497 1 ahit-497_082321.htm HIT2021SAR








To Our




I am pleased to report that the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust (HIT) achieved many milestones in the first half of 2021. As of June 30, the HIT reached a record level of $7 billion in net assets, outperformed its benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (Benchmark), invested more than $385 million in multifamily housing projects and raised $320 million in new capital. At midyear, these levels of multifamily investment and new capital put the HIT on track for 2021 to be one of the most successful years in its history.


The HIT significantly outperformed its Benchmark. Its gross and net returns for the semi-annual period were -0.59% and -0.74 % respectively, compared to the Benchmark’s -1.60%, an outperformance of 101 and 86 basis points (bps). The HIT’s strategic overweight to high credit quality multifamily securities provided investors with a yield advantage and diversification benefits within investment grade fixed income. The rising interest rate environment and unprecedented amounts of fiscal stimulus posed challenges to all fixed income funds, including the HIT. The HIT has continued to reduce operating costs to benefit investors and make the HIT more competitive. Its expense ratio declined from 42 bps in 2018 to an annualized rate of 30 bps as of June 30, 2021.


The HIT’s financing of 40 construction projects in 12 states as of June 30, with total development costs of $2.8 billion, are expected to generate 18.4 million union construction work hours. These projects provide opportunities for careers with secure wages and benefits and will create or renovate 6,400

multifamily housing units, of which 59% are affordable. These impacts in key markets nationwide are of critical importance in increasing economic equity as the U.S. recovers from the pandemic.


With a robust pipeline expected for the remainder of 2021 and into 2022, and important labor- and housing-friendly policy initiatives now underway in our country, we believe that the HIT’s investment strategy and mission position it well for continued success and set the HIT apart from traditional fixed income managers.


Finally, I note with great sadness the passing of AFL-CIO President and HIT Trustee Richard Trumka on August 5. We lost Rich just as the HIT was preparing this report for printing. Rich was a lion in the labor movement his whole life, a member of HIT’s Board of Trustees for two and a half decades, and a personal inspiration to me throughout my career at the HIT. I speak for all of the HIT’s Trustees and staff to say that we will mourn his loss and dedicate our efforts in the second half of 2021 to honor him and his commitment to working men and women in communities across the United States.


Thank you for your vital support for the HIT.

Chang Suh

Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer







As of June 30, 2021, periods over one year are annualized

The AAA Index represents the AAA Component of the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index.


in the HIT and Barclays Aggregate (10 Years)

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Economic and market conditions change, and both will cause investment return, principal value, and yield to fluctuate so that a participant’s units, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance data current to the most recent month-end is available at www.aflcio-hit. com. Gross performance figures do not reflect the deduction of HIT expenses. Net performance figures reflect the deduction of HIT expenses and are the performance figures investors experience in the HIT. Information about HIT expenses can be found on page 1 of the HIT’s current prospectus. The Barclays Aggregate is an unmanaged index and is not available for direct investment, although certain funds attempt to replicate this index. Returns for the index would be lower if they reflected the actual trading costs or expenses associated with management of an actual portfolio.









In the first six months of 2021, as the COVID pandemic’s challenges to the economy abated, growth picked up and interest rates rose, the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust (HIT) delivered strong relative performance. The HIT outperformed its primary benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (Benchmark or Barclays Aggregate) for the year-to-date by 101 and 86 basis points (bps) on a gross and net basis, respectively. The HIT reported a gross return of -0.59% and a net return of -0.74% compared to the Benchmark’s -1.60% for the year-to-date. During the same period, the HIT outperformed the AAA component of the Barclays Aggregate by 115 bps on a gross basis and 100 bps on a net basis. Over 91% of HIT’s investments have a credit quality of AAA or better compared to 71% of the Benchmark. As of June 30, the HIT


reached a record-high $7 billion in net assets.1


Investment grade fixed income total returns were challenged by higher interest rates over the first half of 2021 as the U.S. economy reopened for business. Absolute returns finished in the negative, reversing a portion of the strong positive total returns generated in 2020. Unprecedented stimulus flowing through the economy, coupled with the expected benefits of widespread COVID vaccinations drove business and consumer spending along with rising inflation expectations, pressuring yields.


The HIT portfolio performed well relative to the Benchmark in this environment by providing investors with a yield advantage and diversification benefits within investment grade fixed income. This was due to its strategic overweight in high credit quality agency multifamily securities, structural underweight in Treasuries and underweight in residential fixed rate mortgages. HIT’s


premium multifamily assets outperformed Treasuries as investor demand drove spreads significantly tighter, more than offsetting strong excess returns by lower credit investments in corporate bonds as spreads reached historic valuations. The HIT portfolio does not invest in corporate bonds. Moreover, the HIT positioned its portfolio duration to be short the Benchmark and overweighted adjustable-rate agency mortgage backed securities (MBS), further benefitting returns and providing investors protection against higher rates and the extended duration of the Barclays Aggregate.




Equity and credit markets again set new all-time high valuations driven by the widespread distribution of the COVID vaccine and the continued reopening of the country throughout the first half of the year. Additionally, real interest rates and inflation expectations rose due to


1. The performance data quoted represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Periods over one year are annualized. Investment results and principal value will fluctuate so that units in the HIT, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. The HIT’s current performance data may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance data current to the most recent month-end is available from the HIT’s website at www.aflcio-hit.com. Gross performance figures do not reflect the deduction of HIT expenses. Net performance figures reflect the deduction of HIT expenses and are the performance returns that HIT’s investors obtain. Information about HIT expenses can be found on page 1 of the HIT’s current prospectus.








Source: Bloomberg L.P.



Source: HIT and Securities Dealers



Source: Bloomberg L.P.






the level of monetary and fiscal stimulus fueling growth expectations. The Federal Reserve’s growth forecast increased to 7.0% GDP in 2021 as compared to 4.2% as of December 2020. Its inflation forecast moved to 3.0% for 2021, up from 1.8% as of December 2020, though it continues to view this increase as largely transitory. Although the Federal Reserve kept monetary policy accommodative at the zero interest rate bound during the period, at its latest meeting the Federal Reserve discussed the possibility of future tapering of asset purchases and potentially raising interest rates at a faster pace if elevated inflation is sustained.


With higher absolute yields, spreads on Federal Housing Administration-insured and Government-Sponsored Enterprise-related multifamily securities in the HIT portfolio benefitted from increased investor demand and slower net issuance from previous periods. Spread assets generally


outperformed Treasuries as the extraordinary market forces that drove Treasury returns at the height of the pandemic have somewhat waned, pressuring returns. The HIT is underweight Treasuries which had the worst total returns of the Benchmark during the period with -2.58%. Investor demand for extension protection shifted as the market adjusted expectations from deflationary forces to inflation. The interest rate sensitivity of both the Treasury and corporate bond sectors continued to increase with high demand for and issuance of long-term financing in the government and corporate sectors. Despite increased interest rate risk that challenged returns, corporate bonds had an excess return of 204 bps, the best of any sector in investment grade fixed income. By contrast, agency residential MBS underperformed as prepayments remained elevated and the risk of the Federal Reserve reducing asset purchases in the sector caused demand to wane.




The HIT is on pace to have one of its best production years on record, after a strong first half of 2021. At a time when many other financing sources were on the sidelines, as of June 30, the HIT invested $385 million in nine multifamily housing projects with total development costs of $643 million. These investments are expected to generate 3.7 million hours of union construction work and create or renovate 1,806 housing units, of which 59% are affordable. HIT’s commitment to The Couture in Milwaukee (featured on page 5) is the largest new construction FHA-insured investment in its history.


As of June 30, the HIT had a total of $1.3 billion invested in 40 projects in or ready to start construction nationwide2, with over $2.8 billion in total development costs. These investments are expected to create or renovate 6,400 housing units, of which more than 3,700 are affordable.


2. Including New Markets Tax Credits allocations by the HIT’s subsidiary, Building America CDE, Inc.







As of June 30, 2021


As of June 30, 2021

   HIT  Barclays     HIT  Barclays
U.S. Government/Agency/AAA/Cash  91.42%   70.68%   A & Below/Not Rated  3.45%   25.88% 
Current Yield  2.56%   2.42%   Yield to Worst  1.73%   1.40% 
Effective Duration  5.88   6.34   Convexity  0.23   0.07 
Call Protected  81%   73%   Not Call Protected  19%   27% 


Source: HIT and Bloomberg L.P.


The calculations of the HIT yield herein represent widely accepted portfolio characteristics information based on coupon rate, current price and, for yield to worst, certain prepayment assumptions, and are not current yield or other performance data as defined by the SEC in Rule 482.






Additionally, 18.4 million of union on-site construction hours are expected to be generated for union workers throughout the nation.


Despite strong competitive financing sources returning to the market and an uncertain economic environment, with a strong pipeline and innovative financing structures, the HIT expects to be well positioned to invest in additional multifamily developments for the remainder of 2021 and in 2022.




After smoothly conducting all operations remotely since March 10, 2020 due to the COVID pandemic, the HIT has scheduled a mid-July return to in-office operations. The HIT will follow safety protocols and procedures to protect staff and all those with whom the HIT interacts and continue to monitor public health guidance. The HIT will


be prepared to adjust as needed based on evolving health conditions, including the emerging virus variants.




Coming out of the pandemic, the US economy is on pace to have one of its highest GDP growth periods in decades, with fiscal stimulus making its way through the economy. The HIT expects the reopening of the economy to lead to stronger jobs growth and a lower unemployment rate. However, despite this optimism, uncertainty in the outlook cannot be ignored as the permanent effects of the pandemic are still unknown. Restrictions introduced to stop the spread of the virus variants could weigh on the pace of economic expansion. Inflation expectations could remain elevated, exceeding the Federal Reserve’s goals and leading to a shift in monetary policy. The path of interest rates could be volatile given the possibility of Federal Open Market Committee tapering and already-historic valuations across equity and credit markets.


The HIT believes it is well-positioned to weather potential financial market and economic shocks with a fundamentally sound portfolio of high credit quality and liquid assets, providing capital preservation, attractive risk-adjusted income, and diversification from record high valuations in corporate credit. Affordable and workforce housing development will remain an essential stimulus to the economy as the lingering housing crisis and permanent damage to the economy weigh on low income households. The HIT remains focused on identifying and building a strong pipeline of opportunities in credit-enhanced construction-related multifamily investments. Its expertise in sourcing and structuring these investments, which can generate attractive yield spreads over historically low Treasury rates and offer multiple structures for both construction and permanent financing, are what sets the HIT apart from traditional fixed income managers.














Account Value
January 1, 2021
Account Value
June 30, 2021
Expenses Paid
During Six-Month
Period Ended
June 30, 2021*
Actual Expenses $1,000.00 $992.65 $1.48
Hypothetical Expenses      
(5% annual return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,023.31 $1.51


*Expenses are equal to the HIT’s annualized six-month expense ratio of 0.30%, as of June 30, 2021, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).


Participants in the HIT incur ongoing expenses related to the management and distribution activities of the HIT, as well as certain other expenses. The expense example in the table above is intended to help participants understand the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the HIT and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period, January 1, 2021, and held for the entire period ended June 30, 2021.


Actual Expenses: The first line of the table above provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. Participants may use the information in this line, together with the amount they invested, to estimate the expenses that they paid over the period. Simply divide the account value by $1,000 (for example, an $800,000 account value divided by $1,000 = 800), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Six-Month Period Ended June 30, 2021” to estimate the expenses paid on a particular account during this period.


Hypothetical Expenses (for Comparison Purposes Only): The second line of the table above provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the HIT’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of


5% per year before expenses, which is not the HIT’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses a participant paid for the period. Participants may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the HIT and other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other mutual funds.


Please note that this example is useful in comparing funds’ ongoing costs only. It does not include any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. The HIT does not have such transactional costs, but many other funds do.



In addition to disclosure in its Annual and Semi-Annual Reports to Participants, the HIT also files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year as an exhibit to its reports on Form N-PORT. The HIT’s Form N-PORT Part F is available on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Participants may also obtain copies of the HIT’s Form N-PORT, without charge, upon request, by calling the HIT collect at 202-331-8055.



Except for its shares in its wholly owned subsidiary, HIT Advisers LLC, and shares in mutual funds holding short-term or overnight cash, if applicable, the HIT invests exclusively in nonvoting securities and has not deemed it necessary to adopt policies and procedures for the voting of portfolio securities. The HIT has reported information regarding how it voted in matters related to its subsidiary in its most recent filing with the SEC on Form N-PX. This filing is available on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Participants may also obtain a copy of the HIT’s report on Form N-PX, without charge, upon request, by calling the HIT collect at 202-331-8055.




The HIT Board of Trustees (the “Board” or “HIT Board”) has previously approved and implemented policies and procedures for a Liquidity Risk Management Program (the “Program”) consistent with Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The Program seeks to assess and manage HIT’s liquidity risk. The Board designated the HIT’s Valuation Committee to serve as the Liquidity Program Administrator (the “Administrator”), which, among other duties, is required to provide a written report to the Board, at least annually, in order to assist the Board in assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of the Program. Certain aspects of the Program rely on third parties to perform certain functions, including the provision of liquidity classification determinations.


The Program is comprised of various components designed to support the assessment and/or management of liquidity risk, including: (1) the periodic assessment (no less frequently than annually) of certain factors that influence HIT’s liquidity risk; (2) the periodic classification of HIT’s investments into one of four liquidity categories that reflect an estimate of their liquidity under current market conditions; (3) a 15% limit on the acquisition of “illiquid investments” (as defined under Rule 22e-4); (4) the determination of whether HIT requires a “highly liquid investment minimum” (as defined under Rule 22e-4); and, (5) periodic reporting to the Board.


At a March 2, 2021 meeting of the Board, the Administrator provided a written report to the Board addressing the operation and the adequacy and effectiveness of the implementation of the Program for the 2020 calendar year (the “Reporting Period”). Among other things, the report discussed liquidity classifications of the HIT’s portfolio and provided an assessment of HIT’s liquidity risk and evaluation of the Program.


The report concluded that the Program continues to be reasonably designed to assess and manage liquidity risk and was adequately and effectively implemented during the Reporting Period.










June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands, except per share data; unaudited)




   Investments, at value (cost $6,796,306)  $7,037,328 
   Cash   9,899 
   Accrued interest receivable   18,099 
   Receivables for investments sold   128 
   Right of use asset   4,207 
   Other assets   3,260 
   Total assets   7,072,921 
   Payables for investments purchased   86,724 
   Redemptions payable   3,592 
   Income distribution and capital gains payable, net of dividends reinvested of $11,363   899 
   Refundable deposits   896 
   Accrued salaries and fringe benefits   4,060 
   Lease Liability   4,756 
   Other liabilities and accrued expenses   1,058 
   Total liabilities   101,985 
   Other commitments and contingencies (Note 5 of financial statements)    
Net assets applicable to participants’ equity–        
   Certificates of participation – authorized unlimited; Outstanding 6,033,828 units  $6,970,936 
Net asset value per unit of participation (in dollars)     $1,155.31 
Participants’ equity        
   Participants’ equity consisted of the following:     
   Amount invested and reinvested by current participants  $6,735,050 
   Distributable earnings (accumulated losses)   235,886 
   Total participants’ equity  $6,970,936 


See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited).







June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands; unaudited)






   Interest  Maturity  Unfunded  Face  Amortized      
   Rate  Date  Commitments1  Amount  Cost  Value  
Multifamily  3.65%  Dec-2037  $      —   $8,052   $8,181   $8,316   
   3.75%  Aug-2048       3,710    3,706    3,791   
   4.00%  Dec-2053       61,300    61,276    66,643   
   4.10%  Dec-2060       21,872    21,889    23,755   
   4.79%  May-2053       4,972    5,177    5,462   
   5.17%  Feb-2050       7,570    8,078    8,448   
   5.35%  Mar-2047       6,820    6,829    6,876   
   5.55%  Aug-2042       7,187    7,189    7,248   
   5.60%  Jun-2038       2,131    2,134    2,150   
   5.80%  Jan-2053       1,956    1,964    2,240   
   5.87%  May-2044       1,638    1,637    1,651   
   5.89%  Apr-2038       4,014    4,018    4,052   
   6.20%  Apr-2052       11,055    11,052    12,553   
   6.40%  Aug-2046       3,567    3,568    3,581   
   6.60%  Jan-2050       3,209    3,230    3,635   
               149,053    149,928    160,401   
Forward Commitments  2.50%  Sep-2063   5,702            (205)  
   3.72%  Feb-2062   4,470            217   
   3.90%  Mar-2062   3,090            186   
           13,262            198   
Total FHA Permanent Securities  $13,262   $149,053   $149,928   $160,599   




   Interest Rates2  Maturity  Unfunded  Face  Amortized    
   Permanent  Construction  Date  Commitments1  Amount  Cost  Value
Multifamily   2.45%   2.45%  Apr-2062  $  14,310   $2,193   $2,524   $2,694 
    2.55%   2.55%  Mar-2063   37,000        1,087    413 
    2.58%   2.58%  May-2063   28,449    51    977    730 
    2.62%   2.62%  Feb-2063   9,241    4,559    5,076    5,360 
    2.64%   2.64%  Feb-2063   18,226        552    859 
    2.65%   2.65%  Oct-2062   3,646    2,854    3,017    3,257 
    2.67%   2.67%  Mar-2062   17,423    17,560    18,437    19,306 
    2.98%   2.98%  Apr-2063   30,471        1,143    2,107 
    3.05%   3.05%  Dec-2063   104,645    100    1,147    5,654 
    3.41%   3.41%  Sep-2061   10,307    31,978    33,670    36,578 
    3.43%   3.43%  Nov-2061   8,377    45,113    46,920    51,212 
    3.60%   3.60%  Apr-2061   878    33,307    34,505    37,039 
    3.78%   7.00%  Aug-2060   751    39,189    39,493    43,435 
    4.21%   4.21%  May-2061   13,505    38,435    38,700    44,943 
    4.35%   4.35%  Dec-2060   546    1,754    1,797    2,020 
    4.53%   4.53%  Jan-2061   269    14,646    15,103    16,372 
Total Ginnie Mae Construction Securities  $298,044   $231,739   $244,148   $271,979 






June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands; unaudited) continued






   Interest Rate  Maturity Date  Face Amount  Amortized
Single Family   6.00%  Jan-2032–Aug-2037  $797   $797   $925   
    7.50%  Aug-2025–Aug-2030   242    244    272   
    4.50%  Aug-2040   878    893    999   
    5.50%  Jan-2033–Jun-2037   1,080    1,079    1,231   
    6.50%  Jul-2028   41    41    46   
    9.00%  Dec-2022–Jun-2025   4    4    4   
    4.00%  Feb-2040–Jun-2040   1,577    1,591    1,731   
    7.00%  Apr-2026–Jan-2030   520    522    589   
    8.00%  Sep-2026–Nov-2030   236    236    265   
    8.50%  Jun-2022–Aug-2027   73    73    80   
            5,448    5,480    6,142   
Multifamily   2.00%  Jul-2062–Jun-2063   157,596    161,806    159,426   
    2.00%  Jul-2062   39,672    40,826    40,215   
    2.00%  Oct-2062   69,199    71,655    69,930   
    2.00%  Apr-2063   63,459    64,583    64,531   
    2.00%  Apr-2063   59,753    61,070    60,544   
    2.15%  May-2056   2,586    2,581    2,627   
    2.20%  May-2042–Jun-2056   13,802    14,201    14,249   
    2.25%  Dec-2048   4,078    4,047    4,175   
    2.30%  Mar-2056–Oct-2056   20,365    20,255    20,809   
    2.31%  Nov-2051   7,076    7,076    7,260   
    2.32%  Sep-2060   27,454    28,984    28,549   
    2.35%  Dec-2040–Feb-2061   42,639    43,830    43,900   
    2.40%  Aug-2047   4,233    4,238    4,346   
    2.47%  Jan-2053   50,195    50,543    51,632   






  Interest Rate  Maturity Date  Face Amount  Amortized
 2.50%  Dec-2052–Jan-2061   80,783    82,178    83,654 
 2.53%  Feb-2040   3,456    3,492    3,492 
 2.60%  Apr-2048–Jun-2059   26,817    26,920    27,624 
 2.70%  May-2048–Jul-2058   18,076    18,154    18,649 
 2.72%  Feb-2044   145    149    148 
 2.74%  Apr-2057   24,271    26,447    26,379 
 2.78%  Aug-2058   10,921    11,908    11,907 
 2.79%  Apr-2049   8,469    8,545    8,823 
 2.80%  Feb-2053   60,000    57,153    62,329 
 2.80%  Dec-2059   7,921    7,813    8,120 
 2.82%  Apr-2050   1,500    1,528    1,558 
 2.89%  Mar-2046   10,603    10,662    10,759 
 2.99%  Jul-2048   8,290    9,006    8,962 
 3.00%  Mar-2051   10,814    10,859    11,069 
 3.00%  May-2062   79,212    85,807    85,181 
 3.03%  Jan-2056   30,921    32,989    33,500 
 3.05%  May-2054   11,545    11,595    12,161 
 3.08%  Jan-2049   17,025    17,588    17,320 
 3.10%  May-2059   10,419    10,372    10,546 
 3.17%  Aug-2059   34,784    38,595    39,038 
 3.20%  Jul-2041–Sep-2051   11,244    11,201    11,443 
 3.21%  Jul-2046   6,014    6,175    6,153 
 3.25%  Sep-2054   29,924    29,673    30,906 
 3.25%  Apr-2059   45,000    43,215    47,275 
 3.25%  Jun-2059   30,752    31,344    33,688 







June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands; unaudited) continued







  Interest Rate  Maturity Date  Face Amount   Amortized Cost   Value   
 3.26%  Nov-2043   8,383    8,395    8,710   
 3.27%  Apr-2046   25,150    26,582    27,282   
 3.30%  May-2055–Sep-2060   17,899    17,657    19,416   
 3.33%  Jun-2043   2,093    2,150    2,110   
 3.34%  Sep-2059   17,145    17,474    18,888   
 3.35%  Nov-2042–Mar-2044   16,287    15,878    17,042   
 3.37%  Dec-2046   6,861    6,939    6,966   
 3.38%  Aug-2059   43,749    44,586    47,078   
 3.38%  Jan-2060   59,456    59,463    64,975   
 3.39%  Feb-2059   14,279    14,559    15,655   
 3.41%  Feb-2044   1,475    1,538    1,496   
 3.45%  Feb-2051   4,035    4,012    4,120   
 3.48%  May-2059   10,890    11,108    12,020   
 3.49%  May-2042   2,773    2,809    2,810   
 3.50%  Jan-2054   9,067    9,024    9,293   
 3.51%  Mar-2053   45,751    49,306    50,416   
 3.53%  Apr-2042   16,380    16,883    17,982   
 3.57%  Nov-2059   48,614    49,315    53,800   
 3.60%  Jun-2057   13,664    14,144    15,051   
 3.62%  Dec-2057   28,584    29,084    31,510   
 3.63%  Sep-2052   6,307    6,520    6,746   
 3.64%  Dec-2045   8,583    8,262    8,866   
 3.65%  Oct-2058   10,287    10,441    11,396   
 3.67%  Nov-2035   14,140    14,564    15,187   
 3.74%  Aug-2059   15,627    15,928    17,432   





   Interest Rate  Maturity Date  Face Amount   Amortized
    3.75%  Apr-2046–Nov-2060   17,693    18,064    19,454 
    3.92%  Aug-2039   42,071    44,334    45,733 
    4.10%  May-2051   3,849    4,163    4,281 
    4.19%  May-2060   28,300    28,673    31,913 
    4.20%  Aug-2060   47,306    48,240    52,800 
    4.25%  Sep-2038   31,969    32,104    33,705 
    4.45%  Jun-2055   2,497    2,406    2,792 
    4.63%3  Sep-2037   1,500    1,467    1,505 
    4.90%3  Mar-2044   1,000    992    1,004 
    5.25%  Apr-2037   17,091    17,086    17,132 
    5.34%  Jul-2040   706    699    711 
            1,782,474    1,823,912    1,880,154 
When Issued4   2.00%  Jun-2063   15,000    15,220    15,230 
Total Ginnie Mae Securities  $1,802,922   $1,844,612   $1,901,526 






June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands; unaudited) continued






   Interest Rate5  Maturity Date  Unfunded
Single Family  0.34% 1M LIBOR+25  Mar-2037  $   $134   $134   $135   
   0.41% 1M LIBOR+32  Jun-2037       819    819    823   
   0.49% 1M LIBOR+40  Apr-2037       384    382    387   
   0.55% 1M LIBOR+46  Oct-2042       2,293    2,301    2,318   
   0.59% 1M LIBOR+50  Jun-2042       4,438    4,442    4,492   
   0.64% 1M LIBOR+55  Mar-2042       3,107    3,111    3,155   
   0.69% 1M LIBOR+60  Oct-2043       5,076    5,097    5,162   
   1.80% 6M LIBOR+155  Nov-2033       1,010    1,010    1,035   
   1.83% 12M LIBOR+156  Apr-2034       557    566    576   
   1.86% 6M LIBOR+161  Aug-2033       127    127    130   
   2.00%    Jul-2050       34,625    35,739    35,052   
   2.04% 12M LIBOR+153  Feb-2045       3,174    3,227    3,309   
   2.05% 12M LIBOR+168  Nov-2034       299    304    310   
   2.23% 1Y UST+211  May-2033       261    261    272   
   2.31% 12M LIBOR+170  Oct-2042       2,380    2,424    2,489   
   2.35% 12M LIBOR+150  Jul-2033       144    143    148   
   2.48% 1Y UST+220  Aug-2033       499    498    521   
   2.49% 1Y UST+222  Aug-2033       250    250    262   
   2.50%    May-2050–Nov-2050       185,825    194,533    192,289   
   2.50%    Jul-2050       34,974    36,569    36,285   
   2.57% 1Y UST+222  Jul-2033       654    656    684   
   3.00%    Apr-2031–Jun-2051       113,100    118,035    118,920   
   3.50%    Oct-2026–Jan-2050       106,089    109,503    112,782   
   4.00%    May-2024–Jun-2048       56,365    58,174    60,880   
   4.50%    May-2024–Dec-2048       40,558    41,843    44,202   
   5.00%    May-2034–Apr-2041       7,014    7,190    7,970   
   5.50%    Sep-2032–Jun-2038       2,973    2,977    3,416   
   6.00%    Nov-2028–Nov-2037       2,307    2,314    2,714   
   6.50%    Sep-2028–Jul-2036       403    410    467   
   7.00%    Sep-2027–May-2032       543    544    625   
   7.50%    Jan-2027–Sep-2031       105    105    114   
   8.00%    Aug-2030–May-2031       36    37    37   
                 610,523    633,725    641,961   
Multifamily  0.20% 1M SOFR+19  Mar-2031       20,370    20,373    20,319   
   0.22% 1M SOFR+21  Mar-2031       23,855    23,859    23,819   
   0.23% 1M SOFR+22  Mar-2031       10,075    10,076    10,065   
   0.24% 1M SOFR+23  Apr-2031       17,500    17,500    17,509   
   0.38% 1M LIBOR+29  Feb-2028       30,420    30,424    30,384   



  Interest Rate5   Maturity Date   Unfunded
  0.40 % 1M LIBOR+31   Mar-2028           38,275       38,283       38,258    
  0.43 % 1M LIBOR+34   Jan-2028           22,425       22,428       22,403    
  0.44 % 1M LIBOR+35   Dec-2027           32,050       32,053       32,084    
  0.49 % 1M LIBOR+40   Sep-2028           1,822       1,822       1,822    
  0.53 % 1M LIBOR+44   May-2027           16,815       16,816       16,828    
  0.67 % 1M LIBOR+58   May-2029           25,000       25,010       25,074    
  0.67 % 1M LIBOR+58   Jun-2029           41,302       41,334       41,425    
  0.95 % 1M LIBOR+85   Jan-2023           4,417       4,417       4,442    
  1.06 %     Dec-2027           21,424       21,435       20,993    
  1.17 %     Aug-2030–Nov-2030           34,773       34,777       33,853    
  1.22 %     Jul-2030           25,610       25,716       25,283    
  1.25 %     Jul-2030           37,950       38,106       37,220    
  1.26 %     Jan-2031           25,000       24,993       24,657    
  1.27 %     Jul-2030           14,235       14,359       14,113    
  1.31 %     Aug-2030           4,456       4,534       4,409    
  1.32 %     Aug-2030           21,000       21,342       20,886    
  1.38 %     Jul-2030           10,500       10,676       10,495    
  1.41 %     Jul-2030           3,340       3,383       3,345    
  1.46 %     Jul-2030           7,675       7,804       7,717    
  1.47 %     Jul-2030–Dec-2030           15,425       15,589       15,258    
  1.50 %     Aug-2030           1,181       1,217       1,190    
  1.52 %     Jul-2032           16,530       16,696       16,480    
  1.53 %     Jul-2032           10,500       10,686       10,473    
  1.55 %     Jul-2032           20,500       20,862       20,487    
  1.57 %     Jan-2031           21,951       22,041       21,930    
  1.57 %     Aug-2037           48,279       48,520       47,006    
  1.65 %     Jul-2030           1,278       1,316       1,303    
  1.68 %     Sep-2032           13,015       13,270       12,888    
  1.71 %     Sep-2035–Nov-2035           25,605       25,948       25,092    
  1.74 %     Mar-2033           6,160       6,259       6,147    
  1.76 %     Aug-2035           9,100       9,146       9,063    
  1.77 %     Sep-2035           3,270       3,346       3,267    
  1.82 %     Jul-2035           4,687       4,731       4,691    
  1.94 %     Apr-2035           6,400       6,514       6,533    
  2.09 %     May-2032–Jul-2050           21,792       22,066       22,250    
  2.16 %     Sep-2050           14,200       14,368       13,778    
  2.19 %     Mar-2027           7,150       7,224       7,516    
  2.26 %     Nov-2022           5,843       5,843       5,976    







June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands; unaudited) continued






   Interest Rate5 Maturity Date  Unfunded
  2.33%  Nov-2029–Feb-2030       18,255    18,311    19,347   
  2.43%  Nov-2031       18,655    18,664    19,888   
  2.46%  Aug-2026–Nov-2034       35,330    35,435    37,510   
  2.49%  Dec-2026–Nov-2031       27,625    27,692    29,571   
  2.50%  Jun-2026       60,000    60,000    63,825   
  2.50%  Jul-2026       37,680    37,709    39,923   
  2.53%  Jan-2030       20,550    20,711    21,984   
  2.55%  Sep-2026       14,210    14,214    15,095   
  2.55%  Mar-2030       51,656    51,996    55,040   
  2.61%  Nov-2026       9,800    9,870    10,476   
  2.67%  Aug-2029       37,700    38,055    40,637   
  2.70%  Nov-2025       14,885    14,890    15,912   
  2.72%  Jul-2028       36,400    36,605    39,458   
  2.76%  Oct-2031       10,190    10,346    11,120   
  2.80%  Apr-2025       15,015    15,060    15,936   
  2.81%  Sep-2027       12,246    12,290    13,299   
  2.85%  Dec-2027–Aug-2031       32,350    32,433    35,220   
  2.87%  Oct-2027       9,328    9,381    10,167   
  2.91%  Jun-2031       25,000    25,131    27,652   
  2.92%  May-2026–Apr-2028       25,197    25,368    27,416   
  2.92%  Jun-2027       67,471    67,525    73,593   
  2.94%  Jun-2027–Jul-2039       32,056    32,118    34,755   
  2.96%  Sep-2034       20,000    20,789    22,373   
  2.97%  Nov-2032–Sep-2034       32,492    32,755    36,013   
  2.99%  Jun-2025       2,615    2,617    2,813   
  3.00%  May-2027–Mar-2028       15,813    15,828    17,234   
  3.02%  Jun-2027–Sep-2027       30,298    30,403    33,171   
  3.03%  Jun-2026       12,671    12,800    13,179   
  3.04%  Apr-2030       25,100    25,161    27,823   
  3.05%  Apr-2030       26,564    26,585    29,381   
  3.12%  Mar-2025–Apr-2030       25,471    25,513    26,987   
  3.14%  Apr-2029       7,748    7,761    8,611   
  3.15%  Jan-2027       19,440    19,455    21,273   
  3.17%  Jun-2029–Sep-2029       61,557    61,815    67,269   
  3.18%  May-2035       9,895    10,012    10,913   
  3.20%  Oct-2027       9,972    10,003    11,021   
  3.21%  May-2030       6,660    6,733    7,392   
  3.25%  Nov-2027       9,962    9,993    11,044   



    Interest Rate5 Maturity Date  Unfunded
  3.26% Jan-2027       7,186    7,197    7,902 
  3.31% Oct-2027       15,399    15,482    17,115 
  3.32% Apr-2029       20,080    20,144    22,420 
  3.33% May-2026       10,693    10,716    11,674 
  3.35% Feb-2029       18,935    19,092    21,292 
  3.36% May-2029–Oct-2029       34,122    35,125    38,029 
  3.40% Oct-2026       2,827    2,834    3,127 
  3.41% Sep-2023       11,188    11,190    11,662 
  3.42% Apr-2035       5,168    5,234    5,871 
  3.46% Dec-2023–Apr-2031       16,116    16,188    17,661 
  3.54% Oct-2021       6,576    6,576    6,593 
  3.61% Sep-2023       6,065    6,067    6,349 
  3.63% Jul-2035       21,701    21,727    24,937 
  3.66% Oct-2023       4,448    4,449    4,679 
  3.68% Jul-2028       12,011    12,560    13,569 
  3.87% Sep-2023       2,345    2,346    2,460 
  4.06% Oct-2025       21,990    22,008    24,506 
  4.27% Jan-2034       75,058    75,298    78,281 
  4.69% Jun-2035       560    572    635 
  5.15% Oct-2022       467    467    468 
  5.29% May-2022       4,633    4,633    4,701 
  5.30% Aug-2029       4,311    4,279    5,001 
  5.69% Jun-2041       4,338    4,433    5,121 
  5.75% Jun-2041       2,106    2,159    2,491 
  5.91% Mar-2037       1,622    1,643    1,669 
  5.96% Jan-2029       255    255    256 
  6.15% Jan-2023       3,221    3,221    3,235 
  8.40% Jul-2023       118    118    119 
             1,984,551    1,995,202    2,084,875 
When Issued4 1.76% Sep-2031       23,623    23,697    23,884 
  2.41% Apr-2051       3,800    3,840    3,840 
              27,423    27,537    27,724 
Commitments 2.21% Dec-2039   41,844            (2,393)
  2.56% Jul-2038   10,774            113 
  2.59% Mar-2039   11,409            154 
         64,027            (2,126)
Total Fannie Mae Securities $64,027   $2,622,497   $2,656,464   $2,752,434 







June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands; unaudited) continued







   Interest Rates2                
   Permanent  Construction  Maturity Date  Face Amount  Amortized Cost  Value    
Multifamily  2.46%  2.46%  Jan-2038  $20,950  $20,950  $21,716    
Total FNMA Construction Securities     $20,950  $20,950  $21,716    



   Interest Rate5   Maturity
Single Family  0.22% 1M LIBOR+13   Nov-2027  $   $41,465   $41,465   $41,456   
   0.25% 1M SOFR+24   Jan-2031       50,000    50,000    50,006   
   0.26% 1M SOFR+25   Dec-2030       25,000    25,000    25,008   
   0.31% 1M SOFR+30   Dec-2030       27,000    27,000    27,000   
   0.35% 1M LIBOR+26   Nov-2030       17,997    17,996    17,997   
   0.37% 1M LIBOR+30   Feb-2036       452    452    454   
   0.37% 1M SOFR+36   Oct-2030       15,000    15,000    15,042   
   0.40% 1M LIBOR+33   May-2037       73    73    74   
   0.42% 1M LIBOR+35   Apr-2036–Jan-2043       2,863    2,866    2,880   
   0.42% 1M LIBOR+33   Oct-2030       8,500    8,500    8,521   
   0.47% 1M LIBOR+40   Aug-2043       2,716    2,715    2,737   
   0.51% 1M LIBOR+42   May-2027       6,391    6,391    6,431   
   0.55% 1M LIBOR+48   Oct-2040       2,069    2,068    2,092   
   0.57% 1M LIBOR+50   Oct-2040–Jun-2044       9,212    9,218    9,332   
   0.62%   Nov-2040       2,078    2,094    2,107   
   0.74% 1M LIBOR+67   Aug-2037       2,455    2,478    2,500   
   0.74% 1M LIBOR+65   Jan-2023       884    884    886   
   0.79% 1M LIBOR+70   Sep-2022       501    501    501   
   2.35% 1Y UST+223   Jun-2033       79    79    83   
   2.36% 1Y UST+223   Oct-2033       215    214    225   
   2.50%   Jan-2043–Aug-2046       8,346    8,445    8,662   
   2.52% 12M LIBOR+178   Jul-2035       106    106    110   




   Interest Rate5  Maturity
   3.00%  Aug-2042–Sep-2046       34,709    35,365    36,795 
   3.35%  Oct-2033       33,450    33,304    37,605 
   3.50%  Jan-2026–Oct-2046       69,495    71,033    74,421 
   3.50%  Jan-2026       18,000    18,077    19,235 
   3.68%  Oct-2025       10,000    10,104    10,786 
   4.00%  Nov-2024–Aug-2047       70,664    73,415    76,500 
   4.50%  Jan-2038–Dec-2044       17,935    18,678    19,893 
   5.00%  May-2022–Mar-2041       2,862    2,860    3,229 
   5.50%  Apr-2033–Jul-2038       2,250    2,246    2,599 
   6.00%  Jul-2021–Oct-2037       3,116    3,140    3,662 
   6.50%  Apr-2028–Nov-2037       504    509    601 
   7.00%  Apr-2028–Mar-2030       22    21    26 
   7.50%  Aug-2029–Apr-2031       34    34    39 
   8.00%  Dec-2029               1 
   8.50%  Jul-2024–Jan-2025       28    28    30 
               486,471    492,359    509,526 
Multifamily  3.38%  Apr-2030       14,084    14,328    15,881 
   2.42%  Jun-2031       11,768    11,951    12,693 
   3.34%  Dec-2029       9,562    9,706    10,733 
   2.04%  May-2050       20,630    21,153    20,295 
   3.28%  Dec-2029       16,213    16,411    18,116 
   3.60%  Apr-2030       25,100    25,807    28,605 
   2.40%  Jun-2031       7,444    7,547    8,016 
   2.41%  Jun-2031       11,732    11,905    12,644 
   3.48%  Jun-2030       18,392    18,808    20,905 
               134,925    137,616    147,888 
Forward Commitments  2.38%  Feb-2034   43,500        163    9 
Total Freddie Mac Securities     $43,500   $621,396   $630,138   $657,423 






June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands; unaudited) continued






      Interest Rates2      Unfunded            
   Issuer  Permanent  Construction  Maturity Date  Commitments1  Face Amount  Amortized Cost  Value
Multifamily  Illinois State Housing Finance Auth     0.33%   Aug-2023  $      —   $20,000   $ 20,000   $20,024 
   Illinois Housing Development Auth     0.40%   Dec-2024       470    470    470 
   MassHousing     0.50%   Dec-2023       10,020    10,020    10,029 
   MassHousing6     1.50%   Dec-2022       8,750    8,753    8,787 
   MassHousing     2.15%   Sep-2023   23,193    13,554    13,555    14,314 
   Connecticut Housing Finance Auth6     3.70%   Nov-2021       17,800    17,774    17,827 
   MassHousing6     3.55%   Oct-2022       13,570    13,571    14,118 
   MassHousing6     4.20%   Sep-2021       29,840    29,841    30,112 
   Illinois Housing Development Auth  2.06%      Jan-2042       28,230    28,230    28,157 
   Illinois Housing Development Auth  2.07%      Jul-2041       84,895    84,895    85,738 
   MassHousing  2.60%      Jun-2063       26,410    26,410    26,361 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  2.95%      Nov-2041–Nov-2045       11,275    11,275    11,708 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  3.05%      Nov-2046       13,000    13,000    13,106 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  3.10%      Oct-2046       21,100    21,100    21,357 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  3.25%      Nov-2049       12,000    12,000    12,612 
   Connecticut Housing Finance Auth  3.25%      May-2050       12,310    12,198    12,554 
   MassHousing6  3.30%      Dec-2059       8,340    8,345    8,825 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  3.35%      Nov-2054       20,000    20,000    21,014 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  3.45%      May-2059       20,000    20,000    21,098 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  3.75%      May-2035       3,860    3,860    4,017 
   MassHousing6  3.85%      Dec-2058       9,680    9,678    10,009 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  3.95%      Nov-2043       15,000    15,000    16,443 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  4.00%      Dec-2028–Nov-2048       15,000    15,103    16,161 
   MassHousing  4.04%      Nov-2032       1,305    1,305    1,315 
   MassHousing  4.13%      Dec-2036       5,000    5,000    5,199 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  4.13%      Nov-2053       10,000    10,000    10,946 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  4.20%      Dec-2039       8,305    8,305    8,640 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  4.29%      Nov-2037       1,190    1,190    1,199 
   Chicago Housing Authority  4.36%      Jan-2038       25,000    25,000    29,775 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  4.44%      Nov-2041       1,120    1,120    1,129 
   NYC Housing Development Corp  4.49%      Nov-2044       455    455    459 
   MassHousing  4.50%      Jun-2056       45,000    45,000    46,732 
Total State Housing Finance Agency Securities             $23,193   $512,479   $512,453   $530,235 









June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands; unaudited) continued







   Interest Rates2,5  Maturity  Unfunded  Face   Amortized       
Issuer  Permanent   Construction  Date  Commitments1  Amount   Cost   Value   
Direct Loans                                   
18 Sixth Ave at Pacific Park (Level 3)      2.29%  1M LIBOR+220  Dec-2024  $  12,105   $5,117   $  5,073   $4,935   
18 Sixth Ave at Pacific Park (Level 3)      2.29%  1M LIBOR+220  Dec-2024  30,251    52,527    52,252    51,652   
53 Colton Street (Level 3)      2.60%     Nov-2023  15,987    30    (90)   174   
53 Colton Street (Level 3)      2.80%     Nov-2023  3,042        (8)   27   
Wilder Square (Level 3)      3.25%     Mar-2023  4,115    7,385    7,322    7,473   
University and Fairview (Level 3)      3.45%     Jun-2024  6,816    8,184    8,090    8,353   
University and Fairview (Level 3)      3.45%     Dec-2023  20,589    1,925    1,780    1,985   
Old Cedar (Level 3)      3.50%     Dec-2023  10,950    50    2    76   
99 Ocean (Level 3)      4.05%     Oct-2024  52,000        (520)   783   
Lake Street Apartments (Level 3)   3.50%   4.25%     Jul-2039      13,500    13,444    14,684   
The Block—803 Waimanu (Level 3)      4.50%     Sep-2021  5,999    11,938    11,910    11,991   
                 161,854    100,656    99,255    102,133   
Privately Insured Construction/Permanent Mortgages7                     
Illinois Housing Development Auth   6.20%       Dec-2047      2,926    2,934    2,927   
Illinois Housing Development Auth   6.40%       Nov-2048      889    898    890   
                     3,815    3,832    3,817   
Total Other Multifamily Investments                $161,854   $104,471   $103,087   $105,950   




Issuer  Interest Rate   Maturity Date  Face Amount  Amortized Cost  Value
Nomura  2.77%   Dec-2045  $10,000   $10,132   $10,262 
Nomura  3.19%   Mar-2046   20,000    20,317    20,598 
JP Morgan  3.48%   Jun-2045   5,254    5,452    5,358 
Citigroup  3.62%   Jul-2047   8,000    8,174    8,608 
Barclays/ JP Morgan  3.81%   Jul-2047   2,250    2,299    2,395 
RBS/ Wells Fargo  3.82%   Aug-2050   5,000    5,115    5,334 
Deutsche Bank/UBS  3.96%   Mar-2047   5,000    5,109    5,378 
Barclays/ JP Morgan  4.00%   Apr-2047   5,000    5,110    5,372 
Cantor/Deutsche Bank  4.01%   Apr-2047   20,000    20,440    21,555 
Barclays/ JP Morgan  4.08%   Feb-2047   6,825    7,113    7,344 
Cantor/Deutsche Bank  4.24%   Feb-2047   7,000    7,151    7,548 
Total Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities  $94,329   $96,412   $99,752 









June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands; unaudited) continued







    Interest Rate     Maturity Date     Face Amount     Amortized Cost     Value    
    0.63%     May-2030     $ 63,000     $ 62,382     $ 58,871    
    0.63%     Aug-2030       30,000       29,778       27,944    
    1.13%     Feb-2031       40,000       38,369       38,825    
    1.25%     Apr-2028       95,000       94,698       95,299    
    1.50%     Feb-2030       35,000       36,581       35,339    
    1.63%     May-2031       55,000       55,780       55,851    
    1.75%     Nov-2029       30,000       30,032       30,957    
    1.88%     Feb-2041       35,000       33,850       34,225    
    2.25%     May-2041       62,000       63,861       64,470    
    2.88%     Aug-2028       10,000       9,860       11,118    
Total United States Treasury Securities     $ 455,000     $ 455,191     $ 452,899    
Total Fixed-Income Investments     $ 6,614,836     $ 6,713,383     $ 6,954,513    






Issuer  Face Amount (Cost)  Amount of Dividends or Interest  Value
HIT Advisers8 (Level 3)   $1  $—  $(107)
Total Equity Investment  $1  $—  $(107)





Issuer  Interest Rate   Maturity
Blackrock Federal Funds  0.03%9   Jul-2021  $82,922   $82,922   $82,922 
Total Short-Term Investments  $82,922   $82,922   $82,922 
Total Investments  $6,697,759   $6,796,306   $7,037,328 









June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands; unaudited) continued






1. The HIT may make commitments in securities or loans that fund over time on a draw basis or forward commitments that fund at a single point in time. The unfunded amount of these commitments totaled $603.9 million at period end. Generally, Ginnie Mae construction securities fund over a 12- to 24-month period. Funding periods for State Housing Finance Agency construction securities and Direct Loans vary by project, but generally fund over a one- to 48-month period. Forward commitments generally settle within 12 months of the original commitment date.
2. Construction interest rates are the rates charged to the borrower during the construction phase of the project. The permanent interest rates are charged to the borrower during the amortization period of the loan, unless the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires that such rates be charged earlier.
3. Federally tax-exempt bonds collateralized by Ginnie Mae securities.
4. The HIT records when issued securities on the trade date and maintains security positions such that sufficient liquid assets will be available to make payment for the securities purchased. Securities purchased on a when issued basis are marked to market monthly and begin earning interest on the settlement date. Losses may occur on these transactions due to changes in market conditions or the failure of counterparties to perform under the contract.
5. For floating and variable rate securities the rate indicated is for the period end. With respect to these securities, the schedule also includes the reference rate and spread in basis points.
6. Securities exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933 and were privately placed directly by a state housing agency (a not-for-profit public agency) with the HIT. The securities are backed by mortgages and are general obligations of the state housing agency, and therefore secured by the full faith and credit of said agency. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. These securities are considered liquid, under procedures established by and under the general supervision of the HIT’s Board of Trustees.
7. Loans insured by Ambac Assurance Corporation, are additionally backed by a repurchase option from the mortgagee for the benefit of the HIT. The repurchase price is defined as the unpaid principal balance of the loan plus all accrued unpaid interest due through the remittance date. The repurchase option can be exercised by the HIT in the event of a payment failure by Ambac Assurance Corporation.
8. The HIT has a participation interest in HIT Advisers, a Delaware limited liability company. HIT Advisers is a New York based adviser currently exempt from investment adviser registration in New York. The investment in HIT Advisers is valued by the HIT’s Valuation Committee in accordance with the fair value procedures adopted by the HIT’s Board of Trustees, and approximates carrying value of HIT Advisors and its subsidiary on a consolidated basis. The participation interest is not registered under the federal securities laws.
9. Rate indicated is the annualized 1-day yield as of June 30, 2021.



M Month
Y Year
LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate
UST U.S. Treasury
SOFR Secured Overnight Financing Rate









For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2021 (dollars in thousands; unaudited)




Investment income  $71,782 
  Non-officer salaries and fringe benefits   3,790 
  Officer salaries and fringe benefits   2,918 
  Investment management   762 
  Marketing and sales promotion (12b-1)   610 
  Consulting fees   272 
  Insurance   247 
  Auditing, tax and accounting fees   210 
  Legal fees   202 
  Trustee expenses   49 
  Rental expenses   271 
  General expenses   948 
  Total expenses   10,279 
Net investment income   61,503 
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments     
  Net realized gains (losses) on investments   8,820 
  Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments  (117,218)
  Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments  (108,398)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations  $(46,895)


See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited).









(dollars in thousands)




Increase (decrease) in net assets from operations  Six Months Ended
June 30, 2021
  Year Ended
December 31, 2020
  Net investment income  $61,503   $138,911 
  Net realized gains (losses) on investments   8,820    53,377 
  Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments  (117,218)   196,505 
  Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   (46,895)   388,793 
  Distributions to participants or reinvested   (74,268)   (188,004)
Increase (decrease) in net assets from unit transactions          
  Proceeds from the sale of units of participation   319,915    553,607 
  Dividend reinvestment of units of participation   68,667    171,676 
  Payments for redemption of units of participation   (45,771)   (731,710)
  Net increase (decrease) from unit transactions   342,811    (6,427)
Total increase (decrease) in net assets   221,648    194,362 
Net assets          
  Beginning of period  $6,749,288   $6,554,926 
  End of period  $6,970,936   $6,749,288 
Unit information          
  Units sold   278,038    467,256 
  Distributions reinvested   59,440    145,522 
  Units redeemed   (39,733)   (625,419)
  Increase (decrease) in units outstanding   297,745    (12,641)


See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited).













The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) Housing Investment Trust (HIT) is a common law trust created under the laws of the District of Columbia and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the Investment Company Act), as a no-load, open-end investment company. The HIT has obtained certain exemptions from the requirements of the Investment Company Act that are described in the HIT’s Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information. Participation in the HIT is limited to eligible pension plans and labor organizations, including health and welfare, general, voluntary employees’ benefit associations and other funds that have beneficiaries who are represented by labor organizations. The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by the HIT in the preparation of its financial statements. The policies are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the United States. The HIT follows the investment company accounting and reporting guidance of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification Topic 946 Financial Services—Investment Companies.




Net asset value per share (NAV) is determined as of the close of regular trading (normally 4:00 p.m.) of the New York Stock Exchange on the last business day of each calendar month. The HIT’s Board of Trustees is responsible for the valuation process and has delegated the supervision of the valuation process to a Valuation Committee. The Valuation Committee, in accordance with the policies and procedures adopted by the HIT’s Board of Trustees, is responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the HIT’s pricing policies, determining the reliability of third-party pricing information and reporting to the Board of Trustees on valuation matters, including fair value determinations. Following is a description of the valuation methods and inputs applied to the HIT’s major categories of assets. Portfolio securities for which market quotations are readily available are valued by using independent pricing services. For U.S. Treasury securities, independent pricing services generally base prices on actual transactions as well as dealer-supplied market information. For state housing finance agency securities, independent pricing services generally base prices using models that utilize trading spreads, new issue scales, verified bid information and credit ratings. For commercial mortgage-backed securities, independent pricing services generally base prices on cash flow models that take into consideration benchmark yields and utilize available trade information, dealer quotes and market color.


For U.S. agency and government-sponsored enterprise securities, including single family and multifamily mortgage-backed securities, construction mortgage securities and loans and collateralized mortgage obligations, independent pricing services generally base prices on an active TBA (“to-be-announced”) market for mortgage pools, discounted cash flow models,


or option-adjusted spread models. Independent pricing services examine reference data and use observable inputs such as issue name, issue size, ratings, maturity, call type and spread/ benchmark yields, as well as dealer-supplied market information. The discounted cash flow or option-adjusted spread models utilize inputs from matrix pricing, which consider observable market-based discount and prepayment rates, attributes of the collateral, and yield or price of bonds of comparable quality, coupon, maturity and type.


Investments in registered open-end investment management companies are valued based upon the NAV of such investments.


When the HIT finances the construction and permanent securities or participation interests, value is determined based upon the total amount, funded and/or unfunded, of the commitment.


Portfolio investments for which market quotations are not readily available or deemed unreliable are valued at their fair value determined in good faith by the HIT’s Valuation Committee using consistently applied procedures adopted by the HIT’s Board of Trustees. In determining fair market value, the Valuation Committee will employ a valuation method that it believes reflects fair value for that asset, which may include the use of an independent valuation consultant or the utilization of a discounted cash flow model based on broker and/or other market inputs. The frequency with which these fair value procedures may be used cannot be predicted. However, on June 30, 2021, the Valuation Committee fair valued less than 0.01% of the HIT’s net assets utilizing internally derived unobservable inputs.


Short-term investments acquired with a stated maturity of 60 days or less are generally valued at amortized cost, which approximates fair market value.


The HIT holds a 100% ownership interest, either directly or indirectly in HIT Advisers LLC (HIT Advisers). HIT Advisers is valued at its fair value determined in good faith under consistently applied procedures adopted by the HIT’s Board of Trustees, which approximates its respective carrying value.


GAAP establishes a disclosure hierarchy that categorizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to value assets and liabilities at measurement date. The HIT classifies its assets and liabilities into three levels based on the method used to value the assets or liabilities. Level 1 values are based on quoted prices in active markets for identical securities. Level 2 values are based on significant observable market inputs, such as quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk and quoted prices in inactive markets. Level 3 values are based on significant unobservable inputs that reflect the HIT’s determination of assumptions that market participants might reasonably use in valuing the securities.











The following table presents the HIT’s valuation levels as of June 30, 2021:


   Investment Securities 
(dollars in thousands)  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
FHA Permanent Securities  $   $160,401   $   $160,401 
Ginnie Mae Securities       1,886,296        1,886,296 
Ginnie Mae Construction Securities       271,979        271,979 
Fannie Mae Securities       2,726,836        2,726,836 
Fannie Mae Construction Securities       21,716        21,716 
Freddie Mac Securities       657,414        657,414 
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities       99,752        99,752 
State Housing Finance Agency Securities       530,235        530,235 
Other Multifamily Investments                    
Direct Loans           102,133    102,133 
Privately Insured Construction/Permanent Mortgages       3,817        3,817 
Total Other Multifamily Investments       3,817    102,133    105,950 
United States Treasury Securities       452,899        452,899 
Equity Investments           (107)   (107)
Short-Term Investments   82,922            82,922 
Other Financial Instruments*       41,035        41,035 
Total  $82,922   $6,852,380   $102,026   $7,037,328 


*If held in the portfolio at report date, other financial instruments includes forward commitments, TBA and when-issued securities.


The following table reconciles the valuation of the HIT’s Level 3 investment securities and related transactions for the period ended June 30, 2021:


   Investments in Securities 
(dollars in thousands)  Other Multifamily
  Equity Investment  Total 
Beginning Balance, 12/31/2020  $54,771   $105   $54,876 
Total Unrealized Gain (Loss)*   1,239    (212)   1,027 
Cost of Purchases   46,123        46,123 
Ending Balance, 06/30/2021  $102,133   $(107)  $102,026 


*Net change in unrealized gain (loss) attributable to Level 3 securities held at June 30, 2021 totaled $1,027,000 and is included on the accompanying Statement of Operations.


For the six months ended June 30, 2021, there were no transfers in levels.



Level 3 securities primarily consists of Direct Loans which were valued by an independent pricing service as of June 30, 2021 utilizing a discounted cash flow model. Weighted average lives for the loans ranged from 0.17 to 18.07 years. Unobservable inputs include spreads to relevant U.S. Treasuries ranging from 110 to 295 basis points. A change in unobservable inputs may impact the value of the loans.




The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.




The HIT’s policy is to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Internal Revenue Code), that are applicable to regulated investment companies, and to distribute all of its taxable income to its participants. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required.


Tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of preparing the HIT’s tax returns are evaluated to determine whether the tax positions are “more-likely-than-not” of being sustained by the applicable tax authority. Tax positions not deemed to meet the more-likely-than-not threshold would be recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current year. Management has analyzed for all open years the HIT’s tax positions taken on federal income tax returns and has concluded that no provision for income tax is required in the HIT’s financial statements.


The HIT files U.S. federal, state and local tax returns as required. The HIT’s tax returns are subject to examination by the relevant tax authorities until the expiration of the applicable statutes of limitations, which is generally three years after the filing of the tax return but could be longer in certain circumstances.




At the end of each calendar month, a pro-rata distribution is made to participants of the net investment income earned during the month. This pro-rata distribution is based on the participant’s number of units held as of the immediately preceding month-end and excludes realized gains (losses) which are distributed at year-end.


Participants redeeming their investments are paid their pro-rata share of undistributed net income accrued through the month-end of the month in which they redeem. The HIT offers a reinvestment










plan that permits current participants to automatically reinvest their distributions of income and capital gains, if any, into the HIT’s units of participation. Total reinvestment was approximately 93% of distributed income for the six months ended June 30, 2021.




For financial reporting purposes, security transactions are accounted for as of the trade date. Gains and losses on securities sold are determined on the basis of amortized cost. Realized gains (losses) on paydowns of mortgage- and asset-backed securities are classified as interest income. Interest income, which includes amortization of premium and accretion of discount on debt securities, is accrued as earned.




The HIT’s Board of Trustees has approved a Plan of Distribution under Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act to pay for marketing and sales promotion expenses incurred in connection with the offer and sale of units and related distribution activities (12b-1 expenses). For the six months ended June 30, 2021, the HIT was authorized to pay 12b-1 expenses in an annual amount up to $600,000 or 0.05% of its average net assets on an annualized basis per fiscal year, whichever was greater. During the six months ended June 30, 2021, the HIT incurred approximately $610,000, or 0.02% of its average monthly net assets on an annualized basis, in 12b-1 expenses.






As with any fixed-income investment, the market value of the HIT’s investments will generally fall at times when market interest rates rise. Rising interest rates may also reduce prepayment rates, causing the average life of the HIT’s investments to increase. This could in turn further reduce the value of the HIT’s portfolio.


Certain instruments held by the HIT pay an interest rate based on the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”), which is the average offered rate for various maturities of short-term loans between certain major international banks. LIBOR is expected to be phased out by the end of 2021. The bulk of LIBOR based instruments held by the Trust are issued and backed by government-sponsored enterprises and will be subject to an industry-wide transition. With regard to other such instruments held by the HIT, which are related to its direct loans, the HIT has included language in its investment loan documentations to provide for an agreed upon



methodology to calculate a new benchmark rate spread. While the effect of the phase out cannot yet be determined, it may result in, among other things, financial market disruptions, increased volatility in risk-free benchmark rates, fluctuations in market liquidity and changes in the value of LIBOR based instruments.




The HIT invests in certain fixed-income securities whose value is derived from an underlying pool of mortgage loans that are subject to prepayment and extension risk.


Prepayment risk is the risk that a security will pay more quickly than its assumed payment rate, shortening its expected average life. In such an event, the HIT may be required to reinvest the proceeds of such prepayments in other investments bearing lower interest rates. The majority of the HIT’s securities backed by loans for multifamily projects include restrictions on prepayments for specified periods to mitigate this risk or include prepayment penalties to compensate the HIT. Prepayment penalties, when received, are included in realized gains.


Extension risk is the risk that a security will pay more slowly than its assumed payment rate, extending its expected average life. When this occurs, the HIT’s ability to reinvest principal repayments in higher returning investments may be limited.


These two risks may increase the sensitivity of the HIT’s portfolio to fluctuations in interest rates and negatively affect the value of the HIT’s portfolio.




A majority of HIT’s investments have a form of credit enhancement to protect against losses in the event of a default. However, in the event of a default of an underlying mortgage loan where the investment does not have credit enhancement or that an entity providing credit enhancement for an investment fails to meet its obligations under the credit enhancement, the HIT would be subject to the risks that apply to real estate investments generally with respect to that investment. Certain real estate risks include construction failure, loan non-repayment, foreclosure, and environmental and litigation risk.
















HIT Advisers, a Delaware limited liability company, was formed by the HIT to operate as an investment adviser and be registered, as appropriate under applicable federal or state law. HIT Advisers is owned by HIT directly (99.9%), and indirectly through HIT Advisers Managing Member (0.1%) which is also wholly owned by the HIT. This ownership structure is intended to insulate the HIT from any potential liabilities associated with the conduct of HIT Advisers’ business. The HIT receives no services from HIT Advisers and carries it as a portfolio investment that meets the definition of a controlled affiliate.


In accordance with a contract, in addition to its membership interest, the HIT provides HIT Advisers advances to assist with its operations and cash flow management as needed. Advances are expected to be repaid as cash becomes available. However, as with many start-up operations, there is no certainty that HIT Advisers will generate sufficient revenue to cover its operations and liabilities and HIT maintains an allowance for doubtful receivable due to aging balances. Also in accordance with the contract, the HIT may provide the time of certain personnel and allocates operational expenses to HIT Advisers on a cost-reimbursement basis. As of June 30, 2021, HIT Advisers had no assets under management.


Advances to HIT Advisers by HIT (dollars in thousands)
Ending Balance, 12/31/2020 $340
Advances in 2021     30
Ending Balance, 6/30/2021 $370




Building America CDE, Inc. (“Building America”), a wholly owned subsidiary of HIT Advisers, is a Community Development Entity, certified by the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.


In accordance with a contract, the HIT provides the time of certain personnel to Building America and allocates operational expenses on a cost-reimbursement basis. Also, in accordance with the contract, the HIT provides Building America advances to assist with its operations and cash flow management as needed. Advances are repaid as cash becomes available.

 A rollforward of advances to Building America by the HIT is included in the table below:


  Advances to Building America by HIT (dollars in thousands)
  Ending Balance, 12/31/2020 $ —
  Advances in 2021 454
  Repayment by Building America in 2021 (375)
  Ending Balance, 6/30/2021 $79


 Summarized financial information on a consolidated basis for HIT Advisers and Building America in included in the table below:


    (dollars in thousands)
  As of June 30, 2021  
  Assets $1,200    
  Liabilities $1,307   
  Equity $(107)  
  For the six months ended June 30, 2021  
  Income $394 
  Expenses (423)
  Tax Expenses   (54)
  Net Income (Loss)  $(83)

































The HIT leases certain real estate properties for office space which are classified as operating leases. The HIT also leases equipment which is classified as a financing lease. The leases are included in right-of-use (ROU) assets on the HIT’s statement of assets and liabilities. ROU assets represent the HIT’s right to use an underlying asset for the lease term and lease obligations represent the HIT’s obligation to make lease payments arising from the lease. ROU assets and obligations are recognized at the commencement date based on the present value of lease payments over the lease term. As most of the HIT’s leases do not provide an implicit rate, the HIT uses its incremental borrowing rate based on the information available at the commencement date of the lease in determining the present value of lease payments. The HIT determines if an arrangement is a lease at inception. The HIT’s lease terms may include options to extend or terminate the lease when it is reasonably certain that the HIT will exercise that option. Lease expense and amortization expense are recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term.


(dollars in thousands)  Operating
ROU Asset, 1/1/2021  $4,659   $85   $4,744 
Reduction/Amortization of ROU Asset   (503)   (34)   (537)
ROU Asset, 6/30/2021  $4,156   $51   $4,207 
Lease Liability, 1/1/2021  $4,998   $92   $5,090 
Lease Payments   (61)   (35)   (96)
Imputed Interest    (239)   1    (238)
Reduction of Lease Liability   (300)   (34)   (334)
Lease Liability, 6/30/2021  $4,698   $58   $4,756 
Lease Expense  $(264)  $(36)  $(300)
Weighted Average Discount Rate   1.99%   3.68%     
Weighted Average Remaining Term (Years)   9.8    1.1      




The HIT may make commitments in securities or loans that fund over time on a draw basis or forward commitments that fund at a single point in time. The HIT agrees to an interest rate and purchase price for these securities or loans when the commitment to purchase is originated.

Certain assets of the HIT are invested in liquid investments until they are required to fund these purchase commitments. As of June 30, 2021, the HIT had outstanding unfunded purchase commitments of approximately $603.9 million. The HIT maintains a sufficient level of liquid securities of no less than the total of the outstanding unfunded purchase commitments. As of June 30, 2021, the value of liquid securities, less short-term investments, maintained in a custodial trading account was approximately $6.7 billion.




Purchases and sales of investments, excluding short-term securities and U.S. Treasury securities, for the six months ended June 30, 2021, were $1.0 billion and $122.6 million, respectively.




No provision for federal income taxes is required since the HIT intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code and distribute to shareholders all of its taxable income and gains. Federal income tax regulations differ from GAAP; therefore, distributions determined in accordance with tax regulations may differ in amount or character from net investment income and realized gains for financial reporting purposes. Financial reporting records were adjusted for permanent book/tax differences of $12.8 million as of June 30, 2021 to reflect tax character. The amount and character of tax-basis distributions and composition of the net assets are finalized at fiscal year-end; accordingly, tax-basis balances have not been determined as of June 30, 2021.


At June 30, 2021, the cost of investments for federal income tax purposes was $6,796,306,000. Net unrealized gain aggregated $241,022,000 at period-end, of which $274,121,000 related to appreciated investments and $33,099,000 related to depreciated investments.




The HIT participates in the AFL-CIO Staff Retirement Plan (Plan), which is a multiemployer defined benefit pension plan, under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement. The Plan covers substantially all employees, including non-bargaining unit employees. The risks of participating in a multiemployer plan are different from a single-employer plan in the following aspects:


a. Assets contributed to a multiemployer plan by one employer may be used to provide benefits to employees of other participating employers.


b. If a participating employer stops contributing to the plan, the unfunded obligations of the plan may be borne by the remaining participating employers based on their level of contributions to the plan.











c. If the HIT chooses to stop participating in its multiemployer plan, the HIT may be required to pay the plan an amount based on the HIT’s share of the underfunded status of the plan, referred to as a withdrawal liability.


The HIT’s participation in the Plan for the six months ended June 30, 2021, is outlined in the table below. The “EIN/Pension Plan Number” line provides the Employer Identification Number (EIN) and the three-digit plan number. The most recent Pension Protection Act (PPA) zone status available as of June 30, 2021 is for the 2019 Plan year ended at June 30, 2020. The zone status is based on information that the HIT received from the Plan and is certified by the Plan’s actuary. Among other factors, plans in the red zone are generally less than 65% funded, plans in the yellow zone are less than 80% funded, and plans in the green zone are at least 80% funded. The “FIP/RP Status Pending/Implemented” line indicates whether a financial improvement plan (FIP) or a rehabilitation plan (RP) is either pending or has been implemented.


Pension Fund: AFL-CIO Staff Retirement Plan  
EIN/Pension Plan Number 53-0228172 / 001
2019 Plan Year PPA Zone Status Green
FIP/RP Status Pending/ Implemented No
2021 Contributions $1,090,932
2021 Contribution Rate 24%
Surcharge Imposed No
Expiration Date of Collective Bargaining Agreement 03/31/2022


The HIT was listed in the Plan’s Form 5500 as providing more than 5% of the total contributions for the following plan year:


Pension Fund Years Contributions to Plan Exceeded More Than 5 Percent of Total Contributions
AFL-CIO Staff Retirement Plan 20191

1 The 2019 plan year ended at June 30, 2020.


At the date the HIT financial statements were issued, the Plan’s Form 5500 was not available for the plan year ended June 30, 2021.


The HIT also sponsors a deferred compensation plan, referred to as a 401(k) plan, covering all employees. This plan permits employees to defer the lesser of 100% of their total compensation or the applicable Internal Revenue Service limit. During 2021, the HIT matched dollar for dollar the first $6,400 of each employee’s contributions. The HIT’s 401(k) contribution for the six months ended June 30, 2021, was approximately $202,000.



The HIT has a $15 million uncommitted loan facility that expires on July 6, 2022. Under this facility, borrowings bear interest per annum equal to 1.25% plus the highest of (a) the Federal Funds Effective Rate, (b) the sum of SOFR plus 0.11448% or (c) 0.00%. The HIT did not borrow against the facility and had no outstanding balance under the facility for the six months ended June 30, 2021. No compensating balances are required.




In the ordinary course of business, the HIT enters into contracts that contain a variety of indemnifications. The HIT’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown. However, the HIT has not had any prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts and expects the risk of loss to be low.




The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused a global ongoing crisis materially reducing economic output, disrupting supply chains, and resulting in market closures. Investors should be aware that in light of the current uncertainty and distress in economies and financial markets, the value of HIT’s investments is subject to volatility and other adverse events. The HIT, its service providers, the markets in which it invests and market intermediaries are also impacted by measures intended to contain the ongoing pandemic, which can obstruct their functioning and subject them to heightened operational risks.




The HIT evaluated subsequent events through the date the financial statements were available for issue and determined there were no additional material events that would require adjustment to or disclosure in the HIT’s financial statements.











Selected Per Share Data and Ratios




   Six Months Ended  Years Ended December 31 
Per share data  June 30, 2021
  2020   2019   2018   2017   2016 
Net asset value, beginning of period  $1,176.64   $1,140.24   $1,087.85   $1,117.32   $1,113.29   $1,121.13 
Income from investment operations:
Net investment income *   10.44    25.13    29.65    29.25    27.36    27.46 
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments  (19.15)   45.18    54.26    (27.99)   7.58    (5.33)
Total income (loss) from investment operations   (8.71)   70.31    83.91    1.26    34.94    22.13 
Less distributions from:
Net investment income   (12.62)   (28.41)   (31.52)   (30.73)   (30.23)   (29.97)
Net realized gains on investments       (5.50)       -—    (0.68)    
Total distributions   (12.62)   (33.91)   (31.52)   (30.73)   (30.91)   (29.97)
Net asset value, end of period  $1,155.31   $1,176.64   $1,140.24   $1,087.85   $1,117.32   $1,113.29 
Total return   (0.74%)   6.20%    7.78%    0.16%    3.17%    1.94% 
Net assets, end of period (in thousands)  $6,970,936   $6,749,288   $6,554,926   $5,889,450   $6,199,225   $5,790,753 
Ratios/supplemental data**                              
Ratio of expenses to average net assets   0.30%   0.32%   0.34%   0.42%   0.40%   0.41%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets  1.8   2.1   2.6   2.7   2.4   2.4
Portfolio turnover rate   32.9   30.3   17.6   15.2   24.6   20.3


*The average shares outstanding method has been applied for this per share information.

**Percentage amounts for the period, except total return, have been annualized.

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited).







*Executive Committee Member


Chris Coleman* Chair

President & CEO, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity


Vincent Alvarez

President, New York City Central Labor Council


Kenneth W. Cooper

International Secretary-Treasurer, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers


Timothy J. Driscoll

President, International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers


Sean McGarvey

President, North America’s Building Trades Unions


Terry O’Sullivan

General President, Laborers’ International Union of North America


Kenneth Rigmaiden*

General President, International Union of Painters & Allied Trades for the United States and Canada


Anthony Shelton

International President, Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers’ International Union


Liz Shuler* **

Acting President and Secretary-Treasurer


Richard L. Trumka**

President, AFL-CIO


Kevin Filter

Managing Principal, GFW Equities LLC & Mad Duck Capital LLC


Bridget Gainer

Cook County Commissioner and Vice President of Global Affairs, Aon


The Honorable Jack F. Quinn, Jr.*

Senior Advisor for Public & Community Relations, Barclay Damon


Jamie S. Rubin

North American CEO, Meridiam Infrastructure


Deidre L. Schmidt

President & CEO, CommonBond Communities


Tony Stanley*

Director, TransCon Builders, Inc.


Harry W. Thompson

Consultant, Harry Thompson & Associates


William C. Thompson, Jr.

Senior Managing Director/Chief Administrative Officer, Siebert, Cisneros, Shank & Co.



** President Richard Trumka passed away on August 5, 2021 while this report was in production. As of that date, Liz Shuler also became the Acting President of the AFL-CIO.






Chang Suh, CFA

Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer

Michael Cook, CFA, FRM

Chief Portfolio Manager

Erica Khatchadourian

Chief Financial Officer

Nicholas C. Milano

General Counsel

Theodore S. Chandler

Senior Managing Director—Strategic Initiatives

John Hanley

Senior Managing Director—Multifamily Origination

Harpreet Singh Peleg, CFA

Senior Managing Director—Finance

Christopher Kaiser, CFA

Chief Compliance Officer and Deputy General Counsel

Julissa Servello

Director of Investor Relations

Lesyllee White

Chief Marketing Officer







Independent Registered
Public Accounting Firm

Ernst & Young LLP

Tysons, Virginia


Corporate Counsel

Dechert LLP

Washington, D.C.


Transfer Agent

BNY Mellon Investment

Servicing (US) Inc.

Wilmington, Delaware


Bank of New York Mellon

New York, New York









Investors should consider the HIT’s investment objectives, risks and expenses carefully before investing. A prospectus containing more complete information may be obtained from the HIT by calling the Marketing and Investor Relations Department collect at (202) 331-8055 or by viewing the HIT’s website at www.aflcio-hit.com. Investors should read the prospectus carefully before investing. The calculations of the HIT yield herein represent widely accepted portfolio characteristics information based on coupon rate, current price and, for yield to worst, certain prepayment assumptions, and are not current yield or other performance data as defined by the SEC in Rule 482.


Job and economic impact figures are estimates calculated using IMPLAN, an input-output model, based on HIT and HIT subsidiary Building America CDE, Inc. project data. Data is current as of June 30, 2021. Economic impact data is in 2020 dollars and all other figures are nominal.


This document contains forecasts, estimates, opinions and/or other information that is subjective. Statements concerning economic, financial, or market trends are based on current conditions, which will fluctuate. There is no guarantee that such statements will be applicable under all market conditions, especially during periods of downturn. Actual outcomes and results may differ significantly from the views expressed. It should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any kind.








NATIONAL OFFICE | 1227 25th Street, NW, Suite 500 | Washington, D.C. 20037 | (202) 331-8055

