N-30D 1 aflciosemiannualrep.txt [LOGO OF AFL-CIO HOUSING INVESTMENT TRUST] SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust June 30, 2002 (Inside Front Cover) HIT Highlights At June 30, 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Total net rate of return, one-year 10.23% Total gross rate of return, one-year 10.65% Net assets $2.96 billion Participant investment, year-to-date $117.5 million Reinvestment of income, year-to-date $74.6 million Multifamily financing commitments $146.5 million Single family mortgages generated 698 Number of participants 409 REPORT TO PARTICIPANTS The AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust (HIT, or the Trust), with its double-digit returns for the 12 months ended June 30, 2002, has provided protection for its investors in a time of declining equity values and low performance of the corporate bond market. The Trust's portfolio produced returns well above its fixed-income industry benchmark, the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index. This performance highlighted the distinctive place the Trust occupies in the fixed-income market, with its emphasis on investments in mortgage-backed securities (MBS) with negotiated terms including favorable prepayment provisions. Growing assets and strong investment from participants helped make this a particularly successful period. Trust financing for multifamily housing in this six-month period reached a historic level. The Trust also assisted a record number of working families to obtain single family mortgages. SURPASSING THE BENCHMARK The Trust's total net assets grew by 8 percent since January 1, 2002, climbing to $2.96 billion as of June 30. New investments from participants during this period totaled $117.5 million, more than double the amount in the same period in 2001, while participants reinvested earnings at a 90 percent rate. At mid-year, the Trust had a total of 409 participants. The Trust registered a net rate of return of 10.23 percent for the one-year ending June 30, with a gross rate of return of 10.65 percent compared to the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index's 8.63 percent. As the chart at upper right reflects, the Trust also outpaced the Lehman benchmark, on an annualized basis, for the three-year, five-year and ten-year periods ending June 30, 2002. The Trust's performance record also received recognition from Pension and Investments' Performance Evaluation Report (PIPER). In its commingled domestic broad market fixed income category, PIPER ranked the Trust third out of 52 funds for the one-year period ending June 30, 2002 and second out of 50 funds for the five-year period ending June 30, 2002. (The HIT's net annualized rates of return were 10.23 percent for this one-year period and 7.91 percent for this five-year period.) Additionally, in its commingled domestic overall fixed income category, PIPER ranked the Trust fifth out of 103 managers for the one-year period and sixth out of 95 managers for the five-year period. [Bar Chart showing Total Rates of Return] TOTAL RATES OF RETURN (%) (1) 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Housing Investment Trust Gross Returns (2) 10.65 9.06 8.33 8.28 Housing Investment Trust Net Returns (3) 10.23 8.64 7.91 7.80 Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index (4) 8.63 8.11 7.57 7.35 Returns for periods exceeding one year are annualized. (1) The performance data shown here represents past performance and does not mean that the Trust will achieve similar results in the future. The investment return and principal value of an investment in the Trust will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. A Prospectus containing more complete information may be obtained from the Trust by contacting the Marketing and Investor Relations Department. The Prospectus sets forth information about the Trust that an investor should read carefully before investing. (2) Gross returns are calculated before the deduction of Trust expenses. (3) Returns shown reflect the growth of an investment for the specified periods. (4) The Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index does not reflect the performance of an actual portfolio available for direct investment and thus does not reflect a deduction for the expenses of operating such a portfolio. Investors are not likely to be able to manage an actual portfolio without incurring expenses. [Line Graph showing Value of $50,000 Invested] VALUE GROWTH OF $50,000 INVESTED DOLLAR VALUE ($ THOUSANDS) HIT LEHMAN BROTHERS AGGREGATE BOND INDEX -------------------------------------------------------------- Jun-92 50.00 50.00 Jun-93 55.89 55.21 Jun-94 55.16 54.94 Jun-95 62.09 62.04 Jun-96 65.20 65.95 Jun-97 70.52 72.40 Jun-98 77.95 80.00 Jun-99 80.40 82.61 Jun-00 84.07 86.38 Jun-01 93.51 96.09 Jun-02 101.58 105.92 The chart above shows the comparative value growth of $50,000 invested (minimum initial investment) in the Trust and its benchmark (theoretical values) over the course of ten years, assuming the reinvestment of all distributions. MANAGING THE PORTFOLIO The Trust provided important diversification benefits to its investors at a time of declining equity values during the first six months of 2002. Participants in the Trust were also largely shielded from the poor performance of corporate bonds, which underperformed most other fixed-income instruments during the period. The Trust's emphasis on credit quality and its ability to negotiate restrictions on prepayments in its multifamily MBS contributed to its favorable performance, as lower credit quality securities underperformed and interest rates declined. The Trust's special niche in the fixed-income market helped it produce, in the first six months of 2002, the highly competitive rates of return relative to the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index that are reflected in the "Total Rates of Return" table (page 1). The following chart provides a profile of the Trust's holdings: [Pie Chart of Trust's Portfolio Holdings] PORTFOLIO DISTRIBUTION (%) * Cash and Short-Term Investments 1.8 Federal Agency Securities 5.6 Construction and Permanent Mortgages 1.0 State Housing Finance Agency Securities 1.5 Multifamily Construction Mortgage-backed Securities 20.5 Single Family Mortgage-backed Securities 31.7 Multifamily Permanent Mortgage-backed Securities 37.9 * Includes unfunded commitment amounts EXPANDING INVESTMENTS IN HOUSING New investment initiatives introduced over the past year helped the Trust increase its levels of financing commitments by providing access to additional sources of credit enhancement and expanding the pipeline of prospective investments. Through June 30, the Trust issued $146.5 million in multifamily commitments. HIT-sponsored single family mortgage programs produced $33.6 million in single family MBS purchases by the Trust in this period and generated $72.1 million in single family mortgages for union members and municipal employees. MULTIFAMILY activity in 2002 got off to a strong start, with record six-month commitment levels for the Trust. The $146.5 million in new commitments issued during the period represent nine multifamily projects that will create 1,590 units of housing nationwide. This includes a $39.2 million investment, under the Trust's New York City Community Investment Initiative, that will preserve affordable housing for nearly 650 families in Brooklyn, New York. At mid-year, there were 38 Trust projects in construction, representing over $1.1 billion in combined total development costs. These projects reflect a wide geographic diversity and are producing hundreds of union jobs in construction and related industries. SINGLE family programs have created attractive investment opportunities for the Trust in single family MBS in 2002 while continuing to enhance homeownership opportunities for union members and municipal workers. Through June 30, 2002, the HIT invested over $25.6 million in Fannie Mae MBS backed by 131 loans that were produced through the Homeownership Opportunity Initiative (HOI) with HomeStreet Bank - already surpassing 2001's annual investment of $23.9 million. During the same period, the HIT invested over $8 million in Fannie Mae securities produced through the Trust's newest initiative, HIT HOME, which generates mortgages through a partnership with Countrywide Home Loans. Moreover, at mid-year, HIT's single family programs were setting new records for mortgages generated. HIT HOME had already exceeded 2001 mortgage numbers by over 46 percent as of June 30, enabling Countrywide to provide $46.5 million for 436 mortgage loans to union members. Through the Trust's partnership with HomeStreet Bank in the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii, 131 union and municipal employee homebuyers participated in the HOI program. The terms of the program allowed these homebuyers (and 125 additional union members homebuyers using other HomeStreet programs) to save an average of $700 each in closing costs. HOI was further enhanced with an award of $500,000 by the City of Seattle for down payment and buydown assistance, providing up to $10,000 in benefits to union families purchasing homes in Seattle. LOOKING AHEAD The concentration on investments in MBS has enabled the Trust to maintain its high level of performance in a period of economic uncertainty. The Trust believes that investments in mortgage-backed securities and Treasury and federal agency quality instruments will continue to perform favorably in this environment in comparison to other classes of investments. During the balance of the year, the Trust will strive to provide its investors the competitive returns and high degree of security they have received over the past decade. 2002 PARTICIPANTS MEETING The 2002 Annual Meeting of Participants was held in Washington, D.C., on May 29, 2002. The following matters were put to a vote of Participants at the meeting through the solicitation of proxies: Richard Ravitch was reelected to chair the Board of Trustees by a vote of 1,920,829.5341 for; 420.0781 against; 8,126.3002 abstentions; and 590,925.4546 votes not cast. The following Trustees were not up for election because their terms continued after the date of the Annual Meeting: Alfred J. Fleischer, John J. Flynn, Frank Hurt, Martin Maddaloni, Jeremiah O'Connor, Terence M. O' Sullivan, Marlyn J. Spear, Tony Stanley, Edward C. Sullivan, John J. Sweeney, and Patricia Wiegert. Participants considered and approved an amendment to the Trust's Declaration of Trust by a vote of 1,857,452.7607 for; 518.5955 against; 71,404.5562 abstentions and 590,925.4546 votes not cast, to remove the previous numerical limit on the number of Management Trustees with backgrounds as officers, directors or trustees of organizations connected with the housing, finance or real estate development industries or former or current elected or appointed government officials. Ernst & Young, LLP was selected as the Trust's Public Accountants by a vote of 1,921,394.3984 for; 80.0307 against; 7,901.4833 abstentions; and 590,925.4546 votes not cast. The table below summarizes votes pertaining to Trustees who were elected at the Annual Meeting. Trustee (1) Votes Votes Votes For Against Abstaining ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Linda Chavez-Thompson 1,872,268.8113 49,430.1779 7,676.9232 Francis X. Hanley 1,872,768.8196 48,480.7926 8,126.3002 Andrew Stern 1,921,249.6122 0.0000 8,126.3002 Richard Trumka 1,873,218.1966 48,480.7926 7,676.9232 George Latimer 1,921,044.6523 204.9599 8,126.3002 (1) Votes not cast: 590,925.4546 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------- American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations Housing Investment Trust ---------------------------------------------------------------------
STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES June 30, 2002 (Dollars in thousands, unless noted; unaudited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Assets Investments, at fair value (amortized cost $2,827,987) $2,960,434 Cash 2,326 Accrued interest receivable 18,247 Receivables-investments sold 50,701 Accounts receivable 1,907 Prepaid expenses and other assets 3,145 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- Total Assets 3,036,760 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses 1,210 Payables-Investments purchased 70,388 Redemptions payable 2,130 Refundable deposits 1,583 Income distribution payable, net dividends reinvested of $12,413 1,327 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- Total Liabilities 76,638 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- Net assets applicable to participants' equity - certificates of participation - authorized unlimited; outstanding 2,634,638 units (note 5) $ 2,960,122 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- Net asset value per unit of participation (in dollars) $ 1,123.54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- See accompanying notes to financial statements.
SCHEDULE OF PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS June 30, 2002 (Dollars in thousands; unaudited) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FHA Permanent Securities (14.0% of total portfolio) Interest Maturity Face Amortized Value Rate Date Amount Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Single family 7.75% Jul-2021-Aug-2021 $366 $366 $366 8.00% Jul-202 408 408 408 10.31% Feb-2016 68 68 68 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 842 842 842 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Multifamily 6.50% May-2004 5,947 5,947 5,995 6.66% Apr-2040 5,933 5,942 6,097 6.75% Nov-2037-Jul-2040 10,204 9,942 10,570 6.88% Apr-2030 30,189 29,748 31,384 7.00% Jun-2039 6,210 6,282 6,501 7.13% Mar-2040 8,112 8,128 8,647 7.17% Feb-2040 4,869 4,874 5,146 7.20% Aug-2039-Sep-2039 11,510 11,523 12,145 7.50% Nov-2037 9,941 9,962 9,941 7.55% Aug-2012-Nov-2037 9,810 9,819 9,813 7.63% Dec-2027-Jun-2037 76,297 76,179 80,507 7.70% Oct-2039 12,400 12,322 13,391 7.75% Jan-2038-Oct-2038 11,520 11,537 12,211 7.80% Dec-2038 21,491 21,499 23,235 7.85% Sep-2037 2,573 2,573 2,708 7.88% Nov-2036-Jul-2038 9,318 9,328 9,959 7.93% Apr-20 2,950 2,950 3,328 8.00% Oct-2031-Jun-2038 12,151 12,078 12,699 8.13% Apr-2028-Aug-2037 18,756 18,766 19,810 8.18% Nov-203 36,242 36,004 37,985 8.25% Feb-2026-Nov-2036 30,861 30,880 32,075 8.27% Jul-2042 2,575 2,577 2,897 8.40% Apr-2012 1,065 1,065 1,069 8.50% Oct-2027 4,148 4,131 4,259 8.75% Jul-2036-Aug-2036 12,119 12,062 13,048 8.80% Oct-2032 5,529 5,529 5,571 8.88% May-2036 2,460 2,409 2,569 9.25% Jun-2036 19,925 19,930 20,635 9.38% Feb-2034 1,842 1,858 1,853 9.50% Jul-2027 369 374 414 10.00% Mar-2031 5,740 5,740 5,782 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- 393,056 391,958 412,244 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Total FHA Permanent Securities 393,898 392,800 413,086 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- See accompanying notes to financial statements.
Schedule of Portfolio Investments June 30, 2002 (Dollars in thousands; unaudited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---
FHA Construction Securities (1.3% of total portfolio) Interest Rates* Maturity Commitment Face Amortized Value Permanent Construction Date* Amount Amount Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Multifamily 6.70% 6.70% Jun-2042 $6,150 $6,150 $6,154 $6,248 7.05% 7.05% Jan-2043 5,418 5,418 5,420 5,650 7.20% 7.20% Sep-2033 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,575 7.33% 7.33% Dec-2042 14,370 10,297 10,300 11,154 7.50% 7.50% Mar-2032-May-2042 8,393 7,762 7,794 8,368 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Total FHA Construction Securities 41,481 36,777 36,818 38,995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- * Construction interest rates are the rates charged to the borrower during the construction phase of the project. The permanent interest rates are effective upon commencement of operations of a project, subject to the achievement of certain criteria. ** Permanent mortgage maturity date. See accompanying notes to financial statements.
SCHEDULE OF PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS June 30, 2002 (Dollars in thousands; unaudited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
GINNIE MAE SECURITIES (26.2% OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO) (including forward commitments) Interest Maturity Commitment Face Amortized Value Rate Date Amount Amount Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Single family 6.50% Jul-2028-Mar-2032 $56,507 $57,641 $57,643 7.00% Nov-2016-Jan-2030 87,484 89,231 91,203 7.50% Apr-2013-Feb-2032 100,936 104,004 107,011 8.00% Nov-2009-Dec-2031 52,736 54,413 56,137 8.50% Nov-2009-Oct-2030 25,963 26,781 27,962 9.00% May-2016-Jun-2025 4,158 4,294 4,541 9.50% May-2019-Sep-2030 1,648 1,708 1,820 10.00%-13.50% Jul-2014-Jun-2019 57 57 66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- 329,489 338,129 346,383 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Multifamily 5.16% May-2015 5,944 5,944 6,112 5.20% Oct-2014 20,785 21,131 21,426 5.88% Nov-2011 15,000 15,000 15,395 6.09% Jun-2021 5,000 5,000 5,221 6.11% Nov-2021 970 970 1,013 6.34% Aug-2023 3,464 3,464 3,592 6.38% Jan-2025 23,506 23,506 24,317 6.50% Dec-2039 3,552 3,552 3,717 6.56% Jun-2037 39,202 39,785 41,281 6.63% Oct-2033 6,596 6,383 6,931 6.67% Sep-2040 8,839 8,845 9,357 6.69% Jun-2040 5,577 5,568 5,906 6.75% Jan-2039-Aug-2041 38,299 37,749 40,660 6.78% May-2041 27,961 27,966 29,779 6.98% Apr-2041 46,518 46,523 48,131 7.23% Jun-2041 8,141 7,868 8,929 7.38% Jan-2030 25,112 25,130 27,398 7.50% Apr-2038-Jan-2041 43,903 43,574 48,105 7.50% Apr-2044 23,300* - - 932 7.80% Jul-2039 18,995 19,005 21,010 7.88% Nov-2036 889 889 957 8.15% Nov-2025 3,685 3,653 4,069 8.40% Nov-2041 8,710 8,672 8,883 8.50% Mar-2027 26,196 26,204 29,158 8.75% Dec-2026 4,220 4,220 4,256 9.00% Jun-2030 7,783 7,504 7,835 12.55% Jun-2025 5,972 5,931 6,105 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- 23,300 404,819 404,036 430,475 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Total Ginnie Mae Securities 23,300 734,308 742,165 776,858 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- *Forward commitment See accompanying notes to financial statements.
SCHEDULE OF PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS June 30, 2002 (Dollars in thousands; unaudited)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- GINNIE MAE CONSTRUCTION SECURITIES (8.8% OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO) Interest Rates* Maturity Commitment Face Amortized Permanent Construction Date** Amount Amount Cost Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Multifamily 5.79% 8.75% Aug-2043 $7,628 $1,778 $2,118 $1,730 6.00% 6.00% Dec-2042 3,952 1,192 1,137 1,146 6.50% 6.50% Jun-2043 21,099 3,772 3,754 4,407 6.54% 6.54% Dec-2004 13,620 3,976 4,536 4,550 6.60% 6.60% May-2043 17,793 29 (112) 933 6.70% 6.70% Jan-2044 55,528 8,783 8,727 10,280 6.75% 6.75% Jun-2023-Jun-2043 3,899 246 133 379 6.93% 7.13% Mar-2044 33,136 6,135 6,146 7,687 7.00% 7.00% Jun-2043 66,552 30,300 30,306 34,640 7.24% 7.24% Dec-2042 51,242 29,284 29,287 31,192 7.25% 7.25% Jun-2042 4,211 3,804 3,842 4,133 7.33% 7.33% Dec-2042 11,893 1,800 1,705 2,758 7.45% 7.45% Jun-2042 9,700 8,176 8,179 9,167 7.50% 7.63% Jan-2042 8,126 7,348 7,354 8,158 7.50% 7.88% Jul-2042 25,150 22,736 22,743 25,212 7.57% 7.57% Nov-2041 2,565 2,237 2,240 2,484 7.70% 7.70% Mar-2042 50,584 48,172 47,343 53,980 7.75% 7.25% Feb-2031 51,706 34,182 33,927 39,838 7.75% 7.75% Jul-2042 30,808 28,131 27,524 31,759 N/A 6.33% Feb-2005 18,200 4,560 4,867 5,125 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Total Ginnie Mae Construction Securities 487,392 246,909 245,756 279,558 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- * Construction interest rates are the rates charged to the borrower during the construction phase of the project. The permanent interest rates are effective upon commencement of operations of a project, subject to the achievement of certain criteria. ** Permanent mortgage maturity date. See accompanying notes to financial statements
> SCHEDULE OF PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS June 30, 2002 (Dollars in thousands; unaudited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Fannie Mae Securities (32.3% of total portfolio) (including forward commitments) Interest Maturity Commitment Face Amortized Value Rate Date Amount Amount Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- Single family 5.50% Sep-2029-Mar-2032 $23,005 $ 22,143 $ 22,255 6.00% Jan-2006-Jul-2032 90,942 91,571 92,075 6.50% Mar-2013-Jun-2032 152,531 154,277 156,491 7.00% Nov-2013-Jun-2032 165,643 169,165 171,960 7.50% Jul-2004-Sep-2031 45,048 45,652 47,324 8.00% Jan-2007-May-2031 15,040 15,337 15,894 8.50% Nov-2009-Apr-2031 11,236 11,470 12,002 9.00% Jul-2009-May-2025 3,365 3,427 3,588 9.50% Aug-2004 312 312 322 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- 507,122 513,354 521,911 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- Multifamily 4.67% Feb-2012 16,480 16,500 16,473 4.81% May-2012 8,093 8,103 8,091 4.88% Sep-2011 28,558 28,808 28,739 5.16% Dec-2011 38,947 39,099 39,624 5.84% Aug-2010 9,070 9,505 9,473 6.02% Nov-2010 2,735 2,735 2,878 6.25% Dec-2013 2,420 2,499 2,502 6.27% Jan-2012 2,241 2,308 2,308 6.30% Dec-2015 663 649 678 6.40% Mar-2012 60,000* - 7 1,500 6.50% Jun-2016 3,607 3,613 3,777 6.52% Jul-2008 3,428 3,424 3,756 6.53% May-2030 11,920 11,971 12,504 6.63% Apr-2019 2,523 2,523 2,678 6.65% Aug-2007 722 732 766 6.75% Mar-2010 22,000* - - 1,729 6.80% Jul-2016 1,169 1,169 1,245 6.90% Jun-2007 20,334 21,039 21,896 6.96% Aug-2007 9,340 9,674 9,863 6.97% Jun-2007 10,540 10,544 10,656 7.01% Apr-2031 3,728 3,780 4,014 7.04% Jul-2014 7,418** 7,418 7,431 7,876 7.07% Feb-2031 18,859 19,390 20,393 7.14% Sep-2002 2,884 2,880 2,910 7.15% Oct-2009 352 365 361 7.16% Jan-2022 8,606 8,906 9,318 7.18% Aug-2016 708 708 769 7.20% Apr-2010-Aug-2029 10,520 10,167 11,360 7.25% Nov-2011-Jul-2012 9,685 9,685 10,011 7.27% Dec-2009 18,471 18,592 19,309 7.29% Jul-2003 1,683 1,698 1,709 7.30% May-2010-Aug-2006 53,617 55,610 58,577 7.37% Jan-2013 1,709 1,743 1,831 7.38% Jun-2014-Mar-2015 3,200* 2,558 2,578 2,775 7.48% Oct-2006 21,388 21,446 22,702 7.50% Dec-2014 2,441 2,450 2,671 7.71% Feb-2010 9,759 9,995 10,471 7.75% Dec-2012-Dec-2024 5,026 5,027 5,557 7.88% Mar-2007 2,760 2,790 2,813 8.00% Nov-2019-May-2020 6,667 6,645 6,994 8.13% Sep-2012-Aug-2020 10,814 10,783 11,623 8.38% Jan-2022 1,063 1,069 1,157 8.40% Jul-2023 572 582 658 8.50% Sep-2006-Sep-2026 2,214 2,214 2,387 8.63% Sep-2028 7,168 7,171 8,314 8.70% Feb-2005 4,462 4,564 4,634 9.13% Sep-2015 3,700 3,683 4,014 9.25% Jun-2018 4,954 4,940 5,480 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- 92,618 396,576 401,794 421,824 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Total Fannie Mae Securities 92,618 903,698 915,148 943,735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- * Forward commitments. ** During construction the investment is a participation in the construction loan which is secured by a letter of credit from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines; the permanent financing will be a FNMA MBS for which the Trust has issued its commitment. See accompanying notes to financial statements.
SCHEDULE OF PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS June 30, 2002 (Dollars in thousands; unaudited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
FREDDIE MAC SECURITIES (6.5% OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO) Interest Maturity Face Amortized Rate Date Amount Cost Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Single family 6.00% Apr-2005-Apr-2029 $14,952 $14,982 $15,257 6.50% Dec-2006-Oct-2031 48,925 48,802 50,415 7.00% Jun-2004-Mar-2030 55,679 56,399 58,482 7.50% Nov-2003-Apr-2031 28,547 28,641 30,147 8.00% May-2008-Aug 2030 17,960 18,093 18,990 8.25% Nov-2022 60 60 65 8.50% Jun-2010-Jan-2025 9,466 9,624 10,144 9.00% Sep-2010-Mar-2025 1,730 1,781 1,851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 177,319 178,382 185,351 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Multifamily 8.00% Feb-2009 6,060 6,067 6,083 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 6,060 6,067 6,083 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Total Freddie Mac Securities 183,379 184,449 191,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
FEDERAL AGENCY SECURITIES (6.3% OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO) Interest Maturity Face Amortized Rate Date Amount Cost Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.00% Jun-2004 $28,000 $27,975 $27,991 3.50% Sep-2004 10,000 10,329 10,844 3.50% Sep-2004 10,000 10,049 10,066 4.50% Dec-2005 5,000 5,000 5,084 4.67% Jun-2006 5,000 5,000 5,070 5.25% Apr-2007 10,000 10,365 10,369 5.38% May-2006 14,000 13,934 14,634 5.42% Apr-2007 10,000 10,000 10,228 5.50% Jul-2006 25,000 25,936 26,219 6.01% Dec-2005 6,000 6,100 6,407 6.50% Aug-2004 25,000 26,434 26,687 6.88% Jan-2005 30,000 32,072 32,531 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Total Federal Agency Securities 178,000 183,194 186,130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
SCHEDULE OF PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS June 30, 2002 (Dollars in thousands; unaudited) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
State Housing Finance Agency Securities (1.7% of total portfolio) Interest Maturity Face Amortized Rates Date Amount Cost Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multifamily 7.63% Oct-2009 $721 $721 $751 7.70% Jun-2006-Jun-2029 39,824 39,828 41,829 8.00% Jan-2026 4,685 4,677 4,989 8.38% Feb-2007 673 701 720 8.63% Jan-2013 425 429 443 9.00% Jan-2025 933 933 998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total State Housing Finance Agency Securities 47,261 47,289 49,730 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------
CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT MORTGAGES (0.8% OF TOTAL PORTFOLIO) Interest Rates* Maturity Commitment Face Amortized Permanent Construction Date** Amount Amount Cost Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Multifamily N/A 6.00% Nov-2002 $27,315 $18,733 $18,570 $18,733 8.13% N/A Aug-2005 488 480 517 8.63% N/A Jun-2025 1,372 1,372 1,489 9.50% N/A Aug-2012-Apr-2024 2,055 2,058 2,281 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Total Construction and Permanent Mortgages 27,315 22,648 22,480 23,020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Total Long-Term Investments $2,746,878 $2,770,099 $2,902,546 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- * Construction interest rates are the rates charged to the borrower during the construction phase of the project. The permanent interest rates are effective upon commencement of operations of a project, subject to the achievement of certain criteria. ** Permanent mortgage maturity date. See accompanying notes to financial statements.
SCHEDULE OF PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS June 30, 2002 (Dollars in thousands; unaudited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
Short-Term Investments (2.1% of total portfolio) Maturity Interest Face Amortized Description Date Rate Amount Cost Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Repurchase Agreements Amalgamated Bank* Aug-2002 1.75% $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- 2,000 2,000 2,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Commercial Paper Harvard University Jul-2002 1.77% 4,315 4,313 4,313 Clipper Receivable Jul-2002 1.78% 5,000 5,000 5,000 Harvard University Jul-2002 1.93% 5,000 5,000 5,000 George Washington University Jul-2002 1.95% 14,275 14,275 14,275 Cargill Incorporated Jul-2002 1.96% 20,000 20,000 20,000 George Washington University Jul-2002 2.00% 7,000 7,000 7,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- 55,590 55,588 55,588 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Certificates of Deposit Shore Bank-Chicago Aug-2002 2.00% 100 100 100 Shore Bank-Cleveland Jul-2002 1.86% 100 100 100 Shore Bank-Pacific Nov-2002 2.65% 100 100 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- 300 300 300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Total Short-Term Investments 57,890 57,888 57,888 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Total Investments $2,804,768 $2,827,987 $2,960,434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- * This instrument was purchased in May 2002. The Trust will receive $2,008,630 upon maturity. The underlying collateral of the repurchase agreement is a FHLMC security with a market value of $2,159,516. See accompanying notes to financial statements.
STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS For the six months ended June 30, 2002 (Dollars in thousands; unaudited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Investment Income FHA permanent securities $15,408 FHA construction securities 1,656 Ginnie Mae securities (including forward commitments) 24,123 Ginnie Mae construction securities 8,258 Fannie Mae securities (including forward commitments) 29,407 Freddie Mac securities 7,499 Federal Agency Securities 3,206 United States Treasury Notes 288 State Housing Finance Agency Securities 1,848 Construction and Permanent Mortgages 497 Short-term investments 623 Net premium amortization (4,373) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Total Income 88,440 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Expenses Officer salaries and fringe benefits 972 Other salaries and fringe benefits 2,484 Legal fees 183 Consulting fees 113 Auditing and tax and accounting fees 88 Insurance 105 Marketing and sales promotion 291 Investment management 160 Trustee expenses 21 General expenses 1,124 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Total Expenses 5,541 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Investment income-net 82,899 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Realized loss on investments (335) Net change in unrealized appreciation on investments 64,535 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Realized and unrealized net gains on investments 64,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Net increase in net assets resulting from operations $147,099 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ See accompanying notes to financial statements.
STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS For the six months ended June 30, 2002 (Dollars in thousands; unaudited) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increase In Net Assets From Operations Investment income-net $ 82,899 Realized loss on investments (335) Net change in unrealized appreciation on investments 64,535 ------------------------------------------------ Net increase in net assets resulting from operations 147,099 ------------------------------------------------ Distributions paid to participants or reinvested from: Investment income-net (82,899) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increase In Net Assets From Unit Transactions Proceeds from the sale of units of participation 117,458 Dividend reinvestment of units of participation 74,576 Payments for redemption of units of participation (47,594) ------------------------------------------------ Net increase from unit transactions 144,440 ----------------------------------------------- Total increase in net assets 208,640 ----------------------------------------------- Net assets at beginning of period 2,751,482 ----------------------------------------------- Net assets at end of period $2,960,122 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Information Units Sold 105,290 Distributions reinvested 67,172 Units redeemed (42,808) ----------------------------------------------- Increase in units outstanding 129,654 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- See accompanying notes to financial statements.
NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) Housing Investment Trust (the Trust) is a common law trust created under the laws of the District of Columbia and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as a no-load, open-end investment company. The Trust has obtained certain exemptions from the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940 that are described in the Trust's prospectus. Participation in the Trust is limited to eligible labor organizations and pension, welfare and retirement plans that have beneficiaries who are represented by labor organizations. The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by the Trust in the preparation of its financial statements. The policies are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. INVESTMENT VALUATION Investments are presented at fair market value. Fair market value determinations are summarized by specific category of investment as follows: Long-term investments, consisting of mortgage-backed securities, agency securities, and insured construction and permanent mortgage securities are valued using published prices, dealer bids or discounted cash flow models using market-based discount and prepayment rates, developed for each investment category. The market-based discount rate is composed of a risk-free yield (i.e., a U.S. Treasury Note) adjusted for an appropriate risk premium. The risk premium reflects actual premiums in the marketplace over the yield on U.S. Treasury securities of comparable risk and maturity to the security being valued as adjusted for other market considerations. On investments for which the Trust finances the construction and permanent securities, value is determined based upon the total amount of the commitment for the term of the construction securities plus the permanent securities. For insured construction-only securities, the outstanding principal balance of the securities is used to approximate value, assuming no decline in credit quality. Other long-term investments such as agency securities and U.S. Treasury debt obligations are valued based on readily available market quotes. Short-term investments, consisting of repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and commercial paper that mature less than sixty days from the balance sheet date, are valued at amortized cost, which approximates value. Short-term investments maturing more than sixty days from the balance sheet date are valued at the last reported sales price on the last business day of the month or the mean between the reported bid and ask price if there was no sale. Short-term investments maturing more than sixty days from the balance sheet date for which there are no quoted market prices are valued to reflect current market yields for securities with comparable terms and interest rates. USE OF ESTIMATES The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. FEDERAL INCOME TAXES The Trust's policy is to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code that are applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute all of its taxable income to its participants. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. The total cost of the portfolio of investments for federal income tax purposes approximates the cost of all investments for financial statement purposes. DISTRIBUTIONS TO PARTICIPANTS At the end of each calendar month, pro rata distribution is made to participants of the net investment income earned during the preceding month. Amounts distributable, but not disbursed, as of the balance sheet date are classified as income distribution payable. Participants redeeming their investments are paid their pro rata share of undistributed net income accrued through the month-end of redemption. The Trust offers an income reinvestment plan that allows current participants to automatically reinvest their income distribution into Trust units of participation. Total reinvestment was 90 percent of distributable income for the six months ended June 30, 2002. INVESTMENT INCOME Interest income is recognized on an accrual basis. Commitment fees, points and other discounts or premiums resulting from the funding or acquisition of mortgage securities or mortgage-backed securities are accounted for as an adjustment to the cost of the investment and amortized over the estimated life of the mortgage securities or mortgage-backed security using the effective interest method. Realized gains and losses from investment transactions are recorded on the trade date using an identified cost basis. 12B-1 PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION The Board of Trustees annually approves a 12b-1 Plan of Distribution to pay for expenses incurred in connection with the offer and sale of units and related service and distribution activities. For the year ended December 31, 2002, the Trust may pay for 12b-1 expenses in an amount up to $600,000 or 0.05 percent of its average monthly net assets on an annualized basis each fiscal year, whichever is greater. RECEIVABLES-INVESTMENTS SOLD Receivables-Investments Sold represents investments that were sold prior to June 30, 2002, which settled subsequent to June 30, 2002. PAYABLES-INVESTMENTS PURCHASED Payables-Investments Purchased represents investments that were purchased prior to June 30, 2002, which settled subsequent to June 30, 2002. NOTE 2. TRANSACTIONS WITH AFFILIATES During the six months ended June 30, 2002, the Trust provided certain personnel to the AFL-CIO Investment Trust Corporation (formerly known as the Building Investment Trust Corporation), a D.C. non-profit corporation, on a cost-reimbursement basis. The total cost for such personnel and related expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2002 amounted to approximately $869,000. During the six months ended June 30, 2002, the Trust was reimbursed for approximately $1.7 million of current and prior year costs. At June 30, 2002, approximately $648,000 is included within the accounts receivable in the accompanying financial statements for amounts outstanding. NOTE 3. COMMITMENTS Certain assets of the Trust are invested in short-term investments until they are required to fund purchase commitments for insured construction securities, mortgage-backed securities or permanent mortgages. At June 30, 2002, the Trust had outstanding unfunded purchase commitments of approximately $359.1 million, of which approximately $245.2 million represented insured construction securities and approximately $113.9 million represented permanent mortgages and other investments. The Trust maintains a reserve, in the form of securities, no less than the total of the outstanding unfunded purchase commitments, less short-term investments. As of June 30, 2002, the value of the securities maintained for the reserve was approximately $1.9 billion. The commitment amounts disclosed on the Schedule of Portfolio Investments represent the original commitment amount, which includes both funded and unfunded commitments. Note 4. Investment Transactions A summary of investment transactions (excluding short-term investments) for the separate instruments included in the Trust's investment portfolio, at amortized cost, for the six months ended June 30, 2002, follows:
Investment Transactions (Dollars in thousands) FHA FHA Ginnie Ginnie Mae Fannie Permanent Construction Mae Construction Mae Securities Securities Securities Securities Securities* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Balance, January 1, 2002 $403,451 $57,510 $561,603 $254,592 $823,640 Purchases and insured construction securities advances, net of discounts 39,202 15,122 208,607 100,706 383,268 Change in discounts and (premiums) (244) 81 3,291 781 2,082 Transfers (14,900) (35,763) 141,845 (91,182) - Principal reductions/ sales (34,709) (132) (173,181) (19,141) (293,842) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Balance, June 30, 2002 $392,800 $36,818 $742,165 $245,756 $915,148 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- State Construction Freddie Federal US Housing and Mac Agency Treasury Finance Agency Permanent Securities Securities Notes Securities Mortgages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Balance, January 1, 2002 $263,092 $140,234 $65,362 $47,371 $3,991 Purchases and insured construction securities advances, net of discounts 10,000 153,000 10,000 456 18,733 Change in discounts and (premiums) (884) (40) (2,862) (20) (149) Transfers - - - - - Principal reductions/ sales (87,759) (110,000) (72,500) (518) (95) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Balance, June 30, 2002 $184,449 $183,194 - $47,289 22,480 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- *including forward commitments
Note 5. Participants' Equity (Dollars in thousands) Participants' equity consisted of the following at June 30, 2002: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount invested and reinvested by current participants $ 2,827,445 Accumulated unrealized appreciation in the value of investments 132,447 Accumulated undistributed investment income-net 230 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 2,960,122 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE 6. RETIREMENT AND DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLANS The Trust participates in the AFL-CIO Staff Retirement Plan, which is a multiple employer-defined benefit pension plan, covering substantially all employees. This plan was funded by employer contributions, at rates approximating 11 percent of employees' salaries for the six months ended June 30, 2002. The total Trust pension expense for the six months ended June 30, 2002 was approximately $295,000. The Trust also participates in a deferred compensation plan, referred to as a 401(k) plan, covering substantially all employees. This plan permits an employee to defer the lesser of 100 percent of their total compensation or the applicable IRS limit. The Trust matches dollar for dollar the first $2,500 of employee contributions. The Trust's 401(k) contribution for the six months ended June 30, 2002 was approximately $107,000. NOTE 7. BANK SECURITIES The Trust has a secured $12.5 million bank line of credit. A segregated account of Trust-owned securities serves as collateral for the line of credit. As of June 30, 2002, the account has a value of approximately $20.6 million. In addition, the Trust has a $12.5 million uncommitted and unsecured line of credit facility. Borrowings under these agreements bear interest at LIBOR plus one-half percent. Both lines of credit mature on May 31, 2003. As of June 30, 2002, the Trust had no outstanding balance on either of these facilities. No compensating balances are required. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Selected Per Share Data and Ratios for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2002 and the Years Ended December 31, 2001, 2000, 1999 and 1998
Six Months Ended June 30, 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- Per Share Data Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period $1,098.40 $1,085.42 $1,035.72 $1,114.08 $ 1,104.30 INCOME FROM OPERATIONS Net Investment Income 32.77 70.86 72.83 71.65 77.48 Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments 25.14 16.24 49.70 (77.96) 11.15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- Total From Investment Operations 57.91 87.10 122.53 (6.31) 88.63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- LESS DISTRIBUTIONS Distribution from investment income- net (32.77) (70.93) (72.83) (71.74) (77.55) Distribution from realized gain on investments - (3.19) - (0.31) (1.30) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- Total Distributions (32.77) (74.12) (72.83) (72.05) (78.85) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Net Asset Value, End of Period $1,123.54 $1,098.40 $1,085.42 $1,035.72 $1,114.08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Ratios Ratio of expenses to average net assets 0.39% (1) 0.37% 0.38% 0.39% 0.39% Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 5.9% (1) 6.4% 6.9% 6.7% 6.8% Portfolio turnover rate 57.6% (1) 40.9% 25.9% 31.7% 39.5% Number of outstanding units at end of period 2,634,638 2,504,984 2,282,511 2,075,197 1,816,185 Net Assets, End of Period $2,960,122 $2,751,482 $2,477,482 $2,149,327 $2,023,371 Total Return 10.99% (1) 8.21% 12.31% (0.57%) 8.28% (1) Percents are annualized. See accompanying notes to financial statements.
(Back Cover) AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust 1717 K Street, NW Suite 707 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 331-8055 www.aflcio-hit.com