EX-99.4 23 s148582_ex99-4sch4.htm SCHEDULE 4 - LOAN LEVEL EXCEPTIONS

Exhibit 99.4 Schedule 4


Seller Loan ID Client Loan Number Borrower Last Name Loan Amount State Note Date Occupancy Loan Purpose ATR/QM Status Overall Grade Credit Grade Compliance Grade Property Grade Credit Exception Credit Rebuttal Compliance Exception Compliance Rebuttal Property Exception Property Rebuttal Covered High Cost Loan Compensating Factors
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property Purchase ATR/QM: Exempt 1 1 1 1 [1] Borrower Liabilities Verification Indicator is Partial - XX/XX/XXXX  - Borrower liabilities verified indicator is Partial: Section XXX of the XXX Guidelines dated XX/XX/XXXX states "An Undisclosed Debt Monitoring report dated within XXX days of closing is required". Provide report.;  XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Borrower Liabilities Verification Indicator is Partial' from Active to Open Rebuttal.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Lender provided updated guidelines, undisclosed debt monitoring within XXX days of the note not required [1] No Compliance Findings - XX/XX/XXXX  - The loan is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Owner occupied Purchase Non-QM: Lender documented all ATR UW factors 1 1 1 1 [1] Borrower Employment Verification does not meet guidelines - XX/XX/XXXX  - Per Guidelines, Section XXX: Product Eligibility: The CPA letter did not state as required, the business/applicant are active and/or in good standing. The Secretary of State Annual Report Status (pg XXX) provided by lender shows the business is active, however not in good standing for failure to file annual report.; [1] Borrower Liabilities Verification Indicator is Partial - XX/XX/XXXX  - Borrower liabilities verified indicator is Partial.
1. Missing evidence of the subject property tax obligation used in qualification.
2. A soft pull dated within XXX calendar days of funding or undisclosed monitoring through the funding date must be provided with the closed loan package.
XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Borrower Liabilities Verification Indicator is Partial' from Active to Open Rebuttal.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Updated Guidelines provided.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Borrower Employment Verification does not meet guidelines' from Active to Open Rebuttal.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Lender provided documentation. [1] Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan - XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan' from Active to Acknowledged by Client.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Change severity of 'Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan' from Material to Non-Material.; XX/XX/XXXX  - HPML. Acknowledged.; [1] ATR/QM Status is Pending - XX/XX/XXXX  - ATR/QM Status is pending. Noted documentation is required per Appendix Q.;        No Qualifying FICO is Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Qualifying FICO of XXX is Greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX.  ; Borrower XXX has significant job time - Borrower has XXX years on job ; Borrower has stable job time - Borrower has XXX years at job. 
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Owner occupied Purchase Non-QM: Lender documented all ATR UW factors 1 1 1 1 [1] Borrower Income Verification does not match Approval - XX/XX/XXXX  - The borrower income verification does not match approval. File is missing Bank Statement for XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX for XXX account # ending in XXX .; [1] No Credit Findings - XX/XX/XXXX  - The loan meets all applicable credit guidelines.;  XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Borrower Income Verification does not match Approval' from Active to Open Rebuttal.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Lender provided complete bank statement for account and dates requested. [1] Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan - XX/XX/XXXX  - Change severity of 'Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan' from Material to Non-Material.; XX/XX/XXXX  - HPML. Acknowledged.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan' from Active to Acknowledged by Client.; [1] Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Right to Receive Appraisal Disclosure Alert (XXX CFR XXX (c)(XXX)). - XX/XX/XXXX  - Loan is a Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan and Borrower's Right to Receive Appraisal Disclosure was not provided.; XX/XX/XXXX  - File shows appraisal received by borrower but is missing the initial "Right to Receive Appraisal" Disclosure.; [1] No Compliance Findings - XX/XX/XXXX  - The loan is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Right to Receive Appraisal Disclosure Alert (XXX CFR XXX (c)(XXX)).' from Active to Open Rebuttal.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Lender provided Appraisal/Valuation Acknowledgment.     No Calculated DTI is Less than the Guideline Maximum - Calculated DTI of XXX is less than the Guideline DTI of XXX. ; Qualifying FICO is Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Qualifying FICO of XXX is Greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX.  ; Borrower has stable job time - Borrower has XXX years at job. 
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property CashOut Refinance ATR/QM: Exempt 2 2 1 1 [1] Borrower Employment Verification does not meet guidelines - XX/XX/XXXX  - Provide certificate of good standing from the applicable Secretary of State's office.  XXX Division of Corporations search (page XXX) is not sufficient.  ; [2] Housing history does not meet guidelines - XX/XX/XXXX  - Section XXX of the XXX Guidelines dated XX/XX/XXXX state, "No housing history is acceptable if: The borrower lives in a marital home that is owned or leased by the spouse, the mortgage or rent on the martial home must be current as evidence by a minimum of a XXX-month rating."  Borrower is living rent free with his daughter per letter of explanation.  No mortgage history for residence of XXX XXX.  No exception in file to allow non-marital home to meet housing history requirement.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Borrower is living rent-free with daughter and there is no exception in file.; [1] Final Loan Application is Partial - XX/XX/XXXX  - Final Loan Application is Partial; XX/XX/XXXX  - Declarations section on page XXX of final loan application incomplete. ;  XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Borrower Employment Verification does not meet guidelines' from Active to Open Rebuttal.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Lender provided verification. [1] No Compliance Findings - XX/XX/XXXX  - The loan is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
; XX/XX/XXXX  - The exception 'No Compliance Findings' is cleared.; 
  [1] Is Completion Certificate in file is No - XX/XX/XXXX - Appraisal completed subject to repairs due to security bars on all bedroom windows.  Provide Form XXX.; XX/XX/XXXX  - The appraisal was completed "Subject To" however, the file is missing the Completion Certificate.;  XX/XX/XXXX  - Lender provided Processor Certification with photos showing security bars removed.; XX/XX/XXXX - Change status of 'Is Completion Certificate in file is No' from Active to Open Rebuttal. No Liquid Reserves are Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Liquid Reserves of XXX months or $XXX  are greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX or $XXX. 
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Owner occupied Purchase Non-QM: Lender documented all ATR UW factors 2 2 1 1 [1] No Credit Findings - XX/XX/XXXX  - The exception 'No Credit Findings' is cleared.; XX/XX/XXXX  - The loan meets all applicable credit guidelines.; [2] Housing history does not meet guidelines - XX/XX/XXXX  - Proof of rent pmts provided via bank stmts but no XXX, from professional management company, provided.  Section XXX of Lender guides require fully completed and signed XXX if applicant rents from a professional management company. If borrower rents from a private landlord, the most recent XXX months consecutive cancelled checks (front and back) along with a copy of the lease must be provided.; [1] Final Loan Application is Partial - XX/XX/XXXX  - Final Loan Application is Partial.  * Current/previous address info doesn't match LOE's + rent payments.  XXX (pg XXX) states XXX years at current (XXX $XXX per month). See LOEs pgs XXX.   Pg XXX states at XXX XX/XX/XXXX - XX/XX/XXXX.   Pg XXX states at XXX XX/XX/XXXX - XX/XX/XXXX.  Doesn't support XXX years at XXX per XXX.

Rent pmts provided for XXX months but none are for $XXX.  Does support XXX months no lates.  Pgs XXX / XXX-XXX.  Who rent was paid to did change in XX/XX/XXXX so supports dates on LOEs.

Business name on final application appears to be incorrect. Please update.
Appears XXX needs correction.; [1] Borrower Income Verification does not match Approval - XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Borrower Income Verification does not match Approval' from Active to Open Rebuttal.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Lender provided their Bank Statement Calculation Worksheet.  Origination and Auditor calcs now supported/documented.  Placed note in Auditor's BS Calcualtion Worksheet. ; XX/XX/XXXX  - The borrower income verification does match approval.     Exception resolved.; XX/XX/XXXX  - The borrower income verification does not match approval: Missing Lender bank statement calculation worksheet.; [1] Asset Documents are Incomplete - XX/XX/XXXX  - Asset Documents are Incomplete: Gift letter, pg XXX, and donor's bank account, pgs XXX, are in the loan file, for proof they have ability to donate. Missing evidence of receipt of gift funds by title company for funds to close.; 
XX/XX/XXXX  - Lender provided proof of wires, to settlement agent, to support both gifts.  Assets/Reserves verified.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Asset Documents are Incomplete' from Active to Open Rebuttal.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Lender provided their Bank Statement Calculation Worksheet.  Origination and Auditor calcs now supported/documented.  Placed note in Auditor's BS Calcualtion Worksheet. ; XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Borrower Income Verification does not match Approval' from Active to Open Rebuttal.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Final Loan Application is Partial' from Active to Open Rebuttal.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Lender provided updated XXXX. [1] Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan - XX/XX/XXXX  - Change severity of 'Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan' from Material to Non-Material.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan' from Active to Acknowledged by Client.; XX/XX/XXXX  - XXX. Acknowledged.; [1] No Compliance Findings - XX/XX/XXXX  - The loan is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.       No Calculated DTI is Less than the Guideline Maximum - Calculated DTI of XXX is less than the Guideline DTI of XXX. ; Qualifying FICO is Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Qualifying FICO of XXX is Greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX.  ; Borrower has stable job time - Borrower has XXX years at job. 
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property Purchase ATR/QM: Exempt 2 2 1 1 [2] Borrower Liabilities Verification Indicator is Partial - XX/XX/XXXX  - Borrower liabilities verified indicator is Partial. Per Guidelines, Section XXX First Time Home Buyers are not allowed under the XXX program.;    [1] No Compliance Findings - XX/XX/XXXX  - The exception 'No Compliance Findings' is cleared.; XX/XX/XXXX  - The loan is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
      No Qualifying FICO is Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Qualifying FICO of XXX is Greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX.  ; Borrower has more than XXX years at current residence - Borrower at current residence XXX years 
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property Purchase ATR/QM: Exempt 1 1 1 1 [1] Underwriting FICO does not meet Guideline Minimum Required - XX/XX/XXXX  - Underwriting FICO of XXX is less than the minimum required guideline FICO of XXX. Guidelines dated XX/XX/XXXX require a XXX FICO for LTV of XXX% for an investment purchase. No exception found in the loan file.; [1] Final Loan Application is Partial - XX/XX/XXXX  - Final Loan Application is Partial. The declaration section of the final XXX is not complete.;  XX/XX/XXXX  - Change status of 'Underwriting FICO does not meet Guideline Minimum Required' from Active to Open Rebuttal.; XX/XX/XXXX  - Lender provided updated guidelines dated XX/XX/XXXX which allow XXX FICO LTV XXX% purchase. [1] No Compliance Findings - XX/XX/XXXX  - The loan is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
      No Liquid Reserves are Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Liquid Reserves of XXX months or $XXX  are greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX or $XXX. 
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property Purchase ATR/QM: Exempt 3 3 1 1 Lender Exception Approved for Reserves.  The liquid reserves of XXX months or $XXX, are less than the Guidelines minimum required of XXX or $XXX.  Comp Factors: Years on Job, Years in Primary Home, Housing History XXX (no primary housing payment). Change status of 'Liquid Reserves are less than Guidelines Required' from Active to Acknowledged by Client.;
Exception for reserves being just under the XXX mo. guideline requirement. Compensating factors listed as the number of years in home, XXX housing history, and years on job.
The loan is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  Property is located in a FEMA disaster area with no post disaster inspection.  Hurricane XXX hit XXX on XX/XX/XXXX.  Appraisal XXX Completion Cert was dated one day prior on XX/XX/XXXX.; XX/XX/XXXX - Disaster inspection provided.; Exception resolved.  Change status of 'Property located in FEMA Declared Disaster Area with no subsequent Property Inspection' from Active to Open Rebuttal.;
.; XX/XX/XXXX - Disaster inspection provided.
No Calculated DTI is Less than the Guideline Maximum - Calculated DTI of XXX is less than the Guideline DTI of XXX. ; Original CLTV is Below the Guideline Maximum - Calculated CLTV of XXX is less than Guideline CLTV of XXX. ; Borrower XXX has significant job time - Borrower has XXX years on job ; Borrower has more than XXX years at current residence - Borrower at current residence XXX years ; Borrower has stable job time - Borrower has XXX years at job. 
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Owner occupied CashOut Refinance Non-QM: Lender documented all ATR UW factors 4 3 1 1 Cash to borrower exceeds maximum allowable.  Guideline maximum amount to borrower is:  $XXX. Change status of 'Cash to Borrower Exceeds Maximum Allowable' from Active to Acknowledged by Client.;
Exception requested for cash out amount, LTV/Fico. Compensating factors listed are DTI, over XXX mo. reserves, and high discretionary income.
This loan failed the XXX closing disclosure date and funding date validation test.This loan contains a closing disclosure receipt date (or closing disclosure delivery date if receipt date was not provided) that is after the funding date. Please review the loan data to ensure the dates are in the correct fields.; Exception resolved. ; Provide update disbursement date or XXX. Disbursement date on final CD is XX/XX/XXXX, however the consummation date was XX/XX/XXXX.   The SSR indicator is Missing; XX/XX/XXXX - Compliance Cert provided; Exception resolved.  Change status of 'XXX Summary Report is Missing' from Active to Open Rebuttal.;
.; XX/XX/XXXX- Compliance Cert provided
No Calculated DTI is Less than the Guideline Maximum - Calculated DTI of XXX is less than the Guideline DTI of XXX. ; Qualifying FICO is Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Qualifying FICO of XXX is Greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX.  ; Liquid Reserves are Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Liquid Reserves of XXX months or $XXX are greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX or $XXX. ; Borrower XXX has significant job time - Borrower has XXX years on job ; Borrower has more than XXX years at current residence - Borrower at current residence XXX years ; Borrower has stable job time - Borrower has XXX years at job. ; Borrower Years On Job Exceeds XXX Years - Borrower Years On Job Exceeds XXX Years 
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property CashOut Refinance ATR/QM: Exempt 3 3 1 1 Housing history does not meet guidelines.  The primary residence is in the name of the non-borrowing spouse.; Approved exception in file for no primary residence housing payment history(XXX mortgage is in non-borrowing spouse name).  Compensating factors include LTV, XXX months reserves, and borrower has an investment property with XXX months satisfactory mortgage payment history. Change status of 'Housing history does not meet guidelines' from Active to Acknowledged by Client.;
Approved exception in file for no primary residence housing payment history(PR mortgage is in non-borrowing spouse name).  Compensating factors include LTV, XXX months reserves, and borrower has an investment property with XXX months satisfactory mortgage payment history.
The loan is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  Property and valuations related findings were not identified on the loan.    No Original LTV is Below the Guideline Maximum - Calculated LTV of XXX is less than Guideline LTV of XXX. ; Original CLTV is Below the Guideline Maximum - Calculated CLTV of XXX is less than Guideline CLTV of XXX. ; Qualifying FICO is Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Qualifying FICO of XXX is Greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX.  ; Liquid Reserves are Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Liquid Reserves of XXX months or $XXX  are greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX or $XXX. ; Borrower has more than XXX years at current residence - Borrower at current residence XXX years 
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property Purchase ATR/QM: Exempt 4 4 1 1 Final Loan Application is Partial. The final XXX is marked "I do not own any real estate" and does not correctly reflect the borrowers primary residence located at XXX.  The borrowers primary residence should be disclosed on the REO even when DTI calculations do not apply per the DSCR program. Change status of 'Final Loan Application is Partial' from Active to Open Rebuttal.;
XX/XX/XX - Explanation received for properties missing from REO section of XXX. ; Change status of 'Final Loan Application is Partial' from Active to Open Rebuttal.;
Docs received XX/XX/XXXX; Change status of 'Final Loan Application is Partial' from Open Rebuttal to Active.;
Explanation, given in response, is insufficient to clear exception. Please provide documentation or guideline to support explanation. Otherwise please provide updated XXX with primary property listed in section XXX of application.
The loan is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  Property and valuations related findings were not identified on the loan.    No Calculated DTI is Less than the Guideline Maximum - Calculated DTI of XXX is less than the Guideline DTI of XXX. ; Original CLTV is Below the Guideline Maximum - Calculated CLTV of XXX is less than Guideline CLTV of XXX. ; Qualifying FICO is Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Qualifying FICO of XXX is Greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX.  ; Liquid Reserves are Greater than the Guideline Minimum - Liquid Reserves of XXX months or $XXX  are greater than the Guideline Minimum of XXX or $XXX ; Borrower has more than XXX years at current residence - Borrower at current residence XXX years 
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property CashOut Refinance ATR/QM: Exempt 1 1 N/A 1 [1] $XXX Title Insurance Coverage < $XXX Minimum Required. Provide Additional Coverage [1] Missing Payoff Statement [1] Missing Closing Protection Letter   [1] Compliance - not applicable   [1] Insufficient Appraisal Provided; Restricted Appraisal. Please Provide Appraisal Approved By XXX  [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Approved Appraiser No  
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property Refinance No Cash Out ATR/QM: Exempt 1 1 N/A 1 [1] Missing Closing Protection Letter [1] Missing Evidence Of Title Report And Any Payoff Statements If Applicable [1] Missing Tax Certs For All Subject Properties.  [1] Ltv Is XXX% > XXX% Max Allowed. XXX Approval Required [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Upated Primary Guarantor To XXX (Credit Score XXX). Ltv Now Sufficient [1] Compliance - not applicable   [1] Missing Third Party Appraisal Review For Subject Property, XXX, XXX, XXX & XXX. [1] Received appraisal review No  
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property CashOut Refinance ATR/QM: Exempt 1 1 N/A 1 [1] Missing Evidence Of Hazard Insurance For Subject Property, XXX. [1] Missing Tax Certificate- For All Subject Properties. [3] Missing Evidence Of Title Insurance [1] Missing Closing Protection Letter [1] Missing Payoff Statement(S) [1] XXX% Ltc >XXX% Max Allowed. XXX Approval Required [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX:Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: In Closing Package [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Upated Primary Guarantor To XXX (Credit Score XXX). Ltv Now Sufficient [1] Compliance - not applicable   [1] Missing Third Party Appraisal Review For Subject Properties, XXX, XXX, XXX & XXX [2] XXX Appraisal Months >XXX Allowed. [1] Received appraisal review No  
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property CashOut Refinance ATR/QM: Exempt 1 1 N/A 1 [1] Lease In File For Subject Property XXX, Is Missing Landlord Signature. [1] XXX% LTC > XXX% Max Allowed. XXX Approval Required [1] Missing CPL. [1] Missing Evidence Of Title Insurance And Any Applicable Payoffs [1] Missing Tax Cert. For All Subject Properties. [1] $XXX Title Insurance Coverage < $XXX Minimum Required. Provide Additional Coverage [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Rescinded. [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Upated Primary Guarantor To XXX (Credit Score XXX). LTV Now Sufficient [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX:Received [1] Compliance - not applicable   [1] Missing Third Party Appraisal Review For Subject Properties, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX & XXX. [2] XX/XX/XXXX: Still Require One More Appraisal Review For Waiver To Apply. Please Provide One Of The Missing Appraisal Reviews [1] Received appraisal review No  
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property Purchase ATR/QM: Exempt 2 2 N/A 2 [1] XXX Days Age Of Credit Report > XXX Days Max Allowed. Provide Updated Credit Report. [1] Missing Condo Questionnaire [1] Missing Evidence Of Title Insurance [1] Missing Final Settlement Statement. [1] Provide Operating Agreement For XXX To Tie Asset To Borrower/Guarantor [1] Missing Lease Agreement Or Third Party Rent Estimate [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received; [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received; [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received; [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received; [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received; [1] XX/XX/XXXX:Received;[1] XX/XX/XXXX:Received [1] Compliance - not applicable   [1] Subject Property XXX Sf < XXX Sf Minimum Required. XXX To Approve [1] Master Condo Policy Missing Subject Property Address And Lender/S Mortgagee Clause [2] XX/XX/XXXX: Waiver Approval - Approved. [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received No XXX Sf Is The Absolute Floor
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property Purchase ATR/QM: Exempt 1 1 N/A 1 [1] Missing Purchase Contract Addendum Extending Closing Date [1] $XXX Liquidity < $XXX Minimum Required. Provide Additional Assets. [1] $XXX Title Insurance Coverage < $XXX Minimum Required. Provide Additional Title Coverage [1] Missing Executed Warranty Deed. [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received; [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received; [1]XX/XX/XXXX:Received; [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] Compliance - not applicable   [1] Missing Third Party Appraisal Review [2] Missing Third Party Rent Estimate [3] Insufficient Appraisal. Appraisal In File Dated XX/XX/XXXX Shows Property Is Made Subject To Completion. Property Not Ready For Lease Per XXX Guideline. [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received No  
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property Refinance No Cash Out ATR/QM: Exempt 1 1 N/A 1 [1] Missing Payoff Statement [1] $XXX Hazard Insurance Coverage < $XXX Minimum Required. Provide Additional Coverage [1] $XXX Title Insurance Coverage < $XXX Minimum Required. Provide Additional Title Coverage [1] XXX% Ltv > XXX% Max Allowed. XXX Approval Required (XXX Dscr Requires -XXX% Ltv Adjustment) [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received Rce For XXX [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Updated Qualifying Rent. Dscr Now XXX [1] Compliance - not applicable   [1] Missing Third Party Appraisal Review [2] Missing Third Party Rent Estimate For Vacant Property [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received Lease Agreement No  
XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XX/XX/XXXX Investment Property CashOut Refinance ATR/QM: Exempt 2 1 N/A 2 [1] Missing Evidence Of Title Insurance [1] XXX Days Age Of Background Check > XXX Days Max Allowed. Provide Updated Background Check. [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received [1] Compliance - not applicable   [1] Missing Third Party Appraisal Review [2] Appraisal Review Variance Of -XXX% Exceeds -XXX% Max Allowed. Appraised Value Of $XXX Vs Review Value Of $XXX [1] XX/XX/XXXX: Received No