Exhibit 99.1




Deloitte & Touche LLP

Suite 301
Harborside Plaza 10

Jersey City, NJ 07311


Tel: +1 212 937 8200

Fax: +1 212 937 8298







PHH Mortgage Corporation

1661 Worthington Road #100

West Palm Beach, Florida 34409



Independent Accountants’ Report

on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures


We have performed the procedures described below, related to certain information with respect to a portfolio of mortgage loans in connection with the proposed offering of Ocwen Loan Investment Trust 2024-HB2, Asset-Backed Notes, Series 2024-HB2. PHH Mortgage Corporation (the “Company”) is responsible for the information provided to us, including the information set forth in the Statistical Data File (as defined herein).


The Company has agreed to the procedures and acknowledged that the procedures performed are appropriate to meet the intended purpose of evaluating the accuracy of certain information set forth on the Statistical Data File. Additionally, Barclays Capital Inc., Nomura Securities International, Inc. and Performance Trust Capital Partners, LLC (collectively with the Company, the “Specified Parties”) have agreed to the procedures and acknowledged that the procedures performed are appropriate for their purposes. This report may not be suitable for any other purpose. The procedures performed may not address all of the items of interest to a user of the report and may not meet the needs of all users of the report and, as such, users are responsible for determining whether the procedures performed are appropriate for their purposes. Consequently, we make no representations regarding the appropriateness of the procedures described below either for the purpose for which this report has been requested or for any other purpose.



Agreed-Upon Procedures


On August 26, 2024, representatives of the Company provided us with a computer-generated mortgage loan data file and related record layout containing data, as represented to us by the Company, as of the close of business June 30, 2024, with respect to 1,078 mortgage loans (“Statistical Data File”).



At the Company’s instruction, we performed certain comparisons and recomputations for each of the mortgage loans relating to the mortgage asset characteristics (the “Characteristics”) set forth on the Statistical Data File and indicated below.




Member of

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited




1 Loan ID (for informational purposes only) 53 Lifetime Cap
2 Subservicer Loan ID (for informational purposes only) 54 Rate Index
3 FHA Case Number (for informational purposes only) 55 Index Level
4 Servicer Name (for informational purposes only) 56 Rate Margin
5 Investor Name 57 Interest Reset Frequency
6 Original UPB 58 Property Type
7 Loan Balance 59 Property Address
8 Borrower Advance Balance 60 Property City
9 Current Total UPB 61 Property State
10 Max Claim Amount 62 Property Zip Code
11 Percent Max Claim 63 Property Unit Count
12 Property Most Recent Appraisal Date 64 Current Service Fee Set Aside
13 Property Most Recent Appraisal Value 65 Current Repairs Set Aside
14 Closing Date 66 Current First Year Prop Charge Set Aside
15 Original Appraisal Value 67 Current Taxes and Insurance Set Aside
16 Loan Status 68 Total Advance Balance
17 Loan Sub-Status 69 Curtailment Date
18 Due & Payable 1st Extension Deadline Date 70 Curtailment Reason
19 Due & Payable 2nd Extension Deadline Date 71 Curtailed Flag
20 GNMA Buyout Date 72 Curtailment as of Settlement Date
21 FCL Confirmed Sale Date 73 Estimated Settlement Date
22 FCL 1st Legal Deadline Date 74 HUD Insured Flag
23 FCL 1st Legal Completed Date 75 HUD Insured Status
24 Default Type Description 76 REO Flag
25 Called Due Type Description 77 Status 2
26 Default Date 78 Funding Date
27 Called Due Date 79 Monthly Servicing Fee
28 UPB at Called Due Date 80 Servicing Fee Margin
29 Marketable Title Date 81 MIP Rate
30 Borrower First Name 82 Monthly Payment
31 Borrower Last Name 83 Payment Type
32 Borrower Gender 84 Next Rate Review
33 Borrower DOB 85 Property MIC Endorse Date
34 Borrower Age 86 Product Type
35 Borrower Death Date 87 Original Principal Limit
36 Co-Borrower First Name 88 Due & Payable Appraisal Date
37 Co-Borrower Last Name 89 Due & Payable Appraisal Value
38 Co-Borrower Gender 90 FCL Appraisal Date
39 Co-Borrower DOB 91 FCL Appraisal Value
40 Co-Borrower Age 92 Short Sale Appraisal Date
41 Co-Borrower Death Date 93 Short Sale Appraisal Value
42 Current Line of Credit Reserve 94 DIL Appraisal Date
43 Net LOC 95 DIL Appraisal Value
44 Principal Limit 96 Appraisal-Based Claim Date
45 Original Note Rate 97 Owner Occupied
46 Current Interest Rate 98 Force Placed Insurance Date
47 Debenture Interest Rate 99 Loss Draft Balance
48 Interest Rate Type 100 LESA Balance
49 Term Payment Frequency 101 Foreclosure Type
50 Term Payment Amount 102 Initial Claim Date
51 Payment Term 103 Supp Claim Date
52 Term Months Left 104 REO Sale Date



We compared Characteristics 5. through 104. to the corresponding information set forth on or derived from electronic mortgage loan files and reconciliation reports prepared, created and delivered by the Company, as of close of business June 30, 2024 (collectively, the “Mortgage Documentation File”).


The Mortgage Documentation File described above and any other related documents used in support of the Characteristics were provided to us by representatives of the Company and are collectively referred to hereinafter as the “Source Documents.” We were not requested to perform, and we did not perform, any procedures with respect to the preparation or verification of any of the information set forth on the Source Documents and we make no representations concerning the accuracy or completeness of any of the information contained therein. In addition, we make no representations as to whether the Source Documents are comprehensive or valid instruments or reflect the current prevailing terms with respect to the corresponding mortgage loans.


Agreed-Upon Procedures’ Findings


The results of the foregoing procedures indicated that the Characteristics set forth on the Statistical Data File were found to be in agreement with the above-mentioned Source Documents, except as indicated in Appendix A. Supplemental information is contained in Appendix B and Appendix C.



We make no representations as to the (i) actual characteristics or existence of the underlying documents or data comprising the mortgage loans underlying the Statistical Data File or the conformity of their characteristics with those assumed for purposes of the procedures described herein, (ii) existence or ownership of the mortgage loans or (iii) reasonableness of any of the aforementioned assumptions, information or methodologies.

It should be understood that we make no representations as to questions of legal interpretation or as to the sufficiency for your purposes of the procedures enumerated in the preceding paragraphs. Also, such procedures would not necessarily reveal any material misstatement of the information referred to above. We have no responsibility to update this report for events or circumstances that occur subsequent to the date of this report.


We were engaged by the Company to perform this agreed-upon procedures engagement and conducted our engagement in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“AICPA”). An agreed-upon procedures engagement involves the practitioner performing specific procedures that the engaging party has agreed to and acknowledged to be appropriate for the purpose of the engagement and reporting on findings based on the procedures performed. We were not engaged to conduct, and did not conduct, an (i) audit conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards or (ii) examination or a review engagement conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the AICPA, the objective of which would be the expression of an opinion or conclusion, respectively, on the Statistical Data File. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion or conclusion, or any other form of assurance, including reasonable assurance. Had we performed additional procedures, other matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.


We are required to be independent of the Company and to meet our other ethical responsibilities, as applicable for agreed-upon procedures engagements set forth in the Preface: Applicable to All Members and Part 1 – Members in Public Practice of the Code of Professional Conduct established by the AICPA. Independence requirements for agreed-upon procedure engagements are less restrictive than independence requirements for audit and other attestation services.


None of the engagement, procedures or report was intended to address, nor did they address, the (i) conformity of the origination of the assets to stated underwriting or credit extension guidelines, standards, criteria or other requirements, (ii) value of collateral securing such assets or (iii) compliance of the originator of the assets with federal, state, and local laws and regulations.


None of the engagement, procedures or report were intended to satisfy, nor did they satisfy, any criteria for due diligence published by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization.



This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Specified Parties identified above and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these Specified Parties.


Yours truly,


/s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP


August 29, 2024




Appendix A to Independent Accountants’ Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures issued by Deloitte & Touche LLP dated August 29, 2024.


In applying our agreed-upon procedures as outlined above, we observed the following:


Exception Description Number Exception Description
1 Ten differences in Loan Sub-Status.
2 One hundred and eighty-one differences in Rate Index.
3 One difference in Debenture Interest Rate.
4 Three differences in Called Due Date.
5 One difference in UPB at Called Due Date.
6 One difference in FCL 1st Legal Completed Date.
7 Forty differences in Property Most Recent Appraisal Date.
8 Forty differences in Property Most Recent Appraisal Value.
9 Three instances where we were unable to verify the UPB at Called Due Date.


The information above reflects the procedures performed and is subject to the conditions set forth in the agreed-upon procedures report to which this appendix is attached.






Appendix B to Independent Accountants’ Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures issued by Deloitte & Touche LLP dated August 29, 2024 (Redacted)


Supplemental Information Related to the Findings Set Forth on Appendix A


Exception Description Number Mortgage Loan Number Characteristic Characteristic set forth on the Statistical Data File Characteristic set forth on or derived from the Mortgage Documentation File
1 [REDACTED] Loan Sub-Status Bnk/Fcl - Chapt. 13 Foreclosure
1 [REDACTED] Loan Sub-Status Bnk/Fcl - Chapt. 13 Foreclosure
1 [REDACTED] Loan Sub-Status Taxes Delinquent CT 22 Assignment - Pending
1 [REDACTED] Loan Sub-Status Bnk/Fcl - Chapt. 13 Foreclosure
1 [REDACTED] Loan Sub-Status Bnk/Fcl - Chapt. 13 Foreclosure
1 [REDACTED] Loan Sub-Status Bnk/Fcl - Chapt. 13 Foreclosure Judicial
1 [REDACTED] Loan Sub-Status Taxes Delinquent CT 22 ASSIGNMENT - PENDING
1 [REDACTED] Loan Sub-Status Taxes Delinquent CT 22 Assignment - Pending
1 [REDACTED] Loan Sub-Status Taxes Delinquent CT 22 Assignment - Pending
1 [REDACTED] Loan Sub-Status Taxes Delinquent CT 22 Assignment - Pending
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)


Exception Description Number Mortgage Loan Number Characteristic Characteristic set forth on the Statistical Data File Characteristic set forth on or derived from the Mortgage Documentation File
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
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2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
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2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)


Exception Description Number Mortgage Loan Number Characteristic Characteristic set forth on the Statistical Data File Characteristic set forth on or derived from the Mortgage Documentation File
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
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2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
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2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
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2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
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2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)


Exception Description Number Mortgage Loan Number Characteristic Characteristic set forth on the Statistical Data File Characteristic set forth on or derived from the Mortgage Documentation File
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
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2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
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2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
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2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
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2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
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2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)



Exception Description Number Mortgage Loan Number Characteristic Characteristic set forth on the Statistical Data File Characteristic set forth on or derived from the Mortgage Documentation File
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 1-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Monthly (1-Mth LIBOR)
2 [REDACTED] Rate Index 12-Month All-In CME Term SOFR Annual (1-Yr LIBOR)
3 [REDACTED] Debenture Interest Rate [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
6 [REDACTED] FCL 1st Legal Completed Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]




Exception Description Number Mortgage Loan Number Characteristic Characteristic set forth on the Statistical Data File Characteristic set forth on or derived from the Mortgage Documentation File
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]





Exception Description Number Mortgage Loan Number Characteristic Characteristic set forth on the Statistical Data File Characteristic set forth on or derived from the Mortgage Documentation File
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
7 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Date [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]





Exception Description Number Mortgage Loan Number Characteristic Characteristic set forth on the Statistical Data File Characteristic set forth on or derived from the Mortgage Documentation File
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
8 [REDACTED] Property Most Recent Appraisal Value [REDACTED] [REDACTED]



The information above reflects the procedures performed and is subject to the conditions set forth in the agreed-upon procedures report to which this appendix is attached.




Appendix C to Independent Accountants’ Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures issued by Deloitte & Touche LLP dated August 29, 2024


Supplemental Information Related to the Findings Set Forth on Appendix A


In applying our agreed-upon procedures as outlined above, we were unable to verify the following:


Exception Description Number Mortgage Loan Number Characteristic not verified
9 [REDACTED] UPB at Called Due Date
9 [REDACTED] UPB at Called Due Date
9 [REDACTED] UPB at Called Due Date


The information above reflects the procedures performed and is subject to the conditions set forth in the agreed-upon procedures report to which this appendix is attached.