EX-2.2 3 ex2_2.htm

Exhibit 2.2

*14 0 .,. . 1 ., . 05* • Artlcles of Merger (Pl,JRS:t,INn TO !12A2CO) Page 1 - -- .v - 00110, - .. - . 8ARSAAA K. CEGAVSl(f ...... .,.,o1,i.i. 2021toft!!CW - 8CIMI c:.,._c,y,,.., .. lf101 - ct01 (17$1.... 57 .. : - .f!l'IOl.ff• 1 i , l.: d i n1h e() fli teQf - • "'""'' .(<:, - r, - 20 19()0 1 87 22 - · 12 s • ' ::. ; . o . c r , s ' - - - - .. ........... , _ 01/1512019 9:17 AM St:1 1 el!JiN"e , ._.d• , ,. , o - _ E 0833272007 • 9 Articltt of MtUltc (Pu,.uant to NRS Cllept• i2A) 1) - _,...,.d_,,ot ot - ll' - t (HFllt .200): 0 = - .q -- :so =.. =:=.r - :i':!J.fl" l • MMI:.,_ /11,C llo.de«aNime Ct&JCGSut - eid,try, . , K .. a . n ,, ,off - ,l ng - - ......... ... ASCBlff<i Nflll'lt - Of .,,....Inf ..Cit, ! . < . e . ' . < . M .. b .... • _,,,..... Hco, H . - GO.,P.,.16' 0 - , F1 11 "9 F•: SSS0.00 nw,,,J.,, i,,, - • - w · . . · .. - . . .. . . , . , .


• 1AA8AAA K.CECAV$1(e lee - ..... 20tNOAAea. - ac...1 C - O..Ctt,, M . " ......701 Ż aot 01'&)......,. \ IHlodt: - · - '9" Art lc l es of Merger (.PURst.WfT TO f;A.$ 9ZA.2C0 Ź Page2 AIKM!•' - " • ,o,1omee. - OIILY 21 FGrwlnlnO Nd,...'lltltnc:o,IK.S • _ ,._ _._.,""'SK .......ot..... ot - ••l1'•1 0 , . . , . , i o , ,n - ,1e1Me.......o,111""9 • N MttA. 1 to)t 0 ,.,. !MO' - Wt• p!Mot_,,...ftfll "'""""f'IMI II')'_.. "''"' 1)11'1$91A..ll00). fXI ,_..,..,_...s.t._l!IM,pltn l --- "..,._..tr, l hifjNl'tfltcl_. - tttr (ti"' ffA. 1tot,. 0 - .1'1 ..... til lJ'R:$ ( opllr,tlll - . . o,0111 N11_.,,,lfCIIINltllt,10t.. o h """>') 1 Ƒ == ..:::::::.'!::.n::..C:: - II00:::'.:::.7..: :::..: - = l<'lki.fow. ( l IWOff«'" - "'" 1 - AM:: c.N - Ci.tp&lbP6uy , ri.:. N.,,,. of m... llf tl'dly, If ill W o flW - f iJnll .mt)' , It •P A$Cl);:tci flt:. ol ,1.WYIYll'IO ..,llt/ . ll - tilt


..... - - . IC. etGAV$Kt 0191• toQKorltlC - n..,_ C. - Cl!y . Ntv ed • NTGl - l .,,,, ..... ,.. w... - : - - .oov Articles of Merger (IUtSUANT TOHRS S2A.200) Page3 •U,,...«r,t., .. - . -- !/tvt l tt """" - O! l liuff!M t M t,l - 1 Ml'O..Obf.a l \ f!M - - d 1 ldltJJ s N n W1.1111lh 11 1t1 - lo. - it - , iih , _, - .,olS - IM...,..,_) - l I J


• o t • C , ( l r U . U o . , O I - M a • .AY$11C.l , 202N_C_,,,..... C:,,oonQ'Y , ......,.ttlfl"4201 " W " .O " .l ' lk ' , ' .. "' .. Articles of Merger ( PURSOAHfTO NR:S 91A:200) Page4 u,c.v,p; .. OOI..Y • CIOIOOl' - lff te.) tf ol_,.,tof clol O'IASIUA.1&.)) : n. _, o• - lll • ,_i,o..,, • dt1111o41:odor1 Cllfloeorp:ntlon'"""' df«IO,«Ml" ffflOtol • •o1w. - nc fffltl'OtOlb t l'e - 1byN 11 •of .,.,.lll, - ,.


• Artlcle a of Merger (PUR9JAN'T T Ol',f \ S 2A.200) Pages SIA ,ll•1"11•WW..•. - ...w - .lSC.i.o1 - ..r, ..Wly.fl WIie .. ....,...,.", _ ... _ (Nl'lf ti,t..200)•: Midi l o!IM Allklos fl l • '6f A$C RJ.»:.lfflOIIII, Ille. h t,jw td Ill) c lllm!lC(lbc: fflw " Alllcri<slHdr, - pV I IIC. .ro 1 ,. NI.TICl. 8 I : 'Th: un ,o 4flh= WM A.Ocr'M& llttrf \ 'cNllM, ltc . C) c1 «;. lbl • er,"). 1)tl'l'«ffilt O... - lduar.ol - Oo:'IUM - b9' - ' - 1'1M"day • - ... 0'"'1 '" • Ud _,.;t,e,,ffl")'N•l!l<Nd. ,. - ,.l!l//ll N•lllcnt,OI , .,._«6,_ -- q,•A a'WIRMtnd." , 1 " - N;ffi!IO - l'lii:lln ll)'h• Of tt.l .. m.... ..,.,,........ - ...i.<ot,oMM,4..W.. ? - r<1•HA:s02A \ IO { .,Mut,,,vitf:O P" f'l•ll. - td• 901'0,_,.of. - .c,,, l,.., ,t1 m1rf'D t - l'l• b»N d _,.OI._ W#'l eoootPllhlltll>f"'" t elN tur.Mi"Q«M/fflll)'toJ ,


Artlcles of Merger (?URS(.MNT TO NR$ 92A.200) Page6 I)$...,._. ""'ote.1.,.cl - - ,: /1.llffl'_et....,....,._,.ff!'W..lon:AllV - .., ol ..ollNtY..S.!lmlN fp;Nt.,....,.ipe,ltWI ol - 1!,Nff_.. ............,...... _,_.,,.p:J. l'NfllO'tOI Md!l ............ - wllll - llOIGOf _....,"1" - - Mm.,.N;A INIIMol - htwf .. M._..tt - ..itllMtM.2$11" 0 ::"U:;_ ; =he :;::::;_ ir - : · - .....,.. ........ '"'· 01111121)19 ... .... ... ... ' Thfllild "'" ol'" """' l htlS,'! - ,0)'...,_llofllfrOOl"l •U,_. l.,,,IJ N - - "" ƒ t, - INl _,. l illA!I llaA.2)0). •I 11;N11,N Modtl M t,SdtdtolHJ1'"" • - - - .J. u MeldlelO. IM T,UfTI f aill!l111 h:l1Qeqcf IIICl "'11 \ IN • - ""'IIW'AONtNt91Dbe


ASC IUOSCJ.ENC INC, (A NEVAD A CORPORATION) RF . SO Lt mON OFTIIE BOARD OF DIR.F.CTOR.S The ulldimiine, :: t . t,c r,g 11111 'itheOittc : ll . lt $ af ASC AIOSCI F . NCF . $ , INC .. 11 . } . 'ie \ wh c . orp . "lnttion (l Mi on '") . piuriUM I ( - 0 lhc A l 1 ii : I U or l i Ot'I bnd B htv . s or COrpOr . ltiO,, t,td C'tiap(c, 1 8 (I( lb/ : Ne - o, • ' 4 , ; Re 1 i·isod S+a - tutts,hcn : b y< : Q n t,e n t t 0 lhefQUow in g aa i onsQfC' 1 eCc,tponti, . ,u $ of /WW)' 9 . 2019 , 11 oopyClf' 11 ,tl i th $ MD li 1 o : d with tht mi : iulf : softht iOn ; Wlr£R£AS, 1 bc Bo.ud of O i n \ :WN o(thc Co r pc:nlliot1 M ,: . QO n d aud dmn i i i n. t. btn ln t. otlkC«poo:il.lon lO dlWl,C 11 \ ,: fll'lfflC of Ilic Corporas i on1, \ 0m r ic.,n W«np Vcml'tlr<$; In,:,.,. ihnt lh e Curpcni1icln'lAni.:les of l n,:Of))Cl r .Uin n be amc nd c:d ,•i• ,betn , (Offll mag,:r par,,cuunl to ,D law lo a lT,:1;1 thU nune cllllnj;e, 1md l hilt the ('d'fieM of the C<, ti Ofl beau!Mrittd lo) fllea co &¢i i nQCltlCM:iOft with the i:"lnanci11I l nd ll $ll)' i:t.q:11l;i1«y A (FINRA) for the N.'t!O ch311g,c. (Md ¢0 dio,g lkkc r $ '1'1'lboJ ) . NOW.flltRF.fORt.8£ IT: R . ESOL vr .. o . th 111 lbe rn 11 r . < - orlhe Curp, : ,niticlf, wan t,e cbang,c . l co NnttlCAA Hemp vcncu I & : - 8 fld theCOCJ . 'Of $ lkin ·s C cn lfl,, " . ltc of lfltO'fl()(lllioo $ hal l t 1 umend c , . · i i a slx,n . form t p 11 rs mmt lO Ne \ • t, . w 11 > 11 tf« 1 !Jliuw 71 cdw : ttc - Rlo:S01 . . vt ; n . ,ttw, t1e p,M9«aft"iocnult he CotpOnrtio n be . ll!ld(';t horthml tim:by i s.1111ttioriffl1 . emp,v, - eml1:!111 d i rected in tJ ie113l ne and O il bellllf of1hc Cl'fP(lml.'tO n , 1018ktv,y nnd oil a:.(N,)Qj n:a.wn;ibly n Ot i¥.c ' ƒ (llrT}' O lll 12'1¢ in 1en1 Qf !be 400"<,c. r C$(1 1 uc i om , incl ud in g Ibo i:l'.e<:Vliofl or 1$ nn4 imting rmy fil i ngs w i th I.ho: of Nevada Or t he fl:dcrtl JW,Jtitk::$ a111Mrlt k::s 8$ 1hcy d«m n« - :S,Wy or ll!)P't9ridc. ilid ud (I ) lflC()rpornliQS n - a'hcll ty cw,'flCd Sllbsidilll)' ƒ ' tho: Ccnp,.,ndion in "Nel. - ..41 1111d the fflCf'F ,:,,( I.he' C - OrpOJ&UOf1 wi(h \ UCh Wb l! dlacy l() ct'fOCI II name etwiec af the C<lrpon 1 ioo ,is sbc, 11 - lbnn me l}llf'SU 311 ' co}' . ' 3 l 11 w, Md ( i i) tiling • corporate ocli«I notific : alion .. il h th ¢ f' l llll!'l ¢ 11 1 l ndu . , kct,t l ; i 1 • , \ U!horiry(JINRA) furlmn, : uc chtir!ge(and ku lkk . Cr 1 ,y m bol ch 11 ng . e) . 1111 d thl!I : my 11 11 lCt . iO llS w : c : fl by l hC 1 >ftloet $ in OCJnflt ..: dl)Q thcre . wilb &fl :. ho : Nlby rtst if confirme d, 11 nd 11 PP 0 \ ƒ 03 . 'Thii, Re 1 »l 11 li 011 111 $ )' l ; t !Cd i n !)I' fllin - 1111 d by r i m . i l , : and ! $ 11 ( : b ()() \ !It #'Id f 11 : 3 i nt il e«il)t« II l)c «m ¢ l 11 tjve , : id= of . W n knl end t ill i f"tC : ltiOn 1 >flh . c Cf' $ c . onta illlm here . in by lhe u is,io : d d itc, : I Qf(i ) . n . 1 . W fTNE S Wlll:REOF. lbe und«$:_$(1cd N' \ 'C$CI 1heir a$ Ibo mo:mbeN - Oltlie B08J' \ 1ot Dire - :!Or.l aflmC.O r J ,O ni l ii.'11a, ofltl.1$'.F' dly(I( Jn n uory, 2019 .


CQRPOJtATIQlflCERCERTQ:lCAT£ l, S , Melt : Spoonc . Prl : s idc o 1 of ASC Bio ica 0 ¢ S, . lnc . . • Nc \ \ ld t c«potalion (the .. Compe . oyj, bttcb) • OOf'lfi . rm . warram . and a ncsc that the f«ego ing R . tS()lll . tion of rht B<>ar,lof Dilw : 1 on Is a true And • UffiCfltic doc : 1 . rmclll . 4 uly e x ccut«I, uppn :: , 'Cd, and v • lidlr $ igncd by me 11 $ 11 dim : tcxof t!1eCo 1 l'ljX \ 1 \ ) ' . John Lee ti a d.irtt t oc of the Com:;::,11tiy. a:nd J l ut1 HawChang a, a dirCffllf oftbe Com } \ s::= S.M":r,po<><>< lly C - - ƒ '"' - 1 J - W - - S'rA' OF COUN TY OF Xl>e s s. : On this 9 '! 1 y of Jaouacy, 20 ) 9 , pc 1 Wnal 1 Y ap bc : fmo mt S . M . arlcSpoooe, who stated that he is the Pre . sidcot of ASC Bio icoccs , I .• 11 Nh'ada i()C'I, dlhat 1 . h i s inwumen 1 was $ ignc : ,d oo t,cll ; ,Jf o f $ lid ent i ty l)y a 11 thoritr . , and ad : oowledg,e,d sa id lnruumtnl IO bechls \ 'Oluntaey ac 1 . andd«xl, l)cf(l fflt: : y , 1.r,"'I; NoUlr')'public forihc Stateof - Col1>tt,CO, "'"'"'O" - - - -- - My Cot1Un l:h, iCl4 Ex.putt <&,,,,.u '2S , 2M.b _ , a,.TE0,00U:IIJIIIO NOTNlYD.,....,.. -