EX-4.56 6 visionary_ex0456.htm AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE OF 4300 STEELES AVE UNIT E25




DigiSign Ve ri fied - Od090e3a - 2f97 - 41ae - 895d - 73ddf9a0d42a9 Agreement of Purchase and Sale Condominium Resale - Commercial · : · : = - · : · : TREB A Ontario Real Estate Association Form 501 for use in the Province of Ontario COMMERCIAL NETWORK This Agreement of Purchase end Sole dated this.}.O ......... . .......... . ...... day of .. :N.O.Y E!i: ......... . . . ... . .... ... . . . . . .......... . . .... . . . ...... , 20.. } ....... . .. . .. . BUYER: .. . Trl3_E_T . ' . l : _ l S !' : R :I : f'.l : _ {; C _ : t _ J L T.tJ L . . . n . J! i ! !! J· : f , ; ; ;; } ...... . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . , agrees to purchase from 9 . T . . E . . . . C . . . H . . NO i L F O l G ii' Y H i' O ; L ;, D ; IN i' G ·1 S i·s 1 G 1 R ; O ;} U .. P .. . .I.N.C: .• .. ....... . . . . .. ............ . . ............ .... ....... . ... ., the following SELLER: . . .Y:rl:l.I.<>N.11.:RJ. ED .. UCATI . O . . . N .. PROPERTY: a unit in the condominium property known as .. V . i:i . i . t ... . .. .... . . . . . . . ... ... . .. i A j; ri· ;;, i/ ,' :;, h - /s ii iu i·ii'.. ... ... . . .. . .... .... . . . . . ...... . . . . No . .. E .... 25 ... .... .... ... · · · · · located at - . _ 3_0_ Cl .. l:l.et . . E! ta! . S Ave .. . : _ e: . ?a>i _ : _ i :Jcl'l all \ .. C> ... L.3.: _ R. ()Y.S .. . . . .. . . . ......... .. .......... . ........ .. . ... . in the . . . . . . M . . . a ' . r ' . k . . h . . a . . m . . ····· · · ·· · ············ · ···· .......... . ........... . .... . ... . .. ........ . .... . .. .. ........ .. ....... .. . .. . .. .. . .. ........... . . . . . ... . . . ... being ............ ... Condominium Pion No .... ... .... ... ... .. .. ... .... .... .... .. ... .. .. . . ... ...... . . Unit Number .. . ........ ... .. ........... .... .. ...... . . . .. .. . Leve l No . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... .. . . . .... . .. Building No . .. ... .......... .... ................ . .. together with ownership or exclusive use of Parking Space(s) .. .. .. .. .. . ...... . ... .. ... . . . ........ .. .. , .. together with ownership or exclus ive use of Locker(s).. ......... ..... . . ....... ....... .. ................... , toge t her with Seller's proportionate undivided tenancy - in - common interest · ... · . · · .. · jN .;;1:, ds), leveljs))· .. in the common elements appurtenant to the Unit as described in the Declaration and Description including the exclusive righ t to use such other parts of the common elements appurtenant to the Un it as may be specified in the Declaration and Description: the Unit, the proportionate interest in the common elements appurtenant thereto, and the exclusive use portions r f !t co ) mmon elements, being herein cal l ed the "Property". 250000.00 .fJ / .M Dollars (CDN$). 260, 0_0.9_ '..0. .. .. .. ... .......... .. ... . . . .fJI .M PURCHASE PRICE: F if t y ... T.YlC> .. 11 . u. 11 cI:r.e.cl .. .. t: _ll C>t1 S.< . i Il. .. < _ iI1 cl_ . CJ( _ ) /. l CJ CJ .......... ................. .. . .... ..... ............. .. ....... .... . .................. ................. ....... . ...... Dollars DEPOSIT : Buyer submits .. l.lJ? . 0. 11 .. cct . c . _Ep! t _ :_ari c:(;! .. ... ........... ....... .......... .... . ...... ....... .... ...... . ....... . ......... . .... .... .. .. .. . ...... . .. .. . .... . . .. ... . .... ... ... .... .. .. .. .. (Herewith/Upon Acceplonce/os otherwise described in this Agreement! .. 1'.i' . _ f . 1:(;!ta!I1 _.. 1:l'l C?:U.l.l .a. Il cI .. .a.Il cl. _._ O Cl( JO,_ O _ .. . ....... ... .......... .. ... .... . .. . .. ............. .. ... .... . . . ... .... Dollars (CDN$) .. J,_5 i _ Cl() Cl.: . o . Cl_ .......... . . .. ........... . .. ... . . . b:i:r a r ffi acb :t;1 ·t! · !;:;i · ; ;! ; ; ; ; ! i } t · : : ; - i 0 i ·t · b · ; ;iit d ·t ;;;;; j th ·p ; - h - ;;;;" - - - - pl ti ; · . · h;i : : 1 of this Agreement, "Upon Acceptance" shall mean that the Buyer is requ i red to deliver t he deposit to the Deposi t H older within 24 hours of the occe t ance of this Agreement. T he parties t o this Agreement hereby acknowledge that, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, the Deposit Holder shal place the deposit in trust in the Deposit Holder's non - in t erest bearing Real Estate Trust Account and no interest shell be eorned , received or paid on the deposit. Buyer agrees to pay the balance as more particularly set out in Schedule A attached . SCHEDULE(S) A .......... . ........... attached hereto form(s) part of this Agreement. 1. IRREVOCABILITY: T his offer shall be i rrevocable by ... B.ll Y . e . r. . ............................... . . ...... , .... . until .. ;l,J .; . 1? . .... .. .... .. - ........ . . . . ..... .. .. . . on !Seller/Buyer) (o.m./p.m.) the .J o ...... .. . . .. .. day of .. f'.l:C>Y . . r. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ... . .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. .. ... .. .... .. .. . , 20 ... 2.3. ............, after which time, if not accepted, this offer shall be null and void end the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without interest. 2. COMPLETION DATE: This Agreement shall be completed by no later than 6:00 p.m. on the .. . o ............... ... .. ......... day of .. ... .... ..... .. .. . . . .... . .. . _ . I _ ) e _ c E!ll _ l1 _ )e r. .. ...... . ...... ..... . .... ....... , 20 . .:2.3. . ... .... Upon comple ti on, vacant possession of the Property she ll be given to the Buyer unless otherwise provided for in t his Agreement. INITIALS OF BUYER(S): INITIALS OF SELLER(S): m The trademarks REALTOR ® , REALTORS®, MLS®, Multiple li sting Services® and ossocioted logos ore owned or con trol l ed by • , . , u ,,, : , :!J The Conodion Rea l Es t ate Association !CREA) and identify the rea l estate professionals who ore membe rs of CREA and the quality o f services they prov i de. Used under license . © 2023, Ontario Rea l Estate Association ("OREA") . All rights .reserved. This form was deve l oped by OREA for the use and repr oductio n by its members and licensees only. Any other use or reprocluchon is prohibited except with pnor wrinen consent of O RE A. Do not olter when printing or reproducing the standard pre - set por tion . OREA beors no liability for your use o f this form. Form 501 Revised 2023 Page 1 of 6 Created by GINA ZHENG with SkySlope i» Fonns





D g i iSi gn Ver i fied - O d090e 3a - 2f97 - 41ae - 89 5d - 73 dd f9a0d 4 2a9 3 . N O TI C E S : T he Seller hereby appoint s the Listing Brokerage as agent for the Seller fo r the pu r pose of giving and receiving n o t ices pursuant to this Agreement . Where a Brokerage (B uy er's Brokerage) hos entered i nto a re presentat i on agreement w i th the Buyer , the Buye r hereby appoints the Buyer's Brokerage as agent for the purpose of giving and receiving notices pursuan t t o this Agreement . Where a Brokerage represents b oth th e S eller and the Buyer (multiple repr e sentation) , the Brokerage shall not be appointed or authori z ed to b e agen t for either the Buyer or the Seller for th e purpose of giving and receiving notices . Any notice relating he r eto or provided for herein shall be in writing . In addition to any provision contained herein and in any Schedule hereto, this offe , r any counter - offer, notice of acceptance thereof o r a n y notice to be given or received pursuant to th i s Agreement o r any Schedule hereto (any of them, "Doc u ment") sh ell be deemed given and r eceived when delivered personally or hand del i vered to the Address for Service p ro vided in t h e Acknowledgemen t below, or where a facsim i le number or email address i s provided herein, when transm i tted elec t ronically to that facsimile number or emai l address , respectively, in which case, t he signo t ure(s) of the party (parties) shall be deemed to be o r iginal. FAX No .: .... . . . . . . !For delivery of Documents to S e ll )· ·· ·· ·· · '· ······ ·· '· · '··· ·· · · · · Email Address: 4 . CHATIELS INCLUDED: . . 1'T / ll.. . . . . . .. ..... . .. .. ..... . . .. ... . . ..... .. . . . . . ....... . . . .. . . . . . U n l essotherwise stated i n t his Agreement or any Schedu l e h e reto, S e ll e r agrees to convey all f ixt u res and chatte l s i nclud e d in t he P u r c hase Pr i ce free fr om all liens, encumbrances or claims a ffecting t h e said fix tur es and c hat t els . S . FIXTU R ES EXCLUDED: .. 1'T / ll._ ... ....... . . ... . ... . . . . ... . ... . . . 6. R E N TAL I TEMS (Including Lease , Lease to Own): T he following equipment is rented and not included in t he Purchase Price. The B u yer agrees to assume the rental controct(s), i f assumable: . . 1'T / ll... . ····· · ····· · · ····· T he Buyer agrees to co - operate and execute such documentation as may be required to faci l itate such a ssu mption . 7 . COMMON EXPE N SES: Selle r warrants to Buyer that the common expenses p r esen tly payable to t he Condominium Co r por a tion i n respec t of t he Property are app r oxima t ely $ . .? . 9 . 5 . . . .. .. . . . .. . . ..... . . . . .... . . . . . .. ..... . per month, which amoun t includ e s t he following: .. C: . <?II \ IllClil ... . ll e l . . Il t: E · l · _ · , .. . .. . 8. PARKING AND LOCKERS : Parking a n d Lockers ore as desc r ibed above or ass i gn e d as fo ll ows: .. .. .. ..... . ..... .. .. ... .... . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. ... . ... .... . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. ... . . .. . . . ... . .. , ... . . .... . .... ... . .... .... ... . .......... . .. . .. .. . at an addit i onal cost of: ... . . ... ... . . . . . ... .. .. . ... . .. . . ... . . . . . .. . . . ... . .. .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... .... .. .. 9 . HST : If the sale of the property (Real Property as described above) is subject to Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), then such tax shall be in addition to the Purchase Price . T he Seller will not co ll ec t HST if the Buyer provid e s to t he Seller a w ar ra n ty t h at t he Buyer is registered u nder t he E xcise Tax Act ("E T A "), together wit h a copy o f the Buyer's E T A r e gistration, a warranty that the Buyer s h all self - assess and remit t he HST payable an d f il e the prescrib e d form and sh all indem n ify the Se ll er in respect of any H ST paya bl e . The foregoi n g warranties sha ll not m erge bu t s h all survive the completion of th e transac t io n . If the so l e o f t he property is not sub j ect to HS T, Se ll er ag r ees to ce rti fy on or before closing, t hat t h e transaction i s not subject t o HS T . Any H STon cha tt els, If applicab l e, i s not i ncluded i n the Purc h ase P r ice . INITIALS OF BUYER(S): INITIALS OF SELLER(S): C£) • u m ,, o, I. J : '! The trademarks REALTOR ®, REALTORS®, MLS®, Mu ltip l _e lis t ing Services® and associated logos ore owned or controlled by The Canad i a n Rea l Es t ate A ssociat i on (CREA) a nd identify t he real estate professionals who are members of CREA and t he quality of s e rvices t hey provide . Used under licen s e © 2023, Ontario Rea l Es. t a l e Association ("O REA" ). A ll r ights r eserved. This for m was. d e v e loped by OREA for the us e and rep rodu ction by it s m mbers and lic ensees. on l y . Any other use or reproOuction is proh i bited ex ce pt with pnor wntten cons ent of OREA_ Do not alt er when printing or reproducing t h e sta ndard pre - set portion. OREA bears no l iabi l ity for your use of t his form. Form 501 Re v i sed 2023 Page 2 of 6



DigiSign Ve r ified - Od090e3a - 2f97 - 41 ae - 895d - 73 d df9a0d42a9 1 O . TITLE SEARCH: Buyer shall be allowed until 6:00 p.m. onthe .. 0 . 6 . ............... day of l) .e . c:Elilll>.e . r. ...... ................. . .. , 20 .. .3 .... .. (Requisition Dote) to examine t he tit le to the Property at Buyer's own expense and until the ear li er of : (i) th irty days from the later o f the Requisition Dote or the dote on wh i ch the cond i tions in this Ag r eement ore f ulfilled o r otherwise waived or ; ( i i) five days prior to completion, to sa t isfy Buyer that there ore no o u tstanding work orders or deficiency notices affect i ng the Property, and tha t it s present use ( . c : ()l . !lll \ : rc . i . a . .. .. ...... .. . ..... .. .. .. ) may be lawfully cont inued . I f within tha t time any va l id objection t o ti tl e or t o any ou t standing work ord e r or deficiency not ic e, or t o the fact the said present use may not lawfully be cont i nued, is mode in writing to Seller and which Seller is unable or unwill i ng to remove , r emedy or satisfy or obtain insu rance save and except against risk of fire (T i t l e Insurance) in favour of the Buyer and any mortgagee, ( wi t h o il related costs a t the expense of t he Sel l er), and which Buyer wil l not waive, t his Agreement notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations in respect of such objections, shall be at on end and a ll monies pa i d shal l be returned without interest or deduction and Seller, listing Brokerage and Co - operating Brokerage shall not be liable for any cos t s or damages . Save as to any valid ob j ection so mode by such day and except for any objection going t o the root of t he title, Buyer shall be conclusively deemed to hove accepted Seller's title to the Property . Seller hereby consents t o the m un icipality or other governmental agencies releasing to Buyer deta i ls of a ll outstandi n g wo rk orders a n d deficiency no t ices affecting the Property , and Seller agr e es to execute and deliver such fu r ther authoriza t ion s in this regard as Buyer may reasonably require . 11 . TITLE : Buyer agrees to accept title to the Property subject to oil righ ts and easements registered against ti tle for the supply and instal l ation of telecommunication services , electricity , gos, sewers, wa t er, te l evision coble faci l ities and o the r relat ed services ; provided that ti t l e to the Property is otherwise good and free from all encumbrances except : (a) as herein expressly provided ; (b) any registered restrictions, conditions or covenants that run with the land prov i ded such hove been compl i ed with ; (c) the provisions of the Condominium Act and its Regulations and the terms, condi t ions and provisions of the Declara tion , Description and By - low s , Occupancy Standards By - l ow s, inc lu ding the Common Element Rules and other Rules and R egulat i ons ; and (d) any existing municipal agreements, zon ing by - lows and/or regulations and util i t ies or service contracts . 12 . CLOSING ARRANGEMENTS : Where each of the Seller and Buyer retain a lawyer to complete the Agreement o f Purchase and Sole of the Property, and where the transaction wi ll be completed by electronic registration pursuant to Pa r t Ill of the Land Registration Reform Act , R . S . O . 199 0 , Chapter L 4 and t he El ectronic Registra t ion Act , S . O . 1991 , Chapter 44 , and any amendments thereto , the Seller and Buyer acknowledge and agree that t he exchange of closing funds, non - registrable documents and o t her i t ems ( t he "Requisite Deliver ie s") and the r elease thereof to the Seller and Buyer will (a) not occur at the some tim e as the regi s t ration of the transfer/deed (and any other doc u ments intend ed to be reg ist e red in connect i on with the completion of this t ransaction) and (b) be subject to conditions whereby the lowyer(s) receiving any o f t he Requisite Deliveries will berequired to hold some in trust and not release some except in accordance with the terms of a document registration agreement between the said lawyers . T he Seller and Buyer irrevocably ins t ruct t he said lawyers to be bound by the document registration agreement which is recommended from time to time by the Low Society of Ontario . Unless otherw i se agreed to by the lawyers, such exchange of Requisite Deliveries shall occur by t he delivery of the Requisite Deliveries of each party to the office of the lawye r for the o ther party or such other location agreeable to both lawye rs . 13. STATUS CERTI FI CATE AND MANAGEMENT OF CONDOMINIUM : Seller represents and wa r rants t o Buyer that there ore no s pecial assessments contemplated by the Condominium Corporation , and there ore no lega l actions pending by or against or contemplated by t he Condominium Corporation . The Seller consents to a request by the Buyer or his authorized representative for a Status Cer t ificate from t he Condominium Corporation . Buyer acknowledges that the Condominium Corporation may hove entered into a Management Agreement for the management of the condom in ium property . 14. DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGE: Buyer shall not coll for the production of any t it l e deed , abstract, survey or other evidence of title to the Property except such as are in the pos s ession or con tr o l of Seller. Seller agrees t o del i ver to Buyer , if it is possible without inc u rring any cos t s in so doing, copies of a l l current condominium documentation o f the Condominium Corporation, inclu d ing the Declar a t ion , Description, By - lows, Commo n Element Rules and Reg ul ations and the most recent financial statements of the Condomin i um Corpora tion . I f a discharge of any C h arge/ M ortgage held by 0 corporation incorpora ted pursuant to the Trust And Loon Companies Act (Canada), Chartered Bon k , Tru s t Company, Credit Un ion, Caisse Populoire or Ins u rance Company and which is not t o be assumed by Buy er on complet i on , is not a v a ilable in registrable form on completion, Buyer agrees to accep t Se ll er's lawyer's personal undertaking t o obta i n, out of the closing f u nd s , a discharge in regi strabl e form and to register some , or cause some to be registered , on tit l e within a reasonable period of t ime ofter complet i on, provided that on or before comp l etion Seller shall p r ovide to Buyer o mortgage statem ent prepared by the mortgagee setting out the balance r equired to obta i n the discharge, and, where a real - time electronic cleared funds tran s fer system is not be i ng u sed, a direction executed by Se ll er direc t ing payment to the mortgagee of t he amount r eq u ired to ob t ain the discharge out of the ba l ance due on comple ti on. 15 . M! : ! : T!NGS : Se l ler represents and warrants to Buyer that at the time of the acceptance of t his Offer he hos no t received a notice convening a specia l or general meeting of the Condominium Corporation respecting ; (o) the terminat i on of t he government o f the condo m inium property ; (b) any substantial alteration i n or subs t antia l addition to the common elements or the renovation thereo f ; OR (c) any substantia l change in t he assets or l iabili t ies of the Condominium Corporation ; and S e ller covenants tha t if he receives a ny such not ice prior to the date of completion he shall forthwith notify Buyer in writing and Buyer may th ereupon at h i s option declare t his Agreemen t to be null and void and all monies paid by Buyer shal l be refunded withou t inte rest or deduction . 16 , IN SPECTION : Buyer acknowledges having had the opportunity to i nspect the Property and unders t an d s that upon acceptance of th i s offer ther e shall be a binding agreement of purchase and sole between Buyer and Seller . INITIALS OF BUYER(S): IN IT I ALS OF SELLER(S): ,, ,, I , T o , T The trade m arks. REALTOR®, RE . A LTOR S®, MLS®, Mult i p l e Listi ng Services® and ass oc iated lo gos are owned or con tr oll ed by LJ::! The Canadian Rea l Estate Association {CREA) and identify the real esta t e pr ofessio a n l s w ho are m embers of CREA and the qual i ty of services they provide . Used und er l icense . © 2023, On t a rio Rea l Estate Association " l O REA " J. All r ig h ts rese rved. T his form was deve lo ped by OREA f o r the u s e and reproduction by ih members and l icensees on ly . Any other use or r eproOuction is prohibited except with prior written consent of OREA Do no t a lt er when pr i nting or rep rod ucing t he s t anda rd pre - se t po rt ion. O R EA bears no l iabi li ty tor your use of this fo rm. Form 501 Re v i sed 2023 Page 3 of 6



DigiSign Veri fie d - Od090e3a - 2f97 - 41ae - 895d - 73 ddf9a0d42a9 17. APPROVAL OF TH E AGRE E M EN T : In the event that consent ta this sale is required t o be g iv en by the Condominium Co rp orat ion or th e Board of Directors, the Seller will apply forthwith for the requisite consent, and if such consent is refused, then this Agreement shall be nu l l and void and the depos i t monies paid hereunder shall be refunded without interest or o t her penalty to t he Buyer . 18. I N SURANCE : T he U ni t and all other things be i ng purchased shall be and remain at the risk of t he Seller until completion . In the event of substantial damage to the Property Buyer may at his option either permit the proceeds of insurance ta be used for repair of such damage in accordance wi t h t he provi s i o ns of the Insurance Trust Agreeme n t , or terminate this Agreement and all deposit monies paid by Buyer hereunder shall be refunded without in t erest or deduction . If Se l ler is taking bock a Charge/Mortgage, or Buyer is assuming a Charge/ M or t gage, Buyer shall supply Seller with reasonable evidence of adequa t e i nsu r ance to protect Seller's or other mortgagee's in t erest on co mpletion . 19 . DOCUMENT PREPARATION : The Transfer / D eed shall , save for the Land Transfer Ta x Affidavit, be prepared in registrable form at the expense of Seller, and any Charge/Mortgage to be given back by the Buye r to Sel l er at th e expense of the Buyer . 20 . RESIDENCY : (a) Sub j e ct to (b) below, the Seller represents and warrants that the Seller is not and on comp l etion will not be a non - resident under t he non - residency provisions of t he I ncome Ta x Act which representation and warranty shal l survive a n d not merge upon the completion of this transaction and the Seller shall de l iver to the Buyer a statutory decla rat i on that Seller is not th en a non - r es i dent of Canada ; (b) provided that if the Seller is a non - res ident under the non - residency prov i sions of t he Income Tax Act , the Buyer shall be credited towards the Purchase Price with the amount, if any, necessary for Buyer to pay to the M i nister of Nationa l Revenue to satisfy Buyer's l iabili ty in respect of tax payab l e by Seller under the non - residency provisions of the I ncome Tax Act by reason of th is sale . Buyer shall not claim s uch credit if Seller delivers on comp le t i on the prescribed certificate . 2 1 . ADJUSTMEN TS : Common E xpenses ; realty taxes , including loca l i mp r ovementrates ; mortgage interest ; rentals ; unmetered public or private uti l ities and fue l where billed to the Uni t and not the Condominium Corpora t ion ; are to be apportioned and allow e d to the day of completion , the day of complet i on itself to be appor t ioned t o the Buyer . There shall be no adjustment for the Se l ler's share of any asse t s or liabi l itie s of the Condom i nium Corporation including any reserve or contingency fund to which Seller may have contributed p rior t o the date of completion . 22. PROPERTY ASS ESSMEN T : T he Buyer and Seller hereby acknowledge that the Province of Ontario has implemented current value assessment and properties may be re - assessed on an annual basis . T he Buyer and Seller agree that no claim wil l be made against the Buyer or Seller, or any Brokerage , Broker or Sa l esperson, for any changes in property tax as a result of a re - asses sment of the Property, save and except any property taxes that accrued prior to the complet i on of this transaction . 23. TIME LIMITS : T ime sha ll in all resp e cts be of the essence hereof provided that the time for doing or completing of any matter provided for herein may be extended or ab ri dged b y a n agreement i n wr i ti ng signed by Selle r and Buyer or by the i r r es pective lawyers who may be specif i cally a u thorized in that regard . 24. T ENDER : Any tender of documents or money hereunder may be made upon Seller or Buyer or their respective lawyers on the day set for completion . Money shall be tendered with funds drawn on a lawyer ' s trust acco un t i n the form of a bank draft, cer t if ied ch eque or wire t ransfer using the Lynx high value payment system as set out a n d prescribed by the Canadian Pa y ments Act (R . 5 . C . , 1985 , c . C - 21 }, as amended from time to time . 25 . FAMILY LAW ACT : Seller warrants tha t spousal consent is not necessary to this transaction under the pr ovisions of the Family Law Act, R . S . O . 1990 unless the spouse of t he S e ller hos executed the consent hereinafter provided . 26 . UFFI : Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that during the time Seller h as owned the Proper ty , Seller has not caused any building on t he Property t o be insulated with insulation containing u re a formaldehyde, and that to the best of Seller's knowledge no bu i lding on the Property con t ai n s or has ever contained in su l a tion that con t ains u r ea formaldehyde . This warranty shall su r vive and not merge on the comp le t i on of this transaction, and i f the building i s port o f o multiple unit building, t his warranty shall only apply to that part of the build i ng which is t he sub j e ct of th i s transaction . 27. LEG AL, ACCOUNTING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ADVICE : The part i es acknowledge that any informat i on provided by the Brokerage is not legal , t ax or environmental advice, and that i t has been r e commended that t he parties obta i n independent professional adv i ce prior to signing this documen t . 28. CONSUMER REPORTS : The Buyer is hereby notified that a consumer report containing credit and/or personal information may be referred to in connection with this transaction . 29. AGREEMENT IN WRITING : I f the re is conflict or disc r epancy betwee n any provision added to t his Agreement (includ ing any Schedule attached hereto) and any provision in the standard pre - set portion hereof, the added provision shall supersede the standard pre - set provision ta the extent of suc h conflic t or d i screpancy . This Agre e men t incl ud i n g any Sche d ule attached hereto, shall cons t itute t he entire Agreement between Buye r and Se lle r . Ther e is no rep r esentation, warran ty , colla ter al agreement or condition, which affects this Agreement o t her than as expressed herein . For the purpos es of th i s Agreement, Seller means vendo r a nd B u yer m e ans purchaser . T his Agreement shal l be read with all changes of gender or number requi r ed by the context . 30 . ELECTRONIC SIGN ATURES : T he part ies h ereto co n sent and agree to the u se of electronic s i gna t u res pu r suant to the Ele ctron ic Commerce Act, 2000 , S . O . 2000 , c 17 as amen d ed from time to time with resp e c t to th i s Agreement and any other d oc u ments r es pecting t h is transac t ion . 31. TIME AND DATE : Any reference t o a time and date in this Agreement shall mea n the time and date where the Property is loca t ed. INITIALS OF BUYER(S): INITIALS OF SELLER(S): rt] T h e tr ad emarks REALTOR ®, REALTOR S® , MLS®, M u l tip l e listing Services® and assoc ia t ed l og os ore owned o r contro ll ed by , L . . D ,,, T h e Canadian Rea l Estate Associat io n jCREAJ and identify t he real estate profess i ona l s who are membe r s of CREA and the • qua li ty of services they prov i de. Use d un der licens e. © 2 0 23 , Ontario Rea l Estate Associat i on (" OREA " J . A ll righls reserved. T h is f orm wos deve lo ped by OREA for the u se and rep roduction by its members and lic e ns ees only. Any otfier use or r e production is prohibited ex cept with pnor written cons ent of OREA. Do no t alter w h en printing or reproducing the standard pre - sel portion. ORE A bears n o l iabi li ty tor your use of this for m. Fo r m 501 Revised 2023 Page 4 of 6





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D i giSign Ve r i fied - Od090e3 a - 2 f 97 - 4 1 ae - 895d - 73 d df9a0d 4 2a9 Schedule A Agreement of Purchase and Sale Condominium Resale - Commercial . · • = : · • : : . TREB A On tar io R ea l Esta t e A ss o ciation Form 501 for use in the Province of Ontario C O M M ERC I AL N ETWOR K This Schedule i s attached to and forms part of the Agreemen t o f Purchase a nd Sale betw e en: BU YER : .. T . I . ElJ;:'.l' . '. . S. .. PP . R. . 1'1<3 . . . C:1JI,,'.l':U.R.A.I,, .. _r,i;: y i;:_L . C> P,z.ill:1'1T, . } 1'1 . C . : ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ..... .... . . . . . .. .. .. ...... ... . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .............. . . . . ... ... . .... ..., and for the pu r c hase and sale of .. . o . . () . P . t Ea!E:! E:!s ... l \ " E:! . .. E. , ! . :i;:2s . · . ' . a,r.J<:11 . aJII ! . .. ()111 . . I,, :R .. ()X - !5 . . .. ..... .... .. . . . . . . ... ... . . . . .... .. . . . . .. . . . .... . ... . . . ..... . . ... .. . . . ... . .. .. .. . . ...... .... .. .... datedtheJO .. ..... . . ... . .. day o f . c:>:'f. Ea!Illl:) . e r, ...... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . . .... . . . . . . , 20 2 } .. .... . Buyer agrees to p ay the balance as f ol l ows : Reminder o f page intenti o nally left blank T his form must b e initial l ed by all parties to the Agreement of Purchase and Sale . IN I TIA L S O F BUYER(S : ) INITIALS OF SE L LER( S ): rn The trademarks REALTOR®, RE ALTO RS ®, M LS ® , M ult iple Li s t in g Services® and associa ted l ogos ore owned or con t rolled by , . , Y , 3 The Canadian Rea l Estate Association ICR E AJ and ide n ti fy the r ea l e sta t e pro f e ssion a ls who ore members o f CREA and t he • ..,. , qua l ity of services t h ey p r ov ide. Used und er l i ce n se. © 2023 , Ontario Re(JI Es t a t e Association {"O REA " ) . A ll r i g htsreserved . This f orm was dev e l op e d by OREA f or the use and re pr oduction b y its members a nd li censees on l y. Any other use or re proOuction is proh i bited except with prior writte n consent of OREA Do not a l ter when pr i nting or reproducing the standard pre - s et porfton . OR E A bears no l iabi l ity For your use of this form. F or m 5 0 1 Re vi s ed 2023 Page 6 o f 6





D i giSign Ve r i fi ed - O d 09 0 e 3a - 2f97 - 41ae - 8 9 5d - 73ddf9a0d 4 2a9 Form 501 for use in the Province o f Ontar i o Schedule A Agreemen t of Purchase and Sale Condominium Resale - Comm e r cial ll!A Ont a ri o R ea l E sta t e A ss oci a tion T hi s S chedule is a ttac he d t o and fo r m s part o f t he Agreement of Pur c hase and S a le b e tw e en: 1) / M Ti be t ' s S p r i ng Cultural De ve l o p omen t I n c . B UY ER: .. . ,and S ELL ER: V i :, io ll :":Y. . E . " " t ' . i . o n Te c,ll · no· l " 9.Y . . !l c l , d . i ll !,1 '3 Grou p . . r 11c . : . .. ., . . .. . .. . . .. . E · 2 s . . ... ... .. . ........ . . . .... .. ........... . ....... . .... . 1) / M Markham fo r the p ur c h a s e an d s ale of . _ 4 . 3 0 . . . ... . . . s . t . ee les Ave 2 0 · .. . . .. .. . . .... .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . , .... . . .. . . .. .. da ted the . " :LJ / M . . . day of . . . . ... . .. . . . ... . . . . . .. ... .. . r:ro v e mber . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . , 2 0 . 2 } Bu y e r a g ree s t o pay th e bala nce a s foll o w s: The Buyer agrees to pay the balance of the purchase price, subject to adjustments, to the seller on the completion of this transaction, with funds drawn on a lawyer trust a c count in the form of a bank draft,certifi e d cheque or wire transfer using the large va l ue transfer system. The Se l ler agrees to discharge any m o rtgage or liens or other encumbrances registered against the property on or before closing at his own expense, on or before closing. The Buyer knowledge that the chattels and fixtures as not included in the Agreement of purchase and sale . The Buyer agrees to accept e x isting lease agreement a l l term left. This Offer is c onditional upon the Buyer's S o licitor review the following Condominium Corporation's D o cumentati o n : a ) Status Certificate and attachments, and finding all of the foregoing satisfactory in the Buyer ' s Solicitor ' s s o le and absolute discretion . Unless the buyer gives notice in writing delivered to the Seller no later than Five(S) banking days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and Statutory Holidays) after receipt by the Buyer ' s solicitor of the foregoing documentation, that this c o ndition is fulfilled, this o ffer s hall be null and void and t he deposit shall be r e tu r ned to the buyer in full without deduction . The Seller agrees to request and deliver to the Bu y er ' s Solicitor, at the Seller's expense, the foregoing documentation within twenty(20 ) days after acceptance of this Agreement . This c o nditi o n is included for the benefit f o r the Buyer and maybe waived at the Buyer ' s sole option by the notice in writing to the seller within the time period stated herein rranging satis ;i.s a st .. aiueGI lay then become nul l inter 7 st ƒ ?, n. V(/ The Seller represents and warrants that during the time the Se l ler has owned the property, the use of the property and building and structures thereon has not been for the growth or manufacture of any il l egal substances, and that to the best of the Se l ler ' s knowledge and be l ief, the use of the property and the buildings and structures thereon has never been for the growth or manufacture of illegal substances . This warranty shall survive and not merge on the completion of this transaction . The Se l ler represents and warrants that during the time the Sell e r has owned the p r operty , the use of the property and building and structures thereon, there have been no deaths, suicides, or murders on the property a t any time, and further to the best of the S eller's knowledge and belief that there are no neighborhood conditions that could negatively affect the buyers use and enjoyment or perceived value of the property. This warranty shall survi v e and not merge on the completion of this transaction. Thi s f o rm must be i n it ialled by all par t ies to th e Ag r e emen t of Purchase an d Sole . INITIALS OF BUYER(S): C0 m Th e trod e m o rks R E ALTO R ® , R E AL T ORS® , ML S® , Multip l e Us t ing Se r v i ces® ond ossociated l ogos or e own e d or c ontro lle d by , l , d , ,JI Th e Cono d io . n Real E s t at e Associati o n (CREA) and i den t i fy t h e real estate p r of es s i o n a l s who ore membe r s o f CREA and the ' ..... . qua l i ty o f s e rvic e s th e y p r ovid e . Us e d und e r l ic e n e © 2023, Onta r io Rea l Estate A s sociatio n ! " O REA " ) . All right s r ese r v e d. This f or m was deve l oped by O RE A for th e us e and rep r oduct ion by i ts mem ers and licensees only. Any ot h e r use o r r e produc t ion i s prohibit e d e cept w i th p no r written consent of OREA. Do not a l te r when p r i nting or repro d ucing t h e s tandard p r e - . - se t por tion . O R E A b e a rs no l iabi l i ty for you r u s e o f this form . INITIALS OF SELLER(S) : Form 501 R e vised 20 23 Pa g e 6 of 6




