EX-99 2 dex99.htm FACT SHEET FOR ELECTRIC RATE CASE JOINT PROPOSAL Fact Sheet for Electric Rate Case Joint Proposal

Exhibit 99


Fact Sheet for Electric Rate Case Joint Proposal

Filed December 2, 2004




1. Rate plan


  Three years: April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2008


2. Rate increases and rate base


  The joint proposal provides for the following


  First year rate increase of $104.6 million (1.3%),


  A rate freeze for the second year, and


  Third year rate increase of $220.4 million (2.5%) to reflect plant additions, property taxes, and O&M increases, partially offset by sales growth for RY2 and RY3.


  Each year, the Company will retain the first $60 million of proceeds from the auctions of Transmission Congestion Contracts.


  Accounting credits (net of debits) will be reflected in pre-tax income in each of the three years, as follows:


RY1    $128 million
RY2      232
RY3      190

Total Credits

   $ 550 million


  The rate base in this agreement is:


  $9.3 billion in rate year 1,


  $9.6 billion in rate year 2, and


  $10.3 billion in rate year 3.


  The net T&D plant levels reflected in the rate plan will be reconciled each year to the level set in rates and a carrying charge (pre-tax rate of return and depreciation) on any variation will be deferred for future recovery or refund to ratepayers.


  Excluded from the rate base in each year of the rate plan is about $200 million of T&D capital expenditures which the Company expects to spend. Carrying costs for this investment are covered by this provision for T&D plant reconciliation.

  East River Repowering Project (ERRP)


  The capital costs of ERRP are recorded in the steam department accounts. Approximately two-thirds of ERRP’s capital costs are billed to the electric department and collected from electric customers through the fuel adjustment clause.


  The total rate base for ERRP is expected to be approximately $575 million. Equity earnings on the ERRP rate base will be reflected in the steam department once the plant is placed in service.


  The Company will record for accounting purposes (in 2004) a one-time pre-tax charge to earnings of $100 million to resolve various issues raised in the proceeding related mainly to the treatment of prior pension credits retained by the Company.


3. Earnings threshold and capital structure


  Earnings of between 11.4% - 13.0% ROE are shared 50/50 with customers.


  Earnings above 13.0% ROE are shared 75/25 customers/shareholders.


  The equity ratio used in this calculation will be the actual equity ratio, with a cap of 50%.


4. Reconciliations


  Full reconciliation (without limitation) of all T&D capital spending to the levels provided in rates, including carrying costs at a pre-tax rate of return plus depreciation


  Reconciliation for pension and OPEB costs, and environmental remediation costs.


  Continued deferral of all spending related to Lower Manhattan restoration, with a pretax AFDC rate of return.


  Reconciliation of property taxes and interference costs above or below a dead band of 2.5%.


  Limitations on reconciliations:


  If earnings exceed an 11.4% ROE but fall below a 13.0% ROE, only 50% of the above reconcilable items can be deferred;


  If earnings exceed a 13.0% ROE, none of the above reconcilable items can be deferred


  Deferrals related to T&D capital spending and spending related to Lower Manhattan restoration are recovered in full with no limitation.


  Fuel and purchased power continue to be recovered on a current basis.

5. Performance based adjustments


  Incentives for:


  Retail access migration


  Demand side management goals


  Negative revenue adjustment for failure to meet operating standards for:


  Frequency and duration of service interruptions


  Major outages


  Repair, removal or replacement of damaged poles, temporary shunts, street lights, traffic signals and circuit breakers


  Customer service standards for call response, meter reading and customer satisfaction


More information


For a copy of the Joint Proposal go to the Con Edison Website at http://www.coned.com and select “Investor Information”.