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TURB O ENER G Y IP O September 2023



Dis c lai m er This document contains forward - looking statements. In addition, from time to time, we or our representatives may make forward - looking statements orally or in writing. We base these forward - looking statements on our expectations and projections about future events, which we derive from the information currently available to us. Such forward - looking statements relate to future events or our future performance, including: our financial performance and projections; our growth in revenue and earnings; and our business prospects and opportunities. You can identify forward - looking statements by those that are not historical in nature, particularly those that use terminology such as “may,” “should,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “contemplates,” “estimates,” “believes,” “plans,” “projected,” “predicts,” “potential,” or “hopes” or the negative of these or similar terms. In evaluating these forward - looking statements, you should consider various factors, including: our ability to change the direction of the Company; our ability to keep pace with new technology and changing market needs; and the competitive environment of our business. These and other factors may cause our actual results to differ materially from any forward - looking statement. Forward - looking statements are only predictions. The forward - looking events discussed in this document and other statements made from time to time by us or our representatives, may not occur, and actual events and results may differ materially and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions about us. We are not obligated to publicly update or revise any forward - looking statement, whether as a result of uncertainties and assumptions, the forward - looking events discussed in this document and other statements made from time to time by us or our representatives might not occur. See offering documents for further risks and disclosures. Past performance is not indicative of future results. There is now guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. Investments may be speculative, illiquid and there is a total risk of loss. For m CRS /Re g B I D iscl aimer: Titan Partners Group, a division of American Capital Partners, LLC and Boustead Securities, LLC are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a broker s - dealer s and are a member s of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). Brokerage and investment advisory services and fees differ and it is important for you to understand these differences. Free and simple tools are available to research firms and financial professionals at Investor.gov/ CRS, which also provides educational materials about broker - dealers, investment advisers, and investing. When we provide you with a recommendation, we have to act in your best interest and not put our interest ahead of yours. At the same time, the way we make money creates a conflict with your interests. Please strive to understand and ask us about these conflicts because they can affect the recommendations we provide you. There are many risks involved with investing. For Boustead Securities customers and clients, please see our Regulation Best Interest Relationship Guide on the Form CRS Reg BI page on our website at https:// www.boustead1828.com/form - crs - reg - bi. For FlashFunders’ visitors, you may review the Form CRS of Boustead Securities under the Form CRS section. Please also carefully review and verify the accuracy of the information you provide us on account applications, subscription documents and others. This Presentation (the “Presentation”) contains sensitive business and financial information. It is being delivered on behalf of the Company by Titan Partners Group, a division of American Capital Partners, LLC and Boustead Securities, LLC (“BSL”). The sole purpose of this Presentation is to assist the recipient in deciding whether to proceed with a further inquiry of the Company. This Presentation does not purport to be all - inclusive or to necessarily contain all the information that a prospective investor may desire in evaluating a possible business transaction with the Company. By accepting this Presentation, the recipient agrees to keep confidential the information contained herein or made available in connection with any further inquiry of the Company. This Presentation may not be photocopied, reproduced or distributed to others at any time without the prior written consent of BSL. Upon request, the recipient will promptly return all materials received from the Company or BSL (including this Presentation) without retaining any copies thereof, all in accordance with the Confidentiality Agreement This Presentation has been prepared for informational purposes relating to this transaction only and upon the express understanding that it will be used only for the purposes set forth above. Neither the Company nor BSL makes any express or implied representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein or made available in connection with any further investigation of the Company and to the certainty or assurance that any proposed acquisition contained in this Presentation will be completed. Each of the Company and BSL expressly disclaims any and all liability which may be based on such information, errors therein or omissions there from. The recipient shall be entitled to rely solely on the representations and warranties made to it in any definitive agreement and the due diligence that recipient conducts. In furnishing this Presentation, neither the Company nor BSL undertakes any obligation to provide the recipient with access to any additional information. This Presentation shall neither be deemed an indication of the state of affairs of the Company nor constitute an indication that there has not been any change in the Company or affairs of the Company since the date hereof, nor an indication that BSL has performed any due diligence on the Company or its affairs. This Presentation does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction where, or to any person to whom, it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation in such jurisdiction. Investments in private placements may be illiquid, highly speculative and you may lose your entire investment. This Presentation includes certain statements, estimates and projections with respect to the anticipated future performance of the Company. Such statements, estimates and projections are based on significant assumptions and subjective judgment concerning anticipated results. These assumptions and judgments are inherently subject to risks, variability and contingencies, many of which are beyond the Company’s control. These assumptions and judgments may or may not prove to be correct and there can be no assurance that any projected results are obtainable or will be realized. Actual results likely will vary from those projected, and such variations may be material. In addition, this Presentation does not describe certain risks associated with the Company’s business. All communications or inquires relating to the Company or this Presentation should be directed to the representative of BSL. No personnel at the Company may be contacted directly unless expressly permitted by BSL. © 2022 All rights reserved. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



Risk F ac t o rs Our business is subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that you should consider before investing in our company. You should carefully consider all of the risks described more fully in the registration statement on Form F - 1, before deciding to invest in our American Depositary Shares. If any of these risks actually occurs, our business, financial condition and results of operations would likely be materially adversely affected. These key risks, include, but are not limited to, the following: Ris k s Rela t e d t o Ou r Busi n es s a n d I n dust r y - We are an early - stage company with limited operating history, which may make it difficult to evaluate our business and prospects and may not be indicative of our future growth or financial results. - We are currently selling a small number of lines of products and if these products that we sell or install fail to perform as expected, our reputation could be harmed and our ability to develop, market and sell our products and services could be harmed. - Our products may experience quality problems from time to time that could result in negative publicity, litigation, product recalls and warranty claims, which could result in decreased revenues and harm to our brands. - We expect to incur research and development costs and devote significant resources to developing new products, which could significantly reduce our profitability and may never result in revenue to the Company. - Our success depends on our ability to develop new products and capabilities that respond to customer demand, industry trends or actions by our competitors and failure to do so may cause us to lose our competitiveness in the battery industry and may cause our profits to decline. - We are dependent on a few customers for a significant amount of our net revenues. - We currently report our financial results under IFRS, which differs in certain significant respect from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Risks Related to This Offering and Ownership of Our ADSs - There has been no prior market for our ADSs and an active and liquid market for our ADSs may fail to develop, which could harm the market price of our ADSs. - We are a Spanish corporation, and it may be difficult to enforce judgments against us in U.S. domestic courts. - We are a foreign private issuer within the meaning of the rules under the Exchange Act, and as such we are exempt from certain provisions applicable to U.S. domestic public companies. - As a foreign private issuer, we are permitted to rely on exemptions from certain Nasdaq corporate governance standards applicable to domestic U.S. issuers. This may afford less protection to holders of our shares. - Our parent company will own a majority of our outstanding ordinary shares after this offering. As a result, it will have the ability to approve all matters submitted to our shareholders for approval. - Future issuances of our ADSs or ordinary shares or securities convertible into, or exercisable or exchangeable for, our ordinary shares, or the expiration of lock - up agreements that restrict the issuance of new ADSs or ordinary shares or the trading of outstanding ADSs or ordinary shares, could cause the market price of our ADS to decline and would result in the dilution of your holdings. - We have broad discretion in the use of our cash and cash equivalents, including the net proceeds we receive in this offering, and may not use them effectively. - Holders of ADSs are not treated as holders of our ordinary shares. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



Of f ering Summa r y Issuer Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. E x chang e & Tic k er Sha r es Outsta n ding Im m edia t ely Prio r t o Completio n of the IPO American Depositary Shares (ADSs) Offered Sha r es Outsta n ding Im m edia t ely A f t er t o the Of f ering Of f ering Pri c e Use of P r o c eeds Underwrite r s Issuer ’ s U . S . Lega l C ouns el U n derwri t er ’ s U . S . Lega l Coun s el Audi t or T urb o E n e r gy SA , a Spani s h c orpo r ation Nasdaq Capital Mar k et Tic k er S ymbol: “TURB” 50,085,700 o r dinary sha r es 1,000,000 ADSs representing 5 ,000,000 ordinary shares issuable (or 1,150,000 ADSs representing 5 , 75 0,000 ordinary shares if the underwriters exercise the over - allotment option in full) 5 5 ,085,700 ordinary shares or 5 5 ,8 3 5,700 ordinary shares if the underwriters exercise the over - allotment option in full (including ordinary shares represented by ADSs) $5.00 t o $6.00 per ADS Compa n y g r o wth, in t ernational e xpansion and ad v ertising Titan Partners Group, a division of American Capital Partners , LLC // Boustead Securities, LLC Bevilacqua PLLC Sich e nzia Ross F e r e n c e LLP T A AD LLP



O v ervi e w Market A mar k et wit h h i gh g r o wth p r o spects , i n n eed of t ech n ologi c al solu t ion s f or the chall e nge s ah e ad. North Am eri c a & Eu r ope batte r y mar k et : $ 4 9B $5B 202 2 2028 Use of Fu n ds $5M In t ernational Expans ion R&D T e am / Labo r a t o r y I T T e am 10+ Y e a r s as E n e r gy S t o r age L e ader i n Spain Design ed & P r odu c ed i n Spain Who? T e am wit h m o r e than 20 y e a r s of of P V (pho t o v oltai c ) e xperi e n c e a n d the sou l of an in n o v ati v e start - u p . R e v e nu e : $33M EBIT D A : $ 1 .8M What? Smar t P V e n e r gy s t o r age with Artifi c ial In t ellig e n c e . P V R&D D e v elopm e nt - C&I - BIPV - Portable - Residential Mar k eting Ef f orts + Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. Why? T urb o E n e r g y T M p r o vides the m o s t c ompetiti v e e n e rgy s t o r age solution



Mar k et O v ervi e w N e w Chall e nges: - Dec arboni z ation i s a global focus - Electri c i t y c o st s wil l r e main unstable - Grid de c e nt r ali z ation i s the future - EV c ar sal e on the rise Smart residential and industrial PV s t o r age solution s f or individual a n d community use are the key. NET ZERO by 2050 2022 330 $ per mWh 2040 64M cars/year 2020 3 M cars/year 2020 55 $ per mWh Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



All - in - one SunBox All - in - one SunB o x EV HARDWAR E Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. Ene r gy S a vings P e ak Sh a ving S t orm P r o t ection Smart Backup SOFT W ARE Cus t omi z e y our plant AI manag e m e nt 2008 Fi r s t lith i um - io n batteries f or r esid e ntia l use i n Spain 2020 On e of the fi r s t all - in - o n e solutio n f or r esid e ntia l P V us e on the mar k et 2021 AI - optimized algorithm, cool design, and p r e mium fu n ctionalitie s i n a PV all - in - o n e solution 2022 Fi r s t all - in - o n e PV&EV cha r ger w i th optimi z ed algorithm a n d un i que cha r ging m odes History - from Hardware to Hardware - enabled SaaS



A I Enha nc e m e nt Adaptable Al t ernati v es Plu g & Pl a y Solutions Plant Customization Competitive Prices R e v e nu e : $33M EBIT D A : $ 1 .8M Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. R&D T e am / Labo r a t o r y I T T e am 10+ Y e a r s as E n e r gy S t o r age L e ader i n Spain Design ed & P r odu c ed i n Spain T urb o E n e r gy - B e y ond S t o r age S ys t e m T urb o E n e r gy i s a well - established company in the Spani s h P V sec t or: T urb o E n e r gy p r op o se s disrupti v e solution s that c ompe t e with:



A C & D C PR O T E C T ION 5 kW – 10kW INVERTER 5 . 1 kWh – 15.3 kWh BATTERIES 2x P O WER MICR OINVERTERS SUNB O X . All - In - O n e FUL L Backup S ys te m GENER A TOR Input SMAR T Loa d Output 65.57% All - in - one Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. Only batte r y 202 8 F o r e c ast EUROPE AND AMERI CA SOLAR ENER G Y STOR AGE B A T TE R Y MARKET R E SEARCH & FOR E C A ST 2022 - 2028 SunB o x: T urb o E n e r gy in t eg r a t es all the elect r oni c equi p m e n t n e c ess a r y f or the ho m e ’ s P V setu p , in t o a singl e un i t. Sa f e , in t eg r a t ed in t o the design of the h o m e , a n d wit h the m o s t ad v a n c ed functionalities. SunB o x



SunBox ® EV 3 Cha r ging Modes: On l y w i th r e n e w able energy Mini mum c o st i n the electri c i t y bill Maximum loading speed $ 1 ,716 B 2022 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2032 $ 205 B 100 1000 EV Mar k et Si z e , 202 2 t o 2032 U S D BILLION Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. Source: www.precedenceresearch.com SunBox offers a version with an integrated electric vehicle charger with proprietary charging modes.



SunBox ® Industry 50 kWh t o 1 . 8 MWh F r om 50 kW t o 500 kW From Eu r op e an Solar Ene r gy S t o r age Battery Mar k et Sha r e b y Application in 2022 2022E 10.80% 18.87% Resid e ntia l Use Com m e r c ia l Use I n dustrial Use 70.33% EUROPE AND AMERI CA SOLAR ENER G Y STOR AGE B A T TE R Y MARKET R E SEARCH & FOR E C A ST 2022 - 2028 202 3 N e w SunB o x: a C& I v e r sio n with optimal p o w er a n d s t o r age c apa c i t y . Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. P o w er & S t o r age Capa c i t y Range:



Making E n e r gy Consumptio n Cus t omi z able Backup Mode The cus t omer de c ides what pe r c e ntage of the battery is used t o offset po t e ntial p o w er outages. P e ak Sh a ving The battery is au t omatically p r og r ammed t o be c onsumed during p e ak d e mand t o r edu c e the ne c essary c ont r ac t ed p o w e r . S t orm P r o t ection Wh e n a s t orm is f o r ecas t ed, the s ys t e m adjusts to store energy and prevent a blackout. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



Ene r gy Manag e m e nt with AI Customer Cons umptio n Big Data Processing Mar k et Pri c ing R e m o t e Con n ection Weather F o r e c ast A I Algorithm Plan t G e n e r ation Big Data Processing Maximum Electri c i t y Bill Reduction Mode S a vings on the electric bill in a pho t o v oltaic installation with s t o r age Common installation SunBox 30% 65% Arti fi c ial In t ellig e n c e f ocus ed on Mach in e L e arni n g wit h Gr adi e n t Bo o sting technique. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



Futu r e Road Map Ho m e A l l - in - O n e C& I All - in - O n e Bui ldin g In t eg r a t e PV P ortable Solutions Hardware Niches V irtua l P o w er Plants E n e r gy Commun i t y Management CO 2 Certifications V irtua l Assistant In t eg r ations : Al ex a, Siri, a n d Google N e w Soft w a r e Features N e ar - t o - Ze r o Electri c i t y Bills Bi - di r ectional EV Cha r ging Applia n c e P er f orma nc e Analysis Smar t Load Manag e m e nt Solar L e ase P PA AI D e v elopm ents Fina n cial Services Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



T esla and Sonn e n, the only t w o c ompanies in r esid e ntial and industrial solar storage sales with all - in - one p r oduct of f erings SunB o x v s. Competi t o r s Al l in t e r c on n ec t ed el e m e nt s e x c e pt batteries All el e m e nts must be asse mbled. The structu r e moun t ed on the w all All el e m e nts must be asse mbled. The structu r e moun t ed on the w all Optimi z ation of battery usage a c c o r ding t o c ont r ac t ed pri c es Manual p r og r amming of battery usage schedule P artial batte r y r eser v e selec t or f or back u p . P e ak Sh a ving m od e . Au t omati c s t orm m od e . P artial battery r eser v e selec t or f or back u p . Au t omatic s t orm mode P artial battery back up r eser v e selec t or switch Expans io n of p o w er a n d s t o r age c apa c i t y wit h a sin g l e un i t P a r alleli z ation only P a r alleli z ation only $ $$ $$ All - in - one in t eg r ation a n d smar t cha r ging modes Connection with e x t ernal cha r ge r . Spe c ial modes with T esla ca r . Plug & Pl a y AI Use of big data on e n e r gy consumption, g e n e r ation, w e ather a n d mar k et pri c es t o optimi z e batte r y u s ag e . Cus t omi z ation Mar k et Share Revenue ( $ i n Million s ) Company Rank 14.60% 429.76 Sonnen 1 13.32% 392.25 Tesla 2 11.30% 332.77 L G E S 3 8.07% 237.55 Huawei 4 7.95% 234.08 BYD 5 Flexibility Pri c e EV Connection with e x t ernal cha r ger EUROPE AND AMERI CA SOLAR ENER G Y STOR AGE B A T TE R Y MARKET R E SEARCH & FOR E C A ST 2022 - 2028 Eu r ope Mar k et 2022: $2.94M K e y Solar Ene r gy S t o r age Battery Pl a y e r s in Eu r ope Mar k et, Ranking b y R e v e nue (2022) Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



SunB o x v s. Competi t o r s Cool Design Sa f e f or Child r e n Quick Installation No Mista k es Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



Mar k et 201 7 10,000 201 8 201 9 2020 202 1 2022 E 2023 F 2024 F 2025 F 2026 F 35,56 2 13, 5 28 2027 F 2028 F Revenue $ Million 30,000 34% All - in - one 66% Conventional systems 46% Conventional systems 54% All - in - one North A m eri c a Europe Mar k et Si z e North A m eri c a EU All - in - O n e Mar k et Sha r e in 2028 W ith a >50% C A GR bet w e e n 2022 - 2028 in Eu r ope and North America, and an expected increase in demand for all - in - one battery - powered equipment for energy s t o r age and PV installations, n o w is the optimal time f or T urbo Ene r g y TM ’ s in t ernational e xpansion. EUROPE AND AMERI CA SOLAR ENER G Y STOR AGE B A T TE R Y MARKET R E SEARCH & FOR E C A ST 2022 - 2028 P o t e ntia l S t o r age Mar k et i n 2028: $49B Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



Turbo Energy Market: Present and Future Outlook France Germa n y Italy UK Netherlan ds Canada Mexico Chile Peru Colombia Acti v e N e xt North and South America Solar Energy Storage Battery R e v e nue b y Country (2023 - 2028; $M) 2028 2023 11,658.91 3,093.98 US 1,056.93 277.67 Canada 82.85 19.12 Mexico 333.55 106.30 Brazil 203.80 58.12 Chile 192.17 44.62 Others 13,528.21 3,599.81 Total Europe Solar Energy Storage Battery Revenue by Country (2023 - 2028; $M) UK F r an c e Spain 17 1 .94 35 . 13 47 9 . 15 688.58 146.58 4 ,356.30 5,268.37 534.45 Others Poland 35,562.34 4,968.15 Total Portugal 2028 2023 Sales Expansion 20,620.36 3,173.38 Germany Networks: Steps: 4,482.15 574.10 Italy Spain USA EUROPE AND AMERI CA SOLAR ENER G Y STOR AGE B A T TE R Y MARKET R E SEARCH & FOR E C A ST 2022 - 2028 Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



Distribution Marketi Resources Channel P r oduc t P artner Installer DIY Electrical Retailer Home All - in - One Solution Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. g L e ads Sales Representatives Assigned to the Sector DIY Building Ma t erials Supplier APP Electri c i t y Retailer Contractors Industrial Solar Contractor P artner Installer Portable Solution Building Solutions Ene r gy S a ving Servi c es C&I All - in - One Solution



Use of Funds In v estm e nt International Expansion $5M N e w P r oduc t D e v elopm e nt Mar k eting Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



Boa r d of Di r ec t o r s Enrique Sel v a Bellvís CEO +20 y e a r s of e xperi e n c e Founder & CEO Umbrella Solar Investment & IM2 Sola r , 2004 – actual Founder & CEO Innova Ingenieros Consultores, 2000 – 2004 Vicepresident of Renewable Energies at Asociación V al e n c iana de Emp r esas del Sec t or de la Ene r gía (AVAESEN) Industrial Engineer (UPV) - E x ecuti v e MBA Emilio Cañ a v e t e M. Boa r d M e mber +12 y e a r s of e xperi e n c e Chief Financial Officer at Turbo Energy & Umb r ella Solar In v estm e nt, 201 7 – actual Chief Financial Officer at Picima In v e r siones G r ou p , 2010 – 2017 E x ecuti v e MBA – EDEM Más t er e n Institu c iones y Me r cados Finan c ie r os ( CUNEF) Danie l G r e e n Boa r d M e mber C E O of NeoCam, 2018 Post 2012, G r e e n has in v es t ed in a number of businesses in c luding Fl o wG e m, which he f ounded in 2015. In 2010, G r e e n star t ed HomeSun t o p r ofit f r om a n ew G o v ernm e nt sch e me t o p r o vide solar p o w er t o homes. HomeSun became the la r gest r esid e ntial r e n e w able business in Eu r op e , making o v er 7 ,000 home installations (equi v al e nt t o 30 MW). In 2001 he f ounded Y ou Me T V , a r etail business. This w as acqui r ed b y Sky in 2006 and Daniel became C E O of Sky Retail. G r e e n op e ned the fi r st B r and C e nt r e in Enfield, North London. Hec t or Dominguis Boa r d M e mber During the period 2021 - 23 he held the p r esid e n cy of the Spanish Nu c l e ar So c ie t y ( SNE). He joined the GD E S g r oup in 2003 as Di r ec tor of Business D e v elopm e nt. He w as appoin t ed G ene r al Manager of the Group by the Board of Directors and in M a y 2012 he w as appoin t ed C E O . Consultant in Est r a t egia y Di r e c c ión, SL. Assistant t o the Comme r c ial Manag e m e nt at Pl e xi, SA (Röhm G r ou p ) Héc tor Dominguis r e c ei v ed a Ma t erials Engineering deg r ee f r om Imperial Colleg e , London. Miguel V allde c ab r es Boa r d M e mber Miguel star t ed his p r o f essional ca r eer at PwC Assurance services for 5 years both in Spain & UK . A f t er that, he has set up dif f e r e nt businesses in the R e al Esta t e and F ood&Retail sec t o r s that e nded up in dif f e r e nt su c cessful di v estm e nts. Miguel f ounded So t on Capital t o bring all cumula t ed e xperi e n c e in transactions and equity activities. In 2012 he led the F ormula E p r oject fund rising activities and Investors Relationships with c ompanies li k e Qual c omm, Mo r aBank, Julius Bae r , Liber t y Media and Dis c o v ery Channel as in v es t o r s. He w as a Boa r d M e mber f or 4 years. He w as C E O of QEV TEchnologies. N o w he star t ed his n ew r ole of C E O in EvDynamics. Monik a Mikac Boa r d M e mber Monik a Mika c i s a C E O a t NA D Capital , an in v estm e n t fun d tha t f ocuse s o n a whole c i r c l e o f electri c mobili t y . W it h mo r e than 1 0 y e a r s o f e xperi e n c e i n th e au tomoti v e industr y , she ’ s helpin g start - u p c ompa - nie s d e v elo p an d g r o w thei r businesses. Monik a i s als o a Boa r d m e mbe r o f QEV T echnologie s whe r e sh e p r e viousl y held a CB O position . He r r e c e n t su c c ess withi n QE V w a s th e c losin g o f a 17M€ r oun d wit h a Eu r op ea n In v estm e n t Bank. A w a r de d a s on e o f Eu r op ea n Au tomoti v e Risin g sta r s , sh e star t e d a n au tomoti v e ca r ee r a s CO O i n Rima c Au t omobili . She helpe d g r o w th e c ompa n y f r o m 1 t o 350 employees. Maria n o Soria G ene r a l Manage r & Boa r d m e mber +20 y e a r s of e xperi e n ce General Manager at Turbo Energy - CIO at Umbrella Solar Invetsment, 2021 – actual C E O & Sha r eholder at Punt Mobles, 2012 – 2021 Member of the Management Board at V.I.II, Sociedad de Capital Riesgo, 2010 a 2013 Industrial Engineer, Industrial Organization Engineer (UPV) - Executive MBA Bil l Carr Advisor Autho r , Adviso r an d spe a k e r . A c o - f ounde r o f W orkin g Back w a r ds , LLC whe r e th e y a r e s e nio r adviso r s t o c ompanies . Prio r r ole s in c lud e V i c e P r esid e n t a t Ama z on , CO O a t O f f e r Up an d EI R a t M a v e r on. Aleja n d r o Mo r agues CFO Financial Controller of Turbo Energy since October 2022 Senior Corporate Auditor for the US Company Euronet W orldwid e , Inc f r om 2020 t o 2022 External auditor for the services firm Pricewaterhouse Coope r s f r om 2017 t o 2020 Bachelo r s Deg r ee in Business Administ r ation and Manag e m e nt f r om the Pol y t echnic Uni v e r sit y of Valencia Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



T urbo Ene r gy T e a m P ablo de l a Cuad r a CTO +20 y e a r s of e xperi e n c e CTO at T urbo Ene r g y . 2018 - actual Independent Consultant Energy sector. Eme r ging mar k ets. 2012 - 2018 CTO at Soluciones y Sistemas Solares T ele c ommunication Engineer (UP C ) Maria Ángele s Narbón COO +20 y e a r s of e xperi e n c e Chief Ope r ating Of f i c er at T urbo Ene r g y , 2020 – actual Chief Financial Officer at Solar, 2016 – 2020 Administ r ation Manager at A vinatur P r odu c ciones A ví c olas, 2013 – 2016 Chief Finan c ial Of f i c er at T écnicas Aplicadas de las Ba t erías, 2011 - 2013 Rub é n Sousa CIO +30 y e a r s of e xperi e n c e C E O & F ounder at Inn o v atrium - actual CIO at T urbo Ene r gy & Umb r ella Solar In v estm e nt - actual CIO at Plasticos Mondragón 2001 - 2005, CIO at C Y E S 1993 - 2001 Compu t er S c i e n c e Spe c ialist, Scrum Certifica t e , Bussiness Manag e m e nt Manuel Ce r c ó s D'Aversa CCO +20 y e a r s of e xperi e n c e Chief Commercial Officer at Turbo Ene r g y , 2014 - actual Commercial Director at TAB, 2013 – 2014 Sales Manager at T écnicas Aplicadas e n Ba t erías V a n esa Bigatà C L O & CHRO * +11 y e a r s of e xperi e n c e H e ad de Legal & Human Resou r c es at Umbrella Solar Invetsment, 2019 - actual H e ad de Legal & Human Resou r c es at IM2 Ene r gía Sola r , 2017 - 2019 L a w yer in Human Resou r c es d e partm e nt at Se r gio Her r e r o , 2014 - 2017 *at Umb r ella Solar In v estm e nt Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



O v ervi e w Market A mar k et wit h h i gh g r o wth p r o spects , i n n eed of t ech n ologi c al solu t ion s f or the chall e nge s ah e ad. North Am eri c a & Eu r ope batte r y mar k et : $ 4 9B $5B 202 2 2028 Use of Fu n ds $5M In t ernational Expans ion R&D T e am / Labo r a t o r y I T T e am 10+ Y e a r s as E n e r gy S t o r age L e ader i n Spain Design ed & P r odu c ed i n Spain Who? T e am wit h m o r e than 20 y e a r s of of P V (pho t o v oltai c ) e xperi e n c e a n d the sou l of an in n o v ati v e start - u p . R e v e nu e : $33M EBIT D A : $ 1 .8M What? Smar t P V e n e r gy s t o r age with Artifi c ial In t ellig e n c e . P V R&D D e v elopm e nt - C&I - BIPV - Portable - Residential Mar k eting Ef f orts + Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. Why? T urb o E n e r g y T M p r o vides the m o s t c ompetiti v e e n e rgy s t o r age solution



Thank Y ou. ww w .turbo - e . c om



Ha r d w a r e Road Map & Portable T urbo Ene r gy will launch small equipm e nt Solar T a k e - A w a y Minimum p r oposal f or a pho t o v oltaic instalation that can be pu r chased in the s t o r e or online Does not require licenses or specialized installers Building The growing demand for domestic and business generation of photovoltaic energy, and the difficulty of this task in buildings, marks a powerful growth of the BIPV (Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics) sector, for which Turbo Energy will launch product proposals in the coming years. $ 132.6 $ 1 9 .7 202 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 2030 15 100 Bui ldin g In t eg r a t ed Pho t o v oltaics Mar k et Si z e , 202 1 t o 2030 U S D BILLION Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. Source: www.precedenceresearch.com



Communi t y E n e r gy Manager - Optimi z ation of the e ne r gy c ost in Ene r gy Communities - Aggregation of facilities to act as VPP Ha r d w a r e Road Map 2022 2030 U S D 3 , 3 6 7 . 7 Mill U S D 12,273.3 Mill Global V irtual P o w er Plan t Mar k et Market forecast to grow at a CAGR of 16.9% Sou r c e: Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved.



Soft w a r e Road Map - Comp r eh e nsi v e home e ne r gy manager - Analysis and f o r ecast of the electri c i t y bill - Calculation of the optimal point of c ont r ac t ed p o w er - Search for more profitable electricity contracts. - Analysis of inef f i c i e n c ies in domestic applian c es 16.000 2021 2022 2020 2019 20.000 24.000 28.000 9A M 12PM Peak solar production Solar p r oduction wanes Cur v e gets m o r e p r o n ou nc ed e ash y e a r , as m o r e solar capacity is added Utili t y c ompanies h a v e t o r amp u p p r oduction t o comp e nsa t e f or h i gh demand, often over - stressing grid. 3P M 6PM Duc k Cur v e Electri c y D e ma n d i n Cali f ornia (mW) Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. E n e r gy S a ving Servi c es



Fina n c ial s Sta t e m e nts Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments may be speculative, iliquid, and there is a risk of principal loss. There is no guarantee that any specific outcome will be achieved. 2021 2021 2022 2022 A m ount in $ FS under Spanish G A AP FS under IFRS FS under Spanish G A AP FS under IFRS 19,553,488 19,416,662 33,318,759 33,321,219 REVENUE 600,540 540,458 1,788,080 1,787,335 EBITDA 363,957 302,458 1,101,732 1,100,321 Net I n c o m e