497 1 di49712012014.htm di49712012014.htm
Delaware Investments® Family of Funds

Supplement to the current Statutory Prospectus
for each Delaware Investments fund
(each, a “Fund” and together, the “Funds”)

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the first paragraph in the section entitled “About your account – Investing in the Fund”:

Investing in the Fund

You can choose from a number of share classes for the Fund. Because each share class has a different combination of sales charges, fees, and other features, you should consult your financial intermediary or your financial advisor (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "financial intermediary") to determine which class best suits your investment goals and time frame. It is the responsibility of your financial intermediary to assist you in determining the most appropriate share class and to communicate such determination to us.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following is added as the last bullet in the section entitled “About your account – Choosing a Share Class – Class A”:

Because of the higher 12b-1 fee, Class A shares have higher expenses and any dividends paid on these shares are generally lower than dividends on Institutional Class shares.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the footnote to the Class A sales charges table:

* There is no front-end sales charge when you purchase $1 million or more of Class A shares. However, if Delaware Distributors, L.P. (Distributor) paid your financial intermediary a commission on your purchase of $1 million or more of Class A shares, you will have to pay a Limited CDSC of 1.00% if you redeem these shares within the first year after your purchase and 0.50% if you redeem shares within the second year, unless a specific waiver of the Limited CDSC applies. The Limited CDSC will be paid to the Distributor and will be assessed on an amount equal to the lesser of: (1) the NAV at the time the Class A shares being redeemed were purchased; or (2) the NAV of such Class A shares at the time of redemption. For purposes of this formula, the "NAV at the time of purchase" will be the NAV at purchase of the Class A shares even if those shares are later exchanged for shares of another Delaware Investments® Fund and, in the event of an exchange of Class A shares, the "NAV of such shares at the time of redemption" will be the NAV of the shares acquired in the exchange. In determining whether a Limited CDSC is payable, it will be assumed that shares not subject to the Limited CDSC are the first redeemed followed by other shares held for the longest period of time. See "Dealer compensation" below for a description of the dealer commission that is paid.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the sixth bullet in the section entitled “About your account – Choosing a Share Class – Class C”:

You may purchase only up to $1 million of Class C shares at any one time. Orders that exceed $1 million will be rejected.
Because of their higher 12b-1 fee, Class C shares have higher expenses and any dividends paid on these shares are generally lower than dividends on Class A, Class R, and Institutional Class shares.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the fourth bullet in the section entitled “About your account – Choosing a Share Class – Class R”:



Class R shares generally are available only to: (i) qualified and nonqualified plan shareholders covering multiple employees (including 401(k), 401(a), 457, and noncustodial 403(b) plans, as well as certain other nonqualified deferred compensation plans); and (ii) individual retirement account (IRA) rollovers from legacy Delaware Investments plans that were previously maintained on the Delaware Investments® retirement recordkeeping system or the retirement recordkeeping system of Ascensus (formerly, BISYS) that are offering Class R shares to participants.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following is added as the last bullet in the section entitled “About your account – Choosing a Share Class – Class R”:

Because of their higher 12b-1 fee, Class R shares have higher expenses and any dividends paid on these shares are generally lower than dividends on Class A and Institutional Class shares.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the third bullet in the section entitled “About your account – Choosing a Share Class – Institutional Class”:

Institutional Class shares are available for purchase only by the following:
rollover IRAs from retirement plans and retirement plans introduced by persons not associated with brokers or dealers that are primarily engaged in the retail securities business;
retirement plans or certain other programs that are maintained on platforms sponsored by financial intermediary firms, provided the financial intermediary firms or their trust companies (or entities performing similar trading/clearing functions) have entered into an agreement with the Distributor (or its affiliate) related to such plans or programs;
tax-exempt employee benefit plans of the Manager, its affiliates, and securities dealers that have a selling agreement with the Distributor;
institutional advisory clients (including mutual funds) of the Manager or its affiliates, as well as those clients' affiliates, and their corporate sponsors, subsidiaries, related employee benefit plans, and rollover IRAs of, or from, such institutional advisory clients;
a bank, trust company, or similar financial institution investing for its own account or for the account of its trust customers for whom the financial institution is exercising investment discretion in purchasing Institutional Class shares, except where the investment is part of a program that requires payment to the financial institution of a Rule 12b-1 Plan fee;
registered investment advisors (RIAs) investing on behalf of clients that consist solely of institutions and high net worth individuals entrusted to an RIA for investment purposes for accounts requiring Institutional Class shares (use of the Institutional Class shares is restricted to RIAs who are not affiliated or associated with a broker or dealer and who derive compensation for their services exclusively from their advisory clients);
programs sponsored by, controlled by, and/or clearing transactions submitted through a financial intermediary where: (1) such programs allow or require the purchase of Institutional Class shares; (2) a financial intermediary has entered into an agreement with the Distributor and/or the transfer agent allowing certain purchases of Institutional Class shares; and (3) a financial intermediary (i) charges clients an ongoing fee for advisory, investment consulting or similar services, or (ii) offers the Institutional Class shares through a no-commission network or platform; or
private investment vehicles, including, but not limited to, foundations and endowments.



Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the first paragraph in the section entitled “About your account – Payments to Intermediaries”:

Payments to intermediaries

The Distributor and its affiliates may pay additional compensation at their own expense and not as an expense of the Fund to certain affiliated or unaffiliated brokers, dealers, or other financial intermediaries (Financial Intermediaries) in connection with the sale or retention of Fund shares and/or shareholder servicing, including providing the Fund with "shelf space" or a higher profile with the Financial Intermediaries' consultants, salespersons, and customers (distribution assistance). For example, the Distributor or its affiliates may pay additional compensation to Financial Intermediaries for various purposes, including, but not limited to, promoting the sale of Fund shares, maintaining share balances and/or for sub-accounting, administrative, or shareholder processing services, marketing, educational support, and ticket charges. Such payments are in addition to any distribution fees, service fees, sub-accounting fees, and/or transfer agency fees that may be payable by the Fund. The additional payments may be based on factors, including level of sales (based on gross or net sales or some specified minimum sales or some other similar criteria related to sales of the Fund and/or some or all other Delaware Investments® Funds), amount of assets invested by the Financial Intermediary's customers (which could include current or aged assets of the Fund and/or some or all other Delaware Investments® Funds), the Fund's advisory fees, some other agreed-upon amount, or other measures as determined from time to time by the Distributor. The level of payments made to a qualifying Financial Intermediary in any given year may vary. To the extent permitted by SEC and FINRA rules and other applicable laws and regulations, the Distributor may pay, or allow its affiliates to pay, other promotional incentives or payments to Financial Intermediaries.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – How to reduce your sales charge”:

How to reduce your sales charge

We offer a number of ways to reduce or eliminate the sales charge on Class A shares. Please refer to the SAI for detailed information and eligibility requirements. You can also get additional information from your financial intermediary. You or your financial intermediary must notify us at the time you purchase shares if you are eligible for any of these programs. You may also need to provide information to your financial intermediary or the Fund in order to qualify for a reduction in sales charges. Such information may include your Delaware Investments® Funds holdings in any other accounts, including retirement accounts, held indirectly or through an intermediary, and the names of qualifying family members and their holdings. We reserve the right to determine whether any purchase is entitled, by virtue of the foregoing, to the reduced sales charge. Class R and Institutional Class shares have no upfront sales charge or CDSC so they are not included in the table below.

Letter of intent and rights of accumulation

Through a letter of intent you agree to invest a certain amount in Delaware Investments® Funds (except money market funds with no sales charge) over a 13-month period to qualify for reduced front-end sales charges. Delaware Investments® Funds no longer accept retroactive letters of intent.

You can combine your holdings or purchases of Class A and Class C shares of Delaware Investments® Funds (as set forth in the SAI) as well as the holdings and purchases of your



spouse — or equivalent, if recognized under local law — and children under the age of 21 to qualify for reduced front end sales charges.

Class A
Class C
Although the letter of intent does not apply to Class C shares, you can combine your purchase of Class C shares with your purchase of Class A shares to fulfill your letter of intent. Although the rights of accumulation do not apply to Class C shares, you can combine the value of your Class C shares with the value of your Class A shares to receive a reduced sales charge.

Reinvestment of redeemed shares

Up to 12 months after you redeem shares, you can reinvest the proceeds without paying a sales charge.

Class A
Class C
Not available

SIMPLE IRA, SEP, SARSEP, 401(k), SIMPLE 401(k), Profit Sharing, Money Purchase,
403(b)(7), and 457 Retirement Plans

These investment plans may qualify for reduced sales charges by combining the purchases of all members of the group. Members of these groups may also qualify to purchase shares without a front-end sales charge and may qualify for a waiver of any CDSCs on Class A shares.

Class A
Class C
Although front-end sales charges do not apply to the purchase of Class C shares, you can combine your purchase of Class A shares with your purchase of Class C shares in order to reduce your sales charge on Class A shares.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – Buying Class A shares at net asset value”:

Buying Class A shares at net asset value

Class A shares of the Fund may be purchased at NAV under the following circumstances, provided that you notify the Fund in advance that the trade qualifies for this privilege. The Fund reserves the right to modify or terminate these arrangements at any time.

Shares purchased under the Delaware Investments® dividend reinvestment plan and, under certain circumstances, the exchange privilege and the 12-month reinvestment privilege.
Purchases by: (i) current and former officers, Trustees/Directors, and employees of any Delaware Investments® Fund, the Manager, or any of the Manager's current affiliates and those that may in the future be created; (ii) current employees of legal counsel to the Delaware Investments® Funds; and (iii) registered representatives, employees, officers, and directors of broker/dealers who have entered into dealer's agreements with the Distributor. At the direction of such persons, their family members (regardless of age), and any employee benefit plan, trust, or other entity directly owned by, controlled by, or established by any of the foregoing may also purchase shares at NAV.
Shareholders who own Class A shares of Delaware Cash Reserve® Fund as a result of a liquidation of a Delaware Investments® Fund may exchange into Class A shares of another Delaware Investments® Fund at NAV.
Purchases by bank employees who provide services in connection with agreements between the bank and unaffiliated brokers or dealers concerning sales of shares of the Delaware Investments® Funds.



Purchases by certain officers, trustees, and key employees of institutional clients of the Manager or any of its affiliates.
Purchases by programs sponsored by, controlled by, and/or clearing transactions submitted through a financial intermediary where: (i) such programs allow or require the purchase of Class A shares; (ii) a financial intermediary has entered into an agreement with the Distributor and/or the transfer agent allowing certain purchases of Class A shares; and (iii) a financial intermediary (1) charges clients an ongoing fee for advisory, investment consulting, or similar services, or (2) offers the Class A shares through a no-commission network or platform. Investors may be charged a fee by their financial intermediary when effecting transactions in Class A shares through a financial intermediary that offers these programs.
Purchases for the benefit of the clients of brokers, dealers, and other financial intermediaries if such brokers, dealers, or other financial intermediaries have entered into an agreement with the Distributor providing for the purchase of Class A shares at NAV through self-directed brokerage service platforms or programs. Investors may be charged a fee by their financial intermediary when effecting transactions in Class A shares at NAV through a self-directed investment brokerage service platform or program.
Purchases by financial institutions investing for the accounts of their trust customers if they are not eligible to purchase shares of the Institutional Class, if applicable.
Purchases by retirement plans or certain other programs that are maintained or sponsored by financial intermediary firms, provided the financial intermediary firms or their trust companies (or entities performing similar trading/clearing functions) have entered into an agreement with the Distributor (or its affiliate) related to such plans or programs.
Purchases by certain legacy bank-sponsored retirement plans and certain legacy retirement assets that meet requirements set forth in the SAI.
Investments made by plan level and/or participant retirement accounts that are for the purpose of repaying a loan taken from such accounts.
Purchases by certain participants in defined contribution plans and members of their households whose plan assets will be rolled over into IRA accounts (IRA Program) where the financial intermediary has entered into an agreement specifically relating to such IRA Program with the Distributor and/or the transfer agent.
Purchases by certain participants of particular group retirement plans as described in the SAI.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – Waivers of contingent deferred sales charge”:

Waivers of contingent deferred sales charges

Certain sales charges may be based on historical cost. Therefore, you should maintain any records that substantiate these costs because the Fund, its transfer agent, and financial intermediaries may not maintain this information. Information about existing sales charges and sales charge reductions and waivers is available in this Prospectus, in the SAI, which is available upon request, and free of charge on the Delaware Investments® Funds' website at delawareinvestments.com. Class R and Institutional Class shares do not have CDSCs so they are not included in the list below.

CDSCs for Class A and Class C shares may be waived under the following circumstances:1
Redemptions in accordance with a systematic withdrawal plan: Redemptions in accordance with a systematic withdrawal plan, provided the annual amount selected to be withdrawn under the plan does not exceed 12% of the value of the account on the date that the systematic withdrawal plan was established or modified.



Redemptions that result from the right to liquidate a shareholder's account: Redemptions that result from the right to liquidate a shareholder's account if the aggregate NAV of the shares held in the account is less than the then-effective minimum account size.
Section 401(a) qualified retirement plan distributions: Distributions to participants or beneficiaries from a retirement plan trading on a recordkeeping platform qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (Internal Revenue Code).
Section 401(a) qualified retirement plan redemptions: Redemptions pursuant to the direction of a participant or beneficiary of a retirement plan trading on a recordkeeping platform qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to that retirement plan.
Periodic distributions or systematic withdrawals from a retirement account or qualified plan: Periodic distributions or systematic withdrawals from an individual retirement account (traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SIMPLE IRA, SEP, SARSEP, and Coverdell ESA) or a qualified plan2(401(k), SIMPLE 401(k), Profit Sharing, Money Purchase, 403(b)(7), and 457 Retirement Plans) not subject to a penalty under Section 72(t)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code or a hardship or unforeseen emergency provision in the qualified plan as described in Treas. Reg. §1.401(k)-1(d)(3) and Section 457(d)(1)(A)(iii) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Returns of excess contributions due to any regulatory limit: Returns of excess contributions due to any regulatory limit from an individual retirement account (traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SIMPLE IRA, SEP, SARSEP, and Coverdell ESA) or a qualified plan2(401(k), SIMPLE 401(k), Profit Sharing, Money Purchase, 403(b)(7), and 457 Retirement Plans).
Distributions by other employee benefit plans: Distributions by other employee benefit plans to pay benefits.
Distributions from an account of a redemption resulting from death or disability: Distributions from an account of a redemption resulting from the death or disability (as defined in Section 72(t)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code) of a registered owner or a registered joint owner occurring after the purchase of the shares being redeemed. In the case of accounts established under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act or Uniform Transfers to Minors Act or trust accounts, the waiver applies upon the death of all beneficial owners.
Redemptions by certain legacy retirement assets: Redemptions by certain legacy retirement assets that meet the requirements set forth in the SAI.

1Please note that you or your financial intermediary will have to notify us at the time of the redemption that the trade qualifies for such waiver.
2Qualified plans that are fully redeemed at the direction of the plan's fiduciary may be subject to any applicable CDSC or Limited CDSC, unless the redemption is due to the termination of the plan.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – How to buy shares”:

How to buy shares

Through your financial intermediary

Your financial intermediary can handle all the details of purchasing shares, including opening an account. Your financial intermediary may charge a separate fee for this service.

By mail



Complete an investment slip and mail it with your check, made payable to the fund and class of shares you wish to purchase, to Delaware Investments at P.O. Box 9876, Providence, RI 02940-8076 for investments by regular mail or 4400 Computer Drive, Westborough, MA 01581-1722 for investments by overnight courier service. If you are making an initial purchase by mail, you must include a completed investment application (or an appropriate retirement plan application if you are opening a retirement account) with your check.

Please note that purchase orders submitted by mail will not be considered accepted until such purchase orders are received in good order by Delaware Investments at P.O. Box 9876, Providence, RI 02940-8076 for investments by regular mail or 4400 Computer Drive, Westborough, MA 01581-1722 for investments by overnight courier service. Purchase orders will not be accepted at any other address. The Fund does not consider the U.S. Postal Service or other independent delivery services to be its agent. Therefore, deposits in the mail or with such services or receipt at the Fund's post office box, of purchase orders or redemption requests, do not constitute receipt by the Fund or its agent.

By wire

Ask your bank to wire the amount you want to invest to The Bank of New York Mellon, ABA #011001234, bank account #000073-6910. Include your account number, the name of the fund, registered account name, and class of shares in which you want to invest. If you are making an initial purchase by wire, you must first call the Shareholder Service Center at 800 523-1918 so we can assign you an account number.

By exchange

You may exchange all or part of your investment in one or more Delaware Investments® Funds for shares of other Delaware Investments® Funds. Please keep in mind, however, that under most circumstances you may exchange between like classes of shares only. To open an account by exchange, call the Shareholder Service Center at 800 523-1918.

Through automated shareholder services

You may purchase or exchange shares through our automated telephone service (for Class A, Class C, and Class R shares only), or through our website, delawareinvestments.com (for Class A and Class C shares only). For more information about how to sign up for these services, call our Shareholder Service Center at 800 523-1918.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – Calculating share price”:

The price you pay for shares will depend on when we receive your purchase order. If your order is received by an authorized agent or us before the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time), you will pay that day's closing share price, which is based on a fund's NAV. If your order is received after the close of regular trading on the NYSE, you will pay the next Business Day's price. We reserve the right to reject any purchase order.

We determine the NAV per share for each class of a Delaware Investments® Fund at the close of regular trading on the NYSE on each Business Day. The NAV per share for each class of a fund is calculated by subtracting the liabilities of each class from its total assets and dividing the resulting number by the number of shares outstanding for that class. We generally price securities and other assets for which market quotations are readily available at their market value. The value of foreign securities may change on days when a shareholder will not be able to purchase or redeem fund shares because foreign markets are open at times and on days when



U.S. markets are not. We price fixed income securities on the basis of valuations provided to us by an independent pricing service that uses methods approved by the Board. For all other securities, we use methods approved by the Board that are designed to price securities at their fair market values.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – Fair Valuation”:

Fair valuation

When the Fund uses fair value pricing, they may take into account any factors they deem appropriate. The Fund may determine fair value based upon developments related to a specific security, current valuations of foreign stock indices (as reflected in U.S. futures markets), and/or U.S. sector or broad stock market indices. The prices of securities used by the Fund to calculate their NAV may differ from quoted or published prices for the same securities. Fair value pricing may involve subjective judgments and it is possible that the fair value determined for a security is materially different than the value that could be realized upon the sale of that security.

The Fund anticipates using fair value pricing for securities primarily traded on U.S. exchanges only under very limited circumstances, such as the early closing of the exchange on which a security is traded or suspension of trading in the security. The Fund may use fair value pricing more frequently for securities traded primarily in non-U.S. markets because, among other things, most foreign markets close well before the Fund values its securities, normally at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time or the close of the NYSE. The earlier close of these foreign markets gives rise to the possibility that significant events, including broad market moves, may have occurred in the interim. To account for this, the Fund may frequently value many foreign equity securities using fair value prices based on third-party vendor modeling tools to the extent available.

The Board has delegated responsibility for valuing the Fund's assets to a Pricing Committee of the Manager, which operates under the policies and procedures approved by the Board and is subject to the Board's oversight.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – Retirement plans”:

Retirement plans

In addition to being an appropriate investment for your IRA, Roth IRA, and Coverdell Education Savings Account, the Fund may be suitable for group retirement plans. You may establish your IRA account even if you are already a participant in an employer-sponsored retirement plan. For more information on how the Fund can play an important role in your retirement planning or for details about group plans, please consult your financial intermediary or call the Shareholder Service Center at 800 523-1918.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – Inactive accounts”:

Inactive accounts

Please note that your account may be required to transfer to the appropriate state if no activity occurs in the account within the time period specified by state law.



Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – How to redeem shares”:

How to redeem shares

Availability of these services may be limited by your financial intermediary and by the way your account is registered with the Delaware Investments® Fund.

When you send us a completed request in good order to redeem or exchange shares and the request is received by an authorized agent or us before the close of regular trading on the NYSE (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time), you will receive the NAV next determined after we receive your request. If we receive your request after the close of regular trading on the NYSE, you will receive the NAV next determined on the next Business Day. We will deduct any applicable CDSCs. You may also have to pay taxes on the proceeds from your sale of shares. We will send you a check, normally the next Business Day, but no later than seven days after we receive your request to sell your shares. If you purchased your shares by check and sell them before your check has cleared, which can take up to 15 days, we will wait until your check has cleared before we send you your redemption proceeds.

If you are required to pay a CDSC when you redeem your shares, the amount subject to the fee will be based on the shares' NAV when you purchased them or their NAV when you redeem them, whichever is less. This arrangement ensures that you will not pay a CDSC on any increase in the value of your shares. You also will not pay the charge on any shares acquired by reinvesting dividends or capital gains. If you exchange shares of one fund for shares of another, you do not pay a CDSC at the time of the exchange. If you later redeem those shares, the purchase price for purposes of the CDSC formula will be the price you paid for the original shares, not the exchange price. The redemption price for purposes of this formula will be the NAV of the shares you are actually redeeming.

If you hold your shares in certificates, you must submit the certificates with your request to sell the shares. We recommend that you send your certificates by certified mail.

Redemption proceeds will be distributed promptly (except as noted above), but not later than seven days after receipt of a redemption request (except as noted above). Please see the SAI for additional information.

Through your financial intermediary

Your financial intermediary can handle all the details of redeeming your shares (selling them back to a Fund). Your financial intermediary may charge a separate fee for this service.

By mail

You may redeem your shares by mail by writing to: Delaware Investments at P.O. Box 9876, Providence, RI 02940-8076 for redemption requests by regular mail or 4400 Computer Drive, Westborough, MA 01581-1722 for redemption requests by overnight courier service. All owners of the account must sign the request. For redemptions of more than $100,000, you must include a signature guarantee for each owner. Signature guarantees are also required when redemption proceeds are going to an address other than the address of record on the account. Please contact the Shareholder Service Center at 800 523-1918 for more information about the signature guarantee requirements.

Please note that redemption orders submitted by mail will not be considered accepted until such orders are received by Delaware Investments at P.O. Box 9876, Providence, RI 02940-8076 for redemptions by regular mail or 4400 Computer Drive, Westborough, MA 01581-1722 for redemptions by overnight courier service. Redemption requests will not be accepted at any other



address. The Fund does not consider the U.S. Postal Service or other independent delivery services to be its agents. Therefore, deposits in the mail or with such services or receipt at the Fund's post office box, of purchase orders or redemption requests, do not constitute receipt by the transfer agent.

By telephone

You may redeem up to $100,000 of your shares by telephone. You may have the proceeds sent to you in the following ways:

By check — Sent to your address of record, provided there has not been an address change in the last 30 days.

By wire — Sent directly to your bank by wire, if you redeem at least $1,000 of shares. If you request a wire transfer, a bank wire fee may be deducted from your proceeds.

By ACH — Sent via Automated Clearing House (ACH), subject to a $25 minimum.

Bank information must be on file before you request a wire or ACH redemption. Your bank may charge a fee for these services.

Through automated shareholder services

You may redeem shares through our automated telephone service or through our website, delawareinvestments.com. For more information about how to sign up for these services, call our Shareholder Service Center at 800 523-1918.


The Fund has reserved the right to pay for redemptions with portfolio securities under certain conditions. See the SAI for more information on redemptions-in-kind.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – Account minimums”:

Low balance accounts

For Class A and Class C shares, if you redeem shares and your account balance falls below the required account minimum of $1,000 ($250 for IRAs, Roth IRAs, Uniform Gifts to Minors Act and Uniform Transfers to Minors Act accounts, or accounts with automatic investing plans, and $500 for Coverdell Education Savings Accounts) for three or more consecutive months, you will have until the end of the current calendar quarter to raise the balance to the minimum.

For Class R and Institutional Class shares, if you redeem shares and your account balance falls below $500, your shares may be redeemed after 60 days' written notice to you.

If your account is not at the minimum for low balance purposes by the required time, you may be charged a $9 fee for that quarter and each quarter after that until your account reaches the minimum balance, or it may be redeemed after 60 days' written notice to you. Any CDSC that would otherwise be applicable will not apply to such a redemption.

Certain accounts held in omnibus, advisory, or asset-allocation programs or programs covered by certain intermediaries may be opened below the minimum stated account balance and may



maintain balances that are below the minimum stated account balance without incurring a service fee or being subject to involuntary redemption.

If the applicable account falls below the minimum due to market fluctuation, a Fund still reserves the right to liquidate the account.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – Investor Services – Electronic delivery”:

Electronic delivery

With Delaware eDelivery, you can receive your fund documents electronically instead of via U.S. mail. When you sign up for eDelivery, you can access your account statements, shareholder reports, and other fund materials online, in a secure internet environment at any time.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – Investor Services – On demand service”:

The on demand service allows you or your financial advisor to transfer money between your Fund account and your predesignated bank account by telephone request. There is a minimum transfer of $25 and a maximum transfer of $100,000. Delaware Investments does not charge a fee for this service; however, your bank may assess one.

Effective as of the date of this supplement, the following replaces the information in the section entitled “About your account – Frequent trading of Fund shares”:

Frequent trading of Fund shares

The Fund discourages purchases by market timers and purchase orders (including the purchase side of exchange orders) by shareholders identified as market timers may be rejected. The Board has adopted policies and procedures designed to detect, deter, and prevent trading activity detrimental to the Fund and its shareholders, such as market timing and disruptive trading. The Fund will consider anyone who follows a pattern of market timing in any Delaware Investments® Fund or the Optimum Fund Trust to be a market timer and may consider anyone who has followed a similar pattern of market timing at an unaffiliated fund family to be a market timer.

Market timing of a fund occurs when investors make consecutive, rapid, short-term "round trips" — that is, purchases into a fund followed quickly by redemptions out of that fund. A short-term round trip is considered any redemption of fund shares within 20 Business Days of a purchase of that fund's shares. If you make a second such short-term round trip in a fund within 90 rolling calendar days of a previous short-term round trip in that fund, you may be considered a market timer. In determining whether market timing has occurred, the Fund will consider short-term round trips to include rapid purchases and sales of Fund shares through the exchange privilege. The Fund reserves the right to consider other trading patterns to be market timing.

Your ability to use the Fund's exchange privilege may be limited if you are identified as a market timer. If you are identified as a market timer, we will execute the redemption side of your exchange order but may refuse the purchase side of your exchange order. The Fund reserves the right to restrict or reject, without prior notice, any purchase order or exchange order for any reason, including any purchase order or exchange order accepted by any shareholder's financial intermediary or in any omnibus-type account. Transactions placed in violation of the Fund's market timing policy are not necessarily deemed accepted by the Fund and may be rejected by the Fund on the next Business Day following receipt by the Fund.



Redemptions will continue to be permitted in accordance with the Fund's then-current prospectus. A redemption of shares under these circumstances could be costly to a shareholder if, for example, the shares have declined in value, the shareholder recently paid a front-end sales charge, the shares are subject to a CDSC, or the sale results in adverse tax consequences. To avoid this risk, a shareholder should carefully monitor the purchases, sales, and exchanges of Fund shares and avoid frequent trading in Fund shares.

The Fund reserves the right to modify this policy at any time without notice, including modifications to the Fund's monitoring procedures and the procedures to close accounts to new purchases. Although the implementation of this policy involves certain judgments that are inherently subjective and may be selectively applied, we seek to make judgments and applications that are consistent with the interests of the Fund's shareholders. While we will take actions designed to detect and prevent market timing, there can be no assurance that such trading activity will be completely eliminated. Moreover, the Fund's market timing policy does not require the Fund to take action in response to frequent trading activity. If the Fund elects not to take any action in response to frequent trading, such frequent trading activity could continue.

Risks of market timing

By realizing profits through short-term trading, shareholders who engage in rapid purchases and sales or exchanges of the Fund's shares dilute the value of shares held by long-term shareholders. Volatility resulting from excessive purchases and sales or exchanges of Fund shares, especially involving large dollar amounts, may disrupt efficient portfolio management. In particular, the Fund may have difficulty implementing its long-term investment strategies if it is forced to maintain a higher level of its assets in cash to accommodate significant short-term trading activity. Excessive purchases and sales or exchanges of the Fund's shares may also force the Fund to sell portfolio securities at inopportune times to raise cash to accommodate short-term trading activity. This could adversely affect the Fund's performance, if, for example, the Fund incurs increased brokerage costs and realization of taxable capital gains without attaining any investment advantage.

Any fund may be subject to disruptive activity. However, a fund that invests significantly in foreign securities may be particularly susceptible to short-term trading strategies. This is because foreign securities are typically traded on markets that close well before the time a fund calculates its NAV (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time or the close of the NYSE). Developments that occur between the closing of the foreign market and a fund's NAV calculation may affect the value of these foreign securities. The time-zone differences among international stock markets can allow a shareholder engaging in a short-term trading strategy to exploit differences in fund share prices that are based on closing prices of foreign securities established some time before a fund calculates its own share price.

Any fund that invests in securities that are thinly traded, traded infrequently, or relatively illiquid has the risk that the securities prices used to calculate the fund's NAV may not accurately reflect current market values. A shareholder may seek to engage in short-term trading to take advantage of these pricing differences. Funds that may be adversely affected by such arbitrage include, in particular, funds that significantly invest in small-cap securities, technology, and other specific industry sector securities, and in certain fixed income securities, such as high yield bonds, asset-backed securities, or municipal bonds.

Transaction monitoring procedures

The Fund, through its transfer agent, maintains surveillance procedures designed to detect excessive or short-term trading in Fund shares. This monitoring process involves several factors, which include scrutinizing transactions in Fund shares for violations of the Fund's market timing policy or other patterns of short-term or excessive trading. For purposes of these transaction



monitoring procedures, the Fund may consider trading activity by multiple accounts under common ownership, control, or influence to be trading by a single entity. Trading activity identified by these factors, or as a result of any other available information, will be evaluated to determine whether such activity might constitute market timing. These procedures may be modified from time to time to help improve the detection of excessive or short-term trading or to address other concerns. Such changes may be necessary or appropriate, for example, to deal with issues specific to certain retirement plans; plan exchange limits; U.S. Department of Labor regulations; certain automated or pre-established exchange, asset-allocation, or dollar-cost-averaging programs; or omnibus account arrangements.

Omnibus account arrangements are common forms of holding shares of the Fund, particularly among certain broker/dealers and other financial intermediaries, including sponsors of retirement plans and variable insurance products. The Fund will attempt to have financial intermediaries apply the Fund's monitoring procedures to these omnibus accounts and to the individual participants in such accounts. However, to the extent that a financial intermediary is not able or willing to monitor or enforce the Fund's frequent trading policy with respect to an omnibus account, the Fund's transfer agent may work with certain intermediaries (such as investment dealers holding shareholder accounts in street name, retirement plan recordkeepers, insurance company separate accounts and bank trust companies) to apply their own procedures, provided that the Fund's transfer agent believes the intermediary's procedures are reasonably designed to enforce the Fund's frequent trading policies. You should refer to disclosures provided by the intermediaries with which you have an account to determine the specific trading restrictions that apply to you. If the Fund's transfer agent identifies any activity that may constitute frequent trading, it reserves the right to contact the intermediary and request that the intermediary either provide information regarding an account owner's transactions or restrict the account owner's trading. If the Fund's transfer agent is not satisfied that the intermediary has taken appropriate action, the transfer agent may terminate the intermediary's ability to transact in Fund shares.

Limitations on ability to detect and curtail market timing

Shareholders seeking to engage in market timing may employ a variety of strategies to avoid detection and, despite the efforts of the Fund and its agents to detect market timing in Fund shares, there is no guarantee that the Fund will be able to identify these shareholders or curtail their trading practices. In particular, the Fund may not be able to detect market timing attributable to a particular investor who effects purchase, redemption, and/or exchange activity in Fund shares through omnibus accounts. The difficulty of detecting market timing may be further compounded if these entities utilize multiple tiers or omnibus accounts.

Investments in the Funds are not and will not be deposits with or liabilities of Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 and its holding companies, including their subsidiaries or related companies (the "Macquarie Group"), and are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and capital invested. No Macquarie Group company guarantees or will guarantee the performance of the Funds, the repayment of capital from the Funds, or any particular rate of return.

Please keep this supplement for future reference.

This Supplement is dated December 1, 2014.