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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 29, 2012
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies  
Principles of Consolidation and Financial Statement Presentation

Principles of Consolidation and Financial Statement Presentation

Our Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts of Textron Inc. and its majority-owned subsidiaries.  Our financings are conducted through two separate borrowing groups.  The Manufacturing group consists of Textron Inc. consolidated with its majority-owned subsidiaries that operate in the Cessna, Bell, Textron Systems and Industrial segments.  The Finance group, which also is the Finance segment, consists of Textron Financial Corporation (TFC), its consolidated subsidiaries and three other finance subsidiaries owned by Textron Inc.  We designed this framework to enhance our borrowing power by separating the Finance group.  Our Manufacturing group operations include the development, production and delivery of tangible goods and services, while our Finance group provides financial services.  Due to the fundamental differences between each borrowing group’s activities, investors, rating agencies and analysts use different measures to evaluate each group’s performance.  To support those evaluations, we present balance sheet and cash flow information for each borrowing group within the Consolidated Financial Statements.


Our Finance group provides captive financing for retail purchases and leases for new and used aircraft and equipment manufactured by our Manufacturing group.  In the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, cash received from customers or from the sale of receivables is reflected as operating activities when received from third parties.  However, in the cash flow information provided for the separate borrowing groups, cash flows related to captive financing activities are reflected based on the operations of each group.  For example, when product is sold by our Manufacturing group to a customer and is financed by the Finance group, the origination of the finance receivable is recorded within investing activities as a cash outflow in the Finance group’s statement of cash flows.  Meanwhile, in the Manufacturing group’s statement of cash flows, the cash received from the Finance group on the customer’s behalf is recorded within operating cash flows as a cash inflow.  Although cash is transferred between the two borrowing groups, there is no cash transaction reported in the consolidated cash flows at the time of the original financing.  These captive financing activities, along with all significant intercompany transactions, are reclassified or eliminated in consolidation.


Collaborative Arrangements

Collaborative Arrangements

Our Bell segment has a strategic alliance agreement with The Boeing Company (Boeing) to provide engineering, development and test services related to the V-22 aircraft, as well as to produce the V-22 aircraft, under a number of separate contracts with the U.S. Government (V-22 Contracts).  The alliance created by this agreement is not a legal entity and has no employees, no assets and no true operations.  This agreement creates contractual rights and does not represent an entity in which we have an equity interest.  We account for this alliance as a collaborative arrangement with Bell and Boeing reporting costs incurred and revenues generated from transactions with the U.S. Government in each company’s respective income statement.  Neither Bell nor Boeing is considered to be the principal participant for the transactions recorded under this agreement.  Profits on cost-plus contracts are allocated between Bell and Boeing on a 50%-50% basis.  Negotiated profits on fixed-price contracts are also allocated 50%-50%; however, Bell and Boeing are each responsible for their own cost overruns and are entitled to retain any cost underruns.  Based on the contractual arrangement established under the alliance, Bell accounts for its rights and obligations under the specific requirements of the V-22 Contracts allocated to Bell under the work breakdown structure.  We account for all of our rights and obligations, including warranty, product and any contingent liabilities, under the specific requirements of the V-22 Contracts allocated to us under the agreement.  Revenues and cost of sales reflect our performance under the V-22 Contracts with revenues recognized using the units-of-delivery method.  We include all assets used in performance of the V-22 Contracts that we own, including inventory and unpaid receivables and all liabilities arising from our obligations under the V-22 Contracts in our Consolidated Balance Sheets.


Use of Estimates

Use of Estimates

We prepare our financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, which require us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.  Our estimates and assumptions are reviewed periodically, and the effects of changes, if any, are reflected in the Consolidated Statements of Operations in the period that they are determined.


During 2012, 2011 and 2010, we changed our estimates of revenues and costs on certain long-term contracts that are accounted for under the percentage-of-completion method of accounting.  These changes in estimates increased income from continuing operations before income taxes in 2012, 2011 and 2010 by $15 million, $54 million and $78 million, respectively, ($9 million, $34 million and $49 million after tax, or $0.03, $0.11 and $0.16 per diluted share, respectively).  For 2012, 2011 and 2010, the gross favorable program profit adjustments totaled $88 million, $83 million and $98 million, respectively.  For 2012, 2011 and 2010, the gross unfavorable program profit adjustments totaled $73 million, $29 million and $20 million, respectively.


Cash and Equivalents

Cash and Equivalents

Cash and equivalents consist of cash and short-term, highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less.


Revenue Recognition

Revenue Recognition

We generally recognize revenue for the sale of products, which are not under long-term contracts, upon delivery.  For commercial aircraft, delivery is upon completion of manufacturing, customer acceptance, and the transfer of the risk and rewards of ownership.  Taxes collected from customers and remitted to government authorities are recorded on a net basis.


When a sale arrangement involves multiple deliverables, such as sales of products that include customization and other services, we evaluate the arrangement to determine whether there are separate items that are required to be delivered under the arrangement that qualify as separate units of accounting.  These arrangements typically involve the customization services we offer to customers who purchase Bell helicopters, and the services generally are provided within the first six months after the customer accepts the aircraft and assumes risk of loss.  We consider the aircraft and the customization services to be separate units of accounting and allocate contract price between the two on a relative selling price basis using the best evidence of selling price for each of the arrangement deliverables, typically by reference to the price charged when the same or similar items are sold separately by us, taking into consideration any performance, cancellation, termination or refund-type provisions.  We recognize revenue when the recognition criteria for each unit of accounting are met.


Long-Term Contracts — Revenues under long-term contracts are accounted for under the percentage-of-completion method of accounting.  Under this method, we estimate profit as the difference between the total estimated revenues and cost of a contract.  We then recognize that estimated profit over the contract term based on either the units-of-delivery method or the cost-to-cost method (which typically is used for development effort as costs are incurred), as appropriate under the circumstances.  Revenues under fixed-price contracts generally are recorded using the units-of-delivery method.  Revenues under cost-reimbursement contracts are recorded using the cost-to-cost method.


Long-term contract profits are based on estimates of total contract cost and revenues utilizing current contract specifications, expected engineering requirements, the achievement of contract milestones and product deliveries.  Certain contracts are awarded with fixed-price incentive fees that also are considered when estimating revenues and profit rates.  Contract costs typically are incurred over a period of several years, and the estimation of these costs requires substantial judgment.  Our cost estimation process is based on the professional knowledge and experience of engineers and program managers along with finance professionals.  We update our projections of costs at least semiannually or when circumstances significantly change.  When adjustments are required, any changes from prior estimates are recognized using the cumulative catch-up method with the impact of the change from inception-to-date recorded in the current period.  Anticipated losses on contracts are recognized in full in the period in which the losses become probable and estimable.


Finance Revenues — Finance revenues include interest on finance receivables, direct loan origination costs and fees received, and capital and leveraged lease earnings, as well as portfolio gains/losses.  Portfolio gains/losses include impairment charges related to repossessed assets and properties and gains/losses on the sale or early termination of finance assets.  Revenues on direct loan origination costs and fees received are deferred and amortized to finance revenues over the contractual lives of the respective receivables and credit lines using the interest method.  When receivables are sold or prepaid, unamortized amounts are recognized in finance revenues.


We recognize interest using the interest method, which provides a constant rate of return over the terms of the receivables.  Accrual of interest income is suspended if credit quality indicators suggest full collection of principal and interest is doubtful.  In addition, we automatically suspend the accrual of interest income for accounts that are contractually delinquent by more than three months unless collection is not doubtful.  Cash payments on nonaccrual accounts, including finance charges, generally are applied to reduce the net investment balance.  We resume the accrual of interest when the loan becomes contractually current through payment according to the original terms of the loan or, if a loan has been modified, following a period of performance under the terms of the modification, provided we conclude that collection of all principal and interest is no longer doubtful.  Previously suspended interest income is recognized at that time.


Finance Receivables Held for Investment and Allowance for Losses

Finance Receivables Held for Investment and Allowance for Losses

Finance receivables are classified as held for investment when we have the intent and the ability to hold the receivable for the foreseeable future or until maturity or payoff.  Finance receivables held for investment are generally recorded at the amount of outstanding principal less allowance for losses.


We maintain the allowance for losses on finance receivables held for investment at a level considered adequate to cover inherent losses in the portfolio based on management’s evaluation.  For larger balance accounts specifically identified as impaired, including large accounts in homogeneous portfolios, a reserve is established based on comparing the carrying value with either a) the expected future cash flows, discounted at the finance receivable’s effective interest rate; or b) the fair value of the underlying collateral, if the finance receivable is collateral dependent.  The expected future cash flows consider collateral value; financial performance and liquidity of our borrower; existence and financial strength of guarantors; estimated recovery costs, including legal expenses; and costs associated with the repossession/foreclosure and eventual disposal of collateral.  When there is a range of potential outcomes, we perform multiple discounted cash flow analyses and weight the potential outcomes based on their relative likelihood of occurrence.  The evaluation of our portfolio is inherently subjective, as it requires estimates, including the amount and timing of future cash flows expected to be received on impaired finance receivables and the estimated fair value of the underlying collateral, which may differ from actual results.  While our analysis is specific to each individual account, critical factors included in this analysis for the Captive product line include industry valuation guides, age and physical condition of the collateral, payment history and existence and financial strength of guarantors.


We also establish an allowance for losses to cover probable but specifically unknown losses existing in the portfolio.  For the Captive product line, the allowance is established as a percentage of non-recourse finance receivables, which have not been identified as requiring specific reserves.  The percentage is based on a combination of factors, including historical loss experience, current delinquency and default trends, collateral values and both general economic and specific industry trends.


Finance receivables held for investment are charged off at the earlier of the date the collateral is repossessed or when no payment has been received for six months, unless management deems the receivable collectible.  Repossessed assets are recorded at their fair value, less estimated cost to sell.


Finance Receivables Held for Sale

Finance Receivables Held for Sale

Finance receivables are classified as held for sale based on the determination that we no longer intend to hold the receivables for the foreseeable future, until maturity or payoff, or we no longer have the ability to hold to maturity.  Our decision to classify certain finance receivables as held for sale is based on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, contractual duration, type of collateral, credit strength of the borrowers, interest rates and perceived marketability of the receivables.


Finance receivables held for sale are carried at the lower of cost or fair value.  At the time of transfer to the held for sale classification, we establish a valuation allowance for any shortfall between the carrying value and fair value.  In addition, any allowance for loan losses previously allocated to these finance receivables is transferred to the valuation allowance account, which is netted with finance receivables held for sale on the balance sheet.  This valuation allowance is adjusted quarterly.  Fair value changes can occur based on market interest rates, market liquidity, and changes in the credit quality of the borrower and value of underlying loan collateral.




Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or estimated net realizable value.  We value our inventories generally using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method or the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method for certain qualifying inventories where LIFO provides a better matching of costs and revenues. We determine costs for our commercial helicopters on an average cost basis by model considering the expended and estimated costs for the current production release.  Inventoried costs related to long-term contracts are stated at actual production costs, including allocable operating overhead, advances to suppliers, and, in the case of contracts with the U.S. Government, allocable research and development and general and administrative expenses.  Since our inventoried costs include amounts related to contracts with long production cycles, a portion of these costs is not expected to be realized within one year.  Pursuant to contract provisions, agencies of the U.S. Government have title to, or security interest in, inventories related to such contracts as a result of advances, performance-based payments and progress payments.  Such advances and payments are reflected as an offset against the related inventory balances.  Customer deposits are recorded against inventory when the right of offset exists.  All other customer deposits are recorded in accrued liabilities.


Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment are recorded at cost and are depreciated primarily using the straight-line method.  We capitalize expenditures for improvements that increase asset values and extend useful lives.


Intangible and Other Long-Lived Assets

Intangible and Other Long-Lived Assets

At acquisition, we estimate and record the fair value of purchased intangible assets primarily using a discounted cash flow analysis of anticipated cash flows reflecting incremental revenues and/or cost savings resulting from the acquired intangible asset using market participant assumptions.  Amortization of intangible assets with finite lives is recognized over their estimated useful lives using a method of amortization that reflects the pattern in which the economic benefits of the intangible assets are consumed or otherwise realized.  Approximately 37% of our gross intangible assets are amortized using the straight-line method, with the remaining assets, primarily customer agreements, amortized based on the cash flow streams used to value the asset.  Long-lived assets, including intangible assets subject to amortization, are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of the asset may not be recoverable.  If the carrying value of the asset held for use exceeds the sum of the undiscounted expected future cash flows, the carrying value of the asset generally is written down to fair value.  Long-lived assets held for sale are stated at the lower of cost or fair value less cost to sell.  Fair value is determined using pertinent market information, including estimated future discounted cash flows.




We evaluate the recoverability of goodwill annually in the fourth quarter or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances, such as declines in sales, earnings or cash flows, or material adverse changes in the business climate, indicate that the carrying value of a reporting unit might be impaired.  The reporting unit represents the operating segment unless discrete financial information is prepared and reviewed by segment management for businesses one level below that operating segment, in which case such component is the reporting unit.  In certain instances, we have aggregated components of an operating segment into a single reporting unit based on similar economic characteristics.


We may perform a qualitative assessment based on economic, industry and company-specific factors as the initial step in our annual goodwill impairment test for selected reporting units.  If we determine that it is more likely than not that a reporting unit’s fair value exceeds its carrying value, we do not perform a quantitative assessment.  For all other reporting units, we calculate the fair value of each reporting unit, primarily using discounted cash flows.  The discounted cash flows incorporate assumptions for the unit’s short- and long-term revenue growth rates, operating margins and discount rates, which represent our best estimates of current and forecasted market conditions, cost structure, anticipated net cost reductions, and the implied rate of return that we believe a market participant would require for an investment in a business having similar risks and business characteristics to the reporting unit being assessed.  If the reporting unit’s estimated fair value exceeds its carrying value, the reporting unit is not impaired, and no further analysis is performed.  Otherwise, the amount of the impairment must be determined by comparing the carrying amount of the reporting unit goodwill to the implied fair value of that goodwill.  The implied fair value of goodwill is determined by assigning a fair value to all of the reporting unit’s assets and liabilities, including any unrecognized intangible assets, as if the reporting unit had been acquired in a business combination at fair value.  If the carrying amount of the reporting unit goodwill exceeds the implied fair value, an impairment loss would be recognized in an amount equal to that excess.

Pension and Postretirement Benefit Obligations

Pension and Postretirement Benefit Obligations

We maintain various pension and postretirement plans for our employees globally.  These plans include significant pension and postretirement benefit obligations, which are calculated based on actuarial valuations.  Key assumptions used in determining these obligations and related expenses include expected long-term rates of return on plan assets, discount rates and healthcare cost projections.  We evaluate and update these assumptions annually in consultation with third-party actuaries and investment advisors.  We also make assumptions regarding employee demographic factors such as retirement patterns, mortality, turnover and rate of compensation increases.  We recognize the overfunded or underfunded status of our pension and postretirement plans in the Consolidated Balance Sheets and recognize changes in the funded status of our defined benefit plans in comprehensive income in the year in which they occur. Actuarial gains and losses that are not immediately recognized as net periodic pension cost are recognized as a component of other comprehensive (loss) income (OCI) and are amortized into net periodic pension cost in future periods.


Derivative Financial Instruments

Derivative Financial Instruments

We are exposed to market risk primarily from changes in interest rates and currency exchange rates.  We do not hold or issue derivative financial instruments for trading or speculative purposes.  To manage the volatility relating to our exposures, we net these exposures on a consolidated basis to take advantage of natural offsets.  For the residual portion, we enter into various derivative transactions pursuant to our policies in areas such as counterparty exposure and hedging practices.  All derivative instruments are reported at fair value in the Consolidated Balance Sheets.  Designation to support hedge accounting is performed on a specific exposure basis.  For financial instruments qualifying as fair value hedges, we record changes in fair value in earnings, offset, in part or in whole, by corresponding changes in the fair value of the underlying exposures being hedged.  For cash flow hedges, we record changes in the fair value of derivatives (to the extent they are effective as hedges) in OCI, net of deferred taxes.  Changes in fair value of derivatives not qualifying as hedges are recorded in earnings.


Foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities are translated into U.S. dollars.  Adjustments from currency rate changes are recorded in the cumulative translation adjustment account in shareholders’ equity until the related foreign entity is sold or substantially liquidated.  We use foreign currency financing transactions to effectively hedge long-term investments in foreign operations with the same corresponding currency.  Foreign currency gains and losses on the hedge of the long-term investments are recorded in the cumulative translation adjustment account with the offset recorded as an adjustment to debt.


Product Liabilities

Product Liabilities

We accrue for product liability claims and related defense costs when a loss is probable and reasonably estimable.  Our estimates are generally based on the specifics of each claim or incident and our best estimate of the probable loss using historical experience.


Environmental Liabilities and Asset Retirement Obligations

Environmental Liabilities and Asset Retirement Obligations

Liabilities for environmental matters are recorded on a site-by-site basis when it is probable that an obligation has been incurred and the cost can be reasonably estimated.  We estimate our accrued environmental liabilities using currently available facts, existing technology, and presently enacted laws and regulations, all of which are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties.  Our environmental liabilities are not discounted and do not take into consideration possible future insurance proceeds or significant amounts from claims against other third parties.


We have incurred asset retirement obligations primarily related to costs to remove and dispose of underground storage tanks and asbestos materials used in insulation, adhesive fillers and floor tiles.  There is no legal requirement to remove these items, and there currently is no plan to remodel the related facilities or otherwise cause the impacted items to require disposal.  Since these asset retirement obligations are not estimable, there is no related liability recorded in the Consolidated Balance Sheets.


Warranty and Product Maintenance Contracts

Warranty and Product Maintenance Contracts

We provide limited warranty and product maintenance programs, including parts and labor, for certain products for periods ranging from one to five years.  We estimate the costs that may be incurred under warranty programs and record a liability in the amount of such costs at the time product revenues are recognized.  Factors that affect this liability include the number of products sold, historical and anticipated rates of warranty claims, and cost per claim.  We assess the adequacy of our recorded warranty and product maintenance liabilities periodically and adjust the amounts as necessary.  Additionally, we may establish warranty liabilities related to the issuance of aircraft service bulletins for aircraft no longer covered under the limited warranty programs.


Research and Development Costs

Research and Development Costs

Our customer-funded research and development costs are charged directly to the related contracts, which primarily consist of U.S. Government contracts.  In accordance with government regulations, we recover a portion of company-funded research and development costs through overhead rate charges on our U.S. Government contracts.  Research and development costs that are not reimbursable under a contract with the U.S. Government or another customer are charged to expense as incurred.  Company-funded research and development costs were $584 million, $525 million, and $403 million in 2012, 2011 and 2010, respectively, and are included in cost of sales.


Income Taxes

Income Taxes

Deferred income tax balances reflect the effects of temporary differences between the financial reporting carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their tax bases, as well as from net operating losses and tax credit carryforwards, and are stated at enacted tax rates in effect for the year taxes are expected to be paid or recovered.  Deferred income tax assets represent amounts available to reduce income taxes payable on taxable income in future years.  We evaluate the recoverability of these future tax deductions and credits by assessing the adequacy of future expected taxable income from all sources, including the future reversal of existing taxable temporary differences, taxable income in carryback years, available tax planning strategies and estimated future taxable income.  We recognize net tax-related interest and penalties for continuing operations in income tax expense.