EX-4.55 5 visionary_ex0455.htm AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE OF 4300 STEELES AVE UNIT E61






n -------- -- . - . -- ._, I! A Ontario Real Estate Association Offer Summary Document - 4 ) DURHAM • • REGION For use with Agreement of Purchase and Sale Assoc,AT,oN oF REALTOR • s Form 801 lo, u1e In1tieProvince of Ontotio This Form when completed may be utilized to comply with the provisions of the Real Estate and Business Broke rs Ad wh i ch prescribes content that is required for on offer summary document . Further , when sent to the Listing Brokerage this document may be used to confirm the existence of a written signed offer by a Buyer . Section For Brokerage submitting the offer on behalf of the Buyer : REA1PROPERTY ADDRESS: } . .... . . . .! ! . .. . ....................... .. .. . . . ; .. ......... .... ... . ... ..... .. . :': . . (the • prope rty") (municipal oddren ond/or legal de$Cl'lption) for an Agreementaf PurchaMand Sale dated: th e .. ... .......dayof ...... .. ....................... .;¥. .. .. ............. . . . . ........ . .,. 2 } ........... r offe r") BROKERAGE: . . ....... . . . .................. . . .......... . ..... . . . .. .. ....... . ... /. . '!. .. . .. ; . . '::: ... .. .. ..... . .. . . .... .. . ..... . . .......... . . . . ......... . . . . ... . .. ... . SALES REPRESENTATIVE/BROKER: .................... ... . .................... . . . .......... . ...... . .... .. ........ . .. . ....... ........ . . . ........ .... ..... . . .. ........ ..... ..... .. I/W e , ...... . . . . . . . } . .. - ; . . ........... ....... ....... .. . ....... . . . ..... . ..... .. .. . .... . .......... . . . ... .. .. .. .... ... ........ , hove signed onoffer for theproperty . ..... .c:.: '.:; . :. .... ........ ... .. .... .. . ... . . . . ....... .. 1,;; ............. .. . .. . ...... . ................ . .. . . ........... . ................. . ............... . ............ . .. ... ( Slgnolure of Buyer ) ( Dole ) ( Signolure of Buyer ) ( Dole ) This offer was submitted, ......... ........ ........ Y... !; ................ . .......... lo the listing Brok«oge al .. ..... . : . .. . ..... ..... on the ...... ? . .. ....... day of (by fox, by emoll OI' In peBOn) (o.m./ p . m . J ,c ........ . ............. .....'! X'. ..... .. . .........,. 2<1.. ... . ..... Irrevocable until ....}. .:. ....... on the .. . .. . ....... day of ...... . ........ ... - ¥. ............. ......, 2 (o.m./p.m.l ,c ( For Buy« counter offer • complele the following) I/W e , ... .. . .. . .. ............. ..... ................ ........... ..... ............ .. ... ....... ...... . ....... .......... ....... ..... ........ .. . .. ...... . .. ..... ..... , hove signed onoffer for theproperty . Nome of Buyer (s) (Signolure of 8uyarl (Dole) (Signolure of Buyer) ( D o l e ) An offer wos submitted , .. .. ......... . .. .. .............................. .... .. .. ............... to the Listing Brokerage at .................... . ...... . on the ...... .......... ....... doy of (by fax, by email or In person) ( o . m./ p.m. ) ... ..... .... ...... ..... ......... . .... ..... ..., 20 .. .. .. ...... Irrevocable until ......... .......... .... on the ....... ... ...... day of .... .... . .. ........ ............ ........ ......., 20 ...... ...... . (a.m./p.m.) For Listing Brokerage receiving the offer: SEWR(S): - . . . !. . ... '.1'. .?:".'. !: . .'!:'? !:':.?. .. ?.':'.. . !:: ...... . ........ . .. .. ........... . . . .. . . . . . .. . .......... . . . . . .. .. ........... . . . . . . . . .. . ..... .... . . ..... . .. Email SELLER(S) CONTACT: . ...... ............ ............ . ....................... . .................... . ... ... .................. . ................. . .. .. ...... . ........................... . . . . ............ . .. .... (le. phone/ email/ fax) LISTING BROKERAGE : .... . ............ ........... ....... . . ......... ( ... . ! .. . ' ! .. . . : . ! ... . . . ... ..... ............... . . . .. . .. ......... . . ..... . SALES REPRESENTATIVE/ BROKER : .......... ... .. . ........... .... .. . ... .. ............ .... . ... .......... . .. ƒ !:'. ... ...... . . . . ...... . .. .. ......... ............. . . ...... .... . .. . .. . ... ... T his offer wosreceived, .. .. .. ... .. ...... ...................... by the Listing Brokerage at .. .... ...... .. ........ on the .... ..... .. day of ........... ... ...... .............. ..., 20 . ..... (by fax , by emai l Of in person) (o . m./ p . m.) This offer was presented, ...... ........ ............................. to the Seller(s) at ...................... on the ......... .... .. day of ..... ......... ..... . ....... .... ... ,... 20.. ...... (by fa>< , by email OI' I n P9 Œ >n) (a . m./ p.m.) Offer was : 0 Accepted Signed Bock/ Counter 0 Expired/Declined Comments: . . .......... . ........ . .......... . ....... ... ............. .............. ....... ... .... ..... ....... . ............ ... ........... . ... .. . . .. . ... ....... ........................ . . . . . . ... ................. . m n,. REAIJO., REALTOltS. . Mullif>I! Ulling Semce4 ond auocioled logo, en owned o, c:ontolled by PE Ai who are . - .bor.of CREA and 11,e T q u h a e lity of servk:M provide. La Canod"JOn Ree h l y Ema Assoc U m se o d n under and idenlily 1he reel .. 1a 1e llc. n ... O 2023 , Onlario Real Ealole Auociaffon r•otU:A'I . Aft righh re!ONed . n.1, lorm wa, developed b)I OREA lo, hto use and repraducfion bv it , membeR and lic:en - • only . Atw olhe< U10 ƒ ' rep - oouctlon 1 1 p,ohibiled except wflh pnor wr1Nen consen t of OREA Do nolalle, w'hen prlnllng or reproducing IN 11andord pr_. ponton. OREA beat, no liob ily fo, ya,,r uoe of thb lorm. Form 801 Revl&ed 2022 Page 1 of 1





Agreement of Purchase and Sale Condominium Resale • Commercial Aulhenllllgn I D · : 1 1 - - 1 1 - - 18 -- -- - ltF A O ntari o Reel Estate Ass o ciat i on Form 50 1 fo r u se In lhe P rovinc e of Ontario This Agreeme n t o f Purc h ase o n d So le doted this. . .. ........ ... .... ... .... .... doy of .. ...... . .. ........ .... ...... . . .. .Y. . ..... . .... .... . .... ... ... . .. .. . . , 2 0 . .......... .. .. .... B UYE R: . . ............. . . . .?. . ?. . . ... :! ;.. . ; . .:.. ...... . ... ... ........ . . .. . . ....... .... ..... . .. ..... .......... . . ... ......... . ........ . . .. ..... .. .., ag r ee s t o pu rchase fr om SE W R: .. ! . . . .. .'! .?. .. ! (Full legal names of all Buyers) . .. .?. ?. ?. .. .? . . . '? . ' :.. . ............ . ............ . ......... . ........................... . .............. . .........., the f ol lo wi ng lfu l lega l oomes of a ll Sellers) P R O P E RT Y : o unit in the con dom iniu m pro pe r ty known os . . .. ......... ..... . . ..................... .. ......... . ... ?. ··· · · · ····················· · ············ · ·········· · No .......... · ··· ··· ···· (Apartment/Town ho use/Su i le/Uni loc o ted ot . . .. . ........... . ; . . . - . . . . . .. . ... ......... ..... .... ..... . . ...... ... ... ...... .... ....... ....... . ... . ... .. . . ............. ... ........... .. .......... . ... .. ............ .. ...... .. .. ... in the ........ .... . . .¥. .. . .. . . ....... . . . . ..... .. ................ . . .. ..... ... . . .. . ..... . .. . . .... . ..... ... . . .. .. ... ?:.. ........ .. . ... ....... . . ..... . .... . .......... .. . . .. . .... . .................. . b e ing ................. . ! . ... . . ; . .. .<?. :.; .. .. . ... . . . . ... ... C ondomin i um P l a n No . .... ..... .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . ? ......... . . . .. . ........ . . . . !lega l Nome of Condom i niumCorporotton) Unit Number ......... . ........... ; . . .... ... . .. . ........... Level No ................... ; .. ..................... B uil d i ng N o. .. . ... .... ... . . .. ............ . ... ..... . t og e t her w ithowne rs hip or ex cl us iveuseof Parking Space(s) ............. . . . ........................... . ..... ( ........... . ............... .... ....... ... ........ , together w i th o wnersh i p or e x cl usi ve us e of !N u mber{, ), lewl(a l) L ocker(s) .. .. . . . .... ... ... .... ...... ... . . ..... . .. ..... . :: /..'! - .... . .......... . . .... ...... ...... .... .... . ... .. , together wi t h Seller's proportionate u ndivided tenoncy·i n< om mon interest ( N u mber{s), level(al) in the com mon e l emen t s a ppu rt e na n t lo the Unit as described in the Dec l ara tionand Description i nclud i ng the ex cl u si ve right to use such o t he r p ort s of •• - m® ,t - ,• •PP'rt,na" lo t he u,, a, - be ,p,c;God t, •• D0do<0Hoo aod D l lo, a •• , U tt , t ho propo"""" t"o t 1, t ho , =, L l e lem e nts appurtenant the r e to , on d the e x clusiveuse porti o ns o f the common elements , m e i n called the · Property " . r:z z /1. T wo H u n d r e d S · ' xty - . E h t 19 T h o u s a n d 2 2 68 00 0 0 0 2eeeee . ee eee e e PURCHASE PRIC , E Lffi Th o I lo"dred Eiglll)' • • • • • ..., N$J. . . .. .. r;; - ;) r o · · · ' " , ··· · ... .. . . r; / ; I ······················· · · · · · · · · ················· F ·· z ·{) ··· · · · . !.:: . !;i . - . !. ! . I .. .. · · · · · · · l · f B · · · · · · · · · · · · l · f B · · F 2 · · . . . . . . . .. D o a l l rs Lffi DEPOSIT : B uy e r subm its ............... . ............. . ........... .. .......... .. . . ......... . .. . .. } : . ' ?. .. . . !'!?. . . !'! .. .. .......... . ... . ...... . .. . ............ . ............ .. ................ . I Herew ll h/U pon k:,ceptonc. / a . s Olh - iM descr i bed i n lh l s Agreem on .............. . .......... ... ............ . .........f ; !;!. . .. ! !?. ..... . . .... .. . . ... . .... ........ .. . . .......... .. ... Dolla r s (C ON$ ) . ..................................... ; . .!. .:. . by neg otiab le cheq ue payable t o ..... .. . . ..... .. . . . .... .... ... .. /. . .!'! - . ?: .. . ! r. . . . ; : . .. .7.?. ?:.. !'!........... . . ........... . . . ..... · Deposi t H o lder" to be held i n t ru s t pending complet i on or other t erm ination of this Agreeme n t and lo be credite d toward t he Purchase Price on c omplet ion. For the pu r poses o f th is Ag r eeme nt, · u pon A cce pta n ce • s hall mean that the B uy e r i s r eq ui red to de li ver tho de pos i t t o th e Deposi t Holder w i th i n 2.d hours of t he oce r e l a nce of this Agreement. The pa rti es to thi s Agreement hereby acknowl edg e that , unless otherw i se prov i ded for i n th i s Agreement , the Deposit Holder s hol pla ce the d epos it in trust in the Deposit Hold e r's n on· inter es l bear i n g Real Estate Tr us t Account and no in t e re st shall be ea rned, received or pa i d on the depo si t . Buy er ag rees to pa y the balanc e as more tru · • larty set out (m edule A attached . SCHEDULE(S)A ·· · i · a · · · t · · Y ··· · 1 £Y pa ol l,h t Ag - o . n t t L S cll e F B u y e r CY . - ( EZ J he..,. lon n • l J h bl b - »1 1¥ e r i i 11159 I • I R !w! I r s lY i ev:g s )rvc "' 1 · · · " ·· · ·is i;,;; i T' . fl T " . . : . . 7 . . . .. ... u: · · · · ····· · : · · · ··· ·· ·i a :m) p; · r ······ · · · · · ·· · ······ · ·· on (m 1 . o , l1. , . ; ; ; · .:.;;; ; ; , ; :/ % 1 ; ; d th e .. ; ;;; ; · ; ; dg ;. ; e;;; ; i fu i i ; ; ; ; ;; ! ·· J 1;2 1 " . ' : llt) =•pt<d 2. C OM t; N DA TE: Tb ;, ""'"'"'" .,_uh. - '"' - ' 1w b "ha' 6,00 p.m · . , o •• · w 2 · 01 ... ..... . .. . . .... .... .. .... . u 9t - September Augu s t I L ..... . F .. Z . .. - ... - eoe't!' . "l!?:9: . 9 . 'a .. a1"" . . . . ·· r':7 ' fr - l J pa . n com pl et i o n, vo co n t possess i on o e Prope rty s hall be g i ve n to the Buyer unl e s o therwise pro vi i n t h is Agreemen t @ . /1. ( cy J I N ITIALS OF BUYER(S) : INITIALS OF SEWR ( S ): m The 1roct.mo<k. REAlJ OReA:=, SdD, MlSdD , MukiJ>I! U.r lr1g S«vk:e and 0 1>a<; l olld logoo ar e owned Ol conlrolled by LJ:! 1he Cmo d ion R eal Em. . !C REAi and Identify lhein esla te profeuionol . 1 wt.o are .....,ber, ol C REA and lhe - - quolily ol MMCM !hey pr . UMd under 0. - .. . O 2023, Onlorio R eal Auoc: iotion ( · OR EA·). All r l g/lhre se .. - ..d . lli i , lorm'""' d...ioo.d br OREA for h U JO and roprodUdion bv n, members and Ileen - <J!tly . /vrv <>Iner UM or r o pr ocluc:tion i , pro hib ited excepl with priorwn lle n consent ol OREA. Do no t o l ie< wl,en p< lnHng o, , - produc: lr1g the 1 11:>ndo n:I pr - po, ff on . OREA bears no l iob U l ty lor '.l'OO" use ol th i 1 lcm, . Fonn 501 R evl .ed 2 023 Page 1 of 6






AUltllnllllg n 10 : 11 · ••11 - m11&!11111E11 - ••••nmr11F 3 . NOTICES : The Seller hereby appoints the listing Brokerage as agent for the Seller for the purpose of giving and recei ving notices pursuant to this Agreement . Wh er e a Brokerage (Buyer's Brokerage) has entered into a representation agreement with the Buyer, the Buyer hereby appo i nts the Buyer's Brokerage as agent for the purpose of giving and receiving notices pursuan t to this Agreement . Where a Brokerage represents both tho Soller and tho Buyer (multiple representation), tho Brokerage shall not be appointed or authorized to be agent for eithe r tho Buyer or tho Soller for tho purpose of giving and receiving notices . Any notice r elating hereto or provided for here i n shall be in wr i ting . In add i tion to any provision conloined h«ein and i n any Schedule hereto, this offer, any counter,offer, notice of occeplonce t hereof or any notice to be given or received pu rs uant to this Agreemenl or any Sche dule hereto (any of them, "Docume nt • ) s hall be deemed g iv en and received when delivered personally or hand delivered to the Address for Service provid ed in the Acknowledgement below, or where o facs i mile number or email address is provided herein, w hen transmitted electronically lo that facsimile number or email address, respectively , in wh i ch case , Iha signohJre(s) of the party (porti es) shall be deemed to be original . FAX No .: ... . .. . ......... ...... ........ ................................. .... ....... . . . ... . ........ FAX No .: ...................... ... ....... .... .......... ..... ........ ..... ..... ........... .. .... (for delivery of Documents lo SeDerJ (For delivery of Documenls IO Buyer) Email Address : . . ....... . .. .. ....... . . .... ........ .... ......... .. ..... ... . ........... . . ... ...... Email Add r es s : ..... . . ... ..... . ! - - . ! . . : . . ...... . .. . . . .. (For del iv eryof Documenls lo Buyer) lf or del i very of Documenls IO Seller! 4 . CHAfflLS INCWDED : n/a Unless otherwise stoled in this Agreement or any Schedule hereto, Seller agrees to con vey all fixtures and chattels included in the Purchase Price free from all liens , encumbrances or claims affecting the said fixtu res and chatt els. 5. FIXlURES EXCLUDED: n/a 6. RENTAL ITEMS (Including Lease, Loa50 to Own): The following equipmen t is rent ed and not incl uded In the Purchase Pric e. The Buyer agree s to assume the rental controct(s , ) i f assumable: n/a The Buye r ogr84U to co - operate and execute such documentotion as may be required to fa cilitate such assumption. 7. COMMON EXPENSES : Seller wa r rants to Buyer that the common expenses presently payable to the Condominium Corporolion i n res pec t o f th e Property are approximately$ .. .. . ......................... .. ......... :?. .?.:. per month, wh ic h amount incl udes the followinA: Com Elem ,B uilding Insuran ce, 8. PARKING AND LOCKERS : Parking ond Lockers ore as described aboveor assigned as follows: /. .. .. .. ... .. .... ... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. ... .. .. .... .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .... ..... . ...... .. ... ... . ...... .. . ....... .. . .. . . ... .. .. .. . .. . ........ . .... . ... at on additional cost of: . . .......... . ......... ..... ....... ...... .. !. .. . . . ... ... ......... . . ... . ... ... . . ... ..... 9. HST : If tho sale of the property (Roal Property 05 described above) Is subioct to Hannonb : ed Sales Tax (HST), then su ch tax shall be In addition to tho Purchase Price . The Seller will not collect HST if the Buyer provides to the Seller a warranty that the Buyer is registered under the Excise Tax Act ("ETA"), together with a copy of the Buyer's ETA registra tion , o warranty that the Buyer shall self,ossen and remit the H S T payab le and file the prescr ibed form and sha ll indemnify the Seller in respect of any HST payable. The foregoing warranties shall not merge but shall survive the completion of the transaction . If the sole of the property is not subject to HST, Seller agr ee s to certify on or before clos i ng , that the transaction is not subject to HST. Any HST o n chattels, If applioable, i s not Inclu ded in the P urcha se Price. I NITIALS OF IUYER(S): {D INITIALS OF SEW R(S) : C l Th e . . od.morb RE>JIOR<e,I,: = . M L S4D, Mu il*, lhllng Sen<1c.1' 9 ond 0$J0Cloled logo s ore owned OI co n . . olle d bl/ n,. Canodion R.al e - · ICRfAI ond ldentily 11,e ..al.. - proleuionols who ore . - ber.ol CREA and h quality ol - ,Ion f,ey provide . UMd under nc.n .. . O 2023 Onlorio R.al Ealole Aiaociolion l"OREA1. All rlgh b . -- :I. 11"1 lonn wos cleo.looed bJ, OREA for II,,, u .. ond reproduction l,y i b memben ond llcensffs only. Ally olfl9( U10 <it reprooudion I s prohibiled ex.cepl wilh prlOI wnlen oonsen l cl OREA. Do not ohor w1* printing ƒ ' - .produc i ng !he slonclord pr•sel por1on . OREA boon no liab ility for you - UM ol lllh l« m . Form 501 Revised 2023 Page 2 of 6






Aulhdllgnio:e --- aw (Zy] August 1 O. mu SEARCH: Buyer shallbe alloweduntil6:00p.m. onthe........ ; . .?......... doy of ....... ...... ........ ...... . . . 8 i . o .6.. 9 9 "ilO.'I:! . " : . ' .. - ...... ................. , .. 2 .. 0 . .... . .. (Requisition Dote) to examine the title to the Property of Buyer's own expense ond until the earlier of : (i) thirty days from the later of the Requisition Date or the date on which the conditions in this Agreement ore fulfilled or otherwise waived or ; (iii five days prior lo completion, to satisfy Buyer thot there are no outstanding work orders or deficiency notices affecting the Property, ond that its present use ( . . ............................... . . .... ...... ........... . C om mercial ............................................... . . . . . . . ......................................................................................................................... ) ......... moy be lawfully continued . If within that time any valid objection to title or to any outstanding work order or deficiency notice, or to the fact th e said present use may not lawfully be continued, is made in writing to Seller and which Seller is unable or unwilling to remove, remedy or satisfy or obtain insurance save and except against risk of lire (Title Insurance) in lovour of the Buyer ond any mortgagee, (with all relatedcosts ot the expense of the Selle r), and which Buyer will not waive, t his Agreement notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations in respect of such objections, shall be of on end and oil monies paid shall be returned without inter est or deduct ion and Seller, Listing Brokerage and Cooperating Brokerage shall not be liable for ony costs or domoges . Save as to any validobjection so made by such day and except for any objection going to the root of the title, Buyer shall be conclusively deemed to hove acce p ted Seller's title ta the Property . Seller hereby consents to tho municipality or other governmental agencies releasing to Buyer details of ol outstanding work orders ond deficiency notices affecting the Property, and Seller agrees to execute and deliver such further outhorizotions in this regard as Buyer may reasonably require . 11. mu : Buyer agrees to accept title to the Property subject ta all rights and easements registered against title for the supply and installation of telecommunicotion services, electricity, gos, sewers, waler, television cable facilities and other related services ; provided that title to the Property is othe rwise goodand free from all encumbrances except : (a) os herein expressly provided ; (b) any registered restrictions, conditions or covenants thot run with the land provided such hove been complied with ; (cl the provisions of the Conclamlnium Act and its Regulations and the terms , conditions and provisions of the Dedoro 1 ion, Description and By - lows, Occupancy Standards By - lows, including the Common Element Rules and other Rules and Regulations ; and (d) any existing municipal agreements, zoning by - lows and/or regulations and utilities or service contracts . 12. CLOSING ARRANGEMlNTS : Where each of the Seller and Buyer retaino lawyer to complete the Agreement of Purchase and Sole of the Property, and where the transaction willbecompleted by electronic registration pursuant to Part Ill of the Land Regist r ation Reform Act, R . S . 0 . 1990 , Ch apte r IA and the Electronic Registration Act, S . 0 . 1991 , Chapter 44 , and any amendments thereto, the Seller and Buyer ocknowledge and agree that the exchange of closing funds, noMeglstrable documents and other items (the ·Requisite Deliverie · s ) and the release thereof to the Seller and Buyer will (o) not occur or the some time as t he registration of the transfer/deed (and any other documents inten ded to be registered in connection with the completion of this transact io n) and (b) be subject to conditions whereby the lawyer(s) receiving any of the Requ isi te Deliveries will be requ ir ed to hold same in trust and not release some except in accordance with the terms of o document registration agreement between the said lawyers . The Seller and Buyer Irrevocably instruct the sold lawye r s to be bound b y the document registration agreement which is recommended from time to time by the Law Society of Ontario . Unless otherwise agreed to by the lawyers, suchexchange of Requ i site Deliveries shalloccur by the delivery of the Requisite Deliveries of each party to the office of the lawyer for the other party Of such other location agreeable to both lawyers . 13. STATUS CERTIFICATI AND MANA GEMENT OF CONDOMINIUM : Seller represents and warrants lo Buyer that there ore no special assessments contemplated by the Condominium Corporation, and thereore no legalactions pending by o< ago inst or contemplated by the Condominium Corporation . The Seller consents to a request by the Buyer or his authorized represenlotive for o Status Certificate from the Condominium Corporation . Buyer acknowledges that the Condominium Corporation may hove entered into a Management Agreement for the management of the condominium property . 14. DOCU M ENTS AND DISCHARG E : Buyer shall not collfor the production of any title deed, abstract , survey or other evidence of title to the Properly except such as are in the possession or control of Seller . Seller agrees to deliver to Buyer, ii it is possible without incurring any costs in so doing , copies of oD current condominium documentation of the Condominium Corporation, inclu ding the Declaration , Description, B>"'ows, Common Element Rules and Regulations and the most r ecent financial s ta t ements of the Condominium Co r poration . If a discharge of any Charge/Mortgage held by o corpora t ion incorporated pursuant lo the Trust And Loan Companies Ad (Canada), Chartered Sonic, Trust Company, Credit Union, Col $$ & Populoiro or Insurance Company and which is not to be assumed by Buyer on completion, is not ovoiloble in registrable form on completion, Buyer agrees to accept Seller's lawyer's personal undertaking to obtain, out of the dosing funds, o discharge In registrable form and to register some, or cause some to be registered , on title within o reasonable period of time ofter completion, provided that on or before completion Seller shall provide to Buyer a mortgage statement prepared by the mortgagee setting out the bolonce required lo obtain the discharge, and, where o real - time electron ic cleared funds transfer system is not being used, a direction executed by Seller directing payment to the mortgagee of the amount required to ob tain the discharge out of the balance due on completion . 15. MEET I N GS : Seller represents and wa rran t s lo Buyer that ot the lime of the acceptance of this Offer he hos not received a notice convening o special o, general meeting of the Condominium Corporation respec ting ; (o) the termination of the government of the con dom i nium property ; (b) any substantial alteration in or substantial addition to the common elements or the renovation thereof ; OR (c) any substantial change in the assets or liabilities of the Condo minium Corporation ; and Seller covenants that if he receives any such notice prior to the dote of com pletion he shall forthwith notify Buyer in writing and Buyer may thereupon al his option declare this Agreement lo be null and void and all mon i es paid by Buyer shall be refunded without intereMor deduction . 16. INS P ECTION: Buyer acknowledges having hod the opportunity to inspect the Property and understands that upon acceptance of this offer there shall be a binding agreement of purchase and sale between Buyer and Seller. I NITIALS OF aUYER(S ): {v m The tr • REA!r 0Rlj& ltEAITOR5'&, Ml.5'&, """ltii>I! Ulllng ond ouocloted logo, O(e owned or controlled by La The Canocllon Red bloll N 1 >otiolon ICRfAl ond1denlily lhe ieol eslole prof..sionols whoare .....bet• of CREA ond the -- qual'ily of MMCM by p, O'<lde . Uaed under &con.. . O 2023 Onla/lO Real Elloll Auociolion ("0REA1 . Al rial>ts .......d.lhi, lonn wo, by OREA forhe u.. and rep,oducllon b v 11, member , on d lic:en - • (!Ill y . Any oll,er ""' 0t reproauc;tion 1, p,ohl b i ted ei«:OJ ) I wi" ' P,IOt wnllon oonHnl of OUA. D o no t o i ler w....., p,lnling o, reproducing the ,tandotd pr•set po,11on . OREA bean no llobllity lor yo,x u .. of this foml . INITIALS O F SEW R ( S ): cw F orm 50 1 Revised 2023 Page 3 of 6






AIAhentlllgn IO : 11 • ••11 -- R - IBlll -- · -- IDIPWalF 17. APPROVAL OF THE AGREEMENT : In the event that consent to this sole is required to be given by the Condominium Corporation or the Boord of Directors , the Seller will apply forthwith for the requisite consent, and if such consent is refused, then this Agreement shall be null and void and the deposit monies poid hereunder shall be refunded without interest or other penalty to the Buyer . 18. INSURANCE : The Unit and allother things being purchased shall be and remain at the risk of the Seller until completion . In the event of substantial damage to the Property Buyer may at his option either permit the proceeds of insur ance to be used for repair of such damage in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Trust Agreement, or terminate this Agreement and oil deposit monies pold by Buyer hereunder shall be refunded without interest or deduction . If Seller is toking bock o Char ge/ Mortgage , or B uyeris assuming a Charge/Mortgage, Buyer shall supply Seller with reasonable evidence of adequate insurance to protect Seller's or other mortgagee's interest on completion . 19. DOCUMENT PREPARATION : The Transfer/Deed sholl, save for the land Transfer Tax Affidavit, be prepared in registrable form at the expense of Seller, and any Charge/Mortgage lo be given bock by the Buyer lo Seller at the expense of the Buyer . 20. RESIDENCY : (a) Subject to (b) below, the Seller represents and warrants that the Seller is not and on completion willnot beo non - <esident under the non - <esldency provisions of the Income Tax Ad which representation and warranty shall survive and not merge upon the completion of this transac t ion and the Seller s hall deliver lo the Buyer a slolulory declaration that Seller Is not then a non - resident of Canada ; (bl provided that if the Seller is a noiwesident under the non, . residency provisions of the Income Tax Ad, the Buyer shall be credited towards the Purchase Price with the amount, if a ny, necessary for Buyer to pay lo the Minister of Notional Revenue to satisfy Buyer's liability in respect of tax payable by SeUer under the non . residency provisions of the Income Tax Ad by reason of this sole . Buyer shall not claim such credit if Seller delivers on compl e tion the prescribed certificate . 21 . ADJUSTMENTS : Common Expenses ; realty taxes, including local improvement rotes ; mortgage interest ; rentals ; unmetered public or private utilities and fuel where biDed to the Unit and not the Condominium Corporation ; ore lo be apportioned and allowed to the day of completion, the day of completion itself to be apportioned to the Buyer . There s hall be no adjustme nt For the Seller's shore of ony assets or liabilities of the Condominium Corporation including any reserve or contingency fund to which Seller may hove contributed prior to the dote of completion . 22 . PROPERTY ASSESSMENT : The Buyer and Seller hereby acknowledge tha t the Prov inceof Ontario hos implemented current value assessment and properties may be re - assessed on on annual basis . The Buyer and Seller agree that no claim will be mode against the Buyer or Seller, or any Brokerage, Broker or Solespenon, for any changes in property lox asa result of a r&<iuessment of the Property, save and except any property loxes that accrued prior to the completion of th is tronsodion . 23 . TIME UMITS : nme shall in all respects be of the essence hereof provided that the time For doingor completing of any matter provided for herein may be extended or abridged by on agreement in writing signed by Sell er and Buyer or by their respective lawyers who may be specifically authorized in that regard . 24. TENDER : Any tender of documents or mon ey hereu nd er may be mode upon Seller or Buyer or th ei r respective lawyers on the day set for comp letion . Money shall be tendered with funds drown on a lawyer 's trust OCC 01 Jnt In the Form of a bank draft, certified cheque or wire transfer using the lynx high value payment system as set out and prescribed by the Canadian Payments Act (R . S . C . , 1985 , c . C - 21 }, as amended From time to time . 25. FAMILY lAW ACT : Seller warrants that spousa l consent is not necessary to this transaction under the provisions of the Family low Ad, R . S . O . 1990 u nless the spouse of the SeHer ho . s executed the consent hereinafter prov ided . 26. UFFI : Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that during the time Seller hos owned the Property, Seller hos not caused any bu ilding on the Property to be insulated with insulation containing urea formaldehyde, and that to the best of Seller's knowledge no building on the Property contains or hos ever con tained Insula t ion that contains ure a formaldehyd . eThis warranty shall survive andnotmerge on the completion of this transaction, ond if the building Is port of a multiple unit building, this warranty shall only apply to that port of the building which is the subject of this tronsoction . 27. . LEGAL, ACCOUNTING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ADVICE : The parties acknowledge that any information provided by t he Brokerage is not legal, tax or environmental advice, and that it hos been recommended that the parties obtain independent professional advice prior to signing this document . 28. CONSUMER REPORTS : The Buyer Is hereby notified that a consumer report c ontaining credit a nd / M personal information may be referred to in connection with thi s transoction . 29. . AGREEMENT IN WRfflNG : If there I s conflict or discrepancy between any provision added to th is Agreement (including any Schedule ottoched hereto) ond ony provision in the standard pre - set portion hereof, the added provision shall supersede the stondord pre - set provision to the extent of such conflict or discrepancy . This Ag reem ent including any Sche duleatt ached hereto, shall conslilute the entire Agreement between Buyer and Seller . There Is norepresentatoi n , warranty, collolerol agreement or condition, which affects this Agreement other than a s expressed herein . For the purposes of this Agreement, Seller means vendor and Buyer means purchaser . This Agreement shall be read with allchanges of gender or number required by the context . 30. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES : The parties hereto consent and agree to the useof electronic signatures pursuant to the Electronic Commerce Act, 2000 , S . O . 2000 , c l 7 as amended from lime to time with respect to this Agreement and any other documents respect i ng this transaction . 31. TIME AND DATE : Any reference to a time and dote i n this Agreement shall mean the time ond dote where the Property is located. INITIALS OF BUYER(S): rn m Thell'Odomorb REAJJORe, RfAI.TOR MLS®, /wilt lilllng Servic.14!l and ouocloled logot ore ewned Cl conll'olled by La The Conodicn Real Ewa AUociation l' - REAI and lden61y 1M r...l eslale p,aleuionoh who ore member, al aEA ond lhe -- quolity al ...vioos hr provld.. u.ed under llcon.. . O 2023 Qnlorio hal Eslato Auoclo on ("OREA'). Allright \ r - ,,ed . Thi,lonn wot deYelooed bv OREA la, fie u.e ondreproduclion bv It• memben and I an - • only. 1vri olf,.,.,.. or rep<oouction 1, prohibited eXCll)I wilh prio r wrf..,. con,..,, ol OREA Do not olte, wl,on pnnling a, reproducing lheabndotd pr. - 1 ponio , n OREA bear, noliability la, your ute ol thblarm. INITIAU OF SEW R(S , } c:fm:) Form 501 Revbed 2023 Page 4 of 6





---- -- m• -- ••••••r 32, S UCCES SORS AND ASSIG NS : The heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the undersigned are bound by the terms herein . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the pr858nce of: IN WITNESS whereof I hove hereunto set my hand and seal: :( I : ; ri:; k ;;: ::: :;:: . : , ! 11 ,0o:' ' 22 2 23 itneu) jwi ; l· .. · .... · · ·· ········ ·.·......... ... ..... . ... . . . .. ..... . ..... ....... is / Moiizeci ƒ signinijOffk: j; .............. . .. . . . ... . .... 1 ! 11 i i.......... . . . ............ . . ..... . rwi ei ,................................................................... . (Wltneu) I, the Undersl9ned Seller, agree to the above offer. I hereby irrevocably Instruct my.lmYyer to pay, directly to the brokeroge(s) with whom I hove agreed to pay commission, the unpaid balance o f the commission together with applicable Hormon1zeo Sales Tax (and any other taxes as may hereofier be applicable), from the proceeds of the sale prior to any payment to theundersigned on completion, as advised by the brokeroge(s) to my lawyer. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the p r esence of: IN W I TNESSwhereof I hove hereunto set my hand and seal: h Aulhonli<lc: u : i . E !l N.?JJ!..[. (!.:::::: : :: :::::::: :::: ::::: (Se ll e r/Au thorized Sign i ng Officer! ----- · (Seller/ Authorized Signing Oflicerj io ie 0 i. 7 .. / . 2 .. 4 .. / . 2 . . 3 ...... ....... ..... .. (Dole) S P OU SA L CONSENT : The undersigned spouse of the Selle r hereby consen t s to the disposition evidenced herein 1:>ursuont to the provisions of t he Family low Ad, R.S.0.1990, and hereby ag r ees to execute all necessary or inciden t a l documents to give fu ll force and effec t to the sole evidenced herein. (Witness) s1· pc;;;j; ....... ................................................ . . . ... 1 ! 11 ( Dote ) .. .. ... .. .. . . . .. .. C ON FIRMATIONOF A C CEPTANC ! E N otwi t h s t andi ng a nythi n g contained her e in to the co ntr ary, I confi r m this Agreement with all changes both typed and written WO$ finally accepted by all parties al .................. .1.0;5.8.AM ...... this ........ I... ..................................... OelO .e./.? to ... ... ..... ( o.m./p.m. ) si iiioo I. ¥ .,A0 .... . . . . . .08/.08/2 3 ............. . . . . . . . . . INFORMATION ON BROK£RAGE(S) Listing Brokerage .................. l ... .! ... ;J .. f.:.! ... 9. . ........ . . ........ 905 - 470 - 9800 (Tel.No.) .......................................... P ... H .. O .. E ... B .. E .... L .. I ............... i&. ƒ 1eij,;; Ja;.;;i; ;isi ; ·;;iii.;;;c:,;.c1·N;; ;···· ...................................................................... . C<><>p/Buyer Brokerage ........................ l . ! - . /. .. .! 2ff... :IT .. ;fff .:................ .......... (905) 470 - 9800 ( Tel.No. ) ...... ........ . . ..... .. . ... ........... .... P .. H . O .. E .. B .. E ... L .. I ............. . ....(S..i ·;p;; ; a;.;;ie;js:; ;cli; · 'Rim d ·N;; ; - ········..· · ·.... . .................. . . . . ..... .......... . . ...... . . ....... . . Property Manager: .. iN - ,;;;; - · · ···· · ···· · ····· ..·· ·..···..···· ·· · ·iAckl, ;;r ·· ··· ·..· ·· ·· ·· ....···· · · ..··· · · ·· ..····· · ·· ··...···· · · ·.. ·..····· · ·· .. ·· · ... trei: N · F .:· o ·: ;;io:i .... ·· ·..···.. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I ocknowleclg f ,ny signed copy of this accepted Agreement of I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted Agreement of . . . L t B . 'lfl 2 l J tJ.. . . ; ; .;; . . . · r. ;!;; · .· . - '. . . '. . 1 . . . . : (Seller) ------ ( Dote ) ( Dole ) ( Seller ) ( Dale ) Address For Service ........................................................................... . (Buyer) lOOOUtul, ...,. .. o J IOC . (8uye,j . .. • . (Dote) ..... .. .. . ..... .. ..... . . ...... . . . . . .. . ..... . . . . . .. . . . ............. . . . . . ....... (Tel. No.) Address For Service ........... .. .. . ......... . ................................................. . ........................................................ ff :· .;·································· Buyer's lawyer .......... .... . .. .... ............ ..... ............... ...... .................. . . . ... Seller's lawyer ................................................................................... Address ............................................................................................ Email ............................................................................................... . (Tel. No.) (Fox. No.) Address ........... . ... .......... .......................... ........ ......... ......... ......... . .. ... . Email ................................................................................................ i'rei:'N;; :,........ .................................... iFo .'Nof""" ... . ...... . . ....... ....... fOlt OFFICE USE ONLY COMMISSION 1RUST AGUIMINT To: uxiperoling Brokeroge shown on the foregoing Agreemeni of Purchase ond Sole: In considerolion for the Coq,erating Brokerag e procuring th e foregoing Aer ee ment of Purchose and Sole, I hereby dedare lhot oll moneyi received or receivable by me in connection with the Transaction as contemplated i n the MlS" Rulesand Regul a t i o n s of my Real Estate Board shall be receivable ond held in trust.Th i s agr eement shall constitute = = fll.ffiii.fr = : = - 7·;='07'..3./ · 2 · 3·········· · (Authorized to bind t he UJHng Brokerage) (A uthorized to bind the Coope, otlng Broker09e) [D n.. tro.i..na<b REAIJ OR:ie MMJ,Mukiplt usirng Seivicat® andauocialld logot ore OWMd o, conl'om..! by MNicM 1 q h u e al e ity c c - l dlon Rea h l E o a y a . lien and id«ilily the real Male prolouionok wl,o 019 .......i..,. cl CREA oncl 11,e . U s e d w,dor M. O 2023, Onlotlo Real e - Auocloflon . r OREA'I . All rig!,hr. -- l. Thll lorm wo• cleYeloped 1w Ol!EA lor !he UM oncl repn,dudion t,y . membe n ond Ileen - • only. An v oll w .,. . o r rep,oouelion •• prohibited - •p l with prior wrliten con,e n l cl OREA. D o no t oiler wlwon printing or reproduc i ng I!.. ,londotcl pt....po,11M. OREA'*'< • noliobillty for your use cJ lhl, lorm. Form 501 Revised 2023 Pa g e 5 of 6





AIMlenllllgn ID: I -- Schedule A Agreement of Purcha s e and Sale - Condominium Resale • Commercia l A Ontario Real Estate Auociation Form 501 for use in the Prcwince cl Onlorio This Schedule is o lto ched toand forms port of the Agreement of Purchase and Sole between: BUYER: ....... ... .......... } .<?.<?.9 . . 1 ... 2 .; ; .. I . ..... . . . ....... . ..... . ............. . . ... ......... .............. . ........... .. ............. . .......... . . . . ............... , . and SEWR: .. .. J !!.'? . . . . ?. .. .'?. . . . ? . . .. :... ....... ......... . . ... .......... . . ..... . . ... . ...... .... ........ ........ ...... ............. . ............... forthepurchaseandsaleof . . .. .... . .... . . .! ,.'! .. . , ............. . . ...... ....... . . .......... . . ... ... . .; ....... . .... . .... . ............ . ... :':' .1?:.. ............. . ........... .... . . . ....................... . .. ! ................ doted the ......... .... . . d . ay .o.f.. . . .. . . ........ . . . . .. . . . . . .... - . :1 . : 'l . ....... . ..................... ... , . 20. . ... . .............. . Buyer agrees to pay the balance asfollows: The Buyer agrees to pay the balance o f the purchase price, subject to adjustments, t o the Seller on the completion of this transaction, with funds drawn on a lawyer trust account in the form of a bank draft, certified cheque or wire transfer using the L a rge Valu e Transfer System . The Seller agrees to dis charge any mortgage or liens or other encumbrances registered against the property on or before cl osing at his own expense either from the proceeds of the sal e or by solicitor's undertaking. The Seller warrants that ther e are no work orders or deficiency notices outstanding agai ns t the property, and if so will be complied with at his expense, on or before c losing . The Buyer knowledge that the chattels and fixtures as not included in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. And the Buyer agr ees to accept existing lease agreement all the term left. This Offer is conditional upon the Bu ye r's Solicitor review the following Condominium Corporat ion's documentation: a Status Certificate an d a tta chments, and finding all of th e for egoing satisfactory in the Buyer's Solicitor's sole and absolute d iscretion. Unless the Buyer gives notic e in writing delivered to the Seller no later than Pive(S) banking days ( excluding Saturday, Sunday and Statutory H oli day s) after rec ei pt by the Buyer's Solicitor of the foregoing documentation, that thi s condition is ful filled, this Offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. The Sell er agrees to request and deliver to the Buyer's Solicitor, at the Seller ' s expense, the foregoing documentation within twenty (20)days after acceptance of this Agreement. This condition is includ ed for the benefit of the Buyer and maybe waived at the Buyer's sole option by the not ic e in writing to the Seller within the time period s t ated herein. The Buyer shall have the right to ente r the property TWO (2 ] further times prior to the completion , at a mutually agreed upon time. The Seller agrees to provide the access to the property for the purpose of this visit. The Seller represents and warrants that during the time the Seller has o wned the property, the us e of the property and the buildings and structures thereon has not been for the growth or manufacture of any illegal substances, and th a t to the best of the Seller's knowledge and belief, th e use of the property and the buildings and struct ures thereon has never been for the growth or manufacture of illegal substances. This warranty shall survive and not merge on th e comp let ion of this transaction. The Sel ler represents and warr a nts that during th e time the Seller has owned the property, the use o f th e property and the buildings and st r uctures thereon, there have been no deaths , suicides, or murders on the property at any time, an d furt he r to the best of the Seller ' s kn ow l edg e and belief that the r e are no nei ghb orhood conditions that could negatively affect the buyers us e and enjoyment or perceived value of the property. Thia warranty shall survive and not merge on the completion of this transaction. The part ies to the tran saction hereby acknowledge that the Co - o pera ting Broker a ge acts for the Buy er Cs] under a Buye r Agen cy Agreement and that the Co - operating Brokerage w ill be compensated through the Selle r for the amount as provided fo r on seller commission agreement with co - operating brok erage for the listed property plus applicable HS T on such amount . The B uyer r epresentsand warrants that there is no Buyer Represent ation Agreement with any ot h er broker a ge binding with t h e buyer. This form must be initialled by all parties to the Agreement of Purchase a n d Sale. INITIALS OF BUYER(S) : (D m U..1rod.mo,t,., REAi! . , O 7 R ... . , .v.LS<* , Muhif>I, Ual lng 5 - vice.&ond o,,oclolld logos ore owned o, COMol led by IJ::! lhe Cano<f,on Real Al$CICiollOII IClEAI and ldenlify h reel..aat. p,oleuionol. wl,o at e membon of CREA and the -- quali f'/ ol wvicts t,ey provide . Used under bnse. 02023, Onlorio ho! e. - Auocio11on ("0REA1 . Al righbresorwd. Thi, formwas 1w OREA lo, f,e UM and reprod udion bv i, memb.n and l i<»n - • o.nlY . Anv olh« useor roprocluc:lion 11 prohibii.d . - ""91 with prior wrfwon oonsenl ol OREA. Do no toho< wl.... prinHng 0< reproduc ing h , 1anda rd pr - porffon. OREA beor, no liobilily for your ute of th 1 1 lom, . INl1IA1S OF SEW R(S ), cfm) fo,m 5 01 Revised 20 23 Pa ge 6 of 6





Aulhtnllllgn MT al ... r . - . l . B . ... .... ._,_. · OntarloRealEstate Schedule B Association . • : • : • : • . • TREB • • This Schedule Is attached to and Forms part of the Agreement between: . ... ! ... ;. : ...... .. ..... ........... ...... ..... ...... ...... . . . . .... . . . . . . . ........................... .............. . . .. . .... . , and IUYl1l(S)/1INANT(S)I ................ ; .. . . . SB1D(S)/IANDU)ID(l)I - . ?. .. . ?.. .. ?. .. ' . ? . .. .:................ ... ................................ .... . . ................... . . ..... ...... . . .. for the property known as ... - ... . - .. '!. ............................................. ; ........................ ?:' A ........................ .'t!. .... . ... .! . ... . . ... . . ... . .... . . . ....... . . . . . ................ . ............... ... d . oted th e .. . ................... . - ........ . ........... d . a . y of ................. ?:x ..... . ..........., 20 . } ............ The Pruties to thi s Agreement h ereby acknow ledg e and agree t h at the Deposit Holder , RE/MAX Realtron Realty Inc. ("Realtron"), s hall place t he D epos it in it s real estate t m s t account , which earns interest at a rate of Prime less 1.85% per a nm un. Fw1her , the Parti es acknowledge and agree that the Deposit Holder shall pay any interest it eams and re ceiv es on th e Dep osi t , le ss a $195.00 plu s HST processing fee, to the Buyer upon completion of the transaction and upon s ub missio n by the Buyer to the Depo si t Holder of their Soc ial Insurance Nmnber ("SIN,,) (or their Canada Revenue Agency Bus ine ss Number , "BN", if the Buyer is a Corporation) and mailing address in accorda nce wi th Canada Revenue Agency's requireme nt s for the preparation of a T5 slip. Should the SIN or BN and mailing address not be provided to the D epos it Hol der w ithin t hirty (30) day s following completion of the transaction, sa id intere s t sha ll be fo rfeited to the Dep osi t Holder. Fw1her , the Parties agree that if an interest c hequ e i s i ss ued to the Buyer and the Buyer does n ot negotiate that cheque within s i x (6) months from the date of the c heque , then interest amo unt s hall be forfeited to the Deposit Holder. In the event a transaction is mutually released and bec omes null and void, Realtron wil l issue a tmst account cheque for return of the deposit, to the pruty designated by the fully and pro perly exe cut ed Mutual Release , not before ten (10) Business Days (for ce11ified funds) and not before twenty - one (21) Business Day s (for all other funds) from the date the funds were deposited into o ur r ea l estate tmst ac count as state d on our deposit receipts. A Bu s in ess Day excludes all Saturdays , Sundays , and Ontru·io statuto1y holiday s. This policy is in place on the advice of o ur banker to protect yo ur deposit from fra ud . This form must be initialled by all parties to the Agreement. INl1W.SOf IUYEll(S)/TENANl(S)a Cb INITWS OF SIWR(l)/LANDLOID(S)I (@:) 1 m The lrodemar \ 1 RtAJJOl!e REAi.TOR MI.S® , Mulll Ulling Sen1ca8 and auodaled logos en owned a, caMolled by LJ3 The Ca,odian Real ,u>Odalon 11 - EAI and ldenlily lhe real eolale poleuionola who are members ol CREA ond lhe -- quality o/ lOMOO$ lhey pmvide. U...d uncle, - fic:enae . e 2023, Ontor1o Roal Aoociation l"OREA"I, All r lgh1t... -- 1 . T , hi lonn WQ$ cle....looed b), OREA lor lhe uae and reprodudlon bv it1 memben oncl l ioon - • only. A,,v oll,er useor reproouclion t, prol,ibilod ex.cop! with prior wnlen consen t ol OREA. Do not oher wl,en prinli119 or reproduci<,g the,lanclard .,, - 1 potion . OREA bean noliobllity for yoor uae ol Ibis lorm. Vet"i.ion 2023 - 01 CREA WEBForms • )





Form 320 lo, usein th. Province of Onlorio Confirmation of Co - operation and Representation Buyer/Seller .tdhtnllllg n IO : 11· ----- IB ----- IJIMW'aF I! A Ontario Real Estate Association BUYIR: .... . ........... ..... . ; . . . ?. . }. .. SEWR: . . . <:> .. ! . <:> .. ?:! . ?:.. .:.............. .. .............. . ... ..... ... . ... ... ........ .... .... .... ........ ... ... . . .. ....... . ... ..... . .. .. ... . ....... . ... . . .. .. . .. . . .!.. ?.':'. .. . : . ...... . . . .. . . .... . ... . . ................ .... ...... .. .... .. ........... . . . . . ... . ..... .. ....... . . . ....... .... ... For the transaction on the property know n o s : . . ?. . . . ... . . . . !! ! .. ... . . . .. . ...... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ; 7 . . ... .. . .. . ... .. . . .... .. ?.. . . DEFINfflONS AND INTERPRETATIONS : For the purposes of this Confirmation of Co - operation and Representation: "Seller" includes a vendor , a landlord, l essor or a prospective seller, vendor, landlord or lessor and ·Buyer• i ncludes o p urch a se r, tenant , lessee or o prospective buyer, p urch aser , tenant or lenee and ·sole• I ncludesa lease, and " Agreement of Purch ase and Sole" i ncludeson Agreement to Lease . Co mm i s sion shall be dee me d to include othe r rem unera t ion . The following in fonnation is confirmed by the und.nigned soleJs,enon/broker r.presenlativfl of the Brokerage(s). If a Co - operating Brokerage isinvolved in lhe transaction , the brokerages agree lo co - operate , in consideration of, and on lhe twms and conditiom asset out below . DEQARATION OF INSURANCE: The undersigned 501esperson/broktr represenlotiwi(s) of the Brokeroge(s) hereby declare that he/she i s insured os required by the Real Eslote and Business Brokers Act , 2002 , (REB8A). 1. umNG BROKERAGE a) D The Listing Brokerage represents the interests of the Seller I n this tronsodion. It is further undel'$tood and agreed that: 1) D The Lis ting Brokerage is not representing or pro vidi ng Customer Service to the Buyer . (If the Buyer is working with a Co - operating Brokerage , Section 3 is to be completed by Co - operating Broker age) 2} 0 The listing Brokerage is providing Customer Service to the Buyer . b) IKJ MULTIPU REPRESENTATION: Th e Listing Brokerage hos entered into o Buyer Representation Agreement with the Buyer and represents t he interests of the Sell er and the Buye r, with their consent, for th is transact ion. The Listing Brokerage must be impartial and equally prolecl the interests of the Seller and the Buyer in this transaction . The Listing Brokerage hos o duty of lull disclosure to both the Seller ond the Buyer, inclu ding o req ui rement lo disclose oil Fac tual informa t ion about the property known to the listing Brokerage . However, the listing BrokerQge shall not d isclo se : • That the Seller may or will accept less than the listed price, unl ess otherwise instructed i n writing by the Sell er ; • That the Buyer may or will paymore than the offered price, unless o the rw i se instructed in writing by th e Buyer; • The mo tivation of or personal informa t ion abou t the Seller or Buyer, unleu otherwise instructed in writ ing by the party to which the Informat i on appl i es , or unless failure to d isc lose would constitute fra udulent , u n lawful or unethicol practice; • The price the Buyer should offer or the price the Seller should accept; • And; the Listing Brokerage shall not disclose to the Buyer the terms of any other offer . However, ii i s understood that Factual market inlor m o lion about comparabl e properties and i nlormolion known to the Listing Brokeroge concern i ng potential uses for the property willbedisclosed to both Seller and Buyer to ossis t them to come to their own conclusions. Add i tional comments and/or disclosures by Lis ting Brokeroge: (e . g., T he listing Brokeroge r epresents more than one Buyer offer i ng on this pr o perty . ) The listing brokerage represents both parties. 2. PROPERTY SOLD BY BUYER BROKERAGE - PROPERTY NOT USTlD D The Brokerage . . ... .. .................... .represent the Buyer ond the property is no! listed with any real estate brokerage . Th e Brokerage wi ll be paid (does/ does not! D D o r : by the Seller in accordance with o Seller Cus tomer Service Agreement by the B uyer d i rectly Ad dit ional commen s t an d/ or disclosures by Buyer Brokerage: (e . g., The Buyer Brokerage represents more than o ne Buyer offering on this property . ) (Whe,. applkableJ r o rrw s OF &UYIER ( ®OKERAG E RE IUYER CO - ONRATING/IUYER UOKUAGl SEUIII 1 W The1rod.mo,b REAllO' R RfAlTORS!,} l , Mu lti !M, Uallng Service a nd anocialld logo$ are owned Of con .. ol l ..l by The Canadian Real Ealall AS socloion EAi and ldenlily the reel Mloll p - oleulonols whoa,. memben ol CREA and the ,.... quali ly ol .....ic.s hy provide . U,ed under bNe. O 2023 Onlario hal Etloll As1«iallan ( · OREA · ) . Al rial,ls re... - ..d . Th i , lorm wo• I>)' OREA lot the u .. and rtproduction bv ffs mimber, and licen - only . Jv,y ol!,er u.. o, rep,oouction i• prohibit.cl el«:.i>i with pno, 1len conHnl of OREA. Do not olter wl.. pr l nllng o, reproducir41 the standard , - sei ponion . OREA bear• no liability for your UM of this lcrm . Form 320 Revbed 2023 Page 1 of 2





I0: ---- 11 - IE!IIIIII _ I .,.. _ . 3 . Co - operating Brokerage completes Section 3 and Ustlng Brokerage complete, Section 1. CO - oPERATING BROKERAGE · REPRESENTATION : a) [&I The Co - <>peroting Brokerage represents the interests of the Buyer i n this tronsoction. b) D The C0<>peroting Brokerage is provid ing Cu stomer Service to the Buyer in this transa cti on . c) D The Co - <>peroting Brok erage is not representing theBuyer andhosnot entered into onagreement t o providecustomer service(s) to theB u yer . CO - OPERATING BROKERAGE • COMMISSION: a) I&] The Listing Brokerage will pay the C0<>peroti ng Brokerage the commi$Sion as indic ated in the MLS® information for the property ... ..... . . . .... . .. .... . .. .. .... . .? :.?. . ! ... ... ...... .... ...... . . . .... . . . .. to be poidfrom the amount poid by the Seller to the Listing Brokerage . ( Comm i ss i on As Indicated In M.:;, • lnlormo on) The C0<>peroting Brokerage will be pa id as follows: b) D Additional comments ood/or disclosures by Co - <>peroting Brolceroge: (e.g., The CO<>peroting Brokerage represents more than one Buyer offering on th i s property.) Comml $ Slon will be payable as described abov e , plus applicable taxes . COMM ISS ION TRUST AGRE EMEN T : If the above C 0 <>peroting Brokerage is rec e iving payment of commis i s on from the Listing Brokerage , the n t he agreement belween Listing Brokerage and CO<>peroting B rolc e rage Further indudes a Commission Trust Agreement, the consideration for which i s the Co - operat n i g Brokerage procuring on offer for a trade of the property , acceptable to the Sell er . This Commission Trust Agreement shall be subject to and governed by the MLS • rules and regulations pertaining to commi $ Sion trusts of the Listing Brokerage's local reol estate board , i f the local boa r d ' s MLS • rules and regulations so prov i de . Otherwise, the provisions of the OREA recommended MLS - r ul es and regulations shall apply to thi s Commi ssion Trust Agreement . For the purpose of this Commission Tru st Agreement, the Comm iss ion Trust Amount s hall be the am ount noted in Section 3 above . The Listing Brokerage hereby declares that all moni es rece ived in connect ion with the trade shall consttiu te a Commi $ Sion Tr ust and shall be held, in trust, for the CO<>peroting Brokerage under the terms of the appl ic able MLS • rules an d regu lation s . SIGNED BY THE BROKER/SAl.!SPERSON REPRESENTATIVE($) OF THE BROKERAGE($) (Where applicable) RB/MAX RBALTRON REALTY INC. (Nome of Cooperoflng/Buyer Brokerage) RB/MAX RRALTRON RBALTY IN C., BROKERAGB (Nome of Us ng Brokerage) · 7 · 8 · · · 0 ·· 0 ·· · · W ·· O · O ·· D · ·· B ·· I ·· N · E · ····· A · V ·· · E ·· · N ··· U · E ·· · ········ M · · A ··· R ··· K · · H · · A · - M · ···· · ·· · --- · - O · N · ····· · · L · · 3 ·· R ·· 2 · N ·· 7 · · ·· 7 .. 8 . . . 0 .. 0 ... W ... o .. . o . . d .. b .. i .. n . . e . ... A .. v . e . .. . n . . u .. e .... . .. .. .... M .. a .. r .. k .. h .. a .. m ... . . . . . ... ... . O . . . N . ..... . L .. 3 .. R . 2 . . . N . .. 7 .. rf.PJ/ . t J . .i · . '? E · · . · · · . · . · . . . · .. . · . : = · . . . · · · · . . · · . . . ' · · . · . . . · · ·. . i ; . · ;; r - · . · · . · . · . · . · . . (Authorized to bind the C o,operotf ng/ Buyer Brolceroge) (Dole) PHOEBE LI (Prin1 Name of Solespersoo/Broker/Sroker of Record) ' ' r ' ' ,, 1 . , . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ' = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.!?..o.,.?.1.?.. o . . . .... . . . Q † f;[ ; / ; J " j··· · ······0·7· { · (23.. .... . ............ PHOEBE LI {Print Nome of non/8rolcer/8roker of Record) CONSENT FOR MUIDPLE REPRESENTATION (b be completed only if the Brokerage repnt:Mtnts more than one client for the transaction) The Buyer and s.ller consent with their initials lo their Brabroge repl"OHnting more than one client for this transaction . cw INfflALS OF IUYER(S) INmA1.S OF SlWR(S) t:;;. : := . . - : a .. . ; · . ..... . . .... .. .... , . . . ( Signature of B uye r ) 1 ooo s u 1 n o,rriuuo I M C . ( Dote ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT lfi ( NzHOU 07/24/23 i&:. j ..... .. . . .. .. .... . ...... . ... . ... (Sgi na ture of Buyer) i i;,;j" ····· · · · ···· · .. ·· · · ··..·· ····· ·· ·..··· (Signature of Sefter) i i .. .. .. ..· .. ·· ... . . . · ... ·....·.. m n,., 1rod.n,orlr 1 . REAIJ 1 REALTORMl , Muhipl, Ulli"9 So<vic. - * and ouoc;ioled logo, are owned 0t co,,to ll&d by La The Conoclion Reol E..lote Auoc:lolion l' - REAJ end l&.ritily 1h. r.al e,lat. prol•sio<,ok who ore ......bera of CREA and 1h. -- quolily o f """' ƒ " f,ey proo,id. . u - l under licens . . 0 2023 , ONo,io Rool Assoc:io llon 1·0REA 1 . Al rlAt.. , ts _....i . Th i a lonn wo o cleY91oped by OREA for Ille u>e and reprodudk>n bv ib momben ond Ileen_, . 1',r, o4f>er UM o, roprocludion la prohibited ex<:o_pl with poor wnllen oonsen l of OREA. Do no t ofter w'hen prlnllng o, reproducing tlwo slondord p,•sel ponon . OREA boon no liobM i ly for your U M of thl, lorm . Form 320 Revi..d 2023 Page 2 of 2
