EX-99.3 4 dp216346_ex9903.htm EXHIBIT 99.3

Exhibit 99.3












Vinci Partners Investments Ltd.


Interim Financial Statements as of June 30, 2024






















Assets  Note  06/30/2024  12/31/2023
Current assets               
Cash and cash equivalents   5(c)   592,308    660,305 
Cash and bank deposits   5(c)   45,831    15,896 
Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss   5(c)   120,084    173,300 
    Financial instruments at amortized cost   5(c)   426,393    471,109 
Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss   5(d)   1,307,884    1,168,355 
Accounts receivable   5(a)   71,496    101,523 
Sub-leases receivable   10    3,368    4,071 
Taxes recoverable        3,775    2,219 
Other assets   6    24,249    19,109 
Total current assets        2,003,080    1,955,582 
Non-current assets               
Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss   5(c)   74,679    7,146 
Accounts receivable   5(a)   14,108    16,638 
Sub-leases receivable   10    456    1,467 
Taxes recoverable        1,930    325 
Deferred taxes   20    18,732    13,487 
Other assets   6    27,353    19,427 
         137,258    58,490 
Property and equipment   8    11,638    12,591 
Right of use – Leases   10    53,515    58,308 
Intangible assets   9    249,850    214,748 
Total non-current assets        452,261    344,137 
Total assets        2,455,341    2,299,719 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.




Liabilities and equity   Note    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Current liabilities               
Trade payables        1,495    1,869 
Leases   10 and 5(e)    24,919    24,381 
Accounts payable   11    6,276    6,020 
Labor and social security obligations   12    55,721    101,506 
Loans and obligations   14    76,346    76,722 
Taxes and contributions payable   13    22,780    24,853 
Total current liabilities        187,537    235,351 
Non-current liabilities               
Leases   10 and 5(e)    38,738    48,431 
Labor and social security obligations   12    6,457    5,357 
Loans and obligations   14    652,493    540,369 
Deferred taxes   20    3,926    3,883 
Retirement plans liabilities   15    229,896    85,554 
Total non-current liabilities        931,510    683,594 
Total liabilities        1,119,047    918,946 
Equity   16           
Share capital        15    15 
Additional paid-in capital        1,405,559    1,408,438 
Treasury shares   16(f)   (201,748)   (172,863)
Retained earnings        87,185    111,444 
Other reserves        44,440    31,876 
         1,335,451    1,378,910 
Non-controlling interests in the equity of subsidiaries   7(b)   843    1,864 
Total equity        1,336,294    1,380,774 
Total liabilities and equity        2,455,341    2,299,719 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.




      Six months ended June 30   Three months ended June 30
Statements of Income  Note  2024  2023  2024  2023
Net revenue from services rendered   17    240,315    219,892    131,228    117,584 
General and administrative expenses   18    (145,206)   (119,062)   (83,548)   (64,932)
Operating profit        95,109    100,830    47,680    52,652 
Finance income   19    54,842    69,354    22,231    65,101 
Finance expenses   19    (53,833)   (21,201)   (29,885)   (14,357)
Finance profit/(loss), net        1,009    48,153    (7,654)   50,744 
Profit before income taxes        96,118    148,983    40,026    103,396 
Income taxes   20    (22,063)   (24,725)   (11,679)   (11,844)
Profit for the period        74,055    124,258    28,347    91,552 
Attributable to the shareholders of the parent company        75,076    124,478    28,919    91,741 
Attributable to non-controlling interests        (1,021)   (220)   (572)   (189)
Basic earnings per share in Brazilian Reais        1.40    2.20    0.54    1.62 
Diluted earnings per share in Brazilian Reais        1.33    2.17    0.51    1.60 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.




   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
   2024  2023  2024  2023
Profit for the period   74,055    124,258    28,347    91,552 
Other comprehensive income                    
Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss:                    
Foreign exchange variance of investees                    
Vinci Capital Partners GP Limited   3    (9)   (1)   (6)
Vinci USA LLC   4,617    (2,502)   3,670    (1,633)
Vinci Capital Partners III GP Limited   95    (65)   73    (43)
GGN GP LLC   7    (8)   5    (5)
VICC Infra GP LLC   42    (12)   31    (8)
Vinci Capital Partners IV GP LLC   256    (160)   198    (112)
VICC Infra GP (Lux), S.A.R.L.   126    —      140    —   
Total comprehensive income for the period   79,201    121,502    32,463    89,745 
Attributable to:                    
Shareholders of the parent company   80,222    121,722    33,035    89,934 
Non-controlling interests   (1,021)   (220)   (572)   (189)
    79,201    121,502    32,463    89,745 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.




   Share  Additional  Retained  Other  Treasury     Non-controlling  Total
   capital  Paid-in capital  earnings  reserves  shares  Total  interests  equity
At January 01, 2023   15    1,382,038    81,310    24,149    (114,978)   1,372,534    3,013    1,375,547 
Profit for the year   —      —      124,478    —      —      124,478    (220)   124,258 
Other comprehensive income:                                        
   Foreign exchange variation of investee located abroad   —      —      —      (2,756)   —      (2,756)   —      (2,756)
Share based payments   —      (2,783)   —      4,163    2,783    4,163    —      4,163 
Treasury quotas bought   —      —      —      —      (42,052)   (42,052)   —      (42,052)
Allocation of profit:                                        
Dividends   —      —      (92,666)   —      —      (92,666)   —      (92,666)
At June 30, 2023   15    1,379,255    113,122    25,556    (154,247)   1,363,701    2,793    1,366,494 
At January 01, 2024   15    1,408,438    111,444    31,876    (172,863)   1,378,910    1,864    1,380,774 
Profit for the year   —      —      75,076    —      —      75,076    (1,021)   74,055 
Other comprehensive income:                                        
   Foreign exchange variation of investee located abroad   —      —      —      5,146    —      5,146    —      5,146 
Share based payments   —      (2,735)   —      7,418    2,735    7,418    —      7,418 
Treasury shares bought, net of shares sold   —      (144)   —      —      (31,620)   (31,764)   —      (31,764)
Allocation of profit:                                        
Dividends   —      —      (99,335)   —      —      (99,335)   —      (99,335)
At June 30, 2024   15    1,405,559    87,185    44,440    (201,748)   1,335,451    843    1,336,294 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.




   Notes  06/30/2024  06/30/2023
Cash flows from operating activities               
Profit before taxation        96,118    148,983 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash flows from operations:               
Depreciation and amortization   18    11,054    8,997 
Investment income of financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss        (41,192)   (49,079)
Net foreign exchange on liabilities at amortized cost   14(i)   72,530    —   
Interest expense on loans and obligations   19    30,425    7,838 
Loss/(gain) on remeasurement of contingent consideration   19    11,619    3,227 
Share based payments   18    11,808    5,600 
Financial result on lease agreements   19    3,962    4,888 
         196,324    130,454 
Changes in assets and liabilities               
Accounts receivables        32,568    (8,243)
Taxes recoverable        (3,161)   2,481 
Other assets        (13,023)   2,117 
Trade payables        (496)   (810)
Accounts payable        214    1,137 
Labor and social security obligations        (49,275)   (36,541)
Taxes and contributions payable        649    (575)
Contribution for retirements plans        141,646    13,226 
         109,122    (27,208)
Cash generated from operations        305,446    103,246 
Income tax paid        (29,854)   (29,426)
Net cash inflow from operating activities        275,592    73,820 
Cash flows from investing activities               
Purchases of property and equipment and additions to intangible assets        (7,368)   (9,829)
Purchase of financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss        (374,000)   (56,061)
Sales of financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss        210,826    165,829 
Payment for acquisition of subsidiary        (5,000)   —   
Cash and cash equivalent increased from business combination   7    285    —   
Net cash (outflow) from investing activities        (175,257)   99,939 
Cash flows from financing activities               
    Interest payments of loans and obligations   14(ii)   (21,947)   (5,943)
    Principal payments of loans and obligations   14(ii)   (8,889)   —   
    Treasury shares acquisition paid, net of treasury shares sold   16(f)   (31,718)   (42,540)
    Lease payments, net of sublease received        (11,301)   (11,938)
    Dividends paid   16(e)   (101,234)   (91,502)
Net cash (outflow) from financing activities        (175,089)   (151,923)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents        (74,754)   21,836 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year   5(c)   660,305    136,581 
Foreign exchange variation of cash and cash equivalents in subsidiary        6,757    (4,425)
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year   5(c)   592,308    153,992 


Non-cash financing activities


Dividends declared and not yet paid until June 30, 2024 and 2023 were R$ 3,791 (Note 11), respectively.


Consideration payable and contingent consideration (earn-out) as of June 30, 2024 and 2023 were 152,905 and 82,123 (Note 14), respectively. Vinci expects to pay the contingent consideration through its equity instruments. However, accordingly to IAS 32, the earn-out obligation was classified as a financial liability.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.






Vinci Partners Investments Ltd. is an exempted company incorporated in the Cayman Islands (referred to herein as "Entity", "Group" or "Vinci"). The Group started its activities in September 2009. Its objective is to hold investments in the capital of other companies as partner (shareholder). The investees are specialized in rendering alternative investment management, asset allocation, corporate advisory services and retirement services.


The registered office of the Entity is at Harneys Fiduciary (Cayman) Limited, 4th Floor, Harbour Place, 103 South Church Street, P.O. Box 10240, Grand Cayman KY1-1002, Cayman Islands.


2Summary of significant accounting policies


2.1Basis of preparation and presentation


The unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”).


The unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group’s annual consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2023.


The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year and corresponding interim reporting period.


The unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements are presented in Brazilian reais (“R$”), and all amounts disclosed in the financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand currency units unless otherwise stated.


The issuance of these financial statements was authorized by the Entity's management on August 7, 2024.


(a)Interim consolidated financial statements


Vinci operates as an asset management firm. The Group focuses on private markets, public equities, corporate advisory, investment products and solutions, and retirement services, which comprise the main activity of the Group.


The Group controls an entity where the Group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power to direct the activities of the entity.


Also, the Entity holds interest in subsidiaries whose main purpose and activities are providing services that relate to the Entity’s activities. Therefore, the Entity consolidates these subsidiaries.


Ownership interest in subsidiaries on June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 are as follows:




   Interest - %
    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Vinci Partners Investimentos Ltda.   100    100 
Vinci Assessoria financeira Ltda. (1)   100    100 
Vinci Equities Gestora de Recursos Ltda. (1)   100    100 
Vinci Gestora de Recursos Ltda. (1)   100    100 
Vinci Capital Gestora de Recursos Ltda. (1)   100    100 
Vinci Soluções de Investimentos Ltda.   100    100 
Vinci Real Estate Gestora de Recursos Ltda. (1)   100    100 
Vinci Capital Partners GP Limited.   100    100 
Vinci Partners USA LLC   100    100 
Vinci GGN Gestão de Recursos Ltda. (1)   100    100 
Vinci Infraestrutura Gestora de Recursos Ltda.   100    100 
Vinci Capital Partners GP III Limited.   100    100 
GGN GP LLC   100    100 
Vinci APM Ltda. (1)   100    100 
Vinci Monalisa FIM Crédito Privado IE (2)   100    100 
Vinci Asset Allocation Ltda.   75    75 
VICC Infra GP LLC   100    100 
Vinci Capital Partners IV GP LLC   100    100 
Vinci Holding Securitária Ltda.   85    85 
Vinci Vida e Previdência S.A. (3)   85    85 
Vinci SPS Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda. (4)   100    100 
VICC Infra GP (Lux), S.A.R.L.   100    100 
VINCI US RE Corporation (5)   98    —   
MAV Capital Gestora de Recursos SS Ltda. (6)   100    —   
ICML Gestão de Negócios e Participações SS Ltda. (6)   100    —   


(1)Minority interest represents less than 0.001%.

(2)Under the terms of IFRS 10, the Entity does not consolidate its investment in Vinci Monalisa FIM Crédito Privado IE and measures at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with IFRS 9.

(3)Vinci has an indirect interest at Vinci Vida e Previdência of 85% through its subsidiary Vinci Holding Securitária Ltda., which holds 100% of ownership interest at Vinci Vida e Previdência. Vinci Vida e Previdência commenced its operations in April 2023.

(4)On 16 August 2022, Vinci Soluções de Investimentos Ltda. acquired 90% of the issued share capital of SPS Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda. The acquisition gives to Vinci Soluções de Investimentos the right of 100% on the economic interest of SPS Gestão de Recursos Ltda.

(5)Under the terms of IFRS 10, the Entity does not consolidate its investment in Vinci US RE Corporation and measures at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with IFRS 9.

(6)On 29 June 2024, Vinci Gestora Recursos Ltda. acquired 70% of the issued share capital of MAV Capital Gestora de Recursos Ltda. and of the issued share capital of 30% ICML Gestão de Negócios e Participações SS Ltda. Vinci has direct and indirect interest on MAV Capital Gestora de Recursos SS Ltda. Vinci has indirect interest through its ownership interest on ICML Gestão de Negócios e Participações SS Ltda., which holds 70% of ownership interest at MAV.


Subsidiaries are all entities (including structured entities) over which the Group has control. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group. They are deconsolidated from the date that control ceases.


Inter-company transactions, balances and unrealized gains on transactions between Group companies are eliminated. Unrealized losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the transferred asset. Accounting policies of subsidiaries have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Group.




Non-controlling interests in the results and equity of subsidiaries are shown separately in the consolidated statement of profit or loss, consolidated statement of comprehensive income, consolidated statement of changes in equity and consolidated balance sheet respectively.


The Group treats transactions with non-controlling interests that do not result in a loss of control as transactions with equity owners of the Group. A change in ownership interest results in an adjustment between the carrying amounts of the controlling and non-controlling interests to reflect their relative interests in the subsidiary. Any difference between the amount of the adjustment to non-controlling interests and any consideration paid or received is recognized in another reserve within equity attributable to owners of Entity.


When the Group ceases to consolidate an investment or account for it under equity method because of a loss of control, joint control or significant influence, any retained interest in the entity is remeasured to its fair value, with the change in carrying amount recognized in profit or loss. This fair value becomes the initial carrying amount for the purposes of subsequently accounting for the retained interest as an associate, joint venture or financial asset. In addition, any amounts previously recognized in other comprehensive income in respect of that entity are accounted for as if the group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities. This may mean that amounts previously recognized in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss.


2.2Segment reporting


Under the supervision of the Board of Directors, the CEO is responsible for the decision-making process related to executive themes, resources allocation and strategic decisions of Vinci.


The strategic decisions of the Group comprise five distinct business segments: (i) Private market strategies, (ii) Public equities, (iii) Investment products and solutions; (iv) Corporate advisory and (v) Vinci retirement services (Note 20).


Strategies were sorted out within business segments following technical and strategic similarities among funds’ attributes, such as management and performance fee structures, liquidity constraints, targeted returns and investor profile.


3Accounting estimates and judgments


The Entity makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future, based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events. The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual results. The main estimations and assumptions made by the Entity is included as follow:


Allowance of expected credit losses of accounts receivable.

Provision for profit sharing.

Consolidation of subsidiaries.

Fair value measurement of financial assets.

Provision for contingent liabilities.

Impairment for goodwill and other intangible assets.

Fair value measurement of contingent consideration.

Fair value of share-based payments.

Financial evaluation of compound instruments.




4Financial risk management


The main risks related to the financial instruments are credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk, as defined below. The management of such risks involves various levels in the Entity and comprehends a number of policies and strategies. The Group's risk management focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to mitigate potential adverse impacts on the Group's financial performance.


4.1Financial risk factors


This note explains the Group's exposure to financial risks and how these risks could affect the Group's future financial performance. Current year profit and loss information has been included where relevant to add further context.


The Group's risk management is predominantly controlled by a risk assessment department under process and controls approved by the management. The management provides written process and controls for overall risk management, as well as policies covering specific areas, such as foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, use of derivative financial instruments and non-derivative financial instruments, and investment of excess liquidity.


(a)Credit risk


Credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents, contractual cash flows of debt investments carried at amortized cost, at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL), and deposits with banks and financial institutions, as well as credit exposures to wholesale and retail customers, including outstanding receivables.


(i) Risk management


As of June 30, 2024, and 2023 the expected credit losses are considered immaterial due to the short maturities of the deposits and the credit quality of the main counterparty, which have a credit rating equal or higher than AA- evaluated by Fitch Ratings. The Entity has not suffered any losses from cash and cash equivalents since inception. Vinci's treasury review expected credit losses on a regular basis.


(ii) Impairment of financial assets


The Group has the following types of financial assets that are subject to the expected credit loss model:


Accounts receivable.
Loans and receivables from employees, evaluated at amortized cost


While cash and cash equivalents are also subject to the impairment requirements of IFRS 9, the expected impairment loss was immaterial.




(b)Market risk


(i) Foreign exchange risk


At the reporting date, the carrying amount value of the Group’s financial assets and liabilities exposed to US Dollars and Euros were as follows:


Balance sheet  06/30/2024  12/31/2023
Cash and cash equivalents   471,994    486,977 
Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss   10,701    606 
Accounts receivable   17,514    5,927 
Other receivables   3,602    2,381 
Current assets   503,811    495,891 
Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss   51,490    —   
Other receivables   —      (29)
Leases, property and equipment   2,576    2,684 
Non-current assets   54,066    2,655 
Trade payables   1,640    589 
Loans and obligations   —      6,993 
Labor and social security obligations   2.060    5,485 
Current liabilities   3,700    13,067 
Other payables   278    242 
Loans and obligations   510,273    424,340 
Lease   547    940 
Non-current liabilities   511,098    425,522 
Net Equity exposed to US Dollars   41,426    59,957 
Net Equity exposed to Euros   1,653    —   


The aggregate net foreign exchange gains/losses recognized in profit or loss were:


   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
Net foreign exchange result  2024  2023  2024  2023
Financial expense   (12,143)   (775)   (11,529)   (620)
Net foreign exchange result, net   (12,143)   (775)   (11,529)   (620)


The Group operates internationally and is exposed to foreign exchange risk, exclusively the US dollar.


Foreign exchange risk arises from future commercial transactions and recognized assets and liabilities denominated in a currency that is not the functional currency of the Group.


(ii) Interest rate risk


The Group's profit or loss is sensitive to higher/lower interest income from cash equivalents and fixed income funds as a result of changes in interest rates.




(iii) Price risk


The Group's exposure to investment securities price risk arises from investments held by the group and classified in the balance sheet at fair value through profit or loss (note 5).


To manage its price risk arising from investments in investment securities, the Group diversifies its portfolio. Diversification of the portfolio is done in accordance with the limits set by the Group.


The majority of the Group's financial investments that are exposed to significant price risk are the private equity investments and investments held by Monalisa FIM. Note 5(d) demonstrates the sensitivity analyses of impact for the assets held by the Group.


(c)Liquidity risk


Prudent liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and marketable securities and the availability of funding through an adequate amount of committed credit facilities to meet obligations when due and to close out market positions. At the end of the reporting period the Group held bank deposits, certificates of deposits and US treasury bills of R$ 592,308 (12/31/2023 – R$ 660,305) that are expected to readily generate cash inflows for managing liquidity risk.


Net debt reconciliation


This section sets out an analysis of net debt and the movements in net debt for each of the years presented.


   06/30/2024  12/31/2023
Cash and cash equivalents   592,308    660,305 
Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss (i)   1,307,884    1,168,355 
Trade payables   (1,495)   (1,869)
Labor and social security obligations   (62,178)   (106,863)
Accounts payable   (6,276)   (6,020)
Lease liabilities   (63,657)   (72,812)
Convertible preferred shares   (510,274)   (431,334)
Commercial notes   (63,884)   (73,189)
Consideration payable   (60,683)   (48,199)
Contingent consideration   (93,999)   (64,370)
Retirement plans liabilities   (229,896)   (85,554)
Net debt   807,850    938,450 


(i)Comprised of liquid and illiquid investments. Liquid investments are current assets that are traded in an active market. Illiquid investments are comprised of assets that trade infrequently.




    Financial liabilities    Other assets 
    Payables    Loans and obligations    Retirement plans    Lease liabilities    Cash and cash equivalents    Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss 
Net debt as at                              
December 31, 2022   (99,275)   (175,290)   —      (86,211)   136,581    1,243,764 
Cash flow and dividends provision   (15,477)   20,864    (82,734)   25,830    522,328    (172,629)
Fair value adjustment   —      (28,686)   (2,820)   (2,737)   1,396    97,220 
Addition and finance expenses accrual   —      (450,493)        —      —      —   
Foreign exchange adjustments   —      16,513         —      —      —   
Other changes (i)   —      —           (9,694)   —      —   
December 31, 2023   (114,752)   (617,092)   (85,554)   (72,812)   660,305    1,168,355 
Cash flow and dividends provision   44,803    30,837    (141,648)   13,541    (132,467)   101,765 
Fair value adjustment   —      (14,103)   (2,694)   —      17,046    37,764 
Addition and finance expenses accrual   —      (55,952)   —      (4,292)   —      —   
Foreign exchange adjustments   —      (72,530)   —      —      47,424    —   
Other changes (i)   —      —      —      (94)   —      —   
June 30, 2024   (69,949)   (728,840)   (229,896)   (63,657)   592,308    1,307,884 


(i) Other changes include non-cash movements, including Cumulative Translation Adjustments (“CTA”) which are being presented as in other comprehensive income statements.


Maturities of financial liabilities


Except for the retirement plans liabilities, the tables below analyze the Group's financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings based on their contractual maturities for significant financial liabilities.


Contractual maturities of
financial liabilities
at June 30, 2024
  Less than 1 year  Between 1 and 3 years  Over 3 years  Total  Carrying amount
Trade payables   (1,495)   —      —      (1,495)   (1,495)
Labor and social security obligations   (55,721)   (4,492)   (1,965)   (62,178)   (62,178)
Lease liabilities   (24,919)   (24,779)   (30,991)   (80,689)   (63,657)
Accounts payable   (6,276)   —      —      (6,276)   (6,276)
Loans and financing   (132,495)   (165,535)   (929,203)   (1,227,233)   (728,840)
Total   (220,906)   (194,806)   (962,159)   (1,377,871)   (862,446)


Contractual maturities of
financial liabilities
at December 31, 2023
  Less than 1 year  Between 1 and 3 years  Over 3 years  Total  Carrying amount
Trade payables   (1,869)   —      —      (1,869)   (1,869)
Labor and social security obligations   (101,505)   (2,458)   (2,900)   (106,863)   (106,863)
Lease liabilities   (24,381)   (32,786)   (36,017)   (93,184)   (72,812)
Accounts payable   (6,020)   —      —      (6,020)   (6,020)
Loans and financing   (114,390)   (182,178)   (783,572)   (1,080,140)   (617,092)
Total   (248,165)   (217,422)   (822,489)   (1,288,076)   (804,656)




(d)Sensitivity analysis


The Group monitors and evaluates the market risk related to its financial investments portfolio periodically to assess its volatility, through changes that can significantly impact its financial results. Considering a period of one day and the historical results over the past year, the following Value at Risk (VAR) parameters were used:


0.21% (or R$ 3.5 million) of the financial investment portfolio for a confidence interval of 95% on June 30, 2024 (0.26% or R$ 3.2 million on December 31, 2023).

0.38% (or R$ 6.3 million) of the financial investment portfolio for a confidence interval of 99% on June 30, 2024 (0.53% or R$ 6.8 million on December 31, 2023).


Additionally, the Group evaluated the financial investment portfolio on June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, through stress scenarios according to the main risk factors related to its investments, as presented in the table below:


            Financial Impact (**) 
Risk Factor  Variation in   Stress Scenario (*)    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Current inflation  Inflation index   -100bps   3.9    12.3 
Exchange traded real estate funds  Share prices   -10%   (17.3)   (14.4)
Brazilian stock prices  Share prices   -10%   (4.9)   (9.3)
Fixed-rate offshore rates  US yield curve   -100bps   (50.2)   (34.9)
Foreign exchange rate  Foreign exchange rates   10%(***)   (0.5)   (0.4)
Domestic base overnight rate  Domestic base overnight rate   -100bps   (6.2)   (6.0)


(*) bps - basis point (1bps = 0,01%)

(**) In millions of Brazilian reais

(***) Brazilian reais devaluation against US Dollars


An equal change in the opposite direction of the stress scenario would have affected the financial investment portfolio by a similar amount, on the basis that all other variables remain constant.


5Financial instruments


This note provides information about the group's financial instruments, including:


- an overview of all financial instruments held by the Group

- specific information about each type of financial instrument

- accounting policies

- information about determining the fair value of the instruments, including judgements and estimation uncertainty involved.


The Group classifies its financial assets in the following measurement categories:


those measured at fair value or through profit or loss, and

those measured at amortized cost.


The classification depends on the entity's business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual terms of the cash flows.




For assets measured at fair value, gains and losses will be recorded in profit or loss.


Recognition and derecognition


Regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognized on trade date, being the date on which the group commits to purchase or sell the asset. Financial assets are derecognized when the rights to receive cash flows from the financial assets have expired or have been transferred and the group has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership.




At initial recognition, the group measures a financial asset at its fair value plus, in the case of a financial asset not at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL), transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset. Transaction costs of financial assets carried at FVPL are expensed in profit or loss.


The Group holds the following financial instruments:


Financial assets  Section  06/30/2024    



Accounts receivable   (a)    85,604    118,161 
Other financial assets at amortized cost   (b)    34,438    24,339 
Cash and cash equivalents   (c)    592,308    660,305 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL)   (d)    1,382,563    1,175,501 
         2,094,913    1,978,306 
Financial liabilities               
Liabilities at amortized cost   (e)    69,949    114,752 
Lease liabilities   (e)    63,657    72,812 
Loans and financing   (e)    728,839    617,091 
         862,445    804,655 


The Group's exposure to risks associated with the financial instruments is discussed in Note 4. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the end of the reporting period is the carrying amount of each class of financial assets mentioned above.


a)Accounts receivable


Current assets   06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Accounts receivable from contracts with customers   71,646    101,673 
Loss allowance   (150)   (150)
Non-current assets          
Accounts receivable from contracts with customers   14,108    16,638 
    85,604    118,161 


Accounts receivables are recognized initially at the amount of consideration that is unconditional and are not submitted to any financial components. They are subsequently measured at amortized cost, less loss allowance.




Current accounts receivable are amounts due from customers for services performed in the ordinary course of business. They are generally due for settlement within 30 days and are therefore classified as current in its entirety. Due to the short-term nature of the current receivables, their carrying amount is considered to be the same as their fair value.


Non-current accounts receivable comprised by unrealized performance fees and other receivables. Unrealized performance fees are recognized when the management, with accumulated experience, estimate that it is highly probable that a significant reversal will not occur. Vinci expects the unrealized performance fees will be received during 2024. However, as the period for its realization is subject to uncertainty, the balance is presented as a non-current receivable.


Monthly, the Entity evaluates the revenues and receipts for each customer (Funds). Additionally, on quarterly basis Vinci analyzes the outstanding balances to calculate expected credit losses and the exposure to credit risk from receivables are reviewed. Accounts receivable allowance for expected credit losses are presented in general and administrative expense.


The loss allowances for accounts receivable as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 reconcile to the opening loss allowances as follows:


    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Opening loss allowance on January 1   (150)   (166)
Decrease in accounts receivable allowance recognized in profit or loss   —      16 
Closing loss allowance on December 31   (150)   (150)


Accounts receivables are written off when there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. Indicators that there is no reasonable expectation of recovery include, among others, the failure of a debtor to engage in a repayment plan with the group, and a failure to make contractual payments. The Entity has not written any amount of accounts receivable during 2024 and 2023. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited against the same line item.


b)Other financial assets at amortized cost


Financial assets at amortized cost refer to the following debt instruments:


    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Employees loans (Note 6 (i))   5,858    5,519 
Receivable from employees (Note 6 (v))   28,580    18,820 


These amounts generally arise from transactions outside the usual operating activities of the group. Interest may be charged at commercial rates and collateral is not normally obtained.


All the financial assets at amortized cost are denominated in Brazilian currency units. As a result, there is no exposure to foreign currency risk. There is also no exposure to price risk as the investments will be held to maturity.


See note 6 for more details.


c)Cash and cash equivalents


    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Cash and bank deposits   45,831    15,896 
Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss (i)   120,084    173,300 
Financial instruments at amortized cost (ii)   426,393    471,109 
    592,308    660,305 




For the purpose of presentation in the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand, bank deposits held at financial institutions, and highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.


(i) Comprises certificates of deposits issued by Banco Bradesco (credit rating AAA evaluated by Fitch Ratings) with an interest rate of 100.5% of CDI (interbank deposit rate). The certificates are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.


(ii)Comprised of US Treasury Bills.


d)Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss


The group classifies the following financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL):


-Mutual funds;

-Private markets funds;

-Real Estate Investments


Financial assets measured at FVPL include the following categories:


    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Current assets   1,307,884    1,168,355 
Mutual funds (i)   1,307,884    1,168,355 
Non-current assets   74,679    7,146 
Private markets funds (ii)   23,189    7,146 
Real Estate Investments (iii)   51,490    —   


The following table demonstrate the funds invested included in each category mentioned above.


(i) Mutual funds


    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Vinci Monalisa FIM Crédito Privado IE (2)   1,023,087    991,470 
Vinci Multiestratégia FIM   1,454    11,642 
Vinci International Master Portfolio SPC - Reflation SP   —      606 
Vinci Institucional FI RF Referenciado DI   27,591    62,687 
Vinci Argentina Opportunity Fund II   10,701    —   
Vinci Reservas Técnicas FI RF DI   7,374    2,199 
Retirement services investment funds (1)   229,894    85,554 
FI Vinci Renda Fixa CP   7,783    14,197 
    1,307,884    1,168,355 


(1)These funds refer to the financial products as part of the Company's retirement plans services. See Note 15 for further information.

(2)Vinci Monalisa FIM Crédito Privado IE (“Vinci Monalisa”) is a mutual fund incorporated in Brazil and wholly owned by the Company. Vinci Monalisa’s balances are the following:




    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Net Asset Value   1,023,087    991,470 
Real estate funds   234,734    234,245 
Mutual funds   473,898    535,430 
Private equity funds   208,866    136,810 
Other assets/liabilities   105,589    84,985 


The Vinci Monalisa’s portfolio is comprised of liquid and illiquid investee funds with different redemption criteria. Over 68% of its investments are liquid and may be redeemed and 32% are non-redeemable investments. The following tables demonstrate the funds invested by Vinci Monalisa:


Mutual funds


Vinci Monalisa holds investments in several mutual funds to seek profitability through investments in various classes of financial assets such as fixed income assets, Brazilian government bonds, public equities, derivatives financial instruments, investment funds and other short-term liquid securities. As of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, Vinci Monalisa holds R$ 473,898 and R$ 535,430 of investments in mutual funds, respectively, which are distributed in the following classification:


    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Mutual Funds’ classification          
Interest and foreign exchange (a)   83.52%   84.93%
Foreign investments (b)   6.19%   4.56%
Macro (c)   4.65%   3.96%
Specific strategy (d)   5.65%   6.55%
    100.00%   100.00%


(a)Funds that seek long-term returns via investments in fixed-income assets, admitting strategies that imply interest risk, price index risk and foreign currency risk.

(b)Funds that invest in financial assets abroad in a portion greater than 40% of their net asset values.

(c)Funds that operate in various asset classes (fixed income, variable income, foreign exchange, etc.), with investment strategies based on medium and long-term macroeconomic scenarios.

(d)Funds that adopt an investment strategy that involves specific risks, such as commodities, futures of index, etc.


Real Estate funds

    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Vinci Credit Securities FII (a)   72,801    70,049 
Vinci Imóveis Urbanos FII (b)   44,724    53,884 
Vinci Offices FII (c)   31,737    34,639 
Vinci Fulwood DL FII (d)   62,575    52,849 
Other real estate funds (e)   22,897    22,824 
    234,734    234,245 


(a)The fund invests in real estate receivable certificates, bonds and other real estate assets;

(b)The fund’s investment strategy is to acquire properties in the retail, general markets, health and education sectors located in large urban centers that, in the Manager's view, generate long-term value;

(c)The fund invests in controlling corporate buildings, mostly leased, which, in the Manager's view, generate value for the properties.

(d)The fund’s strategy is to provide its shareholders with profitability resulting from the sale of properties, as well as the eventual commercial exploitation of properties. The Fund may carry out renovations or improvements to properties with the aim of enhancing the returns arising from their commercial exploitation or eventual commercialization.

(e)Comprised of funds that allocate their capital in diversified portfolios of shares of real estate funds, real estate receivable certificates, bonds, securities and other real estate assets.




Private markets funds

    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Vinci Crédito Infra Institucional Fundo Incentivado – Infraestrutura (a)   62,632    46,844 
Vinci Infra Água e Saneamento Strategy FIP – Infraestrutura (b)   50,746    50,698 
VCP IV Master FIP B (c)   41,841    —   
Vinci Infraestrutura Transporte e Logística FIP   19,057    10,486 
Vinci Infra Coinvestimento I FIP - Infraestrutura   7,393    10,290 
Vinci Impacto Ret IV FIP Multiestratégia   6,436    4,687 
Other funds   20,761    13,805 
Total private markets funds   208,866    136,810 


(a) The Fund aims to increase the value of its shares through the subscription or acquisition, on the primary or secondary market, predominantly of debentures issued by privately held companies, for the purpose of raising funds to implement projects relating to the implementation, expansion, maintenance, recovery, adaptation, or modernization of infrastructure projects.


(b) The Fund's investment policy is the acquisition of shares, subscription bonuses, debentures convertible or not into shares, or other securities, convertible or exchangeable into shares issued by companies, publicly or privately held in the water sector and basic sanitation.


(c) The Fund's investment policy is to invest in securities issued by the National treasure, fixed income securities issued of financial institutions, repo operations, investment fund shares that invest in assets who invest, directly and/or indirectly, in private credit.


(ii) Private markets


    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Vinci Capital Partners III Feeder FIP Multiestratégia   4,129    4,262 
Nordeste III FIP Multiestratégia   3,404    2,884 
Fundo Garantidor de Infraestrutura – FGIE – Class A   3,118    —   
Fundo Garantidor de Infraestrutura – FGIE – Class B   12,538    —   
Total Private markets   23,189    7,146 


(iii) Real Estate Investments


    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Vinci US RE Corporation (a)   51,490    —   
Total Real Estate Investments   51,490    —   


(a)During the first semester of 2024, Vinci invested in several properties through its subsidiary Vinci US RE Corporation. The investments are intended to develop real estate properties for capital appreciation through income or sale of the respective properties.


During the year, the following gains were recognized in profit or loss:


   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
   2024  2023  2024  2023
Fair value gains on investments at FVPL recognized in finance income   46,612    64,723    20,741    64,834 


e)Financial liabilities




    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Current   164,757    210,498 
Trade payables   1,495    1,869 
Labor and social security obligations (Note 12)   55,721    101,506 
Loans and obligations (Note 14)   76,346    76,722 
Lease liabilities (Note 10)   24,919    24,381 
Accounts payable (Note 11)   6,276    6,020 
Non-current   697,688    594,157 
Lease liabilities (Note 10)   38,738    48,431 
Labor and social security obligations (Note 12)   6,457    5,357 
Loans and obligations (Note 14)   652,493    540,369 
    862,445    804,655 


Fair value hierarchy


This section explains the judgments and estimates made in determining the fair values of the financial instruments that are recognized and measured at fair value through profit or loss in the financial statements. To provide an indication about the reliability of the inputs used in determining fair value, the group has classified its financial instruments into the three levels prescribed under the accounting standards. An explanation of each level follows underneath the table.


   On June 30, 2024
Recurring fair value measurements  Level 1  Level 2  Level 3  Total
Financial Assets                    
Certificate of deposits   —      120,084    —      120,084 
Mutual funds   —      1,307,884    —      1,307,884 
Private equity funds   —      —      23,189    23,189 
Real Estate Investments   —      —      51,490    51,490 
Total Financial Assets   —      1,427,968    74,679    1,502,647 


   On December 31, 2023
Recurring fair value measurements  Level 1  Level 2  Level 3  Total
Financial Assets                    
Certificate of deposits   —      173,300    —      173,300 
Mutual funds   —      1,168,355    —      1,168,355 
Private equity funds   —      —      7,146    7,146 
Total Financial Assets   —      1,341,655    7,146    1,348,801 


Level 1: The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets (such as publicly traded real estate funds) is based on quoted market prices at the end of the reporting period. The quoted market price used for financial assets held by the group is the current bid price. These instruments are included in level 1.


Level 2: The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined using valuation techniques which maximize the use of observable market data and rely as little as possible on entity-specific estimates. If all significant inputs required to fair value an instrument are observable, the instrument is included in level 2.


Vinci Monalisa is a financial instrument classified as level 2. Its portfolio is comprised of items that could be classified as level 1, level 2 and level 3, in the amount of R$ 208,627, R$ 520,121 and R$ 294,339, respectively (2023: R$ 151,200, R$ 627,788 and R$ 212,482, respectively).


Level 3: If one or more of the significant inputs is not based on observable market data, the instrument is included in level 3. This is the case for unlisted equity securities.




Valuation techniques used to determine fair values


Specific valuation techniques used to value financial instruments include:


- the use of quoted market prices


- for level 3 financial instruments – discounted cash flow analysis.


All non-listed assets fair value estimates are included in level 2, except for private equity funds, where the fair values have been determined based on fair value appraisals for fund's investments, performed by the fund's management (Vinci Capital and Vinci Infra) or a third party hired by the Fund’s Administrator. The most part of the level 3 financial instruments evaluation uses discount cash flows techniques to evaluate the fair value of the Fund's investments. The appraisals performed by a third party are reviewed by Vinci or its subsidiaries (fund's management).


Fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs (level 3)


The following table presents the changes in level 3 items for the period/year ended June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:


   Fair Value
Opening balance January 1, 2023   5,985 
Capital deployment   947 
Sales and distributions   (247)
Gain recognized in finance income   461 
Closing balance December 31, 2023   7,146 
Capital deployment   61,441 
Sales and distributions   (31)
Gain recognized in finance income   6,123 
Closing balance June 30, 2024   74,679 




6Other assets


   06/30/2024  12/31/2023
Employees loans (i)   5,858    5,519 
Sundry advances   100    152 
Advances to projects in progress (ii)   14,343    12,771 
Other prepayments   1,484    319 
Related parties’ receivables (iii)   4    4 
Guarantee deposits (iv)   573    494 
Receivables from employees (v)   28,580    18,820 
Sublease receivables   441    224 
Others   219    233 
    51,602    38,536 
Current   24,249    19,109 
Non-current   27,353    19,427 
    51,602    38,536 


(i)Refers to amounts receivable from employees.


(ii)Refers to costs incurred by projects related to funds administered by Vinci, that are initially paid by the Group and subsequently reimbursed.


(iii)Refers to an intercompany transaction. See Note 21 (b) for more details.


(iv)Refers to the security deposit of a lease.


(v)Refers to an intercompany transaction. See Note 21 (d) for more details.






(a)Business Combination


Compass Business Combination


On March 07, 2024, Vinci announced an agreement for a combination with Compass. Once closed, the transaction will create a full-service Latin American alternative asset manager with more than US$50 billion in assets under management, across private markets, investment products and solutions, public equities, and corporate advisory segments. Founded in 1995, Compass is a leading independent asset manager and investment advisory firm in Latin America, currently present in seven countries in Latin America, the United States and United Kingdom.


The transaction will have a total upfront consideration of 11,783,384 shares of VINP Class A common stock, and a cash consideration of US$31.3 million, in the form of VINP Class C redeemable common stock. Under the agreement, Compass partners are entitled to an earn-out of up to an additional 7.5% stake in the combined entity, subject to the achievement of pre-determined metrics, to be paid in VINP Class A common stock until 2028.


The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2024, subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.


(b)MAV Business Combination


On April 25, 2024, Vinci announced an agreement for a combination with MAV Capital Gestora de Recursos SS Ltda. (“MAV” or “MAV Capital”). The transaction was closed on June 28, 2024, and had a total cash consideration of R$5,000 and an obligation of R$10,000 segregated in two payments in each deal anniversary until 2026, respectively. The transaction increased Vinci participation in the agribusiness, improving a segment that is raising in a short period of time. At the closing date, MAV had R$ 540 million assets under management in private markets sector.


Details of the purchase consideration, the net assets acquired, and goodwill are as follows:


Cash paid   5,000 
Consideration payable   10,000 
Contingent consideration (Earn-out)   18,010 
Total purchase consideration   33,010 


The assets and liabilities recognized as a result of the acquisition are as follows:


Cash and cash equivalents   285 
Other assets and liabilities   (222)
Management contracts   14,743 
Net identifiable assets acquired   14,806 
Goodwill   18,204 
Net assets acquired   33,010 


MAV Business Combination is still under its measurement period. During this period, additional assets or liabilities can be recognized if new information is obtained about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date. The measurement period ends as soon as Vinci receives the information it was seeking about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date or learns that more information is not obtainable. However, the measurement period shall not exceed one year from the acquisition date.




(b)Non-controlling interests (NCI)


Set out below is summarized financial information for each subsidiary that has non-controlling interests. The amounts disclosed for each subsidiary are before inter-company eliminations.


   Vinci Asset Allocation  Vinci Holding Securitária  Total
    06/30/2024    12/31/2023    06/30/2024    12/31/2023    06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Summarized Balance Sheet                              
Current assets   58    232    245,240    100,873    245,298    101,105 
Current liabilities   (359)   (707)   (1,822)   (2,816)   (2,181)   (3,523)
Current net assets   (301)   (475)   243,418    98,057    243,117    97,582 
Non-current assets   601    601    17,446    13,549    18,047    14,150 
Non-current liabilities   (2,250)   (1,550)   (251,992)   (96,805)   (254,242)   (98,355)
Non-current net assets   (1,649)   (949)   (234,546)   (83,256)   (236,195)   (84,205)
Net assets   (1,950)   (1,424)   8,872    14,801    6,922    13,377 
Accumulated NCI   (488)   (356)   1,331    2,220    843    1,864 




Summarized statement  Vinci Asset Allocation  Vinci Holding Securitária  Total
of comprehensive income  06/30/2024  06/30/2023  06/30/2024  06/30/2023  06/30/2024  06/30/2023
Revenue   169    7    165    1    334    8 
Profit for the period   (526)   (645)   (5,929)   (391)   (6,455)   (1,036)
Total comprehensive income   (526)   (645)   (5,929)   (391)   (6,455)   (1,036)
Profit/(loss) allocated to NCI   (132)   (161)   (889)   (59)   (1,021)   (220)




8Property and equipment


   Furniture and fittings stuffs 

Improvements in properties

of third parties



and peripherals - improvements



and tools

  Work of arts and others  Total
At January 1, 2024   12,858    48,963    7,634    10,325    791    80,571 
       Assets recognized as a result of  MAV acquisition   46    —      —      47    —      93 
       Acquisitions, net of disposals   134    370    545    125    (83)   1,092 
       Foreign Exchange variations of property and equipment abroad   —      2,735    —      787    —      3,522 
At June 30, 2024   13,038    52,068    8,179    11,284    708    85,278 
Accumulated depreciation
    At January 1, 2024
   (9,303)   (43,205)   (6,128)   (9,344)   —      (67,980)
    Depreciation   (429)   (1,365)   (233)   (128)   —      (2,155)
    Foreign Exchange variations of property and equipment abroad   —      (2,739)   —      (766)   —      (3,505)
At June 30, 2024   (9,732)   (47,309)   (6,361)   (10,238)   —      (73,640)
Net book value                              
At January 1, 2024   3,555    5,758    1,506    981    791    12,591 
At June 30, 2024   3,306    4,759    1,818    999    708    11,638 
Annual depreciation rate - %   10    From 10 to 20    20    10    —      —   




   Furniture and fittings stuffs 

Improvements in properties

of third parties



and peripherals - improvements



and tools

  Work of arts and others  Total
At January 1, 2023   11,782    47,824    7,113    10,241    873    77,833 
       Acquisitions   1,076    2,574    521    496    (82)   4,585 
       Foreign Exchange variations of property and equipment abroad   —      (1,435)   —      (412)   —      (1,847)
At December 31, 2023   12,858    48,963    7,634    10,325    791    80,571 
Accumulated depreciation
    At January 1, 2023
   (8,473)   (42,188)   (5,707)   (9,514)   —      (65,882)
    Depreciation   (830)   (2,447)   (421)   (229)   —      (3,927)
    Foreign Exchange variations of    property and equipment abroad        1,430    —      399    —      1,829 
At December 31, 2023   (9,303)   (43,205)   (6,128)   (9,344)   —      (67,980)
Net book value                              
At January 1, 2023   3,309    5,636    1,406    727    873    11,951 
At December 31, 2023   3,555    5,758    1,506    981    791    12,591 
Annual depreciation rate - %   10    From 10 to 20    20    10           




9Intangible assets


Intangible assets include expenditures with the development of the software, placement agent, management contracts and the goodwill generated by the acquisition of SPS and MAV Capital.


The software development comprises mainly the following assets:

-Products for Risk System and Portfolio Allocation, whose purpose is to evaluate the risk of the funds and to allocate the clients' portfolio; and

-Systems and applications which are being developed to support retirement services applications.


The Entity assesses at each reporting date whether there is an indication that an intangible asset may be impaired, If any indication exists, the Entity estimates the asset's recoverable amount. There were no indications of impairment of intangible assets for the period ended June 30, 2024 and for the year ended December 31, 2023.


    Software development    Placement Agent (a)    Goodwill (b)    Management Contracts (c)    Total 
At January 1, 2024   40,333    20,722    162,290    22,049    245,394 
Additions   6,193    83    18,204    14,743    39,222 
Foreign exchange variation of intangible assets abroad   1,139    259    —      —      1,398 
At June 30, 2024   47,665    21,064    180,494    36,792    286,014 
Accumulated amortization                         
At January 1, 2024   (24,686)   (1,896)   —      (4,064)   (30,646)
Amortization   (1,790)   (1,044)   —      (1,524)   (4,358)
Foreign exchange variation of intangible assets abroad   (1,096)   (63)   —      —      (1,159)
At June 30, 2024   (27,572)   (3,003)   —      (5,588)   (36,164)
At January 1, 2024   15,647    18,826    162,290    17,985    214,748 
At June 30, 2024   20,093    18,060    180,494    31,203    249,850 
Amortization rate (per year) - %   20%   (a)    (b)    (c)    —   




(a) Refers to amounts capitalized relating to agreements with investments placement agents relating to funds raised from investors in funds managed by the Group. These amounts are amortized based on the estimated duration of the related funds. When a Fund has an undefined useful life (Perpetual funds), placement agent costs are amortized within 10 years. In case of an early liquidation of the funds, the amortization period is adjusted, or if there is an indication of impairment, an impairment evaluation is performed and recognized, if necessary.


(b) Goodwill has an indefinite useful life and are not subject to amortization. Goodwill is tested annually for impairment, or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that they might be impaired. At December 31, 2023, goodwill was tested and no provision for impairment losses was identified by Vinci.


Key assumptions to determine the fair value of goodwill include discounted cash flow calculations based on current performance and considering current market indicators listed below. There were no significant changes to assumptions between acquisition and reporting date.


Inputs to determine fair value of SPS Goodwill:


Annual inflation rate – Brazil 4%
Discount Rate 12,5%


(c) Refers to the purchase price allocated to Fund’s Management Contracts as a result of SPS and MAV acquisition.


SPS: These amounts are amortized based on the duration of the related funds, from September 2022 to December 2030.

MAV: These amounts are amortized based on the duration of the related funds, from July 2024 to December 2029.


Other assets than Goodwill are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs of disposal and value in use. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately identifiable cash inflows which are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets (cash-generating units).




    Software development    Placement Agent (a)    Goodwill (b)    Management Contracts (c)    Total 
At January 1, 2023   28,250    1,359    162,290    22,049    213,948 
Additions   12,684    19,469    —      —      32,153 
Foreign exchange variation of intangible assets abroad   (601)   (106)   —      —      (707)
At December 31, 2023   40,333    20,722    162,290    22,049    245,394 
Accumulated amortization                         
At January 1, 2023   (23,629)   (65)   —      (1,016)   (24,710)
Annual amortization   (1,636)   (1,863)   —      (3,048)   (6,547)
Foreign exchange variation of intangible assets abroad   579    32    —           611 
At December 31, 2023   (24,686)   (1,896)   —      (4,064)   (30,646)
At January 1, 2023   4,621    1,294    162,290    21,033    189,238 
At December 31, 2023   15,647    18,826    162,290    17,985    214,748 
Amortization rate (per year) - %   20%   (a)    (b)    (c)    —   






This note provides information for leases where the Group is a lessee. The notes also provide the information of subleases agreements where the Group is a lessor, once part of the assets leased by the Group is subleased to third parties.


(i)Amount recognized in the balance sheet


The balance sheet shows the following amounts relating to leases:


   06/30/2024  12/31/2023
Sub-lease receivable          
Rio de Janeiro Office - BM 336   3,824    5,538 
Total   3,824    5,538 
Current   3,368    4,071 
Non-current   456    1,467 
Total   3,824    5,538 
Right of use assets          
Rio de Janeiro Office - BM 336   46,234    48,741 
São Paulo Office – JRA   6,829    8,780 
NY Office - Third Avenue   452    787 
Total   53,515    58,308 
Lease liabilities          
Rio de Janeiro Office - BM 336   (54,085)   (61,051)
São Paulo Office – JRA   (9,025)   (10,821)
NY Office - Third Avenue   (547)   (940)
Total   (63,657)   (72,812)
Current   (24,919)   (24,381)
Non-current   (38,738)   (48,431)
Total   (63,657)   (72,812)


Additions to the right-of-use assets until June 30, 2024 were R$ 121 (reductions of R$ 2,045 during 2023 financial year).




(ii)Amount recorded in the statement of profit or loss


The statement of profit or loss shows the following amounts relating to leases:


   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
   2024  2023  2024  2023
Right of use assets depreciation   (4,674)   (5,191)   (2,335)   (2,414)
Financial expense   (4,292)   (5,148)   (2,076)   (2,517)
    (8,966)   (10,339)   (4,411)   (4,931)


The total cash outflow for leases until June 30, 2024 was R$ 13,541 (R$ 12,765 until June 30, 2023).


The Group’s leasing activities and how these are accounted for are disclosed in the Group’s annual consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2023.


11Accounts payable


   06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Dividends payable   3,791    3,791 
Lease payable – prior month expense   1,754    2,161 
Treasury shares acquisition   551    —   
Other payables   180    68 
    6,276    6,020 


12Labor and social security obligations


   06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Profit sharing   42,577    93,611 
Labor provisions   19,601    13,252 
    62,178    106,863 
Current   55,721    101,506 
Non-current   6,457    5,357 


Except for the profit sharing related to the unrealized performance fees, the accrual for profits sharing payable on December 31, 2023 was paid in January 2024. Profit sharing is calculated based on the performance review of each employee plus the area performance, in accordance with the Entity policy. Vinci Management estimated the profit sharing as of June 30, 2024 based on the management and advisory net revenue recognized and the realized performance fee up to June 30, 2024.




Since the second quarter of 2022 labor provisions are being impacted by provisions and social charges related to Restricted Share Units Plan (RSUs). The non-current amount comprises the provisions and social charges for the RSUs which the vesting dates are over than 1 year. Please see note 24 for more details.


13Taxes and contributions payable


   06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Income tax   13,000    14,467 
Social contribution   4,640    5,061 
Social Contribution on
     revenues (COFINS)
   3,022    2,780 
Social Integration Program (PIS)   659    606 
Service tax (ISS) on billing   1,274    1,742 
Withholding Income Tax (IRRF)
     deducted from third parties
   97    103 
Others   88    94 
    22,780    24,853 




14Loans and obligations


   06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Convertible Preferred Shares (i)   510,274    431,333 
Commercial Notes (ii)   63,884    73,189 
Consideration payable (iii)   60,683    48,199 
Contingent consideration (iv)   93,999    64,370 
    728,840    617,091 
Current   76,346    76,722 
Non-current   652,493    540,369 


(i)Convertible Preferred Shares


On October 10, 2023, Vinci and Ares Management Corporation (“Ares”) announced an agreement to form a strategic partnership to accelerate the growth of Vinci's platform in Latin America and to collaborate on distribution, product development and other business opportunities. In connection with the formation of the strategic partnership, an affiliate of Ares invested US$100 million (R$ 500,550) in new Series A Convertible Preferred Shares issued by Vinci.


The Series A Convertible Preferred Shares will be entitled to cumulative dividends payable quarterly in cash at a rate of 8.00% per annum. The dividend rate is subject to increase to 10.00% per annum in the case of certain breaches by the Company of its obligations under the Certificate of Designations.


The Series A Convertible Preferred Shares will be convertible at the option of the holders at any time after the closing of the issuance into Class A Common Shares at an initial conversion rate of 73.5402 Class A Common Shares for each Series A Convertible Preferred Share, which represents an initial conversion price of approximately $13.60 per Class A Common Share.


Under certain conditions, Vinci may redeem, following the dissolution or termination of the strategic partnership with Ares, and prior to the one-year anniversary of such dissolution or termination, for cash all, or, if Ares no longer holds all Series A Convertible Preferred Shares, all of the Series A Convertible Preferred Shares held by Ares and any whole number of Series A Convertible Preferred Shares held by such other holders. On or around October 1, 2033, if not earlier repurchased, redeemed or converted, the Company will redeem, in whole but not in part, all of the outstanding Series A Convertible Preferred Shares for an amount in cash equal to the stated value of the Series A Convertible Preferred Shares.


Under the terms of IAS 32, this agreement was evaluated by the Management and classified as a compound instrument, having both a liability and an equity component from the issuer's perspective. Based on it, the component parts were accounted for and presented separately according to their substance. The split was made at issuance and not revised for subsequent changes in market interest rates, share prices, or other event that changes the likelihood that the conversion option will be exercised.




The following table presents the changes in the Convertible Preferred Shares up the period ended June 30, 2024:


Fair value of the convertible preferred shares, net of transaction costs   439,651 
Net foreign exchange loss/(gain)   (16,513)
Interest expense   8,195 
Closing balance December 31, 2023   431,333 
Net foreign exchange loss/(gain)   72,530 
Interest expense   23,396 
Interest paid   (16,985)
Closing balance June 30, 2024   510,274 
Current   21,110 
Non-current   489,164 



On January 1, 2024, the Entity paid the total amount of R$ 6,993 related to the dividends of the series A convertible preferred shares.


On April 1, 2024, the Entity paid the total amount of R$ 9,992 related to the dividends of the series A convertible preferred shares.


(ii)Commercial notes


On August 15, 2022, Vinci Soluções de Investimentos Ltda., a subsidiary of Vinci, issued 80,000 commercial notes in the total amount of R$ 80,000 (R$ 1,000,00 reais for each commercial note). The commercial notes were subject to public distribution 90 days after the issuing date. The main characteristics of the financial instrument are indicated below:


Term and expiration date: 5 (five) years, ending on August 15, 2027.


Interest rate: 100% of the daily rates of interbank deposits (“DI”) plus a spread of 2.15% on an annual basis.


Amortization: On semi-annually basis, beginning on February 15, 2023.


Commercial Notes comprises a financial liability evaluated at amortized cost. Interest expense is calculated using the effective interest method and is recognized in profit or loss as part of financial expense.


Accordingly, to the terms of the agreement, the Group is committed to be compliant with financial covenants, on an annual basis and beginning on December 31, 2022. The entity was in compliance with the covenants as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.


The following table presents the changes in the Commercial Notes up the period ended June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:


Closing balance December 31, 2022   83,212 
Interest expense   10,841 
Interest paid   (11,975)
Principal paid   (8,889)
Closing balance December 31, 2023   73,189 
Interest expense   4.546 
Interest paid   (4,962)
Principal paid   (8,889)
Closing balance June 30, 2024   63,884 
Current   20,664 
Non-current   43,220 




(iii)Consideration payable


SPS Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda.


According to Note 7(a), Vinci acquired SPS Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda, on August 16, 2022. As part of the deal, Vinci assumed a financial obligation to be paid on the second anniversary of the closing date. The amount as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 is R$ 50,683 and R$ 48,199, respectively.


Consideration payable is financial liability evaluated at amortized cost. Interest expense is calculated using the effective interest method and is recognized in profit or loss as part of financial expense.


MAV Capital Gestora de Recursos SS Ltda.


According to Note 7(a), Vinci acquired MAV Capital Gestora de Recursos SS Ltda, on June 28, 2024. As part of the deal, Vinci assumed a financial obligation to be paid on the second anniversary and third anniversary of the closing date. The amount as of June 30, 2024 is R$ 10,000.


Consideration payable is financial liability evaluated at amortized cost. Interest expense is calculated using the effective interest method and is recognized in profit or loss as part of financial expense.


(iv)Contingent consideration


SPS Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda.


Vinci shall pay an additional consideration in VINP’s Class A shares through an earnout structure to be paid in 2027, up to a maximum number of 1.7 million shares, subject to the achievement of certain fundraising and incremental management fee revenue targets. The amount reflects the fair value of the obligation, based on the terms of the purchase agreement and how the current economic environment is likely to impact it, accordingly to Vinci’s best estimate.


On June 30, 2024, Vinci reevaluated the fair value of the obligation based on the economic conditions at that date, resulting in an increase of the contingent consideration fair value. The variation was recognized as an expense in the financial result in the amount of R$ 14,103 for the six months period ended June 30, 2024 (expense of R$ 3,227 for the six months period ended June 30, 2023).


MAV Capital Gestora de Recursos SS Ltda.


Vinci shall pay an additional consideration through an earnout structure to be paid in 2027 subject to the achievement of certain fundraising and incremental management fee revenue targets. The amount reflects the fair value of the obligation, based on the terms of the purchase agreement and how the current economic environment is likely to impact it, accordingly to Vinci’s best estimate. See below the calculation of the contingent consideration:


On June 30, 2024, Vinci the fair value of the obligation based on the economic conditions at that date is R$ 18,010.




15Retirement plans liabilities


During the year of 2023, the subsidiary Vinci Vida e Previdência S.A. started its retirement services operations. As of June 2024 and December 2023, active plans are principally accumulation of financial resources through products PGBL (Free Benefit Generator Plan) and VGBL (Free Benefit Generator Life) structured in the form of variable contribution, for the purpose of granting participants with returns based on the accumulated capital in the form of monthly withdraws for a certain term or temporary monthly withdraws.


In this respect, such financial products represent investment contracts that have the legal form of retirement plans, but which do not transfer insurance risk to the Group. Therefore, contributions received from participants are accounted for as liabilities and balance consists of the balance of the participant in the linked Specially Constituted Investment Fund (“FIE”) at the reporting date (Note 5). On June 30, 2024 the Retirement plan liabilities are R$ 229,896 (R$ 85,554 as of December 31, 2023).






The capital comprises 42,447,349 Class A shares and 14,466,239 Class B shares with a par value of US$ 0.00005 each and 100,000 Series A convertible preferred shares.


The Class A common shares have been approved for listing on the Nasdaq Global Select Market, or Nasdaq, under the symbol "VINP," Vinci has two classes of common shares: Class A common shares and our Class B common shares.


Class B common shares carry rights that are identical to the Class A common shares, except that (1) holders of Class B common shares are entitled to 10 votes per share, whereas holders of our Class A common shares are entitled to one vote per share; (2) holders of Class B common shares have certain conversion rights; (3) holders of Class B common shares are entitled to preemptive rights in the event that additional Class A common shares are issued in order to maintain their proportional ownership interest; and (4) Class B common shares shall not be listed on any stock exchange and will not be publicly traded.


Series A Convertible Preferred Shares will be convertible at the option of the holders at any time after the closing of the issuance into Class A Common Shares at an initial conversion rate of 73,5402 Class A Common Shares for each Series A Convertible Preferred Share, which represents an initial conversion price of approximately $13.60 per Class A Common Share.


Fair value option of convertible preferred shares


As informed on note 14 (i), when the initial carrying amount of a compound financial instrument is allocated to its equity and liability components, the equity component is assigned the residual amount after deducting from the fair value of the instrument determined for the liability component. At the transaction date, the fair value of the stock option and the amount of transaction cost were allocated to the equity in the amounts of R$ 34,141 and 1,958, respectively.


(b)Transactions costs


Transactions costs comprises the expenses incurred by the Entity in connection with the IPO and the issuance of the convertible preferred shares.




(c)Retained earnings


Retained earnings comprises the net profit generated by the Entity which were not distributed to their shareholders or approved to be distributed by the Entity management.


(d)Other reserves


Other reserves are comprised by the following operations:


(i)Exchange variation on investees


Comprises the exchange variation in investments made on investees which have a functional currency other than Brazilian Reais, the Entity functional currency. When a foreign operation is sold, the associated exchange differences are reclassified to profit or loss, as part of the gain or loss on sale.


(ii)Share-based payments


Benefits to its employees through a share-based incentive.




On February 7, 2024, Vinci declared a quarterly dividend distribution of US$ 0.20 per common share to shareholders as of February 22, 2024, totalizing US$ 10,756 (R$ 53,357), paid on March 5, 2024.


On May 7, 2024, Vinci declared a quarterly dividend distribution of US$ 0.17 per common share to shareholders as of May 23, 2024, totalizing US$ 9,085 (R$ 45,978), paid on June 5, 2024.


Once dividends are declared and approved by the board of directors, they will be paid on proportional basis to the owners of the common shares.


(f)Treasury shares


When shares recognized as equity are repurchased, the amount of the consideration paid, which includes directly attributable costs, is recognized as a deduction from equity. Repurchased shares are classified as treasury shares and are presented in the treasury share reserve. When treasury shares are sold or reissued subsequently, the amount received is recognized as an increase in equity and the resulting surplus or deficit on the transaction is presented within the additional paid-in capital.


On February 14, 2023, the Company announced a new share buyback plan and a share repurchase plan to buy back up to R$60.0 million of the Company's outstanding Class A common shares across both plans. The new buyback and repurchase plans will commence on the expiration date of the legacy plans and will not have specified expiration dates (other than when the R$60.0 million buyback limit is reached).


In October 2023, the Company suspended for undetermined time the Repurchase Program, in compliance with SEC Rule 10b5-1.


On February 7, 2024, the Company announced a new share buyback plan and a share repurchase plan to buy back up to R$60.0 million of the Company's outstanding Class A common shares which shall be executed through open market transactions or privately negotiated purchases. The plan is approved to replace the share buyback and repurchase plans approved on February 14, 2023, which expired on the date that the R$60.0 million buyback limit set thereunder was reached.




During the first semester of 2024, the Company bought back 533,981 shares from its shareholders, in the amount of R$ 28,302.


In June 2024 the Company holds 3,668,140 Class A common shares in treasury.


(g)Basic and diluted earnings per share


   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
a) Basic earning per share  2024  2023  2024  2023
From continuing operations attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Entity   1.40    2.20    0.54    1.62 
Total basic earning per share attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Entity   1.40    2.20    0.54    1.62 



   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
b) Diluted earning per share  2024  2023  2024  2023
From continuing operations attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Entity   1.33    2.17    0.51    1.60 
Total basic earning per share attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Entity   1.33    2.17    0.51    1.60 



c) Reconciliations of earnings used in calculating earnings per share      
   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
Basic earnings per share:  2024  2023  2024  2023
Profit attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Entity used in calculating basic earnings per share:            
From continuing operations   75,076    124,478    28,919    91,741 
    75,076    124,478    28,919    91,741 
    Six months ended June 30    Three months ended June 30 
Diluted earnings per share:   2024    2023    2024    2023 
Profit from continuing operations attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Entity                    
Used in calculating basic earnings per share   75,076    124,478    28,919    91,741 
Used in calculating diluted earnings per share   75,076    124,478    28,919    91,741 


d) Weighted average number of shares used as the denominator   


  Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
   Number 06/30/2024  Number 06/30/2023  Number 06/30/2024  Number 06/30/2023
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used as the denominator in calculating basic earnings per share:   53,507,726    56,547,310    53,824,477    56,720,981 
Adjustments for calculation of diluted earnings per share:   3,008,664    683,476    3,008,664    683,476 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares and potential ordinary shares used as the denominator in calculating diluted earnings per share   56,516,390    57,230,786    56,833,141    57,404,407 




17Revenue from services rendered


   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
   2024  2023  2024  2023
Gross revenue from fund management   224,913    201,509    121,728    99,018 
Gross revenue from performance fees   8,240    13,529    5,888    11,454 
Gross revenue from advisory   23,532    20,187    12,598    15,296 
Gross revenue from services rendered   256,685    235,225    140,214    125,768 
In Brazil   198,432    188,312    110,530    101,278 
Abroad   58,253    46,913    29,684    24,490 
Taxes and contributions                    
COFINS   (8,870)   (8,404)   (4,923)   (4,360)
PIS   (1,924)   (1,823)   (1,068)   (946)
ISS   (5,576)   (5,106)   (2,995)   (2,878)
Net revenue from services rendered   240,315    219,892    131,228    117,584 
Net revenue from fund management   210,589    188,646    114,134    92,769 
Net revenue from performance fees   7,886    12,728    5,613    10,765 
Net revenue from advisory   21,840    18,518    11,481    14,050 


18General and administrative expenses


   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
   2024  2023  2024  2023
Personnel (a)   (35,439)   (35,526)   (18,125)   (17,849)
Share-based payments (b)   (11,808)   (5,600)   (5,660)   (3,493)
Profit-sharing (a)   (45,640)   (45,212)   (25,883)   (26,417)
    (92,887)   (86,338)   (49,668)   (47,759)
Third party expenses (c)   (30,967)   (15,303)   (22,554)   (8,719)
Right of use depreciation (d)   (4,674)   (5,191)   (2,335)   (2,414)
Depreciation and amortization (e)   (6,380)   (3,806)   (3,255)   (2,028)
Travel and representations   (3,173)   (1,784)   (2,033)   (919)
Condominium expenses   (1,310)   (1,770)   (650)   (785)
Other operating expenses (f)   (5,815)   (4,870)   (3,053)   (2,308)
    (145,206)   (119,062)   (83,548)   (64,932)


(a)Personnel and profit-sharing


According to the profit-sharing program and based on Law 10,101 of December 19, 2000 and on objectives established at the beginning of each year, management estimated the payment of profit sharing in the amount of R$ 45,640 (R$ 45,212 on June 30, 2023) for the six-months period ended June 30, 2024.


(b)Share-based payments


See Note 24 for more details.




(c)Third party expense


Third party expenses are composed for accounting, advisory, information technology, marketing, and other contracted services. Third party expenses also include expenses related to business combinations.


(d) Right of use depreciation


See Note 10 for more details.


(e)Depreciation and amortization


The amount is mainly comprised by property and equipment depreciation and intangible amortization.


(f)Other operating expenses


The amount is mainly comprised of office expenses, including energy, cleaning, maintenance and conservation, among others several expenses.




19Finance profit/(loss)


   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
   2024  2023  2024  2023
Investment income (i)   41,542    64,834    15,671    64,834 
Financial revenue through amortized cost   11,683    —      5,618    —   
Financial revenue on sublease agreements   330    260    151    184 
Contingent consideration variation (iii)   —      4,051    —      —   
Other finance income   1,287    209    791    83 
Finance income   54,842    69,354    22,231    65,101 
Financial expense on lease agreements   (4,292)   (5,148)   (2,076)   (2,517)
Interest expense on loans and financing (ii)   (30,425)   (7,838)   (15,415)   (3,904)
Bank fees   (33)   (51)   3    (38)
Investment losses (i)   —      (111)   —      —   
Fines on taxes   (2)   —      (1)   —   
Interest on taxes   (84)        (6)     
Foreign currency variation expense   (7,073)   (775)   (6,459)   (620)
Contingent consideration variation (iii)   (11,619)   (7,278)   (5,863)   (7,278)
Other financial expenses   (305)   —      (68)   —   
Finance costs   (53,833)   (21,201)   (29,885)   (14,357)
Finance profit/(loss), net   1,009    48,153    (7,654)   50,744 


(i)Investment income and losses comprises the fair value changes on the financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss, Segregated investment income result is demonstrated below.


   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
   2024  2023  2024  2023
Mutual funds and fixed income investments (a)   45,555    64,803    20,517    64,803 
Private equity funds   1,057    31    224    31 
    46,612    64,834    20,741    64,834 
Mutual funds   —      (108)   —      —   
Private equity funds   —      (3)   —      —   
    —      (111)   —      —   


(a)Vinci Monalisa corresponds to the most part of the Group’s investment income.


(ii)Interest expense on loans and financing comprises the financial result on the Commercial notes, the consideration payable related to SPS acquisition and interest expense on the convertible preferred shares. Please see note 14 for more detail.


(iii)Variation on contingent consideration comprises the financial result of the fair value evaluation. Please see note 14 (iv) for more detail.




20Income tax and social contribution


As an exempted company incorporated in the Cayman Islands, Vinci Partners Ltd is subject to Cayman Islands laws, which currently levy no taxes on individuals or corporations based upon profits, income, gains or appreciation and there is no taxation in the nature of inheritance tax or estate duty or withholding tax applicable to us.


Vinci Partners Ltd subsidiaries, except for certain subsidiaries, are taxed based on the deemed profit.


Vinci has tax losses and negative basis resulting from previous years and deferred income tax and social contribution credits are recognized since there is expectation of future tax results for these companies, The tax credit arising from the tax loss and negative basis under the taxable profit regime on June 30, 2024 is R$ 6,066 (R$ 6,066 on December 31, 2023).


The income tax and social contribution charge on the results for the year can be summarized as follows:


   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
   2024  2023  2024  2023
Current income tax   (19,846)   (19,926)   (10,406)   (10,716)
Current social contribution   (7,213)   (7,196)   (3,782)   (3,889)
    (27,059)   (27,122)   (14,188)   (14,605)
Deferred income tax   3,673    1,902    1,844    2,129 
Deferred social contribution   1,323    495    665    632 
    4,996    2,397    2,509    2,761 
    (22,063)   (24,725)   (11,679)   (11,844)

Deferred tax balances


   06/30/2024  12/31/2023
Deferred tax assets          
Tax losses   6,066    6,066 
Leases   774    1,084 
RSU   2,430    2,188 
Interest expense on obligation for acquisition   2,965    2,121 
Amortization on management Contracts   1,900    1,382 
Contingent consideration   4,597    646 
Total   18,732    13,487 
Deferred tax liabilities      
Financial revenue   (1,510)   (1,147)
Estimated revenue   (1,168)   (1,570)
Leases   (639)   (351)
Total Income Tax   (3,316)   (3,068)
Estimated revenue   (609)   (815)
Total (Taxes and contribution)   (609)   (815)
Total deferred tax liabilities   (3,926)   (3,883)






Deferred tax assets  Tax losses  Leases  RSU  AVP  Managemnt Contract  Contingent Consideration  Total
As at December 31, 2022   4,912    1,805    1,628    550    346    —      9,241 
to profit and loss   1,154    (721)   560    1,571    1.036    646    4,246 
As at December 31, 2023   6,066    1,084    2,188    2,121    1,382    646    13,487 
to profit and loss   —      (310)   242    844    518    3,951    5,245 
As at June 30, 2024   6,066    774    2,430    2,965    1,900    4,597    18,732 


(*) Comprises deferred taxes related to interest expense on obligation for ownership acquisition, amortization on management contracts and contingent consideration.




Deferred tax liabilities

  Financial Revenue  Estimated Revenue  Leases  Contingent consideration  Total
As at December 31, 2022   (973)   (2,568)   (49)   (4,750)   (8,340)
to profit and loss   (174)   183    (302)   4,750    4,457 
As at December 31, 2023   (1,147)   (2,385)   (351)   —      (3,883)
to profit and loss   (363)   608    (288)   —      (43)
As at June 30, 2024   (1,510)   (1,777)   (639)   —      (3,926)




(a)Tax effective rate


   Six months ended June 30  Three months ended June 30
   2024  2023  2024  2023
Profit (loss) before income taxes   96,118    148,983    40,026    103,396 
Combined statutory income taxes rate - %   34%   34%   34%   34%
Income tax benefit (expense) at statutory rates   (32,680)   (50,654)   (13,609)   (35,154)
Reconciliation adjustments:                    
Expenses not deductible   (99)   (64)   —      (2)
Tax benefits   146    42    109    7 

Share based payments

Unrecognized tax loss credits







Effect of presumed profit of subsidiaries (i) and offshore subsidiaries   13,401    26,072    3,420    23,410 
Other additions (exclusions), net   60    132    36    119 
Income taxes expenses                    
Current   (27,059)   (27,122)   (14,188)   (14,605)
Deferred   4,996    2,397    2,509    2,761 
    (22,063)   (24,725)   (11,679)   (11,844)
Effective rate   23%   17%   29%   11%


(i)Brazilian tax law establishes that companies that generate gross revenues of up to R$ 78,000 in the prior fiscal year may calculate income taxes as a percentage of gross revenue, using the presumed profit income tax regime. The Entity's subsidiaries adopted this tax regime and the effect of the presumed profit of subsidiaries represents the difference between the taxation based on this method and the amount that would be due based on the statutory rate applied to the taxable profit of the subsidiaries.




21Related parties


(a)Key management remuneration


The total remuneration (salaries and benefits) of key management personnel, including the Executive Committee, amounted to R$ 3,582 for the six-month period ended June 30, 2024 (R$ 3,603 for the six-month period ended June 30, 2023).


According to Vinci internal policy, the key management is entitled to receive a profit-sharing compensation for the current year. As informed in Note 12, Vinci accrued a provision for profit sharing for the Group as of June 30, 2024.


(b)Receivables from related parties


The Entity receivables from related parties as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, as shown in the table below:


   06/30/2024    12/31/2023 
Cagliari Participações S,A,   4    4 
    4    4 


(c)Employees loans


As presented in Note 6(i), Vinci may advance payments to its employees.


(d)Receivables from employees


During 2023, Vinci sold part of its treasury shares to employees. The amount will be received from January 31, 2025, in annual installments until January 31, 2029, and a monetary variation will be charged by inflation index.


During the second quarter of 2024 Vinci sold additional treasury shares to its employees. The amount will be received from January 31, 2026, in annual installments until January 31, 2030, and a monetary variation will be charged by inflation index.


22Segment reporting


The Entity's reportable segments are those business units which provide different services and are separately managed since each business demands different market strategies.


The main information used by management for assessment of the performance of each segment is the profit by segment for the analysis of the return of these investments.


The information on assets and liabilities by segment is not disclosed in these financial statements because it is not used by management when managing segments. Management does not make an analysis by geographical areas for the management of the Entity's business.


In 2024, the Entity reassessed the allocation of certain revenues and expenses across its segments and restated the segment reporting as of June 30, 2023, for comparative purposes.


Segments are independently managed, with professionals specifically skilled allocated in each segment.


The Entity's operations are segmented according to the organization and management model approved by management,




and they are divided as follows:


Private Market Strategies


Comprises the investments in illiquid funds, as described below:


(i)Private Equity


The private equity segment has a generalist and control-oriented approach, focusing on growth and turnaround. The primary strategy is value creation pursuing transformation of invested companies, with changes in the growth of revenue, productivity, profitability and management profile, using a proprietary methodology ("Value from the Core").


Another strategy of the segment is focused on sectors resilient to different investment cycles and minority holdings in small and medium enterprises with business models that exhibit high growth potential and clear, mensurable ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) goals.


(ii)Real Estate


The Real Estate Investment Funds segment are focused on shopping centers, logistics, offices, urban real estate and funds of funds, and seek to achieve differentiated returns through an active management of a diversified and quality portfolio. The segment’s objective is also the development of real estate properties, following up to five key steps: origination of opportunities, analysis, execution, monitoring and asset sale.




The infrastructure segment has exposure to real assets through equity and debt instruments, active in the following sub-segments: power, oil & gas, transportation & logistic and water & sewage. The strategy invests across two sub-strategies: sector-focused funds and structured credit. The fund’s investments are periodically monitored, including the evolution of ESG metrics, financial and operational metrics.




This credit segment is focused on fundamental credit analysis, consistency, and long-term value creation to investors. The area dynamic approach is to tactically allocate capital between asset classes and adapt to different cycles. It is also sourcing of credit instruments with resilient structures and sound collateral packages. The credit strategy investments include for core sub-strategies: infrastructure debt, real estate debt, structured credit and exclusive mandates, following four key steps: origination, analysis, structuring and monitoring.


(v)Special situations (SPS)


This Special situation segment is focused in complex situations in which financial and human capital are employed to generate superior returns, maintaining adequate risk levels and preserving the interests of all parties involved.


Public Equities


This segment seeks return through investments in liquid funds and manages long-term positions based on fundamental analysis of Brazilian publicly traded companies, trading bonds, public stocks and derivatives, among other assets.




Investment products and solutions


Investment products and solutions segments offer financial products on an open platform basis providing portfolio and management services considering medium/long term risk allocation. The strategy aims to provide an advanced investment strategy with alpha generation according to the clients’ targets. The strategy is divided in five sub-strategies: separate exclusive mandates, commingled funds, international allocation, pension plans and hedge funds. Monitoring and risk control are based on different techniques such as: use of options for high conviction trades, monitoring liquidity conditions for each position, VaR monitoring, scenarios simulations (including stress test), stop loss rules on individual positions and on the portfolio level.


Corporate advisory


The corporate advisory services objective is including high value-added to financial and strategic advisory services to entrepreneurs, corporate senior management teams and boards of directors, focusing primarily on IPO advisory and M&A transactions for Brazilian middle-market companies. The corporate advisory services team serves as trusted advisors to clients targeting local and/or product expertise in the Brazilian marketplace.


Vinci retirement services


The retirement services focus on planning and building long-term investment portfolios that assist investors to achieve their retirement goals. The retirement services segment started its operations during the first semester of 2023.




      Six-month period ended 06/30/2024
   Private Market Strategies  Public Equities  Investment Products and solutions  Corporate Advisory  Vinci Retirement Services  Corporate Center  Total
In Brazil   118,837    30,530    38,933    9,777    355    —      198,432 
Abroad   40,442    3,138    4,541    10,132    —      —      58,253 
Gross revenue from services rendered   159,279    33,668    43,474    19,909    355    —      256,685 
Fund Advisory fee   3,006    —      617    19,909    —      —      23,532 
Fund Management fee   152,325    29,619    42,614    —      355    —      224,913 
Fund Performance fee   3,948    4,049    243    —      —      —      8,240 
Taxes and contributions   (9,042)   (2,007)   (3,947)   (1,352)   (22)   —      (16,370)
Net revenue from services rendered   150,237    31,661    39,527    18,557    333    —      240,315 
(-) General and administrative expenses   (27,099)   (7,062)   (11,633)   (6,748)   (6,410)   (74,446)   (133,398)
Share-based payments   (61)   (13)   (10)   —      —      (11,724)   (11,808)
Operating profit   123,077    24,586    27,884    11,809    (6,077)   (86,170)   95,109 
Finance income                                 54,842 
Finance cost                                 (53,833)
Finance result, net                                 1,009 
Profit before income taxes                                 96,118 
Income taxes                                 (22,063)
Profit for the period                                 74,055 




      Six-month period ended 06/30/2023 (Restated)
   Private Market Strategies  Public Equities  Investment Products and solutions  Corporate Advisory  Vinci Retirement Services  Corporate Center  Total
In Brazil   90,981    36,769    43,088    17,465    9    —      188,312 
Abroad   35,291    2,448    7,069    2,105    —      —      46,913 
Gross revenue from services rendered   126,272    39,217    50,157    19,570    9    —      235,225 
Fund Advisory fee   600    —      17    19,570    —      —      20,187 
Fund Management fee   122,987    31,181    47,332    —      9    —      201,509 
Fund Performance fee   2,685    8,036    2,808    —      —      —      13,529 
Taxes and contributions   (6,915)   (2,483)   (4,319)   (1,616)   —      —      (15,333)
Net revenue from services rendered   119,357    36,734    45,838    17,954    9    —      219,892 
(-) General and administrative expenses   (22,037)   (8,940)   (14,810)   (6,480)   (3,308)   (57,887)   (113,462)
Share-based payments   (438)   (108)   155    —      —      (5,209)   (5,600)
Operating profit   96,882    27,686    31,183    11,474    (3,299)   (63,096)   100,830 
Finance income                                 69,354 
Finance cost                                 (21,201)
Finance result, net                                 48,153 
Profit before income taxes                                 148,983 
Income taxes                                 (24,725)
Profit for the period                                 124,258 




      Three-month period ended 06/30/2024
   Private Market Strategies  Public Equities  Investment Products and solutions  Corporate Advisory  Vinci Retirement Services  Corporate Center  Total
In Brazil   53,371    28,320    19,064    9,589    186    —      110,530 
Abroad   38,957    (11,850)   2,577    —      —      —      29,684 
Gross revenue from services rendered   92,328    16,470    21,641    9,589    186    —      140,214 
Fund Advisory fee   2,401    —      608    9,589    —      —      12,598 
Fund Management fee   85,987    14,755    20,800    —      186    —      121,728 
Fund Performance fee   3,940    1,715    233    —      —      —      5,888 
Taxes and contributions   (5,171)   (1,030)   (1,944)   (829)   (11)   —      (8,985)
Net revenue from services rendered   87,157    15,440    19,697    8,760    175    —      131,229 
(-) General and administrative expenses   (15,655)   (3,362)   (6,243)   (3,241)   (3,541)   (45,846)   (77,888)
Share-based payments   —      —      —      —      —      (5,660)   (5,660)
Operating profit   71,502    12,078    13,454    5,519    (3,366)   (51,506)   47,681 
Finance income                                 22,231 
Finance cost                                 (29,885)
Finance result, net                                 (7,654)
Profit before income taxes                                 40,027 
Income taxes                                 (11,679)
Profit for the period                                 28,348 




      Three-month period ended 06/30/2023 (Restated)
   Private Market Strategies  Public Equities  Investment Products and solutions  Corporate Advisory  Vinci Retirement Services  Corporate Center  Total
In Brazil   46,175    21,068    21,144    12,883    9    —      87,034 
Abroad   17,907    1,258    3,220    2,105    —      —      22,423 
Gross revenue from services rendered   64,082    22,326    24,364    14,988    9    —      109,457 
Fund Advisory fee   300    —      8    14,988    —      —      4,891 
Fund Management fee   61,104    15,480    22,425    —      9    —      102,491 
Fund Performance fee   2,678    6,846    1,931    —      —      —      2,075 
Taxes and contributions   (3,438)   (1,386)   (2,140)   (1,220)   —      —      (7,149)
Net revenue from services rendered   60,644    20,940    22,224    13,768    9    —      102,308 
(-) General and administrative expenses   (12,430)   (5,933)   (7,294)   (5,187)   (1,914)   (28,683)   (52,023)
Share-based payments   (174)   (36)   (29)   —      —      (3,254)   (2,107)
Operating profit   48,040    14,971    14,901    8,581    (1,905)   (31,937)   48,178 
Finance income                                 4,253 
Finance cost                                 (6,844)
Finance result, net                                 (2,591)
Profit before income taxes                                 45,587 
Income taxes                                 (12,881)
Profit for the period                                 32,706 




23Legal Claims


As of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Entity is not aware of disputes classified as probable chance of loss.


Find below the disputes classified as possible chance of loss segregated into labor, tax and civil,


   06/30/2024  12/31/2023
Tax   22,374    22,095 
Labor   38    780 
Total   22,412    22,875 


Tax Claims


Vinci Gestora de Recursos Ltda, is a party to a tax administrative proceeding in course arising from the payment of social security contributions (employer's portion and Work Accident Insurance (SAT)) in 2011, charged on amounts paid by virtue of quota of profits and results, totaling R$ 3,717 (December 31, 2023: R$ 3,652).


In the second quarter of 2024, Vinci Equities Gestora de Recursos Ltda, resolved its one proceeding related to the requirement of ISS (excise tax) under rendered services to investment funds located abroad (December 31, 2023: R$ 266).


On December 21, 2018, the Brazilian federal revenue opened a tax assessment against Vinci Equities for the collection of open debts of IRPJ, CSLL, PIS and COFINS in the amount of R$ 18,631 (December 31, 2023: R$ 18,154) for the calendar year of 2013.


24Share-based payments


The Entity provides benefits to its employees through a share-based incentive. The following item refers to the outstanding plan on June 30, 2024.


Stock Options


May 2021


On May 6, 2021, the Entity launched a Stock Option Plan (“SOP” or “Plan”) in order to grant stock options to certain key employees (“Participants”) to incentivize and reward such individuals. These awards are scheduled to vest over a three-year period and the holders of vested options are entitled to purchase shares at the market price of the shares at grant date. This right may be subject to certain conditions to be imposed by the Entity and aims at aligning the interests of the Entity's shareholders with those of the Participants. Each option will entitle the Participant to acquire 1 Class A common shares issued by the Company.


The issue or purchase price of the shares to be subscribed or purchased by the Participants (“Exercise Price”) will be US$18.00. The Exercise Price will be reduced by the amount in dollars per share distributed to its shareholders from the date of execution of this Plan, whether as dividends, interest on equity, redemption, capital reduction or other events defined by the Board of Directors.


As of June 30, 2024, there are stock options outstanding with respect to 1,482,753 Class A common shares. All the stock options were vested on February 1st, 2024, and the Participants have a period of 12 months to exercise their vested options from February 1, 2024 (“Exercise Deadline”).


The total expense recognized for the programs for the six- month period ended June 2024 was R$ 119 (June 30, 2023, was R$ 463).


February 2023


In February 2023, the Board of Directors approved a second Stock Option Plan, which aims to grant up to 1,150,000 options, each entitling the beneficiary to purchase one Class A common share, Such options have an exercise price per share equal to US$9.96; provided that, unless otherwise provided for in an option agreement, this exercise price will be reduced by the amount per share distributed to our shareholders from the date of the grant of the option, whether as dividends, interest on capital, redemption, capital reduction or others. Options will become eligible to be exercised in May 2026. During the second quarter of 2023 the Entity and its subsidiaries issued stock option in connection to the related Plan.


As of June 30, 2024, there are stock options outstanding with respect to 1,106,094 Class A common shares (1,116,884 as of June 30, 2023).




The total expense recognized for the programs for the six-month period ended June 2024 was R$ 1,912 (June 30, 2023, was R$ 494).


January 2024


In January 2024, the Board of Directors approved a third Stock Option Plan, which aims to grant up to 1,274,000 options, each entitling the beneficiary to purchase one Class A common share. Such options have an exercise price per share equal to US$11.04; provided that, unless otherwise provided for in an option agreement, this exercise price will be reduced by the amount per share distributed to our shareholders from the date of the grant of the option, whether as dividends, interest on capital, redemption, capital reduction or others. Options will become eligible to be exercised in January 2027. During the first semester of 2024 the Entity and its subsidiaries issued stock option in connection to the related Plan.


As of June 2024, there are stock options outstanding with respect to 1,273,492 Class A common shares.


The total expense recognized for the programs for the three-month period ended June 2024 was R$ 3,165.


Restricted Share Unit (RSU)


a)Restricted Shares Units Plan


On April 04, 2022, the Entity announced its Restricted Share Unit Award Plan (“Plan”). The purpose of this Plan is to provide the opportunity for officers and employees of Vinci and its Subsidiaries, as elected by the Executive Compensation Committee, to receive restricted Shares (“RSU”). Shares representing up to 1.65% of the total amount of the capital stock of the Company, which equals, on this date, approximately 950,000 shares.


Under the Plan, stocks are awarded to the recipient upon their grant date. Subject to the terms of the Plan, each RSU shall grant the beneficiary the right to receive one (1) share, subject to the satisfaction of the conditions for acquisition of the shares. The RSUs awarded to the beneficiary shall be vested in different tranches, as long as the service condition is fulfilled and verified. The vesting dates may vary from 1 to 6 years after the granted date, accordingly to the dates defined in each Restricted Share Unit Award Agreement.


If an eligible participant ceases its relationship with the Group, within the vesting period, the rights will be forfeited, except


in limited circumstances.


b)Fair value of shares granted.


Estimating fair value for share-based payment transactions requires determination of the most appropriate valuation model and underlying assumptions, which depends on the terms and conditions of the grant and the information available at the grant date.


The Company uses certain assumptions to determine the RSUs fair value at the granted date, including the following:


• Market value of the shares at the granted date.

• Estimative of dividend yield and the US interest rate for the years comprised from the granted date until the vesting dates.


These estimates also require determination of the most appropriate inputs to the valuation models including assumptions,


regarding the expected life of a share-based payment.




c)Outstanding shares granted and valuation inputs.


The total RSUs awarded for this Plan was 781,881. The table below summarize the activity for the year ended December 31, 2023, and for the six-month period ended June 30, 2024.


   06/30/2024  12/31/2023
RSU outstanding on January 1st   688,779    781,881 
Forfeited   (2,180)   (35,689)
Vested   (68,311)   (57,413)
RSU outstanding on June 30/December 31   618,288    688,779 



d)       As of June 30, 2024, total compensation expense of the plans was R$ 6,612 (R$ 4,645 as of June 30, 2023), including R$ 3,319 (R$ 806 as of June 30, 2023) of social charges provisions.


25Subsequent Events


According to the Repurchase Program (Note 16(f)), from July 01, 2024 to July 25, 2024, 57,083 Class A common shares were repurchased by the Entity, in the amount of R$3,417.

