Exhibit 10.14

LOAN AGRFEMENT ’fltls I . OAN AGREEMlïN’I is made on the 1 fi t " day of August . 2022 BETWF . EN : - SEAP TRADING PTE LIMITEI 3 . a company incorporated in Singapore with ctinipany number 199 b 06103 W . u hose registered oiiice and ctirrespondenee address is located at 1 Paya I . ebar d . ink # 04 - () 1 Pay a Lcbar Quarter 1 Singapore 4 () 8533 (the "Lender") ; and TEM kLECTRONICS (M) SDN DH D, a coinpan incorporated in Malay sia with conipan2 nitmber 365460 1“, ii hosc registered addrcss and correspondence address is located at 1l9A & C 1.orong Macalister 1()4(lt) George Tow'n I*ulau 1*inang and 1.cit *)*). Jalan 2A - 3. 1.t›t A1()1 & A1 (12, Jalan 2A, Kay asan I•erusahaan M UI.. Suligai I.alíilig, 08000 Stlrlgíli I•etól1i, Kedah I3arul Aman. Malaysia respecti› ely (the "Borrower"). "1 he 1.ender and the Borrower are en Acting this loali agreement ( Loan Agreement") in u riling or all the tennis tit"the 1.oan Agrcciiient as Ii Hons: - I . AmouiJt ‹›1”thc hLJan United States dollars I"wo Hundred I liousand Only ((JS $ 20 (), 000 ) (the “Loan") . The Ltian is subject to review at any time and t‹i the I . ender’s overriding right ot"withdrawal and immediate repay ment on demand . 2. te he Maki h s I n A cc ent 16“' August 2(J22 3. e D l k a of l n t"the 1.oan 4. 16"’ August 2022 5. u R e ment "the principal amt›ulit th the 1.oaii plus a1ij unpaid interest shall. be repaid on or bcfiire 15 t " August 2024 (the Last Repayment I3ate”). 6. Interest 5.1 1 he rates of interest tin the I . than is muir ptiint li i c per cent ( 4 . 5 % ?) per an ulimi from the date cU" drawdown until repay intent in ull rind shall be calculated on the actual number oJ” days elapsed ‹ind ‹in the basis of” a 3 ti 0 - day year . including the date of draw dtiwn but excluding the 1 ast Repriynient flare . “



5 . 2 ’I he ilitcrest accrued on this I . than Agreement shall be payable by the D‹irrtnver to the 1 . ender tin thc 1 . ast Rcpaj ment hate, subject to the I . ender”s t›verriding right of imiiiediate repay inelit on demand . 7. o P n l e e f Ne ia i n d o t e I o e ent Lot A9 ƒ 3, Jalan 2A - 3, Lt t A101 & A1G2, .Jalan 2A. Kauasan Perusahaan MII ƒ .I. Sungai 1. alang. 0800() Sungai Petani. Kedah l3ai’ul Arnan, Alalaj sia 8. Drawdown 4 he Loan can be tully draw n dt›wn on 1ć›" August 2022 as per the 8orrt wer's directions. 9. ePqen a caunt l'he 1.oan may’ be prepaid, witht›ut prepayment penalty. ’ith accrued interest up It› and including the date oł prepayment on the outstanding balanced oł’the 1.than by giving 1.ender fourteen (14) day’s ol”prior notice in writing. 10. hole A e nt crabilit› this Loath A¿crcemcnt and the documents contemplated hereby constitute the whole and entire agreement hem ecu tl e I cndei’ and the Eorrow'er in respect of the hoan alid cancel and supersede any }irit›r agreements and undertakings . hether written or oral . in respect thereof . II any provisitin hereunder is or becomes prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, stich prohibition and unenforccabilitș shall not invalidate or render unenforceable the provision concerned in any other jurisdictitiii . ntir shall it invalidate, affect or impair the other reiiiaining proc isions . 1 I . Go erni a nd ct ’I his I . oan Agreement shall be governed by ílnd coflstrued in accordance with the laws of Singapore and the parties hercto İITC ¥ Otably submit to the non - exclusive jurisdiction of the Sing‹ipore C"ourts. ' .’ ƒ ‘"‘" ’’ W