712,153

$ 46,888,682

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 44,115,285

$ 356,357,360

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ -

$ (4,298,144)

$ 4,298,144


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

5. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 18,917,607



$ 28,242,795

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (5,974,312)



$ 4,259,592

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 2,142,885



$ 3,331,020

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (12,843,935)



$ (23,369,410)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 24,092,028



$ 18,720,176

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (48,649,667)



$ 2,972,152

Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 106,655,485



$ 88,462,603

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (7,808,524)



$ (27,196,302)

Class L Shares:






Shares sold


$ 93,316



$ 132,848

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (1,104,518)



$ (552,053)

Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 145,848,219



$ 77,170,805

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ 26,029,766

Class R Shares:






Shares sold


$ 8,811,940



$ 8,599,651

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (11,027,601)



$ (2,506,127)

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 43,644,906



$ 54,795,423

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 4,679,867



$ (73,675,146)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 56,561,096



$ 58,207,886

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)






6. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations



$ -

$ -

7. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

8. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

9. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund's financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free)  (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund




Janus Investment Fund


Knowledge Shared

At Janus Henderson, we believe in the sharing of expert insight for better investment and business decisions. We call this ethos Knowledge Shared.

Learn more by visiting janushenderson.com.



This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93032 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).



Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund (unaudited)




David Spilsted

co-portfolio manager

Garrett Strum

co-portfolio manager


Average Annual Total Return


Seven-Day Current Yield


For the periods ended June 30, 2020



Class D Shares(1)



Class D Shares(1)



With Reimbursement



1 Year



Without Reimbursement



5 Year



Class T Shares



10 Year



With Reimbursement



Since Inception (February 14, 1995)



Without Reimbursement



Class T Shares



Expense Ratios


1 Year



Per the October 28, 2019 prospectuses



5 Year



Class D Shares(1)



10 Year



Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses



Since Inception (February 14, 1995)



Class T Shares






Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

You could lose money by investing in the Fund. Although the Fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so. The Fund may impose a fee upon the sale of your shares or may temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the Fund’s liquidity falls below required minimums because of market conditions or other factors. An investment in the Fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The Fund’s sponsor has no legal obligation to provide financial support to the Fund, and you should not expect that the sponsor will provide financial support to the Fund at any time.


Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

The yield more closely reflects the current earnings of the money market fund than the total return.

Class D Shares of the Fund commenced operations on February 16, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to February 16, 2010, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares, the initial share class (renamed Class T Shares effective February 16, 2010), calculated using the fees and expenses in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If Class D Shares of the Fund had been available during periods prior to February 16, 2010, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of Class D Shares reflects the fees and expenses of Class D Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in either share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class D Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Principal Amounts




Certificates of Deposit – 16.3%


Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce/New York NY, 1.7700%, 7/16/20






Commonwealth Bank Australia New York, 0.1800%, 9/9/20






Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, 0.7700%, 8/10/20






Royal Bank Of Canada NY, 1.1500%, 7/6/20






Royal Bank Of Canada NY, 1.3500%, 10/2/20






Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp/New York, 0.1600%, 7/23/20






Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp/New York, 0.1600%, 8/10/20






Svenska Handelsbanken NY, 0.2000%, 8/18/20






Total Certificates of Deposit (cost $190,059,247)




Commercial Paper – 38.5%


ANZ New Zealand International London, 0.7475%, 7/13/20 (Section 4(2))






ANZ New Zealand International London, 0.1628%, 7/20/20 (Section 4(2))






Atlantic Asset Sec LLC, 0.1425%, 7/6/20 (Section 4(2))






Atlantic Asset Sec LLC, 0.1290%, 7/14/20 (Section 4(2))






BNP Paribas NY Branch, 0.7148%, 7/20/20






BNP Paribas NY Branch, 0.2444%, 8/3/20






HSBC Bank PLC, 0.8184%, 10/26/20 (Section 4(2))






JP Morgan Securities LLC, 0.9203%, 7/17/20






JP Morgan Securities LLC, 0.4078%, 8/25/20






Manhattan Asset Funding Co LLC, 0.1628%, 7/16/20 (Section 4(2))






Manhattan Asset Funding Co LLC, 0.1730%, 7/24/20 (Section 4(2))






Manhattan Asset Funding Co LLC, 0.2036%, 8/6/20 (Section 4(2))






Nieuw Amsterdam Receivables Corp, 0.1800%, 7/10/20 (Section 4(2))






Nieuw Amsterdam Receivables Corp, 0.1485%, 7/15/20 (Section 4(2))






Royal Bank of Canada, 0.2240%, 9/14/20 (Section 4(2))






Swedbank AB, 0.2342%, 8/12/20






Swedbank AB, 0.2444%, 9/21/20






Swedbank AB, 0.2342%, 10/6/20






Toronto-Dominion Bank/The, 0.1323%, 7/27/20 (Section 4(2))






Toronto-Dominion Bank/The, 0.1832%, 8/7/20 (Section 4(2))






Victory Receivables Corp, 0.1730%, 8/3/20 (Section 4(2))






Total Commercial Paper (cost $450,090,825)




U.S. Government Agency Notes – 4.3%


Federal Home Loan Bank Discount Notes:


0.2020%, 7/20/20






0.1331%, 7/24/20






0.0509%, 8/4/20






0.1282%, 8/12/20






0.2751%, 9/15/20






Total U.S. Government Agency Notes (cost $49,990,313)




U.S. Treasury Debt – 3.0%


United States Treasury Bill, 0.1852%, 7/7/20






United States Treasury Bill, 0.1323%, 8/18/20






United States Treasury Bill, 0.1372%, 8/25/20






Total U.S. Treasury Debt (cost $34,995,927)




Variable Rate Demand Notes – 15.7%


Bellevue 10 Apartments LLC (LOC: Northern Trust Company), 0.2900%, 4/1/60






Breckenridge Terrace LLC (LOC: Bank of America NA), 0.2800%, 5/2/39






Breckenridge Terrace LLC (LOC: Bank of America NA), 0.2800%, 5/2/39






Cellmark Inc (LOC: Swedbank AB NY), 0.2300%, 6/1/38






County of Eagle CO (LOC: Bank of America NA), 0.2800%, 6/1/27






County of Eagle CO (LOC: Bank of America NA), 0.2800%, 5/2/39






Griffin-Spalding County Development Authority (LOC: Bank of America NA),


0.2300%, 8/1/28






Harry M Rubin 2014 Insurance Trust (LOC: Wells Fargo Bank),


0.2300%, 10/1/34






Hawkes 0-Side I LLC (LOC: FHLB San Francisco), 0.2400%, 4/1/55






Industrial Development Board of the City of Auburn (LOC: FHLB Atlanta),


0.2600%, 7/1/26






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Principal Amounts




Variable Rate Demand Notes – (continued)


Jefferson Vista Canyon LLC (LOC: Comerica Bank), 0.3200%, 12/2/58






Lush Properties LLC (LOC: FHLB Topeka), 0.2300%, 11/1/33






Lynette Kerrane-Darragh Children's Trust (LOC: Wells Fargo Bank NA),


0.2300%, 9/1/30






Michael Dennis Sullivan Irrevocable Trust (LOC: Wells Fargo Bank NA),


0.2300%, 11/1/39






Mississippi Business Finance Corp (LOC: FHLB Dallas), 0.3700%, 12/1/35






Phoenix Realty Special Account-U LP (LOC: Northern Trust Company),


0.4200%, 4/1/25






SSAB AB (LOC: Swedbank AB NY), 0.2300%, 4/1/34






SSAB AB (LOC: Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank),


0.2300%, 5/1/34






Steel Dust Recycling LLC (LOC: Comerica Bank), 0.2300%, 5/1/46






Sugar Creek Financial Corp LLC (LOC: Northern Trust Company),


0.2900%, 6/2/42






Tenderfoot Seasonal Housing LLC (LOC: Bank of America NA), 0.2800%, 7/2/35






University of Illinois (LOC: Northern Trust Company), 0.1800%, 4/1/44






Total Variable Rate Demand Notes (cost $183,510,000)




Repurchase Agreementsë – 22.0%


Credit Agricole, New York, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0600%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $10,000,017 collateralized by $9,726,029 in U.S. Treasuries 2.1250%, 12/31/22 with a value of $10,200,007






Goldman Sachs & Co., Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0500%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $35,000,049 collateralized by $33,762,273 in U.S. Government Agencies 0.4400% - 8.0000%, 4/1/21 - 9/16/59 with a value of $35,700,000






HSBC Securities USA Inc, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0600%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $35,000,058 collateralized by $33,603,618 in U.S. Treasuries 0% - 5.2500%, 6/30/22 - 5/15/47 with a value of $35,700,000






ING Financial Markets LLC, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0600%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $55,000,092 collateralized by $51,721,299 in U.S. Government Agencies 2.3090% - 7.0000%, 8/1/27 - 5/1/58 with a value of $56,100,094






Royal Bank of Canada, NY Branch, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0800%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $76,900,171 collateralized by $73,107,857 in U.S. Government Agencies 0% - 38.4930%, 12/15/27 - 6/20/50 with a value of $78,438,174






Royal Bank of Canada, NY Branch, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0600%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $5,000,008 collateralized by $4,079,245 in U.S. Treasuries 0.5000% - 2.8750%, 7/31/25 - 5/15/49 with a value of $5,100,010






Wells Fargo Securities LLC, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0800%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $40,000,089 collateralized by $40,784,343 in U.S. Government Agencies 0% - 2.6000%, 7/21/20 - 1/28/22 with a value of $40,800,149






Total Repurchase Agreements (cost $256,900,000)




Total Investments (total cost $1,165,546,312) – 99.8%




Cash, Receivables and Other Assets, net of Liabilities – 0.2%




Net Assets – 100%




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information



Limited Liability Company


Letter of Credit


Limited Partnership


Public Limited Company

Money market funds may hold securities with stated maturities of greater than 397 days when those securities have features that allow a fund to “put” back the security to the issuer or to a third party within 397 days of acquisition. The maturity dates shown in the security descriptions are the stated maturity dates.



Securities sold under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 4(2) securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $300,159,515, which represents 25.7% of net assets.


Variable rate demand notes are not based on a published reference rate and spread; they are determined by the issuer or remarketing agent and current market conditions. The reference rate in the security description is as of June 30, 2020.



The Fund may have elements of risk due to concentration of investments. Such concentrations may subject the Fund to additional risks.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Certificates of Deposit







Commercial Paper







U.S. Government Agency Notes







U.S. Treasury Debt







Variable Rate Demand Notes







Repurchase Agreements







Total Assets








Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020















Investments, at value(1)






Repurchase agreements, at value(2)












Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Fund shares sold












Total Assets

















Fund shares repurchased







Advisory fees







Administration services fees







Professional fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses












Total Liabilities





Net Assets





Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $908,646,312.

(2) Includes cost of repurchase agreements of $256,900,000.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:









Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





Administration services fees:






Class D Shares






Class T Shares





Professional fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)




Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:









Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class D Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class D Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)(2)












Total from Investment Operations















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Total Dividends and Distributions















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)(2)












Total from Investment Operations















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Total Dividends and Distributions















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.

(3) Less than 0.005%.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund (the “Fund”) is a series fund. The Fund is part of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 Funds which include multiple series of shares, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks capital preservation and liquidity with current income as a secondary objective.

The Fund offers two classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer both classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

The Fund is classified as a “retail money market fund,” as such term is defined in or interpreted under the rules governing money market funds. A retail money market fund is a money market fund that has policies and procedures reasonably designed to limit all beneficial owners of the Fund to natural persons, which means that the Fund’s Shares can only be held through individual investors. In order to make an initial investment in the Fund, the Fund requires that a shareholder provide certain information (e.g., Social Security number or government-issued identification) that confirms your eligibility to invest in the Fund. Accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, such as business and limited liability company accounts, charitable or financial organizations, and corporate and S-Corp accounts, are not eligible to invest in the Fund, and will be involuntarily redeemed from the Fund after having been provided sufficient notice.

As a retail money market fund, the Fund may be subject to liquidity fees and/or redemption gates on fund redemptions if the Fund’s liquidity falls below required minimums because of market conditions or other factors. Liquidity fees and redemption gates are most likely to be imposed during times of extraordinary market stress. Pursuant to Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act, the Trustees are permitted to impose a liquidity fee on redemptions from the Fund (up to 2%) or a redemption gate to temporarily restrict redemptions from the Fund for up to 10 business days (in any 90-day period) in the event that the Fund’s weekly liquid assets fall below certain designated thresholds.

If the Fund’s weekly liquid assets fall below 30% of the Fund’s total assets, the Trustees are permitted, but not required, to (i) impose a liquidity fee of no more than 2% of the amount redeemed and/or (ii) impose a redemption gate to temporarily suspend the right of redemption. If the Fund’s weekly liquid assets fall below 10% of the Fund’s total assets, the Fund will impose, generally as of the beginning of the next business day, a liquidity fee of 1% of the amount redeemed unless the Trustees determine that such a fee would not be in the best interests of the Fund or determines that a lower or higher fee (subject to the 2% limit) would be in the best interests of the Fund. A liquidity fee or redemption gate may be imposed as early as the same day that the Fund's weekly liquid assets fall below the 30% or 10% thresholds.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”) or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with US GAAP.


The Fund has adopted liquidity requirements (measured at the time of purchase) as noted:

The Fund will limit its investments in illiquid securities to 5% or less of its total assets.

Daily liquidity. The Fund will invest at least 10% of its total assets in “daily liquid assets,” which generally include cash (including demand deposits), direct obligations of the U.S. Government, securities (including repurchase agreements) that will mature or are subject to a demand feature that is exercisable and payable within one business day, and/or amounts receivable and due unconditionally within one business day on pending sales of portfolio securities.

Weekly liquidity. The Fund will invest at least 30% of its assets in “weekly liquid assets,” which generally include cash (including demand deposits), direct obligations of the U.S. Government, agency discount notes with remaining maturities of 60 days or less, and securities (including repurchase agreements) that will mature or are subject to a demand feature that is exercisable and payable within five business days.

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Investments held by the Fund are valued utilizing the amortized cost method of valuation permitted in accordance with Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act and certain conditions therein. Under the amortized cost method, which does not take into account unrealized capital gains or losses, an instrument is initially valued at its cost and thereafter assumes a constant accretion/amortization to maturity of any discount or premium.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Periodic review and monitoring of the valuation of short-term securities is performed in an effort to ensure that amortized cost approximates market value. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends, if any, are declared daily and distributed monthly for the Fund. Realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed in December. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through its investments in certain securities, including, but not limited to, repurchase agreements and debt securities. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the Fund's Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Credit Agricole, New York







Goldman Sachs & Co.







HSBC Securities USA Inc







ING Financial Markets LLC







Royal Bank of Canada, NY Branch







Wells Fargo Securities LLC
















Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

All repurchase agreements are transacted under legally enforceable master repurchase agreements that give the Fund, in the event of default by the counterparty, the right to liquidate securities held and to offset receivables and payables with the counterparty. For financial reporting purposes, the Fund does not offset financial instruments' payables and receivables and related collateral on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest.

Repurchase Agreements

The Fund and other funds advised by Janus Capital or its affiliates may transfer daily uninvested cash balances into one or more joint trading accounts. Assets in the joint trading accounts are invested in money market instruments and the proceeds are allocated to the participating funds on a pro rata basis.

Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest. In



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

the event of default on the obligation to repurchase, the Fund has the right to liquidate the collateral and apply the proceeds in satisfaction of the obligation. In the event of default or bankruptcy by the other party to the agreement, realization and/or retention of the collateral or proceeds may be subject to legal proceedings.

Sovereign Debt

The Fund may invest in U.S. and non-U.S. government debt securities (“sovereign debt”). Some investments in sovereign debt, such as U.S. sovereign debt, are considered low risk. However, investments in sovereign debt, especially the debt of less developed countries, can involve a high degree of risk, including the risk that the governmental entity that controls the repayment of sovereign debt may not be willing or able to repay the principal and/or to pay the interest on its sovereign debt in a timely manner. A sovereign debtor’s willingness or ability to satisfy its debt obligation may be affected by various factors including, but not limited to, its cash flow situation, the extent of its foreign currency reserves, the availability of foreign exchange when a payment is due, the relative size of its debt position in relation to its economy as a whole, the sovereign debtor’s policy toward international lenders, and local political constraints to which the governmental entity may be subject. Sovereign debtors may also be dependent on expected disbursements from foreign governments, multilateral agencies, and other entities. The failure of a sovereign debtor to implement economic reforms, achieve specified levels of economic performance, or repay principal or interest when due may result in the cancellation of third party commitments to lend funds to the sovereign debtor, which may further impair such debtor’s ability or willingness to timely service its debts. The Fund may be requested to participate in the rescheduling of such sovereign debt and to extend further loans to governmental entities, which may adversely affect the Fund’s holdings. In the event of default, there may be limited or no legal remedies for collecting sovereign debt and there may be no bankruptcy proceedings through which the Fund may collect all or part of the sovereign debt that a governmental entity has not repaid. In addition, to the extent the Fund invests in non-U.S. sovereign debt, it may be subject to currency risk.

Variable and Floating Rate Notes

The Fund also may purchase variable and floating rate demand notes of corporations and other entities, which are unsecured obligations redeemable upon not more than 30 days’ notice. The Fund may purchase variable and floating rate demand notes of U.S. Government issuers or commercial banks. These obligations include master demand notes that permit investment of fluctuating amounts at varying rates of interest pursuant to direct arrangements with the issuer of the instrument. The issuer of these obligations often has the right, after a given period, to prepay the outstanding principal amount of the obligations upon a specified number of days’ notice. These obligations generally are not traded, nor generally is there an established secondary market for these obligations. To the extent a demand note does not have a seven day or shorter demand feature and there is no readily available market for the obligation, it is treated as an illiquid investment. The rate of interest on securities purchased by a Fund may be tied to short-term Treasury or other government securities or indices on securities that are permissible investments of the Funds, as well as other money market rates of interest. The Funds will not purchase securities whose values are tied to interest rates or indices that are not appropriate for the duration and volatility standards of a money market fund.

3. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.20% of its average daily net assets.

Janus Capital has voluntarily agreed to waive one-half of the Fund’s investment advisory fee. Janus Capital may also voluntarily waive and/or reimburse additional fees to the extent necessary to assist the Fund in attempting to maintain a yield of at least 0.00%. These waivers and reimbursements are voluntary and could change or be terminated at any time at the discretion of Janus Capital. The voluntary advisory fee waiver was terminated effective February 1, 2020. There is no guarantee that the Fund will maintain a positive yield. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective February 1, 2020, Class D Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund compensate Janus Capital at an annual rate of 0.36% and 0.38%, respectively, of average daily net assets for providing certain administration services including, but not limited to, oversight and coordination of the Fund’s service providers, recordkeeping and registration functions and also to pay for costs such as shareholder servicing and custody. Prior to February 1, 2020, Class D Shares and Class T Shares the Fund compensated Janus Capital at an annual rate of 0.46% and 0.48%, respectively, for providing certain administration services. These amounts are disclosed as “Administration services fees” on the Statement of Operations. A portion of the Fund’s administration fee is paid to BNP Paribas Financial Services ("BPFS"). BPFS provides certain administrative services to the Fund, including services related to Fund accounting, calculation of the Fund’s daily NAV, and Fund audit, tax, and reporting obligations, pursuant to a sub-administration agreement with


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Capital on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital does not receive any additional compensation, beyond the administration services fee for serving as administrator.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

4. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 6,987

$ -

$ (14)

$ -

$ -

$ (19,338)

$ -


Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses




$ (14)

$ -

$ (14)



Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 10,034,282

$ -

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 16,105,684

$ -

$ -

$ -


5. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class D Shares:






Shares sold






Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ 70,462,785

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 23,584,786



$ 21,046,803

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 1,113,599



$ (422,512)

6. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08") to amend the amortization period for certain purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. The guidance requires certain premiums on callable debt securities to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amortization period for callable debt securities purchased at a discount will not be impacted. The amendments are effective for fiscal years and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has adopted the amendments as of the beginning of this fiscal period and concluded these changes do not have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

7. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace,


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

8. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Money Market Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Monthly Portfolio Holdings

The Fund files its complete holdings in a monthly report on Form N-MFP within 5 business days after each month end. These reports (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Performance Overviews

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

David Spilsted
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1963

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Money Market Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts and Analyst for Janus Henderson Investors.

Garrett Strum
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1981

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Money Market Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts and Analyst for Janus Henderson Investors.

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund




Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Money Market Fund





JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Money Market Fund




Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

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125-02-93027 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund (unaudited)



This dynamic, multi-sector income fund seeks high monthly income with lower volatility than a dedicated high-yield strategy. Our approach leverages a bottom-up, fundamentally driven process that focuses on identifying the best risk-adjusted opportunities across fixed income sectors.


John Kerschner

co-portfolio manager

John Lloyd

co-portfolio manager

Seth Meyer

co-portfolio manager



During the one-year period ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund’s Class I Shares returned 0.93% compared with an 8.74% return for the Fund’s benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index.


In the first half of the period, fixed income markets broadly became more confident of a soft landing for the U.S. economy as the Federal Reserve (Fed) lowered policy rates three times in the latter half of 2019. Generally better-than-expected earnings reports and progress in U.S.-China trade relations also contributed to credit spreads (yields over Treasuries) tightening toward the lowest levels of the current credit cycle. However, in early 2020, the exogenous shock of the COVID-19 coronavirus ushered in a period of severe economic uncertainty as governments around the world restricted travel and social activity to help contain the virus. Risk markets faced a sell-off of historic proportions. Contributing to the malaise was a collapse in oil prices when the virus-related drop in demand was met by a flood of supply after OPEC and Russia failed to agree on production cutbacks.

Across the globe, central bank and government stimulus action was swift and aggressive. The Fed cut policy rates to zero and introduced numerous programs to support bond market liquidity, including unprecedented support to the high-yield market, while Congress approved trillions of dollars in crisis support to consumers and businesses. These actions supported financial markets and corporations and contributed to a rapid improvement in liquidity conditions. The staggering levels of monetary and fiscal stimulus, coupled with a recovery in oil and optimism on reopening the U.S. economy, bolstered investor confidence later in the period, although volatility remained high.

Over the year, rates fell across the yield curve, with the 5-year Treasury yield closing June at 0.29%, down from 1.76%, and the 10-year Treasury ending the period at 0.66%, down from 2.01%. Corporate and securitized credit were volatile, with heightened risk of downgrades and defaults causing spreads over Treasuries to widen dramatically intra-period. Fed support helped credit retrace most of its losses, and investment-grade corporate bonds ultimately generated positive returns, while their high-yield counterparts were roughly flat.


Early in the period, we were actively seeking ways to capitalize on the strength of the consumer, one of the healthiest components of the U.S. economy in 2019. And while we were wary of valuations after double-digit returns for corporate credit in 2019 and entered 2020 relatively cautiously, we were in no way positioned for the impact a global economic shutdown and social distancing would have on consumer discretionary activity.

Our high-yield corporate bond allocation was near an all-time low heading into the COVID-19 correction, but valuations lurched from the tightest quartile to the widest quartile of the past decade in a matter of days, and our exposure weighed materially on relative performance. While our positioning in asset-backed securities (ABS) tends to be varied and diversified, many of our positions are tied to the health of the consumer and suffered amid the health care crisis, stay at home orders and the resulting lack of consumer activity. Aircraft ABS were also dislocated, but we maintain a favorable outlook given they are backed by a global market with significant exposure to Asian air travel, which has been generally less impacted by the crisis. On a single-name basis, a position in General Electric was similarly challenged later in the period, as concern grew over the impact an undetermined hiatus in global travel will have on its aviation division.

Underperformance was partially offset by the Fund’s positioning in investment-grade corporate credit and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) – two sectors we employ with the goal of dampening the volatility of our


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund (unaudited)

plus-sector positioning. Late in the period, constructive signs emerged in credit markets as liquidity improved on the back of stimulus measures. We took advantage of what we viewed as attractive valuations to add to corporate issuers we expect to perform well through elevated economic uncertainty, at first in higher-quality investment-grade names and later in high yield. We added a position in Ford after it was downgraded to high yield in March, a decision that benefited strongly from the Fed’s April announcement that it would purchase recent fallen angels.


The Fund may use derivatives for various investment purposes, such as to manage or hedge portfolio risk, enhance return or manage duration. During the period, the Fund used forward foreign currency exchange contracts to hedge currency exposure back to the U.S. dollar and interest rate futures and swaps to efficiently express our view on rates, including the U.S. Treasury market. The Fund also employed forward-settling MBS trades through the To Be Announced (TBA) market to gain exposure to certain agency MBS. Our use of derivatives contributed to relative results. Please see the Derivative Instruments section in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for a discussion of derivatives used by the Fund.


We are comforted by the Fed’s commitment to support bond markets and anticipate fiscal authorities will continue intervening as needed. With this support, we expect U.S. economic growth to accelerate off recent lows for the next few quarters. Still, the path to recovery remains littered with uncertainties, and it will take years before the economy fully recovers. The restoration of liquidity in the high-yield market has been rapid by historical standards given the Fed’s intervention, but that too will take time to fully normalize.

Although market sentiment has improved markedly, credit spreads over Treasuries ended the period closer to longer-term averages and still wide of pre-crisis levels, leaving opportunity for attractive returns in fixed income in the year ahead. We expect corporate bonds, including high yield, to remain in demand given the Fed’s support and the attractive yields they offer over very low policy rates – which will likely persist for the foreseeable future. And after a rapid deterioration in corporate fundamentals, we believe a period of debt paydown is likely to ensue by investment-grade issuers, which would further support that asset class. Across the ratings spectrum, however, security selection remains of the utmost importance, as additional downgrades and fallen angels are not out of the question. Security selection is equally as critical within structured securities, where we believe it prudent to focus on higher-quality structures that can withstand a slower economy; we expect the Fed’s aggressive actions to support the liquidity and underlying fundamental performance of these securities.

We are optimistic, but we do not expect volatility to fade. COVID-19 and its economic impact remain the most pressing concern, and other risks to market sentiment are also on our radar: a resumption of trade tensions with China and the upcoming U.S. elections, to name two. As we navigate these uncertainties, we will continue to adhere to our bottom-up, research-driven investment process with a focus on taking the right amount of risk throughout the cycle.

Thank you for investing in Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


Fund Profile



30-day Current Yield*



Class A Shares NAV



Class A Shares MOP



Class C Shares**



Class D Shares



Class I Shares



Class N Shares



Class S Shares



Class T Shares



Weighted Average Maturity

5.4 Years

Average Effective Duration***

3.8 Years

* Yield will fluctuate.



** Does not include the 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge.

*** A theoretical measure of price volatility.



Ratings Summary - (% of Total Investments)














Not Rated




† Credit ratings provided by Standard & Poor's (S&P), an independent credit rating agency. Credit ratings range from AAA (highest) to D (lowest) based on S&P's measures. Further information on S&P's rating methodology may be found at www.standardandpoors.com. Other rating agencies may rate the same securities differently. Ratings are relative and subjective and are not absolute standards of quality. Credit quality does not remove market risk and is subject to change. "Not Rated" securities are not rated by S&P, but may be rated by other rating agencies and do not necessarily indicate low quality. "Other" includes cash equivalents, equity securities, and certain derivative instruments.

Significant Areas of Investment - (% of Net Assets)


Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds



Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities



Mortgage-Backed Securities



Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans



Investment Companies



Preferred Stocks



Common Stocks



Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending









Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.




















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios








Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV









Class A Shares at MOP









Class C Shares at NAV









Class C Shares at CDSC









Class D Shares(1)









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index









Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares









Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Multisector Bond Funds









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 4.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund (unaudited)


has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

*The Fund’s inception date – February 28, 2014

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – 31.6%


A10 Term Asset Financing 2017-1 LLC, 4.7000%, 3/15/36 (144A)






Aaset 2019-2 Trust, 6.4130%, 10/16/39 (144A)§






Alaska Airlines 2020-1 Class A Pass Through Trust, 4.8000%, 8/15/27 (144A)






Applebee's Funding LLC / IHOP Funding LLC, 4.1940%, 6/7/49 (144A)






Aqua Finance Trust 2019-A, 3.1400%, 7/16/40 (144A)






Arroyo Mortgage Trust 2019-2,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 0.0250%, 4.7600%, 4/25/49 (144A)






BBCCRE Trust 2015-GTP, 4.7147%, 8/10/33 (144A)






BBCMS 2018-TALL Mortgage Trust,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.4370%, 2.6218%, 3/15/37 (144A)






Benchmark Mortgage Trust 2020-IG1, 3.2447%, 9/15/43






BlueMountain CLO XXIV Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.7000%, 3.8353%, 4/20/31 (144A)






BlueMountain CLO XXVI Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.9000%, 4.0350%, 10/20/32 (144A)






Business Jet Securities LLC, 6.9480%, 7/15/34 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-BIOA,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.9511%, 2.1358%, 3/15/37 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-IND,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7000%, 1.8848%, 11/15/35 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-XL,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1848%, 10/15/36 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-XL,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.3000%, 2.4848%, 10/15/36 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-XL,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.6500%, 2.8348%, 10/15/36 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2020-BXLP,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1848%, 12/15/36 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2020-BXLP,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.5000%, 2.6848%, 12/15/36 (144A)






BX Trust 2019-OC11, 4.0755%, 12/9/41 (144A)






Carlyle US CLO 2019-4 LTD,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.7000%, 4.2590%, 1/15/33 (144A)






Carvana Auto Receivables Trust 2019-1, 5.6400%, 1/15/26 (144A)






Carvana Auto Receivables Trust 2019-2, 0%, 4/15/26 (144A)‡,¤






Carvana Auto Receivables Trust 2019-4, 0%, 10/15/26 (144A)






Castlelake Aircraft Securitization Trust 2016-1, 6.1500%, 8/15/41






Castlelake Aircraft Securitization Trust 2018-1, 6.6250%, 6/15/43 (144A)§






CGDB Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-MOB,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1848%, 11/15/36 (144A)






CGDB Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-MOB,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.5500%, 2.7348%, 11/15/36 (144A)






CIFC Funding 2016-I Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.8000%, 3.9090%, 10/21/31 (144A)






CIFC Funding 2019-VI Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.7000%, 3.8761%, 1/16/33 (144A)






Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-C5, 0.7546%, 6/10/51‡,¤






COLT Funding LLC 2018-4,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 1.6500%, 4.7160%, 12/28/48 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2016-C04,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 4.2500%, 4.4345%, 1/25/29






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R02,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.3000%, 2.4845%, 8/25/31 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R03,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.1500%, 2.3345%, 9/25/31 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R05,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 4.1000%, 4.2845%, 7/25/39 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R06,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.1000%, 2.2845%, 9/25/39 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2020-R01,

ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.8000%, 0.9845%, 1/25/40 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2020-R02,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1845%, 1/25/40 (144A)






Conn's Receivables Funding 2019-A LLC, 4.3600%, 10/16/23 (144A)






Conn's Receivables Funding 2019-A LLC, 5.2900%, 10/16/23 (144A)






Conn's Receivables Funding 2019-B LLC, 4.6000%, 6/17/24 (144A)






Cosmopolitan Hotel Trust 2017,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.0000%, 3.1848%, 11/15/36 (144A)






Driven Brands Funding LLC, 4.6410%, 4/20/49 (144A)






ECAF I Ltd, 5.8020%, 6/15/40 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2018-4, 5.3800%, 7/15/25 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2019-1, 5.2000%, 1/15/26 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2019-3, 4.0000%, 8/17/26 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2020-1A E, 3.7400%, 1/15/27 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2020-2A C, 3.2800%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2020-2A D, 4.7300%, 4/15/26 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2020-2A E, 7.1900%, 9/15/27 (144A)






ExteNet Issuer LLC, 5.2190%, 7/26/49 (144A)






Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.0000%, 5.1845%, 7/25/25






Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.7000%, 5.8845%, 4/25/28






Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1845%, 3/25/31






Fannie Mae REMICS, -11 x ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 55.0000%, 53.1010%, 10/25/40






Fannie Mae REMICS, 3.0000%, 5/25/48






Fannie Mae REMICS, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 6.0500%, 5.8655%, 8/25/48‡,¤






First Investors Auto Owner Trust 2018-1, 7.1600%, 8/15/25 (144A)






Foursight Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2020-1 E, 3.4900%, 4/15/26 (144A)






Foursight Capital Auto Receivables Trust 2020-1 F, 4.6200%, 6/15/27 (144A)






Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates,


0.1871%, 7/25/28‡,¤






Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates,


2.3667%, 10/25/28‡,¤






Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates,


4.3988%, 4/25/34‡,¤






Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates,


2.2355%, 8/25/45‡,¤






Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates,


2.2271%, 5/25/47‡,¤






Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured Pass Through Certificates,


1.9338%, 11/25/47‡,¤






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.7500%, 0.9345%, 2/25/50 (144A)






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.0000%, 0%, 6/25/50






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.1000%, 0%, 6/25/50






FREED ABS Trust 2020-2CP, 4.5200%, 6/18/27 (144A)






FREMF 2018-KF45 Mortgage Trust,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.9500%, 2.1325%, 3/25/25 (144A)






FREMF 2019-KF72 Mortgage Trust,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.1000%, 2.2825%, 11/25/26 (144A)






Golden Tree Loan Management US CLO1 Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.6500%, 3.7853%, 4/20/29 (144A)






Government National Mortgage Association,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.5500%, 5.3600%, 1/20/44‡,¤






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Government National Mortgage Association,

ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.6000%, 5.4100%, 8/20/44‡,¤






Government National Mortgage Association,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.6800%, 5.4900%, 10/20/45‡,¤






Government National Mortgage Association,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 6.0500%, 5.8600%, 4/20/46‡,¤






Government National Mortgage Association,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 6.1500%, 5.9549%, 10/16/55‡,¤






Government National Mortgage Association, 0.4772%, 1/16/60‡,¤






Great Wolf Trust,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.7320%, 2.9168%, 12/15/36 (144A)






Great Wolf Trust,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.1310%, 3.3158%, 12/15/36 (144A)






GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2020-UPTN E, 3.2460%, 2/10/37 (144A)






GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2020-UPTN F, 3.2460%, 2/10/37 (144A)






Hertz Fleet Lease Funding LP, 5.5500%, 5/10/32 (144A)






Hertz Fleet Lease Funding LP, 4.6200%, 1/10/33 (144A)






InSite Issuer LLC, 6.1150%, 12/15/48 (144A)






Jack in the Box Funding LLC 2019-1A A2I, 3.9820%, 8/25/49 (144A)






Jersey Mike's Funding, 4.4330%, 2/15/50 (144A)






KNDL 2019-KNSQ Mortgage Trust,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1848%, 5/15/36 (144A)






LoanMe Trust SBL 2019-1, 5.2500%, 8/15/30 (144A)






LoanMe Trust SBL 2019-1, 10.0000%, 8/15/30 (144A)Ç






Madison Park Funding Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.5000%, 4.7190%, 1/15/33 (144A)






Magnetite XXII Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.6500%, 4.8689%, 4/15/31 (144A)






Mello Warehouse Securitization Trust 2019-1,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.3500%, 2.5345%, 6/25/52 (144A)






Mello Warehouse Securitization Trust 2019-2,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.4000%, 2.5845%, 11/25/52 (144A)






MMFL Re-REMIC Trust 2019-1,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.4000%, 1.5845%, 1/28/24 (144A)






MRCD 2019-MARK Mortgage Trust, 2.7175%, 12/15/36 (144A)






MRCD 2019-MARK Mortgage Trust, 2.7175%, 12/15/36 (144A)






Multifamily Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-01,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.2500%, 3.4345%, 10/15/49 (144A)






Multifamily Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2020-01,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.7500%, 3.9345%, 3/25/50 (144A)






Neuberger Berman CLO Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.8000%, 3.6871%, 1/28/30 (144A)






New Residential Mortgage Loan Trust 2019-NQM2,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 1.7500%, 4.2671%, 4/25/49 (144A)






Oasis Securitisation 2020-2A, 4.2624%, 5/15/32 (144A)






OCP CLO Ltd, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.0000%, 4.0203%, 4/24/29 (144A)






Octagon Investment Partners 40 Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.8000%, 4.9350%, 4/20/31 (144A)






OneMain Direct Auto Receivables Trust 2019-1, 4.6800%, 4/14/31 (144A)






Palmer Square Loan Funding 2019-4 Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.2500%, 4.2703%, 10/24/27 (144A)






Palmer Square Loan Funding 2020-2 Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.0000%, 4.1090%, 4/20/28 (144A)‡,§






Pawnee Equipment Receivables Series 2019-1 LLC, 3.8000%, 1/15/26 (144A)






Perimeter Master Note Business Trust, 4.2300%, 5/15/24 (144A)






Perimeter Master Note Business Trust, 5.2100%, 5/15/24 (144A)






Planet Fitness Master Issuer LLC, 3.8580%, 12/5/49 (144A)






PRIMA Capital Ltd, 4.2500%, 12/25/50 (144A)






Project Silver, 6.9000%, 7/15/44 (144A)§






Prosper Marketplace Issuance Trust 2018-2A, 5.5000%, 10/15/24 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


PRPM 2019-3 LLC, 4.4580%, 7/25/24 (144A)Ç






PRPM 2019-4 LLC, 4.6540%, 11/25/24 (144A)Ç






PRPM 2019-GS1, 4.7500%, 10/25/24 (144A)






Raptor Aircraft Finance I LLC, 4.2130%, 8/23/44 (144A)






Santander Consumer Auto Receivables Trust 2020-AA, 5.4900%, 4/15/26 (144A)






Santander Prime Auto Issuance Notes Trust 2018-A, 6.8000%, 9/15/25 (144A)






Sequoia Mortgage Trust 2018-8, 0.2908%, 11/25/48 (144A)‡,¤,§






Sierra Timeshare 2019-1 Receivables Funding LLC, 4.7500%, 1/20/36 (144A)






Sierra Timeshare 2019-2 Receivables Funding LLC, 4.5400%, 5/20/36 (144A)






SoFi Consumer Loan Program 2019-1 Trust, 4.4200%, 2/25/28 (144A)






SoFi Consumer Loan Program 2019-2 Trust, 4.2000%, 4/25/28 (144A)






Sprite 2017-1 Ltd, 6.9000%, 12/15/37 (144A)§






Spruce Hill Mortgage Loan Trust 2020-SH2, 3.4070%, 6/25/55 (144A)






Station Place Securitization Trust Series 2020-WL1,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.2500%, 0%, 6/25/51 (144A)






Tesla Auto Lease Trust 2019-A, 5.4800%, 5/22/23 (144A)






THL Credit Wind River 2019-2 Clo Ltd, 3.8690%, 1/15/33 (144A)






United Auto Credit Securitization Trust 2019-1, 4.2900%, 8/12/24 (144A)






United Auto Credit Securitization Trust 2020-1, 5.1900%, 2/10/25 (144A)






Upstart Securitization Trust, 4.7830%, 9/20/29 (144A)






Upstart Securitization Trust 2019-3, 5.3810%, 1/21/30 (144A)






VB-S1 Issuer LLC, 5.2500%, 2/15/48 (144A)






VB-S1 Issuer LLC 2020-1A, 3.0310%, 6/15/50 (144A)






Verus Securitization Trust 2018-INV1,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 2.7500%, 5.6480%, 3/25/58 (144A)






Vx Cargo 2018-1 Trust, 5.4380%, 12/15/33 (144A)






Westlake Automobile Receivables Trust 2018-2, 6.0400%, 1/15/25 (144A)






Westlake Automobile Receivables Trust 2019-1, 5.6700%, 2/17/26 (144A)






Willis Engine Securitization Trust 2020-A B, 4.2120%, 3/15/45 (144A)§






Willis Engine Securitization Trust 2020-A C, 6.6570%, 3/15/45 (144A)§






Z Capital Credit Partners CLO 2018-1 Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.4500%, 3.6260%, 1/16/31 (144A)






Z Capital Credit Partners CLO 2018-1A A2 Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.5600%, 2.7360%, 1/16/31 (144A)






Z Capital Credit Partners CLO 2019-1 Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.6400%, 2.8161%, 7/16/31 (144A)






Z Capital Credit Partners CLO 2019-1 Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.7000%, 3.8761%, 7/16/31 (144A)






Zephyrus Capital Aviation Partners 2018-1 Ltd, 4.6050%, 10/15/38 (144A)






Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $788,742,780)




Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans – 7.3%


Basic Industry – 0.2%


Al Convoy Luxembourg, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.5000%, 5.1534%, 1/18/27ƒ,‡






Rohm Holding GmbH, ICE LIBOR USD 6 Month + 5.0000%, 6.7793%, 7/31/26








Capital Goods – 0.5%


DynCorp International Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 6.0000%, 7.0000%, 8/18/25






Mauser Packaging Solutions Holding Co,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.2500%, 4.5614%, 4/3/24








Communications – 1.1%


Entravision Communications Corp,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.7500%, 2.9283%, 11/29/24






Formula One Management Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.5000%, 3.5000%, 2/1/24






GCI Holdings LLC, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.2500%, 2.4283%, 2/2/22






Lions Gate Capital Holdings LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7500%, 1.9283%, 3/22/23






T-Mobile USA Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.0000%, 3.1783%, 4/1/27






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans – (continued)


Communications – (continued)


Traviata BV,


Euro Interbank Offered Rate 3 Month + 5.0000%, 5.0000%, 12/18/26







Virgin Media SFA Finance Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.2500%, 3.3441%, 11/15/27









Consumer Cyclical – 2.1%


18 Fremont Street Acquisition LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 8.0000%, 9.5000%, 8/9/25






Boardriders Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 6.5000%, 7.5000%, 4/23/24






CoreCivic Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 4.5000%, 5.5000%, 12/18/24ƒ,‡






Grizzly Finco, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.2500%, 4.6834%, 10/1/25






Loire Finco Luxembourg,


Euro Interbank Offered Rate 3 Month + 3.2500%, 3.2500%, 4/21/27ƒ,‡







Loire Finco Luxembourg, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.5000%, 3.6783%, 4/21/27






Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 4.1250%, 4.4875%, 10/13/21






Spectacle Gary Holdings LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 11.0000%, 11.0000%, 12/23/25ƒ,‡






Spectacle Gary Holdings LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 9.0000%, 11.0000%, 12/23/25






Tacala Investment Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 7.5000%, 7.6783%, 2/4/28






Tacala Investment Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.5000%, 3.6783%, 2/5/27








Consumer Non-Cyclical – 1.7%


Bellring Brands LLC, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.0000%, 6.0000%, 10/21/24






Change Healthcare Holdings LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.5000%, 3.5000%, 3/1/24






Chobani LLC, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.5000%, 4.5000%, 10/10/23






CryoLife Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.2500%, 4.2500%, 12/2/24






FC Compassus LLC, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 5.0000%, 6.0720%, 12/31/26






Froneri Lux FinCo SARL,


Euro Interbank Offered Rate 3 Month + 2.6250%, 2.6250%, 1/29/27







Lannett Co Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.3750%, 6.3750%, 11/25/22






Surgery Center Holdings Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.2500%, 4.2500%, 9/3/24








Technology – 1.5%


Camelot Finance SA, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.0000%, 3.1783%, 10/30/26ƒ,‡






Cornerstone OnDemand Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 4.2500%, 5.3476%, 4/22/27






Excelitas Technologies , ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 7.5000%, 8.9365%, 12/1/25






Finastra USA Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.5000%, 4.5000%, 6/13/24






Helios Software Holdings Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 4.2500%, 5.3220%, 10/24/25






II-VI Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.5000%, 3.6073%, 9/24/26






Refinitiv US Holdings Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.2500%, 3.4283%, 10/1/25








Transportation – 0.2%


Hanjin International Corp,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.5000%, 2.6783%, 10/19/20






Total Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans (cost $181,838,643)




Corporate Bonds – 50.4%


Banking – 2.4%


Banco La Hipotecaria SA, 5.5000%, 9/15/23 (144A)






Bank of America Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.6640%, 4.3000%‡,µ






Bank of New York Mellon Corp,


US Treasury Yield Curve Rate + 4.3580%, 4.7000%‡,µ






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Banking – (continued)


Citigroup Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.9050%, 5.9500%‡,µ






Citigroup Inc, SOFR + 3.2340%, 4.7000%‡,µ






Discover Financial Services,


US Treasury Yield Curve Rate + 5.7830%, 6.1250%‡,µ






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 3.3800%, 5.0000%‡,µ






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 3.1250%, 4.6000%‡,µ






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 2.7450%, 4.0000%‡,µ






SVB Financial Group, 3.1250%, 6/5/30






Wells Fargo & Co, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.9900%, 5.8750%‡,µ








Basic Industry – 4.8%


Allegheny Technologies Inc, 7.8750%, 8/15/23






Allegheny Technologies Inc, 5.8750%, 12/1/27






Anglo American Capital PLC, 5.3750%, 4/1/25 (144A)






Arconic Rolled Products, 6.1250%, 2/15/28 (144A)






Ashland Services BV, 2.0000%, 1/30/28 (144A)







Atotech Alpha 2 BV, 8.7500%, 6/1/23 (144A)






Compass Minerals International Inc, 6.7500%, 12/1/27 (144A)






CSN Islands XI Corp, 6.7500%, 1/28/28 (144A)






Ecolab Inc, 4.8000%, 3/24/30






First Quantum Minerals Ltd, 7.2500%, 4/1/23 (144A)






First Quantum Minerals Ltd, 6.8750%, 3/1/26 (144A)






Freeport-McMoRan Inc, 3.5500%, 3/1/22






Glencore Funding LLC, 4.1250%, 3/12/24 (144A)






Hudbay Minerals Inc, 7.2500%, 1/15/23 (144A)






Infrabuild Australia Pty Ltd, 12.0000%, 10/1/24 (144A)






Novelis Corp, 4.7500%, 1/30/30 (144A)






OCI NV, 5.2500%, 11/1/24 (144A)






PolyOne Corp, 5.7500%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Tronox Inc, 6.5000%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Westlake Chemical Corp, 3.3750%, 6/15/30








Brokerage – 0.2%


Ameriprise Financial Inc, 3.0000%, 4/2/25






Charles Schwab Corp, US Treasury Yield Curve Rate + 4.9710%, 5.3750%‡,µ








Capital Goods – 5.5%


Allegion US Holding Co Inc, 3.5500%, 10/1/27






ARD Finance SA, 5.0000%, 6/30/27







ARD Finance SA, 5.0000%, 6/30/27 (144A)







ARD Finance SA, 6.5000%, 6/30/27 (144A)






Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc,


4.1250%, 8/15/26 (144A)






Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc,


5.2500%, 8/15/27 (144A)






Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc,


5.2500%, 8/15/27 (144A)






Boeing Co, 2.2000%, 10/30/22






BWAY Holding Co, 7.2500%, 4/15/25 (144A)






BWX Technologies Inc, 4.1250%, 6/30/28 (144A)






HT Troplast GmbH, 9.2500%, 7/15/25 (144A)







Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc, 3.8440%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc, 4.2000%, 5/1/30 (144A)






LABL Escrow Issuer LLC, 6.7500%, 7/15/26 (144A)






LABL Escrow Issuer LLC, 10.5000%, 7/15/27 (144A)






Masonite International Corp, 5.7500%, 9/15/26 (144A)






Masonite International Corp, 5.3750%, 2/1/28 (144A)






Standard Industries Inc/NJ, 2.2500%, 11/21/26 (144A)







TransDigm Inc, 7.5000%, 3/15/27






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Capital Goods – (continued)


Trivium Packaging Finance BV, 8.5000%, 8/15/27 (144A)






Vertical Holdco GmbH, 7.6250%, 7/15/28 (144A)






Vertical US Newco Inc, 5.2500%, 7/15/27 (144A)






Victoria PLC, 5.2500%, 7/15/24 (144A)







Vulcan Materials Co, 3.5000%, 6/1/30






Wabtec Corp, 4.9500%, 9/15/28






Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp, 3.2000%, 6/15/25








Communications – 5.1%


Altice Financing SA, 5.0000%, 1/15/28 (144A)






Altice France Holding SA, 6.0000%, 2/15/28 (144A)






AT&T INC, EURIBOR ICE SWAP Rate + 3.1400%, 2.8750%‡,µ







Block Communications Inc, 4.8750%, 3/1/28 (144A)






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 5.8750%, 4/1/24 (144A)






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 5.5000%, 5/1/26 (144A)






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 4.5000%, 8/15/30 (144A)






Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 3.7000%, 4/1/51






CSC Holdings LLC, 7.5000%, 4/1/28 (144A)






CSC Holdings LLC, 5.7500%, 1/15/30 (144A)






GCI LLC, 6.8750%, 4/15/25






Globo Comunicacao e Participacoes SA, 4.8750%, 1/22/30 (144A)






Level 3 Financing Inc, 3.4000%, 3/1/27 (144A)






Level 3 Financing Inc, 3.8750%, 11/15/29 (144A)






Liberty Interactive LLC, 8.5000%, 7/15/29






Omnicom Group Inc, 4.2000%, 6/1/30






RELX Capital Inc, 3.0000%, 5/22/30






Sable International Finance Ltd, 5.7500%, 9/7/27 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 6.5000%, 1/15/24






T-Mobile USA Inc, 3.5000%, 4/15/25 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 4.5000%, 4/15/50 (144A)






Virgin Media Finance PLC, 5.0000%, 7/15/30 (144A)






Ziggo BV, 5.1250%, 2/28/30 (144A)








Consumer Cyclical – 10.7%


1011778 BC ULC / New Red Finance Inc, 4.2500%, 5/15/24 (144A)






American Axle & Manufacturing Inc, 6.6250%, 10/15/22






Booking Holdings Inc, 4.6250%, 4/13/30






Brink's Co/The, 5.5000%, 7/15/25 (144A)






China SCE Group Holdings Ltd, 8.7500%, 1/15/21






Colt Merger Sub Inc, 5.7500%, 7/1/25 (144A)






Downstream Development Authority of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma,


10.5000%, 2/15/23 (144A)






eG Global Finance PLC, 6.7500%, 2/7/25 (144A)






Enterprise Development Authority, 12.0000%, 7/15/24 (144A)






Expedia Group Inc, 6.2500%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Expedia Group Inc, 7.0000%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Ford Motor Co, 8.5000%, 4/21/23






Ford Motor Co, 9.0000%, 4/22/25






Ford Motor Co, 6.3750%, 2/1/29






Ford Motor Co, 7.4500%, 7/16/31






Ford Motor Credit Co LLC, 3.0870%, 1/9/23






Forestar Group Inc, 5.0000%, 3/1/28 (144A)






General Motors Financial Co Inc, 2.9000%, 2/26/25






GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 4.0000%, 1/15/31






Golden Entertainment Inc, 7.6250%, 4/15/26 (144A)






Golden Nugget Inc, 6.7500%, 10/15/24 (144A)






IHO Verwaltungs GmbH, 3.8750%, 5/15/27 (144A)







IRB Holding Corp, 7.0000%, 6/15/25 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Consumer Cyclical – (continued)


IRB Holding Corp, 6.7500%, 2/15/26 (144A)






KFC Holding Co/Pizza Hut Holdings LLC/Taco Bell of America LLC,


5.2500%, 6/1/26 (144A)






New Metro Global Ltd, 6.5000%, 4/23/21






Newco GB SAS, 8.0000%, 12/15/22







NVR Inc, 3.0000%, 5/15/30






Powerlong Real Estate Holdings Ltd, 5.9500%, 7/19/20






Ross Stores Inc, 4.8000%, 4/15/30






Sands China Ltd, 4.3750%, 6/18/30 (144A)






Scientific Games International Inc, 7.0000%, 5/15/28 (144A)






Seazen Group Ltd, 6.5000%, 9/12/20






Six Flags Entertainment Corp, 5.5000%, 4/15/27 (144A)#






Station Casinos LLC, 4.5000%, 2/15/28 (144A)






Sunac China Holdings Ltd, 8.6250%, 7/27/20






Target Corp, 2.6500%, 9/15/30






TRI Pointe Group Inc, 5.7000%, 6/15/28






Twin River Worldwide Holdings Inc, 6.7500%, 6/1/27 (144A)






Vail Resorts Inc, 6.2500%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Visa Inc, 2.7000%, 4/15/40






Weekley Homes LLC / Weekley Finance Corp, 6.6250%, 8/15/25






Wendy's International LLC, 7.0000%, 12/15/25






Wyndham Destinations Inc, 4.2500%, 3/1/22






Yum! Brands Inc, 3.8750%, 11/1/20








Consumer Non-Cyclical – 9.4%


Alcon Finance Corp, 2.6000%, 5/27/30 (144A)






AMN Healthcare Inc, 4.6250%, 10/1/27 (144A)






Aramark Services Inc, 6.3750%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Aramark Services Inc, 5.0000%, 2/1/28 (144A)






Bausch Health Cos Inc, 5.0000%, 1/30/28 (144A)






Bausch Health Cos Inc, 5.2500%, 1/30/30 (144A)






Change Healthcare Holdings LLC / Change Healthcare Finance Inc,


5.7500%, 3/1/25 (144A)






CHS/Community Health Systems Inc, 6.6250%, 2/15/25 (144A)






Constellation Brands Inc, 2.8750%, 5/1/30






Dentsply Sirona Inc, 3.2500%, 6/1/30






Dole Food Co Inc, 7.2500%, 6/15/25 (144A)#






Elanco Animal Health Inc, 5.6500%, 8/28/28Ç






Hadrian Merger Sub Inc, 8.5000%, 5/1/26 (144A)






Hasbro Inc, 3.5500%, 11/19/26






Hasbro Inc, 3.9000%, 11/19/29






HCA Inc, 4.1250%, 6/15/29






HLF Financing Sarl LLC / Herbalife International Inc,


7.8750%, 9/1/25 (144A)






HLF Financing Sarl LLC / Herbalife International Inc,


7.2500%, 8/15/26 (144A)






Ingredion Inc, 2.9000%, 6/1/30






Jaguar Holding Co II / Pharmaceutical Product Development LLC,


5.0000%, 6/15/28 (144A)






Keurig Dr Pepper Inc, 3.2000%, 5/1/30






Keurig Dr Pepper Inc, 3.8000%, 5/1/50






Kraft Heinz Foods Co, 3.8750%, 5/15/27 (144A)






Kraft Heinz Foods Co, 4.2500%, 3/1/31 (144A)






Lamb Weston Holdings Inc, 4.8750%, 5/15/28 (144A)






MEDNAX Inc, 6.2500%, 1/15/27 (144A)






Mylan Inc, 4.5500%, 4/15/28






NBM US Holdings Inc, 6.6250%, 8/6/29 (144A)#






Newell Brands Inc, 4.8750%, 6/1/25






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Consumer Non-Cyclical – (continued)


Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Inc / Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics SA,

7.3750%, 6/1/25 (144A)






Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Inc / Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics SA,


7.2500%, 2/1/28 (144A)






Safeway Inc , 3.9500%, 8/15/20






Surgery Center Holdings Inc, 6.7500%, 7/1/25 (144A)






Tenet Healthcare Corp, 6.8750%, 11/15/31






Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV, 2.8000%, 7/21/23






Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV, 3.1500%, 10/1/26






Upjohn Inc, 3.8500%, 6/22/40 (144A)






Valvoline Inc, 4.3750%, 8/15/25 (144A)






Valvoline Inc, 4.2500%, 2/15/30 (144A)








Electric – 1.1%


Black Hills Corp, 3.0500%, 10/15/29






Black Hills Corp, 2.5000%, 6/15/30






CMS Energy Corp, US Treasury Yield Curve Rate + 4.1160%, 4.7500%, 6/1/50






DPL Inc, 4.1250%, 7/1/25 (144A)






IPALCO Enterprises Inc, 4.2500%, 5/1/30 (144A)








Energy – 2.1%


Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC, 3.7000%, 11/15/29 (144A)






DCP Midstream Operating LP, 5.6000%, 4/1/44






Energy Transfer Operating LP, 2.9000%, 5/15/25






Energy Transfer Operating LP, 3.7500%, 5/15/30






EQM Midstream Partners LP, 5.5000%, 7/15/28






Exxon Mobil Corp, 3.4520%, 4/15/51






Hess Midstream Operations LP, 5.1250%, 6/15/28 (144A)






NGPL PipeCo LLC, 7.7680%, 12/15/37 (144A)






ONEOK Inc, 3.1000%, 3/15/30






PBF Holding Co LLC / PBF Finance Corp, 9.2500%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Tallgrass Energy Partners LP / Tallgrass Energy Finance Corp,


4.7500%, 10/1/23 (144A)






USA Compression Partners LP / USA Compression Finance Corp, 6.8750%, 9/1/27








Finance Companies – 0.1%


Springleaf Finance Corp, 6.8750%, 3/15/25






Financial Institutions – 1.1%


Banco La Hipotecaria SA, 4.1250%, 12/15/24 (144A)






CPI Property Group SA, 4.7500%, 3/8/23






CPI Property Group SA, EUR SWAP ANNUAL 5 YR + 4.9440%, 4.8750%‡,µ







Vivion Investments Sarl, 3.0000%, 8/8/24









Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure – 0.1%


Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd, 11.5000%, 6/1/25 (144A)






Industrial – 0.4%


AT Securities BV, USD SWAP SEMI 30/360 5YR + 3.5460%, 5.2500%‡,µ






Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp, 8.0000%, 5/15/22








Industrial Conglomerates – 1.0%


General Electric Co, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.3300%, 5.0000%‡,µ






Insurance – 1.4%


Assurant Inc, 3.7000%, 2/22/30






Athene Holding Ltd, 6.1500%, 4/3/30






Brown & Brown Inc, 4.5000%, 3/15/29






Magellan Health Inc, 4.9000%, 9/22/24






Molina Healthcare Inc, 4.3750%, 6/15/28 (144A)








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Machinery – 0.2%


Hillenbrand Inc, 5.7500%, 6/15/25






Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.3000%, 1.6134%, 9/15/21








Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 0.3%


American Homes 4 Rent LP, 4.2500%, 2/15/28






Easy Tactic Ltd, 8.7500%, 1/10/21






Ronshine China Holdings Ltd, 11.5000%, 7/3/20








Technology – 2.7%


Broadcom Inc, 3.1500%, 11/15/25 (144A)






Broadcom Inc, 4.1500%, 11/15/30 (144A)






CommScope Inc, 8.2500%, 3/1/27 (144A)






CoStar Group Inc, 2.8000%, 7/15/30 (144A)






Dell International LLC / EMC Corp, 5.3000%, 10/1/29 (144A)






DXC Technology Co, 4.0000%, 4/15/23






Entegris Inc, 4.6250%, 2/10/26 (144A)






Gartner Inc, 4.5000%, 7/1/28 (144A)






Infor Inc, 1.7500%, 7/15/25 (144A)






Leidos Inc, 2.9500%, 5/15/23 (144A)






Oracle Corp, 3.6000%, 4/1/50






PayPal Holdings Inc, 2.3000%, 6/1/30






Science Applications International Corp, 4.8750%, 4/1/28 (144A)






Solera LLC / Solera Finance Inc, 10.5000%, 3/1/24 (144A)






Verisk Analytics Inc, 4.1250%, 3/15/29








Transportation – 1.8%


Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, 4.3750%, 9/16/25







Cargo Aircraft Management Inc, 4.7500%, 2/1/28 (144A)






Southwest Airlines Co, 4.7500%, 5/4/23






Southwest Airlines Co, 5.2500%, 5/4/25






StorCentric Inc, 5.8750%, 2/19/23 (144A)






Watco Cos LLC / Watco Finance Corp, 6.5000%, 6/15/27 (144A)








Total Corporate Bonds (cost $1,193,046,467)




Mortgage-Backed Securities – 23.8%


Fannie Mae:


1.5000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






2.5000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






3.0000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






3.5000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






3.0000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






3.5000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






4.0000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






4.5000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity








Fannie Mae Pool:


3.0000%, 10/1/34






6.0000%, 2/1/37






3.0000%, 9/1/42






3.5000%, 12/1/42






3.0000%, 1/1/43






3.0000%, 2/1/43






3.0000%, 2/1/43






3.5000%, 2/1/43






3.0000%, 3/1/43






3.0000%, 3/1/43






3.5000%, 4/1/43






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Fannie Mae Pool – (continued)


3.0000%, 5/1/43






3.0000%, 5/1/43






3.0000%, 5/1/43






3.5000%, 11/1/43






3.5000%, 4/1/44






5.0000%, 7/1/44






4.5000%, 10/1/44






3.5000%, 2/1/45






3.5000%, 2/1/45






4.5000%, 3/1/45






3.0000%, 7/1/45






3.5000%, 12/1/45






4.5000%, 2/1/46






3.5000%, 7/1/46






3.0000%, 9/1/46






3.0000%, 11/1/46






3.5000%, 1/1/47






3.0000%, 1/1/47






4.0000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.0000%, 6/1/47






4.0000%, 6/1/47






4.5000%, 6/1/47






4.0000%, 7/1/47






4.0000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






3.5000%, 8/1/47






3.5000%, 8/1/47






4.0000%, 8/1/47






4.0000%, 8/1/47






4.5000%, 8/1/47






4.5000%, 8/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






3.5000%, 11/1/47






4.0000%, 11/1/47






4.5000%, 11/1/47






3.5000%, 12/1/47






3.5000%, 12/1/47






3.5000%, 1/1/48






3.5000%, 1/1/48






4.0000%, 1/1/48






4.0000%, 1/1/48






3.0000%, 2/1/48






3.5000%, 3/1/48






3.5000%, 3/1/48






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Fannie Mae Pool – (continued)


4.0000%, 3/1/48






4.5000%, 3/1/48






4.5000%, 4/1/48






3.0000%, 5/1/48






4.0000%, 5/1/48






4.5000%, 5/1/48






4.5000%, 5/1/48






4.5000%, 6/1/48






3.0000%, 9/1/49






2.5000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 2/1/57






3.5000%, 2/1/57






3.0000%, 6/1/57








Freddie Mac Gold Pool:


6.0000%, 4/1/40






3.0000%, 6/1/43






4.5000%, 5/1/44






3.5000%, 9/1/47






3.5000%, 9/1/47






3.5000%, 12/1/47






4.5000%, 12/1/48








Freddie Mac Pool:


3.0000%, 5/1/31






3.0000%, 9/1/32






3.0000%, 1/1/33






3.0000%, 10/1/34






3.0000%, 10/1/34






3.0000%, 2/1/43






3.5000%, 2/1/43






3.0000%, 3/1/43






3.0000%, 3/1/43






3.0000%, 11/1/43






3.5000%, 2/1/44






3.5000%, 12/1/44






3.0000%, 1/1/45






3.5000%, 7/1/46






3.0000%, 10/1/46






4.0000%, 3/1/47






3.5000%, 11/1/47






3.5000%, 12/1/47






3.5000%, 2/1/48






3.5000%, 2/1/48






4.0000%, 4/1/48






4.5000%, 4/1/49






4.0000%, 5/1/49






4.0000%, 5/1/49






3.5000%, 8/1/49






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 12/1/49






3.0000%, 12/1/49






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Freddie Mac Pool – (continued)


3.0000%, 12/1/49






2.5000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 2/1/50






3.0000%, 3/1/50






3.0000%, 3/1/50








Ginnie Mae:


3.0000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






3.5000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






4.0000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






4.5000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity








Ginnie Mae I Pool:


4.5000%, 8/15/46






4.0000%, 7/15/47






4.0000%, 8/15/47






4.0000%, 11/15/47






4.0000%, 12/15/47








Ginnie Mae II Pool:


4.5000%, 2/20/48






4.5000%, 5/20/48






4.5000%, 5/20/48






5.0000%, 4/20/49








Total Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $558,982,982)




Common Stocks – 0.2%


Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 0.2%


Boston Scientific Corp* (cost $6,004,534)






Preferred Stocks – 1.7%


Banks – 0%


Citigroup Capital XIII, 7.1301%, 10/30/40






Consumer Finance – 0.4%


Synchrony Financial, 5.6250%µ






Finance Companies – 0.4%


Castlelake Aircraft Securitization Trust 2018-1, 6/15/43 (144A)






Prosper Pass-Thru Trust II Series 2019-St1, 7/15/25 (144A)






Upstart Securitization Trust 2019-3, 1/21/30 (144A)








Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 0.2%


Becton Dickinson and Co, 6.0000%, 6/1/23






Industrial – 0.2%


Project Silver, 3/15/44 (144A)§






START Ireland, 3/15/44 (144A)






Thunderbolt II Aircraft Lease Ltd, 9/15/38 (144A)






Thunderbolt III Aircraft Lease Ltd, 11/15/39 (144A)








Specialty Retail – 0%


Quiksilver Inc Bankruptcy Equity Certificate*,¢,§






Student Loan – 0.4%


SoFi Professional Loan Program 2017-E LLC, 11/26/40 (144A)






SoFi Professional Loan Program 2017-F LLC, 1/25/41 (144A)






SoFi Professional Loan Program 2018-C Trust, 1/25/48 (144A)






SoFi Professional Loan Program 2018-D Trust, 2/25/48 (144A)






SoFi Professional Loan Program 2019-B Trust, 8/17/48 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Preferred Stocks – (continued)


Student Loan – (continued)


SoFi Professional Loan Program 2020-A Trust, 5/15/46 (144A)








Wireless Telecommunication Services – 0.1%


2020 Cash Mandatory Exchangeable Trust, 5.2500%, 6/1/23 (144A)§






Total Preferred Stocks (cost $56,429,662)




Investment Companies – 3.1%


Money Markets – 3.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº,£ (cost $73,446,272)






Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending – 0.1%


Investment Companies – 0.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº,£






Time Deposits – 0%


Royal Bank of Canada, 0.0900%, 7/1/20






Total Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending (cost $2,060,140)




Total Investments (total cost $2,860,551,480) – 118.2%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (18.2)%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States






Cayman Islands






United Kingdom






















































Czech Republic






























South Africa






South Korea












































See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 3.1%

Money Markets - 3.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.1%

Investment Companies - 0.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Total Affiliated Investments - 3.2%











at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 3.1%

Money Markets - 3.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.1%

Investment Companies - 0.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº










Schedule of Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts, Open



Foreign Currency



Foreign Currency

Amount (Sold)/



USD Currency

Amount (Sold)/



Market Value and





Bank of America, National Association:


British Pound








British Pound


















Barclays Capital, Inc.:


British Pound


















BNP Paribas:










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020



Foreign Currency



Foreign Currency

Amount (Sold)/



USD Currency

Amount (Sold)/



Market Value and





Citibank, National Association:


British Pound








British Pound


























HSBC Securities (USA), Inc.:


British Pound


















JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association:


British Pound








British Pound































Schedule of Futures




Number of






Value and








Variation Margin



Futures Purchased:


2 Year US Treasury Note












5 Year US Treasury Note












90 Day Euro












US Treasury Long Bond












Total - Futures Purchased






Futures Sold:


Ultra Long Term US Treasury Bond



















Schedule of Centrally Cleared Interest Rate Swaps

Payments made

by Fund

Payments received

by Fund





















1.6600% Fixed Rate















See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

The following table, grouped by derivative type, provides information about the fair value and location of derivatives within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of June 30, 2020.


Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020


















Interest Rate



Asset Derivatives:








Forward foreign currency exchange contracts



$ 197,581


$ -


$ 197,581

Variation margin receivable









Total Asset Derivatives



$ 197,581


$ 482,168


$ 679,749

Liability Derivatives:








Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





$ -



Variation margin payable









Total Liability Derivatives





$ 195,969



The following tables provide information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Fund’s Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020.


The effect of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) on the Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020












Amount of Realized Gain/(Loss) Recognized on Derivatives







Interest Rate



Futures contracts


$ -


$ 977,610





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts









Swap contracts














$ 5,411,243

























Amount of Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation Recognized on Derivatives







Interest Rate



Futures contracts


$ -


$ (332,813)


$ (1,783,362)


$ (2,116,175)

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts









Swap contracts












$ 320,267




$ (6,243,537)


$ (9,273,257)

Please see the "Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments" "Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation" sections of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Average Ending Monthly Market Value of Derivative Instruments During the Year Ended June 30, 2020




Market Value(a)

Credit default swaps, sell protection

$ (183,650)

Credit default swaps, buy protection


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, purchased


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, sold


Futures contracts, purchased


Futures contracts, sold


Interest rate swaps, pay fixed rate/receive floating rate



(a) Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported as the average ending monthly currency amount purchased or sold.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index

Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is a broad-based measure of the investment grade, US dollar-denominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market.



Intercontinental Exchange


London Interbank Offered Rate


Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership


Public Limited Company


Secured Overnight Financing Rate


(To Be Announced) Securities are purchased/sold on a forward commitment basis with an approximate principal amount and no defined maturity date. The actual principal and maturity date will be determined upon settlement when specific mortgage pools are assigned.


Unlimited Liability Company



Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $1,353,556,220, which represents 57.1% of net assets.



Non-income producing security.



All or a portion of this position is not funded, or has been purchased on a delayed delivery or when-issued basis. If applicable, interest rates will be determined and interest will begin to accrue at a future date. See Notes to Financial Statements.


Variable or floating rate security. Rate shown is the current rate as of June 30, 2020. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread; they are determined by the issuer or agent and current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date and may vary by security, which may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



Loaned security; a portion of the security is on loan at June 30, 2020.



Perpetual security. Perpetual securities have no stated maturity date, but they may be called/redeemed by the issuer. The date indicated, if any, represents the next call date.



Step bond. The coupon rate will increase or decrease periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. The rate shown reflects the current rate.



Interest only security. An interest only security represents the interest only portion of a pool of underlying mortgages or mortgage-backed securities which are separated and sold individually from the principal portion of the securities. Principal amount shown represents the par value on which interest payments are based.



Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information



Schedule of Restricted Securities (as of June 30, 2020)


Value as a




% of Net










2020 Cash Mandatory Exchangeable Trust, 5.2500%, 6/1/23









Aaset 2019-2 Trust, 6.4130%, 10/16/39









Castlelake Aircraft Securitization Trust 2018-1, 6.6250%, 6/15/43









Palmer Square Loan Funding 2020-2 Ltd, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.0000%, 4.1090%, 4/20/28









Project Silver, 3/15/44









Project Silver, 6.9000%, 7/15/44









Quiksilver Inc Bankruptcy Equity Certificate









Sequoia Mortgage Trust 2018-8, 0.2908%, 11/25/48









Sprite 2017-1 Ltd, 6.9000%, 12/15/37









Willis Engine Securitization Trust 2020-A B, 4.2120%, 3/15/45









Willis Engine Securitization Trust 2020-A C, 6.6570%, 3/15/45



















The Fund has registration rights for certain restricted securities held as of June 30, 2020. The issuer incurs all registration costs.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities







Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans







Corporate Bonds







Mortgage-Backed Securities







Common Stocks







Preferred Stocks







Investment Companies







Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending







Total Investments in Securities







Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Variation Margin Receivable







Total Assets









Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Variation Margin Payable







Total Liabilities









Other financial instruments include forward foreign currency exchange, futures, written options, written swaptions, and swap contracts. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported at their unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract's value from trade date. Futures, certain written options on futures, and centrally cleared swap contracts are reported at their variation margin at measurement date, which represents the amount due to/from the Fund at that date. Written options, written swaptions, and other swap contracts are reported at their market value at measurement date.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)(2)






Affiliated investments, at value(3)












Deposits with brokers for centrally cleared derivatives






Deposits with brokers for futures






Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Cash denominated in foreign currency(4)






Closed foreign currency contracts






Variation margin receivable






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Investments sold














Fund shares sold







Dividends from affiliates






Other assets





Total Assets











Collateral for securities loaned (Note 3)






Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Closed foreign currency contracts






Variation margin payable












Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Advisory fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses














12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Professional fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Custodian fees







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(5)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(6)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(5)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $2,785,457,096.

(2) Includes $2,019,165 of securities on loan. See Note 3 in Notes to Financial Statements.

(3) Includes cost of $75,094,384.

(4) Includes cost of $2,988,457.

(5) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(6) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/95.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:















Dividends from affiliates





Affiliated securities lending income, net





Unaffiliated securities lending income, net





Other income




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Shareholder reports expense





Professional fees





Custodian fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions





Investments in affiliates





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Swap contracts




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Investments in affiliates





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Swap contracts




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares








Total Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders








Return of Capital Dividends and Distributions









Class A Shares








Class C Shares








Class D Shares








Class I Shares








Class N Shares








Class S Shares








Class T Shares







Total Return of Capital Dividends and Distributions






Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Return of capital














Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks high current income with a secondary focus on capital appreciation. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D shares are closed to certain new investors.

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

The Fund did not hold a significant amount of Level 3 securities as of June 30, 2020.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends are declared daily and distributed monthly for the Fund. Realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed in December. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Derivative Instruments

The Fund may invest in various types of derivatives, which may at times result in significant derivative exposure. A derivative is a financial instrument whose performance is derived from the performance of another asset. The Fund may invest in derivative instruments including, but not limited to: futures contracts, put options, call options, options on futures contracts, options on foreign currencies, options on recovery locks, options on security and commodity indices, swaps, forward contracts, structured investments, and other equity-linked derivatives. Each derivative instrument that was held by the Fund during the year ended June 30, 2020 is discussed in further detail below. A summary of derivative activity by the Fund is reflected in the tables at the end of the Schedule of Investments.

The Fund may use derivative instruments for hedging purposes (to offset risks associated with an investment, currency exposure, or market conditions), to adjust currency exposure relative to a benchmark index, or for speculative purposes (to earn income and seek to enhance returns). When the Fund invests in a derivative for speculative purposes, the Fund will be fully exposed to the risks of loss of that derivative, which may sometimes be greater than the derivative’s cost. The Fund may not use any derivative to gain exposure to an asset or class of assets that it would be prohibited by its investment restrictions from purchasing directly. The Fund’s ability to use derivative instruments may also be limited by tax considerations.

Investments in derivatives in general are subject to market risks that may cause their prices to fluctuate over time. Investments in derivatives may not directly correlate with the price movements of the underlying instrument. As a result, the use of derivatives may expose the Fund to additional risks that it would not be subject to if it invested directly in the securities underlying those derivatives. The use of derivatives may result in larger losses or smaller gains than otherwise would be the case. Derivatives can be volatile and may involve significant risks.

In pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease exposure to the following market risk factors:

· Commodity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of commodities or commodity-linked investments due to changes in the overall market movements, volatility of the underlying benchmark, changes in interest rates, or



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

other factors affecting a particular industry or commodity such as drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs, and international economic, political, and regulatory developments.

· Counterparty Risk – the risk that the counterparty (the party on the other side of the transaction) on a derivative transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation to the Fund.

· Credit Risk – the risk an issuer will be unable to make principal and interest payments when due, or will default on its obligations.

· Currency Risk – the risk that changes in the exchange rate between currencies will adversely affect the value (in U.S. dollar terms) of an investment.

· Equity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

· Index Risk – if the derivative is linked to the performance of an index, it will be subject to the risks associated with changes in that index. If the index changes, the Fund could receive lower interest payments or experience a reduction in the value of the derivative to below what the Fund paid. Certain indexed securities, including inverse securities (which move in an opposite direction to the index), may create leverage, to the extent that they increase or decrease in value at a rate that is a multiple of the changes in the applicable index.

· Interest Rate Risk – the risk that the value of fixed-income securities will generally decline as prevailing interest rates rise, which may cause the Fund’s NAV to likewise decrease.

· Leverage Risk – the risk associated with certain types of leveraged investments or trading strategies pursuant to which relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of an investment. The Fund creates leverage by investing in instruments, including derivatives, where the investment loss can exceed the original amount invested. Certain investments or trading strategies, such as short sales, that involve leverage can result in losses that greatly exceed the amount originally invested.

· Liquidity Risk – the risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time that the seller would like or at the price that the seller believes the security is currently worth.

Derivatives may generally be traded OTC or on an exchange. Derivatives traded OTC are agreements that are individually negotiated between parties and can be tailored to meet a purchaser’s needs. OTC derivatives are not guaranteed by a clearing agency and may be subject to increased credit risk.

In an effort to mitigate credit risk associated with derivatives traded OTC, the Fund may enter into collateral agreements with certain counterparties whereby, subject to certain minimum exposure requirements, the Fund may require the counterparty to post collateral if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on all OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. Additionally, the Fund may deposit cash and/or treasuries as collateral with the counterparty and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. All liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to certain exchange-traded derivatives, centrally cleared derivatives, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, short sales, and/or securities with extended settlement dates. There is no guarantee that counterparty exposure is reduced and these arrangements are dependent on Janus Capital's ability to establish and maintain appropriate systems and trading.

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts

A forward foreign currency exchange contract (“forward currency contract”) is an obligation to buy or sell a specified currency at a future date at a negotiated rate (which may be U.S. dollars or a foreign currency). The Fund may enter into forward currency contracts for hedging purposes, including, but not limited to, reducing exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on foreign portfolio holdings and locking in the U.S. dollar cost of firm purchase and sale commitments for securities denominated in or exposed to foreign currencies. The Fund may also invest in forward currency contracts for non-hedging purposes such as seeking to enhance returns. The Fund is subject to currency risk and counterparty risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in forward currency contracts.

Forward currency contracts are valued by converting the foreign value to U.S. dollars by using the current spot U.S. dollar exchange rate and/or forward rate for that currency. Exchange and forward rates as of the close of the NYSE


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

shall be used to value the forward currency contracts. The unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) for forward currency contracts is reported in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as a receivable or payable and in the Statement of Operations for the change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation (if applicable). The gain or loss arising from the difference between the U.S. dollar cost of the original contract and the value of the foreign currency in U.S. dollars upon closing a forward currency contract is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to purchase foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to decrease exposure to currency risk associated with foreign currency denominated securities held by the Fund.

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to sell foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to decrease exposure to currency risk associated with foreign currency denominated securities held by the Fund.

Futures Contracts

A futures contract is an exchange-traded agreement to take or make delivery of an underlying asset at a specific time in the future for a specific predetermined negotiated price. The Fund may enter into futures contracts to gain exposure to the stock market or other markets pending investment of cash balances or to meet liquidity needs. The Fund is subject to interest rate risk, equity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in futures contracts. The Fund may also use such derivative instruments to hedge or protect from adverse movements in securities prices, currency rates or interest rates. The use of futures contracts may involve risks such as the possibility of illiquid markets or imperfect correlation between the values of the contracts and the underlying securities, or that the counterparty will fail to perform its obligations.

Futures contracts on commodities are valued at the settlement price on valuation date on the commodities exchange as reported by an approved vendor. Mini contracts, as defined in the description of the contract, shall be valued using the Actual Settlement Price or “ASET” price type as reported by an approved vendor. In the event that foreign futures trade when the foreign equity markets are closed, the last foreign futures trade price shall be used. Futures contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). When a contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable), equal to the difference between the opening and closing value of the contract. Securities held by the Fund that are designated as collateral for market value on futures contracts are noted on the Schedule of Investments (if applicable). Such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s futures commission merchant.

With futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since futures are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees the futures against default.

During the year, the Fund purchased interest rate futures to increase exposure to interest rate risk.

During the year, the Fund sold interest rate futures to decrease exposure to interest rate risk.

During the year, the Fund purchased futures on currency indices to increase exposure to currency risk.

During the year, the Fund sold futures on currency indices to decrease exposure to currency risk.


Swap agreements are two-party contracts entered into primarily by institutional investors for periods ranging from a day to more than one year to exchange one set of cash flows for another. The most significant factor in the performance of swap agreements is the change in value of the specific index, security, or currency, or other factors that determine the amounts of payments due to and from the Fund. The use of swaps is a highly specialized activity which involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio securities transactions. Swap transactions may in some instances involve the delivery of securities or other underlying assets by the Fund or its counterparty to collateralize obligations under the swap. If the other party to a swap that is not collateralized defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. Swap agreements entail the risk that a party will default on its payment obligations to the Fund. If the other party to a swap defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. If the Fund utilizes a swap at the wrong time or judges market conditions incorrectly, the swap may result in a loss to the Fund and reduce the Fund’s total return.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Swap agreements also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty. Swap agreements are typically privately negotiated and entered into in the OTC market. However, certain swap agreements are required to be cleared through a clearinghouse and traded on an exchange or swap execution facility. Swaps that are required to be cleared are required to post initial and variation margins in accordance with the exchange requirements. Regulations enacted require the Fund to centrally clear certain interest rate and credit default index swaps through a clearinghouse or central counterparty (“CCP”). To clear a swap with a CCP, the Fund will submit the swap to, and post collateral with, a futures clearing merchant (“FCM”) that is a clearinghouse member. Alternatively, the Fund may enter into a swap with a financial institution other than the FCM (the “Executing Dealer”) and arrange for the swap to be transferred to the FCM for clearing. The Fund may also enter into a swap with the FCM itself. The CCP, the FCM, and the Executing Dealer are all subject to regulatory oversight by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”). A default or failure by a CCP or an FCM, or the failure of a swap to be transferred from an Executing Dealer to the FCM for clearing, may expose the Fund to losses, increase its costs, or prevent the Fund from entering or exiting swap positions, accessing collateral, or fully implementing its investment strategies. The regulatory requirement to clear certain swaps could, either temporarily or permanently, reduce the liquidity of cleared swaps or increase the costs of entering into those swaps.

Index swaps, interest rate swaps, and credit default swaps are valued using an approved vendor supplied price. Basket swaps are valued using a broker supplied price. Equity swaps that consist of a single underlying equity are valued either at the closing price, the latest bid price, or the last sale price on the primary market or exchange it trades. The market value of swap contracts are aggregated by positive and negative values and are disclosed separately as an asset or liability on the Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). Realized gains and losses are reported on the Fund’s Statement of Operations (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation or depreciation during the year is included in the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty risk or credit risk is the discounted value of the payments to be received from/paid to the counterparty over the contract’s remaining life, to the extent that the amount is positive. The risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.

The Fund may enter into various types of credit default swap agreements, including OTC credit default swap agreements and index credit default swaps (“CDX”), for investment purposes and to add leverage to its portfolio. Credit default swaps are a specific kind of counterparty agreement that allow the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to the other. One party in the swap is a lender and faces credit risk from a third party, and the counterparty in the credit default swap agrees to insure this risk in exchange for regular periodic payments. Credit default swaps could result in losses if the Fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of the company or companies on which the credit default swap is based. Credit default swap agreements may involve greater risks than if the Fund had invested in the reference obligation directly since, in addition to risks relating to the reference obligation, credit default swaps are subject to liquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk. The Fund will generally incur a greater degree of risk when it sells a credit default swap than when it purchases a credit default swap. As a buyer of a credit default swap, the Fund may lose its investment and recover nothing should no credit event occur and the swap is held to its termination date. As seller of a credit default swap, if a credit event were to occur, the value of any deliverable obligation received by the Fund, coupled with the upfront or periodic payments previously received, may be less than what it pays to the buyer, resulting in a loss of value to the Fund.

As a buyer of credit protection, the Fund is entitled to receive the par (or other agreed-upon) value of a referenced debt obligation from the counterparty to the contract in the event of a default or other credit event by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund as buyer would pay to the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no credit event has occurred. If no credit event occurs, the Fund would have spent the stream of payments and potentially received no benefit from the contract.

If the Fund is the seller of credit protection against a particular security, the Fund would receive an up-front or periodic payment to compensate against potential credit events. As the seller in a credit default swap contract, the Fund would be required to pay the par value (the “notional value”) (or other agreed-upon value) of a referenced debt obligation to the counterparty in the event of a default by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign corporate issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund would receive from the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no event of default has occurred. If no default occurs, the Fund would keep the stream of payments and would have no payment obligations. As the seller, the Fund would effectively add leverage to its portfolio


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

because, in addition to its total net assets, the Fund would be subject to investment exposure on the notional value of the swap. The maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) that the Fund as a seller could be required to make in a credit default transaction would be the notional amount of the agreement.

The Fund may invest in single-name credit default swaps (“CDS”) to buy or sell credit protection to hedge its credit exposure, gain issuer exposure without owning the underlying security, or increase the Fund’s total return. Single-name CDS enable the Fund to buy or sell protection against a credit event of a specific issuer. When the Fund buys a single-name CDS, the Fund will receive a return on its investment only in the event of a credit event, such as default by the issuer of the underlying obligation (as opposed to a credit downgrade or other indication of financial difficulty). If a single-name CDS transaction is particularly large, or if the relevant market is illiquid, it may not be possible for the Fund to initiate a single-name CDS transaction or to liquidate its position at an advantageous time or price, which may result in significant losses. Moreover, the Fund bears the risk of loss of the amount expected to be received under a single-name CDS in the event of the default or bankruptcy of the counterparty. The risks associated with cleared single-name CDS may be lower than that for uncleared single-name CDS because for cleared single-name CDS, the counterparty is a clearinghouse (to the extent such a trading market is available). However, there can be no assurance that a clearinghouse or its members will satisfy their obligations to the Fund.

The Fund may invest in CDXs. A CDX is a swap on an index of credit default swaps. CDXs allow an investor to manage credit risk or take a position on a basket of credit entities (such as credit default swaps or commercial mortgage-backed securities) in a more efficient manner than transacting in a single-name CDS. If a credit event occurs in one of the underlying companies, the protection is paid out via the delivery of the defaulted bond by the buyer of protection in return for a payment of notional value of the defaulted bond by the seller of protection or it may be settled through a cash settlement between the two parties. The underlying company is then removed from the index. If the Fund holds a long position in a CDX, the Fund would indirectly bear its proportionate share of any expenses paid by a CDX. A Fund holding a long position in CDXs typically receives income from principal or interest paid on the underlying securities. By investing in CDXs, the Fund could be exposed to illiquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk of the issuers of the underlying loan obligations and of the CDX markets. If there is a default by the CDX counterparty, the Fund will have contractual remedies pursuant to the agreements related to the transaction. CDXs also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty.

During the year, the Fund purchased protection via the credit default swap market in order to reduce credit risk exposure to individual corporates, countries and/or credit indices where reducing this exposure via the cash bond market was less attractive.

During the year, the Fund sold protection via the credit default swap market in order to gain credit risk exposure to individual corporates, countries and/or credit indices where gaining this exposure via the cash bond market was less attractive.

The Fund’s use of interest rate swaps involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio security transactions. Interest rate swaps do not involve the delivery of securities, other underlying assets, or principal. Interest rate swaps involve the exchange by two parties of their respective commitments to pay or receive interest (e.g., an exchange of floating rate payments for fixed rate payments). Interest rate swaps may result in potential losses if interest rates do not move as expected or if the counterparties are unable to satisfy their obligations. Interest rate swaps are generally entered into on a net basis. Accordingly, the risk of loss with respect to interest rate swaps is limited to the net amount of interest payments that the Fund is contractually obligated to make.

During the year, the Fund entered into interest rate swaps paying a fixed interest rate and receiving a floating interest rate in order to decrease interest rate risk (duration) exposure. As interest rates rise, the Fund benefits by receiving a higher expected future floating rate, while paying a fixed rate that has not increased.

There were no credit default swaps held at June 30, 2020.

3. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

The Fund may be invested in lower-rated debt securities that have a higher risk of default or loss of value since these securities may be sensitive to economic changes, political changes, or adverse developments specific to the issuer.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.

LIBOR Replacement Risk

The Fund may invest in certain debt securities, derivatives or other financial instruments that utilize the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as a reference rate for various rate calculations. On July 27, 2017, the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority announced that it intends to stop compelling or inducing banks to submit LIBOR rates after 2021.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

However, it remains unclear if LIBOR will continue to exist in its current, or a modified, form. Actions by regulators have resulted in the establishment of alternative reference rates to LIBOR in most major currencies. The U.S. Federal Reserve, based on the recommendations of the New York Federal Reserve’s Alternative Reference Rate Committee (comprised of major derivative market participants and their regulators), has begun publishing a Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), that is intended to replace U.S. dollar LIBOR. Proposals for alternative reference rates for other currencies have also been announced or have already begun publication. However, global consensus on alternative rates is lacking. The elimination of LIBOR or changes to other reference rates or any other changes or reforms to the determination or supervision of reference rates could adversely impact (i) volatility and liquidity in markets that are tied to LIBOR, (ii) the market for, or value of, specific securities or payments linked to those reference rates, (iii) availability or terms of borrowing or refinancing, or (iv) the effectiveness of hedging strategies. For these and other reasons, the elimination of LIBOR or changes to other interest rates may adversely affect the Fund’s performance and/or net asset value. Since the usefulness of LIBOR as a benchmark could deteriorate during the transition period, these effects could occur prior to the end of 2021. Markets are slowly developing in response to these new rates. Uncertainty regarding the process for amending existing contracts or instruments to transition away from LIBOR remains a concern for the Fund. The effect of any changes to, or discontinuation of, LIBOR on the Fund will vary depending, among other things, on (1) existing fallback or termination provisions in individual contracts and (2) whether, how, and when industry participants develop and adopt new reference rates and fallbacks for both legacy and new products and instruments. Accordingly, it is difficult to predict the full impact of the transition away from LIBOR on the Fund until new reference rates and fallbacks for both legacy and new products, instruments and contracts are commercially accepted.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.


The Fund may invest in various commercial loans, including bank loans, bridge loans, debtor-in-possession (“DIP”) loans, mezzanine loans, and other fixed and floating rate loans. These loans may be acquired through loan participations and assignments or on a when-issued basis. Commercial loans will comprise no more than 20% of the Fund’s total assets. Below are descriptions of the types of loans held by the Fund as of June 30, 2020.

· Bank Loans - Bank loans are obligations of companies or other entities entered into in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. The Fund’s investments in bank loans are generally acquired as a participation interest in, or assignment of, loans originated by a lender or other financial institution. These investments may include institutionally-traded floating and fixed-rate debt securities.

· Floating Rate Loans – Floating rate loans are debt securities that have floating interest rates, that adjust periodically, and are tied to a benchmark lending rate, such as London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). In other cases, the lending rate could be tied to the prime rate offered by one or more major U.S. banks or the rate paid on large certificates of deposit traded in the secondary markets. If the benchmark lending rate changes, the rate payable to lenders under the loan will change at the next scheduled adjustment date specified in the loan agreement. Floating rate loans are typically issued to companies (‘‘borrowers’’) in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. Floating rate loan investments are generally below investment grade. Senior floating rate loans are secured by specific collateral of a borrower and are



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

senior in the borrower’s capital structure. The senior position in the borrower’s capital structure generally gives holders of senior loans a claim on certain of the borrower’s assets that is senior to subordinated debt and preferred and common stock in the case of a borrower’s default. Floating rate loan investments may involve foreign borrowers, and investments may be denominated in foreign currencies. Floating rate loans often involve borrowers whose financial condition is troubled or uncertain and companies that are highly leveraged. The Fund may invest in obligations of borrowers who are in bankruptcy proceedings. While the Fund generally expects to invest in fully funded term loans, certain of the loans in which the Fund may invest include revolving loans, bridge loans, and delayed draw term loans.

Purchasers of floating rate loans may pay and/or receive certain fees. The Fund may receive fees such as covenant waiver fees or prepayment penalty fees. The Fund may pay fees such as facility fees. Such fees may affect the Fund’s return.

· Mezzanine Loans - Mezzanine loans are secured by the stock of the company that owns the assets. Mezzanine loans are a hybrid of debt and equity financing that is typically used to fund the expansion of existing companies. A mezzanine loan is composed of debt capital that gives the lender the right to convert to an ownership or equity interest in the company if the loan is not paid back in time and in full. Mezzanine loans typically are the most subordinated debt obligation in an issuer’s capital structure.

Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Securities

Mortgage- and asset-backed securities represent interests in “pools” of commercial or residential mortgages or other assets, including consumer loans or receivables. The Fund may purchase fixed or variable rate commercial or residential mortgage-backed securities issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), or other governmental or government-related entities. Ginnie Mae’s guarantees are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government, which means that the U.S. Government guarantees that the interest and principal will be paid when due. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. In September 2008, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”), an agency of the U.S. Government, placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under conservatorship. Since that time, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have received capital support through U.S. Treasury preferred stock purchases, and Treasury and Federal Reserve purchases of their mortgage-backed securities. The FHFA and the U.S. Treasury have imposed strict limits on the size of these entities’ mortgage portfolios. The FHFA has the power to cancel any contract entered into by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac prior to FHFA’s appointment as conservator or receiver, including the guarantee obligations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The Fund may also purchase other mortgage- and asset-backed securities through single- and multi-seller conduits, collateralized debt obligations, structured investment vehicles, and other similar securities. Asset-backed securities may be backed by various consumer obligations, including automobile loans, equipment leases, credit card receivables, or other collateral. In the event the underlying loans are not paid, the securities’ issuer could be forced to sell the assets and recognize losses on such assets, which could impact your return. Unlike traditional debt instruments, payments on these securities include both interest and a partial payment of principal. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities are subject to both extension risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations more slowly in times of rising interest rates, and prepayment risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations sooner than expected in times of declining interest rates. These risks may reduce the Fund’s returns. In addition, investments in mortgage- and asset-backed securities, including those comprised of subprime mortgages, may be subject to a higher degree of credit risk, valuation risk, and liquidity risk than various other types of fixed-income securities. Additionally, although mortgage-backed securities are generally supported by some form of government or private guarantee and/or insurance, there is no assurance that guarantors or insurers will meet their obligations.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

In order to better define its contractual rights and to secure rights that will help the Fund mitigate its counterparty risk, the Fund has entered into an International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreement (“ISDA Master Agreement”) or similar agreement with its derivative contract counterparties. An ISDA Master Agreement is a bilateral agreement between the Fund and a counterparty that governs OTC derivatives and forward foreign currency exchange


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

contracts and typically contains, among other things, collateral posting terms and netting provisions in the event of a default and/or termination event. Under an ISDA Master Agreement, in the event of a default and/or termination event, the Fund may offset with each counterparty certain derivative financial instruments’ payables and/or receivables with collateral held and/or posted and create one single net payment.

The following tables present gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the “Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020” table located in the Fund’s Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Bank of America, National Association







Citibank, National Association








HSBC Securities (USA), Inc.







JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association


















Offsetting of Financial Liabilities and Derivative Liabilities


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Bank of America, National Association








Barclays Capital, Inc.







BNP Paribas







Citibank, National Association







HSBC Securities (USA), Inc.








JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association

















Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. For financial reporting purposes, the Fund does not offset financial instruments' payables and receivables and related collateral on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Securities on loan will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). See “Securities Lending” in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for additional information.

The Fund generally does not exchange collateral on its forward foreign currency contracts with its counterparties; however, all liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to these contracts. Certain securities may be segregated at the Fund’s custodian. These segregated securities are denoted on the accompanying Schedule of Investments and are evaluated daily to ensure their cover and/or market value equals or exceeds the Fund’s corresponding forward foreign currency exchange contract's obligation value.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Restricted Security Transactions

Restricted securities held by the Fund may not be sold except in exempt transactions or in a public offering registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The risk of investing in such securities is generally greater than the risk of investing in the securities of widely held, publicly traded companies. Lack of a secondary market and resale restrictions may result in the inability of the Fund to sell a security at a fair price and may substantially delay the sale of the security. In addition, these securities may exhibit greater price volatility than securities for which secondary markets exist.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the SEC. If the Fund is unable to recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues. Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations. As of June 30, 2020, securities lending transactions accounted for as secured borrowings with an overnight and continuous contractual maturity are $2,019,165. Gross amounts of recognized liabilities for securities lending (collateral received) as of June 30, 2020 is $2,060,140, resulting in the net amount due to the counterparty of $40,975.

Sovereign Debt

The Fund may invest in U.S. and non-U.S. government debt securities (“sovereign debt”). Some investments in sovereign debt, such as U.S. sovereign debt, are considered low risk. However, investments in sovereign debt, especially the debt of less developed countries, can involve a high degree of risk, including the risk that the governmental entity that controls the repayment of sovereign debt may not be willing or able to repay the principal and/or to pay the interest on its sovereign debt in a timely manner. A sovereign debtor’s willingness or ability to satisfy its debt obligation may be affected by various factors including, but not limited to, its cash flow situation, the extent of its foreign currency reserves, the availability of foreign exchange when a payment is due, the relative size of its debt position in relation to its economy as a whole, the sovereign debtor’s policy toward international lenders, and local political constraints to which the governmental entity may be subject. Sovereign debtors may also be dependent on expected disbursements from foreign governments, multilateral agencies, and other entities. The failure of a sovereign debtor to implement economic reforms, achieve specified levels of economic performance, or repay principal or interest when due may result in the cancellation of third party commitments to lend funds to the sovereign debtor, which may further impair such debtor’s ability or willingness to timely service its debts. The Fund may be requested to participate in the rescheduling of such sovereign debt and to extend further loans to governmental entities, which may adversely affect the Fund’s holdings. In the event of default, there may be limited or no legal remedies for collecting sovereign debt and there may be no bankruptcy proceedings through which the Fund may collect all or part of the sovereign debt that a governmental entity has not repaid. In addition, to the extent the Fund invests in non-U.S. sovereign debt, it may be subject to currency risk.

TBA Commitments

The Fund may enter into “to be announced” or “TBA” commitments. TBAs are forward agreements for the purchase or sale of securities, including mortgage-backed securities, for a fixed price, with payment and delivery on an agreed upon future settlement date. The specific securities to be delivered are not identified at the trade date. However, delivered securities must meet specified terms, including issuer, rate, and mortgage terms. Although the particular TBA securities must meet industry-accepted “good delivery” standards, there can be no assurance that a security purchased on forward commitment basis will ultimately be issued or delivered by the counterparty. During the settlement period, the Fund will still bear the risk of any decline in the value of the security to be delivered. Because TBA commitments do not require the purchase and sale of identical securities, the characteristics of the security delivered to the Fund may be less favorable than the security delivered to the dealer. If the counterparty to a transaction fails to deliver the security, the Fund could suffer a loss.

When-Issued, Delayed Delivery and Forward Commitment Transactions

The Fund may purchase or sell securities on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis. When purchasing a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership of the security, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations, and takes such fluctuations into account when determining its net asset value. Typically, no income accrues on securities the Fund has committed to purchase prior to the time delivery of the securities is made. Because the Fund is not required to pay for the security until the delivery date, these risks are in addition to the risks associated with the Fund’s other investments. If the other party to a transaction fails to deliver the securities, the Fund could miss a favorable price or yield opportunity. If the Fund remains substantially fully invested at a time when when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment purchases are outstanding, the purchases may result in a form of leverage.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

When the Fund has sold a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund does not participate in future gains or losses with respect to the security. If the other party to a transaction fails to pay for the securities, the Fund could suffer a loss. Additionally, when selling a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis without owning the security, the Fund will incur a loss if the security’s price appreciates in value such that the security’s price is above the agreed upon price on the settlement date. The Fund may dispose of or renegotiate a transaction after it is entered into, and may purchase or sell when-issued, delayed delivery or forward commitment securities before the settlement date, which may result in a gain or loss.

4. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The following table reflects the Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate).


Average Daily Net

Assets of the Fund

Contractual Investment

Advisory Fee (%)

First $200 Million


Next $500 Million


Over $700 Million


The Fund’s actual investment advisory fee rate for the reporting period was 0.56% of average annual net assets before any applicable waivers.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.64% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act and related rules, the Fund may participate in an affiliated or non-affiliated cash sweep program. In the cash sweep program, uninvested cash balances of the Fund may be used to purchase shares of affiliated or non-affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles that operate as money market funds. The Fund is eligible to participate in the cash sweep program (the “Investing Funds”). As adviser, Janus Capital  has an inherent conflict of interest because of its fiduciary duties to the affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles and the Investing Funds. Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC (the “Sweep Vehicle”) is an affiliated unregistered cash management pooled investment vehicle that invests primarily in highly-rated short-term fixed-income securities. The Sweep Vehicle operates pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act that govern the operation of money market funds and prices its shares at NAV reflecting market-based values of its portfolio securities (i.e., a “floating” NAV) rounded to the fourth decimal place (e.g., $1.0000). The Sweep Vehicle is permitted to impose a liquidity fee (of up to 2%) on redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle or a redemption gate that temporarily suspends redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period. There are no restrictions on the Fund's ability to withdraw investments from the Sweep Vehicle at will, and there are no unfunded capital commitments due from the Fund to the Sweep Vehicle. The Sweep Vehicle does not charge any management fee, sales charge or service fee.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 4.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $39,949.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares paid CDSCs of $16,315 to Janus Henderson Distributors.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $20,272.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

As of June 30, 2020, shares of the Fund were owned by affiliates of Janus Henderson Investors, and/or other funds advised by Janus Henderson, as indicated in the table below:



% of Class Owned


% of Fund Owned



Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares








Less than 0.50%


In addition, other shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with US GAAP).

The Fund is permitted to purchase or sell securities (“cross-trade”) between itself and other funds or accounts managed by Janus Capital in accordance with Rule 17a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Rule 17a-7”), when the transaction is consistent with the investment objectives and policies of the Fund and in accordance with the Internal Cross Trade Procedures adopted by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. These procedures have been designed to ensure that any cross-trade of securities by the Fund from or to another fund or account that is or could be considered an affiliate of the Fund under certain limited circumstances by virtue of having a common investment adviser, common Officer, or common Trustee complies with Rule 17a-7. Under these procedures, each cross-trade is effected at the current market price to save costs where allowed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, the Fund engaged in cross trades amounting to $8,372,633 in purchases and $26,565,591 in sales, resulting in a net realized gain of $616,934. The net realized gain is included within the “Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” section of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

5. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation, derivatives, and foreign currency contract adjustments. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Fund has elected to defer post-October losses and qualified late-year losses as noted in the table below. These losses will be deferred for tax purposes and recognized during the next fiscal year.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ -

$ -

$ -

$ (769,326)







JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals, investments in partnerships, and investments in passive foreign investment companies.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 2,860,335,768



$ (57,927,573)

Information on the tax components of derivatives as of June 30, 2020 is as follows:


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ (2,156,324)

$ -

$ (4,460,175)

$ (4,460,175)

Tax cost of investments and unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) may also include timing differences that do not constitute adjustments to tax basis.

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, foreign currency transactions, passive foreign investment companies, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 95,439,884

$ 1,381,256

$ 7,196,342

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 31,368,641

$ -

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ -

$ (1,670,143)

$ 1,670,143


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

6. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 57,450,937



$ 19,220,213

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 31,441,343



$ 4,218,600

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 43,265,490



$ 17,043,622

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 36,487,307



$ 11,613,501

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 71,298,516



$ 38,832,291

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 25,913,391



$ 24,912,723

Class I Shares:






Shares sold






Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 994,040,337




Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 90,188,205



$ 4,297,185

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 81,717,657



$ 3,940,530

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 482,838



$ 209,325

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 357,557



$ (578,859)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 383,384,900




Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 160,582,256



$ 70,704,145

7. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations



$ 272,629,224

$ 266,743,603

8. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08") to amend the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

amortization period for certain purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. The guidance requires certain premiums on callable debt securities to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amortization period for callable debt securities purchased at a discount will not be impacted. The amendments are effective for fiscal years and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has adopted the amendments as of the beginning of this fiscal period.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2020-04 Reference Rate Reform: Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting (“ASU 2020-04”) in March 2020. The new guidance in the ASU provide optional temporary financial reporting relief from the effect of certain types of contract modifications due to the planned discontinuation of the LIBOR or other interbank-offered based reference rates as of the end of 2021. For new and existing contracts, Funds may elect to apply the guidance as of March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. Management is currently evaluating the impact, if any, of the ASU’s adoption to the Fund’s financial statements.

9. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

10. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the "Fund") as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agent, and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. 

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Return of Capital Distributions



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

John Kerschner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1967

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund


Head of U.S. Securitized Products of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

John Lloyd
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1975

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund


Co-Head of Global Credit Research of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts

Seth Meyer
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1976

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

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125-02-93028 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund (unaudited)



This dynamic, short duration bond fund seeks risk-adjusted returns and capital preservation. Our approach leverages a bottom-up, fundamentally driven investment process.


Seth Meyer

co-portfolio manager

Greg Wilensky

co-portfolio manager

Michael Keough

co-portfolio manager



During the one-year period ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund’s Class I Shares returned 3.42% compared with 4.20% for the Fund’s benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Year U.S. Government/Credit Index.


In the first half of the period, fixed income markets broadly became more confident of a soft landing for the U.S. economy as the Federal Reserve (Fed) lowered policy rates three times in the latter half of 2019. Generally better-than-expected earnings reports and progress in U.S.-China trade relations also contributed to corporate credit spreads (yields over Treasuries) tightening toward the lowest levels of the current credit cycle. However, in early 2020, the exogenous shock of the COVID-19 coronavirus ushered in a period of severe economic uncertainty as governments around the world restricted travel and social activity to help contain the virus. Risk markets faced a sell-off of historic proportions. Contributing to the malaise was a collapse in oil prices when the virus-related drop in demand was met by a flood of supply after OPEC and Russia failed to agree on production cutbacks.

Across the globe, central bank and government stimulus action was swift and aggressive. The Fed cut policy rates to zero and introduced numerous programs to support bond market liquidity while Congress approved trillions of dollars in crisis support to consumers and businesses. These actions supported financial markets and corporations and contributed to a rapid improvement in liquidity conditions. The staggering levels of monetary and fiscal stimulus, coupled with optimism on reopening the U.S. economy, bolstered investor confidence later in the period, although volatility remained high.

Over the year, rates fell across the yield curve, with the 2-year Treasury yield collapsing to 0.16% as the Fed cut rates, down from 1.75% a year ago. Corporate and securitized credit were volatile, with heightened risk of downgrades and defaults causing spreads over Treasuries to widen dramatically intra-period. Fed support helped credit retrace most of its losses. Investment-grade corporate bonds ultimately generated positive returns, while their high-yield counterparts were roughly flat.


Early in the period, we maintained a positive outlook on credit markets, believing they would be supported by the more accommodative Fed, a healthy consumer and favorable financial conditions. But entering 2020, we were mindful of rich valuations across credit products and focused on diversifying risk factors at the sector, industry and company levels. As COVID-19 and the attempts to contain its spread took a toll on the outlook for corporations and the consumer, many fixed income investors looking to reduce their exposure focused sales in shorter-term bonds because these securities tend to be more liquid. This caused shorter-term bonds to perform poorly on a risk-adjusted basis (and, in our view, more poorly than justified by their underlying fundamentals) in the first half of the period. We sought to leverage this opportunity and began adding, at first, to bonds of higher-quality corporate issuers we expect to perform well in a recession. As the Fed’s level of commitment to supporting credit markets solidified, economies began to reopen and progress was made in COVID-19 treatments, we reduced allocations to some of our more defensive names and positioned opportunistically across sectors – in some cases investing in those that are cyclical in nature or driven by consumer demand. We remained focused on companies that, in our view, could still withstand elevated economic uncertainty. We shifted overweight duration (a measure of interest rate risk) in the latter part of the period, given its ability to act as a hedge against our credit market exposure.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund (unaudited)

Asset allocation decisions weighed on relative results over the period. In particular, the Fund’s out-of-index allocations to high-yield corporate bonds and asset-backed securities (ABS) held back returns given those asset classes broadly underperformed the benchmark constituents. Further, much of our ABS exposure was tied to the strength of the consumer, and a position in Dine Brands Global detracted as some of its restaurant franchises closed amid the economic shutdowns. An overweight allocation in midstream energy also weighed on performance amid highly volatile oil prices. A position in Western Midstream was among the top single-name detractors as its credit ratings were downgraded, reflecting reduced profitability and cash flows.

Security selection overall contributed to relative performance, particularly in the aerospace and defense and technology sectors. A position in semiconductor manufacturer Broadcom performed well, aided by the company’s commitment to repair its balance sheet and pay down debt. Boeing also contributed to relative results. Bonds of the airplane manufacturer performed well after an attractive new issue was launched in March to meet its liquidity needs.


The Fund may use derivatives for various investment purposes, such as to manage or hedge portfolio risk, enhance return or manage duration. During the period, the Fund used interest rate futures to efficiently express our view on the U.S. Treasury market, a decision that aided relative results. Please see the Derivative Instruments section in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for a discussion of derivatives used by the Fund.


We believe the continued support from both the Fed and fiscal authorities will benefit consumers, corporations and market conditions. With this support, we expect the U.S. economy to bounce back substantially from lockdown levels over the next few quarters but know it will take years before the economy fully recovers. The restoration of liquidity in the credit markets, including high yield, has been quicker than usual given the Fed’s historic interventions, but liquidity too will take time to fully normalize.

While there has been a rapid deterioration in corporate fundamentals, we believe we are entering a new phase of the credit cycle where balance sheet repair will be a top priority for management teams and ultimately lead to lower credit risk premiums. We expect corporate bonds and structured securities, including asset-backed securities and commercial mortgage-backed securities, to remain in demand, driven by the additional yield available over very low policy rates – which will likely persist for the foreseeable future – and thus more attractive hedging costs for non-U.S. investors.

For now, we favor investment-grade over high-yield companies but remain focused on valuations and diligent in identifying attractive risk-adjusted opportunities across the ratings spectrum. Similarly, we are seeking higher-quality securitized structures that in our view can withstand a slower economy. The Fed’s aggressive actions should also support the liquidity and underlying fundamental performance of these securities. Across fixed income sectors, we continue to favor securities we believe can withstand the elevated economic uncertainty.

Although market sentiment has improved markedly, valuations ended the period closer to longer-term averages and thus still have room to tighten before reaching pre-COVID-19 levels. In our view, this creates an opportunity for attractive returns in fixed income in the year ahead. But we do not expect volatility to fade. COVID-19 and its economic impact remain the most pressing concern, and other risks to market sentiment are also on our radar: a resumption of trade tensions with China and the upcoming U.S. elections to name two. As we navigate these uncertainties, we will continue to adhere to our bottom-up, research-driven investment process with a focus on taking the right amount of risk throughout the cycle.

Thank you for your investment in Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


Fund Profile



30-day Current Yield*



Class A Shares NAV



Class A Shares MOP



Class C Shares**



Class D Shares



Class I Shares



Class N Shares



Class S Shares



Class T Shares



Weighted Average Maturity

2.6 Years

Average Effective Duration***

2.2 Years

* Yield will fluctuate.



** Does not include the 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge.

*** A theoretical measure of price volatility.



Ratings Summary - (% of Total Investments)














Not Rated




† Credit ratings provided by Standard & Poor's (S&P), an independent credit rating agency. Credit ratings range from AAA (highest) to D (lowest) based on S&P's measures. Further information on S&P's rating methodology may be found at www.standardandpoors.com. Other rating agencies may rate the same securities differently. Ratings are relative and subjective and are not absolute standards of quality. Credit quality does not remove market risk and is subject to change. "Not Rated" securities are not rated by S&P, but may be rated by other rating agencies and do not necessarily indicate low quality. "Other" includes cash equivalents, equity securities, and certain derivative instruments.

Significant Areas of Investment - (% of Net Assets)


Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds



Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities



United States Treasury Notes/Bonds



Investment Companies



Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans



Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending









Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.






















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios









Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV










Class A Shares at MOP










Class C Shares at NAV










Class C Shares at CDSC










Class D Shares(1)










Class I Shares










Class N Shares










Class S Shares










Class T Shares










Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Year U.S. Government/Credit Index










Morningstar Quartile - Class T Shares










Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Short-Term Bond Funds










Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 2.50%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund (unaudited)


companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class I Shares, and Class S Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for each class for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class J Shares, the initial share class (renamed Class T Shares effective February 16, 2010), calculated using the fees and expenses of each respective share class, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class D Shares commenced operations on February 16, 2010. Performance shown for periods prior to February 16, 2010, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses in effect during the periods shown, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class N Shares commenced operations on May 31, 2012. Performance shown for periods prior to May 31, 2012, reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class T Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class T Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

Effective February 1, 2020, Michael Keough, Seth Meyer and Greg Wilensky are Co-Portfolio Managers of the Fund

*The Fund’s inception date – September 1, 1992

** The Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Year U.S. Government/Credit Index’s since inception returns are calculated from August 31, 1992.

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – 24.3%


American Credit Acceptance Receivables Trust 2020-2,


1.6500%, 12/13/23 (144A)






Angel Oak Mortgage Trust I LLC 2019-5, 2.5930%, 10/25/49 (144A)






Angel Oak Mortgage Trust I LLC 2019-6,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 0.9500%, 2.6200%, 11/25/59 (144A)






Applebee's Funding LLC / IHOP Funding LLC, 4.1940%, 6/7/49 (144A)






Barclays Comercial Mortgage Securities LLC 2017-DELC,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.8500%, 1.0348%, 8/15/36 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-XL,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9200%, 1.1048%, 10/15/36 (144A)






Cazenovia Creek Funding II LLC, 3.5607%, 7/15/30 (144A)






Chesapeake Funding II LLC, 2.7100%, 9/15/31 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2017-C01,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.5500%, 3.7345%, 7/25/29






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2018-C05,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.3500%, 2.5345%, 1/25/31






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R02,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.3000%, 2.4845%, 8/25/31 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R03,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.1500%, 2.3345%, 9/25/31 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R05,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1845%, 7/25/39 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R07,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.1000%, 2.2845%, 10/25/39 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2020-R01,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.8000%, 0.9845%, 1/25/40 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2020-R02,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.7500%, 0.9345%, 1/25/40 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2020-R02,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1845%, 1/25/40 (144A)






Cosmopolitan Hotel Trust 2017,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9300%, 1.1148%, 11/15/36 (144A)






Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-ICE4,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9800%, 1.1648%, 5/15/36 (144A)






DBJPM 16-C3 Mortgage Trust, 1.5020%, 8/10/49






Dell Equipment Finance Trust 2020-1, 2.2600%, 6/22/22 (144A)






Domino's Pizza Master Issuer LLC, 3.0820%, 7/25/47 (144A)






Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2017-3, 3.5300%, 12/15/23 (144A)






Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2019-2, 3.0400%, 3/15/23






Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2020-1, 2.7000%, 5/17/27






Eagle Re Ltd, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9000%, 1.0845%, 1/25/30 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2018-1A C, 3.0300%, 1/17/23 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2018-4, 3.6400%, 11/15/22 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2020-1A C, 2.4900%, 1/15/25 (144A)






Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.0000%, 5.1845%, 7/25/25






Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 5.7000%, 5.8845%, 4/25/28






Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1845%, 3/25/31






Foursight Capital Automobile Receivables Trust 2018-2,


3.6400%, 5/15/23 (144A)






Foursight Capital Automobile Receivables Trust 2018-2,


3.8000%, 11/15/23 (144A)






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.2000%, 2.3850%, 2/25/24






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.2000%, 2.3845%, 9/25/24






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.8500%, 2.0345%, 10/25/27






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.7700%, 0.9545%, 11/25/49 (144A)






Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.5000%, , 6/25/50 (144A)






GLS Auto Receivables Issuer Trust 2019-2, 3.0600%, 4/17/23 (144A)






Golden Credit Card Trust, 2.6200%, 1/15/23 (144A)






Great Wolf Trust,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.0340%, 1.2188%, 12/15/36 (144A)






Hewlett-Packard Financial Services Company Trust 2019-1A,


2.1900%, 9/20/29 (144A)






Hewlett-Packard Financial Services Company Trust 2020-1A C,


2.0300%, 2/20/30 (144A)






Hewlett-Packard Financial Services Company Trust 2020-1A D,


2.2600%, 2/20/30 (144A)






Hilton Grand Vacations Trust 2020-AA, 2.7400%, 2/25/39 (144A)






Jack in the Box Funding LLC 2019-1A A2I, 3.9820%, 8/25/49 (144A)






JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2019-INV1,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9500%, 1.1345%, 10/25/49 (144A)






JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2019-LTV2, 3.5000%, 12/25/49 (144A)






JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2020-3A11,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1683%, 8/25/50 (144A)






JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2020-4,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.2500%, 1.4401%, 11/25/50 (144A)






JP Morgan Mortgage Trust 2020-LTV1,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.0000%, 1.1683%, 6/25/50 (144A)






Lanark Master Issuer PLC, 2.2770%, 12/22/69 (144A)Ç






Mello Warehouse Securitization Trust 2018-1,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.0500%, 1.2345%, 11/25/51 (144A)






Mello Warehouse Securitization Trust 2018-1,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.2500%, 1.4345%, 11/25/51 (144A)






Mello Warehouse Securitization Trust 2019-2,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.1500%, 1.3345%, 11/25/52 (144A)






Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2014-MP, 3.4690%, 8/11/33 (144A)






Mortgage Insurance-Linked Notes Series 2020-1,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9500%, 1.1345%, 2/25/30 (144A)






OneMain Direct Auto Receivables Trust 2017-2A, 2.8200%, 7/15/24 (144A)






OSCAR US Funding Trust VII LLC, 2.4500%, 12/10/21 (144A)






OSCAR US Funding Trust VII LLC, 2.7600%, 12/10/24 (144A)






Permanent Master Issuer PLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.3800%, 1.5989%, 7/15/58 (144A)






Prestige Auto Receivables Trust 2018-1, 3.7500%, 10/15/24 (144A)






PSNH Funding LLC 3, 3.0940%, 2/1/26






RCO Mortgage LLC, 3.7210%, 5/24/24 (144A)Ç






Santander Consumer Auto Receivables Trust 2020-AA, 1.3700%, 10/15/24 (144A)






Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2016-3, 2.4600%, 3/15/22






Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2017-2, 4.9900%, 9/16/24 (144A)






Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2018-2, 5.0200%, 9/15/25






Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2018-5, 3.5200%, 12/15/22






Santander Prime Auto Issuance Notes Trust 2018-A, 5.0400%, 9/15/25 (144A)






Silverstone Master Issuer PLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.3900%, 1.4990%, 1/21/70 (144A)






SoFi Professional Loan Program 2020-C Trust, 1.9500%, 2/15/46 (144A)






Spruce Hill Mortgage Loan Trust 2020-SH2, 3.4070%, 6/25/55 (144A)






Station Place Securitization Trust Series 2019-10,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 0.9000%, 1.0848%, 10/24/20 (144A)






Taco Bell Funding LLC, 4.3770%, 5/25/46 (144A)






Taco Bell Funding LLC, 4.3180%, 11/25/48 (144A)






Verizon Owner Trust 2019-A, 2.9300%, 9/20/23






Verizon Owner Trust 2019-C, 1.9400%, 4/22/24






Verizon Owner Trust 2019-C, 2.0600%, 4/22/24






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Verus Securitization Trust 2020-1,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 1.0000%, 2.6420%, 1/25/60 (144A)






WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C25, 3.6310%, 11/15/47






Wingstop Funding LLC 2018-1, 4.9700%, 12/5/48 (144A)






Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $269,036,756)




Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans – 2.2%


Communications – 1.4%


Charter Communications Operating LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7500%, 1.9300%, 4/30/25






Consumer Non-Cyclical – 0.8%


Elanco Animal Health Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7500%, 3.4044%, 2/4/27ƒ,‡






Froneri US Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.2500%, 2.4283%, 1/29/27ƒ,‡






Reynolds Consumer Products Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7500%, 1.9283%, 2/4/27








Total Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans (cost $25,487,369)




Corporate Bonds – 56.6%


Banking – 13.9%


Bank of America Corp, 2.5030%, 10/21/22






Bank of America Corp, 4.0000%, 1/22/25






Bank of Montreal, 3.3000%, 2/5/24






BNP Paribas SA, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.2350%, 4.7050%, 1/10/25 (144A)






BNP Paribas SA, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.1110%, 2.8190%, 11/19/25 (144A)






Citigroup Inc, 4.4000%, 6/10/25






Credit Agricole SA, 4.3750%, 3/17/25 (144A)






Credit Agricole SA/London, SOFR + 1.6760%, 1.9070%, 6/16/26 (144A)






Credit Suisse Group AG,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.2000%, 2.9970%, 12/14/23 (144A)






First Republic Bank/CA, SOFR + 0.6200%, 1.9120%, 2/12/24






Goldman Sachs Group Inc, 2.7500%, 9/15/20






Goldman Sachs Group Inc, 3.0000%, 4/26/22






Goldman Sachs Group Inc, 3.5000%, 4/1/25






JPMorgan Chase & Co, 2.9720%, 1/15/23






Morgan Stanley, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.8470%, 3.7370%, 4/24/24






PNC Bank NA, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.4200%, 2.0280%, 12/9/22






Societe Generale SA, 2.6250%, 1/22/25 (144A)






State Street Corp, SOFR + 2.6900%, 2.8250%, 3/30/23 (144A)






UBS AG/London, 2.4500%, 12/1/20 (144A)






US Bank NA/Cincinnati OH, 1.9500%, 1/9/23






Wells Fargo & Co, SOFR + 1.6000%, 1.6540%, 6/2/24








Basic Industry – 0.8%


Anglo American Capital PLC, 4.1250%, 4/15/21 (144A)






Anglo American Capital PLC, 3.7500%, 4/10/22 (144A)






Freeport-McMoRan Inc, 3.5500%, 3/1/22






Glencore Finance Canada Ltd, 4.9500%, 11/15/21 (144A)






Hudbay Minerals Inc, 7.2500%, 1/15/23 (144A)








Brokerage – 1.8%


Ameriprise Financial Inc, 3.0000%, 4/2/25






Charles Schwab Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.3200%, 0.6941%, 5/21/21






Charles Schwab Corp, 4.2000%, 3/24/25






E*TRADE Financial Corp, 2.9500%, 8/24/22








Capital Goods – 8.8%


Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc,


4.1250%, 8/15/26 (144A)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Capital Goods – (continued)


Ball Corp, 5.0000%, 3/15/22






Boeing Co, 2.7000%, 5/1/22






Boeing Co, 4.5080%, 5/1/23






CNH Industrial Capital LLC, 4.3750%, 4/5/22






General Dynamics Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.3800%, 0.8276%, 5/11/21






General Electric Co, 3.4500%, 5/15/24






Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc, 3.8440%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc, 5.0000%, 11/15/25 (144A)






Northrop Grumman Corp, 2.0800%, 10/15/20






Otis Worldwide Corp,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.4500%, 0.7538%, 4/5/23 (144A)‡,#






Sealed Air Corp, 6.5000%, 12/1/20 (144A)






TransDigm Inc, 8.0000%, 12/15/25 (144A)






Vulcan Materials Co, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.6500%, 1.0000%, 3/1/21






Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp, 4.3750%, 8/15/23






Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp, 3.2000%, 6/15/25








Communications – 3.6%


CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 5.8750%, 4/1/24 (144A)






Crown Castle International Corp, 3.2000%, 9/1/24






Lamar Media Corp, 5.0000%, 5/1/23






Level 3 Financing Inc, 5.3750%, 8/15/22






Netflix Inc, 3.6250%, 6/15/25 (144A)






Nexstar Broadcasting Inc, 5.6250%, 8/1/24 (144A)






SBA Communications Corp, 4.8750%, 9/1/24






Sirius XM Radio Inc, 3.8750%, 8/1/22 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 6.0000%, 3/1/23






T-Mobile USA Inc, 6.5000%, 1/15/24






T-Mobile USA Inc, 6.3750%, 3/1/25






T-Mobile USA Inc, 3.5000%, 4/15/25 (144A)








Consumer Cyclical – 6.8%


1011778 BC ULC / New Red Finance Inc, 4.2500%, 5/15/24 (144A)






Booking Holdings Inc, 4.1000%, 4/13/25






Colt Merger Sub Inc, 5.7500%, 7/1/25 (144A)






General Motors Financial Co Inc, 2.9000%, 2/26/25






GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 3.3500%, 9/1/24






Hyundai Capital America,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.9400%, 1.2165%, 7/8/21 (144A)






Lennar Corp, 4.7500%, 4/1/21






Lowe's Cos Inc, 4.0000%, 4/15/25






Marriott International Inc, 5.7500%, 5/1/25






McDonald's Corp, 3.3000%, 7/1/25






Nordstrom Inc, 8.7500%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Vail Resorts Inc, 6.2500%, 5/15/25 (144A)






VF Corp, 2.0500%, 4/23/22






VICI Properties LP / VICI Note Co Inc, 3.5000%, 2/15/25 (144A)






Wyndham Destinations Inc, 4.2500%, 3/1/22






Wyndham Destinations Inc, 5.4000%, 4/1/24








Consumer Non-Cyclical – 8.4%


Albertsons Cos Inc / Safeway Inc / New Albertsons LP / Albertsons LLC,


3.5000%, 2/15/23 (144A)






Amgen Inc, 1.9000%, 2/21/25






Baxter International Inc, 3.7500%, 10/1/25 (144A)






Cargill Inc, 1.3750%, 7/23/23 (144A)






Constellation Brands Inc, 3.7500%, 5/1/21






CVS Health Corp, 2.1250%, 6/1/21






CVS Health Corp, 2.6250%, 8/15/24






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Consumer Non-Cyclical – (continued)


Elanco Animal Health Inc, 4.6620%, 8/27/21Ç






Elanco Animal Health Inc, 5.0220%, 8/28/23Ç






Hasbro Inc, 2.6000%, 11/19/22






Hasbro Inc, 3.0000%, 11/19/24






HCA Inc, 5.8750%, 5/1/23






Keurig Dr Pepper Inc, 4.0570%, 5/25/23






Perrigo Finance Unlimited Co, 3.9000%, 12/15/24






Sysco Corp, 3.5500%, 3/15/25






Sysco Corp, 5.6500%, 4/1/25






Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, 4.1330%, 3/25/25






Upjohn Inc, 1.1250%, 6/22/22 (144A)






Upjohn Inc, 1.6500%, 6/22/25 (144A)








Electric – 0.8%


East Ohio Gas Co/The, 1.3000%, 6/15/25 (144A)






Pacific Gas and Electric Co, 1.7500%, 6/16/22








Energy – 2.3%


DCP Midstream Operating LP, 4.9500%, 4/1/22






Energy Transfer Operating LP, 2.9000%, 5/15/25






Kinder Morgan Inc/DE, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.2800%, 2.4989%, 1/15/23






NGPL PipeCo LLC, 4.3750%, 8/15/22 (144A)






NuStar Logistics LP, 4.8000%, 9/1/20






ONEOK Inc, 5.8500%, 1/15/26






Phillips 66, 3.7000%, 4/6/23






Phillips 66, 3.8500%, 4/9/25








Finance Companies – 0.2%


USAA Capital Corp, 1.5000%, 5/1/23 (144A)






Financial Institutions – 0.4%


Equifax Inc, 2.6000%, 12/15/25






Insurance – 1.5%


Athene Global Funding, 2.5000%, 1/14/25 (144A)






Centene Corp, 4.7500%, 1/15/25








Machinery – 0.2%


Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.3000%, 1.6134%, 9/15/21






Multi-Utilities – 0.1%


Sempra Energy, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.5000%, 1.7189%, 1/15/21






Owned No Guarantee – 0.2%


Syngenta Finance NV, 3.9330%, 4/23/21 (144A)






Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 0.6%


SL Green Operating Partnership LP,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 0.9800%, 1.3656%, 8/16/21






Technology – 6.2%


Analog Devices Inc, 2.9500%, 1/12/21






Broadcom Inc, 4.7000%, 4/15/25 (144A)






Broadcom Inc, 3.4590%, 9/15/26 (144A)






Equifax Inc, 2.6000%, 12/1/24






Infor Inc, 1.4500%, 7/15/23 (144A)






Infor Inc, 1.7500%, 7/15/25 (144A)






Leidos Inc, 2.9500%, 5/15/23 (144A)






Leidos Inc, 3.6250%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Microchip Technology Inc, 2.6700%, 9/1/23 (144A)






Microchip Technology Inc, 4.2500%, 9/1/25 (144A)






Micron Technology Inc, 2.4970%, 4/24/23






PayPal Holdings Inc, 1.3500%, 6/1/23






Total System Services Inc, 3.8000%, 4/1/21






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Technology – (continued)


VMware Inc, 4.5000%, 5/15/25








Total Corporate Bonds (cost $613,722,309)




United States Treasury Notes/Bonds – 15.4%


2.7500%, 11/30/20






2.6250%, 12/15/21






1.7500%, 6/15/22






1.7500%, 7/15/22






0.2500%, 4/15/23






2.1250%, 3/31/24






2.0000%, 5/31/24






1.7500%, 7/31/24






0.5000%, 3/31/25






0.3750%, 4/30/25






Total United States Treasury Notes/Bonds (cost $168,019,802)




Investment Companies – 5.7%


Money Markets – 5.7%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº,£ (cost $63,601,717)






Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending – 0%


Investment Companies – 0%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº,£






Time Deposits – 0%


Royal Bank of Canada, 0.0900%, 7/1/20






Total Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending (cost $303,750)




Total Investments (total cost $1,140,171,703) – 104.2%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (4.2)%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States




































United Kingdom






South Africa




















See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 5.7%

Money Markets - 5.7%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.0%

Investment Companies - 0.0%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Total Affiliated Investments - 5.7%











at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 5.7%

Money Markets - 5.7%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.0%

Investment Companies - 0.0%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Schedule of Futures




Number of






Value and








Variation Margin



Futures Purchased:


2-Year US Treasury Note












5-Year US Treasury Note



















See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

The following table, grouped by derivative type, provides information about the fair value and location of derivatives within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of June 30, 2020.


Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020












Interest Rate

Asset Derivatives:




Variation margin receivable



$ 4,282


Liability Derivatives:




Variation margin payable



$ 2,594


The following tables provide information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Fund’s Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020.


The effect of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) on the Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020






Amount of Realized Gain/(Loss) Recognized on Derivatives



Interest Rate

Futures contracts


$ 72,421









Amount of Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation Recognized on Derivatives



Interest Rate

Futures contracts


$ 45,359


Please see the "Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments" and "Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation" sections of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.


Average Ending Monthly Market Value of Derivative Instruments During the Year Ended June 30, 2020




Market Value

Futures contracts, purchased



See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Year U.S. Government/Credit Index

Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Year U.S. Government/Credit Index measures Treasuries, government-related issues and corporates with maturity between 1-3 years.



Intercontinental Exchange


London Interbank Offered Rate


Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership


Public Limited Company


Secured Overnight Financing Rate


Unlimited Liability Company



Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $402,341,167, which represents 36.2% of net assets.



All or a portion of this position is not funded, or has been purchased on a delayed delivery or when-issued basis. If applicable, interest rates will be determined and interest will begin to accrue at a future date. See Notes to Financial Statements.


Variable or floating rate security. Rate shown is the current rate as of June 30, 2020. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread; they are determined by the issuer or agent and current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date and may vary by security, which may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



Loaned security; a portion of the security is on loan at June 30, 2020.



Step bond. The coupon rate will increase or decrease periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. The rate shown reflects the current rate.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities







Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans







Corporate Bonds







United States Treasury Notes/Bonds







Investment Companies







Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending







Total Investments in Securities







Other Financial Instruments(a):


Variation Margin Receivable







Total Assets









Other Financial Instruments(a):


Variation Margin Payable









Other financial instruments include forward foreign currency exchange, futures, written options, written swaptions, and swap contracts. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported at their unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract's value from trade date. Futures, certain written options on futures, and centrally cleared swap contracts are reported at their variation margin at measurement date, which represents the amount due to/from the Fund at that date. Written options, written swaptions, and other swap contracts are reported at their market value at measurement date.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)(2)






Affiliated investments, at value(3)












Deposits with brokers for futures






Variation margin receivable






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Investments sold














Fund shares sold







Dividends from affiliates






Other assets





Total Assets











Collateral for securities loaned (Note 3)






Variation margin payable












Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Advisory fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses














Professional fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Custodian fees







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(5)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $1,076,326,986.

(2) Includes $296,700 of securities on loan. See Note 3 in Notes to Financial Statements.

(3) Includes cost of $63,844,717.

(4) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(5) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/97.5 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:










Dividends from affiliates





Affiliated securities lending income, net





Unaffiliated securities lending income, net





Other income




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Shareholder reports expense





Registration fees





Professional fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Custodian fees





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:










Investments in affiliates





Futures contracts




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Investments in affiliates





Futures contracts




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations
















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations
















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)












Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks as high a level of current income as is consistent with preservation of capital. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends are declared daily and distributed monthly for the Fund. Realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed in December. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice,



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Derivative Instruments

The Fund may invest in various types of derivatives, which may at times result in significant derivative exposure. A derivative is a financial instrument whose performance is derived from the performance of another asset. The Fund may invest in derivative instruments including, but not limited to: futures contracts, put options, call options, options on futures contracts, options on foreign currencies, options on recovery locks, options on security and commodity indices, swaps, forward contracts, structured investments, and other equity-linked derivatives. Each derivative instrument that was held by the Fund during the year ended June 30, 2020 is discussed in further detail below. A summary of derivative activity by the Fund is reflected in the tables at the end of the Schedule of Investments.

The Fund may use derivative instruments for hedging purposes (to offset risks associated with an investment, currency exposure, or market conditions), to adjust currency exposure relative to a benchmark index, or for speculative purposes (to earn income and seek to enhance returns). When the Fund invests in a derivative for speculative purposes, the Fund will be fully exposed to the risks of loss of that derivative, which may sometimes be greater than the derivative’s cost. The Fund may not use any derivative to gain exposure to an asset or class of assets that it would be prohibited by its investment restrictions from purchasing directly. The Fund’s ability to use derivative instruments may also be limited by tax considerations.

Investments in derivatives in general are subject to market risks that may cause their prices to fluctuate over time. Investments in derivatives may not directly correlate with the price movements of the underlying instrument. As a result, the use of derivatives may expose the Fund to additional risks that it would not be subject to if it invested directly in the securities underlying those derivatives. The use of derivatives may result in larger losses or smaller gains than otherwise would be the case. Derivatives can be volatile and may involve significant risks.

In pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease exposure to the following market risk factors:

· Commodity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of commodities or commodity-linked investments due to changes in the overall market movements, volatility of the underlying benchmark, changes in interest rates, or other factors affecting a particular industry or commodity such as drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs, and international economic, political, and regulatory developments.

· Counterparty Risk – the risk that the counterparty (the party on the other side of the transaction) on a derivative transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation to the Fund.

· Credit Risk – the risk an issuer will be unable to make principal and interest payments when due, or will default on its obligations.

· Currency Risk – the risk that changes in the exchange rate between currencies will adversely affect the value (in U.S. dollar terms) of an investment.

· Equity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

· Index Risk – if the derivative is linked to the performance of an index, it will be subject to the risks associated with changes in that index. If the index changes, the Fund could receive lower interest payments or experience a reduction in the value of the derivative to below what the Fund paid. Certain indexed securities, including inverse


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

securities (which move in an opposite direction to the index), may create leverage, to the extent that they increase or decrease in value at a rate that is a multiple of the changes in the applicable index.

· Interest Rate Risk – the risk that the value of fixed-income securities will generally decline as prevailing interest rates rise, which may cause the Fund’s NAV to likewise decrease.

· Leverage Risk – the risk associated with certain types of leveraged investments or trading strategies pursuant to which relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of an investment. The Fund creates leverage by investing in instruments, including derivatives, where the investment loss can exceed the original amount invested. Certain investments or trading strategies, such as short sales, that involve leverage can result in losses that greatly exceed the amount originally invested.

· Liquidity Risk – the risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time that the seller would like or at the price that the seller believes the security is currently worth.

Derivatives may generally be traded OTC or on an exchange. Derivatives traded OTC are agreements that are individually negotiated between parties and can be tailored to meet a purchaser’s needs. OTC derivatives are not guaranteed by a clearing agency and may be subject to increased credit risk.

In an effort to mitigate credit risk associated with derivatives traded OTC, the Fund may enter into collateral agreements with certain counterparties whereby, subject to certain minimum exposure requirements, the Fund may require the counterparty to post collateral if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on all OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. Additionally, the Fund may deposit cash and/or treasuries as collateral with the counterparty and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. All liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to certain exchange-traded derivatives, centrally cleared derivatives, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, short sales, and/or securities with extended settlement dates. There is no guarantee that counterparty exposure is reduced and these arrangements are dependent on Janus Capital's ability to establish and maintain appropriate systems and trading.

Futures Contracts

A futures contract is an exchange-traded agreement to take or make delivery of an underlying asset at a specific time in the future for a specific predetermined negotiated price. The Fund may enter into futures contracts to gain exposure to the stock market or other markets pending investment of cash balances or to meet liquidity needs. The Fund is subject to interest rate risk, equity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in futures contracts. The Fund may also use such derivative instruments to hedge or protect from adverse movements in securities prices, currency rates or interest rates. The use of futures contracts may involve risks such as the possibility of illiquid markets or imperfect correlation between the values of the contracts and the underlying securities, or that the counterparty will fail to perform its obligations.

Futures contracts on commodities are valued at the settlement price on valuation date on the commodities exchange as reported by an approved vendor. Mini contracts, as defined in the description of the contract, shall be valued using the Actual Settlement Price or “ASET” price type as reported by an approved vendor. In the event that foreign futures trade when the foreign equity markets are closed, the last foreign futures trade price shall be used.

Futures contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). When a contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable), equal to the difference between the opening and closing value of the contract.

Securities held by the Fund that are designated as collateral for market value on futures contracts are noted on the Schedule of Investments (if applicable). Such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s futures commission merchant.

With futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since futures are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees the futures against default.

During the year, the Fund purchased interest rate futures to increase exposure to interest rate risk.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

3. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

The Fund may be invested in lower-rated debt securities that have a higher risk of default or loss of value since these securities may be sensitive to economic changes, political changes, or adverse developments specific to the issuer.

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

LIBOR Replacement Risk

The Fund may invest in certain debt securities, derivatives or other financial instruments that utilize the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as a reference rate for various rate calculations. On July 27, 2017, the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority announced that it intends to stop compelling or inducing banks to submit LIBOR rates after 2021. However, it remains unclear if LIBOR will continue to exist in its current, or a modified, form. Actions by regulators have resulted in the establishment of alternative reference rates to LIBOR in most major currencies. The U.S. Federal Reserve, based on the recommendations of the New York Federal Reserve’s Alternative Reference Rate Committee (comprised of major derivative market participants and their regulators), has begun publishing a Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), that is intended to replace U.S. dollar LIBOR. Proposals for alternative reference rates for other currencies have also been announced or have already begun publication. However, global consensus on alternative rates is lacking. The elimination of LIBOR or changes to other reference rates or any other changes or reforms to the determination or supervision of reference rates could adversely impact (i) volatility and liquidity in markets that are tied to LIBOR, (ii) the market for, or value of, specific securities or payments linked to those reference rates, (iii) availability or terms of borrowing or refinancing, or (iv) the effectiveness of hedging strategies. For these and other reasons, the elimination of LIBOR or changes to other interest rates may adversely affect the Fund’s performance and/or net asset value. Since the usefulness of LIBOR as a benchmark could deteriorate during the transition period, these effects could occur prior to the end of 2021. Markets are slowly developing in response to these new rates. Uncertainty regarding the process for amending existing contracts or instruments to transition away from LIBOR remains a concern for the Fund. The effect of any changes to, or discontinuation of, LIBOR on the Fund will vary depending, among other things, on (1) existing fallback or termination provisions in individual contracts and (2) whether, how, and when industry participants develop and adopt new reference rates and fallbacks for both legacy and new products and instruments. Accordingly, it is difficult to predict the full impact of the transition away from LIBOR on the Fund until new reference rates and fallbacks for both legacy and new products, instruments and contracts are commercially accepted.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.


The Fund may invest in various commercial loans, including bank loans, bridge loans, debtor-in-possession (“DIP”) loans, mezzanine loans, and other fixed and floating rate loans. These loans may be acquired through loan participations and assignments or on a when-issued basis. Commercial loans will comprise no more than 20% of the Fund’s total assets. Below are descriptions of the types of loans held by the Fund as of June 30, 2020.

· Bank Loans - Bank loans are obligations of companies or other entities entered into in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. The Fund’s investments in bank loans are generally acquired as a participation interest in, or assignment of, loans originated by a lender or other financial institution. These investments may include institutionally-traded floating and fixed-rate debt securities.

· Floating Rate Loans – Floating rate loans are debt securities that have floating interest rates, that adjust periodically, and are tied to a benchmark lending rate, such as London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). In other cases, the lending rate could be tied to the prime rate offered by one or more major U.S. banks or the rate paid on large certificates of deposit traded in the secondary markets. If the benchmark lending rate



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

changes, the rate payable to lenders under the loan will change at the next scheduled adjustment date specified in the loan agreement. Floating rate loans are typically issued to companies (‘‘borrowers’’) in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. Floating rate loan investments are generally below investment grade. Senior floating rate loans are secured by specific collateral of a borrower and are senior in the borrower’s capital structure. The senior position in the borrower’s capital structure generally gives holders of senior loans a claim on certain of the borrower’s assets that is senior to subordinated debt and preferred and common stock in the case of a borrower’s default. Floating rate loan investments may involve foreign borrowers, and investments may be denominated in foreign currencies. Floating rate loans often involve borrowers whose financial condition is troubled or uncertain and companies that are highly leveraged. The Fund may invest in obligations of borrowers who are in bankruptcy proceedings. While the Fund generally expects to invest in fully funded term loans, certain of the loans in which the Fund may invest include revolving loans, bridge loans, and delayed draw term loans.

Purchasers of floating rate loans may pay and/or receive certain fees. The Fund may receive fees such as covenant waiver fees or prepayment penalty fees. The Fund may pay fees such as facility fees. Such fees may affect the Fund’s return.

· Mezzanine Loans - Mezzanine loans are secured by the stock of the company that owns the assets. Mezzanine loans are a hybrid of debt and equity financing that is typically used to fund the expansion of existing companies. A mezzanine loan is composed of debt capital that gives the lender the right to convert to an ownership or equity interest in the company if the loan is not paid back in time and in full. Mezzanine loans typically are the most subordinated debt obligation in an issuer’s capital structure.

Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Securities

Mortgage- and asset-backed securities represent interests in “pools” of commercial or residential mortgages or other assets, including consumer loans or receivables. The Fund may purchase fixed or variable rate commercial or residential mortgage-backed securities issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), or other governmental or government-related entities. Ginnie Mae’s guarantees are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government, which means that the U.S. Government guarantees that the interest and principal will be paid when due. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. In September 2008, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”), an agency of the U.S. Government, placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under conservatorship. Since that time, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have received capital support through U.S. Treasury preferred stock purchases, and Treasury and Federal Reserve purchases of their mortgage-backed securities. The FHFA and the U.S. Treasury have imposed strict limits on the size of these entities’ mortgage portfolios. The FHFA has the power to cancel any contract entered into by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac prior to FHFA’s appointment as conservator or receiver, including the guarantee obligations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The Fund may also purchase other mortgage- and asset-backed securities through single- and multi-seller conduits, collateralized debt obligations, structured investment vehicles, and other similar securities. Asset-backed securities may be backed by various consumer obligations, including automobile loans, equipment leases, credit card receivables, or other collateral. In the event the underlying loans are not paid, the securities’ issuer could be forced to sell the assets and recognize losses on such assets, which could impact your return. Unlike traditional debt instruments, payments on these securities include both interest and a partial payment of principal. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities are subject to both extension risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations more slowly in times of rising interest rates, and prepayment risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations sooner than expected in times of declining interest rates. These risks may reduce the Fund’s returns. In addition, investments in mortgage- and asset-backed securities, including those comprised of subprime mortgages, may be subject to a higher degree of credit risk, valuation risk, and liquidity risk than various other types of fixed-income securities. Additionally, although mortgage-backed securities are generally supported by some form of government or private guarantee and/or insurance, there is no assurance that guarantors or insurers will meet their obligations.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the Fund's Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association









Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. Securities on loan will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). See “Securities Lending” in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for additional information.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the SEC. If the Fund is unable to recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues. Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations. As of June 30, 2020, securities lending transactions accounted for as secured borrowings with an overnight and continuous contractual maturity are $296,700. Gross amounts of recognized liabilities for securities lending (collateral received) as of June 30, 2020 is $303,750, resulting in the net amount due to the counterparty of $7,050.

Sovereign Debt

The Fund may invest in U.S. and non-U.S. government debt securities (“sovereign debt”). Some investments in sovereign debt, such as U.S. sovereign debt, are considered low risk. However, investments in sovereign debt, especially the debt of less developed countries, can involve a high degree of risk, including the risk that the governmental entity that controls the repayment of sovereign debt may not be willing or able to repay the principal and/or to pay the interest on its sovereign debt in a timely manner. A sovereign debtor’s willingness or ability to satisfy its debt obligation may be affected by various factors including, but not limited to, its cash flow situation, the extent of its foreign currency reserves, the availability of foreign exchange when a payment is due, the relative size of its debt position in relation to its economy as a whole, the sovereign debtor’s policy toward international lenders, and local political constraints to which the governmental entity may be subject. Sovereign debtors may also be dependent on expected disbursements from foreign governments, multilateral agencies, and other entities. The failure of a sovereign debtor to implement economic reforms, achieve specified levels of economic performance, or repay principal or interest when due may result in the cancellation of third party commitments to lend funds to the sovereign debtor, which may further impair such debtor’s ability or willingness to timely service its debts. The Fund may be requested to participate in the rescheduling of such sovereign debt and to extend further loans to governmental entities, which may adversely affect the Fund’s holdings. In the event of default, there may be limited or no legal remedies for collecting sovereign debt and there may be no bankruptcy proceedings through which the Fund may collect all or part of the sovereign debt that a governmental entity has not repaid. In addition, to the extent the Fund invests in non-U.S. sovereign debt, it may be subject to currency risk.

4. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.44% of its average daily net assets.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.44% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019.  If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act and related rules, the Fund may participate in an affiliated or non-affiliated cash sweep program. In the cash sweep program, uninvested cash balances of the Fund may be used to purchase shares of affiliated or non-affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles that operate as money market funds. The Fund is eligible to participate in the cash sweep program (the “Investing Funds”). As adviser, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest because of its fiduciary duties to the affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles and the Investing Funds. Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC (the “Sweep Vehicle”) is an affiliated unregistered cash management pooled investment vehicle that invests primarily in highly-rated short-term fixed-income securities. The Sweep Vehicle operates pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act that govern the operation of money market funds and prices its shares at NAV reflecting market-based values of its portfolio securities (i.e., a “floating” NAV) rounded to the fourth decimal place (e.g., $1.0000). The Sweep Vehicle is permitted to impose a liquidity fee (of up to 2%) on redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle or a redemption gate that temporarily suspends redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period. There are no restrictions on the Fund's ability to withdraw investments from the Sweep Vehicle at will, and there are no


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

unfunded capital commitments due from the Fund to the Sweep Vehicle. The Sweep Vehicle does not charge any management fee, sales charge or service fee.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 2.50% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $21,089.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares paid CDSCs of $33,575 to Janus Henderson Distributors.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $15,450.

The Fund is permitted to purchase or sell securities (“cross-trade”) between itself and other funds or accounts managed by Janus Capital in accordance with Rule 17a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Rule 17a-7”), when the transaction is consistent with the investment objectives and policies of the Fund and in accordance with the Internal Cross Trade Procedures adopted by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. These procedures have been designed to ensure that any cross-trade of securities by the Fund from or to another fund or account that is or could be considered an affiliate of the Fund under certain limited circumstances by virtue of having a common investment adviser, common Officer, or common Trustee complies with Rule 17a-7. Under these procedures, each cross-trade is effected at the current market price to save costs where allowed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, the Fund engaged in cross trades amounting to $3,295,878 in purchases and $34,345,083 in sales, resulting in a net realized gain of $225,489. The net realized gain is included within the “Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” section of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

5. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation and derivatives. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 630,235

$ -

$ (29,000,446)

$ -

$ -

$ (22,760)

$ 13,547,303




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses






$ (29,000,446)



During the year ended June 30, 2020, capital loss carryovers of $4,443,536 were utilized by the Fund.

The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals and investments in partnerships.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 1,142,488,968


$ (5,120,482)

$ 13,547,303

Information on the tax components of derivatives as of June 30, 2020 is as follows:


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 45,361

$ -

$ -

$ -

Tax cost of investments and unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) may also include timing differences that do not constitute adjustments to tax basis.

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 26,790,879

$ -

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 31,982,179

$ -

$ -

$ -



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ (2)

$ 927,806

$ (927,804)

6. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 49,998,329



$ 37,384,937

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 6,311,519



$ 4,770,321

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 20,277,409



$ 23,679,091

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (2,522,867)



$ 1,702,573

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 64,415,587



$ 50,169,139

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 11,191,769



$ 8,378,207

Class I Shares:






Shares sold





$ 167,683,502

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (16,871,203)



$ (66,570,870)

Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 36,127,366



$ 26,650,089

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (20,599,757)



$ (25,151,998)

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 267,627



$ 142,798

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (383,646)



$ (428,993)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 56,755,705



$ 66,277,103

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (98,639,780)






JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

7. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations



$ 405,621,351

$ 379,938,735

8. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08") to amend the amortization period for certain purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. The guidance requires certain premiums on callable debt securities to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amortization period for callable debt securities purchased at a discount will not be impacted. The amendments are effective for fiscal years and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has adopted the amendments on a modified retrospective basis as of the beginning of this fiscal period and concluded these changes do not have a material impact on the Fund’s financial statements. The amortized cost basis of investments was reduced by $670,475, and unrealized appreciation of investments was increased by $670,475. The adoption of ASU 2107-08 had no impact on beginning net assets, the current period results from operations or any  prior period information presented in the financial statements.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2020-04 Reference Rate Reform: Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting (“ASU 2020-04”) in March 2020. The new guidance in the ASU provide optional temporary financial reporting relief from the effect of certain types of contract modifications due to the planned discontinuation of the LIBOR or other interbank-offered based reference rates as of the end of 2021. For new and existing contracts, Funds may elect to apply the guidance as of March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. Management is currently evaluating the impact, if any, of the ASU’s adoption to the Fund’s financial statements.

9. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

10. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the "Fund") as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agent, and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Michael Keough
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1978

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

Seth Meyer
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1976

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

Greg Wilensky
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1967

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund


Head of U.S. Fixed-Income of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts. Formerly, Director and Lead Portfolio Manager of the U.S. Multi-Sector Fixed Income team at AllianceBernstein (2007-2019).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund




Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

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Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93030 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund (unaudited)(closed to certain new investors)



As defensive value specialists, we look to invest in high-quality companies that have strong management teams, stable balance sheets and durable competitive advantages and are trading at attractive valuations. We seek to achieve excess returns over full market cycles with less risk than our benchmark and peers as measured by standard deviation, beta and down-market capture.


Craig Kempler

co-portfolio manager

Justin Tugman

co-portfolio manager



For the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020, the Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund’s Class I Shares returned -17.67%, underperforming its benchmark, the Russell 2000® Value Index, which returned -17.48%.


Early in the period, equities found support as central banks around the world shifted to accommodative monetary policy and continued easing through the end of 2019. Amid several positives for the market – a trade deal with China, increased clarity regarding Brexit, solid employment numbers and optimism about strong consumer holiday spending – the environment at the close of 2019 was risk-on, led by cyclical stocks, small caps and higher-beta equities. However, equities experienced heightened volatility in the first half of 2020 as the COVID 19 coronavirus spread worldwide, disrupting travel and supply chains. This pandemic halted economic activity and triggered a first quarter equity sell-off of historic proportions.

The Federal Reserve provided support for the economy with near-zero interest rates and expanded asset buying. Indeed, the largesse of fiscal and monetary policies has seemed to know no bounds. Stocks recovered ground in the second quarter of 2020 as a result of that support coupled with declining COVID-19 infection rates and the reopening of economies. Investors then looked past weak economic data to focus on prospects for a recovery in the latter part of 2020. The divergence between Main Street and Wall Street has seemed to widen as economies have reopened. Assessing valuations in a market that continues to rally has remained a challenge, as the range of earnings outcomes is expansive, warranting a more defensive approach.


Stock selection in information technology, consumer discretionary and financials detracted from relative performance. In financials, stock selection in banks and an overweight in insurance detracted, with Cadence Bancorp, specialty insurance underwriter Argo Group and MFA Financial, Inc. (formerly MFA Mortgage Investments), a real estate investment trust (REIT) specializing in residential mortgage assets, among the Fund’s largest individual detractors on a relative basis. Following a sharp decline in interest rates and heightened concerns about potential credit issues in the first quarter of 2020, we added to smaller positions in both banks and insurance on significant price weakness and reduced or eliminated other names that held up better to help fund the additional purchases.

In consumer discretionary, the Fund’s underweight as well as stock selection hurt relative performance, particularly in the second half of the period when the sector produced some of the highest returns in the benchmark, driven by housing-related stocks as well as specialty retail. While we spent time researching housing-related companies during the sharp declines in the first quarter of 2020, we were wary of rising unemployment and the potential long-term impact to the housing industry. Our underweight and stock selection in health care also hurt relative returns, given biotech was up over 36% in the benchmark over the period. We don’t believe small-cap biotech companies fit our process well, given many of these companies do not have earnings and could face substantial downside risk if their products are not approved.

Stock selection in real estate, industrials and materials was beneficial to relative performance, as was our overweight in consumer staples and underweight in energy. Within industrials, Generac, a backup power generation products manufacturer, led individual contributors, having benefited from additional business opportunities that stemmed from the California wildfires late in 2019. In real estate, Equity Commonwealth, a REIT specializing in commercial office properties, also was among the largest contributors. Another positive contributor on a relative basis was Cal-Maine Foods, the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund (unaudited)(closed to certain new investors)

world’s largest producer and marketer of fresh eggs. The Fund’s cash positioning also contributed.

The extreme volatility over the second half of the period presented us with many new buying opportunities on our “wish list” that became more attractive from a valuation and reward-to-risk perspective. Key to our process is calculating reward-to-risk ratios for individual stocks, and we had built a broad inventory of potential investable ideas while waiting for more appealing valuations. Many of these ideas became portfolio holdings during the period. New holdings came from a broad array of industries, including health care, consumer discretionary and semiconductors. We also added to health care and select banks and pared back our exposure to consumer staples and materials.


Despite the recent price moves in many fundamentally challenged sectors and stocks giving the “all clear” signal, we remain cautious given the sizable competitive headwinds they face. In addition, in a post-pandemic economy, many of these companies will need to alter their business models. At the portfolio level, we continue to be overweight banks given their attractive valuations and ample capital levels, but we understand the credit risk headwinds of varying degrees in the near term. Another overweight sector is technology, which possesses many quality attributes we favor – strong balance sheets, healthy free cash flow and earnings stability in a chaotic economic environment. Conversely, we remain underweight sectors that we view as fundamentally challenged, such as consumer discretionary and energy. As is standard at Perkins, we continue to focus on owning high-quality companies with durable competitive advantages and balance sheets to weather economic shocks, with strict attention to reward-to-risk in the individual stock price. Undoubtedly, there will be continued volatility ahead – in both directions – but we welcome those opportunities to find new names with attractive reward-to-risk profiles for inclusion in the portfolio.

Thank you for your investment with us in the Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund (unaudited)(closed to certain new investors)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020

































5 Top Contributors - Holdings

5 Top Detractors - Holdings












Generac Holdings Inc





ChampionX Corp





Equity Commonwealth





Argo Group International Holdings Ltd





Cal-Maine Foods Inc





Delek US Holdings Inc





Nomad Foods Ltd





MFA Financial Inc





MKS Instruments Inc





Cadence BanCorp






5 Top Contributors - Sectors*












Russell 2000 Value Index






Average Weight

Average Weight


Real Estate




























Consumer Staples





















5 Top Detractors - Sectors*












Russell 2000 Value Index






Average Weight

Average Weight


Information Technology







Consumer Discretionary







Health Care






















Relative contribution reflects how the portolio's holdings impacted return relative to the benchmark. Cash and securities not held in the portfolio are not shown. For equity portfolios, relative contribution compares the performance of a security in the portfolio to the benchmark's total return, factoring in the difference in weight of that security in the benchmark. Returns are calculated using daily returns and previous day ending weights rolled up by ticker, excluding fixed income securities, gross of advisory fees, may exclude certain derivatives and will differ from actual performance.
Performance attribution reflects returns gross of advisory fees and may differ from actual returns as they are based on end of day holdings. Attribution is calculated by geometrically linking daily returns for the portfolio and index.


Based on sector classification according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”) codes, which are the exclusive property and a service mark of MSCI Inc. and Standard & Poor’s.


Not a GICS classified sector.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund (unaudited)(closed to certain new investors)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


5 Largest Equity Holdings - (% of Net Assets)

STAG Industrial Inc


Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)


Hanover Insurance Group Inc




UniFirst Corp/MA


Commercial Services & Supplies


Prosperity Bancshares Inc




WNS Holdings Ltd


Information Technology Services





Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Common Stocks



Repurchase Agreements









Top Country Allocations - Long Positions - (% of Investment Securities)

As of June 30, 2020

As of June 30, 2019



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund (unaudited)(closed to certain new investors)



See important disclosures on the next page.



















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios








Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV(1)








Class A Shares at MOP(1)








Class C Shares at NAV(1)








Class C Shares at CDSC(1)








Class D Shares(1)








Class I Shares(1)








Class L Shares(2)








Class N Shares(1)








Class R Shares(1)








Class S Shares(1)








Class T Shares(1)








Russell 2000 Value Index








Morningstar Quartile - Class T Shares








Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Small Value Funds








Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Class L Shares have a voluntarily agreed administrative fee waiver, which could be changed or terminated at any time.


This Fund has a performance-based management fee that may adjust up or down based on the Fund’s performance.

Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest,


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund (unaudited)(closed to certain new investors)


foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class R Shares and Class S Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for each class reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class J Shares (formerly named Investor Shares) for periods prior to July 6, 2009, calculated using the fees and expenses of the corresponding class, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class D Shares commenced operations on February 16, 2010, as a result of the restructuring of Class J Shares, the predecessor share class. Performance shown for periods prior to February 16, 2010, reflects the performance of the Fund’s former Class J Shares (formerly named Investor Shares).

Class I Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class J Shares (formerly named Investor Shares) for periods prior to July 6, 2009, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class J Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class N Shares of the Fund commenced operations on May 31, 2012. Performance shown for Class N Shares reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class T Shares from July 6, 2009 to May 31, 2012, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class T Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. For periods prior to July 6, 2009, the performance shown for Class N Shares reflects the performance of the Fund’s Class J Shares (formerly named Investor Shares), calculated using the fees and expenses of Class J Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class T Shares (formerly named Class J Shares) commenced operations with the Fund’s inception. Performance shown for Class T Shares reflects the fees and expenses of Class T Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors.

(2) Closed to new investors.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund (unaudited)(closed to certain new investors)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class L Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – 96.3%


Aerospace & Defense – 2.1%


BWX Technologies Inc






Auto Components – 0.7%


Stoneridge Inc*






Banks – 15.7%


Atlantic Union Bankshares Corp






Bank of Hawaii Corp






Enterprise Financial Services Corp






FB Financial Corp






First Horizon National Corp






Fulton Financial Corp






Independent Bank Corp






Prosperity Bancshares Inc






United Bankshares Inc






United Community Banks Inc/GA






Veritex Holdings Inc








Biotechnology – 1.0%


BioSpecifics Technologies Corp*






Coherus Biosciences Inc*








Building Products – 0.6%


PGT Innovations Inc*






Capital Markets – 1.0%


Cohen & Steers Inc






Evercore Inc








Chemicals – 5.3%


American Vanguard Corp






Innospec Inc






NewMarket Corp






Westlake Chemical Partners LP£






WR Grace & Co








Commercial Services & Supplies – 3.0%


UniFirst Corp/MA






Communications Equipment – 1.0%


F5 Networks Inc*






Construction & Engineering – 0.7%


Comfort Systems USA Inc






Containers & Packaging – 2.6%


Graphic Packaging Holding Co






Sonoco Products Co








Diversified Consumer Services – 0.5%


Graham Holdings Co






Electrical Equipment – 2.6%


Encore Wire Corp£






Thermon Group Holdings Inc*








Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components – 4.9%


Avnet Inc












Littelfuse Inc






Rogers Corp*






Vishay Intertechnology Inc








Energy Equipment & Services – 0.3%


DMC Global Inc






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 9.4%


Americold Realty Trust






Camden Property Trust






Equity Commonwealth






STAG Industrial Inc






Sunstone Hotel Investors Inc








Food & Staples Retailing – 1.8%


Casey's General Stores Inc






Ingles Markets Inc£








Food Products – 4.7%


Cal-Maine Foods Inc*






Nomad Foods Ltd*






Sanderson Farms Inc






Seaboard Corp








Gas Utilities – 1.8%


Southwest Gas Holdings Inc






Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 1.8%


Envista Holdings Corp*






Globus Medical Inc*








Health Care Technology – 0.5%


Omnicell Inc*






Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure – 1.3%


Cedar Fair LP






Century Casinos Inc*






Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Inc








Household Durables – 0.5%


Leggett & Platt Inc






Information Technology Services – 2.9%


Cass Information Systems Inc






WNS Holdings Ltd*








Insurance – 7.9%


Argo Group International Holdings Ltd






First American Financial Corp






Hanover Insurance Group Inc






RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd








Machinery – 2.0%


Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc






Metals & Mining – 0.8%


Commercial Metals Co






Multi-Utilities – 2.5%


Black Hills Corp






NorthWestern Corp








Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – 1.6%


Delek US Holdings Inc






Parsley Energy Inc








Pharmaceuticals – 0.7%


Phibro Animal Health Corp£






Professional Services – 1.4%


Korn Ferry






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Real Estate Management & Development – 1.2%


Marcus & Millichap Inc*






Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 1.9%


Cabot Microelectronics Corp






MKS Instruments Inc








Specialty Retail – 0.3%


Hudson Ltd - Class A*






Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods – 4.1%


Carter's Inc






Columbia Sportswear Co






Steven Madden Ltd








Thrifts & Mortgage Finance – 3.6%


Washington Federal Inc






WSFS Financial Corp








Trading Companies & Distributors – 1.6%








Total Common Stocks (cost $3,126,084,020)




Repurchase Agreements – 3.6%


ING Financial Markets LLC, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0500%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $50,000,069 collateralized by $45,315,323 in U.S. Treasuries 0.1250% - 3.0000%, 1/15/22 - 2/15/48 with a value of $51,000,079






ING Financial Markets LLC, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0500%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $17,300,024 collateralized by $17,248,424 in U.S. Treasuries 0.1250% - 2.7500%, 1/15/22 - 2/15/41 with a value of $17,646,036






Royal Bank of Canada, NY Branch, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0600%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $45,000,075 collateralized by $36,713,205 in U.S. Treasuries 0.5000% - 2.8750%, 7/31/25 - 5/15/49 with a value of $45,900,090






Total Repurchase Agreements (cost $112,300,000)




Total Investments (total cost $3,238,384,020) – 99.9%




Cash, Receivables and Other Assets, net of Liabilities – 0.1%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States












United Kingdom














See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Common Stocks - 3.2%

Aerospace & Defense - N/A


National Presto Industries Inc PLC









Banks - N/A


Carolina Financial Corp









Chemicals - N/A


Westlake Chemical Partners LPš









Electrical Equipment - 2.6%


Encore Wire Corp










Thermon Group Holdings Inc*









Total Electrical Equipment









Entertainment - N/A


Sciplay Corp*









Food & Staples Retailing - N/A


Ingles Markets Incš









Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure - 0.3%


Century Casinos Inc*









Pharmaceuticals - N/A


Phibro Animal Health Corpš









Specialty Retail - 0.3%


Hudson Ltd - Class A*









Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods - N/A


Movado Group Inc









Total Affiliated Investments - 3.2%









(1) For securities that were affiliated for a portion of the year ended June 30, 2020, this column reflects amounts for the entire year ended June 30, 2020 and not just the period in which the security was affiliated.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020



at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Common Stocks - 3.2%

Aerospace & Defense - N/A


National Presto Industries Inc PLC









Banks - N/A


Carolina Financial Corp









Chemicals - N/A


Westlake Chemical Partners LPš









Electrical Equipment - 2.6%


Encore Wire Corp










Thermon Group Holdings Inc*









Entertainment - N/A


Sciplay Corp*









Food & Staples Retailing - N/A


Ingles Markets Incš









Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure - 0.3%


Century Casinos Inc*









Pharmaceuticals - N/A


Phibro Animal Health Corpš









Specialty Retail - 0.3%


Hudson Ltd - Class A*









Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods - N/A


Movado Group Inc










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Russell 2000® Value Index

Russell 2000® Value Index reflects the performance of U.S. small-cap equities with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values.



Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership


Public Limited Company



Non-income producing security.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.



Company was no longer an affiliate as of June 30, 2020.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Common Stocks







Repurchase Agreements







Total Assets








Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)






Affiliated investments, at value(2)






Repurchase agreements, at value(3)












Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Fund shares sold







Investments sold




















Other assets





Total Assets

















Fund shares repurchased







Investments purchased







Advisory fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Professional fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Custodian fees







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(5)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class L Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class R Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $3,009,323,518.

(2) Includes cost of $116,760,502.

(3) Includes cost of repurchase agreements of $112,300,000.

(4) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(5) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:










Dividends from affiliates










Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class L Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class L Shares






Class N Shares






Class R Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Shareholder reports expense





Registration fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Professional fees





Custodian fees





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions





Investments in affiliates




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Investments in affiliates




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares








Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class L Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class L Shares









Class N Shares









Class R Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)

















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)














Distributions (from capital gains)
















Total Dividends and Distributions
















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class L Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class N Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class R Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)
















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks capital appreciation. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors. Class L Shares are closed.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors, subject to the Fund’s closed fund policies.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class L Shares are designed for pension and profit-sharing plans, employee benefit trusts, endowments, foundations and corporations, as well as high net worth individuals and financial intermediaries who are willing to maintain a minimum account balance of $250,000.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class R Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with US GAAP.

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

The Fund generally declares and distributes dividends of net investment income and realized capital gains (if any) annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the Fund's Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


ING Financial Markets LLC







Royal Bank of Canada, NY Branch
















Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

All repurchase agreements are transacted under legally enforceable master repurchase agreements that give the Fund, in the event of default by the counterparty, the right to liquidate securities held and to offset receivables and payables with the counterparty. For financial reporting purposes, the Fund does not offset financial instruments' payables and receivables and related collateral on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Repurchase Agreements

The Fund and other funds advised by Janus Capital or its affiliates may transfer daily uninvested cash balances into one or more joint trading accounts. Assets in the joint trading accounts are invested in money market instruments and the proceeds are allocated to the participating funds on a pro rata basis.

Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest. In the event of default on the obligation to repurchase, the Fund has the right to liquidate the collateral and apply the proceeds in satisfaction of the obligation. In the event of default or bankruptcy by the other party to the agreement, realization and/or retention of the collateral or proceeds may be subject to legal proceedings.

3. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s "base" fee rate prior to any performance adjustment (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.72%.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The investment advisory fee rate is determined by calculating a base fee and applying a performance adjustment. The base fee rate is the same as the contractual investment advisory fee rate. The performance adjustment either increases or decreases the base fee depending on how well the Fund has performed relative to its benchmark index. The Fund's benchmark index used in the calculation is the Russell 2000® Value Index.

The calculation of the performance adjustment applies as follows:

Investment Advisory Fee = Base Fee Rate +/- Performance Adjustment

The investment advisory fee rate paid to Janus Capital by the Fund consists of two components: (1) a base fee calculated by applying the contractual fixed rate of the advisory fee to the Fund’s average daily net assets during the previous month (“Base Fee Rate”), plus or minus (2) a performance-fee adjustment (“Performance Adjustment”) calculated by applying a variable rate of up to 0.15% (positive or negative) to the Fund’s average daily net assets based on the Fund’s relative performance compared to the cumulative investment record of its benchmark index over a 36-month performance measurement period or shorter time period, as applicable. The investment performance of the Fund’s Class A Shares (waiving the upfront sales load) for the performance measurement period is used to calculate the Performance Adjustment. No Performance Adjustment is applied unless the difference between the Fund’s investment performance and the cumulative investment record of the Fund’s benchmark index is 0.50% or greater (positive or negative) during the applicable performance measurement period.

The Fund’s prospectuses and statement(s) of additional information contain additional information about performance-based fees. The amount shown as advisory fees on the Statement of Operations reflects the Base Fee Rate plus/minus any Performance Adjustment. For the year ended June 30, 2020, the performance adjusted investment advisory fee rate before any waivers and/or reimbursements of expenses is 0.82%.

Perkins Investment Management LLC (“Perkins”) serves as subadviser to the Fund. Perkins (together with its predecessors), has been in the investment management business since 1984 and provides day-to-day management of the Fund’s portfolio operations subject to the general oversight of Janus Capital. Janus Capital owns 100% of Perkins.

Janus Capital pays Perkins a subadvisory fee equal to 50% of the investment advisory fee paid by the Fund to Janus Capital (calculated after any applicable performance fee adjustment, fee waivers, and expense reimbursements). The subadvisory fee paid by Janus Capital to Perkins adjusts up or down based on the Fund’s performance relative to the Fund’s benchmark index over the performance measurement period.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding any performance adjustments to management fees, the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.91% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class R Shares, Class S Shares, and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative fee based on the average daily net assets Class L Shares of the Fund based on the average proportion of the Fund’s total net assets sold directly and the average proportion of the Fund’s net assets sold through financial intermediaries on a monthly basis. The asset-weighted fee is calculated by applying a blended annual fee rate of 0.12% on average net assets for the proportion of assets sold directly and 0.25% on average net assets for the proportion of assets sold through financial intermediaries. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Janus Services has agreed to waive all or a portion of this fee. Such waiver is voluntary and could change or be terminated at any time at the discretion of Janus Services or Janus Capital without prior notification to shareholders. Removal of this fee waiver may have a significant impact on Class L Shares’ total expense ratio. If applicable, amounts waived to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 0.50% of the Class R Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $24,612.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares paid CDSCs of $624 to Janus Henderson Distributors.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $2,368.

The Fund is permitted to purchase or sell securities (“cross-trade”) between itself and other funds or accounts managed by Janus Capital in accordance with Rule 17a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Rule 17a-7”), when the transaction is consistent with the investment objectives and policies of the Fund and in accordance with the Internal Cross Trade Procedures adopted by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. These procedures have been designed to ensure that any cross-trade of securities by the Fund from or to another fund or account that is or could be considered an affiliate of the Fund under certain limited circumstances by virtue of having a common investment adviser, common Officer, or common Trustee complies with Rule 17a-7. Under these procedures, each cross-trade is effected at the current market price to save costs where allowed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, the Fund engaged in cross trades amounting to $2,052,855 in purchases and $577,500 in sales, resulting in a net realized loss of $162,390. The net realized loss is included within the “Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” section of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

4. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 37,943,777

$ -


$ -

$ -

$ (56,528)



Accumulated capital losses noted below represent net capital loss carryovers, as of June 30, 2020, that may be available to offset future realized capital gains and thereby reduce future taxable gains distributions. The following table shows these capital loss carryovers.








Capital Loss Carryover Schedule



For the year ended June 30, 2020




No Expiration







Capital Losses





$ -

$ (255,379,337)



The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals and investments in partnerships.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 3,234,121,009



$ (113,742,809)

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

sale losses, foreign currency transactions, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 37,554,364

$ -

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 7,515,910

$ 193,858,350

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ (357)

$ 2,188,493

$ (2,188,136)



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

5. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 42,685,985



$ 33,410,136

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 15,262,337



$ 9,555,762

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 8,189,862



$ 10,389,969

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (2,835,901)



$ 4,657,528

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 8,740,206



$ 10,612,769

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (8,889,943)



$ (3,545,983)

Class I Shares:






Shares sold






Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)






Class L Shares:






Shares sold


$ 4,350,291



$ 4,041,536

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (23,873,116)



$ (14,320,006)

Class N Shares:






Shares sold






Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)






Class R Shares:






Shares sold


$ 11,157,082



$ 7,882,617

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 3,553,644



$ 13,697

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 23,019,689



$ 9,402,166

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 316,811



$ (3,029,927)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold






Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (2,913,313)



$ (90,250,816)


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

6. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations



$ -

$ -

7. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

8. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

9. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund's financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund





JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund




Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

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Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93034 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (formerly named Janus Henderson Select Value Fund)


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Shareholder Meeting


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)



As defensive value specialists, we look to invest in high-quality companies that have strong management teams, stable balance sheets and durable competitive advantages and are trading at attractive valuations. We seek to achieve excess returns over full market cycles with less risk than our benchmark and peers as measured by standard deviation, beta and down-market capture.


Justin Tugman

co-portfolio manager

Kevin Preloger

co-portfolio manager



For the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020, the Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund’s Class I Shares returned -14.19%, outperforming its primary benchmark, the Russell 2500® Value Index, which returned -15.50%.


Early in the period, equities found support as central banks around the world shifted to accommodative monetary policy and continued easing through the end of 2019. Amid several positives for the market – a trade deal with China, increased clarity regarding Brexit, solid employment numbers and optimism about strong consumer holiday spending – the environment at the close of 2019 was risk-on, led by cyclical stocks, small caps and higher-beta equities. However, equities experienced heightened volatility in the first half of 2020 as the COVID-19 coronavirus spread worldwide, disrupting travel and supply chains. This pandemic halted economic activity and triggered a first quarter equity sell-off of historic proportions.

The Federal Reserve provided support for the economy with near-zero interest rates and expanded asset buying. Indeed, the largesse of fiscal and monetary policies has seemed to know no bounds. Stocks recovered ground in the second quarter of 2020 as a result of that support coupled with declining COVID-19 infection rates and the reopening of economies. Investors then looked past weak economic data to focus on prospects for a recovery in the latter part of 2020. The divergence between Main Street and Wall Street has seemed to widen as economies have reopened. Assessing valuations in a market that continues to rally has remained a challenge, as the range of earnings outcomes is expansive, warranting a more defensive approach.


The Fund’s performance during the period was driven by strong stock selection in real estate, industrials and information technology. Technology produced one of the highest returns in the benchmark due to strength in semiconductors, an area where we remain underweight given our view that these stocks are stretched on various valuation metrics. However, our overweight in semiconductor equipment benefited relative returns, with positive contribution from MKS Instruments, a company that supplies products used to manufacture flat panel displays, magnetic and optical storage devices and media, solar cells and fiber-optic cables. Our holding in American multinational software company Citrix Systems also contributed. In real estate, our eclectic mix of higher-quality stocks produced strong returns relative to the benchmark. Equity LifeStyle Properties, a real estate investment trust (REIT) specializing in manufactured housing communities, was among the Fund’s largest individual contributors to relative performance. Within industrials, our focus on owning a collection of what we believe are high-quality companies that are, as a whole, less cyclical than the benchmark was additive to the sector’s relative performance over the period, even as we lagged the benchmark in the beginning of 2020 when housing-related and building materials stocks led performance. While we spent time researching holdings in this area, we were wary of rising underemployment and the potential long-term impact of the pandemic in an already-cyclical industry.

The Fund’s underweight in health care was the biggest detractor from relative performance during the period, given biotech was up over 18% in the benchmark. We don’t believe biotech companies, small caps in particular, fit our process well, given many of these companies do not have earnings and could face substantial downside risk if their products are not approved. Stock selection in financials and materials also weighed on relative returns. Within financials, the Fund’s overweight in both banks and insurance detracted, with specialty insurance underwriter Argo Group and financial services provider Atlantic Union Bankshares Corp. among the top individual detractors on


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

a relative basis. In materials, The Mosaic Company, a producer and distributor of crop nutrients to agricultural communities in North America and other countries, also was among the largest individual detractors.

During this extremely volatile period, when the market provided opportunities, we sought to add to positions that we believe are solid multiyear holdings. The extreme volatility also presented new buying opportunities for companies on our “wish list” that became more attractive from a valuation and reward-to-risk perspective in the latter half of the period. Key to our process is calculating reward-to-risk ratios for individual stocks, and we had built a broad inventory of potential investable ideas while waiting for more appealing valuations. Many of these ideas became portfolio holdings late in the period. New holdings came from a broad array of industries, including health care, utilities and semiconductors. We reduced or eliminated names that held up better in the earlier part of the period and those that we had less conviction in. These adjustments primarily have been within industrials, financials (both banks and insurance) and REITs.


Despite the recent price moves in many fundamentally challenged sectors and stocks giving the “all clear” signal, we remain cautious given the sizable competitive headwinds they face. In addition, in a post-pandemic economy, many of these companies will need to alter their business models. At the portfolio level, we continue to be overweight banks given their attractive valuations and ample capital levels, but we understand the credit risk headwinds of varying degrees in the near term. Another overweight sector is technology, which possesses many quality attributes we favor – strong balance sheets, healthy free cash flow and earnings stability in a chaotic economic environment. Conversely, we remain underweight sectors that we view as fundamentally challenged, such as consumer discretionary and energy. As is standard at Perkins, we continue to focus on owning high-quality companies with durable competitive advantages and balance sheets to weather economic shocks, with strict attention to reward-to-risk in the individual stock price. Undoubtedly, there will be continued volatility ahead – in both directions – but we welcome those opportunities to find new names with attractive reward-to-risk profiles for inclusion in the portfolio.

Thank you for your investment with us in the Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020

































5 Top Contributors - Holdings

5 Top Detractors - Holdings












Citrix Systems Inc





Argo Group International Holdings Ltd





MKS Instruments Inc





Delek US Holdings Inc





Equity Commonwealth





ChampionX Corporation





Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc





Mosaic Company





Cal-Maine Foods Inc





Atlantic Union Bankshares Corporation






5 Top Contributors - Sectors*












Russell 2500 Value Index






Average Weight

Average Weight


Real Estate





















Information Technology







Consumer Staples





















5 Top Detractors - Sectors*












Russell 2500 Value Index






Average Weight

Average Weight


Health Care





















Consumer Discretionary















Relative contribution reflects how the portolio's holdings impacted return relative to the benchmark. Cash and securities not held in the portfolio are not shown. For equity portfolios, relative contribution compares the performance of a security in the portfolio to the benchmark's total return, factoring in the difference in weight of that security in the benchmark. Returns are calculated using daily returns and previous day ending weights rolled up by ticker, excluding fixed income securities, gross of advisory fees, may exclude certain derivatives and will differ from actual performance.
Performance attribution reflects returns gross of advisory fees and may differ from actual returns as they are based on end of day holdings. Attribution is calculated by geometrically linking daily returns for the portfolio and index.


Based on sector classification according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”) codes, which are the exclusive property and a service mark of MSCI Inc. and Standard & Poor’s.


Not a GICS classified sector.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


5 Largest Equity Holdings - (% of Net Assets)

Washington Federal Inc


Thrifts & Mortgage Finance


BWX Technologies Inc


Aerospace & Defense


STAG Industrial Inc


Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)


F5 Networks Inc


Communications Equipment


WSFS Financial Corp


Thrifts & Mortgage Finance





Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Common Stocks



Repurchase Agreements









Top Country Allocations - Long Positions - (% of Investment Securities)

As of June 30, 2020

As of June 30, 2019



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.




















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios








Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV









Class A Shares at MOP









Class C Shares at NAV









Class C Shares at CDSC









Class D Shares(1)









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Russell 2500 Value Index









Russell 3000 Value Index









Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares









Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Mid-Cap Blend Funds









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.


This Fund has a performance-based management fee that may adjust up or down based on the Fund’s performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class N Shares commenced operations on August 4, 2017. Performance shown for periods prior to August 4, 2017 reflects the historical performance of the Fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class N Shares, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If Class N Shares of the Fund had been available during periods prior August 4, 2017, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement Class N Shares reflects the fees and expenses of Class N Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

Effective August 1, 2019, Select Value Fund’s name changed to Small-Mid Cap Value Fund and its focus shifted from investing primarily in the common stocks of companies of any size to investing primarily in the common stocks of small- and mid-sized companies. To better reflect this strategy change, the Fund's benchmark also changed to the Russell 2500TM Value Index.

Effective August 1, 2019, Kevin Preloger and Justin Tugman are Co-Portfolio Managers of the Fund.

*The Fund’s inception date – December 15, 2011

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – 95.2%


Aerospace & Defense – 2.8%


BWX Technologies Inc






Banks – 7.9%


Atlantic Union Bankshares Corp






Bank of Hawaii Corp






FB Financial Corp






First Horizon National Corp








Biotechnology – 1.2%


Coherus Biosciences Inc*






Chemicals – 8.5%


American Vanguard Corp






Axalta Coating Systems Ltd*






Innospec Inc






NewMarket Corp






Westlake Chemical Partners LP








Commercial Services & Supplies – 4.3%


IAA Inc*






UniFirst Corp/MA








Communications Equipment – 2.7%


F5 Networks Inc*






Containers & Packaging – 1.3%


Graphic Packaging Holding Co






Electrical Equipment – 2.2%


Encore Wire Corp






Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components – 6.0%


Avnet Inc












Littelfuse Inc






Vishay Intertechnology Inc








Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 12.1%


Americold Realty Trust






Equity Commonwealth






Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc






Lamar Advertising Co






STAG Industrial Inc








Food & Staples Retailing – 1.6%


Casey's General Stores Inc






Food Products – 5.7%


Lamb Weston Holdings Inc






Nomad Foods Ltd*






Sanderson Farms Inc








Gas Utilities – 2.4%


Southwest Gas Holdings Inc






Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 1.4%


Globus Medical Inc*






Health Care Technology – 1.1%


Omnicell Inc*






Information Technology Services – 2.4%


WNS Holdings Ltd*






Insurance – 8.0%


Argo Group International Holdings Ltd






First American Financial Corp






Hanover Insurance Group Inc






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Insurance – (continued)


Hartford Financial Services Group Inc








Machinery – 1.4%


Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc






Metals & Mining – 1.2%


Commercial Metals Co






Multi-Utilities – 2.6%


Black Hills Corp






Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – 1.1%


Parsley Energy Inc






Professional Services – 1.7%


Korn Ferry






Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 2.7%


Maxim Integrated Products Inc






MKS Instruments Inc








Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods – 5.4%


Columbia Sportswear Co






Levi Strauss & Co






Steven Madden Ltd








Thrifts & Mortgage Finance – 5.8%


Washington Federal Inc






WSFS Financial Corp








Trading Companies & Distributors – 1.7%








Total Common Stocks (cost $75,228,866)




Repurchase Agreements – 5.2%


ING Financial Markets LLC, Joint repurchase agreement, 0.0500%, dated 6/30/20, maturing 7/1/20 to be repurchased at $4,000,006 collateralized by $3,988,075 in U.S. Treasuries 0.1250% - 2.7500%, 1/15/22 - 2/15/41 with a value of $4,080,008 (cost $4,000,000)






Total Investments (total cost $79,228,866) – 100.4%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (0.4)%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States






United Kingdom




















See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Russell 2500® Value Index

Russell 2500® Value Index reflects the performance of U.S. small to mid-cap equities with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values.

Russell 3000® Value Index

Russell 3000® Value Index reflects the performance of U.S. equities with lower price-to-book ratios and lower

forecasted growth values.



Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership



Non-income producing security.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Common Stocks







Repurchase Agreements







Total Assets









JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Investments, at value(1)






Repurchase agreements, at value(2)












Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Fund shares sold













Other assets





Total Assets

















Investments purchased







Fund shares repurchased







Professional fees







Advisory fees







Non-affiliated fund administration fees payable







Transfer agent fees and expenses







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Custodian fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $75,228,866.

(2) Includes cost of repurchase agreements of $4,000,000.

(3) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(4) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:














Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Non-affiliated fund administration fees





Professional fees





Shareholder reports expense





Custodian fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:









Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)
















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Less than $0.005 on a per share basis.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares










For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30











Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period











Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:












Net investment income/(loss)(2)












Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)











Total from Investment Operations











Less Dividends and Distributions:












Dividends (from net investment income)












Distributions (from capital gains)











Total Dividends and Distributions











Net Asset Value, End of Period











Total Return*











Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)











Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)











Ratios to Average Net Assets**:












Ratio of Gross Expenses












Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)












Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)











Portfolio Turnover Rate











Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(2)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from August 4, 2017 (inception date) through June 30, 2018.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (formerly Janus Henderson Select Value Fund) (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks capital appreciation. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with United States of America generally accepted accounting priciples ("US GAAP")).

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with US GAAP.

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Dividends and Distributions

The Fund generally declares and distributes dividends of net investment income and realized capital gains (if any) annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the Fund's Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


ING Financial Markets LLC









Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

All repurchase agreements are transacted under legally enforceable master repurchase agreements that give the Fund, in the event of default by the counterparty, the right to liquidate securities held and to offset receivables and payables with the counterparty. For financial reporting purposes, the Fund does not offset financial instruments' payables and receivables and related collateral on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Repurchase Agreements

The Fund and other funds advised by Janus Capital or its affiliates may transfer daily uninvested cash balances into one or more joint trading accounts. Assets in the joint trading accounts are invested in money market instruments and the proceeds are allocated to the participating funds on a pro rata basis.

Repurchase agreements held by the Fund are fully collateralized, and such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s custodian or, for tri-party agreements, the custodian designated by the agreement. The collateral is evaluated daily to ensure its market value exceeds the current market value of the repurchase agreements, including accrued interest. In the event of default on the obligation to repurchase, the Fund has the right to liquidate the collateral and apply the proceeds in satisfaction of the obligation. In the event of default or bankruptcy by the other party to the agreement, realization and/or retention of the collateral or proceeds may be subject to legal proceedings.

3. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s "base" fee rate prior to any performance adjustment (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.70%.

The investment advisory fee rate is determined by calculating a base fee and applying a performance adjustment. The base fee rate is the same as the contractual investment advisory fee rate. The performance adjustment either increases or decreases the base fee depending on how well the Fund has performed relative to its benchmark index. The Fund's benchmark index used in the calculation is the Russell 2500® Value Index. Prior to August 1, 2019, the Fund's benchmark index used in the calculation was the Russell 3000® Value Index.

The calculation of the performance adjustment applies as follows:

Investment Advisory Fee = Base Fee Rate +/- Performance Adjustment

The investment advisory fee rate paid to Janus Capital by the Fund consists of two components: (1) a base fee calculated by applying the contractual fixed rate of the advisory fee to the Fund’s average daily net assets during the previous month (“Base Fee Rate”), plus or minus (2) a performance-fee adjustment (“Performance Adjustment”) calculated by applying a variable rate of up to 0.15% (positive or negative) to the Fund’s average daily net assets based on the Fund’s relative performance compared to the cumulative investment record of its benchmark index over a 36-month performance measurement period or shorter time period, as applicable. The investment performance of the Fund’s Class A Shares (waiving the upfront sales load) for the performance measurement period is used to calculate the Performance Adjustment. No Performance Adjustment is applied unless the difference between the Fund’s investment performance and the cumulative investment record of the Fund’s benchmark index is 0.50% or greater (positive or negative) during the applicable performance measurement period.

The Fund’s prospectuses and statement(s) of additional information contain additional information about performance-based fees. The amount shown as advisory fees on the Statement of Operations reflects the Base Fee Rate plus/minus any Performance Adjustment. For the year ended June 30, 2020, the performance adjusted investment advisory fee rate before any waivers and/or reimbursements of expenses is 0.90%.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Perkins Investment Management LLC (“Perkins”) serves as subadviser to the Fund. Perkins (together with its predecessors), has been in the investment management business since 1984 and provides day-to-day management of the Fund’s portfolio operations subject to the general oversight of Janus Capital. Janus Capital owns 100% of Perkins.

Janus Capital pays Perkins a subadvisory fee equal to 50% of the investment advisory fee paid by the Fund to Janus Capital (calculated after any applicable performance fee adjustment, fee waivers, and expense reimbursements). The subadvisory fee paid by Janus Capital to Perkins adjusts up or down based on the Fund's performance relative to the Fund's benchmark index over the performance measurement period.

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding any performance adjustments to management fees, the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.82% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $3,006.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $69.

The Fund is permitted to purchase or sell securities (“cross-trade”) between itself and other funds or accounts managed by Janus Capital in accordance with Rule 17a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Rule 17a-7”), when the transaction is consistent with the investment objectives and policies of the Fund and in accordance with the Internal Cross Trade Procedures adopted by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. These procedures have been designed to ensure that any cross-trade of securities by the Fund from or to another fund or account that is or could be considered an affiliate of the Fund under certain limited circumstances by virtue of having a common investment adviser, common Officer, or common Trustee complies with Rule 17a-7. Under these procedures, each cross-trade is effected at the current market price to save costs where allowed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, the Fund engaged in cross trades amounting to $577,500 in purchases and $730,840 in sales, resulting in a net realized loss of $102,248. The net realized loss is included within the “Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” section of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

4. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Fund has elected to defer post-October losses and qualified late-year losses as noted in the table below. These losses will be deferred for tax purposes and recognized during the next fiscal year.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ -

$ -

$ -

$ (19,990)

$ (3,412,232)

$ (1,573)

$ (2,970,169)


The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals and investments in partnerships.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 79,678,370

$ 2,118,968

$ (5,089,137)

$ (2,970,169)



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, foreign currency transactions, net investment losses, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 818,010

$ 5,365,162

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 1,931,564

$ 5,131,432

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ (811)

$ (127,788)

$ 128,599


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

5. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 2,067,913



$ 1,597,797

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 1,543,155



$ 1,516,020

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 117,659



$ 185,582

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 49,619



$ 134,072

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 10,764,455



$ 4,137,056

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 3,648,992



$ 3,005,147

Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 8,346,254



$ 2,289,886

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 3,712,450



$ 2,157,514

Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 1,698,365



$ 1,139,745

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 689,841



$ 343,299

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 1,399,700



$ 313,208

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 987,834



$ 288,309

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 38,790,796



$ 5,663,451

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 19,858,493



$ (5,663,581)

6. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations

$ 104,225,015

$ 79,367,287

$ -

$ -

7. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

8. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

9.  Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund's financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the “Fund”) as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Shareholder Meeting (unaudited)

A special meeting of the shareholders of Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (formerly named Janus Henderson Select Value Fund) was held on July 11, 2019 (the “meeting”). At the meeting, the following matter was voted on and approved by shareholders. Each vote and fractional vote reported represents one whole or fractional share, respectively, held on the record date for the meeting. The results of the meeting are noted below.




Record Date Votes ($)

Number of Votes ($)







Janus Henderson Select Value Fund








Percentage of Total Outstanding Votes (%)

Percentage Voted (%)























To approve an amended and restated investment advisory agreement between Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), on behalf of Janus Henderson Select Value Fund (the “Fund”) and Janus Capital Management (“Janus Capital” or the “Adviser”) that changes the Fund’s benchmark index from the Russell 3000® Value Index to the Russell 2500TM Value Index for purposes of calculating the performance-based investment advisory fee.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund





JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund




Janus Investment Fund


Knowledge Shared

At Janus Henderson, we believe in the sharing of expert insight for better investment and business decisions. We call this ethos Knowledge Shared.

Learn more by visiting janushenderson.com.



This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93033 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)



Intech’s active approach focuses on adding value by selecting stocks with unique volatility characteristics and low correlations to one another.


Sub-advised by

Intech Investment

Management LLC



For the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund’s Class I Shares returned 3.37%. This compares to the 7.48% return posted by the Russell 1000® Index, the Fund’s benchmark.


Intech’s mathematical investment process is designed to determine potentially more efficient equity weightings of the securities in the benchmark Index, utilizing a specific mathematical optimization and disciplined rebalancing routine. Rather than trying to predict the future direction of stock prices, the process seeks to use the volatility and correlation characteristics of stocks to construct portfolios.

The investment process begins with the stocks in the Russell 1000 Index. Intech’s investment process aims to capture stocks’ natural volatility through a rebalancing mechanism based on estimates of relative volatility and correlation in order to outperform the benchmark Index over the long term. Within specific risk constraints, the investment process will tend to favor stocks with higher relative volatility and lower correlation as they offer more potential to capture volatility through periodic rebalancing. Once the target proportions are determined and the portfolio is constructed, it is then rebalanced to those target proportions and re-optimized on a periodic basis. The Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund focuses on seeking an excess return above the benchmark, while also reducing or managing the Fund’s standard deviation depending on the market conditions, a strategy designed to manage the absolute risk of the portfolio.


After a strong finish to 2019, equity markets around the globe sold off sharply in the first quarter of 2020 amid concerns over the global economic impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Despite the sell-off and heightened volatility, U.S. equity markets still made gains of over 7% for the past 12 months. Effectively, investor sentiment has improved as economies around the globe begin to loosen lockdown restrictions and begin the reopening process.

The Fund was negatively impacted by its overall defensive positioning in what was generally a risk-on environment over the past 12 months, despite the uptick in volatility experienced amid the market sell-off period in the first quarter. In particular, an average overweight to lower-beta stocks and underweight to higher-beta stocks was a headwind on relative performance during the period.

From a sector perspective, while the portfolio benefited from an overall positive selection effect, overall active sector positioning was a detractor from the Fund’s relative performance. Specifically, an average underweight to information technology, which was the strongest-performing sector during the period, as well as average overweights to the defensive utilities and real estate sectors, detracted from the Fund’s relative performance.


Because Intech does not conduct traditional economic or fundamental analysis, Intech has no view on individual stocks, sectors, economic or market conditions.

Managing downside exposure potentially allows for returns to compound and improve risk-adjusted returns over time. The Fund’s long-term investment objective is to produce an excess return over the benchmark with lower absolute risk. Going forward, we will continue building portfolios in a disciplined and deliberate manner, with risk management remaining the hallmark of our investment process. As Intech’s ongoing research efforts yield modest improvements, we will continue implementing changes that aim to improve the long-term results for our fund shareholders.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)

Thank you for your investment in Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


5 Largest Equity Holdings - (% of Net Assets)

Apple Inc


Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals


Bristol-Myers Squibb Co




Tesla Inc




NextEra Energy Inc


Electric Utilities


AbbVie Inc







Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Common Stocks



Investment Companies



Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending












Top Country Allocations - Long Positions - (% of Investment Securities)

As of June 30, 2020

As of June 30, 2019


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.





















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios









Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV









Class A Shares at MOP









Class C Shares at NAV









Class C Shares at CDSC









Class D Shares(1)









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Russell 1000 Index









Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares









Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Large Blend Funds









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

Intech's focus on managed volatility may keep the Fund from achieving excess returns over its index. The strategy may underperform during certain



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)


periods of up markets, and may not achieve the desired level of protection in down markets.

The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets, measured at the time of purchase, in the type of securities described by its name.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class A Shares, Class C Shares, Class I Shares, and Class S Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009, after the reorganization of each class of the predecessor fund into corresponding shares of the Fund. Performance shown for each class for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the historical performance of each corresponding class of the predecessor fund prior to the reorganization, calculated using the fees and expenses of the corresponding class of the predecessor fund respectively, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class T Shares commenced operations on July 6, 2009. Performance shown for periods prior to July 6, 2009, reflects the historical performance of the predecessor fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class T Shares, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class N Shares commenced operations on October 28, 2014. Performance shown for periods prior to October 28, 2014, reflects the historical performance of the Fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class I Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

Class D Shares commenced operations on December 22, 2014. Performance shown for periods prior to December 22, 2014, reflects the historical performance of the Fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class D Shares, without the effect of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If each share class of the Fund had been available during periods prior to its commencement, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement of each share class reflects the fees and expenses of each respective share class, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

*The predecessor Fund’s inception date – December 30, 2005

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – 99.1%


Aerospace & Defense – 0.4%


L3Harris Technologies Inc






Northrop Grumman Corp






Teledyne Technologies Inc*








Air Freight & Logistics – 0.8%


CH Robinson Worldwide Inc






Expeditors International of Washington Inc






United Parcel Service Inc






XPO Logistics Inc*








Auto Components – 0.3%


Gentex Corp






Automobiles – 2.1%


Tesla Inc*






Banks – 1.3%


Bank of America Corp






Commerce Bancshares Inc/MO






First Republic Bank/CA






JPMorgan Chase & Co






PNC Financial Services Group Inc






Prosperity Bancshares Inc








Beverages – 1.4%


Brown-Forman Corp






Coca-Cola Co






Keurig Dr Pepper Inc






Monster Beverage Corp*






PepsiCo Inc








Biotechnology – 9.1%


AbbVie Inc






Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc*






Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc*






Amgen Inc






Biogen Inc*






BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc*






Gilead Sciences Inc






Incyte Corp*






Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc*






Moderna Inc*






Neurocrine Biosciences Inc*






Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc*






Seattle Genetics Inc*






United Therapeutics Corp*






Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc*








Building Products – 0%


Allegion PLC






Masco Corp








Capital Markets – 2.9%


Cboe Global Markets Inc






Charles Schwab Corp






CME Group Inc






Interactive Brokers Group Inc






Intercontinental Exchange Inc






Legg Mason Inc






MarketAxess Holdings Inc












See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Capital Markets – (continued)


State Street Corp








Chemicals – 0.4%


Air Products & Chemicals Inc






Corteva Inc






International Flavors & Fragrances Inc






PPG Industries Inc






RPM International Inc








Commercial Services & Supplies – 2.0%


Copart Inc*






Republic Services Inc






Rollins Inc






Stericycle Inc*






Waste Management Inc








Communications Equipment – 0.1%


Ciena Corp*






Cisco Systems Inc






Juniper Networks Inc








Containers & Packaging – 0.4%


AptarGroup Inc






Graphic Packaging Holding Co






Packaging Corp of America








Distributors – 0.3%


Pool Corp






Diversified Consumer Services – 0.1%


Grand Canyon Education Inc*






Diversified Financial Services – 0.3%


Berkshire Hathaway Inc*






Diversified Telecommunication Services – 0.8%


AT&T Inc






CenturyLink Inc






Verizon Communications Inc








Electric Utilities – 9.4%


Alliant Energy Corp






American Electric Power Co Inc






Duke Energy Corp






Entergy Corp






Evergy Inc






Eversource Energy






FirstEnergy Corp






Hawaiian Electric Industries Inc






NextEra Energy Inc






OGE Energy Corp






PPL Corp






Southern Co






Xcel Energy Inc








Electrical Equipment – 0%


Eaton Corp PLC






Emerson Electric Co






Hubbell Inc








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components – 0.1%


Amphenol Corp






Dolby Laboratories Inc






Keysight Technologies Inc*








Entertainment – 2.3%


Activision Blizzard Inc






Electronic Arts Inc*






Netflix Inc*






Spotify Technology SA*






Take-Two Interactive Software Inc*






Zynga Inc*








Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 8.6%


Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc






American Tower Corp






Americold Realty Trust






CoreSite Realty Corp






Crown Castle International Corp






Digital Realty Trust Inc






Duke Realty Corp






Equinix Inc






Equity Commonwealth






Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc






Extra Space Storage Inc






Gaming and Leisure Properties Inc






Invitation Homes Inc






Iron Mountain Inc#






Medical Properties Trust Inc






Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc






Public Storage






Rayonier Inc






Realty Income Corp






SBA Communications Corp






STORE Capital Corp






Sun Communities Inc






VICI Properties Inc








Food & Staples Retailing – 2.0%


Casey's General Stores Inc






Costco Wholesale Corp






Kroger Co






Sysco Corp






Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc






Walmart Inc








Food Products – 5.0%


Archer-Daniels-Midland Co






Campbell Soup Co






Conagra Brands Inc






Flowers Foods Inc






General Mills Inc






Hershey Co






Hormel Foods Corp






Ingredion Inc






JM Smucker Co






Kellogg Co






Kraft Heinz Co






Lamb Weston Holdings Inc






McCormick & Co Inc/MD






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Food Products – (continued)


Mondelez International Inc








Gas Utilities – 0.3%


Atmos Energy Corp






Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 1.8%


Abbott Laboratories












Baxter International Inc






Becton Dickinson and Co






Cooper Cos Inc






Danaher Corp






DexCom Inc*






Edwards Lifesciences Corp*






ICU Medical Inc*






Insulet Corp*






Masimo Corp*






Medtronic PLC






ResMed Inc






Varian Medical Systems Inc*






West Pharmaceutical Services Inc








Health Care Providers & Services – 1.3%


AmerisourceBergen Corp






Cardinal Health Inc






Centene Corp*






Chemed Corp






Cigna Corp






CVS Health Corp






DaVita Inc*






Humana Inc






McKesson Corp








Health Care Technology – 0.1%


Cerner Corp






Veeva Systems Inc*








Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure – 0.9%


Domino's Pizza Inc






Yum China Holdings Inc








Household Durables – 0.7%


Garmin Ltd






NVR Inc*






PulteGroup Inc








Household Products – 1.6%


Church & Dwight Co Inc






Clorox Co






Colgate-Palmolive Co






Kimberly-Clark Corp






Procter & Gamble Co








Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers – 0.6%








Industrial Conglomerates – 0.1%


3M Co






Roper Technologies Inc








See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Information Technology Services – 2.3%


Accenture PLC






Akamai Technologies Inc*






Amdocs Ltd






Black Knight Inc*






Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc






CACI International Inc -Class A*






Jack Henry & Associates Inc






Okta Inc*






VeriSign Inc*






Western Union Co








Insurance – 2.9%








Arthur J Gallagher & Co






Assurant Inc






Brown & Brown Inc






Erie Indemnity Co






Everest Re Group Ltd






Globe Life Inc






Hanover Insurance Group Inc






Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc






Progressive Corp






RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd






White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd








Interactive Media & Services – 0.5%


Alphabet Inc - Class A*






Alphabet Inc - Class C*






Facebook Inc*








Internet & Direct Marketing Retail – 0.2%


Amazon.com Inc*






Life Sciences Tools & Services – 0.8%


Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc*






Bio-Techne Corp






Mettler-Toledo International Inc*












Waters Corp*








Machinery – 0.5%


Graco Inc






Nordson Corp












Pentair PLC






Toro Co








Media – 2.0%


Cable One Inc






Charter Communications Inc*






Comcast Corp






Liberty Broadband Corp*






Liberty Media Corp-Liberty SiriusXM*






New York Times Co






Omnicom Group Inc






Sirius XM Holdings Inc








Metals & Mining – 0.6%


Newmont Goldcorp Corp






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Metals & Mining – (continued)


Royal Gold Inc








Mortgage Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 0%


Annaly Capital Management Inc






Multiline Retail – 1.6%


Dollar General Corp






Dollar Tree Inc*






Target Corp








Multi-Utilities – 2.1%


Ameren Corp






CMS Energy Corp






Consolidated Edison Inc






Dominion Energy Inc






Sempra Energy






WEC Energy Group Inc








Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – 0.6%


Cabot Oil & Gas Corp






EQT Corp








Pharmaceuticals – 5.2%


Bristol-Myers Squibb Co






Eli Lilly & Co






Horizon Therapeutics PLC*






Johnson & Johnson






Merck & Co Inc






Mylan NV*






Nektar Therapeutics*






Pfizer Inc








Professional Services – 0.3%


CoStar Group Inc*






IHS Markit Ltd






Verisk Analytics Inc








Road & Rail – 1.4%


JB Hunt Transport Services Inc






Kansas City Southern






Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings Inc






Landstar System Inc






Old Dominion Freight Line Inc








Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 5.3%


Advanced Micro Devices Inc*






Entegris Inc






Intel Corp






KLA Corp






Lam Research Corp












Qorvo Inc*






Skyworks Solutions Inc






Teradyne Inc






Texas Instruments Inc






Xilinx Inc








Software – 7.3%


Adobe Inc*






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Software – (continued)








Atlassian Corp PLC*






Autodesk Inc*






CDK Global Inc






Ceridian HCM Holding Inc*






Citrix Systems Inc






Coupa Software Inc*






DocuSign Inc*






Dropbox Inc*






Fortinet Inc*






LogMeIn Inc






Microsoft Corp






NortonLifeLock Inc






Nuance Communications Inc*






Oracle Corp






Palo Alto Networks Inc*






RingCentral Inc*






salesforce.com Inc*






ServiceNow Inc*






Smartsheet Inc*






Tyler Technologies Inc*






Zscaler Inc*








Specialty Retail – 1.1%


AutoZone Inc*






O'Reilly Automotive Inc*






Ross Stores Inc






Tiffany & Co






Tractor Supply Co








Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals – 2.8%


Apple Inc






Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods – 0.9%


Carter's Inc






Lululemon Athletica Inc*






VF Corp








Thrifts & Mortgage Finance – 0.6%


New York Community Bancorp Inc






Tobacco – 0.2%


Altria Group Inc






Philip Morris International Inc








Trading Companies & Distributors – 0.4%


Fastenal Co






Watsco Inc






WW Grainger Inc








Water Utilities – 1.8%


American Water Works Co Inc






Essential Utilities Inc








Wireless Telecommunication Services – 0.2%


T-Mobile US Inc*






Total Common Stocks (cost $916,354,616)




Rights – 0%


Wireless Telecommunication Services – 0%


T-Mobile US Inc* (cost $0)






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Investment Companies – 0.6%


Money Markets – 0.6%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº,£ (cost $6,846,161)






Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending – 0%


Investment Companies – 0%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº,£






Time Deposits – 0%


Royal Bank of Canada, 0.0900%, 7/1/20






Total Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending (cost $149,520)




Total Investments (total cost $923,350,297) – 99.7%




Cash, Receivables and Other Assets, net of Liabilities – 0.3%




Net Assets – 100%




Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States






































See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 0.6%

Money Markets - 0.6%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.0%

Investment Companies - 0.0%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Total Affiliated Investments - 0.6%











at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 0.6%

Money Markets - 0.6%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - 0.0%

Investment Companies - 0.0%


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº










See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Russell 1000® Index

Russell 1000® Index reflects the performance of U.S. large-cap equities.



Limited Liability Company


Public Limited Company



Non-income producing security.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



Loaned security; a portion of the security is on loan at June 30, 2020.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Common Stocks














Investment Companies







Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending







Total Assets









JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)(2)






Affiliated investments, at value(3)












Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Investments sold














Fund shares sold







Dividends from affiliates







Foreign tax reclaims






Other assets





Total Assets











Collateral for securities loaned (Note 2)












Fund shares repurchased







Advisory fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







Professional fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees







Non-affiliated fund administration fees payable







Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Custodian fees







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(5)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $916,384,520.

(2) Includes $146,387 of securities on loan. See Note 2 in Notes to Financial Statements.

(3) Includes cost of $6,965,777.

(4) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(5) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:










Dividends from affiliates





Affiliated securities lending income, net





Unaffiliated securities lending income, net





Other income





Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Shareholder reports expense





Registration fees





Professional fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Custodian fees





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions





Investments in affiliates




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Investments in affiliates




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)

















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks long-term growth of capital. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D Shares are closed to certain new investors.

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

The Fund generally declares and distributes dividends of net investment income and realized capital gains (if any) annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The following table presents gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the Fund's Schedule of Investments.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association









Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. For financial reporting purposes, the Fund does not offset financial instruments' payables and receivables and related collateral on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Securities on loan will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). See “Securities Lending” in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for additional information.

Real Estate Investing

To the extent that real estate-related securities may be included in the Fund’s named benchmark index, Intech’s mathematical investment process may select equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the SEC. If the Fund is unable to recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations. As of June 30, 2020, securities lending transactions accounted for as secured borrowings with an overnight and continuous contractual maturity are $146,387. Gross amounts of recognized liabilities for securities lending (collateral received) as of June 30, 2020 is $149,520, resulting in the net amount due to the counterparty of $3,133.

3. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.50% of its average daily net assets.

Intech Investment Management LLC (“Intech”) serves as subadviser to the Fund. As subadviser, Intech provides day-to-day management of the investment operations of the Fund subject to the general oversight of Janus Capital. Janus Capital owns approximately 97% of Intech.

Janus Capital pays Intech a subadvisory fee rate equal to 50% of the investment advisory fee paid by the Fund to Janus Capital (net of any fee waivers and expense reimbursements).

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.65% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund,


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act and related rules, the Fund may participate in an affiliated or non-affiliated cash sweep program. In the cash sweep program, uninvested cash balances of the Fund may be used to purchase shares of affiliated or non-affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles that operate as money market funds. The Fund is eligible to participate in the cash sweep program (the “Investing Funds”). As adviser, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest because of its fiduciary duties to the affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles and the Investing Funds. Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC (the “Sweep Vehicle”) is an affiliated unregistered cash management pooled investment vehicle that invests primarily in highly-rated short-term fixed-income securities. The Sweep Vehicle operates pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act that govern the operation of money market funds and prices its shares at NAV reflecting market-based values of its portfolio securities (i.e., a “floating” NAV) rounded to the fourth decimal place (e.g., $1.0000). The Sweep Vehicle is permitted to impose a liquidity fee (of up to 2%) on redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle or a redemption gate that temporarily suspends redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period. There are no restrictions on the Fund's ability to withdraw investments from the Sweep Vehicle at will, and there are no unfunded capital commitments due from the Fund to the Sweep Vehicle. The Sweep Vehicle does not charge any management fee, sales charge or service fee.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $5,996.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $1,885.

As of June 30, 2020, shares of the Fund were owned by affiliates of Janus Henderson Investors, and/or other funds advised by Janus Henderson, as indicated in the table below:



% of Class Owned


% of Fund Owned



Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares







In addition, other shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with US GAAP).

4. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 7,412,120

$ 18,490,415

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ (21,641)



The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals, foreign currency transactions and investments in partnerships.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 923,987,711



$ 149,178,580


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 9,941,815

$ 35,518,047

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 22,750,811

$ 75,759,109

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ 99,511

$ 153,775

$ (253,286)

Capital has been adjusted by $99,511, including $75,312 of long-term capital gain, for distributions in connection with Fund share redemptions (tax equalization).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

5. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 6,669,909



$ 14,803,036

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (1,603,921)



$ 5,014,295

Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 2,933,363



$ 6,279,949

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (4,869,217)



$ (1,592,744)

Class D Shares:






Shares sold


$ 15,667,413



$ 15,498,570

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (20,437,407)



$ (672,544)

Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 156,983,023




Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)





$ 53,377,369

Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 5,653,841



$ 8,689,004

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (1,344,044)



$ 4,849,336

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 3,085,312



$ 1,902,302

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (2,045,179)



$ (1,895,510)

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 45,208,997



$ 61,867,397

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ (34,844,593)



$ (8,533,794)

6. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations



$ -

$ -

7. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

8. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

9. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund’s financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the "Fund") as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended June 30, 2020 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian and transfer agent. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.


Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93016 08-20



June 30, 2020


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund


Janus Investment Fund

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by contacting a Janus Henderson representative. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by contacting your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, or if you invest directly with the Fund, by visiting janushenderson.com/edelivery.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you do not invest directly with the Fund, you should contact your plan sponsor, broker-dealer, or financial intermediary, to request to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can call 1-800-525-3713 to let the Fund know that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all Janus Henderson mutual funds where held (i.e., all Janus Henderson mutual funds held in your account if you invest through your financial intermediary or all Janus Henderson mutual funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with a fund).




· Portfolio management perspective

· Investment strategy behind your fund

· Fund performance, characteristics
and holdings


Table of Contents

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund


Management Commentary and Schedule of Investments


Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Additional Information


Useful Information About Your Fund Report


Designation Requirements


Trustees and Officers


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund (unaudited)



We believe actively allocating across best ideas in domestic fixed income sectors and defensive, high-quality equities provides the potential for consistent monthly income and equity market participation with lower volatility.


Seth Meyer

co-portfolio manager

John Kerschner

co-portfolio manager

John Lloyd

co-portfolio manager

Ted Thome

co-portfolio manager



For the 12-month period ended June 30, 2020, the Value Plus Income Fund’s Class I Shares returned -0.08%, while the Fund’s primary benchmark, the Russell 1000® Value Index, returned -8.84%. The Fund’s secondary benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, returned 8.74% during the period. Its blended benchmark, the Value Income Index, a hypothetical, internally calculated index that combines the total returns from the Russell 1000 Value Index (40%) and the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (60%), returned 2.12%.


Early in the period, equities found support as central banks around the world shifted to accommodative monetary policy and continued easing through the end of 2019. Amid several positives for the market – a trade deal with China, increased clarity regarding Brexit, solid employment numbers and optimism about strong consumer holiday spending – the environment at the close of 2019 was risk-on, led by cyclical stocks, small caps and higher-beta equities. However, equities experienced heightened volatility in the first half of 2020, as the COVID 19 coronavirus spread worldwide, disrupting travel and supply chains. This pandemic halted economic activity and triggered a first quarter equity sell-off of historic proportions. Contributing to the malaise was a collapse in oil prices when the virus-related drop in demand was met by a flood of supply after OPEC and Russia failed to agree on production cutbacks.

The Federal Reserve (Fed) provided support for the economy with near-zero interest rates and expanded asset buying. Indeed, the largesse of fiscal and monetary policies has seemed to know no bounds. Stocks recovered ground in the second quarter of 2020 as a result of that support coupled with declining COVID-19 infection rates and the reopening of economies. Investors looked past weak economic data to focus on prospects for a recovery in the latter part of 2020. The divergence between Main Street and Wall Street has seemed to widen as economies have reopened. Assessing valuations in a market that continues to rally has remained a challenge, as the range of earnings outcomes is expansive, warranting a more defensive approach.

Over the year, corporate and securitized credit generally tracked the moves of equities, with heightened risk of downgrades and defaults causing spreads over Treasuries to widen dramatically amid the COVID-19 correction. Fed support, including unprecedented support to the high-yield market, helped credit retrace most of its losses. Investment-grade corporate bonds ultimately generated positive returns, while their high-yield counterparts were roughly flat. Rates fell across the yield curve, with the 5-year Treasury yield closing June at 0.29%, down from 1.76%, and the 10-year Treasury yield ending the period at 0.66%, down from 2.01%.


For much of the period, we felt that there were stronger risk-adjusted returns available in fixed income, and the Fund’s asset allocation hovered around 40% equities and 60% fixed income. However, beginning in late March, we sought to take advantage of the market lows and added to a number of, in our view, attractive reward-to-risk opportunities in the equity market. For the latter three months of the period, we held closer to 50% of the Fund in equities, but near period end, we trimmed equity positions on strength in order to respect the Fund’s 50% equity allocation limit. The Fund closed the period with approximately 48% allocated to equities and 52% allocated to fixed income.

The Fund’s equity sleeve outperformed the Russell 1000 Value Index during the period. Stock selection in technology, health care and real estate contributed to relative performance, as did overweight allocations to health care and technology, the two strongest-performing index sectors for the period. Citrix Systems, an American


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund (unaudited)

multinational software company that provides virtualization, networking and cloud-computing products, was the largest individual contributor on a relative basis. Biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, Inc., which has been researching and testing antiviral drug treatments for COVID-19, also was among the top contributors.

Stock selection in financials, energy and communication services detracted from relative performance, as did an underweight in communication services. Despite the sleeve’s cautious approach to the energy sector, Rattler Midstream LP, a provider of crude oil, natural gas and water-related midstream services, was the largest individual detractor over the period. Lookers, a car dealership chain based in the UK, also weighed on relative returns.

From a sector perspective, we closed the period overweight real estate, with holdings that we believe have strong supply-demand dynamics and can benefit from a lower-for-longer interest rate environment. We also remained overweight health care stocks, believing favorable secular trends will persist and the value of health care will become even more apparent during this pandemic. Technology is another sector in which we maintained an overweight given many positive secular trends, stability of cash flows and strong balance sheets. Conversely, we closed the period underweight sectors that we view as fundamentally challenged, such as consumer discretionary and energy.

The Fund’s fixed income sleeve underperformed the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index during the period. Early in the period, we were actively seeking ways to capitalize on the strength of the consumer, one of the healthiest components of the U.S. economy in 2019. And while we were wary of valuations after double-digit returns for corporate credit in 2019 and entered 2020 relatively cautiously, we were in no way positioned for the impact a global economic shutdown and social distancing would have on consumer discretionary activity.

Our high-yield corporate bond allocation weighed materially on relative performance, particularly amid the COVID correction when valuations lurched from the tightest quartile to the widest quartile of the past decade in a matter of days. While our positioning in asset-backed securities tends to be varied and diversified, many of our positions are tied to the health of the consumer and suffered amid the health care crisis, stay at home orders and the resulting lack of consumer activity. On a single-name basis, a position in General Electric was challenged, particularly later in the period, as concern grew over the impact an undetermined hiatus in global travel will have on its aviation division.

Underperformance was partially offset by the sleeve’s positioning in investment-grade corporate credit and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) – two sectors we employ with the goal of dampening the volatility of our plus-sector positioning. Late in the period, constructive signs emerged in credit markets as liquidity improved on the back of stimulus measures. We took advantage of what we viewed as attractive valuations to add to corporate issuers we expect to perform well through elevated economic uncertainty, at first in higher-quality investment-grade names and later in high yield. We added a position in Ford after it was downgraded to high yield in March, and the position benefited from positive sentiment surrounding the Fed’s support for fallen angels.


The Fund may use derivatives for various investment purposes, such as to manage or hedge portfolio risk, enhance return or manage duration. During the period, the Fund used forward foreign currency exchange contracts to hedge currency exposure back to the U.S. dollar and interest rate futures to efficiently express our view on rates, including the U.S. Treasury market. The Fund also employed forward-settling MBS trades through the To Be Announced (TBA) market to gain exposure to certain agency MBS. Our use of derivatives contributed to relative results. Please see the Derivative Instruments section in the “Notes to Financial Statements” for a discussion of derivatives used by the Fund.


Monetary and fiscal stimulus will likely continue to provide support to companies and markets. With this support, we expect U.S. economic growth to accelerate off recent lows for the next few quarters. Still, the path to recovery remains littered with uncertainties, and it will take years before the economy fully recovers. Further, COVID-19 and its economic impact remain the most pressing concern, but other risks to market sentiment are also on our radar: a resumption of trade tensions with China and the upcoming U.S. elections, to name two.

With many unknowns, we believe having a balance of both cyclical and noncyclical exposure in the equity sleeve is prudent for the time being. We remain steadfast in seeking investments in companies with durable competitive advantages combined with strong balance



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund (unaudited)

sheets and financial flexibility that we believe can endure in a wide range of economic outcomes. This approach should help the portfolio withstand another sharp downturn while also enabling it to participate in upside potential. We continue to believe our philosophy and process help provide an appropriate perspective in a market with elevated volatility and uncertainty, and we remain well equipped to take advantage of value equity opportunities regardless of the shape of the recovery.

Within fixed income, although market sentiment has improved markedly, credit spreads over Treasuries ended the period closer to longer-term averages and still wide of pre-crisis levels, leaving opportunity for attractive returns in fixed income in the year ahead. We expect corporate bonds, including high yield, to remain in demand given the Fed’s support and the attractive yields they offer over very low policy rates – which will likely persist for the foreseeable future. And after a rapid deterioration in corporate fundamentals, we believe a period of debt paydown is likely to ensue by investment-grade issuers, which would further support that asset class. Across the ratings spectrum, however, security selection remains of the utmost importance, as additional downgrades and fallen angels are not out of the question. Security selection is equally as critical within structured securities, where we believe it prudent to focus on higher-quality structures that can withstand a slower economy; we expect the Fed’s aggressive actions to support the liquidity and underlying fundamentals of these securities.

As we navigate these markets, we remain committed to our approach of combining fundamental fixed income with what we believe are undervalued, high-quality equities into an actively allocated portfolio in an effort to provide capital appreciation and current income while minimizing downside risk.

Thank you for your investment with us in the Value Plus Income Fund.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020

































5 Top Contributors - Equity Sleeve Holdings

5 Top Detractors - Equity Sleeve Holdings












Citrix Systems Inc





Rattler Midstream LP





Gilead Sciences Inc





Royal Dutch Shell PLC





Quest Diagnostics Inc





Anworth Mortgage Asset Corp





Humana Inc





Cadence BanCorp





Cohen & Steers Inc





Lookers PLC






5 Top Contributors - Equity Sleeve Sectors*











Equity Sleeve

Russell 1000 Value Index






Average Weight

Average Weight


Information Technology







Health Care














Real Estate




























5 Top Detractors - Equity Sleeve Sectors*











Equity Sleeve

Russell 1000 Value Index






Average Weight

Average Weight
















Communication Services














Consumer Discretionary








Relative contribution reflects how the portolio's holdings impacted return relative to the benchmark. Cash and securities not held in the portfolio are not shown. For equity portfolios, relative contribution compares the performance of a security in the portfolio to the benchmark's total return, factoring in the difference in weight of that security in the benchmark. Returns are calculated using daily returns and previous day ending weights rolled up by ticker, excluding fixed income securities, gross of advisory fees, may exclude certain derivatives and will differ from actual performance.
Performance attribution reflects returns gross of advisory fees and may differ from actual returns as they are based on end of day holdings. Attribution is calculated by geometrically linking daily returns for the portfolio and index.


Based on sector classification according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”) codes, which are the exclusive property and a service mark of MSCI Inc. and Standard & Poor’s.


Not a GICS classified sector.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund (unaudited)

Fund At A Glance

June 30, 2020


5 Largest Equity Holdings - (% of Net Assets)

Quest Diagnostics Inc


Health Care Providers & Services


Pfizer Inc




PepsiCo Inc




Johnson & Johnson




Chubb Ltd







Asset Allocation - (% of Net Assets)

Common Stocks



Corporate Bonds



Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities



Mortgage-Backed Securities



Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans



Investment Companies



Preferred Stocks









Top Country Allocations - Long Positions - (% of Investment Securities)

As of June 30, 2020

As of June 30, 2019


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund (unaudited)



See important disclosures on the next page.




















Average Annual Total Return - for the periods ended June 30, 2020



Expense Ratios








Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Net Annual Fund
Operating Expenses

Class A Shares at NAV









Class A Shares at MOP









Class C Shares at NAV









Class C Shares at CDSC









Class D Shares(1)









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Russell 1000 Value Index









Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index









Value Income Index 40/60









Morningstar Quartile - Class I Shares









Morningstar Ranking - based on total returns for Allocation - 30% to 50% Equity Funds









Returns quoted are past performance and do not guarantee future results; current performance may be lower or higher. Investment returns and principal value will vary; there may be a gain or loss when shares are sold. For the most recent month-end performance call 800.668.0434 (or 800.525.3713 if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson) or visit janushenderson.com/performance (or janushenderson.com/allfunds if you hold shares directly with Janus Henderson).

Maximum Offering Price (MOP) returns include the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

CDSC returns include a 1% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase. Net Asset Value (NAV) returns exclude this charge, which would have reduced returns.

Net expense ratios reflect the expense waiver, if any, contractually agreed to for at least a one-year period commencing on October 28, 2019.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund (unaudited)


Performance may be affected by risks that include those associated with non-diversification, portfolio turnover, short sales, potential conflicts of interest, foreign and emerging markets, initial public offerings (IPOs), high-yield and high-risk securities, undervalued, overlooked and smaller capitalization companies, real estate related securities including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), derivatives, and commodity-linked investments. Each product has different risks. Please see the prospectus for more information about risks, holdings and other details.

Returns include reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. The returns do not include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes.

Class N Shares commenced operations on August 4, 2017. Performance shown for periods prior to August 4, 2017 reflects the historical performance of the Fund’s Class I Shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of Class N Shares, without the effect of any fee and expense limitations or waivers.

If Class N Shares of the Fund had been available during periods prior August 4, 2017, the performance shown may have been different. The performance shown for periods following the Fund’s commencement Class N Shares reflects the fees and expenses of Class N Shares, net of any applicable fee and expense limitations or waivers. Please refer to the Fund’s prospectuses for further details concerning historical performance.

Ranking is for the share class shown only; other classes may have different performance characteristics. When an expense waiver is in effect, it may have a material effect on the total return, and therefore the ranking for the period.

© 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.

See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information for indexfor index definitions.

Index performance does not reflect the expenses of managing a portfolio as an index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.

See “Useful Information About Your Fund Report.”

Effective April 14, 2020, John Lloyd, Seth Meyer, John Kerschner and Theodore Thome are Co-Portfolio Managers of the Fund.

*The Fund’s inception date – July 30, 2010

‡ As stated in the prospectus. See Financial Highlights for actual expense ratios during the reporting period.

(1) Closed to certain new investors during the reporting period. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund (unaudited)

Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as sales charges (loads) on purchase payments (applicable to Class A Shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; 12b-1 distribution and shareholder servicing fees; transfer agent fees and expenses payable pursuant to the Transfer Agency Agreement; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. The example is based upon an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the six-months indicated, unless noted otherwise in the table and footnotes below.

Actual Expenses

The information in the table under the heading “Actual” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in these columns, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the appropriate column for your share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during the period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The information in the table under the heading “Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based upon the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Additionally, for an analysis of the fees associated with an investment in any share class or other similar funds, please visit www.finra.org/fundanalyzer.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs. These fees are fully described in the Fund’s prospectuses. Therefore, the hypothetical examples are useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
















(5% return before expenses)





Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†




Paid During
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)†

Net Annualized
Expense Ratio
(1/1/20 - 6/30/20)

Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares









Expenses Paid During Period are equal to the Net Annualized Expense Ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 182/366 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses in the examples include the effect of applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any. Had such waivers and/or reimbursements not been in effect, your expenses would have been higher. Please refer to the Notes to Financial Statements or the Fund’s prospectuses for more information regarding waivers and/or reimbursements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – 11.7%


Alaska Airlines 2020-1 Class A Pass Through Trust, 4.8000%, 8/15/27 (144A)






American Credit Acceptance Receivables Trust 2018-3,


5.1700%, 10/15/24 (144A)






Angel Oak Mortgage Trust I LLC 2018-2,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 0.7600%, 3.6740%, 7/27/48 (144A)






Applebee's Funding LLC / IHOP Funding LLC, 4.1940%, 6/7/49 (144A)






Aqua Finance Trust 2019-A, 3.1400%, 7/16/40 (144A)






Arbys Funding LLC 2015-1A, 4.9690%, 10/30/45 (144A)






Arroyo Mortgage Trust 2019-2,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 0.0250%, 4.7600%, 4/25/49 (144A)






BBCMS Trust 2015-SRCH, 4.1970%, 8/10/35 (144A)






BlueMountain CLO XXIV Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.7000%, 3.8353%, 4/20/31 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-XL,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1848%, 10/15/36 (144A)






BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-XL,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.3000%, 2.4848%, 10/15/36 (144A)






BXP Trust 2017-GM, 3.3790%, 6/13/39 (144A)






CGDB Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-MOB,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1848%, 11/15/36 (144A)






CGDB Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-MOB,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.5500%, 2.7348%, 11/15/36 (144A)






CIFC Funding 2016-I Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.8000%, 3.9090%, 10/21/31 (144A)






COLT Funding LLC 2018-4,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 1.6500%, 4.7160%, 12/28/48 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2016-C04,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 4.2500%, 4.4345%, 1/25/29






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R02,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.3000%, 2.4845%, 8/25/31 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R03,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.1500%, 2.3345%, 9/25/31 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2019-R05,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 4.1000%, 4.2845%, 7/25/39 (144A)






Connecticut Avenue Securities Trust 2020-R02,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1845%, 1/25/40 (144A)






Conn's Receivables Funding 2019-A LLC, 4.3600%, 10/16/23 (144A)






Conn's Receivables Funding 2019-A LLC, 5.2900%, 10/16/23 (144A)






Cosmopolitan Hotel Trust 2017,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.0000%, 3.1848%, 11/15/36 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2018-4, 5.3800%, 7/15/25 (144A)






Exeter Automobile Receivables Trust 2019-1, 5.2000%, 1/15/26 (144A)






Fannie Mae Connecticut Avenue Securities,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.0000%, 2.1845%, 3/25/31






Fannie Mae REMICS, -11 x ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 55.0000%,

53.1010%, 10/25/40






Fannie Mae REMICS, 3.0000%, 5/25/48






First Investors Auto Owner Trust 2018-1, 7.1600%, 8/15/25 (144A)






Hertz Fleet Lease Funding LP, 5.5500%, 5/10/32 (144A)






InSite Issuer LLC, 6.1150%, 12/15/48 (144A)






LoanMe Trust SBL 2019-1, 5.2500%, 8/15/30 (144A)






Magnetite XXII Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.6500%, 4.8689%, 4/15/31 (144A)






New Residential Mortgage Loan Trust 2019-NQM2,


ICE LIBOR USD 12 Month + 1.7500%, 4.2671%, 4/25/49 (144A)






OneMain Direct Auto Receivables Trust 2019-1, 4.6800%, 4/14/31 (144A)






Palmer Square Loan Funding 2019-4 Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.2500%, 4.2703%, 10/24/27 (144A)






Pawnee Equipment Receivables Series 2019-1 LLC, 3.8000%, 1/15/26 (144A)






PRPM 2019-3 LLC, 4.4580%, 7/25/24 (144A)Ç






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


PRPM 2019-GS1, 4.7500%, 10/25/24 (144A)






Raptor Aircraft Finance I LLC, 4.2130%, 8/23/44 (144A)






Sequoia Mortgage Trust 2018-8, 0.2908%, 11/25/48 (144A)‡,¤,§






Sierra Timeshare 2019-2 Receivables Funding LLC, 4.5400%, 5/20/36 (144A)






SoFi Consumer Loan Program 2019-1 Trust, 4.4200%, 2/25/28 (144A)






SoFi Consumer Loan Program 2019-2 Trust, 4.2000%, 4/25/28 (144A)






VB-S1 Issuer LLC, 3.4130%, 2/15/48 (144A)






VB-S1 Issuer LLC 2020-1A, 3.0310%, 6/15/50 (144A)






Vx Cargo 2018-1 Trust, 5.4380%, 12/15/33 (144A)






Willis Engine Securitization Trust 2020-A B, 4.2120%, 3/15/45 (144A)§






Z Capital Credit Partners CLO 2018-1A A2 Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.5600%, 2.7360%, 1/16/31 (144A)






Z Capital Credit Partners CLO 2019-1 Ltd,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.6400%, 2.8161%, 7/16/31 (144A)






Zephyrus Capital Aviation Partners 2018-1 Ltd, 4.6050%, 10/15/38 (144A)






Total Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $7,734,643)




Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans – 4.0%


Capital Goods – 0.3%


DynCorp International Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 6.0000%, 7.0000%, 8/18/25






Mauser Packaging Solutions Holding Co,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.2500%, 4.5614%, 4/3/24








Capital Markets – 0%


LPL Holdings Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7500%, 1.9295%, 11/12/26






Communications – 0.5%


Entravision Communications Corp,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.7500%, 2.9283%, 11/29/24






GCI Holdings LLC, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.2500%, 2.4283%, 2/2/22






Level 3 Financing Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7500%, 1.9825%, 3/1/27






Lions Gate Capital Holdings LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7500%, 1.9283%, 3/22/23






T-Mobile USA Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.0000%, 3.1783%, 4/1/27








Consumer Cyclical – 1.5%


18 Fremont Street Acquisition LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 8.0000%, 9.5000%, 8/9/25






Boardriders Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 6.5000%, 7.5000%, 4/23/24






CoreCivic Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 4.5000%, 5.5000%, 12/18/24ƒ,‡






Hilton Worldwide Finance LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7500%, 1.9345%, 6/22/26






Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 4.1250%, 4.4875%, 10/13/21






Spectacle Gary Holdings LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 11.0000%, 11.0000%, 12/23/25ƒ,‡






Spectacle Gary Holdings LLC,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 9.0000%, 11.0000%, 12/23/25






Stars Group Holdings BV, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.5000%, 3.8079%, 7/10/25






Tacala Investment Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 7.5000%, 7.6783%, 2/4/28






Tacala Investment Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.5000%, 3.6783%, 2/5/27








Consumer Non-Cyclical – 0.5%


Chobani LLC, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.5000%, 4.5000%, 10/10/23






CryoLife Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.2500%, 4.2500%, 12/2/24






FC Compassus LLC, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 5.0000%, 6.0720%, 12/31/26






IQVIA Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 1.7500%, 2.5000%, 3/7/24






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans – (continued)


Consumer Non-Cyclical – (continued)


Surgery Center Holdings Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.2500%, 4.2500%, 9/3/24








Technology – 0.9%


Camelot Finance SA, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.0000%, 3.1783%, 10/30/26






Cornerstone OnDemand Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 4.2500%, 5.3476%, 4/22/27






Finastra USA Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.5000%, 4.5000%, 6/13/24






II-VI Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.5000%, 3.6073%, 9/24/26






McAfee LLC, ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 8.5000%, 9.5000%, 9/29/25






Refinitiv US Holdings Inc,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 3.2500%, 3.4283%, 10/1/25








Transportation – 0.3%


Hanjin International Corp,


ICE LIBOR USD 1 Month + 2.5000%, 2.6783%, 10/19/20






Total Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans (cost $2,761,641)




Corporate Bonds – 29.3%


Banking – 1.7%


Banco La Hipotecaria SA, 5.5000%, 9/15/23 (144A)






Bank of America Corp, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 2.6640%, 4.3000%‡,µ






Bank of New York Mellon Corp,


US Treasury Yield Curve Rate + 4.3580%, 4.7000%‡,µ






Citigroup Inc, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.9050%, 5.9500%‡,µ






Citigroup Inc, SOFR + 3.2340%, 4.7000%‡,µ






Citizens Financial Group Inc, 3.7500%, 7/1/24






Discover Financial Services,


US Treasury Yield Curve Rate + 5.7830%, 6.1250%‡,µ






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 2.5150%, 2.9560%, 5/13/31






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 3.3800%, 5.0000%‡,µ






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 3.1250%, 4.6000%‡,µ






JPMorgan Chase & Co, SOFR + 2.7450%, 4.0000%‡,µ






SVB Financial Group, 3.1250%, 6/5/30






Wells Fargo & Co, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.9900%, 5.8750%‡,µ








Basic Industry – 2.0%


Allegheny Technologies Inc, 7.8750%, 8/15/23






Allegheny Technologies Inc, 5.8750%, 12/1/27






Arconic Rolled Products, 6.1250%, 2/15/28 (144A)






CF Industries Inc, 5.3750%, 3/15/44






Compass Minerals International Inc, 6.7500%, 12/1/27 (144A)






Ecolab Inc, 4.8000%, 3/24/30






First Quantum Minerals Ltd, 7.2500%, 4/1/23 (144A)






Glencore Finance Canada Ltd, 4.9500%, 11/15/21 (144A)






Glencore Funding LLC, 4.1250%, 3/12/24 (144A)






Hudbay Minerals Inc, 7.2500%, 1/15/23 (144A)






Infrabuild Australia Pty Ltd, 12.0000%, 10/1/24 (144A)






Novelis Corp, 4.7500%, 1/30/30 (144A)






PolyOne Corp, 5.7500%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Tronox Inc, 6.5000%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Westlake Chemical Corp, 3.3750%, 6/15/30








Brokerage – 0.2%


Ameriprise Financial Inc, 3.0000%, 4/2/25






Charles Schwab Corp, US Treasury Yield Curve Rate + 4.9710%, 5.3750%‡,µ








Capital Goods – 3.5%


Allegion US Holding Co Inc, 3.5500%, 10/1/27






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Capital Goods – (continued)


ARD Finance SA, 6.5000%, 6/30/27 (144A)






Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC / Ardagh Holdings USA Inc,


4.1250%, 8/15/26 (144A)






Boeing Co, 2.2000%, 10/30/22






BWAY Holding Co, 7.2500%, 4/15/25 (144A)






BWX Technologies Inc, 4.1250%, 6/30/28 (144A)






HT Troplast GmbH, 9.2500%, 7/15/25 (144A)







Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc, 3.8440%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc, 4.2000%, 5/1/30 (144A)






LABL Escrow Issuer LLC, 6.7500%, 7/15/26 (144A)






LABL Escrow Issuer LLC, 10.5000%, 7/15/27 (144A)






Masonite International Corp, 5.7500%, 9/15/26 (144A)






Masonite International Corp, 5.3750%, 2/1/28 (144A)






TransDigm Inc, 7.5000%, 3/15/27






Trivium Packaging Finance BV, 5.5000%, 8/15/26 (144A)






Vertical Holdco GmbH, 7.6250%, 7/15/28 (144A)






Vertical US Newco Inc, 5.2500%, 7/15/27 (144A)






Victoria PLC, 5.2500%, 7/15/24 (144A)







Vulcan Materials Co, 3.5000%, 6/1/30






Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp, 3.2000%, 6/15/25








Communications – 3.5%


Altice Financing SA, 5.0000%, 1/15/28 (144A)






Altice France Holding SA, 6.0000%, 2/15/28 (144A)






Block Communications Inc, 4.8750%, 3/1/28 (144A)






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 5.8750%, 4/1/24 (144A)






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 5.5000%, 5/1/26 (144A)






CCO Holdings LLC / CCO Holdings Capital Corp, 4.5000%, 5/1/32 (144A)






Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 3.7000%, 4/1/51






Connect Finco SARL / Connect US Finco LLC, 6.7500%, 10/1/26 (144A)






CSC Holdings LLC, 7.5000%, 4/1/28 (144A)






GCI LLC, 6.8750%, 4/15/25






Level 3 Financing Inc, 3.4000%, 3/1/27 (144A)






Level 3 Financing Inc, 3.8750%, 11/15/29 (144A)






Liberty Interactive LLC, 8.5000%, 7/15/29






Omnicom Group Inc, 4.2000%, 6/1/30






RELX Capital Inc, 3.0000%, 5/22/30






Sable International Finance Ltd, 5.7500%, 9/7/27 (144A)






T-Mobile USA Inc, 3.5000%, 4/15/25 (144A)






Ziggo BV, 5.1250%, 2/28/30 (144A)








Consumer Cyclical – 5.5%


1011778 BC ULC / New Red Finance Inc, 4.2500%, 5/15/24 (144A)






American Axle & Manufacturing Inc, 6.6250%, 10/15/22






Booking Holdings Inc, 4.6250%, 4/13/30






Brink's Co/The, 5.5000%, 7/15/25 (144A)






Colt Merger Sub Inc, 5.7500%, 7/1/25 (144A)






Downstream Development Authority of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma,


10.5000%, 2/15/23 (144A)






Enterprise Development Authority, 12.0000%, 7/15/24 (144A)






Expedia Group Inc, 6.2500%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Expedia Group Inc, 7.0000%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Ford Motor Co, 8.5000%, 4/21/23






Ford Motor Co, 9.0000%, 4/22/25






Ford Motor Co, 6.3750%, 2/1/29






Ford Motor Co, 7.4500%, 7/16/31






Forestar Group Inc, 5.0000%, 3/1/28 (144A)






General Motors Financial Co Inc, 2.9000%, 2/26/25






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Consumer Cyclical – (continued)


GLP Capital LP / GLP Financing II Inc, 4.0000%, 1/15/31






Golden Entertainment Inc, 7.6250%, 4/15/26 (144A)






Golden Nugget Inc, 6.7500%, 10/15/24 (144A)






IHO Verwaltungs GmbH, 3.8750%, 5/15/27 (144A)







IRB Holding Corp, 7.0000%, 6/15/25 (144A)






IRB Holding Corp, 6.7500%, 2/15/26 (144A)






KFC Holding Co/Pizza Hut Holdings LLC/Taco Bell of America LLC,


5.2500%, 6/1/26 (144A)






McDonald's Corp, 3.3000%, 7/1/25






MGM Resorts International, 6.0000%, 3/15/23






NIKE Inc, 2.4000%, 3/27/25






NVR Inc, 3.0000%, 5/15/30






Ross Stores Inc, 4.8000%, 4/15/30






Sands China Ltd, 4.3750%, 6/18/30 (144A)






Scientific Games International Inc, 7.0000%, 5/15/28 (144A)






Six Flags Entertainment Corp, 5.5000%, 4/15/27 (144A)






Station Casinos LLC, 4.5000%, 2/15/28 (144A)






Target Corp, 2.6500%, 9/15/30






TRI Pointe Group Inc, 5.7000%, 6/15/28






Twin River Worldwide Holdings Inc, 6.7500%, 6/1/27 (144A)






Vail Resorts Inc, 6.2500%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Weekley Homes LLC / Weekley Finance Corp, 6.6250%, 8/15/25






Wyndham Destinations Inc, 4.2500%, 3/1/22








Consumer Non-Cyclical – 4.6%


AbbVie Inc, 2.9500%, 11/21/26 (144A)






Alcon Finance Corp, 2.6000%, 5/27/30 (144A)






AMN Healthcare Inc, 4.6250%, 10/1/27 (144A)






Aramark Services Inc, 6.3750%, 5/1/25 (144A)






Aramark Services Inc, 5.0000%, 2/1/28 (144A)






Bausch Health Cos Inc, 7.0000%, 3/15/24 (144A)






Bausch Health Cos Inc, 5.0000%, 1/30/28 (144A)






Bausch Health Cos Inc, 5.2500%, 1/30/30 (144A)






Change Healthcare Holdings LLC / Change Healthcare Finance Inc,


5.7500%, 3/1/25 (144A)






CHS/Community Health Systems Inc, 6.6250%, 2/15/25 (144A)






Constellation Brands Inc, 2.8750%, 5/1/30






Dentsply Sirona Inc, 3.2500%, 6/1/30






Dole Food Co Inc, 7.2500%, 6/15/25 (144A)






Elanco Animal Health Inc, 5.6500%, 8/28/28Ç






Hadrian Merger Sub Inc, 8.5000%, 5/1/26 (144A)






Hasbro Inc, 3.9000%, 11/19/29






HCA Inc, 4.1250%, 6/15/29






HLF Financing Sarl LLC / Herbalife International Inc,


7.8750%, 9/1/25 (144A)






HLF Financing Sarl LLC / Herbalife International Inc,


7.2500%, 8/15/26 (144A)






Ingredion Inc, 2.9000%, 6/1/30






Jaguar Holding Co II / Pharmaceutical Product Development LLC,


5.0000%, 6/15/28 (144A)






Keurig Dr Pepper Inc, 3.2000%, 5/1/30






Keurig Dr Pepper Inc, 3.8000%, 5/1/50






Kraft Heinz Foods Co, 3.8750%, 5/15/27 (144A)






Kraft Heinz Foods Co, 4.2500%, 3/1/31 (144A)






Lamb Weston Holdings Inc, 4.8750%, 5/15/28 (144A)






MEDNAX Inc, 6.2500%, 1/15/27 (144A)






Mylan Inc, 4.5500%, 4/15/28






Newell Brands Inc, 4.8750%, 6/1/25






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Consumer Non-Cyclical – (continued)


Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Inc / Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics SA,

7.3750%, 6/1/25 (144A)






Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Inc / Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics SA,

7.2500%, 2/1/28 (144A)






Safeway Inc , 3.9500%, 8/15/20






Surgery Center Holdings Inc, 6.7500%, 7/1/25 (144A)






Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV, 2.8000%, 7/21/23






Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV, 3.1500%, 10/1/26






Upjohn Inc, 3.8500%, 6/22/40 (144A)






Valvoline Inc, 4.3750%, 8/15/25 (144A)






Valvoline Inc, 4.2500%, 2/15/30 (144A)








Electric – 0.7%


Black Hills Corp, 3.0500%, 10/15/29






Black Hills Corp, 2.5000%, 6/15/30






CMS Energy Corp, US Treasury Yield Curve Rate + 4.1160%, 4.7500%, 6/1/50






DPL Inc, 4.1250%, 7/1/25 (144A)






IPALCO Enterprises Inc, 4.2500%, 5/1/30 (144A)








Energy – 1.5%


Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC, 3.7000%, 11/15/29 (144A)






Continental Resources Inc/OK, 5.0000%, 9/15/22






DCP Midstream Operating LP, 5.6000%, 4/1/44






Energy Transfer Operating LP, 2.9000%, 5/15/25






Energy Transfer Operating LP, 3.7500%, 5/15/30






EnLink Midstream Partners LP, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 4.1100%, 6.0000%‡,µ






EQM Midstream Partners LP, 4.7500%, 7/15/23






EQM Midstream Partners LP, 4.0000%, 8/1/24






EQM Midstream Partners LP, 5.5000%, 7/15/28






Exxon Mobil Corp, 3.4520%, 4/15/51






Hess Midstream Operations LP, 5.1250%, 6/15/28 (144A)






NGPL PipeCo LLC, 4.3750%, 8/15/22 (144A)






NGPL PipeCo LLC, 7.7680%, 12/15/37 (144A)






ONEOK Inc, 3.1000%, 3/15/30






PBF Holding Co LLC / PBF Finance Corp, 9.2500%, 5/15/25 (144A)






Tallgrass Energy Partners LP / Tallgrass Energy Finance Corp,


4.7500%, 10/1/23 (144A)






USA Compression Partners LP / USA Compression Finance Corp, 6.8750%, 9/1/27








Finance Companies – 0.1%


Global Aircraft Leasing Co Ltd, 6.5000%, 9/15/24 (144A)






Springleaf Finance Corp, 6.8750%, 3/15/25








Financial Institutions – 0.3%


CPI Property Group SA, EUR SWAP ANNUAL 5 YR + 4.9440%, 4.8750%‡,µ







Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure – 0.1%


Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd, 11.5000%, 6/1/25 (144A)






Industrial – 0.6%


AT Securities BV, USD SWAP SEMI 30/360 5YR + 3.5460%, 5.2500%‡,µ






Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp, 8.0000%, 5/15/22








Industrial Conglomerates – 0.5%


General Electric Co, ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 3.3300%, 5.0000%‡,µ






Insurance – 1.1%


Assurant Inc, 3.7000%, 2/22/30






Brown & Brown Inc, 4.5000%, 3/15/29






Magellan Health Inc, 4.9000%, 9/22/24






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Corporate Bonds – (continued)


Insurance – (continued)


Molina Healthcare Inc, 4.3750%, 6/15/28 (144A)








Machinery – 0.2%


Hillenbrand Inc, 5.7500%, 6/15/25






Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp,


ICE LIBOR USD 3 Month + 1.3000%, 1.6134%, 9/15/21








Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 0.3%


American Homes 4 Rent LP, 4.2500%, 2/15/28






Digital Realty Trust LP, 3.6000%, 7/1/29






Senior Housing Properties Trust, 6.7500%, 12/15/21








Technology – 1.9%


Broadcom Inc, 3.1500%, 11/15/25 (144A)






Broadcom Inc, 4.1500%, 11/15/30 (144A)






CommScope Inc, 8.2500%, 3/1/27 (144A)






CoStar Group Inc, 2.8000%, 7/15/30 (144A)






Dell International LLC / EMC Corp, 5.3000%, 10/1/29 (144A)






DXC Technology Co, 4.0000%, 4/15/23






Entegris Inc, 4.6250%, 2/10/26 (144A)






Gartner Inc, 4.5000%, 7/1/28 (144A)






Infor Inc, 1.7500%, 7/15/25 (144A)






Leidos Inc, 2.9500%, 5/15/23 (144A)






NVIDIA Corp, 2.8500%, 4/1/30






Oracle Corp, 3.6000%, 4/1/50






PayPal Holdings Inc, 2.3000%, 6/1/30






Science Applications International Corp, 4.8750%, 4/1/28 (144A)






Solera LLC / Solera Finance Inc, 10.5000%, 3/1/24 (144A)






Verisk Analytics Inc, 4.1250%, 3/15/29






VMware Inc, 4.5000%, 5/15/25








Transportation – 1.0%


Autostrade per l'Italia SpA, 4.3750%, 9/16/25







Cargo Aircraft Management Inc, 4.7500%, 2/1/28 (144A)






Southwest Airlines Co, 4.7500%, 5/4/23






Southwest Airlines Co, 5.2500%, 5/4/25






Watco Cos LLC / Watco Finance Corp, 6.5000%, 6/15/27 (144A)








Total Corporate Bonds (cost $18,894,034)




Mortgage-Backed Securities – 10.3%


Fannie Mae:


2.5000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






3.0000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






3.5000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






4.0000%, TBA, 15 Year Maturity






3.0000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






3.5000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






4.0000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity








Fannie Mae Pool:


3.0000%, 11/1/34






3.0000%, 12/1/34






6.0000%, 2/1/37






3.5000%, 12/1/42






3.0000%, 2/1/43






3.5000%, 2/1/43






3.5000%, 4/1/43






3.0000%, 5/1/43






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Fannie Mae Pool – (continued)


3.0000%, 5/1/43






3.5000%, 11/1/43






3.5000%, 4/1/44






5.0000%, 7/1/44






4.5000%, 10/1/44






3.5000%, 2/1/45






3.5000%, 2/1/45






4.5000%, 3/1/45






3.5000%, 12/1/45






4.5000%, 2/1/46






3.5000%, 7/1/46






4.0000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.5000%, 5/1/47






4.0000%, 6/1/47






4.0000%, 6/1/47






4.5000%, 6/1/47






4.5000%, 6/1/47






4.0000%, 7/1/47






4.0000%, 7/1/47






4.0000%, 7/1/47






4.0000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






4.5000%, 7/1/47






3.5000%, 8/1/47






3.5000%, 8/1/47






4.0000%, 8/1/47






4.0000%, 8/1/47






4.5000%, 8/1/47






4.5000%, 8/1/47






4.0000%, 9/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.5000%, 9/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 10/1/47






4.5000%, 10/1/47






4.5000%, 10/1/47






4.0000%, 11/1/47






4.5000%, 11/1/47






3.5000%, 12/1/47






3.5000%, 12/1/47






3.5000%, 1/1/48






3.5000%, 1/1/48






4.0000%, 1/1/48






4.0000%, 1/1/48






3.0000%, 2/1/48






3.5000%, 3/1/48






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Fannie Mae Pool – (continued)


4.0000%, 3/1/48






4.5000%, 3/1/48






4.5000%, 4/1/48






4.0000%, 5/1/48






4.5000%, 5/1/48






4.5000%, 5/1/48






4.5000%, 6/1/48






3.0000%, 8/1/49






3.0000%, 9/1/49






2.5000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 1/1/50






3.5000%, 2/1/57






3.0000%, 6/1/57








Freddie Mac Gold Pool:


6.0000%, 4/1/40






3.0000%, 6/1/43






4.5000%, 5/1/44






3.5000%, 9/1/47






3.5000%, 9/1/47






3.5000%, 12/1/47








Freddie Mac Pool:


3.0000%, 1/1/33






2.5000%, 11/1/34






3.5000%, 2/1/43






3.0000%, 3/1/43






3.5000%, 2/1/44






3.5000%, 12/1/44






3.0000%, 1/1/45






3.5000%, 7/1/46






3.0000%, 10/1/46






4.0000%, 3/1/47






3.5000%, 11/1/47






3.5000%, 12/1/47






3.5000%, 2/1/48






3.5000%, 2/1/48






4.0000%, 4/1/48






4.5000%, 4/1/49






4.0000%, 5/1/49






3.0000%, 8/1/49






3.0000%, 8/1/49






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 10/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 11/1/49






3.0000%, 12/1/49






3.0000%, 12/1/49






3.0000%, 12/1/49






2.5000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 1/1/50






3.0000%, 2/1/50






3.0000%, 3/1/50






3.0000%, 3/1/50








Ginnie Mae:


3.5000%, TBA, 30 Year Maturity






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Mortgage-Backed Securities – (continued)


Ginnie Mae I Pool:


4.5000%, 8/15/46






4.0000%, 7/15/47






4.0000%, 8/15/47






4.0000%, 11/15/47






4.0000%, 12/15/47








Ginnie Mae II Pool:


4.5000%, 2/20/48






4.5000%, 5/20/48






4.5000%, 5/20/48






5.0000%, 4/20/49








Total Mortgage-Backed Securities (cost $6,574,592)




Common Stocks – 47.8%


Aerospace & Defense – 1.3%


BWX Technologies Inc






Raytheon Technologies Corp








Banks – 4.4%


Citigroup Inc






Citizens Financial Group Inc






First Horizon National Corp






Pinnacle Financial Partners Inc






Regions Financial Corp






US Bancorp






Wells Fargo & Co








Beverages – 1.4%


PepsiCo Inc






Biotechnology – 0.8%


Gilead Sciences Inc






Capital Markets – 0.8%


Charles Schwab Corp






Cohen & Steers Inc








Chemicals – 2.0%


Corteva Inc






NewMarket Corp






WR Grace & Co








Commercial Services & Supplies – 1.1%


Republic Services Inc






UniFirst Corp/MA








Communications Equipment – 1.0%


Cisco Systems Inc






Consumer Finance – 1.0%


Discover Financial Services






Synchrony Financial








Containers & Packaging – 0.3%


Graphic Packaging Holding Co






Diversified Telecommunication Services – 0.7%


Singapore Telecommunications Ltd






Electric Utilities – 2.9%


Alliant Energy Corp






Entergy Corp






Evergy Inc






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Electric Utilities – (continued)


Exelon Corp








Energy Equipment & Services – 0.4%


Schlumberger Ltd






Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 5.0%


Americold Realty Trust






Camden Property Trust






Equity LifeStyle Properties Inc






Lamar Advertising Co






Public Storage






STAG Industrial Inc






Sunstone Hotel Investors Inc






Weyerhaeuser Co








Food & Staples Retailing – 0.7%


Casey's General Stores Inc






Food Products – 0.9%


Lamb Weston Holdings Inc






Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 1.1%


Medtronic PLC






Stryker Corp








Health Care Providers & Services – 2.7%


Humana Inc






Quest Diagnostics Inc








Health Care Technology – 0.2%


Cerner Corp






Household Products – 1.1%


Colgate-Palmolive Co






Industrial Conglomerates – 0.6%


Honeywell International Inc






Information Technology Services – 0.9%


Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp






Insurance – 2.3%


Chubb Ltd






Hartford Financial Services Group Inc






RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd








Life Sciences Tools & Services – 0.3%


Agilent Technologies Inc






Machinery – 1.3%








Donaldson Co Inc






Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc








Mortgage Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 0.2%


Anworth Mortgage Asset Corp






Multi-Utilities – 0.3%


CenterPoint Energy Inc






Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels – 1.0%


Brigham Minerals Inc






Chevron Corp






Valero Energy Corp








Personal Products – 0.8%


Unilever NV






Pharmaceuticals – 4.6%


Johnson & Johnson






See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Shares or
Principal Amounts




Common Stocks – (continued)


Pharmaceuticals – (continued)


Merck & Co Inc






Pfizer Inc














Real Estate Management & Development – 0.6%


Bridgemarq Real Estate Services






Road & Rail – 0.5%


Union Pacific Corp






Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment – 2.2%


Analog Devices Inc






Maxim Integrated Products Inc






MKS Instruments Inc








Software – 2.2%


Citrix Systems Inc






Microsoft Corp






Oracle Corp








Specialty Retail – 0.2%


Lookers PLC






Total Common Stocks (cost $29,312,596)




Preferred Stocks – 1.3%


Consumer Finance – 0.2%


Synchrony Financial, 5.6250%µ






Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – 0.3%


Crown Castle International Corp, 6.8750%, 8/1/20






Finance Companies – 0.2%


Prosper Pass-Thru Trust II Series 2019-St1, 7/15/25 (144A)






Health Care Equipment & Supplies – 0.1%


Becton Dickinson and Co, 6.0000%, 6/1/23






Student Loan – 0.3%


SoFi Professional Loan Program 2018-D Trust, 2/25/48 (144A)






Wireless Telecommunication Services – 0.2%


2020 Cash Mandatory Exchangeable Trust, 5.2500%, 6/1/23 (144A)§






Total Preferred Stocks (cost $902,902)




Investment Companies – 2.1%


Money Markets – 2.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº,£ (cost $1,375,667)






Total Investments (total cost $67,556,075) – 106.5%




Liabilities, net of Cash, Receivables and Other Assets – (6.5)%




Net Assets – 100%




See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Summary of Investments by Country - (Long Positions) (unaudited)


% of










United States






Cayman Islands










































United Kingdom










































Czech Republic






South Korea






































See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

Schedules of Affiliated Investments – (% of Net Assets)






Change in





at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 2.1%

Money Markets - 2.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - N/A

Investment Companies - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº









Total Affiliated Investments - 2.1%











at 6/30/19


Sales Proceeds


at 6/30/20

Investment Companies - 2.1%

Money Markets - 2.1%


Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC, 0.1535%ºº









Investments Purchased with Cash Collateral from Securities Lending - N/A

Investment Companies - N/A


Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, 0.0368%ºº










Schedule of Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts, Open



Foreign Currency



Foreign Currency

Amount (Sold)/



USD Currency

Amount (Sold)/



Market Value and





Bank of America, National Association:


British Pound








Canadian Dollar








Canadian Dollar
















Singapore Dollar










Barclays Capital, Inc.:


British Pound








Canadian Dollar
















See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020



Foreign Currency



Foreign Currency

Amount (Sold)/



USD Currency

Amount (Sold)/



Market Value and





Singapore Dollar










Citibank, National Association:


British Pound








British Pound








Canadian Dollar








Canadian Dollar
























Singapore Dollar








Singapore Dollar










JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association:


British Pound








British Pound








Canadian Dollar








Canadian Dollar
























Singapore Dollar















Schedule of Futures




Number of






Value and








Variation Margin



Futures Purchased:


2-Year US Treasury Note












5 Year US Treasury Note












90 Day Euro












Ultra 10-Year Treasury Note












US Treasury Long Bond












Total - Futures Purchased






Futures Sold:


Ultra Long Term US Treasury Bond



















See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020

The following table, grouped by derivative type, provides information about the fair value and location of derivatives within the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of June 30, 2020.


Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020


















Interest Rate



Asset Derivatives:








Forward foreign currency exchange contracts



$ 4,480


$ -


$ 4,480

Variation margin receivable









Total Asset Derivatives



$ 4,480


$ 2,344


$ 6,824

Liability Derivatives:








Forward foreign currency exchange contracts



$ 80,009


$ -



Variation margin payable









Total Liability Derivatives



$ 80,009


$ 7,532



The following tables provide information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Fund’s Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020.


The effect of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) on the Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2020












Amount of Realized Gain/(Loss) Recognized on Derivatives







Interest Rate



Futures contracts


$ -


$ 52,139


$ 704,346


$ 756,485

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts









Swap contracts
















$ 704,346


$ 825,279





















Amount of Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation Recognized on Derivatives







Interest Rate



Futures contracts


$ -


$ (17,750)


$ (64,965)


$ (82,715)

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts









Swap contracts












$ 10,168


$ (92,167)


$ (64,965)



Please see the “Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” and “Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation” sections of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Schedule of Investments

June 30, 2020


Average Ending Monthly Market Value of Derivative Instruments During the Year Ended June 30, 2020




Market Value(a)

Credit default swaps, sell protection

$ (2,724)

Credit default swaps, buy protection


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, purchased


Forward foreign currency exchange contracts, sold


Futures contracts, purchased


Futures contracts, sold



(a) Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported as the average ending monthly currency amount purchased or sold.


See Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information and Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information


Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index

Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is a broad-based measure of the investment grade, US dollar-denominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market.

Russell 1000® Value Index

Russell 1000® Value Index reflects the performance of U.S. large-cap equities with lower price-to-book ratios and lower expected growth values.

Value Income Index 40/60

Value Income Index is an internally-calculated, hypothetical combination of total returns from the Russell 1000® Value Index (40%) and the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (60%).



Intercontinental Exchange


London Interbank Offered Rate


Limited Liability Company


Limited Partnership


Public Limited Company


Secured Overnight Financing Rate


(To Be Announced) Securities are purchased/sold on a forward commitment basis with an approximate principal amount and no defined maturity date. The actual principal and maturity date will be determined upon settlement when specific mortgage pools are assigned.


Unlimited Liability Company



Securities sold under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are subject to legal and/or contractual restrictions on resale and may not be publicly sold without registration under the 1933 Act. Unless otherwise noted, these securities have been determined to be liquid under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The total value of 144A securities as of the year ended June 30, 2020 is $18,976,806, which represents 29.3% of net assets.



Non-income producing security.



All or a portion of this position is not funded, or has been purchased on a delayed delivery or when-issued basis. If applicable, interest rates will be determined and interest will begin to accrue at a future date. See Notes to Financial Statements.


Variable or floating rate security. Rate shown is the current rate as of June 30, 2020. Certain variable rate securities are not based on a published reference rate and spread; they are determined by the issuer or agent and current market conditions. Reference rate is as of reset date and may vary by security, which may not indicate a reference rate and/or spread in their description.



Rate shown is the 7-day yield as of June 30, 2020.



Perpetual security. Perpetual securities have no stated maturity date, but they may be called/redeemed by the issuer. The date indicated, if any, represents the next call date.



Step bond. The coupon rate will increase or decrease periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. The rate shown reflects the current rate.



Interest only security. An interest only security represents the interest only portion of a pool of underlying mortgages or mortgage-backed securities which are separated and sold individually from the principal portion of the securities. Principal amount shown represents the par value on which interest payments are based.



The Fund may invest in certain securities that are considered affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, an affiliated company is one in which the Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control.


Net of income paid to the securities lending agent and rebates paid to the borrowing counterparties.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information



Schedule of Restricted Securities (as of June 30, 2020)


Value as a




% of Net










2020 Cash Mandatory Exchangeable Trust, 5.2500%, 6/1/23









Sequoia Mortgage Trust 2018-8, 0.2908%, 11/25/48









Willis Engine Securitization Trust 2020-A B, 4.2120%, 3/15/45



















The Fund has registration rights for certain restricted securities held as of June 30, 2020. The issuer incurs all registration costs.


The following is a summary of the inputs that were used to value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments as of June 30, 2020. See Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Valuation Inputs Summary


Level 2 -


Level 3 -


Level 1 -


Other Significant




Quoted Prices


Observable Inputs


Unobservable Inputs




Investments In Securities:


Asset-Backed/Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities







Bank Loans and Mezzanine Loans







Corporate Bonds







Mortgage-Backed Securities







Common Stocks


Diversified Telecommunication Services














Personal Products














Specialty Retail







All Other







Preferred Stocks







Investment Companies







Total Investments in Securities







Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Variation Margin Receivable







Total Assets









Other Financial Instruments(a):


Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts







Variation Margin Payable







Total Liabilities









Other financial instruments include forward foreign currency exchange, futures, written options, written swaptions, and swap contracts. Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are reported at their unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract's value from trade date. Futures, certain written options on futures, and centrally cleared swap contracts are reported at their variation margin at measurement date, which represents the amount due to/from the Fund at that date. Written options, written swaptions, and other swap contracts are reported at their market value at measurement date.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020


See footnotes at the end of the Statement.















Unaffiliated investments, at value(1)






Affiliated investments, at value(2)












Deposits with brokers for futures






Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Closed foreign currency contracts






Variation margin receivable






Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation













Fund shares sold







Investments sold





















Due from adviser







Foreign tax reclaims







Dividends from affiliates






Other assets





Total Assets











Forward foreign currency exchange contracts






Closed foreign currency contracts






Variation margin payable












Fund shares repurchased







Investments purchased







Professional fees







Advisory fees







Transfer agent fees and expenses







Custodian fees







12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees














Non-interested Trustees' deferred compensation fees







Non-interested Trustees' fees and expenses







Affiliated fund administration fees payable







Accrued expenses and other payables





Total Liabilities





Net Assets






See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

June 30, 2020










Net Assets Consist of:






Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)






Total distributable earnings (loss)





Total Net Assets





Net Assets - Class A Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Maximum Offering Price Per Share(4)





Net Assets - Class C Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share(3)





Net Assets - Class D Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class I Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class N Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class S Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share





Net Assets - Class T Shares






Shares Outstanding, $0.01 Par Value (unlimited shares authorized)





Net Asset Value Per Share







(1) Includes cost of $66,180,408.

(2) Includes cost of $1,375,667.

(3) Redemption price per share may be reduced for any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

(4) Maximum offering price is computed at 100/94.25 of net asset value.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Investment Income:















Dividends from affiliates





Affiliated securities lending income, net





Unaffiliated securities lending income, net





Other income





Foreign tax withheld




Total Investment Income









Advisory fees





12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class S Shares





Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses:






Class D Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class I Shares





Other transfer agent fees and expenses:






Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares





Registration fees





Non-affiliated fund administration fees





Professional fees





Shareholder reports expense





Custodian fees





Affiliated fund administration fees





Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses





Other expenses




Total Expenses




Less: Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers




Net Expenses




Net Investment Income/(Loss)











See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Statement of Operations

For the year ended June 30, 2020








Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments:





Investments and foreign currency transactions





Investments in affiliates





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Swap contracts




Total Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments




Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation:





Investments, foreign currency translations and non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation





Forward foreign currency exchange contracts





Futures contracts





Swap contracts




Total Change in Unrealized Net Appreciation/Depreciation




Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations











See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Statements of Changes in Net Assets














Year ended
June 30, 2020


Year ended
June 30, 2019











Net investment income/(loss)








Net realized gain/(loss) on investments








Change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations







Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders







Capital Share Transactions:









Class A Shares









Class C Shares









Class D Shares









Class I Shares









Class N Shares









Class S Shares









Class T Shares







Net Increase/(Decrease) from Capital Share Transactions







Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets







Net Assets:








Beginning of period








End of period

















See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Financial Highlights


Class A Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations
















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class C Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Financial Highlights


Class D Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















Class I Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations
















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Financial Highlights


Class N Shares










For a share outstanding during the year or period ended June 30











Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period











Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:












Net investment income/(loss)(2)












Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)











Total from Investment Operations











Less Dividends and Distributions:












Dividends (from net investment income)












Distributions (from capital gains)











Total Dividends and Distributions











Net Asset Value, End of Period











Total Return*











Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)











Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)











Ratios to Average Net Assets**:












Ratio of Gross Expenses












Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)












Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)











Portfolio Turnover Rate(3)











Class S Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(2)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations
















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Period from August 4, 2017 (inception date) through June 30, 2018.

(2) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(3) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Financial Highlights


Class T Shares
















For a share outstanding during the year ended June 30

















Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

















Income/(Loss) from Investment Operations:


















Net investment income/(loss)(1)


















Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss)

















Total from Investment Operations

















Less Dividends and Distributions:


















Dividends (from net investment income)


















Distributions (from capital gains)

















Total Dividends and Distributions

















Net Asset Value, End of Period

















Total Return*

















Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)

















Average Net Assets for the Period (in thousands)

















Ratios to Average Net Assets**:


















Ratio of Gross Expenses


















Ratio of Net Expenses (After Waivers and Expense Offsets)


















Ratio of Net Investment Income/(Loss)

















Portfolio Turnover Rate

















* Total return includes adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the year or period end and are not annualized for periods of less than one full year.

** Annualized for periods of less than one full year.

(1) Per share amounts are calculated based on average shares outstanding during the year or period.

(2) Portfolio Turnover Rate excludes TBA (to be announced) purchase and sales commitments.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund (the “Fund”) is a series of Janus Investment Fund (the “Trust”), which is organized as a Massachusetts business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company, and therefore has applied the specialized accounting and reporting guidance in Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 946. The Trust offers 45 funds, each of which offers multiple share classes, with differing investment objectives and policies. The Fund seeks capital appreciation and current income. The Fund is classified as diversified, as defined in the 1940 Act.

The Fund offers multiple classes of shares in order to meet the needs of various types of investors. Each class represents an interest in the same portfolio of investments. Certain financial intermediaries may not offer all classes of shares. Class D shares are closed to certain new investors.

Class A Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, bank trust platforms, and retirement platforms.

Class C Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, traditional brokerage platforms, mutual fund wrap fee programs, and bank trust platforms.

Class C Shares are closed to investments by new employer-sponsored retirement plans and existing employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer able to make additional purchases or exchanges into Class C Shares.

The Funds have adopted an auto-conversion policy pursuant to which Class C Shares that have been held for ten years will be automatically converted to Class A Shares without the imposition of any sales charge, fee or other charge. The conversion will generally occur no later than ten business days in the month following the month of the tenth anniversary of the date of purchase. Class C Shares purchased through the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions on Class C Shares will convert to Class A Shares at the same time as the Class C Shares with respect to which they were purchased. For Class C Shares held in omnibus accounts on intermediary platforms, the Fund will rely on these intermediaries to implement this conversion feature. Your financial intermediary may have separate policies and procedures as to when and how Class C Shares may be converted to Class A Shares. Please contact your financial intermediary for additional information.

Class D Shares are generally no longer being made available to new investors who do not already have a direct account with the Janus Henderson funds. Class D Shares are available only to investors who hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds, to immediate family members or members of the same household of an eligible individual investor, and to existing beneficial owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships that hold accounts directly with the Janus Henderson funds. Effective July 6, 2020, Class D Shares are open to new investors.

Class I Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. Class I Shares are also available to certain direct institutional investors including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations/endowments, who established Class I Share accounts before August 4, 2017.

Class N Shares are generally available only to financial intermediaries purchasing on behalf of: 1) certain adviser-assisted, employer-sponsored retirement plans, including 401(k) plans, 457 plans, 403(b) plans, Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans, profit-sharing and money purchase pension plans, defined benefit plans and certain welfare benefit plans, such as health savings accounts, and nonqualified deferred compensation plans; and 2) retail investors purchasing in qualified or nonqualified accounts, whose accounts are held through an omnibus account at their financial intermediary, and where the financial intermediary requires no payment or reimbursement from the Fund, Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus Capital”), or its affiliates. Class N Shares are also available to Janus Henderson proprietary products and to certain direct institutional investors approved by Janus Distributors LLC dba Janus Henderson Distributors (“Janus Henderson Distributors”) including, but not limited to, corporations, certain retirement plans, public plans, and foundations and endowments, subject to minimum investment requirements.

Class S Shares are offered through financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, retirement platforms and asset allocation, mutual fund wrap, or other discretionary or nondiscretionary fee-based investment advisory


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

programs. In addition, Class S Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class S Shares on their supermarket platforms.

Class T Shares are available through certain financial intermediary platforms including, but not limited to, mutual fund wrap fee programs, managed account programs, asset allocation programs, bank trust platforms, as well as certain retirement platforms. In addition, Class T Shares may be available through certain financial intermediaries who have an agreement with Janus Capital or its affiliates to offer Class T Shares on their supermarket platforms.

The following accounting policies have been followed by the Fund and are in conformity with United States of America generally accepted accounting principles ("US GAAP").

Investment Valuation

Securities held by the Fund are valued in accordance with policies and procedures established by and under the supervision of the Trustees (the “Valuation Procedures”). Equity securities traded on a domestic securities exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. If such price is lacking for the trading period immediately preceding the time of determination, such securities are valued at their current bid price. Equity securities that are traded on a foreign exchange are generally valued at the closing prices on such markets. In the event that there is no current trading volume on a particular security in such foreign exchange, the bid price from the primary exchange is generally used to value the security. Securities that are traded on the over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets are generally valued at their closing or latest bid prices as available. Foreign securities and currencies are converted to U.S. dollars using the applicable exchange rate in effect at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund will determine the market value of individual securities held by it by using prices provided by one or more approved professional pricing services or, as needed, by obtaining market quotations from independent broker-dealers. Most debt securities are valued in accordance with the evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service that is intended to reflect market value. The evaluated bid price supplied by the pricing service is an evaluation that may consider factors such as security prices, yields, maturities and ratings. Certain short-term securities maturing within 60 days or less may be evaluated and valued on an amortized cost basis provided that the amortized cost determined approximates market value. Securities for which market quotations or evaluated prices are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at fair value determined in good faith under the Valuation Procedures. Circumstances in which fair value pricing may be utilized include, but are not limited to: (i) a significant event that may affect the securities of a single issuer, such as a merger, bankruptcy, or significant issuer-specific development; (ii) an event that may affect an entire market, such as a natural disaster or significant governmental action; (iii) a nonsignificant event such as a market closing early or not opening, or a security trading halt; and (iv) pricing of a nonvalued security and a restricted or nonpublic security. Special valuation considerations may apply with respect to “odd-lot” fixed-income transactions which, due to their small size, may receive evaluated prices by pricing services which reflect a large block trade and not what actually could be obtained for the odd-lot position. The Fund uses systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties to value international equity securities in order to adjust for stale pricing, which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE.

Valuation Inputs Summary

FASB ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (“ASC 820”), defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosure requirements regarding fair value measurements. This standard emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement that should be determined based on the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability and establishes a hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. These inputs are summarized into three broad levels:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets the Fund has the ability to access for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 – Observable inputs other than unadjusted quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Assets or liabilities categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy generally include: debt securities fair valued in accordance with the evaluated bid or ask prices supplied by a pricing service; securities traded on OTC markets and listed securities for which no sales are reported that are fair valued at the latest bid price (or yield equivalent thereof) obtained from one or more dealers transacting in a market for such securities or by a pricing service



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Notes to Financial Statements

approved by the Fund’s Trustees; certain short-term debt securities with maturities of 60 days or less that are fair valued at amortized cost; and equity securities of foreign issuers whose fair value is determined by using systematic fair valuation models provided by independent third parties in order to adjust for stale pricing which may occur between the close of certain foreign exchanges and the close of the NYSE. Other securities that may be categorized as Level 2 in the hierarchy include, but are not limited to, preferred stocks, bank loans, swaps, investments in unregistered investment companies, options, and forward contracts.

Level 3 – Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions that a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and that would be based on the best information available.

There have been no significant changes in valuation techniques used in valuing any such positions held by the Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year.

The inputs or methodology used for fair valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. The summary of inputs used as of June 30, 2020 to fair value the Fund’s investments in securities and other financial instruments is included in the “Valuation Inputs Summary” in the Notes to Schedule of Investments and Other Information.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income

Investment transactions are accounted for as of the date purchased or sold (trade date). Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Certain dividends from foreign securities will be recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the dividend, if such information is obtained subsequent to the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities may be subject to withholding taxes in foreign jurisdictions. Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and includes amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The Fund classifies gains and losses on prepayments received as an adjustment to interest income. Debt securities may be placed in non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by stopping current accruals and writing off interest receivables when collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful. Gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for federal income tax purposes. Income, as well as gains and losses, both realized and unrealized, are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets.


The Fund bears expenses incurred specifically on its behalf. Each class of shares bears a portion of general expenses, which are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the ratio of net assets represented by each class as a percentage of total net assets. Expenses directly attributable to a specific class of shares are charged against the operations of such class.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain provisions for indemnification of other parties against certain potential liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, and would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. Currently, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Foreign Currency Translations

The Fund does not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of securities held at the date of the financial statements. Net unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency translations arise from changes in the value of assets and liabilities, including investments in securities held at the date of the financial statements, resulting from changes in the exchange rates and changes in market prices of securities held.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Currency gains and losses are also calculated on payables and receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. The payables and receivables are generally related to foreign security transactions and income translations.

Foreign currency-denominated assets and forward currency contracts may involve more risks than domestic transactions, including currency risk, counterparty risk, political and economic risk, regulatory risk and equity risk. Risks may arise from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar.

Dividends and Distributions

Dividends of net investment income are generally declared and distributed monthly, and realized capital gains (if any) are distributed annually. The Fund may treat a portion of the amount paid to redeem shares as a distribution of investment company taxable income and realized capital gains that are reflected in the net asset value. This practice, commonly referred to as “equalization,” has no effect on the redeeming shareholder or the Fund’s total return, but may reduce the amounts that would otherwise be required to be paid as taxable dividends to the remaining shareholders. It is possible that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) could challenge the Fund's equalization methodology or calculations, and any such challenge could result in additional tax, interest, or penalties to be paid by the Fund.

The Fund may make certain investments in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) which pay dividends to their shareholders based upon funds available from operations. It is quite common for these dividends to exceed the REITs’ taxable earnings and profits, resulting in the excess portion of such dividends being designated as a return of capital. If the Fund distributes such amounts, such distributions could constitute a return of capital to shareholders for federal income tax purposes.

Federal Income Taxes

The Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute all of its taxable income in accordance with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code. Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken for all open federal income tax years, generally a three-year period, and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Fund’s financial statements. The Fund is not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.

2. Derivative Instruments

The Fund may invest in various types of derivatives, which may at times result in significant derivative exposure. A derivative is a financial instrument whose performance is derived from the performance of another asset. The Fund may invest in derivative instruments including, but not limited to: futures contracts, put options, call options, options on futures contracts, options on foreign currencies, options on recovery locks, options on security and commodity indices, swaps, forward contracts, structured investments, and other equity-linked derivatives. Each derivative instrument that was held by the Fund during the year ended June 30, 2020 is discussed in further detail below. A summary of derivative activity by the Fund is reflected in the tables at the end of the Schedule of Investments.

The Fund may use derivative instruments for hedging purposes (to offset risks associated with an investment, currency exposure, or market conditions), to adjust currency exposure relative to a benchmark index, or for speculative purposes (to earn income and seek to enhance returns). When the Fund invests in a derivative for speculative purposes, the Fund will be fully exposed to the risks of loss of that derivative, which may sometimes be greater than the derivative’s cost. The Fund may not use any derivative to gain exposure to an asset or class of assets that it would be prohibited by its investment restrictions from purchasing directly. The Fund’s ability to use derivative instruments may also be limited by tax considerations.

Investments in derivatives in general are subject to market risks that may cause their prices to fluctuate over time. Investments in derivatives may not directly correlate with the price movements of the underlying instrument. As a result, the use of derivatives may expose the Fund to additional risks that it would not be subject to if it invested directly in the securities underlying those derivatives. The use of derivatives may result in larger losses or smaller gains than otherwise would be the case. Derivatives can be volatile and may involve significant risks.

In pursuit of its investment objective, the Fund may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease exposure to the following market risk factors:

· Commodity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of commodities or commodity-linked investments due to changes in the overall market movements, volatility of the underlying benchmark, changes in interest rates, or



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Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

other factors affecting a particular industry or commodity such as drought, floods, weather, livestock disease, embargoes, tariffs, and international economic, political, and regulatory developments.

· Counterparty Risk – the risk that the counterparty (the party on the other side of the transaction) on a derivative transaction will be unable to honor its financial obligation to the Fund.

· Credit Risk – the risk an issuer will be unable to make principal and interest payments when due, or will default on its obligations.

· Currency Risk – the risk that changes in the exchange rate between currencies will adversely affect the value (in U.S. dollar terms) of an investment.

· Equity Risk – the risk related to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

· Index Risk – if the derivative is linked to the performance of an index, it will be subject to the risks associated with changes in that index. If the index changes, the Fund could receive lower interest payments or experience a reduction in the value of the derivative to below what the Fund paid. Certain indexed securities, including inverse securities (which move in an opposite direction to the index), may create leverage, to the extent that they increase or decrease in value at a rate that is a multiple of the changes in the applicable index.

· Interest Rate Risk – the risk that the value of fixed-income securities will generally decline as prevailing interest rates rise, which may cause the Fund’s NAV to likewise decrease.

· Leverage Risk – the risk associated with certain types of leveraged investments or trading strategies pursuant to which relatively small market movements may result in large changes in the value of an investment. The Fund creates leverage by investing in instruments, including derivatives, where the investment loss can exceed the original amount invested. Certain investments or trading strategies, such as short sales, that involve leverage can result in losses that greatly exceed the amount originally invested.

· Liquidity Risk – the risk that certain securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at the time that the seller would like or at the price that the seller believes the security is currently worth.

Derivatives may generally be traded OTC or on an exchange. Derivatives traded OTC are agreements that are individually negotiated between parties and can be tailored to meet a purchaser’s needs. OTC derivatives are not guaranteed by a clearing agency and may be subject to increased credit risk.

In an effort to mitigate credit risk associated with derivatives traded OTC, the Fund may enter into collateral agreements with certain counterparties whereby, subject to certain minimum exposure requirements, the Fund may require the counterparty to post collateral if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized gain on all OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. Additionally, the Fund may deposit cash and/or treasuries as collateral with the counterparty and/or custodian daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) if the Fund has a net aggregate unrealized loss on OTC derivative contracts with a particular counterparty. All liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to certain exchange-traded derivatives, centrally cleared derivatives, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, short sales, and/or securities with extended settlement dates. There is no guarantee that counterparty exposure is reduced and these arrangements are dependent on Janus Capital's ability to establish and maintain appropriate systems and trading.

Forward Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts

A forward foreign currency exchange contract (“forward currency contract”) is an obligation to buy or sell a specified currency at a future date at a negotiated rate (which may be U.S. dollars or a foreign currency). The Fund may enter into forward currency contracts for hedging purposes, including, but not limited to, reducing exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on foreign portfolio holdings and locking in the U.S. dollar cost of firm purchase and sale commitments for securities denominated in or exposed to foreign currencies. The Fund may also invest in forward currency contracts for non-hedging purposes such as seeking to enhance returns. The Fund is subject to currency risk and counterparty risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in forward currency contracts.

Forward currency contracts are valued by converting the foreign value to U.S. dollars by using the current spot U.S. dollar exchange rate and/or forward rate for that currency. Exchange and forward rates as of the close of the NYSE


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

shall be used to value the forward currency contracts. The unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) for forward currency contracts is reported in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as a receivable or payable and in the Statement of Operations for the change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation (if applicable). The gain or loss arising from the difference between the U.S. dollar cost of the original contract and the value of the foreign currency in U.S. dollars upon closing a forward currency contract is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to purchase foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to decrease exposure to currency risk associated with foreign currency denominated securities held by the Fund.

During the year, the Fund entered into forward currency contracts with the obligation to sell foreign currencies in the future at an agreed upon rate in order to decrease exposure to currency risk associated with foreign currency denominated securities held by the Fund.

Futures Contracts

A futures contract is an exchange-traded agreement to take or make delivery of an underlying asset at a specific time in the future for a specific predetermined negotiated price. The Fund may enter into futures contracts to gain exposure to the stock market or other markets pending investment of cash balances or to meet liquidity needs. The Fund is subject to interest rate risk, equity risk, and currency risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective through its investments in futures contracts. The Fund may also use such derivative instruments to hedge or protect from adverse movements in securities prices, currency rates or interest rates. The use of futures contracts may involve risks such as the possibility of illiquid markets or imperfect correlation between the values of the contracts and the underlying securities, or that the counterparty will fail to perform its obligations.

Futures contracts on commodities are valued at the settlement price on valuation date on the commodities exchange as reported by an approved vendor. Mini contracts, as defined in the description of the contract, shall be valued using the Actual Settlement Price or “ASET” price type as reported by an approved vendor. In the event that foreign futures trade when the foreign equity markets are closed, the last foreign futures trade price shall be used. Futures contracts are marked-to-market daily, and the daily variation margin is recorded as a receivable or payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation/depreciation is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable). When a contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is reported on the Statement of Operations (if applicable), equal to the difference between the opening and closing value of the contract.

Securities held by the Fund that are designated as collateral for market value on futures contracts are noted on the Schedule of Investments (if applicable). Such collateral is in the possession of the Fund’s futures commission merchant.

With futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Fund since futures are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees the futures against default.

During the year, the Fund purchased interest rate futures to increase exposure to interest rate risk.

During the year, the Fund sold interest rate futures to decrease exposure to interest rate risk.

During the year, the Fund purchased futures on currency indices to increase exposure to currency risk.


Swap agreements are two-party contracts entered into primarily by institutional investors for periods ranging from a day to more than one year to exchange one set of cash flows for another. The most significant factor in the performance of swap agreements is the change in value of the specific index, security, or currency, or other factors that determine the amounts of payments due to and from the Fund. The use of swaps is a highly specialized activity which involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio securities transactions. Swap transactions may in some instances involve the delivery of securities or other underlying assets by the Fund or its counterparty to collateralize obligations under the swap. If the other party to a swap that is not collateralized defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. Swap agreements entail the risk that a party will default on its payment obligations to the Fund. If the other party to a swap defaults, the Fund would risk the loss of the net amount of the payments that it contractually is entitled to receive. If the Fund utilizes a swap at the wrong time or judges market conditions incorrectly, the swap may result in a loss to the Fund and reduce the Fund’s total return.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Swap agreements also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty. Swap agreements are typically privately negotiated and entered into in the OTC market. However, certain swap agreements are required to be cleared through a clearinghouse and traded on an exchange or swap execution facility. Swaps that are required to be cleared are required to post initial and variation margins in accordance with the exchange requirements. Regulations enacted require the Fund to centrally clear certain interest rate and credit default index swaps through a clearinghouse or central counterparty (“CCP”). To clear a swap with a CCP, the Fund will submit the swap to, and post collateral with, a futures clearing merchant (“FCM”) that is a clearinghouse member. Alternatively, the Fund may enter into a swap with a financial institution other than the FCM (the “Executing Dealer”) and arrange for the swap to be transferred to the FCM for clearing. The Fund may also enter into a swap with the FCM itself. The CCP, the FCM, and the Executing Dealer are all subject to regulatory oversight by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”). A default or failure by a CCP or an FCM, or the failure of a swap to be transferred from an Executing Dealer to the FCM for clearing, may expose the Fund to losses, increase its costs, or prevent the Fund from entering or exiting swap positions, accessing collateral, or fully implementing its investment strategies. The regulatory requirement to clear certain swaps could, either temporarily or permanently, reduce the liquidity of cleared swaps or increase the costs of entering into those swaps.

Index swaps, interest rate swaps, and credit default swaps are valued using an approved vendor supplied price. Basket swaps are valued using a broker supplied price. Equity swaps that consist of a single underlying equity are valued either at the closing price, the latest bid price, or the last sale price on the primary market or exchange it trades. The market value of swap contracts are aggregated by positive and negative values and are disclosed separately as an asset or liability on the Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if applicable). Realized gains and losses are reported on the Fund’s Statement of Operations (if applicable). The change in unrealized net appreciation or depreciation during the year is included in the Statement of Operations (if applicable).

The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty risk or credit risk is the discounted value of the payments to be received from/paid to the counterparty over the contract’s remaining life, to the extent that the amount is positive. The risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.

The Fund may enter into various types of credit default swap agreements, including OTC credit default swap agreements and index credit default swaps (“CDX”), for investment purposes and to add leverage to its portfolio. Credit default swaps are a specific kind of counterparty agreement that allow the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to the other. One party in the swap is a lender and faces credit risk from a third party, and the counterparty in the credit default swap agrees to insure this risk in exchange for regular periodic payments. Credit default swaps could result in losses if the Fund does not correctly evaluate the creditworthiness of the company or companies on which the credit default swap is based. Credit default swap agreements may involve greater risks than if the Fund had invested in the reference obligation directly since, in addition to risks relating to the reference obligation, credit default swaps are subject to liquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk. The Fund will generally incur a greater degree of risk when it sells a credit default swap than when it purchases a credit default swap. As a buyer of a credit default swap, the Fund may lose its investment and recover nothing should no credit event occur and the swap is held to its termination date. As seller of a credit default swap, if a credit event were to occur, the value of any deliverable obligation received by the Fund, coupled with the upfront or periodic payments previously received, may be less than what it pays to the buyer, resulting in a loss of value to the Fund.

As a buyer of credit protection, the Fund is entitled to receive the par (or other agreed-upon) value of a referenced debt obligation from the counterparty to the contract in the event of a default or other credit event by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund as buyer would pay to the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no credit event has occurred. If no credit event occurs, the Fund would have spent the stream of payments and potentially received no benefit from the contract.

If the Fund is the seller of credit protection against a particular security, the Fund would receive an up-front or periodic payment to compensate against potential credit events. As the seller in a credit default swap contract, the Fund would be required to pay the par value (the “notional value”) (or other agreed-upon value) of a referenced debt obligation to the counterparty in the event of a default by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign corporate issuer, on the debt obligation. In return, the Fund would receive from the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no event of default has occurred. If no default occurs, the Fund would keep the stream of payments and would have no payment obligations. As the seller, the Fund would effectively add leverage to its portfolio


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

because, in addition to its total net assets, the Fund would be subject to investment exposure on the notional value of the swap. The maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) that the Fund as a seller could be required to make in a credit default transaction would be the notional amount of the agreement.

The Fund may invest in CDXs. A CDX is a swap on an index of credit default swaps. CDXs allow an investor to manage credit risk or take a position on a basket of credit entities (such as credit default swaps or commercial mortgage-backed securities) in a more efficient manner than transacting in a single-name CDS. If a credit event occurs in one of the underlying companies, the protection is paid out via the delivery of the defaulted bond by the buyer of protection in return for a payment of notional value of the defaulted bond by the seller of protection or it may be settled through a cash settlement between the two parties. The underlying company is then removed from the index. If the Fund holds a long position in a CDX, the Fund would indirectly bear its proportionate share of any expenses paid by a CDX. A Fund holding a long position in CDXs typically receives income from principal or interest paid on the underlying securities. By investing in CDXs, the Fund could be exposed to illiquidity risk, counterparty risk, and credit risk of the issuers of the underlying loan obligations and of the CDX markets. If there is a default by the CDX counterparty, the Fund will have contractual remedies pursuant to the agreements related to the transaction. CDXs also bear the risk that the Fund will not be able to meet its obligation to the counterparty.

During the year, the Fund sold protection via the credit default swap market in order to gain credit risk exposure to individual corporates, countries and/or credit indices where gaining this exposure via the cash bond market was less attractive.

During the year, the Fund purchased protection via the credit default swap market in order to reduce credit risk exposure to individual corporates, countries and/or credit indices where reducing this exposure via the cash bond market was less attractive.

3. Other Investments and Strategies

Additional Investment Risk

The Fund may be invested in lower-rated debt securities that have a higher risk of default or loss of value since these securities may be sensitive to economic changes, political changes or adverse developments specific to the issuer.

In the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the financial sector experienced reduced liquidity in credit and other fixed-income markets, and an unusually high degree of volatility, both domestically and internationally. In response to the crisis, the United States and certain foreign governments, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks, took a number of unprecedented steps designed to support the financial markets. For example, the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010 provided for widespread regulation of financial institutions, consumer financial products and services, broker-dealers, over-the-counter derivatives, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, and mortgage lending, which expanded federal oversight in the financial sector, including the investment management industry. More recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve, as well as certain foreign governments and central banks, have taken extraordinary actions to support local and global economies and the financial markets, including reducing interest rates to record low levels. The withdrawal of this support, a failure of measures put in place in response to such economic uncertainty, or investor perception that such efforts were not sufficient could each negatively affect financial markets generally, and the value and liquidity of specific securities. In addition, policy and legislative changes in the United States and in other countries continue to impact many aspects of financial regulation.

Widespread disease, including pandemics and epidemics, and natural or environmental disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and weather-related phenomena generally, have been and can be highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund’s investments. Economies and financial markets throughout the world have become increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one region or country will adversely affect markets or issuers in other regions or countries, including the United States. These disruptions could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective(s). Any such event(s) could have a significant adverse impact on the value of a Fund. In addition, these disruptions could also impair the information technology and other operational systems upon which the Fund’s service providers, including Janus



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Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Capital or the subadviser (as applicable), rely, and could otherwise disrupt the ability of employees of the Fund’s service providers to perform essential tasks on behalf of the Fund.

A number of countries in the European Union (“EU”) have experienced, and may continue to experience, severe economic and financial difficulties. In particular, many EU nations are susceptible to economic risks associated with high levels of debt. Many non-governmental issuers, and even certain governments, have defaulted on, or been forced to restructure, their debts. Many other issuers have faced difficulties obtaining credit or refinancing existing obligations. Financial institutions have in many cases required government or central bank support, have needed to raise capital, and/or have been impaired in their ability to extend credit. As a result, financial markets in the EU have experienced extreme volatility and declines in asset values and liquidity. Responses to these financial problems by European governments, central banks, and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest, and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. The risk of investing in securities in the European markets may also be heightened due to the referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU (commonly known as “Brexit”). The United Kingdom formally left the EU on January 31, 2020 and entered into an eleven-month transition period, during which the United Kingdom will remain subject to EU laws and regulations. There is considerable uncertainty relating to the potential consequences of the United Kingdom’s exit and how negotiations for new trade agreements will be conducted or concluded.

Certain areas of the world have historically been prone to and economically sensitive to environmental events such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, tidal waves, tsunamis, erupting volcanoes, wildfires or droughts, tornadoes, mudslides, or other weather-related phenomena. Such disasters, and the resulting physical or economic damage, could have a severe and negative impact on the Fund’s investment portfolio and, in the longer term, could impair the ability of issuers in which the Fund invests to conduct their businesses as they would under normal conditions. Adverse weather conditions may also have a particularly significant negative effect on issuers in the agricultural sector and on insurance and reinsurance companies that insure or reinsure against the impact of natural disasters.

LIBOR Replacement Risk

The Fund may invest in certain debt securities, derivatives or other financial instruments that utilize the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as a reference rate for various rate calculations. On July 27, 2017, the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority announced that it intends to stop compelling or inducing banks to submit LIBOR rates after 2021. However, it remains unclear if LIBOR will continue to exist in its current, or a modified, form. Actions by regulators have resulted in the establishment of alternative reference rates to LIBOR in most major currencies. The U.S. Federal Reserve, based on the recommendations of the New York Federal Reserve’s Alternative Reference Rate Committee (comprised of major derivative market participants and their regulators), has begun publishing a Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), that is intended to replace U.S. dollar LIBOR. Proposals for alternative reference rates for other currencies have also been announced or have already begun publication. However, global consensus on alternative rates is lacking. The elimination of LIBOR or changes to other reference rates or any other changes or reforms to the determination or supervision of reference rates could adversely impact (i) volatility and liquidity in markets that are tied to LIBOR, (ii) the market for, or value of, specific securities or payments linked to those reference rates, (iii) availability or terms of borrowing or refinancing, or (iv) the effectiveness of hedging strategies. For these and other reasons, the elimination of LIBOR or changes to other interest rates may adversely affect the Fund’s performance and/or net asset value. Since the usefulness of LIBOR as a benchmark could deteriorate during the transition period, these effects could occur prior to the end of 2021. Markets are slowly developing in response to these new rates. Uncertainty regarding the process for amending existing contracts or instruments to transition away from LIBOR remains a concern for the Fund. The effect of any changes to, or discontinuation of, LIBOR on the Fund will vary depending, among other things, on (1) existing fallback or termination provisions in individual contracts and (2) whether, how, and when industry participants develop and adopt new reference rates and fallbacks for both legacy and new products and instruments. Accordingly, it is difficult to predict the full impact of the transition away from LIBOR on the Fund until new reference rates and fallbacks for both legacy and new products, instruments and contracts are commercially accepted.


Fund transactions involving a counterparty are subject to the risk that the counterparty or a third party will not fulfill its obligation to the Fund (“counterparty risk”). Counterparty risk may arise because of the counterparty’s financial condition (i.e., financial difficulties, bankruptcy, or insolvency), market activities and developments, or other reasons, whether foreseen or not. A counterparty’s inability to fulfill its obligation may result in significant financial loss to the Fund. The


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Fund may be unable to recover its investment from the counterparty or may obtain a limited recovery, and/or recovery may be delayed. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty risk with respect to financial assets and liabilities approximates its carrying value. See the "Offsetting Assets and Liabilities" section of this Note for further details.

The Fund may be exposed to counterparty risk through participation in various programs, including, but not limited to, lending its securities to third parties, cash sweep arrangements whereby the Fund’s cash balance is invested in one or more types of cash management vehicles, as well as investments in, but not limited to, repurchase agreements, debt securities, and derivatives, including various types of swaps, futures and options. The Fund intends to enter into financial transactions with counterparties that Janus Capital believes to be creditworthy at the time of the transaction. There is always the risk that Janus Capital’s analysis of a counterparty’s creditworthiness is incorrect or may change due to market conditions. To the extent that the Fund focuses its transactions with a limited number of counterparties, it will have greater exposure to the risks associated with one or more counterparties.


The Fund may invest in various commercial loans, including bank loans, bridge loans, debtor-in-possession (“DIP”) loans, mezzanine loans, and other fixed and floating rate loans. These loans may be acquired through loan participations and assignments or on a when-issued basis. Commercial loans will comprise no more than 20% of the Fund’s total assets. Below are descriptions of the types of loans held by the Fund as of June 30, 2020.

· Bank Loans - Bank loans are obligations of companies or other entities entered into in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. The Fund’s investments in bank loans are generally acquired as a participation interest in, or assignment of, loans originated by a lender or other financial institution. These investments may include institutionally-traded floating and fixed-rate debt securities.

· Floating Rate Loans – Floating rate loans are debt securities that have floating interest rates, that adjust periodically, and are tied to a benchmark lending rate, such as London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). In other cases, the lending rate could be tied to the prime rate offered by one or more major U.S. banks or the rate paid on large certificates of deposit traded in the secondary markets. If the benchmark lending rate changes, the rate payable to lenders under the loan will change at the next scheduled adjustment date specified in the loan agreement. Floating rate loans are typically issued to companies (‘‘borrowers’’) in connection with recapitalizations, acquisitions, and refinancings. Floating rate loan investments are generally below investment grade. Senior floating rate loans are secured by specific collateral of a borrower and are senior in the borrower’s capital structure. The senior position in the borrower’s capital structure generally gives holders of senior loans a claim on certain of the borrower’s assets that is senior to subordinated debt and preferred and common stock in the case of a borrower’s default. Floating rate loan investments may involve foreign borrowers, and investments may be denominated in foreign currencies. Floating rate loans often involve borrowers whose financial condition is troubled or uncertain and companies that are highly leveraged. The Fund may invest in obligations of borrowers who are in bankruptcy proceedings. While the Fund generally expects to invest in fully funded term loans, certain of the loans in which the Fund may invest include revolving loans, bridge loans, and delayed draw term loans.

Purchasers of floating rate loans may pay and/or receive certain fees. The Fund may receive fees such as covenant waiver fees or prepayment penalty fees. The Fund may pay fees such as facility fees. Such fees may affect the Fund’s return.

· Mezzanine Loans - Mezzanine loans are secured by the stock of the company that owns the assets. Mezzanine loans are a hybrid of debt and equity financing that is typically used to fund the expansion of existing companies. A mezzanine loan is composed of debt capital that gives the lender the right to convert to an ownership or equity interest in the company if the loan is not paid back in time and in full. Mezzanine loans typically are the most subordinated debt obligation in an issuer’s capital structure.

Mortgage- and Asset-Backed Securities

Mortgage- and asset-backed securities represent interests in “pools” of commercial or residential mortgages or other assets, including consumer loans or receivables. The Fund may purchase fixed or variable rate commercial or residential mortgage-backed securities issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), the Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”), or other governmental or government-related entities. Ginnie Mae’s guarantees are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government, which means that the U.S. Government guarantees that the interest and principal will be paid when due.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securities are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. In September 2008, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”), an agency of the U.S. Government, placed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under conservatorship. Since that time, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have received capital support through U.S. Treasury preferred stock purchases, and Treasury and Federal Reserve purchases of their mortgage-backed securities. The FHFA and the U.S. Treasury have imposed strict limits on the size of these entities’ mortgage portfolios. The FHFA has the power to cancel any contract entered into by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac prior to FHFA’s appointment as conservator or receiver, including the guarantee obligations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The Fund may also purchase other mortgage- and asset-backed securities through single- and multi-seller conduits, collateralized debt obligations, structured investment vehicles, and other similar securities. Asset-backed securities may be backed by various consumer obligations, including automobile loans, equipment leases, credit card receivables, or other collateral. In the event the underlying loans are not paid, the securities’ issuer could be forced to sell the assets and recognize losses on such assets, which could impact your return. Unlike traditional debt instruments, payments on these securities include both interest and a partial payment of principal. Mortgage- and asset-backed securities are subject to both extension risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations more slowly in times of rising interest rates, and prepayment risk, where borrowers pay off their debt obligations sooner than expected in times of declining interest rates. These risks may reduce the Fund’s returns. In addition, investments in mortgage- and asset-backed securities, including those comprised of subprime mortgages, may be subject to a higher degree of credit risk, valuation risk, and liquidity risk than various other types of fixed-income securities. Additionally, although mortgage-backed securities are generally supported by some form of government or private guarantee and/or insurance, there is no assurance that guarantors or insurers will meet their obligations.

Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund presents gross and net information about transactions that are either offset in the financial statements or subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement with a designated counterparty, regardless of whether the transactions are actually offset in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

In order to better define its contractual rights and to secure rights that will help the Fund mitigate its counterparty risk, the Fund has entered into an International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreement (“ISDA Master Agreement”) or similar agreement with its derivative contract counterparties. An ISDA Master Agreement is a bilateral agreement between the Fund and a counterparty that governs OTC derivatives and forward foreign currency exchange contracts and typically contains, among other things, collateral posting terms and netting provisions in the event of a default and/or termination event. Under an ISDA Master Agreement, in the event of a default and/or termination event, the Fund may offset with each counterparty certain derivative financial instruments’ payables and/or receivables with collateral held and/or posted and create one single net payment.

The following tables present gross amounts of recognized assets and/or liabilities and the net amounts after deducting collateral that has been pledged by counterparties or has been pledged to counterparties (if applicable). For corresponding information grouped by type of instrument, see the “Fair Value of Derivative Instruments (not accounted for as hedging instruments) as of June 30, 2020” table located in the Fund’s Schedule of Investments.


Offsetting of Financial Assets and Derivative Assets


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Bank of America, National Association







Barclays Capital, Inc.







Citibank, National Association







JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association
















Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements


Offsetting of Financial Liabilities and Derivative Liabilities


Gross Amounts


of Recognized


Offsetting Asset








or Liability(a)




Net Amount


Bank of America, National Association








Barclays Capital, Inc.








Citibank, National Association








JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association


















Represents the amount of assets or liabilities that could be offset with the same counterparty under master netting or similar agreements that management elects not to offset on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Collateral pledged is limited to the net outstanding amount due to/from an individual counterparty. The actual collateral amounts pledged may exceed these amounts and may fluctuate in value.

The Fund generally does not exchange collateral on its forward foreign currency contracts with its counterparties; however, all liquid securities and restricted cash are considered to cover in an amount at all times equal to or greater than the Fund’s commitment with respect to these contracts. Certain securities may be segregated at the Fund’s custodian. These segregated securities are denoted on the accompanying Schedule of Investments and are evaluated daily to ensure their cover and/or market value equals or exceeds the Fund’s corresponding forward foreign currency exchange contract's obligation value.

Real Estate Investing

The Fund may invest in equity and debt securities of real estate-related companies. Such companies may include those in the real estate industry or real estate-related industries. These securities may include common stocks, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, and other equity securities, including, but not limited to, mortgage-backed securities, real estate-backed securities, securities of REITs and similar REIT-like entities. A REIT is a trust that invests in real estate-related projects, such as properties, mortgage loans, and construction loans. REITs are generally categorized as equity, mortgage, or hybrid REITs. A REIT may be listed on an exchange or traded OTC.

Restricted Security Transactions

Restricted securities held by the Fund may not be sold except in exempt transactions or in a public offering registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The risk of investing in such securities is generally greater than the risk of investing in the securities of widely held, publicly traded companies. Lack of a secondary market and resale restrictions may result in the inability of the Fund to sell a security at a fair price and may substantially delay the sale of the security. In addition, these securities may exhibit greater price volatility than securities for which secondary markets exist.

Securities Lending

Under procedures adopted by the Trustees, the Fund may seek to earn additional income by lending securities to certain qualified broker-dealers and institutions. Effective December 16, 2019, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association replaced Deutsche Bank AG as securities lending agent for the Fund. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association acts as securities lending agent and a limited purpose custodian or subcustodian to receive and disburse cash balances and cash collateral, hold short-term investments, hold collateral, and perform other custodial functions in accordance with the Non-Custodial Securities Lending Agreement. The Fund may lend fund securities in an amount equal to up to 1/3 of its total assets as determined at the time of the loan origination. There is the risk of delay in recovering a loaned security or the risk of loss in collateral rights if the borrower fails financially. In addition, Janus Capital makes efforts to balance the benefits and risks from granting such loans. All loans will be continuously secured by collateral which may consist of cash, U.S. Government securities, domestic and foreign short-term debt instruments, letters of credit, time deposits, repurchase agreements, money market mutual funds or other money market accounts, or such other collateral as permitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). If the Fund is unable to



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

recover a security on loan, the Fund may use the collateral to purchase replacement securities in the market. There is a risk that the value of the collateral could decrease below the cost of the replacement security by the time the replacement investment is made, resulting in a loss to the Fund. In certain circumstances individual loan transactions could yield negative returns.

Upon receipt of cash collateral, Janus Capital may invest it in affiliated or non-affiliated cash management vehicles, whether registered or unregistered entities, as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. Janus Capital currently intends to primarily invest the cash collateral in a cash management vehicle for which Janus Capital serves as investment adviser, Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. An investment in Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC is generally subject to the same risks that shareholders experience when investing in similarly structured vehicles, such as the potential for significant fluctuations in assets as a result of the purchase and redemption activity of the securities lending program, a decline in the value of the collateral, and possible liquidity issues. Such risks may delay the return of the cash collateral and cause the Fund to violate its agreement to return the cash collateral to a borrower in a timely manner. As adviser to the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest as a result of its fiduciary duties to both the Fund and Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC. Additionally, Janus Capital receives an investment advisory fee of 0.05% for managing Janus Henderson Cash Collateral Fund LLC, but it may not receive a fee for managing certain other affiliated cash management vehicles in which the Fund may invest, and therefore may have an incentive to allocate preferred investment opportunities to investment vehicles for which it is receiving a fee.

The value of the collateral must be at least 102% of the market value of the loaned securities that are denominated in U.S. dollars and 105% of the market value of the loaned securities that are not denominated in U.S. dollars. Loaned securities and related collateral are marked-to-market each business day based upon the market value of the loaned securities at the close of business, employing the most recent available pricing information. Collateral levels are then adjusted based on this mark-to-market evaluation.

The cash collateral invested by Janus Capital is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Income earned from the investment of the cash collateral, net of rebates paid to, or fees paid by, borrowers and less the fees paid to the lending agent are included as “Affiliated securities lending income, net” on the Statement of Operations.

There were no securities on loan as of June 30, 2020.

Sovereign Debt

The Fund may invest in U.S. and non-U.S. government debt securities (“sovereign debt”). Some investments in sovereign debt, such as U.S. sovereign debt, are considered low risk. However, investments in sovereign debt, especially the debt of less developed countries, can involve a high degree of risk, including the risk that the governmental entity that controls the repayment of sovereign debt may not be willing or able to repay the principal and/or to pay the interest on its sovereign debt in a timely manner. A sovereign debtor’s willingness or ability to satisfy its debt obligation may be affected by various factors including, but not limited to, its cash flow situation, the extent of its foreign currency reserves, the availability of foreign exchange when a payment is due, the relative size of its debt position in relation to its economy as a whole, the sovereign debtor’s policy toward international lenders, and local political constraints to which the governmental entity may be subject. Sovereign debtors may also be dependent on expected disbursements from foreign governments, multilateral agencies, and other entities. The failure of a sovereign debtor to implement economic reforms, achieve specified levels of economic performance, or repay principal or interest when due may result in the cancellation of third party commitments to lend funds to the sovereign debtor, which may further impair such debtor’s ability or willingness to timely service its debts. The Fund may be requested to participate in the rescheduling of such sovereign debt and to extend further loans to governmental entities, which may adversely affect the Fund’s holdings. In the event of default, there may be limited or no legal remedies for collecting sovereign debt and there may be no bankruptcy proceedings through which the Fund may collect all or part of the sovereign debt that a governmental entity has not repaid. In addition, to the extent the Fund invests in non-U.S. sovereign debt, it may be subject to currency risk.

TBA Commitments

The Fund may enter into “to be announced” or “TBA” commitments. TBAs are forward agreements for the purchase or sale of securities, including mortgage-backed securities, for a fixed price, with payment and delivery on an agreed upon future settlement date. The specific securities to be delivered are not identified at the trade date. However, delivered securities must meet specified terms, including issuer, rate, and mortgage terms. Although the particular TBA securities must meet industry-accepted “good delivery” standards, there can be no assurance that a security purchased on


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

forward commitment basis will ultimately be issued or delivered by the counterparty. During the settlement period, the Fund will still bear the risk of any decline in the value of the security to be delivered. Because TBA commitments do not require the purchase and sale of identical securities, the characteristics of the security delivered to the Fund may be less favorable than the security delivered to the dealer. If the counterparty to a transaction fails to deliver the security, the Fund could suffer a loss.

When-Issued, Delayed Delivery and Forward Commitment Transactions

The Fund may purchase or sell securities on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis. When purchasing a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership of the security, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations, and takes such fluctuations into account when determining its net asset value. Typically, no income accrues on securities the Fund has committed to purchase prior to the time delivery of the securities is made. Because the Fund is not required to pay for the security until the delivery date, these risks are in addition to the risks associated with the Fund’s other investments. If the other party to a transaction fails to deliver the securities, the Fund could miss a favorable price or yield opportunity. If the Fund remains substantially fully invested at a time when when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment purchases are outstanding, the purchases may result in a form of leverage.

When the Fund has sold a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis, the Fund does not participate in future gains or losses with respect to the security. If the other party to a transaction fails to pay for the securities, the Fund could suffer a loss. Additionally, when selling a security on a when-issued, delayed delivery, or forward commitment basis without owning the security, the Fund will incur a loss if the security’s price appreciates in value such that the security’s price is above the agreed upon price on the settlement date. The Fund may dispose of or renegotiate a transaction after it is entered into, and may purchase or sell when-issued, delayed delivery or forward commitment securities before the settlement date, which may result in a gain or loss.

4. Investment Advisory Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

The Fund pays Janus Capital an investment advisory fee which is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Fund’s contractual investment advisory fee rate (expressed as an annual rate) is 0.60% of its average daily net assets.

Perkins Investment Management LLC (“Perkins”) serves as subadviser to the Fund. Perkins (together with its predecessors), has been in the investment management business since 1984 and provides day-to-day management of the equity portion of the Fund’s investment operations subject to the general oversight of Janus Capital. Janus Capital is responsible for the day-to-day management of the fixed income portion of the Fund’s investment portfolio. Janus Capital owns 100% of Perkins.

Janus Capital pays Perkins a subadvisory fee equal to 50% of the advisory fee payable by the equity portion of the Fund to Janus Capital (net of any fee waivers, and expense reimbursements).

Janus Capital has contractually agreed to waive the advisory fee payable by the Fund or reimburse expenses in an amount equal to the amount, if any, that the Fund’s total annual fund operating expenses, including the investment advisory fee, but excluding the fees payable pursuant to a Rule 12b-1 plan, shareholder servicing fees, such as transfer agency fees (including out-of-pocket costs), administrative services fees and any networking/omnibus/administrative fees payable by any share class, brokerage commissions, interest, dividends, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, and extraordinary expenses, exceed the annual rate of 0.68% of the Fund’s average daily net assets. Janus Capital has agreed to continue the waivers for at least a one-year period commencing October 28, 2019. If applicable, amounts waived and/or reimbursed to the Fund by Janus Capital are disclosed as “Excess Expense Reimbursement and Waivers” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services LLC (“Janus Services”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, is the Fund’s transfer agent. In addition, Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of certain other administrative services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, order processing, and other shareholder services for the Fund. Janus Services is not compensated for its services related to the shares, except for out-of-pocket costs. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Certain, but not all, intermediaries may charge administrative fees (such as networking and omnibus) to investors in Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares for administrative services provided on behalf of such investors. These administrative fees are paid by the Class A Shares, Class C Shares, and Class I Shares of the Fund to Janus Services, which uses such fees to reimburse intermediaries. Consistent with the Transfer Agency Agreement between



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Services and the Fund, Janus Services may negotiate the level, structure, and/or terms of the administrative fees with intermediaries requiring such fees on behalf of the Fund. Janus Capital and its affiliates benefit from an increase in assets that may result from such relationships. The Funds’ Trustees have set limits on fees that the Funds may incur with respect to administrative fees paid for omnibus or networked accounts. Such limits are subject to change by the Trustees in the future. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent networking and omnibus fees” on the Statement of Operations.

Effective July 1, 2019, the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund approved a new administrative fee rate for Class D Shares detailed in the table below.


Average Daily Net Assets of Class D Shares of the Janus Henderson funds

Administrative Services Fee

Under $40 billion


$40 billion – $49.9 billion


Over $49.9 billion


The Fund’s actual Class D administrative fee rate was 0.12% for the reporting period.

Prior to July 1, 2019, the Fund’s Class D Shares paid an administrative services fee at an annual rate of 0.12% of the average daily net assets of Class D Shares for shareholder services provided by Janus Services. Janus Services provides or arranges for the provision of shareholder services including, but not limited to, recordkeeping, accounting, answering inquiries regarding accounts, transaction processing, transaction confirmations, and the mailing of prospectuses and shareholder reports. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Janus Services receives an administrative services fee at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund’s Class S Shares and Class T Shares for providing or procuring administrative services to investors in Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services expects to use all or a significant portion of this fee to compensate retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries for providing these services. Janus Services or its affiliates may also pay fees for services provided by intermediaries to the extent the fees charged by intermediaries exceed the 0.25% of net assets charged to Class S Shares and Class T Shares of the Fund. Janus Services may keep certain amounts retained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs incurred for servicing clients of Class S Shares and Class T Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Transfer agent administrative fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Services provided by these financial intermediaries may include, but are not limited to, recordkeeping, subaccounting, order processing, providing order confirmations, periodic statements, forwarding prospectuses, shareholder reports, and other materials to existing customers, answering inquiries regarding accounts, and other administrative services. Order processing includes the submission of transactions through the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) or similar systems, or those processed on a manual basis with Janus Capital. For all share classes, Janus Services also seeks reimbursement for costs it incurs as transfer agent and for providing servicing.

Janus Services is compensated for its services related to the Fund’s Class D Shares. These amounts are disclosed as “Other transfer agent fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

Under a distribution and shareholder servicing plan (the “Plan”) adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, the Fund pays the Trust’s distributor, Janus Henderson Distributors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Janus Capital, a fee for the sale and distribution and/or shareholder servicing of the Shares at an annual rate of up to 0.25% of the Class A Shares’ average daily net assets, of up to 1.00% of the Class C Shares’ average daily net assets, and of up to 0.25% of the Class S Shares’ average daily net assets. Under the terms of the Plan, the Trust is authorized to make payments to Janus Henderson Distributors for remittance to retirement plan service providers, broker-dealers, bank trust departments, financial advisors, and other financial intermediaries, as compensation for distribution and/or shareholder services performed by such entities for their customers who are investors in the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” on the Statement of Operations. Payments under the Plan are not tied exclusively to actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses, and the payments may exceed 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses actually incurred. If any of the Fund’s actual 12b-1 distribution and shareholder service expenses incurred during a calendar year are less than the payments made during a calendar year, the Fund will be refunded the difference. Refunds, if any, are included in “12b-1 Distribution and shareholder servicing fees” in the Statement of Operations.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

Janus Capital serves as administrator to the Fund pursuant to an administration agreement between Janus Capital and the Trust. Under the administration agreement, Janus Capital is obligated to provide or arrange for the provision of certain administration, compliance, and accounting services to the Fund, including providing office space for the Fund, and is reimbursed by the Fund for certain of its costs in providing these services (to the extent Janus Capital seeks reimbursement and such costs are not otherwise waived). In addition, employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates may serve as officers of the Trust. The Fund pays for some or all of the salaries, fees, and expenses of Janus Capital employees and Fund officers, with respect to certain specified administration functions they perform on behalf of the Fund. The Fund pays these costs based on out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Janus Capital, and these costs are separate and apart from advisory fees and other expenses paid in connection with the investment advisory services Janus Capital (or any subadvisor, as applicable) provides to the Fund. These amounts are disclosed as “Affiliated fund administration fees” on the Statement of Operations. In addition, some expenses related to compensation payable to the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff, all of whom are employees of Janus Capital and/or its affiliates, are shared with the Fund. Total compensation of $473,267 was paid to the Chief Compliance Officer and certain compliance staff by the Trust during the year ended June 30, 2020. The Fund's portion is reported as part of “Other expenses” on the Statement of Operations.

The Board of Trustees has adopted a deferred compensation plan (the “Deferred Plan”) for independent Trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from the Fund. All deferred fees are credited to an account established in the name of the Trustees. The amounts credited to the account then increase or decrease, as the case may be, in accordance with the performance of one or more of the Janus Henderson funds that are selected by the Trustees. The account balance continues to fluctuate in accordance with the performance of the selected fund or funds until final payment of all amounts are credited to the account. The fluctuation of the account balance is recorded by the Fund as unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) and is included as of June 30, 2020 on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities in the asset, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation,” and liability, “Non-interested Trustees’ deferred compensation fees.” Additionally, the recorded unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) is included in “Total distributable earnings (loss)” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Deferred compensation expenses for the year ended June 30, 2020 are included in “Non-interested Trustees’ fees and expenses” on the Statement of Operations. Trustees are allowed to change their designation of mutual funds from time to time. Amounts will be deferred until distributed in accordance with the Deferred Plan. Deferred fees of $457,150 were paid by the Trust to the Trustees under the Deferred Plan during the year ended June 30, 2020.

Pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act and related rules, the Fund may participate in an affiliated or non-affiliated cash sweep program. In the cash sweep program, uninvested cash balances of the Fund may be used to purchase shares of affiliated or non-affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles that operate as money market funds. The Fund is eligible to participate in the cash sweep program (the “Investing Funds”). As adviser, Janus Capital has an inherent conflict of interest because of its fiduciary duties to the affiliated money market funds or cash management pooled investment vehicles and the Investing Funds. Janus Henderson Cash Liquidity Fund LLC (the “Sweep Vehicle”) is an affiliated unregistered cash management pooled investment vehicle that invests primarily in highly-rated short-term fixed-income securities. The Sweep Vehicle operates pursuant to the provisions of the 1940 Act that govern the operation of money market funds and prices its shares at NAV reflecting market-based values of its portfolio securities (i.e., a “floating” NAV) rounded to the fourth decimal place (e.g., $1.0000). The Sweep Vehicle is permitted to impose a liquidity fee (of up to 2%) on redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle or a redemption gate that temporarily suspends redemptions from the Sweep Vehicle for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period. There are no restrictions on the Fund's ability to withdraw investments from the Sweep Vehicle at will, and there are no unfunded capital commitments due from the Fund to the Sweep Vehicle. The Sweep Vehicle does not charge any management fee, sales charge or service fee.

Any purchases and sales, realized gains/losses and recorded dividends from affiliated investments during the year ended June 30, 2020 can be found in the “Schedules of Affiliated Investments” located in the Schedule of Investments.

Class A Shares include a 5.75% upfront sales charge of the offering price of the Fund. The sales charge is allocated between Janus Henderson Distributors and financial intermediaries. During the year ended June 30, 2020, Janus Henderson Distributors retained upfront sales charges of $9,258.

A contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class A Shares purchased without a sales load and redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class A Shares redeemed. There were



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

no CDSCs paid by redeeming shareholders of Class A Shares to Janus Henderson Distributors during the year ended June 30, 2020.

A CDSC of 1.00% will be deducted with respect to Class C Shares redeemed within 12 months of purchase, unless waived. Any applicable CDSC will be 1.00% of the lesser of the original purchase price or the value of the redemption of the Class C Shares redeemed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, redeeming shareholders of Class C Shares paid CDSCs of $643.

As of June 30, 2020, shares of the Fund were owned by affiliates of Janus Henderson Investors, and/or other funds advised by Janus Henderson, as indicated in the table below:



% of Class Owned


% of Fund Owned



Class A Shares






Class C Shares






Class D Shares






Class I Shares






Class N Shares






Class S Shares






Class T Shares







In addition, other shareholders, including other funds, individuals, accounts, as well as the Fund’s portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel, may from time to time own (beneficially or of record) a significant percentage of the Fund’s Shares and can be considered to “control” the Fund when that ownership exceeds 25% of the Fund’s assets (and which may differ from control as determined in accordance with US GAAP).

The Fund is permitted to purchase or sell securities (“cross-trade”) between itself and other funds or accounts managed by Janus Capital in accordance with Rule 17a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“Rule 17a-7”), when the transaction is consistent with the investment objectives and policies of the Fund and in accordance with the Internal Cross Trade Procedures adopted by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. These procedures have been designed to ensure that any cross-trade of securities by the Fund from or to another fund or account that is or could be considered an affiliate of the Fund under certain limited circumstances by virtue of having a common investment adviser, common Officer, or common Trustee complies with Rule 17a-7. Under these procedures, each cross-trade is effected at the current market price to save costs where allowed. During the year ended June 30, 2020, the Fund engaged in cross trades amounting to $0 in purchases and $228,372 in sales, resulting in a net realized gain of $15,594. The net realized gain is included within the “Net Realized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” section of the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

5. Federal Income Tax

The tax components of capital shown in the table below represent: (1) distribution requirements the Fund must satisfy under the income tax regulations; (2) losses or deductions the Fund may be able to offset against income and gains realized in future years; and (3) unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments for federal income tax purposes.

Other book to tax differences primarily consist of deferred compensation, derivatives, and foreign currency contract adjustments. The Fund has elected to treat gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts as capital gains and losses, if applicable. Other foreign currency gains and losses on debt instruments are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 988 of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Fund has elected to defer post-October losses as noted in the table below. These losses will be deferred for tax purposes and recognized during the next fiscal year.





Loss Deferrals

Other Book

Net Tax


Ordinary Income

Long-Term Gains

Capital Losses

Ordinary Loss

Capital Loss

to Tax



$ 61,989

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ (1,196,989)

$ (22,862)

$ 1,146,701



Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

The aggregate cost of investments and the composition of unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investment securities for federal income tax purposes as of June 30, 2020 are noted below. The primary differences between book and tax appreciation or depreciation of investments are wash sale loss deferrals, investments in partnerships, and investments in passive foreign investment companies.


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ 67,748,450

$ 4,737,123

$ (3,590,422)

$ 1,146,701

Information on the tax components of derivatives as of June 30, 2020 is as follows:


Federal Tax Cost



Net Tax Appreciation/

$ (11,849)

$ -

$ (10,051)

$ (10,051)

Tax cost of investments and unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) may also include timing differences that do not constitute adjustments to tax basis.

Income and capital gains distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations that may differ from US GAAP. These differences are due to differing treatments for items such as net short-term gains, deferral of wash sale losses, foreign currency transactions, passive foreign investment companies, and capital loss carryovers. Certain permanent differences such as tax returns of capital and net investment losses noted below have been reclassified to capital.


For the year ended June 30, 2020





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 2,428,050

$ 1,396,251

$ -

$ -



For the year ended June 30, 2019





From Ordinary Income

From Long-Term Capital Gains

Tax Return of Capital

Net Investment Loss


$ 1,698,658

$ 2,085,274

$ -

$ -


Permanent book to tax basis differences may result in reclassifications between the components of net assets. These differences have no impact on the results of operations or net assets. The following reclassifications have been made to the Fund:





Increase/(Decrease) to Capital

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Investment Income/Loss

Increase/(Decrease) to Undistributed
Net Realized Gain/Loss

$ (970)

$ 110,629

$ (109,659)



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

6. Capital Share Transactions











Year ended June 30, 2020


Year ended June 30, 2019









Class A Shares:






Shares sold


$ 5,959,856



$ 625,519

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 2,916,071




Class C Shares:






Shares sold


$ 2,862,396



$ 799,423

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 1,525,824




Class D Shares:






Shares sold





$ 7,732,332

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 8,435,806



$ 2,274,909

Class I Shares:






Shares sold


$ 2,980,513



$ 740,119

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 1,568,135




Class N Shares:






Shares sold


$ 865,610



$ 1,862,207

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 251,495



$ 1,738,236

Class S Shares:






Shares sold


$ 39



$ (73)

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 127,422



$ 136,790

Class T Shares:






Shares sold


$ 5,916,192



$ 2,827,586

Reinvested dividends and distributions






Shares repurchased






Net Increase/(Decrease)


$ 2,256,051



$ 952,455

7. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities

For the year ended June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investment securities (excluding any short-term securities, short-term options contracts, TBAs, and in-kind transactions, as applicable) was as follows:


Purchases of

Proceeds from Sales
of Securities

Purchases of Long-
Term U.S. Government

Proceeds from Sales
of Long-Term U.S.
Government Obligations


$ 64,354,353

$ 4,298,792

$ 4,251,650

8. Recent Accounting Pronouncements

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-08, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs (Subtopic 310-20), Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities ("ASU 2017-08") to amend the


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Notes to Financial Statements

amortization period for certain purchased callable debt securities held at a premium. The guidance requires certain premiums on callable debt securities to be amortized to the earliest call date. The amortization period for callable debt securities purchased at a discount will not be impacted. The amendments are effective for fiscal years and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Management has adopted the amendments as of the beginning of this fiscal period.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820) in August 2018. The new guidance removes, modifies and enhances the disclosures to Topic 820. For public entities, the amendments are effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and interim periods within those fiscal years. An entity is permitted, and Management has decided, to early adopt the removed and modified disclosures in these financial statements. Management is also evaluating the implications related to the new disclosure requirements and has not yet determined the impact to the financial statements.

The FASB issued Accounting Standards Update 2020-04 Reference Rate Reform: Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting (“ASU 2020-04”) in March 2020. The new guidance in the ASU provide optional temporary financial reporting relief from the effect of certain types of contract modifications due to the planned discontinuation of the LIBOR or other interbank-offered based reference rates as of the end of 2021. For new and existing contracts, Funds may elect to apply the guidance as of March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. Management is currently evaluating the impact, if any, of the ASU’s adoption to the Fund’s financial statements.

9. Other Matters

An outbreak of infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in China in December 2019 and has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The impact of COVID-19 has been, and may continue to be, highly disruptive to economies and markets, adversely impacting individual companies, sectors, industries, markets, currencies, interest and inflation rates, credit ratings, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of a Fund's investments. This may impact liquidity in the marketplace, which in turn may affect the Fund's ability to meet redemption requests. Public health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate other pre-existing political, social, and economic risks in certain countries or globally. The duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty, and could prevent a Fund from executing advantageous investment decisions in a timely manner and negatively impact a Fund's ability to achieve its investment objective.

10. Subsequent Event

Management has evaluated whether any events or transactions occurred subsequent to June 30, 2020 and through the date of issuance of the Fund's financial statements and determined that there were no material events or transactions that would require recognition or disclosure in the Fund’s financial statements.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of Janus Investment Fund and Shareholders of Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, of Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund (one of the funds constituting Janus Investment Fund, referred to hereafter as the "Fund") as of June 30, 2020, the related statement of operations for the year ended June 30, 2020, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as of June 30, 2020, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period ended June 30, 2020 and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Fund’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Fund in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of June 30, 2020 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agent, and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Denver, Colorado
August 17, 2020

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in Janus Henderson Funds since 1990.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Proxy Voting Policies and Voting Record

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available without charge: (i) upon request, by calling 1-800-525-1093; (ii) on the Fund’s website at janushenderson.com/proxyvoting; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. Additionally, information regarding the Fund’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30 is also available, free of charge, through janushenderson.com/proxyvoting and from the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Full Holdings

The Fund is required to disclose its complete holdings as an exhibit to Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of the first and third fiscal quarters, and in the annual report and semiannual report to Fund shareholders. Historically, the Fund filed its complete portfolio holdings (schedule of investments) with the SEC for the first and third quarters each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Form N-PORT and Form N-Q filings: (i) are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov; (ii) may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. (information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330); and (iii) are available without charge, upon request, by calling a Janus Henderson representative at 1-877-335-2687 (toll free) (or 1-800-525-3713 if you hold Class D shares). Portfolio holdings consisting of at least the names of the holdings are generally available on a monthly basis with a 30-day lag. Holdings are generally posted approximately two business days thereafter under Full Holdings for the Fund at janushenderson.com/info (or janushenderson.com/reports if you hold Class D Shares).


The Trustees of Janus Aspen Series, each of whom serves as an “independent” Trustee (the “Trustees”), oversee the management of each Portfolio of Janus Aspen Series (each, a “VIT Portfolio,” and collectively, the “VIT Portfolios”), as well as each Fund of Janus Investment Fund (together with the VIT Portfolios, the “Janus Henderson Funds,” and each, a “Janus Henderson Fund”). As required by law, the Trustees determine annually whether to continue the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund and the subadvisory agreements for the Janus Henderson Funds that utilize subadvisers.

In connection with their most recent consideration of those agreements for each Janus Henderson Fund, the Trustees received and reviewed information provided by Janus Capital and the respective subadvisers in response to requests of the Trustees and their independent legal counsel. They also received and reviewed information and analysis provided by, and in response to requests of, their independent fee consultant. Throughout their consideration of the agreements, the Trustees were advised by their independent legal counsel. The Trustees met with management to consider the agreements, and also met separately in executive session with their independent legal counsel and their independent fee consultant.

At a meeting held on December 5, 2019, based on the Trustees’ evaluation of the information provided by Janus Capital, the subadvisers, and the independent fee consultant, as well as other information, the Trustees determined that the overall arrangements between each Janus Henderson Fund and Janus Capital and each subadviser, as applicable, were fair and reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital, its affiliates and the subadvisers, the fees charged for those services, and other matters that the Trustees considered relevant in the exercise of their business judgment. At that meeting, the Trustees unanimously approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement for each Janus Henderson Fund, and the subadvisory agreement for each subadvised Janus Henderson Fund, for the period from February 1, 2020 through February 1, 2021, subject to earlier termination as provided for in each agreement.

In considering the continuation of those agreements, the Trustees reviewed and analyzed various factors that they determined were relevant, including the factors described below, none of which by itself was considered dispositive. However, the material factors and conclusions that formed the basis for the Trustees’ determination to approve the continuation of the agreements are discussed separately below. Also included is a summary of the independent fee consultant’s conclusions and opinions that arose during, and were included as part of, the Trustees’ consideration of the agreements. “Management fees,” as used herein, reflect actual annual advisory fees and, for the purpose of peer comparisons any administration fees (excluding out of pocket costs), net of any waivers, paid by a fund as a percentage of average net assets.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services

The Trustees reviewed the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital and the subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds, taking into account the investment objective, strategies and policies of each Janus Henderson Fund, and the knowledge the Trustees gained from their regular meetings with management on at least a quarterly basis and their ongoing review of information related to the Janus Henderson Funds. In addition, the Trustees reviewed the resources and key personnel of Janus Capital and each subadviser, particularly noting those employees who provide investment and risk management services to the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered other services provided to the Janus Henderson Funds by Janus Capital or the subadvisers, such as managing the execution of portfolio transactions and the selection of broker-dealers for those transactions. The Trustees considered Janus Capital’s role as administrator to the Janus Henderson Funds, noting that Janus Capital generally, does not receive a fee for its services but is reimbursed for its out-of-pocket costs. The Trustees considered the role of Janus Capital in monitoring adherence to the Janus Henderson Funds’ investment restrictions, providing support services for the Trustees and Trustee committees, and overseeing communications with shareholders and the activities of other service providers, including monitoring compliance with various policies and procedures of the Janus Henderson Funds and with applicable securities laws and regulations.

In this regard, the independent fee consultant noted that Janus Capital provides a number of different services for the Janus Henderson Funds and fund shareholders, ranging from investment management services to various other servicing functions, and that, in its view, Janus Capital is a capable provider of those services. The independent fee consultant also provided its belief that Janus Capital has developed a number of institutional competitive advantages that should enable it to provide superior investment and service performance over the long term.

The Trustees concluded that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by Janus Capital or the subadviser to each Janus Henderson Fund were appropriate and consistent with the terms of the respective advisory and subadvisory agreements, and that, taking into account steps taken to address those Janus Henderson Funds whose performance lagged that of their peers for certain periods, the Janus Henderson Funds were likely to benefit from the continued provision of those services. They also concluded that Janus Capital and each subadviser had sufficient personnel, with the appropriate education and experience, to serve the Janus Henderson Funds effectively and had demonstrated its ability to attract well-qualified personnel.

Performance of the Funds

The Trustees considered the performance results of each Janus Henderson Fund over various time periods. They noted that they considered Janus Henderson Fund performance data throughout the year, including periodic meetings with each Janus Henderson Fund’s portfolio manager(s), and also reviewed information comparing each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance with the performance of comparable funds and peer groups identified by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent data provider, and with the Janus Henderson Fund’s benchmark index. In this regard, the independent fee consultant found that the overall Janus Henderson Funds’ performance has been reasonable: for the 36 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 69% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar, and for the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, approximately 71% of the Janus Henderson Funds were in the top two quartiles of performance, as reported by Morningstar.

The Trustees considered the performance of each Fund, noting that performance may vary by share class, and noted the following:

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and its limited performance history.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the bottom Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in third quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the third Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the first Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Geneva had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital had taken or was taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.



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Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, the steps Janus Capital and Intech had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the second Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the first Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s performance was in the third Broadridge quartile for the 36 months ended May 31, 2019 and the second Broadridge quartile for the 12 months ended May 31, 2019. The Trustees noted the reasons for the Fund’s underperformance, while also noting that the Fund has a performance fee structure that results in lower management fees during periods of underperformance, and the steps Janus Capital and Perkins had taken or were taking to improve performance, and that the performance trend was improving.

In consideration of each Janus Henderson Fund’s performance, the Trustees concluded that, taking into account the factors relevant to performance, as well as other considerations, including steps taken to improve performance, the Janus Henderson Fund’s performance warranted continuation of such Janus Henderson Fund’s investment advisory and subadvisory agreement(s).

Costs of Services Provided

The Trustees examined information regarding the fees and expenses of each Janus Henderson Fund in comparison to similar information for other comparable funds as provided by Broadridge, an independent data provider. They also reviewed an analysis of that information provided by their independent fee consultant and noted that the rate of management fees (investment advisory and any administration but excluding out-of-pocket costs) for many of the Janus Henderson Funds, after applicable waivers, was below the average management fee rate of the respective peer group of funds selected by an independent data provider. The Trustees also examined information regarding the subadvisory fees charged for subadvisory services, as applicable, noting that all such fees were paid by Janus Capital out of its management fees collected from such Janus Henderson Fund.

The independent fee consultant provided its belief that the management fees charged by Janus Capital to each of the Janus Henderson Funds under the current investment advisory and administration agreements are reasonable in relation to the services provided by Janus Capital. The independent fee consultant found: (1) the total expenses and management fees of the Janus Henderson Funds to be reasonable relative to other mutual funds; (2) the total expenses, on average, were 10% under the average total expenses of their respective Broadridge Expense Group


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

peers; and (3) and the management fees for the Janus Henderson Funds, on average, were 7% under the average management fees for their Expense Groups. The Trustees also considered the total expenses for each share class of each Janus Henderson Fund compared to the average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Group peers and to average total expenses for its Broadridge Expense Universe.

For certain Janus Henderson Funds, the independent fee consultant also performed a systematic “focus list” analysis of expenses which assessed fund fees in the context of fund performance being delivered. Based on this analysis, the independent fee consultant found that the combination of service quality/performance and expenses on these individual Janus Henderson Funds was reasonable in light of performance trends, performance histories, and existence of performance fees, breakpoints, and/or expense waivers on such Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees considered the methodology used by Janus Capital and each subadviser in determining compensation payable to portfolio managers, the competitive environment for investment management talent, and the competitive market for mutual funds in different distribution channels.

The Trustees also reviewed management fees charged by Janus Capital and each subadviser to comparable separate account clients and to comparable non-affiliated funds subadvised by Janus Capital or by a subadviser (for which Janus Capital or the subadviser provides only or primarily portfolio management services). Although in most instances subadvisory and separate account fee rates for various investment strategies were lower than management fee rates for Janus Henderson Funds having a similar strategy, the Trustees considered that Janus Capital noted that, under the terms of the management agreements with the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital performs significant additional services for the Janus Henderson Funds that it does not provide to those other clients, including administration services, oversight of the Janus Henderson Funds’ other service providers, trustee support, regulatory compliance and numerous other services, and that, in serving the Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital assumes many legal risks and other costs that it does not assume in servicing its other clients. Moreover, they noted that the independent fee consultant found that: (1) the management fees Janus Capital charges to the Janus Henderson Funds are reasonable in relation to the management fees Janus Capital charges to funds subadvised by Janus Capital and to the fees Janus Capital charges to its institutional separate account clients; (2) these subadvised and institutional separate accounts have different service and infrastructure needs; and (3) Janus Henderson mutual fund investors enjoy reasonable fees relative to the fees charged to Janus Henderson subadvised fund and separate account investors; (4) 11 of 12 Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar funds subadvised by Janus Capital; and (5) six of nine Janus Henderson Funds have lower management fees than similar separate accounts managed by Janus Capital. 

The Trustees considered the fees for each Fund for its fiscal year ended in 2018, and noted the following with regard to each Fund’s total expenses, net of applicable fee waivers (the Fund’s “total expenses”):

Alternative Fund

· For Janus Henderson Diversified Alternatives Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Asset Allocation Funds

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Conservative, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Growth, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Allocation Fund – Moderate, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.



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Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Fixed-Income Funds

· For Janus Henderson Absolute Return Income Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Developed World Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Flexible Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson High-Yield Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Multi-Sector Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Short-Term Bond Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for all share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

Global and International Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Asia Equity Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson European Focus Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Equity Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Real Estate Fund, the Trustees noted although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Global Select Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Technology Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Global Value Fund, the Trustees noted that although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

· For Janus Henderson International Opportunities Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson International Small Cap Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Overseas Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Money Market Funds

· For Janus Henderson Government Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for both share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Money Market Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable.

Multi-Asset Funds

· For Janus Henderson Adaptive Global Allocation Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Dividend & Income Builder Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

Multi-Asset U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Balanced Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Contrarian Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Enterprise Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Forty Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Growth and Income Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Research Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.



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Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· For Janus Henderson Triton Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Growth Opportunities Fund, that Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Venture Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for one share class, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

Quantitative Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson Global Income Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson International Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

· For Janus Henderson U.S. Managed Volatility Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

U.S. Equity Funds

· For Janus Henderson Large Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expenses were below the peer group average for all share classes.

· For Janus Henderson Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital had contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses, although this limit did not apply because the Fund’s total expenses were already below the applicable fee limit.

· For Janus Henderson Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, the Trustees noted that, although the Fund’s total expenses exceeded the peer group average for certain share classes, overall the Fund’s total expenses were reasonable. The Trustees also noted that Janus Capital has contractually agreed to limit the Fund’s expenses.

The Trustees reviewed information on the overall profitability to Janus Capital and its affiliates of their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds, and considered profitability data of other publicly traded mutual fund advisers. The Trustees recognized that profitability comparisons among fund managers are difficult because of the variation in the type of comparative information that is publicly available, and the profitability of any fund manager is affected by numerous factors, including the organizational structure of the particular fund manager, differences in complex size, difference in product mix, difference in types of business (mutual fund, institutional and other), differences in the types of funds and other accounts it manages, possible other lines of business, the methodology for allocating expenses, and the fund manager’s capital structure and cost of capital.

Additionally, the Trustees considered the estimated profitability to Janus Capital from the investment management services it provided to each Janus Henderson Fund. In their review, the Trustees considered whether Janus Capital and each subadviser receive adequate incentives and resources to manage the Janus Henderson Funds effectively. In reviewing profitability, the Trustees noted that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund is


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Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

necessarily a product of the allocation methodology utilized by Janus Capital to allocate its expenses as part of the estimated profitability calculation. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the independent fee consultant found that (1) the expense allocation methodology and rationales utilized by Janus Capital were reasonable and (2) no clear correlation between expense allocations and operating margins. The Trustees also considered that the estimated profitability for an individual Janus Henderson Fund was influenced by a number of factors, including not only the allocation methodology selected, but also the presence of fee waivers and expense caps, and whether the Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management agreement contained breakpoints or a performance fee component. The Trustees determined, after taking into account these factors, among others, that Janus Capital’s estimated profitability with respect to each Janus Henderson Fund was not unreasonable in relation to the services provided, and that the variation in the range of such estimated profitability among the Janus Henderson Funds was not a material factor in the Board’s approval of the reasonableness of any Janus Henderson Fund’s investment management fees.

The Trustees concluded that the management fees payable by each Janus Henderson Fund to Janus Capital and its affiliates, as well as the fees paid by Janus Capital to the subadvisers of subadvised Janus Henderson Funds, were reasonable in relation to the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided, taking into account the fees charged by other advisers for managing comparable mutual funds with similar strategies, the fees Janus Capital and the subadvisers charge to other clients, and, as applicable, the impact of fund performance on management fees payable by the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also concluded that each Janus Henderson Fund’s total expenses were reasonable, taking into account the size of the Janus Henderson Fund, the quality of services provided by Janus Capital and any subadviser, the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund, and any expense limitations agreed to or provided by Janus Capital.

Economies of Scale

The Trustees considered information about the potential for Janus Capital to realize economies of scale as the assets of the Janus Henderson Funds increase. They noted that their independent fee consultant published a report to the Trustees in November 2019 which provided its research and analysis into economies of scale. They also noted that, although many Janus Henderson Funds pay advisory fees at a base fixed rate as a percentage of net assets, without any breakpoints or performance fees, their independent fee consultant concluded that 64% of these Janus Henderson Funds’ share classes have contractual management fees (gross of waivers) below their Broadridge expense group averages. They also noted the following: (1) that for those Janus Henderson Funds whose expenses are being reduced by the contractual expense limitations of Janus Capital, Janus Capital is subsidizing certain of these Janus Henderson Funds because they have not reached adequate scale; (2) as the assets of some of the Janus Henderson Funds have declined in the past few years, certain Janus Henderson Funds have benefited from having advisory fee rates that have remained constant rather than increasing as assets declined; (3) performance fee structures have been implemented for various Janus Henderson Funds that have caused the effective rate of advisory fees payable by such a Janus Henderson Fund to vary depending on the investment performance of the Janus Henderson Fund relative to its benchmark index over the measurement period; and (4) a few Janus Henderson Funds have fee schedules with breakpoints and reduced fee rates above certain asset levels. The Trustees also noted that the Janus Henderson Funds share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of all of the Janus Henderson Funds.

The Trustees also considered the independent fee consultant’s conclusion that, given the limitations of various analytical approaches to economies of scale and their conflicting results, it is difficult to analytically confirm or deny the existence of economies of scale in the Janus Henderson complex. In this regard, the independent consultant concluded that (1) to the extent there were economies of scale at Janus Capital, Janus Capital’s general strategy of setting fixed management fees below peers appeared to share any such economies with investors even on smaller Janus Henderson Funds which have not yet achieved those economies and (2) by setting lower fixed fees from the start on these Janus Henderson Funds, Janus Capital appeared to be investing to increase the likelihood that these Janus Henderson Funds will grow to a level to achieve any scale economies that may exist. Further, the independent fee consultant provided its belief that Janus Henderson Fund investors are well-served by the fee levels and performance fee structures in place on the Janus Henderson Funds in light of any economies of scale that may be present at Janus Capital.

Based on all of the information reviewed, including the recent and past research and analysis conducted by the Trustees’ independent fee consultant, the Trustees concluded that the current fee structure of each Janus Henderson Fund was reasonable and that the current rates of fees do reflect a sharing between Janus Capital and the Janus



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Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

Henderson Fund of any economies of scale that may be present at the current asset level of the Janus Henderson Fund.

Other Benefits to Janus Capital

The Trustees also considered benefits that accrue to Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers to the Janus Henderson Funds from their relationships with the Janus Henderson Funds. They recognized that two affiliates of Janus Capital separately serve the Janus Henderson Funds as transfer agent and distributor, respectively, and the transfer agent receives compensation directly from the non-money market funds for services provided, and that such compensation contributes to the overall profitability of Janus Capital and its affiliates that results from their relationship with the Janus Henderson Funds. The Trustees also considered Janus Capital’s past and proposed use of commissions paid by the Janus Henderson Funds on portfolio brokerage transactions to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services benefiting the Janus Henderson Fund and/or other clients of Janus Capital and/or Janus Capital, and/or a subadviser to a Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees concluded that Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ use of these types of client commission arrangements to obtain proprietary and third-party research products and services was consistent with regulatory requirements and guidelines and was likely to benefit each Janus Henderson Fund. The Trustees also concluded that, other than the services provided by Janus Capital and its affiliates and subadvisers pursuant to the agreements and the fees to be paid by each Janus Henderson Fund therefor, the Janus Henderson Funds and Janus Capital and the subadvisers may potentially benefit from their relationship with each other in other ways. They concluded that Janus Capital and its affiliates share directly in economies of scale through the lower charges of third-party service providers that are based in part on the combined scale of the Janus Henderson Funds and other clients serviced by Janus Capital and its affiliates. They also concluded that Janus Capital and/or the subadvisers benefit from the receipt of research products and services acquired through commissions paid on portfolio transactions of the Janus Henderson Funds and that the Janus Henderson Funds benefit from Janus Capital’s and/or the subadvisers’ receipt of those products and services as well as research products and services acquired through commissions paid by other clients of Janus Capital and/or other clients of the subadvisers. They further concluded that the success of any Janus Henderson Fund could attract other business to Janus Capital, the subadvisers or other Janus Henderson funds, and that the success of Janus Capital and the subadvisers could enhance Janus Capital’s and the subadvisers’ ability to serve the Janus Henderson Funds.


Janus Henderson Funds (other than the money market funds) have adopted and implemented a written liquidity risk management program (the “LRMP”) as required by Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule”). Rule 22e-4, requires open-end funds to adopt and implement a written liquidity risk management program that is reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk, which is the risk that a fund could not meet redemption requests without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interest in the fund. The LRMP incorporates the following elements: (i) assessment, management, and periodic review of liquidity risk; (ii) classification of portfolio investments; (iii) the establishment and monitoring of a highly liquid investment minimum, as applicable; (iv) a 15% limitation on a Fund’s illiquid investments; (v) redemptions in-kind; and (vi) board oversight.

The Trustees have designated Janus Capital Management LLC, the Fund’s investment adviser (“Janus Capital”), as the Program Administrator for the LRMP responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of the LRMP. A working group comprised of various groups within Janus Capital’s business is responsible for administering the LRMP and carrying out the specific responsibilities of different aspects of the LRMP.

The Liquidity Rule requires the Trustees to review at least annually a written report provided by the Program Administrator that addresses the operation of the LRMP and assesses its adequacy and the effectiveness of its implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of the highly liquid investment minimum, and any material changes to the LRMP (the “Program Administrator Report”). During the annual period ended June 30, 2020, the Program Administrator provided the Program Administrator Report to the Trustees which covered the operation of the LRMP from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the “Reporting Period”). No significant liquidity events impacting the Fund were noted in the Program Administrator Report, and the Fund was able to process redemptions during the normal course of business during the Reporting Period. In addition, the Program Administrator expressed its belief in the Program Administrator Report that:


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Additional Information (unaudited)

· the LRMP is reasonably designed and adequate to assess and manage the Fund’s liquidity risk, taking into account the Fund’s particular risks and circumstances, and includes policies and procedures reasonably designed to implement each required component of the Liquidity Rule; and

· the LRMP, including the Highly Liquid Investment Minimum where applicable, was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing the Fund’s liquidity risk.

There can be no assurance that the LRMP will achieve its objectives in the future. Please refer to your Fund’s prospectus for more information regarding the risks to which an investment in the Fund may be subject.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

Management Commentary

The Management Commentary in this report includes valuable insight as well as statistical information to help you understand how your Fund’s performance and characteristics stack up against those of comparable indices.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, this report may include information about country exposure. Country exposure is based primarily on the country of risk. A company may be allocated to a country based on other factors such as location of the company’s principal office, the location of the principal trading market for the company’s securities, or the country where a majority of the company’s revenues are derived.

Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in the Management Commentary are just that: opinions. They are a reflection based on best judgment at the time this report was compiled, which was June 30, 2020. As the investing environment changes, so could opinions. These views are unique and are not necessarily shared by fellow employees or by Janus Henderson in general.

Performance Overviews

Performance overview graphs compare the performance of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the Fund with one or more widely used market indices. When comparing the performance of the Fund with an index, keep in mind that market indices are not available for investment and do not reflect deduction of expenses.

Average annual total returns are quoted for a Fund with more than one year of performance history. Average annual total return is calculated by taking the growth or decline in value of an investment over a period of time, including reinvestment of dividends and distributions, then calculating the annual compounded percentage rate that would have produced the same result had the rate of growth been constant throughout the period. Average annual total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Cumulative total returns are quoted for a Fund with less than one year of performance history. Cumulative total return is the growth or decline in value of an investment over time, independent of the period of time involved. Cumulative total return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Pursuant to federal securities rules, expense ratios shown in the performance chart reflect subsidized (if applicable) and unsubsidized ratios. The total annual fund operating expenses ratio is gross of any fee waivers, reflecting the Fund’s unsubsidized expense ratio. The net annual fund operating expenses ratio (if applicable) includes contractual waivers of Janus Capital and reflects the Fund’s subsidized expense ratio. Ratios may be higher or lower than those shown in the “Financial Highlights” in this report.

Schedule of Investments

Following the performance overview section is the Fund’s Schedule of Investments. This schedule reports the types of securities held in the Fund on the last day of the reporting period. Securities are usually listed by type (common stock, corporate bonds, U.S. Government obligations, etc.) and by industry classification (banking, communications, insurance, etc.). Holdings are subject to change without notice.

The value of each security is quoted as of the last day of the reporting period. The value of securities denominated in foreign currencies is converted into U.S. dollars.

If the Fund invests in foreign securities, it will also provide a summary of investments by country. This summary reports the Fund exposure to different countries by providing the percentage of securities invested in each country. The country of each security represents the country of risk. The Fund’s Schedule of Investments relies upon the industry group and country classifications published by Barclays and/or MSCI Inc.

Tables listing details of individual forward currency contracts, futures, written options, swaptions, and swaps follow the Fund’s Schedule of Investments (if applicable).

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

This statement is often referred to as the “balance sheet.” It lists the assets and liabilities of the Fund on the last day of the reporting period.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

The Fund’s assets are calculated by adding the value of the securities owned, the receivable for securities sold but not yet settled, the receivable for dividends declared but not yet received on securities owned, and the receivable for Fund shares sold to investors but not yet settled. The Fund’s liabilities include payables for securities purchased but not yet settled, Fund shares redeemed but not yet paid, and expenses owed but not yet paid. Additionally, there may be other assets and liabilities such as unrealized gain or loss on forward currency contracts.

The section entitled “Net Assets Consist of” breaks down the components of the Fund’s net assets. Because the Fund must distribute substantially all earnings, you will notice that a significant portion of net assets is shareholder capital.

The last section of this statement reports the net asset value (“NAV”) per share on the last day of the reporting period. The NAV is calculated by dividing the Fund’s net assets for each share class (assets minus liabilities) by the number of shares outstanding.

Statement of Operations

This statement details the Fund’s income, expenses, realized gains and losses on securities and currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of Fund holdings.

The first section in this statement, entitled “Investment Income,” reports the dividends earned from securities and interest earned from interest-bearing securities in the Fund.

The next section reports the expenses incurred by the Fund, including the advisory fee paid to the investment adviser, transfer agent fees and expenses, and printing and postage for mailing statements, financial reports and prospectuses. Expense offsets and expense reimbursements, if any, are also shown.

The last section lists the amounts of realized gains or losses from investment and foreign currency transactions, and changes in unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments and foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. The Fund will realize a gain (or loss) when it sells its position in a particular security. A change in unrealized gain (or loss) refers to the change in net appreciation or depreciation of the Fund during the reporting period. “Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments” is affected both by changes in the market value of Fund holdings and by gains (or losses) realized during the reporting period.

Statements of Changes in Net Assets

These statements report the increase or decrease in the Fund’s net assets during the reporting period. Changes in the Fund’s net assets are attributable to investment operations, dividends and distributions to investors, and capital share transactions. This is important to investors because it shows exactly what caused the Fund’s net asset size to change during the period.

The first section summarizes the information from the Statement of Operations regarding changes in net assets due to the Fund’s investment operations. The Fund’s net assets may also change as a result of dividend and capital gains distributions to investors. If investors receive their dividends and/or distributions in cash, money is taken out of the Fund to pay the dividend and/or distribution. If investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions, the Fund’s net assets will not be affected. If you compare the Fund’s “Net Decrease from Dividends and Distributions” to “Reinvested Dividends and Distributions,” you will notice that dividends and distributions have little effect on the Fund’s net assets. This is because the majority of the Fund’s investors reinvest their dividends and/or distributions.

The reinvestment of dividends and distributions is included under “Capital Share Transactions.” “Capital Shares” refers to the money investors contribute to the Fund through purchases or withdrawals via redemptions. The Fund’s net assets will increase and decrease in value as investors purchase and redeem shares from the Fund.

Financial Highlights

This schedule provides a per-share breakdown of the components that affect the Fund’s NAV for current and past reporting periods as well as total return, asset size, ratios, and portfolio turnover rate.

The first line in the table reflects the NAV per share at the beginning of the reporting period. The next line reports the net investment income/(loss) per share. Following is the per share total of net gains/(losses), realized and unrealized. Per share dividends and distributions to investors are then subtracted to arrive at the NAV per share at the end of the period. The next line reflects the total return for the period. The total return may include adjustments in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles required at the period end for financial reporting purposes. As a result, the



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Useful Information About Your Fund Report (unaudited)

total return may differ from the total return reflected for individual shareholder transactions. Also included are ratios of expenses and net investment income to average net assets.

The Fund’s expenses may be reduced through expense offsets and expense reimbursements. The ratios shown reflect expenses before and after any such offsets and reimbursements.

The ratio of net investment income/(loss) summarizes the income earned less expenses, divided by the average net assets of the Fund during the reporting period. Do not confuse this ratio with the Fund’s yield. The net investment income ratio is not a true measure of the Fund’s yield because it does not take into account the dividends distributed to the Fund’s investors.

The next figure is the portfolio turnover rate, which measures the buying and selling activity in the Fund. Portfolio turnover is affected by market conditions, changes in the asset size of the Fund, fluctuating volume of shareholder purchase and redemption orders, the nature of the Fund’s investments, and the investment style and/or outlook of the portfolio manager(s) and/or investment personnel. A 100% rate implies that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio was replaced once during the fiscal year; a 50% rate means that an amount equal to the value of half the portfolio is traded in a year; and a 200% rate means that an amount equal to the value of the entire portfolio is traded every six months.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Designation Requirements (unaudited)

For federal income tax purposes, the Fund designated the following for the year ended June 30, 2020:



Capital Gain Distributions


Dividends Received Deduction Percentage


Qualified Dividend Income Percentage




JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and officers and is available, without charge, by calling 1-877-335-2687.

The following are the Trustees and officers of the Trust, together with a brief description of their principal occupations during the last five years (principal occupations for certain Trustees may include periods over five years).

Each Trustee has served in that capacity since he or she was originally elected or appointed. The Trustees do not serve a specified term of office. Each Trustee will hold office until the termination of the Trust or his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, incapacity, or removal. Under the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines, the policy is for Trustees to retire no later than the end of the calendar year in which the Trustee turns 75. The Trustees review the Fund’s Governance Procedures and Guidelines from time to time and may make changes they deem appropriate. The Fund’s Nominating and Governance Committee will consider nominees for the position of Trustee recommended by shareholders. Shareholders may submit the name of a candidate for consideration by the Committee by submitting their recommendations to the Trust’s Secretary. Each Trustee is currently a Trustee of one other registered investment company advised by Janus Capital: Janus Aspen Series. Collectively, these two registered investment companies consist of 56 series or funds referred to herein as the Fund Complex.

The Trust’s officers are elected annually by the Trustees for a one-year term. Certain officers also serve as officers of Janus Aspen Series. Certain officers of the Fund may also be officers and/or directors of Janus Capital. Except as otherwise disclosed, Fund officers receive no compensation from the Fund, except for the Fund’s Chief Compliance Officer, as authorized by the Trustees.


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William F. McCalpin
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1957





Independent Consultant. Formerly, Managing Partner, Impact Investments, Athena Capital Advisors LLC (independent registered investment advisor) (2016-2019), Managing Director, Holos Consulting LLC (provides consulting services to foundations and other nonprofit organizations) (2009-2016), Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Capital Advisors (impact investment firm) (2013-2015), and Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (a private family foundation) (1998-2006).


Director of Mutual Fund Directors Forum (a non-profit organization serving independent directors of U.S. mutual funds) (since 2016), Chairman of the Board and Trustee of The Investment Fund for Foundations Investment Program (TIP) (consisting of 2 funds) (since 2008), and Director of the F.B. Heron Foundation (a private grantmaking foundation) (since 2006).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Alan A. Brown
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962



Principal, Curam Holdings LLC (since 2018). Formerly, Executive Vice President, Institutional Markets, of Black Creek Group (private equity real estate investment management firm) (2012-2018), Executive Vice President and Co-Head, Global Private Client Group (2007-2010), Executive Vice President, Mutual Funds (2005-2007), and Chief Marketing Officer (2001-2005) of Nuveen Investments, Inc. (asset management).


Advisory Board Member of AEW Core Property Trust (open-end property fund) (since 2020), and Director of WTTW (PBS affiliate) (since 2003). Formerly, Director of MotiveQuest LLC (strategic social market research company) (2003-2016), Director of Nuveen Global Investors LLC (2007-2011), Director of Communities in Schools (2004-2010), and Director of Mutual Fund Education Alliance (until 2010).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


William D. Cvengros
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1948



Chief Executive Officer of SJC Capital, LLC (a personal investment company and consulting firm) (since 2002). Formerly, Venture Partner for The Edgewater Funds (a middle market private equity firm) (2002-2004), Chief Executive Officer and President of PIMCO Advisors Holdings L.P. (a publicly traded investment management firm) (1994-2000), and Chief Investment Officer (1987-1994) and Vice Chairman and Director (1990-1994) of Pacific Life Insurance Company (a mutual life insurance and annuity company) (1987-1994).


Advisory Board Member, RevOZ Fund LP and related funds (real estate investments for opportunity zones) (since 2020), and Advisory Board Member, Innovate Partners Emerging Growth and Equity Fund I (early stage venture capital fund) (since 2014). Formerly, Managing Trustee of National Retirement Partners Liquidating Trust (2013-2016), Chairman, National Retirement Partners, Inc. (formerly a network of advisors to 401(k) plans) (2005-2013), Director of Prospect Acquisition Corp. (a special purpose acquisition corporation) (2007-2009), Director of RemedyTemp, Inc. (temporary help services company) (1996-2006), and Trustee of PIMCO Funds Multi-Manager Series (1990-2000) and Pacific Life Variable Life & Annuity Trusts (1987-1994).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Raudline Etienne
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1965



Founder, Daraja Capital (advisory and investment firm) (since 2016), and Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC (global strategy firm) (since 2016). Formerly, Senior Vice President (2011-2015), Albright Stonebridge Group LLC, and Deputy Comptroller and Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund (public pension fund) (2008-2011).


Board Member, Van Alen Institute (nonprofit architectural and design organization) (since 2019) and Director of Brightwood Capital Advisors, LLC (since 2014).

William M. Fitzgerald, Sr.
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1964



Founder, Fitzgerald Asset Management LLC (since 2012). Formerly, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Global Infrastructure Asset Management LLC (2008-2017), Chief Investment Officer of Nuveen Asset Management (2000-2007), and Managing Director, Nuveen Investment LLC (1988-2007).


Board of Directors, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (since 2017). Formerly, Board of Directors of Syncora Holdings Ltd, Syncora Guarantee Inc., and Syncora Capital Assurance Inc. (2009-2016), and Trustee, Destra Investment Trust (2010-2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Gary A. Poliner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1953



Retired. Formerly, President (2010-2013) of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Director of MGIC Investment Corporation (private mortgage insurance) (since 2013) and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company (property/casualty insurance) (since 2013). Formerly, Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company (2010-2013), and Director of Frank Russell Company (global asset management firm) (2008-2013).

Diane L. Wallace
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1958





Formerly, Independent Trustee, Henderson Global Funds (13 portfolios) (2015-2017), Independent Trustee, State Farm Associates’ Funds Trust, State Farm Mutual Fund Trust, and State Farm Variable Product Trust (28 portfolios) (2013-2017), Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President-Operations, and Chief Financial Officer for Driehaus Capital Management, LLC (1988-2006), and Treasurer for Driehaus Mutual Funds (1996-2002).



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Number of Portfolios/Funds in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee

Other Directorships Held by Trustee During the Past Five Years

Independent Trustees


Linda S. Wolf
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1947



Retired. Formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Leo Burnett (Worldwide) (advertising agency) (2001-2005).


Director of Chicago Community Trust (Regional Community Foundation), Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL), Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and Wrapports, LLC (digital communications company). Formerly, Director of Chicago Council on Global Affairs (until 2019), InnerWorkings (until 2019), Director of Walmart (until 2017), Director of Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (until 2014), and The Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL) (until 2014).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

John Kerschner
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1967

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund


Head of U.S. Securitized Products of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

John Lloyd
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1975

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund


Co-Head of Global Credit Research of Janus Henderson Investors and Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.

Seth Meyer
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1976

Executive Vice President and Co-Portfolio Manager
Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund


Portfolio Manager for other Janus Henderson accounts.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Bruce L. Koepfgen
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1952

President and Chief Executive Officer


Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Henderson Investors (since 2017), President and Head of North America at Janus Capital Management LLC (since 2013 and 2017, respectively), President at Janus Capital Group Inc. (since 2013), President and Director at Janus International Holding LLC (since 2019 and 2011, respectively), President at Janus Holdings LLC (since 2019), President and Director at Janus Management Holdings Corporation (since 2017 and 2012, respectively), Executive Vice President and Head of North America at Janus Distributors LLC (since 2011 and 2019, respectively), Vice President and Director at Intech Investment Management LLC (since 2012), and Executive Vice President at Perkins Investment Management LLC (since 2011). Formerly, Executive Vice President at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus International Holding LLC, and Janus Management Holdings Corporation (2011-2019), Director at Perkins Investment Management LLC (2011-2019), and Chief Financial Officer at Janus Capital Group Inc. (2011-2013).


Janus Investment Fund


Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund

Trustees and Officers (unaudited)



Name, Address, and Age

Positions Held with the Trust

Term of Office* and Length of Time Served

Principal Occupations During the Past Five Years

Kristin Mariani
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1966

Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Anti-Money Laundering Officer


Chief Compliance Officer for Janus Capital Management LLC (since September 2017), and Global Head of Investment Management Compliance for Janus Henderson Investors (since 2019). Formerly, Vice President, Head of Global Distribution Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer of Janus Henderson Distributors (May 2017-September 2017), and Vice President, Compliance at Janus Capital Group Inc., Janus Capital Management LLC, and Janus Distributors LLC (2009-2017).

Jesper Nergaard
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1962

Chief Financial Officer

Vice President, Treasurer, and Principal Accounting Officer



Vice President of Janus Capital and Janus Services LLC.

Byron D. Hittle
151 Detroit Street
Denver, CO 80206
DOB: 1974

Interim Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Secretary


Managing Counsel (2017-present). Formerly, Assistant Vice President and Senior Legal Counsel, Janus Capital Management LLC (2012-2016).

* Officers are elected at least annually by the Trustees for a one-year term and may also be elected from time to time by the Trustees for an interim period.



JUNE 30, 2020

Janus Henderson Value Plus Income Fund




Janus Investment Fund


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This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders of the Fund. It is not an offer or solicitation for the Fund and is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Perkins, Intech and Knowledge Shared are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc

Janus Henderson Distributors


125-02-93035 08-20

Item 2 - Code of Ethics

As of the end of the period covered by this Form N-CSR, the Registrant has adopted a Code of Ethics (as defined in Item 2(b) of Form N-CSR), which is posted on the Registrant's website: janushenderson.com. Registrant intends to post any amendments to, or waivers from (as defined in Item 2 of Form N-CSR), such code on janushenderson.com within five business days following the date of such amendment or waiver.

Item 3 - Audit Committee Financial Expert

The Registrant's Board of Trustees has determined that the following members of the Board's Audit Committee are "audit committee financial experts," as defined in Item 3 to Form N-CSR: Diane Wallace (Chair), William D. Cvengros and Gary A. Poliner who are each "independent" under the standards set forth in Item 3 to Form N-CSR.

Item 4 - Principal Accountant Fees and Services

Janus Investment Fund (the "Trust"), a Massachusetts business trust registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an open-end investment company, offers 47 funds which include multiple series of shares with differing investment objectives and policies. The funds comprising the Trust have differing fiscal year ends (June 30 and September 30). This Form N-CSR relates to funds with June 30 fiscal year ends (the "Funds").

(a) Audit Fees

The aggregate fees billed for each of the last two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for the audit of the Funds' annual financial statements or services that are normally provided by the accountant in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements for those fiscal years were $992,357 in fiscal 2020 and $1,019,481 in fiscal 2019.

(b) Audit-Related Fees

The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for assurance and related services by the principal accountant that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit of the Funds' financial statements and are not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item were $24,532 in fiscal 2020 and $16,600 in fiscal 2019.

The nature of the services comprising the fees disclosed under this category includes agreed upon procedures.

(c) Tax Fees

The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning were $205,962 in fiscal 2020 and $203,923 in fiscal 2019.

The nature of the services comprising the fees disclosed under this category includes tax compliance, tax planning, tax advice, and corporate actions review.

(d) All Other Fees

The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for products and services provided by the principal accountant, other than the services reported in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this Item were $0 in fiscal 2020 and $0 in fiscal 2019.

(e) (1) The registrant's Audit Committee Charter requires the registrant's Audit Committee to pre-approve any engagement of the principal accountant (i) to provide audit or non-audit services to the registrant or (ii) to provide non-

audit services to the registrant's investment adviser or any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant, if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the registrant, except for those non-audit services that were subject to the pre-approval exception under Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X. The Chairman of the Audit Committee or, if the Chairman is unavailable, another member of the Audit Committee who is an independent Trustee, may grant the pre-approval. All such delegated pre-approvals must be presented to the Audit Committee no later than the next Audit Committee meeting.

(2) 0%

(f) Not applicable as less than 50%

(g) The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant's accountant for services rendered to the registrant, and rendered to the registrant's investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant for each of the last two fiscal years of the registrant were $205,962 in fiscal 2020 and $203,923 in fiscal 2019.

(h) The registrant's audit committee of the board of trustees has considered whether the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the registrant's investment adviser (not including any subadviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant's independence.

Item 5 - Audit Committee of Listed Registrants

Not applicable.

Item 6 - Investments

(a) Schedule of Investments is contained in the Reports to Shareholders included under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.

(b) Not applicable.

Item 7 - Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable to this Registrant.

Item 8 - Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable to this Registrant.

Item 9 - Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers

Not applicable to this Registrant.

Item 10 - Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the Registrant's Board of Trustees.

Item 11 - Controls and Procedures

(a) The Registrant's Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer have evaluated the Registrant's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as

amended) within 90 days of this filing and have concluded that the Registrant's disclosure controls and procedures were effective, as of that date.

(b) There have been no changes in the Registrant's internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) that occurred during the Registrant's second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12 - Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies

(a) Not applicable.

(b) Not applicable.

Item 13 - Exhibits

(a)(1) Not applicable because the Registrant has posted its Code of Ethics (as defined in Item 2(b) of Form N-CSR) on its website pursuant to paragraph (f)(2) of Item 2 of Form N-CSR.

(a)(2) Separate certifications for the Registrant's Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer, as required under Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, are attached as Ex-99.

(a)(3) Not applicable to this Registrant.

(b) A certification for the Registrant's Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer, as required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, is attached as Ex99.906CERT.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Janus Investment Fund

By: /s/ Bruce Koepfgen

Bruce Koepfgen, President and Chief Executive Officer of Janus Investment Fund

(Principal Executive Officer)

Date: August 28, 2020

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: /s/ Bruce Koepfgen

Bruce Koepfgen, President and Chief Executive Officer of Janus Investment Fund

(Principal Executive Officer)

Date: August 28, 2020

By: /s/ Jesper Nergaard

Jesper Nergaard, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Principal Accounting Officer of Janus Investment Fund

(Principal Accounting Officer and Principal Financial Officer)

Date: August 28, 2020