XML 45 R10.htm IDEA: XBRL DOCUMENT v3.20.4
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2020
Regulated Operations [Abstract]  
Eversource's utility companies are subject to rate regulation that is based on cost recovery and meets the criteria for application of accounting guidance for rate-regulated operations, which considers the effect of regulation on the timing of the recognition of certain revenues and expenses. The regulated companies' financial statements reflect the effects of the rate-making process.  The rates charged to the customers of Eversource's regulated companies are designed to collect each company's costs to provide service, plus a return on investment.  

The application of accounting guidance for rate-regulated enterprises results in recording regulatory assets and liabilities.  Regulatory assets represent the deferral of incurred costs that are probable of future recovery in customer rates.  Regulatory assets are amortized as the incurred costs are recovered through customer rates.  Regulatory liabilities represent either revenues received from customers to fund expected costs that have not yet been incurred or probable future refunds to customers.

Management believes it is probable that each of the regulated companies will recover its respective investments in long-lived assets and the regulatory assets that have been recorded.  If management were to determine that it could no longer apply the accounting guidance applicable to rate-regulated enterprises, or if management could not conclude it is probable that costs would be recovered from customers in future rates, the applicable costs would be charged to net income in the period in which the determination is made.

Regulatory Assets:  The components of regulatory assets were as follows:
 As of December 31,
(Millions of Dollars)EversourceCL&PNSTAR ElectricPSNHEversourceCL&PNSTAR ElectricPSNH
Benefit Costs$2,794.2 $632.3 $690.0 $267.6 $2,382.9 $539.0 $629.8 $218.2 
Income Taxes, Net747.1 458.9 110.4 15.2 725.8 458.8 108.0 12.8 
Securitized Stranded Costs522.1 — — 522.1 565.3 — — 565.3 
Storm Restoration Costs, Net765.6 515.1 186.4 64.1 540.6 274.6 200.6 65.4 
Regulatory Tracker Mechanisms850.5 246.6 332.2 95.3 411.5 78.3 207.1 65.8 
Derivative Liabilities296.3 293.1 — — 334.5 329.2 — — 
Goodwill-related314.7 — 270.2 — 331.5 — 284.6 — 
Asset Retirement Obligations118.4 32.1 58.6 3.9 97.2 30.8 50.3 3.6 
Other Regulatory Assets161.0 33.7 56.1 20.9 125.4 25.2 55.2 14.7 
Total Regulatory Assets6,569.9 2,211.8 1,703.9 989.1 5,514.7 1,735.9 1,535.6 945.8 
Less:  Current Portion1,076.6 345.6 399.9 115.9 651.1 178.6 285.6 84.1 
Total Long-Term Regulatory Assets$5,493.3 $1,866.2 $1,304.0 $873.2 $4,863.6 $1,557.3 $1,250.0 $861.7 

Benefit Costs:  Eversource's Pension, SERP and PBOP Plans are accounted for in accordance with accounting guidance on defined benefit pension and other PBOP plans.  The liability (or asset) recorded by the regulated companies to recognize the funded status of their retiree benefit plans is offset by a regulatory asset (or offset by a regulatory liability in the case of a benefit plan asset) in lieu of a charge to Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss), reflecting ultimate recovery from customers through rates.  The regulatory asset (or regulatory liability) is amortized as the actuarial gains and losses and prior service cost are amortized to net periodic benefit cost for the pension and PBOP plans.  All amounts are remeasured annually.  Regulatory accounting is also applied to the portions of Eversource's service company costs that support the regulated companies, as these amounts are also recoverable.  As these regulatory assets or regulatory liabilities do not represent a cash outlay for the regulated companies, no carrying charge is recovered from customers. See Note 11A, "Employee Benefits - Pension Benefits and Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pension," for further information on regulatory benefit plan amounts recognized and amortized during the year.

CL&P, NSTAR Electric, and PSNH recover benefit costs related to their distribution and transmission operations from customers in rates as allowed by their applicable regulatory commissions.  NSTAR Electric recovers qualified pension and PBOP expenses related to its distribution operations through a rate reconciling mechanism that fully tracks the change in net pension and PBOP expenses each year.  

Income Taxes, Net:  The tax effect of temporary book-tax differences (differences between the periods in which transactions affect income in the financial statements and the periods in which they affect the determination of taxable income, including those differences relating to uncertain tax positions) is accounted for in accordance with the rate-making treatment of the applicable regulatory commissions and accounting guidance for income taxes.  Differences in income taxes between the accounting guidance and the rate-making treatment of the applicable regulatory commissions are recorded as regulatory assets.  As these assets are offset by deferred income tax liabilities, no carrying charge is collected.  The amortization period of these assets varies depending on the nature and/or remaining life of the underlying assets and liabilities.  For further information regarding income taxes, see Note 12, "Income Taxes," to the financial statements.  

Securitized Stranded Costs: In 2018, a subsidiary of PSNH issued $635.7 million of securitized RRBs to finance PSNH's unrecovered remaining costs associated with the divestiture of its generation assets. Securitized regulatory assets, which are not earning an equity return, are being recovered over the amortization period of the associated RRBs. The PSNH RRBs are expected to be repaid by February 1, 2033. For further information, see Note 10, "Rate Reduction Bonds and Variable Interest Entities."
Storm Restoration Costs, Net: The storm restoration cost deferrals relate to costs incurred for storm events at CL&P, NSTAR Electric and PSNH that each company expects to recover from customers.  A storm must meet certain criteria to qualify for deferral and recovery with the criteria specific to each state jurisdiction and utility company. Once a storm qualifies for recovery, all qualifying expenses incurred during storm restoration efforts are deferred and recovered from customers. Costs for storms that do not meet the specific criteria are expensed as incurred. In addition to storm restoration costs, CL&P and PSNH are each allowed to recover pre-staging storm costs. Management believes storm restoration costs deferred were prudently incurred and meet the criteria for specific cost recovery in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and that recovery from customers is probable through the applicable regulatory recovery processes. Each electric utility company either recovers a carrying charge on its deferred storm restoration cost regulatory asset balance or the regulatory asset balance is included in rate base. Of the total deferred storm restoration costs, $591 million is either pending regulatory approval or has yet to be filed with the applicable regulatory commission (including $390 million at CL&P, $166 million at NSTAR Electric and $35 million at PSNH).

Storm Event: On August 4, 2020, Tropical Storm Isaias caused catastrophic damage to our electric distribution system, which resulted in significant amounts and durations of customer outages, primarily in Connecticut. In terms of customer outages, this storm was one of the worst in CL&P’s history. PURA has opened an investigation into CL&P's response to Tropical Storm Isaias.  PURA will also investigate the prudence of costs incurred by CL&P to restore service as part of its response.  CL&P is fully participating in PURA’s investigations and believes that these storm restoration costs were prudently incurred and meet the criteria for cost recovery.  As a result, management does not expect the storm costs to have a material impact on the results of operations of Eversource or CL&P.

Based on current estimates, the storm resulted in deferred storm restoration costs on our balance sheets of approximately $228 million at CL&P and $245 million at Eversource as of December 31, 2020. The estimated cost of restoration will change as additional cost information becomes available, final storm costs are deferred or capitalized, and post-storm restoration work is completed. The majority of incremental storm costs relate to third-party vendors that are external field crews needed to restore power and address municipal priorities. CL&P’s current estimate of total storm costs includes its projection of the cost of such vendors, but that estimate will change as CL&P receives and examines all storm related invoices.

Regulatory Tracker Mechanisms:  The regulated companies' approved rates are designed to recover costs incurred to provide service to customers. The regulated companies recover certain of their costs on a fully-reconciling basis through regulatory commission-approved tracking mechanisms. The differences between the costs incurred (or the rate recovery allowed) and the actual revenues are recorded as regulatory assets (for undercollections) or as regulatory liabilities (for overcollections) to be included in future customer rates each year.  Carrying charges are recovered in rates on all material regulatory tracker mechanisms.

CL&P, NSTAR Electric and PSNH each recover, on a fully reconciling basis, the costs associated with the procurement of energy, transmission related costs from FERC-approved transmission tariffs, energy efficiency programs, low income assistance programs, certain uncollectible accounts receivable for hardship customers, and restructuring and stranded costs as a result of deregulation (including securitized RRB charges), and additionally for the Massachusetts utilities, pension and PBOP benefits and net metering for distributed generation. Energy procurement costs at NSTAR Electric include the costs related to its solar power facilities.

CL&P, NSTAR Electric, Yankee Gas, NSTAR Gas and EGMA each have a regulatory commission approved revenue decoupling mechanism. Distribution revenues are decoupled from customer sales volumes, where applicable, which breaks the relationship between sales volumes and revenues.  Each company reconciles its annual base distribution rate recovery amount to the pre-established levels of baseline distribution delivery service revenues. Any difference between the allowed level of distribution revenue and the actual amount realized during a 12-month period is adjusted through rates in the following period. 

CL&P Rate Suspension: On July 31, 2020, PURA temporarily suspended its June 26, 2020 approval of certain delivery rate components effective July 1, 2020, and ordered CL&P to restore rates to those in effect as of June 30, 2020 in order to allow PURA time to reexamine the rates to ensure that CL&P is not over-collecting revenues in the short-term. Rates were adjusted effective August 1, 2020. On December 2, 2020, PURA issued a final decision in which it adjusted the timing of the annual rate adjustments for the Revenue Decoupling Mechanism Charge, the Transmission Adjustment Clause charge, the Non-Bypassable Federally Mandated Congestion Charge, and the Electric System Improvements Tracker so that these rates take effect on May 1st of each year, as opposed to the current process of adjusting rates each January 1 and July 1. The temporary suspension of rates has resulted in a current period under-recovery of costs, which results in an increase to our regulatory assets, with no impact on the statement of income other than carrying charges, and a delay in the collection of our costs. This deferral is reflected within Regulatory Tracker Mechanisms in the table above.

Derivative Liabilities:  Regulatory assets are recorded as an offset to derivative liabilities and relate to the fair value of contracts used to purchase energy and energy-related products that will be recovered from customers in future rates.  These assets are excluded from rate base and are being recovered as the actual settlements occur over the duration of the contracts.  See Note 4, "Derivative Instruments," to the financial statements for further information on these contracts.

Goodwill-related:  The goodwill regulatory asset originated from a 1999 transaction, and the DPU allowed its recovery in NSTAR Electric and NSTAR Gas rates.  This regulatory asset is currently being amortized and recovered from customers in rates without a carrying charge over a 40-year period, and as of December 31, 2020, there were 19 years of amortization remaining.

Asset Retirement Obligations: The costs associated with the depreciation of the regulated companies' ARO assets and accretion of the ARO liabilities are recorded as regulatory assets in accordance with regulatory accounting guidance. The regulated companies' ARO assets, regulatory assets, and ARO liabilities offset and are excluded from rate base. These costs are being recovered over the life of the underlying property, plant and equipment.
Other Regulatory Assets:  Other Regulatory Assets primarily include contractual obligations associated with the spent nuclear fuel storage costs of the CYAPC, YAEC and MYAPC decommissioned nuclear power facilities, environmental remediation costs, losses associated with the reacquisition or redemption of long-term debt, certain uncollectible accounts receivable for hardship customers, certain merger-related costs allowed for recovery, water tank painting costs, and various other items.

Regulatory Costs in Long-Term Assets:  Eversource's regulated companies had $196.9 million (including $84.1 million for CL&P, $69.8 million for NSTAR Electric and $4.3 million for PSNH) and $146.0 million (including $51.8 million for CL&P, $55.7 million for NSTAR Electric and $18.0 million for PSNH) of additional regulatory costs as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively, that were included in long-term assets on the balance sheets.  These amounts represent incurred costs for which recovery has not yet been specifically approved by the applicable regulatory agency.  However, based on regulatory policies or past precedent on similar costs, management believes it is probable that these costs will ultimately be approved and recovered from customers in rates.  As of December 31, 2020, net incremental costs as a result of COVID-19 deferred by Eversource totaled $24.0 million, of which $15.8 million ($3.0 million at CL&P, $6.8 million at NSTAR Electric and $0.6 million at PSNH) was related to non-tracked uncollectible expense and $8.2 million ($1.7 million at CL&P, $5.1 million at NSTAR Electric and $0.5 million at PSNH) related to facilities and fleet cleaning, sanitizing costs and supplies for personal protective equipment.

Equity Return on Regulatory Assets:  For rate-making purposes, the regulated companies recover the carrying costs related to their regulatory assets.  For certain regulatory assets, the carrying cost recovered includes an equity return component.  This equity return, which is not recorded on the balance sheets, totaled $0.2 million and $0.5 million for CL&P as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively, and $5.1 million and $6.5 million for PSNH as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively. These carrying costs will be recovered from customers in future rates.  

Regulatory Liabilities:  The components of regulatory liabilities were as follows:
As of December 31,
(Millions of Dollars)EversourceCL&PNSTAR ElectricPSNHEversourceCL&PNSTAR ElectricPSNH
EDIT due to Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017$2,778.6 $1,010.7 $1,044.0 $371.5 $2,844.6 $1,022.8 $1,071.2 $392.8 
Cost of Removal624.8 98.4 363.6 12.9 559.8 64.6 330.6 16.3 
Benefit Costs83.6 — 72.5 — 84.5 — 72.2 — 
Regulatory Tracker Mechanisms366.5 148.9 139.7 47.8 325.1 94.8 165.6 57.0 
AFUDC - Transmission76.8 44.6 32.2 — 73.2 46.0 27.2 — 
Other Regulatory Liabilities309.9 39.5 63.2 9.8 132.0 19.6 59.0 13.1 
Total Regulatory Liabilities4,240.2 1,342.1 1,715.2 442.0 4,019.2 1,247.8 1,725.8 479.2 
Less:  Current Portion389.4 137.2 164.8 58.8 361.2 82.8 209.2 65.8 
Total Long-Term Regulatory Liabilities$3,850.8 $1,204.9 $1,550.4 $383.2 $3,658.0 $1,165.0 $1,516.6 $413.4 

EDIT due to Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017: Pursuant to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Eversource had remeasured its existing deferred federal income tax balances to reflect the decrease in the U.S. federal corporate income tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. The remeasurement resulted in provisional regulated excess accumulated deferred income tax (excess ADIT or EDIT) liabilities that will benefit our customers in future periods and were recognized as regulatory liabilities on the balance sheet. EDIT liabilities related to property, plant, and equipment are subject to IRS normalization rules and will be returned to customers using the same timing as the remaining useful lives of the underlying assets that gave rise to the ADIT liabilities.

Eversource's regulated companies are in the process of, or will be, refunding the EDIT liabilities to customers based on orders issued by applicable state regulatory commissions. For PSNH (effective January 1, 2021), CL&P (effective May 1, 2019) and Yankee Gas (effective November 15, 2018), the refund of EDIT liabilities was incorporated into base distribution rates. For NSTAR Electric (effective January 1, 2019) and NSTAR Gas (effective February 1, 2019), the refund of EDIT liabilities occurred in rates through a new reconciling factor. The Connecticut water business has not yet begun to reflect the refund of EDIT in distribution rates. See "Recent Regulatory Developments" below for information on the PSNH 2020 rate settlement agreement and the impact on the EDIT balance.

Cost of Removal:  Eversource's regulated companies currently recover amounts in rates for future costs of removal of plant assets over the lives of the assets.  The estimated cost to remove utility assets from service is recognized as a component of depreciation expense, and the cumulative amount collected from customers but not yet expended is recognized as a regulatory liability.  

AFUDC - Transmission:  Regulatory liabilities were recorded by CL&P and NSTAR Electric for AFUDC accrued on certain reliability-related transmission projects to reflect local rate base recovery.  These regulatory liabilities will be amortized over the depreciable life of the related transmission assets.

FERC ROE Complaints:  As of December 31, 2020, Eversource has a reserve established for the second ROE complaint period in the pending FERC ROE complaint proceedings, which was recorded as a regulatory liability and is reflected within Regulatory Tracker Mechanisms in the table above.  The cumulative pre-tax reserve (excluding interest) as of December 31, 2020 totaled $39.1 million for Eversource (including $21.4 million for CL&P, $14.6 million for NSTAR Electric and $3.1 million for PSNH). See Note 13E, "Commitments and Contingencies – FERC ROE Complaints," for further information on developments in the pending ROE complaint proceedings.
Recent Regulatory Developments:

PSNH Distribution Rates: On December 15, 2020, the NHPUC approved an October 9, 2020 settlement agreement on permanent rates between PSNH and all parties to the proceeding. The NHPUC approved a permanent rate increase of $45.0 million effective January 1, 2021, inclusive of the temporary rate increase previously approved. PSNH was also permitted three step increases, effective January 1, 2021, August 1, 2021, and August 1, 2022, to reflect plant additions in calendar years 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively. On December 23, 2020, the NHPUC approved the first step adjustment for 2019 plant in service to recover a revenue requirement of $10.6 million, subject to reconciliation after completion of an audit, effective January 1, 2021. The settlement agreement also established an authorized regulatory ROE of 9.3 percent with a 54.4 percent common equity ratio in PSNH’s capital structure and provided for a new tracker to recover regulatory assessments, vegetation management costs, property tax costs, and lost distribution revenue attributable to net metering. In addition, base distribution rates were adjusted to reflect the refund of EDIT from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.

The settlement agreement allowed for the effect of the permanent rate increase to be extended back to the temporary rate period. In lieu of a customer rate increase for this recoupment of revenue, the NHPUC directed a portion of the total EDIT regulatory liability to offset bill impacts to customers. The impact of the settlement agreement resulted in an after-tax benefit to earnings in 2020 of $11.0 million at Eversource ($7.2 million at PSNH), due primarily to the reconciliation of permanent rates back to the temporary rate period resulting in a reduction of the EDIT regulatory liability, which reduced Income Tax Expense on the statement of income, and the allowed recovery of previously expensed costs. The earnings impact was partially offset by the negative impact from the over-refunding of the change in the 2018 federal corporate income tax rate as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 that was reflected in temporary rates, which reduced Operating Revenues on the statement of income.

PSNH Generation Asset Divestiture-Related Costs: On May 15, 2020, the NHPUC Audit Staff issued a final report on the audit of PSNH’s generation asset divestiture-related costs and resulting securitized and stranded costs. The findings in the audit report as well as other aspects of the divestiture process were further investigated by NHPUC Staff through the discovery phase, which was completed in July 2020. On September 30, 2020, PSNH filed a settlement agreement on the generation asset divestiture-related costs with the NHPUC Audit Staff. The settlement agreement resolved all issues with respect to PSNH’s divestiture of its generating assets and the recovery of $12.0 million of divestiture-related costs incurred above the $635.7 million amount previously securitized. On December 17, 2020, the NHPUC approved the additional $12.0 million proposed in the settlement agreement to be recovered over a one-year period through the SCRC rate beginning February 1, 2021. As a result of the settlement agreement, the $12.0 million of divestiture-related costs were transferred from Other Long-Term Assets to Regulatory Assets on the Eversource and PSNH balance sheets as of December 31, 2020.

NSTAR Gas Rate Case: On October 30, 2020, the DPU approved a base distribution rate increase of $23.0 million effective November 1, 2020, compared to the original request of $38.0 million. NSTAR Gas' 2019 plant additions are allowed recovery beginning on November 1, 2021.  Thus, the reduced revenue requirement reflects the removal of this recovery, among other adjustments. The DPU also approved NSTAR Gas' proposal to continue its ongoing Gas System Enhancement Program (GSEP), the inclusion of GSEP investments since 2015 into base rates, and the implementation of a 10-year performance-based ratemaking plan, which includes an inflation-based adjustment mechanism to annual base distribution rates. The decision allows an authorized regulatory ROE of 9.9 percent on a capital structure including 54.77 percent equity. The decision also approves a geothermal pilot program. The impact of the rate case decision resulted in a pre-tax charge to earnings in 2020 of $2.7 million at NSTAR Gas, primarily due to certain plant-related disallowances.

EGMA Rate Settlement Agreement: On October 7, 2020, the DPU approved a rate settlement agreement, which approved the CMA asset acquisition as well as a rate stabilization plan, among other items. See Note 24, "Acquisition of Assets of Columbia Gas of Massachusetts" for further information.