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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2017
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and due from banks.
Short-term Investment
Short-term investments consist of interest bearing funds with the Federal Reserve Bank, interest earning deposits with banks, and federal funds sold and securities purchased under resale agreements. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, interest bearing funds with the Federal Reserve Bank included $8.6 million and $130 million, respectively, on deposit to meet Federal Reserve Bank reserve requirements. Interest earning deposits with banks include $5.9 million at December 31, 2017 and $5.6 million at December 31, 2016, which is pledged as collateral in connection with certain letters of credit. Federal funds sold include $43.8 million at December 31, 2017 and $56.1 million at December 31, 2016, which are pledged to collateralize certain derivative instruments. Federal funds sold and securities purchased under resale agreements, and federal funds purchased and securities sold under repurchase agreements generally mature in one day.
Trading Account Assets
Trading account assets, which are primarily held on a short-term basis for the purpose of selling at a profit, consist of debt and equity securities and are reported at fair value. Fair value adjustments and fees from trading account activities are included as a component of other fee income on the consolidated statements of income. Gains and losses realized from the sale of trading account assets are determined by specific identification and are included as a component of other fee income on the trade date. Interest income on trading assets is reported as a component of interest income on the consolidated statements of income.
Mortgage Loans Held for Sale and Mortgage Banking Income
Mortgage Loans Held for Sale
Mortgage loans held for sale are recorded at fair value. Fair value is derived from a hypothetical bulk sale model used to estimate the exit price of the loan in a loan sale. The bid pricing convention is used for loan pricing for similar assets. The valuation model is based upon forward settlements of a pool of loans of similar coupon, maturity, product, and credit attributes. The inputs to the model are continuously updated with available market and historical data. Until the loans are committed to be sold in the secondary market, the valuation model produces an estimate of fair value that represents the highest and best use of the loans in Synovus' principal market.
Mortgage Banking Income
Mortgage banking income consists primarily of origination and ancillary fees on loans originated for sale, and gains and losses from the sale of mortgage loans. Mortgage loans are generally sold servicing released, without recourse or continuing involvement, and meet ASC 860-10-65 criteria for sale accounting.
Other Loans Held for Sale
Loans are transferred to other loans held for sale at fair value when Synovus makes the determination to sell specifically identified loans. The fair value of the loans is primarily determined by analyzing the underlying collateral of the loan and the anticipated market prices of similar assets less estimated costs to sell. At the time of transfer, if the estimated fair value is less than the carrying amount, the difference is recorded as a charge-off against the allowance for loan losses. Decreases in the fair value subsequent to the transfer, as well as gains/losses realized from the sale of these assets, are recorded as gains/losses on other loans held for sale, net, as a component of non-interest expense on the consolidated statements of income.
Investment Securities Available for Sale
Investment securities available for sale are carried at fair value with unrealized gains and losses, net of the related tax effect, excluded from earnings and reported as a separate component of shareholders' equity within accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) until realized.
Synovus performs a quarterly assessment of its investment securities available for sale to determine if the decline in fair value of a security below its amortized cost is deemed to be other-than-temporary. Factors included in the assessment include the length of time the security has been in a loss position, the extent that the fair value is below amortized cost, and the credit standing of the issuer. Other-than-temporary impairment losses are recognized on securities when: (1) the holder has an intention to sell the security; (2) it is more likely than not that the security will be required to be sold prior to recovery; or (3) the holder does not expect to recover the entire amortized cost basis of the security. Other-than-temporary impairment losses are reflected in earnings as realized losses to the extent the impairment is related to credit losses. The amount of the impairment related to other factors is recognized in other comprehensive income (loss).
Premiums and discounts are amortized or accreted over the life of the related security as an adjustment to yield using the effective interest method and prepayment assumptions. Actual prepayment experience is reviewed periodically and the timing of the accretion and amortization is adjusted accordingly. Interest income on securities available for sale is recorded on the accrual basis. Realized gains and losses for securities are included in investment securities gains (losses), net, on the consolidated statements of income and are derived using the specific identification method, on a trade date basis.
Loans and Interest Income on Loans
Loans are reported at principal amounts outstanding less amounts charged off, net of deferred fees and expenses. Interest income and deferred fees, net of expenses on loans, are recognized on a level yield basis.
Non-accrual Loans
Loans on which the accrual of interest has been discontinued are designated as non-accrual loans. Accrual of interest is discontinued on loans when reasonable doubt exists as to the full collection of interest or principal, or when loans become contractually past due for 90 days or more as to either interest or principal, in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement, unless they are both well-secured and in the process of collection. When a loan is placed on non-accrual status, previously accrued and uncollected interest is generally reversed as an adjustment to interest income on loans. Interest payments received on non-accrual loans are generally recorded as a reduction of principal. As payments are received on non-accruing loans, interest income can be recognized on a cash basis; however, there must be an expectation of full repayment of the remaining recorded principal balance. The remaining portion of this payment is recorded as a reduction to principal. Loans are generally returned to accruing status when they are brought fully current with respect to interest and principal and when, in the judgment of management, the loans are estimated to be fully collectible as to both principal and interest, and the borrower has sustained repayment performance under the terms of the loan agreement for a reasonable period of time (generally six months).
Impaired Loans
Impaired loans are loans for which it is probable that Synovus will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the contractual terms of the loan agreements and all loans modified in a troubled debt restructuring (TDR). Other than TDRs, impaired loans do not include smaller-balance homogeneous loans that are collectively evaluated for impairment, which consist of most retail loans and commercial loan relationships lower than $1.0 million. Impairment is measured on a discounted cash flow method based upon the loan's contractual effective interest rate, or at the loan's observable market price, or at the fair value of the collateral, less costs to sell if the loan is collateral-dependent. Interest income on non-accrual impaired loans is recognized as described above under "non-accrual loans." Impaired accruing loans generally consist of those TDRs for which management has concluded that the collectability of the loan is not in doubt.
At December 31, 2017 and 2016, substantially all non-accrual impaired loans were collateral-dependent and secured by real estate. For impairment measured using the estimated fair value of collateral less costs to sell, fair value is estimated using appraisals performed by a certified or licensed appraiser. Management also considers other factors or recent developments, such as selling costs and anticipated sales values, taking into account management's plans for disposition, which could result in adjustments to the fair value estimates indicated in the appraisals. The assumptions used in determining the amount of the impairment are subject to significant judgment. Use of different assumptions, for example, changes in the fair value of the collateral or management's plans for disposition could have a significant impact on the amount of impairment.
Under the discounted cash flow method, impairment is recorded as a specific reserve with a charge-off for any portion of the impairment considered a confirmed loss. The reserve is reassessed each quarter and adjusted as appropriate based on changes in estimated cash flows.
Where guarantors are determined to be a source of repayment, an assessment of the guarantee is required. This guarantee assessment would include, but not be limited to, factors such as type and feature of the guarantee, consideration for the guarantor's financial strength and capacity to service the loan in combination with the guarantor's other financial obligations as well as the guarantor's willingness to assist in servicing the loan.
Troubled Debt Restructurings
When borrowers are experiencing financial difficulties, Synovus may, in order to assist the borrowers in repaying the principal and interest owed to Synovus, make certain modifications to the borrower's loan. All loan modifications, renewals, and refinances are evaluated for TDR classification. All TDRs are considered to be impaired loans, and the amount of impairment, if any, is determined in accordance with ASC 310-10-35.
Concessions provided by Synovus in a TDR are generally made in order to assist borrowers so that debt service is not interrupted and to mitigate the potential for loan losses. A number of factors are reviewed when a loan is renewed, refinanced, or modified, including cash flows, collateral values, guarantees, and loan structures. Concessions are primarily in the form of providing a below market interest rate given the borrower's credit risk to assist the borrower in managing cash flows, an extension of the maturity of the loan generally for less than one year, or a period of time generally less than one year with a reduction of required principal and/or interest payments (e.g., interest only for a period of time). Insignificant periods of reduction of principal and/or interest payments, or one time deferrals of three months or less, are generally not considered to be financial concessions. Further, it is generally Synovus' practice not to defer principal and/or interest for more than twelve months.
Non-accruing TDRs may generally be returned to accrual status if there has been a period of performance, usually at least a six month sustained period of repayment performance in accordance with the agreement. Consistent with regulatory guidance, a TDR will generally no longer be reported as a TDR after a period of performance and after the loan was reported as a TDR at a year-end reporting date, and if at the time of the modification, the interest rate was at market, considering the credit risk associated with the borrower, and no principal was forgiven.
Allowance for Loan Losses
The allowance for loan losses represents management's estimate of probable losses inherent in the funded loan portfolio. Changes to the allowance are recorded through a provision for loan losses and reduced by loans charged-off, net of recoveries.
Impaired loans are generally evaluated on a loan by loan basis with specific reserves, if any, recorded as appropriate. Specific reserves are determined based on ASC 310-10-35, which provides for measurement of a loan's impairment based on one of three methods. If the loan is collateral-dependent, then the fair value of the loan's collateral, less estimated selling costs, is compared to the loan's carrying amount to determine impairment. Other methods of measuring a loan's impairment include the present value of the expected future cash flows of the loan, or if available, the observable market price of the loan. Synovus considers the pertinent facts and circumstances for each impaired loan when selecting the appropriate method to measure impairment, and quarterly evaluates each selection to ensure its continued appropriateness and evaluates the reasonableness of specific reserves, if any.
For loans that are not considered impaired, the allocated allowance for loan losses is determined based upon Expected Loss (EL) factors, which are applied to groupings of specific loan types by loan risk ratings. The EL is determined based upon a probability of default (PD), which is the probability that a borrower, segregated by loan type and loan risk grade, will default, and loss given default (LGD), which is the estimate of the amount of net loss in the event of default. The groupings of the loans into loan categories are determined based upon the nature of the loan types and the level of inherent risk associated with the various loan categories. The loan groupings are further segregated based upon the individual loan risk ratings, as described below. The EL factors applied in the methodology are periodically re-evaluated and adjusted to reflect changes in historical loss levels or other risks.
Allocated EL factors may also be adjusted, as necessary, for certain qualitative factors that in management's judgment are necessary to reflect losses incurred in the portfolio.
Qualitative factors that management considers in the analysis include:
changes in lending policies and procedures, including changes in underwriting standards and collection, charge-off, and recovery practices not considered elsewhere in estimating credit losses
changes in the volume and severity of past due loans, the volume of non-accrual loans, and the volume and severity of adversely classified or grade loans
loan growth
effects of changes in credit concentrations
experience, ability, and depth of lending management, loan review personnel, and other relevant staff
changes in the quality of the loan review function
national and local economic trends and conditions
value of underlying collateral for collateral-dependent loans
other external factors such as the effects for the current competitive, legal, and regulatory environment

The adjusted EL factors by portfolio are then adjusted by a loss emergence period for each loan type. A loss emergence period represents the amount of time between when a loss event first occurs to when it is charged off. The loss emergence period was determined for each loan type based on the Company's historical experience and is validated at least annually.
Commercial Loans - Risk Ratings
Synovus utilizes two primary methods for risk assessment of the commercial loan portfolio: Single Risk Rating Assessment and Dual Risk Rating (DRR) Assessment. The single and dual risk ratings are based on the borrowers' credit risk profile, considering factors such as debt service history, current and estimated prospective cash flow information, collateral supporting the credit, source of repayment as well as other variables, as appropriate.
Each loan is assigned a risk rating during its initial approval process. For single risk rated loans, this process begins with a loan rating recommendation from the loan officer responsible for originating the loan. Commercial single risk rated loans are graded on a 9-point scale. Single risk ratings six through nine are defined consistent with the bank regulatory classifications of special mention, substandard, doubtful, and loss, respectively. The primary determinants of the risk ratings for commercial single risk rated loans are the reliability of the primary source of repayment and the borrower's expected performance (i.e., the likelihood that the borrower will be able to service its obligations in accordance with the terms). Expected performance will be based upon full analysis of the borrower's historical financial results, current financial strength and future prospects, which includes any external drivers.
For dual risk rated loans, this process begins with scoring the loan for a rating during its initial approval process. The dual risk rating methodology is used for certain components of the C&I loan portfolio as well as certain income-producing real estate loans. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, approximately $7.6 billion was rated using the DRR methodology. The DRR includes sixteen PD categories and nine categories for estimating losses given an event of default. The result is an EL rate established for each borrower.
The loan rating is subject to approvals from other members of management, regional credit and/or loan committees depending on the size of the loan and loan's credit attributes. Loan ratings are regularly re-evaluated based upon annual scheduled credit reviews or on a more frequent basis if determined prudent by management. Additionally, an independent loan review function evaluates Synovus' risk rating processes on a continuous basis.
Retail Loans – Risk Ratings
Retail loans are generally assigned a risk rating on a 6-point scale at the time of origination based on credit bureau scores, with a loan grade of 1 assigned as the lowest level of risk and a loan grade of 6 as the highest level of risk. At 90-119 days past due, a loan grade of 7-substandard non-accrual rating is applied and at 120 days past due, the loan is generally downgraded to grade 9-loss and is generally charged-off. The credit bureau-based ratings are updated at least semi-annually and the ratings based on the past due status are updated monthly.
Premises and Equipment
Premises and equipment, including bank owned branch locations and leasehold improvements, are reported at cost, less accumulated depreciation and amortization, which are computed using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets. Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the shorter of the estimated useful life or the remainder of the lease term. Synovus reviews long-lived assets, such as premises and equipment, for impairment whenever events and circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable.
Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
Goodwill represents the excess purchase price over the fair value of identifiable net assets of acquired businesses. Goodwill is tested for impairment at the reporting unit level on an annual basis and as events occur or circumstances change that would more likely than not reduce the fair value of a reporting unit below its carrying amount. Synovus reviews goodwill for impairment as of June 30th and at interim periods if indicators of impairment exist.
Synovus applies judgment when assessing goodwill for impairment. ASC 350-20-35-3A, Goodwill Subsequent Measurement - Qualitative Assessment, provides the option to perform a qualitative assessment to determine whether the two-step goodwill impairment test is necessary. Beginning in 2017, Synovus applies the qualitative assessment guidance in ASC 350-20-35-3A to determine if the following factors indicate that goodwill is more likely than not impaired: macroeconomic conditions, industry and market considerations, cost factors, overall financial performance, other relevant entity-specific events, events affecting the reporting unit, and common stock share price. Management applies judgment when weighing the factors most likely to impact a reporting unit's fair value.
Other intangible assets relate primarily to borrower relationships, trade name, and a distribution network resulting from a business acquisition. These intangible assets are amortized using straight line methods based on the remaining lives of the assets. Amortization periods range from eight to ten years. Amortization periods for intangible assets are monitored to determine if events and circumstances require such periods to be reduced.
Intangible assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. Recoverability of the intangible assets is measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of the asset to future undiscounted cash flows expected to be generated by the asset. If such assets are considered impaired, the amount of the impairment to be recognized is measured by the amount by which the carrying value of the assets exceeds the fair value of the assets based on the discounted expected future cash flows to be generated by the assets.
Other Real Estate
Other Real Estate (ORE) consists of properties obtained through a foreclosure proceeding or through an in-substance foreclosure in satisfaction of loans. A loan is classified as an in-substance foreclosure when Synovus has taken possession of the collateral regardless of whether formal foreclosure proceedings have taken place.
At foreclosure, ORE is recorded at the lower of cost or fair value less estimated selling costs, which establishes a new cost basis. Subsequent to foreclosure, ORE is evaluated quarterly and reported at fair value less estimated selling costs, not to exceed the new cost basis, determined by review of current appraisals, as well as the review of comparable sales and other estimates of fair value obtained principally from independent sources, adjusted for estimated selling costs. Management also considers other factors or recent developments such as changes in absorption rates or market conditions from the time of the latest appraisal received or previous re-evaluation performed, and anticipated sales values considering management's plans for disposition, which could result in an adjustment to lower the fair value estimates indicated in the appraisals. At the time of foreclosure or initial possession of collateral, any excess of the loan balance over the fair value of the real estate held as collateral, less costs to sell, is recorded as a charge against the allowance for loan losses. Revenue and expenses from ORE operations as well as gains or losses on sales are recorded as foreclosed real estate expense, net, a component of non-interest expense on the consolidated statements of income. Subsequent declines in fair value are recorded on a property-by-property basis through use of a valuation allowance within ORE on the consolidated balance sheets and valuation adjustment account in foreclosed real estate expense, net, a component of non-interest expense on the consolidated statements of income.
Synovus' objective is to dispose of ORE properties in a timely manner and to maximize net sale proceeds. Synovus has a centralized managed assets division, with the specialized skill set to facilitate this objective. While there is not a defined timeline for their sale, ORE properties are actively marketed through unaffiliated third parties.
Other Assets
Other assets include accrued interest receivable and other significant balances as described below. More detail of other asset balances can be found in "Part II - Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data - Note 9 - Other Assets" of this Report.
Cash Surrender Value of Bank-Owned Life Insurance
Investments in bank-owned life insurance policies on certain current and former officers of Synovus are recorded at the net realizable value of the policies. Net realizable value is the cash surrender value of the policies less any applicable surrender charges and any policy loans. Synovus has not borrowed against the cash surrender value of these policies. Changes in the cash surrender value of the policies are recognized as a component of other non-interest income in the consolidated statements of income.
Investments in Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Reserve Home Loan Bank Stock
On November 17, 2016, Synovus Bank made an investment of $97.3 million in Federal Reserve Bank capital stock and became a member of the Federal Reserve System. Synovus held stock in the Federal Reserve Bank totaling $95.6 million at December 31, 2017 and $98.6 million at December 31, 2016. Synovus also held stock in the FHLB of Atlanta totaling $63.9 million at December 31, 2017 and $71.3 million at December 31, 2016. The Federal Reserve Bank and FHLB stocks are recorded at amortized cost. The investment in FHLB stock is required for membership in the FHLB system and in relation to the level of FHLB outstanding borrowings.
Investments in Affordable Housing Tax Credit Partnerships
Synovus applies the proportional amortization method of accounting for its qualified affordable housing investments. The proportional amortization method recognizes the amortized cost of the investment as a component of income tax expense. For affordable housing investments which do not qualify for application of the proportional amortization method of accounting, Synovus applies the equity method of accounting. The equity method recognizes income or loss from affordable housing investments as a component of other non-interest income.
GGL/SBA Loans Servicing Asset
Synovus has retained servicing responsibilities on sold GGL/SBA loans and receives a servicing fee. The servicing asset is established at fair value at the time of the sale based on an analysis of future cash flows that incorporates estimates for discount rates, prepayment speeds, and delinquency rates. The servicing asset is measured at fair value with changes in fair value included with the associated servicing fee in other non-interest income. Prior to 2017, Synovus accounted for the GGL/SBA loans servicing asset using the amortization method.
Private Equity Investments
Private equity investments are recorded at fair value on the consolidated balance sheets with realized and unrealized gains and losses recorded on the consolidated statements of income (as a component of other non-interest income). The private equity investments in which Synovus holds a limited partner interest consist of funds that invest in privately held companies. For privately held companies in the fund, the general partner estimates the fair value of the company. The estimated fair value of the company is the estimated fair value as an exit price the fund would receive if it were to sell the company in the marketplace. The fair value of the fund's underlying investments is estimated through the use of valuation models, such as option pricing or a discounted cash flow model. Valuation factors, such as a company's financial performance against budget or milestones, last price paid by investors, with consideration given on whether financing is provided by insiders or unrelated new investors, public market comparables, liquidity of the market, industry and economic trends, and changes in management or key personnel, are used in the determination of estimated fair value.
Other Assets Held for Sale
Other assets held for sale consist of certain premises and equipment held for sale, including those related to the efficiency initiatives discussed in "Note 3 - Restructuring Charges" of this Report. These assets are classified as held for sale and recorded at the lower of their amortized cost or fair value, less costs to sell, consistent with ASC 360-10. The fair value of these assets is determined primarily on the basis of appraisals or BOV, as circumstances warrant, adjusted for estimated selling costs. Both techniques engage licensed or certified professionals that use inputs such as absorption rates, capitalization rates, and market comparables.
Derivative Instruments
Synovus’ risk management policies emphasize the management of interest rate risk within acceptable guidelines. Synovus’ objective in maintaining these policies is to limit volatility in net interest income arising from changes in interest rates. Risks to be managed include both fair value and cash flow risks. Utilization of derivative financial instruments provides a valuable tool to assist in the management of these risks.
All derivative instruments are recorded on the consolidated balance sheets at their respective fair values, as components of other assets and other liabilities. The accounting for changes in fair value (i.e., unrealized gains or losses) of a derivative instrument depends on whether it has been designated and qualifies as part of a hedging relationship and, if so, on the reason for holding it. If certain conditions are met, entities may elect to designate a derivative instrument as a hedge of exposures to changes in fair values, cash flows, or foreign currencies. If the hedged exposure is a fair value exposure, the unrealized gain or loss on the derivative instrument is recognized in earnings in the period of change, together with the offsetting unrealized loss or gain on the hedged item attributable to the risk being hedged as a component of other non-interest income on the consolidated statements of income. If the hedged exposure is a cash flow exposure, the effective portion of the gain or loss on the derivative instrument is reported initially as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net of the tax impact, and subsequently reclassified into earnings when the hedged transaction affects earnings. Any amounts excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness, as well as the ineffective portion of the gain or loss on the derivative instrument, are reported in earnings immediately as a component of other non-interest income on the consolidated statements of income. If the derivative instrument is not designated as a hedge, the gain or loss on the derivative instrument is recognized in earnings as a component of other non-interest income on the consolidated statements of income in the period of change.
Synovus also holds derivative instruments, which consist of interest rate lock agreements related to expected funding of fixed-rate mortgage loans to customers (interest rate lock commitments) and forward commitments to sell mortgage-backed securities and individual fixed-rate mortgage loans. Synovus’ objective in obtaining the forward commitments is to mitigate the interest rate risk associated with the interest rate lock commitments and the mortgage loans that are held for sale. Both the interest rate lock commitments and the forward commitments are reported at fair value, with adjustments recorded in current period earnings in mortgage banking income.
Synovus also enters into interest rate swap agreements to facilitate the risk management strategies of certain commercial banking customers. Synovus mitigates this risk by entering into equal and offsetting interest rate swap agreements with highly rated third-party financial institutions. The interest rate swap agreements are free-standing derivatives and are recorded at fair value with any unrealized gain or loss recorded in current period earnings in other non-interest income. These instruments, and their offsetting positions, are recorded in other assets and other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets.
Non-interest Income
Service Charges on Deposit Accounts
Service charges on deposit accounts consist of NSF fees, account analysis fees, and other service charges on deposits which consist primarily of monthly account fees. NSF fees are recognized at the time when the account overdraft occurs in accordance with regulatory guidelines. Account analysis fees consist of fees charged to certain commercial demand deposit accounts based upon account activity (and reduced by a credit which is based upon cash levels in the account). These fees, as well as monthly account fees, are recorded under the accrual method of accounting.
Fiduciary and Asset Management Fees
Fiduciary and asset management fees are generally determined based upon fair values of assets under management as of a specified date during the period. These fees are recorded under the accrual method of accounting as the services are performed.
Brokerage Revenue
Brokerage revenue consists primarily of commission income, which represents the spread between buy and sell transactions processed, and net fees charged to customers on a transaction basis for buy and sell transactions processed. Commission income is recorded on a trade-date basis. Brokerage revenue includes portfolio management fees, which represent monthly fees charged on a contractual basis to customers for the management of their investment portfolios and are recorded under the accrual method of accounting.
Brokerage revenue also includes investment banking revenue, which includes fees for services arising from securities offerings or placements in which Synovus acts as an agent as well as fees earned from providing advisory services. Revenue is recognized at the time the underwriting is completed and the revenue is reasonably determinable.
Bankcard Fees
Bankcard fees consist primarily of interchange fees earned, net of fees paid, on debit card and credit card transactions. Net fees are recognized into income as they are collected.
Advertising Expenses
Advertising costs are expensed as incurred and recorded as a component of non-interest expense.
Income Taxes
Synovus is a domestic corporation that files a consolidated federal income tax return with its wholly-owned subsidiaries and files state income tax returns on a consolidated or separate entity basis with the various taxing jurisdictions based on its taxable presence. The current income tax payable or receivable is an estimate of the amounts currently owed to or due from taxing authorities in which Synovus conducts business. It also includes increases and decreases in the amount of taxes payable for uncertain tax positions reported in tax returns for the current and/or prior years.
Synovus uses the asset and liability method to account for future income taxes expected to be paid or received (i.e., deferred income taxes). Under this method, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement (GAAP) carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases, including operating losses and tax credit carryforwards. The deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in income tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.
A valuation allowance is required for deferred tax assets if, based on available evidence, it is more likely than not that all or some portion of the asset will not be realized. In making this assessment, all sources of taxable income available to realize the deferred tax asset are considered, including taxable income in prior carryback years, future reversals of existing temporary differences, tax planning strategies, and future taxable income exclusive of reversing temporary differences and carryforwards. The predictability that future taxable income, exclusive of reversing temporary differences, will occur is the most subjective of these four sources. Changes in the valuation allowance are recorded through income tax expense.
Significant estimates used in accounting for income taxes relate to the valuation allowance for deferred tax assets, estimates of the realizability of income tax credits, utilization of net operating losses, the determination of taxable income, and the determination of temporary differences between book and tax bases.
Synovus accrues tax liabilities for uncertain income tax positions based on current assumptions regarding the expected outcome by weighing the facts and circumstances available at the reporting date. If related tax benefits of a transaction are not more likely than not of being sustained upon examination, Synovus will accrue a tax liability or reduce a deferred tax asset for the expected tax impact associated with the transaction. Events and circumstances may alter the estimates and assumptions used in the analysis of its income tax positions and, accordingly, Synovus' effective tax rate may fluctuate in the future. Synovus recognizes accrued interest and penalties related to unrecognized income tax benefits as a component of income tax expense.
Synovus applies the proportional amortization method in accounting for its qualified affordable housing tax credit investments. This method recognizes the amortized cost of the investment as a component of income tax expense.
On December 22, 2017, H.R.1, formerly known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (Federal Tax Reform), was enacted into law. The new legislation included a decrease in the corporate federal income tax rate from 35% to 21% effective January 1, 2018. Under ASC 740, the effects of the changes in tax rates and laws are recognized in the period in which the new legislation is enacted. Therefore, Synovus was required to remeasure its deferred tax assets and liabilities and record the adjustment to income tax expense effective December 22, 2017. In December 2017, the SEC issued Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 118, Income Tax Accounting Implications of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (SAB 118), which allows companies to record provisional amounts during a measurement period not to extend beyond one year of the enactment date. Since the Federal Tax Reform was enacted late in 2017, management expects that certain deferred tax assets and liabilities will continue to be evaluated in the context of Federal Tax Reform through the date of the filing of our 2017 federal income tax return, and may change as a result of evolving management interpretations, elections, and assumptions, as well as new guidance that may be issued by the Internal Revenue Service.   Accordingly, the federal income tax expense of $47.2 million recorded in 2017 relating to the effects from Federal Tax Reform is considered provisional.   Management expects to complete its analysis within the measurement period in accordance with SAB 118.  
Share-based Compensation
Synovus has a long-term incentive plan under which the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors has the authority to grant share-based awards to Synovus employees. Synovus' share-based compensation costs associated with employee grants are recorded as a component of salaries and other personnel expense in the consolidated statements of income. Share-based compensation costs associated with grants made to non-employee directors of Synovus are recorded as a component of other operating expenses. Share-based compensation expense for service-based awards that contain a graded vesting schedule is recognized net of estimated forfeitures for plan participants on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period for the entire award. The non-employee director restricted share units become fully vested and transferable upon the earlier to occur of the completion of three years of service or the date the holder reaches the mandatory retirement age, as set forth in the Company's Corporate Governance Guidelines. Thus, share-based compensation expense for non-employee awards is recognized over the shorter of three years or mandatory retirement.
Earnings Per Share
Basic net income per common share is computed by dividing net income available to common shareholders by the average common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted net income per common share reflects the dilution that could occur if securities or other contracts to issue common stock were exercised or converted. The dilutive effect of outstanding options and restricted share units is reflected in diluted net income per common share, unless the impact is anti-dilutive, by application of the treasury stock method.
Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures
Fair value estimates are made at a specific point in time, based on relevant market information and other information about the financial instrument. These estimates do not reflect any premium or discount that could result from offering for sale, at one time, the entire holdings of a particular financial instrument. Because no market exists for a portion of the financial instruments, fair value estimates are also based on judgments regarding estimated cash flows, current economic conditions, risk characteristics of various financial instruments, and other factors. These estimates are subjective in nature and involve uncertainties and matters of significant judgment and, therefore, cannot be determined with precision. Changes in assumptions could significantly affect the estimates.
Synovus employs independent third-party pricing services to provide fair value estimates for its investment securities available for sale, trading account assets, and derivative financial instruments. Fair values for fixed income investment securities and certain derivative financial instruments are typically the prices supplied by either the third-party pricing service or an unrelated counterparty, which utilize quoted market prices, broker/dealer quotations for identical or similar securities, and/or inputs that are observable in the market, either directly or indirectly, for substantially similar securities. Level 1 securities are typically exchange quoted prices. Level 2 securities are typically matrix priced by a third-party pricing service to calculate the fair value. Such fair value measurements consider observable data, such as market spreads, cash flows, yield curves, live trading levels, trade execution data, market consensus prepayments speeds, credit information, and the respective terms and conditions for debt instruments. Level 3 instruments' value is determined using pricing models, discounted cash flow models and similar techniques, and may also include the use of market prices of assets or liabilities that are not directly comparable to the subject asset or liability. These methods of valuation may result in a significant portion of the fair value being derived from unobservable assumptions that reflect Synovus' own estimates for assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability.
Management uses various validation procedures to validate the prices received from pricing services and quotations received from dealers are reasonable for each relevant financial instrument, including reference to other market information and a review of valuations and trade activity of comparable securities. Consideration is given to the nature of the quotes (e.g., indicative or firm) and the relationship of recently evidenced market activity to the prices provided by the third-party pricing service. Further, management also employs the services of an additional independent pricing firm as a means to verify and confirm the fair values of its primary independent pricing firm.
Understanding the third-party pricing service's valuation methods, assumptions and inputs used by the firm is an important part of the process of determining that reasonable and reliable fair values are being obtained. Management evaluates quantitative and qualitative information provided by the third-party pricing services to assess whether they continue to exhibit the high level of expertise and internal controls that management relies upon.
Fair value estimates are based on existing financial instruments on the consolidated balance sheet, without attempting to estimate the value of anticipated future business and the value of assets and liabilities that are not considered financial instruments. Significant assets and liabilities that are not considered financial instruments include deferred income taxes, premises and equipment, equity method investments, goodwill and other intangible assets. In addition, the income tax ramifications related to the realization of the unrealized gains and losses on available for sale investment securities can have a significant effect on fair value estimates and have not been considered in any of the estimates.
Contingent Liabilities and Legal Costs
Synovus estimates its contingent liabilities with respect to outstanding legal matters based on information currently available to management, management’s estimates about the probability of outcomes of each case and the advice of legal counsel. Management accrues an estimated loss from a loss contingency when information available indicates that it is probable that a loss has been incurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. In addition, it must be probable that one or more future events will occur confirming the fact of the loss. Significant judgment is required in making these estimates and management must make assumptions about matters that are highly uncertain. Accordingly, the actual loss may be more or less than the current estimate.
In many situations, Synovus may be unable to estimate reasonably possible losses due to the preliminary nature of the legal matters, as well as a variety of other factors and uncertainties. As there are further developments, Synovus will reassess these legal matters and the related potential liabilities and will revise, when needed, its estimate of contingent liabilities.
Legal costs, including attorney fees, incurred in connection with pending litigation and other loss contingencies are expensed as incurred.
Recently Adopted and Issued Accounting Standards Updates
Recently Adopted Accounting Standards Updates
Effective January 1, 2017, Synovus adopted ASU 2016-09, Compensation - Stock Compensation: Improvements to Employee Share-Based Payment Accounting, which simplified various aspects of the accounting for employee share-based payment transactions for both public and nonpublic entities, including the accounting for income taxes, forfeitures, and statutory tax withholding requirements, as well as classification in the statement of cash flows. This accounting standard update includes a requirement to record all tax effects associated with share-based compensation through the income statement. Prior to 2017, tax benefits in excess of compensation cost (“windfalls”) and tax deficiencies (“shortfalls”) were recorded in equity. During the year ended December 31, 2017, Synovus recognized $5.0 million of income tax benefits from excess tax benefits that occurred during the year from the vesting of restricted share units and exercise of stock options. As of January 1, 2017, Synovus had no previously unrecognized excess tax benefits. Additionally, beginning January 1, 2017, Synovus modified the denominator in the diluted earnings per common share calculation under the treasury stock method to exclude future excess tax benefits as part of the assumed proceeds. Synovus elected to retain its existing accounting policy election to estimate award forfeitures.
Effective January 1, 2017, Synovus adopted the provisions of ASU 2016-15, Statement of Cash Flows - Classification of Certain Cash Receipts and Cash Payments. Adoption of the ASU resulted in the classification of the earnout liability payments as cash outflows for financing activities as well as a reclassification of bank owned life insurance cash settlements from cash from operating activities to cash from investing activities.
Recently Issued Accounting Standards Updates
The following ASUs will be implemented effective January 1, 2018 or later:
ASU 2018-02, Income Statement - Reporting Comprehensive Income (Topic 220): Reclassification of Certain Tax Effects from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income. In February 2018, the FASB issued final guidance on reclassification of tax effects stranded in other comprehensive income due to Federal Tax Reform. The guidance provides entities the option to reclassify the tax effects that are stranded in accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) as a result of Federal Tax Reform to retained earnings. The guidance is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, and interim periods within those fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted. In the period of adoption, an entity can elect to apply the amendments retrospectively to each period in which the effect of the change in the federal income tax rate due to Federal Tax Reform is recognized, or apply the amendments in that reporting period. An entity that elects to record the adjustment in the period of adoption will make an adjustment in the statement of shareholders’ equity as of the beginning of the reporting period. For Synovus, tax effects stranded in AOCI due to Federal Tax Reform totaled $7.8 million at December 31, 2017, and they relate to unrealized losses on the available-for-sale investment securities portfolio. Synovus will elect to apply the guidance during the reporting period ending on March 31, 2018, and record the reclassification adjustment in the period of adoption. The reclassification adjustment will result in an increase to retained earnings as of January 1, 2018 of $7.8 million and a corresponding decrease to accumulated other comprehensive income for the same amount. The reclassification adjustment will increase regulatory capital by $7.8 million, resulting in an approximate 3 b.p.s increase to Tier 1 capital, common equity Tier 1 capital, and total risk based capital ratios, and an approximate 2 b.p.s increase to the leverage ratio.
ASU 2016-01, Financial Instruments - Overall: Recognition and Measurement of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities. In January 2016, the FASB issued new accounting guidance related to financial instruments. The guidance requires entities to measure equity investments (except those accounted for under the equity method of accounting or consolidated) at fair value, and record changes in fair value as a component of net income. For financial instruments recorded at amortized cost, the new guidance requires public companies to disclose the fair values using the exit price concept prescribed by ASC 820-10, and eliminates the disclosure requirements related to measurement assumptions. The new guidance also requires separate presentation of financial assets and liabilities based on form and measurement category. The guidance is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2017, and interim periods within those fiscal years. Synovus currently accounts for all of its equity investments under the equity method of accounting; therefore, the provisions of the new accounting guidance do not impact Synovus’ accounting for existing equity investments. With respect to the provisions related to financial instruments recorded at amortized cost, Synovus is in the process of evaluating changes needed to the valuation of its loan portfolio to conform to the exit price requirements of the new guidance. Synovus’ current method to estimate the fair value of its loan portfolio does not incorporate the exit price concept of fair value. Management currently expects that the fair value under the exit price concept could result in a lower fair value as compared to the current method. However, management has not yet determined the impact to the fair value estimates as a result of incorporating the exit price concept. Determination of the fair value under the exit price method will require judgment because substantially all of the loans within the loan portfolio do not have observable market prices. The adoption of this guidance will result in the use of the exit price concept for determining the fair value of the loan portfolio for disclosure purposes only.

ASU 2016-13, Financial Instruments--Credit Losses (CECL). In June 2016, the FASB issued the new guidance related to credit losses. The new guidance replaces the existing incurred loss impairment guidance with a single expected credit loss methodology. The new guidance will require management’s estimate of credit losses over the full remaining expected life of loans and other financial instruments. For Synovus, the standard will apply to loans, unfunded loan commitments, and debt securities available for sale. The standard is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019 and interim periods within those fiscal years.  Early adoption is permitted on January 1, 2019.  Upon adoption, Synovus will record a cumulative effect adjustment to retained earnings as of the beginning of the reporting period of adoption.  

Synovus has begun its implementation efforts which are led by a cross-functional steering committee.  Management expects that the allowance for loan losses will be higher under the new standard; however, management is still in the process of determining the magnitude of the impact on its financial statements and regulatory capital ratios.  Additionally, the extent of the expected increase on the allowance for loan losses will depend upon the composition of the loan portfolio upon adoption of the standard, as well as economic conditions and forecasts at that time.

ASU 2016-02, Leases. In February 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-02, its new standard on lease accounting. ASU 2016-02 introduces a lessee model that brings most leases on the balance sheet. Under the new standard, all lessees will recognize a right-of-use asset and a lease liability, including operating leases, with a lease term greater than 12 months. From a lessor perspective, the accounting model is largely unchanged, though the new standard does include certain targeted improvements to align, where necessary, lessor accounting with the lessee accounting model and the revenue recognition guidance in ASC Topic 606 (those related to evaluating when profit can be recognized). For Synovus, the impact of this ASU will primarily relate to its accounting and reporting of leases as a lessee. The new ASU will be effective for Synovus beginning January 1, 2019. A modified retrospective approach is required at adoption which requires all prior periods presented in the financial statements to be restated with a cumulative effect adjustment to retained earnings as of the beginning of the earliest period presented. The standard also requires additional disclosures regarding leasing arrangements.
Synovus is currently evaluating the potential financial statement impact from the implementation of this standard by reviewing its existing lease contracts and other contracts that may include embedded leases. Synovus currently expects to recognize lease liabilities and corresponding right-of-use assets (at their present value) related to substantially all of the $230 million of future minimum lease commitments as disclosed in Note 7. However, the population of contracts requiring balance sheet recognition and their initial measurement continues to be under evaluation.

ASU 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers. In May 2014, the FASB issued new accounting guidance for recognizing revenue from contracts with customers, which is effective on January 1, 2018. ASU 2014-09 and subsequent related updates establish a single comprehensive model for entities to use in accounting for revenue arising from contracts with customers and supersedes most current revenue recognition guidance, including industry-specific guidance. The standard is intended to increase comparability across industries. The core principle of the revenue model is that a company will recognize revenue when it transfers control of goods or services to customers at an amount that reflects the consideration to which it expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. The scope of the guidance explicitly excludes net interest income as well as many other revenues from financial assets. Synovus completed its assessment of revenue contracts as of December 31, 2017. Based on this review, management did not identify material changes to the timing or amount of revenue recognition.
Synovus adopted these ASUs on January 1, 2018 using the modified retrospective method of adoption.  The adoption resulted in an immaterial cumulative effect adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings.  In connection with the adoption of this standard, Synovus will provide new footnote disclosures beginning in the first quarter of 2018 Form 10-Q, including expanded disaggregated non-interest income disclosures.

Additionally, the following ASUs will be implemented effective January 1, 2018 or later but are not expected to have a significant impact on Synovus' consolidated financial statements:
ASU 2016-18, Statement of Cash Flows-Restricted Cash
ASU 2017-12, Derivatives and Hedging
ASU 2017-08, Receivables-Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs: Premium Amortization on Purchased Callable Debt Securities
ASU 2017-05, Other Income-Gains and Losses from the Derecognition of Nonfinancial Assets, Clarifying the Scope of Asset Derecognition Guidance and Accounting for Partial Sales of Nonfinancial Assets
ASU 2017-04, Intangibles-Goodwill and Other, Simplifying the Test for Goodwill Impairment
ASU 2017-01, Business Combinations-Clarifying the Definition of a Business
Prior years' consolidated financial statements are reclassified whenever necessary to conform to the current year's presentation.