EX-99.1 2 dex991.htm PRESS RELEASE AND EARNINGS RELEASE ATTACHMENTS Press release and earnings release attachments





   Chaka Patterson    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
   Investor Relations   
   Kathleen Cantillon   
   Corporate Communications   

Exelon Announces Third Quarter Results;

Increases Fourth Quarter Common Dividend by 5 Percent

CHICAGO (October 24, 2008) – Exelon Corporation’s (Exelon) third quarter 2008 consolidated earnings prepared in accordance with GAAP were $700 million, or $1.06 per diluted share, compared with earnings of $780 million, or $1.15 per share, in the third quarter of 2007.

Exelon’s adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the third quarter of 2008 were $706 million, or $1.07 per diluted share, compared with $823 million, or $1.21 per diluted share, for the same period in 2007.

“Our third quarter earnings reflected certain unusual events, including several related to the nation’s economic turmoil. The results also demonstrate, however, the underlying strength of the operating performance at Generation. We expect to be well within our original 2008 earnings guidance range, but due to the effects of these unfavorable items, such as weather and macro economic factors, we expect our full-year 2008 results to be near the bottom of the $4.15 to 4.30 per share range that we announced on September 4th,” said John W. Rowe, Exelon’s chairman and CEO. “We continue to be well positioned – our operations are stronger than ever and our financial fundamentals remain sound, with a strong balance sheet, positive cash flows and sufficient access to liquidity.”

The decreased level of third quarter 2008 earnings was primarily due to:



increased operating and maintenance expenses, including


  - increased expense for uncollectible accounts at Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd) and PECO Energy Company (PECO) as well as the establishment of a reserve related to accounts receivable at Exelon Generation Company, LLC from Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (Lehman) due to its bankruptcy filing,


  - the impact of inflation on labor, contracting and materials as well as higher refueling outage costs due to a higher number of scheduled refueling outage days at Generation’s nuclear plants,



  - discrete disallowances, net of allowed regulatory assets, mandated by the September 2008 Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) order on ComEd’s 2007 distribution rate case;



the effect of unfavorable weather conditions compared with last year in the service territories of ComEd and PECO;



increased depreciation and amortization expense primarily related to the higher scheduled competitive transition charge (CTC) amortization at PECO; and



the impact of the reduction of a liability in 2007 associated with PECO’s property taxes.

The decreased level of third quarter 2008 earnings was partially offset by:



higher energy margins at Generation due to increased average realized market prices and increased nuclear output, partially offset by higher nuclear fuel costs;



increased transmission and distribution revenue at ComEd resulting from the 2007 transmission and distribution rate cases;



lower stock-based compensation costs; and



decreased income taxes.

Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the third quarter of 2008 do not include the following (after-tax) items that were included in reported GAAP earnings:



Mark-to-market gains of $65 million, or $0.10 per diluted share, primarily from Generation’s economic hedging activities.



A charge of $26 million, or $0.04 per diluted share, for the costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement agreement.



Unrealized losses of $60 million, or $0.09 per diluted share, related to nuclear decommissioning trust fund investments primarily related to the AmerGen Energy Company, LLC (AmerGen) nuclear plants.



Income of $15 million, or $0.02 per diluted share, resulting from decreases in decommissioning obligations primarily related to the AmerGen nuclear plants.

Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the third quarter of 2007 did not include the following (after-tax) items that were included in reported GAAP earnings:



A charge of $80 million, or $0.12 per diluted share, for the costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement, including ComEd’s previously announced customer rate relief programs.



Income of $18 million, or $0.03 per diluted share, resulting from decreases in decommissioning obligations primarily related to the AmerGen nuclear plants.



Earnings of $17 million, or $0.03 per diluted share, associated with investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market losses associated with the related derivatives.

2008 Earnings Outlook

Exelon expects its full-year adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for 2008 to be near the bottom of its guidance range of $4.15 to $4.30 per share. The following table indicates estimated ranges by operating company contribution to 2008 adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings per Exelon share, excluding Exelon holding company.




   $3.45 to $3.55


   $0.30 to $0.35


   $0.45 to $0.50

The outlook for 2008 adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for Exelon and its subsidiaries excludes the following items:



mark-to-market adjustments from economic hedging activities



unrealized gains and losses from nuclear decommissioning trust fund investments primarily related to the AmerGen nuclear plants



significant impairments of assets, including goodwill



changes in decommissioning obligation estimates



costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement agreement, including ComEd’s previously announced customer rate relief programs



costs associated with ComEd’s settlement with the City of Chicago



certain costs associated with the proposed offer to acquire NRG Energy Inc. (NRG)



other unusual items



significant future changes to GAAP

Giving consideration to these factors, Exelon estimates GAAP earnings in 2008 will likely be in the range of $3.90 to $4.30 per share, excluding any costs associated with the proposed offer to acquire NRG. Both Exelon’s operating earnings and GAAP earnings guidance are based on the assumption of normal weather for the remainder of the year.

Third Quarter and Recent Highlights



Offer to Acquire NRG: On October 19, 2008, Exelon announced its proposal to acquire Princeton, N.J.-based NRG Energy Inc. Exelon has offered to acquire all of the outstanding NRG common stock in an all-stock transaction with a fixed exchange ratio of 0.485 Exelon share for each NRG share, which represents a value of $26.43 for each NRG common share based on Exelon’s closing price on October 17 prior to announcement of the proposal. This represents a total equity value of approximately $6.2 billion for NRG based on Exelon’s closing price on October 17. The proposed combination offers increased scale, geographic diversity, and financial stability. Based on Exelon’s analysis, using publicly available information and subject to purchase accounting and other adjustments that may result from due diligence investigation, Exelon expects this transaction to be accretive to earnings in the first full calendar year of operations and to increase free cash flows. The combined company scale would make large, single asset projects more feasible, and would provide significant opportunities for organic growth.



Exelon Value Return – Dividend Increase and Share Repurchase: Exelon’s board of directors declared a regular fourth-quarter 2008 dividend of $0.525 per share on Exelon’s common stock, a 5 percent increase over the dividend for the third quarter of 2008. The fourth-quarter dividend is payable on December 10, 2008, to Exelon shareholders of record at 5:00 p.m. New York Time on November 14, 2008.



Also as part of its value return policy, Exelon uses share repurchases from time to time to return cash or balance sheet capacity to Exelon shareholders after funding maintenance capital and other commitments and in the absence of higher value-added growth opportunities. On September 2, 2008, Exelon’s board of directors approved a share repurchase program for up to $1.5 billion of Exelon’s outstanding common stock. Exelon has now determined to defer indefinitely any share repurchases. This decision was made in light of a variety of factors, including: developments in recent weeks affecting the world economy and commodity markets, including those for electricity and gas; the continued uncertainty in capital and credit markets and the potential impact of those events on Exelon’s future cash needs.



Liquidity Position: Year to date, ComEd and PECO have issued $1.3 billion and $950 million of bonds, respectively, primarily to refinance or repay outstanding debt and for other general corporate purposes. Exelon and its operating companies have completed their financing plans for 2008. Excluding securitized transition debt, which is guaranteed to be repaid through customer-collected revenues, Exelon and its subsidiaries have a total of only $29 million of long-term debt, including capital lease obligations, maturing from September 30, 2008 through December 31, 2009.

As of October 20, 2008, Exelon had $7.3 billion of aggregate bank commitments with a diverse group of 24 banks, excluding commitments previously made by Lehman Brothers Bank. No single bank has more than 10 percent of the aggregate outstanding commitments at Exelon, and these commitments extend largely through 2012. As of October 20, 2008, Exelon had utilized only approximately $500 million of its capacity under its facilities, leaving $6.8 billion of the total $7.3 billion of capacity available to Exelon. In addition, Exelon had a total of $35 million of commercial paper outstanding.



Nuclear Operations: Generation’s nuclear fleet, including its owned output from the Salem Generating Station operated by PSEG Nuclear LLC, produced 36,451 GWhs in the third quarter of 2008, compared with 36,356 GWhs in the third quarter of 2007. The Exelon-operated nuclear plants achieved a 97.2 percent capacity factor for the third quarter of 2008 compared with 97.0 percent for the third quarter of 2007. The increased total nuclear output was driven by a lower number of non-refueling outage days at the Exelon-operated plants, 8 days in the third quarter of 2008 versus 13 days in the third quarter of 2007, as well as higher capacity factors at several of the nuclear plants offsetting the higher number of scheduled refueling outage days. The Exelon-operated nuclear plants began one scheduled refueling outage in the third quarter of 2008 (17 days), compared with beginning two scheduled refueling outages late in the third quarter of 2007 (9 days).



Fossil and Hydro Operations: Generation’s fossil fleet commercial availability was 95.1 percent in the third quarter of 2008, compared with 91.6 percent in the third quarter of 2007, primarily because the fossil fleet operated at distinguished availability levels for the months of August and September. The equivalent availability factor for the hydro facilities was 90.9 percent in the third quarter of 2008, compared with 90.2 percent in the third quarter of 2007.



Potential New Nuclear Project: On September 2, 2008, Generation submitted a Combined Construction and Operating License (COL) application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) seeking authorization to build and operate a new dual-unit nuclear generating facility in Victoria County, Texas, should the company decide to build it. The NRC’s




evaluation of the application is estimated to take 3 to 4 years and involves a technical review and public hearing. A decision on the license is not expected before 2012. In addition, Generation submitted its application to the U.S. Department of Energy for a federal loan guarantee for the project, under the provisions of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.



ComEd Distribution Rate Case: On September 10, 2008, the ICC approved an approximately $274 million increase in ComEd’s distribution revenue requirement, as compared with the company’s original request on October 17, 2007 for an approximately $360 million increase. ComEd’s request for the rate increase reflected its higher operating costs and continued substantial investment in its delivery system. The ICC rate order included a 10.30 percent return on equity and a 45.04 percent equity ratio in the capital structure. ComEd believes the order represents a foundation that provides the company with an option to pursue a future test year in its next rate case.

The ICC order required ComEd to expense $37 million (pre-tax) for the disallowance of certain plant costs, partially offset by a benefit associated with recovery of certain previously incurred costs amounting to $13 million (pre-tax). A net decrease in operating income of $24 million (pre-tax) was recorded in the third quarter of 2008.



Pennsylvania Energy Legislation: On October 8, 2008, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed House Bill No. 2200 (HB 2200), which became law on October 15 after being signed by the Governor of Pennsylvania. HB 2200 will further enhance Pennsylvania’s energy independence, enable programs to help consumers manage their energy use and smooth the transition to market-based rates for electric customers as rate caps expire. HB 2200 addresses the manner in which utilities purchase power through competitive, market-based procurement and requires certain demand-side management and energy-efficiency programs, including smart meters. PECO supports these initiatives, which provide a framework for the company to build its programs.



PECO Energy Plan Filing: On September 10, 2008, PECO filed its comprehensive Default Service Program and Rate Mitigation Plan with the PAPUC seeking approval to provide default electric service following the expiration of rate caps on December 31, 2010. The filing included: (1) PECO’s Default Service Program with competitive, full-requirements energy-supply procurement; (2) a voluntary Early Phase-In Plan allowing customers to pre-pay, with interest, expected post-electric generation rate cap increases; (3) a voluntary deferral phase-in plan allowing customers to phase-in rate increases post rate-cap expiration; and (4) an Energy Efficiency Package with energy-efficiency and demand-response programs to help PECO’s customers transition from capped electric generation rates to market-priced generation. The PAPUC will conduct a formal proceeding to give all interested parties the opportunity to examine aspects of the plan and make independent recommendations. The process is expected to take nine months. No legislation associated with the mitigation of potential impacts of electricity price increases was passed as of the conclusion of the Fall legislative session of the Pennsylvania Senate on October 8, 2008. Additionally, as a result of HB 2200, PECO will likely need to amend this filing.



PECO Gas Distribution Rate Case: On March 31, 2008, PECO filed a petition before the PAPUC for a $98 million increase to its delivery service revenue to fund critical infrastructure improvement projects for its natural gas delivery system. On August 21, 2008, PECO filed a




joint settlement petition with the PAPUC, signaling that it had reached an agreement with the opposing parties regarding the requested distribution rate increase. The settlement petition provides for a revenue increase of $77 million. As part of the settlement, PECO would enhance its low-income programs as well as provide funding for new energy efficiency programs. On September 18, 2008, an administrative law judge (ALJ) recommended that the settlement be approved. On October 23, 2008, the PAPUC issued its final order approving the joint settlement. The approved rate adjustment will be effective beginning January 1, 2009.



Financing Activities: On October 2, 2008, PECO issued $300 million of 5.60 percent First Mortgage Bonds due 2013. The net proceeds of the bonds were used to refinance short-term debt.



Credit Rating Actions: On October 21, 2008, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services (S&P) lowered its corporate credit rating on Exelon Corp., Generation and PECO to “BBB” from “BBB+”. S&P lowered the senior unsecured ratings of Exelon Corp. to “BBB-” from “BBB” and of Generation to “BBB” from “BBB+”. The senior secured rating of PECO was lowered to “A-” from “A”. In addition, the ratings of Exelon Corp. and all of its subsidiaries, including ComEd, were placed on CreditWatch with negative implications. S&P indicated concerns about Exelon’s potential credit position related to the proposed offer to acquire NRG. The short-term commercial paper ratings of Exelon Corp. and all of its subsidiaries were affirmed by S&P.

Exelon is committed that its proposed transaction with NRG will not cause Exelon or its subsidiaries to go below investment grade for senior unsecured debt. The offer for NRG is the culmination of a long-term strategic review process by Exelon, and Exelon believes the combination will create superior long-term value for its stakeholders.

Exelon is fully committed to utilize excess cash flow to reduce debt following the closing of the proposed NRG transaction and return to the ratings in effect prior to the S&P downgrade on October 21. Exelon will continue to work closely with S&P and the other rating agencies to make sure they understand Exelon’s plan for paying down the debt Exelon will take onto its balance sheet at completion of the proposed acquisition of NRG, including the pay-down schedule, expected synergies, and overall plan to integrate and manage NRG’s assets.

On September 11, 2008, S&P upgraded ComEd’s corporate credit rating to “BBB-” from “BB”, its senior secured rating to “BBB+” from “BBB” and its commercial paper rating to “A-3” from “B”. ComEd’s senior unsecured rating of “BBB-” remains unchanged. According to an S&P research report, “The rating action is based on Standard & Poor’s opinion that the Illinois regulatory and political environments have returned to a credit supportive level.”

On October 3, 2008, Moody’s Investors Service (Moody’s) upgraded the long-term unsecured rating of ComEd to “Baa3” from “Ba1” and the commercial paper rating to “Prime-3” from “Not Prime”. ComEd’s senior secured rating of “Baa2” remains unchanged, and ComEd’s rating outlook is stable. A Moody’s press release indicated that “the upgrade largely reflects our assessment of the distribution rate case decision” and “also factors in the improved financial flexibility that exists at ComEd as the first mortgage collateral, which had previously secured the company’s $1 billion revolving credit facility was released and replaced by a similar sized unsecured revolving credit facility.”


Exelon Generation consists of owned and contracted electric generating facilities, wholesale energy marketing operations and competitive retail sales operations.

Third quarter 2008 net income was $635 million compared with $548 million in the third quarter of 2007. Third quarter 2008 net income included (all after tax) mark-to-market gains of $96 million from economic hedging activities before the elimination of intercompany transactions, a charge of $25 million for the costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement, unrealized losses of $60 million related to nuclear decommissioning trust fund investments primarily related to the AmerGen nuclear plants, and income of $15 million resulting from decreases in decommissioning obligations primarily related to the



AmerGen nuclear plants. Third quarter 2007 net income included (all after tax) a charge of $77 million for the costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement, income of $18 million resulting from decreases in decommissioning obligations primarily related to the AmerGen nuclear plants and a charge of $1 million for the settlement of a tax matter related to Sithe, which is reflected as discontinued operations. Excluding the impact of these items, Generation’s net income in the third quarter of 2008 increased $1 million compared with the same quarter last year, primarily due to:



higher revenue, net of purchased power and fuel expense, which reflected higher energy margins due to increased average realized market prices and increased nuclear output, partially offset by higher nuclear fuel costs.

The quarter-over-quarter increase in net income was partially offset by:



higher operating and maintenance expenses associated with inflationary and other cost pressures, including increased labor costs, higher refueling outage costs associated with a higher number of scheduled nuclear refueling outage days, and continuing work on the license application submittal for a possible new nuclear plant in Texas; and



the establishment of a reserve for Generation’s accounts receivable from Lehman.

Generation’s average realized margin on all electric sales, including sales to affiliates and excluding trading activity, was $36.54 per MWh in the third quarter of 2008 compared with $32.60 per MWh in the third quarter of 2007.

ComEd consists of the electricity transmission and distribution operations in northern Illinois.

ComEd recorded net income of $33 million in the third quarter of 2008, compared with net income of $65 million in the third quarter of 2007. Third quarter 2008 net income included an after-tax charge of $1 million for the costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement. Third quarter 2007 net income included a charge of $3 million (after tax) for the costs associated with the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement, and mark-to-market gains of $1 million (after tax). Excluding the impact of these items, ComEd’s net income in the third quarter of 2008 decreased $33 million from the same quarter last year primarily due to:



the impact of unfavorable weather as compared with last year; and



higher operating and maintenance expenses, including


  - discrete disallowances, net of allowed regulatory assets, mandated by the September 2008 ICC order on ComEd’s 2007 distribution rate case,


  - increased expense for uncollectible accounts, and


  - increased costs related to labor and contracting.

Partially offsetting items included:



increased transmission revenue as a result of the 2007 transmission rate case (effective May 2007), with an annual adjustment that became effective in June 2008;



increased distribution revenue due to the ICC final order in the 2007 distribution rate case, which became effective in September 2008; and



decreased storm costs in the ComEd service territory.



In the ComEd service territory in the third quarter of 2008, cooling degree-days were down 16 percent relative to the same period in 2007 but were close to normal. ComEd’s total retail kWh deliveries decreased by 4.2 percent in 2008 as compared with 2007, with a 9.8 percent decrease in deliveries to the residential customer class, largely due to unfavorable weather. For ComEd, weather had an unfavorable after-tax impact of $17 million on third quarter 2008 earnings relative to 2007 and an unfavorable after-tax impact of $7 million relative to normal weather that was incorporated in earnings guidance. ComEd’s third quarter 2008 revenues of $1,729 million declined slightly from $1,758 million in 2007.

The number of customers being served in the ComEd region increased by 0.3 percent over the third quarter of 2007. Weather-normalized retail kWh deliveries decreased by 0.2 percent from the third quarter of 2007, primarily reflecting a decline in usage per customer.

PECO consists of the electricity transmission and distribution operations and the retail natural gas distribution business in southeastern Pennsylvania.

PECO’s net income in the third quarter of 2008 was $90 million, a decrease from $168 million in the third quarter of 2007. This decline was primarily due to:



increased expense for uncollectible accounts;



the impact of unfavorable weather as compared with last year;



the impact of the reduction of a liability in 2007 associated with PECO’s property taxes; and



higher CTC amortization, which was in accordance with PECO’s 1998 restructuring settlement with the PAPUC. As expected, the increase in amortization expense exceeded the increase in CTC revenues.

Partially offsetting items included:



lower income tax expense.

In the PECO service territory in the third quarter of 2008, cooling degree-days were down 6 percent from 2007 but were close to normal. Retail gas deliveries were down 1 percent from the 2007 period. Third quarter 2008 revenues were $1,441 million, down slightly from $1,459 million in 2007, primarily due to a 1.7% decrease in total retail kWh deliveries driven by the effects of unfavorable weather compared with 2007 and a reduction in PECO’s distribution rates made to refund a 2007 Pennsylvania Public Utility Realty Tax Act tax settlement to customers. For PECO, weather had an unfavorable after-tax impact of $14 million on third quarter 2008 earnings relative to 2007 and an unfavorable after-tax impact of $9 million relative to normal weather that was incorporated in earnings guidance.

The number of electric customers being served in the PECO region increased by 0.9 percent over the third quarter of 2007. Weather-normalized retail kWh deliveries increased by 0.8 percent from the third quarter of 2007, primarily reflecting an increase in residential volume sales.

Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings

Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings, which generally exclude significant one-time charges or credits that are not normally associated with ongoing operations, mark-to-market adjustments from economic hedging activities and unrealized gains and losses from nuclear decommissioning trust fund investments, are provided as a supplement to results reported in accordance with GAAP. Management uses such adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings measures internally to evaluate the company’s



performance and manage its operations. Reconciliation of GAAP to adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for historical periods is attached. Additional earnings release attachments, which include the reconciliation on page 7, are posted on Exelon’s Web site: www.exeloncorp.com and have been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 8-K on October 24, 2008.

Conference call information: Exelon has scheduled a conference call for 11 AM ET (10 AM CT) on October 24, 2008. The call-in number in the U.S. and Canada is 800-690-3108, and the international call-in number is 973-935-8753. If requested, the conference ID number is 67688760. Media representatives are invited to participate on a listen-only basis. The call will be web-cast and archived on Exelon’s Web site: www.exeloncorp.com. (Please select the Investor Relations page.)

Telephone replays will be available until November 7. The U.S. and Canada call-in number for replays is 800-642-1687, and the international call-in number is 706-645-9291. The conference ID number is 67688760.



This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, that are subject to risks and uncertainties. The factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include those discussed herein as well as those discussed in (1) Exelon’s 2007 Annual Report on Form 10-K in (a) ITEM 1A. Risk Factors, (b) ITEM 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and (c) ITEM 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data: Note 19; (2) Exelon’s Third Quarter 2008 Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q (to be filed on October 24, 2008) in (a) Part II, Other Information, ITEM 1A. Risk Factors and (b) Part I, Financial Information, ITEM 1. Financial Statements: Note 12; and (3) other factors discussed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission by Exelon, Generation, ComEd, and PECO (Companies). Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this presentation. None of the Companies undertakes any obligation to publicly release any revision to its forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release.


Exelon Corporation is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities with approximately 5.4 million customers and $19 billion in annual revenues. The company has one of the industry’s largest portfolios of electricity generation capacity, with a nationwide reach and strong positions in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. Exelon distributes electricity to approximately 5.4 million customers in Illinois and Pennsylvania and natural gas to more than 480,000 customers in southeastern Pennsylvania. Exelon is headquartered in Chicago and trades on the NYSE under the ticker EXC.




Earnings Release Attachments

Table of Contents


Consolidating Statements of Operations - Three Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Consolidating Statements of Operations - Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations - Generation and ComEd - Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations - PECO and Other - Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Consolidated Balance Sheets - September 30, 2008 and December 31, 2007


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - Exelon - Three Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - Exelon - Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment - Three Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment - Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - Generation - Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - ComEd - Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - PECO - Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - Other - Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Exelon Generation Statistics - Three Months Ended September 30, 2008, June 30, 2008, March 31, 2008, December 31, 2007 and September 30, 2007


Exelon Generation Statistics - Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


ComEd Statistics - Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


PECO Statistics - Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007



Consolidating Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended September 30, 2008  
     Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon

Operating revenues

   $ 3,073     $ 1,729     $ 1,441     $ (1,015 )   $ 5,228  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     528       1,068       693       (962 )     1,327  


     669       —         50       (1 )     718  

Operating and maintenance

     625       317       192       (13 )     1,121  

Depreciation and amortization

     58       119       243       11       431  

Taxes other than income

     53       87       73       5       218  

Total operating expenses

     1,933       1,591       1,251       (960 )     3,815  

Operating income (loss)

     1,140       138       190       (55 )     1,413  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (34 )     (87 )     (55 )     (27 )     (203 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     —         (2 )     (4 )     —         (6 )

Other, net

     (164 )     3       2       1       (158 )

Total other income and deductions

     (198 )     (86 )     (57 )     (26 )     (367 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes

     942       52       133       (81 )     1,046  

Income taxes

     307       19       43       (23 )     346  

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     635       33       90       (58 )     700  

Net income (loss)

   $ 635     $ 33     $ 90     $ (58 )   $ 700  
     Three Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon

Operating revenues

   $ 2,837     $ 1,758     $ 1,459     $ (1,022 )   $ 5,032  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     808       1,100       683       (1,023 )     1,568  


     467       —         37       (1 )     503  

Operating and maintenance

     544       268       152       30       994  

Depreciation and amortization

     66       110       221       11       408  

Taxes other than income

     47       87       70       4       208  

Total operating expenses

     1,932       1,565       1,163       (979 )     3,681  

Operating income (loss)

     905       193       296       (43 )     1,351  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (35 )     (90 )     (61 )     (25 )     (211 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     —         (2 )     (1 )     (17 )     (20 )

Other, net

     15       4       25       74       118  

Total other income and deductions

     (20 )     (88 )     (37 )     32       (113 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes

     885       105       259       (11 )     1,238  

Income taxes

     336       40       91       (8 )     459  

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     549       65       168       (3 )     779  

Income (loss) from discontinued operations

     (1 )     —         —         2       1  

Net income (loss)

   $ 548     $ 65     $ 168     $ (1 )   $ 780  




Consolidating Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008  
     Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon

Operating revenues

   $ 8,311     $ 4,594     $ 4,195     $ (2,734 )   $ 14,366  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     1,704       2,729       1,859       (2,727 )     3,565  


     1,211       —         397       —         1,608  

Operating and maintenance

     2,023       845       557       (25 )     3,400  

Depreciation and amortization

     202       343       653       32       1,230  

Taxes other than income

     153       227       203       14       597  

Total operating expenses

     5,293       4,144       3,669       (2,706 )     10,400  

Operating income (loss)

     3,018       450       526       (28 )     3,966  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (108 )     (279 )     (171 )     (80 )     (638 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     (1 )     (7 )     (11 )     —         (19 )

Other, net

     (292 )     12       13       11       (256 )

Total other income and deductions

     (401 )     (274 )     (169 )     (69 )     (913 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes

     2,617       176       357       (97 )     3,053  

Income taxes

     891       66       111       (46 )     1,022  

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     1,726       110       246       (51 )     2,031  

Loss from discontinued operations

     (1 )     —         —         —         (1 )

Net income (loss)

   $ 1,725     $ 110     $ 246     $ (51 )   $ 2,030  
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon

Operating revenues

   $ 8,181     $ 4,668     $ 4,228     $ (2,715 )   $ 14,362  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     1,939       2,906       1,796       (2,710 )     3,931  


     1,374       —         422       (1 )     1,795  

Operating and maintenance

     1,801       778       446       89       3,114  

Depreciation and amortization

     199       327       591       29       1,146  

Taxes other than income

     135       243       212       13       603  

Total operating expenses

     5,448       4,254       3,467       (2,580 )     10,589  

Operating income (loss)

     2,733       414       761       (135 )     3,773  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (100 )     (259 )     (188 )     (91 )     (638 )

Equity in earnings (losses) of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     2       (6 )     (5 )     (80 )     (89 )

Other, net

     68       10       36       110       224  

Total other income and deductions

     (30 )     (255 )     (157 )     (61 )     (503 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes

     2,703       159       604       (196 )     3,270  

Income taxes

     1,021       61       212       (187 )     1,107  

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     1,682       98       392       (9 )     2,163  

Income from discontinued operations

     4       —         —         6       10  

Net income (loss)

   $ 1,686     $ 98     $ 392     $ (3 )   $ 2,173  




Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended September 30,     Nine Months Ended September 30,  
     2008     2007     Variance     2008     2007     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ 3,073     $ 2,837     $ 236     $ 8,311     $ 8,181     $ 130  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     528       808       (280 )     1,704       1,939       (235 )


     669       467       202       1,211       1,374       (163 )

Operating and maintenance

     625       544       81       2,023       1,801       222  

Depreciation and amortization

     58       66       (8 )     202       199       3  

Taxes other than income

     53       47       6       153       135       18  

Total operating expenses

     1,933       1,932       1       5,293       5,448       (155 )

Operating income

     1,140       905       235       3,018       2,733       285  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (34 )     (35 )     1       (108 )     (100 )     (8 )

Equity in earnings (losses) of investments

     —         —         —         (1 )     2       (3 )

Other, net

     (164 )     15       (179 )     (292 )     68       (360 )

Total other income and deductions

     (198 )     (20 )     (178 )     (401 )     (30 )     (371 )

Income from continuing operations before income taxes

     942       885       57       2,617       2,703       (86 )

Income taxes

     307       336       (29 )     891       1,021       (130 )

Income from continuing operations

     635       549       86       1,726       1,682       44  

Income (loss) from discontinued operations

     —         (1 )     1       (1 )     4       (5 )

Net income

   $ 635     $ 548     $ 87     $ 1,725     $ 1,686     $ 39  
     Three Months Ended September 30,     Nine Months Ended September 30,  
     2008     2007     Variance     2008     2007     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ 1,729     $ 1,758     $ (29 )   $ 4,594     $ 4,668     $ (74 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     1,068       1,100       (32 )     2,729       2,906       (177 )

Operating and maintenance

     317       268       49       845       778       67  

Depreciation and amortization

     119       110       9       343       327       16  

Taxes other than income

     87       87       —         227       243       (16 )

Total operating expenses

     1,591       1,565       26       4,144       4,254       (110 )

Operating income

     138       193       (55 )     450       414       36  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (87 )     (90 )     3       (279 )     (259 )     (20 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (2 )     (2 )     —         (7 )     (6 )     (1 )

Other, net

     3       4       (1 )     12       10       2  

Total other income and deductions

     (86 )     (88 )     2       (274 )     (255 )     (19 )

Income before income taxes

     52       105       (53 )     176       159       17  

Income taxes

     19       40       (21 )     66       61       5  

Net income

   $ 33     $ 65     $ (32 )   $ 110     $ 98     $ 12  




Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended September 30,     Nine Months Ended September 30,  
     2008     2007     Variance     2008     2007     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ 1,441     $ 1,459     $ (18 )   $ 4,195     $ 4,228     $ (33 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     693       683       10       1,859       1,796       63  


     50       37       13       397       422       (25 )

Operating and maintenance

     192       152       40       557       446       111  

Depreciation and amortization

     243       221       22       653       591       62  

Taxes other than income

     73       70       3       203       212       (9 )

Total operating expenses

     1,251       1,163       88       3,669       3,467       202  

Operating income

     190       296       (106 )     526       761       (235 )

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (55 )     (61 )     6       (171 )     (188 )     17  

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (4 )     (1 )     (3 )     (11 )     (5 )     (6 )

Other, net

     2       25       (23 )     13       36       (23 )

Total other income and deductions

     (57 )     (37 )     (20 )     (169 )     (157 )     (12 )

Income before income taxes

     133       259       (126 )     357       604       (247 )

Income taxes

     43       91       (48 )     111       212       (101 )

Net income

   $ 90     $ 168     $ (78 )   $ 246     $ 392     $ (146 )
     Other (a)  
     Three Months Ended September 30,     Nine Months Ended September 30,  
     2008     2007     Variance     2008     2007     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ (1,015 )   $ (1,022 )   $ 7     $ (2,734 )   $ (2,715 )   $ (19 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     (962 )     (1,023 )     61       (2,727 )     (2,710 )     (17 )


     (1 )     (1 )     —         —         (1 )     1  

Operating and maintenance

     (13 )     30       (43 )     (25 )     89       (114 )

Depreciation and amortization

     11       11       —         32       29       3  

Taxes other than income

     5       4       1       14       13       1  

Total operating expenses

     (960 )     (979 )     19       (2,706 )     (2,580 )     (126 )

Operating loss

     (55 )     (43 )     (12 )     (28 )     (135 )     107  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (27 )     (25 )     (2 )     (80 )     (91 )     11  

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     —         (17 )     17       —         (80 )     80  

Other, net

     1       74       (73 )     11       110       (99 )

Total other income and deductions

     (26 )     32       (58 )     (69 )     (61 )     (8 )

Loss from continuing operations before income taxes

     (81 )     (11 )     (70 )     (97 )     (196 )     99  

Income taxes

     (23 )     (8 )     (15 )     (46 )     (187 )     141  

Loss from continuing operations

     (58 )     (3 )     (55 )     (51 )     (9 )     (42 )

Income from discontinued operations

     —         2       (2 )     —         6       (6 )

Net loss

   $ (58 )   $ (1 )   $ (57 )   $ (51 )   $ (3 )   $ (48 )



(a) Other primarily includes eliminating and consolidating adjustments, Exelon’s corporate operations, shared service entities and other financing and investment activities, including investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities.




Consolidated Balance Sheets


(in millions)


     September 30,
    December 31,

Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents

   $ 182     $ 311  

Restricted cash and investments

     76       118  

Accounts receivable, net



     1,789       2,041  


     428       611  

Mark-to-market derivative assets

     391       247  

Inventories, net


Fossil fuel

     350       252  

Materials and supplies

     516       471  

Deferred income taxes

     104       102  


     535       427  

Total current assets

     4,371       4,580  

Property, plant and equipment, net

     25,336       24,153  

Deferred debits and other assets


Regulatory assets

     4,580       5,133  

Nuclear decommissioning trust funds

     5,988       6,823  


     709       731  


     2,625       2,625  

Mark-to-market derivative assets

     280       55  


     1,325       1,261  

Total deferred debits and other assets

     15,507       16,628  

Total assets

   $ 45,214     $ 45,361  

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity


Current liabilities


Short-term borrowings

   $ 185     $ 616  

Long-term debt due within one year

     29       605  

Long-term debt to ComEd Transitional Funding Trust and PECO Energy Transition Trust due within one year

     495       501  

Accounts payable

     1,278       1,450  

Mark-to-market derivative liabilities

     192       234  

Accrued expenses

     1,476       1,240  


     632       983  

Total current liabilities

     4,287       5,629  

Long-term debt

     11,085       9,915  

Long-term debt to PECO Energy Transition Trust

     805       1,505  

Long-term debt to other financing trusts

     391       545  

Deferred credits and other liabilities


Deferred income taxes and unamortized investment tax credits

     5,474       5,081  

Asset retirement obligations

     3,680       3,812  

Pension obligations

     654       777  

Non-pension postretirement benefits obligations

     1,818       1,717  

Spent nuclear fuel obligation

     1,012       997  

Regulatory liabilities

     2,828       3,301  

Mark-to-market derivative liabilities

     48       298  


     1,458       1,560  

Total deferred credits and other liabilities

     16,972       17,543  

Total liabilities

     33,540       35,137  

Preferred securities of subsidiary

     87       87  

Shareholders’ equity


Common stock

     8,791       8,579  

Treasury stock, at cost

     (2,338 )     (1,838 )

Retained earnings

     6,459       4,930  

Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net

     (1,325 )     (1,534 )

Total shareholders’ equity

     11,587       10,137  

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

   $ 45,214     $ 45,361  




Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


(in millions)


     Nine Months Ended
September 30,
     2008     2007  

Cash flows from operating activities


Net income

   $ 2,030     $ 2,173  

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash flows provided by operating activities:


Depreciation, amortization and accretion, including nuclear fuel

     1,725       1,643  

Deferred income taxes and amortization of investment tax credits

     111       (33 )

Net realized and unrealized mark-to-market transactions

     (352 )     97  

Other non-cash operating activities

     895       521  

Changes in assets and liabilities:


Accounts receivable

     226       (475 )


     (158 )     4  

Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities

     (261 )     64  

Counterparty collateral asset

     179       (135 )

Counterparty collateral liability

     66       (255 )

Income taxes

     457       209  

Restricted cash

     14       (19 )

Pension and non-pension postretirement benefit contributions

     (103 )     (66 )

Other assets and liabilities

     (462 )     (215 )

Net cash flows provided by operating activities

     4,367       3,513  

Cash flows from investing activities


Capital expenditures

     (2,282 )     (1,892 )

Proceeds from nuclear decommissioning trust fund sales

     14,392       3,733  

Investment in nuclear decommissioning trust funds

     (14,621 )     (3,928 )

Proceeds from sale of investments

     —         95  

Change in restricted cash

     28       3  

Other investing activities

     6       (76 )

Net cash flows used in investing activities

     (2,477 )     (2,065 )

Cash flows from financing activities


Issuance of long-term debt

     1,969       1,586  

Retirement of long-term debt

     (1,397 )     (229 )

Retirement of long-term debt to financing affiliates

     (862 )     (840 )

Change in short-term debt

     (431 )     180  

Dividends paid on common stock

     (989 )     (889 )

Proceeds from employee stock plans

     122       182  

Purchase of treasury stock

     (436 )     (1,208 )

Purchase of forward contract in relation to certain treasury stock

     (64 )     (79 )

Other financing activities

     69       65  

Net cash flows used in financing activities

     (2,019 )     (1,232 )

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (129 )     216  

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period

     311       224  

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

   $ 182     $ 440  




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions, except per share data)


     Three Months Ended September 30, 2008     Three Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 5,228     $ 43 (b)   $ 5,271     $ 5,032     $ 125 (b),(c)   $ 5,157  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     1,327       305 (c)     1,632       1,568       (28 )(c)     1,540  


     718       (198 )(c)     520       503       32 (c)     535  

Operating and maintenance

     1,121       26 (b),(d)     1,147       994       (10 )(d),(f)     984  

Depreciation and amortization

     431       —         431       408       —         408  

Taxes other than income

     218       —         218       208       —         208  

Total operating expenses

     3,815       133       3,948       3,681       (6 )     3,675  

Operating income

     1,413       (90 )     1,323       1,351       131       1,482  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (203 )     —         (203 )     (211 )     1 (f)     (210 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     (6 )     —         (6 )     (20 )     17 (f)     (3 )

Other, net

     (158 )     170 (e)     12       118       (74 )(f)     44  

Total other income and deductions

     (367 )     170       (197 )     (113 )     (56 )     (169 )

Income from continuing operations before income taxes

     1,046       80       1,126       1,238       75       1,313  

Income taxes

     346       74 (b),(c),(d),(e)     420       459       33 (b),(c),(d)     492  

Income from continuing operations

     700       6       706       779       42       821  

Loss from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         1       1 (g)     2  

Net income

   $ 700     $ 6     $ 706     $ 780     $ 43     $ 823  

Earnings per average common share




Income from continuing operations

   $ 1.06     $ 0.01     $ 1.07     $ 1.16     $ 0.06     $ 1.22  

Loss from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         —         —         —    

Net income

   $ 1.06     $ 0.01     $ 1.07     $ 1.16     $ 0.06     $ 1.22  



Income from continuing operations

   $ 1.06     $ 0.01     $ 1.07     $ 1.15     $ 0.06     $ 1.21  

Loss from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         —         —         —    

Net income

   $ 1.06     $ 0.01     $ 1.07     $ 1.15     $ 0.06     $ 1.21  

Average common shares outstanding



     658         658       673         673  


     662         662       678         678  

Effect of adjustments on earnings (loss) per average diluted common share recorded in accordance with GAAP:


2007 Illinois electric rate settlement (b)

     $ 0.04         $ 0.12    

Mark-to-market impact of economic hedging activities (c)

       (0.10 )         —      

Decommissioning obligation reduction (d)

       (0.02 )         (0.03 )  

Unrealized gains and losses on nuclear decommissioning trust funds (e)

       0.09           —      

Investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities (f)

       —             (0.03 )  

Settlement of a tax matter at Generation related to Sithe (g)

       —             —      

Total adjustments

     $ 0.01         $ 0.06    



(a) Results reported in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP).
(b) Adjustment to exclude the impact of the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s economic hedging activities.
(d) Adjustment to exclude the decrease in Generation’s decommissioning obligation liability primarily related to the AmerGen Energy Company, LLC (AmerGen) nuclear plants.
(e) Adjustment to exclude the unrealized gains and losses associated with Generation’s nuclear decommissioning trust (NDT) fund investments and the associated contractual accounting relating to income taxes.
(f) Adjustment to exclude the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market losses associated with the related derivatives.
(g) Adjustment to exclude the settlement of separate tax matters at Generation related to Sithe Energies, Inc. (Sithe) in 2007 and 2008.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions, except per share data)


     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 14,366     $ 189 (b)   $ 14,555     $ 14,362     $ 144 (b),(c)   $ 14,506  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     3,565       210 (c)     3,775       3,931       (173 )(c)     3,758  


     1,608       88 (c)     1,696       1,795       40 (c)     1,835  

Operating and maintenance

     3,400       22 (b),(d)     3,422       3,114       (85 )(b),(d),(g)     3,029  

Depreciation and amortization

     1,230       —         1,230       1,146       —         1,146  

Taxes other than income

     597       —         597       603       —         603  

Total operating expenses

     10,400       320       10,720       10,589       (218 )     10,371  

Operating income

     3,966       (131 )     3,835       3,773       362       4,135  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (638 )     —         (638 )     (638 )     3 (g)     (635 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     (19 )     —         (19 )     (89 )     80 (g)     (9 )

Other, net

     (256 )     335 (e)     79       224       (120 )(g),(h)     104  

Total other income and deductions

     (913 )     335       (578 )     (503 )     (37 )     (540 )

Income from continuing operations before income taxes

     3,053       204       3,257       3,270       325       3,595  

Income taxes

     1,022       163 (b),(c),(d),(e)     1,185       1,107       247 (b),(c),(d),(g),(h)     1,354  

Income from continuing operations

     2,031       41       2,072       2,163       78       2,241  

Income (loss) from discontinued operations

     (1 )     1 (f)     —         10       (5 )(f)     5  

Net income

   $ 2,030     $ 42     $ 2,072     $ 2,173     $ 73     $ 2,246  

Earnings per average common share




Income from continuing operations

   $ 3.09     $ 0.07     $ 3.16     $ 3.21     $ 0.12     $ 3.33  

Income (loss) from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         0.02       (0.01 )     0.01  

Net income

   $ 3.09     $ 0.07     $ 3.16     $ 3.23     $ 0.11     $ 3.34  



Income from continuing operations

   $ 3.06     $ 0.07     $ 3.13     $ 3.18     $ 0.12     $ 3.30  

Income (loss) from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         0.02       (0.01 )     0.01  

Net income

   $ 3.06     $ 0.07     $ 3.13     $ 3.20     $ 0.11     $ 3.31  

Average common shares outstanding



     658         658       673         673  


     663         663       679         679  

Effect of adjustments on earnings per average diluted common share recorded in accordance with GAAP:


2007 Illinois electric rate settlement (b)

     $ 0.18         $ 0.14    

Mark-to-market impact of economic hedging activities (c)

       (0.27 )         0.12    

Nuclear decommissioning obligation reduction (d)

       (0.02 )         (0.03 )  

Unrealized gains and losses on nuclear decommissioning trust funds (e)

       0.18           —      

Settlement of a tax matter at Generation related to Sithe (f)

       —             (0.01 )  

Investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities (g)

       —             (0.10 )  

Sale of Generation’s investments in TEG and TEP (h)

       —             (0.01 )  

Total adjustments

     $ 0.07         $ 0.11    



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b) Adjustment to exclude the impact of the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s economic hedging activities.
(d) Adjustment to exclude the decrease in Generation’s decommissioning obligation liability primarily related to the AmerGen nuclear plants.
(e) Adjustment to exclude the unrealized gains and losses associated with Generation’s NDT fund investments and the associated contractual accounting relating to income taxes.
(f) Adjustment to exclude the settlement of a separate tax matter at Generation related to Sithe in 2006 and 2007.
(g) Adjustment to exclude the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.
(h) Adjustment to exclude the gain related to the sale of Generation’s ownership interest in Termoeléctrica del Golfo (TEG) and Termoeléctrica Peñoles (TEP).




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings

to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment (in millions)

Three Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Earnings per
Diluted Share
    Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon  

2007 GAAP Earnings (Loss)

   $ 1.15     $ 548     $ 65     $ 168     $   (1)   $ 780  

2007 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss) Adjustments:


2007 Illinois Electric Rate Settlement

     0.12       77       3       —         —         80  

Mark-to-Market Impact of Economic Hedging Activities

     —         —         (1 )     —         (2 )     (3 )

Investments in Synthetic Fuel-Producing Facilities (1)

     (0.03 )     —         —         —         (17 )     (17 )

Settlement of a Tax Matter at Generation Related to Sithe

     —         1       —         —         —         1  

Decommissioning Obligation Reduction (2)

     (0.03 )     (18 )     —         —         —         (18 )

2007 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss)

     1.21       608       67       168       (20 )     823  

Year Over Year Effects on Earnings:


Generation Energy Margins, Excluding Mark-to-Market (3)

     0.07       46       —         —         —         46  

ComEd and PECO Energy Margins:



     (0.05 )     —         (17 )     (14 )     —         (31 )

Other Energy Delivery (4)

     0.01       —         19       (15 )     —         4  

Bad Debt (5)

     (0.08 )     (14 )     (12 )     (25 )     —         (51 )

Labor and Contracting (6)

     (0.04 )     (24 )     (5 )     1       —         (28 )

Nuclear Plant Development Costs (7)

     (0.01 )     (4 )     —         —         —         (4 )

Discrete Items Resulting From the Distribution Rate Case (8)

     (0.02 )     —         (15 )     —         —         (15 )

Other Operating and Maintenance Expense (9)

     (0.01 )     (4 )     —         (4 )     —         (8 )

Depreciation and Amortization (10)

     (0.02 )     5       (5 )     (15 )     —         (15 )

Reduction of a Liability Related to Property Taxes (11)

     (0.03 )     —         —         (23 )     —         (23 )

Income Taxes (12)

     0.02       9       1       10       (6 )     14  

Other (13)

     (0.01 )     (13 )     1       7       (1 )     (6 )

Share Differential (14)

     0.03       —         —         —         —         —    

2008 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss)

     1.07       609       34       90       (27 )     706  

2008 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss) Adjustments:


Mark-to-Market Impact of Economic Hedging Activities

     0.10       96       —         —         (31 )     65  

2007 Illinois Electric Rate Settlement

     (0.04 )     (25 )     (1 )     —         —         (26 )

Unrealized Gains and Losses Related to NDT Fund Investments

     (0.09 )     (60 )     —         —         —         (60 )

Decommissioning Obligation Reduction (2)

     0.02       15       —         —         —         15  

2008 GAAP Earnings (Loss)

   $ 1.06     $ 635     $ 33     $ 90     $ (58 )   $ 700  



(1) Reflects the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.
(2) Reflects a decrease in Generation’s decommissioning obligation liability primarily related to the AmerGen nuclear plants.
(3) Primarily reflects higher realized prices on market sales and higher nuclear output, partially offset by increased nuclear fuel costs.
(4) Primarily reflects in 2008 the impact of increased transmission and distribution revenue at ComEd resulting from the 2007 transmission and distribution rate cases, partially offset by a reduction in PECO’s distribution rates made to refund the 2007 Pennsylvania Public Utility Realty Tax Act (PURTA) tax settlement to customers (completely offset by lower taxes other than income as noted in number 13 below).
(5) For PECO and ComEd, reflects actual and expected future increases in customer account charge-offs pursuant to increased customer terminations and, in part, current overall negative economic conditions. For Generation, reflects reserve for counterparty exposure to Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.
(6) Primarily reflects labor-related inflation across the operating companies.
(7) Reflects the costs associated with the possible construction of a new nuclear plant in Texas.
(8) Reflects discrete disallowances, net of allowed regulatory assets, mandated by the September 2008 ICC order in ComEd’s 2007 delivery service rate case.
(9) Primarily reflects increased nuclear refueling and operating maintenance and inspection costs at Generation and increased storm costs at PECO, partially offset by reduced stock-based compensation costs across the operating companies.
(10) Primarily reflects increased amortization at PECO due to increased scheduled competitive transition charge (CTC) amortization.
(11) Reflects the 2007 reduction of a liability associated with PECO’s property taxes under the PURTA settlement.
(12) Primarily reflects higher marginal tax rates applicable to realized losses in the qualified nuclear decommissioning trusts and a decrease in PECO’s pre-tax income at marginal rates higher than effective rates.
(13) Primarily reflects lower realized income on nuclear decommissioning trust funds at Generation, partially offset by decreased taxes other than income at PECO (completely offset by lower revenues as noted in number 4 above).
(14) Reflects the impact on earnings per share due to a decrease in Exelon’s diluted common shares outstanding.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings

to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment (in millions)

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


Earnings per
Diluted Share
    Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon  

2007 GAAP Earnings (Loss)

   $ 3.20     $ 1,686     $ 98     $ 392     $   (3)   $ 2,173  

2007 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss) Adjustments:


2007 Illinois Electric Rate Settlement

     0.14       77       19       —         —         96  

Mark-to-Market Impact of Economic Hedging Activities

     0.12       83       (1 )     —         (2 )     80  

Investments in Synthetic Fuel-Producing Facilities (1)

     (0.10 )     —         —         —         (69 )     (69 )

Gain from Sale of Generation’s investments in TEG and TEP

     (0.01 )     (11 )     —         —         —         (11 )

Decommissioning Obligation Reduction (2)

     (0.03 )     (18 )     —         —         —         (18 )

Settlement of a Tax Matter at Generation Related to Sithe

     (0.01 )     (5 )     —         —         —         (5 )

2007 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss)

     3.31       1,812       116       392       (74 )     2,246  

Year Over Year Effects on Earnings:


Generation Energy Margins, Excluding Mark-to-Market (3)

     0.17       116       —         —         —         116  

ComEd and PECO Energy Margins:



     (0.08 )     —         (23 )     (33 )     —         (56 )

Other Energy Delivery (4)

     0.10       —         77       (10 )     —         67  

PJM Settlement (5)

     (0.04 )     (20 )     —         (7 )     —         (27 )

Bad Debt (6)

     (0.14 )     (14 )     (10 )     (67 )     —         (91 )

Labor and Contracting (7)

     (0.10 )     (42 )     (18 )     (8 )     —         (68 )

Nuclear Plant Development Costs (8)

     (0.02 )     (16 )     —         —         —         (16 )

Planned Nuclear Refueling Outages (9)

     (0.06 )     (39 )     —         —         —         (39 )

Discrete Items Resulting From the Distribution Rate Case (10)

     (0.02 )     —         (15 )     —         —         (15 )

Other Operating and Maintenance Expense (11)

     (0.05 )     (21 )     (4 )     (3 )     (3 )     (31 )

Depreciation and Amortization (12)

     (0.09 )     (4 )     (9 )     (44 )     —         (57 )

Realized NDT Losses Related to a Tax Planning Strategy

     (0.03 )     (18 )     —         —         —         (18 )

Tax Method Change - Overhead Costs (13)

     0.01       (6 )     9       4       —         7  

Income Taxes (14)

     0.10       26       (6 )     24       19       63  

Reduction of a Liability Related to Property Taxes (15)

     (0.03 )     —         —         (23 )     —         (23 )

Other (16)

     0.02       (12 )     (2 )     21       7       14  

Share Differential (17)

     0.08       —         —         —         —         —    

2008 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss)

     3.13       1,762       115       246       (51 )     2,072  

2008 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss) Adjustments:


Mark-to-Market Impact of Economic Hedging Activities

     0.27       180       —         —         —         180  

Decommissioning Obligation Reduction (2)

     0.02       15       —         —         —         15  

Settlement of a Tax Matter at Generation Related to Sithe

     —         (1 )     —         —         —         (1 )

2007 Illinois Electric Rate Settlement

     (0.18 )     (115 )     (5 )     —         —         (120 )

Unrealized Gains and Losses Related to NDT Fund Investments

     (0.18 )     (116 )     —         —         —         (116 )

2008 GAAP Earnings

   $ 3.06     $ 1,725     $ 110     $ 246     $ (51 )   $ 2,030  



(1) Reflects the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.
(2) Reflects a decrease in Generation’s decommissioning obligation liability primarily related to the AmerGen nuclear plants.
(3) Primarily reflects higher realized prices on market sales, increased revenue from certain long options in Generation’s proprietary trading portfolio, and gains related to the settlement of uranium supply agreements, partially offset by increased nuclear fuel costs and lower nuclear output due to more planned and unplanned refueling outage days in 2008.
(4) Primarily reflects in 2008 the impact of increased transmission and distribution revenue at ComEd resulting from the 2007 transmission and distribution rate cases, partially offset by a reduction in PECO’s distribution rates made to refund the PURTA tax settlement to customers (completely offset by lower taxes other than income as noted in number 16 below).
(5) Reflects the favorable 2007 PJM Interconnection, LLC billing settlement with PPL Electric approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
(6) For PECO and ComEd, reflects actual and expected future increases in customer account charge-offs pursuant to increased customer terminations and, in part, current overall negative economic conditions. For Generation, reflects reserve for counterparty exposure to Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.
(7) Primarily reflects labor-related inflation across the operating companies.
(8) Reflects the costs associated with the possible construction of a new nuclear plant in Texas.
(9) Reflects increased operating and maintenance expense related to planned nuclear refueling outage costs, excluding Salem.
(10) Reflects discrete disallowances, net of allowed regulatory assets, mandated by the September 2008 ICC order in ComEd’s 2007 delivery service rate case.
(11) Primarily reflects increased operating maintenance and inspection costs at Generation and increased 2008 storm costs in the PECO service territory, partially offset by reduced stock-based compensation costs across the operating companies.
(12) Primarily reflects increased amortization at PECO due to increased scheduled CTC amortization and increased depreciation at Generation and ComEd due to increased capital expenditures.
(13) Reflects a favorable income tax benefit associated with Exelon’s method of capitalizing overhead costs.
(14) Primarily reflects favorable state income tax settlements, higher marginal tax rates applicable to realized losses in the qualified nuclear decommissioning trusts and a decrease in PECO’s pre-tax income at marginal rates higher than effective rates.
(15) Reflects the 2007 reduction of a liability associated with PECO’s property taxes under the PURTA settlement.
(16) For Generation, primarily reflects increased taxes other than income (property and payroll taxes) and increased interest expense, partially offset by income related to the termination of a gas supply guarantee. For ComEd, primarily reflects increased interest expense, partially offset by decreased taxes other than income. For PECO, primarily reflects decreased taxes other than income (completely offset by lower revenues as noted in number 4 above) and decreased interest expense.
(17) Reflects the impact on earnings per share due to a decrease in Exelon’s diluted common shares outstanding.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended September 30, 2008     Three Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 3,073       $41  (b)   $ 3,114     $ 2,837     $ 122  (b)   $ 2,959  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     528       356  (c)     884       808       (32 )(c)     776  


     669       (198 )(c)     471       467       32  (c)     499  

Operating and maintenance

     625       25  (d)     650       544       29  (d)     573  

Depreciation and amortization

     58       —         58       66       —         66  

Taxes other than income

     53       —         53       47       —         47  

Total operating expenses

     1,933       183       2,116       1,932       29       1,961  

Operating income

     1,140       (142 )     998       905       93       998  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (34 )     —         (34 )     (35 )     —         (35 )

Other, net

     (164 )     170  (e)     6       15       —         15  

Total other income and deductions

     (198 )     170       (28 )     (20 )     —         (20 )

Income before income taxes

     942       28       970       885       93       978  

Income taxes

     307       54  (b),(c),(d),(e)     361       336       34  (b),(c),(d)     370  

Income from continuing operations

     635       (26 )     609       549       59       608  

Income (loss) from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         (1 )     1 (f)     —    

Net income

   $ 635     $ (26 )   $ 609     $ 548     $ 60     $ 608  
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 8,311     $ 184  (b)   $ 8,495     $ 8,181     $ 122  (b)   $ 8,303  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     1,704       210  (c)     1,914       1,939       (177 )(c)     1,762  


     1,211       88  (c)     1,299       1,374       40  (c)     1,414  

Operating and maintenance

     2,023       25  (d)     2,048       1,801       29  (d)     1,830  

Depreciation and amortization

     202       —         202       199       —         199  

Taxes other than income

     153       —         153       135       —         135  

Total operating expenses

     5,293       323       5,616       5,448       (108 )     5,340  

Operating income

     3,018       (139 )     2,879       2,733       230       2,963  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (108 )     —         (108 )     (100 )     —         (100 )

Equity in earnings (losses) of investments

     (1 )     —         (1 )     2       —         2  

Other, net

     (292 )     335  (e)     43       68       (18 ) (f)     50  

Total other income and deductions

     (401 )     335       (66 )     (30 )     (18 )     (48 )

Income before income taxes

     2,617       196       2,813       2,703       212       2,915  

Income taxes

     891       160  (b),(c),(d),(e)     1,051       1,021       81  (b),(c),(d),(f)     1,102  

Income from continuing operations

     1,726       36       1,762       1,682       131       1,813  

Income (loss) from discontinued operations

     (1 )     1 (e)     —         4       (5 )(e)     (1 )

Net income

   $ 1,725     $ 37     $ 1,762     $ 1,686     $ 126     $ 1,812  



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b) Adjustment to exclude the impact of the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Generation’s economic hedging activities.
(d) Adjustment to exclude the decrease in Generation’s decommissioning obligation primarily related to the AmerGen nuclear plants.
(e) Adjustment to exclude the unrealized gains and losses associated with Generation’s NDT fund investments and the associated contractual accounting relating to income taxes.
(f) Adjustment to exclude the settlement of tax matters at Generation related to Sithe.
(g) Adjustment to exclude the gain related to the first quarter 2007 sale of Generation’s ownership interest in TEG and TEP.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended September 30, 2008     Three Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 1,729     $ (b)   $ 1,731     $ 1,758     $ (b),(c)   $ 1,761  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     1,068       —         1,068       1,100       —         1,100  

Operating and maintenance

     317       —         317       268       —         268  

Depreciation and amortization

     119       —         119       110       —         110  

Taxes other than income

     87       —         87       87       —         87  

Total operating expenses

     1,591       —         1,591       1,565       —         1,565  

Operating income

     138       2       140       193       3       196  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (87 )     —         (87 )     (90 )     —         (90 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (2 )     —         (2 )     (2 )     —         (2 )

Other, net

     3       —         3       4       —         4  

Total other income and deductions

     (86 )     —         (86 )     (88 )     —         (88 )

Income before income taxes

     52       2       54       105       3       108  

Income taxes

     19       1 (b)     20       40       (b),(c)     41  

Net income

   $ 33     $ 1     $ 34     $ 65     $ 2     $ 67  
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 4,594     $ 5  (b)   $ 4,599     $ 4,668     $ 22  (b),(c)   $ 4,690  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     2,729       —         2,729       2,906       —         2,906  

Operating and maintenance

     845       (4 )(b)     841       778       (8 )(b)     770  

Depreciation and amortization

     343       —         343       327       —         327  

Taxes other than income

     227       —         227       243       —         243  

Total operating expenses

     4,144       (4 )     4,140       4,254       (8 )     4,246  

Operating income

     450       9       459       414       30       444  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (279 )     —         (279 )     (259 )     —         (259 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (7 )     —         (7 )     (6 )     —         (6 )

Other, net

     12       —         12       10       —         10  

Total other income and deductions

     (274 )     —         (274 )     (255 )     —         (255 )

Income before income taxes

     176       9       185       159       30       189  

Income taxes

     66       4  (b)     70       61       12  (b)     73  

Net income

   $ 110     $ 5     $ 115     $ 98     $ 18     $ 116  



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b) Adjustment to exclude the impact of the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of ComEd’s economic hedging activities.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended September 30, 2008     Three Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments    Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments    Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 1,441     $ —      $ 1,441     $ 1,459     $ —      $ 1,459  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     693       —        693       683       —        683  


     50       —        50       37       —        37  

Operating and maintenance

     192       —        192       152       —        152  

Depreciation and amortization

     243       —        243       221       —        221  

Taxes other than income

     73       —        73       70       —        70  

Total operating expenses

     1,251       —        1,251       1,163       —        1,163  

Operating income

     190       —        190       296       —        296  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (55 )     —        (55 )     (61 )     —        (61 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (4 )     —        (4 )     (1 )     —        (1 )

Other, net

     2       —        2       25       —        25  

Total other income and deductions

     (57 )     —        (57 )     (37 )     —        (37 )

Income before income taxes

     133       —        133       259       —        259  

Income taxes

     43       —        43       91       —        91  

Net income

   $ 90     $ —      $ 90     $ 168     $ —      $ 168  
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments    Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments    Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 4,195     $ —      $ 4,195     $ 4,228     $ —      $ 4,228  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     1,859       —        1,859       1,796       —        1,796  


     397       —        397       422          422  

Operating and maintenance

     557       —        557       446       —        446  

Depreciation and amortization

     653       —        653       591       —        591  

Taxes other than income

     203       —        203       212       —        212  

Total operating expenses

     3,669       —        3,669       3,467       —        3,467  

Operating income

     526       —        526       761       —        761  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (171 )     —        (171 )     (188 )     —        (188 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (11 )     —        (11 )     (5 )     —        (5 )

Other, net

     13       —        13       36       —        36  

Total other income and deductions

     (169 )     —        (169 )     (157 )     —        (157 )

Income before income taxes

     357       —        357       604       —        604  

Income taxes

     111       —        111       212       —        212  

Net income

   $ 246     $ —      $ 246     $ 392     $ —      $ 392  




(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended September 30, 2008     Three Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ (1,015 )   $ —       $ (1,015 )   $ (1,022 )   $ —       $ (1,022 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     (962 )     (51 )(b)     (1,013 )     (1,023 )     4 (b)     (1,019 )


     (1 )     —         (1 )     (1 )     —         (1 )

Operating and maintenance

     (13 )     —         (13 )     30       (39 )(c)     (9 )

Depreciation and amortization

     11       —         11       11       —         11  

Taxes other than income

     5       —         5       4       —         4  

Total operating expenses

     (960 )     (51 )     (1,011 )     (979 )     (35 )     (1,014 )

Operating income (loss)

     (55 )     51       (4 )     (43 )     35       (8 )

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (27 )     —         (27 )     (25 )     1 (c)     (24 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     —         —         —         (17 )     17  (c)     —    

Other, net

     1       —         1       74       (74 )(c)     —    

Total other income and deductions

     (26 )     —         (26 )     32       (56 )     (24 )

Loss from continuing operations before income taxes

     (81 )     51       (30 )     (11 )     (21 )     (32 )

Income taxes

     (23 )     20 (b)     (3 )     (8 )     (2 )(b),(c)     (10 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     (58 )     31       (27 )     (3 )     (19 )     (22 )

Loss from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         2       —         2  

Net income (loss)

   $ (58 )   $ 31     $ (27 )   $ (1 )   $ (19 )   $ (20 )
     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008     Nine Months Ended September 30, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ (2,734 )   $ —       $ (2,734 )   $ (2,715 )   $ —       $ (2,715 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     (2,727 )     —         (2,727 )     (2,710 )     4 (b)     (2,706 )


     —         —         —         (1 )     —         (1 )

Operating and maintenance

     (25 )     —         (25 )     89       (106 )(c)     (17 )

Depreciation and amortization

     32       —         32       29       —         29  

Taxes other than income

     14       —         14       13       —         13  

Total operating expenses

     (2,706 )     —         (2,706 )     (2,580 )     (102 )     (2,682 )

Operating income (loss)

     (28 )     —         (28 )     (135 )     102       (33 )

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (80 )     —         (80 )     (91 )     3 (c)     (88 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     —         —         —         (80 )     80 (c)     —    

Other, net

     11       —         11       110       (102 )(c)     8  

Total other income and deductions

     (69 )     —         (69 )     (61 )     (19 )     (80 )

Loss from continuing operations before income taxes

     (97 )     —         (97 )     (196 )     83       (113 )

Income taxes

     (46 )     —         (46 )     (187 )     154 (b),(c)     (33 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     (51 )     —         (51 )     (9 )     (71 )     (80 )

Income from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         6       —         6  

Net income (loss)

   $ (51 )   $ —       $ (51 )   $ (3 )   $ (71 )   $ (74 )



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b) Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s economic hedging activities associated with Generation’s and ComEd’s financial swap contract.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.




Exelon Generation Statistics


     Three Months Ended
     September 30, 2008    June 30, 2008    March 31, 2008    December 31, 2007    September 30, 2007

Supply (in GWhs)



     36,451      35,069      32,935      34,296      36,356

Purchased Power - Generation

     8,761      5,575      5,827      9,068      11,689

Fossil and Hydro

     2,685      2,910      2,812      2,350      3,067

Power Team Supply

     47,897      43,554      41,574      45,714      51,112
     Three Months Ended
     September 30, 2008    June 30, 2008    March 31, 2008    December 31, 2007    September 30, 2007

Electric Sales (in GWhs)



     6,629      5,218      6,092      5,362      6,628


     11,333      9,761      10,112      9,957      11,374

Market and Retail

     29,935      28,575      25,370      30,395      33,110

Total Electric Sales (a) (b)

     47,897      43,554      41,574      45,714      51,112

Average Margin ($/MWh)


Average Realized Revenue


ComEd (c)

   $ 64.41    $ 63.82    $ 63.20    $ 63.22    $ 64.57


     53.03      52.04      48.75      49.31      51.96

Market and Retail (c)

     65.98      61.91      57.19      54.81      56.00

Total Electric Sales

     62.70      59.93      56.02      54.60      56.21

Average Purchased Power and Fuel Cost (d) (e)

   $ 26.16    $ 19.40    $ 17.25    $ 18.90    $ 23.61

Average Margin (e)

   $ 36.54    $ 40.53    $ 38.77    $ 35.70    $ 32.60

Around-the-clock Market Prices ($/MWh) (f)


PJM West Hub

   $ 77.37    $ 75.65    $ 68.53    $ 58.68    $ 63.34


     53.28      51.39      53.35      45.92      47.02



(a) Excludes retail gas sales, trading portfolio and other operating revenue.
(b) Total sales do not include trading volume of 3,092 GWhs, 1,784 GWhs, 1,862 GWhs, 4,780 GWhs and 5,667 GWhs for the three months ended September 30, 2008, June 30, 2008, March 31, 2008, December 31, 2007 and September 30, 2007, respectively.
(c) $15 million of pre-tax reduction in revenue during the three months ended September 30, 2008, resulting from the settlement of the ComEd swap starting in June 2008 has been excluded from ComEd and included in Market and Retail sales.
(d) Excludes the net impact of the $119 million pre-tax loss associated with Generation’s tolling agreement with Georgia Power related to the contract with Tenaska and costs associated with the termination of the State Line PPA during the three months ended December 31, 2007.
(e) Excludes the mark-to-market impact of Generation’s economic hedging activities.
(f) Represents the average for the quarter.




Exelon Generation Statistics

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


     September 30, 2008    September 30, 2007

Supply (in GWhs)



     104,454      106,063

Purchased Power - Generation

     20,164      28,951

Fossil and Hydro

     8,407      8,920

Power Team Supply

     133,025      143,934
     September 30, 2008    September 30, 2007

Electric Sales (in GWhs)



     17,939      17,700


     31,206      31,385

Market and Retail

     83,880      94,849

Total Electric Sales (a) (b)

     133,025      143,934

Average Margin ($/MWh)


Average Realized Revenue


ComEd (c)

   $ 63.83    $ 64.29


     51.34      49.96

Market and Retail (c)

     61.93      54.52

Total Electric Sales

     59.70      54.73

Average Purchased Power and Fuel Cost (d)

   $ 21.16    $ 19.75

Average Margin (d)

   $ 38.54    $ 34.98

Around-the-clock Market Prices ($/MWh) (e)


PJM West Hub

   $ 73.86    $ 60.26


     52.68      45.40



(a) Excludes retail gas sales, trading portfolio and other operating revenue.
(b) Total sales do not include trading volume of 6,738 GWhs and 15,543 GWhs for the nine months ended September 30, 2008 and 2007, respectively.
(c) $22 million of pre-tax reduction in revenue resulting from the settlement of the ComEd swap starting in June 2008 has been excluded from ComEd and included in Market and Retail sales.
(d) Excludes the mark-to-market impact of Generation’s economic hedging activities.
(e) Represents the average for the year.




ComEd Statistics

Three Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


     Electric Deliveries (in GWhs)     Revenue (in millions)  
     2008     2007    %
    2008     2007    %

Full Service (a)



   8,114     8,997    (9.8 %)   $ 950     $ 987    (3.7 %)

Small Commercial & Industrial

   4,047     4,330    (6.5 %)     428       438    (2.3 %)

Large Commercial & Industrial

   319     351    (9.1 %)     31       29    6.9 %

Public Authorities

   168     167    0.6 %     14       15    (6.7 %)

Total Full Service

   12,648     13,845    (8.6 %)     1,423       1,469    (3.1 %)

Delivery Only (b)



   (c )   n.m.        (c )     n.m.   

Small Commercial & Industrial

   4,932     4,927    0.1 %     75       74    1.4 %

Large Commercial & Industrial

   7,379     7,307    1.0 %     78       75    4.0 %

Public Authorities & Electric Railroads

   137     126    8.7 %     2       1    100.0 %

Total Delivery Only

   12,448     12,360    0.7 %     155       150    3.3 %

Total Retail

   25,096     26,205    (4.2 %)     1,578       1,619    (2.5 %)

Other Revenue (d)

            151       139    8.6 %

Total Revenues

          $ 1,729     $ 1,758    (1.6 %)

Purchased Power

          $ 1,068     $ 1,100    (2.9 %)

Heating and Cooling Degree-Days

   2008     2007    Normal                   

Heating Degree-Days

   53     57    110         

Cooling Degree-Days

   626     746    624         

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


     Electric Deliveries (in GWhs)     Revenue (in millions)  
     2008     2007    %
    2008     2007    %

Full Service (a)



   21,521     22,445    (4.1 %)   $ 2,444     $ 2,409    1.5 %

Small Commercial & Industrial

   11,392     12,774    (10.8 %)     1,169       1,254    (6.8 %)

Large Commercial & Industrial

   803     1,630    (50.7 %)     73       128    (43.0 %)

Public Authorities

   481     563    (14.6 %)     40       49    (18.4 %)

Total Full Service

   34,197     37,412    (8.6 %)     3,726       3,840    (3.0 %)

Delivery Only (b)



   (c )   n.m.        (c )     n.m.   

Small Commercial & Industrial

   14,029     12,813    9.5 %     211       193    9.3 %

Large Commercial & Industrial

   21,133     20,514    3.0 %     215       209    2.9 %

Public Authorities & Electric Railroads

   423     394    7.4 %     5       4    25.0 %

Total Delivery Only

   35,585     33,721    5.5 %     431       406    6.2 %

Total Retail

   69,782     71,133    (1.9 %)     4,157       4,246    (2.1 %)

Other Revenue (d)

            437       422    3.6 %

Total Revenues

          $ 4,594     $ 4,668    (1.6 %)

Purchased Power

          $ 2,729     $ 2,906    (6.1 %)

Heating and Cooling Degree-Days

   2008     2007    Normal                   

Heating Degree-Days

   4,225     3,882    4,084         

Cooling Degree-Days

   818     1,055    848         



(a) Full service reflects deliveries to customers taking electric service under tariff rates which include the cost of electricity and the cost of the transmission and distribution of the electricity.
(b) Delivery only service reflects customers electing to receive electricity from a competitive electric generation supplier. Revenue from customers choosing a competitive electric generation supplier includes a distribution charge.
(c) All ComEd customers have the choice to purchase electricity from a competitive electric supplier. This choice does not impact the volume of deliveries, but affects revenue collected from customers related to supplied electricity and generation service. As of September 30, 2008, six competitive electric suppliers had been granted approval to serve residential customers in the ComEd service territory, however there are a minimal number of residential customers being served by alternative suppliers with total activity of less than 1 GWh and $1 million.
(d) Other revenue includes transmission revenue from PJM, sales to municipalities, other wholesale energy sales and economic hedge derivative contracts.
n.m.- Not meaningful




PECO Statistics

Three Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


     Electric and Gas Deliveries     Revenue (in millions)  
     2008    2007    %
    2008    2007    %

Electric (in GWhs)


Full Service (a)



   3,802    3,889    (2.2 %)   $ 591    $ 611    (3.3 %)

Small Commercial & Industrial

   2,258    2,255    0.1 %     293      299    (2.0 %)

Large Commercial & Industrial

   4,445    4,484    (0.9 %)     376      373    0.8 %

Public Authorities & Electric Railroads

   221    249    (11.2 %)     22      23    (4.3 %)

Total Full Service

   10,726    10,877    (1.4 %)     1,282      1,306    (1.8 %)

Delivery Only (b)



   9    12    (25.0 %)     1      1    0.0 %

Small Commercial & Industrial

   131    158    (17.1 %)     7      9    (22.2 %)

Large Commercial & Industrial

   1    3    (66.7 %)     —        —      0.0 %

Total Delivery Only

   141    173    (18.5 %)     8      10    (20.0 %)

Total Electric Retail

   10,867    11,050    (1.7 %)     1,290      1,316    (2.0 %)

Other Revenue (c)

             76      76    0.0 %

Total Electric Revenue

             1,366      1,392    (1.9 %)

Gas (in mmcfs)


Retail Sales

   3,794    3,845    (1.3 %)     70      60    16.7 %

Transportation and Other

   6,455    7,393    (12.7 %)     5      7    (28.6 %)

Total Gas

   10,249    11,238    (8.8 %)     75      67    11.9 %

Total Electric and Gas Revenues

           $ 1,441    $ 1,459    (1.2 %)

Purchased Power

           $ 693    $ 683    1.5 %


             50      37    35.1 %

Total Purchased Power and Fuel

           $ 743    $ 720    3.2 %

Heating and Cooling Degree-Days

   2008    2007    Normal                  

Heating Degree-Days

   12    19    36          

Cooling Degree-Days

   942    1,005    939          

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2008 and 2007


     Electric and Gas Deliveries     Revenue (in millions)  
     2008    2007    %
    2008    2007    %

Electric (in GWhs)


Full Service (a)



   10,151    10,267    (1.1 %)   $ 1,485    $ 1,505    (1.3 %)

Small Commercial & Industrial

   6,257    6,319    (1.0 %)     793      803    (1.2 %)

Large Commercial & Industrial

   12,520    12,445    0.6 %     1,074      1,043    3.0 %

Public Authorities & Electric Railroads

   681    683    (0.3 %)     66      66    0.0 %

Total Full Service

   29,609    29,714    (0.4 %)     3,418      3,417    0.0 %

Delivery Only (b)



   24    33    (27.3 %)     2      2    0.0 %

Small Commercial & Industrial

   370    446    (17.0 %)     20      24    (16.7 %)

Large Commercial & Industrial

   3    10    (70.0 %)     —        —      0.0 %

Total Delivery Only

   397    489    (18.8 %)     22      26    (15.4 %)

Total Electric Retail

   30,006    30,203    (0.7 %)     3,440      3,443    (0.1 %)

Other Revenue (c)

             212      208    1.9 %

Total Electric Revenue

             3,652      3,651    0.0 %

Gas (in mmcfs)


Retail Sales

   36,979    41,130    (10.1 %)     522      543    (3.9 %)

Transportation and Other

   20,806    20,370    2.1 %     21      34    (38.2 %)

Total Gas

   57,785    61,500    (6.0 %)     543      577    (5.9 %)

Total Electric and Gas Revenues

           $ 4,195    $ 4,228    (0.8 %)

Purchased Power

           $ 1,859    $ 1,796    3.5 %


             397      422    (5.9 %)

Total Purchased Power and Fuel

           $ 2,256    $ 2,218    1.7 %

Heating and Cooling Degree-Days

   2008    2007    Normal                  

Heating Degree-Days

   2,744    3,031    3,004          

Cooling Degree-Days

   1,335    1,403    1,271          



(a) Full service reflects deliveries to customers taking electric service under tariff rates, which include the cost of electricity, the cost of transmission and distribution of the electricity and a CTC.
(b) Delivery only service reflects customers electing to receive electricity from a competitive electric generation supplier. Revenue from customers choosing a competitive electric generation supplier includes a distribution charge and a CTC.
(c) Other revenue includes transmission revenue from PJM, wholesale revenue and other revenues.