N-CSRS 1 munibond4.htm BR MUNICIPAL BOND FUND, INC. Muni Bond -- Converted by SEC Publisher, created by BCL Technologies Inc., for SEC Filing

Washington, D.C. 20549



Investment Company Act file number 811-02688

Name of Fund: BlackRock Municipal Bond Fund, Inc.
BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund
BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund
BlackRock National Municipal Fund
BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund

Fund Address: 100 Bellevue Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19809

Name and address of agent for service: Donald C. Burke, Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock
Municipal Bond Fund, Inc., 800 Scudders Mill Road, Plainsboro, NJ, 08536. Mailing
address: P.O. Box 9011, Princeton, NJ, 08543-9011

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (800) 441-7762

Date of fiscal year end: 06/30/2009

Date of reporting period: 12/31/2008

Item 1 – Report to Stockholders


Semi-Annual Report


BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund

BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund

BlackRock National Municipal Fund

BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund


BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund





Table of Contents     
A Letter to Shareholders    3 
Semi-Annual Report:     
Fund Summaries    4 
About Fund Performance    14 
The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging    16 
Derivative Instruments    16 
Disclosure of Expenses    17 
Financial Statements:     
       Schedules of Investments    21 
       Statements of Assets and Liabilities    46 
       Statements of Operations    48 
       Statements of Changes in Net Assets    49 
Financial Highlights    54 
Notes to Financial Statements    79 
Officers and Directors    91 
Additional Information    92 
Mutual Fund Family    94 


DECEMBER 31, 2008

A Letter to Shareholders

Dear Shareholder

The present time may well be remembered as one of the most tumultuous periods in financial market history. Over the past year, the bursting of the hous-

ing bubble and the resultant credit crisis swelled into an all-out global financial market meltdown that featured the collapse of storied financial firms, vola-

tile swings in the world’s financial markets and monumental government responses designed to prop up the economy and stabilize the financial system.

The US economy appeared relatively resilient through the first half of 2008, when rising food and energy prices stoked fears of inflation. The tenor

changed dramatically in the second half, as inflationary pressure subsided amid plummeting oil prices, while economic pressures escalated in the

midst of a rapid deterioration in consumer spending, employment and other key indicators. By period-end, the National Bureau of Economic Research

had confirmed what most already knew — the United States was in a recession, which officially began in December 2007. The Federal Reserve Board

(the “Fed”), after slashing interest rates aggressively in the early months of the year, resumed that rate-cutting campaign in the fall, with the final reduc-

tion in December bringing the target federal funds rate to a record low range of between zero and 0.25% . Importantly, the central bank pledged that

future policy moves to revive the global economy and financial markets would comprise primarily of nontraditional and quantitative easing measures,

such as capital injections, lending programs and government guarantees.

Against this backdrop, US equity markets experienced intense volatility, with periods of downward pressure punctuated by sharp rebounds. Declines

were significant and broad-based, though smaller cap stocks posted somewhat better relative performance. Non-US stocks started off the year stronger,

but quickly lost ground as the credit crisis revealed itself to be global in nature and as the global economy turned south. Overall, domestic equities

notched better results than non-US equities, reversing the prior years’ trend of international equity outperformance.

In fixed income markets, investors shunned risky assets and sought the safety and liquidity of US Treasury issues. Prices soared, while yields fell to

record lows, with the Treasury sector topping all other asset classes over the reporting period. Amid spillover from historic events in the financial sector,

municipals contended with fewer market participants, lack of liquidity, a challenging funding environment and a backlog of new-issue supply, all of

which contributed to the sector’s underperformance relative to taxable issues. At the same time, economic turmoil combined with dislocated credit

markets and substantial technical pressures resulted in the worst year on record for the high yield market.

In all, an investor flight to safety prevailed, as evidenced in the six- and 12-month returns of the major benchmark indexes:     
Total Returns as of December 31, 2008    6-month    12-month 
US equities (S&P 500 Index)    (28.48)%    (37.00)% 
Small cap US equities (Russell 2000 Index)    (26.94)    (33.79) 
International equities (MSCI Europe, Australasia, Far East Index)    (36.41)    (43.38) 
US Treasury securities (Merrill Lynch 10-Year US Treasury Index)    17.70    20.06 
Taxable fixed income (Barclays Capital US Aggregate Index*)    4.07    5.24 
Tax-exempt fixed income (Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index*)    (2.49)    (2.47) 
High yield bonds (Barclays Capital US Corporate High Yield 2% Issuer Capped Index*)    (25.07)    (25.88) 

* Formerly a Lehman Brothers index.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Index performance shown for illustrative purposes only. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Through periods of market turbulence, as ever, BlackRock’s full resources are dedicated to the management of our clients’ assets. For our most current

views on the economy and financial markets, we invite you to visit www.blackrock.com/funds. As always, we thank you for entrusting BlackRock with

your investments, and we look forward to continuing to serve you in the months and years ahead.



Fund Summary as of December 31, 2008 BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?
The Fund outperformed the broad-market Barclays Capital Municipal
Bond Index and its Lipper Short Municipal Debt Funds category average
for the six-month period. Fund returns trailed that of the Barclays Capital
3-Year General Obligation Bond Index.

What factors influenced performance?
The Fund’s underperformance versus the Barclays 3-Year General
Obligation Bond Index was attributable to its shorter duration, or sensi-
tivity to interest rates. This relative duration positioning is the result of
limitations imposed by the Fund’s investment mandate. Since prices on
short-term municipals rallied dramatically over the period, the index’s
longer duration allowed it greater price appreciation. On an absolute
basis, the main detractor from performance was its underweight in the
three- to four-year portion of the municipal yield curve.

The Fund’s conservative strategy and overweight in the front part of the
yield curve contributed to performance. Although a flight to quality drove
yields higher for virtually all asset classes except US Treasuries, the front
end of the yield curve was the best-performing segment of the municipal
market. Additionally, the high-quality bias of the Fund was a positive
contributor to performance. The Fund’s average credit quality remains in
the AA range, with overweights in pre-refunded, essential service revenue
and general obligation bonds.

Describe recent portfolio activity.
The biggest changes during the period were also the most beneficial
to the Fund’s performance. We modestly increased duration by making
purchases in the two- to three-year portion of the yield curve, as investors
began buying that area of the curve due to extremely low money market
yields. This provided price appreciation in light of the Fed’s most recent
easing of monetary policy in December. Additionally, we continued to
maintain the Fund’s weighting of approximately 23% in pre-refunded
municipal bonds, which was the best-performing sector of the municipal
market in 2008. Pre-refunded bonds are backed by US government
securities and provide the most liquidity in a dislocated market.

Describe Fund positioning at period end.
At period end, the Fund’s average credit quality remains at AA and
duration is slightly above-neutral at 1.6 years. The Fund continues to be
positioned for volatility and rising municipal rates. The overweight in cash
and pre-refunded securities should insulate net asset value depreciation
in these challenging market conditions. The Fund’s average credit quality
of AA also bodes well, given the impact of continued uncertainty in the
economy on lower-quality issues.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions.
These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Fund Profile as of December 31, 2008     
    Percent of 
    Long Term 
Portfolio Composition    Investments 
Other Revenue Bonds              45% 
General Obligation and Tax Revenue Bonds    32 
Prerefunded Bonds    23 

    Percent of 
Credit Quality Allocation1    Long Term Investments 
AAA/Aaa       33% 
AA/Aa    44 
A/A    15 
BBB/Baa    6 
MIG1    2 
1 Using the higher of Standard & Poor’s (“S&P’s”) or Moody’s Investors Service 
(“Moody’s”) ratings.     


BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund

Total Return Based on a $10,000 Investment

1 Assuming maximum sales charge, if any, transaction costs and other operating expenses, including advisory fees. Institutional Shares do
not have a sales charge.
2 The Fund invests primarily in investment grade municipal bonds (bonds rated Baa or better) with a maximum maturity not
to exceed four years or in municipal notes.
3 This unmanaged Index consists of revenue bonds, prerefunded bonds, general obligation bonds and insured bonds, all of which mature
within 30 years.
4 This unmanaged Index consists of state and local government obligation bonds that mature in three – four years, rated Baa or better.

Performance Summary for the Period Ended December 31, 2008

                    Average Annual Total Returns5         
            1 Year                               5 Years                       10 Years 
    Standardized    6-Month    w/o sales    w/sales    w/o sales    w/sales    w/o sales    w/sales 
    30-Day Yields    Total Returns    charge    charge    charge    charge    charge    charge 
BlackRock      2.07%     2.11%    3.75%    N/A                 2.54%    N/A       3.03%    N/A 
Institutional    2.14    2.15    3.80    N/A                 2.54    N/A       3.02    N/A 
Investor A    1.83    1.92    3.44    0.34%                 2.28    1.66%       2.77    2.45% 
Investor A1    2.02    2.10    3.70    2.66                 2.44    2.23       2.93    2.83 
Investor B    1.79    1.97    3.44    2.44                 2.18    2.18       2.66    2.66 
Investor C    1.14    1.64    2.77    1.77                 1.52    1.52       2.00    2.00 
Barclays Capital 3-Year                                 
   General Obligation                                 
   Bond Index        3.26    5.27    N/A                 3.20    N/A       3.98    N/A 
Barclays Capital Municipal                                 
   Bond Index        (2.49)    (2.47)    N/A                 2.71    N/A       4.26    N/A 

5 Assuming maximum sales charges. Average annual total returns with and without sales charges reflect reductions for distribution and service fees. See “About Fund
Performance” on pages 14 and 15 for a detailed description of share classes, including any related sales charges and fees.
N/A — Not applicable as share class and index do not have a sales charge.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.


Fund Summary as of December 31, 2008 BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?
The Fund underperformed the broad-market Barclays Capital Municipal
Bond Index for the six-month period. The Fund also underperformed the
Lipper Insured Municipal Debt Funds category average.

What factors influenced performance?
Fund performance was negatively impacted by three main factors during
the period. First, the Fund was positioned with a more constructive view
of the market during a period in which yields generally rose and prices,
which move opposite of yields, correspondingly fell. Second, the Fund
was overweight in the longer end of the yield curve during a period in
which the yield curve steepened, with short yields declining and long
yields rising. Third, the Fund was negatively impacted by its exposure
to insured bonds with weaker underlying ratings, especially those rated
A– or below.

Due to the enormous turmoil in the municipal market, especially with
regard to insured bonds, our efforts to upgrade credit quality by purchas-
ing favored insurers and other high-quality issuers aided performance as
the spread between higher- and lower-rated debt widened. Performance
was also positively impacted by our efforts to increase the Fund’s average
coupon and dampen duration extension. Additionally, performance was
positively impacted by our efforts to raise liquidity.

Describe recent portfolio activity.
We continued to focus on upgrading credit quality and increasing overall
portfolio liquidity. We also worked to increase the Fund’s average coupon
and dampen duration extension. We carefully reviewed Fund holdings
and worked to sell lower-rated issues whenever market liquidity provided
favorable opportunities. However, municipal markets were incredibly
volatile and illiquid during the period due to overall stress on Wall Street
(which caused deleveraging at these firms and at their clients) combined
with poor economics and generally declining credit quality. This lack of
market sponsorship prevented us from achieving all of our goals, and it
also worked to curtail new issuance, thereby limiting our opportunities
to restructure the Fund.

Describe Fund positioning at period end.
At period end, the Fund is positioned with a modestly constructive view
of the market, as it is overweight in the longer part of the yield curve.
The municipal yield curve steepened over the period, and the 30-year
area now offers a yield pickup of more than 300 basis points versus the
2-year area. We are also focusing on the highest-quality insurers and
issuers to maintain high liquidity while increasing the Fund’s average
coupon. At period-end, we favor the 25-year maturity area.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions.
These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Fund Profile as of December 31, 2008     
    Percent of 
    Long Term 
Portfolio Composition    Investments 
Other Revenue Bonds       67% 
General Obligation and Tax Revenue Bonds    24 
Prerefunded Bonds    9 

    Percent of 
Credit Quality Allocation1    Long Term Investments 
AAA/Aaa      40% 
AA/Aa    45 
A/A    11 
BBB/Baa    3 
Not Rated2    1 

 1 Using the higher of S&P’s or Moody’s ratings.     
 2 Includes investments in mutual funds.     


BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund

Total Return Based on a $10,000 Investment

1 Assuming maximum sales charge, if any, transaction costs and other operating expenses, including advisory fees. Institutional Shares do
not have a sales charge.
2 The Fund invests primarily in long-term, investment grade municipal bonds (bonds rated Baa or better) covered by portfolio
insurance guaranteeing the timely payment of principal at maturity and interest.
3 This unmanaged Index consists of revenue bonds, prerefunded bonds, general obligation bonds and insured bonds, all of which mature
within 30 years.

Performance Summary for the Period Ended December 31, 2008

                    Average Annual Total Returns4         
                           1 Year                               5 Years                       10 Years 
    Standardized    6-Month    w/o sales    w/sales    w/o sales    w/sales    w/o sales    w/sales 
    30-Day Yields    Total Returns     charge    charge    charge    charge    charge    charge 
Institutional     4.91%      (6.41)%     (7.27)%    N/A                 1.56%    N/A       3.33%    N/A 
Investor A    4.45    (6.40)     (7.52)    (11.45)%                 1.30     0.43%       3.08     2.63% 
Investor B    4.14    (6.65)     (7.99)    (11.52)                 0.79    0.46       2.56    2.56 
Investor C    3.93    (6.74)     (8.19)    (9.07)                 0.58    0.58       2.32    2.32 
Investor C1    4.10    (6.67)     (8.03)    (8.91)                 0.74    0.74       2.51    2.51 
Barclays Capital Municipal                                 
   Bond Index        (2.49)     (2.47)    N/A                 2.71    N/A       4.26    N/A 
   4 Assuming maximum sales charges. Average annual total returns with and without sales charges reflect reductions for distribution and service fees. See “About Fund 
       Performance” on pages 14 and 15 for a detailed description of share classes, including any related sales charges and fees.             
       N/A — Not applicable as share class and index do not have a sales charge.                     

Past performance is not indicative of future results.


Fund Summary as of December 31, 2008 BlackRock National Municipal Fund

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?
The Fund underperformed the broad-market Barclays Capital Municipal
Bond Index for the six-month period. The Fund’s Institutional, Investor A,
Investor B and Investor C1 shares outperformed the Lipper General
Municipal Debt Funds category average, while Investor C shares trailed
the Lipper peers.

What factors influenced performance?
The Fund’s performance relative to its Lipper category average benefited
from its slightly defensive duration, which reduced interest rate sensitivity
during a period in which yields on the long end of the municipal curve
rose. In addition, performance was helped by our reduction of the Fund’s
inverse floater exposure, as deleveraging created extreme market volatility.
Finally, the Fund’s relatively high cash equivalent reserve position provided
needed liquidity and cushioned its net asset value against volatility.

The primary negative factor in the Fund’s performance was the widening
in credit spreads. We believe the Fund’s credits are sound, appropriate
investments, but a portion of its assets have underperformed due to
overall credit quality spread widening. This widening is a result of the
ongoing credit crunch and the ensuing investor flight to quality.

Describe recent portfolio activity.
The Fund maintained an unusually high cash equivalent reserve position,
which provided liquidity needed to participate in attractive year-end
offerings in the primary market, as well as to handle year-end cash flow

needs. To raise cash for new purchases, we sold low duration structures
with earlier maturity dates and pre-refunded securities. In order to main-
tain the large reserve without damaging the Fund’s relative yield perform-
ance, we employed higher yielding, out-of-favor variable rate demand
notes (“VRDNs”). During the period, we reduced the Fund’s allocation to
inverse floater product.

Describe Fund positioning at period end.
At period end, the Fund was neutral with respect to relative duration.
Cash reserves were still at a historically-high level of about 10% of
total fund assets. Inverse floater exposure was below 2%, but we are
comfortable with the financing prospects and liquidity features of those
holdings. Exposure to alternative minimum tax (“AMT”) bonds was down
slightly to about 18%. Most significantly, prices on a good portion of
the Fund’s spread product were significantly lower over the period. We
believe some performance on these holdings should be recouped if the
Federal Reserve’s efforts to stabilize fixed income markets gain traction
and spreads subsequently tighten.

Going forward, we intend to use the heavy slate of new issuance to
recommit cash reserves to the municipal marketplace as value is
restored. As always, our focus will be on improving the Fund’s income
accrual, managing assets in a tax-efficient manner and evaluating the
risk/reward characteristics of each new holding with respect to interest
rate and credit exposure.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions.
These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Fund Profile as of December 31, 2008     
    Percent of 
    Long Term 
Portfolio Composition    Investments 
Other Revenue Bonds      80% 
General Obligation and Tax Revenue Bonds    13 
Prerefunded Bonds    7 

    Percent of 
Credit Quality Allocation1    Long Term Investments 
AAA/Aaa       24% 
AA/Aa    25 
A/A    29 
BBB/Baa    8 
B/B    2 
CCC/Caa    1 
Not Rated    11 

 1 Using the higher of S&P’s or Moody’s ratings.     


BlackRock National Municipal Fund

Total Return Based on a $10,000 Investment

1 Assuming maximum sales charge, if any, transaction costs and other operating expenses, including advisory fees. Institutional Shares do
not have a sales charge.
2 The Fund invests primarily in long-term municipal bonds rated in any rating category or unrated.
3 This unmanaged Index consists of revenue bonds, prerefunded bonds, general obligation bonds and insured bonds, all of which mature
within 30 years.

Performance Summary for the Period Ended December 31, 2008

                    Average Annual Total Returns4         
                           1 Year                               5 Years                       10 Years 
    Standardized    6-Month    w/o sales    w/sales    w/o sales    w/sales    w/o sales    w/sales 
    30-Day Yields    Total Returns     charge    charge    charge    charge    charge    charge 
Institutional      5.36%       (8.01)%       (8.58)%    N/A                 1.58%    N/A       3.46%    N/A 
Investor A    4.92    (8.20)     (8.87)    (12.74)%                 1.34     0.46%       3.20     2.75% 
Investor B    4.60    (8.36)     (9.27)    (12.75)                 0.84    0.51       2.68    2.68 
Investor C    4.38    (8.56)     (9.59)    (10.46)                 0.55    0.55       2.42    2.42 
Investor C1    4.58    (8.38)    (9.30)    (10.17)                 0.77    0.77       2.63    2.63 
Barclays Capital Municipal                                 
   Bond Index        (2.49)     (2.47)    N/A                 2.71    N/A       4.26    N/A 

4 Assuming maximum sales charges. Average annual total returns with and without sales charges reflect reductions for distribution and service fees. See “About Fund
Performance” on pages 14 and 15 for a detailed description of share classes, including any related sales charges and fees.
N/A — Not applicable as share class and index do not have a sales charge.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.


Fund Summary as of December 31, 2008 BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?
The Fund underperformed the broad-market Barclays Capital Municipal
Bond Index and the Barclays Capital High Yield Municipal Bond Index for
the six-month period. The Fund also underperformed its Lipper High Yield
Municipal Debt Funds category average.

What factors influenced performance?
The Fund’s performance for the period was hurt by its below-average
distribution yield in relation to its Lipper peer group, as well as its above-
average weighting in longer-dated securities. Both of these detractors
stem largely from prevailing market factors present at the time of the
Fund’s inception. At the time we were investing the Fund’s initial assets,
credit spreads were very tight and high yield municipal issuance was
confined primarily to the longer end of the maturity range. This position-
ing was a detriment to the Fund given the degree to which spreads have
subsequently widened and the yield curve has steepened.

Factors that aided Fund performance include its higher-quality bias, and
its relatively well-diversified portfolio construction. The high-quality bias

proved somewhat beneficial as credit spreads continued to widen through
year-end, while the diversification enabled the Fund to avoid excessive
risk associated with sectors that have been hit particularly hard, such
as airlines and tobacco.

Describe recent portfolio activity.
Given the deteriorating market tone throughout the period, Fund activity
was generally confined to moves aimed at ensuring sufficient liquidity to
meet shareholder redemptions. Nevertheless, we were able to capitalize
on a handful of investment opportunities that have proven beneficial to
Fund performance.

Describe Fund positioning at period end.
The Fund emerges from a difficult year well-positioned to benefit from
what we believe will be a likely rebound in investor sentiment and risk
tolerance. The Fund’s duration remains marginally higher than that of its
benchmark, while its above-average credit profile should provide sufficient
liquidity to manage redemptions and capitalize on the numerous oppor-
tunities now available in the marketplace.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions.
These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Fund Profile as of December 31, 2008     
    Percent of 
    Long Term 
Portfolio Composition    Investments 
Other Revenue Bonds      89% 
General Obligation and Tax Revenue Bonds    11 

    Percent of 
Credit Quality Allocation1    Long Term Investments 
AAA/Aaa                 8% 
AA/Aa    4 
A/A    13 
BBB/Baa    28 
BB/Ba    6 
B/B    4 
CCC    6 
Not Rated    31 

 1 Using the higher of S&P’s or Moody’s ratings.     


BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund

Total Return Based on a $10,000 Investment

1 Assuming maximum sales charge, if any, transaction costs and other operating expenses, including advisory fees. Institutional Shares do
not have a sales charge.
2 The Fund invests primarily in municipal bonds rated in any rating category or in unrated municipal bonds.
3 This unmanaged Index consists of revenue bonds, prerefunded bonds, general obligation bonds and insured bonds, all of which mature
within 30 years.
4 An unmanaged index made up of bonds that are non-investment grade, unrated, or rated below Ba1 with a remaining maturity of at least
one year.
5 Commencement of Operations.

Performance Summary for the Period Ended December 31, 2008

                Average Annual Total Returns6     
            1 Year        Since Inception7 
    Standardized       6-Month    w/o sales    w/sales    w/o sales    w/sales 
    30-Day Yields    Total Returns    charge    charge    charge    charge 
Institutional           7.43%     (25.39)%    (27.36)%    N/A    (13.30)%    N/A 
Investor A    6.80     (25.53)    (27.58)    (30.66)%    (13.58)    (15.12)% 
Investor C    6.36     (25.79)    (28.10)    (28.79)    (14.15)    (14.15) 
Barclays Capital High Yield Muni Bond        (24.24)    (27.01)    N/A    (11.49)    N/A 
Barclays Capital Municipal                         
   Bond Index        (2.49)    (2.47)    N/A    1.67    N/A 

6 Assuming maximum sales charges. Average annual total returns with and without sales charges reflect reductions for distribution and service fees. See “About Fund
Performance” on pages 14 and 15 for a detailed description of share classes, including any related sales charges and fees.
7 The Portfolio commenced operations on 8/01/06.
N/A — Not applicable as share class and index do not have a sales charge.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.


Fund Summary as of December 31, 2008 BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?
The Fund underperformed the Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index
and the Lipper New York Municipal Debt Funds category for the six-
month period. While the Barclays Index measures the performance of
municipal bonds nationally, the Lipper category consists of funds that
limit their investment to securities exempt from taxation in New York.

What factors influenced performance?
The semiannual reporting period encompassed some of the worst
municipal performance on both a relative and absolute basis. There
were three anomalies caused by the overwhelming selling pressure in the
municipal market. The first was the trading of pre-refunded municipals,
which are backed 100% by US Treasuries, at cheaper rates than Treasuries
themselves. The second was the trading of corporate-backed municipals
at cheaper rates than fully-taxable bonds issued by the same companies.
Finally, municipals with insurance were trading at lower prices than their
non-insured counterparts.

In this environment, the Fund’s underweights in AA-rated and AAA-rated
bonds negatively impacted performance. In the turmoil of the municipal
market over the six months, liquidity was extremely limited and spreads
increased significantly on all bonds other than the cleanest and highest-
quality issues.

Positive contributions to performance for the period came from the
Fund’s above-average distribution rate and its neutral duration bias.

Describe recent portfolio activity.
There were few significant changes made to the Fund during the period.
As a result of industry-wide redemptions and forced selling, combined
with little buying interest, liquidity in the market was very low and costly.
Although the Fund did not experience heavy redemptions and was not
forced to sell at the severely distressed market levels, neither was it able
to effect swaps into more attractive, higher-quality names. The Fund was
restricted to capitalizing on pockets of retail buying interest in order to
meet shareholder redemptions, as well as some limited purchases of
higher-quality credits from forced sellers.

Describe Fund positioning at period end.
The Fund ended the period much as it began, with a short-to-neutral
duration bias and overweight exposure to lower investment-grade bonds.
This positioning, along with an above-average cash position, should allow
the Fund to benefit from any spread tightening, as well as capitalize on
the opportunities presented by the new-issue market.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions.
These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Fund Profile as of December 31, 2008     
    Percent of 
Portfolio Composition    Long Term Investments 
Other Revenue Bonds        67% 
General Obligation and Tax Revenue Bonds     18 
Prerefunded Bonds     15 

    Percent of 
Credit Quality Allocation1    Long Term Investments 
AAA/Aaa                10% 
AA/Aa    35 
A/A    26 
BBB/Baa    13 
BB/Ba    2 
B/B    1 
CCC/Caa    1 
Not Rated    12 

 1 Using the higher of S&P’s or Moody’s ratings.     


BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund

Total Return Based on a $10,000 Investment

1 Assuming maximum sales charge, if any, transaction costs and other operating expenses, including advisory fees. Institutional Shares do
not have a sales charge.
2 The Fund invests primarily in a portfolio of long term investment grade New York municipal bonds.
3 This unmanaged Index consists of revenue bonds, prerefunded bonds, general obligation bonds and insured bonds, all of which mature
within 30 years.

Performance Summary for the Period Ended December 31, 2008

                    Average Annual Total Returns4         
                           1 Year                               5 Years                       10 Years 
    Standardized       6-Month    w/o sales    w/sales    w/o sales    w/sales    w/o sales    w/sales 
    30-Day Yields    Total Returns    charge    charge    charge    charge    charge    charge 
Institutional           5.21%    (9.89)%    (11.07)%    N/A     0.68%    N/A       2.50%    N/A 
Investor A           4.73    (10.00)    (11.20)    (14.98)%    0.43    (0.43)%       2.25     1.81% 
Investor A1           4.89    (9.93)    (11.07)    (14.63)    0.62    (0.20)       2.41    2.00 
Investor B           4.68    (10.03)    (11.43)    (14.83)    0.20    (0.13)       1.99    1.99 
Investor C           4.21    (10.25)    (11.86)    (12.71)    (0.31)    (0.31)       1.49    1.49 
Investor C1           4.61    (10.16)    (11.51)    (12.36)    0.10    0.10       1.89    1.89 
Barclays Capital Municipal                                 
   Bond Index        (2.49)    (2.47)    N/A    2.71    N/A       4.26    N/A 

4 Assuming maximum sales charges. Average annual total returns with and without sales charges reflect reductions for distribution and service fees. See “About Fund
Performance” on pages 14 and 15 for a detailed description of share classes, including any related sales charges and fees.
N/A — Not applicable as share class and index do not have a sales charge.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.


About Fund Performance

BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund

BlackRock Shares are not subject to any sales charge. BlackRock
Shares bear no ongoing distribution or service fees and are available
only to eligible investors. Prior to October 2, 2006, BlackRock Share
performance results are those of the Institutional Shares (which have
no distribution or service fees).

Institutional Shares are not subject to any sales charge. Institutional
Shares bear no ongoing distribution or service fees and are available
only to eligible investors.

Investor A Shares incur a maximum initial sales charge (front-end load)
of 3% and a service fee of 0.25% per year (but no distribution fee).
Prior to October 2, 2006, Investor A Share performance results are those
of the Institutional Shares (which have no distribution or service fees)
restated to reflect Investor A Share fees.

Investor A1 Shares incur a maximum initial sales charge (front-end
load) of 1% and a service fee of 0.10% per year (but no distribution

Investor B Shares are subject to a maximum contingent deferred sales
charge of 1% declining to 0% after three years. In addition, Investor B
Shares are subject to a distribution fee of 0.20% per year and a service
fee of 0.15% per year. These shares automatically convert to Investor A1
Shares after approximately 10 years. (There is no initial sales charge for
automatic share conversions.)

Investor C Shares are subject to a distribution fee of 0.75% per year
and a service fee of 0.25% per year. In addition, Investor C shares are
subject to a 1% contingent deferred sales charge if redeemed within one
year of purchase. Prior to October 2, 2006, Investor C Share perform-
ance results are those of the Institutional Shares (which have no distri-
bution or service fees) restated to reflect Investor C Share fees.

BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund and BlackRock National Municipal Fund

Institutional Shares are not subject to any sales charge. Institutional
Shares bear no ongoing distribution or service fees and are available
only to eligible investors.

Investor A Shares incur a maximum initial sales charge (front-end load)
of 4.25% and a service fee of 0.25% per year (but no distribution fee).

Investor B Shares are subject to a maximum contingent deferred sales
charge of 4% declining to 0% after six years. In addition, Investor B
Shares are subject to a distribution fee of 0.50% per year and a service
fee of 0.25% per year. These shares automatically convert to Investor A
Shares after approximately 10 years. (There is no initial sales charge for
automatic share conversions.).

Investor C Shares are subject to a distribution fee of 0.75% per year
and a service fee of 0.25% per year. In addition, Investor C shares are
subject to a 1% contingent deferred sales charge if redeemed within one
year of purchase. Prior to October 2, 2006, Investor C Share perform-
ance results are those of the Institutional Shares (which have no distri-
bution or service fees) restated to reflect Investor C Share fees.

Investor C1 Shares are subject to a distribution fee of 0.55% per year
and a service fee of 0.25% per year. In addition, Investor C1 shares are
subject to a 1% contingent deferred sales charge if redeemed within one
year of purchase.

BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund

Institutional Shares are not subject to any sales charge. Institutional
Shares bear no ongoing distribution or service fees and are available
only to eligible investors.

Investor A Shares incur a maximum initial sales charge (front-end load)
of 4.25% and a service fee of 0.25% per year (but no distribution fee).

Investor C Shares are subject to a distribution fee of 0.75% per year
and a service fee of 0.25% per year. In addition, Investor C shares are
subject to a 1% contingent deferred sales charge if redeemed within one
year of purchase.


About Fund Performance (concluded)

BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund

Institutional Shares are not subject to any sales charge. Institutional
Shares bear no ongoing distribution or service fees and are available
only to eligible investors.

Investor A Shares incur a maximum initial sales charge (front-end load)
of 4.25% and a service fee of 0.25% per year (but no distribution fee).
Prior to October 2, 2006, Investor A Share performance results are those
of the Institutional Shares (which have no distribution or service fees)
restated to reflect Investor A Share fees.

Investor A1 Shares incur a maximum initial sales charge (front-end
load) of 4%, and a service fee of 0.10% per year (but no distribution

Investor B Shares are subject to a maximum contingent deferred sales
charge of 4%, declining to 0% after six years. In addition, Investor B
Shares are subject to a distribution fee of 0.25% per year and a service
fee of 0.25% per year. These shares automatically convert to Investor A1
Shares after approximately 10 years. (There is no initial sales charge for
automatic share conversions.)

Investor C Shares are subject to a distribution fee of 0.75% per year
and a service fee of 0.25% per year. In addition, Investor C shares are
subject to a 1% contingent deferred sales charge if redeemed within
one year of purchase. Prior to October 2, 2006, Investor C Share
performance results are those of the Institutional Shares (which have
no distribution or service fees) restated to reflect Investor C Share fees.

Investor C1 Shares are subject to a distribution fee of 0.35% per year
and a service fee of 0.25% per year. In addition, Investor C1 Shares are
subject to a 1% contingent deferred sales charge if redeemed within one
year of purchase.

All Funds

Performance information reflects past performance and does not guaran-
tee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the
performance data quoted. Refer to www.blackrock.com/funds to obtain
performance data current to the most recent month-end. Performance
results do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay
on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Figures shown
in each of the performance tables on pages 5 – 13 assume reinvest-
ment of all dividends and capital gain distributions, if any, at net asset

value on the payable date. The Funds’ investment adviser reimbursed a
portion of each Fund’s expenses. Without such reimbursement, a Fund’s
performance would have been lower. Investment return and principal
value of shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be
worth more or less than their original cost. Dividends paid to each class
of shares will vary because of the different levels of service, distribution
and transfer agency fees applicable to each class, which are deducted
from the income available to be paid to shareholders.


The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging

The Funds may utilize leverage to seek to enhance the yield and
NAV. However, these objectives cannot be achieved in all interest
rate environments.

The Funds may leverage their assets through the use of tender option
bond (“TOB”) programs, as described in Note 1 of the Notes to Financial
Statements. TOB investments generally will provide the Fund with eco-
nomic benefits in periods of declining short-term interest rates, but
expose the Fund to risks during periods of rising short-term interest
rates. Additionally, fluctuations in the market value of municipal securities
deposited into the TOB trust may adversely affect the Funds’ NAVs per
share. In general, the concept of leveraging is based on the premise that
the cost of assets to be obtained from leverage will be based on short-
term interest rates, which normally will be lower than the income earned
by each Fund on its longer-term portfolio investments. To the extent that
the total assets of each Fund (including the assets obtained from lever-
age) are invested in higher-yielding portfolio investments, each Fund’s
shareholders will benefit from the incremental yield.

The use of leverage may enhance opportunities for increased returns
to the Fund, but as described above, they also create risks as short- or
long-term interest rates fluctuate. Leverage also will generally cause
greater changes in a Fund’s NAV, market price and dividend rate than a
comparable portfolio without leverage. If the income derived from securi-
ties purchased with assets received from leverage exceeds the cost of
leverage, the Fund’s net income will be greater than if leverage had not
been used. Conversely, if the income from the securities purchased is
not sufficient to cover the cost of leverage, the Fund’s net income will be
less than if leverage had not been used, and therefore the amount
available for distribution to shareholders will be reduced. A Fund may be
required to sell portfolio securities at inopportune times or below fair
market values in order to comply with regulatory requirements applica-
ble to the use of leverage or as required by the terms of leverage instru-
ments which may cause a Fund to incur losses. The use of leverage may
limit a Fund’s ability to invest in certain types of securities or use certain
types of hedging strategies. A Fund will incur expenses in connection
with the use of leverage, all of which are borne by Fund shareholders
and may reduce investment returns.

Derivative Instruments

The Funds may invest in various derivative instruments, including futures
and swap agreements, and other instruments specified in the Notes to
Financials, which constitute forms of economic leverage. Such instru-
ments are used to obtain exposure to a market without owning or taking
physical custody of securities or to hedge market and/or interest rate
risks. Such derivative instruments involve risks, including the imperfect
correlation between the value of a derivative instrument and the under-
lying asset, possible default of the other party to the transaction and
illiquidity of the derivative instrument. A Fund’s ability to successfully

use a derivative instrument depends on the Advisor’s ability to accurately
predict pertinent market movements, which cannot be assured. The use
of derivative instruments may result in losses greater than if they had not
been used, may require a Fund to sell or purchase portfolio securities at
inopportune times or for prices other than current market values, may
limit the amount of appreciation a Fund can realize on an investment
or may cause a Fund to hold a security that it might otherwise sell. The
Funds’ investments in these instruments are discussed in detail in the
Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Disclosure of Expenses

Shareholders of these Funds may incur the following charges: (a)
expenses related to transactions, including sales charges, redemption
fees and exchange fees; and (b) operating expenses including advisory
fees, distribution fees including 12b-1 fees, and other Fund expenses. The
expense examples on pages 17 – 20 (which are based on a hypothetical
investment of $1,000 invested on July 1, 2008 and held through
December 31, 2008) is intended to assist shareholders both in calculat-
ing expenses based on an investment in a Fund and in comparing
these expenses with similar costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The tables provide information about actual account values and actual
expenses. In order to estimate the expenses a shareholder paid during the
period covered by this report, shareholders can divide their account value by
$1,000 and then multiply the result by the number corresponding to their
share class under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During the Period.”

The tables also provide information about hypothetical account values and
hypothetical expenses based on a Fund’s actual expense ratio and an
assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses. In order to assist
shareholders in comparing the ongoing expenses of investing in these
Funds and other funds, compare the 5% hypothetical example with the 5%
hypothetical examples that appear in other funds’ shareholder reports.

The expenses shown in the tables are intended to highlight shareholders’
ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional expenses, such as
sales charges, redemption fees or exchange fees. Therefore, the hypotheti-
cal examples are useful in comparing ongoing expenses only, and will not
help shareholders determine the relative total expenses of owning differ-
ent funds. If these transactional expenses were included, shareholder
expenses would have been higher.

     BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund (Excluding Interest Expense and Fees)                 
        Actual            Hypothetical2     
    Beginning    Ending        Beginning             Ending     
    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid 
    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1 
BlackRock    $1,000    $1,021.10    $2.20    $1,000    $1,023.12    $2.20 
Institutional    $1,000    $1,021.50    $1.79    $1,000    $1,023.53    $1.79 
Investor A    $1,000    $1,019.20    $3.07    $1,000    $1,022.26    $3.07 
Investor A1    $1,000    $1,021.00    $2.30    $1,000    $1,023.02    $2.31 
Investor B    $1,000    $1,019.70    $3.58    $1,000    $1,021.75    $3.59 
Investor C    $1,000    $1,016.40    $6.90    $1,000    $1,018.46    $6.91 

   1 For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class (0.43% for BlackRock, 0.35% for Institutional, 0.60% for Investor A, 0.45% for 
       Investor A1, 0.70% for Investor B and 1.35% for Investor C), multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 185/365 to reflect the one-half year 
       period shown.                         
   2 Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by pro-rating the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year divided by 365.     
     BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund (Including Interest Expense and Fees)                 
        Actual            Hypothetical2     
    Beginning    Ending        Beginning             Ending     
    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid 
    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1 
Institutional    $1,000    $935.90    $3.78    $1,000    $1,021.40    $3.94 
Investor A    $1,000    $936.00    $5.05    $1,000    $1,020.08    $5.27 
Investor B    $1,000    $933.50    $7.55    $1,000    $1,017.49    $7.87 
Investor C    $1,000    $932.60    $8.62    $1,000    $1,016.38    $8.99 
Investor C1    $1,000    $933.30    $7.74    $1,000    $1,017.29    $8.08 

   1 For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class (0.77% for Institutional, 1.03% for Investor A, 1.54% for Investor B, 1.76% for 
       Investor C and 1.58% for Investor C1), multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 185/365 to reflect the one-half year period shown. 
   2 Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by pro-rating the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year divided by 365.     
     BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund (Excluding Interest Expense and Fees)                 
        Actual            Hypothetical2     
    Beginning    Ending        Beginning    Ending     
    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid 
    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1 
Institutional    $1,000    $935.90    $2.31    $1,000    $1,022.92    $2.41 
Investor A    $1,000    $936.00    $3.58    $1,000    $1,021.60    $3.74 
Investor B    $1,000    $933.50    $6.12    $1,000    $1,018.96    $6.40 
Investor C    $1,000    $932.60    $7.20    $1,000    $1,017.85    $7.52 
Investor C1    $1,000    $933.30    $6.32    $1,000    $1,018.76    $6.60 

   1 For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class (0.47% for Institutional, 0.73% for Investor A, 1.25% for Investor B, 1.47% for 
       Investor C and 1.29% for Investor C1), multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 185/365 to reflect the one-half year period shown. 
   2 Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by pro-rating the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year divided by 365.     



Disclosure of Expenses (continued)                 
     BlackRock National Municipal Fund (Including Interest Expense and Fees)                 
        Actual            Hypothetical2     
    Beginning    Ending        Beginning             Ending     
    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid 
    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1 
Institutional    $1,000    $919.90    $3.41    $1,000    $1,021.75    $3.59 
Investor A    $1,000    $918.00    $4.47    $1,000    $1,020.64    $4.71 
Investor B    $1,000    $916.40    $7.09    $1,000    $1,017.90    $7.47 
Investor C    $1,000    $914.40    $8.25    $1,000    $1,016.68    $8.69 
Investor C1    $1,000    $916.20    $7.24    $1,000    $1,017.75    $7.62 

1 For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class (0.70% for Institutional, 0.92% for Investor A, 1.46% for Investor B, 1.70% for
Investor C and 1.49% for Investor C1), multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 185/365 to reflect the one-half year period shown.
2 Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by pro-rating the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year divided by 365.

     BlackRock National Municipal Fund (Excluding Interest Expense and Fees)                 
        Actual            Hypothetical2     
    Beginning    Ending        Beginning    Ending     
    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid 
    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1 
Institutional    $1,000    $919.90    $2.87    $1,000    $1,022.31    $3.02 
Investor A    $1,000    $918.00    $3.94    $1,000    $1,021.19    $4.15 
Investor B    $1,000    $916.40    $6.61    $1,000    $1,018.41    $6.96 
Investor C    $1,000    $914.40    $7.71    $1,000    $1,017.24    $8.13 
Investor C1    $1,000    $916.20    $6.75    $1,000    $1,018.25    $7.11 

1 For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class (0.59% for Institutional, 0.81% for Investor A, 1.36% for Investor B, 1.59% for
Investor C and 1.39% for Investor C1), multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 185/365 to reflect the one-half year period shown.
2 Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by pro-rating the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year divided by 365.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Disclosure of Expenses (continued)                 
     BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund (Including Interest Expense and Fees)                 
        Actual            Hypothetical2     
    Beginning    Ending        Beginning             Ending     
    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid 
    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1 
Institutional    $1,000    $746.10    $3.89    $1,000    $1,020.84    $4.51 
Investor A    $1,000    $744.70    $4.95    $1,000    $1,019.62    $5.73 
Investor C    $1,000    $742.10    $8.43    $1,000    $1,015.62    $9.76 

1 For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class (0.89% for Institutional, 1.12% for Investor A and 1.92% for Investor C),
multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 185/365 to reflect the one-half year period shown.
2 Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by pro-rating the actual days in the most recent fiscal half year divided by 365.

     BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund (Excluding Interest Expense and Fees)                 
        Actual            Hypothetical2     
    Beginning    Ending        Beginning             Ending     
    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid 
    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1 
Institutional    $1,000    $746.10    $3.76    $1,000    $1,020.99    $4.35 
Investor A    $1,000    $744.70    $4.82    $1,000    $1,019.78    $5.58 
Investor C    $1,000    $742.10    $8.30    $1,000    $1,015.77    $9.60 

1 For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class (0.85% for Institutional, 1.09% for Investor A and 1.88% for Investor C),
multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 185/365 to reflect the one-half year period shown.
2 Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by pro-rating the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year divided by 365.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Disclosure of Expenses (concluded)                 
     BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund (Including Interest Expense and Fees)                 
        Actual            Hypothetical2     
    Beginning    Ending        Beginning             Ending     
    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid 
    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period 
Institutional    $1,000    $901.10    $3.61    $1,000    $1,021.50    $3.84 
Investor A    $1,000    $900.00    $4.91    $1,000    $1,020.13    $5.22 
Investor A1    $1,000    $900.70    $4.19    $1,000    $1,020.89    $4.46 
Investor B    $1,000    $899.70    $6.16    $1,000    $1,018.81    $6.55 
Investor C    $1,000    $897.50    $8.42    $1,000    $1,016.43    $8.94 
Investor C1    $1,000    $898.40    $6.54    $1,000    $1,018.41    $6.96 

1 For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class (0.75% for Institutional, 1.02% for Investor A, 0.87% for Investor A1, 1.28%
for Investor B, 1.75% for Investor C and 1.36% for Investor C1), multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 185/365 to reflect the one-half year
period shown.
2 Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by pro-rating the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year divided by 365.

     BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund (Excluding Interest Expense and Fees)                 
        Actual            Hypothetical2     
    Beginning    Ending        Beginning             Ending     
    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid    Account Value    Account Value    Expenses Paid 
    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period1    July 1, 2008    December 31, 2008    During the Period 
Institutional    $1,000    $901.10    $3.52    $1,000    $1,021.60    $3.74 
Investor A    $1,000    $900.00    $4.82    $1,000    $1,020.23    $5.12 
Investor A1    $1,000    $900.70    $4.09    $1,000    $1,020.99    $4.35 
Investor B    $1,000    $899.70    $6.07    $1,000    $1,018.91    $6.45 
Investor C    $1,000    $897.50    $8.32    $1,000    $1,016.53    $8.84 
Investor C1    $1,000    $898.40    $6.45    $1,000    $1,018.51    $6.85 

1 For each class of the Fund, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class (0.73% for Institutional, 1.00% for Investor A, 0.85% for Investor A1, 1.26%
for Investor B, 1.73% for Investor C and 1.34% for Investor C1), multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 185/365 to reflect the one-half year
period shown.
2 Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by pro-rating the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year divided by 365.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Schedule of Investments December 31, 2008 (Unaudited)    BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund 
                (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par                Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds        (000)    Value 
Arizona — 1.8%            Illinois — 1.5%             
Yavapai County, Arizona, IDA, Solid Waste Disposal            Illinois Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue         
 Revenue Bonds (Waste Management Inc.             Refunding Bonds (University of Chicago),         
 Project), AMT, 4%, 6/01/27 (a)    $ 7,000     $ 6,582,100     Series A, 5.25%, 7/01/11 (d)        $ 5,000    $  5,488,350 
California — 1.5%            Indiana — 1.7%             
San Francisco, California, City and County, GO,            Indiana Bond Bank Revenue Bonds (State Revolving         
 Refunding, Series R1, 5%, 6/15/11    5,000    5,335,800     Fund), Series B, 5.30%, 8/01/10 (d)    4,750    5,095,847 
Colorado — 1.9%            Indiana Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue         
Denver, Colorado, City and County Airport, Revenue             Bonds (Ascension Health Credit Group), Series A3,         
 Refunding Bonds, AMT, Sub-Series A1, 5%, 11/15/09    7,000    7,023,310     5%, 11/01/27 (a)        1,000    1,031,980 
Connecticut — 1.0%                        6,127,827 
Connecticut State, GO, Refunding:            Maryland — 3.4%             
5%, 3/15/11    1,445    1,541,078    Maryland State, GO, Second Series:         
Series G, 5%, 3/15/10 (b)    2,000    2,092,580          (State and Local Facilities Loan), 5%, 8/01/10    7,770    8,196,573 
        3,633,658         (State and Local Facilities Loan of 2008),         
                 5%, 7/15/11        3,815    4,105,856 
Delaware — 2.9%                         
Delaware State, GO, Refunding, 5%, 3/01/11    10,000    10,673,900                12,302,429 
District of Columbia — 1.3%            Massachusetts — 3.7%             
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, D.C., Airport            Massachusetts State Health and Educational Facilities         
 System Revenue Refunding Bonds, AMT, Series A,             Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds (Partners         
 5%, 10/01/10 (c)    4,665    4,703,766     Healthcare System), Series C, 5.75%, 7/01/11 (d)    7,600    8,401,344 
            Route 3 North Transit Improvement Association,         
Florida — 7.4%             Massachusetts, Lease Revenue Bonds,         
Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Financing             5.625%, 6/15/10 (b)(d)        4,640    4,930,139 
 Corporation Revenue Bonds, Series A, 5%, 7/01/10    7,000    7,135,940                 
Florida State Turnpike Authority, Turnpike                        13,331,483 
 Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series A,            Michigan — 2.7%             
 5%, 7/01/10    3,000    3,135,540    Detroit, Michigan, Water Supply System Revenue Bonds,         
Miami-Dade County, Florida, Educational Facilities             Second Lien, Series B, 5.50%, 7/01/11 (d)(e)    5,000    5,518,850 
 Authority Revenue Bonds (University of Miami),            Michigan State Trunk Line Fund, Revenue Refunding         
 Series A, 5.75%, 4/01/10 (c)(d)    2,020    2,153,542     Bonds, Series B, 5%, 9/01/10 (f)    4,120    4,319,284 
Orange County, Florida, Tourist Development, Tax                        9,838,134 
 Revenue Bonds, 5.50%, 10/01/09 (c)(d)    14,195    14,680,611                 
            Minnesota — 1.8%             
        27,105,633    Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota, Metropolitan         
Georgia — 1.9%             Airports Commission, Airport Revenue Bonds, AMT,         
Burke County, Georgia, Development Authority, PCR             Series B, 5.50%, 1/01/10 (b)(e)    2,620    2,629,851 
 (Georgia Power Company Vogtle Project), 5th Series,            Minnesota State, GO, 5%, 8/01/11    3,675    3,954,079 
 4.375%, 10/01/32 (a)    4,000    3,982,240                6,583,930 
Burke County, Georgia, Development Authority, PCR,                         
 Refunding (Georgia Power Company Vogtle Project),            Missouri — 1.1%             
 5.05%, 11/01/48 (a)    3,000    2,983,500    Missouri State Health and Educational Facilities         
             Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds (Ascension         
        6,965,740     Health), VRDN, Series C-5, 3.50%, 11/15/09 (a)(g)    3,780    3,850,875 

     Portfolio Abbreviations                 
To simplify the listings of portfolio holdings in the    DRIVERS    Derivative Inverse Tax-Exempt Receipts    IDB    Industrial Development Board 
Schedules of Investments, the names of many of the    EDA    Economic Development Authority    IDR    Industrial Development Revenue Bonds 
securities have been abbreviated according to the list    EDR    Economic Development Revenue Bonds    M/F    Multi-Family 
below and on the right.    GO    General Obligation Bonds    PCR    Pollution Control Revenue Bonds 
        HDA    Housing Development Agency    PILOT    Payment in Lieu of Taxes 
AMT    Alternative Minimum Tax (subject to)    HFA    Housing Finance Agency    S/F    Single-Family 
CABS    Capital Appreciation Bonds    IDA    Industrial Development Authority    VRDN    Variable Rate Demand Notes 
COP    Certificates of Participation                 

  See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par                Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds        (000)    Value 
Nebraska — 0.6%            Oregon — 0.5%             
Central Plains Energy Project, Nebraska, Revenue            Oregon State Department of Administrative Services,             
 Bonds (Gas Project Number 1), VRDN,             COP, Refunding, Series A, 5%, 5/01/11 (f)    $ 1,725    $ 1,828,017 
 1.786%, 12/01/10 (b)(c)    $ 2,500     $ 2,300,000    Pennsylvania — 5.7%             
Nevada — 0.8%            Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Area School District, GO,             
Truckee Meadows, Nevada, Water Authority, Water             Refunding, Series A, 5%, 9/01/10 (b)        4,000    4,154,040 
 Revenue Bonds, Series A, 5.125%, 7/01/11 (d)(f)    2,590    2,810,202    Buck County, Pennsylvania, IDA, Solid Waste Revenue             
New Jersey — 5.2%             Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), VRDN, AMT,         
New Jersey Building Authority, State Building Revenue             3.90%, 2/01/10 (a)(g)        2,670    2,554,175 
 Refunding Bonds, Series B, 5.25%, 12/15/10 (b)    4,790    5,061,210    Pennsylvania State, GO, Refunding, Third Series,             
New Jersey State Transportation Trust Fund Authority,             5%, 7/01/09        5,000    5,105,600 
 Transportation System Revenue Bonds, Series A,            Pennsylvania State Higher Educational Facilities             
 5.75%, 6/15/11 (c)    3,000    3,305,250     Authority Revenue Bonds, Series AH, 4%, 6/15/11        3,650    3,798,373 
New Jersey State Turnpike Authority, Turnpike Revenue            University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, The Commonwealth         
 Refunding Bonds, Series A (b)(d):             System of Higher Education, Revenue Refunding Bonds         
   5.50%, 1/01/10    5,000    5,235,150     (Pittsburgh Asset Notes-Panthers), 5%, 8/01/10        5,000    5,236,950 
   5.75%, 1/01/10    5,000    5,247,550                20,849,138 
        18,849,160    Rhode Island — 0.3%             
New York — 7.6%            Rhode Island State and Providence Plantations, GO,             
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York,             Refunding (Consolidated Capital Development Loan),         
 Dedicated Tax Fund Revenue Bonds, Series A,             5%, 7/15/11        1,000    1,065,670 
 5.875%, 4/01/10 (d)(e)    5,000    5,299,350    South Carolina — 0.6%             
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York,            Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Public Facility             
   Transportation Revenue Bonds, VRDN, Series B,             Corporation, COP (Beach Preservation Fee Pledge),             
 5%, 11/15/11 (a)(g)    4,000    4,064,200     5%, 8/01/09 (b)        2,240    2,292,842 
New York City, New York, GO, Refunding, Series B,            Tennessee — 1.1%             
 5.25%, 8/01/11    4,000    4,218,560    Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corporation, Gas Revenue         
New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue             Bonds, Series A, 5%, 9/01/09        4,000    3,918,680 
 Refunding Bonds, Series B, 5.25%, 11/15/23    6,000    6,082,440                 
New York State Urban Development Corporation,            Texas — 18.5%             
 Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Series C,            Austin, Texas, Independent School District, GO,             
 5%, 3/15/10    7,705    8,043,250     Refunding, 5.25%, 8/01/09        3,980    4,084,754 
            Dallas, Texas, GO, 5%, 2/15/12        4,775    5,176,625 
        27,707,800    Harris County, Texas, Health Facilities Development             
North Carolina — 1.2%             Corporation, Revenue Refunding Bonds (Saint Luke’s         
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, GO, Series B,             Episcopal Hospital), Series A, 5.375%, 8/15/11 (d)    5,500    5,963,815 
 4%, 2/01/10    3,000    3,099,900    Harris County, Texas, Toll Road Revenue Refunding             
North Carolina, HFA, M/F Housing Revenue Bonds             Bonds, Series B-2, 5%, 8/15/21 (a)(b)(d)        5,000    5,093,800 
 (Cedar Hills Apartments LLC), VRDN, AMT,            Houston, Texas, Airport System Revenue Refunding             
 3.70%, 1/01/38 (a)(g)    1,240    1,236,875     Bonds, Sub-Lien, Series B, 5.50%, 7/01/10 (d)(f)        5,500    5,825,930 
        4,336,775    Matagorda County, Texas, Navigation District Number 1,         
             PCR, Refunding (AEP Texas Central Company             
Ohio — 4.8%             Project), VRDN, 5.125%, 6/01/11 (a)(g)        5,000    4,962,550 
Ohio State, Common Schools, GO, Series A,            Montgomery County, Texas, Unlimited Tax Adjustable             
 5%, 3/15/11    3,875    4,123,969     Rate Road, GO, Series B, 5%, 3/01/28 (f)        5,000    5,000,200 
Ohio State, Highway Capital Improvements, GO,            North Texas Tollway Authority, System Revenue             
 Series I, 5%, 5/01/10    5,000    5,237,600     Refunding Bonds, First Tier, VRDN, Series E-1,             
Ohio State Water Development Authority, Pollution             5%, 1/01/10 (a)(g)        7,000    7,031,850 
 Control Facilities, Revenue Refunding Bonds            Plano, Texas, Independent School District, GO,             
 (FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation), VRDN, Series B,             Refunding, 5%, 2/15/11        5,000    5,310,050 
 3.375%, 10/01/33 (a)(g)    8,000    8,000,000    San Antonio, Texas, Electric and Gas Revenue Bonds,             
        17,361,569     Junior Lien, VRDN, 3.625%, 12/01/27 (f)(g)        5,000    5,043,000 
Oklahoma — 1.2%            Spring, Texas, Independent School District, GO,             
Oklahoma Transportation Authority, Turnpike System             Series A, 5%, 8/15/29 (a)(f)        4,000    4,047,480 
 Revenue Refunding Bonds, Second Senior Series A,            Tarrant County, Texas, Cultural Education Facilities             
 5%, 1/01/10 (c)    4,160    4,330,269     Financing Corporation, Revenue Refunding Bonds             
             (Texas Health Resources), Series A, 5%, 2/15/11        4,275    4,412,399 
            University of Texas, Financing System Revenue             
             Refunding Bonds, Series B, 5%, 8/15/10        5,000    5,262,650 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (concluded) BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Municipal Bonds        (000)    Value 
Utah — 1.4%             
Intermountain Power Agency, Utah, Power             
 Supply Revenue Bonds, VRDN, Series E,             
 3%, 7/01/14 (a)(g)        $ 5,000    $ 4,997,250 
Virginia — 1.3%             
Virginia State Public Building Authority, Public             
 Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series C, 5%, 8/01/10    4,380    4,610,388 
Washington — 6.4%             
Energy Northwest, Washington, Electric Revenue             
 Refunding Bonds (Columbia Generating Station),         
 Series A, 5.25%, 7/01/09 (c)        9,940    10,153,710 
Tacoma, Washington, Electric System Revenue             
 Refunding Bonds, Series A, 5.625%, 1/01/11 (d)(f)    2,900    3,161,174 
Washington State, GO, Refunding, Series R-A,             
 5%, 1/01/11 (e)        9,260    9,788,839 
Wisconsin — 2.0%             
Wisconsin Public Power Inc., Power Supply System,         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series A,             
 5.25%, 7/01/10 (b)        7,070    7,357,890 
Total Long-Term Investments             
(Cost — $341,027,891) — 94.8%            344,481,411 
Short-Term Securities        Shares     
Merrill Lynch Institutional Tax-Exempt Fund,             
 1.18% (i)(j)    35,331,546    35,331,546 
Total Short-Term Securities             
(Cost — $35,331,546) — 9.7%            35,331,546 
Total Investments (Cost — $376,359,437*) — 104.5%        379,812,957 
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (4.5)%            (16,183,803) 
Net Assets — 100.0%            $ 363,629,154 
   * The cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of 
       December 31, 2008, as computed for federal income tax purposes, were 
       as follows:             
       Aggregate cost            $ 376,359,437 
       Gross unrealized appreciation            $ 4,873,797 
       Gross unrealized depreciation            (1,420,277) 
       Net unrealized appreciation            $ 3,453,520 
(a) Variable rate security. Rate shown is as of report date. Maturity shown is the final 
       maturity date.             
(b) MBIA Insured.             
 (c) AMBAC Insured.             
(d) US government securities, held in escrow, are used to pay interest on this 
       security, as well as to retire the bond in full at the date indicated, typically at 
       a premium to par.             
 (e) FGIC Insured.             
 (f) FSA Insured.             
 (g) Security may have a maturity of more than one year at the time of issuance, but 
       has variable rate and demand features that qualify it as a short-term security. 

(h) Security is collateralized by municipal or U.S. Treasury obligations. 
(i) Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the Fund, for purposes 
     of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, were as follows: 
     Affiliate    Activity    Income 
     Merrill Lynch Institutional Tax-Exempt Fund    26,119,492    $176,124 
 (j) Represents the current yield as of report date.         
Effective July 1, 2008, the Fund adopted Financial Accounting Standards 
     Board Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, “Fair Value 
     Measurements” (“FAS 157”). FAS 157 clarifies the definition of fair value, 
     establishes a framework for measuring fair values and requires additional 
     disclosures about the use of fair value measurements. Various inputs are used 
     in determining the fair value of investments, which are as follows: 
Level 1 — price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical securities 
Level 2 — other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices 
for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than 
quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest 
rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks, 
           and default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs)     
Level 3 — unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the 
circumstance, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the 
           Fund’s own assumption used in determining the fair value of investments) 
     The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indi- 
     cation of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For information 
     about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of investments and other significant 
     accounting policies, please refer to Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements. 
     The following table summarizes the inputs used as of December 31, 2008 in 
     determining the fair valuation of the Fund’s investments:     

     Valuation        Investments in 
     Inputs        Securities 
     Level 1        $ 35,331,546 
     Level 2        344,481,411 
     Level 3         
     Total        $ 379,812,957 

  See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments December 31, 2008 (Unaudited)    BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund 
                (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par                Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds        (000)    Value 
Alabama — 2.2%            California (concluded)             
Lauderdale County and Florence, Alabama, Health            San Jose, California, Airport Revenue Refunding         
 Care Authority Revenue Refunding Bonds             Bonds, AMT, Series A, 5.50%, 3/01/32 (f)    $ 6,500     $ 5,188,755 
 (Coffee Health Group), Series A, 6%, 7/01/29 (a)    $10,000    $  8,225,900    San Jose, California, GO (Libraries, Parks and Public         
University of Alabama, University Revenue Bonds             Safety Projects), 5%, 9/01/30 (a)        3,700    3,557,735 
 (Birmingham), 6%, 10/01/09 (b)(c)    7,000    7,267,750    San Jose, California, Unified School District, Santa         
        15,493,650     Clara County, GO (Election of 2002), Series B,         
             5%, 8/01/29 (a)(b)        3,650    3,465,420 
California — 16.0%            Tahoe Truckee, California, Unified School District, GO         
Antelope Valley, California, Community College District,             (School Facilities Improvement District Number 2),         
 GO (Election of 2004), Series B, 5.25%, 8/01/39 (a)    1,050    1,003,537     Series A, 5.25%, 8/01/29 (a)        2,635    2,480,088 
Arcadia, California, Unified School District,            Washington, California, Unified School District,         
 GO (Election of 2006), CABS, Series A,             COP (New High School Project),             
 4.96%, 8/01/39 (d)(e)    2,800    387,044     5.125%, 8/01/37 (f)        10,000    7,460,700 
Cabrillo, California, Community College District, GO                         
 (Election of 2004), Series B, 5.189%, 8/01/37 (a)(e)    4,100    639,723                113,247,486 
California State Department of Veteran Affairs, Home            Colorado — 3.0%             
 Purchase Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series A,            Aurora, Colorado, COP, 6%, 12/01/10 (c)(f)    19,250    20,915,895 
 5.35%, 12/01/27 (f)    2,075    2,005,446    Florida — 4.1%             
Coast Community College District, California, GO,            Duval County, Florida, School Board, COP (Master         
 Refunding (Election of 2002), Series C (d):             Lease Program), 5%, 7/01/33 (d)        3,800    3,432,540 
     5.499%, 8/01/13 (g)    6,475    4,732,837    Hillsborough County, Florida, Aviation Authority Revenue         
     5.395%, 8/01/36 (e)    5,800    1,036,866     Bonds, AMT, Series A, 5.375%, 10/01/33 (i)    5,000    3,909,200 
Corona-Norco, California, Unified School District, GO            Miami, Florida, Special Obligation Revenue Bonds         
 (Election of 2006), Series A, 5%, 8/01/31 (d)    2,000    1,896,240     (Street and Sidewalk Improvement Program),         
Fresno, California, Unified School District, GO             5%, 1/01/37 (a)        1,350    1,179,509 
 (Election of 2001):            Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue         
     Series D, 5%, 8/01/27 (a)    5,170    4,780,544     Refunding Bonds (Miami International Airport),         
     Series E, 5%, 8/01/30 (d)    1,500    1,431,360     AMT (i):             
Hesperia, California, Public Financing Authority Revenue                 5%, 10/01/40 (h)        9,980    6,866,739 
 Bonds (Redevelopment and Housing Projects),                 Series A, 5.50%, 10/01/26        7,000    5,738,460 
 Series A, 5.50%, 9/01/27 (h)    10,000    8,570,000         Series A, 5.50%, 10/01/27        5,495    4,454,192 
Los Angeles, California, Municipal Improvement            Miami-Dade County, Florida, School Board, COP,         
 Corporation, Lease Revenue Bonds, Series B1,             Refunding, Series B, 5.25%, 5/01/31 (i)    2,500    2,322,925 
 4.75%, 8/01/37 (a)(b)    12,300    10,137,537    West Coast Regional Water Supply Authority,         
Modesto, California, Schools Infrastructure Financing             Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds,         
 Agency, Special Tax Bonds, 5.50%, 9/01/36 (f)    8,965    6,236,592     10.40%, 10/01/10 (c)(f)        850    936,794 
Mount Diablo, California, Unified School District, GO                         
 (Election of 2002), 5%, 7/01/27 (a)(b)    12,040    11,136,037                28,840,359 
Orange County, California, Sanitation District, COP,            Georgia — 5.1%             
 Series B, 5%, 2/01/31 (d)    1,380    1,292,329    Atlanta, Georgia, Water and Wastewater Revenue         
Palm Springs, California, Financing Authority, Lease             Bonds, 5%, 11/01/34 (d)        4,000    3,530,160 
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Convention Center            Georgia Municipal Electric Authority, Power Revenue         
 Project), Series A, 5.50%, 11/01/35 (a)    6,190    4,934,544     Refunding Bonds (f):             
Ramona, California, Unified School District, Convertible                 Series EE, 7%, 1/01/25        20,000    22,570,000 
 Capital Appreciation Refunding Bonds, COP,                 Series Y, 6.40%, 1/01/11 (c)        90    98,601 
 5.081%, 5/01/32 (a)(b)(g)    10,500    8,256,990         Series Y, 6.40%, 1/01/13        8,420    9,084,759 
Rialto, California, Unified School District, GO, Series A,                 Series Y, 6.40%, 1/01/13 (j)        490    543,939 
 6.239%, 6/01/25 (a)(b)(e)    11,685    4,234,177                35,827,459 
Riverside, California, Water Revenue Bonds, Series B,                         
 5%, 10/01/38 (d)    2,000    1,865,260    Illinois — 3.7%             
Roseville, California, Joint Union High School District,            Chicago, Illinois, O'Hare International Airport, General         
 GO (Election of 2004), Series A, 5%, 8/01/29 (a)(b)    5,000    4,735,250     Airport Revenue Bonds, Third Lien, AMT, Series B-2,         
Sacramento, California, Unified School District, GO             6%, 1/01/27 (a)        17,690    15,438,240 
 (Election of 1999), Series B, 5%, 7/01/26 (a)(b)    5,075    4,936,554    Chicago, Illinois, Wastewater Transmission Revenue         
San Diego, California, Community College District, GO             Bonds, Series A, 5.50%, 1/01/38 (k)    3,000    3,019,050 
 (Election of 2002), 5%, 5/01/30 (d)    2,685    2,582,621    Chicago, Illinois, Water Revenue Refunding Bonds,         
San Diego County, California, Water Authority, Water             Second Lien, 5.25%, 11/01/33 (d)    5,000    4,831,400 
 Revenue Refunding Bonds, COP, Series A,            Illinois State Toll Highway Authority Revenue Bonds,         
 5%, 5/01/33 (d)    4,500    4,263,300     Series B, 5.50%, 1/01/33        3,125    3,088,094 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
Kansas — 0.6%            Nevada — 0.2%         
Manhattan, Kansas, Hospital Revenue Bonds            Clark County, Nevada, IDR (Southwest Gas Corporation         
 (Mercy Health Center), 5.50%, 8/15/20 (d)    $ 4,145     $ 4,040,256     Project), AMT (b):         
Louisiana — 0.2%                 Series A, 4.75%, 9/01/36    $ 25    $ 12,888 
Rapides Financing Authority, Louisiana, Revenue Bonds                 Series D, 5.25%, 3/01/38 (a)    2,200    1,237,588 
 (Cleco Power LLC Project), AMT, 4.70%, 11/01/36 (f)    2,800    1,595,412            1,250,476 
Maryland — 1.5%            New Jersey — 8.4%         
Baltimore, Maryland, Convention Center Hotel Revenue            Cape May County, New Jersey, Industrial Pollution Control         
 Bonds, Senior Series A, 5.25%, 9/01/39 (h)(k)    6,100    5,999,045     Financing Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds         
Maryland State Health and Higher Educational Facilities             (Atlantic City Electric Company Project), Series A,         
 Authority Revenue Bonds (University of Maryland             6.80%, 3/01/21 (a)    6,810    7,635,372 
 Medical System), Series B, 7%, 7/01/22 (a)(b)    4,400    4,510,748    Garden State Preservation Trust of New Jersey, Open         
        10,509,793     Space and Farmland Preservation Revenue Bonds,         
             Series A (d):         
Massachusetts — 2.5%                 5.80%, 11/01/21    3,125    3,402,812 
Massachusetts State, HFA, Rental Housing Mortgage                 5.80%, 11/01/22    8,310    8,924,441 
 Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series C, 5.60%, 1/01/45 (d)    4,000    3,267,200         5.80%, 11/01/23    4,340    4,639,069 
Massachusetts State, HFA, S/F Housing Revenue            New Jersey EDA, Motor Vehicle Surcharge Revenue         
 Bonds, AMT, Series 128 (d):             Bonds, Series A, 5.25%, 7/01/33 (a)    28,000    26,774,160 
     4.80%, 12/01/27    2,845    2,237,137    New Jersey State Housing and Mortgage         
     4.875%, 12/01/38    6,955    5,112,829     Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series AA,         
Massachusetts State School Building Authority,             6.375%, 10/01/28    2,000    2,033,860 
 Dedicated Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series A,            New Jersey State Transportation Trust Fund Authority,         
 5%, 8/15/30 (d)    7,000    6,836,830     Transportation System Revenue Bonds:         
        17,453,996         Series A, 5.875%, 12/15/38    3,700    3,719,240 
Michigan — 2.7%                 Series D, 5%, 6/15/19 (d)    2,000    2,080,320 
Detroit, Michigan, Sewage Disposal System, Second                    59,209,274 
 Lien Revenue Bonds, Series B, 5%, 7/01/36 (a)(b)    5,000    4,201,250    New Mexico — 0.7%         
Detroit, Michigan, Sewage Disposal System, Second            New Mexico Finance Authority, Senior Lien State         
 Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series E,             Transportation Revenue Bonds, Series A,         
 5.75%, 7/01/31 (b)(k)    4,000    4,040,800     5.125%, 6/15/18 (a)    5,000    5,308,150 
Detroit, Michigan, Water Supply System Revenue Bonds,                     
 Senior Lien, Series A, 5%, 7/01/30 (a)(b)    1,500    1,350,225    New York — 10.4%         
Michigan State Strategic Fund, Limited Obligation            New York City, New York, City Municipal Water Finance         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Detroit Edison Company             Authority, Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds,         
 Pollution Control Project), AMT, Series A,             Series A, 5.75%, 6/15/40    700    715,750 
 5.50%, 6/01/30 (h)    11,845    9,423,053    New York City, New York, GO, Series C,         
             5.625%, 3/15/18 (h)    5    5,337 
        19,015,328    New York City, New York, Sales Tax Asset Receivable         
Minnesota — 2.1%             Corporation Revenue Bonds:         
Delano, Minnesota, Independent School District                 DRIVERS, Series 1133Z, 5.25%, 10/15/12    2    2,547 
 Number 879, GO, Series A, 5.875%, 2/01/25 (d)    5,860    6,281,158         Series A, 5%, 10/15/20 (a)    12,555    13,072,140 
Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, Independent School District                 Series A, 5%, 10/15/32 (f)    15,650    15,018,053 
 Number 047, GO, Series A (a):            New York State Thruway Authority, General Revenue         
     5.65%, 2/01/20    3,735    3,986,440     Refunding Bonds, Series G, 5%, 1/01/32 (d)    16,830    15,822,893 
     5.70%, 2/01/21    4,440    4,743,385    New York State Urban Development Corporation,         
        15,010,983     Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds (State         
             Facilities), Series A-1, 5.25%, 3/15/34 (a)(b)    9,900    9,689,229 
Mississippi — 1.8%            Niagara Falls, New York, GO, Public Improvement,         
Harrison County, Mississippi, Wastewater Management             6.90%, 3/01/24 (a)    5    4,872 
 District, Revenue Refunding Bonds (Wastewater            Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation of New York         
 Treatment Facilities), Series A, 8.50%, 2/01/13 (b)(j)    1,320    1,646,251     Revenue Bonds, Series A-1, 5.25%, 6/01/22 (f)    20,400    19,308,192 
Mississippi Hospital Equipment and Facilities Authority                     
 Revenue Bonds (Forrest County General Hospital                    73,639,013 
 Project), 6%, 1/01/11 (c)(d)    10,000    10,934,500    North Carolina — 0.4%         
        12,580,751    North Carolina HFA, Home Ownership Revenue Bonds,         
             AMT, Series 14-A, 5.35%, 1/01/22 (f)    2,880    2,632,925 
            North Dakota — 0.3%         
            North Dakota State, HFA, Revenue Bonds (Housing         
             Finance Program), Series C, 5.30%, 7/01/22 (f)    2,355    2,230,373 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
Oklahoma — 0.3%            Utah — 1.7%         
Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Home Finance Authority,            Utah Transit Authority, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds,         
 S/F Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, AMT,             Series A, 5%, 6/15/36 (d)    $ 4,000     $ 3,849,720 
 Series C, 5.25%, 12/01/38 (m)    $ 3,205    $ 2,394,616    Utah Transit Authority, Sales Tax Revenue Refunding         
Oregon — 2.0%             Bonds, Sub-Series A, 5.291%, 6/15/36 (a)(e)    11,930    1,953,657 
Oregon State Department of Administrative Services,            Utah Water Finance Agency Revenue Bonds (Pooled         
 COP, Series A, 6.25%, 5/01/10 (c)(f)    8,700    9,332,229     Loan Financing Program), Series A (f):         
Port of Portland, Oregon, Airport Revenue Refunding                 5.75%, 10/01/15    2,515    2,613,437 
 Bonds (Portland International Airport), AMT,                 6%, 10/01/20    3,770    3,862,252 
 Series 7-B, 7.10%, 1/01/12 (a)(c)    3,865    4,421,367            12,279,066 
        13,753,596    Vermont — 0.2%         
Pennsylvania — 1.9%            Vermont HFA, Revenue Refunding Bonds, AMT,         
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Gas Works Revenue Bonds,             Series C, 5.50%, 11/01/38 (d)    1,300    1,061,203 
 12th Series B, 7%, 5/15/20 (a)(j)    5,260    6,451,600    Washington — 0.7%         
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Redevelopment Authority            Chelan County, Washington, Public Utility District         
 Revenue Bonds (Neighborhood Transformation),             Number 001, Consolidated Revenue Bonds (Chelan         
 Series A, 5.50%, 4/15/20 (a)(b)    4,420    4,273,919     Hydro System), AMT, Series A, 5.45%, 7/01/37 (f)    6,485    4,923,736 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, School District, GO, Series E,            Wisconsin — 1.4%         
 6%, 9/01/38    2,300    2,331,763    Superior, Wisconsin, Limited Obligation Revenue         
        13,057,282     Refunding Bonds (Midwest Energy Resources),         
Rhode Island — 1.0%             Series E, 6.90%, 8/01/21 (a)(b)    9,000    10,479,420 
Rhode Island State Economic Development Corporation,            Total Municipal Bonds — 85.1%        601,399,874 
 Airport Revenue Bonds, Series B, 6%, 7/01/10 (b)(c)    6,815    7,307,316             
South Carolina — 0.3%                     
South Carolina State Public Service Authority, Revenue            Municipal Bonds Transferred to         
 Refunding Bonds, Series A, 5.50%, 1/01/38    2,300    2,303,496    Tender Option Bond Trusts (n)         
Texas — 9.7%            California — 3.7%         
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, International Airport Revenue            Sequoia, California, Unified High School District, GO,         
 Bonds, AMT, Series A (a):             Refunding, Series B, 5.50%, 7/01/35 (d)    10,055    10,110,175 
     6%, 11/01/28 (b)    25,950    22,464,655    Tustin, California, Unified School District, Senior Lien         
     5.50%, 11/01/33    5,000    3,894,200     Special Tax Bonds (Community Facilities District         
Houston, Texas, Water Conveyance System Contract,             Number 97-1), Series A (d):         
 COP, Series J, 6.25%, 12/15/13 (f)    3,500    3,714,725         5%, 9/01/32    7,980    7,355,725 
Lewisville, Texas, Independent School District, Capital                 5%, 9/01/38    9,330    8,412,021 
 Appreciation and School Building, GO, Refunding,                    25,877,921 
 4.67%, 8/15/24 (a)(b)(e)    8,110    3,171,091             
Mansfield, Texas, Independent School District, GO,            District of Columbia — 1.0%         
 5%, 2/15/33    3,000    2,946,210    Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, D.C.,         
North Texas Tollway Authority, System Revenue             Airport Authority Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series B,         
 Refunding Bonds:             5%, 10/01/36 (b)(d)    10,000    7,322,842 
     CABS, First Tier, Series I, 6.20%, 1/01/15 (g)(i)    10,000    6,190,100    Florida — 2.6%         
     First Tier, 5.75%, 1/01/40 (a)    7,700    7,048,195    Broward County Florida School Board Certificates         
     First Tier, Series A, 6%, 1/01/25    1,000    977,900     Partnership, COP, Series A, 5.25%, 7/01/33 (d)    10,000    9,359,700 
     First Tier, Series A, 5.625%, 1/01/33 (f)    2,140    1,969,891    Tallahassee, Florida, Energy System Revenue Bonds,         
     First Tier, Series B, 5.75%, 1/01/40 (a)    9,870    9,034,505     5%, 10/01/37 (a)    10,000    9,146,700 
Texas State Department of Housing and Community                    18,506,400 
 Affairs, S/F Mortgage Revenue Bonds, AMT,                     
 Series A (a)(l)(m):            Massachusetts — 2.1%         
     5.45%, 9/01/23    2,060    1,867,575    Massachusetts State School Building Authority,         
     5.50%, 3/01/26    2,645    2,341,063     Dedicated Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series A,         
Texas State, Water Financial Assistance, GO,             5%, 8/15/30 (d)    15,000    14,650,350 
 5.75%, 8/01/31    3,000    3,041,670    New Jersey — 1.9%         
        68,661,780    New Jersey State Turnpike Authority, Turnpike Revenue         
             Bonds, Series C, 5%, 1/01/30 (d)    13,500    13,242,015 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (concluded) BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Municipal Bonds Transferred to        Par     
Tender Option Bond Trusts (n)        (000)    Value 
New York — 2.3%             
New York City, New York, Sales Tax Asset Receivable         
 Corporation Revenue Bonds, Series A,             
 5.25%, 10/15/27 (f)        $13,925     $ 14,055,199 
New York State Dormitory Authority Personal             
 Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Education Series B,         
 5.75%, 3/15/36        2,010    2,062,863 
Texas — 1.4%             
Cypress-Fairbanks, Texas, Independent School District,         
 GO, 5%, 02/15/32        10,000    9,851,200 
Washington — 1.4%             
Washington State, GO, Series D, 5%, 1/01/28 (d)    10,000    9,963,600 
Total Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option         
Bond Trusts — 16.4%            115,532,390 
Mutual Funds        Shares     
BlackRock Insured Municipal Term Trust, Inc. (o)        204,800    2,080,768 
Total Mutual Funds — 0.3%            2,080,768 
Total Long-Term Investments             
(Cost — $773,488,713) — 101.8%            719,013,032 
Short-Term Securities             
Merrill Lynch Institutional Tax-Exempt Fund,             
 1.18% (o)(p)    20,043,986    20,043,986 
Total Short-Term Securities             
(Cost — $20,043,986) — 2.8%            20,043,986 
Total Investments (Cost — $793,532,699*) — 104.6%        739,057,018 
Other Assets Less Liabilities — 3.9%            27,760,280 
Liability for Trust Certificates, Including Interest             
   Expense and Fees Payable — (8.5)%            (60,352,140) 
Net Assets — 100.0%        $ 706,465,158 
   * The cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of 
    December 31, 2008, as computed for federal income tax purposes, were 
    as follows:             
    Aggregate cost        $ 735,310,519 
    Gross unrealized appreciation        $ 13,784,065 
    Gross unrealized depreciation            (69,775,063) 
    Net unrealized depreciation        $ (55,990,998) 
(a)    MBIA Insured.             
(b)    FGIC Insured.             
(c)    U.S. government securities, held in escrow, are used to pay interest on this 
    security as well as to retire the bond in full at the date indicated, typically at 
    a premium to par.             
(d)    FSA Insured.             
(e)    Represents a zero-coupon bond. Rate shown reflects the current yield as of 
    report date.             
(f)    AMBAC Insured.             
(g)    Represents a step bond. Rate shown reflects the current yield as of report date. 

(h)    XL Capital Insured.                     
(i)    Assured Guaranty Insured.                 
(j)    Security is collateralized by Municipal or US Treasury Obligations.     
(k)    BHAC Insured.                     
(l)    FNMA Collateralized.                     
(m) GNMA Collateralized.                     
(n)    Securities represent bonds transferred to a tender option bond trust in exchange 
    for which the Fund acquired residual interest certificates. These securities serve 
    as collateral in a financing transaction. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial 
    Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to tender option bond trusts. 
(o)    Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the Fund, for purposes 
    of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, were as follows: 
        Net Purchase    Sales    Realized 
    Affiliate    Cost        Cost    Loss    Income 
    BlackRock California                     
       Insured Municipal                     
       2008 Term Trust, Inc.                           $ (5,033,709)    $ (620,439)                        $199,086 
    BlackRock Insured                     
       Municipal 2008                     
       Term Trust, Inc.                           $(13,942,110)    $(2,008,785)                       $439,830 
    BlackRock Insured                     
       Municipal Term                     
       Trust, Inc.                    $ 44,187 
    Merrill Lynch Institutional                 
       Tax-Exempt Fund    $11,396,378            $246,454 
(p)    Represents the current yield as of report date.         
     Effective July 1, 2008, the Fund adopted Financial Accounting Standards 
    Board Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, “Fair Value 
    Measurements” (“FAS 157”). FAS 157 clarifies the definition of fair value, 
    establishes a framework for measuring fair values and requires additional 
    disclosures about the use of fair value measurements. Various inputs are used 
    in determining the fair value of investments, which are as follows:     
     Level 1 — price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical securities 
     Level 2 — other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices 
    for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than 
    quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest 
    rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks, 
       and default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs)     
           • Level 3 — unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the 
    circumstance, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the 
       Fund’s own assumption used in determining the fair value of investments) 
    The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indi- 
    cation of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For information 
    about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of investments and other significant 
    accounting policies, please refer to Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements. 
    The following table summarizes the inputs used as of December 31, 2008 in 
    determining the fair valuation of the Fund’s investments:     
    Valuation                Investments in 
    Inputs                    Securities 
    Level 1                $ 22,124,754 
    Level 2                    716,932,264 
    Level 3                     
    Total                $ 739,057,018 

  See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments December 31, 2008 (Unaudited)    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
                (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par                Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds        (000)    Value 
Alabama — 0.7%            Arkansas — 0.1%             
Alabama Incentives Financing Authority, Special            Arkansas State Student Loan Authority Revenue         
 Obligation Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series A,             Bonds, AMT, Sub-Series B, 7.25%, 6/01/09    $ 250    $  254,965 
 6%, 10/01/29 (a)    $ 3,820     $ 3,855,144    Jonesboro, Arkansas, Residential Housing and Health         
Jefferson County, Alabama, Public Building Authority,             Care Facilities Board, Hospital Revenue Refunding         
 Lease Revenue Bonds, 5.125%, 4/01/21 (a)    3,525    2,327,699     Bonds (Saint Bernards Regional Medical Center),         
Mobile, Alabama, Industrial Development Board,             Series B, 5.90%, 7/01/16 (a)        120    120,083 
 Environmental Improvement Revenue Refunding            Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Environmental Improvement         
 Bonds (International Paper Company Project), AMT,             Revenue Refunding Bonds (International Paper         
 Series A, 6.35%, 5/15/16    500    411,310     Company Project), AMT, Series A, 6.70%, 8/01/20    500    374,945 
Selma, Alabama, IDB, Environmental Improvement            University of Central Arkansas, Housing System         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (International Paper             Revenue Bonds, 6.50%, 1/01/10 (g)(i)    250    268,730 
 Company Project), AMT, Series A, 6.70%, 2/01/18    2,500    1,986,725                1,018,723 
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Special Care Facilities                         
 Financing Authority, Residential Care Facility            California — 17.9%             
 Revenue Bonds (Capstone Village, Inc. Project),            Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, California,         
 Series A, 5.875%, 8/01/36 (b)(c)    3,400    1,852,660     Casino Revenue Bonds, 6%, 7/01/18    2,500    1,893,200 
            Antelope Valley, California, Health Care District         
        10,433,538     Revenue Bonds, VRDN, Series A, 5.25%, 9/01/17    12,000    9,930,840 
Arizona — 3.1%            Bay Area Toll Authority, California, Toll Bridge Revenue         
Arizona Health Facilities Authority Revenue             Refunding Bonds (San Francisco Bay Area),         
 Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West), Series A,             Series F, 5%, 4/01/31        10,000    9,301,300 
 6.625%, 7/01/20    4,000    4,358,400    California County Tobacco Securitization Agency,         
Maricopa County and Phoenix, Arizona, IDA,             Tobacco Revenue Refunding Bonds (Sonoma         
 S/F Mortgage Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series A-2,             County Corporation):             
 5.80%, 7/01/40 (d)(e)(f)    7,300    6,852,145         5%, 6/01/26        1,115    675,188 
Maricopa County, Arizona, IDA, Education Revenue                 5.125%, 6/01/38        1,910    1,015,623 
 Bonds (Arizona Charter Schools Project 1),            California HFA, Home Mortgage Revenue Bonds,         
 Series A, 6.75%, 7/01/29    3,100    2,037,413     VRDN, AMT, Series P, 8.50%, 2/01/27 (j)(k)(l)    19,850    19,850,000 
Maricopa County, Arizona, IDA, Health Facilities            California Health Facilities Financing Authority         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Catholic Healthcare             Revenue Bonds (Sutter Health), Series A:         
 West Project), Series A, 5%, 7/01/21    1,625    1,341,763         6.25%, 8/15/35        2,500    2,455,275 
Peoria, Arizona, Improvement District Number 8801,                 5.25%, 11/15/46        7,000    5,756,800 
 Special Assessment Bonds:            California Pollution Control Financing Authority,         
     7.30%, 1/01/09    190    190,000     Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds (Waste         
     7.30%, 1/01/11    395    408,770     Management, Inc. Project), AMT:             
Peoria, Arizona, Improvement District Number 8802,                 Series A-2, 5.40%, 4/01/25        9,500    6,134,245 
 Special Assessment Bonds:                 Series C, 5.125%, 11/01/23        3,250    2,074,247 
     7.20%, 1/01/10    430    445,239    California Pollution Control Financing Authority,         
     7.20%, 1/01/13    510    527,524     Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Refunding Bonds         
Phoenix, Arizona, IDA, Airport Facility, Revenue             (Republic Services, Inc. Project), AMT, Series C,         
 Refunding Bonds (America West Airlines Inc.             5.25%, 6/01/23        4,150    3,053,860 
 Project), AMT, 6.30%, 4/01/23    3,685    2,050,113    California Rural Home Mortgage Finance Authority,         
Pima County, Arizona, IDA, Revenue Bonds             S/F Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds         
 (Tucson Electric Power Company), Series A,             (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), AMT,         
 6.375%, 9/01/29    3,785    3,009,113     Series A-2, 7%, 9/01/29 (d)(e)(f)        40    40,496 
Pinal County, Arizona, IDA, Wastewater Revenue            California State, GO, Refunding, 5.25%, 3/01/38    9,500    8,463,835 
 Bonds (San Manuel Facilities Project), AMT,            California Statewide Communities Development         
 6.25%, 6/01/26    500    361,535     Authority, Health Facility Revenue Bonds (Memorial         
Prescott Valley, Arizona, Improvement District, Special             Health Services), Series A, 6%, 10/01/23    9,880    9,378,788 
 Assessment Bonds (Sewer Collection System            California Statewide Communities Development         
 Roadway Repair), 7.90%, 1/01/12    250    261,205     Authority Revenue Bonds (Catholic         
Salt River Project, Arizona, Agriculture Improvement             Healthcare West):             
 and Power District, Electric System Revenue Bonds,                 Series B, 5.50%, 7/01/30        3,000    2,435,280 
 Series A, 5%, 1/01/37    20,000    19,129,600         Series D, 5.50%, 7/01/31        2,000    1,610,720 
Tucson, Arizona, IDA, Senior Living Facilities Revenue            Chula Vista, California, Community Facilities District         
 Bonds (Christian Care Tucson Inc. Project),             Number 06-1, Special Tax Bonds (Eastlake Woods         
 Series A, 6.125%, 7/01/10 (g)(h)    3,515    3,808,327     Area), Series A:             
Vistancia Community Facilities District, Arizona, GO:                 6.05%, 9/01/20        1,080    893,398 
     6.75%, 7/15/22    3,000    2,634,750         6.15%, 9/01/26        2,965    2,271,042 
     5.75%, 7/15/24    2,125    1,641,180    Chula Vista, California, IDR, Refunding (San         
        49,057,077     Diego Gas & Electric Co.), AMT, Series C,         
             5.25%, 12/01/27        10,000    7,845,900 
See Notes to Financial Statements.                         


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
California (concluded)            Colorado — 1.6%         
Desert, California, Community College District, GO,            Boulder County, Colorado, Hospital Development         
 Series C, 5%, 8/01/32 (i)    $12,070     $ 11,383,820     Revenue Bonds (Longmont United Hospital Project),         
Los Angeles, California, Unified School District, GO             6%, 12/01/10 (g)(h)    $ 500    $ 542,875 
 (Election of 2004), Series H, 5%, 7/01/32 (i)    20,000    19,018,600    Colorado HFA, Revenue Bonds (S/F Program),         
Los Angeles County, California, Metropolitan             Series B-3, 6.55%, 10/01/16    185    192,269 
 Transportation Authority, Sales Tax Revenue            Colorado HFA, Revenue Refunding Bonds         
 Refunding Bonds:             (S/F Program):         
     Proposition A, First Tier Senior-Series A,                 AMT, Senior Series A-2, 7.50%, 4/01/31    195    205,208 
     5%, 7/01/35 (a)    12,730    11,864,233         AMT, Senior Series B-2, 7.10%, 4/01/17    70    72,004 
     Proposition C, VRDN, Second Senior Series A,                 AMT, Senior Series B-2, 7.25%, 10/01/31    605    632,648 
     7%, 7/01/20 (j)(k)(l)    50,000    50,000,000         AMT, Senior Series B-3, 6.80%, 11/01/28    10    10,209 
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California,                 AMT, Senior Series C-2, 7.25%, 10/01/31 (m)    275    276,633 
 Waterworks Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series B,                 Senior Series A-3, 7.35%, 10/01/30    75    78,509 
 5%, 7/01/35    10,000    9,898,600         Senior Series C-3, 6.75%, 10/01/21 (m)    420    437,455 
Palomar Pomerado Health Care District,                 Senior Series C-3, 7.15%, 10/01/30 (m)    100    102,066 
 California, GO (Election of 2004), Series A,            Colorado Health Facilities Authority Revenue         
 5.125%, 8/01/37 (j)    23,200    22,373,152     Bonds (Catholic Health Initiatives), Series D,         
Pittsburg, California, Redevelopment Agency, Tax             6.25%, 10/01/33    3,520    3,471,600 
 Allocation Refunding Bonds (Los Medanos            Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Revenue         
 Community Development Project), Series A,             Refunding Bonds:         
 6.50%, 9/01/28    10,000    9,428,400         (Christian Living Communities Project), Series A,         
Poway, California, Unified School District, Special Tax                 5.75%, 1/01/37    1,500    821,340 
 Bonds (Community Facilities District Number 6),                 (Poudre Valley Health Care), Series B,         
 Series A, 6.05%, 9/01/25    1,100    830,115         5.25%, 3/01/36 (i)    6,065    4,977,424 
Riverside, California, Improvement Bond Act of 1915,            Elk Valley, Colorado, Public Improvement Revenue         
 Special Assessment (Riverwalk Assessment             Bonds (Public Improvement Fee):         
 District), 6.375%, 9/02/26    2,695    2,005,808         Series A, 7.35%, 9/01/31    7,560    5,641,952 
Roseville, California, Special Tax Bonds:                 Series B, 7.45%, 9/01/31    805    607,018 
     (Fiddyment Ranch Community Facilities            Plaza Metropolitan District Number 1, Colorado,         
     Number 1), 5.125%, 9/01/26    3,060    1,774,555     Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds (Public         
     (Stoneridge Community Facilities Number 1),             Improvement Fees):         
     6.20%, 9/01/11 (g)    1,250    1,430,425         8%, 12/01/25    7,700    6,215,902 
     (Stoneridge Community Facilities Number 1),                 8.125%, 12/01/25    1,910    1,498,128 
     6.30%, 9/01/11 (g)    2,500    2,867,375            25,783,240 
San Francisco, California, City and County Airport                     
 Commission, International Airport Revenue            Connecticut — 1.7%         
 Refunding Bonds, AMT:            Connecticut State Development Authority,         
     2nd Series, 6.75%, 5/01/19    12,600    12,669,426     Governmental Lease Revenue Bonds,         
     Issue 34E, Second Series, 5.75%, 5/01/21 (i)    8,220    7,739,459     6.60%, 6/15/14 (j)    1,000    1,003,310 
San Francisco, California, City and County            Connecticut State Development Authority, Water         
 Redevelopment Agency, Community Facilities             Facility Revenue Bonds (Bridgeport Hydraulic         
 District Number 6, Special Tax Bonds (Mission Bay             Company), AMT, 6.15%, 4/01/35 (a)    1,250    1,063,675 
 South Public Improvements Project):            Connecticut State Development Authority, Water         
     6%, 8/01/21    5,000    3,836,600     Facility Revenue Refunding Bonds (Aquarion Water         
     Series A, 6%, 8/01/25    2,500    1,792,625     Company Project), AMT, 5.10%, 9/01/37 (n)    2,750    1,971,365 
San Francisco, California, Uptown Parking            Connecticut State, HFA, Revenue Refunding Bonds         
 Corporation, Parking Revenue Bonds (Union             (Housing Mortgage Finance Program), Series C-1,         
 Square), 6%, 7/01/20 (j)    1,075    1,164,182     6.30%, 11/15/17    960    961,008 
Santa Clara County, California, Financing Authority,            Connecticut State Health and Educational Facilities         
 Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series L,             Authority Revenue Bonds:         
 5.25%, 5/15/36    11,000    10,225,380         (Bridgeport Hospital), Series A,         
Santa Margarita, California, Water District, Special                 6.625%, 7/01/18 (j)    1,000    1,004,410 
 Tax Refunding Bonds (Community Facilities District                 (Waterbury Hospital Issue), Series C,         
 Number 99), Series 1:                 5.75%, 7/01/20 (h)    1,500    1,347,000 
     6.25%, 9/01/09 (g)    2,925    3,080,493    Connecticut State Health and Educational Facilities         
     6.20%, 9/01/20    2,650    2,337,936     Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds (h):         
Southern California HFA, S/F Mortgage Revenue                 (Eastern Connecticut Health Network), Series A,         
 Bonds, AMT, Series A, 5.80%, 12/01/49 (d)(e)(f)    4,420    4,128,545         6.50%, 7/01/10 (g)    12,045    13,113,272 
                 (Sacred Heart University), 6.625%, 7/01/26    640    598,771 
        284,929,766         (University of Hartford), Series E, 5.50%, 7/01/22    5,710    4,836,884 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
Connecticut (concluded)            Florida (continued)         
Connecticut State Higher Education Supplemental            Mediterra, Florida, South Community Development         
 Loan Authority, Revenue Bonds (Family Education             District, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds,         
 Loan Program), AMT, Series A, 5.50%, 11/15/20 (j)    $ 320     $ 300,477     6.85%, 5/01/31    $ 925    $ 702,704 
Waterbury, Connecticut, GO, 6%, 2/01/09 (g)(h)    860    872,496    Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue         
        27,072,668     Refunding Bonds (Miami International Airport),         
             AMT, Series A (o):         
District of Columbia — 0.3%                 5.50%, 10/01/24    5,185    4,340,467 
District of Columbia, HFA, S/F Mortgage Revenue                 5.50%, 10/01/25    7,320    6,051,151 
 Bonds, AMT, Series A, 5.55%, 12/01/25    5,435    5,123,737    Miami-Dade County, Florida, GO (Building         
Florida — 9.0%             Better Communities Program), Series B,         
Alachua County, Florida, IDR (North Florida             6.375%, 7/01/28    7,750    8,112,313 
 Retirement Village), Refunding, 5.875%, 11/15/36    2,000    1,143,360    Miami-Dade County, Florida, IDA, Solid Waste         
Anthem Park Community Development District,             Disposal Revenue Bonds (Waster Management,         
 Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds,             Inc. Project), VRDN, AMT, Series 1,         
 5.80%, 5/01/36    1,875    1,053,581     3.50%, 12/01/18 (k)(l)    2,000    1,969,760 
Ave Maria Stewardship Community District, Florida,            Miami-Dade County, Florida, Water and Sewer         
 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series A,             Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series C,         
 5.125%, 5/01/38    2,000    1,004,640     6%, 10/01/23    20,000    20,653,400 
Ave Maria Stewardship Community District, Florida,            Middle Village Community Development District,         
 Revenue Bonds, 4.80%, 11/01/12    1,500    1,229,400     Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series A,         
Ballantrae, Florida, Community Development District,             6%, 5/01/35    2,500    1,430,950 
 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, 6%, 5/01/35    1,615    1,065,868    Midtown Miami, Florida, Community Development         
Beacon Tradeport Community, Florida, Development             District, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds,         
 District, Special Assessment Revenue Refunding             Series A, 6.25%, 5/01/37    6,625    4,109,686 
 Bonds (Commercial Project), Series A,            New River Community Development District, Florida,         
 5.25%, 5/01/16 (h)    1,670    1,520,769     Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series B,         
Capital Region Community Development District,             5%, 5/01/13    1,000    400,000 
 Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds,            Orange County, Florida, HFA, M/F Housing         
 Series A, 7%, 5/01/39    1,065    662,057     Revenue Bonds (Loma Vista Project), Series G,         
Fiddlers Creek, Florida, Community Development             5.50%, 3/01/32    3,500    2,944,095 
 District Number 2, Special Assessment            Orange County, Florida, Health Facilities Authority,         
 Revenue Bonds:             Hospital Revenue Bonds (Orlando Regional         
       Series A, 6.375%, 5/01/35    5,350    3,415,333     Healthcare), 5.70%, 7/01/26    1,000    635,600 
     Series B, 5.75%, 5/01/13    555    488,644    Panther Trace Community Development District II,         
Florida Housing Finance Corporation, Homeowner             Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds:         
 Mortgage Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series 1,                 5.125%, 11/01/13    9,885    5,930,901 
 6%, 7/01/39 (d)(e)(f)    1,850    1,628,592         Series A, 5.60%, 5/01/35    4,900    2,780,603 
Halifax Hospital Medical Center, Florida, Hospital            Park Place Community Development District,         
 Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds,             Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds:         
 Series A, 5.25%, 6/01/26    5,500    3,447,950         6.75%, 5/01/10 (g)    920    990,886 
Highland Meadows Community Development District,                 6.375%, 5/01/34    2,300    1,470,620 
 Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series A,            Port St. Lucie, Florida, Utility Revenue Bonds,         
 5.50%, 5/01/36    1,115    535,824     5.125%, 9/01/36 (j)    19,465    18,067,608 
Hillsborough County, Florida, IDA, Exempt Facilities            Saint Lucie, Florida, West Services District,         
 Revenue Bonds (National Gypsum Company), AMT,             Utility Revenue Refunding Bonds, Senior Lien,         
 Series A, 7.125%, 4/01/30    5,000    2,649,500     6%, 10/01/22 (j)    2,000    2,074,360 
Hillsborough County, Florida, IDA, Hospital Revenue            Sarasota County, Florida, Health Facilities Authority,         
 Bonds (Tampa General Hospital Project),             Retirement Facility Revenue Refunding Bonds         
 5.25%, 10/01/41    16,845    10,939,648     (Village on the Isle Project):         
Jacksonville Electric Authority, Florida, Bulk Power                 5.50%, 1/01/27    780    464,030 
 Supply System Revenue Bonds (Scherer 4                 5.50%, 1/01/32    1,645    890,060 
 Project), Series A, 6%, 10/01/37    8,225    8,372,063    Somerset Community Development District,         
Lee County, Florida, Airport Revenue Bonds, AMT,             Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds,         
 Series A, 6%, 10/01/29 (i)    14,000    12,284,160     5%, 5/01/15    1,265    936,796 
Lee County, Florida, IDA, Health Care Facilities,            Sterling Hill Community Development District,         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Shell Point/Alliance             Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding         
 Obligor Group), 5%, 11/15/29    2,000    1,153,160     Bonds, Series B, 5.50%, 11/01/10    175    167,797 
Lexington Oaks, Florida, Community Development            Suncoast Community Development District,         
 District, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds,             Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds,         
 Series A, 6.70%, 5/01/33    1,075    857,012     Series A, 5.875%, 5/01/34    2,585    1,683,455 

  See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
Florida (concluded)            Illinois (concluded)         
Tern Bay Community Development District,            Illinois State Finance Authority Revenue Bonds:         
 Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding                 (Advocate Health Care Network), Series D,         
 Bonds, Series B, 5%, 5/01/15 (b)(c)    $ 1,190     $ 416,500         6.50%, 11/01/38    $ 5,700     $ 5,618,091 
Tolomato Community Development District,                 (Friendship Village of Schaumburg), Series A,         
 Florida, Special Assessment Bonds,                 5.625%, 2/15/37    1,750    932,768 
 6.45%, 5/01/23    3,000    1,986,030         (Landing At Plymouth Place Project), Series A,         
Watergrass Community Development District,                 6%, 5/15/37    2,155    1,244,146 
 Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds,                 (University of Chicago), Series B, 6.25%, 7/01/38    20,000    21,419,400 
 Series B, 4.875%, 11/01/10    1,255    691,907    Illinois State Finance Authority, Revenue Refunding         
        143,353,240     Bonds (Sherman Health System Project), Series A,         
             5.50%, 8/01/37    3,500    2,261,000 
Georgia — 2.0%            Illinois State, GO, 1st Series (j):         
Atlanta, Georgia, Airport Passenger Facility Charge                 5.75%, 12/01/15    8,890    9,325,166 
 and Subordinate Lien General Revenue Refunding                 5.75%, 12/01/16    3,745    3,928,318 
 Bonds, Series C, 5%, 1/01/33 (i)    16,500    14,684,010         5.75%, 12/01/17    4,000    4,195,800 
Fulton County, Georgia, Residential Care Facilities,            Illinois State, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, 6%, 6/15/20    3,000    3,140,340 
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Canterbury Court            Illinois State, Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds,         
 Project), Series A, 6%, 2/15/22    2,250    1,632,442     Series Q, 6%, 6/15/09    795    806,726 
Gainesville, Georgia, Redevelopment Authority,            Village of Wheeling, Illinois, Revenue Bonds (North         
 Educational Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds             Milwaukee/Lake-Cook Tax Increment Financing (TIF)         
 (Riverside Military Academy):             Redevelopment Project), 6%, 1/01/25    1,585    1,042,312 
     5.125%, 3/01/27    2,460    1,479,075             
     5.125%, 3/01/37    1,800    898,398            110,384,141 
Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, Revenue            Indiana — 0.1%         
 Refunding Bonds (General Resolution Projects),            Jasper County, Indiana, PCR, Refunding         
 Sub-Series D, 6%, 1/01/23    10,000    10,448,900     (Northern Indiana Public Service), Series C,         
Rockdale County, Georgia, Development Authority             5.85%, 4/01/19 (j)    2,000    1,861,140 
 Revenue Bonds (Visy Paper Project), AMT, Series A,            Iowa — 0.3%         
 6.125%, 1/01/34    5,000    3,106,200    Iowa Finance Authority, Health Care Facilities,         
        32,249,025     Revenue Refunding Bonds (Care Initiatives Project),         
Illinois — 6.9%             9.25%, 7/01/11 (g)    3,775    4,527,697 
Bolingbrook, Illinois, Special Services Area            Kansas — 0.2%         
 Number 1, Special Tax Bonds (Forest City Project),            Sedgwick and Shawnee Counties, Kansas,         
 5.90%, 3/01/27    1,000    673,630     S/F Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series A-1,         
Chicago, Illinois, Motor Fuel Tax Revenue Bonds,             6.95%, 6/01/29 (f)    1,050    1,105,713 
 Series A, 5%, 1/01/38 (o)    11,000    10,117,910    Wichita, Kansas, Hospital Facilities Revenue         
Chicago, Illinois, O’Hare International Airport, General             Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series III,         
 Airport Revenue Bonds, Third Lien, AMT, Series B-2,             6.25%, 11/15/19    2,500    2,493,925 
 6%, 1/01/29 (n)    20,000    17,287,200            3,599,638 
Chicago, Illinois, S/F Mortgage Revenue Bonds, AMT,                     
 Series A, 7.15%, 9/01/31 (d)(e)(f)    235    241,561    Louisiana — 0.5%         
Chicago, Illinois, Special Assessment Bonds (Lake            Louisiana HFA, S/F Mortgage Revenue Bonds, AMT,         
 Shore East), 6.75%, 12/01/32    2,000    1,292,540     Series D-2, 5.80%, 6/01/20 (e)(f)    245    243,814 
Chicago, Illinois, Transit Authority, Capital Grant            Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities         
 Receipts Revenue Bonds (Federal Transit             and Community Development Authority, Revenue         
 Administration Section 5309 Formula Funds),             Bonds (Capital Projects and Equipment Acquisition         
 Series A, 6%, 6/01/26 (o)    12,425    13,246,417     Program), Series A, 6.30%, 7/01/30 (a)    7,000    5,636,400 
Chicago, Illinois, Wastewater Transmission Revenue            Rapides Finance Authority, Louisiana, Environmental         
 Bonds, Series A, 5.375%, 1/01/32 (p)    1,500    1,503,720     Improvement Revenue Bonds (International Paper         
Cicero, Illinois, GO, Refunding (Corporate Purpose),             Company Project), AMT, Series A, 6.55%, 11/15/23    2,000    1,372,940 
 6%, 12/01/28 (j)    1,450    1,459,135            7,253,154 
Hodgkins, Illinois, Environmental Improvement            Maryland — 0.3%         
 Revenue Bonds (Metro Biosolids Management LLC            Anne Arundel County, Maryland, Special Obligation         
 Project), AMT, 6%, 11/01/23    10,000    7,835,400     Revenue Bonds (Arundel Mills Project),         
Illinois Development Finance Authority Revenue             7.10%, 7/01/09 (g)    500    523,020 
 Bonds (Community Rehabilitation Providers            Maryland State Community Development         
 Facilities), Series A, 6.50%, 7/01/22    3,140    2,812,561     Administration, Department of Housing and         
             Community Development, Housing Revenue         
             Bonds, AMT, Series B, 6.15%, 1/01/21    1,000    997,320 

  See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
Maryland (concluded)            Minnesota — 0.8%         
Maryland State Community Development            Eden Prairie, Minnesota, M/F Housing Revenue         
 Administration, Department of Housing and             Bonds (Rolling Hills Project), Series A,         
 Community Development Revenue Bonds             6.15%, 8/20/31 (f)    $ 1,000    $ 1,001,120 
 (Waters Landing II Apartments), AMT, Series A,            Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota, Metropolitan         
 5.875%, 8/01/33    $ 1,000    $ 970,130     Airports Commission, Airport Revenue Bonds, AMT,         
Maryland State Health and Higher Educational             Sub-Series D (j)(q):         
 Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds (King               5.75%, 1/01/12    470    470,964 
 Farm Presbyterian Community), Series B,               5.75%, 1/01/14    470    467,387 
 5%, 1/01/17    3,200    2,354,496       5.75%, 1/01/15    2,060    2,037,422 
        4,844,966    Minneapolis, Minnesota, Health Care System         
             Revenue Refunding Bonds (Fairview Health         
Massachusetts — 2.2%             Services), Series A, 6.75%, 11/15/32    4,800    4,743,456 
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority,            Ramsey County, Minnesota, Housing and         
 Education Loan Revenue Refunding Bonds,             Redevelopment Authority, M/F Housing Revenue         
 AMT, Issue E, 5.85%, 7/01/14 (a)    145    144,730     Bonds (Hanover Townhouses Project), AMT,         
Massachusetts State Development Finance             6%, 7/01/31    1,110    987,445 
 Agency Revenue Bonds (Linden Ponds, Inc.            Saint Cloud, Minnesota, Health Care Revenue         
 Project), Series A, 5.50%, 11/15/27    3,000    1,609,830     Refunding Bonds (Saint Cloud Hospital Obligation         
Massachusetts State, HFA, M/F Housing Revenue             Group), Series A, 6.25%, 5/01/20 (i)    1,000    1,018,430 
 Bonds, Series B, 7%, 12/01/38    5,000    5,125,200    Waconia, Minnesota, Health Care Facilities Revenue         
Massachusetts State Health and Educational             Bonds (Ridgeview Medical Center Project),         
 Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds (Medical             Series A, 6.125%, 1/01/10 (g)(h)    1,500    1,569,375 
 Center of Central Massachusetts),                     
 6.55%, 6/23/22 (a)    6,700    6,702,211            12,295,599 
Massachusetts State School Building Authority,            Mississippi — 0.3%         
 Dedicated Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series A,            Mississippi Home Corporation, S/F Mortgage         
 5%, 8/15/37 (a)    20,700    19,672,452     Revenue Bonds, Series A-1,         
Massachusetts State Water Pollution Abatement             5.50%, 6/01/38 (d)(e)(f)    3,755    3,779,896 
 Trust, Water Abatement Revenue Bonds,            Warren County, Mississippi, Environmental         
 Series A, 6.375%, 2/01/15    130    130,517     Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds         
Montachusett, Massachusetts, Regional             (International Paper Company Project), AMT,         
 Vocational Technical School District, GO,             Series B, 6.75%, 8/01/21    1,700    1,251,132 
 5.95%, 1/15/10 (g)(j)    1,600    1,697,232            5,031,028 
        35,082,172    Missouri — 0.1%         
Michigan — 1.1%            Fenton, Missouri, Tax Increment Revenue Refunding         
Dickinson County, Michigan, Economic             and Improvement Bonds (Gravois Bluffs         
 Development Corporation, Environmental             Redevelopment Project), 5%, 4/01/14    1,000    984,980 
 Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds            Kansas City, Missouri, IDA, First Mortgage Health         
 (International Paper Company Project), Series A,             Facilities Revenue Bonds (Bishop Spencer Place),         
 5.75%, 6/01/16    500    411,260     Series A, 6.50%, 1/01/35    1,500    957,570 
Eastern Michigan University, General Revenue            Missouri State Housing Development Commission,         
 Refunding Bonds, 6%, 6/01/24 (a)    415    420,399     S/F Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Homeownership         
Flint, Michigan, Hospital Building Authority,             Loan Program), AMT, Series E-1,         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Hurley Medical             5.60%, 3/01/37 (e)(f)    190    181,169 
 Center), 6%, 7/01/20    3,000    2,257,680            2,123,719 
Hartland, Michigan, Consolidated School                     
 District, GO, Refunding, 5.125%, 5/01/29    7,000    6,805,680    Montana — 0.5%         
Michigan State Building Authority, Revenue            Montana State Board of Housing, S/F Mortgage         
 Refunding Bonds (Facilities Program), Series I,             Revenue Refunding Bonds, AMT, Series A-2,         
 6.25%, 10/15/38    6,250    6,492,625     5.50%, 6/01/37    2,640    2,507,868 
Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority,            Montana State Higher Education Student Assistance         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Mercy-Mount             Corporation, Student Loan Revenue Refunding         
 Clemens), Series A, 6%, 5/15/09 (g)(j)    1,500    1,543,215     Bonds, AMT, Sub-Series B, 6.40%, 12/01/32    6,000    5,355,840 
        17,930,859            7,863,708 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
Nevada — 2.1%            New York — 7.4%         
Clark County, Nevada, Improvement District Number            Babylon, New York, IDA Residential Recovery Revenue         
 142, Special Assessment Bonds, 6.375%, 8/01/23    $ 1,505     $ 931,896     Refunding Bonds (Ogden Martin Project), VRDN,         
Elko, Nevada, GO (Airport Improvement), AMT,             5%, 1/01/19 (i)(k)(l)    $20,000    $ 20,000,000 
 Series B (j):            Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric         
     6.10%, 10/01/14    165    165,764     System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series A,         
     6.30%, 10/01/19    245    244,995     6%, 5/01/33    18,300    18,424,257 
     6.75%, 10/01/24    320    314,934    Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York,         
     7%, 10/01/29    225    223,024     Revenue Bonds, Series C, 6.50%, 11/15/28    17,420    18,178,989 
Henderson, Nevada, Health Care Facilities, Revenue            New York City, New York, City Housing Development         
 Refunding Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West),             Corporation, M/F Housing Revenue Bonds,         
 Series B, 5.25%, 7/01/31    20,000    14,269,800     Series M:         
Reno, Nevada, Health Revenue Refunding                 6.50%, 11/01/28    4,300    4,396,621 
 Bonds (Catholic Healthcare West), Series A,                 6.875%, 11/01/38    5,700    5,863,248 
 5.25%, 7/01/31    10,000    7,134,900    New York City, New York, City IDA, Civic Facility         
Reno, Nevada, Special Assessment District Number 4             Revenue Bonds (Special Needs Facilities Pooled         
 (Somerset Parkway), 6.625%, 12/01/22    1,800    1,383,246     Program), Series C-1, 6%, 7/01/12    2,590    2,346,773 
Sparks, Nevada, Redevelopment Agency, Tax Allocation            New York City, New York, City IDA, Special Facility         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series A (h):             Revenue Bonds (British Airways Plc Project), AMT,         
     6%, 1/15/15    3,110    3,075,417     7.625%, 12/01/32    3,500    2,283,540 
     6%, 1/15/23    6,315    5,412,902    New York City, New York, City Transitional Finance         
        33,156,878     Authority, Building Aid Revenue Refunding Bonds,         
             Series S-1, 5%, 1/15/34    10,000    9,347,500 
New Hampshire — 0.2%            New York City, New York, GO, Refunding, Series A:         
New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities                 6%, 5/15/10 (g)    6,540    7,038,152 
 Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds:                 6%, 5/15/21 (n)    60    61,216 
     (Elliot Hospital), Series B, 5.60%, 10/01/22    1,750    1,575,963    New York City, New York, GO:         
     (Havenwood-Heritage Heights Retirement                 Series B, 5.875%, 8/01/15 (j)    1,300    1,374,997 
     Community), Series A, 5%, 1/01/16    490    383,347         Series E-1, 6.25%, 10/15/28    7,500    7,857,000 
     (Havenwood-Heritage Heights Retirement            New York State Dormitory Authority, Non-State         
     Community), Series A, 5.35%, 1/01/26    1,035    632,747     Supported Debt, Revenue Refunding Bonds         
        2,592,057     (Mount Sinai-NYU Medical Center Health System),         
New Jersey — 1.9%             Series A, 6.50%, 7/01/16    2,410    2,417,688 
Camden County, New Jersey, Pollution Control            New York State Dormitory Authority, Revenue         
 Financing Authority, Solid Waste Resource Recovery,             Refunding Bonds:         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds, AMT, Series B,                 (Mount Sinai Health), Series A, 6.50%, 7/01/25    1,680    1,406,933 
 7.50%, 12/01/09    70    70,097         (State University Educational Facilities),         
New Jersey EDA, Retirement Community Revenue                 Series A, 7.50%, 5/15/13    3,000    3,549,720 
 Bonds (Cedar Crest Village Inc. Facility), Series A,            Oneida County, New York, IDA Revenue Bonds         
 7.25%, 11/15/11 (g)    3,300    3,754,509     (Civic Facility-Faxton Hospital), Series C,         
New Jersey EDA, School Facilities Construction             6.625%, 1/01/15 (h)    2,285    2,327,707 
 Revenue Bonds, Series O, 5.25%, 3/01/24    20,000    20,040,200    Suffolk County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue         
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority,             Bonds (Special Needs Facilities Pooled Program),         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Capital Health             Series D-1, 6%, 7/01/12    80    72,407 
 System Inc.), Series A, 5.75%, 7/01/23    2,250    1,928,588    Westchester County, New York, IDA, Civic Facilities         
New Jersey State Housing and Mortgage Finance             Revenue Bonds (Special Needs Facilities Pooled         
 Agency, M/F Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds,             Program), Series E-1, 6%, 7/01/12    570    515,901 
 Series B, 6.25%, 11/01/26 (i)    640    641,709    Westchester County, New York, IDA, Continuing Care         
New Jersey State Turnpike Authority, Turnpike Revenue             Retirement, Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Kendal on         
 Refunding Bonds, Series A, 5.75%, 1/01/18 (j)    2,975    3,031,109     Hudson Project), Series A, 6.50%, 1/01/13 (g)    8,095    9,532,996 
        29,466,212            116,995,645 
New Mexico — 0.2%            North Carolina — 2.9%         
New Mexico Mortgage Financing Authority,            North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency,         
 S/F Mortgage Program Revenue Bonds, AMT,             Power System Revenue Bonds, Series D,         
 Series D, 6.15%, 7/01/35 (d)(e)(f)    2,365    2,225,087     6.75%, 1/01/26    4,000    3,882,200 
Santa Fe County, New Mexico, Correctional System            North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency,         
 Revenue Bonds, 6%, 2/01/27 (i)    250    260,073     Power System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series D,         
             6.70%, 1/01/19 (r)    4,440    4,472,900 
        2,485,160    North Carolina HFA, Home Ownership Revenue         
             Bonds, AMT, Series 9-A, 5.80%, 1/01/20    3,775    3,756,729 

  See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
North Carolina (concluded)            Pennsylvania — 3.2%         
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health            Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, IDA, Environmental         
 Care Facilities, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds             Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds,         
 (Presbyterian Homes Project):             5.50%, 11/01/16    $ 3,640     $ 3,022,292 
     6.875%, 10/01/10 (g)    $ 2,500    $  2,745,625    Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Sanitation Authority,         
     5.50%, 10/01/31    3,000    1,708,500     Sewer Revenue Bonds, 5.75%, 12/01/10 (g)(j)    2,220    2,419,289 
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care            Bucks County, Pennsylvania, IDA, Retirement         
 Facilities, First Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds:             Community Revenue Bonds (Ann’s Choice Inc.),         
     (Presbyterian Homes Project), Series B,             Series A, 6.125%, 1/01/25    1,760    1,195,832 
     5.20%, 10/01/21    2,500    1,789,150    Delaware County, Pennsylvania, IDA, Revenue         
     (Salemtowne Project), 5.10%, 10/01/30    1,100    646,371     Refunding Bonds (Resource Recovery Facility),         
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Retirement             Series A, 6.10%, 7/01/13    7,750    6,995,072 
 Facilities, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds:            Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Hospital Authority         
     (Forest at Duke Project), 6.375%, 9/01/12 (g)    1,000    1,140,080     Revenue Bonds (Brethren Village Project), Series A:         
     (Givens Estates Project), Series A,                 6.25%, 7/01/26    1,160    846,034 
     6.50%, 7/01/13 (g)    2,500    2,971,350         6.50%, 7/01/40    1,000    659,560 
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Retirement            Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Authority for IDR,         
 Facilities, First Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds:             Commercial Development, 7.75%, 12/01/17    1,265    1,049,318 
     (Forest at Duke Project), 5.125%, 9/01/32    5,000    3,419,900    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Redevelopment Authority         
     (Givens Estates Project), 5%, 7/01/33    2,000    1,167,440     Revenue Bonds (Neighborhood Transformation),         
North Carolina Municipal Power Agency Number 1,             Series A, 5.30%, 4/15/26 (j)(q)    36,210    32,779,103 
 Catawba Electric Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series B:            Sayre, Pennsylvania, Health Care Facilities Authority,         
     6.375%, 1/01/13    500    518,595     Revenue Refunding Bonds (Guthrie Healthcare         
     6.375%, 1/01/13 (r)    1,080    1,120,165     System), Series A, 5.875%, 12/01/31    1,085    890,785 
     6.50%, 1/01/20    12,000    12,285,360    Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority,         
     6.50%, 1/01/20 (r)    2,500    2,559,450     Pennsylvania, Airport System Revenue Bonds, AMT,         
Piedmont Triad Airport Authority, North Carolina,             Series A, 6.50%, 1/01/38    1,000    648,390 
 Airport Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series A (g)(i):                    50,505,675 
     6%, 7/01/09    1,000    1,036,730             
     6.375%, 7/01/09    1,000    1,038,600    Rhode Island — 0.1%         
            Rhode Island State Economic Development         
        46,259,145     Corporation Revenue Bonds (Providence Place         
Ohio — 1.5%             Mall), 6.125%, 7/01/20 (h)    1,000    949,260 
Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority,            South Carolina — 2.9%         
 Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds,            Medical University Hospital Authority, South Carolina,         
 Series A-2:             Hospital Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds,         
     5.875%, 6/01/30    5,000    3,131,200     Series A (g):         
     5.75%, 6/01/34    7,000    4,147,850         6.375%, 8/15/12    5,400    6,213,186 
Lorain County, Ohio, Hospital Revenue Refunding                 6.50%, 8/15/12    2,450    2,829,603 
 Bonds (Catholic Healthcare Partners), Series C-2,            South Carolina Jobs EDA, Residential Care Facilities         
 5%, 4/01/33 (i)    8,800    7,444,536     Revenue Bonds (South Carolina Episcopal —         
Ohio State Air Quality Development Authority             Still Hopes Residence Project), Series A,         
 Revenue Bonds (Ohio Power Company Project),             6.375%, 5/15/32    5,000    3,211,600 
 AMT, 7.125%, 6/01/41    7,000    6,989,640    South Carolina State Ports Authority, Ports Revenue         
Ohio State, HFA, Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds,             Bonds, AMT, 5.30%, 7/01/26    41,215    33,741,072 
 AMT, Series C, 5.90%, 9/01/35 (e)(f)    1,540    1,545,313             
Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority,                    45,995,461 
 Ohio, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds            Tennessee — 1.1%         
 (Cooperative Public Parking Infrastructure Project),            Chattanooga, Tennessee, IDB, Lease Rent Revenue         
 6.40%, 2/15/34    1,470    984,062     Bonds (Southside Redevelopment Corporation) (a):         
        24,242,601         5.75%, 10/01/17    4,485    4,695,705 
                 5.75%, 10/01/18    3,740    3,904,111 
Oregon — 0.0%            Johnson City, Tennessee, Health and Educational         
Oregon State Housing and Community Services             Facilities Board, Retirement Facility Revenue Bonds         
 Department, Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds             (Appalachian Christian Village Project), Series A,         
 (S/F Mortgage Program) Series A:             6.25%, 2/15/32    1,000    637,270 
     AMT, 6.20%, 7/01/27    35    33,481    Shelby County, Tennessee, Health, Educational and         
     6.40%, 7/01/18    40    40,038     Housing Facility Board, Hospital Revenue Refunding         
Portland, Oregon, M/F Housing Authority Revenue             Bonds (Methodist Healthcare), 6.50%, 9/01/12(g)    7,300    8,398,869 
 Bonds (Lovejoy Station Apartments Project), AMT,                     
 5.90%, 7/01/23 (j)    500    478,425            17,635,955 

  See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
Texas — 11.8%            Texas (concluded)         
Austin, Texas, Convention Center Revenue Bonds            South Plains, Texas, Housing Finance Corporation,         
 (Convention Enterprises Inc.), First Tier, Series A (g):             S/F Mortgage Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series A,         
     6.60%, 1/01/11    $ 5,300     $ 5,790,992     7.30%, 9/01/31 (e)(f)    $ 755    $  765,517 
     6.70%, 1/01/11    2,300    2,517,557    Southeast Texas Housing Finance         
Austin, Texas, Revenue Bonds (Town Lake Community             Corporation, Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series B,         
 Events Center Venue), 6.20%, 11/15/09 (g)(q)    5,000    5,237,550     8.50%, 11/01/25 (d)(f)    90    91,641 
Bexar County, Texas, Health Facilities Development            Tarrant County, Texas, Cultural Education Facilities         
 Corporation, Revenue Refunding Bonds (Army             Financing Corporation, Retirement Facilities         
 Retirement Residence Project), 6.30%, 7/01/12 (g)    1,750    1,997,082     Revenue Refunding Bonds (Northwest Senior         
Brazos River Authority, Texas, PCR, Refunding             Housing — Edgemere Project) Series A:         
 (TXU Energy Company Project), AMT, Series C,                 6%, 11/15/26    2,200    1,410,750 
 5.75%, 5/01/36    11,450    8,788,905         6%, 11/15/36    3,000    1,709,640 
Brazos River, Texas, Harbor Navigation District, Brazoria            Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation,         
 County Environmental Revenue Refunding Bonds             S/F Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Professional         
 (Dow Chemical Company Project), AMT, Series A-7,             Educators Home Loan Program), AMT, Series A-1,         
 6.625%, 5/15/33    3,700    2,566,468     5.50%, 12/01/39 (d)(e)(f)    6,093    5,556,334 
Central Texas Housing Finance Corporation,            Texas State Public Finance Authority, Building         
 S/F Mortgage Revenue Bonds (GNMA Mortgage             Revenue Bonds (g)(i):         
 Program), AMT, 8.20%, 6/28/17 (f)(m)    260    269,797         (General Services Commission Project),         
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, International Airport Facility                 Series A, 6%, 2/01/10    2,100    2,212,455 
 Improvement Corporation, Revenue Bonds                 (State Preservation Project), Series B,         
 (Learjet Inc.), AMT, Series A-1, 6.15%, 1/01/16    3,620    2,836,125         6%, 8/01/09    1,000    1,030,990 
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, International Airport Facility            Texas State Turnpike Authority, Central Texas Turnpike         
 Improvement Corporation, Revenue Refunding             System Revenue Bonds, First Tier, Series A,         
 Bonds (American Airlines, Inc.), AMT,             5.75%, 8/15/38 (a)    45,000    38,451,600 
 5.50%, 11/01/30    5,000    1,776,150    Webster, Texas, GO, COP, Series A (i):         
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, International Airport Revenue                 6%, 3/01/10 (g)    1,500    1,584,870 
 Bonds, AMT, Series A, 6%, 11/01/24 (j)(q)    30,000    26,731,800         6%, 3/01/21    805    833,578 
Gregg County, Texas, Health Facilities Development            West Central Texas Regional Housing Finance         
 Corporation, Hospital Revenue Bonds (Good             Corporation, S/F Mortgage Revenue Bonds         
 Shepherd Medical Center Project)(g)(h):             (Mortgage-Backed Securities Program), AMT,         
     6.375%, 10/01/10    3,500    3,766,665     Series A, 5.35%, 12/01/39 (d)(e)(f)    1,134    1,020,752 
     6.875%, 10/01/10    1,000    1,084,610            187,046,908 
Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority, Texas, Revenue                     
 Refunding Bonds (International Paper Company),            Utah — 0.0%         
 AMT, Series A, 6.10%, 8/01/24    5,465    3,494,649    Utah State, HFA, S/F Mortgage Revenue Refunding         
HFDC of Central Texas, Inc., Retirement Facilities             Bonds, AMT, Series C, Class III, 5.50%, 1/01/18    580    570,407 
 Revenue Bonds:            Virginia — 0.5%         
     Series A, 5.75%, 11/01/36    2,255    1,230,689    Albemarle County, Virginia, IDA, Residential Care         
     (Village at Gleannloch Farms), Series A,             Facilities, Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds         
     5.50%, 2/15/37    1,850    1,007,418     (Westminster-Canterbury), 5%, 1/01/24    2,750    1,805,347 
Harris County, Texas, Health Facilities Development            Chesterfield County, Virginia, IDA, PCR, Refunding         
 Corporation, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds             (Virginia Electric and Power Company), Series B,         
 (Memorial Hermann Healthcare System), Series B,             5.875%, 6/01/17    2,425    2,314,177 
 7.25%, 12/01/35    3,900    3,943,563    Fairfax County, Virginia, EDA, Residential Care         
Houston, Texas, Airport System Revenue Refunding             Facilities, Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds         
 Bonds, Sub-Lien, AMT, Series A, 5.50%, 7/01/23 (i)    15,000    13,094,700     (Goodwin House, Inc.), 5.125%, 10/01/37    3,250    1,750,027 
Houston, Texas, Airport System, Special Facilities            Norfolk, Virginia, Redevelopment and Housing         
 Revenue Bonds (Continental Airlines), AMT,             Authority, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds         
 Series E, 7%, 7/01/29    6,000    3,263,340     (Retirement Community), Series A:         
Kerrville, Texas, Health Facilities Development                 6%, 1/01/25    500    342,575 
 Corporation, Hospital Revenue Bonds (Sid Peterson                 6.125%, 1/01/35    1,100    665,379 
 Memorial Hospital Project), 5.25%, 8/15/21    4,000    3,119,440    Watkins Centre Community Development Authority,         
Matagorda County, Texas, Port of Bay City Authority             Virginia, Revenue Bonds, 5.40%, 3/01/20    2,500    1,872,400 
 Revenue Bonds (Hoechst Celanese Corp. Project),                    8,749,905 
 AMT, 6.50%, 5/01/26    7,350    4,251,681             
North Texas Tollway Authority, System Revenue                     
 Refunding Bonds, Second Tier, Series F,                     
 6.125%, 1/01/31    40,000    35,609,600             

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued) BlackRock National Municipal Fund
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
Washington — 1.5%         
Central Puget Sound Regional Transportation         
 Authority, Washington, Sales and Use Tax Revenue         
 Bonds, Series A, 5%, 11/01/34    $10,000    $ 9,379,400 
Seattle, Washington, Housing Authority         
 Revenue Bonds:         
     (Newholly Project), AMT, 6.25%, 12/01/35    2,750    1,798,418 
     (Replacement Housing Project),         
     6.125%, 12/01/32    4,530    3,045,474 
Washington State Health Care Facilities Authority,         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Catholic Health         
 Initiatives), Series D, 6.375%, 10/01/36    10,000    9,877,000 
Wisconsin — 0.6%         
Wisconsin Housing and EDA, Home Ownership         
 Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series C, 6%, 9/01/36    815    791,365 
Wisconsin State, GO, AMT, Series B,         
 6.20%, 11/01/26 (j)    1,065    1,057,630 
Wisconsin State Health and Educational Facilities         
 Authority Revenue Bonds (SynergyHealth Inc.):         
     6%, 11/15/23    5,450    5,132,810 
     6%, 11/15/32    3,700    3,208,196 
Puerto Rico — 1.3%         
Puerto Rico Commonwealth, GO, Refunding,         
 Sub-Series C-7, 6%, 7/01/27 (j)    6,890    6,032,884 
Puerto Rico Commonwealth Highway and         
 Transportation Authority, Transportation Revenue         
 Bonds, 5.75%, 7/01/22    8,045    6,868,660 
Puerto Rico Commonwealth Infrastructure         
 Financing Authority, Special Tax and Capital         
 Appreciation Revenue Bonds, Series A,         
 4.914%, 7/01/30 (q)(s)    19,200    4,135,488 
Puerto Rico Industrial Tourist Educational, Medical         
 and Environmental Control Facilities Revenue         
 Bonds (Hospital de la Concepcion), Series A,         
 6.125%, 11/15/25    4,000    3,776,200 
U.S. Virgin Islands — 0.4%         
Virgin Islands Government Refinery Facilities,         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Hovensa Coker         
 Project), AMT, 6.50%, 7/01/21    8,000    5,760,880 
Total Municipal Bonds — 89.3%        1,419,886,453 
Municipal Bonds Transferred to         
Tender Option Bond Trusts (t)         
New York — 2.8%         
New York State Dormitory Authority State Personal         
 Income Tax Revenue Education, Series B,         
 5.75%, 3/15/36    13,890    14,255,307 
New York State Environmental Facility Corporation         
 State Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Municipal         
 Water, 5%, 6/15/28    30,000    29,668,200 

Municipal Bonds Transferred to    Par     
Tender Option Bond Trusts (t)    (000)    Value 
Texas — 1.2%         
Houston, Texas, Combined Utility System, First         
 Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series A,         
 5.125%, 5/15/28 (j)    $ 20,000    $ 19,226,800 
Total Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option         
Bond Trusts — 4.0%        63,150,307 
Total Long-Term Investments         
(Cost — $1,675,603,547) — 93.3%        1,483,036,760 
Short-Term Securities    Shares     
Merrill Lynch Institutional Tax-Exempt Fund,         
 1.18% (u)(v)    135,344,328    135,344,328 
Total Short-Term Securities         
(Cost — $135,344,328) — 8.5%        135,344,328 
Total Investments (Cost — $1,810,947,875*) — 101.8%    1,618,381,088 
Other Assets Less Liabilities — 0.4%        6,848,711 
Liability for Trust Certificates, Including Interest         
   Expense and Fees Payable — (2.2)%        (34,324,182) 
Net Assets — 100.0%        $1,590,905,617 
   * The cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of 
       December 31, 2008, as computed for federal income tax purposes, were 
       as follows:         
       Aggregate cost        $1,777,175,199 
       Gross unrealized appreciation        $ 19,758,984 
       Gross unrealized depreciation        (212,813,095) 
       Net unrealized depreciation        $ (193,054,111) 
(a) AMBAC Insured.         
(b) Non-income producing security.         
 (c) Issuer filed for bankruptcy and/or is in default of interest payments. 
(d) FHLMC Collateralized.         
 (e) FNMA Collateralized.         
 (f) GNMA Collateralized.         
 (g) U.S. government securities, held in escrow, are used to pay interest on this 
       security, as well as to retire the bond in full at the date indicated, typically at 
       a premium to par.         
(h) Radian Insured.         
 (i) FSA Insured.         
 (j) MBIA Insured.         
 (k) Variable rate security. Rate shown is as of report date. Maturity shown is the final 
       maturity date.         
 (l) Security may have a maturity of more than one year at the time of issuance, but 
       has variable rate and demand features that qualify it as a short-term security. 
(m) FHA Insured.         
(n) XL Capital Insured.         
(o) Assured Guaranty Insured.         
(p) BHAC Insured.         
(q) FGIC Insured.         
 (r) ACA Insured.         

  See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (concluded) BlackRock National Municipal Fund

(s) Represents a zero-coupon bond. Rate shown reflects the current yield as of 
     report date.         
(t) Securities represent bonds transferred to a tender option bond trust in exchange 
     for which the Fund acquired residual interest certificates. These securities serve 
     as collateral in a financing transaction. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial 
     Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to tender option bond 
(u) Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the Fund, for purposes 
     of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, were as follows: 
     Affiliate    Activity    Income 
     Merrill Lynch Institutional         
         Tax-Exempt Fund    (36,791,371)    $1,119,055 
(v) Represents the current yield as of report date.     

Effective July 1, 2008, the Fund adopted Financial Accounting Standards
Board Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, “Fair Value
Measurements” (“FAS 157”). FAS 157 clarifies the definition of fair value,
establishes a framework for measuring fair values and requires additional
disclosures about the use of fair value measurements. Various inputs are used
in determining the fair value of investments, which are as follows:
Level 1 — price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical securities
Level 2 — other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices
for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than
quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest
rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks,
and default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs)
Level 3 — unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the
circumstance, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the
Fund’s own assumption used in determining the fair value of investments)
The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indi-
cation of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For information
about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of investments and other significant
accounting policies, please refer to Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements.
The following table summarizes the inputs used as of December 31, 2008 in
determining the fair valuation of the Fund’s investments:

Valuation    Investments in 
Inputs    Securities 
Level 1    $ 135,344,328 
Level 2    1,483,036,760 
Level 3     
Total    $1,618,381,088 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments December 31, 2008 (Unaudited)    BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund 
                (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par                Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)     Value    Municipal Bonds        (000)     Value 
Alabama — 2.2%            Colorado — 0.5%             
Jefferson County, Alabama, Limited Obligation            Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Revenue         
 School Warrants Series A:             Refunding Bonds (Christian Living Communities         
     5%, 1/01/09    $ 600     $ 600,000     Project), Series A, 5.75%, 1/01/37    $ 450     $ 246,402 
     5%, 1/01/10    180    155,005    Connecticut — 2.2%             
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Special Care Facilities Financing            Connecticut State Health and Educational Facilities         
 Authority, Residential Care Facility Revenue             Authority Revenue Bonds (University of Hartford),         
 Bonds (Capstone Village, Inc. Project), Series A,             Series G, 5.25%, 7/01/36 (c)        1,000    699,340 
 5.875%, 8/01/36 (a)(b)    500    272,450    Mashantucket Western Pequot Tribe, Connecticut,         
        1,027,455     Revenue Refunding Bonds, Sub-Series A,         
Arizona — 8.0%             5.50%, 9/01/36        500    294,070 
Maricopa County, Arizona, IDA, Education Revenue                        993,410 
 Bonds (Arizona Charter Schools Project 1), Series A:            Florida — 8.6%             
     6.625%, 7/01/20    250    184,968    Capital Region Community Development District,         
     6.75%, 7/01/29    300    197,169     Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds,         
Maricopa County, Arizona, IDA, M/F Housing Revenue             Series A, 7%, 5/01/39        215    133,655 
 Bonds (Sun King Apartments Project), Series A,            Highland Meadows Community Development District,         
 6.75%, 5/01/31    185    124,405     Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series A,         
Phoenix, Arizona, IDA, Airport Facility, Revenue             5.50%, 5/01/36        490    235,474 
 Refunding Bonds (America West Airlines Inc.            Jacksonville, Florida, Economic Development         
 Project), AMT, 6.30%, 4/01/23    1,000    556,340     Commission, IDR (Gerdau Ameristeel US, Inc.), AMT,         
Pima County, Arizona, IDA, Education Revenue Bonds             5.30%, 5/01/37        300    129,000 
 (American Charter Schools Foundation), Series A,            Lee County, Florida, IDA, Health Care Facilities,         
 5.625%, 7/01/38    685    420,097     Revenue Refunding Bonds (Shell Point/Alliance         
Pima County, Arizona, IDA, Education Revenue             Obligor Group):             
 Refunding Bonds (Arizona Charter Schools Project),                 5%, 11/15/29        500    288,290 
 Series O, 5.25%, 7/01/31    285    170,818         5%, 11/15/32        600    351,174 
Pima County, Arizona, IDA, Revenue Bonds            Lee County, Florida, IDA, IDR (Lee Charter         
 (Tucson Electric Power Company), Series A,             Foundation), Series A, 5.375%, 6/15/37    570    310,872 
 6.375%, 9/01/29    780    620,108    New River Community Development District, Florida,         
Queen Creek Improvement District Number 001,             Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series B,         
 Arizona, Special Assessment Bonds, 5%, 1/01/32    500    279,910     5%, 5/01/13        500    200,000 
Salt Verde Financial Corporation, Arizona, Senior Gas            Pine Ridge Plantation Community Development         
 Revenue Bonds:             District, Florida, Capital Improvement and Special         
     5%, 12/01/32    750    481,665     Assessment Bonds, Series B, 5%, 5/01/11    970    582,000 
     5%, 12/01/37    1,045    652,623    Santa Rosa Bay Bridge Authority, Florida, Revenue         
        3,688,103     Bonds, 6.25%, 7/01/28        500    315,025 
California — 4.1%            Sarasota County, Florida, Health Facilities Authority,         
California Pollution Control Financing Authority,             Retirement Facility Revenue Refunding Bonds         
 Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds (Waste             (Village on the Isle Project):             
 Management, Inc. Project), AMT, Series C,                 5.50%, 1/01/27        210    124,931 
 5.125%, 11/01/23    750    478,672         5.50%, 1/01/32        190    102,803 
Lammersville, California, School District, Special Tax            Sumter Landing Community Development District,         
 Bonds (Community Facilities District Number             Florida, Recreational Revenue Bonds, Sub-Series B,         
 2002 — Mountain House), 5.125%, 9/01/35    500    286,900     5.70%, 10/01/38        835    494,495 
Roseville, California, Special Tax Bonds (Fiddyment            Tolomato Community Development District, Florida,         
 Ranch Community Facilities Number 1),             Special Assessment Bonds, 6.65%, 5/01/40    700    404,516 
 5.25%, 9/01/36    465    244,916    Watergrass Community Development District, Florida,         
Southern California Public Power Authority, Natural             Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series A,         
 Gas Project Number 1 Revenue Bonds, Series A,             5.375%, 5/01/39        650    316,797 
 5%, 11/01/29    480    305,506                3,989,032 
Temecula, California, Public Financing Authority,            Georgia — 3.1%             
 Community Facilities District Number 01-2, Special            Clayton County, Georgia, Tax Allocation Bonds         
 Tax Refunding Bonds, Sub-Series B, 5.10%, 9/01/36    500    283,975     (Ellenwood Project), 7.50%, 7/01/33    690    544,120 
Temecula Valley, California, Unified School District,            Richmond County, Georgia, Development Authority,         
 Community Facilities District Number 2005-1,             Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds         
 Special Tax Bonds, 5%, 9/01/36    565    315,434     (International Paper Co. Projects), AMT, Series A,         
        1,915,403     5%, 8/01/30        1,000    512,420 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)     Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)     Value 
Georgia (concluded)            Maryland (concluded)         
Rockdale County, Georgia, Development Authority            Maryland State Energy Financing Administration,         
 Revenue Bonds (Visy Paper Project), AMT, Series A,             Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds (Cogeneration-         
 6.125%, 1/01/34    $ 600     $ 372,744     AES Warrior Run), AMT, 7.40%, 9/01/19    $ 1,000    $  693,120 
        1,429,284    Maryland State Health and Higher Educational         
             Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds:         
Illinois — 1.4%                 (King Farm Presbyterian Community), Series A,         
Chicago, Illinois, O’Hare International Airport, Special                 5.30%, 1/01/37    500    243,960 
 Facility Revenue Refunding Bonds (American                 (Washington Christian Academy), 5.25%, 7/01/18    250    183,898 
 Airlines Inc. Project), 5.50%, 12/01/30    1,000    358,520             
Illinois State Finance Authority Revenue Bonds                    1,674,919 
 (Monarch Landing, Inc. Project), Series A,            Massachusetts — 2.1%         
 7%, 12/01/37    430    269,502    Massachusetts State Development Finance Agency         
        628,022     Revenue Bonds, Series A:         
                 (Curry College), 5.25%, 3/01/26 (g)    390    280,714 
Indiana — 2.5%                 (Linden Ponds, Inc. Facility), 5.75%, 11/15/35    500    243,800 
Indiana Health and Educational Facilities Financing            Massachusetts State Health and Educational         
 Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds (Community             Facilities Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds         
 Foundation of Northwest Indiana), 5.50%, 3/01/37    700    462,168     (Bay Cove Human Services Issue), Series A,         
Indiana Health Facilities Financing Authority, Hospital             5.90%, 4/01/28    640    424,122 
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Methodist Hospital, Inc.):                     
     5.375%, 9/15/22    185    141,292            948,636 
     5.50%, 9/15/31    525    353,262    Michigan — 0.7%         
Vigo County, Indiana, Hospital Authority Revenue            Advanced Technology Academy, Michigan, Revenue         
 Bonds (Union Hospital, Inc.):             Bonds, 6%, 11/01/37    275    183,496 
     5.70%, 9/01/37    155    88,581    Garden City, Michigan, Hospital Finance Authority,         
     5.75%, 9/01/42    190    106,968     Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds (Garden City         
        1,152,271     Hospital Obligation), Series A, 5%, 8/15/38    310    150,861 
Iowa — 0.8%                    334,357 
Iowa Financing Authority, Health Facilities Revenue            Missouri — 1.0%         
 Refunding Bonds (Care Initiatives Project), Series A,            Kansas City, Missouri, Tax Increment Financing         
 5%, 7/01/19    500    354,905     Commission, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds         
Kansas — 2.9%             (Kansas City MainCor Project), Series A,         
Lenexa, Kansas, Health Care Facility, Revenue             5.25%, 3/01/18    600    481,020 
 Refunding Bonds, 5.50%, 5/15/39    1,100    539,242    Nevada — 0.5%         
Sedgwick and Shawnee Counties, Kansas,            Clark County, Nevada, IDR, AMT, Series A:         
 S/F Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Mortgage-Backed                 (Nevada Power Company Project),         
 Securities Program), AMT, Series B-2,                 5.60%, 10/01/30    415    223,627 
 5.25%, 12/01/38 (d)(e)(f)    820    746,561         (Southwest Gas Corporation Project),         
Wyandotte County, Kansas, Kansas City Unified                 4.75%, 9/01/36 (h)    20    10,310 
 Government Revenue Refunding Bonds (General                    233,937 
 Motors Corporation Project), 6%, 6/01/25    450    71,996             
            New Hampshire — 2.8%         
        1,357,799    New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities         
Louisiana — 1.2%             Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds:         
Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities                 (Havenwood-Heritage Heights Retirement         
 and Community Development Authority Revenue                 Community),         
 Bonds (Westlake Chemical Corporation),                 Series A, 5.40%, 1/01/30    950    536,921 
 6.75%, 11/01/32    1,000    545,500         (Southern New Hampshire University),         
Maine — 1.2%                 5%, 1/01/27 (g)    1,015    750,440 
Jay, Maine, Solid Waste Disposal, Revenue Refunding                    1,287,361 
 Bonds (International Paper Company Project), AMT,            New Jersey — 7.3%         
 Series A, 4.90%, 11/01/17    750    526,027    Burlington County, New Jersey, Bridge Commission,         

Maryland — 3.6%             EDR, Refunding (The Evergreens Project),         
Baltimore, Maryland, Convention Center Hotel             5.625%, 1/01/38    750    411,787 
 Revenue Bonds, Sub-Series B, 5.875%, 9/01/39    540    288,236    New Jersey EDA, Cigarette Tax Revenue Bonds,         
Howard County, Maryland, Retirement Community             5.50%, 6/15/24    1,140    838,504 
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Columbia Vantage            New Jersey EDA, Retirement Community Revenue         
 House Corporation), Series A, 5.25%, 4/01/33    500    265,705     Refunding Bonds (Seabrook Village, Inc.),         
             5.25%, 11/15/36    1,000    538,060 

  See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund 
            (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)     Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)     Value 
New Jersey (concluded)            Pennsylvania (concluded)         
New Jersey EDA, Special Facility Revenue Bonds            Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority,         
 (Continental Airlines Inc. Project), AMT,             Pennsylvania, Airport System Revenue Bonds, AMT,         
 6.625%, 9/15/12    $ 490     $ 365,589     Series A, 6.50%, 1/01/38    $ 500     $ 324,195 
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority                    1,391,667 
 Revenue Bonds (Pascack Valley Hospital                     
 Association), 6.625%, 7/01/36 (a)(b)    650    21,775    Rhode Island — 1.6%         
New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority,            Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds:             Corporation, Homeownership Opportunity Revenue         
      (Saint Joseph’s Healthcare System),             Bonds, AMT, Series 53-B, 5%, 10/01/46    1,000    735,250 
     6.625%, 7/01/38    725    509,740    South Carolina — 2.5%         
      (South Jersey Hospital System), 5%, 7/01/46    1,000    685,390    Connector 2000 Association, Inc., South Carolina,         
        3,370,845     Toll Road and Capital Appreciation Revenue Bonds,         
             Senior-Series B, 8.43%, 1/01/15 (i)    1,000    496,970 
New York — 1.5%            Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Tax Increment Revenue         
Genesee County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue             Bonds (Myrtle Beach Air Force Base), Series A,         
 Refunding Bonds (United Memorial Medical Center             5.25%, 11/01/26    500    292,180 
 Project), 5%, 12/01/32    500    264,635    South Carolina Jobs, EDA, Health Care Facilities, First         
New York City, New York, City IDA, Special Facility             Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds (Lutheran         
 Revenue Bonds (JetBlue Airways Corporation             Homes), 5.50%, 5/01/28    600    371,550 
 Project), AMT, 5.125%, 5/15/30    750    310,035             
New York Liberty Development Corporation Revenue                    1,160,700 
 Bonds (National Sports Museum Project), Series A,            Tennessee — 1.8%         
 6.125%, 2/15/19 (a)(b)    1,000    117,500    Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corporation, Gas         
        692,170     Revenue Bonds, Series A, 5.25%, 9/01/26    1,250    851,488 
North Carolina — 2.5%            Texas — 7.9%         
North Carolina Medical Care Commission,            Brazos River Authority, Texas, PCR, Refunding (TXU         
 Health Care Facilities, First Mortgage Revenue             Energy Company LLC Project), AMT, Series A,         
 Refunding Bonds (Deerfield Episcopal Project),             8.25%, 10/01/30    750    508,590 
 Series A, 6%, 11/01/33    800    577,808    Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, International Airport         
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Retirement             Facility Improvement Corporation, Revenue         
 Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds (Carolina             Refunding Bonds (American Airlines, Inc.), AMT,         
 Village Project), 6%, 4/01/38    1,000    583,610     5.50%, 11/01/30    1,000    355,230 
            Danbury, Texas, Higher Education Authority Revenue         
        1,161,418     Bonds (A.W. Brown-Fellowship Charter School),         
North Dakota — 1.3%             Series A, 5%, 8/15/26 (g)    355    224,779 
Ward County, North Dakota, Health Care Facility            HFDC of Central Texas, Inc., Retirement Facilities         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Trinity Health Obligated             Revenue Bonds, Series A, 5.75%, 11/01/36    655    357,473 
 Group), 5.125%, 7/01/29    1,000    620,080    Houston, Texas, Airport System, Special Facilities         
Ohio — 2.3%             Revenue Bonds (Continental Airlines), AMT,         
Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority,             Series E, 7.375%, 7/01/22    500    293,300 
 Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds,            North Texas Tollway Authority, System Revenue         
 Series A-2, 6.50%, 6/01/47    760    454,085     Refunding Bonds, Second Tier, Series F,         
Richland County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue             6.125%, 1/01/31    1,150    1,023,776 
 Refunding Bonds (MedCentral Health System),            Texas State Public Financing Authority, Charter School         
 5.25%, 11/15/36    875    618,249     Financing Corporation, Revenue Refunding Bonds         
             (KIPP, Inc.), Series A (g):         
        1,072,334        5%, 2/15/28    680    372,280 
Pennsylvania — 3.0%                5%, 2/15/36    1,000    499,680 
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Hospital                    3,635,108 
 Development Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds                     
 (West Penn Allegheny Health System), Series A,            Virginia — 10.9%         
 5.375%, 11/15/40    735    348,780    Albemarle County, Virginia, IDA, Residential Care         
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Authority, University Revenue             Facilities, Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds         
 Bonds (Harrisburg University of Science), Series B,             (Westminster-Canterbury), 5%, 1/01/31    1,150    677,373 
 6%, 9/01/36    500    322,410    Fairfax County, Virginia, EDA, Residential Care         
New Morgan, Pennsylvania, IDA, Solid Waste Disposal             Facilities, Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds         
 Revenue Bonds (New Morgan Landfill Company, Inc.             (Goodwin House, Inc.), 5.125%, 10/01/42    300    157,332 
 Project), AMT, 6.50%, 4/01/19    515    396,282    Fairfax County, Virginia, EDA, Retirement Revenue         
             Refunding Bonds (Greenspring Village Inc.),         
             Series A, 4.875%, 10/01/36    500    299,760 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


  Schedule of Investments (concluded) BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Municipal Bonds    (000)         Value 
Virginia (concluded)         
Henrico County, Virginia, EDA, Residential Care         
 Facility, Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds         
 (Westminster-Canterbury Of Winchester, Inc.),         
 5%, 10/01/27    $ 450     $ 301,352 
Lexington, Virginia, IDA, Residential Care Facility,         
 Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds (Kendal at         
 Lexington), Series A, 5.375%, 1/01/28    210    127,926 
Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation of Virginia,         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds, Senior Series B-1,         
 5%, 6/01/47    130    64,507 
Virginia State, HDA, Commonwealth Mortgage         
 Revenue Bonds, Series H, Sub-Series H-1 (j):         
    5.35%, 7/01/31    1,000    926,120 
    5.375%, 7/01/36    2,110    1,915,057 
Watkins Centre Community Development Authority,         
 Virginia, Revenue Bonds, 5.40%, 3/01/20    750    561,720 
Wisconsin — 0.8%         
Wisconsin State Health and Educational Facilities         
 Authority, Revenue Refunding Bonds (Franciscan         
 Sisters Healthcare), 5%, 9/01/26    500    354,910 
Wyoming — 1.6%         
Wyoming Municipal Power Agency, Power Supply         
 Revenue Bonds, Series A, 5.375%, 1/01/42    900    741,222 
Total Long-Term Investments         
(Cost — $69,146,422) — 94.4%        43,632,182 
Short-Term Securities    Shares     
Merrill Lynch Institutional Tax-Exempt Fund,         
 1.18% (k)(l)    1,701,691    1,701,691 
Total Short-Term Securities         
(Cost — $1,701,691) — 3.7%        1,701,691 
Total Investments (Cost — $70,848,113*) — 98.1%        45,333,873 
Other Assets Less Liabilities — 1.9%        896,761 
Net Assets — 100.0%    $ 46,230,634 
   * The cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of 
    December 31, 2008, as computed for federal income tax purposes, were 
    as follows:         
    Aggregate cost    $ 70,848,529 
    Gross unrealized appreciation    $ 60,205 
    Gross unrealized depreciation        (25,574,861) 
    Net unrealized depreciation    $ (25,514,656) 
(a)    Non-income producing security.         
(b)    Issuer filed for bankruptcy and/or is in default of interest payments. 
(c)    Radian Insured.         
(d)    GNMA Collateralized.         
(e)    FHLMC Collateralized.         
(f)    FNMA Collateralized.         
(g)    ACA Insured.         
(h)    FGIC Insured.         

(i)    Represents a zero-coupon bond. Rate shown reflects the current yield as of 
    report date.         
(j)    MBIA Insured.         
(k)    Represents the current yield as of report date.     
(l)    Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the Fund, for purposes 
    of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, were as follows: 
    Affiliate    Activity    Income 
    Merrill Lynch Institutional         
     Tax-Exempt Fund    $(4,109,019)    $25,965 

Effective July 1, 2008, the Fund adopted Financial Accounting Standards
Board Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, “Fair Value
Measurements” (“FAS 157”). FAS 157 clarifies the definition of fair value,
establishes a framework for measuring fair values and requires additional
disclosures about the use of fair value measurements. Various inputs are used
in determining the fair value of investments, which are as follows:
Level 1 — price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical securities
Level 2 — other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices
for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than
quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest
rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks,
and default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs)
Level 3 — unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the
circumstance, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the
Fund’s own assumption used in determining the fair value of investments)
The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indi-
cation of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For information
about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of investments and other significant
accounting policies, please refer to Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements.
The following table summarizes the inputs used as of December 31, 2008 in
determining the fair valuation of the Fund’s investments:

Valuation    Investments in 
Inputs    Securities 
Level 1    $ 1,701,691 
Level 2    43,632,182 
Level 3     
Total    $ 45,333,873 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments December 31, 2008 (Unaudited)    BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund 
                (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
    Par            Par     
Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 

New York — 82.8%             
Albany, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue Refunding         
 Bonds (Albany College of Pharmacy Project),             
 Series A, 5.625%, 12/01/34    $ 700    $ 451,465 

Chautauqua, New York, Tobacco Asset Securitization             
 Corporation, Revenue Bonds, 6.75%, 7/01/40        1,000    799,600 

Dutchess County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility             
 Revenue Bonds (Saint Francis Hospital), Series B,         
 7.25%, 3/01/19        1,035    910,479 

Dutchess County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue         
 Refunding Bonds (Bard College), Series A-2,             
 4.50%, 8/01/36        1,000    714,230 

Erie County, New York, IDA, Life Care Community             
 Revenue Bonds (Episcopal Church Home), Series A:         
     5.875%, 2/01/18        1,500    1,222,260 
     6%, 2/01/28        3,000    2,045,040 

Erie County, New York, Tobacco Asset Securitization             
 Corporation, Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Class A,         
 6.25%, 7/15/10 (a)        4,000    4,332,360 

Essex County, New York, IDA, Environmental             
 Improvement Revenue Bonds (International Paper         
 Company Project), AMT, Series A, 6.625%, 9/01/32    350    233,803 

Genesee County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue         
 Refunding Bonds (United Memorial Medical             
 Center Project):             
     5%, 12/01/27        500    283,605 
     5%, 12/01/32        1,080    571,612 

Hempstead Town, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue         
 Bonds (Adelphi University Civic Facility):             
     5.75%, 6/01/22        1,700    1,720,417 
     5.50%, 6/01/32        2,250    2,139,165 

Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation, New York,             
 Revenue Bonds, Series A:             
     4.50%, 2/15/47 (b)        930    601,775 
     5%, 2/15/47 (c)        1,000    708,680 

Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series A, 6%, 5/01/33    2,450    2,466,635 

Madison County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue         
 Bonds (Commons II LLC — Student Housing),             
 Series A, 5%, 6/01/33 (d)        400    278,224 

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York,             
 Revenue Bonds:             
     Series A, 4.50%, 11/15/38        2,700    2,031,858 
     Series C, 6.50%, 11/15/28        1,600    1,669,712 

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York,             
 Service Contract Revenue Refunding Bonds,             
 Series A, 5.125%, 1/01/29        1,000    904,270 

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York,             
 Transportation Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series F:         
     5%, 11/15/30        4,000    3,538,200 
     5%, 11/15/35        955    815,866 

Monroe County, New York, IDA, Revenue Bonds             
 (Southview Towers Project), AMT, 6.25%, 2/01/31 (e)    1,000    953,960 

Monroe County, New York, IDA, Student Housing             
 Revenue Bonds (Collegiate), Series A,             
 5.375%, 4/01/29        445    282,339 


New York (continued)             
Nassau County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue         
 Refunding Bonds (Special Needs Facilities Pooled         
 Program), Series F-1, 4.90%, 7/01/21 (f)    $ 525    $ 360,843 

Nassau County, New York, Tobacco Settlement             
 Corporation, Senior Asset-Backed Revenue Refunding         
 Bonds, Series A-3, 5%, 6/01/35        2,000    1,232,640 

New York City, New York, City Housing Development             
 Corporation, M/F Housing Revenue Bonds, AMT:             
     Series A, 5.50%, 11/01/34        2,500    2,011,800 
     Series C, 5.05%, 11/01/36        1,220    949,721 

New York City, New York, City Housing Development             
 Corporation, Presidential Revenue Bonds (The Animal         
 Medical Center), Series A, 5.50%, 12/01/33        2,485    2,185,756 

New York City, New York, City IDA, Civic Facility             
 Revenue Bonds:             
     (A Very Special Place Inc. Project), Series A,             
     6.125%, 1/01/13        355    317,185 
     (A Very Special Place Inc. Project), Series A,             
     7%, 1/01/33        1,600    1,140,896 
     (PSCH Inc. Project), 6.375%, 7/01/33        6,000    4,292,220 
     Series C, 6.80%, 6/01/28        2,500    2,128,375 
     (Special Needs Facility Pooled Program),             
     Series A-1, 6.50%, 7/01/17        1,000    821,600 
     (Special Needs Facility Pooled Program),             
     Series C-1, 6.50%, 7/01/17        2,540    2,090,725 

New York City, New York, City IDA, Civic Facility Revenue         
 Refunding Bonds (Special Needs Facilities Pooled         
     Series A-1, 4.375%, 7/01/20        1,000    683,650 
     Series A-1, 4.50%, 7/01/30        210    115,206 
     Series C-1, 5.10%, 7/01/31        525    313,598 

New York City, New York, City IDA, PILOT Revenue Bonds:         
     (Queen Baseball Stadium Project)             
     5%, 1/01/36 (g)        2,000    1,379,720 
     (Queen Baseball Stadium Project)             
     5%, 1/01/39 (g)        1,250    848,587 
     (Queen Baseball Stadium Project)             
     5%, 1/01/46 (g)        3,150    2,069,959 
     (Yankee Stadium Project) 5%, 3/01/36 (b)        500    347,135 
     (Yankee Stadium Project) 5%, 3/01/46 (c)        400    262,668 

New York City, New York, City IDA, Special Facility             
 Revenue Bonds, AMT:             
     (1990 American Airlines Inc. Project),             
     5.40%, 7/01/20        3,500    1,185,450 
     (British Airways Plc Project), 5.25%, 12/01/32        1,000    478,640 
     (Continental Airlines Inc. Project), 8%, 11/01/12    1,250    1,066,112 
     (Continental Airlines Inc. Project),             
     8.375%, 11/01/16        250    179,635 
     (Continental Airlines Inc. Project), 7.75%, 8/01/31    2,000    1,210,540 

New York City, New York, City IDA, Special Facility             
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Terminal One Group             
 Association Project), AMT, 5.50%, 1/01/24        2,500    2,183,275 

New York City, New York, City Municipal Water Finance         
 Authority, Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds,         
 Series A:             
     4.25%, 6/15/33        1,000    799,970 
     5.75%, 6/15/40        500    511,250 


See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund 
                (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
        Par                Par     
Municipal Bonds        (000)     Value    Municipal Bonds        (000)    Value 
New York (continued)                New York (continued)             
New York City, New York, City Transitional Finance                New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds:             
 Authority, Building Aid Revenue Bonds:                     (Rochester University), Series A,             
     Series S-1, 5.625%, 7/15/38    $ 200     $ 195,074         5.125%, 7/01/14 (a)    $ 1,500     $ 1,739,595 
     Series S-2, 4.50%, 1/15/31 (b)(c)        1,250    1,057,512          (Rochester University), Series A, 5.25%, 7/01/23    250    253,153 
New York City, New York, City Transitional Finance                     (School Districts Financing Program), Series E,             
 Authority, Building Aid Revenue Refunding Bonds,                     5.75%, 10/01/30 (b)        1,180    1,183,422 
 Series S-1, 4.50%, 1/15/38        1,000    829,880    New York State Dormitory Authority, Revenue Refunding         
New York City, New York, City Transitional Finance                 Bonds (Upstate Community Colleges), Series B,             
 Authority, Future Tax-Secured Revenue Bonds,                 5.25%, 7/01/21        1,565    1,607,052 
 Series B, 5.50%, 2/01/17        170    180,321    New York State Dormitory Authority, State Personal             
New York City, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue                 Income Tax Revenue Bonds (Education), Series B,             
 Bonds (Lycee Francais de New York Project),                 5.25%, 3/15/38        2,000    1,941,700 
 Series A (f):                New York State Dormitory Authority, State Supported         
     5.50%, 6/01/15        250    234,817     Debt Revenue Bonds (Mental Health Services             
     5.375%, 6/01/23        300    227,403     Facilities), Series A, 5%, 2/15/33 (j)        1,800    1,627,074 
New York Convention Center Development Corporation,            New York State Energy Research and Development             
 New York, Revenue Bonds (Hotel Unit Fee Secured) (g):             Authority, PCR, Refunding (Central Hudson Gas and         
     5%, 11/15/35        4,950    4,334,814     Electric), Series A, 5.45%, 8/01/27 (g)        2,000    1,992,960 
     5%, 11/15/44        1,340    1,133,385    New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation,         
New York Counties Tobacco Trust I, Tobacco Pass-Thru             Special Obligation Revenue Refunding Bonds             
 Bonds, Series B:                 (Riverbank State Park), 6.25%, 4/01/12 (g)        3,000    3,168,120 
     6.50%, 6/01/10 (a)        1,550    1,661,073    New York State, GO, Series A, 4.125%, 3/01/37 (c)(b)    485    357,877 
     6.625%, 6/01/10 (a)        1,010    1,084,134                 
     6.50%, 6/01/35        750    602,572    New York State, HFA, M/F Housing Revenue Bonds,             
     6.625%, 6/01/42        490    383,954     Series A, AMT:             
                     (Division Street), 5.10%, 2/15/38 (e)        875    665,954 
New York Liberty Development Corporation                       (Kensico Terrace Apartments), 4.90%, 2/15/38 (e)    645    476,468 
 Revenue Bonds:                     (Watergate II), 4.75%, 2/15/34        580    420,187 
     (Goldman Sachs Headquarters),                             
     5.25%, 10/01/35        1,000    750,940    New York State Mortgage Agency, Homeowner Mortgage         
     (National Sports Museum Project), Series A,                 Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series 143, 4.90%, 10/01/37    1,900    1,410,503 
     6.125%, 2/15/19 (h)(i)        1,000    117,500    New York State Mortgage Agency, Homeowner Mortgage         
New York State Dormitory Authority, Non-State                 Revenue Refunding Bonds, AMT, Series 133,             
 Supported Debt, Lease Revenue Bonds (Municipal             4.95%, 10/01/21        1,000    882,150 
 Health Facilities Improvement Program), Sub-Series            New York State Municipal Bond Bank Agency,             
 2-4, 4.75%, 1/15/30        2,600    2,279,212     Special School Purpose Revenue Bonds, Series C,         
New York State Dormitory Authority, Non-State                 5.25%, 12/01/22        1,000    993,810 
 Supported Debt Revenue Bonds:                New York State Thruway Authority, Highway and Bridge         
     (New York University Hospitals Center), Series B,             Trust Fund, Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series C,             
     5.625%, 7/01/37        530    308,402     5%, 4/01/20 (g)        2,190    2,223,485 
     (Rochester Institute of Technology), Series A,                New York State Urban Development Corporation,             
     6%, 7/01/33        1,000    1,016,640     Revenue Refunding Bonds:             
New York State Dormitory Authority, Non-State                     (Clarkson Center Advance Materials),             
 Supported Debt, Revenue Refunding Bonds:                     5.50%, 1/01/20        1,685    1,820,811 
     (Mount Sinai-NYU Medical Center Health System),                 (University Facility Grants), 5.50%, 1/01/19        3,500    3,832,500 
     Series A, 6.625%, 7/01/10 (a)        3,200    3,491,776    Niagara County, New York, IDA, Solid Waste Disposal         
     (Mount Sinai-NYU Medical Center Health System),             Revenue Refunding Bonds, AMT, Series A,             
     Series A, 6.625%, 7/01/18        1,650    1,634,572     5.45%, 11/15/26        3,975    3,518,074 
     (New York University Hospital Center), Series A,                             
     5%, 7/01/16        1,130    847,579    Niagara County, New York, Tobacco Asset Securitization         
     (School Districts Financing Program), Series B,                 Corporation, Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds,             
     5%, 4/01/36 (j)        1,000    929,730     6.25%, 5/15/40        1,000    746,090 
New York State Dormitory Authority, Nursing Home                North Country, New York, Development Authority, Solid         
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Menorah Campus Inc.),             Waste Management System, Revenue Refunding             
 6.10%, 2/01/37 (k)        1,000    999,940     Bonds, 6%, 5/15/15 (j)        1,000    1,082,460 

  See Notes to Financial Statements.


Schedule of Investments (continued)    BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund 
                (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
        Par                Par     
Municipal Bonds        (000)    Value    Municipal Bonds        (000)    Value 
New York (continued)                New York (concluded)             
Onondaga County, New York, IDA, Revenue Bonds                Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, New York,             
 (Air Cargo), AMT:                 Revenue Refunding Bonds:             
     6.125%, 1/01/32    $ 3,955     $ 2,666,342         5.25%, 11/15/23 (b)    $ 3,900    $ 3,921,450 
     7.25%, 1/01/32        1,365    1,033,319         Series B, 5%, 11/15/27        2,000    1,961,580 
Orange County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue                     Series B, 5.125%, 11/15/29        1,000    976,760 
 Bonds (Special Needs Facilities Pooled Program),                Troy, New York, City School District, GO, Refunding (j):         
 Series G-1, 4.90%, 7/01/21 (f)        845    589,126         5.75%, 7/15/17        765    790,857 
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Consolidated                 5.75%, 7/15/18        805    828,788 
 Revenue Refunding Bonds, 132nd Series,                     5.75%, 7/15/19        850    872,432 
 5%, 9/01/25        1,000    984,710    Utica, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue Bonds:             
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Special                     (Munson, Williams, Proctor Institute),             
 Obligation Revenue Bonds (JFK International Air                     5.375%, 7/15/20        1,000    1,011,230 
 Terminal LLC), AMT, Series 6 (b):                     (Munson, Williams, Proctor Institute),             
     6.25%, 12/01/10        5,250    5,274,308         5.40%, 7/15/30        1,210    1,190,313 
     6.25%, 12/01/11        2,555    2,548,331         (Utica College Project), Series A, 5.75%, 8/01/28    1,505    1,014,189 
     6.25%, 12/01/13        1,575    1,516,536    Webster, New York, Central School District, GO,             
     6.25%, 12/01/14        2,620    2,483,262     Refunding, 5%, 6/15/23 (j)        1,000    1,011,200 
Rensselaer County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility                Westchester County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility             
 Revenue Bonds (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute),             Revenue Bonds (Special Needs Facilities Pooled             
 5%, 3/01/36        700    604,177     Program), Series E-1, 4.90%, 7/01/21 (f)        350    233,142 
Rochester, New York, Housing Authority, Mortgage                Westchester County, New York, IDA, Continuing Care             
 Revenue Bonds (Andrews Terrace Apartments                 Retirement, Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Kendal on             
 Project), AMT, 4.70%, 12/20/38 (l)        500    354,595     Hudson Project), Series A, 6.50%, 1/01/13 (a)        5,200    6,123,728 
Sachem Central School District (Holbrook), New York,            Yonkers, New York, IDA, Revenue Bonds (Sacred             
 GO, Series B, 5%, 10/15/13 (a)(b)        2,300    2,623,817     Heart Associates, LP Project), AMT, Series A,             
Schenectady, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue                 5%, 10/01/37 (e)        1,000    768,770 
 Refunding Bonds (Union College Project),                            178,007,056 
 5%, 7/01/31        2,900    2,617,250                 
Suffolk County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue                Guam — 0.9%             
 Bonds:                Guam Economic Development and Commerce             
     (Huntington Hospital Project), Series B,                 Authority, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue         
     5.875%, 11/01/32        2,000    1,546,060     Refunding Bonds, 5.625%, 6/01/47        1,075    704,469 
     (Special Needs Facilities Pooled Program),                Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water and             
     Series D-1, 6.50%, 7/01/17        135    110,746     Wastewater System, Revenue Refunding Bonds,             
     (Special Needs Facilities Pooled Program),                 5.875%, 7/01/35        2,000    1,319,480 
     Series D-1, 4.90%, 7/01/21 (f)        330    230,073                2,023,949 
Suffolk County, New York, IDA, IDR (Keyspan-Port                             
 Jefferson), AMT, 5.25%, 6/01/27        1,360    970,904    Puerto Rico — 8.5%             
Suffolk County, New York, IDA, IDR, Refunding                Children's Trust Fund Project of Puerto Rico,             
 (Nissequogue Cogeneration Partners Facility), AMT,             Tobacco Settlement Revenue Refunding Bonds,             
 5.50%, 1/01/23        5,000    3,419,200     5.625%, 5/15/43        1,000    665,360 
Suffolk County, New York, IDA, Solid Waste Disposal                Puerto Rico Commonwealth Aqueduct and Sewer             
 Facility, Revenue Refunding Bonds (Ogden                 Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, Series A,             
 Martin System Huntington Project), AMT,                 6%, 7/01/38        2,000    1,641,540 
 6.25%, 10/01/12 (g)        7,155    7,285,436                 
                Puerto Rico Commonwealth Infrastructure Financing         
Sullivan County, New York, IDA, Civic Facility Revenue             Authority, Special Tax and Capital Appreciation             
 Bonds (Special Needs Facilities Pooled Program),                 Revenue Bonds, Series A (m):             
 Series H-1, 4.90%, 7/01/21 (f)        330    230,073         4.77%, 7/01/42 (c)        7,470    660,796 
Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation of New York                 5%, 7/01/44 (g)        1,100    83,908 
 Revenue Bonds, Series A-1, 5.25%, 6/01/20 (g)        1,455    1,412,398    Puerto Rico Commonwealth, Public Improvement,             
Tompkins County, New York, IDA, Care Community                 GO 5.75%, 7/01/10 (a)(b)        9,500    10,123,011 
 Revenue Refunding Bonds (Kendal at Ithaca),                Puerto Rico Housing Financing Authority, Capital             
 Series A-2:                 Funding Program, Subordinate Revenue Refunding         
     5.75%, 7/01/18        900    842,418     Bonds, 5.125%, 12/01/27        3,000    2,814,930 
     6%, 7/01/24        1,000    872,150                 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


  Schedule of Investments (concluded) BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Municipal Bonds        (000)    Value 
Puerto Rico (concluded)             
Puerto Rico Industrial, Medical and Environmental             
 Pollution Control Facilities Financing Authority,             
 Special Facilities Revenue Bonds (American             
 Airlines Inc.), Series A, 6.45%, 12/01/25    $ 1,000    $ 440,250 
Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical             
 and Environmental Control Facilities Revenue Bonds:         
     (Cogeneration Facility-AES Puerto Rico Project),         
     AMT, 6.625%, 6/01/26        1,420    1,148,397 
     (University Plaza Project), Series A, 5%, 7/01/33 (b)    1,000    712,910 
Puerto Rico Public Buildings Authority,             
 Government Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series I,             
 5.25%, 7/01/14 (a)(n)        55    61,706 
U.S. Virgin Islands — 1.5%             
Virgin Islands Government Refinery Facilities, Revenue         
 Refunding Bonds (Hovensa Coker Project), AMT,             
 6.50%, 7/01/21        4,500    3,240,495 
Total Municipal Bonds — 93.7%            201,624,308 
Municipal Bonds Transferred to             
Tender Option Bond Trusts (o)             
New York — 1.8%             
New York City, New York, GO, Refunding, Series B,             
 5.25%, 8/01/16        1,800    1,738,836 
New York State Mortgage Agency, Revenue Refunding         
 Bonds, AMT, Series 101, 5.40%, 4/01/32        2,621    2,187,506 
Total Municipal Bonds Transferred to             
Tender Option Bond Trusts — 1.8%            3,926,342 
Total Long-Term Investments             
(Cost — $233,905,279) — 95.5%            205,550,650 
Short-Term Securities        Shares     
CMA New York Municipal Money Fund,             
 0.73% (p)(q)    5,304,997    5,304,997 
Total Short-Term Securities (Cost — $5,304,997) — 2.5%        5,304,997 
Total Investments (Cost — $239,210,276*) — 98.0%        210,855,647 
Other Assets Less Liabilities — 3.0%            6,380,510 
Liability for Trust Certificates, Including Interest             
   Expense and Fees Payable — (1.0)%            (2,230,615) 
Net Assets — 100.0%            $215,005,542 
   * The cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of 
       December 31, 2008, as computed for federal income tax purposes, were 
       as follows:             
       Aggregate cost            $236,665,190 
       Gross unrealized appreciation            $ 4,224,903 
       Gross unrealized depreciation            (32,245,693) 
       Net unrealized depreciation            $ (28,020,790) 

 (a) U.S. government securities, held in escrow, are used to pay interest on this 
    security as well as to retire the bond in full at the date indicated, typically at a 
    premium to par.         
 (b) MBIA Insured.         
 (c) FGIC Insured.         
 (d) CIFG Insured.         
 (e) SONYMA Insured.         
 (f)    ACA Insured.         
 (g) AMBAC Insured.         
 (h) Non-income producing security.         
 (i)    Issuer filed for bankruptcy and/or is in default of interest payments. 
 (j)    FSA Insured.         
 (k) FHA Insured.         
 (l)    GNMA Collateralized.         
 (m)Represents a zero-coupon bond. Rate shown reflects the current yield as of 
    report date.         
 (n) Commonwealth Guaranteed.         
 (o) Securities represent bonds transferred to a tender option bond trust in exchange 
    for which the Fund acquired residual interest certificates. These securities serve 
    as collateral in a financing transaction. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial 
    Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to tender option bond 
(p) Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the Fund, for purpos- 
    es of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, were as follows: 
    Affiliate    Activity    Income 
    CMA New York Municipal Money Fund    2,431,409    $31,433 
 (q) Represents the current yield as of report date.     
Effective July 1, 2008, the Fund adopted Financial Accounting Standards 
    Board Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, “Fair Value 
    Measurements” (“FAS 157”). FAS 157 clarifies the definition of fair value, 
    establishes a framework for measuring fair values and requires additional 
    disclosures about the use of fair value measurements. Various inputs are used 
    in determining the fair value of investments, which are as follows: 
Level 1 — price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical securities 
Level 2 — other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices 
    for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than 
    quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest 
    rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks, 
    and default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs)     
Level 3 — unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the 
    circumstance, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the 
    Fund’s own assumption used in determining the fair value of investments) 
    The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indi- 
    cation of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For information 
    about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of investments and other significant 
    accounting policies, please refer to Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements. 
    The following table summarizes the inputs used as of December 31, 2008 in 
    determining the fair valuation of the Fund’s investments:     
    Valuation        Investments in 
    Inputs        Securities 
    Level 1        $ 5,304,997 
    Level 2        205,550,650 
    Level 3         
    Total        $210,855,647 

  See Notes to Financial Statements.


Statements of Assets and Liabilities                     
    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock 
    Short-Term       Municipal    National    High Yield    New York 
    Municipal         Insured         Municipal    Municipal    Municipal 
December 31, 2008 (Unaudited)    Fund           Fund    Fund    Fund    Bond Fund 
Investments at value — unaffiliated1    $ 344,481,411    $ 716,932,264    $1,483,036,760    $ 43,632,182    $ 205,550,650 
Investments at value — affiliated2    35,331,546    22,124,754    135,344,328    1,701,691    5,304,997 
Cash    65,266    16,337,011    94,589    87,639    51,524 
Interest receivable    5,680,809    13,260,530    29,103,265    1,157,807    4,306,097 
Investments sold receivable        3,321,962    4,799,684        2,960,082 
Capital shares sold receivable    3,534,734    2,219,146    11,260,865    182,921    444,543 
Prepaid expenses    43,472    37,559    135,316    25,629    30,584 
Other assets    1,545    924,826        5,065     
Total assets    389,138,783    775,158,052    1,663,774,807    46,792,934    218,648,477 
     Accrued Liabilities                     
Investments purchased payable    8,360,823    3,683,132    20,357,200         
Income dividends payable    762,546    2,908,003    5,565,406    286,987    831,360 
Capital shares redeemed payable    16,245,401    1,329,928    11,425,452    110,667    409,432 
Interest expense and fees payable        614,643    64,182        19,368 
Investment advisory fees payable    70,177    214,698    626,179    23,151    101,813 
Distribution fees payable    35,586    85,049    318,017    3,347    36,762 
Officer’s and Directors’/Trustees’ fees payable    116    252    572    10,998    81 
Other affiliates payable    34,590    80,330    247,330    3,258    18,311 
Other liabilities            931    97,000     
Other accrued expenses payable    390    39,362    3,921    26,892    14,561 
Total accrued liabilities    25,509,629    8,955,397    38,609,190    562,300    1,431,688 
     Other Liabilities                     
Trust certificates3        59,737,497    34,260,000        2,211,247 
Total Liabilities    25,509,629    68,692,894    72,869,190    562,300    3,642,935 
Net Assets    $ 363,629,154    $ 706,465,158    $1,590,905,617    $ 46,230,634    $ 215,005,542 
     Net Assets Consist of                     
BlackRock Shares, $0.10 par value4    $ 13,823                 
Institutional Shares, $0.10 par value5,11    2,107,383    7,025,666    $ 8,976,955    $ 653,714    $ 153,910 
Investor A Shares, $0.10 par value6,11    261,674    2,315,150    5,794,583    30,765    181,760 
Investor A1 Shares, $0.10 par value7,11    847,435                1,632,634 
Investor B Shares, $0.10 par value8,11    106,893    362,004    594,709        150,586 
Investor C Shares, $0.10 par value9,11    287,914    225,146    1,455,792    51,263    104,580 
Investor C1 Shares, $0.10 par value10,11        505,835    1,011,324        131,421 
Paid-in capital in excess of par    365,282,848    767,943,342    1,817,210,135    77,060,488    259,647,001 
Undistributed net investment income    486,524    1,343,139    1,147,344    114,845    695,675 
Accumulated net realized loss    (9,218,860)    (18,779,443)    (52,718,438)    (6,166,201)    (19,337,396) 
Net unrealized appreciation/depreciation    3,453,520    (54,475,681)    (192,566,787)    (25,514,240)    (28,354,629) 
Net Assets    $ 363,629,154    $ 706,465,158    $1,590,905,617    $ 46,230,634    $ 215,005,542 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Statements of Assets and Liabilities (concluded)             
    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock 
    Short-Term    Municipal    National    High Yield    New York 
    Municipal    Insured    Municipal    Municipal    Municipal 
December 31, 2008 (Unaudited)    Fund    Fund    Fund    Fund    Bond Fund 
   Net Asset Value                     
   Net assets    $ 1,387,215                 
   Shares outstanding    138,226                 
   Net asset value    $ 10.04                 
   Net assets    $ 211,331,104    $ 475,756,523    $ 800,670,163    $ 41,078,812    $ 14,043,408 
   Shares outstanding    21,073,831    70,256,660    89,769,554    6,537,137    1,539,097 
   Net asset value    $ 10.03    $ 6.77    $ 8.92    $ 6.28    $ 9.12 
Investor A:                     
   Net assets    $ 26,253,274    $ 156,719,302    $ 517,080,649    $ 1,930,022    $ 16,597,614 
   Shares outstanding    2,616,737    23,151,499    57,945,834    307,654    1,817,596 
   Net asset value    $ 10.03    $ 6.77    $ 8.92    $ 6.27    $ 9.13 
Investor A1:                     
   Net assets    $ 85,054,240                $ 149,074,797 
   Shares outstanding    8,474,345                16,326,339 
   Net asset value    $ 10.04                $ 9.13 
Investor B:                     
   Net assets    $ 10,721,323    $ 24,493,865    $ 53,022,504        $ 13,745,151 
   Shares outstanding    1,068,927    3,620,039    5,947,091        1,505,856 
   Net asset value    $ 10.03    $ 6.77    $ 8.92        $ 9.13 
Investor C:                     
   Net assets    $ 28,881,998    $ 15,257,455    $ 129,917,241    $ 3,221,800    $ 9,545,639 
   Shares outstanding    2,879,138    2,251,463    14,557,915    512,633    1,045,802 
   Net asset value    $ 10.03    $ 6.78    $ 8.92    $ 6.28    $ 9.13 
Investor C1:                     
   Net assets        $ 34,238,013    $ 90,215,060        $ 11,998,933 
   Shares outstanding        5,058,350    10,113,236        1,314,208 
   Net asset value        $ 6.77    $ 8.92        $ 9.13 
         1 Investments at cost — unaffiliated    $ 341,027,891    $ 771,307,868    $1,675,603,547    $ 69,146,422    $ 233,905,279 
         2 Investments at cost — affiliated    $ 35,331,546    $ 22,224,831    $ 135,344,328    $ 1,701,691    $ 5,304,997 
         3 Represents short-term floating rate certificates issued by                     
              tender option bond trusts.                     
         4 Authorized shares — BlackRock    150,000,000                 
         5 Authorized shares — Institutional    150,000,000    500,000,000    375,000,000    100,000,000     
         6 Authorized shares — Investor A    150,000,000    500,000,000    375,000,000    100,000,000     
         7 Authorized shares — Investor A1    150,000,000                 
         8 Authorized shares — Investor B    150,000,000    375,000,000    375,000,000         
         9 Authorized shares — Investor C    150,000,000    375,000,000    375,000,000    100,000,000     
       10 Authorized shares — Investor C1        375,000,000    375,000,000         
       11 New York Municipal Bond Fund has unlimited number of shares                     

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Statements of Operations                     
    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock 
    Short-Term       Municipal    National    High Yield       New York 
    Municipal         Insured    Municipal    Municipal    Municipal 
Six Months Ended December 31, 2008 (Unaudited)           Fund           Fund           Fund    Fund    Bond Fund 
     Investment Income                     
Interest    $ 5,648,021    $ 19,484,512    $ 47,963,351    $ 2,270,771    $ 6,885,406 
Income — affiliated    176,184    929,557    1,120,259    26,016    31,446 
Total income    5,824,205    20,414,069    49,083,610    2,296,787    6,916,852 
Investment advisory    578,749    1,389,590    4,012,669    188,873    660,944 
Service — Investor A    18,900    203,599    612,859    5,668    21,820 
Service — Investor A1    52,610                83,470 
Service and distribution — Investor B    18,515    109,628    234,685        40,814 
Service and distribution — Investor C    73,420    73,411    585,804    21,294    45,300 
Service and distribution — Investor C1        156,441    423,431        40,530 
Transfer agent — BlackRock    36                 
Transfer agent — Institutional    30,404    95,402    314,541    5,024    3,294 
Transfer agent — Investor A    3,293    38,662    97,928    514    4,551 
Transfer agent — Investor A1    20,126                46,299 
Transfer agent — Investor B    3,412    9,447    26,000        5,474 
Transfer agent — Investor C    7,569    2,571    36,538    872    1,651 
Transfer agent — Investor C1        10,762    32,962        3,029 
Accounting services    63,462    126,585    238,369    18,207    62,231 
Registration    31,679    27,953    54,879    22,085    23,750 
Professional    19,619    30,393    37,612    28,841    26,093 
Custodian    14,997    24,013    45,370    4,442    8,353 
Officer and Directors/Trustees    10,993    17,076    29,414    7,422    9,729 
Printing    10,039    27,484    55,540    2,853    31,354 
Miscellaneous    20,005    31,125    59,852    16,514    22,518 
Total expenses excluding interest expense and fees    977,828    2,374,142    6,898,453    322,609    1,141,204 
Interest expense and fees1        1,117,594    902,491    10,369    23,169 
Total expenses    977,828    3,491,736    7,800,944    332,978    1,164,373 
Less fees waived by advisor    (211,267)    (23,304)    (126,916)    (2,324)    (9,141) 
Less fees paid indirectly                    (30) 
Total expenses after fees waived and paid indirectly    766,561    3,468,432    7,674,028    330,654    1,155,202 
Net investment income    5,057,644    16,945,637    41,409,582    1,966,133    5,761,650 
     Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)                     
Net realized gain (loss) from:                     
   Investments — unaffiliated    171,152    (9,580,545)    (7,587,557)    (3,640,086)    (2,291,210) 
   Investments — affiliated        (2,629,224)             
   Futures and swaps        (1,600,511)        19,046    24,890 
    171,152    (13,810,280)    (7,587,557)    (3,621,040)    (2,266,320) 
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on:                     
   Investments    1,803,195    (53,526,370)    (176,328,000)    (16,649,692)    (28,241,259) 
   Swaps        (477,428)        (11,349)     
    1,803,195    (54,003,798)    (176,328,000)    (16,661,041)    (28,241,259) 
Total realized and unrealized gain (loss)    1,974,347    (67,814,078)    (183,915,557)    (20,282,081)    (30,507,579) 
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations    $ 7,031,991    $ (50,868,441)    $(142,505,975)    $ (18,315,948)    $ (24,745,929) 
   1 Related to tender option bond trusts.                     

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Statements of Changes in Net Assets    BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund 
    Six Months Ended     
           December 31, 2008       Year Ended 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:    (Unaudited)    June 30, 2008 
Net investment income    $ 5,057,644    $ 8,966,686 
Net realized gain    171,152    12,000 
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation    1,803,195    2,166,329 
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations    7,031,991    11,145,015 
     Dividends to Shareholders From         
Net investment income:         
   BlackRock    (22,797)    (71,785) 
   Institutional    (2,994,715)    (4,627,509) 
   Investor A    (208,725)    (194,842) 
   Investor A1    (1,543,547)    (3,596,769) 
   Investor B    (141,773)    (373,728) 
   Investor C    (146,087)    (102,443) 
Decrease in net assets resulting from dividends to shareholders    (5,057,644)    (8,967,076) 
     Capital Share Transactions         
Net increase in net assets derived from capital share transactions    45,249,221    40,508,797 
     Net Assets         
Total increase in net assets    47,223,568    42,686,736 
Beginning of period    316,405,586    273,718,850 
End of period    $ 363,629,154    $ 316,405,586 
End of period undistributed net investment income    $ 486,524    $ 486,524 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Statements of Changes in Net Assets    BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund 
    Six Months Ended     
     December 31, 2008         Year Ended 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:    (Unaudited)    June 30, 2008 
Net investment income    $ 16,945,637    $ 35,653,293 
Net realized gain (loss)    (13,810,280)    574,108 
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation    (54,003,798)    (26,571,541) 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations    (50,868,441)    9,655,860 
     Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders From         
Net investment income:         
   Institutional    (12,608,787)    (25,806,603) 
   Investor A    (3,792,255)    (7,157,029) 
   Investor B    (602,243)    (1,463,472) 
   Investor C    (288,858)    (297,697) 
   Investor C1    (798,857)    (1,726,891) 
Net realized gain:         
   Institutional    (250,600)    (1,052,942) 
   Investor A    (81,392)    (306,404) 
   Investor B    (12,994)    (73,110) 
   Investor C    (7,834)    (15,328) 
   Investor C1    (18,274)    (86,569) 
Decrease in net assets resulting from dividends and distributions to shareholders    (18,462,094)    (37,986,045) 
     Capital Share Transactions         
Net decrease in net assets derived from capital share transactions    (28,095,977)    (46,231,224) 
     Net Assets         
Total decrease in net assets    (97,426,512)    (74,561,409) 
Beginning of period    803,891,670    878,453,079 
End of period    $ 706,465,158    $ 803,891,670 
End of period undistributed net investment income    $ 1,343,139    $ 2,488,502 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Statements of Changes in Net Assets    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
    Six Months Ended     
       December 31, 2008         Year Ended 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:    (Unaudited)    June 30, 2008 
Net investment income    $ 41,409,582    $ 74,910,375 
Net realized loss    (7,587,557)    (15,131,451) 
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation    (176,328,000)    (57,072,431) 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations    (142,505,975)    2,706,493 
     Dividends to Shareholders From         
Net investment income:         
   Institutional    (22,883,330)    (46,078,948) 
   Investor A    (11,947,984)    (17,700,693) 
   Investor B    (1,346,119)    (3,342,484) 
   Investor C    (2,410,480)    (2,504,463) 
   Investor C1    (2,262,447)    (4,959,335) 
Decrease in net assets resulting from dividends to shareholders    (40,850,360)    (74,585,923) 
     Capital Share Transactions         
Net increase in net assets derived from capital share transactions    36,493,873    200,680,907 
     Net Assets         
Total increase (decrease) in net assets    (146,862,462)    128,801,477 
Beginning of period    1,737,768,079    1,608,966,602 
End of period    $ 1,590,905,617    $1,737,768,079 
End of period undistributed net investment income    $ 1,147,344    $ 588,122 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Statement of Changes in Net Assets    BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund 
    Six Months Ended     
           December 31, 2008       Year Ended 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:    (Unaudited)    June 30, 2008 
Net investment income    $ 1,966,133    $ 3,556,720 
Net realized loss    (3,621,040)    (2,545,168) 
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation    (16,661,041)    (7,907,693) 
Net decrease in net assets resulting from operations    (18,315,948)    (6,896,141) 
     Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders From         
Net investment income:         
   Institutional    (1,739,983)    (3,141,405) 
   Investor A    (122,677)    (269,449) 
   Investor C    (103,204)    (145,136) 
Net realized gain:         
   Institutional        (135,095) 
   Investor A        (9,128) 
   Investor C        (7,832) 
Decrease in net assets resulting from dividends and distributions to shareholders    (1,965,864)    (3,708,045) 
     Capital Share Transactions         
Net increase (decrease) in net assets derived from capital share transactions    (15,731,508)    20,113,973 
     Net Assets         
Total increase (decrease) in net assets    (36,013,320)    9,509,787 
Beginning of period    82,243,954    72,734,167 
End of period    $ 46,230,634    $ 82,243,954 
End of period undistributed net investment income    $ 114,845    $ 114,576 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Statement of Changes in Net Assets    BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund 
    Six Months Ended           Period    Year Ended 
    December 31, 2008    October 1, 2007    September 30, 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:    (Unaudited)    to June 30, 2008           2007 
Net investment income    $ 5,761,650    $ 8,770,678    $ 12,167,863 
Net realized gain (loss)    (2,266,320)    (430,162)    1,055,885 
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation    (28,241,259)    (11,324,957)    (7,711,447) 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations    (24,745,929)    (2,984,441)    5,512,301 
     Dividends to Shareholders From             
Net investment income:             
   Institutional    (412,190)    (528,998)    (580,129) 
   Investor A    (410,473)    (492,475)    (254,373) 
   Investor A1    (4,045,237)    (6,420,560)    (9,328,279) 
   Investor B    (361,219)    (649,323)    (1,180,558) 
   Investor C    (180,001)    (175,050)    (65,246) 
   Investor C1    (293,772)    (450,890)    (676,159) 
Decrease in net assets resulting from dividends to shareholders    (5,702,892)    (8,717,296)    (12,084,744) 
     Capital Share Transactions             
Net decrease in net assets derived from capital share transactions    (7,042,439)    (13,427,395)    (4,023,200) 
     Net Assets             
Total decrease in net assets    (37,491,260)    (25,129,132)    (10,595,643) 
Beginning of period    252,496,802    277,625,934    288,221,577 
End of period    $ 215,005,542    $ 252,496,802    $ 277,625,934 
End of period undistributed net investment income    $ 695,675    $ 636,917    $ 583,535 

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights                         BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund 
    Six Months Ended        Period 
    December 31,    Year Ended    October 2, 20061 
    2008    June 30,    to June 30, 
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007 
      Per Share Operating Performance             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 9.98    $ 9.89    $ 9.93 
Net investment income2    0.15    0.33    0.25 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    0.06    0.09    (0.04) 
Net increase from investment operations    0.21    0.42    0.21 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.15)    (0.33)    (0.25) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 10.04    $ 9.98    $ 9.89 
     Total Investment Return             
Based on net asset value    2.11%3    4.26%    2.09%3 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets             
Total expenses after waiver    0.43%4    0.39%    0.35%4 
Total expenses    0.44%4    0.42%    0.45%4 
Net investment income    2.96%4    3.28%    3.34%4 
     Supplemental Data             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 1,387    $ 1,822    $ 2,457 
Portfolio turnover    24%    33%    110% 

1 Commencement of operations.
2 Based on average shares outstanding.
3 Aggregate total investment return.
4 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)                 BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund 
    Six Months                         
    December 31,                         
         2008        Year Ended June 30,         
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007       2006    2005    2004 
     Per Share Operating Performance                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 9.97    $ 9.88    $ 9.88    $ 9.99    $ 10.05    $ 10.17 
Net investment income1    0.15    0.33    0.32        0.27    0.19    0.18 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    0.06    0.09    0.002        (0.11)    (0.06)    (0.12) 
Net increase from investment operations    0.21    0.42    0.32        0.16    0.13    0.06 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.15)    (0.33)    (0.32)        (0.27)    (0.19)    (0.18) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 10.03    $ 9.97    $ 9.88    $ 9.88    $ 9.99    $ 10.05 
     Total Investment Return3                             
Based on net asset value    2.15%4    4.31%    3.32%        1.57%    1.30%    0.59% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                             
Total expenses after waiver    0.35%5    0.35%    0.38%        0.44%    0.43%    0.42% 
Total expenses    0.47%5    0.49%    0.48%        0.45%    0.44%    0.43% 
Net investment income    3.03%5    3.30%    3.27%        2.66%    1.88%    1.78% 
     Supplemental Data                             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 211,331    $ 181,624    $ 131,061    $ 149,333    $ 186,877    $ 243,443 
Portfolio turnover    24%    33%    110%        83%    87%    69% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Total amount is less than $0.01 per share.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of any sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (continued)    BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund 
        Investor A     
    Six Months        Period 
    Ended    Year Ended    October 2, 20061 
    December 31, 2008    June 30,    to June 30, 
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007 
     Per Share Operating Performance             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 9.98    $ 9.88    $ 9.93 
Net investment income2    0.14    0.30    0.23 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    0.05    0.11    (0.05) 
Net increase from investment operations    0.19    0.41    0.18 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.14)                 (0.31)    (0.23) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 10.03    $ 9.98    $ 9.88 
     Total Investment Return3             
Based on net asset value    1.92%4    4.15%    1.79%4 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets             
Total expenses after waiver    0.60%5    0.60%    0.61%5 
Total expenses    0.73%5    0.79%    1.06%5 
Net investment income    2.77%5    3.03%    3.12%5 
     Supplemental Data             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 26,253    $ 9,403    $ 1,456 
Portfolio turnover    24%    33%    110% 

1 Commencement of operations.
2 Based on average shares outstanding.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)                 BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund 
                       Investor A1             
    Six Months                         
    December 31,                         
         2008        Year Ended June 30,         
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007       2006    2005    2004 
     Per Share Operating Performance                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 9.98    $ 9.89    $ 9.89    $ 10.00    $ 10.06    $ 10.18 
Net investment income1    0.15    0.32    0.32        0.26    0.18    0.17 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    0.06    0.09    (0.01)        (0.11)    (0.06)    (0.12) 
Net increase from investment operations    0.21    0.41    0.31        0.15    0.12    0.05 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.15)    (0.32)    (0.31)        (0.26)    (0.18)    (0.17) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 10.04    $ 9.98    $ 9.89    $ 9.89    $ 10.00    $ 10.06 
     Total Investment Return2                             
Based on net asset value    2.10%3    4.20%    3.21%        1.47%    1.20%    0.50% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                             
Total expenses after waiver    0.45%4    0.45%    0.48%        0.54%    0.53%    0.52% 
Total expenses    0.57%4    0.59%    0.58%        0.55%    0.54%    0.53% 
Net investment income    2.94%4    3.22%    3.18%        2.55%    1.76%    1.68% 
     Supplemental Data                             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 85,054    $ 105,580    $ 122,281    $ 99,293    $ 141,172    $ 244,741 
Portfolio turnover    24%    33%    110%        83%    87%    69% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
3 Aggregate total investment return.
4 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (continued)                BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund 
            Investor B             
    Six Months                         
    December 31,                         
         2008        Year Ended June 30,         
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007    2006        2005    2004 
     Per Share Operating Performance                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 9.97    $ 9.88    $ 9.88    $ 10.00    $ 10.05    $ 10.17 
Net investment income1    0.14    0.30    0.29    0.23        0.15    0.14 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    0.06    0.08           (0.00)2    (0.12)        (0.05)    (0.12) 
Net increase from investment operations    0.20    0.38    0.29    0.11        0.10    0.02 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.14)    (0.29)    (0.29)    (0.23)        (0.15)    (0.14) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 10.03    $ 9.97    $ 9.88    $ 9.88    $ 10.00    $ 10.05 
     Total Investment Return3                             
Based on net asset value    1.97%4    3.94%    2.95%    1.11%        1.04%    0.24% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                             
Total expenses after waiver    0.70%5    0.70%    0.74%    0.80%        0.79%    0.77% 
Total expenses    0.85%5    0.85%    0.85%    0.81%        0.80%    0.78% 
Net investment income    2.68%5    2.97%    2.90%    2.28%        1.50%    1.43% 
     Supplemental Data                             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 10,721    $ 10,612    $ 14,380    $ 23,769    $ 38,565    $ 63,135 
Portfolio turnover    24%    33%    110%    83%        87%    69% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)    BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund 
        Investor C     
    Six Months        Period 
    Ended    Year Ended    October 2, 20061 
    December 31, 2008    June 30,    to June 30, 
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007 
     Per Share Operating Performance             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 9.97    $ 9.88    $ 9.93 
Net investment income2    0.10    0.23    0.17 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    0.06    0.09    (0.05) 
Net increase from investment operations    0.16    0.32    0.12 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.10)                 (0.23)    (0.17) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 10.03    $ 9.97    $ 9.88 
      Total Investment Return3             
Based on net asset value    1.64%4    3.27%    1.23%4 
      Ratios to Average Net Assets             
Total expenses after waiver    1.35%5    1.35%    1.36%5 
Total expenses    1.54%5    1.78%    2.06%5 
Net investment income    2.00%5    2.28%    2.37%5 
     Supplemental Data             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 28,882    $ 7,365    $ 2,084 
Portfolio turnover    24%    33%    110% 

1 Commencement of operations.
2 Based on average shares outstanding.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (continued)                         BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund 
    Six Months                     
    December 31,                     
         2008        Year Ended June 30,         
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007    2006    2005    2004 
     Per Share Operating Performance                         
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 7.42    $ 7.67    $ 7.69    $ 8.00    $ 7.70    $ 8.07 
Net investment income1    0.16    0.33    0.32    0.35    0.36    0.40 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (0.64)    (0.23)    0.03    (0.28)    0.30    (0.37) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (0.48)    0.10    0.35    0.07    0.66    0.03 
Dividends and distributions from:                         
    Net investment income    (0.17)    (0.34)    (0.33)    (0.35)    (0.36)    (0.40) 
   Net realized gain    (0.00)2    (0.01)    (0.04)    (0.03)         
Total dividends and distributions    (0.17)    (0.35)    (0.37)    (0.38)    (0.36)    (0.40) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 6.77    $ 7.42    $ 7.67    $ 7.69    $ 8.00    $ 7.70 
     Total Investment Return3                         
Based on net asset value    (6.41)%4    1.37%    4.60%    0.82%    8.74%    0.35% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                         
Total expenses after waiver and excluding                         
   interest expense and fees5    0.47%6    0.46%    0.47%    0.45%    0.46%    0.46% 
Total expenses after waiver    0.77%6    0.84%    0.87%    0.74%    0.63%    0.66% 
Total expenses    0.77%6    0.85%    0.87%    0.74%    0.64%    0.67% 
Net investment income    4.61%6    4.38%    4.42%    4.40%    4.58%    5.04% 
     Supplemental Data                         
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 475,757    $ 545,130    $ 604,691    $ 639,687    $ 707,134    $ 733,310 
Portfolio turnover    8%    40%    36%    41%    47%    44% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred
to tender option bond trusts.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)                       BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund 
            Investor A             
    Six Months                         
    December 31,                         
         2008        Year Ended June 30,         
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007        2006    2005    2004 
     Per Share Operating Performance                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 7.41    $ 7.67    $ 7.68    $ 8.00    $ 7.70    $ 8.07 
Net investment income1    0.16    0.31    0.33        0.33    0.34    0.38 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (0.64)    (0.24)    0.01        (0.29)    0.30    (0.37) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (0.48)    0.07    0.34        0.04    0.64    0.01 
Dividends and distributions from:                             
    Net investment income    (0.16)    (0.32)    (0.31)        (0.33)    (0.34)    (0.38) 
   Net realized gain    (0.00)2    (0.01)    (0.04)        (0.03)         
Total dividends and distributions    (0.16)    (0.33)    (0.35)        (0.36)    (0.34)    (0.38) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 6.77    $ 7.41    $ 7.67    $ 7.68    $ 8.00    $ 7.70 
     Total Investment Return3                             
Based on net asset value    (6.40)%4    0.96%    4.47%        0.44%    8.47%    0.10% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                             
Total expenses after waiver and excluding                             
   interest expense and fees5    0.73%6    0.72%    0.72%        0.70%    0.71%    0.71% 
Total expenses after waiver    1.03%6    1.10%    1.12%        0.99%    0.88%    0.91% 
Total expenses    1.03%6    1.11%    1.13%        0.99%    0.89%    0.91% 
Net investment income    4.35%6    4.12%    4.17%        4.15%    4.33%    4.79% 
     Supplemental Data                             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 156,719    $ 169,010    $ 172,236    $ 172,083    $ 182,216    $ 183,007 
Portfolio turnover    8%    40%    36%        41%    47%    44% 

  1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred
to tender option bond trusts.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (continued)                    BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund 
            Investor B                 
    Six Months                             
    December 31,                             
         2008        Year Ended June 30,         
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007        2006        2005    2004 
     Per Share Operating Performance                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 7.41    $ 7.67    $ 7.68    $ 7.99    $ 7.69    $ 8.07 
Net investment income1    0.14    0.27    0.29        0.29        0.30    0.34 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (0.63)    (0.24)    0.01        (0.28)        0.30    (0.38) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (0.49)    0.03    0.30        0.01        0.60    (0.04) 
Dividends and distributions from:                                 
    Net investment income    (0.15)    (0.28)    (0.27)        (0.29)        (0.30)    (0.34) 
   Net realized gain    (0.00)2    (0.01)    (0.04)        (0.03)             
Total dividends and distributions    (0.15)    (0.29)    (0.31)        (0.32)        (0.30)    (0.34) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 6.77    $ 7.41    $ 7.67    $ 7.68    $ 7.99    $ 7.69 
     Total Investment Return3                                 
Based on net asset value    (6.65)%4    0.45%    3.95%        0.05%        7.93%    (0.53)% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                                 
Total expenses after waiver and excluding                                 
   interest expense and fees5    1.25%6    1.23%    1.23%        1.21%        1.21%    1.21% 
Total expenses after waiver    1.54%6    1.61%    1.63%        1.50%        1.39%    1.42% 
Total expenses    1.55%6    1.61%    1.63%        1.50%        1.40%    1.42% 
Net investment income    3.81%6    3.61%    3.67%        3.64%        3.83%    4.29% 
     Supplemental Data                                 
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 24,494    $ 33,422    $ 45,533    $ 66,477    $ 91,355    $ 111,524 
Portfolio turnover    8%    40%    36%        41%        47%    44% 

  1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred
to tender option bond trusts.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)                               BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund 
        Investor C     
    Six Months        Period 
    Ended    Year Ended    October 2, 20061 
    December 31, 2008    June 30,    to June 30, 
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007 
     Per Share Operating Performance             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 7.42    $ 7.68    $ 7.88 
Net investment income2    0.13    0.25    0.17 
Net realized and unrealized loss    (0.63)    (0.24)    (0.14) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (0.50)    0.01    0.03 
Dividends and distributions from:             
     Net investment income    (0.14)    (0.26)    (0.19) 
     Net realized gain    (0.00)3    (0.01)    (0.04) 
Total dividends and distributions    (0.14)    (0.27)    (0.23) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 6.78    $ 7.42    $ 7.68 
     Total Investment Return4             
Based on net asset value    (6.74)%5    0.22%    0.34%5 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets             
Total expenses after waiver and excluding interest expense and fees6    1.47%7    1.46%    1.51%7 
Total expenses after waiver    1.76%7    1.84%    1.90%7 
Total expenses    1.77%7    1.85%    1.90%7 
Net investment income    3.63%7    3.37%    3.37%7 
     Supplemental Data             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 15,257    $ 13,674    $ 4,542 
Portfolio turnover    8%    40%    36% 

1 Commencement of operations.
2 Based on average shares outstanding.
3 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
4 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
5 Aggregate total investment return.
6 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
7 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (continued)                    BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund 
                       Investor C1                 
    Six Months                             
    December 31,                             
         2008        Year Ended June 30,         
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007    2006        2005    2004 
     Per Share Operating Performance                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 7.41    $ 7.67    $ 7.68    $ 8.00    $ 7.69    $ 8.07 
Net investment income1    0.14    0.27    0.28        0.28        0.30    0.33 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (0.63)    (0.24)    0.02        (0.29)        0.31    (0.38) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (0.49)    0.03    0.30        (0.01)        0.61    (0.05) 
Dividends and distributions from:                                 
    Net investment income    (0.15)    (0.28)    (0.27)        (0.28)        (0.30)    (0.33) 
   Net realized gain    (0.00)2    (0.01)    (0.04)        (0.03)             
Total dividends and distributions    (0.15)    (0.29)    (0.31)        (0.31)        (0.30)    (0.33) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 6.77    $ 7.41    $ 7.67    $ 7.68    $ 8.00    $ 7.69 
     Total Investment Return3                                 
Based on net asset value    (6.67)%4    0.41%    3.90%        (0.12)%        8.01%    (0.58)% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                                 
Total expenses after waiver and excluding                                 
   interest expense and fees5    1.29%6    1.27%    1.28%        1.26%        1.26%    1.26% 
Total expenses after waiver    1.58%6    1.65%    1.68%        1.55%        1.44%    1.47% 
Total expenses    1.59%6    1.66%    1.68%        1.55%        1.45%    1.47% 
Net investment income    3.78%6    3.57%    3.63%        3.59%        3.77%    4.23% 
     Supplemental Data                                 
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 34,238    $ 42,655    $ 51,452    $ 61,046    $ 64,682    $ 61,794 
Portfolio turnover    8%    40%    36%        41%        47%    44% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred
to tender option bond trusts.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)                    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
    Six Months                         
    December 31,                         
         2008        Year Ended June 30,         
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007    2006    2005    2004 
     Per Share Operating Performance                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 9.95    $ 10.39    $ 10.36    $ 10.66    $ 10.29    $ 10.54 
Net investment income1    0.25    0.48    0.49        0.51    0.53    0.55 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (1.04)    (0.44)    0.05        (0.30)    0.37    (0.25) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (0.79)    0.04    0.54        0.21    0.90    0.30 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.24)    (0.48)    (0.51)        (0.51)    (0.53)    (0.55) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 8.92    $ 9.95    $ 10.39    $ 10.36    $ 10.66    $ 10.29 
     Total Investment Return2                             
Based on net asset value    (8.01)%3    0.35%    5.06%        2.02%    8.89%    2.88% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                             
Total expenses after waiver and excluding                             
   interest expense and fees4    0.59%5    0.60%    0.59%        0.58%    0.59%    0.60% 
Total expenses after waiver    0.70%5    0.78%    0.99%        0.84%    0.72%    0.70% 
Total expenses    0.72%5    0.79%    1.00%        0.85%    0.72%    0.70% 
Net investment income    5.12%5    4.69%    4.66%        4.87%    5.02%    5.23% 
     Supplemental Data                             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 800,670    $ 977,642    $ 976,153    $ 890,984    $ 909,125    $ 907,419 
Portfolio turnover    32%    61%    46%        56%    33%    20% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
3 Aggregate total investment return.
4 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
5 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (continued)                    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
            Investor A             
    Six Months                         
    December 31,                         
         2008        Year Ended June 30,         
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007        2006    2005    2004 

     Per Share Operating Performance                             

Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 9.96    $ 10.39    $ 10.37    $ 10.67    $ 10.29    $ 10.54 
Net investment income1    0.24    0.45    0.46        0.49    0.50    0.52 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (1.05)    (0.43)    0.03        (0.30)    0.38    (0.25) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (0.81)    0.02    0.49        0.19    0.88    0.27 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.23)    (0.45)    (0.47)        (0.49)    (0.50)    (0.52) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 8.92    $ 9.96    $ 10.39    $ 10.37    $ 10.67    $ 10.29 

     Total Investment Return2                             

Based on net asset value    (8.20)%3    0.22%    4.71%        1.77%    8.73%    2.62% 

     Ratios to Average Net Assets                             

Total expenses after waiver and excluding                             
interest expense and fees4    0.81%5    0.82%    0.84%        0.83%    0.84%    0.85% 
Total expenses after waiver    0.92%5    1.01%    1.24%        1.09%    0.97%    0.95% 
Total expenses    0.94%5    1.02%    1.24%        1.10%    0.97%    0.95% 
Net investment income    4.94%5    4.46%    4.43%        4.61%    4.76%    4.97% 

     Supplemental Data                             

Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 517,081    $ 472,018    $ 349,225    $ 283,814    $ 248,231    $ 207,376 
Portfolio turnover    32%    61%    46%        56%    33%    20% 

1      Based on average shares outstanding.
2      Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
3      Aggregate total investment return.
4      Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to tender option bond trusts.
5      Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)                    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
            Investor B             
    Six Months                         
    December 31,                         
         2008        Year Ended June 30,         
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007        2006    2005    2004 
     Per Share Operating Performance                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 9.95    $ 10.38    $ 10.36    $ 10.66    $ 10.28    $ 10.53 
Net investment income1    0.21    0.40    0.41        0.43    0.45    0.47 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (1.03)    (0.43)    0.02        (0.30)    0.38    (0.26) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (0.82)    (0.03)    0.43        0.13    0.83    0.21 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.21)    (0.40)    (0.41)        (0.43)    (0.45)    (0.46) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 8.92    $ 9.95    $ 10.38    $ 10.36    $ 10.66    $ 10.28 
     Total Investment Return2                             
Based on net asset value    (8.36)%3    (0.30)%    4.18%        1.25%    8.18%    2.10% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                             
Total expenses after waiver and excluding interest                             
   expense and fees4    1.36%5    1.35%    1.34%        1.34%    1.35%    1.35% 
Total expenses after waiver    1.46%5    1.53%    1.75%        1.60%    1.48%    1.45% 
Total expenses    1.48%5    1.54%    1.75%        1.61%    1.48%    1.46% 
Net investment income    4.36%5    3.94%    3.92%        4.11%    4.27%    4.47% 
     Supplemental Data                             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 53,023    $ 69,859    $ 101,260    $ 134,177    $ 177,553    $ 217,814 
Portfolio turnover    32%    61%    46%        56%    33%    20% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
3 Aggregate total investment return.
4 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
5 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (continued)                             BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
        Investor C     
    Six Months               Period 
    Ended    Year Ended    October 2, 20061 
    December 31, 2008    June 30,    to June 30, 
    (Unaudited)       2008             2007 
     Per Share Operating Performance             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 9.96    $ 10.39    $ 10.57 
Net investment income2    0.20    0.37    0.25 
Net realized and unrealized loss    (1.07)    (0.43)    (0.16) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (0.87)    (0.06)    0.09 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.17)    (0.37)    (0.27) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 8.92    $ 9.96    $ 10.39 
     Total Investment Return3             
Based on net asset value    (8.56)%4    (0.57)%    0.96%4 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets             
Total expenses after waiver and excluding interest expense and fees5    1.59%6    1.62%    1.65%6 
Total expenses after waiver    1.70%6    1.81%    2.05%6 
Total expenses    1.71%6    1.82%    2.05%6 
Net investment income    4.18%6    3.66%    3.59%6 
     Supplemental Data             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 129,917    $103,504    $ 41,676 
Portfolio turnover    32%    61%    46% 

1 Commencement of operations.
2 Based on average shares outstanding.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)                    BlackRock National Municipal Fund 
                       Investor C1             
    Six Months                         
    December 31,                         
         2008        Year Ended June 30,         
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007    2006    2005    2004 
     Per Share Operating Performance                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 9.95    $ 10.39    $ 10.36    $ 10.66    $ 10.29    $ 10.54 
Net investment income1    0.21    0.40    0.41        0.43    0.44    0.46 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (1.04)    (0.44)    0.04        (0.29)    0.37    (0.25) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (0.83)    (0.04)    0.45        0.14    0.81    0.21 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.20)    (0.40)    (0.42)        (0.44)    (0.44)    (0.46) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 8.92    $ 9.95    $ 10.39    $ 10.36    $ 10.66    $ 10.29 
     Total Investment Return2                             
Based on net asset value    (8.38)%3    (0.44)%    4.23%        1.20%    8.02%    2.05% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                             
Total expenses after waiver and excluding interest                             
   expense and fees4    1.39%5    1.39%    1.39%        1.39%    1.40%    1.40% 
Total expenses after waiver    1.49%5    1.57%    1.80%        1.65%    1.53%    1.50% 
Total expenses    1.51%5    1.58%    1.80%        1.65%    1.53%    1.51% 
Net investment income    4.34%5    3.90%    3.88%        4.05%    4.20%    4.42% 
     Supplemental Data                             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 90,215    $ 114,746    $ 140,653    $ 139,447    $ 107,893    $ 74,849 
Portfolio turnover    32%    61%    46%        56%    33%    20% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
3 Aggregate total investment return.
4 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
5 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (continued)                         BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund 
    Six Months        Period 
    Ended    Year Ended    August 1, 20061 
    December 31, 2008    June 30,    to June 30, 
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007 
     Per Share Operating Performance             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 8.68    $ 9.96    $ 10.00 
Net investment income2    0.23    0.44    0.39 
Net realized and unrealized loss    (2.40)    (1.26)    (0.03) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (2.17)    (0.82)    0.36 
Dividends and distributions from:             
    Net investment income    (0.23)    (0.44)    (0.40) 
    Net realized gain        (0.02)    (0.00)3 
Total dividends and distributions    (0.23)    (0.46)    (0.40) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 6.28    $ 8.68    $ 9.96 
     Total Investment Return             
Based on net asset value    (25.39)%4    (8.38)%    3.59%4 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets             
Total expenses after waiver and excluding interest expense and fees5    0.85%6    0.78%    0.62%6 
Total expenses after waiver    0.88%6    0.81%    0.62%6 
Total expenses    0.89%6    0.84%    0.96%6 
Net investment income    5.82%6    4.76%    4.35%6 
     Supplemental Data             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 41,079    $ 71,203    $ 62,464 
Portfolio turnover    15%    33%    16% 

1 Commencement of operations.
2 Based on average shares outstanding.
3 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)    BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund 
        Investor A     
    Six Months        Period 
    Ended    Year Ended    August 1, 20061 
    December 31, 2008    June 30,    to June 30, 
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007 
     Per Share Operating Performance             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 8.67    $ 9.95    $ 10.00 
Net investment income2    0.22    0.41    0.32 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (2.40)    (1.26)    0.01 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (2.18)    (0.85)    0.33 
Dividends and distributions from:             
    Net investment income    (0.22)    (0.41)    (0.38) 
    Net realized gain        (0.02)    (0.00)3 
Total dividends and distributions    (0.22)    (0.43)    (0.38) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 6.27    $ 8.67    $ 9.95 
     Total Investment Return4             
Based on net asset value    (25.53)%5                 (8.62)%    3.26%5 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets             
Total expenses after waiver, and excluding interest expense and fees6    1.09%7    1.03%    0.89%7 
Total expenses after waiver    1.12%7    1.05%    0.89%7 
Total expenses    1.12%7    1.08%    1.19%7 
Net investment income    5.37%7    4.52%    4.16%7 
     Supplemental Data             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 1,930    $ 6,513    $ 5,892 
Portfolio turnover    15%    33%    16% 

1 Commencement of operations.
2 Based on average shares outstanding.
3 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
4 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
5 Aggregate total investment return.
6 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
7 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (concluded)                         BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund 
        Investor C     
    Six Months        Period 
    Ended    Year Ended    August 1, 20061 
    December 31, 2008    June 30,    to June 30, 
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007 
     Per Share Operating Performance             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 8.68    $ 9.97    $ 10.00 
Net investment income2    0.19    0.34    0.30 
Net realized and unrealized loss    (2.40)    (1.27)    (0.02) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (2.21)    (0.93)    0.28 
Dividends and distributions from:             
    Net investment income    (0.19)    (0.34)    (0.31) 
    Net realized gain        (0.02)    (0.00)3 
Total dividends and distributions    (0.19)    (0.36)    (0.31) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 6.28    $ 8.68    $ 9.97 
     Total Investment Return4             
Based on net asset value    (25.79)%5    (9.40)%    2.84%5 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets             
Total expenses after waiver and excluding interest expense and fees6    1.88%7    1.80%    1.53%7 
Total expenses after waiver    1.91%7    1.82%    1.53%7 
Total expenses    1.92%7    1.85%    1.84%7 
Net investment income    4.84%7    3.76%    3.50%7 
     Supplemental Data             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 3,222    $ 4,527    $ 4,378 
Portfolio turnover    15%    33%    16% 

1 Commencement of operations.
2 Based on average shares outstanding.
3 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
4 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
5 Aggregate total investment return.
6 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
7 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)                BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund 
    Six Months                         
    Ended    Period                     
    December 31,    October 1,                     
    2008    2007 to        Year Ended September 30,     
    (Unaudited)    June 30, 2008    2007    2006           2005    2004    2003 
     Per Share Operating Performance                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 10.38    $ 10.84    $ 11.10    $ 11.05    $ 11.03    $ 11.23    $ 11.46 
Net investment income1    0.25    0.36    0.49    0.51    0.54    0.54    0.55 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (1.27)    (0.46)    (0.26)    0.04    0.02    (0.20)    (0.23) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (1.02)    (0.10)    0.23    0.55    0.56    0.34    0.32 
Dividends and distributions from:                             
   Net investment income    (0.24)    (0.36)    (0.49)    (0.50)    (0.54)    (0.54)    (0.55) 
   Net realized gain                                 (0.00)2     
Total dividends and distributions    (0.24)    (0.36)    (0.49)    (0.50)    (0.54)    (0.54)    (0.55) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 9.12    $ 10.38    $ 10.84    $ 11.10    $ 11.05    $ 11.03    $ 11.23 
     Total Investment Return3                             
Based on net asset value    (9.89)%4    (0.91)%4    2.12%    5.19%    5.15%    3.15%    2.89% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                             
Total expenses after fees waived and fees paid                             
indirectly and excluding interest expense and fees5    0.73%6    0.74%6    0.73%    0.74%    0.74%    0.74%    0.74% 
Total expenses, after fees waived and paid indirectly    0.75%6    0.81%6    0.85%    0.90%    0.89%    0.82%    0.83% 
Total expenses    0.76%6    0.82%6    0.85%    0.90%    0.89%    0.83%    0.83% 
Net investment income    4.99%6    4.56%6    4.51%    4.64%    4.89%    4.90%    4.92% 
     Supplemental Data                             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 14,043    $ 17,949    $ 14,927    $ 10,995    $ 10,593    $ 10,332    $ 10,275 
Portfolio turnover    9%    16%    19%    46%    24%    20%    49% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (continued)    BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund 
        Investor A     
    Six Months    Period    Period 
    Ended    October 1, 2007    October 2, 20061 
    December 31, 2008    to June 30,    to September 30, 
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007 

     Per Share Operating Performance             

Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 10.39    $ 10.85    $ 11.10 
Net investment income2    0.24    0.34    0.46 
Net realized and unrealized loss    (1.27)    (0.46)    (0.25) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (1.03)    (0.12)    0.21 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.23)    (0.34)    (0.46) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 9.13    $ 10.39    $ 10.85 

     Total Investment Return3             

Based on net asset value    (10.00)%4    (1.10)%4    1.93%4 

     Ratios to Average Net Assets             

Total expenses after waiver and fees paid indirectly and excluding interest expense and fees5    1.00%6    0.99%6    0.99%6 
Total expenses, after waiver and fees paid indirectly    1.02%6    1.06%6    1.10%6 
Total expenses    1.03%6    1.07%6    1.10%6 
Net investment income    4.76%6    4.31%6    4.27%6 

     Supplemental Data             

Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 16,598    $ 16,181    $ 11,964 
Portfolio turnover    9%    16%    19% 

1      Commencement of operations.
2      Based on average shares outstanding.
3      Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4      Aggregate total investment return.
5      Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to tender option bond trusts.
6      Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)                BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund 
                Investor A1             
    Six Months                             
    Ended    Period                         
    December 31,    October 1,                         
    2008    2007 to        Year Ended September 30,         
    (Unaudited)    June 30, 2008    2007    2006           2005    2004    2003 
     Per Share Operating Performance                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 10.39    $ 10.85    $ 11.10    $ 11.05    $ 11.03    $ 11.23    $ 11.45 
Net investment income1    0.24    0.36    0.49    0.50    0.53        0.53    0.54 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (1.26)    (0.47)    (0.26)    0.04    0.02        (0.20)    (0.22) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (1.02)    (0.11)    0.23    0.54    0.55        0.33    0.32 
Dividends and distributions from:                                 
   Net investment income    (0.24)    (0.35)    (0.48)    (0.49)    (0.53)        (0.53)    (0.54) 
   Net realized gain                            (0.00)2     
Total dividends and distributions    (0.24)    (0.35)    (0.48)    (0.49)    (0.53)        (0.53)    (0.54) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 9.13    $ 10.39    $ 10.85    $ 11.10    $ 11.05    $ 11.03    $ 11.23 
     Total Investment Return3                                 
Based on net asset value    (9.93)%4    (0.99)%4    2.11%    5.08%    5.05%        3.05%    2.89% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                                 
Total expenses after waiver and fees paid indirectly and                                 
   excluding interest expense and fees5    0.85%6    0.84%6    0.83%    0.84%    0.84%        0.84%    0.84% 
Total expenses, after waiver and fees paid indirectly    0.87%6    0.91%6    0.95%    0.99%    0.99%        0.92%    0.93% 
Total expenses    0.88%6    0.92%6    0.95%    1.00%    0.99%        0.93%    0.93% 
Net investment income    4.89%6    4.45%6    4.40%    4.52%    4.79%        4.79%    4.83% 
     Supplemental Data                                 
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 149,075    $ 177,080    $ 204,497    $ 223,322    $ 141,319    $ 145,532    $ 150,395 
Portfolio turnover    9%    16%    19%    46%    24%        20%    49% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (continued)                BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund 
                               Investor B             
    Six Months                             
    Ended    Period                         
    December 31,    October 1,                         
    2008    2007 to        Year Ended September 30,     
    (Unaudited)    June 30, 2008    2007    2006        2005    2004    2003 
     Per Share Operating Performance                                 
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 10.38    $ 10.84    $ 11.10    $ 11.06    $ 11.04    $ 11.23    $ 11.46 
Net investment income1    0.22    0.33    0.44    0.45        0.49    0.49    0.50 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (1.25)    (0.47)    (0.26)    0.04        0.01    (0.20)    0.24 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (1.03)    (0.14)    0.18    0.49        0.50    0.29    0.26 
Dividends and distributions from:                                 
   Net investment income    (0.22)    (0.32)    (0.44)    (0.45)        (0.48)    (0.48)    (0.49) 
   Net realized gain                                     (0.00)2     
Total dividends and distributions    (0.22)    (0.32)    (0.44)    (0.45)        (0.48)    (0.48)    (0.49) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 9.13    $ 10.38    $ 10.84    $ 11.10    $ 11.06    $ 11.04    $ 11.23 
     Total Investment Return3                                 
Based on net asset value    (10.03)%4    (1.29)%4    1.60%    4.56%        4.62%    2.72%    2.38% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                                 
Total expenses after waiver and fees paid indirectly and                                 
   excluding interest expense and fees5    1.26%6    1.24%6    1.24%    1.25%        1.25%    1.25%    1.25% 
Total expenses, after waiver and fees paid indirectly    1.28%6    1.31%6    1.36%    1.41%        1.40%    1.33%    1.33% 
Total expenses    1.29%6    1.31%6    1.36%    1.41%        1.40%    1.33%    1.34% 
Net investment income    4.46%6    4.06%6    3.99%    4.14%        4.38%    4.39%    4.41% 
     Supplemental Data                                 
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 13,745    $ 18,535    $ 25,264    $ 34,921    $ 45,506    $ 57,409    $ 78,510 
Portfolio turnover    9%    16%    19%    46%        24%    20%    49% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Financial Highlights (continued)    BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund 
        Investor C     
    Six Months    Period    Period 
    Ended    October 1, 2007    October 2, 20061 
    December 31, 2008    to June 30,    to September 30, 
    (Unaudited)    2008    2007 
     Per Share Operating Performance             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 10.38    $ 10.84    $ 11.10 
Net investment income2    0.20    0.28    0.37 
Net realized and unrealized loss    (1.25)    (0.46)    (0.25) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (1.05)    (0.18)    0.12 
Dividends from net investment income    (0.20)    (0.28)    (0.38) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 9.13    $ 10.38    $ 10.84 
     Total Investment Return3             
Based on net asset value    (10.25)%4    (1.65)%4    1.08%4 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets             
Total expenses after waiver and fees paid indirectly and excluding interest expense and fees5    1.73%6    1.74%6    1.74%6 
Total expenses, after waiver and fees paid indirectly    1.75%6    1.81%6    1.85%6 
Total expenses    1.76%6    1.82%6    1.85%6 
Net investment income    4.03%6    3.57%6    3.52%6 
     Supplemental Data             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 9,546    $ 8,535    $ 4,611 
Portfolio turnover    9%    16%    19% 

1 Commencement of operations.
2 Based on average shares outstanding.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Financial Highlights (concluded)                BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund 
                Investor C1         
    Six Months                         
    Ended    Period                     
    December 31,    October 1,                     
    2008    2007 to        Year Ended September 30,     
    (Unaudited)    June 30, 2008    2007    2006           2005    2004    2003 
     Per Share Operating Performance                             
Net asset value, beginning of period    $ 10.39    $ 10.85    $ 11.10    $ 11.06    $ 11.04    $ 11.24    $ 11.46 
Net investment income1    0.22    0.32    0.43    0.44    0.48    0.48    0.48 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)    (1.26)    (0.47)    (0.25)    0.04    0.01    (0.21)    (0.22) 
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations    (1.04)    (0.15)    0.18    0.48    0.49    0.27    0.26 
Dividends and distributions from:                             
   Net investment income    (0.22)    (0.31)    (0.43)    (0.44)    (0.47)    (0.47)    (0.48) 
   Net realized gain                                   (0.00)2     
Total dividends and distributions    (0.22)    (0.31)    (0.43)    (0.44)    (0.47)    (0.47)    (0.48) 
Net asset value, end of period    $ 9.13    $ 10.39    $ 10.85    $ 11.10    $ 11.06    $ 11.04    $ 11.24 
     Total Investment Return3                             
Based on net asset value    (10.16)%4    (1.35)%4    1.61%    4.46%    4.52%    2.53%    2.38% 
     Ratios to Average Net Assets                             
Total expenses after waiver and fees paid indirectly and                             
   excluding interest expense and fees5    1.34%6    1.33%6    1.33%    1.35%    1.35%    1.35%    1.34% 
Total expenses, after waiver and fees paid indirectly    1.36%6    1.40%6    1.45%    1.50%    1.50%    1.43%    1.43% 
Total expenses    1.37%6    1.41%6    1.45%    1.51%    1.50%    1.43%    1.44% 
Net investment income    4.40%6    3.97%6    3.91%    4.03%    4.28%    4.29%    4.32% 
     Supplemental Data                             
Net assets, end of period (000)    $ 11,999    $ 14,217    $ 16,364    $ 18,984    $ 17,080    $ 17,309    $ 16,729 
Portfolio turnover    9%    16%    19%    46%    24%    20%    49% 

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
3 Total investment returns exclude the effects of sales charges.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Interest expense and fees relate to tender option bond trusts. See Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details of municipal bonds transferred to
tender option bond trusts.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited)

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies:

BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund, BlackRock Municipal Insured
Fund, BlackRock National Municipal Fund, BlackRock High Yield
Municipal Fund of BlackRock Municipal Bond Fund, Inc. of BlackRock
Municipal Bond Fund, Inc. (“The Bond Fund”) and BlackRock New York
Municipal Bond Fund of BlackRock Multi-State Series Trust (the “Funds”
or individually as the “Fund”) are registered under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as diversified,
open-end management investment companies. The Bond Fund is regis-
tered as a Maryland corporation. BlackRock Multi-State Series Trust is
registered as a Massachusetts business trust. The Funds’ financial state-
ments are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America, which may require the use
of management accruals and estimates. Actual results may differ from
these estimates. Each Fund offers multiple classes of shares. BlackRock
and Institutional Shares are sold only to certain eligible investors.
Investor A Shares are generally sold with a front-end sales charge.
Investor A1, Investor B, and Investor C1 Shares are not generally avail-
able except for dividend and capital gains investment. Shares of Investor
B, Investor C and Investor C1 may be subject to a contingent deferred
sales charge. All classes of shares have identical voting, dividend,
liquidation and other rights and the same terms and conditions, except
that Investor A, Investor A1, Investor B, Investor C and Investor C1 Shares
bear certain expenses related to the shareholding servicing of such
shares, and Investor B, Investor C, and Investor C1 Shares also bear
certain expenses related to the distribution of such shares. Each class
has exclusive voting rights with respect to matters relating to its share-
holder servicing and distribution expenditures (except that Investor B
shareholders may vote on material changes to the Investor A and
Investor A1 distribution plans).

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed
by the Funds:

Valuation of Investments — Municipal investments (including commit-
ments to purchase such investments on a “when-issued” basis) are
valued on the basis of prices provided by dealers or pricing services
selected under the supervision of each Fund’s Board of Trustees (the
“Board”). In determining the value of a particular investment, pricing
services may use certain information with respect to transactions in
such investments, quotations from dealers, pricing matrixes, market
transactions in comparable investments and information with respect
to various relationships between investments. Swap agreements are
valued utilizing quotes received daily by the Funds’ pricing service or
through brokers, which are derived using daily swap curves and trades of
underlying securities. Financial futures contracts traded on exchanges
are valued at their last sale price. Short-term securities with maturities
less than 60 days are valued at amortized cost, which approximates fair
value. Investments in open-end investment companies are valued at net
asset value each business day.

In the event that application of these methods of valuation results in a
price for an investment which is deemed not to be representative of the
market value of such investment, the investment will be valued by a
method approved by the Board as reflecting fair value (“Fair Value
Assets”). When determining the price for Fair Value Assets the investment
advisor and/or the sub advisor seeks to determine the price that each
Fund might reasonably expect to receive from the current sale of that
asset in an arm’s-length transaction. Fair value determinations shall be
based upon all available factors that the investment advisor and/or the
sub-advisor deems relevant. The pricing of all Fair Value Assets is subse-
quently reported to the Board or a committee thereof.

Derivative Financial Instruments: The Funds may engage in various port-
folio investment strategies both to increase the return of the Fund and to
hedge, or protect, their exposure to interest rate movements and move-
ments in the securities markets. Losses may arise if the value of the con-
tract decreases due to an unfavorable change in the price of the under-
lying security or if the counterparty does not perform under contract.

Financial futures contracts — The Funds may purchase or sell finan-
cial futures contracts and options on financial futures contracts for
investment purposes or to manage their interest rate risk. Futures
are contracts for delayed delivery of securities at a specific future
date and at a specific price or yield. Pursuant to the contract, the
Fund agrees to receive from, or pay to the broker an amount of cash
equal to the daily fluctuation in value of the contract. Such receipts
or payments are known as margin variation and are recognized by
the Fund as unrealized gains or losses. When the contract is closed,
the Fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference
between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and
the value at the time it was closed. The use of futures transactions
involves the risk of an imperfect correlation in the movements in the
price of futures contracts, interest rates and the underlying assets,
and the possible inability of counterparties to meet the terms of
their contracts.

Forward interest rate swaps — The Funds may enter into forward
interest rate swaps for investment purposes. In a forward interest
rate swap, a Fund and the counterparty agree to make periodic net
payments on a specified notional contract amount, commencing on
a specified future effective date, unless terminated earlier. These
periodic payments received or made by the Funds are recorded in
the accompanying Statements of Operations as realized gains or
losses, respectively. Forward interest rate swaps are marked-to-
market daily and changes in value are recorded as unrealized
appreciation (depreciation). When the forward interest rate swap is
terminated, the Funds will record a realized gain or loss equal to the
difference between the proceeds from (or cost of) the closing trans-
action and the Funds’ basis in the contract, if any. Forward interest


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

rate swap transactions involve, to varying degrees, elements of
credit and market risk in excess of the amounts recognized in the
Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Such risks involve the possibility
that there will be no liquid market for these agreements, that the
counterparty to the agreements may default on its obligation to per-
form or disagree as to the meaning of the contractual terms in the
agreements, and that there may be unfavorable changes in the inter-
est rates and/or market values associated with these transactions.
The Fund generally intends to close each forward interest rate swap
before the effective date specified in the agreement and therefore
avoid entering into the interest rate swap underlying each forward
interest rate swap.

Forward Commitments and When-Issued Delayed Delivery Securities:
The Funds may purchase securities on a when-issued basis and may
purchase or sell securities on a forward commitment basis. Settlement
of such transactions normally occurs within a month or more after the
purchase or sale commitment is made. The Funds may purchase securi-
ties under such conditions only with the intention of actually acquiring
them, but may enter into a separate agreement to sell the securities
before the settlement date. Since the value of securities purchased may
fluctuate prior to settlement, the Funds may be required to pay more at
settlement than the security is worth. In addition, the purchaser is not
entitled to any of the interest earned prior to settlement. Upon making a
commitment to purchase a security on a when-issued basis, the Funds
will hold liquid assets worth at least the equivalent of the amount due.

Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts: The Funds
may leverage their assets through the use of tender option bond trusts
(“TOBs”). A TOB is established by a third party sponsor forming a special
purpose entity, into which one or more funds, or an agent on behalf of
the funds, transfers municipal securities. Other funds managed by the
investment advisor may also contribute municipal securities to a TOB
into which a Fund has contributed securities. A TOB typically issues
two classes of beneficial interests: short-term floating rate certificates,
which are sold to third party investors, and residual certificates (“TOB
Residuals”), which are generally issued to the participating funds that
made the transfer. The TOB Residuals held by the Funds include the
right of the Funds (1) to cause the holders of a proportional share of
the floating rate certificates to tender their certificates at par, and (2) to
transfer, within seven days, a corresponding share of the municipal secu-
rities from the TOB to the Funds. The TOB may also be terminated with-
out the consent of the Funds upon the occurrence of certain events as
defined in the TOB agreements. Such termination events may include
the bankruptcy or default of the municipal security, a substantial down-
grade in credit quality of the municipal security, the inability of the TOB
to obtain quarterly or annual renewal of the liquidity support agreement,
a substantial decline in market value of the municipal security or the
inability to remarket the short-term floating rate certificates to third
party investors.

The cash received by the TOB from the sale of the short-term floating rate
certificates, less transaction expenses, is paid to the Funds, which typi-
cally invest the cash in additional municipal securities. The Funds’ trans-
fer of the municipal securities to a TOB is accounted for as a secured
borrowing, therefore the municipal securities deposited into a TOB are
presented in each Fund’s Schedule of Investments and the proceeds
from the issuance of the short-term floating rate certificates are reported
as a liability for Trust Certificates.

Interest income from the underlying security is recorded by the Funds on
an accrual basis. Interest expense incurred on the secured borrowing
and other expenses related to remarketing, administration and trustee
services to a TOB are reported as expenses of the Funds. The floating
rate certificates have interest rates that generally reset weekly and their
holders have the option to tender certificates to the TOB for redemption
at par at each reset date. At December 31, 2008, the aggregate value of
the underlying municipal securities transferred to TOBs, the related liabil-
ity for trust certificates and the range of interest rates were as follows:

    Securities    Liability for    Range of 
    Transferred    Trust    Interest 
    to TOBs    Certificates    Rates 
BlackRock Municipal            0.976% – 
Insured Fund    $115,532,390    $59,737,497    3.250% 
BlackRock National            0.976% – 
Municipal Fund    $ 63,150,307    $34,260,000    2.893% 
BlackRock New York            1.714% – 
   Municipal Bond Fund    $ 3,926,342    $ 2,211,247    2.233% 

Financial transactions executed through TOBs generally will underperform
the market for fixed rate municipal bonds when interest rates rise, but
tend to outperform the market for fixed rate bonds when interest rates
decline or remain relatively stable. Should short-term interest rates rise,
the Funds’ investments in TOBs may adversely affect the Funds’ invest-
ment income and distributions to shareholders. Also, fluctuations in
the market value of municipal securities deposited into the TOB may
adversely affect the Fund’s net asset values per share.

Zero-Coupon Bonds: The Funds may invest in zero-coupon bonds, which
are normally issued at a significant discount from face value and do
not provide for periodic interest payments. Zero-coupon bonds may
experience greater volatility in market value than similar maturity debt
obligations which provide for regular interest payments.

Segregation and Collateralization: In cases in which the 1940 Act and
the interpretive positions of the Securities and Exchange Commission
(“SEC”) require that each Fund segregates assets in connection with
certain investments (e.g., financial futures contracts and swaps) each
Fund will, consistent with certain interpretive letters issued by the SEC,
designate on its books and records cash or other liquid securities having


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

a market value at least equal to the amount that would otherwise be
required to be physically segregated. Furthermore, based on requirements
and agreements with certain exchanges and third party broker-dealers,
the Fund may also be required to deliver or deposit securities as collat-
eral for certain investments (e.g., financial futures contracts and swaps).

Investment Transactions and Investment Income: Investment trans-
actions are recorded on the dates the transactions are entered into
(the trade dates). Realized gains and losses on security transactions are
determined on the identified cost basis. Dividend income is recorded
on the ex-dividend dates. Interest income is recognized on the accrual
basis. The Funds amortize all premiums and discounts on debt securi-
ties. Income and realized and unrealized gains and losses are allocated
daily to each class based on its relative net assets.

Dividends and Distributions: Dividends from net investment income
are declared daily and paid monthly. Distributions of capital gains are
recorded on the ex-dividend dates.

Income Taxes: It is the Funds’ policy to comply with the requirements
of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment compa-
nies and to distribute substantially all of its taxable income to their
shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required.

The Funds file US federal and various state and local tax returns.
No income tax returns are currently under examination. The statute of
limitations on the Funds’ US federal tax returns remains open for the
years ended June 30, 2005 through June 30, 2007. The statutes of
limitations on the Funds’ state and local tax returns may remain open
for an additional year depending upon the jurisdiction.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements: In March 2008, Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 161, “Disclosures about Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities — an amendment of FASB Statement
No. 133” (“FAS 161”), was issued. FAS 161 is intended to improve
financial reporting for derivative instruments by requiring enhanced dis-
closure that enables investors to understand how and why an entity uses
derivatives, how derivatives are accounted for and how derivative instru-
ments affect an entity’s results of operations and financial position. FAS
161 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years and inter-
im periods beginning after November 15, 2008. The impact on the
Funds’ financial statement disclosures, if any, is currently being assessed.

Other: Expenses directly related to a Fund or its classes are charged to
that Fund or class. Other operating expenses shared by several funds are
pro-rated among those funds on the basis of relative net assets or other
appropriate methods. Other expenses of the Funds are allocated daily to
each class based on its relative net assets.

2. Investment Advisory Agreement and Other Transactions
with Affiliates:

Each Fund has entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement with
BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Advisor”), and indirect, wholly owned
subsidiary of BlackRock, Inc., to provide investment advisory and admin-
istration services. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. (“Merrill Lynch”) and The PNC
Financial Services Group, Inc. (“PNC”) are the largest stockholders of
BlackRock, Inc. As of December 31, 2008, Merrill Lynch and PNC are
affiliates of BlackRock, Inc.

The Advisor is responsible for the management of each Fund’s portfolio
and provides the necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and certain
other services necessary to the operation of the Funds. For such ser-
vices, the Funds pay the Advisor a monthly fee based upon the average
daily value of each Fund’s net assets at the following annual rates:

    Rate of Advisory Fee 
    BlackRock BlackRock BlackRock 
Aggregate of Average    Short-Term    Municipal     National 
Daily Net Assets of the    Municipal    Insured    Municipal 
Three Combined Funds1    Fund    Fund    Fund 
Not exceeding $250 million           0.40%         0.40%         0.50% 
In excess of $250 million but             
 not exceeding $400 million           0.375%         0.375%         0.475% 
In excess of $400 million but             
 not exceeding $550 million           0.35%         0.375%         0.475% 
In excess of $550 million but             
  not exceeding $1.5 billion           0.325%         0.375%         0.475% 
In excess of $1.5 billion           0.325%         0.350%         0.475% 

1 The portion of the assets of a Fund to which the rate of each breakpoint level
applies will be determined on a “uniform percentage” basis. The uniform percent-
age applicable to a breakpoint level is determined by dividing the amount of the
aggregate average daily net assets of the three combined Funds that falls within
that breakpoint level by the aggregate average daily net assets of the three com-
bined Funds. The amount of the fee for a Fund at each breakpoint level is deter-
mined by multiplying the average daily net assets of that Fund by the uniform
percentage applicable to that breakpoint level and multiplying the product by
the advisory fee rate.

For BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund, the Advisor has voluntarily
agreed to waive fees or expenses in order to limit expenses as follows:
0.35% for Institutional Shares, 0.60% for Investor A Shares, 0.45% for
Investor A1 Shares, 0.70% for Investor B Shares and 1.35% for Investor
C Shares. For the six months ended December 31, 2008, the Advisor
waived $192,262 which is included in fees waived by Advisor on the
Statements of Operations.

BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund’s rates are as follows: 0.55%
of the Fund’s average daily net assets not exceeding $250 million;
0.525% of average daily net assets in excess of $250 million but not
exceeding $500 million; and 0.50% of average daily net assets in excess


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

of $500 million. In addition, for the BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund,
the Advisor has voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of the investment
advisory fee. The amount of the waiver is determined monthly and can
be discontinued at any time.

BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund’s rates are as follows: 0.55%
of the Fund’s average daily net assets not exceeding $500 million;
0.525% of the average daily net assets in excess of $500 million but
not exceeding $1 billion; and 0.50% of average daily net assets in
excess of $1 billion.

The Advisor has agreed to waive its advisory fees by the amount of
investment advisory fee each Fund pays to the Advisor indirectly through
its investment in affiliated money market funds. These amounts are
included in fees waived by the Advisor on the Statements of Operations.
For the six months ended December 31, 2008, the amounts were
as follows:

    Fees Waived 
    by Advisor 
BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund    $ 19,005 
BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund    $ 23,304 
BlackRock National Municipal Fund    $126,916 
BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund    $ 2,324 
BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund    $ 9,141 

The Advisor has entered into a separate sub-advisory agreement with
BlackRock Investment Management, LLC, (“BIM”), an affiliate of the
Advisor, under which the Advisor pays BIM for services it provides, a
monthly fee that is a percentage of the investment advisory fee paid
by the Funds to the Advisor.

For the six months ended December 31, 2008, each Fund reimbursed
the Advisor for certain accounting services, which are included in
accounting services in the Statements of Operations. The reimburse-
ments were as follows:

    to Advisor 
BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund    $ 2,510 
BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund    $ 6,734 
BlackRock National Municipal Fund    $14,175 
BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund    $ 642 
BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund    $ 2,172 

Effective October 31, 2008, each Fund has entered into a Distribution
Agreement and Distribution Plans with BlackRock Investments, Inc.
(“BII”), which replaced FAM Distributors, Inc. (“FAMD”) and BlackRock
Distributors, Inc. and its affiliates (“BDI”) (collectively, the “Distributor”)
as the sole distributor of the Funds. FAMD is a wholly owned subsidiary
of Merrill Lynch Group, Inc. BII and BDI are affiliates of BlackRock, Inc.

The service and distribution fees did not change as a result of this

Pursuant to the Distribution Plans adopted by each Fund in accordance
with Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, each Fund pays the Distributor
ongoing service and distribution fees. The fees are accrued daily and
paid monthly at annual rates based upon the average daily net assets of
the shares as follows:

            Service Fees         
    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock 
    Short-Term    Municipal    National    High Yield    New York 
    Municipal    Insured    Municipal    Municipal    Municipal 
    Fund    Fund    Fund    Fund    Bond Fund 
Investor A    0.25%    0.25%    0.25%    0.25%    0.25% 
Investor A1    0.10%                0.10% 
Investor B    0.15%    0.25%    0.25%        0.25% 
Investor C    0.25%    0.25%    0.25%    0.25%    0.25% 
Investor C1        0.25%    0.25%        0.25% 
        Distribution Fees         
    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock 
    Short-Term    Municipal    National    High Yield    New York 
    Municipal    Insured    Municipal    Municipal    Municipal 
    Fund    Fund    Fund    Fund    Bond Fund 
Investor B    0.20%    0.50%    0.50%        0.25% 
Investor C    0.75%    0.75%    0.75%    0.75%    0.75% 
Investor C1        0.55%    0.55%        0.35% 

Pursuant to sub-agreements with each Distributor, broker-dealers, includ-
ing Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (“MLPF&S”), a
wholly owned subsidiary of Merrill Lynch, and the Distributor provide
shareholder servicing and distribution services to each Fund. The ongo-
ing service and/or distribution fee compensates the Distributor and
each broker-dealer for providing shareholder servicing and/or distribu-
tion related services to Investor A, Investor A1, Investor B, Investor C and
Investor C1 shareholders.

For the six months ended December 31, 2008, affiliates earned under-
writing discounts and direct commissions and dealer concessions on
sales of each Fund’s Investor A and Investor A1 Shares, which totaled
as follows:

    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock 
    Short-Term    Municipal    National    High Yield    New York 
    Municipal    Insured    Municipal    Municipal    Municipal 
    Fund    Fund    Fund    Fund    Bond Fund 
Investor A    $ 48,438    $ 57,555    $367,314    $ 5,217    $ 26,460 


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

For the six months ended December 31, 2008, affiliates received con-
tingent deferred sales charges relating to transactions in Investor B,
Investor C and Investor C1 Shares as follows:

    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock 
    Short-Term    Municipal    National    High Yield    New York 
    Municipal    Insured    Municipal    Municipal    Municipal 
    Fund    Fund    Fund    Fund    Bond Fund 
Investor B    $ 3,938    $ 21,475    $ 36,149        $ 6,006 
Investor C    $ 9,033    $ 14,163    $ 41,500    $ 88    $ 17 
Investor C1        $ 250    $ 1,493         

Furthermore, affiliates received contingent deferred sales charges relat-
ing to transactions subject to front-end sales charge waivers relating to
Investor A and Investor A1 Shares as follows:

    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock 
    Short-Term    Municipal    National    High Yield    New York 
    Municipal    Insured    Municipal    Municipal    Municipal 
    Fund    Fund    Fund    Fund    Bond Fund 
Investor A    $ 9,766    $ 3,318    $ 52,505         

PNC Global Investment Servicing (U.S.) Inc., an indirect, wholly owned
subsidiary of PNC and an affiliate of the Advisor, is the Funds’ transfer
agent and dividend disbursing agent. Each class of the Funds bear the
costs of transfer agent fees associated with such respective classes.
Transfer agency fees borne by each class of the Funds are comprised
of those fees charged for all shareholder communications including
mailing of shareholder reports, dividend and distribution notices, and
proxy materials for shareholders meetings, as well as per account and
per transaction fees related to servicing and maintenance of shareholder
accounts, including the issuing, redeeming and transferring of shares
of each class of the Funds, 12b-1 fee calculation, check writing, anti-
money laundering services, and customer identification services.

Pursuant to written agreements, certain affiliates provide the Funds with
sub-accounting, recordkeeping, sub-transfer agency and other adminis-
trative services with respect to sub-accounts they service. For these
services, these affiliates receive an annual fee per shareholder account
which will vary depending on share class. For the six months ended
December 31, 2008, the Funds paid the following fees in return for
these services, which are a component of the transfer agent fees in
the accompanying Statements of Operations:

BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund    $ 49,220 
BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund    $ 85,890 
BlackRock National Municipal Fund    $ 274,336 
BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund    $ 4,914 
BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund    $ 38,319 

The Funds may earn income on positive cash balances in demand
deposit accounts that are maintained by the transfer agent on behalf
of the Funds. For the six months ended December 31, 2008, the
Funds earned income, which is included in income — affiliated in
the Statements of Operations, as follows:

BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund    $ 60 
BlackRock National Municipal Fund    $1,204 
BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund    $ 51 
BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund    $ 13 

The Advisor maintains a call center, which is responsible for providing
certain shareholder services to the Funds, such as responding to share-
holder inquiries and processing transactions based upon instructions
from shareholders with respect to the subscription and redemption of
Fund shares. For the six months ended December 31, 2008, the follow-
ing amounts have been accrued by the Funds to reimburse the Advisor
for costs incurred running the call center, which are a component of the
transfer agent fees in the accompanying Statements of Operations.

                       Call Center Fees         
    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock 
    Short-Term    Municipal    National    High Yield    New York 
    Municipal    Insured    Municipal    Municipal    Municipal 
    Fund    Fund    Fund    Fund    Bond Fund 
Service    $ 8                 
Institutional    $1,050    $5,778    $17,142    $199    $ 93 
Investor A    $ 84    $1,842    $ 5,052    $ 57    $ 156 
Investor A1    $ 732                $2,178 
Investor B    $ 84    $ 312    $ 762        $ 198 
Investor C    $ 72    $ 96    $ 750    $ 36    $ 81 
Investor C1        $ 342    $ 816        $ 114 

Pursuant to the custody agreement, custodian fees may be reduced by
amounts calculated on uninvested cash balances (“custody credits”),
which are on the Statements of Operations as fees paid indirectly.

Certain officers and/or trustees of the Funds are officers and/or direc-
tors of BlackRock, Inc. or its affiliates. The Funds reimburse the Advisor
for compensation paid to the Funds’ Chief Compliance Officer.

3. Investments:

Purchases and sales of investments, excluding short-term securities,
for the six months ended December 31, 2008 were as follows:

    Purchases    Sales 
BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund    $106,136,393    $ 66,221,730 
BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund    $ 64,258,929    $132,215,340 
BlackRock National Municipal Fund    $476,207,678    $504,648,783 
BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund    $ 9,012,507    $ 11,297,376 
BlackRock New York Municipal         
   Bond Fund    $ 21,194,733    $ 30,411,290 


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

4. Short-Term Borrowings:

The Funds, along with certain other funds managed by the Advisor and
its affiliates, are a party to a $500,000,000 credit agreement with a
group of lenders, which expired November 2008 and was subsequently
renewed until November 2009. The Funds may borrow under the credit
agreement to fund shareholder redemptions and for other lawful purpos-
es other than for leverage. The Funds may borrow up to the maximum
amount allowable under each Fund’s current Prospectus and Statement
of Additional Information, subject to various other legal, regulatory or
contractual limits. The Funds paid its pro rata share of a 0.02% upfront
fee on the aggregate commitment amount based on its net assets as
of October 31, 2008. Each Fund pays a commitment fee of 0.08% per
annum based on the Funds’ pro rata share of the unused portion of the
credit agreement, which is included in miscellaneous in the Statements
of Operations. Amounts borrowed under the credit agreement bear inter-
est at a rate equal to the higher of the (a) federal funds effective rate
and (b) reserve adjusted one month LIBOR, plus, in each case, higher of
(i) 1.50% and (ii) 50% of the CDX Index (as defined in the credit agree-
ment) in effect from time to time. The Funds did not borrow under the
credit agreement during the six months ended December 31, 2008.

5. Capital Loss Carryforward:

As of June 30, 2008, the Funds had capital loss carryforwards
available to offset future realized capital gains through the indicated
expiration dates:

    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock    BlackRock 
    Short-Term    Municipal    National    High Yield    New York 
Expires    Municipal    Insured    Municipal    Municipal    Municipal 
June 30,    Fund    Fund    Fund    Fund    Bond Fund 
2009    $ 426,094        $24,178,001        $7,034,310 
2010            444,566         
2011    32,641        942,957         
2012    331,374        1,591,140         
2013    1,178,808                8,935,207 
2014    4,110,940                 
2015    2,987,949                 
2016    322,206            $258,523     
Total    $9,390,012        $27,156,664    $258,523    $15,969,517 

6. Market, Credit and Concentration Risk:

In the normal course of business, the Funds invest in securities and
enter into transactions where risks exist due to fluctuations in the market
(market risk) or failure of the issuer of a security to meet all its obliga-
tions (credit risk). The value of securities held by the Funds may decline
in response to certain events, including those directly involving the com-
panies whose securities are owned by the Funds; conditions affecting
the general economy; overall market changes; local, regional or global
political, social or economic instability; and currency and interest rate
and price fluctuations. Similar to credit risk, the Funds may be exposed
to counterparty risk, or the risk that an entity with which the Funds have
unsettled or open transactions may default. Financial assets, which
potentially expose the Funds to credit and counterparty risks, consist
principally of investments and cash due from counterparties. The extent
of the Funds’ exposure to credit and counterparty risks with respect to
these financial assets is approximated by their value recorded in the
Funds’ Statements of Assets and Liabilities.

Many municipalities insure repayment of their bonds, which reduces
the risk of loss due to issuer default. The market value of these bonds
may fluctuate for other reasons, including market perception of the value
of such insurance, and there is no guarantee that the insurer will meet
its obligation.

BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund

This Fund invests a substantial amount of its assets in issuers located in
a single state or a limited number of states. Please see the Schedule of
Investments for concentration in specific states.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)                     
7. Capital Share Transactions:                         
Transactions in capital shares for each class were as follows:                         
    Six Months Ended   Year Ended
     December 31, 2008    to June 30, 2008 
BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund    Shares       Amount    Shares        Amount 
BlackRock Shares                         
Shares sold    13,511    $ 135,648             
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends    2,270        22,706    7,219    $ 72,014 
Total issued    15,781        158,354    7,219        72,014 
Shares redeemed    (60,136)        (603,478)    (73,092)        (730,403) 
Net decrease    (44,355)    $ (445,124)    (65,873)    $ (658,389) 
Institutional Shares                         
Shares sold    7,353,002    $ 73,458,925    7,364,607    $ 73,727,719 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends    132,338        1,322,509    230,835        2,302,223 
Total issued    7,485,340    74,781,434    7,595,442        76,029,942 
Shares redeemed    (4,628,857)    (46,182,771)    (2,643,000)        (26,376,640) 
Net increase    2,856,483    $ 28,598,663    4,952,442    $ 49,653,302 
Investor A Shares                         
Shares sold    2,332,739    $ 23,347,542    1,168,727    $ 11,651,976 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends    13,930        139,240    11,803        117,921 
Total issued    2,346,669    23,486,782    1,180,530        11,769,897 
Shares redeemed    (672,559)        (6,721,313)    (385,226)        (3,860,050) 
Net increase    1,674,110    $ 16,765,469    795,304    $ 7,909,847 
Investor A1 Shares                         
Shares sold    35,559    $ 354,918    134,833    $ 1,345,652 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends    76,793        768,196    185,071        1,846,524 
Total issued    112,352        1,123,114    319,904        3,192,176 
Shares redeemed    (2,218,307)    (22,241,549)    (2,104,956)        (20,951,820) 
Net decrease    (2,105,955)    $ (21,118,435)    (1,785,052)    $ (17,759,644) 
Investor B Shares                         
Shares sold    135,255    $ 1,353,383    66,520    $ 662,554 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends    8,509        85,038    21,958        218,871 
Total issued    143,764        1,438,421    88,478        881,425 
Shares redeemed    (139,027)        (1,386,775)    (479,536)        (4,783,875) 
Net increase (decrease)    4,737    $ 51,646    (391,058)    $ (3,902,450) 
Investor C Shares                         
Shares sold    2,433,086    $ 24,313,122    710,129    $ 7,088,444 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends    10,638        106,348    7,861        78,483 
Total issued    2,443,724    24,419,470    717,990        7,166,927 
Shares redeemed    (303,067)        (3,022,468)    (190,416)        (1,900,796) 
Net increase    2,140,657    $ 21,397,002    527,574    $ 5,266,131 


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)                     
    Six Months Ended   Year Ended
     December 31, 2008    June 30, 2008 
BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund    Shares       Amount    Shares        Amount 
Institutional Shares                         
Shares sold    1,322,148    $ 9,096,179    1,777,861    $ 13,543,665 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends                         
   and distributions    850,122        5,920,600    1,623,461        12,287,529 
Total issued    2,172,270    15,016,779    3,401,322        25,831,194 
Shares redeemed    (5,429,149)    (37,575,621)    (8,693,490)        (66,023,825) 
Net decrease    (3,256,879)    $ (22,558,842)    (5,292,168)    $ (40,192,631) 
Investor A Shares                         
Shares sold    2,267,957    $ 15,524,990    2,991,401    $ 22,777,021 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends                         
   and distributions    282,411        1,964,530    499,420        3,777,445 
Total issued    2,550,368    17,489,520    3,490,821        26,554,466 
Shares redeemed    (2,198,464)    (14,933,682)    (3,145,331)        (23,994,753) 
Net increase    351,904    $ 2,555,838    345,490    $ 2,559,713 
Investor B Shares                         
Shares sold    60,872    $ 410,444    192,937    $ 1,476,246 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends                         
   and distributions    40,550        282,547    89,770        679,437 
Total issued    101,422        692,991    282,707        2,155,683 
Shares redeemed and automatic conversion of shares    (991,800)        (6,910,685)    (1,710,506)        (13,019,421) 
Net decrease    (890,378)    $ (6,217,694)    (1,427,799)    $ (10,863,738) 
Investor C Shares                         
Shares sold    1,035,598    $ 7,182,192    1,416,686    $ 10,764,923 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends                         
   and distributions    26,531        184,098    25,281        190,501 
Total issued    1,062,129        7,366,290    1,441,967        10,955,424 
Shares redeemed    (653,399)        (4,439,280)    (190,707)        (1,443,003) 
Net increase    408,730    $ 2,927,010    1,251,260    $ 9,512,421 
Investor C1 Shares                         
Shares sold    91    $ 731    259    $ 1,870 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends                         
   and distributions    62,767        436,843    124,398        941,214 
Total issued    62,858        437,574    124,657        943,084 
Shares redeemed    (759,373)        (5,239,863)    (1,078,193)        (8,190,073) 
Net decrease    (696,515)    $ (4,802,289)    (953,536)    $ (7,246,989) 


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)                 
               Six Months Ended    Year Ended
           December 31, 2008    June 30, 2008 
BlackRock National Municipal Fund    Shares    Amount    Shares        Amount 
Institutional Shares                     
Shares sold    11,482,017    $106,328,492    16,005,655    $ 163,209,896 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends    1,616,493    15,185,109    3,009,671        30,615,058 
Total issued    13,098,510    121,513,601    19,015,326    193,824,954 
Shares redeemed    (21,558,632)    (198,396,645)    (14,764,890)    (150,139,405) 
Net increase (decrease)    (8,460,122)    $ (76,883,044)    4,250,436    $ 43,685,549 
Investor A Shares                     
Shares sold and automatic conversion of shares    21,941,769    $202,254,159    18,700,872    $ 190,592,280 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends    635,353    5,955,128    919,230        9,340,480 
Total issued    22,577,122    208,209,287    19,620,102    199,932,760 
Shares redeemed    (12,035,472)    (110,848,448)    (5,822,235)        (59,464,427) 
Net increase    10,541,650    $ 97,360,839    13,797,867    $ 140,468,333 
Investor B Shares                     
Shares sold    298,287    $ 2,759,223    235,464    $ 2,398,074 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends    66,804    626,837    146,494        1,491,864 
Total issued    365,091    3,386,060    381,958        3,889,938 
Shares redeemed and automatic conversion of shares    (1,439,901)    (13,538,858)    (3,112,742)        (31,809,975) 
Net decrease    (1,074,810)    $ (10,152,798)    (2,730,784)    $ (27,920,037) 
Investor C Shares                     
Shares sold    6,709,695    $ 62,983,129    7,587,682    $ 77,320,500 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends    185,755    1,734,480    175,685        1,781,872 
Total issued    6,895,450    64,717,609    7,763,367        79,102,372 
Shares redeemed    (2,731,507)    (25,442,587)    (1,379,487)        (14,088,908) 
Net increase    4,163,943    $ 39,275,022    6,383,880    $ 65,013,464 
Investor C1 Shares                     
Shares sold    11,663    $ 113,252    35,604    $ 365,498 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends    154,099    1,446,596    321,359        3,272,418 
Total issued    165,762    1,559,848    356,963        3,637,916 
Shares redeemed    (1,580,215)    (14,665,994)    (2,368,864)        (24,204,318) 
Net decrease    (1,414,453)    $ (13,106,146)    (2,011,901)    $ (20,566,402) 


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)                     
         Six Months Ended   Year Ended
           December 31, 2008    June 30, 2008 
BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund    Shares       Amount    Shares        Amount 
Institutional Shares                         
Shares sold    1,111,063    $ 8,184,421    5,299,302    $ 48,686,114 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends                         
   and distributions    3,285        24,433    4,317        39,399 
Total issued    1,114,348        8,208,854    5,303,619        48,725,513 
Shares redeemed    (2,777,124)    (20,567,819)    (3,372,274)        (30,775,895) 
Net increase (decrease)    (1,662,776)    $ (12,358,965)    1,931,345    $ 17,949,618 
Investor A Shares                         
Shares sold    143,749    $ 1,057,060    388,902    $ 3,588,193 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends                         
   and distributions    9,842        76,174    20,824        190,141 
Total issued    153,591        1,133,234    409,726        3,778,334 
Shares redeemed    (596,990)        (4,515,271)    (250,883)        (2,323,475) 
Net increase (decrease)    (443,399)    $ (3,382,037)    158,843    $ 1,454,859 
Investor C Shares                         
Shares sold    125,798    $ 978,155    249,094    $ 2,283,008 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment of dividends                         
   and distributions    8,385        62,247    11,628        105,769 
Total issued    134,183        1,040,402    260,722        2,388,777 
Shares redeemed    (142,866)        (1,030,908)    (178,727)        (1,679,281) 
Net increase (decrease)    (8,683)    $ 9,494    81,995    $ 709,496 


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)                 
    Six Months Ended    Period October 1, 2007        Year Ended 
    December 31, 2008    to June 30, 2008    September 30, 2007 
BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund       Shares    Amount       Shares    Amount       Shares    Amount 
Shares sold    162,999    $ 1,583,110    653,852    $ 6,941,064    563,362    $ 6,200,599 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment                         
   of dividends    21,639    209,518    21,250    224,915    22,248    244,891 
Total issued    184,638    1,792,628    675,102    7,165,979    585,610    6,445,490 
Shares redeemed    (374,871)    (3,578,438)    (322,656)    (3,438,545)    (199,561)    (2,176,094) 
Net increase (decrease)    (190,233)    $ (1,785,810)    352,446    $ 3,727,434    386,049    $ 4,269,396 
    Six Months Ended    Period October 1, 2007    Period October 2, 2006* 
    December 31, 2008    to June 30, 2008    to September 30, 2007 
       Shares    Amount       Shares    Amount       Shares    Amount 
Investor A                         
Shares sold    651,283    $ 6,415,376    1,128,404    $ 12,098,355    1,159,552    $ 12,798,513 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment                         
   of dividends    23,869    230,361    26,141    276,958    11,371    124,414 
Total issued    675,152    6,645,737    1,154,545    12,375,313    1,170,923    12,922,927 
Shares redeemed    (415,270)    (3,943,999)    (699,518)    (7,416,904)    (68,236)    (742,952) 
Net increase    259,882    $ 2,701,738    455,027    $ 4,958,409    1,102,687    $ 12,179,975 
* Commencement of Operations.                         
    Six Months Ended    Period October 1, 2007        Year Ended 
    December 31, 2008    to June 30, 2008    September 30, 2007** 
       Shares    Amount       Shares    Amount       Shares    Amount 
Investor A1                         
Shares sold    152,192    $ 1,533,204    285,153    $ 3,042,406    493,948    $ 5,431,046 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment                         
   of dividends    255,714    2,476,971    357,383    3,789,957    501,703    5,534,705 
Total issued    407,906    4,010,175    642,536    6,832,363    995,651    10,965,751 
Shares redeemed    (1,130,540)    (10,883,854)    (2,443,975)    (25,874,500)    (2,256,844)    (24,905,480) 
Net decrease    (722,634)    $ (6,873,679)    (1,801,439)    $ (19,042,137)    (1,261,193)    $ (13,939,729) 
Investor B                         
Shares sold    7,780    $ 72,804    37,649    $ 404,726    62,337    $ 688,504 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment                         
   of dividends    16,345    158,487    27,365    290,345    53,584    591,518 
Total issued    24,125    231,291    65,014    695,071    115,921    1,280,022 
Shares redeemed    (303,346)    (2,979,017)    (609,592)    (6,510,070)    (932,308)    (10,266,350) 
Net decrease    (279,221)    $ (2,747,726)    (544,578)    $ (5,814,999)    (816,387)    $ (8,986,328) 
** Effective October 2, 2006, Class A Shares were redesignated Investor A1 Shares.                 


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Notes to Financial Statements (concluded)                 
    Six Months Ended    Period October 1, 2007    Period October 2, 2006* 
    December 31, 2008    to June 30, 2008    to September 30, 2007 
BlackRock New York                         
Municipal Bond Fund (concluded)    Shares    Amount    Shares    Amount    Shares    Amount 
Investor C                         
Shares sold    255,065    $ 2,485,668    445,757    $ 4,757,549    426,707    $ 4,696,020 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment                         
   of dividends    14,370    138,530    13,218    139,705    4,448    48,645 
Total issued    269,435    2,624,198    458,975    4,897,254    431,155    4,744,665 
Shares redeemed    (45,705)    (459,405)     (62,073)    (662,001)    (5,985)    (65,594) 
Net increase    223,730    $ 2,164,793    396,902    $ 4,235,253    425,170    $ 4,679,071 
* Commencement of operations.                         
    Six Months Ended    Period October 1, 2007        Year Ended 
    December 31, 2008    to June 30, 2008    September 30, 2007** 
    Shares    Amount    Shares    Amount    Shares    Amount 
Investor C1                         
Shares sold    18    $ 228    1,102    $ 11,515    128    $ 1,415 
Shares issued to shareholders in reinvestment                         
   of dividends    19,705    190,722    27,507    291,749    39,561    436,364 
Total issued    19,723    190,950    28,609    303,264    39,689    437,779 
Shares redeemed    (74,363)    (692,705)    (168,317)    (1,794,619)    (240,915)    (2,663,364) 
Net decrease    (54,640)    $ (501,755)    (139,708)    $ (1,491,355)    (201,226)    $ (2,225,585) 
** Effective October 2, 2006, Class C Shares were redesignated Investor C1 Shares.                 
8. Subsequent Events:                         

On January 1, 2009, Bank of America Corporation announced that it had completed its acquisition of Merrill Lynch, one of the principal owners of
BlackRock, Inc.

On February 23, 2009 (the “Reorganization Date”), BlackRock National Municipal Fund of BlackRock Municipal Bond Fund, Inc. (“National Municipal”)
acquired all of the assets and certain stated liabilities of BlackRock Florida Municipal Bond Fund of BlackRock Multi-State Municipal Series Trust
(“Florida Municipal”). The reorganization was pursuant to an Agreement and plan of Reorganization, which was approved by the shareholders of
Florida Municipal on January 20, 2009. Under the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, 201,716 Investor A Shares, and 4,540,365 Investor A1 Shares,
978,873 Investor B Shares, 265,991 Investor C Shares, 973,990 Investor C1 Shares and 1,391,348 Institutional Shares of Florida Municipal were
exchanged for 4,478,243 Investor A Shares, 926,855 Investor B Shares, 250,847 Investor C Shares, 920,024 Investor C1 Shares, and 1,316,862
Institutional Shares, respectively, of National Municipal. The conversion ratio for Investor A Shares, Investor A1 Shares, Investor B Shares, Investor C
Shares, Investor C1 Shares and Institutional Shares were 0.943518, 0.944400, 0.946859, 0.943066, 0.944593 and 0.946465, respectively. The
assets of Florida Municipal, which consisted of securities and related receivables less liabilities were converted on a tax free basis. On the Reorganization
Date, the net assets of National Municipal were valued at $1,783,003,795 (including net assets of $74,311,909 for Florida Municipal, which included
$6,897,370 of net unrealized depreciation).


DECEMBER 31, 2008

Officers and Directors/Trustees

Robert M. Hernandez, Chairman of the Board, Director/Trustee and
Member of the Audit Committee
Fred G. Weiss, Vice Chair of the Board, Chairman of the Audit Committee
and Director/Trustee
James H. Bodurtha, Director/Trustee
Bruce R. Bond, Director/Trustee
Donald W. Burton, Director/Trustee
Richard S. Davis, Fund President1 and Director/Trustee
Stuart E. Eizenstat, Director/Trustee
Laurence D. Fink, Director/Trustee
Kenneth A. Froot, Director/Trustee
Henry Gabbay, Director/Trustee
John F. O’Brien, Director/Trustee
Roberta Cooper Ramo, Director/Trustee
Jean Margo Reid, Director/Trustee
David H. Walsh, Director/Trustee
Richard R. West, Director/Trustee and Member of the Audit Committee
Donald C. Burke, Fund President2 and Chief Executive Officer
Anne F. Ackerley, Vice President
Neal J. Andrews, Chief Financial Officer
Jay M. Fife, Treasurer
Brian . Kindelan, Chief Compliance Officer of the Fund
Howard B. Surloff, Secretary

1 Fund President for BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund
2 Fund President for BlackRock Municipal Bond Fund, Inc.

For BlackRock Municipal Bond Fund, Inc.:
The Bank of New York Mellon
New York, NY 10286

For BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund:
State Street Bank and Trust Company
Boston, MA 02101

Transfer Agent
PNC Global Investment Servicing (U.S.) Inc.
Wilmington, DE 19809

Accounting Agent
State Street Bank and Trust Company
Princeton, NJ 08540

Independent Registered Public
Accounting Firm
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Princeton, NJ 08540

Legal Counsel
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
New York, NY 10019

Address for All Funds
BlackRock Municipal Bond Fund, Inc.
BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund of
BlackRock Multi-State Municipal Series Trust
100 Bellevue Parkway
Wilmington, DE 19809


DECEMBER 31, 2008


Additional Information

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cedures relating to the proper storage and disposal of such information.

Availability of Additional Information

Electronic copies of most financial reports and prospectuses are available
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of quarterly statements, annual and semi-annual reports and prospectuses
by enrolling in the Funds’ electronic delivery program.

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and eliminate duplicate mailings of shareholder documents. Mailings of
your shareholder documents may be householded indefinitely unless you
instruct us otherwise. If you do not want the mailing of these documents
to be combined with those for other members of your household, please
contact the Funds at (800) 441-7762.

Availability of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures

A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to
determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities is available
(1) without charge, upon request, by calling toll-free (800) 441-7762;
(2) at www.blackrock.com; and (3) on the Securities and Exchange
Commission’s (the “SEC”) website at http://www.sec.gov.


Additional Information (concluded)

Availability of Additional Information (concluded)

Availability of Proxy Voting Record

Information about how the Funds vote proxies relating to securities
held in the Funds’ portfolio during the most recent 12-month period
ended December 31 is available upon request and without charge
(1) at www.blackrock.com or by calling (800) 441-7762 and (2) on
the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Availability of Quarterly Portfolio Schedule

The Funds file their complete schedules of portfolio holdings with the SEC
for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Funds’
Forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov
and may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference
Room in Washington, D.C. Information on the operation of the Public
Reference Room may be obtained by calling (800) SEC-0330. The
Funds’ Forms N-Q may also be obtained upon request and without
charge by calling (800) 441-7762.

Shareholder Privileges

Account Information

Call us at (800) 441-7762 from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST to get infor-
mation about your account balances, recent transactions and share
prices. You can also reach us on the Web at www.blackrock.com/funds.

Automatic Investment Plans

Investor Class shareholders who want to invest regularly can arrange to
have $50 or more automatically deducted from their checking or savings
account and invested in any of the BlackRock funds.

Systematic Withdrawal Plans

Investor Class shareholders can establish a systematic withdrawal plan
and receive periodic payments of $50 or more from their BlackRock
funds, as long as their account is at least $10,000.

Retirement Plans

Shareholders may make investments in conjunction with Traditional,
Rollover, Roth, Coverdell, Simple IRAs, SEP IRAs and 403(b) Plans.


DECEMBER 31, 2008


A World-Class Mutual Fund Family

BlackRock offers a diverse lineup of open-end mutual funds crossing all investment styles and managed by experts in equity, fixed income and
tax-exempt investing.

     Equity Funds         
BlackRock All-Cap Energy & Resources Portfolio    BlackRock Global Opportunities Portfolio    BlackRock Mid-Cap Value Equity Portfolio 
BlackRock Asset Allocation Portfolio†    BlackRock Global SmallCap Fund    BlackRock Mid Cap Value Opportunities Fund 
BlackRock Aurora Portfolio    BlackRock Health Sciences Opportunities Portfolio    BlackRock Natural Resources Trust 
BlackRock Balanced Capital Fund†    BlackRock Healthcare Fund    BlackRock Pacific Fund 
BlackRock Basic Value Fund    BlackRock Index Equity Portfolio*    BlackRock Science & Technology 
BlackRock Capital Appreciation Portfolio    BlackRock International Fund       Opportunities Portfolio 
BlackRock Energy & Resources Portfolio    BlackRock International Diversification Fund    BlackRock Small Cap Core Equity Portfolio 
BlackRock Equity Dividend Fund    BlackRock International Index Fund    BlackRock Small Cap Growth Equity Portfolio 
BlackRock EuroFund    BlackRock International Opportunities Portfolio    BlackRock Small Cap Growth Fund II 
BlackRock Focus Growth Fund    BlackRock International Value Fund    BlackRock Small Cap Index Fund 
BlackRock Focus Value Fund    BlackRock Large Cap Core Fund    BlackRock Small Cap Value Equity Portfolio* 
BlackRock Fundamental Growth Fund    BlackRock Large Cap Core Plus Fund    BlackRock Small/Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio 
BlackRock Global Allocation Fund†    BlackRock Large Cap Growth Fund    BlackRock S&P 500 Index Fund 
BlackRock Global Dynamic Equity Fund    BlackRock Large Cap Value Fund    BlackRock U.S. Opportunities Portfolio 
BlackRock Global Emerging Markets Fund    BlackRock Latin America Fund    BlackRock Utilities and Telecommunications Fund 
BlackRock Global Financial Services Fund    BlackRock Mid-Cap Growth Equity Portfolio    BlackRock Value Opportunities Fund 
BlackRock Global Growth Fund         
     Fixed Income Funds         
BlackRock Emerging Market Debt Portfolio    BlackRock Inflation Protected Bond Portfolio    BlackRock Short-Term Bond Fund 
BlackRock Enhanced Income Portfolio    BlackRock Intermediate Bond Portfolio II    BlackRock Strategic Income Portfolio 
BlackRock GNMA Portfolio    BlackRock Intermediate Government    BlackRock Total Return Fund 
BlackRock Government Income Portfolio       Bond Portfolio    BlackRock Total Return Portfolio II 
BlackRock High Income Fund    BlackRock International Bond Portfolio    BlackRock World Income Fund 
BlackRock High Yield Bond Portfolio    BlackRock Long Duration Bond Portfolio     
BlackRock Income Portfolio    BlackRock Low Duration Bond Portfolio     
BlackRock Income Builder Portfolio    BlackRock Managed Income Portfolio     
     Municipal Bond Funds         
BlackRock AMT-Free Municipal Bond Portfolio    BlackRock Intermediate Municipal Fund    BlackRock New York Municipal Bond Fund 
BlackRock California Insured Municipal Bond Fund    BlackRock Kentucky Municipal Bond Portfolio    BlackRock Ohio Municipal Bond Portfolio 
BlackRock Delaware Municipal Bond Portfolio    BlackRock Municipal Insured Fund    BlackRock Pennsylvania Municipal Bond Fund 
BlackRock Florida Municipal Bond Fund    BlackRock National Municipal Fund    BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Fund 
BlackRock High Yield Municipal Fund    BlackRock New Jersey Municipal Bond Fund     
     Target Risk & Target Date Funds         
BlackRock Prepared Portfolios    BlackRock Lifecycle Prepared Portfolios     
   Conservative Prepared Portfolio       Prepared Portfolio 2010       Prepared Portfolio 2030 
   Moderate Prepared Portfolio       Prepared Portfolio 2015       Prepared Portfolio 2035 
   Growth Prepared Portfolio       Prepared Portfolio 2020       Prepared Portfolio 2040 
   Aggressive Growth Prepared Portfolio       Prepared Portfolio 2025       Prepared Portfolio 2045 
           Prepared Portfolio 2050 
 * See the prospectus for information on specific limitations on investments in the fund.     
 † Mixed asset fund.         

BlackRock mutual funds are currently distributed by BlackRock Investments, Inc. You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and
expenses of the funds under consideration carefully before investing. Each fund’s prospectus contains this and other information and is available at
www.blackrock.com or by calling (800) 882-0052 or from your financial advisor. The prospectus should be read carefully before investing.


DECEMBER 31, 2008

This report is not authorized for use as an offer of sale or a solicitation of an offer to buy shares of the Funds unless accompanied or
preceded by the Funds’ current prospectus. Past performance results shown in this report should not be considered a representation of
future performance. Investment return and principal value of shares will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more
or less than their original cost. Statements and other information herein are as dated and are subject to change.


Item 2 – Code of Ethics – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report

Item 3 – Audit Committee Financial Expert – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report

Item 4 – Principal Accountant Fees and Services – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report

Item 5 – Audit Committee of Listed Registrants – Not Applicable

Item 6 – Investments
(a) The registrant’s Schedule of Investments is included as part of the Report to
Stockholders filed under Item 1 of this form.
(b) Not Applicable due to no such divestments during the semi-annual period covered since
the previous Form N-CSR filing.

Item 7 – Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management
Investment Companies – Not Applicable

Item 8 – Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies – Not Applicable

Item 9 – Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and
Affiliated Purchasers – Not Applicable

Item 10 – Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders – The registrant’s Nominating and
Governance Committee will consider nominees to the board of directors recommended by
shareholders when a vacancy becomes available. Shareholders who wish to recommend a
nominee should send nominations that include biographical information and set forth the
qualifications of the proposed nominee to the registrant’s Secretary. There have been no
material changes to these procedures.

Item 11 – Controls and Procedures

11(a) – The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers or persons performing
similar functions have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as
defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the
“1940 Act”)) are effective as of a date within 90 days of the filing of this report based on the
evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act
and Rule 15(d)-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

11(b) – There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as
defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act) that occurred during the second fiscal quarter
of the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to
materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12 – Exhibits attached hereto

12(a)(1) – Code of Ethics – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report

12(a)(2) – Certifications – Attached hereto

12(a)(3) – Not Applicable

12(b) – Certifications – Attached hereto

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment
Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

BlackRock Municipal Bond Fund, Inc.

By: /s/ Donald C. Burke
Donald C. Burke
Chief Executive Officer of
BlackRock Municipal Bond Fund, Inc.

Date: February 23, 2009

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment
Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf
of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: /s/ Donald C. Burke
Donald C. Burke
Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of
BlackRock Municipal Bond Fund, Inc.

Date: February 23, 2009

By: /s/ Neal J. Andrews
Neal J. Andrews
Chief Financial Officer (principal financial officer) of
BlackRock Municipal Bond Fund, Inc.

Date: February 23, 2009