EX-99.1 2 dex991.htm PRESS RELEASE & EARNINGS RELEASE ATTACHMENTS Press release & earnings release attachments

Exhibit 99.1




   Chaka Patterson    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
   Investor Relations   
   Kathleen Cantillon   
   Corporate Communications   

Exelon Announces First Quarter on Track;

Reaffirms Full-Year 2008 Earnings Guidance

CHICAGO (April 24, 2008) – Exelon Corporation’s (Exelon) first quarter 2008 consolidated earnings prepared in accordance with GAAP were $581 million, or $0.88 per diluted share, compared with earnings of $691 million, or $1.02 per share, in the first quarter of 2007.

Exelon’s adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the first quarter of 2008 were $620 million, or $0.93 per diluted share, compared with $722 million, or $1.07 per diluted share, for the same period in 2007. The lower level of earnings was primarily due to lower nuclear output at Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Generation) largely reflecting increased planned refueling outages, realized investment losses in connection with the implementation of a favorable tax law change, increased operating and maintenance expense, in part due to more nuclear refueling outages, and increased depreciation and amortization expense primarily related to the higher scheduled competitive transition charge (CTC) amortization at PECO Energy Company (PECO). First quarter 2007 results included a one-time favorable PJM Interconnection, LLC (PJM) billing settlement with PPL Electric. The year-over-year earnings decrease was partially offset by higher average margins on energy sales at Generation, increased transmission revenue as a result of Commonwealth Edison Company’s (ComEd) 2007 transmission rate case and a favorable impact of certain tax items.

“In the first quarter, we began five and completed four planned nuclear refueling outages, compared with beginning two and completing one in last year’s first quarter. As expected, the impact of these additional refueling outages resulted in lower first quarter earnings than last year. Exelon’s full-year 2008 earnings outlook remains on plan,” said John W. Rowe, Exelon’s chairman, president and CEO. “Year-to-date, our nuclear fleet operations continued industry-leading performance as the refuelings averaged less than 24 days per outage, substantially below the 2007 industry average of 41 days. In addition, ComEd is progressing in its pending rate case and PECO continues to work towards a successful transition to competitive markets in Pennsylvania.”



Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the first quarter of 2008 do not include the following items, representing an after-tax net loss of $39 million, or $0.05 per diluted share, that are included in reported GAAP earnings (all after tax):



Mark-to-market gains of $53 million, or $0.08 per diluted share, primarily from Generation’s economic hedging activities.



A charge of $50 million, or $0.07 per diluted share, for the costs associated with the Illinois electric rate settlement agreement.



Unrealized losses of $42 million, or $0.06 per diluted share, related to nuclear decommissioning trust fund investments.

Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the first quarter of 2007 did not include the following items, representing an after-tax net loss of $31 million, or $0.05 per diluted share, that were included in reported GAAP earnings (all after tax):



Mark-to-market losses of $69 million, or $0.10 per diluted share, primarily from Generation’s economic hedging activities.



Earnings of $24 million, or $0.03 per diluted share, associated with investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market losses associated with the related derivatives.



A gain of $9 million, or $0.01 per diluted share, related to the sale of Generation’s 49.5 percent ownership interests in Termoeléctrica del Golfo (TEG) and Termoeléctrica Peñoles (TEP), two generating facilities in Mexico.



A gain of $5 million, or $0.01 per diluted share, associated with the settlement of a tax matter at Generation related to its previous investment in Sithe Energies, Inc. (Sithe).

2008 Earnings Outlook

Exelon reaffirmed its adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings guidance range for 2008 of $4.00 to $4.40 per share. The outlook for 2008 adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for Exelon and its subsidiaries excludes the following items:



mark-to-market adjustments from economic hedging activities



unrealized gains and losses from nuclear decommissioning trust fund investments



significant impairments of assets, including goodwill



significant changes in decommissioning obligation estimates



costs associated with the Illinois electric rate settlement agreement, including ComEd’s previously announced customer rate relief programs



costs associated with ComEd’s settlement with the City of Chicago



other unusual items



significant future changes to GAAP



Giving consideration to these factors, Exelon estimates GAAP earnings in 2008 will fall in the range of $3.70 to $4.10 per share. Both Exelon’s operating earnings and GAAP earnings guidance are based on the assumption of normal weather.

First Quarter and Recent Highlights



Nuclear Operations: Generation’s nuclear fleet, including its owned output from the Salem Generating Station operated by PSEG Nuclear LLC, produced 32,935 GWhs in the first quarter of 2008, compared with 35,357 GWhs in the first quarter of 2007. The Exelon-operated nuclear plants achieved an 89.0 percent capacity factor for the first quarter of 2008 compared with 96.4 percent for the first quarter of 2007. The Exelon-operated nuclear plants completed four scheduled refueling outages and began a fifth in the first quarter of 2008 (104 days), compared with completing one refueling outage and beginning a second in the first quarter of 2007 (40 days). Total nuclear output was also negatively impacted by a higher number of non-refueling outage days, 26 days in the first quarter of 2008 versus 1 day in the first quarter of 2007 when Exelon-operated fleet production achieved its best quarter ever. In addition, nuclear output was negatively impacted by a higher number of refueling outage days at the co-owned Salem Generating Station, which began a scheduled refueling in both the first quarter of 2008 and in the first quarter of 2007.



Fossil and Hydro Operations: Generation’s fossil fleet commercial availability was 74.0 percent in the first quarter of 2008 primarily reflecting outages at the Eddystone coal units, compared with 92.8 percent in the first quarter of 2007. The equivalent availability factor for the hydro facilities was unchanged at 99.1 percent in the first quarter of 2008 versus 2007.



ComEd Distribution Rate Case: On October 17, 2007, ComEd filed a request with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) seeking approval to increase its delivery service revenue requirement by approximately $360 million to reflect ComEd’s continued substantial investment in its delivery system. The rate case filing is based on a 2006 test year. If approved by the ICC, the total increase would raise the average ComEd residential customer total bill about 7.7 percent. The ICC proceedings will take place over a period of up to eleven months.

On March 12, 2008, ComEd filed rebuttal testimony that supported an adjusted revenue requirement increase of approximately $355 million. Various intervenors and the ICC Staff have filed testimony challenging the amount of the increase. The ICC Staff’s rebuttal testimony, filed on April 10, 2008, indicated that ComEd’s revenue increase should be approximately $269 million on an annual basis, primarily reflecting a stipulation reached with ComEd on several contested issues. The stipulation is also subject to approval by the ICC. On April 21, 2008, ComEd filed its surrebuttal testimony, which included the impacts of the stipulation and various other agreements. As part of the stipulation and if the ICC agrees, ComEd will incur a write-off of about $20 million pre-tax when the final order is issued. Hearings are scheduled during the period from April 28 to May 5, 2008. Based on typical rate cases, the Administrative Law Judges’ recommended order in the case is expected by July, with a final ICC order in September.



ComEd Energy Procurement Plan: On March 11, 2008, the ICC approved ComEd’s purchase of approximately 14 percent of its expected energy needs for the period June 1, 2008 through




May 31, 2009, resulting from a request for proposal (RFP) process. Approximately 19 percent of ComEd’s expected energy load for this same time period has been hedged through the previously disclosed financial swap contract with Generation.

In August 2007, Illinois electric rate settlement legislation established a new competitive process to be used for procurement of electricity by Illinois utilities, replacing the reverse-auction bidding process approved in 2006. The energy supply contracts awarded as a result of the 2006 reverse-auction will remain in effect through their original terms, but as those contracts expire, the energy will be replaced with contracts awarded through the new process. For energy needs beginning June 2009, the Illinois Power Agency (IPA) will participate in the design of an electricity supply portfolio and will administer a competitive process for ComEd to procure its electricity supply resources identified in the supply portfolio plans, all with the oversight of the ICC.



PECO Gas Distribution Rate Case: On March 31, 2008, PECO filed a petition before the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PAPUC) for an approximate $98 million increase to its delivery service revenue to fund critical infrastructure improvement projects for its natural gas delivery system. The increase will also fund additional programs for low-income customers as well as energy efficiency enhancements. If approved, the average monthly residential bill would increase by approximately 10.8 percent. The PAPUC has a nine-month review process and any rate adjustment would likely be effective no later than January 2009.



PECO Residential Real-Time Pricing Program: On March 14, 2008, PECO requested authorization from the PAPUC to begin phase one of a voluntary Residential Real-Time Pricing program. Available to up to 2,000 PECO customers, the program allows customers to view the day-ahead energy prices, learn about how they use energy, and potentially save money by reducing energy use during the highest cost hours of the day. The PAPUC is expected to rule on PECO’s filing in the third quarter of 2008. If approved, PECO then will begin soliciting customer volunteers to participate in the program.



Value Return – Share Repurchase: On December 19, 2007, Exelon’s Board of Directors authorized a new share repurchase program of up to $500 million of Exelon’s outstanding common stock. This new program was in addition to the $1.25 billion share repurchase executed in September 2007 and to any further share repurchases that may be authorized by the board of directors later in 2008 based on availability of cash and other factors. On February 26, 2008, Exelon entered into an agreement with an investment bank to repurchase a total of $500 million of Exelon’s common shares under an accelerated share repurchase arrangement.



Financing Activities: On January 16, 2008, ComEd issued $450 million of 6.45 percent First Mortgage Bonds due 2038. ComEd used the net proceeds from the sale of the bonds to refinance trust preferred securities and maturing First Mortgage Bonds.

On March 3, 2008, PECO issued $500 million of 5.35 percent First and Refunding Mortgage Bonds due 2018. The net proceeds of the bonds were used to refund commercial paper borrowings and for general corporate purposes.

On March 5, 2008, PECO issued $150 million of 4.00 percent First and Refunding Mortgage Bonds to secure tax-exempt pollution control bonds and notes issued to refinance three series of



auction-rate, tax-exempt bonds on their most recent auction dates. The final series was retired on April 3, 2008.

On March 27, 2008, ComEd issued $700 million of 5.80 percent First Mortgage Bonds due 2018. The proceeds are being used to repay borrowings made under ComEd’s revolving credit facilities, to refinance the $120 million outstanding principal amount of its First Mortgage 8.00 percent Bonds, Series 83, which mature on May 15, 2008, and for general corporate purposes.



Credit Rating Action: On March 19, 2008, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) upgraded ComEd’s senior unsecured debt rating to “BBB-” from “B+”. The unsecured debt rating upgrade is the result of a change in methodology by S&P. ComEd’s corporate credit rating (“BB”), senior secured debt rating (“BBB”) and outlook (positive) remain unchanged. Exelon’s, Generation’s and PECO’s ratings outlooks are stable.


Exelon Generation consists of owned and contracted electric generating facilities, wholesale energy marketing operations and competitive retail sales operations.

First quarter 2008 net income was $438 million compared with $560 million in the first quarter of 2007. First quarter 2008 net income included (all after tax) mark-to-market gains of $38 million from economic hedging activities, a charge of $47 million for the costs associated with the Illinois electric rate settlement and unrealized losses of $42 million related to nuclear decommissioning trust fund investments. First quarter 2007 net income included (all after tax) mark-to-market losses of $69 million from economic hedging activities, a gain of $9 million related to the sale of its investments in TEG and TEP and earnings of $5 million associated with the settlement of a tax matter related to its previous investment in Sithe. Excluding the impact of these items, Generation’s net income in the first quarter of 2008 decreased $126 million compared with the same quarter last year, primarily due to lower revenue, net of purchased power and fuel expense, realized investment losses associated with nuclear decommissioning trust funds in connection with the implementation of a favorable tax law change under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and higher operating and maintenance costs associated with more planned nuclear refueling outages, continuing work on the license application submittal for a possible new nuclear plant in Texas, and inflationary and other cost pressures.

Generation’s revenue, net of purchased power and fuel expense, decreased by $96 million in the first quarter of 2008 compared with the first quarter of 2007 excluding the above-mentioned unusual items. The decrease in revenue, net of purchased power and fuel expense, was driven primarily by lower nuclear output reflecting increased refueling and non-refueling outage days and the favorable PJM billing settlement with PPL Electric in 2007, which more than offset higher average margins on energy sales. Generation’s average realized margin on all electric sales, including sales to affiliates and excluding trading activity, was $38.77 per MWh in the first quarter of 2008 compared with $36.61 per MWh in the first quarter of 2007.

ComEd consists of the electricity transmission and distribution operations in northern Illinois.

ComEd recorded net income of $41 million in the first quarter of 2008, compared with net income of $5 million in the first quarter of 2007. First quarter 2008 net income included an after-tax charge of $3



million for the costs associated with the Illinois electric rate settlement. Excluding the impact of this item, ComEd’s net income in the first quarter of 2008 increased $39 million compared with the same quarter last year primarily due to increased transmission revenue as a result of ComEd’s 2007 transmission rate case including the impact of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved formula rate, higher electric delivery volume, the impact of favorable weather and an Illinois distribution tax refund, partially offset by increased interest expense and higher operating and maintenance expense, which partially reflected increased labor costs and allowance for uncollectible accounts expense.

In the ComEd service territory in the first quarter of 2008, heating degree-days were up 9 percent relative to the same period in 2007 and were 7 percent above normal. ComEd’s total retail kWh deliveries increased 2.4 percent in 2008 as compared with 2007, with a 2.8 percent increase in deliveries to the residential customer class, largely due to colder weather. For ComEd, weather had a favorable after-tax impact of $7 million on first quarter 2008 earnings relative to 2007 and a favorable after-tax impact of $4 million relative to normal weather that was incorporated in earnings guidance. ComEd’s first quarter 2008 revenues were $1,440 million, down 3 percent from $1,490 million in 2007 primarily due to a decrease in the number of customers purchasing energy directly from ComEd, and the expiration of four wholesale energy contracts with municipalities.

The number of customers being served in the ComEd region increased by 1.1 percent over the first quarter of 2007, and weather-normalized kWh retail deliveries increased by 1.4 percent over the first quarter of 2007.

PECO consists of the electricity transmission and distribution operations and the retail natural gas distribution business in southeastern Pennsylvania.

PECO’s net income in the first quarter of 2008 was $97 million, a decrease from $128 million in the first quarter of 2007. This decline was primarily due to the impact of unfavorable weather, higher operating and maintenance expense, which partially reflected increased allowance for uncollectible accounts expense, and higher CTC amortization, which was in accordance with PECO’s 1998 restructuring settlement with the PAPUC. As expected, the increase in amortization expense exceeded the increase in CTC revenues.

In the PECO service territory in the first quarter of 2008, heating degree-days were down 7 percent from 2007 and were 7 percent below normal. Retail gas deliveries were down 9 percent from the 2007 period. PECO’s total electric retail and residential kWh deliveries remained relatively level quarter over quarter. First quarter 2008 revenues were $1,476 million, down from $1,500 million in 2007, primarily due to the effects of unfavorable weather compared with 2007. For PECO, weather had an unfavorable after-tax impact of $14 million on first quarter 2008 earnings relative to 2007 and an unfavorable after-tax impact of $14 million relative to normal weather that was incorporated in earnings guidance.

The number of electric customers being served in the PECO region increased by 0.8 percent over the first quarter of 2007, with weather-normalized kWh growth of 1.8 percent over the first quarter of 2007.

Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings

Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings, which generally exclude significant one-time charges or credits that are not normally associated with ongoing operations and mark-to-market adjustments from



economic hedging activities, are provided as a supplement to results reported in accordance with GAAP. Management uses such adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings measures internally to evaluate the company’s performance and manage its operations. Reconciliation of GAAP to adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for historical periods is attached. Additional earnings release attachments, which include the reconciliation on page 6, are posted on Exelon’s Web site: www.exeloncorp.com and have been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 8-K on April 24, 2008.

Conference call information: Exelon has scheduled a conference call for 11 AM ET (10 AM CT) on April 24, 2008. The call-in number in the U.S. is 800-690-3108, and the international call-in number is 973-935-8753. If requested, the conference ID number is 41833059. Media representatives are invited to participate on a listen-only basis. The call will be web-cast and archived on Exelon’s Web site: www.exeloncorp.com. (Please select the Investor Relations page.)

Telephone replays will be available until May 8. The U.S. call-in number for replays is 800-642-1687, and the international call-in number is 706-645-9291. The conference ID number is 41833059.



This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, that are subject to risks and uncertainties. The factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include those discussed herein as well as those discussed in (1) Exelon’s 2007 Annual Report on Form 10-K in (a) ITEM 1A. Risk Factors, (b) ITEM 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and (c) ITEM 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data: Note 19; (2) Exelon’s First Quarter 2008 Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q (to be filed on April 24, 2008) in (a) Part II, Other Information, ITEM 1A. Risk Factors and (b) Part I, Financial Information, ITEM 1. Financial Statements: Note 13; and (3) other factors discussed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission by Exelon Corporation, Exelon Generation Company, LLC, Commonwealth Edison Company, and PECO Energy Company (Companies). Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this presentation. None of the Companies undertakes any obligation to publicly release any revision to its forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release.


Exelon Corporation is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities with approximately 5.4 million customers and $19 billion in annual revenues. The company has one of the industry’s largest portfolios of electricity generation capacity, with a nationwide reach and strong positions in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. Exelon distributes electricity to approximately 5.4 million customers in Illinois and Pennsylvania and natural gas to more than 480,000 customers in southeastern Pennsylvania. Exelon is headquartered in Chicago and trades on the NYSE under the ticker EXC.




Earnings Release Attachments

Table of Contents


Consolidating Statements of Operations - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations - Generation and ComEd - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations - PECO and Other - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


Consolidated Balance Sheets - March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - Exelon - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - Generation - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - ComEd - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - PECO - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations - Other - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


Exelon Generation Statistics - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008, December 31, 2007, September 30, 2007, June 30, 2007 and March 31, 2007


ComEd Statistics - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


PECO Statistics - Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007



Consolidating Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008  
     Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon

Operating revenues

   $ 2,482     $ 1,440     $ 1,476     $ (881 )   $ 4,517  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     564       841       572       (905 )     1,072  


     271       —         267       —         538  

Operating and maintenance

     785       249       168       (9 )     1,193  

Depreciation and amortization

     70       111       205       12       398  

Taxes other than income

     53       69       66       5       193  

Total operating expenses

     1,743       1,270       1,278       (897 )     3,394  

Operating income

     739       170       198       16       1,123  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (36 )     (105 )     (59 )     (21 )     (221 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     —         (2 )     (3 )     —         (5 )

Other, net

     (64 )     4       4       (2 )     (58 )

Total other income and deductions

     (100 )     (103 )     (58 )     (23 )     (284 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes

     639       67       140       (7 )     839  

Income taxes

     200       26       43       (11 )     258  

Income from continuing operations

     439       41       97       4       581  

Income (loss) from discontinued operations

     (1 )     —         —         1       —    

Net income

   $ 438     $ 41     $ 97     $ 5     $ 581  
     Three Months Ended March 31, 2007  
     Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon

Operating revenues

   $ 2,703     $ 1,490     $ 1,500     $ (864 )   $ 4,829  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     594       968       544       (861 )     1,245  


     471       —         299       —         770  

Operating and maintenance

     639       244       148       27       1,058  

Depreciation and amortization

     67       107       185       10       369  

Taxes other than income

     41       80       71       4       196  

Total operating expenses

     1,812       1,399       1,247       (820 )     3,638  

Operating income (loss)

     891       91       253       (44 )     1,191  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (35 )     (83 )     (62 )     (33 )     (213 )

Equity in earnings (losses) of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     2       (2 )     (2 )     (24 )     (26 )

Other, net

     32       2       5       24       63  

Total other income and deductions

     (1 )     (83 )     (59 )     (33 )     (176 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes

     890       8       194       (77 )     1,015  

Income taxes

     335       3       66       (70 )     334  

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     555       5       128       (7 )     681  

Income from discontinued operations

     5       —         —         5       10  

Net income (loss)

   $ 560     $ 5     $ 128     $ (2 )   $ 691  




Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31,  
     2008     2007     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ 2,482     $ 2,703     $ (221 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     564       594       (30 )


     271       471       (200 )

Operating and maintenance

     785       639       146  

Depreciation and amortization

     70       67       3  

Taxes other than income

     53       41       12  

Total operating expenses

     1,743       1,812       (69 )

Operating income

     739       891       (152 )

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (36 )     (35 )     (1 )

Equity in earnings of investments

     —         2       (2 )

Other, net

     (64 )     32       (96 )

Total other income and deductions

     (100 )     (1 )     (99 )

Income from continuing operations before income taxes

     639       890       (251 )

Income taxes

     200       335       (135 )

Income from continuing operations

     439       555       (116 )

Income (loss) from discontinued operations

     (1 )     5       (6 )

Net income

   $ 438     $ 560     $ (122 )
     Three Months Ended March 31,  
     2008     2007     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ 1,440     $ 1,490     $ (50 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     841       968       (127 )

Operating and maintenance

     249       244       5  

Depreciation and amortization

     111       107       4  

Taxes other than income

     69       80       (11 )

Total operating expenses

     1,270       1,399       (129 )

Operating income

     170       91       79  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (105 )     (83 )     (22 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (2 )     (2 )     —    

Other, net

     4       2       2  

Total other income and deductions

     (103 )     (83 )     (20 )

Income before income taxes

     67       8       59  

Income taxes

     26       3       23  

Net income

   $ 41     $ 5     $ 36  




Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31,  
     2008     2007     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ 1,476     $ 1,500     $ (24 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     572       544       28  


     267       299       (32 )

Operating and maintenance

     168       148       20  

Depreciation and amortization

     205       185       20  

Taxes other than income

     66       71       (5 )

Total operating expenses

     1,278       1,247       31  

Operating income

     198       253       (55 )

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (59 )     (62 )     3  

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (3 )     (2 )     (1 )

Other, net

     4       5       (1 )

Total other income and deductions

     (58 )     (59 )     1  

Income before income taxes

     140       194       (54 )

Income taxes

     43       66       (23 )

Net income

   $ 97     $ 128     $ (31 )
     Other (a)  
     Three Months Ended March 31,  
     2008     2007     Variance  

Operating revenues

   $ (881 )   $ (864 )   $ (17 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     (905 )     (861 )     (44 )

Operating and maintenance

     (9 )     27       (36 )

Depreciation and amortization

     12       10       2  

Taxes other than income

     5       4       1  

Total operating expenses

     (897 )     (820 )     (77 )

Operating income (loss)

     16       (44 )     60  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (21 )     (33 )     12  

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     —         (24 )     24  

Other, net

     (2 )     24       (26 )

Total other income and deductions

     (23 )     (33 )     10  

Loss from continuing operations before income taxes

     (7 )     (77 )     70  

Income taxes

     (11 )     (70 )     59  

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     4       (7 )     11  

Income from discontinued operations

     1       5       (4 )

Net income (loss)

   $ 5     $ (2 )   $ 7  



(a) Other primarily includes eliminating and consolidating adjustments, Exelon’s corporate operations, shared service entities and other financing and investment activities, including investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities.




Consolidated Balance Sheets


(in millions)


     March 31,
    December 31,

Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents

   $ 162     $ 311  

Restricted cash and investments

     249       118  

Accounts receivable, net



     1,868       2,041  


     529       611  

Mark-to-market derivative assets

     314       247  

Inventories, net


Fossil fuel

     175       252  

Materials and supplies

     481       471  

Deferred income taxes

     417       102  


     645       427  

Total current assets

     4,840       4,580  

Property, plant and equipment, net

     24,737       24,153  

Deferred debits and other assets


Regulatory assets

     4,953       5,133  

Nuclear decommissioning trust funds

     6,511       6,823  


     717       731  


     2,625       2,625  

Mark-to-market derivative assets

     133       55  


     1,332       1,261  

Total deferred debits and other assets

     16,271       16,628  

Total assets

   $ 45,848     $ 45,361  

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity


Current liabilities


Short-term borrowings

   $ 631     $ 616  

Long-term debt due within one year

     653       605  

Long-term debt to ComEd Transitional Funding Trust and PECO Energy Transition Trust due within one year

     624       501  

Accounts payable

     1,308       1,450  

Mark-to-market derivative liabilities

     851       234  

Accrued expenses

     989       1,240  


     655       983  

Total current liabilities

     5,711       5,629  

Long-term debt

     11,251       9,915  

Long-term debt to ComEd Transitional Funding
Trust and PECO Energy Transition Trust

     1,157       1,505  

Long-term debt to other financing trusts

     391       545  

Deferred credits and other liabilities


Deferred income taxes and unamortized investment tax credits

     5,177       5,081  

Asset retirement obligations

     3,821       3,812  

Pension obligations

     721       777  

Non-pension postretirement benefits obligations

     1,749       1,717  

Spent nuclear fuel obligation

     1,004       997  

Regulatory liabilities

     3,138       3,301  

Mark-to-market derivative liabilities

     319       298  


     1,489       1,560  

Total deferred credits and other liabilities

     17,418       17,543  

Total liabilities

     35,928       35,137  

Preferred securities of subsidiary

     87       87  

Shareholders’ equity


Common stock

     8,630       8,579  

Treasury stock, at cost

     (2,316 )     (1,838 )

Retained earnings

     5,669       4,930  

Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net

     (2,150 )     (1,534 )

Total shareholders’ equity

     9,833       10,137  

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

   $ 45,848     $ 45,361  




Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended
March 31,
     2008     2007  

Cash flows from operating activities


Net income

   $ 581     $ 691  

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash flows provided by operating activities:


Depreciation, amortization and accretion, including nuclear fuel

     552       533  

Deferred income taxes and amortization of investment tax credits

     51       (75 )

Net realized and unrealized mark-to-market transactions

     (104 )     116  

Other non-cash operating activities

     296       170  

Changes in assets and liabilities:


Accounts receivable

     181       (295 )


     70       141  

Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities

     (391 )     (200 )

Counterparty collateral asset

     (206 )     (101 )

Counterparty collateral liability

     45       (246 )

Income taxes

     (5 )     319  

Restricted cash

     11       —    

Pension and non-pension postretirement benefit contributions

     (25 )     (20 )

Other assets and liabilities

     (338 )     (365 )

Net cash flows provided by operating activities

     718       668  

Cash flows from investing activities


Capital expenditures

     (897 )     (672 )

Proceeds from nuclear decommissioning trust fund sales

     5,130       945  

Investment in nuclear decommissioning trust funds

     (5,195 )     (1,007 )

Proceeds from sale of investments

     —         95  

Change in restricted cash

     (142 )     9  

Other investing activities

     (1 )     (29 )

Net cash flows used in investing activities

     (1,105 )     (659 )

Cash flows from financing activities


Issuance of long-term debt

     1,781       460  

Retirement of long-term debt

     (417 )     (179 )

Retirement of long-term debt to financing affiliates

     (381 )     (264 )

Change in short-term debt

     15       331  

Dividends paid on common stock

     (330 )     (296 )

Proceeds from employee stock plans

     44       98  

Purchase of treasury stock

     (436 )     (37 )

Purchase of forward contract in relation to certain treasury stock

     (64 )     —    

Other financing activities

     26       34  

Net cash flows provided by financing activities

     238       147  

(Decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents

     (149 )     156  

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period

     311       224  

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

   $ 162     $ 380  




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions, except per share data)


     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008    Three Months Ended March 31, 2007
     GAAP (a)    Adjustments     Adjusted
   GAAP (a)    Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 4,517    $ 73 (b)   $ 4,590    $ 4,829    $ 1 (c)   $ 4,830

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     1,072      (75) (c)     997      1,245      (161) (c)     1,084


     538      163 (c)     701      770      46 (c)     816

Operating and maintenance

     1,193      (4) (b)     1,189      1,058      (33) (e)     1,025

Depreciation and amortization

     398      —         398      369      —         369

Taxes other than income

     193      —         193      196      —         196

Total operating expenses

     3,394      84       3,478      3,638      (148)       3,490

Operating income

     1,123      (11)       1,112      1,191      149       1,340

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (221)      —         (221)      (213)      2 (e)     (211)

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     (5)      —         (5)      (26)      24 (e)     (2)

Other, net

     (58)      70 (d)     12      63      (35) (e),(f)     28

Total other income and deductions

     (284)      70       (214)      (176)      (9)       (185)

Income from continuing operations before income taxes

     839      59       898      1,015      140       1,155

Income taxes

     258      20 (b),(c),(d)     278      334      104 (c),(e),(f)     438

Income from continuing operations

     581      39       620      681      36       717

Income from discontinued operations

     —        —         —        10      (5) (g)     5

Net income

   $ 581    $ 39     $ 620    $ 691    $ 31     $ 722

Earnings per average common share




Income from continuing operations

   $ 0.88    $ 0.06     $ 0.94    $ 1.01    $ 0.06     $ 1.07

Income from discontinued operations

     —        —         —        0.01      (0.01)       —  

Net income

   $ 0.88    $ 0.06     $ 0.94    $ 1.02    $ 0.05     $ 1.07



Income from continuing operations

   $ 0.88    $ 0.05     $ 0.93    $ 1.01    $ 0.06     $ 1.07

Income from discontinued operations

     —        —         —        0.01      (0.01)       —  

Net income

   $ 0.88    $ 0.05     $ 0.93    $ 1.02    $ 0.05     $ 1.07

Average common shares outstanding



     659        659      672        672


     664        664      677        677

Effect of adjustments on earnings per average diluted common share recorded in accordance with GAAP:


2007 Illinois electric rate settlement (b)

      $ 0.07           $ —      

Mark-to-market impact of economic hedging activities (c)

        (0.08)             0.10    

Investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities (d)

        —               (0.03)    

Unrealized gains and losses related to nuclear decommissioning trust funds (e)

        0.06             —      

Sale of Generation’s investments in TEG and TEP (f)

        —               (0.01)    

Settlement of a tax matter at Generation related to Sithe (g)

        —               (0.01)    

Total adjustments

      $ 0.05           $ 0.05    



(a) Results reported in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP).
(b) Adjustment to exclude the impact of the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s economic hedging activities.
(d) Adjustment to exclude the unrealized gains and losses associated with Generation’s nuclear decommissioning trust (NDT) fund investments.
(e) Adjustment to exclude the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.
(f) Adjustment to exclude the gain related to the sale of Generation’s ownership interest in Termoeléctrica del Golfo (TEG) and Termoeléctrica Peñoles (TEP).
(g) Adjustment to exclude the settlement of a tax matter at Generation related to Sithe Energies, Inc. (Sithe) in 2007.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings

to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment (in millions)

Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


Earnings per
Diluted Share
    Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Exelon  

2007 GAAP Earnings (Loss)

   $ 1.02     $ 560     $ 5     $ 128     $ (2 )   $ 691  

2007 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss) Adjustments:


Mark-to-Market Impact of Economic Hedging Activities

     0.10       69       —         —         —         69  

Investments in Synthetic Fuel-Producing Facilities (1)

     (0.03 )     —         —         —         (24 )     (24 )

Gain from Sale of Generation’s investments in TEG and TEP

     (0.01 )     (9 )     —         —         —         (9 )

Settlement of a Tax Matter at Generation Related to Sithe

     (0.01 )     (5 )     —         —         —         (5 )

2007 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss)

     1.07       615       5       128       (26 )     722  

Year Over Year Effects on Earnings:


Generation Energy Margins, Excluding Mark-to-Market (2)

     (0.06 )     (40 )     —         —         —         (40 )

ComEd and PECO Energy Margins:



     (0.01 )     —         7       (14 )     —         (7 )

Other Energy Delivery (3)

     0.07       —         41       8       —         49  

PJM Settlement (4)

     (0.04 )     (20 )     —         (7 )     —         (27 )

Bad Debt

     (0.02 )     —         (4 )     (11 )     —         (15 )

Labor and Contracting (5)

     (0.03 )     (8 )     (5 )     (5 )     —         (18 )

Nuclear Plant Development Costs (6)

     (0.01 )     (7 )     —         —         —         (7 )

Planned Nuclear Refueling Outages (7)

     (0.06 )     (42 )     —         —         —         (42 )

Depreciation and Amortization (8)

     (0.03 )     (3 )     (2 )     (15 )     —         (20 )

Realized NDT Losses Related to a Tax Planning Strategy

     (0.03 )     (18 )     —         —         —         (18 )

Income Taxes (9)

     0.05       20       (4 )     6       16       38  

Other (10)

     0.01       (8 )     6       7       —         5  

Share Differential (11)

     0.02       —         —         —         —         —    

2008 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss)

     0.93       489       44       97       (10 )     620  

2008 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings (Loss) Adjustments:


Mark-to-Market Impact of Economic Hedging Activities

     0.08       38       —         —         15       53  

2007 Illinois Electric Rate Settlement

     (0.07 )     (47 )     (3 )     —         —         (50 )

Unrealized Gains and Losses Related to NDT Fund Investments

     (0.06 )     (42 )     —         —         —         (42 )

2008 GAAP Earnings

   $ 0.88     $ 438     $ 41     $ 97     $ 5     $ 581  



(1) Reflects the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.
(2) Primarily reflects lower nuclear output as a result of scheduling more planned refueling outage days in Q1 2008 and an increase in unplanned outage days, partially offset by the contractual increase in prices associated with Generation’s power purchase agreement with PECO in 2007.
(3) Primarily reflects increased transmission revenue as a result of ComEd’s 2007 transmission rate case, which became effective in May 2007 as a result of the impact of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved formula rate and higher electric delivery volume at ComEd and PECO (excluding the impact of weather).
(4) Reflects the favorable PJM Interconnection, LLC billing settlement with PPL Electric approved by the FERC in 2007.
(5) Primarily reflects labor-related inflation for the business segments and increased contracting costs at generating facilities.
(6) Reflects the costs associated with the possible construction of a new nuclear plant in Texas.
(7) Reflects increased operating and maintenance expense related to planned nuclear refueling outage costs, excluding Salem.
(8) Primarily reflects increased depreciation and amortization primarily due to increased competitive transition charge amortization at PECO.
(9) Primarily reflects the impact of state income tax anticipated settlements and the effects of changes in income mix.
(10) Primarily reflects post rate freeze period transition expenses at ComEd in 2007 and decreased taxes other than income at ComEd and PECO, partially offset by increased refueling outage costs at Generation for Salem and increased interest expense at ComEd.
(11) Reflects the impact on earnings per share due to a decrease in Exelon’s diluted common shares outstanding.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008     Three Months Ended March 31, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 2,482       $73  (b)   $ 2,555     $ 2,703     $ —       $ 2,703  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     564       (100 )(c)     464       594       (161 )(c)     433  


     271       163  (c)     434       471       46  (c)     517  

Operating and maintenance

     785       —         785       639       —         639  

Depreciation and amortization

     70       —         70       67       —         67  

Taxes other than income

     53       —         53       41       —         41  

Total operating expenses

     1,743       63       1,806       1,812       (115 )     1,697  

Operating income

     739       10       749       891       115       1,006  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (36 )     —         (36 )     (35 )     —         (35 )

Equity in earnings of investments

     —         —         —         2       —         2  

Other, net

     (64 )     70  (d)     6       32       (15 )(e)     17  

Total other income and deductions

     (100 )     70       (30 )     (1 )     (15 )     (16 )

Income before income taxes

     639       80       719       890       100       990  

Income taxes

     200       29  (b),(c),(d)     229       335       40  (c),(e)     375  

Income from continuing operations

     439       51       490       555       60       615  

Income (loss) from discontinued operations

     (1 )     —         (1 )     5       (5 )(f)     —    

Net income

   $ 438     $ 51     $ 489     $ 560     $ 55     $ 615  



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b) Adjustment to exclude the impact of the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Generation’s economic hedging activities.
(d) Adjustment to exclude unrealized gains and losses associated with Generation’s NDT fund investments.
(e) Reflects the increase in the gain related to the first quarter 2007 sale of Generation’s ownership interest in TEG and TEP.
(f) Adjustment to exclude the settlement of a tax matter at Generation related to Sithe.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008     Three Months Ended March 31, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments    Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 1,440     $ —       $ 1,440     $ 1,490     $ —      $ 1,490  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     841       —         841       968       —        968  

Operating and maintenance

     249       (4 )(b)     245       244       —        244  

Depreciation and amortization

     111       —         111       107       —        107  

Taxes other than income

     69       —         69       80       —        80  

Total operating expenses

     1,270       (4 )     1,266       1,399       —        1,399  

Operating income

     170       4       174       91       —        91  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (105 )     —         (105 )     (83 )     —        (83 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (2 )     —         (2 )     (2 )     —        (2 )

Other, net

     4       —         4       2       —        2  

Total other income and deductions

     (103 )     —         (103 )     (83 )     —        (83 )

Income before income taxes

     67       4       71       8       —        8  

Income taxes

     26       1 (b)     27       3       —        3  

Net income

   $ 41     $ 3     $ 44     $ 5     $ —      $ 5  



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b) Adjustment to exclude the impact of the 2007 Illinois electric rate settlement.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008     Three Months Ended March 31, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments    Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments    Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ 1,476     $ —      $ 1,476     $ 1,500     $ —      $ 1,500  

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     572       —        572       544       —        544  


     267       —        267       299          299  

Operating and maintenance

     168       —        168       148       —        148  

Depreciation and amortization

     205       —        205       185       —        185  

Taxes other than income

     66       —        66       71       —        71  

Total operating expenses

     1,278       —        1,278       1,247       —        1,247  

Operating income

     198       —        198       253       —        253  

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (59 )     —        (59 )     (62 )     —        (62 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates

     (3 )     —        (3 )     (2 )     —        (2 )

Other, net

     4       —        4       5       —        5  

Total other income and deductions

     (58 )     —        (58 )     (59 )     —        (59 )

Income before income taxes

     140       —        140       194       —        194  

Income taxes

     43       —        43       66       —        66  

Net income

   $ 97     $ —      $ 97     $ 128     $ —      $ 128  



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.




Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to

GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations


(in millions)


     Three Months Ended March 31, 2008     Three Months Ended March 31, 2007  
     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     Adjusted

Operating revenues

   $ (881 )   $ —       $ (881 )   $ (864 )   $ —       $ (864 )

Operating expenses


Purchased power

     (905 )     25  (b)     (880 )     (861 )     —         (861 )

Operating and maintenance

     (9 )     —         (9 )     27       (33 )(c)     (6 )

Depreciation and amortization

     12       —         12       10       —         10  

Taxes other than income

     5       —         5       4       —         4  

Total operating expenses

     (897 )     25       (872 )     (820 )     (33 )     (853 )

Operating income (loss)

     16       (25 )     (9 )     (44 )     33       (11 )

Other income and deductions


Interest expense, net

     (21 )     —         (21 )     (33 )     2  (c)     (31 )

Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates and investments

     —         —         —         (24 )     24  (c)     —    

Other, net

     (2 )     —         (2 )     24       (20 )(c)     4  

Total other income and deductions

     (23 )     —         (23 )     (33 )     6       (27 )

Loss from continuing operations before income taxes

     (7 )     (25 )     (32 )     (77 )     39       (38 )

Income taxes

     (11 )     (10 )(b)     (21 )     (70 )     63  (c)     (7 )

Income (loss) from continuing operations

     4       (15 )     (11 )     (7 )     (24 )     (31 )

Income from discontinued operations

     1       —         1       5       —         5  

Net income (loss)

   $ 5     $ (15 )   $ (10 )   $ (2 )   $ (24 )   $ (26 )



(a) Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b) Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s economic hedging activities.
(c) Adjustment to exclude the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.




Exelon Generation Statistics


     Three Months Ended
     March 31, 2008    December 31, 2007    September 30, 2007    June 30, 2007    March 31, 2007

Supply (in GWhs)



     32,935      34,296      36,356      34,350      35,357

Purchased Power - Generation

     5,827      9,068      11,689      8,579      8,683

Fossil and Hydro

     2,812      2,350      3,067      2,859      2,994

Power Team Supply

     41,574      45,714      51,112      45,788      47,034
     Three Months Ended
     March 31, 2008    December 31, 2007    September 30, 2007    June 30, 2007    March 31, 2007

Electric Sales (in GWhs)



     6,092      5,362      6,628      5,146      5,926


     10,112      9,957      11,374      9,732      10,279

Market and Retail

     25,370      30,395      33,110      30,910      30,829

Total Electric Sales (a) (b)

     41,574      45,714      51,112      45,788      47,034

Average Margin ($/MWh)


Average Realized Revenue



   $ 63.20    $ 63.22    $ 64.57    $ 64.13    $ 64.12


     48.75      49.31      51.96      51.07      46.70

Market and Retail

     57.19      54.81      56.00      54.38      53.07

Total Electric Sales

     56.02      54.60      56.21      54.77      53.07

Average Purchased Power and Fuel Cost (c) (d)

   $ 17.25    $ 18.90    $ 23.61    $ 18.80    $ 16.46

Average Margin (d)

   $ 38.77    $ 35.70    $ 32.60    $ 35.97    $ 36.61

Around-the-clock Market Prices ($/MWh) (e)


PJM West Hub

   $ 68.53    $ 58.68    $ 63.34    $ 57.61    $ 59.82


     53.35      45.92      47.02      44.39      44.80



(a) Excludes retail gas sales, trading portfolio and other operating revenue.
(b) Total sales do not include trading volume of 1,862 GWhs, 4,780 GWhs, 5,667 GWhs, 4,775 GWhs and 5,101 GWhs for the three months ended March 31, 2008, December 31, 2007, September 30, 2007, June 30, 2007 and March 31, 2007, respectively.
(c) Excludes the net impact of the $119 million pre-tax loss associated with Generation’s tolling agreement with Georgia Power related to the contract with Tenaska and costs associated with the termination of the State Line PPA during the three months ended December 31, 2007.
(d) Excludes the mark-to-market impact of Generation’s economic hedging activities.
(e) Represents the average for the quarter.




ComEd Statistics

Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


     Electric Deliveries (in GWhs)     Revenue (in millions)  
     2008     2007     %
    2008     2007     %

Full Service (a)



   7,288     7,089     2.8 %   $ 761     $ 727     4.7 %

Small Commercial & Industrial

   3,801     4,611     (17.6 %)     362       437     (17.2 %)

Large Commercial & Industrial

   311     737     (57.8 %)     25       63     (60.3 %)

Public Authorities

   180     183     (1.6 %)     16       17     (5.9 %)

Total Full Service

   11,580     12,620     (8.2 %)     1,164       1,244     (6.4 %)

Delivery Only (b)



   (c )   (c )       (c )     (c )  

Small Commercial & Industrial

   4,575     3,495     30.9 %     64       49     30.6 %

Large Commercial & Industrial

   6,924     6,423     7.8 %     66       63     4.8 %

Public Authorities & Electric Railroads

   167     153     9.2 %     1       1     0.0 %

Total Delivery Only

   11,666     10,071     15.8 %     131       113     15.9 %

Total Retail

   23,246     22,691     2.4 %     1,295       1,357     (4.6 %)

Other Revenue (d)

           145       133     9.0 %

Total Revenues

         $ 1,440     $ 1,490     (3.4 %)

Purchased Power

         $ 841     $ 968     (13.1 %)


Heating and Cooling Degree-Days

   2008    2007    Normal

Heating Degree-Days

   3,418    3,148    3,208

Cooling Degree-Days

   —      6    —  



(a) Full service reflects deliveries to customers taking electric service under tariff rates which include the cost of electricity and the cost of the transmission and distribution of the electricity.
(b) Delivery only service reflects customers electing to receive electricity from a competitive electric generation supplier. Revenue from customers choosing a competitive electric generation supplier includes a distribution charge.
(c) All ComEd customers have the choice to purchase electricity from a competitive electric generation supplier. This choice does not impact the volume of deliveries, but affects revenue collected from customers related to supplied electricity and generation service. As of March 31, 2008, four competitive electric generation suppliers had been granted approval to serve residential customers in the ComEd service territory. Beginning in April 2008, one competitive electric generation supplier began supplying electricity to residential customers.
(d) Other revenue includes transmission revenue from PJM, sales to municipalities, other wholesale energy sales and economic hedge derivative contracts.




PECO Statistics

Three Months Ended March 31, 2008 and 2007


     Electric and Gas Deliveries     Revenue (in millions)  
     2008    2007    %
    2008    2007    %

Electric (in GWhs)


Full Service (a)



   3,407    3,414    (0.2 %)   $ 452    $ 449    0.7 %

Small Commercial & Industrial

   2,040    2,069    (1.4 %)     240      239    0.4 %

Large Commercial & Industrial

   3,933    3,907    0.7 %     339      329    3.0 %

Public Authorities & Electric Railroads

   234    232    0.9 %     22      22    0.0 %

Total Full Service

   9,614    9,622    (0.1 %)     1,053      1,039    1.3 %

Delivery Only (b)



   8    12    (33.3 %)     1      1    0.0 %

Small Commercial & Industrial

   124    144    (13.9 %)     6      7    (14.3 %)

Large Commercial & Industrial

   2    3    (33.3 %)     —        —      0.0 %

Total Delivery Only

   134    159    (15.7 %)     7      8    (12.5 %)

Total Electric Retail

   9,748    9,781    (0.3 %)     1,060      1,047    1.2 %

Other Revenue (c)

             64      65    (1.5 %)

Total Electric Revenue

             1,124      1,112    1.1 %

Gas (in mmcfs)


Retail Sales

   26,347    28,968    (9.0 %)     343      366    (6.3 %)

Transportation and Other

   8,193    7,049    16.2 %     9      22    (59.1 %)

Total Gas

   34,540    36,017    (4.1 %)     352      388    (9.3 %)

Total Electric and Gas Revenues

           $ 1,476    $ 1,500    (1.6 %)

Purchased Power

           $ 572    $ 544    5.1 %


             267      299    (10.7 %)

Total Purchased Power and Fuel

           $ 839    $ 843    (0.5 %)


Heating and Cooling Degree-Days

   2008    2007    Normal

Heating Degree-Days

   2,322    2,505    2,510

Cooling Degree-Days

   —      —      —  



(a) Full service reflects deliveries to customers taking electric service under tariff rates, which include the cost of electricity, the cost of transmission and distribution of the electricity and a CTC.
(b) Delivery only service reflects customers electing to receive electricity from a competitive electric generation supplier. Revenue from customers choosing a competitive electric generation supplier includes a distribution charge and a CTC.
(c) Other revenue includes transmission revenue from PJM, wholesale revenue and other revenues.