EX-5 2 formofmodletter-tbezdek.htm EX-5 Form Of Mod Letter-TBezdek
Modification Letter
to 10b5-1 Preset Diversification Program® (PDP)
Pursuant to Part III, Section D.2. of my 10b5-1 Preset Diversification Program with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
(“MSSB”) dated 03/03/2023 (the “Plan”), this modification letter (this “Modification Letter”) modifies and replaces the existing
Trade Schedule(s) A&B with the attached modified Trade Schedule(s) A&B. Defined terms used but not defined herein have
the meaning ascribed to them under the Plan.
I understand that, pursuant to Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(iv), the modification of the Trade Schedule(s) will be considered a termination
of the Plan and the adoption of a new plan subject to the cooling-off period required by Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(ii)(B). As a result, my
original Trade Schedule(s) will terminate upon MSSB’s acceptance of this Modification Letter. All pending sales under the
original Trade Schedule(s) will be cancelled and new sales will not begin until the Modification Start Date. It is the parties’
intention that this Modification Letter constitute the adoption of a new plan pursuant to Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(iv) with the same
terms and conditions of, and information in, the Plan, except for the modification to the Trade Schedule(s) and the additional
terms and conditions in this Modification Letter.
TREVOR BEZDEK, as Seller under the Plan as of the original Adoption Date, hereby represents to MSSB that the
representations contained in the Plan were true and correct as of the date of the Plan and are true and correct as of the date of
this Modification Letter. Each new Seller under the Plan has received and reviewed a copy of the Plan and represents to
MSSB that the representations contained in the Plan are true and correct as of the date of this Modification Letter. Each Seller
further represents as of the date of this Modification Letter:
I understand that trading under the Plan may be suspended if MSSB has received written notice from the Issuer or from me of
a legal, regulatory or contractual restriction applicable to the Issuer or to me. Upon receipt of such written notice, I expressly
authorize MSSB to suspend trading as soon as practicable and trading shall not resume until MSSB has received written
notice of the resolution of the underlying restriction. I understand that MSSB can make no representation as to the continued
availability of the affirmative defense under Rule 10b5-1 in the event of any resumption of trading following such suspension. If
the events giving rise to a suspension of trading cannot be resolved (as determined by MSSB in its sole discretion), I
understand and acknowledge that MSSB reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate this Plan in accordance with the
provisions contained herein. In the event of a suspension, MSSB will resume effecting trades in accordance with this Plan as
soon as MSSB determines that it is reasonably practical to do so.
A modification, suspension or termination by or on behalf of one Seller will result in a modification, suspension or termination of
this Plan for all Sellers.
Account and Plan Information
Issuer (the “Issuer”): GoodRx Holdings, Inc.Trading Symbol: GDRX
Modification Date: 06/07/2024Plan Type: Modification
Seller’s Name: TREVOR BEZDEK
Seller’s Name: TB 2024 GRAT
The latest date of a Seller’s execution will be the Modification Date for purposes of the Modification Start Date and, for the
avoidance of doubt, the trade schedules in Part II hereof constitute one plan for purposes of Rule 10b5-1(c)(1) under the
Exchange Act.
Account #:FA Number:
Account #:
Modification Start Date: The estimated Modification Start Date is 9/6/2024. The Modification Start Date is the later of (i) and (ii):
(i) the 91st day after the Adoption Date, 9/6/2024; or
(ii) the earlier of:
a.the third business day following the disclosure of the Issuer’s financial results in a Form 10-Q or Form 10-K
for the completed fiscal quarter in which this Plan is adopted (estimated 08/08/2024); or
b.the 121st day after the Adoption Date (10/6/2024).
A representative of the Issuer will communicate the Modification Start Date in writing to the MSSB Financial Advisor listed in
Part I – Account and Plan Information two business days prior to such date.
Note: The Modification Start Date should match the earliest Start Date on any order in Modified Trade Schedules A or B. If the
Modification Start Date or the Start Date entered for any order in Modified Trade Schedules A or B is earlier than allowable
under Rule 10b5-1 or the Issuer’s policies, then the Modification Start Date and the order Start Date shall be the earliest
allowable Modification Start Date under Rule 10b5-1 and such policies.
Plan End Date: 06/06/2025Commission:
Note: The “Plan End Date” should match the latest End Date on any order in Modified Trade Schedules A or B.
Seller’s Affiliation Status:  ☒ Rule 144 affiliate  ☒ Director or officer (as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) of the Exchange
Act)  ☐ Non-Rule 144 affiliate but subject to trading windows ☐ Other
Share Type:  ☐ Options  ☐ Shares already owned  ☐ Restricted Stock Award /Units  ☐ Other
Plan Total Share Quantity:TREVOR BEZDEKTrade Schedule A: N/A
                                  Trade Schedule B:TBD
TB 2024 GRATTrade Schedule A: N/A
                                Trade Schedule B:2,632,721
Total Shares: 2,632,721 + TBD
/s/ Trevor Bezdek                                              6/7/2024
Title: Chairman
/s/ Trevor Bezdek                                              6/7/2024
Title: Trustee, TB 2024 GRAT
Issuer Representation:
As an authorized representative of the Issuer, I hereby represent, covenant and acknowledge on the Issuer’s behalf that: (i) 
the execution of this Modification Letter will not violate the Issuer’s insider trading policies, (ii) the representations made by the
Issuer in the Issuer Representation Letter (the “Representation Letter”) attached as Exhibit A to the Plan were true and correct
as of the date of the Representation Letter and are true and correct as of the date of this Modification Letter, and (iii) the
Issuer’s undertakings in the Representation Letter remain in full force and effect.
Accepted and agreed to:
/s/Gracye Cheng6/7/2024
Authorized Issuer’s RepresentativeDate
Name: Gracye Cheng
Title: General Counsel
Accepted and agreed to:
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
/s/Carlotta Griffin6/11/2024
Name: Carlotta Griffin
Title: Executive Director
Modified Trade Schedule A – Notice and Authorization of
Exercise of Stock Options and Sale of Underlying Stock.
Original Trade Schedule A will terminate upon MSSB’s acceptance of the Modification Letter
Instructions: May not be applicable for some plans. For use by any seller who wishes to sell shares obtained upon the exercise
of stock options. When applicable, to be completed by MSSB and reviewed by the Seller. This Modified Trade Schedule will be
provided to the Issuer as notice of the intention to exercise stock options.
Name of Seller:  TREVOR BEZDEK
Name of Issuer:  GoodRx Holdings, Inc. _______
I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that my employee stock options (the “Options”) will be vested prior to the
purchase of shares (the “Shares”) of common stock of the Issuer upon exercising the Options and will be vested prior to the
Start Date of their associated sale periods listed below and will not expire before the End Date of such sale periods. I also
acknowledge responsibility for notifying MSSB in the event of an expiration or forfeiture of the Options under the Issuer’s stock
option plan (upon any termination of service with the Issuer or otherwise) that will prevent the occurrence of one or more
transactions listed below. If I authorize the exercise of more than one vested Option grant at the same limit price, the Options
will be exercised in the order listed below. I further acknowledge that in the event Options cannot be exercised and the
corresponding Shares cannot be sold for any reason, including the occurrence of a suspension pursuant to this Plan, the term
of this Plan will not be affected thereby and will end on the scheduled Plan End Date listed in the Modified Trade Schedule A. I
represent that the information below is accurate.
The following shall constitute my irrevocable direction and authorization to exercise the Options and sell the Shares as follows:
(a) Date of
(b) Grant ID
(c) Strike
(d) Option
Vest Date
(e) Option
(f) Sale Period(s)
(g) Number
of Shares
to be Sold
(h) Limit Price
Start Date
End Date
Note: Insert additional rows as necessary.
“No Sale” Periods (if any)
Start Date
End Date
The maximum number of Shares to be sold under this Modified Trade Schedule A is N/A.
1.I hereby irrevocably authorize the Issuer to deliver Shares through the Depository Trust Company (DTC) to Morgan
Stanley Smith Barney LLC - DTC#: 015. Delivery should be made to the MSSB account referenced in Part I –
Account and Plan Information of the Plan.
2.I hereby authorize MSSB or its affiliates, as applicable, to wire to an account designated by the Issuer a cash amount
sufficient to cover the cost of the exercise and any withholding taxes due to either the Issuer or, if applicable, the
Issuer’s outside stock option plan administrator upon the exercise of any Options exercised and underlying Shares
sold pursuant to this Plan.
Instructions for Modified Trade Schedule A: 
Please list all orders chronologically by their Start Date. If Shares are available for sale on the same day, the sequence in
which Shares are listed in the schedule above does not define the sequence in which trades will be executed. 
Each order listed in the grid will be available to sell on any trading day on or between the Sale Period Start Date and the
Sale Period End Date defined for that order, until the number of shares indicated in column (g) are sold.
In columns (a) through (e) please provide the details of the Option grants to be exercised and sold.
In column (f), state the first and last date on which the Shares are authorized to be sold during the Sale Period (Share
sales may occur on or between these dates). If, during any Sale Period the stated price is not reached for some or all of
these Shares, they will not be carried over into any subsequent Sale Period unless explicitly indicated.
In column (g), state the maximum number of Shares to be sold pursuant to the Option exercise. Do not aggregate with
amounts authorized to be sold at a different price during the same Sale Period.
In column (h), write a dollar price which is the minimum price per Share (the “Limit Price”) at which the Shares are
authorized to be sold during the Sale Period. All limit orders will be treated as “limit not held” orders. Note: Option
exercises and sales must be at a Limit Price, not at a “Market” price.
In the grid labeled “No Sale” Periods, list the time period(s), if any, during which no sales may be made, notwithstanding
their inclusion in this Modified Trade Schedule A. These periods are independent of any suspension that may occur
pursuant to this Plan.
This Modified Trade Schedule A is an integral part of this Modification Letter entered into by the Seller with MSSB and is
subject to the terms and conditions set forth therein.
Modified Trade Schedule B – Sale of Clean Stock/Restricted Stock/Restricted Stock Awards or Units or
Employee Stock Purchase Plan Stock.
Original Trade Schedule B will terminate upon acceptance of the Modification Letter
Instructions: May not be applicable for some plans. For use by any seller who wishes to sell these types of shares. When
applicable, to be completed by MSSB and reviewed by the Seller. 
Name of Seller: TREVOR BEZDEK
Name of Issuer: GoodRx Holdings, Inc. ___________
I acknowledge that in the event the number of Shares in column (e) cannot be sold for any reason, including the occurrence of
a suspension pursuant to this Plan, the term of this Plan will not be affected and will end on the scheduled Plan End Date of
the Modified Trade Schedule B. I represent that the information below is accurate
(a) Type
(Clean (CLN),
Stock Awards
(RSA) or Units
(RSU) or
Stock Purchase
Plan shares
(b) Grant ID /
Nature of
(If applicable)
(c) Date
Acquired /
Vest Date
(d) Sale Period(s)
(e) Authorized
Number of
Shares to be
(f)  Limit Price
if a Market
Start Date
End Date
TREVOR BEZDEK Trade Schedule B
Note: Insert additional rows as necessary
* TBD. The planned sale amount is equal to the designated percentage of the net number of Shares resulting from the RSU
vesting on the date shown in the column entitled “Date Shares Acquired / Vest Date.” Shares will be acquired in connection
with the Issuer’s Restricted Stock Plan for employees/executives. A portion of the shares will be surrendered to the issuer or
sold to cover withholding taxes. Upon adoption of this Plan until the termination of this Plan, the Seller may not voluntarily
modify or influence any rates or elections applicable to such RSU withholding taxes unless this Plan is modified in accordance
with Section D.2. The Issuer’s representative will communicate the net number of shares available for sale to the MSSB
Financial Advisor listed in Part I of the Plan. The Financial Advisor will then forward the information to the Executive Financial
Services (EFS) Primary and Alternate contacts also identified in Part I in accordance with MSSB’s internal policies. If the EFS
authorized person receives notification later than 12:00 PM ET on a particular business day, MSSB is not obligated to begin
sales until the business day after receipt of notification.
“No Sale” Periods (if any)
Start Date
End Date
The maximum number of Shares to be sold under this Modified Trade Schedule B is TBD.
Instructions for Modified Trade Schedule B:
Please list all orders in chronologically by their Start Date. If Shares are available for sale on the same day, the
sequence in which Shares are listed in the schedule above does not define the sequence in which trades will be
Each order listed in the grid will be available to sell on any trading day on or between the Sale Period Start Date and
the Sale Period End Date defined for that order, until the number of shares indicated in column (g) are sold.
In column (a), indicate the type of stock to be sold.
In column (b), for restricted stock awards/units or ESPP shares, please state the grant ID, if applicable. For clean or
restricted stock, please state the nature of acquisition.
In column (c), state the date the Shares to be sold were acquired or vested. If the Shares were acquired/vested in
more than one lot, state the acquisition/vest date for each lot. If performance based restricted stock awards or units
and vest date is unknown at this time, indicate “TBD” in the grid above.
In column (d), state the first and last date on which the Shares are authorized to be sold during the designated Sale
Period (Share sales may occur on or between these dates). If, during any Sale Period the stated price is not reached
for some or all of these Shares, they will not be carried over into any subsequent Sale Period, unless explicitly
In column (e), state the maximum number of Shares authorized to be sold at the price during the designated Sale
Period. Do not aggregate with amounts authorized to be sold at a lower price during the same designated Sale
In column (f), write either: (i) a dollar price, which is the minimum price (the “Limit” Price) at which Shares are
authorized to be sold, or (ii) the word “market” if Shares are to be sold at the then-prevailing market price per Share
during the Sale Period. All market orders will be treated as “market not held” orders. All limit orders will be treated as
“limit not held” orders.
In the grid labeled “No Sale” Periods, list the time period(s), if any, during which no sales may be made,
notwithstanding their inclusion in this Modified Trade Schedule B. These periods are independent of any suspension
that may occur pursuant to this Plan.
This Modified Trade Schedule B is an integral part of this Modification Letter entered into by the Seller with MSSB and is
subject to the terms and conditions set forth therein.
Trade Schedule B – Sale of Clean Stock/Control Stock/Restricted Stock Awards or Units or
Employee Stock Purchase Plan Stock. 
Instructions: May not be applicable for some plans. For use by any seller who wishes to sell these types of shares. When
applicable, to be completed by MSSB and reviewed by the Seller. 
Name of Seller:  TB 2024 GRAT
Name of Issuer:  GoodRx Holdings, Inc._______
I acknowledge that in the event the number of Shares in column (e) cannot be sold for any reason, including the occurrence of
a suspension pursuant to this Plan, the term of this Plan will not be affected and will end on the originally scheduled Plan End
Date. I represent that the information below is accurate.
(a) Type
(Clean (CLN),
Stock Awards
(RSA) or Units
(RSU) or
Plan shares
(ESPP) )
(b) Grant ID
(If applicable)
(c) Date Shares
Acquired / Vest Date
(If applicable)
(d) Sale Period(s)
(e) Authorized
Number of
Shares to be
(f)  Limit Price
if a Market
Start Date
End Date
Note: Insert additional rows as necessary
“No Sale” Periods (if any)
Start Date
End Date
The maximum number of Shares to be sold under this Trade Schedule B is 2,632,721.
Exhibit B
Instructions: May not be applicable for some plans. To be reviewed and executed only by those sellers required to sell shares pursuant to Rule
Seller Representation Letter
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
1 New York Plaza, 38th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Attention: 10b5-1 Preset Diversification Program Department
Re: Sale of 2,632,721 Shares (the “Stock”) of GoodRx Holdings, Inc. (the “Issuer”) Pursuant to Rule 144
Dear Sirs/Madams:
The undersigned, Trevor Zachary Bezdek, as trustee of the TB 2024 GRAT, proposes to sell the above-referenced Stock of the Issuer through
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“MSSB”) in accordance with the requirements of Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
“Act”).  The undersigned is an “affiliate” of the Issuer as that term is defined in Rule 144(a)(1). Accordingly, the undersigned delivers to you
herewith a signed copy of a Notice of Proposed Sale of Securities Pursuant to Rule 144 (Form 144), to the extent not previously provided, relating
to such sale, and confirms to you that the statements made therein are true and complete and represents to and agrees with you that:
1.The undersigned does not know or have any reason to believe that the Issuer has not complied with the reporting requirements
contained in Rule 144(c)(1);
2.The Issuer is not, and has not been, a shell issuer as that term is defined in Rule 144(i)(1);
3.With respect to any shares of the Stock that are restricted securities, as that term is defined in Rule 144(a)(3), a minimum of 6 months
has elapsed since the date of acquisition of the Stock from the Issuer or an affiliate of the Issuer, and payment of the full purchase price,
by the undersigned;
4.Assuming that MSSB has complied with its obligations under Part III, Section C.1 and Part III, Section C.3. of the Sales Plan between
the undersigned and MSSB, at the time of any sale of the Stock for the account of the undersigned, the number of shares of the Issuer’s
Class A common stock sold by the undersigned or for the undersigned’s account and by or for the account of any person whose sales
are required by paragraph (a)(2) and paragraph (e)(3) of Rule 144 to be aggregated with sales by or for the undersigned (other than
shares sold pursuant to a registration statement under the Act, an exemption provided by Regulation A under the Act, or an exemption
contained in Section 4 of the Act) will not exceed the amounts permitted by Rule 144(e);
5.The undersigned has not solicited or arranged for the solicitation of, and will not solicit or arrange for the solicitation of, orders to buy the
Stock in anticipation of or in connection with such proposed sale, and such sale shall be made in accordance with Rule 144(f);
6.The undersigned has not made, and will not make, any payment in connection with the offering or sale of the Stock to any person other
than the usual and customary compensation to MSSB;
7.No share of the Stock is subject to any agreement granting any pledge, lien, mortgage, hypothecation, security interest, charge, option
or encumbrance, other than those which may have been entered into between the undersigned and MSSB;
8.The undersigned is providing a signed Form 144 and is authorizing MSSB to file Form 144 on the undersigned’s behalf with the SEC at
the time the undersigned has instructed MSSB to sell the securities. Through the Initial Electronic Signature Authentication Document
the undersigned previously provided to MSSB, the undersigned has authenticated the use of the undersigned’s electronic signature and
provided (or authorized the Issuer to provide) and authorized the use of the undersigned’s individual central index key (CIK) and CIK
confirmation code (CCC) for such filings with the SEC. The undersigned understands and acknowledges that, if MSSB does not timely
receive my Rule 144 paperwork or if the CIK and CCC codes provided to MSSB are not accurate, MSSB may not be able to file a timely
Form 144 on the undersigned’s behalf
9.The undersigned authorizes MSSB to complete the Form 144 (“Form 144”) and this Seller’s Representation Letter (this “Letter”),
including, but not limited to, completing the number of shares of Stock to be sold and any dates, as may be necessary to reflect my
instructions, which may be written or oral, and the facts of the transaction as effected, and to use Form 144 and this Letter as
appropriate to comply with Rule 144 and to effect settlement of any sale made in conjunction herewith; and
10.The undersigned agrees to notify MSSB promptly if there are any changes to the facts or representations set forth in this Letter or in the
accompanying Form 144 (if applicable) and hereby authorizes MSSB, if MSSB deems it necessary, to contact the Issuer, its counsel, its
transfer agent, and their agents and representatives concerning this transaction. MSSB and its agents and representatives, the Issuer,
its transfer agent and their agents and representatives may rely on the accuracy of the information contained in this Letter.
Sincerely yours,
/s/Trevor Bezdek                                                                              6/7/2024
Trevor Zachary Bezdek, as trustee of the TB 2024 GRAT          Date
Exhibit C
Instructions: May not be applicable for some plans. To be reviewed and signed only by those sellers who are required to comply with Section 16
of the Exchange Act. Not required if MSSB already has an Authorization Letter on file for the Seller. If required, this Authorization Letter will be
provided to the Issuer’s Section 16 Compliance Officer.
Section 16 Authorization Letter
In order to comply with the 2-business-day filing requirement for officers, directors and others subject to Section 16 of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), the issuer identified below (the “Issuer”) has requested that I authorize Morgan Stanley Smith
Barney LLC (“MSSB”) to provide certain information to the Issuer.
“Covered Accounts” includes any account at MSSB owned or controlled by any person whose transactions may be attributed to me under Section
“Covered Transactions” includes any transaction involving any equity security of the Issuer, including purchases, sales, conversions of convertible
securities, entry into, exercise, or expiration of derivative securities, and security futures transactions.
“Section 16 Compliance Officer” means the person authorized by the Issuer to pre-clear my transactions.
II.Authorization and Representations.  By signing the Section 16 Authorization Letter, I agree to the following:
I authorize the Issuer and MSSB to implement procedures for reporting to the Issuer all Covered Transactions in all Covered Accounts, and I
understand that, as the beneficial owner of the securities, as that term is used in Section 16 of the Exchange Act, I am solely responsible for
making timely and complete filings under Section 16.
Upon execution of any Covered Transaction (including transactions pursuant to Rule 10b5-1 plans) and in no event later than the business day
immediately following the trade date, I authorize MSSB to provide the terms of the transaction to the Issuer’s Section 16 Compliance Officer. I
understand that MSSB shall not be responsible for any rejected or undeliverable emails or faxes sent to the appropriate electronic address or
number set forth below.
I represent that the information on this Section 16 Authorization Letter is complete and accurate, I agree to update the information as soon as
practicable after any change in the information, and I represent that I will not enter into a Covered Transaction at any time when the information is
not complete and accurate.
III.Client Information
NAME OF CLIENT: Trevor Zachary Bezdek, as trustee of the TB 2024 GRAT
NAME OF ISSUER:  GoodRx Holdings, Inc.
(complete a separate Section 16 Authorization Letter for each Issuer)
Account NameAccount Number
Trevor Zachary Bezdek, as trustee of the TB
2024 GRAT
E-mail notice to the Issuer’s Section 16 Officer shall be given to the following
e-mail address:.
/s/Trevor Bezdek                                                              6/7/2024
Trevor Zachary Bezdek, as trustee of the TB 2024 GRATDate
Note: Requires an Issuer eSign Agreement
Electronic Record and Signature Addendum
Below are the terms and conditions of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC ("we" or "us" or "MSSB") Executive Financial Services Electronic
Signature procedures ("eSign"). Please read the information below carefully and thoroughly, and if you can access this information electronically
to your satisfaction and agree to these terms and conditions, please confirm your agreement by applying your electronic signature below.
Getting paper copies
At any time, you may request a paper copy of any document or disclosure provided or made available electronically to you through eSign.
Depending on the method of delivery, you may be able to download and print documents sent to you for electronic signature during and
immediately after your signing session. You may request delivery of such paper copies by contacting your MSSB Financial Advisor or Private
Wealth Advisor. There is currently no fee for receiving paper copies of documents you receive via eSign. We reserve the right to change this
policy in the future with prior notice to you.
Withdrawing your consent
Receiving and signing documents and disclosures is an optional process that requires your consent for each package sent to you. If you would
prefer to receive and sign documents and disclosures via paper or in a non-electronic form, you may:
i.   Decline to sign the documents in the signing session, and
ii.  Contact your Financial Advisor or Private Wealth Advisor and request an alternative means by which to receive the documents and
Consequences of non-consent
If you elect to receive and sign documents and disclosures in paper format, it may slow the speed at which we can complete certain steps in
transactions with you and delivering services to you because the required documents and disclosures will need to be sent to you in paper format,
and then we must wait until we receive back from you any signed documentation.
To advise MSSB of your new contact information
Please inform your MSSB Financial Advisor or Private Wealth Advisor of any changes to your contact information (email address or mobile phone
Required hardware and software*
Operating Systems:
Windows® 2000, Windows® XP, Windows Vista®; Mac OS® X
Internet Explorer® 11 (Windows only); Windows Edge Current Version; Mozilla
Firefox Current Version; Safari(Mac OS only) 6.2 or above; Google Chrome Current
PDF Reader:
Acrobat® or similar software may be required to view and print PDF files
Screen Resolution:
800 x 600 minimum
Enabled Security Settings:
Allow per session cookies
* These minimum requirements are subject to change. If these requirements change, you will be asked to re-accept the disclosure. Pre-release
(e.g. beta) versions of operating systems and browsers are not supported.
Acknowledging your access and consent to receive materials electronically
By applying your electronic signature below, you confirm that:
•    You can access and read this Electronic Record and Signature Addendum;
•    You can print on paper the disclosure or save or send the disclosure to a place where you can print it on paper, for future reference and
•    You have received, read, and understood, and you hereby consent and agree to, the terms and conditions of this Addendum;
•    You consent to using electronic signatures for your plan and all documents relating to your plan (e.g., notices, amendments, terminations); and
•    You consent to receive certain documents, disclosures and notifications for your plan and all documents relating to your plan through
electronic means.
Client Representations
By applying your electronic signature below:
You agree the signature and/or initials used on these documents will be the electronic representation of your signature and initials for all
purposes when you use them on documents, including legally binding contracts;
You understand a copy of the document(s) you are signing electronically can be saved or printed as a part of the eSign process and that you
can request a copy from your Financial Advisor or Private Wealth Advisor;
You represent that all client and/or account information on the form(s) included in this package is accurate;
You have received, reviewed and agree in your capacity as an owner, fiduciary, and/or authorized individual to be bound by all terms and
conditions attached to any document/agreement you have signed electronically; and
You understand that this Addendum and any document/agreement you have signed electronically will be deemed to be executed in the
United States.
In consideration of the foregoing, you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless MSSB and its directors, officers, employees and affiliates
(including, without limitation, Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC) from any claim, loss, damage, liability or expense (including, without limitation, any legal
fees and expenses reasonably incurred) arising out of or attributable to eSign or the application of your electronic signature through eSign.
Trevor Zachary Bezdek, as trustee of the TB 2024 GRAT
/s/Trevor Bezdek                           