EX-10.1 4 ex10-1.htm


Exhibit 10.1



Nova Minerals Limited




Nebari Gold Fund 1, LP


Loan Agreement


The Allens contact for this document is Rob Watt


Deutsche Bank Place

Corner Hunter and Phillip Streets

Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

T +61 2 9230 4000

F +61 2 9230 5333



© Allens Australia 2022


Allens is an independent partnership operating in alliance with Linklaters LLP.






1 Definitions and Interpretation 5
  1.1 Definitions 5
  1.2 Interpretation 14
  1.3 Document or agreement 15
  1.4 Determination, statement and certificate 15
  1.5 Accounting terms 15
  1.6 Code of Banking Practice 15
  1.7 Consents and Opinions 15
2 Purpose 15
3 Facilities 15
4 Interest 16
  4.1 Interest rate 16
  4.2 Payment 16
  4.3 Capitalisation of interest 16
  4.4 Overdue amounts 16
5 Repayment 17
  5.1 Repayment at Maturity Date 17
  5.2 No reborrowing 17
6 Conversion Rights 17
  6.1 Lender Conversion Right 17
  6.2 Conversion at anytime 17
  6.3 Lender Notice of conversion 17
  6.4 Borrower Conversion Right 18
  6.5 Effect of Conversion 18
  6.6 Ranking 19
  6.7 Bonus issues 19
  6.8 Rights issues 19
  6.9 Reorganisation 19
  6.10 Adjustment on significant events 20
  6.11 Parties to agree on Conversion Price 20
7 Prepayment 20
  7.1 Optional prepayment 20
  7.2 Mandatory prepayment 21
  7.3 No reborrowing 22
8 Payments 22
  8.1 Manner 22
  8.2 Payment to be made on Business Day 22
  8.3 Rounding 22
  8.4 Currency indemnity 22
  8.5 Conversion of currencies 23
9 Tax Gross Up and Indemnities 23
  9.1 Definitions 23
  9.2 Tax Gross-up 23
  9.3 Tax indemnity 24
  9.4 Tax Credit 24
  9.5 FATCA Deduction 24




10 Change in Law 25
  10.1 Illegality 25
  10.2 Increased costs 25
  10.3 Change in Law 25
11 Conditions Precedent 25
  11.1 Conditions precedent to drawing each Tranche 25
  11.2 Conditions precedent to all drawings 26
12 Representations and Warranties 26
  12.1 Representations and warranties 26
  12.2 Reliance on and repetition of representations and warranties 30
13 Undertakings 30
  13.1 Positive undertakings 30
  13.2 Negative undertakings 33
  13.3 Financial Covenants 35
  13.4 Term of undertakings 35
14 Events of Default 35
  14.1 Events of Default 35
  14.2 Consequences 39
15 Indemnities and Break Costs 39
15.1 Indemnities 39
15.2 Break costs 39
16 Arrangement Fees 40
17 Expenses 40
18 Duties and GST 40
  18.1 Duties 40
  18.2 GST 41
19 Anti-corruption and Sanctions 41
20 Anti-money laundering 41
  20.1 Compliance 41
  20.2 No Restricted Party 41
  20.3 Block transactions 41
  20.4 Provision of information 42
  20.5 No breach of Sanctions 42
21 General PPSA Provisions 42
22 Set-Off 43
23 Lender Audit Rights and Reporting Rights 43
24 Waivers, Remedies Cumulative 44
25 Severability of Provisions 44
26 Survival of Obligations 44
27 Moratorium Legislation 44
28 Assignments 44
  28.1 Assignment by Borrower 44
  28.2 Assignment by Lender 45
  28.3 Sub-participations and security 45
  28.4 Disclosure 45
  28.5 No increased costs 46




29 Amendment of Finance Documents 46
30 Notices 46
31 Process Agent 46
32 Confidentiality 47
  32.1 Confidentiality 47
  32.2 Permitted disclosure 47
  32.3 Survival of obligation 47
33 Authorised Officers 47
34 Governing Law and Jurisdiction 48
35 Counterparts 48
36 Acknowledgement by the Borrower 48
Schedule 1   49
  Notice Details 49
Schedule 2   50
  Conditions Precedent 50
Schedule 3   52
  Drawdown Notice 52
Schedule 4   53
  Verification Certificate 53
Schedule 5   54
  Tenements   54




This Agreement is made on       21 November 2022




1 Nova Minerals Limited (ABN 84 006 690 348) of Suite 602, 566 St Kilda Rd Melbourne, VIC 3004 (the Borrower).
2 Nebari Gold Fund 1, LP, of 460 NE 28th Street, Unit 4201, Miami, Florida 33137 (the Lender).




The Borrower has requested that the Lender (i) provide the Borrower with loans in a total principal amount of up to US$7,142,857; and (ii) invest the Lender Equity in the Borrower.


It is agreed as follows.


1Definitions and Interpretation




The following definitions apply unless the context requires otherwise.


A$ and AUD mean the lawful currency of Australia.


Associate in relation to an entity means:


(a)a Related Entity of that entity;


(b)an entity, or the trustee or manager of a trust, which has a Controlling Interest in that entity, or a Related Entity of that entity;


(c)a Related Entity of an entity included in paragraph (b) or (e);


(d)a director of that entity or of an entity included in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) or of the manager or of the trustee of any trust included in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) or a spouse, child, parent or sibling of that director;


(e)a corporation, or the trustee or manager of a trust, in which one or more entity or person mentioned in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (f) or (g) alone or together has a Controlling Interest;


(f)the trustee of a discretionary trust of which an entity or person included in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (g) is a beneficiary (whether or not through one or more other discretionary trusts); or


(g)an entity of which a director of that entity or a Related Entity of that entity is also a director.


For the purposes of this definition:


(i)where a person is a beneficiary of a discretionary trust, that person will be taken to own, and control, all the assets of that trust;


(ii)director has the meaning given in the Corporations Act; and


(iii)a person has a controlling interest in a corporation or trust if:


(A)the corporation or its directors, or the trustee or manager of the trust or its directors, are accustomed, or under an obligation, whether formal or informal, to act in accordance with the directions, instructions or wishes of that person or of that person in concert with others; or




(B)the person has a relevant interest (as defined in the Corporations Act) in total in more than 20% of the issued or voting shares, units or other interests in the corporation or trust (in number, voting power or value), or would have that relevant interest if any rights were exercised to subscribe for, or acquire or convert into, shares, units or other interests which are issued or unissued. The definition of relevant interest applies as if units or other interests were shares.


ASX means the Australian Securities Exchange.


Authorisation includes:


(a)any consent, authorisation, registration, filing, lodgement, agreement, notarisation, certificate, permission, licence, approval, authority or exemption from, by or with a Government Agency; or


(b)in relation to anything which will be fully or partly prohibited or restricted by law if a Government Agency intervenes or acts in any way within a specified period after lodgement, filing, registration or notification, the expiry of that period without intervention or action.


Authorised Officer means:


(a)in respect of the Borrower, any director or secretary, or any person from time to time nominated as an Authorised Officer by it by a notice to the Lenders accompanied by certified copies of signatures of all new persons so appointed; and


(b)in respect of the Lender, any person whose title or acting title includes the word Chief, Counsel, Executive, Head, Director, Manager, Co-Manager, General Partner or President or cognate expressions, or any secretary or director.


Bonus Issue has the meaning given in the Listing Rules.


Borrower Conversion Date has the meaning given to it in clause 6.4(b)(iii).


Borrower Conversion Notice has the meaning given to it in clause 6.4(a).


Borrower Conversion Right has the meaning given to it in clause 6.4(a).


Borrower Conversion Threshold has the meaning given to it in clause 6.4(b)(i).


Business Day means a weekday on which banks are open in Melbourne and New York.


Change of Control means a person who does not have “control” (as defined in Section 50AA of the Corporations Act) of the Borrower as at the date of this agreement obtains control of the Borrower.


Closing Date means the date on which the Lender funds the Tranche 1 Principal Amount to the Borrower’s (USD-denominated) account as specified by the Borrower in a Drawdown Notice given to the Lender no later than 11 am New York time 5 Business Days (or such later time as the Lender may agree) before the proposed Closing Date (which must be a Business Day).


Code means the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986.


Compliance Certificate means a compliance certificate in form and substance satisfactory to the Lender signed by two directors of the Borrower confirming the Borrower’s compliance (or otherwise) with the Financial Covenants, including reasonable details of any calculations and evidence supporting that confirmation.


Controller means a ‘controller’ as defined in the Corporations Act.




Conversion Amount means, an amount up to 100% of the Principal Amount plus any accrued and unpaid interest (and any outstanding fees or expenses due from the Borrower under this agreement) in respect of the Principal Amount, payable to the Lender under this agreement.


Conversion Date means a Lender Conversion Date or a Borrower Conversion Date (as applicable).


Conversion Notice means a Lender Conversion Notice or a Borrower Conversion Notice (as applicable).


Conversion Price means a price per Nova Share equal to a 30% premium to the volume weighted adjusted price for the 15 trading days immediately preceding the earlier of (i) the Documentation Completion Date and (ii) the date on which the Borrower publicly announces the loan available to it under this agreement, converted at the AUD:USD exchange rate published by the Reserve Bank of Australia on the Business Day immediately preceding the Conversion Date.


Conversion Right means a Lender Conversion Right and/or a Borrower Conversion Right (as applicable).


Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).


Current Accounting Practice at any time, means accounting principles and practices applying by law or otherwise generally accepted in Australia at that time, consistently applied.


Default means an Event of Default or a Potential Event of Default.


Documentation Completion Date means the date on which:


(a)each of the conditions precedent described in Part A of Schedule 2, other than those that, by their nature must be satisfied on the Closing Date, has been satisfied in accordance with clause 11.1(a) or waived by the Lender; and


(b)this Agreement is executed.


Drawdown Date means the date on which a Loan is, or is requested by the Borrower in a Drawdown Notice to be, drawn (as the context requires).


Drawdown Notice means a notice substantially in the form of Schedule 3.


Environmental Law means a provision of a law or a law, which relates to an aspect of planning, the environment, heritage, health or safety.


Equity Raise means the raising of up to approximately US$10,000,000 (or A$ equivalent) in new equity by the Borrower, including the Lender Equity and with the option of over subscription.


Event of Default means any of the events specified in clause 14.1.


Expert means a person of appropriate reputation, standing and relevant experience who has no professional link, and no direct or indirect personal interest in the outcome of the dispute or the issue in respect of which they are consulted, agreed by the Borrower and the Lender or, failing agreement within two Business Days of the parties commencing discussions to select a person who is an expert in relation to the ASX Listing Rules, nominated by the President of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (at the request of either the Lender or the Borrower).


Extended Borrower Conversion Date has the meaning given to it in clause 6.4(d).


FATCA means:


(a)sections 1471 to 1474 of the Code or any associated regulations;


(b)any treaty, law or regulation of any other jurisdiction, or relating to an intergovernmental agreement between the US and any other jurisdiction, which (in either case) facilitates the implementation of any law or regulation referred to in paragraph (a) above; or




(c)any agreement pursuant to the implementation of any treaty, law or regulation referred to in paragraphs (a) or (b) above with the US Internal Revenue Service, the US government or any governmental or taxation authority in any other jurisdiction.


FATCA Deduction means a deduction or withholding from a payment under a Finance Document required by FATCA.


Finance Debt means indebtedness (whether actual or contingent) in respect of money borrowed or raised or other financial accommodation. It includes indebtedness under or in respect of:


(a)a Guarantee of Finance Debt or a Guarantee given to a financier;


(b)a finance lease;


(c)a swap, option, hedge, forward, futures or similar transaction;


(d)an acceptance, endorsement or discounting arrangement;


(e)a redeemable share or redeemable stock; or


(f)the deferred purchase price (for more than 45 days) of an asset or service,or an obligation to deliver assets or services paid for in advance by a financier or otherwise relating to a financing transaction (including any prepayment, streaming, royalty or similar financing).


Finance Document means:


(a)this agreement;


(b)each Drawdown Notice;


(c)any fee letter or other agreement under which the Borrower agrees to pay amounts to the Lender in connection with the Loans; and


(d)any agreement or document that the Borrower and the Lender agree is a Finance Document, or a document or agreement entered into or provided under or in connection with, or for the purpose of amending or novating, any of the above.


Financial Covenants means the covenants in clause 13.3.


Financial Reports means balance sheet, income and cashflow statements together with any reports (including any directors’ and auditors’ reports) and notes attached to or intended to be read with any of them.


Forced Conversion Date means the first Business Day following the expiry of the Forced Notice.


Funded Amount means an amount up to US$7,000,000.00, comprising:


(a)the Tranche 1 Funded Amount; and


(b)the Tranche 2 Principal Amount.


Good Operating Practice means the exercise of skill, prudence and operating practice which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced owner and operator engaged in the same business as the Borrower under similar circumstances, with the exercise of skill, prudence and operating practice to be substantially in accordance with internationally recognised best practices in the gold industry.


Government Agency means any government or any governmental, semi-governmental or judicial entity or authority. It also includes any self-regulatory organisation established under statute or any stock exchange.


Group means the Borrower and each of its Subsidiaries.




Group Structure Chart means the group structure chart delivered by the Borrower to the Lender pursuant to item [12] of Part A of Schedule 2.


GST means any goods and services or similar tax, together with any related interest, penalties, fines or other charge.


Guarantee means an obligation or offer to provide funds (including by subscription or purchase) or otherwise be responsible in respect of an obligation or indebtedness, or the financial condition or insolvency, of another person. It includes a guarantee, indemnity, letter of credit or legally binding letter of comfort, or an obligation or offer to purchase an obligation or indebtedness of another person.


Interest Payment Date means the last Business Day of each calendar month.


Interest Period means a period for the fixing of the interest rate for a Loan. The first period commences on the Drawdown Date on which the Loan is drawn and ends at midnight on the next Interest Payment Date. Each subsequent period commences at 12:01 am on the first day of the following Interest Period and ends on the next Interest Payment Date or (if earlier) the Maturity Date.


Interest Rate means for an Interest Period for a Loan:


(a)if no Event of Default subsists, the rate per annum equal to the aggregate of the Term SOFR Delta on the first day of that Interest Period plus 6.0% per annum; or


(b)if an Event of Default subsists, the rate per annum under paragraph (a) plus an additional 15.0% per annum.


For avoidance of doubt, the Interest Rate under paragraph (a) shall not be any lower than 6.0% and no higher than 9.0%, as long as there is no Default.


Lender Conversion Date means the date on which the Lender subscribes or will subscribe for, and the Borrower issues or will issue to the Lender, Nova Shares as specified in a Lender Conversion Notice.


Lender Conversion Notice has the meaning given to it in clause 6.3.


Lender Conversion Right has the meaning given to it in clause 6.1.


Lender Equity means the issue by the Borrower by private placement to the Lender (or one or more other parties nominated by the Lender) of Nova Shares for an aggregate purchase price equal to US$2,500,000 at a price per share equal to the issue price for the Equity Raise (rounded down, if required, to the nearest next whole number) to be completed on the Closing Date.


Lending Office means the office of the Lender described above or another office designated by it as a Lending Office by notice to the Borrower.


Liquidation includes receivership or other appointment of a Controller, deregistration, compromise, deed of arrangement, amalgamation, administration, reconstruction, winding up, dissolution, assignment for the benefit of creditors, arrangement or compromise with creditors or bankruptcy.


Listing Rules means the official listing rules of the ASX as amended from time to time.


Loan means:


(a)the Tranche 1 Principal Amount; or


(b)the Tranche 2 Principal Amount,plus, in each case, any capitalised interest payable to the Lender under this agreement and added to that Loan under clause 4.3.




Material Adverse Effect means a material adverse effect on:


(a)the business, operation, property, condition (financial or otherwise) or prospects of the Borrower or its Subsidiaries (taken as a whole);


(b)the ability of the Borrower to perform, observe or fulfil any of its payment or other material obligations under a Finance Document; or


(c)the validity or enforceability of, or the effectiveness of the rights or remedies of the Lender under a Finance Document.


Maturity Date means the date which is 24 months from the Closing Date (or the immediately preceding Business Day).


Material Contract means:


(a)the Incorporated Joint Venture Agreement dated 17 December 2017 between the Borrower, AK Minerals Pty Ltd and AKCM (AUST) Pty Ltd; and


(b)any other document which the Lender and the Borrower agree is a Material Contract.


Nova Shares means freely tradable ordinary shares in the Borrower that rank equally with all other fully paid ordinary shares on issue in the Borrower.


OID means the original issue discount applied to the Tranche 1 Principal Amount at the OID Rate.


OID Rate means in respect of the Tranche 1 Principal Amount, 2.778%.


Outstanding Money means all money which the Borrower is or at any time may become actually or contingently liable to pay to or for the account of the Lender for any reason whatever under or in connection with a Finance Document, whether or not currently contemplated.


It includes money by way of principal, interest, fees, costs, indemnity, charges, duties or expenses or payment of liquidated or unliquidated damages under or in connection with a Finance Document, or as a result of a breach of or default under or in connection with a Finance Document.


It also includes money that the Borrower would have been liable to pay but for its Liquidation or a set-off claimed by it, or some other reason.


Permitted Disposal means:


(a)a disposal made in the ordinary course of day-to-day trading on arm’s length, commercial terms;


(b)disposals of the Borrower’s shares in Snow Lake Resources Ltd and Asra Minerals Ltd, but only to the extent that any cash proceeds of any such disposal are invested into the Project and are not paid by way of dividend or other return of capital to any Borrower shareholder; or


(c)any other disposal made with the prior written consent of the Lender, which shall not be unreasonably withheld if the Borrower demonstrates that such disposal is at fair market value, the assets being disposed of are not required for the development of the Project, the proceeds of such disposal are to be applied in accordance with clause 7.2 (if required) and no Default exists at the time of such disposal or could reasonably be expected to occur upon or following completion of such disposal.


Permitted Finance Debt means:


(a)the following Finance Debt existing as of the date of this agreement:


(i)Lease, dated 7 April 2021, between LCA Bank Corporation and AK Custom Mining LLC; provided, however, that all amounts due under this lease are paid within 180 days after the Closing Date and the lease is terminated;





(b)any Finance Debt among members of the Group to the Borrower;


(c)any Finance Debt incurred or permitted to be incurred under any Finance Document;


(d)any finance lease entered into by any member of the Group relating to the Project up to an aggregate amount of US$2.5 million; provided, however, no member of the Group may guarantee the payment of lease obligations under any such finance lease and any recourse for breach of any such finance lease shall be limited to repossession of the personal property secured by such lease and not against any member of the Group for fees, interest or other costs;


(e)any liability under any agreement entered into in the ordinary course of ordinary business for the acquisition of any asset or service where payment for the asset or service is deferred for a period of not more than 60 days and related financial transaction sum is less than US$150,000;


(f)any operating leases or inferred leases recognised on balance sheet under Accounting Standard AASB16/IFRS16 where the total amount payable under all such leases does not exceed US$200,000 or its equivalent in any other currency per annum at any time;


(g)any inter-company claims of the Group or its Associates which are subordinated (on terms acceptable to the Lender) to the Finance Debt incurred under the Finance Documents;


(h)any Finance Debt incurred by the Borrower in relation to intraday exposures under its transactional accounts resulting from payments being made in the ordinary course of ordinary business, but only to the extent that the total of those amounts does not at any time exceed US$200,000 or its equivalent in any other currency in aggregate; and


(i)any other Finance Debt approved in writing by the Lender.


Permitted Security Interest means:


(a)any netting or set-off arrangement entered into by the Borrower in the ordinary course of its banking arrangements for the purpose of netting debit and credit balances;


(b)any Security Interest constituted by arrangements for the retention by a vendor, lessor or consignor of title to goods entered into by the Borrower in the ordinary course of trading and in accordance with its standard terms of business pending payment in full of the purchase price or rent so long as the amount it secures is paid when due or contested in good faith and provisioned for appropriately;


(c)any Security Interest arising by operation of law or in the ordinary course of day-to-day trading of the Borrower and not securing Finance Debt where the Borrower duly pays the indebtedness secured by that lien when due;


(d)any Security Interest arising from any finance lease permitted under the definition of Permitted Finance Debt; and


(e)any Security Interest created with prior written consent of the Lender.


Permitted Transaction means:


(a)a transaction under the Finance Documents;


(b)the Equity Raise and the Lender Equity;




(c)the listing of the shares of the Borrower or any Subsidiary on a US stock exchange where the Conversion Rights and option rights of the Lender are not negatively affected;


(d)any acquisition of the remaining 15% interest in the Project that the Borrower does not own as of the date of this agreement, provided, however, that such acquisition is completed on an arm’s length basis at fair market value; and


(e)any establishment or incorporation of a Subsidiary for the purpose of that Subsidiary acquiring assets not owned by the Borrower, but only to the extent the purchase price for those assets is funded by new equity raised by the Borrower, and not by any Finance Debt under a Finance Document or any cashflow of a Group member.


Potential Event of Default means anything which with notice, time or both would become an Event of Default.


PPSA means the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth).


PPSA Deemed Security Interest means an interest of the kind referred to in section 12(3) of the PPSA where the transaction concerned does not, in substance, secure payment or performance of an obligation.


Principal Amount means the aggregate of any outstanding Tranche 1 Principal Amount and the Tranche 2 Principal Amount (to the extent funded) advanced to the Borrower under this agreement.


Project means the Estelle Gold Project, located in the Tintina gold province, 150km (93 miles) northwest of Anchorage, Alaska to be developed and operated by the Borrower.


Related Entity means, in relation to an entity (the first entity):


(a)a Subsidiary of the first entity;


(b)an entity of which the first entity is a Subsidiary; or


(c)a Subsidiary of another entity of which the first entity is also a Subsidiary.


Repayment Date means each Interest Payment Date commencing on the ninth Interest Payment Date following the Closing Date.


Restricted Party means a person:


(a)listed on or owned or controlled by a person listed on any Sanctions List;


(b)located in, organised under the laws of or owned or directly or indirectly controlled by, or acting on behalf of, a person located in or organised under the laws of a country or territory which is a subject of country-wide or territory-wide Sanctions (including, without limitation, at the date of this agreement, Cuba, Iran, Myanmar (Burma), North Korea,Syria and Sudan); or


(c)otherwise a Target of Sanctions.


Sanctions means any trade, economic or financial sanctions laws, regulations, embargoes or similar restrictive measures administered, enacted or enforced by a Sanctions Authority.


Sanctions Authority means, to the extent applicable:




(b)the United Nations;


(c)the United States;


(d)the United Kingdom;


(e)the European Union;




(f)any member state of the European Union; or


(g)the governments and official institutions or agencies of any of paragraphs (a) to (c) above, including without limitation the U.S. Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC), the U.S. Department of State, Her Majesty’s Treasury (HMT) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Australia (DFAT).


Sanctions List means the “Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons” list maintained by OFAC, the “Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets” and the “Investment Ban List” maintained by HMT, the “Consolidated List” maintained by DFAT, or any similar list maintained by, or public announcement of a Sanctions designation made by, any of the Sanctions Authorities, each as amended, supplemented or substituted from time to time.


Security Interest means any security interest, mortgage, pledge, lien or charge or any security or any preferential interest or arrangement that gives a creditor priority to other creditors. It includes:


(a)anything which gives a creditor priority to other creditors with respect to any asset; and


(b)retention of title and a deposit of money by way of security (other than in the ordinary course of day-to-day trading).


It does not include a PPSA Deemed Security Interest.


Subsidiary has the meaning given in the Corporations Act, but an entity will also be taken to be a Subsidiary of an entity if it is controlled by that entity (as defined in s50AA of the Corporations Act) and, without limitation:


(a)a trust may be a Subsidiary, for the purposes of which a unit or other beneficial interest will be regarded as a share;


(b)an entity may be a Subsidiary of a trust if it would have been a Subsidiary if that trust were a corporation; and


(c)AKCM (AUST) Pty Ltd., AK Custom Mining LLC, AK Operations LLC and Alaska Range Resources LLC and subsidiaries thereof shall be among the Subsidiaries,


Target of Sanctions means a person with whom a US person or other national of a Sanctions Authority would be prohibited or restricted by law from engaging in trade, business or other activities.


Tax includes any tax, levy, impost, deduction, charge, rate, duty, compulsory loan or withholding which is levied or imposed by an Australian or United States Government Agency, and any related interest, penalty, charge, fee or other amount.


Tax Act means the Income Tax Assessment Act (Cth) 1936.


Tax Deduction means a deduction or withholding for or on account of Tax from a payment under a Finance Document.


Tenement means each tenement specified in Schedule 5 (Tenements)].


Term SOFR means:


(a)the three-month term SOFR reference rate administered by CME Group Benchmark Administration Limited (or any other person which takes over the administration of that rate) for the relevant period published (before any correction, recalculation or republication by the administrator) as determined on the first Business Day of each calendar month; or


(b)if that reference rate ceases to be available, the rate determined by the Lender, in consultation with the Borrower, to be that which provides an equivalent return on the Loans.




Term SOFR Delta means the rate per annum equal to the greater of:


(a)Term SOFR at that time minus 3.0%; and




provided that if the Term SOFR Delta is greater than 3.0% it will be deemed to be 3.0%.


Tranche 1 Funded Amount means the US$5,000,000.00.


Tranche 1 Principal Amount means US$5,142,857.00.


Tranche 2 Funded Amount means the amount of the Tranche 2 Principal Amount requested by the Borrower in a Drawdown Notice and advanced by the Lender to the Borrower under clause 3.


Tranche 2 Principal Amount means an amount up to US$2,000,000 and equal to the Tranche 2 Funded Amount.


US$ or USD means the lawful currency of the United States of America.


Working Capital means in respect of the Group on a consolidated basis, its current assets minus its current liabilities.




(a)Headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation.


(b)The meaning of terms is not limited by specific examples introduced by including, or for example, or similar expressions.


(c)Nothing in this agreement is to be interpreted against a party on the ground that the party put it forward.


(d)The following rules apply unless the context requires otherwise.


(i)The singular includes the plural and the converse.


(ii)A gender includes all genders.


(iii)Where a word or phrase is defined, its other grammatical forms have a corresponding meaning.


(iv)A reference to a person, corporation, trust, partnership, unincorporated body or other entity includes any of them.


(v)A reference to a clause, annexure or schedule is a reference to a clause of, or annexure or schedule to, this agreement.


(vi)A reference to a party to this agreement or another agreement or document includes the party’s successors and permitted substitutes or assigns.


(vii)A reference to legislation or to a provision of legislation includes a modification or re-enactment of it, a legislative provision substituted for it and a regulation, statutory instrument, code or other thing issued under it.


(viii)A reference to writing includes a facsimile transmission and any means of reproducing words in a tangible and permanently visible form.


(ix)A reference to conduct includes an omission, statement or undertaking, whether or not in writing.


(x)Each paragraph of a list is to be construed independently. None limits any other.


(xi)A reference to property or asset includes any real or personal, present or future, tangible or intangible property or asset (including intellectual property) and any right, interest, revenue or benefit in, under or derived from the property or asset.




(xii)An Event of Default continues or subsists until it has been remedied or waived in writing by each Lender.


(xiii)A reference to an amount for which a person is contingently liable includes an amount which that person may become actually or contingently liable to pay if a contingency occurs, whether or not under an existing obligation.


(xiv)Unless otherwise specified, all references to time are to Sydney time.


1.3Document or agreement


A reference to:


(a)an agreement includes a Security Interest, Guarantee, undertaking, deed, agreement or legally enforceable arrangement whether or not in writing; and


(b)a document includes an agreement (as so defined) in writing or a certificate, notice, instrument or document.


A reference to a specific agreement or document includes it as amended, novated, supplemented or replaced from time to time, except to the extent prohibited by this agreement.


1.4Determination, statement and certificate


Except where otherwise provided in this agreement any determination, statement or certificate by the Lender or an Authorised Officer of the Lender provided for in this agreement is conclusive. It binds the parties in the absence of manifest error.


1.5Accounting terms


Accounting terms are to be interpreted according to Current Accounting Practice.


1.6Code of Banking Practice


The Code of Banking Practice of the Australian Banking Association does not apply to the Finance Documents or any banking service provided under them.


1.7Consents and Opinions


Except where expressly stated the Lender may give or withhold, or give conditionally, approvals and consents may be satisfied or unsatisfied, may form opinions, and may exercise its rights, powers and remedies, at its absolute discretion.




The Borrower shall use the net proceeds of the Loans to pay development costs (including technical studies) for the Project.




(a)Subject to the terms of this Agreement (including clause 11.1), the Lender agrees to lend, and the Borrower agrees to borrow:


(i)an amount equal to the Tranche 1 Principal Amount on the Closing Date; and


(ii)an amount up to the Tranche 2 Principal Amount on the relevant Drawdown Date specified in the applicable Drawdown Notice delivered in accordance with paragraph (c).


(b)Subject to clause 11.1(a) the Borrower may request the Tranche 1 Principal Amount by delivery of a signed Drawdown Notice to the Lender by 11am (New York time) no later than 5 Business Days (or such shorter period as the Lender may agree) before the proposed Closing Date (which must be a Business Day).





(c)Subject to clause 11.1(b), the Borrower may request an amount up to the Tranche 2 Principal Amount by delivery of a signed Drawdown Notice to the Lender by 11am (New York time) no later than 20 Business Days (or such shorter period as the Lender may agree) before the proposed Drawdown Date for the Tranche 2 Principal Amount (which must be a Business Day).


(d)Each Loan may be drawn only by way of a single drawing.


(e)The amount of the Loan to be paid by the Lender to the Borrower in respect of the Tranche 1 Principal Amount only will be discounted by the OID Rate so that the amount paid by the Lender to the Borrower will be the Tranche 1 Funded Amount.


(f)As part of the Equity Raise, the Lender agrees to contribute the Lender Equity on or after the Closing Date on the same terms and conditions of other investors participating in the Equity Raise; provided such Equity Raise occurs on or after the Closing Date and the terms are acceptable to the Lender.




4.1Interest rate


Interest accrues (but does not compound) daily on the outstanding amount of each Loan for each Interest Period at the applicable Interest Rate for that Interest Period. Interest will accrue on the outstanding Principal Amount computed on the basis of a 360-day year and 30-day months.




Subject to clause 4.3, the Borrower shall pay accrued interest under clause 4.1 in arrears in USD on each Interest Payment Date and on the date of repayment or prepayment of all or part of a Loan in respect of interest accrued on the amount repaid or prepaid.


4.3Capitalisation of interest


(a)If no Default subsists, interest payable by the Borrower will automatically be capitalised and added to the total Principal Amount outstanding on each Interest Payment Date until the ninth Interest Payment Date, on and following which date interest will be due and payable in cash on each Interest Payment Date.


(b)Despite paragraph (a), if a Default subsists, the Borrower must pay interest due on the applicable Interest Payment Date in cash.


(c)Any interest capitalised under this clause 4.3 will be added to the principal amount of the applicable Loan and will itself bear interest under this clause 4.


4.4Overdue amounts


(a)Interest accrues daily on any amount due and payable but unpaid by an Borrower under a Finance Document (including any principal, interest (including interest under this clause), fees costs, expenses or reimbursement or indemnity liability):


(i)from the due date (or, in the case of an amount payable by way of indemnity or reimbursement, the date of loss or disbursement) until the date of actual payment; and


(ii)both before and after a judgement for payment of the relevant amount (as a separate and independent obligation), at the rate under paragraph (b) of the definition of Interest Rate computed on the basis of a 360- day year and 30-day months.




(b)The Borrower shall pay accrued interest under paragraph (a) in arrears in USD on each Interest Payment Date and on the date of payment of the relevant amount.




5.1Repayment at Maturity Date


On the Maturity Date the Borrower must repay each Loan, accrued and unpaid interest and any other Outstanding Money payable under the Finance Documents in full.


5.2No reborrowing


Amounts repaid may not be reborrowed.


6Conversion Rights


6.1Lender Conversion Right


In consideration of the Lender agreeing to provide financial accommodation to the Borrower under the terms of this agreement, the Borrower grants to the Lender a right (Lender Conversion Right) to convert all or any part of the outstanding Conversion Amount into Nova Shares (in one or multiple instalments), at the Conversion Price.


6.2Conversion at anytime


The Lender may elect to convert some or all of the outstanding Conversion Amount at any time prior to the earlier of:


(a)the Maturity Date; and


  (b) prepayment or repayment of the Principal Amount in full, by giving the Borrower written notice in accordance with clause 6.3.


6.3Lender Notice of conversion


(a)The Lender must give notice of any conversion under clause 6.1 (Lender Conversion Notice) by giving a notice that complies with paragraph (b) below to the Borrower at least 5 Business Days before the Lender Conversion Date.


(b)Each Lender Conversion Notice must:


(i)be in writing;


(ii)be signed by an Authorised Officer of the Lender;


(iii)state the Lender Conversion Date; and


(iv)state the Conversion Amount to be converted into Nova Shares (Subscription Amount).


(c)A Lender Conversion Notice, once given, is irrevocable, unless there is a Default after the Lender Conversion Notice is issued but prior to the issue of the Nova Shares by the Borrower to the Lender (in which case the Lender may revoke the Conversion Notice by notice to the Borrower and the Conversion Notice will cease to be of any force or effect on giving that notice).




6.4Borrower Conversion Right




(i)the price for Nova Shares is least 150% more than the Conversion Price (the Borrower Conversion Threshold); and


(ii)no Default subsists,


the Borrower may elect to convert some or all of the outstanding Conversion Amount into Nova Shares by giving at least 20 days’ notice (Borrower Conversion Notice) to the Lender in accordance with paragraph (b) below (Borrower Conversion Right).


(b)Each Borrower Conversion Notice must:


(i)be in writing;


(ii)be signed by an Authorised Officer of the Borrower;


(iii)state the date for conversion of the Conversion Amount into Nova Shares, which must be the first Business Day following the 20th day after the Borrower gives the Borrower Conversion Notice to the Lender (Borrower Conversion Date);


(iv)state the Conversion Amount to be converted into Nova Shares (Subscription Amount); and


(v)be given at least 50 days before the Maturity Date.


(c)A Borrower Conversion Notice, once given, is irrevocable, unless:


(i)the Lender approves revocation; or


(ii)there is a Default after the Borrower Conversion Notice is issued but prior to the issue of the Nova Shares by the Borrower to the Lender (in which case the Lender may terminate the Borrower Conversion Notice by notice to the Borrower and the Borrower Conversion Notice will cease to be of any force or effect on giving that notice).


(d)If on the Borrower Conversion Date the price for Nova Shares is less than the Borrower Conversion Threshold, the Lender will not be obliged to subscribe for, and the Borrower will not be obliged to issue, Nova Shares to the Lender in accordance with clause 6.5 (Effect of conversion) unless on a day that is not more than 10 Business Days after the Borrower Conversion Date (Extended Borrower Conversion Date) the price for Nova Shares subsequently equals or exceeds the Borrower Conversion Threshold. If the price for Nova Shares does not equal or exceed the Borrower Conversion Threshold within 10 Business Days of the Borrower Conversion Date, the Borrower Conversion Notice will lapse and be of no further force or effect but the Borrower may give a further Borrower Conversion Notice if the conditions in paragraph (a) are satisfied subsequently and the rest of this clause 6.4 will apply.


6.5Effect of Conversion


On a Conversion Date:


(a)the Lender will subscribe for, and the Borrower will issue and deliver to, and register in the name of the Lender, the number of Nova Shares which equals the applicable Subscription Amount divided by the Conversion Price (rounded down, if required, to the nearest next whole number);


(b)any obligation of the Lender to pay the Conversion Price for the Nova Shares will be set off against the Borrower’s obligation to pay and repay the applicable Conversion Amount (so that the Lender is not required to pay any additional amount for the Nova Shares); and




(c)the Borrower will be taken to have paid and repaid the Amount Outstanding in an amount equal to the Subscription Amount.




Nova Shares issued under Clause 6.4(a) above will rank equally in all respects with all other fully paid-up ordinary shares on issue in the Borrower.


6.7Bonus issues


In accordance with the Listing Rules, if the Borrower makes a Bonus Issue of Nova Shares or other securities (other than an issue in lieu or in satisfaction of dividends or by way of dividend reinvestment) then, with effect on and from the date on which the Bonus Issue is made, the number of Nova Shares which the Lender is entitled to receive on the exercise of a Conversion Right will be increased by the number of Nova Shares that the Lender would have received if the Nova Shares had been converted immediately before the record date for the Bonus Issue.


6.8Rights issues


In accordance with the Listing Rules, if the Borrower makes a pro rata issue of securities (other than a Bonus Issue or an issue in lieu or in satisfaction of dividends or by way of dividend reinvestment) then, with effect on and from the date on which the pro rata issue of securities is made, the Conversion Price will be adjusted in accordance with the following formula:


𝑂′ = 𝑂 −

𝑃 − 𝑆
𝑁 + 1




  O’ means the new Conversion Price.


  O means the old Conversion Price.


Pmeans the volume weighted average market price per security of the underlying security calculated over the 5 trading days ending on the day before the ex rights date or ex entitlements date.


  S means the subscription price for a security under the pro rata issue.


Nmeans the number of securities with rights or entitlements that must be held to receive a right to one new security.




If there is a reorganisation of the issued ordinary share capital of the Borrower then, with effect on and from the date on which the reorganisation is completed, the Conversion Price will be reconstructed in the manner specified in the Listing Rules (whether or not the Borrower is listed on the ASX at the relevant time) as applicable to the Conversion Right at the time of the reorganisation. If a manner is not specified in the Listing Rules, or the reconstruction cannot be determined in the manner specified in the Listing Rules, then, with effect on and from the date on which the reorganisation is completed, the reconstruction (if any) of the Conversion Price will be determined in a manner such that the Conversion Amount is convertible into the same percentage of the issued Nova Shares as the percentage into which it would have converted immediately before the reorganisation event.




6.10Adjustment on significant events


If at any time the Borrower is not listed on ASX or, if the Borrower is listed on ASX, to the extent permitted by the Listing Rules:


(a)the Borrower makes a distribution to its shareholders (including Nova Share shareholders) other than a cash dividend in the ordinary course as approved by the Lenders in accordance with this agreement; or


(b)the Borrower or any of its subsidiaries is involved in a merger, dissolution, spin-off or other transaction permitted by this agreement which is likely to affect the value of its securities, then, with effect on and from the date on which such event has occurred, the terms of the applicable offer and/or a Conversion Right (including, without limitation, the Conversion Price) must be adjusted in a manner such that the Conversion Amount is convertible into the same percentage of the issued Nova Shares as the percentage into which it would have converted immediately before the relevant event.


6.11Parties to agree on Conversion Price


(a)The Lender and the Borrower must use their best endeavours to agree, on each adjustment to the Conversion Price under clause 6.8, 6.9 or 6.10.


(b)If the Lender and the Borrower are unable to agree on an adjustment to the Conversion Price under paragraph (a) above within 10 Business Days, then:


(i)the matter must be referred to an Expert;


(ii)the Borrower and the Lender may make written submissions to the Expert;


(iii)all submissions by the Lender and the Borrower to the Expert must be provided to the Expert within 10 Business Days of its appointment;


(iv)the Expert must be instructed to decide the matter, finish its determination and provide its determination to the Borrower and the Lender in writing as soon as practicable and in any event no later than 5 Business Days after receipt of the submissions (or such other period as agreed in writing by the Borrower and the Lender);


(v)the Lender and the Borrower must promptly provide all information and assistance reasonably requested by the Expert;


(vi)the Expert must act as an expert and not as an arbitrator and the determination of the Expert will be final and binding on the Lender and the Borrower, in the absence of fraud or manifest error; and


(vii)the costs of the Expert must be borne in such proportion between the Lender and the Borrower as determined by the Expert.




7.1Optional prepayment


(a)The Borrower may at any time prepay a Loan in whole or in part by delivering to the Lender an irrevocable notice (Prepayment Notice) specifying the date and amount (Prepayment Amount) of the prepayment.


(b)Any prepayment of the Loan under this clause 7.1 will be conditional on:


(i)the prepayment date being at least 3 Business Days after delivery of the Prepayment Notice (Prepayment Date); and


(ii)the Prepayment Amount being a minimum of US$1,000,000 or (if less) the outstanding Principal Amount.




(c)If the volume weighted adjusted price for Nova Shares for the 15 trading days preceding the Prepayment Date equals or exceeds the Conversion Price, the Borrower may, by notice (Prepayment Conversion Notice) to the Lender, elect to convert up to 50% of the Prepayment Amount to Nova Shares. If the Borrower gives a Prepayment Conversion Notice, on the Prepayment Date:


(i)the Lender will subscribe for, and the Borrower will issue and deliver to, and register in the name of the Lender, the number of Nova Shares which equals 105% of the Prepayment Amount to be converted to Nova Shares specified by the Borrower in the Prepayment Conversion Notice, divided by an amount equal to 90% of the volume weighted adjusted price for Nova Shares for the 15 trading days preceding the prepayment date (rounded down, if required, to the nearest next whole number);


(ii)any obligation of the Lender to pay the Conversion Price for the Nova Shares will be set off against the Borrower’s obligation to repay the Prepayment Amount (so that the Lender is not required to pay any additional amount for the Nova Shares);


(iii)the Borrower will be taken to have prepaid the relevant Loan in an amount equal to the Prepayment Amount to be converted to Nova Shares specified by the Borrower in the Prepayment Conversion Notice; and


(iv)the Borrower will repay the balance of the Prepayment Amount in cash.


(d)If the volume weighted adjusted price for Nova Shares for the 15 trading days preceding the Prepayment Date specified in a Prepayment Notice is less than the Conversion Price, any prepayment by conversion to Nova Shares under paragraph (c) will be at the absolute discretion of the Lender. Otherwise the Borrower must prepay the Prepayment Amount in cash on the Prepayment Date.


(e)A Prepayment Notice given by the Borrower is irrevocable. The Borrower must prepay in accordance with the Prepayment Notice on the Prepayment Date.


(f)Any prepayment must be accompanied by payment of all costs, fees and other expenses due to the Lender under the Finance Documents.


(g)The Borrower must, on the date of any prepayment under this clause 7.1, issue to the Lender options in the Borrower’s ASX-traded shares, having a two-year tenor from the date of issuance, to subscribe for Nova Shares in a number equal to 80% of the Prepayment Amount (including any prepayment by conversion to Nova Shares in accordance with paragraph (c)) divided by an amount equal to a 40% premium to the volume weighted adjusted price for Nova Shares for the 15 trading days immediately preceding the earlier of (i) the Documentation Completion Date and (ii) the date on which the Borrower publicly announces the Loan, converted at the AUD:USD exchange rate published by Reserve Bank of Australia on the Business Day immediately preceding the Conversion Date.


7.2Mandatory prepayment


(a)The Borrower shall notify the Lender in writing within 5 Business Days of:


(i)the receipt by the Group of any proceeds of Permitted Disposals under paragraph (b) or (c) of the definition of Permitted Disposal;




(ii)the receipt by the Group of proceeds from insurance exceeding US$750,000 for loss of or damage to any assets of the Group or a Subsidiary not otherwise required to be applied in reinstatement of the affected assets; and


(iii)the receipt of proceeds of Permitted Finance Debt (other than Permitted Finance Debt under paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) of the definition of Permitted Finance Debt).


(b)Following receipt of a notice under clause 7.2(a), the Lender may at its discretion give a notice to the Borrower requiring the mandatory prepayment of the Loan in an amount equal to the proceeds received.


(c)On receipt of a notice from the Lender, the Borrower must pay an amount equal to 100% of the net cash proceeds referred to in clause 7.2(a) above towards prepayment of the Loans within 5 Business Days of receipt by the Borrower of notice from the Lender under paragraph (b), unless the Lender gives the Borrower a Lender Conversion Notice prior to the prepayment.


(d)Any prepayment under this clause 7.2 will be applied first in repayment of the outstanding Principal Amount until it is repaid in full and then in repayment of all other Outstanding Money.


7.3No reborrowing


Amounts prepaid may not be reborrowed.






The Borrower must make all payments under any Finance Document:


(a)by transfer of immediately available funds in USD or such other currency as the parties may agree to the account specified by the Lender by 11am New York time on the due date; and


(b)without set-off or counterclaim and without any deduction, except any compulsory deduction with respect to Tax.


If the Borrower is required to make a compulsory deduction with respect to Tax under paragraph (b), it must provide to the Lender such statements, documents or other information as may be required for it to obtain any applicable corresponding Tax credit in the jurisdiction of its Lending Office or in which it is resident.


8.2Payment to be made on Business Day


If any payment is due on a day which is not a Business Day, the due date will be the next Business Day in the same calendar month or, if none, the preceding Business Day.




In making any allocation or appropriation under any Finance Document the Lender may round amounts down to the nearest US dollar.


8.4Currency indemnity


If for any reason (including as a result of payment by the Borrower, enforcement of a Finance Document or a judgement or order), the Lender receives or recovers an amount in one currency




(Payment Currency) in respect of an amount denominated or payable under a Finance Document in another currency (Due Currency), the Borrower indemnifies the Lender on demand against:


(a)any shortfall between the amount payable in the Due Currency and the amount actually received or recovered by the Lender when it converts the Payment Currency into the Due Currency under its normal practice; and


(b)any costs incurred by the Lender in converting the Payment Currency to the Due Currency.


8.5Conversion of currencies


In making any currency conversion under clause 8.4 the Lender may itself or through its bankers purchase one currency with another, whether or not through an intermediate currency, whether spot or forward, in the manner and amounts and at times it thinks fit in accordance with its usual procedures.


9Tax Gross Up and Indemnities




In this clause 9:


Tax Credit means a credit against, relief or remission for, or repayment of any Tax.


Tax Payment means either the increase in a payment made by the Borrower to the Lender under clause 9.2 or a payment under clause 9.3.


9.2Tax Gross-up


(a)The Borrower shall make all payments to be made by it under the Finance Documents without any Tax Deduction unless such Tax Deduction is required by law.


(b)The Borrower shall promptly on becoming aware that it must make a Tax Deduction (or that there is any change in the rate or the basis of a Tax Deduction) notify the Lender accordingly.


(c)Subject to paragraph (d) below, if a Tax Deduction is required by law to be made by the Borrower except in relation to a Tax described in clause 9.3(b), the Borrower shall pay an additional amount together with the payment so that, after making any Tax Deduction, the Lender receives an amount equal to the payment which would have been due if no Tax Deduction had been required.


(d)The obligation under (c) will not apply following any assignment, transfer, grant of sub- participation or other dealing by the Lender in respect of all or any part its rights and benefits under the Finance Documents, to the extent such Tax Deduction exceeds that which was payable in respect of a payment to the original Lender immediately prior to the date of any assignment, transfer, grant of sub-participation or other dealing by an original Lender.


(e)If the Borrower is required to make a Tax Deduction, the Borrower shall make that Tax Deduction and any payment required in connection with that Tax Deduction within the time allowed and in the minimum amount required by law.


(f)Within thirty days of making either a Tax Deduction or any payment required in connection with that Tax Deduction, the Borrower shall deliver to the Lender evidence satisfactory to the Lender, acting reasonably, that the Tax Deduction has been made or (as applicable) any appropriate payment paid to the relevant taxing authority.




9.3Tax indemnity


(a)The Borrower shall (within five Business Days of demand by the Lender) pay to the Lender an amount equal to the loss, liability or cost which the Lender determines will be or has been (directly or indirectly) suffered for or on account of any Tax Deduction by the Lender in respect of a Finance Document or a transaction or payment under it except as provided below.


(b)Paragraph (a) shall not apply:


(i)with respect to any Tax assessed on the Lender if that Tax is imposed on or calculated by reference to the net income received or receivable by the Lender:


(A)under the law of the jurisdiction in which the Lender is incorporated or, if different, the jurisdiction (or jurisdictions) in which the Lender is treated as resident for tax purposes; or


(B)under the law of the jurisdiction in which that the Lending Office of the Lender is located in respect of amounts received or receivable in that jurisdiction; or


(ii)to the extent the relevant loss, liability or cost:


(A)is compensated for by an increased payment under clause 10.2; or


(B)relates to a FATCA Deduction required to be made by a party.


(c)If the Lender intends to make a claim pursuant to paragraph (a) above it shall promptly notify the Borrower.


9.4Tax Credit


If the Borrower makes a Tax Payment and the Lender determines in its absolute discretion that:


(a)a Tax Credit is attributable to that Tax Payment or to a Tax Deduction in consequence of which that Tax Payment was required; and


(b)the Lender has obtained, utilised and retained that Tax Credit, the Lender shall pay an amount to the Borrower which the Lender determines in its absolute discretion will leave it (after that payment) in the same after-Tax position as it would have been in had the circumstances not arisen which caused the Tax Payment to be required to be made by the Borrower.


9.5FATCA Deduction


(a)If either party becomes a foreign financial institutional (as defined in FATCA), then such party may make any FATCA Deduction it is required to make by FATCA, and any payment required in connection with that FATCA Deduction, and no party shall be required to increase any payment in respect of which it makes such a FATCA Deduction or otherwise compensate the recipient of the payment for that FATCA Deduction.


(b)If either party becomes a foreign financial institutional (as defined in FATCA), then such party shall promptly, upon becoming aware that it must make a FATCA Deduction (or that there is any change in the rate or the basis of such FATCA Deduction), notify the party to whom it is making the payment.




10Change in Law




(a)If it becomes illegal for the Lender to provide financial accommodation under the Finance Documents, the Lender may by notice to the Borrower:


(i)terminate its participation in any Loan; and


(ii)direct the Borrower to prepay all amounts owing to it under the Finance Documents.


(b)The Borrower shall make the prepayment immediately, or if later, the latest day (in the Lender’s opinion) on which the prepayment can be made without the illegality arising.


10.2Increased costs


(Reimbursement) Whenever the Lender determines that as a result of a Change in Law made after the date of this agreement any of the following occurs in connection with a Loan or financial accommodation provided or to be provided under the Finance Documents:


(a)(increased costs) its costs are increased;


(b)(reduced receipts) there is a reduction of any amount due and payable to it under any Finance Document; or


(c)(reduced return) its or its holding company’s or investor’s return on capital or other effective return is reduced (including because more capital needs to be allocated to the facility and cannot be used elsewhere), the Lender may notify the Borrower. The Borrower shall pay the Lender within 10 Business Days of a demand by the Lender the amounts certified by an Authorised Officer of the Lender to be necessary to compensate the Lender or the relevant holding company or investor for the increase or reduction.


10.3Change in Law


A Change in Law is the introduction of, or a change in, any law, official directive, court ruling or a change in an official interpretation or application by any relevant Government Agency. For purposes of clause 10.2, if it does not have the force of law, it must be one with which responsible lenders would comply. It includes any with respect to capital adequacy, special deposit, liquidity, reserve, prime assets, tax or prudential requirements (except a change in tax on overall net income).


11Conditions Precedent


11.1Conditions precedent to drawing each Tranche


(a)The right of the Borrower to give the first Drawdown Notice and the obligation of the Lender to advance the Tranche 1 Principal Amount on the Closing Date for the Tranche 1 Principal Amount under clause 3(b) is subject to the conditions precedent that the Lender receives in form and substance satisfactory all of the items described in Part A of Schedule 2; and


(b)The right of the Borrower to give the Drawdown Notice and the obligation of the Lender to advance the Tranche 2 Principal Amount under clause 3(c) is subject to the conditions precedent that the Lender receives in form and substance satisfactory all of the items described in Part B of Schedule 2.




11.2Conditions precedent to all drawings


The obligation of the Lender to advance a Loan is subject to:


(a)the representations and warranties in the Finance Documents being true and correct in all material respects at the date of the Drawdown Notice and the proposed Drawdown Date and not being misleading in any material respect, in each case with reference to the facts and circumstances existing at that time; and


(b)no Default continuing or that would result from the advance of the Loan.


12Representations and Warranties


12.1Representations and warranties


The Borrower makes the following representations and warranties:


(a)(Status) It is a corporation validly existing under the laws of the place of its incorporation.


(b)(Power) It has the power to enter into and perform its obligations under the Finance Documents to which it is a party, to carry out the transactions contemplated by those documents and to carry on its business as now conducted or contemplated.


(c)(Corporate authorisations) It has taken all necessary corporate action to authorise the entry into and performance of the Finance Documents to which it is expressed to be a party as of the date of this agreement, and to carry out the transactions contemplated by this agreement.


(d)(Authorisations) Each Authorisation which is required in relation to:


(i)the execution, delivery and performance by it of the Finance Documents entered into as of the date of this agreement and to which it is expressed to be a party and the transactions contemplated by those documents;


(ii)the validity and enforceability of those documents; and


(iii)the carrying on of the Group’s business (including the Project) and which is material (including under Environmental Law),


has been obtained or effected and is in full force and effect. No member of the Group is in breach or default in any material respect under any such Authorisation.


(e)(Documents binding) Each Finance Document entered into as of the date of this agreement is its valid and binding obligation enforceable in accordance with its terms, subject to any necessary stamping and registration, equitable principles and laws generally affecting creditors’ rights.


(f)(Transactions permitted) The execution and performance by it of the Finance Documents entered into as of the date of this agreement to which it is a party and each transaction contemplated under those documents does not and will not violate in any respect a provision of:


(i)a law or treaty or a judgment, ruling, order or decree of a Government Agency binding on it;


(ii)its constitution or other constituent documents; or


(iii)any other document or agreement which is binding on it or its assets in any material respect.


and, except as provided by the Finance Documents, did not and will not:


(iv)create or impose a Security Interest on any of its assets; or




(v)allow a person to accelerate or cancel an obligation with respect to Finance Debt, or constitute an event of default, cancellation event, prepayment event or similar event (whatever called) under an agreement relating to Finance Debt, whether immediately or after notice or lapse of time or both.


(g)(Financial Reports)


(i)Its most recent consolidated and unconsolidated audited Financial Reports give a true and fair view of the matters with which they deal as at the reporting date in respect of which they were issued.


(ii)Those Financial Reports comply with Current Accounting Practice except to the extent disclosed in them and with all applicable laws.


(h)(Material Adverse Effect) No event or circumstance has occurred, either individually or in the aggregate, that has had or could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.


(i)(No litigation) Except as previously notified to the Lender in writing, no material litigation, arbitration, Tax claim, dispute or administrative or other proceeding is current or pending or, to its knowledge, threatened against it that is reasonably likely to be adversely determined and which, if adversely determined, would have or could reasonably be expected to result in a liability exceeding US$500,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency) or have a Material Adverse Effect.


(j)(No default)


(i)No member of the Group is in default in any material respect under a document or agreement binding on it or its assets which relates to Finance Debt.


(ii)To the best of its knowledge and belief, except as disclosed to the Lender in writing nothing has occurred which constitutes an event of default, cancellation event, prepayment event or similar event (whatever called) under those documents or agreements, whether immediately or after notice or lapse of time or both.




(i)It or its Subsidiary is the beneficial owner of all assets included in its latest audited Financial Reports (including any tenements) free of any other third party right or interest whatever other than any Permitted Security Interest.


(ii)None of its or its Subsidiaries’ assets is subject to a Security Interest which is not a Permitted Security Interest.


(l)(Insurance) The Borrower or its Subsidiary has taken out and maintained in force insurance with respect to its assets and its business in keeping with Good Operating Practice.


(m)(Law) Each member of the Group has complied in all material respects with all laws (including any Environmental Law) binding on it.


(n)(Environmental Law) Except as disclosed by the Borrower to the Lender (and accepted by the Lender in writing), no act or omission has occurred and there is no circumstance relating to the Group’s assets or the Group’s business which has given rise or may give rise to:


(i)a substantial claim against a Group member;


(ii)a requirement of substantial, unbudgeted expenditure by a Group member; or




  (iii) a requirement that a Group member ceases or substantially alters an activity, under Environmental Law.


Without limitation none of the Group’s assets is contaminated, all assets are within applicable environmental standards and all emissions and discharges are within standards or limits imposed by all relevant laws and Authorisations.




(i)Each member of the Group has promptly filed, or caused to be filed, all tax returns, business activity statements and other tax filings which are required to be filed under applicable Tax law and related legislation;


(ii)No claims have been or are likely to be asserted against a member of the Group with respect to Taxes (other than taxes contested in good faith); and


(iii)Each member of the Group has paid all Taxes (other than contested taxes) and registration fees which are due and payable;


(p)(Corporate tree) The Borrower’s group structure chart provided in the Verification Certificate is true, correct and accurate in all respects.


(q)(Subsidiaries; equity interests)


(i)The Borrower has no Subsidiary other than as set out in the most recent Group Structure Chart delivered to and approved by the Lender;


(ii)excluding a joint venture arrangement with AK Minerals Pty Ltd, no member of the Group is a party to or holds any of its assets under any joint venture arrangement;


(iii)There are no outstanding subscription, options, warrants, calls, rights or other agreements or commitments (other than stock options or warrants granted to directors and directors’ qualifying shares) relating to any equity interest of the Borrower, except as disclosed by the Borrower to the Lender or created by the Finance Documents; and


(iv)Following the Borrower’s annual general meeting on 29 November 2022, it will have capacity under the Listing Rules and any applicable law to issue any Nova Shares required to be issued under clause 6 or clause 7.1.


(r)(No misrepresentation)


(i)All information provided by it to the Lender is true in all material respects at the date of this agreement or, if later, when provided. Neither that information nor its conduct nor the conduct of anyone on its behalf in relation to the transactions contemplated by the Finance Documents, was or is misleading, by omission or otherwise.


(ii)All financial projections provided by the Borrower have been prepared on the basis of the most recently available historical information and on the basis of reasonable assumptions.


(s)(No failure to disclose) To the best of its knowledge and belief (after due enquiry), there are no material facts, documents or circumstances existing which have not been disclosed to the Lender which, if disclosed, would be reasonably likely to adversely affect the decision of a prudent entity, acting reasonably, to enter into and perform its obligations under the Finance Documents.




(t)(Solvency) Each member of the Group is, and after giving effect to the incurrence of all debt and obligations in connection with the Finance Documents will be, solvent.


(u)(Copies of documents) All copies of documents (including its latest audited accounts and all Authorisations) given by it or on its behalf to the Lender are true and complete copies. All legally binding agreements among such documents are in full force and effect, unless otherwise notified to the Lender at the time they are provided.


(v)(Mining rights):


(i)AK Custom Mining LLC has all access rights and rights to explore for minerals, water rights, mining claims interests, mining tenements and other leases, rights of way, licences and other rights and interests (including the Tenements) required for the exploration, mining and related processing and transport operations of the Project in accordance with Good Operating Practice;


(ii)AK Custom Mining LLC have obtained such other surface and other rights necessary for access rights, water rights, plant sites, tailings disposal, waste dumps, ore dumps, abandoned heaps, transport and ancillary facilities that are required in connection with the exploration and operation of the Project;


(iii)the Borrower has no reason to believe or suspect that any future rights, claims, interests, mining tenements, leases, rights of way, licences, surface rights, access rights, water rights, plant sites, tailings disposal, waste dumps, ore dumps, abandoned heaps and ancillary facilities that will be required for the exploration, mining and related processing operations and transport of the Project will not be obtained in a timely manner and on appropriate terms as required to explore, develop and operate the Project and transport product in accordance with Good Operating Practice and consistent with the timetable and budget agreed by the Lender prior to the Closing Date;


(iv)there is no breach, default or defect in title to any Tenement; and


(v)no challenge or adverse claim has been made in relation to any Tenement or the rights of any member of the Group to access, explore for and extract and exploit minerals in connection with the Project.


(w)(Anti-money laundering) The processing of any transaction by the Lenders in accordance with the Borrower’s instructions will not breach any laws or regulations relating to anti-money laundering, counter-terrorism or economic and trade sanctions applicable to the Borrower or any member of the Group.


(x)(Sanctions) Neither the Borrower, nor any of its Subsidiaries or joint venture to which it is a party, nor any of their respective directors, officers or employees nor any persons acting on any of their behalf:


(i)is a Restricted Party; or


(ii)has received notice of or is aware of any claim, action, suit, proceeding or investigation against it with respect to Sanctions by any Sanctions Authority.


(y)(Finance Debt) No member of the Group has entered into any agreement to incur or has incurred any Finance Debt other than Permitted Finance Debt.


(z)(Ranking) Its obligations under the Finance Documents constitute direct, unconditional obligations and (in all respects and at all times) rank in right and priority of payment and in point of security ahead of all its other obligations (actual or contingent, present or future) except obligations mandatorily preferred by law and any Permitted Security Interests.




(aa)(Ownership of assets) Each member of the Group is the sole legal and beneficial owner of all its assets and no person that is not a Group member holds or has the benefit of a Security Interest over any of its assets other than under a Permitted Security Interest.


12.2Reliance on and repetition of representations and warranties


(a)The Borrower acknowledges that the Lender has entered the Finance Documents in reliance on the representations and warranties in clause 12.1.


(b)The representations and warranties made in clause 12.1 are taken to be repeated by each Borrower on the Closing Date, the date of each Drawdown Notice, the last day of each Interest Period and the date of any repayment of any part of a Loan by reference to the circumstances then existing.




13.1Positive undertakings


The Borrower undertakes to the Lender as follows, except to the extent that the Lender consents otherwise.


(a)(Corporate reporting and information) It will provide to the Lender:


(i)(Annual Financial Reports) as soon as practicable (but in any event within 120 days) after the end of each of its financial years copies of its consolidated and unconsolidated audited Financial Reports in respect of that financial year;


(ii)(Semi-Annual Financial Reports) as soon as practicable (but in any event within 90 days) after the first half of each of its financial years copies of its consolidated and unconsolidated unaudited Financial Reports in respect of that half-year;


(iii)(Quarterly reports) as soon as practicable (but in any event within 30 days) after the end of each calendar quarter copies of its quarterly activities and cash flow report;


(iv)(Forecasts) as soon as available (but in any event within 30 days) after the end of each of its financial years, forecasts prepared by its management, together with management commentary as to plans and their associated rationale for the year in question, of the Borrower, in form reasonably satisfactory to the Lender, of cash flow statements, income statements and overall full financial year budget;


(v)(Monthly Financial Reports) no later than 20 days following the end of each calendar month following the Closing Date, a financial report including aged debtors, balance sheet containing current assets and liabilities and a monthly cashflow statement showing year-to-date expenditures versus budget;


(vi)(Reserve statements) as soon as practicable and applicable (and within 3 Business Days of their completion), updated resource and reserve statements;


(vii)(Tenements and Authorisations) as soon as practicable (and within 3 Business Days of receipt) copies of any notice of any breach, non-compliance, defect, adverse claim or other material issue with respect to any Tenement or Authorisation;


(viii)(Compliance Certificate) within 20 days of the end of each calendar month, a Compliance Certificate;


(ix)(Litigation) promptly, written particulars of any litigation, arbitration, Tax claim, dispute or administrative or other proceeding in relation to it involving a claim exceeding A$500,000 or its equivalent in any other currency or which is otherwise likely to have a Material Adverse Effect;




(x)(Government Agency) promptly on receipt, any notice, order or material correspondence from or with a Government Agency relating to its business or assets; and


(xi)(other information) promptly, any other information in relation to its financial condition or business which the Lender may reasonably request.


(b)(Accounting principles) It will ensure that the Financial Reports provided to the Lender under paragraph (a):


(i)comply with Current Accounting Practice except to the extent disclosed in them and with all applicable laws; and


(ii)give a true and fair view of the matters with which they deal.


(c)(Notice to Lender) It will provide written notice to the Lender as soon as it becomes aware of:


(i)any Default;


(ii)any material dispute between a member of the Group and a Government Agency;


(iii)any default under any agreement that is material to the Group;


(iv)any event or series of events, whether related or not, occurs (including a material adverse change in the business, assets, prospects or financial condition of the Borrower or its Subsidiaries), which may have a Material Adverse Effect; and


(v)any change in its Authorised Officers, giving specimen signatures of any new Authorised Officer appointed, and, where requested by the Lender, evidence satisfactory to the Lender of the authority of any Authorised Officer.


(d)(Pay Taxes) It will and will ensure that each member of the Group pays all Taxes payable by when due, but:


(i)it need not pay Taxes for which it has set aside sufficient reserves and which are being contested in good faith, except where failure to pay may have a Material Adverse Effect; and


(ii)to the extent liable, it will pay those Taxes on the final determination or settlement of the contest.


(e)(Corporate existence) It will and will ensure that each member of the Group does everything necessary to maintain its corporate existence in good standing and take all reasonable steps to maintain all rights, privileges and franchises (including in respect of the Project) necessary or desirable in the ordinary course of its business. It will not transfer its jurisdiction of incorporation or enter any merger or consolidation.


(f)(Compliance with law) It will comply and will ensure that each member of the Group complies with all laws, including Environmental Laws, binding on it in all material respects.


(g)(Authorisations) It will ensure that each Authorisation (including any mining tenement) required for:


(i)the execution, delivery and performance by it of the Finance Documents to which it is expressed to be a party and the transactions contemplated by those documents;


(ii)the validity and enforceability of those documents; and




(iii)the carrying on by it of the Group’s business (including the Project) as now conducted or contemplated (including under Environmental Law), is obtained and promptly renewed and maintained in full force and effect. It will provide copies promptly to the Lenders when they are obtained or renewed.


(h)(Maintenance of property) It will and will ensure that each member of the Group maintains and preserves all of its properties (including the Tenements and any associated mining rights or concessions) and equipment used in its ordinary course of business or necessary in the operation of the Project in good working order and condition in accordance with Good Operating Practice.


(i)(Insurances) It will and will ensure that each member of the Group takes out and maintains insurance with respect to its assets and businesses usual for the type and nature of those assets and businesses and which is in keeping with Good Operating Practice.


(j)(Books and records) It will and will ensure that each member of the Group keeps proper books, records and accounts in which full, true and correct entries complying with Current Accounting Practice are made of all dealings, transactions and assets in relation to its business and activities (including the Project).


(k)(Inspection of property) It will permit and will ensure that each member of the Group permits the Lender to visit and inspect any of its properties and examine and make abstracts from any of its books and records at any time on no less than 10 Business Days’ notice (unless a Default subsists, in which case at the discretion of the Lender), provided the Lender does not unreasonably interrupt any Project activities or the business of the Borrower.


(l)(Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Laws) It will comply and will ensure that each member of the Group complies at all times with the requirements of all applicable laws or regulations relating to money laundering or terrorist financing, and provide the Lender with any information as necessary for the Lender to comply with such laws and regulations.


(m)(Project) It will and will ensure that each relevant member of the Group undertakes, develops, operates and maintains the Project in accordance with all laws (including Environmental Laws), Authorisations and Good Operating Practice.


(n)(Material Contracts)


(i)It will exercise and will ensure that each relevant member of the Group complies with its rights under and comply with each Material Contract to which it is a party; and


(ii)It will exercise and will ensure that each relevant member of the Group exercises its rights under each Material Contract:


(A)if no Event of Default is subsisting, prudently, in accordance with Good Operating Practice; and


(B)if an Event of Default is subsisting, in accordance with the instructions of the Lender.


(o)(Tenements) It will comply and will ensure that each relevant member of the Group complies in all material respects with each Tenement and all other access, easement, right of way and other property rights to ensure that it is able to fully utilise and exploit those tenements and other rights without any additional adverse conditions or unbudgeted expense.




(p)(Conduct of business) It will (and shall ensure its Subsidiaries will) maintain and operate its business in accordance with industry standard good mining and environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices.


(q)(Joint Venture)


(i)It will maintain its ownership of not less than 85% of the outstanding shares of AKCM (AUST) Pty Ltd;


(ii)It will ensure that AKCM (AUST) Pty Ltd maintains ownership of 100% of the membership interests in AK Custom Mining LLC and AK Operations LLC; and


(iii)It will make all payments of its portion of approved joint venture expenses pursuant to the Incorporated Joint Venture Agreement, dated 17 December 2017, between the Borrower, AK Minerals Pty Ltd and AKCM (AUST) Pty Ltd.


(r)(PPSR registrations) It will use its best efforts to ensure that each of the following Personal Property Securities Registrations against it are removed from the Personal Property Securities Register within 6 months of the Closing Date:


(i)Axis Consultants as security for that certain “Service Deed” referenced in such registration; and


(ii)Wized Pty Ltd as security for assignment of debt under that certain “Loan Deed” from Chevas to Wized, as referenced in such registration.


13.2Negative undertakings


The Borrower undertakes to the Lender as follows, except to the extent that the Lender consents otherwise.


(a)(Finance Debt) It will not incur and will ensure that no member of the Group incurs any Finance Debt except Permitted Finance Debt.


(b)(Disposal of assets) It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not sell or otherwise dispose of, part with possession of, or create an interest in all or any part of its assets except a Permitted Disposal.


(c)(Sale and Lease back) It will not and will ensure that each member of the group does not sell or otherwise dispose of any of its assets to a person where, under the terms of that sale or disposal, or under a related transaction, that asset is or may be leased to the Borrower or its Associate.


(d)(Negative pledge) It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not create or allow to exist a Security Interest over its assets other than a Permitted Security Interest.


(e)(Partnership, joint ventures and mergers) It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not enter into a new partnership or joint venture or merge into or consolidate with another person.


(f)(Constitution) It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not amend, supplement or modify its constituent documents, operating agreement, by-laws or other organisational documents or the terms and conditions of any other document which is material to the business of the Group without the Lender’s prior written consent.


(g)(Change of business) It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not cease or materially change its business. It will not take action whether by acquisition or otherwise which would materially alter the nature of the business of the Group.




(h)(Financial assistance) It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not:


(i)advance money or make available financial accommodation to or for the benefit of; or


(ii)give a Guarantee or Security Interest in connection with an obligation or liability of, a person, other than:


(iii)a Security Interest which is a Permitted Security Interest;


(iv)the deposit of funds with a bank in the ordinary course of its business unless it owes Finance Debt to that bank and the bank is not a Lender;


(v)allowing its customers to acquire goods and services on extended terms (not exceeding 45 days) in the ordinary course of trading; or


(vi)intercompany loans between Group members which, in the case of any loan from a Group member to the Borrower, is subordinated to the Finance Debt incurred under the Finance Documents on terms acceptable to the Lender.


(i)(Commercial Dealings) It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not enter into any transaction with any person if that transaction is not on arm’s length commercial terms or more favourable to the Borrower.


(j)(Acquisitions) It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not acquire any new business or Subsidiary other than as part of a Permitted Transaction.


(k)(Share capital) It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not:


(i)pass any resolution to reduce its share capital or authorise it to purchase its shares, pass any resolution under Chapter 2J of the Corporations Act (or an equivalent provision) or call any meeting to consider such a resolution; or


(ii)issue any share capital to any person if that issue would result in the Borrower not having capacity under the Listing Rules or any applicable law to issue any Nova Shares or options required to be issued to the Lender under clause 6 or clause 7.1 without further shareholder approval; provided nothing in this paragraph (k) shall restrict the Borrower’s ability to pass any resolution to refresh the Borrower’s placement capacity under ASX Listing Rule 7.1.


(l)(Distributions) It will not declare, pay or distribute any money or other asset (including by management or other fee, interest, dividend, buy back, return of capital, repayment, redemption or payment of or relating to subordinated debt) to or for the benefit of a shareholder in that capacity or to any Associate of it or any such holder except:


(i)by a Subsidiary to the Borrower;


(ii)payments of fees to management and directors in the ordinary course of business; or


(iii)subject to clause 6 solely by way of distribution of shares.


(m)(Capital Expenditure): It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not incur development or capital expenditure exceeding A$2,000,000 or its equivalent in any other currency in total on a consolidated basis in any calendar year above the financial yearly budgeted capital expenditure (which has been reviewed by the Borrower), other than with the Lender’s prior consent.




(n)(Material Contracts) It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not:


(i)breach or default under;


(ii)amend or vary, or waive any rights in any material respect under, in any material respect; or


(iii)terminate, repudiate or rescind or accept any termination, repudiation or rescission of, any Material Contract without the Lender’s prior consent.


(o)(Tenements) It will not and will ensure that each member of the Group does not:


(i)breach or default under;


(ii)amend or vary, or waive any rights in any material respect under;


(iii)terminate, repudiate or rescind or accept any termination, repudiation or rescission of, any Tenement or any other access, easement, right of way and other property right required to explore, develop and operate its assets without the Lender’s prior consent.


13.3Financial Covenants


At the end of each calendar month the Borrower shall ensure that the Group has:


(a)(Minimum liquidity) a minimum month-end consolidated cash balance of at least US$2,000,000;


(b)(Working Capital) positive Working Capital tested at the end of each calendar month; and


(c)(Creditors) an average ageing limit on accounts payable by members of the Group not exceeding 45 days.


13.4Term of undertakings


Each undertaking in this clause continues from the date of this agreement until the Outstanding Money is fully and finally paid.


14Events of Default


14.1Events of Default


Each of the following is an Event of Default (whether or not it is in the control of the Borrower).


(a)(Payment Default) The Borrower fails to pay an amount payable by it under a Finance Document when due, unless:


(i)its failure to pay is caused by an administrative or technical error; and


(ii)payment is made within 3 Business Days of its due date


(b)(Financial covenants) The Borrower fails to comply with clause 13.3.


(c)(Other defaults) The Borrower fails:


(i)to comply with any of its other obligations under a Finance Document except where that failure can be remedied within 10 Business Days of the earlier of (A) the Lender giving notice to the Borrower and (B) the Borrower becoming aware of the failure, and the failure is remedied to the satisfaction of the Lender within that period; or




(ii)to satisfy within the time stipulated anything which the Lender made a condition of its waiving compliance with, or providing consent with respect to, a condition precedent, condition subsequent or undertaking in a Finance Document.


(d)(Misrepresentation) A representation, warranty or statement by or on behalf of an Borrower in a Finance Document, or in a document provided under or in connection with a Finance Document, is not true in a material respect or is misleading when made or repeated except where the circumstances giving rise to such misrepresentation are capable of remedy within 10 Business Days of the earlier of (A) the Lender giving notice to the Borrower and (B) the Borrower becoming aware of the misrepresentation, and are remedied to the satisfaction of the Lenders within that period.


(e)(Cross default) Finance Debt of the Borrower or its Subsidiary totalling at least A$750,000 or its equivalent in another currency:


(i)is not paid when due (or within an applicable grace period); or


(ii)becomes due and payable or capable of being declared due and payable before its stated maturity or expiry.


(f)(Administration, winding up, arrangements, insolvency etc)


(i)An administrator of the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries is appointed.


(ii)Except for the purpose of a solvent reconstruction or amalgamation previously approved by the Lender:


(A)an application or an order is made, proceedings are commenced, a resolution is passed or proposed in a notice of meeting, an application to a court or other steps (other than frivolous or vexatious applications, proceedings, notices and steps) are taken for:


(1)the winding up, dissolution or administration of the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries; or


(2)the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries entering into an arrangement, compromise or composition with or assignment for the benefit of its creditors or a class of them; or


(B)The Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries ceases, suspends or threatens to cease or suspend the conduct of all or a substantial part of its business or disposes of or threatens to dispose of a substantial part of its assets.


(iii)The Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries:


(A)is, or under legislation is presumed or taken to be, insolvent (other than as the result of a failure to pay a debt or claim the subject of a good faith dispute); or


(B)stops or suspends or threatens to stop or suspend payment of all or a class of its debts.


(g)(Enforcement against assets)


(i)a receiver, receiver and manager, administrative receiver or similar officer is appointed to;


(ii)a Security Interest (including a cross security) becomes enforceable or is enforced over; or


  (iii) a distress, attachment or other execution is levied or enforced or applied for over, all or any of the assets and undertakings of the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries.




(h)(Investigation) An investigation by a Government Agency into all or part of the affairs of the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries commences under companies legislation in circumstances which may have a Material Adverse Effect.


(i)(Vitiation of Finance Documents)


(i)All or any part of a Finance Document is terminated or is or becomes void, illegal, invalid, unenforceable or of limited force and effect;


(ii)a party becomes entitled to terminate, rescind or avoid all or part of a Finance Document; or


(iii)a party other than a Lender alleges or claims that an event described in sub-paragraph (i) has occurred or that it is entitled as described in sub-paragraph (ii).


(j)(Change of business) The Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries commences any substantive business activity not related to mining exploration, development or recovery of minerals.


(k)(Control of the Borrower) Without the prior consent of the Lender:


(i)a Change of Control occurs in respect of the Borrower;


(ii)the Borrower becomes a Subsidiary of another person; or


(iii)there is a disposal of shares in a direct or indirect Subsidiary of the Borrower.


(l)(Abandonment of Project) Without the prior consent of the Lender, the Borrower or its relevant Subsidiary abandons the Project or any material portion of the Tenements and other mining rights or assets of the Group.


(m)(Compulsory acquisition)


(i)All or any substantial part of the assets of the Borrower or its Subsidiary is compulsorily acquired by or by order of a Government Agency or under law;


(ii)a Government Agency orders the sale, vesting or divesting of all or any substantial part of the assets of the Borrower or its Subsidiary; or


(iii)a Government Agency takes a step for the purpose of any of the above.


(n)(Reduction of capital) Without the prior consent of the Lender, the Borrower:


(i)reduces its capital (including a purchase of its shares and a redemption of redeemable shares);


(ii)passes a resolution to reduce its capital or to authorise it to purchase its shares or passes a resolution under chapter 2J of the Corporations Act or an equivalent provision, or calls a meeting to consider any such resolution; or


(iii)applies to a court to call any such meeting or to sanction any such resolution or reduction.


(o)(Amendment of constitution) The constitution or other constituent document of any Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries is amended in a material respect.


(p)(Revocation of Authorisation) An Authorisation which is:


(i)material to:


(A)the performance by the Borrower of a Finance Document or the validity and enforceability of a Finance Document; or




(B)the development, operation or maintenance of the Project (including mining rights or tenements),


is repealed, revoked, terminated or expires, or is modified or amended or conditions are attached to it in a manner which could have a Material Adverse Effect, and is not replaced by another Authorisation acceptable to the Lender within 30 days of the relevant event.


(q)(Material Contract termination) All or any material part of a Material Contract is repudiated, rescinded, cancelled or terminated (other than by performance) or is or becomes void, voidable, illegal, invalid, unenforceable or of limited force and effect, and the Material Contract is not replaced within 45 days of the relevant event.


(r)(Environmental event)


(i) (A)Any person takes action;


(B)there is a claim; or


(C)there is a requirement of expenditure or of cessation or alteration of activity, under Environmental Law against or by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries, which may have a Material Adverse Effect.


(s)(Litigation) Any litigation, arbitration, administrative, governmental, regulatory or other investigation, proceeding or dispute is commenced or threatened, or any judgment or order of a court, arbitral body or agency is made, in relation to the Finance Documents or the transactions contemplated in the Finance Documents or against the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries or any of their assets which is reasonably likely to be adversely determined and which has or is reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect.


(t)(Audit qualification) The auditors of the Borrower qualify the audited annual consolidated financial statements of the Group (except if any such audit qualification has resulted from the inability of Borrower to obtain the audited financial statements for Snow Lake Resources Limited for the same fiscal year, subject to the Borrower owning more than 20% of the equity in Snow Lake Resources Ltd).


(u)(Insurance failure) The Borrower or its Subsidiary fails to obtain or maintain insurance in accordance with clause 13.1(i), or an insurance policy required in accordance with clause 13.1(i) is cancelled or terminated and is not replaced within 30 days.


(v)(Pension) The Borrower or its Subsidiaries breaches the terms of any union, pension or other employee-related law, regulation or arrangement (including any event under Section 4043(c) of Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) which could reasonably be expected to result in (i) a Material Adverse Effect or (ii) liability of any Group member in an aggregate amount exceeding A$1,000,000; or


(w)(Material adverse change) Any other event or series of events, whether related or not, occurs (including a material adverse change in the business, condition (financial or otherwise), operation, prospects or performance of a Group member or the Project) or a change occurs in any asset, liability, ownership or change of a majority of the board composition of a Group member which has a Material Adverse Effect.






In addition to any other rights provided by law or any Finance Document, at any time while an Event of Default subsists the Lender may do all or any of the following:


(a)by notice to the Borrower declare the Outstanding Money immediately due and payable, and the Borrower shall immediately pay the Outstanding Money;


(b)by notice to the Borrower cancel the Loans and their obligation to provide the Loans; and/or


(c)at the cost of the Borrower, appoint a firm of independent accountants, engineers or other experts to review and report to the Lender on the affairs, financial condition and business of any Group member or the Project.


The Borrower shall do, and ensure that each Group member does, everything in its power to ensure the review and report can be carried out promptly, completely and accurately. Without limitation, it shall co-operate fully with the review and ensure that the accountants and experts are given access to all premises and records of the Group and are given all information concerning the Group or the Project which the Lender requires from time to time. It shall ensure that all officers and employees of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries do the same.


15Indemnities and Break Costs




The Borrower indemnifies the Lender against any loss, cost, liability or expense (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which the Lender (or any officer or employee of the Lender) incurs as a result of or in connection with:


(a)any Default or breach of a Finance Document;


(b)any exercise or attempted exercise of any right, power or remedy under any Finance Document or any failure to exercise any right, power or remedy;


(c)the Loan requested in the Drawdown Notice not being provided for any reason (including failure to fulfil a condition precedent but excluding default by the Lender);


(d)the Lender receiving payments of principal in respect of the Loan before the last day of an Interest Period for any reason, including prepayment in accordance with this agreement, but excluding default by the Lender; or


(e)the Lender acting in connection with a Finance Document in good faith on facsimile or email instructions purporting to originate from the offices of the Borrower or to be given by an Authorised Officer of the Borrower.


15.2Break costs


(a)If the Lender receives or recovers all or part (the Received Amount) of any Loan or overdue amount before the last day of an Interest Period, the Borrower shall pay the Lender on demand the amount (if any) by which:


(i)the interest which the Lender should have received on the Received Amount for the period from the date of receipt or recovery of the Received Amount to the last day of its current Interest Period, had it not been paid until that last day;




(ii)the interest which the Lender determines that it would obtain by placing an amount equal to the Received Amount on deposit with a leading bank for a period starting on the Business Day following receipt or recovery and ending on that last day.


(b)If for any reason the Borrower revokes, or fails to draw in accordance with, a notice given by it, then on demand it must pay the amount which would have been payable under paragraph (a) if the Loan had been drawn down and prepaid on the specified drawdown day.




16Arrangement Fees


The Borrower shall pay to the Lender an arrangement fee:


(a)on the Closing Date in an amount equal to 1.0% of the Tranche 1 Funded Amount, which may, at the Borrower’s election, be netted against the Tranche 1 Principal Amount; and


(b)on the Drawdown Date for the Tranche 2 Principal Amount, an amount equal to 1.0% of the Tranche 2 Funded Amount, which may, at the Borrower’s election, be netted against the Tranche 2 Funded Amount.




(a)The Borrower shall reimburse the Lender for its reasonable and documented expenses in relation to:


(i)The preparation, execution and completion of the Finance Documents and any subsequent registration, administration of or consent, agreement, approval, waiver or amendment to the Finance Documents after the date of this agreement; provided, however, that such expenses incurred up to the Closing Date shall not exceed $85,000 unless otherwise agreed between the Lender and the Borrower.


(ii)any actual or contemplated enforcement of the Finance Documents, or the actual or contemplated exercise, preservation or consideration of any rights, powers or remedies under the Finance Documents; and


(iii)any enquiry by a Government Agency concerning the Borrower, its Subsidiaries or the Project or a transaction or activity the subject of the Finance Documents, or in connection with which, financial accommodation or funds raised under a Finance Document are used or provided.


Such reimbursement includes:


(iv)legal costs and expenses (including lawyers charged at their usual rates) on a full indemnity basis, any out of pocket expenses incurred in any review or environmental audit or in retaining consultants to evaluate matters of material concern to the Lender; and


(v)ongoing compliance costs associated with the Loan.


(b)The Lender shall provide the Borrower a statement of actual costs, with accompanying invoices, within 15 days following the Closing Date. Should these amount to less than any amount paid by the Borrower to the Lender prior to the Closing Date pursuant to this clause 17, the Lender will refund the difference to the Borrower within 10 Business Days.


18Duties and GST




(a)The Borrower shall pay or reimburse the Lender for all stamp, transaction, registration and similar Taxes (including fines and penalties) on or in relation to the execution, delivery, performance or enforcement of any Finance Document or any payment, receipt or other transaction contemplated by any Finance Document.


  (b) The Borrower shall indemnify the Lender against any liability resulting from delay or omission to pay those Taxes except to the extent the liability results from failure by the Lender to pay any Tax after having been put in funds (with all necessary documents) to do so by the Borrower.






All payments (including the provision of any non-monetary consideration) to be made by the Borrower under or in connection with any Finance Document have been calculated without regard to GST.


(a)If all or part of that payment is the consideration for a taxable supply for GST purposes then, when the Borrower makes the payment:


(i)it must pay to the Lender an additional amount equal to that payment (or part) multiplied by the appropriate rate of GST (currently 10%); and


(ii)the Lender will promptly provide to the Borrower a tax invoice complying with the relevant GST legislation.


(b)Where under any Finance Document the Borrower is required to reimburse or indemnify for an amount, the Borrower will pay the relevant amount (including any sum in respect of GST) less any GST input tax credit the Lenders determines that it is entitled to claim in respect of that amount.


19Anti-corruption and Sanctions


(a)The Borrower shall, and shall procure each of the Subsidiaries will, comply with and conduct its business in compliance with Sanctions and shall not knowingly (acting with due care and enquiry) engage in any transaction, activity or conduct that would violate any Sanctions applicable to it.


(b)The Borrower undertakes that it will not (and shall ensure that no Subsidiary will) use the proceeds of a Loan to fund any activities of, or business with, any person, or in any other manner that would result in a violation by any person (including any person participating in the transaction, whether as underwriter, advisor, investor or otherwise) of Sanctions to the extent they are applicable to it.


(c)The Borrower shall (and shall ensure that each Subsidiary will) adopt, as necessary, and maintain, policies and procedures designed to promote and achieve compliance with Sanctions applicable to it.


20Anti-money laundering




The Borrower must (and shall ensure that each Subsidiary will) comply with all Sanctions which are applicable to it.


20.2No Restricted Party


The Borrower will (and shall ensure that none of its Subsidiaries will) become a Restricted Party or act on behalf of, or an agent of, a Restricted Party, to the extent this would lead to non- compliance by it with any applicable Sanctions.


20.3Block transactions


The Borrower agrees that the Lender may delay, block or refuse to process any transaction without incurring any liability if the Lender knows or suspects that:


(a)the transaction or the application of its proceeds may breach or cause the Lender to breach any laws or regulations within Australia or any other applicable jurisdiction or its Associates under any such law or regulation;


(b)the transaction or the application of its proceeds involves any Restricted Party or is connected, directly or indirectly, to any Restricted Party; or the transaction or the application of its proceeds may directly or indirectly involve the proceeds of, or be applied for the purposes of, conduct which is unlawful within Australia or any other applicable jurisdiction.




20.4Provision of information


The Borrower must provide all information that the Lender may require in order to manage its anti-money laundering, terrorism-financing or economic and trade sanctions risk or to comply with any laws or regulations in Australia or any other applicable jurisdiction. The Borrower agrees that the Lender may disclose any information concerning the Borrower or its Subsidiaries to:


(a)any law enforcement, regulatory agency or court where required by any such law or regulation in Australia or any other applicable jurisdiction; and


(b)any correspondent any Lenders uses to make the payment for the purpose of compliance with any such law or regulation.


20.5No breach of Sanctions


The Borrower declares and undertakes to the Lender that:


(a)the processing of any transaction by the Lender in accordance with the Borrower’s express instructions will not breach any laws or regulations in Australia or any other country (including any applicable Sanctions);


(b)it will not (and will procure that each of its Subsidiaries will not) and will not permit or authorise any other person to, directly or indirectly, use, lend, make payments of, contribute or otherwise make available, all or any part of the proceeds of any Loan or other transaction(s) contemplated by this agreement:


(i)to fund any trade, business or other activities involving or for the benefit of any Restricted Party; or


(ii)in any other manner that would reasonably be expected to result in the Borrower, its Subsidiaries or Lender being in breach of any Sanctions (if and to the extent applicable to either of them) or becoming a Restricted Party.


21General PPSA Provisions


(a)No security interest (as defined in the PPSA) is created under any Finance Document. The remaining provisions of this clause 21 only become applicable if the Borrower grants a Security Interest under any future Finance Document.


(b)The Lender need not give any notice under the PPSA (including a notice of a verification statement) under or arising out of anything relating to that security interest or Finance Document unless the notice is required by the PPSA and the giving of it cannot be excluded.


(c)The Borrower waives its right to receive anything from any Lenders under section 275 of the PPSA, and shall not make any request of the Lender under that section.




(d)The Borrower authorises and requests the Lender under section 275(7)(c) of the PPSA to obtain from the holder of any other Security or PPSA Deemed Security Interest over the relevant collateral any of the information referred to in section 275(1) of the PPSA.


(e)Each party contracts out of each provision of the PPSA which section 115 permits, except sections 117, 118, 123, 126, 128, 129, 134(1) and 135. However, each of those sections is contracted out of to the extent that a provision in it would be contrary to or limit an express or implied right on the part of the Lenders provided for in the relevant Finance Document.


(f)Any disposal or other exercise of any right, power or remedy under this agreement will only be taken to be made under a provision which has not been excluded in paragraph (d), if the Lenders so elects.




(a)To the extent the Borrower pays any amount other than in US dollars, then the Lender may set-off any obligation of any type in any currency that it owes the Borrower (including any credit balance in any account of the Borrower with any branch of the Lender) against any obligation of the Borrower to the Lender under or in relation to any Finance Document to pay any sum. The Lender need not make the set-off. This right is independent of any security interest granted under the Finance Documents.


(b)The Lender may exchange currencies to make that set-off. Any right of set-off will extinguish the relevant obligations only to the extent set-off.


23Lender Audit Rights and Reporting Rights


(a)The Lender (or, at its election, an independent third party) shall have the right to undertake financial audits (including inspection, during business hours, of the books and records of the Borrower and affiliates) and technical inspections, including a site visit , not to exceed one financial audit and one technical audit per calendar year, except if such audit reveals a material breach of the Finance Documents, in which case the Lenders shall be entitled to conduct financial and technical audits without restriction, until such time as two consecutive audits performed at least six months apart reveal the absence of a breach. While conducting each audit, the Lender will use reasonable endeavours to carry out such audits in a manner that will result in minimum disruption to the Borrower’s operations.


(b)The Lender will pay all costs of any such audit unless a material breach of the Finance Documents is determined to exist, in which case, the Borrower will reimburse the Lender for its costs of such audit.


(c)The Borrower will meet with the Lender (either in person or via video or telephone call) to update the Lender on the Borrower and the Project within 2 weeks of the release of each annual, half yearly and quarterly cash flow report that the Borrower must lodge with the ASX. Prior to such meetings, the Borrower will provide drafts of such annual, half yearly and quarterly cash flow reports and other information about the Project that the Borrower deems appropriate. Any Authorised Officer of the Lender will have the right to attend such meetings. The Borrower will take all reasonable steps to facilitate the Lender’s Authorised Officer’s attendance, including providing invitations and access to dial-in, teleconferences or premises.


(d)In case of a Default, the Borrower will give the Lender 14 days’ (or as soon as possible) notice of any meetings of its board of directors. An Authorised Officer of the Lender will have the right to attend and observe any board meeting of the Borrower (but not to participate in such a meeting), either in person or via teleconference/dial-in. The Borrower will take all reasonable steps to facilitate the Lender’s Authorised Officer’s attendance.




24 Waivers, Remedies Cumulative


  (a) No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising any right, power or remedy under any Finance Document operates as a waiver, nor does any single or partial exercise of any right, power or remedy preclude any other or further exercise of that or any other right, power or remedy.


  (b) The rights, powers and remedies provided to the Lenders in the Finance Documents are in addition to, and do not exclude or limit, any right, power or remedy provided by law.


25 Severability of Provisions


Any provision of any Finance Document which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction is ineffective as to that jurisdiction to the extent of the prohibition or unenforceability. That does not invalidate the remaining provisions of that Finance Document nor affect the validity or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction.


26 Survival of Obligations


  (a) (Representations and warranties) Each representation or warranty in a Finance Document survives the execution and delivery of the Finance Documents and the provision of financial accommodation.


  (b) (Indemnity) Each indemnity, reimbursement or similar obligation in a Finance Document and clauses 9 (Tax Gross Up and Indemnities) and 10 (Change in Law):


  (i) is a continuing, separate and independent obligation;


  (ii) is payable on demand; and


  (iii) survives termination or discharge of the relevant Finance Document and repayment of financial accommodation.


Where a party is obliged to indemnify another party against a loss, cost, charge, liability, expense, deficiency or other amount, it shall pay on demand from time to time the amount stated by the other party to be the amount indemnified against.


27 Moratorium Legislation


To the full extent permitted by law all legislation which at any time directly or indirectly:


  (a) lessens, varies or affects in favour of the Borrower any obligation under a Finance Document; or


  (b) delays, prevents or prejudicially affects the exercise by the Lender of any right, power or remedy conferred by a Finance Document, is excluded from the Finance Documents.


28 Assignments


28.1 Assignment by Borrower


The Borrower may only assign or transfer any of their rights or obligations under this agreement with the prior consent of the Lender.




28.2 Assignment by Lender


The Lender may assign or transfer all or any of its rights or obligations under the Finance Documents at any time if:


  (a) the transferee or assignee is a Related Entity of the Lender, a financial institution, participant in the term loan B market, CLO or CDO investment vehicle or other investor;


  (b) the Borrower has given its prior consent, which consent:


  (i) must not be withheld unreasonably; and


  (ii) will be taken to have been given if no response is received within 10 Business Days of the request for consent; or


  (c) an Event of Default is subsisting.


28.3 Sub-participations and security


  (a) The Lender may, without the consent of the Borrower, assign, transfer, sub-participate, grant a Security Interest over or otherwise deal with all or any part of its monetary rights and benefits under the Finance Documents to a securitisation vehicle, financial institution or other party that provides funding to the Lender if the Lender remains the Lender of record.


  (b) The Lender will notify the Borrower of any agreement that has been reached with any other party to sell, assign or issue participation interests in any of its rights in whole or in part at least 5 Business Days prior to executing such agreement.


28.4 Disclosure


The Lender may, without the consent of the Borrower, disclose any information which relates to the Borrower, the Project or a Finance Document or was furnished or disclosed in connection with the Finance Documents, to:


  (a) any ratings agency or Government Agency;


  (b) a proposed assignee, transferee or sub-participant in the Loan;


  (c) any provider (prospective provider) of funding to or investor in the Lender; and


  (d) any Government Authority to which the Lender is required to provide that information, provided (in the case of paragraph (b) or (c)) each such party agrees to be bound by the confidentiality obligations equivalent to those set out in this clause 28.4 and clause 32.


The Lender acknowledges that (i) the Borrower is an Australian public company listed on the ASX and (ii) the Lender may receive material non-public information (MNPI) under the terms of this agreement.


The Lender agrees to:


  (e) comply with Australian and any other applicable securities laws in relation to trading in securities of the Borrower and


  (f) not trade in securities of the Borrower while the Lender is in possession of MNPI, which shall include any document or other communication that the Borrower has identified to the Lender as being MNPI; provided, however, this provision shall not apply to the extent such MNPI is (i) subsequently lodged with the ASX, (ii) otherwise made public by the Borrower or a third party independent of the Lender or (iii) if the Borrower subsequently informs the Lender that the information is no longer MNPI.




In the event the Lender were to breach any provision in this clause 28.4 that results in any regulatory or legal action, then the Lender agrees that it may be liable to Borrower for damages arising from Lender’s breach of any provision of this clause 28.4 and that Lender will reimburse the Borrower for any costs and out-of-pocket expenses that it incurs as a direct result of such regulatory or legal action to the extent the regulatory or legal action is caused by the breach.


For the avoidance of doubt, Lender may request at any time to cease receiving MNPI from Borrower, in which case Borrower will not provide any MNPI to Lender until such time, if any, as Lender requests to receive such information as set out in this Agreement.


28.5 No increased costs




  (a) the Lender assigns or transfers any of its rights or obligations under the Finance Documents; and


  (b) as a result of circumstances existing at the date the assignment or transfer, the Borrower would be obliged to make a payment to the assignee or transferee under clause 9 or clause 10, then the transferee or assignee is only entitled to receive payment under those clauses to the same extent as the Lender would have been if the assignment or transfer had not occurred.


29 Amendment of Finance Documents


  (a) A provision of this agreement or a right created under it, may not be amended except in writing, signed by all parties.


  (b) Nothing in this clause limits the right of the Lenders to grant a waiver or release.


30 Notices


All notices, requests, demands, consents, approvals, agreements or other communications to or by a party to this agreement:


  (a) must be in writing signed by an Authorised Officer of the sender (or in the case of an email message, sent from the email address of an Authorised Officer of the sender); and


  (b) will be conclusively taken to be given or made when delivered, received or left at the address, email address or fax number of the recipient shown in Schedule 1 or to any other address, fax number or email address which it may have notified the sender but, if delivery or receipt is on a day on which business is not generally carried on in the place to which the communication is sent or is later than 4pm (local time), it will be conclusively taken to have been received at the commencement of business on the next day on which business is generally carried on in that place.


31 Process Agent


Each of the Lender and the Borrower irrevocably waives personal service of any and all legal process, summons, notices and other documents and other service of process of any kind and consents to such service in any suit, action or proceeding brought with respect to or otherwise arising out of or in connection with any Finance Document by the mailing thereof (by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid) to:


in the case of the Lender:


the address of the Lender at Nebari Partners, LLC of 460 NE 28th Street, Unit 4201, Miami, Florida 33137, USA (with a digital copy sent to the attention of the Corporate Secretary at corporatesecretary@nebari.com)




in the case of the Borrower:


to the address of the Borrower at Nova Minerals Limited, of Suite 602, 566 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004, Australia (with digital copy sent to the attention of the Director of Finance and Compliance at craig@novaminerals.com.au).


32 Confidentiality


32.1 Confidentiality


Except as permitted in clause 28.4 or clause 32.2:


  (a) the Lender shall not disclose information and documents supplied by the Borrower in connection with the Finance Documents which are specifically indicated by the Borrower to be confidential and are not in the public domain; and


  (b) no party shall disclose any information of the kind mentioned in section 275(1) of the PPSA.


32.2 Permitted disclosure


The Lender may disclose information or documents:


  (a) in enforcing a Finance Document, in a proceeding arising out of or connected with a Finance Document or to the extent that disclosure is regarded by the Lender as necessary to protect its interests;


  (b) as required under an order of a Government Agency or any procedure for discovery in any proceedings;


  (c) as required under any law (except to the extent the requirement can be excluded or limited by contract or by a confidentiality obligation) or under any administrative guideline, directive, request or policy with which responsible financial institutions similarly situated would normally comply;


  (d) as required or permitted by any Finance Document;


  (e) to a ratings agency and its advisers;


  (f) to a trustee associated with any financing conduit and its advisers;


  (g) to a proposed assignee, transferee or sub-participant in the Loan;


  (h) to any provider (prospective provider) of funding to or investor in the Lender; and


  (i) to its legal advisers and its consultants; or


  (j) with the prior consent of the Borrower, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, subject to, in the case of paragraphs (f), (g), (h) or (i) the party to whom the information or documents are disclosed agreeing with the Borrower to keep them confidential in a manner consistent with this clause.


32.3 Survival of obligation


This clause survives the termination of this agreement.


33 Authorised Officers


The Borrower irrevocably authorises the Lender to rely on a certificate by a person purporting to be its director or secretary as to the identity and signatures of its Authorised Officers. The Borrower warrants that those persons have been authorised to give notices and communications under or relating to the Finance Documents.





34 Governing Law and Jurisdiction


This agreement and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation is governed by the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia. Each of the Lender and the Borrower irrevocably accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of courts with jurisdiction in the State of Victoria, Australia, and waives any right to object to the venue on any ground.


35 Counterparts


This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each executed by one or more parties. A party may do this by executing a signature page and electronically transmitting a copy to one or more others or their representative.


36 Acknowledgement by the Borrower


The Borrower confirms that:


  (a) it has not entered into any Finance Document in reliance on, or as a result of, any conduct of any kind of or on behalf of the Lender or any Related Entity of the Lender (including any advice, warranty, representation or undertaking); and


  (b) neither the Lender nor any Related Entity of the Lender is obliged to do anything (including disclose anything or give advice), except as expressly set out in the Finance Documents.




Schedule 1


Notice Details


1 Lender


Nebari Gold Fund 1, LP


Address   460 NE 28th Street, Unit 4201, Miami, Florida 33137, USA
Email:   corporatesecretary@nebari.com and roderik@nebari.com
Attention:   Corporate secretary


2 Borrower


Nova Minerals Limited (ABN 84 006 690 348)


Address:   Suite 602, 566 St Kilda Rd Melbourne, VIC 3004
Attention:   Director of Finance & Compliance
Email:   craig@novaminerals.com.au and louie@novaminerals.com.au




Schedule 2


Conditions Precedent Part A


Conditions Precedent – Documentation Execution and Closing for Tranche 1 Funded Amount


1 (Verification Certificate) A verification certificate in relation to the Borrower given by a director of the Borrower substantially in the form of Schedule 4 with the attachments referred to and dated no earlier than 10 Business Days before the date of this agreement.


2 (Documents):


  (a) A duly executed counterpart of this agreement.


  (b) Certified copies of each fully executed Material Contract.


3 (Searches) satisfactory results of searches and requisitions in respect of the Borrower and its assets, including ASIC, PPSA searches conducted by the Lender.


4 (Due Diligence) The Lender has completed in form and substance satisfactory to it confirmatory due diligence of the Borrower and its assets.


5 (Finance Debt) Evidence that Finance Debt other than Permitted Finance Debt has or will be repaid in full contemporaneously on the Closing Date.


6 (Investment Committee) The Lender has obtained final investment approval from its Investment Committee.


7 (KYC) Customary and reasonable information from the Borrower as may be necessary for the Lenders to comply with any applicable “know your customer” or similar requirements.


8 (R&Ws) Each of the representations and warranties made by the Borrower in connection with the Finance Documents is true and correct in all respects as of the date of Drawdown Notice and the Closing Date.


9 (Default): No Default shall have occurred or be continuing on the Closing Date or would occur after making the Loan on that date.


10 (Fees) The Borrower has paid all expenses payable to or for the account of the Lender on or before the Closing Date; provided, however, that such expenses shall not exceed $85,000 unless otherwise agreed between the Lender and the Borrower.


11 (Insurance) Evidence that adequate insurance coverage for the Project has been effected and remains current, including polices providing commercially reasonable coverage for construction, installations, equipment, buildings, infrastructure, leases, permits, general liability, third party contractors, environmental and all umbrella policies and riders as are commercially reasonable and typical under Good Operating Practice.


12 (Authorisations) Any corporate and regulatory approvals necessary for the Project and entry in this agreement, including any shareholder approval required for the issuance of any Nova Shares and options that are or may be required to be issued to the Lender under this agreement.


13 (Equity Raise) On or before the Closing Date, evidence that the Borrower has completed or will complete contemporaneously with the Closing Date the Equity Raise.


14 (Group Structure) A certified Group Structure Chart.


15 (Legal Opinion) A legal opinion from Allens in relation to the Borrowers’ entry into the Finance Documents.


16 (Inter-company debt) Certified copies of documentation recording all of the Group’s inter- company Finance Debt.




Part B


Conditions Precedent – for Tranche 2 Funded Amounts


1 (Tranche 1) Tranche 1 Principal Amount has been fully drawn and not prepaid or cancelled.


2 (Documents): Evidence that the Borrower has paid all associated fees and expenses payable to the Lender on or prior to the 10th working day prior to the requested Drawdown Date.


3 (R&Ws) Each of the representations and warranties made by the Borrower in connection with the Finance Documents is true and correct in all respects as of the date of Drawdown Notice and the Drawdown Date.


4 (Default): No Default shall have occurred or be continuing on the Drawdown Date or would occur after making the Loan on that date.


5 (Investment Committee) The Lender has obtained final investment approval from its Investment Committee. If additional studies are required to obtain IC approval, the expenses incurred for these, capped at maximum US$20,000, shall be prepaid by the Borrower.




Drawdown Notice


TO: [*]


[*] — Drawdown Notice


This is an irrevocable notice under clause [*] of the Loan Agreement dated [*] (the Loan Agreement).



We wish to draw on [Tranche 1/Tranche 2] of under the Loan Agreement on [*] (the Drawdown Date).


Note: Date is to be a Business Day.


2 The amount of the Loan is [*].


3 We represent and warrant to the Lenders as follows.


  (a) [(Except as disclosed in paragraph (d)] the representations and warranties in the Loan Agreement are true as though they had been made at the date of this Drawdown Notice and the Drawdown Date specified above in respect of the facts and circumstances then subsisting;


  (b) [(Except as disclosed in paragraph (d)] no Default continues or will result from the drawing; [and]


  (c) [Details of the exceptions to paragraphs (a) and (b) are as follows: [*], and we [have taken|propose] the following remedial action [*].] Note: Inclusion of a statement under paragraph (c) will not prejudice the conditions precedent in the Loan Agreement.


Definitions in the Loan Agreement apply in this Drawdown Notice.


On behalf of [*]


By: [Authorised Officer]


Dated [*]




Verification Certificate


TO:    [*]


US$7,000,000 Facility for Nova Minerals Limited


We are directors of Nova Minerals Limited (the Company).


We refer to the Loan Agreement dated [*] (the Loan Agreement) between the Company and Nebari Gold Fund 1, LP.


Definitions in the Loan Agreement apply in this Certificate.


Attached are true, up-to-date and complete copies of the following.


(a) A duly stamped and registered power of attorney under which the Company executed any Finance Document to which it is expressed to be a party relating to the above facility. That power of attorney has not been revoked by the Company and remains in full force and effect.


(b) Extracts of minutes of a meeting of directors of the Company authorising the execution, explaining why the directors believe it is in the best interests of the Company.


(c) The constitution of the Company if it is not already held by the Lenders.


(d) Specimen signatures of all those authorised to give drawdown and other notices for the Company or to sign the Finance Documents.


(e) A copy of the Company’s corporate structure chart.


(f) The following Authorisations: [*] Note: insert description of relevant documents or correspondences.


(g) [*] Note: insert other documents required to be certified, Material Contracts etc.


The Company is solvent.


The Company is not prevented by Chapter 2E, Part 5C.7 or any other provision of the Corporations Act from entering into and performing any of the Finance Documents.







Schedule 5




   ADL Number  Claim Name  Meridian  Township  Range  Section  Acreage
1  ADL 726071  OXIDE 1  Seward  22N  19W  18  160
2  ADL 726072  OXIDE 2  Seward  22N  19W  7  160
3  ADL 726073  OXIDE 3  Seward  22N  19W  7  160
4  ADL 726074  OXIDE 4  Seward  22N  19W  6  160
5  ADL 726075  OXIDE 5  Seward  22N  20W  1  160
6  ADL 726076  OXIDE 6  Seward  22N  20W  12  160
7  ADL 726077  OXIDE 7  Seward  22N  20W  12  160
8  ADL 726078  OXIDE 8  Seward  22N  20W  13  160
9  ADL 726079  OXIDE 9  Seward  22N  20W  12  160
10  ADL 726080  OXIDE 10  Seward  22N  20W  12  160
11  ADL 726081  OXIDE 11  Seward  22N  20W  1  160
12  ADL 726082  OXIDE 12  Seward  22N  20W  2  160
13  ADL 726083  OXIDE 13  Seward  22N  20W  11  160
14  ADL 726084  OXIDE 14  Seward  22N  20W  11  160
15  ADL 726085  OXIDE 15  Seward  22N  20W  11  160
16  ADL 726086  OXIDE 16  Seward  22N  20W  11  160
17  ADL 726087  OXIDE 17  Seward  22N  20W  10  160
18  ADL 726088  OXIDE 18  Seward  22N  20W  10  160
19  ADL 726089  OXIDE 19  Seward  22N  20W  15  160
20  ADL 726090  OXIDE 20  Seward  22N  20W  15  160
21  ADL 726091  OXIDE 21  Seward  22N  20W  15  160
22  ADL 726092  OXIDE 22  Seward  22N  20W  15  160
23  ADL 726093  OXIDE 23  Seward  22N  20W  16  160
24  ADL 726094  OXIDE 24  Seward  22N  20W  16  160
25  ADL 726095  OXIDE 25  Seward  22N  20W  9  160
26  ADL 726096  OXIDE 26  Seward  22N  20W  10  160
27  ADL 726097  OXIDE 27  Seward  22N  20W  10  160
28  ADL 726098  OXIDE 28  Seward  22N  20W  9  160
29  ADL 726099  OXIDE 29  Seward  22N  20W  2  160
30  ADL 726100  OXIDE 30  Seward  22N  20W  3  160
31  ADL 726101  OXIDE 31  Seward  22N  20W  3  160
32  ADL 726102  OXIDE 32  Seward  22N  20W  4  160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
33   ADL 728676   OXIDE 33   Seward   22N   20W   13   160
34   ADL 728677   OXIDE 34   Seward   22N   20W   14   160
35   ADL 728678   OXIDE 35   Seward   22N   20W   14   160
36   ADL 726103   STONEY 1   Seward   22N   20W   22   160
37   ADL 726104   STONEY 2   Seward   22N   20W   22   160
38   ADL 726105   STONEY 3   Seward   22N   20W   27   160
39   ADL 726106   STONEY 4   Seward   22N   20W   27   160
40   ADL 726107   STONEY 5   Seward   22N   20W   34   160
41   ADL 726108   STONEY 6   Seward   22N   20W   34   160
42   ADL 726109   STONEY 7   Seward   21N   20W   3   160
43   ADL 726110   STONEY 8   Seward   21N   20W   3   160
44   ADL 726111   STONEY 9   Seward   21N   20W   10   160
45   ADL 726112   STONEY 10   Seward   21N   20W   10   160
46   ADL 726113   STONEY 11   Seward   21N   20W   15   160
47   ADL 726114   STONEY 12   Seward   21N   20W   15   160
48   ADL 726115   STONEY 13   Seward   21N   20W   22   160
49   ADL 726116   STONEY 14   Seward   21N   20W   22   160
50   ADL 726117   STONEY 15   Seward   21N   20W   27   160
51   ADL 726118   STONEY 16   Seward   21N   20W   27   160
52   ADL 726119   STONEY 17   Seward   21N   20W   22   160
53   ADL 725949   STONEY 18   Seward   21N   20W   22   160
54   ADL 725950   STONEY 19   Seward   21N   20W   15   160
55   ADL 726120   STONEY 20   Seward   21N   20W   15   160
56   ADL 726121   STONEY 21   Seward   21N   20W   10   160
57   ADL 726122   STONEY 22   Seward   21N   20W   10   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
58   ADL 726123   STONEY 23   Seward   21N   20W   3   160
59   ADL 726124   STONEY 24   Seward   21N   20W   3   160
60   ADL 726125   STONEY 25   Seward   22N   20W   34   160
61   ADL 726126   STONEY 26   Seward   22N   20W   34   160
62   ADL 726127   STONEY 27   Seward   22N   20W   27   160
63   ADL 726128   STONEY 28   Seward   22N   20W   27   160
64   ADL 726129   STONEY 29   Seward   22N   20W   22   160
65   ADL 726130   STONEY 30   Seward   22N   20W   22   160
66   ADL 726131   STONEY 31   Seward   21N   20W   28   160
67   ADL 726132   STONEY 32   Seward   21N   20W   27   160
68   ADL 726133   STONEY 33   Seward   21N   20W   28   160
69   ADL 726134   STONEY 34   Seward   21N   20W   34   160
70   ADL 726135   STONEY 35   Seward   21N   20W   33   160
71   ADL 726136   STONEY 36   Seward   21N   20W   34   160
72   ADL 726137   STONEY 37   Seward   21N   20W   33   160
73   ADL 726138   STONEY 38   Seward   21N   20W   21   160
74   ADL 725951   STONEY 39   Seward   21N   20W   21   160
75   ADL 725952   STONEY 40   Seward   21N   20W   16   160
76   ADL 725953   STONEY 41   Seward   21N   20W   16   160
77   ADL 725954   STONEY 42   Seward   21N   20W   9   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
78   ADL 725955   STONEY 43   Seward   21N   20W   9   160
79   ADL 726139   STONEY 44   Seward   21N   20W   4   160
80   ADL 726140   STONEY 45   Seward   21N   20W   4   160
81   ADL 726141   STONEY 46   Seward   22N   20W   33   160
82   ADL 726142   STONEY 47   Seward   22N   20W   33   160
83   ADL 726143   STONEY 48   Seward   22N   20W   28   160
84   ADL 726144   STONEY 49   Seward   22N   20W   28   160
85   ADL 726145   STONEY 50   Seward   22N   20W   21   160
86   ADL 726146   STONEY 51   Seward   22N   20W   21   160
87   ADL 726147   ESTELLE 1   Seward   20N   20W   3   160
88   ADL 726148   ESTELLE 2   Seward   20N   20W   3   160
89   ADL 726149   ESTELLE 3   Seward   20N   20W   10   160
90   ADL 726150   ESTELLE 4   Seward   20N   20W   10   160
91   ADL 726151   ESTELLE 5   Seward   20N   20W   15   160
92   ADL 726152   ESTELLE 6   Seward   20N   20W   16   160
93   ADL 726153   ESTELLE 7   Seward   20N   20W   9   160
94   ADL 726154   ESTELLE 8   Seward   20N   20W   9   160
95   ADL 726155   ESTELLE 9   Seward   20N   20W   4   160
96   ADL 726156   ESTELLE 10   Seward   20N   20W   4   160
97   ADL 726157   ESTELLE 11   Seward   20N   20W   4   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
98   ADL 726158   ESTELLE 12   Seward   20N   20W   5   160
99   ADL 725940   ESTELLE 13   Seward   20N   20W   5   160
100   ADL 726159   ESTELLE 14   Seward   20N   20W   4   160
101   ADL 726160   ESTELLE 15   Seward   20N   20W   9   160
102   ADL 726161   ESTELLE 16   Seward   20N   20W   9   160
103   ADL 726162   ESTELLE 17   Seward   20N   20W   16   160
104   ADL 726163   ESTELLE 18   Seward   20N   20W   15   160
105   ADL 726164   ESTELLE 19   Seward   20N   20W   16   160
106   ADL 726165   ESTELLE 20   Seward   20N   20W   16   160
107   ADL 726166   ESTELLE 21   Seward   20N   20W   17   160
108   ADL 725941   ESTELLE 22   Seward   20N   20W   17   160
109   ADL 725942   ESTELLE 23   Seward   20N   20W   8   160
110   ADL 725943   ESTELLE 24   Seward   20N   20W   8   160
111   ADL 726167   ESTELLE 25   Seward   20N   20W   5   160
112   ADL 725944   ESTELLE 26   Seward   20N   20W   5   160
113   ADL 725945   ESTELLE 27   Seward   20N   20W   8   160
114   ADL 726168   ESTELLE 28   Seward   20N   20W   8   160
115   ADL 726169   ESTELLE 29   Seward   20N   20W   17   160
116   ADL 726170   ESTELLE 30   Seward   20N   20W   17   160
117   ADL 726171   ESTELLE 31   Seward   20N   20W   18   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
118   ADL 726172   ESTELLE 32   Seward   20N   20W   18   160
119   ADL 726173   ESTELLE 33   Seward   20N   20W   7   160
120   ADL 725946   ESTELLE 34   Seward   20N   20W   7   160
121   ADL 725947   ESTELLE 35   Seward   20N   20W   7   160
122   ADL 725948   ESTELLE 36   Seward   20N   20W   7   160
123   ADL 726174   ESTELLE 37   Seward   20N   20W   18   160
124   ADL 726175   ESTELLE 38   Seward   20N   20W   18   160
125   ADL 726176   ESTELLE 39   Seward   20N   21W   12   160
126   ADL 726177   ESTELLE 40   Seward   20N   21W   12   160
127   ADL 726178   ESTELLE 41   Seward   20N   21W   12   160
128   ADL 726179   ESTELLE 42   Seward   20N   21W   12   160
129   ADL 727286   ESTELLE 43   Seward   20N   21W   13   160
130   ADL 727287   ESTELLE 44   Seward   20N   21W   13   160
131   ADL 727288   ESTELLE 45   Seward   20N   21W   13   160
132   ADL 727289   ESTELLE 46   Seward   20N   21W   13   160
133   ADL 728679   ESTELLE 47   Seward   21N   20W   35   40
134   ADL 728680   ESTELLE 48   Seward   20N   20W   3   40
135   ADL 728681   ESTELLE 49   Seward   20N   20W   3   40
136   ADL 728682   ESTELLE 50   Seward   20N   20W   3   40
137   ADL 728683   ESTELLE 51   Seward   20N   20W   15   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
138   ADL 728684   ESTELLE 52   Seward   20N   20W   15   160
139   ADL 726180   EMERALD 1   Seward   20N   21W   24   160
140   ADL 726181   EMERALD 2   Seward   20N   21W   24   160
141   ADL 726182   EMERALD 3   Seward   20N   21W   24   160
142   ADL 726183   EMERALD 4   Seward   20N   21W   24   160
143   ADL 726184   EMERALD 5   Seward   20N   21W   25   160
144   ADL 726185   EMERALD 6   Seward   20N   21W   25   160
145   ADL 726186   EMERALD 7   Seward   20N   21W   25   160
146   ADL 726187   EMERALD 8   Seward   20N   21W   25   160
147   ADL 726188   EMERALD 9   Seward   20N   21W   26   160
148   ADL 726188   EMERALD 10   Seward   20N   21W   26   160
149   ADL 726190   EMERALD 11   Seward   20N   21W   26   160
150   ADL 726191   EMERALD 12   Seward   20N   21W   26   160
151   ADL 726192   EMERALD 13   Seward   20N   21W   35   160
152   ADL 726193   EMERALD 14   Seward   20N   21W   35   160
153   ADL 726194   EMERALD 15   Seward   20N   21W   36   160
154   ADL 726195   EMERALD 16   Seward   20N   21W   36   160
155   ADL 726196   EMERALD 17   Seward   20N   20W   31   160
156   ADL 726197   EMERALD 18   Seward   20N   20W   31   160
157   ADL 726198   EMERALD 19   Seward   20N   20W   32   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
158   ADL 726199   EMERALD 20   Seward   20N   20W   32   160
159   ADL 726200   EMERALD 21   Seward   20N   20W   33   160
160   ADL 726201   EMERALD 22   Seward   20N   20W   33   160
161   ADL 726202   EMERALD 23   Seward   20N   20W   32   160
162   ADL 726203   EMERALD 24   Seward   20N   20W   32   160
163   ADL 726204   EMERALD 25   Seward   20N   20W   31   160
164   ADL 726205   EMERALD 26   Seward   20N   20W   31   160
165   ADL 726206   EMERALD 27   Seward   20N   21W   36   160
166   ADL 726207   EMERALD 28   Seward   20N   21W   36   160
167   ADL 726208   EMERALD 29   Seward   20N   21W   35   160
168   ADL 726209   EMERALD 30   Seward   19N   20W   4   160
169   ADL 726210   EMERALD 31   Seward   19N   20W   5   160
170   ADL 726211   EMERALD 32   Seward   19N   20W   5   160
171   ADL 726212   EMERALD 33   Seward   19N   20W   6   160
172   ADL 726213   EMERALD 34   Seward   19N   20W   6   160
173   ADL 726214   EMERALD 35   Seward   19N   21W   1   160
174   ADL 726215   EMERALD 36   Seward   19N   21W   1   160
175   ADL 726216   EMERALD 37   Seward   19N   21W   2   160
176   ADL 725956   EMERALD 38   Seward   20N   21W   35   160
177   ADL 725957   EMERALD 39   Seward   19N   21W   2   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
178   ADL 725958   EMERALD 40   Seward   19N   21W   3   160
179   ADL 725959   EMERALD 41   Seward   20N   21W   34   160
180   ADL 725960   EMERALD 42   Seward   20N   21W   34   160
181   ADL 725961   EMERALD 43   Seward   20N   21W   34   160
182   ADL 725962   EMERALD 44   Seward   20N   21W   34   160
183   ADL 725963   EMERALD 45   Seward   19N   21W   3   160
184   ADL 725964   EMERALD 46   Seward   19N   21W   4   160
185   ADL 725965   EMERALD 47   Seward   20N   21W   33   160
186   ADL 725966   EMERALD 48   Seward   20N   21W   33   160
187   ADL 730362   Korbel 1   Seward   21N   20W   34   40
188   ADL 730363   Korbel 2   Seward   21N   20W   34   40
189   ADL 730364   Korbel 3   Seward   21N   20W   34   40
190   ADL 730365   Korbel 4   Seward   21N   20W   34   40
191   ADL 730366   Korbel 5   Seward   21N   20W   27   160
192   ADL 730367   Korbel 6   Seward   21N   20W   26   160
193   ADL 730368   Korbel 7   Seward   21N   20W   26   160
194   ADL 730369   Korbel 8   Seward   21W   20W   23   160
195   ADL 730370   Korbel 9   Seward   21N   20W   23   160
196   ADL 730371   Korbel 10   Seward   21N   20W   14   160
197   ADL 730372   Korbel 11   Seward   21N   20W   14   160
198   ADL 730373   Korbel 12   Seward   21N   20W   11   160
199   ADL 730374   Korbel 13   Seward   21N   20W   11   160
200   ADL 730375   Korbel 14   Seward   21N   20W   2   160
201   ADL 730376   Korbel 15   Seward   21N   20W   2   160
202   ADL 730377   Korbel 16   Seward   22N   20W   35   160
203   ADL 730378   Korbel 17   Seward   22N   20W   35   160
204   ADL 730379   Korbel 18   Seward   22N   20W   26   160
205   ADL 730380   Korbel 19   Seward   22N   20W   26   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
206   ADL 730381   Korbel 20   Seward   22N   20W   23   160
207   ADL 730382   Korbel 21   Seward   22N   20W   23   160
208   ADL 730383   Korbel 22   Seward   22N   20W   14   160
209   ADL 730384   Korbel 23   Seward   22N   20W   14   160
210   ADL 730385   Korbel 24   Seward   22N   20W   23   160
211   ADL 730386   Korbel 25   Seward   22N   20W   23   160
212   ADL 730387   Korbel 26   Seward   22N   20W   26   160
213   ADL 730388   Korbel 27   Seward   22N   20W   26   160
214   ADL 730389   Korbel 28   Seward   22N   20W   35   160
215   ADL 730390   Korbel 29   Seward   22N   20W   35   160
216   ADL 730391   Korbel 30   Seward   21N   20W   2   160
217   ADL 730392   Korbel 31   Seward   21N   20W   2   160
218   ADL 730393   Korbel 32   Seward   21N   20W   11   160
219   ADL 730394   Korbel 33   Seward   21N   20W   11   160
220   ADL 730395   Korbel 34   Seward   21N   20W   14   160
221   ADL 730396   Korbel 35   Seward   21N   20W   14   160
222   ADL 730397   Korbel 36   Seward   21N   20W   23   160
223   ADL 730398   Korbel 37   Seward   21N   20W   23   160
224   ADL 730399   Korbel 38   Seward   21N   20W   26   160
225   ADL 730400   Korbel 39   Seward   21N   20W   26   160
226   ADL 730401   Korbel 40   Seward   22N   20W   24   160
227   ADL 730402   Korbel 41   Seward   22N   20W   24   160
228   ADL 730403   Korbel 42   Seward   22N   20W   13   160
229   ADL 730404   Korbel 43   Seward   22N   20W   13   160
230   ADL 730405   Korbel 44   Seward   22N   20W   24   160
231   ADL 730406   Korbel 45   Seward   22N   20W   24   160
232   ADL 730407   Korbel 46   Seward   22N   19W   19   160
233   ADL 730408   Korbel 47   Seward   22N   19W   19   160
234   ADL 730409   Korbel 48   Seward   22N   19W   18   160
235   ADL 730410   Korbel 49   Seward   22N   19W   19   160
236   ADL 730411   Korbel 50   Seward   22N   19W   19   160
237   ADL 730412   Korbel 51   Seward   22N   19W   18   160
238   ADL 730413   Korbel 52   Seward   22N   19W   18   160
239   ADL 730414   Korbel 53   Seward   22N   19W   7   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
240   ADL 730415   Korbel 54   Seward   22N   19W   7   160
241   ADL 730416   Korbel 55   Seward   22N   19W   6   160
242   ADL 730417   Korbel 56   Seward   22N   20W   4   160
243   ADL 730418   Korbel 57   Seward   22N   20W   9   160
244   ADL 730419   Korbel 58   Seward   22N   20W   9   160
245   ADL 730420   Korbel 59   Seward   22N   20W   16   160
246   ADL 730421   Korbel 60   Seward   22N   20W   16   160
247   ADL 730422   Korbel 61   Seward   22N   20W   21   160
248   ADL 730423   Korbel 62   Seward   22N   20W   21   160
249   ADL 730424   Korbel 63   Seward   22N   20W   28   160
250   ADL 730425   Korbel 64   Seward   22N   20W   28   160
251   ADL 730426   Korbel 65   Seward   22N   20W   33   160
252   ADL 730427   Korbel 66   Seward   22N   20W   16   160
253   ADL 730428   Korbel 67   Seward   22N   20W   4   160
254   ADL 730429   Korbel 68   Seward   21N   20W   4   160
255   ADL 730430   Korbel 69   Seward   21N   20W   9   160
256   ADL 730431   Korbel 70   Seward   21N   20W   9   160
257   ADL 730432   Korbel 71   Seward   21N   20W   16   160
258   ADL 730433   Korbel 72   Seward   21N   20W   16   160
259   ADL 730434   Korbel 73   Seward   21N   20W   16   160
260   ADL 730435   Korbel 74   Seward   21N   20W   21   160
261   ADL 730436   Korbel 75   Seward   21N   20W   28   160
262   ADL 730437   Korbel 76   Seward   21N   20W   28   160
263   ADL 730438   Korbel 77   Seward   21N   20W   33   160
264   ADL 730439   Korbel 78   Seward   21N   20W   33   160
265   ADL 730440   Korbel 79   Seward   21N   20W   32   160
266   ADL 730441   Korbel 80   Seward   21N   20W   32   160
267   ADL 730442   Korbel 81   Seward   21N   20W   29   160
268   ADL 730443   Korbel 82   Seward   21N   20W   29   160
269   ADL 730444   Korbel 83   Seward   21N   20W   20   160
270   ADL 730445   Korbel 84   Seward   21N   20W   20   160
271   ADL 730446   Korbel 85   Seward   21N   20W   17   160
272   ADL 730447   Korbel 86   Seward   21N   20W   17   160
273   ADL 730448   Korbel 87   Seward   21N   20W   8   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
274   ADL 730449   Korbel 88   Seward   21N   20W   8   160
275   ADL 730450   Korbel 89   Seward   21N   20W   5   160
276   ADL 730451   Korbel 90   Seward   21N   20W   5   160
277   ADL 730452   Korbel 91   Seward   22N   20W   32   160
278   ADL 730453   Korbel 92   Seward   22N   20W   32   160
279   ADL 730454   Korbel 93   Seward   22N   20W   29   160
280   ADL 730455   Korbel 94   Seward   22N   20W   29   160
281   ADL 730456   Korbel 95   Seward   22N   20W   20   160
282   ADL 730457   Korbel 96   Seward   22N   20W   20   160
283   ADL 730458   Korbel 97   seward   22N   20W   17   160
284   ADL 730459   Korbel 98   Seward   22N   20W   17   160
285   ADL 730460   Korbel 99   Seward   22N   20W   8   160
286   ADL 730461   Korbel 100   Seward   22N   20W   8   160
287   ADL 730462   Korbel 101   Seward   22N   20W   5   160
288   ADL 730463   Korbel 102   Seward   22N   20W   5   160
289   ADL 730464   Korbel 103   Seward   22N   20W   8   160
290   ADL 730465   Korbel 104   Seward   22N   20W   8   160
291   ADL 730466   Korbel 105   Seward   22N   20W   17   160
292   ADL 730467   Korbel 106   Seward   22N   20W   17   160
293   ADL 730468   Korbel 107   Seward   22N   20W   20   160
294   ADL 730469   Korbel 108   Seward   22N   20W   20   160
295   ADL 730470   Korbel 109   Seward   22N   20W   29   160
296   ADL 730471   Korbel 110   Seward   22N   20W   29   160
297   ADL 730472   Korbel 111   Seward   22N   20W   32   160
298   ADL 730473   Korbel 112   Seward   22N   20W   32   160
299   ADL 730474   Korbel 113   Seward   21N   20W   5   160
300   ADL 730475   Korbel 114   Seward   21N   20W   5   160
301   ADL 730476   Korbel 115   Seward   21N   20W   8   160
302   ADL 730477   Korbel 116   Seward   21N   20W   8   160
303   ADL 730478   Korbel 117   Seward   21N   20W   17   160
304   ADL 730479   Korbel 118   Seward   21N   20W   17   160
305   ADL 730480   Korbel 119   Seward   21N   20W   20   160
306   ADL 730481   Korbel 120   Seward   21N   20W   20   160
307   ADL 730482   Korbel 121   Seward   21N   20W   21   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
308   ADL 730483   Korbel 122   Seward   21N   20W   29   160
309   ADL 730484   Korbel 123   Seward   21N   20W   32   160
310   ADL 730485   Korbel 124   Seward   21N   20W   32   160
311   ADL 730486   Korbel 125   seward   22N   20W   5   160
312   ADL 730487   Korbel 126   Seward   22N   20W   5   160
313   ADL 730488   Korbel 127   Seward   22N   20W   4   160
314   ADL 730489   Korbel 128   Seward   22N   20W   4   160
315   ADL 730490   Korbel 129   Seward   22N   20W   3   160
316   ADL 730491   Korbel 130   Seward   22N   20W   3   160
317   ADL 730492   Korbel 131   Seward   22N   20W   2   160
318   ADL 730493   Korbel 132   Seward   22N   20W   2   160
319   ADL 730494   Korbel 133   Seward   22N   20W   1   160
320   ADL 730495   Korbel 134   Seward   22N   20W   1   160
321   ADL 730496   Korbel 135   Seward   22N   19W   6   160
322   ADL 730497   Korbel 136   Seward   22N   19W   6   160
323   ADL 730498   Korbel 137   Seward   23N   20W   32   160
324   ADL 730499   Korbel 138   Seward   23N   20W   32   160
325   ADL 730500   Korbel 139   Seward   23N   20W   33   160
326   ADL 730501   Korbel 140   Seward   23N   20W   33   160
327   ADL 730502   Korbel 141   Seward   23N   20W   34   160
328   ADL 730503   Korbel 142   Seward   23N   20W   32   160
329   ADL 730504   Korbel 143   Seward   23N   20W   35   160
330   ADL 730505   Korbel 144   Seward   23N   20W   35   160
331   ADL 730506   Korbel 145   Seward   23N   20W   36   160
332   ADL 730507   Korbel 146   Seward   23N   20W   36   160
333   ADL 730508   Korbel 147   Seward   23N   19W   31   160
334   ADL 730509   Korbel 148   Seward   23N   19W   31   160
335   ADL 730510   Korbel 149   Seward   23N   20W   32   160
336   ADL 730511   Korbel 150   Seward   23N   20W   32   160
337   ADL 730512   Korbel 151   Seward   23N   20W   33   160
338   ADL 730513   Korbel 152   Seward   23N   20W   33   160
339   ADL 730514   Korbel 153   Seward   23N   20W   34   160
340   ADL 730515   Korbel 154   Seward   23N   20W   34   160
341   ADL 730516   Korbel 155   Seward   23N   20W   35   160





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
342   ADL 730517   Korbel 156   Seward   23N   20W   35   160
343   ADL 730518   Korbel 157   Seward   23N   20W   36   160
344   ADL 730519   Korbel 158   Seward   23N   20W   36   160
345   ADL 730520   Korbel 159   Seward   23N   19W   31   160
346   ADL 730521   Korbel 160   Seward   23N   19W   31   160
347   737162   STYX 1   Seward   20 N   21 W   3   737162
348   737163   STYX 2   Seward   20 N   21 W   3   737163
349   737164   STYX 3   Seward   20 N   21 W   10   737164
350   737165   STYX 4   Seward   20 N   21 W   10   737165
351   737166   STYX 5   Seward   20 N   21 W   15   737166
352   737167   STYX 6   Seward   20 N   21 W   15   737167
353   737168   STYX 7   Seward   20 N   21 W   22   737168
354   737169   STYX 8   Seward   20 N   21 W   22   737169
355   737170   STYX 9   Seward   20 N   21 W   27   737170
356   737171   STYX 10   Seward   20 N   21 W   27   737171
357   737172   STYX 11   Seward   20 N   21 W   3   737172
358   737173   STYX 12   Seward   20 N   21 W   3   737173
359   737174   STYX 13   Seward   20 N   21 W   10   737174
360   737175   STYX 14   Seward   20 N   21 W   10   737175
361   737176   STYX 15   Seward   20 N   21 W   15   737176
362   737177   STYX 16   Seward   20 N   21 W   15   737177
363   737178   STYX 17   Seward   20 N   21 W   22   737178
364   737179   STYX 18   Seward   20 N   21 W   22   737179
365   737180   STYX 19   Seward   20 N   21 W   27   737180
366   737181   STYX 20   Seward   20 N   21 W   27   737181
367   737182   STYX 21   Seward   20 N   21 W   4   737182
368   737183   STYX 22   Seward   20 N   21 W   4   737183
369   737184   STYX 23   Seward   20 N   21 W   9   737184
370   737185   STYX 24   Seward   20 N   21 W   9   737185
371   737186   STYX 25   Seward   20 N   21 W   16   737186
372   737187   STYX 26   Seward   20 N   21 W   16   737187
373   737188   STYX 27   Seward   20 N   21 W   21   737188
374   737189   STYX 28   Seward   20 N   21 W   21   737189
375   737190   STYX 29   Seward   20 N   21 W   28   737190





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
376   737191   STYX 30   Seward   20 N   21 W   28   737191
377   737192   STYX 31   Seward   20 N   21 W   4   737192
378   737193   STYX 32   Seward   20 N   21 W   4   737193
379   737194   STYX 33   Seward   20 N   21 W   9   737194
380   737195   STYX 34   Seward   20 N   21 W   9   737195
381   737196   STYX 35   Seward   20 N   21 W   16   737196
382   737197   STYX 36   Seward   20 N   21 W   16   737197
383   737198   STYX 37   Seward   20 N   21 W   21   737198
384   737199   STYX 38   Seward   20 N   21 W   21   737199
385   737200   STYX 39   Seward   20 N   21 W   28   737200
386   737201   STYX 40   Seward   20 N   21 W   28   737201
397   737202   STYX 41   Seward   23 N   20 W   31   737202
389   737203   STYX 42   Seward   23 N   20 W   31   737203
390   737204   STYX 43   Seward   22 N   20 W   6   737204
391   737205   STYX 44   Seward   22 N   20 W   6   737205
392   737206   STYX 45   Seward   22 N   20 W   7   737206
393   737207   STYX 46   Seward   22 N   20 W   7   737207
304   737208   STYX 47   Seward   22 N   20 W   18   737208
395   737209   STYX 48   Seward   22 N   20 W   18   737209
396   737210   STYX 49   Seward   22 N   20 W   19   737210
397   737211   STYX 50   Seward   22 N   20 W   19   737211
398   737212   STYX 51   Seward   22 N   20 W   30   737212
399   737213   STYX 52   Seward   22 N   20 W   30   737213
340   737214   STYX 53   Seward   22 N   20 W   31   737214
341   737215   STYX 54   Seward   22 N   20 W   31   737215
342   737216   STYX 55   Seward   21 N   20 W   6   737216
343   737217   STYX 56   Seward   21 N   20 W   6   737217
344   737218   STYX 57   Seward   21 N   20 W   7   737218
345   737219   STYX 58   Seward   21 N   20 W   7   737219
346   737220   STYX 59   Seward   21 N   20 W   18   737220
347   737221   STYX 60   Seward   21 N   20 W   18   737221
348   737222   STYX 61   Seward   21 N   20 W   19   737222
349   737223   STYX 62   Seward   21 N   20 W   19   737223
350   737224   STYX 63   Seward   21 N   20 W   30   737224





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
351   737225   STYX 64   Seward   21 N   20 W   30   737225
352   737226   STYX 65   Seward   21 N   20 W   31   737226
353   737227   STYX 66   Seward   21 N   20 W   31   737227
354   737228   STYX 67   Seward   23 N   20 W   31   737228
355   737229   STYX 68   Seward   23 N   20 W   31   737229
356   737230   STYX 69   Seward   22 N   20 W   6   737230
357   737231   STYX 70   Seward   22 N   20 W   6   737231
358   737232   STYX 71   Seward   22 N   20 W   7   737232
359   737233   STYX 72   Seward   22 N   20 W   7   737233
360   737234   STYX 73   Seward   22 N   20 W   18   737234
361   737235   STYX 74   Seward   22 N   20 W   18   737235
362   737236   STYX 75   Seward   22 N   20 W   19   737236
363   737237   STYX 76   Seward   22 N   20 W   19   737237
364   737238   STYX 77   Seward   22 N   20 W   30   737238
365   737239   STYX 78   Seward   22 N   20 W   30   737239
366   737240   STYX 79   Seward   22 N   20 W   31   737240
367   737241   STYX 80   Seward   22 N   20 W   31   737241
368   737242   STYX 81   Seward   21 N   20 W   6   737242
369   737243   STYX 82   Seward   21 N   20 W   6   737243
370   737244   STYX 83   Seward   21 N   20 W   7   737244
371   737245   STYX 84   Seward   21 N   20 W   7   737245
372   737246   STYX 85   Seward   21 N   20 W   18   737246
373   737247   STYX 86   Seward   21 N   20 W   18   737247
374   737248   STYX 87   Seward   21 N   20 W   19   737248
375   737249   STYX 88   Seward   21 N   20 W   19   737249
376   737250   STYX 89   Seward   21 N   20 W   30   737250
377   737251   STYX 90   Seward   21 N   20 W   30   737251
378   737252   STYX 91   Seward   21 N   20 W   31   737252
379   737253   STYX 92   Seward   21 N   20 W   31   737253
380   737254   STYX 93   Seward   23 N   21 W   36   737254
381   737255   STYX 94   Seward   23 N   21 W   36   737255
382   737256   STYX 95   Seward   22 N   21 W   1   737256
383   737257   STYX 96   Seward   22 N   21 W   1   737257
384   737258   STYX 97   Seward   22 N   21 W   12   737258





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
385   737259   STYX 98   Seward   22 N   21 W   12   737259
386   737260   STYX 99   Seward   22 N   21 W   13   737260
387   737261   STYX 100   Seward   22 N   21 W   13   737261
388   737262   STYX 101   Seward   22 N   21 W   24   737262
389   737263   STYX 102   Seward   22 N   21 W   24   737263
390   737264   STYX 103   Seward   22 N   21 W   25   737264
391   737265   STYX 104   Seward   22 N   21 W   25   737265
392   737266   STYX 105   Seward   22 N   21 W   36   737266
393   737267   STYX 106   Seward   22 N   21 W   36   737267
394   737268   STYX 107   Seward   21 N   21 W   1   737268
395   737269   STYX 108   Seward   21 N   21 W   1   737269
396   737270   STYX 109   Seward   21 N   21 W   12   737270
397   737271   STYX 110   Seward   21 N   21 W   12   737271
398   737272   STYX 111   Seward   21 N   21 W   13   737272
399   737273   STYX 112   Seward   21 N   21 W   13   737273
400   737274   STYX 113   Seward   21 N   21 W   24   737274
401   737275   STYX 114   Seward   21 N   21 W   24   737275
402   737276   STYX 115   Seward   21 N   21 W   25   737276
403   737277   STYX 116   Seward   21 N   21 W   25   737277
404   737278   STYX 117   Seward   21 N   21 W   36   737278
405   737279   STYX 118   Seward   21 N   21 W   36   737279
406   737280   STYX 119   Seward   23 N   21 W   36   737280
407   737281   STYX 120   Seward   23 N   21 W   36   737281
408   737282   STYX 121   Seward   22 N   21 W   1   737282
409   737283   STYX 122   Seward   22 N   21 W   1   737283
410   737284   STYX 123   Seward   22 N   21 W   12   737284
411   737285   STYX 124   Seward   22 N   21 W   12   737285
412   737286   STYX 125   Seward   22 N   21 W   13   737286
413   737287   STYX 126   Seward   22 N   21 W   13   737287
414   737288   STYX 127   Seward   22 N   21 W   24   737288
415   737289   STYX 128   Seward   22 N   21 W   24   737289
416   737290   STYX 129   Seward   22 N   21 W   25   737290
417   737291   STYX 130   Seward   22 N   21 W   25   737291
418   737292   STYX 131   Seward   22 N   21 W   36   737292





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
419   737293   STYX 132   Seward   22 N   21 W   36   737293
420   737294   STYX 133   Seward   21 N   21 W   1   737294
421   737295   STYX 134   Seward   21 N   21 W   1   737295
422   737296   STYX 135   Seward   21 N   21 W   12   737296
423   737297   STYX 136   Seward   21 N   21 W   12   737297
424   737298   STYX 137   Seward   21 N   21 W   13   737298
425   737299   STYX 138   Seward   21 N   21 W   13   737299
426   737300   STYX 139   Seward   21 N   21 W   24   737300
427   737301   STYX 140   Seward   21 N   21 W   24   737301
428   737302   STYX 141   Seward   21 N   21 W   25   737302
429   737303   STYX 142   Seward   21 N   21 W   25   737303
430   737304   STYX 143   Seward   21 N   21 W   36   737304
431   737305   STYX 144   Seward   21 N   21 W   36   737305
432   737306   STYX 145   Seward   23 N   21 W   35   737306
433   737307   STYX 146   Seward   23 N   21 W   35   737307
434   737308   STYX 147   Seward   22 N   21 W   2   737308
435   737309   STYX 148   Seward   22 N   21 W   2   737309
436   737310   STYX 149   Seward   22 N   21 W   11   737310
437   737311   STYX 150   Seward   22 N   21 W   11   737311
438   737312   STYX 151   Seward   22 N   21 W   14   737312
439   737313   STYX 152   Seward   22 N   21 W   14   737313
440   737314   STYX 153   Seward   22 N   21 W   23   737314
441   737315   STYX 154   Seward   22 N   21 W   23   737315
442   737316   STYX 155   Seward   22 N   21 W   26   737316
443   737317   STYX 156   Seward   22 N   21 W   26   737317
444   737318   STYX 157   Seward   22 N   21 W   35   737318
445   737319   STYX 158   Seward   22 N   21 W   35   737319
446   737320   STYX 159   Seward   21 N   21 W   2   737320
447   737321   STYX 160   Seward   21 N   21 W   2   737321
448   737322   STYX 161   Seward   21 N   21 W   11   737322
449   737323   STYX 162   Seward   21 N   21 W   11   737323
450   737324   STYX 163   Seward   21 N   21 W   14   737324
451   737325   STYX 164   Seward   21 N   21 W   14   737325
452   737326   STYX 165   Seward   21 N   21 W   23   737326





ADL Number

  Claim Name   Meridian   Township   Range   Section   Acreage
453   737327   STYX 166   Seward   21 N   21 W   23   737327
454   737328   STYX 167   Seward   21 N   21 W   26   737328
455   737329   STYX 168   Seward   21 N   21 W   26   737329
456   737330   STYX 169   Seward   21 N   21 W   35   737330
457   737331   STYX 170   Seward   21 N   21 W   35   737331
458   737332   STYX 171   Seward   23 N   21 W   35   737332
459   737333   STYX 172   Seward   23 N   21 W   35   737333
460   737334   STYX 173   Seward   22 N   21 W   2   737334
461   737335   STYX 174   Seward   22 N   21 W   2   737335
462   737336   STYX 175   Seward   22 N   21 W   11   737336
463   737337   STYX 176   Seward   22 N   21 W   11   737337
464   737338   STYX 177   Seward   22 N   21 W   14   737338
465   737339   STYX 178   Seward   22 N   21 W   14   737339
466   737340   STYX 179   Seward   22 N   21 W   23   737340
467   737341   STYX 180   Seward   22 N   21 W   23   737341
468   737342   STYX 181   Seward   22 N   21 W   26   737342
469   737343   STYX 182   Seward   22 N   21 W   26   737343
470   737344   STYX 183   Seward   22 N   21 W   35   737344
471   737345   STYX 184   Seward   22 N   21 W   35   737345
472   737346   STYX 185   Seward   21 N   21 W   2   737346
473   737347   STYX 186   Seward   21 N   21 W   2   737347
474   737348   STYX 187   Seward   21 N   21 W   11   737348
475   737349   STYX 188   Seward   21 N   21 W   11   737349
476   737350   STYX 189   Seward   21 N   21 W   14   737350
477   737351   STYX 190   Seward   21 N   21 W   14   737351
478   737352   STYX 191   Seward   21 N   21 W   23   737352
479   737353   STYX 192   Seward   21 N   21 W   23   737353
480   737354   STYX 193   Seward   21 N   21 W   26   737354
481   737355   STYX 194   Seward   21 N   21 W   26   737355
482   737356   STYX 195   Seward   21 N   21 W   35   737356
483   737357   STYX 196   Seward   21 N   21 W   35   737357




Signature page to the Loan Agreement






Executed in by Nova Minerals Limited:


Director Signature   Director/Secretary- Signature
Louie Simens   Craig Bentley
Print Name   Print Name




Executed by Nebari Gold Fund 1, LP in the presence of:


Signature of Witness   Signature of Authorised Signatory

Name of Witness

  Name of Authorised Signatory




Nova Minerals – NGF1 Loan Agreement


Signature page to the Loan Agreement






Executed in by Nova Minerals Limited:


Director Signature   Director/Secretary Signature
Print Name   Print Name




Executed by Nebari Gold Fund 1, LP in the presence of:



Signature of Witness   Signature of Authorised Signatory
Nora R. Pincus   Daniel Freuman
Name of Witness  

Name of Authorised Signatory

