Section 240.14a-101 Schedule 14A.
Information required in proxy statement.
Schedule 14A Information
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934
(Amendment No.   )

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Filed by a party other than the Registrant  [_]
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[_]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[_]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[_] Definitive Proxy Statement
[X]  Definitive Additional Materials
[_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required

[_] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11

(1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

(4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5) Total fee paid:


[_] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1) Amount Previously Paid:

(2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3) Filing Party:

(4) Date Filed:


The Corporate Governance Proposals

Advice of Experts

  Outside Counsel and Bankers Provided Advice With Respect to the Adoption of Corporate Governance Measures Already Implemented by a Significant Proportion of the Company’s Peers:

Board Size
Written Consent Limitations
Special Meeting Limitations
Supermajority Voting
Classified Board of Directors

Reaction to Shareholder Concerns

  Company Eliminated Classified Board of Directors to Address Shareholder Concerns

Recapitalization Increases The Governance Role of Public Shareholders

  Unitrin’s 44% Holding Made it Unlikely that Any Person Could Gain Control of the Company Without Unitrin’s Consent –The Elimination of Unitrin As A Shareholder Increases the Role of Public Stockholders in the Affairs of the Company

Benefits of Corporate Governance Proposals

  Proposals Provide an Orderly Process For Maximizing or Enhancing Shareholder Value In Responding to Offers to Acquire Control of the Company




October 2, 2001


Current vs. Proposed Structure

  Current ownership structure as of November 1, 2000

  Proposed ownership structure based on ownership
  as of November 1, 2000



Comparable Company Liquidity Profile

Curtiss-Wright's public
float and trading
volume are significantly
less than its peers.

(Shares and Dollars in millions)

Market Value
of Public Float

Float as a %
of Market Cap

Shares in

Daily Average
Volume of Shares

Daily Average
Trading % of Float

Alliant Techsystems Inc.   $1,759   99 % 21 .1 0 .278 1 .32%
Teleflex Incorporated  1,128   80 % 31 .2 0 .130 0 .42%
Precision Castparts Corp.  1,087   100 % 51 .3 0 .417 0 .81%
Roper Industries, Inc.  1,051   94 % 29 .1 0 .100 0 .35%
Ametek, Inc.  741   93 % 31 .0 0 .109 0 .35%
Barnes Group Inc.  341   93 % 17 .3 0 .018 0 .10%
AAR Corp.  205   95 % 25 .7 0 .078 0 .31%
Sequa Corporation  186   38 % 4 .2 0 .007 0 .18%
Triumph Group, Inc.  175   48 % 7 .6 0 .073 0 .96%
MOOG Inc.  153   50 % 6 .7 0 .026 0 .25%
Herley Industries, Inc.  139   93 % 9 .8 0 .069 0 .71%
Aviall, Inc.  116   98 % 18 .2 0 .093 0 .51%
Heico Corporation  106   40 % 7 .2 0 .024 0 .51%
Ducommun Incorporated  78   90 % 8 .7 0 .008 0 .09%

Peer Group Median  $   195   93 % 17 .7 0 .076 0 .38%
Curtiss-Wright  $   230   55 % 5 .6 0 .009 0 .16%
Change from Peer Median(%)  17.7 % (37.7 %) (68 .6%) (88 .1%) (58 .1%)

Source: Bloomberg, IDD. Data as of 9/26/01



Relative Equity Coverage

Low liquidity and institutional interest is reflected in Curtiss-Wright's low equity research coverage.

Analyst Coverage
LL Rank Company Curtiss-
AAR Alliant Ametek Aviall Barnes Ducommun HEICO Herley MOOG Precision
Roper Sequa Teleflex Triumph

     Market Value of Float   $230   $205   $1,759   $741   $116   $341   $78   $106   $139   $153   $1,087   $1,051   $186   $1,128   $175  
  2  Merrill Lynch          Yes                   Yes       Yes                   Yes  
  3  Lehman Brothers          Yes  
  RU   SSB           Yes                               Yes  
  RU  CSFB          Yes                               Yes           Yes  
  NR  ABN Amro Inc.                                      Yes       Yes  
  NR  Bear Stearns              Yes  
  NR  BofA Montgomery                                              Yes  
  NR  Deutsche Bank      Yes       Yes                                       Yes   Yes  
  NR  First Union          Yes   Yes   Yes           Yes       Yes     Yes     Yes
  NR  Goldman Sachs      Yes                                   Yes           Yes  
  NR  ING Barings 
  NR  Janney Montgomery              Yes                   Yes           Yes       Yes  
  NR  JP Morgan          Yes  
  NR  Lazard Freres 
  NR  Legg Mason                                                    Yes  
  NR  Raymond James                              Yes  
  NR  Robert Baird                                              Yes  
  NR  Robinson Humphrey                                              Yes  
  NR  SG Cowen                                      Yes  
  NR  UBS Warburg 
  NR  Wasserstein                                      Yes   Yes  
  NR  William Blair      Yes  
    Total Sell-Side Analysts  0   3   6   4   1   0   0   3   1   5   4   6   0   6   2  
    Total Buy-Side Analysts  5   2   1   3   1   0   2   1   2   1   5   1   0   3   1  

Note: Two buy-side analysts have initiated coverage of Curtiss-Wright following the announcement of the recapitalization-spinoff.

Source: First Call; dated as of 9/26/01
RU: Runner Up
NR: Not Ranked



CW vs. Peer 5 Year Share Price Performance

DAILY DATA — 9/26/1996 THROUGH 9/26/2001

Source: IDD Information Services



Carve-Spin Sample

  Set forth below are a number of spin-offs that had pre-spin trading histories "untainted" by announcement of a future spin-off at the time of the initial equity carve out.

(Dollars in millions)

Market Cap.

Public Float

Spin Size
Market Cap

Harcourt General   Neiman Marcus   $  1,323   $   609   $     579   43 .8%(a) 10/22/99  
IMS Health  Gartner Group  $  2,404   $1,230   $  1,174   46 .8% 7/27/99 
Fingerhut Companies  Metris Companies  $     961   $   163   $     798   83 .0% 9/25/98 
Ford Motor Company  Associates First Capital  $29,217   $5,635   $23,582 (b) 80 .7% 4/7/98 
WMS Industries Inc.  Midway Games Inc.  $     871   $   115   $     756   86 .8% 4/6/98 
Enserch Corporation  EEX Corporation  $  1,009   $   169   $     840   83 .4% 8/5/97 
Trinity Industries, Inc.  Halter Marine Group Inc.  $     277   $     52   $     225   81 .3% 3/31/97 
Peter Kiewit & Sons  MFS Communications  $  2,698   $   944   $  1,754   65 .0% 10/2/95 
Sears, Roebuck and Co.  Allstate Corporation  $14,962   $2,975   $11,987   80 .3% 7/12/95 
Freeport McMoRan Inc.  Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold  $  5,076   $2,099   $  2,977   58 .7% 7/11/95 

Source: Bloomberg; Company public filings
(a) Does not include 5.0 million Class A shares retained by Harcourt General
(b) Does not include cash distribution of $3.2 billion in connection with the spin-off



Carve-Spin Sample Volume

The stocks of the
carve-sample exhibited
significantly increased
trading volume
following the spin off.

Source: IDD Information Services.
Carve-Spin sample includes Neiman Marcus Group, Metris Companies, Associates
First Capital, Midway Games, EEX Corp., Halter-Marine Group, MFS Communications,
Allstate Corp., Freeport-McMoRan Copper Co., and Gartner Group.



New Attention from Analysts

Pre-spin coverage

Post-spin initiations (a)
Neiman Marcus Group   Lehman Brothers   Goldman Sachs   ABN Amro  
   CS First Boston  ING Barings  Merrill Lynch 
   Morgan Stanley Dean Witter  Bear Stearns 
   Janney Montgomery 

Gartner Group  Salomon Smith Barney  CS First Boston  Piper Jaffray 
   BT Alex. Brown  Morgan Stanley Dean Witter  BancBoston Robertson Stephens 
   Hanifen Imhoff  Raymond James  Laidlaw 
   Pacific Crest Securities  B of A Montgomery Securities 
   Adams Harkness  William Blair 
   Stifel Nicolaus 

Metris Companies  Bear Stearns & Co.  Sanford C. Bernstein  First Union Capital Markets 
   Salomon Smith Barney  DLJ 
   SBC Warburg Dillon Read  Furman Selz 
   BT Alex. Brown 

Associates First  DLJ  Alex. Brown & Sons  ABN Amro 
Capital  Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter  Bear Stearns & Co.  Raymond James & Assoc. 
   Merrill Lynch  Prudential Securities 
   Lehman Brothers  CS First Boston 

Midway Games  Furman Selz  Wedbush Morgan Sec.  Wasserstein Perella Securities 
   CIBC Oppenheimer     Glaser Capital Partners 

EEX Corporation  Prudential Securities  Dean Witter Reynolds  CIBC Oppenheimer 
   Comvest Partners  Bear Stearns & Co.  Wasserstein Perella 
   Merrill Lynch     Sanders Morris Mundy 
         Fahnestock/Christopher Inst. 

Halter Marine Group  Dean Witter Reynolds  Merrill Lynch  Morgan Keegan & Co. 
   DLJ     Freeman Reports 
         Southcoast Capital Corp. 

MFS Communications  Salomon Smith Barney  Morgan Stanley  Merrill Lynch 
   Deutsche Bank Securities  Gerard Klauer Mattison  Lehman Brothers 
   Bear Stearns & Co. 

Allstate Corporation  Deutsche Morgan Grenfell  Merrill Lynch  Oppenheimer & Co. 
   DLJ  Dean Witter Reynolds  J.P. Morgan & Co. 
   Smith Barney  A.G. Edwards 
   CS First Boston  Prudential Securities 
   Lehman Brothers 

Freeport-McMoRan  Smith Barney  Morgan Stanley  DLJ 
Copper & Gold  Merrill Lynch  Prudential Securities  Deutsche Bank Securities 
         Bear Stearns & Co. 
         Lehman Brothers 
         CS First Boston 

(a) Initiations within two years following the spin-off. Source: Investext; Bloomberg.



Carve-Spin Sample Stock Performance

Individual stock price
performance of the
carve-spin sample did
not follow a discernable
trend following the spin-

Source: IDD Information Services.



Untainted Spin Sample Cumulative Excess Return Analysis

Following an initial
period of dislocation
that may be partially
due to a shareholder
shift, the untainted spin
sample on average outperformed
the market.

Source: IDD Information Services.

Note: Cumulative excess return relative to the S&P500.