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Note 6 - Disclosures to the Consolidated Statements of Income or Loss
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2022
Statement Line Items [Line Items]  
Disclosures to the statement of income and loss [text block]


Disclosures to the consolidated statements of income or loss



Revenue and cost of goods sold
















  229   16   - 

Cost of goods sold







Revenue and cost of goods sold mainly relates to the integration of Sono Group’s patented solar technology across other transportation platforms. Cost of goods sold include raw material consumed, personnel cost, change in provision for onerous contracts and impairment of work in progress for loss making contracts. Work in progress in the amount of kEUR 24 (2021: kEUR 20; 2020: kEUR -) result from these activities.


As of December 31, 2022, prepayments of kEUR 42 (2021: kEUR -; 2020: kEUR -) had been received from solar customers and were recognized as contract liability. The payments will be recognized in revenue when the promised goods or services are transferred in the future. Given that the nature of this liability is short term, it is included in trade and other payables in current liabilities. The aggregate amount of the transaction price allocated to unsatisfied performance obligations amounts to kEUR 116 (2021: kEUR 42; 2020: kEUR -). The Group expects to recognize this amount as revenue within one year of the reporting date.



Cost of development expenses


The table below presents details on the cost of development:















Development cost of prototypes

  93,117   27,632   8,234 

Personnel expenses

  21,363   11,340   21,652 

thereof related to the CSOP and ESOP (IFRS 2)

  231   1,137   17,723 
Impairment  41,182   -   - 

Software fees and subscriptions

  977   506   91 

Professional services

  363   352   267 

Depreciation and amortization

  632   284   171 


  845   495   54 


  158,479   40,609   30,469 


There are no research expenses included in the profit and loss of Sono Group in the financial year 2022 and prior periods, as the Group does not perform research. As the recognition criteria for the capitalization of development cost have not been met, all development expenses were recognized in profit or loss as incurred in the reporting year and the previous years. The personnel expenses concern employees responsible for development activities and the share of the employee participation programs (CSOP and ESOP) attributable to them (see note 9.3 Remuneration based on shares (share-based payment)).


The impairment largely relates to fixed assets, namely property, plant and equipment (kEUR 39,264), intangible assets (kEUR 170), and right-of-use assets (kEUR 1,748), and is the result of the impairment test performed on the CGUs based on a triggering event. For further details see note 4.12.2 Impairment test of assets.



Selling and distribution expenses


The below table displays details included in selling and distribution expenses:















Personnel expenses

  1,778   1,764   8,490 

thereof related to the CSOP and ESOP (IFRS 2)

  21   -   6,949 

Professional services

  -   704   171 


  1,266   365   84 


  514   387   355 


  3,558   3,220   9,100 


The personnel expenses concern mainly employees responsible for marketing activities like roadshows, test rides and social media, and the share of the employee participation programs (CSOP and ESOP) attributable to them (see note 9.3 Remuneration based on shares (share-based payment)).



General and administrative expenses


The below table displays details included in general and administrative expenses:















Professional services

  7,730   7,030   4,830 

Personnel expenses

  6,001   4,574   9,148 

thereof related to the CSOP and ESOP (IFRS 2)

  711   761   7,488 


  3,478   308   16 
Impairment  -   1,965   - 

Software fees and subscriptions

  1,185   207   58 

Bank charges

  497   181   159 


  1,132   829   193 


  20,023   15,094   14,404 


Personnel expenses concern mainly employees responsible for Finance, Human Resources, Business Development, Administration etc. and the share of the employee participation program (ESOP and CSOP) attributable to them. Professional services include accounting, tax and legal services as well as other services performed by external parties such as the preparation of consolidated financial statements, services provided by our independent auditor, as well as legal and tax services received.


In 2021, an impairment loss of kEUR 1,965 was recognized for the advance payment for assets intended for the development of prototypes. The assets, initially recognized in 2020, had been intended for the tooling of batteries. Due to an unforeseen change in the specifications of the battery, the assets that the advance payments referred to were no longer needed in the Group’s development of prototypes.



Additional information on the nature of expenses


The below table displays the depreciation and amortization expenses as well as personnel expenses included in cost of development, selling and distribution costs and general and administrative expenses:















Personnel expenses

  29,142   17,678   39,291 

thereof related to ESOP and CSOP (IFRS 2)

  963   1,898   32,160 

Depreciation and amortization

  815   574   384 


  29,957   18,252   39,675 


On December 14, 2020 the equity-settled employee participation program (Conversion Stock Option Program or CSOP) program was offered to all participants of the previous employee participation program, and new participants who were not part of the previous employee participation program (see note 9.3 Remuneration based on shares (share-based payment)). Most share options were fully vested at the end of 2021.



Other operating income/(expenses)


The below table displays details included in other operating income (expenses):















Other operating income

  1,560   269   334 

Income from currency revaluation

  1,235   -   - 

Income Renault ZOE

  -   47   240 

Government grant

  260   71   68 

Miscellaneous income

  65   151   26 

Other operating expenses






Expenses from currency revaluation






Miscellaneous expense



  -   (349)

Other operating income/(expenses)

  842   (183




In 2020, Sono Motors entered into a framework agreement with Renault Deutschland AG (Renault) for electric vehicles (Renault ZOE). According to the agreement, customers, who have made advance payments for the Sion, can enter into a lease agreement with Renault for a Renault ZOE and use their advance payments to partly offset their lease payments. Customers can use advance payments made up to EUR 4,000. According to the framework agreement with Renault, Sono Group receives a fixed agency fee per lease contract and transfers the advance payment to Renault. Sono Group recognizes the respective agency fee as operating income and derecognizes the advance payment received in the moment the customer enters into the lease contract with Renault.


The government grant income in the current period relates to a grant in the form of tax subsidies for expenses incurred in 2020.  In prior periods, the government grant income relates to a grant that Sono Motors received from the EU to promote the development of open-source hardware. Foreign currency revaluation includes exchange gains and losses on bank balances and trade payable balances.



Interest and similar income


The below table displays details included in interest and similar income:















Fair value changes convertible debentures (embedded derivatives)

  645   -   - 

Income from currency revaluation

  354   -   2 


  999   -   2 


Due to changes in the fair value of the derivatives embedded in the convertible debentures, an amount of kEUR 645 is reported under interest and similar income. Income from currency revaluation includes exchange gains on the convertible debentures’ host contracts and bifurcated embedded derivatives.



Interest and similar expense


The below table displays details included in interest and similar expense:















Advanced payments received from customers interest (note 4.8)

  1,646   1,497   1,360 

Interest from financial liabilities measured at amortized cost

  1,096   3,227   614 

Amortization of deferred day-one losses from convertible debentures

  456   -   - 

Expense from currency revaluation (day-one losses)

  37   -   - 

Lease liabilities interest

  86   57   39 


  -   -   27 


  3,321   4,781   2,040 


The deferred day-one losses are the difference between the fair value at initial recognition and the transaction price and are amortized pro rata on a straight-line basis until the date of the last expected conversion. For further details in relation to the convertible debentures please refer to note 7.10.1 Financial liabilities overview.



Tax on income


No taxes on income have been recognized in the period ended December 31, 2022. Taxes on income in 2021 of kEUR -18 (2020: kEUR -) relate to deferred tax expenses at the level of Sono N.V. as the recognition of deferred tax assets on loss carryforwards has been recognized proportionately in equity instead of the income statement.


The below tables display the changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities:



Dec 31, 2022


Dec. 31, 2021


Dec. 31, 2020








Deferred tax assets


due to property, plant and equipment

  15,975   -   - 

due to current financial liabilities

  -   21   - 

due to tax loss carryforwards

  -   54   - 

due to advance payments received from customers

  1,707   1,163   670 

due to lease liabilities

  868   1,015   646 

due to other financial/non-financial assets

  -   -   - 

due to current provisions

  -   101   - 

due to current other non-financial assets

  -   29   - 

due to current/noncurrent other liabilities

  159   14   - 

due to cash and cash deposits

  -   2   1 

due to current other financial assets

  -   1   1 

due to prepaid expenses

  825   -   134 

Deferred tax assets

  19,534   2,400   1,452 

Deferred tax liabilities

due to other financial/non-financial assets  2,258   -   - 

due to current financial liabilities

  356   -   - 

due to leases

  261   995   639 

due to trade payables

  290   -   - 

due to provisions

  94   -   - 

due to cash and cash deposits

  365   47   - 

due to property, plant and equipment

  -   45   10 

due to noncurrent other non-financial assets

  -   29   - 

due to other noncurrent financial liabilities

  -   22   112 

Deferred tax liabilities

  3,624   1,138   761 

Non-recognition of deferred tax assets







Recognition of deferred tax assets

  3,624   1,138   761 

Deferred tax assets/liabilities, net

  -   -   - 


The table above presents the gross deferred taxes only for reasons of understanding and completeness, as no deferred taxes have been recognized due to a (deferred tax asset/liabilities) net position of zero. As the net deferred tax asset was not booked in a first step, no valuation allowance is booked.


Deferred tax assets due to property, plant and equipment (kEUR 15,975) incurred in 2022 as Sono Motors made use of the existing tax option not to recognize an impairment deviating to IFRS. For further details in relation to the IFRS impairment we refer to note 4.12.3 Impairment test for assets.


Given the loss history of Sono Motors, deferred tax assets are not recognized on the balance sheet. The amount of deferred tax assets / liabilities as of December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2022 is zero.


Of the gross deferred tax assets, kEUR 948 as of December 31, 2022 (2021: kEUR 314) are current and of the gross deferred tax liabilities, kEUR 3,363 as of December 31, 2022 (2021: kEUR 47) are current.


There are no deferred taxes with regard to Outside Basis Differences as those are permanent differences.


The amount of temporary differences on balance sheet positions for which no deferred tax asset has been recognized is displayed in the table below:



Dec. 31, 2022


Dec. 31, 2021






Property, plant and equipment

  39,451   - 

Advance payments received from customers

  4,215   1,928 

Lease liabilities

  2,144   1,681 

Prepaid expenses

  2,038   - 

Current provisions

  -   168 

Other non-financial assets

  -   48 

Current financial liabilities

  -   17 

Current other liabilities

  393   23 

Cash and cash deposits

  -   3 

Other financial assets

  -   19 


  48,241   3,887 

Potential tax benefit at a total tax rate of 32,98 %

  15,910   1,282 


The amount of unused tax losses for which no deferred tax asset has been recognized is displayed in the table below:



Dec. 31, 2022


Dec. 31, 2021






Unused tax losses for which no deferred tax asset has been recognized (corporate tax)

  252,124   111,950 

Unused tax losses for which no deferred tax asset has been recognized (trade tax)

  251,279   111,565 

Potential tax benefit at a total tax rate of 32.98 %

  83,011   36,858 



As of December 31, 2022, KEUR 532 (2021: kEUR 937) deferred tax assets on transaction costs would have been recognized directly in equity if deferred tax assets had been recognized on losses carryforwards in full. As of December 31, 2022, kEUR - (2021: kEUR 54) deferred tax assets on loss carryforwards have been recognized, of which kEUR - (2021: kEUR 18) deferred tax assets on transaction costs have been recognized directly in equity.


The following table presents a numerical reconciliation of expected to effective income tax.















Income (loss) before tax for the period







Expected income tax (income (-)/expense (+) at a tax rate of 32.98 %









Changes in unrecognized tax losses

  46,175   20,061   8,254 

Changes in deferred taxes on timing differences

  14,648   1,261   690 

MCN* non-tax-deductible expenses

  -   753   - 

CSOP non-tax-deductible expenses

  215   626   10,606 

RSU* supervisory board non-tax-deductible expenses

  160   -   - 

ESOP non-tax-deductible expenses

  102   -   - 

Tax-deductible transaction costs







Convertible tax-deductible expenses



  -   - 

Non-tax-deductible expenses

  33   37   9 








Effective income tax income for the period

  -   -   - 


*MCN (Mandatory Convertible Notes), RSU (Restricted Stock Units)    


As Sono N.V. is also fully taxable in Munich, Germany, the tax rate in 2020, 2021 and 2022 is unchanged.