Form 500 for use In lhe Pl'O¥ince of Ontario Agreement of Purchase and Sale Commercial .n A O ntari o R ealEsta t e Auoc l e tl o n This Agreement of Purchase and Sole dot ed this ............ ! . ........ ..... day of ..................................... ¥. ..... . . . . ... ...... . . ... . . .. . .......,.. 0 ................. . ...; .:. ....... ............. .... ..... . ... . ................. .... .................................. .... ... . . . ...., ogrlle$ lo purchase from (Ful legal name, of o D 6uye"J B UYER: .................... ... ; . . SE W R: .X . . !?!! 9..'. \ !:': . ?. .. '.1:!':. . ?.n'..!!?. . . !!.. ? - '.?.'!?... ':.: .. ... ..•.. . .... • . •.. ..... ..... . .... ..•. .. ........ . .. ..... .......... .... .. .... • .. ..•.•.. ..• . , the following lfull legol name, of oll Sollert) REAL P R OPE R T Y : Address ; ................. :': . '?.?. . .!: .. ... ...... . .. . ........ .. . ......... ......... ..... ............ .. . .. .................. ....... .......... ... ... . ....... ...... ........ .. ....... . .... ... . . fronting on !he .................... . .. ........... ...... ..... . . ............................................. side of .... .•••....• . . .... ... :': ?. . . .. .. ..... ....... .... . .. . .. in the . ............ Y. . .. '?. .... .... ......... . ...... . . .. ....... . . ...... . . ......... . . . ....................... ! . ? .. . ... . ?. .................. . . . . . .. . ........................ . ........... . . ... . ... .. . DEPOSIT: Buyer submit s ... . . .......... ..... . . ....... ....... ...... . ....... ...... .... .. . ..•. ...... ?.P. ... ,J?. .4:1 ... . ... . ... . .......... . ..... . . ... . . ..... . ..... ........ . . ... ............ . .. (Herew llh/Upon Acceptonc e/ os otherwise de scr ibed In th i s Agr eemen t) ........... . ..... .. ......... . .. . .. . ... .. I h!? . . . .... . ... ............ .. . ... ...... ... Dollars (CON$) ...... ... .... . .......... ... ........... ...... ....... q . .i. . . :. . . by negotiable c h e que payable t o .. .... . . . .... . • . • .• . ... . ...... .. /. .. .. . ! .! .. . : . ! ... .!_{: . .......... . ... ...... ...... . . .. .... "Deposit Holder" to be held in trust pending completion or other termina t ion of thi s Agreement and to be credited toward the Purchase Price on comple t ion. For the p urposes of this Agreemen , t • upon Acxeplonc • e shall mean that th e Buyer is requ i red lo deliver !he deposit to the Deposit Holder w i thin 24 hours of the accepta nce of this Agreement . The parties to this Agreement hereby acknowledge that, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, the Deposit Holder shall place the deposit in trust in the Deposit Holder ' s non . Interes t bearing Real E s ta te Trust Accoun t and no interest sha ll be earned, received or paid on the d epo s it . B uye r ag rff a to pay the ba l ance aa more particularly Ht out In Schedule A attached. l S C H E DU L ( l S ) A ... ...... ............ . ....... . . . . . .. ....... ... . . . . . . . ··· · [ , J · · c · t " . !' ! .. · · · . · Y ..: ( 1:.,." ƒ " h f e , z J ( 1 ) par t o f thi s Ag re; ' · ( ' - '? [i$J W ƒ ble by .. - • • • - . . . . ;;:;; ;'''" r [ , .. "' , , i : 1: : i . l J r ·] W .. ... . .. . f x. . . .. .. . r z .... . ! ! : . .. . . . .. . , . <>? . . 2 . , ..L . . , ofter w h i ch lime, if not occepted, t h is lMJ. · off,.,hall ho o,I{ aod ,.,;d aod tbo dopaol ,hall ho "'"'""' lo . full wtlhou t '""''"· 2 2 uf z 0 ) 0 2. COMPLETION DATE : This Agreem e nt $hall be completed by n o l ate r than 6:00 p.m. on the ...... ••.•....•.• day of .................................. ... n . ....... ... . , 20 ........................... Upon completion, vacant possession of the p roperty s h a ll b e given to the Buyer unless othe; .: : ; g r e e m e n t . INITIALS OF B UYER ( S ) : 0 n.. trodefflQfU IJott , RfMTORSf> MLS4 M P, ll . llil*/ UJling ond ouocioi.d logo& en owned Of contolled 1:,,/ m Lil TheCanadian Reel AHod a l on ond ldonlily ... real eslole proleuionala who or. members ol CREA and h -- quolty ol llMCa pro,icle. u..cl ... . 0 2023, Onlario 1.ec,I EJIOlt Aaioclalion l' OREA1 . Al rial,n re........i. Thi1 lorm wo1 h)'. OREA for the Ul8 and reproduction bv lb memben ond lioen - (!Illy . kff Oll>er UM or reprocluction 11 prohibited - ,ccepl ...;th pr,or wrollen oonsenl olOREA. Do not alter when prlnHng o, "'producing the alancl a rd pr ... t porfi an.OR EA i,..,,. noliabil ity f or your u .. ol,lh l lorm. INITIALS OF SEW R(S) : cw Form 500 Revised 2023 P ag e 1 of 9





Email Address : .. .. . .. ...... . .. ... . . . }: . ! . .<?. ............... .... (For delivery of Documents lo Seller) 3 . NOTICES : The Seller hereby appoints the Lbting Brokerage 0 $ agent for the Seller for the purpo $ 8 of giving and rece i ving not i ces p urs ua nt t o thi s Agreement . Where a Brokerage (Buyer's Brokerage) hos entered into a represe ntation agreement with the Buyer, the Buyer hereby appoin t s the Buyer's Brokerage as agent for the purpose of giving and receivin g notices pursuant to this Agr e emen t . Where a Brokerage re pNt Mnts both the Seller and the Buyer ( multiple Npresentation), the lrokeroge shall not be appointed or authorized to be agent for either the Buyer or the Seller for the purpose of giving and rece i ving notices . Arty notice re lating hereto or provided for here i n shall be In writing . In addition to any provision con tained herein and in any Schedu e l hereto , this offer, any counter - offer, notice of acceptance thereof or any notice lo be g i ven or received pursuant to this Agreement or any Schedule hereto (any of them , " Document") sh a ll be deemed g i venond received when delivered personally or hand delivered to the Address for Service provided in the Acknowledgement below, or where a facsimile number or email address is provided herein, when transmitted elec t ronically to that facsim l ie num be r or email addres s, r espectively,in which case, the signoture(s) of the porty (parties) shall be deemed to beoriginal . FAX No .: • . . . ..... .. ...... .. . . ...... . . .: - . .: . . ? . ................ . ... .... .. . FAX No .: ..... .••. .......... . . . . . . . ...... . ;. . : - . .. <! .: - .; . . . ... ...... . . . .. . . . . ... . .. . .. .. (for delivery of Documents lo Seller) (For delivery of Documents lo Buyer) Email Address: ... . ......... . ..... Y.!. . . .;. . . . ; ... ..... . . ...... . ... . (For delivery of Documents lo Buyer) 4 . C HA11ELS INCWDED : Unless otherwi$8 stoled in this Agreement or any Schedule hereto, Seller agrees to convey all fixtures and chatte l s included in the Purchase Pr i ce free from all liens, encumb<onoes or claims affecting the said fixtures and chattels. 5. FIXlURES EXCWDED: 6. RENTAL ITEMS (Including Lease, Lease to Own) : The following equ i pment is re nt edand not i ncluded i n the Purchase Pr i ce . The B u ye r a grees toassume the rental controct(s), ii assum able : The Buyer agrees to co - operate and execute such documentation as may be required to facilitate such assumption. 7 . HST : If the sale of the property (Real Property as described above) la subject to Harmonized Sales Tax (H S , T) then such tax s ha ll be In addition to the Purchaae Price . The Se ller will not collect HST if the Buye r prov i des lo the Seller a warranty that the B u yer i s registered under the Excl $ e Tax Act ("ETA"), together with a copy of the Buyer' $ ETA registration, a warranty that the B uyer shall self - assess and remit the HST payable and file the prescribed form and shall indemnify the Seller In respect of any HST payable . The foregoing warrant i es shall not merge but shoU survive the completion of the transaction . If the sole of the property is not subject to HST, Seller agrees lo certify on or before clos i ng , that th e transaction is not subject to HST . Any HST on ch atte ls, If applicable, Is not include d in the Purchase Price . INITWS OF IIUYIR(S cO) m The Ndemorlr.t RfAl!OR 1 RfAll'ORS!,. . Multi!)!! Ulllng Servlcaal!I and ouocloled logosore owned oroon • oled by L,D The Conodion Red E11a11 AHo clol on !' - "£Al ond idenl.ly the reol eslale prolessionoh wl,o or. - ..bert of CREA ond the -- quol ty of fley prcwlde . U ted under lcien$e . 0 202 3. Onlorioleol Ellola Auoc io lion l' OREA ' ) . Al rig_N> reoerwd. Thia Ion,, wos by OREA for lhe u,. ond roproduefion bv i11 member, and Ian - • (!'11y . k¥ od>er ""'or n,production l a prohibited e,ccel)I with prior wr111en OOIU.,I of OREA Do no! o i ler when pr l nHngor reproduclr1g lhe a tanclord pr•sal por11on. OREA bears noliablllty for yow UM ol lhis form . INmALS OF SEW R ( S) : ® form 500 Revbed 2023 Page 2 of 9





8. TITLE SEARCH: Buye r shall be allowed unti l 6:00p.m. on the ......... .•? • . • . .. . . doy of... • . . . .. . ... .... . ...... • . . .! .. . . . ..... . ,. 20 . . .? . . . . ..... . . . . , (Requislfon Dote) to examine the title to the property ot his own expense ond until the earlier of : (i) thirty doys from theloter of the Requisition Dote or the dote on which theconditions in this Agreement ore Fulfilled or otherwise woived or ; (HJ five doys prior to completion, to satisfy h i mself thot th e re ore no outstanding work orders or deficiency notices offectlng theproperty, thot its present use( .... • ............. ! ... . ! . :. .... ..... . ... . .. ) moy be lawfully continued and that the principal building may be insuredagainst risk of fire . Seller hereby consents to the municipality or other govern m e nt o l agencies releasing to Buyer details of all ou t standing work orders and deficiency notices affecting the property, and Seller ogrees lo execute ond deliver such further outhorizotions in this regard os Buyer may reosonobly require . 9. FUl \ JRE USE : Seller ond Buye r ogree thot there is no representotion or warranty of any kindthat the future intended use of the property by Buyer is or willbelawful except os may be specifically provided for in this Agreement . 10. nru : Prov i ded thot the ti 1 le lo the property is good and free from oll registered restridions , charges, liens , ond encumbrances ex c ept as otherw i se specifically provided in this Agreement and save and except for (o) any registered restrictions or covenants thot run with theland providing that such ore complied with ; (b) any registered municipal ag reements and reg ister ed agreements with pub licly regulated utilities providing such hove been complied with , or security hos been posted to ensur e compliance and completion, as evidenced by o letter from the relevant municipality or reg ul ated utility ; (c) ony m i nor easements for th e supply of domest i c utility or telecommunication services lo the property or adjacent properties ; ond ( d) any easements for drainage , storm or sonitory sewers, public utility lines, telecommunication l ines, coble television lines or other services which do not materially affect the use of the property . If within the specified times r eferre d to in porogroph 8 ony v olid objec t ion lo title or to any outstanding work order or deficiency notice, or to the fact the said present use moy not lawfully be continued, or that the principal building moy not be insured agai n st r i skof fireismode i n wr i ting lo Seller and which Seller is unableor unwilling lo remove, remedy or satisfy or obtain insurance saveond except aga i nst risk of fire (TIiie Insurance) in favour of the Buyer ond ony mortgagee, (with oll related costs al the expense of the Seller), and which Buyer w i ll not waive, th is Agreement notwithstan ding any interm ediote acts or nego tiations in respect of such objections, s hall be at an end ond all monie s pa i d shall be returned without interest or deduction and Seller, Listing Brokerage and Co - operating Brokerage sholl not be liable for ony costs or domoges . Save 0 $ lo any volid ob j ection so made by such doy ond except for ony objection go i ng to the root of the title, Buyer shall be con clu s i vely deemed t o hove ocoepted Seller' s title to the property . 11. CLOSING ARRANGEMENTS : Where eochof the Seller ond Buyer reto l n o l awyer l o complete the Agreement of Purchase and So l e of theproper ty, ond where the transact i on will be completed by electron i c registration pursuant to Port Ill of the land Reg i stration Reform Act, R . S . O . 199 0 , Chap te r l 4 ond the Electronic Registration Act, S . 0 . 199 1 , Chapter 44 , and ony amendments thereto, the Seller and Buyer acknowledge and agree thot the exchange of dosing funds, non - registrable documents and other i te ms (the · Requi sit e Deliveries*) ond the release thereof to the Seller and B u yer will (a) not occur at the some time os the registration of the transfer/deed (and any other documents intended to be reg i steredin connection w i th t he comple ti on of this transoction) ond (b) be subject to conditions whereby the lawyer(sJ receiving ony of the Requisite Deliveries will be required to hold some In trust and not release some except in accordance with the terms of o document regi stration agree ment between the said lawyers . The Seller ond Buyer irrevocably Instruct the said lawye r s to be bound by the document registration agreement which is recommended from time lo tim e by the law Society of On tario . Unless otherwise agreed to by the lawyers, such exchange of Requ i s i te Del i veries sholloccur by t he delivery of t he Req ui s ite Deliveries of eoch party to the office of the lawyer For the other party or such other locolion ogreeoble to both lawyers . 12. DOCUMENTS AND DISCHARGE : Buyer shall not coll for the production of ony title deed, abstract, survey or other evidence of t i tle to the prope r ty excep t such os are I n the possess i on or control of Seller . If reque $ ted by Buyer, Seller will deliver any sketch or survey of the property with i n Selle r' s control to Buyer as soon os poss i ble and prior to the Requisition Date . II o dischorge of ony Chorge/Mortgoge held by o corporation incorporated pursuant to the Trust And loan Com pan ies Ac . I (Canada), Chartered Bonk, Trust Company, C r edit Union , Caisse Populoire o r Insurance Company and wh i ch is not lo be assumed by Buyer on completion, ls not available In registrable form on completion, Buyer agrees to accept Seller's lawy e r' s personal u ndertaking to obtain , out of the closing funds , o discharge i n r eglstroble form ond to register some, or cause some lo be registered , on title w i thin o reasonable period of time ofter comple t ion , provided that on or before com p letion Selle r shall provide to Buyer a mortgage statement prepared by themor t gagee setting out t he balance required to obtain the discharge, and, where o reol . tlme electronic doored funds transfer system i s not be i ng used , o direction executed by Seller directing payment to the mortgagee of the amount required to obtain the discharge ou t of the bo lon c e due on c omplet i on . 13 , INSPECTION : Buyer acknowledge s having hod the opportunity to inspect the property and understands tha t upon acceptance of thi s offer there shall be a bind i ng agreement of purchase a nd sale between Buyer ond Seller . 14, INSURANCE: All buildings on the property and oil o th er things being purchased shall be ond remain until completion at the risk of Seller. Pond i ng completion, Seller shall hold all insurance policies, ii any , an d the proceed . s thereof in trust for the parties os their interests may oppeor and i n the event of substant i a l damage , B u yer may either terminate this Agreement ond hove all mon i es pa i d returned without i nterest o r ded ucti on or e l se t ake the proceeds of any ins u rance and complete the purchase. No I nsurance shall be transferred on completion. IF Seller is toking back o Charge / Mortgage , or Buyer I sassuming a Charge/Mortgage, Buyer shall supply Seller with reasonabl e evidence of adequate insuronco to protect Se ll er' s or other mortgagee's interest on compl etio n. INITIALS OF BUYER(S): 1 m 1he lrocle....b REAITOM REAITOISe MI.Sl!D M , ullipl, U SeMc..e ond o..oc: ioltd logosareowned 0t conroled by La The C CR>d lon Reel E - ASIOdalon mid idenlify !he M .... P'O*siono t , whooren,omb.rs of CREA ond h - - quolily ol MMC N hy pr0¥id e . Used under . O 202 3, Onlar lo teal biota As socio llon l' OREA'I · Al riahh reMrved . T , hi lonn was by OREA Jo, "" UMand reproduction bv n , members and licensees only . AtriOlher useorrep,ocluetion Isprohlb l tedexceJ)I wit!, poot wrollen oonsenl ol OREA. Do not a l ter wl - pri n ng ot reproducing the slondord pr•,., por1ion. OREA bears no tlobltily for you u.. ol lhl, form. INITIALS Of SEWR(S): ctw) form 500 Revi$&d 2023 Pe19• 3 of 9





15 , PLANNING ACT : This Agreemen t shall be effective to creole on i nteres i t n the property only if Seller complies with the subdivis ion control provisions of the Planning Ad by completion and Seller covenants lo proceed diligently at his expense toobtain any necessary consent by completion . 16 , DOCUMENT PREPARATION : The Transfer/Deed shall, save for theland Transfer Tax Affidavit, be prepared in registrable form al the expense of Seller, andany Charge/Mortgageto be given bock by the Buyer to Seller at the expense of the Buye . r If requested by Buyer, Seller covenants that th e Transfer/Deed to be de livered on completion shall contain the statements contemplated by Section 50122 ) of the Planning Act, R . S . 0 . 1990 . 17 , RiSIDENCY : lo) Subiec : t to (b) below, the Seller represents and warrants that the SeUer is not andon completion will notbea nOMesident under the non - residency provisions of the Income Tax Ad which representationand warranty shall survive and not merge upon the completion of this transaction and the Seller shall deliver to the Buyer a statutory declaration that Seller is not !hen a non - resident of Canada ; (b) provided that i f the Seller is a non - resident under the non - residency provisions of the Income Tax kt, the Buyer shall be credited towards the Purchase Price w ith the amount, if any, necessary for Buyer lo pay to the Minister of Notional Revenue lo satisfy Buyer's liability in respect of tax payable by Seller under the non - <esidency provisions of the Income Tax Act by reason of this sole . Buyer shall not claim such credit if Seller delivers on completion the prescribed certificate . 18 , ADJUSTMENTS : Any rents, mortgage interest, realty taxes Including local im provement rotes and unmetered public or private utility charges and unmetered cost of fuel, as applicable, shall be apportioned and aUowed to the day of completion, the day of completion i t self to be apportioned to Buyer . 19 , TIME LIMITS : llmeshall inallrespects be of t he essence hereof provided that the time for doing or comp leting of any matter provided for herein may be extended or abridged by on agreement in writing signed by Seller and Buyer or by the ir respective lawyers who may be spec i fically authorized in that regard . 20 , PROPERTY ASSESSMENT : The Buyer and Seller hereby acknowledge that the Province of Ontario hos implemen t ed current valu e assessment and properties may be re - assessed on on annual basis . The Buyer and Seller agree that no claim will be mode against the Buyer or Seller, or any Brokerage, Broker or Salesperson, For any changes in property tax as o result of a re - assessment of the property, save and except any property taxes that accrued prior to the completion of this transaction . 21 , TENDER : Any tender of documents or money hereunder may be mode upon Seller or Buyer or the ir respedlve lawyers on the day set for comp l etion . M«iey shall be tendered with funds drown on a lawyer' s trust account in the form of a bank draft, certified cheque or wire transfer using the Lynx high value payment system as set out and prescribed by the Canadian Payments Act (R . S . C . , 1985 , c . C - 21 }, as amended from time to time . 22 , FAMILY LAW ACT : Seller warrants that spousal consent is not necessary to this transaction under the provisions of the Family low Act, R . S . 0 . 1990 unle $$ the spouse of the Seller hos executed the consent hereinafter provided . 23 , UFFI : Seller represenl $ and warrants to Buyer that du r ing the time Seller hos owned the property, Seller hos not caused ony building on the property to be insulated with insulation oon o t ining urea formaldehyde, and thot to the best of Seller's knowledge no building on the property contains or hos ever contained insulation that conta in s urea Formal de hyde . This warranty shall survive and notmerge on the completion of this transaction, and if the building is port of a multiple unit building, this warranty shall only apply to that po r t of the building which is the subiect of this transaction . 24 , LEGAL, ACCOUNTING AND ENVIRONMENT . AL ADVICE : The porties ocknowledge that any information provided by the brokerage is not legal, tax or environmental advice, and that it hos been recommended that the parties obtain independent professional advice prior to signing th i s document . 25 . CONSUMER REPORTS : The Buyer is hereby notified that a c onsumer report contain i ng credit and /or personal infonnation may be referred to In connection with this transaction . 26 , AGREEMENT IN WRITING : If there Is conflict or discrepancy between any provision added to t his Ag r eemen(tincluding any Schedule attached hereto) and any provision in the standard pr& - set portion hereof, the added provision shall supersede the standard pr& - set provision to the extent of such eonAict or discrepancy . This Agreement including any Schedule attached hereto, shall constitute the entire Agreement between Buyer and Selle r . There is norepresentation,warranty, collateral agreement or condition, which affects this Agreement other thanasexpressed herein . For the purposes of this Agreement, Seller means vendor and Buyer means purc hase r . Th is Agreem ent shall be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context . 27 . ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES : The parties hereto consent and ogree to the use of electronic signatures pursuant to the Electronic Commerce Act , 2000 , S . O . 2000 , c 17 as amended from time to time with respect to this Agreement and any other documents respecting this transaction . 28. TIME AND DAR: Any reference to a time and dote in this Agreement shall mean the time and dote where the property is located . INITIALS OF BUYH (S) 1 cc - P m . n .. 1 •od - h REAll'ON <?IIS4&, . Mull;>i! u s.,.,;.,.,. ond o, - iolod logo, 0<• owned ƒ ' contoled by n.. Ccnoctoon R...I E - . . - . - cioaon P.EA! and ld.nlify the real ..ia1e prof.>ionok who.,,. ,,_1,en al CREA and lhe quolily of a.vice, fwy p,oo,id. . U..d uncl. t - o 2023, Onlorio Real E. - Assodolion 1•0REA·). All riQ.hh ,... Md. This form we» l,y OREA lo, lhe u>eand reproduclion l,y . me<nben and1.,.., - only. Ally ad,« u.. or reproduction 11 proh ib iled .xc.J)I wilh pnor wrfffen consent al OREA. Do notolte, wl.... printing 0t reproducing 1he a tondord pr•set portion. OREA bears noliobil ily for your u .. of thl1 lonn . INITIALS OF SEWR(S}: cw Form 500 Revised 2023 Poge 4 of 9





29. SUCCESSORS AND ASS IG NS: The heirs, executors, administrators , successors and assigns of th e undersigned ore bound by the terms herein. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED i n the prele nce of: IN WITNE SS whereof I have here unto set my hand and seol : (Wilna») jwi.;; f . . ..... . ' . ............. .... .... . .................................. . E Aull>clntl, ia, :::::::: : ::::::::::::::: . 4 [::::: (Buyer/Aulhoriied ing Ul!icerJCeatar Holding• INC. ! • Seo I • SeoQ 05/19/ 2 3 (Dote) i oc;iie ·· ·· · ·········· ·········· ······ · I, the Undersigned Sell«, ogree to the above offe r . I hereby irrevocobly instruct my lawyer lo pay directly to the brokeroge(s) with whom I have ogreed to pay commission, the un pa id bolonce of the commission together with a pp lica ble Harmonized Soles lox (and any other taxes as may hereafter be appl icable , )From the proceeds of the sole prior to any payment to the undersigned on completion, as advised by the brokerog e (s) to my lawyer . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED In the prese nce of: IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and sea l: jw.i;; j·········································· ·· ··········· · (Witness) W £'i..,Igjjiiljifrijij_ife i ! 1s · . ii«JXi;ii,;ii ·si e i· ii o« ;j···· · · · · ····· · · · · · · · · ···· 1 · ! ·· q io;Of ƒ .5.f. 3/23 iociei i··············· · · · · · · · · ········· SPOUSAL CONSENT: The undersigned spouse of the Seller hereby conse nts to the disposition evidenced herein pursuant t o the provisions of the Fomily low Act , R.S.0.1990, and her eby ogrees to exec u te all nece ssary or incidental documents to give full force and effect to the sole evidenced herein . iw.i;;eu, - ·········· ·· ····· ··········· ··· · · ············ ······· ··········· ···· ......................... . ..... .......... . ...... ........... . . .... ....... • !Spouse ) ( SeoQ i o c ; i i e ·· ······ ·············· ·········· CON FIRMA TI O N OF ACCE PTANCE : Notw ith standing anyth ing contained herein to the contrary, I confirm th is Agreement with all changes both typed 0 ,d writt,n = 6,olf t •"""'* ' by oil port;,, ot .. .. . . .. 1;1.:; :i· . . . . . .. I• ................ . doy of . .... - r= = · : :;;;; .,... 20 ........... · C Vt 1 ·········· - OS/30/23 i sig ; ;rs;;i ;;; ;;;· r · INFORMATION ON BROKERAGE(S) listing Brokerage ..................... . {. ... . .. .'!.! .. !:''.!. :.!... . ?. ................ ... .. 9 05 - 47 5 - 47 5 0 ( Tel.No. ) MICHELLE OOYANG (Salesperson/Broker/Broker of Record Nome) Coo p/Buyer Brokeroge . ......... ...... ..... ?. . . .! 9 . .. . ?:'! ... . .:...................... (416) 4 90 - 117 7 ( Tel.No. ) RUI ZHENG (Solesperson/Brolier /Broker of Record Nome) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I ocknowledge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted Agreement of Purchase and Sole and I authorize the Brolteroge lo forward o corr, lo my lawyer. I acknowledge recf i ig ned co py of th i s accepted Agreement of Purchase and Sole 1 ' )#1 •• ' , I lorword o OOf1Y to my lawyer. .... . .......... . . . .. . . . . .. . .... . . . . .. . . . . 7 . p .. l .. . . . . 1 " . . ' . .. . ........... 0 . 5 .... / . 1 .. 9 . / . 2 .. 3 .................... ( Bc,yer ) caatar Hold.1090 111c. ( Dote ) 1s1.i;;;j:.:.:.:.:.·:.=::.: :::. . : ::.:.::::· ·········· · · · . · .·· · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · i · o;; r··················· (Sello,) ................................................................ ; ······· -- ······· ····· Address for Service ................................ . ................. . ...... .................. . (Buyert. •. ... ..•.................................................. 'f 6;;;;j.; ·············· ··· ······ Address for Service ................................................. ...... .................... . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . .................. (Tel. No.) Buyer's lawyer ................................ .. ................ . ............... . ............... . A d dress ...................... .. .................. .... . ....... .. . . ..... ............ . ................ . (Tel . No.) Seller's lawyer ............ .... ........................................... .. ......... ..... ....... . Address ...................... . . ..................... . .. ........... ... .......... ........ ..... ...... . Email ............................................................................................... . /tei:·N;;y. - ··········· · · · · ····· · · ···················· i i:o .' NoT ····· ······ ········· · · ····· · · ··· Ema il ............................................. .... .............................................. . 1r;r·N;;y.··········· · · · · · · ····· · · ······ · · ······· · · ·· 1·i:ci;i.''Noi:········· ··· ..··················· FOR OFflCE USE ONLY COMMISSION TRUST AG REE ME NT To: Cooperating Brokerage MIOWn on she foregoing Agreement of P urcho se ond Sole : In ccns idero lion for she Coope,oting Brolierage procuring the farego l 119 Agreement of Purchase and Sole, I hereby declare!hotoil moneys rece i ved or receiv oble by me i n conn ect i on with theTron so<:tlon os contemplated i n the MIS' R u lesond Regulations of my Real Esrote Boo r d sholl be receivable ond held in trvsl . Thi s ogreement shoU consritute a C omm lislon Trust Agreement as defined in the MI.S" Rules ond shall be subject lo ond go - ned by the MLS'" Rules per1a lnlng lo Comm lHion Trusl. ,o,. bfthe dote and ttme d the occeplan<:e of the loregoi119 Agreement of Purchose ond Sole. AcknowledgeiL. ..... . . . ........ . .... . R. U I .Z H €. N G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92.t.1'?.!..?.? - os123123 ulhorized Jo bi nd the Ulling Brokeroge) (Aulh 0tized to d the Cooperattng Btokerage) F o rm 5 00 Revised 2023 Page 5 o f 9





Form 500 fo, use in Iha Province ol Ontorio Schedule A Agreement o f Purchase a nd Sale - C ommer ci a l A Ontario Real Estate Association This Schedule Is attached toand forms part of the Agreement of Purchose and So l e berween: BUYER: ... ..... . .... ... ....... ! . . 7. .. ƒ !! . - ? . SEWR: .... Y. . . ... . . . .. . f or the purchaseand sole of . .... .. ......... . 5' - .. ; . <::. .............. . . .. ........ . . . ...... . ........ . . . . . . .. ......... . . .... . . .......... . . . . ... . . ................... . ...............,.. a nd ?. . .. . . . . .. ? . .. . . : . ......... ... . .. .. . ......... ...... . . ................ . ... . .. . ... .. .. . . ... ............... . . .. .... . . .. .. ....... : . . . . .. . . ....... .... .. ..... ....... ...... . .... .. . .. ........... .... . . ...... . ..... .. . . ... . : . . ......... . . .. . . ....... . .... . . . .. ...?. . ............ ...... . .. . .. ! .. .... . ...... . .... doted the .... . .. . . !. .. . ..... .. day of .. ...... .. .. ... . ..... .. .... . ... ! . ... ....... . . .... . . .... . .... .... , 2C'f.? . .. ............ . Buyer agrees lo pay the bolonce as follows: The Buyer agrees to pay the balance of the purchase price, subject to adjustments, to the Seller on completion of this transa c tion, with funds drawn on a lawyer's trust account in the form of a bank draft, certified cheque or wire transfer using the Large Value transfer System. T we n ty &O) d a s ( uJ THIS OPPBR IS CONDITIONAL upon the Buyer obtaining at his own expense the necessary financing r:z suitable to the Buyer to complete this transaction within Sixty (60) ba&iness d a ys (Bscel.1uli.R!J /1. Satuzday, Sanday and Hel.11.j a :, a l from acceptance of this offer, failing w hich this offer shall become null and void and the Buyer's deposit shall be returned to him in full without interest or deduction. This c ondition is included for . t he sole b[?J u o e Buyer and may be waived at his option. r : z T wenty , 2 0 [1. · from acceptance of this offer upon the THIS OPPER IS CONDITIONAL for a period of Si x t y (69) following, l, conducting such inspections as it wishes on the property and the obtaining of reports satisfactory to the Buyer in its abs o l u te di s cretion at its o wn expense. The Buyer agrees to treat the results of such inspections in a strictly confidential manner and not to disclose the results to a third party except where required by law. There shall be no compulsory requirement to disclose the results to the Seller. 2 . inspecting and approving the Leases, as well as any assignments of Leases, renewals or extensions thereof ( or offer to lease if no leases are available). The Buy er agrees to treat the results of such inspections in a strictly confidential manner and not to disclose the results to a third party except where required by law. There shall be no compulsory requirement to disclose the results to the Seller. THESE CONDITIONS are inserted for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived by written notice, in whole or in part by the Buyer. If the Buyer fails to waive these conditions, this transaction shall be deemed null and void and all deposit monies shall be returned forthwith without interest or deduction. Without derogating from any party's other obligations under this Agreement. It is agreed that the Seller shall act in good faith and use reasonable commercial efforts to satisfy or c auae to be satiafied, the conditions set forth in this section. Subsequent to acceptance, the Seller will pe rm it the Buyer and its agent access to the land and building two (2) times during normal business hours until closinr1te at times which are mutually acceptable to Seller and Buyer and Tenants. Both Buyer's a n - d Sell e r ' s I t: : 7 ' THIS OFFER IS FORTHBR CONDITIO N AL u pon the "!ni y e...._. Solici J;rz!s approv i ng the terms and conditions of the said offer within three (3) business days from acceptance of this offer, failing which this o ffer shall become null and void and the Buyer's deposit shall be returned to him in full with ou t i nterest or deduction. this condition is included for the sole benefit of the Buyer and may be waived at his option. This form must be initialled by all part i es to the Agreement of Purchase INITIALS OF BUYER ( S ): m The troct.. - b REA110Re , R£AUORS4t W4S<e , ... u s.mc.,e ondo oledlogos ore owned or conwolled by M LJ3 Tho Ca,oclicn Roal Auo ci aion and idenllly the .. - proleuionals who or. .......i..r.of aEA and the -- qualily of N<vlcos they provid e . U..d under • 0 2023, Onlario Rool Ellalo Assoc lcllon (·OREA1 . riahts re.... - ..c . l Th i s loon wm by OREA !or f>o useond reproduction bv Its members ond lieensee, only . Arw o4fwtr UM or rep'ocl,;ction Is prolllblled e,ccept with poor wnllen coruent of OQ£A. Do no/ o l ter w1 - prinling or reproducing the slat>clotd pr.Mt por1ion. OREA b.cts no llobUily for ycur use of this form . INITIALS O F S E LLER(S) : cw Form 500 Ravlsed 2023 Page 6 of 9





Schedule A Agreement of Purchase and Sale - Commercial A Ontario Real Estate Association Form 500 fo< u.. In the Province cl Ontario Th is Schedule is ottoched to ond forms port of the Agreement of Purchase ond Sole between : BUYER: ...... . ................ .!.!; . ' . :': .. !! - .'?. . .. . : .... ........................................................ ....... ........... . . . . .. .............. . ............ . . ...... . . .. . .... , ond SEWR: ... Vi•ionary .. Education . T . ec hnolo gy . Holdinsi• .. Group .. :rn . c ............ .... . ........... .. .. ....... ............. ......... .......................................... .... . for the purchase and sole of . ........... .... ! ?: . <:>. . .7. .. .. ............ ............. ..... ............................... ..... ........ . .. ! . :. .. .... . ......... ..... . . ..... insurance jnthe Seller's possession. , • THE SELLER SHALL with in a p e (5) days from the date of acceptance hereof, deliver to the Buyer a copy of a t ec tural plans, structural, mechanical, electric, plumbing and engineering drawings Seller's possession. At Se lle r' s best knowledge. ..... .. . .... ...... ............... ... .!.................. doted the ... ...... . .......... day of...... . . .............. ... . . ..... . ............ . . . ................ , . 2<:t.? .. .. .. .. .... ..... B uy er agrees lo poy the balance os follows: SBLLBR agrees to supply upon acceptance at its expense, to the Buyer a survey before closing date. THE SEL LER shall within five (5) calendar days following acceptance provide the Buy er with all information and documentation related to the building including but not limited to copies of leases, environment l a audits, building specifications, roof repairs, appraisals, work orders, contracts, property managemriiJDts, operating expenses, breakdown of taxes, maintenance and that there is not on or under the building any hazardous materials · (as hereinafter defined). •H azardousMaterial" means any contaminant or pollutant and means any substance that when released to the natural environment is likely to cause, at some immediate or future time, material harm or degradation to the natural environment or material risk to human health and without restrict i ng the generality of the foregoing, hazardous Material includes any pollutant, contaminant, waste, hazardous waste or dangerous good as defined by applicable federal, provincial or municipal laws or guidelines for the protection of the natural environment or human health. THE SELLER WARRANTS T O TH B BUYBR AS FOLLOWS: l . The Seller o r Tenan ts h av e not received any work o rder. deficiency notice Or other written notice from any author it y, or board of fire insurance underwriters or anyone else, advi sing of any breach of any by - law, code , regulation, or standard or suggesting that any repa ir or work is necessary to the Property or any part thereof. 2. The Property does not contain any asbestos, urea formaldehyde or other noxious or dangerous substance or condition to the best of the Seller's knowledge, 3. As of the day of closi ng, the Seller will be th e own e r of the Property free and clear of a ll mortg ages, charges or othe r encumbrances exc ep t as provided herein. 4.Ifthere i s any Work Order, or deficiency notice atclosing, Seller Is responsible and has a 12 0day s to rectify such work order or deficie ncy "" ƒ '" (w 0 This form must be initiall ed by all parties lo the Agreement of Purchase a nd Sole. INITIALS OF BUYER(S) : c[p m 11,e ll'ode - i.. REAll'Qn, REAIJ'Oltlie, Ml.54!>, Usling Servica4 ond a,sociatld logo& o.. c,,med o, contolled t., La n,., Canoaoon R.al Auoeiolon PEAi and ld.nlify 1h. rec,1...,.. profeulonols who""' - ..bers of CREA ond lhe -- quat.1y of ...vlcM fiey p<OYide . U..d under f,oe,,. .. 0 2023, Onlario lteol E - Auoclollon (·OREA*} . All rlA.htt reMMd. This lo,m WCII d...aoc.d bf. OREA for h UMand r eprodudion bv ff, members ond l ice n - . Any omer UMor rep<cxluction Is prohibited e,cc,,pt wi4h prior wr,nen consent ol OREA. Do not alter w'hen printing 0t , - producing the ,tondard prNel portion. OREA bears no liab l l lly !or your.,.. ol lh11 form . INrTIALS OF SEWR(S): C© Fonn 500 Revised 2023 Page 7 of 9





Schedule A Agreement of Purchase and Sale - Commercial A Ontario Real Estate Association Form 500 fol uMJ in the Pr OYlnce of Onlotlo Th is Schedule ls ottoched to ond form s port of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between: BUYER: ......... ..... ......... .!. !:': .. '!f - . :';1: .. .'?.: ......... .. ...... .. ... . ... . ........... . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . ... . ..... ........ . . . . . .. . ......... . . . . . .......... . . ......... . ...... , . and SEWR: .... . . :". .. . . .} . ... . . .?. ...?.:. .} . ? : ...... ..... .......... ........ ......... ................. . ............ ... ......... ...... . ... .. ...... ........ . . . for the purch0$e and sole of . .. .......... ! ... - . ?. . . . . ... .... ......... .. . . . ......... .. ........ ............ ... ........ . .. . .. '!:' .:.'?. .......... .. .. . . ......... ....... ... ..... ... . ..... . . ..... 7. . .. .7. ... .............. d . ated the ........ ..:... ....... d . ay of .... ............ .. .. ...... ..... . .¥. ....... .... . .. . .. .... ... . . ... , . 2c:r.?... ............ . Buyer agrees to pay the balance as fallow s : THE SELLER COVENANTS AND AGRBBS with the Buyer that: i) as of and from t he Effecti ve Date, the Seller shall not further transfer, assign, convey or oth erwis e, in any manner whatsoever, deal with the Property or any part thereof including without limit ati on amend or renew the Leases, nor mortgage or charge the Property nor shall it allow, suff er o r permit any lien, encumbrance, restriction or interest to arise or to attach to or be regi stered against the Property, all without the Buyer's prior written consent thereto. ii) as of and from the Effective Date, the Seller shall not enter into any contracts or agreements affecting the Property without the written consent of the Buyer, iii) as of Closing, all Te nant inducements and leasehold improvement costs and charges payable or required to be paid by the Landlord pursuant to the Lease, Tenant allowances and incentives, Tenants leasehold construc tion r equi red to be performed by the Landlord pursuant t o the Leas e and all real estate commissions payable in re spect of the Lease and options thereto whether payable befo re or after Clo sing . hav e been paid, or if not pa id are the responsibility of the Seller and shall be adju s ted for on the stat em ent of adjustments. iv) the Sel ler shall provide the Buyer forthwith with all contracts related to the Property. As of Clo sing the re w ill be no con trac ts or agreements affect ing the operation of the Pro per ty; v) save and except as herein otherwise provided, the Seller shall operate, manage and maintain the Prop er ty to the Clo sing date as would a prudent owner. vi) as of •c losing, no work order shall exist; and vii) each of the representat ions and war rant ie s of the Seller made pursuant to thi s Agreeme nt shall be true and correct to the best of his knowle dge and belief and complied with fully in all resp ect at Closing. ON THE DAY OF CLOSING, the Seller agrees to deliver to the Buyer, in addition to any other clos i ng doc umentat i on , which may be required, the following; a) Deed or Transfer in regi strable form of the Property being conveyed. b) The originals of the Leases. c) an assignment by the Seller of all leases, offers to leas e . tenancy agreements and al l amendments thereto of space in the property and all rent relating ther e to. The Seller shall deli ver an indemnity in fav our of th e Buyer in co nnection with the assigned Leases and the Sell er's obligations thereund er arising prior to the Closing Date, d) A written direction from the Selle r to the Tenants directing each Tenant to pay al l futu re r entals to the Buyer, or as the Buyer may direct a nd advising the Tenant of the change in ownership . This form must be initialled by all parties to the Agreement of P urchase and Sole. INIIIALS Of BUYER($ cD m Tho RfAIJ'OR \ 9 RfAITOlS4'J . Mu_ U 1J' ancl ouociot9d logo& are owned o, La The c - .dlon Reel Eslall Aisociaion PEAi one! idenlily ... '1.ai..... proleuionoh who .... , ."'OEA and ... by -- quali1y cl ...ic.. hey p<0¥1de . Used under Sconse . 0 2023, Onlotio Real Ellolo Auaclotlon 1·0REA , 1 Al riahb ..._.....j. lhia lorm was " - loped bv OREA lor lhe use and repradudlan bv Its members and llc:AlnSffs . A,w otfle( use o, reprooudlan I s prohibited - •pl with poor wnhll consent cl OREA. Do not oiler w'hen pnnlng a, , - producing the slant3otd pr.,., par,1¢n. OREA boor, no lloblllty fa, 'fCAJI UM cl this lor m. INITIALS OF SEWR(S) : c@) Form 500 Revised 2023 Page 8 of 9





Form 500 lo, u,e inlhe PrO'tlnc:e of Ontorlo Schedule A Agreement of Purcha se and Sa l e - C omme r c i a l . - .n A Ontario Real Estate Association This Schedule Is attached to and forms port of the Agreement of Purchase and Sole between: BUYER: ....................... !. . .. . . ! .. ?:! . '?.:. ... ......... . . . . . .. . ......... . . . ................ . . . . . ................................... . . . . . . . .. . ........................,. a .. n . d . SEUER: .... . ?. ...! . . .'? .. . '? ?. .'? ?'. .. '? . . .. 7 .'? .. .'? : ...... .... ..... .. .... ........ .............. . . ... ....... . ................ . . ... .... . ........................... for the purchase and soleof . ............... !:!: g . .!: .. ... ...... .. ....... . . ..... . . ..... . .... . ... . ......... . . ... ........... . . . . . . ... . . . ':': .::. !: ............................ ...... .?. ............. . . . . .. . .... .. ! .... .............. . . doted 1he ...... ... !.. .......... day of ........... .................... X: ........ . . ... ................ , . 2 . < . :t.? ............... . B uy er agrees to pay the balance os follow$: e) An assignment of those contracts which th e Buyer is to assume (provided that nothing herein cont ained shall require the Buyer to assume contracts made between the Seller and a non - arms length third party) ,including a con se nt to the assignment by the other contracting party if required by law or the terms of the contract, and all acknowledgement by it that all paym ents due und er the terms of the con tract have been made and that the contrac t is not in default and is valid and subsisting, and a covenant by the Seller to that effect, together with the Seller's in demnity in connection with all and any defaults arising prior to closing relating to such cont racts , and an assignment of all warranti e s, guarantees and similar rights which the Seller may have in relation to the Property. the Buyer shall assume only those contracts it has agreed to assum e prior to closin g. f) An undertaki ng by the Seller to readjust a ny errors, omissions or changes in th e Statement of Adjustments. The Buyer shall deliver a corresponding undertaking to the Se ller . g) all duplicate k eys and master keys (if available) to the Building and units and facil itie s o n the Property and all machinery. ALL PARTIBS AGRBB th a t adjustments shall be made as of the Day of Closing with respect to rentals, tax es, utilities, ov erpayments of tenants• installments of tax and operating expense escalation s or payments, amounts collected from the Tenant on account of amortized costs, overpayments of othe r landlord's recoveries from the Tenant and other similar and usual adjustments and items, prepaid rents and security deposits. No adjustment shall be made in respect of any claim of the Sell er for any rental a rrear s , but the Seller shall remain enti t led to collect su ch arrears , and the Buyer shall turn over to the Seller any am ounts specifica l ly receiv e d by it on account of such arrears, the Seller shall d el iver to the Buy e r on the Date of Closing a list setting out the Tena nts and all rents in arr e ars by such Tenants . Pire and other insurance shall not be transf erred or adjusted. The Day of Closing shal l be for the Buyer ' s ac cou nt both as to re ven ue and expense. Thi s Agreement con sti tutes the en ti r e agreem e nt between the parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, negotiations and discussions, whether oral or w ritten, of the parties and there are no warranties, repre sen tation or other agreements between the parties in connection with the subject matter hereof ex cept as specifi cally set forth herein. IT IS UNDBRSTOOD AND AGR BBD that the Seller shall indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer for the paym ent of any and all work c ompleted on the b uilding prior to closing by any contractor. In the event that a contractor liens the property subsequent to closing for work done prior to closing, the Seller shall be responsible for any and al l costs. SBL LBR WARRANTS th at all chattels an d fixtures included in the purchase price shall be in work ing ord e r on date o f c lo sing h e r ein and f r • • of all encumbrances. !bis wazxauLJ &ball auzvive lot a . T . J . '.ia :: ,w.:.;;; fEz:i .................. @=J This form must be initialled by all parties lo the Agreement of Purchase and Sole. 1NfflA1.S OF BUYER(S ) I cC : b m Th. REAIJOM,l::' ƒ ' se MLSe, Ulfln g Scnl - e olld os,odollld logos en owned o r contoled b/ L J3 The Canodion R.al Etlolo • and identify h real - p,oleulonok who ore........,.,. cf CREA and 11,e ... ,,.. quoli1 y cf M1Yicos hey provide. Used undo, ... 0 2023, Onlorlo Real Eslolo A&soclotion l"OREA1. Al right. re... - ...1. lhi 1 lonn wa, bv O REA lo, lhe u.. and reproduction bv i t1 membe<1 and licenMes (!Illy. Any oilier UMt or r cxluction 1 1 prohibiled .,..,p1 wtth pnor w,1..., consent cf OREA. Do not oiler w'h.n prining or reproduc i ng the11onclord pr•MI po<1<>n. OREA be , ar no lloblR ly ro, your u,. cf IN, form. IN111A1S OF SEW R(S) o cw Form 5 00 Revised 2023 Page 9 of 9





· OntarioRealEstate Schedule Association ---- Agreement of Purchase and Sale • Commercial B Form 505 lot UMt in the Province of OnlOrio Th is Schedule Is a ttac hed to and forms port of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between: BUYER: ................ .. ........... . r . ff9.}gJ. .& . JNG. .... ........... ........ . . ......... . . . . . .. . ........................ . .. .. ..................................................,.. a . n .. d sEUER: .Y .9.P.m:Y.. f 9.n.I M - 9. . 2SY.J 2t n&.Grn P.J .. .. .. .. ... ..... . . .... . . . .... . . . .. . .... . . . ......................... ... .... ... . ........ ......... . . . . . . ... . .. for the purchase and sale of ......... . ........ M . . 9.P.9. U .R9.g ...................... . .................................................... . . . . . . ................. . .......... . . .... . .. . ........ ....... ....... ... ... ..... ................. .......... . ..... dated the . ... ..... J .......... doyof ... ........ .. . ....... ............. . M Y. ................................... , 2 . . . ...... . .. .. ln accordance with Subsection 27 of the Real Estate and Business Brok ers Act, 2002, the panics hereby acknowledges that the Deposit Holder , RE/MAX Excel Realty Ltd. Brokerage, shall place thedeposit in trust in its NON - INTEREST bearing real estate trust account and no interest shall be earned, received or paid on thedeposit The Buyerand Selleragree and/or acknowledge that all measurements and infonnati on provided by RE/MAX Excel Realty Ltd. Brok erage onth e MLS listing, Feature Sheets, and any other marketing materials forthesubject property, have been supplied for reference purposes only , and such RF1MAX Excel Realty L td . Brokerage docs not warrant th e ir accuracy . The Buyer is advised to verify any measurements or infom \ ation upon which heor sheis relying . In the event that any Con di tions contained in this Agreement of Purcha se and Sale arc not fulfil.led , the panics to this Agreement (Buyer and Seller) acknowledge and accept that this Agreement shall bedeclared nuU and void. The Seller(s)shall have the right to offer the property for sa l e again wi1.h o ut any consent and/or release from the Buyer(s). The Parties agree to sign a Mutual Release for this Agreement within forty - eight(48) hours thereafte r. The Parties acknowledge that no information provide d by RE/MAX Excel Realty Ltd . Brokerage's representatives is to be construed as expert le gal, tax, financial, building condition, wning, construction, en v ironmental or othe r professional advice. The panics furtheracknowledge that the represen tatives of the Listing Brokerages in this transacti on have recommended that they consult with any such professional advisors pri or tosigning thi s Agreement. In accordance with th e Federal Privacy Act(PI P EDA), upon the acceptance of this Agreement, all parties to this transacti on consent to the publication and distribution of the sa le price of this property , before and afterclosing . The brokerages and the sales representatives named in thi s Agreement arc authorized to advertise and disclose thesale pri ceand othe r information with the exception of the names of the Buyer and Seller and any o f their personal info=tion toot . hcr realtors and to the public for th e purpose of promoting theirdaily real estate activities. Information provided on the MLS Listing may not beaccurate . Toensure accuracy, Buyer and/or Buyer's Real Estate Agent to verify all taxes , f ees and measurements. DIRECT DEPOSIT/WIRE TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS Note: Funds can only be wired/deposited to ourtrust account on accepted offers. Please notify theTransaction Services Department by email to : dealsccretary@remax exce l.com and provide the address of the property, client name and theamount being wired/directly deposited, a copy of thedeposit re cei pt from the bank and a copy of thechequeor bank draft (if applicable). Please note this could take 3 - 4 days before we ca n confirm receipt . Toronto Dominion Banking A ddress : 220 Commerce Valley W Suite 100, Markham, ON , L3T OAS Account Holder: RE/MAX Exce l Realty Ltd., Brokerage Real Estate Trust Account Payable Nam e: RE/MAX Excel Realty Ltd ., lo Trus t Transit#: 18822 Institution #: 004 Accoun t #: S2 22180 Swift Code: TDOMCATITOR Interm ediary Bank : Bankof America Intermediary Bank Address: New Yorlc, New York USA Routing Number: 026009S93 Buyer to pay $17.SO Serv i c e Charge (only applies on Wire Transfer. Noservice charge for Direct Deposit). This form must be i n i tialled by all part i es lo the Agreement of Purchase and Sole. INITIALS OFBUYER(S): (D [D The lrOCMfflarlt, REAITOle 1 REAITOA MLS4P, Multlf'I, Ulling oncl cmoc)lolad logol ore OWMd OI COMoled bf The Canodion Reel Elloll AOsocio1ion ond idrily... ,..,, - prolelsionols who oi. - ,be,, of CREA one!... -- quo5ly of teMC» S hy pro,nde. Used under ... 0 2023 , Onlorio R.al Eslall Auoc:lo•on !'OR EA , "I Al rig_hll .. - we!. Thi, lonn was clew,loped hr. OREA !or 11,e use ond reproducllan bv Its memben ond lloenM.s only . MV ctltM - 0< reptoituction Is prol,lbiled ei«:eJ)I with pnor wnloo consent of OREA. Do not a l ter w'hen ptlnllng a< reproducing the stondatd p, - ponon . OREA bears no liobl(Uy for '(OAK UM of this lorm. INITIALS OF SEWR(S): c(fzl) ,orm 505 Revised 2023 Page 1 of 1





Confirmation of Co - operation and Representation Buyer/Seller A Ontario Real Estate Association Form 320 for U$8 in 11,e Provine:• of Ontorio . 1: .} ?.l: .;. ... . f: ....... . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .......... . . .... .... ..... . . ......... .... ............ . . .. .......... ........ ...... . ..... ........ . . ... .. .. .... . ... . BUYER: ............ . ....... . ..... <; SEWR: . : - '. . . . ':' :.¥ . .. . ' . '::! . . ?. .. . ' ? . ' ! . .. !' : ? . ':1 g .. : . ....... . ................ . .................................................. . ............................... For the transaction on the property knownas: .; ....•..... . .1: . '? Y. . .. .. .... . .. ..... ............. .. ......... . . ...... !?.1:. !? .................. . ... . . . .!. . . DEFINfflONS AND INTERPRETATIONS : For the purposes of this Confirmation of Cooperation and Representation : ·Seller" includes a vendor , a landlord, lessor or a prospective seller, vendor , landlord or lessor and · Buyer • i nclude $ o purchaser, tena nt,l essee or o prospective buyer , purchaser , tenant or lessee and ·sole • i ncludeso lease , and ·Agreement of Purchase and Sole • includes on Agreement lo lease . Co mmiss i on shall be deemed to include other remuneration . The following information is confirmed by the uncl . nignecl salesperson/broker tatives of the Bn>keroge(s) . If a Co - operating Brokerage is involved in the transaction, the brokerages agree lo co - operate , in consideration of, and on the terms and conditions as set out below . DECLARATION OF INSURANCE : The undersigned salespenon/brok er repmenlotive(s) of the Bn>kerage(s) her . by declare that he/sht is insured as required by the Real Eslate and Business Broken Act , 2002 , (REaaA) . 1. USTING BROKERAGE a) The Listing Brokerage represents the interests of the Seller in this tronsoction. It is further understood and agreed that: 1) The Listing Brokerage is not repre senting or providing Customer Service to the Buyer. (If the Buyer is working with a Co - <>peroting Brokerage , Section 3 is to be completed by Co - <>peroting Broke rage) 2) D The listing Brokerage is providing Cus tomer Service to the Buyer . b) D MULTIPLE REPRES ENTATION : Thelisting Brokerage hos entered into o Buyer Representation Agreement with the B uyer and represe nts the inte re sts of the Seller and the Buyer , with their consent , for this tronsoction . The li s t ing Brokerage must be lmportiol and equally protect the i nterests of the Seller and the Buyer i n this tron$0dion. The listing Broke rag e hos o duty of full disclosure lo both the SeRer a nd the Buyer, in cludingo requirement lo disclose all factual information about the property known t o the listing Brokerage . Howeve r, the Usting Brokerage shall not disclose: • That the Seller may or will accept less than the listed pr ice, unless otherwise instructed in writ i ngby the Seller; • That the B uyer may or will pay more than the offered price , unles s otherwise i nstrucet d in wr iti ng by the Buyer; • The motivation of or personal information about the Seller or Buyer, unless otherwise in structed i n wr iting by th . e party to wh ich the information applies, or unless failure tod i sclose would constitute fraudulen , t unlawfu l or unethical pra ctic e; • The price the Buyer should offer or the price the Seller sho uld accept; • And ; the listing Brokerage shall not disclose to the Buyer the terms of any othe r offet. However , I t is understood that foctuol market I nformation about comparable propert i es and information known to the li st in g Br oke rage concerning potential uses for the property will be disclosed to both Seller and Buyer to assist them to come to their own conclu sion s. Addi tion al comments and/or disclosures by Listing Brokerage : (e.g., The listing Brokerage represents more than one Buyer offllfing on thi s property .) 2, PROPERTY SOLD IY BUYER BROKERAGE - PROPERTY NO T LISTED D The Brok erage .................. . ......... represent the Buyer and theproperty Is no! listed w ith any real eslate brokerag e. The Brok eragewill be paid ( does / doe s noll D D or: by the Seller I n accordance with o Seller Customer Service Agreement by the Buyer directly Additional c omments and/or disclosures by Buyer Brokerage : (e.g., The B uy e r Brok erage repr ese nts more than one Buyer offering on this property.) INmALS OF BUYER(S)/SEWR(S)/BROKERAGE REPRESENTATIVE{S) (Where applicable) fP " _ @ . _ ._ u The REAIJ OR$.. :OR54P , ,.,., U'1lng Sorrice,9 ood ouociolld logo& ore owned or eontoled bf lheConodlan Reel lion CINI identify h ,oc,1..ia1a proleuionol& who or e .. - hen of OfA and lhe - quor,1y of MMCeS f,ey prOO/lde. Uted under nse . 0 2023 , Onla rio RealEllole A saoclafion l"OREA' ) . All riglm r e,erved . lhi, lonn WOl bv OREA fer ti,. UM and reprod ue!ion bv n, memben and Ileen - only. Any oln.r u,e or reproduction 1, prohibited elCCl!l>I wilh prior wrfllen oonMnl of OREA Do not olte< wl.. pr inti ng or reproducing h •la ndard pr....t portion. OREA beot, no liob iUty for yo,x u,. of lh l • lcm, . Form 320 Revbed 2023 Page 1 of 2





3. Co - oper at ing Brokerage completes Section 3 and Usting Brokerage completes Section 1. CO - OPERATING BROKERAGE • REPRESENTATION : a) The C0<>perolin9 Br oke rage represents the in ter e sts of the Buyer In this tron$0Clion . b) D The C0<>peroting Brokerage is provid ing Cus tomer Service to the Buye r in this transaction. c) D TheCo - operating Brokerageisnot re present ing the Bu yer and hosnot enter ed into on agreement t o provi de custome r service(s) to theBuyer. CO - oPERATING BROKERAGE • COMMISSION: a) The listing Broke rage will paythe Co - operating Br ok erage th e commi ssion as in d icated in the MLS® information for th e property .......... ...... ... .; .. . I?.':1.7.7. !' . ! .. : - : .. :!.'.. ! ....... . . . . .... . . to be paid from the amount paid by the Seller to thelisting B . rokerage . (Commission N Indicated In Ms - lnlonnoHon) up on closing - (;.. - ::; - ) II b) D The Co - operating Brokerage w ill be pa id a s follows : _.. lf2.J 0 Additional comments and/or disclosures by Co - operating Brokerage: (e.g., The Co - o perating Brokerage represents more than one Buyer offering on this property.) Commission will be payable as descri bed above, plus applicable taxe s . COMMISSION TRUST AGREEMENT : If the above C<><>peroting Brokerage is receiving payment of commission from the listing Brokerag , e then the agreement between listing Brokerage and C 0 <>perating Brokerage further includes o Commission Tr ust Agreemen t, the consideration for which is the Co - operating Brokerage procuring on offer for o trade of the property, acc eptabl e to the Seller . Th is Commission T rust Agreement shall be subject to and governed by th e MLS • rules and regulations pertaining to commission t rusb of the Lis ting Brokerage 's local real estate board, ii the local board's MLS • rules ond regulations so prov ide . Otherwise, the provisions of the OREA recommended MLS - r ules and regul a tions shall apply to th is Commission Trust Agree ment . For the purpose of this Com m is sion T rust Agreement, the CQl!lmission Trust Amount sh a ll be the am ount noted in Section 3 above . The Listing Brokerage hereby declares that all monies received i n connection with the trade shall constitute o Commission Trust and sh all be held, in trust, for the Co - opera ting Brokerage under the terms of the applicable MLS • rules and reg u l ations . SIGNED BY nu BROKIR/SAUSPERSONREPRESENTATIVE(S) OF THE BROKERAGE(S) (Where applicable) 201 CONSlllllUUI JU> •• 9TB. 205 TORONTO ON M2J4G8 RB/MAX EXCEL REALTY L TD., BROKERAGE (Nome of UMing Brobroge) . 5 . 0 ... A .. c . a .. d . i . a .. A .. v .. e .. S .. u .. i . t . e . . . 1 . . . .. 2 .. 0 ............. . . . .. M ... a . r . k .. h . a .. m .......... O .. N .... . . L . .. 3 .... R .. O . .. . . B 3 . . .. HOMELIFB NEW WORLD REALTY INC. (Nome ol Cooperating/Buyer 8rolceroge) (A iiec'ik>·bi.:ia· c ;;g1 ·e;;c*.; i" jo'.c;; j···· · · · ·····.·. · ········· ; J e;. ; i · li ai······················ · · · · · · · · · · · · ····· tivr1liJ1l?. .;.;?.? . .... . Fox: ......... . t .; / ; · ; ; · · · · · · · · · r T .?.:: :?. ?:. - . ?. . ........ Fox: . . ...... ... . . ? .: - . ?. ::. .?. ?.. ........... ii.;g· ;;.;; ;················· «21(?. ! . ............ . ( R Pr U i I i· Z . H ;; E ;J NG ; M j/ I >;i i C · H E , L :, L ;;J E OU ; Y A ;. N ; G i ii k / s ·o1 1i· o c i i ······· ·· ·................ . . . . ....... . . CONSENT FOR MULTIPl.l REPRESENTATION (To be completed only if the Brokerage represents more than one client for the transaction ) The Buyer and Seller conMnt with their initials to their Brourage senting men than one client for thistrumaction. C) INrTIALS OF IUYER(S) INITIALS OP SEW R(S ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT m eived , read, and undentancl the above information. :f t isiij it;;;.; i ri · - · Vlq S! (F, . .? ? .......... . (Signature of Seller! ------- (Do te) (Signature of Buyer) 05/19/2023 · · i · :··· ii:i ;·· ····· ···· ········· ··· ······ ···· !Dole) . • • •••• ••.• ••• ••.•• • . ... (S g i na tru e of Seller) i D j ..... . . ...... .... ...... . . ....... 1 m TIM trodeniorlt, REAIJC>Re RfA!.T S®, MLS<e, Mukif>l, U1tl09 SeNtc.>e and o),oc lolld logo) ore owned 0< conrolled by LD The Ccnodlon Real E - "" ƒƒƒ ""' PEAi and identify the ieal Mlole proleosionok wl,o ore rn•n1ben of CREA and lhe -- quality of >orvicM !hey . U..d '""* r_,$8. 0 2023, Onlorio Real E - Auoclollon ("OREA·). All riah b re,er;ed . Thi, lorrn wu, dewlop..J bv OREA lor the use and r eprodudion bv its members Olld I an - (!Illy. Any o"1.r ""'or reproiiudion ia prohlbiled with pno r wr f •.,, consent cl OREA. Do not oho, when prln Mng or reproducing theslondord pre - Ml potllon. OREA beor, noliability ro, - yo,,t UM cl lhl. lorrn. Ponn 320 ReviMl<I 2023 Page 2 of 2
