Exhibit 2.01


Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting Entity Name Solaris Resources Inc.
Reporting Year From 1/1/2023 To: 12/31/2023 Date submitted 5/28/2024
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number E375408    
Other Subsidiaries Included
(optional field)
Not Consolidated    
Not Substituted        
Attestation by Reporting Entity              
In accordance with the requirements of the ESTMA, and in particular section 9 thereof, I attest I have reviewed the information contained in the ESTMA report for the entity(ies) listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, the information in the ESTMA report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.  

Full Name of Director or Officer of Reporting Entity


Sunny Lowe Date 5/28/2024  
Position Title Chief Financial Officer  





Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting Year From: 1/1/2023 To:  12/31/2023              
Reporting Entity Name Solaris Resources Inc. Currency of the Report USD      
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number E375408          
Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if necessary)            
Payments by Payee
Country Payee Name Departments, Agency, etc… within Payee that Received Payments Taxes Royalties Fees Production Entitlements Bonuses Dividends Infrastructure Improvement Payments Total Amount paid to Payee1 Notes
Chile Government of Chile   General Treasury of the Republic of Chile                                          -                                            -                                  135,000                                              -                                            -                                            -                                            -                                  135,000  
Ecuador  Decentralized Autonomous Parish Government of San Antonio                                            -                                            -                                            -                                                 -                                            -                                            -                               1,019,000                            1,019,000 Infrastructure improvements are payments for public road construction that do not relate primarily to the operational purposes of the Company. Payments are reported in the period in which the payment was made.
Ecuador Government of Ecuador  Internal Revenue Service                                165,000                                         -                                  322,000                                              -                                            -                                            -                                            -                                  487,000 Tax payment is for temporary contribution of 0.8% on the Company’s net 2020 equity in Ecuador for fiscal year 2023.
Ecuador Government of Ecuador  Ministry Of Environment, Water And Ecological Transition                                          -                                            -                               1,535,000                                              -                                            -                                            -                                            -                               1,535,000  
Ecuador Municipal Government Of Quito                                   91,000                                         -                                            -                                                 -                                            -                                            -                                            -                                    91,000  
Ecuador  Municipal Government Of Canton Morona                                    88,000                                         -                                            -                                                 -                                            -                                            -                                            -                                    88,000  
Ecuador Government of Ecuador Superintendency Of Companies                               105,000                                         -                                            -                                                 -                                            -                                            -                                            -                                  105,000  
Additional Notes:
1 All payments are reported in U.S. dollars (USD) which is the reporting currency of the consolidated financial statements of Solaris Resources Inc. (the “Company” or “Solaris”). Payments in Chile were made in Chilean Peso (CLP) and translated using the average annual rate of USD to CLP: 1 USD = 839.07 CLP. Payments in Ecuador were made in USD. All figures have been rounded to the nearest $1,000.

The Company makes contributions to the Shuar Centres of Warints and Yawi (hereinafter “Communities”) in Ecuador under an Impacts and Benefits Agreement. Although the Communities are not defined as Payees under the Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act, Solaris recognizes that the Warintza Project is located on ancestral lands belonging to the Communities.





Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting Year From: 1/1/2023 To:  12/31/2023            
Reporting Entity Name Solaris Resources Inc. Currency of the Report USD    
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number E375408        
Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if necessary)          
Payments by Project
Country Project Name Taxes Royalties Fees Production Entitlements Bonuses Dividends Infrastructure Improvement Payments Total Amount paid by Project1 Notes
Chile Ricardo                                         -                                            -                                  100,000                                         -                                            -                                            -                                            -                                  100,000  
Chile Tamarugo                                         -                                            -                                    35,000                                         -                                            -                                            -                                            -                                    35,000  
Ecuador Warintza                               449,000                                         -                               1,857,000                                         -                                            -                                            -                               1,019,000                            3,325,000
Infrastructure improvements are payments for public road construction that do not relate primarily to the operational purposes of the Company. Payments are reported in the period in which the payment was made.

Tax payment is for temporary contribution of 0.8% on the Company’s net 2020 equity in Ecuador for fiscal year 2023.
Additional Notes: 1 All payments are reported in U.S. dollars (USD) which is the reporting currency of the consolidated financial statements of Solaris Resources Inc. (the “Company” or “Solaris”). Payments in Chile were made in Chilean Peso (CLP) and translated using the average annual rate of USD to CLP: 1 USD = 839.07 CLP. Payments in Ecuador were made in USD. All figures have been rounded to the nearest $1,000.

The Company makes contributions to the Shuar Centres of Warints and Yawi (hereinafter “Communities”) in Ecuador under an Impacts and Benefits Agreement. Although the Communities are not defined as Payees under the Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act, Solaris recognizes that the Warintza Project is located on ancestral lands belonging to the Communities.