EX-99.2 3 tm239499d6_ex99-2.htm EXHIBIT 99.2
Exhibit 99.2


2023 Information Circular | TELUS International Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders As we look to balance optimization of shareholder engagement and cost ÀËŵ¶ÕÀî¶ÕÀĈ​ĠÕďÒÕî​õĔĄ​õāÀĄ¨ďÕõîĈǿ​ĠÒÕçÀ​¨çĈõ​ considering the ongoing challenges and uncertainties arising from variants of the COVID-19 pandemic, TELUS International will use the power of technology to enable our shareholders to attend our annual general meeting in a virtual-only format via a live webcast. A summary of the information shareholders will need to attend, participate and vote at our virtual meeting is provided on pages 7 to 18. At the meeting, shareholders will be asked to: Holders of record of subordinate voting shares and/or multiple voting shares on March 24, 2023 (the Record Date), are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, our meeting or any adjournment thereof. Each multiple voting share carries the right to ten votes per multiple voting share held and each subordinate voting share carries the right to one vote per subordinate share held. ~õĔ​¶¨î​ŵî¼​íõĄÀ​ÕîËõĄí¨ďÕõî​¨µõĔď​À¨¶Ò​ item of business at the meeting, including who can vote and how to vote, beginning on page 7. The board of directors of TELUS International (the Board of Directors or Board) has approved in substance the content of this information circular and has authorized us to send it to the Company’s shareholders as at the Record Date. Vancouver, British Columbia Dated March 24, 2023 By order of the Board of Directors Michel E. Belec ÒÕÀË​?Ą̀ç​LËŵ¶ÀĄ​¨î¼​õĄāõĄ¨ďÀ​_À¶ĄÀ逸Ħ „ Registered shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders will have an equal opportunity to attend, participate and vote at this virtual meeting from any location. „ Non-registered shareholders may register to participate as proxy holders and those who have not duly appointed themselves as proxyholders and registered with our transfer agent, Computershare Investor Services Inc. (Computershare), may also attend virtually as guests. Guests will be able to attend virtually and listen to the meeting but will not be able to vote or ask questions during the meeting. 1. receive the Company’s 2022 audited ¶õîĈõçÕ¼¨ďÀ¼​ŵî¨î¶Õ¨ç​Ĉď¨ďÀíÀîďĈǿ​ďõÌÀďÒÀĄ​ĠÕďÒ the report of the auditors on those statements; 2. elect directors of the Company (Directors) for the ensuing year; 3. appoint Deloitte LLP (Deloitte) as auditors for the ensuing year and authorize the Directors to ŵĥ​ďÒÀÕĄ​ĄÀíĔîÀĄ¨ďÕõîȁ​¨î¼​ 4. transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting and any postponement or adjournment thereof. Business of the meeting Right to vote Approval of the Circular Friday, May 12, 2023 4:00 p.m. (ET) When Virtual-only meeting via live audio webcast online at https://web.lumiagm. com/484294449 Where A notice and access îõďÕŵ¶¨ďÕõî​ďõ​ shareholders (Notice) will be mailed to non-registered shareholders on or about April 10, 2023. We are providing access to the information circular and the annual report to non-registered shareholders via the internet using the “notice and access” systems. These materials are available on the website referenced in the Notice: https://www. envisionreports.com/ telusinternational2023. Registered shareholders will receive a paper copy of our information circular and related proxy materials. Materials 06