EX-99.7 36 s148582_ex99-7sch2.htm SCHEDULE 2 - INDIVIDUAL EXCEPTION

Exhibit 99.7 Schedule 2


Dummy ID Loan Number 1 Loan Number 2 Borrower Last Name Property State Note Date Loan Purpose TPR QM ATR Status Initial Overall Loan Grade Final Overall Loan Grade Exception Category Exception Subcategory Exception Code Final Exception Status Initial Exception Grade Final Exception Grade Exception Exception Detail Follow-up Comments (Exception Response) Exception Conclusion Comments Compensating Factors Curable Status Loan Status Review Date Cleared Date Cured Date Exception Date
4HNAEWK1UBR xx xx xx New York xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Legal Docs Title Issue 4HNAEWK1UBR-H4EFAVZC Resolved 3 R * Title holder is not an individual (Lvl R) The subject property originated as LLC in the name of xx. The LLC agreement is missing from the loan file.

7-12-2022 - Provided LLC agreement. Hence, exception has been resolved.
7-12-2022 - Provided LLC agreement. Hence, exception has been resolved. 7-12-2022 - Provided LLC agreement. Hence, exception has been resolved.     QC Complete 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 06/xx/2022
4HNAEWK1UBR xx xx xx New York xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Underwriting 4HNAEWK1UBR-V81IZTFE Resolved 3 R * Transmittal (1008) is Missing (Lvl R) Provide 1008 as it is missing in package. 7-12-2022 :  Loan application to cure the exception raised against the final (1008)transmittal summary has been received which suffices the requirement - condition resolved.  7-12-2022 :  Loan application to cure the exception raised against the final (1008)transmittal summary has been received which suffices the requirement - condition resolved.      QC Complete 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 06/xx/2022
4HNAEWK1UBR xx xx xx New York xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Credit 4HNAEWK1UBR-U0OKEMMW Waived 3 W * Required Documentation Missing or Incomplete  (Lvl W) Provide the missing 1004D as required by guidelines

7-12-2022 : the condition had been raised for 1004D / completion cert but have received  secondary valuation which does not suffice the condition .condition not resolved.

07/xx/2022 - Not resolved - Received appraisal document which says "subject to the following required inspection based on the extraordinary assumption that the condition or deficiency does not require alteration or repair: Appraisal is subject to inspection of units 3 & 4 being completed.". 1004D / completion cert is still missing.

07/xx/2022 - Received approved exception request form stating "Due to covid concerns, Appraiser was unable to inspect every unit".
    Borrower has a high credit score of 760, an as-stabilized DSCR of 1.7 as well as inheriting tenants from previous owner.   QC Complete 01/xx/2023     01/xx/2023
RFCEADP2B1Y xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Legal Docs Doc Issue RFCEADP2B1Y-2XRZ4V9U Resolved 3 R * Note is missing or unexecuted (Lvl R) Provide a copy of note signed at closing.

07/xx/2022 - Received signed note. Hence, exception cleared.
07/xx/2022 - Received signed note. Hence, exception cleared. 07/xx/2022 - Received signed note. Hence, exception cleared.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
RFCEADP2B1Y xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation LTV RFCEADP2B1Y-5BLYZ9QJ Resolved 4 R * LTV or CLTV exceeds 104% (Lvl R) As per lender guideline  Maximum LTV allowed 80% however in this loan it is xx%, hence it is falling outside guideline. Appraisal value is xx and Sale price is xx
Am considering the lower value.

07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Sales price is xx which is lower than appraised value due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Sales price is xx which is lower than appraised value due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Sales price is xx which is lower than appraised value due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
RFCEADP2B1Y xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Data Edit Data Edit RFCEADP2B1Y-MBKU1T8F Resolved 4 R * Appraised value is less than loan amt. (Lvl R) The Appraisal report reflects the appraised value as xx and the loan amount is xx which is resulting in the LTV of xx%

07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Sales price is xx which is lower than appraised value due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Sales price is xx which is lower than appraised value due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Sales price isxx which is lower than appraised value due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
RFCEADP2B1Y xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Data Edit Data Edit RFCEADP2B1Y-V0NMLELM Resolved 4 R * LTV / CLTV > 100% (Lvl R) As per lender guideline maximum LTV allowed 80% however in this loan LTV is xx%, hence it is breaching the allowable threshold limit as per guideline. Appraisal value is xx and sale price is xx considering the lower value for LTV xx. The LTV to be recalculated once the missing appraisal for property "xx" is received.

07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Sales price is xx which is lower than appraised value due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Sales price is xx which is lower than appraised value due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Sales price is xx which is lower than appraised value due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
RFCEADP2B1Y xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Title Review RFCEADP2B1Y-D65QWGE6 Resolved 4 R * Title Rvw shows lower lien position than loan docs (Lvl R) The subject mortgage is in second lien position.
The review of the updated title report dated 6/2/2022 shows that there is a prior mortgage (Subject to Tax Deed) in the favor of xx. City bank of IN, in the amount of $78,000.00 which was recorded on 8/3/2005.
No open senior mortgage found per updated title report; hence, the exception has been resolved. No open senior mortgage found per updated title report; hence, the exception has been resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
RFCEADP2B1Y xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Title Review RFCEADP2B1Y-69C0M9L8 Resolved 4 R * Signatures at closing - There is an issue with not all property owners signing the title. (Lvl R) The review of the updated title report dated 6/2/2022 shows that the subject mortgage was originated in the amount of xx on 2/xx/2022 with the lender xx which was recorded on 2/xx/2022. However, the alert note shows xx and xx as Gaurantor for xx, mortgage only signed by xx. No documents have been found regarding xx interest.

7-12-2022 : provided promissory note has only one borrower signature (xx ) did not receive the other borrower signature (xx) . condition not resolved

07/xx/2022 - The guarantor signed all the documents that the guarantor is required to sign, the mortgage is not one of those documents. The consent of members authorizes the other member to sign all the other docs. Hence, exception is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - The guarantor signed all the documents that the guarantor is required to sign, the mortgage is not one of those documents. The consent of members authorizes the other member to sign all the other docs. Hence, exception is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - The guarantor signed all the documents that the guarantor is required to sign, the mortgage is not one of those documents. The consent of members authorizes the other member to sign all the other docs. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
RFCEADP2B1Y xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Assets Insufficient RFCEADP2B1Y-RDQHOAL4 Resolved 3 R * Assets are not sufficient to close (Lvl R) Per the settlement statement received dated 02/xx/2022, the total cash from borrower is $181,414.63; however, the total verified assets is $167526.81, which results in a shortfall of $13887.82. Need to sufficient assets to cover the shortfall of assets.

07/xx/2022 - Not Resolved - We have received POF calculator which is not sufficient to clear this exception. Moreover, we are missing HUD for xx property.

07/xx/2022 - Received updated HUD settlement statement stating cash from borrower is $91,947.82 and borrower has sufficient cash to cover closing cost and reserve requirement. Hence, condition is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - Received updated HUD settlement statement stating cash from borrower is $91,947.82 and borrower has sufficient cash to cover closing cost and reserve requirement. Hence, condition is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - Received updated HUD settlement statement stating cash from borrower is $91,947.82 and borrower has sufficient cash to cover closing cost and reserve requirement. Hence, condition is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 07/xx/2022
RFCEADP2B1Y xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Underwriting RFCEADP2B1Y-V81IZTFE Resolved 3 R * Transmittal (1008) is Missing (Lvl R) Provide a copy of final 1008 as it is missing in the file. 07-12-2022: Received File:  Loan_application_1xxt_xx_xx.pdf
Given Loan Application Form Received to Resolved The Transmittal (1008) Is Missing Condition.
07-12-2022: Received File:  Loan_application_xx_xx_xx.pdf
Given Loan Application Form Received to Resolved The Transmittal (1008) Is Missing Condition.
    QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
RFCEADP2B1Y xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   RFCEADP2B1Y-QSFFZZOT Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance Coverage less than Loan Amount (Lvl R) Hazard insurance coverage amount does not cover loan amount. Hazard insurance coverage amount is $225,000, loan amount is xx and Total Estimate of Cost New is $226,800. Moreover, Replacement Cost is missing from the file.

7-12-2022 : Condition had been raised for the reconstruction estimate or the hazard insurance with sufficient dwelling to cover the loan amount.

07/xx/2022 - Not Resolved - Estimated Replacement Cost received of $248,948.00 which is more than dwelling coverage of $225,000.00.

07/xx/2022 - Received signed letter from the Insurance company stating that it is 100% replacement cost. Hence, exception is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - Received signed letter from the Insurance company stating that it is 100% replacement cost. Hence, exception is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - Received signed letter from the Insurance company stating that it is 100% replacement cost. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
RFCEADP2B1Y xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Doc Issue RFCEADP2B1Y-WMO0OGAE Resolved 3 R * Appraisal incomplete (missing map, layout, pages, etc) (Lvl R) Appraisal report for "xx" missing in the file.

07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Hence, Condition is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Hence, Condition is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Hence, Condition is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
4LYDITAAEL0 xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Valuation Doc Issue 4LYDITAAEL0-WMO0OGAE Resolved 3 R * Appraisal incomplete (missing map, layout, pages, etc) (Lvl R) Provide Lease agreement for property "xx" as Lease agreement is missing in package. 7-12-2022 : lease agreement has been provided for the subject property "xx"  to rectify the condition. condition resolved. 7-12-2022 : lease agreement has been provided for the subject property "xx"  to rectify the condition. condition resolved.     QC Complete 06/xx/2022 07/xx/2022 07/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
4LYDITAAEL0 xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Credit Title Review 4LYDITAAEL0-69C0M9L8 Resolved 4 R * Signatures at closing - There is an issue with not all property owners signing the title. (Lvl R) There is an partial interest issue.
The mortgage was originated with the “xx” recorded on 2/xx/2022 and the mortgage was signed by the xx. However, the updated title report dated 6/2/2022 alert note shows as “xx and xx" as Guarantor of xx, but mortgage is only signed by the "xx" and signature of xx is missing from the subject mortgage.

7-25 - Resolved - Received explanation from client that "consent of members authorizes xx to sign in place of the other members".
7-25 - Resolved - Received explanation from client that "consent of members authorizes xx to sign in place of the other members".  7-25 - Resolved - Received explanation from client that "consent of members authorizes xx to sign in place of the other members".      QC Complete 06/xx/2022 07/xx/2022 07/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
4LYDITAAEL0 xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Credit Credit 4LYDITAAEL0-H6XQ79BK Resolved 4 R * DSCR is less than 1.00 (Lvl R) As per lender guideline Sharestates - DSCR Guideliness_Dec2021- Updated.pdf minimum DSCR is 1.20 however in this loan it is 0.36 hence it is breaching the guideline.

07/xx/2022 - DSCR 2.45 is calculated as per the Appraisal documents received. Hence, condition is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - DSCR 2.45 is calculated as per the Appraisal documents received. Hence, condition is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - DSCR 2.45 is calculated as per the Appraisal documents received. Hence, condition is resolved.     QC Complete 06/xx/2022 07/xx/2022 07/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
1HVZB5GE44B xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Title Review 1HVZB5GE44B-7GYC701I Active 2 2 * Title Review shows outstanding delinquent taxes (Lvl 2) As per the updated title report dated 08/xx/2022 (property address: xx), the 3rd installment taxes for the year 2022 are delinquent for the amount of $4563.90 which were due on 08/xx/2022 and good through as 08/xx/2022.     High Asset Reserves in the amount of $1,523,312

Credit Score of 726

LTV% less than xx% - xx% LTV
  QC Complete 11/xx/2022     08/xx/2022
1HVZB5GE44B xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Title Review 1HVZB5GE44B-YIFAJHDK Resolved 3 R * Active Judgment Against Borrower (Lvl R) As per the updated title report dated 06/xx/2022, there is prior UCC lien recorded on 08/xx/2018 for the amount of $0.00 in the favor of xx.

7/xx/2022- Received response from seller that the UCC lien should not an issue regards to title for the property and condition has been resolved.
7/xx/2022- Received response from seller that the UCC lien should not an issue regards to title for the property and condition has been resolved.
7/xx/2022- Received response from seller that the UCC lien should not an issue regards to title for the property and condition has been resolved.
    QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
1HVZB5GE44B xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Data Edit Data Edit 1HVZB5GE44B-V0NMLELM Resolved 4 R * LTV / CLTV > 100% (Lvl R) As per the guidelines the minimum LTV is 75% However Loan amount is xx & Apprised value is xx Which comes to LTV at xx% "Appraisal is missing for the property "xx" he LTV to be recalculated once the missing appraisal is received

07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx and for property "xx" appraised value is xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx and for property "xx" appraised value is xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx and for property "xx" appraised value is xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 06/xx/2022
1HVZB5GE44B xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Valuation Doc Issue 1HVZB5GE44B-WMO0OGAE Resolved 3 R * Appraisal incomplete (missing map, layout, pages, etc) (Lvl R) Appraisal report missing for the property "xx". The LTV to be recalculated once the missing appraisal is received.

07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx and for property "xx" appraised value is xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx and for property "xx" appraised value is xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx and for property "xx" appraised value is xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
1HVZB5GE44B xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Valuation LTV 1HVZB5GE44B-5BLYZ9QJ Resolved 4 R * LTV or CLTV exceeds 104% (Lvl R) As per the guidelines the minimum LTV is 75% , but as per the appraisal  the LTV is xx% which is no acceptable

07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx and for property "xx" appraised value is xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx and for property "xx" appraised value is xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - Appraisal received for "xx". Which reflects appraised value as xx and for property "xx" appraised value is xx so the total of both the appraisal is xx. Due to which LTV is xx%. Hence, Condition is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 06/xx/2022
1HVZB5GE44B xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Underwriting 1HVZB5GE44B-V81IZTFE Resolved 3 R * Transmittal (1008) is Missing (Lvl R) loan transmittal summary 1008 is missing in the  package 7/xx/2022 - Loan application form has been received for the condition raised against final transmittal summary which suffices the requirement - condition resolved 7/xx/2022 - Loan application form has been received for the condition raised against final transmittal summary which suffices the requirement - condition resolved     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
1HVZB5GE44B xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Credit 1HVZB5GE44B-H6XQ79BK Resolved 4 R * DSCR is less than 1.00 (Lvl R) DSCR arrives at 0.86 However as per lending guide the minimum DSCR ratio should be 1.20 for multi family.

07/xx/2022 - DSCR 1.36 is calculated as per the Appraisal documents received. Hence, condition is resolved.
07/xx/2022 - DSCR 1.36 is calculated as per the Appraisal documents received. Hence, condition is resolved. 07/xx/2022 - DSCR 1.36 is calculated as per the Appraisal documents received. Hence, condition is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
PX3SPWJ0OA0 xx xx xx New Jersey xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Valuation Property PX3SPWJ0OA0-8TUTL2SS Resolved 3 R * Subject property is located in a FEMA designated disaster area (recent). (Lvl R) Provide flood insurance document. Property in flood zone and missing in the flood insurance document in the package. 7/xx/2022 - Flood insurance and the supporting flood insurance payment receipt has been provided to suffice the condition raised against flood insurance - Condition resolved. 7/xx/2022 - Flood insurance and the supporting flood insurance payment receipt has been provided to suffice the condition raised against flood insurance - Condition resolved.     QC Complete 06/xx/2022 07/xx/2022 07/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
2WU0KPFK0P2 xx xx xx New York xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Doc Issue 2WU0KPFK0P2-SF53084O Resolved 3 R * Title policy missing (Lvl R) Please provide a copy of purchase deed from "xx  to xx"

08/xx/2022 - Purchase deed is not required as final title policy on pg 501 of the loan file has owner name xx. Hence, exception is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - Purchase deed is not required as final title policy on pg 501 of the loan file has owner name xx. Hence, exception is resolved. 08/xx/2022 - Purchase deed is not required as final title policy on pg 501 of the loan file has owner name xx. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 08/xx/2022
ZG0ADMLREDR xx xx xx Florida xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   ZG0ADMLREDR-G0TZ53U4 Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance (Lvl R) Dwelling coverage amount $365,651.00, Total Estimate of Cost-New $644,670.00 and Loan amount xx. Hazard coverage amount not covering the loan amount and Replacement Cost Estimator is missing from the file.

09/xx/2022 - New hazard insurance policy received with dwelling coverage amount of $443,105.00. Moreover, we have received estimated replacement cost of $401,182.34 which is covered by dwelling amount. Hence, exception is resolved.
09/xx/2022 - New hazard insurance policy received with dwelling coverage amount of $443,105.00. Moreover, we have received estimated replacement cost of $401,182.34 which is covered by dwelling amount. Hence, exception is resolved. 09/xx/2022 - New hazard insurance policy received with dwelling coverage amount of $443,105.00. Moreover, we have received estimated replacement cost of $401,182.34 which is covered by dwelling amount. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
JJEAR2XCIKK xx xx xx Nevada xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation JJEAR2XCIKK-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) As per desk review value is xx and main appraisal value is xx so variance -10.204 ,allowed variance + or - 10% variance, but variance is more then 10%. Please provide additional valuation from below 3 product list.

Clear Capital - Collateral Desktop Analysis (CDA);
Proteck - Appraisal Risk Review (ARR); or
Red Bell - Valuation Risk Review (VRR).

10/xx/2022 - We have used lower value which is xx which satisfy the exception. Hence, exception is resolved.
10/xx/2022 - We have used lower value which is xx which satisfy the exception. Hence, exception is resolved. 10/xx/2022 - We have used lower value which is xx which satisfy the exception. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 09/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
ZPKWJ1SSPD0 xx xx xx California xx Refinance Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Credit   ZPKWJ1SSPD0-G0TZ53U4 Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance (Lvl R) Dwelling coverage ($311,000.00) reflecting on the hazard insurance policy is not sufficient to cover the loan amount xx; however, replacement cost estimator is not present in file and policy includes home protector coverage 25% which is not covered by the dwelling coverage.

10/xx/2022 - Resolved - Property coverage document has been provided. Hence, Condition is resolved.
10/xx/2022 - Resolved - Property coverage document has been provided. Hence, Condition is resolved. 10/xx/2022 - Resolved - Property coverage document has been provided. Hence, Condition is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 10/xx/2022
JXQIXKTOXPU xx xx xx Massachusetts xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Other Disclosures JXQIXKTOXPU-ZXHR0C1D Resolved 3 R * Missing Required Disclosures (Lvl R) Please provide the Mortgage statement for "xx". In credit report it is dated 5/3/2022 and the last paid date is 3/xx/2022.

10/xx/2022 - Supplemental Credit report in the file on page no 459 shows the xx is current with the last paid date of 5/5/2022. Hence, exception is resolved.
10/xx/2022 - Supplemental Credit report in the file on page no 459 shows the xx is current with the last paid date of 5/5/2022. Hence, exception is resolved. 10/xx/2022 - Supplemental Credit report in the file on page no 459 shows the xx is current with the last paid date of 5/5/2022. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 09/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
FWAPTQ5NF3W xx xx xx Tennessee xx Cash Out Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Valuation Doc Issue FWAPTQ5NF3W-B5DE5ZB9 Resolved 3 R * Appraisal is stale dated without recertification in file (Lvl R) Provided Appraisal is inspected on dated xx(effective date of appraisal xx), however loan closing on xx. As per the guideline, appraisal report must be completed no earlier than 120 days prior to the Note Date.

Resolved: Appraisal received - 10/13
Resolved: Appraisal received - 10/13 Resolved: Appraisal received - 10/13     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
FWAPTQ5NF3W xx xx xx Tennessee xx Cash Out Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Compliance Compliance FWAPTQ5NF3W-HJ060Q28 Resolved 2 R * Higher Price Mortgage Loan (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z. While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.  Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail : Charged 8.599% Allowed 7.380% Over by +1.219% Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d). Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
FWAPTQ5NF3W xx xx xx Tennessee xx Cash Out Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Compliance Compliance FWAPTQ5NF3W-RQ4O9RG6 Resolved 3 R * Compliance Testing (Lvl R) The mortgage loan charges a brokerage/finder fee that exceeds 2% of the total loan amount. Under the Tennessee Rules and Regulations, brokerage fee is synonymous with finder fee.  Brokerage/Finder Fee Test Fail : Charged $9,375.00 Allowed $5,180.00 Over By +$4,195.00  Points - Loan Discount Fee - $2,745.00 Administration Fee - $1,450.00 Mortgage Broker Fee - $5,180.00

Resolved 10/xx/2022 : Received LOE for brokerage/finder fee exceeds and updated, hence condition cleared.
Resolved 10/xx/2022 : Received LOE for brokerage/finder fee exceeds and updated, hence condition cleared. Resolved 10/xx/2022 : Received LOE for brokerage/finder fee exceeds and updated, hence condition cleared.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
FWAPTQ5NF3W xx xx xx Tennessee xx Cash Out Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Credit Title Review FWAPTQ5NF3W-A7YJSEV7 Resolved 3 R * Title issue (Lvl R) The successor and assignee clause is missing from the final title policy. This can be cured by adding an addendum with successor and assignee clause.

11/xx/2022- Resolved- Revised copy of final title policy with successor and assignee clause has been received. Hence, exception has been resolved.
11/xx/2022- Resolved- Revised copy of final title policy with successor and assignee clause has been received. Hence, exception has been resolved. 11/xx/2022- Resolved- Revised copy of final title policy with successor and assignee clause has been received. Hence, exception has been resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
C0SSINGA0EW xx xx xx Illinois xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Compliance Compliance C0SSINGA0EW-IJH0N5PE Resolved 3 R * ComplianceEase TRID Tolerance Test is Incomplete (Lvl R) Missing Initial Closing Disclosure in the loan file. Require Initial Closing Disclosure.

Resolved 10/xx/2022 : Received Initial Closing Disclosure document and updated, hence condition cleared.
Resolved 10/xx/2022 : Received Initial Closing Disclosure document and updated, hence condition cleared. Resolved 10/xx/2022 : Received Initial Closing Disclosure document and updated, hence condition cleared.     QC Complete 09/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
C0SSINGA0EW xx xx xx Illinois xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Credit Doc Issue C0SSINGA0EW-SF53084O Resolved 3 R * Title policy missing (Lvl R) Final title policy is missing from the loan file. However, values are updated from commitment located at (xx xx Pg#467).

10/xx/2022- Final title policy received. Hence, exception is resolved.
10/xx/2022- Final title policy received. Hence, exception is resolved.
10/xx/2022- Final title policy received. Hence, exception is resolved.
    QC Complete 09/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022
SVLVLMGBWGI xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Credit Doc Issue SVLVLMGBWGI-SF53084O Resolved 2 R * Title policy missing (Lvl R) The final title policy is missing from the loan file. However, we have title commitment. This is the new originations loans so we are waiting for final title policy.

10/xx/2022- Resolved- Final title policy received. Hence, exception is resolved.
10/xx/2022- Resolved- Final title policy received. Hence, exception is resolved. 10/xx/2022- Resolved- Final title policy received. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 09/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022
SVLVLMGBWGI xx xx xx Pennsylvania xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Credit   SVLVLMGBWGI-QSFFZZOT Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance Coverage less than Loan Amount (Lvl R) Dwelling amount $177,300.00 is not sufficient to cover the loan amount xx. Require Hazard insurance policy with sufficient coverage.

Resolved: HOI policy received - 10/13
Resolved: HOI policy received - 10/13 Resolved: HOI policy received - 10/13     QC Complete 09/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
FGULBW4IDKM xx xx xx Colorado xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Credit Doc Issue FGULBW4IDKM-SF53084O Resolved 3 R * Title policy missing (Lvl R) Final title policy is missing from the loan file. However, title commitment is located at xx.xx Pg#508.

1-20-2023-Resolved- Final title policy received. Hence, exception has been resolved.
1-20-2023-Resolved- Final title policy received. Hence, exception has been resolved.  1-20-2023-Resolved- Final title policy received. Hence, exception has been resolved.      QC Complete 11/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 10/xx/2022
FGULBW4IDKM xx xx xx Colorado xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Compliance Compliance FGULBW4IDKM-HJ060Q28 Resolved 2 R * Higher Price Mortgage Loan (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in
Regulation Z. While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail : Charged 8.296% Allowed 6.870% Over by +1.426%.
HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d). HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
QEOKRISUCPT xx xx xx New Jersey xx Refinance Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Compliance Compliance QEOKRISUCPT-HJ060Q28 Resolved 2 R * Higher Price Mortgage Loan (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z. While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.
Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail : Charged 8.376% Allowed 6.660%  Over by +1.716%
HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d). HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
QEOKRISUCPT xx xx xx New Jersey xx Refinance Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Valuation Valuation QEOKRISUCPT-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide additional valuation as both CU & LCU score is missing  & as per lender guideline additional valuation required; however, it is missing in the loan file.

Resolved: CU & LCA score received - 10/13
Resolved: CU & LCA score received - 10/13 Resolved: CU & LCA score received - 10/13     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
QEOKRISUCPT xx xx xx New Jersey xx Refinance Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Credit Doc Issue QEOKRISUCPT-SF53084O Resolved 3 R * Title policy missing (Lvl R) Final title policy is missing from the loan file. However, values are updated from commitment located at (xx-xx Pg#670).
11/2/2022: Received final TPOL; hence, exception has been resolved.
11/2/2022: Received final TPOL; hence, exception has been resolved. 11/2/2022: Received final TPOL; hence, exception has been resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 10/xx/2022
B3LTXWV2BFY xx xx xx Massachusetts xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Credit Guidelines B3LTXWV2BFY-28GAQH2C Resolved 3 R * Income documentation does not meet guidelines (Lvl R) Missing complete 24 months bank statements needed to calculate income.  Provide xx account ***xx statements for the months ( 11/2021, 3/2021 , 02/2021 & 01/2021 ) to calculate the income accurately.

Resolved: Bank statement received - 10/13
Resolved: Bank statement received - 10/13 Resolved: Bank statement received - 10/13     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 10/xx/2022
B3LTXWV2BFY xx xx xx Massachusetts xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Compliance Compliance B3LTXWV2BFY-HJ060Q28 Resolved 2 R * Higher Price Mortgage Loan (Lvl R) This loan passed the MA 209 CMR 32.35 higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in the Code of Massachusetts Regulations. While the Code of Massachusetts Regulations provisions specify that lenders may lawfully make this type of loan subject to certain disclosure requirements and additional limitations, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail : Charged 7.731% Allowed 6.810%  Over by +0.921%

Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation MA 209 CMR 32.35.
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation MA 209 CMR 32.35. Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation MA 209 CMR 32.35.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 09/xx/2022
B3LTXWV2BFY xx xx xx Massachusetts xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Compliance Compliance B3LTXWV2BFY-DK9NVDYI Resolved 2 R * Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan test Fail (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z.
While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test: FAIL Charged 7.731% Allowed 6.810% Overby +0.921%

Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d). Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
B3LTXWV2BFY xx xx xx Massachusetts xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Credit Credit B3LTXWV2BFY-UDN50XOG Resolved 3 R * Borrower Identity Missing (Lvl R) Borrower is a Permanent Resident Alien , not a US Citizen please provide the PRA card front and Back copy ,Acceptable Visa.

Resolved: PRA card received - 10/13
Resolved: PRA card received - 10/13 Resolved: PRA card received - 10/13     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
DXQ0GEHPFVK xx xx xx South Carolina xx Cash Out Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Compliance Compliance DXQ0GEHPFVK-DK9NVDYI Resolved 2 R * Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan test Fail (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z. While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met

Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail: Charged 9.056% Allowed 6.810% Over by +2.246%
HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines. File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d). HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines. File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
IRWQGUOMYYW xx xx xx Florida xx Cash Out Non-QM/Compliant 2 1 Compliance Compliance IRWQGUOMYYW-HJ060Q28 Resolved 2 R * Higher Price Mortgage Loan (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z. While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.
Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail : Charged 10.990% Allowed 7.360% Over by +3.630%
HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d). HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
L5UJXWFGVPQ xx xx xx Massachusetts xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Compliance Compliance L5UJXWFGVPQ-HJ060Q28 Resolved 2 R * Higher Price Mortgage Loan (Lvl R) This loan passed the MA 209 CMR 32.35 higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in the Code of Massachusetts Regulations. While the Code of Massachusetts Regulations provisions specify that lenders may lawfully make this type of loan subject to
certain disclosure requirements and additional limitations, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund
or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

MA 209 CMR 32.35 Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail : Charged 8.119% Allowed 6.810% Over by +1.309%.

Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation MA 209 CMR 32.35.
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation MA 209 CMR 32.35. Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation MA 209 CMR 32.35.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 09/xx/2022
L5UJXWFGVPQ xx xx xx Massachusetts xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Compliance Compliance L5UJXWFGVPQ-DK9NVDYI Resolved 2 R * Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan test Fail (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z. While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.
Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail : Charged 8.119% Allowed 6.810% Over by +1.309%

Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d). Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
L5UJXWFGVPQ xx xx xx Massachusetts xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Compliance Compliance L5UJXWFGVPQ-KCK2O87U Resolved 3 R * 0% Tolerance Fees test fail (Lvl R) TRID Violation due to a fee increase on revised CD dated 7/xx/2022. Initial LE dated 06/xx/2022 reflects a Points - Loan Discount Fee at $422.00, however, revised CD dated 7/xx/2022 reflects the  Points - Loan Discount Fee at $843.75.  This is a fee increase of $421.75 which exceeds the 0% tolerance.  Please provide either a valid COC or PCCD, LOE, proof of delivery, and copy of refund check in the amount of $421.75.

Resolved 10/xx/2022 : Received PCCD with Cure amount and updated, hence condition cleared.
Resolved 10/xx/2022 : Received PCCD with Cure amount and updated, hence condition cleared. Resolved 10/xx/2022 : Received PCCD with Cure amount and updated, hence condition cleared.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
CXLBPJ4WUHJ xx xx xx Nevada xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Doc Issue CXLBPJ4WUHJ-DFWG7HN5 Resolved 3 R * Missing proof of hazard insurance (Lvl R) Hazard Insurance policy is missing in the file. Only invoice is present for the hazard insurance policy.

10/xx/2022 - Resolved - HOI document has been provided. Hence, condition is resolved.
10/xx/2022 - Resolved - HOI document has been provided. Hence, condition is resolved. 10/xx/2022 - Resolved - HOI document has been provided. Hence, condition is resolved.     QC Complete 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
CXLBPJ4WUHJ xx xx xx Nevada xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   CXLBPJ4WUHJ-QSFFZZOT Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance Coverage less than Loan Amount (Lvl R) Dwelling coverage ($293,000) reflecting on the hazard insurance policy is not sufficient to cover the loan amount xx; also require Hazard document Page with Correct Mortgagee Clause.

10/xx/2022 - Updated hazard insurance received with updated dwelling amount. Hence, exception is resolved.
10/xx/2022 - Updated hazard insurance received with updated dwelling amount. Hence, exception is resolved. 10/xx/2022 - Updated hazard insurance received with updated dwelling amount. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022
1BYUEEZI4F1 xx xx xx Mississippi xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Assets Insufficient 1BYUEEZI4F1-RDQHOAL4 Resolved 3 R * Assets are not sufficient to close (Lvl R) Provide additional asset as asset is shortage for reserve requirement, as per lender guideline cash-out amount can be used for reserves after 2 months verified from borrower's own fund; however, in this loan 2 months X $690.14 = $1,380.28. Borrower's fund = $1,039.08. Hence, asset is shortage for $1,380.28-$1,039.08 = $341.20

Provide additional asset of $341.20 to fulfill the reserve requirement.

10/xx/2022 - Resolved - Additional asset document provided. Hence, Condition has been resolved.
10/xx/2022 - Resolved - Additional asset document provided. Hence, Condition has been resolved. 10/xx/2022 - Resolved - Additional asset document provided. Hence, Condition has been resolved.     QC Complete 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022
DKXAA2VUMMC xx xx xx Nevada xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation DKXAA2VUMMC-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide secondary valuation as both CU & LCU scores are missing and as per lender guideline we required secondary valuation; however, it is missing in loan file

10/xx/2022: Resolved- UCDP report has been provided. Hence, condition is resolved.
10/xx/2022: Resolved- UCDP report has been provided. Hence, condition is resolved. 10/xx/2022: Resolved- UCDP report has been provided. Hence, condition is resolved.     QC Complete 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
PEQL0EQAUC4 xx xx xx Texas xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Property PEQL0EQAUC4-5COCFHAP Resolved 3 R * Completed "Subject To" w/o Compltn Cert in File (Lvl R) Property is under construction, please provide 1004D Document.

10/xx/2022 - Resolved- Form 1003D has been provided. Hence, condition is resolved.
10/xx/2022 - Resolved- Form 1003D has been provided. Hence, condition is resolved. 10/xx/2022 - Resolved- Form 1003D has been provided. Hence, condition is resolved.     QC Complete 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
PQ0O4IGDGHA xx xx xx Colorado xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Credit Guidelines PQ0O4IGDGHA-28GAQH2C Resolved 3 R * Income documentation does not meet guidelines (Lvl R) Provide a copy of tax returns as the borrower is qualified with the self-employment income and tax returns are missing in the package.

10/xx/2022- Resolved- Signed tax return available in file. Hence, the exception has been resolved.
10/xx/2022- Resolved- Signed tax return available in file. Hence, the exception has been resolved. 10/xx/2022- Resolved- Signed tax return available in file. Hence, the exception has been resolved.     QC Complete 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022
XQICPPCYD4F xx xx xx New Jersey xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Credit Doc Issue XQICPPCYD4F-SF53084O Resolved 3 R * Title policy missing (Lvl R) Final title policy is missing from the loan file. However, values are updated from commitment located at (xx_xx Pg#615).

10/xx/2022- Final title policy received. Hence, exception is resolved.
10/xx/2022- Final title policy received. Hence, exception is resolved. 10/xx/2022- Final title policy received. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 10/xx/2022
XQICPPCYD4F xx xx xx New Jersey xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Credit Credit XQICPPCYD4F-XTK25AL2 Resolved 3 R * Purchase Contract is missing (Lvl R) Purchase contract of subject property ("xx") is missing in the loan file.

10/xx/2022- Not Resolved - Provided purchase contract for different property "xx". Provide purchase contract of subject property ("xx")

10/xx/2022 - Purchase contract received. Hence, exception is resolved.
10/xx/2022 - Purchase contract received. Hence, exception is resolved. 10/xx/2022 - Purchase contract received. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
XQICPPCYD4F xx xx xx New Jersey xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Compliance Compliance XQICPPCYD4F-HJ060Q28 Resolved 2 R * Higher Price Mortgage Loan (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z. While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.
 Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail : Charged 8.773% Allowed 6.810% Over by +1.963%
HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
    QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
3NS2MKO2U4C xx xx xx Georgia xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Compliance Compliance 3NS2MKO2U4C-DK9NVDYI Resolved 2 R * Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan test Fail (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test as Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z.
While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail: Charged 8.237% Allowed 6.810% Over by +1.427%.
HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines. File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines. File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
    QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
3NS2MKO2U4C xx xx xx Georgia xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Credit Assets Insufficient 3NS2MKO2U4C-RDQHOAL4 Resolved 3 R * Assets are not sufficient to close (Lvl R) Missing $56,618.40 in assets needed to close, only $583.33 in verified assets documented in the file.  Missing evidence of xx savings account which is stated on the application.

10/xx/2022 - Resolved - Additional asset document provided. Hence, Condition has been resolved.
10/xx/2022 - Resolved - Additional asset document provided. Hence, Condition has been resolved. 10/xx/2022 - Resolved - Additional asset document provided. Hence, Condition has been resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
3NS2MKO2U4C xx xx xx Georgia xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Compliance Mortgage 3NS2MKO2U4C-TSOVF6R0 Resolved 3 R * Mortgage  (Lvl R) As per the Short Form Policy located at “xx - Final Title Policy.pdf” shows that the name of insured is “xx” which is different from the original lender of “xx”.

10/xx/2022- Resolved- Endorsement with correct lender name received. Hence, exception is resolved.
10/xx/2022- Resolved- Endorsement with correct lender name received. Hence, exception is resolved.  10/xx/2022- Resolved- Endorsement with correct lender name received. Hence, exception is resolved.      QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 10/xx/2022
IUMGXHM5GWM xx xx xx Florida xx Refinance Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Compliance Compliance IUMGXHM5GWM-DK9NVDYI Resolved 2 R * Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan test Fail (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test as Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z. While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test  Fail: Charged: 6.289%Allowed:  5.990% Over by:  +0.299%
HPML loans are allowed per originator's guidelines. File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35 (b) ,(c) and (d) HPML loans are allowed per originator's guidelines. File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35 (b) ,(c) and (d)     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
SK5FJFH4W3W xx xx xx California xx Cash Out Non-QM/Compliant 4 2 Credit Credit SK5FJFH4W3W-U0OKEMMW Resolved 3 R * Required Documentation Missing or Incomplete  (Lvl R) Final 1003 is showing xx in the amount of $310,000 for a property located at xx, however the credit report is not reflecting this trade line. Missing credit supplement report that reflects the xx.

Resolved: Final 1003 received -10/13
Resolved: Final 1003 received -10/13 Resolved: Final 1003 received -10/13     QC Complete 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 09/xx/2022
SK5FJFH4W3W xx xx xx California xx Cash Out Non-QM/Compliant 4 2 Credit Guidelines SK5FJFH4W3W-KJ37FOY2 Waived 4 W * Consumer lates exceed guidelines (Lvl W) As per lender guideline, cannot have any 60-day late payments in the past 12 months; this is inclusive of all installments and revolving trade lines. However, on credit report 60 days late payment found on revolving account - JPMCB Card#xx.  1008 in the file (pg 265-266) shows an exception request for the late payments was approved, however no documentation in the file for the exception approval.

Waived: Exception approval received - 10/13
    Low LTV / CLTV : LTV is xx%

Reserves - $480K is available for Reserve

Year in job : 17 Years at job

Address: 7 Years at current address

  QC Complete 10/xx/2022     09/xx/2022
PGX4HAYHDBC xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation PGX4HAYHDBC-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Both CU Scores are missing. Hence, Appraisal Risk Review (ARR) or Collateral Desktop Analysis (CDA) is required as per the guideline.

Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
5O2BCG3HGKY xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Valuation Valuation 5O2BCG3HGKY-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) As per guideline, Appraisal Risk Review (ARR) or Collateral Desktop Analysis (CDA) required.

Provide CDA or ARR document.

Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
5O2BCG3HGKY xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Guidelines 5O2BCG3HGKY-J587LE2V Waived 2 W * Loan does not conform to program guidelines (Lvl W) Exception approval for  GLF investor cash flow DSCR guidelines 700+=xx% LTV & 6.50% interest rate     Credit Score  - Credit Score

Guarantor # 1 FICO Score is 707

Guarantor # 2 FICO Score is  759

Assets : New Res-Shellpoint Mortgage # with 275K funds in Seasoned funds (Reserve funds)
  QC Complete 12/xx/2022     12/xx/2022
SJKQXL1W5AO xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation SJKQXL1W5AO-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Both CU Scores are missing. Hence, Appraisal Risk Review (ARR) or Collateral Desktop Analysis (CDA) is required as per the guideline.

Resolved: BPO received - 12/23
Resolved: BPO received - 12/23 Resolved: BPO received - 12/23     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
SJKQXL1W5AO xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Credit SJKQXL1W5AO-PVUQVMNZ Resolved 4 R * The property has unrepaired damages (Lvl R) As per appraisal report located at "Appraisal-xx" dated xx the subject property had mold damage. further details are not provided.

1-13-2023- Resolved- Appraisal is "as is" with no damage mentioned on it. Hence, the exception has been resolved.
1-13-2023- Resolved- Appraisal is "as is" with no damage mentioned on it. Hence, the exception has been resolved.  1-13-2023- Resolved- Appraisal is "as is" with no damage mentioned on it. Hence, the exception has been resolved.      QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
GAD2G25UGU2 xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation GAD2G25UGU2-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Both CU Scores are missing. Hence, Appraisal Risk Review (ARR) or Collateral Desktop Analysis (CDA) is required as per the guideline.

Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
SADWFUQOUGW xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   SADWFUQOUGW-G0TZ53U4 Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance (Lvl R) Provide the hazard insurance of the subject property which reflects the policy period.

Not resolved 12/xx/2022: Provided hazard insurance not active with closing date, condition remains same

01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
FCATIBVH5L5 xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   FCATIBVH5L5-G0TZ53U4 Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance (Lvl R) As per given package hazard insurance effective start date and end date missing.

Not resolved 12/xx/2022: Provided hazard insurance not active with closing date, condition remains same

01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
JQFIDQWAURH xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Other Disclosures JQFIDQWAURH-ZXHR0C1D Resolved 3 R * Missing Required Disclosures (Lvl R) As per loan file hazard insurance is provided, however expiration date is missing.

Not resolved 12/xx/2022: Provided hazard insurance not active with closing date, condition remains same

01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
S1PC5VFBULO xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Doc Issue S1PC5VFBULO-SF53084O Resolved 3 R * Title policy missing (Lvl R) The final title policy is missing from the loan file. However, the title commitment is found at " xx-Title Commitment.pdf"

12-19-2022: Resolved- Final title policy is received. Hence, exception has been resolved.
12-19-2022: Resolved- Final title policy is received. Hence, exception has been resolved.  12-19-2022: Resolved- Final title policy is received. Hence, exception has been resolved.      QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
42ATFL0XSVH xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   42ATFL0XSVH-G0TZ53U4 Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance (Lvl R) As per given package hazard insurance effective start date and end date missing.

Not resolved 12/xx/2022: Provided hazard insurance not active with closing date, condition remains same

01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
I0YY53E5HML xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   I0YY53E5HML-G0TZ53U4 Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance (Lvl R) As per given package hazard insurance effective start date and end date missing.

Not resolved 12/xx/2022: Provided hazard insurance not active with closing date, condition remains same

01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
I0YY53E5HML xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Credit I0YY53E5HML-PVUQVMNZ Resolved 4 R * The property has unrepaired damages (Lvl R) The demolition status section of the UT dated 11/xx/2022, shows that there was a demolition on permit issued on 7/xx/2019 for the demolition of the garage. The permit was closed. Further details not provided.

1-13-2023- Resolved- As per tax note the permit is closed. Hence, the exception has been resolved.
1-13-2023- Resolved- As per tax note the permit is closed. Hence, the exception has been resolved.  1-13-2023- Resolved- As per tax note the permit is closed. Hence, the exception has been resolved.      QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
LSX5KXCCN5C xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   LSX5KXCCN5C-G0TZ53U4 Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance (Lvl R) Provide the hazard insurance of the subject property which reflects the policy period.

Not resolved 12/xx/2022: Provided hazard insurance not active with closing date, condition remains same

01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - The settlement statement shows insurance in place at the time of closing and a current policy was provided. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
BHLV0NRELBV xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Valuation Valuation BHLV0NRELBV-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide secondary valuation are CDA as per lender guideline we required secondary valuation are CDA is missing in the package. Available desk review document do not have specific value on it to determine the variance

Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
BHLV0NRELBV xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Guidelines BHLV0NRELBV-T67CK90Y Waived 2 W * Credit history does not meet guidelines (Lvl W) GLF Investor Cash Flow DSCR Guidelines 740+ = xx% & 6.875%     DSCR Ratio - DSCR Ratio - 1.353% (0.103% Over GLF DSCR Min of 1.25%)
Low LTV / CLTV - ( Lower LTV of xx% (xx% CLTV)
The Personal Guarantor Median FICO score is 793
Guarantor Business Bank Statement Average Balance $40,000.00
  QC Complete 12/xx/2022     12/xx/2022
MYTEB13DLH5 xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Credit MYTEB13DLH5-PVUQVMNZ Resolved 3 R * The property has unrepaired damages (Lvl R) As per appraisal report dated xx located at "Appraisal-xx", There is an water leakage in wall ceiling for which evidence of leakage needs to have repairs completed. However, completion report has not been found in the loan file.

1-20-2023- Resolved- Received repaired letter for water leakage damage. Hence, exception has been removed.
1-20-2023- Resolved- Received repaired letter for water leakage damage. Hence, exception has been removed.  1-20-2023- Resolved- Received repaired letter for water leakage damage. Hence, exception has been removed.      QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
MYTEB13DLH5 xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Guidelines MYTEB13DLH5-J587LE2V Waived 2 W * Loan does not conform to program guidelines (Lvl W) GLF Investor cash flow DSCR guidelines 740+ = xx% LTV & 6.875% rate     The Personal guarantor median  FICO score is 793
DSCR = 1.724% (0.474% over GLF DSCR minimum of 1.25%)
Lower LTV of xx% (xx% CLTV)
  QC Complete 12/xx/2022     12/xx/2022
MYTEB13DLH5 xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Valuation Valuation MYTEB13DLH5-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide Secondary valuation are CDA as per lender guideline we required Secondary Valuation are CDA is missing in the package. Available Desk review document do not have specific value on it to determine the variance

12/xx/2022 - Not Resolved - We have received Drive-By BPO and it has a variance of 10.256% on negative side. Provide ARR/CDA report.

01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
1OA3UWL2ZXE xx xx xx Ohio xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation 1OA3UWL2ZXE-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide Secondary valuation are CDA as per lender guideline we required Secondary Valuation are CDA is missing in the package. Available Desk review document do not have specific appraised value on it to determine the variance

12/xx/2022 - Not Resolved - We have received Drive-By BPO and it has a variance of 16.000% on negative side. Provide ARR/CDA report.

01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
JJMOXMBDUV5 xx xx xx Ohio xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation JJMOXMBDUV5-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Both CU scores are missing and CDA provided with variance of -13.889% ($20000). Hence, we will require AVM.

12/xx/2022 - Resolved - BPO provided. Hence, Condition has been resolved.
12/xx/2022 - Resolved - BPO provided. Hence, Condition has been resolved. 12/xx/2022 - Resolved - BPO provided. Hence, Condition has been resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
MIGPTHBU01G xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Doc Issue MIGPTHBU01G-WMO0OGAE Resolved 3 R * Appraisal incomplete (missing map, layout, pages, etc) (Lvl R) Provide updated lease agreement as lease agreement is already expired for xx

resolved :as per lease agreement start date 09-xx-2021 and 08-xx-2022 . However note date is xx . So, lease not expired. 12/27
as per lease agreement start date 09-01-2021 and 08-31-2022 . However note date is xx. So, lease not expired. 12/27 as per lease agreement start date 09-01-2021 and 08-31-2022 . However note date is xx. So, lease not expired. 12/27     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
Z5J0FGYUBQS xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation Z5J0FGYUBQS-U60VDKD3 Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Incomplete or Data not complete (Lvl R) Both CU Score are missing Hence, Appraisal Risk Review (ARR) or Collateral Desktop Analysis (CDA) is required as per the guideline.

12/xx/2022 - Resolved - Drive-By BPO report provided. Hence, the exception has been resolved.
12/xx/2022 - Resolved - Drive-By BPO report provided. Hence, the exception has been resolved. 12/xx/2022 - Resolved - Drive-By BPO report provided. Hence, the exception has been resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
EBXABN5SA2V xx xx xx Ohio xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Guidelines EBXABN5SA2V-J587LE2V Waived 2 W * Loan does not conform to program guidelines (Lvl W) Exception approval for Guarantor having three current trade lines, two within the past 24 months and one trade line within 42 months of installment debt     DSCR Ratio - DSCR Ratio  DSCR 1.694%

Low LTV / CLTV  Lower LTV of xx%

Credit Score  - Credit Score  702 Mid - FICO Score
  QC Complete 12/xx/2022     12/xx/2022
EOSWOXUZNTT xx xx xx Florida xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation EOSWOXUZNTT-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide a copy of ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties as required by the guidelines.


Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
EOSWOXUZNTT xx xx xx Florida xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Assets Insufficient EOSWOXUZNTT-RDQHOAL4 Resolved 3 R * Assets are not sufficient to close (Lvl R) As per loan file assets are not sufficient to cover the liquid/cash reserves. Hence required more assets to close the liquid/cash reserves.

Assets amount Verified:$82,176.95
Cash to borrower :102,387.54 & Liquid/cash reserves :$20,210.59

Resolved: Another bank statement provided (xx A/C#xx $54906.84.) 12/27
Resolved: Another bank statement provided New Res-Shellpoint Mortgage.) 12/27. Resolved: Another bank statement provided (New Res-Shellpoint Mortgage.) 12/27.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
EOSWOXUZNTT xx xx xx Florida xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   EOSWOXUZNTT-G0TZ53U4 Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance (Lvl R) Provide a copy of hazard insurance properties - " xx ".

Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received hazard insurance policy and updated, hence condition cleared.
Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received hazard insurance policy and updated, hence condition cleared. Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received hazard insurance policy and updated, hence condition cleared.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
EOSWOXUZNTT xx xx xx Florida xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Other Disclosures EOSWOXUZNTT-ZXHR0C1D Resolved 3 R * Missing Required Disclosures (Lvl R) A per loan file Flood insurance Certificate provided, however Flood Certificate is missing.

Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received Flood certificate and updated, hence condition cleared.
Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received Flood certificate and updated, hence condition cleared.
Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received Flood certificate and updated, hence condition cleared.
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
VF3NHFXQYPJ xx xx xx Ohio xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Doc Issue VF3NHFXQYPJ-WP2ZZ45K Resolved 3 R * Missing flood cert (Lvl R) Flood certificate missing from the loan file.

Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received Flood certificate and updated, hence condition cleared.
Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received Flood certificate and updated, hence condition cleared. Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received Flood certificate and updated, hence condition cleared.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
VF3NHFXQYPJ xx xx xx Ohio xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Doc Issue VF3NHFXQYPJ-WMO0OGAE Resolved 3 R * Appraisal incomplete (missing map, layout, pages, etc) (Lvl R) Lease are expired from these property :-


01/xx/2023 - The leases are month on month basis as of 07/xx/2021. Rent increases as of 10/xx/2021 (lease remained month to month). Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - The leases are month on month basis as of 07/xx/2021. Rent increases as of 10/xx/2021 (lease remained month to month). Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - The leases are month on month basis as of 07/xx/2021. Rent increases as of 10/xx/2021 (lease remained month to month). Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
VF3NHFXQYPJ xx xx xx Ohio xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation VF3NHFXQYPJ-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Collateral Desktop analysis is missing from the loan file.

01/xx/2023 - BPO Received. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - BPO Received. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - BPO Received. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
LFJHJNRW2DV xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation LFJHJNRW2DV-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties:

Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27 Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
LFJHJNRW2DV xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Doc Issue LFJHJNRW2DV-H3X4TJ0T Resolved 4 R * Missing Title evidence (Lvl R) Final title policy along with preliminary policy or commitment is missing from the loan file. The final title policy received dated 12/xx/2022 which is located at "xx - Final Title Policy" required changes are done. Hence resolve the issue. The final title policy received dated 12/xx/2022 which is located at "xx - Final Title Policy" required changes are done. Hence resolve the issue.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
LFJHJNRW2DV xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Doc Issue LFJHJNRW2DV-WP2ZZ45K Resolved 3 R * Missing flood cert (Lvl R) Provide a copy of flood cert as it is missing in the file.

Resolved: Flood certificate received - 12/23
Resolved: Flood certificate received - 12/23 Resolved: Flood certificate received - 12/23     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
LFJHJNRW2DV xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   LFJHJNRW2DV-QSFFZZOT Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance Coverage less than Loan Amount (Lvl R) Provide Hazard Insurance policy with sufficient coverage to cover minimum of the loan amount or a replacement cost estimator to verify if the dwelling coverage is sufficient.

Resolved: Received HOI policy for all property - 12/23
Resolved: Received HOI policy for all property - 12/23 Resolved: Received HOI policy for all property - 12/23     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
CXJN0STTAKU xx xx xx Tennessee xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation CXJN0STTAKU-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties:


Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27 Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 11/xx/2022
CXJN0STTAKU xx xx xx Tennessee xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Doc Issue CXJN0STTAKU-WP2ZZ45K Resolved 3 R * Missing flood cert (Lvl R) Provide a copy of flood certificate is missing in the loan file.

Resolved: Received Flood certificate - 12/23
Resolved: Received Flood certificate - 12/23
Resolved: Received Flood certificate - 12/23
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
CXJN0STTAKU xx xx xx Tennessee xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Doc Issue CXJN0STTAKU-SF53084O Resolved 3 R * Title policy missing (Lvl R) Final title policy is missing from the loan file. However, title commitment is available.

12-19-2022: Not resolved- Need final title policy to resolve this exception. Hence, exception is not resolved.
The final title policy received dated 12/xx/2022 which is located at "xx - Final Title Policy.pdf" required changes are done. Hence resolve the issue. The final title policy received dated 12/xx/2022 which is located at "xx - Final Title Policy.pdf" required changes are done. Hence resolve the issue.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
OHMTUX1IMLZ xx xx xx New York xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   OHMTUX1IMLZ-QSFFZZOT Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance Coverage less than Loan Amount (Lvl R) Provide a copy of hazard insurance policy with sufficient coverage as the document provided in the file reflects insufficient coverage.

Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received hazard insurance.
Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received hazard insurance. Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received hazard insurance.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
OHMTUX1IMLZ xx xx xx New York xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Doc Issue OHMTUX1IMLZ-SF53084O Resolved 3 R * Title policy missing (Lvl R) Final Title policy is missing from the loan file. However, preliminary policy is available in the loan file and all the data are captured from it. The final title policy received dated 12/xx/2022 which is located at "xx - Final Title Policy" required changes are done. Hence resolve the issue. The final title policy received dated 12/xx/2022 which is located at "xx - Final Title Policy" required changes are done. Hence resolve the issue.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
OHMTUX1IMLZ xx xx xx New York xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation OHMTUX1IMLZ-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties:


Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27 Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
OHMTUX1IMLZ xx xx xx New York xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Doc Issue OHMTUX1IMLZ-AEPG67BW Resolved 3 R * Missing credit report (Lvl R) Provide a copy of credit report as it is missing in the loan file.

Resolved: The borrower is a foreign national, xx provided 12/27
Resolved: The borrower is a foreign national, xx provided 12/27 Resolved: The borrower is a foreign national, xx provided 12/27     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
YE0JZHMB4HV xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Other Disclosures YE0JZHMB4HV-ZXHR0C1D Resolved 3 R * Missing Required Disclosures (Lvl R) As per package lease Document is Expire for xx Lease Expire Date 08/xx/2022 and xx Lease Expire Date 03/xx/2022.

Resolved: Lease agreement provide in file reflects a month to month auto renewal after the end of current lease period 12/27.
Resolved: Lease agreement provide in file reflects a month to month auto renewal after the end of current lease period 12/27. Resolved: Lease agreement provide in file reflects a month to month auto renewal after the end of current lease period 12/27.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
YE0JZHMB4HV xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Doc Issue YE0JZHMB4HV-WP2ZZ45K Resolved 3 R * Missing flood cert (Lvl R) Flood certificate is missing in the loan file.

Resolved 12/xx/2022 : Received Flood Certificate and updated, hence condition cleared.
Resolved 12/xx/2022 : Received Flood Certificate and updated, hence condition cleared. Resolved 12/xx/2022 : Received Flood Certificate and updated, hence condition cleared.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
YE0JZHMB4HV xx xx xx New Jersey xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation YE0JZHMB4HV-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide a copy of ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties as required by the guidelines.

Property List :-

Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27 Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
1VHULPT2LDL xx xx xx Connecticut xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation 1VHULPT2LDL-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties:

Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
1VHULPT2LDL xx xx xx Connecticut xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Doc Issue 1VHULPT2LDL-SF53084O Resolved 3 R * Title policy missing (Lvl R) Final Title Policy is missing from the loan file. The commitment is available in the loan file. However, final title policy received dated 12/xx/2022 which is located at "xx - Final Title Policy" required changes are done. Hence resolve the issue

12-23-2022: Resolved- Final title policy received. Hence, exception has been resolved.
12-23-2022: Resolved- Final title policy received. Hence, exception has been resolved. 12-23-2022: Resolved- Final title policy received. Hence, exception has been resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
1VHULPT2LDL xx xx xx Connecticut xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Doc Issue 1VHULPT2LDL-WMO0OGAE Resolved 3 R * Appraisal incomplete (missing map, layout, pages, etc) (Lvl R) Provide lease agreement for the property xx as it is missing in the loan file.

Resolved: Lease Agreement received on 12/23.
Resolved: Lease Agreement received on 12/23. Resolved: Lease Agreement received on 12/23.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
1VHULPT2LDL xx xx xx Connecticut xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   1VHULPT2LDL-G0TZ53U4 Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance (Lvl R) Provide a copy of hazard insurance of the subject property which reflects the premium amount.

Not resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Provided insurance does not reflect the premium amount.

Resolved: Received insurance premium for all properties - 1/12
Resolved: Received insurance premium for all properties - 1/12 Resolved: Received insurance premium for all properties - 1/12     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 11/xx/2022
HBL4SUCJHGS xx xx xx Connecticut xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Doc Issue HBL4SUCJHGS-WP2ZZ45K Resolved 3 R * Missing flood cert (Lvl R) Provide a copy of flood certificate as it is missing in the loan file.

Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received flood certificate.
Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received flood certificate. Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received flood certificate.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
HBL4SUCJHGS xx xx xx Connecticut xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   HBL4SUCJHGS-QSFFZZOT Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance Coverage less than Loan Amount (Lvl R) Provide a copy of hazard insurance policy with sufficient coverage as the document provided in the file reflects insufficient coverage.

Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received hazard insurance.
Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received hazard insurance. Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received hazard insurance.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
HBL4SUCJHGS xx xx xx Connecticut xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation HBL4SUCJHGS-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties:


Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
3PMJKC2XCGI xx xx xx New York xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Doc Issue 3PMJKC2XCGI-DFWG7HN5 Resolved 3 R * Missing proof of hazard insurance (Lvl R) Provide a copy of hazard insurance policy as it is missing in the loan file.

Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received hazard insurance.
Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received hazard insurance. Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received hazard insurance.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
3PMJKC2XCGI xx xx xx New York xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Doc Issue 3PMJKC2XCGI-WP2ZZ45K Resolved 3 R * Missing flood cert (Lvl R) Flood certificate is missing in the loan file.

Resolved: Flood cert received on 12/23.
Resolved: Flood cert received on 12/23. Resolved: Flood cert received on 12/23.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
3PMJKC2XCGI xx xx xx New York xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation 3PMJKC2XCGI-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties:

Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
NLR2I02QBP5 xx xx xx Connecticut xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Valuation Valuation NLR2I02QBP5-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties:

a) xx
b) xx

Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27 Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
NLR2I02QBP5 xx xx xx Connecticut xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Valuation Doc Issue NLR2I02QBP5-WP2ZZ45K Resolved 3 R * Missing flood cert (Lvl R) Provide a copy of flood certificate as it is missing in the loan file.

Resolved: Flood cert received on 12/23.
Resolved: Flood cert received on 12/23. Resolved: Flood cert received on 12/23.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
NLR2I02QBP5 xx xx xx Connecticut xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Credit Assets Insufficient NLR2I02QBP5-RDQHOAL4 Resolved 3 R * Assets are not sufficient to close (Lvl R) Verified assets: $410,380.04, Cash from borrower: $457684.29. However shortfall of asset: $47,304.25. Provide recent bank statements to recover the shortfall of asset.

Resolved : Received bank statement #xx with balance $304000 . 12/23.
Resolved : Received bank statement #xx with balance $304000 . 12/23. Resolved : Received bank statement #xx with balance $304000 . 12/23.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
NLR2I02QBP5 xx xx xx Connecticut xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Valuation Doc Issue NLR2I02QBP5-JPQK8SU9 Resolved 3 R * Missing Appraisal (Lvl R) Appraisal report for the subject property located at "xx" is missing in the loan file.

Resolved: Appraisal report received - 12/19
Resolved: Appraisal report received - 12/19 Resolved: Appraisal report received - 12/19     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
NLR2I02QBP5 xx xx xx Connecticut xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Credit Doc Issue NLR2I02QBP5-VTZONJFR Resolved 3 R * Credit report >90 days old at closing (Lvl R) Provide updated credit report as credit report date is 11/xx/2021 and consummation date is xx which is more than 120 days and per lender guideline credit report accepted under 120 days.

Resolved: Per lender guideline credit report is good for 6 months - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender guideline credit report is good for 6 months - 12/27 Resolved: Per lender guideline credit report is good for 6 months - 12/27     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
NLR2I02QBP5 xx xx xx Connecticut xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Credit   NLR2I02QBP5-QSFFZZOT Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance Coverage less than Loan Amount (Lvl R) Dwelling coverage ($618,000.00) reflected on the hazard insurance policy of the subject is not sufficient to cover the loan amount xx, and the annual premium amount is not reflected on the hazard document. Additionally, provide a hazard insurance policy for the property "xx".

Resolved: Hazard insurance document received on 12/23.
Resolved: Hazard insurance document received on 12/23. Resolved: Hazard insurance document received on 12/23.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
4XWIFIE4FTV xx xx xx Connecticut xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Credit   4XWIFIE4FTV-QSFFZZOT Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance Coverage less than Loan Amount (Lvl R) Provide a copy of hazard insurance policy with sufficient coverage as the document provided in the file reflects insufficient coverage.

Resolved: Hazard insurance document received on 12/23.
Resolved: Hazard insurance document received on 12/23. Resolved: Hazard insurance document received on 12/23.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
4XWIFIE4FTV xx xx xx Connecticut xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Valuation Valuation 4XWIFIE4FTV-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties:

a) xx
b) xx
c) xx
d) xx
e) xx

Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 11/xx/2022
VRV0ZD4TIE5 xx xx xx Texas xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation VRV0ZD4TIE5-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Secondary valuation missing in the loan file.

01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
1SSBQWD2WX3 xx xx xx Massachusetts xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Guidelines 1SSBQWD2WX3-J587LE2V Waived 4 W * Loan does not conform to program guidelines (Lvl W) As per loan file appraisal date is xx and note date is xx (129 Days) which is more than 120 days of note date, Hence, we will require appraisal document in which appraisal date should come under 120 day of note date.

01/xx/2023 - We have received management approval on email to waive this exception with given factors. Hence, exception is waived.
    Fico minimum at 620 for this trade - Fico in loan is 673.
LTV: xx%.
Liquidity is $33K.
Lease is above market rent
  QC Complete 12/xx/2022     12/xx/2022
1SSBQWD2WX3 xx xx xx Massachusetts xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Credit 1SSBQWD2WX3-H6XQ79BK Waived 4 W * DSCR is less than 1.00 (Lvl W) As per lender guideline, the minimum DSCR requirement for FICO less than 720 is 1.10; however, DSCR in this transaction is 0.91.

12/xx/2022 - We have received management approval on email to waive this exception with given factors. Hence, exception is waived.
    Fico minimum at 620 for this trade - Fico in loan is 673.
LTV: 69.38%.
Liquidity is $33K.
Lease is above market rent
  QC Complete 12/xx/2022     12/xx/2022
1SSBQWD2WX3 xx xx xx Massachusetts xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Valuation Valuation 1SSBQWD2WX3-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide Secondary valuation are CDA as per lender guideline we required Secondary Valuation are CDA is missing in the package.

12/xx/2022 - Resolved - Drive-By BPO report provided. Hence, the exception has been resolved.
12/xx/2022 - Resolved - Drive-By BPO report provided. Hence, the exception has been resolved. 12/xx/2022 - Resolved - Drive-By BPO report provided. Hence, the exception has been resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
WDJMFTVBACM xx xx xx New York xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Valuation Valuation WDJMFTVBACM-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Appraisal Risk Review (ARR) or Collateral Desktop Analysis (CDA) required as per the guideline, missing in the loan document.

Provide updated document

01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
WDJMFTVBACM xx xx xx New York xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 2 Credit Credit WDJMFTVBACM-H6XQ79BK Waived 4 W * DSCR is less than 1.00 (Lvl W) As per Lender guideline (CoreVest DSCR Guidelines Feb 2022 Final.pdf) Minimum DSCR ratio 1.00; FICO Score 680-699 and LTV is 70% For this loan DSCR is 0.83 and LTV more than 70% does not meet the guidelines.

01/xx/2023 - We have received management approval on email to waive this exception with given factors. Hence, exception is waived.
    $3500 lease exceeds $3000 market rent from the 1007 which was used in the DSCR calculation.
Reserves of $84k
  QC Complete 12/xx/2022     12/xx/2022
VZGUZZMFDPR xx xx xx West Virginia xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Credit Credit VZGUZZMFDPR-PVUQVMNZ Resolved 2 R * The property has unrepaired damages (Lvl R) “xx”.
As per appraisal report dated xx located at “xx”, the subject property is in fair condition. The detached garage has some rear areas of rotten siding and a rear broken window. However, the completion report is not found in loan file.

1-24-2023- Resolved- Repaired photos are provided. Hence, exception has been resolved.
1-24-2023- Resolved- Repaired photos are provided. Hence, exception has been resolved. 1-24-2023- Resolved- Repaired photos are provided. Hence, exception has been resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
VZGUZZMFDPR xx xx xx West Virginia xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Credit Other Disclosures VZGUZZMFDPR-ZXHR0C1D Resolved 3 R * Missing Required Disclosures (Lvl R) Provide Lease agreement for this property"xx" which is expired on 10/xx/2021.

Resolved :as per the lease agreement present in loan file , the lease period is November 1st 2020 to October 31st 2021 after that the lease continues to month to month lease. 12/27
Resolved :as per the lease agreement present in loan file , the lease period is November 1st 2020 to October 31st 2021 after that the lease continues to month to month lease. 12/27 Resolved :as per the lease agreement present in loan file , the lease period is November 1st 2020 to October 31st 2021 after that the lease continues to month to month lease. 12/27     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
0FLP4FZAUVQ xx xx xx Maryland xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Other Disclosures 0FLP4FZAUVQ-ZXHR0C1D Resolved 3 R * Missing Required Disclosures (Lvl R) Provide the tax documents of the properties - xx.

Resolved: Received Tax sheet - 1/12
Resolved: Received Tax sheet - 1/12 Resolved: Received Tax sheet - 1/12     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
0FLP4FZAUVQ xx xx xx Maryland xx Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Guidelines 0FLP4FZAUVQ-28GAQH2C Resolved 3 R * Income documentation does not meet guidelines (Lvl R) Provide the lease agreements of the Subject property : "xx of property :xx .

Resolved: Received Lease agreement - 1/12
Resolved: Received Lease agreement - 1/12  Resolved: Received Lease agreement - 1/12      QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
MVRG0PVZUDB xx xx xx Ohio xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 4 2 Credit Guidelines MVRG0PVZUDB-J587LE2V Waived 4 W * Loan does not conform to program guidelines (Lvl W) " All 8 Properties appraisal date is  xx and closing date is xx". which is more than 120 days. Provide the updated Appraisal's with in 90 days  for all Properties.

Properties address are::

"xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx"

Not resolved : Appraisal documents missing in the loan file with in 120 days  12/27.

12/xx/2022 - We have received exception approval for above exception on email and as per we are waiving this exception.
    Below are the compensating factors:
1.           FICO: 790
2.           LTV: xx%
3.           DSCR: 1.74x
4.           Liquidity: $200,000+
5.           Borrower is experienced
6.           All properties are leased - no vacant properties.
  QC Complete 01/xx/2023     01/xx/2023
VKX3LCMJR21 xx xx xx New Jersey xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation VKX3LCMJR21-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Both CU scores are missing. Hence, as per the guideline, an appraisal risk review (ARR) or collateral desktop analysis (CDA) is required.

01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved.
01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved. 01/xx/2023 - BPO received. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
VKX3LCMJR21 xx xx xx New Jersey xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Credit VKX3LCMJR21-U0OKEMMW Resolved 3 R * Required Documentation Missing or Incomplete  (Lvl R) Received single page Guaranty Agreement which is incomplete. Please provide all the pages of agreement.

Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received Guaranty agreement.
Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received Guaranty agreement. Resolved - 12/xx/2022 - Received Guaranty agreement.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
VKX3LCMJR21 xx xx xx New Jersey xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Property VKX3LCMJR21-MYSUCTH6 Resolved 4 R * Property is Commercial Prop (Lvl R) As per tax report located at “Ln#xx.PG#42”, the subject property type is commercial. As per appraisal report the subject is a 6 unit apartment building.

1-13-2023- Exception is informational.
1-13-2023- Exception is informational.  1-13-2023- Exception is informational.      QC Complete 12/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 12/xx/2022
Y1CTKX23RZQ xx xx xx Wisconsin xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Valuation Valuation Y1CTKX23RZQ-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Appraisal Risk review date xx is after closing date xx.

Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
Resolved: Received BPO - 12/23
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
ODK0XYSVHDU xx xx xx Florida xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation ODK0XYSVHDU-U60VDKD3 Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Incomplete or Data not complete (Lvl R) As per the lenders guidelines CDA is required for this loan, however the CDA is missing in this package.

Resolved - 12/xx/2022: Received BPO for the property and resolved condition.
Resolved - 12/xx/2022: Received BPO for the property and resolved condition. Resolved - 12/xx/2022: Received BPO for the property and resolved condition.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
IROZOEC2BEG xx xx xx Delaware xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation IROZOEC2BEG-U60VDKD3 Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Incomplete or Data not complete (Lvl R) Additional valuation present in package is dated xx which is after closing date xx.

Resolved : Condition not required.                  
Additional valuation present in package is Effective date is xx and  closing date xx.  12/27
Resolved : Condition not required.                  
Additional valuation present in package is Effective date is xx and  closing date xx.  12/27
Resolved : Condition not required.                  
Additional valuation present in package is Effective date is xx and  closing date xx.  12/27
    QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
FC4WXWF2INI xx xx xx Tennessee xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit   FC4WXWF2INI-QSFFZZOT Resolved 3 R * Hazard Insurance Coverage less than Loan Amount (Lvl R) Dwelling coverage ($235640) reflecting on the hazard insurance policy is not sufficient to cover the loan amount xx. Hence, replacement cost is required

Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received hazard insurance policy with dwelling coverage ($664807) and updated, hence condition cleared.
Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received hazard insurance policy with dwelling coverage ($664807) and updated, hence condition cleared. Resolved 12/xx/2022: Received hazard insurance policy with dwelling coverage ($664807) and updated, hence condition cleared.     QC Complete 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
RRAOXVGWIPW xx xx xx Florida xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Legal Docs Doc Issue RRAOXVGWIPW-DW5VNZ46 Resolved 3 R * Condo / PUD rider Missing (Lvl R) PUD rider missing in the package.

08/xx/2022 - Deed/Mortgages do not populate riders to the deed for PUD and Condo as there is specific language in the deeds that support this. Hence, exception is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - Deed/Mortgages do not populate riders to the deed for PUD and Condo as there is specific language in the deeds that support this. Hence, exception is resolved. 08/xx/2022 - Deed/Mortgages do not populate riders to the deed for PUD and Condo as there is specific language in the deeds that support this. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 05/xx/2022
RRAOXVGWIPW xx xx xx Florida xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Legal Docs Doc Issue RRAOXVGWIPW-V99AA17R Resolved 3 R * Prepayment Rider Missing (Lvl R) Prepayment rider is missing from the loan file.

08/xx/2022 - Client do not issue prepay riders to the deed. All prepay verbiage in embedded in the notes. Hence, exception is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - Client do not issue prepay riders to the deed. All prepay verbiage in embedded in the notes. Hence, exception is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - Client do not issue prepay riders to the deed. All prepay verbiage in embedded in the notes. Hence, exception is resolved.
    QC Complete 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 04/xx/2022
RRAOXVGWIPW xx xx xx Florida xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Credit Doc Issue RRAOXVGWIPW-U1CA63D2 Resolved 3 R * Application Missing (Lvl R) Initial and final 1003 application are missing from the package.

08/xx/2022 - Initial 1003 received. Final 1003 is not required on the business purpose loans. Hence, exception is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - Initial 1003 received. Final 1003 is not required on the business purpose loans. Hence, exception is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - Initial 1003 received. Final 1003 is not required on the business purpose loans. Hence, exception is resolved.
    QC Complete 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 04/xx/2022
RRAOXVGWIPW xx xx xx Florida xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 4 1 Credit Guidelines RRAOXVGWIPW-28GAQH2C Resolved 4 R * Income documentation does not meet guidelines (Lvl R) This is DSCR loan, however lease agreement or 1007 is missing in file. Unable to calculate DSCR.

08/xx/2022 - We have received the client confirmation with screen shot as this loan is no ratio loan. Hence, no action is needed and condition is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - We have received the client confirmation with screen shot as this loan is no ratio loan. Hence, no action is needed and condition is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - We have received the client confirmation with screen shot as this loan is no ratio loan. Hence, no action is needed and condition is resolved.
    QC Complete 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 05/xx/2022
5XUXTBXJGH2 xx xx xx California xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Doc Issue 5XUXTBXJGH2-U1CA63D2 Resolved 3 R * Application Missing (Lvl R) Final 1003 is missing in file.

08/xx/2022 - Initial 1003 was available in loan file. Final 1003 is not required on the business purpose loans. Hence, exception is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - Initial 1003 was available in loan file. Final 1003 is not required on the business purpose loans. Hence, exception is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - Initial 1003 was available in loan file. Final 1003 is not required on the business purpose loans. Hence, exception is resolved.
    QC Complete 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 04/xx/2022
5XUXTBXJGH2 xx xx xx California xx Purchase Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Credit 5XUXTBXJGH2-UDN50XOG Resolved 3 R * Borrower Identity Missing (Lvl R) Borrower's government photo ID is missing in the file.

Resolved: Received Identity Affidavit with notarization from the closing agent.-10/7
Resolved: Received Identity Affidavit with notarization from the closing agent.-10/7 Resolved: Received Identity Affidavit with notarization from the closing agent.-10/7     QC Complete 08/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 10/xx/2022 05/xx/2022
H0YRL1OUV4I xx xx xx California xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Credit H0YRL1OUV4I-UDN50XOG Resolved 3 R * Borrower Identity Missing (Lvl R) Borrower's government photo ID is missing in the file.

Resolved: Driver's License received -10/7
Resolved: Driver's License received -10/7 Resolved: Driver's License received -10/7     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 05/xx/2022
H0YRL1OUV4I xx xx xx California xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Legal Docs Doc Issue H0YRL1OUV4I-V99AA17R Resolved 3 R * Prepayment Rider Missing (Lvl R) Prepayment rider is missing in the file.

08/xx/2022 - Client do not issue prepay riders to the deed. All prepay verbiage in embedded in the notes. Hence, exception is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - Client do not issue prepay riders to the deed. All prepay verbiage in embedded in the notes. Hence, exception is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - Client do not issue prepay riders to the deed. All prepay verbiage in embedded in the notes. Hence, exception is resolved.
    QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 04/xx/2022
H0YRL1OUV4I xx xx xx California xx Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Credit Application H0YRL1OUV4I-Z5OC4DZ8 Resolved 2 R * Final 1003 does not has LO sign (Lvl R) Final 1003 is missing the loan file.

08/xx/2022 - Initial 1003 was available in loan file. Final 1003 is not required on the business purpose loans. Hence, exception is resolved.
08/xx/2022 - Initial 1003 was available in loan file. Final 1003 is not required on the business purpose loans. Hence, exception is resolved. 08/xx/2022 - Initial 1003 was available in loan file. Final 1003 is not required on the business purpose loans. Hence, exception is resolved.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 05/xx/2022
PIQK3PFVFDT xx xx xx California xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Compliance Compliance PIQK3PFVFDT-DK9NVDYI Resolved 2 R * Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan test Fail (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z. While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test FAIL : Charged 5.408%  Allowed 5.120%  Over by+0.288%

Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
    QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 05/xx/2022
PIQK3PFVFDT xx xx xx California xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Compliance Compliance PIQK3PFVFDT-HJ060Q28 Resolved 2 R * Higher Price Mortgage Loan (Lvl R) This loan failed the CA AB 260 higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in the California Financial Code. While the California Financial Code provisions specify that lenders may lawfully make this type of loan subject to certain disclosure requirements and additional limitations, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

CA AB 260 Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test FAIL : Charged 5.408%  Allowed 5.120% Over by +0.288%

Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation (CA AB 260, California Financial Code Division 1.9 4995(a)).
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation (CA AB 260, California Financial Code Division 1.9 4995(a)). Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation (CA AB 260, California Financial Code Division 1.9 4995(a)).     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 11/xx/2022
PIQK3PFVFDT xx xx xx California xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 3 1 Credit Income PIQK3PFVFDT-L3KXO96W Resolved 3 R * Reverification within 10 days is missing (Lvl R) Verbal verification within 10 days of closing is missing in file.

5/xx/2022 - Received VVOE dated 2/2/2022 which is prior to PCCD in the file in which disbursement date is xx and issued date is 2/xx/2022.
5/xx/2022 - Received VVOE dated 2/2/2022 which is prior to PCCD in the file in which disbursement date is xx and issued date is 2/xx/2022. 5/xx/2022 - Received VVOE dated 2/2/2022 which is prior to PCCD in the file in which disbursement date is xx and issued date is 2/xx/2022.     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 05/xx/2022
KVXDZ0HMEBQ xx xx xx California xx Cash Out Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Credit   KVXDZ0HMEBQ-4ZA4ZEZQ Resolved 4 R * DTI > 50% (Lvl R) Profit and Loss (P&L) statement for 2021 available in file & income calculated as $8,346.25. DTI is 89.93% which exceeds the guidelines limit

6/2/2022 - Not Resolved - Income calculated as $100,155 / 12 months = $8,346.25. (Officer Salary is considered in the calculation)

6/3/2022 - Resolved - Income calculated officer salary $84,000/12 = $7,000 and $100,155/12 = $8346.25 from the Net Income for the company. Total income $15,346.25. Hence DTI (48.91%) is within the threshold limit and condition is resolved.
6/3/2022 - Resolved - Income calculated officer salary $84,000/12 = $7,000 and $100,155/12 = $8346.25 from the Net Income for the company. Total income $15,346.25. Hence DTI (48.91%) is within the threshold limit and condition is resolved. 6/3/2022 - Resolved - Income calculated officer salary $84,000/12 = $7,000 and $100,155/12 = $8346.25 from the Net Income for the company. Total income $15,346.25. Hence DTI (48.91%) is within the threshold limit and condition is resolved.     QC Complete 05/xx/2022 06/xx/2022 06/xx/2022 05/xx/2022
4N2TTLKTGO0 xx xx xx California xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 1 1 Credit Guidelines 4N2TTLKTGO0-3L2978EM Resolved 3 R * Assets do not meet guidelines (Lvl R) Gift latter available in loan file from father-in-law and husband which amount of $19,279.26 and $167,782 respectively. However bank statement missing in file to reflect gift amount credited.  5/xx/2022 - Received Gift letter , proof of deposit in bank and incoming wire document for the gifts. Hence condition is resolved. 5/xx/2022 - Received Gift letter , proof of deposit in bank and incoming wire document for the gifts. Hence condition is resolved. 5/xx/2022 - Received Gift letter , proof of deposit in bank and incoming wire document for the gifts. Hence condition is resolved.     QC Complete 05/xx/2022 05/xx/2022 05/xx/2022 05/xx/2022
135EDQBXL1S xx xx xx California xx Refinance Non-QM/Compliant 2 2 Credit Guidelines 135EDQBXL1S-3L2978EM Waived 3 W * Assets do not meet guidelines (Lvl W) Asset is not sufficient for Reserve. Verified Asset is $16,667.38 and Cash from Borrower is $11,362.00 and as per lender guideline we required reserve for 4 month if LTV is more than 75%. In this loan LTV is xx% so Reserve amount = 4 months X $2,944.50 = $11,778.00. However after closing Borrower have $5,305.38 asset is remaining. Asset Shortage $11,362.00-$5,305.38 = $6,056.62.

5/xx/2022 - Not Resolved - Received PCCD from client with cash to close $12,932.73 (cash from borrower). Verified assets $3,608.66 and Gift funds $13,058.52 ($1,846.52+$11,212) in the file $16,667.18 and reserve requirement $11,778. Short of assets $8,043.55

6/8/2022 - Received LOE with compensating factor to offset short reserves in the loan citing this as an warning and waived off the exception.
    1. The subject property is primary residence and the only property borrower owns.
2. Housing ratio (front-end) is only 28.04%, even the back-end is 32.04% as borrower does have little obligations on debts.
3. Borrower has a good credit score, 779with established history nearly12 years. She has never been late on any of accounts, very responsible borrower with stable and reliable payment behavior.
  QC Complete 05/xx/2022     05/xx/2022
KYPFTYPQCGY xx xx xx California xx Refinance Non-QM/Compliant 2 1 Credit Assets Insufficient KYPFTYPQCGY-YHOZ28S0 Resolved 3 R * Cash reserves less than required by guidelines (Lvl R) Assets are short in the amount of $260.53. Funds required at closing per the Final CD $260.53, however asset documents are missing.

5/xx/2022 -  In the file we have PCCD dated 02/xx/2022 and Cash to close is $2,000 (Cash to borrower). Hence asset are not required. Condition is resolved.
5/xx/2022 -  In the file we have PCCD dated 02/xx/2022 and Cash to close is $2,000 (Cash to borrower). Hence asset are not required. Condition is resolved. 5/xx/2022 -  In the file we have PCCD dated 02/xx/2022 and Cash to close is $2,000 (Cash to borrower). Hence asset are not required. Condition is resolved.     QC Complete 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
47245381 xx xx xx California xx Refinance Non-QM/Compliant 2 1 Compliance Compliance 47245381-DK9NVDYI Resolved 2 R * Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan test Fail (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test  Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z.
While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test FAIL : Charged  4.606%  Allowed 4.220%  Over by +0.386%

Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
    QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 08/xx/2022
47245381 xx xx xx California xx Refinance Non-QM/Compliant 2 1 Compliance Compliance NNKIBNSZUSF-HJ060Q28 Resolved 2 R * Higher Price Mortgage Loan (Lvl R) This loan failed the CA AB 260 higher-priced mortgage loan test. Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in the
California Financial Code. While the California Financial Code provisions specify that lenders may lawfully make this type of loan subject to certain disclosure requirements and additional limitations, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

CA AB 260 Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test FAIL :  Charged  4.606%  Allowed  4.220% Over by  +0.386%

Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation (CA AB 260, California Financial Code Division 1.9 4995(a)).
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation (CA AB 260, California Financial Code Division 1.9 4995(a)). Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation (CA AB 260, California Financial Code Division 1.9 4995(a)).     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 05/xx/2022
PZUW1CV5JDX xx xx xx California xx Cash Out Non-QM/Compliant 2 1 Compliance Compliance PZUW1CV5JDX-DK9NVDYI Resolved 2 R * Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan test Fail (Lvl R) This loan failed the higher-priced mortgage loan test as Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in Regulation Z.
While the higher-priced mortgage loan provisions specify that lenders can legally make this type of loan subject to additional requirements in 12 CFR §1026.35, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail 4.395%  4.340%  +0.055%

Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation 1026.35(b), (c) and (d).
    QC Complete 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 11/xx/2022 08/xx/2022
PZUW1CV5JDX xx xx xx California xx Cash Out Non-QM/Compliant 2 1 Compliance Compliance PZUW1CV5JDX-HJ060Q28 Resolved 2 R * Higher Price Mortgage Loan (Lvl R) This loan failed the CA AB 260 higher-priced mortgage loan test as Using the greater of the disclosed APR and the calculated APR, the loan is a higher-priced mortgage loan, as defined in the California Financial Code. While the California Financial Code provisions specify that lenders may lawfully make this type of loan subject to certain disclosure requirements and additional limitations, some lenders and secondary market investors may prefer not to fund or buy higher-priced mortgage loans even if the additional conditions are met.

CA AB 260 Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Test Fail  Charged: 4.395%  Allowed: 4.340%  Over by:+0.055%

Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation (CA AB 260, California Financial Code Division 1.9 4995(a)).
Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation (CA AB 260, California Financial Code Division 1.9 4995(a)). Resolved: HPML loans are allowed per originator’s guidelines.  File was reviewed to ensure that it is compliant with regulation (CA AB 260, California Financial Code Division 1.9 4995(a)).     QC Complete 11/xx/2022 01/xx/2023 01/xx/2023 05/xx/2022
TM5CL41OC0V xx xx xx Texas xx Purchase Non-QM/Compliant 2 1 Credit Assets Insufficient TM5CL41OC0V-YHOZ28S0 Resolved 3 R * Cash reserves less than required by guidelines (Lvl R) As per given package verified asset amount $108848.58 and cash to close $100,349.39, required reserves $10,243.72. Liquid cash reserves $8,499.19. Shortage reserves $1744.53, assets are not sufficient to close need additional assets.  5/xx/2022 - Received Post close bank statement with evidence of Closing cost been paid by borrower from the Bank xx a/c #xx and xx a/c #xx and have sufficient balance to cover the reserve requirement. Hence condition is resolved 5/xx/2022 - Received Post close bank statement with evidence of Closing cost been paid by borrower from the Bank xx a/c #xx and xx a/c #xx and have sufficient balance to cover the reserve requirement. Hence condition is resolved 5/xx/2022 - Received Post close bank statement with evidence of Closing cost been paid by borrower from the Bank xx a/c #xx and xx a/c #xx and have sufficient balance to cover the reserve requirement. Hence condition is resolved     QC Complete 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 08/xx/2022 06/xx/2022
OHMTUX1IMLZ 105944 39251 XX New York 05/XX/2022 Refinance Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation OHMTUX1IMLZ-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R * Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties: xx Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27 Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27 Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitizations - 12/27     QC Complete  12/xx/2022 12/xx/22 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022
1VHULPT2LDL 105946 39306 XX Connecticut 02/xx/2022 Cash Out Not Covered/Exempt 3 1 Valuation Valuation 1VHULPT2LDL-ZI5GG5MN Resolved 3 R Automated Appraisal Review Missing (Lvl R) Provide ARR (Appraisal Risk Review) or CDA (Collateral Desktop Analysis) for below mentioned properties: xx Resolved: Per lender core vest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the ad Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27 Resolved: Per lender corevest originated guidelines, secondary valuations are not required as appraisal is ordered through an AMC. However, the additional valuation will be required at the time of securitization - 12/27     QC Complete  12/xx/2022 12/xx/22 12/xx/2022 12/xx/2022