CORRESP 1 filename1.htm

                               A. M Castle & Co.

Larry A. Boik
Vice President-Finance & CFO

January 16, 2007

Mr. Carl Hiller
Branch Chief
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporate Finance
100 F Street NE
Washington, D.C. 20549-7010

Re:    A. M. Castle & Co.
             File No. 1-5415

Dear Mr. Hiller:

This letter responds to your letter of January 5, 2007 relating to A. M. Castle & Co.’s
(“Company” or “we”) Form 10-K filing for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, filed
on March 31, 2006 (the Form 10-K) and Form 8-K/A filed on November 7, 2006 and is
in furtherance of your ongoing review which originated with your letter of September 5, 2006.

This letter supplements our letters of October 4, 2006 and December 6, 2006 to provide
additional information and to address each of the comments in your January 5th letter.

Comment Responses
Our responses to the comments in your letter are identified by the same paragraph
numbers used in your letter.
    1.   We note your response to prior comment 3, indicating you would prefer to
         remove the measure of gross material from your Statements of Operations,
        rather than report a measure that reflects all costs of sales, such as the
        costs of receiving. picking, storage, freight and DD&A, currently presented
        in separate line items below the margin metric. However, you explain that
         you would continue to report the non-GAAP measure in MD&A and
        selected quarterly data.
                       3400 North Wolf Road, Franklin Park, Illinois 60131
                            (847) 359-2576 Fax (847) 455-6930
                                            United States Securities and Exchange Commission
                                                                       January 16, 2007
                                                                               Page 2

Please understand that the scenario under which you would remove the
margin measure, rather than recalculate after repositioning the relevant costs,
is under consideration because we believe that GAAP would require a more
comprehensive measure than is currently depicted. Therefore, although we
would not object if you remove the margin metric from your Statements of
Operations, if you disclose the measure as currently computed elsewhere in
the filing, you will need to include the disclosures required under Item 10(e) of
Regulation S-K. Based on your characterization, we would expect the most
comparable GAAP-based measure to which it would need to be reconciled to
be gross margin, reflecting all costs of sales, including the costs of
processing, receiving, picking, and DD&A and maintenance related to your
storage, warehouse and workshop facilities.

Please submit the draft disclosures that you would provide under this
scenario, and be sure to include the reasons management believes the
measure provides useful information that is not reflected in any GAAP
measure, as well as a balanced discussion of the most comparable GAAP-
based measure. It should be clear that disclosure is not precluded by the
guidance in Item 10(e)(1)(ii)(A) and (B) of Regulation S-K.

As previously stated, on a prospective basis, the Company will eliminate the “Gross
Material Margin” line item in its Statement of Operations presentation to bring this
matter to a conclusion prior to the preparation of our Annual Report for the year ended
December 31, 2006. Consistent with the presentation by other companies in the steel
service center industry, the Company will reflect a detailed “Costs and expenses”
section in its Statement of Operations following the “Net sales” line item. This section
will include the following components: “Cost of materials”, “Plant and delivery
expense”, “Sales, general and administrative expense” and “Depreciation and
amortization expense.” The definition of these line items will be consistent with their
historical definitions and they will include the same costs and expenses as they have in
prior years. The “Gross Material Margin” sub-total will no longer be reflected on the
Statement of Operations.

We have considered your guidance as indicated in your comment and have
reconsidered our future presentation of the referenced metric. Our supplemental
unaudited quarterly financial data, included in the footnotes to our financial statements,
and Management’s Discussion and Analysis section of the 10-K will also exclude the
use of “Gross Material Margin” in our future filings. In concert with your guidance, in
future filings, we will disclose in the quarterly financial data footnote to the financial
statements “Gross profit,” which will reflect “Net sales” less “Cost of materials ”, “Plant
and delivery expense”, and “Depreciation and amortization expense,” which in the
aggregate, includes all costs of materials, processing, picking, receiving, facility and
equipment maintenance, and DD&A in relation to our operations. A sample of this
proposed format for our Statement of Operations and for the quarterly financial data
footnote disclosure is attached as Schedule “A” to this letter.

                                        United States Securities and Exchange Commission
                                                                    January 16, 2007
                                                                           Page 3

        2.  We have read your response to prior comment four in which you explain
          that the pro forma adjustment described in point (e) of Note 2 relates to an
             additional "one time expense" that you will incur to document and assess
             internal controls.  Give your characterization of this adjustment, it does
             not appear to meet the criteria (ii) of Rule 11-02(b)(6) of Regulation S-X,
             since it would not ahve a continuing impact (i.e. it is not decribe[d] as a
             recurring charge). Please acknowledge your understanding of this
             requirement, and tell us whether you believe the difference would be
             sufficiently material to require a restatement of your pro forma
    You are correct in citing that our response in regards to the additional expense relating
    to the documentation and assessment of internal controls referred to these costs as
    being “one-time expense”. Our earlier response to you on this matter could have further
    elaborated on this point. Although there is a factually supportable cost (quotations and
    invoicing) associated with the work preformed by David Lewis Company to initially bring
    the internal control documentation of this formerly privately-held enterprise up to Section
    404 compliance, we should have elaborated on the continuing impact of that work.
    Specifically, the current year costs include the initial costs of creating internal control
    documentation, assessing those controls and performing a risk assessment for the
    acquired business. In subsequent years, a significant portion of such expense will
    remain as the Company annually must perform risk assessments, update its
    documentation of internal controls and regularly perform testing at the acquired
    business to support its own assessment of the effectiveness of its internal controls.
    Additionally, fees paid to our external auditors will increase due to the expanded scope
    of their required audit services as a result of this acquisition. Therefore, we believe that
    point (e) of Note 2 as filed in our Form 8-K/A does meet the criteria of Rule 11-02
    (b)(6)(ii) of Regulation S-X as a recurring expense.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, we believe the amount of the costs relating to point (e) of
    Note 2 is not sufficiently material to warrant a restatement of our pro forma presentation
    as it represents less than 1.6% of the consolidated company’s pro forma net income as
    presented in the Company’s filing on Form 8-K/A filed on November 7, 2006.

    Finally, the Company acknowledges the following:
            w  The Company is responsible for adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in
         the filing
        w  Staff comments or changes to disclosures in response to staff comments do not
            foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing; and

                                        United States Securities and Exchange Commission
                                                                    January 16, 2007
                                                                           Page 4
         w The Company may not assert staff comments as a defense in any proceeding
           initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of
           the United States
    If the Commission wishes further explanation or information regarding the above please
      do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.


/s/ Lawrence A. Boik
Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

    cc: Ms. Tracie Towner, United States Securities and Exchange Commission

Attachment “A”

A.M. Castle & Co.
Consolidated Statement of Operations
Period Ended XXX, 200X
(dollars in thousands, except per share data)
Net Sales
Costs and Expenses:
Cost of materials (exclusive of depreciation shown below)
Plant and delivery expense
Sales, general and administrative expense
Depreciation and amortization expense
Operating income
Interest expense, net
Income before taxes and equity earnings of joint venture
Equity in earnings of joint venture
Net income
Preferred dividends
Net income applicable to common stock
Basic earnings per share
Diluted earnings per share
Dividends per common share
Footnote XX - Selected quarterly financial data (unaudited)
(dollars in thousands)
Net Sales
Gross Profit (1)
Net income
Preferred dividends
Net income applicable to common stock
Net income per share - basic
Net income per share - diluted
Gross profit is net sales less the cost of materials, plant
and delivery expense and depreciation and amortization expense.