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GOF P-3 06/12







Franklin California Tax-Free Income Fund


Franklin California Tax-Free Trust

Franklin California Insured Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin California Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin California Tax-Exempt Money Fund


Franklin Custodian Funds

Franklin DynaTech Fund

Franklin Income Fund

Franklin U.S. Government Securities Fund

Franklin Utilities Fund

Franklin Growth Fund


Franklin Federal Tax-Free Income Fund


Franklin Global Trust

Franklin Global Real Estate Fund

Franklin International Smaller Cap Growth Fund

Franklin International Growth Fund

Franklin Large Cap Equity Fund


Franklin Gold and Precious Metals Fund


Franklin High Income Trust

Franklin High Income Fund


Franklin Investors Securities Trust

Franklin Adjustable U.S. Government Securities Fund

Franklin Balanced Fund

Franklin Convertible Securities Fund

Franklin Equity Income Fund

Franklin Floating Rate Daily Access Fund

Franklin Limited Maturity U.S. Government Securities Fund

Franklin Low Duration Total Return Fund

Franklin Real Return Fund

Franklin Total Return Fund


Franklin Managed Trust

Franklin Rising Dividends Fund





Franklin Money Fund


Franklin Municipal Securities Trust

Franklin California High Yield Municipal Fund

Franklin Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund


Franklin Mutual Recovery Fund


Franklin Mutual Series Funds

Mutual Beacon Fund

Mutual European Fund

Mutual Financial Services Fund

Mutual Global Discovery Fund

Mutual International Fund

Mutual Quest Fund

Mutual Shares Fund


Franklin New York Tax-Free Income Fund


Franklin New York Tax-Free Trust

Franklin New York Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income Fund


Franklin Real Estate Securities Trust

Franklin Real Estate Securities Fund


Franklin Strategic Mortgage Portfolio


Franklin Strategic Series

Franklin Biotechnology Discovery Fund

Franklin Flex Cap Growth Fund

Franklin Focused Core Equity Fund

Franklin Growth Opportunities Fund

Franklin Natural Resources Fund

Franklin Small Cap Growth Fund

Franklin Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund

Franklin Strategic Income Fund


Franklin Tax-Exempt Money Fund


Franklin Tax-Free Trust

Franklin Alabama Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Arizona Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Colorado Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Connecticut Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Double Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Federal Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income Fund




Franklin Federal Limited-Term Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Florida Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Georgia Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin High Yield Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Insured Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Kentucky Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Louisiana Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Maryland Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Massachusetts Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Michigan Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Minnesota Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Missouri Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin New Jersey Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin North Carolina Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Ohio Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Oregon Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Pennsylvania Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Virginia Tax-Free Income Fund


Franklin Templeton Fund Allocator Series

Franklin Templeton Conservative Allocation Fund

Franklin Templeton Corefolio Allocation Fund

Franklin Templeton Founding Funds Allocation Fund

Franklin Templeton Growth Allocation Fund

Franklin Templeton Moderate Allocation Fund

Franklin Templeton 2015 Retirement Target Fund

Franklin Templeton 2025 Retirement Target Fund

Franklin Templeton 2035 Retirement Target Fund

Franklin Templeton 2045 Retirement Target Fund

Franklin Templeton Multi-Asset Real Return Fund


Franklin Templeton Global Trust

Franklin Templeton Hard Currency Fund


Franklin Templeton International Trust

Franklin India Growth Fund

Franklin Templeton Global Allocation Fund

Franklin World Perspectives Fund

Templeton Foreign Smaller Companies Fund


Franklin Templeton Money Fund Trust

Franklin Templeton Money Fund


Franklin Value Investors Trust

Franklin All Cap Value Fund

Franklin Balance Sheet Investment Fund

Franklin Large Cap Value Fund




Franklin MicroCap Value Fund

Franklin MidCap Value Fund

Franklin Small Cap Value Fund


Institutional Fiduciary Trust

Money Market Portfolio


Templeton China World Fund


Templeton Developing Markets Trust


Templeton Funds

Templeton Foreign Fund

Templeton World Fund


Templeton Global Investment Trust

Templeton Asian Growth Fund

Templeton BRIC Fund

Templeton Emerging Markets Balanced Fund

Templeton Emerging Markets Small Cap Fund

Templeton Frontier Markets Fund

Templeton Global Balanced Fund


Templeton Global Opportunities Trust


Templeton Global Smaller Companies Fund


Templeton Growth Fund, Inc.


Templeton Income Trust

Templeton Global Bond Fund

Templeton Global Total Return Fund

Templeton International Bond Fund


The Prospectus is amended as follows:


I.  Effective July 2, 2012, for the Franklin California Tax-Exempt Money Fund, Franklin Money Fund, Franklin Tax-Exempt Money Fund, Franklin Templeton Money Fund and Money Market Portfolio the references to a 3:00 p.m. Pacific time transaction time are revised to 1:00 p.m. Pacific time in the "Buying Shares” and "Selling Shares” tables of the Fund Details.


II. Effective July 2, 2012, the TDD Hearing Impaired phone number will be discontinued. References to this number in the prospectus will be revised as follows:





For hearing impaired assistance, please contact us via a Relay Service.



III.  For the Franklin California Tax-Exempt Money Fund, Franklin Money Fund, Franklin Tax-Exempt Money Fund and Franklin Templeton Money Fund, the paragraph beginning “The Fund calculates its NAV per share normally…” in the "Account Policies - Calculating Share Price" section of the Fund Details is revised as follows:

The Fund calculates its NAV per share normally as of 1:00 p.m. Pacific time, each day the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is open and, alternatively, if the NYSE is closed, or if the NYSE closes early because trading has been halted for the day (other than for a national holiday or weekend), on each day that the U.S. government securities markets are open and the investment manager determines that there is sufficient liquidity in those markets, by dividing its net assets by the number of shares outstanding. The Fund's assets are generally valued at their amortized cost. National holidays include New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

IV.   For all funds except the Franklin California Tax-Exempt Money Fund, Franklin Money Fund, Franklin Tax-Exempt Money Fund and Franklin Templeton Money Fund, the paragraph beginning “The Fund calculates its NAV per share normally…” in the "Account Policies - Calculating Share Price" section of the Fund Details is revised as follows:


The Fund calculates the NAV per share each business day at 1 p.m. Pacific time which normally coincides with the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The Fund does not calculate the NAV on days the NYSE is closed for trading, which include New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If the NYSE has a scheduled early close or unscheduled early close, the Fund’s share price would still be determined as of 1 p.m. Pacific/4 p.m. Eastern time.


V.Effective on or about September 14, 2012, for the Franklin California Tax-Exempt Money Fund, Franklin Money Fund, Franklin Tax-Exempt Money Fund, Franklin Templeton Money Fund and Money Market Portfolio, the paragraph beginning with “Most Franklin Templeton funds impose…” in the "Selling Shares - Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC)" section of the Fund Details is revised as follows:




Most Franklin Templeton funds impose a 1% or 0.75% CDSC on certain investments of Class A shares sold within 18 months of purchase. While the Fund generally does not have a CDSC, it will impose one if you sell shares exchanged into the Fund from another Franklin Templeton fund and those shares would have been assessed a CDSC in the other fund.

VI.Effective May 1, 2012, the following has been added to the “Management” section of the Fund Details for the Franklin International Growth Fund, Franklin Large Cap Equity Fund, Franklin Convertible Securities Fund, Franklin Equity Income Fund, Franklin Low Duration Total Return Fund, Franklin Biotechnology Discovery Fund, Franklin Focused Core Equity Fund, Franklin India Growth Fund, Franklin All Cap Value Fund, Franklin Large Cap Value Fund, Franklin MidCap Value Fund, Templeton World Fund, Templeton BRIC Fund, Templeton Emerging Markets Small Cap Fund, Templeton Frontier Markets Fund, Templeton Growth Fund, Inc., Templeton Global Total Return Fund and Templeton International Bond Fund:


Special Servicing Agreement


The Fund is an underlying investment fund of one or more funds of Franklin Templeton Fund Allocator Series Funds (the "Allocator Funds") and has entered into a Special Servicing Agreement with the Allocator Funds and certain service providers of the Fund and the Allocator Funds, pursuant to which the Fund may pay a portion of the Allocator Funds' expenses, including transfer agency and shareholder servicing costs, to the extent such payments are less than the amount of the benefits realized or expected to be realized by the Fund from the investment in the Fund by the Allocator Funds.


VII. For Funds that offer Advisor Class or Class Z shares, the first two bullets under in the "Your Account – Qualified Investors - Advisor Class [or Class Z]" section of the Fund Details are replaced with the following:


  • Advisory Fee Programs.  Shares acquired by an investor in connection with a comprehensive fee or other advisory fee arrangement between the investor and a registered broker-dealer or investment adviser, trust company or bank (referred to as the “Sponsor”) in which the investor pays that Sponsor a fee for investment advisory services and the Sponsor or a broker-dealer through whom the shares are acquired has an agreement with Distributors authorizing the sale of Fund shares.  No minimum initial investment.





VIII.Effective on or about September 14, 2012, for all funds except the Franklin California Tax-Exempt Money Fund, Franklin Money Fund, Franklin Tax-Exempt Money Fund and Franklin Templeton Money Fund, the paragraph beginning with “Any CDSC will continue to be calculated…” in the "Exchanging Shares - Exchange Privilege" section of the Fund Details is revised as follows:


Any CDSC will continue to be calculated from the date of your initial investment and will not be charged at the time of the exchange. The purchase price for determining a CDSC on exchanged shares will be the price you paid for the original shares.


IX.The paragraph beginning “In considering an investor’s trading patterns…” in the "Exchanging Shares – Frequent Trading Policy" section of the Fund Details is revised as follows:


In considering an investor’s trading patterns, the Fund may consider, among other factors, the investor’s trading history both directly and, if known, through financial intermediaries, in the Fund, in other Franklin Templeton funds, in non-Franklin Templeton mutual funds, or in accounts under common control or ownership (see, for example, “Investment by asset allocators” in the SAI). The transfer agent may also reject any purchase or redemption request, whether or not it represents part of any ongoing trading pattern, if the Fund investment manager or transfer agent reasonably concludes that the amount of the requested transaction may disrupt or otherwise interfere with the efficient management of the Fund’s portfolio.  In determining what actions should be taken, the Fund’s transfer agent may consider a variety of factors, including the potential impact of such remedial actions on the Fund and its shareholders. If the Fund is a “fund of funds,” the Fund’s transfer agent may take into account the impact of the trading activity and of any proposed remedial action on both the Fund and the underlying funds in which the Fund invests.





X.The following replaces the second paragraph of the  “Selling Shares - Selling Shares in Writing” section of the Fund Details:


We also may require a signature guarantee when we receive instructions from an agent, not the registered owners; when you want to send your proceeds to a bank account that was added or changed on your account within the last 15 days and the bank and fund accounts have at least one common owner; or when we believe it would protect the Fund against potential claims based on the instructions received. 


XI.The following is added to the “SELLING SHARES" table of the "Selling Shares" section as a third paragraph under “By Electronic Funds Transfer (ACH)” in the table of the Fund Details:


If the bank and Fund accounts have at least one common owner and the bank account was added or changed within the last 15 days, you may be required to provide written instructions signed by all fund account owners, with a signature guarantee for each fund account owner.


XII. The paragraph beginning “If you believe there are cumulative quantity discount…” in the "Choosing a Share Class - Sales Charge Reductions and Waivers" section of the Fund Details is replaced with the following:

If you believe there are cumulative quantity discount eligible shares that can be combined with your current purchase to achieve a sales charge breakpoint (for example, shares held in a different broker-dealer’s brokerage account or with a bank or an investment advisor), it is your responsibility to specifically identify those shares to your financial advisor at the time of your purchase (including at the time of any future purchase). It may be necessary for you to provide your financial advisor with information and records (including account statements) of all relevant accounts invested in the Franklin Templeton Funds. If you have not designated a financial advisor associated with your Franklin Templeton fund shares it is your responsibility to specifically identify any cumulative quantity discount eligible shares to the Fund’s transfer agent at the time of any purchase.





Please keep this supplement for future reference.





GOF SA-3 06/12







Franklin California Tax-Free Income Fund


Franklin California Tax-Free Trust

Franklin California Insured Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin California Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin California Tax-Exempt Money Fund


Franklin Custodian Funds

Franklin DynaTech Fund

Franklin Income Fund

Franklin U.S. Government Securities Fund

Franklin Utilities Fund

Franklin Growth Fund


Franklin Federal Tax-Free Income Fund


Franklin Global Trust

Franklin Global Real Estate Fund

Franklin International Smaller Cap Growth Fund

Franklin International Growth Fund

Franklin Large Cap Equity Fund


Franklin Gold and Precious Metals Fund


Franklin High Income Trust

Franklin High Income Fund


Franklin Investors Securities Trust

Franklin Adjustable U.S. Government Securities Fund

Franklin Balanced Fund

Franklin Convertible Securities Fund

Franklin Equity Income Fund

Franklin Floating Rate Daily Access Fund

Franklin Limited Maturity U.S. Government Securities Fund

Franklin Low Duration Total Return Fund

Franklin Real Return Fund

Franklin Total Return Fund


Franklin Managed Trust




Franklin Rising Dividends Fund


Franklin Money Fund


Franklin Municipal Securities Trust

Franklin California High Yield Municipal Fund

Franklin Tennessee Municipal Bond Fund


Franklin Mutual Recovery Fund


Franklin Mutual Series Funds

Mutual Beacon Fund

Mutual European Fund

Mutual Financial Services Fund

Mutual Global Discovery Fund

Mutual International Fund

Mutual Quest Fund

Mutual Shares Fund


Franklin New York Tax-Free Income Fund


Franklin New York Tax-Free Trust

Franklin New York Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income Fund


Franklin Real Estate Securities Trust

Franklin Real Estate Securities Fund


Franklin Strategic Mortgage Portfolio


Franklin Strategic Series

Franklin Biotechnology Discovery Fund

Franklin Flex Cap Growth Fund

Franklin Focused Core Equity Fund

Franklin Growth Opportunities Fund

Franklin Natural Resources Fund

Franklin Small Cap Growth Fund

Franklin Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund

Franklin Strategic Income Fund


Franklin Tax-Exempt Money Fund


Franklin Tax-Free Trust

Franklin Alabama Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Arizona Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Colorado Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Connecticut Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Double Tax-Free Income Fund




Franklin Federal Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Federal Limited-Term Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Florida Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Georgia Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin High Yield Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Insured Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Kentucky Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Louisiana Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Maryland Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Massachusetts Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Michigan Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Minnesota Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Missouri Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin New Jersey Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin North Carolina Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Ohio Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Oregon Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Pennsylvania Tax-Free Income Fund

Franklin Virginia Tax-Free Income Fund


Franklin Templeton Fund Allocator Series

Franklin Templeton Conservative Allocation Fund

Franklin Templeton Corefolio Allocation Fund

Franklin Templeton Founding Funds Allocation Fund

Franklin Templeton Growth Allocation Fund

Franklin Templeton Moderate Allocation Fund

Franklin Templeton 2015 Retirement Target Fund

Franklin Templeton 2025 Retirement Target Fund

Franklin Templeton 2035 Retirement Target Fund

Franklin Templeton 2045 Retirement Target Fund

Franklin Templeton Multi-Asset Real Return Fund


Franklin Templeton Global Trust

Franklin Templeton Hard Currency Fund


Franklin Templeton International Trust

Franklin India Growth Fund

Franklin Templeton Global Allocation Fund

Franklin World Perspectives Fund

Templeton Foreign Smaller Companies Fund


Franklin Templeton Money Fund Trust

Franklin Templeton Money Fund


Franklin Value Investors Trust

Franklin All Cap Value Fund

Franklin Balance Sheet Investment Fund




Franklin Large Cap Value Fund

Franklin MicroCap Value Fund

Franklin MidCap Value Fund

Franklin Small Cap Value Fund


Institutional Fiduciary Trust

Money Market Portfolio


Templeton China World Fund


Templeton Developing Markets Trust


Templeton Funds

Templeton Foreign Fund

Templeton World Fund


Templeton Global Investment Trust

Templeton Asian Growth Fund

Templeton BRIC Fund

Templeton Emerging Markets Balanced Fund

Templeton Emerging Markets Small Cap Fund

Templeton Frontier Markets Fund

Templeton Global Balanced Fund


Templeton Global Opportunities Trust


Templeton Global Smaller Companies Fund


Templeton Growth Fund, Inc.


Templeton Income Trust

Templeton Global Bond Fund

Templeton Global Total Return Fund

Templeton International Bond Fund


The Statement of Additional Information is amended as follows:

I. For the applicable Funds, the section entitled “Glossary of Investments, Techniques, Strategies and Their RisksDerivative instruments – Credit default swaps” is revised to read as follows:

Credit default swaps.   The "buyer" of protection in a credit default swap agreement is obligated to pay the "seller" a periodic stream of payments over the term of the agreement in return for a payment by the "seller" that is contingent upon the occurrence of a credit event with respect to a specific underlying reference debt obligation (whether as a single debt instrument or as part of an index of debt instruments). The contingent payment by the seller generally is the face amount of the debt obligation, in return for the buyer's obligation to make periodic cash payments and deliver in physical form the reference debt obligation or a cash payment equal to the then-current market value of that debt obligation at the time of the credit event. If no credit event occurs, the seller would receive a fixed rate of income throughout the term of the contract, while the buyer would lose the amount of its payments and recover nothing. The buyer is also subject to the risk that the seller will not satisfy its contingent payment obligation, if and when due.




Purchasing protection through a credit default swap may be used to attempt to hedge against a decline in the value of debt security or securities due to a credit event. The seller of protection under a credit default swap receives periodic payments from the buyer but is exposed to the risk that the value of the reference debt obligation declines due to a credit event and that it will have to pay the face amount of the reference obligation to the buyer. Selling protection under a credit default swap may also permit the seller to gain exposure that is similar to owning the reference debt obligation directly. As the seller of protection, the Fund would effectively add leverage to its portfolio because, in addition to its total assets, the Fund would be subject to the risk that there would be a credit event and the Fund would have to make a substantial payment in the future.

Generally, a credit event means bankruptcy, failure to timely pay interest or principal, obligation acceleration, or modified restructuring of the reference debt obligation. There may be disputes between the buyer or seller of a credit default swap agreement or within the swaps market as a whole as to whether or not a credit event has occurred or what the payout should be which could result in litigation. In some instances where there is a dispute in the credit default swap market, a regional Determinations Committee set up by ISDA may make an official binding determination regarding the existence of credit events under the terms of the ISDA Master Agreement.




ISDA’s Determination Committees are comprised principally of dealers in the OTC derivatives markets which may have a conflicting interest in the determination regarding the existence of a particular credit event. In addition, in the sovereign debt market, a credit default swap agreement may not provide the protection generally anticipated because the government issuer of the sovereign debt instruments may be able to restructure or renegotiate the debt in such a manner as to avoid triggering a credit event. Moreover, (1) sovereign debt obligations may not incorporate common, commercially acceptable provisions, such as collective action clauses, or (2) the negotiated restructuring of the sovereign debt may be deemed non-mandatory on all holders. As a result, the determination committee might then not be able to determine, or may be able to avoid having to determine, that a credit event under the credit default agreement has occurred.

For these and other reasons, the buyer of protection in a credit default swap agreement is subject to the risk that certain occurrences, such as particular restructuring events affecting the value of the underlying reference debt obligation, or the restructuring of sovereign debt, may not be deemed credit events under the credit default swap agreement. Therefore, if the credit default swap was purchased as a hedge or to take advantage of an anticipated increase in the value of credit protection for the underlying reference obligation, it may not provide any hedging benefit or otherwise increase in value as anticipated. Similarly, the seller of protection in a credit default swap agreement is subject to the risk that certain occurrences may be deemed to be credit events under the credit default swap agreement, even if these occurrences do not adversely impact the value or creditworthiness of the underlying reference debt obligation.

II.For all Funds, the "Officers and Trustees - Interested Board Members and Officers" section has been revised by adding the following:








Name, Year of Birth and Address









Length of Time Served

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Board Member*

Other Directorships Held During at Least the Past 5 Years


Breda M. Berkerle (19 58 )

600 Fifth Avenue

New York , NY 10020

Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer

Since May 2012

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Principal Occupation During at Least the Past 5 Years:
Chief Compliance Officer, Fiduciary International, Inc., Franklin Advisers, Inc., Franklin Advisory Services, LLC, Franklin Investment Advisory Services, LLC, Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC, Franklin Templeton Institutional, LLC; Vice President and Compliance Officer – Commingled Trusts, Fiduciary Trust International of the South; and officer
of some of the other subsidiaries of Franklin Resources, Inc. and of 46 of the investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments.


Selena L. Holmes ( 1965 )

100 Fountain Parkway N .

St. Petersburg , FL 33716

Vice President - AML Compliance

Since May 2012

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Principal Occupation During at Least the Past 5 Years:
Director, Global Compliance Monitoring;
and officer of 46 of the investment companies in Franklin Templeton Investments.


III.For the Franklin Money Fund, Franklin Templeton Money Fund and Money Market Portfolio, the first paragraph of the “Management and Other Services" is revised as follows:

Investment manager and services provided The Portfolio's investment manager is Franklin Templeton Services. The investment manager is a wholly owned subsidiary of Resources, a publicly owned company engaged in the financial services industry through its subsidiaries. Charles B. Johnson and Rupert H. Johnson, Jr. are the principal shareholders of Resources.

IV. For the Franklin Templeton Multi-Asset Real Return Fund, the "Management, Asset Allocation and Other Services – Administration fees" section is updated as follows:




Administration fees The manager pays FT Services a monthly fee equal to an annual rate of 0.10% of the Fund's average daily net assets.

V.For all Funds, the bullet point beginning “Investors who open an IRA with proceeds…” in the "Buying and Selling Shares - Initial sales charges - Retirement Plans" section is revised as follows:


Investors who open an IRA with proceeds rolled over directly from an Employer Sponsored Retirement Plan if the IRA is a "Common Platform IRA." An IRA is a Common Platform IRA if (i) the IRA custodian or recordkeeper, or one of its affiliates, is the recordkeeper for the Plan at the time the IRA is opened; and (ii) Fund shares transferred in-kind to a “Common Platform IRA” opened by a direct rollover to that IRA from an Employer Sponsored Retirement Plan (“Plan”). For purposes of this provision, an IRA is a “Common Platform IRA” if the IRA custodian or recordkeeper, or one of its affiliates, is the recordkeeper for the Plan at the time the IRA is opened with a direct rollover from the Plan; or


VI.For the Franklin Strategic Mortgage Portfolio, the first paragraph under the section “The Underwriter - Distribution and service (12b-1) fees - Class A and C - The Class A and C Plans" is revised as follows:

The Class A and C plans.   The Fund may pay up to 0.25% per year of Class A's average daily net assets. The board of trustees has set, until further notice, the Class A distribution and service fees paid by the Fund to Distributors at 0.25% per year of Class A's average daily net assets, out of which 0.25% may be paid for services to the shareholders (service fees).

VII.For all Funds, the bullet point beginning “Shares acquired by a financial intermediary that the intermediary holds…” in the "Buying and Selling Shares - Initial sales charges - Waivers for certain investors" section is revised as follows:


  • Advisory Fee Programs.  Shares acquired by an investor in connection with a comprehensive fee or other advisory fee arrangement between the investor and a registered broker-dealer or investment adviser, trust company or bank (referred to as the “Sponsor”) in which the investor pays that Sponsor a fee for investment advisory services and the Sponsor or a broker-dealer through whom the shares are acquired has an agreement with Distributors authorizing the sale of Fund shares.  No minimum initial investment.




VIII. The second paragraph of the section entitled "Buying and Selling Shares – Dealer and financial intermediary compensation – Marketing support payments" is revised to the following:

Distributors may also make marketing support payments to financial intermediaries in connection with their activities that are intended to assist in the sale of shares of Franklin Templeton funds, directly or indirectly, to certain Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans that have retained such financial intermediaries as plan service providers. Payments may be made on account of activities that may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: business planning assistance for financial intermediary personnel, educating financial intermediary personnel about the Franklin Templeton funds, access to sales meetings, sales representatives, wholesalers, and management representatives of the financial intermediary, and detailed sales reporting. A financial intermediary may perform the services itself or may arrange with a third party to perform the services. In the case of any one financial intermediary, such payments will not exceed 0.10% of the total assets of Franklin Templeton equity or fixed income mutual funds held, directly or indirectly, by such Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans, on an annual basis. Distributors will, on an annual basis, determine whether to continue such payments. Any current year sales to, or assets held on behalf of, Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans for which payment is made to a financial intermediary pursuant to this paragraph will be excluded from the calculation of marketing support payments pursuant to the preceding paragraph.

IX. The fourth paragraph of the section entitled "Buying and Selling Shares – Dealer and financial intermediary compensation – Marketing support payments" is revised to the following:

Marketing support payments may be in addition to any servicing and other fees paid by Investor Services, as described further below and under "Shareholder servicing and transfer agent" above.




X. The section entitled "Buying and Selling Shares – Dealer and financial intermediary compensation - Other payments" is revised to the following:

Other payments. From time to time, Distributors, at its expense, may make additional payments to dealers that sell or arrange for the sale of shares of the Fund. Such compensation may include financial assistance to dealers that enable Distributors to participate in and/or present at conferences or seminars, sales or training programs for invited registered representatives and other employees, client and investor events, co-operative advertising, newsletters, and other dealer-sponsored events. These payments may vary depending upon the nature of the event, and can include travel expenses, such as lodging incurred by registered representatives and other employees in connection with training and educational meetings, client prospecting and due diligence trips.

Distributors routinely sponsors due diligence meetings for registered representatives during which they receive updates on various Franklin Templeton funds and are afforded the opportunity to speak with portfolio managers. Invitation to these meetings is not conditioned on selling a specific number of shares. Those who have shown an interest in Franklin Templeton funds, however, are more likely to be considered. To the extent permitted by their firm's policies and procedures, registered representatives' expenses in attending these meetings may be covered by Distributors.

Other compensation may be offered to the extent not prohibited by federal or state laws or any self-regulatory agency, such as FINRA. Distributors makes payments for events it deems appropriate, subject to Distributors' guidelines and applicable law.

You should ask your dealer for information about any payments it receives from Distributors and any services provided.

In addition, Investor Services may make payments to financial intermediaries that provide administrative services to defined benefit plans. Investor Services does not seek reimbursement by the Fund for such payments.





 Please keep this supplement for future reference.