(Exelon News Release)
  Joyce Carson
Exelon Investor Relations
  Kathleen Cantillon
Exelon Corporate Communications
Exelon Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2006 Results
and Continued Superior Nuclear Operating Performance
CHICAGO (January 24, 2007) — Exelon Corporation’s (Exelon) fourth quarter 2006 consolidated earnings prepared in accordance with GAAP were $592 million, or $0.87 per diluted share, compared with a loss of $837 million, or $1.25 per share, in the fourth quarter of 2005. Full year 2006 consolidated earnings prepared in accordance with GAAP were $1,592 million, or $2.35 per diluted share, compared with $923 million, or $1.36 per diluted share in 2005. The fourth quarter 2005 loss in reported earnings was driven by an impairment of the goodwill at Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd), resulting in a non-cash charge of $1,207 million, or $1.81 per share.
Full Year Operating Results
Full year 2006 adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings were $3.22 per diluted share, up 4% percent over 2005 adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings of $3.10 per diluted share. The full year adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings improvement was due to higher margins at Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Generation), which were partially offset by higher operating and maintenance expense and unfavorable weather conditions. Year over year, weather alone accounted for an estimated negative $0.18 per diluted share. On a weather-adjusted basis, full year 2006 adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings were up 10% over 2005.
“Our 2006 operating results reflected both improved generation margins and excellent operating performance, including record-setting nuclear output and summer capacity factor for our nuclear plants of 98.1%,” said John W. Rowe, Exelon’s chairman, president and CEO. “Improving power market fundamentals and the end of the transition period in Illinois will further drive earnings growth in 2007.”
Fourth Quarter Operating Results
Exelon’s adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the fourth quarter of 2006 were $487 million, or $0.72 per diluted share, compared with $495 million, or $0.73 per diluted share, for the same period in 2005. Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings per share were down slightly as higher margins on wholesale market sales at Generation and higher electric revenues associated with certain authorized rate increases at PECO Energy Company (PECO) were offset by the effects of unfavorable weather



conditions as compared with last year in the ComEd and PECO service territories, higher operating and maintenance expense, and increased depreciation and amortization, including the scheduled higher competitive transition charge (CTC) amortization at PECO.
A non-GAAP financial measure, adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the fourth quarter of 2006 do not include the following items that are included in reported GAAP earnings (all after tax):
    A one-time benefit of $95 million, or $0.14 per diluted share, to recover previously incurred severance costs related to ComEd’s December 20, 2006 amended order.
    Earnings of $31 million, or $0.04 per diluted share, associated with investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market losses associated with the related derivatives.
    Mark-to-market losses of $17 million, or $0.03 per diluted share, primarily from Generation’s non-trading activities.
Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for the fourth quarter of 2005 do not include the following items that are included in reported GAAP earnings (all after tax):
    A charge of $1,207 million, or $1.81 per share, related to an impairment of ComEd’s goodwill.
    Mark-to-market losses of $86 million, or $0.13 per diluted share, primarily from Generation’s non-trading activities.
    Charges of $42 million, or $0.06 per diluted share, for the cumulative effect of adopting FASB Interpretation No. 47, “Accounting for Conditional Asset Retirement Obligations” (FIN 47).
    Earnings of $9 million, or $0.01 per diluted share, associated with investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market losses associated with the related derivatives.
    Costs of $9 million, or $0.01 per diluted share, related to certain integration costs associated with the now terminated merger with Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (PSEG).
2007 Earnings Outlook
Exelon affirmed its adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings guidance range for 2007 at $4.00 to $4.30 per share. The following table indicates guidance ranges by operating company contribution to 2007 adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings per Exelon share.

  $3.40 to $3.60
  $0.10 to $0.20
  $0.60 to $0.65
Other (a):
  $(0.15) to $(0.10)
(a) Includes the Exelon holding company, which includes financing and other activities.



The outlook for 2007 adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for Exelon and its subsidiaries excludes the following items:
  mark-to-market adjustments from non-trading activities
  investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities
  significant impairments of intangible assets, including goodwill
  significant changes in decommissioning obligation estimates
  certain severance and severance-related charges
  other unusual items
  any future changes to GAAP
Giving consideration to these factors, Exelon estimates GAAP earnings in 2007 will fall in the range of $4.10 to $4.40 per share. Both Exelon’s operating earnings and GAAP earnings guidance are based on the assumption of normal weather.
Fourth Quarter and Recent Highlights
    ComEd Rate Case: On December 20, 2006, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved an amended order on the rehearing of ComEd’s delivery service rate case, effective January 2, 2007. The amended order allowed a revenue increase of $74.3 million, which included additional amounts for administrative and general expenses and a debt return on the pension contribution. This amount is in addition to the ICC’s July 26, 2006 rate order, which allowed an $8.3 million revenue increase, for a total increase of $82.6 million. “We are encouraged by the ICC’s ruling on ComEd’s rehearing request, which will help ComEd continue to maintain reliability to its customers,” said Frank Clark, ComEd’s chairman and CEO. “Even with the changes allowed by the ICC in the delivery service case as well as the new rates for the pass through of energy costs as part of the auction process, ComEd’s rates will still remain lower than they were in 1995.” ComEd had proposed a revenue increase of $317 million in order to reflect its rising costs and significant capital investment in its delivery system. ComEd believes that certain disallowances contained in the amended order are inappropriate and has filed an appeal of the order.
    ComEd Residential Rate Stabilization Program: On December 20, 2006, the ICC approved a rate stabilization program that allows residential customers the choice to limit the impact of any rate increases over the next three years. The order approved an “opt-in” feature to give customers the choice to participate in the program, beginning with the April 2007 billing period. The enrollment window runs through August 22, 2007. Under the program, residential customers choosing to participate would see average rate increases capped at 10 percent in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Costs that exceed the cap would be deferred and charged to customers over the following three years, 2010 to 2012. A carrying charge at a below-market rate of 3.25 percent per year will be assessed to participants to partially cover ComEd’s cost of financing the program.
    ComEd Real-Time Pricing Program: On December 20, 2006, the ICC approved a real-time pricing program for residential customers, which offers customers an alternative to standard flat-rate utility billing. A third-party program administrator will begin to register participants early in



2007. Under the plan’s hourly pricing structure, if residential customers use less power during higher-priced time periods, they will have the opportunity to control their electric bills. The program administrator will provide price information to these customers.
    Illinois Rate Freeze Extension and Rate Phase-in Proposals: On January 7, 2007, during the wrap-up of last year’s session of the Illinois 94th General Assembly, the House passed legislation (SB 1714) to extend ComEd’s recent rate freeze until at least 2010. On November 30, 2006, the Senate passed a compromise rate phase-in bill (HB 2197), which would provide residential rate caps for ComEd with costs that exceed those caps deferred for recovery in 2010-2012 and no carrying charges applied. Either bill would need to be voted on and passed by both the House and Senate before it could be presented to the Governor for signature. The Illinois 94th General Assembly took no further action on either bill and adjourned on January 9, 2007. The 95th General Assembly began its session on January 10. As a result, any legislation must begin the process anew and be reintroduced to the House or Senate. ComEd believes the rate freeze legislation, if proposed again and enacted into law, would have devastating consequences for Illinois, ComEd and consumers of electricity.
    Financing Activities: In December 2006, ComEd issued $345 million of 5.40% First Mortgage Bonds due 2011. The proceeds of the bonds were used to refinance borrowings under its revolving credit agreement, repay long-term debt and for other general corporate purposes.
    Nuclear Operations: Generation’s nuclear fleet, including its owned output from the Salem Generating Station operated by PSEG with assistance from Generation through the Nuclear Operating Services Contract, produced 34,810 GWhs in the fourth quarter of 2006, compared with 34,887 GWhs in the fourth quarter of 2005. The Exelon-operated nuclear plants completed five scheduled refueling outages in the fourth quarter of 2006 and four in the fourth quarter of 2005, and refueling outage days totaled 88 and 73, respectively. Total non-refueling outage days for the Exelon-operated nuclear plants in the fourth quarter of 2006 were 18 versus 28 in the fourth quarter of 2005. The co-owned Salem Generating Station operated by PSEG completed one scheduled refueling outage in the fourth quarter of 2006 and one in the fourth quarter of 2005, with refueling outage days totaling 22 days and 25 days, respectively. For the full year 2006, the Exelon-operated nuclear plants achieved a 93.9 percent capacity factor, compared with 93.5 percent for 2005. “This was Exelon Nuclear’s best year yet for net generation, our fourth consecutive annual generation record,” said Chris Crane, Exelon Nuclear President and Chief Nuclear Officer. “That performance was based on continued excellence in refueling outage duration, and another best year ever in terms of generating equipment reliability.”
    Fossil and Hydro Operations: Generation’s fossil fleet commercial availability was 95.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2006, compared with 91.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2005, primarily due to improved performance of the coal units. The equivalent availability factor for the hydro facilities was 97.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2006, compared with 92.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2005, primarily due to a planned outage at Muddy Run Unit 2 in 2005. “Over the past four years, we’ve seen steady improvement from our fossil and hydro fleet. We have met challenges and successfully improved the condition of our fleet,” said Mark Schiavoni, president of Exelon Power. “We had good performance in 2006 and continue to improve performance due to the dedication and hard work of Exelon Power employees.”



Exelon Generation consists of Exelon’s electric generation operations, competitive retail sales and power marketing and trading functions.
Fourth quarter 2006 net income was $245 million compared with $147 million in the fourth quarter of 2005. Fourth quarter 2006 net income included (all after tax) mark-to-market losses of $17 million, severance and severance-related charges of $1 million and an impairment charge of $1 million related to its investments in Termoeléctrica del Golfo (TEG) and Termoeléctrica Peñoles (TEP), the sale of which is expected to close in 2007. Fourth quarter 2005 net income included (all after tax) unrealized mark-to-market losses of $86 million from non-trading activities, a $30 million charge for the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47, expenses of $3 million related to certain integration costs associated with the now terminated merger with PSEG and income of $2 million associated with its previous investment in Sithe Energies, Inc. Excluding the impact of these items, Generation’s net income in the fourth quarter of 2006 was unchanged compared with the same quarter last year. Higher revenue, net of purchased power and fuel expense, was largely offset by increased operating and maintenance expense, which was driven primarily by inflationary cost pressures and favorable fourth quarter 2005 non-recurring items related to decommissioning and a settlement regarding postretirement benefits with PSEG related to our co-owner relationship.
Generation’s revenue, net of purchased power and fuel expense, increased by $103 million in the fourth quarter of 2006 compared with the fourth quarter of 2005 excluding the mark-to-market impact in both years. The quarter-over-quarter increase in revenue, net of purchased power and fuel expense, was driven by higher average margins due to lower purchased power costs and the contractual increase in the prices associated with Generation’s power sales agreement with PECO, partially offset by the contractual decrease in prices associated with Generation’s power sales agreement with ComEd. Generation’s average realized margin on all electric sales, including sales to affiliates and excluding trading activity, was $24.81 per MWh in the fourth quarter of 2006 compared with $22.03 per MWh in the fourth quarter of 2005.
ComEd consists of the retail and wholesale electricity transmission and distribution operations in northern Illinois.
ComEd recorded net income in the fourth quarter of 2006 of $213 million compared with a net loss of $1,088 million in the fourth quarter of 2005. Fourth quarter 2006 net income included a one-time after-tax benefit of $95 million attributable to the ICC’s December 20, 2006 amended order to recover previously incurred severance costs. The fourth quarter 2005 net loss included (all after tax) a non-cash charge of $1,207 million related to the impairment of ComEd’s goodwill, a $9 million charge for the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47, expenses of $2 million related to certain integration costs associated with the now terminated merger with PSEG and a reduction in severance and severance-related reserves of $1 million. Excluding the impact of these items, ComEd’s net income in the fourth quarter of 2006 decreased $11 million compared with the same quarter last year, primarily due to unfavorable weather and increased customer switching, partially offset by lower purchased power expense attributable to a contractual decrease in prices associated with ComEd’s power purchase agreement with Generation. That power purchase agreement ended at year-end 2006.
In the ComEd service territory in the fourth quarter of 2006, heating degree-days were down 8 percent relative to the same period in 2005, and were 8 percent below normal. ComEd’s total retail kWh



deliveries decreased 1 percent in 2006 as compared with 2005, with a 1 percent decrease in deliveries to the residential customer class, largely due to less favorable weather. ComEd’s fourth quarter 2006 revenues were $1,381 million, down 4 percent from $1,442 million in 2005, primarily due to decreased deliveries to residential and an increase in customer switching reducing the amount of revenue for supplying energy to end use customers. For ComEd, weather had an unfavorable after-tax impact of $13 million on fourth quarter 2006 earnings relative to 2005 and had an unfavorable after-tax impact of $5 million relative to the normal weather, which was incorporated in earnings guidance.
The number of customers being served in the ComEd region has increased 1.5 percent since the fourth quarter of 2005, and weather-normalized kWh deliveries increased 1.3 percent compared with the fourth quarter of 2005, according to our models.
PECO consists of the retail electricity transmission and distribution operations and the retail natural gas distribution business in southeastern Pennsylvania.
PECO’s net income in the fourth quarter of 2006 was $121 million, an increase from net income of $112 million in the fourth quarter of 2005. Fourth quarter 2006 net income included after-tax severance and severance-related charges of $1 million. Fourth quarter 2005 net income included (all after tax) costs of $4 million related to certain integration costs associated with the now terminated merger with PSEG and a $3 million charge for the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47. Excluding the impact of these items, PECO’s net income in the fourth quarter of 2006 increased $3 million compared with the same quarter last year primarily due to higher revenues, net of purchased power and fuel expense, and the settlement of a research and development tax credit claim, partially offset by higher CTC amortization and the reversal of certain tax reserves in 2005. The increases in CTC amortization expense and CTC rates are in accordance with PECO’s 1998 restructuring settlement with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PAPUC). As expected, the increase in CTC amortization expense exceeded the increase in CTC revenues.
In the PECO service territory in the fourth quarter of 2006, heating degree-days were down 17 percent from 2005, and were 18 percent below normal. PECO’s total electric retail kWh deliveries decreased 2 percent, with residential deliveries down 7 percent. Total gas retail deliveries were down 16 percent from the 2005 period. PECO’s fourth quarter 2006 revenues were $1,235 million, down slightly from $1,249 million in 2005, primarily due to the above-mentioned unfavorable weather and by decreases in gas rates effective September 1 and December 1 through PAPUC-approved changes to the purchased gas adjustment clause, partially offset by electric rate increases and a change in the estimate for electric unbilled revenues. For PECO, weather had an unfavorable after-tax impact of $18 million on fourth quarter 2006 earnings relative to 2005 and an unfavorable after-tax impact of $16 million relative to the normal weather, which was incorporated in earnings guidance.
The number of electric customers being served in the PECO region has increased 0.6 percent since the fourth quarter of 2005, with weather-normalized kWh growth of 1.3 percent compared with the fourth quarter of 2005, according to our models.
Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
Adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings, which generally exclude significant one-time charges or credits that are not normally associated with ongoing operations and mark-to-market adjustments from non-trading activities, are provided as a supplement to results reported in accordance with GAAP.



Management uses such adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings measures internally to evaluate the company’s performance and manage its operations. Reconciliations of GAAP to adjusted (non-GAAP) operating earnings for historical periods are attached. Additional earnings release attachments, which include the reconciliations on pages 7 and 8, are posted on Exelon’s Web site: www.exeloncorp.com and have been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 8-K on January 24, 2007.
Conference call information: Exelon has scheduled a conference call for 11 AM ET (10 AM CT) on January 24, 2007. The call-in number in the U.S. is 800-418-7236, and the international call-in number is 973-935-8757. No password is required. Media representatives are invited to participate on a listen-only basis. The call will be web-cast and archived on Exelon’s Web site: www.exeloncorp.com. (Please select the Investor Relations page.)
Telephone replays will be available until February 6. The U.S. call-in number for replays is 877-519-4471, and the international call-in number is 973-341-3080. The confirmation code is 8292439.
This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, that are subject to risks and uncertainties. The factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include those discussed herein as well as those discussed in (1) Exelon Corporation’s 2005 Annual Report on Form 10-K in (a) ITEM 1A. Risk Factors, (b) ITEM 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and (c) ITEM 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data: Exelon-Note 20, ComEd-Note 17, PECO-Note 15 and Generation-Note 17; (2) Exelon Corporation’s forthcoming 2006 Annual Report on Form 10-K in (a) ITEM 1A. Risk Factors, (b) ITEM 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and (c) ITEM 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data; (3) Exelon Corporation’s Third Quarter 2006 Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q in (a) Part II, Other Information, ITEM 1A. Risk Factors and (b) Part I, Financial Information, ITEM 1. Financial Statements: Note 13; and (4) other factors discussed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) by Exelon Corporation, Commonwealth Edison Company, PECO Energy Company and Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Companies). Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this news release. None of the Companies undertakes any obligation to publicly release any revision to its forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release.
Exelon Corporation is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities with approximately 5.3 million customers and more than $15 billion in annual revenues. The company has one of the industry’s largest portfolios of electricity generation capacity, with a nationwide reach and strong positions in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. Exelon distributes electricity to approximately 5.3 million customers in Illinois and Pennsylvania and natural gas to more than 470,000 customers in southeastern Pennsylvania. Exelon is headquartered in Chicago and trades on the NYSE under the ticker EXC.



Earnings Release Attachments
Table of Contents
Consolidating Statements of Operations — Three Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Consolidating Statements of Operations — Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations — Generation and ComEd — Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations — PECO and Other — Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Consolidated Balance Sheets — December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows — Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations — Exelon — Three Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations — Exelon — Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings Per Diluted Share to GAAP Earnings Per Diluted Share — Three Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment — Three Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings Per Diluted Share to GAAP Earnings Per Diluted Share — Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment — Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations — Generation — Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations — ComEd — Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations — PECO — Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations — Other — Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Electric Sales Statistics — Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
ComEd and PECO Sales Statistics — Three Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
ComEd and PECO Sales Statistics — Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
Exelon Generation Power Marketing Statistics — Three Months Ended December 31, 2006, September 30, 2006, June 30, 2006, March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005
Exelon Generation Power Marketing Statistics — Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005



Consolidating Statements of Operations

(in millions)
    Three Months Ended December 31, 2006  
    Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Consolidated  
Operating revenues
  $ 2,074     $ 1,381     $ 1,235     $ (994 )   $ 3,696  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    420       669       493       (991 )     591  
    467             154             621  
Operating and maintenance
    623       101       149       6       879  
Depreciation and amortization
    70       110       162       10       352  
Taxes other than income
    51       69       64       6       190  
Total operating expenses
    1,631       949       1,022       (969 )     2,633  
Operating Income (loss)
    443       432       213       (25 )     1,063  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (39 )     (78 )     (64 )     (36 )     (217 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
          (2 )     (2 )     (33 )     (37 )
Other, net
    11       6       14       30       61  
Total other income and deductions
    (28 )     (74 )     (52 )     (39 )     (193 )
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes
    415       358       161       (64 )     870  
Income taxes
    170       145       40       (78 )     277  
Income from continuing operations
    245       213       121       14       593  
Loss from discontinued operations
                      (1 )     (1 )
Net income
  $ 245     $ 213     $ 121     $ 13     $ 592  
    Three Months Ended December 31, 2005  
    Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Consolidated  
Operating revenues
  $ 2,210     $ 1 ,442     $ 1 ,249     $ (1 ,063 )   $ 3,838  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    555       759       464       (1,057 )     721  
    686             224       (1 )     909  
Operating and maintenance
    540       219       153       7       919  
Impairment of goodwill
          1,207                   1,207  
Depreciation and amortization
    65       105       135       26       331  
Taxes other than income
    48       71       42       6       167  
Total operating expenses
    1,894       2,361       1,018       (1,019 )     4,254  
Operating income (loss)
    316       (919 )     231       (44 )     (416 )
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (37 )     (73 )     (68 )     (36 )     (214 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (3 )     (3 )     (3 )     (18 )     (27 )
Other, net
    13       6       3       4       26  
Total other income and deductions
    (27 )     (70 )     (68 )     (50 )     (215 )
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes
    289       (989 )     163       (94 )     (631 )
Income taxes
    114       90       48       (87 )     165  
Income (loss) from continuing operations
    175       (1 ,079 )     115       (7 )     (796 )
Income (loss) from discontinued operations
    2                   (1 )     1  
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    177       (1 ,079 )     115       (8 )     (795 )
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    (30 )     (9 )     (3 )           (42 )
Net income (loss)
  $ 147     $ (1,088 )   $ 112     $ (8 )   $ (837 )



Consolidating Statements of Operations
(in millions)
    Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006  
    Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Consolidated  
Operating revenues
  $ 9,143     $ 6,101     $ 5,168     $ (4,757 )   $ 15,655  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    2,027       3,292       2,104       (4,740 )     2,683  
    1,951             598             2,549  
Operating and maintenance
    2,305       745       628       190       3,868  
Impairment of goodwill
          776                   776  
Depreciation and amortization
    279       430       710       68       1,487  
Taxes other than income
    185       303       262       21       771  
Total operating expenses
    6,747       5,546       4,302       (4,461 )     12,134  
Operating income (loss)
    2,396       555       866       (296 )     3,521  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (159 )     (308 )     (266 )     (147 )     (880 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (9 )     (10 )     (9 )     (83 )     (111 )
Other, net
    41       96       30       99       266  
Total other income and deductions
    (127 )     (222 )     (245 )     (131 )     (725 )
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes
    2,269       333       621       (427 )     2,796  
Income taxes
    866       445       180       (285 )     1,206  
Income (loss) from continuing operations
    1,403       (112 )     441       (142 )     1,590  
Income (loss) from discontinued operations
    4                   (2 )     2  
Net income (loss)
  $ 1,407     $ (112 )   $ 441     $ (144 )   $ 1,592  
    Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2005  
    Generation     ComEd     PECO     Other     Consolidated  
Operating revenues
  $ 9,046     $ 6,264     $ 4,910     $ (4,863 )   $ 15,357  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    2,569       3,520       1,918       (4,845 )     3,162  
    1,913             597       (2 )     2,508  
Operating and maintenance
    2,288       833       549       24       3,694  
Impairment of goodwill
          1,207                   1,207  
Depreciation and amortization
    254       413       566       101       1,334  
Taxes other than income
    170       303       231       24       728  
Total operating expenses
    7,194       6,276       3,861       (4,698 )     12,633  
Operating income (loss)
    1,852       (12 )     1,049       (165 )     2,724  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (128 )     (291 )     (279 )     (131 )     (829 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (1 )     (14 )     (16 )     (103 )     (134 )
Other, net
    95       4       13       22       134  
Total other income and deductions
    (34 )     (301 )     (282 )     (212 )     (829 )
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes
    1,818       (313 )     767       (377 )     1,895  
Income taxes
    709       363       247       (375 )     944  
Income (loss) from continuing operations
    1,109       (676 )     520       (2 )     951  
Income (loss) from discontinued operations
    19                   (5 )     14  
Income (loss) from before cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles
    1,128       (676 )     520       (7 )     965  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    (30 )     (9 )     (3 )           (42 )
Net income (loss)
  $ 1,098     $ (685 )   $ 517     $ (7 )   $ 923  



Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations

(in millions)
    Three Months Ended December 31,     Twelve Months Ended December 31,  
    2006     2005     Variance     2006     2005     Variance  
Operating revenues
  $ 2,074     $ 2,210     $ (136 )   $ 9,143     $ 9,046     $ 97  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    420       555       (135 )     2,027       2,569       (542 )
    467       686       (219 )     1,951       1,913       38  
Operating and maintenance
    623       540       83       2,305       2,288       17  
Depreciation and amortization
    70       65       5       279       254       25  
Taxes other than income
    51       48       3       185       170       15  
Total operating expenses
    1,631       1,894       (263 )     6,747       7,194       (447 )
Operating income
    443       316       127       2,396       1,852       544  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (39 )     (37 )     (2 )     (159 )     (128 )     (31 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
          (3 )     3       (9 )     (1 )     (8 )
Other, net
    11       13       (2 )     41       95       (54 )
Total other income and deductions
    (28 )     (27 )     (1 )     (127 )     (34 )     (93 )
Income before income taxes
    415       289       126       2,269       1,818       451  
Income taxes
    170       114       56       866       709       157  
Income from continuing operations
    245       175       70       1,403       1,109       294  
Income from discontinued operations
          2       (2 )     4       19       (15 )
Income before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    245       177       68       1,407       1,128       279  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle, net of income taxes
          (30 )     30             (30 )     30  
Net income
  $ 245     $ 147     $ 98     $ 1,407     $ 1,098     $ 309  
    Three Months Ended December 31,     Twelve Months Ended December 31,  
    2006     2005     Variance     2006     2005     Variance  
Operating revenues
  $ 1,381     $ 1,442     $ (61 )   $ 6,101     $ 6,264     $ (163 )
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    669       759       (90 )     3,292       3,520       (228 )
Operating and maintenance
    101       219       (118 )     745       833       (88 )
Impairment of goodwill
          1,207       (1,207 )     776       1,207       (431 )
Depreciation and amortization
    110       105       5       430       413       17  
Taxes other than income
    69       71       (2 )     303       303        
Total operating expenses
    949       2,361       (1,412 )     5,546       6,276       (730 )
Operating income (loss)
    432       (919 )     1,351       555       (12 )     567  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (78 )     (73 )     (5 )     (308 )     (291 )     (17 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (2 )     (3 )     1       (10 )     (14 )     4  
Other, net
    6       6             96       4       92  
Total other income and deductions
    (74 )     (70 )     (4 )     (222 )     (301 )     79  
Income (loss) before income taxes
    358       (989 )     1,347       333       (313 )     646  
Income taxes
    145       90       55       445       363       82  
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    213       (1,079 )     1,292       (112 )     (676 )     564  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle, net of income taxes
          (9 )     9             (9 )     9  
Net income (loss)
  $ 213     $ (1,088 )   $ 1,301     $ (112 )   $ (685 )   $ 573  



Business Segment Comparative Statements of Operations

(in millions)
    Three Months Ended December 31,     Twelve Months Ended December 31,  
    2006     2005     Variance     2006     2005     Variance  
Operating revenues
  $ 1,235     $ 1,249     $ (14 )   $ 5,168     $ 4,910     $ 258  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    493       464       29       2,104       1,918       186  
    154       224       (70 )     598       597       1  
Operating and maintenance
    149       153       (4 )     628       549       79  
Depreciation and amortization
    162       135       27       710       566       144  
Taxes other than income
    64       42       22       262       231       31  
Total operating expenses
    1,022       1,018       4       4,302       3,861       441  
Operating income
    213       231       (18 )     866       1,049       (183 )
Other income and deductions
Interest expense
    (64 )     (68 )     4       (266 )     (279 )     13  
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (2 )     (3 )     1       (9 )     (16 )     7  
Other, net
    14       3       11       30       13       17  
Total other income and deductions
    (52 )     (68 )     16       (245 )     (282 )     37  
Income before income taxes
    161       163       (2 )     621       767       (146 )
Income taxes
    40       48       (8 )     180       247       (67 )
Income before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    121       115       6       441       520       (79 )
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle, net of income taxes
          (3 )     3             (3 )     3  
Net income
  $ 121     $ 112     $ 9     $ 441     $ 517     $ (76 )
    Three Months Ended December 31,     Twelve Months Ended December 31,  
    2006     2005     Variance     2006     2005     Variance  
Operating revenues
  $ (994 )   $ (1,063 )   $ 69     $ (4,757 )   $ (4,863 )   $ 106  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    (991 )     (1,057 )     66       (4,740 )     (4,845 )     105  
          (1 )     1             (2 )     2  
Operating and maintenance
    6       7       (1 )     190       24       166  
Depreciation and amortization
    10       26       (16 )     68       101       (33 )
Taxes other than income
    6       6             21       24       (3 )
Total operating expenses
    (969 )     (1,019 )     50       (4,461 )     (4,698 )     237  
Operating loss
    (25 )     (44 )     19       (296 )     (165 )     (131 )
Other income and deductions
Interest expense
    (36 )     (36 )           (147 )     (131 )     (16 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (33 )     (18 )     (15 )     (83 )     (103 )     20  
Other, net
    30       4       26       99       22       77  
Total other income and deductions
    (39 )     (50 )     11       (131 )     (212 )     81  
Loss from continuing operations before income taxes
    (64 )     (94 )     30       (427 )     (377 )     (50 )
Income taxes
    (78 )     (87 )     9       (285 )     (375 )     90  
Income (loss) from continuing operations
    14       (7 )     21       (142 )     (2 )     (140 )
Loss from discontinued operations
    (1 )     (1 )           (2 )     (5 )     3  
Net income (loss)
  $ 13     $ (8 )   $ 21     $ (144 )   $ (7 )   $ (137 )
(a)   Other includes eliminating and consolidating adjustments, Exelon’s corporate operations, shared service entities, Enterprises and other financing and investment activities, including investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities.



Consolidated Balance Sheets

(in millions)
    December 31,     December 31,  
    2006     2005  
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
  $ 224     $ 140  
Restricted cash and investments
    58       49  
Accounts receivable, net
    1,747       1,858  
    449       337  
Mark-to-market derivative assets
    1,483       916  
Inventories, at average cost
Fossil fuel
    300       311  
Materials and supplies
    431       351  
Deferred income taxes
    423       595  
Total current assets
    5,115       4,637  
Property, plant and equipment, net
    22,775       21,981  
Deferred debits and other assets
Regulatory assets
    5,808 *     4,734  
Nuclear decommissioning trust funds
    6,415       5,585  
    810       813  
    2,694       3,475  
Mark-to-market derivative assets
    181       371  
    654       1,201  
Total deferred debits and other assets
    16,562       16,179  
Total assets
  $ 44,452     $ 42,797  
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Current liabilities
Commercial paper and notes payable
  $ 305     $ 1,290  
Long-term debt due within one year
    248       407  
Long-term debt to ComEd Transitional Funding Trust and PECO Energy Transition Trust due within one year
    581       507  
Accounts payable
    1,382       1,467  
Mark-to-market derivative liabilities
    1,086       1,282  
Accrued expenses
    1,185       1,005  
    1,182       605  
Total current liabilities
    5,969       6,563  
Long-term debt
    8,896       7,759  
Long-term debt to ComEd Transitional Funding Trust and PECO Energy Transition Trust
    2,470       3,456  
Long-term debt to other financing trusts
    545       545  
Deferred credits and other liabilities
Deferred income taxes and unamortized investment tax credits
    5,383       5,078  
Asset retirement obligations
    3,780       4,157  
Pension obligations
    747 *     268  
Non-pension postretirement benefits obligations
    1,817 *     1,014  
Spent nuclear fuel obligation
    950       906  
Regulatory liabilities
    2,975       2,518  
Mark-to-market derivative liabilities
    78       522  
    782       798  
Total deferred credits and other liabilities
    16,512       15,261  
Total liabilities
    34,392       33,584  
Minority interest of consolidated subsidiaries
Preferred securities of subsidiaries
    87       87  
Shareholders’ equity
Common stock
    8,314       7,987  
Treasury stock, at cost
    (630 )     (444 )
Retained earnings
    3,426       3,206  
Accumulated other comprehensive loss
    (1,137 )*     (1,624 )
Total shareholders’ equity
    9,973       9,125  
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity
  $ 44,452     $ 42,797  
*   As of December 31, 2006, Exelon adopted FASB Statement 158, “Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans” (SFAS 158). The adoption of SFAS 158, including year-end valuations, resulted in the recognition of off-balance sheet amounts of $803 million and $778 million in pension obligations and non-pension postretirement benefits obligations, respectively, an increase in regulatory assets for costs that are probable to be recovered in the future of $1,380 million, and an increase to accumulated other comprehensive loss of $164 million.



Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(in millions)
    Twelve Months Ended  
    December 31,  
    2006     2005  
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income
  $ 1,592     $ 923  
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash flows provided by operating activities:
Depreciation, amortization and accretion, including nuclear fuel
    2,132       1,967  
Deferred income taxes and amortization of investment tax credits
    45       493  
Impairment charges
    894       1,207  
Net realized and unrealized mark-to-market and hedging transactions
    (86 )     (30 )
Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles, net of income taxes
Other non-cash operating activities
    125       366  
Changes in assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable
    (61 )     (279 )
    (59 )     (118 )
Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities
    151       172  
Counterparty collateral asset
    259       (244 )
Counterparty collateral liability
    172       57  
Income taxes
    96       138  
Pension and non-pension postretirement benefit contributions
    (180 )     (2,225 )
Other assets and liabilities
    (308 )     (379 )
Net cash flows provided by operating activities
    4,772       2,090  
Cash flows from investing activities
Capital expenditures
    (2,418 )     (2,165 )
Proceeds from nuclear decommissioning trust fund assets sales
    4,793       5,274  
Investment in nuclear decommissioning trust funds
    (5,081 )     (5,501 )
Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired
          (97 )
Proceeds from sales of investments, long-lived assets and wholly owned subsidiaries, net of $32 million of cash sold during 2005
    2       107  
Change in restricted cash
    (9 )     21  
Other investing activities
    14       (69 )
Net cash flows used in investing activities
    (2,699 )     (2,430 )
Cash flows from financing activities
Issuance of long-term debt
    1,370       1,788  
Retirement of long-term debt
    (402 )     (508 )
Retirement of long-term debt to financing affiliates
    (910 )     (835 )
Issuance of short-term debt
Retirement of short-term debt
    (300 )     (2,200 )
Change in other short-term debt
    (685 )     500  
Dividends paid on common stock
    (1,071 )     (1,070 )
Proceeds from employee stock plans
    184       222  
Purchase of treasury stock
    (186 )     (362 )
Other financing activities
    11       (54 )
Net cash flows used in financing activities
    (1,989 )     (19 )
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
    84       (359 )
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period
    140       499  
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
  $ 224     $ 140  



Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations

(in millions, except per share data)
    Three Months Ended December 31, 2006     Three Months Ended December 31, 2005  
                        Adjusted                         Adjusted  
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments         Non-GAAP     GAAP (a)     Adjustments         Non-GAAP  
Operating revenues
  $ 3,696     $         $ 3,696     $ 3,838     $         $ 3,838  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    591       38     (b)     629       721       (1 )   (b)     720  
    621       (63 )   (b)     558       909       (139 )   (b)     770  
Operating and maintenance
    879       134     (b),(c),(e),(h)     1,013       919       (32 )   (c),(d),(h)     887  
Impairment of goodwill
                          1,207       (1,207 )   (f)      
Depreciation and amortization
    352                 352       331       (21 )   (c),(d)     310  
Taxes other than income
    190                 190       167                 167  
Total operating expenses
    2,633       109           2,742       4,254       (1,400 )         2,854  
Operating income
    1,063       (109 )         954       (416 )     1,400           984  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense
    (217 )     2     (c)     (215 )     (214 )     3     (c)     (211 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (37 )     33     (c)     (4 )     (27 )     18     (c)     (9 )
Other, net
    61       (21 )   (b),(c),(i)     40       26                 26  
Total other income and deductions
    (193 )     14           (179 )     (215 )     21           (194 )
Income from continuing operations before income taxes
    870       (95 )         775       (631 )     1,421           790  
Income taxes
    277       10     (b),(c),(e),(h),(i)     287       165       129     (b),(c),(d),(h)     294  
Income (loss) from continuing operations
    593       (105 )         488       (796 )     1,292           496  
Income from discontinued operations
    (1 )               (1 )     1       (2 )   (j)     (1 )
Income before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    592       (105 )         487       (795 )     1,290           495  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle, net of income taxes
                          (42 )     42     (g)      
Net income (loss)
  $ 592     $ (105 )       $ 487     $ (837 )   $ 1,332         $ 495  
Earnings (loss) per average common share
Income (loss) from continuing operations
  $ 0.88     $ (0.15 )       $ 0.73     $ (1.19 )   $ 1.93         $ 0.74  
Income from discontinued operations
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    0.88       (0.15 )         0.73       (1.19 )     1.93           0.74  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle, net of income taxes
                          (0.06 )     0.06            
  $ 0.88     $ (0.15 )       $ 0.73     $ (1.25 )   $ 1.99         $ 0.74  
Income (loss) from continuing operations
  $ 0.87     $ (0.15 )       $ 0.72     $ (1.19 )   $ 1.92         $ 0.73  
Income from discontinued operations
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of a changes in accounting principles
    0.87       (0.15 )         0.72       (1.19 )     1.92           0.73  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principles, net of income taxes
                          (0.06 )     0.06            
  $ 0.87     $ (0.15 )       $ 0.72     $ (1.25 )   $ 1.98         $ 0.73  
Average common shares outstanding
    672                   672       668                   668  
    677                   677       668                   674  
Effect of adjustments on earnings per average diluted common share recorded in accordance with GAAP:
Mark-to-market (b)
          $ (0.03 )                       $ (0.13 )            
Investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities (c)
            0.04                           0.01              
Charges associated with Exelon’s now terminated merger with PSEG (d)
                                      (0.01 )            
Recovery of severance costs at ComEd (e)
Impairment of ComEd’s goodwill (f)
                                      (1.81 )            
Cumulative effect pursuant to FIN 47 (g)
                                      (0.06 )            
Share differential due to net loss for GAAP purposes (k)
Total adjustments
          $ 0.15                         $ (1.98 )            
(a)   Results reported in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP).
(b)   Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s non-trading activities.
(c)   Adjustment to exclude the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.
(d)   Adjustment to exclude certain costs associated with Exelon’s proposed merger with Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (PSEG) which was terminated in September 2006.
(e)   Adjustment to exclude a one-time benefit to recover previously incurred severance costs approved by the December 2006 amended Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) rate order.
(f)   Adjustment to exclude an impairment of ComEd’s goodwill.
(g)   Adjustment for the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47.
(h)   Adjustment to exclude severance charges or reductions to previously recorded severance reserves.
(i)   Adjustment to exclude an impairment charge related to Generation’s investments in Termoeléctrica del Golfo (TEG) and Termoeléctrica Peñoles (TEP), the sale of which is expected to close in 2007.
(j)   Adjustment to exclude the financial impact of Generation’s prior investment in Sithe Energies, Inc. (Sithe) (sold in January 2005).
(k)   Adjustment for the impact of using basic shares in the calculation of diluted earnings per share on Exelon’s net loss for the period in accordance with GAAP.



Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations

(in millions, except per share data)
    Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006     Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2005  
                        Adjusted                         Adjusted  
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments         Non-GAAP     GAAP (a)     Adjustments         Non-GAAP  
Operating revenues
  $ 15,655     $ 5     (b)   $ 15,660     $ 15,357     $         $ 15,357  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    2,683       179     (b)     2,862       3,162       (12 )   (b)     3,150  
    2,549       (77 )   (b)     2,472       2,508       (4 )   (b)     2,504  
Operating and maintenance
    3,868       23     (b),(c),(d),(e),(f),(g)     3,891       3,694       (82 )   (c),(d),(f)     3,612  
Impairment of goodwill
    776       (776 )   (j)           1,207       (1,207 )   (j)      
Depreciation and amortization
    1,487       (37 )   (c),(d)     1,450       1,334       (77 )   (c),(d)     1,257  
Taxes other than income
    771                 771       728                 728  
Total operating expenses
    12,134       (688 )         11,446       12,633       (1,382 )         11,251  
Operating income
    3,521       693           4,214       2,724       1,382           4,106  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense
    (880 )     16     (c),(m)     (864 )     (829 )     14     (c)     (815 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (111 )     83     (c)     (28 )     (134 )     104     (c)     (30 )
Other, net
    266       (151 )   (b),(c),(d),(i),(l)     115       134                 134  
Total other income and deductions
    (725 )     (52 )         (777 )     (829 )     118           (711 )
Income from continuing operations before income taxes
    2,796       641           3,437       1,895       1,500           3,395  
Income taxes
    1,206       54     (b),(c),(d),(e),(f),(g),(i),(l),(m)     1,260       944       350     (b),(c),(d),(f)     1,294  
Income from continuing operations
    1,590       587           2,177       951       1,150           2,101  
Income (loss) from discontinued operations
    2       (4 )   (h)     (2 )     14       (18 )   (h)     (4 )
Income before cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles
    1,592       583           2,175       965       1,132           2,097  
Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles, net of income taxes
                          (42 )     42     (k)      
Net income
  $ 1,592     $ 583         $ 2,175     $ 923     $ 1,174         $ 2,097  
Earnings per average common share
Income from continuing operations
  $ 2.37     $ 0.88         $ 3.25     $ 1.42     $ 1.73         $ 3.15  
Income (loss) from discontinued operations
                          0.02       (0.03 )         (0.01 )
Income before cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles
    2.37       0.88           3.25       1.44       1.70           3.14  
Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles, net of income taxes
                          (0.06 )     0.06           (0.00 )
Net income
  $ 2.37     $ 0.88         $ 3.25     $ 1.38     $ 1.76         $ 3.14  
Income from continuing operations
  $ 2.35     $ 0.87         $ 3.22     $ 1.40     $ 1.71         $ 3.11  
Income (loss) from discontinued operations
                          0.02       (0.03 )         (0.01 )
Income before cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles
    2.35       0.87           3.22       1.42       1.68           3.10  
Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles, net of income taxes
                          (0.06 )     0.06            
Net income
  $ 2.35     $ 0.87         $ 3.22     $ 1.36     $ 1.74         $ 3.10  
Average common shares outstanding
    670                   670       669                   669  
    676                   676       676                   676  
Effect of adjustments on earnings per average diluted common share recorded in accordance with GAAP:
Mark-to-market (b)
          $ 0.09                         $ (0.02 )            
Investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities (c)
            (0.04 )                         0.12              
Charges associated with Exelon’s now terminated merger with PSEG (d)
            (0.09 )                         (0.03 )            
Nuclear decommissioning obligation reduction (e)
Severance (f)
            (0.03 )                                      
Recovery of severance costs at ComEd (g)
Financial impact of Generation’s prior investment in Sithe (h)
Recovery of debt costs at ComEd (i)
Impairment of ComEd’s goodwill (j)
            (1.15 )                         (1.78 )            
Cumulative effect pursuant to FIN 47 (k)
                                      (0.06 )            
Total adjustments
          $ (0.87 )                       $ (1.74 )            
(a)   Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b)   Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s non-trading activities.
(c)   Adjustment to exclude the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.
(d)   Adjustment to exclude certain costs associated with Exelon’s proposed merger with PSEG which was terminated in September 2006.
(e)   Adjustment to exclude the decrease in Generation’s nuclear decommissioning obligation liability related to the AmerGen nuclear plants.
(f)   Adjustment to exclude severance charges.
(g)   Adjustment to exclude a one-time benefit to recover previously incurred severance costs approved by the December 2006 amended ICC rate order.
(h)   Adjustment to exclude the financial impact of Generation’s prior investment in Sithe (sold in January 2005).
(i)   Adjustment to exclude a one-time benefit to recover previously incurred debt costs approved by the July 2006 ICC rate order.
(j)   Adjustment to exclude the impairments of ComEd’s goodwill.
(k)   Adjustment for the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47.
(l)   Adjustment to exclude an impairment charge related to Generation’s investments in TEG and TEP, the sale of which is expected to close in 2007.
(m)   Adjustment to exclude the settlement of a tax matter at Generation related to Sithe.



Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
Per Diluted Share to GAAP Earnings Per Diluted Share

Three Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
2005 GAAP Loss per Share
  $ (1.25 )
2005 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings Adjustments:
Mark-to-Market (1)
Investments in Synthetic Fuel-Producing Facilities (2)
    (0.01 )
Charges Associated with Exelon’s Now Terminated Merger with PSEG (3)
Impairment of ComEd’s Goodwill (4)
Cumulative Effect Pursuant to Adopting FIN 47 (5)
Share Differential in GAAP EPS Calculation (6)
    (0.02 )
2005 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
Year Over Year Effects on Earnings:
Generation Energy Margins, Excluding Mark-to-Market (7)
ComEd Energy Margins:
Weather (8)
    (0.02 )
Other Energy Delivery (9)
Net SECA Revenues (10)
    (0.01 )
PECO Energy Margins:
Weather (11)
    (0.03 )
Other Energy Delivery (12)
Stock-Based Compensation (13)
    (0.02 )
Pension and Non-Pension Postretirement Benefits Expense (14)
    (0.01 )
Planned Nuclear Refueling Outages (15)
    (0.01 )
Storm Costs (16)
    (0.01 )
Other Operating and Maintenance Expense (17)
    (0.03 )
Depreciation and Amortization (18)
    (0.04 )
Income Taxes (19)
2005 Decommissioning Tax Benefit and Co-Owner Settlement (20)
    (0.05 )
Share Dilution and Other (21)
2006 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
2006 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings Adjustments:
Mark-to-Market (1)
    (0.03 )
Investments in Synthetic Fuel-Producing Facilities (2)
Recovery of Severance Costs at ComEd (22)
2006 GAAP Earnings per Diluted Share
  $ 0.87  
(1)   Reflects the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s non-trading activities.
(2)   Reflects the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.
(3)   Reflects certain costs incurred in connection with Exelon’s proposed merger with PSEG which was terminated in September 2006.
(4)   Reflects impairment of ComEd’s goodwill.
(5)   Reflects the impact on net income of the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47.
(6)   Reflects the impact of using basic shares in the calculation of diluted earnings per share on Exelon’s net loss for the period in accordance with GAAP.
(7)   Reflects higher realized prices on market sales at Generation and the impact of PECO’s authorized electric generation rate increase. Excludes the impact of the 2006 change in the purchased power agreement with ComEd.
(8)   Reflects unfavorable variance for weather conditions in the ComEd service territory.
(9)   Reflects increased revenues net of fuel at ComEd primarily due to increased deliveries related to customer growth (excluding the impact of weather) and decreased ancillary costs, partially offset by increased customer switching. Excludes the effects of the 2006 change in the purchased power agreement with Generation.
(10)   Reflects a decrease in net recognized SECA revenues.
(11)   Reflects unfavorable variance for weather conditions in the PECO service territory.
(12)   Reflects increased revenues at PECO primarily due to authorized electric rate increases, including a scheduled CTC rate increase in accordance with PECO’s 1998 restructuring settlement with the PAPUC, and a change in the estimate for electric unbilled revenues.
(13)   Reflects increased stock-based compensation costs.
(14)   Reflects increased pension and non-pension postretirement benefits expense primarily due to changes in actuarial assumptions for 2006.
(15)   Reflects increased planned nuclear refueling outage costs.
(16)   Reflects increased storm costs primarily in the ComEd service territory.
(17)   Reflects increased operating and maintenance expense primarily due to inflation, partially offset by lower bad debt expense at PECO in 2006.
(18)   Reflects increased depreciation and amortization primarily due to increased CTC amortization at PECO.
(19)   Reflects the impact on net income primarily due to a research and development tax credit refund at PECO.
(20)   Reflects the determination of retaining certain tax benefits associated with Generation’s decommissioning trust funds and a settlement related to postretirement benefit costs with PSEG associated with our co-owner relationship, both of which occurred in 2005.
(21)   Reflects dilution of earnings per share due to increased diluted common shares outstanding and the impact from interest expense, taxes other than income and other.
(22)   Reflects a one-time benefit approved by the December 2006 amended ICC rate order to recover previously incurred severance costs.



Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment (in millions)

Three Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    Generation   ComEd   PECO   Other   Exelon
2005 GAAP Earnings
  $ 147     $ (1,088 )   $ 112     $ (8 )   $ (837 )
2005 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings Adjustments
Mark-to-Market (1)
    86                         86  
Investments in Synthetic Fuel-Producing Facilities (2)
                      (9 )     (9 )
Charges Associated with Exelon’s Now Terminated Merger with PSEG (3)
    3       2       4             9  
Impairment of ComEd’s Goodwill (4)
          1,207                   1,207  
Changes in Severance Reserves (5)
          (1 )                 (1 )
2005 Financial Impact of Generation’s Prior Investment in Sithe (6)
    (2 )                       (2 )
Cumulative Effect Pursuant to Adopting FIN 47 (7)
    30       9       3             42  
2005 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
    264       129       119       (17 )     495  
Year Over Year Effects on Earnings:
Generation Energy Margins, Excluding Mark-to-Market (8)
    90                         90  
ComEd and PECO Energy Margins:
Weather (9)
          (13 )     (18 )           (31 )
Other Energy Delivery (10)
          12       35             47  
Net SECA Revenues (11)
          (4 )     1             (3 )
ComEd and Generation PPA Rate Change (12)
    (23 )     23                    
Stock-Based Compensation (13)
    (4 )     (4 )     (2 )     (1 )     (11 )
Pension and Non-Pension Postretirement Benefits Expense (14)
    (4 )     (3 )                 (7 )
Planned Nuclear Refueling Outages (15)
    (5 )                       (5 )
Storm Costs (16)
          (3 )     (1 )           (4 )
Other Operating and Maintenance Expense (17)
    (12 )     (16 )     6       (4 )     (26 )
Depreciation and Amortization (18)
    (3 )     (3 )     (21 )           (27 )
Interest Expense (19)
    (2 )     (2 )     3             (1 )
Income Taxes (20)
    (11 )     1       14       2       6  
2005 Decommissioning Tax Benefit and Co-Owner Settlement (21)
    (30 )                       (30 )
Taxes Other Than Income and Other (22)
    4       1       (14 )     3       (6 )
2006 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
    264       118       122       (17 )     487  
2006 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings Adjustments
Mark-to-Market (1)
    (17 )                       (17 )
Investments in Synthetic Fuel-Producing Facilities (2)
                      31       31  
Severance Charges (5)
    (1 )           (1 )     (1 )     (3 )
Recovery of Severance Costs at ComEd (23)
          95                   95  
Impairment of Generation’s Investments in TEG and TEP (24)
    (1 )                       (1 )
2006 GAAP Earnings
  $ 245     $ 213     $ 121     $ 13     $ 592  
(1)   Reflects the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s non-trading activities.
(2)   Reflects the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.
(3)   Reflects certain costs incurred in connection with Exelon’s proposed merger with PSEG which was terminated in September 2006.
(4)   Reflects impairment of ComEd’s goodwill.
(5)   Reflects severance charges recorded during the period or reductions to previously recorded severance reserves.
(6)   Reflects the financial impact of Generation’s prior investment in Sithe (sold in January 2005).
(7)   Reflects the impact on net income of the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47.
(8)   Reflects higher realized prices on market sales at Generation and the impact of PECO’s authorized electric generation rate increase. Excludes the impact of the 2006 change in the purchased power agreement with ComEd.
(9)   Reflects unfavorable variance for weather conditions in the ComEd and PECO service territories in 2006.
(10)   Reflects increased revenues net of fuel at ComEd primarily due to increased deliveries related to customer growth (excluding the impact of weather) and decreased ancillary costs, partially offset by increased customer switching. Excludes the effects of the 2006 change in the purchased power agreement with Generation. Also, reflects increased revenues at PECO primarily due to authorized electric rate increases, including a scheduled CTC rate increase in accordance with PECO’s 1998 restructuring settlement with the PAPUC, and a change in the estimate for electric unbilled revenues.
(11)   Reflects a decrease in net recognized SECA revenues.
(12)   Reflects the impact on net income of decreased prices in accordance with ComEd’s purchased power agreement with Generation.
(13)   Reflects increased stock-based compensation costs.
(14)   Reflects increased pension and non-pension postretirement benefits expense primarily due to changes in actuarial assumptions for 2006.
(15)   Reflects increased planned nuclear refueling outage costs.
(16)   Reflects increased storm costs primarily in the ComEd service territory.
(17)   Reflects increased operating and maintenance expense primarily due to inflation, partially offset by lower bad debt expense at PECO in 2006.
(18)   Reflects increased depreciation and amortization primarily due to increased CTC amortization at PECO.
(19)   Reflects higher interest expense.
(20)   Reflects the impact on net income primarily due to a research and development tax credit refund at PECO.
(21)   Reflects the determination of retaining certain tax benefits associated with Generation’s decommissioning trust funds and a settlement related to postretirement benefit costs with PSEG associated with our co-owner relationship, both of which occurred in 2005.
(22)   Reflects the impact of higher property taxes and favorable 2005 tax settlements.
(23)   Reflects a one-time benefit approved by the December 2006 amended ICC rate order to recover previously incurred severance costs.
(24)   Reflects an impairment charge related to Generation’s investments in TEG and TEP, the sale of which is expected to close in 2007.



Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
Per Diluted Share to GAAP Earnings Per Diluted Share

Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
2005 GAAP Earnings per Diluted Share
  $ 1.36  
2005 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings Adjustments:
Mark-to-Market (1)
Investments in Synthetic Fuel-Producing Facilities (2)
    (0.12 )
Charges Associated with Exelon’s Now Terminated Merger with PSEG (3)
Impairment of ComEd’s Goodwill (4)
2005 Financial Impact of Generation’s Prior Investment in Sithe (5)
    (0.03 )
Cumulative Effect Pursuant to Adopting FIN 47 (6)
2005 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
Year Over Year Effects on Earnings:
Generation Energy Margins, Excluding Mark-to-Market (7)
ComEd Energy Margins:
Weather (8)
    (0.11 )
Other Energy Delivery (9)
NetSECA Revenues (10)
    (0.03 )
PECO Energy Margins:
Weather (11)
    (0.07 )
Other Energy Delivery (12)
Stock-Based Compensation (13)
    (0.07 )
Pension and Non-Pension Postretirement Benefits Expense (14)
    (0.02 )
Asbestos Reserve (15)
Recovery of Environmental Costs at ComEd (16)
Planned Nuclear Refueling Outages (17)
    (0.03 )
Storm Costs (18)
    (0.04 )
Other Operating and Maintenance Expense (19)
    (0.14 )
Depreciation and Amortization (20)
    (0.19 )
Interest Expense (21)
    (0.02 )
Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Fund Rebalancing (22)
    (0.03 )
Income Taxes (23)
2005 Decommissioning Tax Benefit and Co-Owner Settlement (24)
    (0.05 )
Taxes Other Than Income and Other (25)
    (0.03 )
2006 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
2006 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings Adjustments:
Mark-to-Market (1)
Investments in Synthetic Fuel-Producing Facilities (2)
    (0.04 )
Charges Associated with Exelon’s Now Terminated Merger with PSEG (3)
    (0.09 )
Severance Charges (26)
    (0.03 )
Nuclear Decommissioning Obligation Reduction (27)
Recovery of Debt Costs at ComEd (28)
Impairment of ComEd’s Goodwill (4)
    (1.15 )
Recovery of Severance Costs at ComEd (29)
2006 GAAP Earnings per Diluted Share
  $ 2.35  
(1)   Reflects the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s non-trading activities.
(2)   Reflects the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives and a $69 million impairment charge (after tax) in 2006.
(3)   Reflects certain costs incurred in connection with Exelon’s proposed merger with PSEG which was terminated In September 2006, Including the $35 million (after tax) write-off of capitalized merger costs during 2006.
(4)   Reflects impairment of ComEd’s goodwill.
(5)   Reflects the financial impact of Generation’s prior investment in Sithe (sold In January 2005).
(6)   Reflects the impact on net income of the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47.
(7)   Reflects higher realized prices on market sales, higher nuclear volumes at Generation and the impact of PECO’s authorized electric generation rate increase. Excludes the impact of the 2006 change in the purchased power agreement with ComEd.
(8)   Reflects unfavorable variance for weather conditions in the ComEd service territory.
(9)   Reflects increased revenues net of fuel at ComEd primarily due to increased deliveries related to customer growth (excluding the impact of weather), decreased ancillary costs and changes in customer usage and mix, partially offset by increased customer switching. Excludes the effects of the 2006 change in the purchased power agreement with Generation.
(10)   Reflects a decrease in net recognized SECA revenues.
(11)   Reflects unfavorable variance for weather conditions in the PECO service territory.
(12)   Reflects increased revenues at PECO primarily due to authorized electric rate increases, including a scheduled CTC rate increase in accordance with PECO’s 1998 restructuring settlement with the PAPUC, and a change in the estimate for electric unbilled revenues.
(13)   Reflects increased stock-based compensation costs.
(14)   Reflects increased pension and non-pension postretirement benefits expense primarily due to changes in actuarial assumptions for 2006.
(15)   Reflects the impact on net income of a reserve recorded in 2005 by Generation for estimated future asbestos-related bodily injury claims.
(16)   Reflects a one-time benefit approved by the July 2006 ICC rate order to recover previously incurred environmental expenses associated with manufactured gas plants.
(17)   Reflects increased planned nuclear refueling outage costs.
(18)   Reflects increased storm costs primarily in the PECO service territory.
(19)   Reflects increased operating and maintenance expense primarily due to inflation, increased bad debt expense at PECO, and increased costs at Generation associated with non-outage operating costs.
(20)   Reflects increased depreciation and amortization primarily due to increased CTC amortization at PECO.
(21)   Primarily reflects interest expense associated with the debt issued to fund Exelon’s pension contribution that was made at the end of the first quarter of 2005, partially offset by the settlement of interest rate swaps in 2005.
(22)   Reflects the impact on net income of gains realized in 2005 on AmerGen’s decommissioning trust fund investments related to changes to the investment strategy.
(23)   Reflects the impact of one-time tax items, including tax credit refunds and changes in income tax legislation.
(24)   Reflects the determination of retaining certain tax benefits associated with Generation’s decommissioning trust funds and a settlement related to postretirement benefit costs with PSEG associated with our co-owner relationship, both of which occurred in 2005.
(25)   Reflects the impact of higher property taxes and favorable 2005 tax settlements.
(26)   Reflects severance charges recorded during the period or reductions to previously recorded severance reserves.
(27)   Reflects a decrease in Generation’s nuclear decommissioning obligation liability related to the AmerGen nuclear plants.
(28)   Reflects a one-time benefit approved by the July 2006 ICC rate order to recover previously incurred debt expenses to retire debt early.
(29)   Reflects a one-time benefit approved by the December 2006 amended ICC rate order to recover previously incurred severance costs.



Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
to GAAP Earnings By Business Segment (in millions)

Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    Generation   ComEd   PECO   Other   Exelon
2005 GAAP Earnings (Loss)
  $ 1,098     $ (685 )   $ 517     $ (7 )   $ 923  
2005 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings Adjustments:
Mark-to-Market (1)
    10                         10  
Investments in Synthetic Fuel-Producing Facilities (2)
                      (81 )     (81 )
Charges Associated with Exelon’s Now Terminated Merger with PSEG (3)
    4       2       12             18  
Impairment of ComEd’s Goodwill (4)
          1,207                   1,207  
Changes in Severance Reserves (5)
    1       (6 )     1             (4 )
2005 Financial Impact of Generation’s Prior Investment in Sithe (6)
    (18 )                       (18 )
Cumulative Effect Pursuant to Adopting FIN 47 (7)
    30       9       3             42  
2005 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
    1,125       527       533       (88 )     2,097  
Year Over Year Effects on Earnings:
Generation Energy Margins, Excluding Mark-to-Market (8)
    386                         386  
ComEd and PECO Energy Margins:
Weather (9)
          (71 )     (50 )           (121 )
Other Energy Delivery (10)
          55       95             150  
Net SECA Revenues (11)
          (23 )     2             (21 )
ComEd and Generation PPA Rate Change (12)
    (81 )     81                    
Stock-Based Compensation (13)
    (26 )     (14 )     (7 )           (47 )
Pension and Non-Pension Postretirement Benefits Expense (14)
    (9 )     (7 )     (1 )           (17 )
Asbestos Reserve (15)
    27                         27  
Recovery of Environmental Costs at ComEd (16)
          24                   24  
Planned Nuclear Refueling Outages (17)
    (23 )                       (23 )
Storm Costs (18)
          (2 )     (24 )           (26 )
Other Operating and Maintenance Expense (19)
    (50 )     (31 )     (10 )     (5 )     (96 )
Depreciation and Amortization (20)
    (21 )     (10 )     (99 )     (1 )     (131 )
Interest Expense (21)
    (15 )     2       14       (11 )     (10 )
Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Fund Rebalancing (22)
    (21 )                       (21 )
Income Taxes (23)
    11       3       26       16       56  
2005 Decommissioning Tax Benefit and Co-Owner Settlement (24)
    (30 )                       (30 )
Taxes Other Than Income and Other (25)
    2       (6 )     (24 )     6       (22 )
2006 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings
    1,275       528       455       (83 )     2,175  
2006 Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings Adjustments:
Mark-to-Market (1)
    61       (3 )                 58  
Investments in Synthetic Fuel-Producing Facilities (2)
                      (24 )     (24 )
Charges Associated with Exelon’s Now Terminated Merger with PSEG (3)
    (8 )     (4 )     (10 )     (36 )     (58 )
Severance Charges (5)
    (9 )     (4 )     (4 )     (1 )     (18 )
Nuclear Decommissioning Obligation Reduction (26)
    89                         89  
Recovery of Debt Costs at ComEd (27)
          52                   52  
Impairment of ComEd’s Goodwill (4)
          (776 )                 (776 )
Recovery of Severance Costs at ComEd (28)
          95                   95  
Impairment of Generation’s investments in TEG and TEP (29)
    (1 )                       (1 )
2006 GAAP Earnings (Loss)
  $ 1,407     $ (112 )   $ 441     $ (144 )   $ 1,592  
(1)   Reflects the mark-to-market impact of Exelon’s non-trading activities.
(2)   Reflects the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives and a $69 million impairment charge (after tax) in 2006.
(3)   Reflects certain costs incurred in connection with Exelon’s proposed merger with PSEG which was terminated in September 2006, including the $35 million (after tax) write-off of capitalized merger costs during the third quarter of 2006.
(4)   Reflects impairment of ComEd’s Goodwill.
(5)   Reflects severance charges recorded during the period or reductions to previously recorded severance reserves.
(6)   Reflects the financial impact of Generation’s prior investment in Sithe (sold in January 2005).
(7)   Reflects the impact on net income of the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47.
(8)   Reflects higher realized prices on market sales, higher nuclear volumes at Generation and the impact of PECO’s authorized electric generation rate increase. Excludes the impact of the 2006 change in the purchased power agreement with ComEd.
(9)   Reflects unfavorable variance for weather conditions in the ComEd and PECO service territories.
(10)   Reflects increased revenues net of fuel at ComEd primarily due to increased deliveries related to customer growth (excluding the impact of weather), decreased ancillary costs and changes in customer usage and mix, partially offset by increased customer switching. Excludes the effects of the 2006 change in the purchased power agreement with Generation. Also, reflects increased revenues at PECO primarily due to authorized electric rate increases, including a scheduled CTC rate increase in accordance with PECO’s 1998 restructuring settlement with the PAPUC, and a change in the estimate for electric unbilled revenues.
(11)   Reflects a decrease in net recognized SECA revenues.
(12)   Reflects the impact on net income of decreased prices in accordance with ComEd’s purchased power agreement with Generation.
(13)   Reflects increased stock-based compensation costs.
(14)   Reflects increased pension and non-pension postretirement benefits expense primarily due to changes in actuarial assumptions for 2006.
(15)   Reflects the impact on net income of a reserve recorded by Generation in 2005 for estimated future asbestos-related bodily injury claims.
(16)   Reflects a one-time benefit approved by the July 2006 ICC rate order to recover previously incurred environmental expenses associated with manufactured gas plants.
(17)   Reflects increased planned nuclear refueling outage costs.
(18)   Reflects increased storm costs primarily in the PECO service territory.
(19)   Reflects increased operating and maintenance expense primarily due to inflation, increased bad debt expense at PECO and increased costs at Generation associated with non-outage operating costs.
(20)   Reflects increased depreciation and amortization primarily due to increased CTC amortization at PECO.
(21)   Primarily reflects interest expense associated with the debt issued to fund Exelon’s pension contribution that was made at the end of the first quarter of 2005, partially offset by the settlement of interest rate swaps in 2005.
(22)   Reflects the impact on net income of gains realized in 2005 on AmerGen’s decommissioning trust fund investments related to changes to the investment strategy.
(23)   Reflects the impact of one-time tax items, including tax credit refunds and changes in income tax legislation.
(24)   Reflects the determination of retaining certain tax benefits associated with Generation’s decommissioning trust funds and a settlement related to postretirement benefit costs with PSEG associated with our co-owner relationship, both of which occurred in 2005.
(25)   Reflects the impact of higher property taxes and favorable 2005 tax settlements.
(26)   Reflects a decrease in Generation’s nuclear decommissioning obligation liability related to the AmerGen nuclear plants.
(27)   Reflects a one-time benefit approved by the July 2006 ICC rate order to recover previously incurred debt expenses to retire debt early.
(28)   Reflects a one-time benefit approved by the December 2006 amended ICC rate order to recover previously incurred severance costs.
(29)   Reflects an impairment charge related to Generation’s investments in TEG and TEP, the sale of which is expected to close in 2007.



Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to
GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations

(in millions)
    Three Months Ended December 31, 2006     Three Months Ended December 31, 2005  
                    Adjusted Non                     Adjusted Non  
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP  
Operating revenues
  $ 2,074     $     $ 2,074     $ 2,210     $     $ 2,210  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    420       38 (b)     458       555       (1 ) (b)     554  
    467       (63 )(b)     404       686       (139 ) (b)     547  
Operating and maintenance
    623       (6 ) (b),(d)     617       540       (4 ) (c)     536  
Depreciation and amortization
    70             70       65             65  
Taxes other than income
    51             51       48             48  
Total operating expenses
    1,631       (31 )     1,600       1,894       (144 )     1,750  
Operating income
    443       31       474       316       144       460  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (39 )           (39 )     (37 )           (37 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
                      (3 )           (3 )
Other, net
    11       4 (b),(g)      15       13             13  
Total other income and deductions
    (28 )     4       (24 )     (27 )           (27 )
Income before income taxes
    415       35       450       289       144       433  
Income taxes
    170       16 (b),(d),(g)     186       114       55 (b),(c)     169  
Income from continuing operations
    245       19       264       175       89       264  
Income (loss) from discontinued operations
                      2       (2 )(f)      
Income before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    245       19       264       177       87       264  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle, net of income taxes
                      (30 )     30 (e)      
Net income
  $ 245     $ 19     $ 264     $ 147     $ 117     $ 264  
    Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006     Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2005  
                    Adjusted Non                     Adjusted Non  
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP  
Operating revenues
  $ 9,143     $     $ 9,143     $ 9,046     $     $ 9,046  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    2,027       179 (b)     2,206       2,569       (12 )(b)     2,557  
    1,951       (77 )(b)     1,874       1,913       (4 ) (b)     1,909  
Operating and maintenance
    2,305       121 (b),(c),(d),(h)     2,426       2,288       (9 )(c),(d)     2,279  
Depreciation and amortization
    279             279       254             254  
Taxes other than income
    185             185       170             170  
Total operating expenses
    6,747       223       6,970       7,194       (25 )     7,169  
Operating income
    2,396       (223 )     2,173       1,852       25       1,877  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (159 )     7 (i)     (152 )     (128 )           (128 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (9 )           (9 )     (1 )           (1 )
Other, net
    41       9 (b),(c),(g)     50       95             95  
Total other income and deductions
    (127 )     16       (111 )     (34 )           (34 )
Income before income taxes
    2,269       (207 )     2,062       1,818       25       1,843  
Income taxes
    866       (79 ) (b),(c),(d),(e),(f),(g),(h)     787       709       10 (b),(c),(d)     719  
Income from continuing operations
    1,403       (128 )     1,275       1,109       15       1,124  
Income from discontinued operations
    4       (4 ) (f)           19       (18 ) (f)     1  
Income before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    1,407       (132 )     1,275       1,128       (3 )     1,125  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle, net of income taxes
                      (30 )     30 (e)      
Net income
  $ 1,407     $ (132 )   $ 1,275     $ 1,098     $ 27     $ 1,125  
(a)   Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b)   Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of Generation’s non-trading activities.
(c)   Adjustment to exclude certain costs associated with Exelon’s merger with PSEG which was terminated in September 2006.
(d)   Adjustment to exclude severance charges during the period or reductions to previously recorded severance reserves.
(e)   Adjustment for the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47.
(f)   Adjustment to exclude the financial impact of Generation’s investment in Sithe (sold in January 2005).
(g)   Reflects an impairment charge related to Generation’s investments in TEG and TEP, the sale of which is expected to close in 2007.
(h)   Adjustment to exclude the decrease in Generation’s nuclear decommissioning obligation liability related to the AmerGen nuclear plants.
(i)   Adjustment to exclude the settlement of a tax matter at Generation related to Sithe.



Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to
GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations

(in millions)
    Three Months Ended December 31, 2006     Three Months Ended December 31, 2005  
                    Adjusted Non                     Adjusted Non  
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP  
Operating revenues
  $ 1,381     $     $ 1,381     $ 1,442     $     $ 1,442  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    669             669       759             759  
Operating and maintenance
    101       158 (h)     259       219       (2 ) (b),(c)     217  
Impairment of goodwill
                      1,207       (1,207 ) (d)      
Depreciation and amortization
    110             110       105             105  
Taxes other than income
    69             69       71             71  
Total operating expenses
    949       158       1,107       2,361       (1,209 )     1,152  
Operating income (loss)
    432       (158 )     274       (919 )     1,209       290  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (78 )           (78 )     (73 )           (73 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (2 )           (2 )     (3 )           (3 )
Other, net
    6             6       6             6  
Total other income and deductions
    (74 )           (74 )     (70 )           (70 )
Income (loss) before income taxes
    358       (158 )     200       (989 )     1,209       220  
Income taxes
    145       (63 ) (h)     82       90       1 (b),(c)     91  
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    213       (95 )     118       (1,079 )     1,208       129  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle, net of income taxes
                      (9 )     9        
Net income (loss)
  $ 213     $ (95 )   $ 118     $ (1,088 )   $ 1,217     $ 129  
    Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006     Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2005  
                    Adjusted Non                     Adjusted Non  
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP  
Operating revenues
  $ 6,101       5 (f)   $ 6,106     $ 6,264     $     $ 6,264  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    3,292             3,292       3,520             3,520  
Operating and maintenance
    745       145 (b),(c),(h)      890       833       6 (b),(c)     839  
Impairment of goodwill
    776       (776 ) (d)           1,207       (1,207 ) (d)      
Depreciation and amortization
    430             430       413             413  
Taxes other than income
    303             303       303             303  
Total operating expenses
    5,546       (631 )     4,915       6,276       (1,201 )     5,075  
Operating income (loss)
    555       636       1,191       (12 )     1,201       1,189  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (308 )           (308 )     (291 )           (291 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (10 )           (10 )     (14 )           (14 )
Other, net
    96       (87 )(g)     9       4             4  
Total other income and deductions
    (222 )     (87 )     (309 )     (301 )           (301 )
Income (loss) before income taxes
    333       549       882       (313 )     1,201       888  
Income taxes
    445       (91 ) (b),(c),(f),(g),(h)       354       363       (2 )(b),(c)      361  
Income (loss) before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    (112 )     640       528       (676 )     1,203       527  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle, net of income taxes
                      (9 )     9 (e)      
Net income (loss)
  $ (112 )   $ 640     $ 528     $ (685 )   $ 1,212     $ 527  
(a)   Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b)   Adjustment to exclude certain costs associated with Exelon’s merger with PSEG which was terminated in September 2006.
(c)   Adjustment to exclude severance charges recorded during the period or reductions to previously recorded severance reserves.
(d)   Adjustment to exclude the impairment of ComEd’s goodwill.
(e)   Adjustment for the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47.
(f)   Adjustment to exclude the mark-to-market impact of one wholesale contract at ComEd.
(g)   Adjustment to exclude a one-time benefit approved by the July 2006 ICC rate order to recover previously incurred debt expenses to retire debt early.
(h)   Adjustment to exclude a one-time benefit approved by the December 2006 amended ICC rate order to recover previously incurred severence costs.



Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to
GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations

(in millions)
    Three Months Ended December 31, 2006     Three Months Ended December 31, 2005  
                    Adjusted Non                     Adjusted Non  
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP  
Operating revenues
  $ 1,235     $     $ 1,235     $ 1,249     $     $ 1,249  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    493             493       464               464  
    154             154       224             224  
Operating and maintenance
    149       (2 )(b),(c)     147       153       (2 )(b),(c)     151  
Depreciation and amortization
    162             162       135       (4 ) (b)     131  
Taxes other than income
    64             64       42             42  
Total operating expenses
    1,022       (2 )     1,020       1,018       (6 )     1,012  
Operating income
    213       2       215       231       6       237  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (64 )           (64 )     (68 )           (68 )
Equity in gains (losses) of unconsolidated affiliates
    (2 )           (2 )     (3 )           (3 )
Other, net
    14             14       3             3  
Total other income and deductions
    (52 )           (52 )     (68 )           (68 )
Income before income taxes
    161       2       163       163       6       169  
Income taxes
    40       1 (b),(c)     41       48       2 (b),(c)     50  
Income before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    121       1       122       115       4       119  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle, net of income taxes
                      (3 )     3 (d)      
Net income
  $ 121     $ 1     $ 122     $ 112     $ 7     $ 119  
    Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006     Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2005  
                    Adjusted Non                     Adjusted Non  
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP  
Operating revenues
  $ 5,168     $     $ 5,168     $ 4,910     $     $ 4,910  
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    2,104             2,104       1,918             1,918  
    598             598       597               597  
Operating and maintenance
    628       (13 )(b),(c)     615       549       (7 )(b),(c)     542  
Depreciation and amortization
    710       (9 )(b)     701       566       (13 ) (b)     553  
Taxes other than income
    262             262       231             231  
Total operating expenses
    4,302       (22 )     4,280       3,861       (20 )     3,841  
Operating income
    866       22       888       1,049       20       1,069  
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (266 )           (266 )     (279 )           (279 )
Equity in gains (losses) of unconsolidated affiliates
    (9 )           (9 )     (16 )           (16 )
Other, net
    30             30       13             13  
Total other income and deductions
    (245 )           (245 )     (282 )           (282 )
Income before income taxes
    621       22       643       767       20       787  
Income taxes
    180       8 (b),(c)     188       247       7 (b),(c)     254  
Income before cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle
    441       14       455       520       13       533  
Cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle, net of income taxes
                      (3 )     3 (d)      
Net income
  $ 441     $ 14     $ 455     $ 517     $ 16     $ 533  
(a)   Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b)   Adjustment to exclude certain costs associated with Exelon’s merger with PSEG which was terminated in September 2006.
(c)   Adjustment to exclude severance charges or reductions to previously recorded severance reserves.
(d)   Adjustment for the cumulative effect of adopting FIN 47.



Reconciliation of Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings to
GAAP Consolidated Statements of Operations

(in millions)
    Three Months Ended December 31,2006     Three Months Ended December 31,2005  
                    Adjusted Non                     Adjusted Non  
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP  
Operating revenues
  $ (994 )   $     $ (994 )   $ (1,063 )   $     $ (1,063 )
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    (991 )           (991 )     (1,057 )           (1,057 )
                          (1 )           (1 )
Operating and maintenance
    6       (16 )(b),(d)     (10 )     7       (24 ) (b)     (17 )
Depreciation and amortization
    10             10       26       (17 ) (b)     9  
Taxes other than income
    6             6       6             6  
Total operating expenses
    (969 )     (16 )     (985 )     (1,019 )     (41 )     (1,060 )
Operating loss
    (25 )     16       (9 )     (44 )     41       (3 )
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (36 )     2 (b)     (34 )     (36 )     3 (b)     (33 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (33 )     33 (b)             (18 )     18 (b)      
Other, net
    30       (25 ) (b)     5       4             4  
Total other income and deductions
    (39 )     10       (29 )     (50 )     21       (29 )
Loss from continuing operations before income taxes
    (64 )     26       (38 )     (94 )     62       (32 )
Income taxes
    (78 )     56 (b),(d)     (22 )     (87 )     71 (b)     (16 )
Income (loss) from continuing operations
    14       (30 )     (16 )     (7 )     (9 )     (16 )
Loss from discontinued operations
    (1 )           (1 )     (1 )           (1 )
Net income (loss)
  $ 13     $ (30 )   $ (17 )   $ (8 )   $ (9 )   $ (17 )
    Twelve Months Ended December 31,2006     Twelve Months Ended December 31,2005  
                    Adjusted Non                     Adjusted Non  
    GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP     GAAP (a)     Adjustments     GAAP  
Operating revenues
  $ (4,757 )   $     $ (4,757 )   $ (4,863 )   $     $ (4,863 )
Operating expenses
Purchased power
    (4,740 )           (4,740 )     (4,845 )           (4,845 )
                        (2 )           (2 )
Operating and maintenance
    190       (230 ) (b),(c),(d)     (40 )     24       (72 ) (b)     (48 )
Depreciation and amortization
    68       (28 ) (b)     40       101       (64 ) (b)     37  
Taxes other than income
    21               21       24               24  
Total operating expenses
    (4,461 )     (258 )     (4,719 )     (4,698 )     (136 )     (4,834 )
Operating loss
    (296 )     258       (38 )     (165 )     136       (29 )
Other income and deductions
Interest expense, net
    (147 )     9 (b)     (138 )     (131 )     14 (b)     (117 )
Equity in losses of unconsolidated affiliates
    (83 )     83 (b)           (103 )     104 (b)     1  
Other, net
    99       (73 ) (b)     26       22             22  
Total other income and deductions
    (131 )     19       (112 )     (212 )     118       (94 )
Loss from continuing operations before income taxes
    (427 )     277       (150 )     (377 )     254       (123 )
Income taxes
    (285 )     216 (b),(c),(d)     (69 )     (375 )     335 (b)     (40 )
Loss from continuing operations
    (142 )     61       (81 )     (2 )     (81 )     (83 )
Loss from discontinued operations
    (2 )           (2 )     (5 )           (5 )
Net loss
  $ (144 )   $ 61     $ (83 )   $ (7 )   $ (81 )   $ (88 )
(a)   Results reported in accordance with GAAP.
(b)   Adjustment to exclude the financial impact of Exelon’s investments in synthetic fuel-producing facilities, including the impact of mark-to-market gains (losses) associated with the related derivatives.
(c)   Adjustment to exclude certain costs associated with Exelon’s merger with PSEG which was terminated in September 2006.
(d)   Reflects severance charges recorded during the period or reductions to previously recorded severance reserves.



Electric Sales Statistics
    Three Months Ended December 31,        
(in GWhs)   2006     2005     % Change  
    34,810       34,887       (0.2 %)
Purchased Power — Generation(a)
    9,085       8,623       5.4 %
Fossil and Hydro
    2,860       3,074       (7.0 %)
Power Team Supply
    46,755       46,584       0.4 %
Purchased Power — Other
    318       271       17.3 %
Total Electric Supply Available for Sale
    47,073       46,855       0.5 %
Less: Line Loss and Company Use
    (2,143 )     (2,285 )     (6.2 %)
Total Supply
    44,930       44,570       0.8 %
Energy Sales
Retail Sales
    32,348       32,766       (1.3 %)
Power Team Market Sales(a)
    17,604       15,876       10.9 %
Interchange Sales and Sales to Other Utilities
    713       768       (7.2 %)
    50,665       49,410       2.5 %
Less: Distribution Only Sales
    (5,735 )     (4,840 )     18.5 %
Total Energy Sales
    44,930       44,570       0.8 %
    Twelve Months Ended December 31,    
(in GWhs)   2006   2005   % Change
    139,610       137,936       1.2 %
Purchased Power — Generation (a)
    38,297       42,623       (10.1 %)
Fossil and Hydro
    12,773       13,778       (7.3 %)
Power Team Supply
    190,680       194,337       (1.9 %)
Purchased Power — Other
    1,413       878       60.9 %
Total Electric Supply Available for Sale
    192,093       195,215       (1.6 %)
Less: Line Loss and Company Use
    (10,300 )     (10,368 )     (0.7 %)
Total Supply
    181,793       184,847       (1.7 %)
Energy Sales
Retail Sales
    135,273       137,348       (1.5 %)
Power Team Market Sales(a)
    64,800       66,049       (1.9 %)
Interchange Sales and Sales to Other Utilities
    3,274       2,854       14.7 %
    203,347       206,251       (1.4 %)
Less: Distribution Only Sales
    (21,554 )     (21,404 )     0.7 %
Total Energy Sales
    181,793       184,847       (1.7 %)
(a)   Purchased power and market sales do not include trading volume of 8,029 GWhs and 8,756 GWhs for the three months ended December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively, and 31,692 GWhs and 26,924 GWhs for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively.



ComEd and PECO Sales Statistics
Three Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    ComEd     PECO  
Electric Deliveries (in GWhs)   2006     2005     % Change     2006 (a)     2005     % Change  
Full Service (b)
    6,753       6,849       (1.4 %)     3,092       3,105       (0.4 %)
Small Commercial & Industrial
    6,177       5,296       16.6 %     1,919       1,626       18.0 %
Large Commercial & Industrial
    2,695       1,997       35.0 %     3,866       3,776       2.4 %
Public Authorities & Electric Railroads
    562       585       (3.9 %)     218       309       (29.4 %)
Total Full Service
    16,187       14,727       9.9 %     9,095       8,816       3.2 %
PPO (ComEd Only)
Small Commercial & Industrial
    8       1,466       (99.5 %)                        
Large Commercial & Industrial
    6       1,361       (99.6 %)                        
    14       2,827       (99.5 %)                        
Delivery Only (c)
    (e )     (e )             12       61       (80.3 %)
Small Commercial & Industrial
    1,572       1,123       40.0 %     143       219       (34.7 %)
Large Commercial & Industrial
    4,006       3,360       19.2 %     2       77       (97.4 %)
    5,578       4,483       24.4 %     157       357       (56.0 %)
Total PPO and Delivery Only
    5,592       7,310       (23.5 %)     157       357       (56.0 %)
Total Retail Deliveries
    21,779       22,037       (1.2 %)     9,252       9,173       0.9 %
Gas Deliveries (mmcf) (PECO only)
Retail Sales
                            15,415       18,433       (16.4 %)
                            6,324       5,991       5.6 %
Total Gas Deliveries
                            21,739       24,424       (11.0 %)
Revenue (in millions)
Full Service (b)
  $ 554     $ 557       (0.5 %)   $ 414     $ 382       8.4 %
Small Commercial & Industrial
    459       395       16.2 %     222       175       26.9 %
Large Commercial & Industrial
    143       100       43.0 %     308       302       2.0 %
Public Authorities & Electric Railroads
    33       36       (8.3 %)     20       26       (23.1 %)
Total Full Service
    1,189       1,088       9.3 %     964       885       8.9 %
PPO (ComEd Only) (d)
Small Commercial & Industrial
    1       101       (99.0 %)                        
Large Commercial & Industrial
          79       (100.0 %)                        
    1       180       (99.4 %)                        
Delivery Only (c)
    (e )     (e )             1       4       (75.0 %)
Small Commercial & Industrial
    24       17       41.2 %     7       10       (30.0 %)
Large Commercial & Industrial
    41       37       10.8 %           2       (100.0 %)
    65       54       20.4 %     8       16       (50.0 %)
Total PPO and Delivery Only
    66       234       (71.8 %)     8       16       (50.0 %)
Total Retail Electric Revenue
    1,255       1,322       (5.1 %)     972       901       7.9 %
Wholesale and Miscellaneous Revenue (f)
    126       120       5.0 %     53       59       (10.2 %)
Mark-to-market wholesale contract
                0.0 %                 0.0 %
Gas Revenue (PECO only)
Retail Sales
    n/a       n/a               200       279       (28.3 %)
Transportation and Other
    n/a       n/a               10       10       0.0 %
Total Revenues
  $ 1,381     $ 1,442       (4.2 %)   $ 1,235     $ 1,249       (1.1 %)
Heating and Cooling Degree-Days   2006   2005   Normal   2006   2005   Normal
Heating Degree-Days
    2,116       2,302       2,311       1,368       1,643       1,671  
Cooling Degree-Days
    9       43       10       17       34       19  
(a)   Electric deliveries for residential and small commercial and industrial customers include 175 GWhs and 102 GWhs, respectively, related to a change in the estimate for unbilled revenues.
(b)   Full service reflects deliveries to customers taking electric service under tariffed rates which include the cost of energy and the cost of the transmission and distribution of the energy. PECO’s tariffed rates also include a competitive transition charge (CTC).
(c)   Delivery only service reflects customers electing to receive electric generation service from a competitive electric generation supplier. Revenue from customers choosing a competitive electric generation supplier includes a distribution charge and a CTC.
(d)   Revenue from customers choosing ComEd’s purchase power option (PPO) includes an energy charge at market rates, transmission and distribution charges and a CTC.
(e)   All ComEd residential customers are eligible to choose their supplier of electricity. As of December 31, 2006, one alternative supplier was approved to serve residential customers in the ComEd service territory. However, no residential customers have selected this alternative supplier.
(f)   Wholesale and miscellaneous revenue includes transmission revenue from PJM Interconnection, LLC (PJM), sales to municipalities and other wholesale energy sales.
    n/a — Not applicable



ComEd and PECO Sales Statistics

Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
    ComEd     PECO  
Electric Deliveries (in GWhs)   2006     2005     % Change     2006 (a)     2005     % Change  
Full Service (b)
    28,330       30,042       (5.7 %)     12,796       13,135       (2.6 %)
Small Commercial & Industrial
    24,122       21,378       12.8 %     7,818       7,263       7.6 %
Large Commercial & Industrial
    10,336       7,904       30.8 %     15,898       15,205       4.6 %
Public Authorities & Electric Railroads
    2,254       2,133       5.7 %     906       962       (5.8 %)
Total Full Service
    65,042       61,457       5.8 %     37,418       36,565       2.3 %
PPO (ComEd Only)
Small Commercial & Industrial
    2,475       5,591       (55.7 %)                        
Large Commercial & Industrial
    2,259       6,004       (62.4 %)                        
    4,734       11,595       (59.2 %)                        
Delivery Only (c)
    (e )     (e )             61       334       (81.7 %)
Small Commercial & Industrial
    5,505       5,677       (3.0 %)     671       1,257       (46.6 %)
Large Commercial & Industrial
    15,282       13,633       12.1 %     35       503       (93.0 %)
    20,787       19,310       7.6 %     767       2,094       (63.4 %)
Total PPO and Delivery Only
    25,521       30,905       (17.4 %)     767       2,094       (63.4 %)
Total Retail Deliveries
    90,563       92,362       (1.9 %)     38,185       38,659       (1.2 %)
Gas Deliveries (mmcf) (PECO only)
Retail Sales
                            50,578       59,751       (15.4 %)
                            25,527       25,310       0.9 %
Total Gas Deliveries
                            76,105       85,061       (10.5 %)
Revenue (in millions)
Full Service (b)
  $ 2,453     $ 2,584       (5.1 %)   $ 1,780     $ 1,705       4.4 %
Small Commercial & Industrial
    1,882       1,671       12.6 %     943       818       15.3 %
Large Commercial & Industrial
    563       408       38.0 %     1,286       1,173       9.6 %
Public Authorities & Electric Railroads
    137       132       3.8 %     83       84       (1.2 %)
Total Full Service
    5,035       4,795       5.0 %     4,092       3,780       8.3 %
PPO (ComEd Only) (d)
Small Commercial & Industrial
    178       385       (53.8 %)                        
Large Commercial & Industrial
    137       345       (60.3 %)                        
    315       730       (56.8 %)                        
Delivery Only (c)
    (e )     (e )             5       25       (80.0 %)
Small Commercial & Industrial
    85       95       (10.5 %)     36       63       (42.9 %)
Large Commercial & Industrial
    155       156       (0.6 %)     1       13       (92.3 %)
    240       251       (4.4 %)     42       101       (58.4 %)
Total PPO and Delivery Only
    555       981       (43.4 %)     42       101       (58.4 %)
Total Retail Electric Revenue
    5,590       5,776       (3.2 %)     4,134       3,881       6.5 %
Wholesale and Miscellaneous Revenue (f)
    516       488       5.7 %     238       212       12.3 %
Mark-to-market wholesale contract
    (5 )           n.m.                   0.0 %
Gas Revenue (PECO only)
Retail Sales
    n/a       n/a               770       783       (1.7 %)
Transportation and Other Total Revenues
    n/a       n/a               26       34       (23.5 %)
  $ 6,101     $ 6,264       (2.6 %)   $ 5,168     $ 4,910       5.3 %
Heating and Cooling Degree-Days   2006     2005     Normal     2006     2005     Normal  
Heating Degree-Days
    5,589       6,083       6,498       3,924       4,758       4,759  
Cooling Degree-Days
    931       1,166       830       1,314       1,539       1,235  
(a)   Electric deliveries for residential and small commercial and industrial customers include 175 GWhs and 102 GWhs, respectively, related to a change in the estimate for unbilled revenues in the fourth quarter of 2006.
(b)   Full service reflects deliveries to customers taking electric service under tariffed rates which include the cost of energy and the the cost of transmission and distribution of the energy. PECO’s tariffed rates also include a CTC.
(c)   Delivery only service reflects customers electing to receive electric generation service from a competitive electric generation supplier. Revenue from customers choosing a competitive electric generation supplier includes a distribution charge and a CTC.
(d)   Revenue from customers choosing ComEd’s PPO includes an energy charge at market rates, transmission and distribution charges and a CTC.
(e)   All ComEd residential customers are eligible to choose their supplier of electricity. As of December 31, 2006, one alternative supplier was approved to serve residential customers in the ComEd service territory. However, no residential customers have selected this alternative supplier.
(f)   Wholesale and miscellaneous revenue includes transmission revenue from PJM, sales to municipalities and other wholesale energy sales.
    n.m. — Not meaningful
    n/a — Not applicable



Exelon Generation Power Marketing Statistics
    Three Months Ended  
    December 31, 2006     September 30, 2006     June 30, 2006     March 31, 2006     December 31, 2005  
GWh Sales
    18,173       22,566       18,685       20,309       19,749  
    9,383       11,361       9,262       9,615       9,404  
Market and Retail Sales
    19,199       19,075       18,744       14,308       17,431  
Total Sales (a)
    46,755       53,002       46,691       44,232       46,584  
Average Margin ($/MWh)
Average Realized Revenue
  $ 30.26     $ 39.31     $ 35.80     $ 37.22     $ 32.56  
    45.29       47.71       46.32       43.27       42.32  
Market and Retail Sales (b)
    47.76       54.21       50.31       52.14       49.34  
Total Sales — without trading
    40.47       46.47       43.71       43.36       40.81  
Average Purchased Power and Fuel Cost — without trading (c)
  $ 15.66     $ 24.38     $ 17.28     $ 15.94     $ 18.78  
Average Margin — without trading (c)
  $ 24.81     $ 22.09     $ 26.43     $ 27.42     $ 22.03  
Around-the-clock Market Prices ($/MWh)
PECO — PJM West Hub
  $ 41.66     $ 58.15     $ 48.07     $ 56.42     $ 73.87  
    37.77       46.15       39.28       42.48       52.81  
(a)   Total sales do not include trading volume of 8,029 GWhs, 8,909 GWhs, 7,769 GWhs, 6,985 GWhs and 8,756 GWhs for the three months ended December 31, 2006, September 30, 2006, June 30, 2006, March 31, 2006, and December 31, 2005, respectively.
(b)   Market and retail sales exclude revenues related to tolling agreements of $52 million and $34 million for the three months ended September 30, 2006 and June 30, 2006, respectively.
(c)   Excludes the mark-to-market impact of Generation’s non-trading activities.



Exelon Generation Power Marketing Statistics
    Twelve Months Ended December 31,  
    2006     2005  
GWh Sales
    79,733       82,798  
    39,621       39,163  
Market and Retail Sales
    71,326       72,376  
Total Sales (a)
    190,680       194,337  
Average Margin ($/MWh)
Average Realized Revenue
  $ 35.89     $ 37.50  
    45.73       42.64  
Market and Retail Sales (b)
    51.03       46.16  
Total Sales — without trading
    43.60       41.76  
Average Purchased Power and Fuel Cost — without trading (c)
  $ 18.54     $ 20.05  
Average Margin — without trading (c)
  $ 25.06     $ 21.71  
Around-the-clock Market Prices ($/MWh)
PECO — PJM West Hub
  $ 51 .07     $ 60.92  
    41.42       46.39  
2007 Forward market prices — January through December
Around-the-clock Market Prices ($/MWh)
PECO — PJM West Hub
  $ 52.20          
Gas Prices ($/Mmbtu)
Henry Hub
  $ 7.00          
(a)   Total sales do not include trading volume of 31,692 GWhs and 26,924 GWhs for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
(b)   Market and retail sales exclude revenues related to tolling agreements of $86 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 and 2005.
(c)   Excludes the mark-to-market impact of Generation’s non-trading activities.