EX-99.1 2 tm2220889d1_ex99-1.htm EXHIBIT 99.1

Exhibit 99.1



Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Condensed Interim Consolidated financial


For the Nine-Month Periods Ended May 31, 2022

and May 31, 2021




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.    


Consolidated statement of financial position



   As at May 31, 2022   As at August 
31, 2021
   $   $ 
Cash   7,855,852    18,147,821 
Trade and other receivables [note 3]   525,109    319,740 
Inventories [note 4]   3,242,450    1,976,084 
Prepaid expenses   3,323,663    544,843 
Income tax receivable   130,745    - 
Grants and investment tax credits receivable   845,915    108,302 
Share subscription receivable [note 14]   39,200    39,200 
Advances to related parties [note 14]   16,051    185,407 
Total current assets   15,978,985    21,321,397 
Debentures [note 5]   2,413,500    2,850,000 
Right-of-use assets [note 6]   2,479,957    2,905,199 
Property and equipment [note 7]   1,931,945    1,414,509 
Intangible assets [note 8]   1,141,983    1,225,722 
Deferred income taxes   17,547    17,547 
Goodwill [note 8]   9,051,519    9,033,638 
Other financial assets   115,049    33,280 
Total assets   33,130,485    38,801,292 
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity          
Trade and other payables [notes 10 & 14]   870,289    848,054 
Income tax payable   25,229    138,308 
Contract liabilities [note 11]   1,553,531    898,713 
Current portion of lease liabilities [note 12]   602,879    562,136 
Current portion of long-term debt [note 13]   83,734    10,179 
Other financial liabilities   189,825    237,444 
Total current liabilities   3,325,487    2,694,834 
Lease liabilities [note 12]   2,016,200    2,404,680 
Long-term debt [note 13]   210,733    53,936 
Deferred income taxes   126,747    122,655 
Total liabilities   5,679,167    5,276,105 
Shareholders’ equity          
Capital stock [note 15]   43,277,538    42,834,982 
Contributed surplus [note 16]   10,407,125    7,861,405 
Accumulated other comprehensive income   392,348    388,566 
Deficit   (26,625,693)   (17,559,766)
Total shareholders’ equity   27,451,318    33,525,187 
    33,130,485    38,801,292 


See accompanying notes    



Vision Marine Technologies Inc.              


Consolidated statement of changes in equity (deficit)



Nine months ended May 31,              


           Contributed       comprehensive     
   Capital stock   surplus   Deficit   income   Total 
   Units   $   $   $   $   $ 
Shareholders’ equity as at August 31, 2020   4,585,001    2,497,813    739,961    (2,445,859)   -    791,915 
Total comprehensive loss [restated [note 2]]   -    -    -    (11,187,157)   -    (11,187,157)
Share issuance, net of transactions costs of nil   595,687    2,231,999    -    -    -    2,231,999 
Initial Public Offering, net of transactions costs of $3,328,687   2,760,000    33,158,513    -    -    -    33,158,513 
Conversion of related party loans   69,650    898,489    -    -    -    898,489 
Shares issued as consideration for the acquisition of intangible assets   30,000    573,936    -    -    -    573,936 
Share-based compensation [note 16]   -    -    5,218,944    -    -    5,218,944 
Shareholders’ equity as at May 31, 2021
    [restated [note 2]]
   8,040,338    39,360,750    5,958,905    (13,633,016)   -    31,686,639 
Shareholders’ equity as at August 31, 2021   8,324,861    42,834,982    7,861,405    (17,559,766)   388,566    33,525,187 
Total comprehensive loss   -    -    -    (9,065,927)   3,782    (9,062,145)
Share issuance, net of transactions costs of nil [note 15]   65,720    442,556    -    -    -    442,556 
Share-based compensation [note 16]   -    -    2,545,720    -    -    2,545,720 
Shareholders’ equity as at May 31, 2022   8,390,581    43,277,538    10,407,125    (26,625,693)   392,348    27,451,318 


See accompanying notes              



Vision Marine Technologies Inc.        


Consolidated statement of comprehensive loss




   Three months ended May 31, 2022   Three months ended May 31, 2021   Nine months ended May 31, 2022   Nine months ended May 31, 2021 
   $   $   $   $ 
      Restated      Restated 
      [note 2]      [note 2] 
Revenues [note 17]   2,014,769    770,770    3,975,140    1,234,492 
Cost of sales [note 4]   890,649    604,797    2,079,821    984,233 
Gross profit   1,124,120    165,973    1,895,319    250,259 
Research and development [note 18]   32,670    311,626    50,179    378,626 
Office salaries and benefits   968,126    544,107    2,571,948    928,980 
Selling & marketing expenses   356,660    466,651    1,496,935    654,669 
Professional fees   571,452    672,114    2,452,900    1,417,372 
Office and general   551,633    327,059    1,485,823    855,037 
Share-based compensation [note 16]   367,054    1,817,414    2,545,720    5,218,944 
Depreciation   52,758    36,147    178,217    64,316 
Net financial expense [note 19]   99,608    825,291    213,419    1,919,472 
Other income   (21,887)   -    (86,876)   - 
    2,978,074    5,000,409    10,908,265    11,437,416 
Loss before tax   (1,853,954)   (4,834,436)   (9,012,946)   (11,187,157)
Income taxes                    
Current tax expense   86,078    -    52,257    - 
Deferred tax expense   7    -    724    - 
    86,085    -    52,981    - 
Net loss for the period   (1,940,039)   (4,834,436)   (9,065,927)   (11,187,157)
Items of comprehensive income that will be                    
subsequently reclassified to earnings:                    
Foreign currency translation differences for foreign                    
operations, net of tax   (40,044)   -    3,782    - 
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax   (40,044)   -    3,782    - 
Total comprehensive loss for the period, net of tax   (1,980,083)   (4,834,436)   (9,062,145)   (11,187,157)
Weighted average shares outstanding   8,380,461    8,040,337    8,318,525    7,107,665 
Basic and diluted loss per share   (0.24)   (0.60)   (1.09)   (1.57)


See accompanying notes        



Vision Marine Technologies Inc.    


Consolidated statement of cash flows



Nine months ended May 31,



   2022   2021 
   $   $ 
       [note 2] 
Operating activities          
Net loss   (9,065,927)   (11,187,157)
Depreciation   722,679    225,241 
Accretion on long-term debt and lease liability   110,380    35,899 
Share-based compensation – options   2,545,720    5,218,944 
Shares issued for services   442,556    109,069 
Loss on debentures   436,500    - 
Income tax expense   52,981    - 
Income tax paid   (295,025)   - 
Gain on lease termination   (3,668)   - 
Effect of exchange rate fluctuation   (17,463)   - 
    (5,071,267)   (5,598,004)
Net change in non-cash working capital items          
Trade and other receivables   (205,369)   (346,708)
Inventories   (1,266,366)   (892,339)
Grants and investment tax credits receivable   (737,613)   233,357 
Other financial assets   (81,769)   - 
Prepaid expenses   (2,778,820)   (1,540,168)
Trade and other payables   22,235    (5,140)
Contract liabilities   654,818    268,185 
Other financial liabilities   (49,773)   - 
Cash used in operating activities   (9,513,924)   (7,880,817)
Investing activities          
Additions to property and equipment   (680,536)   (169,503)
Proceeds from the disposal of property and equipment   46,346    - 
Debentures subscribed   -    (3,400,000)
Additions to intangible assets   (32,202)   (543,987)
Cash used in investing activities   (666,392)   (4,113,490)
Financing activities          
Change in bank indebtedness   -    (170,000)
Increase in long-term debt   282,424    - 
Repayment of long-term debt   (54,455)   (416,545)
Advances to related parties   176,771    - 
Initial public offering, net of transaction costs paid   -    33,430,239 
Issuance of shares   -    2,025,000 
Repayment of lease liabilities   (516,393)   (134,792)
Cash provided (used) by financing activities   (111,653)   34,733,902 
Net (decrease) increase in cash during the period   (10,291,969)   22,739,595 
Cash, beginning of period   18,147,821    1,296,821 
Cash, end of period   7,855,852    24,036,416 


See accompanying notes



Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


1. Incorporation and nature of business


Vision Marine Technologies Inc. [the “Company”] was incorporated on August 29, 2012 and its principal business is to manufacture and sell or rent electric boats. On November 27, 2020, the Company completed its initial public offering of an aggregate of 2,760,000 Voting Common Shares of the Company at a price of U.S.$10.00 ($13.22) per share for gross proceeds of U.S.$27,600,000 ($36,487,200). The Voting Common Shares of the Company are listed under the trading symbol “VMAR” on Nasdaq.


The Company is incorporated in Canada and its head office and registered office is located at 730 Curé-Boivin boulevard, Boisbriand, Quebec, J7G 2A7.


Business seasonality


The Company’s operating results generally vary from quarter to quarter as a result of changes in general economic conditions and seasonal fluctuations, among other things, in each of its reportable segments. This means the Company’s results in one quarter are not necessarily indicative of how the Company will perform in a future quarter.


Sale of electric boats


The sale of electric boats segment has a seasonal aspect to its operations. Most customers purchase their electric boats from the Company with the intention of utilizing them during the summer period which typically runs from early June to late August and corresponds to the Company’s fourth quarter of a financial year. As such, the revenues in this operating segment fluctuates based on the level of boat deliveries, with a high and a low in the fourth quarter and the first quarter, respectively.


Rental of electric boats


Revenue generated by the rental of electric boats segment also has a seasonal aspect to its operations. Boat rental as an activity is highly sought by customers when the weather is milder, which is typically the case during the period from May to August. A colder-than-expected or rainier summer in any given year could have an impact on the segment’s revenues and hence on its profitability. Revenue from the boat club memberships is not impacted by seasonality as the memberships are typically on an annual basis.


2. Basis of preparation


Compliance with IFRS


These condensed interim consolidated financial statements are for the three-month and nine-month period ended May 31, 2022 and have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34: Interim Financial Reporting. They do not include all of the information required in annual financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements for the year ended August 31, 2021.


The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended August 31, 2021.


The condensed interim consolidated financial statements were authorized for issuance by the Board of Directors on July 12, 2022.




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


Basis of measurement


These condensed interim consolidated financial statements are presented in Canadian dollars and were prepared on a historical cost basis.


Basis of consolidation


The condensed interim consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company, and the subsidiaries that it controls. Control exists when the Company has the power over the subsidiary, when it is exposed or has rights to variable returns from its involvement with the subsidiary and when it has the ability to use its power to affect its returns. Subsidiaries that the Company controls are consolidated from the effective date of acquisition up to the effective date of disposal or loss of control.


Details of the Company’s significant subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period are set out below.


Name of subsidiary Principal activity Country of
incorporation and operation
Proportion of
ownership held by
the Company
7858078 Canada Inc. Owns an electric boat rental center Canada 100%
EB Rental Ltd. Operates an electric boat rental center United States 100%


Foreign currency translation


The Company’s condensed interim consolidated financial statements are presented in Canadian dollars, which is also the parent company’s functional currency. The functional currencies of 7858078 Canada Inc. and EB Rental Ltd. are the Canadian dollar and the US dollar, respectively.


The exchange rates for the currencies used in the preparation of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements were as follows:


   Exchange rate as at   Average exchange rate for 
   May 31,
   August 31,
   June 3,
   Nine months ended
May 31, 2022
US dollar   1.2655    1.2630    1.2103    1.2662 


Use of estimates and judgments


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Although these estimates are based on management’s best knowledge of the amount, event or actions, actual results ultimately may differ from those estimates. Areas where judgments, estimates and assumptions are considered significant to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements remain unchanged to the 2021 annual financial statements.




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


Correction of error


During 2022, the Company noted that deferred tax (recovery) expense had been erroneously calculated in its interim financial statements for the three and nine months ended May 31, 2021, with no impact on the consolidated financial statements as at August 31, 2021 and 2020 and the years then ended. As a consequence, deferred tax liability and (recovery) expense as at May 31, 2021 and for the three and nine months then ended have been overstated. The error has been corrected by restating each of the affected financial statement line items for the prior period, as follows:


   Three months ended
May 31, 2021
   Nine months ended
May 31, 2021
   $   $ 

Impact on consolidated statements of comprehensive loss (decrease/(increase) in loss)

Deferred tax expense (recovery)   (26,375)   377,459 
Net impact on loss for the period   (26,375)   377,459 

Impact on basic and diluted loss per share (decrease/(increase) in loss per share)

Basic and diluted loss per share   -    0.05 


The change did not have an impact on other comprehensive income or the Company’s operating, investing and financing cash flows for the three and nine months ended May 31, 2021.


During the three months ended May 31, 2022, the Company noted that the fair value of the Debentures as at February 28, 2022 was understated, resulting in an overstatement of the loss on Debentures for the three and six months ended February 28, 2022 in its interim financial statements for the three and six months ended February 28, 2022, with no impact on the consolidated financial statements as at August 31, 2021 and 2020 and the years then ended. The error has been corrected by restating each of the affected financial statement line items for the prior period, as follows:


   Previously reported   Effect of restatement   Amended 
   $   $   $ 
Consolidated statement of financial position as at February 28, 2022               
  Debentures   1,990,000    538,500    2,528,500 
  Deficit   (25,224,153)   538,500    (24,685,653)
Consolidated statement of comprehensive loss for the three months ended February 28, 2022               
  Net financing expense   809,855    (538,500)   271,355 
  Loss before tax   (4,305,386)   538,500    (3,766,886)
  Net loss for the period   (4,236,810)   538,500    (3,698,310)
  Total comprehensive loss for the period, net of tax   (4,308,936)   538,500    (3,770,436)
  Basic and diluted loss per share   (0.51)   0.06    (0.45)
Consolidated statement of comprehensive loss for the six months ended February 28, 2022               
  Net financing expense   652,311    (538,500)   113,811 
  Loss before tax   (7,697,491)   538,500    (7,158,991)
  Net loss for the period   (7,664,387)   538,500    (7,125,887)
  Total comprehensive loss for the period, net of tax   (7,620,561)   538,500    (7,082,061)
  Basic and diluted loss per share   (0.92)   0.06    (0.85)




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


The change did not have an impact on other comprehensive income or the Company’s operating, investing and financing cash flows for the three and six months ended February 28, 2022.


3. Trade and other receivables


   As at May 31, 2022   As at
August 31, 2021
   $   $ 
Trade receivables   175,104    27,388 
Sales taxes receivable   164,193    166,749 
Interest and other receivables   185,812    125,603 
   525,109   319,740 


Trade receivable disclosed above include amounts that are past due at the end of the reporting period for which the Company has not recognized an allowance for expected credit losses because there has not been a significant change in credit quality and the amounts are still considered recoverable.


As at May 31, 2022, trade receivables of $102,980 [August 31, 2021 – $27,388] were past due but not impaired. They relate to customers with no default history. The aging analysis of these receivables is as follows:


   As at May 31, 2022   As at
August 31, 2021
   $   $ 
0 – 30 days   72,124    - 
31 – 60 days   63,534    2,008 
61 – 90 days   -    25,380 
91 days and over   39,446    - 
    175,104    27,388 


There were no movements in the allowance for expected credit losses for the three and nine months ended May 31, 2022 and the year ended August 31, 2021.




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


4. Inventories


   As at May 31, 2022   As at
August 31, 2021
   $   $ 
Raw materials   2,219,614    1,549,125 
Work-in-process   216,945    327,757 
Finished goods   805,891    99,202 
    3,242,450    1,976,084 


For the three and nine months ended May 31, 2022, inventories recognized as an expense amounted to $890,649 and $2,079,821 respectively [May 31, 2021 – $604,797 and $984,233 respectively].


For the three and nine months ended May 31, 2022, cost of sales includes depreciation of $188,152 and $544,462 respectively (May 31, 2021 – $41,399 and $160,925 respectively].


5. Debentures


On May 14, 2021, the Company subscribed for and purchased 3,400 senior unsecured subordinated convertible debentures of The Limestone Boat Company Limited [“Limestone”], a publicly traded company listed under the trading symbol "BOAT" on the TSX Venture Exchange [the "Debentures"], for an aggregate amount of $3,400,000.


The Debentures bear interest at a rate of 10% per annum, payable annually in arrears, and have a 36-month term [the “Term”]. The Debentures are convertible at any time at the option of the Company into common shares of Limestone [“Common Shares”] at a conversion price of $0.36 per Common Share [the “Conversion Price”]. If at any time following 120 days from the date of issuance of the Debentures [the “Closing Date“] and prior to the date that is 30 days prior to the end of the Term, the volume weighted average closing price of the Common Shares on the TSX Venture Exchange, or such other exchange on which the Common Shares may be listed, is equal to or higher than $0.50 per Common Share for 20 consecutive trading days, Limestone may notify the Company that the Debentures will be automatically converted into Common Shares at the Conversion Price 30 days following the date of such notice.


The Debentures are carried at fair value through profit and loss and are considered as Level 2 financial instruments in the fair value hierarchy. For the three and nine months ended May 31, 2022, the Company recorded a loss of $115,000 and $436,500 respectively [May 31, 2021 – Nil and Nil respectively] in net finance expense for change in the fair value of the Debentures [note 19].




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


6. Right-of-use assets


   Premises   Computer equipment   Rolling stock   Boat rental
   $   $   $   $   $ 
Balance at August 31, 2020   737,066    11,333    38,699    -    787,098 
Business acquisition   1,281,308    3,646    39,924    326,868    1,651,746 
Additions   672,731    -    179,736    -    852,467 
Disposals   -    -    (57,475)   -    (57,475)
Transfer to intangible assets   -    (11,333)   -    -    (11,333)
Currency translation   55,013    -    1,652    -    56,665 
Balance at August 31, 2021   2,746,118    3,646    202,536    326,868    3,279,168 
Additions   90,553    -    117,981    -    208,534 
Disposals   -    -    (159,721)   (32,822)   (192,543)
Currency translation   2,396    -    394    -    2,790 
Balance at May 31, 2022   2,839,067    3,646    161,190    294,046    3,297,949 
Accumulated depreciation                         
Balance at August 31, 2020   117,806    4,231    12,094    -    134,131 
Depreciation   216,551    1,697    30,527    24,087    272,862 
Disposal   -    -    (27,672)   -    (27,672)
Transfer to intangible assets   -    (5,352)   -    -    (5,352)
Balance at August 31, 2021   334,357    576    14,949    24,087    373,969 
Depreciation   364,139    1,728    54,645    68,052    488,564 
Disposal   -    -    (38,650)   (5,891)   (44,541)
Balance at May 31, 2022   698,496    2,304    30,944    86,248    817,992 
Net carrying amount                         
As at August 31, 2021   2,411,761    3,070    187,587    302,781    2,905,199 
As at May 31, 2022   2,140,571    1,342    130,246    207,798    2,479,957 


During the year ended August 31, 2021, the Company paid in full a lease liability related with a computer software that was previously included in the right-of-use assets. As a result, the Company transferred the asset to intangible assets at its net book value of $5,981 [note 8].




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


7. Property and equipment


   Computer equipment   Moulds   Leasehold improvements   Boat
rental fleet
   $   $   $   $   $   $   $ 
Balance at August 31, 2020   187,850    32,175    8,436    506,172    34,818    -    769,451 
Business acquisition   -    -    -    -    -    417,554    417,554 
Additions   115,088    -    6,211    214,833    96,415    111,807    544,354 
Disposals   -    -    -    (30,000)   -    (34,101)   (64,101)
Currency translation   -    -    -    -    -    18,057    18,057 
Balance at August 31, 2021   302,938    32,175    14,647    691,005    131,233    513,317    1,685,315 
Additions   30,146    127,025    9,194    148,301    50,194    315,676    680,536 
Disposals   -    (5,800)   (4,899)   -    -    (40,496)   (51,195)
Currency translation   -    (35)   -    -    -    600    565 
Balance at May 31, 2022   333,084    153,365    18,942    839,306    181,427    789,097    2,315,221 
Accumulated depreciation                                   
Balance at August 31, 2020   148,156    21,014    4,556    57,660    -    -    231,386 
Depreciation   19,448    3,348    3,842    22,760    11,579    8,443    69,420 
Disposal   -    -    -    (30,000)   -    -    (30,000)
Balance at August 31, 2021   167,604    24,362    8,398    50,420    11,579    8,443    270,806 
Depreciation   23,080    19,417    3,934    16,956    23,067    30,865    117,319 
Disposal   -    (3,500)   (674)   -    -    (675)   (4,849)
Balance at May 31, 2022   190,684    40,279    11,658    67,376    34,646    38,633    383,276 
Net carrying amount                                   
As at August 31, 2021   135,334    7,813    6,249    640,585    119,654    504,874    1,414,509 
As at May 31, 2022   142,400    113,086    7,284    771,930    146,781    750,464    1,931,945 


As at May 31, 2022, moulds of $274,134 [August 31, 2021 – $125,833] are not depreciated because they are not ready for use.




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


8. Intangible assets and goodwill


   Intellectual property   Software   Trade
   Backlog   Website   Total 
   $   $   $   $   $   $ 
Balance at August 31, 2020   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Business acquisition   -    -    90,000    76,000    18,000    184,000 
Transfer from right-of-use assets [note 6]   -    5,981    -    -    -    5,981 
Additions   1,035,070    67,592    -    -    -    1,102,662 
Currency translation   -    -    3,856    3,220    771    7,847 
Balance at August 31, 2021   1,035,070    73,573    93,856    79,220    18,771    1,300,490 
Additions   -    28,202    4,000    -    -    32,202 
Currency translation   -    -    438    330    87    855 
Balance at May 31, 2022   1,035,070    101,775    98,294    79,550    18,858    1,333,547 
Accumulated depreciation                              
Balance at August 31, 2020   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Depreciation   55,581    7,107    4,633    6,520    927    74,768 
Balance at August 31, 2021   55,581    7,107    4,633    6,520    927    74,768 
Depreciation   77,631    14,364    9,665    13,252    1,884    116,796 
Balance at May 31, 2022   133,212    21,471    14,298    19,772    2,811    191,564 
Net carrying amount                              
As at August 31, 2021   979,489    66,466    89,223    72,700    17,844    1,225,722 
As at May 31, 2022   901,858    80,304    83,996    59,778    16,047    1,141,983 


On February 16, 2021, the Company acquired intellectual property in exchange for cash consideration of EUR 300,000 ($461,134) and the issuance of 30,000 shares of the Company at a price of U.S.$15.07 [approximately $19.13] for total consideration of $1,035,070.


As at May 31, 2022, software of Nil [August 31, 2021 - $42,677] are not depreciated because they are not ready for use.


The balance of goodwill is at $9,051,519 at May 31, 2022 [August 31, 2021 – $9,033,638], with the change since acquisition date due to foreign exchange translation.


9. Credit facility


The Company has an authorized line of credit of $250,000, renewable annually, bearing interest at prime rate plus 1%, secured by a first ranking movable hypothec of $750,000 on all present and future accounts receivable and inventory. As at May 31, 2022, the Company has drawn an amount of Nil [August 31, 2021 – Nil] on the line of credit.




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


10. Trade and other payables


   As at May 31, 2022   As at
August 31, 2021
   $   $ 
Trade payable   657,285    560,870 
Sales taxes payable   2,393    34,076 
Government remittances   13,910    46,030 
Salaries and vacation payable   196,701    207,078 
    870,289    848,054 


11. Contract liabilities


   As at May 31, 2022   As at
August 31, 2021
   $   $ 
Opening balance   898,713    20,443 
Business acquisition   -    482,173 
Payments received in advance   1,368,466    1,199,958 
Payments reimbursed   (3,164)   (37,842)
Transferred to revenues   (711,539)   (766,019)
Currency translation   1,055    - 
Closing balance   1,553,531    898,713 


12. Lease liabilities


   As at May 31, 2022   As at
August 31, 2021
   $   $ 
Opening balance   2,966,816    672,988 
Business acquisition   -    1,651,746 
Additions   208,534    852,467 
Repayment   (516,393)   (295,316)
Interest on lease liability   108,976    65,115 
Lease termination   (151,670)   (37,033)
Currency translation   2,816    56,849 
Closing balance   2,619,079    2,966,816 
Current   602,879    562,136 
Non-current   2,016,200    2,404,680 
    2,619,079    2,966,816 




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


Future undiscounted lease payments as at May 31, 2022 are as follows:


Less than one year   721,554 
One to five years   2,190,441 


13. Long-term debt


   As at May 31, 2022   As at
August 31, 2021
   $   $ 
The government assistance loan is non-interest bearing until December 31, 2022 at which time the loan bears interest at 5% per annum. The loan must be repaid by December 31, 2025.   38,862    36,972 
Term loan bearing interest at a rate of 5.80% per annum payable in monthly installments of $848 until April 2024.   -    27,143 
Term loans bearing interest at rates varying between 9.44% and 10.71% per annum payable in monthly installments of $7,372 until January 2025, which are secured by a lien on certain boat rental fleet.   204,881    - 
Term loan bearing interest at rate of 3.59% per annum payable in monthly installments of $1,244 until December 2025.   50,724    - 
    294,467    64,115 
Current portion of long-term debt   83,734    10,179 
    210,733    53,936 


14. Related party transactions


Companies related through common ownership


EB Rental Ltd. [prior to June 3, 2021]

7858078 Canada Inc. [prior to June 3, 2021]

Montana Strategies Inc.


Key management personnel of the Company have control over the following entities


California Electric Boat Company Inc.

9335-1427 Quebec Inc.

Hurricane Corporate Services Ltd.

Mac Engineering, SASU – Since February 16, 2021




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


Ultimate founder shareholders and their individually controlled entities


Alexandre Mongeon

Patrick Bobby

Robert Ghetti

Immobilier R. Ghetti Inc.

Société de Placement Robert Ghetti Inc.


Founder shareholders


Gestion Toyma Inc.

Entreprises Claude Beaulac Inc. [former shareholder]

Gestion Moka Inc. [former shareholder]


The following table summarizes the Company’s related party transactions for the period:


   Three months ended May 31, 2022   Three months ended May 31, 2021   Nine months ended May 31, 2022   Nine months ended May 31, 2021 
   $   $   $   $ 
 Sale electric of boats   -    41,000    -    84,000 
  EB Rental Ltd. [prior to June 3, 2021]                    
 Sale of parts and boat maintenance   -    7,500    -    36,500 
  EB Rental Ltd. [prior to June 3, 2021]                    
 Cost of sales                    
  EB Rental Ltd. [prior to June 3, 2021]   -    -    -    17,000 
  9335-1427 Quebec Inc.   -    75,000    -    75,000 
 Research and Development                    
  Mac Engineering, SASU   134,962    -    455,331    - 
Travel and entertainment                    
  EB Rental Ltd.   -    12,000    -    12,000 
 Office salaries and benefits                    
  Montana Strategies Inc.   14,488    -    48,616    - 


The Company leases its Boisbriand premises from California Electric Boat Company Inc. As at May 31, 2022, right-of-use assets and lease liabilities related to those leases amount to $950,537 and $1,026,227 respectively [August 31, 2021 – $1,132,556 and $1,177,867 respectively] [notes 6 and 12].




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


Remuneration of directors and key management of the Company


   Three months ended May 31, 2022   Three months ended May 31, 2021   Nine months ended May 31, 2022   Nine months ended May 31, 2021 
   $   $   $   $ 
Wages   664,573    357,000    1,905,467    809,000 
Share-based payments – stock options   328,994    1,404,000    2,426,874    4,537,000 
    993,567    1,761,000    4,332,341    5,346,000 


The amounts due to and from related parties are as follows:


   As at May 31, 2022   As at
August 31, 2021
   $   $ 
Share subscription receivable          
9335-1427 Quebec Inc.   25,000    25,000 
Alexandre Mongeon   14,200    14,200 
    39,200    39,200 
Current advances to related party          
Alexandre Mongeon   16,061    185,407 
Amounts due to related parties included in trade and other payable          
Alexandre Mongeon   4,000    74,157 
Patrick Bobby   3,079    11,092 
Kulwant Sandher   2,015    7,054 
Xavier Montagne   2,073    - 
Mac Engineering, SASU   16,608    29,957 
    27,775    122,260 


Advances from related parties are non-interest bearing and have no specified terms of repayment.




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


15. Capital stock




Voting Common Shares, voting and participating




   As at May 31, 2021   As at
August 31, 2021
   $   $ 
8,390,581 voting common shares [August 31, 2021 – 8,324,861]   43,277,538    42,834,982 


Subscription and issuance of Voting Common Shares


On January 12, 2022 and February 1, 2022, the Board of Directors authorized the issuance of 25,000 Voting Common Shares and 5,435 Voting Common Shares respectively to a third party in exchange for marketing services provided to the Company.


On January 31, 2022, the Board of Directors authorized the issuance of 6,479 Voting Common Shares to a third party in exchange for sub-contracting services provided to the Company related to research and development.


During the three-month period ended May 31, 2022, the Company issued 28,806 Voting Common Shares to third parties in exchange of sub-contracting services provided to the Company related to investor relations.


16. Share-based payments


Description of the plan


The Company has a fixed option plan. The Company’s stock option plan is administered by the Board of Directors. Under the plan, the Company’s Board of Directors may grant stock options to employees, advisors and consultants, and designates the number of options and the share price pursuant to the new options, subject to applicable regulations. The options, when granted, will have an exercise price of no less than the estimated fair value of shares at the date of grant.


Stock options


On multiple grant dates, the Company granted a total of 1,709,121 stock options at exercise prices varying between $2.78 and $16.29 per share to directors, officers, employees and consultants of the Company. The stock options will expire 5 to 10 years from the grant dates.


The Company recognizes share-based payments expense for option grants based on the fair value at the date of grant using the Black-Scholes valuation model. The share-based payments expense recognized for the three and nine months ended May 31, 2022 amounts to $367,054 and $2,545,720 respectively [May 31, 2021 – $1,817,414 and $5,218,944 respectively]. The table below lists the assumptions used to determine the fair value of these option grants. Volatility is based on public companies with characteristics similar to the Company.




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


Grant date  Exercise
   Market price   Expected volatility   Risk-free interest rate   Expected life 
   $   $   %   %   [years] 
May 27, 2020   3.70    3.70    84    0.4    5 
May 27, 2020   2.78    3.70    84    0.4    5 
October 23, 2020   3.70    3.70    97    0.4    5 
November 24, 2020   16.29    13.03    101    0.4    5 
February 23, 2021   15.75    15.05    103    0.6    5 
May 14, 2021   8.98    9.06    105    0.8    5 
July 14, 2021   9.25    9.01    105    0.7    5 
September 21, 2021   8.85    8.58    106    0.9    5 
January 22, 2022   5.65    5.52    107    1.5    5 


The following tables summarize information regarding the option grants outstanding as at May 31, 2022:


   Number of options   Weighted average exercise price 
   #   $ 
Balance at August 31, 2020   516,216    3.41 
Granted   1,148,310    12.86 
Forfeited   (5,405)   3.70 
Balance at August 31, 2021   1,659,121    9.95 
Granted   152,500    6.70 
Forfeited   (102,500)   13.59 
Balance at May 31, 2022   1,709,121    9.44 


Exercise price  Number of
  Weighted average
grant date fair value
  Weighted average remaining contractual life  Exercisable
$  #  $  [years]  #
3.70  348,648  2.42  3.00  325,000
2.78  162,162  2.59  3.00  162,162
3.70  10,811  2.69  3.25  7,545
16.29  440,000  9.33  8.50  440,000
15.75  120,000  11.28  3.75  37,500
8.98  500,000  6.91  4.00  500,000
8.85  25,000  6.55  9.50  25,000
5.65  102,500  4.28  4.75  89,167




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022




On November 23, 2020, the Company granted the underwriter the option to purchase 151,800 Voting Common Shares of the Company for a period of five years from the date of the initial public offering at an exercise price of U.S. $12.50 ($16.53).


Grant date  Exercise price   Number of warrants outstanding   Weighted average remaining
contractual life
   $   #   [years] 
November 23, 2020   16.53    151,800    3.50 


17. Revenues


   Three months ended May 31, 2022   Three months ended May 31, 2021   Nine months ended May 31, 2022   Nine months ended May 31, 2021 
   $   $   $   $ 
Sale of electric boats   613,354    747,831    873,158    1,161,044 
Sale of parts and boat maintenance   32,878    22,939    56,968    69,943 
Boat rental and boat club membership revenue   1,368,537    -    3,045,014    - 
Other   -    -    -    3,505 
    2,014,769    770,770    3,975,140    1,234,492 


The geographical distribution of revenues from external customers is as follows:


           Three months ended May 31, 2022   Three months ended May 31, 2021 
   Sale of electric boats   Rental of electric boats   Total   Sale of electric boats 
   $   $   $   $ 
Canada   229,972    -    229,972    144,760 
USA   416,260    1,368,537    1,784,797    625,015 
Other   -    -    -    995 
    646,232    1,368,537    2,014,769    770,770 




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


           Nine months ended May 31, 2022   Nine months ended May 31, 2021 
   Sale of electric boats   Rental of electric boats   Total   Sale of electric boats 
   $   $   $   $ 
Canada   370,448    -    370,448    146,891 
USA   559,678    3,045,014    3,604,692    993,502 
Other   -    -    -    94,099 
    930,126    3,045,014    3,975,140    1,234,492 


18. Grants and investment tax credits


During the three and nine months ended May 31, 2022, the Company recognized grants and investment tax credits amounting to $607,256 and $1,410,605 respectively [May 31, 2021 – Nil and $119,482], of which $607,256 and $1,384,516 respectively are presented against research and development expenses [May 31, 2021 – Nil and $37,449 respectively], Nil and $8,535 respectively against cost of sales [May 31 2021 – Nil and $64,831 respectively] and Nil and $16,881 respectively as a reduction of property and equipment and intangible assets [May 31, 2021 – Nil and Nil]. Office salaries and benefits are presented net of Nil and $673 respectively [May 31, 2021 – Nil and $17,203 respectively] of grants.


19. Net finance expense


   Three months ended May 31, 2022   Three months ended May 31, 2021   Nine months ended May 31, 2022   Nine months ended May 31, 2021 
   $   $   $   $ 
Interest and bank charges   42,274    17,283    123,972    72,622 
Interest income   (85,000)   (36,792)   (257,891)   (50,585)
Foreign currency exchange (gain) loss   27,334    844,800    (89,162)   1,897,435 
Loss on Debentures [note 5]   115,000    -    436,500    - 
    99,608    825,291    213,419    1,919,472 


20. Fair value measurement and hierarchy


The fair value measurement of the Company’s financial and non-financial assets and liabilities utilizes market observable inputs and data as far as possible. Inputs used in determining fair value measurements are categorized into different levels based on how observable the inputs used in the valuation technique utilized are (the “fair value hierarchy”):


Level 1: Quoted prices in active markets for identical items [unadjusted];
Level 2: Observable direct or indirect inputs other than Level 1 inputs; and
Level 3: Unobservable inputs [i.e., not derived from market data].




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


The classification of an item into the above levels is based on the lowest level of the inputs used that has a significant effect on the fair value measurement of the item. Transfers of items between levels are recognized in the period they occur.


The carrying amount of trade and other receivables, advances to/from related parties and trade and other payables are assumed to approximate their fair value due to their short-term nature.


The fair value of financial liabilities is estimated by discounting the remaining contractual maturities at the current market interest rate that is available for similar financial liabilities.


Classified as Level 2, the fair value of debentures is estimated using the partial differential equation model to value convertible debentures that include a call feature. Key assumptions used in the model include volatility, which is based on actual trading data, difference in volatility since initial issuance of the instrument and similar instruments on the market, and credit spread, which is based on corporate bond yield spreads in the market and credit spread data for similar public companies. The model includes a fair value adjustment based on an initial calibration exercise.


Below is a sensitivity analysis based on variations in the key assumptions used in the model. The table presents the fair value of the debentures would have been as at May 31, 2022 had the key assumptions varied as indicated:


   Volatility   Credit spread 
   +5%   -5%   +2%   -2% 
   $   $   $   $ 
Fair value of debentures   2,417,500    2,410,500    2,481,000    2,348,500 


21. Segment information


The Company operates in two reportable business segments.


The two reportable business segments offer different products and services, require different processes and are based on how the financial information is produced internally for the purposes of monitoring operating results and making decisions about resource allocation and performance assessment by the Company’s Chief Operating Decision Maker.


The following summary describes the operations of each of the Company’s reportable business segments:


Sale of electric boats – manufacture of customized electric boats for consumer market and sale of boat parts maintenance, and


Rental of electric boat – short-term rental operation and boat club membership.


Sales between segments are accounted for at prices that approximate fair value. No business segments have been aggregated to form the above reportable business segments.




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


   Three months ended May 31, 2022   Three months ended
May 31, 2021
   Sale of electric boats   Rental of
electric boats
   Inter-segment eliminations   Total   Sale of electric boats 
   $   $   $   $   $ 
Revenue from external customers   646,232    1,368,537    -    2,014,769    770,770 
Revenue from other segments   105,272    16,512    (121,784)   -    - 
Segment revenues   751,504    1,385,049    (121,784)   2,014,769    770,770 
Segment gross profit   271,869    854,620    (2,369)   1,124,120    165,973 
Segment (loss) profit before tax   (2,188,967)   319,593    15,420    (1,853,954)   (4,834,436)
Research and development   32,670    -    -    32,670    311,626 
Office salaries and benefits   749,455    218,671    -    968,126    544,107 


   Nine months ended May 31, 2022   Nine months ended May 
31, 2021
   Sale of electric boats   Rental of
electric boats
   Inter-segment eliminations   Total   Sale of electric boats 
   $   $   $   $   $ 
Revenue from external customers   930,126    3,045,014    -    3,975,140    1,234,492 
Revenue from other segments   433,898    64,281    (498,179)   -    - 
Segment revenues   1,364,024    3,109,295    (498,179)   3,975,140    1,234,492 
Segment gross profit   237,024    1,745,821    (87,526)   1,895,319    250,259 
Segment (loss) profit before tax   (9,199,678)   229,267    (42,535)   (9,012,946)   (11,187,157)
Research and development   50,179    -    -    50,179    378,626 
Office salaries and benefits   1,869,127    702,820    -    2,571,947    928,980 


   As at May 31, 2022 
   Sale of electric boats   Rental of
electric boats
   Inter-segment eliminations   Total 
   $   $   $   $ 
Segment assets   29,237,709    13,078,097    (9,185,321)   33,130,485 
Cash   6,782,751    1,073,101    -    7,855,852 
Additions to property and equipment   254,521    508,517    (82,502)   680,536 
Additions to intangible assets   32,202    -    -    32,202 
Segment liabilities   2,674,341    3,089,738    (84,912)   5,679,167 




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


   As at August 31, 2021 
   Sale of electric boats   Rental of
electric boats
   Inter-segment eliminations   Total 
   $   $   $   $ 
Segment assets   35,175,599    12,734,296    (9,108,603)   38,801,292 
Cash   17,210,266    937,555    -    18,147,821 
Additions to property and equipment   432,547    145,275    (33,468)   544,354 
Additions to intangible assets   1,102,662    -    -    1,102,662 
Segment liabilities   2,400,829    2,938,746    (63,470)   5,276,105 


The Company has disclosed the above amounts for each reportable segment because they are regularly reviewed by the Chief Operating Decision Maker.


22. Impact of Coronavirus outbreak


The coronavirus (“COVID-19”) global pandemic continues throughout the world. This pandemic has caused supply-chain issues for the Company and as a result the Company has not been able to realize on orders received in a timely manner. The full extent of the impact of COVID-19 on the Company’s business, operations and financial results will depend on evolving factors that the Company cannot accurately predict.


23. Additional cash flows information


Financing and investing activities not involving cash:


   Nine months ended May 31, 2022   Nine months ended May 31, 2021 
   $   $ 
Additions to right-of-use assets   208,534    685,262 
Lease termination   148,002    2,231 
Advances from related parties converted to shares   -    898,489 
Unpaid share subscription   -    39,200 
Right-of-use assets transferred to intangible assets, net of accumulated depreciation   -    5,981 
Shares issued as consideration for the acquisition of intangible assets   -    573,936 
Transaction costs for share issuance transferred from prepaid   -    213,019 




Vision Marine Technologies Inc.


Notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements



May 31, 2022


24. Commitments


In addition to the obligations under leases [note 12], the Company is subject to supply agreements with minimum spend commitments. The amount of the minimum fixed and determinable portion of the unconditional purchase obligations over the next years, is as follows:


2022   1,620,601 
2023   4,084,415 
2024   1,181,600 


In October 2021, EB Rental Ltd. has entered into a lease arrangement for premises, which has not commenced yet and therefore related right-of-use asset and lease liability are not recorded as at May 31, 2022. The lease offers EB Rental Ltd. a termination clause in case certain contractual requirements are not met by the lessor at the lease commencement date. The Company’s undiscounted lease commitments related to this lease are as follows as at May 31, 2022:


2022   - 
2023   101,000 
2024   154,000 
2025   157,000 
2026 and thereafter   378,000 


25. Subsequent events


During the months of June and July 2022, the Company issued a total of 19,204 Voting Common Shares to third parties in exchange of sub-contracting services provided to the Company related to investor relations.


26. Comparative figures


Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to current period’s presentation.