EX-10.7 11 filename11.htm

Exhibit 10.7



Spousal Consent


本人,[Name of Spouse](身份证件号码:[ID Card No. of Spouse]),系[Name of Shareholder](身份证件号码:[ID Card No. of Shareholder])(“本人配偶”)的合法配偶。本人在此无条件且不可撤销地同意本人配偶于2020年3月30日签署下列交易文件(“交易文件”),并同意其根据交易文件的相关条款,处置登记于本人配偶名下并为其所拥有的厦门普普文化股份有限公司(“公司”)的股份:

The undersigned, [Name of Spouse] (Identification No: [ID Card No. of Spouse]), is the legal spouse of [Name of Shareholder] (Identification No: [ID Card No. of Shareholder]) (“My Spouse”). I hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agree My Spouse to sign the following documents (the “Transaction Documents”) on March 30, 2020, and agree to dispose of the shares in Xiamen Pop Culture Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) held by and registered under the name of My Spouse in accordance with the provisions of the following documents:



The Share Pledge Agreement entered into by My Spouse, Heliheng Culture Co., Ltd. (“WFOE”), the Company, and other parties;



The Exclusive Option Agreement entered into by My Spouse, WFOE, the Company, and other parties; and



The Power of Attorney executed by My Spouse authorizing WFOE to enjoy and exercise his rights and obligations raising from the shares in the Company.



I hereby confirm that I am not entitled to any right with respect to the shares in the Company, and undertake not to raise any claim on the shares in the Company. I further confirm that My Spouse’s performance of the Transaction Documents and further modification or termination of the Transaction Documents will not require my separate authorization or consent.



I hereby undertake to execute all necessary documents, and take all necessary actions, to ensure the Transaction Documents (as amended from time to time) to be properly performed.



I hereby agree and undertake that if I obtain any shares in the Company for any reason, I shall be bound by the Transaction Documents (as amended from time to time) and abide by the obligations of the shareholders of the Company under the Transaction Documents (as amended from time to time). For this purpose, upon WFOE’s or its designate third party request, I shall execute a series of written documents with substantially the same form and content as the Transaction Documents (as amended from time to time).


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Spousal Consent


签署人(正楷):[Name of Spouse]  
Signatory (PRINT): [Name of Spouse]  
/s/[Name of Spouse]  
Date: March 30, 2020  


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Spousal Consent


Schedule of Material Differences


One or more person signed a spousal consent under this form. Pursuant to Instruction ii to Item 601 of Regulation S-K, the Registrant may only file this form as an exhibit with a schedule setting forth the material details in which the executed agreements differ from this form:


No.   Name of Spouse   ID Card No. of Spouse   Name of Shareholder   ID Card No. of Shareholder
1.   Liya Wei   [*]   Zhuoqin Huang   [*]
2.   Yuefang Chen   [*]   Weiyi Lin   [*]
3.   Kaihua Qiu   [*]   Rongdi Zhang   [*]
4.   Gong Zhang   [*]   Chunxiao Cui   [*]
5.   Yan Yan   [*]   Xiayu Cui   [*]
6.   Jianping Xie   [*]   Azhen Lin   [*]
7.   Chunlan Chen   [*]   Wuyang Chen   [*]



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