EX-99.5 6 ea0200794ex99-5_almacenes.htm EARNINGS PRESENTATION (ENGLISH TRANSLATION)

Exhibit 99.5


4Q/FY23 Grupo Éxito Financial Results February 28, 2024 “ The Issuers Recognition - IR granted by the Colombian Stock Exchange is not a certification about the quality of the securities listed at the BVC nor the solvency of t he issuer” .



2 Note on forward looking statements This document contains certain forward - looking statements based on data, assumptions, and estimates, that the Company believes are reasonable ; however, it is not historical data and should not be interpreted as guarantees of its future occurrence . The words “anticipates”, “believes”, “estimates”, “expects”, “plans” and similar expressions, as they relate to the Company, are intended to identify forward - looking statements . Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations, expectations in connection with the company’s ESG plans, initiatives, projections, goals, commitments, expectations or prospects, including ESG - related targets and goals, are examples of forward - looking statements . Although the Company’s management believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward - looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward - looking statements . Grupo Éxito operates in a competitive and rapidly changing environment ; therefore, it is not able to predict all the risks, uncertainties or other factors that may affect its business, their potential impact on its business, or the extent to which the occurrence of a risk or a combination of risks could have results that are significantly different from those included in any forward - looking statement . Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward - looking statements, or that could contribute to such differences, include, without limitation, the risks and uncertainties set forth under the section “Item 3 . Key Information – D . Risk Factors” in the Company’s registration statement on Form 20 - F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 20 , 2023 . The forward - looking statements contained in this document are made only as of the date hereof . Except as required by any applicable law, rules or regulations, Grupo Éxito expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to publicly release any updates of any forward - looking statements contained in this press release to reflect any change in its expectations or any change in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any forward - looking statement contained in this document is based . Reconciliations of the non - IFRS financial measures in this webcast are included at the appendices to this webcast presentation .



▪ Tender offer outcome ▪ ESG strategy ▪ Financial and operating highlights ▪ Financial performance ▪ Conclusions and Q&A session Agenda 3



4 Tender offer outcome Grupo Calleja



Note : 1 BDR represents 4 common shares, and 1 ADR represents 8 common shares . ( 1 ) Shareholder structure reported on January 25 , 2024 . 5 Float Casino ~34% ~53% ~13% (CBD) Change in ownership structure and share allocation by market post - TO Tender Offer Outcome 1 13.2% Casino Float 86.8% Grupo Calleja Stake Shareholding structure @25/01/2024 11.3% BDR float 1.2% ADR float 0.7% BVC float 65.4% ADR G. Calleja 21.4% BVC G. Calleja 100.00% Total G. Calleja 86.8% Float 13.2% Float distribution 8.7% 5.3% 86% 13.2 % • Shareholder's base 1 is represented by around 42,000 holders distributed in 3 markets • Float distribution outcome : BDR ´ s 86%, ADR ´ s 8.7% and BVC 5.3%



6 Sustainability Strategy



Zero Malnutrition Sustainable Trade My Planet Governance & Integrity Healthy lifestyle ESG initiatives to generate value: economic growth, social development and environmental protection • Over 72 , 000 children benefited from nutrition and complementary programs • Over 183 , 000 food packages delivered to children and their families • 90 % of fruit and vegetables purchased locally • Paissana Brand portfolio of 144 SKUs and 37 suppliers • 278 direct suppliers in Sustainable Livestock geo - referenced • Gold Sustainable Fashion certification awarded by CO 2 ZERO • Ranked 7 th as the Colombian company with best reputation standards by Merco 2 • Scored 73 / 100 in S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment 2023 • Completion of spin - off, share listing in 3 markets and acquisition of minority stake of 6 . 66 % of Grupo Disco • TCFD recommendations implemented • Promotion of healthy spaces t hrough physical and mental health activities • Elimination of over 30 controversial ingredients from private label products • 34 % of reduced carbon footprint vs baseline 2015 • 19 , 000 tons of material and + 1 , 300 tons of recyclable material collected post - consumption • Near of 650 , 000 trees planted during 2023 • A Sustainable Livestock Model , audited and certified by ICONTEC 1 Our people • Friendly Biz accreditation obtained by the Diversity Chamber ESG achievements 2023 Notes : ( 1 ) Organization accredited for validation and certification services . ( 2 ) Monitor Empresarial de Reputación Corporativa, measures and evaluates corporate reputation in LatAm . 7



8 Operating and financial highlights



Recurring EBITDA 3 COP$ 527,034 M ( - 1.9%, 9.7% margin; +8.1% excluding FX ) Net Revenue COP$5.4 B ( - 12.6% y/y, - 1.3% excluding FX) Notes : ( 1 ) Consolidated results from Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina, eliminations and the FX effect of - 11 . 5 % at Net Revenue and - 9 . 3 % at recurring EBITDA in 4 Q 23 . ( 2 ) Excluding FX and calendar effects . ( 3 ) Recurring EBITDA refers to Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization adjusted by other non - recurring operational income (expense) . ( 4 ) LTM e xpansion from o penings, reforms, conversions and remodellings . SSS 2 - 1.6% Net Revenue : Retail Sales growth in LC : Uru + 4 . 7 % and Arg + 372 . 7 % ; and solid real estate performance in Colombia (+ 19 . 7 % ) Contribution from innovative formats • Colombia : 42 . 3 % (+ 0 . 1 p . p . y/y) • Consolidated : 46 . 4 % (+ 6 . 2 p . p . y/y) LTM store expansion: 56 stores 4 (Col 49, Uru 4, Arg 3) 4Q23 Consolidated highlights 1 Financial Highlights Investment & expansion Operating Highlights Net Income COP$118,749 M (vs Loss of $77,668 M y/y) 9 656 stores (+19 QoQ) 1.06 M sqm (+0.6%) Capex of COP$103,476 M during 4Q23 76 % allocated to expansion 4 Colombia: 17 stores (6 Éxito, 2 Carulla, 4 Surtimax, 4 Surtimayorista, 1 Super Inter) Uruguay: 2 Devoto Express Higher real estate income from rents and administrative fees in Colombia (+ 20 . 3 % ) Gross Profit : - 12 . 7 % to 25 . 4 % margin driven by Colombia (+ 6 . 1 % ) boosted by the higher cost base of relocating the industry facility and offset by the FX effect Recurring EBITDA 3 : - 1 . 9 % driven by Uruguay (+ 5 . 1 % , + 128 bps in margin) Net Income driven by Colombia and Uruguay operating outcome and a lower tax and expense structure Net Income of COP$118,749 M from a lower tax base and expense structure Omni - channel performance FY 23 : • 5 % growth • 10 . 6 % share (+ 0 . 6 p . p . vs 2022 ) (Col 12 . 5 % , Uru 3 . 2 % and Arg 3 . 1 % )



Recurring EBITDA 3 COP$1,638,419 M ( - 1.4%, 7.8% margin; +0.8% excluding FX ) Net Revenue COP$ 21.1 B (+ 2.4 % y/y, + 8.7% excluding FX) Notes : ( 1 ) Consolidated results from Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina, eliminations and the FX effect of - 5 . 7 % at Net Revenue and - 2 . 2 % at recurring EBITDA during 2023 . ( 2 ) Excluding FX and calendar effects . ( 3 ) Recurring EBITDA refers to Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization adjusted by other non - recurring operational income (expense) . ( 4 ) LTM e xpansion from o penings, reforms, conversions and remodellings . SSS 2 +6.4% Net Revenue : Retail Sales grew above CPI from international operations (in LC) and solid real estate performance in Colombia (+ 15 . 2 % ) Contribution from innovative formats • Colombia 42 . 2 % (+ 0 . 6 p . p . y/y) • Consolidated 44 . 4 % (+ 2 . 4 p . p . y/y) LTM store expansion: 56 stores 4 (Col 49, Uru 4, Arg 3) FY23 Consolidated 1 highlights Financial Highlights Investment & expansion Operating Highlights Net Income COP$125,998 M (+27.2% vs COP$99,072 M FY22) 10 656 stores (+56 LTM) (Col 522, Uru 98, Arg 36) 1.06 M sqm (+2.2%) Capex of COP$522,023 M during FY23 70 % allocated to expansion 4 Colombia: 49 stores LTM (7 Éxito, 7 Carulla, 14 Surtimax, 3 Super Inter and 18 Surtimayorista) Uruguay: 4 stores (2 Devoto SM and 2 Devoto Express) Argentina: 3 stores (1 Hiper and 2 Mini Libertad) Omni - channel performance FY 23 : • 10 . 3 % growth • 10 . 1 % share (+ 0 . 3 p . p . vs 2022 ) (Col 12 . 7 % , Uru 2 . 7 % and Arg 3 . 6 % ) Gross Profit : + 3 . 6 % to 25 . 7 % margin (+ 28 bps y/y) driven by Uruguay (+ 79 bps) and Colombia (+ 32 bps) from assertive commercial strategies and cost efficiencies Recurring EBITDA 3 : margin gains from Uruguay (+ 76 bps) and Argentina (+ 36 bps) ; + 2 . 4 % excluding operating tax at consolidated level Net Income driven by international operations and a lower tax base Net Income grew 27.2% despite higher rates, inflation and effect of Tuya share of profits Higher real estate income from rents and administrative fees : + 11 . 6 % and + 18 . 6 % at consolidated and Colombia levels, respectively Improved working capital (inventories - 6 . 2 days) and cash generation of COP $ 123 , 000 M



Financial Performance 11



Argentina and Uruguay grew annual Net Revenues above inflation (in LC), while Colombia reflected a slowdown in consumption Net Revenue performance • CPI 9 . 28 % LT - dec, 5 % food inflation ; retail sales (exc . gas and vehicles) decreased 3 . 2 % y/y • Top line driven by real estate (+ 19 . 7 % 4 Q, + 15 . 2 % y/y), omni - channel (+ 5 . 2 % 4 Q, + 10 . 1 % y/y), innovative formats ( 42 . 2 % vs 41 . 6 % y/y), food (+ 3 . 0 % 4 Q, + 7 . 6 % y/y) • Non - food ( - 7 . 2 % 4 Q, - 5 . 2 % y/y ) impacted by lower credit, consumer confidence and 2 non - VAT days in base • Éxito : driven by fresh (+ 8 . 1 % ) and FMCG (+ 6 . 3 % ) and affected by electro ( - 8 . 8 % ) • Carulla : the best performing banner during 2023 driven by food (+ 13 . 8 % ) and omni - channel (+ 49 . 7 % ) • Low - cost & Other : impacted by lower consumer access to credit and affected performance of institutional clients • CPI 5.11% LT - dec • Retail Sales and SSS in LC : 4 . 7 % , 3 . 0 % 4 Q ; 9 . 9 % , 8 . 9 % y/y • Top line growth despite droughts, a higher basis in Punta del Este and consumption outflow to Argentina • CPI 211 . 4 % LT - dec • Results in COP impacted by FX of - 106 % in 4 Q 23 and - 82 . 6 % in 2023 • Retail Sales and SSS in LC : 372 . 7 % , 350 . 7 % 4 Q ; 246 . 3 % , 214 % y/y • Top line grew abo ve inflation, boosted by anticipated purchasing to hedge devaluation and a higher share of the C&C format on total sales ( 17 . 3 % in 2023 ) • Real estate grew 225 . 1 % in LC and reflected high occupancy levels ( 94 % ) Notes : Data in COP includes a - 12 % FX effect in Uruguay at Net Revenue and at Recurring EBITDA in 4 Q 23 and 7 . 4 % in FY 23 and - 106 % and - 82 . 6 % in Argentina, respectively, calculated with the closing exchange rate . SSS in local currency, include the effect of conversions and exclude the calendar effect of - 0 . 7 % in Colombia ( - 0 . 8 % in Éxito, - 0 . 3 % in Carulla and - 0 . 5 % in LC segments), - 0 . 4 % in Uruguay and - 1 . 3 % in Argentina in 4 Q . ( 1 ) Segment includes Retail Sales from Surtimax, Super Inter and Surtimayorista brands, allies, institutional and third - party sellers, and the sale of property development projects (inventory) of COP $ 49 . 4 M during 2023 . 12 Colombia Uruguay Argentina Low-cost & Other (2) Low-cost & Other (2) Variations SSS -1.9% -2.8% 7.4% -7.5% 1.4% -0.4% 13.8% -2.5% Total -0.3% -1.8% 6.9% -1.0% 3.5% 1.2% 13.1% 4.4% Total MCOP 4,264,591 2,938,935 687,419 638,237 15,018,909 10,214,174 2,434,416 2,370,319 4Q23 FY23 in COP M 4Q23 4Q22 % Var 4Q23 4Q22 % Var % var exc. FX 4Q23 4Q22 % Var % var exc. FX 4Q23 4Q22 % Var % var exc. FX Retail Sales 4,264,591 4,279,221 (0.3%) 1,058,282 1,148,313 (7.8%) 4.7% (147,054) 520,647 (128.2%) 372.7% 5,175,618 5,947,643 (13.0%) (1.6%) Other Revenue 232,613 216,468 7.5% 14,802 14,014 5.6% 20.0% (7,558) 18,531 (140.8%) 582.7% 239,718 249,003 (3.7%) 5.3% Net Revenue 4,497,204 4,495,689 0.0% 1,073,084 1,162,327 (7.7%) 4.9% (154,612) 539,178 (128.7%) 380.0% 5,415,336 6,196,646 (12.6%) (1.3%) in COP M FY23 FY22 % Var FY23 FY22 % Var % var exc. FX FY23 FY22 % Var % var exc. FX FY23 FY22 % Var % var exc. FX Retail Sales 15,018,909 14,517,395 3.5% 4,193,328 3,553,925 18.0% 9.9% 1,014,898 1,683,717 (39.7%) 246.3% 20,226,311 19,754,076 2.4% 8.6% Other Revenue 816,085 762,273 7.1% 42,014 36,598 14.8% 6.9% 37,908 66,998 (43.4%) 225.1% 895,776 865,597 3.5% 10.2% Net Revenue 15,834,994 15,279,668 3.6% 4,235,342 3,590,523 18.0% 9.8% 1,052,806 1,750,715 (39.9%) 245.5% 21,122,087 20,619,673 2.4% 8.7% Colombia Uruguay Argentina Consolidated Colombia Uruguay Argentina Consolidated



FY23 Performance of Innovative Formats 36% (+133bps vs FY22) 63 % (+137 bps vs FY22) Share on Éxito’s Retail Sales Retail Sales increase vs. regular stores (included in 207 Éxito stores) +24.4 p.p. after 24 months +13.9 p.p. after 24 months 13 Hypers • Innovative experience • New generation of hypermarkets • Omni - channel experience Supers 32 stores 31 stores Share on Carulla’s Retail Sales Retail Sales increase vs. regular stores • Differentiation and freshness • First carbon neutral food retailer in Latam 1 • Green market for healthy nutrition • No plastic bags at stores (included in 112 Carulla stores) Increased share on Colombia sales (42.2%, +60bps y/y)



FY23 Performance of Innovative Formats Surtimayorista, Allies and Misurtii: Targeting and associating with the traditional market 64 stores 2.2x after 24 months Share on Retail Sales Retail Sales increase vs. regular stores 5.4 % (+23bps, share on Colombia Retail Sales y/y) Retail Sales COP $233,000 M +1.6% y/y 2,430 partners (+1,300 y/y ) COP$79,000 M In Retail Sales +37% In Retail Sales +168,000 Orders in 2023 14 Cash and Carry of proximity Strategic partners Misurtii 18 stores opened during 2023 (+8,925 sqm) 34,000 c lients registered



Omni - channel 1 performance ( 1 ) Include . com, marketplace, home delivery, Shop&Go, Click&Collect, digital catalogues and B 2 B virtual 15 + 22% Food Sales (11.9% share) 19.3 M Orders (+44%) 2023 12.7 % Share on Retail Sales Marketplace: +15.3% during 2023 , 28% share on omni - channel non - food GMV Omni - channel sales share (+70bps to 12.7% y/y), boosted by a solid food sales trend (+22%, 11.9% share on sales) FY Highlights 15 4Q23 COP$543,000 M In Retail Sales (+5.2%) 12.5% Share on Retail Sales COP$1.9 B In Retail Sales (+10.1%) Apps: COP$45,000 M (+34%) in 4Q; COP$ 142,000 M (+57%) in sales 2023 12.7% share on sales, despite t wo non - VAT days in the base and non - food ( - 7%) 549,407 1,462,707 1,492,758 1,764,378 1,942,108 5.0% 12.5% 11.9% 12.0% 12.7% 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Omni - channel sales and share on sales



Asset and traffic monetization during 2023 Real Estate Business The most important complementary business and contributor to margins 794,000 sqm of GLA (33 assets) Occupancy rate 97.6% (vs. 96.4% y/y ) Note : ( 1 ) Viva Malls is a JV with Fondo Inmobiliario Colombia (FIC) in which Grupo Éxito has 51 % stake and consolidates the business . 16 Revenues from rental and administrative fees (+11.6% consol, +18.6 Col in 2023 ) x 17 assets x 561,000 sqm of GLA (71% share) x 98.6 % occupancy rate Viva Malls 1 Leading shopping malls operator Guaranteed income from leases and stable cash flow Real estate: main business to monetize traffic with solid contribution to margins VM grew revenue by 18.8% and by 15.6% during 4Q23 and 2023 respectively and Recurring EBITDA by 21.1% and 20.7%, respectively, at consolidated level y/y In MCOP 4Q23 4Q22 % Var FY23 FY22 % Var Net Revenue 113,952 95,907 18.8% 398,806 344,920 15.6% Recurring EBITDA 87,158 71,952 21.1% 265,852 220,344 20.7% Recurring EBITDA Margin 76.5% 75.0% 146 bps 66.7% 63.9% 278 bps



7 M active clients (+10.7% y/y) AAA rating Note : TUYA and Puntos Colombia are 50 / 50 JV ´ s with Bancolombia . ​ Loyalty platform PCO COP$172,000 M Redeemed 1.6 M cards in stock 3.3 B COP Loan Portfolio TUYA: Risk management activities to protect fundamentals in line with the banking sector Puntos Colombia: Strong growth and positioning 17 Granted for 13 straight years by • 12% share on our sales in Colombia • Provision levels and risk coverage continued above legal requirements # 1 Brand power according to Kantar » Launch of Puntos Pay in the app : points transfer, QR payments and accumulating or redeeming points » Ranked 1 st as best Marketplace store by Vtex » Launch of the new Media Services business » 224 corporate brands (points issuance/redemption) Present in 1/3 of Colombian household s



Operating performance by country • GP : solid growth of recurrent real estate income ( 20 . 3 % in 4 Q ; 18 . 6 % FY 23 ) and a higher base from industry facility relocation • Recurring EBITDA 1 : Costs and efficiency plans offset by lower consumption, inflationary pressures, and higher operating taxes 2 • GP : good performance during 1 H 23 and efficiencies from strict control despite lower consumption levels in 2 H 23 • Recurring EBITDA 1 : solid sales evolution in LC and cost efficiencies • Continued as the most profitable operation • GP : higher share of C &C format ( 17 . 3 % ) and solid real estate growth (+ 225 . 1 % y/y in LC) • Recurring EBITDA 1 : 4 Q strongly impacted by devaluation, uncertainty and inflationary pressures in labour cost Note : Colombia perimeter includes Almacenes Éxito S . A . and its subsidiaries . Data in COP includes a - 12 % FX effect in Uruguay at Net Revenue and at Recurring EBITDA in 4 Q 23 and 7 . 4 % in FY 23 and - 106 % and - 82 . 6 % in Argentina, respectively, calculated with the closing exchange rate . ( 1 ) Recurring EBITDA refers to Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization adjusted by other non - recurring operational income (expense) . ( 2 ) By near to COP $ 66 , 000 M during 2023 due to the tax reform approved in 2022 . Colombia Argentina Uruguay Real estate in Colombia and expense dilution in Uruguay led to Recurring EBITDA margin gains of 106bps in 4Q23 18 in COP M 4Q23 4Q22 % Var 4Q23 4Q22 % Var % var exc. FX 4Q23 4Q22 % Var % var exc. FX 4Q23 4Q22 % Var % var exc. FX Net Revenue 4,497,204 4,495,689 0.0% 1,073,084 1,162,327 (7.7%) 4.9% (154,612) 539,178 (128.7%) 380.0% 5,415,336 6,196,646 (12.6%) (1.3%) Gross profit 1,035,505 975,975 6.1% 381,033 409,992 (7.1%) 5.6% (42,712) 188,389 (122.7%) 279.5% 1,373,826 1,574,532 (12.7%) 3.6% Gross Margin 23.0% 21.7% 132 bps 35.5% 35.3% 23 bps 27.6% 34.9% (731) bps 25.4% 25.4% (4) bps Total Expense (769,682) (712,669) 8.0% (288,023) (323,916) (11.1%) 1.0% 52,964 (162,208) NA 446.5% (1,004,741) (1,198,793) (16.2%) 1.7% Expense/Net Rev (17.1%) (15.9%) (126) bps (26.8%) (27.9%) 103 bps (34.3%) (30.1%) (417) bps (18.6%) (19.3%) 79 bps Recurring Operating Income 265,823 263,306 1.0% 93,010 86,076 8.1% 22.7% 10,252 26,181 (60.8%) 755.4% 369,085 375,739 (1.8%) ROI Margin 5.9% 5.9% 5 bps 8.7% 7.4% 126 bps (6.6%) 4.9% (1,149) bps 6.8% 6.1% 75 bps Recurring EBITDA 407,940 394,693 3.4% 112,986 107,544 5.1% 19.3% 6,108 34,911 (82.5%) NA 527,034 537,324 (1.9%) 8.1% Recurring EBITDA Margin 9.1% 8.8% 29 bps 10.5% 9.3% 128 bps (4.0%) 6.5% (1,043) bps 9.7% 8.7% 106 bps in COP M FY23 FY22 % Var FY23 FY22 % Var % var exc. FX FY23 FY22 % Var % var exc. FX FY23 FY22 % Var % var exc. FX Net Revenue 15,834,994 15,279,668 3.6% 4,235,342 3,590,523 18.0% 9.8% 1,052,806 1,750,715 (39.9%) 245.5% 21,122,087 20,619,673 2.4% 8.7% Gross profit 3,558,757 3,385,817 5.1% 1,506,654 1,249,056 20.6% 12.3% 360,632 604,403 (40.3%) 242.8% 5,426,043 5,239,583 3.6% 12.3% Gross Margin 22.5% 22.2% 32 bps 35.6% 34.8% 79 bps 34.3% 34.5% (27) bps 25.7% 25.4% 28 bps Total Expense (2,977,696) (2,661,672) 11.9% (1,139,440) (965,710) 18.0% 9.9% (330,632) (553,127) (40.2%) 243.4% (4,447,768) (4,180,509) 6.4% 17.2% Expense/Net Rev (18.8%) (17.4%) (138) bps (26.9%) (26.9%) (1) bps (31.4%) (31.6%) 19 bps (21.1%) (20.3%) (78) bps Recurring Operating Income 581,061 724,145 (19.8%) 367,214 283,346 29.6% 30,000 51,276 (41.5%) 978,275 1,059,074 (7.6%) ROI Margin 3.7% 4.7% (107) bps 8.7% 7.9% 78 bps 2.8% 2.9% (8) bps 4.6% 5.1% (50) bps Recurring EBITDA 1,137,730 1,230,861 (7.6%) 451,389 355,531 27.0% 18.2% 49,300 75,703 (34.9%) 274.1% 1,638,419 1,662,402 (1.4%) 0.8% Recurring EBITDA Margin 7.2% 8.1% (87) bps 10.7% 9.9% 76 bps 4.7% 4.3% 36 bps 7.8% 8.1% (31) bps Colombia Uruguay Argentina Consolidated



Consolidated operating performance Note : Colombia perimeter includes Almacenes Éxito S . A . and its subsidiaries . Consolidated results from Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina, eliminations and the FX effect of - 11 . 5 % and - 5 . 7 % at Net Revenue in 4 Q 23 and FY 23 , and - 9 . 3 % and - 2 . 2 % at recurring EBITDA, respectively . ( 1 ) Higher operating tax of COP $ 66 , 000 M during 2023 due to the tax reform approved in 2022 . 19 Cost control and expense efficiency offset devaluation in Argentina and macro headwinds in Colombia x Contribution from commercial strategies x Solid real estate business x Clear action plans to control expenses x Recurring EBITDA 3 y CAGR + 8 . 8 % • All countries performed well despite low consumption and higher operating tax 1 in Colombia, s trong devaluation in Argentina and inflationary pressures in expenses across the region • Recurring EBITDA grew 2 . 4 % when excluding the operating tax effect at consolidated level ( - 2 . 1 % in Colombia) Highlights in COP M 4Q23 4Q22 % Var % var exc. FX FY23 FY22 % Var % var exc. FX Net Revenue 5,415,336 6,196,646 (12.6%) (1.3%) 21,122,087 20,619,673 2.4% 8.7% Gross profit 1,373,826 1,574,532 (12.7%) 3.6% 5,426,043 5,239,583 3.6% 12.3% Gross Margin 25.4% 25.4% (4) bps 25.7% 25.4% 28 bps Total Expense (1,004,741)(1,198,793) (16.2%) 1.7% (4,447,768) (4,180,509) 6.4% 17.2% Expense/Net Rev (18.6%) (19.3%) 79 bps (21.1%) (20.3%) (78) bps Recurring EBITDA 527,034 537,324 (1.9%) 8.1% 1,638,419 1,662,402 (1.4%) 0.8% Recurring EBITDA Margin 9.7% 8.7% 106 bps 7.8% 8.1% (31) bps Consolidated



• 4Q23 Net Income of COP$118,749 M from: o Operating contribution from Colombia and Uruguay o A higher deferred tax base in Colombia o Improved financial performance in Argentina o Lower non - recurring expenses in Colombia o Negative effect of Tuya’s share of profit • 2023 Net Income of COP$125,998 M from: o A higher deferred tax base in Colombia o Lower operating contribution from Colombia and Argentina o Higher financial costs and non - recurring expenses in Colombia o The aggregated negative effect of Tuya’s share of profit Highlights Note : Consolidated data include results from Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina, eliminations and the FX of - 11 . 5 % and - 5 . 7 % at Net Revenue in 4 Q 23 and FY 23 , and - 9 . 3 % and - 2 . 2 % at recurring EBITDA, respectively . ( 1 ) The Central Bank reduced the repo rate in Colombia by 25 bps to 13 % during 4 Q 23 (vs . 10 % in 3 Q 22 and 12 % in 4 Q 22 ) . 20 4Q23 FY 23 Net Income of COP$118,749 M in 4Q23 and a growth of 27.2% y/y Net Income Result Variations of Net Income result Variations of Net Income result



Cash generation of COP$123,000 M and improved working capital from inventories ( - 6.2 days) and lower receivables 4Q/FY 23 Leverage and Cash at holding level 1 Solid working capital improvement from: • Lower inventory levels (6.2 days y/y, worth near COP$126,000 M) • Positive cash generation from improved levels of receivables and despite sales slowdown and the COP$124,000 M invested on increasing share on Disco by 6.66% • Gross Debt levels reflected pressures from high repo 3 rates Leverage and cash highlights Note : Numbers expressed in long scale, COP billion represent 1 , 000 , 000 , 000 , 000 . ( 1 ) Holding : Almacenes Éxito S . A results without Colombia or international subsidiaries . ( 2 ) Free cash flow (FCF) = Net cash flows used in operating activities + Net cash flows used in investing activities + Variation of collections on behalf of third parties + Lease liabilities paid + Interest on lease liabilities paid (using variations for the last 12 M for each line) ; cash flow re - expressed in line with the financial statements . ( 3 ) Central Bank repo rate reduced 25 bps to 13 % during 4 Q 23 in Colombia, (vs . 10 % in 3 Q 22 and 12 % in 4 Q 22 ) . 21 in thousand million COP 2023 2022 Variation EBITDA 880.4 996.6 -11.7% Lease liabilities amortizations & interests 405.7- 363.9- 11.5% Operational results before WK 377.6 496.2 -23.9% Change in Tax 4.6 119.2- -103.9% Change in working capital 62.3 342.1- -118.2% CapEx 476.1- 369.9- 28.7% Free cash flow before investments 31.5- 335.0- -90.6% Dividends received 154.1 256.8 -40.0% Free cash flow 122.6 78.2- -256.8% Shareholders' cash flow 127.7- 151.5- -15.7%



22 Conclusions



Grupo Calleja became main shareholder and controlling company of Grupo É xito - t ender offer reached 86.8%. A cquisition of minority stake of 6.66% of Grupo Disco. Net Revenue boosted by international operations (+9.8% in Uruguay and +245.5% in Argentina in LC) and real estate performance in Colombia (+15.2%). Solid Recurring EBITDA margins in Uruguay (10.7%, +76bps) and in Argentina (4.7%, +36bps) during 2023. Net Income driven by income tax offset the impact of financial and non - recurring expenses and TUYA share of profit. Improved working capital result: inventories decreased 6.2 days and a healthy cash generation of COP$123,000 M reported. Expansion of key formats (+56 stores), Viva Malls (+15.6% Net Revenue 2023 ), Aliados (2,430 partners) and Mi Surtii (+ 37 % sales) Dividend proposal of COP$50.49 per share (52% pay - out ratio). Note : Consolidated data include results from Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina, eliminations and the FX effect of - 11 . 5 % and - 5 . 7 % at Net Revenue in 4 Q 23 and FY 23 , and - 9 . 3 % and - 2 . 2 % at recurring EBITDA, respectively Colombia perimeter includes Almacenes Éxito S . A . and its subsidiaries . Solid international operations and resilience in Colombia led to Net Income growth of 27.2% FY23 Conclusions 23



Appendices 24



Glossary and Notes Notes: • Numbers are expressed in long scale, COP billion represent 1 , 000 , 000 , 000 , 000 . • Growth and variations are expressed in comparison to the same period last year, except when stated otherwise . • Sums and percentages may reflect discrepancies due to rounding of figures . • All margins are calculated as percentage of Net Revenue . Glossary: • Colombia results : consolidation of Almacenes Éxito S . A . and its subsidiaries in the country . • Consolidated results : Almacenes Éxito results, Colombian and international subsidiaries in Uruguay and Argentina . • Adjusted EBITDA : Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization plus Associates & Joint Ventures results . • EPS : Earnings Per Share calculated on an entirely diluted basis . • Financial Result : impacts of interests, derivatives, financial assets/liabilities valuation, FX changes and other related to cash, debt, and other financial assets/liabilities . • Free cash flow (FCF) = Net cash flows used in operating activities plus Net cash flows used in investing activities plus Variation of collections on behalf of third parties plus Lease liabilities paid plus Interest on lease liabilities paid (using variations for the last 12 M for each line) ; cash flow re - expressed in line with the financial statements . • GLA : Gross Leasable Area . • GMV : Gross Merchandise Value . • Holding : Almacenes Éxito results without Colombian and international subsidiaries . • Net Revenue : Total Revenue related to Retail Sales and Other Revenue . • Retail Sales : sales related to the retail business . • Other Revenue : revenue related to complementary businesses (real estate, insurance, travel, etc . ) and other revenue . • Recurring EBITDA : Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization Operating Profit adjusted by other non - recurring operational income (expense) . • Recurring Operating Profit (ROI) : Gross Profit adjusted by SG&A expense and D&A . • SSS : same - store - sales levels, including the effect of store conversions and excluding the calendar effect . 25



Ownership S tructure Note : Own ership structure after the closure of the tender offer launched by Grupo Calleja and shareholder ´ s structure reported on January 25 , 2024 . 26



Consolidated Income Statement Note : Consolidated data include results from Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina, eliminations and the FX effect of - 11 . 5 % and - 5 . 7 % at Net Revenue in 4 Q 23 and FY 23 , and - 9 . 3 % and - 2 . 2 % at recurring EBITDA, respectively . Recurring EBITDA refers to Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization adjusted by other non - recurring operational income (expense) . Adjusted EBITDA refers to Earnings B efore Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization plus A ssociates & Joint Ventures results . EPS considers the weighted average number of outstanding shares (IFRS 33 ), corresponding to 1 , 297 , 864 , 359 shares . 27 in COP M 4Q23 4Q22 % Var FY23 FY22 % Var Retail Sales 5,175,618 5,947,643 (13.0%) 20,226,311 19,754,076 2.4% Other Revenue 239,718 249,003 (3.7%) 895,776 865,597 3.5% Net Revenue 5,415,336 6,196,646 (12.6%) 21,122,087 20,619,673 2.4% Cost of Sales (4,015,269) (4,596,720) (12.6%) (15,590,671) (15,281,830) 2.0% Cost D&A (26,241) (25,394) 3.3% (105,373) (98,260) 7.2% Gross Profit 1,373,826 1,574,532 (12.7%) 5,426,043 5,239,583 3.6% Gross Margin 25.4% 25.4% (4) bps 25.7% 25.4% 28 bps SG&A Expense (873,033) (1,062,602) (17.8%) (3,892,997) (3,675,441) 5.9% Expense D&A (131,708) (136,191) (3.3%) (554,771) (505,068) 9.8% Total Expense (1,004,741) (1,198,793) (16.2%) (4,447,768) (4,180,509) 6.4% Expense/Net Rev 18.6% 19.3% (79) bps 21.1% 20.3% 78 bps Recurring Operating Income (ROI) 369,085 375,739 (1.8%) 978,275 1,059,074 (7.6%) ROI Margin 6.8% 6.1% 75 bps 4.6% 5.1% (50) bps Non-Recurring Income/(Expense) (35,527) (70,378) (49.5%) (95,494) (68,940) 38.5% Operating Income (EBIT) 333,558 305,361 9.2% 882,781 990,134 (10.8%) EBIT Margin 6.2% 4.9% 123 bps 4.2% 4.8% (62) bps Net Financial Result (106,265) (134,255) (20.8%) (414,290) (380,474) 8.9% Associates & Joint Ventures Results (39,890) (6,712) 494.3% (114,419) (34,720) 229.5% EBT 187,403 164,394 14.0% 354,072 574,940 (38.4%) Income Tax (13,027) (194,996) (93.3%) (45,898) (325,702) (85.9%) Net Result 174,376 (30,602) 669.8% 308,174 249,238 23.6% Non-Controlling Interests (55,627) (47,066) 18.2% (182,176) (150,166) 21.3% Group profit (loss) for the period 118,749 (77,668) 252.9% 125,998 99,072 27.2% Net Margin 2.2% (1.3%) 345 bps 0.6% 0.5% 12 bps Recurring EBITDA 527,034 537,324 (1.9%) 1,638,419 1,662,402 (1.4%) Recurring EBITDA Margin 9.7% 8.7% 106 bps 7.8% 8.1% (31) bps Adjusted EBITDA 451,617 460,234 (1.9%) 1,428,506 1,558,742 (8.4%) Adjusted EBITDA Margin 8.3% 7.4% 91 bps 6.8% 7.6% (80) bps EBITDA 491,507 466,946 5.3% 1,542,925 1,593,462 (3.2%) EBITDA Margin 9.1% 7.5% 154 bps 7.3% 7.7% (42) bps Shares 1,297.864 1,297.864 0.0% 1,297.864 1,297.864 0.0% EPS 91.5 (59.8) N/A 97.1 76.3 27.2%



Income Statement by C ountry Note : The Colombia perimeter includes the consolidation of Almacenes Éxito S . A . and its subsidiaries in the country . Recurring EBITDA refers to Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization adjusted by other non - recurring operational income (expense) . Data in COP includes a - 12 % FX effect in Uruguay at Net Revenue and at Recurring EBITDA in 4 Q 23 and 7 . 4 % in FY 23 and - 106 % and - 82 . 6 % in Argentina, respectively, calculated with the closing exchange rate . 28 in COP M 4Q23 4Q22 % Var 4Q23 4Q22 % Var % var exc. FX 4Q23 4Q22 % Var % var exc. FX 4Q23 4Q22 % Var % var exc. FX Net Revenue 4,497,204 4,495,689 0.0% 1,073,084 1,162,327 (7.7%) 4.9% (154,612) 539,178 (128.7%) 380.0% 5,415,336 6,196,646 (12.6%) (1.3%) Gross profit 1,035,505 975,975 6.1% 381,033 409,992 (7.1%) 5.6% (42,712) 188,389 (122.7%) 279.5% 1,373,826 1,574,532 (12.7%) 3.6% Gross Margin 23.0% 21.7% 132 bps 35.5% 35.3% 23 bps 27.6% 34.9% (731) bps 25.4% 25.4% (4) bps Total Expense (769,682) (712,669) 8.0% (288,023) (323,916) (11.1%) 1.0% 52,964 (162,208) NA 446.5% (1,004,741) (1,198,793) (16.2%) 1.7% Expense/Net Rev (17.1%) (15.9%) (126) bps (26.8%) (27.9%) 103 bps (34.3%) (30.1%) (417) bps (18.6%) (19.3%) 79 bps Recurring Operating Income 265,823 263,306 1.0% 93,010 86,076 8.1% 22.7% 10,252 26,181 (60.8%) 755.4% 369,085 375,739 (1.8%) ROI Margin 5.9% 5.9% 5 bps 8.7% 7.4% 126 bps (6.6%) 4.9% (1,149) bps 6.8% 6.1% 75 bps Recurring EBITDA 407,940 394,693 3.4% 112,986 107,544 5.1% 19.3% 6,108 34,911 (82.5%) NA 527,034 537,324 (1.9%) 8.1% Recurring EBITDA Margin 9.1% 8.8% 29 bps 10.5% 9.3% 128 bps (4.0%) 6.5% (1,043) bps 9.7% 8.7% 106 bps in COP M FY23 FY22 % Var FY23 FY22 % Var % var exc. FX FY23 FY22 % Var % var exc. FX FY23 FY22 % Var % var exc. FX Net Revenue 15,834,994 15,279,668 3.6% 4,235,342 3,590,523 18.0% 9.8% 1,052,806 1,750,715 (39.9%) 245.5% 21,122,087 20,619,673 2.4% 8.7% Gross profit 3,558,757 3,385,817 5.1% 1,506,654 1,249,056 20.6% 12.3% 360,632 604,403 (40.3%) 242.8% 5,426,043 5,239,583 3.6% 12.3% Gross Margin 22.5% 22.2% 32 bps 35.6% 34.8% 79 bps 34.3% 34.5% (27) bps 25.7% 25.4% 28 bps Total Expense (2,977,696) (2,661,672) 11.9% (1,139,440) (965,710) 18.0% 9.9% (330,632) (553,127) (40.2%) 243.4% (4,447,768) (4,180,509) 6.4% 17.2% Expense/Net Rev (18.8%) (17.4%) (138) bps (26.9%) (26.9%) (1) bps (31.4%) (31.6%) 19 bps (21.1%) (20.3%) (78) bps Recurring Operating Income 581,061 724,145 (19.8%) 367,214 283,346 29.6% 30,000 51,276 (41.5%) 978,275 1,059,074 (7.6%) ROI Margin 3.7% 4.7% (107) bps 8.7% 7.9% 78 bps 2.8% 2.9% (8) bps 4.6% 5.1% (50) bps Recurring EBITDA 1,137,730 1,230,861 (7.6%) 451,389 355,531 27.0% 18.2% 49,300 75,703 (34.9%) 274.1% 1,638,419 1,662,402 (1.4%) 0.8% Recurring EBITDA Margin 7.2% 8.1% (87) bps 10.7% 9.9% 76 bps 4.7% 4.3% 36 bps 7.8% 8.1% (31) bps Colombia Uruguay Argentina Consolidated



Income Statement and CapEx by Country Note : Consolidated data include results from Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina, eliminations and the FX effect (of - 11 . 5 % and - 5 . 7 % at Net Revenue in 4 Q 23 and FY 23 , and - 9 . 3 % and - 2 . 2 % at recurring EBITDA, respectively . The Colombia perimeter includes the consolidation of Almacenes Éxito S . A . and its subsidiaries in the country . Recurring EBITDA refers to Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization adjusted by other non - recurring operational income (expense) . Data in COP includes a - 12 % FX effect in Uruguay at Net Revenue and at Recurring EBITDA in 4 Q 23 and 7 . 4 % in FY 23 and - 106 % and - 82 . 6 % in Argentina, respectively, calculated with the closing exchange rate . 29 Income Statement Colombia Uruguay Argentina Consol Colombia Uruguay Argentina Consol in COP M 4Q23 4Q23 4Q23 4Q23 FY23 FY23 FY23 FY23 Retail Sales 4,264,591 1,058,282 (147,054) 5,175,618 15,018,909 4,193,328 1,014,898 20,226,311 Other Revenue 232,613 14,802 (7,558) 239,718 816,085 42,014 37,908 895,776 Net Revenue 4,497,204 1,073,084 (154,612) 5,415,336 15,834,994 4,235,342 1,052,806 21,122,087 Cost of Sales (3,437,124) (690,105) 111,620 (4,015,269) (12,178,258) (2,720,574) (692,894) (15,590,671) Cost D&A (24,575) (1,946) 280 (26,241) (97,979) (8,114) 720 (105,373) Gross profit 1,035,505 381,033 (42,712) 1,373,826 3,558,757 1,506,654 360,632 5,426,043 Gross Margin 23.0% 35.5% 27.6% 25.4% 22.5% 35.6% 34.3% 25.7% SG&A Expense (652,140) (269,993) 49,100 (873,033) (2,519,006) (1,063,379) (310,612) (3,892,997) Expense D&A (117,542) (18,030) 3,864 (131,708) (458,690) (76,061) (20,020) (554,771) Total Expense (769,682) (288,023) 52,964 (1,004,741) (2,977,696) (1,139,440) (330,632) (4,447,768) Expense/Net Rev 17.1% 26.8% 34.3% 18.6% 18.8% 26.9% 31.4% 21.1% Recurring Operating Income (ROI) 265,823 93,010 10,252 369,085 581,061 367,214 30,000 978,275 ROI Margin 5.9% 8.7% (6.6%) 6.8% 3.7% 8.7% 2.8% 4.6% Non-Recurring Income and (Expense) (7,306) (27,159) (1,062) (35,527) (68,473) (25,939) (1,082) (95,494) Operating Income (EBIT) 258,517 65,851 9,190 333,558 512,588 341,275 28,918 882,781 EBIT Margin 5.7% 6.1% (5.9%) 6.2% 3.2% 8.1% 2.7% 4.2% Net Financial Result (107,189) (5,668) 6,592 (106,265) (386,112) (12,343) (15,835) (414,290) Recurring EBITDA 407,940 112,986 6,108 527,034 1,137,730 451,389 49,300 1,638,419 Recurring EBITDA Margin 9.1% 10.5% (4.0%) 9.7% 7.2% 10.7% 4.7% 7.8% CAPEX in COP M 74,894 34,393 (5,811) 103,476 364,104 149,572 8,347 522,023 in local currency 74,894 334 543 364,104 1,343 1,766



Consolidated Balance Sheet Note : Consolidated data include figures from Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina . 30 in COP M Dec 2023 Dec 2022 Var % Assets 16,339,761 18,183,289 (10.1%) Current assets 5,283,091 5,947,863 (11.2%) Cash & Cash Equivalents 1,508,205 1,733,673 (13.0%) Inventories 2,437,403 2,770,443 (12.0%) Accounts receivable 704,931 779,355 (9.5%) Assets for taxes 524,027 509,884 2.8% Assets held for sale 12,413 21,800 (43.1%) Others 96,112 132,708 (27.6%) Non-current assets 11,056,670 12,235,426 (9.6%) Goodwill 3,080,622 3,484,303 (11.6%) Other intangible assets 366,369 424,680 (13.7%) Property, plant and equipment 4,069,765 4,474,280 (9.0%) Investment properties 1,653,345 1,841,228 (10.2%) Right of Use 1,361,253 1,443,469 (5.7%) Investments in associates and JVs 232,558 300,021 (22.5%) Deferred tax asset 197,692 142,589 38.6% Assets for taxes - - 0.0% Others 95,066 124,856 (23.9%) in COP M Dec 2023 Dec 2022 Var % Liabilities 8,917,952 9,748,843 (8.5%) Current liabilities 7,144,623 7,415,394 (3.7%) Trade payables 5,248,777 5,651,303 (7.1%) Lease liabilities 282,180 263,175 7.2% Borrowing-short term 1,029,394 915,604 12.4% Other financial liabilities 139,810 136,223 2.6% Liabilities held for sale - - 0.0% Liabilities for taxes 107,331 109,726 (2.2%) Others 337,131 339,363 (0.7%) Non-current liabilities 1,773,329 2,333,449 (24.0%) Trade payables 37,349 70,472 (47.0%) Lease liabilities 1,285,779 1,392,780 (7.7%) Borrowing-long Term 236,811 539,980 (56.1%) Other provisions 11,630 15,254 (23.8%) Deferred tax liability 156,098 277,713 (43.8%) Liabilities for taxes 8,091 2,749 N/A Others 37,571 34,501 8.9% Shareholder´s equity 7,421,809 8,434,446 (12.0%)



Consolidated Cash Flow Note : Consolidated data include figures from Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina . 31 in COP M Dec 2023 Dec 2022 Var % Profit 308,174 249,238 23.6% Operating income before changes in working capital 1,503,202 1,470,019 2.3% Cash Net (used in) Operating Activities 1,527,067 901,429 69.4% Cash Net (used in) Investment Activities (587,503) (529,929) 10.9% Cash net provided by Financing Activities (1,034,390) (1,235,821) (16.3%) Var of net of cash and cash equivalents before the FX rate (94,826) (864,321) (89.0%) Effects on FX changes on cash and cash equivalents (130,642) 56,415 N/A (Decresase) net of cash and cash equivalents (225,468) (807,906) (72.1%) Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 1,733,673 2,541,579 (31.8%) Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents 1,508,205 1,733,673 (13.0%)



Holding Income Statement 1 ( 1 ) Holding : Almacenes Éxito Results without Colombia subsidiaries Recurring EBITDA refers to Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization adjusted by other non - recurring operational income (expense) . 32 in COP M 4Q23 4Q22 % Var FY23 FY22 % Var Retail Sales 4,267,213 4,281,967 (0.3%) 15,026,313 14,529,617 3.4% Other Revenue 120,253 121,703 (1.2%) 428,695 426,110 0.6% Net Revenue 4,387,466 4,403,670 (0.4%) 15,455,008 14,955,727 3.3% Cost of Sales (3,429,217) (3,489,579) (1.7%) (12,144,053) (11,783,050) 3.1% Cost D&A (23,079) (21,992) 4.9% (91,652) (85,011) 7.8% Gross profit 935,170 892,099 4.8% 3,219,303 3,087,666 4.3% Gross Margin 21.3% 20.3% 106 bps 20.8% 20.6% 18 bps SG&A Expense (639,248) (595,024) 7.4% (2,430,525) (2,176,115) 11.7% Expense D&A (114,053) (103,357) 10.3% (446,043) (397,609) 12.2% Total Expense (753,301) (698,381) 7.9% (2,876,568) (2,573,724) 11.8% Expense/Net Rev (17.2%) (15.9%) (131) bps (18.6%) (17.2%) (140) bps Recurring Operating Income (ROI) 181,869 193,718 (6.1%) 342,735 513,942 (33.3%) ROI Margin 4.1% 4.4% (25) bps 2.2% 3.4% (122) bps Non-Recurring Income and (Expense) (24,915) (45,414) (45.1%) (87,558) (58,828) 48.8% Operating Income 156,954 148,304 5.8% 255,177 455,114 (43.9%) EBIT Margin 3.6% 3.4% 21 bps 1.7% 3.0% (139) bps Net Financial Result (117,994) (103,205) 14.3% (428,772) (297,204) 44.3% Group profit (loss) for the period 118,749 (77,668) 252.9% 125,998 99,072 27.2% Net Margin 2.7% (1.8%) 447 bps 0.8% 0.7% 15 bps Recurring EBITDA 319,001 319,067 (0.0%) 880,430 996,562 (11.7%) Recurring EBITDA Margin 7.3% 7.2% 3 bps 5.7% 6.7% (97) bps



Holding Balance Sheet 1 ( 1 ) Holding : Almacenes Éxito Results without Colombia subsidiaries . 33 in COP M Dec 2023 Dec 2022 Var % Assets 13,580,684 14,761,545 (8.0%) Current assets 4,015,527 4,432,647 (9.4%) Cash & Cash Equivalents 980,624 1,250,398 (21.6%) Inventories 1,993,987 2,105,200 (5.3%) Accounts receivable 436,942 477,912 (8.6%) Assets for taxes 496,180 478,476 3.7% Others 107,794 120,661 (10.7%) Non-current assets 9,565,157 10,328,898 (7.4%) Goodwill 1,453,077 1,453,077 0.0% Other intangible assets 190,346 191,204 (0.4%) Property, plant and equipment 1,993,592 2,059,079 (3.2%) Investment properties 65,328 83,420 (21.7%) Right of Use 1,556,851 1,587,943 (2.0%) Investments in subsidiaries, associates and JVs 4,091,366 4,788,226 (14.6%) Others 214,597 165,949 29.3% in COP M Dec 2023 Dec 2022 Var % Liabilities 7,480,007 7,622,557 (1.9%) Current liabilities 5,692,731 5,455,563 4.3% Trade payables 4,144,324 4,319,342 (4.1%) Lease liabilities 290,080 261,824 10.8% Borrowing-short term 578,706 251,118 N/A Other financial liabilities 149,563 123,446 21.2% Liabilities for taxes 100,449 92,846 8.2% Others 429,609 406,987 5.6% Non-current liabilities 1,787,276 2,166,994 (17.5%) Lease liabilities 1,481,062 1,525,272 (2.9%) Borrowing-long Term 236,812 539,980 (56.1%) Other provisions 11,499 14,311 (19.6%) Deferred tax liability - - 0 Others 57,903 87,431 (33.8%) Shareholder´s equity 6,100,677 7,138,988 (14.5%)



Debt by country and maturity Note : The Colombia perimeter includes the consolidation of Almacenes Éxito S . A . and its subsidiaries in the country . 1 ) Debt without contingent warranties and letters of credits . ( 2 ) Holding gross debt issued 100 % in Colombian Pesos with an interest rate below IBR 3 M + 2 . 0 % , debt at the nominal amount . IBR 3 M (Indicador Bancario de Referencia) – Market Reference Rate : 11 . 98 % ; other collections included, and positive hedging valuation not included . ( 3 ) Debt at the nominal amount . 34 Net debt breakdown by country 31 Dec 2023, (millions of COP) Holding (2) Colombia Uruguay Argentina Consolidated Short-term debt 728,269 715,613 453,591 - 1,169,204 Long-term debt 236,811 236,811 - - 236,811 Total gross debt (1) (2) 965,080 952,424 453,591 - 1,406,015 Cash and cash equivalents 980,624 1,127,735 317,698 62,772 1,508,205 Net debt 15,544 175,311 (135,893) 62,772 102,190 Holding Gross debt by maturity 31 Dec 2023, (millions of COP) Nominal amount Nature of interest rate Maturity Date 31-dic-23 Short Term - Bilateral 25,000 Fixed Mayo 2024 25,000 Short Term - Bilateral 100,000 Fixed Mayo 2024 100,000 Mid Term - Bilateral 135,000 Floating April 2024 135,000 Long Term - Bilateral 200,000 Floating March 2025 200,000 Long Term - Bilateral 290,000 Floating March 2026 108,749 Long Term - Bilateral 190,000 Floating March 2027 120,916 Long Term - Bilateral 150,000 Floating March 2030 108,375 Total gross debt (3) 1,090,000 798,040



Store number and Retail Sales area Note : The store count does not include the 2 , 430 allies in Colombia . 35 Banner by country Store number Sales area (sqm) Colombia Exito 207 627,926 Carulla 112 89,500 Surtimax 80 31,934 Super Inter 59 56,907 Surtimayorista 64 55,453 Total Colombia 522 861,720 Uruguay Devoto 66 41,731 Disco 30 35,934 Geant 2 16,411 Total Uruguay 98 94,076 Argentina Libertad 15 92,104 Mini Libertad 10 1,796 Mayorista 11 13,539 Total Argentina 36 107,439 TOTAL 656 1,063,235



Accounts Reconciliations Exchange Rates Effects on Results Note : Recurring EBITDA refers to Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization adjusted by other non - recurring operational income (expense) . Data in COP includes a - 12 % FX effect in Uruguay at Net Revenue and at Recurring EBITDA in 4 Q 23 and 7 . 4 % in FY 23 and - 106 % and - 82 . 6 % in Argentina, respectively, calculated with the closing exchange rate . FX impacts are calculated as a devaluation between currencies resulting in a percentage . Percentages represent relative proportions, and as such they cannot be directly added or subtracted from each other because they are not absolute numeric values . 36 4Q23 Idioma Inglés Net Revenue Growth in LC Growth in COP FX effect Uruguay 4.9% -7.7% -12.0% Argentina 380.0% -128.7% -106.0% Consolidated -1.3% -12.6% -11.5% Recurring EBITDA Growth in LC Growth in COP FX effect Uruguay 19.3% 5.1% -12.0% Argentina -392.8% -82.5% -106.0% Consolidated 8.1% -1.9% -9.3% FY23 Net Revenues Growth in LC Growth in COP FX effect Uruguay 9.8% 18.0% 7.4% Argentina 245.5% -39.9% -82.6% Consolidated 8.7% 2.4% -5.7% Recurring EBITDA Growth in LC Growth in COP FX effect Uruguay 18.2% 27.0% 7.4% Argentina 274.1% -34.9% -82.6% Consolidated 0.8% -1.4% -2.2%



Accounts Reconciliations Recurring EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA Note : Recurring EBITDA refers to Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization adjusted by other non - recurring operational income (expense . Adjusted EBITDA refers to Earnings B efore Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization plus A ssociates & Joint Ventures results . 37 in COP M 4Q23 4Q22 FY23 FY22 Operating Income (EBIT) 333,558 305,361 882,781 990,134 Non-Recurring Income/(Expense) 35,527 70,378 95,494 68,940 Cost D&A 26,241 25,394 105,373 98,260 Expense D&A 131,708 136,191 554,771 505,068 Recurring EBITDA 527,034 537,324 1,638,419 1,662,402 in COP M 4Q23 4Q22 FY23 FY22 Operating Income (EBIT) 333,558 305,361 882,781 990,134 Associates & Joint Ventures Results (39,890) (6,712) (114,419) (34,720) Cost D&A 26,241 25,394 105,373 98,260 Expense D&A 131,708 136,191 554,771 505,068 Adjusted EBITDA 451,617 460,234 1,428,506 1,558,742 in COP M 4Q23 4Q22 FY23 FY22 Operating Income (EBIT) 333,558 305,361 882,781 990,134 Cost D&A 26,241 25,394 105,373 98,260 Expense D&A 131,708 136,191 554,771 505,068 EBITDA 491,507 466,946 1,542,925 1,593,462



Accounts Reconciliations Recurring Income of the Real Estate Business Net Revenue and Recurring EBITDA of Viva Malls in Colombia 38 in COP M 4Q23 4Q22 FY23 FY22 Operating Income (EBIT) 70,893 60,073 206,236 165,322 Non-Recurring Income/(Expense) 1,275 (2,425) 1,708 (1,417) Expense D&A 14,990 14,304 57,908 56,439 Recurring EBITDA 87,158 71,952 265,852 220,344 Consolidated 4Q23 4Q22 Var 12M23 12M22 Var Income from concessionaires 22,384 19,478 14.9% 93,702 84,424 11.0% Income from building administration 13,403 11,174 19.9% 52,613 43,719 20.3% Income from property rent 92,663 76,589 21.0%317,828264,322 20.2% Income from rent of other spaces 9,913 32,793-69.8% 86,598100,968-14.2% Revenues real estate 138,363140,034 -1.2%550,741493,433 11.6% Non recurring concessionaires fees (-) 0 0 0.0% 3,861 0 0.0% Recurring revenues real estate 138,363140,034 -1.2%554,602493,433 12.4% Non recurring concessionaires fees 148 0 0.0% 3,670 32,948-88.9% Sales of real estate projects 2,188 2,505-12.7% 49,396 28,765 71.7% Total revenues real estate 140,698142,539 -1.3%607,667555,146 9.5%



Grupo Éxito strategic pillars Leading transformation by focusing on customer and key retail trends 1 . Innovation 3. Digital Transformation 2. Omni - channel 4. Asset / Traffic Monetization 5. ESG Focus on improving Customer Service Relational Marketing HR & Suppliers Relationship IT Development Our people Omni - client ▪ Models & Formats x Premium & Mid: FreshMarket / WOW x Low - cost: Surtimayorista / Super Inter Vecino / Allies ▪ Private Label x Food / Non - food ▪ E - commerce x exito .com / carulla.com x disco.com / geant.com / devoto.com x hiperlibertad.com ▪ Market Place ▪ Digital Catalogues ▪ Home Delivery ▪ Last Milers x Rappi / Turbo 10 minutes ▪ Click & Collect ▪ WhatsApp / Clickcam ▪ Apps x Éxito / Carulla x Disco / Geant / Devoto x Hiperlibertad x Others: x Éxito Media x Éxito Rental x Startups ▪ Developments x Frictionless x Customer Service x Data Analytics x Logistics, Supply Chain, HR Management ▪ Loyalty Coalition x Puntos Colombia ▪ Complementary businesses x Real Estate: VIVA / Paseo x Financial Business: TUYA / TUYA Pay / Kiire / Hipermás / Money transfers x Travel x Insurance x Virtual Mobile Operator ▪ Operational Excellence x Logistics & Supply Chain x Lean Productivity Schemes x Joint Purchasing ▪ Zero malnutrition x Child nutrition ▪ My Planet x Environmental protection ▪ Sustainable trade x Sustainable trade practices ▪ Governance & Integrity x Build trust and transparency ▪ Our people x HR development ▪ Healthy Lifestyle x Habits and healthy living 39



ESG strategy Six pillars with clear purposes, strategic focus and contribution, aligned with Sustainable Development Goals Work towards the eradication of chronic child malnutrition in Colombia by 2030 • Communicate and raise awareness • Generate resources and alliances • Influence public policies • Work closely with Fundación Éxito • SDG #2 Zero hunger Zero Malnutrition Sustainable Trade My Planet Healthy Lifestyle Our people Governance & Integrity Promote sustainable trade practices • Promote sustainable supply chains • Develop allies and suppliers • Maintain local and direct procurement • SDG #8 / #12 Decent work and economic growth / Responsible consumption and production Environmental protection • Actions to manage climate change • Enable circular economy for packaging and plastic • Initiatives for sustainable mobility and real estate • Protection of biodiversity • SDG #13 Climate action Encourage healthier and balanced lifestyles • Educate on healthy habits and living • Trade of goods and services encouraging healthy lifestyles • SDG #3 Good health and well - being Promote diversity and inclusion • Promote social dialogue • Develop our people on being and doing • Endorse gender equality • SDG #5 and #8 Gender equality, decent work and economic growth Build trust with stakeholders • Promote best practices in corporate governance • Respect of human rights • Build up ethics and transparency standards • Facilitate diverse and inclusive environments • Promote communication • SDG #16 Peace, justice and strong institutions 40



Grupo Éxito Dz s e cosystem Leading retail through innovation and integration of BU Dz s across a comprehensive ecosystem with strong synergies Unmatched digital penetration in the region Click & collect, digital catalogues, , WhatsApp and Clickam Over 1,400 vendors #1 food retailer, high margins and strong cash flow generation Dual Retail / Real Estate model Multi - banner and multi - format retail structure #1 loyalty coalition in Colombia, +161 allied brands and +6.2 M clients Others Brick & Mortar Omni - channel #6 travel agency in Colombia # 1 card issuer in Colombia +1 M users of digital accounts Seller of micro insurance in Colombia # 3 real estate player in Argentina #1 shopping mall operator in Colombia Loyalty Coalition Complementary Businesses & Traffic Monetization Omni - client 1.3 M Tx. Target: #1 ally of money transfer network in Colombia Payment platform, 80M transactions +500K active lines Note : Data as of 2022 . 41



María Fernanda Moreno R . Head of Investor Relations +(57) 312 796 2298 mmorenor@grupo - exito.com Éxito Calle 80, Cr 59 A No. 79 – 30 Bogotá, Colombia www.grupoexito.com.co exitoinvestor.relations@grupo - exito.com • “The Issuers Recognition - IR granted by the Colombian Stock Exchange is not a certification about the quality of the securities listed at the BVC nor the solvency of the issuer”. Teresita Alzate Investor Relations Executive +(574) 6049696 Ext 306560 teresita.alzate@grupo - exito.com Cr 48 No. 32B Sur – 139, Av. Las Vegas Envigado, Colombia